#scott allen
oldschoolfrp · 2 years
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“There are times when you just want to drive.  Screaming down an empty highway, and woe to those who get in your way!”  The Crazy Horse by MacMillan Motors (Ed Haddock illustration, Scott Allen vehicle design for Car Wars, in Autoduel Quarterly V5 N1, Spring 2037 (1987), Steve Jackson Games)
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slafkovskyhughes · 1 year
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i feel like steelers need more appreciation on here
I TOOK THE REFERENCE PIC FOR THIS (it's one of my fav pics icl and he looks like grumpy cat <3)
also it's on my tiktok so if u have it and want to follow just lmk :)
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"My favourite superhero is Green Lantern!"
"My favourite is the Flash!"
"Mine is Robin!"
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ruleof3bobby · 1 year
SCHIZOPOLIS (1996) Grade: C 
Odd, dark humor. Isn't for everyone. Steven Soderbergh was trying something, maybe about how we communicate poorly 2 each other? 
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jvpw · 1 year
'WCW WORLDWIDE' 01.02.93 - Steamboat & Douglas vs. Windham & Pillman, THREE Dustin Rhodes Appearances
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AIRDATE: January 2, 1993 COMMENTATORS: Tony Schiavone & Jesse “The Body” Ventura
The inaugural Worldwide of 1993 features a Unified Tag Team Championship main event as Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas defend against Barry Windham & Brian Pillman. Also on the show Erik Watts takes on Bobby Eaton in a Bounty Match and Dustin Rhodes wrestles not once, not twice, but THREE times.
WCW/NWA UNIFIED WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat & Shane Douglas
Dan Spivey vs. Scott Allen (SQUASH)
Dustin Rhodes vs. Danny Deese (SQUASH)
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Sullivan (SQUASH)
BOUNTY MATCH: Erik Watts vs. Bobby Eaton (*1/2)
Dustin Rhodes vs. Dan Spivey (*3/4)
Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas [c] vs. Barry Windham & Brian Pillman for the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (**1/2)
-LAST WEEK: A brawl breaks out between Ricky Steamboat, Shane Douglas, Barry Windham, & Brian Pillman leading to this week’s main event for the Unified Tag Team Titles.
“Dangerous” Dan Spivey vs. Scott Allen
Spivey dominates right from the bell, clubberin’ and clobberin’ and putting Allen out of his misery in short order with a DDT.
Dan Spivey defeated Scott Allen via pinfall (1:22)
-Eric Bischoff hosts this week’s WCW Magazine segment about the booming tag team division in WCW, showcasing a music video for up and coming team Tex Slazenger & Shanghai Pierce. HELL YEAH BABY, IT’S GODWINNS TIME.
-Ventura welcomes Tony Atlas to the interview stage. Atlas asks when Van Hammer is going to accept his arm wrestling challenge (it’s happening January 13th at Clash of the Champions but I guess the Power Hour crew doesn’t talk to the Worldwide crew).
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. Danny Deese
Ventura mocks Rhodes’ theme song, saying studies have shown cities where “goat-roping” music is popular have higher suicide rates. Made me laugh but also YIKES. Not much to the match, Rhodes wins with a Bulldog.
Dustin Rhodes defeated Danny Deese via pinfall (1:45)
Schiavone welcomes the victorious Rhodes to the interview stage. Rhodes tells Barry Windham to watch his back because he’s going to finish what Windham started. Dan Spivey interrupts and challenges Rhodes TONIGHT, Rhodes agrees. Yeah alright, lessgooo.
2 Cold Scorpio vs. Chris Sullivan
Sullivan surprisingly is all offense to start, including a slap that sends Scorpio flying off the apron, but Scorpio quickly regroups and gets the win with a slingshot 450 Splash.
2 Cold Scorpio defeated Chris Sullivan via pinfall (1:19)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Chris Sullivan is billed from Hawaii but looks like a bus driver from Ohio. Go outside once in awhile dude YOU LIVE IN HAWAII. Scorpio switching it up with a slingshot 450, which is somehow even more impressive than his regular one. How did WCW ever get a wrestler so damn cool and innovative as 2 Cold back in the early-90s? You’re right, it was money. (SQUASH)
-Eric Bischoff is here with the second WCW Magazine segment of the night, this time focusing on the feud between Erik Watts and Rick Rude. Rude beat Watts on last week’s Saturday Night but Watts got the shine by beating the count after Rude tried to put him out with a Rude Awakening on the floor. Watts is in action next!
-EARLIER TODAY: Arn Anderson is upset that he has to relinquish his shot at the bounty on Erik Watts’ head due to injury but his partner Bobby Eaton is going to take his place. They’re the dirtiest players in the game and Watts will be the sacrificial lamb.
BOUNTY MATCHErik Watts vs. “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton [w/ “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson]
Eaton attacks Watts in the aisle, Watts sends him flying with a backdrop and enters the ring. Anderson gets in his face, Watts sends him packing with a right and goes back to Eaton, connecting with a monkey flip and series of rights. Watts goes for the STF, Eaton quickly scurries to the ropes to force a break and bails to the ground. Ventura announces that Rhodes/Spivey WILL be happening after this match. Cool. Watts bounces Eaton off the concrete floor and follows up with a 3 Point Stance lariat. Anderson distracts Watts, Eaton wipes him out from behind. Anderson gets a shot in, Ventura applauding him for returning the favor from earlier because he’s the fairest commentator of all-time. Eaton connects with a neckbreaker and comes off the top with the Alabama Jam, Anderson distracting the ref so he doesn’t get DQed (top rope moves are banned in WCW at this point still), and covers for the 1…2…WATTS KICKS OUT. Anderson intervenes, Watts double noggin knocks the dastardly duo and locks in the STF on Eaton for the win!
Erik Watts defeated Bobby Eaton via submission (3:40)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Erik Watts was set up to fail by his father, who ran WCW at the time he made his professional debut. Just cruel to put his son’s feet to the fire in such a high profile way. He ended up being pretty okay in the end but it didn’t end up mattering, sadly. ANYWAY the match itself was alright, Anderson & Eaton did what they could. Not sure why there’s a bounty or what the bounty is, it was only mentioned on commentary and not by the ring announcer. (*1/2)
“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. “Dangerous’ Dan Spivey
Spivey attacks Rhodes right at the bell, leveling him with a clothesline. Rhodes stuns Spivey with a bionic elbow and sends him scurrying with a pair of dropkicks. Rhodes follows him out and gets his head rammed into the apron for his troubles. Rhodes catches Spivey with a kick and rides him to the canvas with a lariat. Rhodes works Spivey’s arm, Spivey backs him into the corner but misses a running elbow and Rhodes takes him back to the canvas with an armdrag. Spivey yanks Rhodes’ bad arm (he’s got a cast on thanks to an attack from Barry Windham last year) and goes on the offensive, slamming Rhodes on it for the 1…2…Rhodes kicks out and Spivey gator rolls the arm over the apron, snapping it on the hardest part of the ring. Rhodes charges, Spivey connects with a Japanese armdrag and covers for the 1…2…Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes counters Spivey with a belly-to-back suplex and catches him with another lariat for the 1…2…Spivey kicks out. Rhodes and Spivey knock the wind out of each other with a double clothesline, Rhodes gets to his feet first and heads to the top. Spivey tries to slam him off, Rhodes hangs on and turns it into a cover for the 1…2…3!
Dustin Rhodes defeated Dan Spivey via pinfall (5:27)
JON’S THOUGHTS: Disappointed, to be honest. I don’t know WHAT I was hoping for necessarily but that wasn’t it. Liked the finish though. (*3/4)
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat & Shane Douglas [c] vs. Barry Windham & “Flyin” Brian Pillman for the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP
Both teams continue their brawl from last week, Steamboat putting Windham into the lights with a backdrop followed by a double axhandle and double chop. Douglas tags in and grabs a side headlock. Windham counters out with a drop toehold and makes the tag to Pillman. Pillman & Douglas trade shots, Douglas fights out of the heel corner and grabs a wristlock, Steamboat tags in and slams Pillman on his now bad arm. Pillman begs off, Steamboat gives no f*cks and connects with another hammerlock slam. Douglas tags in and the champs hit a double back elbow. Pillman blinds Douglas and tags Windham, the challengers connecting with a double clothesline. Windham cleans Douglas’ clock with a right hand, Douglas reverses a whip and connects with a powerslam for the 1…2…Windham kicks out. Windham regains momentum with a flying forearm followed by a scoop slam. Douglas tries to make a tag, Pillman keeps the legs tied up and tags Windham who attacks Douglas. Douglas gets tossed over the top rope behind the ref’s back, Pillman rams him into the side of the apron. Windham snaps off a suplex, floating over into a lateral press for the 1…2..Douglas kicks out. Windham covers again, Steamboat stops the count. Pillman tags in and distracts the ref, Windham chokes Douglas and Steamboat runs over to put a stop to it. Douglas has Pillman pinned but the ref is too busy trying to send Steamboat back to his corner. DAMMIT DRAGON. Pillman slows it down with a chinlock, Windham giving his partner extra leverage by grabbing his legs. Windham tags in and bounces Douglas’ head off the top turnbuckle for the 1…2…not yet. Windham follows with a lariat for the 1…2…Douglas kicks out once again! Pillman tags in, Douglas counters a flyin Brian with a kick to the teeth.
Windham tags in but SO DOES STEAMBOAT AND IT’S DRAGON TIME BOYS! Double chops and slams to Windham and Pillman, Steamboat sends Windham to the floor with a chop. Steamboat pummels Pillman, Windham takes Douglas out of the match with a DDT ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR. Hope Douglas took it better than Steamboat did back in ‘86. Windham launches Pillman onto Steamboat for the 1…2…STEAMBOAT KICKS OUT. Windham tags back in and connects with a belly-to-back suplex for the 1…2…not yet. Dustin Rhodes runs out and checks on Douglas but he’s out of it. Steamboat tags Rhodes in, WHICH THE REF ALLOWS FOR SOME REASON, who pummels the hell out of Windham. Pillman attacks Rhodes from behind, Steamboat attacks Pillman but gets sent to the apron. Rhodes fights off Pillman and nails Windham with his cast for the 1…2…3!
Ricky Steamboat & Shane Douglas/Dustin Rhodes [c] defeated Barry Windham & Brian Pillman via pinfall to retain the WCW/NWA UNIFIED TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (11:52)
JON’S THOUGHTS: I’m with Ventura, Rhodes interjecting himself and taking over as Steamboat’s partner was unfair and should not have happened! MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, A PLAGUE UPON THEIR HOUSES, etc. and so forth. Good match overall, Steamboat being the consummate babyface while acting like a sh*tbag heel is the best. (**1/2)
-It’s Eric Bischoff again with the third and supposedly final WCW Magazine segment of the episode, taking it to Van Hammer who accepts Tony Atlas’ arm wrestling challenge. 
-Schiavone and Ventura interview Barry Windham & Brian Pillman, who are still steaming about their loss. Pillman says he’s been participating in organized athletics since he was a child and has never experienced such a despicable display. Windham vows to paint Rhodes’ rear yellow as the odds are never even when they battle.
If you’re into Dustin Rhodes then you’re gonna love this episode of Worldwide. Three matches in the span of an hour? Somebody in the office likes this guy. Good episode, lots happening start to finish and Bobby Eaton being the consummate professional by helping make Erik Watts look pretty damn good out there.
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clambuoyance · 1 year
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[DC] send you my love on a wire🎵🎸
I guess this is part two to the whole band/guitar kon post
And the Tim one is kind of a wip bc I’m going to add more color to it (probably)
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plutonicbees · 10 months
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young just us: the game 👾
based off of the scott pilgrim video game, i wanted to play around with the idea of what the yj98 team would look like in the same style.. mostly i just wanted to draw everybody as silly little pixel sprites
(character sprite pngs + mount justice landscape under cut)
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jhonnyhotbody · 1 year
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Flash and Green Lantern friendship is truly amazing.
I do not hate Guy
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kyuremking · 27 days
That's it!
My villain origin story is that I couldn't enjoy content about the Flashfam and the Green Lanterns because the fucking Batman and his army of sidekicks kept showing their ugly face on the tags.
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soranatus · 6 days
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The Flash history variant cover by Nicola Scott
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jetslay · 6 days
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DC Through The Ages variant covers by Nicola Scott.
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theflashzoom · 10 months
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discoscoob · 1 month
Call me Ortiz the Dog Boy because I’m barking
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rayfishandchips · 3 months
screenshots taken from the comic The Brave and The Bold
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Hal and Barry have such great besties dynamics in this comic (and basically everywhere else)
have a very adorable comfy camping Barry everyone.
My hc on this is that the earth GLs and the flashfam are like two families that are family friends with each other. All these GL-flash pairs have great character dynamics I love every one of them sm asdjhlsfkhajskfhasdsss
next time maybe I can make an edit of faster friends to show some kyle wally dynamics
Bart doesn't seem to have his own lantern yet but maybe he's just the family's baby
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damianwaynerocks · 9 days
i firmly believe that dick doesn’t have his autocorrect on and he doesn’t attempt to compensate for it whatsoever.
tim asked the groupchat what they wanted from the store & jason said a bag of chips and dick said “mg tog” and then proceeded to be irate when tim didn’t bring him one because nobody could tell what he meant
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wwprice1 · 6 days
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Nicola Scott is a genius! Love these!
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