#serial killer AU
charliemwrites · 2 months
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The Scottish Cabin in the Woods - last update: 4/4/24
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"Let's go camping," Soap said.
"It'll be fun," Soap said.
"A lot of fun," the psychopathic serial killer said.
You didn't say anything, you were too busy trying not to get kidnapped - and failing.
Content: Serial Killer AU, Dark Content, Kidnapping, Violence and Murder, (Mentions of) Torture, BDSM Elements and Dynamics, (Mild) Pet Play, Predator/Prey Kink, Dacryphilia, Impact Play (Spanking), Humiliation Kink, Dub-Con, One (1) Ableist Slur (and the guy ends up dying)
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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nemesyaaa · 2 months
buffalo 66' au ! old!serial killer!rafe x young!sugardoll!reader. moodboard & aesthetic only ! (not a fic please !)
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you were a young doll stucked in your baby blues shades world, who was born to fall into old men traps. and this one was an old serial killer who made you a missing girl in your small town.
you adored him like he was the only god in the world. and you even started to believe that when he kidnapped you it was not a crime but intimacy.
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you were a young crybaby, a babydoll full of tears, with a sweet white and blue soul, pure as heaven, and soft as clouds. you wanted nothing more than to be the wife of the old daddy with dirty bloody hands that can kill for you, but never hurts you.
“ i just wanted you to know that i think you're the sweetest guy in the world. and the most handsome. i love you. ”
you were to him the innocence he never had, the peace he wanted to hold forever. you were his little girl.
“ i will be very sad if you don't come back. just tell me, don't lie to me.”
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“ you adore me, you love me, you cherish me, jesus christ you can't live without me”
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“ i'm gonna step out of the car for one minute. one minute, i'm gonna step out. put your hands on the dashboard like that. hold 'em like that. don't let me see you move them one finger, not one finger move, not one twitch of a move or i'll come back and choke you to death. i swear to god, don't move, little girl. i can put a gun on your angel face, and blood on your pretty tears. ”
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“ do you still think i'm the sweetest guy in the world ?" " yes, always. can i hug you now ?"
tadouuum !!! hbddd @bunnyrafe <333 (i'm 'ot so so proud of it but wish you like it) + @fae-of-prey thx to make me think of it
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Ghostbuster. || kidnapper!Simon "Ghost" Riley
Rating: M + Dark Fic + DDNE Words: 4.2k~ Pairing: Serial Killer!Reader x Serial Kidnapper!Ghost CW: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, dark fic, serial killing, serial kidnapping, torture, body disposal, death, murder (purposeful), murder (accidental), mentions of rape? (neither Simon nor reader rapes anyone!!!!!), blood, knife/weapons, gross abandoned buildings, police verbage. tags: dark fic, serial killer AU, no smut (for now), OOC Simon, you/your pronouns, afab!reader, reader & simon terrorizing the city of Manchester, Manchester geography/accuracy?. a/n: fully inspired by the post below, by @moongreenlight ; also fully a gift for @superhero-landing
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"This marks the 7th body found in the Greater Manchester area in the last 6 months."
It's dark outside. Eerily so. Probably because, although the moon is high in the sky, full and bright, plenty of clouds hide it from view. The weather forecast speaks of heavy rains for the next few weeks, but you got lucky... It's not currently raining. It leaves the night feeling weirdly still and quiet, the roads long empty after people retreated into their homes after work.
But not you. Never you.
You turn your head to peer at the old box TV in the room over your shoulder, your eyes narrowed in on the screen where the news anchor talks about the police investigation at hand.
"The victim, a 24-year-old university student, residing in Wythenshawe, had been reported missing last month, on the 18th, after having not come home after a nightout with friends."
The old shop is dark too, barely illuminated by a camping lantern you've brought inside when you first broke in. The air is stale, almost unbreathable from all the dust; the floor, and counters caked in a layer of dried particles, courtesy of the decades' long abandonment the shop has suffered, as well as the ceiling panels having come loose, knocking down concrete dust all over the shop.
Shaking your head, you carefully click your tongue in displeasure, while you clean the tool in your hand with a rag, keeping your eyes and ears still honed into the broadcast. "Poor thing." You comment to yourself.
Your head slumps forward to reach your arm, and you rub the underside of your nose with the back of your hand and forearm, sniffling a bit to clean some of the snot dribbling down your nostrils due to the overly dusty air.
"The Great Manchester Police HQ has issued a warning on the brutality of the recent string of murders and their commitment to find the people responsible. The Police Chief urges that anyone who might have any information to please come forth."
Sighing, you turn your head away again, as the news anchor drones on about the funeral for the young girl who was just found. You step away toward the array of tools displayed, for your convenience, on one of the old counters, laid neatly across a black tool roll bag and carefully set the knife atop it.
The shop smells. It's not entirely unpleasant, but you've gotten used to it either way. You're pretty sure if you weren't, it'd smell horrendous, like it did in the beginning. Stale, dusty air, old blood caked into the gashes and knife cuts on the wooden countertops, tools that were abandoned and grew colonies of bacteria after enough time went past, old vent systems that haven't been cleaned, meat display cases that didn't get disinfected before the butcher shop went out of business.
Tossing the rag aside, atop the butcher's block countertop, you run a finger over the wristband of your black cooking gloves, the latex feeling sticky and damp due to the fresh blood caked onto it. Turning on your heel, you return to the center of the room and look down at the body slumped on the chair before you.
"That guy is a fucking sicko, isn't he?" You complain and crouch before the man tied to the chair, raising his bruised and bloodied face by gripping him around the chin.
The man before you looks like the rest of them, balding and with a 5-o'clock shadow of a beard. He was greying as well, as most of them tend to be. Old, perverted bastards... He's slowly paling before your eyes, the blood slipping down his abdomen, soaking through his clothes and flowing onto the drain below his rickety chair.
"You know, you've gotta be a particularly... Nasty bastard to kill women that young... To bathe and redress them post-mortem..." You trail off. The man before you doesn't reply. He looks groggy and languid, blinking irregularly, and his chest heaving. Barely aware of anything as his life, much like his blood, drains from him.
It's almost poetic to watch his blood stain the white tile of the backroom of the shop, the walls lined with racks and hooks meant to, in the past, hang carcasses from... Almost like this old cooler room is finally fulfilling its role again, to cool and drain a dead body of its blood, all of it flowing down the incline toward the drain...
"I believe I saw in a few Criminal Minds episodes that those types that... clean them afterward feel 'regret' for what they did." You shake your head and kiss your teeth in annoyance.
"They feel regret after it's done, but not while they do it. 'es it mean they gain a conscience after the fact?" You ask him. "Monsters, the lot of them..." You chide and scoff, letting go of the man's face.
Then, you smirk as you notice his breathing get shallower, his head going a bit more limp, hanging low, his chin pressing over to his chest. Leaning forward, you bring your mouth close to his ear, your lips almost grazing his ear. "Don't worry, I won't clean you up once I'm done."
Sitting in your dark bedroom, you lounge back lazily on your desk chair, chewing some bubblegum and tapping away at your mouse before scrolling down a forum page.
The room, much like the rest of your flat is dark, only illuminated by the bright blue-toned light emanating from your computer screen, even in dark mode.
The best part of the internet age is the fact people share, comment and gossip about everything. It makes your research so much easier. Though, you suppose it's human nature... to be curious and gossipy. Social creatures and such.
Clicking on one of the posts on the subreddit r/ManchesterCrime, you skim through the post, where the OP is mentioning how they live nearby to the location where the new body was dumped: the southside of Manley Park.
Grabbing your pink fuzzy-top pen and a couple of highlighter markers, you get up from your desk chair and lean over your desk to the corkboard hanging behind it.
You take your writing materials to the printed map of the Greater Manchester area which you had pinned to the cork slab, tracing the information you have so far:
Resident of Wythenshawe.
Captured somewhere between The Three Pigeons and home.
Dumped in Manley Park.
You set down your pens and grab some pink wool string and a couple more pins, using them to rig up a new line to connect the dots over the map.
Taking a step back, you look up at the map and sighed, shaking your head, feeling anger flowing through your veins.
You have been trying to figure out the killer's area of operation for months... Trying to triangulate it, find a pattern...
But nothing.
No convergence point for the lines; no silly little connect-the-dots shape being formed; no secret message being shared... Or maybe there is and you just suck at reading it.
So far, all you have is 7 pieces of string of different colors... 7 victims. All over Manchester, with no overlay.
Just... 7 young girls taken for weeks at a time, killed and then dumped like rubbish.
Has he been taking them to different secondary locations all over the city before slaughtering them?
Has he been driving about, passing by schools and homes and banks and shops, on his way to the dump sites... with a body in his car?
Allegedly, they were all bathed and redressed, with no signs of sexual trauma or abuse, other than a stark loss of weight and some rope burn around the wrists and ankles...
But who really knows?
You are no PI or constable, just a sleuth. Whatever information you have, you got from the internet and from the news... You have no way to be sure of anything.
It angers you to imagine what he had been doing to those poor girls while keeping them to himself.
The poor, terrified girls... someone's sister, someone's daughter, someone's girlfriend, someone's friend... And he had been plucking them from their mundane, safe lives and murdering them?
Throwing yourself back down onto your chair, you stack your fingers together, elbows on the armrests, and swiveled side to side as you looked at the corkboard map.
You hate men like this.
Taking and hurting and killing with no issue or hesitation... Sure, psychologists might allege that he feels regret and expresses it by caring for them after death... But you disagree with that interpretation.
You've never met a man who regrets hurting a woman.
It's almost funny how easy it was to play with a man's emotions.
They see a pretty face marred by running mascara and red, swollen tear-filled eyes, holding a thumb out for a ride on the side of the road, and they always stop.
From then on, you can just spin whatever sob story about needing a ride...
Men love to play the hero... and oh, how idiotic they are.
They always let you in, and within an hour you have a new warm body to tie up and toy with.
In a way, you are actually surprised by how long you've been able to get away with this for.
You're secretly thankful your murders have not been given any attention so far.
You suppose that's one thing you could thank that... killer for.
You hate how the internet had given him a name already:
The Ghost
because someone allegedly witnessed him dumping a body in Heaton Park, and then vanished into the shadows of the night like a spectre.
Don't they know what happens when they give these types killers nicknames?
How that embiggens and emboldens them?
Have they never watched a true crime show? Or even a fictional one?
But... regardless... as long as young women are being slaughtered by a maniacal monster of a man, and, therefore, kept in the eyes of the world... No one is going to notice the missing middle-aged men you'd been consistently murdering for the better part of 3 years.
Yet another way where men have the upper hand over women. Lady killers just don't get taken as seriously.
You think of that as you watch the body disappear under the water, the cinder blocks you had tied to his feet dragging him under.
You wait a few minutes after his bald head vanishes from view, making sure it doesn't re-emerge, your hands tucked into the pockets of your parka, dead leaves crushed under your hiking boots.
Another body; the 8th one.
This one got dumped much quicker.
A 26-year-old till clerk at a Tesco had been reported missing only 36 hours before her body got found.
The news spoke about the incident and the GMPHQ deemed it a separate occurrence. An accident. The girl had been a Type 1 diabetic and seemed to have had a fatal sugar crash.
But you know it has to have been 'The Ghost'.
You don't know why. But you can just tell.
And, for the first time, as you draw up the line over the map, to signal where she got picked up and where she got dumped... there's an overlay.
The pick-up site, somewhere between her job, and her home... and the dumpsite.. Alexandra Park, near Oldham. Both those locations were mere minutes away from where the second victim had been picked up months ago.
Has he gotten sloppy?
Has her sudden death thrown a wrench in his plans and caused him to panic and pick somewhere nearby?
Your eyebrows twitch and a smirk takes over your lips as you finally find something you can exploit.
"Got you, you fuckin' knob'ead." You say and can't help the proud chuckle that escapes your mouth.
Simon's pissed off.
He feels like shit after having gotten that girl killed on his watch.
Not that he hadn't gotten the other ones killed either, but this one had truly been an accident.
Between the stress and the fear, her blood sugar had dropped and Simon hadn't noticed before he left the house to pop to the shops and get them both some food.
And by the time he got back and made her dinner, she was just... gone.
It startled him.
Startled him more than when the other ones died.
While looking in her purse for a justification as to why she passed... like any medication he failed to give her, he found the insulin pen and the sugar monitor.
So now, here he is. Back on the street. Back on the prowl. With 8 accidental kills under his belt and a desperate need to fix his streak.
He drives aimlessly. It's a Saturday night and Simon was sure he was going to find some young, vulnerable girl wandering about and stumbling over her own feet, too drunk or high to even walk in a straight line without stumbling or having to lean on street lamps and walls for support.
He hates seeing girls in that state. Young, vulnerable, alone... Left to be preyed upon by some creep in the shadows... Their support systems having failed them...
What kind of friend leaves a drunk girl to find her way home alone when she can barely stand?
What kind of manager lets an employee walk home after dark?
What kind of parent, or sibling, lets a girl walk home from the bus terminal during a storm?
And then they wonder why girls get raped or murdered senselessly by dirty bastards in back alleys.
That only happens because no one protects these vulnerable girls.
They protect them as children, but not as adults? What kind of world does such a thing?
Probably the same world that misinterprets his actions as senseless killing.
He's not a killer.
He's... just very bad at taking care of the girls he... 'helps'...
He never means to hurt them. He's no monster. He just wants to protect them.
For once it's actually raining. Heavily so. The water has soaked through the slinky mini skirt and spaghetti strap top you're wearing, your heels are open-toed and slippery, and each step you take feels like you're about to fall face-first into the mud.
You've had your arm out-stretched and your thumb up for the better part of an hour, trying to flag down any car driving past, only to get no luck.
You're at your wits' end, and so so close to calling it a night and trying to stop baiting a driver into taking you in. It's that bad tonight. You can't seem to reel anything in.
The cold wind nips at the exposed skin on your arms and legs, and you know well you'll spend the next week in bed with the nastiest cold of your life.
A car zooms past you as you walk and show your thumb, only to groan and protest when it doesn't stop...
But it does slow down to a stop not far ahead of you, having turned on its blinkers after spotting your outstretched arm and thumb up.
Rushing over to it, you stumble a few times and trip and slip with your heels on the wet tar of the road, before you come up to the passenger side door.
Look in the window, you find a young-ish looking bloke behind the wheel, looking at you with concerned eyes and knitted brows. He leans over and pops the door open for you.
"Get in, get in!" He tells you urgently when he notices you shivering like a wet dog in the rain.
Climbing inside the car carefully, you close the door behind you, hearing how the rain and wind turn muffled once you do.
It's surprisingly clean inside, the air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror smelling of pine. It's also warm, so warm, the heater running at max temp and making the car so much more cosy.
"Oh my God, thank you so much for stopping!" You whine, forcing yourself to sniffle and hiccup as tears pour down your face. They're fake ones, warranted by you watching a handful of soldier-coming-home videos on youtube and using some menthol-infused stick in your undereye.
"You alright, sweet'eart?" The man asks as he looks at you with worried eyes. "Are you all alone out here?" He asks and glances out of the window.
He's younger than most of the men you usually bait out, but he'll do. He's also... more handsome than most of them too. Long, prominent nose, a long jaw and chin, pouty pink lips, and the biggest brown eyes, not to mention a crew cut worth of blonde hair.
"Yeah..." You sniffle. "My boyfriend he... we were coming back from a birthday party and we... he... we were arguing and he tossed me out of the car and... and...!" You explain. The practiced lie slips through your teeth quickly. It's been used on about 7 of the 20 or so men you've wiped off the map, and you say it as if you truly believe it, which helps sell it.
You also stumble over your words, as if you're starting to choke up, to make sure you sound even more distraught. Men love when you're hyperventilating.
"Alright, it's alright-!" He tries to reassure you and sets a hand on your shoulder. "God, you're freezing. How long have you been out there?" He asks you, concerned.
"I- I don't know! An hour?" You answer with a whine, your lip quivering as more sobs rack your body.
Your eyes are sharp, though. You're noting his every movement. How he quickly pulls away from the backrest of his seat and shrugs off his coat and wraps it around your bare shoulders. "Here. It's alright. You're alright."
You continue softly sniffling, tucking your legs to the side toward the door, while hiding your face in your hand.
"Where can I take you?" The blond man asks gently as he glances at you and slowly leans closer, resting an arm on the steering wheel, the other on the centre console.
"I don't... I don't know..." You whine and sniffle. "I can't... I can't go home... I can't face him right now..." You trail off. "I can't believe he'd toss me out of the car like that...!"
"Well, I'm sorry to say, love, but he sounds like a right knob'ead." He says and carefully pats you on the shoulder. "How about I take you to the bus terminal? Or the station?"
"I don't know...!" You whimper. "He took my things with him... I can't even buy a ticket home to my mum..." You hiccup and try to clean the tears off the corner of your eyes.
He's handsome, he speaks calmly, hasn't tried to touch you longer than simply patting you for reassurance, and even gave you his jacket... You almost feel bad about doing this to him. Almost.
"Tell you wha'." The bloke says as he leans a bit closer, tilting his head to look at you in the eye. "I'll take you to the bus terminal and give you a couple more pounds so you can call your family or a friend to come get you, yeah?"
Sniffling, you shake your head. "No... you're already... doing so much! I can't... I can't even pay you back!" You add.
You really should earn an Oscar for this performance. The damsel in distress who's actually such a good girl that she doesn't want to impose on this man's money or take too much of his help.
"Don't worry about any of that." He tells you and waves his hand to dismiss the point, before leaning over and fixing the direction of the air vents on the dash, making sure they point at you to keep you warm. "You don't have to pay me back, alright?"
Nodding a bit, you try to stop crying and rub your eyes with your hands, causing an even bigger mess within your make-up, your fingers now also stained with mascara.
"Here. It's alright. No need to cry anymore." The driver says affectionately as he offers you a tissue from a pack, before he shifts in his seat and starts driving forward.
Simon watches you out of the corner of his eye as he drives. Poor little thing, all alone, abandoned by her boyfriend, left on the side of the road...
It's like the universe had handed you to him on a silver platter. He couldn't not take you in! And, this time, he's not going to let anything happen to you.
He's not risking it.
And so of course he's going to soothe you, to calm you down, you, the poor little thing, that got left on a side road by your awful boyfriend, like a stray cat no one wants to feed...
That's the thought in his head as he drives down the wet roads, the windshield wipers working overtime to beat the pouring rain that decided to attack the city of Manchester even more aggressively than usual.
Simon glances at you out of the corner of his eye every few minutes, making sure to drive carefully and steadily, and trying to spot the look in your face as he does.
You still seem stressed, frazzled, worried. The tears haven't stopped despite your breathing having settled...
He wonders if you've had anything to drink. You're definitely not drunk, but the amount of tears... maybe tipsy?
Maybe you won't even need to be threatened. You'll just... let him take you into his house, gently guide you into the bathroom and let you wash off the mud and rain...
He'll give you clothes, and food, and let you watch tv with him... And he'll keep you warm and safe, like everyone in your life has failed to, that got you to the moment you were now in...
He wants to tell you not to worry, that he's here now... But he holds his tongue. You'll hear it later.
"You should've kept going forward instead of turning right..." You say aloud, forcing your voice to still sound soft and meek, as you look out of the window.
You've been driving for a while. You've kept your head low, enjoying the warmth coming from the A/C, which helps with the genuine cold wetness of the rain that settled on your skin and bones.
You're not stupid. You know the way to the bus terminal and to all the train stations in the area...
He's not taking you to either. In fact, you're pretty sure you've taken 3 rights in the last 5 minutes, and are, in short, going back the way you came.
"Sorry. It's easy to get turned around with this rain, I'll go back to the main road." He replies. His tone apologetic, and his brow scrunched in concern... But his eyes... his eyes are hard.
It sends a tingle down your spine. For once, you actually baited out a man that has nasty intentions with you.
Had he not tried to do that, you would've considered letting him live... But no, of course, he's actually a creep...
What a shame... He's actually kind of cute. In a blue collar sort of way.
It gives you some weird sense of satisfaction, the realization in the back of your mind that you might have succeeded... that you might have bated him out... The Ghost.
Your hand carefully slips into the left side of the waistband of your slinky skirt, the side closest to the door, so he can't see, your fingers already wrapping around the handle of your pistol.
Your eyes remain on the street, the road, keeping an eye out as he returns to the main road and goes back over the area he has just driven past. A closed down shop, the post office...
And you wait.
You wait patiently for the next time he tries to turn right and put you back on course toward the area you had triangulated for The Ghost to live in or work out of...
And he does. He does just that.
Within a minute, he turns right again...
And you don't hesitate.
Your fingers tighten around the pistol handle and you rip it off the confines of your skirt, your arm hurling itself toward him, steadily pressing the barrel to his temple...
Only for you to notice his arm moving sharply at the same time and, you're suddenly staring down the barrel of a gun as well.
His eyes are wide, his brown irises nearly invisible from how wide his pupils are blown and he stops the car suddenly with a hard brake that jostles you both forward.
Looking each other in the eye, over the top of both your pistols, you can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline through your veins.
The look of surprise, confusion and pure dread painted in his features, the way his brows knit together and furrow in displeasure, his lips already twisted into a scowl...
It's a sickly sweet pleasure, to spot the way that, just like the other ones, he's scared of your pistol... It's likely his first time... But an unfamiliar warmth forms in your tummy as you stare down his pistol too... It's also your first time...
"Well, well, well... Would you look at that?" You quip as a smirk takes over your lips. "Looks like I've busted myself a Ghost."
You don't miss the way his brows go from concerned and fearful to dropping low onto his eyelids, and his jaw clenches in disgust.
Got him.
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ghoulsamgrusam · 2 months
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I love insane people // beastsofbedlamAU
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scarredlove · 10 months
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I bring you more food... And they're bangers~
For the Children - @ayyy-imma-ninja & @moonlit-dreamers Sun and Moon
Royal Jesters AU - @head-in-the-icloud Eclipse
All that Glitters AU - @just-a-drawing-bean Razzle Dazzle
Dealer's Choice - @certified-handler Sun and Moon
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 (YO!) / Part5 / Part6 Without white text:
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virgil-anon · 5 months
Tomarry serial killer au where Harry's a detective trying to catch Tom but here's the twist: Harry's also a serial killer and Tom keeps copying him? Rival serial killers anyone?
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deathnguts · 2 months
Regulus ‘cause if I am not 100% into you all of the time, you will keep killing people.’ Black
Barty ‘if I’m not enough for you, you’ll kill me.’ Crouch Jr
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femoso-seben · 6 months
omg the serial killer idea - so, serialkiller!reader who was part SAS and their callsign was baba yaga. they left military life after a traumatic event - idk maybe someone in their family was murdered - and went to live the john wick lifestyle 😵‍💫😵‍💫
See this is a whole new idea. Different from my initial serial killer! reader, but I like this!
Serial killer! Reader was a former SAS member enlisted with Kyle
Serial Killer! Reader was accused of being a spy and tortured for a month straight losing their mind
Serial Killer! Reader who was left physically deformed across their face and entire body and half dead
Serial Killer! Reader who was found innocent and the military swept this crime under the rug and sent you to a mental hospital
Serial Killer! Reader who begins to spiral and breaks out of the hospital and use their training to hunt down the SAS members that tortured them
Serial Killer! Reader travels the world and join a well know PMC under a fake identity wearing all black to hide their scars
Serial Killer! Reader who Compartmentalizing their life to before and after. That their are “two” people inside them (not DID but a mental condition to justify their action
Serial Killer! Reader killed three of the ten SAS members before 141 is contacted
Serial Killer! Reader goes after 141 because Ghost was one of the SAS there (he didn’t participate but was there)
Serial Killer! Reader who traps them in a room and force them to pick who would die
Serial Killer! Reader who is best by Laswell and Shadow Company
Serial Killer! Reader who escape into the night a fugitive to the law
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the-writing-mobster · 18 days
| TMDG Meme | Charans craziness at it again Poor Papyrus caught in the middle | 💙 🔪 💔 |
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evilyn-is-gay · 2 months
I did the thing again @ayyy-imma-ninja! But w/ the SK AU this time
Might make separate ones for the boys individually (and maybe y/n?) but for now take this!
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charliemwrites · 2 months
Chapter 4
Content: Threats/Expectation of Torture, Dub-Con, Consensual Non-Consent Elements, Hurt/Comfort
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The lines are getting thinner. Day by day, touch by touch. The parts of you that buck and bray against captivity begin to settle into the dangerous clutches of this isn’t so bad.
It’s exhausting to resist, especially when every part of you isn’t unilaterally aligned. The boundary between deep, dark desire and actual circumstance is narrowing into something you can’t discern anymore. Blurring into a strange delirium. Mornings with Ghost’s fingers inside you and afternoons warming Johnny’s cock. Meals prepared by hands that have snuffed as many lives as your own. A voice that once menaced you now lulls you to sleep.
Every interaction is a double-edged blade of seduction and condemnation. You moan at the tug of a collar you’re not free to remove. Johnny leans into the same hand that just bruised his wrist. A dozen scenarios that walk the line, never tipping either of you towards or away from Ghost.
It's things like Johnny waking in the dead of night, screaming. You know what’s going on even half-asleep; the same dream-memories lock you into burning paralysis. He’s clutching at his shoulder, fingers of the same arm spasming. Coughing on phantom smoke, seeing a night sky polluted by columns of flame instead of the ceiling.
“Kit! Kit!” he rasps, painful and terrified.
“Johnny, I’m here,” you call back, heart pounding. “Johnny, wake up! It’s over, we’re okay!”
You tug fruitlessly at the collar, at the chain. It’s useless, you know it is, but you can’t just sit there and watch him suffer again. Hate Ghost and this house and your own compliance with the same fire that nearly engulfed you and Johnny.
A shadow moves at the edge of your vision. Ghost.
You beg him to let you go to Johnny, to let you help. He ignores you for the moment, kneeling at Johnny’s side and rolling him onto his back. Speaks him back to reality, voice low and gravelly, reminding of details he has no right to know – how long you both spent in the hospital, the day of your mutual discharge, the months you two spent in physical therapy.
You want to cry, want to scream, want to be there with them. But Johnny’s finally calming down and you won’t ruin it all by losing your threadbare composure.
The first thing he asks when he’s got his breath, mumbling and fuzzy, “Where’s Kit?”
Ghost crosses back to you, unlocks the chain. You scramble to Johnny’s side in an instant, practically crashing into his chest as he reaches for you. He breathes deep when you gather him in, pressing his wet face to your neck.
“I’m here, I’m okay,” you whisper, shaky hands squeezing at his sore shoulder.
His own trembling, clammy hands paw your shirt up, press to the scarring on your hip. Assuring himself it’s healed.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers again, “I never should have gone in—”
“You were doing your job,” you interrupt. Unwilling to relive the memory again or let him torture himself with it. “And I did mine.”
The cushion shifts behind you. Thick arms circle you and Johnny, guide you back against a sturdy body. Like this, Ghost feels more solid than the ground. You want to hate him. Could – should – blame him for Johnny suffering alone and resent that he comforted him first. You find yourself leaning into his strength and warmth instead.
“Not your fault the intel was bad, pup,” Ghost murmurs, carding fingers through Johnny’s sweaty mohawk.
Eventually, you and Johnny start to doze. Snuggling in with sleepy sighs and the reassurance of the other’s presence. You (or maybe Johnny) might even whine a bit when Ghost shifts as if to leave, clinging onto his sleeve. Either way, you wake the next morning to Johnny sandwiched between you two. For a man who doesn’t even let you see his face, it’s unexpectedly… intimate.
Johnny spends most of the next day in a mood about it – ends up forced to cum scraping his cock against the laces of Ghost’s boots by lunchtime.
And that should be the tipping point, right? Or at least one of them. The awful decadent violating addictive things he does to you two.
You stray too far one morning, thought you heard something in the basement, and he puts you on your knees in the living room. Forces your thighs apart with his boots imprinting the tender skin of your thighs. Grinds the tread against your crotch until you’re squirming and teary. It’s uncomfortable… but also makes you whimper for more, body on fire and apologizing into his thigh just for a bit of relief.
Johnny mouths off for the third time in an hour – was already warned twice. Ghost makes you edge Johnny for two hours, fingers in his hole and tongue flicking over his cock.
“Been gagging for the kitten to do this to you for a while, eh, mutt?” Ghost coos, pinning Johnny’s wrists above his head. “I know it’s one of your favorite fantasies.”
And then when Johnny seems like he’s at the breaking point, Ghost makes you milk his prostate until he loses his voice entirely.
And that’s just when Ghost is in a good mood.
He comes down one morning visibly irritable. Eyes dark, shoulders tense. All his movements are short and quick, almost aggressive. When you try to ask him if something is wrong at breakfast, he grunts at you to shut up and eat. And when Johnny makes a snippy comment about “bad manners,” Ghost forces his jaw open and lifts his mask just enough to spit in his mouth.
Then he storms out the door without another word. Johnny’s left flushed, awkwardly pressing the heel of his hand against the bulge in his joggers.
Ghost returns hours later and doesn’t seem any less moody. In fact, he seems worse now. You and Johnny exchange glances. He’s already cooking up mischief, you can see it from across the room. Never did learn when to leave well enough alone. All it takes is for you to subtly shake your head at his little smirk. That might as well be a greenlight.
“Well then, Ghost?” he drawls.
Ghost, who’s been aimlessly (peacefully) flipping through channels, stops. Not that he was fidgety before, but at the smarmy note in Johnny’s voice, he gets stony. You grimace and shoot Johnny another staying look. Mouthy little bastard you may be, you’ve always had a good sense for when to shut your stupid mouth. Your serial killer kidnapper being in a shit mood is one of those times.
“Ya done sulking yet? Gonna tell us who pissed in yer cornflakes?” Johnny continues, lounging against the wall with his first arms folded behind his head. “You gonna pack your shit in or keep being a bellend?”
You feel the exact moment that Ghost’s patience snaps. The room goes cold.
He drops the tv remote onto the cushion next to him, cracks his neck, and exhales deeply. Then stands and lopes across the room. Not to Johnny.
To you.
“Ghost—” you yelp, scrambling back. Don’t get far. He snags two thick fingers around the collar and jerks you away from the wall.
“Hey!” Johnny shouts. “Hey, yeah radge bastard! I’m the one that pissed you off.”
Struggling is no use, you know that. Still, you jerk and squirm, heart pounding. Draw your fist back, only to have it caught in an iron grip. It’s going to bruise, your bones ache.
“Fucking do it,” Ghost growls, lower and rougher than you’ve ever heard. Beyond the balaclava, his gaze is burning coal. “See what happens, kitten.”
When he releases your arm, you can’t bring yourself to follow through. All your strength is just in keeping your spine straight. The unspoken threat – his sharp-toothed, blood-hungry encouragement – leeches all but survival from your body.
No praise comes for choosing the wise path this time. You tremble in its absence.
The chain slithers away. Even if you thought running would do any good, you can’t collect your legs to try. Ghost doesn’t ask (or demand) that you do. Hand still hooked in your collar, he starts dragging you along, crawling on hands and knees at his side.
Johnny is still protesting, volume and desperation rising like a tide, flooding the room with impotent panic. You can’t make out individual pleas, the crashing waves of your own fear too loud in your ears. Ghost’s silence is roiling, violent.
You get halfway down the hall before realizing your destination. The inconspicuous white door looms ahead, sinister. You can’t swallow the scream that tears from your throat.
“No, no, Ghost you promised!” you cry, bucking and thrashing.
You manage to slip his hold and fall back, twisting and scrambling to escape. Just stumble halfway to your feet, about to cross the threshold back to the den. See Johnny’s huge, regretful eyes and blanched face, mouth parted as he strains towards you.
Then cruel arms circle your waist and yank.
“No!” you shriek, kicking at air. Ghost doesn’t even grunt with the effort of hauling you down the hall. “No, Ghost, please!”
The locks are open you realize as cool air rushes past. Your efforts double, but he easily drags you down a set of wooden stairs. All you do is earn a threatening hand around your hitching throat. You sob as shadows swarm, hiccupping that he promised over and over.
Your feet brush cold, flat concrete.
The basement.
He drops you onto something hard, flat, and wooden a few feet above the ground. Your legs hang over the edge, feet swinging. A table. Ghost’s black silhouette blots out the meager light daring to peek in from the hallway.
“G-Ghost,” you choke out.
You expect to be shoved down, tied prone and helpless. Wait for the bite of a blade, the prick of a needle, the cold kiss of a gun. Brace yourself for it, scrabbling for any of the stoic demeanor you once armed yourself in.
You nearly scream again at the touch of warm hands. Not a tight grip around your throat, or a brutal fist to your face, or even strong fingers breaking yours. It’s the firm (but not painful) press of a palm over your mouth and its twin spanning your hip.
“Take a deep breath.”
You peer through watery eyes, trying to find his. With the light behind him, even his gaze is obscured. All you have his voice. Low as it is, he seems… calmer than you expect.
You obey.
You breathe in slowly, exhale evenly.
“Good.” Relief makes you so dizzy that your eyes flutter. Ghost shakes you a bit. “Listen, little one.”
You blink up at him, take another breath, and nod for him to continue.
“I need to get some frustration out and the pup needs to learn a lesson.” He sweeps his thumb over the curve of your hip. You shiver, confused and still frightened, but still trained to react to his touch. “You just need to put on a good show, yeah?”
You try to speak, but his hand doesn’t move, so you settle for making a questioning noise.
“I’m going to torture you,” he explains, as casual as telling you what’s for dinner. “And you’re going to convince the mutt that you hate it.”
His hand slips from your hip to your groin, rocking meaningfully. Tentative understanding dawns with a golden ray of hope.
“The alternative is that Soap takes your place,” Ghost muses in your silence, mistaking it for reluctance. “I won’t be nearly as… humane with him.”
You protest wordlessly, shaking your head.
“No?” he mocks. “You’ll be good for me, then? Let me use you to teach that brat a lesson?”
You nod. Guilt gnaws at you for getting off (literally) so easy when Johnny is up there out of his mind on fear and his own guilt.
That sentiment doesn’t last long.
Ghost rips your clothes away with a growl, leaving them in tatters beneath you. You yelp, genuinely shocked. He moved so fast. There’s nothing teasing or seductive about him, not this time. None of the patience or measure from every previous encounter.
Sharp teeth scrape your jaw, beneath your ear, over your collarbones. Harsh fingers pinch and twist your pebbled nipples until you arch with a shout. He forces his big body between your thighs, grinding your quickly warming groin against unforgiving denim and the bulge hidden beneath.
“Stop, stop!” you cry, half-meaning it, head spinning. “Ghost, please!”
He doesn’t. If anything, your pathetic pleas spur him on.
Your underwear is discarded with another tear of fabric, exposing you to cool air and a mean man.
Ghost’s mouth closes around you, sucking hard, tongue flicking. You scream. High-pitched, wounded. Would jackknife right off the table if not for the merciless pin of your hips. Sounds claw up your throat and leap from your parted lips. You’re not in control of them, not with the way he’s slurping, growling, just the faintest hint of teeth to keep your voice octaves too high.
“No, no, please stop!” you keen.
He shoves two fingers in your gaping mouth, gags you on them until you’re coughing and gasping wetly. Awful, desperate sounds. You throb.
Those fingers circle your hole.
“Don’t!” you wail. “Please, Ghost, not that. I can’t—”
You shriek as one finger pushes inside. Nothing slow or gentle about it, a firm and unrelenting push. He doesn’t wait for you to recover or catch your breath. That single finger pumps in and out of your uncertain body, mechanical. It doesn’t hurt, but it feels dangerous. You squeeze your eyes shut and beg again for him to stop.
In answer, he pulls away long enough to spit directly on your twitching, sensitive hole. Then wedges the second finger alongside the first. This time your scream ends on a sob as his fingers pet your walls. It’s not quite painful, but it feels like it should be. It’s too much. Your body doesn’t sing, it screams for him.
Ghost has already mapped out all the places that make you shake and cry and beg. He seals his mouth around you again, and you’re gone. Bawling and kicking at air, he forces you over the edge faster than anyone ever as.
He works you through it, sticky wetness dripping down to ease the stretch of a third thick finger. Worse still, he doesn’t even slow, keeps going like you haven’t cum at all.
“It hurts!” you sob. “Please, it hurts, I can’t!”
He uses his free hand to toy with your nipples again, adding another layer of overwhelming sensation that melts your brain. The overstimulation almost burns, you can’t tell if it’s ice-cold or white-hot. Just know that your nerves are shot, and yet you’re still rocking into his touch just that slightest damning bit. Because it’s not just too much, it’s not enough. You’re stuffed with his fingers, but you ache for more, for…
“Please, Ghost,” you breathe, hushed and desperate. “Please, fuck me.”
He pulls away with a filthy pop. “Fuck you?” he repeats. There’s a malicious smirk in his voice.
“Please,” you confirm, “please, I want it. D-don’t you want to…?”
He doesn’t answer – not with words. A noise thunders from his chest that raises goosebumps, freezes your blood, and burns through you like wildfire. You don’t know if you’re afraid or aroused, can’t tell if you want to run or bare your throat. It wouldn’t matter regardless. Your body doesn’t belong to you anymore.
You yelp as Ghost slides his fingers out agonizingly slow, pressing against your walls the entire way. His shifts, tugging your ass to the edge of the table and bowing up over you. Sharp teeth nip at the edge of your collar as the blunt head of his cock rubs against your aching entrance. Anticipation and trepidation chase each other through your veins, leave you shaking so hard you’re surprised the table isn’t rattling.
“Relax,” Ghost rumbles in your ear, “or don’t. Won’t make a difference to me.”
There’s nothing gentle or gradual about it, no consideration for his own size or your body’s limits. Just a hot, unrelenting press. You keen as your poor, oversensitive hole yields beneath the onslaught. It burns, you can’t breathe, he doesn’t let you adjust even once the flared head is tucked snuggly inside. Just keeps cramming his fat cock deeper and deeper.
You’re lightheaded when he bottoms out an eternity later. It feels like all the air has been forced from your lungs, like there isn’t room for anything but Ghost. And then he rocks back and slams home again.
This time, the table does rattle.
You grip desperately at the sides, nails scraping. He fucks into you viciously, teeth glinting in a half-feral snarl. There’s no consideration for your pleasure, but he still sends your eyes rolling back with every thrust. You’re too gone, dumb on ecstasy, probably drooling.
A rough hand shoves your thigh back, bending your knee to your chest. His cock rams into your g-spot and your voice breaks on the wail that follows. He shortens his thrusts, half pulling out before plunging back inside, ruthlessly abusing that bundle of nerves, snarling as your walls flutter and spasm.
“No, no, no, not again,” you babble but it’s too late.
The pleasure rapidly overflows into a mind-numbing orgasm, whiting out everything but the exquisite torture of Ghost pounding you through it. This time you can’t even muster the ability to plead or squirm. Even your body seems to surrender to his will, going limp and pliant through waves of overstimulation.
“Not yet,” he growls. “One more, and then you can pass out.”
He snakes his free hand down between your bodies. Tears stream down your temples. Helpless, wordless cries spill from your raw throat, high and sharp. Another orgasm builds frighteningly fast, crackling along your shot nerves until you blow like fuse. Blinding ecstasy cracks up your spine, envelopes your mind, and leaves everything dark.
You wake in the bathtub.
It’s a slow, reluctant crawl back to consciousness. The lights have been dimmed to something soft and warm, filtering through a curtain of curling steam. Like this, the bathroom is a dreamlike blur, all hazy lines and twilight shadow. Water laps at your collarbones, not quite scalding, just the way you like. It’s quiet save for the gentle swish of movement along the surface, and slow breathing by your head. Someone is drawing a cloth gently along your heavy body.
A low, gravelly voice coos, “Back with us, kitten?”
You roll your head, blink syrupy slow at the dark specter of Ghost knelt at your side. His sleeves have been drawn up past his elbows.  One arm supports your neck and head, protecting you from the cold, harsh side of the tub. The other disappears beneath the surface of the water, working slowly back and forth. A reaper paying dues.
“Maybe,” you hum.
He makes an amused noise. Not quite a chuckle, but close.
“You can sleep again soon,” he replies. “I think the pup has suffered for long enough, though.”
You jolt, the cotton candy haze dissolving into bitter ash.
Poor Johnny, thinking Ghost was doing something awful to you. Hearing your screams and cries and begging, only for Ghost to bring you up some indeterminate time later, unconscious. Guilt threatens to swallow you whole.
“Easy now, precious,” Ghost soothes, a hand between your shoulders as you sit up. “Take it slow. I wasn’t gentle with you.”
That becomes evident as you abandon the weightless solace of the hot water. Aches immediately bloom throughout your body, concentrated around your hips and thighs. Your lower spine is sore, a muscle in your thigh feels strained, and your hole…
“Christ,” you whimper, nearly slipping.
Ghost catches you, scoops you out of the tub altogether, and waits for you to steady your fawn-weak legs on the bathmat. You lean into him heavily, soaking wet patches like blood into his sweatshirt. You’ve paid your way like this – imaginary cuts at Johnny’s expense.
You can’t look at Ghost’s egregiously fond gaze without nausea bubbling in your empty stomach. A yawning pit grows there, hollowing you out. You can’t face the mirror either.
Ghost doesn’t interrupt your flagellation. Buffs you down with a towel in silence, polishing the monument he’s built to his own deprivation. Couldn’t have shaped it without the raw material there though, could he? Statues don’t form without a block of unformed marble, can’t make granite of limestone.
He dresses you in one of his hoodies and fresh underwear before returning you downstairs.
The state you find Johnny in breaks your heart. Tear-streaked, puffy-eyed, lips bitten bloody. His hair is tangled and disarrayed, bruised hands limp in his thighs. Though his head is leaned back against the wall, there’s no ease in his body. His jaw is so tight you worry for his teeth, brows furrowed tight. A crumpled ball of tension and regret.
“Johnny,” you say, voice splintering. The shards rain down, popping the bubble of bleak silence suffocating the den.
His eyes fly open. You dart to him, throwing yourself into his arms before he can process what he’s seeing. Press yourself close and tight, eyes stinging at the exhausted tremble in his body. Johnny’s never been anything but fire and stone to you. Warmth and heat and energy, strength and support even with the cracks.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you warble. “I’m so sorry.”
He nudges you back to scan you with glassy eyes, like he’s seeing a miracle right in front of him.
“You… you’re okay,” he rasps, voice shredded to wisps.
You nod, bowing your head in shame. “He – we…” You can’t find the words to explain, don’t even know how to begin. His hands keep drifting over your arms and hands, eyes flicking from your face to your neck to your bare legs.
Ghost chimes in. “Told the kitten to put on a show or you would suffer.”
You want to wipe away Johnny’s half-dry tears, offer the comfort he’s been deprived of. Cowardice grips your arm, suspends it in midair, whispers poisonous doubts about your welcome.
But Johnny presses his cry-flushed cheek into your palm, shuddering through a dry sob. He leans his weight into you, and despite the fatigue, you stay the pillar you’ve always tried to be for him.
“You both need water,” Ghost rumbles, and turns for the kitchen.
Left alone, Johnny doesn’t emerge from the safety he’s found in the hollow of your throat. You cradle him with all the tenderness you can muster, sifting gentle hands through his hair.
“I’m sorry, Johnny,” you whisper finally.
He lets out a sigh and hugs you closer. “Nothin’ to apologize for, Kit. Not mad at ya for protectin’ me. ‘Specially when I put you down there in the first place.”
“I don’t blame you for anything. I wouldn’t have blamed you even if he had…” You shake your head. “Well, regardless, it’s on Ghost for losing his temper.”
He doesn’t respond. You’re not surprised, but your chest squeezes. Johnny’s a proud man, but he’s got a guilt complex a kilometer wide – especially for people he cares deeply for. He’ll be haunted by this for a while.
“I’m just glad you’re alright, luv. Don’t care about a damn other thing.”
You tilt your chin to press kisses to the crown of his head – until he finally peeks out for you to trail more down his ruined face. The kiss starts gentle, warmth and love and reassurance pouring into him from your mouth. Johnny shudders in a breath, cups your jaw. His control slips, mouth parting on desperation and relief, lapping comfort from the edges of your teeth and curl of your tongue.
You only part when Ghost returns, nudging the two of you with his knee. He doesn’t insist on separating you far, though. Just enough to bestow you and Johnny with full glasses of water. You sip in measured doses while Johnny chugs to the bottom in a few noisy mouthfuls.
As he does, you note the awful marks on his hands. Bruised and bloodied knuckles, blisters forming on his palms. Your eyes dart to the wall – sure enough, red stamps like smashed grapes, centered around the wall anchor for the chain. You follow the trail back to his collar, spot the angry skin peaking past. At least there isn’t blood.
Ghost notices too.
“We’ll have to take it off for the night.”
To your surprise, something like reluctance flickers across Johnny’s face. There and gone again, but definitely there. You say nothing; you’d have the same reaction.
Ghost disappears again – this time you hear him rummaging in one of the cabinets. While you and Johnny wait, you exchange chaste, gentle kisses while you burrow into his side.
He returns with a first-aid kit. You’re surprised when offers you a roll of bandages. “A hand for each of us.”
You hum in agreement, get to work dabbing the split skin with antibacterial.
“Can I jus’ ask why, Ghost?”
Ghost doesn’t even glance up. “Why what, pup?”
“Why take it out on Kit? Why not just give me a thrashing and call it a day?”
You frown. Don’t like this line of questioning, or the guilt still staining his words. But Ghost answers without hesitation.
“Because you told me, yeah? Your worst fear is the kitty suffering for you again,” he explains. “No better way to punish you.”
That’s no shock to you; the sentiment is mutual. It’s been damn near written on both your faces since you woke up here, and Ghost isn’t a stupid man. He had you made long before then, you’re sure.
But Johnny’s sudden silence strikes you like a cord out of key. No mutters of annoyance or even snarky comebacks this time. Just a silence that drags your gaze from the careful winding of gauze.
He’s not looking at you, though. He’s staring at Ghost, abject horror graying his skin.
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First | Previous | TBC...
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hellosweetart · 2 months
[Kisses Nacha in front of sk Francis]
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"So you have chosen death?"
57 notes · View notes
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Two sides of the same coin, trying to protect people in their own twisted ways, serial killer!Reader offs men who might take advantage of vulnerable women; while kidnapper!Ghost tries to keep those same young girls safe by kidnapping them... Except for the fact that Ghost is Reader's Moby Dick.
Original Inspo Credit:
serial kidnapper!Ghost x serial killer!F!reader
Content Warnings:
This fic gets dark and twisted. It references murder, kidnapping, torture, body disposal, true crime investigations, references to rape (of other people in similar situations), and other topics of the type.
Check every chapters' tags/cw for specific warnings (Dead Dove Do Not Eat!).
Chapter 1 (4.2k~)
Chapter 2 > COMING SOON <
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FBI Agent Adam x Serial Killer Lucifer
Coming soon
That is all.
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ghoulsamgrusam · 14 days
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Beasts of bedlam Yang ref sheet
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thescarletkiller · 30 days
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//my thought process when creating SK Francis//
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