#seriously the cat needs a vacation
johannstutt413 · 2 years
“Doctor!” As he was rounding a corner on the way to a meeting, the Doctor was blindsided by a powerful force and swept off his feet into the arms of an Acahuallan. “I’m back.”
He wheezed in her ear. “Welcome… back…”
“Oops, my bad. Here.” The Invincible Gavial set her dear friend back on his feet.
“Th-thanks,” he sputtered, coughing before finally getting a chance to catch his breath. Once he had, though, the Doctor immediately went back for a second hug. “How’s the new kit?”
The Archosaurian grinned from ear to ear. “Still a Medic at heart, but Zumama’s axe is pretty great. Couldn’t have cut that tunnel outta that rock with my staff, that’s for sure.”
“You couldn’t what.” He hadn’t seen the reports yet.
“I’m sure someone wrote it down.” She glanced around the hall. “Are you busy right now?”
The Doctor grimaced. “I’ve got a meeting, actually. After that, though?”
“Yeah… Yeah, it’s nothing urgent, I guess. I’ll drop by your office later.”
“Sounds great.” Gavial let go of him, but as he walked past, he couldn’t help but notice something. “Hey, Gav, did your tail-”
*SMACK* As if on cue, it slapped the ground. “Did my tail what?”
“Neeeeevermind.” He chuckled to himself as he continued his walk. Still a pet peeve of hers, it seemed.
The meeting went surprisingly fast, but rather than take a leisurely stroll back to his office, he hurried through the halls on the off chance that Gavial was waiting for him.
“Huh.” She was. “That was quick. Went to check on my patients, but they all got reassigned while I was out.”
The Doctor frowned as he closed the door behind him. “Really? Nothing serious, I hope?”
“I think they just thought it was a convenient time to be switched. Speaking of, how are you doing? Haven’t been here to give you a physical for a while.” The Acahuallan slapped the couch cushion next to hers.
“Sid and Hibiscus are trying to turn me into an athlete,” he replied, wincing as his shoulder reminded him of that morning’s workout, “but other than that, no major concerns… It really did get thicker-”
The Invincible groaned as her tail smacked the armrest it was draped over. “I need to carry my staff with something, and I’ve only got two hands. Doesn’t mean I want it getting thick.”
“What’s wrong with a thick tail?” They’d have this conversation before; it always made him laugh how flustered she got about it.
“I- we can do this later.” She shook her head. “There’s something serious I need to ask you.”
He straightened his back, making it crack, to reflect the new mood. “Something serious, huh?”
“Yeah. I… shit, I told myself it’d be hard to say, but I thought I’d still have the words to say it, at least.”
“Take your time.” She didn’t say anything for a while, so the Doctor continued. “Did something happen while you were out there?”
Gavial leaned back. “No, I’ve had this on my mind for a while, just didn’t make sense to bring it up before.”
“Really?” He had no idea what she was worrying over, then.
“I’m going back out into the field as a Guard rather than a Medic because Dr. Kal’tsit said a Medic shouldn’t be beating the shit out of people, and she’s got a point.” The Acahuallan glanced at her weapons resting against the office wall. “Thing is, most of my patients are already scared of me, and I don’t think waving Zumama’s ax and chainsaw around is gonna help with that… I don’t scare you, too, do I?”
He stared at her. “I’m not scared you’re going to hurt me, no.”
“Good.” The physician sighed with a smile.
“You do scare me, though.” The smile immediately disappeared. “I know you always reassure people that you know your body best, that despite your COA having risen over the past year even with all the precautions and treatments you’re still fit for the field, but every day I worry that it might be the last I get to see you. Now that you’re gonna be on the frontlines on Kal’tsit’s orders…”
The Invincible had never looked more vulnerable as she gently slid an arm around his shoulders. “I’m not gonna die out there, Doctor. Not while you’re still around.”
“You’ll always come back to me?”
“Yeah.” She rubbed her eye with her free hand. “Shit, why’d you have to go and say it like that?”
The Doctor wiped a tear from his face. “Sorry, I just remembered that one time you were in the ICU. I cried myself to sleep that night, you know.”
“...No, I didn’t know that.” Gavial slid closer.
“Even just the idea of you-” In the blink of an eye, he went from sitting on the couch to being gator-rolled into position; when the world wasn’t spinning anymore, he was lying on top of the Acahuallan, his head gently cradled against her neck. “I- How did you-”
She flipped back his hood to start stroking the back of his head. “If it works on a deer, it works on my dearest friend.”
“‘I’m your ‘dearest’ friend…” The thought almost made him feverish.
“The road’s not so lonely anymore, but there’s no one I wanna walk it with than you.” Her head turned, leaving her lips millimeters from his forehead. “I still haven’t gotten used to the air conditioning in this place.”
Oh really? “...Is that really the best you got?”
“The best ‘what?’”
“You’re friends with Tomimi,” the Doctor snickered, “I thought your pickup lines would be better.”
Gavial snorted. “Right, because hers worked so well on me. Why would I need a line, anyway?”
“I guess you’re right. All you’d have to do is ask….” He looked at her expectantly.
“...” The Invincible didn’t look nearly as tough blushing like that. “Wait, you actually wanna-”
He groaned. “Yes! Yes. That’s one-hundred percent how I thought this was going.”
"Son of a bitch. Alright, come on." The Acahuallan managed to get to her feet without unentangling herself from the Doctor. "I'm not risking your back on this stupid couch."
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anna-the-undertaker · 11 days
Roof-Top Shenanigans
It was a peaceful afternoon at the House of Lamentation, well, as peaceful as it could get with demons and one eccentric human roaming around. But for MC, peace was always an opportunity for a little chaos. Today’s grand scheme? A classic meme reenactment. With Solomon as the perfect target.
MC stood on the roof, squinting at Solomon, who was walking in the garden below with Asmo. Mammon, ever the accomplice, stood beside them, arms crossed, muttering about how they better not get him in trouble this time.
“Are you sure about this?” Mammon asked, looking nervously around, “If Lucifer catches us—"
“Shh! This is important, Mammon!” MC replied, giving a mischievous grin as they spotted their target.
Taking a deep breath, MC cupped their hands around their mouth and yelled across the yard, "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!"
Solomon paused mid-step, his head tilting slightly as if confused, but when he saw MC perched on the roof, he quickly realized what was happening. A smirk tugged at his lips, and without hesitation, he yelled back, “WHAT?!”
Mammon looked at MC with wide eyes, stifling a laugh. “Oh, Diavolo’s gonna love this.”
MC, rubbing their hands together like a true villain, called out louder, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!"
Solomon, now fully in on the joke, burst out laughing as he shouted back, "SOLOMON!"
Without missing a beat, MC gave him the finger, “FUCK YOU, SOLOMON!”
Asmo, standing next to Solomon, gasped dramatically, his hand flying to his chest in mock shock. “Oh my stars! MC, such vulgarity!” But Solomon was laughing too hard to care, playing right along.
Still laughing, Solomon shouted back, "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!"
“MC!” they yelled back, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
With perfect comedic timing, Solomon yelled, “FUCK YOU, MC!”
MC cackled, “FUCK YOU!”
“FUCK YOU!” Solomon echoed, pointing right back at them.
MC’s grin grew even wider as they prepared the next line. “HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT?!”
Asmo blinked, looking between MC and Solomon, utterly lost, but still entertained. “What on earth is happening?”
Solomon, knowing where this was going, shook his head with mock seriousness. “YOU BETTER NOT BRING MY MOTHER INTO THIS!”
“I’M GONNA!” MC shouted back gleefully. “YOU KNOW WHAT I DID?!”
“YOU BETTER NOT!” Solomon warned, laughter bubbling up in his voice.
MC dramatically pointed to their left where Belphie, Satan, Beel, and Levi were lazily lounging around a bonfire. “I BUILT THAT FIRE OVER THERE!”
Solomon squinted toward the group and, catching on, smirked. “OH?”
MC didn’t miss a beat. “THEN I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER NEXT TO IT!”
Solomon immediately roared with laughter, clutching his sides as he yelled back, “FUCK YOU, MC!”
MC fell into a fit of hysterical laughter, collapsing to their knees on the roof, tears streaming down their face. “FUCK YOU!”
From the corner of the yard, Levi, who had been half-paying attention to the bonfire, glanced up. “Wait, what did I miss?”
Belphie, unbothered as usual, muttered, “Something about fires and mothers. Don’t worry about it.”
Satan chuckled. “Just another day with MC.”
Beel, munching on a snack, simply nodded. “Sounds about right.”
As the laughter between MC and Solomon continued to echo across the yard, the door to the House of Lamentation creaked open. Lucifer stepped out, his expression already dark with irritation. He took one look at the scene—MC still howling with laughter on the roof, Solomon doubled over by the bonfire, and the rest of the brothers being their usual selves—and immediately sighed.
Without a word, Lucifer turned on his heel and walked back inside, muttering something under his breath about "needing a vacation."
“Worth it,” MC whispered, wiping away a tear, still grinning.
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kevinsdsy · 2 months
I just want to hear jean say jock truisms. give this man a “LETS GOOO” and a back slap. makes me go insane
i have these saved up for upcoming parts for the socmed au
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but uhhhh you’re now making me think about jean playing a match with the trojans AGAINST the foxes, against kevin (and neil), with NO PRESSURE— nothing at stake.
just kevin day, the son of exy, using his charm and name to convince the olympics committee, or whoever is in charge, to use the court after the official olympics exy games just because he’s so obsessed and there’s no way he has come all this way just to watch?
and they’re all just having fun and kevin is being his obsessed fanatic self who is yelling at andrew to take the game seriously and andrew is looking at him with a bored expression telling him this is his vacation and he’s not obligated to stand on the court in the first place.
and it’s not even an official match so jean realises he doesn’t even have to worry about not ruining the trojans’ precious image; so he plays a mix of the less aggressive tactics he’s learned with the trojans while also falling back to his more aggressive tactics— and he’s never used a mix of both tactics which even catches kevin off guard and they’re all just so determined to prove something even though it’s supposed to be a friendly game (but let’s be real when has a friendly game ever been friendly?)
and jean is actually having fun. he realises he enjoys not having to worry about which tactics to use and not having to worry about the consequences. so what if they lose? it’s not an official game so it won’t even have any effect of their standings and what if they win? he can use it against kevin as leverage for as long as he likes.
and i’m not even going to think about whatever the score is going to end up being because idek— i just like to think that whenever jeremy scores a point jean goes over to celebrate. then there’s cat who makes such a great move while defending against neil that jean and cat click their sticks together proudly.
not to mention exy is an aggressive sport after all, so maybe jean hits kevin a little harder than he’s supposed to but instead of feeling remorseful he says LETS GOOO and kevin scoffes and says: “i thought you trojans were supposed to be nice?” but his tone is playful and he doesn’t seem to care at all that he just got floored. jean helps him up and even though jean’s helmet is covering his face and it’s hard to see his expression kevin is convinced jean is actually grinning under his helmet.
and oh my god i’m ranting so much and barely covered the jock truisms but in conclusion I AGREE WITH YOU— ITS NOT A WANT ITS A NEED AT THIS POINT
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harrywavycurly · 24 days
Niall talking to Harry about planning her Bach party please Sarah?😂😘😘
Hiii babes!! This makes me laugh because imagine if it never clicked for Harry that Niall being your Man of Honor meant he would be planning your Bach party and stuff? So I’ll happily give you a convo where it all dawns on Harry what all exactly Niall is in charge of with your wedding 😂💖
-find all things Lonely here✨
*this is done in dialogue form because it’s just a fun little conversation*
A/N: Niall drops by for a visit and Harry becomes aware of what all Niall is in charge of since he’s your Man of Honor, enjoy the bickering between my fave besties that like to act as if they hate each other✨
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“Yer office has a couch in it? What the bloody fuck for? You have a living room right down stairs…” “Because I wanted one in here for when I have to work late and-why are you even here Niall?” “Well I came to see if your lovely fiancé or better known as my bestfriend was home but I forgot she’s dress shopping today so…figured I’d see if you were busy and up for a hang out.” “You weren’t invited to that?” “Oh I was but I had a morning meeting-” “wait you…you were actually invited to go dress shopping with her and the rest of the bridesmaids?” “Yeah? I’m her man of honor I’m invited to everything.” “So you’d get to see her dress before me? What kind of shit is that?” “I’m not her bloody fiancé Harry so yeah I was always going to see the dress before you mate…besides I was there when the girls picked their bridesmaids dresses and while it was a bit like herding cats watching them pick two that they agreed on it was entertaining at least.” “You got to see the Paige and Emily showdown in person?” “Oh yeah…them two love to argue over everything…bout had to hold Emily back when Paige told her we should go with floor length gowns instead of knee length…” “she didn’t even let me see which dresses the girls ended up getting…” “really? Well don’t try no sneaky shit with me H I’m not telling you shit she doesn’t want you to know…but I’m glad that’s one thing I can cross off my list of duties to help with…I have to focus on this bachelorette weeken-” “I’m sorry? You have to focus on what now?” “Planning her Bach party…it’s like my main job besides like making sure she actually shows up to the alter on time and all that jazz.” “You…you’re…planning…her party?” “Well s’more like a mini vacation because I’m thinking Miami for four days and getting a yacht for the main event because she loves a boat day ya know?” “Miami? Really?” “That’s the place they all agreed on…I just need to get some details settled with her before booking everything.” “I just…I didn’t think you were really going to be so…involved.” “What the fuck did you think I was gonna be doing Harry? Standing around looking pretty? No..I’m the bloody Man of Honor and I take that shit seriously.” “That’s…that’s good to know I guess…what else are you in charge of then?” “Ah yer gonna love this…I gotta assist her in bathroom breaks during the reception…like hold her dress and shit.” “Say that again?” “Yeah…like proper make sure she doesn’t like…ruin her dress or anything when she needs to take a leak.” “I don’t fucking think so Niall. Man of Honor or not you’re not going to be helping my wife go to the bathroom.” “See I told her you’d be all upset about it…so she got Emily to take over that part of my job.” “You’re such an asshole.” “I just like to see you sweat is all…so how’s Gemma coming with your bachelor party?” “What? She’s not-” “she’s not what? She’s your best woman Harry that means she’s in charge of shit like that…and knowing your sister she’s gonna plan something wild…I gotta call her and make sure I’m invited….is it weird that me and Amelia will be at the bachelorette party together?” “I need your bestfriend to hurry up and come home..you’re giving me a headache…I need to lay down…” “good thing you have this couch in here then…”
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farthaz · 7 months
I was thinking about Shadowheart and the PC's cottage functioning as the central hub and meeting point post-game. Like the all would gather there, at the same time or not, and spend some relaxing days with the family:
Karlach: Once her engine is finally repaired, she visits her friends and stays with them for a long while, just relaxing and enjoying farm life. Until her hunger for exploration leads her to the roads again; but always finds her way back to the family
Wyll: Even if Karlach's engine is repaired already, The Blade of Avernus has many unfinished businesses in the Hells, so he returns to his duties after resting at the cottage, learning to make pastries with Shadowheart and telling them stories from his adventures. Arnell becomes a great fan of the Blade, and always lends him his ears
Lae'zel: Once her people are free and she can take a short vacation from her duties (or what she considers vacation anyway lol) she visits them, probably finding Karlach there too, and puts both Tav/Durge and Shadowheart in shape again. Too much meddling with animals and vegetables and too little maintaining their skills... For her standards lol.
Jaheira: The city eventually overwhelms her again and before tackling any new adventure, she visits the cub and their family. She bonds with Emmeline over plants and garden maintenance, becoming great friends.
Halsin: He can take only a small break from the Towers before the kids miss him too much. Every time he visits, he brings them gifts from nature: seeds, grown plants, exotic fruits, or homemade ham, which he teaches Shadowheart how to make.
Astarion: Rarely shows up, and always at night, pranking them or pretending to be a thief; until Shadowheart very seriously threatens him for scaring the cats. He brings the best vintages stolen from the Upper city and all the juicy gossip from the streets and the political sphere of Baldur's Gate.
Gale: Professor Gale doesn't have that much time available, but makes sure to visit his dear friends during holidays, taking Tara with him (and the best spices in the realms!). Tara isn't very sure about the whole ordeal with so many animals xD but she enjoys her time there, especially in the summer.
Isobel & Aylin: The moon lesbians throttle the realms, helping people and bringing hope to those who need it. Every now and then, they stop by the cottage for a few days. Dame Aylin always gets Tav/Durge and Shadowheart drunk, and it falls to Isobel to help them with hungover.
That would be all I can think about for now. I just want them to be happy and maintain their bond.
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gryficowa · 17 days
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I love the fact that they have a cat and the fandom forgets about it lol
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Now that I have your attention:
By the way, am I the only one who wonders how her parents reacted when Mabel brought the pig home? I don't know why, but I'm really interested in their reaction…
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Seriously, you sent your kids on vacation and one of them comes back with a new pet you didn't know about…
Okay, too much thinking, remember about the collections at the top
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napakmahal · 11 months
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Don’t slut up that college
Btw if you’ve watched the show and if you look (not that close) you will find a lot of Euphoria references.
“I want to look like attractive but not desperate. Like im begging to make a move.” Tadashi help a hanger with a loose light green short sleeve button up. In a few minutes he’d be leaving to spend the night with this girl he’d been talking to for a while who lived in the dorms of another campus. SFIT didn’t allow foreign students on their campus unless they were being considered for a spot there so it was easier for him to go over to y/n’s place.
In order to get complete, unbiased, and a mixture of different opinions he’d invited his entire clique over to his hour to help him pack. Along with his little brother listening by accident of course.
Gogo coughed into the crease of her elbow, “I don’t think she’s going to look at any of your clothes and think: Oh my god he’s trying to fuck me.”
“LANGUAGE!” Tadashi scolded, referring to the much younger college students behind the paper room divider.
She popped her hand over her mouth, “Oops, sorry.”
Hiro removed one of his headphones from where he’d been watching some dumb youtube video on his bed and called out, “It’s all good Gogo!”
Honey pointed out, “I like it. I think you look very presentable and casual. Like it’s enough to go out, but not too over the top.”
“Yeah,” Wasabi, who was sitting on the floor right next to his friend’s bed agreed. “Besides, I think muted colors and calm patterns make you look clean.”
Tadashi was holding onto the hanger and placing it in front of his torso as if he was actually wearing it before turning around.
The blonde looked up, squinted for a few moments before responding. “It’s nice. Suits you really well.”
With a sigh, Tadashi took the shirt off the hanger and rolled it up into a log before gently placing it inside his backpack. He needed help planning out this weekend. Over the course of the months Y/n and Tadashi had been talking he thought he’d made it abundantly clear that he really liked her. And he had, but he also wanted her to know that he took her seriously. So showing up to the two-day mini vacation they planned dressed like a bum was not an option. He liked this girl and was very committed and devoted to her and he was going to act like it.
Just then, the door to the boys shared bedroom swung open with a creaking noise. Their Aunt Cass was standing in the doorway holding their newly groomed cat like a baby in her arms.
“Hey Auntie.” Hiro greeted her without looking up. The rest followed in saying hello.
Aunt Cass walked into the room before looking around at all the clothes spread out on her oldest nephews bed.
“I want you to know I’m putting a lot of trust into you. Letting you go out.” Aunt Cass pointed her finger at Tadashi before dropping Mochi the cat and letting him run to sit on Honey’s lap for ear scratches.
From the other side of the divider Hiro laughed and said, “Yeah Tadashi, don’t get her pregnant!”
Aunt Cass grabbed one of Tadashi’s shirt and threw it at Hiro’s face. “That’s not funny, Hiro.”
The boy’s smirk wiped off but quickly returned when his aunt looked back at his older brother with a serious tone. “No seriously, do not get her pregnant.”
“Relax Auntie,” Tadashi zipped up his backpack. “She has a roommate.”
“Mmmhmm, listen to me. I want you to keep your phone on you, make sure your ringer is on all the time. If you go out and when you come back I want you to take a photo of you in the room with a working clock in it.” She pointed her finger in his face.
Despite him being an adult, she still worried. After the deaths of their parents, she’d been intrusted with the care of her beautiful boys. And if she’d lost them, lost on of their parents babies, how was she supposed to forgive herself for that?
Everyone’s jaw had dropped at her demanding request.
“What the hell?” Gogo was laughing into her palm.
Wasabi looked up at Aunt Cass, “You mean like a ransome photo?”
Completely falbberagsted, Tadashi laughed out breathlessly with his mouth hung open, “I hate you, did you know that?”
“Aww well I love you.” She wrapped her arm around her (much taller) nephew.
Tadashi wrapped both of his arms around her torso like a little kid and tucked his head into her, “I love you, too.”
Tadashi was getting ready to leave in a matter of a few more minutes. He’d been lent the family’s truck for the weekend for him to use. Not very hot to have to ride around on a moped with your date.
“Okay, have fun rockstar.” Aunt Cass and the rest of the clique including Hiro followed him out as he was getting ready to pull the truck out of the alley behind their garage. Once he was in and the engine was turned on, his entire friend group started making vaguely sexual gestures toward him behind his Aunt’s back. Which then prompted Hiro to shout at the top of his lungs:
Aunt Cass slapped him in the back of the head.
The rest of the farewells consisted of ‘be a gentleman’ or ‘tell her we said hi’. It wasn’t until everyone but Aunt Cass had gone back inside the café that she carefully whispered to herself as she watched the truck drive further away:
“Don’t you dare get her pregnant.”
“Okay, how do I look?” You turned around with your arms spread wide for your roommate to judge.
This would be the first time Tadashi would be sleeping over and for two day you’d never have to say goodnight. Obviously, this was not your first date with him. You guys’s first date was a trip to the botanical gardens where he insisted on taking a million pictures of you and posting them on every social media platform he had (Instagram, that’s it) with the caption ‘someone’s someone”. And ever since you two have been non-stop talking. He’s the first person to wish you a good morning and he’s the last person to tell you goodnight. He just feels right, he might be it.
Your roommate, getting high off her cherry coke-flavored vape kissed her teeth. “Like a bad bitch.”
“Oh my god,” You laughed dropping your face in your hands. “ Thank you for that, but can you come up with another one?”
“Why? You look like a bad bitch. End of story.”
You scoffed, “Yes, and thank you but I feel like he’s not that kind of guy.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“I just mean like he’s not one to call girls bad, or fine. Hell, he has the hardest time saying the word sexy. To him, it’s a cuss word. So, other than a bad bitch is there anything else I can pass off as?”
Your roommate breathed out a cloud of scented smoke, “An angel.”
“Aww thank you.”
“What are you guys even doing tonight?” She asked from her side of the room.
You grabbed your beauty blender and started to fix some things, “Umm we’re just gonna hang out. Grab food, walk around, and then come back here to watch a movie.”
“Watch a movie, or watch a movie?
You rolled your eyes. “You’re actually done.”
“How long till Netflix asks if you’re still watching?” She raised her eyebrows suggestively.
You argued with your roommate, “He’s not the kind of guy.”
“Oh really? What campus does he go to? OMG PLEASE TELL ME HE’S NOT IN A FRAT!”
You gagged at the thought of dating a frat boy. “Ew no, that’s such an ick!”
“So where does he go? Here?”
You shook your head and started going through your collection of jewelry to decipher what would look best with your outfit. “No, he goes to SFIT. He’s a- a robotics major.”
“Ooooh she got herself a nerd!” She laughed in your ear. “How’d you guys meet anyways?”
You thought about that day and a sly smile plastered on your face. A few months ago, one of the girls in your dorm was transferring to SFIT because she couldn’t afford to attend there all four years and a lot of you wanted to show out to the student showcase to support her getting in. There is where you meet a tall boy in a baseball cap with eyes are brown as freshly brewed coffee and honey-baked skin. Needless to say, he was very cute, and the girl with the e/c eyes from the party college across town wasn’t too bad looking at all. And his inflatable healthcare robot was quite the snitch when his heart rate started speeding up around you. What started off as exchanging numbers with and texting a boy from a college across town, turned into wanting to see him all the time, going out on dates, doing homework together, staying up all hours of the night to talk to each other, and sent photos and videos once. And you two wouldn’t have had it any other way.
“Oh shit,” Your phone dinged. “He’s here. Which me luck!”
You grabbed your keys, kicked your shoes on, and started out the door when your roommate shouted back at you, “Good luck, boo-boo!”
In order for him to really be allowed on campus he needed a student to accompany him so it was vital you were on time so they wouldn’t ban him for trying to trespass. Also because you were just like, really excited to see him.
Across the parking lot, in the blue-purple lit sky decorated with the twinking and flashing electric lights of the crazy industrialized city, Tadashi could be found pacing back in forth behind the long tail of the light blue rusty work truck. The second he came into sight, swinging his keys in his hand while he waited for you, you straightened your arms and sped walked towards him.
“Hey, luv!” You smiled at him.
He thought your smile was the most beautiful in the world. All the things you posted wearing more dark makeup with eyeliner wings sharp enough to cut someone were no doubt attractive, but there was something about the photos you were always smiling. Like the time you two went to the aquarium and a little otter named Silvia grew very fond of you. Swimming around and following you around the tank. You smiled so much that date that all the photos he took of you took up almost five percent of his photo memory.
Tadashi quickly turned around to look you in the eye. “Hi-wow you’re so beautiful.”
“Aww thank you.” He embraced you in a hug and took a moment to just take you in. The way your perfume smelled, what your hair smelled like, the different textures of your clothes. Everything mattered. Nothing but you.
The entire time you were driving around, talking and enjoying your time together Tadashi felt like he couldn’t be happier. However, at the same time he could have sworn that he was going to be sick to his stomach. Everytime you touched his hand like you’d done a thousand times before it still made his stomach flip in ways that were questionable to human physiology. Since it was a Saturday, everyone had their boyfriends and girlfriends over and all restaurants on campus were fully booked. It’s not like you and Tadashi were huge fans of sit downs despite your first date being at a sit down.
Instead, the two of you went down to the strip near the pier where the countless food vendors were backed up almost a hundred people each. Where you could watch the sea lions bask in the sunset, kids flying kites, a couple sharing ice creams, and a friendgroup celebrating a birthday with a picnic.
“Wait a second, you surf?!” You screeched while holding onto a stick of takoyaki in one hand and a blue raspberry frozen lemonade in the other.
Laughing, Tadashi answered, “Yeah, I have a surfboard in my room. Haven’t you seen it?”
“No, what the hell? Why am I just now finding out about this?” You playfully elbowed him in the arm.
“Well I haven’t gone in super long. So right now my boards just collecting dust.”
You bolding walked closer to him and placed you head on his shoulder as you walked. “If you ever plan on going again, will you teach me?”
“Of course, so that one day we can go surfing together.”
You held out your pinky, “Do you promise?”
“I promise.” Tadashi interlaced his pinky with yours and kissed the back of his fist.
You two sat on a park bench to simply listen to the natural environment of the city and the sloshing of the sea on the pier’s structure.
“So,” Tadash turned his body towards you. “How are you?”
“Same as the other million times you’ve asked me.” You laughed. That was the first thing Tadashi asked when you guys talked. How you were doing, or if there ws anything you wanted to share. To him, understanding every bit of the mind he’d grown to find so much beauty and adventure in was always the objective. The purpose of the experiment that was the relationship he was chasing after.
“Sorry, sorry,” He raised his hands in defeat.
Though you assured him it was fine you still wondered something. “How come you like asking me questions about myself? Like I ask you things and you answer them, but then you shift back to me. Why do you do that?”
How was he supposed to tell her that he wanted her to understand that he truly wanted her to be with him without sounding like a creep? Just earlier he’d asked all his friends what clothing made him seem like less of a weirdo, and now she was asking a question he was scared she may not want the answer to. At any moment during his answer she could get up adn walk away. What if she just wanted to take it slow, or maybe she didn’t want to date date him at all. She could just be exploring and the idea that he might weight her down could make her leave.
“Uhh,” He laughed nervously. “I just want you to make sure you know I care and take you seriously. I think I’m like pretty good about communicating with people but sometimes, I don’t know.”
You knew what he was talking about. When Hiro was a botfighter, he was constantly in dangerous situations. It was such a difficult time that really did push their limits to the test. The entire household had huge blowout arguments and breakdowns at least twice a month and it was ruining everyone. Hiro had made Aunt Cass cry without trying and the fourteen-year-old’s mental health was in such a decline they were starting to question whether or not he had some clinical disorders. During all of this, Tadashi kind of just watched. Granted he tried to be the mediator, and was always there for Hiro physically but when it came to him trying to express he just couldn’t. It’s not like he didn’t have anything to say, but it was like the words had been taken from him. What he really wanted to say just wouldn’t come out. Maybe if it had Hiro would have stopped a long time ago and there wouldn’t be a scar on their family dynamic.
For everytime he’d had one of these breakdowns he didn’t want to talk to someone that wasn’t you. You just got him, he felt it. He doesn’t worry about telling you and then you bringing it up all the time, or trying to give him counseling, if you’re going to judge him for being so weak he let his own family fall apart even if it was just for a period of time. All the things wrong with his mind and his thinking, you soothed.
You placed your hand on his, with nothing more to say. That’s how right this was. No words needed. You got him and he got you.
“You want to know how I am?”
He nodded and with a whisper answered, “I really do.”
In a whisper you answered close to his face. “I’m really fuckin’ happy right now.”
On his parents memory, Tadashi has never been so forward before. But something about the moment made it feel right. He leaned in and grabbed the back of your head. Like he was going to drop dead of a heart attack right that second if he didn’t kiss you. This wasn’t your guys’ first kiss, but it was the most intimate and dramatic.
With your foreheads pressed to each other he whispered, “Y/n.”
“D-Do you like, umm,” God he was such a fucking idiot. How old was he? Eleven? “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
You ran your hand through his fine black hair and leaned back with a look of content on your face. “I already am.”
Now, nor you or Tadashi ever really told anyone what really happened on that first night in your empty dorm. Despite the thousands of questions you’d kept it to yourself. All they needed to know was that you were his and he was yours.
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
helping hand – drabble
I live on a sheep farm and am taking care of it by myself while my mom is on vacation, and I can’t help but imagine having Haikyu neighbours.
Kita coming over to help fix the broken sheep fence and lead the sheep back in.
Aone coming over to offer to water my flowers.
Asahi running over while I’m carrying the huge water buckets for the sheep and taking both of them, asking about my day as I lead him over to where I need it.
Osamu coming over with dinner because he noticed the long hours spent working outside.
Tendo coming over to pluck weeds in the garden and chasing after me with bugs he finds or spraying me with the hose.
Bokuto coming over to feed the sheep with bread and giving them names and choosing his favourites.
Komori coming over to play with my dog.
Yaku coming over after finding my cat (seriously I haven’t seen him in weeks).
Kageyama coming over with sugar after I text his mother that I’m all out, then asking if he wants to join me in baking.
Kuroo driving by while I’m outside, rolling down his window to ask if I need anything from the grocery store.
Suna filming me chasing a runaway sheep and making some comment on how I’m doing such a good job, sarcastically of course.
Oikawa bringing Takeru over and asking if he can pet the sheep (Takeru was bribed to play along).
Sugawara coming over with a Capri Sun for each of us as I finally sit down after a long day.
Iwaizumi helping chop and sort wood over by the tractor… possibly shirtless.
Daichi coming over to fix said tractor when it stalls or fix a faulty barn door, then inviting him inside for cake even though (or because) he’s covered in sweat and oil.
Atsumu pretending he just happened to go out to get the mail while I’m walking my dog, taking the opportunity to talk while he leans on the rundown mailbox.
Aran asking me over for breakfast/lunch, his pancakes are the best.
Hinata coming over to swim with me in our pond even though the water is kinda musty.
Hoshiumi staying over so I’m not lonely.
(thankyou @cottonlemonade for feeding into this idea)
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serxinns · 1 month
Yandere class1a x aizawa kid reader pt.3 where they all have a summer vacation trip to the beach plz have a good day👍🏽🏖️
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A/n: sorry for the long wait, but it's finally here. I hope you enjoy it!! Stay groovy!
Also the seashell diverder goes to @h-aewo
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Aizawa noticed how you were getting bummed out in the summer with all the hero work, studying, and his brats of classmates obsessing you head to toe pulling you in different directions or wanting attention from you, whenever you came back home with him you looked so exhausted and gloomy so he decided to declare a beach day for just the two of you!
Aizawa didn't like the beach as much as you did he prefers indoors especially in the wintertime when he can be wrapped comfortably in his blanket drinking hot coco cuddling with his cats and you sleeping peacefully in his arms watching another childish Christmas special on TV, but you Loved the beach you loved exploring seeing what kind of treasure you'll find in the sand, resting in the sun, and devouring snow cones! So a father and child bonding vacation will get you in the mood again and he knew exactly how to suprise you
You waved to Nezu as he drove off. Today was a tiring and you were extremely exhausted, your classmates kept bothering pulling you around in different directions just to get your attention or to spend time with them, there was even almost a war in the cafeteria because a group in class 1b invited you to sit with them, training your favorite subject was cut short cause your class again got too brutal trying to show off their fighting skills to eachother and that turned brutal real quick
you just wanted to go in your room, turn off your phone preventing your classmates spam texting you and cuddle with your cats to forget the day all altogether You slowly opened the door to a beach bag on the couch "...wtf" You awkwardly approached the bag grabbing it and looking inside to see a bunch of beach items like sunscreen, a swimsuit and it was in your exact size? "Dad..?" You looked around to an empty, silent living room. You walked toward the kitchen cautiously as you saw another beach bag, and it was a large water gun. Seriously!? What's even going on? You were about to head back when you heard a loud BANG, which sounded like.. party poppers. You turned to see your father holding
"Suprise..! We're going on vacation." Your dad stood there grinning at your surprised and baffled expression. "When?" "Tomorrow, this weekend's my day off so why not they even have a beach~" he shrugged there was a place for a moment as your face slowly lit up causing Shouta to chuckle already knowing what was about to happen next "YAYAYAYAYAYAYA THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU" you squealed squeezing the poor man's lungs out with your death hug "your welcome sweetie" he choked out trying to fight for his life surviving the hug
"Did you pack your clothes?" "Yep! I packed EXTRA early," You replied while coming downstairs and rolling down the suitcase while your father checked everything else. "Do we have the giant medkit" Aizawa looked around checking every luggage "dadd we dont we don't need that big ass kit it's just a 2-day vacation" you groaned as your father shot a glare at you " "Language and of course we need it just because we're on vacation doesn't mean anything villians will still pop out a nowhere" you mentally rolled your eyes obviously not wanting to hear all that "can we go nowww we got everything ready our neighbors will watch the cats, the 23 security cameras are all on and activated lets gooo" you whined carrying both you and your dads luggage towards the car as your dad sighed "what am I ever gonna do with you"
Time skip
Time skip again
"We're here," your dad said softly, waking you up from your nap. You blinked a couple of times, trying to shake off the slumber. "Look at the view" he pointed you looked to where he was pointing and he wasn't lying the sunset of the beach was beautiful the mix of yellow pink and orange was plastered across the sky, you almost thought you were in a painting "it's getting late let's check into our hotel and get some rest we'll go to the beach tomorrow morning" you lazily nodded feeling sleepy again as Shouta started grabbing all the luggage and placing it into those suitcase holder with the wheels (if ykyk) and saw you passed out already in the car
he sighed annoyed but not wanting to wake you up so he picked you up and placed you on his shoulder while rolling the luggage holder toward your room ignoring the stares, whispering, and fangirls gossiping, falling head over heels for the muscular man carrying his child towards the hotel room once he made it into the hotel room, he gently place you down 1st tucking you in for the night without forgetting to give you an soft kiss on your forehead then changed into his comfortable clothing there was 2 beds but he decided he sleep on your bed as well not wanting you to fall off of course totally not because he knows youll feel safe in his arms (before yall say something this us strictly platonic) and he so to drifted off to sleep
Aizawa was slowly awoken by you staring and smiling down at him he got started and pushed you off of him "Ow" "never do that again he grumbled tiredly looking over to see the clock being 8 AM then looking at you "Can we go to the beach now" "5 more mins sweetie I'm fucking tired-" "I will kick you repeatedly until you fall off the bed then bite you on your leg like a chicken bone if you fall back to sleep" he groaned again glaring at you while you smiled mischievously at him
Time skip again
You couldn't contain your excitement viewing the beach while Aizawa was carrying the beach stuff; you were wearing your (fav color) swimsuit with some goggles and a snorkel while your father had a black Hawaiian shirt and yellow swimming trunks with sunglasses. "I found a spot!" You quickly ran over, claiming the spot. Your father followed you as he placed the beach stuff down; you were about to dash toward the water until an arm yanked you back.
"You need your sunscreen, brat," you pouted, ruining your chance. "I don't need it!" He glared, grabbed the sunscreen, squeezed the bottle to squirt some out, and slapped it onto your face, rubbing it. "Ack! Let go of me!" You try struggling off your grip "You wanna act like a little brat You gonna be treated as one" As he kept assaulting your face with the sunscreen you then managed to push him up and snatch the bottle rubbing the cream over your body while he stared sternly at you "see now wasn't that hard?" "Fuck you" "y/n?" A familiar voice called out to you
There was the class all in their bathing suits staring directly at you. "y/nnnnn!!!!" Hakagure and Mina ran over to you and tackled you with a hug just processing what kind of bad writing fiction was this to make this even possible (hey! >:() "y/n! I see you also here as well," Iida stated while waving his arms around. "Yeah, I'm on vacation for a whole weekend here How are you here?" "We plan to have a beach party here. We were about to invite you, but we heard from you all day and yesterday evening!" Denki whined, leaning on your shoulder and earning a bunch of glares at him. Before you could respond, Kirishima grabbed your arm and dragged you towards them. "C'mon, let's go have fun! We got a bunch of plans for this party it's gonna be fun!"
you signed looking back at your father which he shrugged shooing you off to have fun while you shrugged to yourself and ran along with them
Aizawa, on the other hand, was pissed there was no way that they could go to this specific beach hotel and plan a beach party there. Did they track him and you down? Did one of them spy on you or place some kind of recording device in his or your phone? Thoughts were running through his head he was gonna find the bottom of this and once he did oh his class was gonna be in big trouble
"Let's play volleyball ball!" Mina shouted, tossing up the ball. Since there are 21 of us, we should be in teams of 3! Let's make this a tournament! The last team wins! Everyone was interested and decided to get into teams
The teams
2 Midoriya, iida, and Ochako
7 Mina, hakagure, and ojiro
8 Shinsou, todoroki, shoji
4 Bakugo, denki, Kirishima
1 Momo, jirou and tsuyu
9 Koda,Sato, and mineta
5 Sero, y/n and Aoyama
"Let the volleyball tournament begin!" Mina cheered, "For y/ns love..." They all thought determined to win this match to gain your affection, teams 2 and 9 were up 1st it was a close battle between the 2 teams with Ochako trying not to float the ball up and Sato trying to keep up with Iida's speed and Midoriya calculating a smooth hit murmuring to himself to try and find a way to win the game when the ball was heading towards him making him missed the ball causing it to hit the ground team 9 won while iida scolded Midoriya as he apology repeatedly
next was teams 4 and 8 and oh boy it was messy Bakugo demanded his idiot friends play better and pressured them while team 1 was knocking it out of the park until Kirishima managed to get a good swing tsuyu hit the ball with her tongue As it headed towards Denki but rather hit his head pretty hard to the point he went into his dumb mode "y-yey!!!!" The electric boy pulled out his thumbs as Bakugo was extremely pissed off grabbing the blonde by the back of his shirt and dragging him off the court in defeat
7 and 5 were up and it was actually pretty hard you tried to make Ojiro hit harder as you tried hitting it the opposite way but he managed to go to that spot Aoyama and Mina were battling it out well it was most Aoyama trying to get revenge on Mina while was just having fun oblivious to the shiny boy's intentions but you somehow won huh
Then teams started battling off winning team 9 loss to 8 with toodrokis super move 1 won your team by an intense battle and now it was all up to your team and 8 the final showdown
After a long, extreme battle between you and team 8, you...lost due to your slipping and fucking up team 8 won the match! Shoto then came up to you and pulled out his hand. "Good game.." he said, forming a small blush on his cheek. You chuckled and grabbed his hand as well. "You too, shoji and Tokoyami killed it out there!" "You too, I never knew you were good at volleyball, y/n san!" Dark Shadow chimed as Dark Shadow nodded in agreement "he's right you also did amazing as well y/n you should be in our team next time"
You smiled, oblivious to more glares the blackbird was earning. "Yeah, in return, teach me those moves!" Thats when you were suddenly dragged by Bakugo going to his squad "We're playing water gun fight you in?" He grumbled. You smiled mischievously as you grabbed your large meta water gun behind your back. "It's on..."
The others watched in jealousy as you and the bakusquad where spraying each other with waterguns untill bakugo slipped and fell into the ground you, kirishima, denki, Mina, and sero surrounded him and started spraying him at once then running away when he started to use his explosions the 5 of you started laughing hysterically when someone tapped your shoulder you looked over to see momo, tsuyu and jirou "me and jirou are heading to the snack shack wanna come?" Tsuyu offered "Oh I didn't bring my mone-" "I'll pay!" Momo said "oh no momo you don't have to-" "no no I insist really!" Momo said with smiled so genuine how could u even say no?
You signed, "Fine, but don't make me forget to pay you back!" Momo was gonna make you forget you didn't need to own her anything. Honestly, your presence was the payment! She just wants to spoil her little jewel! You then got your food and sat on the bench watching the sunset "Man the sunset is so pretty" You were mesmerized by the warm colors in the sky while the 3 girls were mesmerized by your face and how your eyes lit up seemed to relax when seeing the sunset tsuyu was just in awe while jirou was flustered Upon seeing your everything honestly
"Hey, you stole y/n away. We were planning to make sand castles!" Their precious moment was ruined when Koda started walling towards them behind them were Sato and Tokoyami "No we were just gonna get some food and rest" "let's not lie now you know you wanted to get some alone time with y/n" Tokoyami stated glaring at the girls " actually you're all wrong cause ma cheer is coming with me!" Aoyama started grabbing you and dragging you until he bumped into someone and that someone was Midoriya and his crew
"Where the heck do you think you're going with MY y/n?" Izuku stated as Aoyama hid you behind him as they both started arguing everyone else joined in and started a huge yelling match between each other "ok... time for me to go now" You started to walk off trying to find your father to tell him what's going on but you then bumped into someone again seriously how clumsy can you be and where are these people coming from? You looked up to coincidentally see your father just staring at his own students fighting and screaming at each other
"Uh Dad ur here so uh this happened" You tried telling him what had happened but he just kept staring and glaring at his students "Don't worry it's already taken care of" You paused for a moment confused by his statement "Take cared of-?" then a sudden announcement came on coming from outside the hotel
"The beach is now close! Please pack your things and leave or go back intothe hotel habe a lovely evening!"
You heard groaning from your classmates defeated that they couldn't spend time with you anymore they all waved goodbye at you and left in defeat grumbling under their breaths and glaring at each other and at Aizawa who was smirking menacingly at them mockingly waving at them he can finally spend time with you now with no distractions just his vacation with you and only you
"Hey kid, wanna go to this cool restaurant I found while driving?" Your father offered, "Can we order it? I wanna eat in the hotel and watch some movies your father chuckled agreeing that it was a good way to end the day!
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cfr749 · 7 months
So in the interest of engaging in a respectful way, I wanted to put my thoughts into words about why this situation with the picture is far bigger than the picture for me personally. I also don't think the picture is that serious. I do think the pattern I talk about below is problematic.
If you love everything about the show and how Tim and Lucy got together, I think that’s wonderful. 
But before getting annoyed that people are voicing their opinions and concerns, I hope that people at least try and consider these are layered issues. 
Lucy is a woman of color in the LAPD who ended up in a relationship with her former boss, despite knowing it could come at a price for her professionally. 
For me, it is important to see a story where Tim and Lucy choose each other, respect each other, and support each other. Equally. 
And, for me, that is not at all the story we got in seasons 4 and 5 (and the end of season 3). These are my issues, and why I think it’s important the show be more balanced in its storytelling going forward: 
What we got for Lucy: Multiple instances of Lucy being petty, jealous, immature and unprofessional at work (and mind you this is a character that is hyperaware of how hard it is to be a woman in the LAPD, and specifically the optics of romantic relationships between officers, and I think it's shitty that the writers chose to portray her like this not once, but multiple times)
The Katie Barnes storyline
Webb and the cat personality test + vocally reacting in roll call in front of her fellow officers when Tim chose Smitty over her to be his aide
Being clearly invested and heavily focused on bets and competition with Tim
What we got for Tim:
a retcon of his bad behavior in S1 being because he needed to show Lucy the world could be a scary place. Because, as a woman who was literally threatened with sexual assault and a car jacking in the pilot, she was too naive and inexperienced and "empathetic" to know that.
Tim putting Lucy in her place and reminding her about the seriousness of their work by calling off the bet
What we got for Lucy:
Obvious jealousy over Ashley (you're in a relationship? you're dating a lifeguard? break up with her! the reaction to the proposal, etc.)
What we got for Tim:
Setting Lucy up with another man without a second of hesitation.
Encouraging her to end things with Chris (a WHOLE other issue I won't get into), after Ashley had dumped him
What we got for Lucy:
Being seemingly more invested in and concerned about Tim's relationship than her own (Tim's planning a vacation with Ashley, while Lucy doesn't want to meet Chris' parents and is very concerned about whether Tim is going to propose)
Dumping Chris, not of her own accord, but because Tim was able to “open her eyes”
Specifically dumping that guy FOR Tim, in a way that made her look like an asshole 
What we got for Tim:
being in a relationship with a woman he was absolutely into, despite their clear incompatibility (we heard from Eric himself that Tim was genuinely interested in Ashley, happy and invested in his relationship with her; we heard Tim say he could see himself marrying her)
Choosing not to break up with Ashley despite all of the indications they weren’t right for each other and being willing to cheat on her
Not being willing to retire for her, but still not ending the relationship
Being made into the victim when Ashley dumped him in a way that made her look like an asshole
Only pursuing a relationship with Lucy after he'd been dumped, while she was still in a relationship
If you don’t feel the story was lopsided and unfair to Lucy, or have a completely different perspective (I'd genuinely love to hear it!!), just don’t care, or find it that serious, that’s great for you, but it’s completely valid that people feel this way.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to see a woman in a relationship be valued and treated well. That has nothing to do with insecurity or jealousy. That has to do with respect and representation. We all come from different perspectives and have different backgrounds that reflect in our perception of how women of color are portrayed on TV.
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sidekick-hero · 1 year
Until I found you
(steddie | 1.5k | mature | AO3 | Collection with wedding fics)
My dearest @thefreakandthehair, you were the first person I really interacted with in this fandom and your Winter Challenge was the reason I wrote my very first ST fanfic. You have a special place in my heart Lex and I am so glad, that I and all the others, were able to show you how much you mean to us with our wedding gifts.
I wish you and Billiam a life filled with love and happiness and the knowledge that you found something special within each other 💜
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Most of the time, Eddie doesn’t mind being poor. Hell, he grew up with no money to his name, and as with so many things, you can't really miss what you've never had.
But sometimes he wishes that he wasn't.
Not even for himself, but for Steve. Because Steve? Steve knows what he's missing.
Before he came out to his parents, involuntarily, when they caught them making out on the floor of their living room, and they kicked him out of their house and their family, Steve had money. He could buy anything he wanted and never had to worry about affording rent and groceries.
Now, Eddie and Steve were living together in a small but cozy apartment in Indianapolis with their cats, Merry and Pippin. Steve was studying to be an EMT, and Eddie was working as a bartender where his band played regularly. They got by just fine, even though most of their furniture was second-hand, and they went grocery shopping on a weekly budget.
Their life was good. Perfect, in fact, if you asked Eddie. They had everything they needed, especially each other, which was the most important thing, a fact Steve never tired of reminding him of.
But that never stopped Eddie from wanting to give Steve more. Steve deserved the world and Eddie hated that he couldn't give it to him. He couldn't even give him the honeymoon he deserved.
If he's honest, he still can't believe Steve said yes. Especially after Eddie proposed at the worst possible time. Not during sex, which would have been bad, but not the worst. No, he proposed during a fight.
Steve was yelling at him, probably about something inane because he was tired and frustrated at the time, Eddie doesn’t even remember. And all he could think was that he would do anything to have Steve yell at him and smile at him and kiss him and tease him for the rest of his life.
"If you don't care, fine, but some of us —"
"Marry me."
"What - are you kidding me?"
"No, I have never been more serious in my life. Marry me, Steve."
"Are you asking me to marry you so I’ll stop yelling at you? Because I won't."
"Oh, I know. You don't have to. Just say yes before you go on?"
Steve had stopped yelling at him after that, too busy kissing him. They fucked right there on their kitchen floor, and Steve bitched about it the whole next day when his knees hurt. It was perfect.
Eddie wants their honeymoon to be just as perfect. But even though his uncle pitched in as much as he could, their wedding ate up what little savings they had. So instead of going to a beach somewhere and enjoying the sight of his husband in nothing but his swim trunks and lathering his gorgeous skin in sunscreen, they stayed home.
"Come on, it's not that bad. You know us. We wouldn't have left the hotel room anyway." Steve tries to cheer him up as Eddie sulks on their bed, wiggling his eyebrows in the way he knows makes Eddie laugh every time. It has the desired effect when Eddie snorts, but the thought of letting Steve down still lingers on his mind.
"Seriously, Eds. I know we don't have much right now, but we can always go on vacation together later. Right now, I really want to enjoy some quality time with my husband. So could you please tell him to stop moping?"
It's said with a teasing smile, so Eddie knows that Steve isn't really annoyed with him. But he's right, this is their honeymoon, even if they have to spend it at home. He shouldn't sit around and mope. He's failing at being a husband. He should probably prepare himself for the inevitable moment when Steve realizes that too and asks him for a divorce. Maybe they can at least stay friends. The thought hurts, a pang in his chest that he knows has nothing on how much the real thing would hurt. Like a supernova imploding in his chest, a black hole that would suck the life out of him. But he would try anyway. Not right away, but maybe someday, because Eddie can't imagine a life without Steve in it, even if it won't be the way he hoped it would be —
"I see you spiraling from here, Eddie."
Steve's voice is soft, as is his touch, as he cups Eddie's cheek with the palm of his hand. When Eddie looks up into his eyes, they are soft as well, filled with nothing but love. They look exactly the same as they did when Steve said "I do.” Just before he kissed Eddie with so much tenderness that Eddie could feel it in his toes.
"I just want to make you happy, Stevie. I don't want to disappoint you."
It's painfully honest, but they both worked hard at being honest with each other. Even when they screw up or when they think it might hurt the other. Honesty is the foundation on which they built their relationship, along with trust, respect, and, of course, love. And fantastic sex.
Steve smiles at him, and something about the look on his face actually brings tears to Eddie's eyes and his heart clenches in his chest. Fuck. He never thought you could love someone so much that it physically hurts until he met Steve. "I know, baby. I know. Wanna know a secret?"
Eddie hums and presses a small kiss to Steve's palm. Steve's thumb reaches up to gently stroke his cheekbones, wiping away the wetness that has begun to gather. "You make me happy every day in so many ways."
Steve kisses the tender skin under Eddie's eye, first left, then right. "When I wake up in the morning, way before you, sleepyhead, and you always kiss me, even when you're not awake yet."
He kisses Eddie's nose next, adding a little nip to the tip that makes Eddie smile. "When you text me throughout the day, just to share your thoughts and hear mine. Just to show me you were thinking about me."
Next, Steve's lips find Eddie's forehead, lingering, pressing his love into Eddie's skin, wanting it to get through Eddie's thick skull. "When you come home after a long shift, tiptoeing through the apartment, and making a ruckus anyway because you couldn't be quiet to save your life. And you slide into bed next to me, wrap me up in your arms, kiss the side of my face, and tell me you love me.”
Finally, Steve kisses him on the lips, first taking his upper lip between his own, then his lower, before slowly dragging his tongue along the seam. Eddie opens his mouth and Steve's tongue slips in, just like that, just a tease, not as a prelude to anything, but because he can. Because what's Eddie's is his and what's Steve's is Eddie's. Everything he has and everything he is belongs to Steve. His husband.
"You made me the happiest man in the world when you asked me to marry you. When you said yes in front of our friends, our family." Steve whispers in the minimal space between their lips, and Eddie sniffles, too happy to be embarrassed.
"I love you, Stevie. So goddamn much." Another kiss, as gentle as the last.
Steve pulls away, both hands cupping Eddie's face, his thumbs wiping away the last of the tears. "I love you too. So how about we start with the whole honeymoon business, huh?"
"What do you have in mind?"
Steve's smile is sweet, innocent, but Eddie knows his husband well enough to see the gleam in his eyes. He's in for a treat, his stomach fluttering in anticipation.
"Well," Steve begins, letting go of Eddie's face to tap his chin, "I thought we'd take our mattress into the living room, put it in front of the TV and put on Lord of the Rings. Extended Edition." The words sound like music to his ears, the perfect way to spend the day in his book, but it's hardly a gift for the two of them.
Steve is not finished, however. "That's 686 minutes. Wanna show me how many times you can make me come in 11 hours?"
Standing up so fast he almost knocks Steve over, Eddie pulls Steve into a deep, heated kiss. "Marry me, Steve."
Steve laughs. "I already did, stupid. I take it you like the idea?"
"I love it. Almost as much as you." They kiss again, unable to keep their hands off each other.
Eddie wonders if the impromptu blowjob that follows on their bed can be added to the final count at the end of the day. If so, it's nine times. Not bad at all, if he says so himself.
Steve seems to agree as they cuddle on the couch, both naked, satiated and sleepy, their legs intertwined and Steve's head resting on Eddie's chest, their mattress beyond saving ("Good thing the new one gets delivered tomorrow.").
"Are you happy, Stevie?"
"Never been happier in my life, Mr. Munson-Harrington."
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lovelaurs · 6 months
my own silly mystreet characters headcanon list!
has the worst "hear me out" takes you'll ever hear. like seriously. she can very much point to a yield sign and say "would" to everyone's dismay.
knows every line in moulin rouge as she is OBSESSED with the film. she and laurance preform the elephant medley as dramaticly as possible whenever they watch it for movie night.
obsessed with pre-endgame marvel movies.
ao3 writer! she writes fics for the nichest of fandoms, so she doesn't get that many reads.
one of the few reliable booktok users you can TRUST will give you a good recommendation to read!
obsessed with the movie megamind. like seriously. will talk to you for hours on and WILL defend the "sequel movie" and show because, in fact, they are NOT that bad.
can infodump about a topic he's interested in for hours on end.
actually really smart and kind, but ever since he found out he made zane insecure he tries to tone it down. he used to show off a lot but wants to make sure his brother shines as well.
carries stress balls on him so he doesn't use his strength unnecessarily.
always organizes group movie nights with all his friends.
loves to listen to and read AITA (am i the asshole?) reddit posts when bored.
an amazing listener, will listen to someone for hours on end and provide insight when needed (perfect for having a conversation with garroth).
loves gossiping. he has really good hearing so he tends to hear others share secrets nearby. he's like the wine aunt you just KNOW has the most interesting stories to tell.
likes to go on vacations a lot, explaining why he is absent sometimes during big group events.
he sometimes returns home to his family farm to take care of it when his parents are out of town.
he often voluntarily babysits caleb to impress aphmau and garroth with his caretaker skills (he's a showoff).
she loves the show big time rush and watches it in her freetime.
OBSESSED with musical theatre and visits broadway shows often. if the friends she brought along even DARE to suggest skipping the stagedoor? they receive a glare that could kill thousands.
adores singing and often sings in her room when the others aren't home.
continues to play volleyball with her friends after a long day of work (she's a freelance writer).
her music taste can range from alternative music like waterparks to kpop groups like red velvet!
an ao3 writer as well! she and Aphmau gift eachother fics from time to time! she mostly writes x reader fics for tumblr sexyman.
has taken a liking to cooking outside of baking! she especially likes to grill! she even wears an apron that says "kiss the cook" as well as a hat that says "fish fear me women love me".
watches any and all trending animated shows like tangled the series, adventure time, avatar, etc.
has her own tumblr blog where she writes reviews on shows and posts art! her page is quite popular.
dresses in mainly lolita fashion! she has a flare for the beauty of style and loves to recommend people styles and outfits whenever they go out shopping!
calls katelyn, zane, and dante hot nonchalantly
has attempted.
loves to bake and nana teaches him all kinds of recipes to make. he supplies the snacks at movie night.
takes taekwondo lessons. "can never be too careful" he says while living in a pretty standard upper middle class neighborhood. why is he like this.
works at a pet shelter and takes care of the dogs and cats left behind. he adopts any that have been there for years, thus making his house full of many different pets.
the designated driver for whenever they go out to clubs. he doesn't like to drink so he usually takes everyone home by the end of the night.
travis (the actual headcanons):
actually respects others and doesn't harass them like he did early on (that was a weird trope and i HATED it). he's just a flirt and if someone he flirts with flirts back he gets all flustered.
the group gamer. spends hours grinding on all sorts of games just to brag about it on his steam profile. specifically a fan of the spider-man games on playstation.
loves to cosplay! he, aphmau, and nana go to lots of conventions together in group cosplay. their last one was the powerpuff girls! they dragged garroth along and made him mojo jojo.
can recite everything and anything about the ninjago lore. this man is obsessed with any lego product or franchise and has many sets built in his room.
practices talking to himself in the mirror every morning to give him confidence. he has very low self esteem.
dream stan.
probably friends with dream.
uhhhh idk probably streams the song "mask" by dream.
minecraft streamer.
those are all my headcanons! i hope you enjoyed! (slandering mystreet aaron is a passion of mine i'm sorry)
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ilovemybishies87 · 7 months
The Vacation from Hell - Chapter One
Inspired by @damntheyare's amazing fanart. I did end up changing a couple elements because I suck and did not realize who the cat and dog were supposed to be until after I had completed the chapter. Sorry, KeeKee and Razzle/Dazzle!
This will also be posted to AO3, along with all future chapters, once I have an account. Until then, enjoy!
*EDIT* Now posted to AO3!
Alastor wasn’t sure how he found himself in this situation. No, that wasn’t quite accurate. He had some semblance of an idea. The Princess of Hell was known for her harebrained projects, but none more harebrained than a hotel with the sole purpose of redeeming the lowliest of Hell’s sinners. It was ridiculous. Laughable!  
But between the song she had belted out to the idea itself, he considered himself sold. Of course, she had no experience running a hotel. That wasn’t so much a flaw as it was a feature. He could only imagine relishing her failure once the futility of her goal dawned on her. Until then he would bide his time in the shadows—a most fitting place, if he said so himself!—playing his self-assigned role as co-manager. 
There was only one, tiny problem: he had seriously underestimated how much the universe wanted to fuck him over. 
“I need to visit a hotel!” Charlie announced. 
The ragtag band of guests and staff were lounging in the common room a few days after Sir Pentious’s pitiful attack on the hotel. All except Niffty, who had made it her mission to clean the place from top to bottom. Vaggie and Angel Dust sat next to each other on the sofa, scrolling their phones. Husk stood behind the counter at the bar, finishing his inventory of liquors for the night.  
Alastor turned to Charlie standing on the opposite side of the room. Papers plastered the wall behind her, filled with all the ideas she hadn’t yet written off as futile. She seemed frozen in place while she waited for a response. 
Eventually Angel Dust pulled his gaze from his phone long enough to give her a brief glance and laughed. “You live in a hotel!” A pair of arms made a sweeping motion around them, emphasizing his point. “Why do you need to visit one?” 
Charlie shook her head. “I know that, Angel! I meant a thriving one!” she said, and her grin stretched wide. “One on Earth!” 
Alastor raised a brow at her declaration. This time her statement did not go unnoticed. Vaggie’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. Angel Dust’s phone dropped onto his lap as he stared at her, incredulous. Even Husk stopped in the middle of his count, ears turned in the group’s direction.   
“Hon,” said Vaggie, once the initial shock had worn off, “that sounds—” 
“Like the best idea ever? I know!” 
“Not what I was going to say,” Angel Dust muttered. He picked up his phone and started scrolling again. 
“Just consider it field research!” said Charlie as she crossed the room, hardly able to contain her excitement. “Only for a couple of days, of course. I can’t leave the hotel vacant for long, in case a guest decides to check in.” 
“But there are too many unknowns!” Vaggie said, throwing her hands in the air. “Have you ever been to Earth before? People don’t exactly look like they do here.” 
“I could wear a disguise!” 
Vaggie slapped a hand over her face. “Do you even know how to get there?” 
“Not exactly,” Charlie said after a moment, deflated. “But surely someone knows the way!” 
Alastor took the opportunity and made his way over to them. “Naturally!” His microphone materialized in his hand. “You needn’t worry about the where or the how, my dear. Nothing my magic can’t handle, not at all! I can get us there and back in a jiffy!” 
Charlie stared up at him, hands clasped together. Her eyes practically shone. “Really?” 
“Well,” he added, side eyeing Vaggie with a smirk, “maybe not all of us.” 
Vaggie put her arm between him and Charlie, shielding her from the Radio Demon. “No way! Even if I thought you knew how to get there—which I don’t—”  
“Well, I do.” 
“And you do your little voodoo, so you guys blend in—” 
“Not voodoo,” stated Alastor. 
Vaggie ignored him. “I would never trust you alone with Charlie!” 
Charlie looked between her and Alastor. “Vaggie, I don’t want to go without you either! But,” she said sheepishly, “he sort of has a point?” 
“Excuse me?!” Vaggie took a step back, eyebrows furrowed. 
“I'm just saying,” Charlie continued, wringing her hands, “I’m not thrilled leaving the hotel alone. But if someone stayed here . . . well, there’s no one I trust more than you.”   
Vaggie sighed. “I appreciate it,” she said. “I really do! Still, I don’t trust him.” She glared at Alastor’s grinning face. “What’s the catch? You trying to use this to get Charlie to make a deal? I won’t let that happen!” 
He couldn’t fault her for jumping to that conclusion. The thought certainly crossed his mind, albeit briefly. But the rewards far outweighed any inconveniences. A simple glamour would solve their . . . unconventional appearances. And while he didn’t particularly desire returning to Earth, the trip would be worth the despair the princess would face once she realized how much of a farce her little Hazbin Hotel truly was. 
“Shame,” Alastor said, and flicked his claws. “But perish the thought! Consider this a sub-clause to our original agreement.” 
“But why?” Vaggie demanded. “What’s in it for you?” 
“You remember—” 
She groaned. “Ugh . . .” 
“The entertainment!” they said in unison, Vaggie less enthusiastically. 
“Come on, Vaggie,” said Charlie. She placed her hands on the other woman’s shoulders. “We won’t be gone long. This trip is what the hotel needs for inspiration!” 
“I don’t know. You really think you’ll be fine?” Vaggie glanced at Alastor. “Alone. With him.” 
Charlie bit her lip. “It’s fine. Although,” she continued, hesitant, “I would feel a bit more comfortable with added company.” 
“Tsk! Very well.” Normally Alastor wouldn’t cave to requests, but he would allow her this small victory. “If you must, we can take Niffty and Husk.” 
Husk turned to the trio from his spot at the bar. “Who the fuck said I wanted to go?” 
“A trip!” said Niffty, seeming to materialize from nowhere. “Will there be bad boys?” 
“What about Angel Dust?” asked Vaggie, and pointed to the Spider Demon who remained silent during their entire exchange. 
Angel Dust shrugged and got up from the sofa. He headed off to the staircase, calling back to the group, “Meh, no thanks. I did my time, thank you very much!” 
“Then it’s settled!” Alastor wrapped his arm around Charlie, causing her to nearly tumble into him, while pointing his microphone to Husk, then Niffty. “The four of us will go to Earth to do a little ‘field research,’ as it were, while you”—he pointed to Vaggie next, who pushed the mic away— “stay with the hotel." 
“I didn’t fucking agree to this!” said Husk, throwing his towel down.  
Niffty ran up the stairs behind Angel Dust, laughing maniacally all the way. “How many knives should I bring?” 
Vaggie put her head in her hands. “This is a bad idea. . .” 
“Ohh, I can’t believe this is happening!” Charlie said, bouncing up and down. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “Oh, there’s so much to plan! How do we make reservations? Where do we stay? What should I pack?” She turned to Alastor, suddenly serious. “Do I need to bring sunscreen?” 
Alastor chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I’ll let you worry about those last two, my dear. Leave the rest to me! Everything will be ready by tomorrow morning.” 
The transportation spell took him all night to complete. There were slight alterations for the trip that made casting easier said than done. Part of the blame, in this regard, lay with him. Alastor knew that as time passed in Hell, so too had it passed on Earth. And he had no intentions of going to the Earth of the present.  
He allowed himself a small shudder as he finalized the last bit of magic. If he was expending his precious energy he would take them to some place—some time—more civilized, more familiar. Perhaps he was tempting fate returning to his old stomping grounds. And sure, a hotel from times past might not be the most effective for Charlie’s particular goal. But considering the circumstances, she had no right to complain. 
After a short breakfast the other five residents gathered back in the common room. Vaggie seemed more annoyed than usual, arms crossed over her chest as she stood by Angel Dust, sleep still in his eyes. Charlie had several bags by her side, including one oversized pink rolling suitcase. A smaller black suitcase was next to Niffty, which if Alastor had to guess was filled with various sharp instruments. Even Husk, despite his protests, had packed a worn leather bag that clinked when he placed it on the ground.  
Alastor brought nothing; it wasn’t as if he couldn’t simply conjure what he needed. He did, however, end up forgoing his usual red blazer and shirt ensemble. The pants remained the same, but he decided a thinner white button-down and red waistcoat would be more manageable. Ironically, not even Hell could compare to the omnipresent heat—and humidity, oh the humidity!—of New Orleans. 
“Did I pack enough?” Charlie asked, for once not in her usual attire. She donned a more casual pair of thin pink sweats, topped with a sweatshirt a few shades darker, decorated with hearts. She tugged on the bright orange and green purse strapped across her shoulder. “I feel like I’m forgetting something.” 
Angel Dust eyed the bags around them. “It’s, what, two days? This should be good.” 
“Six, actually,” said Alastor.  
"WHAT?!" Vaggie shrieked. 
He gave a noncommittal shrug. “With the energy I'll be using transporting all of us, and bags, not to mention the glamours—” 
“What does that have to do with anything?”  
“You can’t possibly expect me to use my valuable resources for a couple of days, my dear,” Alastor said, not to Vaggie, but to Charlie, who was currently taking inventory of what she packed. “That shouldn’t be a problem, right?  It’ll give you more time to get the full ‘human hotel’ experience.” 
“Umm,” Charlie said. “It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but you have a point. With six days I’m sure to get the full hotel experience, and then some! I did have a question, though.” 
“I have many questions,” Vaggie interrupted with a raised hand. 
Alastor shook his head. “Manners! Charlie was first.” 
“You mentioned glamours. I assume for you, me, Niffty and Husk,” said Charlie, not missing a beat. “How do they look? I mean, how are we going to blend in on Earth?” 
“Why don’t I show you instead?” 
Summoning his radio mic, Alastor pointed to the ground. Intricate symbols glowed beneath Charlie’s feet, the physical manifestation of the spell. A mirror sprouted from beneath the floor in front of her and a wave of green light washed over her form. 
“Charlie!” Vaggie reached out. She turned to Alastor and pulled out her spear, pointing it at his face. “What did you do to her, you piece of—!” 
Alastor rolled his eyes. “Oh, relax.” He pushed the weapon away as the light faded revealing Charlie, no worse for the wear. He turned to the blonde-haired demon. “See for yourself!” 
The glamour for her had been simple enough. Her skin, including her black-stained lips, shifted from a porcelain white to a more human peach tone. Unfortunately, her most standout feature, her rose-red eyes, turned an inconspicuous shade of brown.  
Pity. Red suited her so much better.  
Her attire remained unchanged. Something about altering her clothing felt wrong, almost too intimate. He figured they could attain more period appropriate clothing once they arrived. 
Charlie leaned in close to the mirror, taking in her new form. “No one will suspect a thing!” She glanced behind, where Alastor stood watching. “What about you?” 
The same symbols appeared beneath his feet. He had struggled somewhat with his own appearance. Unlike Charlie, who—despite being Hellborn—more-or-less resembled a human, his own demon form was anything but. The claws, the teeth, the deer-like ears: they all had to go.  
He went back and forth on how close his glamour should be to his former life. In the end he went the simple route and replicated how he looked while alive. Dark brown hair replaced his usual striking red and black strands, the style short and unremarkable. His eyes were the same dark shade as his hair, but he allowed himself a pair of red sunglasses in its place.  
“What do you think, my dear?” He bowed ever so slightly. “Convincing enough?” 
Charlie’s eyes widened, but it was difficult for him to decipher her expression. She met his eyes but averted her gaze just as fast. “Yes. Is that . . . how you were when you were human?”  
“Yes, indeedy! The clothes, not so much.” 
Angel whistled low. “Wow, the strawberry pimp is not so . . . strawberry.” 
Vaggie shook her head, unimpressed. “What about Niffty and Husk?” she asked. “How are you having them blend in?” 
“Oh, I’m sure they’ll approve the forms I’ve chosen,” said Alastor with a smirk. 
Niffty nodded so quickly she nearly lost her balance. “Whatever you choose!” 
Husk grumbled a response that no one, not even Alastor, could understand. 
“Well, we’ve wasted enough time already!” the Radio Demon replied. “We really should be on our way!” 
“Wait—!” said Vaggie. 
Alastor tapped the ground three times with the end of the microphone. Four scarlet circles, inscribed with intricate scripts, appeared beneath his and Charlie’s feet, as well as everyone’s baggage. The circles appeared under Niffty and Husk as well, along with the same lime symbols as the glamour.  
“Do take good care of the place while we’re gone, you two!” Alastor called out as he faded from sight. “It would be a pity if there was nothing for Charlie to return to.” 
“I didn’t volunteer for nothing!” exclaimed Angel Dust. 
"I have every faith in you, Vaggie!” Charlie said, her voice taking a far-off tone as she also disappeared. “We’ll be back before you know it!” 
Vaggie turned to Charlie. “Please, be careful up there! And, whatever you do, don’t—” She tried grabbing her hand but found nothing. Whatever warnings she intended to pass along were never heard.  
As quiet as a breath, the group had disappeared. 
They were definitely in New Orleans. Tiny balconies overlooked the street from the second floors of the buildings surrounding them. His clothes clung to his skin, soaking in every drop of moisture it could hold. Alastor could even make out the smell of spices of Cajun cuisine from a restaurant nearby.  
But something was wrong. 
An oppressive buzz of electrical energy surrounded him, threatening to overwhelm his own magic. He wasn’t unfamiliar with the hum of static in the air—he had been a radio show host, after all, and quite adept with the technology of his time—but it was nothing like this. Smog, as thick as Hell’s and almost as noxious, spewed from automobiles unlike the ones he remembered. There were more of them too, almost as many vehicles as there were people.  
Something had gone horribly wrong. 
Space was simple enough to traverse. Moving from one physical point to another was as easy as a snap of his fingers. Or, in this case, a few taps of his mic. Time, on the other hand, was much trickier. It wasn’t linear like one would imagine, but almost a gordian knot, twisting and turning into itself, with present, future and past all jumbled together until it was hard to distinguish between the three. 
Alastor found Charlie a few paces away, no worse for wear. The bags were neatly by her side. “You all right, my dear?” 
“I should’ve asked what weather to dress for before I started packing,” she said, fanning herself. Even with the thin material, she was clearly regretting her choice of outfit. She might be accustomed to the heat of Hell, but the humidity was something else. “At least our luggage made it. But what about Husk and Niffty? I don’t see them anywhere!” 
They looked down. A black cat with rather unusual ears for the average feline glared at them, at him more specifically. 
“Why, Husk, my good fellow!” Alastor said, partly to distract himself from his growing headache. “Why the long face?” 
“Oh my!” exclaimed Charlie. She knelt to pick him up. To Alastor’s surprise, she did not end up getting scratched. “What happened to Husk?!” 
Alastor waved dismissively. “Not to worry! This is simply the result of his glamour.” 
A small black and tan mutt nosed his shoe, tail wagging so fast it might fly off. Feathered ears perked at the sound of his voice. Alastor’s grin widened as he scooped up the animal and held it under one arm.  
“I knew I could count on you to stay close by, Niffty.”  
“Niffty!?” Charlie bit her lip, but he could see the corners of her mouth turn up, as if torn between disbelief and excitement. “I mean, I guess this disguises them.” An alarmed look crossed her face. “They won’t stay this way permanently, right?” 
“Of course not, my dear! Probably.” 
“The spell will revoke once we return to Hell, glamours and all,” said Alastor, rubbing his fingers to his temples.  
During their exchange he caught a glimpse of some passersby taking notice of their group. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t mind putting them in their place, but right now he was not in the mood. Between the drain on his magic and the unpleasant realization of when he was, he wanted nothing more than privacy. 
“We probably should get to our hotel to check in.” 
With Niffty still under his arm, Alastor grabbed Husk’s bag and placed it on top of the black luggage. He also managed to situate the extra bags Charlie packed—why did she have to pack so much?—onto the larger suitcase she had dragged with her. He regretted his decision to turn the two into animals. An extra pair of hands would’ve been welcome.  
“Well, my dear, ready to go? I would offer a hand, but—” 
“Oh, no! Don’t worry about it! We have our hands full with these two.” Charlie juggled Husk awkwardly as she reached for her luggage. “Lead the way!” 
He took a deep breath, strengthening his resolve.  
“Hey, Alastor.”  
The Radio Demon looked back. His grin nearly slipped from his face; his throbbing head momentarily forgotten. She was clearly struggling, suitcase veering off course. Husk had clawed into her sweatshirt and climbed his way up to perch on her shoulder. And yet she smiled, a smile brighter than the sun beating down on them.  
The shades covering his eyes were not enough to protect him.  
“This is unbelievable,” said Charlie. “You’re amazing!” 
She could not know. She could never know. That the great Radio Demon had made an error of this magnitude, of this caliber. She had to believe this was all part of his plan, for this trip she desired, that he foolishly granted. 
Alastor gritted his teeth and forced his grin even wider. 
This was going to be Hell on Earth. 
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kindlingkeen · 7 months
do you have any good fic recs? i've just finished reading all of your fics (AMAZING btw i LOVE competent jason and you write him sooo well) and obviously you have good taste so i thought i might as well ask (i will say that i don't really do ship fics tho)
thank you! looking forward to what you have in store for jason and the batfam next!
First, thank you for the ask! And I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my fics!! 😊 I’m on vacation this week and finally writing again (had a bit of a rough writer’s block patch). So hopefully I’ll be posting more content in the next couple of weeks.
Fic recs - boy do I ever. I will say, I have super varied tastes in fics, I’ll read just about anything Gen that’s Jason-centric, plus a few Jason ships (although I’m pretty picky about what actually makes it into my bookmarks). All of the fics I’m rec’ing below are Gen, although some might have flavors of a relationship (likely JayRoy since that’s my preferred pairing). I tried to pick a selection of different styles and tropes, so hopefully you find something you like. Almost all these authors have multiple fics I’ve loved, so look at their other works on ao3 for more great reading (you may need to be logged into ao3 to see some of them). Enjoy!
Fic recs
Glow in the Dark Stars by essspressso (stylesmakethefight) 
This is a time travel fic that made me bawl ugly tears, like seriously bawl. Read if in need of a good cry.
The Cold Like Coming Home by cabezas_de_vaca 
An interesting one-shot of Jason and Bruce finding their way back to each other.
More Chances Than Deserved 'Verse by Skalidra  @skalidra
A series that starts out post batarang, Jason does not rejoin the family.
Gotham CPS by ebjameston 
Not sure how to even describe this one, it’s pure hilarity told by an outsider POV.
Nests and Cages by LanternWisp, Lysical @lanternwisp
A series detailing Jason’s journey back to the family. The last installment of the series has probably the best reconciliation discussion between Jason and Bruce re: Bruce taking on another Robin that I’ve ever read.
Buy One Get One Free by Here_we_go
A series that starts with catatonic Jason. I love how Jason is written in this one so so much (especially the main first part), and there’s a short segment later in the series with Talia that’s lovely.
fever by r_astra  @heyy-its-skip
One-shot. Quality batdad in the context of a sick fic
nightmares and daydreams by r_astra @heyy-its-skip
One-shot. Beware, there’s some heavy duty torture in this one. Jason & Tim isn’t usually my thing, but I really like their brief interaction in this one.
all the small weights by sparkycap
One-shot. More quality batdad, this time in the context of fear toxin
a (cat)astrophe in the making by mikkal
Part of a loosely connected series, if I’m remembering correctly. I’m a firm believer that Jason Todd needs a cat.
Red Hood by envysparkler @envysparkler
An amazing Jason rejoins the family, classic fix it, set early in Lost Days continuity. Envysparkler’s works are pretty much solely responsible for getting me into the Batfam. This fic in particular motivated me to start writing TPWC.
Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies @batbirdies
De-aging fic, this isn’t my favorite trope, but of what’s out there, I like the dynamics in this one.
Things We Only Talk About After Dark by BabblingBookends
One-shot. More good batdad, but not fluffy like the other two above. I really like how Bruce is written in this one, how he struggles with the unknown.
Kidnapped! by Cerusee @cerusee
One-shot set in Jason’s Robin days. One of my favorites for father and son feels.
More baby Robin Jay and good dad Bruce.
White Lighters / Afterglow by lurkinglurkerwholurks @lurkinglurkerwholurks
One-shot. Another one that legitimately made me cry.
Druthers by d_aia @e-alexandrescu
A really creative, not-your-typical-take on Jason rejoining the family. Sniper Jason is so frelling cool.
I linked the tumblr’s for the authors I know of. If you have any to add, leave them in the comments and I’ll update!
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crown-of-roses-thsc · 24 days
And now. The moment literally nobody has been waiting for.
Elsie throws an absolutely unnecessary amount of asks at her favorite stick people
For Reginald: What’s your favorite breed of cat? Favorite kind of cheese? What would it take for you to hurt someone? What’s the worst thing that someone could do to you? Do you like space? Do you have siblings?
For Ellie: What’s your favorite color? Favorite animal? Would you say you have a high cold tolerance? What was your mother like? If you accidentally created an opposite version of yourself who was a pacifist cinnamon roll, how would you react? How many people have died at your hands? How many more until you stop? Oh, and what’s your favorite pastry?
For Lefty: Are you from Texas? Would you ever own a dog? Why do you wield a axe? Who’s Calvin?
For Burt: Ya like jazz? Also do you need a hug and a stuffed animal and therapy like seriously are you okay we’re worried about you
For Sven: What’s your favorite season? Do you see any ghosts that aren’t Randy? Do you have any siblings? If you had the opportunity to make one wish but you had to fight monsters for the rest of your life, would you take it? If you did, what would you wish for?
For Carol: Opinions on crows? If you had a vacation, how would you spend it? If you actually got the chief’s approval, what would you do?
For Randy: FAVORITE SONG I NEED TO KNOW YOUR RAVE PLAYLIST- anyways why does your scarf float like that? What was the chief before you like? Do you have any family?
For Gold and Val: You’re the cutest thing ever, no notes. Do you like plants? Favorite flower? If you could live anywhere, where would you live? Do you like camping? Are you irrationally scared of anything that would never happen?
For Jessica: Do you like red velvet cake? What’s your favorite hair dye color? What do you think of your kids’ life decisions? Are you okay? Do you need help?
for Suave: No nice silly asks for you. How was getting shot through the head? How’d you feel if you ended up hated by everyone and feared by none, alone in the world? How would you feel if someone actually got the guts to put even more bullets in your skull?
and for EVERYONE (main characters and ghosts):
If you were in charge of the toppat clan, how would you run it?
Sheesh, I got carried away. Uhhh feel free to answer or not answer whatever of these that you want.
Though I never finished this ask, I know you folks are HUNGRY and as such I will feed you. Nom mom nom
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xiudaddyhadmelike · 1 year
Sehun as your boyfriend
- i’m back (i’m posting this and disappearing again for a year)
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The Beginnings:
He’d be so awkward in the most endearing way, running his hands through his hair and fumbling around you.
I think he’d ask you out in the first week of knowing you, he’s a busy man has no time for waiting around.
Plus he’d be worried that someone else would catch your attention if he waited too long so...
Would probably ask one of the boys to talk to you first, have them hype him up and see whether you might be interested.
He thinks this is very clever and discreet but funnily enough you know what’s up when Chanyeol starts talking about Sehun’s shiny hair and his family’s long history of genetic health.
He strikes me as a bowling man. First date would definitely be bowling and then maybe heading to a latenight diner splitting a milkshake omg
After dating a while:
Orange cat dad, definitely. I will not explain.
He’s very patient, always willing to listen to anything on your mind - even if it’s about him.
His relationship with you would help him to mature.
I hope you’re patient too though cos this is still Sehun, man is goofy.
A lot of childish teasing, stuff like turning the lights off when he leaves the room or leaving the door open forget what I said about maturity actually
Not the jealous type. He thinks you’re the most gorgeous person in the world but you also know how to handle yourself if anyone tries to rizz you up.
Most he’ll do is throw an aggressive side-eye their way.
Loooves to treat you. That necklace you admired? Here you go. The restauarant you want to try out? Already booked a table. The vacation spot you’re desperate to visit? Get ready the plane leaves tonight.
On that note, he is the opposite of an airport dad, pack his passport for him and get him one of those toddler leashes head empty no thoughts
For your anniversary he’d do something lowkey and romantic, driving you both out to the countryside with a big blanket and spending the night stargazing together.
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Habits and other shit:
Always goofin, would consider back and forth banter as flirting, you’ll have to be able to keep up with the sass.
This might lead to little spats here and there but since they’re not serious you can make up quickly.
If it ever came to real arguments he’d need to leave for a while to clear his head, take a walk with the dogs before coming home to stutter an apology.
He struggles to communicate seriously sometimes but he always wants you to know he adores you.
You’d both get into hiking, especially with having the dogs. They’re a great way to spend time together, productively but still somewhat intimately in remote hiking spots.
Speaking of intimacy, he loves to cup your chin and pull you away from whatever your task is for a soft kiss, and then he goes back to his day afterwards. Does this multiple times a day, it still melts your heart.
He might be a little messy to live with but he makes up for it by doing things like grocery shopping, cleaning the cars, and other out-of-the-house chores.
He’s not clingy in the traditional sense, but he wants to be around you all the time. You both often end up sitting together silently doing your own thing, like together-alone-time.
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This man loves any kind of beverage, so be ready for coffee dates, bubble tea dates, bar dates. Give him a yummy drink and you his yummy s/o and he’s happy.
Maybe more active dates, like skateboarding or paddle boarding in the summer.
Gym dates.
As previously mentioned, bowling. Idk he strikes me shoot me as a very competitive person and so it’s the perfect activity for him.
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*NSFW warning minors go away with peace and love*
He’s usually a pretty collected person, very in control of his actions and words.
Not when it comes to you though >:)
When it comes to sex, he gets desperate and messy, leaving clothes all over the apartment and kissing you like he craves you mm cos he does
Loooves to use his fingers on you, he gets a little cocky being able to get you off with just one hand.
Favourite position is definitely doggy so he can really grip your hips. He can also smack your ass, pull your hair, pin you down, just a great many positives in this position.
This man can move those hips so best believe he’s got the stamina to keep going for a looong time.
Equally, sometimes he gets overly excited and desperate for you and he cums early lol i stand by that this is a compliment
Dw though, he’s got long fingers and an eager tongue.
A lot of groans, light moans, dirty talk is a must telling you how good you take him omfgfg
Loves to shower together afterwards
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All in all, a relationship with Sehun would be the definition of young, dumb and in love. He values you more than anything else in his life and will always go out of his way to spoil you where he can, knowing that you do the same for him. It’s truly like dating your best friend, and you cherish every moment.
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