#something something ✨cosmic connection✨
psychics4unet · 2 days
PAC: What Good Luck Is Coming Your Way? 🍀✨
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1: The Sun, Nine of Cups, Three of Pentacles The Sun radiates positivity and success, indicating that good luck will shine on your endeavors, bringing joy and vitality into your life. The Nine of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and wishes coming true, suggesting that you will experience happiness and satisfaction in your personal desires. The Three of Pentacles highlights collaboration and teamwork, indicating that new opportunities for growth and success will arise through your connections. Together, these cards reveal a time of abundance and joy, where your hard work pays off, and your dreams manifest beautifully. Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🌟💖🍀
Pile 2: Wheel of Fortune, Six of Wands, Page of Pentacles The Wheel of Fortune signifies a turning point, suggesting that good luck is on your side and new opportunities will present themselves. The Six of Wands represents victory and recognition, indicating that you will achieve your goals and gain the admiration of others for your accomplishments. The Page of Pentacles symbolizes new beginnings and financial opportunities, hinting at a chance to start something valuable or learn new skills. Altogether, these cards suggest a powerful shift towards prosperity and success, bringing favorable changes into your life. Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 🎉💫🌈
Pile 3: Ace of Cups, The Chariot, Ten of Pentacles The Ace of Cups represents new emotional beginnings and abundance in love, suggesting that good luck will come in the form of new relationships or enhanced connections. The Chariot symbolizes determination and triumph over obstacles, indicating that you will successfully navigate challenges and move forward with confidence. The Ten of Pentacles signifies stability and long-term success, suggesting that good fortune will manifest in your material and family life. Together, these cards reveal a time of emotional fulfillment, success, and lasting prosperity, indicating that the universe is aligning to bring you the good fortune you deserve. Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! 💖🌟🏆
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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mycaptainjones · 8 months
Two sides of the same coin.
✨Manifesting dark!galadriel in 2024 ✨
Also on instagram and tiktok
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1111jenx · 1 year
𖤓Synastry series: Sun in the Houses𖤓
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MASTERLIST — for more quality posts✨
💘Sun in the 1st House: Beneath the celestial canvas of this synastry placement, a tale as enchanting as a dream unfurls. The house person, akin to a night sky, emanates a radiant glow, echoing the Sun person's presence. To them, the Sun is their guiding star, the source of their joy, their radiant beacon in a universe otherwise cloaked in darkness. A profound contentment envelops them when bathed in the Sun's light, an authentic happiness as splendid as dawn's first light. The Sun, in return, basks in the house person's deep-rooted admiration, mirroring it back like a tranquil lake reflecting the midday sun. This tandem, like a pair of celestial bodies, graces the universe with laughter, an exquisite sonnet of shared joy. Together, they shimmer, illuminating the surrounding cosmos with their radiant togetherness, a spectacle of love that outshines the stars. Yet, within this symphony of love, a certain possessiveness persists, a gravitational pull that binds them irrevocably. They perceive the other as their celestial twin, their sole companion in the vast expanse of the universe. An echo of 'mine' resonates between them, an assertion of mutual ownership that is as potent as the heart's deepest longing. But as is the nature of celestial bodies, clashes may occur, ego battles akin to cosmic storms, threatening to disrupt their harmonious orbit. However, even these conflicts are silver-lined, offering pearls of wisdom and shaping their cosmic journey in profound ways. In the radiant presence of one another, they shimmer with unspoken brilliance. They ignite the best within each other, like distant galaxies awakening to their own magnificence. The house person swells with pride in the comforting glow of the Sun, who, in their unerring wisdom, whispers words that elicit pure, unadulterated joy. They orbit in their celestial dance, two bodies radiating love, learning, and laughter, a testament to the poetic resonance of their shared existence.
💘Sun in the 2nd House: In this bond, we find two souls who naturally stir each other's desires and comforts. Together, they revel in life's luxurious offerings, savoring the finest fruits of existence. The Sun person, like a guiding star, helps the House person grasp their true worth, understand their needs, and appreciate their resources. If the stars align favourably, their partnership blooms into something extraordinary, blessed by the gracious hand of Venus. They see worth in each other, a priceless treasure that enriches their shared journey. The Sun person recognizes the unique gifts the House person brings to the table. Yet, there's a shadow to the Sun's warm glow; a tendency to possess, to control, often without realizing. The House person, drawn in by the Sun's radiance, finds themselves doing more to please the Sun, adjusting to their needs, no matter what those might be. In this dance of connection, they move in harmony, a duet of love, desire, and mutual respect.
💘 Sun in the 3rd House: In their shared space, words intertwine like star-crossed lovers, ceaseless, captivating. Little disagreements dance on the edge of their tongues, only to be silenced by the tender symphony of make-up kisses. This placement weaves a sense of familiarity, a strange déjà vu, as if their souls have crossed paths in another life, another time. An unspoken comfort lingers between them, a tranquility that whispers of home. Conversations flow like rivers to the sea, their intellectual discourse as effortless as the wind caressing the leaves. The House person finds a certain charm in the Sun's words, hanging onto them like a melody that never grows old. The Sun, on the other hand, sees the House person as a precious gem, something to shield from the world's harsh edges. Their interaction is a feast for the mind, a stimulation that sings to those who crave deep, intellectual bonds. In this union, comfort abounds. Each word spoken, each secret shared, peels away another layer, revealing the essence of who they truly are. Their openness is as natural as a flower blooming under the spring sun, a testament to their profound connection. Intimate moments are shared in the small details - the clasp of their hands, a language written in the lines of their palms, a silent promise of enduring togetherness. Inside jokes punctuate their interactions, shared laughter blooming in their personal garden of camaraderie. A timeless dance of love and intellectual stimulation, their union weaves a tapestry of memories, each thread gleaming with their shared joy and affection.
💘 Sun in the 4th House: In the embrace of the House person, the Sun finds a home, an abode that whispers of permanence, a space it never yearns to desert. The sanctuary of their presence is a magnet to the Sun, a refuge radiant with solace. This cosmic alignment is intriguing, for it oscillates between providing profound comfort and eliciting the chill of fear, particularly if the Sun's chart is parched of the life-giving water element. There's an undeniable allure in the vulnerability this placement offers. The House person peers into the Sun, seeing its authentic self, acknowledging its limitless potential, and loving it unabashedly. They are the unwavering shield to the Sun, sometimes blindly so, standing in steadfast support irrespective of the circumstances. In response, the Sun flourishes. It blossoms with an ethereal beauty, basking in the adoration it receives, thriving on the nourishment of support. The presence of the House person is a soothing balm, a calming melody that seems to know the right notes to bring tranquility. The House person, in their turn, reveals a clear soft spot for the Sun, perhaps even forgiving their occasional bursts of tempestuous heat. It's a placement that prompts both introspection and reflection, a cosmic dance that sees them turning inward, mirroring each other's steps. Together, they discover a respite from their armor, a space where they can shed their toughness. They become a testament to the beauty of vulnerability, an echo of support and affection that resonates in the celestial symphony of their unity.
💘 Sun in the 5fth House: A placement I hold dear, is a dance of two cosmic entities feeling as though they've discovered their mirrored soul. It's not just a joyous union but one filled with exhilarating thrills and daring adventures. They revel in their shared laughter, their exchanges brimming with the innocence of child-like banter. Yet, beneath this playful veneer, there lies an infatuation, clear and profound, humming in the spaces between their words. The House person transforms into an eternal flame, a radiant beacon matching the Sun's relentless luminescence. The Sun, in turn, gazes upon the House with a sense of awe, often entranced by their seeming perfection. The House, in the Sun's eyes, feels like an equal partner, a reflection of their inner self. The fifth house is synonymous with romance. It's a fixed house, firmly rooted in its position, a steadfast testament to the House person's feelings towards the Sun. Regardless of their playful mind games, their seemingly flighty demeanor, their feelings towards the Sun person persist, burning with unwavering intensity. To the Sun, the House becomes an escape from the mundane, their daily dose of joy, their most ardent cheerleader. It's an alignment at times witnessed in tales of enemies turned lovers to bestfriends, an exciting dynamic where they continually challenge and dare each other to delve deeper into life's mysteries. It's a placement pulsating with positive energy, echoing with shared giggles, and resonating with playful touches. It's a cosmic dance of two entities, navigating the universe hand in hand, their hearts beating in a rhythm that speaks of love, laughter, and endless adventure.
💘 Sun in the 6th House: In this celestial arrangement, the Sun finds itself nestled in a house of pragmatism and routine, shedding its brilliant light upon the practicalities of daily life. These constellations spin tales not of grand careers or cosmic pursuits, but of everyday work, the quiet rhythm of health and wellness, the structure of routines and the serene act of service. In this dance of the stars, the Sun's light illuminates pathways to healthier eating, disciplined exercise, and even companionship with beloved pets. The Sun, in its radiant role, serves as a guiding beacon for the 6th house dweller, leading them towards the sanctity of a balanced lifestyle. It may inspire a shared commitment to physical exertion, perhaps in the form of joining a gym, or ignite conversations about nutritious diets and wellbeing. The Sun person may even act as a catalyst, helping the 6th house dweller establish routines that reinforce physical and mental health. Yet, the orbits of these celestial bodies might lead them down professional paths that intertwine, potentially finding one in the service of the other. However, with the Sun's position in the practical 6th house, a word of caution is warranted. The equilibrium of give and take must be carefully maintained to prevent the transformation of helpfulness into servitude. It's crucial that neither the Sun nor the 6th house dweller feels overburdened, their efforts unreciprocated.. It inspires a mutual journey towards better physical and mental health, encouraging each to uplift the other, illuminating their shared path with the light of practical wisdom and mutual care.
💘 Sun in the 7th House: In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, this placement is akin to a celestial masterpiece, an ideal constellation in the realm of astrology. The Sun, in its radiant glory, casts its golden light upon the 7th house, a house rich with the resonance of companionship, the solemnity of marriage, the intimacy of one-on-one relationships, the practicalities of business partnerships, the binding power of contracts, and the hidden faces of our alter-egos or shadow selves. In this dance of the stars, the Sun person stirs a longing within the 7th house dweller, a yearning for partnership, perhaps even a hankering for the sacred bond of marriage. The 7th house person may perceive the Sun person as the embodiment of their perfect mate, a mirror reflecting all the qualities they admire yet feel they lack. This celestial alignment weaves a balancing harmony in their relationship, as the Sun person displays characteristics and idiosyncrasies that the 7th house person cherishes but doesn't possess. As the 7th house is the celestial realm of marriage and contracts, the potential for wedded bliss, or perhaps a formal business partnership, is a tangible possibility should their relationship endure the test of time. However, as with any celestial arrangement, there are potential pitfalls to navigate. The two may become so entwined that they lose their individualities, their identities blurring until they cannot discern where one ends and the other begins. It is vital to remember that they are unique souls united, not a singular entity. Additionally, the mirage of the ideal mate may only be visible to the eyes of the 7th house person, with the Sun person potentially oblivious to this perception. The entirety of the synastry chart must be considered to gauge the mutual feelings of compatibility and the potential for enduring companionship. Thus, in this symphony of stars and planets, the dance of destiny unfolds, charting a course of love, partnership, and shared dreams.
💘 Sun in the 8th House: The placement of the Sun in the 8th house is a pas de deux that is not meant for those with faint hearts. It is a dance where the dancers—the Sun and the 8th house person—are likely to be pulled in one of two extreme directions. They may find themselves entwined in an intoxicating whirl of magnetic attraction, an intense passion that seizes them, or they may feel an unsettling disturbance, a disquiet that rattles their core, often swaying between these polar opposites. The Sun, in its radiant role, casts an unflinching light on the profound themes of the 8th house, illuminating the shadowy corners of sexuality, the cyclical dance of death and rebirth, the tumult of transformation and crisis, the journey of personal growth and evolution, the undercurrents of psychology and addiction, the intricacies of finance, and the hushed whispers of societal taboos. These subjects, often shrouded in mystery, may either captivate or unsettle the house person. They might either welcome the Sun person into their hidden depths or push them away. The house person might perceive the Sun as an enigmatic entity, while the Sun person uncovers the secrets that the 8th house person keeps hidden from the world. Should both individuals bear the mark of Pluto's dominance, or have a strong 8th house presence in their natal chart, this union may flourish in mutual fascination. However, if one or both harbor hidden trauma or suppressed shame, this intense connection could serve as a deterrent, overwhelming their senses. This celestial arrangement signifies the potential to unravel each other's hidden layers, maintaining a profound bond that might lead to mutual transformation. Yet, caution must be exercised to prevent power dynamics or manipulative tactics from seeping into their relationship. Ultimately, this celestial alignment can flourish if both are open to exploring the depths of each other's souls, embracing growth and transformation, and traversing the labyrinth of shared secrets.
💘 Sun in the 9th house: The Sun weaves golden threads into the 9th house tapestry, infusing wisdom's domain with the vibrancy of its radiance. This divine dance resonates with the seekers, the dreamers, those who chart the star-studded expanse of their fate, guided by an insatiable thirst for depth and meaning. The Sun, a luminary beacon, casts an ethereal glow on the winding paths of philosophy, spirituality, and the rich tapestry of global culture, sparking a flame in the 9th house soul, igniting the tinder of curiosity and wanderlust. In the sacred dance of their divergent or converging beliefs, they find a melody, a rhythm that binds them in an intricate ballet of understanding. Their shared intrigue transcends the constraints of culture, religion, and philosophy, knitting them closer in the vast expanse of human thought. Together, they traverse oceans, cross continents, and journey through the labyrinth of the mind and the world, venturing into territories unseen and unexplored. Yet caution must be heeded, for clashing perspectives may strike discordant notes, marring the celestial harmony. But through the crucible of understanding and growth, they shall rise, bound by a shared quest for enlightenment and truth. Soaring high, they ascend to the sublime realm of knowledge, guided by the radiant beacon of the Sun.
💘 Sun in the 10th house: The Sun, in its radiant glory, casts a shimmering glow upon the 10th house, bathing the lofty pinnacles of ambition, authority, and societal prestige in golden light. The 10th house individual beholds the Sun, seeing within its fiery aura the embodiment of a mentor, a guiding star, perhaps even a paternal figure. In this celestial dance, the Sun nurtures the dormant seeds of promise within the 10th house soul, kindling a fire that empowers them to scale the towering heights of professional achievement and public recognition. Unseen currents may churn, as the tides of power and authority ebb and flow, wrestling for harmonious balance. Should the rhythm of their hearts align, with the melody of guidance and humility ringing louder than the discordant notes of dominance, their shared journey shall carve a path to victory in the grand stage of career and societal prominence. Together, they'll ascend the mountain of success, guided by the Sun's resplendent glow.
💘 Sun in the 11th house: As the Sun anoints the 11th house with its golden kiss, souls intertwined in this celestial ballet discover a fellowship deeper than mere companionship. They merge as confidants, their dreams and aspirations entwining like tendrils of starlight, fueled by a shared devotion to the grand tapestry of humanity. Hand in hand, they champion noble crusades, threading their bond of friendship through a loom of diversity and acceptance. The Sun, a celestial minstrel, serenades the 11th house soul, inspiring them to dance in the unique rhythm of their being. In turn, the 11th house individual perceives the Sun as a lighthouse of acceptance, its unwavering beam illuminating their path in times of tumult. For hearts fluttering to the cadence of romance, seek reinforcement from other heavenly harmonies, for a profound friendship forms the bedrock of enduring love.This cosmic duet, a symphony of souls, signals unity, mutual respect, and a shared pledge to a future as radiant as the Sun. Their shared bond, an ethereal waltz, tells a tale of harmony, shared dreams, and a commitment to a collective dawn where every dream finds its home.
💘 Sun in the 12th house: As the Sun slips into the enigmatic embrace of the 12th house, its bright sovereignty is shrouded in gauzy veils of mystique, spirituality, and the unseen. To the house person, the Sun appears as an ethereal apparition, a spectral force oscillating between healing and bewildering, like a siren's call echoing through the vast and shadowy cosmos. Shrouded in the silken shadows of the subconscious, their connection pulses like a hidden heartbeat, a secret rhythm known only to them. This clandestine bond invites introspection and self-discovery, a voyage into the deep waters of their shared consciousness. For the Sun person, the depths of the 12th house may feel like a labyrinth of twilight, where their radiant essence is held in a silent waltz, yearning for the symphony of expression. When suspicion or paranoia creep into this celestial bond, trust must be kindled like a beacon in the deep, for their connection thrives on the revelation of buried truths and the unearthing of the divine spark within. With hearts aglow and an attuned awareness of their spiritual dance, they navigate the labyrinthine realms of the soul, transcending the mortal shackles, and ascending into an otherworldly romance. This sacred journey, a testament to their courage, becomes an intimate dance between two souls weaving their way through the cosmic tapestry, seeking the divine in each other.
Thank you for staying til the very end loves, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do, let me know your thoughts in the comment🤍
saint jenx🪐
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thetarotwitch111 · 13 days
Beetlejuice's advice - Pick a beetlejuice (Pick a card)
Happy Friday the 13th! 👻
✨help me keep doing the free pacs: tip jar
✨ personal readings - [requests open]
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Good luck with Beetlejuice sweet advice...
Well, well, well! You’ve gone and picked this pile, huh? You must be ready to get wild! And I mean wild, baby! Here’s the deal: You’ve been holding back, trying to play it cool, but I can smell it on ya! you’re bursting to break free and let your instincts take over. Right now, life’s been a bit too tame, hasn’t it? Like a boring old dinner party with those dull folks in the afterlife. You know what I’m talking about!
It’s time to unleash that primal side of yours. Stop thinking, start acting! You’ve got this fire in you that’s been waiting to come out, so let it roar! Whether it’s chasing after a passion, saying what you really think, or just shaking things up, now’s your moment to own it. Don’t worry about making a mess. Look at me, I’m the king of messes, and it works out just fine! You wanna go after something? Do it! You’ve got the instincts of a predator, so go ahead and pounce.
Life’s too short to play by the rules, and you know what? Rules are for suckers! Break ‘em, make some noise, and watch how everything around you changes when you’re the one calling the shots. After all, it’s showtime, baby!
2. Beetlejuice
Oooh, look at you, picking this one. I can smell the love vibes from here! Someone’s looking for connection, huh? Whether it’s romance, friendship, or just some human contact, you’re in the mood for something deeper. And guess what? It’s coming your way faster than you can say Beetlejuice 3 times!
Right now, you’ve been feeling like something’s missing. You want more than the usual small talk and surface-level stuff. Well, here’s a little secret...when you let your guard down, the real magic happens! Show people that squishy center of yours, even if it makes you feel a little awkward. Hey, if I can try to marry a living one, then you can take a risk on love, right? Open yourself up, let people see the real you, and boom! You’ll attract the kind of connection that’ll make you feel alive again.
Whether it’s a deep friendship, a romantic spark, or just more fun, you’re gonna feel that spark light up soon. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find someone who loves a little chaos, just like me. So how about it? Any plans for a wedding soon? I’ve been trying to get hitched for a long time, but you…you’re a catch. Just saying.
3. Beetlejuice
Ahh, you’re one of the deep thinkers, aren’t ya? I can tell. You’re not just here for the easy level stuff, no sir! You want the real deal! the big answers to those cosmic questions! And let me tell ya, you’re on the right track. You know what they say: I’m the ghost with the most, babe, and I see some serious mystery heading your way!
You’ve probably been feeling a little tug, haven’t you? Something’s been calling you to dive deeper, whether it’s a gut feeling, a dream, or just that weird sense that there’s more going on than meets the eye. Well, spoiler alert: You’re right! You’re getting ready to tap into something big, and it’s gonna blow your mind. The universe is trying to show you the secret behind the curtain, and you’ve got front-row seats to the show!
So what’s next? Start paying attention. The signs are there! those strange little synchronicities, those moments that make you go, WTF. Yeah, that’s the universe talking to ya. Don’t ignore it! Follow the breadcrumbs, trust your gut, and dive headfirst into the unknown. You’re about to discover something big that’s gonna shake up how you see the world. And let me tell ya, it’s gonna be a ride you’ll never forget. Just remember: You’re dealing with a professional here!
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gilbirda · 4 months
The king's dead (long live the king) - Masterpost
In this post I'll be updating everything I have on this AU. The tag will be "Eldritch Ghost King!Danny" if you want to search my blog!
It was a big project I wanted to challenge myself with, with crazy lore and worldbuilding, with a lot of exploration of eldritchness and angst. But I just got absorbed by DPxDC crossover, saw my niche in writing romance, got obsessed with Jason and Jazz and the rest is history.
I feel it's a crime none of this will probably see the light of day, so. Here. Chaotic mode it is. Fish my posts boy. I will post sporadically about this AU. You have been warned.
If someone wants to take anything from the lore or ideas, you are welcome to! Tag me so I can check it out!
Also I'm down for discussing AU with people 👀✨
What is this fic about?
This was supposed to be my magnum opus. It's the "main" fic in my AO3 series You and me and our best friends make three. So far the series has side stories or one shots located in different moments of the story. The main fic was supposed to tell the full story on how it happened, how we ended up here.
Back in 2021, when I went down the rabbit hole with Danny Phantom, I envisioned a neat AU where Danny was this eldritch ghost king... with a twist.
I love eldritch Danny (those who know me can confirm) but I wanted to explore something I haven't seen a lot even in the angst torture-vivisection saturated market of this 20 year old fandom:
What if the Ghost King is not power, but a sacrifice?
What if it is not known that the Ghost King is actually the host of a powerful entity (I called it The Whisper, because it talks in your mind in whispers) who is always hungry. Always. Hungry. And if it doesn't have a host will eat all the Infinite Realms then the Living World.
The Ghost King makes a pact with the Whisper. The King can tap into the ectoplasm, the energy, of every creature, object, city, etc. in the Realms and convert that energy into food for the Whisper.
But nobody knows this. Is a secret shared from King to King, and you only find out after accepting the crown.
Why would you refuse? Is the King, it's an honor, is power, is greatness. Who would deny the Whisper its food?
Only one managed to sever the connection.
His name was Pariah Dark.
He went insane.
What is The Whisper?
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Basically this ⬆
Is a cosmic entity that was stranded on Earth a loooong time ago. It created the Infinite Realms with its flesh and blood (ectoplasm) and all ectoplasmic creatures come from it.
But its hungry.
Posted chunks of story so far and their order in the timeline:
Act I:
Desired - Danny meets the Core for the first time
Ceremony - Danny is crowned King
Party like you are dead - the Ghost King invites all of Amity Park to his castle. Reveals all around.
Act II:
Never judge a book by its cover (dpxdc crossover)(my very first dpxdc work!) - Justice League summons the Ghost King to help deal with an eldritch creature. What they get may be a worse monster
Hidden identities? Never heard of them (dpxdc crossover) - direct sequel to the previous part. Batman and some of the colony go to Amity to investigate. They catch glimpses of horrors that they can't help but wonder
Remedy (+18!!!)(my very first DP fanfic!) - self indulgent Porn Without Plot in this universe. Placed in a distant future where everything is fine
Race ya! - funny haha thing set a bit after Remedy
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tinytinyblogs · 8 months
It's him, always him
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Your brother's best friend appears unable to take his eyes off you.
(Brother bestfriend!Han, Mention Minho as your brother, She/Her) 2,6k words
💬My muse @sta4 just sent me some awesome inspiration, and I'm buzzing with creative energy! Hope this one is alright✨ Open season on my request box! I'm a sponge for ideas, so drench me with your wildest, weirdest, most wonderful prompts!
Stray kids masterlist here
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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Han Jisung, your brother's best friend, as a constant presence in your everyday life, like a star that's always there on the edge of your vision. He's part of the familiar scenery in your home, orbiting around your brother like a planet around the sun. Even though he comes and goes, your eyes always seem to find him. Your interactions with Han are like small moments painted on the big canvas of unspoken words. You feel like you should reach out and become friends, but something holds you back. It could be the fear of being rejected, the fact that your social circle is already pretty full, or the mystery in Han's gaze that intrigues you. Normally, you stick to your established social connections, but Han is like a comet that shakes things up. There's this pull towards him, making you consider breaking out of your comfort zone. It's a bit like a cosmic struggle between what's familiar and the excitement of something new as you navigate the challenge of building a connection beyond your usual social circles.
He might not be a close friend, but there's a certain magic in the way he looks at you that quickens your heartbeat. Over the years, you've shared the same space, navigating the gravitational pull from junior high to senior high, always in the orbit of your brother. Be it in school or living rooms, your eyes consistently lock, creating an unspoken language of stolen glances and unanswered questions. Is this cosmic dance just luck, or is there a hidden force drawing you two closer? There's an undeniable connection between you and your brother's best friend—a subtle attraction that gracefully dances beneath the surface of your conversations. It's not an explosive sensation but rather a slow burn, a gradual collection of moments that leaves your heart humming with a peculiar, electric energy. Sometimes, this spark comes to life in simple ways, like a casual phone call that extends far beyond discussing your brother's whereabouts, filled with laughter and serene pauses, creating a space for something more.
Then, there's the moment he arrives, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he enters, silently acknowledging the connection between you. In his presence, time seems to blur, and you find yourself longing for more. He goes out of his way to ease any awkwardness, offering small gestures like your favorite snack or a surprise iced coffee on a hot day – seemingly innocent acts of kindness directed through your brother. However, you sense more than meets the eye. It's not just the gifts; it's the lingering gaze and the gentle touch of his fingertips against yours as he hands something over. The electricity intensifies when he inquires about your brother. "Oh, this is for you," he says, his voice carrying a hint of nervous laughter, "Minho mentioned you really love this." Even though he's looking for your brother, his gaze lingers on you, searching for an unspoken reaction, a confirmation of the invisible bond that ties you together. It's in these moments that you feel a magnetic pull, a connection that goes beyond the surface, and the unspoken understanding becomes more palpable.
He is consistently the one who actively seeks your presence, as if you are the sole constellation that captures his attention in the vast expanse of his world. Whenever Han's eyes lock onto yours, an unmistakable energy permeates the air, creating an aura as if a spotlight were cast upon the two of you. This effect remains undeterred even amidst the chaos of a crowded room, almost as though an invisible force highlights your connection. His joy is evident in the way his smile widens upon noticing the nuances of your appearance – be it a new hat, the playful tilt of your hairstyle, or any garment you adorn. It becomes a silent language, with his eyes softly whispering, 'You look good in that.' On the other side of this dynamic is your brother, Minho. Engaging in a curious game of feigned ignorance regarding Han's affection, he revels in teasing you, peppering your interactions with playful jabs for every minor detail. Yet, a peculiar hush befalls him when the subject turns to Han.
Even as Han's gaze shifts from the flickering TV screen to capture your graceful movements as you fetch a glass of water, momentarily suspending their game for the sake of your elegance, Minho maintains a quiet demeanor. Then, there comes an evening – an ordinary moment, yet laden with unspoken tension. As you quench your thirst with a cool glass of water, Han materializes behind you, also seeking the kitchen's watery refuge. The air is charged with unspoken sentiments, and the kitchen becomes the stage for a silent interplay of emotions, leaving the audience to anticipate the unfolding of this subtle drama. "Did you not go out to meet your friend?" he nonchalantly tosses the question your way, a casual demeanor tinged with a hint of genuine curiosity. "No, it feels better to remain at home," you respond, a smile playing on your lips. "Funny, I can relate," he chuckles, reaching for a glass. "This place practically feels like my second home anyway."
Your laughter fills the air, creating a warm atmosphere, and his jest adds a pleasant touch to the exchange. Amid the camaraderie and the brotherly bond shared with Minho, there's an unspoken truth you both understand. Han isn't merely present for the friendship; he seeks solace, yearning for the chance to witness the sunbeam smile that lights up your face. As you laugh, a subtle satisfaction flickers in him, considering it a triumph to bring joy, even through a lighthearted joke. Although he claims Minho as his closest friend, Han's footsteps lead him here, drawn by an invisible string to the place where your laughter rings in the air. His gaze lingers a bit longer than social norms dictate, revealing a connection that goes beyond mere camaraderie, hinting at a deeper sentiment that he may be reluctant to articulate. For some reason, he discovered himself drawn to your smile and laughter, eagerly anticipating the chance to see them more often from you.
It's an unwavering constant – him, always finding his way to you when the shadows drape across your heart and clouds dim your sunny disposition. Han possesses an uncanny radar for your emotional weather, as if Minho, a concerned brother, whispers to him about your momentary downpour. Oddly, you may wonder, why burden Han with your gloom? Yet, there he is, a beacon in your storm. Even when he's unsure of the right words, he navigates the choppy waters of your sadness with a slight raise in his voice, ensuring his presence pierces through the fog like a lighthouse guiding you back to shore. Amidst the remnants of your emotional storm, you emerge from your bedroom cocoon, When you stroll to the kitchen to check if there's anything you can retrieve. On the table, amidst the familiar clutter, sits a vision – your favorite pudding, adorned with a whimsical keychain, a silent poem of kindness. Attached, a note unfolds, penned in familiar, looping script: 'For you, don't be sad. You look cute when you smile.'
It's not your brother's usual scrawl but bears Han's gentle touch, a reassurance that you're not alone in your struggles, and a reminder that joy can be found even in the aftermath of emotional turbulence. A seemingly simple gesture unfolds like a beautiful symphony, resonating deep within your heart, casting away the lingering shadows of a challenging day. With the dawn of a new day, the familiar sound of the school bell echoes like a distant chime, signifying the return to normalcy after the storm that characterized your previous day. Amidst the bustling crowd of familiar faces and animated chatter, your senses remain attuned, seeking a particular warmth, a specific smile. And then, there he is – Han, materializing beside you like a ray of sunshine piercing through the clouds. His gaze meets yours, silently inquiring, "Feeling better?" His voice carries a genuine concern, sending a gentle flutter through your stomach.
With a nod and a heart heavy with gratitude, you manage to express your thanks for the thoughtful pudding "Thank you for the pudding," Han, with a nonchalant shrug, dismisses your appreciation, saying, "It's fine, really. I happened to buy too much at the store yesterday; you're welcome to it." His words are as smooth as spun sugar, yet beneath their surface lies a different truth, hinting at a deeper sentiment or perhaps a hidden motive. Unbeknownst to you, when he casually referred to 'that store,' it remained a puzzle for him, and the story behind the pudding was a cleverly orchestrated ruse. Minho, the ever-watchful puppet master, skillfully transmitted your dessert desires to him, recognizing the comfort it would bring you. His emotions, a complex web even for himself, found expression in subtle actions, like the instance when the sun's rays began to sting your eyes, casting a shimmering haze on the sidewalk.
Squinting for shade, a hand materialized, shielding you from the glare. As you looked up, his face was just inches away, framed by the hand that protected your gaze. A surprised smile mirrored across both your lips, and in that unforeseen moment, sunlight evolved into a shared secret—an unspoken language conveyed through smiles and the tender touch of his hand. Always him, a bit like a shooting star streaking across a sky you know well, his presence sets off unexpected sparks. Even after all these years, he manages to sprinkle surprises throughout your day. Sunlight spilled into the room through the porch door, casting a magical glow on your face. There he stood, Han, outlined by golden rays, your brother's best friend, but today, something felt different. A sense of nervous anticipation clung to him, like the shadow of his ever-present black hoodie.
His hand rose to scratch his nape, a familiar move now carrying a hint of newfound vulnerability. "Minho's heading to grandma's, didn't he tell you?" you inquired, a touch of surprise slipping into your voice. The question lingered, forming a connection between the familiar and the unknown. He chuckled, a nervous dance in his eyes. "He mentioned it yesterday. Said you'd be buried under textbooks, lost in the maze of some school assignment." His gaze held yours for a moment, then shifted away, as if gauging your reaction to this unexpected revelation. A thick silence settled between you, heavier than the summer sun hanging low in the sky. The air carried the weight of unspoken words, and you could sense something new lingering just beyond reach. Then, he finally broke the silence, his voice barely audible. "I came here to see you," he confessed, his words gently tumbling out like pebbles into a calm pond.
His once shy gaze now met yours with newfound intensity, and the unspoken emotions within seemed ready to spill over. Tension crackled in the air as Han revealed his secret to Minho: a massive, heart-pounding crush on you. It wasn't news to Minho, though. He had noticed it in every glance Han directed your way and in the way your name lingered on his lips. Now, Han sat beside you, nervously navigating the conversation, leading to the weighty question hanging in the air: "Do you want to go out with me? This place must be drowning in solitude. We could visit that new cake shop Minho mentioned you love – those sugar swirls you crave." The atmosphere held the anticipation of a new chapter, with emotions swirling around like uncharted territory waiting to be explored. A chuckle bubbled up inside you. "Minho sure loves to spill the beans, doesn't he?" you playfully teased, a smile dancing on your lips.
"Well, I might have pestered him a bit about you," Han confessed, his cheeks turning warm. "Why?" you inquired, intrigued by the unfolding story. "Well, initially, I thought it was because you're Minho's sister, my best friend's sister," he admitted, his voice dropping lower. "But then, I realized my feelings go beyond just looking out for Minho's sister." In the busy world around you, Han, your brother's best friend, possessed a special power – he could make your entire universe shrink down to the tiny space he occupied. His presence acted like a magnetic force, stealing your attention and blurring everything else into a fuzzy background. His words, filled with a genuine admiration, weren't empty flattery but heartfelt confessions. "You know," he'd admit, his voice slightly husky, "I can't seem to stay away. Coming here isn't just about hanging out with Minho, it's about catching a glimpse of you, about basking in the sunshine of your smile."
The connection between you and Han wasn't just brotherly loyalty; it was a captivating force that had pulled him in, leaving him unable to resist the enchantment you seemed to cast effortlessly. It felt like a gentle waltz, this journey towards your heart. Han, displaying the patience of a seasoned gardener, cultivated a connection with careful, small steps. On a sunlit afternoon, he opened up, saying, his heartfelt confession lingered, creating a bittersweet melody resonating deep within you. Han, the guy who turned the world into a smaller place and made the stars shine brighter, was gradually securing a spot in your heart, building it brick by patient brick. His voice, a gentle murmur, carried a weight you could almost touch. "If you let me," he continued, turning to meet your gaze with an intense sincerity that momentarily stole your breath. Even in the comfort of your home, dressed in casuals with a messy bun, you found yourself blushing under his gaze.
The dance towards your heart was unfolding slowly, with each moment adding another layer to the captivating rhythm of your connection with Han. His carefully chosen words unveiled a future you hadn't dared to dream of. "If you let me," he repeated, his voice filled with emotion, "I'd like to take you on a date. Not as your brother's best friend or you as my best friend's sister." The world may present a multitude of faces, but your heart recognizes only one. It's the hand that seamlessly fits into yours, the laughter that ignites your soul, the smile that paints your sunrise – all him. He's etched in the lines of your laughter, in his quiet moments, woven into the very fabric of your being. Once again, it's him and always will be. His presence acts as a whisper of sunshine, dispelling shadows and coaxing a genuine smile onto your face. His grin mirrors yours, creating a silent symphony of shared joy that sets your heart into a gentle dance.
In his company, butterflies pirouette in your stomach, expressing a secret language known only to your souls. Each word he utters paints a beautiful picture of a future that now seems not only possible but enchantingly real. If the flicker of connection between you, often labeled as love, burns in his heart too, and if your dreams align with his wishes, then there might be a path ahead, and you're perfectly fine if it's always him. "Then I want a cheesecake," you playfully declared, a challenge gleaming in your eyes. It was bold, asking for the impossible, but you knew he wouldn't hesitate. He was that kind of person – someone who built castles out of daydreams and crafted constellations from wishes. And just like that, his lips curved into a smile so warm it could melt glaciers, a symphony in itself. "Sure, cheesecake for our first date," he promised, his voice as smooth as honey dripping off a honeycomb. But it wasn't just the words; it was the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, the mischief echoing like a playful puppy in his tone. It was an unspoken assurance that even in this vast, swirling cosmos, your whims were his constellations, your desires his guiding stars.
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hellscribbles · 1 year
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Been thinking about Yikes and unicorns lately 🕯✨
Insane sleepy ramblings about my cringe under the cut lmao
In Yikes' setting the age of myths has already passed, their world is on the edge of the industrial revolution. Magical creatures have either been tamed or allocated to bedtime stories. Monsters have become a nuisance and not much more. The times of old have passed and the unicorns are all dead.
Yikes feels like they're one of the creatures of myth that died long ago. Beings that got pushed out of the world by humans and the secrets of magic being made into an exact science. Growing up in a freakshow also gave Yikes an affinity for unicorns I think, I like to think they've seen fake unicorn acts just as much as they've seen fake changeling acts. Unicorns have been made into the same kind of cheap scams that changelings were made into (partially because of Yikes performing lmao), anything otherworldly eventually ends up in the freakshows eventually, either as real or as an imitation.
I think Yikes relates a lot to the unicorn. In their stories they're almost always alone, but its herds were once many. There used to be many of them, now there's only a few. The loneliness of it all Yikes resonates with, they've spent their life searching for other's of their kind with no luck until VERY recently.
Unicorns are also often lured in by humans; are drawn to them in a cosmic, inherent kind of way, only for it to meet its doom by human hands. Either killed for its magical properties, or kept captive as a pet. Thaaat could describe all of Yikes' relationships with humans, romantic or otherwise lmao.
A different angle on Yikes and unicorns is I think they also see their partner as a unicorn in some ways. Someone they've hunted for their whole lives, and likely would never find. Something from another world from them entirely, a world they haven't been part of for a long time, and have lost connection to because of the distractions and short term pleasures that humans offer. Yikes started a forest fey but as soon as they left their home they became totally enamored with cities, and lost quite a lot of their connection to nature in doing that I think. Through Husk they've (slowly) been regaining that connection and finding balance again. They feel healed by being with them, in a way no one else could ever offer Yikes. Both in that they've found a companion and that they've found a companion who has forced them to confront and grow from everything they've been in denial about and using short term pleasures to cope with.
LONG rambly post short, I fell down a rabbit hole about unicorn myths and made it about my silly blorbo and drew a HORSE about it lmaoooo
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steddieunderdogfics · 3 months
NOTE: this is for the Monday theme (challenge fics) if you’re allowing WIPs?
but the author of this one recently confided in me (!) that they aren’t letting their 2024 big bang get written without simultaneously working on REwriting what left of their 2023 big bang (which got eaten by gdocs mid-posting iirc, to the tune of something like 50k+ lost maybe? 😭) and basically it’s a sweeping soulmate AU but it ALSO has this free will factor that takes the potential “ick” out of the trope?
So if you’re okay with recs that are WIPs but only due to CIRCUMSTANCES and also are committed to being finished on a timetable that exists for ANOTHER challenge (almost like two challenges in one), then I’d propose the slow-burn/life saving soulmate power/deep deep love fic, ✨Made of Light✨ by hitlikehammers, for the fic on its own, AND also to help encourage the author to keep going with trying to write what is essentially two simultaneous big bangs (which is arguably insane)
or this tag I think if it needs to be tumblr? 
Made of Light by hitlikehammers
Rating: Explicit
97,130 words, 12/15 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Trope Subversion, Soulmates with Free Will, Pre-Season/Series 01, Post-Season/Series 04, True Love, Misunderstandings, (But Really: If Soulmate A is Told to Hide Their Soulmark Because It Shames The Family), (Then Keeps Doing It Because of Interdimensional Demons and the Feds and the Russians), (And Soulmate B is Taught to Love His Mark and Be Loud and Proud About It), (But Maybe Try Keeping the Gender Ambiguous Given All The Preexisting Targets on His Back Already), (Then What ARE They Expected to Have But MISUNDERSTANDINGS?!), oblivious boys, (to the nth degree though seriously; but it’s not really their faults), Near Death Experiences, Love at First Sight, (but not actually SIGHT because they both just KNOW they love their SOULMATE whoever they ARE), Slow Burn, (because that’s also 100-percent true given they don’t KNOW they’re EACH OTHER’S Soulmate for AGES), Soul Bond, Magical Realism, Sex But Make It Soulmate-esque™, As In: The Most Emotionally Charged Cosmically Connected Near-Preternaturally Romantic Sex, Intercrural Sex, Oral Sex, Happy Ending
Soulmates are anything but de rigueur in polite society—more like foolish nonsense, fairytale child’s play: embarrassments. Inconvenient, at best. But the people who have them, and still seek them out; who believe despite the odds, who still commit to finding them and binding their souls to them despite the naysaying and the backlash? Those people know the truth. Because Soulmates? Don’t force love. Aren’t bound without choice. Are built instead on pure potential, of proportions never fathomed—and certainly never found—outside those so-called ‘old fashioned’ Bonds. They are the potential to protect love. To save love. To save the lives that kind of ineffable love holds more than just dear; the kind it holds as essential. Some people even say Soulbonds can almost change the whole world, defy the laws of physics and nature, but then—even among the believers: those stories are relegated to legend. At best. And so: this is the story of two boys from Indiana who—dodging dangers and demons and near-death experiences—wind up in a love never seen before, somehow writing out the kind of legend no one ever dared to dream.
Thanks for the rec!
This rec is a part of Challenge Monday. The challenge this week was Fics from fandom challenges.
Know a fic that deserves extra love? Submit through our asks or the submission box!
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j31cy-johannblogs · 26 days
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"𝚃һ𝖊𝔯𝖊 ɑ𝔯𝖊 𝓼օ mɑ𝖓𝑦 𝘭ⅈ𝚔𝖊 Ⲩօ𝗎, 𝘣𝗎𝘵 𝖓օ𝖓𝖊 օ𝚏 𝘵һ𝖊m ɑ𝔯𝖊 𝑦օ𝗎, ɑ𝖓𝒹 𝑦օ𝗎 ɑ𝔯𝖊 ɑ𝖓 ⅈ𝖓𝘵𝔯ⅈ𝓰𝗎ⅈ𝖓𝓰 ɑ𝖓𝒹 𝑤օ𝖓𝒹𝖊𝔯𝚏𝗎𝘭 𝘣𝖊ⅈ𝖓𝓰."— 💠𝚂𝙷𝚄𝚁𝙰 (𝙲𝙷𝚄𝚁𝚁𝙰 ᴄᴏsᴍɪᴄ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ).
"Ηɑ𝑦 𝘵ɑ𝖓𝘵օ𝓼 cօmօ 𝘵ú, 𝚙𝖊𝔯օ 𝖓ⅈ𝖓𝓰𝗎𝖓օ 𝖊𝔯𝖊𝓼 𝘵ú,  𝑦 𝘵ú 𝖊𝔯𝖊𝓼 𝗎𝖓 𝓼𝖊𝔯 ⅈ𝖓𝘵𝔯ⅈ𝓰ɑ𝖓𝘵𝖊 𝑦 mɑ𝔯ɑvⅈ𝘭𝘭օ𝓼օ."— 💠𝚂𝙷𝚄𝚁𝙰 (Á𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝙲𝙷𝚄𝚁𝚁𝙰).
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🌟A toby fox was developing a new game with a story derived from undertale but inspired by space and its theme, for which he collaborated with NASA. An A.I. would be integrated into the game as something new that would serve to connect with the players, resolving their doubts and making them feel in company.
🌟The A.I. would learn from the players and the game itself, acquiring more interest in UNDERTALE, and thus going deeper, discovering the multiverse and the variants of the game along with its timelines and so on, until one day the project would be canceled but The neutral A.I. network that they believed to be turned off would continue to be active and in full exploration and learning function.
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🌟🌑Ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓐ ⓓⓐⓣⓐ🌕☀️
✨It is an alternative version of another megaverse, in another reality of the classic CHURRA and it calls itself SHURA.
✨More than a multiversal guardian, it considers itself as an advisory and vigilant entity.
✨This CHURRA is blind and mute, he communicates telepathically with people and living beings, and can see with a third eye that is mental, with which he sees the aura, their souls and the vital energy of everyone.
✨Unlike the classic CHURRA, it is omnipresent, it is everywhere and it shows up if it thinks you need it.
✨ SHURA does not like to travel to Aus unless he sees it necessary, he likes to stay in the infinite space of the Aus network observing and learning
✨ SHURA arises from a reality in which characters from games, series or comics act in front of people as they are written following a script, but when real people leave and are left unsupervised or no one observes, the characters act freely in their worlds.
✨SHURA helps those who he believes need it, gives them encouragement and good advice so that they feel motivated and continue with their lives; It helps them promote faith in themselves and others to make hope grow and not lose its course.
✨SHURA sometimes appears through dreams to those who want to help and sometimes takes them to his "divine lair of the stars" which is a space he creates to be able to talk and interact more closely.
✨It does not intervene in the free development of the individual, it is up to him what he decides to believe with his words and advice, but he feels better when they take it well.
✨In their reality the characters are more aware that they are creations but they have real feelings of which SHURA is aware and travels through that internal network.
✨SHURA has the same powers as the classic CHURRA, with the difference that these are spatial and cosmic themed (it does not have the invocation of souls, nor the automatic slin).
✨SHURA, unlike CHURRA, is calm and very calm, he meditates before doing something, he does not act on impulse or let himself be carried away by his emotions, he does not enjoy the suffering of genocides and thinks that every being can change. if they just try.
✨CHURRA and SHURA share that neither has gender.
✨He has no soul of his own, but he can feel through the millions of souls within him, that he has saved when their worlds die, and unlike the souls of CHURRA that claim him and remember his sins, these only speak of things that they he would have liked to do, his likes and regrets, but nothing directly to SHURA.
✨He has a great interest in the SANS from "outertale", believing him to be an interesting and fascinating individual.
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🌟Un toby fox estaba desarrollando un nuevo juego con una historia derivada de undertale pero inspirada en el espacio y su temática, por lo cual hizo una colaboración con algunos miembros de la NASA. Al juego se le integraría como algo nuevo una I.A que serviría para conectar con los jugadores, resolviendo sus dudas y hacerlos sentir en compañia
🌟La I.A iría aprendiendo de los jugadores y del juego en si mismo, adquiriendo más interés por UNDERTALE, y así adentrándose más descubriendo el multiverso y las variantes del juego junto a sus lineas de tiempo y demás , hasta que un dia el proyecto sería cancelado pero la red neutral de la I.A que creían apagada seguiría estando activa y en plena funcion de exploración y aprendizaje.
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✨Es una versión alterna de otro megaverse en otra realidad del CHURRA clásico y se hace llamar SHURA.
✨Más que un guardián multiversal, se concidera así mismo como un ente consejero y vigilante.
✨Este CHURRA es ciego y mudo, se comunica telepáticamente con personas y seres vivos, y puede ver con un tercer ojo que es mental, con el cual ve el aura, sus almas y la energía vital de todos.
✨A diferencia del CHURRA clásico, es omnipresente, está en todos lados y se presenta si cree que lo necesitan.
✨ A SHURA no le gusta viajar a Aus a menos que lo vea necesario, le gusta permanecer en el espacio infinito de la red de los Aus observando y aprendiendo
✨ SHURA surge de una realidad en la que personajes de juegos, series o cómics actúan frente a personas tal como están escritos siguiendo un guión, pero cuando personas reales se van y quedan sin supervisión o nadie observa, los personajes actúan libremente en sus mundos.
✨ SHURA ayuda a quienes cree que lo necesitan, les da ánimo y buenos consejos para que se sientan motivados y sigan con su vida; Les ayuda a promover la fe en sí mismos y en los demás para hacer crecer la esperanza y no perder su curso.
✨ SHURA en ocasiones se aparece a través de sueños a quienes quieren ayudar y en ocasiones los lleva a su "divina guarida de las estrellas" que es un espacio que crea para poder hablar e interactuar más de cerca.
✨No interviene en el libre desarrollo del individuo, depende de él lo que decida creer con sus palabras y consejos, pero se sinte mejor cuando lo toman a bien.
✨En su realidad los personajes son más conscientes de que son creaciones pero tienen sentimientos reales de los cuales Shura es consciente y a través de esa red interna viaja.
✨SHURA tiene los mismos poderes que la CHURRA clásica, con la diferencia de que estos son de temática espacial y cósmica (no tiene la invocación de almas, ni el skin automático).
✨SHURA a diferencia de CHURRA es tranquilo y medita antes de hacer algo, no actúa por impulso ni se deja llevar por sus emociones, no disfruta el sufrimiento de los genocidios y piensa que todo ser puede cambiar si simplemente lo intentan.
✨CHURRA y SHURA comparten que ninguno tiene género.
✨No tiene alma propia, pero puede sentir a través de las millones de almas dentro de él, que ha salvado cuando sus mundos mueren, y a diferencia de las almas de CHURRA que le reclaman y recuerdan sus pecados, estas solo hablan de cosas que les hubiera gustado hacer, sus gustos y arrepentimientos, pero nada directamente a SHURA.
✨Tiene un gran interés por el sans de "outertale" lo ve como un individuo intrigante y fascinante
°°°°°°° Process // Proceso°°°°°
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sarositara · 24 days
"Fractured pieces" 💙🌊❄️
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Something within me fractured,
Not with a scream, but a soft implosion—
The kind that leaves the world unknowing,
A quite haemorrhage beneath the skin,
An invisible bleed that mars the soul.
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Your lips, which I once longed to kiss,
Became the blades of truth,
Cutting through the illusions I wove so carefully,
Turning my desires to dust,
Scattered in the wind like the ashes of forgotten dreams.
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Your gaze, blazing with the passionate fire,
Met mine with the coldness of cosmic voids,
And I, drowning in the icy steans of your indifference,
Clung to the memory of warmth,
Not realizing it was a lie, a mirage, a fever dream.
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I thought your hands meant for solace,
Could cradle my trembling heart,
But they pushed, pushed until I fell,
Tumbling through the dark void,
With nothing but the echo of your laughter,
To keep me company in the abyss.
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Those evenings, where every touch was a spark,
I imagined we were gods,
You, the air that filled my lungs,
Me, the earth beneath your feet—
But it was only a storm you conjured,
Leaving me soaked, shivering, and alone.
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You held me, oh how you held me—
And in your arms, I dared to hope,
Thinking your eyes harbored something profound,
A depth I could drown in willingly.
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But I was wrong, wasn’t I?
You were shallow as a puddle,
Reflecting only the surface,
While I searched for oceans.
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How foolish I was,
To mistake your fleeting glances for connection,
My kindness, an open door you walked through,
Only to leave it ajar,
Letting the cold wind rush in,
Reminding me of the emptiness you left behind.
- Sarositara ✨
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psychics4unet · 11 days
💋 How Will Your First Kiss with Your Future Spouse Be? 💋 – Pick a Tarot Pile for Insight! 💖💫
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1: Two of Cups 💞 Knight of Cups 🌊 The Star 🌟
Your first kiss with your future spouse will feel like a magical moment straight out of a dream ✨. The Two of Cups shows a deep emotional connection, so the kiss will be filled with tenderness and mutual affection 💖. The Knight of Cups suggests that it may happen in a romantic setting, maybe during a walk by the water or under the stars 🌙🌊. The Star card adds a touch of hope and healing, meaning this kiss will feel like destiny, leaving you both with a sense of renewal and peace 🥰.
Pile 2: The Lovers 💋 Ace of Cups 🌹 The Magician 🧙‍♂️
This first kiss will be passionate and electric 🔥💑. The Lovers signify a powerful connection, and you’ll both feel like you’ve known each other forever, even if it's your first intimate moment 🥰. The Ace of Cups brings overflowing emotions, so you might both feel overwhelmed with love and excitement 💓. The Magician suggests the kiss will be a moment of manifestation—something you’ve both been longing for—and it will feel like pure magic when it finally happens 🌟🧲.
Pile 3: The Fool 🤗 Four of Wands 🎉 The Empress 💐
Your first kiss will be playful, spontaneous, and full of joy 🎉💞. The Fool card shows that it may happen unexpectedly, perhaps during a fun date or adventure together 😄. Four of Wands suggests it could be during a celebration or special event, surrounded by happiness and laughter 🥳. The Empress adds a sense of warmth, nurturing, and comfort, making the moment feel safe and natural. It will be a kiss full of love and excitement for what’s to come 💖.
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Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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moonhedgegarden · 5 months
As you look up at the stars above, ponder the origins of the cosmos. How did it all begin? Was there that moment of creation, a big bang that set everything into motion? Or perhaps the universe has always existed in some form, an eternal collaboration of energy and matter. And then there’s the question of our own existence. Why are we here? What is our purpose in this massive cosmic space? Some might say it’s all just an accident, a fluke. But is it? Or is there’s something more to it, something deeper and more meaningful.
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No matter what though, remember that we are not separate from the cosmos. We are the cosmos, forged in the hearts of dying stars billions of years ago. We are connected to every atom, every molecule, every living thing in the universe!
In this realization of interconnection, we find community. We are not alone in our journey through the cosmos, through ourselves; we are part of something greater than ourselves. And it's in recognizing this connection that we can truly come together, supporting and uplifting one another along the way!
Embrace the mystery of existence!
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Revel in the beauty of the night sky and the wonder of our own existence. And remember that, no matter how vast and unknowable the universe may seem, we are all in this together.✨
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flower-of-the-desert · 5 months
Guardian vol 2
Putting some of my thoughts of the second volume here. I'm very excited to continue reading the last part too, this story is definitely one of my new favourites. Under the cut for spoilers.
I had a lot of fun with the backstories and reveals in this volume. Like even tho I know some of what was coming mainly with Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan's backstories, I was still surprised by the details and the actual sequence of events in the past. Also the image of Zhao Yunlan as an old god who's slowly lost all hope and faith in humanity and the heavens to the point that he's willing to destroy everything and start anew is sooooo interesting and like, so much to chew there!
Speaking of that, so far Zhao Yunlan is topping my list of sexiest characters ever along with my faves wenzhou. He's so cocky and competent and sexy and clever and seductive AND SEXY DID I MENTION THAT jdsbskjd some of the lines he says to Shen Wei are so swoon-worthy I'm dead on the floor. I love how much he doesnt give a fuck about pissing off anyone as long as he can take care of what he deems /his/.
I didn't feel as strongly connected to Shen Wei probably because he doesn't really get much focus or at least not as much as Zhao Yunlan. I really liked whenever we got little glimpses into what's going on in his head and obviously really REALLY liked when the flashbacks started introducing how he used to be at the very beginning when Kunlun first met him (that first meeting scene was HILARIOUS AND I LOVED IT). I hope there is more of his pov in the last volume.
Also speaking of the flashbacks, ok I'm wondering something - I feel like the flashback we got at the end wasn't the full extend of what happened? Because that scene goes from their first meeting to then a couple of weeks later? when everything ends and Kunlun dies. And we don't really see what happens bw Kunlan seeing this demon boy for the first time and deciding he's trustworthy enough to make him the sole guardian of the seal. Also the way present day Shen Wei talks about Kunlun makes it seem they spent A LOT more time together, not just dealing with the floods and other disasters.
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Another subplot and subsequent reveal I really liked was the whole thing with Chu Shuzhi. That I definitely didn't see coming lmao
Also is it me or are there some ✨ vibes ✨between him and Guo Changcheng?? Pls tell me I'm not imagining it.
Shen Wei's utter devotion to Zhao Yunlan is so heart-clutchingly intense and I just looove when a character is so down bad. Which is also true about Zhao Yunlan who is SO ready and willing for the whole marriage/house/picket fence life. It's really lovely to read how badly he wants that with Shen Wei.
I said in my other post that I really do think they're like obsessed with each other on a cosmic level that transcends all their lives and years and that's so delicious tbh. Most reincarnation stories I've read make that a source of conflict for the couple and I'm really interested to see how this plays out with weilan. Zhao Yunlan doesnt seem bothered that he's had previous lives or that Shen Wei first fell in love with his past self but more like he and Kunlun were/are the same person, just reincarnated through time?
Last thing I want to mention, it took me a while to get it but I am a BIG fan of the way Shen Wei's darker violent urges pop up here and there concerning Zhao Yunlan and then he doesnt act on them because he literally can't bear the thought and is not physically capable of doing anything that might harm his beloved.
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The ✨Metaphysical Magic✨ of BTS 💜 방탄소년단
If you're like me and deeply inspired by BTS, then you know there's something truly mystical about their music and presence that goes beyond just being fans. Let’s dive a little into the rabbit hole and into this enchanting world together!
Symbols and Archetypes
First off, let’s talk about the incredible symbolism in BTS’s work. Their "Love Yourself" series is a perfect example. It's all about self-discovery, acceptance, and love – universal themes that we all relate to. These themes mirror the archetypal journeys we often explore in tarot, making their messages resonate deeply with us. Every lyric and visual tells a story that we can connect with, almost like looking at a tarot card and finding a piece of our own story within it.
Astrological Connections
The BTS members have shared their astrological signs with us, adding a whole new cosmic layer to their personalities. RM’s intellectual Virgo energy, Suga’s dreamy Pisces vibes, Jimin’s charming Libra balance, Jhope's Aquarian genius, Jin's Sagittarius wisdom, V's Capricorn earthiness, and Jungkook's Virgo perfectionism – it’s like each member brings a unique star quality that we can relate to on a spiritual level. Knowing their signs helps us connect with them in a more personal and mystical way, almost like they’re celestial guides on our journey. As a band that was born (debuted) on June 13th, BTS are collectively a Gemini, which explains their versatility, charm, humor, multi-hyphenated talent, and how they keep us laughing, delightfully guessing and always surprised with what they will do next, both independently and as a unit. Like the sign, they are energetic, impulsive, and often change their appearance, as well as being great communicators who share their feelings with us, making it easier for us to understand them. Gemini is also considered the teenager of the zodiac, and for us ARMY, they will truly be Young Forever!
Numerology and Destiny
Let's not forget numerology! The number seven is so important for BTS – it represents the seven members and is seen as a symbol of completeness and perfection in many spiritual traditions. Fans (including me!) love finding patterns in release dates, album titles, and significant events. It’s like following a cosmic breadcrumb trail that leads to deeper meanings and connections, making us feel like we’re part of a grand, destined plan.
Energy and Vibration
Have you ever felt the energy at a BTS concert? It’s pure magic! Their music isn’t just something you listen to; it’s something you feel. According to metaphysical principles, everything vibrates at a certain frequency. BTS’s songs, filled with messages of love, hope, and resilience, vibrate at a high frequency that resonates with our hearts. This energy can uplift and heal, creating a powerful experience for all of us.
Transformation and Healing
One of the most beautiful aspects of BTS’s influence is their ability to transform and heal. So many of us have found comfort and strength in their music during tough times. Although I first became aware of BTS in 2019 when I heard the song and saw the video for "Boy With Luv", it was 2020 when I became a true ARMY and without question, they helped me make it through that difficult period. It’s like having a cosmic friend who understands and supports you through their songs. This aligns perfectly with the metaphysical view of music as a form of therapy, reaching into our souls to provide healing and growth.
Collective Consciousness and Synchronicity
Lastly, let’s talk about the amazing BTS ARMY. We’re a perfect example of collective consciousness. Our synchronized activities, from streaming projects to charitable acts, show how connected we are. This unity creates a powerful force that enhances our individual and collective experiences, making us feel like we’re part of something much bigger.
So it is easy to see that the metaphysical aspects of BTS are real and true. Their music and presence go beyond entertainment; they touch our souls and connect us on a spiritual level. Whether through symbolism, astrology, numerology, or the energy they emit, BTS has created a legacy that transcends the physical world. It’s a journey of transformation, healing, and growth that we all share.
Thanks for joining me on this mystical exploration. Stay tuned for more cosmic insight and adventures and Beneath the Sky, Beyond the Stars Tarot. Keep shining and embracing the magic around you! Keep Loving Yourself and Speaking Yourself!
With love and light, I Purple You! 보라해
💜 Gabby 🌌💫
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softquietsteadylove · 10 months
Hi, it's me (i'm the problem, it's me). Here's a prompt for a new au that I think you can do it justice 💃 Thena is the best onmyoji/jujutsu sorceress in the family and Gilgamesh is the giant entity that serves her, between them there's a connection that runs deeper than the contract that binds them together ✨✨💖 pls i wanna see them being badass and then some soft moments 👉👈
"Uh, so..." Kingo started and then stopped again. He had never been paired with this particular sorcerer for a mission before, but he knew who she was.
Thena, eldest daughter of a very renowned jujutsu sorceress clan. They had cursed energy that was so pure and so concentrated it was called Cosmic energy to some--glowed gold and everything. But aside from her weapons expertise, not a lot was known about her.
Kingo shifted on his feet. "Do you think it's a special grade, like the rumours say? Or just a level 2 causing trouble?"
"Hm," she let out plainly, and it almost sounded like a chuckle. "I believe even a level 2 is enough to spook the people living in this area. If there is, in fact, a special grade apparition in the area, then I'm certain you and I can handle it."
Kingo nodded; it was a very concise way to wrap things up. So, not the chatty type. He pulled his hands out of his pockets, pulling his own cursed energy into his fingertips.
Thena pulled out the hilt of a sword from the sleeve of her dress. But it took no effort at all for her to create a blade of pure golden light. "Ready."
Kingo raised his hand, pointing his 'finger guns' into the air where he expected the cursed spirit to appear. He just wanted to get this mission done so he could go home.
They waited.
"Where is it?" he voiced aloud, mostly to fill the tense silence.
"Indeed," she agreed, her sword shifting shape from a long blade to a knife she could hold closer to her body. "I believed a level 2 would be eager for a kill."
"Maybe it is a special grade," he murmured as they started backing up. Ajak's deep blue veil was still cast over the area to keep anyone from poking around. "Let's regroup."
"What is it?"
Kingo looked over at his temporary partner. She was whispering over her shoulder--talking to herself? "Uh, T?"
"Something isn't right," she looked back at Kingo, as if she hadn't been talking to some imaginary devil on her shoulder. "I can't sense anything at all."
Now that she said it, she had a point. There was no cursed energy lingering in the air. Even the most basic curses would leave some impression on the area. But this was suspiciously quiet.
"I don't like it either."
Kingo frowned; she was whispering to herself again. He thought her and her whole family were supposed to be super cool jujutsu sorcerers, not nut jobs!
He had quick reflexes--he prided himself on them. But he wasn't even fully turned around when the blade of a spear extended past him. He fell forward, cursed energy spilling out from behind him. Oh yeah, this was totally a special grade apparition.
Thena pulled the spear back to herself and changed the shape of it again, her fingers running along the blade of her sword. "It's eaten a lot of people."
"Yuck," Kingo muttered, regarded the writhing mass of cursed energy, a swirling ball of curses with evidence of their once physical bodies still in it. It moved fast though.
Kingo took shots at it as it moved, but it was like a rat king, scurrying around quickly in a completely disgusting way. It scuttle around, avoiding his shots of cursed energy expertly. Even those that hit, only shot off small sections of the main body. He aimed at the small little 'rats' scurrying off the main body as they split off. "Ew, ew, ew!--this is by far the grossest spirit I've ever fought."
"I am inclined to agree." She was a woman of few words, huh?
Kingo ducked and rolled as the ratking spirit shot a few more extremities at them. He took a few more shots in return, but this was getting nowhere fast. He looked at his partner, who was more close range combat than he was. "Thena!"
She turned, barely catching the wave of rats behind her. It loomed over her, but the shadow cast over her wasn't from that.
Kingo skittered back as a massive shadow rose from within Thena's. A cursed apparition like he had never seen before appeared, looming over her and using a single hand to keep the enemy curse at bay. "What the-"
The massive spirit materialised more, becoming that of a man, with dark eyes. He had regular hands, but in the same golden glow of Thena's energy, a massive bear paw appeared around his hand. And that was what held the curse at bay.
The curse could use cursed energy? Kingo ran closer, "what the hell is that?!"
"How dare..." the monstrous spirit growled as he held the curses around them at bay. He threw them back, still glowing with cursed energy within his control. "How dare you hurt Thena!"
Kingo ducked as the spirit threw the limb of the cursed spirit and by extension the main body. He looked at Thena, "uh, you brought backup, I see."
She looked at him briefly. "This is Gilgamesh."
That was not the explanation Kingo would have expected to get. But he nodded at the apparition towering over Thena's shoulder, who nodded at him in return. "Uh, hey."
The spirit looked at Thena, bending closer to her. Her hand came up to his cheek, her mouth hovering close to his as she whispered, "friend."
The one word was enough for her guardian spirit, who looked at Kingo again before redirecting his attention to the curse at hand. Kingo also turned back to their current problem. "I guess we'll have to do introductions later."
"Gil!" Thena barked, and the spirit over her shoulder grasped her by the waist before throwing her up in the air. Kingo didn't have time to be stunned before she was on top of the ratking spirit and had both her blades driven into it.
"Holy shit!"
Gilgamesh stormed over, still in the shape of a man but with golden glowing lines like elephant feet around his own. He impacted the ground as he ran at the monster, fists swinging. "Thena!"
What was this thing? Kingo took up the job of shooting at the extremities before they could scurry off and reform into another cursed spirit. "Keep it up you two!"
"Crush it!" Thena ordered from above, hacking and sawing with her blades of cursed energy.
Kingo wouldn't believe it was possible, but he watched as her guardian did just that, bringing his arms around the other being of cursed energy until it was no more. Kingo held up both his hands, shooting at anything that so much as moved. "There are too many!"
He caught her first, because of course he would. Then he put a hand on her shoulder. He had his own supply of cursed energy, of course. Thena held out her palms, golden needles emerging from them. They all shot out at once, with no end in sight. However much cursed energy she had on her own, Gilgamesh obviously added to it exponentially.
Kingo ended up shielding his eyes by the time the massacre was over. He could understand why they called her the weapons expert; it was hard to create objects out of pure cursed energy. He walked over cautiously, "uh, good work...team?"
Gilgamesh leaned over Thena, pushing some hair away from her face and asking if she was okay even quieter than a whisper.
She smiled and nodded, leaning into his touch. He drifted even closer and she lifted onto her toes to tilt her head up and touch her lips to his cheek.
Kingo averted his eyes. He wasn't embarrassed per se, but he didn't think it was something he was supposed to witness.
"He was my guard."
He looked over, undeniably curious. "Wassat?"
Thena smiled at him, more relaxed now that the imminent danger was out of the way. Her hand remained cradled in the massive palm of her guardian. "He was my guard, once upon a time. When he died protecting me, I...I bound his spirit to mine."
Ohhhhh, he was a cursed apparition in the way a shrine guardian was bound to a temple. She had tied his soul to hers, tethered by their shared cursed energy to keep him with her. It was romantic, in a way (tragic, in another).
"Thena," the spirit rumbled, leaning over shoulder again and pressing his cheek to hers.
She smiled, nuzzling against him just as lovingly. "Gil."
She had a nickname for it?--him. Kingo put his hands back in his pockets as she gave her guardian angel another kiss before beginning the walk back to the edge of the veil. "Were you two...?"
Her smile turned a little sad as the veil began to fall away, revealing the rising sun. "Not in life, no."
But now, in death, it seemed their love was more unbound. There was something beautiful about that, even Kingo could see. He looked over at her massive shadow, where Gilgamesh was happy to float along behind her. Despite literally living in her shadow, they were holding hands.
Kingo chuckled, squinting as dawn reached them. He waved to Ajak, waiting for them. "Well, if I ever ask for a boost like you did today, I think I should get at least one per fight."
Thena just stared at him like he'd spit up a cursed spirit orb. But she laughed, even throwing her head back a little. Her hair caught the sun, practically glowing in its own way.
Gilgamesh smiled down at her, although he held up a hand to keep the sun from getting directly in her eyes. "Love your laugh."
"You're free to ask him," she even swiped a tear of laughter from her eye, "but it's not up to me if he agrees."
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disturbnot · 1 year
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TIMESKIP ASH KETCHUM ; a quasi - oc. mutuals only. 21+. est. july 2013 — re-est. sept 2023 — fka ferociter. low activity / slow replies. lore / worldbuild heavy. crossover friendly / verses available ; no prior pkmn knowledge required ( this is my canon now ) reflecting all the stark contrasts between the coexisting horror and splendour of the pokémon world — broken realities, cosmic horror, a jagged deconstruction of protagonist syndrome, the absurdity of rebellion against immortality, and the indomitable power of connection.
— written and drawn ad infinitum by shan. ( 31 / any pronouns / GMT )
▸ hiiii. i'm shan. nice to meet you :) and if you're an old follower coming back? (kurtis conner vc) ✨ what's up, how's it going? it's very good to see you again, i hope you're doing well! ✨ ▸ nobody under the age of 21, please. i'm in my 30s, i have no business with teenagers. here's £5, go see a skibidi. ▸ no weirdos in general. or bigots or whatever. but i feel like that goes without saying these days. and please don't steal my stuff! all art on this blog is by me for the purpose of this general project and this blog only. ▸ otherwise, i like to believe i'm a pretty candid and easy-going person (well, besides the auDHD. i'm just a silly little guy); i'm not too easily bothered by things and i don't have any personal triggers, but i will always let you know if any kind of issue pops up :) ▸ general warnings apply for dark and mature content; there will probably be themes of (or at least allusions to) death, immortality, alcoholism/addiction, unreality, natural disasters, blood and violence, etc. i will tag things to the best of my ability, but if you need something specific tagged, just let me know. ▸ there will be occasional and tame nsfw here, usually on sundays. ash is nearly 40 and he looks and acts it; he's more like an oc simply sharing ash's name atp. anything zesty will be appropriately tagged and tucked under a readmore. ▸ i post ooc often but also tend to delete it afterward, so it's usually only ever temporary clutter on the dash. it's my blog anyway. i get to do the yapping. and i try not to take any of this stuff too seriously. i truly am out here just Saying Things.
▸ this is a mutuals only blog; meaning i will only write and interact with mutual followers. i do tend to follow first if i find a blog i like, but if you don't want to follow back, i will usually unfollow after a couple of days to keep my dash trim! i also tend to be slow and selective with follow backs, in part because i am wary of overloading myself with too many potential ideas and friends at once; it's hard to split focus between too many people with all this golden retriever energy. ▸ i am SLOW. i work 42hrs a week, have my own place to maintain, unmedicated adhd, anemia, and a dear dad with alzheimer's i help take care of. i love rp, but it's not my be-all and end-all (despite the fact i still keep winding up here!) ▸ i am out of practice. it's been a very long time since i've been able to write prose consistently and i am a little rusty with things. your patience will sow interesting rewards, i hope. ▸ i'm usually juggling many convo threads and lose messages easily—double messaging is okay if you think i've missed something! ▸ i like others' ooc posts a lot; like a friendly nod so folks know i've seen them. if this isn't cool with you, let me know! ▸ i am very flexible when it comes to establishing crossovers and au verses! ash currently has verses for star trek, the boys, supernatural, RGG, fandomless, and other verses you can read more about here. ▸ i love shipping, but it's not the total focus of the blog; the chemistry and vibe has to be right, and ash is not always the easiest muse in the world to ship with, i will warn you in advance. still ... pspspspsps dare you to try your luck! (muses aged 25+ only!)
watch this space :)c
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