#sooner or later i was going to make that reaction pic lol
laufire · 6 months
lately I've been... not exactly rethinking, but, adjusting? the way I think about "fanon".
I've made it no secret that I don't care much for it, in a general sense. whenever I'm truly invested in the canon source to the point where I actually read and even write fanfic, it's because there's something (often multiple things) about canon that managed to capture my attention. so I have little interest in versions of it that have passed through a game of telephone for years and feel unrecognisable to me.
when it comes to my own writing, ninety-nine times out of a hundred I like to work with canon. not necessarily adhering to it, but using its foundations as groundwork. my go-to ideas are usually: what if this one (1) event went a different way? how much would change? what would be the ripple effects and how far would they go? or, what if I focused on this trait of a character and took it to the extreme? or, what if we look at this plot point canon used but didn't explore, often because it wasn't the point of a larger story, and shifted the focus towards it? and so on.
but that's my approach and I don't intend to proselytise about it. however, when it comes to the much-maligned/mocked abstract "fanon", I do take issue with a few things. again, it's not about wanting stories that adhere to canon; canon is there and not going anywhere. fans have sometimes influenced canon sources to an extent, but it's always far less meaningful or ruinous than some people would have you believe. official adaptations have done far more damage to ongoing source materials (and influenced subsequent adaptations, who take inspiration from it even when it contradicts the source), and I try to stay blasé about those -emphasis on "try", if I'm honest.
my issues are largely about 1.) flanderization, and b.) lack of originality. the first, well. nobody likes to see characters/storylines they like (or even just enjoyed on an intellectual level) and see them reduced to a few basic, exaggerated traits, some of which don't even apply to them lol. the latter it's about my particular annoyance with the echo-chamber effect in certain fandoms; someone popular does something, it gets reproduced over and over, and it becomes ~fanon gospel. I've read fics that had interpretations of the characters (sometimes even my favourite characters!) that didn't match my own, yet they were well-written, didn't lack depth, and strived to do something different with them than what we usually see. I value all those three things, so I liked them.
this gets even more complicated in the dc comics fandom (and other canons built on collaborative writing, but dc comics is the most extreme example), because if we're being perfectly honest, canon often has those same issues, and worse ones. there are several events that used to be key to a character's journey that aren't considered canon anymore. or, at least, the canon status of said events is very much in the air, and there are even runs that imply they had to have happened but they happened differently, with little explanation about what those differences were. canon writers (maybe just some of them?) are also given room to cherry-pick things from various continuities, presumably as long as it doesn't contradict editorial's (sometimes seemingly arbitrary and/or dumb as fuck) stipulations, and at this point it's more productive to judge whatever changes they implement on their internal logic than on how well they coordinate with everything else. just as it is, IMO, perfectly understandable that fans of a character would dismiss a specific writer's interpretation; their choices don't occur in a vacuum, they do come to some things in bad faith, and some of them display their biases without shame (which I frankly prefer, but you know. you can both be frank about your preferences and write characters you dislike with some grace lol).
lastly, because this is something I've tried to word on other occasions... I get the impression that those of us who are, let's say, "canon-adjacent" in our fannish activities, are seen as possessing a holier-than-thou attitude. it's... maybe not unwarranted in some cases? I know I personally come across as pretentious and even arrogant lol. and I probably am, although I will say I do play it up for ~humorous reasons, especially if something has really annoyed me. but in this respect I can genuinely say that I don't approach this thinking "I am aligned with canon and therefore Superior, unlike those fanon-loving people who Don't Get It!!"
it comes from a place of genuinely loving canon. from looking at the universe it presents and appreciating both what was created to fill and the new possibilities it presents. from loving the characters and admiring their creation. from looking at all the pieces of the puzzle and a desire to play with them. and with dc comics in particular, vast and ever-expanding as that canon is, from a desire to know more about it.
yes, even I rag on it. that also come from a place of love. if I never shut up about some artwork it's just a sign that I care about it passionately xD
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sassydiamondgrl · 5 months
Giving yourself peace🎀
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Living at peace is one of the most enjoyable lifestyles ! When you give yourself the time to be alone and really self reflect, you find yourself being more productive, a better mood, and just relaxation. Don’t know where to start? Let me guide you!
Black Barbie’s tips for living at peace🎀
1. Block anyone that you don’t like/ have issues with or unfollow any account that brings you the wrong energy/mindset.
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Once you stop associating with someone, why would you want to keep their number? Or even their social media. That should be an immediate no. For all you know, they could be stalking your page just to find something to use against you! Blocked & deleted. Also unfollow any toxic accounts on platforms. (Instagram, Tiktok, X) etc. Once you start finding peace, you wanna watch videos or listen to advice that is actually useful and will help you in the long run. Follow motivation accounts, iconic quotes, even pinterest can bring you peace just with their visualization.
2. Avoid arguing and drama!
Some may feel the need to argue or step up as soon as someone says something about them & charge. Yes we all might have that feeling (I get it too sometimes) but once you become cool, calm, & collected, (the 3 C’s!) you are unstoppable! Without a reaction people will tell that you don’t care about what they have to say about you because you already know your worth as a pretty girl. So ignoring can go a good way. However, if you find it hard to ignore, just tell that someone (or group of people) that you don’t care & don’t say anything more. If you do need to control your anger when stuff like this happens, listening to meditation videos & music really helps. Most importantly, STAY OUTTA DRAMA. Once you develop this habit, you don’t have to worry about who to defend or even getting yourself involved in a situation that has nothing to do with you, you can get yourself in trouble. If someone is constantly bringing you into drama, consider distancing yourself from them.
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3. Drop any fake friends
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This kind of refers to step 1. but please drop fake friends! These people just come into your life to make you miserable and look down on yourself. I have had my fair share of fake friends and it’s not pretty. It can even be guy friends, not just jealous envious girls. Sometimes it could be hard to identify who is a fake friend in your life but if you connect the dots, you may have one. Here are signs to watch out for:
• Talks bad about you “jokingly”
• Doesn’t compliment your success/your pics
• Takes it to heart when you have something that they don’t
• Never defends your name
• Doesn’t invite you anywhere
• Uses you (for $$, talking to a guy, schoolwork) etc.
• Always comes to you asking for advice (you end up feeling used)
Of course there could be more signs but just please watch out for them & if they are fake drop them immediately. Once you do, you won’t regret it. Instead surround yourself with more positive friends.
4. Spending time off your phone
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(ofc don’t throw out your phone like serena, lol you’re gonna need it sooner or later)
When you spend less time on your phone you won’t believe the things you could get done.
• Studying
• Everything showers
• Cleaning
• Reading
• Baking/ cooking
• Putting outfits together
• Spending time with family & friends
• Working out
5. Writing in a diary/journal
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At the end of the day, I just love to write down what i’m feeling and my plans for the next days ahead in my comfy pjs and pink pen (or my notes app) it relaxes me & also helps when i have nobody to talk to about how im feeling because im naturally shy (trying to break this habit lol). But when i do this i always feel 10x better & sometimes i listen to good music too.
But I hope you guys loved reading this helpful advice on how to live at peace!
xoxo, Black Barbie💋
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jojoboisimagines · 4 years
[NSFW] Jojos (+ DIO) receiving+sending a nude from/to their s/o
He was running some errands when he received a text from you. Elated to see what it was, he quickly opened it.
The poor man’s phone nearly slipped out of his hand from shock when he sees the picture you sent.
He doesn’t have to look at it twice, he’s too afraid to in public. If it was a picture of what he thinks it was, then he’d have to put his phone away until there was no one around.
Unsure of what to text back, there’ll be a silence before he responds. When he does, it’ll likely be a phone call
He calms down after you explain the picture was only for fun and you didn’t mean to startle him, but he warns you not to do that while he’s in public next time, claiming he ‘might have a heart attack’ if so
Not even the thought of sending a nude of his own had crossed his mind until you suggest he should try it
Its not expertly angled when he sends you one, but you can appreciate his effort and how well endowed he is
He’d had thrown around jokes about sending nudes to each other before, but he never thought you’d actually go for it
Joseph was looking forward to a text from you after he was done with his hamon training, immediately checking his phone
The notif text above it said "surprise" and he did love pleasant surprises
When he feasts his eyes on your naked form, they're practically glued to the screen. He's screaming on the inside, but it's from joy of course.
While he does feel the need to keep it private, that won't stop him from bringing up the fact he got sent a nude the next time an argument rises with Caesar
His immediate thought is to reply with a nude of his own, hurrying into the bathroom.
He struggles a bit to get a good angle, but when he deems it good enough, he sends it, complete with a winky face emoji
He was standing outside his house for a smoke when his phone beeps in his pocket. No one else usually texted him, so he already suspected it was you. 
The cigarette falls out of his mouth as he opens the message. It takes him a few moments before he even realizes.
Jotaro doesn’t know what to text back, he’s at a loss for words. One thing is for sure, he’s definitely saving that picture. Once he can form sentences again, he texts back ‘what the hell is this’
He gets irritated when you text back ‘lol’, he wants answers. His cheeks start to burn and decides the only way to make you talk is by calling you. After you pick up, he repeats his question
Even after you explain ‘why’ you sent the nude, his cheeks are still fuming
“I’m coming over.”
You got him all riled up and now you’re gonna pay for it
The only time you’re getting a nude from him is if he’s bored and alone. He won’t even add a comment after it, he just sends the nude on its own and waits for your reaction. If you’re clearly flustered, he’ll smirk to himself.
He received the text from you when he was home alone playing video games. He’d pause the game to see if it was something important.
Before he opened the pic, he saw you left a heart emoji. it made him smile, before his jaw dropping at the image below it. 
The more he looks at it, the more he feels his pants rising and his face is on fire
He immediately saves the pic to his gallery, but he still isn’t sure how he should respond
Josuke decides to be honest and texts back ‘woah..thank you’ with a few heart emojis. He anticipates you texting back. When you ask him does he like it he replies ‘yes’ at the speed of sound.
He won’t send you a nude back right away, he’ll wait to surprise you with one like you did to him
Josuke likes to tease you by sending you a picture of him and his boxers and then asking if you want him to strip
He may be busy, but he can manage to look at your texts whenever he can
You send the text when he’s alone in his office, if you had sent it to him in public you’d be in for way more of a punishment later
He scoffs with a smirk when he sees the winking face kiss emoji you send right before your naked body
Don’t get him wrong, he’s definitely turned on, but he wonders why you picked such a time to show yourself to him. Then it suddenly clicks.
Giorno won’t give you what you want right away, he sends a picture of his own exposed chest back to you without any comment attached to it. His work can wait for the moment.
You get the memo, and keep sending pictures of yourself, even daring to add that you’re ‘feeling lonely’ without him and how you want him to come to bed
The temptation is strong, and after a while he can’t take it anymore. He finishes most of his paperwork and heads to the bedroom 
After riding Slow Dancer with Gyro for a bit, they both take a break and he checks his phone to see if there’s anything from you
His expression brightens when he sees a text from you, rolling his eyes when he sees ‘hey there cowboy 😘’ but when he opens the pic his eyes look like they're about to come out of their sockets.
He’s quick to hide his phone at an angle where Gyro won’t notice, blushing madly, his fingers even quivering while he’s replying from being so excited
He'll text back 'you'd better spread your legs like that when I get home'
Johnny doesn’t send nudes unless you ask for one, and when you do, he’ll reply ‘fine’ as if he’s irritated by it, but on the inside he really wants to know your reaction
He’s the type to send teasing comments right back at you when sending his own nudes, even remarking on how he’s gonna wreck you when he gets home
Sending a nude to Dio made you nervous, but you knew he would likely appreciate it more than not
Dio was reading a book in his library when his phone buzzed. It took him a moment to bother picking it up, but his eyebrow raised when he saw it was you.
A pleased smirk plays on his face as he opens the picture. He hadn’t expected this from you, but he’s glad you did it.
‘Sending nude pics are we?” he’ll reply.
Regardless of what your response is, sooner or later you’ll receive one or two nudes from him as well, beckoning you to show him more
Its practically a competition at that point, with you and him sending naked pictures of each other from various angles.
Eventually the vampire has had enough and declares that he’ll ‘be in the bedroom shortly’
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shegatsby · 3 years
Coffee Shop
Summary; As a university student in London you were just trying to get to know the city, the beautiful places etc. and a certain gentleman caught your eye.
Warnings; Cliffhanger at the end.
Words; 1.163K
A/N; Hi guys, its me again. I love writing this series, your comments and likes encourage me to write more. Sorry for any typos. Enjoy.
Chapter Six
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(my face when i finished writing the cliffhanger lol)
You woke up to a text from Tom, which was unexpected, you didn2t think he could see the detail of your phone number.
''Morning Y/N, hope you got a good rest. I've noticed that you put your phone number on the drawing -almost missed it- smart :D -Tom, the dude from the Café''
You almost dropped your phone, you went to the bathroom and came back, you were fully awake now.
''Good morning Tom, yes I put my number just because lol''
he immediately texted back which surprised you.
''Since you mentioned that you're new to London I want to take the liberty to show you around if thats okay with you of course. You don't have to reply quickly, just think about it.''
Tom wanted to spend more time with you and make you feel welcomed. Everything was happenng to o fast for your liking so you did what he told you, you didn't reply during the day, You had to leave your flat quickly and take classes today, it was a busy day for you.
When you came back to your small flat you dropped your things on the floor and hit the shower, the hot water did wonders to your tired soul. In the shower you made up your mind, as soon as you wrapped yourself like a burito in a fluffy towel you took your phone to text Tom; ''Hey Tom! Sorry I couldn't text you sooner because I had to take classes all day, I would love to spend more time with you and also see the London at her full glory.''
Tom had a chill day, took his dog Bobby outside, came back to make phone calls about his new tv show Loki. He was still surprised that you didn't figure out who he is, maybe you did but didn't mention him. He was smiling when he read your text. In order to test the waters he decided to drop hints.
''Hope you enjoyed your classes, to be hones I miss being a student. I had to stay at home all day and make phone calls about my new tv series. I'm happy that you said yes, I love my hometown and would be honoured to show her to a wonderful woman such as yourself ;)''
You were eating ramen when you got his text, you didn't know he also does tv serieses.
''I love my field and my profs are amazing! I will miss being a student as soon as I graduate, I can't wait to watch your tv show. What is it about?''
You asked, excited for him.
Tom didn't want to spoil it, he also wanted to see your reaction when he tells you.
''Nothing major, its about a character I played before, I want to tell you about it when we meet again. I gotta go, bye.''
That was odd, you didn't pay much attetion because you had a lot of things to do.
During your chat back at the Café with Tom, you told him that you loved Sherlock Holmes. You never thought he would take you to the famous 221b Baker Street, you promised yourself to visit this place when you came to London but never had the time to do it. ''I remembered that you love Sherlock, so here we are.'' Tom Shortly explained, cheeks going red, he was trying to impress you so badly.
You both had casual clothes, long jackets, boots, umbrellas because it was Fall and raining hell of a lot here. If he was a romantic interest this could be your first date but unfortunately life wasn't a romance novel or a movie. Tom took pics of you standig next to the Doyle statue, later you two walked into the Holmes Museum, the entrance was small, as you walked together you got a sense of his cologne, coming from the exposed side of his pale neck. It smelled like a forest after a summer rain, beautiful and manly. You could feel the blood rushing to your face, it had been a while since you had a partner, ''Get a grip Y/N!''
The museum was small, just like in the show, the objects were from victorian era -obviously- it wasn't crowded so you guys could chat and he asked to take pictures with you, he said he wanted to remember this day as a warm memory of two new friends. The word ''friends'' hurt you little bit but what did you expect? Once again, this isn't a movie.
''My favorite book of Doyle is ''A Study in Scarlet''.'' You replied to his question, after visiting the museum you two goy burgers and diet coke, sat on a bench at a park, it wasn't raining anymore. ''What's yours?''
He took a bite from his burger to think, ''If I had to choose, it would be ''A Scandal in Bohemia'' because the story is notable for introducing the character Irene Adler. She is such an icon. Why dou you love ''A Study in Scarlet''?''
You sat on the bench straight and gave the quote from the short story; ''There's the scarlet threat of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it.''
As you finished ''acting'' -which done poorly- you both had a good laugh, ''Stop,'' you teased him, ''ist so damn good written I can't help it.''
''I thought you were going to tell me more about this tv series of yours Mr. Actor.'' You changed the subject, Tom feared you would remember and when you learn who he is.. he didn't want to spoil this blooming friendship with you. Before he could express himself fully a group of people -2 girls and a boy- approached to the bench you were sitting, ''Oh my GOD! Tom Hiddleston! Can we please take pictures with you!?!'' she was jumping up and down with her phone, her friends were excited too.
At that moment something clicked in your brain. You were so caught up with your life and problems that you didn't even realize your new friend, the dude you met at the coffee shop is Tom Hiddleston. You watched him so many times and yet you had no idea up until seconds ago, ''He must think I'm so stupid. What was his plan anyways? Play with me?!''
You watched them take pictures, chat a little. As the group were leaving you heard one of the girls whiper to her friends; ''Who was that ugly bitch anyways?'' she whispered but you heard clearly.
Tom had a worried look on his face when he sat back next to you, as he opened his mouth to explain you bolted to your feet,
''How dare you toy with me Tom Hiddleston?!'' you practically screamed in anger and little hurt. ''Hope you enjoyed your little game, I'm leaving!!!'' You threw your diet coke to the ground and turned to leave.
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Thank you so much for reading. :) Let me know what you think under the comments lol xx (gif isn't mine)
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Can i get a oneshot where Azul finds out about reader's secret "pics of Azul Ashengrotto when he's not looking" magicame account lol
oh yes, the only magicam account that got more followers than Vil and Cater
wait for “Oh Azul, your radiant beauty is an art” discourse under the cut.
alternative title: Koebi-chan turns into sneaky snake to immortalise the beauty of local octopus who for once doesn’t know how to turn this situation into a contract feat.  neighbourhood-friendly eels dying from laughter
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“Azul, I think you should see this”
Jade passed his phone to Azul who was engrossed in his paperwork. With a heavy sigh, he shifted his attention from recent golden contract and looked at the screen. His eyes widen at the sight of pictures.
Pictures of him.
Lot of photos on one blog titled: “Pictures of Azul Ashengrotto taken when he’s not looking”
,,It’s surprisingly quite popular account”
Jade remarked not sparing a single glance at Azul who was going through an existential crisis. He was anxiously scrolling through countless picture taken, as the description of magicam account stated, when he was not looking.
Him doing some homework, him preparing a special golden contract, him burning his fingers on boiling hot tea or even him looking at the star-studded sky.
When someone could have taken those pictures? Why? Does he have a stalker? Wasn’t he the one who occasionally stalked people?
Multiple questions run through Azul’s head as his hand run through his hair. He let out a heavy sigh, not even bothering to listen to Floyd who was having a time of his life. Eel sat comfortably in his chair and was dying from laughter.
Azul’s secret admirer and stalker? That octopus having a secret fan-blog? How amusing~~ What unfortunate soul could be so engrossed in that fishy businessman?
“Who runs it? Names, Jade, I need names.”
Oh, so octopus entered the “feral disposure mode”, remarked Floyd who licked his lips in anticipation. Oh how he couldn’t wait to squeeze some poor, unfortunate souls.
“Ohhh, yess, we could squeeze that little admirer of yours”
,,I doubt Azul will let you after I reveal who it is”
Jade cut in, making everyone confused. Floyd’s wide grin slightly faltered and Azul raised an eyebrow.
“Ne, ne Jade, don’t keep us in suspension~~”
“It’s Y/N.”
The sound of your name entailed various reactions. Jade only chuckled seeing Azul going through another crisis, as his eyes widen and he was left utterly speechless, while Floyd was (once again) dying from laughter.
“Koebi-chan? THAT Koebi-chan??! It couldn’t get funnier!”
Exclaimed Floyd while Azul was still engrossed in his thoughts.
It suddenly made sense.
The way you would observe him, constantly on your phone when he was taking care of contracts or paperwork. Stealing secret glances and giggling and always dismissing his questions when he asked what made you laugh.
Given that you were dating Azul and he was a busy businessman, you were a rather special guest at Mostro Lounge and recently you’ve been spending there more time than in your own dorm.
“I mean it’s kind of fair. I send you to spy on her and she spies on me in return”
Remarked Azul with a heavy sigh, quickly pushing up his glasses and standing up. He was determined to leave his cabinet before Leech twins tease him or make fun of that blog any further. He caught a glimpse of Floyd opening his lips to throw some nasty and vicious remarks at him and Jade’s eyes were glowing with mischief.
It was high time to evacuate and excuse himself of the room.
Azul had a bigger fish to take care of than Leech twins.
It seemed that his angelfish gone a little bit too far.
,,Y/N dear, could you perhaps explain this?”
,,Right, Shrimpyy~~!! Why would you take so many pictures of Azul when you could just admire me!”
Azul’s deadly calm and cold voice as well as two pairs of arms wrapping up around you, successfully pulled you out from redoing mock papers for alchemy. You let out a loud shriek and jumped at the sudden contact.
Ignoring Floyd and his tightening with each passing second grip, you focused on the screen which Azul was practically showing in your face.
“Oh, you found that?”
You were stunned. You knew the day of your doom will come sooner or later, so you were prepared for every possible scenario. Yet, that didn’t stop you from screaming internally as multiple thoughts run through your brain.
Oh shit. I knew that was a bad idea. What were I thinking? That guppy brain of mine! Please sir, don’t let those eels squeeze me. If that’s how I shall go down, at least I’ve left a worthy legacy.
Azul quickly remarked your flushed face as you fiddled with your thumbs nervously. You tried to wriggle out of the twins’ grip, but your attempts were quickly proved to be futile. Much to Floyd’s dismay you soon stopped struggling and instead you decided to fake your confidence.
Baffle them with your bullshit, usually seemed to be a good strategy.
The other choice would be to seduce Azul, but you weren’t sure if you were able to put on the show right in front of twins.
“I took excellent pictures, didn’t I? I even made sure the light was perfect on each of them. Oh, look at this one! You looked suuuuuper handsome that day, didn’t you? You’re rarely that cheerful and your smile causes flowers to bloom in a 50 meter radius. So it’s only natural that I felt the need to make that look last forever~”
You ignored Floyd’s laughter, subtle chuckles from Jade and Azul who was not only confused and wasn’t sure whether he should scold you or ask you to continue rabbiting on. His face flushed and he tried his best to still appear “collected and calm”, but you could see through his façade.
Azul was actually flattered that you found him worthy of not even a single picture but a whole blog dedicated to his beauty, as you phrased it.
“Y’know, you’re a walking art and I couldn’t help myself but to immortalise it!”
You exclaimed with a bright smile and you lower your head slightly, so hair could do you a favour and hide your embarrassment which was written all over your hair.
“Awwww, Jade, aren’t they such cuties~~~”
,,I think we should leave them alone Floyd”
And with that Jade excused them, leaving you with frustrated Azul who kind of wanted to scold you for taking pictures without his permission and kind of wanted you to shower him with even more praises.
He was greedy, insatiable and desired more.
You giggled seeing his flushed face. You hesitantly came closer, standing right before him. You quickly cut the remaining distance and your forehead touched his, resting in that place. Azul sighed deeply and his gloved hand reached to run through your hair.
“What should I do with you, angelfish, hmm?”
,,Well, you could perhaps kiss me?”
You suggested with a sly smile, making Azul let out a barely audible chuckle. He slightly shook his head and you felt the tension leaving his body.
“You know there’s price for that.”
“Dang, you want me to delete that blog, don’t you?”
,,Y/N you should delete that blog, so my image could appear more professional”
You pouted dramatically, pulling away from him. Before Azul could clarify himself, you cut him.
“Well, that’s a shame depriving all those people from your radiating beauty!”
Well, maybe you were going a bit overboard with the amount of praises and dramatic power it entailed.
Either way, Azul lost it.
Instead of collected and meticulous octopus you saw a determined and frustrated man who was more than eager to protest.
,,No, no, Y/N. I should be THE ONE who should be complementing you and worshipping you, but about that price”
He exclaimed and you only giggled in response as Azul took you in his arms. He began leaving delicate, butterfly kisses on your neck in breaks incoherently mumbling praises.
Your lips soon got captured by chapped lips which tasted like water and salt into a delicate, gentle kiss. It almost made you forget about the slight sadness you had felt when Azul asked you to delete your blog. Instead his next words between nibbling on your skin, made you stunned and worried.
“Instead I should make a blog full of pictures of you, my angelfish, to return the favour”
“But could you perhaps continue with your whole “Oh Azul, your radiant beauty is an art” discourse. I would love to hear more”
“How did I not find out about this earlier? I’m literally tagged in every picture”
“I blocked you”
“YoU wHaT”
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Damage Is Done - Little Movie Star Chapter Three (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter 
Summary: Jensen & Danneel were ready to break the news. Surprisingly, so were you. You should have known better than that. Good feelings disappeared more sooner than later. How stupid of you to think that things were going in the right direction.
Words: 1,761
Warnings: fluff, cyber bullying, panic attack, fake social media posts (picture credits go to their rightful owners)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Things were going slow. And you could tell that the tension built itself whenever you distanced yourself more again. But you were trying, you really were. Jensen & Danneel could tell. They saw you struggling when you took part in their family activities. Your body language gave you away a lot of times. Neither of them commented on it, though. Communication was improving. More often, you spoke up when something happened you did not like & Jensen & Danneel did the same for you. Sometimes, it hurt a bit, when they told you that the way you acted was not appropriate. Sometimes, you stormed off to your room to cool down, only for you to come out a bit later to apologize for your behavior. Danneel was incredibly proud of the change you had been through so far. She could tell that Jensen & you shared a stronger bond but that was one thing Bill had warned them about. Whatever family you were put in, you usually connected faster with the fathers. In her head, she was already planning a girls day with you. Shopping & all that. Maybe that would help your bonding process.
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You were eating breakfast when Jensen started a conversation that left you…unsure.
“So, we were thinking about breaking the news to the world. What do you say?” he eyed you carefully, waiting for some sort of reaction. You stopped eating for a second & looked down at your plate.
“For publicity?” the words were quiet but they could hear you crystal clear.
“Do you really think we need publicity?” Danneel joked & you were lucky that she eased the tension. Even a chuckle escaped you & finally, you looked up at them.
“What are you guys thinking? How do you wanna do this?” you asked, now starting to like the idea of them wanting you to be an official part of their family. It was fast but you thought if the world knew you were a part of the Ackles, then you might have an easier time accepting it yourself. They explained that they planned a simple Instagram post. Nothing more, nothing less. A picture with the six of you. The thought scared you but you agreed anyway which earned you two big smiles.
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“Hey, Jensen?” walking over to where he was sitting, he turned his attention to you. “Could you help me with something, please?” you felt stupid to ask for help, especially because of something like that but you knew he had more experience than you.
“Sure thing. What is it?” he looked intrigued & then confused when you handed him your phone after sitting down next to him.
“Um… I don’t have any social media accounts but I’d like to get them started? I thought you might know what’s fitting & what isn’t.” Jensen seemed more than happy to help you out. It did not happen every day that you came & asked him something. So when you did, he appreciated it.
The two of you played around for a while. Jensen explained the basics. Even though you had to admit that he was not the pro you believed him to be. It was alright & in the end, you had a twitter & an Instagram account (@iam(Y/N)ackles). At first, you were against the handle. After all, your last name was not Ackles. But Jensen insisted that it was right for you to have these account names. He helped you setting everything up & you started following people you liked, starting with Jensen & Danneel, obviously. Followed by the rest of the Supernatural cast.
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At the end of the day, after you took the picture Jensen & Danneel wanted to post, you were very nervous. The picture turned out to be incredibly cute. You were holding Zep in your arms, Arrow had been held by Danneel & JJ was sitting on Jensen’s lap. Immediately, you set this picture as your phone wallpaper, smiling wildly when you did so. All of a sudden, your phone was flooded with notifications. Both, on twitter & Instagram. Annoyed by the dinging sound, you turned them off completely. Jensen & Danneel tagged you in their posts & you were gaining hundred, thousands of followers in a very short time.
“(Y/N)? We posted the pic, just so you know.” but by the way you were looking at your phone, Jensen could tell you already knew this. He told you that it was probably better if you turned off the notifications but you brushed him off, saying you already did.
“Have you looked at it yet?” curiosity was written over his features. Shaking your head as an answer, he nudged you & told you to go on. Taking a deep breath, you opened Instagram & immediately were met with the picture on your timeline. The picture put a smile on your face again. You guys really looked cute. Like a cute little family. Then you went to read the caption.
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Scrolling down, you saw Danneel’s post with the same caption & tears threatened to spill. You had not cried in front of other people in so long but right now, you could not hold back anymore. Gratitude was rushing over you & before you knew what was happening, Jensen wrapped his arms around you & pulled you into a hug. This time, you did not reject him, needing the comfort of another person. It felt good to be hugged, you had almost forgotten how much you actually loved it
“Thank you.” you mumbled into his chest. Jensen simply stroked his hands up & down your back. He could tell that this was a huge step. You were hugging, after all, & he was more than thankful to share this special moment with you. When you heard Danneel entering the room, you rushed over to her & gave her a hug, too. You could feel that your body was not reacting the same way when you were wrapping your arms around Jensen but it felt good nevertheless.
The rest of the day, conversation flowed easier. Dinner was filled with laughter & you guys chatted a lot. This act, of them posting you on their social media, showed you that they were not going away anytime soon. They were in for the long haul. Still, there was this awful voice in your head but tonight, it sounded a bit further in the distance, a bit more quiet than usual. That night, you decided to do a movie marathon. You had done them before but this one felt…different. It felt easier. You found yourself enjoying their company more & for a second, you had hope. Hope in the future. Hope in your new…family. Would you ever feel comfortable calling them your family? Maybe, if you kept going forward at this pace, then maybe you would.
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Laying in bed, you wanted to check out the posts one more time. By now, you had thousands of followers even though you had zero posts on your account. Maybe you should repost the picture? Yeah, you could do that. Your thoughts were interrupted when you made the big mistake of going through the comment section under Jensen’s picture. Yes, there were a lot of positive responses, especially from his castmates, but when you kept scrolling, you found one hate comment after the other. They were awful to read through.
“really? she’s ugly as hell lmao”
“why would they choose her?”
“probably thinking she’s better than everyone lol”
“she should go back where she came from”
“wtf??? leave our ackles alone, bitch”
Tears were streaming down your face, this time because you were genuinely hurt by their words. One mistake followed the other & you were scrolling through your message requests. One was worse than the other. There were literal death threats people were sending you & you did not understand a thing. Nobody knew you & yet they were already building an opinion about you. Angry at yourself for reading through them & angry that you agreed on making a post for Instagram, you turned your phone off & threw it at the end of the bed. All good feelings had disappeared. Maybe they were right. You knew you were not pretty. You had asked yourself a billion times why they chose you out of everyone. You were sure they would send you back once they read through the comments. No matter how hard you tried to calm down, you could not catch your breath & started hyperventilating. Shit, you were about to have a panic attack. You had suffered from them ever since you were little but the last one had been ages ago. Usually, you would run to Bill & he would talk you through it. But he was hours away & he would most likely be asleep by now. Contemplating if you should go to Jensen & Danneel, you decided against it after the comments were repeating themselves in your head. So you just let the panic overcome you. It was better to let it out than to push it down further, you knew that. But having to go through such a period alone was everything but easy. Telling yourself you were fine & safe over & over again exhausted the shit out of you. It felt like hours but when you were finally at a point where your breaths evened out & your heartrate slowed down, you fell asleep almost immediately. Tomorrow, you had to talk to them, you knew it. Maybe they would be aware of the comments by then & would start the conversation. How were you supposed to start such a conversation anyway? Hi, your fans hate me & send me death threats. Come on, that sounded stupid. But the thing was that it did not feel stupid to you. Their words hurt you & Jensen & Danneel told you to come to them & be open with them if something bothered you. There was enough time for that in the morning, though. For now, sleep seemed like the best option & the best distraction. You just hoped that your dreams would be kinder to you than your family’s “fans”.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter 
Published (04/03/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93​, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​, @sergantbuckybarnes (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years
The Senju Brothers finding out their s/o is actually an Uchiha 🔥
This idea was requested by anon days ago (thank you anon, your idea is great, and sorry for the delay! 🙈) and I decided to do it like a list of hcs, but it’s kinda a scenario/narrative, so... it’s something between the two. I’ll be using the same “plot” for both Hashirama and Tobirama, but as you can easily imagine, their reactions will lead the story to different directions lol
Okay, let’s say that s/o deserted from the Uchiha for some serious sh*t or they just disagreed with some of their rules and went to live as an hermit and no one ever heard of them again. The Senjus met them during a mission by accident and they ended up helping each other during a fight, which led them to a friendship. S/o introduced themselves using a fake identity, of course, and told part of their story and the reasons why they were living in that region (like, they told the truth, but hiding names and places, so the Uchihas are never brought to conversation). Later, during a mission when they have to defend the Senjus, s/o shows their Sharingan and OH THE TENSION 🔥🔥🔥
PS: Dear anon, be warned that Tobirama’s part is friking long ok lol
Fandom: Naruto| Senju Brothers
Symbols: 💙 | ◻ | ▶▶
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Sorry for this pic but this time we will have some DRAMA
It could be a big problem if the wrong people found out you were an Uchiha. You’ve been there for years, praying to be forgotten by your clan, but there was no way to be sure
This infuriated you more than anything, and it was one of the reasons why you deserted. You were tired of dealing with these battles, these rivalries. You just wanted to live in peace and to be seen as who you were, human. You wanted to be more than just a name
However, the longer you stayed isolated, the more you thought it was impossible. It only changed when you met Hashirama
He proved himself to be an honest man since the start, and to speak the truth you felt some sort of trust in him that you haven’t felt in a long time, even when you knew nothing but his name, Senju
You couldn’t tell if was because of his manners, his way to express himself or his motivations when he fought, but something in him made you believe everything was possible. He filled you with hope again
When you told him your story, he believed you
It was not the case you were lying, but you just couldn’t trust the first person who came to you. Your instinct of self preservation told you not to reveal all the names to a stranger, not until you knew more about him. Like, you sensed you were safe with him alone, but both of you couldn’t ignore the history between your clans
Still you felt bad for not telling everything to him
His mission in that place kept him there for a few days, during which you became good friends. But as time passed, he seemed to create excuses to not leave. At the same time, you got even closer, to the point that your connection couldn’t be called just a friendship anymore
It was when you realized you fell in love, and the feeling was mutual
One day, Hashirama came and said he couldn’t stay any longer. The village needed him, and he was missing his home. At the same time, he didn’t want to leave you. So he invited you to come to the village with him
Your heart was about to explode. You were alone, isolated and hopeless. Now you have not only hope, but love too. And this man wanted to offer you a home, a family and safety. It was too tempting, even for you. You accepted, and even under the risk of being recognized, you came back to your village
When you noticed you weren’t recognized, your fears diminished. You lived in peace by Hashirama’s side, and everything was good
Until that day when you went to a mission together, and during a fight you ran to defend him. You couldn’t control it; your instinct was too strong. Your eyes changed, and Hashirama saw your Sharingan
You saw surprise in his eyes, but also deception. You didn’t tell anything to him for all this time, and he wanted to know why. He had the right to know. He trusted you, he was like an open book to you, so why couldn’t you be the same to him?
When you came back home, it was even hard to breathe between those walls because of the tension. You knew what kind of conversation was waiting for you, and you couldn’t run away
Then you faced your biggest fear: you revealed everything, under the risk of losing the most precious things you had, Hashirama’s love and trust. You told your true name, your entire story and your reasons for deserting from the Uchiha. You told him you wanted to tell everything many times, but you were just terrified of his reaction and what could happen then
You even said he could send you away, or kill you or take you back to your clan’s elders for them to decide what to do with you, for anything was better than facing his hatred and despise
Hashirama remained in silence all the time you spoke. This lack of reaction caught your attention. When you looked at him, you saw he had tears in his eyes 💔
He was disappointed and angry, yes, but you saw in those eyes the willing to forgive you. This man just loved you so much. He couldn’t send you away or do any of the things you suggested. If he did, he wouldn’t forgive himself
So he asked for some time. He needed to process everything he just heard, to understand his own feelings, organize his thoughts and then decide what to do
When you talked again, you said you were going to work to regain his trust. It wasn’t going to be easy, but you were willing to do anything he demanded
When you asked if he was going to tell something to the Uchiha, however, Hashirama said no. Your life could be in danger if he did. Besides, you left them, you no longer shared their values and principles, you didn’t want to be associated with them, and he were going to respect this
Finally, you promise each other you would never let secrets stand between you again ❤
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You knew that, sooner or later, that was going to happen. When you first met Tobirama and understood of kind of person he was, there was no way for you to think differently. There you had a clever, observing man who would not be easily deceived
Though you met by accident, you managed to work well together, and that was why you managed to overcome your adversary. And he was paying attention to everything you were doing during the fight. Your manners, your fighting style, your experience as a ninja, nothing escaped his eyes
You were certainly a member of a clan, and an important one. Besides, there was your appearance: with your dark hair and your deep eyes, you resembled the majority of the Uchiha people and there was nothing you could do to disguise that. Not showing your Sharingan wouldn’t make a great difference
Plus: Tobirama being a Senju only meant he would recognize an Uchiha just by the way they smell
Right after you both acknowledge each other, he thanked you for helping him but didn’t seem to trust you until you gave him enough information about yourself and the place you lived, which sounded intrusive
Because of your circumstances, you had to be as suspicious as him. And he had his ways to make people talk, so you thought it was better to tell him what you felt safe to share. He listened to you but didn’t make it clear if he believed it or not
That irritated you a bit, but you remembered yourself that he was a shinobi just like you, and a shinobi needs to be perceptive. Besides, you were in fact not telling him everything. But, well, that was none of his business, right?
Tobirama told you he was going to stay in that region for a few days to complete his mission and then go back to his village, where his brother, the Hokage, and his partners were waiting for him. You agreed and you didn’t see each other for a while
Still, you didn’t know why, but you didn’t just forget about him as you did with other people you’ve helped in the past. Something in him caught your attention. Maybe it was the fact that he belonged to your old village, or anything else, you weren’t sure. This man was just… different
Later, you found out he has been gathering information about you with the local people: who you were, where you came from, when you came to live there, what kind of person you were to the people of that place, etc.
Next time you met, you ~casually asked how his mission was going, and if it was about seeking information for his village or for himself. It was so funny to see the blush taking over his face beyond the three red marks. Unable to hide his embarrassment, Tobirama confessed that the people who he talked to had nothing to tell him but the same things you’ve already told him
“Of course they don’t. I’ve told them the same story I’ve told to you”
In the end, Tobirama told you part of what was involved in his mission, and you said you had some information that could be useful. Turned out that you were the most helpful person he could find, and because of your skills and your knowledge (as well as your fighting abilities), his mission was finished half the time it would take
You didn’t understand exactly how or when you started dating. You just did. And when you least expected, you were back to your original village, married to him. It was strange that your life has changed so suddenly: first you were a hermit, away from your land and your clan, alone with a fake name; now you had a true home, loyal friends and a husband that loved and admired you. You used to think you didn’t deserve so much
The possibility of Tobirama finding out you were an Uchiha was always in the back of your mind, specially when you went on missions together
Of course, as time passed, you’ve come to learn to not depend too much on your dojutsu during fights, and your control over your Katon was clearly above the average. Besides, you were sensitive and passionate by nature, which resembled the Uchiha more than any other lineage. One day, Tobirama even said that you were an Uchiha from heart and soul, even more than he thought when he first met you. You didn’t know if it was a compliment, an insult or an invitation to tell the truth
So it wasn’t a great surprise for him when, during that mission, you had to defend him when he got injured and facing the possibility of losing the man you loved was too much for you to control, and your Sharingan appeared. At first you didn’t even think of it, but once you turned to Tobirama to see if he was ok and noticed the way he was looking at you, you realized what just happened
He didn’t talk to you for a long time after you came back home. You didn’t know if he was expecting you to start talking or if he was preparing himself to do so. Not knowing what was going on was killing yourself, so you decided to take the first step
It was the scariest thing you ever did in your life, but also the bravest. You came to him and said you were going to tell him everything. He nodded and waited, and you told him your entire story, since the day you left the clan until the moment you met. You told him your thoughts, your beliefs, your reasons, your feelings, everything. Nothing was kept hidden
When you finished, he didn’t speak for several minutes. You waited as long as you could, but then you decided to ask what he was going to do. You were sort of expecting an explosion of rage and frustration, but what came instead was worse
Through his tone, Tobirama made it clear how much he was disappointed with you, how much he despised your attitude, how disgusting it was for him to live with someone who didn’t have the courage to just come and tell the truth since the start, and that after all that he has seen, he was right to not blindly trust any Uchiha that appears on his way. Seeing him reduce you to the same flaws that led you to desert that clan was so offensive that it infuriated you, and you started a serious fight in the middle of that room
Your Katon and your Suiton almost destroyed your house
After almost killing each other becoming tired of this, you decided that for the best of you two, you had to leave. And if anyone asked, Tobirama could say the truth. At first, he tried to agree with this, but when you were about to pass the door, he held you tight and said he couldn’t just let you leave and carry on with his life as if nothing happened
You knew what was coming next: you crying in his arms > he saying nothing and leading you to your previous place > you making out and sleeping in the middle of the destruction room
In the end you didn’t leave, neither he revealed anything to the people of the village, including the Uchiha (who didn’t seem to remember you anyway). It took time until you restored your relationship, but you did it. In your case, love overcame history
PS: Hashirama came to visit you one day and was aware that a fight took place there, but he was too polite to say something
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sumeshi-t · 4 years
random 1AM horny thots: the boi's reaction when seeing fem!s/o get a food baby after eating too much lol
characters: oikawa and ushijima (for now; might add a few more later on 😙✌🏻)
aksjdjajh pls enjoy my midnight brain vomit. i know this ain't too good and idk if it's been done before or not but oh well, here it goes 🥵
im shy but ackck im gon tag u @seijoh 🥺 i hope u feel better and sleep well tonite
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Oikawa Tooru:
you surprised your bf by going to argentina so you could celebrate his birthday together
you asked help from some of his teammates he's told you about, and they were in on the surprise.
the moment you entered the gym where they trained, he hits a powerful serve, fueled by his excitement after just seeing a glimpse of you from the corner of his eyes. he got a service ace from that, even you were sure it was over 110km/h
then this boy just runs up to you, trapping you in his embrace, your feet off the ground and spinning you around
then comes the cake his teammates got him, someone on the side was actually recording all this. he was already peppering your face with kisses and you two just looked so damn happy even the coach was smiling wtf
so anyway, you guys go out that night and eat
oikawa tells you what food he likes, and what he thinks you were gonna like and he's so spot on like he knows you so well he even brings out the 100% out of your tastebuds—
you were so full from all the food, so full from the love, attention, and affection your boyfriend was showering you that you felt "drunk"
trust me that shit happens. y'know, like food coma? yeah, you ate a lot and it feels like you actually got high on sum dr*gzz
it was time to call it a night, you gave the team some japanese souvenirs as a way of thanking them, not just about tooru's bday, but also because they're taking care of your man really well 🥺
oikawa brings you back to his apartment, apologizes for not having cleaned up and you say you didn't mind because really, it wasn't that dirty or like the jungle-type madness but even then, he goes straight up to at least making the place neat for the two of you so he cleans some of his mess
there was a full body mirror on the far wall, it reflects his bed and him moving about behind you. you were checking yourself out and you ended up chuckling
you put a hand on your low back and another to rub your belly. you were wearing such a body-hugging outfit so the food baby was hella obvious
"look tooru, i'm pregante," you laugh at your own joke and continue to rub your belly
oikawa lichrally stops. and just stares. at your smiling face then down to where your hands were placed.
this boy gulps. why was he feeling so thirsty all of a sudden-?
when you didn't hear him respond, you turn to look at him and he was already making his way toward you.
he wraps his arms around you, hands on your belly. there was no music but you two were swaying to the sound of each other's heartbeats.
without a word, his lips went straight for your neck, nipping and sucking; his hot breath tickling your sensitive skin, hands busy touching you everywhere.
you see him smirk while whispering, "seeing you like that babe, it just makes me want to knock you up so bad,"
next thing you know you were both naked on the bed, facing the mirror
you were on your knees, watching yourselves as your boyfriend took you from behind, your back arched against his chest while his hand gripped on your neck and the other firm against your hickey-filled abdomen; cum was already leaking out of your abused hole you actually lost count how many times the two of you came—
this was a fulfilling kind of feeling full.
and sure enough, you were bringing home with you a different kind of surprise when you went back to japan.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi:
it was The Grandma Ushijima's 80th birthday
yeah that lady who wanted to correct your boyfriend's left handedness. she's still alive n kicking
yours and ushijima's schedules were freed up for a few days to help out in the celebration and of course, you stay in the Ushijima ancestral home
yes, ancestral home. tatami mats and all. but high quality ones with silk covers and stuff.
his family didn't mind having you two sleep in the same room; bc ngl they've been wanting a great grandchild.
the sooner the better
like fuck marriage, they want to see results first.
in the three days you spent there, you notice how yours and wakatoshi's tea is different, like is that some kinda ginseng floating around there-? type of different
or how they dug up all of his cute baby pics aww, look at his cute bare bottom
i also hc wakatoshi used to thumbsucc the left thumb it b cute and adorable, you were gushing until whoever was talking to you say that they can't wait to see him have a son or a daughter
anyway, the party soon came along
wakatoshi loved it when he saw you playing with the cousins' children, and how much you just fit in with the family
if he could, he'd have gotten on his knee there to propose, though he didn't have a ring... also, he didn't want to steal the spotlight from his grandma
sometimes he wonders if you were actually a long lost relative
bc also goddamn, your cooking is *chef's kiss* top notch, michelin chef, gordon ramsay approved
and what better way to reward yourself for a job well done is to self-appreciate the craft you yourself created
needless to say, your big appetite got yourself a big food baby after dinner
thus it was now bedtime, children were now asleep, other relatives already back in their own homes
this was the last night you two were staying over
you were lying on your side, face to face with wakatoshi; you were the one mostly doing the talking, jumping from family matters to his volleyball career
then your hand idly rested on your belly, rubbing it, and then you laugh, recalling the encounter you had with some of the Ushijima elders and aunts
"toshi, they really want me to get pregnant so bad. do you think they'll stop pestering me if i show myself like this?" you pat your food baby belly and snicker
his eyes wander towards your belly and he just froze in his spot
the sight of and the prospect of you carrying his child in that body of yours just flipped a switch inside of him. he reaches for your face, eyes now locked with yours. you melt under his big, warm hand, unaware of the brewing storm of emotions your boyfriend was having
"i think the aunts are right,"
"i... want you to have my child, but... do you?"
which basically translates into "i want to fuck your brains out, may i?"
consent is sexy mhhm
he's so gentle, so careful with his movements, he treats your body like a sacred temple, his every kiss a wordless declaration of worship;
this baby bear was honestly just afraid of breaking you because he knows after that night, wakatoshi jr. will be next who's going to stir up your insides to make space for its growth
you really had to beg him, "more, harder!"
you really had to taunt him, "how are you gonna make me pregnant if you don't go deeper–oh,"
wakatoshi let go of the last string of self-control he had, that your face was pushed against the tatami mat, ass in the air, your hips slapping against each other
you oh-so-tried not to make much noise, but you knew how much wakatoshi loved that
you were sure that anyone who happened to pass by that room was gonna be so embarrassed yet so elated at the huge possibility of having another member to The Ushijima clan
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sekaiichis · 3 years
same anon hi thank u for being so kind 🥺🥺 also hwfhdjs idk who would be mad at your thoughts i rlly like reading them so i hope you don’t mind me asking some more ww but with the main arc ending soon (crossing my fingers i find ch32 raws early lol) idk if i can see sih ending soon... plot holes-wise do you think haitani will return anytime soon after he went poof + will it ever address takano family issues with his dad not being blood related and all.... i think about these two points a lot 😔
I’ve been sitting on this message for a bit sorry skdjfhksh ill address stuff a bit at a time
I feel like Haitani has to pop up sooner than later bc it’s been pretty much 4 years of real time (iirc) since the last time we saw him and his intentions were pretty much just spelled out clearly beyond what was being hinted at beforehand in his most recent appearance. I think the main issue was and continues to be that in terms of being a “rival” character it’s hard to imagine him posing any sort of threat in terms of getting Takano to actually be interested in him the way he may want him to be. So odds are if he’s around it’ll just amount to meddling or go the route of attempting to remove Ritsu from the picture since Takano wouldn’t go for him so long as Ritsu is an option?? Honestly I’ve been wondering about it as well and am curious about how she plans to handle it… im hopeful no blackmail is involved considering Ritsu’s social status but who knows lol this series can probably cram a few more tropes in it
As for Takano’s family issues, I’m not sure if the whole father thing will ever be addressed, but I lean more into thinking we may meet his mom in the current story eventually? It may not make complete sense but in my mind since she’s the parent that took custody of Takano after his parents divorced and the one we actually have the full name of, she always seemed a bit more important to me lol.  To be honest, we may never actually meet them by choice of the characters because of how disconnected Takano is from his family in general, but perhaps we may meet one of his parents’ new families by chance? Honestly it’s painful to think about when you imagine what his inner reaction to seeing that may be
Really though, with how the current story is it’s far more likely the remaining story will focus far more on Ritsu’s family (ik it seems dumb to point that out since he’s literally the main character but sjdfhjksdhf) this especially applies since his family was just brought up again in ch 31, I imagine we may finally be getting to see at least one of his parents in the flesh and not just a voice or just being mentioned…soon (the definition of soon is very flexible in terms of this series since it only releases 3 times a year and nostalgia usually only gets two of those chapters lol)
anyways spoiler pics will be floating around the day of release most likely and not any earlier, so you should keep an eye out then
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usagichanp · 4 years
*rubs hands together* I was hoping someone would ask me that
This is gonna be a long one folks.
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Life long partners, babey.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I think they had crushes on each other for a while. They didn't officially say "I love you" till a few months into their relationship, but they thought it sooner.
How was their first kiss? - I wrote a lesbian Lexthan version of their first kiss, though I don't think canon Lexthan's first kiss was like that. I imagine it to be not really planned out; just like they're talking to each other in the car and lock eyes, then slowly lean in and kiss. Since they've had kisses before, it's not a catastrophe, and it's actually fairly soft.
Who proposed? - Ethan. Wrote a whole ass fic about it.
Who is the best man/men? - I know who the best man is in my fics (it's my man Marsh, for those who have read it), but idk about the canon Ethan's best man. Maybe Danny (the Smoke Club Boy) but I'm not sure if they'd be friends enough to be his best man. He might not have one.
Who is the bride's maid? - Hannah. Duh.
Who did the most planning? - Ethan, but Lex chipped in too. Tom might help as well if asked lol
Who stressed the most? - Ethan. Though their ceremony isn't big, he still wanted it to be a good memory down the road (it was)
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
First they had just a courthouse wedding where they signed the papers, then had a tiny wedding ceremony with only close friends. Even if they could afford a proper wedding (Canon Lexthan prolly couldn't afford it) I don't think they'd want a big affair anyways. It's be exhausting.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Lex's mom. Obviously.
Now we're getting to the good part lads
Who is on top? - Ethan is a fucking switch. You can't convince me otherwise. He tops maybe like... 60/40 or 65/35. But when Lex tops, she tops bitch.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Ethan likes instigating things since he's a horny teenage boy, but it Lex doesn't want to, he stops. Sometimes Lex instigates, but usually when she does she's in the mood to top.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I'd give it a 7.5, depending on the situation. While they try to tone it down around Hannah, when they have alone time they'd totally go for it. Ethan's glovebox in his car has a box of condoms in it at all times. What can I say, as I said before, they're horny teenagers
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
They don't like seeing each other hurt so they wouldn't like BDSM. They're not vanilla but nothing too crazy- blindfolding, light bondage (aka tying hands up with rope or cloth), scratching, light spanking, pegging
How long do they usually last? - It depends on how much time they have to have sex. They've done quickies in bathrooms or whatever before, but if they have all night then they're pretty good at prolonging it.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Absolutely. It is said in multiple fics (I think?) of mine that Ethan makes sure Lex has the same amount of orgasms as he does. Always.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
They certainly can have slow, soft, romantic sex, but Ethan is also 100% capable of rocking Lex's world so hard she can't walk right for a week. (That happens in my first fic, Cassieopia, albeit off screen)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
1) I fucking love that metaphor 2) They don't get much physical affection at home, so they fucking love snuggling and cuddling- whether it be after sex or just hanging out. Sometimes they cuddle as a form of stress relief after a shitty day.
How many children will they have naturally? - 2, maybe 3.
How many children will they adopt? - I think they might prefer to have children naturally, but in my California series they gain custody of Hannah when she's 12. Does that count?
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Lex forces Ethan to learn how to change diapers. That being said, Lex isn't half bad at changing them either, since she helped change Hannah's when she was a child.
Who is the stricter parent? - They're not exactly strict parents, but both Lex and Ethan can definitely scold the kid. ("hAnNaH! tHaT bEtTeR bE fUcKiNg fLoSs!!!!!") That being said, both take care to not be abusive to their child, especially Lex. She doesn't want to be like her mom, so she tries to keep her temper in check.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Ethan has good reflexes, and has stopped his kids from falling and hitting their chin on a playground structure more than once. (Fun fact! That happened to me when I was 3. I fell from a steel elephant shaped jungle gym at a German zoo, hit my chin on a steel bar, and bit through my lower lip/knocked 3 teeth out. I still have the scar years later lol)
Who remembers to pack their lunches? - Lex. Though the lunches aren't always the healthiest.
Who is the more loved parent? - I think they're both loved, but maaaaaybe Ethan a bit more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Neither would attend PTA meetings out of the goodness of their hearts. If Lex or Ethan would go to a PTA meeting, it'd most likely be because they wanted to yell at a teacher or principal. They might go seperately or together depending on the severity of the issue.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Ethan wouldn't admit he cried, but he did. So did Lex.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Oh bitch, Lex and Ethan both said fuck the law. If it was just like, an overnight jail cell for some stupid misdemeanor, they might try to break their kid out. Otherwise, Lex would probably the one paying the bail because Ethan would try to punch the cop in the face if the cop talked shit about Ethan's kid. That reaction is not exclusive to cops.
Who does the most cooking? - Neither of them are exactly 5 star chefs, but they can hold on their own. Lex is better at cooking breakfast and Ethan is better at cooking dinner- but if he's exhuasted from work, Lex can cook dinner for him.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither are picky. Both of them grew up young scrappy and hungry just like their country without really the chance to be picky. They had to take what they could get.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Lex. She's good at calculating totals in her head. I wrote that in an unrealeased fic.
How often do they bake desserts? - Rather rarely. Perhaps on special occasions or to bond. Ethan has ruined the kitchen with his kid trying to bake a cake for Lex at least once. Maybe more.
Are they more of a meat lover or salad lover? - Meat lovers, babey. Fuck that fancy plant bullshit.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Ethan. I wrote that in the proposal fic.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Depends on what you count as "going out". Lex likes going to McDonalds, but Ethan is the one who suggests eating at actual restaurants.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Ethan, but both have had near misses.
Who cleans the room? - Both had fairly messy rooms as teenagers so they're not super anal about having sparkling clean rooms. That being said, when someone comes over Lex does try to tidy the place up a bit. At least enough to make it seem like they have their shit together. Ish.
Who is really against chores? - Ethan can be a bit of a lazy bones sometimes, but Lex isn't exactly a huge fan of chores either. However, she is used to doing chores since she practically raised herself and Hannah.
Who cleans up after the pets? - They take turns. Both hate it.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Ethan, because he doesn't want to incur Lex's wrath.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Lex. As I said above, she actually actively cleans the house beforehand. Not to the level of that freaking out mom from the comedy video who's name I can't remember tho.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Ethan. He has a nack for finding random bits of money. Score.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Lex, though both take relatively quick showers to save water.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They actually like doing it together. It's nice to get some fresh air, and they enjoy each other's company.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Ethan goes over the top, partially to annoy Lex. You know that Christmas tree Chris Pine vine? Yeah, Ethan would fucking do that.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Live a better life together than they did in Hatchetfield. White picket fence and California dreams shit.
Who is more likely to sleep till noon? - Ethan, but Lex is known to sleep till 3 in the afternoon if she's really tired.
Who plays the most pranks? - Ethan. That's literally canon.
I can babble about them all day lol
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cassafra5 · 5 years
Where Have I Been?
I’ve been a bit nervous to post this.
Two month or so ago, I teased at a possible announcement and something I was very excited to share with you all. I had been given the opportunity to work on a temp-to-perm basis for a comic start-up headed by Marvel alumni. I applied on a whim to be a freelance Storyboard Artist, but I was instead offered the chance of working in a full-time Editorial and Admin position with a few hours dedicated to storyboarding and participating in creative meetings each week. As someone who's always wanted to get into creative work, this was a really huge deal for me and I was excited to learn and be able to have projects to add to my portfolio.
Now, part of the reason I held off was because I wanted to make sure it was solid before I made the announcement. It was a dream come true and it seemed too good to be true ... and it was. 
Read below if you'd like to hear about how I unwittingly signed up to take care of a herd of entitled neckbeards and had to work on preventing them from literally walking into glass instead of actually storyboarding as advertised.
TL;DR of my experience:
2018 unfortunately was a pretty rough year. The good news is that I managed to push for a mutual termination of contract and should be a lot more active very soon now that I’m not as emotionally drained by an incredibly toxic environment.
Credit to @kirain for looking through this and helping to edit it when I just rage-typed all of this together lol;
I walked away from my interviews in tears after being told that my work really had potential. I told them I had been a comic fan since I was a kid and this was something I was excited about. I grew up with family trying to dissuade me from doing art and I had friends/partners who really weren't interested in my work. I am by no means a professional, so I threw up whatever I could be proud of and applied to the role on a whim. So as you can imagine, having real professionals say I had potential was something amazing to me. 
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My first day, they sat me at a desk with a tablet and computer and I was super excited to start learning and was immediately approached with a Sexual Harassment plaque and told to mount it. Weird but alright. It was a start-up and I already assumed we’d all be helping out with small jobs around the office. I helped them fix their scanner and they suggested I move it to my desk. I was a bit confused but did so. I asked if they wanted me to set their computers up for it but they waved their hands at me and said we could do it later. 
This would eventually result in me scanning every single document for every person in the office, and also measuring the office for furniture that they would randomly decide not to get. When I had a day off, I came back to piles of documents they refused to scan themselves since "that was my job". I got chastised since they wanted them in a hurry and it should have been done sooner ... i.e., the day I was off.
I also ended up doing the following duties:
Calling the IRS every single day because the Controller was too uppity about something that was in the mail and somehow thought they could track it...DURING THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN. I was required to do this and told it was part of my job.
Calling Instacart at the behest of their Legal Counsel, a man who bitched on the phone for 2 hours because he didnt want to go downstairs to drop off a faulty computer part, and having to tell them that their avocados were too soft and their almond milk had too many ingredients. I was required to do this and told it was part of my job.
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I had to ask for multiple vendors to provide quotes and COI and do site visits to our office for things that they, on a whim, would decide they wouldn’t want....resulting in multiple vendors getting angry at me.
I had to get what “everyone wanted for Christmas” for their luncheon...they expected me to get cakes same day from a fancy bakery, as well as LOBSTER (one of them said this was apparently a Christmas tradition of theirs?) Mind you, they repeatedly spoke about budgeting since they were working on investment money and the owner repeatedly would mention how “every day we weren’t producing was a day we died a little more.” I guess that death would have been from gout.
I had to take on dealing with all building requests. Fine ...until they started to tell me I should be reaching out to building management about the "radiation coming out of the cable box". They said it was shooting at a person given their angle and, because I'm *that person*, I mentioned it'd probably be more of a radius vs a direct shot. They started talking about it causing a mushroom cloud over the office. I laughed. Apparently it wasn’t a joke :/ They also complained about the fan making noises and being able to hear people partying and singing songs ... during the holidays ... when people normally do that sort of thing.
I also had to deal with things such as their electrical work and assistance with general interior work in the office...for some reason
They put me in charge of the Party Committee for a Housewarming Party where I was the only one actually making arrangements. This would be fine but the office was sublet and, due to their clumsiness in handling their electrical work before I got there, part of the office has no electricity and there was also a fallen over power beam in the middle of the office...but I guess that can be an accent piece.
I literally had to rename their files. Rather than renaming documents themselves, they would email me to rename them and reupload them because they couldn’t be bothered to change them themselves.
I made the mistake of telling them I had worked with DocuSign in a previous job. What resulted was them forcing me to teach it to them...but then they would argue with me about why it couldn’t mail merge or allow them to revise their documents. A Docusign rep mentioned they could just do their work outside of Docusign and import it since the whole point is to maintain the integrity of the document but they just kind of blamed me for not knowing enough about something I had only briefly used in another completely different setting.
I was literally approached by the person who should have been leading me in storyboarding and told that I needed to look into “distraction graphics” for the office because he was concerned that the two head people (WHO WORKED AT MARVEL) kept bashing their heads on the glass and he was afraid they’d go through the glass eventually. My literal reaction:
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Yeah...he didn’t laugh. It was apparently serious and I had to have some very awkward talks with some window vendors. Do you know it apparently costs more than $3.5k to cover glass that you could probably avoid if you just looked up from your phones when you walked?
Frustrating, but whatever ... it wasn't a big deal and so long as I got to do some creative work, I was willing to tolerate it. 
I asked the person in charge of art and asked when we'd be able to work on creative and was told that my role was mainly in admin and to "leave the storyboarding to the storyboarders".
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I guess I just imagined every single mention of that during the interview process.
I was taken aback but he assured me it was fine since I could work in production and work on other items, like cutting comics up for Webtoons. This wasn't what I wanted, but fine ... maybe I could get something out of this regardless and learn, even if I was just cutting up and processing other peoples' work. By the way, they ended up not even letting me do that.
And here’s where I get to the owner of this establishment...
I got called in to meet with him and told I would be given a special project. He wanted me to suggest a few themes that would be used for a promo project the company was working on. Okay ... this could be good. I started thinking of all my favorite genres and comics and wrote out a decent list. I asked him if it there was a limit and he said there was no limit, so I made a comprehensive list.
He brought me back in a week later and ripped my report apart.
First, he didn't want Marvel and DC included, but then he got upset when they weren't. 
Star Wars and Serenity weren't Scifi, according to him; they were "Space Opera". So that had to be done. They were set in space but apparently that wasn't scientific. Alright. 
Spongebob and Ducktales were irrelevant, but apparently The Simpsons was super relevant. 
He smiled at me and told me I needed to redo it because I obviously didn't know what I was doing. Okay ... sure. Then he kept changing his mind. We started this before the holidays and I worked on making a very sortable report in case there were anymore last minute changes.
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Me and another co-worker who were avid comic book readers spent a lot of time looking at sales numbers and articles to compile what we should focus on; however, for one reason or another, the owner would dismiss everything we brought up since he "hadn't heard of it". Deathstroke apparently never existed. Teen Titans also ... totally not relevant. Although he said he was open to ideas, he'd bash every single suggestion, answer every question by asking us why we'd ask such "stupid questions", and he literally asked us to bring in articles and statistics just so he could completely dismiss them. He was completely un-open to hearing anyone else's opinions and already had a dead-set idea of what his audience wanted ... despite having told us he hated comics and that "normal people [like him] don't read comic books". He knew what these idiots wanted, and it was just a matter of making us redoing the report over and over until we happened on the right combo HE wanted. I.e., pretty much the top comics he last saw at the dawn of the early 2000's.
I literally had taken pics of a few bestseller displays I’d seen in stores (Newsbury Comics, Barnes and Nobles etc) but he literally said that that didn’t mean they would sell. What does Best Selling even mean then?
But it's cool to just completely dismiss your customer base and act like you know better, right?
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I ended up having to work until 10:00pm one night in order to make all necessary changes and print covers for him to review. What started as a simple list of themes became a report that had over 600 rows in Excel. Even then, 80-90% of it ended up not being used. I was so exhausted at this point and burnt out. I loved comics ... but having to rip them apart by category, put them back together, eliminate whole categories because he didn't want them, and then having to remake them after he changed his mind was agonizing. 
I had another meeting with him and he smiled at me and simply said, "Aww I thought this would be a fun project for you, since you're a fangirl after all"
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He was taunting me. This was a game to him. Of course, I should have expected this from someone who literally made a cheat sheet so "idiot comic book fans" would get his jokes. I'm not joking. It actually exists and I'm sure it's something Marvel would rather not even remember.
A couple more weeks passed and, at this point, a majority of the office depended on me to get people's food choices for their snacks, following up with building maintenance, and I barely had any creative projects whatsoever. I did get to create the party invitation the main art guy refused to make but he pushed me to make in Canva, because he thought Canva was the end all and be all to graphic design and that it should be used for all presentations for our LinkedIn. Pretty much everything Canva (something used mostly by Instagram and Twitter users) probably wasn't meant to be used on.
Keep in mind that this person was in charge of creative and was also in charge of gate-keeping me from doing the one thing I was tolerating everything for. I had literally repeatedly asked about the storyboarding during the interview process and even though they had changed the duties, they always confirmed that storyboarding would be a part of it. 
Last week, I asked the main art guy again about my job description and about how he had mentioned storyboarding being off the table entirely. He immediately got defensive and reminded me that I was an admin. I mentioned I still had the job descriptions and emails mentioning me having a hand in creative, and he accused me of talking back and said that he could tell from how I looked that I thought he was an idiot.
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He also accused me of not being enthusiastic about his projects. I was confused since I was actively asking for projects and had literally been trying to find some way to take on creative assignments. He got even angrier and said I wasn't telling him how much fun I was having and how excited his work was making me.
It suddenly dawned on me that every talk I'd had with this guy about how excited I was to learn from him/to work on the team gave him some sort of weird satisfaction. I mentioned that I didn't think I should have been sending him emails about that, and he asked, "Why not? You shouldn't assume I don't want them. I want you to tell me my stuff is fun and how excited you are about them!" I was ... very uncomfortable. This grown man. This grown ass man wanted me to fawn over his work and send him emails about how excited I was about his work. About HIM. What a narcissist.
He made enough commotion that the owner brought us in. He sat us down and said something about him being a bit familiar with this sort of thing, having gone to marriage counselling himself. I was already uncomfortable and that really didn’t help. 
What ended up happening was they berated me in his office and told me I was "too honest", and I was told that I didn't know my place.  I was told that at the very top were the two Marvel alumni, then underneath there was everyone else and I was right at the very bottom of everything and I should know my place.
These were the two people who had told me I had potential and who had made me so happy just a couple months prior. I was frozen in place as they grinned at me and told me that obviously there was some misunderstanding on my part. They then told to run along while they thought about what they could throw at me to make me happy. The guy who yelled at me was not chastised or told his behavior was wrong in any way, shape or form. I got dragged into a staff meeting afterwards, where the owner proudly told all of us, "This is the best company you can work for, where you can work with people you like." And in the same breath, he told everyone not to fuck up or otherwise it would be "resume time".
I felt broken the rest of the day, where I heard them blatantly laughing and insulting the creators they were going to work with. One creator was commented on as being able to "...work as a writer but you shouldn't look at her stuff unless you want your eyes to bleed.” They said worse stuff too and laughed like a bunch of entitled douchebags on DeviantArt trying to get kicks off of stuff they thought were cringey. It was insane. These were supposed to be professionals in the field. It made me uncomfortable to think what they said about my own work when they told me I had "potential". Some of these were small time Tumblr creators like me who probably thought this would be their big break too...
I thought about putting in my two days, the amount that was specified in my contract, and worried about what they'd try to do in the time I had left. I was miserable and scared and nervous.
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On Friday, the owner approached me and asked me for my portfolio while smiling to himself. I was skeptical and asked why, and he firmly said, "Because I want to see it." I sent it and prepared for the worst.
He brought me in for a two minute "friendly" chat in the conference room, and once we sat down, he mused over his computer and said it was "coming back to him” I did art.
He remembered now. It had been so forgettable, after all. Aww, maybe there was something there.
With a smile, he told me I "shouldn't take it personally", and that only one artist so far had been able to get along with him and work with what they wanted. They'd thrown out 8 artists after they just simply "didn't work". They admitted that they had promised me storyboarding, but no one was working to their intended vision. That they hadn't really figured out a place for me in the company, but maybe going out on a business trip would help him clear his head and he could find something I could do. "I guess we've been letting you down a bit, haven’t we?" 
I felt like at this point he wanted me to act desperate and happy for the possibility of a chance and buy into it and take his offering with gratitude...
...but I was done with his shit. 
I told him that I had started at his company a few months ago and that if they hadn't figured out where I was supposed to be in all that time, then maybe it wasn't a good fit. He was quiet and didn't seem prepared for it. "Well ... what do you think we should do about it then?"
"If it's alright with you, I would like to terminate this contract immediately." I said it through gritted teeth. I'm not a confrontational person, but after everything that had happened, I was worried I'd lose it. I could feel myself shaking, but I just couldn't deal with it anymore. "I didn't appreciate being told I was at the bottom of the food chain and I really didn't appreciate you allowing me to be treated this way. Frankly, after that, it's taken every bit of motivation out of me and I'd like to end this. Now." I was trying to be professional and control myself, but I was quietly seething with every word. I told him I had saved all my job descriptions and had the contract if he wanted to review it, and I knew that what they had been telling me was bullshit.
He was really quiet and his eyes were wide open. I really think he expected me to be grateful and happy and willing to do more and more for the company just for that little chance. He mumbled something about not prolonging my suffering and told me to just assist in transitioning over my duties and typing things up. 
Once I did, I asked if I was free to go and he said I was and I left. It was so much of a relief not to have to come back to that office.
So this is what happened with something I thought would have been a great in to an industry I was excited about. I got used up (and not even for the skills I actually have under my belt) and kept around as an emotional punching bag, and for the dumbest things imaginable and essentially just assisted them with setting up their office after they'd sublet it.
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On the plus side, I feel like it was a big deal that I could actually stand up for myself, even if it happened to be to someone like that. Even though I'm not a professional and even though some people would consider me insignificant, I feel like there's never a reason to make any person feel insignificant and like they're the lowest of the low. I hated how they spoke about other creators and I hated how they spoke to me, and there isn't any reason anyone should have to deal with people who are just bent on being condescending.
Ironically, around this time, Steven Universe released an amazing episode and the ending theme kind of hit home with me. I loved its message and I think that ep. kind of helped me in a way.
2019's off to an interesting start, I guess ... but I guess I can be proud that I'm stronger despite it. I am passionate about my art and do want to be able to work professionally but there’s no reason to ever tolerate disrespect and dishonesty in a company.
In the words of Raul Julia/Gomez Addams:
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Hopefully, one day, I’ll get my break but this definitely wasn’t it. 
If any of you guys are in NYC and happen to come across a mildly shady startup toted to be headed by Marvel alumni, maybe just be a bit careful. I normally don’t post about stuff like this and honestly tend to get quiet when things happen because I have trouble opening up about personal issues but maybe it can help someone or at the very least be an interesting read.
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ila9182 · 5 years
75 for Andy/Sharon maybe?
Hey Anon! Thank you for sending this ask! I’m slowly working on all the prompt asks I’ve received, so I will be bothering everyone with some more short stories!
So here’s the one you’ve asked for… this could be a missing scene of “Chain Reaction” (Major Crimes 3x15), before the Christmas party. Yeah, I know Christmas is over, but I hope you will enjoy it all the same! ;)
75. “What did you expect?”
Rusty was sitting in the kitchen on one of the stools eating some Christmas cookies Sharon had made the day before, when his phone buzzed. He unlocked the screen and read the text.
Nicole: Hey Rusty! Just wanted to wish you happy holidays. Heard your brother and sister are in town, hope you’re all having a blast. How are things going between our two not-dating lovebirds? lol
Rusty shook his head and snickered, catching Emily and Ricky’s attention. The siblings were sitting on the couch watching the umpteenth Christmas movie. Rusty gave up after the second one as he pointed out how those kinds of movies all looked alike. Both Ricky and Emily had rolled their eyes at him and stuck their tongues at their younger brother in disapproval. They were now staring at Rusty questioningly. After a moment, Ricky finally asked, “What’s so funny, little bro?”
“Uhm, nothing… just a joke I’ve read…” Rusty replied cryptically.
Emily exchanged a look with Ricky before tilting her head in curiosity and looking back at Rusty, “Care to share?” She questioned with a grin.
Rusty bit his upper lip, wondering what to say. Suddenly he pointed at the television and exclaimed mockingly, “Oh guys, you’re going to miss the moment where the woman is stuck in a snow storm, the guy rescues her, and they confess their love to each other!”
Emily rolled her eyes at him. She and Ricky returned their attention to the screen, but not before Ricky grumbled to Rusty, “You’re no fun, man.”
Rusty shook his head and went back to Nicole’s text. He quickly typed his answer and hit send.
Rusty: Happy holidays to you and your fam, Nicole! Yes, the siblings are here and we’re doing the usual Christmas traditions, that’s fun though… even if they can be quite a drag sometimes! As for our two not-dating lovebirds, nothing new. Things are pretty much the same as usual, it is almost boring.
He didn’t have to wait long to get an answer back from Flynn’s daughter.
Nicole: What did you expect? Them to jump each other’s bones right away? They need time. They’re slowly starting to realize what’s going on between them, we just have to wait and see! Good things are about to happen, I’m sure of that! ;)
Rusty could picture Nicole’s enthusiasm and he shook his head at the young woman’s excitement. He read her text once again and made a disgusted face when Nicole mentioned something he’d rather not think about. He quickly typed.  
Rusty: Ewww Nicole! I would appreciate it if you don’t say such things to me. I don’t need to picture what those two could do in private.
Rusty took a bite of his cookie as his phone buzzed once again. He put the sweet down and read the text.
Nicole: You’re aware that this is something people in a relationship do, right?
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. It was enough to have Ricky teasing him about those kinds of things: he surely didn’t need Nicole to join in the fun.
Rusty: Ha ha ha, very funny. You’re quite a comedian.
Rusty put down his phone to finish eating his cookie, when another buzzing interrupted him. He expected it to be another text from Nicole, but he was surprised when he read Lieutenant Flynn on the screen.
Lieutenant Flynn: Hey Rusty! The case is taking longer than we expected and I need some help with the Christmas party at the office. Sharon’s pretty disappointed about your wrecked family plans, so I thought it would be nice to bring Christmas here to the division? Call me when you get this. Thanks kiddo.
Rusty read the text over again and sighed. Why was everybody looking for him today? He heard Ricky burst into laughter and Emily clapping. Rusty assumed the two siblings had reached the part of the movie where the protagonists get together. He rubbed his chin and thought that it wouldn’t hurt to ask for a helping hand. He stood from his stool as he walked to the living room and stood in front of the television. Ricky and Emily began to complain, but Rusty motioned for them to calm down before he announced, “Shut down the TV, we’ve got to save Christmas!”
“What do you mean?” Emily asked, getting suddenly curious.
“Lieutenant Flynn just texted me.” Rusty explained showing his phone. “Said it might be a little while before they close the case and asked for help with the Christmas party. He said something about wanting to bring Christmas to the division…” his voice trailed off as he studied the faces of his siblings, hoping he had said enough to catch their attention. “I’m supposed to call him…”
“Well, what are you waiting for, little bro?” Ricky exclaimed. “Call him and put him on speakerphone. We need to discuss this!”
Rusty laughed at Ricky’s excitement and sat down next to his siblings on the couch while he called Andy. He put the phone on the little table and waited for the Lieutenant to answer. The phone didn’t ring long before Andy’s voice filled the room, “Thank you, Rusty. I appreciate you calling so quickly.”
“No problem, Lieutenant. Just so you know, you’re on speakerphone. Emily and Ricky are with me right now.” He informed the man. “I thought we might need the help of two more elves!” He joked.
“Hi Andy!” Ricky greeted Flynn while his sister added, “Hey Lieutenant!”
“Hey there Emily, Ricky… I have no words to say how much I appreciate your help. We’re stuck with this case and I can tell your mom is bummed out that it kinda wrecked your holiday plans.” Andy paused, they heard him walk when he added, in a lower voice, “And I thought it would be nice if we could bring Christmas to the division… something that could make her…” He stopped and cleared his throat as he fumbled, “Her and the whole team, that’s it… feel more like home.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, Lieutenant.” Emily said with a smile. “I like this idea. We could bring the Christmas cookies Mom made yesterday…”
“That’s great, Emily.” Andy replied. “We’re going to throw the party in the break room…”
“Oh wait!” Ricky exclaimed, cutting short the Lieutenant, “What’s better for Mom to feel like home than to bring the whole Christmas village to the division?” He offered excitedly.
“Well the Christmas village is more your thing, Ricky!” Emily shot back, rolling her eyes at her brother.
“Yeah, Emily’s right. It’s just an excuse for you to set up the Christmas village again this year.” Rusty grinned.
Ricky was about to defend himself when Andy interrupted them and said, “I think it is an awesome idea… if it is no trouble for you to bring it down here and set it up.”
“No trouble at all!” Ricky immediately answered, clapping excitedly.
Rusty and Emily exchanged a look as Emily muttered, “Of course not.” Rusty snickered and Ricky threw a deadly stare to both before adding, “We can manage to get to storage, but we might need help getting to your headquarters.”
“No worries at all, Ricky. I can sneak out late this afternoon and drop by to pick you all up. Then you all can set up the Christmas village in the break room while we hopefully close this case.”
“Good deal, Andy. See you later then!”
“I’ll see you all later. Thank you for the help, I appreciate it.” Andy replied truthfully.
“No, thank you!” Emily stepped in, “Mom will really like this, I know for sure.”
Rusty had just finished refilling his plate with food and was quietly eating in a corner, enjoying the Christmassy mood that filled the break room. The surprise had worked perfectly. Sharon had no idea of what he, Emily, and Ricky had been doing in the break room. She had in fact no idea they were in the division sooner than what they should have. He smiled as he watched Emily speak with Provenza and Patrice. Ricky was with Buzz and Tao. Rusty didn’t have to stand close to them to guess what they were talking about; computer nerd stuff.
He then suddenly spotted Sharon and Andy in a corner of the room. They were acting as if they were the only ones in the room. She was smiling, and he must have been saying something funny to her because she started laughing, placing a hand on his upper arm. Andy was looking at her with an expression of pure awe on his face. Rusty took out his phone and moved a few steps sideways to have the best shot possible as he quickly took a pic. He smirked as he sent it to Nicole with a simple sentence, “THIS is what I’ve been expecting.”
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franeridart · 6 years
Happy 1000th post to one off my absolute favorite artists on Tumblr!
This is it!!! The 1k post on this blog!!! It’s me finally getting my ass into gear and answering the asks in my inbox!!! As good charm in hope of not waiting so long from now on hahaha thank you so so much, by the way!!!! :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERY KIND WORD AND ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TODOROKI ONES HOLY SMOKES!!! I don’t draw him much sadly but he’s super fun and comfortable to draw for me, it’s nice to know he also comes out well!!!
Anon said:So like,,, I really miss your bokuroo ;^; Will you ever post with them again???
I haven’t taken a vow that forces me to never draw them again, so, possibly! At the moment posting for the haikyuu fandom is giving me more sad feelings than anything else though, so I can’t promise that’s gonna be any time soon, I’m sorry 
Anon said:bruhh i listened to that chiodos song under ur halo, and that one by memphis may fire that was w that bakugo art that was called not enough and uhhhhh ur music taste is dope care to share some more songs?
SURE I’m glad you liked those! Everything by Memphis is A+ and I love it so if you haven’t you should check out more stuff by them ( No Ordinary Love is super nice, That’s Just Life is very dear to me and so is Divinity, Speechless is… my otp song for every otp ever tbh) -  Bring Me The Horizon is my fav post-hardcore band and both MMF and Chiodos are that genre so if you don’t know them give them a try! (Blasphemy, Run and Doomed are between my faves out of the latest album, and since you liked Under Your Halo you’re probably gonna like Follow You too) the album right before is amazing too if you’re okay with less melodic stuff, but the further back you go with BMtH the harder to listen to they get, just a heads up - Sleeping With Sirens are on the softer side of post-hardcore lately, Fly, Left Alone, Trouble, Fire and Empire To Ashes are some great ones, between the many, and, uhhhh, at this point I might have recced Nothing More a hundred times but let’s make it a hundred and one, try Funny Little Creatures, Do You Really Want It and Go To War out of the newest album! If you’re into punk and female voices you should check out Tonight Alive too, Jenna has one of my two fav female voices in rock right now (Crack My Heart and Temple are the latest two songs out!) and since I always rec stuff but I never rec anything by my favorite band ever, you ever heard of Alter Bridge? They’re more towards hard-rock/alternative metal, but check out Blackbird, Fortress, I Know It Hurts, Cradle To The Grave and Broken Wings just to make it one for every album I really, really adore this band and everything they ever made
Anon said:I adore all of your art, especially your bnha art!!! I had so many of your drawings saved to my drafts before I read the manga and was really looking forward to catching up so I could look at them all!! They’re all fantastic
AHHH THANK YOU!!! This made me smile lots, I’m so glad you like them!!!
Anon said:What’s coming up? Fluffy, dorky or angsty? (I’m talking about your next work XD just to be sure) Have a great day my friend!
LMAO this was about this one right? I’m sort of a fool honestly cause as I drew it it… didn’t feel actually all that angsty to me? I mean, obviously it doesn’t come after anything happy, but they’re working things out! Making an effort! Loving each other enough to try and understand each other better!! I drew it as something positive but in hindsight I should have expected the reactions lmao so I honestly dunno, I feel like telling you it’s most probably gonna be something happy but as it seems I angst without even realizing, lately #rip
@not-enough-kaneki​ said:Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
!!!!! my cats!!!! tea and coffee!!! Bakugou and Kirishima and Bakugou-and-Kirishima and the squad!!!! not having an headache!!!!!! the sound of ocean waves and the sun on winter days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new music I like!!!!!! nice asks and lovely tags under my art!!!! that’s more than five things but a lot of stuff makes me happy tbh !!!
Anon said:one of my favorite parts (i love every bit of it) of the holiday pic you drew of the squad, is they each have their own personal mug. 10/10
I didn’t think you’d be able to notice Mina’s!!! I’m glad it was visible, I thought I had made it disappear into the background hahaha thank you!!!
Anon said:i just went through your entire kiribaku tag and, honestly, gay (also ur art is soooo good and pure and thank u so much for all the content u make for bnha 💖💖)
It is very gay, isn’t it? The other day I was going through my old stuff and I think I might have slowly turned them mushier oh my hahaha I’m glad you like my stuff, by the way!! Thank you so so so so much!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you for sharing the beautiful Bakusquad Christmas! It’s very colorful and warm & it gives me such a comforting feeling! I love looking at all the details! Kami & Sero’s ribbons, everyone’s mugs, the decorations, all so cute! Especially Mina’s bulletin board with the photos, charms of the boys, & the little alien dude (?) Each time I look at it, I see other cute details!! Sorry to bother you, but thanks again for sharing your art with us! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
It’s not a bother at all!!! Thank you so so much for looking at it long enough to notice all those details!!!!
Anon said:You are so good at giving advice omg
I wouldn’t say I’m especially good at it, I just say what was useful to me lol but thank you! It’s a nice thing to be told
Anon said:Dude, your bakusquad drawings are awesome! Keep up the great work!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super glad you like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The new chapter made me think about Bakugou dealing with his squad as babies all over again. Toddlers would probably be worse.
Depends?? Actually??? Like, at least toddlers aren’t gonna steal his gauntlets and tell him he’s lame and punch him just for the hell of it and be a bunch of smartasses and assholes like. Compared to this bunch of baby-Bakugous he has to deal with in the new arc maybe the squad as toddlers would actually be refreshing lol
Anon said:Um I have a very real crush on ila? Can we please know more about her??
I’m ??? so happy you like her!!!!! I don’t wanna say too much about her cause until I draw her in comics I won’t be too sure about who she really is, but she’s!! a pianist, very tall and sorta insecure about her physical appearance, very soft spoken, incredibly gay, scared of sensory deprivation of any kind. Her full name is Ilaria! Dav calls her Aria, which means air in Italian~ they’re pretty good friends, I have a comic about that I’ve been meaning to draw…
Anon said:So, you like KiriBaku with songs, so what do you think of You Had Me At Hello by A Day to Remember? Particularly the lines, “What have I gotten into this time around, I know that I had sworn I’d never trust anyone again, but I didn’t have to. You had me at hello. I’ve never seen a smile that can light a room like yours, it’s simply radiant, I feel more with every day that goes by.”
s o f t…………. ;; also incredibly fitting considering Bakugou decided Kirishima was his new favorite hero the second time he spoke to him, like, god bless I love those two s o m u ch this one I’m listening to it right now and having feelings (is it Baku to Kiri? Kiri to Baku? why not both for double the feels)
Anon said:Hey Fran!! Have you been keeping up with haikyuu? If so what do you think about the Miya twins? (Personally I think they’re pretty okay, they’re funny when they interact with each other. My favorite of the two is Osamu haha)
I don’t mind them! My fav out of Inari is Kita tho, have to admit - that said I have… sort of been ready for this game to be over for months, now………………
Anon said:Okay but imagine….. Kirishima with freckles
I’ve drawn that, now and again!!! the latest one was this one, and another one I remember is this one :D I’ve been liking the idea of him with freckles even more since it’s become official his hair isn’t naturally red? So now and again I add them in, even though they’re usually not much noticeable haha I do so with Bakugou too from time to time, actually… and the rest of the squad… I just… love freckles a lot… haha
Anon said:Love the squad, love the squad kisses.
HECK YES the goal is to draw at least one smooch for every couple sooner or later !!!
Anon said:I hadn’t even realize that I stuck around for a whole year OwO, anyways, congratulations! Your art style has improved much more than you think, especially since you’ve gotten more into coloring ^o^ I noticed that you’ve also been doing more complicated poses too, so, it’s the little stuff that counts ♥️👍 Hope to see more spontaneous art next year, love you Fran!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I love you lots too??? honestly??? This ask means the whole world to me, I really can’t see much improvement after all but knowing you can DOES help a whole damn lot
Anon said:So I came across this fanfic where Uraraka and Todoroki were a thing. I’m personally not a fan of this rare pair, but the whole scenario was the cutest thing ever. Todoroki basically asks Uraraka to help him confess to Midoriya, but in the process falls in love with her instead.
Awwww that sounds cute! Can’t say I have any particular feelings about the ship, but I am up for Todoroki with nearly anyone so why not!
Anon said:Bro bro bro I’m sorry if this is the wrong channel to go through or something but holy shit I just spent hours going through your entire tumblr and your. Art. And. Concepts. I… can’t??? DUDE YOU’RE AMAZING AND YOUR TATTOO AU!! I?? Just thank you so much for all the awesome work you do honestly made my entire fuckin week with your blog, you are WICKED GOOD AND FUNNY AF. That’s all I got go on with your day you talented ass fiend
I’M CRYING!!! OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!!!!!! I’m gonna pick this ask and frame it right on top of my desk!! The heck!!!!!!
Anon said:Why is Bakugou such a fuckin meme
The real question is why is everyone in class 1A a meme. How do they even keep up. How much of the shit they say on a day to day basis is actually just catchphrases from other 1A kids repeated over and over again. How much of the deadpan ridiculous shit Todoroki says has become an inside-joke. How many 1A kids move and talk like Iida just for the hell of it. How often do they yell DIE at inanimate stuff when it pisses them off. How much stuff is defined as manly even though it has nothing to do with manliness. Do they say “going wheey” instead of “frying one’s brain”. Can anyone outside of 1A even understand them when they speak at this point.
Anon said:You are amazing human bean and I love you 💖 Keep being great ✨👏
Thank you??? ;O; I’ll do my best!!!
Anon said:Just annonly passing by to tell you I F'ing love your take on Ashido And the Kids XD … Way to much fluff And laugh for my heart
THANK YOU!!! I’m happy I can make you laugh!!!! :D :D :D
Anon said:I love you god bless you and your art! THANK YOU!
Anon said:Hi! I absolutely /adore/ your BakuKiriKami art! I was wondering if you had any headcanons about them/what inspires you to draw them?
More than headcanons for them I have an incredible amount of scenarios I’d like to see them in! And when they’re compact, complete things I usually draw them, which is what inspires me really haha that, and seeing them interact in the manga! Lately I’ve been really drawn to Bakugou and Kaminari’s friendship, actually, so the romantic stuff has fallen in the background while my mind is preoccupied with thinking about them as platonic good pals ahhhhhhh as soon as I’ll work through it I’ll probably get back to drawing them as romantics, that’s just how my mind works lol
Anon said:I love the casual clothes you design for MHA characters! And I really enjoy reading your headcanons-always creative and fun! Is there anything you’d add to anyone’s hero costumes in class 1-A (something that might prove useful/practical for them, or something you’d add just for the heck of it)? Sorry if this is a stupid question or if you’ve answered a similar question before. Thanks for your time!
It’s not a stupid question, don’t worry!! But I generally like to leave myself in Horikoshi’s hands for this sort of stuff, since I both enjoy the costumes as they are AND don’t want to be disappointed in case what I hope for doesn’t actually happen - that said, I’ve mentioned before that I’d really like Aoyama to get redirectors for his laser on his palms and for Kaminari to get a close combat weapon, since with the quirk he has anything metal would actually work wonders for him! He mentioned a sword, but I rest my case that tonfas would be cool, I really want him to use tonfas. A “costume” I don’t understand is Hagakure’s, by the way - would be nice if she got an actual costume and also I don’t really get why she’d wear gloves at all?? Mirio’s costume was made using his hair, I really want her to get something similar! That’s about it tho, I haven’t really thought much about anyone else in that sense~ 
Anon said:Hello! A few weeks ago I asked about the bracelets you drew for Baku & Kiri. (That art is so beautiful!!) I was wondering if there’s a story behind them; such as, did one of them buy the pair, or did they pick them out together? I’m sorry if it’s a dumb question and if I’m bothering you.
THIS ASK I had lost it, thank you so much for sending it my way again! Actually, Kirishima bought it for himself and Bakugou - I mean to draw a small thing for it, be patient with me while I try to get my ass into gear for it ;O;
Anon said:It’s been a while since you’ve done any BakuKiriKami, do you still like that ship?
I do - as I said a few answers above this one, I’m just finding myself weirdly invested in a platonic relationship between Bakugou and Kaminari at the moment, and also Bakushima stole my focus and soul, but I do still like the ship a whole damn lot, definitely still my fav ot3 in the manga~
Anon said:I love your drawings so much, they always make my day seeing them. But I gotta say that kiri with his hair down is my weakness. He just looks so pure, the cuteness factor goes through the roof.
Thank you???? The Kiri thing is true for canon Kiri too, I’m glad I can bring it in my art!!! Mostly cause when I draw him with his hair down I’m never really sure what the hell I’m doing, I’ll be honest with you lmao
Anon said:hello, holy fUCKin shit how are you this damn good at drawing? like, fuck? thank you, bless you, have a nice day
THANK YOU! And all I do is draw, really lmao I wouldn’t say I’m all that good, definitely not anywhere near the artists I admire, but since all I can do is draw as long as I keep doing that I guess I’ll get there, sooner or later hahaha
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getyouhoylake · 7 years
Top 10 Sweetest John Moments with Cynthia (Part 5)
Hi everyone! I know I said that for every entry of this countdown, I would post two moments together. But I decided to separate numbers 1 and 2, and give them both their own entry. That way, I can keep you guys on your toes, anxiously waiting to see what the number 1 choice is 😈 (unless you guys already know what it is, which in that case means I’m not so clever as I like to think…that and I’m just stalling for the sake of stalling. Lol!!).
But in all seriousness, I would really like to have number 1 have its own entry, as I really think it’s a special moment and deserving of its own post. Not only that, but number 2 is one that I also feel strongly about, and I have lots to say. So it too deserves its own entry. I hope you enjoy!
Number 2: “There’s only one thing for it Cyn, we’ll have to get married.”
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Ok, so this might seem very strange for most of you, especially if you are huge John and Cynthia fans, and know a great deal about their relationship. Believe me, I went back and forth on this decision. This moment is one of, if not, THE most important moment in their relationship. More than any other event in their lives, before and after, doesn’t really come close to the importance of this particular chapter of their relationship… So you may wonder why it’s only number 2, instead of number 1… Well I do have my reasons. And I’ll get to them shortly. But first, for those who don’t know the details, let me explain.
It was mid-1962. John and the boys were starting to gain some popularity. They already met Brian Epstein, and they became well liked in Hamburg, Germany. And by this point, John and Cynthia had been going steady for 4 years. Then one day, Cynthia went to the doctors and she found out that she was pregnant. John was away on tour at the moment, so Cynthia had to take the news alone. She knew that when John returned, she’d have to tell him the news…a prospect that terrified her.
In the 4 years they were dating, they NEVER used protection. And Cynthia made it clear in her book that their sex life was extremely active…so it’s shocking that it took 4 years for her to finally get pregnant. But regardless, neither of them had planned for a baby. And now that John was finally starting to go somewhere with his music, it seemed wrong to hold him down. He probably wouldn’t want to be with her anymore. So Cynthia basically decided, in the worst case scenario, that she would raise the baby on her own, even if it meant living a shameful life (pregnancy before marriage in those days was looked down on).
So when John returned home, he was excited to see Cynthia (as always). She wasted no time and told John immediately. She states in her book that he was speechless and went pale. After was seemed like an eternity, he answered “there’s only one thing for it Cyn, we’ll have to get married.” His reaction and response was shocking, and she told him that he didn’t have to. But John reaffirmed his declaration by saying “neither of us planned to have a baby, Cyn, but I love you and I’m not going to leave you now.”
People have often stated that John was basically “blackmailed” into marrying Cynthia; they say that their marriage was a “shotgun wedding” and was merely an act of nobility on his part. That…I believe is utter crap. First off, it takes TWO to make a baby. So it’s kind of dumb to point the finger at Cynthia, saying that she forced him to marry her. Second, they were going out for 4 YEARS!!! That’s not a shotgun wedding. A shotgun wedding is when a dude impregnates a girl they’ve know for less than a year (like a few months more or less). This is NOT the case here. John and Cynthia had been seriously dating for 4 years, which was really impressive for John by the way. Prior to being with Cynthia, he was quite the “active” teenager, if you know what I mean. He never had a girl he really liked and cared about, until he met Cynthia. Plus, a year before this event occurred, John told Cynthia that they should get engaged, and she told him that they should wait a little longer, since their relationship was going so well. HE wanted to be ENGANGED. Even Pete Best, who was the bands drummer before Ringo came along, stated John’s desires to eventually marry Cynthia ( “John used to tell me how he and Cyn planned to settle down and start a family as soon as the Beatles started paying off”). So John always wanted to marry her. And as far as kids were concerned, that was something that was to happen in the far off future, once they were settled as a couple…instead, things were sped up.
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Now, I will say that in regards to the emotions that both were feeling at the time, after the decision was made to get married, has been a jumble of mixed testimonies. People like Tony Barrow (friend of John and Cynthia) had stated that they got the impression that they mainly did it for the baby (“On different occasions both John and Cyn indicated to me that they married because the baby Julian was on the way and without this binding factor both might well have gone their separate ways as soon as The Beatles took off, rather than six years later. To have kept the baby but not married would have taken a more courageous soul than John, who was bold but not brave beneath his leathery mask of bravado.”)
But then you have Julia Baird, John’s half-sister, who was really close to both of them. And she said “I do remember John being told you don’t have to marry her John; you don’t have to do this. I know that Mrs Powell, that’s Cynthia’s mother, also told Cynthia, you don’t have to get married. So they didn’t get married because it was a shotgun wedding. They got married because they wanted to, because I remember John saying: ‘I want to marry her, what’s the matter with you all?’”
John and Cynthia had also spoken about their decision to marry. Of course Cynthia’s book explains her thoughts about it clearly. She was scared and surprised, but also in love and moved by John’s loyalty. And as for John, although the topic of his marriage was rarely brought up in interviews during his days as a Beatle, he did defend her one time, saying “my wife married me not because I’m a Beatle, but because she loves me.“
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It doesn’t surprise me that some friends and family say they were unsure, while others say they weren’t unsure, because at the end of the day marriage is a huge decision. Any couple, young or old, regardless of their situation, will always have moments of doubt and hesitation, even if they really love each other. And John truly did love Cynthia. Deep down, he wanted to have a family, be a good husband and father, and have a steady life. So…on August 23, 1962, John and Cynthia were married. The above picture is an illustration done by Cynthia of their wedding day. It was a private ceremony, with Paul, George, and two members of Cynthia’s family as eyewitnesses. Brian Epstein was their best-man. You can see John is wearing his glasses, and Cynthia is right beside him, with her hair up. To the far right of the pic, there’s a man with a jackhammer. Apparently during the ceremony, there was construction work being held at the same time. The noise was horrid, but once the ceremony was over, they all burst out laughing.
My reasons for placing this moment as number 2 is because this list is about highlighting John’s sweetest moments and actions towards Cynthia. I’m not saying that this moment lacks any of that at all. Quite the contrary. It’s a strong and perfect example of John’s devotion to Cynthia. But it’s less an example of his sweetness, and more of an example of his loyalty to her, if that makes any sense. The number 1 choice however, without giving anything a way, is a demonstration of all his feelings for her (loyalty, kindness, tenderness, enthusiasm, etc.), and pure sweetness (teehee!).
Still, there’s no denying that this moment was an essential and beautiful moment between the couple. And it truly showcases just how devoted and steadfast a person John was to Cynthia. People will always have their opinion about John and Cynthia’s relationship. I can’t change anyone’s mind. All I can do is enlighten and share my thoughts and knowledge on the topic, and hope it will make others see it differently. There’s one thing that Ringo once said about John, that I think fits this topic well. He said “John was the kindest person I ever knew. He was the only one of the four of us who would give you his soul… And I loved the man dearly.” 
John could be a bastard, no question about it. But when he loved someone, he loved them deeply, and truly. He would devote himself to those he cared about, and to those who had meaning/purpose in his life. Cynthia was his girl, his first love, the woman he dreamed to have a family with…of course she mattered to him. And even though the news of a baby came sooner than they hoped for, it doesn’t surprise me that he proposed marriage right then and there. It wasn’t just because it was “the right thing to do”. It was because he loved this woman. Once again, as John said:
“Neither of us planned to have a baby, Cyn, but I love you and I’m not going to leave you now.”                                
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maitre-kuroneko · 7 years
Well, I’m already home, and I ate, ah ah.
I quit work yesterday after sending a mail explaining what to do after the missed meeting, because it was important as it concerned a patient future treatment... Answer from the oncologist : “LOL”. That’s it. If laughing at the hours that’s been lost yesterday is all she can do, what is the need to answer my mail ? Then she sent me another mail : a pic of a document with, highlighted, the password we needed yesterday. I freaked out for 10 minutes, thinking it was a document I had since the start but read wrong... but looking at it closely it turns out it’s from an old mail from 2014 (and I was not working in this clinic at the time) and after verification I was sent an incomplete edition of this document, without the password.
So I’m not an idiot after all.
But she made me freak out with 2 mails without explanation so, although I felt better this morning, I began to cry anew, all the while berating myself for this (it’s not the first time someone is harsh with me at work, why can’t I stop crying this time ?). I later realised she triggered the beginning of a meltdown 10 minutes after my arrival. Gratz.
I began to work, in the verge of tears, having to stop every few minutes, least to say very few was done, in an excruciatingly slow pace.
I couldn’t go on like this all day and called human ressources to ask if I could leave a few hours sooner. My colleague there felt something was wrong and came directly to my office. Her first reaction as she saw me ? ; “oh, wow !” Yeah my face was not at the best. I explained the story from the beginning. In the end  my colleague proclaimed the way I was treated was unacceptable, as I did all I could for a task that was not mine to do (”you’re not her secretary, she doesn’t pay you, she can’t talk to you this way”). She was shook to see me so down as I’m “always extremely positive and joke about everything” and will do a report to the director. “He will not be pleased to hear what happened, because he likes you, you work well, you’re nice, you’re discreet”. She permitted me to go right away but I insisted to stay until I finished this week input (which I should have finished yesterday instead of making frantic phone calls). Talking made me feel better and knowing it was definitely not my fault kept the tears at bay long enough for me to work I was fast and leave at noon.
Never mind all I initially planned to do today -_-
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~~mod~~ OK here’s the bulk. ill add to the comments.  Before anyone asks my opinion on it or how i feel about it ill just say it.. I don’t care and Im not bothered by it,  I haven’t liked her for a very long time due to how she treated a close friend of mine, them together doesn’t change my fan-ness of him.   I know that there are others that don’t care some that are happy for him and i know that there are a large number of people out there you are angry , hurt and devastated. I get it and i want you all to be able to express that, but do me a favor and respects each others feelings and opinions and keep it medium.
Anon: I am devastated Mod. He lied to us. Blatantly and I will never forgive him for that. I can’t even look at anything he is in ever again. I just can’t believe I trusted him as much as I did. I believed his words when he spoke. Now I don’t know him at all. He is NOTHING like what he says he is. I hope they are ripped apart by media because he deserves everything now. It hurts me so much to say that because I used to defend everything about him. I don’t even know what to say about him now.
Brandi:Let’s tease this NR DK thing out a little. Anon:First off, good for Norman. She’s age appropriate and has some understanding of the entertainment industry and the pitfalls of it. AnonThat said, Norman works eight months out of the year in rural Georgia and works a ton outside of TWD. DK works predominantly in Europe. (I believe) When the heck are these two actually going to see each other? Anon:If her bad behaviour toward her fans/coworkers is to be believed, Norman may have trouble with this. Reedus is incredibly kind to people/fans, if she is rude to them, it might not go well for her, in Norman’s eyes. Anon:The earlier denial of his romance with DK is similar to what happened with CS. Did he not deny they where more than friends for ages?! I can’t blame him, I think he was protecting her, people where really hard on that girl. Anon:Just my two cents. Shine on you crazy diamonds.
Anon::My friend got it on good authority that Daryl will DIE in S8 because of all the negative publicity caused by NR sneaking around w/ DK. 😢 That he “came out” with their relationship per those photos taken in NYC last night to try to make himself look honorable. But AMC had already decided to kill him off bcause of the bad fan reaction to his affair with DK–denying it and such. AMC just now informed NR that Daryl will die in a battle w/ Negan. Totally crying right now. This cannot be true!?!?! 😭
Anon:He’s drunk in those pictures. He doesn’t look happy only drunk and nasty. It’s disgusting marching down the street being something he always claimed to hate. I’m done with him. Anon:Norman is completely full of bullshit.
normieslittletwign :  Well, I guess they’re official. The only thing that disappoints me is how it was handled. They should have “come out” as a couple right at the beginning and let the chips fall where they may. She could have said that her relationship with JJ was on the rocks for some time, that they’d been leading separate lives for awhile… whatever…. make shit up!! They’re only human and shit happens, the heart wants what the heart wants. IDK   But now Norman is (or may be) seen as a homewrecker. She may be seen as a cheater all because no one knows when this relationship started.   To be caught mere weeks after releasing an “official statement” that they are “just friends”… SMH. The pics are *not* of people who are “just friends”.   I also feel for fans who have put Norman up on such a high pedestal… they must be devastated!!   For the record, I’m still a fan of and still like Norman. He has a very unique personality, I quite like his acting and a number of his movies, not to mention TWD. But then again, I never put him on a pedestal and read too much into his interviews. I most likely will never meet the guy and I’m OK with that. And if I did, I’d just be another fan who wants a pic or an autograph.   To be honest, I’ve never wanted to meet *any* celebrity. I’m one of the biggest Iron Maiden fans around (36 years and counting… am I aging myself? lol) and if I go to my grave having never met any of the members of Iron Maiden (or any other band or actor I admire) it won’t bother me a bit. But that’s probably just me.   You know, God himself could hand pick a lovely woman for Norman and she still wouldn’t be seen as being good enough for him by the “lunatic-fringe” fans.  Now to sit back and watch the shit-storm. I’ve noticed on Norman’s Instagram he’s already feeling the heat… sadly.
dixonimagines:On the DK thing: Are they f*cking 13 years olds, making out in a street corner like they can’t rent a hotel room? I enjoyed meeting him this year but I will never again pay another cent to meet him. Not only is he a liar but also freaking dumb one. Why lie when he knew he would be outed sooner or later? I do not feel betrayed but I cannot continue being a fan of someone who is dumb enough to put his fandom at risk for a fling with some woman. He is no better than most of us.
Anon:i don’t particularly like DK, but I also don’t think she’s the evil bitch that some make her out to be. Whatever their relationship is, it’s theirs to explore and pursue. N looks happy in the pics and that’s good enough for me. I’m actually more concerned about Mod being bombarded with the Insanity 😰Sending you 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃, Mod, stay gold!
Anon:I feel like this has been explained ad nauseum (though ppl choose not to listen) but *some* fans are upset this couple began by breaking up Diane’s 10+ yr relationship. So it was cheating then 2+ years lying, with fans defending him against cheating rumors. Is it really that hard to understand that some may take it personally because they defended him, or because they’ve experienced relationships broken by cheating? “As long as the cheaters are happy who cares” is a rather ignorant response.
Anon:Can I just point out how happy Norman looks in the pics with DK? Anyone who can make Norman’s smile that wide is good with me. I wish them so much happiness ❤
Anon:Did pR’s reps genuinely not know he was seeing DK? The just friends comment is making less and less sense 🙈
Anon:To all those defending Norman saying he is entitled to a private life YES he is. But these shots were staged for the paps, he has chosen to forgo his privacy, and expect more like this to come. Everyone in the industry knows these types of relationships are biz deals, he couldn’t give a fuc what anyone thinks, he is as hollywood, elite and privileged as they come. He does not deserve defending. So many of his fans so naive and gullible.
Anon:for people that are saying ‘oh get over it’ or 'why taking this so personally’ its not that the question. Norman lied since day one when it came to all this mess. He lied that he didnt cheat JJ with her. He lied when said they were just friends 3 weeks ago. he lied when he said he loves honest people. he lied when he said he doesnt understand cheating…i mean this is years and years of lies and people believing he was one thing when he was other. its too many lies
Anon:Lol honestly I’m not even his fan and i feel like i could cut a bitch now because i was here trying to prove that he was better than the rumors that were always circling around. I saw on him a good guy trying to break bad habits and i feel fucking offended with this! lol i mean he is a 48 year old men why lie? he didnt need all of this…unless he had another thing going (which we all know its rumored to have) and someone dropped someone and he went on the easy root. sad excuse of a man sorry.
Anon:Now i get why he is friend with Balthazar Getty, which in my opinion, is the ultimate douchebag of Hollywood….Norman is exactly the same. Nobody cant deny people..he is a  sleezy liar. Hope he likes to see his daily life on daily mail from now on.
Anon:the fact that norman played the game of the 'honest'person and he hates liars makes me sick. He lied to everyone. No he doesnt owns us anything but he denied any romantic link with her 3 weeks ago. this to me is beyond ridiculous. I guess she got what she wanted and he once again is going along because its comfortable to him and guarantee he have his dick wet at least once a week…but the rest?? i feel sorry for the fans that always believed how good guy and true to himself he was.
Anon:I guess I have mixed feelings about the whole DK relationship. He does look really happy and I personally don’t care who he is with. But why all the sneaking around and lying? I can only think of one reason they would do that. They wanted to make the cheating rumors look untrue. To me the cheating rumors now look true. I am still a fan of his but I don’t think I will spend the money to see him if he comes to the Walker Stalker near me.
Anon:They are both scum. Anon:Up till now I always gave him the benefit of the doubt, but I feel like the biggest fool alive now. He really is a LIAR!! Yuck, so disappointed in him 😳.
Anon:I just feel sorry for the people that believed in him. They have been duped/snowed/hoodwinked by a professional liar and all around horrible person.
Anon:Let’s Please try to not make Norman and DK’s relationship about us. It has nothing to do with lying to fans, manipulating fans, or laughing at fans. There’s no personal insult to his fans here. It’s just them letting the world know on their terms, not ours. In other news, I’m so glad he looks happy. His kid is growing up, his job has got to be ending in the next few years (sorry but that’s just reality), and he deserves some joy as he figures out what to do next.
Anon:I truly don’t get all the DK hate. And w/ those pics coming out today, I’m sure it will only get worse. How about everyone just be glad he’s in an age appropriate relationship this time? I mean, I can’t be the only one who was completely grossed out by the 18 year old, right?
Anon:I am completely done with him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for so long and I am mostly an optimistic person…But this is just disgusting. IDC who he dates tbh…But this snake???? And the cheating??? Breaks my heart. It’s awesome that he gives his all to his fans but I think it feeds his narcissistic ways. Sorry Norman…You will live your life whatever you want to…You’re a grown man (sometimes)
Anon:Sending you tons of nachos and lots of alcohol for the incoming shitstorm. If you need anything else let me know.
Anon:I just did a google searched on the latest on NR, and there is a picture of what appears to be N kissing DK right in plain view of a pap. Rather this is the real deal or simply a PR move on behalf of DK herself, N and D are together. Love it or hate it, we don’t have a say in who he dates and I personally wouldn’t want to because I wouldn’t want people to do the same to me.
Anon:Sorry something is not right , your people denied the rumours 3 weeks ago and then you come out hand in hand with her , plus it doesnt look kissing to me but ok , im dissapointed in him , but i will still be a daryl fan !
meags672:This night out was obviously their 'coming out’. They both look very happy to me! Good for them. Its about time!
Anon::Ohhhh mod. ALL OF THE WHISKEY AND NACHOS FOR YOU!!!! Anon:It’s official. Norman is a cheater and liar. They are both gross and deserve each other. They deserve every ounce of hate they get. #shittypeople Anon:its confirmed, they are a couple. bye bye norman. i don’t support lying little cheating sneaks
superleeleehipster:I am sending two bottles of whiskey your way and some nachos… followed by chocolate cause this is gonna get crazy for another week :p
Anon:So umm… how are Norman’s reps gonna say they’re “just friends” again when there are pics of them holding hands and making out? Anon:Those “just friends” look very very happy. I think you all should be happy for him.
Anon:she went to paris to support her friend, just friends, that what friends do, right. but not the show in spain bc why. tho she goes out so ppl see her there. no pap or fan shots of her in fr or ger. why none in ny until some of him show up. guess they r friends who dont hang out in public. btw why never any fan pics of her any where, does she not have fans. just pap shots around him
Anon:Bye bye Norman. You’re canceled. It’s official, they are together. Eonline posted pics of them kissing and holding hands while smiling and walking around in NYC yesterday. They really made it official after denying everything just three weeks ago. It makes me so sick to see DK all happy. Disgusting ain’t even a damn word about what I feel
Anon:Norman died for me. Did you see the eonline pics? He’s holding hands and kissing DK in PUBLIC. They walked around and had the biggest smiles on their faces. What an incredible disgusting piece of trash Norman is. Disappointment is not even a word how I feel right now. Sorry if I’m going to unfollow you but I don’t want to see anything about him anymore.
Anon:Seriously not a fan any longer. You can date who you want, but why lie about it 3 weeks before going public? That makes you shady in my book and I don’t support shady people.
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