#sorry if you just read all that lol i just 😮‍💨
vagueshape · 1 year
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emotionalsupport-ljh · 2 months
Breaking and Entering
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You don't want Jihoon to worry.
Fluff (a miniscule amount of angst) - woozi x fem!reader
A hell of a lot of words for a sick fic :D Described as "princess treatment" by my friends 😌
AO3 link
Word Count: 3.1k
Before you even open your eyes, you feel a scratch in your throat that burns like hell. You reach for the water on your nightstand and take large gulps trying to soothe the pain. As your eyes open, they droop heavily and take a moment to adjust to the early morning sunlight that makes its way past your curtains. A chill suddenly attacks the uncovered parts of your body. You duck back under your comforter only to have an oppressive heat come in waves that cause sweat to cling to your forehead. On top of all that, you can’t breathe out of your left nostril. You’re terribly sick.
As you lament in your miserable state, a notification brightens your phone and you have to shut your eyes. You blink them trying to get used to the light, but all it does is give you a headache. You brave through the pain to turn your brightness down and check the notification. It’s a text from your boyfriend, Jihoon.
Jiji: good morning babe~ 😘
You: Good morning!
Jiji: what are ur plans for today? work?
You: No
You pause for a moment before continuing your response. You wonder if it’s a good idea to tell him that you aren’t feeling well today. On one hand, he might want to know that kind of stuff so that he can take care of you. On the other hand, it could cause some unnecessary stress in his already stressful life. Also, with his busy schedule, he probably wouldn’t be able to do much. You decide ultimately that this illness would probably be over quickly, and you don’t want to make Jihoon worry about nothing a little cough medicine and tea would fix.
You: I'm going to take the day off to relax and be lazy lol 😏
Jiji: that sounds nice
i wish i could do the same 😮‍💨
You: Busy schedule today?
Jiji: yup 🙃 but im excited for our date later this week
You: Me too!
Jiji: i have to go to work
text me later
You: Will do! I love you 🩷
Jiji: love u too~🖤
Putting your phone down and taking the chance to move from your bed to at least retrieve some relief in the form of medicine or warm tea, you feel your muscles ache in a way that makes you never want to move again. For now, you stare at the ceiling with the resolve to get over this silly little cold. You fall asleep soon after and stay asleep for many, many hours.
When you finally awaken again, the chill in your bones still hasn't subsided, no matter how many layers of sheet and blanket cover you. You have to force your eyes to open against the deeper sunlight now pouring through the cracks in your curtains. You power through the discomfort to get them to adjust to the brightness. Again, you reach a hand out for your phone and see that it is afternoon and that you have some missed texts from your boyfriend.
Jiji: hey~
wuts up
Jiji: taking an afternoon nap huh
text me when u see this
The messages were all sent about 45 minutes ago. You feel a little bad about lying, but it only strengthens your resolve to get better and put the whole lie behind you. You text back like normal, hoping that he has the time to read and respond even for just a few minutes.
You: Sorry! I fell asleep watching anime
It doesn’t take too long for a reply to pop-up. You had been dating Jihoon for months now, but you still got butterflies every time he texted you. Even now, aching all over and dripping from your face, he makes you feel a warmth you swore would make you even healthier than you were before.
Jiji: oh rub it in my face 🙄 lol
dont get too far without me
You: I would never!! 😫
How’s it been today? You're not too stressed, right?
Jiji: eh
im coping lol
nothing im not used to
You: Don’t push yourself too hard ok? 🥺
You're doing such a great job!!!!!!
Jiji: thx lol
i gotta go. love u~ 🖤
You: I love you too 🩷
You decide to try to come up with the ultimate healing game plan for the rest of the day. You plot out your meals and activities to maximize the time you can spend getting better. Or at least you try to as you come to realize that sleeping an extra 4 and a half hours without getting out of bed means that you’ve yet to relieve yourself. This kickstarts your game plan as you rush to the bathroom.
You power through the aches in your body to finally brush your teeth and put your hair in a manageable bun for the day. You put on your sweats and some socks to keep warm and make your way to the kitchen where you heat up some soup and make a mug of herbal tea. You take medicine and take it easy all day. The change in scenery from your bedroom to the living room not only motivates your mind to change, but also it motivates your body to move. You swear you already feel better.
Unfortunately, the next two days look the same, and you do not, in fact, feel any better. Even with minimal movement throughout the days, you still manage to leave a mess of dirty dishes, clothes, and tissues strewn about the apartment. You are miserable and finally starting to come to terms with it. The delusion of your ability to heal quickly and on your own was finally starting to dissipate. You thought seeing a doctor was a waste of time, but you start to see the necessity of an appointment the more time you spend with a scratch in your throat and a headache hammering your skull.
The worst part, however, is not the pain, nor is it the constant sweating or the need to breathe through your mouth. No, the worst part is that today is Jihoon’s one day off; you are supposed to be ready to go on a date.
It's a little late in the morning when you wake up. You thrash in your bed frustrated that you are still sick and very tired. When you check your phone, there are no new messages. It isn't unusual for Jihoon to sleep in on his days off. You dread having to tell him the truth that you had been sick all week and couldn’t go out tonight. You could anticipate his response: a string of crying emojis and then a laugh where he says he’s just kidding and he’s fine as long as you get better. He wouldn’t really be okay with it, but he would say he is. He would be really disappointed; he isn’t very good at showing his true emotions, but you know he feels them so deeply. You don’t want to cause him any undue stress or heartbreak. At this point, it unfortunately is inevitable.
You grab your phone and hover over Jihoon’s contact, trying to muster the courage to send your good-morning-text and your confession followed by a long apology and promises to make it all up to him one day. You don’t expect your phone to ring, brandishing a very familiar sweet smiling selfie with the name “Jiji” underneath. You are startled then you take a deep breath, clear your throat, and answer.
“Good morning, my baby,” a sleep-rasped voice calls out from the other side.
“Good morning,” you try to answer in a normal voice, doing your best to hide your congestion.
“You sound different. What’s up?” Jihoon caught on immediately.
You whine a little over the phone, only prolonging the inevitable. There’s only silence from the other side. “I’m sick,” you say, then blurt out, “I’ve been sick for the past three days. I really, really tried to get better, honestly. I’m so sorry, Jiji. I can’t go out tonight.”
Your heart beats quickly in your chest, maybe from the nerves of finally coming clean, maybe from the extra exertion on your sick body. The five seconds it takes for Jihoon to respond feel like five hours. All he says is, “Oh. Okay.” After that, he hangs up the phone, leaving you stunned and with a horrible pit in your stomach.
You’re in shock. The kind of shock people feel after breaking a limb or recovering from a disaster. It pushes every other feeling out of your body. You do your morning routine in a fugue state. When you sit back in your bed, it all hits you at once. Tears stream down your face almost unconsciously, and you lay down with your face in your pillow. Eventually, you fall asleep again, too tired from the illness to continue to cry or feel anything.
Jihoon makes up his mind quickly. After abruptly hanging up the phone, he immediately gets up and goes through his own routine faster than ever, even taking 30 minutes off of his normal workout just to have more time for his own plan. After coming home, he does something a little out of character. He goes to the kitchen to cook something that isn’t chicken breast and white rice.
This surprises his roommates. Soonyoung tries to help him with the big pot of what was so far just stock and vegetables. He gets distracted easily, and it takes him a long time to cut up an onion. Jeonghan takes a picture of Jihoon and sends it in the group chat asking if this is normal behavior for Woozis. Seungkwan tries to taste it before the dish is ready and whines when his hand is met with a smack from a wooden spoon.
“This isn’t for any of you. Leave it alone,” Jihoon says in a stern voice.
“Wait, what? Then who is it for?” Soonyoung raises an eyebrow at him.
“Y/N, my girlfriend. She’s sick.”
The mood in the apartment changes. Now, Jeonghan is texting more furiously in the group chat about how Jihoon cares so much about his poor, sick girlfriend. Seungkwan now insists on tasting the dish the whole way through the cooking process to make sure it’s suitable for such refined tastes as his and yours. Soonyoung calls his mom and asks what the best thing is to cure illnesses. It becomes a whole big thing that has Jihoon a little bit annoyed but also grateful his friends care about you almost as much as he cares about you.
Jihoon’s morning and the better part of his afternoon off of work are then filled with surprise visits from Mingyu, Jun, and Seokmin who bring an array of dishes that could feed you for a month and Minghao who brings a special tea blend that he uses when he's feeling sick. Vernon sends a playlist of chill music for you to listen to while you recover, and Wonwoo writes a list of movies he recommends you watch to rest. Chan makes a special delivery of his grandma's famous kimchi, which has the rest of the boys groaning that they don't get any this time. Joshua sends the best essential oil wax melts so you can indulge in some aromatherapy. Finally, Seungcheol makes sure that Jihoon tells you that he can send anything in the world to your house using his card whether it be medicine or a treat from your favorite bakery or even a new designer pajama set to make sure you are at maximum comfort levels.
As he makes his way over to your apartment, Jihoon feels silly carrying a bunch of bags filled with various gifts from everyone on top of the soup he made that seems to pale in comparison. He curses Jeonghan under his breath for telling everyone his plan to bring you supplies, effectively making him the delivery boy because he is the only person who has the passcode to your apartment. He tries to call you on his way over, now adding his phone to the pile he was juggling. It rings a few times and then goes to voicemail. He tries again and meets the same outcome. He assumes that you’re resting; being sick for multiple days sounds exhausting which is why he is so willing to bring over everything he (and the others) could possibly think of to make you feel better.
Jihoon reaches your front door and knocks loud enough that you would be able to hear it from your room, but soft enough that you wouldn’t wake up if you were resting. He waits a beat before just typing the code and letting himself inside. He makes his way to the kitchen and sets down the various bags on the countertops. Only once his arms are empty does he realize the state of the apartment. He slowly takes in the dirty dishes and various random stuff left on the floor. The trashcan is full, and tea bags litter the countertops. There are tissue boxes everywhere, each one full of used tissues.
He walks slowly to your room and, opening the door, he almost couldn’t make out your sleeping shape on the bed. You’re curled up into a ball under many layers of blankets on one side, and on the other was a pile of clothing. There’s more clothing on the floor. Jihoon goes back to the kitchen and takes a deep breath. He meticulously puts all the food everyone prepared into the fridge, rolls up his sleeves, and decides to start there. He makes a list in his head of all the things he could realistically do in the few hours you would be asleep.
The next moment, Jihoon is elbow deep in soapy water scrubbing dishes and wiping countertops. He finds all the cleaning instruments and proceeds to sweep and vacuum. He fills a trash bag with tissues, tissue boxes, and food containers. He gently tiptoes around your room, gathering up the clothes from the floor, which he assumes are dirty, and putting them in the wash. The clothes on the bed, which he checks are clean, are now folded and put in a hamper for later sorting. He even has time to reheat his soup and make a pretty plating of it paired with some rice and a cup of some of Minghao’s herbal tea.
You awaken when you hear dishes clanking in the kitchen. Someone is in your home. You freeze until the noise stops and begin to get up from your bed. With your legs swung over the side of the bed, ready to stand and possibly defend yourself, the door opens slowly and in walks Jihoon with a tray of dishes.
He looks surprised, then flashes a big smile, then says, “Good, you’re awake. It’s time to eat.”
All you can do is stare at him in disbelief as he sets a tray of soup and rice and tea on your lap. He sits cross-legged in the empty space beside you and scrolls through his phone as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
“W…what’s all this?” you stutter out, utterly confused.
“Lunch,” Jihoon answers nonchalantly.
Looking at him beside you, you realize that there is indeed empty space on your bed for him to sit where there was once a pile of clothes. Tears appear behind your eyes when you look around at the spotless floor of your bedroom. You look at your boyfriend as one tear falls.
“Did you…”
“Yeah, it was a real mess in here.” He turns to look at you and uses his thumb to wipe the one tear from your cheek. “Start eating. I bet you haven’t eaten all day. How are you supposed to get better if you don’t eat?”
He was right. You take a spoonful of broth and bring it to your lips. It tastes wonderful. Alternating between tea and soup and rice, you feel fuller, and the heat from the meal eases your throat just a little more. Jihoon looks at you and sees how happy you look to be having a meal that wasn’t microwaved from a package. You are already almost done with the meal after only a few minutes.
“See, you were hungry, huh?” He teasingly shakes his head.
You lightly push your boyfriend's arm. You make a face, suddenly feeling awkward to be around him. “I thought you were mad at me.”
“What? Why? Because you lied to me for days and didn’t let me take care of you? Or because you canceled our date on the day of because you assumed I cared that we went out somewhere?” he starts sarcastically, “I actually hadn’t thought about it all day.”
“I’m serious, Jiji!” you try to whine but end in a cough. He’s laughing at you as you get a little frustrated.
“I’m seriously not mad. I wish you would’ve told me, but being mad won’t fix anything.” His smile is soft, and he’s looking at you with love in his eyes.
“I’m really sorry. I just didn’t want to worry you. I didn’t know it would last this long. Honestly, I don’t know what I have, and you probably shouldn't be sitting so close to me right now.” You weakly try to push Jihoon away, but he sits like a rock, not budging at all.
“I’m fine,” he chuckles, “The plague couldn’t even keep me away from you.” He leans to kiss your forehead.
All your muscles relax as the last few bites on your plate disappear. Jihoon takes the empty tray in one hand and uses the other to guide you to your feet with him. He wordlessly walks you both out of the room. You see that not only is the entire apartment clean, but there are small gifts left out on the coffee table.
“What is all this?” you ask your boyfriend as take a seat on the couch, waiting for him to put the empty plates and bowls from the tray in the sink.
He takes a seat next to you and rubs the back of his neck with one hand and avoids eye contact when he answers, “The guys heard you weren’t feeling great, so, of course, they had to help out, too.” He goes through and shows you the wax melts, medicine, and self-care products. He also tells you about your new stock of homemade meals from the best cooks in the group. You get really excited about the kimchi from Chan’s grandma. He sends you Vernon’s playlist and Wonwoo’s recommendations. He even shows you the text Seungcheol sent him about using his card for whatever you might need.
Everything is perfect for the rest of the evening that was supposed to be a fancy, romantic date night. It turns out that watching movies and listening to music while snuggling and talking is the best medicine for illness and the most romantic date you have ever been on.
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reeniecon · 3 months
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Idia S. , malleus D.
😮‍💨‼️ : gender-neutral reader, some grammar error (sorry not my first language lol)
My other fics
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He is jealous of the way you spend your time outside with your friends than with him in his room. He is jealous that now you laugh harder with your friends than with him. Why couldn't you do that with HIM instead of THEM?.
Ortho, he lost ortho before and he didn't want to lose you too. So he... Programmed ortho to follow you around and help you with anything, it may seem nice and convenient but, sometimes ortho would do too much for you, that you cannot even choose what you want.
"Let me do it, you will not understand it anyway" / " Are you sure about this? "
Ah yes underestimating, such an idia move tbh, so he will underestimate you in certain things, especially with the things that he is good at... You know that Idia is a very logical type of person, so of course he would be using the fastest way to Rome and not waste any time on the way.
"Just leave me alone! "
Idia is used to being alone and handles his feelings alone. So if he gets a little overwhelmed/annoyed because of his game or with your nagging, talking about your day, or whatever it is he will just explode and yell to you to leave me alone.
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I would say that malleus are kinda similar to idia but they have a lot of differences at the same time.
Pfft...This is malleus draconia that we talk about the fae DRAGON, ofc we would be so protective towards you... His beloved. So that no one can taint you no one can hurt you no one...
Ahuuu... Not that different than Idia for this one, he is jealous when you look a little bit more interested in talking with your friend than him and you look happier with another man other than him. He hates it. He hates when someone try to take you away from him.
Never taking "no" as an answer
" Why not? " You would be hearing this all the time especially when you refuse his gift...
"Why? You didn't like the color perhaps? Or something? Just tell me my dear I would fix it. "
" No... That's not the problem, mal. Uh you gift me too much this week already, you didn't have to do this you know.. "
Attachment issues
I felt this is very self-explana-
Tory isn't it?? Just look at book 7!! So when you say yes to him... Congratulations!! You will be on his side forever and will not be able to leave his side forever and ever!!
A/n : this is so suck, anw.. Please give me harsh feedback on my inbox lol and also my request are still open (selective writing tho- srry)
Ah also please use <3 for request and !! For critique in my inbox .
A/n 2.0 : mybe would do another character in the future.. Keyword MAYBE but please comment what chara you want to read next with this prompt i prob write vil, or sum
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cutielando · 7 months
the last social media au was so cute!! maybe one where george’s gf is a famous romance book author and when they make the relationship public his friends cannot believe posh “arms against the wall 2023 intro package pose” george could be the inspiration for all the smutty scenes his gf is famous for (only if your comfortable of course!)
romance is in her books | g.r.
social media au
my masterlist
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liked by zendaya, georgerussell63 and 301,584 others
yourusername working on something very special 🌸
view all 50,195 comments
chillypeppers Y/N on her way to releasing yet another banger😮‍💨😮‍💨
zendaya what u cooking bby?😉💞
yourusername something with an extra bit of spice🥵
user1 is nobody else wondering who she's writing the *explicit* scenes about?
user2 lol she most probably has a boyfriend or something
user3 or maybe she's just like any other young woman lmao
lilymhe i'm literally obsessed with the way you write🤤
yourusername thank you baby. i'll let you in on a secret later for this ;)
user4 we all want to be lily right now :((((
landonorris do you ever run out of things to write?
yourusername not really, no
lilyzneimer the book is coming along beautifully ❤️
yourusername thank you honey✨🌸❤️
oscarpiastri did you give her a sneak peek??????????
yourusername ...maybe
oscarpiastri deeply betrayed
georgerussell63 my beautiful girl this comment has been deleted
user5 GEORGE????????
charles_leclerc can't wait to read it
yourusername you’re just like one of the girlies charlie 🌸🌸🌸
user2 the amount of money i spend on her books is so unhealthy but i don’t care. TAKE ALL MY MONEY BABY 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
user3 is it a stand-alone or is the new book going to be part of a series?👀
yourusername i’m planning a new series soon, but my next release is going to be a stand-alone 🌸
user4 i love her, she is the sweetest 🥰🥰
george 🩵
i might have just fucked up
y/n ❤️
you're hopeless
george 🩵
do you think people saw the comment?
y/n ❤️
judging by the way my phone has been blowing up, i think they have
george 🩵
i'm sorry, my love
y/n ❤️
it's okay, don't worry. now we can mess with the fans for a bit ;)
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liked by georgerussell63, zendaya and 401,639 others
yourusername “racing hearts” is now yours, my lovelies. this book holds a very dear place in my heart and i hope that it will speak to you like it spoke to me when i first started writing it. thank you to everyone who came to the book signing yesterday, you make my life all that more special ✨❤️🌸💞
view all 98,374 comments
georgerussell63 beautiful book, who were you thinking about when you wrote it?🤔
yourusername you know, just a random Brit
georgerussell63 must be one hell of a guy to get a book of his own
yourusername he really is
zendaya you have outdone yourself once again. reading your books has become a MUST ✨✨✨
yourusername thank you honey 💞💞💞
landonorris you went wild again, didn’t you?
yourusername i might have
landonorris do i even wanna read it?
yourusername honestly? probably not
lilyzneimer it’s even better than what i thought 💞
yourusername i always have a trick or two up my sleeve 😉🌸
charles_leclerc someone should censor you
yourusername where would be the fun in that?
charles_leclerc how does your manager approve of this?
yourmanager i’m one of the girlies 🌸
charles_leclerc that explains it
chillypepper i have no words. i said it before and i’ll say it again. she is the best author of her generation
user1 never beating the dating allegations now
user2 she literally named her main character RUSSELL, HOW DO PEOPLE STILL THINK HER AND GEORGE AREN’T DATING??????
user3 George is the luckiest man in the world😭😭
user4 he must really rock your world if those scenes are anything like the real thing
yourusername you have no idea 🤭
mercedesamgf1 I couldn't put it down. Amazing work, Y/N!!
yourusername thank you admin 🌸💞💞
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liked by yourusername, lilyzneimer and 601,583 others
georgerussell63 Words can't describe how proud I am of you. The way you connect with your readers, the way you give life to every story you write never ceases to amaze me. I'm thankful to be able to watch you do your thing, watch you inspire so many young writers to chase their dreams. I love you 💞 P.S. Yes, I am the inspiration behind the sexy scenes ;) tagged: yourusername
view all 99,281 comments
yourusername your support means everything to me. thank you for always being here for me, helping me through my writer's block and cheering me on. i love you more than you know💞🌸
georgerussell63 i love you more❤️
landonorris i know way too much about your personal life now, mate
georgerussell63 jealous?
landonorris as if
yourusername don't fight boys, what would Russell and Brendan think about you two fighting?
landonorris BRENDAN IS ME?????????
yourusername oops👀
user1 i am in love with their love😮‍💨❤️
user2 going to jump off a cliff, brb
user3 i cannot believe i know stuff about George Russell's sex life👀
alex_albon simp
georgerussell63 how can i not be? just look at Y/N
yourusername baby🥹💞❤️🌸
alex_albon you two make me sick. i preferred it when you weren't public
georgerussell63 and i preferred it when you shut up
lilymhe we are all in love with Y/N ✨❤️👀
yourusername but you’re the one who has my heart baby 💞💞
georgerussell63 ?????????
yourusername sorry babe 😁💞
mercedesamgf1 Our favorite couple!❤️ liked by yourusername and georgerussell63
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 2
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. ♣ prev part | next part
Chapter 2: Lakers, Headlines… New York?
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: part 2 of legally binded! I hear yall and I see the comments! This will be a series, got a lot of ideas for this one. But of course, I am open to hearing what you guys think and want to see! A little bonding moment for R and Jenna 😮‍💨
Word Count: 6.3k+ (lol sorry, may have gone overboard!)
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“So… what does this mean, exactly?” Jenna asks for both of you.
“We’re gonna make the two of you the talk of the town. And hopefully get people to back off on the allegations that Jenna is difficult to work with and that Y/N is entering her Justin Bieber phase — and not the good one.” Your PR agent, Liv, purses her lips.
Jenna can’t help the snort that leaves her lips, awkwardly coughing to hide it. But you catch it anyway, throwing her a glare.
“Difficult to work with huh?” You speak up — in faux interest. “Not hard to see why.”
This time Jenna is the one glaring at you. “You don’t even know me.”
“You don’t know me either.” You huff.
“Enough!” Jake yells. Anger steadily rose in the man’s bloodstream.
You and Jenna flinch at his loudness. Sliding down the chair, you feel ashamed again; ignoring Jenna’s piercing glare.
Liv is sighing but opts not to add fuel to the fire. “It’s going to take a few hours to get the paperwork and contract drafted —but once it’s done we’ll have it sent over to you. For now, get to know each other, I don’t know.”
You shoot Liv a scowl. She was making this already awkward situation so much worse.
She catches your look, sighing, “Just–pretend this is another job and you’re new castmates. Anything please. ” She rolls her eyes, already fed up with what disaster this morning has been.
“You can do that, right?” Liv crosses her arms, staring at you two in question.
“Yes.” Jenna mumbles.
“Mhmm.” You hum lazily, changing the subject. “Can we tell people? That this isn’t real?”
Liv glances at Jake and Sarah sharing a silent conversation. They nod at each other. “If they sign an NDA. Only family, your team and us. This cannot leave the room.”
You feel pale. You couldn’t even tell the people around you about this fake relationship without binding them to a contract? Suddenly, the situation starts to feel more real; the carpet of delusion being pulled from under you.
You’re standing up, pushing the chair back with a loud scrape that rings terribly against your ears. “I need some air.”
“You’re really leaving in the middle of a meeting?” Jenna questions with a snip, crossing her arms.
“Sorry your highness, I got better places to be. Liv you can send the contract to my assistant. Ortega, wish I could say it was a pleasure to meet you… but well.” You trail off, shrugging.
Liv and Jake are fuming red in the face at your words, but you were still hungover and the comedown was begging to wreak havoc – your irritation getting harder to restrain. 
Jenna’s face scrunches, offended. You walk away, not bothering to listen for a response.
“There’s no way I can work with her…” You catch it anyway.
“I mean can you believe what they’re asking me to do!” You pace up and down your living room.
“Oh come on, I don’t buy the allegations that she’s difficult, you know they love to tear women down when they get their come up.” Link reasons tapping on his phone.
“I mean how can this face be rude?” He holds up a picture of Jenna at the SAG awards and you furrow your brows because you don’t remember seeing her there — you might have been late.
You were just nominated anyway. So you pulled a Beyoncé and only showed up for your category.
“Maybe Jenna’s not so bad?”
“Quit it.”
It was now mid-afternoon and the battering Californian sun was shining bright above clear skies and through your floor-to-ceiling windows. You bought this house in the Palisades for the peace it provided you. Not too far from central L.A. but still tucked away enough for a moment of solitude with a life like yours.
It was your own version of a sanctuary – like a home should be. 
“Okay, that sounds crazy, I agree. But dude, you fucked up. Big time.” Your long-time friend Link said. 
You and Link grew up together and when you got your come up, best believe you took your best friend with you. You offered to help him out while he lives with you as you achieve your dreams but ever the stubborn guy, he refused. Only agreeing to move to Los Angeles with you if he works as your assistant to earn his keep.
He’s a good guy like that. 
Since then, he’s been by your side. Through every disappointment, bad news, great news, red carpets, and movie premieres. You couldn’t do this job without him. 
He’s like your brother.
“I know!” You groan, dropping to the couch. Why the hell did you let your designer choose these couches? They were stiffer than a plank of wood.
“Look at this article online, 2-time Grammy winner and Academy Award Nominee, Y/N L/N’s fall from grace? Sin City indeed! The actress blacks out at a Vegas strip club! Click here to see exclusive mugshots.”
“They’re selling my fucking mugshots?” You lift your head above the headrest horrified, watching Link sit across the room on a bar stool reading his phone. 
“I’m pretty sure they’re public domain.” He refutes.
Falling back, you groan louder – hiding your face behind your palms.
“I don’t see how you have a choice, buddy.” He sighs, placing his phone on the bar top. 
“There has to be another way. Why can’t I just run away? I’ll fly back home for a couple of weeks, and let all of this shit die down. It’s worked before.” 
“Yeah, I told Jake and Liv you’d say that.” He rolls his eyes, walking to you. “I don’t think you can run from this one, Y/N.”
The softness in his voice has you sighing in defeat. He’s right, you know he’s right. This wasn’t just some tiny mistake you can brush under the carpet like all the other ones. This was serious. 
You got arrested. For blacking out with someone who had drugs on them. In a strip club, no less.
What a mess.
Something like this could seriously hurt your career. You could lose roles, relationships, connections, brand deals – the blood, sweat, and tears you poured in; everything you worked so hard for – gone.
“I know… Doesn’t make me wanna do it more though,” You mumble, distantly staring at the high ceiling.
He chuckles, “I know bud. But this is what we signed up for, right?” 
You frown. It’s what we signed up for.
It’s a mantra that you have adopted in all your years as a working performer. It certainly wasn’t the most comforting and loving thing to say, but it works because it’s true and there’s no greater motivator than a slap in the face to reality. 
You much preferred tough love anyway.
“Right.” You mutter.
“Come on, I think Jenna’s manager just sent me the signed contract, they’re just waiting for your signature.” He walks off to his office. 
You close your eyes, letting the sun warm you up through the glass panes. A few moments pass until Link comes back out with a tablet and pen. “Sign here, under Jenna’s signature.”
She has pretty handwriting – you note as you sign the electronic document. 
Call it weird but you had a thing for people with neat handwriting, steady hands and all that. 
But then you remember who the professional signature belonged to and forced yourself to snap out of it.
“Did you even read it?” He arches a brow.
“That’s what lawyers are for.”
He scoffs, “Okay, superstar. It basically says what you and Jenna need to do. Public spottings at first, then dates, appearances at each other's events. Maybe posts on social media, but the idea is to be discreet – we can’t have it seem like we’re using this to scrub away the Vegas incident.”
“But that’s exactly what we’re doing,” You sigh.
“Yeah, but they don’t know that. And it’s your damn job to make sure they don’t ever find out either.”
You rub your forehead; a headache beginning to form. Not sure if it was from the hangover or from all this PR mess.
“Anways,” He takes the tablet out of your hands. “I’ll send these over to Liv. Now as for you. Go upstairs, take a shower because you smell horrendous and then put on what your stylist picked out.”
Wrinkling your nose, you ask, “What, why? I literally just got back, I already have to go out and show my face? The paparazzi will hound me.” 
“We have to beat the Vegas headline with a bigger story, so you need to be seen with Jenna ASAP. That means out for a late lunch at a well-known spot downtown. You have to act like the news doesn’t bother you – like you’re moving past it.”
“Who goes out for late lunch?” 
He sends you a pointed look. 
“I’ll be upstairs…” You mumble, dragging your feet as you ascend the steps.
You tap your fingers on the steering wheel, glancing up at the modest house through your sunglasses.
A mid-modern century house in Glendale. Not where you pictured her to live but whatever. Her front yard was bare but professionally trimmed. No signs of any plant life that made the space look a little… dull. The only signs of life in the house was the humble SUV that you assumed belonged to the young actress.
Your tapping grows impatient the longer you wait.
As if staring harder at the front door will make the actress come out faster. Another five agonizing minutes pass – you seriously consider pulling away to go home and sleep off this hangover but Link stood a good half-foot taller than you.
He’d lock your ass out of your own home. 
Eventually, the door opens and the short brunette walks down the driveway in confident strides. Dressed in jeans, combat boots and a cardigan; those headphones around her neck, again. Somehow, she looked consistently gothic and you pondered if she really was like her character in real life.
You see her scan your Mercedes-AMG GT3 for a moment before pulling the passenger door open; sliding into the cushy seats. “Nice car.”
You blink, “Thanks… you sure took your time though,”
You couldn’t stop the slight attitude that accompanied your words.
She gives you a sharp glance, “why didn’t you just ring the doorbell?”
“You had to unlock the gate to let me in, you knew I was waiting outside.” You huff, staring at her back. 
“Then would have waited in the living room if you had knocked. What difference does it make?” She shrugs.
“That’s not the poi–” You gruff but stop, inhaling a deep breath. The pounding in your skull was begging for you to cool down. 
“I think I much preferred waiting in the car… alone.” You whisper the last bit then shoot her a sarcastic glance; shifting the gear in reverse.
You don’t bother to check if she had her seatbelt on as you aggressively pull out her driveway; leaving skid marks on the pavement.
She jerks forward at the sudden movement. “Shit– a little warning next time?” She glares bracing herself on the dashboard.
“Hands off the leather,” You bite as you pull off her street and to the restaurant Link sent you the directions to. 
She scoffs. “My driveway!”
“Table for 2 under Ortega? Please follow me, can I be the first one to say how delighted we are that you two decided to dine here.” The host enthused a little too much.
“It’s our pleasure.” Jenna answers politely.
You plaster a tight-lipped smile keeping quiet; sliding a modest hand on Jenna’s back when he leads you past other patrons and to a secluded table – heads already turning in your direction. Jenna jumps, sending you a menacing glare and for a moment you feel slightly scared by the fire in her eyes – dropping your hand immediately. 
Okay, no touching. Got it.
“Here we are, the best seat in the house. We have complementary champagne on the table to start your evening. We’ll give you a few moments to get settled,” He sends a tight smile causing his wrinkles to show – definitely trying too hard but you’d never say no to free alcohol.
“Thank you,” You bid, pulling a chair out for Jenna.
She walks to claim the opposite chair, assuming you’re taking the one you pulled out. But she stares as you stand behind the open chair, awkwardly. Only then did she seem to realize that the seat was for her.
Raising her brows, she looked a little surprised but wordlessly and a bit awkwardly (she sends a tight-lipped smile) sits over to the chair allowing you to push it in for her, before taking your own seat across.
The first thing you grab is the bottle of champagne and the flute. 
You miss Jenna’s tracking eyes as you pour a hefty glass. “Is that really the best thing for you to have, especially after last night? Also, it’s like 4 PM.”
“I didn’t know you were the alcohol police and it’s 8 PM somewhere.” You take big gulps of the champagne, savouring the way it burned but also felt cool on the way down.
“Trust me, I’m not. But my ass is on the line here too and there are people watching.” She grits out the last part, signalling with her eyes. You glance up catching two girls from another table with their phones up, no doubt taking pictures and recording you and Jenna. 
Looking away, you place the glass flute down, sitting back in your seat with a slump. “Fine…”
“When are you going to take this seriously?” She whispers, tone: sharp.
“I am taking this seriously,” You fight to keep your face impassive knowing there are eyes on you both. 
“No, you’re not. You couldn’t even sit through the meeting this morning and now you’re acting like a child. Might I remind you, we’re in this mess because of you.”
You clench your jaw, trying your hardest not to blow up in this fine establishment. 
“I’m the reaso—“
“Are we ready to order?” The waitress cuts in.
“Yes, we are.” Jenna turns to her with that large, sweet smile that sells millions.
‘New Gal-Pals in Hollywood, Y/N L/N and Jenna Ortega spotted out for lunch’
It was now the following day after your ‘lunch date’ with Jenna and you wish to say it only got better as time went on but that would be a lie. You two did not get along – at all. How was it possible for your management to find the one person on this planet that you just couldn’t get along with. 
You know difficult, you can handle difficult. You’ve worked with the likes of Shia Lebeouf, Gweneth Paltrow, Michael Bay… just to name a few. You’ve had your fair share of difficult colleagues.
But this girl? She’s something else. 
“Gal pals? Really?” Your nose scrunches in distaste.
“No wait, this one’s better! Wednesday star Jenna Ortega supports new bestie, Y/N L/N amid Vegas arrest.”
“Stop.” But Link’s loud laughter overpowers you.
“Oh! We got one that’s different, Trouble-maker, A-lister, Y/N L/N, will drag down rising-star Jenna Ortega!”
“Okay, that’s just bullshit.” You pique up.
“Rising star?” Jenna voices in disdain.
“Enough!” Liv’s voice echoes from your laptop speaker. “This isn’t the headline we wanted.”
You roll your eyes, scanning the candid photo of you and Jenna sitting at the restaurant.
The images look tame enough and can definitely be interpreted as just two friends out for a bite. News outlets don’t buy it, but the internet is already freaking out; spewing out unsolicited opinions on this new pairing. Some think you two are just friends, some think it’s a date, others think it’s for a movie role.
“I thought I did a good job,” Jenna speaks up on the other line of the Facetime call. 
“Clearly not…” You mumble, but she catches it anyway, rolling her eyes. 
“We need to up the ante, this is not good enough.” Liv sighs and you can hear the trepidation through the call.
“Like what?”
“There’s a Lakers game tonight and you two are making your first official appearance.” She grins with mischief.
“Lakers?” Jenna rouses, sounding excited.
“How would they interpret that differently than before?” Shaking your head.
“I got a plan already, darling. I have a guy in TMZ who’s going to break the first official headline that you two are in the ‘getting to know each other’ stage. Which is where you two come in… after the game headlines of your guys’ date night will be the number one trending topic.” She explains, eyes lighting up in excitement.
Liv loves to lay out her plans to whoever was willing to listen — you’re already tuning her out.
You are sure her plan is genius like she says it is.
“Are they versing someone decent, at least?” You ask tiredly. When were you going to get some time to yourself?
“I’m in.”
“Do you really have to wear sunglasses indoors? Everyone knows we’re here.” Jenna whispers from beside you.
“It’s part of the look.” You retort, sliding down the foldable chair. Why are courtside seats so uncomfortable for all the money I’m paying?
“What look.”
“We got two stars in the Lakers house tonight! Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Y/N L/N and Jenna Ortega!”’ The announcer booms through the stadium speakers. 
Looking up at the jumbotron, you and Jenna are plastered big and bright on the screen. You flash a dazzling smile and force your body to untense – ignoring Jenna’s quip.
You embrace the loud cheers and applauds, waving and sending the camera that dazzling smile you have mastered. Jenna copies your movements.
Eventually, the camera pans away from you two and you finally feel like you can breathe again. 
“God, I think my eardrums ruptured.” She complains, clutching her earring clad-ears painfully.
You laugh, “Oh come on, you don’t have people shouting for your attention at you at every turn?”
She frowns, shaking her head, “Not at this level… I like to think I still have some anonymity.”
Snorting, you say, “Yeah well, just wait. That’ll all be gone — so enjoy it while you can.” 
You don’t see her frown deepen because you spot a familiar face. “Look who’s in the house!”
“Hey!” You stand briskly. Lebron James comes barreling over in large steps; greeting you with a hug and a pat on the back. 
“Feeling ready for tonight?” You ask, smiling up at the athlete. Being a big name in Hollywood definitely came with nice perks like knowing world-renowned athletes.
As much as you complain about your life – this is certainly a perk you can’t deny.
“You know it! We’re gonna mop the floors with your lil Celtics team.” He smirks making you laugh.
“Okay, save the trash-talking for the court... This is Jenna by the way.” You move to the side to reveal Jenna sitting; watching the two of you with a flabbergasted look on her face. 
“Nice to meet you, Jenna. My kids loved Wednesday, I think my daughter might dress up as you this Halloween.” He jokes; shaking her hand. 
It was quite an amusing sight to see Jenna crane her neck to meet the basketball player’s eyes. And you really tried your hardest not to snort when her tiny hands slide into his gigantic palms – her upper arm practically disappearing in his grasp.
They continue talking for a few more moments before the basketball player eventually bids his goodbye to continue warming up. 
“You’re friends with Lebron James?” She asked in disbelief when you sit back down.
“Yeah, is that surprising?” You arch a brow.
“Yes?” She asks like you were stupid for even asking.
You chuckle. “Well, now you know.” 
“Also… a Celtics fan, really? That’s just disgraceful.” She shakes her head.
You scrunch your face in faux annoyance, puffing your chest proudly, “Hell yeah the Celtics! We’re gonna wipe the court with your little Lakers in their own house.” 
“Don’t let people hear you say that, you’ll be stoned,” She laughs heartily. 
For a brief moment, you watch as she shakes in laughter at her own joke – unable to fight the infectiousness of her laugh. Her bangs shake with her movements as she attempts to hide her smile behind her hand.
Were you guys getting along? Nah, impossible. 
“I’ll just use you as a shield.”
“I’m like five-foot, I don’t think I’ll be much help.” She snorts. 
“Pocket-sized shield – makes travelling easier.” You shrug, smirking. 
She shoots you a side-eye but you see the smirk she tries to hide from you. 
Eventually, the national anthem is sung and tip-off begins. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying yourself right now. After the weekend disaster in Vegas, all you wanted to do was sleep away your fuck-ups. But this… isn’t so bad. 
Jenna seems to have loosened up and allowed herself to enjoy the game.
You cheer enthusiastically when the Celtics go on a 12-0 run in the fourth quarter. 
The score is 94 - 90, with the Lakers in the lead. You were standing now, your concession drinks and snacks forgotten under your chair. The energy in the stadium is infectious as everyone cheers for their respective teams.
“This is what I’m talking about, now we got a game!” You clap loudly, yelling.
“$100 Lakers win this one.” The sweet voice shouts over the crowd.
You turn, grinning. “That’s it? $1000, Celtics win.” 
The quiet contemplation is burning bright in her eyes, but eventually, she gives in extending her hand. “You’re on.”
Somehow, your grin stretches wider when she slides her hand in yours to seal the deal. “I can’t wait to be a $1000 richer.”
“In your dreams,” she clicks her tongue, focusing on the court.
“Come on ref, that was a foul!” She shouts at the checkered-shirt man as he runs past you.
She’s not looking at you but you find yourself unable to look away from her. 
Granted, you barely knew anything about Jenna before meeting her yesterday. But you think you like this laid-back version of her more than the one you met at first.
A whistle-blowing breaks your staring before it becomes too obvious.
Eventually, the game goes into overtime with the score being 104 - 104 when the Lakers gets both free throws in. You’re practically shaking in excitement as you watch from courtside.
You are bent over, hands on your knees like a soccer mom watching their kid get a penalty kick. You miss Jenna snapping a photo of the court with you bent over in the corner of the picture.
“Come on, Tatum!” You shout, a vein on your forehead protruding. 
“Did you say a $1000 richer?” She mocks, using your words against you.
“Don’t go on a victory lap yet,” You stand as the last time-out is called, “The score’s even and there’s still 5 seconds on the clock. It’s anybody's game right now.”
When the whistle blows signalling time-out is over, you are tense again. Jenna seems to share your sentiments as she absentmindedly grabs your jacket when the Celtics shooting guard walks behind the line to inbound the ball.
Anticipation getting the best of her.
You ignore the touch – unsure if you wanted to pull away or never move your arm again.
“Shit!” You yell when someone on the Lakers intercepts the Celtics attempt to inbound — sloppily passing it to another player in gold and purple. 
3 seconds remaining on the clock and a fast-break on the Lakers side ensues; green jerseys struggling to keep up.
“Schroder tips the Celtics inbound and manages to pass it off to Thompson, to James! James with a hail mary from half-court with 2 seconds, will he make it!” The announcer exclaims.
It was like the movies when everything goes silent and somehow you see everything in slow motion. You watch as the ball spins high above in the air with the powerful throw from the Laker’s power forward. The only thing you feel is Jenna’s fist gripping your arm, bunching the jacket in her hands. 
You unconsciously lean into her; the intensity of the room bouncing off you. 
The ball continues to spin until it amazingly flies through the basket with a satisfying swoosh and the buzzer rings loudly.
The crowd explodes – bursting into loud cheers. 
“Holy shit!” Jenna jumps, cheering.
“No fucking way.” You groan.
You feel her grab your shoulders to face her, still jumping up and down; a large smile on her face. You find yourself matching her grin despite your team not winning. 
Nodding in defeat, you admit, “Okay, okay… that was a pretty great game.”
“Great?” She shakes you like a rag doll, “That was the best game I’ve ever seen!” 
“Are you turning into a basketball fan, Miss Ortega?” You tease as she pulls away from you.
Still with a grin, she says, “Never… Football will always have my heart.”
“I didn’t peg you for an NFL fan but I guess I’ve heard stranger things.” You tease as she rolls her eyes.
“Soccer, Y/N.”
“Why didn’t you just call it the proper name then?”
“We are not starting this.” She holds a hand up, turning to sit back in her seat. The high of winning the bet, dwindling away.
“This is me…” Jenna says into the quiet night air. 
You shifted on your feet as you stood by your car. The night had been an unexpected…. success. After the game, you two made sure to stick around to chat and take pictures with fans in the crowd. 
The more eyes that saw you two together, the better. 
“Um… this was nice, I guess.” You mumble, feeling a bit awkward now that it was just you and her. 
She blinks up at you, surprised by your admission. “Uh – yeah, this wasn’t bad. Surprising, but not bad.” 
A small smile creeps on your face, “Okay, well I guess I’ll see you later… or whenever our managers say we need to be seen together again.” 
She laughs, nodding, “Yeah…”
A bright flash from your peripheral has you blinking, unfocused. “What the–”
“Paps…” She sighs. “Kiss my cheek.”
“What?” You asked bewildered.
She sends you a pointed look, turning her back from the direction of the flash so they couldn’t see her face. “Kiss my cheek, they’ll take a picture and then they’ll know we’re not just gal pals.”
Jenna is rolling her eyes but you’re still stuck in your spot. “Y/N.”
Snapping out of your thoughts, you clear your throat, “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Something indecipherable shines in her eyes, but it disappears as she blinks, “You’re not asking for my hand in marriage, Y/N. Just kiss my cheek.”
Blushing, you lean down. Shyly placing your lips on her soft-dimpled cheek – she leans into the contact, placing a hand on your neck. Immediately, a flurry of bright flashes and sounds of clicking interrupt the moment. 
“Goodnight, Jenna.” You say softly once you pulled away; ignoring the goosebumps that rose on your skin.
“Goodnight.” She takes a moment to look at you before walking to unlock her gate.
You wait until she opens the metal door; not missing the kind eyes she shoots you as she shuts the gate. Only once Jenna’s out of your view did you let out a deep sigh, turning around.
“Y/N! Over here! Did you just kiss Jenna Ortega? What about the singer you were with in Vegas? Are you two over?”
You didn’t want to give the paparazzi lurking on her street more reason to stay, so you keep your head down ignoring their shouting and slip into your car.
“How was it?” Her sister’s voice can be heard on her phone. 
“Awful – she’s a menace, Mia.” Jenna replies as she opens her fridge, looking for a mid-afternoon snack. 
It was now Sunday afternoon and as predicted – you and Jenna are the top headline of every major news outlet in America. 
“Did you tell her that you loved her in Little Women?” 
“What? No, of course not! I’m not gonna tell her that.”
“Why not? You watched that movie like five times when it came out.” Her sister reminds.
“Shut up, Mia.”
“Okay, anyways…” She trails off, laughing. “I saw the pictures. You’re smiling pretty wide with her. Also the kiss on the cheek when she was dropping you off? Chef’s kiss. Just perfect.”
Jenna rolls her eyes, “It’s all part of the act. Of course, I look happy.”
“There’s videos of you jumping on her. I can barely scroll through my Twitter feed without seeing an edit of you two at the game.”
“Stop. I don’t want to talk about her anymore.” Jenna snaps.
“Okay, okay…” Mia laughs and Jenna can picture her raising her hands in surrender. “Let’s talk about New York, are you excited?’
Jenna lets out a repressed sigh. With all of this PR mess with you, she hasn’t had time to think about how busy her schedule is about to be. The Scream VI premiere and SNL is inching closer and the Coachella native is feeling the familiar phantoms of anxiety rumbling in her chest. 
“Yeah, of course, I am. It’s SNL…”
“But?” Aliyah, her younger sister’s voice comes out of nowhere.
“But it’s SNL!” Jenna exclaims, “It’s a big deal! What if… what if I fuck up? Or I break character?”
“Okay… let’s take a deep breath,” Mia speaks up. She recognizes her sister’s looming anxiety and knew she had to act before the young actress sends herself into a panic. “You will kill it, like you always do and you won’t mess up. It’s okay to be a little nervous.
“Right, right.” Jenna agrees but the weighted pressure in her chest was still to creeping in.
Mia hums over the line unconvinced, “Listen, the whole family is flying in before your premiere. So don’t worry, we’ll be there, cheering you on!” 
Jenna can’t fight the smile that creeps up on her face. The thought of her family being there on one of the most important nights of her career is all she needs. They always had her back, picking her up when she felt like she couldn’t do it anymore. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate that.”
“You want me to fly to New York, to what– be her personal cheerleader?” You dead-pan, watching as Link frantically throws clothes and shoes into a suitcase. 
It’s been about a week since the Lakers and Celtics game and news of you and Jenna’s night out in town are still abuzz. The two of you made a couple more subtle appearances over the last couple of days and the media is eating it up shamelessly. Pictures of you and the star are plastered on the front pages; be it grabbing coffee or grocery shopping or walking your dog at the park.
Now, you couldn’t even step outside without someone hurling Jenna’s name at you.
But you couldn’t lie. It was nice to have some company while you run your errands. Only yours though — you hated when you had to do hers. Jenna always thought too hard about which cereal to get, like she’s ever home to eat it.
‘New budding romance in Hollywood? Do we have a new power couple on the rise with Y/N L/N and Jenna Ortega? These two seem to be getting to know each other well… click here to read more’ 
Was the first thing you read when you turned on your phone this morning. 
Of course, it’s never that easy because there are still a handful of nobodies sending hateful messages about your criminal escapades – not everyone was convinced.
Some well-known people on social media – people you personally know are adding fuel to the fire; engaging in discourses of you and Jenna and if you are dragging her down just by being associated with you.
Fake-ass motherfuckers.
“Yes, I think those are the exact words Jake and Liv put in their texts, actually.” He reaches for his phone to read over the message; mocking you. 
“Stop, Link…” You run a hand on your face, “Tell them I’m not going. I have better things to do, Coachella is right around the corner and I literally have a song I need to send to my producer.”
He watches as you childishly cross your arms, scowling. 
If you weren’t his best friend he would’ve said goodbye to the Hollywood life – too rich for his blood. Link wasn’t sure how he still put up with your attitude after all these years. Could you have said those words any more snobbishly?
“Are you done?”
“Well you don’t have a damn choice. Now, take a shower – Marcus will be here in an hour to drive us to LAX. And you can record in New York, no one said you had to be attached to Jenna’s hip.”
“What if I don’t want to.” You stand your ground. 
“Don’t do this today, Y/N.” He sighs. 
For a few moments, you hold your ground; contemplating if you should dig a hole and barricade yourself – metaphorically, of course. But never say never. 
Link raises a challenging brow – daring you to try him today. 
Wow, someone must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed…
Knowing what that look meant, you knew when to pick your battles and accepted the loss, trudging over to the master bathroom but not before slamming the door behind you.
“Don’t be slamming doors ‘round here! I don’t care if the house is under your name.” He shouts from the other side. 
“Fuck off!” You yell back, yanking your shirt off as the water turns hot.
He is such a dad.
“What are you doing here?”
“Hi to you too, Jenna. How was your day? Mine was great, the flight was a bit bumpy but I can handle a ‘lil turbulence. Thanks for asking.” You reply, ignoring the furrow in her brow hidden behind the silky fringe. 
You wonder what conditioner she uses to get her hair looking that soft.
“Y/N…” Jenna sighs, walking past you to enter your hotel suite. Walking into the living room to place her shoulder bag on the coffee table then she turns to face you, crossing her arms still waiting for an answer. “I’m serious, why are you in New York.”
You lean against a wooden panel, crossing your arms as well. “Didn’t your team tell you?”
Her frown deepens, patience thinning the longer you beat around the bush. “Obviously not or I wouldn’t be here.”
“Okay relax…” You warn not appreciating her tone. You literally just landed an hour ago and it’s almost midnight East Coast time. The timezone switch is fucking with you and her attitude is the last thing you need. 
“Don’t tell me to relax.” She snaps. The young actress hated those words, it always made her more riled up.
You scoff trying your hardest not to snap back but controlling your anger has never been your strong suit. “Why do you think I’m here? Liv told me I had to show face for your premiere and SNL episode. Be your cheerleader or some shit.”
She drops her arms, frown still etched on her soft face. What? Ignore that.
“Shit, I think Sarah might’ve mentioned it but I was just so busy with rehearsal and fittings with Enrique that I didn’t see.” Jenna sighs, rubbing her forehead.
For the first time since she barged into your room – you take a moment to scan her. Her face is bare and makeup free but you can see the dark smudges from her eyeliner earlier today just under the lashline. She was dressed in a large sweater and mismatched sweatpants; the sleeves are so long it covers half her hands and her short wavy locks tied into a messy low bun.
Her clothes practically engulfed her tiny stature. You figure this is a pretty rare sight that most people aren’t privy to and suddenly you’re unsure as to why it’s so hard to look away. 
“I didn’t mean to snap… I’m sorry.” She says quietly, looking at you like she was genuinely apologetic. 
“It’s fine…” You shrug and pushed off the wall to sit on the couch. Everyone has their days, you thought.
“I didn’t mean to ambush you. I really thought you knew I’d be here.” You turn on the TV, not being to stand the silence in the large room.
Jenna sits down beside you, tucking her feet against her chest. When did she take off her shoes? “It’s not your fault.”
The sigh she lets out is heavy and something tells you there’s some meaning behind it too. But you didn’t feel like it was your business so you zip it and continue watching the TV drone on about a program you don’t care about. 
“I saw clips of your SNL promo… I thought it was hilarious – you were great and that reporter outfit? So cool.” You change the subject. It gets her to smile as her dimples poke out, a little shy now. 
“It’s so cringy.” She covers her face. 
“Awh, nah… the internet loved it.” You laugh, a little amused that the actress was all flushed by a single compliment. 
Call it big-headed, call it ego, call it whatever you want but you personally relished it when people fawned over you. 
“Of course they did. They’re the whole reason for the meme.” She rolls her eyes after dropping her hands but she still had a toothy smile. 
“I bet that dance follows you everywhere…” 
“Every. Fucking. Day.” She says then raises a brow at you, “How do you know about the dance, though?’
You send her an affronted look, “I’m not a grandmother, Jenna. I know what’s hip with the kids.”
She snorts, “You’re an idiot – I just mean, I didn’t think you were on TikTok like that with a schedule like yours. Also, that app is toxic.”
“Every social media app can be toxic.” You quip, “But get off your high horse, your majesty. I literally just saw a couple of edits on Twitter of it.”
“Uh huh…” She hums, unconvinced, if the side glance she throws you was any indication. “But yeah the writers wanted to do a bit with Wednesday and this is what we came up with.”
“Well, I think it’s genius… from a business standpoint.” You offer up, nudging her shoulder then turning back to the TV.
You miss Jenna’s bothered frown. “Business standpoint?”
“Yeah,” You say off-handedly, “It’s smart, good for you.”
“Are most things a ‘business standpoint’ for you?” She asks, genuinely curious about what you could mean.
“Hmm. I guess I never thought of it like that but now that I’m saying it out loud, yeah, kinda.” You shrug, thinking about it. 
Most of the interactions in Hollywood that you have had are based on transactions and is usually for your own self-interest.
“...That’s kinda sad.” She says getting you to turn.
“What does that mean?” You frown.
“I’m just saying… there’s more to this industry than business deals and brand offers.” This time Jenna offers up a thought but it sounds a bit judgemental to you, shrugging.
You’re furrowing your brows, sitting up straight. “Look, you don’t even know me. Just forget what I said.”
But the laugh she lets out grinds your gears in the most unpleasant way.
Jenna holds up her hands in surrender but it feels mocking. “Clearly…” She emphasizes. “But I’m just saying, there’s no need to get all defensive.”
“Okay, I don’t know what kind of shit you were dealing with today but don’t take it out on me. Don’t come to my room talking about things you know nothing about.” You glower.
She matches your frown, standing. “It kinda sounds like you’re the one dealing with something, actually.”
“I think you should leave.” Your glare turns sharp and cold, standing too.
“Already on my way out.” She scoffed, snatching her bag aggressively off the coffee table then turns to walk to the front door. 
You follow to make sure the door hits her on the way out but she stops abruptly by the hall causing you to trip on your own feet to not tumble over her. 
“I think you should go back to L.A.” She glares up at you, tightly clutching her shoulder bag.
The laugh you let out is humourless, stepping back to create space between you and the other actress. “And get my ass handed to me by Jake, Liv and Sarah? They’re like four horsemen of the apocalypse – just searching for their last member. No thanks. You got a problem with me here? You deal with it.”
She clenches her jaw, “Done. Leave it to me.” Then turns and leaves making sure to slam the door shut. 
Those hotel doors weigh a fuck ton, how did she do that? And what did she mean leave it to me?
“Can I come out now?” Link peeks his head out from the adjoining room; fear present on his features.
tagging who comment so far:
@alexkolax @ladey @jjsmaybank20 @werewoofrobinbuckley
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i-care-4u · 1 year
since madrid ✹ jude bellingham
A/N: one year on tumblr! thank you to everyone whose been reading and giving love to my stories, big kisses!!
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Liked by masonmount, marcusrashford, adidasfootball, and 5,384,393 others
judebellingham can’t wait to get started! 🤍5️⃣
View all 15,020 comments
marcusrashford go smash it bro🔥
realmadrid hey jude! 🤍5️⃣
adidasfootball 🤍
culer1 devastating day for us barça fans 😔
madridista1 hala madrid 🤍👑
xobellingham that’s my man guys 😍
bellin5ham my golden boy 💫
madridista2 welcome to madrid, jude!
judebe22ingham madrid is not ready for you 🫣
heyyyjude you look so good in that jersey
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Liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, judebellingham, and 170,290 others
yourusername currents 🦜🌷🌱☀️
View all 1,500 comments
yourbestfriend linda 🫶 [beautiful]
↳ yourusername yourbestfriend te amo amiga ☺️ [i love you bestie]
carlossainz55 😂😂😂
↳ yourusername carlossainz55 de qué te estás riendo 🤨 [what are you laughing at?]
↳ 55ainz i love this family so much
user1 what is jude doing on carlos’ sister’s page
rlmdrd give me a chance 😩
↳ bellingmemes rlmdrd me when i’m jude bellingham:
user2 i think jude is in love
user3 jude flirting with y/n, come get your sister carlossainz55
carlossainz55 via instagram stories
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Liked by judebellingham, carlossainz55, landonorris, and 139,380 others
yourusername carlossainz55 if formula one wasn’t a thing: 🍔🍟👨‍🍳
View all 1,692 comments
carlossainz55 change that caption right now
↳ yourusername carlossainz55 this one got the folks laughing, sorry hermano
sainzsmoothie the caption 😭😭😭
judefan2 who’s here from that one tweet lol
judesjersey i recognize that sweater
↳ sainzfan1 judesjersey and your point is?
↳ judesjersey sainzfan1 jude bellingham is having dinner with the sainz family after getting caught liking y/n’s posts
carlos55fan when he cooks for my future sister-in-law, that’s my husband guys 😮‍💨
bvbellingham jude what are you doing here 😂
ilovejude this is so cute omg
judebellingham via instagram stories
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Liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66, carlossainz55, and 390,920 others
yourusername england
View all 2,308 comments
judebellingham hermosa
↳ yourusername judebellingham 🥹💋
↳ judestar judebellingham those spanish lessons coming in handy
↳ yourusername judestar i helped him say that ☺️ more spanish on the way
sainzketchup jude has notifications on for sure
judeluvr i get why he’s with her
bellinghames the third slide…the jude effect is real
sainzfamilyupdates the better sainz sibling just posted
judefan1 how’s jude??
sainzyn she finally posted him!
yourusername via instagram stories
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992 notes · View notes
luizd3ad · 4 months
OH ok ok ok…
Can I maybe request a Pandora x shy!reader who has a crush on Pandora but obviously just admires from a distance; but Pandora Be Knowing (tm) - maybe Pandora just starts inserting herself into readers daily routine and readers like “?!?!?!” and Pandora’s like “!!🥰😇🤗!!”
Hope this is enough? You can message me if you want more 😉 xx
Universes Mistake | Pandora Rosier x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Pandora Rosier x Fem!Shy!Reader WC: 2,431 CW: Use of Y/N, kinda hints of more social anxiety and awkwardness than shy (??), Reader gets anxious and overthinks. Author's Note: My first request damn😮‍💨 I'm sorry it's taken so long I’ve just had like no motivation? it kinda looks like that been kinda going around rn tho? idk maybe somethings in the air lol. I really hope you like it tho. Summary: You've liked Pandora for years but with you being painfully shy you just like her from a distance but Pandoras not having that.
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
The first thing you did every time you walked into one of the few classes that you shared with her was look for her. 
She was just so amazing that you couldn't help but like her.. a lot. She was always so sweet to the people that were important to her. She was always so happy, so lively, she just seemed so carefree. Always laughing and smiling.
Merlin, that smile. What you wouldn't do to have her smile at you.
You’ve liked her since second year.
You were sitting under a tree by The Black Lake reading, you were almost completely lost in your book but then your attention was stolen when you heard talking and laughing. 
Walking past you was Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr, Dorcas Meadowes, Evan Rosier and her, Pandora Rosier.
They didn't notice you but you noticed them. 
You remember when you heard her laugh the first time, how it made your heart speed up, how your hands got all clammy, how you felt the heat crawling up your face. How you felt like you couldn't breathe.
You were captivated.
You started to notice her everywhere, classes, halls, the library, it felt like she had consumed your life in the best way possible. 
You had always been the shy type, finding it hard to talk to people, making friends, you would get embarrassed easier than you probably should, you'd get easily nervous so you had always just kept to yourself, you were alone. That's how you liked it.. or at least that's what you told yourself. 
So you were fine with the fact that she didn't notice you. You were happy and content with existing in the same space as her.
When you walked into Divination you noticed she wasn't there yet. You tried not to let yourself feel disappointed so you decided that in the meantime you would just take your normal seat in the back and get ready for class while letting yourself hope in the back of your mind that you'll see her at some point.
You were so focussed on getting ready for class and you didn't notice that someone had sat at the chair across from you until you heard her. “Hello, Y/N.” Your movements froze at the sound of her voice as if you were just hit with the ‘Glacius’ charm. You slowly looked up, trying to control your breathing. 
Social interactions, talking to people made you quite nervous but most of the time it was manageable. Talking to Pandora though? That was something you would have never even considered. 
You were content with just seeing her, from a distance that is.
“Um, H-hello Pandora?” You internally cringed when you stuttered and your sentence came out more like a question instead of just a normal greeting. 
But Pandora just smiled at you, not in a teasing way but in a way that had you get butterflies in your stomach, a way that made your heart skip a beat.
To your relief before the conversation could continue the professor started class and for the next hour and a half you were sitting next to Pandora Rosier trying not to completely freak out or embarrass yourself. 
When the class was dismissed you were out of there within seconds. You had never packed up and left a class so fast before. You were rushing to your next class trying to put distance between you and Pandora.
It's not that you didn't want to talk to her, it was just you didn't know how to talk to her. 
How do you just talk to the girl that you’ve basically been in love with for years? How do you talk to someone that just made your heart melt by saying ‘Hello’ to you? 
How do you talk to someone that makes you want to give her your everything just to hear your name fall off her lips again?
The rest of the day you were distracted by the thoughts of Pandora. You had shared classes with her for years. Why all the sudden did she sit with you? Why did she suddenly talk to you? Maybe she was just being nice? She was a nice person. That was one of the things you loved about her. It just never seemed like she knew you existed, let alone knew your name.
It had been a few days since Pandora had talked to you. She hadn't tried talking to you since.. admittedly it might have something to do with the fact that you didn't share many classes together and you might have also been actively avoiding her.. but who knows?
So that weekend you were in the library studying for a Charms test that was coming up. The library was quite empty since most people were off at Hogsmeade, you never went unless necessary which wasn't often. You liked how empty the castle was on Hogsmeade weekends. It was nice to just calm down for a while.
Especially because you had been spending the better part of the week running around trying to avoid Pandora.
At this point though you were willing to put the whole thing behind you. Just forget about it, move on, act like it never happened. Just chalk it up to a mistake made by the universe, something that would never happen again.
The universe didn't seem to appreciate your thought of it making a mistake because it was apparently wishful thinking to assume it wouldn't happen again.
Your head snapped up at the sudden sound of a chair being dragged on the floor. Across the table from you was Pandora, she sat across from you silently reading a book. She had a faint smile on her face but she seemed focused on her book.
You silently took a deep breath internally debating if you should leave or not.
You were there first. She didn't make it seem like she wanted you to leave. Maybe she wanted your company? Why else would she sit with you? Especially when there were so many empty tables.
You made the choice to stay and keep studying. Neither of you said a word the whole time you were there. You would look at her every so often but she did seem to move at all.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed until Pandora suddenly closed her book and stood up. You looked up at her surprised by her movements, based on the smile on her face you most likely looked as surprised as you felt. “It's dinner time. You should take a break and eat… Goodnight Y/N.” With that Pandora practically floated away, her smile never fading.
You felt your breath get caught in your throat. You mind started to race a bit. Why did she sit with you almost all day? What was her sudden interest in you? 
You started to feel a headache creep into the back of your head, because of that you decided to take her advice. To eat dinner and then just go to bed. Once again you just wanted to brush today off as a mistake made by the universe.
Well apparently the universe really likes proving you wrong because the weeks following that day you and Pandora found yourselves in an unspoken schedule.
After classes you would sit at your normal table in the back of the library and start to study then Pandora would sit with you reading or working in silence till it was time for dinner, she always said the same thing by the end. ‘It's dinner time. You should take a break and eat.’ then she would wish you a goodnight and walk away. 
You got used to having Pandora around. You stated to grow comfortable around her. You like being around her. You started to become comfortable with your routine.
Today was different though you only knew that when you grew closer to your table and you saw Pandora already there. In the few weeks you two had sat together you had always gotten there first. Pandora would usually follow after about ten minutes, today she beat you there.
Slowly and hesitantly you walked to the table trying to calm your anxiety. As you got closer to the table you notice that Pandora didn’t have her school bag with her but a picnic basket. 
“Hello Y/N. I know normally we sit here but I was wondering if you were interested in going on a little adventure with me.” Her voice was as soft as silk and fuck that smile. She could get you to do anything with that smile. 
So who were you to deny her?
You silently agreed with a nod of your head not trusting your voice. After she had gotten the picnic basket in one hand she slowly reached for your arm with her other as if asking you if it was okay, you once again nodded in agreement. Pandora linked your arms together with a smile on her face and then she led you out of the castle. 
You two silently walked together arm and arm toward The Forbidden Forest. You started to slow your walking when you realized where she was leading you to, you sent her a questioning look. “We'll be fine, I promise. You'll like where we're going.” 
A big part of you trusted Pandora more than you'd like to admit, but you couldn't help but be hesitant. You never went into The Forbidden Forest. You had heard the horrible stories rumors of past students that had ventured off into the forest and the beasts that resided in it. 
The idea of going in scared the hell out of you but with a simple squeeze of your arm and that damn smile you started to happily follow her in.
As you walked into the forest you realized it wasn't as terrifying as people made it out to be. It was actually quite beautiful in its own way the farther you walked in. Sure it was dark and sometimes the shadows would play tricks on your mind but having Pandora help more than you thought it would.
She somehow managed to calm and spike your anxiety all at the same time.
Eventually she led you to a small clearing surrounded by fireflies, trees, small hills and a lake with grass and flowers covering the floor. Close by there was something that appeared to be a wooden arch, you felt your eyes widen when you noticed what was laying under the arch.
There were two unicorns lying next to each other, they seemed to be sleeping. It was a unicorn den and it was breathtaking. 
While you were distracted by the beauty of the clearing and the shock of the unicorns Pandora had managed to set up a little picnic. There were small sandwiches, fruits and candies. She was already sitting down on the picnic blanket patting the spot next to her to have you join her.
You silently sat down next to her, your thoughts consuming you. You didn't want your overthinking to ruin this moment but you couldn't help it.
You had followed her into the ‘dangerous’ Forbidden Forest blindly. You had let her come into your life more than you thought you ever would. You had started to grow comfortable with her. Why was she doing this? Part of you was scared it was just a sick and twisted prank, but the rational side of you knew better Pandora wasn't that type of person, she wouldn't do that to someone (unless that someone deserved it). You just had to know why.
“Pandora? Can I ask you something?” For a moment you thought that your voice was too quiet for her to hear but it seems you were wrong since Pandora turned to give you all her attention with a small nod to let you know she was listening. 
It took all your courage to start talking, to not back down. “Why the sudden interest in me? We've shared classes for years now and I didn’t even know you knew my name until you sat with me in Divination. I'm just confused.”
Pandora looked away for a moment as if she was processing your words. “I've always known who you were, Y/N. I also know how shy you are, I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. So I was waiting for the perfect moment to introduce myself.. but I realized that there's no such thing as the perfect moment.”
You couldn't help but be skeptical about her answer, it made no sense to you. What was the need for a ‘perfect moment’? “Why would you need a ‘perfect moment’ just to try to be my friend?” 
A small smile spread across Pandora's face while a soft chuckle fell from her lips. She looked at you with those beautiful eyes, honesty with a hint of amusement lingered in them. 
“Who said I wanted to be your friend?” Before you could completely process what she meant her hand cupped the side of your face while her thumb crested your cheek softly. “I don't want to be just your friend, Y/N. I want to hold your hand, to take you on dates, I want to spoil you rotten and I really want to kiss you.”
To say you were stunned by her answer was an understatement. You could faintly hear your heart in your ears while a shiver ran down your back.
This felt like a dream. You had dreamt about this, more times than you could count. The only way you knew this was real was because you could still feel her hand on your cheek. You could feel how soft her hand was, how warm it was against your cold skin. It felt perfect. 
You two felt perfect. 
Pandora was eccentric, lively and so free. You tend to keep to yourself, you're quiet and observant. You balanced each other out. 
You don't know what came over you but before you could talk yourself out of it you softly pressed your lips to Pandoras'. Your heart started to race as your lips met hers. A wave of warmth washed over you as you relished in the feeling of Pandora's soft lips. 
You drew back slightly, and you felt your breath catch in your throat, your cheeks felt hot. As you look into Pandora's eyes, you saw a beautiful mixture of sweetness and love in them.
She smiled at you and pulled you in for another kiss as soft and perfect as the last one.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
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welovenightcord · 1 year
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Waking up after a wet dream (NSFW)
A/n: My first nsfw post. Please don't judge me :< By the way, you're their crush in this dumb fic.
Characters: Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Chigiri Hyoma, Nagi seishiro, Reo Mikage.
Warning: English is not my native language. If there is any mistakes, I'm so sorry!
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Isagi Yoichi:
➷ Bro is like “😨”.
➷ He was sharing a *good* time with you but this romantic moment ruined because that damn alarm. 🙄
➷ He was blushing so hard fr.
➷He avoided you all day but his purpose isn't bad!! He's just shy :(
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Bachira Meguru
➷ I hope you know that this guy is shameless.
➷ Do you really think he would be shy around you because that wet dream? Of course no.
➷ He was happy to have intimacy time with you. Though it was a dream—
➷ He did dirty jokes to you all day. (They aren't even funny 🥱)
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Chigiri Hyoma:
➷ The most normal boy. 😳
➷ He was annoyed because that goddamn alarm ruined your moment.
➷ But he was normal with you? He acted like nothing happened :)
➷ Of course, He felt a little shy around you because of that dream.
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Nagi seishiro:
➷ Nagi when he saw the mess on the bed: 🥱😳😮‍💨
➷ Even cleaning is a bothersome for him.
➷ He didn't talk with you all day LOL.
➷ But he felt a little shy when he saw you. (Please let me eat him he is so cute.)
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Reo Mikage:
➷ He blushed like a crazy when you're around 😜
➷ He told Nagi that he saw a dream about you but when nagi asked what it was about, Reo was like:😳
➷ I can't think anything for him help—
➷ Oh when you tried to talk him he said he is busy and ran away. (HE WAS JUST SHY.)
Thanks for reading guys. I don't know what could I say??
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andscene-if · 8 months
leomooncancersun: as someone who is highkey obsessed with that family and keeps up with everything they do, I swear [MC] is actually really good. literally their sister too, I'm really sad she doesn't act anymore, but it is what it is... PLEASE I really think you guys should check out their indie movies, if you can, cause they were much older then and you can really see an improvement in their acting! also remember to spread kindness guys, nepo babies are still only human!!🫶🫶
    ↳ lawrence.891: not reading all that. happy for you or sad to hear that bro
           ↳ ama1a_a1i: lmaoo bye💀 now why would you write this in the comments of a literal ARTICLE??? unserious behavior
its.staceyyy: eh they might be good, but isn't that what they're supposed to be?? with all the resources they have access to, i don't expect anything else. so sorry, but i'm not praising a fish for swimming
    ↳ candyxx_: goddamn you guys won't ever be happy will you
           ↳ its.staceyyy: no💋 eat the rich
p.ryderordie: oh no what's happening to me... suddenly i can't read😵 ANYWAY #ITSHOULDHAVEBEENPHOENIX
_blondewig_: mmm no @pinkcelebtea I'm gonna need you to bffr!! shit was borrrriiing, yawninggg, slopppyyyyy
anniex12: this comment section??? [MC] QUICK GET BEHIND ME🤺🤺🤺
    ↳ whoaaa_kie: go ahead and clock out for me babe, it's not worth it😮‍💨 these people are miserable af here !!
giginsomniaa: ok..so... i watched all their movies all at once😗✌️ it's 4 am rn and i've got school today but i just want to let y'all know they were kinda good lowkey🧍‍♀️
    ↳ em.bakerr: girl go to bed
           ↳ k00lk1d: right lmao is it really that serious like😭😭
.moonflowerss: omg i just want to hear what they have to say lol something tells me [MC] didn't expect this reaction🤭 hopefully other nepo babies see this and understand we don't want them
    ↳ jasonw.09: wtf is wrong with you
    ↳ alexasprivate: Don't be rude jason
            ↳ jasonw.09: cry about it
load more...
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swywbes · 1 day
First of all, hello 👋🏻😮‍💨
I'm thinking that maybe I'll make "Maybe I Can" into a series. Lately I've been thinking about it and it sounds good to me LoL.
I have new ideas about the spinoffs but ask me if I have the motivation and time for write these, nah man 🙂👌
but anyways I want to share these with y'all so keep going on 🤞🏼
-a Pete/Kenta fic that is the previous story before MIC. Maybe the times when Kenta pregnant with Art and her newborn times without Pete I guess?? I'm sorry I love seeing him suffer 🙏
-Kenta/Kim​ step-dad Kim au, found family and may this will be a short fic.
-a Pete/Way and Kenta/Kim fic with Martin & Art being step-siblings.
Another ideas:
-a North/Sonic fic, possible mpreg and hurt/comfort & miscommunication??
-an Omega Kenta/Omega Kim fic with a non-Tony AU with enemies to lovers?? or enemies and lovers idk lol
btw I gave Charlie/Babe a babygirl, and her name is Heart!!! ​ yeess, i headcanon this 🙏 I just need to write a fic where they're a family lol
(most of my hc child characters are girls if you notice)
now I realized it's so funny that I mostly read AlanJeff and CharlieBabe but I haven't written anything about them yet lmao.
yeah that's it, hope I can write all of them before Pit Babe actually ends and everyone moves away 😬🤞🏼
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elsa-fogen · 4 months
elsa... Since lots of people think you ship r*pple and i understand your anger and frustrations since they don't really understand that you don't ship that...
I'll cut to the chase;
being completely honest with you i like r*pple (this is what i get for being an multishipper 😮‍💨) obviously i don't want it to be canon that would ruin the whole show.
And i respect your decision of not shipping and everybody has different opinions on things especially when it comes to ships.
SO! here's the thing.... how about i help you? since i interact with r*pple and other ships.. everytime i found your art in either tumblr or youtube that is tagged as that ship i can ask/comment on them that you don't ship r*pple and will ask them to remove the said tag/video, and give you the link of the blog/video that has them so you can check it out yourself too!
I'm very sorry that i resurfaced some frustrations for telling you this and i understand if you're upset with me for that, but i want to help you since something similar happend to me in real life not the exact thing ofcourse just something similar and i want to atleast make it easier for you.
first of all: thank you for your consern. But i hope it will be the last one about this situation, because i want to forget about it as soon as i can, so, to anyone reading this, PLEASE STOP WRITING ABOUT THIS even if you have only the best in mind. Thank you.
Second, and the most important. If you see MY ART anywhere but here on this blog (or here), GIVE ME THE LINK! No matter the tags, it's my art, i've seen it lol. I wanna get the link, see the comments and tell the person myself what they should do (credit me/change tags/delete the whole thing).
Later i'll make the post where i'll collect all links like this, for myself
That's all. Thank you again.
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filmbyjy · 2 years
hi! idk if ur requests are still open or no but if they are, could you do a headcannon on enhypen on how they would take care their s/o when she’s on her period or something. It’s okay if u don’t want to do this(btw I love ur writings 🫶🫶) HOPE THIS MADE SENSE LOL🫶
a/n: oh don’t worry! my request box is always open. it’s just I take a long time to write this out bc of school😞 oh and thank you🫶🏻🫶🏻anyways! let’s write this!! sorry this took so long :((
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enhypen taking care of s/o while on her period
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no stfu. there is no hear me out
this man will be soooo sweet
he makes good use of those doe eyes to look all innocent and shit so he could beg to buy pads and other essentials for you
don't even try pushing him away
"babe, can i buy for you-"
"just go."
happily smiles and grabs his wallet before bolting to the supermarket
once he does, he tries to find the section
but then he faced with crisis number #1
why in the world are there so many pads. why do they need to have this 'heavy flow' thing. is that how much women bleed every month??
he is horrified
but he keeps calm and tries to find a staff.
a little shy but he does it anyways.
the staff helps him and he buys the perfect amount. just 2 packets because why would you need heaps of it
comes back with the pads and with hot cocoa from the cafe you two love.
on the way home, he read that drinking warm things helps with your cramps so he stopped by the cafe.
now where did crisis number #2 start?
when your cramps decided to fuck up your cuddle session well more like makeout session
you were kissing heeseung like your life depended on it and then that's when the cramps start bothering you. you groaned whilst pulling away.
heeseung no jokes rolls his eyes
not at you but the pain that you were feeling.
"let me kiss you some more to make it go away."
"heeseung, it doesn't work."
"shush woman."
and so he kisses you
it sort of helps though🫢
so umm now whenever you have cramps, heeseung just kisses you👍🏻
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my man🫶🏻🫶🏻
if it isn’t obvious this man definitely knows how to handle things
he is prepared >:)
well for the first time he is a little confused because you are his first girlfriend and he doesn’t have any womanly figure around him besides his mother
so he doesn’t know how tf should he react to your period
he tries to get help from his mom on what should he do
ultimately, he becomes a pro at it
gives you massage
belly rubs
warming up a heat pad for your cramps
getting anything for you
does baby talk (bc he wants to be soft with you)
making you laugh to distract you from the pain
buys you pads/tampons whichever you use
even brings a small little pouch with pads/tampons for when it comes unexpectedly during your little date
he definitely I feel like tracks your period
bc if you’re just plain out lazy or forget, he knows when to be ready
which is why jay is a 100/10 on being best boyfriend🫶🏻🫶🏻
hence let’s kiss, jongseong 😍 ehem kidding. no I’m not kidding👁️👁️
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mother I am in love with an australian 20 year old boy😮‍💨😮‍💨
anyways, I think jaeyun would definitely be another clueless one
he may be for the hoes and stuff but zero clue on what a damn period is
please teach the boy
won’t lie, he’d be great at listening to you
golden retriever energy right there
so if you ask him to get you things, he won’t hesitate
“ALREADY ON IT, LOVE!!” *grabs his wallet and phone. puts on shoes. all ready to go out*
he may not know but he is willing to learn how to make you feel better
because he only wants you to feel at ease and comfortable
for that to happen, obviously he needs to understand you so he decides to learn about periods
bc he loves you🫶🏻🫶🏻
loves rubbing your tummy to make you feel better though
reminds him of petting layla’s belly and he has great knowledge on that
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since sunghoon is an older brother…he definitely did know what a period is.
but he never thought he’d have to experience in helping with that (since his sister is 5 years younger)
until he fell for you
you are certain he knows what are periods but he just doesn’t know how to help
so you never bothered with asking him for help
until you accidentally texted him instead of your mom
you: mom :( i’m out of pads and my period came early. could you buy some pads for me while you’re at it?
sunghoon: sure, which kind?
you: mom?? I thought you knew what kind I use but here is the picture anyways *1 attachment*
and then when you hear the door open, you expected your mom to walk into your bedroom but no it’s your boyfriend
“you sent the text to me but don’t worry…umm I asked my mom about it and how to help you get through this…umm bloody month…”
awkward as fuck but he is adorable
you gave him a hug
oh but as soon as he gets used to it after helping you a few more times…
all hell breaks loose
starts cracking up jokes about it
calls you weird nicknames
“my little ketchup packet🥺🥺”
deserves a smack to the arm
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you’ve heard and seen those statements from his girl classmates
like hello?? popular with the girls in school. has girl friends
it’s sooo obvious
when he started dating you, he made sure to state that if you needed any help, just text him
you were hesitant
bc he was your first boyfriend so you never shared anything about periods to any guy before. even your dad
so like you just felt uncomfortable to even ask him
so let’s say…you and sunoo were having a stay at home date
you fell asleep on the bed. unbeknownst, you leaked and stained the bed. sunoo notices it and as such places a towel on the extra bed and moves you over to the other room.
after doing so, he goes to wash the stained sheets up and throw it inside the washing machine after.
he realises that he should wake you up bc you’d be sleeping in your dirtied clothes. before he does so, he goes to your bathroom to make sure you have your ‘supplies’ ready. if you don’t have any left, he runs down to the nearest mart to buy you some and even snacks or anything to make you feel better
once he comes back, he gently wakes you up and tells you to go change and then come down soon after.
you realised why he asked you to change and you were embarrassed. he probably saw it leak. just before you leave, he reassures that it is alright and normal for this type things to happen so he pecks your forehead and leaves to make hot cocoa.
to say that he is an amazing boyfriend was an understatement, he was the perfect boyfriend you could ever have.
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jungwon does have an older sister so like he definitely has heard his sister like talk about it.
so it wasn’t a shock to him about how painful it is or how horrible it can get
however, since you were his first (and last) girlfriend, he doesn't exactly know how to help
well that's what he says but when you tell him you got your period
he surprisingly knows a decent amount of things
"here i made tea. since i heard coffee isn't good for your cramps."
like bro how did you know that🤨🤨
he also apparently made a mental note to track your period so he can plan dates
on days you have your period, he will definitely plan a stay-at-home date. the bundle he brings quite literally looks like you got injured and he is visiting you at the hospital.
i definitely also think that he will hold you close if you complain about your cramps.
soft tummy pats because he definitely likes doing it so you feel better. you know like that one en-o'clock moment where he was patting jay to sleep. yes i will never forget that moment.
still cant believe this is boy is 20 sobbing😭😭
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honestly i’m facing a dilemma here (get it😉). idk if ni-ki would be a sweet and caring boyfriend
or would he be a pain in the ass when he sees your struggling with your period
so I’d say 50-50
like he will have his haha funny moments
but when he really realises “oh shit, my girlfriend is in pain.”
thats when he really goes full on ‘take care of girlfriend’ mode
bc he knows the existence of periods. he has two sisters
but he is also just a teen
teen boys really sometimes don’t get periods. they think its just something simple when really its not
so like dont be too hard on him. he’ll learn
this means it will take him a couple of times to really help you out
sometimes he can be serious, sometimes he can be playful
but he is also playful bc he knows you’re in pain and he wants to make you feel better or take away the frown
he just wants you to be happy and not in pain
ni-ki is pretty cuddly too. he likes to just curl up with you and hold you close bc you’re warm and he is cold
sometimes he cutely rubs his head against your tummy and surprisingly kinda feels nice since it kinda helps with the little cramps (unless you’re ticklish then uhh yeah)
10/10 cute boyfriend :D
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tartigglez · 1 year
could i get diluc (+ ur favs!!) assisting reader who’s hurt in battle :(( jus want my darknight hero to come rescue me 😮‍💨😮‍💨
hi nonnie! sorry it took me a while to get this done. i honestly don't really like what i've come up with but i hope its something along the lines of what you were looking for! also, i decided to make this a oneshot as opposed to hc's, so enjoy!
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"do not concern yourself with such matters"
diluc x gn!reader
genre: fluff, hurt/comfort (???)
word count: 900-ish
tags: lol get rescued ig, diluc doesn't know how to interact normally which is lowkey kinda funny, reader gets injured, physical contact/being carried?
tw/cw: cuts, wounds, generally just,, pain? also diluc lowkey just takes the reader to his house while they're unconscious (no negative intent), idk how to put this other than "examining the thighs" of the reader but he's TREATING A CUT OKAY? i think that's it?
a/n: eek this took to long to write bc i was being lazy, so it might feel a little disjointed or as celeste would put it: "might read like a wet dog"
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cryo abyss mage.
200m from dawn winery.
you awoke with a pounding head, and little to no feeling in any part of your body, blurry vision and barely any consciousness, just feeling icy, freezing. you noticed nothing but pure, vibrant vermillion, before closing your eyes again, not knowing at all what was going on, completely unaware.
50m from dawn winery
slowly willing your eyes open, in a daze, with your head resting against something warm, comforting, you could hear loud breathing, and some sort of fast movement… running? someone was… carrying you? with it being far too exhausting to stay awake, you closed your eyes once again...
dawn winery
you awakened in a warm room, in some sort of bed. a cosy blanket covered your legs and waist, and your head rested on soft pillows. you had very little recollection of anything that happened, but still felt oddly safe. upon looking around the room, you saw a few dimly lit lamps, oak furniture, some sort of grand vanity set, and wooden floorboards. 
the stream of thoughts running through your head was interrupted by the entrance of a tall, handsome man, dressed in a black t-shirt and some sort of lounge trousers, wearing thinly rimmed glasses, sporting the same vermillion locks you had envisioned earlier. and he was… carrying two glasses of water? this man was… what was his name? the bartender… ah, yes!
“master ragnvindr? what.. are you doing here? what am i doing here? what happened?”
“there is no need for being so formal, since we’ve spoken before. then again perhaps you don’t remember, you were rather intoxicated. call me diluc. as for what i’m doing here, this is my home, why wouldn’t i be here? as for what happened, and why you are here… i think you might need a lesson on why we shouldn't approach enemies alone, hm?
“but… the abyss mage. it was outside th-”
“i took care of it. don’t worry”
there was a silence in the room, which was somewhat uncomfortable, awkward, but not unbearable, and you knew it was up to you to break it. 
“what happened?”
“i presume from your injuries, and the fact that the mage was no longer shielded that you managed to break its shield before it hit you with an attack. judging by your current symptoms it seems that it hit you with some sort of direct cryo energy to the head, which explains your lack of consciousness” 
“but… why were you…?”
“do not concern yourself with such matters”
“i… but–”
“here, i brought you water. you should focus on recovering for now. how are you feeling?”
he moved himself to sit next to you on the bed, as you sat up to take the glass out of his hand. 
“thanks… i’m okay, just a bit achey”
“achey? did you sustain any other injuries?”
“uh, my leg feels a little weird, but don’t worry about it, i’m sure it’s fine”
"if you are injured, you must tell me.”
“i think it might be cut but… it’s fine, i’ll deal with it”
“oh… uh-”
his tone was stern, but certainly not angry. somehow gentle but assertive at the same time.
“uh, somewhere on my thigh, i think-”
“give me one moment.”
he got up and abruptly left the room. this diluc -as you now called him- certainly was a strange, strange man…
you then heard the door into the room click closed once again. the man was now holding a first aid kit, and what looked like a pair of shorts… how odd. 
“here, change into these and i’ll have a look at it.”
“but… master diluc, don’t you think that’s a little-”
“a little what?”
“uh, nothing, nevermind…”
“i’ll be back in a few”
“oh, uhm, okay…”
and so, seemingly having no other option, you slowly, somewhat painfully changed into the shorts, noticing a lesion on your right thigh. it wasn’t particularly deep, but it was long, and still bleeding a little bit.
a knock on the door put an end to your thoughts.
“are you done? may i come in?”
“uh… yeah.”
he slowly opened the door, you sitting on his bed looking at your wound, and him looking concerned. he then sat down on the bed beside you, after lifting the first aid kit from the dresser where he had left it. he proceeded to lift some antiseptic out, to start cleaning the wound. 
“here, this might sting a bit”
he pushed the hem of the shorts up your leg a bit so he could have full access to the cut. he then began dabbing at it with the cotton.
“agh, it hurts”
that feeling was immense pain, and you felt a little childish, having your injuries tended to like this.
purely by natural instinct, diluc moved his free hand to one of yours, interlacing your fingers with his and squeezing gently. his hand was warm and calloused, and he was extremely focused on the task at hand, so he didn’t seem to notice you admiring his rather striking features.
“you’re okay, i’m almost done”
you hissed in pain, burying your head into his shoulder out of instinct. thankfully he didn’t seem to mind. 
“there, done. are you alright?"
“yeah, yeah, thank you”
“not a problem. do you need anything else?”
“uh, no, i don’t think so”
“alright, in that case then, i'll be going to bed.”
“can you… stay?”
“i was waiting for that”
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(au where diluc is secretly a flirty bastard)
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6okuto · 5 months
hi nia you genius ily i hope you are having a good day ^^
do u have any kuroo or keiji hcs to get me through my 7h shift😞?
FRIEND I'M SEEING THIS QUITE LATE 7 hr shift I'm so sorry 😧💔 I hope it went well. did it go well.. let me see what my brain can cook 4 u and any future shifts 🫂🫂
kuroo would be the fun older coworker who takes the younger new ones under his wing. keeps saying "hello Youth" "is x y z still cool" "we're not really supposed to do this but-" etc etc
dad sneezes 😮‍💨 LOL
casual about taking care of you like. standing to block the sun + fanning you all while holding a conversation with someone else
likes doing those videos where the lady asks her friend how to professionally say things. like,, "can u fucking read" -> "as per my last email," LOL. you ask "tetsu how do would say-" and he's already cracking his knuckles
if you ask him to teach you like,, a video game or something,, he stays patient and helpful while you figure stuff out, and hypes you up So much the first time you win. he's clapping and laughing and going LET'S GOOO!! But then you get good enough where he starts competing + making fun of you and it's like omg where'd my nice boyfriend go 😔😔 /silly
jokingly texts you "it's national boyfriend day where's my present 😕❓️" and is shocked when you end up having one ready. tries to be cool and says you're the best present ;) but he's really so touched 😭 (for anyone who'd be His boyfriend,, he'd absolutely have one ready for you too!! you both pull them out and he's like Oh Shit? I should've known HSBDJSHS)
coworker who's always tired but nice and probably steps in if a customer won't back down. he has a handle of that customer service Fuck off energy
brings 3 pencils + extra lead to exams Just In Case
hold my hand. keiji at a masquerade ball. now walk with me. beautiful handsome stranger sticking near the buffet with a plate of food who you bond with over the course of the night. I grab your shoulders and shake you. leaving the ball and asking you to dance outside with no one else around and only the muffled music from inside. thankyoy
got drunk and bought a piece of wine mom home decor once because he thought it was so fucking funny. it's still on the wall in his kitchen LMFAO
keiji will quietly hum while he thinks you're asleep (while rubbing your back, holding your hand, playing with your hair, etc) and then 🥹 you ask him to hum you to sleep and he's super shocked/embarrassed because he never knew you noticed 🥹 but does it anyway 🥹 and it's one of your favourite songs 🥹 WAAHHHH
was going to an artist alley and, just for a moment, wondered if he should wear sunglasses so vendors wouldn't see him looking, and he wouldn't feel awkward about not stopping/buying something. then he imagined himself and promptly threw this idea in the trash
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ilovechubbieguys · 1 month
hiii omg just found your account, so happy to see more tgc fanfiction ((ive read every single one of them at this point 😭)) soo could i request some nick/yumi fluff or smut? thank yououou 🦭
Omg same man i made this because i read them all so i might as well make my own lmao! Very happy to do one for yumi and nick!! (First smut sorry if its a little off lol) 🦭
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Nick & yumi fluff/smut hcn!
-smut and fluff for each, gn! Reader. Use of f! Body parts. White=fluff red=smut
♧- love language is definitely quality time ex: just sitting and watching tv or going to the mall
♧- baby, love, and babe user for sure
♧- loves loves loves to hold your hand and in the car when he drives (which is almost always) he always has a hand on your thigh
♧- so sweet and caring. Very good listener and always listens to you rant about your day or any thing that ever slightly upset you
♧- if your a hyoer person he keeps you from doing dumb crap that youll regret later
♧- if your a calm person theres alot of cuddling he always wants to be big spoon
♧- about 5 months into your relationship he made a song for you and it was the cutest thing ever
♧- i feel like if your on a late night drive with him on an empty road he likes to speed just for the fun of it
♧- rolls down the windows and lets you stick your hand out while he speeds down an empty highway
♧- 6in and gurthy
♧- totally a service dom "i know baby" "your taking me so good baby"
♧- some days its slow "i missed you so much" thrusts with kisses all over your body
♧- other days its fast and rough "ive needed this all day" thrusts with hickeys and bite marks all over
♧- hes normally pretty soft and slow but if you decide to be a tease that day hes now holding back "fuck.. you just couldnt fuckin..wait could you..huh?"
♧- doggy style because he loves to see you bent over for him
♧- and missionary because he loves to be able to see your face and have access to every inch of you
♧- he secretly loves when you sneak under his desk while hes playing siege or cod and help him out
♧- " yumi i got a guy on m-me.." "you good man?" "Ya im good sorry i think i gonna get off i dont feel the best" "alr man get better"
♧- prepare to not be able to walk for alteast 2 weeks for that
♤- late night smoke sessions are a common thing. You guys just talk about everything and anything or you enjog echother presence in silence
♤- Dance was made about you 😧
♤- babe kinda guy change my mind, baby when hes tired or comforting you
♤- loves sleeping in with you, when you try and either get up or get him up he pulls you back in "5 more minutes.."
♤- 5 minutes normally turms into atleast another hour
♤- convinced you to join LTLVC to motivate him to stay in or incase another pc incident happened
♤- loves when you watch him play video games or making a video
♤- his favorite thing is when you lay on his chest while he scrolls threw tiktok or insta
♤- if you guys where together when he made Lost he would always want you with him at the recording studio
♤- constantly asking what you thought
♤- they type of guy to always have his arm around your waist. Especially likes to come behind you and wrap his arms around you and kiss your cheek
♤- 7 in and curved
♤- pretty vanilla guy, but for a little lets pretend he's not as vanilla as he is 😮‍💨(still love you, man)
♤- riding and spooning are his fav positions for sure
♤- not very vocal, but a lot of grunting
♤- giving and receiving head is godly to him
♤- "fuck.." "god." "Your so fucking pretty"
♤- high sex goes crazy with him. He's still smoking a blunt while you ride him every now and then, taking a hit yourself
♤- holds you pretty rough if you're riding him, normally rutting his own hips into you, especially if you're close
♤- eats you out till your heavy breathing, tears are running down your face, you can't form real sentences, till your legs are shaking
♤- oh u need him now? Ur alreadt bent over the nearest counter, in the car? Why not. In the shower? Done. At the mall? Family bathroom it is.
♤- uses the fact hes alot bigger then you to him advantage, manhandling, and holding your hands down
For my first smut, i think it's ok lmao. Lmk what yall, though, what i should improve and change. Thanks for requesting! :3
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justagalwhowrites · 1 month
BESTIEEEEE! Between Joel being in caring/dad mode with Ellie -that image of him doing skin-to-skin contact with Ellie?!?😍 it's so cute!- and how he calls Goldie HIS BABY AND THAT SMUT!!! (because yeah, that warranted capital letters!) It was so hot! You got me feral with this chapter! 😮‍💨🫠🫠🫠
I can't be that angry with Anna. Having a baby is such a change, and feeling overwhelmed and not good enough to be a mother is something hard to fight against. I like how you're picturing the whole situation. Complicated. Messy but human. At least she left Ellie with Goldie, but it did put a lot of stress on Goldie when she was already dealing with a few fronts at the same time. And it hurts seeing how little she thinks of herself when she's so awesome and loving, and I know she would be an amazing mom. At least she has Joel on her corner cheering for her and reminding her how amazing she is.
I must say the levels of frustration they originate in me are quite high! Lol! Even if Joel's beliefs about Goldie's feelings are not the truth, it feels hopeful how he's so adamant about figuring it all together as a team, as if the proper talk when all it's exposed is closer. And at the same time, I feel like everything is about to explode, and perhaps in a messy way. You do keep me on my toes! Great chapter! I'm excited to read what happens next! Love you!♥️♥️♥️
Hi Bestie!!!!!
Oh GOD Joel this chapter just.... he's too much. I went too far. He's too perfect I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to unleash this man on the world and yet! I'm so glad other people are loving him too. The image of him with a little baby and taking care of his girls just... GOD yup, I'm in love with him.
I feel so bad for Anna and Goldie both. Anna was overwhelmed and made the safe choice but Goldie was not in a great place to just start caring for an infant, either. But there is Joel and if there's one thing about Joel, he's going to take care of people. Now if we can just get Goldie to see herself the way Joel sees her, we'll be all set. Her ex just did a number on her!
They are getting closer to... something lol but yes, they are getting closer to full talking, too! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love these two so much.
Love you!!
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