#stan cain waters
"The Harshest Winters" Convos That Have Definitely Happened
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Cain: You're gonna tell me to stay away from 'your girl'?
Aemond: Well, if I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.
Cain: Then I guess you've got nothing to worry about, do you... Cyclops.
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neos-schlond-poofa · 3 months
rl donna beneviento hcs
because @scuba-gragas (your acc is NOT linking for some reason) freaked out over one of my edit captions and im like. why not share more sad stuff about donna! and also silly stuff in here too.
repeating this from the edit but due to her tendency to remember numerous timelines, donna has even more of a SEVERE fear of being abandoned by mc and lacks a lot of self confidence in the relationship. she remembers mc being happy with the others, what if they did a better job than her? what if mc goes to them? or perhaps, what if the loop occurs and mc goes to someone else, and donna sees them just act happier? was she easily replacable?
however, sometimes donna DOES express her relationship anxieties and mc always does help out; its not all torment for donna, dont worry. as time goes on she always tries to be more open with mc about her feelings
okay back to sad. i imagine this happens to everyone but in their own way, but donna is a sleep hugger. so when she wakes up the day after the loop, shes hugging a pillow instead of mc and she just sits there for a bit. sometimes, she doesnt really get it, other times, she instantly knows what happened. she hates the feeling of waking up that morning and thinking she has someone in her arms, only to have an empty spot in her bed.
really good at claw machines. when angie was younger, she loved going to the arcade, and so donna mastered the art of claw machines to get angie a bunch of prizes (and sometimes herself).
invested in noise cancelling headphones / earbuds once she got with mc. she wears them a lot everywhere and even went to her first concert with them, it helps her not be overstimulated.
she hates herself for this, but part of her prays that mc stays with miranda after she has to wipe belas memories. she cant stand the thought of hurting her niece again in another loop.
would probably get a sims addiction, but specifically making sims.
plays relaxing video game soundtracks in the store (dani, angie, and mc often update the playlists)
she sells those fake flowers on april fools that shoot water at peoples faces.
loves to watch operas and ballets.
im struggling with wording this but like. when donna realizes the loop has occured she always just takes a bunch of time to prepare herself for whatever is going to happen, but ESPECIALLY knowing she has to murder someone for angie again. shes basically doomed to do this forever until mc gets with miranda; and i KNOW angie sometimes isnt a doll but. lets forget about that!! i just imagine shes always a doll anyways, it makes more sense that way, and either way, a loop where angie is fully human is just a temporary break for one of donna's many problems.
ethel cain stan
hates hospital shows for MANY reasons. she doesnt like seeing the hospitals first of all, she doesnt like seeing when the people die, and she hates the medical inconsistencies.
in loops where bela and mc have a family (sigh), she can't help but literally try to keep her distance. they won't have their family for long, and she cant bear to tell them that (although bela is most definitely aware) or even get attached to their baby, she doesn't want to lose someone close again (although bela does not catch onto this; she tries to get donna involved as opposed to alcina)
owns a typewriter
constantly has a tab of solitaire open on her laptop.
theres a picture of markiplier hidden in her room and she doesnt know it. angie hid it there and has been waiting for donna to find it. thing is? she hid it before the loop started. so it is permanently there for every loop.
always has really cutesy and simplistic halloween costumes she wears in her flower shop for the holiday. her favorite costume is a bee.
loves build-a-bear. it obviously takes her some time to get ready to go there (she often plans out their least busy times), but she loves to make her own plushes for her collection and buy them new clothes. eventually takes mc there for a date and they adopt a bear together.
but outside of that? she really hates getting new ones there during the loops. she gets really attached to them and she hates knowing they're only there for a short time.
kanoodle master.
hates the smell of nail polish
great hugger, even if she doesn't give them out that often.
owns a bunch of retro game consoles and likes to collect them, although she doesn't get much time to play them.
hates the bee movie; angie loves it
while mc obviously does open her eyes, donna still struggles with the concept of even trying to get better because she knows its all just going to loop. yes, she will work on things and they will improve, but certain things will revert back to normal after the loop anyways.
once tried to dance in the rain for fun and ended up getting a cold instead.
alright i think thats it... i might share more in the future but i tried to balance this with silly and sad.
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danny-chase · 3 years
Watching the Jason Cass discourse and lmao. Jason stans did you expect Cass stans to like you when every fanfic the two talk in makes a sexist/abelist/racist mockery of Cass's character?
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sortasirius · 4 years
“Inherit the Earth” and the Fakeout
Absolutely genius.  Amazing, iconic, legendary, something only our showrunner Andrew Dabb can pull off.
"But Lilly, the episode was so bad!  It was just the brothers, they didn’t look for Cas and Eileen!”
Let’s get into it.
An empty world.  No one left but Sam, Dean, and Jack.
So Dean ran, he somehow managed to pick himself up off the floor of the dungeon and meet up with Sam and Jack.  That jacket was this silent reminder.  Remember what I’ve been saying, Cas has occupied the negative space all season, this is no exception.
Dean can’t look either of them in the face, he’s doing that thing, where his eyes move everywhere BUT where he should look. 
“I couldn’t save anybody.”
Sam couldn’t save the world and Dean couldn’t save the one person that means the world to him.
“Where’s Cas?”
I think it’s there, in that pause where Dean tries to push down the emotions, continue the fight, not think about the memories he left in the bunker, that Jack realizes what must have happened. Jack is the only one that knows about the deal, he has to know what Cas not being there must mean.
“He saved me.  Billie was coming after us.  Cas summoned the Empty.  It took her...and took him.  Cas is gone.”
This may shock you, but I am GLAD they didn’t talk about Cas, especially with what happens at the end of the episode.  Cas is allowed to just take up unsaid space.  It’s obvious he’s missing with the way they blocked things, obvious he’s missing here.  This whole “oh well they don’t care about Cas because they didn’t talk about him”?  Malarkey.
“Jack I’m sorry.”
Guilt.  Regret.  Pain.  Dean will carry this with him for the rest of his life.  Not only that he lost Cas, but that Sam lost Cas, that Jack lost Cas.
That SHOT, with the distance between Jack and Sam where Cas is SUPPOSED TO BE, and then a zoom out to...THE WORLD.
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Okay, as usual, Bucklemming has the subtlety of a sledgehammer lmao.
Jack crying???  Praying to Cas????  Bruh?????
Also it’s just straight-up frightening for everything around my boy to die he is my baby son.
Also not to point out the incredibly obvious, but Dean starts drinking immediately, and continues drinking throughout the whole episode.  Grief arc 2.0 babey.
“We can what, Dean?  There’s no one left to save!  Everybody’s gone!”
“You can’t just give up.”
“What other choice do we have!”
Idk why, but for Sam, who’s the constant, the one who’s always had hope, through everything, through all these years, when he finally says this, when he finally loses his hope?  It hits the hardest.  Sam is the leader, so not only is he grieving the loss of Eileen, he is a general grieving the loss of his soldiers, his friends, the world that he feels the duty to save.
When they go to meet Chuck, I just can’t get that image of Dean, leaning against the car, handprint still on his jacket, staring at the ground out of my head.  It takes him a few seconds to catch up to Sam, like he’s pulled out of thoughts like deep dark water.  Remember friends, it doesn’t have to be loud to be powerful.
Chuck wearing BLACK?  FEAR.
“That’s right, the whole Cain and Abel thing.  Us dead, whatever.  I’ll kill Sam, Sam’ll kill me, we’ll kill each other.  Okay, you pick.  But first?  You gotta put everything back the way it was.  The people, the birds...Cas.  You gotta bring him back.”
Willing to kill his brother.  Willing to die.  Tears in his eyes, begging God to bring Cas back.
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And Chuck?  Chuck doesn’t care about their surrender, he knows he’s already got them beaten.  He cares about their pain, he cares about them suffering, because to him?  That’s the entertainment.  He’s not entertained by their found family, by their happiness, by their joy.  He wants them to suffer, all of them.
“Eternal shame.  Suffering.  And loneliness.”
And he leaves them with just that.  No hope, no family, just the three of them, broken, alone.  Jack locked in his bedroom, Sam trying desperately to make life “normal” again.  And Dean.  Dean who drank so much he passed out on the floor.
He doesn’t feel terrific, he feels like shit, because not only is he dealing with the shame of an empty planet, he’s dealing with the guilt of being back in the place where the Empty took Cas.
This whole thing with the dog was just absolutely heartwrenching shit and if I didn’t hate Chuck before, him snapping Miracle right in front of an already fragile Dean would seal that deal.
I just want everyone to know that this is a Jake Abel stan account.
“Daddy’s boy” is a big insult for my boy Dean to use considering his own past with his trash abusive father but I’ll allow it.
I do think it’s interesting, ending of his arc aside, that Michael is willing to help them now.  What changed?  Sure, he ended up trying to help Chuck, running back to his father, but why get back in the game?  I wonder if it has anything to do with the loss of Adam.  It’s an interesting parallel, a man loses his angel while an angel loses his human.
Everything is so DARK in the Bunker now too, even the lighting is loud.
When I tell you I lost my shit when I saw Cas was calling Dean, when I heard Misha’s voice??  I knew it didn’t make any sense but I didn’t care, I would’ve been one step behind Dean as he sprinted towards the door.
Fuck you, Eugenie.
I mean it’s torture not only to Dean, who looks beyond fucking crushed when it’s damn Lucifer at the door, but for us too.  Who the FUCK wanted Lucifer back?  And to tease Cas???  Garbage.
I mean...fam.  Listen, we know who’s writing this episode, this whole Betty thing is just like blatantly unnecessary but again, Eugenie loves Lucifer, gotta distract her with a shiny toy lmao.
It was cool to see Michael and Lucifer onscreen together.  It was a cool dynamic that we rarely got to see.
The whole episode is just twist after twist.  Listen, it’s their last episode so I guess they needed to fit in a season worth of twists in one episode.
Bye Lucifer.  We know Eugenie can’t bring him back.  Blessings to all.
This scene with Adam is the FOURTH scene where Dean is drinking...big yikes to my guy’s liver.
Here’s the thing about Michael.  He’s a mirror for Dean in season 5.  Loyal to an absent father.  He has never changed, but Dean has.  Dean is able to acknowledge now, the trauma that his father put him through, he was able to move past the need for pleasing him at any cost.  Michael and Chuck?  Are John and Dean, if Dean had never been allowed to grow.  And Chuck proves, like John did, that he would always put his wants (in John’s case “the mission”) over his children.
Also not to beat a dead horse but Michael’s death was also peak Eugenie.
Sam getting to punch Chuck in the face?  Thank you, he deserves that.
Obviously I don’t love any scene of my boys getting brutally beaten.  But what I love, what I will always love about them, is what Chuck hates about them:  they won’t ever give up.  They know they won’t win against him, they don’t even land any hits, but that’s not what matters.  What matters is their controller doesn’t control them anymore, that they really are free.  No matter how hard they get hit, the get back up.  It is their choice to stand up to him, no matter the cost.
The moment where Sam and Dean are supporting each other, covered in blood, and they look God in the face, and they laugh.  That is why I will love them unconditionally for the rest of my life.  That is who they are, they will never cow to the villain, whether that’s Azazel or Alastair or Zachariah or Lucifer or Amara or Death or Metatron or Cain or God.  They will always choose to stand up.
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because.  You lose.”
Chills.  What a line.
And Chuck is left, small, human, no longer a villain, no longer anything.
Gotta be real, woulda been nice to, idk, not see all this essential plot in a flashback, but I know I can only ask so much of Bucklemming.
For Dean to walk away from killing Chuck, right after he’s called him “the ultimate killer” is quite simply the most beautifully heartwrenching thing I could ever ask for.  Because that’s who Dean was under Chuck, that’s who Chuck wanted him to be.
And he would have before:
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But he’s heard some things since then, heard some things about how others see him.  Not as the killer, not as a monster, not as angry and broken or his daddy’s blunt instrument:
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I’m not saying that Dean doesn’t kill Chuck for Cas.  He doesn’t kill Chuck because he doesn’t think he has to anymore, he doesn’t kill Chuck because he listened to Cas, he took Cas’ words to heart.  He made the choice not to be the killer.
“See that’s not who I am, that’s not who we are.”
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And Chuck is angry, because he thought, after everything, even after losing, that he would still know Dean well enough to know that he would kill him.  But Chuck has never really known Dean, he has never understood where he’s really come from.  Cas understood, Sam and Jack understand, but Chuck never did, and writing off Dean as angry and broken is his biggest mistake, because that’s never been Dean.
“It’s not his power anymore.”
And it’s not just his physical power, it’s his power over the story, over the boys that’s the real power taken from him.
For Jack to be the one to bring everyone back, for him to be the hero of the story?  That’s poetic right there.  Now, I will say, I don’t think this story ends with him as God, because for him, the child, to take on this burden, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me for his arc, but we shall see next week.  It felt pretty tied up, but there’s one major loose end: and that’s Jack seeing Cas again.
“Just you and me, going wherever the story takes us.  Just us.”
“Finally free.”
This doesn’t feel triumphant to me, it doesn’t feel like relief.  It feels like they’ve settled, like this is the best they’re going to get, so they might as well make the best of it, at least they have each other.
For Cas and Jack to be carved into the table?  I cry.
And for the montage, very similar to “Swan Song” to be set to “Runnin on Empty”?  Sorry but that’s just too sus to be ignored.
They packaged this episode as an ending, because for many, it might be.  The season’s story, the season about fighting Chuck is over.  So, you might be asking (or, well, screaming, judging by my replies lol), what’s left?  And that’s a good question, Chuck has been defeated, so what is left?  What’s left is what’s really mattered all season: the relationships that have been crafted over the years.  Dean and Sam’s unhappiness at the end of the episode, where “just you and me” sounded more of a grudging acceptance than anything else, is one of the clues that has to be looked at.  Why didn’t Sam find Eileen, why didn’t Jack bring back Cas?  Those two characters specifically are the ones we need to watch out for.  As I’ve said over and over again, peace, contentment, satisfaction, those don’t come from Sam and Dean on the open road together anymore.  They have a family, more of a family than they did when they started hunting together all those years ago, and that family is what holds them together.  They need each other, of course, but each other isn’t enough anymore.  Sam needs Eileen, Dean needs Cas.  That is where they will find their peace.
This episode, as many written by Bucklemming was sloppy, rushed, packed full of shit, and had little gems that we can talk about forever, but that was the end of the season, and next week?  Andrew Dabb brings us home, where Dean and Sam will finally be able to choose what they want for themselves, and that, my friends, is Eileen and Cas.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Batfam working at Wayne Enterprise AU
requested by @spookytragedyllama !!! (for info on requests, checkout my pinned)
Here’s each member of the batfam as positions they would hold in Wayne Enterprise, because everyone needs to pitch in to run the family business. These are just headcanons to ~establish the characters~ but in the future i might actually write something!!! (Note: I do not work an office job so Im looking up/guessing postion names)
would be the head of customer service
All of WE’s angry customers/rivals absolutely melt at his charm 
He’s able to sway all customer’s his way even the toughest of them all
He cracks jokes with all of his coworkers at the water cooler HAHAH
unfortunately Jason is still legally dead so he can’t hold too much of a high position without people noticing
So he’s an “intern”
but he spends most of the day watching the ports and deliveries, making sure no one’s trying to pull anything fishy
If they do,,, well thats what the nighttime is for
obviously the CEO/CEO in training (its literally canonical)
He also acts as their business rep, going to all those meetings with people
He has the power to fire people on the spot
This man brings his coffee addiction to his job wtf
Is either on top of it all or so lost there’s no in between
is a child so technically doesn’t have to work but hey it builds character
apparently he’s also canonically a good businessman??
fills in for tim at business meetings he cant go to/ falls asleep before
helps jason intimidate people who try to do illegal shit
Sometimes he helps out with managerial duties and suddenly everyone’s scared as FUCK of the kid
Duke Thomas
head of communications
This is Duke “I know a guy” Thomas I mean come on
When I say that he knows everyone in his division I mean everyone
The batfam will be meeting and Tim will be like “Ok I need to find someone who is skilled in both technology and finance” “Oh yeah that’s definitely brad on the 4th floor he’ll be great”
“Ok... well we’re gonna need someone who can translate Japanese for-” “oh abby has a friend who works as a translator”
“Oh- well what should we eat tonight?” “ben gave me a coupon for batburger”
Cassandra Cain
Tim’s adviser
She comes with him to his business meetings so she could analyze each person based on their body language
And then she just whispers them to tim in front of the people and they get nervous
“this guy is bluffing make his offer lower”
“they are trying to get us to give up the plot of land because they want it”
“I could knock out this guy with a punch to the neck”
She has trouble typing so Tim doesn’t make her do any other secretary work and she just watches cats on youtube
social media manager
I mean she’s Stephanie “twitter stan account” Brown
created and runs the company’s tik tok
It actually blew up because shes just that good
“5 billionaires I would spare in the class war” and its just pictures of bruce
She is super good at analyzing data and uses that to make sure her posts succeed
If god was a redhead with glasses
legal adviser and the public relations adviser
Is literally a politician in canon 
Also a super hacker so she makes sure no dirt gets online
Everyone’s mom
hes either still head or hes dead lol
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
"This is No Cultivated Heaven" Director's Cut
I have simply too much to say about this fic and the process of writing it for all those thoughts to stay inside my brain. So, on we go.
Of the driving forces behind TINCH, the most prominent are the Ragnbros interactions during Venti's story quest and the Golden Apple Archipelago event, as well as relentless Cain and Abel brainrot. The most important part of that story is that, after Cain (a farmer) kills his brother and buries him in his fields, he has the following exchange with God:
God: Where is Abel your brother? Cain, lying his ass off: I do not know: am I my brother's keeper? God, tired of Cain's bullshit: What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the soil.
This dialogue gets recycled in the second-to-last scene of the fic:
“Kaeya,” Jean repeated, just to see the same flinch. “Kaeya, Diluc, where’s Kaeya? Where is your brother?” Then Diluc spoke, and his voice was slow and monotonous. “Am I his keeper, Jean?” he asked, with a familiar, haunting sarcasm that she was more used to hearing from Kaeya than from him.  “What have you done?” Jean breathed, and when Diluc’s gaze slid off of her like water, she broke from his side.
This is the first time "brother" is used to refer to Kaeya and Diluc in the sense of their present-day selves, and only technically used again in that sense when Jean misquotes Diluc as having said "Am I my brother's keeper?"
Yeah. That's on purpose. Jean is the only person in this fic who considers the two of them brothers in the present, as Kaeya only refers to them as such when talking about their past selves. And Diluc never says the word "brother" in the fic at all, which is pretty indicative of how he considers Kaeya at that point in time--a character point I considered after realizing he never mentions Kaeya in his in-game lore.
Just to make the allusion more obvious, Diluc nearly kills Kaeya while they're tussling in his grape fields. It follows that Jean is God in this metaphor, and that's because I'm gay and a Jean stan.
And let's talk about the title for a second--it's a reference to the poem "A Brother Named Gethsemane," by Natalie Diaz (also a very Bible-referency poem). But the original line goes "this is no cultivated haven." The title uses "heaven" because that's how I read it on my first readthrough, and I kept it in because the fic is about misreadings, misunderstandings, and misinterpreting anyway.
One of the people who commented mentioned that they were shocked and upset by how violent Kaeya and Diluc's "reconciliation" was in the second half of the fic, and how they didn't think the ending gave any closure. They called it unsettling. At first, I was a little surprised--then I reread my fic and went yeah, okay. This is a fair description.
It's pretty violent, and it's meant to be. I don't see their problems being resolved by a single fist fight/conversation because there's just too much there. Too many years of hurt, too much baggage, too long spent in habits of hating each other/barely tolerating each other.
That fight was not about forgiveness. It was never meant to be about forgiveness. It was about two things:
Firstly, it was about Diluc learning self-control. Thank you to @ninotc for giving me the idea of Diluc killing Kaeya and it reminding him of when he had to kill his father--I tweaked it a little so that he gets very close. But what's important about that fight is that Diluc doesn't. He has Kaeya completely at his mercy to the point where Kaeya forgets he has a Vision to defend himself with. He references it at the start of the fight, that he didn't want to use his Vision for a fist fight, and never uses it. Dilluc could have killed Kaeya right then, but something stops him--he goes almost catatonic for a moment--and scrambles away, unwilling and unable to kill him.
Secondly, it was about Kaeya finally accepting that he had no role in Crepus's death. This part kinda happens before that and precipitates the whole fight, but it's deliberate.
“I’m not the one who killed his father and then tried to kill the last family member he had left,” Kaeya said, knowing he’d regret it, knowing Jean would punt him across the lake for it, but saying it anyway just to see Diluc’s expression crumple.
Contrast this to the Kaeya of seven years ago, who said this to Jean in the world of TINCH:
My brother tried to kill me.  I killed his father.  What does that make me, Jean? 
This fight is really not about reconciliation at all--it's more of a stepping stone on the way to reconciliation. It's about the two of them learning to speak each other's language without pretenses. For Diluc, that means swallowing his pride and apologizing. For Kaeya, that means assuming the best of Diluc rather than his worst, though the latter comes easier to him.
“No,” said Kaeya, and trusted that Diluc would understand.
At no point in the fic do either of them say "I accept your apology." But their apologies are out there, and that matters. How could either of them accept an apology, anyway? Kaeya laughed when their father died and regularly verbally harasses Diluc. Diluc nearly killed him twice over. It's not about righting wrongs or even fleshing out what those wrongs were. It's about acknowledging that they happened, and asking the other if they're open to moving past it.
The commenter isn't wrong, though. That fight is supposed to be viscerally upsetting and unnerving--it's two deadly fighters going at it without their preferred weapons, and it's brutally personal. There's blood spilled, cheap shots taken, and very little talking, because this isn't one of those showy cinematic fight scenes I like writing so much with banter and flashing swords and people having fun. It's not sexy or pretty or aesthetic because nothing about two hurting people (who loved each other once) duking out their hurt feelings is sexy or pretty or aesthetic.
And a brief note about names--I was very particular with them. Kaeya refers to Diluc only as "Master Diluc" to his face (and even not to hs face, usually to Jean, and only drops the title for ease of conversation) except for one moment. And that's when Diluc has gone catatonic after nearly killing him. It's a little hidden olive branch.
Anyway, it was very important to me that these two got to be cruel to each other. They have spent seven years in TINCH dancing around each other with verbal barbs and petty cold shoulders; I think they needed to let loose a little in order to get anywhere. Hence Diluc's quasi-OOC outburst mid-fic where he mocks how Kaeya's bitchy way of talking makes people feel, you know, shitty.
And that's a wrap!
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Watercolors & Waterfalls || College!Stanley Uris x Reader
Day 4 of Fictober
Fandom: It (2017/2019)
Pairings: College!Stanley Uris x [gn]College!Reader
Requested: Hi! Could I get a college Stan x reader where she’s an art student and always doing silly stuff and like booping his nose with paint and he acts like “ugh quit it” but he’s actually so in love? Thank youuuuu!
A//n: Hiya, honey! Thanks so much for requesting, and such an adorable one too! I could picture it as soon as I read it and I'm glad to finally be getting to it. It's not as long as I wanted since I didn't have all day to work on it and get it published in time, so I hope to come back and expand later. But hopefully this will do for now. Hope you enjoy! **** UGH okay i SWEAR i got this done before midnight, its just the whole editing process took a lot longer than anticipated and my day today was pretty busy.
Fictober Day 4: "that didn't stop you before"
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"I seen a rainbow yesterday, But too many storms have come and gone, Leavin' a trace of not one God-given ray,"
Stan looks up from his text book when he realizes he's reread the same paragraph for the fourth time. Stan looks up from his text book when he realizes he's reread the same paragraph for the fourth time.
You sat across from him at your desk preparing the last of your supplies, paint somehow already on your brow before your watercolor canvas as you bounce around in your seat to your radio.
"Is it because my life is ten shades of gray, I pray all ten fade away, Seldom praise Him for the sunny days,"
Stan watches completely perplexed as you spout the lyrics almost perfectly while you make slight adjustments to your work with the pencil behind you pulled from behind your ear. You were completely captivated by the music and the task before you, and completely unaware of his stare.
"And like his promise is true, Only my faith can undo, The many chances I blew to bring my life to anew," you began painting, your hand managing to stay steady as your body continued to bounce with the beat. "Clear blue and unconditional skies, Have dried the tears from my eyes, No more lonely cries,"
Oh, how Stanley wished he had his camcorder.
"My only bleedin hope is for the folk who can't cope, With such an endurin' pain that it keeps them in the pouring rain, Who's to blame for tootin' caine into your own vain? What a shame, you shoot and aim for someone else's brain, You claim the insane and name this day in time for fallin prey to crime I say this system got you victim to your own mind. Dreams are hopeless aspirations in hopes of coming true. Believe in yourself the rest is up to me and-"
"DON'T GO CHASING WATERFALLS!" You pull your head up to look at your boyfriend of four years with a grin before diving back in. "Come on Stan, I know you know it, -THE RIVERS AND THE LAKES THAT YOUR USED TO."
Stan sighs, not bothering to fight the eye roll that brings him back to his text book. Nor the tight-lipped smile that crept up on his face. All the while missing the playful grin you wear as you continue to belt the lyrics.
"I know you're gonna have your way or nothin' at all, But I think you're moving too fast,"
"And I thought we agreed to get some work done, today?" He asks, with a look of hidden playfulness.
You easily return his look with a cocked brow, your eyes pulling away from the small pool of blue water that swirled with your brush.
"I am getting my work done," you answer. "Aren't you?"
His textbook falls back flat on the desk as he looks at you from across the wooden table, perturbance written all over his face. But your smile only widened when you spotted the look in his eyes that never left when you were around. No matter how stressed Stanley got, how angry, his eyes always held a certain softness for you. You set your brush down, now leaning on both your folded arms as you met his gaze. He was much too tall for the dorm chair he sat in now, his skinny frame towered over the desk in a long hunch that all piled onto of the table across from you.
"You said I'd be able to study," he says.
You shrug. "So study,"
Another flat look. "Y/n, I love you but you're kind of making it impossible."
"Oh yeah? How so?"
"You know exactly how,"
Your eyes fall away from his, your hands coming to lazily pick up your brush and fingers fiddling with the bristles. You can still feel his eyes drilling into yours, but you merely focus on wet beads of paint that spill onto your fingertips as you wear an exaggerated look of confusion.
"I don't know what your talking about," your innocent tone is laced with sarcasm.
Stan sighs. Don't be fooled, he adores every minute he spends with you which was why he was so eager to come to your dorm when you asked him to sit in for reference. Your current media study was watercolors, and to test your limits a bit, you had asked your loving boyfriend if he would be your reference model. He was your inspiration after all, and he adored your work. Anytime you did anything outside of school - which was a lot, mind you - Stan would make a HUGE deal about it and talk his way into keeping it. His dorm walls were completely filled with your artwork, he was no doubt your biggest fan. But today?
Well, today was another sit in day, probably one of the last ones so to speak. You had already had a few so that you could sketch him - he was NOT allowed to look, which frustrated him greatly - and he had quickly learned to bring something to do keep him busy. Unfortunately for Stanley, pressures had begun to rise in his classes as of late and Stanley was, to put it delicately, a rubber band ready to snap.
So here he was, sitting before you and your mini tabletop easel he wasn't allowed to peek at as you met his stern gaze with a mischievous glint in your eye.
"Y/n, I mean it-"
You freeze as you stare at your boyfriend with your jaw hanging open in a smile. While playing with the bristles, several blue droplets of paint had gone airborne and landed all across his face. His eyes were screwed shut, lips pursed uncomfortably as blue streaks fell down his face, painting his skin.
Finally, when he's sure he was clear of paint getting in his eyes, he opened them to find you still frozen with the goofiest look on your face.
"...Whoops." you chuckle.
He just blinks at you, and before he can speak you slowly extent your brush and dot his nose with paint. "...Boop."
He shakes his head in disbelief, lips puckered as he tries fighting a smile; a battle he sorely looses. You match his grin, the undeniable love sick gaze in his eyes behind that playful anger he wore.
"You're gonna pay for that," he says finally.
You scoff. "Seriously? It was accident!"
You laughed again. "And then, yeah, the other was on purpose. But its cool though, cause you look adorable."
Without breaking his gaze, he dips his fingers in your glass jar of paint water, and flicks his hand your face making you recoil. Your playful fury surfaces, and you rise to your feet to tower over him.
"Are you challenging me, Uris?" You asked. "If so, don't expect me to play by the rules, cause I won't. I won't hold back,"
He rises to meet your eye level, eyes squinting, palms on the table and your noses inches apart.
"That didn't stop you before,"
You smirk, left hand going unnoticed as it wrapped around the mason jar of paint water that sat on the desk beside you.
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - The Return of the King
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So we’re back to the quasi-filler stuff. This episode does set a few things up for the finale, like bringing Edmund to Corona, but none of those things are actually good and it’s still mostly filled with irrelevant shit alongside the more important stuff. 
Summary: King Edmund arrives in Corona to see his long-lost son, Eugene, and to give him the royal sash of their bloodline. Eugene wants nothing to do with him, but Rapunzel invites him to stay. Later, the sash is stolen and a ransom note is left behind. Edmund and Eugene decide to go and retrieve it. Meanwhile, the Stabbington Brothers plot revenge on Eugene as they are both viewed as a joke by the other criminals.
So How Did the Stabbingtons Escape the Prison Barge 
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Last we saw them they were stuck on a prison barge along with Lady Caine and all of the other season one villains. How did they escape? Did Lady Caine or anybody else make it out? If so then where are they this season? 
We’re not going to get any of those questions answered are we? 
Man this is just sloppy continuity. Which ironic, because these two were only brought back this season because of continuity. They need to be “redeemed” so that they can be at the wedding. I guess it just sucks to be you if you’re an original villain for this show and not named Cassandra. 
Why Is This Deserving of Ridicule? 
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Like...We’re talking about a world renowned thief and adventurer and his magical royal girlfriend who are well known enough outside of Corona to be mentioned and there for no doubt people know how they both defeated monsters, daemons, and several criminals besides just there two guys, right? 
This plot point makes no sense. 
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You could just kick these dumbasses butts and be done with it. I doubt they’d bother picking on you again if you did.  
Did we really need even more motivation for them to want revenged against Eugene?
Rapunzel is Back to Being Her Bossy Self 
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Rapunzel has not earned the role of “wise administrator” yet. She’s only been out of the tower for two years now and she has yet to prove to the audience that she has managed to learn anything since then. By jumping the gun and forcing her into a role that she hasn’t grown into, and by ignoring that this whole show started out as a coming of age story, it just makes Rapunzel unpleasant to be around. All her “advice” is just her ordering people about with a veneer of chipperness to try and mask her controlling nature. People who should know more about their own lives than she does and have no reason to listen to her.  
So We’re Showing Rapunzel Being Responsible... By Having Her Avoid Responsibility? 
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Part of why the writers made her “acting queen” for the first half the season was to get her to grow into the role of becoming full time queen. However they screwed this up by not having her actually learn anything and having her avoid the real duties a queen preforms. 
What Rapunzel is doing her is just being a socialite busybody. The only administrative thing she does is approve some low-scale building plans for a small business. A thing that would have been handled by a lower official in an actual functioning government.   
Once again Rapunzel is being selfish and doing what she like, ie bossy people around while having them kiss her ass, as the real work of running the kingdom is left to someone else. This isn’t being responsible, it’s being hypocritical, but don't expect anyone to ever call Rapunzel out for this. 
Pointless Action Scene is Pointless
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At this point, the low stakes action sequences are just cringe. Like is this an adventure show or not people? Stop forcing crap like this and give us some real conflicts instead.  
How Did You Get Here So Fast Edmund?
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It took Rapunzel and company nearly a year to get to the Dark Kingdom. Even if Edmund wasn't delayed with pit stops like they were, it would have still taken him several months to get here by horse. 
Did he take a boat, or have four to six months already past since Rapunzel’s Return? 
I would argue that this episode was aired out of order and should have been later in the season, but Cassandra’s appearance at the end of this story, and Hamnuel’s appearances in later episodes, would suggest otherwise. 
Crap like this is why season’s three timeline doesn’t work unless you stretch everything out to two years instead of one. 
Read the Room Rapunzel
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One could argue that Rapunzel is just trying to be polite, but that doesn't really hold water. 
For starters Eugene is clearly upset and has every right to want to set boundaries between himself and Edmund. Ignoring that is incredibly rude and if my significant other ever did such a thing, well they wouldn’t be my significant other for very long. 
Secondly, Rapunzel could have offered other accommodations if she felt pressured to be polite to Edmund. Not only are their lots of inns in a port town known for trade, many of which are probably well-to-do, but there’s also that convent that was mentioned back in season one. It has to be somewhere in Corona itself and as the so far only mentioned major religious organization in the country it would no doubt have stately quarters for when royalty and nobility would visit. 
So not only would it be a suitable place for a visiting king to stay in, as it would be made for such things, but it’s also far enough away that Eugene wouldn’t feel like his space is being invaded but close enough that Edmund could come and go as he pleases. 
By that point it’s still between Edmund and Eugene and Rapunzel can stay out of it, like she should. 
Eugene is Right
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These are all valid reasons for cutting someone out of your life. Furthermore, you don’t even need a reason. If you don’t want to associate with somebody then just don't associate with. It’s your life. You don’t have to justify how you choose to live it and people who actually care about you should respect that. 
Unfortunately no one respects Eugene.  
Not Edmund, not Rapunzel, and most certainly not the writers. 
Then Why Don't You Get Closer to Edmund, Rapunzel?
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I understand Rapunzel’s viewpoint here. Edmund is the only person she’s ever met who has experienced the same isolation that she has. He’s one of the very few people whom she can empathize with. 
However that doesn’t give her the right to force her views upon her boyfriend. If she cared so much than she could just befriend Edmund herself and leave Eugene out of it. 
Trying to encourage a child to have relationship with a parent who neglected them is super tone deaf at best and outright disrespectful at worst. It’s also highly hypocritical seeing as Rapunzel cut Gothel out of her life for similar reasons and Eugene only ever supported her for it. 
No really, flip the situation. If Eugene tried to encourage Rapunzel to give Gothel a second chance everyone would be slamming him for it. So why does Rapunzel get a free pass? 
Shorty Already Did That, Eugene. Don’t You Remember? 
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I mean, you were literally right there when it happened. Are we forgetting season two the same as season one now? 
So Why Are Stan and Pete Suddenly Back, But Not Cap?
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I mean we went through all that trouble in Rapunzel’s Return to write them out of the narrative and here they are without any explanation. Why are simple set ups so dang hard for this show? 
Rapunzel is Overstepping Her Bounds Here
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Ok, giving Edmund a place to stay is one thing. Suggesting to Eugene that he should give Edmund a chance is not appropriate but still forgivable. But this? 
This crosses a fucking line! 
Eugene is not Rapunzel’s subject. He’s her boyfriend, and a prince in his own right. Rapunzel can’t just volunteer him for crap without his consent. That’s just indirectly ordering him about like she would a servant.  
Once again, flip the script. If Eugene tried to force Rapunzel to work with Gothel everyone would be up in arms. Why is this then deemed okay? 
This is Coercion
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Not only is Edmund and Rapunzel trying to guilt trip Eugene here but she even fucking elbows him!
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Like this isn’t “cute couple bickering” here. That kind of stuff is reserved only for inconsequential shit. 
This a woman trying to strong arm and guilt trip her husband to be into having a relationship with his abusive father! Because guess what? Neglect is still abuse! 
Rapunzel has zero say in Eugene and Edmund’s relationship. It’s none of her fucking business! Trying to force her into this plot just makes her look like an asshat. 
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I mean look at this smug smile! The fucking bitch is proud of being a shit human being and a terrible girlfriend. 
And of course don't expect the show to call out this behavior as wrong because of out of date sexist double standards. If you think any of this is okay then just role reverse Eugene and Rapunzel here and then tell me its still alright. 
The Show Missed a Real Trick By Not Naming Him Horus Instead
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Horus, the sun god, would have been a nice bit of irony and given meaning to the name while keeping the joke virtually unchanged. You could have had both lore and a punchline. 
And I would argue that the joke as is, isn’t even funny. Horace is indeed a lame name, but not for the reason that the show gives. It’s lame because it’s not unique enough. There’s already a Disney character named Horace and I’m sure there are real people out there with that name as well since it’s not completely unheard of. So the joke falls flat and winds up insulting anyone with that name. 
Don’t Expect Any Pay Off for Eugene’s Identity Issues This Season
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Yeah the show makes a big deal out of Eugene having a mid-life crisis through out season three, but then never resolves it in any meaningful way. 
Edmund Is an Asshole 
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I don’t care how “crazy” he is. Calling someone by a name they don't wished to be called is just plain rude. Acknowledging someone’s preferred name is just a basic common courtesy that is expected of everyone. Once again, this isn’t funny, quirky, nor charming, just unpleasant. 
So the Animators Wasted a Model on a No-Named Character Who Only Appears Once
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Someone said this little girl appears in season one, but it’s not noticeable if she does. She also doesn’t have a name and this is her only speaking role. What a waste of money. Just have one of the braided girls from the movie instead. You already built models for them and haven’t really used them. 
And before some mentions race here, this is poor rep already cause the character has no impact. 
Turns Out, Varian Didn’t Even Need Those Truth Serum Cookies
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Not only does this dumb down Pete to a ridiculous degree, but it also invalidates everything Varian went through in The Alchemist Returns and the grief he got from everyone for using the truth serum. 
Oh, and it’s also lazy writing and a plot contrivance.  
That’s Not Figgy Pudding!
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This is Figgy Pudding.
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It’s a boiled “pudding” that’s more like a cake with dried fruit in it. During the 14th through 18th centuries such bread puddings were made to be carried around in ones pocket or knapsack for eating on the go. They’re nothing like the creamy custards we call puddings today. 
It also looks nothing like what’s shown on the screen below. 
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That’s like a half eaten loaf of wheat bread?  
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That’s jelly filled .. apparently...?
Once Again, If You Have to Make Everyone Else Incompetent to Make Your Hero Useful to the Plot Then You Need a New Plot
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Rapunzel has zero business in this plot. She doesn’t even need to be in this episode beyond a cameo. Trying to cram her into the protagonist role in a conflict that doesn’t involve her is just a disservice to everyone.  
Winnie The Pooh Is More Mature Than This Show
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More of that meta commentary I was talking about last episode, and it just as full of shit as ever. 
Seriously Find Her, Keep Her is the best script I have ever seen in any show. It’s perfectly balanced so that anyone of any age can relate to it. It’s real and heartbreaking and perfectly suitable for small children to understand. There’s no shock value, no darkness, no modern satire, but its far more mature and complex and deep than anything TTS has tried. 
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Also Rabbit is a far better father than any dad in this show, while still being cut from the same trope. There’s no shame in being a children’s show when its done well and this now 30 year old kids show runs rings around what ever mess Tangled is trying to sell. 
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Eugene Isn’t Exaggerating Here and I Don't Know How to Feel About That
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Turns out Eugene did grow up with these guys the same as he did with Lance. It’ll be confirmed only two episodes later. That just recontextualizes everything. He didn’t just betray some rando guys that he held no feelings for, he betrayed people that he’s known and worked with since childhood. 
Now just because he’s known them doesn’t mean that they were family to him like Lance, but like the fact that he keeps claiming then as such through out the episode would suggest that perhaps they were like siblings. 
That’s ... ingenious. That makes Flynn Rider retroactively an even worse person and gives the Stabbingtons real reason for vengeance. 
Only the show doesn't do anything with this!  It just makes Eugene an even bigger jerk in the movie for zero reason. 
Let Me Reiterate, Edmund Is an Asshole 
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Just like with Frederic, Cassandra, and Rapunzel the show uses framing to try and make the audience side with people who do unforgivable things. 
Edmund is an abuser. He neglected his own son for 25 years. But the show presents him as “funny” and “quriky” and “look at his pouty face, he’s so lonely”.... 
Edmund isn’t deserving of anything and how he treats Eugene here is garbage. 
This show is utter crap writing wise but boy does it know how to gaslight its own audience into siding with bullies and abusers.  
Eugene Is One Thousand Percent In the Right Here, But Don’t Expect the Narrative to Acknowledge That
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There’s nothing you can do to make up for that. 
Eugene might forgive him. Eugene might move on from it. Eugene might decide a relationship it still worth having with Edmund. But the horrible thing still happened and it happened because Edmund allowed it to happen. There’s no going back from that and everything going forward has to be on Eugene’s terms alone. 
But the narrative won't allow Eugene that agency. 
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Even as he makes his grand proclamation about being done with Edmund the cameras chooses to focus on Edmund and his feelings. The story is already priming the audience to prioritize Edmund over Eugene so that when the forced and contrived forgiveness scene comes we won't question it. But it only comes because Chris doesn’t deem Eugene as individual person with thoughts and feels of his own, but as an avatar to fulfill his wishfulment fantasy regarding his own personal daddy issues. 
Rapunzel’s Characterization in Season Three is Just....Off
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Ok, even ignoring the major stuff, like not recognizing what she’s done wrong, putting her into roles she’s not meant to carry, and making her a shitty girlfriend suddenly, Rapunzel just behaves contrary to her character all through out season three even in small subtle ways like here. 
On the surface this seems like a clever call back to Great Expotations, but lets examine more closely, shall we. 
On one end we have yo-yos; an invention that’s been around since ancient Greece and is so wide spread across the globe that the word “yo-yo” itself is theorized to come from Indonesia and the Philippines.
On the other end there is Rapunzel. A woman who spent 18 years isolated inside of a tower, because of this she is both ignorant of somethings and insatiability curious and eager to learn.  Or at least she was, until striking out onto a year long road trip, and having now been out of the tower for only two years, claims to know better than the entire fucking world about this object who’s existence she didn’t even know about until only a year and half ago! 
Like what kind of sense does this make? Why would you abandon the core of her drive and motivation, to learn, explore, and grow, and then call it “development”? 
How Did Edmund Get Beat By These Guys?
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Edmund took out Adria. The Brotherhood is suppose to be the best physical fighters in this world and Edmund is supposed to be best out of all of them. Yet he’s taken out by two random, mediocre dudes who didn't even jump him. They gave him time to respond and he stood up to fight them. 
Was all his physical prowess tied into that axe? Is the axe magic? 
If you characters have to be depowered for unexplained reasons for the plot to work than you haven’t a good plot. 
This Isn’t as Heartwarming as You Think It Is Show
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If Edmund knew where Eugene was this whole time then he could have actually provided for his son. He could have arranged adoption with someone by letter, sent money, food, clothes, ect, maybe even wrote to Eugene directly and kept up a long distance relationship to be there for him emotionally. 
There is literally no excuse anymore for Edmund to hide behind. He literally neglected his duties as a parent, just cause. 
Finding these things shouldn’t make Eugene happy. Finding these things should piss him off even further because that’s how any logical adult would respond to this bullcrap. 
I sure know I’m angry. I’m angry that Eugene is a pawn for the creators’ writing wank-off rather then being treated as human being; as an actual character. 
“Nice” Isn’t the Same Thing as Kind, Rapunzel
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One could argue that she’s not even superficially nice in season three, but the real problem here is that the show, and by extension Rapunzel herself, doesn’t understand the difference between being “pleasant” and actually being a good person. Outwardly polite people can stab you in the back, can kill you even, and not care, as Rapunzel has demonstrated repeatedly since season one.   
Do They Have to Be “Family” for Eugene to Give a Damn? 
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Can’t Eugene just do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do? People don't need to be friends and family to care about each others lives. Kindness isn’t transactional. Empathy and true charity doesn’t come with strings attached. If Eugene’s whole arc is about becoming a better person, then making the Stabbingtons “family” kind of undermines this. 
Don’t Reward the Dude for Doing the Bare Fucking Minimal 
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No seriously. Edmund forfeited the right to ever be called “dad” by Eugene a long fucking time ago. He doesn’t get to be called that now just because he stopped being a piece of scum and showed the bare minimal of human decency. Even if Eugene decides to have a relationship with Edmund after this, it doesn’t mean that  he has to be recognized as his dad or that that relationship will be a parental one.  
Eugene, and by Extension the Show, Places Rapunzel Upon a Pedestal to  the Detriment of All
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Only 4 villains out of 20 get redeemed in this show. Four, and yes I’m counting the Stabbintions as one entity here. That’s 16 times Rapunzel failed to give someone a second chance just cause she didn’t feel like it that day, and even here she did fuck all in trying to give the Stabbingtons any sort of chance. That was all on Eugene. 
The more this show goes on, the more it looks like Eugene is just in love with the idea of Rapunzel rather than who she actually is as a person. It’s a disservice to both their characters but it damages Rapunzel most of all because the show perpetuates this over idealization to everyone she interacts with. 
It’s really sickening to watch and terrifying to know that some uphold this selfish brat as a “role model” for little girls. There’s nothing empowering in being an inhuman “goddess” who can do no wrong....even as they do several wrongs and never gets called out on it.    
This Isn’t “Cute”
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Eugene can’t even have an opinion on a fucking toy!
Look if you still like New Dream despite how horribly written it is this season, then good for you. That is completely understandable, especially since this is mainly a problem with season three and not really in the first two seasons and certainly not in the movie. 
But if you try to deny that they aren’t toxic in season three, that people who do have problems with how they’re written aren’t valid in their concerns, than you’re either someone who hasn’t been paying attention or someone who has gross double standards for women in relationships. 
This Scene Is A Waste of Time
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This doesn’t tell the audience anything. It contradicts what was previously established concerning her powers without explanation and then just throws the creepy girl voice in there for a lazy hook. It doesn’t work at foreshadowing since we repeat this info all over again in the next episode and it doesn’t expand upon neither Zhan Tiri’s nor Cassandra’s characters.
 In fact it kind of contradicts Cassandra’s characterization in the last episode as well. Is she a remorseless bad bitch or a vulnerable woobie? She can’t be both. Not in the way show is going about it anyways. 
It’s poor time management and poor storytelling. 
It was mildly better than Rapunzel’s Return, but that’s not saying much. Everyone’s character is still circling the drain and there’s no escape line in sight. 
But before I close out, here is a real world update. I had to quit my job at Amazon for personal reasons and am currently job hunting. I’m not hurting right now, I do have money saved up to cover me for at least a month and I’ve been doing commissions here and there, however despite having more time technically to write these reviews, I’m now having to juggle it along with artwork and job hunting. 
If you would like to support my reviews and other personal projects you can send me a tip over at Ko-Fi and more public commissions will be opening soon over there as well.  
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chadsinclair · 3 years
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Deadline loomed on May adidas stan smith j white tactile blue 23, 2008, Ifergan made the purchase: the first ticket came in before the deadline but the ticket with the fateful numbers burped out seven seconds after the cut off.. They are studying. "Humans are just farm animals," Cain says at one point, pinning Shido body beneath his own on a bed, pouring a glass of blood into the struggling lavender haired vampire screaming mouth, "Eat as many as you want."Hey, if someone told ME to do that in HIS voice. The way was cramped and twisty, and so low that Hodor soon was crouching. You should not in any way force cortege every day. ‘You’re a base man,’ she horno teka hc 610 me blanco had said to him at parting. Taiwan was also a zealous Nike Air Max 24 7 Men Grey/Black participant in this year's shoes fair. Her brown hair was tied back in a knot.. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. The regular oval of his rather swarthy face, his superb teeth, his small, rather thin, beautifully chiselled lips, his rather long straight nose, his high forehead, on which no wrinkle could be discerned, his rather large grey eyes, made him handsome, and yet his face did not make a pleasant impression. “I earned my spurs in Dorne. I did not do none of that, Oakley said. Clarke: (sighs) I'm never going to understand you and I don't want to anymore. I noticed that she was making great effort to suppress her emotion, as though too proud to let me see it. Perhaps he should have asked the washerwoman. His braid was black and shiny, his skin as dark as burnished copper, his eyes the shape of bitter almonds. I didn't even think he drank. If you're suffering from osteoarthritis in your hands, it certainly has nothing to do with this nervous tic. I proved it to him, even from his own point of view. After it had been parked on the driveway for hours. The ball kept Vijay thinking, and after depositing Lyon for one straight six, he fell when an indecisive drive was well taken by Henriques at a shortish mid off.. Vincent de Paul of Philadelphia, National Federation of the legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát Blind, and Military Order of the Purple Heart.. "Max is formulating a plan that will start moving people with a minimum of cost," said Rob Lippincott, owner of G restaurant and one of SSCA's organizers. 0: The Chieftains fell to 2 5.St. Here, Shakespeare's words may be appropriate: there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. We still have a ton to play for and we're excited about that.". You can find the highest level of customer service coupled with a secure payment system that makes A2zShoes store a special choice for buying your sports footwear. It a great family event!. In all, the Census counted 13,404 Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders last year (including 4,145 children in Oregon), still just 0.35 percent of the state's population.
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gjhtfjry · 3 years
The cog he renamed Shrike
She worked for an international accounting firm in Atlanta and returned to southern New Jersey to work for a regional accounting firm. The wildling heard one word, the crow another. I fully assumed I was headed toward the mother of all panic attacks, that I was about to completely lose my shit in my own private atomic meltdown. Swords rode on their hips, singing their soft steel song as they rattled in their scabbards. “Under the sea the crows are white as snow, I know, I know, oh, oh, oh.” Princess Shireen was curled up in a window seat, her hood drawn up to hide the worst of the Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS greyscale that had disfigured her face.. “We thank you for your sun that keeps us warm,” he prayed. She wants you! She's been raised to be instantly attracted to you, to be your servant, a whore and a cook, and to look good too.. I heard this sound. The biggest ticker tape parade in New York history puma red bull racing evo cat ii followed. But McGregor's successor as the undisputed 145 pound titleholder won't be decided until 2017 when Aldo faces the winner haibike e mtb 2020 of Saturday's main event at the Air Canada Centre either No. Even though it has just been swept, and where the heck is all this dust and dirt coming from, anyway? You would think the creature from the Black Lagoon lived with us.. The cog he renamed Shrike. And then I went down the hill and I did more. It was evident that we were expected. The late Mr. Was the station's original owner. This Mr. By degrees she made me understand all her ideas, all her views of life; she’s such an earnest, such an enthusiastic girl! She talked of duty, of our mission in life, of how we all ought to serve humanity and, as we thoroughly agreed, after five or six hours of conversation, we ended by swearing eternal friendship, and that we would work together all our lives!. But today? Wow. The ASTP program, however, was canceled in 1944 as the need for soldiers for the front line became urgent.. Is just one example of what can go wrong if you get the diet wrong. Now, you are only 39 years old. Kids free. A few gave him a standing ovation."I want them to keep my name out of their mouth on that circus of an event going on down there," Hughes said, nearly yelling. Dreamed of it, Moccia said. He found a line and pulled on it, fighting toward the hatch to get himself below out of the storm, but a gust of wind knocked his feet from under him and a second slammed him into the rail and there he clung. “A pink priest,” Victarion announced... Despite the relatively thin chanel ágynemű 29mm thickness, the 140mm 280mm radiator is hefty and will not fit inside many cases, which is the most significant disadvantage of the H110. And through the mist of centuries the broken boy could only watch as the man’s feet drummed against the earth … but as his life flowed out of him in a red tide, Brandon Stark could taste the blood.. 15, 2012, Boeing announced that it had completed "firm concept" design for the 737 MAX. Some sat sharpening their weapons; others sacrificed to queer gods, or dulled their nerves with milk of the poppy before going out to die. There was a time when Shido abandoned himself to the lust of Cain, and the kill, but came to regret it and wished to move on, alone. And papuci de casa din pasla at one point, a young girl in pigtails and tennis shoes tried to approach the popemobile. The big man agreed. “When all my folk are safe behind your Wall, we’ll share a bit o’ meat and mead. She had to laugh. The raven was unhurt. Come, what do you think, how would it be for you to get married? You see, I’m talking of quite extraneous matters now. As you move about, you'll discover that every screw and wire is logically placed.. It also flew essential service personnel on urgent duty from one place to another and performed critical air biciclete rusesti vechi ambulance work.. The pigs, Schmidt points out, are all standing on slats.. If she had been some ordinary woman, she would маратонки puma mercedes amg gladly have spent her whole life touching Daario, tracing his scars and making him tell her how he’d come by every one. 77 Sirloin Strip, 251 7733 When your restaurant has an address that reads like a Wild West movie, you know it will be fun if nothing else. 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But horno teka hc 610 me blanco before you purchase, make sure you know what kind of foam your mat is made of.. In a word, Elena was doing the housework.. Kentuckians sometimes came there to kidnap their citizens. We'll give them an incomplete, along with two other pitchers Jon Lester of the Chicago Cubs and Washington's Max Scherzer who just finished the first years of their nine figure contracts. They're a pair of all black Nike Air Max's, if you hadn't already guessed, and they're the epitome of old school sports luxe chic and a must have on any sneaker lover's shoe shelf. How I set it up though I was able to hold it and shoot it off my shoulder. All he asked was time. It sounds like you are in a frustrating situation. The wildlings outnumbered the crows by five to one, judging by how little black he saw. “I know her name.” He hated her name. Lord Snow, remain.”. L'adattamento di compressione rende il piede pi vicino per il solo per una migliore blocco insieme a propulsione. That paper quotes the following from the Woodville Republican, of Mississippi. Alyosha has no character, he is thoughtless, extremely injudicious, and at two-and-twenty is a perfect child. “The Whore don’t look like much,” he said, fondling a rod of cold black iron, “but when I heat her up red-hot and let her touch your cock, you’ll cry for mother. Sometimes this occurs with football players, who wear a helmet and hit soft turf, but still sustain a brain bruise or bleed.. Not once have I looked at him and worried about what the rest of the world must think of us for having elected him. The research experts suggested several adaptation packages as for wheat they said heat and drought tolerant cultivars should be developed, wheat should be sown 10 days earlier for those farmers whose sow their crop after 20 November, plant population should be increased by 10pc and urea fertilizer should be applied with irrigation water. But, whilst we were nike jean jacket eating, some persons who had heard of the murder broke open the door, took the poor fellow, put a log chain round his neck, and started him for the woods, at the point of the bayonet, marching by where we were eating, with a great deal of noise.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
(Treat Me Nice) Never Let Me Go, 13/15 (Branjie) - Pinkgrapefruit
[ chapter 13. an open heart is an open wound to you ]
Vanessa shakes her head, sighing to herself. “When I was a little girl,” she starts, smiling at the memory, “my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was naughty. I was there often - but it wasn’t bad. I used to pretend I was a princess, trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. And then suddenly this knight, on a white horse with these colours flying, would come charging up and draw their sword. And I would wave. And they would climb up the tower and rescue me.” She looks out across Los Angeles and then to Brooke, whose face is indecipherable. “When I grew up I realised I didn’t need to be rescued, but I still wanted the fairytale.”
[ pretty woman au ]
A/N - God we’re almost at the end. This has been going for over a year and I’m almost scared? It’s going to be weird not having the doc open constantly lmao. Thanks to frey for being my ever wonderful beta and all the branjie stans who still like this!
enjoy! <3
They wake quietly, a sense of unease seeping through the crack under the curtains along with the daylight. Brooke orders breakfast while Vanessa showers (an unspoken agreement), and the shorter woman enters the dining room in an expensive robe to the sight of Brooke - newspaper in hand, coffee in front of her. She’s ordered Vanessa a smoothie bowl and a croissant and Vanessa smiles gratefully at the gesture.
She sips at her water and watches as Brooke methodically turns the pages. She’d woken up with Brooke already gone and she’s not concerned per say, but maybe confused.
“Whatcha been doin’ out here alone?” She asks, eyes softening as Brooke lowers the newspaper. She looks tired.
“Just thinking that this will be our last night together, then you’ll be rid of me,” Brooke admits, almost reluctantly. There’s a melancholy to her words and it soothes Vanessa a little to know that neither are wholly happy about this.
Vanessa smiles, trying to lighten the situation. “Well, you’ve not been the easiest,” she jokes, and it almost brings Brooke to chuckle. They share another smile before they both go silent, eating and drinking.
By the end of the meal Brooke seems to have collected herself, there’s a guard up that Vanessa hasn’t seen since the dinner and she hasn’t missed it. The blonde seems colder, more unfeeling - as if they haven’t exchanged vulnerability and expensive gifts through the week. It’s unsettling.
“Once this is over I’m heading back to Canada,” Brooke tells her, and it’s like a rod is forced up Vanessa’s spine. She sits tall and straight like if she wobbles, she will fall off a tightrope, and if she’s being honest - every breath feels dangerous. There’s a pause and then Brooke follows with, “I’d like to see you again.” And against everything she knows, Vanessa still smiles.
“You would?” She asks like it is too good to be true. Her mama always told her not to trust big businessmen, but Brooke Lynn is a lady. Mama never said nothing about ladies.
“Yes,” Brooke tells her like it’s obvious. And then she switches, because Vanessa still isn’t sure the blonde understands that people can love without money. “I would, so I’ve arranged for you to have an apartment, to have a car, a wide variety of stores guaranteed to suck up to you anytime you want to go shopping.” Vanessa almost grimaces because this is not what she wanted. “Everything is sorted.”
“It is?” Vanessa asks because it’s like Brooke has gone down a tick list and just ticked it all. No consultation, just fixing all her problems like she’s some helpless damsel - which she isn’t. She refuses to be helpless. “What else?” She exhales, palm finding her forehead. “You just gonna leave money on the dresser whenever you pass through town?” Brooke winces like her words hurt, but Vanessa just shrugs it off, because someday she will need to learn these things.
“Vanessa,” Brooke responds, quiet, too quiet. “It wouldn’t be like that.” It’s quiet and earnest, but Vanessa cannot believe it true.
“Yeah? What would it be?”
“Well for one thing it would get you off the streets.” This is the point where Vanessa stands up because this is the point where Brooke has truly hit a nerve. She’s trying to save her when Vanessa does not need saving, and she wants to tell her as much, but she cannot find the right words.
“That’s just geography, Brooke Lynn!” She almost shouts, because she’s angry. She storms out onto the balcony and hopes that Brooke won’t follow her, because she just needs the cold air to bring her back to herself.
To her credit, Brooke manages to wait a few minutes. When she does come out, she stands next to Vanessa, arms braced against the cool concrete balustrades.
“What do you want from me, Ness?” She asks and for a second Vanessa sees the same Brooke who smiled as she watched her eat ice cream at the ballet. “I can give you money, stability, whatever you want.”
Vanessa shakes her head, sighing to herself. “When I was a little girl,” she starts, smiling at the memory, “my mama used to lock me in the attic when I was naughty. I was there often - but it wasn’t bad. I used to pretend I was a princess, trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. And then suddenly this knight, on a white horse with these colours flying, would come charging up and draw their sword. And I would wave. And they would climb up the tower and rescue me.” She looks out across Los Angeles and then to Brooke, whose face is indecipherable. “When I grew up I realised I didn’t need to be rescued, but I still wanted the fairytale.”
She scoffs. “But never, never in those dreams did the knight tell me they’d put me up in a condo and pay my bills.” Brooke gulps, teeth pressing into her bottom lip. She stares at Vanessa. “That ain’t a fairytale. That’s a saviour complex.”
Brooke opens her mouth to respond, but her phone rings and she digs into her pocket to answer it immediately, putting a finger up for Vanessa to just wait a few minutes.
“Ru?” She answers, eyebrows furrowed.
“I just got off the phone with Cain. Get this. She wants to meet with you today.” Brooke shakes her head in an effort to think a little clearer.
“What about?”
“She wouldn’t say. Brooke, I think we got her. She’s on the block.”
“We got her!” Brooke exclaims, laughing in relief.
“Look, if she’s really caving in, I want to get her to commit her stocks to us this afternoon,” Ru tells her, and Brooke sighs, glancing at Vanessa before she makes her next move.
“No, it’s no good,” she relents. “If she’s really caving in, I don’t want to wait ‘till this afternoon. Have Cain meet me downtown this morning. Good bye.” She hangs up with a definitive tap and slips the phone back into the pocket of her slacks. Vanessa looks at her with questions in her eyes, and Brooke just huffs an exhale.
“I have to go now,” she tells her, almost apologetically, “but I want you to understand that I heard everything you said. This is all I’m capable of right now, and it’s a really big step for me.” Her eyes are wide again, and honest too, and they make Vanessa’s insides twist uncomfortably.
“I know,” she sighs, fingers massaging at her temples. A curl of still wet hair falls onto her cheek and she tucks it back behind her ear. “It’s a really good offer for a girl like me.”
“I’ve never treated you like a prostitute,” Brooke tells her.
Vanessa purses her lips and sighs out a long exhale.
“You just did.”
Brooke’s been gone little over ten minutes when the phone rings. Vanessa has been darting around the hotel room, drying her hair and slipping on a pair of plaid trousers with a white shirt tucked in. She pinches one of Brooke’s vintage looking watches and slides it onto her wrist.
When the jarring sound of the phone cuts through Janelle Monae’s singing, she pads across the room, picking up the phone with a huff of breath.
“It’s Nina West here, Miss Vanessa,” comes Nina’s tone, warm like honey, and Vanessa relaxes slightly picturing the matronly woman. “Could you come down to the front desk? There’s someone here who wants to speak to you.” She gives a pause clearly meants for Vanessa’s response, but the brunette’s mind is racing through anyone who would want to talk to her at the moment and she misses the cue. “She says her name is ‘Miss Ganache’,” Nina adds, and Vanessa lets out a sigh of relief.
“Could you just let me talk to her, Nins?” She asks, trying to do the vocal equivalent of fluttering her eyelashes. “Pleeeease.” She hears Nina let out a weary exhale and smiles, knowing she’s gotten her way.
There’s the noise of the phone being handed over and then Silky’s voice comes booming through. “Yo, Ness, babe. Would you come down here? The sphincter police won’t let me through.” She tells Vanessa, and the brunette just smacks her palm to her forehead with a sigh, chuckling to herself.
“Okay, she’s coming down,” Silky says, although it is clearly meant for Nina, and Vanessa slips on a pair of low heels.
When she reaches the front desk, Nina looks exhausted despite it only being a little past nine in the morning. Silky is dressed in a pair of cut off shorts and a white tank top, leaning against the antique looking front desk like she’s not aware she’s horribly out of place. Vanessa feels awful for thinking as much, knowing how she felt less than a week ago, but she’s also dressed like the wife of a respectable lawyer, so she decides nothing less can be expected.
Courtney tells Nina something about a window washer and the woman looks towards Vanessa. “Watch her,” she says, pointing at Silky, and Vanessa laughs, raising a hand in mock salute.
“Nina, yes, Nina,” she jokes and Nina just shakes her head, bemused.
Silky gives her a once over before pulling her into a hug.  “Listen, I’ve been calling you,” Vanessa says while grabbing her hand, guiding her towards a back door that opens into a gorgeous looking garden, where she reckons they can sit and talk a bit easier.
“Yeah, I know, they told me at Trixie’s,” Silky responds while they walk, and Vanessa furrows her brow as if to tell Silky that that answers exactly nothing.
“You were supposed to come by Tuesday. I left money at the desk.”
“I was hiding from Ra’Jah.”
“Well, if you picked up the money, you wouldn’t have to hide, bitch.”
“I was busy. I got a life.” They fall onto a bench surrounded by lilacs. It faces a fountain and the water twinkles in the morning sun. “Marco got beat up. We had to visit him in the hospital, Morgan got arrested. It was a mess. Anyway, I got the money. Thank you very much for saving my ass. Now Ra’Jah can get off of it.” Vanessa has to laugh at her friend’s blunt way of putting things.
“Shit for Marco,” Vanessa states lamely. She doesn’t really know him that well. Just a pot dealer by Trixie’s.
“You know, he was talkin’ about you last night,” Silky tells her, and Vanessa slumps in her seat jokingly. She rolls her eyes. “He would bust somethin’ if he saw you in this outfit.”
“Yeah?” She asks, eyes widening at the statement.
“I was afraid to hug you up there. I might wrinkle you! But yeah, you clean up real nice.”
“Well, thank you, big Silks.”
“You sure don’t fit in down on the Boulevard lookin’ like you do, not that you ever did.” Just because Vanessa knows this is true, it doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“Well, thanks, but it’s easy to clean up when you got money.”
“Yeah,” Silky sighs, looking down at her own clothes. They make quite a pair, sat in an expensive hotel’s garden together. Vanessa is starting to realise she will never fit in on Olympic anymore.
They sit in a pleasant silence for a few minutes, just watching as butterflies flutter around the plants.
“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Silky asks, but it’s less of a question and more a statement of fact.
“Silky!” Vanessa exclaims, because it is the least explanatory answer she can give.
“You’ve fallen in love with her,” Silky sing-songs again, and Vanessa shoves her playfully.
“Silk, Please.”
“Did you kiss her? On the mouth?”
“Uh, yeah, I did,” Vanessa retorts like she’s proud of it (which she is) and like she would do it again (she would).
“You kissed her on the mouth?” Silky asks in indignation.
“I did,” Vanessa replies again, a blush travelling across her cheeks. “It was nice.”
“You’re in love and you kissed her on the mouth. Does my teaching mean nothing to you?” Vanessa rolls her eyes and gives Silky another push.          
“Look, I’m not fucking dumb okay. I’m–  I’m not in love with her. I just like her,” she tries to explain it, but she just sounds like a confused and whiny teen. Silky looks at her disparagingly.
“You like her?”
“You definitely like her?” Vanessa knows the chip Silky has on her shoulder about people like Brooke and she gets it. The more human Brooke shows her, the more Brooke seems completely incapable of separating money from love, but Vanessa still likes her.
“Well,, she’s not a bum. She’s rich, and classy.” Silky raises an eyebrow, and Vanessa sighs. “Who’s gonna break my heart. Right.”
Silky winces at having crushed Vanessa’s spirit. “I mean, it could work. It happens,” she tries to add, but Vanessa just raises a single eyebrow.
“When? When does it happen, Silky?” Silky squints trying to think, and Vanessa cuts in again. “Did it work out for Skinny Marie or Rachel? No.”
Silky makes a face like she’s about to laugh. “Well,” she draws out, “those were some very specific cases of crackheads and one very drunk police officer.” They laugh together for a few seconds and then it peters out.
“I just wanna know my chances, who it works out for,” she tells her, quieter now.
“Trixie and Kat–”
“Doesn’t count. Give me a name.”
“Oh, god, the pressure of a name.”
They burst into peals of laughter again, Vanessa’s head eventually lands on Silky’s shoulder. Silky shrugs it just to bounce Vanessa’s head and gets an elbow in her ribs.
“When does she leave?” Silky asks, voice low to match the mood of the question, and Vanessa appreciates it.
Silky rubs soft circles into Vanessa’s arm and just lets the woman sit in her sadness. She reckons she needs it.
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You actual goddamn monster, you actually had me hope, and then just...fucking OBLITERATE it. Aemond you're the real bastard here, go back to the River girl and just LEAVE OUR POOR GIRL A L O N E. Ser Cain Waters, you were the real MVP here, do our girl a solid and get her family to rain hell on this Frollo fanboy here.
You made me ramble I hope you're happy
I have other fics where Aemond is way softer and not an unhinged war criminal! But "The Harshest Winters" is my own little homage to (a slightly worse) book Aemond;
CAIN WATERS IS THE REAL MVP INDEED, I love him with all my heart 😭
His relationship with the reader will be explored a little more in-depth in chapter 3, so rest assured, the world hasn't seen the last of him!
In all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed the fic, and thank you so much for the support shown in my silly little pieces :"))
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freeshavacado · 4 years
My thoughts while reading Gone by Michael Grant:
* wait how old is Sam
* He do be liking Astrid doe
* Damn so Sam is a Leader
* Ew Orc is an 8th grader? 🤮
* Ok I googled it Sam is 14
* I like Quinn
* Sam thinks he’s so awkward but he’s actually really chill so far
* Poor Mary :(
* Howard’s a bitch
* Cut to Quinn being a racist motherfucker
* I love Edilio
* Sam is WHIPPED for Astrid
* Orc is such a piece of shiiiiiit
* Poor thing is in so much pain
* Patrick her dog is alive so that’s good
* She’s deadass slowly dying
* Thank god her arm is better
* I want to make this into a TV series
* If Sam and Astrid don’t kiss at some point I swear
* Hahahaha Sam do be shirtless rn
* Why isn’t Astrid happy to see Little Pete???
* Aw Mary has had bulimia since she was ten :(
* Ok so what she just took her Prozac and then threw up? Wouldn’t the pill go up too? I think your stomach/body needs like 30 minutes to absorb it into the blood stream...
* Bruh my ass would be so exhausted
* Quinn low key an ass tho
* Lol edilio isn’t standing for this bullshit
* Lmaooo Astrid knew 💀
* Omg little Pete has it too
* Wow Quinn is an asshole pt 2
* I feel like Caine is gonna be a villain...like he’s pretty AND nice? Nah bro too good to be true
* Fucking Orc god 😒😒😒
* Caine is up to some shit 🤨
* Lmao hold up
* Diana probably whipped tho
* Sam please only be a simp for Astrid 😩
* I bet Drake is hot
* Aww computer Jack :) DONT YOU TURN ON ME SON
* “The captain is already maintaining” Bullshit 💀
* Are they really gonna call this eighth grader ‘Captain’?
* Lol making Sam the fire chief because he was brave enough to go into a fire one time, so therefore he is the most qualified
* Bruh that’s like if I gave a kid the Heimlich maneuver bc he was choking on a gummy worm or some shit and they were like “Well because she did that, she should be the head doctor!!!”
* I already know that Diana is gonna try and seduce Sam while she’s actually a spy for the private school kids
* Which, btw, of course it’s the private school kids smh
* I feel like maybe Computer Jack will be someone who eventually switches to the Good Side
* ALSO wow jack really be thinking that he’s smarter than Astrid smh 🙄
* Jack is such a smartsass
* Diana is such a fucking bitch oh my god 😒😒😒
* “You don’t look tough, Astrid” STFU SHES THE TOUGHEST OF THEM ALL
* Ok but I bet Diana and Astrid low key have sexual tension. Like obviously nothing’s gonna happen...but still
* Bruh I hate Caine
* Fuckin Diana with her ‘readings’ bullshit smh
* YESSSS LANA 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so strong
* Literally how do they not know how to make pasta
* “I thought your people ate tortillas,” QUINN YOU RACIST PEICE OF SHIT UGH
* Poor Bette :(
* Orc is a piece of shit, I know we’ve already established this but I wanted to say it again
* I love Edilio so much
* Orc really using a slur against Edilio huh. Imma kill him
* Drake is such a bastard oh my god
* If you hate Quinn and you know it clap your hands 👏🏻👏🏻
* No seriously. I fucking hate him.
* Nooooo Bette died :((
* “I can’t kiss you with your little brother watching” AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
* Did they kiss or not wtf
* What the hell is up with this cat
* Ah so they did kiss!!
* Why didn’t I get details 🤨
* No a baby died 😞
* Quinn s u c k s
* How convenient that Sam got there *right* before Emma disappeared
* Those last 6 minutes before Anna disappeared too and was calling out to her sister, and so for what she thought was her last few minutes on earth she held sams hand :(
* Lol Diana sucks
* ‘WoRDs DONT sCArE mE’ shut up Drake
* Okay Computer Jack is definitely going to betray them because they underestimate him and take him for granted
* You’re telling me Caine and Sam could be TWINS???
* Why was the kiss ‘a mistake’ ?
* Okay NOW they’re awkward
* “But it was the first time I meant it” I CANT. ITS SO CHEESY
* These kids are crazy violent
* Fuck Diana
* Yikes now Sam only has some of his eyebrows left 😬
* Caine is in love with Diana 👀
* Little Pete might be more powerful than Caine 😛
* Diana: I really dislike you Astrid: of course you dislike me, I make you feel inferior
* Mmmm Quinn is trying to redeem himself
* “Don’t call me brah. I’m not your brother” OHHHHHHHHHHH HE REALLY WENT THERE
* that’s what you get for being a backstabbing asshole
* Poor Astrid :(
* Poor Little Pete :(
* Bro I need this to be a movie
* I love that Sam just punched Quinn like we had no choice but to stan
* Ok drake would definitely shoot up a school
* Fuck Drake
* Lana is so strong. Like she’s been in so much pain physically and mentally, and she almost died. But she saved herself and now even though she thinks she might be the only person left alive on earth, she is still keeping strong.
* What happens if the boat runs out of gas?
* Bruh these coyotes don’t give up
* “Go out” “You’ll kill me,” “Yes. Go out, die fast. Stay, die slow”
* Wowwwwwwwwwww^
* Lmaooo “L.P.”
* Awwww Sam: “...she was still so beautiful that sometimes he had to look away.”
* Okay he a lil’ horny
* Awe Astrid and Sam hugging I’m soft 🥺
* I’m so sick of these damn coyotes
* Bruh these coyotes 😒
* Diana is annoying
* Literally can’t remember who Andrew is, but they’re about to film his passing away like wtf
* Poor Andrew :(
* “You’re a deep sleeper, Jack. Just now, while you were sleeping? I held your pudgy little hand. Probably as close as you’ll ever get to holding hands with a girl. Assuming you even like girls.” FUCK YOU DIANA
* Okay so Diana will protect Jack as long as he ‘belongs’ to her and does what ever she wants? That’s pretty sus
* Sam and Astrid kissed again 😖☺️
* Lmaooo Albert over here running McDonald’s
* Salads disappeared quickly from the McDonald’s menu since this whole thing? Who the hell orders a salad from McDonald’s?
* So Albert kinda whipped for Mary 👀
* I haaaaatttteeee the private school kids
* Y’know what depending on where I was and who I was with in this situation, I might’ve just killed myself
* “Remember who owns you” ew 🤨
* Diana. I hate you
* Bro I feel bad for Andrew
* How is Lana back at the cabin?
* That IS Lana right??
* Okay things are moving fast between Sam and Astrid. Like she’s already saying “I just want you here with me. Safe” like 🤢
* Lana, about Sam: your boyfriend? Astrid: ThAts nOt WhAt iTs AbouT
* Lol Lana be out here like “yeah shits crazy. Get with the program”
* Ew they’re eating pudding with their hands 🤮
* I don’t care how hungry you are, that’s gross
* Like get a spoon or something
* Lana just called Astrid “smart girl Barbie” 🤨
* Part of me is like “lol” but the other part of me is like “bruh stop Astrid did nothing wrong”
* I still hate Quinn but he is kind of funny
* Lana calling Astrid “the blonde” like girl 😑
* Bruh you’re stuck in a house that is literally on fire and getting hotter by the second as it fills with smoke, now is not the time to be kissing Astrid
* Finally the damn coyotes are gone.
* Sam is so angry and he’s disgusted with himself for being so angry, I relate
* Fuck you, Quinn
* Fuck drake
* I would gladly kill Drake
* omg I love it 😩
* Lmaooooo Sams speech wow
* Sam you should NOT forgive Quinn. Especially not that fast. Yikes.
* Orc should feel bad for killing Bette. I have no pity for him rn
* Yes please kill drake.
* I am so happy that his arm is on fire. 100% he deserves to feel that pain
* Aww that’s kinda nice that Albert is planning thanksgiving dinner for everyone
* I hate drake so much like dude just shut up and leave everyone alone
* Orc oh my god I could not be rolling my eyes harder right now
* Tbh if Orc and his other friends die, I’m okay with that
* What tf is up with this DVD
* Little Pete caused all of this??? 😦
* I’m sooooo sick of this whole darkness and coyote stuff istg
* Where is Patrick?????
* If Patrick is dead imma throw hands
* Diana is such an evil person. Like Drake is a monster, but she’s horrible in a different way.
* Also ughhhhhhhhhh Drake is back 😒😒😒😒😒 so sick of that mf
* “So. When do we go take down Sam Temple?” 🙄🙄🙄 no one likes you Drake
* IM. S O F T
* (like my brain is still saying “y’all have talked for less than two weeks and you’re 14”)
* But like whatever 😭❤️
* My eyes just rolled into the back of my skull once Diana appeared
* Taylor low key flirting with Sam tho 👀
* When I first met Dekka, I was all: ‘what the hecka?’
* I’m crying because Quinn couldn’t kill Drake because he was scared, and now children are screaming. Ugh I really wanted him to kill Drake but I understand that killing someone is a crazy thing to have on your conscience
* Call me cold hearted, but I would’ve shot him
* This is all in theory of course ^ I bet if I was in that situation though it wouldn’t be as easy as “just shoot him”
* I don’t think I’ve ever been more annoyed with a fictional character than I am with Drake rn
* Yooo I bet Isabella has some animal powers or sumn
* Caine 🙄🙄🙄 like that emoji doesn’t even come close to describing how annoyed I am
* Wait so is Patrick back now or...?
* Caine really just. Kissed Diana. Because she “owed him”????
* I literally hate sooooooooo many characters in this book ugh 😒😒😒
* Quinn is watching Drake kill Sam and is doing nothing. I’m so done with this piece of shit
* Ok finally he tried to shoot him
* “You know it always gets me hot when you say ‘apt analogy.’” “Why do you think I do it?”
* Y’all 🥴🥴🥴
* Literally? Imagine being this heartless. Giving up hundreds of kids to coyotes without hesitation. The hate I have for Caine is real
* Once again, Orc feeling bad for what he did to Bette. And honestly? I’m still okay with that
* This kid is an a l c o h o l i c
* Computer Jack is so annoying like dude stop holding on to Sams leg. Literally
* Still hate Diana, but I like that she’s helping out Sam a little bit
* Ew Diana just kissed Sam on the corner of his mouth 🤢
* Yay Patrick is alive :)
* “I guess we won,” Sam said. “Yeah,” Edilio agreed. “I’ll get the backhoe. Got a lot of holes to dig.”
* ^im. Depressed
* I cannot for the life of me remember who Cookie is
* “Orc sat with Howard in a corner by themselves. Orc had fought Drake to a standstill. But no one-least of all Orc-had forgotten Bette.”
* ^good.
* Y’all Sam and Astrid flirting I- 🥴🥴
* We love to see it ^
* Awww “we’re going to the beach” y’all Astrid and Sam are so cute
* FUCK. Goddamn this cliffhanger 😡
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danny-chase · 3 years
Hello, are there any Cassandra Cain fans/stans that could help me out with her characterization? I’ve just started to get into writing fanfiction (I haven’t posted any, and am working towards getting more confident with writing the characters in general so hopefully I’ll post some someday) and I haven’t been in the fandom long. Cass is a confusing character for me to write, mostly because I feel like she’s written differently in everything she’s in. And her personality absolutely got erased and overhauled in the New52. I’ve read some of her Batgirl run (it was awhile ago ngl) and I read the storyline where she was introduced in the New52 and the Rise and the Fall of the Batmen (I think that’s the arc she’s involved in with Detective Comics). Idk, more under cut.
My goal in writing Cass is to make her seem like a real person and I’m drawing more on pre-New52 than post-New52. I feel like she used to have so much more to her than just being like a perfect person and the sweetest person in general. Not that she can’t be sweet (I love cinnamon bun Cass too), but she used to have much more grit to her personality it seems like. I’m blending the two personalities, and I’d really like to focus on her love for dance, it’s one of the changes I really liked, and of course her connections to her siblings because I love sibling dynamics. Currently I’m working on a fic where she ends up dancing with each of her siblings. I like the idea of writing her as a bit snarky or sassy (the kind of person that just stares at you with the “really” expression when you do something dumb), more introverted, a bit of a little shit, self deprecating, but genuinely kind hearted, driven, and a perfectionist. I also don’t want to write her as being a magic character that instantly knows what’s wrong with a character. Yeah, she can read body language, but her family is good at hiding things, they’ve been trained recognizing body language and I’m guessing some of them have worked to have good control over their own. My interpretation is she can tell what people are feeling but not why, and how they’re going to move. I’ve written a little bit of the fic so far (um please don’t feel obligated to read through it, any comments on how you think Cass should be written is helpful) so I’ll post it below. Thanks for reading this far if you made it XD.
I don’t have a title for this lmao but the fic starts here:
“Hey.” Dick gently placed a hand on her shoulder as he hopped down from his spot on the water tower. “You know who’s my most favorite, strongest, most beautiful, spectacular-”
Cass groaned; he was making the face. He was wearing his Nightwing mask, but as she turned to look, she could already tell he was making the face. Dick ignored her groans and continued “-most perfect, amazing, gorgeous, sweetest, nicest, kindhearted, thoughtful-”
Cass pulled away; she would not be doing what he asked. Nope. The last time she heard Dick talking like this, Barbara ended up agreeing to dog sit for Titus. The dog chewed everything in the clocktower; they were still finding ripped up socks in various locations. “He’s so well behaved” he said. “It won’t be for that long” he said. “You’re the best thank you so, so much” he said. On the bright side, Dick had bought her new ballet shoes to replace the ones Titus tore through. But they’d taken weeks to break in and-oh he was still talking.
“-smartest, wisest, funniest, loveliest, badass, awesomest, funnest-” Cass placed her hands on her hips and stood up to meet him. The stakeout had been going fine on her own, at this rate she probably didn’t need his backup anyways, so if this was something stupid, she could always tell him to leave. She gave him her best “bat-glare” as he continued to mumble on compliments. “fantastic, reliable, trustworthy-” his voice grew smaller as she continued glaring. He cleared his throat “sister of all time?” He finished.
Cass sighed and leaned back against the tower’s support. “What do you want?” Dick gave her a weak smile, embarrassment radiated off him. That couldn’t be good.
“Look, I’ll cut to the chase.” Thank heavens for that. “But like, just know I love you so much.” Cass wished she could stick her tongue out, maybe the domino mask was the way to go. She settled for lightly shoving his shoulder. He grinned at her, doing his best to seem casual, but slight tension in his neck gave away his discomfort. Dick was always hard for her to read, he was a performer from birth, and had excellent control of his posture and facial expressions. He gave himself away in movement, in the lack thereof. He could paint the perfect mask, but it slipped slightly when he moved. He was nervous, anxious, exasperated, and worried. Cass was intrigued.
“What is it?” She said, more gently than before, turning back to watch her mark. She could hear Dick let out a deep breath.
“It’s Da-Robin. He got invited to a formal.” Cass turned back and cocked her head. “Don’t give me that look, you know how he is.” He said, shifting his weight. “It’s a school event, so they’ve been learning ballroom dance in gym. But I got a call the other day from the gym teacher saying he’s not participating.”
“Why should he?” Cass asked. “You shouldn’t force people to do things they don’t want to do.” Living with the family long enough had taught her that. If the kid didn’t want to dance, he shouldn’t have to.
“Yeah, I know.” Dick replied a bit flatly. He moved to crouch where she had been sitting and focused on the building across the street. “But I don’t know if he doesn’t want to, or if he’s just embarrassed.” Cass thought for a moment. “I don’t suppose he grew up with many dance lessons.” He added a bit apologetically. She shook her head.
“Have you talked to him?” She asked. Dick sighed.
“I tried. But he kept switching topics and when I pressed it, he locked himself in his room. Which is why I’m concerned.” Cass hummed in affirmation. It made sense.
“Why haven’t you tried teaching him?” Dick wasn’t a bad dancer, and he’d always performed quite well at the galas.
He looked back at her sheepishly. “I gave it a go last time I was at the manor. But he stormed off before we could get anything done. Something about me being an embarrassment to the family.”
Cass rolled her eyes under the cowl. “What did you do?”
“I just wanted to do some jazzercising to warm up, what’s wrong with that?” Dick spluttered in response. Cass lightly smacked the back of his head. “So anyways, I lost my chance at it. I can’t even play music without him running away.” He continued, ducking away as she tried to tap him again. “Besides, you’re probably a better height to practice with for him.” She scoffed in response.
“When’s the gala?” She asked. It slipped out without her permission. She wasn’t getting involved. The kid could figure it out on his own. Couldn’t he?
“It’s next weekend.” He replied and sighed. “I don’t want him to miss it. He never does stuff that’s age appropriate.” Oh, no. Not that card. Cass would not be involved, she had work to do. She stepped back to lean against the tower again and bit her lip. “And some girl in his class asked him to go. Her name’s Maps and she’s a really good influence on him.” She crossed her arms tighter. Damian was rude to her. He called her Cain. Not. Getting. Involved. “She’s so energetic, it helps him loosen up-” Damnit.
“Fine.” Dick whipped around to look at her, not bothering to hide his disbelief. She squirmed internally. It wasn’t that she didn’t care about the kid. It was just easier to spend time on her own. The kid was better off without her influence anyways.
“Are you sure, I could ask Steph or I don’t know-” He continued.
She cut him off. “I’ll do it. I don’t mind.” The others wouldn’t work. Dick knew that going into the conversation. They were too…loud in their judgement. Steph would laugh at the wrong time, Tim would say the wrong thing, Jason didn’t have the patience for the kid’s temper, and Duke would be a safe bet, but was away on Outsider business for the next two weeks.
Dick practically melted in relief. “Thank you so-”
“You owe me, big brother.” Cass reminded.
“Anything you want, little sister.” He promised. “Are hugs acceptable as a down payment? I could kiss you right now.”
“Eww.” Cass made a face under the mask but strode forward as he opened his arms and stood for a hug. He eagerly wrapped her in a bear hug. She couldn’t help but laugh.
“You’re winning sister of the year award.” He said as he released her.
“You’re making me cookies.” She retorted. Dick grimaced.
“Can I buy them?” He asked hesitantly. She shook her head.
“Homemade, with love. And I’m watching.” She added, smirking under the mask. Dick sunk back down into position.
“I’ll do my best.” He promised. Cass snickered. The last time Dick tried making cookies, he apparently caught his oven mitts on fire. There was still a bit of cookie dough on the ceiling he hadn’t noticed yet.
A flash of movement jolted her back into reality, their mark was making his move. She shot her grapple, and Dick quickly followed suit. “I’ll text you the plan tomorrow.” He promised as they leapt into the night.
Thanks so much if you read this far, and please comment or send me feedback directly if you have the time and don’t mind. I’m sorry if you completely disagree with how I characterized her (or Dick/Damian for that matter) I’m mostly relying on Damian’s canon interactions with her and Dick’s half canon half fanon personality (I know they don’t get on great in the comics...but sibling dynamics) and the rest of this portion of the fic would focus on Damian earning more respect for her (and learning to call her Cass - not Cain).
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freefall | for the pines family | [collection]
a set of mixes about the fears of not being enough, growing older, caring too much and losing control. summer may be over, but what scares you remains.
easier to pine | for dipper | [listen]
i. pinesong - a fine frenzy // ii. all comes down - kodaline // iii. homecoming heroes - the head and the heart // iv. organs - of monsters and men // v. spirits - the strumbellas // vi. sleep walking - cinders // vii. i was wrong - the oh hellos // viii. i’m not crying, you’re not crying, are you? - dear and the headlights // ix. brave as a noun - ajj // x. in fact - they might be giants // xi. heat of the summer - young the giant // xii. through the ice patches and pine trees - verse en coma // xiii. bonus track
and the river strong | for mabel | [listen]
i. riversong - a fine frenzy // ii. haunted house - florence + the machine // iii. wonderland - taylor swift // iv. ain’t it fun - paramore // v. weight of the world - michelle chamuel // vi. this time - vanessa carlton // vii. i have made mistakes - the oh hellos // viii. young adult - ritt momney // ix. liability - lorde // x. weight of living, pt. 1 - bastille // xi. growing pains (reprise) - alessia cara // xii. last words of a shooting star - mitski // xiii. bonus track
sail set sail | for stan | [listen]
i. sailingsong - a fine frenzy // ii. a fairytale ending - the boy least likely to // iii. that’s okay - the hush sound // iv. misguided ghosts - paramore // v. oh no, i tried - right away, great captain! // vi. willow tree march - the paper kites // vii. thief - imagine dragons // viii. forget and not slow down - relient k // ix. the science of selling yourself short - less than jake // x. old pine box - they might be giants // xi. adam’s song - blink-182 // xii. crescent-shaped depression - title fight // xiii. bonus track
sad sea, sad dream | for ford | [listen]
i. sadseasong - a fine frenzy // ii. long way off - gungor // iii. the stranger - lord huron // iv. black water - of monsters and men // v. cain - cousin marnie // vi. ode to sleep - twenty one pilots // vii. release - imagine dragons // viii. crazy - gnarls barkley // ix. pipes - tom milsom // x. the weight of living, pt. 2 - bastille // xi. orchard of mines - globus // xii. bullet in my hand - redlight king // xiii. bonus track
alt. links [collection]: spotify
alt. links [side a]: playmoss + spotify
alt. links [side b]: playmoss + spotify
alt. links [side c]: playmoss + spotify
alt. links [side d]: playmoss + spotify
cover art by the incredible @danidery
commissions are open | other mixes
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stockwellarchives · 4 years
The Horn Blows at Midnight (1945)...Angel courier/extra (uncredited) The Valley of Decision (1945)…Paulie Anchors Aweigh (1945)…Donald Martin Bud Abbott & Lou Costello in Hollywood (1945)…(cameo) The Green Years (1946)…Robert Shannon as a child Home, Sweet Homicide (1946)…Archie Carstairs The Mighty McGurk (1947)…Nipper The Arnelo Affair (1947)…Ricky Parkson The Romance of Rosy Ridge (1947)…Andrew MacBean Song of the Thin Man (1947)…Nick Charles, Jr.   Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)…Tommy Green Deep Waters (1948)…Donny Mitchell The Boy with Green Hair (1948)…Peter Fry Down to the Sea in Ships (1949)…Jed Joy The Secret Garden (1949)…Colin Craven Stars in My Crown (1950)…John Kenyon The Happy Years (1950)…John Humperdink “Dink” Stover Kim (1950)…Kimball “Kim” O’Hara, Jr. Cattle Drive (1951)…Chester Graham, Jr. Gun for a Coward (1957)…Harry “Hade” Keough The Careless Years (1957)…Jerry Vernon Compulsion (1959)…Judd Steiner Sons and Lovers (1960)…Paul Morel Long Day’s Journey Into Night (1962)…Edmund Tyrone Rapture (1965)…Joseph Psych-Out (1968)…Dave The Dunwich Horror (1970)…Wilbur Whateley The Last Movie (1971)…Billy the Kid/Dean The Loners (1972)…Stein The Werewolf of Washington (1973)…Jack Whittier The Pacific Connection (1974)…Miguel Win, Place or Steal (1974)…Billy Citizen Soldier (1975)…Dannes Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood (1976)…Paul Lavell Tracks (1976)…Mark One Away (1976)…Pete Bass She Came to the Valley (1979)…Pat Westall Wrong is Right (1982)…Hacker Human Highway (1982)…Otto Quartz/Old Otto Alsino and the Condor (1982)…Frank To Kill a Stranger (1983)…John Carver Paris, Texas (1984)…Walt Henderson Dune (1984)…Dr. Wellington Yueh The Legend of Billie Jean (1985)…Muldaur To Live and Die in L. A. (1985)…Bob Grimes Papa Was a Preacher (1986)…John White Blue Velvet (1986)…Ben Gardens of Stone (1987)…Captain Homer Thomas Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)…Chip Cain The Time Guardian (1987)…Boss Banzai Runner (1987)…Billy Baxter The Blue Iguana (1988)…Detective Carl Strick Married to the Mob (1988)…Tony “The Tiger” Russo Tucker: The Man and His Dream (1988)…Howard Hughes Smokescreen (1988)…Michael Dattalico Jorge um Brasiliero (1988)…Mario (also known as The Long Haul) Buying Time (1989)…Detective Novak Limit Up (1989)…Peter Oak Catchfire (1990)…John Luponi Sandino (1991)…Captain Hatfield The Player (1992)…Andy Civella Friends and Enemies (1992)…Freddie Chasers (1994)…Salesman Stig Mr. Wrong (1996)…Jack Tramonte Naked Souls (1996)…Duncan Last Resort (1996)…Gray Wolf Living in Peril (1997)…William McHale’s Navy (1997)…Captain Wallace B. Binghampton Midnight Blue (1997)…Katz-Feeney Air Force One (1997)…Defense Secretary Walter Dean The Shadow Men (1997)…Stan Mills The Rainmaker (1997)…Judge Harvey Hale Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights (1998)…Bophisto Restraining Order (1999)…Charlie Mason Water Damage (1999)…Detective Frank Skoufaris The Venice Project (1999)…Senator Campbell Rites of Passage (1999)…Del Farraday In Pursuit (2000)…Charles Weitz The Flunky (2000)…Micky Italian Ties (2001)…Jimmy (also known as Face to Face) CQ (2001)…Dr. Ballard The Quickie (2001)…Michael Buffalo Soldiers (2001)…General Lancaster Inferno (2002)…Mayor Bill Klinger The Manchurian Candidate (2004)…Mark Whiting The Deal (2007)…Agent Tremayne C. O. G. (2013)…Hobbs Max Rose (2013)…Ben Tracey Deep in the Darkness (2014)…Phil Deighton Persecuted (2014)…Dave Wilson Rusty Steel (2014)…Hunts Entertainment (2015)…The Celebrity’s Henchman
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