#still don't really get shiny hunters
realpokemon · 1 year
are shinies safe in the wild? i'm sure being a different color would be bad for camouflage.
yeah shiny pokémon tend to have a much higher mortality rate. not so much the color difference, more often the sparkle they give off. plus sometimes people poach them for food. i don't even think they taste any different
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batmanlovesnirvana · 3 days
Money in massive amounts is never clean.
To amass a certain level of wealth, there’s inevitably a little blood on your hands. That's why I prefer the Wayne family with a touch of moral ambiguity—keeps things interesting.
Sure, we can say Thomas Wayne was a good guy (I mean, "good billionaire" sounds like an oxymoron, but I’ll let it slide since he's fictional). He’s a surgeon, sometimes a co-CEO, and in some versions, he even takes a shot at being mayor. But let's be real—his wealth didn’t come from rainbows and fairy dust.
No, the Wayne fortune wasn’t built on saving puppies and planting trees. Somewhere in the family history, there’s probably a dark corner filled with skeletons, or you know, a handful of emerald mines for exemple. I wouldn't be shocked if Thomas's great-great-grandfather named a labor camp after his wife—romantic, right? Sweet sentiment aside, you don’t just wake up one day swimming in billions without a few questionable "business decisions" sprinkled in.
Yeah, the Waynes are old money, but we’re talking about billions—like "richer-than-Queen-Elizabeth" money. Battinson alone is worth what, 9.2 billion? And in the comics? Bruce is probably a trillionaire, and that fortune didn’t just materialize from charitable bake sales.
You can’t convince me that all of the Wayne money is squeaky clean. Even if Bruce himself isn’t aware of it, some of that fortune likely came from, oh I don’t know, oil deals that were less "above board" and more "we took it from the Middle East." Because, like I said, you don’t build an empire like the Waynes’ without some shady dealings. Let’s face it, billionaires don't get to that level of wealth by being saints.
Now with the new Penguin series, we’re about to see how wealth is really made—without the rose-tinted glasses. Sure, Oswald Cobblepot is a mobster and criminal, but money is money. You can work hard, play by the rules, and become a millionaire—that’s fair, that’s normal. But billionaires? I guarantee you they’ve done worse than Penguin to reach their fortune.
Fictional or not, it makes for a more grounded and realistic Gotham and I do hope Reeves will explore this idea.
In Nolan’s trilogy, we had the shiny, perfect Thomas Wayne and his oh-so-virtuous family, but we never really dug into how the Waynes probably weren’t doing great things for, you know, the rest of the world.
In the Snyderverse, we got that backstory about the Waynes being hunters and building their fortune by selling furs to the French, if I remember right—but still. You don’t become that filthy rich by just selling that.
We always pin the morally questionable label on the Kanes or the Arkhams (Martha Wayne's family), but the Waynes? They’re consistently portrayed as Gotham’s golden dynasty.
Anyway, that’s my ramble for the day.
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
can i ask for Kieran with a daredevil/shiny hunter reader, who throws herself into trouble for any and no reason whatsoever for the thrill of it or maybe for a shiny pokemon or two? if you need a pokemon for reader, it can be anything you want, as long as it's shiny <3 perhaps she can get into real trouble and Kieran can be a brave boy and come to the rescue? 🥺
This is so cute because I would totally be that kind of shiny hunter 😭😭 Just all or nothing for a different color variant of a Pokemon...
Your partner Pokemon is a shiny Greninja! You two are absolute daredevils, diving head-first into dangerous habitats and massive outbreaks to find a shiny Pokemon.
Kieran used to be REALLY worried for you-- and to be honest, he still kind of is-- but he tries to calm his nerves by keeping a close eye on you as you hunt. Sometimes you don't even notice he's there.
Carmine calls him a "stalker boyfriend" because he manages to follow you undetected for hours at a time, like how does he do it?? 😭 He's just so quiet...
Anyway, one time you were hunting for a shiny Minior, which is infamous because you can't tell if it's shiny or not until its shell breaks off. It's also infamous for knowing the move EXPLOSION...
So naturally, you found a Minior outbreak and got to work defeating them one by one, somehow completely confident you wouldn't die via a massive explosion to the face.
Kieran has to dive in to save you. He'd been watching from the sidelines when he noticed a Minior behind you about to explode-- luckily, his Politoad got out in the nick of time to dampen the explosion with a douse of water.
He practically shouts your name as he rushes in to check on you-- Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?!
To his surprise though, you just laugh it off and give him a kiss for saving you. He's way too flustered to scold you properly after that...
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yooneunhay · 15 days
Essence of the Feathered Heart
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𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; (eventually) ot8ateez x hybridbird!reader
𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; human!seonghwa (ft; human!hongjoong, foxhybrid!wooyoung) x hybridbird!reader
A/N ♥ hello reader !! this is my first time ever writing a fanfic or really a story so please dont be too harsh ^^,
𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐯
it was early morning, maybe about 7am, when i was walking back to my little cabin in the forest. i had only been living here for about 2 years with no one having had found out. i was an outcast to my family. my whole family was born with beautiful black shiny wings while i was born with white ones. my grandpa was the only one who accepted me but it was probably because he also was born with white wings. he use to tell me how beautiful my wings were and how i should "never change who i am for anyone".
i think it was just his old age talking and him having regrets of how he lived his life and not wanting the same for me. he passed away 2 years ago which is why i now live here at this cabin. without my grandpa to protect me from my family they kicked me out, banished me if you will. for obvious reason i never got along with the rest of my family. when i was younger i would often run away to this cabin to be away from my family. i thought no one could find this cabin since it was so far into the forest, i thought that until i heard the cracking of the leaves outside the cabin. all of my senses are immediately filled, i close my eyes and crouch down so i'm not in view of the windows, trying my hardest to hear every little sound i could.
if i didn't hear the bullet break through the window then i still would've felt it pierce through my right wing. it hurt, a lot, but it didn't falter my ablilty to fly thankfully. immediately i was up in the air trying to escape from the cabin. i still didn't know what was going on but i knew i had to get out but as i was almost out the door, the wind created by my wings as i tried to fly out the door causing dust to fly everywhere, occasionally losing balance from pain and knocking vases, side tables, and some chairs over, i noticed i started not be able to feel my right wing.
"what? what's going on? ugh it hurts so much.." i thought to myself.
my vision starts to go blurry and i can't feel my wings anymore and i'm starting to lose feeling in the rest of my body and then..black. i felt my body hit the dirt just outside the cabin. i most likely wasn't even 10 feet from the steps leading up to the porch when i hit the ground the air getting knocked out of me. i could somewhat make out the voices around me.
"2 people. men. but..i can't see them" i thought to myself.
i tried to cover my body with my wings to provide me some sort of protection from these 2 men but as hard as i tried they wouldn't move.
"hunters? no they would've killed me already." i couldn't think anything else to myself as i soon lost conscious.
𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯
"Seonghwaaa, do you have to gooo?" i heard my fox hybird ,Wooyoung, cry to me as i put my shoes on.
"you want that new toy don't you?" i said back to him as he continued to pout at me.
"yes but can't Hongjoong get it? i wanted to keep playing with you.."
as Wooyoung continued to pout to me about not wanting me to leave, Hongjoong came up behind him putting the top of his head.
"come on Woo, let Seonghwa have some time alone. dinner is ready, i'll put some in the microwave for when you get home Hwa." i nodded to him,
"i'll be back soon Woo don't worry, we can keep playing games once i'm back."
i stood up from putting my shoes on, petting the top of his head behind his ears where he liked it. he purred a little. i waved to Wooyoung and Hongjoong saying i'd be quick. walking to the store was quiet, the sun was starting to set but it was still pretty bright outside. i walked up to the adoption center where they also sold lots of hybrids stuff, clothes for hybrids that have tail holes, hats with ear holes, some shirts with holes for wings, toys for teething or just to play with. i walked into the adoption center going to the section with toys looking for the one my fox hybrid wanted badly enough to ask me to go out and get it right then and there. as i was browsing through the toy section i could hear the front doors to the adoption center open. i didn't bother looking over, since i assumed it was just another customer coming in, but it was the blur of white that caught my eye. i looked over and saw two men basically dragging in this bird hybrid who was thrashing around clearly trying their hardest to get out of their restraints and the hold of the two men. the wings on this bird hybrid were so beautiful, breath taking, a gorgeous white color. i noticed the hint of red on the bird hybirds restrained wings.
"blood. they must've been captured as a unregistered hybrid." i thought to myself.
i felt bad. it must hurt. i watched as the two men dragged away the pretty winged hybrid. i noticed the muzzle the men had put on the hybrid. i didn't know what it would be for considering how the hybrid seemed to not have any sharp teeth. "maybe they just bite.." i said under my breath. the hybrids head turned once i said that, our eyes meeting. they looked so lost and almost defeated when we made eye contact. that was before they continued thrasing around and then they were pulled to the adoption side, behind a wall, to the orange code part of the center i'm assuming.
"orange codes, aggressive hybrids that are put into confinement, usually strapped to a bed of some sort depending on the hybrid, until they have calm down." i thought to myself as the lady at the front desk checked out the toy i was buying.
i left the adoption center, walking home, but i couldn't get that hybrid out of my head. once i reached home i gave Wooyoung the toy he wanted and gentelly patted his head has he started to play with it.
"what's wrong?"
i looked up from my daze to see Hongjoong looking up at me from his laptop at the table.
"nothing..just thinking." i responded.
it's not like i was lying to him or anything but there was a weird gut feeling in my stomach as i spoke to him. "oh come on, don't give me that. there's clearly something bothering you." i breathed in as i gathered my thoughts to tell him.
"i saw this beautiful bird hybrid at the adoption center when i went to get Woo his toy..i just can't stop thinking about them. how much pain they must being going through right now."
Hongjoong knew where this kind of conversation would lead, i knew it too. Hongjoong sighed as he got up from the table where he was working on his laptop and sat next to me on the couch.
"is this your way of asking me if we can adopted the hybrid?"
i stayed silent. in a way, even if i didn't want to admit it, i was asking him if we could take in another hybrid. we already had three though..even though our apartment was fairly big, having four hybrids would be a lot to take care of. i knew that and yet, that one hybrid wouldn't leave my mind.
hii tysm for reading this far !! i know this chapter wasn't much plot but it was a lot to write so i hope you're happy with it anyway ^^ if anyone wants to be on my tagged list pls comment for it !!
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naffeclipse · 9 months
Finished your latest chapter, and I was at rge ended if my seat from beginning to end. Amazing!
And at the end of the chapter I thought of an inquiry:
What if y/n is a hunter/fisherman instead of a photographer? How would they have met, and what would the dynamics be like? Would they bring each other kills to give to the other to show off? Or in Eclipse's case, courting gifts? Still would figure y/n wouldn't realize what Eclipse is actually doing.
Oh, man, I just flashbacked to Fisher Y/N from Deep Waves but for an AP fisher? They'd be a bit disgruntled and grumpy. Very hard working, set on the task and won't stop until it's done. They've got a shell that rivals crabs. Very gruff but has a heart hidden somewhere under all those brusque layers.
Of course, you're spooked when Eclipse pops his head up (he's a lot more terrifying, not trusting humans on their boats with their harpoons.) Still, once he sees that you're alone and also, well, pretty, he tones it back a bit to actually talk to you while still dangling you halfway off your boat above the icy cold of the sea. You manage to yell at the siren to put you back. While Eclipse does so, he promises to bring you fine fish, the best of the best. You wave him off like "Yeah, yeah, as long as you don't ruin my nets and don't kill me."
The next day, he's got a fat catch. You thought you got rid of him, but like a stray cat that's been fed once, he's back. If he can chat, he can help you push the nets onto your boat so the fish don't flop out and get away. You might pick one cod out (the best one but you would rather die before admitting so) and toss it to Eclipse for his lunch, as thanks, or something like that. Eclipse would beam at the exchange of gifts so soon but you're too busy trying to not slip on the half-frozen, half-wet deck to notice.
You know sirens are bad news, but you have the mindset of 'Eclipse hasn't killed me yet, and there's work to be done, so I better hop to it.' That kind of attitude, however, is what gets you into Eclipse's mandated cuddle sessions as he decides you've been working too long and require a break. Guess who is getting yanked across the deck, forcibly cradled, and persuaded to take a twenty-minute break by a large, touchy siren? You, of course!
It's unusual to endure this kind of attention (and maybe you thought no one would touch you like this, make you feel like you're not just a ghost on the sea.) You put your shoulder to the wheel and get the catch while navigating Eclipse's hands of avarice.
You learn quickly that there's no use trying to get out of his arms once he has you. You also learn that he likes seals, but you try to catch squid and even, once or twice, small sharks for him to snatch on. He returns the favor with a bounty of fish and even guides you to better fishing spots. He's always eager to hand you the fish he catches to you personally. You don't think too much of it when you take it in your gloved hands and his grin widens. (You think he looks infatuated whenever you stumble upon an old seashell or half-plucked feathers or shiny, chipped scales and figure he might think it's pretty, but you don't take it to heart—he probably just likes trinkets.)
One day, when the sea is calm and the fish are nowhere to be found, Eclipse decides you are due for a break. You both lounge on the deck of your smelly boat. You don't even push away Eclipse's hands while precious work minutes slip by, resting your head on his chest to his great pleasure. Eclipse manages to coax a few confesses from your lips with a few slippery musical notes in his voice. You really don't know why you start rambling like this, like a fool. You tell him you don't have anybody, but nobody has you. Sometimes, you don't feel like a person because the only time you talk to another human being is when business over the fish is conducted. You're so used to not having anyone to talk to that when you talk to Eclipse, your voice becomes hoarse and dry, but you don't mind. You don't mind at all, lately.
He tells you in that way of his that is as true as the sun and moon that he has you. You don't believe him, but you pull out a little... gift you've been quietly crafting for the past while you've known him.
Now is as good as ever to give him a simple piece of jewelry you made with a cord and yet another seashell that's so old and pale pink that no one will notice or care for it, but he takes it from you with awe. He ties it around his wrist and shows you how pretty it looks against his black and white markings. He says you need to strengthen your voice. You need to talk to him more. He will listen, and he will listen when you sing, too. The mere thought of you singing of all things jars you enough to finally pull you out of this fancy and get you back on your feet, scouring the sea for fish to catch.
Eclipse is still wearing the seashell when he drops back into the water, and he doesn't let you out of his sights on the sea. You're left to wonder if you're a fool for giving a siren a gift or for feeling pleased that he wears it so proudly.
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milksnake-tea · 1 year
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The Stellaron Hunters were a group renowned and hated across the galaxies, both feared and respected by the factions. But under those skillful manipulations and operations, was an organization as put together as a monkey circus. You should know this best, as a member of this menagerie.
stellaron hunter!reader (no specific pairings)
contains: cursing, possibly ooc, written before version 1.2, just a bunch of silly shenanigans, unedited, can be read as romantic and platonic !!
word count: 3.7k
a/n: i had to rewrite this like... 4 times bc tumblr kept deleting it :// anyways night dancer got me through this piece so :D u can tell i have a blade preference but listen he's hot
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Before we get on with the sillies, let's lay down some groundwork.
Every Stellaron Hunter has a specific role in mind. Blade is the feral dog that you throw at people, Kafka pisses people off (and shoots ig), and Silver Wolf gets past all defenses.
You're the expert on espionage and disguise. With the power of masks, voice changers, and makeup, you can become basically anyone if you put your mind to it. Even people with completely different builds than you, you could pull off - as long as the holographs don't start glitching out.
You're often paired with Silver Wolf in order to infiltrate various bases. Silver Wolf can transcend any physical barriers, while you sweet talk your way into the inner circles of any leaders. Sometimes, you implant ideas into people's heads in order to guide them towards a certain path, sometimes you just do it for the fun of it.
Your favorite victim so far has been the Express. Ever since the Trailblazer joined, you've entertained yourself by posing as them or other members of the Express (the only ones you can't figure out are Welt Yang and the conductor, Pom-Pom).
And it was surprising, how easily you could trick March 7th and Dan Heng. You had no idea where the original Trailblazer was (probably up some poor soul's dumpster), but frankly, you didn't care.
You somehow managed to trick the two for the better half of a day. It wasn't until you didn't jump at the sight of the first trashcan on the Xianzhou Luofu that the duo realized that something was off.
"Who- Who are you?!"
March stepped back, Dan Heng already drawing his spear. But you weren't going to give in so easily. No, you wanted to see just how far you could take this.
"Guys?" You feigned hurt and confusion as you faced the two. "What're you..."
"Don't play dumb," Dan Heng cut you off, thrusting his spear under your chin. "You're not them. The real Trailblazer would've started ransacking that trashcan by now."
What kind of freak-
"C'mon guys, I have taste," you sighed, crossing your arms. "The trashcans here don't compare to the ones at Belobog. They're not as shiny."
"Trailblazer said that appearance doesn't matter when it comes to trash!" March shot back, her bow appearing in her hands. "Enough games, who are you really?"
You paused for a moment, contemplating your options. You could try to bullshit your way out of this, but you sincerely doubted you would be able to. What kind of freak personality did Silver Wolf program into the vessel, anyways?
You sighed, making the two tense up. Your face, still that of the Trailblazer's, twisted into a condescending sneer, before you doubled over in laughter.
"Ah... Damnit, and here I thought I was doing well!" You stretched your arms, March backing away from you. "Well, that just goes to show, I still have much to improve."
With a snap of your fingers, your disguise melted away, revealing your true appearnce.
"You're-!" March gasped. "You're one of the Stellaron Hunters!"
"Am I really that famous?" you pondered, leaning back on the railing. "And here I thought Kafka or Silver Wolf were more popular."
"What're you trying to pull," Dan Heng growled, "pretending to be the Trailblazer? What did you do to them?"
"Oh, nothing," you replied simply, popping your bone. "I just sent them a coupon for that restaurant down the street. So don't worry yourselves, I'm just here to have a little bit of fun."
Before the two could comprehend the stupidity of their companion, you jumped onto the railing, balancing on your toes.
"Well, it's been fun, Nameless." You waved cheerfully, taking a step back into the open air. "Let's meet again sometime soon, yeah?"
"Wait!" They rushed to the railing, adamant on catching you - but you had already vanished.
The world might see you as a complete weirdo, but honestly, you aren't even the worst of the Stellaron Hunters. In your humble opinion, you're the lesser evil compared to your comrades.
If you're going to survive in this job, you have to get used to Kafka bullying you. Don't worry, she does it to everyone, it's not just you. But signing up to become a Stellaron Hunter also means you sign up to a life of relentless teasing.
You roll your eyes at the feeling of a familiar gun barrel against your head. Kafka holds it against your temple firmly, but you know her finger isn’t anywhere near the trigger. It’s not like you’re Blade, who somehow survived getting thrown off a four-story building.
“Now who do we have here?” Kafka muses lazily. “A potential spy from the IPC? Or perhaps, one of the Xianzhou Cloud Knights?”
“Don’t fuck with me, Kafka,” you turn around, unimpressed. With one move, you pulled off your mask, glaring at her pointedly as you grab a bottle of water. “I know that thing isn’t loaded.”
“Oh, it’s you, [Name],” Your senior gasps mockingly, removing the gun. “When did you come in? I could’ve sworn an intruder-”
You throw the bottle at her. She dodges because of course she does.
And Kafka isn't even the least of your worries. At least she has a sense of financial responsibility.
There's no doubt that Silver Wolf is integral to the workings of the Stellaron Hunters, especially with her hacking abilities. She's certainly skilled with her work, and she has saved your ass many times before.
But sometimes, you have to play babysitter to her, because homegirl may or may not have a gambling addiction, especially when it comes to whatever those gacha games of hers. Whenever she visits the city's nearby arcade or casino, either you or Kafka have to be around so that she doesn't end up gambling all of your funds away. You would get Blade to do it, except he couldn't care less about your financial problems.
“Let me go! I’ve almost got it, I know I do!”
Silver Wolf kicked at your shoulders wildly as you hoisted her up. You paid her no mind as you left the arcade, Blade walking in tow. You kept a firm grip on his sleeve, making sure he didn’t run off and start any trouble. You saw the look he gave the claw machine. If you hadn’t dragged Silver Wolf away, he would’ve likely broken the thing out of impatience.
“I was so close!” The girl on your shoulder whined, like a kid who didn’t get their favorite toy.
“You already spent 500k on it,” you replied bluntly. “It’s a scam, don’t you know?”
“So what?” Silver Wolf retorted. “I would’ve won!”
“Yeah,” you shifted her up, your shoulder getting sore. You weren’t really built for hard labor. “After you spent another hundred thousand credits, sure.”
“I wasn’t!” She’d stopped fighting you, now hanging limply so that her entire weight pressed down on you. “I could’ve hacked it-”
“Really? You’d put that much effort into a claw machine?” Before Silver Wolf could argue, your phone dinged, as did Blade’s and Silver Wolf’s - successfully interrupting your bickering. You glanced at Blade as he checked his phone for the three of you.
“It’s Kafka,” he reported, typing out a quick response. “She says it’s time to go back.”
“Tell her we’ll be there in 10 minutes, if Silver stops her tantrum,” you said, looking pointedly at Silver Wolf. The hacker kicked you in response. 
“I am not throwing a tantrum,” she huffed. You rolled your eyes.
“Sure, whatever you say.”
Speaking of which, Blade is like your guard dog. A very intimidating guard dog. With a sword. And attitude issues.
Come to think of it, he's more like a cat if anything.
When he's not being launched at the faces of various enemies, Blade often finds himself acting as your shadow. He just follows you around, doesn't say anything, and the second he smells a whiff of a threat, the sword comes out and you have to talk him down before someone calls the cops.
It seems that you’re the only one unaffected by the suffocating tension clogging up the clothing store. There’s an obvious circle of space surrounding you and Blade as you browse through various suits, intent on finding one that would fit the man standing behind you. Elio’s next script required that Blade and Kafka go to a dinner party, and knowing Blade, the man didn’t have any clothes other than the ones you and the other Hunters got for him.
It wasn’t that Blade didn’t have an eye for fashion, rather, he simply didn’t care much for it. Shopping wasn’t exactly his cup of tea either. His hands itched for action, but he did have to admit that this was better than sulking around in his room all day.
You pulled out another suit that had caught your eye, a simple black one with a bronze lapel. It would fit the vest you’d already picked out for him. Holding it out in front of Blade, you squint as you try to picture what it’d look like on him.
Decent enough. You hummed in satisfaction, turning the suit around to show it to him. “What do you think?”
Blade shrugs, only giving the suit a brief glance. “It’s fine.”
You sigh, giving him a look. “Do you like it?”
“It isn’t the worst thing you’ve put me in,” he says nonchalantly. You huff, lightly hitting his chest. For a second, a glimmer of a smile flickers onto his face at your action.
“Watch your attitude,” you reprimand playfully. “Otherwise I’m giving you the shittiest suit I can find in here.”
“You wouldn’t,” Blade says easily as the two of you walk toward the cash registers. “Your heart couldn’t bear to do that to a face like mine.”
“Cheeky brat.”
You remember the day Blade was first brought to the base, picked up by Kafka and Elio like a stray cat. He had a strange resemblance to that of a drowned rat, being absolutely sopping wet.
Your seniors just kinda dropped him off into your room with the only instructions being "Make him look presentable", which didn't give you a lot to work with. You weren't sure how you were going to fix him, but after a lot of bathing, hair drying, and brushing, you soon discovered that the drowned rat had a pretty face.
So basically, you're the only reason why he looks remotely presentable.
And quite frankly, Blade does not make it easier on you. He doesn't care about how he looks, only how his enemies look - and that's dead and unmoving. Sir somehow manages to fuck up his fit every time he goes on mission, coming back with his very expensive clothes, mind you, covered in blood, and his hair messed up.
The audacity of him, to just walk into your room unannounced, clothes completely torn and hair a mess, and plop himself down on your perfectly clean chair and wait for you to fix him up. Granted, you'll do it (you wouldn't allow any of your comrades to leave without a decent haircut), but that doesn't mean you won't rattle his ear off with a scolding.
“Just what did you do to it this time?”
You grumbled as you cut away at Blade’s hair, the man in question sitting in your salon chair and scrolling through his phone. He had just come back from a mission, and this time he somehow managed to cut off the bottom half of his long locks, resulting in a horrendously uneven cut.
“You’re literally so photogenic and then you go and do this?” you huffed, blowing his hair into his face with a blowdryer.
“You can fix it, can’t you?” Blade didn’t even look up from his screen as he texted Silver Wolf, likely using this as an excuse to escape her pleas to game with her.
You scowl, venting your anger as you brushed his hair, cutting a few extra strands. “Just because I can, doesn’t mean I always have the time to do so! Now sit still.”
Oh, and another thing? There's no such thing as privacy when you're with the Stellaron Hunters.
You first learned this when you came back from a particularly grueling mission, early on in your career with the Hunters. You were covered in blood that wasn't (or was it?) yours, drenched from the rain and safe to say, not in the greatest of moods. All you wanted was to take a shower, and preferably, take an undisturbed nap on your warm bed.
Unfortunately, Kafka had other plans.
You opened the door to find her lounging on YOUR bed, IN THE DARK, ruffling through your makeup collection like it was normal. She didn't even seem bothered when you flicked on the light, didn't even acknowledge you until you threw a knife at her.
And what did she say when you made it abundantly clear that she shouldn't be in here? Nothing. She just scrunched up her nose and told you to take a shower.
And that is how you learned that having your own room is utterly useless because every single Hunter could pick a lock. You could try to use an electric one. Silver Wolf sure did. And to her credit, it worked, until a certain dog named Blade came around and just kicked the door down.
Out of all the Stellaron Hunters to creep around in your room, Sam was by far the worse. You could handle Kafka going through your makeup, or Blade judging your taste in books. You can deal with Elio having his fucking shoes on your bed because he's your boss and honestly what are you going to do against an actual seer? Exactly. Nothing. At least his shoes are usually clean.
But Sam? He doesn't visit so that he can go through your things, or just hang around. No. He comes around with the pure intention of scaring the shit out of you.
He just waits?? Outside your door?? In the dark?? Until you open it and he jumps you. It usually ends with someone getting punched, but honestly, it's nothing either of you couldn't handle.
Silver Wolf likes to pretend that she isn't as bad as the other because in her words, she "gives you a warning". Said warning is "You better be decent" before she barges in and starts rambling about the new game she bought.
One time you were not decent and someone had to pay the price. That someone was not you.
There is one good thing that comes out of all this invasion of privacy. Because whatever the others do to you, you get to do right back to them. 
“What does this button do?”
“Don’t touch that.” Kafka playfully whined as Silver Wolf snatched away the console in her hands. The hacker was less than pleased, having returned to her room only to discover that she’d been chosen as the Hunters’ victim for today.
You lean against Kafka’s shoulder, pouting alongside her at your latest toy being confiscated. “C’mon Silver, let us have some fun at least.”
“After you two invaded my room? Not a chance,” she replied, tossing the console to somewhere you and Kafka couldn’t reach. Kafka merely hummed at the loss, leaning back onto Silver Wolf’s messy bed.
“You know, you should really clean up around here,” she commented. “They nearly killed themselves tripping over a stack of DVDs.”
“Agreed, although I wouldn’t mention that last part,” you said, picking up another one of Silver Wolf’s consoles. This one had a fighting game on it. Silver Wolf rolled her eyes as you quickly busied yourself with fighting the boss she had left off on.
“If you don’t want to get hurt, then don’t come in,” she said, plopping down on the bed next to you. Kafka smiled.
“Sure, but where’s the fun in that?” she asked, watching you tap away at the screen. “It was just a suggestion, no need to get all worked up.”
“I’m not, but okay.” Silver Wolf hissed as your character took damage. “If you get my character killed-”
“I won’t,” you retorted, swiftly defeating the boss. You tossed Silver Wolf the console. “See?”
“You’re half dead,” Silver Wolf deadpanned.
“Doesn't matter. I still won.”
Your group chat is an absolute mess, with no one understanding Silver Wolf's slang or dialect. Blade's outdated brain short-circuited the first time he touched a phone, while Kafka just silently accepted her fate. You often have to translate because Silver Wolf sure wasn't going to.
Gambling Addict: Ykw blade
Gambling Addict: This is why u pull no bitches
Gambling Addict: Bc if [name] didnt yassify u 
Gambling Addict: U would have zero rizz
Gambling Addict: Negative rizz actually
You: I see no lie here
Gambling Addict: So stfu about my social life at least i can pull bitches
DONT PICK UP: [Name], translate
Gambling Addict: [Name] i have ur closet at gunpoint 
You: She means Blade can't attract maidens bc he has as much charisma as a blobfish
You: Also stfu silver I know you can't shoot for shit
Gambling Addict: [NAME]
Gambling Addict: Actually no, ur right
You: I'm always right 💅✨
DONT PICK UP: That does sound like Bladie
Gambling Addict: Listen
Gambling Addict: All i know is that blades been real quiet since i said that
Blade: Silver Wolf.
Gambling Addict: And so he speaks!
Blade: Count your days.
You like to fuck with the others by pretending to be them. Blade nearly murdered you because one time you got bored, and decided that slandering his nonexistent image would be ample entertainment.
In minutes, you turned yourself into Blade's lookalike, and spent the afternoon prancing around in a maid dress because what else were you going to use it for? Unfortunately, that also put you as a target for Blade's wrath. Fortunately, you have a lot of experience escaping people you pissed off.
Silver Wolf still has the pictures. Kafka laughed her ass off until you did the exact same thing to her. And that's when she started shooting.
"I can't believe you did this," you sniffed dramatically, fake tears falling from your face. In your hands was what used to be your pride and joy, the beautiful maid dress that you'd spent millions on (lie).
What used to be a gorgeous garment with frills and lace, was now in tatters from Kafka's bullets and Blade's sword. The two aforementioned culprits weren't the slightest bit guilty as they watched you lament over your clothes.
"You should've thought of that before you started walking around like that," Kafka blew at her smoking gun. Blade nodded firmly in agreement, holding his sword close to his chest.
"It was cute!" you huffed, shaking your head. You weren't actually mad at them. You could always buy another dress to mess with them. Besides, you already got what you wanted.
Your gaze met with Silver Wolf's, who grinned back, holding her phone in between her fingers.
None of the Stellaron Hunters know basic first aid, and that includes you. Most of you just slap on a few bandages, some weird smelling ointment, and call it a day. Silver Wolf doesn't even do that, she just downs three bowls of rice and walks off the broken arm like a Sunday hangover.
But one day, just as your luck would have it, you came back to base with an injury that you couldn't just bandage away. No one knew what to do, and you were bleeding out fast. So what did this hardened group of criminals do?
They googled it. They fucking googled it.
Silver Wolf deadass just searched up how to fix you while you were bleeding out next to her. Kafka, to her credit, did hold your hand to try and comfort you (albeit mockingly), and Blade just stood back and watched. If Elio foresaw a way to help you, well, he didn't say anything.
But it all turned out all right in the end. Eventually, Silver Wolf gave up and simply shoved a bowl of her fried rice in front of you. You still don't know how or why, but it somehow worked. It shouldn't have, but it did.
The scene in front of you reminded you of a bunch of school children watching a chemistry experiment for the first time. The Stellaron Hunters crowded around you, eyes trained onto your closing wound with unnerving fascination. Even Blade, who rarely had any emotion at all, was watching you with the faintest glimmer of awe.
"What the hell did you put in that thing?" you turned in disbelief to Silver Wolf, the only unphased person in the room. The hacker was already somewhere else, her thumbs tapping rapidly as she played another one of her rhythm games.
"WHAT." You almost throttled her before she quickly teleported a safe distance away, clutching her phone to her chest.
"Kidding, kidding, no need to get all worked up!" She sighed, clearing a level without looking.
"Just some solid water and protein rice, that's all."
"You mean ice?" You swatted at Kafka, who was poking at where your wound used to be.
Safe to say, the Stellaron Hunters are an... interesting bunch, to put it lightly. They're all assholes, including you, and seem to thrive over inconveniencing each other. The only time you all can somewhat work together is when you're acting out one of Elio's scripts.
But you'd be lying if you said you hated working at this job. You live for the thrill of things, and being a Hunter was the most fun you've had in a long, long time, even if your coworkers occasionally annoyed you to death.
None of you would ever say it aloud, but you wouldn't trade each other for anything in the world.
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shinypokemonshowdown · 4 months
i know ppl who follow this acct aren't true shiny hunters bc EVERY SINGLE POLL "i like/love it" is in the majority 😭 just happy about any shiny bc theyll NEVER get one
This is false information, even true shiny hunters don't get shinies without waiting a long time
Jokes aside, okay? It doesn't matter, this blog is for fun. Shinies are literally differently colored not real creatures and it really doesn't matter if every follower on my blog never shiny hunted in their life, their opinions on color pallets are still valid
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Can I request a fic where Wrecker or Hunter (your choice) falls for a circus performer after he sees a show where she’s an acrobat? (I’m thinking Greatest Showman vibes for this fic)
Wrecker x Reader
Summary- Wreckers sees your performance as an acrobat and immediately falls in love!
A/N- Thank you for requesting, I finally had an idea spark with his prompt! Thank you SO MUCH for your patience <3 Reader is described as flexible, but no body type is mentioned! :)
Word Count- 1,187
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Growing up on Ord Mantell was tough to say the least. It was an over-populated and crowded city. Not to mention, being the daughter of a Ring Master.
Your father ran a sort of Circus. Taming and showing off exotic creatures, all while putting on a show. You knew at an early age you'd follow in his footsteps of becoming a performer. To see the cheers and joy on faces made all your hard work pay off.
And the pay? Well it was enough to get by.
Your day started like any other, warming up for your set moves. That was until a small girl and a very large man in armor stumbled into the Circus tent.
They both seemed sweet, but the show didn't start for another hour.
"Excuse me, how can I help you?" You walked up to them, your shiny leotard and skirt reflecting in the lights.
"Wow..." The big man spoke.
You frowned your brows at him. "Oh! Uh, I'm Wrecker! Your outfit is really pretty..." Your face rose in understanding. He meant a compliment, not an insult.
"Well thank you, Wrecker! May I ask what you two are doing here? The circus doesn't start until the sun goes down." They must be new to the city, most knew exactly when the tricks started.
"We came to see the show! We were just so excited, we couldn't wait until sundown!" The girl beamed you had a good feeling about her.
You smiled at her words, it was becoming more rare for children to be excited for your work. Many chose to stay indoors now, you mostly received tourists nowadays.
"You sure sound excited! What's your name?" You teased, slightly bending down to her.
"I'm Omega, and this is my brother." She turned to gesture to Wrecker. You got a good look at him, he was... really tall and muscular.
You were extremely grateful for the colorful lighting all around. Without it, they'd have been able to see your blush.
Feeling in a particularly good mood, you spoke. "Since you two have been so kind, would you like to stay? To watch the rehearsals and warm ups?"
The girl jumped up, grabbing onto her brothers arm. "Oh, please Wrecker?"
He was distracted, however. His eyes still on you. "Uh yeah sure kid. Whatever you want."
You noticed, bashfully looking down. Only for a moment, as an idea sparked. "Why don't you guys go over to the snack booth and get some Mantell Mix? On the house!"
You pointed to the stand. After they both thanked you, Omega and Wrecker headed that way.
Something turned in your stomach, nerves... You haven't gotten nervous before performing since you were a child. Your whole life you'd been on stage, why was not any different? Was it because Wrecker was still keeping a mesmerized eye on you?
Sure, you had plenty of creeps checking you out. It just came with the job, a tight leotard never helped. Wrecker, however, didn't have a lustful eye. He truly seemed innocent and simply in adoration when he looked at you.
You shook off the feeling, after the show was over they'd leave. Just like everyone else did. That was just the path you chose in life. You couldn't help but wonder if you wanted more. Everyone seemed to come and go, but you stayed. Were you tired of staying in one place?
You had no time to dwell on such thoughts, the show was starting soon. A crowd was starting to form, lines getting longer at the food stands. It was your que to follow your father behind the curtains.
Just before doing so, you looked back. A small tradition your mother started when you were little. A last look at the crowd before you reentered as their entertainment. Typically, they were basking in the refreshments or the patterns covering the walls- but your eyes met Wreckers.
He had a goofy grin on his face, one that matched Omegas. When he saw you looking back at him, he gave an energetic wave. You shyly raised your hand to acknowledge him, a matching grin on your face.
It made your heart flutter, though you intermediately shamed yourself for feeling so childish. Flings were for children. Not professional performers.
The show went on, as it always does. Lights move quickly, crowd hushing, and your father the ring bearer introduces the acts.
Juggling, Knife Throwing, Beast Tamer, Sword Swallowing, Clowns. You name it. Each after the other came out in a silly or scary tune. You, however were called last.
"We conclude our show with the Acrobat and Trapeze artist in one!" He called your name out, a slow melody following. It was a sweet harmony you enjoyed, the colorful lights dimming.
Only a single light filled the tent, pointed at you as you were lowered from a support rail.
A silk stream warped around your waist and upper arms. You bended and twisted- earning many gasps and whispers.
You found yourself wondering only for the large man you just met. Was he encaptured by your movements? Was he worried for you as you dropped down to the floor, swinging on the silks? Did he care enough?
Finishing the show was second nature, jumping from one side of the tent to another, grabbing onto rope and gliding above the crowd, a fake sword fight with a clown. It was work, but you truly had fun each time.
Sooner than later, it was all over. You retreated after the applause, noting that Wrecker cheered the loudest. When the majority of the crowd was gone, you came back out to help the clean up.
"That was Auuhhmazing!" He drew out his words, Wrecker bouncing over to you. Omega was hot on his tail.
You flashed your teeth, "Thank you!" Typically it ended at that, but he had so many nice things to say about you...
"I was so scared for you, that last drop was crazy!" He said, looking genuinely concerned. Omegas added to him, "You looked so cool in the silk ropes!"
"You two are so kind, I'm truly flattered." You began to end the conversation, a blush rising up.
That was until Omega pulled on Wreckers arm, "Now!" She urged.
He was bashful, rubbing the back on his neck. "Uh, you really are beautiful. Not that that's the only think I noticed! Uhm, I just, you are so talented, and nice... I was wondering if you'd..." He stopped to look at your expression.
"I would be honored Wrecker, just name a time and place." You had never known yourself to be so bold, he just seemed to bring that out in you.
"Really?" He exclaimed, surprised. "Yes." You laughed out.
"What about after tomorrow's show?" He was eager.
"I'll be waiting right here in my nicest dress." At your words, his face dropped. He turned to Omega.
"We have to go shopping for some nice clothes!" She seemed to become giddy at this.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Wrecker. I'm looking forward to it." He could only blush and stare as you walked away.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowers
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paragonrobits · 10 months
Talk to the people that fight the monsters in the dark, skulking in the alleys no one remembers and hiding behind suits and smiling faces in the expensive buildings, they'll tell you stories. They say there's a city block that doesn't belong to the city anymore.
Don't make trouble for the people there. The unspoken statement is that the people there aren't... exactly human anymore. They used to be. But there's worse things in the dark then men with the hearts of wolves or undying monsters that drink the blood of the living; worse than patchwork men that spread disaster in their wake and don't understand why. Sometimes, a terrible mystery ensnares someone, trapping them in promises and story and lies, and drags them away.
What comes back isn't human anymore. It's still a person, though. They reason and understand things, same as the humans they were, once. You leave them alone, the local Union rep says. They're no harm to no one, as long as you don't bring trouble to them.
Don't rat to them, you get warned. If someone who looks too good to be true comes around sniffing for their addresses, you just smile and nod and say you never heard a damn thing. Don't rat them out. Because the people in that place will know, and they'll find you, and your family. You try to throw them back into hell, they'll return the favor three times over.
But it goes both ways; if you watch out for them, mind your business and keep their secrets, they'll help you out.
The Union rep tells you a short little story; he says that most of the time, the people in that city block look the same as you or me. There might be a few signs; a girl with teeth unnaturally sharp and pointy, or a man who knocks on wood and it makes a noise like HE'S made of wood. But if things are going normal, you won't see what they really look like, just a kind of magical mask that hides them. But they got their fancy tricks, and they know all about escaping bad situations.
So if you do your part in the deal, they'll help you out. Pretty much anything; a single mother went down to them after some bad business with her ex came up and her kids went missing. Well, she talked to Pop Hammerfist, the big ol' dude that looks like someone carved a tree into a man. Her ex was on the news in the hospital a few days after, yelling about the trees following him, and her kids were back home safe and sound, and with the ex having already signed a few agreements to pay his damn alimony already.
Or a little boy with a missing cat came up to them and asked for help. If any of the real hunters or Union folk had heard about it, they would have stopped him, but the people in the city block didn't turn him away. They nodded, and listened, a few hours later came back with the little boy's cat, safe and purring up a storm. You help them out, they help you out; I hear that kid tells 'em stuff he heard. 'Spose there's a lesson in that. We're all in this together, long as we don't tear the boat down with us in it.
Reminds me of a story about the lady who brought the cat in, in fact. A big lady; has to go to special shops to get clothes that fit. Weird shiny teeth, too, with the weirdest damn braces I ever saw, if those are braces. You hear some funny stories about her, that when she comes knocking the whole floor shakes, but she couldn't be a sweeter lady. Nice to kids, loves cats, always help out. If she's got the weird habit of speaking in rhyme before she says anything else, well, we all got our promises, I guess.
Well, a while back, we had a Slasher. Yeah; the thing that happens when a Hunter goes bad, or someone just gets too much of a taste for murder. Killing opens up a soul, and some part of us leaks out, or something else gets in. This particular fellow liked to call himself a real genius; a real nasty piece of work that liked making elaborate death traps and leaving people to die. Well, we worked out he was there when they started finding the bodies, and by that point he'd already gotten the Big Lady.
...Yeah, that's the name of that lady I mentioned. Long story.
Well, we found what was left of him, and his death traps. The whole place was smashed to pieces by something big. Big and helliciously strong, I'd say. It was like the set of those torture horror movies got hit by a storm. And they found the guy, or. What was left of him. Looked like a wild animal had bit him up, or a jaguar.
Well, from what we heard, he got her all right. But she might have been a bit more than he bargained for. I'm not sure exactly what she did to him, but they were cleaning his blood and bone off the wall for weeks. They said his skull looked like something real strong had just slugged him, so hard he sorta splashed. Don't make me draw you a picture, pal.
But, yeah. Funny thing is, they said the fist mark was so big you'd need a person the size of an elephant to throw that kind of punch. And we kept seeing cats around the area. Really, really big cats.
..You remember about promises. You keep 'em with the city block folk, because they got all kinds of things keeping promises to them.
What happened to the Big Lady, you ask? Oh, she's still around. Helps out the local Union cell now and then. Good hand if you need brute force.
She don't much like having to handle anything that's got too much iron in it; steel is fine, but not real iron. She saws its an allergy.
...Yeah, I know how it sounds. But we got our funny ways, and she keeps her promises, so keep your nose out of it, yeah?
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Ocean Deep Ch12 Interlude P2
(Warnings: Mentions of killing and murder.
It's short but it is just supposed to be an interlude chapter to show more interactions between Rengoku and Yn and his feelings on the subject.)
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122 @azuredragonstrike
@mimisweetz @chaoticoperatorduckhairdo
Remember if you want to be added to the tag list lemme know.
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The night was dark and silent in the home as night claimed the skies for the next few hours. Just how it should be. He should be asleep. He knows he should be! But-
A loud yawn caused fiery eyes to look behind him. Suma yawned loudly and stretched out her body where she laid literally on her back on top of his back, before she just flopped her arms back down and let out a loud snore. He sighed before letting out a small chuckle and turned his head just far enough to kiss the top of Suma's head where it laid on his shoulder. The comforting scent of fruit and flowers from the shampoo she used hitting his senses.
He wasn't alone really. Not by a long shot. Makio was curled up on his left pressing her forehead to his side chest as he laid on his stomach. Hinatsuru's form pressed against his rest as her peaceful face was smooshed into the pile of towels they'd laid out upon the floor. Meanwhile with both his sides taken Suma opted to literally climb on top his back and sleep. He didn't mind though. She wasn't that heavy.
The brief smile disappeared from his face and he once again sighed looking at the floor or more specifically his hands. One fist opened revealing a familiar sight. A strand of perfectly polished stones. They glowed silver in the moonlight and softly clinked together as he lazily moved it about his fingers like a snake. 
The last time he saw him was four weeks ago. One week traveling through rivers and streams and getting injured after colliding into a tangled up mess of metal wire netting and fishing hooks which is exactly what Tengen feared would happen to them if they went off into the river systems. If he was here right now, he'd be yelling at him and dragging him back home by his fins. The other three weeks spending time here recovering from said injuries surrounded by their wives. He thanked Posidon that they were safe and sound and alive and some relief had come to him for that but now he had a new worry to worry over. What must Tengen be going through right now? He still remembered what their last exchange was-
"It's been over a year.. They're long dead."
"Don't speak like that! We don't know if that's true!"
"OH SPARE ME ANY DAMMED HOPEFUL THOUGHTS!! THE FACTS ARE FACTS AND ONLY A FOOL WOULD DENY REALITY!! They're just-...gone..... They're dead. They're dead and they're not coming back. You're the only thing I have left!"
"Then...what are you going to do?"
"... I'll tell you what I'm going to do." Kyojuro would never forget the look in Tengen's eyes or the way he turned to him that day. It was both full of rage, hurt, sadness, and longing yet so emotionless and apathetic at once. There is a saying that states that sometimes a person reached a level of rage so fierce and intense that they felt nothing but calm and numb. One of the most dangerous levels of emotions. "Until the day I die, one after another I will take from them like they did us."
You could say many things about Tengen. Sanemi Liked to call him an idiot for all the jewelry his body decorated as it'd only 'slow him down and make it more difficult hunting'. Sanemi's words not his. Tengen was an excellent hunter before he even started lacing his body. He actually started out polishing rocks and wearing them like a goofy child. That's how he proposed actually. They were merely young teenagers then. Tengen had come over and just dumped a giant amount of shiny rocks and caught fish at his fins-
"There! That should be enough!''
He had been so confused. "What's with all the rocks and fish for?"
"This is my wedding gift for you! Don't question it because I won't take no for an answer, Kyojuro! You're my husband now!"
Kyojuro never snapped up surprised so fast before."ME?!"
Try explaining all of that to their parents. It still got a laugh out of him. He still laughs when he remembers how Tengen met their wives too. Makio was close to his family and he was already smitten with her too for a long time. Hinatsuru he just ran into one day and got so distracted by her that he ran straight into a dolphin. Suma clung onto him.. Literally. She latched onto him after taking slight interest in her sister and Tengen brought her home and simply proclaimed that she was now theirs. You wouldn't think the five of their different personalities would mesh well but surprisingly they all worked out quite well-
"Mr. Rengoku?"
"Gah?!" He jumped up as much as the girls weighing him down would allow and snapped up- "Ah!" Only to be blinded by a bright light.
"I'm so sorry!" The light was pulled back and a dark figure stood above him. "I didn't mean to shine it in your eyes. "
His eyes blinked slowly adjusted to the new darkness and looked up at f/c eyes. Oh...It was the human woman. The one the girls had fallen for and tried to convince him to take as a wife too. He was unsure about that still and honestly had completely forgotten about it. Sure she was beautiful and obviously very kind. For a human it surprised him but looking at the bigger picture, it was best not to because he was sure Tengen wouldn't appreciate that.
"Oh. Madam L/n." He relaxed back. "You startled me. Wha-What are you doing up so late? I hope I didn't wake you."
She waved her hand and he finally noticed that the light was coming from a single candle in a candle holder she carried. "No, no. I woke up because I forgot to lock the back door but I heard someone moving around and came on you all ." Huh. That's rather thoughtful of her. Her head tilted at him. "Why are you up so late? Are mermen nocturnal or something?"
"No-..Well anglerfish mers are but not me. I was just .." His fist clenched again making  the rocks clink together and her head turn at the sound. "I-It's sometimes hard to sleep over Suma's snoring. Nothing to worry yourself about." 
"...Is that Tengen's rock strand?" She looked back to him with a frown. 
He paused..but eventually sighed and reached out a hand to rub his face. "Was I that obvious?"
"Not really. It's just a guess since I caught the others doing the same thing." One eye of his opened hearing some shuffling and a small thud sound and was surprised when she had slowly sat down in front of him and placed the candle a safe distance aways from her. "Is that why you can't sleep?"
Kyojuro stared at her before once again sighing. Pushing face further into hand. "I can't help it. I worry for him the same as I did our wives. I don't know what he's doing without me there or if he's alright..But if I am being completely honest, I feel guilty."
Her eyes blinked and her head tilted. "Guilty? For what?"
"It's not like I told him about what I was doing. If he knew, he would've just told me I couldn't, even physically restrain me if he thought it was needed." His eyes closed, shame and guilt building up within his chest. "He must be worried sick thinking I abandoned him or worse. I fear the worst. Such as he might start traveling up river looking for me now? The thought of him getting hurt or worse. I'm a sorry excuse for a husb-"
The sudden shift in town made him jump but not as much as the hand clasped over his. Her expression firm in the candlelight. "Don't you dare finish that sentence. Now you shut up all that self loathing. You're not a bad husband to go look for your wives. You're not going to help anyone with anyone bringing yourself down either."
He opened his mouth ..but closed it and glanced at the hand she held. A pink rising to his cheeks. ".... Perhaps..Y-You are right about that. Yes. *ahem* I-Im just worrying myself over what ifs and pointless fears."
She smiled and patted his hand. "There you go! And soon enough you'll be together again anyways! So there's nothing to worry about, Mr. Rengoku-"
She blinked. "Huh?"
Fiery eyes looked at her own. Face red and burning like his heart. "Please...Just call me Kyojuro. I-I'd prefer it if you just called me by my name for the rest of our time together."
"Oh..Ok! I will. Hey. Isn't it uncomfortable to have them sleeping piled on you with your injuries?"
"It's a little sore but it's not painful." His eyes laser pointed at where she still held his hand pupils becoming large. "I'm perfectly fine right now."
You woke up with a start. A pile of warmth all around you and soft snoring sounded as the snoring mers laid out on each other and you in the pile. You were shocked mouth opening as you recounted the past few hours. It was all a blur. Akira got here. Rengoku threatened him until he left. They kissed you and-
Your body froze as the sleeping form of Kyojuro turned on his side and instinctively reached out an arm to pull his nearest wife closer to him- Instead you found yourself pulled against his chest with his arm slung around you, his sleeping chin pressed on the top of your head, and behind you Makio curled up closer against your back before with a small grunt she quickly fell back into deep sleep. You couldn't see the the other two but they were piled on Rengoku one way or another. You just laid there. Red faced. Staring up at the ceiling as you were pressed against Kyojuro's bare biceps.
....A small wheeze left your throat-
"You may admire me in the morning," he sleepily mumbled snuggling closer. "Go back to sleep, Dear. Then we'll talk more about medical kissing without the medical part."
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corazondebeskar-reads · 7 months
nobody is coming to save you
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Din Djarin x f!reader
originally for Febuwhump 2024 Day 14 - blood-stained tiles | Febuwhump masterlist
words: 1.4k
summary: You get caught by a Mandalorian bounty hunter after fleeing your marriage.
-- am I really a Din fic writer if I don't do a "reader is a bounty" story?
warnings: ambiguous/open ending (I may return to this one...), reader attempts to negotiate for her life, discussions of pregnancy/abortion/menstrual cycles (reader had an abortion, it's discussed without detail, do NOT come at me with discourse I will not engage anyway), mentions of blood, allusions to abuse
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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“Nobody is coming to save you. Get up.” 
The words fell flat through the distortion of his helmet. Was it pity? Amusement? Disgust? He wasn’t wrong, though. The crowd that had suffocated the market lane moments before had mostly cleared in the wake of the Mandalorian. 
He stalks over to where you’re still sprawled on the ground. It didn’t seem urgent to get up, to make it easier for him. With a huge gloved hand digging into your bicep, he pulls. 
You go limp. You’re not going to help him, and you’re fairly confident he doesn’t have authorization to kill or seriously harm you. 
You’re vindicated when he holsters the pistol, not that it’s a pleasant victory. He cuffs your wrists in front of your stomach and then simply hoists you over his shoulder. 
“Where’s the cargo?” he asks. 
This close, you can almost hear the grit of his real voice beneath the electronics. 
You mean to ignore him, but his question is a thread that needs pulling. “What cargo?”
“He said you stole something from him.” 
His words churn your stomach like rancid Bantha. That worm. “Well, you’ve got it,” you say bluntly. 
He doesn’t question it, and you assume he’s clocked the ostentatious jewelry as the target. Trev always did like you shiny, whether with gemstones or tears. 
He’s probably a little rougher with you than he should be, given that you’re not running anymore. But he’s a bit kriffed over the whole situation. He only took the bounty because the price was so high — but not being allowed to carbon freeze the bounty was almost not worth it. 
But the client wanted his pretty little wife back without the side effects, and he was willing to compensate for it. He had said she could be restrained or gagged as needed. Had said Din would probably want to since the “bitch never shut up.”
It wasn’t his job to give a shit, so he didn’t. He did figure the client’s name would come across a puck sooner rather than later, though. Whatever he was peddling to afford this had the man under severe paranoia. 
He drops you to your feet at the bottom of the ladder and nudges you with the barrel of the pistol. “Climb up and wait. Don’t touch anything.”
He expects an argument, given that you both know the blaster is mostly a farce. He’d be willing to take a cut on the fee if you tried anything, though. A bolt to the foot wouldn’t kill you.
But you don’t. You climb in silence, with him close enough behind that your bodies overlap. You’re acutely aware of his helmet’s proximity to your ass, and he’s acutely aware that it’s been too long since he paid a visit to a brothel. 
He doesn’t manhandle you once he crests the platform to the cockpit; just jabs a finger in the direction of the seat to the left of the pilot’s chair. It sits slightly behind, the viewport partially obscured. He separates the cuffs and magnetizes them to the arms of the chair. 
The engines rumble to life once he’s seated, switches flicked, and buttons pressed in the wake of his deft fingers. He doesn’t speak a word to you.
When Karga answers the comm, he interrupts the man’s pleasantries to get right to the point. “I’m confirming the status of the bounty as requested. She’s alive and in custody.” 
“Excellent, excellent; I knew you’d make quick work of it, Mando,” Karga says, clapping his hands together. The holo flickers. “The client has requested that you avoid hyperspace travel upon your return.”
“What?” Din snaps.
“There’s extra compensation in it for you, of course.” 
“That’ll take eight standard days,” Din gripes.
“Your expenses will be covered, as well. Food, fuel, any lodging.” 
“Fine,” Din says and closes the line. He sits in silence for a moment, sifting through the new information, before he stands abruptly and turns to you.
“You’re pregnant,” he says bluntly. 
You dither about how to respond. In the end, you don’t. He can’t be trusted. So you purse your lips and look away.
No one needs to know that the first thing you did when you got far enough away was fork over one of your bracelets for a termination at a no-questions-asked clinic. They had been kind, if not overworked and undersupplied. 
“That’s what you stole, isn’t it? His baby?”
You don’t say anything, but you don’t back down from his gaze, either. His baby. The phrasing sets off so many warning bells it’s like a ship-wide alert. 
Din’s first instinct is anger. It’s too close to his own gaping wound, too close to where Grogu lives with Luke Skywalker, a man who hadn’t even given Din his name before taking his kid. And yeah, he’s supposed to feel like he did the right thing, but his son is gone, and it doesn’t feel like the right thing. Not at all.
He looks at you and wonders how you could be so cruel.
It doesn’t last, though. He’s seen enough to know the way this story usually goes. So, instead, he looks you over and sighs. “I’ll see what we can do for other accommodations,” he says, a loose hand gesturing to the cuffs. 
“Thank you,” you say, though you don’t feel very thankful at all. But you know a little politeness to your captor goes a long way. You know that like you know how to breathe.
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It works until it doesn’t. On the fourth day, you wake up at the inn he had agreed to for the night and smell iron, and you know the ruse is up. You try to sneak to the fresher but quickly realize it doesn’t matter. You have nothing to hold back the blood, anyway.
You sit in your soiled panties on the cold metal tile and resign yourself to free bleed until he inevitably wakes and finds you.
You don’t wait long.
“We’re not far from a clinic,” he says cautiously, from where he leans against the doorframe. 
“Don’t need one,” you mumble, looking anywhere but him. It’s bad enough that you couldn’t come up with an explanation—knowing you’ve bled through enough that he can see it is on another level. 
“You don’t know that,” he says with what you think he thinks is compassion. “There might still be something they can do.”
The truth flickers across your face for only a moment, but it’s long enough for him to catch on. 
“It’s your cycle,” he says, flat and loyal to his thoughts. 
You nod. No use lying now. 
“Were you ever pregnant?”
“Yes.” Your voice is clipped, your face pulled sharp. 
“How long since?”
“Two weeks after I got away. Six before you found me.”
Two months. You had made it two terrifying months on your own. And now, thanks to this monster, you were being dragged right back. 
Trev had to have spent a fortune on this bounty. You feel feverish at the thought, a cold sweat creeping across your spine. And when he finds out you’re not pregnant…
“You know, you won’t get your money,” you blurt, hardening your eyes as you stare him down, shoulders squared. 
“I will. Whatever happened to you isn’t my problem.”
“No, you won’t,” you say, taking a breath before jumping in front of the proverbial blaster. “Not after you were so rough when you captured me, and I lost the baby.”
His head snaps to you. “What did you say?”
“When you found me. You tackled me, knocked me to the ground, and attacked me. The trauma was too much, and—“
And he has you pinned up against the wall where you sit, a hand around your neck. “You really think this is a smart idea?”
“Go ahead,” you hiss through his grip. “Leave marks.”
He lets go immediately, seething. His gloves creak as his fists tighten around nothing. 
“What if we can work something out?”
“I don’t negotiate with quarry. What’s stopping me from putting you in the freezer now?”
“My jewelry,” you say in a rush. His threat isn’t idle; you can feel its wrath as if his hand never left your throat. “It has to be worth at least as much as he offered. Tell him there was a complication, send him the ring, and you can have the rest.”
He doesn’t respond; just storms off. You, of course, stay put.
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millersdjarin · 2 years
Some Invisible String
Chapter I: High Tide
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Rating: E (eventually)
Summary: Ten years after Reader left Joel for reasons he still doesn't know, they find themselves together again in a town called Jackson. Joel has questions he's too afraid to ask; and Reader dreads having to give the answers.
Tags/Warnings: eventual smut, post tlou part I, jackson era joel <3, emotion!!!
Chapter length: 3.3k
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notes: my first multi-chapter joel fic! overall title is from taylor swift's "invisible string", chapter I title also from taylor, "this love" ♥︎ eventual smut will be here too! so far it's going to be 5 chapters :) enjoy! ps. i recently switched to writing in second person but when i wrote this fic i was still writing in first person, hope u don't mind! will be posting updates regularly
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I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea. Really, I don’t. 
But, then again, nothing has been a good idea in twenty years, and I’m still here. So, there’s that. 
One minute I was out hunting in the snow, tracking a deer that made itself vulnerable in the woods beside a half-frozen creek. If I could get him, I thought, it’d keep me going with food for a week at least. Best thing about winter: food stays fresh in the cold. 
Worst thing: everything else. Literally everything else. 
Because now, what started as a quick hunt with an almost-guaranteed prize at the end, has ended in me literally fighting for my fucking life, rolling around in foot-deep snow as runners try to rip the shit out of me. 
It doesn’t help that the commotion has led a bunch of local hunters—who clearly had the same idea as me—to my location. They’ve got the deer, they’ve shot me in the leg, and I’m either going to bleed out, get bitten, or get eaten by infected. 
So, this is great. 
Blood rushing in my ears, I seize the moment a hunter shoots one of the nearby runners and use it to take shelter behind a rock for a minute, surrounded by the groans and screams of infected who are still searching for me or attacking the hunters. Gunshots ring loud throughout the air, along with the smashing of a few molotovs as the bottles hit the snow, the roaring of flames as they engulf bodies. 
My leg is bleeding into the snow. Actually, it’s damn near gushing, pulsing out with each beat of my heart. 
Footsteps are getting closer to me. I try to put pressure on the wound, but the bullet is still there, and it fucking hurts, and my vision is going blurry. The screams of infected are getting less and less as, presumably, the men take them out. 
I’m not bitten. Not yet. But that’s the least of my worries, if the pool of red snow I’m creating below me is anything to go by. 
It’s starting to leech into the snow surrounding the rock, easily giving away my location. As the last infected screams with a squelch of a blade into one of its body parts, one of the men shouts, “Hey! She’s over there! Flank her!” 
Ha. As if they even need to flank me. 
My head is spinning. Blood, shiny and thick, coats my hands. It’s all over me. It’s fucking everywhere. It won’t stop bleeding. 
I’m going to fucking die. 
These men are going to kill me, or do worse while they wait for me to die. Surviving the apocalypse as a woman is a fucking joke. 
I reach for my gun, but there are spots in my vision now. Dark red and black. It’s a mixture of real blood in my eyes and blood loss making me dizzy. I can feel it fading. All of it. The cold, the feeling in my body, the sound around me, everything…
It’s fading. 
There are heavy, men’s footsteps getting closer. 
I’m just debating whether I have the strength to fight back, or even to just end it all myself before they get chance, when I hear it. 
A new gun. A new set of voices. The hunters’ attention is turned away from me once more as their footsteps crunching in the snow turn away and head for whoever else has decided to grace us with their presence. 
It doesn’t matter. I’m out anyway. After all this time, all this fighting, after everything I’ve lost—I’m going to die here in the snow, in the middle of nowhere in Jackson County, after being shot by a fucking hunter. 
Then, I hear a voice. 
It could be a southern accent. I could swear that it is - that it’s real.
But I always knew that in my last moments I’d hear him, real or not. It’s been ten years, but I still hear him in the night sometimes, as I’m falling asleep or jolting awake. Sometimes when I get injured, I hear him tutting, I feel his fingers on my skin, patching me up. 
Now, sitting here dying in the snow, I could swear that it’s him.
It’s not. It can’t be. 
But as the last of my consciousness fades, as I feel the final thread of me begin to fray, I let myself believe that it is. 
I hold onto the sound. So clear, like he’s right there next to me. 
I never wanted to die alone. I’m going to pretend that I won’t. 
“Joel…” I feel his name slip through my lips for the first time in years. 
His name, and his voice saying my name in return, are the last things I hear before I go. 
Well, goddamn. 
If this is hell, there is no fire, so it could be worse; but if it’s heaven, Jesus, I don’t want it.
I can’t even wake up. My eyes feel heavy. It’s like I’m clawing back to consciousness after a bad fever. After a surgery that went wrong. Before I can even think or begin to open my eyes or listen for sounds, I can feel that every inch of me hurts. Like I’ve been cut open, rearranged, and sewn back together again. 
So, it’s not heaven. Cool. Fine. I’m going to suffer for eternity, then? 
Except, when I hear it, I freeze. (Metaphorically speaking. I’m already frozen in whatever spot I’ve been cursed to.) 
“She’s waking up.” That isn’t Joel. But it’s similar, and familiar. It sounds like...
Why the hell is Tommy here?
Then, it’s his voice again. My name, in Joel’s voice. 
If nothing else, the confusion gets me to force my eyes open. 
And the first thing I see is him. 
“Hey,” Joel says, “can you hear me? Wake up…you’re safe…” 
I blink a few times. Then, beneath the pain in my body, I realise that I’m warm. I’m under something soft and cosy; a wool blanket, it feels like, if the scratching against my bare arms is anything to go by. 
Any other sensation doesn’t really matter right now, though, because I can’t take my eyes off of Joel. He’s just there, hovering above me with even more creases on his forehead than I remember, an especially big one sitting between his eyebrows right now that looks like someone’s drawn it there. 
“You’re alright, you’re alright,” he sounds distant but close all at once, and soft and gruff just like he used to. 
“I…” I manage to stammer while I vaguely register that there is daylight around us, though it’s fading into shades of amber and pink. Approaching sunset. Last I remember, it had only just risen.
Not without struggle, I get my body to move, but the second I shift in my place, a blinding pain shoots from my leg to all angles, hitting my head and my toes. 
Well. I’m starting to think I’m not actually dead. 
“Hey, don’t try to move, you’re hurt,” Joel says again. 
“J—Joel?” As I start to realise that it seems I am very much alive, somehow that fact just makes for more confusion. I look around, and Tommy is there, too, standing by the room’s window, leaning on the butt of his rifle where it sits at his chest, the barrel facing the floor. He looks older, too. Much older. He’s got almost as many wrinkles and greys as Joel does now. 
Someone else enters the picture after a minute. A woman with a frown of concern pushes Joel away—in my delirium I almost forget that he’s probably real, and that it wouldn’t be appropriate to reach out and pull him back—and then her face is above mine, shining a torch in my eyes. 
I squint against it but she holds my eyes open and inspects them. “How are you feeling?” She asks. Her voice is husky but kind, the faintest trace of a Brooklyn accent making itself known. 
“I—confused,” is all I can say, dumbly. Joel is standing behind her, looking over her shoulder with a frown that reaches new depths. (He frowned a lot back in the day, but geez, he’s got even better at it.) “Where am I? Who—who are you?” 
“I’m Angela,” she answers, removing the blinding torch from my eyes, instead pressing two firm fingers into the pulse point on my wrist. “You’re in a town called Jackson. It seems you already know these two fellas.” 
“I—yeah,” I manage to laugh a little in disbelief. Tommy is still there on the opposite side of the room, smiling just a little, fond and nostalgic. It’s then that Angela’s words hit me. A town? “I…is this…am I…the hunters…you…?” My words aren’t coherent or related enough to count as a sentence, or even a completed question. 
“It’s our town,” Tommy says with a small smile. “You got nothin’ to worry about. No one here’s a hunter, and you’re in good hands.” He nods to Angela. 
I look back to her and frown at the way she’s wrapping a blood pressure cuff around my arm. “Are you…a doctor?” 
“I am,” she answers. “You got shot. Lost a lot of blood. These two found you just outside town with barely enough time—or blood—to spare.” 
I can’t stop glancing between Angela, Joel, and Tommy. It’s like I’m watching a tennis match between three people. 
I’m still not entirely sure this is real. In a fever dream, or even in my last moments, my brain would definitely conjure up something like this. A safe town, where I’m under a warm blanket, on a soft bed, and being looked after by two people who used to be the most important people in my life. 
“I…” I’m interrupted by the door swinging open. It lets in a brief shock of cold wind, but Joel quickly reaches out to close it behind whoever has just come in. 
“Ellie, I told you to wait outside,” Joel says lowly, so quiet I can barely hear him. 
“It’s freezing out there! And I’m worried. Is she awake—?” The girl—Ellie, apparently—pushes past Joel to look over Angela’s shoulder at me. Her concerned frown relaxes when she sees me. She’s just a kid; probably barely fifteen. I’ve never seen her before, but she’s looking at me like she was terrified I was going to die. “Oh, you’re awake!” 
Joel puts his hand on Ellie’s shoulder and gently pulls her back a little. “Give her some space. Angela’s still working.” 
“You know, she’s the best. Last month Joel dislocated his shoulder and she reset it before he could even scream—”
“Alright,” Joel interrupts her, “Ellie. Why don’t you get our guest some food, alright?” 
“Something hot,” Angela requests. 
A hot meal and a comfortable bed. This has to be some kind of pre-death dream.
“It’s almost dinner time at the kitchen,” Tommy offers with a knowing smile, “see what you can rustle up.” 
Ellie sighs, but nods. Before turning to leave, she looks at me again and says, “I’m glad you’re okay. I’ll get you the good stuff.” 
The door lets in another whoosh of cold air, but Joel closes it as soon as possible. It’s then that I realise there’s a fireplace on the wall behind the bed; the flames crackle in the light breeze before settling down again. 
“I need to check your wound,” Angela says. “Don’t suppose one of you boys can help me out? I need someone to distract her.” 
“Distract me? From what?” 
“I’m gonna take off your bandage and check the stitches. Then I’m gonna clean it. It’s going to hurt.” 
“I don’t need distracting,” I say, meaning it. I’ve dealt with worse. Hell, somehow I survived this. But Joel is still gazing at me, his eyes roaming over me from head to toe, like he’s scanning for even the slightest inkling that something else is wrong they haven’t noticed yet. (Seems unlikely—I’m wearing different clothes than I was before.)
Mentally squirming under his gaze for the first time in a long time, when I never thought I would again, I realise that I might not need distracting, but I do need answers. 
Or something close to it. 
“I’ll stay,” Joel offers, as if reading my mind. He was always so good at that. It’s weird. Someone so emotionally unavailable shouldn’t be good at that. 
Tommy pushes off from the wall, stopping at the foot of my bed. “Don’t be afraid to break his hand,” he offers, grinning lopsidedly, “man needs an excuse to stop for one goddamn minute.” He grins at Joel when he grumbles in response. “I’ll be outside. Need anythin’, give me a holler.” And with that, he’s out the door. 
Angela carefully pulls the blanket up and away from my leg, revealing the side of my thigh where the bullet went in. It hurts for something to even be moving in close proximity to it, like my skin is on red alert. 
I wish I could say I’ve gotten good at hiding my pain, after all these years of surviving it; but I haven’t. It still shows on my face like it did the day the outbreak happened; like it did when I was barely an adult.
Joel knows. He pulls up a wooden chair beside my bed, offers up his scarred, calloused hand. There’s an expression on his face I can’t quite read. The faintest hints of a sheepish smile, maybe, crows feet deepening around his eyes. It looks like he’s saying, Funny seein’ you here, and I can hear that in his voice, gruff and sarcastic, so I just imagine that that’s what he’s trying to say. 
I glance down at his hand, then back up. For a moment I consider not taking it. 
It’s been ten years. 
I left for a reason. 
But then Angela starts pulling at the bandage wrapped tight around my leg, and the pain is fucking horrific. It’s a stabbing, a pulling, and an aching all at once. It starts at the bullet wound and pulses out like cracks of lightning, through my bones, my nerves, up my hips and to my neck. 
A sharp inhale through my teeth, a blinding flash of pain that whites out my vision for a second, and I’m reaching for Joel’s hand before I can even think any more about it.
“Why don’t you tell me what the hell you’re doin’ here?” Joel’s voice comes through the blood rushing through my ears. “Last I saw you, we were in Texas.”
“What—what am I doing here?” I laugh, incredulous, and gasp as another wave of pain comes. “I don’t even—know—where I am.” Angela is working away and it hurts, it fucking hurts. But I think, at least, this is the final piece of proof I needed to confirm that I am not actually dead.
That, and the way Joel’s thumb is smoothing over the top of my hand, even though I’m squeezing his so hard that it must hurt like fuck. He’s doing it like he’s not even thinking about it. Like it’s second nature. 
I left for a reason. 
“You’re in Jackson,” he says. 
“I know that. I just—don’t—” I grunt in between words as Angela takes alcohol to the wound. “I don’t know how far—how far you took me—”
“You were barely outside the town. The hunters that got you were bandits on their way to us."
"Right," I say, still not really understanding.
"So it’s just coincidence we found ourselves together again?” 
Yes! I left for a fucking reason! 
I’m realising I’m not saying it out loud. 
I’m not saying it out loud because I never even told Joel there was a reason, let alone what that reason actually was. 
“I—guess so,” I grit out. “Sometimes the Universe likes to laugh at us. I—oh, Jesus!” A particularly intense stab of pain comes as Angela starts dabbing at the wound. It’s a bruise, a gash, a cut, all at once. 
“It’s alright, hey, just look at me,” Joel’s voice comes, so familiar that it hurts, so soft that it hurts—“Look right at me. That’s it. Do you remember where you were when this happened?” 
“I—in the snow,” I answer, staring into his eyes like they’re a lifeline. Angela has started wrapping a new bandage around it now, tight and secure. It hurts. It just fucking hurts. Everything fucking hurts. “The forest. I was—hunting for food. Then…infected. Infected came and—then—hunters…” 
Joel nods, encouraging me to continue. 
I can’t, though. The pain is too much. Looking at him is too much. 
I screw my eyes shut, and a traitorous, humiliating tear spills from one of them. In frustration, a groan splits past my lips, and I reach up my other hand to wipe away the tear. 
“Nearly done,” Angela promises.
My teeth are biting down on my lip so hard that I can taste blood; but the pain of that is paling in comparison to everything else, so it doesn’t bother me. 
“God fucking dammit,” I grunt as another tear falls. 
Down to my very core, it is humiliating. 
To be here, writhing in pain, and crying in front of Joel, of all people. Crying during the apocalypse. Crying because he’s there. Because his eyes are still the same.
I’ve always been too soft. I was never as hard as Joel. Or as anyone else around me. 
As a kid, books always said that being soft was a strength in its own way. That it was a quality to be proud of. But in this world, all it’s ever brought me is close to death.
“All done,” Angela says. 
Though the pain is still very much alive and well, I breathe out a sigh of relief, waiting eagerly for it to ebb. Realising I’m still holding onto Joel’s hand so tight that my knuckles have gone white, I release him, and take a deep breath. 
“Good job,” he says. Whether he’s saying it to me or Angela, I’m not sure. He observes his hand, lifting it up to look at as he stretches his fingers out. “Jesus, woman. Gonna need a new hand after that.” 
I laugh, breathy. “I had permission.” 
“From Tommy,” Joel counters with a grumble. 
“I knew you wouldn’t mind.” I say it before I can give it permission. And the softness in my voice—well. That’s just downright not fair. 
Joel’s eyes meet mine again. He holds them there for a moment too long. Looks like he might want to say something, but then doesn’t, and stands up. His green flannel shirt stretches so nicely over his shoulders, even broader now than they were back then. His hair is flecked with grey, as is his beard, which is longer now. 
I used to lie awake at night and imagine running my fingers over it. I used to cherish the way my hands fit over his shoulders when he boosted me up onto a ledge. The way the muscles in his arms flexed and showed veins when I hoisted him up behind me. 
We used to be a team, me, him, and Tommy. 
Now, staring at him as he leans against the doorframe, folding his arms over his chest, I think about those times. I can’t help it. There are dark and grey hairs on his chest, peeking up above the top button. I remember how his heart feels under there from the time I had to stitch up a gash there. I remember his pulse, from keeping my finger on it all night when he was feverish from an infected knife wound. 
Tommy and I nursed him back, but I thought we’d lost him. 
I thought a lot of things.
And, well. There was no other choice. 
I left.
♥︎chapter 1/5♥︎
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notes: if u wanna be on the taglist, let me know however you'd like: in a reblog, reply, message, or an ask :) all interactions are appreciated, but comments and reblogs especially make my heart go brrr♡ happy tlou show day btw :D
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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Under the Killing Moon
Pairing: Vampire!Yuuji x Vampire-Hunter!Reader (female) Genre: smut, horror, urban fantasy, Vampire AU Word Count: 5k Playlist: Vampire Warnings: 18+, dark themes, smut, blood, Yuuji bites reader's neck and breasts, general mention of death and killing as it is common in vampire stories, creampie, sex-magic kind of, Yuuji's spit and cum are an aphrodisiac, multiple orgasms, sex while flying. The story gets dark towards the end, kidnapping, yandere!Reader, dub-con. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
This is part of my Halloween Special
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In starlit nights I saw you So cruelly you kissed me Your lips a magic world Your sky all hung with jewels
The Killing Moon by Echo & the Bunnymen You stumble out of the backdoor of the club and into the dimly lit back alley, swaying precariously on the high heels of your leather boots. You giggle as you put a hand against the brick wall to steady yourself.
Everyone who might see you will come to the same conclusion: You are a girl who had a few drinks too much. A slutty thing in a skimpy little outfit who went to this club to dance and drink and find a one-night stand.
But it's all just for show. You aren't really drunk. You aren't a girl who went to a club to have a fun night.
The truth is, you are working tonight, and all your senses are sharpened, ready for the kill. Because that's what you get paid for. Ridding the city of the bloodsucking abnormities that haunt its streets at night.
Tokyo Supernatural Crime Department – Grade 1 Vampire Hunter
That's what it says on your official badge.
Some colleagues are older than you or stronger but still stuck in grades 2 or 3. You know why. They aren't as passionate about this job as you are. They are too careful. Too scared to get close to those monsters.
But not you. You know how to find them in the moonlit parks, in the shiny clubs and bars, and in the dark back alleys. You aren't scared to get close to them. On the contrary. Because you have your special way of hunting them.
The huntress poses as the prey. That's what always works. And you know how to play the perfect victim.
It's the most delicious role reversal. You are pretty proud of the deception you created. Luring the creatures, who are supposed to be the biggest lure themselves, to you.
They get weak for you, driven by the desire for a young woman's blood. You are a bait so good it can't be ignored.
A helpless girl, all alone, tipsy, a bit naive, careless. Flimsy clothes, a short skirt, and fishnet tights, with a tiny corset top that exposes your neck and pushes your tits up so temptingly that they almost spill out of the slutty piece of clothing.
You are a walking temptation. The perfect trap. You just have to find the right spot. Tonight you are lucky on the first try.
Your mouth lifts in an excited smile when you hear the soft voice behind you.
"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here, cutie."
A shiver runs down your spine. His voice sounds beautiful. Their voices always do. Velvety and warm like a lover's caress. Seductive without even trying.
He sounds strained, though. Like something is worrying him.
You turn around, putting on the best startled expression you can do. Wide innocent eyes, mouth opening in a gasp as you bring a shaking hand to your lips and the other to your chest, where your heart is beating wildly as the rush of the upcoming hunt washes over you.
Your gaze lands on a tall, muscular figure with pastel pink hair and a face so pretty it is to die for.
Yes, he is one of them. And what a lovely specimen he is!
Of course, they are all gorgeous. But he is of extraordinary beauty. Even if he tried, he could never pass as a human. He is too pretty, too perfect. Otherworldly.
His face is so beautiful that you want to weep. You can't tell how old he is, of course. He will forever look like a young man in his early twenties. But if he is one of the old ones of his species, you are sure the humans who lived a thousand years ago must have built ancient shrines for him where they worshipped his beauty and sacrificed people in his name.
High cheekbones, perfectly shaped nose, and full lips. You can see the tips of his fangs peeking out, glistening like pearls in the dimly lit back alley.
His flawless tan skin seems to glow as if illuminated by some light from the inside. His eyes are an unnatural shade of gold. Shining like a full moon hanging in the night sky above the city.
He is tall, and his body is adorned with gorgeous buff muscles. A body like a god. You can see that much even through the clothes he's wearing. All in black, tight jeans and a tight long-sleeve shirt. Strong and deadly. A body made for hunting, for killing, for preying on humans and drinking their blood.
Your heart is racing under your hand that's pressing against your breasts. You know he can hear it. Can hear the tempting thrum of your pulse. Can hear the rushing of your blood through your veins.
You blink at him as if confused, fluttering your eyelashes innocently. Just a dumb little girl. An easy prey.
"Ah! You scared me! Are you here to get a bit of fresh air too? It was too hot in the club. I danced too much, I think. And the drinks made me dizzy...hehe. I think I'm a bit tipsy."
You giggle and wipe your forehead, smiling at him and cocking your head, exposing more of your neck to him.
You can see his golden eyes dart to your pulse point. He licks his lips unconsciously, showing more of his fangs. They are long! He must have an enormous bite force.
The thought sends a spark of excitement through you. Adrenaline and arousal mixing in a delicious concoction.
His gaze meets yours. Wide-eyed and full of regret. You frown inwardly. What's wrong with that creature? Why isn't he happy to see such a perfect prey?
"Y... You shouldn't be here. No one should be here...I was just looking for rats. I don't want to do this!"
Oh. Now you understand. Your smile becomes bigger.
He's one of those vampires. How cute.
You have never met one before, but you heard tales about them. Vampires who don't want to feast on humans. Vampires who are at war with their natural instincts. They only hunt animals, feeding off them as if it could give them the same elation human blood does.
You know it's stupid. When it comes down to it, they can't suppress their hunger for human blood. They are made for this. It's their ultimate desire, their drug, their life elixir.
You take his words as a personal challenge.
Oh, sweet little vampire boy, you don't want to drink my blood? We will see about that.
And so you take a step towards him, swaying slightly, playing the drunk girl perfectly.
"Why shouldn't I be here? Is it a private area? Oops, I'm so stupid sometimes."
You giggle dumbly as you reach out to tap a playful finger against his broad chest, feeling the firm muscles through the thin black fabric of his shirt.
His eyes widen even more.
You smile sweetly at him before spinning around on one foot, letting your short skirt fly up to expose more of your thighs as if you're doing a little drunk dance, humming a song you heard in the club. One of those old gothic rock anthems.
You stop with your back to him, making it easier for the confused vampire. Maybe it will help him if he doesn't have to look into his victim's eyes. And then you sigh loudly and crane your neck, showing off all your exposed skin, bringing up a hand to fan yourself, letting the soft breeze carry your scent over to him. You always use a special homemade perfume on hunting nights. A mixture that includes a few drops of your blood.
You can hear his low growl. Can hear the moment his resolve breaks.
And you smirk to yourself, waiting for the moment he will attack. Your hand is already hovering over the hidden pocket in your corset where you keep the handkerchief drenched in holy water. Just in case he is too wild.
You hope this one will be fun, though. You don't like it when they are too vicious, and you have to kill them immediately before the fun even starts.
Because you aren't just here for the kill. If you are honest, you haven't been doing this job for the kill in months.
It was what made you initially sign up, sure. You wanted to drive a stake into those vile creatures' hearts and watch them crumble to ashes. You wanted to be a hero for humankind. Wanted to protect your species from its natural enemy.
But then, one night, one of them got too close to you and managed to sink his canines into your neck. You killed him but only after experiencing the most exquisite feeling of elation. Vampire saliva should be labeled a drug. You felt high in those seconds, body brimming with pleasure, closer to heaven than you ever thought possible.
After discovering this nice side effect of your job, you haven't been doing it for the kill anymore but for this special thrill. The most exquisite drug that exists in this world.
You draw in a sharp breath when you feel the vampire appear behind you. So fast as if he didn't even walk but instead manifested out of thin air.
His low, seductive voice sounds full of regret,
"It's because it's dangerous out here. I am dangerous."
You feel his breath on your neck. And before you can say anything, a strong hand clamps over your mouth and his voice is in your ear again, low and sweet and sad but also so horny for your blood.
"I am so sorry, sweetheart. I don't want this, but I'm so hungry. Please just let me take a little bite, ok? I promise I'll be careful and I will let you go afterwards. Please don't struggle. I don't want to hurt you, sweetie. Just let me get a little taste."
His firm body is pressing against your back, all solid muscles and supernatural strength. And horny desire. You can feel how hard he is. Just the thrum of your heartbeat and the smell of your skin and blood drives him crazy with lust.
You push your ass against his erection, feeling your eyes fall shut at the delicious friction. He is big. Big fangs and a big cock. So perfect for you.
And then his mouth opens against your neck. His sharp canines graze over your skin, making your body jerk with anticipation and arousal. You are so wet, pussy throbbing with excitement, creaming your panties at the prospect of getting bitten by that beautiful monster.
It's those short moments right before the bite that send the biggest thrill through you. This mix of fear and arousal. Waiting for that predatory creature to sink his teeth into you.
You lean against him, reaching behind you to let a hand run over his undercut and then tangle in his pretty pink hair. Your pulse is racing, making you feel lightheaded, and you moan softly,
"What is your name?"
"Bite me, Yuuji. Drink from me. Tell me how sweet my blood tastes."
It's enough to make him lose his last bit of restraint. You hear his strangled moan, and then his long pointy fangs pierce through your skin, making you gasp loudly as a sharp pain explodes on your neck.
Your body jerks automatically as your survival instincts try to make you run. But Yuuji's arms are around you, holding you in place, restraining you effortlessly. 
And then his vampire spit is working its black magic. The initial pain of the bite disappears and gets replaced by pleasure, making you relax in his strong arms and lean against his tall body, offering yourself willingly to him.
It's evil. Nature's abomination. A creature that's so perfect for preying on humans. Everything about the vampire is attractive to humans. They are beautiful. They are sexy. They exist to lure a human in. And their bite makes you want to stay, makes you crave more, makes you want to get feasted on until the last drop.
The unholy essence in their saliva makes you forget that it's a bad thing that they are drinking your blood, makes you forget that they are slowly draining you of your life essence and bringing you closer to death with every sip. A deadly temptation, that's what they are.
You don't feel any pain now that Yuuji feasts on you. You feel euphoria.
This is what you came here for tonight. This exquisite pleasure on the brink of death.
You find yourself moaning, pressing against the vampire needily, craning your neck to give him better access, and rubbing your ass against his hard-on, spurring him on to do more, to take more, to give you more.
If anyone in your department ever finds out about your little vampire kink, you will get fired, and your vampire hunter license will be taken away from you.
But you just can't resist.
You think you have an addiction. Nothing beats that feeling of ecstasy that pulses through your veins when the vampire spit seeps into your wound and mingles with your blood.
Or no.
There is one thing that is even better: If they drink from you while using your body in other ways too. If you let them do what every vampire craves: Feast on your whole body. Bathing their mouths with your blood and coating their cocks with your pussy cream. They long for the pulsating feeling of a warm, slick cunt around their hard cocks.
They crave to feel the life that's pulsing through your body. After all, they are undead. Their hearts have no heartbeat. Their flesh is cold and only warms if they wrap themselves around a body that is still alive. They desire life and nothing screams life more than sex.
Sweet Yuuji is just the same. He can't escape his vampire instincts. His animal urges that tell him to eat and to mate.
A low wild growl is heard when you grind against his hard cock in maddeningly tight circles, massaging him with your ass, tempting him, making him crazy with lust and need.
You feel him suck more firmly on your neck, moaning against your skin as he hungrily drinks your blood while rutting his thick hard length against you.
You let your head fall onto his shoulder, moaning his name shakily. At the same time, your fingers loosen the lacing of your corset so it opens enough to let your tits spill out, sighing when the cold night hair brushes over your heated flesh, nipples hardening instantly.
And Yuuji groans loudly against your neck, his hands coming up instantly to cup your tits, massaging them with his strong fingers, squeezing them needily, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples.
You smile.
You have him. That was easy. So easy to seduce this cute little vampire.
He turns you around with a feral-sounding growl, slamming your back against the brick wall with so much force that it makes you gasp for air.
And then his hungry mouth is on your tits, wandering over your heaving breasts, sucking and licking at your skin before he sinks his fangs into your plump flesh.
You scream, but it's a scream of lust. Your fingers tangle in Yuuji's soft pink hair as a shudder of ecstasy washes over you and makes you push your tits eagerly against his mouth.
"Ah, Yuuji! More! Please, more!"
You aren't just acting anymore. At this point, you crave him. You are greedily chasing after this feeling of bliss only a vampire cock can give you. And you know that cute and sexy Yuuji will be a master at this.
If he refuses? Well, your wooden stake is hidden in your knee-high boot.
But you don't need it. Not yet.
Yuuji looks up at you with glowing eyes and tiny droplets of blood trickling down the corners of his lips. He is sucking on one of your nipples while his fangs are buried in your flesh, sending shock waves of pleasure through you, making your pussy throb with need, so wet that your panties are soaked.
Your gaze locks with his, looking at him with the same feverish desire that is burning in his glowing eyes.
"You don't have to hold back, sweet vampire. Just take me any way you want! Just fuck me, Yuuji!"
And then Yuuji moves. He is too fast for you to even see it. One moment he has his face buried between your tits, worshipping and feasting on them, and the next, he has you pushed up against the wall.
This is the part that always drives you crazy with lust. That show of vampire strength! When he yanks you around, lifts you in his arms, and slams you against the wall like a rag doll, holding you with only one arm as if you weigh nothing.
He has already opened his pants, pushing them down to free his enormous hard cock, and then his hand sneaks under your skirt, and his firm fingers leave goosebumps on your sensitive skin where they rub over your inner thighs and then reach the heat between your legs.
Your legs tighten around his hips when he tears a hole into your fishnets and the panties underneath, ripping them apart like the wild animal he is.
He has you on his cock a split second later, claiming you with all his vampire strength. Fucking into you with hard deep thrusts so powerful and strong that it feels like you will shatter.
Not human.
You moan loudly, pussy clenching around him needily.
Human men don't do it for you anymore, not after getting a taste of vampire sex magic.
Pleasure is coursing through your veins, pussy so wet and hot, horniness clouding your mind as you threaten to go into a frenzy.
It's always like this. Vampire dick is the best dick. Made to pleasure, made to drive a human out of their mind with lust. They are made to make you become high on them and get addicted to them.
Just one drop of Yuuji's pre-cum inside you makes your head spin. His seed is the most potent aphrodisiac. Unable to create new life, infertile, dead. But so powerful when it comes to blessing you with the most intense pleasure.
Your pussy feels so sensitive to every hard thrust. You can feel Yuuji's pre-cum coating your insides, filling you with that tingling sensual sensation that makes your pussy twitch needily around his gorgeous length. When Yuuji's fat cockhead massages your sweet spot, leaking more fat drops of pre, you see stars and gasp and scream as tears of bliss run down your cheeks.
Of course, you became addicted to this! This is sex beyond anything else. No mortal man could give you this.
"Ahh, you fuck me so good, Yuuji. Can you fuck me while flying too?"
He is a particularly strong one, just pushing himself off the ground, and then he's soaring up into the night sky with you. He doesn't pull out, keeping you on his cock the whole time, rolling his hips and fucking into your needy wet pussy while floating in the night sky over Tokyo's glittering neon lights.
You scream your ecstasy into the night as your pussy clenches wildly on Yuuji's blissful vampire cock. You are drunk on him, high from orgasmic bliss, crying and screaming and mewling as you gush over his gorgeous cock, making a sticky wet mess all over him.
But he holds you in place fucking you through it, fangs buried in your neck, and his girthy cock filling you with his gracious load of cum, making you whimper and moan. Your body is convulsing with the almost unbearable ecstasy of getting filled with his aphrodisiac vampire seed, prolonging your high.
And just when you think the pleasure will finally start to ebb, another orgasm gets forced out of you before you are even ready for it. Your used hole spasms around Yuuji's cock helplessly, a sharp lustful cry of his name filling the night sky as if you are howling at the full moon over your head.
You can't stop cumming. A third orgasm follows the second one immediately, making you scream and whimper, melting bonelessly against your vampire lover who keeps you on his cock and keeps snapping his hips, deep and fast, pumping your pussy full of his vampire seed. His strong arms and thick cock are the only things holding you up, keeping you from falling down onto the city's dark streets.
"Fuck! Cutie! You are so sweet!"
He groans against your neck before his canines sink into your flesh once again, and his soft lips suck hungrily on your skin.
His potent seed fills you to the brim until your twitching pussy is overflowing. Thick rivulets of cum ooze out of your used cunt and run down Yuuji's fat cock and balls. And down your legs, making you moan as you feel the silky sensation of his seed caressing your skin.
It feels like thousands of kisses trail down your inner thighs and legs.
A loud sob forces its way out of your mouth as the caress of Yuuji's vampire cum makes you lose yourself to pleasure once more. Your pussy shudders, creaming again on the fat vampire cock, as you can only mewl weakly and cry in delight.
You watch with heavy-lidded eyes as Yuuji's cum runs over your leather boots, collecting at the heel before it drips down onto the city below you.
Yuuji's still sucking on your neck, moaning softly as he drinks your sweet blood and lets his cock get milked by the pulsing walls of your wet pussy.
You know he has to stop feasting on you now, or you will get too weak. And so you grab a handful of his pretty pink hair and tug sharply on it to get his attention.
When he finally pulls away, you can see the lust-filled haze leave his golden eyes and get replaced by regret and guilt. So sweet. You almost laugh.
"I'm sorry."
Yuuji slowly floats down past the glittering windows of skyscrapers and the blinking neon lights of the club. And you capture his lips with yours, kissing him hungrily, moaning at the taste of your blood and his spit on his tongue.
He gasps in surprise, not understanding why you still want him after what he did to you. But then his lips start to move against yours, kissing you back, slow and sweet, letting you taste his vampire kiss, his silky tongue, and intoxicating spit. Such a sweet drug.
When you reach the ground, he sets you down carefully on the grey asphalt of the dingy back alley.
He smiles at you nervously, looking guilty, making your breath catch at how beautiful he is.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I'm sorry for losing control, but you tasted so good. I'm not...I'm not used to human blood. I got overwhelmed by your taste."
He scratches his pink hair, looking like a lost little puppy. Funny how an apex predator like him can look so cute.
He adds in a soft voice,
"I hope I didn't take too much. Maybe you should stop at the hospital and ask for a blood transfusion? Let me heal you first, though."
He comes closer again, leaning down to lick over your neck where his fangs left the deepest wound. You moan as his saliva coats your skin and seeps into your wounded flesh, making it close miraculously.
You could get lost in this pleasure, give yourself over to it and press your tits in his face, so he heals his marks there too. It's tempting.
But you shake yourself out of it. Now is the crucial moment. You have to focus!
Yuuji is an easy target. Usually, you have to stake them right after they cum, or they will surely kill you. But he is different. You knew he would let you live.
And now the vampire boy is here, so close to you as he heals your wound, and you know you have to take your chance now or never.
Your fingertips graze over the handle of your wooden stake, where it's hidden in your leather boot.
But you hesitate.
Yuuji is so sweet. Not as feral as the other ones. Wouldn't it be a shame to kill him? To waste this perfect opportunity? Isn't he everything you ever wished for?
You smile as you push the stake back into your right boot, and instead, you fish something else out of your left boot.
It's so easy. Yuuji is too trusting, too sure that you are just a helpless girl who stumbled into him on accident.
He doesn't expect your move. Doesn't realize what you really are.
And then it's too late.
His surprised cry of pain makes you chuckle softly as you snap the silver handcuffs shut on his left wrist. He tries to yank his hand away, but he is already weakened by the silver. And before he can pull away, you already handcuff his other wrist, too, effectively trapping his hands behind his back.
It's always fascinating to see how weak those strong creatures become once pure silver touches them.
Yuuji's golden eyes are wide as he stares at you with a growing dread on his flawless face. Now he knows what you are. Something flickers over his beautiful face. Fear but also something else. Relief.
"Do it, please. It's ok. A monster like me shouldn't exist anyway. Please, I don't want to hurt more people."
You smile at him. Your voice is soothing, like talking to a scared animal.
"I know Yuuji. I know, sweetie. And that's why I'm not going to kill you."
He blinks at you, confused, not understanding what you mean. But you will tell him. You will explain it all to him.
You pull another item out of your boot. Your touch is gentle, almost loving when you put the silver collar on Yuuji's neck.
He hisses in pain as more silver touches his skin, burning it with its pureness. A single tear runs down his pretty face, and his lips tremble. He's so perfect. So beautiful. You are glad that you didn't kill him.
"Shhh, baby boy, it's ok. The pain will lessen once your skin gets used to it."
You coo at him, reaching out to pet his pretty pink hair soothingly and press your lips to his cheek, capturing the tear and letting it melt on your tongue, sighing at the euphoric taste.
"You are far too pretty and too cute to kill you. I'm gonna keep you."
And with that, you smile at him and fasten a leather leash on his collar.
The collar looks cute on Yuuji. As if it belongs there. Maybe you should get him a little silver name tag.
"Let's go, Yuuji. I'll show you your new home." 
You laugh softly as you wrap the leash around your wrist and give it a gentle tug to pull your new personal vampire after you.
You lift your head to gaze up at the full moon glowing brightly above the rooftops of Tokyo's skyscrapers. What a perfect night for hunting! It's a Killing Moon tonight. Legend says that it works as a lucky charm for you vampire hunters. And maybe there is truth to that old tale.
After all, you have waited months for an opportunity like this. To find the perfect vampire.
You are prepared. There is a cell in your basement. You furnished it with a luxurious big bed and soft pillows. You want your vampire to be comfortable, after all. And if he stays away from the silver bars, he won't get hurt. It's a lovely little room down there. Perfect for keeping a cute vampire pet.
The thing is, there is something you want even more than just getting bitten and fucked by those powerful creatures. They have something far more precious to give you.
It's the ultimate treason to mankind, but the huntress wants to become the thing she is supposed to kill.
The tricky thing is to find a vampire who will agree to turn you. He has to feed you his blood willingly, or it won't work. And you have to trust him not to kill you during the process.
But you think you have finally found the perfect specimen. You need one who hasn't lost his humanity and compassion. Sweet Yuuji is the perfect one for that. A vampire who doesn't want to kill.
A wide victorious smirk spreads over your face as you give the leash in your hand a firm tug and continue your way through the filthy, dimly lit back alleys of this forsaken city.
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Three months later
"Hey, sweetie. How was my sweet boy's night?"
You smile at your vampire lover as you open the door to his cell. Your breath still catches in your throat anytime you come down here and see Yuuji. His beauty is astounding. Glowing like the moon in this dark basement, beautiful and strong.
And so hungry. Hungry for your blood and your pussy. And you are here to give him both.
He is your little secret, locked away from the rest of the world, only existing for your pleasure and the promise of eternal life.
One day. One day, sweet Yuuji will give you what you want the most.
Until then, you'll just come down here every night to love him, fuck him, offer him the sweet bliss of your blood and your hot wet cunt.
Sometimes he cries those beautiful tears that glitter like diamonds and asks you in that low velvety voice:
"Why are you doing this? Why don't you let me go?"
And anytime you pet his soft pink hair and snuggle against his strong body and tell him:
"Aww, but Yuuji, don't mix things up, my love. You were the one who attacked me. It's not fair to blame me. You know that, right? My pretty boy."
He gulps and nods and apologizes over and over again. It's so cute to watch. You always end up spoiling him too much on those nights, milking his gorgeous vampire cock and letting him feed on your neck until he is in such a fucked out, lust-filled haze that he doesn't even remember his name anymore.
And you always whisper to him afterwards how much you love him. How happy you are that he came into your life.
"What we have is special, Yuuji. Don't you see? I love you so much. That's why I want us to stay together for all times."
The people in your department wouldn't understand. They would say your lover is Death. But they are wrong. Yuuji is life. Eternal life. The greatest treasure humankind hunts for.
And you have that treasure in your basement, sitting prettily on his bed, looking at you with his big golden eyes, the cute collar around his neck sparkling enticingly. You got him a name tag. It's heart-shaped.
He really is your most precious possession.
The tragedy of being human is that death will inevitably come too soon. But a vampire can defeat death. A vampire can make you immortal.
Yuuji can make you immortal.
You visit him every night to ride him, screaming from lust when his fat cock pleasures you. You tease him, you edge him, you overstimulate him. Over and over again. Tugging on his leash and telling him to bite you and suck your blood. 
And every night, you ask him to give you his blood too, so you can be together for all eternity.
He resists anytime. But you won't stop until you get what you want. 
One day you will break your cute little vampire, and then you'll be his lover forever. 
It is meant to be. Fate made you step into this particular back alley on that particular night. And even though Yuuji wouldn't have come home with you willingly, you made sure to lead him to his fate with a silver collar and a leash. And one day, he will understand.
There is no running from his fate.
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Under blue moon I saw you So soon you'll take me Up in your arms too late to beg you Or cancel it, though I know it must be The killing time Unwillingly mine
Fate Up against your will Through the thick and thin He will wait until You give yourself to him
The Killing Moon by Echo & the Bunnymen
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Thank you so much for reading my 2022 Yuuji Halloween fic! I hope you enjoyed sexy vampire Yuuji and the little twist at the end :) Initially, this story was supposed to be about a regular girl stumbling out of the club and into Yuuji, who feeds off her because he is hungry. But then I suddenly caught myself writing reader as a vampire hunter, and I realized that this makes the story a lot more fun. The yandere part was born when The Killing Moon was playing in the background, and I listened to the lyrics, and suddenly I knew how to finish this story.
Halloween always brings out my dark side, lol. It was so much fun to write an evil reader :)
I hope you enjoyed the story! Please let me know what you think. Comments and reblogs make me happy!
582 notes · View notes
riversdarkblog · 11 months
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Pairings: Werewolf Maria Hill x Werewolf Hunter Reader
Warnings: Sadism, Possessiveness, Stalking, Breaking In, Cannibalism, Dismemberment, Vivisepulture (Buried Alive), Slight Gore, Bruises, Scars, Height Difference, Slight Age Difference & Marking
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Human & Darling
Word Count: 3,369
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It was the morning of October 31st, 1965. One night a year where kids and some adults would dress up as weird or scary things. It was one night a year where the creatures of the dark could come out and roam the streets and nobody would know if they were real or not. One night a year where werewolves and vampires could come out and people would not be scared of them. Some people really didn't believe in such creatures like these but some did. Y/N believed in them especially werewolves and that's how she became a werewolf hunter.
Y/N was known as one of the outcasts of her town just for believing in werewolves and other creatures. She wanted to protect her town and even though no one believed her she'd prove that they were real. Even if she had to slice off a Werewolves head and bring it to them. She had been a werewolf hunter for almost 2 years now and every time she's close to catching a werewolf they always disappear.
For the past few months though she has been hunting down this one werewolf that managed to disappear every single time she gets too close. This werewolf had black hair and bright blue eyes that would pierce through someone's soul. It had black claws as sharp as knives and it was over 6'5". The tail almost touched the ground. One of its ears was chopped in half while the other ear had Shiny Navy Blue earrings, that would shimmer in the moonlight. The wolf also had a navy blue septum piercing. The werewolf always wore these Dark Navy Blue sweatpants but had them pulled up to its knees whenever it was spotted. The werewolf also wore these black metal cuffs around its wrists and ankles and Y/N doesn't know why yet.
Y/N was getting hunting supplies at one of the local stores when she heard a crash and then shouting. Y/N rushed over and saw a man on the floor and a woman standing 5 feet away. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM" the man shouted and the woman didn't answer. Y/N looked at the woman and saw that she had short black hair and striking blue eyes. The woman was wearing a leather jacket and baggy navy blue ripped jeans. She saw that the woman was wearing black cuffs around her wrists. The woman was wearing black combat boots. The woman was also pretty tall causing Y/N to gulp. The woman was pretty muscular as well and had a strong body build. "You should really watch where you're going man" the woman said in a raspy voice causing River to shiver slightly. "ME YOU WERE THE ONE WHO BUMPED INTO ME AND KNOCKED ME DOWN" the man shouted before getting up and grabbing hold of the woman's moon phase shirt. "I suggest you let go of my shirt or you'll regret it" the woman said calmly as people started coming over to see what the commotion was.The man still didn't let go causing the black haired woman to clench her jaw before grabbing the man's wrist and gripping tightly. The man's eyes widened in shock as he felt the grip on his wrist. "What the hell let go of my wrist" the man said.
The black haired woman leaned down and whispered into the man's ear. "You don't know what I'm capable of so I suggest you let go of my shirt or I will break your wrist" the woman said before she felt eyes on her causing her to look up and lock eyes with Y/N. The black haired woman smirked before her eyes glowed a brighter blue causing Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. The woman squeezed the man's wrist a bit tighter as she spoke into his ear. Y/N watched as the man started shaking in fear before letting go of the woman's shirt. Y/N saw the woman let go of the man's wrist and saw a visible hand print around it.
The man ran past Y/N and she stepped back so she wouldn't get shoved out of the way. She looked back over to see the woman walking in the opposite direction while carrying a couple pack of ground beef not seeming fased by the coldness to it. Y/N ran after her and catched up to her. "Um excuse me Ma'am" Y/N said and the woman stopped before looking down at Y/N who was at least 5 inches shorter than her. "What do you want are you here to pick a fight as well" the woman asked in that raspy voice of hers. "Oh um no nothing like that" Y/N said shaking her head. The woman raised her eyebrow waiting for Y/N to speak again. "Oh right um I'm Y/N and I couldn't help but watch what had happened. I'm sorry about that man he can be mean when he gets drunk" Y/N said and the woman rolled her eyes. "Of course he was drunk I could smell it off of him and I'm Maria by the way" the woman said causing Y/N to smile before looking down at the 6 packs of ground beef in Maria's hands.
"Hey um aren't those freezing your hands off" Y/N asked Maria and Maria looked down before her eyes widened in shock. She sets them down on one of the racks before smiling at Y/N. "I didn't even realize I was still carrying them" Maria lied and Y/N chuckled. "I'll go find a basket for you" Y/N said before walking off in search of a shopping basket. Once she returned she saw Maria wasn't anywhere causing her to frown. "Damn it" Y/N muttered out before setting the basket down on the ground. She went back to shopping for her supplies before making her way to the registers.
Y/N made her way out of the store and to her car. As she was unlocking her car she looked up to see glowing blue eyes. She looked over her shoulder but nothing was there. She opened her trunk and set the hunting stuff down before shutting the door. Y/N jumped slightly when she heard a car alarm going off before looking over to see huge claw marks across the rear and front door on the back left side on a black car a couple feet away. As she was putting stuff away she felt someone tap her shoulder from behind. She grabbed her knife and spun around and pointed it at the person who put their hands up. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw it was Maria. "Wow easy there I just wanted to give you something" Maria said in that raspy voice of hers before holding out a piece of white paper. "What is it" Y/N said cautiously. "My phone number, I thought I'd give it to you because you're cute" Maria said causing Y/N to lower her knife as she grabbed the paper while her face turns red. "Oh um I- thanks I guess" Y/N said but when she looked back up Maria was gone again causing her to frown. Why did this mysterious woman named Maria kee on disappearing like that Y/N had thought.
Y/N went home and took out all of her hunting supplies from her trunk before shutting the trunk door. She made her way up the walkway before walking up the three steps to her house. She took out her keys and unlocked the door before opening the door and shutting it behind her after she walked in. Y/N locked the door before walking into her living room and setting all of the stuff down. As Y/N was walking around her room bright blue eyes followed her every move as a piece of human flesh was put into the mouth that belonged to the person with blue eyes.
An hour ago those same blue eyes were glowing. Those blue eyes had belonged to no other than Maria. Maria was walking through the forest dragging that man that had grabbed her shirt in the grocery store. He had been screaming the whole time while trying to break free as Maria dragged him by the back of his shirt while his hands were tied. Maria didn't listen to his screaming and didn't seem bothered by his struggling. She walked for a while until she stopped next to a big hole she dug up 30 minutes ago before kidnapping the man. The man's eyes widened in shock when he saw the hole. Before he could answer Maria kneeled down as her nails turned into claws. The man's eyes had widened in shock before she ripped his hand off of him causing him to scream really loudly. "Next time think before you mess with the wrong person" Maria said before shoving him in the hole with her foot. She grabbed the shovel and started tossing dirt back into the hole. The man started coughing as dirt kept hitting him in the face.
Maria was now watching Y/N walk around her house while eating the man's hand that she had ripped off. She was perched in the tree that was in Y/N's backyard. Maria had a perfect view of the whole house since it was just a single floor house. The tree branches and leaves his Maria perfectly since it was still day time. She was slightly confused as to why she took a liking to this woman that was clearly 5 or 6 years younger than her. She has never felt this way with anyone before and it made her feel protective of this one special girl. She wanted to take her away from her life and claim her as hers and only hers.
Maria watched Y/N walk into the bathroom which had a small window. She jumped down from the tree before walking quietly towards the house. Thank god for a privacy fence. Maria stopped in front of the back door before her pointer finger nail turned into a claw. She put it into the key hole before moving it around and stopped when she heard a click. It was risky to break in in the middle of the day but Maria was pretty sneaky when she wanted to be. Maria's claw disappeared before she opened the door and walked into the house. She closed the door quietly behind her before walking through the house towards the bathroom. She stopped when she looked in the living room to see hunting stuff causing her eyes to narrow before she continued to walk to the bathroom. She was about to reach for the door but realized it was already wide open. Guess Y/N didn't shut it. The shower was running and Maria looked up to see Y/N in the shower washing her body. The glass doors had steamed up but Maria could still see all of Y/N's body. Her eyes glowed blue as she licked her razor sharp teeth. She was about to step forward when Y/N's phone started ringing on the toilet beside the shower. She moved away from the bathroom door before hurrying up out of the house.
There was still a couple hours until trick or treating started at 6 pm and it's currently 3 pm. Y/N had gotten out of the shower and hit the dismiss button on her phone for her alarm. She dried herself off before wrapping the towel around herself and walked out of the bathroom. She made her way to her bedroom before grabbing a pair of her underwear. She started getting ready after completely drying off. She put on some black leather pants and a black sweatshirt. She put her socks on before her black combat boots that had silver spikes that came out of the bottoms of them. She grabbed her leather jacket and put it on over her sweatshirt before grabbing her scarf and wrapping it around her neck. She walked into her living room and grabbed her hunting stuff before heading out of her house. When she looks up she sees Maria leaning against her car causing her to stop. "Uh Maria w-what are you doing here" Y/N stuttered out and Maria smirked before pushing herself off of Y/N's car. She stopped in front of Y/N before looking down at all the handmade weapons except for the crossbow. "What's all this for" Maria said ignoring Y/N's question. "Um you wouldn't believe me if I told you" Y/N said and Maria let out a throaty laugh before looking directly into Y/N's eyes. "Try me" Maria said and Y/N gulped. "I'm hunting for a werewolf tonight" Y/N said and Maria's smile faltered before her eyes darkened. "Oh then why don't I join you" Maria asked and Y/N frowned. "Why would you help me, do you also believe in werewolves" Y/N asked and Maria leaned back up before nodding her head. "Yeah I do" Maria said before shoving her hands in her pockets.
The two drove in silence as Y/N gripped the steering wheel slightly. "How'd you know where I lived" Y/N finally spoke up and Maria looked over from the passenger side. "You should have asked me that before you let me into your car" Maria spoke up cause Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. She hit the gas pedal causing the car to screech to a halt. Maria winced at the sound of the screeching. Y/N looked over at Maria who was already staring at her with piercing blue eyes. She looks closer and frowns slightly. "Your eyes look so damn familiar" Y/N said before Maria smirks. "Oh Little Human you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into" Maria said in her raspy voice causing Y/N's eyes to widen in shock. She opened her car door and quickly got out as Maria slowly got out of the car. She just watched as Y/N opened the back seat and grabbed her crossbow. Maria shut the car door before watching Y/N walk around the back of the car before standing a couple feet away from her.
"You're the werewolf I've been trying to hunt down for months now" Y/N said as she pointed her crossbow at Maria who seemed unfazed by all of this. "Why didn't I see this sooner" Y/N said as she sighed before looking back at Maria who was staring at her. Maria looked around to see that they were near a forest with nothing else around them. Y/N saw Maria looking around causing her to clutch the crossbow tighter. "I'll shoot you if you so much as take a step" Y/N said causing Maria to look back at her and smirk. Maria took a step towards Y/N causing Y/N to take a step back. "I said stay put" Y/N shouted and Maria took another step forward. Before Y/N could do anything she was slammed against the rear door causing the crossbow to drop to the ground. She looked up at Maria in shock who just smirked down at her. Before Maria could speak Y/N stomped on Maria's foot before shoving her away from the stomach. She scrambled away as she grabbed the crossbow before shooting Maria in the shoulder causing her to scream out in pain. She ripped the arrow out of her shoulder and dropped it to the ground as she looked at the wound that was slowly already closing before she glared up at Y/N.
"You shouldn't have done that Y/N I suggest you start running now" Maria rasped out as she saw the crossbow drop to the ground. Y/N ran off into the forest. Silver was supposed to wound werewolves and keep them from healing but Maria seemed to be fine. Maria starts following Y/N but doesn't run because she knows all the forests around her like the back of her hand.
It felt like hours since Y/N started running through the forest and the sun had just disappeared. And the full moon was up in the sky. Maria had taken off her leather jacket and her black combat boots. Maria looked up at the moon to see it was a harvest full moon making her smirk as her eyes glowed bright blue. Her hunting instincts started coming to the surface as she began walking through the forest making sure not to make a sound as she closely listened to Y/N's footsteps. As Maria was listening she heard a twig snap a few feet ahead causing her to smirk. She started walking faster following the scent of Y/N and the sound of her footsteps. As Maria kept getting closer and closer she started speeding up before she was full on sprinting after Y/N. Maria tackled Y/N to the ground right when she caught up to her causing the two to tumble to the ground as Y/N let out a loud scream.
Maria ended up on top of Y/N causing her to smirk as she looked down at Y/N. "Oh Y/N you're absolutely cute like this, your widened eyes, heavy breathing and Racing heart that I can hear" Maria said and Y/N's face flushed slightly. Maria had Y/N's wrists pinned to the ground with a slightly tighter grip. "You know I have to be honest with you Little Human ever since I met you at that store I've become slightly obsessed with you" Maria said causing Y/N's eyes to widen even more. "W-what" Y/N stuttered out causing Maria to grab Y/N's jaw with one of her hands before leaning down. "I've become obsessed with you since in the store, I just keep thinking about how I'll make you mine" Maria said as she feels Y/N grab her wrist. "Something inside me just wants me to claim you right here " Maria said as she leaned down and breathed in Y/N's scent from her neck. Before Y/N could do anything she felt Maria's razor sharp fangs sink into her neck causing her to scream out in pain. Y/N started squirming and kicking her feet trying to shove Maria off of her but Maria's grip tightened around her wrist probably making a bruise already.
Maria pulled away after a couple seconds and Y/N looked up to see Maria's eyes glowing bright blue. Maria looked down at the bite mark on Y/N's neck before leaning back down and licking over it to soothe the pain causing Y/N to let out a whimper. As Y/N just laid there on the muddy ground she felt claws dig into her cheeks and wrist. "M-maria" Y/N stuttered out and Maria pulled away causing Y/N to stop breathing for a couple seconds. As the two looked at each other they heard the town Church bell ring meaning it was Midnight. So they've been out for hours. Maria had been chasing Y/N for hours. "Y-you um you shifted" Y/N stuttered out and Maria looked down to see fur covering her arms. Maria smirked in her werewolf form showing off all of her razor sharp teeth. "Just know you are mine now thanks to that bite mark I gave you" Maria rasped out before licking her lips. She let go of Y/N before getting up and staring at Y/N who was still on the ground. Maria had grown 5 more inches in her werewolf form. "If anyone tries and takes you away from me I'll rip them to shreds darling" Maria said before she disappeared into the night leaving Y/N still on the ground trying to process what just happened. Her whole life had changed just in one whole day and from now on things would be completely different.
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Taglist: @yelenasdiary @red1culous @natashaismylove @i-lov3-w0men @marvelfan98 @whoreforblackhill @emmytaysversion @livin4theeradictor @music-4ever @gaylorvader
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I've seen people confused on why Rouge is with team sonic (+ Cream) in Sonic Dream Team and I don't really get why, I think it's quite understandable when you think about it.
Just look:
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This thing in Sonic's hand. The orb thing. In the plot synopsis it says the following:
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The Reverie. While it's described as a device I'm assuming it's that orb thing Sonic is holding in the app icon. And what does that orb look like?
A big fancy, shiny, glowy, sparkly gem. And what does Rouge like? Big fancy, shiny, glowy, sparkly gems. So... it's it obvious? Rouge, the treasure hunter, is in it for the fucking gem. Just like in Sonic Prime, where she was the one to tell Sonic about the paradox prism and only really was working with him because she wanted it. Speaking of Prime, we got this exact complaint of: "Why is Rouge suddenly working with team Sonic???? Why isn't she with team Dark????"
Like it's in Rouge's character from the beginning, yes she is deep down a caring person even if she tries to hide it under her flirtatious persona, she's still very selfish and will absolutely do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She's absolutely willing to work with other teams that isn't her own (the one she's the Leader of btw in case you forgot, the only team I will argue she's actually loyal to) if it comes to her benefit, but I absolutely wouldn't consider her an actual part of the team and She absolutely wouldn't consider herself part of the team. And sure, I can see her definitely wanting to stop Eggman and whatever crazy Eggman Land-esk nightmare he comes up with in this game but... she's 1000000% in it for that shiny gem though, let's be for real.
Anyway, let Rouge have her sparkly hunt. She deserves to be playable and especially playable without having to be tied down to Adventure treasure hunting mechanics.
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Edit: she actually doesn't have fangs apparently, the original image I had thought was nabbed from the official Tails Channel twitter but it wasn't and was a fan edit with no sort of differentiation to tell that it wasn't real from a glance with no @ or credits of the sort and the Tails channel info graphics just left plain in tact where it caused my confusion, sorry for letting myself have a little hope for Sega doing good choices for character design 😔
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thepastelspace · 1 year
I just saw the art of demon pickle and the way I'm kicking my legs and giggling! Could we get some information or like headcannons or ANYTHING about that au? On my hands and knees BEGGING for it please.
I am glad you like it!! I have never done anything like this, so I hope this is decent :]
In this Au, the hanma family and a few of the other fighters are demons. So count Yujiro, Baki, Jack, Doppo, Katsumi, Retsu, and Pickle. (Ofc there are more)
All of them have different physical attributes, like Pickle has 4 arms, for example.
Some demons live peacefully with humans, like Baki, Doppo, Katsumi, and Retsu... others don't.
Pickle is as ancient as the land they all walk on. He is from a time when demons were the apex predators. Humans were nothing but food or a rag doll for the demon children to play with. Since most demons kept a territory to themselves and didn't interact with other demons, he had no need to learn communications.
Pickle was a menace, such a menace that the remaining humans banded together, and at first tried to kill him. It wasn't successful. Then they decided to seal him under a mountain with ancient magic, or he would've probably killed them all.
He was sealed under the mountain for centuries... hell, even longer, really. In the meantime, Demons began living alongside humans, trying to put their history behind them. It was rather peaceful... When some fool decided to try his skills in ancient magic, he unlocked the seal. All the demons felt something appear, something new and foreign to them.
Pickle instantly went on a rampage, not only killing but devouring a whole village in the blink of an eye. It was horrific... but he was still hungry. The other towns began to fear their fate, and some decided that if they sent someone as a sacrifice, he might leave them alone...
This is a small summary of the story I had when I drew him :] Ahem, I shall also offer headcanons for this Pickle here:
This pickle is a bit more smart when it comes to humans. He has seen them before, sure only as food, but he had an idea of how they behaved. He understands their hostile and non hostile behavior.
He is unable to learn speech in any capacity. His tusks wouldn't allow him even if he tried.
However, writing, if taught with enough patience, is very doable. He will need one hell of a stick to write in the dirt.
This pickle is big... very big. If our normal pickle is almost 8 feet tall, this behemoth is 10 feet tall. He is humongous, and he can easily toss a person around like a ragdoll.
He likes to steal stuff off of the people he killed, especially shiny things. For example, the Red bead Mala necklaces he wears as bracelets, he stole them off of people he killed. They didn't fit around his head, so he wears them as barecelets.
Currently, he lives in the spruce forest. He can somewhat hide between the ancient trees. Though demon hunters know where he is, and they come pay him a visit. Unfortunately, they end up as snacks.
This is what I have in general. However, if you want something to do with Y/N 😏 hehehe feel free to ask :]
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