#stuttering stephanie
kattabassis · 1 month
I feel like someone's gonna hurl a bunch of scathing ocean puns at me and say skill issue if I say I don't like another crab's treasure very much
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
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She was such a cool girlfriend, everything she said and did was so smooth.
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willowdied · 10 months
@crisisbabe , richie sends to steph [ sms ]: if you don’t reply asap, i’m sending you the bee movie script. all of it.
[ text : r.lipschiz ] what the fuck. [ text : r.lipschiz ] The bee movie????? there's like A bee movie? [ text : r.lipschiz ] but yeah ofc i'd reply quick [ text : r.lipschiz ] hello? hi? sup? what can i do????
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confused-wanderer · 5 months
The biggest fuck you the bat kids can throw at Bruce is to appoint someone else as their father figure when they get mad at him.
Bruce doesn’t really care if they go to anyone else for help. It stings sure, but he trusts them. What he can’t handle is them going to someone for simple things like ice cream. Or movie night. Or quality time. That’s HIS job. You can partner with them, you better not try to parent them.
Once when kid Dick was pissed at Bruce for not allowing him to be violent towards a villain, he’d grabbed Superman’s hand and declared he wanted Uncle Clark to tend to his injuries and tuck him in bed.
The amount of jealousy and anger radiating off the Bat was so enormous Superman almost thought the man was about to stab him with a Kryptonite sword and couldn’t stop fearing for his life.
Then came Jason, and after getting mad at Bruce for not letting him buy five libraries, he finds Alfred and spends the day as his son, calling himself Jason Penyworth. When Tim came along, he was once fed up with Bruce’s antics and dragged Dick - who had just entered after a gruelling week - out of the mansion, declaring he wanted a different parental figure and insisted they get takeout and have an arcade night. Hell even when Stephanie stormed off and decided to crash at Barbara’s instead of the mansion, Oracle could’ve sworn that Bruce was pouting under his mask, silently sulking at his rejection.
And Damian, well Damian had heard stories of all of this happening, and although he wasn’t a child and refused to throw petty tantrums like the rest of the siblings, one day Bruce’s advice wears on his last nerve and he marches upto the figure reading a book on the other end of the room before demanding they go out to an art studio that day.
He grabs hold of the hand, hears him stuttering behind him but doesn’t pay any heed. Grayson wouldn’t mind after all. He was sure of it. They go outside, and Damian whirls around, about to declare that he wanted to go to the art gallery and spend the night somewhere other than the mansion when his eyes meet a pair of confused blue ones and the words die down in his throat.
He could feel the heat building on his face as he and Tim stared at each other for a few seconds.
It wasn’t his fault Drake and Grayson looked so damn similar! And Drake was sitting on Richard’s spot! Why was the failure doing that?? He knew it, he was trying to throw Damian off his hand and he’d succeeded! He was going to turn around, and hand Damian off to Bruce. Served him right for being so mindless.
Damian knows he should say something, but his mind was blank. He stuttered, furiously trying to think of an explanation before the other man chuckles and lets Kon know he won’t be available for the rest of the day.
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miryum · 2 months
☆ 18+ minors dni ☆ (ish. Not descriptive at all)
So I’ve done Brother’s Best Friend!Jason Todd, right? Well, what about Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd?
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd would have a totally different vibe and I will die on this hill
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, instead of playing the long game like Brother’s Best Friend!Jason Todd, would think to himself, right when he met you, “that’s who I’m gonna marry”
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, from the moment you entered his home, would have his eyes set on you because holy shit you were so innocent and lovely and had no idea what you were walking into 
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would be envious of his little sister, Stephanie, for being friends with you, but also extremely thankful that you two were friends because it’s how he met you
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would hang around Wayne Manor more and more often just for the chance of seeing you. Of course, Alfred was the first to catch on. Then Steph, then Bruce, and slowly the rest of the family
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who didn’t care that you were only in college and he was nearing thirty – you were his
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would stare at you when you and Stephanie were studying together in the Wayne library. He would literally just stand in the doorway, arms crossed and staring in your direction, a deadly smirk on his lips. How else was he supposed to flirt with you? Ever since the Lazarus Pit, his perception of… social awareness was off
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would contemplate whether or not he should ask you out because you were Steph’s best friend and he didn’t want to insert himself into your friendship
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would take his contemplations out on one of the punching bags in the gym. Dick eventually had to come in and check on Jason after he had broken two punching bags
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who hung around Steph for days on end, gaining up courage to ask her if she was okay with him asking you out. Steph was definitely suspicious and finally just bluntly asked him what was wrong
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who breathed out a sigh of relief when Steph squealed happily and cried out, “of course! Oh, you two will be perfect together!”
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who then waited two and a half more weeks to ask you out because he was too nervous. He would send you winks and even drove Steph back to Gotham University after break just on the off chance of seeing you. He did and he had never smiled more widely in his life
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who groans and burrows his head in his hood whenever Steph teases him about you or when Dami asks, “I do not see the problem. If you cannot ask a girl out, Todd, then perhaps you are not fit to fight villains”
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who finally asks you out after you and Steph had a sleepover at Wayne Manor. He got up extra early that morning and began stress-making pancakes, as any rational person does
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, after sliding you a plate full of pancakes, stutters over his words and scratches his neck and heat fills his cheeks, is relieved when you’re the one to ask him out
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, later, would insist that he wasn’t nervous and would tell everyone, even your grandkids, that he was the one to ask you out
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who caved under your smirking glare and eventually admitted to your grandkids that he didn’t have the courage to ask out the love of his life
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who takes you wherever you want with Bruce’s money – even if you only ask to go browsing at the bookstore, he would buy you any book you looked at
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, as I’ve said earlier, doesn’t really know how to act at first and doesn’t know how to show his affection. So, he buys you gifts and gives you the key to his apartment two months in
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, after spending the first (non-sexual) night with you, suddenly realised how touch starved he was
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who then did not spend another second not touching you. Whether it’s an arm over your shoulder, holding your hand, or pulling your feet up onto his lap when you two are sitting on the couch
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would slowly move you in without you even knowing. At first it was a couple clothes, and then a book or two, and then a couple picture frames here or there, and then oh well, it just makes sense that you move in
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would decorate your skin with open mouthed kisses after your first (sexual) night with you, whispering over and over again how much he loves you
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who wouldn’t have to introduce you to his family because luckily, you already knew them all! 
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would join you and Steph for girls night and paint his toes and gossip and let you run your hands through his hair (and maybe braid it)
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who would be the epitome of a gentleman and open doors for you, stare down other guys who looked at you, and gave you his leather jacket when he took you out riding on his motorcycle (and if you got a little handsy, he wouldn’t mind)
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who didn’t dare get you into the Red Hood/vigilante business and god forbid a villain got ahold of you
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone who threatened your safety and then afterward hold you close, whispering sweet nothings as he lets Tim and Cass take care of it
Best Friend’s Brother!Jason Todd who, even after years of being together, would still kiss you like there’s no tomorrow and remind you that he loves you every five minutes
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magnoliasandarson · 2 months
Tim: I can't crack this case. My skull is about to implode. Stephanie: Bit dramatic, Timberlina. Tim: I just want my brain to give me good thoughts, please, fuck. Stephanie: Smack it with a stick. Tim: My brain? Stephanie: Did I stutter? Tim: I think you just described a lobotomy.
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its-time-to-write · 8 months
hiya there love
i was wondering, if i could request a lovely jamie tartt fic from you? it would basically revolve around r being increadibly stressed and overworked and, of ypu are comfortable, r gets a panic attack (maybe she works at the dogtrack and then people are confused about what is happening) and then jamie swoops in and saves the day
absolutely love your writing and stories and senig lots of love and creativity your way <3 <3 <3
guys I have like five WIPS and usually I have zero, but here we are. Most of them only need their closing paragraph but I have been BUSY and also very tired. thank you @dark-academia-slut for this request and your recent comments on my posts🩵🩵
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for you, there’ll be no more crying
There’s too much to do and only one you, and yet everything needs to be done today and no one seems to realize that they’re assigning you more work on top of what other people have already given you. You didn’t realize everything was so pressing, but here you are with a to do list as long as your arm filled with tasks to be completed ASAP. 
You think that taking a break for lunch is a bad idea, honestly you’d rather sit at your desk and check some more things off your list, but HR insists that you have a thirty-minute break. It’s also shitty because your boyfriend works here too, but you’re not sitting with him today because by the time he got to the cafe, the only available space was all the way across the room. So here you are, tapping your foot as you force down a salad. 
Chewing feels mechanical, each bite heavy in your mouth. You choke down a piece as your index finger taps on your thumb, counting down the minutes until you can rush back to your office. You can feel Helen from HR keeping an eye on you, and you don’t need to add a visit from her to you list. 
“Oi, can you compile that list I emailed you about last week?” Stephanie from the front desk asks from across the table. 
You give her a confused look. “What list?”
She returns your look. “The one I sent last Tuesday?”
You shake your head and say, “I never got that email.”
Stephanie frowns and pulls out her phone. “Oh, whoops, it’s in my drafts still.” She presses a button and says, “There, it’s sent!” with a cheerful grin, like that changes anything. 
Your whole leg is shaking now, not just your foot. “When do you need it?” you ask carefully, willing her to say literally an other day but today. 
“Oh, I need it by the end of the day,” she replies so you nod, all slow and mechanical. 
You ask, “Can I get it to you tomorrow?” and she shakes her head. 
“No, I really needed it done by today. You should have checked with me when you didn’t get my email on Tuesday.”
You don’t point out that it’s impossible to ask about an email you didn’t even know existed, mainly because Stephanie is best friends with Helen and you literally cannot deal with both of them today. 
So instead you nod, fake a smile, and take another bite of salad as Stephanie gets up to leave. 
The moment she’s gone, everything goes slow. And not in a good way. 
You think, oh shit as the food in your mouth becomes tasteless and your gaze becomes fixated on a spot on the table. 
Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. 
Liam notices and asks, “Are you alright?” in his too-loud voice, so now everyone in the cafe is looking at you as you take stuttered breaths around the salad in your mouth. 
You’re confident that this couldn’t get any worse, but you can’t even answer Liam so he shakes your arm, causing you to jolt. 
You press one hand to your heart as you try to catch a breath with all eyes still on you. 
A hand presses a napkin to your mouth and says, “Spit,” but you don’t look up to see who it is. You’re stuck on that one spot on the table, unable to move anything except your leg. But you don’t need to look up to know who it is. 
“Fuck off, Liam,” says Jamie and Liam does. 
You’re told later that Jamie flips off anyone who’s still staring, but you miss it in the moment because it’s over your head. 
“You alright, babe?” he asks gently, but you don’t respond. He slides into the seat Liam has vacated and grabs your hand. “Oi, look at me.”
His hands are warm in contrast to your cold ones, and the uses his one free hand to tilt your face toward his. You’re having a hard time making eye contact so he bends his head just enough so he’s in your line of sight. 
“There you are,” he smiles, “You want to tell me what’s wrong or do you want me to guess?”
You just look, chest rising and falling way too fast. 
“Right,” he says. “Let’s get your breathing under control. Breathe with me, yeah?”
You see the staff and team at Nelson Road filtering out of the cafe, so you focus on Jamie’s face and follow his breaths. 
“Okay, keep going like that. What else can we talk about? Oi, did you hear what fucking Roy did this morning? The lad’s fucking insane, he is. Strings around dicks? Can’t believe I almost lost mine, and on date night no less.” He winks. “You’d‘ve had his head for sure, love.”
You crack a smile at that. 
“Ey!” he says, “She lives!”
“I love you,” you tell him and he squeezes your hand. 
“She fuckin’ talks, too. What a woman.”
You think of a few snide replies, but you’re not too sold on talking just yet so you settle for silence. 
“Was it fucking Helen?” Jamie asks, “Bird’s more insane than Coach.”
You wiggle your head. Technically, it wasn’t just Helen, but she’s the one who’s been handing you the most assignments while also insisting on the stupidest breaks. 
“Bet it were Stephanie too,” he continues. “Babe, you’ve gotta fucking talk to Higgins or Ms. Welton or some shit. They’re using you like some personal servant and it ain’t right.”
You shrug and Jamie squeezes your hand again. “None of that,” he says. 
He’s not wrong. 
It’s just you two, alone, so he allows himself a moment to cup your face in one hand. “You’re good, yeah?” he asks. 
You take a deep breath and nod. “Yeah, I’m good.”
He grins and leans forward to kiss your forehead. 
“D’you want to ditch the rest of the day?” he asks and you give him a Look. 
You say, “I can’t ditch. I have too much to do and you can’t ditch because you have training.”
Jamie’s still grinning as he says, “Bet I could get out of it ‘cause of me injury and you could get out of it if you talked to Ms. Welton.”
“Absolutely not,” you reply, but he’s already standing up.
“Gonna talk to her about fucking Helen,” he says. “I’d bet my entire house that none of your shit is that big of an emergency.”
“No you won’t,” you call after him, “And anyway, she wouldn’t listen to you about any of it.”
Jamie’s basically already gone so he just shouts, “Ta,” as you sigh and get up to go back to your office. 
An hour later, you’re in the car with Jamie as he laments your lack of faith in him. “Told you Helen’s full of shit,” he says. “You’re going to be way better at her job than she ever was.”
“The fuck, Jamie,” you reply. “I still can’t believe you made me talk to Rebecca.”
He shrugs, one hand on the wheel. “I’m a dead good boyfriend, is what I am.”
You laugh. He certainly is that. 
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charlotte-of-wales · 4 months
a summary of the Monaco Tea, creds to the lovely anon who sent me the article <3
btw most of the information on the family was in article one, the latter were more just info on real estate + off shore accounts
again, this info is all coming from the former accountant of the family:
Prince Rainier III was seriously considering changing succession laws so Caroline would be the head of the family and Monaco as he found Albert to be weak. Albert is said to be the "despised member of the clan" who would stutter while speaking to his father. Rainier even looked into what this would mean to the Grimaldi name since Andrea - at the time 17 - obviously carries his father's name (Casiraghi) and not his mother's (Grimaldi). Rainier told the ones carrying the investigation that this was done in case Albert died.
the funds from Albert's state endowment and his private funds would be mixed all the time.
Albert would say yes to essentially everything his family asked for, including a $30 million apartment for Stephanie
Palmero (the accountant) would frequently buy things for the family to keep "their privacy". He bought Charlene's engagement ring and multiple properties for the Grimaldi's in France. He would pay property taxes for those properties and have the family pay him back.
Caroline and Stephanie would frequently make use of and sell family property (Rainier's cars, family jewelry and art, etc) without letting him know, even though they technically belonged to Albert.
Caroline is in charge of the family's castle in Marchais, which he had an issue with as she would always go off budget.
he makes a note to pay attention to Pierre Casiraghi as he is very ambitious and his dealings in real estate could create problems (spoiler alert: it did)
Caroline is said to hate Charlene
the allowance that Charlene, Caroline and Stephanie receive increases constantly, which worried Palmero. As of late, they were: 1,5 million euros for Charlene, 900.000 for Caroline and 800.000 for Stephanie yearly. This follows the family hierarchy.
 Jazmin Grace receives 86,000 dollars per quarter. In February 2010, Palmero had to spend $5,000 “extra for her birthday”. Albert also bought her a $3 million apartment in New York City.
Albert spends almost a million a year funding Nicole Coste's (the mother of Albert's second illegimate child) fashion business. It's all in Alexandre Coste's name as Nicole fears that Charlene might create issues when Albert dies.
loots about Charlene. She frequently demands high sums in cash, her personal chef is $300 a day, she has multiple undocumented people from the Philippines working in her staff, the celebrations for the birth and baptism of the twins was well over half a million euros, in eight years Charlene spent around 15 million euros when she received 7.5 million euros in endowment (the Palace didn't deny this and said that the accountant was simply told to pay the difference with the family's personal funds), she spent 965,000 on a villa in two and a half months, her office decoration cost a million euros, she requested 3 x 300,000 for her brother's house.
Palmero made sure to change Monaco's regency laws so in case something happens to Albert while Jacques is underage Charlene won't be regent. Instead, the principality will be ruled by a regency council.
Albert has a secret apartment in Monaco, bought by one of Palmero's secret companies. He also got rid of problematic photographs of Albert (hinted at blackmail).
there was a whole system for hiding sums used on "special missions". They were labeled DS (for special destinations) and with time were used to pay for an informal intelligence unit that operated within the police force of the principality. They'd collect information on those close to the family and even on politians of the principality. He would also pay journalists to paint a good picture of Monaco while Hollande was president in France and was constantly criticizing tax-havens.
the DS accounts would be used to hide over-budget situations, including budget for the children's nannies and the budget for the wedding.
they were terrified of the Panama papers, as a lot of money laundering funds go through Monaco and the family had accounts on Panamanian banks.
a link between a Russian billionaire and the Monegasque Minister of Justice was revealed in 2017 and the Minister was forced to resign. An investigation was launched by a French judge and there was fears that the palace would be involved: jurisdictional immunity was granted to members of the sovereign family by order. There was rumours that the French judge wanted to hear the Prince as a witness......he was told to leave the principality. He was accused of having, through his “behavior perceived as authoritarian and vexatious”, “endangered the proper functioning of the criminal justice system”.
the real estate market is a big point of collision here and a big focus of article 3. Nothing too interesting to report - Palmero says he tried mingling in the market to break down the monopoly of real estate owners in Monaco (centered around a bestie of the Casiraghi brothers) while Albert claims Palmero had close ties with some of the developers and tried mingling with things that were of interest of the government in order to make money. The real estate issue was what eventually led Palmero to be fired. Palmero and a former laywer of Albert who was his childhood bestfriend and is also now a persona non grata claims that Albert is now fully under the influence of the bestie of the Casiraghi brothers who now controls the real estate in Monaco.
Palmaro is STILL paying property tax on properties he bought for the family!! crazy!!
Palmero detailed a number of off-shore accounts that hold about 250 million euros of the family's fortune including a company created specifically for Charlotte Casiraghi. He passed on the information from that account to Albert's new accountant at a monitored meeting.
Albert's explanation is lowkey....pathetic. He claims he told Palmero to move all of his family's assets from off-shore accounts to Monaco but Palmero never did it and that was that. He claims he was never able to obtain a precise statement on the family assets due to Palmero's secrecy and Albert just trusted him. He claims Palmero would act in his name and refuse to delay his decisions.
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faghubby · 8 days
Modern Family
"Mom I gave Dad a hug, is he wearing a bra?" Stephanie asked our 16 year old daughter.
Samantha smiled a little,
"Yes he is" she confirmed. Stephanie was even more confused.
"Why?" She asked. Samantha took her daughters hand and led her to the little sun porch off the kitchen. It was Samantha's sanctuary she closed the doors and sat Stephanie down.
"Your father has a fetish" Sam said looking at her daughter not sure she knew what that meant.
"So he what is a crossdresser?" Stephanie said looking back towards the kitchen.
"Well that's part I guess, your Dad is turned on by having me have sex with other men" Sam told Stephanie. Stephanie mouth fell open.
"So you cheat on him?" Stephanie said shocked.
"No, your father begs me to have sex with black men in particular" Sam clarified.
"So dad has sex with other woman?" Stephanie seemed very confused
"OH noi could never allow that. He gets to wear womanly things and if he is lucky I will allow him to please himself" Samantha seemed relieved to tell someone. After two years holding on to this secret life.
"You really sleep with black men?" Stephanie asked curious. Samantha took her daughter's hands in hers and nodded with a huge smile on her face.
"Is is true what they say" Stephanie asked blushing.
"Well not always but yes they are bigger, and much more energetic" Samantha giggled.
I didn't know what my wife and daughter where talking about as I heard them laugh and giggling in the sun room. Later as we ate dinner they seemed to be enjoying a secret.
Samantha didn't tell me anything about it. But two weeks later as I took Stephanie to the store. While Samantha was home meeting her lover. She had told me not to be home for at least 3 hours. Stephanie had found what she was looking for prehaps quicker then I had thought and was ready to go home.
"How about we go for ice cream" I asked Stephanie. She agreed. I tried to take my time.
"Dad you don't have to worry I know mom is home fucking her black lover. You don't have to ,are excuses not to head home yet" Stephanie told me. As I checked my watch yet again. My jaw must of fallen open.
"What?" I stuttered Stephanie smiled stood and got uo and walked over to another table. I turned to see her talking to some boys she must of known from school. I sat stunned as my younger daughter flirted with a table of boys. I couldn't do anything about it. Fear of what she might say or do gave her free riegn leaving me no authority over her at all. After about 30 minutes. Stephanie came back to me.
"Maybe you should go home without me. I be home later" she smirked and left me alone leaving with the three boys.
I went home and found Samantha still in bed.
"Did you tell Stephanie?" I asked.
"Shh, come clean up the mess he left." Samantha said I stripped down to a pink lace thong and crawled into bed.
"Wait " Samantha stopped me reached into my nightstand and pulled out a large butt plug and a tube of lube. She smiled as I struggled to work it all the way in. Till it got past the thickest part then sucked into my ass and set. I let out a moan. My dick leaked precum into my panties. Only then was I allowed to clean my wife's pussy of her lovers seed.
"He made me cum twice, the first time so hard as he fucked me from behind with his big black cock" Samantha told me. After he made me suck him hard again. Then he stretched my ass. She moved a bit allowing me to start to lick her ass as well. Only after Samantha was satisfied I had cleaned all of her lovers cum did she answer my question about Stephanie
"You told Steph, she felt your bra. I just filled in the blanks. You should know she told her sister as well" Samantha told me. Then with a big smile she said.
"Would you like me to dress you up and fuck you like the woman you wish you where?"Samantha teased.
"I don't want to be" I wined.
"Are you sure my little faggot" Samantha teased. She grabbed my crotch. I released a high pitch cry.
"Sound like a woman, you swallow more cum then any woman I know. And your panties are swxier then mine." She pushed on the plug in my ass. "And I could never fit something this big in my ass" I moaned again.
"I bet even your sixteen year old daughter is getting more then you are" Samantha told me. Samantha went to my girlie drawer and pulled out a pink satin nightie. I held up my hands as she slid it on me.
"No reason to hide your true nature if the girls know" Samantha told me. I spent the rest of the night in my nightie. In the morning I felt shame and changed. Samantha got up and found me making breakfast.
"No pretty outfit?" She asked
"I just. The girls" I started to cry.
"OH, baby I know it's okay. I know what you need. When was the last time you got fucked?" Samantha asked. I knew what she meant. It had been months since she had a man. A real man use me. I had not had sex with her in years other then to orally please her.
"Samantha I don't" I wimpered
"You always say that but then love it when it happens" she rubbed my ass. And picked up her phone. By the time we finished breakfast her phone dinged
"You remember Lawrence? He will be by this afternoon" Samantha told me.
"Who is Lawrence?" Stephanie asked as she came in and stole a piece of bacon.
"A man who reminds your father of who he is" Samantha smiled. Stephanie stopped for a second as it registered in her mind. Samantha smiled and made a hand motion. Stephanie laughed.
Then Samantha showed Stephanie a picture. Lawrence was 6' 6" very physically fit man black man. He was a foot taller then me and easily could manhandled me. He also had a huge cock. And loved sissy boys like me.
Last time he came I was alone, but this time. Both Stephanie and Samantha weren't going out. I knew I had to look pretty for Lawrence. He would expect me dressed sexy, hair and makeup done. I got ready just as Lawrence would want. Samantha even made me come out of the bedroom and answer the door. Stephanie took pics of me in my 4 inch heels I am sure to send to her sister.
"Hello Lawrence, Samantha smiled. It has been to long since my faggot husband has gotten some loving."
"Well she looks lovely, I will take care of that" Lawrence lifted me into his arms and carried me to bed. I was totally humiliated as he placed me on the bed. He was naked a moment later. I took his cock down my throat. I gagged and spit and went back for more. I needed him.
For over two hours this man used me, he was a machine able to hold out from finishing. While he had made me cum twice without touching my penis once. Lawrence finally finished chosing to cum on my face.
I fell asleep and Lawrence left. When I got up I cleaned up and put on a dress. I felt girlie pretty as I came out to face Samantha and Stephanie.
"Lawrence says he will keep you satisfied if that is what you desire" Samantha told me. "Is this what you want to become Paula?"
"yes" I said softly. Samantha just smiled and said "as you wish"
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g1rlr0b1n · 5 months
18 Candles (a drabble)
Damian sat at the head of the dining room table, surrounded by his family and closest friends. As they sang "Happy Birthday," he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, already irritated by the attention. He closed his eyes and blew out the candles on his cake, wishing for it all to be over. Over the sound of cheers and clapping, he heard a mutter from his best friend Jonathan, followed by an audible gasp from the rest of the group. "What did you say?" Damian asked, trying to maintain composure, his embarrassment betraying him.
"Did-did I say that out loud?" Jon stuttered.
Damian's eldest brother snorted, "noooo of course not, what do you mean Jonny boy? We were all just shocked by a different thing." Even sarcastic Richard managed to come off charismatic.
"Ok, but we all did just hear Jonanthan, Jonathan," his sister's girlfriend, Stephanie, repeated the name as if convincing herself most of all, "say, 'that won't be the only thing you're blowing tonight', right? Like you ALL heard it, right? Jonathan."
Jonathan's cheeks flushed a bright red while his complexion turned sickly pale as he stumbled over his words, a combination Damian never thought to be possible. As Damian contemplated the words a slow, smug smirk began to spread across his lips, "I suppose you'll give me my birthday gift later than?"
Jonathan gasped in response, an 'I fucking knew it!' could barely be heard over the roar of laughter. Maybe turning 18 wouldn't be so bad after all.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
For the next night nurse, maybe do the reverse of neighbor and gentle giant? She finds out he's Jason Todd after he get a stupid injury trying to show off and Bruce makes him go to the actual doctor's because yknow civilian appearances
"Why do we have to do this?" Jason muttered, "It's not even-"
"Because," Bruce said smiling wryly, "if we keep showing up with stitches and bruises but no one ever sees a doctor it looks suspicious."
"Right," Jason snorted "But-"
Before he can say anything his heart stutters in his chest. You would be picking up today. Damn it. And Of fucking course, Dick would have hurt the arm you JUST put a tidy row of stitches in for him after one of Penguin's goons got the drop on him with a knife.
"What brings you in to-" The question dies on your lips and he KNOWS. The second your eyes lock on his arm, bouncing from the arm to his face in less time than it takes him to assess a threat. He understands now, the tension in a Mexican standoff. It's only a moment but he feels like he's trying to balance on a razor blade. To anticipate your reaction. Are you going to freak out? Are they all caught out? Is this how it all ends?
"Roughhousing," Bruce said quickly. "Boys doing... well frankly stupid things. For the Vine? Is that still a thing?"
"I think it's tik tok now," you hum. And Jason can see you forcing the tension out of your shoulder. The sickly bruising across your cheekbone is fading a little finally and Jason wonders if you force yourself not to wince when you smile at them or if it finally stopped hurting.
"It all changes so fast," Bruce said, "There's no keeping up."
You make a noncommittal noise and step up closer to Jason to inspect the hand he's holding ice on, "What happened there?" you ask innocently. "Another tik tk gone awry?"
"Heated game of Mario Kart," Jason said, forcing a laugh.
"Someone did some nice work on it," you tut, inspecting the row of stitches like Jason hadn't climbed through your window two nights ago growling and snarling until he realized he was putting you on edge.
"Stephanie is a medical student," Bruce supplied, "She wanted the practice- but we thought the hand would need an x-ray."
You hum and try not to think about that hand cradling your jaw to look at the side of your face. Or brushing hair out of your eyes. "How did you hurt the hand?" you ask Jason.
"I uh- we were trying to do the kung fu thing where you break boards and shit-"
"Did you punch it or use the side of your hand?"
"Punched it."
You make a thoughtful noise and nod, "I'll put in for an x-ray. It might be a boxer's fracture but we won't know-
"Boxer's fracture?" Bruce asked, sounding worried.
You hold up a hand in illustration, "When you punch something, you can fracture the bones in the back of your hand- And then every impact after that shoves the bone back together. We see it a lot. Most of the time they don't take surgery as long as you take care of it quickly and don't go punching things for a while."
Bruce nodded sagely and you're struck by how fucking absurd all this is. If this is Redhood then- What the fuck? You turn and pretend to double-check vitals for just a second to school your face back into cheerful neutrality, "I'll go put in the order and we'll know more-"
"Thank you," Bruce said, and taking your cue, you slip out of the room and try not to think about it. Thinking about it was just going to make it even more surreal.
"Care to explain what that was about," Bruce whispered once he was sure you were out of earshot.
"No," Jason mumbled, cheeks heating.
"She's a good person Bruce," he said, "Just leave it alone. I'll handle it."
Bruce grunted, "Quietly, then."
"I thought we'd have it out in the middle of Dennys. You know. Add to the Ambiance-"
"Don't start old man. Not when we all heard you and-"
"Jason," Bruce growled.
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invisibleicewands · 3 months
Tim Price’s new play about the life of Aneurin “Nye” Bevan, directed by Rufus Norris and featuring a wonderful central performance by Michael Sheen in the title role, is a fever dream of a production – quite literally. It follows Bevan’s life from his childhood in Wales where he struggles with his stutter to the heights of his political career and the creation of the National Health Service in 1948, each event in his life told in the form of hallucinations from his death bed in one of the hospitals he himself helped to establish. “So nice. Seeing it. Without everyone… standing on ceremony. Isn’t it?” he says to his wife, and fellow politician, Jennie Lee (Sharon Small) on waking from an operation to remove a stomach ulcer.
The operation has not been entirely successful and Bevan requires pain relief that sends him into the strange world where he relives the events that led to his greatest political success in the NHS, with the occupants and staff of the hospital embodying the people of his past. The matron becomes Clementee Atlee (Stephanie Jacob), the nurse becomes his sister Arianwen (Kezrena James), one doctor becomes Neville Chamberlain (Nicholas Khan) and another becomes Winston Churchill (Tony Jayawardena).
The construct does feel strangely unnecessary, though it provides the opportunity for some wonderful stagecraft with the green curtains of the hospital wards becoming the green benches of the House of Commons and hospital beds transforming into council chambers or doorways that open, despite their occupants – and there is something inherently comic in the permanently pyjamaed and barefoot Nye involving himself in council debates, making parliamentary speeches and standing up to the towering Winston Churchill (notably caricatured by Jayawardena) as war rages across Europe.
Sheen, on stage throughout is clearly the star – full of passion but with an impish quality to his every interaction, you get the sense of a man filled with desire to do good for the right reasons. He also brings Bevan’s sense of his bewilderment at each hallucinatory interaction, balancing how the past Bevan interacted with the scenario with how the older Bevan is now viewing from the future – no mean feat. Other performances across the large ensemble are constrained by the format, with each actor playing multiple roles and only a couple of characters who exist for more than a handful of scenes.
Price finds himself somewhat caught between telling the story of the man who created the NHS and telling the story of the NHS’s creation. It is very much the former, but in its final act, it feels like it sways towards the latter – swelling with sentimentalism for the sheer seismic political achievement that the NHS was, and is. Many may feel the latter elements should have warranted expansion – there may be merit in that, but it would be a different play, for good or bad. Whatever your view on the play, though, Sheen is worth the visit.
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 9 months
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who’s gonna come around when you break?
A Regressor!Tim and Caregiver!Bruce fic, 1.2k words, hurt/comfort, content warning for panic attacks! do not ship! photos found on pinterest!
I rarely see any fics of a regressor helping a caregiver!!! especially in dc agere fics which is WILD because everyone has issues in dc, let’s be real.
anyway this is my contribution, listen to drive by the cars because it makes me sob wildly.
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Tim had a habit of wandering around when he was small.
Not that anyone minded. To be honest, everyone quite enjoyed seeing a tiny Tim waltzing about with a stuffed animal in hand, observing every detail of the manor so delicately and intricately, from the carvings in the wooden banisters, to the brush strokes from the tall and wide portraits hung on the walls.
However, Tim being the curious person he is, eventually stumbled upon the entrance to the BatCave, which then very quickly led to a new rule. Don’t go into the BatCave if you’re starting to, or already, feel regressed. Easy and simple, right?
Tim knew rules were set in place for protection over him, but it was the BatCave, the most secure and safe place he could ever imagine himself to be in, and there was typically at least one person inside at all times. A family consisting of over-workers will guarantee that.
Since the rules were set in stone, and there was someone always inside, he never really got to see the area when he was small, much to his chagrin. Whether it be from being bribed with a movie night, or being picked up and carried for the rest of the day to ensure he wouldn’t go into the room again, he could never manage to get in there without being ushered out in seconds.
Until now.
Most of the family had come back from patrol by now, Duke, Damian and Cassandra all in their bedrooms and most likely sleeping. Stephanie had sent a text to him that she was going to be taking a shower, so she was occupied for the time being. Jason didn’t come back to the manor after his patrol, rather finding comfort in the familiarity of his apartment tonight. Dick in a similar position, but he had work the next morning and was on his way to Blüdhaven. Which then left Bruce, who (as typical,) stayed out later than any of the others just to ensure the necessities of the night were finished, which gave Tim an opening to sneak downstairs and into the cave.
Grabbing his well-trusted dragon plush, honorably named Aurora, he carefully set foot on his adventure to the BatCave. Tiptoeing his way down the halls and past the kitchen where Alfred was focused on preparing an after patrol tray for Bruce, he managed to sneak his way into the cave without a hitch.
He silently cheered for himself, holding Aurora close to his chest and bopping her snout with the front of the pacifier in his mouth as he took the steps one at a time, ensuring his plan doesn’t go awry by an accident down the stairs.
So concentrated on the ground below him and where he placed his foot next, it wasn’t until he hit the bottom step that he heard the labored breathing by the computer, looking up to see Bruce sitting in the chair.
Not Batman. No. Bruce. The batsuit was rid of his body, the only evidence of the suit being the reddened outline on his cheeks from the cowl. Rather, he suited a black turtleneck with a pair of sweatpants.
Apparently, Bruce hadn’t heard him either, judging by how hadn’t moved from where he sat, his head in his hands, shoulders shaking and his chest stuttering with his breaths. Tim’s brows furrowed at the sight— at the behavior. It’s not like he’s never seen Bruce like this before, but… It was different. He wasn’t sporting the cowl or any part of the suit, it wasn’t the day of an unwelcoming reminder of a specific event. It was just Bruce.
Inching closer, shuffling his socked feet quietly against the floor, he finally caught Bruce’s attention. His head whips up to meet Tim’s eyes, the first thing that catches Tim’s attention is how red and glossy Bruce’s eyes are, how alert they are as they surveyed Tim’s face. Tears gather at Bruce’s lashes and the puffiness of his under eyes stands out underneath the dark lighting.. It felt like a staring contest into each other’s crystal blue eyes, neither one of them daring to break the silence as they took in one another’s appearance and the situation.
“Hey—” Bruce croaks out, a hitch in his breath like he’d just been running, his mouth seemingly trying to catch up to his brain. “Hey, kiddo.” He manages to choke out, one of his hands coming up to his chest and massaging his sternum with his knuckles.
Even when regressed, Tim knows what a panic attack feels and looks like. Tim also knows he’s smart enough to figure out that that’s what’s happening.
Except, he’s unsure of how to comfort Bruce. Their eye contact continues as Tim tries to think of ways to help him out. What would help Tim if he had a panic attack? Ooh! An even better idea! What would Bruce do if Tim was having a panic attack?
He shuffles over further, Bruce’s eyebrows knitting together in confusion, his once watery eyes now spilling with tears out onto his cheeks with a snuffle. Tim places Aurora into Bruce’s free hand and guides his arms into a hugging position with the dragon.
Bruce stares downward at the stuffed animal, and then back up to his son in confusion, but still allowing the boy to do whatever the boy wants, he can’t find much care to stop him. Tim drops his head on Bruce’s shoulder, wrapping his arms– as much as he can in their position– around Bruce’s body, and it’s just then that it clicks for Bruce just what’s happening.
“Oh. Oh, thank you, buddy.” He sniffles out, keeping one arm wrapped around Aurora’s plush body, the other moving to wrap around Tim as he leans his head against the younger’s shoulder, letting the boy perform his attempt to help clear his consciousness, clenching his shaking hand onto the back fabric of Tim’s shirt.
Tim nods, patting his hand against Bruce’s back, just like Bruce does to him when he cries. “‘s’okay, papa. You’re safe.” He mumbles behind the pacifier, remembering the words being echoed to him repeatedly whilst being held in Bruce’s warm embrace not too many nights ago.
The words break a sob from Bruce’s throat, tucking his head into the crook of Tim’s neck and bringing Tim to sit in his lap, almost like a cradle as he rocks the both of them side to side in the chair, the two finding themselves in silence and holding each other for quite some time. Tim lets Bruce cry, he remembers him and the others saying it’s okay to cry, and it’s helpful to just cry it out sometimes.
“I am safe. Thank you.” Bruce finally says, holding Tim— and Aurora, he could never forget her.— tighter and closer to himself, pressing a kiss to the crown and forehead of Tim’s head, and of course a kiss to Aurora’s forehead and snout at Tim’s hand nudging her closer to his face.
Tim’s eyes had fallen shut at some point while in Bruce’s arms, and while Bruce would get up and move the two of them to a comfier and warmer spot than an office chair in a cave, he can’t find the energy to move Tim, or himself. Besides, it’s not like this would be the first time they’ve fallen asleep like this in the BatCave. And it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
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amazingmsme · 5 months
here’s some spankoffski bros + charlotte for ya, i feel like the first time peter met charlotte (or any time ted brings charlotte over with him there, but he saves their more adult activities for when he knows pete’s gonna be out of the house) he made it his mission to try and embarrass ted as much as possible, like telling her how he sometimes won’t shut up about her or an embarrassing story from their childhood, as a big of payback for the amount of times ted’s done the same to him in front of his friends or stephanie. and yes that definitely includes telling her his tickle spots - fluffvoid
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Ted goes to the bathroom & Peter immediately appears to cause chaos. Just standing in the doorway like “I know he tries to act all cool & like he doesn’t care that much but he literally never shuts the fuck up about you” & she’s like “oh? What does he say?” & she is so obviously smitten so he goes on a spiel about how Ted says how “hot” she is, how he loves her “dorky ass sweaters,” how she doesn’t know how funny she is, how she’s the nicest person in the office, & how her smile makes his day & now Ted’s standing in the doorway blushing as red as a cherry. He finally finds his composure & chases Peter out of the room before plopping on the couch to pout. But then Charlotte tells him how sweet he is & how he doesn’t need to keep all his compliments to himself. That triggers teasy Ted & he’s smothering her with kisses as he’s telling her all the things he loves about her
Ted’s in the middle of making them a romantic dinner for 2 (eat in your room Pete, I don’t give a shit, just leave us alone!) & while Charlotte’s waiting for it to be done, Peter busts out the family photo album like any good sibling would. Ted comes out to tell them it’s ready & he sees them sitting on the couch with all the embarrassing pics scattered about. Dinner is delayed because Ted simply cannot let him get away with that & has to wreck his shit
Peter strikes basically any time Ted steps out of the room because he knows that’s the only time he can actually get away with it
While they were watching a movie, Peter snuck up behind the couch & launched a surprise tickle attack like Ted’s done to him so many times. “Not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot, is it?!” & Ted’s laughing too hard to say anything more than stuttering protests & pleas. The whole time he’s tickling him he’s lecturing Charlotte about his brother’s worsts spots & what techniques work best. Ted keeps trying to make him be quiet but Peter just shushes him & tickles even more. He & Charlotte talk about him like he’s not even there & it’s the most embarrassing thing Ted thinks he’s ever experienced. & once Peter’s had his fun & Ted is catching his breath, he grabs his arms & holds them over his head & turns to Charlotte like “ok your turn” & she proceeds to destroy him
I fucking love them so much you have no idea they’re a strong contender for my fave Hatchetfield ship
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jamdoughnutmagician · 10 months
Beware Of The Dog.
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I wrote this little blurb about Fuckboy!Werewolf!Eddie based on this text post by @neonghostlights because the thought would not leave my brain until I wrote something about it.
Word Count:770
Masterlist Eddie Munson Masterlist
When he thinks back to how he used to be, he can't help the slight chuckle that rumbled through him.
Every night, prowling the dark streets of Hawkins, seemingly a new girl every night, as he smooth-talked them into his bed only to watch them leave as the morning came.
Stephanie Monroe, Katie Haywood, Nicole Prescott, Lizzie Davenport, even Tiffany Simmons to name but a few. He remembers all the girls names, cringing at the memory that he'd promise to call them as he ushered them out of his trailer door, knowing full well that he would never follow through on that promise.
Everyone on his pack had already found their other half, the one person who they would be with for the rest of his life, and here he was cycling through nearly half the girls in Hawkins with nothing seeming to stick.
That was until he laid eyes on you.
All those other girls paled into insignificance to you. In his eyes you were perfect. You were the one girl that he wanted. He was convinced that you were the one for him. His other half. His missing piece. His perfect and pretty little mate.
He saw you through the window in that small and quaint cafe, sipping on your hot coffee as you flick through the pages of a book.
This would be easy. All he’d have to do was turn on that ol’ Munson charm, and you’d be falling at his feet. 
Pushing his way through the door, the bell above him tinkling as he does, he walks up to the counter. He’d have to order something, it’d be weird to just walk in and start talking to someone without ordering anything.  
“One black coffee, two sugars please” he smiles politely.
He waits for his order, and sure enough he hears his name called out.
“Order for Munson!”
As he collects his order he sees you whip your head around at the mention of his name. Your eyes meet his across the cafe.
This was it. The perfect opportunity to put the moves on you. Time to seize the moment.
“Hey! Y/n, right?” Eddie starts as he makes his way over to where you’re sat.
“Yup, that’s me.” you nod with a kind smile.
“Hey, I’m Edd-” He’s just about to start introducing himself but you stop him in his tracks before he can say anymore.
“I know just who you are, Eddie Munson.” you say, narrowing your eyes at him. 
“Y-you do?” He stutters. 
“Mhm..does the name Nicole Prescott sound familiar to you?” you ask him.
Silence fills the air uncomfortably. You take his wild-eyed stare and tight-lipped smile as your cue to keep going.
“See, Nicole is a very close friend of mine, and I remember her telling me all about this wild and crazy night she had with this guy who promised to call her the next day, but then nothing ever came of it.”
Uh-oh. Eddie starts to feel his heart beat quicker. He’s not used to things not going his way.
“That guy sounds like he sucks.” He replies, trying to keep his cool, but the flush rising on his cheeks isn’t helping his case.
“He does, doesn’t he? Nicole told me he was the most handsome man she’d ever met. Long curly brown hair, deep brown eyes that you could get lost in, and a few tattoos as well. Said he had a couple of bat tattoos trailing up his forearm.” you say nodding to where Eddie’s bat tattoos were on display proudly.
Fuck. Why did he have to wear a short-sleeve t-shirt?
“I know your games, Munson. You ditched my friend and now you're moving on to me." you smirk.
Eddie’s mouth opens and closes, unsure of what to even say at this point. You had him marked from the moment you laid eyes on him, and you were not going to bend to his will as easily as he had hoped.
“I’m not so easily impressed by your less-than-gentlemanly tactics, so if you want to impress me, drop the playboy attitude, okay?” you tell him with a quirk of a wry smile playing at your lips.
You finish up your coffee and close your book, and make your way out of the cafe, blowing him a kiss as you leave. Leaving Eddie more than a little embarrassed and ashamed of his actions.
He was going to do whatever it took to prove you wrong. To show you that he could, and would change. For you. Anything to make you see that he could change his ways.
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@sunflowerdaydreamer @xxhellfiregirlxx
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gagegh0st · 2 months
Batfamily Kiddos And My Hc's Even though nobody asked for them
New series asshats! "-- hcs even though nobody asked for them will be a returning series you little shitfucks.
Dick Grayson
He has a really good music taste, loves a good jazz, funk, or jersey club song
Collects certain hand sanitizers because he likes the smell
He hoards magazines about himself so that once he becomes a parent, he can show them to his kids.
Has a soft spot for birds.
Night owl
Always wanted a parakeet but Alfie and Dad said no.
Really likes travelling to hot places
Cant swim, almost drowned the last time he was in a pool
Barbara Gordon
Really allergic to cats (Red eyes, hives, all the works)
She was a total nightcore kid back in middle school
Has multiple sets of joint problems that have been left untreated for actual years
Big fanfiction person
Collects plushies of bats because she likes them
Graphic novel addict
Dyes the tips of her hair different shades of red
Absolutely fucking hates tight jeans
Jason Todd
Been book buddies with Alfred since he was really young
Absolutely terrible at driving
Started greying prematurely, he dyes all of it but the white piece.
He takes melatonin before bed because of him having anxiety
Can't hold a girlfriend for shit, too promiscuous to stay single tho.
He had lots of pet fish growing up
He has a rose garden and is very proud of it
Wants to retire one day to be an old guy with a nice garden and literally a. single. child, that's it. All he needs.
Damian Wayne
Listens to way inappropriate music for his age
Thinks he's grown but he always has homework due
The bitchiest little sibling you will ever meet, he is a huge snitch too.
Always having an identity crisis.
Had really traditionally girly interests growing up (Ex: Fables, Flowers, Balet, and Barbies <3, what a sweet child)
Isn't allowed to have a girlfriend ever according to Bruce.
Laughs at inappropriate times a lot
Chronically wears vests because he thinks that it flatters his figure. (It doesn't, Alfred knows this but wants Dames to feel his best even if it makes him look short.)
Tim Drake
Was obsessed with wolves when he was young
Loves a funky-print suit
Really likes painting with gouache or watercolour
Big-ol Adhd brain
Wears the same coat without washing it for at least six months
Plays really funky indie games
Really likes feeling pretty, paints his nails, curls his hair, or even gets himself some new jewelry
Got his ears pierced when he was young, and has tons more ear piercings and plans to get his nose bridge pierced even though Bruce said he would kill him.
Stephanie Brown
Started coding at an early age
Collects old metal stuff
Special interest is welding and glass blowing
Very fond of bears, especially pandas.
A cheese connoisseur
Designs all the suits for the batfam
HTML is the love of her life
Aro ace and only Bruce knows, he's chill about it tho.
Cassandra Cain
Hearing problems GALORE
Uses some forms of AAC because of hearing problems and speech impediment (Lisp and Stutter)
More brooding than most of the boys
Really likes scrapbooking
Watches kids shows for fun because she had a really fucked up childhood
Absolutely never cries in front of the other siblings
Bruce is her shoulder to cry on because he gives such good advice
Crochets Before bed because it's a good stress reliever.
Duke Thomas
Haircut always stays fresh asf
Dissociates a lot
Always was a math person, didn't like reading growing up because of vision problems
Really loves chickens and has names for all of the chickens they own
Collects action figures of farm animals
A very faithful partner, he doesn't get into relationships with people he doesn't see a future with
Has a very fun textured closet but sticks with the yellow.
Collects cool pens and gives them to Alfred so he can have something cute to write with when he writes down groceries.
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