#talia . darling . please . you know that . ;)
brutalage · 10 months
she'd bury his body in a concrete box with no openings and see how long it takes him to get out
my muse is dead . tell me how yours responds to the news / not accepting !
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i wish i did not know the ache of love.
in my youth i heard rumours, stories, women driven to flame, men transforming into ice. but i still yearned for it. maybe it was because i wanted to be electrified by passion, maybe i wanted to be seen by the gaze of death. maybe i simply feared that a lack of love would hurt more than its presence.
that much is true, at least. for i have felt love, it has coursed through my veins and it burns. i nourish the emptiness inside my soul every day he is gone. there is a cavity in my heart, one only he could fill, so it shall remain hollow. but without that pain, he would become a mere memory, diluting into nothing more than air and bones. food for the vultures.
even then, i wish i did not need to know the ache of love.
михаиле, мій лю́бий, поверта́йся, до мені́. пий мої́ сльо́зи, коли́ бу́ду пи́ти ва́ші, і трима́й ме̏не в ва́ших рука́х, коли́ бу́ду трима́ти тебе́ в мої́х. якось, бу́демо спокі́йний ра́зом
#rtc#ride the cyclone#talia rtc#mischa bachinski#talischa rtc#rtc rp#the ukrainian is: 'mischa my darling come back to me. drink my tears as i will drink yours and hold me in your arms as i will hold you in#mine. one day we will be peaceful together'#okay so i used wiktionary and google translate for the ukrainian as well as trying to use other resources#i don't have the best grasp on how ukrainian sentences should be structured either so please let me know if i've made an error!!#i had to use a russian source for the cyrillic version of mischa's name#but all those letters are in both alphabets so i assumed it would be fine#and i added the -e for the vocative#but i didn't do that for 'my darling' bc wiktionary told me i didn't need to#also#can i just mention the audacity of google translate#because when i typed in 'my darling' it gave me the feminine version of the word#rather than fem and masc options (bc gendered language)#fortunately wiktionary clarified#but like#we as a society should be able to call men by sweet dramatic names fuck you#i really give talia a lot of imperatives huh#it's okay i love that for her#and then 'my tears' are accusative but ukrainian has both animate and inanimate accusatives which i personally am not familiar with#so i went with inanimate accusative 'my' because i didn't put a participle#i should really just learn ukrainian on fucking duolingo shouldn't i#for 'hold me in your arms' i used the locative bc of *in*#i've studied latin (why i use wiktionary) which has just the ablative rather than separated into loc. and instrumental#for hold i used the ukrainian wiktionary#but it was unclear as to whether a) it was russian or ukrainian and b) if i used the first person future or the infinitive
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sapphiressmoke · 4 months
Outlander I
Summary: She doesn’t know how it happened but they were calling to her to come closer. Touching it was never suppose to uproot her life and transport her somewhere she never thought she could see and witness. She has to try her best to survive if she wants to get back, right?
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen X Modern!Reader.
Warnings: Nothing as of now but angst, romance, smut
Word Count: 2.6K
Next Part
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2024 AC Kings Landing
So this was the magical Kings Landing? Once the vast and lively city was now a place of desolation, solitude and history. It had been like this ever since the burning in 305 A.C between two Queens. You read about how it was a horrible event, many innocent people lost their lives… Even the two Queens. Since that moment, no more Targaryens roamed Westeros. It was now a place of history and learning. Most teachers brought their students here to see what they were being taught. Some parents dragged their kids here to learn of their heritage.
You were here for the first reason.
Being in your second year of Vale University, you were studying History and Literature. What were you going to with that degree? You have no idea but at least you were enjoying yourself… For the most part. “The Red Keep took many years to complete. Three reigns to be exact. What started on Aegon’s High Hill names Aegonfort. King Aegon the First used this fort as his seat during the conquest, housing the impeccable Iron Throne. Though it was destroyed in the battle of Kings Landing, paintings portrayed this throne as huge and intimidating.” Your group followed your professor as she guided everyone at the base of what the humongous Keep used to be. You looked around, red brick scattered over the floor. You mind raced as you thought of how these bricks were over 2000 years old, millions of people have touched them and now they were scattered all over the dirt floor. “It isn’t said when but at some point after the Conquest, the King ordered the destruction of the Fort and the construction of the Red Keep began. It was said that Aegon requested the castle be built with red rock to remind people of the fire he roasted and the blood he shed of his enemies, so whenever King’s Landing looked up they’d see the price of defiance.”
Your professor continued to talk but the sound of nature around you drowned it out. The sound of buzzing getting louder in your ear, getting louder and louder. “Ugh! You don’t hear that?” You brought your finger to your ears and tried wiggling it around to see if there was anything there.
“Hear what?” Your friend, Talia, said as she leaned in.
“That stupid buzzing sound. It won’t stop.” You groaned as you continued with your ear.
Your friend gave you a weird look. “I just think you’re going crazy. There is nothing.”
The buzzing softened and turned into a soft whisper, softer than wind. “Y/N… Darling… Y/N.”
You whipped your head back, trying to find the source of the noise. “Please told me heard that!” Before Talia could respond, your professor spoke faster. “Is there something you would like to add, Miss Y/N?”
Your face went beat red from embarrassment. “No ma’am… Sorry.” You said sheepishly.
“Thank you. Now where was I? Ah yes. The start of the fall of the Targaryens, it started when…” You started to zone out and looked back behind you, trying to figure out where the whisper came from. From the bottom of the hill, you spotted a man sporting an eyepatch, long silver hair and cladded in leather. He had his arm extended out towards you, as if he was waiting for you to come and grab it, calling you to run away with him but just as fast as you spotted him, he disappeared.
You felt your arm being grabbed and a hand stroke your upper arm. You turned towards Talia, who wore a worried look. “Is everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You shook your head and ran a hand through your hair. “Yea… Yes. I’m good.” You grasped her hand that was on your upper arm. “Let’s just get this tour over with. It’s giving me the heebie jeebies.”
“You got that right.” She agreed. “But I heard that the Kingswood, which is just behind the hotel, is just as creepy. Maybe even haunted!”
128 AC Kings Landing
“Mother, please tell me I do not need to go to this hunt. There are better things I can do with my time.” The One-Eyed Prince has been trying for days to stay at the Keep, not wanting to waste a morning travelling to the Kingswood just for a hunt that he did not want to participate in.
The Queen sighed at her son, pushing a silver strand away from his stoic face. “Aemond… ‘Tis for Jaehaerys and Jaehaeras name day. Your brother wants to do a grand celebration for them. Especially for Jaehaerys.”
He rolled his one eye. “We all know that it’s an excuse for him to drink away… With reason this time.” He looked up at his mother. “Will father be coming?”
“The Maesters will assess The Kings health before letting us know but I do doubt that he will be able to join with the amount of pain he has been in.” The Queen replied. It has been no secret that The Kings has been declining the past couple of years. Decaying flesh, rotting teeth and constant pain. Drunk day in and out on milk of the poppy.
“If he does not go…” He tried to think of a reason to stay but was stump. “If he does not go then I shall stay here and watch over him.” Lies.
Alice by let out a chuckle. “You are quite the convincing liar, Aemond, but the Maesters will be here to aid your father in anything.” She walked away from her son and looked at the window, looking upon the people of Kings Landing. “I know you would much rather be here, reading in the library and training outside but it will do you some good to be away for a bit. Breath the good air of Kingswood.” She turned around to face her third child. “Plus, Ser Criston Cole shall be joining us if you ever do need to scratch the intense to train.”
Aemond rubbed his face and groaned. “I guess you are right, mother. But I will not ride with Aegon in the carriage. He’s an imbecile and will most likely throw up from all of the wine he has drank.”
“Thank you.” Alicent smiled. “You may ride with with me and Ser Criston. Halaena will be with the children and nurse while Aegon rides with Ser Arryk and Erryk as it seems they are the only ones that can deal with his shenanigans.”
“As I mentioned before… Imbecile.”
The night passed swiftly and once the sun started to rise and was on the horizon line, the Royal Family begun their travels to the Kingswood. Even though Aemond was never a talkative person, worsening after the incident with his eye, he seemed even more lost in his thoughts than usual. He stared out the window, sitting across from his mother who watched him intensely. “What is on your mind, sweet son?”
Aemond continued to look outside the window but sighed. “I had this weird dream. Was just flashes of images. Nothing clear. There was this woman… She seemed lost, searching for help. It sounded like she was calling out to me but the way she dressed did not seem normal.”
The Queen stayed silent for a moment before speaking. “Are you a Dragon Dreamer now?” She joked, causing a small smile to break on the princes face. “Dreams have many meanings. Perhaps it’s just a bad dream from the stress you put on yourself. Free your mind for the next couple of days. Perhaps even participate in the hunt.”
The hunt that went on in the Kingswoods happened every couple of years, usually to celebrate a names day for a royal child. The White Hart was usually the main goal of the hunt but any animal was game. “And if I were to meet the White Hart, would that not be a sign that I should be the King over my buffoon of a brother?” It was quite well known that Aegon did not desire to be King, fought against everything Even fighting with his Grand Father and Mother saying that it was his Half Sisters birthright but all of his complaints were going to a deaf ear. Aemond wished to rule. He was fit to rule and it was simple: he rode the largest dragon in all of Westeros, he excelled in combat and studied on the history and politics of his family and of Westeros but it would not go to him unless everyone in front of him died.
This was a conversation he had with his mother too often but his question was answered with silence. That was how the rest of the carriage ride went. Silence. The dream kept replaying over and over in his mind. Who was this girl? What was she doing? Who was she to him?
Within the next couple of hours, Lords and Ladies and the Royals arrived in Kingswood. The air still cold with the mornings breath. Everything was set up for them to place clothing, tables… Everything. The children were running about, screaming playfully with each other. Jaehaerys and Jaehaera came running towards Aemond, crashing into his legs. “Hi Uncle Aemond!” They squealed.
He looked down at his niece and nephew, rubbing the back of their heads before pushing them back on their way. “Hello you two.”
“Time travels back and is protected by the White King.” Helaena whispered into the cold air of the morning, staring at Aemond from across the way.
Aemond looked up to make eye contact with Halaena, seeing her lips move but not making out what she had said. He cocked his head to the side, deciding to walk towards his sister to see what she had said. She didn’t seem to realize that Aemond was by her side before he squeezed her hand. “What was that, good sister?” Helaena looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “Only Time can tell you… Only Time.”
The rest of day went on eventfully. The men prepared for the hunt while the women gossiped as they ate cake. Of course Alicent chose not to participate in the gossip. She could not bother to hear anymore about Rhaenyra, her bastard sons and how great they are. She decided to watch her grand-children run about. Aegon was nowhere to be found, most likely already drunk in his tent, Helaena chose to rest in her tent as the carriage ride took a lot out of her and Aemond sat with Criston Cole as they sharpened their swords, getting ready for the hunt. She stared around her and for a slight moment, she would think her life was perfect. She had her children and her grand-children around her but then she remembers that she is practically ruling the Seven Kingdoms, her husband was dying and she was alone in the world.
2024 AC Kingswood
You slipped on your black slip dress, continuing to argue with your friend in the hotel room. “You don’t get it, Talia! There is something calling to me out there. I’m not insane. I’m not crazy. It’s been going on ever since we entered Kings Landing.” The buzzing was constant, the whispering was constant and the flashes of that man were at every corner.
Talia sat on the bed, her eyes following you as you continued to pace around the room. “I’m not saying you’re crazy but you sound crazy, Y/N. A silver haired man with only one eye? Listen to yourself!”
You groaned and you pulled yourself into a ball. “I know what I sound like!” You stood back up and waved your arms around. “But this… This place is weird. There has been so many deaths and apparently fucking magic. There is something going on.” You grabbed your black shawl from your luggage and pulled in over your shoulders. “And I am going to figure it out.” You pointed to the woods. “I’m going to go in those stupid woods and try to find something. I don’t what I will try to find but I will know what it is when I see it.”
Your friend gave you a shocked look, standing up quickly and grabbed your arm. “Okay now I’m saying that you are crazy! There’s boars… Bears in those woods! You could die! What would your mom do if you die?”
You ripped your arm from her grasp. “Well she always knew I would die in a stupid way. Tell her I love her. And before you ask, no you can’t come. You’ll be the person to let the teacher know that I’m gone. If I’m not back before the next tour tomorrow morning, you can go all out and tell everyone I’m missing. Okay?”
You saw the perplexed look she wore in her face before answering. “Fine. Fine! If you die… Ugh!”
You put on your pair of shoes, grabbed your flashlight and placed it your bag before heading out. You stood in front of the forest and sighed, were you really this stupid? Yes, yes you were. You took one last look at the hotel before you made your way into the dark, insect infected forest… Gods you were dumb.
It had already been a few hours at this point, you were tired, you were hungry and you still had no idea what you were looking for. You kept hearing animal noises surrounding you and you were terrified. What if a wild boar chased you or a bear mauled you to death? What if you died of dehydration. How many days does it take to die or dehydration or hunger?
Suddenly the aura around you shifted and the whispering begun again. ‘You’re so close, Y/N. Continue.’ It was a man’s voice. It was so clear. ‘Continue straight, My Love, we’ll be together soon.’ The buzzing began and it only got louder as you continued walking straight. The further you walked, the higher the grass got. It was tickling your calves. It was as if a flash of light opened your eyes when all of the sudden a bunch of tall stones stood tall in front of you, being illuminated by the direct moonlight. The aura surrounding it was calling to you to come closer. “This is what I’ve been looking for.” You beamed with excitement.
The buzzing only got louder as you approached the Stones. The high grass tickled your calves, leaving tiny water droplets on your skin. The buzzing sounded as if it was whispering your name, soft as wind. “Y/N… Y/N…”. It only drew you closer.
The Stones had this silver and golden aura surrounding it. Were you the only one that could sense it? Were you the only one that could hear it? See it? Your thoughts were racing as you stood in front of the tall Stone. You raised your right hand to touch it, as if that was what it was telling you to do. The only thing you could do. For a moment you hesitated, wondering what you were doing, why were you here but it just kept calling out. “Y/N… Y/N…”
You let out a long breath and pressed your palm flat against the rough texture. Within the moment, all sound seized to exist around her, life was dark and as soon as it disappeared, everything reappeared.
128 AC Kingswood
You blinked your eyes fast, letting out a shaky breath. You stumbled backwards and the world wasn’t as you just saw. There were more trees surrounding you. The woods seemed to be more lively than before. “Oh Gods, what did I do.”
From back at the camp, Helaena felt the shift in the air. “Welcome home, Time.” Helaena smiled.
SOOO what do we think? It’s only getting started and I’m so excited to see where this goes.
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eclectickss · 4 months
PGATW Part 10
Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff x OC (fem!reader)
Series Summary: The Avengers take a vacation to a private island rental off the Atlantic coast! You now have an opportunity to spend time with your new family, especially Wanda and Natasha. Chapter Summary: You go all the way... Warnings: no plot, smut (bottom!reader, switch!Wanda, top!Nat, praise, degradation, use of wanda's magic, a lil mommy kink, choking, oral, fingering, wanda magics/enchants a strap-on (r receives)), a wee fluff Note: this is the last foreseeable PGATW update! I had a few more ideas though so we will see. Thanks for reading! Word Count: 3.5k
Check out my series masterlist for links to the rest of the parts & general warnings. Check out my main masterlist for more works! Tag List: @suki-is-a-queen @yeetus-thyself @xenaizogie
The three of you walked back to the beach house and rinsed your feet off, not a single word being exchanged between anyone. The silence was maddening as the three of you walked up the stairs to the entrance, ignoring the looks from the avengers inside.
You could feel Wanda and Natasha's eyes following your ass as you lead the way up the stairs, putting a little more sway into your hips, careless as to whether the other two women noticed or not. 
Faster, detka.
Wanda pushed words into your head, but you kept your pace, finally making it to their room. You didn't know how long you could keep control of yourself though as your heart was racing when your eyes finally made contact with the bed. Your feet somehow manage to carry your body to the foot of the mattress, turning around to sit on the end. When you look up though, you find that Natasha is already climbing on top of you, maneuvering you to the center of the mattress. 
Her eyes dragged up every inch of your body, promptly followed by her hand tracing every dent, line and curve. By the time her eyes had finally connected with yours, you already felt like you were melting. 
"We can't wait to ravish you, darling." Wanda climbed onto the bed, sitting above your head and playing with your hair. You watched impatiently as Natasha looked up at Wanda.
"More than you know, Talia," the Black Widow added, smirking at her parter and dragging the witch in for a deep kiss. You almost moaned as you watched their lips work together, slow tongues and small noises escaping Wanda. A soft whine left your mouth and the women finally looked down at you, both smirking.
"Aww, look Wanda, our babygirl is needy." Natasha mocked, grabbing your chin and stroking it with her thumb. 
"Oh, what do you need, honey?" Wanda leaned over your head to connect with your lips upside down, you finding the new position fascinating. 
"I need you two. Fucking me. Now." You groaned. "Please."
"What a good girl." Natasha whispered as she moved back to sit you up. Wanda slid her thighs under your back, swiftly pulling off your shirt before resting your weight on her legs. Nat's hands ran up and down your sides as Wanda's explored your front. Every touch was driving you wild.
"Baby why do you have a swim suit on?" Wanda laughed into your ear. 
"Oh-" You nearly choked on a moan. "The outfit instructions titled 'beach clothes' is the least informative piece of information you can give a woman, you know?" 
The two avengers giggled as you struggled to steady your breath. 
"Well you look absolutely divine," Natasha added, leaning in to kiss the top of your breasts. 
"Black suits you so well, Detka." Wanda grabbed your throat gently, squeezing on the sides and drawing sinful sounds out of you. As Natasha explored your exposed chest, you arched into her contact, allowing yourself to loose control. 
"No, Talia." Natasha pushed you down, returning your back to the support of Wanda's thighs. She looked at the witch. "Darling, remind me what that word was that our sweet little slut used in that dream of hers?" The Black Widow grinned down at you. "Oh... I remember."
Wanda tilted her head, watching her partner in amusement.
Natasha leaned into your ear as she snaked a cold hand up your front. "Your mommies are in charge now, baby. Try to relax and be a good girl for us." Her teeth found your ear lobe drawing soft whimpers out of you. You felt her smirk against your skin, returning her attention to your chest as she slid one of your swim suit straps down your shoulder.
Wanda's hands worked the other strap down and Natasha watched as the witch shoved both of her palms down your suit and onto your breasts. 
"Detka, you feel so good." Wanda leaned over, speaking next to your ear. You moaned as she rolled your nipples between her soft fingers. The sounds coming out of your mouth were cut short by Natasha finally making contact with your lips. She initially caught you off guard, but you quickly eased into the rhythm, allowing her tongue to enter and explore you. 
You wanted to reach up to pull her kisses further into you, but Wanda quickly pulled her hands out of your top to pin yours to the bed. "Don't get greedy Talia. Your mommies are being nice to you right now."
That statement made you groan into Natasha's mouth, wanting to be obedient, but also wanting to know what the two of them looked like when you were misbehaving. Perhaps later. Wanda managed to slip her fingertips under your back to pull at the tie, taunting you as she slowly undid the knot. 
Natasha helped out by taking the rest of the garment off your body, your bare chest now exposed to the two women. "Oh, honey," Natasha began, staring at your erect nipples. "I'm going to devour you."
Wanda fixed her position under you so that she could access your lips as Natasha latched her own around your delicate nipples, the mouths of both women on you. The witch was softly making out with you, shoving her tongue in-between your teeth, giving way to your small bites and tugs. Natasha swirled her own tongue around one of your nipples as she began to pinch the other. Both women grew addicted to the vibrations coming off of your body as you allowed your quiet moans to consume the room. 
Wanda returned one of her hands around your neck, pulling her into you as she shoved her tongue as deep as possible. The witch forced a light choke out of you, sending shocks down to both of your cores. Natasha carried her kisses to the center of your chest, beginning to pull your thin skin between her teeth, leaving a mess of red marks behind. Your eyes were shut tight in ecstasy as her hickeys trailed down to your lower stomach, the Black Widow's hands running up and down your sides as Wanda's found your breasts. 
When the witch's mouth left yours, you gasped for air. 
"Oh my gods." Your chest heaved. "Fuck i'm- i'm going crazy."
Wanda laughed. "Yeah, detka?" Her fingertips pulled at your nipples. 
"Oh, Wands - please." You whimpered. 
"What is it, pretty girl? Are our generous touches not enough for you?"
Your eyes rolled into the back of the back of your head as Wanda played dumb. You could feel Natasha pop the button on your shorts, still keeping her kisses on your stomach as she listened to the conversation. 
"Fuck- I- you- both of you feel so god damn good." You struggled to form sentences. "But I need something inside of me."
Natasha laughed. "Patience, kotenok. We wanna take our time with you." She ran her hands down your hips. "Wanda, darling, why don't you put those pretty fingers of yours into our slut's little mouth. Keep her busy for a moment."
The witches eyes glazed over as she did what she was told, you welcoming the presence of two slender fingers on your tongue. You roughly sucked, swirling your tongue around her digits while staring into Wanda's piercing green eyes. You could tell Wanda was getting lost as you moaned on her, well aware of how you were effecting her. 
"Is our girl being good for you, honey?" Natasha stared at the sight before her. 
"Oh, so good." Wanda nearly whispered, refusing to break eye contact with you as she pulled her drenched fingers out of your mouth. 
"Perfect. Do you wanna reward her a little?" Natasha asked as she licked your cunt on top of your shorts.
"Fuck." You whispered. 
"Hmm," Wanda began. "Maybe she could touch me a little." The witch grabbed your wrist and placed your fingertips under her shirt. 
Wanda laughed as she began to reposition herself. She replaced her thighs that you had been supported on with a pillow, then proceeded to straddle your chest, careful of the weight she was putting on you. You could no longer see Natasha, but you seemed to not mind as you could feel the Black Widow tease at the hem of your shorts and leave hickeys on your thighs. 
Above you, Wanda pulled her top off, exposing the skimpy bralette that was attempting to support her breasts. Before you got the chance to process the sight before you, the witch had also managed to unclasp her bra. You watched as the fabric sagged on her arms, but it wasn't sliding down all the way. 
"Go on, Talia." 
You immediately reached up to drag the bralette down the rest of the way, heart racing at the sight of her bare chest. You ran your hands all over her thighs and up to her chest, relishing your first touches on her hard nipples. The witch moaned as you began to massage her, chest rising and falling with her heavy breaths. 
At the same time, you could feel Natasha slowly work your shorts off of your hips, taking the black swim suit bottoms down with them. 
"Oh, baby." Natasha breathed at the sight of your dripping cunt, bending down to blow hot air your pussy, drawing a whine from your throat. "You look divine." She returned to marking up you inner thighs, but you now felt so much more sensitive. Unable to control yourself, a hand flew up to grip Wanda's neck as the other went to pull her waistband, giving a slight base of friction on her pussy. 
"Fucking- shit." Wanda gasped. "Talia." Your name escaped her mouth as more of a moan.
You smirked below the witch, breathing heavily and happily. You allowed your fingers on the top of her shorts to lower to her clothed cunt, slowly rubbing her out. The hand on her neck moved to her shoulder, making it easier for you to move her around. 
"Oh my gods." Wanda whispered, a hand flying to your own neck to support herself. You grinned taking deep, careful breaths, deciding to tug at Wanda's shorts to see what she would do. The witch's sharp green eyes met yours aggressively as you watched a switch flick in her brain. 
Red tendrils swirled around her free hand and she flicked them to the side of the room. You felt the fabric of her shorts leave your chest, the garment flying in the direction of her fingers. You gasped at Wanda's display of power, now able to see the wet spot on her panties.
This caught Natasha's attention as she chuckled into your pussy. "Go on, darling, let her taste you. I want to hear everything."
Wanda's glare didn't leave as she pushed up onto her knees, now hovering her panties over your salivating mouth. With another swift flick, her panties were off, her sweet smell hitting you like a bus. 
"Come on, Talia. I know you're curious." She smirked, running her slender fingers through your hair before leaning forward to support herself and sink towards you. 
Slowly, you reached your tongue out to her center, holding onto her hips. The moment that her warm cunt reached your mouth though, Natasha also made contact with your pussy. Your mouth quickly sent vibrations into Wanda, who in turn filled the room with her own moans. 
Natasha smirked. She had the both of you in control. 
"Fuck," Wanda groaned as your tongue swirled in her hot, wet mess. While forming a pattern was difficult while Natasha also sucked on your clit, you managed to explore Wanda's cunt, controlling her movements with your hands on her hips. "Natasha, baby, she feels so good," Wanda groaned.
"Yes she does," The Black Widow moaned into you, swirling her saliva around in torturous circles. She lavished in the sounds that escaped your throat, matching every dip and lick up to a whimper or groan. Your legs fought against the strength of Natahsa's arms and Wanda's thighs as you writhed under the two women, this moment in time sending you to a plane that feels like heaven. Welcomed knots began to form in your stomach as the two women worked their magic.
"May I - pl- please cum?" You managed to squeak out under Wanda's pussy. Natasha paused, dropping your heart off the side of a building. 
"Hmm... you can cum once our lovely Wanda does... that'll be a good reward." With that, she immediately returned to eating you out, making you gasp into Wanda. Our  Wanda, Natasha had said. 
You had to make Wanda cum before Natasha got to you... you had to show the two women how much of a good girl you could be. You focused all of your attention on Wanda, desperate to accomplish your goal. You quickly found a repetition that seemed to encapsulate the woman above you in pleasure, holding on tight to her hips so that you could keep her build in control.
Natasha could tell that you were closing in on the witch, so she decided to challenge you by picking up the pace of her torturous ministrations. You wouldn't give in though, you couldn't. The sounds coming from Wanda were telling you that you were close, so you pushed through. You forced yourself to only focus on the witch... how her swollen folds felt against your tastebuds and hips struggled under your hands. You zoned in on each swipe of your tongue, ensuring that her clit was run over through the abundant saliva and oozing slick. 
"Im gonna cum." She groaned breathily. You did it. You made no changes to your ministrations, ensuring that her orgasam hit. Wanda took a deep breath as her release sent a rush of physical power through your body and into Natasha's mouth, causing one more vibrating ripple to coarse through your pussy and add your orgasam to Wanda's. 
You were no longer able focus on the precise movements of your mouth as your walls pulsated around Natasha's tongue, the woman below you working off your high while you messily slowed down Wanda's. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," You breathed into Wanda's cunt, trying to steady your body. You and witch took a few more seconds to regulate your racing hearts as Natasha torturously cleaned up your mess. 
Eventually, Wanda collapsed to the side of you, allowing the mattress to catch all of her weight. 
"Thank you," you managed to croak out. "Thank you mommies. That - that felt so good. You made me feel so good." You whined into the comforter, unaware the two women were staring at each-other as you thanked them. 
"Oh, what a good, good girl. Thanking her mommies for her orgasam." Natasha cooed and you turned to stare at her. The Black Widow made sure you were focused on her as she pulled her top off. You eyes the expanses of her stunning skin, having little time to admire her beauty before she also tossed her bra off. Before you knew it, the damp pool had returned to your core. 
Natasha abruptly reached for one of your hands, moving it to lay on one of her breasts. Joyously yet cautiously, you began to massage her, watching the eyelids of the woman before you slowly close and open. 
"Maybe we should reward her, Wanda?"
You flipped your head to find the witch smirking. "I agree, my love." Her green eyes taunted yours. 
"Wonderful," Natasha replied. "Get on your knees, Talia. All fours, honey." 
You obeyed immediately, the commands affecting you in ways you could never imagine. You were still a little worn from your first orgasam, but you assumed that feeling wouldn't last too much longer.
You could hear the sound of Natasha loosing her pants, but you couldn't see from your new position on top of the mattress. Wanda tilted your chin up to her, grinning.
"Something you'll come to understand very quickly is that I am not your average partner, Talia." Her accent sent chills down your spine. "I come with perks... like this one." Wanda let go of your chin but made sure that her hand was still in your line of sight. You watched as magic shot out of her hand in the direction of Natasha, but you couldn't see what it was doing. 
You looked at the witch in confusion, not feeling anything. She simply smirked, moving her focus to Natasha, as if giving her a signal. All of a sudden, a foreign object pressed up against your ass, drawing a loud gasp out of your throat. 
"Now don't be shy, detka. All I've given our Natasha is a little... add-on." Wanda whispered in your ear, entertained as she watched your eyes widen. These women were going to be the death of you. You whined as the witch playfully tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.  Natasha moved closer to you, now fully rubbing up against your entrance from behind, teasing you as she pleases.
"That's not little," You croaked and Natasha laughed, dragging her hands up and down your back. 
"You'll be alright, honey. You can let us know if it's too much, but I don't think you will." She grabbed onto your hips, slowly sliding into you. Soft, sinful sounds escaped your throat, knowing Natasha was right as she filled you up. 
"Fucking hell, kotenok, you're so tight for me." She moaned above you as you gasped.
"You- can feel me?"
"Yes darling," Wanda jumped in, crawling up high on the bed so you could see her and she could watch. "Natasha can feel all of you." Wanda smirked.
"Ohmygods." You mumbled as the Black Widow started to slowly pump in and out of your slick, addicted to the way her nails were starting to rake down your lower back and hips. The sensation consumed you, and to add to the heat of the moment, Wanda had now started touching herself in front of you. 
"You like what you're seeing, detka?" The witch asked.
"What i'm seeing... what i'm-" You could barely think as Natasha picked up the pace. "What I'm feeling. Ohfuck." You whined watching Wanda's delicate fingers. "Feeling so fucked out and pretty for my mommies."
"You're doing so well, darling," Natasha added, steadying your hips as you began to loose control. "Your pussy feels so warm around my cock... letting me fuck you like this, so needy and numb. Do you think you two will be able to cum with me?"
Natasha's words had an evident effect on you and Wanda, causing you both to give hurried nods. "Go- good girls." Words were beginning to have a harder time escaping her mouth, just as your brain kept getting fuzzier. "Ill just- need a-a few... few more m-moments..."
You could feel yourself on the brink of an orgasam, needing to dedicate all power to holding back. You whimpered as Natasha continued to brutally thrust into you.
The redhead gasped. "Fuck- i'm gonna-"
All of a sudden, Natasha had released into you, sending you over the edge. Wanda watched as the two of you collapsed, allowing her to finish herself off too. The three of you ended up in a sweaty sticky mess, piled on top of each other.
You grinned, happily surrounded by your two favorite people on earth. Wanda reached to hug your body and you reached for Natasha, everyone entangled and satisfied. Despite your sticky skin, you never wanted to let go. 
But nothing can last forever. Eventually, Natasha wiggled out of your grasp and stood up on the floor.
"What! No!" You groaned, missing her warmth. 
"Oh hush, Talia." She giggled. "I have to use the bathroom and clean up. I'm not running away." She said, waltzing towards the other end of the room, fully aware you and Wanda were watching her ass. "Besides, you two should probably clean up as well."
You turned to face Wanda.
"She's right, you know..." The witch spoke softly, her eyes shinning with amusement. 
"But i'm so cozy here..." You looked up to her innocently, flickering your glance in between her eyes and lips. The witch rolled her eyes but couldn't resist as she leaned in to softly capture your mouth, admiring your sweet and sincere kisses.
"C'mon, Talia." She pinched your ass, holding her hand out to you as she stood up. You hesitantly grabbed it, but you immediately realized that you never wanted to let go. The witch dragged you to the bathroom, the two of you joining Natasha in bliss... this was something you could get used to.
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jpeg-dot-jpeg · 3 months
jpeg my beloved!!! 3, 8, 11, 16 for fandom asks please? xoxo 💕
(only a small number of questions from bean??? wild...)
'a small number of questions' you say while still asking more than the average 😂🤭<3
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Damian Wayne! As someone with a younger sibling with a similar age gap to what tim and damian have (in theory), everything about his character made me want to punt him like a football. cain instinct full throttle. However, lots of fantastic works surrounding him have helped me come to observe aspects of his character other than 'annoying younger sibling.'
8. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
Darling, I would be remiss not to acknowledge you and @bi-bats for being some of my very first friends within the fandom and encouraging me to become a bigger part of it <3<3<3
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
okay this might sound goofy but. im so proud of my little batblobs. they're just fun to make and they've brought a lot of people joy. i hope those silly doodles inspire people who feel like they cant contribute to fandom with creating expert level artwork <3
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
JASON TODD IS FUNCTIONALLY YOUNGER THAN TIM DRAKE. look i know we love the dynamic of jason being the older brother/more experienced partner because woobifying tim is fun, but i will never stop screaming about how Jason is mentally 3.5 years younger than his 'legal' age. After dying he spent 6 months being dead, 1 year in a coma, 1 year catatonic on the streets, and 1 year catatonic with the League before Talia dunked him in the lazarus pit. obviously canon is a tangled mess and people are free to explore whichever version of it they like best, but?? the angst potential?? jason coming back to gotham as an 'adult' but still only having the life experience of a 15 year old?? im SCREAMING. Give me a jason who's like 'actually, tim, im younger than you, so how about YOU be the bigger person here.' thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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cookiesupplier · 1 month
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Fifty-One
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd, on we go!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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Talia moving was easy, well no, not really. If you thought about it technically she hadn’t officially moved all in completely yet despite being there for almost two weeks, because she wasn’t the one doing all the hard work. Every other day, either Ava or her got a call from Bea or Kyle and Jordan about the apartment that they were packing up for them. In the process of packing, they decided that the furniture that they weren’t just going to leave with the apartment, they’d donate to goodwill. There were some things that they both wanted to keep, some important parts of their lives they didn’t want to part with that they’d ship across the state, but other than that, it was just the little things. Packing up the clothes, and personal items they left behind. Jordan, Kyle and Bea, they knew their lives inside and out, somehow better than they did, in some ways it seemed, from this move. Things that Talia hadn’t even considered came up when they called.
Yesterday Jordan had called her about a mug, a mug, it was the most stupid silly, ridiculous mug in the whole world. It was one of the few items she had managed to hold on to from when she was young, from when she was a kid, she’d made it herself for her grandmother before she passed. It wasn’t one you could drink from, not unless you wanted to poison yourself with something toxic from the paint, she’d made it in preschool, but it reminded her of her grandmother every time she saw it. She hadn’t even thought about it… Talia knew she would have fallen apart when she realised she’d lost that in the move if they’d left if behind. God. That was when she considered that maybe she should fly home and let the guys deal with helping Ricky move on their own.
It was the morning that she called Ava and mentioned to her about booking a flight back, asking her if she had anything she needed her to do specifically at their old apartment, that she got the call from Kyle. She was scrolling on her phone, hoping to figure out if getting a cheap flight was even feasible before she talked to Chris and Ricky about going for a few days, when her phone was ringing. When she saw the caller ID, Talia sighed, knowing it was another call about packing up the apartment, and so she answered, dodging the call wasn’t going to help matters any. Of course, as soon as she did, she didn’t even get one word out before Kyle’s voice was on the other end of the line:
Wait, what? No? Just No? Not another question?
“Well, hello to you too, Kyle, how are you?”
“Hello darling, I’m fine, how are you?”
Hearing one of her best friends, whom she’d been missing, both of them all the more dearly the more she talked to them with this whole moving business. The more Talia thought about not going home, she just knew it was going to be so painful not going to be able to see Kyle and Jordan whenever she wanted to now. While she knew of course, there were Skype calls and Facebook, they would keep in contact, she knew that of course they would, they had too much in between them to just let things drop. Then again, they had the kind of friendship that even if they didn’t talk for weeks, or months, they could just pick up and talk as if not a day had gone by. All of her friends meant the world to her, and nothing would ever change that. Nothing. 
“Fine, what do you mean, no, no what Kyle?”
Sitting down on her bed, she had been considering starting to pack a bag, if she was going to leave she wanted to do it today, maybe tomorrow at the latest, sooner rather than later.
“You are not getting on a plane and coming home, you aren’t, we don’t need you.”
Talia just scoffed at him for that, 
“Oh that sounds real nice Kyle, thanks!”
She could almost hear Kyle rolling his eyes on the other end of the line, she knew him that well, picturing him when he was at his nurse station. Talking to a difficult patient or family member on the phone, and smirked at the thought. 
“Listen here, little girl, you are not coming back here to help us pack, only just to get onto a plane to fly right back and have to unpack everything all over again.”
“You know, Kyle, that's called moving house, people do it all the time, and I can too.”
Hearing the frustrated sigh on the other end, she just sighed, knowing that he wasn’t really that annoyed with her, if he was, he wouldn’t have called, he was just trying to help. She loved that he was doing this… Talia just wanted to be there with him, helping, not here, in another state, feeling useless. 
“I know T, I know, but you are going to have enough on your plate, darling, you are helping Rick move too aren’t you, and not to mention not only will you be unpacking all of your things, his things, you’ll be starting a new job next week. Come on. Jordan and I have this. And we can wrangle Bea. I promise.”
Sighing, she just… she was so worried that this was all going to fall apart, and she was nervous as hell about it, okay. Not just the moving, but living with Ricky and Chris. Yes, she’d lived with Ava for years, but living with Ava was different with living with someone she was in a relationship with, let alone two, and they were her soulmates. Their relationship was so new as well, she didn’t know how Ava had just done it, jumped into a relationship and moved in with Vinny, almost just straight away. Not even almost, she went right on tour with him, in a cramped tour bus, how was that not living with him? Living and working for that matter!
“To top it off, I have it on good authority, that Ava plans on surprising you and taking you for a spa day tomorrow. Something about wanting to celebrate you starting your new job.”
She smiled just a little at that, what had gotten into her brain, she was over doing it after what had happened. As much as Talia hadn’t been happy with her after what had gone down, and she really hadn’t been, she did understand what had happened. Maybe it was because Ricky was giving her the semi-silent treatment over it, it didn’t help that Ava was still being just as harsh sometimes with him for what he’d done to her, despite Talia’s forgiveness of him.
“You did not hear that from me…”
Sighing, Kyle was definitely laying it on thick. Fine.
“Okay, okay! I won’t get a flight.”
“Good, you’ve seen reason, my job is done… well… half done, more work to do, now I have to go, save Jordan from Beaaa, love youuuu!”
Letting him go, she hung up the phone, setting it down on her bedside table with a sigh, well, guess she should head over to Ricky’s to help him then.
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“Do you really think she bought it?”
Chris watched as Kyle hung up the phone apprehensively, now, having only overheard one side of the conversation between them, it sounded like it had gone well, but he knew Talia well enough that she could be stubborn. If she thought for a second they were trying to pull something over on her, she might just say okay, and then turn around and leave to go anyway. That was why he had hoped, that waiting for Kyle and Jordan to arrive off the plane this morning and getting one of them to call her, as if they were still at her apartment, might work. That might way lay the situation a little better than trying to convince her himself.
When Ava had called him this morning in a panic, she’d been the one helping him with his planning! While the surprise party was technically for Ricky, he was arranging for Kyle and Jordan to be there too because one, he wanted to meet Talia’s friends, and two, he knew how much she was missing them. Besides, this year, he’d missed out on celebrating both of their birthdays technically. Talia because he basically met her on her birthday and that had been when everything had hit the fan, and Ricky, well, his birthday had come and gone with all the stalker insanity. No one had really been in a celebratory mood, least of all Rick, so he hadn’t wanted to force anything on him.
But now, now he was planning a party for him, well, almost for both of them, but technically it was a belated surprise birthday party for Ricky, with a few guests that just happened to be Talia’s friends. Chris hoped her friends could become their friends on some level, well, at least friendly, he wanted to get to know them, which was why he invited them. 
“Yes, for now, if the party wasn’t tomorrow, you might have a problem. Ava better make sure her story is straight for the salon tomorrow, because she is going to have to be tight-lipped, so bad.”
Argh, he’d made sure she knew. Chris had not gone to all of this trouble planning this surprise for Ava to trip it up at the last moment. He knew she still felt guilty about basically kicking Talia out of Vinny’s. Ava had been overcompensating, just a bit, all week as she helped with the move from Ricky’s, and him with his planning to get Jordan and Kyle here without Talia knowing. Chris was going to have to stress to her, no tell her about Jordan and Kyle coming for a visit, not now, not about the party, not anything.
“Thanks for this Kyle, and it's great to meet you again, much better circumstances. Maybe by the time you go home, we’ll even get your boyfriend’ll come around to being a fan.”
Smiling as the other man laughed at that, the boyfriend in question walking over from checking in at the front desk of the hotel.
“Kind of doubt that, Chris.”
“Doubt what?”
Chris chuckled at Jordan’s confusion as Kyle just patted his soulmate’s shoulder, lightly accepting his bag from him with a knowing smile.
“Anyway, I’ll text you once Ava has picked up Talia, and Vinny is going to be wrangling Ricky, and then the coast is clear for you to head over, I’ll see you when you get there.”
Chris gave the two men a slight wave as he said goodbye before he turned to go, heading out the door. He was so glad that Talia had friends that were so supportive of her that they were willing to come all this way for her, well, both her and Ava. Even Kyle, who had such an intensive job, had apparently put in for leave awhile ago, knowing that something might pop up like this. Maybe not something like a birthday, but when two of his closest friends found soulmates in another state, one of which had a history like Talia’s, Kyle had told him he knew something could happen. He hadn’t wanted to take a chance he couldn’t be there to help if he was needed, when he told Chris that, he had respected him immediately. 
His phone in hand, time to call Ava, make sure she was ready for tomorrow. Probably should make sure to check in with Vinny too, those two were just as bad as each other… probably why they were soulmates. Kind of perfect, really.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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”you hurt my son!”
name: y/n Wayne
wanings: r@pe or assault, argument
Role:wife to Bruce Wayne mother to his kids and twin sister to talia al’ghul
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you always had a resentment to your elder twin sister she was the favourite and you well you always felt like a waste of space so ran away and met the love of your life Bruce Wayne! He was funny kind and he had a son dick. You loved that kid so much so when he left you were hart broken but soon after Jason came into your life and I think we all know the Jason Todd story and the shit talia put him through. When you found out about one incident in particular you were more pissed than when she had drugged Bruce, even this felt far for her! Talia had r@ped your son…
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“What did you say?!” You said walking over to where Jason was standing with Tim. The two had been arguing and Tim said how at least Jason hadn’t been thrown off a building to which Jason responded with “BUT HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING R@PED!?” Jason had tears forming in his eyes as he held his hands to his mouth realising what he had said. “What did you just say Jason!” You said bringing his hands away from his face. “Tim you should go” Bruce said as he came over to ask the exact same thing. Of course Tim left the room to get Alfred and ask for help. Jason had collapsed to the floor you letting go of him not wanting to cross his boundaries. “I-I can’t breathe” you heard him say clutching on to his clothes knees to chests. “Jason? I know you don’t need this right now but I need you to answer my question. What did you say?!” You responded more calm trying to get your son to answer. “Sh-she didn’t l-listen to me s-she just s-she touched me I-i told her to s-stop she d-dint listen!” Jason said trying to breathe. “Who. J who did that” Bruce said holding Jason’s arm. “T-T-Ta”- “TALIA?! (Nod) GOD THAT LITTLE BICH! NO ITS GONE TO FAR NOW!” You yelled standing up getting your motorcycle keys of the table. “Love, calm down we can”- “no you stay with jay I need to go talk to my bich of a sister!”you said before slamming the door.
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It was raining poring it down but you didn’t care you needed to find talia and you needed to find her now. You knew that the shadows were all the way in Europe but that didn’t mean talia was. You had heard she had been talking to Damian and you just so happened to know where she had requested to meet him. Her address. So that’s were you went. “Talia!” You said storming in to her sat at her table with two cups of tea out with a cat stuffed animal next to her. “Hello dear little sister i was expecting Damian but i assumed he sent you to collect his cat toy from last week” she said tacking a sip of her tea “please do come sit” she asked gesturing to the seat opposite he that you sat at. “So what brings you here darling sister can my son not make it this afternoon?” She asked so casually as if she even had the right to be visiting Damian behind the courts back?! “You lost all parental control over Damian last month, by law me and Bruce are his only legal parents you are well aware of that fact talia” you practically hissed at her “so what brings you here?” She questioned “my son” you decided as you sat up straight. “You’ll have to elaborate, after marrying Bruce didn’t you also adopt his sons and daughters also don’t you both have that toddler Tom or was it Tommy?”she laughed “why haven’t you been busy?” She smiled stering her cup of tea “it’s Thomas, tommy is just a pet name. And I don’t mean him!” You said glaring at her emerald eyes. “Jason, Jason Todd i believe you should remember him.” You said you hand turning into a tight fist “ahh yes J, I remember him rather good with a gun.” She said a bit nervous “you don’t get to call him that! Not after the shit you put him through!” You said trying to stay calm. “Jesus, so I was tuff on the boy. Did I hit him yes but all I did was to help him you must understand that y/n.” She said as if that made her actions any better “oh yeah because that’s all you did to him!” You yelled slamming your fist on the table “I don’t know what you’re talking about so calm down for your sake!” She replied even now she sounded calm “you fucking r@ped him! You assaulted a 15 year old boy! Who happens to be my son!”you yelled tears streaming down you face “all my life you tried to make me miserable you ruined my childhood with your snitch ass atachued, broke my dead mother in law’s Perl necklace that had been a wedding gift from Bruce and the kids oh yeah and you drugged and fucked my husbanded, attempted to kill most of my kids I bet you don’t know half there names! And you fucking r@ped my second eldest and still call him by a pet name!he is back at home hyperventilating right now because of that trauma you gave him! What is wrong with you!” You yelled standing up knocking the chair down o the floor. “The kid isn’t even yours and like I did shit to add to his trama. I’m not the one who let there him die to the joker and if anything I’d be a better wife to bruce I mean it took me a drink and one night to have Damian how long did it take your fertility issues ass to conseev Thomas! Not just one night that’s for sure and how many misscaregis oh yeah 6 and 2 off those were this year!” She yelled back making the tear’s from your eyes keep coming. “That’s enough!” You heard Bruce’s voice say as he walked over to comfort you. “Come on love let’s go.” He said holding his arm around your waist as you both walked out. “Oh and by the way talia I would never even consider leaving my wife for you.” He said “why because I ‘hurt’ one of your little soldiers feelings?” She said mockingly “no because you hurt my son.”he said taking you out to the car.
One the drive back he put his hand on your thigh “you know if you are feeling like you’re ready we could try again for another?” He said jokingly “I think we have enough kids Bruce!” You responded playfully “then why have you been pregnant three times in the past 2 years?” He laughed “because you don’t know what self control is and apparently you keep on forgetting to bye condoms!” You said playfully pushing his arm. “You know I’d choose you and all our little demons over anyone right?”he said kissing you hand. “Then why are you so desperate to add more demons to our lives?” You laughed “well now you’ve just got me in the mood! Thanks a lot!” Bruce said as you started laughing
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Note:I do know that Jason enjoyed himself during his and Thalia’s sexual encounter and did kiss her back but keep in mind this was a 15 year old and a neer 30 year old so it would be like a teacher having a relationship with on of there students.
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haletwfic · 2 years
Inspired from Teen Wolf Teaser Trailer.
(this is just for fun and I’m so sorry my grammar is the worst of the worst.)
You were on a Lacrosse game between Beacon Hills High School and Devenford Prep School to see your son playing. You, Derek, Scott, Noah and Talia, your daughter sat together on the bench. Eli, your son waved at your direction and you waved back and so did Derek.
“You know he waved at me right?” You asked him.
He shooked his head. “No, he clearly looking at his dad. Look he’s waving at me again.” You turned your head and saw Eli laughed.
You ignored him and watched Eli on the field. Everyone yelled and cheered when BHHS made a strike.
“Go Eli!” Scott cheered. “Look, he is so good, just like me.” When you heard that, you just rolled your eyes and smiled.
Not a minute after Scott’s talk, Eli’s body hit the ground because the opposite player bumped into him so hard.
“Derek!” You yelled Derek’s name and he ran away to save Eli. He got injured on his leg and Derek carried him to the locker room.
“Mom is Eli gonna be okay?” Talia asked. Then you nodded. “He said he still can’t focus on his ability.”
You stroke her hair. “Don’t worry darling, daddy is teaching him how to do it. And soon, you’ll learned it.”
When you still talk to Talia, you noticed Scott is sat in silence. Like he was thinking hard.
“Scott? Everything okay?” You asked softly.
“Someone’s coming.” What the hell he talked about? “Someone shooting an arrow. Derek! Eli!” Scott ran fast to the locker room. You start panicking.
“Talia, you stay here with Grandpa.” You demanded. “Please don’t let her go anywhere.” Noah nodded.
You followed Scott by running fast. When you arrived at the building, you saw Scott growling at the entrance door and then he ran inside. Oh shit, something happened. Where’s Derek and Eli? Without thinking any further you followed him and you saw Scott fought a woman. Wait, she looked familiar. You kept looking them until you noticed someone lie around. Is that??
“Derek,” you called his name. He looked at you while he held his neck. “Oh God.” You sneaking towards Derek so that woman couldn’t noticed you help your husband. “Derek can you walk? Please we need to get out of this place.” You carried him and slowly walked to the exit door.
You looked back and saw Scott still fought the… Alison? Alison Argent?
“YN get out of here.” Scott ordered. You just nodded and walked quickly with Derek. After you managed to get out, you looked around to see if there was any sign of Eli.
“Mom!” Eli called you from other building. You sighed in relieved when you knew he was fine and he could ran. And then he helped you carried Derek to the car.
When you managed to reach the car and put Derek on the seat, you took your phone and slightly move away from them so you could call Noah.
“YN, what happened?” he rushed you with a question.
Your tears started to falls down. “Derek was injured. And he bleeding so bad and it hadn’t healed. And the one who hurted him was Alison. Or someone looked like Alison. But it’s Alison.” Your voice start shaking. “Please take Talia to your house. I’ll call you the details soon.” you hung up the call and get back to the car.
“Mom, dad hadn’t healing yet.” His blood still streamed down from his wound.
“Press the wound.” You said while gave him a towel. “Derek did he cut you with knife? ah arrow. She must be shot you with an arrow.”
Derek nodded while you looked at him by rear mirror. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll healed in hours.” He coughed. “YN, where was Talia? did she left with Stilinski?”
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002yb · 1 year
I absolutely adore your DickJay fics, scenarios, and thoughts! They're so fun. I am curious, though. What are your headcanons on the other Bats reaction/opinions on their relationship? What members are supportive? Do any of them disapprove?
Oh, anon. The way my thoughts scattered every which way with this hahaha. We've got a little bit of everything here; vibes separated by bullet points. ٩(๑ơలơ)۶♡
Simultaneously overprotective and aggressively supportive; wars with himself over how his dear boy is defiling his darling baby boy and like, he doesn't know how he feels about it. On the one hand, fuck Dick. On the other, there's no one that Bruce trusts more with Jason. So. Both earnest and begrudging acceptance.
'Don't get weird about it,' Jason says. Only Bruce gets weird about it anyway. Just so intense that it's embarrassing. Fuck forbid Bruce remembers his own anniversaries, but he'll send reminder texts to them both and send them congratulatory flowers or champagne the day of. Just weirdly involved despite keeping to the fringes.
Forever oblivious. Doesn't matter what precarious situation he catches dickjay in, it never registers. 'World's greatest detective' title revoked.
Pragmatic. Uncaring so long as it doesn't impact work. Seemingly indifferent, but would capitalize on what relationship can mean for his mission. Would probably try to use Dick to manipulate Jason.
Not supportive. No blessings given. Unfortunately this sort of situation feels more like Bruce holding onto grievances with Jason and not trusting him to not corrupt Dick's morals (though like, lbr; Dick doing a lot of corruption/defilement in his own right lol).
Accepting, supportive, but also very done with these two morons because dickjay harass him with their shenanigans (intentional and not); so tired.
The above, but Tim is sort of into it (freaky freaky (*°∀°)=3)
Pragmatic. Would play their feelings for each other to his favor. Not usually in a negative way, but not above it. Generally indifferent to the feels, just sees the utility in it.
Protective of Dick (but supportive)
Protective of Jason (begrudgingly supportive after a period of failed attempts to sabotage Dick hahaha; just a whole jealousy thing because Jason is Damian's and Dick is infringing on what isn't his and Damian's patience is short and his tolerance at the end of its rope so help him Grayson, Damian will fuck him up if he fucks Jason - sorry, fucks up Jason in any way).
Protective of both and at a standstill because of it (still supportive, but too many shovel talks too little time).
Oblivious. Just oblivious.
The above would be fun in a fic where father dearest, world's greatest detective, is also oblivious lol. It runs in the family.
Devastated, but bears the heartache well (unrequited crush on Jason)
Have I made it apparent that I really like Damian crushing on Jason? Because I do. Weird place to ask but if anyone has a fic rec with this premise (bottom!Jason if anything veers that way lol) then like, yes please??
Adamant supporter because it's like his second dad/mom are hooking up. Dick and Jason are the only people worthy of each other in Damian's eye, so it works. This Damian is having a good time, given Bruce won't make an honest woman out of Talia (alternatively, Talia isn't making an honest man out of Bruce either so lol)
Supportive, no doubt or question to it
Teasing (specifically of Jason hahahah she can fluster him so easy; she sees why Dick enjoys it).
Supportive. Content. Pleased.
Concerned, given both boys are dear to him and both are moderate disasters. He doesn't want any heartbreaks. ):
Exasperation because he finds them all over the manor, without fail.
Thank you so much, by the way!! It makes me all sorts of happy that you enjoy my stories and the little informal things I put out there. (´⌣`ʃƪ)♥ Thank you for the engagement, too! This was a lot of fun. Have a lovely weekend, anon~ ♥♥♥
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Beloved Little Souls (Obey Me!) fic
content: Lucifer has to deal with a small troublemaker in the form of several children. Established relationships, casual, fluff. The brothers have adopted a couple of children at the behest of their beloved pact human.
It had been raining for the past few days in the Devildom. Meaning everyone was stuck inside the House of Lamentation. Which meant lots of noise as the newest residents of the house played with their adopted family. It had been decided last year, with lots and lots of discussion, that several of the demon brothers should adopt an orphan child. Since the brothers were no longer students at the school but teachers or coaches for the next generation. With Lord Diavolo making Mephistoles the principal of R.A.D.
Solomon had declared his apprentice a fully fledged sorcerer in their own right. So the much loved pact human was able to come and go between realms as they pleased. With the addition of adopting a child of their own. All in all, there were four new additions to the family. Mammon had been the first to adopt a child to have brought home a newborn baby girl. Asmodeus soon taking in a four year old girl who tended to play hide and seek with everyone. It wasn't until their beloved pact human introduced the brothers to their adopted nine year old boy that Lucifer decided to bring in a child under his own parentage. The Avatar of Pride soon adopting a seven year old girl from a witch background.
So it was that the House of Lamentation was anything but these days. Lucifer was currently heading to his study to try and grade some papers. But he found his study door open. A serious looking seven year old sitting at his desk to be going over her homework. The sight had Lucifer pause to simply take in the sight before him. There sat his darling Talia. Her gorgeous lilac colored hair secured in a fiercely tight French braid thanks to Belphegor's skilled hands. Those striking Persian red eyes scanning over her school book as if it was hiding her favorite necklace from her. That oval face currently sporting a couple of new bruises from her recent escapade in trying to climb up to the roof. A pair of crutches resting against the desk for Talia to use. She had been born with her left leg missing her lower leg and foot. Hence why the witches had been more than willing to give her up to Lucifer after Talia had shown no real skill in their craft. Yet to him, she was the most perfect and bold heart in all existence.
Lucifer smiled to walk into his study and soon kneel beside Talia and place his arm around her shoulders. A kiss to her cheek given as Lucifer all but purred words of warm delight. "So this is where you've been. Solomon texted me to say he will be here tomorrow for your private magic lessons. So you need only focus on this last project before we have dinner." Talia gave a long sigh of air to finally set her pencil down. Soon rubbing at her eyes as she sniffled and let a few tears fall from fatigue and frustration. "Why did Uncle Satan have to make this assignment so difficult? Does he know I am horrible with Latin? Or is it just his wicked vindictive side showing to have all of us lose our sanity?"
A dep chuckle rumbled from Lucifer's chest for him to just scoop Talia out of the chair and into his embrace. Carrying her to the loveseat to sit her in his lap and cradle her to his heart. A feeling of abiding love and joy settling in his being as he spoke to his daughter. "He is indeed a sadistic soul. Yet he knows your class is up to the challenges he sets down for all of you. Hence why you are in his class in the first place. Only the advanced students get to be in his class, Talia." The seven year old all but melted into his frame to wrap her arms around him. A few words of Latin escaping for her to outright cuss under her breath. Which made Lucifer openly laugh to smirk in pure delight. "See? You've already learned a few things to add to your arsenal of knowledge."
A knock on the door has Lucifer turn his gaze up as Mammon entered the study. His daughter currently in his one arm to be drinking a bottle of formula as Mammon held her close. Yet the Avatar of Greed looked to be like he was holding the whole of existence in his arms he was so gentle with the baby girl. A smile there in his eyes and his heart as he moved to sit himself across from Lucifer to sigh at the way the chair all but swallowed him. "Beelzebub said dinner should be ready to go in fifteen minutes. But my darling little Keyara wasn't gonna wait that long." Lucifer smiled as he then asked, "Have we been able to locate our ninja princess yet?" Mammon snickered to shake his head. "Nope. Sjena has yet to be caught. Much to Asmo's dismay. Since he wanted to do her hair in a new style before our nephew drags a certain human through the portal."
Lucifer felt amusement bubble up before he looked down at his daughter. Since Talia decided to speak up with her own words. "Sjena is with Uncle Leviathan. She tends to always hide in his room for them to watch his fish or just have Uncle Leviathan sit with her and watch anime." Mammon and Lucifer openly chuckled at this revelation. Only for loud laughter to echo up the hallway and right into the room. A very happy nine year old boy sprinting in to openly run over and give both Talia and Lucifer a tackle hug. Which Lucifer enjoyed with that same coy smirk as Talia squeaked in surprise. Mammon watching with glee as their nephew started talking a mile a minute. So Lucifer rested a hand atop his nephew's head to chortle. "Calm down, Lachlan. We're glad to see you. But you need to take time to breathe. So take several breaths first, please."
The red headed nine year old boy nods to take several deep breaths and try to calm down. His bright green eyes looking up at Lucifer to then have him grin with pure joy and love. "Sorry. But I've been begging to get here all day long. We decided we're staying over for a week! So I can finally have you take me out to see the Devildom art museum! Just like you promised, Uncle Lucifer!" Lucifer sighed to ruffle that head of red hair as he resigned himself to a wild week with all of his family in the house. Something Lucifer truly did want, just was not sure if he had the energy to keep up. But he was glad to chuckle at Lachlan. "A fine idea if I have ever heard one. Dinner should be ready in ten minutes. So we will have to be the ones to set the table." Before another word might be said, Lachlan nods to actually scurry right out the door at break neck speed and laughing the entire time. Which has Mammon whistle as he moves to set the newborn baby girl against his chest so he can pat her back. "There he goes. I honestly have no idea how our beloved human has the energy to wrangle him."
Keyara gives several coos before she lets out a rather loud burp. Mammon cradling his daughter close to keep patting her back as Lucifer sighs. While Talia groans to listen as more laughter and cheers sound out within the house for the seven year old girl to sound tired. "Do we have any more of those monster crash energy drinks or a hippo sized box of tea from Lord Diavolo? Because I am going to need something to boost my ability to keep up."
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on-leatheredwings · 5 months
How I feel before the fic - 6/10, 😐🙃🫠🙍🏻‍♀️
Right off the bat, can feel how frustrated darling is with the way dami asks things!!! Can practically see the fuckin eye roll as he asking where and with who!! (As if he probably doesn't have a tracker on half the shit darling owns)
Pls the way Damian is questioning darling like it's an interrogation! And then is almost like okay and? When darling answers him!!! Like sir!!
Firmly believe that yes Dami is much better than when he first arrived at the manor, he still has those moments where the teachings fucking seep into his frontal lobe like something awakening. Hence the 'owning' darling part and the fact that he gets why it's not socially acceptable but.....neither is half of the other things he does so it's kinda catch 22 with that one for him at times.
Damian the manipulative king ngl
Man's probably thinks manipulation is much more extreme than what he's doing, probably considers what he does is just expressing himself :/
Damian really thinking he can talk darling down until being "threatened" with darling actually leaving!
him on his knees as a way to show you his devotion, willingly kneeling before only you and ever only you is something that means the highest level of love and devotion. And then the please, and the kissing? It's him trying to show you the fact that you're his deity and only wishes to keep you safe from the grime that is humanity! AND THEN ASKING TO CORRWCT HIS BEHAVIOR? ESSENTIALLY BEGGING TO ATONE FOR HIS SINS AT THE FEET OF HIS DIETY????
He just wants his soul to mingle with yours<3 your life lines intertwined in such a way that it'll extend past this life time<3 you'll be each other's in any and all times.
Damian is dastardly good at reminding darling why it's him. The way his body was born into this world to be with you and give you pleasure, as you were to him. You've belonged to each other since your first breaths and you will continue to be so until your last. At least, that's what he thinks.
The way you write Damian is so good, I really just adore it because it's so him but also just.....I can't see him falling in love normally. It always ends up like this, it's damn near hereditary. It's so good. Loved this fic and all the other Dami fics you post<3
Me after reading this - 9/10🫡🙂‍↕️🤤😲🥴🤭
Also no cookies yet, forgot I needed to soften the butter so been waiting on that while reading.
Much love Damian anon
Pls the way Damian is questioning darling like it's an interrogation! And then is almost like okay and? When darling answers him!!! Like sir!!
tell me why i got pissed off and i wrote it KJGHJSLDJFAHISD . while damian worships darling he also is. Damian. also at that point he just thought 'oh we're fighting right now. whatever. lovers fight (bruce x talia/selina) its always fine in the end,' not 'oh i'm about to lose your ass' KGHDSIOJHISDGI so he course-corrected real fast
Man's probably thinks manipulation is much more extreme than what he's doing, probably considers what he does is just expressing himself :/
EXACTLT YY EXACTLY YOU'RE IN MY BRAIN . YOURE IN MY BRAIN!!!! LIKE ITS JUST HILARIOUS THINKING ABOUT YAN DAMIAN B/C HE REALLY JUST THINKS HE'S EXPRESSING HIMSELF. he thinks "i'm just being forthcoming this can't be manipulation." HE'S SOOOO MISGUIDED AND EVIL BUT DOESNT EVEN KNOW IT. ITS SO SAD I LOVE IT . he thinks mistreating you would be like physical abuse or yelling at you.
IM GLAD YOU LIKE HOW I WRITE HIM... i'm still trying to nail all the parts of him <3 the beautiful, devoted parts <3 the bitter, spiteful parts <3 the dark, broken parts <3 he's such a conundrum what will i do with him
damian and his reverence for his darling is just peak idk what to say . 🚬 he doesnt just love you he genuinely worships you. also redemption is a huge part of his arc in canon (redeeming himself from being an assassin even though he literally was raised and groomed into it help), he finally believes he can change. you've changed him! he can change, just give him a chance.
THANKY OU FOR THE LONG REVIEW TEEHEE MADE MY DAY... i like can't look at my fics once theyre posted but i also just love to talk about them or really, just the characterization in them...
and rats! no cookies now.... BUT COOKIES SOON!!!
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luminescentauthor · 2 years
Good Mom Talia Headcanons
Because Talia al-Ghūl is a Good Mom Screw You
DC – Gotham Knights, specifically – is back on their evil Talia al-Ghūl BS, and they’re also back on their “the less white she appears, the more evil she is” BS and I am. So tired.
So, out of raw spite, here are happy headcanons revolving mainly around Talia being a good mom and generally kicking butt!
This is from my Remained AU, named that because it’s the AU where Jason remained with Talia and Damian after coming back to life. You don’t need to know it to understand this, but if you haven’t seen this AU before, you can find the original post here, or the tag for it here.
CW: Swearing and uhhh I think that’s it but PLEASE do lmk if I missed anything
+ One of the first things Talia did when Ra's was removed from the picture following Death and the Maidens (a batman comic in which Ra’s dies. He eventually came back) was buy Damian the biggest, most ridiculous art set in existence, and about 400 glitter pens. He loves it.
+ Jason and Talia will often have tea and chat while they play strategy games, such as chess, Stratego, and Shogi. She always kicks his ass.
+ Nobody is sure when she sleeps. Maybe she just doesn't.
Multiple members of the League of Assassins claim she has the ability to be in two places at the same time. No one is sure how she does it.
+ Talia calls Damian and Jason lots of affectionate nicknames. She only does this when they're alone prior to leaving the League, or with her few most trusted people, but once they're in Gotham she does it all the time. Some of the nicknames are beloved, habibi (Arabic, basically translates to "my love," I'm stealing it from the thousands of fanfics I've seen her use it in), sweetheart, darling, etc.
+ Absolute fashion icon. Owns the most gorgeous dresses, saris, and pantsuits. As CEO of LexCorp and later when she moves to Gotham, she absolutely redefines what is fashionable by virtue of being the best-looking person in the room. (For context, when Lex Luthor was president, he made Talia CEO of LexCorp, for about a year, I think. She spent most of it trying to give evidence to the Daily Planet about Lex’s criminal activity.)
However Jason makes fun of her for The Pink Jumpsuit relentlessly.
+ Talia almost always wears her hair in a braid or bun; the only time she doesn't is for business meetings and parties and whatnot. If she's just around a League base or fighting, it's tied back. This has nothing to do with the fact that it affects her fighting skill and everything to do with the fact that she finds hair in her face very annoying. Talia is far too good to be affected by whether or not her hair is in her face – she just gets tired of it falling in her eyes when she’s trying to read.
+ Doesn’t wear heels much; she’s an athlete and a fighter, and heels literally deform your feet. Will wear heels when meeting with Ra’s because she enjoys the look on his face when she’s taller than him. She’s also been known to do this to Lex Luthor and many others. She once walked into a LexCorp board meeting wearing eight-inch heels and towered over all the white men’s heads. Just because she doesn’t wear heels much doesn’t mean she can’t walk in them flawlessly.
+ (Tbh everything Talia al-Ghūl does is flawless.)
+ In canon, when Bruce and Talia met, she was studying for a medical degree at Cairo University. She now has that medical degree.
“Ms. Al-Ghūl—” “That is Doctor Al-Ghūl to you.”
Jason: When did even you do your residency???
Talia, drinking tea: Mmm.
Jason, exasperated: Mom.
+ She also got a business degree at some point, and no one is totally sure when or how. It does make explaining why Lex Luthor made the CEO of LexCorp much easier, though.
+ While she prefers tea, Talia did not get through medical school or a whole year of dealing with Lex Luthor’s bullshit without copious amounts of coffee.
+ Jason got her a “HBIC” mug as a joke partway during her year with LexCorp. It promptly became her favorite mug and can always be seen on her desk filled with coffee or tea. 
+ After moving to Gotham, she spends most of her free time spoiling her kids or working on social reform. She's also working on a law degree.
"Mom, a medical degree, a business degree, and a law degree seems like overkill?" "It is, I just want the law degree because it will help me make Lex Luthor's life a living hell." "In that case, understandable have a nice day."
She and Barbara are both “yes I have far too many degrees just so I can wave them in the face of annoying white men what about it” energy and are also both very determined to enact social reform, so they get along quite well. Possibly too well. However, the only people who need to be afraid of their combined might are those who probably deserve it, so the rest of the Batfam has elected to simply get out of the way.
+ Talia owns a private jet, but don’t worry it’s eco-friendly. No ridiculous carbon emissions for this billionaire. She’s an al-Ghūl. Of course, it’s eco-friendly. (She’s also sensible.) Jason proceeds to use it to bounce back and forth between Australia and Gotham, and Talia is. So. Tired. Jason my darling I love you so, so very much, but that is a terrible idea for your education and your sleep schedule please—
For the record, all of Bruce’s vehicles are also electric.
+ Damian wasn't allowed to have pets with the League because Talia didn't trust Ra's not to kill anything Damian showed affection towards. Once Damian lives in Gotham, however, Talia 100% enables his animal-loving tendencies.
Like… maybe a little too much.
Bruce: I’m going to have to build an animal sanctuary in my backyard at this rate.
Talia: I think that would be wonderful, don’t you? It’s not like you don’t have the space.
Tim: *Wheezing*
+ The last name she uses is “Kareem.” Assuming my sources are correct (and admittedly they may not be; my faith in the internet is shaky, at best, though I checked a handful of different sites and they all seem to say the same thing), it is a name of Arabic origin that means generous, honorable, and noble, and is also one of the 99 names of God given in the Quran. It is also the name Jason and Damian use.
When the knowledge that Jason and Damian were Bruce and Talia’s kids becomes public, they both wanted to be Kareem-Waynes. Talia, who wanted to avoid any potential media conflict, pointed out (correctly) that somehow the media would find a way to make a mess out of that and added that she loves them both dearly and they will always be her sons whether or not they use her name. So in the name of Less Media Attention they were going to go with Wayne-Kareem, since it's normal to put the father's name first.
Two hours after they agreed on this, Bruce found out from one of the other batkids and went "WE'RE GOING WITH KAREEM-WAYNE THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY SCREW SEXISM”
Jason and Damian think it’s fantastic. Talia laughs so hard.
The media does try to make a thing out of it, and Bruce literally says “This is the 21st century. Consider it a statement. Also go fuck yourself.”
On a related note, when he marries Selina he becomes Bruce Kyle-Wayne and she becomes Selina Kyle-Wayne and his kids have never loved him more. We stan a feminist!
+ Talia loves animals as much as Damian, and they both get along with Selina because of it.
+ Selina and Talia can often be seen together at galas whispering to one another and generally making everyone else feel like they aren’t worthy to be in the same room.
+ Selina introduces Talia to Ivy and they immediately get along, since they’re both very passionate about environmental reform. Talia does networking and works on policy improvements, while Selina breaks into places for evidence and files, Barbara helps with political wrangling and gathers intelligence, and Ivy and Harley fuck shit up when all else fails. Ivy’s sense for where pollution is coming from is unparalleled, as well, so she can also help gather data to point Talia in the right direction to publicly destroy corrupt companies. Selina’s mostly here to steal things and protect endangered cats.
For the record, Bruce is very impressed by what they're doing and also absolutely terrified.
(Oh sidenote HarlIvy canon.) (Didn’t even occur to me to say that because I deadass assumed it was a given.)
+ Talia’s initial feelings towards Harley were pretty hostile, given everything the Joker did to Jason, but she comes to understand what Harley went through. Harley and Jason actually bond quite a bit in this AU.
+ Also, not totally on topic with the general theme of this post, I’m going to Own Up to a mistake I made on the last post: I completely forgot the Wayne family is Jewish and was like “yeah, they celebrate Christmas??? Right???” So. Hannukah! They do celebrate Christmas – Tim and Steph grew up celebrating Christmas – they just also celebrate Literally Everything Else.
+ It’s canon in DC that Talia made Damian ox blood soup when he was a kid, so presumably she made it for Jason too. Jason asked her to teach him how to make it. Damian's a vegetarian now, so they're trying to figure out how to replicate the taste.
Talia, affectionately and teasingly: Damian, habibi, I love you dearly, but you are making cooking for you incredibly hard.
Damian: :)
+ She, Jason, and Alfred have been learning how to make a bunch of dishes Damian already likes with tofu and other alternatives, as well as trying out new vegetarian recipes. He’s a growing boy, he needs protein, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be meat.
+ Talia and Alfred go to the farmer’s market every Saturday. Jason often comes with, and the other kids sometimes tag along.
+ Talia bought a cashmere blanket and to this day it is one of the best purchases she's ever made.
She kind of wishes her kids would stop fighting over it, though.
The problem is usually solved by yoinking both children into a cuddle pile.
“Just buy another one—” She has. She owns like six of them, now. It’s this one specific one they want for some reason.
(It’s because it’s Mom’s.)
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bxbblenajimi · 9 months
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Royal Love.
Talia White x NB!Jester!Reader
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She's Beautiful.
I've never seen a beautiful princess like her ever since i started my job as a Jester. Her eyes.. It's like you can get lost through a forest. Way more beautiful than emeralds. Her hair, hopeful like the sun. More precious than gold. Her smile, her kindness, it's like this kingdom haven't seen kindness for a long time, yet, she's their hope. I snapped out of it when i heard her call my name.
"(Name) darling! Can you come here for a second?"
I ran to her as fast as i could. After all, how could i make her wait? You must be a fool to make a royal wait.
"Ah! Yes my lady? Is there anything I could do? Maybe entertain?"
"Ah, no no, darling.. I'm just want to talk with you!"
"Ah.. If you say so.."
"Hmm? What's wrong? You don't wanna talk with me~?"
"W-what?! No no, of course i do!"
"Ehehehe! I'm just messing with you!"
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Today was the day. Today was the day that i would confess my love to. I couldn't wait to tell her. Talia was so sweet.. She wasn't interested in princes.. So it would be my perfect time to confess to her.. I was nervous but it's worth the shot. So I went up to her. Green Dahlias on my hand as she was sitting at her garden. Drinking her tea.
"My lady..? I have something important to tell you.."
Talia looked at me. She was smiling as always and looked at the dahlias in my hand. She was shocked but she was smiling too. She looked at the flowers that i got for her, she took them.
"Dahlias.. My.. My favorite.."
"I know, my lady.. You've always talked about it when I was entertaining you.. The thing is.. I have been in love with you for a very long time.. Your kindness.. Your smile.. Everything about you is like a melody to me.. So.. May i.. May i be your partner please..?"
She was smiling, she was blushing too.. Then she got up. She walked up to me. And kissed me on the lips.. I couldn't believe what was happening.. So I kissed her back. With all my love, with all my passion. She broke the kiss. She looked at me with a teasing smile.
"Did that answer your question, my little Jester~?
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Taglist! : @s-cara @scarahara @scarasdarling @m0uchie @shiluri @sh4thesh33p @zn0wy-zat3rn @yzashaven @lyneytricks
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raspberrysmoon · 1 year
day 11 of @rtcshipweeks !! THE lovers ever tbh
pre-canon ship: mischalia! possibly another sort of sad one? fully canon compliant so :)
monday, september 14, 2009
[3:03 pm] my mischa <3- i hate buses
[3:04 pm] darling talia <3- :(
[3:04 pm] darling talia <3- are you on your way to the competition?
[3:04 pm] my mischa <3- yeah
[3:05 pm] my mischa <3- unfortunately
[3:05 pm] my mischa <3- stupid ocean is yelling at us like we're listening
[3:06 pm] darling talia <3- she seems..
[3:06 pm] darling talia <3- interesting
[3:07 pm] my mischa <3- thats one way to say it
[3:08 pm] my mischa <3- she doesn't have a bad voice but shes so annoying
[3:09 pm] my mischa <3- she grabs rickys crutches and wheelchair randomly and its starting to seriously get on my nerves
[3:10 pm] darling talia <3- thats awful oh my gosh
[3:10 pm] darling talia <3- honestly i'm surprised you've lasted this long, love
[3:10 pm] darling talia <3- youre usually so fiery, i can see you snapping at her for something much smaller than that
[3:11 pm] my mischa <3- school rules.
[3:11 pm] my mischa <3- she would be halfway to austrailia if i had a say in it
[3:12 pm] darling talia <3- lol, of course
[4:15 pm] my mischa <3- finally here and setting up
[4:16 pm] my mischa <3- ocean continues to be annoying asf
[4:16 pm] darling talia <3- lol, how awful is she being?
[4:17 pm] my mischa <3- trying to make us warm up while we set up mics
[4:18 pm] my mischa <3- i think noel is about to bite her head off
[4:18 pm] darling talia <3- would you film it for me? she seems to have it coming lol
[4:19 pm] my mischa <3- always my love <3
[5:18 pm] my mischa <3- oh my god
[5:18 pm] my mischa <3- talia
[5:19 pm] my mischa <3- we won
[5:19 pm] darling talia <3- mischa thats incredible!!!
[5:20 pm] darling talia <3- congratulations!!
[5:22 pm] my mischa <3- were going to go ride some of the fair rides now i think
[5:23 pm] my mischa <3- i love you
[5:23 pm] darling talia <3- i love you too my dear
[7:19 am] darling talia <3- im heading to bed my love, i hope the fair is fun!!
[7:19 pm] darling talia <3- good night my mischa <3
tuesday, september 15, 2009
[2:47 am] darling talia <3- good morning my love <3
[2:47 am] darling talia <3- fill me in on the fair when you wake up, okay?
[9:24 am] darling talia <3- mischa?
[2:36 pm] darling talia <3- im headed to bed darling, please text soon, im starting to get worried
wednesday, september 16, 2009
[12:18 am] darling talia <3- good morning my dear <3
[12:19 am] darling talia <3- are you okay?
[12:19 am] darling talia <3- youre never this quiet
[5:56 am] darling talia <3- mischa, please, tell me if i did something to upset you
[5:56 am] darling talia <3- im starting to get worried
thursday, september 17, 2009
[8:34 am] darling talia <3- oh my god
[8:34 am] darling talia <3- oh my god mischa you better not have been in that accident
[8:37 am] darling talia <3- mischa
[8:37 am] darling talia <3- i love you
[8:38 am] darling talia <3- so much
[8:39 am] darling talia <3- im so sorry you had to die there my darling
[8:39 am] darling talia <3- i love you so much
wednesday, august 18, 2010
[11:32 am] darling talia <3- happy 19th birthday, my mischa
friday, august 20, 2010
[5:06 pm] ???- hi, is this talia?
[5:07 pm] talia- whos asking?
[5:09 pm] ???- my name is penny lamb. im the survivor of the cyclone rollercoaster
[5:10 pm] ???- i want to learn more about mischa
[5:11 pm] ???- i didnt know him long, but he seemed like an incredible person, and i want to carry his story with me
[5:13 pm] talia started a call with penny lamb
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whatwouldvalerydo · 1 year
Things I don't talk about enough - character edition
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Characters, well built ones, are like people, fickle things ar times
You need to listen to them sometimes or they will stop listening to you
Sometimes you love other characters more, some you lose, some come back to you, a cicle really
Sometimes we don't listen to what characters actually want and it's a shame really
At other times we don't sit enough with them, so please do people, stories take time
Character sheets are fun, but I have a hard time connecting with creators that have just characters and there's nothing written for them apart from a profile. I NEED to see them interact, exist, do SOMETHING
Let characters make mistakes and make bad decisions, it builds them up, makes them relatable
Leila Hellebore has been absent most throughout the last months and I understood late that she has moods of her own that clash with mine
Jin Watanabe doesn't want to be in the HPHL apart from a few times, he’s more in tune and understands himself better later on in different eras
I am forever grateful that Angela King came back to me and I didn’t lose her after the OC breakup. She still fuels my soul, it's just my time that's limited
Talia Crane is watching me from the shadows and that’s a scary thought on it's own
Victoria Summer isn't as sweet and innocent as I believed and I am not mad about it
I honestly didn't know what to do or where Jonathan King would fit on the long term plan and he proved me wrong so many times I am ashamed to admit how many
I am happy Scarlett Tempest opened up slightly and I managed to tell her background story. I believe people understand her better now
Gareth Farr will forever be my misfit, my darling sass boy. He deserves a love story with a happy ending but I don’t know if he knows what to do with that considering all he's been through
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your-bad-fanfic · 2 years
I love this Ukrainian Gangster Boi sm
Here's a little bit of an angsty thing I had an idea for a while ago
"My dear sweet Talia."
The police had translated the note they found in Mischa's phone after the accident. Puzzled as to why he had a final confession of love at 18 years old but went through with it anyways to give who seemed to be his fiance his final words.
"As you now know, I have perished and moved on. I am so grateful with the time we shared together, no matter how brief.
Even, while I was stuck in this unbearable city, you helped me through it all.
My Love, you made things worth while and I cannot bring myself to write any songs for you now. This is a letter to convey my emotions truly to you.
I missed Ukraine, I miss my mother, I wish I could have spent more time with you.
I will miss you dearly my Darling.
You helped me find some sort of relief of this God forsaken Canada.
I wish we could have been married and spent our lives together in Ukraine.
I wish I could have boughtten you a ring. I wish I could come home.
Please, if you know anything, I want you to know how much I truly loved you my Love.
You have my heart,
Mischa Bachinski ❤️"
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