#thank god I have therapy later
0809sysblings · 3 months
some hard Council Truths one (I. Me.) must come to terms with...
there are always more council members than you think
if you think the dissociation is not "doing its job and helping you function", you are wrong. it is. yes, believe it or not, things would be worse
you are probably forgetting and losing more time than you think
yeah it was probably that bad. if you think you are over-exaggerating, chances are you are actually under-exaggerating
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malpupfiction · 10 months
I was feeling pretty good this week and was excited for my mom n grandma to visit but now I'm feeling weird after they just left :-/ I feel so socially and emotionally distant from them now, we hardly had anything to talk about. My grandma was my best friend for a long time but after she had a stroke in 2019 she's just been so different, it's really hard to have a conversation with her it almost feels like talking to a child. I miss my family and it sucks that things will never be the same
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my version of "i unblocked my ex and i'm texting them" is just "i desperately want this girlie who made up imaginary beef with me a year ago who i've had less than three conversations with and who will not stop vagueing about me on main to dm me so i can bite their jugular with my teeth" and i think that's so real and sexy of me.
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maybeicanbesaved · 1 year
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inkskinned · 1 year
you get used to it, but it's tiring, because they need you to understand your own life as a series of goalposts. what college are you going to, what's your major going to be, whatcha gonna do with that, oh where will you settle down, when can i expect grandkids.
for the longest time my goals have been so blurry that they track into each other, their undefined edges slipping quietly back into the soft night. today i want to be a writer; tomorrow i will want to be a doctor, later i will wish i took that law school free ride. how the fuck do people just know what they want to do with their life?
where do you want to be in five years? i want to be alive; which is a huge step for me. ten years ago i would have said i want to be asleep and meant i hope that i'm dead by then.
but i want a yellow kitchen and a stand mixer. i want a garden and a fruit tree (cherry, if i can make that happen) and a big yard for my dogs to play in. i want to come home and read poetry out loud to someone and have them close their eyes to listen. i want a summer watergun fight. i want to make snowmen. i want to be the house to go to for halloween. i want my life to settle around me in a softness, for it to lay down gently. if i am very, very, very lucky, i want to travel; finally go someplace overseas.
of course i don't know what i want to be doing professionally. what i actually want to be doing is curling up beside my dog, settling in to read. i want to be making myself a cup of good coffee.
i can't answer the other questions. whenever people asked me what do you want to be when you grow up, i used to say i hope i'm happy.
i hope i'm still kind, five years from now. i hope i never get jaded and mean. i hope i have stayed in therapy. what do you picture yourself doing? when will you actually be an adult about this? why are you so afraid of being ambitious?
am i not ambitious? the other day i rearranged my furniture which doesn't quite fit into my apartment. i watered my plants. i'm going to try to propagate a cherry seed. my five year goal is to spend more time laughing. to lie down in a patch of sunwarm moss. to relax for a minute. to close my eyes and think oh thank god. this is why i stayed. this is finally it.
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I found out Bruce substituted as Nightwing and I know there's an explanation in the comics and I've seen the picture and yes, it looks like when your mom to dad tries on one of your outfits to prove they can fit whatever size they wore at your age, but Christ I love to imagine the actual scenario as to how this happened. Dick Grayson in my head got badly injured on patrol and his one leg and one arm got broken, he made the decision, right as the morphine hit him:
Dick Grayson: I have to patrol, I am Nightwing the protector of Bludhaven and uh-- Tim, when did you get a twin?
Tim: What? Where?
Tim looks at Damian, who shrugs.
Dick Grayson laughs as he looks at his non-broken hand.
Dick Grayson: I have two hands?!
Jason: Those pain meds are kicking in.
Dick Grayson: I feel so good... I wanna lay here forever.
Dick Grayson chuckles, relaxing in the hospital bed.
Bruce: Dick, who do you want to patrol while you're in the hospital?
Dick: What's patrol?
Dick chuckles.
Dick: Patrol. Funny word hahaha
Jason raises his hand.
Jason Todd: I can be Nightwing again. I don't mind.
Tim: No.
Bruce: No.
Damien: I would've said to do it, but they won't listen.
Dick Grayson: No, no, not after last time.
Jason Todd: Oh God, the guy walked after a few months of physical therapy.
Dick Grayson: No! My sub will beeeeeeee... Eenie, miney...
Tim steps closer to Dick Grayson's hospital bed, ready to be picked.
Dick Grayson: Can you move my hand up, Tim?
Tim: Sure, to who, me?
Dick Grayson: No, that man! Batman!
Points to Batman!
Bruce Wayne: Really, me? Aww, Richard, you compliment me so well, but I couldn't.
Jason bursts into laughter: That's so stupid! He thinks you can be the Nightwing hahahahaha! He really is loopy!
Tim chuckles.
Damian covers his mouth, so his father won't see his smile.
Dick is distracted by Tim's hand and counting the digits.
Bruce Wayne: You know what, I will do it! I will prove you all wrong!
Bruce Wayne storms out.
Tim: Wait, Bruce we were joking! The guy is hopped on pain medicine, he doesn't know what's going on!
Tim runs after Bruce. Damian follows him.
Jason walks to his brother.
Jason: Well, kiddo, you got a replacement. This is going to be great... For laughs, but great.
Dick Grayson: Thanks flying spaghetti monster. I sleep now.
Dick Grayson falls asleep. Jason pats his head and then dials a number.
Jason Todd: Roy, you won't believe this!
A few hours later after the morphine has worn off and Dick wakes up from his nap. He calls Barbara.
Dick Grayson: Oh God, please tell me that when I picked Bruce to be Nightwing that was a dream.
Barbara: Nope.
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eufezco · 3 months
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How is it that Steve's departure only drove you further apart? How was it possible that the only thing left between you after all was hatred for each other? Maybe these questions could be answered in a therapy session or in a night together.
bucky x fem!reader (angst, smut with plot, lovers to enemies to lovers) + no use of y/n. english isn't my first language (!)
—James, condition of your release, session now.
You looked at Bucky and he looked back at you, pressing his lips together and starting to walk after his therapist, annoyed.
—You too, young lady.
—That's okay, I can wait here with Sam.
—It wasn't a request. Sam, you have front-row seats for the show if you like—. The demanding tone in her voice surprised you and you had no choice but to follow her.
The therapist sat down at the table and opened her notebook. You and Bucky were at the other side of the table, sitting next to each other and in front of the woman. You didn't look at each other, you had not even shared a word. Sam, who was leaning against the wall behind the therapist, looked at both of you and shook his head. Steve was right when he said that you were both equally stubborn.
—So, who would like to start?
—I don't even know what I'm doing here. This is ridiculous.
—Yeah, I agree —. Bucky added.
—See? Making progress already —. She waited a few seconds to see if either of you would like to talk but you and Bucky remained silent. Dr. Raynor sighed, if it was already difficult to deal with him alone, it would be twice as difficult to deal not only with Bucky but also with a copy of him as a woman. —It is my job to make sure you're okay. And yeah, this may be slightly unprofessional but it's the only way that I can see if you're getting over whatever's eating at you.
You huffed a laugh and Bucky rolled his eyes. Whatever's eating at you? What could possibly be eating at you? There was nothing that-
—So, why don't you both start by telling me what kind of relationship you had with Steve Rogers?
Your expression changed completely when you heard his name. Bucky looked at you out of the corner of his eyes, Sam's eyes also went to you as he tensed his back when Dr. Raynow brought Steve up out of nowhere. Bucky decided to start talking but you couldn't hear what he was saying, you could only focus on how tense your jaw was, the knot in your stomach, and all the anger you were feeling.
Just as it was a relief for Bucky to think and talk about Steve, it hurt you. There was never anything romantic about your friendship with Steve, it was purely based on your devotion to him and your mutual admiration and respect.
When you lost Bucky and Steve crashed into the ice, you had no reason to live but before your heart stopped beating, Howard Stark found you and injected you with the serum. And when you woke up there was only Steve, seventy years later and just as confused as you, living in a century that did not belong to you.
You were together during the whole process of readjusting to your new lives. For Steve, you joined a group of people who called themselves the Avengers and fought against the god of mischief in New York. For Steve, you were almost killed by a robot in Sokovia. For Steve, you fought the Winter Soldier. For Steve, you sided against Tony Stark, the son of the man who brought you back to life, and for Steve, you fought, lost, fought again, and won against Thanos.
They say there is no worse heartbreak than that caused by a friend and Steve Rogers stole a piece of your heart when he left.
—Thank you, James. What can you tell us about Steve? —Dr. Raynor asked you.
You shook your head, your eyes fixed on one spot. The feeling of betrayal when Steve didn't return within the five seconds set by Bruce still haunted you. —I will never forgive him.
Bucky shook his head as well, he turned to look at you. —You know, Dr. Raynor? I've met her for more than seventy years now and one thing that hasn't changed about her is how selfish she is.
—James, we are not here to make value judgments about the feelings experienced by the other person.
The condescending tone in Bucky's voice made you close your eyes and take a deep breath before you talked. —You were captured by HYDRA, tried to kill us, then went into cryogenic sleep and disappeared with the snap. I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through since you never lost Steve because you never had him.
—He was my best friend! —Bucky raised his tone and turned in his chair to look at you.
—You don't even remember a single thing of him before he became Captain America!
Sam called your name. That wasn't Bucky's fault.
—He left because that was the life he fought so many years for! That's the life Steve deserved!
—He was my best friend too! We were together all these years while you were killing people and I had to watch him go! —You did the same as him. That was the first time you looked at each other since the session started and you were yelling at each other. Sam didn't miss any part of the argument, he was with his arms crossed and paying attention to everything you were saying to each other. How could two people who had loved each other so much end up like this?
—Okay, that's enough —. The doctor stopped you before it went any further. You and Bucky rested your backs on the chair again, defeated, and your eyes focused on the therapist. —Since this isn't working, we're going to do an exercise. It's something I use with couples when they're trying to figure out what kind of life they wanna built together —. The doctor added. Bucky rolled his eyes and you closed yours while shaking your head.
—You are acting as if you were never a couple —Sam said.
—Back in 1940.
—Yeah, eighty-two years ago.
You both said at the same time.
—Come on, turn around, look at each other.
Both of you hesitated for a few seconds but finally turned to face each other. His blue eyes were fixed on yours, it was difficult to keep eye contact with him.
—The exercise is called Everytime I look at you and consists of saying something that you feel or see in the other person every time you look at them. Why don't you start?
As you looked at Bucky, you could see the young soldier, wearing his new uniform proudly and hanging a copy of his dog tag around your neck. Looking into Bucky's eyes you felt again the last kiss he gave you before falling from the train, you heard his last laugh before he was brainwashed by HYDRA, you could even feel the caress of his fingers on your skin before the vibranium covered one of his hands.
—Every time I look at you, you have that lost puppy look on your face, asking for people's sympathy. I can't even look at you because every time I do, your mere presence reminds me that Steve's no longer here and it makes me want to fucking die, and sometimes I wish-
Sam called your name and you stopped talking before you could finish the sentence. Bucky's eyes never left yours. You were saying all that to his face.
—Let her finish, Sam —. Dr. Raynor said.
There was a silence.
—And sometimes I wish you were gone instead of him.
As Bucky looked at you, he could see the young lady he fell in love with even though everything he remembered about her was gone. The sparkle in that girl's eyes could no longer be found in yours, but he couldn't forget how your eyes shone as he wrapped his arms around your waist to dance. Bucky did not forget the sound of your laughter when he told you that he would marry you after the war, even though he was totally serious.
—Every time I look at you I don't recognize you. You have changed for the worse and I'm not sure if I like this version of you. You are mean, you don't allow people to get close to you and you hide and say that it's Steve's fault for leaving. But let me just say...
Bucky could see how you dealt with sadness by turning it into anger, he knew it because he did the same thing. Your jaw tightened and you closed your fists so hard that your fingernails dug into the palms of your hands. You didn't want him to say it, but at the same time, you couldn't wait to hear it.
—... that being a bitch isn't going to bring him back.
As soon as Bucky finished the sentence, you got up from the chair and left the room slamming the door. He didn't react to you leaving, he just sat in the chair asking himself the same question as Sam. How did you come to this? How could two people who had loved each other so much end up like this? Sam tried to go after you but he could not keep up with your super soldier speed so he went back to the police station with Bucky and gave him the same look of disappointment that Steve would have given him.
That same night someone knocked on your front door.
You thought it would be Sam because he had been calling you nonstop since you left and you had been ignoring him all day long but when you opened the door, you found Bucky instead.
He took a step closer to you to go inside your house and your hand connected firmly with his cheek. The skin on his face burned right where you had hit him and your body was blocking the doorway. He was just as angry as you were so he gave you a strong push on your shoulders. You managed to keep your balance and he managed to get inside the house and close the door behind him.
Bucky towered you with a challenging attitude, keeping eye contact while forcing you to take a few steps backward. You, despite being shorter than him, did not lower your head. Your breathing was heavy, the tension was too much, you wanted to hit him again and you wanted to say worse things to him than what you said in the therapy session.
When you raised your hand to slap him again, he grabbed your arm with his vibranium hand and squeezed hard enough for it to hurt but you did not give him the pleasure of expressing the pain. The tension was overwhelming. There were only two ways to solve this, either he would let go of your arm and start a fight that wouldn't end until both of you were on the floor exhausted and bleeding, or...
Your bodies collided as you pressed your lips together. Bucky held your face with both hands while his lips devoured yours as your hands pulled on the hem of his shirt. He lifted his arms so you could take it off and in that moment you took a few seconds to admire his well-defined abs. He leaned in for another kiss but you pushed him by his shoulder, strong enough for his back to hit against a wall of your house and crack it. Before he could complain, you connected your lips with his again.
Bucky's fingers closed around your neck as a response. Your mouth opened against his lips, trying to get the air that he was keeping from reaching your lungs and Bucky's tongue went pass your lips.
You took a big breath of air once he let go of your neck and he began to unbutton your jeans. He would never admit it but he made sure that you were okay and that he had not taken it too far, especially when your hands went to his shoulders to keep your balance due to the dizziness. And when Bucky thought he had control over you, your fingernails slid painfully from his shoulders to his abdomen and he groaned.
Bucky threw his head back against the wall once your finger sneaked into his jeans and wrapped around his cock. You moved your hand cruelly slow, he had his eyes closed as he bit his lower lip to hold back his moans. You ran your tongue along his collarbone until you reached his earlobe. —I fucking despise you —. You whispered in his ear. He let out a moan and immediately clenched his jaw again. You felt his hips thrust into your hand.
—Fucking same, doll —. Bucky muttered through gritted teeth.
He brought his hands to your ass and squeezed it as he helped you to wrap your legs around his body. Your lips met again as he walked you to the big wooden table in your living room where he helped you to lie down. Bucky pulled his jeans down enough to free his hard cock while you opened your legs to him. He noticed the wet spot on your panties and you noticed the red marks that your fingernails had carved on his chest. As he pulled your panties to the side, your fingers ran over those marks and Bucky hissed.
The head of his cock was more than enough to stretch you open. You repositioned yourself at the table, now sitting up on your elbows to watch as he pushed himself inside of you. You thought he would give you a few seconds to get used to the feeling, but he didn't stop until he was balls deep inside you.
—Now you take it. Make it up for that attitude —. You whined at his words and Bucky rested his forehead against yours while his hips thrusted into yours.
You encircled your legs around his waist and hooked your ankles over the swell of his ass while he kept slamming his hips into you. At that point you couldn't even think straight, he was hitting all the right spots to make your mind foggy. His pace remained fast and hard, and you thought about the serum running through your veins and how you both could keep up with that pace all night long.
Bucky tucked his head into your neck and whispered the filthiest words into your ear, his hands were on your thighs, squeezing your flesh lustfully, he pulled his dick all way out and then pushed in again until his balls were against your pussy. Your fingers tugged his brown hair at the root, getting moans from him because of your tight grip as it encouraged him to fuck you even harder. If that was how hating you felt, he wanted to hate you for all eternity.
When he heard you moaning and whimpering uncontrollably, when your legs fought to close and squeezed his body, when he felt your nails digging into the skin of his back, Bucky pushed your legs up, hooking your legs over his shoulders, and kept fucking you in that position until it became harder and harder for him to keep going because of the tightness of your pussy. You came screaming his name and spasming around him, Bucky came a few seconds later, with a deep groan that made his chest vibrate and emptying himself inside you.
The next morning, when his alarm went off, Bucky was alone in your bed. He took his time to take a shower and grab something from your kitchen for breakfast before he left. Bucky walked to his therapist's office, trying not to give much importance to what happened last night and especially trying not to think about all the horrible things you said to each other earlier that day in front of Sam and Dr. Raynor.
When he entered the office, Dr. Raynor was not alone. Bucky almost apologized and closed the door again, thinking he interrupted someone's session, but then you turned around in your chair and looked at him. He looked back at you, surprised, from the doorway.
You were already inside, now it was up to him to decide whether to go in with you. Bucky didn't have to think about it, he closed the door behind him and sat down in the chair next to you. You wanted to give yourselves a chance, for your sake, for Steve's sake, and for trying to get back what you two once had.
—Let's try again, shall we? —Dr. Raynor asked with a smile.
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petew21-blog · 6 days
No way back
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Richard Madden was now on top of his career. Starring in Game of Thrones and after that in many successful movies as well.
He loved his aching career and his life
Until it was taken from him. By you
You really loved him as an actor. But you fell in love with his body much more. And that's why you attacked him on the street after that play he starred in.
He put up quite a fight. But you had a knife and eventually you succeded in stabbing his shoulder. Stabbing was the crucial step to swap bodies. After that, you were now fighting your old body, that was towering over you and held a knife in your shoulder. Thank god for the police for shooting him and saving you
The ambulance took you to the hospital. He hit some of the big veins, so you were bleeding rapidly. So they had to take care of that. Some doctor stitched you up and told you you were lucky. "I know. Thank you"
You were finally left alone in your room. You went to the mirror in your gown to look at the wound and at your new self.
And there he was Richard staring back at you.
You took of the gown. Revealing the big wound and some scratches on other parts of the body.
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He put up quite a big fight before you switched. If you wouldn't stab him, you'd be the one who was dead now. Not Richard.
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You looked over your new shirtless body. Your hairy torso covering the muscular chest and abs. All yours now to enjoy.
Your nipples hardening at the sight of the beautiful man in front of you. And not the only thing that was hardening.
You are Richard Madden now
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But the blood and scratches reminded you what you have done. That you were now in a different man's body. That you took his life and got him killed. There's no going back anymore. You can't get back to your old life, see any of your friends or your family. Or even your dog
It was all so bittersweet. Getting his body was one thing, but now you felt the guilt of it all overcoming you. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw the teary eyes looking back. Did you screw this up?
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6 months later
After dealing with the aftermath and going to therapy. You decided to quit acting for a while. You didn't even know how to act, cause Richard's memories did not stay in his body and secondly you probably wouldn't even enjoy it.
You asked for therapy after the attack a decided to pretend to have some sort of amnesia, which became an excuse for everything after that. Especially for not knowing who in Richard's life was who.
But now it didn't matters. You were in Los Angeles, Hollywood Hills. Enjoying the beautiful scenery and the sun shining on your beautiful hairy chest.
With just one bottle of water and a phone in your hand, you arrived to the place and sent the photo
"I'm here" you said out loud
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From a bush, an attractive young man came out
"Holy shit, it's really you. Omg sir I have to say I am the biggest fan."
"I thought you came here to hook up"
"Yeah... right. Sorry. Sure"
You unzipped your jeans and pulled out your big dick to jerk. It was getting hard. You loved freaking out these twinks in your body. Hell, this guy's probably the same age as you were. But you're in Richard's body now, being older than him
He was shocked and just stared at you. Definitely aroused
"Are you gonna stare or take care of it?"
"I... YES! I just thought we could go somewhere private. There is a lot of rattle snakes here you know"
You came close to him. Pushing him on his knees and shoving your hard dick into his mouth
"There is only one snake you gotta be worried about right now"
You left him on the mountain. Covered in cum all over his face. You had an interview to get to. Fuck, your acting career was about to start again.
The twink caught up with you. "Can I call you? I really wanna do this again"
"Already hungry for more? This is my adress. And bring a friend"
The guilt was still deep in your heart. But moments like this definitely made it better
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
hii can u please write an emily x reader fic where emily sees readers sh scars for the first time? and kisses them or smt? if not don’t worry :))
Of course! :) Thanks so much for the request! I hope you enjoy!
Tracing You
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: past self-harm, mental illness, trauma, implied sexual assault/abuse (nothing graphic though!), mentions of afab body parts, discussions of sex Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You and Emily have been dating for over a month, and you've still haven't let her get to second base. You're scared she'll see your self-harm scars and run for the hills. But, eventually, you'll have to expose them.
You knew it was coming. You always knew, and you always hated it, hated to cut everything short.
Emily was kissing you hard, passionately, as you both lounged on her couch, and you kissed her back. The movie you’d started earlier was long-forgotten. You loved kissing Emily. You could kiss her forever. You loved the way she pushed her body into yours until she was nearly on top of you, as if she physically couldn’t stand to be apart from you–even one centimeter apart. You loved the way she snuck her tongue into your mouth, somehow gentle and rough at the same time. You loved how her fingers felt against your flushed skin–cool and electric. The way she smiled into you. She gave you butterflies.
But you also knew that any minute now, she’d pull up on your shirt, as if asking for permission. You knew that her hands would sneak a little higher up on your torso, and she’d watch you to make sure you were okay. And you knew that, just like you always did, you’d gently push her hands back down, gently tug your shirt back into place, and continue kissing her like nothing had happened.
But that was the problem–nothing had happened. Nothing would happen because you couldn’t bear to let Emily see what was under your shirt. It wasn’t that you were modest, that you had a hard time with sex. What you had a hard time with were the scars that dotted your breasts like a galaxy, scars that even the best of sports bras couldn’t hide entirely. You wanted Emily and, god knows, she wanted you. But you just knew that she’d see them–see those red streaks painted across you like an oil painting of flames–and one of two things would happen.
She might see them and feel sorry for you. And you’d seen that kind of sorry before. It was the kind of sorry that swallowed relationships whole, that changed the way someone thought about you, looked at you, loved you. And you hated that. You were six years into recovery, no relapses, and you were proud of that. You wanted the people who loved you, who saw you at your most vulnerable, to know the you that you used to be, but to love the you that was now. And so often it seemed that people got stuck on the you who dragged safety pins across your skin. You weren’t her anymore. You’d worked hard not to be.
Even worse, Emily might see the scars and find you disgusting. She’d see that there had been something wrong with you, with your brain. She’d know that at some level, there was still something wrong with you. After all, your trauma, your mental illness–they hadn’t gone away. You had spent a whole lot of years in therapy and on medication to deal with them, but they were still a part of you, a part of your story. They were a part that was hard to look at. Even for you. You found those parts of yourself ugly, believed they deserved to be hidden–much like your scars. How much uglier would they be to Emily? Emily, who wasn’t in your mind, who didn’t know what had come before or during or after, and could only see what was left–the evidence that you were not okay.
Sure enough, a few minutes later, Emily’s fingers slipped under your shirt, tentatively dancing up your torso. You let out a shaky sigh and grabbed her hands in yours, deepening the kiss, hoping it was enough to distract her. But it wasn’t. Not this time.
She pulled back and watched you with furrowed eyebrows.
“What?” you prompted, flushing and trying to act like nothing was wrong.
She bit at one of her nails as she watched you, and you pulled her hand away to hold it between both of yours.
“Are you…” She hesitated, like she didn’t quite know how to ask. “Do you want to… break up?” She looked sad, scared. And, for your part, you were sure you looked absolutely shocked.
“What!? No! No, Em, of course not!” You ran gentle fingers over her face, trying desperately to communicate that you absolutely didn’t want to break up and would, in fact, like to never, ever break up.
“You just…” She sighed, picking at her fingernails again. “I love making out with you, but you never want to go any further. And I get it if you’re not ready, that’s completely fine. It’s just… it’s been a while, and I want to make sure you’re not here because… you know, because you feel like you have to be.”
You stared at your hands. You felt like your guilt might swallow you whole. Here you’d thought you were playing it cool, but realistically, what would have been the end game? Never having sex with Emily? Never letting her see your body? You’d been in relational limbo for over a month now, and it had been stupid, so stupid, to assume there wouldn’t be any consequences. She thought you didn’t like her! She thought you weren’t as into her as she was into you! And it was exactly the opposite–you were so into her that it scared you, so into her that it was scarier than it had ever been to show your scars. The thought of losing her–already, even so early on–was terrifying.
“Emily,” you started, rubbing your thumb over her hand. “I’m here because I want to be. I really like you.”
She blinked, thinking harder. “Am I… am I doing something? You know, that makes you… not want to–”
“Oh god,” you groaned, burying your head in your hands. “No, Em. No. You’re beautiful. You’re perfect. I do want to.”
You sighed and looked at her. Her head bent, hands worried. Your self-consciousness was making Emily self-conscious. And you really couldn’t bear that she’d think less of herself because of you.
“Take off my shirt,” you said, bluntly.
“Take it off. It’s okay.”
Emily fiddled with a stray piece of upholstery on the couch. “I don’t know, Y/N, this doesn’t seem like the right mood for—”
“Emily,” you pleaded, squeezing one of her hands. You knew if you didn’t do it now, you might never. “Please.”
Emily watched you with concern, but did as you asked, slowly lifting your shirt up and over your head.
You looked up to the ceiling, exhaling shakily, willing yourself not to cry. She would see them. She was seeing it. She saw them. You didn’t know if you could ever look her in the eyes again. You didn’t even know if you could look at yourself.
You felt Emily’s hand press gently into yours, but you still couldn’t bring yourself to look at her. Then you felt one of her fingers, cold for the shock of it more than the actual temperature, at the top of your breasts, the part that peeked out from the bra, littered with angry, red lines that had only somewhat faded over the years.
You felt her trace one of the scars, the whole, long trajectory of it, with her finger, and then when she reached the end, she leaned forward and planted a kiss at its zenith. Your breath caught in your throat as she continued following the scars, kissing you again and again and again until–though you’d worked so hard not to–you had stray tears leaking down the side of your face.
Emily grasped your face in her hands, so gently, so gingerly, and lowered your head, using her thumbs to brush the tears from under your eyes. You still couldn’t meet her eyes.
“Y/N, look at me,” she said softly, caressing your face. You finally forced yourself to look into her eyes, and what you saw there surprised you. It wasn’t pity and it wasn’t disgust. It was something new. Admiration and respect. And–maybe, just maybe–love?
“You’re beautiful,” she told you, staring at you pointedly, holding your face so that you couldn’t look away. “You’re beautiful, and that’s all we’re gonna say about it unless you want to talk more.”
“I feel like you should–” you said, your voice breaking a bit as you sniffled. “You should know why and– and when, and–”
“I am happy to listen to anything you want to tell me,” she assured you. “But I don’t want you to feel like you have to. It’s your story, and you can tell me what you want, when you want. Believe me, though,” she said, smiling mischievously. “I don’t need any more information tonight if you’re not ready.”
“Really?” you asked.
Showing the scars had been hard enough. You didn’t really want to talk about your hellish high school and college years, the man who had touched you there and made you want to rip all your skin off, the years of therapy, the relapses, the depression, the medication. You’d tell her. You’d tell her all of it, you knew. But right now, you wanted to reap the rewards of being brave. The rewards being Emily.
Emily nodded and winked at you, then leaned in to brush her lips against your ear. “Y/N,” she whispered. “The only information I needed was that you had boobs under there.”
You blushed and grinned at her, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling her in for another heated kiss.
When you pulled away, Emily was nearly panting. You smirked. “I showed you mine. It's your turn.”
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antiquarianfics · 1 year
Sometimes all a person needs is a little reassurance they’re not a bad person.
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A/N: I’m rewatching TFATWS and the therapy scene broke me tbh. Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader Warnings: None. Note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to repost or translate my work; however, feel free to like, comment, or reblog.
“And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me!”
Bucky’s words make you tense, and you feel your heart clench. Your eyes shoot from Bucky, to Sam, to Raynor. Neither Sam nor Raynor seem as affected by Bucky’s words as you. You suppose, however, his therapist would only see Bucky’s confession as a breakthrough, and his friend, in his anger, would only see it as selfish.
Bucky seems to realize he admitted something not only to the room, but to himself. It was clearly not his plan to share such a thought, and it was clearly a thought he didn’t want to admit to himself.
Later, when Sam, Bucky, and yourself are sitting on a plane, headed to meet with Zemo (against your protests), you finally bring up the impromptu therapy session with Bucky.
“Sweetheart?” You say, pulling Bucky’s attention from a random spot on the wall he’s staring at to you.
The hardened expression on Bucky’s face melts away as he looks at you.
“Doll?” He responds, mimicking your same questioning tone.
You bite your lip anxiously before leaning forward and planting a kiss on his lips. The kiss takes him slightly off guard, but he happily returns it. The kiss takes you slightly off guard, too, because you kissed him to buy yourself some time to figure out what you want to say. After a second, you pull away, anxiously biting your lip again.
“What was that for?” Bucky asks, a goofy smile gracing his lips.
“Uh…” you trail off. “A distraction?”
“A distraction?”
“Uh, yeah. I needed to distract you while I figured out what to say.”
He shoots you a questioning look, but you continue before he can say anything.
“What you said earlier, to Sam,” you start, voice unsure.
Bucky sighs and leans back in his seat, closing his eyes.
“Y/N,” he says, a pleading tone lacing each syllable of your name. He doesn’t want to talk about this.
“Bucky,” you argue, “I just… I just want you to be okay. Do you really think that? That Steve was wrong about you?” The thought upsets you, and you can tell he knows it.
“Wasn’t he?”
He meets your eyes and you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Steve trusted Sam with his shield—with his legacy. Steve was a better person than all of us. If… if he was wrong about Sam, then he was wrong about me.”
“First of all, Steve was just a man. He wasn’t a god, and we need to stop talking about him like he was. He was a really good man, yes, but just a man. His opinion on any one person or any one situation is not inherently the right one. Second of all, that’s a logical fallacy and you know it. Steve gave Sam the shield because he believed he would do with it what was right. Sam did exactly what he thought was right. You have to stop blaming him for that. Third of all, Steve wasn’t wrong about you. If he was, Buck, you’d be in prison, but he wasn’t and you’re not. You’re here, with me, with Sam, and you’re trying to make the world a better place.”
Bucky stares at you. You’re so adamant, and it scares him. He knows you’re right, but even if you weren’t, he thinks he’d believe you simply because you’re so sure of yourself. He swallows.
You sigh in relief that he’s at least agreeing with you.
“Y/N?” He asks. You hum in response.
“Thank you.”
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your-highnessmarvel · 10 months
Requested by @talesofreading : Would you write something where you're a close friend of Steve and one time as your Bike needs some repair, he tells you to bring it to Bucky as he's good in fixing it. You're hesitant first as you have a bad crush on him but you decide to do it. So when you get there he's wearing a muscle Shirt, is all dirty and Looks pretty hot with his metal arm. So after you watch him fix your bike you can't resist the way he also Looks at you, so it happens that you end up in his shower together with some passionate smut. Later then he asks you for a proper date? 🤭
AN: omg this was sooooo good to write omg
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT, piv, oral (f receiving), fingering, language
*gif not mine
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"Yep, totally busted," Steve said, looking back up at you from where he knelt next to your smoking bike.
You put a hand to your sweaty forehead. Both of you had been at this for the better part of the afternoon, trying to figure out what was wrong with your motorcycle. Steve was in his white wifebeater, stained black from oil and grim, nails coated in dirt. He'd sweated right through his shirt and even his jeans were full of mud and dirt.
You'd sweated your fair share as well, competing with dirt under your nails and sweat right into your hairline. you didn't look any better, but you didn't care; this was your best friend, after all, and you had no reason to try to impress him.
"You know what?" Steve said, putting his tools back into his box. "You should go see Bucky."
You immediately rolled your eyes.
"He's good with bikes, y/n," he commended, seeing the way you shook your head.
"Is this another ploy to set me up with your grumpy best friend?" you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest.
Steve got to his feet, dirt-stained hands going right into his pockets. "I mean it, y/n," he said, almost scolded. "I'm not as savvy with bikes as he is. He'd do it if you said I sent you."
"Then come with me!" you said. "Every time I'm alone with him, there's this awkward silence and all he does is grunt as a response."
Steve smiled. "I wish I could come, but I've got a date," he answered.
"Yeah, right," you grumbled. You watched him carefully, your best friend and mentor, and something along the edges of his eyes was curious.
He was shy.
"Who is she?" you asked.
He shrugged. "A girl that I saw at the library." He cut that off pretty short, picking up his tools, his towel, and throwing the keys back at you. "Now, get to Bucky's before it's nightfall."
Bucky lived way out of the city, into the utopian suburbs. You found it funny that this was the life that Bucky chose. After everything you'd heard from him, you'd pictured him in a dingy, half-lit, half-crumbling one-bedroom in Manhattan. Not in the outskirts of the city.
Thank God your car could pull a trailer, or else you'd have had to ask Bucky to meet you at your place, and that just wasn't happening. The thousand-year-old soviet asset was known to be a judger of literally everything.
You pulled into Bucky's parking space, the garage to his tiny little house open, like a black mouth ready to swallow you in. By this time, it was nearing four in the afternoon, and the sun was searing, hot and humid, and with just a foot out of your car, you were already sweating.
You closed the door loudly, maybe trying to announce your presence so you didn't have to knock on the door.
"Hey." It was Bucky, coming out of the shadows of his garage. It took you a second to get the hinges in your jaw to work because, damn.
You'd always thought of Bucky as a man who passed as good looking. Well, when you met him, he was still in heavy therapy and on government surveillance. He still had long, matted brown hair and a face dragged down by sorrow.
But now. Now he'd taken to cleanly shave his hair, leaving a few inches of thick, curling locks on top of his hair, not totally covering his ears. And even though he was slimmer than the last time you'd seen him - he hadn't been working out as much - he still looked... better. Real better.
"Hey," you said, awkwardly waving at him. He was carrying a white rag, cleaning his hands from oil or dirt or whatever else he'd been doing. "Steve said I could come to you if I had problems with my bike?"
He pursed his lips. He came closer, out of the shadows and into the mid-afternoon sun, and you got a good glimpse at him. Golden skin, scars matting his hand, his knuckles. He was wearing a muscle shirt, the kind that was maybe a bit too small for him, molding to his muscles, straining across his metal bicep.
You'd never really seen the arm before. Only flickers of his hands or fingers, but never the entire machine.
You licked your lips, something squeezing in your lower belly.
"What's wrong with it?" he asked.
you shrugged. "Dunno."
He glazed his eyes, rolled them. "Alright, take it down and bring it into the garage."
With a tiny sigh of resentment - he wasn't helping you - you unlatched the ties of your bike and rolled it into the garage. it was darker, a little cooler, inside. As you settled your bike in the dead center of the room, Bucky brought two stools, effortlessly carrying them around.
He sat on his and motioned with a wrench for you to sit beside him. Even though you'd sweated all day in your black t-shirt, and God knows whatever he'd down today, there was something terrific about sitting this close to Bucky.
His tanned fingers worked to open up the bike, his metal hand working the wrench.
"Ah," he said, poking around the engine. "I see what's wrong."
"Is it fixable?" you asked.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, darling," he whispered.
You swallowed the heat climbing up your throat, watching him get to work in silence. Unlike Steve, Bucky didn't tell you what he was doing or why; he just did it.
It took longer than expected. And the more he worked, straining against your bike, the sweatier he got, the more figetting you did.
His flesh arm was glistening with a thin layer of sweat. His hand was veined, strained against the metal piece he was holding aside. His fingers were dirty with grime and dust. Even that God damned muscle shirt was stained with dirt and sweat and grime.
By the time he was done, a light sheet of rain was coating the ground outside. It was pitter-pattering against the cement, a slow drone of rain against the tin roof. Almost comforting.
"You can't take your bike out in the rain," he said, putting everything back in its place, stowing his tools and his rags.
You gulped. "Yeah, I'm sure the rain will let off soon." You dragged your sweaty palms onto your jeans nervously. It caught Bucky's eye.
He stood, dragging your eyes up to his figure. He was so tall, so wide at the shoulders, sweating in his shirt, hair a mess.
"I've got beer inside," he said, throwing the rag in the corner of the garage, placing his tools on his self-made wooden desk. Then he turned to you and gestured to the front door. "Come on."
You followed him out into the rain, walking quickly up the steps and into his home, which smelled of him, something woodsy, and air freshener.
You were humid, rain dotting your skin as you took off your sneakers and followed him into the kitchen. The air conditioning was making you cold.
his home was cozy but so boyish. No decorations but a huge TV. A grey couch with not pillows or blankets. Empty liquor bottles as props over the refrigerator, which droned on and on. There was only one magnet on his fridge, and it read "I love NY!" Which was ironic because Bucky didn't love anything.
"Here," he said, offering you an ice cold beer, but it did nothing to warm you up. You leaned back against his kitchen counter, sipping on your beer, watching him poke around the inside of his fridge. The yellow light cast on his face like a glow, and he hummed when he found what he wanted.
By the time he took out the rolled up cheese, he saw you shivering by the sink.
"I'm sorry," you said, settling the beer down. "I'm just a bit cold from the rain."
He hummed, slamming the cheese rolls on the kitchen table.
"We ought to warm you up," he said, diving back into the fridge to get a beer, which he opened and took a five good gulps before he wiped his wet mouth.
"Yeah," you chuckled, pressing your hands against your arms, searching for heat.
The super soldier, immune to any heat or cold or anything really, stood before you with his sticky muscle shirt molding to every nook in his muscles. His arms, his chest, down to his abs. Water had made it almost see-through, and you felt like a perv watching as he breathed, watching his muscles contract beneath the fabric.
"You should take a shower, y/n," he said, tone low.
You startled, eyes dragging from his abs to his face in a split second. Did you smell? Was that why he'd said that?
"You're shivering, poor thing," he said, clucking his tongue, taking another wild swing of his beer. And you noticed that he was eyeing you took, at your jeans sticking to your thighs, your hips. At your wet shirt glueing to the curve of your waist and breasts.
He set his beer down and offered his hand. "Come."
On some instinct you'd never registered before, you took his hand, flesh fingers warm and calloused.
He led you into a small bathroom with no windows. where various male paraphernalia was strewn across the sink. He pulled the shower curtian back and started the shower and you just stood there like a fish out of water; mouth slightly agape, your hand still loosely holding on to his.
He hummed.
"I don't get it," you said.
He returned his gaze to yours, satisfied with the steam rising from the shower. He gave you a small, tight smile. "Get undressed," he said, gesturing his chin at you, dropping your hand.
You stood there like a statue, examining him; from the hard jawline, the seriousness in his eyes, the way his skin pulled back when he moved his mouth.
Then, harder this time, "Get undressed or freeze, sweetheart."
The nickname, the pet name, sent a wave of fresh heat right into your face.
He watched, then slowly, he smiled. Like a rpedator trying to win its prey without having to sink teeth into flesh.
He took a tiny step towards you, watching your breath hitch, and he slid metal fingers under your shirt, pulling it up until it came right off your head. Your hair flopped back down over your shoulders, covering your bra.
He bit his lip. You watched, entranced as he moved to unbutton your jeans and slide them down your legs. He was agile because he took your panties off with it.
He came back to his full towering height, and he brushed your hair behidn your shoulders, exposing your chest, your full flesh to him.
He snaked an arm around your waist, and you gulped, the feel of his hands, burning metal fingers, was like a lightning bolt had erupted under your skin.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, close to your ear, his breath in your hair. "So fucking gorgeous." He slid his metal hand up and then your bra was sliding off your arms.
"Let me touch you, y/n," he whispered in your ear. You gulped, nodded. "Use your words, sweetheart," and his voice was rugged, wretched, as both his hands slid careful fingertips up on your ribcage.
"Yes, Bucky," you whispered.
He huffed against you. And then his metal hand engulfed your breast, knead it the way he wanted, and his lips found your neck. You whimpered, taken by surprise by his sudden act of devotion. His tender fingers pulling your nipple, drumming against your ribs, lips leaving a wet trail of kisses up your jugular.
When he kissed you, his mouth was warm and wet, and he molded his lips to yours carefully, like he didn't want to scare you off.
You kissed him back just as carefully, confused and distraught, unaware that for years, Bucky had been yearning for this opportunity. For this moment where he finally had you alone.
Quickly, the kiss became rougher. Your hands pulled at the soft, thick strands of his hair and he pulled you aainst his with his metal arm around your waist. He nipped at you, teeth sinking into your bottom lip, groaning as his flesh finger felt you.
He skimmed along your navel, until he could cup you in his palm. You squeaked, taken by surprise. "Easy there, princess," he whispered against your mouth. "Just wanna make you feel good."
He dove right back for a kiss, delving his tongue behidn your teeth while his fingers started working circles around your clit.
You had realized how riled up he'd gotten you, like a hardwire ready to snap.
You bent like a bow in his arms, moaning against his mouth as his fingers continued to circle your clit in slow, languid circles. And when he prodded farther, where you most ached for him, he moaned against your mouth when he felt just how soaked you were.
"Fuck, y/n," he groaned, pulling his mouth from yours.
You almost whimpered at the lost of contact, but he picked you up so effortlessly, so quickly, that you hadn't registered that you were now sitting on the edge of the sink until you couldn't see him anymore. All you could see was the steam rising from the shower, clogging the bathroom, settling on your skin in dotted water drops.
And Bucky, on his knees, pulling your knees apart. His eyes, hooded and so blue, looked up at you as he kissed the inside of your thigh.
"One leg on my shoulder, baby," he ordered, his metal hand under your thigh, helped you move until you were almost straddling his face. "That's it, good girl," he groaned, biting into the plush of your thighs.
The angle sent you backward, back against the cold mirror, and one hand hanging onto the edge. Ready to plummet or fly, you couldn't tell.
His mouth teetered around your pussy, kissing along your thighs, until he settled over your clit and gave you one long swipe of his tongue.
Your head fell backwards, eyes closing, hips searching for his mouth.
"You taste so sweet," he cooed, pressing another long lick from your hole to your clit.
A strangled moan escaped your clenched teeth when he sucked on your clit, one of your hands digging into his hair and pulling him where you wanted him.
The room was filled with the filthy sound of Bucky getting his fill, lapping you up and sucking in your clit like a man starved. Both hands leaving ink-blue marks in your hips.
He worshipped your clit, flicking and sucking to a rhythm that had your thighs shaking against his face, with you pulling his hair by the roots. He sucked and fucked your hole with his tongue until a knot formed right under your belly button and exploded in white hot lightning.
As your orgasm washed through you in waves, rocking against his face, a moan hitched in your throat.
Bucky held your thighs open, refusing to let them close, and lapped up his fill.
When you were but a trembling, babbling mess, Bucky it into your thigh, kissing up your knee until he was standing between your legs. His eyes were hooded, pupils blown, mouth red and glittering, swollen from the kisses he'd lain on your clit.
"Come 'ere," he groaned, grabbing you by the back of the neck, bringing you upright on the counter. He brought his mouth to yours in a feverish, harsh kiss that left you dizzy and scrambling to keep up with him.
You pushed him away, grappling at his shirt, pulling it over his head. You gorged on the sight, on the tanned skin exposed, the scar where his metal shoulder meshed with his flesh. You touched the tips of your fingers to his metal shoulder, skimming down to his hand.
He took your mouth again, pressing you back into the mirror, hands in your hair, on your breast, skimming down back to your dripping hole.
He entered one flesh finger, pressing against your walls, so slippery and warm. He hummed, feeling your breasts against his chest as you bowed your back at the sensation.
You patted him through his pants, feeling him warm and hard against your touch. He hissed at the sensation, nipping at your mouth.
He continued to move his digit in and out of you, pressing his palm to your clit. You continued palming him, pressing against the impressive length of him until he groaned and took himself out of his pants, dropping them at his ankles and kicking them away.
Your mouth opened in a small 'o' at the sight of him, hard and thick, tip dripping precum.
"Too much for you sweetheart?" he asked, pressing his forehead to yours, thumbs on each side of your jaw.
You shook your head, gulped, saw the faint smile that crossed his face. He watched you with keen eyes as he lined himself with your soaked heat.
He pressed his thumb against your mouth, kissing you, as he slowly inched in. He watched you take it, watched as your mouth opened, brows curving upward.
"Don't give up on me baby," he whispered, nipping at your mouth, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your jaw.
He slid himself to the hilt, grabbing your hip in a bruising grip, metal hand pressed against the foggy mirror over your head.
You gasped, latching onto his shoulders for dear life as he pulled back and thrust back into you, feeling you clench and flitter around him.
You whimpered, body pressing up against the mirror with one harsh thrust from his hips.
"That feel good, huh?" he asked, boring his eyes into yours, keeping a slow, languid pace with his hips. "Tell me, y/n, that feel good when I fuck you?"
You nodded, feeling him slick, sliding into you with ease, stretching your walls and hitting that spot deep in you that made you writhe.
"Yes, Bucky," you answered, breathlessly, scratching at his flesh shoulder.
He groaned, taking your mouth with his, speeding up his thrusts, making your head catch on the mirror. You moaned against his mouth, giving up full control of your body to his, at the mercy of every thrust, every change in rhythm.
"Taking me so well," he grunted, hiding his face in your shoulder, bruising grip on your hip helping him thrust himself deeper into you. Then he pulled himself up, face hovering over yours, searching your gaze wildly. "You like it when I fucked this tight little hole?" he asked, and again, his tone was scratching the surface of something wilder.
You nodded, feeling a knot form in your belly, your thighs closing around his hips. His mouth stretched into a smile, pounding deeper and faster into you. "Yeah, you do," he said, almost mockingly, pressing a sweaty forehead to yours. "I see the way you always look at me," he grunted, kissing your mouth, humming at the moan that left your lips.
"Bucky, please," you whispered, eyes falling shut, your orgasm on the brink of breaking.
"I feel you, y/n, come on," he grunted, keeping a harsh, pounding pace until your legs shook and your orgasm broke through you in waves. "Fuck, that's so tight," he breathed, chasing his own end, pounding into your tightening hole.
A stuttered moan left your lips as you clung to Bucky, rocking into your orgasm with every thrust, feeling the wave of pleasure reach your toes. His metal hand came slamming onto the mirror beside your ear, cracking into the glass as he pounded into you, breathless and wordless until he gave you a few sloppy thrusts and he was spending himself in you.
He stayed there a few moments, breathing with you, kissing you softly until he pulled out of you. You stuttered, a breath hitched in your throat, as you felt him leaking out of you.
He met your gaze, leaning back to examine his work, and then he slowly helped you to your feet. You giggled at your loss of coordination, hearing Bucky chuckle too as he helped you into the shower.
You let the warm spray wash his seed from the inside of your thighs, soak into your hair.
"Warm enough?" he asked, chin on your shoulder.
You chuckled. "I've been warm enough for a little while."
He hummed, placing both hands along your waist. He helped you wash up, lathering your skin and hair, helping you wash out the suds.
"Are you okay?" he asked, pressing tender kisses to your shoulder. "You're quiet."
"Yes," you answered, looking over your shoulder at him. "Are you?"
He smiled, eyes low. He raised his brows. "I am now," he whispered.
When you were done with the shower and you were both drying up, Bucky tied his towel around his waist and watched you put your hair up in a towel.
"What?" you asked.
He snorted. "It isn't like me to do...this," he said, leaning against the sink. His chest was wet, glistening spots lingering down to his abs. It was enough to make you want to do this again.
You smiled but didn't answer, focused on getting your towel around your torso.
"Do you want to go out to dinner sometime?" he asked, and you looked up, met his eyes across the steamy bathroom, and smiled.
"Yeah, of course."
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emotionaldamages · 1 year
soft launch or hard launch - max verstappen
in which shes in a secret relationship with a certain redbull driver
social media au
part one| part two
note- this is my first time writing so it might not be as good, but hope you enjoy♡
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Liked by lewishamilton,maxverstappen, and 1,132,753 others
lando.jpg wild vera on a train @verahamilton
lewishamilton that is not my child, thank you very much
verahamilton that is just wow
lando.jpg shes currently emotional about that
verahamilton no tf I'm not
username shes so pretty
carlossainz55 shes always climbing something
username I deffo ship her and lando
verahamilton I'm happily taken:)
username we just gonna ignore the lonely train..
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 3,898,753 others
verahamilton vacation with my love♡
username oh myyyy a soft launch
username my wife😿
lewishamilton young lady who is that
pierregasly kika is gonna have a huge talk with you about this
landonorris I cant keep quiet for longer
verahamilton better keep ur mouth shut child
landonorris yes mother
username pls he so scared of her
username ima go lay on the highway
verahamilton pls dont
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*pretend it says vera and not rihanna
verahamilton guess who @harperbazaarus
username mother.
username icon of the century
username I would go in the shark for u
landonorris yall some horny fuckers
verahamilton lando no cussing
mclaren listen to your mother lando!
landonorris IM OLDER
username I love lando so much
maxverstappen ♡♡
username I know yall see that...
username max...
username you telling me sid from ice age pulled her
georgerussell63 Y'all hear something
verahamilton yo momma(I love ur mother alot)
verahamilton has posted a story
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@landonoriss I know something you doonnttt, I know something you will never knooowww @verahamilton and @hersecrectbf
verahamilton the shit that happens when u bring ur child smh
landonorris you love me tho:)
verahamilton I guess so
landonorris bitch
username lando singing that one song rn
username what if THATS lando
username not possible, vera is taller than lando, that dude is taller than vera
georgerussell63 why are you the only one who knows who it is
landonorris I caught them making out in my house😔
username poor lando traumatized
verahamilton bitch I told you not to walk in the room
landonorris LIAR, oh wait.. you did
username vera the children miss uuu
username someone get me my inhaler rn
username I screamed to loud
lilymhe OH MY OH MY DEAR
kikacgomess my heart is broken💔
pierregasly do I not just exist
kikacgomess no you dont not when vera is around
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@landonorris tired of these people hiding
username this has ruined me wtf
username vera ur paying for my therapy sessions
danielriccardo VERA AND MAX WHAT.
lewishamilton oh..
username lando is so dead
verahamilton I'm going into hiding
maxverstappen let me go with u
username THEIR SO CUTE
username I want what they have
georgerussell63 I just heard lewis yell at the top of his lungs in the paddock
username someone check if max is alive
username oh myyyyyyyyyy
verahamilton SEE YALL LATER
carlossainz55 cuties
username are yall breathing ok??
1K notes · View notes
pablitogavii · 10 months
So... Gavi just got his surgery and thank god it's success. I think the reader is taking care of him after his surgery still at hospital and at home will be the major fluff <33
Hospital Bed
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She was with me through it all, sleepless nights at home prior to surgery, anxiety about the outcome and now in the hospital bed awaiting my recovery.
My injury was hard on her most of all, because she was always scared of my way of playing and possibly getting hurt that way.
I would always tell her to be tranquilla and that I will be just fine..until now. She had to watch that on the tv screen and the rest of the night was awake until I arrived home.
It wasn't based on rules allowed for her to stay but when doctors saw her laying in my arms finally asleep after days of worrying about him.
"Tan monos..need to give you IV" nurse said smiling at your sleeping face while quietly renewing Gavi's port. Then Belen and Aurora came in placing the blanket on top of both of you.
"Pedri and Laporte wanted to come check on you today cariño.." Belen said and Pablo nodded kissing the top of your head making his mom smile.
"We'll leave you two to rest..want me to bring you anything from home later??" she asked and Pablo gave her a list of things he wanted feeling really scared in the whole hospital setting.
Another hour passed as my friends walked in and I showed them to be quiet cause she was still sleeping. They smiled at two of us nodding and speaking quietly. She moved a little and he placed my hand on her head playing with her her to lull her back to sleep.
"Y/N seems very tired..must of been terrified for you??" Pedri asked and he nodded explaining how she refused to sleep until my surgery was done.
You slowly woken up hearing other voices nuzzling your face into Pablo neck while yawning before rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"H..hey guys..why didn't you wake me up?" you said and everyone said it was alright and that you slept very cutely in your boyfriend's arms. Made you blush.
"Did they come for your IV??" you ask little lost in time and Pablo giggled saying that was hours ago.
"How long did I slept??" you ask and he said making you shocked and sit up to stretch up a bit and drink some water.
"We will leave you two alone, lovebirds..see you soon Pablo" they said waving and leaving the room while the two of you stood there looking at each other with bright smiles.
"You did look so cute..sleeping in your boyfriends arms" he said and you blushed laying back down and kissing his cheeks lovingly.
"Hmm I love my boyfriend very much" you said and Pablo chuckled kissing the top of your head gently.
"How are you feeling Pablito??" you ask and he reassured you that everything is alright now.
"We're already leaving the hospital tomorrow" he said and you smiled looking up at him still with sad eyes wondering when will he really be alright again.
"Pablito..?" you said and he looked down at you with furrowed eyebrows.
"Promise me you won't try to speed up this recovery..that you will let yourself fully heal?" you say and he smiles knowing that you know him very well. If he could he would already be back on that pitch playing football. But he knew you and his family worried.
"I promise, mi amor..not until you give me okay?" he smiled and you as well leaning up and kissing his lips lovingly.
"Can I tell you something preciosa??" he said and you nodded
"I hate hospital beds..being here alone would have drove me crazy..thank you for not leaving me" he said and you pouted nodding your head.
"We're in this together Pablito..siempre" you said and he leaned down to capture another kiss from your soft lips.
"Siempre, mi amor.." he said and it really ended up being like that. Next eight months you were his biggest supporter..helping with his physical therapy..being there to listen when he got bored or annoyed..stayed home with him whenever school was out and allowed him to lean on you this time. Pablo really much appreciated having you in his corner..and recovered fully with your help.
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queenothegeeks · 5 months
Awkward creator Drabble
Awkward creator drabbles part 2 
If you have any ideas for characters you want to see, put it in the comments, or send in an ask. (Warning, this was written before Arlecchinos release, so pls be nice.)
After arriving in Teyvat, you had gotten swarmed with letters asking you (the creator) to come to everything under the sun. Plays, meetings, weddings, requests from all sorts of nobel and rich people, but you always declined. Not only because you knew you would freak out and be awkward, but because you didn’t feel like you would fit into that high-end and stuffy air, where everyone is trying to outdo one another, whether it be with their outfits, their hair, their gold and gems, and their property. But what happens when you get a letter you can’t refuse? 
*Arlecchino edition*
When you got a letter that was sealed with the familiar mark of the Fatui, your heart skipped a beat. Up until now, everything had all been from people you didn’t know, and therefore, in your mind, were not powerful enough or important enough to care about going to meet with them. But Fatui, as you know, was not someone you should ignore. But, instead of a message requesting a fight from Childe or a meeting request from the Tsaritsa herself, it was a mere invitation to a tea party the Knave was holding. 
Deciding to respond, you picked up your quill (you still didnt know how to use it properly), you wrote a letter back to the knave, hoping it sounded professional enough, accepting her invite, and detailing how excited you were, while also asking if there would be any others attending that you should be aware of, and if there was a dress code (god forbid you show up in sweatpants to a formal event). 
A few days later, you got a letter back. It stated that you should “wear whatever felt comfortable” (whatever that means) and that it would be just the two of you, along with a few guards, though they were mostly going to be there for show. Obviously, you took “dress comfortably” as a “you must not have a hair out of place” and panicked slightly, worrying about what to wear. After tearing your closet apart, a mental breakdown or two, and a one way therapy session with a stuffed animal a random kid had given you, you set out.
 (Imagine whatever outfit you want, bc i want to remain gn and be comfortable for everyone) 
When you arrived, your jaw hit the floor. “A simple gathering” my foot! You suddenly felt very self conscious, picking at your outfit and nails, feeling out of place. You were led in by a masked guard, who brought you to a room with 2 massive couches, and more food than you could reasonably eat on a table in between them.
“The knave will be here shortly. She thanks you in advance for your patience, she is merely checking the perimeter of the building. Enjoy your tea party” 
They said, quickly leaving the room, presumably to return to their place guarding the building. 
“Thanks, you too!”
Realizing what you said, you were suddenly very glad they left as fast as they did. After waiting for a little while, Arlecchino walked in, not a hair out of place, walking with purpose.
“Thank you for waiting for your grace. I had some…issues that needed to be taken care of.”
“It's not a problem at all!” 
You quickly interjected.
“Pardon my question, but was there a specific reason you wished to meet with me?”
“Do I need a reason to speak with the creator, and thank them for all they have done for this world? Or a reason to hopefully make an alliance?” She said,
“Nononono- not at all. It was just because I know back where I’m from, you would use tea time as a way to get important information across. With the prophecy approaching and everything, I was wondering if that's why you called upon me.” 
“You would be correct. I’ll admit, I was a bit surprised you agreed to meet with me, considering you haven’t met with anyone else, no matter how important.”
You tensed a bit, not liking her tone. It wasn’t threatening, but it seemed like she knew more about you than the fact you hadn’t met with other people. Wait a minute…how did she know that?
“How did you know that?”
“Know what?”
“You said I haven't met anyone else. You aren’t wrong, I haven’t. But the public doesn’t know that. In fact, one glance at any newspaper, and it's boasting about how “the creator themself was there”.  
You started to ramble, your brain not worrying about being high end or fancy. The only thing on your mind was piecing together the information, just like how you would whenever a new genshin trailer or quest would come out. 
“The only way you would have the truth would be if you were hella good at catching someone in a lie or just calling bs, which I know you are, or that you assigned people to watch me, which, using the information I have about you based on stuff from my world, wouldn’t be that far off. The House of the Hearth is very versatile, so it wouldn’t be a stretch to say you could implant your children, and- you're smiling.” 
“I didn’t truly know if you hadn’t met with anyone else. I was mostly seeing if you would reveal any information about these nobel’s if you had, if you were any good at lying that you had or hadn't gone, or, seeing if you would reveal things you knew about me, thereby showing the extent of your knowledge about this world and its people. Now, back to the topic from before, now that I know you are aware of who I am, tell me, what's going to happen to Fontaine, and how do I save it?”
Oh sh*t. 
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BLOG NEWS: Check back later!
I now run a Riordanverse roleplay Tumblr Community! Everyone is welcome!
Kat if she had a Wikipedia page (her lore summarized)
Portrait done by the incredibly talented @apollos-coolest-child
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Oh, hi! Didn’t see you see there. I’m Kat Carter!
Okay, lemme think… I’m fifteen, daughter of Apollo currently at Camp Half-Blood with my homies <3
When I’m not at camp, NYC is my home base. You can probably find me in Apollo cabin: practicing monologues/songs, playing matchmaker (it’s not just for Aphrodite kids!), or staging a kitchen coup d’état so I can bake something delicious.
he gets his own category:
@ellis--wakefield — my boyfriend <333
he’s really cute and he’s great at capture the flag and he’s nice to the newbies and damn he’s just idk how to even describe him ‘cause words cannot
Former… um… let’s just say people I used to know:
@lukemessedup — Good boss, bad business
@lieutenant-of-kronos — I regret letting him convince me to join up but he’s a nice guy.
@alabaster-c-t — Yep. You read that right. Bro is apparently not dead, nor has ever been.
@the-song-of-the-moon — We’re starting an ex-Titan Army therapy group together :3
Uncle Kronos (links to the Wayback Machine of the first version) — Literally cannot believe I wrote this. Uncle Kronos was a good person. I think I’ll always miss him, but I’m glad he found peace. Here’s to you, Uncle K.
@existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh — need I say more? He’s awesome. Case closed.
@the-better-castellan — new addition to the List Of People Who Aren’t Dead After All! They’re cool trust me
@peyton-is-cool — I missed him loads. Thank the gods he’s safe—he’s been in Texas? I guess?
Totally irresponsible pseudo-father to half of CHB (he does actually care about campers but he’s got a reputation to uphold):
My fellow campers, love y’all:
@thanatoss-favorite-demigod — best murder road trip buddy a gal could ask for
@thehadescabincounsler — I’ve adopted them into Apollo cabin. They’re now officially an honorary child of the Sun Dude.
@thatonebitheaterkid — my sibling. too many pets (affectionate)
@that-dam-daughter-of-poseidon — my absolute bestie <3
@poseidons-favourite-daughter — training together ⚔️! She’s so sweet and a year rounder so I won’t be alone come fall
@yes-im-a-daughter-of-hades — she just got back from Tartarus, so you know what that means!… binge watching everything pop culture. Phineas and Ferb say what?
@lady-ariadne-of-milan — my coolest big sister. Be nice, she’s been trapped as a flower since, like, the Renaissance.
@bill-son-of-boreas — Ayyy! My Norwegian bestie!
@internal-bloodshed — I’m like ninety percent sure he wants me dead. If I step a toe out of line and hurt Ellis, my body will apparently never be found.
@the-better-stoll-brother — If anyone messes with him one more time I’m throwing hands.
Shoot me an ask, camp can get kinda boring!
(Psst. My general tag is #kat carter on the case, and my lore tag is #from the archives of kat carter)
(Extra psst. Do you want more Kat Carter content without actually having to roleplay? Send me an ask by picking something from my tag #ask game!)
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athenasgotu · 7 months
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title: you're all i need.
pairings: teenage!ellie williams x female!reader
summary: after so many things happening in your life. a break up, sister passing away, and then losing half of your friends. only one person stuck with you and it was ellie. she never left your side, and overtime you grew feelings for her. but you can get your hopes up.
warning: mentions of suicide, swearing, and lots of angst. (minors dni!)
authors note: part 1 is more on y/n story and how she feels. ellie will be there to comfort her.
part 2
one more month. one more month and no more school, no more stress, no more fake friends. how could someone possibly be this sad? mom is over it, why aren't you? your boyfriend calling you a slut? no biggie. just act like you don't care then no one will notice.
you walk out of your room to brush your teeth. numb. that's all you felt. you have no one. no friends. no love. no sister. wait.. ellie. how could you forget the one person who hasn't done one thing wrong? god, she's an angel. she hasn't left me, yet. you can't even dress nice for school, just sweats. your mom tries to get you to be happier. therapy, not working. quality time, making it worse. talking to her.
communication was never good with her, will it ever be? how can you tell her how you've been craving death? wanting to be with your sister. she was your light. she made you smile on days you couldn't. i mean sure, you had your rough times. but that's how siblings are, right?
or did she secretly hate you?
faked it all?
faked her love?
no. she couldn't have, hah. its funny to think i even thought of that.
suddenly, the time changed late. twenty minutes in the bathroom? jesus. time passes, you're in school.
you see your old friends, teachers, then her. she smiles at you and waves.
"hey! you feeling ok?" ellie asks.
am i? i spent twenty minutes in my own thoughts earlier.
"i'm good." you smile. great acting.
ellie nudges your shoulder and hands you a plastic bag with a cookie, she baked every once in a while even though it wasn't the best. she knew i like sugar cookies. she's so sweet..
"thanks els." you smile, but it was real.
ellie was the only one who could get you to smile. not even your own mom could make you really smile. ellie was special. really special.
as you two walked in the crowded halls, she makes it to her class.
"see you later?" ellie smiles at you again.
gosh, that smile..
you nod and smile back at her "mhm." you mumbled.
you walked to your class, attempting not to be late again. but it was math, you were already failing horribly in math. school makes everything worse for you. tears your soul down. not always though, your sister made those long eight hours fun and exciting. too bad she's gone. you groan under your breath. these thoughts weren't helping. you take your earbuds out and put on a song.
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you sigh in relief. finally, you can relieve some stress.
╭──╯ . . . . . hours later . . . . . ╰──╮
you were finally at home, alone. your mom was still at work, she wasn't coming back until midnight.
long shift, as usual.
you laid down in bed sighing. everything is going to be ok. you kept telling yourself. was it though? your life was already fucked up enough. how could it possibly get better?
⇢˗ˏˋ beep beep !! 📞
you pick up your phone to see a message from ellie. you smile, she always messages you.
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she worried so much.
she's so nice.
you put your phone down and turn off your light. hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.
╰┈➤ end of part 1
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