#thankfully none of you will know who i mean just based on this alone
lynnetendo · 1 year
my regulars followers who rb from me regularly are legit so funny but today/yesterday they have said extra funny things in the tags etc? this cements my wish to draw a little doodle dedicated to them each and post it without tagging them and wondering whether they'll realize it was dedicated to them
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners
alrighty so ya gurl had a dream about eddie last night and here i am trying to use that to base the following something off of.
part 2
cw/tw: eddie munson being a slightly touchy precious bean. a slight bit of angst. feeling left out/mentions of feeling unwanted if you squint. otherwise, none that i could think of, just my silly brain fluff. if you find something else, please let me know yaaa. no mentions of y/n.
summary: you're going on a high school field trip with your friends. and thankfully, a long haired metalhead is also there to keep you company and ease the pain of being around obnoxious children.
side note: this is literally the first fic thing i've written in literal YEARS (also in English) and first ever time writing for Eddie, so bare with me here, i've gotten quite rusty i guess so i truly apologise if it's rather bad. don't mind me and please reblog/leave me comments if you did enjoy this pure fluff something!
It was the sunniest May morning the town of Hawkins had ever seen. The bluest sky above the forests and fields, downtown, the infamous trailer park and the parking lot of Hawkins High.
You sighed as you placed your car in parking mode before opening the door and sliding out, just so you could grab your belongings - a rather big bag filled with all sorts of items that you were certain you were going to need for surviving the next week - out from the backseat.
A field trip with students with an age range from bloody twelve to the wise years of nineteen, well, twenty to be specific, was on your agenda in the almost last month of your last year of high school, and thankfully you were not gonna be stuck in some forest next to Lake Superior alone by yourself.
Being forced to exist around screaming twelve year olds who were about to enter puberty was your least favourite part of the whole expedition, which made the presence of your group of best friends so much more valuable.
There was one person whose attendance you'd specifically been hoping for. And yes, of course you and your friends had been talking about the trip months ago so it would be clear who would join in the fun, but with Eddie's tendency to be flaky when it came to decisions like this, one could never be fully sure.
I mean yeah, certainly you were looking forward to spending this week by the lakeside with Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the younger kids in freshmen year, but nothing could make the thought of being stuck with a group of middle schoolers and teachers more bearable than being stuck there with the one guy who you - to put it frankly - had a thing for.
You couldn't really say that you were as close with him as you were with Steve or Robin, you never really spent time with him outside of the group hangouts. But that didn't mean that there was any weird distance between the two of you when the lucky occasion of hanging out did come around.
Eddie Munson was a metalhead. Through and through. Tough exterior, soft baby cow personality but could turn stone cold when necessary. When people tried to shame him for being different, for example.
You were also very certain that his love language was touch, based on the times he would throw his arm around you when casually walking you to your next class or the way he would playfully wrestle Dustin or Lucas in the cafeteria during lunch break to show he didn't hate them.
"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're here!"
Max had spotted you in line and apparently didn't feel too much guilt for cutting it just so she could hop on the bus together with you.
You mumbled the same thing back to her, wondering if you were the first or last ones of your party to go through Miss Kelley's check-in.
She greeted the both of you with a toothy smile before she turned her focus onto the sheet with students' names. Your eyes wandered over the rows of seat pairs, and since you had arrived at the parking lot, let's say not late but also not early either, most of them were already filled with loudly chatting kids.
"Hopefully the others saved us a seat", you heard Max say from in front of you. Unlike you, she already had a pre-determined seat buddy. "Oh please, it's obvious that Sinclair kept one for you", you quipped back, silently hoping you could potentially be sitting next to Steve or at least Robin.
And even if Eddie was going to join you, he'd probably be sitting with Chrissy. Or Gareth.
"That might be true, but I'm sure you'll be just fine with where you'll end up."
Max stepped further into the bus after she gave you a wink and a slight grin.
Did she know more than you?
Good boy Steve was rather easy for you to spot. With that amount of hair peeking out above the sea of headrests? No wonder. In fact, most of your friends were already seated further in the back of the one-story bus.
A slight hint of disappointment clouded your brain at the sight of Steve and Robin sharing a seat pair, with Nancy and Jonathan right behind them. Your fear of being the one left out and behind was creeping out from the back of your mind, acting up.
People had always been kind enough to endure you, but no one ever really chose you. Or at least made you feel like you belonged.
Lucas indeed had the seat next to him reserved for Max, to where she continued her strut down the aisle to plop down, while Dustin and Will had agreed to share theirs.
Surprising they made it out of bed this early.
You took a few more steps towards the back of the bus. A wide grinned Erica was seated amongst her friends in the center of the very back row, your eyes scanning the seats until they landed on the wild dark mane of a certain metalhead, who was occupying the pair of seats right behind the stairs down to the back door.
He was practically lying in the window seat. Head resting against the glass, staring out to observe the students who hadn't set foot onto the bus yet. Parents who were lecturing their kids one last time before letting them go.
Was he daydreaming? What could possibly be going on in that pretty head of his?
Your heart jumped and your stomach fluttered when he shifted his gaze to the aisle where you were standing. The widest smile spread over his face at the sight of you, and you hated to admit to yourself that it did not leave you unaffected.
The seat next to him was empty.
It took Eddie a few seconds to remember what his initial plan was. As if something in his brain clicked, as if a bolt of lightning had hit him, he straightened himself and got up.
"Uh hi there. I, uh, kept you a seat if, uh, in case you'd like to sit with me."
Eddie the freak Munson. Had thought of and would be willing to sharing seats for a 10 hour bus ride. With you, of all people?
In the light of the sunlight flooded bus, you could see his cheeks adjusting to the colour of your own. Flushed pink.
And you just couldn't help the wide grin that was pulling at the corners of your mouth.
Now both of you were standing in the aisle facing each other.
"I would love to, Munson."
Quickly you took out the essentials for the journey from your bag: headphones and your walkman, your tape collection that you wouldn't leave the house without, a novel, some water and a tote bag with your carefully selected snacks.
Eddie waited patiently for you to get comfortable, standing there in the aisle in his signature leather jacket and denim dio vest, while leaning against the backrest of his own seat, watching your every move.
Once you swung yourself around into your seat, Eddie plopped down next to you with an equally wide grin plastered across his face while pointing his ringed index finger at the snack bag.
"You know, you're gonna have to share those with me."
You turned your head around to face him, eyebrow raised.
His chocolate brown doe eyes were so so softly looking at you. If you didn't know better they'd melt you on the spot.
"Oh really, do I?"
"Yeah, it's the unspoken yet official law of seat partners, sweetheart."
You chuckled at his silliness and the pet name, the nervousness which you had gotten from the thought of him very obviously thinking of you when it came to the decision of who to sit next to, all gone.
He wanted to be physically close to you.
He wanted to spend that time on the bus around you.
He chose you.
After Steve, Robin and all the others from your group had acknowledged your presence as well with genuine smiles, and the last few kids had found their seats, it was time to leave Hawkins.
The bus hit the highway towards Chicago pretty soon after departure.
Eddie let you sit in the window seat, which eventually led to him conveniently using your shoulder as a pillow. And no, you didn't mind the weight. It was Eddie.
Hell, you were having a hard time keeping yourself from wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer.
"Does this also fall under the law of seat partners?", you asked curiously, placing a hand on Eddie's head and slightly scratching his scalp.
The only thing you got in return was a satisfied, sleepy "mhm" and a squeeze and rub of his warm hand over your thigh, but it was enough for your mind to drift off, wondering which other of Eddie's love languages and further details of his ridiculous seat partner law you'd come to discover on this trip.
tagged: my beloved ellen @josephfakingquinn <3
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castrian-amore · 8 months
Bitter had the Heart
Dead Tired(Tim Drake x Danny Fenton), Tim Drake-centric, unfinished, the author is plotting, temporary character death, please check out ao3 for full tags list
3/46 Chapters | Chapter Length: 3584 words
Chapter 3: We are Not Translating Fanfiction
Tim didn’t understand why he had even picked this class for this particular credit. He technically didn’t need it. Then again it seemed more interesting than the other classes and Tim had been hoping for a challenge for once. The teacher was big on working as team and while, yeah Tim could do it. He preferred to work alone on his topics and thankfully there was an odd amount of people in his class so when he requested to do the group assignments he allowed it. 
Until today. 
One Daniel “Danny” Nightingale, was a late transfer into the class for unknown reason. It was also the mysterious kid in the alley. He looked a little better in person but the vote was that he was definitely sick, whether just right now or long term had yet to be determined. He leaned heavily on a cane at the moment walking with a heavy limp.
Tim could point out his handsome features though. The higher cheekbones. The stunning raven hair, his piercing blue eyes. The kid definitely wasn’t immune to the streets. The way he held himself on the verge of running. The sunken wary eyes. This kid was far too comfortable with living in fight or flight mode. If he even knew anything else it would be surprising. 
The teacher pointed to Tim giving him the spot right next to him advising sitting next to the person he would be partnered with. It wasn’t required by any means but it certainly was an option, and he did. 
“So, now that that’s out of the way, where was I? Oh yes the IPA. The International Phonetic Alphabet.” Professor Kaivan began his speech as Danny pulled out a piece of notebook paper and pencil sitting next to Tim. 
“Uh, hi, I’m Danny,”The kid held out his hand and Tim shook it. A cold chill going up his spine from how cold he was, damn. 
“Tim Drake-Wayne,”he introduced with ease, expecting the man to back away or at least move seats because of his name. The Wayne name caught most people off guard but Danny seemed unfazed by it all. In fact he didn’t even flinch or stutter or reel at who he was talking to even. 
“Nice to meet you Tim,”Danny gave him a bright smile. “Apologies for having you stuck with partnering for me after I’m already a late transfer.”
“No issue. Can I ask why you had to transfer?”Tim raised an eyebrow at the man. Their words quiet as the professor droned on. 
“I was in Latin, and I can fluently speak and read latin. The professor kept getting things wrong and I kept correcting them. They kept insisting because they’re the ‘professor’ but I kept insisting I was right, which I was. She didn’t like that so she kicked me out. She got so annoyed she refused to teach me. Thus leaving me with about to loose my credit I really needed this semester so I asked if I could late transfer into another language based class.” 
“And here you are?” 
“Here I am. Only teacher that was willing to give me a chance.” 
Tim snorts a little. Tim had only almost been kicked out of a class one, and that was one of his law classes. Tim kept correcting the professor over and over and over again, and it kept pissing off the professor so bad. Tim had a sneaking suspicion he was going to like this guy. He just hoped the guy was as intelligent as he seemed. 
Being fluent in a dead language was no easy task. None of the bats were fluent in a lot of dead languages but they all knew several spoken languages and a little of a few dead ones. Tim more than others. Books were always his specialty. He preferred to spend the house researching alone in his room or the bat cave. It was part of the reason the other claimed he had a coffee addiction. He did not by the way. He didn’t know what Dick was even talking about. 
“Professor Kaivan is pretty relaxed about that kind of stuff. He assigns minimal homework and prefers to do the group projects over everything else.” 
“Yeah his rate-my-professor score is pretty high.” 
“Sounds about right,”Tim agrees, turning back to the topic at hand for the moment. 
“Now, learning the International Phonetic Alphabet is not for the faint of heart. Having someone to listen and assist when learning this is vital. One of the many reasons everyone in this room has a partner. Learning it is vital for the rest of your success in this class. Breaking down specific sounds a language makes and making it easy for everyone to read any language in this format.” 
Professor Kaivan was an interesting man. Until four and a half years ago he had some of the worst rate your professor scores, but it was rumored that after the death of his partner he sobered up and wanted to help people. Since then, he has been a great teacher. Using his partner method to teach people, becoming a caring professor, giving students days in class to study and work on whatever work needed to be done. He wasn’t a super hard professor to have. 
His hair was graying as the man was into his late 40s going on 50s. Sideburns and his beard graying though. He dressed pretty chill too, half the time coming into class wearing a casual cardigan and a beanie. He was an accomplished guy with a full on doctorate in linguistics. Masters in Psychology and bachelors in the study of Italian. Most of his focus seemed to be on the intricacies of the Italian language but Tim was fluent in Italian and didn’t care to take any of his italian classes. Not that the man had many. 
“I know the 107 letters can be difficult and if you don’t know what to listen for they can sound similar to each other, but that’s why this whole unit is just on breaking down the IPA, and making sure all of us can read, and understand it. Okay?” 
Mummers of okays and yesses echoed through the lecture hall. Tim opened his phone, scrolling to Dick’s phone number and clicking on it. 
Timmy Boi: Guess who just walked into my Linguistics class as a late transfer?
Dickie Bird: Who? 
Timmie Boi: Alley kid
Dickie Bird: No fucking way. Is he that rude in person?
Timmie Boi: No not yet at least. We’re partnered up for the semester though, so plenty of time for me to find out heh. Dude’s got a cane. 
Dickie Bird: So not our so-called mystery vigilante Jason wants us to meet?
Timmie Boi:  Unlikely, He also looks sick as a mother fucker Dick. Like it’s bad. 
Dickie Bird: Damn, so still no leads until Friday? 
Timmie Boi: Unfortunately not. Cams still distorted as fuck with those symbols?
Dickie Bird: Just like all the others. Only copies we have are hand drawn references. No one can get a clear pic. 
Timmie Boi: Anyluck on the Distortion dude? Anything on him?
Dickie Bird: Uhh, he showed up 3 years ago? Works for Jason mostly. Started as a runner, then became body guard and personal protection for a lot of the shipments going in and out of Jason’s domain. That was only after bribing over 15 inmates too. 
Timmie Boi: How the fuck did Jason keep someone, a meta namely, from us for so long? 
Dickie Bird: Who knows. One guy said something about protecting a child. The child is Jason’s guard dog. Brutal when he needs to be. Maybe he’s scarier than he looks? People kept quiet over fear? 
Timmie Boi: You’re the people person, but even then if people are scared we would have heard something else. I just think we have something else in the picture here that we’re missing it all. 
Dickie Bird: Well, any cameras he passed by that night went to static. I had Barb check it out for us. 
Timmie Boi: So his gift can mess with cameras? Only mildly concerning. 
Dickie Boi: Wait, why are we having this conversation right now Tim? You’re in class?!?!?! I’m leaving you alone. Pay attention, and don’t fall asleep, and DRINK WATER FOR ONE IN YOUR CAFFEINE ADDICTED LIFE. 
Speaking of coffee, he could probably get mystery-dude’s phone number for their homework and stuff. Maybe he could even get coffee with him and help him with his classes. And maybe find out more about that night in the alley. 
“What are you doing after class?”Tim spoke up to look over at the man. Danny wasn’t even paying attention to the lecture. He was… drawing? Way better than anything Tim could draw that was for sure. Maybe he would get along with Damian? Tim liked the easier stuff, taking pictures. He could draw but he didn’t like it nearly as much as being able to get behind a camera and take some beautiful photos. Man, he should get back into that again. Dick was always pressing him to get back into a hobby outside of crime solving. He liked to stick with what he was good at though. 
“Oh? Uh nothing really, just contemplating existence. Why what’s up?”Danny gave a soft shy smile. Oh no. His smile was cute. Also wait, contemplating existence?
“Well, I figured if we’re gonna be stuck together all semester we could get coffee and talk about the project and get to know each other a little better.” Tim could watch a wave of anxiety slip over the man. 
“Well, I don’t know maybe,”a small shrug then a quiet moment of contemplation. “Actually, sure that’d be nice!”  
“Wait, we already have a project?”Danny’s eyes widened looking from his doodle of something? Tim couldn’t make it out but it was pretty? Looked like a pool of swirling water sketched in a gray scale. Who knows. This guy must have been so distracted he didn’t hear the teacher’s words about their project. Rewriting a speech in a non-english language into the phonetic alphabet. 
Tim couldn't help but laugh a little at him. 
This caught a small look from the teacher and Tim stifled his laughter a little even as Danny began to fight his own laughter as the two looked at each other. That was so dumb. Why was he even laughing at that?
“I’ll explain after class.” 
“Sounds good to me, I’m just sitting here… doodlin’.” 
“I see that..” Tim gave him a smile as Danny chuckled himself turning back to his drawing. The man stretching his arms upwards turned to actually pay attention to the teacher. A small frown coming across his face noticing the thin spindly scars edging up the side of his neck across the back of his neck. What the fuck was that? He shook his head. 
Tim stayed mostly alert the rest of the hour long class. Kaivan had started going through the various letters of the IPA and their origins and why they were chosen. It was interesting to say the least. He had learned a lot and the class was definitely different than what he was used too. Danny on the other hand. 
Fuck Tim hoped the dopey smiles and spaced out stared was how he payed attention or their partnership was going to be a lot more strenuous than he originally thought. He swore he saw him falling asleep a couple times there before jerking himself awake. Not that Tim could blame him. He averaged only about 3 hours a night if he was lucky. Then again, Tim didn’t exactly play the whole “catch up on sleep” game. 
It did take a gentle nudge from Tim to get the man away and on their way to the coffee shop. He was slow as he walked with the cane but Tim didn’t say anything about it. Everyone had their little quirks and issues. Lord knows Tim had his. 
The cold autumn air in Gotham was settling around them. 
“What’s your major?” It was Danny who spoke up with a quiet smile. 
“Oh, business. I plan to take over my father’s company,”Tim replied. 
“Wow, impressive.” Danny looked up at the sky with a small chuckle as Tim raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Thanks, what’s yours?”
“Engineering, I was going to do Astronomy but we’ll the Gotham Skies aren’t exactly the clearest.” Danny chuckled softly as Tim gave a nod. 
“The smog helps no one. Glad you found a major you like though.” There was a silence settling between them but it didn’t lessen the mood in fact it almost felt welcomed in a quiet way. 
“Same to you!” Danny looked up at the crows stopping the duo in their tracks. There were almost 10 crows just watching them. Tim, had never seen that. All them staring at Danny. “Boo.” The man whispered and with a small chuckled, all 10 flew off the branches and into the air leaving Tim to watch and then follow. Missing how the birds simply landed up ahead. 
Tim was sort of lost in thought about the revelations they could possibly have about the whole Distortion situation. 
“Heyo, Timmy,”Danny’s voice dragged him from his thoughts and his slow pace holding the door open. “Don’t hurry up and you’ll be soaked.” He hadn’t even noticed a slow drizzle starting to fall from the sky. He held his hand out before running to meet the man. 
Tim joined the man into the warm coffee shop. The scent of pumpkin spice filling their noses as they moved to get in line. 
“Didn’t get too wet did you?”Danny asked concern surprising Tim. 
“Ah, no, don’t worry about me though.  I might be more concerned for when we leave here though.” 
“I’m not too worried.” The man gave a nonchalant shrug. “Can’t kill me worse than I already have been.” Was that a death joke? 
“Oh?”Tim gave a smirk. He wasn’t normally one for puns, those were Dick’s thing but also… Dick wasn’t here. “Did it have you rolling in your grave?” Dick could never find out about this but then Danny’s shit eating grin only widened across his face. 
“Oh, for sure it was to die for after all.” 
“I can’t I’m sorry,”Tim laughed with a smile. “What’re you getting? I’ll pay since I invited you out.” 
“Oh, I might scare you with my order.” 
“I promise you won’t. Mine is insane myself.” 
“One of those extra large pumpkin spice lattes with 10 shots of espresso.” 
“Extra large americano with 8 shots of espresso,”Tim quipped. “I see you’re a man just as insane as I am.” 
“Oh, for sure. I’ve never met someone with an order just as bad as mine,”he admitted as he stared up at the menu. “How are the sandwiches here? Are they pretty dead-licious?”
“Oh god..” 
“Or I don’t know, pretty frightful?” 
“Please Danny.” 
“I bet they’re boo-mbastic.” 
“Who ever uses that word anymore.” 
Okay Halloween was coming up admittedly. Yes there were halloween and fall decorations coming but, but god dammit Danny. It was like having another Dick around. 
“You decided to fuel this.” 
“I did not decide to fuel anything!”Tim complained just as they got to the counter ordering their coffees. It was a barista Tim was familiar with. A kind girl named Sarah who seemed to be all too familiar with the two of them. 
“Oh! Can I also get the mac and cheese please!”Danny offered another charming smile putting some money in the tip jar. “I can pay you back Tim.” 
“No worries.” Tim gave a shrug. 
“Alrighty and here you are Tim.” Sarah handed him his card back with the receipt as he himself put some money in the jar. 
“Damn, she knows your name?”
“I know you too Danny, Mr. 10 shots of espresso at midnight last week. You also fucking work here.” 
“Love you guysssss, and I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Danny practically purred out with an innocent smile. 
“You two together, scare me,”the barista motioned between the two of them. “But honestly, we were waiting for you two to meet.” 
“I’m innocent,”Tim vouched.”Also wait, what?” 
“I watched you order an extra large cup with only espresso shots in it for Finals last semester.” Sarrah refused to answer the apparent group that had been waiting for Tim and Danny to meet each other. 
“I was busy!” 
“You weren’t sleeping!” 
“Anyways I’m going to go over there,”Danny pointed to an empty table by the window. 
“Yeah, Tim. How about you go over there. With your little Date,”She emphasized the word as Danny was already over sitting down unpacking his backpack onto the table. 
“He’s not my date! We literally just met!” 
“Yet. Next in line please!” 
“Sarah-- no-- I swear to--”Tim could have sworn he saw an exchanging of cash behind the counters. Were they betting on something. What the fuck were they betting on?!? He hissed and moved to join Danny in the opposite seat. 
“So did you even catch what the group project is? How much have you studied of the Linguistics 101 class anyways?” Tim pulled out his laptop setting it in front of him. He logged in giving a small smile of the silly chaotic and group picture they had gotten last year at Christmas. Bruce stood on the far right and Jason on the far left Dick’s arm wrapped around his shoulder. Damian was trying to stab Tim again who was moving to dodge it. Steph chaotically cheering the gremlin on. Cass quietly wondering if she should intervene in the middle. Duke full on panicked at what was going on as it was his first Christmas with the family. Barb covering her mouth in laughter in front of Bruce. He wanted to make sure she was included. It was his favorite photo of him and his siblings. 
Fuck. Danny had been talking to him. 
“Earth to Timmy.” A wave of a hand in front of his face. 
“Please just Tim,”he laughs. “Sorry, yes?”
“I was asking about the IPA. Are you familiar with it? I have no idea on anything about it.” 
“I know like half of it? I’ll have to learn the other half,”he admits. “But yes, the project.” 
“Fuck, yeah okay what’s this project?” 
“It involves reading.” 
“No! WHY!” 
“In another language.. That neither of us speak.” 
“Oh god.” 
“Yeah, so we’re supposed to write down a 1,000 minimum word speech, or chapter from a book or whatever and put it into the International Phonetic Alphabet.” 
“I don’t know about you but I speak a lot, like A lot of languages.” 
“Yeah.. I feel the same way.” 
“What do you speak?” Danny playfully pushed Tim’s computer screen down from booting up the program the professor had given them to use to type out the phonetic alphabet. It was still apparently a nightmare program, but he had decided to type it so he wouldn't be deciphering shitty handwriting. 
“Mandarin, Chinese, Italian, German, French, russian, Japanese, tagalog, spanish, I think that’s all of them?” 
“You speak Tagalog too!” Danny’s words switched with ease to the language. 
“No fuckin’ way,” Tim had to laugh at that one. “What else do you speak?” 
“Same things are you but, Esperanto, Swahili, Cantonese, javanese, Sardo(technically a dialect but you know same difference),  Ukrainian, I think that’s all?” 
“I thought I was the Polyglot. Oh! I also speak ASL and BSL.” 
“I know bits and pieces of ASL, definitely no BSL though,”he laughs softly. “But wait what other languages does that leave?”
“Well, a lot but I mean. We could always pick an easy one we both know.” 
“Yeah, please. I do not want translate someone in a non-latin based alphabet. It registers funny in my brain.” 
“I gotta ask though Danny… Esperanto?” 
“Okay, leave me alone! I had a friend who spoke it and taught me it so we could shit about others.”  
“That’s fuckin’ hilarious though,”he smirked. “But what should we translate?” 
Danny looked like he was about to burst out laughing. “What if we just fucking translated the Divine Comedy.” 
“Danny Nightingale, are you telling me we should rewrite one of the most famous works of Italian writing, ever. That is also notoriously translated, a lot? And is--- you know.”
“Ma Divine Commedia,”Danny laughed. Tim could not with him right now. “E la fanfiction Tim.” 
“YEAH I KNOW, that’s why I can’t believe you’re suggesting it.” 
“COMMEDIA.” Danny proclaimed with a snort. Fuck that was cute. Thank god his name was called to grab their stuff. He could ignore the small twinge in his chest as he brought them their coffee and the food for Danny. 
“Let’s get this over with I guess.” 
“YES!” Danny threw his first into the air in excitement. “This is the start a beautiful friendship Tim, I promise.” 
“Are we about to be nightmares to our poor professor?” 
“What? Nooooo.” 
“Oh yes we fucking are,”Tim rolled his eyes and smiled as he sipped his drink pulling up the original document. They were so fucked, but at least it would be funny. If Danny was his new partner for his class maybe Friday would come sooner than he thought. 
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
take care of your wounds…
more price and adopted daughter 💃🏾🕺🏾
content warning : female reader , wounds , blood , partial nudity (???)
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it’s been about four years since Price adopted you, you joined the military shortly after what happened and you became the youngest person but more specifically — the youngest girl to become Lieutenant in the amount of time you were in the military. but being lieutenant means more responsibility and more missions.
you and john just got back to your base after a long five (5) day mission. you got shot three (3) times, all three bullets were still in your body. you never told John or Kyle about the bullets or the fact that you were shot in the first place, you were pretty good at acting not in pain when you actually were.
while you were alone at the base you decided to try and get the bullets out yourself, the only problem was one was in your back just beside your shoulder blade and away from your spine, the other was in the back of your thigh and the last one was in your arm. thankfully none hit anything important but you worried that if they healed inside you they would move and press against something.
you sat on the floor with a hand mirror underneath you, sitting in only bra and underwear. you had music on to distract you. john kinda demand you both shared a room and wouldn’t stop asking until they gave him what he wanted.
you were biting down on the t shirt you were just wearing as you dug in the back of your thigh with surgical tweezers. you tried your hardest to not cry out in pain… you took a break and leaned your head on your knee, silently crying to yourself
“jesus fucking christ….” you whispered to yourself before starting again. you felt the bullet in your thigh, all you had to do was grab it and pull it out. it took a while but you did it and once it was out you let out a whimper of pain, using your free hand to place the bullet on a napkin.
you sat there catching your breath as you watched blood trickle down your leg and some of it dripping on the floor. you gave an exhausted sigh and went to work on the one in your arm, that one was easier to get out but still very painful. once you got it out you placed it on the napkin next to the first one. you kinda wiggled your way towards the body mirror with all the medical supplies, blood was being dragged against the floor.. there was blood going down your arm and leg, some of the blood from your arm was spreading to other places on your body as you kept moving.
the playlist you had on stopped since it had played every song on it already and you couldn’t go and change it so you continued in silence — after a while you heard footsteps outside the door as you tried getting to the opening of your wound. you then heard speaking
“i don’t know… i haven’t heard from her either” soap said from down the hall, you recognised his thick scottish accent anywhere
“she’s probably sleeping or with Kyle… you go get some rest though, soap”
“will do, once you see her can you tell her i wanna talk to her. it doesn’t have to be right away but whenever she gets the chance”
“sure thing” you heard the two walk away from each other, soap going to his and ghosts shared room and john walking towards the door. you felt your heart sink as you heard the door open, john walking in and then stopping quickly after seeing the blood on the floor
“what the—“ he looked up and saw you by the mirror, trying to get a bullet out “y/n?! what the hell happened?!” john shut the door and ran over towards you, he saw the bullets on the napkin and the blood all over you
“i cant get it out….” you said through a cry, still trying to get the bullet but john stopped you before you could try anymore. john turned you so your back was facing him and he started to get it out. it was silent between you two for a while before john finally spoke
“what happened, Y/N…. and don’t lie to me” john very rarely spoke with a stern voice towards you but he did this time “who did this to you? hmm?”
“it was on the mission….”
“during what time?”
“about three days ago…. i was shot three times and they never came out like i thought so i decided to take them out today”
john gave a disappointed sigh while shaking his head “bullets don’t just come out like that, Y/N. why didn’t you tell me?”
“because you would be pissed off at me…”
“i’m more pissed off at the fact you left them in there for three goddamn days without saying anything about it — they could’ve killed you if you didn’t tell somebody or seek medical attention once we got here!”
you stayed silent because you knew he was right… he was 100% correct that it could’ve killed you but you hated telling him he was right. john finally got ahold of the bullet and pulled it out. you cried out in pain and covered your mouth to keep you from being louder. you rested you head on your good legs knee and cried into it as john started to clean up your wounds. after john bandaged them up he looked at you and saw you were still crying — but silently. he grabbed you and hugged you, placing your head on his chest and he placed his chin on the top of your head
“y/n…. please — you need to stop doing this to yourself… you are going to die if you let any more wounds go unattended, sweetheart… the next one could kill you” he said, you wiped your eyes as you looked around the room. you saw the blood on the floor, the bloody tissues and even the blood on johns hands and shirt
“i know….”
“you say you know but you keep doing it…. you need to take care of your wounds”
“i don’t like bothering you….”
“y/n, it bothers me more if you don’t ask me for help — it doesn’t even have to be me, ask anyone for help especially with an injury
“you’re acting like i haven’t left injury’s go and heal on their own”
“you’re not that little girl anymore who couldn’t ask for help, you can ask for help now.” john said, he looked at you and he gave you a few pats on the head “if you do this again i’m making you go on mandatory leave for a few weeks” he jokingly said and he helped you stand up. he helped you to your bed and he got you some clean clothes “i want you to go clean up and Johnny wants to talk to you about something. i dunno what about”
you nodded as you got up and went to the bathroom inside your room, you went and showered for a while and once you were done you came out from drying off and getting dressed to the blood and stuff cleaned up off the floor and john laying on his bed reading a book. you went to sit on your bed and did so carefully as to not disturb your leg injury. you looked at the floor for a second before you sighed and got up to put your shoes back on and left to see what soap wanted
john watched as you left and he sighed to himself. he loves you — a lot really…. but boy do you stress him out
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firenati0n · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you to @alasse9 @anchoredarchangel @myheartalivewrites @anincompletelist @cricketnationrise
@tailsbeth-writes @cha-melodius @ninzied for the tags! i am so so so behind on all tags and questions and asks and i am sorry for the delay!! <3 thank you for your patience :)
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 under my name, 1 anonymously
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
rwrb :)
Top five fics by kudos:
An Amateur's Guide to Piping That Cream and Beating That Meat (5,094 words)
our world, mine and his alone (the midnight train to go) (2,970 words)
cause you're classic, and i'm reckless (5,422 words)
each time we touch / i wanna take too much (1,339 words)
who truly stuck the knife in first (3,697 words)
Do you respond to comments?
yes! i haven't replied to any on angel fic yet bc they make me cry LMAOOOO but i will get to them soon :) comments mean everything to me. receiving any is a privilege. connection is so lovely.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i would say who truly stuck the knife in first but it's not angsty, just open-ended. they're spies, so happiness for them at the moment is fleeting lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i always write happy endings but i think and all i can taste is this moment, and all i can breathe is your life aka the angel!henry fic is the sappiest. it's so sappy I'm giving it a sequel for more sappy endings. it's the happiest ending because it also makes me cry.
Do you get hate on fics?
not yet, thankfully. people have been very nice and welcoming, which has been a real blessing.
Do you write smut?
no lol i got into my M game with who truly stuck the knife in first (sexually charged wrestling), keep me up all night / i wanna scratch your surface (prosey fade to black), and each time we touch / i wanna take too much (fingers in mouths) but i don't think I'll be writing smut anytime soon.
i could barely handle arms and legs in spy fic (@cha-melodius knows how terribly i struggled jfalksdjflkjasdlkf). how the fuck am I supposed to factor dicks into the equation????
Craziest crossover:
none yet but i am cooking up a sci-fi thriller au that may never see the light of day based on Dark Matter by Blake Crouch but no promises jfalksjdlkfadsf
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of. I've had art and moodboards and a podfic but no translations.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i am writing one right now with [redacted] and it's going to be so fucking good y'all are not prepared for this AU fr
All time favorite ship?
firstprince forever. alex and henry are my babygirls. Close second is Sydney and Vaughn from Alias or Chuck and Sarah from Chuck.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a lot of docs with bullet points but typically if i start WRITING real words in a doc, i will be finishing it EVENTUALLY. it will either take me 4 months or 4 hours and there is no in between unfortunately, considering i write most of my fics between the hours of 2am - 7am in a fugue state. fatal flaw. all of my docs with actual snippets in them WILL be completed at some point. it's just going to take me. forever.
What are your writing strengths?
i hate perceiving shit like this bc i always think i sound like I'm blowing smoke up my own ass lmaoooo so I'll go with dialogue. i like the dialogue i write.
@anincompletelist also told me that I can "curate a VIBE and TONE like nobody’s BUSINESS" which is extremely kind (ily) and i think i agree. I do like experimenting with tone and atmosphere. I have been playing with genre and expression with each fic and i like what I've done so far.
i also just love a silly goose time fr ok i love my fun fics like amateur's guide and worm fic and actor au. they make me laugh.
What are your writing weaknesses?
i struggle to plot things out bc i get so caught up in dialogue and snippets of things i actually want to write LOL so weaving the snips together is always a pain for me. i am also a perfectionist so it takes me way longer to get over my mental hurdles and put words on the page. i also struggle to write angst sometimes like angst does not come as naturally to me as zippy banter. neither does prose. i have to work at those.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
love!!! i find it so beautiful.
First fandom you wrote in?
i do not count the 1d fanfic i wrote in my notes app as a mentally ill thirteen year old as actual writing, so let's go with RWRB :)
Favorite fic you've written?
and all i can taste is this moment, and all i can breathe is your life. it's my most personal and a fic I used as a coping mechanism to get through some yucky times. i also like the emotional beats in that one a lot. it is my least read / least popular but my favorite.
no pressure and open tags under the cut <3
@wordsofhoneydew @bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @magicandarchery
@getmehighonmagic @indestructibleheart @14carrotghoul @onward--upward @sparklepocalypse
@porcelainmortal @nontoxic-writes @piratefalls @dumbpeachjuice @clottedcreamfudge
@tintagel-or-cockleshells @orchidscript @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @smc-27 @everwitch-magiks
@kiwiana-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @ships-to-sail @rmd-writes @welcometololaland
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midnightshard06 · 11 months
Flufftober Day 18
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/128709667
Summary: Sonic and Knuckles decide to take a small break on their quest to find the Gaia Temples. Sonic gets a bit bummed out that he can't participate in the local festival going on and Knuckles apparently decides to do something about that.
Pairing: Sonic the Hedgehog/Knuckles the Echidna
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~1100 words
AN: Based in the same au as these doodles from this post- https://www.tumblr.com/midnightshard06/730864248738217984/so-my-brain-decided-to-oh-so-helpfully-have-me?source=share
Sonic looked around in wonder at the decorations of the town they’d found themselves in. He whistled appreciatively as he put his hands behind his head. “Wow they sure know how to dress up the place.” Him and Knuckles were currently just stopping at the town for a rest. They were both pretty sure there was a Gaia Temple near the next town over but the two had been traveling pretty much non stop and Sonic had finally managed to convince the echidna to let them have one day as a break. Plus who knew, some of those monsters could pop up here. The town apparently was in the middle of some sort of festival; after a bit of asking around they found out it was some sort of moon festival. Which did unfortunately mean all of the festivities were at night. Sonic did wish he could participate but the timing made that… difficult.
“I guess.” Knuckles glanced around, his arms crossed.
“C’mon lighten up some Knux.” Sonic chuckled. “We’re here to relax, act like it.”
“Well pardon me for not wanting to relax when the world’s at stake.” Knuckles growled.
“It’s been at stake for a while, even before I knew what I needed to do. It’ll be fine for an extra day.” Sonic waved him off. “Let’s just enjoy the atmosphere.”
“Fine. Just make sure you’re out of sight before the sun goes down.” Knuckles sighed. “I’ll meet back up with you later.”
“Going off on your own? How unlike you.” Sonic smirked, leaning into Knuckles’ space.
Knuckles shoved Sonic away. “Just don’t get into any trouble with me gone mutt.”
“Me get into trouble? Never.” Sonic put his hands behind his back. Knuckles simply shook his head before walking off. While Sonic was curious as to what the echidna was up to he could also appreciate the need for some alone time. That just meant he had to entertain himself for a few hours. No big deal he’d done it plenty before. Time to see what this town had to offer.
Sonic sighed as he watched the sun set from the rock he was sitting on, well outside of the town. Though he could still see it. See that people were getting ready to start the festivities. It wasn’t often that he disliked his lot in life but occasionally things like this made him almost wish he’d never been born a werehog. Shaking his head he relaxed to let the transformation happen. Even after his transformation he remained staring in the direction of the town, doing his best to ignore the thrumming energy inside him. 
“You just gonna sit there and mope all night?” Sonic didn’t need to turn around to know it was Knuckles. The two’s bond ensured they always knew where each other were. Made it sort of impossible to sneak up on each other.
“I’m not moping. Just… thinking.” Sonic pinned his ears down.
“That’s not what it looks like to me.” Knuckles walked over to stand next to the rock. 
“Well looks can be deceiving.” Sonic looked down at Knuckles, a playful smirk making its way onto his face. “Which you should know better than anyone.” Knuckles simply huffed, but if he was going to say anything he was interrupted by shouts coming from the town. “What are the odds that it’s those monsters attacking the town?” Sonic’s ears perked up.
“High. Let’s go.” Knuckles started running back towards the town, Sonic hot on his heels. As it turned out it was those odd monsters that no one but him, and Knuckles by extension, could hurt. Thankfully there weren’t many of them, so they were quick to deal with. There was minimal property damage too, so that was a plus! Now though, now he ran the risk of being potentially run out of town. Not everyone took kindly to him even after saving them, so it was always a toss up whether he was going to be greeted by an angry mob or thankful townsfolk. Unfortunately it was more often than not the former.
He tentatively turned around, trying to make himself as non threatening looking as possible. That was sort of hard considering the smackdown he’d just laid on those monsters but he could try. The townsfolk didn’t actually seem scared of him at all, they looked… sort of mesmerized. Finally one approached him, an older looking wolf. They smiled. “Thank you for saving us from those creatures. We are honored to be in the presence of someone like you.” He bowed his head slightly. “Please, now that you’ve saved us enjoy the festival. The least we can do is extend our hospitality to you.” 
Sonic simply stood there and blinked. Sure he’d received thanks before but no one had actually invited him to stick around. “Are you gonna accept that invitation or are you gonna keep staring all night?” Knuckles walked up to his side.
“O-oh uh…” It wasn’t often he was caught off guard like this. “I… humbly accept your offer. Thank you.” The wolf nodded and walked away. It looked like several other townsfolk wanted to approach him but held off for the time being. Sonic glanced over at Knuckles, the echidna had a smug energy about him. “You did something.”
“Did I?” Knuckles looked over at him, trying to pull the same innocent act Sonic often did. It was far less effective when the echidna was doing it.
“Did you plan for this to happen? Like somehow you knew not only that those monsters would attack the town but the townsfolk would invite me to stick around after.” Sonic narrowed his eyes.
Knuckles shrugged. “I did some research. Gathered information. Found out they’d been dealing with attacks the past few nights, so it seemed likely another would happen tonight.” He crossed his arms. “Based on my research it seems like this town has some sort of connection to your whole situation. At the very least they know about the prophecy. I just assumed they’d react kindly towards you because of that.”
Sonic rose a brow. “That’s all?”
“... I may have also told the town elder who you were and put in a good word.” Knuckles looked away.
Sonic smiled and pulled the echidna into a tight hug. “Thanks Knux.”
“Get off me mutt.” Knuckles’ voice had no bite to it. “Go enjoy yourself.”
Letting him go, Sonic grinned and held out his hand. “We can enjoy it together.”
Knuckles hesitated for a moment before taking the offered hand. “Fine, only because it’ll stop you from being annoying about it.”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I based him off ORAS persona not RSE Maxie for those with preference!
someone request Maxie with a grunt s/o which I'll do eventually, but I misread it (sorry about that) and wrote all of this and went "well, might as not let this go to waste"
☀️Magma Leader Maxie General Romance HCs🌋
🪨 He's distant. He doesn't mean to, but he struggles at times. His mind wants to solely focus on his goals and research, so he often finds himself busy with plans and leading an entire organisation. It's obvious when he's aware that he's given you none of his time. Suddenly, you're in his office with a Numel curled up in your lap, chatting with the Magma Leader about various things. Tabitha likely reminded, admittedly, but he still acted accordingly nonetheless.
🪨 PDA is something he struggled with. His standoffish demeanour and need to seem respectable keep him from doing little more than a secretive hand-hold. The small affections comfort him more than you'll ever know. If you're more affectionate than him, you get to give a hug and kiss when you greet him. He becomes deeply flustered by this and doesn't reciprocate. (Don't be fooled. He liked it.)
🪨 In private, he's a lot more lenient. He's a cuddly guy, as his main hobby is stealing body heat. (He definitely screams blanket hog in bed.) You'll find him leaning on you quite often. In a more daring mood, you may even find him with an arm around you. You'll get a polite kiss, but nothing more. If you want to cover him in them, however, he'll secretly adore it. Maxie is just odd about intimacy. Clearly craves it, yet no idea how to initiate it. Help him, please.
🪨 Maxie varies on a Jealousy scale. With Courtney and Tabitha, he's calm and full accepting. They're his trusted admins and friends, they'll never do anything with you. With, say, Archie, he's suddenly wedging himself between you both and clearly not happy with the interaction. He overall leans more neutral, but has his moments in certain situations. He's definitely been a bit upset when he felt a Kalosian was being too affectionate. He's mostly going to complain aloud about the other person needing to learn manners. You find it just a bit funny to see his composure break about it.
🪨 He does want you to support him in his endeavours of awakening Groudon. You must understand that he's doing this for the good of humanity. The redhead is completely driven by this goal, so its quite an inevitability that it gets brought up. Should you disagree, he will try to convince you of his side. He's a bit callous and demanding, with a bit of mania. Your rejection of it stings, especially so since he values your opinions above others. If you agree, he will try to convince you to join his team. Though, he does accept is you truly don't want to.
🪨 When his plans fail, he needs much support. It haunts him terribly that not only was Archie right, but also that he almost destroyed his beloved Hoenn and the entire world with his foolishness. He takes to trying to properly help Hoenn, since Steven inexplicably got him out of any actual charges. You should just remind him that he was thankfully stopped before causing any true harm, and now he has grown as a person. He thinks on this for a while. It's a group effort between you, the Magma Admins, and most of Team Magma to reassure the man. The false confidence suddenly being gone is admittedly a bit disturbing.
🪨 If you're a trainer, he's mildly interested in seeing what you battle. It's not necessarily his forte, but he can recognise skill and talent. He may even ask you to help him become better at battling. Maxie is relatively decent in his own, but other input certainly helps. If you aren't, he still prefers you have a pokemon (Numel) for protection. Who knows what those Aqua brutes will do to you if they catch you alone. That's why you should at least have a pokemon to defend yourself.
🪨 His idea of dates are a bit strange. He'll do normal things like dinner or walking somewhere scenic (so long as it doesn't involve a large body of water). These are always pleasant and sweet, but other times his idea of a date is walking through Mt. Chimney examining rock structures or staring at the lava pool within the volcano. He's so deeply fascinated with it all that you just let him have it. (He seems like the type to enjoy a geode as a gift.) He also tends to watch all the Numels you pass with intrigue.
🪨 In case it isn't obvious, he's quite a big fan of Numel and Camerupt. They're the main star of his team and his megaevolution partner. Receiving one as a gift from him means completely trust. If you're a Numel breeder… he may propose to you after a single date. Your power is something he nearly respects as much as Groudon's own.
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jokertrap-ran · 2 years
(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Charlie’s MC Birthday 2022 Facetime Call: Moment of Romance [浪漫瞬间] Translation
*Light and Night Masterlist | Charlie’s Personal Masterlist *Click “keep reading” to access video on website (works fine on mobile) *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Charlie’s tag will be #For Night, For Paradox
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Paradox⊹ —————★❖
Charlie: Have you been waiting for my call, my dear Fiancée?
Charlie: Of course, I wouldn’t forget just what day it is today.
Charlie: Shine as brightly as the stars above I may, but today’s the birthday of my dearest Fiancée— whom I love deeply.
Charlie: We’ve known each other for so long, yet I still practised this many times in a row in preparation for this special day.
Charlie: I’m making it sound too ceremonious? But, my dear Fiancée, it’s your birthday today.
Charlie: All that is beautiful in this world should unquestionably belong to you.
Charlie: Your face is red. Does that mean you’re moved? Or are you embarrassed?
Charlie: I know that you’re not drunk, of course, because I’ve already engraved how you look when you’re drunk into my mind.
Charlie: And how do I look when I’m drunk? You can wait till nighttime if you want to see how I get.
Charlie: That would be when the atmosphere is prime. With us two alone, nothing can go wrong…
Charlie: But, we do have other things to tend to before night falls.
Charlie: That’s right, I’ve made many preparations for today. In fact, I’m also a little troubled.
Charlie: It’s not that I don’t have any ideas on what to do, but the fact that I have way too many. As our relationship only serves to grow deeper, a steady stream of new ideas will only be borne out of it.
Charlie: And based on the progression of our ever-growing relationship, it’s hard to place the more bare-boned ideas.
Charlie: But thankfully, you do have a Fiancé who never fails to surprise.
Charlie: I’ve prepared a list of 5200 activities for you to choose from. You can take your time to select something from it today.
Charlie: We can go to the Movie Park and ride the roller coaster, or we can also go to a tropical island to water and nurture the tree of our love.
Charlie: The most important thing is how you want to spend the day today.
Charlie: Now, all you have to do is to think about the things you’ll enjoy doing.
Charlie: As my Fiancée, you ought to have most of the wonderful things that the world has to offer.
Charlie: Whether it be champagne, roses, or gifts, none of them should be anything to make a fuss about.
Charlie: And what I can do here is to help you fulfil all the romances you may have.
Charlie: Happy birthday, my dear Fiancée.
Charlie: Your birth must definitely be one of the most romantic moments to ever grace the earth.
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obeymeoasis · 3 years
The First Time They Say “I Love You”
At first you just did small things, like cleaning up the used coffee cups on his desk. Things that you wanted to do for him because he was so tired all the time. But after you pointed out a calculation error in a R.A.D organization’s monthly expense sheet, Lucifer started relying on you more. He often asked you to do a final scan over documents before he submitted them to Diavolo just in case he missed anything.
You found that your work styles were very similar: extremely organized, detail-oriented, and meticulous. You enjoyed spending time in Lucifer’s office. And helping him with his work meant that he got done more quickly and had more time to spend with you. 
Right now he was at his desk, furiously scanning through a stack of papers. You could tell he hadn’t slept in a while. The buttons at his throat were undone and he had dark smudges underneath his eyes. Somebody had apparently mixed up the schedule for an upcoming series of lectures and Lucifer was left to solve the problem.
You shut the door behind you slowly and carefully made your way over, trying your best to balance the tea tray and multiple folders you were holding. "Here, Luci. I brought you peppermint tea and shortbread. You should have some while you work, you look absolutely exhausted.” He looked up at you and smiled gratefully, a private smile that only you got to see. “Thank you MC, I appreciate it.”
You then handed him the thick folders. “Also, these are all of the invoices from last week’s alumni dinner party. I thought they were a bit messy to look at so I organized them into different categories based on the business and then sorted the purchases sequentially. Also, I calculated the total expenses and thankfully we were able to stay under budget.”
Lucifer's mouth was slightly ajar and his eyes widened, looking at you as if you'd done something incredibly strange. You asked self-consciously, "Is... is something on my face?"
With the same bewildered expression on his face he said "MC... I love you."
You laughed, a little startled. "Why, because I organized some files for you?"
"Well, yes. No. I mean yes and no. It's not just the files, it's everything. The way you're always thinking of me and taking care of me. The way we work well together. The way I can trust you with anything. I love you, MC. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to say so."
You felt your cheeks flush with happiness. "Well... I love you too, you know. A lot. Now hurry up and finish your work so that we can spend some actual time together."
Lucifer laughed gently and then reached to take your hand in his, pressing a delicate kiss against your fingers. "Anything for you."
You were at the casino with Mammon on a Wednesday night. On school nights he usually went alone because you were busy with homework. But tonight he looked so lonely as he headed for the door that something spurred you to put on a jacket and run after him.
When you took his hand in yours, he turned to look at you in surprise and the most radiant smile lit his face. “You’re coming with me, baby?”
The first couple of hours weren’t bad. Mammon brought you small plates of food and you were content to just watch as he flourished in his natural environment. You smiled amusedly at his antics, the way he bantered with the dealer, how he yelled in delight when he won and how pouty he became when he lost.
But pretty soon the long day of classes caught up to you and you could feel your eyelids growing heavy. You were tucked into a small table in the corner, away from the other guests but still visible to Mammon out of the corner of his eye. You figured no one would mind so you laid your arm on the table and rested your head in the crook of your arm. Within a couple of seconds, you were deep asleep.
Meanwhile, Mammon was having some of the best luck he’d had recently at the blackjack table. He turned to where you were sitting to give you a smile and boast about his winnings a little, only to have his heart clench tightly at the sight of you. 
You looked absolutely adorable, sleeping with a little smile on your face. It must have been a little cold for you in the casino because you were curled up tightly against yourself. Mammon flushed at how cute you looked and then felt a sudden rush of emotion. 
Even though you were tired, you still took the time to come out with him tonight. He knew these places weren’t really your thing but you never complained, you genuinely just wanted to be with him. And that was something Mammon wasn’t really used to.
You stirred at the sensation of Mammon draping his jacket across your shoulders. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you looked up to ask: “Hey Mams, how’s your luck been tonight?”
He stood silently for a moment before enveloping you into a sudden, crushing hug. “I-I love you, MC. I really love you.” You were startled and tried to move back to get a look at his face but Mammon wouldn’t budge. “No, don’t look at me. I’m probably super red. But I need to tell you how much I love you. I kinda realized it just now that there’s no one like you. No one who cares for me, who accepts all of me like you do. Thank you for always being here.”
You could feel tears forming in your eyes and buried your face against Mammon’s chest. “Oh, Mams. I love you too. I can’t imagine how alone you must have felt, especially the way your brothers treat you sometimes. But I’m here now, okay? I’ll always be on your side.”
You heard Mammon’s breath hitch a little before he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
You came to discover that there were a lot of little holidays in the Devildom, an occasional day or two when you didn’t have to go to classes. Sometimes you took the opportunity to travel to the human world, often to pick up small necessities or bring back foods you missed.
Today you were here to pick up something specific: strawberry preserves. You had brought back a jar from the human world recently and after having a bite, Levi had practically eaten the whole jar by himself. The preserves were the specialty of a local farm close to your house and Levi absolutely loved them.
Since you were there, you decided to pick up some different jars as well. An employee carefully packaged the jars of strawberry, peach, blueberry, and cherry preserves so that they wouldn't accidentally break on the journey. What he didn't know was that you would actually be travelling between completely different worlds.
As soon as you were back in the Devildom, you quickly made your way to Levi's room with your purchases. He was in the middle of playing a game but when he heard you come in, he turned around to welcome you back. "Hey, MC. How was your trip? What are all those boxes for?"
You opened the topmost one and showed him the little glass jar with the floral pattern on the lid. "I picked more of these up for you today, along with some other flavors I thought it would be nice to try."
Upon recognizing what it was, Levi immediately set down his controller. "MC, this is awesome! I love you!" You froze in shock at his words and it took Levi a couple of seconds before he realized what he had said. He too froze so that the two of you stood there, Levi bright red, neither moving or speaking.
Levi was the one to eventually break the silence. "I-I didn't mean that! Ignore me just now! I don't know what I'm saying." Your heart sank in disappointment. You had merely been shocked that Levi felt the same way about you as you did him. But now he was saying he didn't mean it?
Your disappointment must have been evident on your face because Levi stammered out, "I-I mean, I do mean it! It's just- aargh, this isn't how I wanted to say- Ugh, I don't know what to-" You decided it was best to just be upfront with him. "Listen Levi, I love you a lot. Have for a while now. Can I ask you how you feel about me?"
If he was bright red before, Levi's face looked almost neon red now. He stared at you open mouthed, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You- You love me? Really? You aren't making fun of me or something?" You couldn't help but huff in response. "Levi, am I seriously the type of person who would make fun of you about this?"
It seemed to finally sink in for him then. "No, no you're not. MC, I- I love you too. Ah, I can't believe I said it out loud!" He clapped his hands over his mouth and you giggled at how adorably flustered he looked.
"Hey Levi, now that we know how we feel about each other, is it okay if I give you a kiss?" Levi practically fainted then, and you had to run down to the kitchens to get him a glass of water.
Satan was used to being alone. None of his brothers or classmates really shared any of his interests and he found that he much preferred being by himself. He was always too engrossed with his books and research that he never considered himself to be lonely.
That is, until he met you. You were somehow able to slowly inch yourself into his heart and without realizing it had become the most important person to him.
The other day, he found a funny quote in one of the novels he was reading and made a note of it to show you later. Then he started thinking about how much his daily routine included you in some way. You had classes together, ate meals together, talked and laughed together, and read late into the night together, enjoying each other’s company.
He realized that he was a lot happier now. Not that he was exactly unhappy before, but it was different with you. He was a lot more relaxed, more prone to smile and laugh. And a lot of it had to do with your influence and the time you spent together.
You were both reading in his room. There was a comfortable, relaxing silence and the atmosphere was especially cozy because of all the lit candles. You had prepared a tray for Satan: a plate of rosemary biscuits and a pot of black tea to wash them down with. This was another thing he appreciated about you; you were always taking care of him.
Both of you were engrossed in your books for a while, until suddenly you could feel Satan staring at you. You marked the page you were on and turned to him, a smile playing on your lips. “Is there something I can help you with?”
He looked at you for a few moments, unsmiling. You frowned, thinking there was something wrong, but before you could say anything Satan said “I just wanted to let you know that I love you dearly.”
You were surprised to say the least. Satan wasn’t really the type to talk about his feelings this explicitly. But after the initial shock, you realized how happy you were that the person you loved felt the same way about you. Satan didn’t let people into his life and into his heart that easily.
It was only when you heard Satan say “Oh love, I didn’t mean to make you cry” that you realized tears were streaming down your cheeks. You put down your book and practically flung yourself into his arms. He hugged you back tightly and waited until you were calm enough to speak. “I love you too Satan, so much. You mean the absolute world to me.”
You laughed wetly, thinking it funny that you were crying during one of the happiest moments of your life. Satan smiled at you fondly before handing you a handkerchief so that you could dry your eyes. 
You spent the rest of the night in his lap, smiling and giggling as he attempted to read you a story out loud.
These kinds of days rarely happened, but they happened nonetheless. Mean, ugly days when no matter what outfit he tried on, it didn’t look right. No matter how much time he put into styling his hair, it just looked flat and dull. And his makeup seemed to refuse to cooperate with what he had in mind.
On these kinds of days Asmo locked himself in his room under the pretense of “needing self-care”. He hated having to speak with others because their usual compliments just sounded mocking and fake to his ears.
Asmo remembered an incident when one of his admirers had complimented his hairstyle and he had snapped at her furiously: “Shut up! Don’t make fun of me!” before storming away. He was incredibly embarrassed about it and apologized profusely to her. Since then, he figured it was safer to just hide out in his room.
But it was hard to be alone in his room when you were already there. You knew something was up with Asmo when you texted him saying "Hey, could you help me pick out a new coat?" and he replied with "Maybe another time, sorry darling!" He would have never refused an opportunity to go shopping with you.
So you raced to his room after classes and thankfully managed to slip in while Asmo was in the kitchen gathering some snacks. When he saw you standing in his room you could see he struggled to act nonchalant. "Darling! I didn't know you'd be here. I'm sorry, but I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. I wouldn't want you to catch anything so it'd probably be best if you went to your room."
Your heart clenched at the blatant lie. "Oh Asmo, I'll leave if you really want to be alone. But just know that I'm here for you. Whatever it is, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I want to be your strength."
You could see the conflict in Asmo's eyes as he stood quietly for a couple of minutes. You were about to turn around and leave, giving him some alone time, but he suddenly blurted out "I feel ugly today. I feel disgusting and horrible and hideous."
Asmo closed his eyes, embarrassed at his outburst and also dreading what inevitably came next: empty compliments and false flattery. He didn't want to be told he was beautiful when he didn't believe it.
But instead, you surprised him by enveloping him in a strong embrace. You alternated between gently patting his back and smoothing his hair and were rewarded with feeling the tension leave his body. You didn’t say anything, just continued to hold Asmo and wipe away the few stray tears on his cheeks.
Eventually you moved him to his bed, Asmo’s head lying on your chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. You weren’t sure how much time had passed but he seemed to be much calmer. He tilted his head up to look at you, his eyes searching your face, before almost whispering “I love you”. Your eyes widened in surprise. “You seem to always know what to do, MC, how to put me back together again. You’re honest with me and you actually listen to what I’m saying. I love you. Please stay with me forever.”
The two of you fell asleep like that, Asmo’s head on your chest and your hands intertwined. 
Beel was a bit nervous, considering this was one of the most important Fangol games he had ever played in. Not only was it against their rival school, but also Beel’s coach had let him know that there would be scouters from the professional league coming to watch for potential talent.
It was too bad that you wouldn’t be able to watch him play. He considered you a very important part of his game-day routine. In the morning, you always made him a hearty breakfast and at the pre-game warmup, he frequently went to you for kisses and headpats. He considered you to be his good luck charm.
Unfortunately, you weren’t feeling well. You kept having bad stomach pain and the doctor had said it was probably your body reacting to some unfamiliar Devildom food. You were currently lying down in your room with a heating pad on and some warm green tea.
Beel missed you terribly. It had only been a few hours since he had last seen you but he couldn’t help but feel lonely. You were always there shouting and cheering for him on game days which made your absence feel that much larger.
His teammates and coaches could tell that something was off with him. They kept coming by to ruffle his hair or pat him on the shoulder and ask, “Is everything okay?” and “Don’t worry, you’ll do great!” 
Beel knew he was being silly. He would go see you right after the game! And yet his heart wasn’t in it during the pre-game stretches. He kept spacing out and staring at the wall instead of actually getting ready.
Suddenly, one of the assistant coaches came into the room. “Beel! MC is here! Now hurry up and stop moping around!” He saw you behind the coach looking a bit uncomfortable, your stomach must have still been bothering you. But you were also smiling at your little surprise.
Beel ran up to you and hugged you gently. “MC! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in bed? Are you okay? Are you feeling better?” You laughed at his barrage of questions before reaching up on your tip-toes to give him a pat on his head. “I’m still in a bit of pain but I wanted to be here. I couldn’t miss such an important game! Now what’s this about you moping around?”
Beel blushed and ducked his head before mumbling, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” You laughed again and Beel’s heart soared at the sound. He was suddenly struck with the realization of how much he loved you. You, who always had his back, who was always there to support him and motivate him. 
He wrapped his arms around you and whispered in your ear, “Thanks for being here, MC. I love you so much, you know. Sometimes it feels like my heart is going to burst.” Your arms tightened around him in response. “I feel the same way Beel, I love you so much. Now go and win this game, okay? Show them how amazing you are.”
After the game, Beel was surrounded by his coaches excitedly telling him about how many scouters were interested in seeing him play again. But all Beel could think about was having you in his arms again.
It occurred to Belphie one day after class as he was walking down the hallway. There was a couple leaning against the locker, engaged in a full display of public affection. They kept giggling and yelling “I love you!” at each other. Belphie fake gagged a little before moving past them.
But then it occurred to him. Is that kind of thing something... you wanted? Your relationship was relatively new both in terms of time and in that this was something Belphie wasn’t really experienced with. You were one of the people that knew him best though, apart from his brothers, and Belphie had just assumed that it would be okay to continue acting as he had always had around you.
What if secretly this was something you wanted as well? All of the endearments and displays of affection. Belphie hadn’t even- hadn’t even said the “L” word to you yet. This continued to trouble him even as he lied down for his afternoon nap. In his dreams he kept seeing visions of you crying while looking on enviously at other couples and asking, “Why can’t we be like that?”
By the time he sat down at dinner, Belphie was exhausted. And you of course noticed, especially since he was eating a lot less than he normally did. After dinner the two of you made your way to his room, where you were getting out some textbooks to study and he lied back down on his bed. “Hey Belphie, is everything okay? You seem a lot more listless than usual.
Belphie stared at you, contemplating whether to tell you what was going on. But in the end he decided against it. “It’s nothing, MC. Don’t worry about it.” His voice definitely didn’t sound like it was nothing. “Okay, Belphie. But let me know if you want to talk about anything, okay? I’m always here.”
For the next hour or so, you studied for your classes while Belphie tormented himself. He did love you. But he wasn’t good at expressing his feelings, especially in the way the couple in the hall had. What if that now you were dating, you expected him to change? Would he even be able to? Frustrated at the swirling questions in his mind, Belphie ended up blurting out “I love you!” to your back.
You turned around in your chair slowly, surprised at his sudden intensity. “I... love you too. Belphie, is everything okay? You’ve been acting strange all day.” He sighed. “MC, you know what kind of demon I am. I’m not good at all the... lovey-dovey stuff that other couples do. But if that’s what you want, I can at least try to be different.”
You shook your head. “I... honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I know how you feel about me, Belphie. I don’t need you to be like “the other couples” because I fell in love with you and who you are. I don’t expect you to be someone you’re not. Where are you even getting the idea that I want something other than what we have?”
Ah, Belphie really did love you. There was no one else in the world that knew him so completely and still loved and accepted all parts of him. And... he just realized that he had said “I love you” for the first time by practically shouting it while your back was turned.
He got up and stood next to his desk. You were sitting and looking up at him, concern evident on your face. He smiled and leaned down to kiss you gently before mouthing against your lips, “I love you, MC.”
You could feel how hot your cheeks were as he moved away and went to lie back down on his bed. You pretended to be unbothered, flipping randomly through your textbook, but none of the words made any sense. You mumbled under your breath, “”You’re pretty good at lovey-dovey stuff.”
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wrong-melody · 3 years
Teen!Hanma, General Headcanons
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Chatacter: Hanma Shuji (16 years old)
Pairing: Hanma x Female Reader
Type: SFW.
TW: None, headcanons are based on what I personally think and my own analysis، they aren't necessary right and I don't force them on anyone.
Hair + Hanma 
He would be the type who walks beside you and pulls your hair hard enough for you to be irritated and laugh at your reaction.
He would take your hair tie and wouldn't give it back until you beg, but even if you did, he might just say "you know what? I will use it. Go find another one". Even if it was pink in color with a cute butterfly or unicorn, no matter how it looks, he would use it on his hair at the same moment and good luck for your short hands to reach his head.
If you decided to style your hair and work hard on it, expect him to mess with it at one point through your day "you look better with messy hair". It is his way of giving compliments and probably he wanted to touch it. 
Annoying small things + Hanma 
If you wear bras, he would pull the straps because he likes the sound of the 'smack' it makes when it goes back to your body. But Shuji doesn't know how much that hurts sometimes. 
You two are drinking (coffee, soda, juice etc) but you need to use the washroom and so you gave him your cup ? Of course your drink mysteriously is half way or almost finished. He even wouldn't know which cup is for who if you bought the same drinks. Don't be angry, it is unintentional. He just doesn't mind really even if you drink his. 
Take your eyes off of your plate for a second and some meat is messing. Yes. It is intentional this time and he is as quick as a ninja. Bring it to him and he would shrug it off "seriously? I just saw you eat it and now you accuse me? Lets not start a food war and eat like decent civilians". You would question your memory many times.
He would extend his foot in front of you so you would trip over it and almost kiss the ground and break your teeth, but catches you on time every time, thankfully. He just wants to feel your warmth without asking and causes little harmless heart attacks. He lives on your reactions. 
If you have younger siblings I feel like he would have difficult times dealing with them, mostly because they are scared of this giant human, and for him, they aren't fun. You know that mentality that "I'm 16 years old. How do you think I can keep up with children? They are boring" (said your childish boyfriend). but one day your siblings are being brats and annoying more than usual ?? Believe me, Hanma took the lead and this is how they opened up to each other 😂. He would trick them into telling him all your embarrassing stories. Kids don't lie so you can keep denying as much as you want, he won't even listen to you. "Your little sibling told me you make their ears bleed becoz of your terrible singing skills. I wanna a free concert. Do one for me". He will annoy the hell out of you to sing for him but don't give in. If you did, you will be recorded and your amazing performance is gonna be his ringtone 😂.
Cooking + Hanma
Hopefully we are all agree that Hanma can't cook. He lives alone and probably his refrigerator only has water bottles or cheep bears. If you wanna visit, please pass by the grocery store first. He absoulty knows nothing about cooking but that doesn't mean he can't have opinions "I don't think this is how you are supposed to cut carrots, they aren't even in shape, your cooking skills suck as mine" just because one peice of carrot is a little bigger than the others. There is one time when he messed up the spices and your food had a questionable taste, he 100% blamed your skills. But seriously, he eats all things you cook even if you weren't the best at cooking in the first place. I don't see him as a picky eater but he has clear preferences. He would ask to be taught the easist things that can be done because cooking is boring. He isn't gonna waste time on it if he can quickly make something to live on. If you were baking a cake or cupcakes he will annoy you to ice it himself. Drawing skuls, writing HANMA, he will just be creative with his ugly icing but "it doesn't matter how it looks if it tastes delecious, right?" And you can't beat this logic. He would want to cook with you. See, keyword is (with you), which means him doing nothing but annoying you. Its gonna be fun though 😂.
Danger + Hanma 
He will persuade you to do things you have never done. "Skip the last class, you are just going home 1 hour earlier, it's not a big deal". Your parents told you must be home by 11 sharp ? He will try to make you go back by 11:30 "C'mon, thirty minutes aren't a big deal. Just tell them you lost track of time"
You would watch him buying beers/alcohol and no one is checking his ID. You can't be almost 2 meters tall and have tattoos if you are just 16, right? It's impossible, right?
He will convince you to try smoking and drinking with him even if you denied him few times. He would bring it up.  
Late night drives are about you on the back of his bike and him driving over the speed and skipping the red lights. 
There was a time when a police car chased both of you to give you a speeding ticket but they never caught you, thanks to him for being an expert of the small alleys and shortcuts. 
It was worth the thrill, the nice warm air and the bond that is getting stronger between you and him. Nights and days like these are many when he can't find any interesting fights. 
Animals + Hanma 
I mentioned that on my fiction but 10000% will hand you a small frog 🐸 because you just look similar to this creature. Not that you are disgusting don't get him wrong but you are just as tiny 🥺 "see, they look like you. Cute little thing" that's what he says but the truth is for teasing purposes. If you don't like frogs and started to run away, be sure he is running after you with the devil in his hands. 
I personally believe he prefers bigger dogs rather than smaller ones but surprisingly he has a good relationship with animals. I just don't see him having pets because 1: he can't afford the money and time for them 2: he is irresponsible and he is aware of that. 
But say you have your own pet, he would play with them and they would like him. He would ask you about their care routine and show interests but that's it. He will go with you if its time to walk your dog for example, and he might do it himself. He is generally nice to animals in comparison to humans.
This is why he gives me the vibes that he would catch small frogs after the rain, talk to them sometimes, tell them all his thoughts and secrets until they jump from his hand, they can live on their own and they don't get attached to humans.
But he would dislike spiders and insects. 
Pictures + Hanma 
He would take pictures of you when you aren't paying attention. He will capture almost all of your facial expressions. But he will only show you (or blackmail you) the most embarrassing pictures of you. Picture of you drooling, having some food between your teeth, spacing out with your mouth open, there are many. You won't know about the nice pictures of you at all, that would just expose how soft he can be and soft Hanma is hidden most of the time. 
Hanma is 192 cm tall. So taking selfies with him depends on you. If you are 170+ cm you are just .. as tall (😂 said the 157 tall writer) so taking selfies isn't a problem but if you are shorter then we have different stories.
You need to ask him if you want to take selfies because with your short hands he won't be on the camera range, so he has to either take them by himself or he bends a little bit down to reach your height and be on the camera (he always tell you that he is gonna break his back because of you being VERY short 😂). Or you have to stand on a chair or a box. 
Period/catching cold or illnes + Hanma 
He would be quiet around you when you are sick and catch cold, "its no fun when you are sick, get well" his teasing levels will go from 100 to 85 for you just this time 😂. See how special you are? You should be thankful he isn't annoying you and hiding the tissue box somewhere in the room.
but always mixes your cold medication with your yummy soup and ruin its taste. His intention is under question. To tease you or he really wants you to get well ? You never know.
The teasing level will go lower than that depending on the severity of your illness. If it's more than cold, he would visit you more if it's something serious. 
If you were to be hospitalized, he would come every other day and will always tell you stories about what he does "and in the end, you better get well soon to rule the world with me". 
If you are on your period he will be gentle (according to the gentle definition in Hanma's dictionary)
He is a giant human heater by default so heating pads are unnecessary when his hands are on top of your lower stomach.
You aren't in the mood to talk? You wanna silence ? You have it. 30 minutes maximum before he breaks it with a silly joke. As expected from Hanma.
If your emotions are all over the place in these days, he will try his best to tone down his annoying jokes and behaviors. keyword again: tries.
Study/school + Hanma 
Boy has dropped school, so if you are peacefully studying at home he will visit "Two brains preparing for a test is better than one right?" That's what he said but he just sits beside you and colors the black and white pictures in your textbook, draws random stuff, writes his initials and "I ♡ H" or " I LOVE SHUJI" on every page of your books/notebooks. You know how in kindergarten parents write their phone numbers in the first page of notebooks under their kids full name and class number? Shuju will write his number under your name as if you were a kindergarten kid. Oh? you are a high school student and you don't write your name anymore? Don't worry he will write your name for you and his phone number, just in case you got lost you know.
He would distract you with silly stories, videos, memes, you name it. And will ask you to take a snake break every 10 minutes. Probably he came to your home to eat food ? Probably.
He would take your pens away. If you are allowed to use a calculator in your school, he might play with it until he change its settings and you have no idea how to set it back. 
"lemme see what the hell you are studying. if X+10 =10 then find the value of X. Can we change X to H ? If Hanma fought 10 guys we will have 10 dead bodies. So the value H is so strong"
If you study something that requires a lot of your memory space like History or Literature, for example, you need to study about how kingdom X was destroyed by a Kingdom Y, he will create his own version of that history and that's what you will remember, Hanma's version. Good luck in the test. The teacher might praise your creativity for creating a new the history of these kingdoms.
You both would laugh at his lame jokes and suddenly the moon is in the sky and you studied nothing. Of course it is not his fault at all. He was just helping you, to make sure you aren't so stressed and relaxing.
If you scored bad on a test "you know you can always set the school on fire, I will help you" he is trying to make you laugh + comfort you at the same time. Clever Hanma.
Say you have a bad relationship with a teacher, they are being mean to you, Hanma would walk you to school just to see that teacher, and he will find ways to prank them. He will find their car/bicycle and break their tires, or attach a fake parking ticket, he will show his graffiti talent on their cars. He will write SHINIGAMI with red spray and the whole school will think the teacher has been cursed. Hanma is smart enough to not be caught on the car camera tho, so the SHINIGAMI remains a mystery.
Emotions + Hanma 
You would have your moment of silence amd they are comfortable.
He wouldn't mind having quiet times. He appreciates silence and would be a great listener if you needed to talk. 
If things were serious, he would listen and catch between the lines sometimes. 
He would have days when he is being very quiet. Very very quiet. 100% unlike his usual self. Days when his brain is full of thoughts and he is having a time with himself to think.
And when he has these days, he will kind of isolate himself from everyone and be somehow distant from you. 
He doesn't really know how to approach his own emotions so he might struggle with yours too. But the more you are together, the more he learns about you and himself. 
He would joke around his pain and laugh at himself sometimes just to not show you how hurt he is. You have to read between the lines to know what's hidden behind these jokes.
But he can snap and everything will overflow.
You already know how Happy-Hanma looks like and how Angry-Hanma looks like. He wouldn't try to hide his anger. His presence would feel different anyway, the atmosphere around him or his aura would feel different too. You will know and he will make it clear that he is angry without saying a word. 
It depends on the reasons and the causes but I don't think Hanma would be violent towards you as the first thing to do if he is angry. 
He might get calm if you insert some logic into his mind but as I said he can snap and be violent. 
He can break things, but that doesn't happen a lot. He would prefer to get himself into more violent or bloody fights until he calms down. 
Or at least until his physical pain from fights is stronger than all the emotions he has at these moments. 
I don't see him as the type to apologize, at least not by words. Actions speak louder for him. He would do the little things you like, his first attempt is to tell some jokes which would fail of course. But give him the chance to try, he knows when he has messed up and he will try in his own ways to make it up for you. 
I don't see him to be the type who would be quick to get attached to people for sure, but he would have difficult times dealing with any breakups or death of those who he considers close (did you see how he reacted to what happened to Kisaki? I won't say they have a nice friendship but hey he won't react like that if Kisaki wasn't close to that extent for him). Things would be more difficult once he realizes how empty his life is, and how your presence can fill it. But it is also when he realizes that how shitty he is as a person and that deep down he is not the best. Far away from it. There would be the conflicts inside of him no matter how much you assure him.
But as he gets older, he would stop doing most of the above. He used to joke about himself and laugh at his own pain? He would stop at one point. Not because he doesn't want to, or because he became mature and learned to handle his hurt self better, but because he couldn't, anymore. (Present age Hanma in all timelines). 
As he gets older, he wouldn't talk much about himself as he used to. Not about him keeping secrets (which he does anyway) but he changes the directions of the conversations to be more about you and less about him. More about your days and work and less about his. He does it a lot without you realizing that. And really if you have a long time relationship with him, at one point you would realize that you don't know him well or at all, and all the things you have known are just from his past self that doesn't exist anymore and the unresolved inner conflicts from his younger self would evovle into something more miserable, and this is a red flag because that where his manuplsntion tactics are coming from.
As he gets older, he would be more quiet. I think this is true seeing how he acts in all the timeskips but that comes with the things that used to cause adrenaline rush into him. 
The things that used to be fun aren't fun anymore, which means he seeks his adrenaline from something else, more dangerous and crazier things that are harmful for himself and everyone around too. 
I think General adult Hanma headcanons deserve its own post. I'm thinking to write that but tell me if you are interested.
Feedbacks are appreciated
Thank you for reading.  
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 years
Hey uh I don’t know if this is where you request but hi I hope you’re having a good day, I was wondering if you could do velvet cookie and a GN! S/o who showers him with love and affection ty!!
you’ve come to the right place! I’m doing okay minor some unproductive days where I watch stuff in hopes of sparks of inspiration.
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I like to think that red velvet is insecure of his cake hand but acts as though he isn’t though there would be days where he’d stare at it with judgment, resentment and insecurity that it hurt you to see him like this knowing that he had to deal with his struggles alone without anyone to comfort him other then his cake hounds but your pretty sure he can’t understand them and they can’t understand him. So in order to make up for them lonely days you would rush to his side, grab his cake hand and prep kisses along it, whispering sweet nothings against its sweet surface to show that no matter how much he would change you would still love him none the less because he’s still red velvet cookie; the cheeky bastard who’d unexplainably let’s his cake hounds sit at the table during dinner.
Additional to you prepping his hand with kisses and sweet nothings I also believe he’s a touch started pup in the sense that he would love nothing more then to stay within your warm arms on a drowsy morning in bed but he was too stiff, too awkward to ask you but thankfully for him you could tell what he wanted as he was akin to an open book whenever it came to wanting something he was foreign to that all you had to do was smile softly at him and open your arms invitingly then wait for him to shuffle his way into your arms; his head resting in the crook of your neck as his breath fans out against your skin while his arms laid loosely at your sides as though he was scared he might injure you in some way. When you fell asleep against his shoulder Velvet thought he was dreaming but was made aware he was in reality when you would sigh softly, your warm breath brushing against his collar bone, slumbering peacefully it was a miracle for him that you’d find him comfortable enough to sleep against completely vulnerable it only made him more protective over you.
Every morning without fail you began a tradition for yourself to always hug Velvet from behind as he makes breakfast for you and the cake pups as it was very rare you’d find the rough and touch cookie doing anything remotely domestic that it was made all the more special when you caught him in the act of being domestic and the only way you could express your happiness was to hold him in your arms and rest your head on his shoulder, giggling when you felt the muscles stiffen beneath your touch momentarily until you prepped kisses at the base of his neck reassuringly. Red velvet would be in denial that you found him reassuring or comforting I mean look at him! He’s the type of dude you wouldn’t be caught dead in an alleyway with on a dark night! So whenever he would voice his thoughts he was never let down by your response as it was something he felt that he could listen to forever if it came from your mouth as it just sounded so much sweeter. You would say “Velvet, whatever negative thoughts you may have within that head of yours I will try my hardest to banish for your life forever because no matter how bad your thoughts may get my love for you is stronger. With you I know I’m protected. With you I know I’m being treated like an equal that I would be with anyone else. Please don’t doubt yourself on how I’d perceive you because how I perceive you isn’t important. You may think it is but in reality the only persons perception you’ve got to listen to is your own and yours alone because you are worth my love and so much more.”
You’d help him with self love and self healing but know that it’s something he should do on his own as both of your experiences are vastly different and that meant taking different routes of self healing in order to better yourselves but that doesn’t mean you don’t cheer each other on in your own ways. Overall it’s cute and I’m jealousy cuz domestic mornings are my shit.
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tacticaldiary · 4 years
Having a relationship w/ Oikawa based on a bet and the gf heard it when the seijoh 4 talked about it making oikawa panicked when he knows his gf heard it.. ahh angst to fluff? Hehe thank youuuu
This was fun to write. :)
Betting on You
Pairing: Reader x Oikawa Tooru
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, a lil fluff
He couldn’t lose her, anyone but her. He shouldn’t have accepted the bet. Needless to say, Oikawa Tooru has a lot of regrets right now. Opening up and being vulnerable to his partner was thankfully not one of them, even if it had ended up with them crying in each others arms. 
Mumbling incoherently, Y/N reaches out next to her in the bed, trying to find the warm body that usually occupied the space next her. Frowning when she feels only the bedsheets, she opens her eyes and squints. There’s no one next to her. 
“Tooru?” she mutters softly, yawning and sitting up. He was always there, clinging to her, holding her close. Strange. She decides to wait for him, wanting his warmth to fall asleep with. The guy was like a living heater, which was useful during cold winter nights like this one. 
Twenty minutes pass and he still doesn’t come back. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N sighs and pulls herself to the edge of the bed, slipping on a pair of slippers. She shivers a little when the cold air hits her skin, but continues slowly towards the door to their shared bedroom. Opening it with a quiet creak, she immediately hears voices. A little confused, she quietly keeps walking, stopping at the doorway to the living room. 
She tilts her head in confusion when she sees Tooru laying on the couch, tapping away at his phone. It appears he’s on a voice call on speaker. 
“Almost three months.”
“Honestly, none of us expected you to last this long.”
Her eyes widen as she hears familiar voices. Matsukawa and Hanamaki?
“You’re still keeping him to that?” Iwaizumi? What were they doing this late at night? The clock on the wall tells her it’s 2 in the morning. 
“Obviously. I thought the money was pretty much guaranteed.”
“Can you blame us? He’s never kept someone around for more than a month.”
“Shut up.” Tooru's quiet voice reaches her ears. What money? What was going on?
“You’re not going to win.” comes Iwaizumi’s annoyed voice. “It’s Y/N.”
“Yeah, but before her it was also Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan and Aiko-Chan and-”
“Alright, I get it. Iwa-Chan’s the only one who’s on my side.” he pouts, cutting off Hanamaki’s annoying high-pitched imitation of him. 
“We still don’t know why. You’re obviously going to lose the bet. It’s inevitable.” Matsukawa claim confidently
“I’ll win in a few days, if you haven’t noticed. Nothing’s gonna happen in a few days.” Tooru rolls his eyes.
“And then you’ll dump her?”
Y/N suddenly feels cold, and it has nothing to do with the weather. Dump her? Bet? WHat was going on? Her mind was racing. Tooru hadn’t indicated that he was unhappy, or wanted to break up. He was always telling her how much he loved her. Was he lying? She felt a little sick at the thought.
“Yeah, the bet was to keep someone around for more than three months. You’ll be done in a few days. What’re you gonna do then?”
“A bet?” she says aloud, her voice hollow with shock.
Tooru jumps and drops his phone, quickly turning around to see his girlfriend looking at him in horror. 
“Y-Y/N-Chan...” he scrambles to his feet and ends the call, wondering how much she had heard. “I thought you were asleep?” he quickly moves towards her, reaching out to touch her shoulder. He freezes when she backs away, shaking her head in disbelief. 
“A bet, Tooru? A bet?” 
“What-? Wait, Y/N...it’s not what you think-”
“Keep me around? You were dating me for a...bet?” her voice starts shaking a little, as she remembers how mere hours ago, he was holding her, assuring her how much he loved her.
“No! I-”
“Am I a game to you? A bet? Are you fucking kidding me?” She nearly laughs, because of course he would only date her for a bet. Of course. 
He frantically shakes his head, reaching out for her again, but thinking better of it when he glares at him with eyes full of unshed tears. His eyes widened. This wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. “Y/N-Chan, listen to me, please, let me explain.” he sounds panicked. 
She clenches her jaw. “I should have seen this coming. Of course the Oikawa Tooru wouldn’t go out with someone like me.” She lets out a bitter chuckle at his stunned expression. Before he can interrupt, she pushes on. “Why would you, when you have girls, so much more perfect than me, throwing themselves at your feet all the time?”
“Y/N-” he’s trying desperately to get a word in, wincing when she raises her voice to overpower his. 
“Mika-Chan and Yui-Chan and Hina-Chan.” she imitates, recalling the phone call. Tears she’s tried to keep at bay finally start trickling down and Oikawa’s heart twists painfully, knowing that he was the one who caused it. “Obviously, the only reason you’d consider me was because of a bet, a fucking bet, Tooru.” she cries out angrily. 
“Y/N-Chan, listen to me.” he says seriously, grabbing her shoulder and looking her in the eyes. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the beginning. The bet means nothing to me.”
Her next word feel like a punch to the gut. 
“Bullshit.” she whispers, before repeating herself louder. “Utter bullshit. You never loved me.”
“I did, I do!” he insists. 
“If you did, it wouldn’t have taken a bet for you to ask me out!” she roughly shoves his hands off her. Taking a deep breath, forcing herself to ignore his hurt look. “It’s my fault too, isn’t it? I should’ve known better than to accept dating the Oikawa Tooru, the school heartthrob, notorious for playing around.” her words are laced with venom and self-pity. “There’s always gonna be someone better. Someone prettier, skinner, funnier. I was stupid for thinking you would ever fall for me.” All her insecurities come spilling out, accumulated from months of dating him, enduring the comments whispered under the breath by jealous students, girls openly flirting with her boyfriend. She was stupid to think she would ever be enough.
Pushing past him, wiping her sleeves across her eyes, she storms back into the bedroom, Oikawa at her heels behind her. She grabs her pillow and a blanket, turning back around and moving to the couch in the living room. She does her best to ignore her boyfriend's desperate attempts to gain her attention, begging her to give him a chance to explain. She sets up the items and lays on the couch, pulling the blanket to her chin and turning to face the back of the couch.
She refused to sleep anywhere near him. When he doesn’t stop talking she says coldly:
“Leave me alone. I want nothing to do with you.”
She pauses. “No?”
“Not until you hear me out.” He crosses his arms.
“I’ve heard enough.”
“It’s a misunderstanding. If you’d just let me explain-”
“I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”
He was dreading that. He really does love her, so fucking much. He doesn't want to lose her.
“I’m going to sleep.” She had never spoken to him in that tone before.
She hears a sigh after a few moments of silence, in which he realises that she was going to be stubborn till the end. Y/N hears him walk away and she buries her face in the blanket, silently crying to herself. She freezes when she hears the bedroom door close with a ‘click’ and footsteps approaching her. She turns around a little, to see Oikawa sitting at the foot of the couch with his own blanket and pillow. He doesn’t look at her, focusing on fluffing his pillow and pulling his thicker, warmer quilt over himself. He was equally as stubborn and wasn’t going to leave her alone like this.
She scoffs and settles back down again, still crying. If he notices, he doesn’t comment on it. The two lay in silence for a good thirty minutes. Y/N had stopped crying, but was still awake because how the hell was she supposed to fall asleep after what she had learnt? 
She’s startled when she suddenly hears Oikawa’s soft voice. “I love you, you know? I really do. Ever since I saw you in Chemistry last year. You caught my eye so quickly, and I flirted with you for weeks before you got the hint.” he laughs breathily. “You didn’t want my attention like everyone else, and I was curious. It felt different to be the one trying to get someone else’s attention.” he takes a deep breath, and she realises with a start that she’s never heard him this vulnerable. He probably thinks she’s asleep. 
“I was planning to ask you out before and I told the others and they laughed at me.” he frowns at the memory. “The assholes thought I was kidding, that I wasn’t serious. Iwa-Chan was the only one who took it seriously. I don’t blame them, cause I’d only ever dated for fun before.” He breathes in deeply again, steadying his voice and Y/N’s eyes widen when she realizes he’s holding back tears. 
“So when they bet that I couldn't last more than 3 months with you, I agreed, but only because I was going to ask you out anyway, and I intended on staying as long as I could. As long as you’d let me stay by your side.” He lets out a sad, watery chuckle, and Y/N feels her stomach drop. She never wanted to hear that sound from him again.
“I...shit, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t. You’re the only one for me. I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.” A strangled, muffled sob, reaches her ears, and it takes all of her willpower to remain still. 
“I’m serious about you...about us. You’re not a game, you never were. I just wanted to be with you. I want to be able to hold you again.” another muffled cry, as he buries his face in his hands. He’d never willingly let anyone see himself like this, not even Y/N. He was glad she was asleep. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, princess.” he stays where he is, sitting up leaning back on the couch, calming himself down, letting out soft hiccups every now and then. 
Y/N is wide awake, thinking over his words. They had to be genuine, right? He had no idea she was awake. He had sounded so...real and vulnerable, nothing like the strong façade he usually put up in front of others. Taking her chances, she discreetly moves, eyes widening when she sees the state he’s in. 
One of his hands is over his mouth, muffling his small sobs, Y/N wants to cry as she realises it’s probably so he doesn’t wake her up. His other hand is clenched tightly in his brown hair, his knees drawn to his chest. His face was blotchy and red and wet with tears. She’s never seen him like this. She moves and he doesn’t notice. 
Sitting directly behind him, she gently grabs the hand in his hair, to which he nearly jumps out of his skin. Y/N would usually laugh at the reaction, if not for the way he was looking up at her. She eases his hand out of his hair and holds it, tugging him up to the couch. He hesitates, before climbing up, sitting on the cushion next to her. 
“You-” his voice wavers, and he tries again. “You were awake?”
She nods, glancing at their connected hands, before staring at the ground. She hears his sharply take in a breath. 
“Y/N...love, I meant it. I meant every word, I swear.” 
“We’ll talk tomorrow.” she mumbles, tugging on his hand again, until they're both laying on the couch. She reaches over and grabs Oikawa’s quilt and pulls it on the two of them. She relaxes against him when his arms automatically wind around her waist and he buries his face in her hair, pressing small kisses on her. Each was an unspoken apology. 
She knows he’s crying when she feels the tears hit her skin. 
He knows she’s crying when he can feel her shaky, irregular breaths.
They lay there, eventually falling asleep clutching each other tightly, both of them hurting on the inside. They would have to have a serious talk tomorrow, but both had a blooming hope that they would pull through. 
Requests are open and Welcome. Thanks for reading!
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extasiswings · 3 years
15 + buddie
15. "Shouldn't you be with her?" On ao3 here.
When Eddie is eleven, his class gets a new student. Her name is Maria Esparza and her family is from Arizona. She has dark curls that look like they would be soft to touch and a smattering of freckles across her nose and she’s so smart—always reading and forever raising her hand in class, always with the right answers—but she never acts stuck up about it.
He thinks she’s beautiful and when he gets home from the first day of school he promptly announces that he’s in love. He doesn’t understand why his mother laughs or why Sophia rolls her eyes and calls him an idiot when he’s perfectly serious.
He’s in love, he insists, and goes on believing it for three whole weeks until he gets up the courage to give Maria a flower at recess and she looks at him like he has two heads. The rejection smarts for a couple of days, but then he’s fine. So, he figures...maybe it wasn’t love after all.
Eddie is fifteen when he finds his eyes slipping too frequently to Diego Reed in autoshop, lingering on the other boy’s long, dexterous fingers, his forearms, the sharp edge of his jaw. Eddie can’t explain it, he just knows those stolen glances make him squirm, make him flush, make him feel too warm and like his very skin is too tight.
Diego steals Eddie’s first kiss two weeks before winter break, pushes him up against the back wall of the shop where they’re hidden by a truck and licks into his mouth with a confidence that Eddie can’t imagine ever having when he himself can’t even figure out what to do with his hands. But it makes his knees weak and leaves him breathless and panting when Diego pulls away with a smirk and tells him not to say anything.
It’s not love—for one thing, Eddie knows he’s not supposed to love boys, and for another, the only time he suggests it might be anything at all, Diego gives him the same look Maria had once upon a time and walks away—but it’s nothing he’s ever felt before. The next year, Angelica Phelan asks him to go to the winter formal and he gets to second base in the science lab when they slip away from the chaperones. It’s different from kissing Diego. But it’s just as good, he enjoys it just as much, and part of him is…relieved.
He doesn’t think about that too much.
Eddie is eighteen when he’s not watching where he’s going and runs directly into his future on the sidewalk. Thankfully, the only casualty is Shannon’s coffee, and after she snaps at him for not paying attention and he offers to replace her drink—well. They close down the coffee shop, emerging, startled, from conversation only when interrupted by a mildly disgruntled employee trying to lock up. Eddie walks home in a daze, Shannon’s phone number burning a hole in his pocket, and he’s simultaneously elated and terrified because it’s never been so easy being with someone, he’s never felt so seen so quickly. He’s old enough to realize that love at first sight is bullshit, but he thinks he could fall very fast.
He’s right.
They take things slow because Eddie wants to do things right, doesn’t want to risk confusing love with the heady cocktail of teenage hormones and sex. So he knows by the time he does fall into bed with her, eight months in, that he’s in love. Really in love, thinking about the future in love, factoring her into the mix when he thinks about what the hell he’s going to do with his life in love.
And then Shannon gets pregnant. And it’s too soon, he loves her but it’s too soon, and he’s terrified all over again—
He loves her though. He loves her. And she’s pregnant so—they get married. He wants to do the right thing.
At their wedding the readings are selections from Song of Songs and Corinthians.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud....Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...
With all due respect to St. Paul, Eddie doesn’t think he knew what the hell he was talking about. Or at least, maybe he did, but he was being pretty damn aspirational and left out a few things.
Because after the wedding…after the wedding, Eddie learns a lot more about love.
Love is beautiful, yes. But love is also…trying to do the right thing and fucking up. Love is fighting and knowing exactly what to say to cut the deepest and not always holding back. Love is forgiving, but after a point finding it difficult to forget.
Or maybe that’s not love, maybe that’s just marriage. Maybe it’s a little of both. Because love endures—sure. Love endured with Shannon even when trust was nonexistent, when their marriage was fractured, shattered pieces strewn across the floor ready to draw blood if either of them tried to pick them up.
Love isn’t enough. That’s what Eddie knows. Or maybe it is, maybe love would have been enough to fix what was broken if it hadn’t been his. Shannon’s gone, so they’ll never be able to have that conversation. He’ll never know the answer.
Love endures. Eddie kind of wishes it didn’t. It would make a lot of things a lot easier.
But…it’s fine. He’s fine. Shannon dies and he locks that piece of himself away and has no plans to ever fall in love again.
Then again, God has a funny sense of humor and never seems to resist an opportunity to be an asshole, so of course…he does. Slowly. Quietly. The threads slipping through the cracks in his walls so carefully that he doesn’t even notice until they’re twined around his heart, unspooling through his blood, through his veins with every pulse. Eddie doesn’t notice.
And then he gets shot and it’s like being hit by lightning, an electric shock of clarity down his spine, rooting him in place as he meets Buck’s eyes.
Oh, fuck.
Eddie despises recovery.
He’s never been good at being still, at being useless, at being left alone with nothing but his own head. And maybe he’s not entirely alone—he has Christopher, after all, and Christopher is understandably a little clingy now that he’s home from the hospital—but Christopher sleeps and has play dates and spends time in his room and just in general isn’t in Eddie’s space every second of every day.
And then there’s Buck. Buck who offered to keep staying on the couch to take care of everything they needed when Eddie came home from the hospital. Buck who Eddie sent home to his own bed with promises to call if he needed help because having Buck so close after Eddie’s little realization was stirring him up, making everything a million times more difficult in his head. Buck’s still over frequently, but it’s less dangerous if he’s not staying overnight, if Eddie can’t wake up and be tempted to walk out to the living room and pull Buck into his bed. Not for anything sexual—he’s on too many medications and too immobilized for that even if it was remotely a good idea—but to be held. To feel wanted. To feel safe.
He knows Buck probably wouldn’t say no, wouldn’t think anything of it except that maybe he’s a little raw and fragile, which he is. Which is exactly why he can’t ask. So. Removing the temptation it is.
But. Being left alone with his own head is a terrible idea. He’s in pain because he lowered the doses of his pain meds so he would stop worrying about developing any dependency. He can’t sleep without waking up with screams trapped behind his teeth and the smell of blood and gunpowder in his nose. And he can’t stop thinking about Buck. About being in love with Buck. About wanting Buck. About whether he could ever have him or whether he’ll ever be okay enough to be in a relationship. About whether Buck could ever want him back or if he’ll ever feel safe enough to risk their friendship by even asking.
He broke up with Ana the second he was able to figure out how to do it without feeling like a complete dick. But he hasn’t told Buck that. He doesn’t know why.
And then there’s—
The key turns in the lock and Eddie starts, looking up from his place on the couch. Christopher is with his abuela for the night, and he didn’t expect—
“Hey,” Buck calls, stepping through the door. “I brought dinner.”
Eddie stares.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, before he can stop himself. “Shouldn’t you be with Taylor?”
—Taylor. Buck and Taylor. Which, Buck waited weeks to tell him about, hedging about why he wanted to know if it was okay to invite her to Eddie’s welcome home party. Which, Buck only did admit to when Eddie called one night at 2AM and Taylor answered Buck’s phone.
Eddie clears his throat, the question sounding a little too sharp and accusatory to his ears.
“I just meant,” he adds, softening, “I thought you said you had a date tonight.”
An odd look passes over Buck’s face.
“Isabel called me,” he replies. “She said you were by yourself, asked if I would check on you. We rescheduled, it’s fine.”
Eddie nods once and pulls the couch throw tighter around his shoulders with his good arm. A petty, possessive piece of him is pleased. That Buck’s there. That Buck would drop everything for him.
He’s always been wary of Taylor. Even way back when they first met and she was prowling around the station filming everyone and flirting with Buck. But now? Now he’s jealous, his stomach twisting at the very reminder that she has Buck the way Eddie wants him.
But at the same time…he hates that. Hates the jealousy, hates feeling possessive. Because what claim does he have over Buck’s affections? None. Especially not when he can’t even admit to loving him outside his head.
He hates it because he knows that more than anything, Buck deserves to be happy. And maybe Eddie could make him happy, but—
Even if Buck felt the same—and Eddie isn’t convinced of that, doesn’t have the arrogance to assume—what right does he have to say please, to say wait, to ask Buck to put his life on hold indefinitely while Eddie sorts through the tangled mess in his head in the hope that one day he’ll finally be ready? He can’t be that selfish. Especially not with Buck.
Buck deserves to be happy. Even if that’s with Taylor Kelly. Even if it means Eddie loses him.
He doesn’t get to be jealous.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Eddie replies quietly. “I’m fine.”
Buck sets the bag in his arms down on the coffee table.
“You don’t look fine,” he points out. “Actually, you look like shit. Isabel was right to call me.”
“I’m fine,” Eddie repeats. His heart pangs at the concern in Buck’s eyes. “Really, it’s okay—you should—you should—”
Go. Call Taylor back. Enjoy your date.
He wants to do the right thing. He really does. But the rest of the words refuse to leave his throat.
Buck shakes his head anyway. “I’m not going anywhere,” he insists. “So tell me what’s going on. How can I help?”
Eddie bites his lip. Drags his hand over his jaw before making a face. The messy, overgrown scruff is itchy and difficult to manage on his own, and the foreignness of it doesn’t help him feel grounded in his own body when he wakes up gasping in the middle of the night.
“It’s stupid,” he says.
“I’m sure it’s not,” Buck replies. “And I’m here, so you might as well just talk.”
I’m in love with you, Eddie thinks. And I can’t sleep. And I can’t shave. And everything hurts. And I just want to stop being afraid—
He swallows. He can’t say all of that. He can’t blow everything up that way.
So, he picks the easiest one.
“I can’t shave with my left hand and it’s driving me insane.”
Buck blinks. Then he laughs as the worry in his brow smooths out.
“That’s it?” He asks. “Well, that’s easy. I can do that. Come on.”
And that’s how Eddie winds up sitting on the bathroom counter with shaving cream all over his face while Buck wets a razor and steps between his legs.
His breath catches.
“You good?” Buck asks, his voice low. His eyes are soft and focused, and Eddie almost regrets everything because the proximity—god, the proximity. He’s been so cold since the shooting and Buck is so warm, heat spreading through Eddie’s body from every discrete point of contact. Buck tips his chin back and Eddie lets his eyes slip closed.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “I’m good.”
The razor drags along his skin. Neither of them say a word, the main sound in the room the drip of the faucet when Buck rinses the razor between passes. They’ve always been physical with each other, but this sort of thing is new. Intimate.
Eddie aches.
His eyes open a crack to watch. Buck’s lower lip is caught between his teeth, and having every ounce of that focus on him is…intoxicating.
I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.
Buck steps in closer, Eddie’s legs spread ever so slightly wider. A spark of heat flashes through him and he inhales sharply—Buck’s startled enough that his hand slips and the razor nicks Eddie’s jaw.
“Shit,” Buck swears. The razor clatters into the sink. “Shit. I’m sorry.”
Eddie opens his eyes the rest of the way. “It’s fine,” he assures. “What, you think I’ve never cut myself shaving before? It’s still better than I would have managed myself.”
“I’m—” Buck looks stricken, his fingers reaching out to gently cradle Eddie’s jaw only for him to snatch them back almost instantly, the tip of one faintly smeared with blood. His hand trembles.
“Buck,” Eddie says quietly. Buck’s eyes are fixed on the red smear and Eddie is sent back—
Watching his blood splash across Buck’s face and not realizing at first that it was his. Being half-delirious on the way to the hospital worrying that Buck had been hurt—
All this time, Buck’s been moving forward, pushing ahead, for Christopher, for him, for everyone, and Eddie knew he wasn’t entirely okay, knew he was fucked up from the moment in the hospital when he said I think it would have been better if I was the one who got shot, but since Eddie’s been home, Buck has seemed…better.
Maybe not. Maybe he’s been struggling to pretend as much as Eddie has.
Eddie twists around to grab the towel draped over the faucet and wets it enough to wash the rest of the shaving cream off his face, feels the sting of soap and water in the cut. And then he reaches out to grab Buck’s hand, wiping the blood off of his finger.
There’s something profane about blood staining skin. And something sacred in the act of washing it clean.
Eddie wonders if anyone helped Buck wash his blood off when he was in surgery. Taylor, maybe.
But no, that doesn’t feel right.
Buck probably did it himself. Alone.
“Hey.” Eddie squeezes Buck’s fingers. When Buck doesn’t look at him, he reaches out and curls his hand around the side of Buck’s neck, tips Buck’s chin up with his thumb to force him to meet his eyes. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m okay. No harm done.”
Buck breathes out shakily. His throat works, his face passes through a million stages—finally, his hands fall to the counter on either side of Eddie’s hips and his forehead drops to Eddie’s good shoulder. Eddie lets his hand slip around to the back of Buck’s neck, his fingers combing up through the short hairs there. He turns his head and he’s close enough to kiss the side of Buck’s, but he holds off. It feels like it would be too much. Too much when Buck doesn’t know how he really feels, what he really wants. But even just this—the closeness, the touch—is good. Needed. A balm to the itch under his skin.
When Buck turns his face into Eddie’s neck and inhales, Eddie thinks maybe Buck might need this just as badly.
“I’m okay,” he repeats, closing his eyes again as his fingers comb through Buck’s hair. “We’re okay. We’re okay.”
They stay like that for a long time. Buck’s phone rings out once, but neither of them moves to answer it. Eventually, Buck lifts his head and clears his throat roughly as he steps back.
Eddie’s hand falls away from Buck’s neck. He feels the absence keenly.
“You good?” He asks. Buck nods. His eyes are red.
“Yeah,” Buck replies. He pauses. Shakes his head. “No. But—can we just—can I just finish this for now? I want to finish this.”
Eddie watches him for a moment. Wets his lips. Then finally nods and passes over the shaving cream again.
“Sure,” he says. “I trust you.”
I love you.
Maybe…maybe eventually he’ll be braver. Maybe eventually, both of them will be free at the same time and he’ll be whole and healed, or at least something closer to it than he is now. Maybe eventually…love will be enough. Maybe.
For now, he has this.
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sorryimanon · 4 years
Tumblr media
Character: Katsuki Bakugou
Warnings: so much fluff and a bit of spice
In which you and bakugou witness your child’s quirk for the first time
Early mornings were the best in your opinion. The warmth of the blankets hugging every inch of your cold body, the sound of cars zipping by outside the cracked window, and the familiar wandering hands that belong to none other than your boyfriend. It’s quite a sight, seeing Katsuki all vulnerable with his head angled just right into the base of the pillow, a pool of drool collecting on it. Usually he’s an early bird, waking up before you to cram in a quick workout then head off making breakfast in the kitchen. However, the routine switched up when a little bundle of joy enterd both of your lives.
Everyone, including you, was surprised you managed to settle Katsuki down let alone have him become a domesticated father. Of course it scared the living shit out of you. Sex with Bakugou was amazing, tenfold even, but one night both of you made an irrational decision to not use protection while being intimate, resulting in you heaving yourself over the toilet the following weekend.
“Stomach flu, right?” Katsuki reasoned anxiously.
“Right.” You reassured him with a crooked smile.
Nine months later you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. To say you were happy was an understatement. Hell, everything you ever wanted landed graciously on your lap like a silver plater. Even though you and Katsuki weren’t planning having kids for a long time, the moment when your daughter finally arrived, it’s like both of y’all knew she came into your lives at the right time.
Now she lays crushed between Katsukis chest, his arms wrapped protectively around her as though something were to have grabbed her in the middle of the night. Their breathing synchronized each time they inhaled and exhaled. For a second, you admire the two figures in front of you. She sure inherited the looks from your boyfriend. Same blonde hair, toothy grin, and crimson eyes. At least she had more of your personality and mannerisms. Although occasionally her sudden outbursts reminded you of Katsuki when he was a teenager.
Your daughters head was in a awkward 45 degree angle, making her blonde hair cover half of her face. Instinctively, you reached over and brushed aside the tangled mess, making her squirm in place at the sudden touch. She opened her eyes finally and obnoxiously yawned, stretching out her small arms. One of her arms accidentally whacked Katsuki in the face during the process.
“Ugh you fucking gremlin...” Katsuki mumbles, playfully swatting his daughters hand away from his face. Your daughter eventually unlatched herself from his arms and began to jump up and down in the space between you and your grumpy looking boyfriend.
“Daddy’s up! It’s time for breakfast!” Your daughter joyfully proclaimed while bouncing around on the king sized bed.
“No it’s not.” He swept his feet that weren’t covered by the devet under hers, causing her to land softly against the bed. You knew she enjoyed the harsh playfulness when you heard her cries of laughter. You giggled and looked over at Katsuki, who at the moment had a temporary scowl across his face.
“Squirt you know the rules. Get yourself cleaned up and then we’ll start making breakfast,” you promised her.
Her eyes lit up at that moment like it was Christmas morning and hoisted herself off the large bed. She closed the door behind her, like you taught her, and scurried off to the shared bathroom. You wanted to have a moment of peace before she comes barging in again. Closing your eyes, you hummed in satisfaction and snuggled more into your pillow. Across from you, Katsuki had other plans in mind. He closed the space between you and laid his hand on the base of your waist, the other bunching up your shirt. Wanting to feel your skin, he slipped his hand under your shirt and rubbed circles around your abdomen. The coldness that clung to your skin immediately warmed up by his gentle touch. The sensation dragged a familiar sensual feeling down your body. A feeling that you haven’t felt in a while. Opening your eyes to where they’re just tiny slits, you can make out Katsuki staring right back at you.
“I know you’re still awake dumbass,” he softly spoke, his breath fanning the crook of your neck. So close he took the opportunity and started kissing the sensitive area. His tongue darted out, licking a small strip in the crevice. You didn’t need a third party to know a bruise was already forming.
“K-Katsuki. Not right now. Our d-daughter is just down the hall from us,” you manage to croak out as he attacked your neck with love bites. Oh how you missed these small little interactions with him. You knew they resorted to adultry, but anything involving foreplay with Katsuki excited you.
He sucked and bit some more of your supple flesh, causing you to ripple out a soft moan.
“Oh baby, how I missed your fucking moans.”
His morning voice mixed in with his already deep brooding one made you even wetter by the minute.
Soon the hand that was rubbing circles around your stomach extended to your breast, grabbing it playfully in tune to his tongue massage on your neck. Katsuki flicked his thumb over your perky nipple, giving it much desired attention. You parted your mouth slightly at the action, letting him latch his lips onto yours. Thankfully your moans were muffled, or else your daughter would’ve heard.
To return the favor, you carelessly grope Katsukis member through his boxers, earning a groan from him within your mouth.
“Fuck baby. You almost made me...cum by just... doing that,” he said in between sloppy kisses.
Without breaking the kiss, you shifted yourself on top of him, straddling his waist with your bare legs on display. His hand left your breast and replaced itself onto your hip, massaging the skin that was exposed. You removed your mouth from his, catching some air you forgot existed until he meshed into you. The two of you were a panting mess.
“It has been awhile, hasn’t it?” You whispered into his ear.
If looks could melt, his infamous smirk would. “Quickie? Before the brat ruins the fun.”
You huffed and pinched his cheek to the point where the flesh turned red.
“Ow fuck! Okay shitty woman. I take back what I said.” He smacked your ass as revenge and kissed the corner of your mouth. “For later then.”
You triumphantly smirk and peck his lips for good measure. Despite being cold turkey from sex, you knew punishing him by having him wait was the best part. You pushed yourself off him and rejoiced to the warm feeling of his chest. Defeated, Katsuki begrudgingly snaked his arms around you, kissing the crown of your forehead. He had to admit, he’d rather enjoy your body next to his than underneath all sweaty with lust. Don’t be fooled, he loves that too.
“What’s taking that brat so long-“
A loud beep startled both you and Katsuki to sit up straight in bed. It was your fire alarm. An alarm that hasn’t gone off since when you first moved in. Katsuki activated his quirk by accident one time in the kitchen, emitting the same annoying blast of noise this morning.
Leaving the bed in shambles, you both hurried out the door in search for your daughter. A foul scent of smoke and ash was wafting through the air. What you weren’t expecting was for the living room and kitchen to be perfectly pristine of any flames or smoke. You checked the perimeter of the area a second time to make sure you weren’t going crazy. Nothing. Maybe the fire alarm was glitching out? You were pull out of your daze when Katsuki slipped on his own feet coming out from the long hallway.
“I think I found out where the smoke is coming from,” he said breathlessly.
He dragged you along with him to your daughters room. Scared and confused, you turn the nob and slowly open the door. There sat your daughter, in the middle of the room laughing hysterically at something. She then noticed you two standing there and smiled widely. Gosh, she looked so much like her father there.
“Mommy daddy, look what I can do!” She said before plugging her nose and lighting herself on fire.
You’d think, this image would scare you, but no. You stared at awe towards your inflamed daughter, basking in at how the flames protected her body and moved with her. It finally came the day where your child’s quirk manifested. She was basically a lone torch. Katsuki mirrored the same emotions you were feeling as well. Your daughter extinguished herself and trailed over to where you both stood. She hugged your lovers leg, cranking her head to where they can directly look at each other.
“Does this mean I can be like you daddy? I can be a future hero just like you?”
Katsuki couldn’t help but to chuckle and bend down to grab her and place her on his hip.
“Just don’t be hanging out with extras when you’re older kiddo.” He reached around and started tickling her aggressively on the sides.
“I promise d-dad n-no stupid extras!” Her laugh with the combination of Katsukis childish taunts was like music to your ears.
And that wasn’t the last of the rude awakening mornings. Nevertheless, you cherished them more now than ever.
(Might be a reoccurring story bc I love daddy katsuki with a torch daughter)
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erimeows · 3 years
For You (NSFW)
Optimus Prime wasn’t good at confrontation; physical, verbal, emotional- none of it. So, as he stood with his digit hovering over your doorbell, he could feel his spark beating in his throat. His anxiety was killing him, and the part of him that was so anxious was tempted to just turn around and walk away.
He could save it for another night, couldn’t he? ...No, he couldn’t. He’d been telling himself another night, just one more night, next week, later for months now. It was time. 
Now or never.
Three, two, one-
With a sharp inhale, Optimus rung your doorbell and wrung his servos together in front of him. He could feel his faceplates burning red with a heavy blush as he waited for you to open the door, but thankfully, he didn’t have to wait for too long.
The door slowly came open, revealing you behind it. You wore a (f/c) robe that was loosely tied, revealing part of the white teddy you wore underneath. It took everything in Optimus to tear his optics away from the beginnings of the chest that he so desperately wanted to bury his faceplates in, but when said optics landed on your face, graced with a sultry smirk and lustful (e/c) eyes, it didn’t help. 
You grabbed his servo with one hand and pulled him far enough inside to shut the door behind him before pushing his back against it- and, of course, he let you. The second you went to lean up and kiss him, though, Optimus shook his head and pulled away. 
“We can’t keep doing this.”
“You say that every time,” You rebutted and rested your hands on his hips, gently massaging circles into the metal plating with your thumbs.
It was true, and he knew that. Every time after the first time you two had met up like this, he’d argued against it, but you always pulled him right back in with your charm. 
“No, I mean it this time,” Optimus stopped you, a bit awkward as he placed a servo on your shoulder and backed himself further up against your door to put some distance between the two of you. He wasn’t ready to do this. He wanted to keep you forever, but it wasn’t fair to you. You deserved better and he needed to tell you the truth. “We need to talk.”
You seemed to know what was coming, so you pulled away and crossed your arms with a huff. Your eyebrows furrowed. 
Honestly? The situation was uncomfortable. Optimus could see the candles lit in your house, smell the perfume of yours flooding into his olfactory sensors, and the lingerie under your robe... You’d assumed he was coming over to interface with you like usual, and as much as he wanted to, he used all of his willpower to resist the urge in favor of watching you storm over to the living room couch. You plopped down onto the corner seat in a dramatic fashion with your arms still crossed. 
“At least come in and sit down here if you’re going to do this to me tonight, Optimus. I’d rather you not do it in my doorway.”
You knew, and he knew. Shaky in his movements, the Autobot locked your front door and walked over to your couch so he could sit next to you. 
Your relationship had always been complicated, to say the least.
It started when him and his team had started battling the Decepticons on earth. With all of the news coverage they received, they were well-known amongst politicians, media outlets, law enforcement, and citizens in Detroit, and the Autobots had not only captured their interests, but yours as well. You were a scientist interested in doing studies on Cybertronian creatures to figure out what they were and how you could apply them and their technology to life on earth. There were plenty in the scientific community who were interested in them, of course, but you were the only one who had written a heartfelt letter about the matter, promising not to do anything too inhumane- the occasional metal sample, recharge studies, strength tests, and so on. 
Then again... You’d included a picture of yourself in your first letter to the base, and that may or may not have been what captured Optimus’s attention initially. But then he met you and allowed you to conduct your experiments with Ratchet as your assistant on base, and not only were you gorgeous, but you were smart, creative, kind, easygoing, loving... You were everything Optimus Prime wished he was. So, even when the experiments stopped and you moved onto your next project, you still came around the base and Optimus still came around your house behind his teammates’ backs. 
‘Why is she still here, Prime? Her study’s over.’
‘Yes, I know, Ratchet. She’s just... Helping me with some things.’
Ratchet commented on it the most, skeptical as always. Bumblebee always asked where he disappeared to in the middle of the night. Prowl was starting to get concerned by how tired Optimus seemed, and Bulkhead was the one who constantly snapped him out of his lovestruck dazes when he got caught up thinking about you.
The first time Optimus Prime made love to you was still a blur. He had developed feelings rather quickly, but it wasn’t until months of building up the courage to make a move that he’d finally done something; shown up to your house in the middle of the night and taken you into his arms the second you opened the door. It had escalated from there with you wrapping your arms back around him and pushing your lips against his, slamming the door shut behind the two of you and tumbling in a pile of warmth and metal onto your living room floor without any regard to how sore you’d be the next morning.
It had turned into a regular occurrence after that. Optimus showed up to your house, showered you in kisses and praise, and the two of you would interface, no matter how hard he tried to resist. And trust me, he tried to resist because he knew in his spark that it wasn’t right.
You’d shared your hopes and dreams and body with him, and he didn’t want to let all of that go, but how could he love what he didn’t deserve in the first place?
He was putting you in danger by being with you, anyway. Being with you was selfish, especially considering that neither of you had dared to say the ‘L’ word or put any sort of label on it. It was just the two of you spending an increasing amount of time together, talking, making love, falling in love when there was a good chance of it failing in the end. And both of you knew. 
“It’s hard for me to come out and say this,” Optimus started. “But I love you, and I know you feel the same way.”
Your reaction was surprisingly restrained. No denying, no deflecting, nothing except for a small nod. You allowed your (e/c) eyes to fall shut and took a deep breath before speaking. 
“I do.”
“It’s remained unspoken for far too long, but part of the reason I haven’t addressed it is because you deserve better,” Optimus reached over and set a servo on your thigh, offering a comforting squeeze, though that seemed to do nothing. You flinched, not even able to look at him for a moment. “I know it hurts, but you’re worth more than this... (y/n), darling-”
“No, you don’t get to tell me that after everything we’ve been through, Optimus,” You hissed, finally gathering the courage to look right at him, (e/c) burning into aquamarine. “Why do we do this to ourselves?”
“I don’t know,” He confessed with a half-hearted shrug. The simple answer was because the two of you loved each other and didn’t want to let go, but the complicated answer was... Well, complicated. “But what I do know is that I don’t want this for you.”
“Then what do you want?” You snapped.
Optimus understood. He had no right to dictate your life, your romantic interest, or anything else about you; you were a strong, intelligent woman with your own hopes and dreams, and unfortunately, he somehow fit into all of that for you. Still, he answered your question honestly.
“I want you to go live a normal life; meet a human, start a family or get married, stay single if you want, even. I don’t want you to get too attached to me and regret it when you start thinking about the little things later down the line... If you stay with me, you’ll always be in danger, we won’t be able to have sparklings of our own, and I could leave you here on earth or die any day now. Is that what you want, (y/n)? You can still leave me-”
“Are you stupid?” You asked, which made him blink.
The Prime hadn’t expected for you to be happy about this, but he hadn’t expected for you to outright insult him either, let alone call him stupid.
“Do you think I would’ve done all of this with you without considering the consequences!?” You raised your voice and jerked away from him, holding a hand to cover your chest, offended. Optimus took the hint and pulled his servo away from your thigh to avoid angering you further. 
He crossed his arms in frustration. 
“You know what? Yeah, I do,” He answered. “Because you care about me too much to realize how big of a mistake this is going to be if we go through with it. Let’s say you’ve fully thought this through and don’t care about anything I’ve brought up- even if that’s the case, I’m not good enough for you, (y/n). I’m so large compared to you that I’m afraid I’ll hurt you one of these days, I’m selfish, I’m inconsiderate, I mess everything up at every turn, and Primus, I’m so unattractive-”
“Is that where all of this is coming from?” You asked, suddenly a lot more quiet, and Optimus winced at your tone. “I knew something was up, too; you’ve been keeping the lights off when we have sex and most of the time it feels like you can’t look at me anymore, but I... I thought I’d done something wrong, why couldn’t you have told me earlier that you were feeling like this?”
You were giving him the look; (e/c) eyes peering up at him, full of love and passion and so much more that was burning into his processor to make sure he wouldn’t ever forget it.
“Because I knew you were going to react like this- I knew you were going to look at me like that and tell me I’m wrong about myself, and it’s making it ten times harder to break it off with you, but what I said is final. Being with me is dangerous, you deserve to live a normal life, and I’m not good enough for you-”
Optimus’s self-deprecating rambling was cut off by you throwing yourself into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding on as tight as you possibly could. He uncrossed his own, unsure of what to do with them- he didn’t want to hug you back and give you the wrong idea, but he so desperately wanted to feel your warmth on his digits and palms. 
“Shut up! Have you ever thought that facing our problems head on would be better than giving up everything we have?” You argued, pleaded, voice cracking as your tears fell onto his shoulders. “You think that being with me is selfish, but what’s really selfish is you not giving me a chance to make this work! You’re wrong, Optimus-”
“Leave me, (y/n),” Optimus reached forward and caressed your cheek with a servo. The amount of tears he found himself wiping away with his thumb made him frown- was this really for the best? Was he in the wrong here? No, this was exactly why he had to go through with it; whatever hurt came from this point on would be much, much worse if he allowed your relationship to continue. “I know you’re hurting right now, but you’ll thank me later. Cut your losses and leave. Go live a happy life, fall in love again- with a human- and focus on your work.”
“I can’t do it, I’m sorry,” You apologized, only making things worse. The fiery anger that you had expressed initially was fading into something much more melancholy as you hung onto him tighter and buried your face into his neck. “I love you too much. If you really mean everything you said, and you don’t want to be with me, push me away; I’ll leave, and we’ll never talk about it again... If that’s what you really want. Push me away, Optimus.”
“You’re making this harder than it needs to be, (y/n), I...” He stopped when he heard you sob into his shoulder, the sound muffled by his metal plating. Part of him knew that if he had to leave earth in the near future, the impact would be more severe on you than this, but he couldn’t see and hear you cry and push you away like you had asked him to. He couldn’t leave you, couldn’t let you go, no matter how much he hated himself for it. “Oh, to hell with it, I can’t do this anymore- So what if it’s selfish?” Before Optimus could stop himself, he found himself moving his servo from your tear-stained cheek to the back of your head, wounding his digits in your (h/l) (h/c) hair and dragging you into him for a heated kiss. You hummed and leaned into it without hesitation. Optimus sighed through his nose when he felt the tension leave both of your bodies, your hands resting on the side of his neck, his spare servo resting on the small of your back to support you and hold you close to him. Your much smaller lips molded into his the best they could, tasting of sugar and a human spice called cinnamon as you swiped your tongue across his bottom lip plate. His servo in your hair ran through the locks and wrapped them around his digits to yank at them- heat consumed his body to the point that his cooling fans were already turning on with the feeling of his spike pushing against the constraints of his interface plating. After what felt like forever yet not nearly long enough, you pulled away from Optimus and looked up at him, lips swollen from the intensity of your kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” You responded, a little rushed. 
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” You choked out, sniffling and clearing up the remainder of your tears before shedding your robe and kissing his neck, cautious and soft yet needy and desperate. The white teddy contoured your body perfectly, hugging your plump ass and highlighting the shape of your breasts as your nipples perked up against the lacy fabric. Your sides were exposed by the slits cut into the outfit. Optimus found himself drawn to the exposed (s/c) skin instantly, so he rested his servos on your hips and took a deep breath in. You were so small compared to him, too; both of his servos covered the entirety of your waist, back, and stomach when he had them like that, and oh Primus, he could already imagine how you’d look splayed out underneath him with his spike buried in your core. He was sure that if he didn’t open his interface panel in the next few minutes, he was going to burst. “I need this, need you... Optimus.”
The next few minutes were wordless, with Optimus picking you up and carrying you to your bedroom. There were candles lit there, too, and while he was sure that was a fire hazard, he appreciated your attempt to set the atmosphere- even if it had been temporarily squandered by his earlier spiel. So, he shut and locked the door behind him and followed that with gently setting you on the edge of the bed. 
When he kneeled on the floor in front of you, you blinked your (e/c) eyes, (s/c) cheeks lit aflame when he took your hand in one of his and pressed a kiss against your knuckles. And, as he looked up at you, he realized something; maybe he didn’t think he deserved you, but you deserved him if that’s what he wanted, and instead of shoving his own self-deprecating sentiments down your throat, he wanted to try to be more thankful that he had you, wanted to stop worrying about what was ahead and enjoy what he had in the moment. 
“(y/n), I want to tell you everything tonight, I...” Optimus cleared his throat and continued to hold your hand as he leaned up and nuzzled your neck. “I’ve never loved anybot or anyone like I’ve loved you. I don’t think I could live without you; without the mornings I wake up with you and bury my face in your hair, without the feeling of your skin on mine, without seeing how the sunlight pours through the windows and onto your skin when the sun rises and how your lashes flutter against your cheekbones when you wake up-”
“Make love to me,” You cut him off, looking up at him, and oh, how he could see the utter love and adoration in your eyes. He wondered how such a small being was capable of holding so much love for him, but he didn’t dare question it, doing as you’d told him and reaching up to unlace the front of your teddy, the ribbon that kept the two halves of the front together coming untied underneath his nimble fingers within seconds. It fell off of the upper half of your body, revealing rounded shoulders and supple breasts, a soft tummy and feminine hips. You didn’t hesitate to lift yourself off of the bed just enough to pull the rest of the lingerie down your body and kick it across the room. Now, all of you was exposed from head to toe. This was the point at which Optimus would usually get on the bed and pick you up by your waist, pull you over so you could sit on his faceplates, but he was so emotional and pent up at this point that he knew he couldn’t wait that long to be inside you. “Hurry up, please? I’ve been thinking about this all day.”
The Autobot gave you a nod and stood up, so you laid down with your back on the bed and watched him open his interface panels. He couldn’t help but watch your face as he released his spike, already fully pressurized- because no matter how many times the two of you had done this, you always seemed to be taken aback by the sheer size of it, your cheeks glowing red and eyes blown wide with lust in a manner that flattered him. 
You didn’t speak, only gulping and squeezing your thighs together in anticipation. Optimus Prime crawled over you on top of your mattress with his knees on either side of your hips to cage you underneath him. The slit of his spike was already wet with prefluid and lubricant, and he wanted to fuck you so bad, but he knew he had to wait until you were ready.
As embarrassing as it was to admit, before you’d probably even thought of him in such a way, he’d done his own research on human mating rituals to prepare himself for you; enough research to know that human women needed thorough foreplay and preparation to take a human’s spike, let alone a Cybertronian’s, which was usually larger. Due to that, he was always very careful with you, giving you plenty of time and prep before you ever had sex. 
So, as he balanced himself on his knees and pinned your wrists above your head with one servo, he circled two of the digits on his free servo with his glossa to lubricate them and get them ready for you. You spread your shaky legs and moved your hips up, almost as if to tell him to get on with it. Your impatience was evident in the way your body moved, your breaths heavy and a pout of frustration taking over your face.
Unable to help himself, Optimus chuckled at the feeling of you trying to move your hands out of his grip to no avail. It was nice to know that despite what had happened earlier, nothing bad had happened to your usual dynamic- and the sound of you bashfully giggling in return made his spark swell with the love he had for you.
Having had enough with making you wait, the Prime prodded his pointer digit at your entrance and slowly pushed it in. He followed with his middle digit and waited for you to adjust, the both of you letting out a sigh. You were so different than any Cybertronian he’d ever done anything with; piping hot, wet, velvety, and sensitive, he couldn’t help how his spike throbbed at the feeling of you moving your hips to fuck yourself on his fingers as you hummed. With him holding your wrists, you couldn’t move your arms down, but you managed to grip one of the digits that was assisting in holding you down. 
You’d adjusted quickly enough to his fingers, so Optimus began a steady rhythm of pulling them most of the way out before pushing them back in, over and over and over again, getting progressively faster with each push. You rewarded him with your sweet moans in return and tilted your head back with your mouth agape in the depths of your pleasure.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re like this,” Prime praised you without hesitation and dipped in until he was knuckle deep. That made you say his name especially loud, so he continued doing it, wanting to hear that sound again. “So gorgeous with your face red and eyes half-lidded. I love how you always squeeze one of my fingers during it because your hands are too tiny to fully hold mine; you’re so small I fear breaking you sometimes, but the fact that you still trust me when I’m big enough to crush you like this makes me feel so good.”
“I think your eyes are beautiful,” Surprisingly enough, you praised him back, looking him straight in the optics. “I love it when you look at me when we do it; the face you make is what sends me over the edge, and the noises you make in my ear drive me wild. The way you have so much physical power over me just makes it even more exciting than it already is. It’s like you could do whatever you want to me, any time you want, and I’d let you.”
Your words were rushed but confident, though as soon as you finished, you hid your face in the pillow your head was currently on to stifle a moan at a particularly rough crook of his fingers. 
“Ah, you’re embarrassing me now,” The Autobot murmured, able to feel his normally cool-colored faceplates drowning in a heavy pink blush. You seemed ready enough and he was growing just as impatient as you had been earlier, so Optimus slowly withdrew and positioned himself between your legs with the head of his spike at your entrance. He bit his lower lip and rubbed his tip against your slick folds before teasing your clit, which made you emit a cracked moan. “You’re ready, yes?” You gave a hurried nod and moved to rest your cheek on the cold pillow. “I need to hear it, baby. Use your words.”
“I’m ready, please-” Optimus didn’t wait any longer after that, wanton and revved up, the Autobot sheathed his spike in you in one deep stroke and reveled in the debauched cry of yours that followed. Your pussy enveloped him completely, taut and scorching and slick, so much so that his hips stuttered with the willpower it took him to let you adjust instead of fucking you raw like an animal the way he wanted to. 
“(y/n), my dearest love,” Optimus groaned and pulled back about half away, then pushed back in, only for your heat to pulse and twitch around him. You moved your hips up to meet his and grinded them in a circular motion in what must’ve been an attempt to urge him to get on with it. “Oh, Primus, if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to stop that. Tonight is not the night to test my patience, because you feel absolutely delectable right now and it’s taking everything in me not to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk or sit down without feeling my spike in you for weeks.”
“Yeah?” You taunted, voice breathy as you dared to test him by wiggling your hips even more and purposefully clenching down around him. The thread that was the last of his patience snapped at that, so he gripped your wrists even tighter in his servo and used the other to balance himself over you so he wouldn’t crush your body. You only continued your teasing.
“Yeah,” Optimus finally responded to you, his lips pulling into a tight smile to keep himself from making any noises that were too embarrassing. When he regained his composure, he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “This is going to get a bit rougher than usual, so don’t say I didn’t try to warn you earlier. You earned this.”
With that, the red and blue bot withdrew until it was just his tip inside you, and then thrusted all the way back in- so hard and deep that he could feel the back of your inner walls. You cried out to him again, your legs trembling as you clenched them together around his hips. Optimus could only smirk- for as teasing and impatient as you’d been earlier, your cocky demeanor was certainly washing away with every rough thrust of his spike, replaced with desperation and heat. 
“Optimus,” Your back arched off the bed as you were split open by his spike, but as much as you tried to move, all you could do was lay there and take it with your arms pinned by Optimus’s servo and your lower body trapped in place by his legs between yours and his spike deep inside of you. “Optimus!”
You looked at him, (e/c) eyes clouded over and rosy lips parted in heavy moans and pants that drove him wild. Just to see how you would look, Optimus pushed his hips into yours particularly hard, feeling his spike twitch at the sight of your eyes rolling back and your lips trembling at the sensation of your upcoming orgasm.
“Say my name, darling,” Optimus leaned forward and nipped at your shoulder as he adjusted his angle so he could slam the head of his blunt, thick spike into your sweet spot and pick up his pace. Your eyes went wide before you squeezed them shut again and yelled out at the sudden change, a sliver of drool falling from in between your lips. “I want to be all you remember for the rest of the night, so say all of it...!”
“Optimus,” You practically sobbed as the Autobot made love to you like there was no tomorrow in store. The sounds of his metal hips slamming against you and your broken moans echoed in the room and drove him closer and closer to the edge. He was already inside you, but he found that he still wanted to be closer, so he found himself making out with you yet again. “Optimus Prime,” His name fell from your tongue and onto his lips in between your passionate kisses with every thrust of his spike into your wet heat in a way that made him shudder. The arm that was holding him over you shook with the strength of his upcoming overload, the hand that was holding your wrists above your head on your pillows squeezing just tight enough to leave red marks on your skin in the shape of his large digits. 
“That’s it, sweetspark, overload for me, won’t you? I can hear you’re getting close, so why don’t you be a good girl and finish for me? You look so beautiful like this, can’t wait to see you cum around my spike, princess,” Optimus egged you on as he felt your pussy flutter around his spike, quickly bringing him closer and closer to his own climax. Thrusting into your soft, small body was so addicting that he didn’t want it to end, but when you gave a broken moan of his name and tensed so hard that he was sure your fingers digging into his fingers left dents in the metal, he couldn’t help it. You came hard around him, squeezing down to keep his spike deep inside of you in a way that triggered his overload. Optimus Prime gave a soft groan when he finally finished, the electricity in his abdomen and spike exploding and making his entire body go numb as he spilled into you. “Fuck, (y/n)-” Optimus slammed his lips into yours one more time, filling you up with his transfluid and giving you a few more weak thrusts. You kissed back, albeit sloppily due to your current blissed out state. Your tongue lazily intermingled with his. The grip on his shoulders loosened, and you pulled away when you felt him depressurize so he could pull out, close his interace panel, and sit next to where you laid on the side of the bed.
When the afterglow faded and you laid down with your back facing him, Optimus usually laid next to you the best he could considering his size and wrapped an arm around you. However, as he remained sitting up, staring at your back and the (h/c) locks that were splayed out upon your pillow, he found tears of lubricant welling up in his eyes- it had never happened to him before, and though he knew Cybertronians were fully capable of it, crying was primarily an organic behavior. The warm light of the candles in your room bringing out the hues of your (s/c) skin and the scent of your shampoo and soap flooding into his olfactory sensors seemed to bring out all of the emotions at once; fear, relief, love, regret, guilt, and everything else that came with loving you. And, as much as he tried to conceal it, the way his voice cracked when he tried to clear his throat gave it away. 
“Optimus? What’s wrong?” You asked, clearly panicked as you turned to face him.
“Nothing, I just-” Optimus stopped and took a deep breath. He didn’t want to cry in front of you, but he figured it was part of learning to be vulnerable, and he was done hiding himself from you. “I love you a lot.”
“I love you, too.”
“Don’t leave me,” Optimus pleaded, letting his guard down for the first time in a long time as he moved to sit on his knees on the floor. You sat on the edge of the bed with your feet planted on the floor, just close enough for him to be able to move between your legs and rest his head on one of your thighs. “Don’t ever leave me, (y/n). I’m so scared I’ll mess this up somehow. What if I hurt you? What if there comes a day that you can’t stand to look at me anymore?”
“You just have to trust yourself,” You murmured. 
“I don’t yet,” The Prime admitted as he sat up again and leaned forward to rest his forehead against the middle of your chest. “But I’ll try to learn how to... For you, (y/n).”
“Do it for you, too, Optimus. You deserve to have a good relationship with yourself.”
You looked down at him, the smile on your face laced with your concern and exhaustion. You softly ran a hand over the top of his head in a clear attempt at comforting him. Though Optimus was hopeful for what was to come despite his earlier worries, he felt guilty that you had to deal with him like this; anxious and soft and unsure of himself.
The Autobot let out a gentle sigh and pressed a kiss against your collarbone. You smelled like vanilla, jasmine, and something uniquely you; all mixed with his own scent, evidence of the entanglement of your two bodies that would remain until you showered in the morning. Your arms still lingered around his neck as you stared down at him. 
It was peaceful, and the second you leaned down to peck his forehead with your kiss-bruised lips, Optimus decided that he’d try his hardest to make it work; for you. 
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raindownforme · 3 years
omg omg ok ok so maybe for a request charlie and the reader and how they interact as streamers?? like a friends to lovers au but you can tell how they fall in love through all their interactions online & in games (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
like for example whenever they play on the smp charlie only reaaallly wants to help the reader and when anyone else asks he’s like hm? what? IT JUST SEEMED CUTE IN MY HEAD ☹️💌
Charlie slimecicle x reader [they/them used]
“Hello twitchers.” y/n smiled into the face cam, watching the chat fly by a mile a minute. They knew they’d draw in a larger audience today, it being their first official stream on the Dream SMP. They loaded up the game, spawning in a wooded area surrounded by cobblestone. “Alright where do we- hello?”
y/n leaned closer to the screen. They could see someone standing behind a tree. Someone in glasses and green blotchy skin. They typed into the in-game chat, trying to get who ever it was to come closer. Thankfully they did, revealing a character named Slimecicle. y/n looked over to the discord server, pulling themselves into a voice channel with the mystery person.
“Hi there!” Slimecicle’s voice rang through y/n’s headphones and they smiled. They liked the sound of his voice. “Im Charlie. Welcome.”
“Thanks. Do you know how to get anywhere?”
“Yeah!” Charlie’s character jumped as y/n followed after him. Charlie led them to a snowy mountainside that had been covered with sand. Someone had built a white mansion and several other buildings, including a fountain and a tall tower. “This is where I live.”
“This mansion?” y/n panned to look around the mountainside. They glanced over to watch their chat fly by.
“No I just live in the country in general. Las Nevadas!” Charlie jumped up and down, punching y/n in a friendly manner. “Oh are you hungry? I have food!”
Charlie’s character threw a stack of lamb chops at y/n. They smiled at him, then quickly realized he couldn’t see them. “Thanks! Where is this by the way.”
“Only the best country ever. It’s Las Nevadas! Do you want to live here?”
“Sure!” y/n followed as Charlie ran around. He showed them all around the country; the casino, the strip club, the restaurant, and even the garden. “Charlie this is so cool!”
“I know!” Charlie jumped up and down in a circle. “I’m not the guy who owns it but I’m sure he’d like to meet you.”
“Oh.” y/n paused, biting their cheek. “Will he be okay with me being here?”
“Of course he will. It’s Quackity! Let’s find you somewhere to live.” y/n followed Charlie to the tall white tower. He led them behind it to a flat plot of sand. “Here! We’ll be neighbors.”
“Awesome. I don’t have anything to build with yet but-“
“Oh here!” Charlie ran into the base of the tower, coming back 30 seconds later. He threw two stacks of oak logs to y/n. “Is this what you needed?”
“I- yeah. That’s a lot of wood.”
“I want you to have it!”
y/n smiled bashfully, trying to swallow the heat rising to their cheeks. They could see their twitch chat running by with messages asking if it was lore or cannon. “Here. Take this then.”
Charlie marveled at the flower y/n had tossed him, a blue cornflower. He smiled, holding a hand over his mouth to hide from the prying eyes of his own twitch chat. “Thank you.”
y/n began running around the plot, randomly placing oak planks to make a frame for their house. They tossed Charlie some planks, allowing him to help build up the home. They continued beholding for another half an hour, allowing y/n to have a gorgeous one story home with room for storage and supplies.
“Thanks for all your help today.”
“Of course! Do I get to see you again?”
y/n smiled, glancing over at discord to make sure they’d requested to be friends with Charlie. “Of course! I’ll see you around the server?”
y/n and Charlie saw each other quite often around the server. y/n logged on, Charlie was there. They’d spend hours in the game mining together, building structures, hunting. It went on months of them interacting in streams and lore exclusively.
“You can’t do this Quackity.” y/n spoke slowly. They’d been practicing the recording for this lore for weeks now, and thank god it wasn’t live. “I trust you, and I’m glad we’re friends, but this? Burning it all? What will that do for you. What will any of this do for you?”
“I know you haven’t been here as long, but this is my fucking country. It’s my fucking war. Who the hell are you to think you have any understanding of this? And ideas?”
“Because this isn’t how it works. This isn’t going to work. How many times have you tried this and it just hasn’t happened or you? I don’t know, maybe think about Schlatt? Or Technoblade?”
Quackity froze, being eerily silent. y/n glanced over at the script, making sure nothing was missed. “How do you know about that? Who told you about that?” Quackity’s character ran forward with a diamond sword in hand. “That is none of your business.”
“It’s none of your business how I know.” y/n backed away from Quackity as he walked closer. “I may not have been here long but I have friends.”
“What friends you have-“ he paused, realization setting in. “You have Slime. My friend.”
Quackity came at y/n swinging, they tried to fight back, blocking with a shield and iron sword. “Quackity enough! This isn’t what you want! Quackity please-“
y/n stopped, holding a breath and muting their mic. Quackity had landed the final blow, taking their first cannon life. They moved slightly away from their set up, making sure to not touch any keys. They knew Quackity was still recording, and Charlie’s part was coming soon.
Quackity panted. Taking a shaky breath. “Fuck. Okay. God I can’t believe-“ y/n waited expectantly. Quackity’s pause meant that he saw Charlie. “Oh. Hey bud.”
“Quackity from Las Nevadas.” Charlie almost sounded like he was crying. “What did you do?”
“Slime, you don’t understand, they knew more than they should-“
“So you killed them?” Quackity was quiet. y/n silently cheered to themselves, proud of both Charlie and Quackity’s acting. “You- you took my friend. You took my friend away and- are they coming back? Is y/n coming back?”
“Slime, I took one life. It doesn’t matter. They don’t matter. They didn’t care about Las Nevadas, not like we do.” y/n could hear Quackity’s character moving from his audio in the discord call. “It’s you and me Slime, my best friend.”
“No?” y/n looked over the shared script, searching for what part was happening. They hadn’t read this far ahead. “What do you mean no?”
“I cared about y/n. They were my friend. This is not how you treat a friend.”
“And how would you know?”
“Because I know Quackity. I know.”
Charlie and Quackity came to a halt, waiting a moment before speaking again. “That was great!” y/n exited the Minecraft world, turning their full attention to the discord call. Quackity had his camera on, smiling, but Charlie still kept his camera off. “Was there anything else to record today?”
“No that’s it.” There was some clicking from Quackity’s end. “Thanks again. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Yeah, later.”
Quackity exited the discord call, leaving Charlie and y/n in silence. Charlie cleared his throat, turning on his camera. His room was lit by just the lights behind his set up, casting his shadow over the shelves of stuffed toys and collectibles behind him. “Hey.”
“Hey!” y/n felt their face grow warm slightly. “I didn’t realize there was that much more to the script.”
y/n chewed the inside of their cheek. It almost sounded like Charlie was disappointed. “Are you okay? You sound upset.”
“I just-“ Charlie paused, resting his chin on his propped-up hands. “What do we do now? I don’t want to stop playing minecraft with you.”
“Charlie we don’t have to stop. Just because the lore goes one way doesn’t mean that we can’t interact.”
“But continuity-“
“You’re thinking like DnD.” y/n smiled gently at him. “If you still want to play together we can, it’ll just be like a secret. Or we can do our own lore. I’m sure if we talk to everyone about it me and you can write something.” Charlie didn’t say anything, and they frowned. “Is there something else?”
“I kind wish they didn’t kill you so early. I’ve still got my lives.”
“Maybe Quackity will kill you next.”
“That’s not-“ Charlie huffed, running a hand through his hair. “I like the character dynamic. I like us interacting. I like us.”
y/n paused, their face burning. They’d be lying if they said they hadn’t thought about the dynamic between themself and Charlie. The clips of them talking on late night streams. The fan-art all over Twitter. The edits recommended to them on Instagram. Hell, they thought about it even without seeing any prompted content. Charlie was on their mind most of the day. They’d constantly find themselves checking twitch to see if he was live or discord to see if he was active. Charlie had become a constant in y/n’s life and they indulged themself in it. “I like the dynamic too.”
“Well we don’t have that dynamic if you stop being part of Las Nevadas. There isn’t us.”
“Charlie, what are you talking about?”
“I’ve been— fucking— I’ve been using this stupid server to get closer to you. I thought that maybe you liked us the way that I liked us and I- I don’t know what I’m doing now.” Charlie rubbed his hands over his eyes. “I just didn’t want you to go.”
“Charlie I’m not going anywhere. I like us too.”
“You do?” Charlie perked up a bit, seeming more enthusiastic.
“Just cause we write lore doesn’t mean it affects us. Here, watch this.” y/n went onto the shared script, hoping Charlie still had it open, and began to type. They wrote about how y/n would possibly live alone in the woods on the outskirts of Las Nevadas, staying close to Charlie.
They could see Charlie smile on the other end of the call, then emit the sound of keys tapping. y/n watched as the words appeared on the page: Charlie tells y/n how he feels.
y/n gasped and turned back to the discord call. “I wanted to tell you soon. I guess I didn’t realize how upset the recording would make me.”
“Charlie, how long have you had a crush on me?”
“Uh, remember your first day?” y/n nodded eagerly. “Yeah. Probably about there.”
y/n turned back to the shared document, typing furiously. “It’s a good thing I like you too.”
Charlie smiled widely at the words; y/n returns his affection. He smiled at the discord call, resting his face in his hands. “Well then, what’s next for our lore darling?”
y/n chuckled, going back to open minecraft. “Help me make a new house.”
“Only if my bed can be next to yours.”
They could hear Charlie tapping on his keyboard as he loaded in the game. “I know we haven’t met in person, but I’m serious. I like you.”
“And I’m serious. I like you too.” y/n looked at Charlie’s character on their screen. “It does kind of suck we’ve never met but that doesn’t mean-“
“I bought a ticket.”
“W-what? What kind of ticket?”
“A plane ticket. For next week. I mean if that’s okay. I can still cancel it.”
“No! I mean yes. I’d be delighted to have you come over Charlie.” y/n felt their smile soften.
“Can I still have a bed then?”
“Yes!” y/n laughed, going back to the game. They placed two beds side-by-side in the open air. “How’s this?”
“Better.” Charlie’s character went to stand on one of the beds. “Maybe we can write something different- oh.”
y/n looked at the document. Quackity had left them a comment on their new writing, telling them to flirt elsewhere. “Well, I guess he had a point.”
“Back to the game then darling?”
y/n smiled bashfully at the nickname. “Back to the game.”
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