#that pov shot through his teleportation was just. so good.
loveexpelrevolt · 5 months
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KURT WAGNER / NIGHTCRAWLER X-men '97 | "Tolerance Is Extinction — Part 1"
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
so latest hermitcraft episode (from joe's pov) is completely chaos alright! some highlights:
joe starting the episode by surrounding the rift with cats to motivate grumbot (this doesn't work)
grian, solemnly: "history doesn't repeat itself, but it sometimes rhymes" (immediate cut to the chaos of a group hermitcraft recording)
joe didn't know he needed an elytra so he keeps on trying and failing to ender pearl up onto grumbot's hand with everybody else
scar: "ooh, was i a good mayor in your universe grumbot?" grian, with great pain: "please don't ask him that."
"i may have built an evil robot." - grian, being mildly self-aware for once, i guess?
the bridge to the rift being broken and no one having blocks so it's just being rebuilt out of anything people had on hand. this seems to largely be sculk catalysts. guys.
the empires crew has built a tnt canon.
grian: "wait guys, lets all calm down, lets try to have a normal conversation", proceeded by an argument about whether or not the hermits are allowed to leave and, if they are, will they please remove the evil robot. (they will not.)
bdubs: "i flanked them! i flanked them! look at me i'm flanking them!", loudly, as the fighting resumes
oli killing bdubs and saying in the background "look at me! i've killed god."
joe, on getting back through the rift: "i hope this is the right one, i hope this isn't the hermitcraft where jfk assassinated somebody else or something" (fascinating canon implications)
everyone joking about the rift taking scar again because he stood in it for too long on logging in and got teleported
there's a bat in grian's cave and impulse is just in the background failing to hit it with his weapon during several of joe's shots
"where's cod boy he has some explaining to do"
grian coming back through and saying he heard the emperors talking about following them. everyone going "alright get your weapons". xisuma responding "wait, guys, can't we just greet them nicely?" and everyone immediately shouting that down, of COURSE not, don't be stupid.
the emperors all logging in. none of them have elytra to get out of grian's cave. f.
grian, suddenly: "guys pixlriffs is here impulse! impulse do the thing!"
"this week on hermitcraft... me!"
oli, joe, and cleo trying to figure out how to get all three of them out with two elytra between them. joe uses the trident trick.
just. this episode is so much chaos. please go watch it.
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riskyraiker · 7 months
Hii, I saw you were taking requests, so how about this: A Vox x Reader who were old friends in life, now reunited in hell, but not in a way he would expect. Reader was fighting for the Hotel against exterminators and got hurt.
Sort of an angsty/hurt-comfort kinda thing, with Vox stepping out of his cruelty and demon persona. Please, take care and thank you 💕😋
Oh my i absolutely love this😍😍and here have a rose for being my first request🌹You didn't specify genders so i wrote Y/N as they/them, also i apologize if the pov changes from 3rd pov to anything else.
Glad that we're in hell | Vox x reader
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Vox loved how much control he had in Hell. He didn't miss anything from the time when he was alive, or so he thought. He didn't want to break his persona in anyway, but he couldn't help but miss Y/N after Valentino had another tantrum over Angel Dust. He covered it by stalking and complaining about a certain radio demon who came back in town. Vox was so focused that he didn't even notice his good old friend next to Alastor.
All of the three V's sat on the couch watching how an army of angels flew closer to the Hazbin Hotel. Vox was enthralled that Alastor would lose, but all his focus on Alastor vanished when he noticed someone familiar being attacked by an exorcist. "No fucking way.." Vox mumbled under his breath which got the attention of Velvette for max. 2 seconds. His panic didn't last long when the exorcist head was shot full of holes by Angel. Soon enough Adam broke the barrier and started to fight with Alastor himself. Vox was celebrating as Alastor got his ass beat by Adam, now he was complaining about alastor leaving. "Agghh Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"
Alastor was down, Angel, Husk and Cherry were struggling, Charlie was choked by Adam and Vaggie was struggling with Lute. Y/N had no other choice but try and sneak up on Adam. Attacking the first man, but almost no damage was done expect a scar on his shoulder. Adam threw Y/N to a wall, which made Vox absolutely enraged. "Y/N!!" Oh shit, that confirms it, it's you. As lucifer arrived to the fight, Vox dissapeared from the couch through cameras to the battlefield, he ran to Y/N. "I..what are you doing here?" It seems like they didn't recognize him well for being a TV screen. "I'm here to save you, darling. I-it's me Vox you knew me when we were alive." Y/N eyes widened as she coughs his name before losing consiousness. "Aw shit, let's go back" Vox held Y/N close as he went back into his place. He did the best he could to bandage you up and give you every pain reliever he had after you woke up. "uhh..what happened. The hotel! Where am i? I need to help Charlie and the others!" Vox was at his own desk watching the cameras, until he heard you yelling about the hotel and your friends. He had no time to get up and run when he straight up teleported through electricity next to you. "Oh god, I was so worried about you! I didn't even know you were in hell. Why in the fuck are you even here?!" Vox didn't care if Val or Velvet would walk through those huge doors as he held you close and rambled about you and your well being to you. "Vox, is it Really you? I thought i had lost you completely." Those words cut his heart in half and made him glitch. You held him tight as you could without being in pain.
You couldn't help but let tears fall down your face, you missed him so much. "I thought i didn't miss you at all, but I was so wrong. How could I've been so selfish not to realize I loved you all this time" Was it true what he just said or were you still in shock from the battle. "Vox. Did you just confess?" Vox only glitched and even shed a few tears which made him ashamed. "Oh darling don't cry, I love you aswell" You caressed his screen styled face softly as you leaned your forehead onto the top of his screen. "Y-You do?" His eyes flickered and moved up and down, looking into your eyes then glancing at your lips. "Of course I do. I loved you since we were alive. You make me glad to be in hell" It took you long enough to kiss, but you did it anyway. Angels say Hell is only suffering and pain, but they didn't know that it's not only that. "You make hell seem like Heaven to me, Y/N"
AN: I hope you liked it. I wrote this quick as possible to not keep you waiting. It might short aswell, I'm not good at going to detail :,)
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luna-is-lost · 7 months
Part 12
Sans POV:
“Umm… S-Sans?” My brother shifted uncomfortably as he spoke. “what’s up?” He looked more nervous as I spoke… Why though… Did I do something wrong… did he forget something or… someone… “W-Well, I Was… Wondering… uh… Where Did We… umm… Live? Like B-Before Here?… “…” “…” I could feel the corners of my mouth tilt down as I spoke. Subconsciously trying to keep my chill, laidback demeanor. “why’s it matter? someone talkin’ about it?” He wrung his hands as he avoided my eyes. “Uhh… Well No… I Was J-Just Wondering,” his voice lost volume as he spoke, “ Because… I… ummm… N-Never mind… It’s Not I-Important…. Sorry…” “paps, i… i’m sorry, didn’t mean it like ‘that’.” “It’s Fine… I Just… thought maybe I would remember something if I learned about the past…” He quieted to an almost whisper… I dislike the thought of telling Papyrus more of our years of captivity… but he… he deserves the truth… Plus, it’s worth it for him to remember. How could I describe what it was like to him, though? He’s always seen things differently than me… Maybe I could…” heya, bro” He looked at me hopefully. “ Yes, Sans?” “why don’t i show you” “Really?!” He smiled, though it looked slightly painful. “yeah, no skin off my bones” I shot him a joking smile and he shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. I tell him to hold on tight and teleport us… home.
☞︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎✡︎ POV
There’s a zap of… magic! That can’t possibly be right, everyone’s gone! They all left after the player gave up… SO WHO WAS THAT?! Moving forward, I think they’re walking through Snowdin. Is that….
“here we are, home. this is snowdin.” “Wowie… It’s… Beautiful!” “yeah” “Sans, Look, I R-Remember That, That’s T-The Inn! The Nice Inn Keeper U-Used To Give M-Me Lollipops And Pats O-On The Head!” “that’s right, pap, i’m glad you remembered. let’s looks around, then we should go the the house.” “Sounds G-Good!”
… IT’S THEM?! THE SMILING TRASH BAG AND HIS IDIOT BROTHER?! Why are they here? Shouldn’t they be all happy and adventurous on the surface? WHERE THEY WON’T BE ANNOYING?! …And why is Papyrus being shown around Snowdin by his brother? I know he’s easily fooled, but he isn’t stupid… Unless…
This’ll be SO much fun!
Sans POV:
Papyrus has been looking around Snowdin for about 45 minutes. It’s kinda weird to see him so enticed by things we’ve seen everyday for [] years… “Wowie, Sans! T-There’s So Much Stuff T-To Explore!” “yep” “Umm… C-Could We Look A-At Our Old House?” “yeah, of course bro.” Our house was only about a minute or so away… probably not enough to convince pap to let me take a short-cut, and I shouldn’t leave him by himself for now. “S-Sans, Did We Really Live Here?” He asks with tear in his eye sockets as soon as he sees the house. “yeah, go and check it out, all of our stuff is still there, haven’t been able to move in to the surface yet.” “A-Alright!” He swiftly opens the door and cautiously peaks inside before deciding it was safe and walking in. I’d be lying if I said being here didn’t make me feel better… At least we were safe… A shudder runs down my spine as I think, ‘were we ever truly safe with the possibility of a genocidal human falling down here without warning?’. I can’t help but feel almost envious that Papyrus still has that unending, undeniable sense of optimism. To find the good in the bad… I think that’s a bit too philosophical for me. Pap is curiously eyeing the impracticality of the sink’s height. I can help but feel almost normal as he looks around. “heya, once you’re done exploring down here, how about you look at your old room.” “Do Y-You Think I’ll R-Remember Something F-From Digging Through My-My Past?” “it’s a good a shot as any…” “O-Okay, Brother!” He drags me up the stairs like he’s done it a thousand times, and he has, he just doesn’t remember.
☞︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎✡︎ POV
“Hehehehe!” The skeletons are busy looking around together, but sooner or later Smily will be gone and I can ‘help’ poor, credulous Papyrus! Out of the ‘goodness of my heart’ and all… “Sans! L-Look At T-Those Action Figures!” “i know, pretty cool right.” “Sans?” “yeah?” The lazy one yawns. “You L-Look R-Really Tired, Would You Like To N-Nap For A Bit? It’s like Papyrus can read my mind! Ha! This is going WAY better than expected! “yeah…” he unceremoniously lies on Papyrus’s bed and is out like a light. Leaving poor Papyrus to his own devices. I’ve never liked Snowdin all too well, the Earth is rather tough… Oh well, this is to PERFECT of an opportunity to pass up!
Papyrus’s POV:
A light knocking sound rings through the silent house, starting me as my brother rests peacefully. Sprinting down the stairs with more energy than the core itself… the core? Where in the underground did that come from… AM I REMEMBERING THINGS?!
That aside I open the door to see a small ✡︎☜︎☹︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎ ☞︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎☼︎. “H-Hello… uh How C-Can I Help You?” It smiles a bit too wide before answering. “Howdy, Papyrus, I’m your best friend, ☞︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎✡︎! Don’t you remember me?” I feel really guilty… “N-No, I uhh I Don’t, S-Sorry Friend…” He looks very disappointed… I’m a bad friend… “Oh… that’s so sad… you left me all alone and then forgot about me? I thought we were friends, Papyrus… I guess I should just leave-“ “-! Wait, W-We Can Still Be F-Friends! P-Please?” “Really?” ,His smile returns slightly, “ I think that’s a wonderful idea, we should hangout right now! I can even remind you of the past… Wouldn’t you like that?” I shift uncomfortably. Sans would NOT like me going with a stranger while he isn’t around, even if they claim to be my best friend… I’m not that gullible, and wouldn’t someone try to manipulate a monster you can barely remember their own name… I can only trust Undyne and Sans… Right? I mean… they didn’t really tell me much of my past… Sans seemed almost avoidant of it when I first asked. Still, this is dangerous, especially if ☞︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎✡︎ is working with the humans… IS THIS A TRAP! “Papyrus, I don’t have all day… don’t you want to spend time with me? I AM your best friend after all. Unless, you don’t trust me… “ W-Well, uh Friend, I F-Feel It Would Be A Poor Decision To Go With Someone Down Here Without Sans Knowing, Especially If I Don’t Know Or Remember Them…” “S-so we aren’t friends anymore…?” He sniffs before dropping sadly… I’m an awful friend, how could I betray someone like that… He’s been nothing but kind to me, and I can’t say that about many people… He also said he was alone, so… “W-Wait! I’m S-Sorry ☞︎☹︎⚐︎🕈︎☜︎✡︎ Please D-Don’t Go, If You Let Me Tell Sans B-Before We Go, Then It’ll Probably Be O-Okay!” He turns his head back up to look at me. “Friend… Sans doesn’t WANT you to remember, Why do you think he fell asleep when you wanted to keep looking around?”,How did he…,”He wants you to be easily confused and manipulated, they only saved you so you couldn’t give the humans information.” How does he know all of this… why do his words bother me so much? Have I always doubted that people love and want to protect me?… If so… “ A-Alright, I’ll Go With Y-You, But I N-Need To Be Home B-Before Sans Wakes U-Up.” “Okay, Papyrus! I’m so glad you chose to hang out with me! Follow me!” “O-Of Course, My F-Friend!”
Sans POV:
Something’s wrong. I haven’t even opened my eyes yet, but I know something is wrong. “papyrus?” …silence… Papyrus isn’t in the room. Opening my eyes and half falling out of bed, I quickly realize… he isn’t even in the house. Taking a quick glance at the clock it tells me I’ve been asleep for almost 2 hours… That’s bad… How long has he been gone?!
“pap?!” I shout around Snowdin, teleporting or walking anywhere my brother could have run off to… I just hope he isn’t lost in the forest… That thing goes on forever… “papyrus?!” The world echos back his name, but nobody answers. …A painful scream shatters the world’s silence… “Papyrus?!” A vine throws my brother 10 feet in front of me. He opens his eyes blearily and begins to mumble. “papyrus?! what happened, where did you go?!” He struggles to breathe as I crouch in front of him. “S-Sans…-“ An awful cough interrupts him, “I… R-Remember… E-E-Everything…” He promptly passes out, leaving me to wonder what happened… “Heheheh! Hahaha! AHAHAHAHAH!!”…
…Chapter 13 coming soon-ish…
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weebnotheree · 1 year
Lolbit! Reader(M) x Hazbin Hotel || SMALL ONESHOT
This is a small One shot since Im slow at updating and too impatient to show you......... So I guess it's a trailer??
So everyone obviously met FFoxy and y/n. They didn't that FFoxy could sing. Y/n and Alastor were talking about killing and some stuff like that. Seeing Y/N laughing with someone else made Foxy jealous. He made a little narrowed his eyes and YK Alastor could feel someone looking at him.
FFoxy pov - & FP pov "Why don't you tell him already." Charlie says. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say while crossing my arms and looking away. "Oh come on it's obvious." Vaggie says while rolling and crossing her arms at the same time. I looked at Vaggie then back at Charlie. Her eyes light up and sparkles "You like y/n!!!" (Why did it remind me of "You like Maddie!" meme) She said all excited. My eyes widened and I blush dark red.
"SHUUUUUU, he might hear you!!" I told her. "Oh! Sorry sorry, I'm just happy for you. You HAVE to tell him. Right Vaggie?!" "Yeah I agree with Charlie. And believe me I've been there." She said reassuring me. "Really?" I asked "Yeah. But that's a story for another time. Right now you need to go tell YN you like him." I blushed again "I-i-..No I can't!!" "And why can't you?" Vaggie said crossing her arms. "Me and y/n are friends.. all we do is kill night guards and scare them.. that's all we'll ever do and that's all we'll ever be..." I said trying so hard to deny my feelings about him.
"Oh! I know! You should sing about him. You know, about how you feel. But we should all sing so no one would be suspicious of us." Charlie said.
"Like a talent show?" Vaggie questions.
"Exactly. A talent show." Charlie said With determination.
"Hey guys, let's do a✨talent show!✨" She announced.
"A what now." Angel said while sucking on another popsicle.
"Yeah no. Talent shows aren't for me. I'll pass." Husk said taking another sip of cheap booze.
"Oh come on it'll be fun." She said trying to get everyone to take part in the show. Eventually she did.
~Time skip~ Some people had already went. Alastor had just finished singing 'Feeling good' by Michael Bublè. They had just found out that Y/N could sing so they begged him. And eventually he gave in.
YN teleported on stage while everyone's attention was on him. He turned into a girl version of himself. Everyone was shocked. Alastor stayed the same but his eyes were a little bit wider with his grin growing. Y/n's body was a little bit slimmer the boy version of himself.
Y/n's eyes turn black white dots shinning bright in the dark.(stage dim lights are there too)
"LoL lol. LoL Lol. I feel so out of place. Please stand by Await your deadly fate."
When Y/N said that Alastor smirk widened.
"Glitching through the system Can't outrun. Better watch your step if not I'll come. I feel so out of place. (LoL)" "Turn out the lights tonight." "I'm getting faded" "A strobe within the shadows,"
Yns head stayed still as his body was floating and twisted around.
"Deep commission, Isolated." "Even though I got a coat of color I never hesitate to come close smother" "You and all your friends,"
Y/N points to a random demon watching. (Yes since it's a talent show you have a big audience) The demon widened, because y/n was seeing right through him.
"That's where I come in." Y/N grinned. "LoL it's time to laugh along with. LoL my friends they call me Lolbit ^^' "I feel so out of place Please stand by Await your deadly fate (LoL)" "Glitching through the system Can't outrun Better watch your step if not I'll come I feel so out of place" Y/N trying not to let his past get to him. So he kept smiling. And turned into his boy self. (LoL) Y/N glitches next to the random demon. The demon jumped at the demon appearing in front of him.
"Your in a dark room Tryn to escape But you got old friends new friends stuck in the way You see an exit sign but it's a dead design The red light screaming that your dead inside." Of course the demon was scared because all eyes were on him. Y/n took his phone.
"Keeping you close to me I take a picture." The demon shoved yn off and ran.
"💢😌Count it up 123 I'm going get ya." "Sneaking up under your skin it will craw Ready to strike in this virtual hall Funtime for me as I'm howling along (Dæd£y ãsthêyçømë)." Y/n's eyes were glitching when he said that. With that Alastor had an evil smirk plastered on his face. (Skip to 49 sec)
"Come get your fix A virtual reality Lolbits an anomaly." While saying he puts his hand on his chest.
"Commonly mistaking for Funtime foxy but he's obviously a wannabe." While saying that, Y/N looks at FFoxy, smirks at him then wink an eye at him. Making him blush. "Wabbly out the knees You wanna see a fix with quality." Y/n glitched Infront of the demon that ran, grabbing his throat, letting his feet dangle. "Me sharping all of my teeth Purple and orange I'm a beast." Y/n forced the demon to look in his eyes. With an evil smirk plastered on his face. "I'll make you believe Chop off your hands and your feet Cut out your tongue you can't speak." The demon was scared out of his mind. So Y/N dropped him and said "I'll put you at peace How bout I make you a deal Give me your hands and it's real." Sign here On the dotted line Then your souls mine what a seal." The demon wanted it to be over, so he quickly signed his first and last name on the shiney golden paper that appeared in front of him. And he thought finally..I'll be left alone.. His body shook so bad and ran out of the hotel. Somewhere far away from the hotel, since he knew Y/N was staying there. All he knew was that he wanted to get as far away as possible from the hotel...... but that's what he thought. Y/N glitched back on stage while glitching back into the girl version of himself.
"LoL it's time to laugh along with LoL my friends they call me Lolbit I feel so out of place Please stand by Await your deadly fate (LoL LoL)." "Glitching through the system Can't outrun Better watch your step If not I'll come I feel so out of place." Y/n's ears went down for at least 5 seconds as his pats just didn't want to get of his head.  But quickly raised them back up, smiling before saying "LoL LoL. LoL LoL." ^^ But that didn't go unnoticed by FFoxy and 4 other friends. Y/n turned back to the boy version of himself. Getting off stage for someone else to perform. While the crowd of demons cheered.
It wasn't supposed to be y/n singing TvT it was supposed to be Foxy. But I'm making a part 2 for him cause that's what I was SUPPOSED to do in the first place. See ya later my mini dumplings ( ◜‿◝ )♡ <3
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
I was just reading some Apocalypse thread while looking up something and found this
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This is peak gaslighting and Apocalypse copium ‘change my mind’.
It has the same energy as:
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Like what do you mean no retcons or major contradictions?! Here’s a short list off the top of my head on retcons and contradictions: (Spoilers duh)
-In IV they acted like Flynn was the only messiah. If Nanashi Aka Akira’s reincarnation and the second messiah exists why is he NEVER mentioned by anyone?!
-Toki was supposed to assassinate Flynn, but she does nothing while Flynn annihilates Tokyo during the law route. I’d imagine upon learning that she’d want to kill him quickly especially since Flynn trying to destroy Tokyo was known.
-Gaston and the Crusaders are not only never mentioned, but don’t try to stop you when you attack Mikado in the chaos route. If they were a thing they would have tried to stop Flynn.
-Nozomi became Danu her spirit wasn’t hanging out inside her
-The Kinschio underground district materialized out of thin air. It’s never referenced and Flynn can never travel there in IV for no reason. It’s next to the Sky Tower where Flynn entered Tokyo yet he somehow never goes there and somehow misses an entire district right in front of him until Apocalypse.
-Merkabah and the angel’s behavior is off. They would never seriously allow an unclean one to be their champion and they would never even humor the idea. Also him and Lucifer haven’t given up on having Flynn join them like they did in IV.
-Why does Merkahbah announce the angels plans in the open? In the law route he informs the people of Mikado through a shared dream they all had. It would make more sense for them to find out this information from Gaston rather than an infiltration mission.
-Burroughs is completely ignored when you have two Samurai on your team. This is relevant because she would have been able to detect Hallelujah and imposter Flynn being demons. Even when demons are hiding in human form Burroughs can still detect them (example: Issachar). Heck, both Nanashi and Nozomi can detect demons too with their powers and they somehow don’t notice (though that’s not a retcon just bad writing).
-Probably the biggest one (and most plot breaking) is Flynn’s reaction to a hostage situation. In IV Nozomi is taken captive by a Wickerman similarly to Asahi, but the situation is worse because she’s inside the Wickerman and in danger of being burnt alive. Flynn’s response to this situation is to kill the Wickerman and save Nozomi which works out for him so it’s very strange that he doesn’t do the same in Apocalypse. We know he can speed blitz the Divine Powers literally in the same scene Odin can’t even touch him till he allows himself to get hit. Later an exhausted Flynn literally strikes Krishina before he can even react. Even from Nanashi’s pov Flynn practically looks like he’s teleporting. An exhausted Flynn two shotting Krishna who is way stronger than Matrieya is some pretty good proof he could do the same to Matrieya (or at least cut his arms off or something else to make him let go like jabbing him in the stomach). This one is particularly bad because it reveals just how horrible Apocalypse’s writing is. It’s a story that literally can’t and shouldn’t happen.
Honestly there’s probably a lot more I’m not thinking of at this moment.
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Works Master List
Traffic Series Canon Divergence AU - 5 chapters - weekly updates Saturdays
Title and chapter titles inspired by creature by half•alive! [ - . - ] Grian blinked. Scott exhaled. Pearl moved. Martyn listened. And each opened their eyes to the new worlds that awaited them. [ - . - ] As he worked on taking deep breaths to calm himself, he felt a strange chill cover his skin. Gooseflesh crept slowly across his arms, and his vibrantly colored feathers puffed up as the strange sensation intensified. It felt vaguely reminiscent of teleportation with an ender pearl, the pressing of the void into your very bones before you warped through space. But he hadn’t thrown an ender pearl, he was almost sure of it. And yet, with another blink, he was gone. Grian no longer stood in a circle with the other players. [ - . - ] Welcome to my personal brain rot project. Also known as tossing every Life Series season into the blender on a confusing timeline, connecting all of them with 0 logic at all, and traumatizing your favorite characters, all according to canon events. With a twist. This is a novelization of the Winners POVs, so buckle in and enjoy!!
Tags: #creature au, #ttf fics, #creature au rambles, #creature au facts, #creature au headcanons
Spotify playlist
The Consequences of Overworking Yourself and Hunting Ghosts
Completed GIGS crew Phasmo one-shot for Whumptober 2023
Impulse is good at his job. Anyone will tell you so. His team always gets the riskier contracts, and nothing bad ever happens. Well. Sometimes accidents happen to the best of us.
Tags: #gigs phasmo fics #ttf fics
GIGS Phasmo Spotify playlist
Projects Now On Hold
Completed Tango-centric Hermitcraft one-shot for Whumptober 2023
Sometimes you have to take a break to take care of yourself. If only Tango had thought about that just a little bit sooner, then maybe he wouldn't find himself being dragged around by his friends.
Tags: #hermitcraft fics #ttf fics
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Squinting In Purple Light
Completed Impulse-centric Phasmophobia one-shot for Whumptober 2023 - can be read as an unofficial prequel to The Consequences of Overworking Yourself and Hunting Ghosts
Impulse doesn't only work with a team. Sometimes he accepts contracts on his own. Sometimes they aren't exactly what he signed up for.
Tags: #gigs phasmo fics #ttf fics
GIGS Phasmo Spotify playlist
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𝐵𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒴𝑜𝓊 - 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳𝒳𝐼𝒳
Taehyung's POV
I jump awake after seeing a horrifying dream. My dear... she was scared of me. She was trying to run. She wasn't okay. I look aside to see her peacefully sleeping. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. She's fine. She'll be fine as long as she's with me. She doesn't know what I am. She doesn't know that we can live forever. She doesn't know, that's why she says things like that. She's fine, I'm fine, we're fine. I hug her tightly. I can't let her slip away. I'll keep her close. She needs me. She needs me to support her but how can I support her if I'm weak? I must be strong for her. I close my eyes with the hope to sleep but I couldn't. I sit up and lean against the headboard watching my dear. So peaceful, so innocent. Why do you love me?
"I need to pack!" Yuna hops in enjoyment.
I chuckle, "Here's the suitcase."
"I'm so excited!" She squeals.
"Here," I pull out a bunch of clothes from the closet, "These look nice."
She hums, "Yeah, they look nice," she folds them and puts them in neatly.
"Lemme get the toiletries," she hops into the bathroom, "You need to pack your suitcase too!"
"Don't pack too much, we can get what we want when we get there," I remind.
I hear a small "Okay" from the bathroom and I leave the room smiling.
Yoongi's POV
"You're lucky you're rich," Hoseok scoffs as he gets out of the car, "I hope they didn't beat you up or something."
"They don't dare," I reply.
"Yeah, but Taehyung does," he states.
"I want to get him," I say, "I want my sister back and I want him to die."
"He can't die!" Hoseok says, "He's immortal we can't kill him."
"Then what do we do?" I ask.
"I kind of thought about something," Hoseok says, "Get in the car."
"Tell me what it is," I ask.
"Just get in the car and I'll tell you," he says opening the door.
"Okay," I get in the car and close the door, "Tell me."
"Taehyung always has an eye on Yuna," he starts, "That's why we can't go near her or get her included in any of our strategies but he does not have an eye on any of us — her friends."
"What are you implying?" I ask.
"We can reveal the truth to Namjoon and Seokjin," he says.
"What will they do?" I ask.
"Look, Taehyung trusts Namjoon and Seokjin. He trusts them to keep Yuna safe," Hoseok explains, "He won't doubt them. Once we can prove it to them, they can help Yuna realise or help us."
I think for a while, "Would Namjoon and Seokjin believe us?"
"We have to prove it to them. Like how I found out or something," he says.
"Good idea," I smirk, "Let's figure how we'll prove it to them."
"Let's show him the videos you have of him teleporting first," Hoseok suggests, "And when they disagree with us, we'll tell them that we'll prove it to them."
"How do we prove it though?" I ask.
"We could get you to do something and then when Taehyung teleports or something, they'll see," he suggests.
"Aren't you guys going to Egypt soon?" I ask.
"Oh yeah," he says, "We are. Maybe we could do it in Egypt? Isn't he from Egypt?"
"Yes," I reply.
"Perfect," Hoseok claps.
"Are you sure? It doesn't sound that great," I sigh.
"Do you have another plan? Or are you planning to let go of Yuna?" He asks.
"No," I throw my head back, "I don't have another plan and I'm not letting go."
"Let's just give it a shot," he sighs, "If not, let's just give up."
"I'm not giving up," I state.
"You want to end up dead?" He asks.
"I don't care if I'm dead," I reply.
Hoseok rolls his eyes.
Taehyung's POV
"Are you sure you're okay coming with us?" Yuna asks resting her head on my shoulder.
"Yes, of course, dear," I smile putting my arm around her. 
She smiles, "I think I'm gonna take a nap till we reach the airport."
"Okay, dear," I lean back comfortably allowing her to rest on me, "Lean onto me."
"Will you be okay?" She asks.
"Yes," I gently push her head onto my chest, "Just close your eyes."
I feel her smile onto my chest before shuffling around to get comfortable. I will be revealing all my secrets to you when we're in Egypt. I'll take you to our castle and tell you everything. I hope you don't run. I just hope you understand that everything will be fine and the same way as now... just one difference that you will be immortal and it'll go on forever. 
"Dear," I shake her slightly, "We're here. You can continue your nap on the flight."
"What? Okay," she rubs her eyes and gets up, "Let's go!"
I chuckle seeing her pull out the suitcase, "Lemme help."
"So strong," she compliments. She looks around to find her friends, "There's Namjoon and Seokjin."
"Go on," I say, "I'll get our suitcases."
"Are you sure?" She asks me, "I can carry mine."
"No, dear. Go, I got this," I take both our suitcases neither hands, "I'll be right behind."
"Okay," she runs to Seokjin hugging him. I smile. She trusts them with her life. I follow behind her.
"Woah!" Seokjin's eyes widen, "You carried two whole suitcases by yourself?"
"Yeah," I chuckle.
"Strong man," Namjoon smiles, "Yuna's got a strong man."
"Where's Hoseok?" Yuna asks.
"He's on the way," Namjoon replies.
"We have time," Seokjin says, "We have about three hours."
"I'm here," Hoseok runs up to us panting and dragging his suitcase, "I'm here!"
Yuna laughs, "Wow, Hoseok. Woke up late?"
"Yeah," he pants, "Woke up really late. My alarm didn't ring."
"Poor clock gets the blame," Seokjin laughs, "Let's go."
"Hello," I greet Hoseok and he looks down.
"Hello," he greets me back. 
I smile and grab his shoulder pulling him towards me gently, "Hoseok," I whisper,
"I know you must be planning something but,"
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"Just remember that you're walking into my lair."
1068 words
A/N- So what do you think will happen in Egypt?
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Long live the king - Louis x reader
Kingdom masterlist
Previous next
Dann POV.
/I really have to get Louis to practice fighting again... We can't let Jaehyun win...//
I went to his room to see that the door was slightly open. I carefully opened the door just to see a almost fully destroyed room.
And him in the middle of everything „Louis" He turned around and i was shocked //He never wanted to be a full vampire...why?// „Did you find out where she is?" I shiver ran Down my spine, his voice was cold and full of anger..."First you should calm down otherwise I wont tell you shit" with that i left the room and teleported away only to here something break as soon as i stood at the stairs //He really threw something after me// I shook my head //He'll need to learn to control his damn anger... But that only proofs that he really has feelings for her and that he wants her back.... But we can't just attack Jaehyun... We all need to learn how to control our power me and the others may be a bit better then Louis even thought we haven't used them in centuries.... But Louis never used his Powers not even as a child...but they are as Powerfull now as Y/Ns... I hope she's ok. Ever since she got taken everyone is down. Everyone worry's about her well being.//
I heard a knock on my door „Come in" Louis of course „Before you say something, I'm sorry i know i need to learn how to control it..." He looked down. I nodded „Good now come we have to practice" His head shot up „Your not mad?" I shook my head and laughed at him in disbelief „No... I know how you feel.. Remember when i almost destroyed the palace in my Kingdom?" He nodded „That was after she died...After i realized that I'll maybe never get her back.. So i understand how you feel." The look in his eyes changed from still slightly angry to sad. „Sorry.." „You dont need to apologize." I went to him and pulled him in a hug „We will get her back don't worry, I wont let the same thing happen again. There wont be another one losing his love" I felt him nod „I can't control..-„ „I know dont worry we'll help you" with that we went to go to the practice room and gathered the others too to practice with us.
The medicine had really work and luckily I was sleeping through the whole pain thing so i didn't notice anything.
Jaehyuns mom began to train me and I slowly began to understand how powerful my powers really were and how to control them.
„How will i be able to pay you back" I asked her when we took a small break. She didn't look at me „You don't have to. The biggest and best reward will be that I can see you together with your true love." She smiled. „Just promise me to end Jaeyhun or otherwise he'll never stop hurting people to get what he wants." I nodded //I really hope I'll be able to do that// „I know that you probably think -how will this work?- but believe me it will work out. You just have to trust yourself" I nodded again „Now come we want you to get strong fast don't we?" „Yes" with that we stood up and began to practice again.
Louis POV
The practice went well till now. Again the thoughts about Y/N... I felt anger boil up inside of me. //I need to get out before i hurt on of the others// I walked outside to get some fresh air. „Where are you going?" Ivan of course he'd notice. „I need fresh air. I don't want to hurt any of you guys with a anger outburst." With that I went into the garden.. But I couldn't calm down.. everything reminded me of her.... „FOR FUCK SAKE!!" I punched into one of the rock and it cracked into two pieces. I looked shocked at my hand and then the rock. //Shit// but I saw something inside the rock that got my attention „What is?-„ I stopped myself after seeing a what exactly it was. My eyes went wide „That can't be .... That means mom hide it from...dad..."
We practiced till dawn and went back to the room to get dinner. Suddenly I felt something really strong.. „What was that?" I mumbled „It seems like your boyfriend found what his mother had hidden from her husband, Jaehyuns dad and Jaehyun. You'll have more control over your power now. But we still need to keep practicing." I nodded „Ok" //What did he find that has such strong power??// I kept thinking about it till I fell asleep..
Dann POV.
I searched for Louis, when i had found him he held something in his hands //What is- Nooooo how is that possible?//
My jaw dropped. „Is that?" „Yes it is...but i still don't get why my mom would have hidden it all the time" I nodded but then remembered „she did that to keep you save.. she told me that you'll find it when you need it the most and i think she was very right with that" He kept silent for awhile „You knew she hid it?" I nodded again „She made me promise not to tell anyone and since then a lot of time has passed..." He nodded „We need to get inside to come up with a plan. Please call the other and make sure no one is with us or finds us till we have a plan." I nodded „We will get her back and safe the Kingdom, now that we have my dear mothers help."
Louis POV.
I watched Dann walk away. //Please mother help us with this. Please help us get her back and safe the kingdom.//
I looked up to the sky and it began to rain //Mother always loved rainy day they calmed her down// My eyes widen in realization „Thank you mother"
0 notes
baggythebag · 2 years
nethervillage mess chap 1
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hi hi hi this is baggy and this is my first fic here :3 hope you enjoy it&lt;;33
warnings: cursing,violence,death
3rd perso POV:
she woke up from her 34min sleep that's all she get for a couple of days sadly,but she doesn't mind since it make her more awake and ready for a fight,just in case, she forced her legs to move and get out of bed she went to the dirty bathroom the old owners didnt bother to take care of it one bit 'but who is she to blame them' though to her self .looking at her self in the mirror, sad,broken,tired ,and lonley thats what you will see on her face. ''Farah T.M. '' thats the young women's name , but people call them the angry shadow ….she had been hiding in this old building since the enemy is looking for her, and got stuck for 4 years in this disgusting place ,her11 years old self didnt find another home,but she would rather be here than under his control and none stopping abuse.
If you didnt know-which U DONT-this woman had been an agent for this man..lets call him Mr.S…., where she killed , poisoned,and kidnapped targets at the age of 9.we know it seem impossible but they had a power that made them seem like a strong human ,she did her job with cold eyes ,my life wasn't good before either: abusive father and a dump but kind mother wasn't the best ship that is ,so i ran,and i was forced to the join the KNE(KidNightEater)and today she'll try and escape this hell of a place she had to put a plan. this city known as nethervillage or the zombie land , is the most least safe place it's almost on an apocalypse, and its -Ohio like- state is going down with the lead of S. she stepped out the window with a backpack ready to jump out ,she gave a little confidence to her self , saying:'' the second i take a step out my life will take a new page a new beginning,a new-'' .gun shots.
Unknown POV:
'' target Farah #367 down ''she talked into the mic and turned my back and i calmly walked away from the body she was me , that Farah was me..in another universe of course! . ''I want a smoothie''Farah talked to herself'' I need to get the fuck out of here first tho-''
3rd person POV(againn)
with that being said she heard a growling noise behind her , she turned to her back and there it was a zombie running full speed at her, the strong women panicked and ran as fast as possible DONT GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS!'' she shouts while running but quickly corrected herself ''NO WAIT, THEY DO-'' .after the long run our hero ran out of ideas so she grabbed her gun ''I forgot I had this thing on me, damn'' she stopped and kneed down, pointing her bloody gun at the hungry zombie's eyes, shooting them ''enjoy being a blind little girl, or boy, or person don't care''. she took her cigarette out burning the tip of it and took a breath, she had to relax somehow, this was too tiring for her ''god that was awful, im late again'' .shadow arrived at the KNA base and put her clown costume on '' this clown wig is itchy can i get another'' asked the 15 years old girl hoping for something more comfortable, but the staff just ignored her like she was a crazy person talking to herself, Farah -angry and pissed- walked through the teleporting door they used to do their missions this time she had to do the ultimate task kidnap her old self they name them the o.children Farah exited the door and looked around carefully to not draw attention to herself, but she failed by stepping on a broken bottle of booze ''h-hmm…'' the bed twitched announcing that she woke that person.
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welp this is the end for now :3 but i'll post chap 2 soon
SEE Y'ALL &lt;;33 btw this is a little image of what Farah look like hehe
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made with picrew
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rd0265667 · 2 years
Cast out(Chapter 2)
1k words
Gaeul isn't looking too good...Wonyoung is still unconscious. The rest of the girls are exhausted.What do I do now?
Before I had a moment to think of something, anything, my barrier shattered, as the minions of the Dark surrounded us once again.
"Now I end you, little boy" Knull said, sword raised
"ENOUGH!"The High father yelled as he arrived via the Transit,wielding his spear as he stared down Knull
"Ah, High Father, you seem, tired" "We can end this now, Knull. I'm willing to allow the truce to still stand" "We did not seek out violence, it was the actions of your son." "And my son is an ignorant young boy, treat his actions as such" "I'm afraid High Father, you instigated this violence on my world, and as such, I have to strike back" Knull said, lifting his sword once again, before getting knocked back by the beams of the Transit, teleporting the High father, Y/N and IVE back to the Gap Dimension. "So it begins"
Back in the Gap Dimension
Father scowled at me, before turning to Yujin. "How are they?" "Not great High father" "Leeseo, get Gauel and Wonyoung to the medic now! Yujin, take Rei and Liz, inform Valkyrie Section Newjeans and Twice to secure the border. Ensure no enemies slip into the Kingdom or Earth" "Understood High father"
"Father I-" "Silence Child! Do you understand what your recklessness has done. Our Truce with the Dark has been broken. Any time now, Knull and his forces will attack us and Earth. Thousands of innocent people will die!"  I scoffed internally, how could he not see where I'm coming from! "Father, I was trying to protect us. General Gaeul and I were ambushed by 5 attackers! The dark has obviously lost all respect for us. I just wanted to protect my home and Earth" "You're not being a protector! You're trying to be a warrior! And look where that has brought you! Two of your friends are injured, or worse, and soon, We'll be in the midst of another damn war. WHO DID YOU PROTECT?!?!" He yelled, staring at me, which pissed me off "You're a fool father. If you had fought alongside me, we could have taken Knull, forced the Dark to kneel and never attack anyone ever again. But NO! You ran like a coward! Once I'm king, I will right your wrongs." Father was clearly affected by what I said, even stumbling back a little, but in my rage, I ignored it
"As King, I would destroy the Dark once and for all, something you could never do. As king, I would"
"But you're not! You're not king. And I was a fool for thinking you were ready. Now be silent, we need to prepare the Kingdom for War."
"This would not have happened, if you had just wiped them out the first time! The kingdom is being buried under the avalanche of your inadequacies, father" I yelled back, rage overcoming me
"Silence Child...I see now that you require a harsher lesson. Somi, open the transit"
Somi looked at my father, then at me, with a confused look on her face, but obeying the command. "Yes, High Father"
"Father, what are you doing? Are you finally going to walk into the Dark and destroy those..those animals once and for all? Huh?"
Third Person POV
"Prince Y/N, you have disobeyed the command of the high father and the rules of the gap dimension. Your stupidity and arrogance, has opened up this dimension, and Earth, to the horror and pain of war! You are, unworthy of these realms, unworthy of your title! You are unworthy! of the people, you have betrayed. I now take from you, your power! In the name of my father, and his father before, I, the high father, cast you out!"
The High father stood in front of Y/N, hand reaching out as all of Y/N's weapons and armour fell to the ground and towards him. With the wave of his hand, the entire arsenal shrunk to a bracelet, as the High father then shot Y/N with a strong beam, sending him flying through the Transit
"Whosoever holds this, should they be worthy and pure of heart, shall possess the power of Y/N" The High father whispered, enchanting the bracelet, before throwing it through the Transit.
"Close it, Somi"
"Yes High father"
Later, In the highfather's chambers
"Jaegon, what the hell were you thinking!" The Highfather's wife, Y/N's mother, stormed into the room, staring at her husband
"Please trust me Ji-Eun, our son needs to learn."
"Now? When we are at the brink of war with the Dark, and you banish our best warrior, our son to Earth?"
"I did not just banish our son. I took his powers, and his memory of the gap dimension. He will think he is just a common human on Earth, and that all his memories are just a dream."
"Now why would you do that...he could get killed.Don't you care?"
"He will regain his memory back my love, don't worry. He will regain his memory when he learns the value of being a protector, not a warrior. These are trying times, and if Y/N does not understand the difference between the 2, he is more hindrance than help.  And not to worry, the bracelet that consists of his weaponry has been enchanted by me. Once he regains his memory and is worthy of being the Gap Dimension's defender again, he will regain his powers too. In the meantime, the bracelet protects him from any harm, physical, mental or otherwise."
"I'll watch him. If any harm were to befall him, I'll-"
"There won't be, Ji-Eun. Trust me."
"Alright my love."
A knock on the door could be heard
Yujin walked in, bowing to the both of them
"Greetings High Father. Some reports. Both General Gaeul and General Wonyoung are fine. Twice and Newjeans have reported no intruders across the borders, but General Jihyo has reported that many of the Dark's soldiers seem to have disappeared from their borders. No doubt to prepare for the incoming assault."
"I see, alert the armies to prepare for battle, ready all weapons and ensure all our arsenal is all operational. General, we are going to war."
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kittrrrr · 2 years
Inktobertale (31)
Here's the final drabble, everybody! I'm sorry for the mass & last posting, but I kept up on one of the two places I was posting, so that's got to count for something, right? Uh, this is definitely my favorite out of the bunch- I'll tag it later- bye! Total word count for my Inktobertale is 11,084 words. ======
Stars POV
Ink bounded down the stars, a pillow case in hand. He was dressed up as the clown from It. Waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, Blue and Dream were also dressed up, ready to go trick or treating. Blue was the killer from Nightmare on Elm Street, and Dream was dressed up as Jason's mom from Friday the 13th. Both were as excited as Ink.
"Are you finally ready?" Dream asked. He was bouncing too.
"Heck yeah!" Ink replied, jumping off the last step.
"Which AU should we go to first?" Blue shifted slightly, trying to get the hang of holding things in his costume. 
"Candytale?" Dream pulled his mask down.
"Nah, they give out fruit and veggies there." Blue said.
"Oh! Outertale! Then we can go to-"
"Underfell?" Dream interrupted innocently.
"NO!" Blue and Ink shot him down at the same time.
"There's nothing to do there on Halloween except go to a party, get drunk, get into mischief and get into a fight. In that order." Blue told Dream, rather bluntly.
"C'mon you guys, you'll argue the night away. No more planning! Let's just go!" With that, Ink pulled Dream and Blue through an ink puddle to who-knows-where. They landed in Outertale, and egan to trick or treat. When it got late in Outertale, they left for Underswap, then the original Undertale. They took a break to get dinner at the Anti-void with Fatal Error and Blueberror before trooping off to their last AU, Altertale.
"Wow." Blue looked through his bag with startled eye sockets. "I can't believe I got that much candy." 
"Well, we did go to four AUs until it got late there..." Ink said, setting down his own pillow case of candy. "That's like, four nights of trick or treating for the price of one." It was Blue's first time trick or treating with Dream and Ink
"I like the way we do this. My village never had Halloween." Dream dropped his own bag on the ground and stretched. 
"That's sad! Even Underground we had Halloween."
"That's weird. Isn't Halloween about- Um... Scaring off the monsters?"
"There are worse things than monsters, Dream..." Blue ended the conversation on an ominous note. 
"Welp- Are we done trick or treating?" "Ink. I've got enough candy for a year." Blue stated dryly.
"I'd say that's a yes."
"Then how about we drop in on their Halloween movie contest."
"I haven't been into Halloween pranks since I was a kid. That sounds amazing!" Blue's eyes were stars for a fleeting moment. Ink's were a question and an exclamation mark.
"Uh... Aren't most Halloween movies... Scary?" Dream shuffled his feet, and hid his true nervousness with another stretch.
"Don't be a wuss Dream!" Ink pulled Dream through another portal, with Blue jumping in a moment after. They landed in front of the main door to Nightmare's castle, which was menacing presence. Especially with the fall forest all around. Ink didn't seem to be effected at all by the forest and walked straight up to the door, seized the knocker and knocked. He stepped back waiting for the call to come in. After a few minutes, Blue came in. 
"You're not doing it right." Blue threw the knocker at the door only a few times, but it cleved right through the door. Blue, unaffected, peered right in. "Hmm... I don't see anyone." 
"Let- Let's teleport in, then! It can't be any worse then staying out here any longer!" Dream said. Ink grabbed the other Star Sanes' hand and teleported in. 
Bad Sanses POV
Nightmare watched the film bordly. He, honestly, loved this the first one in this series, but it had long since gotten stale. Besides, they totally ruined the surprise of the killer at the end. They hadn't watched for a Halloween scary movie contest in a long time, though, so it was a good candidate. And it was terrifying to the others, though no one admitted it. They were all jumpy, at the least. Nightmare was tempted to look at his phone, but the rules of the contest clearly banned that. Nightmare decided to go over the rules of the contest in his head. 
The first rule was that there were no phones allowed. Nightmare had taken them and locked them up in the kitchen. But he'd forgotten his... The second rule that once you wussed out, you couldn't come back as a contestant. You were allowed to watch all night. The third rule that the only time to get food or other things was during the movie changes. Nightmare was broken out of his thoughts by a faint knocking. He was still a part of the contest, as were all of his boys, so there was no getting up. The others were so invest in the movie that they didn't even notice. 
Then, a buzz of a teleport and-
"Trick or treat!" Everyone jumped, and... If the Stars weren't so good at dodging, they probably would have been skeure in about twenty different ways. 
"Can't you knock like a normal people?" Error demanded, glitches building up.
"But you weren't answering-"
"That doesn't even matter!" Error was slightly less glitchy now. 
"I assume you didn't come for treats?" Nightmare butted in.
"Yeah, especially since you've already had your trick." Cross pouted.
"We were wondering if we could watch movies with you." As Nightmare was about to reply, Horror spoke up.
"You can stay-"
"What?!" Everyone but the Stars yelled.
"But only if you give us a lot of candy."
"Sure!" Blue poured out his bag. "Wasn't gonna eat it anyway." Together, the Bad and Star Sanses chowed down on candy and watched horror movies until they fell asleep. It wasn't a bad end for a Inktobertale. not when most end in a flaming pile of junk. 
But who knows...
Maybe this is a flaming pile of junk...
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touch and go: chapter 2
A/N: i meant to post this last night but completely forgot, maybe i'll post the next chapter early as compensation (i have like 5 chapters prewritten at this point im unhinged KASFKDG) anyway, scott pov!! 
Warnings: arguing, moral dilemmas, death mention 
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Scott couldn’t stop thinking about the new super. The team had razzed him about the disastrous interview, Jack especially, and he brushed them all off while fighting back a blush. They weren't denying that the super was attractive- far from it. Eyes as brown as freshly tilled dirt (so unlike anything he had seen on his homeworld), and blond hair that shone like the earth’s sun… Scott very much wouldn’t mind getting to know this new super. But that overenthusiastic newscaster probably scared them off.
“We need to find out what angle they’re playing at, and quick. As well as figure out what exactly their powers are… they could be useful,” Phil mused, fingers drumming against the meeting table.
“I don’t think they had much of an angle,” Scott said with a frown.
“Trust me, newbie, everyone’s got an angle. My bet is that they were playing up the innocent bystander schtick,” Sneeg piped up, scrambling down from Phil’s shoulder to stand on the table in front of Scott.
“I still don’t get it. They teleported, just like me. Rude, honestly,” Ranboo said with a sniff.
“Starbornes do teleport…” Scott trailed off, wincing a little at Ranboo’s irritated scowl.
“But that’s my thing, we don’t need another person teleporting around,” she huffed. Scott rolled their eyes.
“But they probably aren’t a starborne, they teleported exactly like you, but then vanished like…” Scott trailed off, pieces starting to fall into place. Scott had held the new super, and afterward had noticed his starbursts didn’t feel as strong. Then Ranboo had put a hand on their shoulder. And then Mirage had grabbed them from behind before they vanished.
“What’s that look for?” Jack asked with a frown.
“Ranboo, did you notice anything… different, with your powers after you touched the super?” Scott asked.
“I- well now that you say it, yeah. Felt like my reaction time wasn’t as good- I didn’t even get a chance to grab the guy before that rubble came flying,” she said, brows furrowing in puzzlement.
“What are you getting at?” Phil asked, leaning forward with intrigue.
“I think- I think this new super steals powers. I tired out way quicker than I usually do when I was fighting Scarletwing. And then there’s what you said, Ranboo. And I’m willing to bet Mirage experienced something similar,” Scott explained.
“Yeah, Mirage looked like he was in pain before that new super teleported away,” Ranboo added.
“But how are you two feeling now, do you think they still have your powers?” Phil asked, wings shifting nervously.
“I feel pretty normal, I think? Hard to tell, still kinda ache all over from being pummeled through a wall,” Scott replied with a grimace.
“You’re lucky, newbie. You should’ve been dead,” Sneeg piped up. Scott glared at him a little.
“Yeah, but that new super saved me. Still think they’ve got an angle?” they snapped.
“Angle or not, they’re dangerous. Getting them on our side would be the best, but we’ll need to neutralize them if they step out of line,” Phil said, something dark in his tone that made the hair on Scott’s neck stand up.
“Isn’t that a bit… extreme? I really don’t think they meant to cause such a fuss- besides are we forgetting that they shot Scarletwing?” he asked with a frown.
“There’s infighting among the Southlanders and other villain groups all the time, newbie,” Sneeg said with an eyeroll.
“I have a name, y’know,” Scott huffed, but it fell on deaf ears.
“Besides, they probably just thought you were pretty,” Jack pointed out. Everyone at the table slowly turned to look at Jack with various incredulous and perplexed expressions.
“What-” Ranboo started.
“He’s pretty! Just because I’m straight doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes, c’mon,” Jack said with a huff, crossing his arms.
“That. Out of everything you could have said, I wasn’t expecting that,” Scott said, blinking in bewilderment.
“Also we all saw that picture from the news, there’s no way there’s nothing happening between you two,” Jack said matter-of-factly. Some sort of dawning realization came over Phil’s face, and he cast a suspicious glance at Scott.
“You are awfully quick to defend them…” Phil trailed off with a thoughtful hum.
“What are you suggesting?” Scott asked incredulously.
“And you figured out their powers pretty quick,” Sneeg added, glaring up at Scott.
“It wasn’t that hard to figure out, they made physical contact with people and gained their powers after,” Scott said flatly.
“Still. Seems odd- you sure you’ve never met them until today?” Phil asked, wings fluffing up a bit, making him seem bigger. Scott stared him down, not letting Phil intimidate him one bit.
“I’d never even seen them until today- you guys are letting that newscaster get to your head,” he said with a huff.
“In any case, I think you’re too close to this. Whether you know them or not, Jack is right about that picture,” Phil said firmly. Scott’s stomach dropped.
“What are you saying,” they managed to get out.
“I’m benching you until further notice,” Phil replied.
“What?! You can’t do that!” Scott protested, standing up from his seat.
“Your reaction proves I have to,” Phil said firmly.
“That’s bullshit, I just joined the team! And you can’t seriously be going off of some clickbait-y newscaster’s story!” they said, hands gesturing wildly.
“If anything, you should be thanking me, the media is gonna be all over you, begging to know about the supposed romance between you and this super. Lying low isn’t a bad idea,” Phil pointed out with a smile that felt too mocking to be genuine.
“Phil, have you seen me?! Lying low isn’t really my thing,” Scott scoffed.
“It’s going to be your thing now. You’re benched. No arguments,” Phil ordered.
Scott scowled and stormed out of the meeting room, slamming the door behind him. He shoved past interns and other heroes as he bolted out of the Hero Alliance Hall. He burst up into the sky with a blast of starlight, ignoring the elated shouts of his moniker as he flew home.
Scott collapsed face-first onto his bed, not bothering to change out of his hero costume- which was really just traditional starborne wear since they didn’t have many other options. Phil and his team tried to badger him into wearing a mask, but why hide this beauty?! Besides, they looked like a completely different person when in their “human” disguise… although maybe he should start wearing glasses too just to be sure.
They groaned and rolled over, scrubbing their hands over their face. He’d just been benched from hero work, and he was thinking about outfit changes?! Maybe Phil was right to sideline him.
A knock at the door interrupted Scott from their misery. He took his hands away from his face and sat up, glaring at the door as if it would make the person on the other side go away.
“Scott? Hey, can we talk? You sort of ran off,” Jack’s voice came from the other side. Before they could answer, Jack entered the room anyway. Scott was really beginning to regret becoming housemates from the fiery hero.
“That was the point, Phil didn’t want me there anyway,” Scott grumbled, flopping back on his bed.
“Of course we want you there, man!” Jack said, sitting on the edge of Scott’s bed.
“What part of ‘I’m benching you until further notice’ says ‘we want you there?’” Scott said flatly, propping himself up on his elbows with a raised eyebrow at Jack.
“Okay so we don’t want you there for missions,” Jack said. Scott dropped back to the bed again, covering their face with their hands.
“Yeah, that makes me feel better,” he huffed. Jack winced a little.
“Okay, not my best choice of words- and yeah, it was kind of a shit decision on Phil’s part, honestly. And I am sorry,” Jack said sheepishly. Scott said bolt upright, squinting a bit at Jack. He was apologizing? Was the world ending?
“You’re what?” Scott asked, incredulous.
“Well it was sorta my fault. I kept teasing you about the interview, and Phil ended up taking it a little too seriously. So, I’m sorry,” Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck and giving Scott a nervous smile.
“Oh. Well, thanks? I guess. Not much you can do about it now, though,” Scott said with a shrug.
“I’m sure Phil will get over it. There’ll probably be a cataclysmic event that we’ll need your help on eventually,” Jack said, clapping his hand on Scott’s knee. Scott tried his best not to flinch at Jack’s naturally high body heat. Luckily Jack seemed to remember Scott’s natural weakness to fire, and with an apologetic smile he drew back his hand.
“Probably,” Scott said with a small smile.
“You gonna be okay to mope by yourself? I gotta do patrol- you really lucked out of that, being benched- but I could always get someone else to do it,” Jack offered. Scott shook their head.
“Nah, I’m fine. Good luck on patrol,” he replied. Jack rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I’ll need the luck to not die of boredom,” Jack huffed as he left Scott’s room, shutting the door behind him.
Scott flopped back onto the bed with a sigh. He supposed he should probably get dressed- his hero outfit certainly wasn’t going to get much use. They got up from their bed with a groan, shrugging off their overcoat as they walked over to their closet.
He had just gotten settled in a hoodie and sweats, hanging his costume in the closet, when his phone rang. They frowned, grabbing their phone from where they had dropped it on the bed while changing. The number wasn’t one he recognized.
“Hello?” Scott asked as he answered the call.
“Hello, Starboy,” a cool, unbothered voice said. Scott’s blood ran cold. Not a great sign that someone got his personal phone number and knew his identity.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” they asked.
“A friend, I hope. I heard you stormed out of H.A.H. today,” the voice said conversationally.
“Who is this,” Scott demanded in a low growl.
“Well… you may know me as Shadowrot. But that’s not who I am anymore,” they said, and Scott’s earlier instinct was proven right. Shadowrot was a part of the Fairy Fort… or at least, she had been. Shadowrot had died years ago, in a conflict between themself and another member of the Fairy Fort. But it seems like it didn’t stick… which honestly made sense. Shadowrot had the ability of regenerative healing, and it seemed she had regenerated from death.
“The files say you’re dead,” Scott replied.
“The files are right, I did die. As did Shadowrot. And now that I’m finally back, I’m turning over a new leaf, through the constant badgering of an old friend- you know him as Mossman,” she said. Things were starting to make a little more sense now- Mossman, or his civilian name Bdubs, had once been a villain known as the Moss Boss. Scott recalled through his reading of the Hero Alliance files that the Moss Boss and Shadowrot had been close. After his grief of losing Shadowrot, Bdubs had joined the Hero Alliance, vowing that no one would be senselessly killed because of petty squabbles again.
“So how do I fit into all this?” Scott asked.
“You need guidance, and a new team. I’d like to be part of that- not out in the field, I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet- but as your eyes and ears, looking out for you from H.A.H. while you’re out in the field,” they replied. Scott pondered the offer for a moment.
“Phil’s not gonna like this,” he said.
“I don’t give a damn what the Crowfather thinks. I’m gonna see about getting you reassigned- there’s a new recruit I think you’d mesh with well… maybe we can even convince that new super to join the Hero Alliance,” she said, and Scott could hear the teasing grin in their voice.
“Not you too, they’re what got me into this mess,” Scott groaned. Shadowrot laughed.
“Just teasing. Mostly. I’ll be in touch, Starboy,” she said.
“Scott,” they offered.
“Cleo. I look forward to working with you,” she replied, and hung up.
Scott sat down on the edge of his bed, grinning. Nobody put Starboy on the sidelines, no one. And who knows? Maybe he could get that new super to join his team- wouldn’t that be something to rub in Phil’s face.
general mcyt fic taglist: @actuallymothman @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @meowdy-pickles @space-ace123 @vyeoh 
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
Protector (Batsis Reader)
(This is from a chapter of my original story but I quirked the character to be the reader. The reader can teleport and turn invisible and your hero name is Viper. You're also part of the Teen Titan's and Connor Kent is your love interest, although it's not too evident in this chapter. Alexandra and Alex are original characters in the Titans based on my two friends. If you like this chapter and you want me to publish the book, let me know. I would make the original character the reader)
"I'm going on a walk!" I announced, opening the Wayne manor door.
"Alone?" Alfred asked, walking towards me.
"Yeah," I shrugged.
"You may want to have one of your brothers accompany you," Alfred said. "Or Ace. You are the daughter of the infamous Bruce Wayne. And you're injured."
"I'm also the Teen Titan Viper," I chuckled. "I can take care of myself, Alfred. But thank you."
"Do be careful," Alfred said as I walked out of the large mansion.
I looked around as soon as I was outside before teleporting into the city. I teleported to an alleyway next to Gotham City Park. I swiped a strand of hair from my face before walking into the park. I smiled at the kids laughing and playing on the playground, remembering when Dick would bring my brother and I there when our parents and Bruce were working.
That's when I heard the scream. I spun my head to see two men with penguin masks grab a kid and pull him into an alley, his parents and all other adults apparently oblivious to the kidnapping.
"Hey!" I yelled, running toward the child and his kidnappers. I stopped at the alley, noticing that the child and the men were gone. I furrowed my brows, walking further into the alley. "Hello!"
"Help!" the child's voice echoed through the alley. I continued walking, ignoring the fact that the echo was unnatural, due to the fact there was no building covering the alley or stopping the sun from shining down. "Help!" I noticed that I had found the end of the alleyway. "Help!" I looked down to see a doll, the size of a small child, it's mouth open.
"Oh no-"
"You Y/L/N," a voice said from behind me. "So quick to save the day." Before I could turn around, I felt a slight prick in my neck. I turned around to see the familiar plump and long-nosed figure of Oswald Cobblepot or the Penguin, as well as the men from before standing next to him.
"Cobblepot," I mumbled, feeling drowsy.
"Careful there," Penguin said as I stumbled towards him. "Maybe you should just... relax."
I reached back and pulled out the thing that had pricked me. It was a small tranquilizer dart. I threw it to the ground as I fell to my knees. Dad, I thought before everything went dark.
"Wake up!"
I groaned, fluttering my eyes open. I tried to move my hands, only to feel a coarse rope around them. My eyes shot open at that realization. I sat upright, trying to move my legs, only to find them each tied to the leg of the chair I was sitting in. I looked around, to find myself in what looked like an abandoned penguin exhibit. I sat on a makeshift iceberg above freezing water, I let out a breath, noticing it come out in a puff of mist.
"Good, you're awake." I looked up to see the Penguin, in his top hat, monocle, and usual penguin tux. He held a raw fish, biting off it's head. He leaned casually on his lethal umbrella, a blade sticking out from the bottom.
I stayed stoic. First thing Bruce taught me in a kidnapping. "Why am I here Cobblepot?" I asked.
"Just a playing card," Penguin shrugged, some of the fish spitting from his mouth.
"So you want my father's money?" I scoffed. "Spend all of your family's fortune on that disgusting fish or buying this run-down zoo?"
"We both know Bruce Wayne isn't your father," Penguin said. "Your father blew up." He pointed the fish at me some of it's gut splattering on my face. "But yes."
"Why do you need Bruce Wayne's money?" I asked, pressing the Titan's distress button on my bracelet.
"Why do any of really need money?" Penguin sighed. "I need to rebuild the Iceberg Lounge."
"You really think people would go to a club owned by a former villain and current psychopath?" I scoffed. "Built off of stolen money?" Penguin growled and slapped me across the face with the half fish, splattering more guts and blood across my face. I spit out the few that got in my mouth.
"Some people don't matter who owns the club as long as they can spend their money on booze and beautiful women," he said, swallowing the rest of his fish. "Now let's notify Bruce that we have his dear little girl here, shall we?"
Penguin pulled out a phone and typed in Bruce's number and turned on the speaker. I tensed as the ringing began.
"Hello?" Bruce's voice rang through.
"Oh hello Bruce," Penguin said into the phone.
"Cobblepot," Bruce said. "What-"
"I just wanted to let you know that I have your dear daughter here with me," Penguin said. "Here Y/N, say hello." He held the speaker towards me, but I stayed silent. I felt one of his henchmen, grab my hair and yank, making me let out an involuntary yelp. He used his free hand to press a gun under my chin.
"Cobblepot, don't hurt her," Bruce said.
"Bruce, I'll be fine don't'-" I let out a strangled scream as Penguin stabbed my bicep with his umbrella.
"Now Bruce, she'll survive, as long as you get 4 million dollars to the Gotham Zoo, by noon," Penguin said, his blade still in my arm. I glanced at the clock on the phone, seeing that was ten minutes to noon. "If not then..." He twisted the blade, making me bite my lip to keep in a scream, but a small whimper arose. He then hung up.
"You won't kill me," I said through pained whimpers.
"I won't." Penguin agreed, pulling the blade out of my arm hard, making me yell again. I felt thick, warm blood drip down my arm quickly, and heavily. "But he might." The gun was pressed harder against my chin.
I swear Alexandra if you don't hurry-
My thoughts were cut off by Penguin being thrown off the makeshift iceberg. I held back a smile upon seeing Alex fully costumed, standing in front of me. She grinned at me.
I heard a loud crash and felt the sun shine on my back before left my chin. I watched as the man was thrown into the cement wall.
"Are you okay?" I heard Alexandra ask from behind me.
"I've been through worse," I said. I turned to see Jaime shoot another henchman into the wall with his scarab's laser.
"Superboy, get Y/N free," Raven said, flying above me. She created a magic cage around Penguin.
I felt something hot between my wrists before feeling the ropes snap. "You sure, you're okay?" Connor asked, flying in front of me.
"Totally," I shrugged, placing a hand on my bicep to stop the blood. Connor looked unsure but quickly laser-eyed the ropes around my ankles. I stood up and turned around to see Alexandra toss another henchman into a pile she had created and Alex ran around them, tying them up quickly.
"How'd you super twits get here?" Penguin asked.
"Shut up," Alex said, making faces at him.
"We're just here to help any citizen in danger," Alexandra said, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder.
"Raven, get him to GPD," Jaime said. Raven nodded before flying out of the hole they had created coming in, the caged Penguin behind her. "And Superboy-"
That was when Bruce appeared. He dropped dramatically in front of me, Dick and Damian following close behind. All fully suited up.
"Guess they beat us to it," Nightwing said, grinning at the Titans. "Nice job team."
Robin rushed to me, pulling my hand from my arm. He glared at me as he noticed the gushing blood. He pulled out a bandage roll and wrapped my arm. I winced at the roughness of his wrapping skills. "This is why you don't go on walks alone," he said, flicking my forehead.
"Thanks for the love," I said, rubbing my forehead.
"Robin's right," Bruce said, narrowing his eyes at me. "You could've gotten killed and worse, you could've gotten out of this by using your powers."
"I couldn't have given myself away," I said. "They could have connected me to Viper, then to you and to Robin and Nightwing!"
"Your safety is more important than our identities," Bruce said sternly. "I don't want you to leave the manor this week."
"Are you grounding me?" I scoffed. "Over something that wasn't my fault?"
"Busted," Alex mumbled.
"Bats, that's not fair," Connor said, walking forward. Bruce sent him a classic Bat glare, a mix of intimidation and Dad guilt. Connor stopped. "Or you know, whatever. Your kid."
"You can't-"
"I am your father, Y/N Wayne," Bruce said. "We're going back to the manor and I forbid you from leaving."
First part 2 on my masterlist: https://mooskey.tumblr.com/post/661991989629304832/%F0%9D%9A%83%F0%9D%99%B7%F0%9D%99%B4-%F0%9D%9A%84%F0%9D%99%BB%F0%9D%9A%83%F0%9D%99%B8%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%99%B0%F0%9D%9A%83%F0%9D%99%B4-%F0%9D%99%B2%F0%9D%99%BE%F0%9D%9A%82%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%99%B8%F0%9D%99%B2-%F0%9D%99%BF%F0%9D%99%BE%F0%9D%9A%86%F0%9D%99%B4%F0%9D%9A%81-%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%9A%A2-%F0%9D%99%BC%F0%9D%9A%8A%F0%9D%9A%9C%F0%9D%9A%9D%F0%9D%9A%8E%F0%9D%9A%9B%F0%9D%9A%95%F0%9D%9A%92%F0%9D%9A%9C%F0%9D%9A%9D
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rachiekiszka · 3 years
Bloodthirsty- Chapter 4
Warnings- Abuse/Bruising, mentions of blood, mentions of alcohol
Word Count- 1.3k
Chapter 4
***Jake’s POV***
You could hear Sam’s angry footsteps coming down the hall. It could have been your heightened sense of hearing, but you had a feeling he was stomping for dramatic effect. You were already waiting for him when he slammed the door to your dressing room open, stopping his fist with your hand as you anticipated his movements.
“WHAT DID YOU DO TO EVIE?” Sam glared at me, his fangs poking out over his bottom lips. He never could control them when his emotions ran high. 
“Shut up Sammy, you know I didn’t mean too!”
It was true, you hadn’t meant to hurt Evie. You had recently started drinking human blood again. It made you stronger than your brothers, who stuck to animal blood. Vampire vegans. You needed the extra strength, the problem was that you were still adjusting. You didn't know your own strength. 
“Whatever, next time you hurt her, send her my way. She ended up in my arms.” Sam looked at you smugly, crossing his arms across his chest.
You stared him down, your own fangs descending as your anger built. You knew you were stronger than him. You could level him in seconds. He wouldn’t even see it coming. 
Josh suddenly appeared behind you. You hated that sneaky motherfucker. All of you had certain skills. Sam could heal with his touch, Josh could teleport, appearing anywhere with the snap of his fingers. You could turn invisible. 
“Brothers, let's calm down” Josh began, stepping between the two of you. “You're being so loud humans could hear you down the hall. We wouldn’t want anyone finding out our secret would we?”
Sam backed away, suddenly looking a bit sheepish. 
“About that… I kinda, healed Evie’s wrist”
You and Josh shot him daggers, immediately opening your mouths to yell at him.
“And before you yell, I didn’t take away the bruise, just the pain that came with it. I don’t think she’ll be able to figure it out. I just wanted to help fix the problem Jake caused in the first place.”
“Trying to help, or trying to get into her pants?” You snapped without even thinking. 
“Well maybe if you were a bit nicer to her you’d have a shot too” Sam snarked back, his jaw firmly set. 
“You know why I can’t do that. It's too much of a risk for her. I have to stay away from her, her blood, as much as possible. It’s easier if she avoids me on her own.”
“Well you're doing a real great job of that, you made her cry today”
You could tell from the look on Sam’s face that he was telling the truth, and that hurt you. You did like Evie, you wanted to get to know her better. But it was safer if you didn’t and that’s how it had to be. 
Jeff interrupted your argument with a knock on your door.
“I hate to break up the argument boys, but you take the stage in three minutes.”
***Evie’s POV***
You stood in the wings with Paige watching the boys take the stage. You were standing on Sam’s side and you blushed as he made eye contact with you, throwing his bass strap over his shoulder. He winked at you before turning his attention to the screaming fans in the pit trying desperately to get his attention.
Paige took notice of your interaction with Sam, whipping her head around to face you. 
“We're definitely talking about that later!” She screamed over Jake’s opening guitar riff.
“Don’t you have pictures to take or something!” you yelled back with a smile.
You watched the boys perform, taking it all in. They had been good during soundcheck, but seeing the way they fed off the crowd's energy was a whole new level. About halfway through the show you and Paige switched sides, moving onto Jake’s side of the stage. You got there just in time to watch his guitar solo. You knew you were staring, but you didn’t care. The way he played was mesmerizing. He put his whole body into the music, rocking back and forth with his guitar, unable to contain his enthusiasm. As Jake finished his solo, he looked off into the wings, meeting your eyes. Had he been looking for you?
You thought about what Jake had said to you, about him being wrong for a good girl like you. The bruise he left on your wrist was a blatant example of that. A red flag. So why were you still so drawn to him?
The boys had invited you to go out to the bar after they had come offstage. It wasn’t until you sat down at a table in the corner with a cheeseburger in front of you that you realized just how hungry you were. You hadn’t eaten since this morning, and come to think of it… neither had the boys. You hadn’t seen any of them eating when you were in their dressing rooms and only Danny was eating now. 
“Aren’t you hungry?” You said, leaning into Sam in the loud bar. 
“Nope.” He replied, popping the P as he sipped his beer. 
He must’ve found time to eat while you were with Jake or Josh. Paige returned from the bar, taking a seat on your other side and handing you a vodka cran. She brought her cup to yours in a “cheers” and tossed back about half her drink in a single sip. You could tell you were going to have trouble keeping up with this crowd. It's a good thing you would at least be drinking on a full stomach. 
A few drinks later, you sat with your head resting on Sam’s shoulder while he and Josh recounted the tale of another such drunken night a few months past. Your eyes found Jake across the room. He was talking to a blonde girl at the bar, she was pretty. Prettier than you. You were hit with a pang of jealousy, causing you to draw closer to Sam. 
“Hey, are you ok?” Sam asked in a whisper, leaning down so only you could hear.
“Yeah , I’m fine, just a bit tired”
“Why don’t I bring you back to the buses” Sam offered, this time at full volume.
“It’s ok, I’ve got her” Paige cut in, probably worried you’d do something stupid in your drunken state. Her instincts probably weren't wrong.
Paige led you out the front of the bar onto the dimly lit street and headed in the direction of the venue where the tour buses were still parked. You were only a block or two away. As you passed by the alleyway next to the bar, something caught your eye. You turned your head and peered into the dark alley, immediately wishing you hadn’t. 
Jake was in the alley with the blonde girl from the bar. He had her pressed up against the wall, her head thrown back with her legs wrapped around his waist. He appeared to be kissing her neck rather aggressively, in a way you were sure would leave a mark.
“Evie! Are you coming?” Paige called from a few strides ahead.
Jake’s head snapped up at the sound of Paige’s voice, and he turned to meet your eyes. His lips appeared a dark red, covered rather sloppily in what you assumed must be the blonde’s lipstick. It was too dark to tell in the shadowy alleyway. You suddenly felt afraid. Like you had seen something you weren't supposed to see, you backed away quickly, catching up to Paige. 
“What was that all about?” Paige asked, looking at you over her shoulder.
“Jake.” You replied softly, not offering any further explanation as you headed towards the tour bus. 
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thewidowsghost · 4 years
Of Course You Did - Part 2 (Natasha Romanoff x Johnson!Fem!Reader)
Tumblr media
"Anyway," Natasha says with a laugh. She holds out her hand, "I didn't have a chance to introduce myself at the party. I'm Natasha."
"Hi," Skye shakes Natasha's hand. "(Y/n)'s told me a lot about you."
"She has, has she?" Natasha smirks and (Y/n) shifts uncomfortably.
3rd Person POV
Fury had assembled the Avengers and Skye in the Bartons' kitchen.
"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time," Fury says, as (Y/n) leans against Natasha's chair.
Natasha smiles at her niece as Lila runs over handing Natasha a picture of a butterfly that she had colored.
"My contacts," Fury looks at (Y/n) he says this, "all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing,"
"What about Ultron himself?" Steve asks, leaning against the doorway.
"Oh, he's easy to track. He's everywhere," Fury answers. "The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit."
"It still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans, though," Fury says.
Natasha glances up at (Y/n) who was looking down at the picture of the butterfly.
"Is he still going after launch codes?" Tony asks.
"Yes, he is," Fury says. "But he's not making any headway."
"I cracked the Pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare," Tony informs everyone.
"Well, I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that," Fury continues.
"Nexus?" Steve asks.
"It's the work Internet hub in Oslo," Skye tells the soldier. "Every byte of data flows through there. Fastest access on Earth."
"So, what did they say?" Clint asks.
"He's fixated on the missiles," Fury answers. "But the codes are constantly being changed."
"That you?" (Y/n) asks her sister.
"No, I don't know anyone who could do something that complicated," Skye replies and (Y/n) nods.
"We don't know who it is," Fury says. "To be honest, some of us thought it was Miss Skye here, but now we know it's not her."
"So, we have an ally?" Natasha asks.
"Ultron's got an enemy," Fury corrects. "That's not the same thing."
"There is that whole, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,' thing, but whatever," (Y/n) argues.
"Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is," Fury says.
"I might need to visit Oslo," Tony thinks aloud.
"Ooh, you should take me," Skye says, raising a hand.
"Well, this is good times, boss," Natasha says loudly, looking down at her hands folded together on the table, "but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that."
"I do," Fury says, looking at the redhead. "I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere and ears everywhere else. You kids had all the tech you could dream up. Here we all are, back on Earth, with nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. Ultron says the Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. And whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction." Natasha who had looked up at Fury looks back down. "All this, laid in a grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," is the only thing Natasha says as her mouth twitches into a smile.
"You know what, Romanoff?" Steve says.
"So, what does he want?" Fury asks.
"To become better," Steve answers. "Better than us. He keeps building bodies."
"Person bodies," Tony adds.
(Y/n) reaches down and studies the picture of the butterfly again.
"The human form is inefficient," Tony continues. "Biologically speaking, we're outmoded. But he keeps coming back to it."
"When you two programmed him to protect the human race," Natasha addresses Bruce and Tony, "you amazingly failed."
"They don't need to be protected," (Y/n) realizes after a moment. "Remember what Ultron said back at the Tower, 'You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?'?" (Y/n) pauses, a scowl spreading across her face. Everyone had turned to her now. "Ultron's going to evolve."
"How?" Fury asks Coulson's Second in Command.
"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?" Bruce asks, exchanging a glance with (Y/n).
(Y/n) walks into the other room and motions for Fury to follow. "Did Coulson tell you about THETA Protocol?" (Y/n) murmurs.
Fury looks at her, a questioning look in his eyes.
"Ask Coulson about it and tell him it's time to tell the rest of the team. I'll get in touch with you about where to bring it," (Y/n) mutters. "Oh, and bring the team - Morse, Hunter, Coulson, May, Mack, Fitz, and Simmons. I think we'll need help."
Fury nods and leaves the room.
(Y/n) crosses her arms as she watches Fury walk out the door.
"I'll take Natasha, Clint, and (Y/n)," Steve says the next morning as everyone suits up.
"All right. Strictly recon," Tony says, Skye next to him. "We'll hit the Nexus. We'll join you as soon as we can."
(Y/n) walks down the stairs, talking with Natasha when she stops, catching sight of her sister, and walks over, wrapping Skye in a tight hug.
"Be careful," (Y/n) murmurs.
"Back at you," Skye says. "I'll see you soon. Love you."
"I love you too," (Y/n) steps back.
Skye leaves with Tony and (Y/n) and Natasha step outside onto the porch.
(Y/n) was gazing out into the field and Natasha nudges her gently.
"What's going through that head of yours?" Natasha asks.
"I'm scared," (Y/n) admits, looking at Natasha with a frown. "I'm scared about how this is all going to turn out," she pauses, as though considering her thoughts. "I really like you, Natasha," she murmurs and Natasha's green eyes soften.
"I do too," Natasha replies. "I thought I proved that when I kissed you," she says in a teasing voice.
(Y/n)'s mouth twitches. "That was a very nice kiss," (Y/n) says and Natasha's cheeks take on a red tint now.
"Let's go," Steve says, and (Y/n) jumps a little.
Wanda looks into the red android's head and screams, pressing her hand to her chest as she backs up into her twin's arms.
Pietro brushes hair out of his sister's face, murmuring something softly.
"How could you?" Wanda stutters, looking at Ultron, her eyes wide.
"How could I what?" Ultron asks, looking at the teenager.
"Y-you said we w-would destroy the Avengers. Make a better world," Wanda says, looking up into Ultron's eyes.
"It will be better," Ultron says calmly.
"When everyone is dead?" Wanda asks and Pietro looks over at the android as well.
"That is not . . . The human race will have every opportunity to improve," Ultron says.
"And if they don't?" Pietro asks, turning to face Ultron now.
"Ask Noah," Ultron says simply.
"You are a madman," Wanda says softly, and (Y/n) shrinks into the corner just outside the room a little more.
"There were more than a dozen extinction-level events," Ultron tries to explain. "Why, even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room," he rubs his robotic hand on the Cradle, "for the weak."
"And who decides who's weak?" Pietro asks softly.
"Life," Ultron chuckles and as he looks at the ground, as Wanda uses her powers to shake Dr. Cho from her enchantment. "Life always decides.
"There's incoming," Ultron says as he hears the Quinjet. "The Quinjet. We have to move."
"That's not a problem," Dr. Cho says as she pauses the download of Ultron's new body.
Ultron shoots a laser towards the scientist and Cho collapses.
Ultron takes the Cradle and the legionaries outside leaving Wanda and Pietro alone. (Y/n) flashes the two a warning look as she steps out of her hiding spot and crosses over to Cho in a few strides.
(Y/n) grabs some bandages and wraps the scientist's shoulder tightly.
"(Y/n)?" comes Natasha's voice. "What's going on?"
"Ultron shot Cho," (Y/n) answers, keeping an eye on the two teenagers as they continue to watch her tighten the bandages around Cho's shoulder. "I patched up her shoulder."
"He's uploading himself into the body," Cho says, and (Y/n)'s expression turns hard. "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem."
"You get that, Steve?" (Y/n) asks, rising to her feet.
"I'm on it," Steve answers.
(Y/n) turns her (E/c) gaze onto Wanda and Pietro. "Where'd he go?" (Y/n) asks.
Pietro is the one who answers, "We don't know."
(Y/n) glances down at Cho, who had pulled at her arm. "You need to stop him."
(Y/n) nods, unsheathing the sword from her back and Wanda takes a step back.
"I'm going to slice a couple of kids in half," (Y/n) says over her shoulder as she runs outside.
(Y/n) teleports to Steve's side as he was standing on a bridge.
"I got a private jet taking off across town," Natasha says in (Y/n)'s ear. "No manifest. That could be him."
"There. It's a truck from the lab," Clint says. "Right above you two. On the loop by the bridge."
"I've got it," (Y/n) says softly into the COM set. (Y/n) teleports silently on top of the truck
"You've got three with the Cradle," Clint tells (Y/n). "I can take out the driver."
"Negative. The gem could level the city," Steve says and (Y/n) hums her agreement.
"Also, I'm standing on top of the truck," (Y/n) adds.
"We need to draw out Ultron," Steve says.
There's a click in (Y/n)'s ear and Natasha speaks in her ear again, "Be careful," the redhead murmurs.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll be alright," (Y/n) answers as Steve jumps from the bridge and handing onto the doors. A red laser shoots through the door, knocking Steve around. He swings the doors around and the door gets shot by another laser, sending the doors dragging across the ground, creating sparks.
"Well, he's definitely unhappy," Steve says as (Y/n) teleports beside him. "We're gonna try to keep him that way."
"I've never done this before, I hope this works," (Y/n) mutters, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder.
With a blink, Steve and (Y/n) are standing on the top of the truck.
"Nice," (Y/n) says, but dives to the side as a laser shoots through the roof of the truck.
"You two aren't a match for him," Clint says.
"Yeah, thanks Clint," (Y/n) grumbles.
"You know what's in that Cradle?" Ultron asks, flying up to meet the two on top of the truck. Steve turns as Ultron blasts a laser at him, the laser bouncing off his shield. "The power to make real change. And that terrifies you."
"I wouldn't call it a comfort," Steve says, pulling his shield off his back and throwing it at Ultron.
"Stop it," Ultron hisses and (Y/n) teleports away, fetching the shield.
With another blink, (Y/n) realized she has miscalculated her jump and was hanging onto the front of the truck. She lets out a grunt as she swings herself to one of the mirrors as one of Ultron's legionaries shoots at her.
"Steve!" (Y/n) yells, hanging onto the mirror with one hand, the Captain's shield in the other.
(Y/n) throws the shield up and Steve catches it.
"You good?" Natasha asks in (Y/n)'s ear.
(Y/n) teleports behind Ultron and kicks the android in the back.
"(Y/n)? You good?" Natasha asks again, worry in her voice.
"Yeah," (Y/n) dives to the side as Ultron shoots a laser at her. "Just peachy."
Ultron knocks Steve's shield away again, and it lands on the road.
"I am not going to get that again," (Y/n) says, attacking Ultron as the android pulls Steve into a headlock.
Suddenly, Steve gets his shield back and knocks back Ultron, who knocks back (Y/n), who falls off the truck.
(Y/n) grabs the side with a hand and hauls herself back up.
Ultron catches sight of Natasha and flings up a hand, making some of the concrete rises into the air, making the redhead stop on her motorcycle.
"The hell!" (Y/n) yells, advancing on Ultron as he blasts Steve off the truck.
(Y/n) looks up as something - the Quinjet - shoots at Ultron, drawing the guards out of the back of the truck.
Steve had gotten back on top of the truck. He knocks Ultron back into a pillar and Ultron flies into Steve, blasting both of them into the train, (Y/n) teleporting beside Steve, pulling the soldier up.
Steve throws his shield around to (Y/n), and she slams it into Ultron's back, then throwing it back around to Steve.
"I'm going in," comes Natasha' voice again. "Cap, (Y/n), can you keep him occupied?"
"What do you think we've been doin'?" Steve asks as Ultron kicks him to the corner of the train.
Ultron turns to (Y/n), the teleporter dodging Ultron's punches; she let's out a grunt as Ultron punches her in the side.
A moment later, a blur pushes Ultron away, and (Y/n) unsheathes her sword.
"Please don't do this," Ultron says, looking between Pietro and Wanda - who had used her telekinetic powers to cross some bars between (Y/n) and Ultron.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda asks, her Sokovian accent thick.
Ultron aims at (Y/n), who had teleported in front of Steve, and the two have to duck the laser and it shoots straight through the train.
"We lost him," (Y/n) says into her COM set, speaking directly to Natasha."He's coming back your way."
As the Avenger is speaking, Steve had run to the front of the train.
"Nat, you gotta go!" Clint tells him.
(Y/n) goes to say something, but staggers as something rocks the train.
"Civilians in our path," Steve says and (Y/n) nods, her and Pietro teleporting / speeding around, getting the people out of the way of the train as it screeches to a halt.
Each teleportation seems to make (Y/n) more tired and (Y/n) leans against a wall, breathing heavily.
"The Cradle," Wanda prompts. "Did you get it?" she asks as (Y/n) walks forward, her right arm clasped against her stomach, her sword sheathed on her back.
Steve shoots a concerned look at his shorter friend. "Stark will take care of it," he says as (Y/n) turns, pressing a hand to her ear.
"I'm not getting anything," (Y/n) says, turning back to address Steve. "Imma head back, but you'll need to find a ride. I can't take all of y'all with me."
Steve nods his understanding and with a blink she's standing in the lab.
Tony, Bruce, and Skye stare at her but then surge forward as (Y/n) sways. She sags against Skye.
"I'm good. I'm good," (Y/n) argues as her sister sets her down in a chair.
"Sit," Tony orders and (Y/n) sighs in defeat.
"Clint and Nat should be on his way with the Cradle," (Y/n) tells the three.
"Where's Cap?" Tony asks.
"Steve had to find another way back," (Y/n) answers, her eyes closing a little.
(Y/n) had fallen asleep by the time the Quinjet had returned. She is slowly waking up when she hears, "Anything on Nat?"
"I haven't heard."
(Y/n)'s eyes fly open and she sits up.
"But she's alive, or Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it," Skye tells her sister hastily, sensing (Y/n)'s worry.
"This is sealed tight," Clint says, inspecting the Cradle.
"We're gonna need to access the program, break it down from within," Bruce says.
"Any chance Natasha could send you a message outside the Internet?" Tony asks Clint and (Y/n) rises to her feet. "Old-school spy stuff?"
"There are some nets I can cast," Skye says, and the two go downstairs. "We'll find her."
"I could try to find her," (Y/n) says. "Teleportation and all."
"I don't think you should be teleporting for at least a few hours," Bruce says and (Y/n) looks at him, then, defeated, she nods. "I can work on tissue degeneration," Bruce says, turning to Tony. "if you could fry whatever operational system Cho implanted."
"Yeah, about that," Tony says rubbing the back of his neck.
"No," Bruce says.
"You have to trust me," Tony says and (Y/n) looks at the billionaire.
"Kind of don't," Bruce says, backing up.
"Our ally, the guy protecting the military's nuclear codes, I found him," Tony says, flicking his wrist.
"Hello Dr. Banner, Agent (Y/n)," Jarvis says.
"Jarvis," (Y/n) says, turning to study the orange ball.
"Ultron didn't go after Jarvis because he was angry," Tony explains. "He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do. So Jarvis went underground. Scattered, dumped his memory."
"But not his protocols," (Y/n) says, realization dawning in her eyes.
"He didn't even know he was in there until I pieced him together," Tony says, nodding at (Y/n)'s realization.
Bruce scoffs before placing a hand at his temple. "So, you want me to help you put Jarvis into this thing?" he asks.
"No! Of course not," Tony says.
"We want to help you put Jarvis in there," (Y/n) steps forward to stand at Tony's shoulder.
"We're out in the field here," Tony continues, watching Bruce. "You know bio-organics better than anyone."
"And you just assume that Jarvis's operational matrix can beat Ultron's?" Bruce asks.
"Well, we've got all of Jarvis, and only part of Ultron," (Y/n) reasons and Tony nods.
"And Jarvis has been beating him from inside without knowing it," Tony adds. "This is the opportunity. We can create Ultron's perfect self without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality."
"We have to," (Y/n) says.
"I believe it's worth a go," Jarvis agrees.
"I'm in a loop," Bruce exclaims, throwing his arms out. "I'm caught in a time loop. This is exactly where it all went wrong."
"I know. I know. I know what everyone's gonna say," Tony says, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "But they're already saying it. We're mad scientists," Tony says and (Y/n)'s eyes flash with amusement. "We're monsters, buddy. We've gotta own it. Make a stand."
"It's not a loop," (Y/n) says softly and Bruce looks at her. "We know what went wrong last time."
"It's the end of the line," Tony adds.
A figure stirs on the concrete floor, before her eyes blink open.
"I wasn't sure you would wake up," comes Ultron's voice. "I hoped you would. I wanted to show you. I don't have anyone else. Upsetting the other female Avenger died earlier."
The figure on the ground groans in pain as she pushes herself up on an elbow, tears swimming in her eyes.
"I think a lot about meteors. The purity in them. Boom! The end. Start again."
The figure, her eyes full of pain and tears, stares back at Ultron.
"The world made clean for the new man to rebuild."
She shifts back a little.
"I was meant to be new," Ultron says, turning his red eyes on the woman on the ground. "I was meant to be beautiful. The world would have looked into the sky and seen hope, seen mercy."
The figure lets out a grunt as she scoots back a little more.
"Instead, they'll look up in horror because of you," Ultron snarls. "You've wounded me."
The figure on the ground scoots back as Ultron walks towards her.
"But, like the man said, what doesn't kill me . . ."
Ultron towers over the woman now.
Something grabs Ultron's head and rips it off, another Ultron standing behind it as the figure scrambles back in fear.
". . . just makes me stronger."
Ultron steps forward, closing the bars in front of the woman, who begins choking back her tears.
"This framework is not compatible," (Y/n) comments as she types furiously on a keyboard.
"The genetic coding tower is at ninety-seven percent," Bruce says, turning to the woman. "You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes."
Tony steps up to (Y/n)'s side, the two working together to power through the framework.
"I'm gonna say this once," comes Steve's voice.
"How about 'none-ce'?" Tony asks, leaving (Y/n) as he steps over to stand in front of Steve.
"Shut it down!" Steve orders.
"Nope, not gonna happen," (Y/n) says, staring down the Captain, her fingers naturally hitting the correct keys.
The Maximoff twins beside Steve don't know whether it is a trick of the blue light from the screen, or of lightning had flickered in her eyes.
"You don't know what you're going," Steve says.
"And you do?" Bruce asks. "She's not in your head?" Bruce asks, pointing at Wanda.
"I know you're angry," Wanda says, stepping around Steve.
"Oh, we're way past that," Bruce says, a vain pulsing in his neck. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."
"Banner, after everything that's happened . . ." Steve says, Wanda's expression having faltered.
"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony says, and there's a rumble of thunder outside the Tower, everyone stopping for a moment. It was clear outside . . .
"You don't know what's in there," Wanda retorts.
"This isn't a game!" Steve yells.
"No, no. Go on," Pietro says, holding up one of the many cables that had been unplugged. "You were saying?"
There is a gunshot and Pietro falls through the glass floor of the lab.
"I'm rerouting the upload," Tony says.
(Y/n), on the other hand, was staring, well, at her hands. They were glowing blue.
Amongst all the commotion in the room, (Y/n) seems to be the only one who notices Thor. He looks at (Y/n)'s hands and nods towards the Cradle. As if controlled, (Y/n) vaults over the rail and holds her hands above the Cradle. Thor raises his hammer, and in sync, lighting flows into the Cradle.
Thor and (Y/n) stare at the Cradle, then being blasted back when a figure explodes out of the Cradle.
Everyone stares at the figure. It's outershell was bright red, and there is a glowing yellow gem in it's forehead.
Catching sight of Thor, the figure launches itself at him. Thor deflects the attack, throwing the red figure through glass and it stops, looking outside.
(Y/n) jump over the exploded Cradle and follows, Thor just behind her; the others following Thor.
The red android is looking outside and Skye had appeared right beside her sister.
Thor sets his hammer on a table and steps forward.
"I am sorry," the red android apologizes. "That was . . . odd. Thank you," the android nods to Thor, then (Y/n).
"Thor." Steve prompts. "You helped create this?"
"I've had a vision," Thor tells him. "A whirlpool that sucks in all hop of life, and at its center is that," Thor points to the stone in the Vision's head.
"What? The gem?" Bruce asks.
"It's the Mind Stone. It's on of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."
"Then why would you and (Y/n) bring . . ." Steve begins.
"Because Stark is right," Thor says.
"Oh, it's definitely the end times," Bruce says.
"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron, even with Miss (Y/n)'s new lighting powers," Thor continues, nodding at (Y/n).
"Not alone," Vision adds.
"Why does your Vision sound like Jarvis?" Steve asks.
"We reconfigured Jarvis's matrix to create something new," Tony says, stepping around to study the Vision.
"I think I've had my fill of new," Steve says.
"You think I am a child of Ultron," Vision says.
"You're not?" Steve asks, his voice hard.
Vision stops, shooting Steve a look. "I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis. I am . . . I am."
"I looked in your head," Wanda says and everyone turns to look at her, "and saw annihilation."
"Look again."
Clint scoffs, "Her seal of approval means jack to me." He steps forward.
"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone," Thor explains. "And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side."
"Is it?" Steve asks harshly. "Are you? On our side?"
"I don't think it's that simple," Vision says.
"Well, it better get real simple real soon," Clint says.
"I am on the side of life," Vision begins. "Ultron isn't."
Steve had told the Avengers to suit up and (Y/n) - obviously - offers to go find Natasha as the others board the Quinjet.
With a blink, (Y/n)'s standing somewhere else, as if she'd been summoned.
Natasha's Widow's Bites and stun batons were in a bag slung over (Y/n)'s back.
The area was dark and it was scarily quiet.
"What the hell is going on here?" (Y/n) whispers as she steps farther down the hallway.
(Y/n) creeps down the hallway and when seeing no one, she relaxes a little.
"Natasha!" (Y/n) calls, jogging down the hallway.
"(Y/n)?" comes a familiar voice and (Y/n) darts down the hallway.
"Nat? You okay?" (Y/n) asks as she runs up, setting the bag on the ground. She grows concerned as she sees Natasha's watery eyes.
"You found a key?" Natasha asks.
"Uh, yeah," (Y/n) raises her hand before putting it on the lock. "Watch out," (Y/n) tells her and Natasha scoots back. (Y/n) concentrates on her hand and the lock explodes. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asks the redhead, worry evident in her tone.
Natasha throws herself at (Y/n), wrapping her in a tight hug.
(Y/n) returns the hug. "I'm glad you're okay," (Y/n) murmurs.
"Same, I'm glad you're here," Natasha says, pulling back out of the hug.
As if thinking about something, Natasha steps forward and presses her lips against (Y/n)'s.
After a moment, Natasha pulls away again and (Y/n)'s eyes are warm with affection.
"Now," Natasha says, her cheeks red. "Where's everyone else?"
"They're up in the city," (Y/n) replies. "I brought your Widowy things," (Y/n) says, picking up the bag.
Natasha laughs pulling her Widow's Bites from the bag and (Y/n) helps her attach them to her wrists. Natasha then pulls her stun batons and slides them into their holsters on her thighs.
"So, how we gonna get out of here?" Natasha asks and (Y/n) cocks her head at the redhead in front of her.
(Y/n) laughs. "I thought you were smart," she teases, her eyes bright.
"Oh, right," Natasha says, looking a little sheepish.
Word Count: 4447 words
So yeah, this was only going to be two parts, but I think it might be three or four parts, so bonus for y'all I suppose.
Love y'all!
             Kaitlynn ❤️😍
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