#that said i already miss some of jason's abilities
strunmah-mah · 2 years
Just started my second play through of Gotham Knights, this time as Barbara. I have made a mistake. I thought Jason was the tank. He is not. Jason deals damage, Barbara absorbs it like a sponge and I love her for it.
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annastylepie · 1 year
The messenger
Dp x Dc prompt 2 uwu
imadgine danny moves to gotham for a new life and trying to no longer be a hero decides to therefore move to a place that already has heroes and enoght ambient ectoplasm to sustain healty or something. I imadine this appening after jason just started as robin
What danny seems to only realize after a couplt weeks in the city is that the other citicents can't see all the ghosts around them, or well any ghosts at all not even him when in phantom form and that is when he isn't invisible. Why can the Amity parkers see the ghosts? I believe that all the ecto exposure gave them the ability or smth.
So danny goes around greeting the Ghosts talking to them chilling in random corners and vibing with different ghosts talking about live and death. I imadgine danny would help some ghosts into the Zone to help them. After some time and many recently deseased asking him to deliver messenges to their loved ones he gives and finds the families friends partners pets and in very rare cases even plants of the ghosts to deliver the messenges. Some ghosts feel ready to move on afterwards and go to the zone others stick around and regularly chill with Danny. I imadgine some would also just always stick around with him and might help him out at times like reminding him of some stuff or warning him when he is about to get mugged or jumped or whatever.
The Gothamites after some time take note of the deadly pale young man delivering the last masseges of their loved ones. He soon becomes a legend and if he approaches you with the look of sorrow you just know someone died or you will recieve the saddest "they loved you, they missed you, they are so so proud of you, they are sorry etc, etc" at times it seems that if you touch the massenger you can see the ghost of the ghost standing with you after delivering the massege and asking if they have any last words for the person to be delivered. Afterward the boy and the ghosts would dissapear from view
The young boy wandering the streets at all hours that can't be mugged jumped or even suprised is the legend you can't find him if you search for him nobody knows who he is or where he'd come from or where he'd go.
Some would call him cotton eyed Joe
Some Says he is a ghost
Others say he is a Grim reaper
Some says he is the murderer of the people whose massenges he delivers
and then others don't believe in him until they saw him with their own eyes
Whoever he is he is sitting dangerously close to the edge of a building currently as Batman is watching him. Batman makes a step closer to the boy. In the exact moment said boy turns around. A sorrowful looks comes over his face. He makes a step closer to Batman.
"Bruce Wayne" The Boy spoke looking seemingly right throu the cowl and taking bruce by surprise
"your Parents are so Proud of you they hoped to have more time to be with you in Person."
"they wh-"
"They never blamed you and want you to know that they are so proud of you and your new family and to never forget what is important"
"I- they- "
"Do you have a messege for them?" the boy asks touching the hand of bruce. Bruce sees a flash of his parents next to him before reflexively pulling his hand back and slowing down.
"Is-Is this real?"
wordlessly the boy touches his shoulder and he sees them a tear escapes his eyes and a soft "I am so sorry" escapes and after the blink of the eye the boy and his parents disapear.
This was not how bruce wanted this to go.
He didn't see the boy again but not because of lack of trying but because there is litterly nothing to find of him it is like he doesn't even exist unless he stopped aging at some point. He does look a lot like the missing fenton kid from a couple years back.
However after jasons death after Nightwing tried to kill the Joker he sees the kid again not a day older then when he first saw him this time however bruce was just bruce and not batman.
"bruce wayne"
" Your son Jason"
"Can I see him" he asks looking hopeful but unsetteld he was never this open he already acted weard when the kid showed up the first time. This wasnt any betters.
the boy touchers his shoulder and there he is his Jason his youngest bird, the late robin. Tears well up at the corner of bruces eyes but not letting them fall.
"I am so so sorry. I wasn't fast enoght I couldn't protect you" bruce weeps
"There was nothing you could have done. He forgives you for not saving him in Time. He wants Justice for his death and want s you to take care of it"
"I will do my best" not a moment after those words left bruces mouth the child and his late son dissapeared and Bruce has a mission. He will destroy the Jokers live he will make sure he won't hurt anyone ever again. But he won't kill him.
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 9 months
If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You)
First posted: January 25, 2019
Focuses on: Jason Todd and his various siblings
Favorite bookmark: "A variety of permutations and flavors of Robin h/c featuring Jason! The Baskin Robins of BatFam h/c, if you will."
Second favorite bookmark: "and so, step by step, the prodigal stray coaxes himself home."
Tier: #3 in hits & kudos & subscriptions, #4 in comment threads, #2 in bookmarks
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Individual chapter notations below the cuts.
Chapter One
First, to note, the title came last and is from "Hey Brother" by Avicii because it was already on my BatFam playlist and gave me strong sibling feels, so it worked!
Okay if I remember correctly, this fic came about because 1) I had jotted down story ideas, all surrounding Jason, that were all just a bit too similar for me to feel comfortable doing them as one-offs, and 2) it was late 2018 when I start writing so I was deep in 5+1 IronDad fics.
This fic was so deeply indulgent from start to finish, which I think might be why people liked it so much? Like, if you're into the tropes into this fic, you're really into them. It scratches the itch just right, because it's my itch and I wrote it for me.
The plan was to do like I did for my other multi-chapter fics (except Nature and Nurture, RIP me) and write it all out before posting anything, so I could be sure that I would actually finish. I don't have that kind of self-restraint anymore. But it was a fun challenge to figure out what should happen to whom and in what order.
Jason didn’t sleep much anymore. He’d always been a rough sleeper, his years spent in low-security public housing and then on the street grinding away at his ability to rest with ease. He slept lightly, his consciousness skimming just below the surface, ready to spring awake at the softest noise.
As I've said before, sometimes I have an idea for a fic but then, when trying to start it, a sentence pops up immediately as my opener. That's always a wild ride because sometimes it seems to have nothing at all to do with where I want to go, so then I have to backtrack and figure out but why tho????
Moving to the Manor had helped some, after he’d assured himself that no one was going to scratch at his door or steal his shoes. The cold mornings had been the best, spent curled under a mound of the softest blankets imaginable atop a mattress so perfectly contoured to his bones that it’d felt like floating on the surface of a pool. He’d slept, truly slept, at the Manor.
I like the idea of, even at Jason's most toxic and vitriolic, the Manor itself still representing safety and comfort. Maybe sometimes he would twist it into stifling or grossly indulgent, but I think deep in his stomach he would know that distortion was a lie. The Manor was safer than anywhere else, even with his mom.
Those days of rest were long gone. The Pit had done a number on his brain—intensifying and altering his emotions, erasing some old habits and dialing up others, leaving dark chasms where memories should be.
I've seen other fics play with the idea of the trauma of Jason's injuries, death, resurrection, and the Pit all combining to some degree or another to swiss-cheese his brain (a phrase I lovingly borrow from Quantum Leap.) And that of course leaves a bunch of really fun room to play with—how much does Jason know he's missing vs. how much is gone or totally distorted without him even being aware? (Again, another thing I tease out in various fics like N&N.)
It was like someone had jammed a stick in his skull and given his brain a good stir. Or maybe that was just the crowbar. Ha.
I made myself snicker with that one. It's so voiceily Jason but also that ha is so guttural and specific in my head, you all will never know.
He was making progress with his budding criminal empire—splashy progress, as displayed on the crusting cuffs of his sleeves and the splattered toes of his boots, but also more subtle progress, too. The subtle form was harder, so much harder, but he knew its changes would be more permanent, in the long run. Splashy got people talking. Subtle got them bowing.
Jason! Todd! Is! No! Thug! He is smart and cunning and uses violence to make an impact and that's that on that.
And though he’d heard her speak before in the careful neutral of the middle-class, the sounds being beat out of her now were Crime Alley crooked.
I like the idea of Steph and Jason growing up in the same neighborhood. It's not a hill I'd die on, but it makes for some interesting fic.
The girl put up a good fight. She was rough, no finesse, no real training. All knuckles and elbows and feet and knees. He spotted some of the Bat basics pop up in the way she ducked and spun, but she wasn’t lithe like Nightwing or crafty like the Replacement. She was a brawler. And she was losing.
She is who he might have been, without Bruce and Alfred and Dick. A decent fighter, stubborn, willing to brawl it out, but ultimately destined to lose.
It sucked in an abstract way, the way it sucked that someone was going hungry halfway around the world, the way it sucked when a stranger missed his bus. It sucked, but it wasn’t Jason’s problem, and he couldn’t really bring himself to care. B needed to learn to pick up his toys.
Starting with Steph made the most sense to me. She wasn't (and isn't) a member I know super well, with so much of her canon backstory being things I have no interest in, and she's part of the Family but in that awkward "we're maybe siblings but also I have a mom and also I dated one of you too??" ways, so she's got a little bit of distance, for me as a writer and also Jason. She doesn't have the emotional heat of the others. He doesn't hate her, just what she represents. He also doesn't care what happens to her, except—
The knife glinted in the amber streetlight and cast a shadow across the yellow emblem on her chest.
She's not Batman. She's not a Robin. She's Batgirl. And that's a different thing entirely.
Jason knew what they saw when they looked at him. He was big now, broad-shouldered and massive in a way he had only ever dreamed of being as a scrawny, malnourished street kid. His helmet was blood-red and gleaming, its angles sculpted to subtly suggest a skull. And his clothes were still stained with actual blood. He was an Alley myth, a nightmare with more bite than the Bat, because he wasn’t afraid to do real damage. He was death.
Jason Peter Todd is scary smart, and he knows how to make the exact impact he wants.
“I don’t know you, but I know your colors. You’re Ibanescu’s boys.”
I had to google Gotham crime families. I know literally nothing other than the name.
It was one thing to let her get the snot beat out of her. And even if someone else had taken a shot at her, he wouldn’t have minded. But he couldn’t. Not in that suit.
“It’s not about you,” Jason repeated, his voice gravelly and rough. He pointed toward the yellow symbol on her chest, the symbol that, in the world he’d left, the world he remembered, belonged to someone else. “I owe her a debt. And now it’s paid.” Jason was a murderer. A thief. A criminal. A drug lord. He had no illusions as to his own goodness anymore, no hope for redemption or grace. But he had his values, the few precious things that he would not allow. One of those, it seemed, was watch a man restrain and stab a Batgirl while he did nothing.
Someday I'll write more about that. The partner and friend and maybe mentor who was still reeling from trauma and hadn't yet found her way when Jason was snuffed out of existence.
Jason was tired, but the night was just beginning.
So that's where it starts. Jason tired, literally caked with dried blood, stepping in not because of love or hate or curiosity or concern but because he felt he owed a debt to someone else and that debt instead landed on the person in front of him.
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Phantom of Gotham 13
Chapter 12
Meanwhile, Jason and Tim met up in the cave after Danny had gone to bed early. “How come you weren’t at dinner?” Tim asked casually. Jason sent him a look. 
“Wanted to look over the newest case,”Jason grunted. “Goldie and the old man took down Mr. Freeze trying to bring that blizzard to Gotham. So, the snow should be letting up soon.”
Tim nodded absently.”And that means Danny’ll be leaving soon.” 
“Bingo,”Jason grunted. “We know the kid is involved with Phantom somehow, and most likely has some kind of meta abilities. There’s no telling exactly what he can do, but it’s possible that he could be one of the Halfas that Phantom’s been protecting.”
Tim groaned, dragging a hand down his face. “We could ask Phantom? If we come out and ask him about Danny he might help us help the kid. Or at least keep him off the streets. You said there’s more than the Fentons hunting them?”
“The GIW and the Fentons are hunting ghosts like Phantom. Apparently they don’t know about Halfas, but that could change. We don’t know why Danny left Amity Park, and if any of it is because of Phantom,”Jason said. The two of them thought for a moment before Jason spoke up. “I think we should talk to Phantom.”
“Yeah,”Tim sighed. “We’ve already determined that he’s an ally, so it’s a good chance that he’ll let us help now that we know most of the details. It might help segue to the whole treaty between the Infinite Realms and Earth thing that I’ve been working on.”
“Alright. Suit up then and we can try to find Phantom. Maybe we should get him a phone now so we can get ahold of him,”Jason grumbled. 
“Anyone else coming?” Tim asked, glancing around. He wasn’t sure if Burce even knew about their plans or much about Danny in general. 
“I hope not,”Jason grumbled, steering Tim toward the cave locker rooms. “B’s got his hands full with some stupid Gala in a few days anyway. So have fun going to that later,” Jason joked. 
Tim groaned. “Maybe I can use Danny as an excuse to miss it. We have a lot of information to go over and plan for. I doubt Bruce would care if I came anyway as long as Damian joins him.”
Jason snorted. “He’ll have his hands full with the demon brat, you’re probably safe.”
“We can only hope,”Tim sighed. 
Three hours later, Danny woke up refreshed and ready to blow off some energy. Looking at the time, he was happy to note that it was only 10, just in time for the Gotham vigilantes to start their patrols. If he was fast he could probably catch up to them, he thought. 
Danny pulled the covers back and stood up to stretch, relishing in the sickening pops coming from his back. Jazz had always shuddered and gave him a look of horror whenever he did it in front of her. He bit back a smile just picturing her face. Then he frowned at the thought. It’d been so long since he’d seen Jazz. 
Shaking his head, he put the thoughts behind him as he transformed and flew out of the manor invisibly. Danny distracted himself with loops and twirls until he spotted a speck of red on the roof of a building. Still invisible, he glided down and saw Red Robin and Red Hood quietly discussing something on the rooftop. Feeling mischievous, Danny hovered right next to Red Robin and phased a hand through his shoulder. 
Red Robin gave a full body shiver, grimacing at the sudden chill. “Phantom?” He called. Red Hood seemed to perk up at this. Danny hummed, the noise sounding like an echo. 
“Uh, we need to talk to you,”Red Robin hedged, and Danny made a questioning noise. At this point he trusted the vigilantes to not turn him in to the GIW or hunt him down. Not so much Batman, but Red Hood he especially trusted.. 
“It’s about Danny Fenton,”Red Hood cut in impatiently. Danny froze, his core thrummed with chills at the name. 
Abruptly, Phantom dropped his invisibility, floating closer to the two startled vigilantes.”How do you know that name?” He demanded. Were they looking into him? Why? Did the GIW come to Gotham? “Is he in danger?” 
“No, no, he’s fine. He’s safe,”Red Robin reassured. “We’ve just.. Noticed a few worrisome things about him and uh,”Red Robin trailed off. Phantom narrowed his eyes at him.
“Is he the Halfa you’ve been protecting here?” Red Hood asked. Danny pursed his lips, nodding hesitatingly. “Okay, thank you for telling us. We’re trying to protect him, but some things about his behavior is a bit worrisome.”
They were watching him? Danny thought abruptly. He was pretty sure he’d only met Red Hood as Danny. The only people who really had the chance to observe him were the Waynes. Did they tell on him to the vigilantes? Did they know? Danny floated around them cautiously. “What do you mean?” 
“How does being a halfa affect his health? He doesn’t eat much, he barely sleeps but he looks tired the time, and he has a slower than normal heart rate and body temperature,”Red Robin listed, much to Danny’s surprise. “Is that normal for a halfa? Can he get sick? Does medication work on him?” He continued to ramble. 
Oh. Danny’s eyes widened. They were worried about him. That was… something he was admittedly not used to, but also made his core thrum with warmth. If anything they sounded like the Wayne’s when they were trying to get him to eat. He took a breath of relief and straightened. “He’s okay, promise,”Danny reassured, holding his hands out with his palms towards them. “Halfas are more or less an unfamiliar species, so we don’t know exactly what his baseline is supposed to be. From what the medical ghosts in the Realms observed-” Or what Frostbite had-” he normally has a lower body temperature, heart rate, and doesn’t need to sleep or breathe as often as a regular human. It affects his appetite to where he doesn’t really feel hungry anymore, so we aren’t sure if he still needs to eat human food or just absorb ectoplasm or emotions, but we have been keeping an eye on it.” Danny explained. He was definitely lying about keeping an eye on it though. Absently, he thought maybe he should go see Frostbite for a checkup. He’d only been there a few times when he’d been really sick, like with his core developing. Other than that though, he’s never been sick with things he used to before he turned ghost.
“Okay, that… makes sense. Half ghost would probably mean lessened functions of his body,”Red Robin rambled, typing on his computer. Danny being not only half dead but also a different species is definitely going to make medical treatment difficult, Tim thought absently. Though some of the symptoms were reminiscent of Jason’s back when he still had the pit rage inside him. Though there were a lot of differences, like that Jason had a higher body temperature than normal instead. “Making sure he eats enough is probably the most important concern..”He trailed off and continued typing. 
“What would we do if he gets hurt, or sick?” Red Hood cut in. He kind of reminded Danny of Jason for a moment. Very direct, but still concerned. 
“He heals a bit faster than usual humans, and uh. His blood is a bit… ghostly? Radioactive maybe? His molecules sort of got rearranged during the.. When he became a halfa,”Danny said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was not doing a great job of explaining this. To be fair though, he’d only found out most of these things by trial and error. Once he’d gotten blood on his jeans once and it burned a hole through the fabric after a few hours. “So don’t touch his blood directly just in case. Medication doesn’t really work on him unless it’s from the Infinite Realms, but we haven’t really been able to test it on anything stronger in the human realm. And uh, I guess stitches don’t work well on him either. They dissolve,”Phantom concluded, and the two vigilantes looked mildly concerned at the information. 
“Alright, so possibility of meta-level medication working on him, radioactive blood, and no stitches. Got it,”Red Robin noted. The other two could tell he was thinking through a bunch of options in his head. 
“You said he became a halfa?” Red Hood asked lowly. Danny bit his lip, fangs poking his lip harder than usual. 
“Halfas are… rare,”Danny started hesitantly. He wasn’t sure how much he should share, but they seemed to have good intentions. “You have to understand that if the GIW know how a halfa is made they’ll just try to create more, right? It’s not a painless process and halfas can be dangerous. I don’t want this information out and have more portals to the Zone showing up.”
“A portal?” Red Robin’s attention snapped back to Phantom at the mention. “Don’t the Fenton’s have a portal?”
“Listen,” Hood cut in. “This information won’t get out, and we’ll respect any boundaries you have with Danny. We only asked in case Danny had any specific traumas related to it. I know dying isn’t pleasant, so I can’t imagine what it took to become half dead all the time.”
“Ah,”Phantom grimaced. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Should he tell them? They’re helping him so far, but what if they just want to know for bad reasons? Danny shook his head, dispelling the thoughts. No, they were worried about Danny’s health and well-being, and haven’t pressed about anything else. His core hummed and he felt like he could trust them. “Yeah. He uh… The Fenton’s portal… it didn’t work until Danny tried fixing it, and it… turned on with him inside,” He said quietly. Red Robin and Hood were silent, but he could see Red Robin’s lips turn into a thin line. Hood on the other hand had clenched his fists together so hard his gloves made a slight creaking sound. “But uh, the other halfas happened more slowly. With Danny it was instant.” 
Red Hood was silent for a moment while Red Robin peppered Phantom with more questions. “So his parents- the Fentons- they didn’t know he was a halfa? And they hunted ghosts. Is that why he left?”
“Yep,”Phantom said, trying not to think too much about it. “M- Maddie and Jack found out and long story short he’s hanging in Gotham until… well until things calm down or he finishes school.”
“About the GIW,”Red Hood cut in. “They know about Danny right? Since the Fenton’s have been working with them? We read that the Fenton’s think you kidnapped Danny.”
Phantom barked out a laugh,”Nah, I didn’t kidnap him. He and his sister, and two of his friends had a plan in case his parents or the GIW ever caught him.”
Red Hood exhaled harshly, “That’s fucked up,” He commented dryly. To be living with people you were terrified of for so long, Jason thought. He might have to pay a visit to the Fentons after they take down the GIW. 
“And its exactly why we’re trying to take down the GIW and establish a treaty between the Infinite Realms and the Human world,”Red Robin added. At this, Phantom’s pointed ears perked up and he stood straighter. “Would you be willing to introduce the rest of the bats to some ghosts? You mentioned there was a Ghost King, do you think he’d be interested in a treaty?” 
Phantom’s eyes were wide and he suddenly stopped floating, his bright white boots landing softly on the rooftop. “You’re serious?”
The two vigilantes nodded. “They’re already going to be in trouble when the Lantern Corps hears about this from the league. The GIW is basically committing inter dimensional genocide with no one else knowing. That’s a crime. If we could start by meeting with people from your realm to talk about how to form an alliance it would be great.” 
Phantom nodded enthusiastically. “I can arrange a meeting between the ghosts. If you’re serious about this that is.” Phantom paused, looking pensive. “I just… don’t want to involve the Halfas just yet. If the GIW or the Fentons know how a halfa is created…” he trailed off but the two vigilantes grimaced in understanding. They didn’t need more people being experimented on. 
After a half hour of back and forth about the potential alliance of the Human World and the Infinite Realms, the two vigilantes went back to the cave, while Danny continued to fly around invisibly throughout the city. He was thrumming with energy, mostly excitement and dread about what this meant for ghosts. With the alliance, they’ll be able to come to earth with no threats of being torn apart molecule but molecule. The ghosts acting out in the human realm would be punished by the ghost king and handled by a team of experts appointed by said king rather than a mysterious government agency.
Not only that, but the portals would be restricted and only a few allowed access through. Humans wouldn’t be able to come and go either, but Danny thought it might be okay for scientists- actual scientists- to study the realm safely. He knew a lot of lost artifacts, worldly treasures and sometimes places ended up in the realms. Time moved differently there and so Ancient Greece and Egypt still existed and thrived. 
Phantom flew around towards the manor and thought about their next meeting. It was going to be a few more bats at a warehouse tomorrow night. Danny just needed to think about which ghosts to bring. Frostbite obviously, but maybe Dora too. Clockwork he knew was hit or miss, but that was a lot of the ghosts too. Wulf or Cujo might be helpful to open a portal too. He’d have to think on it. 
Surprisingly though, was that the two vigilantes actually listened to him. They trusted him to bring unknown beings to meet with them, and that the ghosts really wanted peace with the humans. Danny conceded that he was also giving them a lot of trust in telling them about himself, or halfas. They already knew about the Fentons weapons, and despite being one phone call away, the bats still didn’t put Phantom or Danny in danger. He liked that they waited til they had all the information before making a decision. 
Red Robin in particular was focused on gaining any little bit of information he could on Danny's health. It was a bit endearing, and reminded Danny of Tim. Hood on the other hand was quick to think of ways to protect Danny, which was nice. He’d only ever had Jazz and Sam and Tucker to do that for him. Hence the whole moving to Gotham plan. 
Eventually after Danny finished catastrophising and coming up with a plan of action, he headed back to the manor. It was only 3am, so he floated to the library to grab another book. He’d finished the last one and had started on a series with demigods. It amazed him to think that he’d never read books like this ever since his accident. Danny’d always been too busy with school and ghosts to read for fun.  He took the book invisibly back to his room and for the next few hours he read. It was easy to get sucked into the book and forget about everything that was about to happen. 
Somehow, Danny had fallen asleep in the midst of reading, and had slept through breakfast. The residents of the manor had all come to check on him, but once peering into his room to see the boy laying face down on a book, they decided he needed more sleep. 
Tim on the other hand noted that maybe Danny had trouble sleeping and read until he felt tired. Jason did that a lot when he couldn’t sleep. Thinking back to everything Phantom told them, Tim couldn’t help but think that Danny really didn’t know how his sleep schedule was supposed to change. He thought maybe Danny finally felt relaxed or safe, and that’s why he’s able to sleep more, but it was just a theory. The same went for his appetite, and Phantom had said Danny literally didn’t feel hungry anymore. He was glad Danny hadn’t outright stopped eating, but it was still worrisome since Danny looked like skin and bones. 
He’d have to keep an eye on Danny’s eating habits and sleeping patterns in order to gather data, Tim thought. Maybe he could rope Alfred into helping him. Either way, Danny sleeping the morning away allowed Tim to brief the rest of the household on Danny and Phantom. Jason in particular was sticking around, probably out of worry for Danny, but he didn’t contribute a whole lot to the conversation. 
“Do we know what kind of powers Danny has?” Bruce asked, and Jason scoffed. 
“Not really,” Tim pondered. “Phantom only told us the medical stuff, which wasn’t much. Danny might have more ghostly attributes too, since we know Phantom has invisibility, intangibility, flight, and super strength.”
“Doesn’t really matter if the kid has powers,”Jason said, “He still needs help. The kid basically got turned into a different species with no instruction manual. If he does have powers, he might have trouble controlling them.”
Damian clicked his tongue. “Folson has shown me that he has the ability to manipulate ice during our snowball fight,”He reported, only for the cave to go silent as everyone stared at him. 
“And you didn’t inform us of this before?” Bruce narrowed his eyes, and Damian bristled. 
“I highly doubt making snowballs is worth reporting,”Damian scoffed. “Danny had told me in confidence because he trusts me,”Damian preened, before sneering at the others. “I am only telling you as a courtesy. He is unaffected by the cold temperatures but from what I observed unable to create or stop something like the blizzard. He is secretive about his powers and used them minimally, but he could be hiding others.”
“Aw, you two are getting along so well!” Dick cooed, moving to wrap Damian in a hug, but was dodged by the scowling kid. They stepped further from the group as Dick attempted to cajole Damian into talking about his feelings.
“We won’t mention his powers, Damian,”Tim reassured, looking sternly to Bruce. “I’m not sure how ice ties into ghosts, but it might come up later. We can ask Phantom tonight.”
“He’ll be bringing a representative from his dimension?” Bruce clarified, and Tim nodded, bringing up the notes he shared with everyone. 
“Phantom said he was going to contact one of the Ghost King’s regents. They’re choosing to trust us here, with their people’s existence and Danny’s safety, so we can assume they’re not going to ambush us,”Tim reported, and Jason gave a stern look to Bruce.
“Think of it like a diplomatic Justice League meeting, but in a dingy warehouse in Gotham,”Jason snorted. Then he stretched, making to leave. 
“Where are you going?” Dick called, looking a bit sad. Jason waved him off. 
“Chill out, I’m going to find Alfred and see if the kid’s awake yet,”Jason said, heading to the stairs. 
“He’s really gotten attached to the kid,”Dick mused with a small smile. 
“I heard that!” Jason called, voice echoing in the cave. 
“Danny and Jason did sort of die,”Tim muttered, turning to his tablet. 
“Danny and Phantom seem close,”Bruce commented, and Tim rolled his eyes at the lack of communication. 
“From what Jason and I gathered, Phantom is only in Gotham to keep an eye on Danny and look out for the GIW or Fentons,”Tim said.” We don’t have a way to track Phantom, but he didn’t seem to know who Jason or I was under the mask. He might be keeping track of Danny through other means though.”
Bruce just grunted. 
“Hold on,”Dick interrupted, and Tim turned to see Damian sulking behind Bruce while Dick was messing with Tim’s tablet. “He has radioactive blood? Like acid blood?”
“Not.. exactly?” Tim groaned. “I’d really have to test it but Phantom made it seem like their blood had more of a lazarus pit consistency. It’s better not to risk contamination though.”
“I am more worried to how Danny was in danger enough to know stitches wouldn’t work on him,”Damian scowled. Tim made a thoughtful face at that, and Bruce’s mouth stretched to a thin line. 
“Well,”Dick sighed,”He is on the run for a reason. We just have to protect him from now on so it doesn’t happen again.”
“Clearly,”Damian crossed his arms,”Those buffoons in the white suits will not be coming anywhere near Danny while I am around.” 
Bruce cleared his throat.”There’s been no sign of the GIW in Gotham, but a tech company in the same area seems to have their sights here.”
“A tech company? Which one?” Tim perked up, head swiveling to Bruce. He had his computer out and ready to type. 
“DALV Co.,”Bruce grumbled. “Specializes in equipment commonly supplied to the GIW and FentonWorks. Run by Vlad Masters, who has invited himself to the WayneTech gala next week.” 
“That can’t be a coincidence,”Dick muttered. “You think he knows Danny? Or Phantom?” 
Bruce just grunted again, which Tim translated into ‘we’ll keep an eye on it either way’. Tim turned back to his computer, eager to run more searches on Masters when Dick grabbed his swively chair and steered him towards the elevator. “Dick-” Tim started, only to be cut off.
“Nope,”Dick cheered, hauling Tim out of the chair with Damian trailing behind. “Danny is your friend and you guys should be hanging out more! I bet he’s already up and Jason’s the only one up there right now.”
“B can handle Masters, but I bet your friend is missing you,”Dick said sternly. 
“Tt. Obviously Danny would prefer my company over Tim’s anyway,”Damian tutted. Tim shot him a look. “He was my friend first, brat,”Tim pointed out. 
“The keyword there is ‘was’,” Damian sneered. “Unlike you, Danny has already shown me his secret powers.” 
Tim frowned at that. “I thought you said he told you not to tell anyone.” 
Damian shuffled guiltily. “I.. It was important to the mission to disclose his wellbeing.”
Tim smirked,”Right, well, I won’t tell him you told unless you distract Alfred so I can make coffee.”
Damian scowled at him. “Fine. But your petty addiction will only worsen and Pennyworth will not be happy.”
“I can live with that.”
Chapter 14
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 3 months
A robin, a stalker and a missing bat
“Shit, shit, shit! Agent A, tell me you found him.”
There was no such thing as a simple patrol. Some patrols ended with a few bruises. Others where he would have preferred to stay in bed. Still others where it was a miracle to go home alive.
Tonight, it was one of those.
Jason had to face a city-destroying crisis alone, and the only one who could help him was Alfred. Nightwing was somewhere in the space, and Batgirl was still in the hospital! 
“I'm working on the location,” came the calm voice from the transmitter, and Jason deeply envied the butler for his ability to maintain control.
He couldn't do it.
It was guilt that got him.
I shouldn't have left, he kept telling himself. I should have stuck with Batman.
He hadn't listened to Batman because he'd seen a client picking on a prostitute. The girl was a little older than Jason, and the guy could have been her father.
He couldn't do anything. When he resolved the issue and waited with the victim for the police to arrive, he expected the mother of all reproaches.
He didn't care, because it had been the right thing to do.
But Batman was nowhere to be found, the Batmobile parked where she'd left him, the door open. It was a miracle that no one had tried to steal it, but Batman's fear conquered everything, even hunger.
He immediately knew something was wrong. And when Batman hadn't answered his call, he'd been sure of it.
Someone had gotten lucky and gotten Batman. Who? And where?
He's been tormenting himself with those questions for half an hour, and if Alfred doesn't find something within the next five minutes, he's going to get in the Batmobile and to hell with it all, he's going to drive all over Gotham looking for Bruce.
His nerves were already on edge when he heard a familiar little voice behind him.
He froze. He knew that voice. He knew it very well. But it couldn't belong to who he thought, because the person in question was eleven years old, a civilian, and should be in fucking bed.
Unfortunately for him, that night the Universe had decided to continue kicking him and when he turned around, he found himself in front of a child with a big black sweatshirt and a camera just around his neck.
Not even the hood completely covered his face, and Jason immediately recognized Tim.
His freaking younger brother.
“What are you doing here?!” Jason blurted out, trying to stay calm.
“I take photographs,” the boy said, showing him the camera and the teenager tried, unsuccessfully, not to scream. It failed miserably.
"Photo? Are you out here at night for this? You should be at home!"
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ditzyredrobin · 2 months
Shrike Chapter 2
And the long awaited chapter 2! I am so sorry for the late posting—it’s been kind of a crazy couple of weeks. Good news! Chapter 3 is close to complete.
The night Batman and Nightwing were captured by Two-Face, Tim’s parents were on a dig in Northern Peru. Mayocumbe, if he remembered correctly. They were on a tour through South America, studying petroglyphs and other artifacts from ancient civilizations.
He never wanted to come between Batman and Robin, it wasn’t his place. Dick and Jason had been chosen, but Batman and Robin were two sides of the same coin (sorry, Harvey).
Without one, the other had a tendency to swing out of balance, they needed the other's gravity to stay in orbit and right now Bruce needed a Robin.
If Dick wasn’t going to do it, someone had too.
“I don’t know who you are,” Batman spat, forcibly striping him of his domino. “But you’re not my Robin. There is no more Robin!”
Tim stood there, holding up his hands, arms quivering because he had just held up a massive wooden beam for Batman and Nightwing to escape the wreckage of Two-Face’s house. He had just punched Two-Face and narrowly missed having his butt kicked and saved them.
“Batman, I only wanted to help because I care about you—I care about Robin.” Tim pleaded. “Bruce, please, listen to me.
“What did you say?” Uh-oh.
Tim swallowed hard around the tightness in his throat. Well, he didn’t mean to drop the “B” word just yet. “I know you’re Bruce Wayne and I know Nightwing is actually Dick Grayson. And…and I know what happened to Jason Todd.”
Bruce went rigid, a white line forming along his jaw. He didn’t know what he expected after revealing his idol's identities but Batman looking like he wanted to punch him wasn’t it.
Tim looked at Nightwing hanging weakly onto Bruce, but Nightwing wasn’t looking at him, in fact he seemed to be doing anything to avoid looking at the kid dressed up like his dead brother. Tim flushed and his eyes felt hot with embarrassment.
“Let’s go.” Batman snapped, jerking his head towards the only exit out of the rubble. “It’s not safe here for a civilian.”
A civilian. Right.
Tim followed Batman and Nightwing as they limped to meet Alfred who was waiting. “Sir, thank heavens Timothy helped free you.” He sounded relieved but frowned at the expression on Batman’s face. “Sir, you should have seen him confront Two-Face, you would have been proud. His instincts and acrobatic abilities are astounding-”
“What are you trying to do?” Bruce said, cutting him off. “What were you thinking, bringing him here? One boy has already died wearing that costume, I’m not taking that risk a third time.”
Alfred opened his mouth to speak but Tim beat him to it. “I never thought of becoming Robin. But with your training I can do it. Batman has to have a Robin.
“But sir-”
“No, Alfred, and that’s final. Where is that written in stone? There’s no need for there to be a Robin-”
“Then is there for a Batman?” Alfred asked.
“That’s different and you know it.” Batman said sharply. “This isn’t something that is up for discussion.”
“Batman, please, it’s hard for me to say this—but since Jason died, everyone’s noticed how you’re…changed. I mean, how many times have you been hurt in these past few months?”
“So, for my sake, I should put some child in danger?”
“What? No, that not it-”
“This isn’t up for discussion.” Bruce said dismissing anything else he had to say--which was a lot “What I do is dangerous and I have no interest in discussing this further. Harvey is still free.”
Robin wasn’t just a uniform--It was a symbol, just as much as Batman, or Superman or the police. When one officer dies, another steps up to take his place because crime didn’t end, and justice could not be stopped. But, Bruce turned away.
“Sir, I really think-”
“Alfred, enough, take him home. We tracked Harvey here to his home. I don’t know where he’s gone but we don’t have much time. Nightwing, are you up for finding Harvey or do you need to go back with Alfred and the boy?”
Tim didn’t flinch. He definitely didn’t flinch.
Nightwing shook his head, again, very pointedly looking at anything, anyone, that wasn’t Tim red faced and dressed in Robin’s costume and Tim felt another little part of his soul shatter. Dick Grayson, his hero, his idol, his Robin couldn’t even look at him. “Do you really think I’d let you go this alone? I’m with you, Bruce.”
Batman grunted in response, turning to the Batmobile.
Alfred placed a reassuring hand on Tim’s shoulder, squeezing. “Before you go, I believe Timothy has something that may serve as some assistance on tracking down Mr Dent’s whereabouts.”
Right, the tracker.
Tim nodded slowly, watching for Bruce’s reaction. “I slipped a tracking beacon on him while we were fighting. You’ll just have to follow his signal.”
Bruce, for a long moment, looked like he was struggling to come up with a response, opening his mouth once, before closing it again. He frowned and sighed. “...Good job, Tim.”
At any other point in his life a good job from Batman of all people (seriously Batman), would have been a dream come true. I mean, it was Batman, the Dark Knight, savior of Gotham, but all he could do was look down at his green pixie boots, and try to not cry.
He wasn’t going to cry—he couldn’t cry.
He didn’t expect there to be a reward. Really, he didn’t know what he expected, but this wasn’t it. Never meet your idols, kids.
Nightwing and Batman took off in the Batmobile, Dick still not heeding him any attention, and Alfred walked him back to the dark green Rolls-Royce parked around the corner from the scene.
That night, Batman and Nightwing put Two-Face back in Arkham, and Tim learned two things:
2) Never meet your heroes
1) Bat’s weren’t all they are chalked up to be.
So, waking up in the home of your once childhood idol, was not his definition of a good time.
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boyfridged · 2 years
You may have already mentioned this in some of your other metas, and I just missed it, so please ignore this if it's redundant.
Do you think Bruce is projecting onto Jason by pushing him as a Robin? Obviously, Jason wanted to be Robin and was excited about it, and Bruce let Jason do other things, but (if I'm not mistaken) before Tim came into play, solidifying the whole Batman needs a Robin/support to keep him upright, Bruce and Dick becoming Batman and Robin, in the beginning, was also sort of a coping mechanism.
I think there are a few examples of Bruce enabling this kind of mindset. Like in Gotham Knights #43–44 (sorry), every time Barbara brings up Jason's inner turmoil, Bruce refocuses on his ability as a Robin; similarly, when Jason finds out about Two-Face and his dad, he is hurt, and Bruce acknowledges that but then does the same thing, zeroing in on reassuring Jason that he made a mistake but is still a good Robin.
Like, Jason got it from Bruce, but he unintentionally encouraged that kind of thinking.
oh, i definitely think that bruce is projecting on jason and that it profoundly affected jay. and, while every single one of your observations is apt, i would add that what truly made it so tragic is that he projected his own worst traits on jason while being blind to the fact that jay already shared his best qualities.
tldr: bruce projects himself on jason in terms of grief (saying that jason needs vigilantism to work his grief through) and sees his own worst traits in jason (anger) but doesn't see his own best traits in jay (compassion, love, and sensitivity). ironically, jason does end up developing all of the (projected) worst characteristics of bruce (obsessiveness, and relentlessness in pursuit of the respective perceived idea of justice). this happens even though they were barely present in his early storylines, and only ever manifested when jason was scared or lost. later, they truly came to be because of his trauma relating to vigilantism.
and the long, long version, coming with panels and quotes: under the cut.
first i want to say that the following analysis focuses very specifically on bruce's mistakes, but i don't view the overall of jay's upbringing by bruce solely in these terms. from text it is also clear that bruce deeply loves and cares about jay, and that jay enjoys being robin. now that this is clear, let's get to particularities, and start with jay's origin story.
i truly never stop thinking about the significance of bruce meeting jay in the crime alley, the place of his parents' death. there's a lot to be said about it, but here the focus is, of course, on the fact that he sees a little boy, very much similar to himself, angry and hurt, in the same scenery that brought him so much grief. and jay in some ways does appear to be a mirror of bruce's own agonies, as well as a mirror of his own inclination for seeking justice; and somehow, bruce fixates on the first one, while almost completely dismissing the latter.
bruce looks at him and assumes that the remedy to jason's pain and anger is being robin; and he doesn't stop to think about it. (it has to be noted that there's also classism at play, classism that is mostly a result of writers' own beliefs – collins did state in a couple of interviews that that the motivation behind jason's background was to make his introduction into vigilantism seem less offensive, as jason has already been exposed to crime...)
i think, in this context, it's interesting to look at the two-face storyline even closer, and from the start too. in the beginning, bruce talks of jason's 'street' roots and assumes jay would go "down the same criminal road that took his father [willis] to an early death." he also talks of jason making a lot of progress. later, in batman #411, after jason learns that willis has been killed by two-face, bruce comments that jay "has never been like this...listless...almost pouting--"
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this all, along with jay's cheerful and diligent behaviour from the previous issue builds an interesting picture for us: because we essentially learn that jay has been overall an unproblematic child. bruce, of course, attributes this "progress" to the training. however, for anyone else, the logical conclusion would be that jay's quick adjustment was simply a matter of finding himself in a safe and stable environment and receiving continuous support and attention from a parental figure. i find it rather questionable that jason's personality softened down because he had something to punch in the cave–– the more intuitive explanation is of course that he was angry and quick to fight when they first met because he couldn't afford anything else and because he was scared. but months later, in a loving home, he can allow himself to drop his guard; and his cocky attitude disappears until much later.
so the rather unsettling picture that we derive is that bruce is training jay to become a vigilante in order to "channel" his (nonvisible at this point) anger into something useful and just. and he clearly links this to his own trauma in batman #416 (that’s already starlin btw), in his conversation with dick, explaining why he took jay in: “he’s so full of anger and frustration… he reminds me of myself, just after my parents were killed.” bruce also mentions that soon after their first meeting, jason helped him and "handled himself well" in the fight, but he doesn't mention that jay has ran away from a crime "school" and intended to stop injustice on his own only because he was ignored.
the theme of bruce comparing jay to himself appears again in detective comics #574 (barr), where it is approached with a much more... critical look, thanks to leslie's presence and her skepticism of bruce's actions. after jason has suffered nearly fatal injuries at the hand of the mad hatter, bruce reminisces on his own trauma and motives. he tells leslie: "i didn't choose jason for my work. he was chosen by it...as i was chosen." leslie replies: "stop that! (...) you do this for yourself... you're still that little boy (...)" then, the conversation steers to the familiar ground and the topic of anger. in bruce's words, again: “i wanted to give jason an outlet for his rage…wanted him to expunge his anger and get on with his life…” and finishes "and instead, i may have killed him."
the recognition that bruce's projection on jason and involving him with his work might have fatal consequences is, as always, fast forgotten once jay wakes up and proclaims that he wants to continue his work as robin.
but to circle back, i think there's something else worth our attention, something deeply ironic, that is showcased in that issue: that bruce has no evidence for jay's "rage." when leslie talks of bruce's past, she recalls his tendencies to get into brutal fights at perceived injustice as early as in school; when bruce talks of jason, two pictures that are juxtaposed, are that of jason fighting as robin and jason... smiling, playing baseball.
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so, in the early days of jason's training and work in the field, we see bruce talking of jason's anger a lot; but we barely see it.
that being said, jay is angry sometimes– and i think your observation about how bruce deals with it is incredibly interesting and accurate.
we first see jay truly and devastatingly angry in the two-face storyline. bruce focuses on jay's reaction as robin, which is, in fact, aggressive. but something that he barely addresses is that jason's first reaction is sleeping all day, and not beating anyone to a pulp; in fact, this vengeful instinct seems to arise only when he is put right in front of two-face. and his third instinct, once the rage (very quickly) dies down after the altercation with two-face, is crying, because bruce hid the truth about willis' death from him. jay, while crying, asks bruce: "you have taken me out into combat-- but you spare me this?" in response, bruce lectures jason about how grief inspires revenge, which is, again, deeply ironic, given that jay seeking out revenge seemed to be prompted and enabled solely by the role of robin. moreover, his question suggests that at this point he saw grief ("you spare me this") and fighting as two different things.
the final is, as you said, bruce focusing on making it into a lesson on vigilantism, or, in his own words, "tempering revenge into justice." personally, i think in this way bruce directs jason to bring his grief into the field as a powering force, something that he didn't necessarily have an own incentive to do. the flash of compartmentalisation between his ordinary life and being a sidekick that jay has shown by questioning bruce's decision is lost. emotions are now a robin thing, and they have an (informal) protocol, a moral code. and when jay is confronted with an emotionally exhausting case next – the garzonas case, i believe that the focus on "tempering revenge into justice" is exactly the problem– we don't see jay crying, we see him frantic about finding the solution. this, right there, is bruce's obsessiveness, that in my opinion, was developed in jay specifically as a result of how his engagement with vigilantism combines with his deep sensitivity.
and, needless to say, his sensitivity is all the same as that of bruce – they both can't stand looking at other people hurting, they both wear their hearts on their sleeve, caring way too much – the thing is, bruce never quite acknowledges how they are similar in this matter. instead, he focuses on his sparse bursts of anger, wanting to bring jason closure in his grief the only way he knows it – in a fight for a better world. so, as you said, he focuses on jason's ability as robin.
which just doesn't work for jason. at all. we know it from how his robin run comes to an end: in the first issue of a death in the family (batman #426) alfred informs: “i’ve come upon him, several times, looking at that battered old photograph of his mother and father, crying.”  to that, bruce contends: “in other words, i may have started jason as robin before he had a chance to come to grips with his parents deaths.” he also tells jay that the field is not a place for someone who is hurting; a message that is the opposite of what he's been saying for years now, and something that i imagine was difficult for bruce to conceptualise, because then he would have to question his own unhealthy tendencies. it's a bit late to come to this realisation; bruce's self-projection that caused him to worry so much about jay's anger has already turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy that will fully manifest itself in utrh, when jason does the only thing he was taught to do with grief: try to channel it into justice.
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demonic0angel · 11 months
The Stalking one-shot is out! Read it on AO3 here or here
CW: creepy behavior, stalking, voyeurism, invasion of privacy, delusions
Jason gave a sigh of relief as he finally entered his home. He opened up the window to the bathroom and slipped inside, taking off his clothes as he inwardly grumbled to himself at the mud and blood sticking to his boots and gloves. He rinsed off his hands and face when he finished, brushing his teeth with the toothbrush he kept under the sink and then slinking into the bedroom.
There, as a quiet lump underneath the blankets, was his girlfriend.
Jason smiled at the sight of her and didn't wake her up, only slightly lifting the corner of the blanket to slide inside and hold her. He kissed her forehead and then fell asleep peacefully.
In the morning, he woke up earlier than her. She gave a sleepy murmur and he chuckled to himself at her cuteness, using a hand to stroke her hair back and then went out of bed. He brushed his teeth, made himself breakfast, and then neatly cleaned up after himself.
Then after that, he went back to Gotham, hoping that by the time his family was finished with their morning business, he could hurry up and finish patrol with them to get back to Jazz.
He had only separated from her for a moment, but he already missed her.
When he put his helmet back on, he was met with a slurred, "Hood? What're you doin'?"
"Hey, RR. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He said.
"Mmm. Yeah, but a new clue that came in with the recent murder case gave me a breakthrough so I'm tryna finish the report before I go to sleep." Timothy mumbled. He yawned and then said, "You sound happy."
Jason gave a hum.
"Ah," Timothy said. "It's Jazz, isn't it?"
"Yep." Jason loved her so much. It wasn't a surprise that with Jazz's ability to calm him down, his family also adored her.
"So when are we gonna meet her?" Timothy asked. He gave an audible yawn through the comms.
Jason hummed. "I don't know. She's shy."
"Even Damian wants to meet her. And you know that Bruce has barely been containing himself from searching for her himself, right? You should bring her home so we can meet her."
"Mm. Maybe some other day," Jason said. "She's really shy."
Timothy sighed. "How are her siblings by the way? Are they alright?"
A few days ago, Jason had mentioned to his family about Jazz's problems within her own family. Her parents were criminally neglectful and while she could get away from it all, she had left a little sister and a little brother at home and was very worried for them.
"I think so." Jason said. "Both of the Dannies are fine, Jazz is thinking of ways to collect them and bring them here without their parents knowing."
Timothy hummed. "I'm glad to hear that. Tell her that if she needs help, we'll help her, alright? We have more than enough room and you know that Bruce would never turn down a kid."
Jason said, "Yeah, I know." He checked his phone and then put it away.
"Well," Timothy took this moment to yawn again. "I'm going to bed. Damian needs to be picked up in the afternoon and tonight, Steph and Cass will be with you."
"Got it. Night, Tim." Even though it was technically early morning.
"Goodnight." There was an audible smile in his voice.
He left the comms and soon enough, Barbara arrived to take over.
"Hey, Jason." She greeted.
"Hey, Barbie."
Jason finally found his motorbike and pulled off the tarp he had put on it to hide it. "What needs to be done today?" He asked, mounting it and beginning the drive back to his own apartment.
Barbara yawned and said, "I hate how you've been waking up too early these days. Is it because of Jazz?"
"Yeah. I don't want to disturb her in the mornings. She has long hours at the asylum and she needs her sleep."
"Well, you should take her out on a date soon. I promise you, flowers, a nice dinner, and attention from the one you love— there's nothing better." Barbara dutifully gave him advice.
Jason rolled his eyes with a laugh. "Alright, I'll think about it."
He took his phone out of his pocket again. He pocketed it after looking at what he needed and finally arrived at his apartment. He went inside to get his cleaning tools for his guns as he continued to chat with Barbara.
"So you're sure that you don't want us to meet Jazz? I know she's shy, but surely you can convince her..."
Jason laughed. "You're all so desperate to meet her."
"Well, duh! You never let us meet her, we can't spy on her, she can't know about us being vigilantes, we can't even look into her..."
"It's fine," Jason said. His tone was relaxed, so casual that Barbara shut up immediately.
He knew it was because they were worried that Jazz's positive influence on him wasn't enough to keep him calm. He knew all of this, but he didn't get angry.
Now that he had Jazz, someone to watch over, to carefully guide and protect, he really couldn't even muster up the energy to go and search for the Joker as desperately as he had before he had Jazz.
Time passed, before primary school was finally over. Damian was surely out now, so Jason took his bike to go and pick him up. Jason arrived at the front of the school, drawing attention from all of the students there as they whispered and pointed at his bike.
Damian immediately strode out of the gate, furious and glaring at him. Jon, who followed behind him with an awkward smile, waved at Jason.
"Bye, Damian! See you tomorrow!" He said, before running off to find his mom.
Damian turned around and said, "No! Come to my house!" He turned back to Jason and glared with faintly flushed cheeks, as if it was his fault that he had witnessed him maintaining his friendship with the w youngest superboy.
Jason raised an amused eyebrow.
"You are embarrassing." Damian hissed through clenched teeth. "I wish you dropped dead." He paused and then smirked. "And then maybe we can meet that Jazlyn of yours too at your funeral."
"Her full name is Jasmine, not Jazlyn," Jason said with a roll of his eyes. "Don't just change her name because you don't like it."
"Jasmine, tt. What a weak sounding name."
"It's a beautiful name," Jason chided, handing a helmet to Damian.
If it was any other time, Jason would've left him to fend for himself, but since they were in public, it was best for him to wear a helmet so he wouldn't get pulled over.
"You are disgusting and sappy. Thankfully, with this woman's presence in your life, you will soon grow weak enough that I can easily kill you." Damian said, sliding onto the bike and wrapping his hands around Jason's waist.
Jason laughed. "So you're saying that you can't beat me unless I'm weakened?" He started the bike and began driving off.
Damian paused and then jabbed him in the side roughly. Jason yelped.
"Stop that! I'm driving!"
"Crash it." Damian hissed.
Jason laughed louder. Damian was always so violent around him, knowing that the two of them were the only two who could stand each other's dark and pessimistic humor without the urge to kill one another— ahem, Timothy and Damian— or calling the cops— ahem, Barbara— or immediately being concerned and signing them up for therapy, AKA everyone else in their family.
So Jason let him have his fun before he dropped him off at the manor.
Like everyone else, Alfred told Jason, "Be sure to give your girlfriend a compliment today. Lord only knows that you spent all of your luck getting such a lovely woman as a girlfriend. Do your best to keep her and treat her well. If you can, bring her to the manor."
"Of course," Jason laughed. He checked his phone for a quick moment and continued, "I'll let you know when you can meet her."
Jason bought a croissant and a caramel latte before sneaking into Arkham Asylum to drop the treats at Jazz's desk. He unlocked her phone to make sure that the tracker was still connected to his phone, and then he left to walk through the asylum, idly staring at the captured patients there before he spotted Jazz in one room, where she was chatting with the Scarecrow.
The two of them were chatting amicably, with Jazz waving a hand to emphasize her words.
Jason smiled at the sight of her, watching her for a few more moments before he finally left.
Night arrived quickly, as criminals and thugs found the courage to leave their hiding spots and cause trouble within Gotham. Thankfully, there were the Bats ready to put them back in line.
Stephanie and Cassandra joined Jason in his patrol the moment it became dark.
"Hey! Wanna leave Crime Alley now?" Stephanie asked, and Jason nodded, all three of them taking out their grappling hooks to swing across Gotham.
After some swinging to observe the state of Gotham, they took a break.
Jason pulled his phone out of his pocket, taking a glimpse at the screen before he pocketed it again.
Stephanie rolled her eyes and smiled, a little bit of teasing in her eyes. "Was that Jazz? You need to stop checking up on her. She's an adult, she can handle herself."
They began to move again, walking slowly to chat. If anything happened, there would be Barbara to tell them.
Jason smiled. "Sometimes, I feel like she's too independent. When I come home late, she's already in bed."
"You expect her to wait for you?" Stephanie said, raising an eyebrow.
Cassandra, who had been walking in front of them, gave the sign for 'men' and then exasperatedly shook her head. Stephanie laughed with her as she nodded and agreed, “Men are so entitled.”
Jason laughed and said, "Fuck you."
They didn't seem too bothered by his cursing, just happy that he hadn't brought out his guns just to shoot them to death for teasing him. A look of odd relief and happiness crossed Stephanie's face. Jason didn't point it out and continued to patrol with them.
The night ended once more and once again, Jason came back home to Jazz asleep in bed. Jason smiled at the sight and then finished his daily routine before crawling into bed with her.
The next morning, it was only rinse and repeat.
Jason liked these sort of days. Jazz was always comfortable to hold and she never complained about long hours that he had.
Though, to be honest, she probably didn't know about them.
Days passed, just like this. Simple, sweet, and gentle. Jason enjoyed his time with her and his family, and otherwise, was using his time wisely to protect Gotham in a fulfilling way.
But everything changed one day.
Jason had finished a hard day on patrol.
He arrived at Jazz's apartment, intent on relaxing in bed with her while she slept. He had went inside of the bathroom, finished his duties and cleaned himself up, when he entered the bedroom.
The lights suddenly turned on, blinding him for only a moment before Jason blinked his eyes and his vision adjusted.
Jazz stood wide eyed behind their bed, with a bat in her hands and a tremble in her limbs.
A look of fear and indignation crossed her face as she pointed the bat at Jason.
"Who are you?! And what are you doing in my house?!"
If anyone’s confused, Jason is Jazz's stalker who completely invaded her life without her knowing. That’s why he doesn’t want anyone meeting her, while he knows all of these facts about her and her life, has a tracker on her phone, and is never seen actually talking to her.
Once again, thank you to my beta @meditating-cat for editing this!
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daddysfangirls-dc · 4 months
UnTamed Ch.15
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Damian Wayne x OC!Female
It had been three weeks since Asta's arrival. She had been healing nicely. She had no more open wounds, and her stitches were gone. She still had bruises and pains, she could walk but with a limp, And she had scans (CT, MRI, etc.) once a week to make sure her inside was okay. They didn't believe her when she said she was okay, and they wanted to keep track of her healing abilities, making sure everything healed properly. Her words could not be trusted when it came to her health.
Asta had been becoming restless in the coming weeks and stuck on bed rest. She wasn't doing well, sitting still with nothing to do for so long. Damian was with her most days, talking to her, watching TV, working on her reading, and such. He was there keeping her entertained while she was stuck in bed. Unfortunately, he couldn't be with her all the time. It was winter break, and the Wayne Family had many charity events to attend. While he could get out of most, he couldn't ignore all. Today was a day he couldn't ignore he was volunteering at a homeless shelter a good thing but it still left her alone.
And alone, the first thing she did was get out of bed and limp around. It hurt to hobble, but it felt good to stretch her achy muscles and shift her weight. At first, she paced around the room. Once she got tired of that, she tossed on a loose robe and poked her head out the door, making sure the coast was clear. She knew Alfred was lurking somewhere. He was the only other person still here.
Tip-toeing out of the room, she makes her way down the hall. It was strange. The hall was familiar, but the way she walked it was unfamiliar. She walked on two legs instead of four, and she was not being held and cuddled. She knew exactly where she was going, but she felt strange going there, especially by herself. It was like seeing everything in a new light. She followed the light to one of the sitting rooms in disarray with coats and hats thrown about. She'd make use of herself.
"You should be resting," Alfred said, stepping into the room. Asta sighed as she put down the duster. 
"I just wanted to help". Asta felt rested enough to move, but Alfred didn't agree. She felt useless, an intrusion upon their routine. If she was going to continue to stay, she was going to earn her keep, and the easiest position at the moment was to help Alfred.
"Back to bed"
"I think I've rested enough, and dusting isn't that difficult. I want to help."
"Miss Asta, there's no need to help."
"I want to earn my keep."
Realizing, Alfred knew what was happening; same thing had happened to Jason and Tim.  They had felt like they needed to work to stay. In a bit of contrast, Asta felt like she needed to work to repay what she had already taken/received. She did not like owing people. 
"Would you join me in the kitchen, please?" she owed them nothing.
Damian was quick to stomp his boots and shake his jacket in the snow, clearly showing his frustration. He didn't enjoy human interaction and found very few people out of his family interesting. While he didn't particularly enjoy plopping mashed potatoes on trays, he was truly disgusted with the amount of journalists and photographers trying to talk to people and take pictures. While he didn't like people, he had enough empathy and common sense not to take pictures of people at their lowest( unless for blackmail. Blackmail is okay).
Damian was just about done with the day. He wanted to go upstair and curl up under some thick blankets with Asta. Watch a movie, read a book, sleep, anything as long as it is with Asta and no one else.
" So angry."  Stephanie teased as she pulled off her own winter gear.
Damian ignored her as he started making his way upstairs. He was just starting his ascent when he heard giggling, and he stopped. He looked back to Stephanie, who shrugged. He quickly came off the stairs and made his way to the kitchen, where the sound originated from. 
He found Alfred and Asta in the kitchen. They were sat at the kitchen table drinking tea with a plate of cookies between them. She noticed him standing in the doorway. A smile spread across her face as she picked up the plate of cookies and presented it to him. " We made cookies," she said.
"You're supposed to be resting," her smile became small. " Oh... um, that room was so stuffy, and I needed to move some muscles." Damian came in, putting the plate down.
"You need to go back to bed." he moved to pick her up, but she put her hands to stop him. " I can walk." Damian nodded instead, offering his arm, and she took it. 
Standing up, she thanks Alferd for his time and lets Damian lead her away, slowly limping away the day's activities, finally weighing down on her. He held her close as her steps started to flatter. 
"I understand the need to be active, but you shouldn't aggravate your injuries by moving so much."
"Yeah, those stairs kicked my ass," she laughed bitterly as Damian tried to move her to the bed. She walked past it to the armchair; Alferd had moved it in so Damian had a more comfortable seat while she was comatose. She sighed as she fell into the seat, shrugging off her robe. " I Just don't like staying in one place."
"I know"
"I don't like feeling useless."
"I know"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize," he sighed. She had been apologizing a lot lately. It seemed like every other interaction came with one. It wasn't like her, but it made sense she wasn't herself. She'd been through a lot, and a lot was exposed, put on display, and changed. She didn't need to apologize for anything. She was forever forgiven.
"I'll go ready the shower for you."
"Can...can I have both?" 
Leaning forward, he kisses her forehead. " Of course".
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 15/?
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It had been two weeks since Jason’s powers came in. It had been a challenge.
He kept turning intangible and breaking things. Sometimes he would end up falling through the floor. Jason had become very familiar with the dirt under his house. (He was glad he got a house that was isolated.) Still, with the help of Danny and Jazz, Jason felt he was getting the hang of his new abilities.
Jason was on the porch, watching the sunrise. He sipped his cup of Earl Gray tea. God, he missed Alfred.
As Jason watched the son slowly rise on the horizon, an idea hit him. They had been living in the small town of Tadoussac for almost three months now, and either than the small convivence shop five miles away, they hadn’t explored the little town at all. It was a tourist town, so there were attractions that could excite the kids. He knew they were big on whale watching. Maybe he could take them on one of them. It’s not as if he didn’t have the money from his crime lord time.
Hell, he could even take Danny to the planetarium. Jason took out his phone and googled how far the closest one was. It was only a five-hour drive away. His son would love it.
His son…Jason still couldn’t believe those words were coming out of his mouth. How could he be so lucky to get Danny? After all the blood he has spilled, including his family's blood, who thought to give Red Hood a second chance at family?
“You know your emotions are screaming loudly, right?”
Jazz left the house and sat on the rocking chair by Jason’s old rickety chair.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you? Did I wake Danny?”
“Nah, I woke up because of a nightmare I had. Danny and Ellie are still asleep. Ellie floated to Danny sometime in the night. They’re so cute together.”
“Yeah, I saw them this morning. I didn’t want to wake them up, so I let them be after I took a picture. Want to see it?”
“Hell yeah,” Jazz said enthusiastically. Jason and Jazz ended up looking at photos of Danny and Ellie for the rest of the morning.
After that, they both sat in compatible silence.
“What do you think about taking the kids on a day out to town this weekend?”
“That’d be nice. We’ve had them cooped up for too long. This space is big, but kids need more stimuli.”
“Yeah,” Jason bit his lower lip.
“I want to put Danny in school. You know, so that he could meet more kids his age.”
Jazz blinked at that, “Oh, Danny will hate that.”
Jason sighed.
“I know, he’s technically sixteen, but now he’s five. He might act mature in some things, but I’ve read that kids need to develop their social skills with peers their age. It looks like Danny will be stuck growing up again, and he needs to be around more kids.”
“Hey, you don’t need to justify it to me; it’s Danny you’ve got to talk to. Though I have a feeling he’ll be bored in regular classes.”
Jason frowned; he hadn’t thought about that. He suddenly remembered Danny reading theses on astrophysics and engineering. Yeah, he would be bored in a regular classroom.
“Maybe I can find special programs to put him in,” Jason mumbled to himself, suddenly unsure of his plans. “Not to mention that Tadoussac was a French-speaking province, so Danny would have to learn a new language.
Thanks to Bruce and his league training, Jason already knew French, but he doubted Danny knew any.
Jazz patted Jason’s leg, “You’ll figure it out. You always have Danny’s best intentions in your mind.”
Jason wondered if Bruce ever had Jason’s best intentions in his mind. Jason remembered all the baseball Bruce would take him to, all the piggyback rides, and the late nights he would stay up helping Jason with his homework when he needed help. All the tears he would help dry, and nightmares he would soothe.
Jason had to believe his dad Bruce had loved him, right? Before Jason had died and returned as a twisted version of the boy he used to be, Bruce had wanted him, right?
“What’s wrong,” Jazz asked.
“I’m just wondering, did Bruce love me when I was younger? Did Bruce ever feel for me what I feel for Danny?”
“What do you think,” his actions before my death tell me yes, but if that’s true, why did he stop loving me after? If Danny ever did any of the things I did, I would be disappointed, but I would never stop loving him. I would move heaven and Earth to bring him home. Bruce never did that with me. He washed his hands of me and left me.”
“When I was younger, I never idolized my parents, never thought of them as perfect. They left us to our own devices. Honestly, their attack on Danny doesn’t surprise me. It hurts, Ancients does it hurt, but I’m not surprised.”
Jason frowned, his eyebrows creasing.
“Did you ever think of Bruce as perfect when you were younger?”
Jason thought back. His dad was Batman; he was infallible. Bruce had been larger than life, and he could never be wrong in Jason Todd’s younger eyes.
“Maybe,” Jason said.
“Parents aren’t perfect. There comes a time in a child’s life when they figure that out. Unfortunately, you found out your dad wasn’t perfect in the worse way possible.”
Jason put his hands over the scar on his throat.
(He could still see the Batarang coming toward him.)
“Do you think he would have ever accepted me back?”
“I don’t know,” Jazz answered, “I do know that thinking about the what-ifs can drive a person mad.”
“If it weren’t for Danny, I would’ve stayed and waited for God knows how long, just hoping for a crumb of their acceptance. Not even love, just acceptance.”
“Do you think you’ll ever talk to them again?”
Jason thought about it. A part of him would love to reconnect with his family. To show them how much better he has gotten. To brag about Danny. But he was scared. Scared Bruce would take Danny away from him. Scared Bruce would see Jason as unfit and throw him in Arkham.
“You don’t have to say anything,” Jazz said, “I always used to fear my parents would take Danny away from me, too.”
Liminal’s abilities were useful sometimes.
Jason sighed, “Thanks. I needed this talk.”
“No problem,” Jazz paused for a moment, “so, when should we tell them we want to go on a trip this weekend?”
Jason smiled. He loved having a family again.
Tim couldn’t believe it.
Tim and Barbara had gotten a ping on the anomaly North of Gotham, close to the Canadian border.
Even though Jason was hiding behind a hat and had painted his hair, Barbara and Tim recognized him.
Who they didn’t recognize was the kid holding Jason’s hand.
“Bruce is going to freak,” Tim murmured.
“Which is why we won’t tell him yet.”
“What, why not?”
“Jason left for a reason. What do you think Bruce will do when he finds out Jason has been spotted at the Canadian border with a kid in tow?”
Tim frowned. Bruce would leave at the moment, find Jason, and demand answers.
Tim’s silence was enough confirmation for Barbara that he understood.
“I’ll find and see what’s going on. If he’s alive and well, we let Bruce know, but we don’t tell him where he is,” Tim said.
“Tim, this is proof that Jason is alive. That’s all I needed. I can guess why he left, and it has to do with the kid. I say we leave him be until he comes to us.”
“And if he never does,” Tim snapped. It wasn’t fair. Bruce was hurting; he deserved to know his son was fine.
“Then we honor his wishes,” Barbara said and disconnected the call. Tim gritted his teeth. That wasn’t good enough for him.
He would find Jason and bring him home. It was his fault he was gone. Tim would make it right.
So, I brought up a family trip because a. it would be cute, b. I've been researching Tadoussac, Canada and it looks like a fun place, and c. it's gonna transition into a big plot point.
Hope you liked.
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blowflyfag · 3 months
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the Wrestler: Volume 25, 2009
Q & A 
(Part 2)
“If I didn’t need money, I’d work in this business for free”
WHO WAS WRESTLING’S original diva? There are credible arguments to be made for Miss Elizabeth, Baby Doll, Sunshine, Tammy Sytch, Sable or any number of pioneering women. But, there is one lady in particular who would make any short list: Missy Hyatt.
What has been the key to Hyatt’s success? Her uncanny ability to reinvent herself. Hyatt started out as the self-centered, pampered brat that everyone loved to hate, with every woman wanting to rub her face in the mud and every man wanting to turn her across his knee for a good spanking. She evoked strong emotions during her stints in World Class Championship Wrestling and the Universal Wrestling Federation in the mid-1980s, and often outshined her male counterparts, including “Hollywood” John Tatum and “Hot Stuff” Eddie Gilbert.
Yet  Vince MCMahon wanted her to give up her naughty ways and join WWF as an affluent hist of the “Missy Manor” interview segment. It turned out that “Missy’‘s Manor” was no “Piper’s Pit,” and the WWF and Hyatt parted ways in a matter of weeks. 
So what’s a girl to do? Hyatt returned to Jim Crockett Promotions, where television producer Dusty Rhodes made her backstage interviewer and an occasional color commentator. She was one of the hottest stars of WCW during the early years of Ted Turner’s ownership, managingThe Steiner Brothers and The Nasty Boys, hosting a highly successful 900-line, and appearing on countless pieces of merchandise. Hyatt ended up suing WCW for what she considered her rightful share of the proceeds and all of it landed in court, where she also filed a sexual harassment claim. 
With nowhere left to go, Hyatt accepted Paul Heyman’s offer to appear in ECW, where she flourished as a sultry sex siren, whose conniving ways seemed to be a natural extension of the spoiled Southern Belle she had portrayed a decade earlier. 
Her out-of-the-ring exploits have embroiled her in controversy. In her 2001 tell-all autobiography, Miss Hyatt: First Lady of Wrestling, she detailed her relationships with John Tatum, Eddie Gilbert, Road Warrior Hawk, Jake Roverts, and Wonder Years star Jason Hervey, among others. Today, Hyatt lives in New York City with her two Jack Russell terriers, Milo and Jake. For fans who want to keep Missy Hyatt under minute-by-minute surveillance, her pay website–missyhyatt247.com–offers a webcam that constantly streams video from her apartment. Hyatt’s house website is missyhyatt.net.
“Missy has revealed so many intimate details about her life in her autobiography and on her websites that I felt as if I already knew her,” said Senior Writer Harry Burkett, who spoke with the self-proclaimed “First Lady Of Wrestling” for 90 minutes. “Her real personality is quite different from the ‘vamp’ persona she tries to project. She has a very sweet ‘girl next door’ quality.”
Q: Despite the fact that you began your career 23 years ago, you’ve never stayed very far from the wrestling business. You still make appearances on the indy circuit. What are you up to these days?
A: I still have my websites, missyhyatt.net and missyhyatt247.com, and, yes, I still work the independents and do autograph sessions. I'm really proud of the work I've done with Women Superstars Uncensored over the past year or so. I do color commentary for WSU DVDs and I also host some “Missy’s Manor” interview segments. 
Q: What is your typical day like? 
A: I work with Jack Russell terriers for an organization called Russell Rescue, not to be confused with Dawn Marie’s Wrestlers Rescue [laughs]. She takes in unwanted and abused wrestlers, and I take in unwanted or abused Jack Russells, so I'm sort of a foster mom. I recently took in a dog named Bruno, who had heartworm, and I kept him until that problem was cleared up and he could go to another family. 
I do behavioral assessments on the dogs when they come to my home. Do they go after someone who’s knocking on the door? Is there anything that seems to upset them? So I document all of that behavioral stuff on the paperwork. I also do home checks to make sure that prospective homes have the proper fencing, things like that. Jack Russells are very smart, but they also have so much energy that some people can’t keep up with them. 
[It was then-boyfriend John Tatum who got Missy Hyatt into the wrestling business back in the mid-’80s. Tatum felt he needed a beautiful blonde valet–and the rest is wrestling history.]
Q: The question is, are you able to keep up with them? 
A: My dogs end up adopting my personality, which means they become lazy and sleep in late. Dory Funk Jr. said that he grew up with a bunch of Russells, which are really handy if you have a working ranch with horses and stables. 
Q: That sounds like enough to keep you busy. DO you have time to watch the current wrestling product, such as WWE and TNA?
A: Yes, there’s a lot that I like about WWE and TNA. When I watch Raw or Smackdown, I just think how I'd like to work a big crowd like that. Back in the NWA and WCW in the late-’80s and early-’90s, we did pay-per-views every couple of months and drew decent crowds, but it was nothing compared to what WWE draws on a nearly nightly basis. I just think, Wow. I’d love to see myself on that big TItanTron. 
I have a dream, and it sounds really corny, but I've always wanted to work one WrestleMania dressed as The Gobbledy Gooker. I’d want Kane to give me a tombstone piledriver and then rip off my turkey costume. Of course, I'd still have the beak and big feet, wearing a fur-kinki, and I'd cluck around the ring and get back inside my egg. Some people dream about dollars or fame, but I've had a much simpler aspiration: to be The Gobbledygooker at WrestleMania!
Q: Maybe you weren’t The Gobbledygooker, but you certainly came a long way. How did you break into the wrestling business?
A: I became involved through my boyfriend: John Tatum. He had been wrestling in Georgia and then went to work for the Crocketts for a while. He met Tully Blanchard and Baby Doll while he was there, and that’s when John decided he had to get him a blonde girl who looked like Baby Doll. So, when he went to Texas, he took me along. [World Class referee] David Manning convinced me that I would make a good valet, and David and another referee, Rick Hazzard helped me with that.
Q: What were you doing when John met you? A: I was working as a cocktail waitress at a bar, the Hyatt Hotel–as a matter of fact–in downtown Atlanta. I also worked at the pool bar during the summer there. 
Q: Where did you grow up?
A: Tallahassee, Florida.
Q: Had John been in the wrestling business very long when you met him?
A: No, no. He was from Pensacola, Florida, and he’d been in the business for only about six months, if that. He worked in Georgia and then the Caroolinas for about 10 months. Then we went to Texas in ‘85.
[Although Missy Hyatt and Sunshine were in-ring rivals in World Class Championship Wrestling (above), they were good friends outside the ring (right). Hyatt says Sunshine was a patient mentor during her early days. 
“When I first started working, I was really nervous and scared. The first big thing I did was a catfight with Sunshine where we pulled hair and rolled around the thing, and I couldn't help laughing. When we got in the back, Sunshine yelled at me, “You can't laugh out there!”]
Q: Had John always been a wrestling fan, or did he fall into it some other way?
A: John and Michael Hayes are cousins. Michael is from Pensacola, too. As for me, I fell in love with wrestling when I was 17. I was over at my parents’ house, and I was upstairs with my dad, who was flipping channels. I saw Michael Hayes and Buddy Roberts putting a baby bonnet on Terry Gordy’s head and a pacifier in his mouth, and they were all running around the ring. It was Georgia Championship Wrestling. I was amazed by what I was watching. What was this? I thought it was the coolest thing. I knew I didn't want to wrestle, but it seemed like a real hoot and something I wanted to do. 
Q: Wow, that must have been when The Freebirds were feuding amongst each other. What was the first challenge you had to face as a valet in Texas?
A: Trying to figure out what my name would be! My last name is “Hiatt” with an “i,” so I changed it to “Hyatt” with a “y.” Also, my first name is Melissa, but my parents called me “Missy” and John caught on to that. That’s how I became “Missy Hyatt.”
When I first started working, I was really nervous and scared. The first big thing I did was a catfight with Sunshine where we pulled hair and rolled around the ring, and I couldn't help laughing. When we got in the back, Sunshine yelled at me, “You can't laugh out there!” But I was having so much fun. During my career, I've been paid a lot of money for what I love to do. If I didn't need money, I'd work in this business for free. 
Q: I suppose World Class was ahead of its time as far as divas are concerned.
A: Let me tell you, we sure were! Looking back on it, I'm surprised that I got paid the same as the guys. They didn't just look at me as a female, but someone who helped draw people to the shows. My pay depended on where I was on the card and how many people were there. So I was paid extremely well, even though I was a woman. I think of all the people who helped me–Fritz Von Erich, David Manning, Bronco Lubich–and realize it was a great time. If Texas had been the only place where I had worked, and John and I had gone back to Florida right afterward, i’d still consider it the highlight of my life. 
[Was it Hyatt and Hot Stuff International or vice versa? Either way, Hyatt and Eddie Gilbert made an effective and entertaining team in the Ultimate Wrestling Federation.]
Q: Did it occur to you that women could add a whole new dimension to wrestling?
A: Sex and violence sell in movies and on TV, so why not wrestling? Even ultimate fighting has the octagon babes and boxing has the ring card girls in their little outfits.
Q: Your catfights with Sunshine must have gotten a huge response, considering the audience was definitely male-dominated at the time.
A: Because we did the same buildings each week, we had to come up with something new each week. For over a year, I'd do bad stuff to her on TV and then she’d beat my fanny all week at the house shows. I’d lie, or come up with a new way to insult her, and she’d be ready to tear into me again. It was so easy–and so fun to get a reaction. We nearly started a riot in Abilene, Texas.
Q: What was the road schedule like for World Class?
A: We did TV tapings every Friday night in Dallas and then we’d run a show on Monday night in Fort Worth. Every three weeks, we’d go to the outskirts, such as Lubbock, Amarillo, and El Paso. For the most part, though, most of the shows were in smaller towns within a couple hours of Dallas-Fort Worth. Football was really big in Texas, so there were plenty of large high school stadiums where we drew a lot of people–usually within 60 miles of Dallas.
Wrestlers and divas are so much like movie stars now because there’s so much glamor. The outfits are so fancy and everybody’s so polished. That’s a big difference between now and the territorial days. Even WCW was much glitzier toward the end of my time there.
Q: Was Sunshine helpful when you first went to World Class?
A: She was the best. She taught me everything. And, trust me, I was a handful. You may remember that World Class had a two-hour show on Christian network for a while. 
Q: Yes, the Christian Broadcasting Network.
A: That’s  right. [World Classbooker] Ken Mantell gave me a line to use against Sunshine. It went something like, “Sunshine’s butt is so big that when she has to haul ass, she’s got to make 10 trips.” I said it verbatim. When I got backstage, poor Ken looked like he was having a heart attack, red in the face with his blood pressure going up. He told me that I shouldn't have said the word “ass.” I said, “Yeah, but you told me to say that.” I was so young at the time. I was surprised that CBN didn’t even bleep it out. 
[“Sex and violence sell in movies and on TV, so why not wrestling? Even ultimate fighting has the octagon babes and boxing has the ring card girls in their little outfits.”]
Q: Well, the word “ass” was used in the Bible.
A: That’s true. I felt sorry for Ken because he had to deal with these girls all of a sudden. But Sunshine and I were good friends. I’d have friends over at my apartment, and Sunshine would have to sneak through a window. Back in the kayfabe days, I couldn’t party with the babyfaces, you know.
Q: Was there anybody else you looked up to? Or were you and Sunshine the only women around at that time?
A: There was Baby Doll with the Crocketts, and Miss Elizabeth had just started in the WWF. Here’s one funny story: George Scott, who worked for Vince McMahon, had heard about Baby Doll at about the same time I sent pictures to the WWF. He contacted World Class, thinking I was Baby Doll. That’s why David Manning and Fritz Von Erich wanted to keep John and me there. I’m glad John and I had that run in World Class, because I think we were great working together. 
[While working in the UWF, Hyatt often interacted with a young Jim Ross. According to Missy, nobody can match Good Ol’ J.R. on the microphone.]
Q: I thought so, too. How did you meet Eddie Gilbert?
A: I met him when we went to the UWF.
Q: When you first met him, did you think you’d ever marry the guy?
A: No! It was another case of life imitating art. That time was wild. We did the Hot Stuff & Hyatt International angle, and Ken Mantell was there … it was such a blur because we were traveling so much. I enjoyed that time very much. 
Q: You mentioned that life imitates art. As we know, you left John and eventually married Eddie. Leading into that, John and Eddie were vying for your affections on UWF TV, with Eddie outsmarting John each week. The vignettes from that time were very funny. I remember a limousine pulling up to take you and John to lunch, and somehow Eddie elbowed his way into the limo so he could sit beside you. It was really funny stuff. 
A: I remember that! Jim Ross was interviewing John, who was waiting for me to arrive in the limo. Eddie came out, noticed there was a TV in the limo, and squeezed himself into the car between John and me. I think we left Jim Rossjust standing there. At that time, Eddie and I liked each other, so I guess it was happening and I didnt realize it. 
[Life  imitates art. To John Tatum’s chagrin, a UWF storyline romance between Hyatt and Gilbert evolved into an off-screen attraction and eventually marriage.]
Q: Wrestling is weird in that way, as far as life imitating art. It seems that every man and woman that are put together in a storyline end up as a couple in real life. 
A: It may be terrible to mention this, but look at what happened to Chris and Nancy Benoit. There was also Steve Austin and Jeannie Clarke, and Steve and Debra McMichael.
Q: So you would say that love triangle among you, John, and Eddie mirrored reality?
A: On TV, Eddie and I always said it was “strictly business.” But there was a lot of playing around and joking. Once when we were at the hotel in Tulsa, John had left with Jack [Victory], and Eddie got really drunk. Eddie came in from the pool, down the hallway, and passed out in my hotel room. I had to get Carl Fergie to get him out of there. The next day, I teased him all day. Something just sparked, I guess.
Q: You certainly demonstrated a sexual tension on TV. I remember that Eddie would refer to your group as “Hot Stuff & Hyatt International,” but you would always refer to it as “Hyatt & Hot Stuff International.”
A: Right. Bruce Prochard worked out of the Houston office at the time, and he had blue satin jackets made. Mine said “Hyatt & Hot Stuff” and Eddie’s said “Hot Stuff & Hyatt.” I don’t know what happened to that jacket, but I wish I still had it. It would bring back good memories.
Q: Eddie was often credited for having a great wrestling mind. Did you learn things from him that you didn’t learn from John or anyone else?
A: I learned more about wrestling as a business, from how it works to how to handle money. I learned what worked with a wrestling crowd and what did not. Eddie loved wrestling since he was a boy. His mom showed me how he would make up characters, book matches, lay out TV shows, and create whole storlines in his black-and-white composition books. He was really elaborate. He was the Anges Dixon of wrestling.
Q: No wonder the CWF seemed like All my Children! Seriously, though, I know Eddie wrote for some fanzines and magazines in the late-1970s.
A: And he took pictures! He showed me a tape of a match where he and Jim Cornette were at ringside taking pictures.
Q: Cornette, Paul Heyman, and even Tammy Stych got their start by taking pictures and sending them to our magazines. You never took pictures for us, but you sure posed for a lot. Tell me, how was the UWF different from World Class?
A: The traveling. I think they would sit there with a map of the United States and then throw darts to see how far they could make us drive. We’d be in Tulsa one night, and then have to drive to New Orleans, and then drive to Houston, and then to Memphi. It never made sense. We’d leave at 2:00 in the afternoon and not get back until 4:00 in the morning.
[“You could see how hot and intense the crowd was on UWF TV shows. It was like a fever. The craziness was contagious. To me, it was more exciting in those days.”
Q: I think the most common complaint I've heard about the UWF, or the Mid-South promotion that preceded it, was that it was  really big territory.
A: That’s for sure. But you also made a lot of friendships when you’re traveling together so much. I remember we’d all be in a can with One Man Gang driving–just a lot of camaraderie because we were working together every night. We were more like a family. 
Q: At the time, the WWF was expanding nation-wide. Frit Von Erich and Bill Watts certainly entertained the thought of challenging Vince McMahon. Did World Class or the UWF have a chance?
A: If either World Class or the UWF had gotten a better foothold on cable, maybe so. The UWF was the hottest wrestling show on TV at the time, in terms of pure action. THe show had enormous talent, in addition to Jim Ross as the announcer. And nobody can compare to Jim Ross as an announcer before or since. When we would tape shows in Tulsa, everything would break down at the end of the episode, so fans always wanted more. We didn’t give away main events in those days. 
Q: That’s what I hated about the UWF! Hacksaw Duggan wouldn’t tear into One Man Gang until one minute before the show went off the air. I would be screaming at the TV!
A: Yes, Jim Ross would be yelling, “We’ve got to go!” The whole idea was to get people to buy tickets. We didn’t have pay-per-view yet, so the TV show was like an ad to sell tickets to the arena. We would do the TV tapings in Tulsa every two weeks. We never had to give away tickets for free because the arena was always packed. You could see how hot and intense the crowd was on  UWF TV shows. It was like a fever. The craziness was contagious. To me, it was more exciting in those days. 
Q: I suppose that’s the price you pay when wrestling goes mainstream. Nowadays, you get more of a mainstream crowd, the same people who would come out to see the Harlem Globetrotters if they came to town. 
The UWF must have had wide syndications back then, because I remember the UWF running its TV show in my home state of Maryland. That was a long way from Tulsa. 
A: The UWF had really good syndication, but World Class was even more impressive. If I remember correctly, World Class had 223 stations–including stations in the Middle East–while the WWF had only 30 stations here in the United States.
Q: World Class even tried to run house shows in Massachusetts. 
A: As well as Georgia and California while it was expanding toward the end. You knew one of these companies was going to become a true national company, but you didn't know which one would get there first. 
Q: Who contacted you about going to the WWF?
A: Eddie and I just mailed in some pictures, and Vince called.
Q: Did he call for both of you?
A: Yes. It was a complicated time. There were rumors that Crockett was going to buy the UWF. We didn’t know whether Crockett was going to swallow up the UWF or keep it separate. Some said he would honor the UWF contracts and others said he wouldn't. Eddie sent out stuff to the WWF just as back-up. But I wanted to go to the WWF because I wanted to be a big star and get me a doll. It still hasn’t happened. 
[After a short stint with the WWF and some indy appearances, Hyatt made a move to WCW, where she made her name as a ring announcer (left), color commentator (above), and valet.]
Q: Did Eddie ever wrestle for the WWF in the late-’80s?
A: He had first gone to the WWF in ‘81, but he didn’t go in the late-’80s. He was helping Ken Mantell book for the UWF. When the buyout came, Crockett wanted Eddie to do all the booking for the UWF and Ken left. Eddie told Vince that he’d rather book for the UWF than just wrestle for the WWF. I was very pigheaded, though, and I wanted to go to the WWF and become a superstar. 
Q: I remember “Miss Manor.”
A: Oh, gosh. 
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ledenews · 11 months
Ann Marie McConaghy: Meet 'Smiley' the Villain Slayer
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She requested a new question because, she claimed, she doesn’t have an “all-time favorite fictional villain.” Now, seriously, who doesn’t dig a good villain to send a healthy chill up the spine? Like Hannibal Lecter and his Chianti slurp? Darth Vader and his menacing march? Ya know, like Jason, Michael, Freddy, Voldemort, The Joker, and Agent Smith? No thanks, said Ann Marie McConaghy. Nope. And another question, please. OK, sure. Hmm. Perhaps the villain inquiry was too dark and somehow negative, especially for a young lady known in some circles as “Smiley Ann.” So, instead, let’s take a “180” and go the other way. Superheroes. Yeah. Certainly, this St. Clairsville resident has a favorite caped crusader, right? McConaghy, who works full time for WTOV9, sure does and her answer will not surprise. She is, after all, the same entrepreneur who made a big splash this past summer with her vintage Volkswagen, baby blue Photo Van. It was enjoyed at weddings and concerts and birthdays and graduation parties, and there’s the “Drive Miss Daisy,” “Give It Some Gas,” and “Pedal to the Metal” packages to consider. That’s right, it’s cute because it’s supposed to be. Cute sells because it makes people smile and laugh and take fun photos over and over again. And guess what? Villains don’t do that. Duh. Ann Marie McConaughy had an idea and made it come true this past summer. Why the Volkswagen Van? Well, a couple of reasons. First, I have always loved them. I think they are the coolest vehicles ever. I don’t know why they would have stopped producing them. Second reason, it’s a classic! Everyone loves it. I don’t think I have met one person that wasn’t in awe of it. I just love hearing the stories that people have about them … “My parents used to pile us in the van and we would go to the beach,” or “My band and I drove one of these cross country in the late 70’s.” I think the memories it brings back for people is something really special. You know, when I started Smiley Ann’s Photo Van, I thought it would only appeal to adults, but boy was I wrong! Kids LOVE it! I can’t tell you have many events I have been to where the parents had to bribe their kids to leave the Van. People of all ages really just love it and that makes me really happy. Do you believe the relationship between Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift is a real relationship or something cooked by publicists? I do believe it is real. People are saying that the NFL is paying Taylor Swift a ridiculous amount of money to “fake” date Travis Kelce, but she is already the most successful entertainer in the world and doesn’t need the money. They are both so happy. The way they look at each other, the way he holds her hand, the fact that he wants to help her get out or the car instead of her security … they are either in love or really good actors. McConaghy worked on the vintage Volkswagen with her father. What is it about getting involved with local politics that you like the most? I have helped my aunt, Mayor Kathryn Thalman of St. Clairsville, through both campaigns and I really came to see how much of a difference someone can make, especially at the local level. St. Clairsville is thriving and has a very bright future thanks to my aunt and her team. When someone asks you about your high school, what do you tell them? I thank my parents all the time for sending me to Linsly. I loved it. It helped prepare me academically for college, and it made me a well-rounded student.  Every teacher there was invested in my success. I also developed a very strong sense of confidence in my abilities. I so appreciate everything that that school did to make me the person I am today. The Photo Van has been rented for all different sorts of events, including weddings and birthday parties. Who is your all-time favorite superhero, and why? I would have to say Wonder Woman! She gives not only girls, but boys and girls a great role model, and she’s all about justice and truth. Read the full article
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Just Friends? // J. Todd x f!reader
Requested? yes!
Summary: Jason panicked and told Dick he was dating someone. Now he’s being forced to bring them to family dinner so he turns to his best friend, you, for help.
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“You want me to…what?”
The couch dipped beside you and a heavy arm draped across the back. You nudged Jason with your elbow as he crowded up against you and he retaliated by swiping your book out of your hand. Since he didn’t particularly feel like dying again that day, he made sure to slide a bookmark between the pages before he shut it and tossed it onto his coffee table.
“I need you to be my date. To Sunday night dinner.” He said it so simply that you had half the mind to start concussion protocol in case he had landed helmet-first sometime during last night’s patrol. You raised an inquisitive eyebrow and he grinned.
“And this is in relation to…?”
“Dick was trying to set me up with this guy he met at a coffee shop and knowing Dick’s taste in people, I panicked and said I was already dating someone and he insisted that I bring them to meet the family. Because anyone who would date me, and I quote, is a godsend and/or in need of some serious help.”
You hummed and poked his cheek. “What if I’m both?”
“See? You’re perfect.”
You adjusted your seating on the couch so you could face him, one leg tucked under you and the other hanging off the edge of his worn couch. His large hand came down to rest on your thigh and he drew circles against your skin before squeezing gently. You slid one hand to the nape of his neck and played with his hair.
“How on earth are we going to convince your family, the greatest detectives in the world, that we’re a couple?”
You found yourself at Wayne Manor on Sunday with one very antsy vigilante. He kept asking if you remembered the story the two of you had generated and you were very close to throttling him. Two years of friendship and he still didn’t trust your ability to make shit up on the fly.
The heavy oak door swung open, revealing a short kid. He appraised you with a disinterested expression and then delicately sniffed.
“Todd, I see you have brought your lady friend for once.”
“Nice to see you too, Demon Spawn.” Jason ruffled his hair as he passed and the kid swatted his hand, a murderous glare flitting across his face.
“You must be Damian.” You held out your hand and he regarded it coolly before shaking it. “Jay told me you like animals. Remind me later and I’ll show you pictures of my cats.”
Damian’s eyes narrowed for a moment before he nodded and stepped aside. “That is agreeable. Perhaps I can introduce you to Alfred as well.”
You mouthed something akin to isn’t that the butler? to Jason and he snickered as he sidled up to you and slid his hand along your waist. “Butler AND cat. Damian was inspired when he named him.”
“Hmmm, that’s cute. So, one sibling down. How many more to go?”
“Too many.” He leaned down to brush a kiss across your brow. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, bird boy.”
Dinner went off without a hitch. Dick declared his love for you the second he met you, Tim was hesitant at first and fully assumed you were actually a mercenary hired by Jason to try and kill him again, Steph gleefully regaled you with stories of Jason slipping and falling off of roofs during patrol, and Cass had laughed when Jason had tried to steal some of Alfred’s famous mashed potatoes off of your plate and you proceeded to launch a fork at him.
Bruce, as expected, just sat quietly.
“Oh, miss, don’t worry about the plates,” Alfred exclaimed when you started stacking up Jason’s dirty dishes onto yours. “I have it handled.”
“Are you sure? It’s really no big deal.”
“Quite alright, miss. It is my job after all.”
You smiled at the kindly butler. “Jason speaks very highly of you. Thank you for always being there for him.”
“Of course, miss. Master Todd has always been a great joy in my life.” You could see the unspoken sorrow that lingered there too and you briefly thought of the jagged, y-shaped scar that spanned the length of his torso. Jason slid his hand in yours and tugged you into another room.
“Movie night,” he explained. “National Treasure, of course.”
“A classic.” He maneuvered you to fall back onto the couch, leaving a space for him between you and Dick. “Ah, shit, let me go get you a blanket.”
“So, how long have you two been dating?” Dick asked when Jason disappeared.
“I’ve known him for two years but we’ve been dating for three months.” It was the agreed upon date you two had come up with last night when you laid on the couch together, a mess of tangled limbs. “He’s my best friend.”
“He better not be trying to replace me.” Dick pouted but Damian tossed a pillow at his head and let out another scoff. The youngest Robin had Alfred the cat in his lap and stroked the cat’s fur like some kind of evil villain in his lair.
“Don’t worry, Dickiebird. No one can replace you,” Jason drawled as he returned with a blanket. He draped it over your lap and then took a seat next to you. “Good?”
“Yeah, thanks Jase.” You knew you wouldn’t last through the movie. In fact, you probably fell asleep twenty minutes in. Your head fell against Jason’s shoulder and he carefully adjusted the blanket to cover your shoulders before running a hand over your hair.
“If you haven’t already,” Bruce said from behind him. “You should tell her you love her.”
Of course, Jason groused. Nothing got past Batman.
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What to Expect When You're Expecting (A Vigilante) Part 2
Dick Grayson x plus size reader
DC Masterlist | Main Masterlist
End of a Friendship (Part 1) | Jason Avenges Her (Part 3)
What happens when you fall in love with your best friend’s older brother and get pregnant after a one night stand with him? What happens when the father is Nightwing and your best friend is Red Hood?
A/N: Requests and taglists are open! See my masterlist for fandoms/characters
A/N 2: There will be one more part after this!
Warnings: smut, angst, unprotected sex, friends-to-lovers, pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, pregnant reader, sassy Alfred, mentions of dead parents and orphanages, insecure!reader, insecure!Dick, Jason and reader grew up in Crime Alley so warnings for drugs (neither use), assault, stealing, sickness, etc., low-key pregnancy trope so if you don’t like that, scroll on, size kink (Dick is 6’3”), pubic hair, pet names (bunny), spitting, oral (m and f receiving), bad self-image, self-hate
WC: 5.8k
Minors DNI
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Part 2
Alfred Puts His Foot Down
The manor was surprisingly calm as the family ate. Tim was almost falling asleep in his veggies, Damian was pouting after he had been grounded for trying to go out and fight crime with Jon, Jason was practically inhaling his steak eager to leave, and Dick was incredibly jumpy and looked like he hadn’t slept properly in weeks.
Bruce watched his sons closely, eyeing his eldest warily. “Where’s Y/N? She’s missed four dinners already.” He directed his question at Jason but noted Dick perking up at the mention of her name. “She’s been pretty sick for the past week. Roy’s staying with her while I’m here.” He said, shoveling more mashed potatoes onto his plate. “She was passed out on the couch with him when I left.” Only Alfred caught the clenching of Dick’s jaw and the way his eyes darkened briefly before his signature smile returned.
“I didn’t think Y/N and Roy would be interested in each other.” Tim sipped on his sixth energy drink of the day, mindlessly pushing around the vegetables on his dish. “Tt Y/L/N would never stoop that low.” The youngest muttered “What, do you have a crush on her or something.” The slight pink tint of Damian’s cheeks was a dead give-away but before he could be tormented, Bruce spoke once more.
“I’ll visit her tomorrow with some supplies. If she doesn’t get better I’ll drag her to the doctors myself.” Jason scoffed. “Why are you acting like her dad? Besides, there’s no fucking way I would allow her to date Roy, he’s a fucking player. If anyone is going to date her, he will be chosen by me.” “She’s an adult, Master Jason, don’t you think she can choose the person she wishes to spend the rest of her life with?” Alfred placed down a couple more dishes before yanking the energy drink from Tim.
“I lost her once already, I won’t lose my best friend again just because some cheating, no-good asshole broke her heart. It’s why I told Dick to stay away from her and see, it’s worked out well! They’re friends, and they will stay that way.” Dick winces, a reaction Bruce catches briefly, his blue-grey eyes narrow and flick to his adoptive father who, with a slight nod, confirmed his suspicions. “Now back to Damian. Does the demon spawn have a crush on my Y/N?” “You shut your mouth Todd!” Damian launched across the table, steak knife in hand, successfully ending dinner.
Gotham was quiet as the Rolls Royce cruised through the familiar streets. The sun was just peaking over the horizon, a red glow cast over the buildings. Bruce was silent, brooding almost. His son’s behaviour puzzled him. He took pride in his ability to read people, especially his kids. Of course as they got older, they were able to hide things a bit more but Dick had always been an open book. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He was caring and considerate but had a temper that frightened even Bruce.
Dick couldn’t deal with the consequences of his actions, he took and took. His relationships burnt fast and bright. Behind his playboy confident exterior, he was an insecure, scared little boy who didn’t know how to deal with complicated emotions, too much like Bruce before he found his boys.
His phone rang, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Bruce Wayne… Yes, fine, I’ll be there soon.” He sighed, a scarred hand running through his mostly grey hair. “Alfred, could you bring me to the tower, something has just come up.” “Of course.”
“Please make sure she’s ok for me. Buy her whatever she wants, even if she says no.” He had told Alfred as he got out of the car. “And if you can, bring her over for dinner tonight, only Damian will be there. I know he misses her a lot.” “I promise Master Bruce, I’ll even bring her to a nice lunch.” Bruce’s shoulders sagged slightly and he released a sigh of relief. “You’re the best. Tell her I’m sorry I couldn’t see her myself. Oh and if you see Dick, tell him we need to talk.” The old man just nodded and drove off, knowing that he would have to be the one to talk to the boy.
He heard the retching even before he used the spare key to get into the apartment. It sounded almost painful, like she had been going at it for a while. The butler just calmly walked in, setting the canvas bag full of groceries on the kitchen counter before boiling up a cup of ginger tea (he might’ve bought a pregnancy book during a weekly shop in an effort to help). The toilet flushed and Y/N stumbled out of the bathroom, dressed in a batman shirt and a pair of Jason’s shorts that had suspiciously gone missing.
“I’m guessing Bruce bought you that shirt?” She looked down, pulling on the material slightly. “No, I did. I wanted to piss off Jason.” “Just because?” “Yeah pretty much. It’s funny when his face gets that red. He looks like a tomato.” Alfred chuckled and guided her down to the couch, handing her the tea.
“You just sit here while I make you some breakfast. Ah ah ah. Don’t give me that look. You need to eat, even if you do feel horrible. Try at least, for me.” She nodded and sipped on the drink, cringing briefly at the taste. “I haven’t told Jason yet. I don’t know why. I don’t think he would be disappointed in me, maybe he would try to kill Dick.” Y/N chuckled at the thought before her face fell and her eyes became glassy. “Maybe I just don’t want to even think about the pregnancy. Because thinking about it makes it real, and-and I don’t want it to be.”
He sighed, placing a bowl of plain oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar and a piece of toast, perfectly done, with a fried egg on top, on the coffee table in front of her. “Tell me why.” “Because I don’t want to think about that night. Because I don’t want to have to tell my children that their father never loved me. That he could never love me. And what if I tell him and he feels obligated to be with me? That I force him to be unhappy just for my own stupid, selfish desires.”
“You love him.” “I do. I love him so much it fucking hurts.” “He cares for you too. He would want to know.” With hands wringing anxiously, Y/N paced the length of the living room. “He doesn’t.” “He does.”
Alfred attempted to hold her hand but she pulled away. “Then why would he leave me like that! Why would he tell me how beautiful I was for an entire night and then drop me like I was trash! Why didn’t he say goodbye! Why did he fucking kiss me!”
“I saw him a couple days before I took the test. He was in a club dancing with some woman. She was gorgeous. A hell of a lot more gorgeous than me. And all I could think was ‘why can’t I be her? Why can’t I be the one in his arms?’ And then I couldn’t stop thinking that maybe I wasn’t worth more than one night. That he would be embarrassed to be seen with me. It made me feel worthless.” Alfred grabbed her arms and stopped her, guiding Y/N back to the couch. “You need to calm down. The stress isn’t good for the baby. You don’t want to hurt them.” He wiped away her tears.
She chuckled sadly. “It’s twins.” “W-what?” His mouth dropped open. “I went to the doctor’s yesterday. It’s twins, a boy and a girl.” He took her into his arms, soothing her sobs. “It’s going to be ok. I promise.” But Y/N knew that it was the one thing he couldn’t promise.
The front door to Dick’s apartment swung open and slammed into the wall. “You stupid boy!” Dick had a spoonful of cereal halfway to his mouth. “Hey Alfred, what can I help you with?” “You know what you did!” He cleared his throat, clearly scared by the raging butler who’s usually perfectly tailored suit was dirty and askew. “There’s a lot of things I’ve done, you’ll have to be more specific.”
“Do not talk back to me Richard.” He growled, sending a shiver down the boy’s spine. Sometimes he thought his grandfather was scarier than batman. “You will come with me now or so help me god.” “Um ok, can I finish my cereal first?” Alfred just stormed forward and grabbed him by his ear, like he had done when Dick was little and he had done something terribly bad. “What the hell! I’m a grown ass man! You can’t treat me like this anymore!”
“I will treat you like an adult when you start acting like one.” He forced Dick into the car, of course with the child lock on so he couldn’t immediately get out again, and rushed to the other side, quickly driving off, leaving a couple of very confused people standing on the sidewalk. It was an incredibly weird sight, a clearly older man dragging a huge, well-known police officer, by his ear, out of the building and basically kidnapping him.
Bruce would have quite a few speeding tickets land on his desk next week with how fast Alfred drove back to the manor, a yelling vigilante in the back, making his blood pressure increase each minute.
As soon as they were parked out front, Dick leapt out and made a run up the stairs, throwing open the door and storming inside, planning on taking one of his father’s cars back home. “What the hell is wrong with you!” “I only did what I had to.” Dick was about to start yelling again when a soft voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Dick?” He froze as he saw her. His eyes went wide. How could she have gotten more beautiful? His heart clenched at the sight of her swollen and blood-shot eyes, she had obviously been crying. Was that because of him?
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” “I was um waiting for Alfred, he invited me over so I could be here when Damian got home from school but obviously I’ve been tricked.” She was sitting on one of the overly expensive sofas, wearing a yellow sundress with a knit sweater on top that positively made her s/c skin glow in the faint winter sunlight.
She felt like she couldn’t move as she saw him. If she was being honest, he looked like shit. Huge dark bags under his eyes, his hair wasn’t as neat as it usually was, he was even hunched over, trying to make himself seem smaller.
Another door slammed shut, Y/N craning her neck to see Alfred coming towards them, readjusting his coat so it was presentable again after their tussle. “Now is the time to talk. I will go make up some tea to give you some privacy. Call if you need me.” “Talk about what?” Dick’s head tilted cutely and Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if their children would have that same habit.
She nervously played with her fingers as he sat next to her but not daring to touch her, a position oddly reminiscent of how they had gotten into this mess. She took a deep breath, giving herself just a moment to look at him, as if this was the last time she would see him.
“Why did you leave that morning?” He visibly deflated. “I realised what I had done.” “What you had done?” She repeated, a spark of rage igniting in her stomach. “I don’t normally hook up with someone like you.” Anger ripped through her. “Someone like me. Look I’m sorry you decided to fuck a fat girl but it’s not like I was running around screaming that we had sex. So I haven’t ruined your precious reputation.”
“That came out wrong.” “The fuck it didn’t?! You’ve made it very clear that you got what you wanted. Was that all our friendship was worth? A quick fuck? Or were we even friends? Was us hanging out just the long game for you since I didn’t drop my fucking panties when you flirted with me? Or was it a spur of the moment decision because you hadn’t gotten laid in a while?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!” He jumped from the couch to match her screaming. “Really? Because you didn’t seem so fucking torn up in that club!” “I went there to forget about you!” “Why! Am I that horrible?!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her voice becoming hoarse from yelling.
“Because I love you bunny!” “No you don’t!” Now Dick was getting angry. “You don’t get to tell me who I fall in love with.”
“You don’t love me because you don’t do that to someone you love! You didn’t want me. Not truly. I was a prize for you, something you couldn’t have but took anyway. I’ve seen the women you’ve been with. I can’t compare to any of them. I’m just me. We both know that night was a mistake. I’m just sad that you left without saying bye, I thought I was worth more than that. I thought our friendship was worth more than that.” Her voice was quiet, weak, like she had given up.
Tears flowed from those gorgeous blues she wished the babies would have. “I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry.” He dropped to the floor, taking her smaller hands in his own, kissing them as if he was worshipping at the feet of a god. “You’re right. You are worth so much more than that. And I’m so sorry. That night meant everything to me. You’re the type of woman that deserves someone worshipping her, not some brief fumble in the dark, and I couldn’t give you that.”
“You can’t compare to those women because you’re so much better. You are everything. Kind, intelligent, soft, beautiful. You care, even after everything you’ve fought through, you still have that beautiful smile that makes my world stop. That night was a mistake because I selfishly took you. You deserve someone whole, someone like yourself who doesn’t go out every day and risk death for some fruitless mission. I distract myself with other women because I can’t stop thinking about you. Every waking moment of my day, you are on my mind. You haunt me. I haven’t slept in weeks because whenever I do, I see you. I see you at that fucking club, leaving with Roy. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking I deserved it. That you went home with another man because I didn’t have the fucking balls to tell you how I felt. The moment you walked through that door with Jason, I knew, I fucking knew you were it for me. Bunny, you are my everything.”
Dick took the chance and wrapped his arms around her stomach, resting his head right on her growing womb, not knowing about the little gifts that were right below his ear. “I didn’t come to your apartment on those mornings because I wanted free food. I came over just to have a taste of the life I wanted. Where I could pretend that I had woken up beside you, and you were making me breakfast after a night of love-making, and then you would send me off to work with a kiss on the cheek just so I could come home to you later and do it all again. Because you never deserved just one night. You deserve all of them. A life where you can be loved every second of every day. When I woke up that morning and I saw you laying there, I hated myself. I hated myself so much because I had been selfish. I couldn’t give you that so I ran, like the coward I am. And then I hated myself for leaving, for betraying you like that. I was wrong, so wrong but I couldn’t go back, I couldn’t face you again because I’m so weak.”
“You stupid stupid man!” She wept, hands buried in his hair, holding him as close to her as possible as his own tears soaked her jumper. “You do deserve love. You do. I wish you could see all the good you do, I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. If I could give you the world, I would. You are an incredible man Richard Grayson. I just wish you weren’t so fucking dumb.” He poked her belly, making her yip. “Hey! Careful with the merchandise!” He muttered a soft ‘sorry’ and kissed the spot he poked.
“You deserve happiness too. You deserve the home-cooked meals and domesticity and that love. I want that with you. You’re the only one I’ve ever wanted it with. You’re just this huge ball of sunshine that I’m not scared to be myself around. I loved those mornings too because I got to see who you really were underneath all the bravado and charm. You’re just a scared baby bird that wants to make the world a better place for the people he loves. And,” She took another deep breath, “And you’re the man I love with my whole heart.”
All of a sudden, that beautiful smile was back, if not still a little sad. “I love you, I love you, I love you.” She raised his head as she spoke those words, making sure he knew how much she meant it. “I love you.” Dick leaned forward and kissed her deeply, so different to the last time. This time they both knew how much love they had for each other. It was so much more perfect than they could’ve ever imagined. He whispered a quiet ‘I love you’ against her lips as they broke apart.
“God we’re such idiots.” He buried his face into her neck, kissing her soft skin. “Yeah we are.” They sat there for a long while, just holding each other, finally at peace. “Oh and by the way, I didn’t sleep with Roy. He just made sure I got home safe.” Dick sighed, relieved. “Thank god. Thinking about you and him was killing me.” “At least you know how I felt when you paraded around with all those women.” He gave a peck to her forehead. “I know and I’m so sorry.” She nodded, accepting his apology.
“I told you he would care.” Alfred had a smug look on his face as he looked over the pair, subtly wiping away his own tears. “Sorry Al, I guess we should listen to you a bit more.” Y/N chuckled. “Yes you should. Now come on, you didn’t finish your breakfast and we need to get some food in you for those babies.”
“Babies?” “You forgot to tell him.” Alfred said flatly. “Ah fuck, I guess I did.” Dick shook his head, still confused. “Catch me up please.” God why was he so cute!
“I’m pregnant Dick.”
His heart stopped. “A-and it’s mine? How? I thought you were on the pill.” “I am, I mean I was. It doesn’t always work and I guess I got unlucky. You’re the only person I’ve been with in the past year so they have to be yours.” “I’m gonna be a dad?”
“You’re gonna be a dad.” She confirmed, guiding one of his large hands to her stomach even though he wouldn’t be able to feel the babies for a while. “Did-did you hear that? I’m gonna be a dad!” He threw himself at his grandfather for a tight hug and then vaulted back over the couch so he could kiss Y/N, laughing tearfully. “I can’t believe it.”
She scoffed. “You’re not the one throwing up every morning cause they don’t like food.” “How long have you known?” “I found out about a month ago. I-I know I didn’t tell you but-” “I have so much time to make up for.” “What?” She expected him to get angry, but he just seemed disappointed in himself. “I haven’t been with you to the doctors or-or helped you when you got sick! Oh my god, we need to live in the same place to set up the nursery and pre-school applications!”
“Dick, we have time. It’s ok.” She cupped his scruffy cheek, thumb rubbing his flawless skin. His eyes suddenly shined brightly, a tell-tale sign of something stupid about to come out of his mouth.
“Marry me.” “What?” “Marry me, right now. We’ll go down to the courthouse. Just us. Please. I know it’s too quick but I can’t stand another minute of you not being mine and me not being yours.” Y/N gave a cry of joy. “Yes. Yes!” He picked her up and spun her around in happiness before kissing her again. “We’ll move your things into my place, it’ll be just enough room for you, me and the baby and I won’t miss anything ever again.” She giggled. “Babies. Two. We’re having twins.” “Twins!” Tears flowed as they held each other, then, “Oh god, we’ll need to get a bigger place.”
They hadn’t even noticed that Alfred left the room until he returned with a small velvet box, carefully handing it over to the boy. Dick opened it and Y/N gasped. “Master Bruce made them up years ago when he wished to marry Selina but he never used them. When they separated, I saved it, hoping that one day, one of the boys would need it. And I guess I was right.” It held a small engagement ring and a pair of wedding bands. They were beautifully crafted, the diamond on the ring was actually an opal with streams of dark blue running through it like a river, the veins shifting in the sunlight. The larger of the wedding bands was a deep navy, the same colour as the darkest shading in the stone while the smaller one was a slightly dulled silver that matched perfectly with the opal.
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” Dick hugged his grandfather tightly then took the opal from the velvet casing, getting down on one knee, ignoring Y/N’s giggles as he attempted to situate himself on the hard ground. He gave her a playful glare before clearing his throat.
“Y/N, bunny, would you do me the greatest honour and become my wife?” “You fucking dork.” She rolled her eyes. “So is that a yes?” “Yes you ass!” He slipped it onto her ring finger, their lips locking together once more. “Hey Alfred, why does this fit perfectly?” The butler looked a little bashful but still had that self-satisfied smirk on his face. “I got them resized when we learned you were pregnant. I knew you’d need them.” Dick gave out a huge laugh and hugged the old man once more.
“How did Alfred learn you were pregnant before me?” His dark brows scrunched. “I know everything.” He answered slyly, slipping away to collect the car. Dick turned his gaze back to his fiancée, god he loved that word. “He bought the tests for me.” She shrugged and then yelped when he scooped her up and littered her face with kisses.
It was quite a sight to behold when Dick burst into the Gotham police station, hand in hand with his much smaller fiancee. “Gordon! I need you!” The man ran from his office, fully expecting the eldest Wayne boy to be bleeding out all over his bull-pen but instead, there he was, huge grin on his face as he dragged a woman behind him. “There you are! Take your lunch break now, we need you for something.” “My office, Grayson. Now.”
The girl’s laughter rang through the room like the ringing of bells as Dick pulled her along, smiles spread wide across both their faces. “Now what did you need so badly that you insist I take my lunch break at 11 in the morning?” Dick was practically vibrating with excitement, refusing to let go of the girl’s hand. “I’m getting married!” “What?!” Gordon spat out his coffee as soon as he took a sip of the now cold brew.
“You, the most notorious bachelor I know besides your father, are getting married?” “Yep!” Dick swung their intertwined hands around. “And we want you to marry us. Right now.” The detective glanced over at the young woman. “Is this a kidnapping situation? Is he paying you? Are you paying him?” “No I promise, this is real. I mean as real as you can when he got me pregnant.”
“Hey! It’s also because I love you.” “Right, and he loves me.” “And…” “I love him too.” Gordon sat there with his mouth hanging open like a fish, completely bewildered by the situation he was just put in.
“I feel like I’m having a stroke. Does Bruce know?” The red that spread up the boy’s neck and face told him no. “Do you at least have rings?” That perked him up. “Yep! So please, marry us. Please Jim.” He sighed. “Alright, fine. Do you have a witness and papers?” “Yeah, here.” The woman handed over the marriage certificate and he chose not to question where they got it from. “And the witness?” “Right! I’ll be back.” With one last kiss, Dick scurried from the office.
Gordon pulled off his glasses to rub his temple, questioning why he ever indulged the Waynes. “Sorry about him, he’s a bit excited.” She sat in the chair across from him, accepting the glass of water he pushed towards her. “No no, you would think I’m quite used to this by now considering how long I’ve known him for. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.” She chuckled and shook his hand. “We’ve actually met before but I was a lot younger then, I’m Y/N Y/L/N.” “Oh my god! I helped put you into your foster home! I never thought I’d see you again.” “I would say that’s a good thing.” She smiled kindly.
“I’m glad you’ve ended up in a better spot, presuming you did.” “I did, thanks to you.” “Did you really let that idiot knock you up?” “Unfortunately.” They both laughed.
Just then, the door was thrown open again and Dick ran back in, with Alfred right behind him. “Ok! Let’s get married!” He hauled his fiancee to her feet, wrapping a muscular arm around her thick waist, his hand resting protectively on her stomach. Gordon sighed and stood, rounding to the front of his worn desk, giving both of the younger people a hard look before his eyes flicked to the old butler, who gave him a nod and a small grin.
“Ok. Let’s get started. I’m assuming you want the quick version.” “Yes please.” They both answered. “Fine. Richard John Grayson do you take this woman to have and to hold, through better or worse, till death do you part?” Dick couldn’t tear his blue eyes from Y/N as he spoke. “I do.” “And do you Y/n Y/M/N Y/L/N take this man to have and to hold through better or worse till death do you part?” Her hand tightened around his larger one. “I do.” “And the rings?”
Dick pulled them from his jeans pocket, having not changed since Alfred dragged him out of the house that morning. He gave the larger one to Y/N before he slipped the silver band on her finger, just above the opal and she did the same for him. “By the power vested in me by the city of Gotham, I now pronounce you married. Kiss. And then get out of my office.”
Their first kiss was full of passion and lust, just a formality before falling into bed together. Their second was full of sadness, and anger, and regret. But this one, the one that sealed them together as one, the one that confirmed their undying love for each other and their children, was pure love. Their own vows communicated silently through their touch. The vows to love each other no matter what, to protect each other from anything and everything, to support and adore. And as they broke apart and looked into each other’s eyes, they knew that everything that had happened to them had led them to this moment where they were free to love and be loved as openly and as deeply as they possibly could.
With one last peck to her slightly swollen lips, Dick embraced his new wife, laying his forehead onto her own so he could quietly whisper. “I love you.” The snap of a camera shutter broke them from their little bubble of love.
Alfred had his phone up in front of his face, fat tears running down his cheeks. “The first photo of the newlyweds.” He sobbed, turning the device around so they could see the photo.
Dick was bent over, white shirt stretched over his muscular chest, one large hand on the non-existent swell of Y/N’s stomach, dark ring standing out against both his own pale skin and the light colour of her dress, her knit sweater having been lifted slightly to expose her lower abdomen. Y/N had her hand beneath his and the other tangled in his hair, keeping him close. They were gazing into each other’s eyes, the love and tension palpable even in a photo.
“Can you print that for us?” She asked, getting choked up. “Of course.” “Alright now get out. Some of us have actual work do to.” None of them acknowledged Gordon’s own tears. With a little kiss to his cheek from the bride and a handshake from the groom, they ran back out, thoroughly confusing the congregation of cops that had gathered outside the door.
“Get back to work!” Gordon shouted, discussing his emotions behind his glasses and another cup of coffee.
Giggles quickly turned to moans as Dick pinned Y/N to the wall of the hotel elevator, marking her neck up with huge love bites. Her arms were wrapped around his broad shoulders, nails digging into his back, hips bucking forward in an attempt to ease the fire between her legs. He rolled his pelvis against her, throbbing cock grinding against her thigh behind his restrictive jeans.
Alfred had handed them Bruce’s credit card as he pulled up to the nicest hotel in Gotham, only giving a soft smile as they clambered from the luxury car, bouncing into the lobby to book the honeymoon suite. He always knew this would work out perfectly, now he only needed to prevent Jason from finding out until his grandson and new granddaughter were clothed.
Y/N’s hands shook as she attempted to put the key into the lock to the room as Dick continued to tease her, calloused hands cupping her breasts below the jumper, flicking her sensitive nipples. “I swear these beauties have gotten bigger.” “That’s what happens when you get pregnant, Grayson.” She rolled her eyes. “Well I still love them Mrs. Grayson.” “Fuck, keep calling me that.”
“I love you so much Mrs. Grayson. Now get that fucking door open so I can make love to my wife.” As soon as she unlocked the ornate door, Dick scooped her up into his arms to stride across the room and lay her gently on the bed.
She pulled the sweater from her body as she shuffled up to the headboard, propping herself against the huge white pillows and watched her husband crawl up, laying between her legs, eyes black with lust, to kiss her gently. His tongue prodded the seam of her mouth, begging for entrance which she happily gave.
His fingers trailed up the length of her body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Soon, the need for air broke them apart. Dick hauled Y/N onto her knees so he could carefully take the sundress off of her perfect body. As he pulled it up, he followed the hem with light kisses to her overheated skin, pausing only at the base of her stomach with a whispered, ‘I love you so much my babies’, then continued until he reached her lips once more.
Hands falling to her hips, Dick played with the band of her panties, fingers slowly sliding beneath it and around so he could grip her generous ass. Giving the cheeks a squeeze that made Y/N mewl into his mouth. “Take your clothes off please.” Her voice was breathy, e/c eyes half lidded. “Take it off for me.” He said, going back to nipping at her neck. With only a slight bit of difficulty, she managed to get him naked as well.
Dick’s black hair fanned out over the pillows and his wife settled on top of him, hands on his chest, grinding down onto him. “Need you inside me please.” She was desperate, pussy clenching wildly for the man below her. “Go on bunny, take what you need.” Shifting her weight to her knees, Y/N carefully dragged the ruined panties off, stumbling slightly in her hurry.
Delicate fingers wrapped around his thick cock, giving a couple jerks before guiding him back to her slit. Pregnancy hormones definitely made her wetter than usual as he slipped in with no prep, the stretch of his cock making Y/N sigh with satisfaction. “Missed your cock.” She murmured, hips rolling to try to get him as deep as possible. “Missed you more though.”
Sitting up, Dick wrapped his arms around her, loving the way her soft flesh moved under his fingertips as she took her pleasure from him, thick thighs clamped tightly around his own muscular ones, hands threaded through his hair. This had to be heaven.
He guided her forwards and back, a slow rocking that was driving both of them insane. “My good bunny. I love you so much. You’re so fucking perfect. Doing so well for me.” He praised, biting along her collarbone, driving her higher and higher. With each roll down of her hips, Y/N tightened around him, strangling his cock.
Her pace slowed, her husband taking that as his cue to flip the both of them over so he could take over. “Feels so gooood Dick.” She moaned, legs wrapping around his waist. “Gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, my perfect wife. My one true love.” “I love you. I love you. I love you.” She chanted, falling over the edge. Dick soon followed, spilling into her, thrusting softly as their peaks diminished, the pleasure fading.
With one more kiss, Dick slipped away, returning with a warm washcloth to clean Y/N up before collapsing onto the bed, head laying on her tits, hand on her stomach, legs intertwined.
“I’m going to do everything possible to make it up to you. I love you and our children with all my heart.” “We love you more.” “Impossible.”
As the afternoon light made Gotham shine, the lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms, finally happy.
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trashyslashers · 3 years
Hi, so I thought about my request and there it is...I hope it's okay. 😅
Could you do a headcanons with Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt and Vincent Sinclair and demon male reader who helps to hunt the victims down (criminals, really bad people, etc.)?
I know this stuff is already way too much information but he's extremely tall and has a tail. You can completely ignore these If it's too much and just work with the things above. If you have any questions, just ask. 😁
I hope I did everything right. Thank you so much If you will write this for me. ❤❤❤
Have a nice day. 😙🤗
Unfortunately I don't write for Vincent anymore, I'm sorry! But I'm happy to do the other three. Feel free to send in another request with someone else if you'd like!
content warning for very, very brief reference to sexual assault in the third bullet point for Jason.
Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, and Thomas Hewitt x demon male!reader
Jason Voorhees
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Now, he and his mama were never really religious... but he definitely knew what demons were.
He loves it when he's approaching a group of unaware, clueless campers and he overhears them telling campfire tales about the Demon of Camp Crystal Lake that's said to roam around; tall and foreboding with a tail that resembled a snake.
Jason respects the fact that you only target/want to target those that actually deserve it. Though, to him, much like to his mother as well, practically anyone who sets foot on the campgrounds deserves it - but he understands that you're only going to go after those who've done something truly terrible. You know, those boyfriends who can't seem to take no for an answer, the girls who seem to know a little too much about what happened to their friend who's missing - you know the type.
Actually really likes to see the various ways you're able to chase down and ensnare your victims! Whether you happen to be inhumanly fast like he is, or if you have some form of otherworldly abilities that you use to your advantage, he loves to see what you come up. Jason's a pretty creatively sadistic guy too, you know.
Just don't get hurt. Despite the fact that you're a literal demon, it doesn't change the fact that you're still his s/o and he does NOT want to see you hurt.
Bubba Sawyer
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Lowkey does scare Bubba a bit at first. It's not you - it's just.... you. A demon, definitely scary! But he warms up to you very quickly, evidently, as you two become partners, once you show you're not going to hurt him or his family and that underneath that hellish exterior, you're actually very kind.
Partners romantically and, inevitably, in crime. Your tall intimidating stature is perfect for helping him guard his home against any intruders there to hurt you two and his family.
He's happy that you want to help out! Though like Jason, he does worry about you getting hurt - but he knows you can take care of yourself, especially given the fact that you're not exactly human. He's happy you want to help out keeping his family and his home safe from intruders and the bad people who want to try to trespass.
Bubba definitely would like to play with your tail if you let him. If you two were cuddling in bed, sat together on the couch, at the dinner table... he'd love to gently twiddle it in his hands. He's very gentle!
If you just so happen to be taller than him, Bubba loves this. He's so very used to having to be the one doing the protecting, so having someone who's taller than him who he can feel safe with (even though he'd still be there to keep you safe, too!) means the world to him.
Thomas Hewitt
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Tommy is, maybe surprisingly, almost.... apathetic to it.
It's not that he doesn't care, but Thomas has already seen and been through so much shit that it takes a lot to really phase him. And you? A demon, sure, and boy does he worry about how Hoyt and Luda Mae feel, but first and foremost you're his significant other. Demon second. He loves and cares for you the way you are.
Tommy knows he already scares pretty much anyone and everyone outside of his family and his family's immediate friends, so he's sympathetic to the fact that you probably scare the shit out of everyone that lays their eyes on you. Not him, though!
If your abilities extend to super human strength, he's very pleased. Thomas is an absolute mammoth of a man who can, and does, very regularly haul grown men around with ease, but he's human and does get tired and occasionally run into a particularly heavy or hard to handle victim. Having someone around who could help, especially his significant other, would not only help him, but what a nice way to bond!
Considering the fact that you're a demon, it's not too farfetched to assume you've seen sights that would upset/scare/disturb humans, and because of this... Tommy trusts you with seeing his unmasked face earlier than he would had you not been a demon.
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fanficimagery · 3 years
Talking to the Dead
Imagine your sister calling in a favor, only to find out said favor is for the vampire sheriff of Louisiana.
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Words: 6.3K Author's Note: I am not Bill's biggest fan, nor am I Eric/Sookie's biggest fan either. That said, this takes place AFTER all damn drama with King Bill. Eric still runs Fangtasia alongside Pam and Sookie still works under Sam at Merlotte's. They're friends. That's it.
Eric sits behind his desk, the bottom half of his face covered in blood as Pam files her nails. She had been going through Fangtasia's books when she realized the money wasn't adding up and that some of their product was missing. So when Tara brought forward those responsible in making sure Fangtasia was up to date with their taxes and everything, Eric called in a favor from Sookie to get a read on them. Only Eric lost his temper and killed the two men, leaving thousands of his money stashed somewhere only the dead knew of now.
The office door opens and Sookie stumbles inside, still in her Merlotte's uniform. She takes one look at Eric and sighs. "Did you have to kill them? I just wasted a trip out here, Eric Northman."
"How tragic," he deadpans. "You wasted about five dollars in gas, meanwhile I'm still out of thousands, Miss Stackhouse."
"Don't you take that tone with me, Mister!"
Pam snorts. "Shame your little fae powers don't allow you to speak to the dead," she drawls. "That would really come in handy right about now." Sookie opens her mouth to defend her still untrained powers, only to pause and snap her mouth shut. Immediately that catches both vampires' attention and Pam leans forward, interest piqued. "Have you been holding out on us, Tinkerbell?"
"No." Sookie scoffs, suddenly overcome with wariness. "But I, uh, I might know someone who-"
"No." Eric cuts her off. "No witches."
"She's not a witch," Sookie says. "Y/N is, um, she's my sister."
Eric freezes before he leans forward in his chair. "There's a third Stackhouse? How come we never learned of this?"
Sookie sighs and drops onto the couch. She shrugs. "Y/N's powers manifested a lot earlier than mine did and they.. well it drove her crazy. She was in and out of the hospital, and the death of our parents didn't do her any favors. She started rebelling at seventeen and drank herself into oblivion. Constantly."
Pam hums. "Sounds like my kind of girl."
Sookie frowns at her before looking back at Eric. "She's actually due for a visit tomorrow. I'll bring her by."
"How are you so sure she'll do this for us? If I recall correctly, you did not come peacefully," Eric muses.
Sookie rolls her eyes. "Y/N is a free spirit. If I hadn't told you she was my sister, you wouldn't have known we were twins."
"Twins?" Eric seems to perk up, eyes lighting up, and this time it's Pam's turn to roll her eyes.
Sookie scoffs. "Don't be gross. We'll be by after my shift tomorrow."
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Finding an Uber into Bon Temps after the sun had set was almost impossible, but fortunately you found someone who was willing to make the trip. You knew Louisiana had become a vampire hotspot, but you didn't know people had found traveling in the state quite so fearsome.
You don't have much on you, with the exception of a small suitcase holding a few change of clothes, so you opt to be dropped off at Merlotte's rather than your childhood home. And upon exiting the car after making sure your payment went through, you grab your suitcase by the handle and walk towards the entrance. A few whispers attempt to reach out to you, but you shake off the echoes of death and march on.
There's only a handful of locals inside Merlotte's, but the no-good nosy folk still all stop to see who's entering their local establishment. Inside, the whispers get louder, but you reign in your control and shake your head clear. What the hell happened here that there are so many echoes?
"Do my eyes deceive me or is that my favorite Stackhouse?"
You're already grinning as you find the source of the comment, grin widening as Sam's familiar handsome self makes his way towards you. "Come on, Sam. We all know who your favorite Stackhouse really is?"
He laughs as he opens his arms for a hug and you drop your suitcase to step into his embrace. "Jason's bragging again, isn't he?"
You huff a laugh and pinch his side, the two of you not speaking of all the years he spent pining after your sister. "So where is my twin?" You ask as you pull back and roll your eyes when Sam readily picks up your suitcase.
You follow him to the bar as he says, "She's taking a call in the back. Want me to let her know you're here?"
"Nah, but can you put in an order for me? I miss Lafayette's burgers."
"Sure thing, chère. What do you want?"
"Cheeseburger with everything, cut the onions. Extra ketchup. Fries. And whatever beer you have on tap."
Sam chuckles as he's already pouring your beer. "So the usual." You grin as he slides your glass across the bar. "I'll be back."
Taking a seat on the stool there at the bar, you grab your glass and sip at the ice cold beer. It feels so good sliding down your throat that the sip turns into a gulp, and before you know it half the glass is gone. Needing a breath, you set the glass down and inhale deeply. As you exhale, you burp, and then take a moment to stretch in your seat while glancing around. A few people are still staring and murmuring far too low to their companions for you to hear, so instead you raise an eyebrow at them- challenging them to say their opinion out loud. None of them do and you scoff an amused laugh before drinking the rest of your beer.
Sam reappears. "Long flight?" He takes your glass and refills it.
"Flight was fine. It's the people of Bon Temps who annoy the shit out of me." Sam frowns, but you shrug off his concern as he quickly glances around at those in his establishment. You're well aware of what everyone thinks of you and Sookie thanks to Sookie's abilities, and you're grateful you didn't quite get the same ability as her. If you had to hear every living being's thoughts on top of the dead's, you'd have permanently committed yourself long ago.
"Well I talked to your sister in the back. She said she'll be right out."
"That's fine." Accepting your second glass of beer, you smile gratefully at Sam before taking another drink.
"Girl, I knows you ain't tryin' to eat my food without saying hello."
You turn on your stool, one knee crossed over the other as you beam at the cook. "Lafayette!" He approaches with your plated cheeseburger and a basket of fries, setting them in front of you before pulling you into a hug. "I wouldn't have left without saying hello. I just wanted my food first."
"'Course you did," he muses. "How long you here for, little Stackhouse?"
"Um, I'm kind of between jobs at the moment," you sheepishly admit. You quickly grab a fry and pop it into your mouth. "I'll probably stick around until I can find something or Sookie kicks me out."
Lafayette swats you with his dish towel. "You know damn well Sook won't kick you out. That sister of yours misses you lots. She's been talkin' nonstop about your visit."
"If you need a job, chère, I'll be happy to give you one."
You pop another fry into your mouth, grinning over at Sam. "Lord knows you can barely handle one Stackhouse, Sam. No way in hell you can two- three if Jason is around as much as I'm assuming." Sam opens his mouth to retort, but a shriek cuts him off. It's Sookie and she barrels right into your side. "Jesus Sook," you laugh. "Warn a girl."
As you and Sookie quickly catch up (she's all for you staying as long as you need), more patrons enter Merlotte's and Lafayette's forced back into the kitchen. Jason and his best friend Hoyt walk in, so you walk over to join them as Sookie gets back to work also.
Jason is glad Sookie won't be in the house all on her own since he has his own place and Hoyt is just glad to see all the Stackhouses together once again. You finish your cheeseburger and fries there at the table with them, along with three glasses of beer and two shots courtesy of your brother who wanted to properly celebrate your homecoming.
Jason and Hoyt leave, you waving them off when they asked if you wanted a ride home. Sookie's shift is just about over and you remember her asking if you could wait for her because she wanted to take you someplace. So when Sookie comes out from the back to collect you from the bar, you're slightly swaying on your stool as you grin at her.
"Are you drunk?" She incredulously asks. "Y/N, I need you level headed."
"Ooohhh," you coo and reach out to bop her on the nose. "And just what do I need to be level headed for, sis?"
"Can you walk?" She asks instead. You laugh and nod, hopping off the stool and giving yourself a moment to make sure the room isn't tilting. She sighs. "That's good enough for me. Come on. A friend of mine needs a favor." She walks behind the bar to collect your suitcase and a bottle of water from the small refrigerator under the bar. "Bye, Sam! See you later!" She then calls out as she leads you down a hall. You hear Sam's muffled reply from one door in particular and then Sookie's leading you out the back exit and towards her car.
Outside she opens the passenger door to her small yellow Honda Civic that looks newer than the last time you saw it, and tosses your suitcase in the backseat. She pushes you down onto the passenger seat and holds the water bottle out to you. "Drink."
You take the bottle without a word, twist off the cap, and start to guzzle the water as she shuts the door and walks around the car to the driver's side door. You only get half of it down before needing to breathe. "What.. am I.. guzzling water for?" You ask in between breaths.
As Sookie starts up her car, she casts a wary glance your way before looking back to where she's driving. "Shreveport. We're going to Fangtasia. The owner of the bar needs you to listen to some echoes."
"Fangstasia?" Your brow furrows as you try to wrack your brain about why that sounds so familiar. A moment later, however, the answer comes to you and you groan. "First off, I can overlook the vampire bar. What I can't overlook is that of all people to tell our secret to, you chose vampires. Vampires! Do you know we're like crack to them?"
"I'm sorry, okay! I got involved with them a while back, which is a mistake that I can admit now, but Eric actually tried helping me in his own way. Somewhat. We've become friends."
"Sookie." You groan again. Your sister pouts and you decide to keep quiet, sipping on your water and wishing it were something stronger. "So what does this Eric know about me listening to echoes?"
"Nothing really," she says. "I know how you like your privacy, so last night was the first time I mentioned that I even had a sister." You grin, not hurt at all by her not mentioning you to others. "I just said that you could listen in on the dead. They don't know about anything else."
"Good. I like to keep 'em on their toes." Sookie snorts at your all too amused expression. "And besides, I learned a new trick! I can't wait to test it out."
Your sister glances between you and the road, her smile faltering. "Are you- are you sure you're okay to do this? I know how it can get when you're not truly focused."
"We're on the road." You giggle. "No turning around now."
This time it's Sookie's turn to groan. "I knew I should have asked beforehand. Now the night's gonna end with one of us pinned to a wall."
"Oooh. Kinky."
The rest of the drive is painfully quiet, with the exception of some gospel music station Sookie has playing on low. You're humming a completely different song under your breath, right arm hanging out the window and letting the humid air rush over the skin of your arm. Thankfully the drive isn't too long and Sookie is soon pulling into the parking lot with a building partially decorated with neon red lights. The outside of Fangtasia is not what you expected, but seeing the line of both human and vampires in their scantily clad outfits makes you excited to see what's going on inside.
You're practically bouncing in your seat as Sookie parks and she can't help but grin at your apparent excitement. "Get it all out now," she says. "You won't be smilin' the closer you get to the buildin'. Not while you're half drunk."
"Shut up and let's go!"
Sookie fondly rolls her eyes and the two of you simultaneously pull down the sun visors to check yourselves in the small mirrors provided. Happy with your reflections, the two of you climb out of the vehicle. As your sister comes around to your side, you hook your arm through hers and the two of you head for the building.
Instead of heading straight to the back of line, Sookie leads you directly to Fangtasia's bouncer and ignores the grumbled displeasures of those waiting in line to get in. It takes you a few seconds to recognize the dark skinned female checking ID's, but when she turns to greet Sookie and her eyes widen upon seeing you, you grin. "What's cookin', good lookin'?"
"Oh Lord," Tara muses. "Eric's gonna murder the both of y'all."
Sookie huffs and she holds you back as you attempt to poke at Tara's abdomen. "Who put him in a bad mood now?"
Tara shrugs as she swats your hand away. "It's Eric. He's always in a bad mood unless he's balls deep in some fang-banger."
Your sister ew's and you grin, clearly impressed, until Sookie elbows you. Tara just chuckles and gestures inside. "Go on in. You know where to find him. See you later, Y/N."
"Lookin' forward to it." Sookie drags you inside and the second you step foot in the darkened hallway, you sway on your feet as pressure builds up in your head. "Wait, wait, wait." You step aside to lean against the wall, shaking your head clear and trying to build up mental walls. When you catch a glimpse of your sister, you see her smiling sadly at you and are grateful she doesn't gloat about being right. "This is why I don't hang around vampires much," you murmur. "So much death."
"Sorry. I know I should have asked beforehand, but I didn't want to give you a chance to say no. Eric's annoying when he doesn't get what he wants."
"Yeah, yeah." You wave her off, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Once you feel a bite more settled, you push off the wall and meet your sister's gaze. "Okay. I'm ready."
Entering the main part of the club you can't help but look around in wide-eyed wonder. While most would think you were awe, you actually weren't and instead bit back the comment about how ridiculously cliché the establishment is. Everything is in blacks and reds, vampires in leather or electrical tape are dancing on poles, and the humans reek of desperation.
"Huh. No one's on the throne," Sookie muses.
You glance towards a raised platform, eyes lighting up at the sight of two actual thrones. Sookie's grip on your arm, however, stops you from attempting to go up there. "At least buy me a drink before we meet Mr. Scary Vampire." You pout.
"Nope." She starts marching away from the bar and towards a back hallway. "You're drunk enough already. You can have one at home when we're done here."
"Boo. You're no fun."
Sookie stops right outside a black door and impatiently knocks. You grin at her already huffy attitude and then walk in behind her as soon as someone permits entrance. The office is very plain, with the exception of a blood red couch off to the side and the two vampires behind the desk, and you frown as Sookie guides you towards a black leather chair and pushes you down into it.
"So this is the mysterious Stackhouse." The blonde male drawls.
You drag your gaze from your sister to the vampire in question and sit a little straighter in your seat as a lazy smile stretches across your lips. "And you're the mysterious vampire I've only heard about an hour ago." You then look at your sister. "Please tell me you banged this one."
There are simultaneous snorts from behind the desk and Sookie exhales roughly, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Eric. Pam, this is my sister Y/N. She might be a little drunk."
"Just a little," you muse, giggling.
"Well at least we know who the fun Stackhouse is."
You perk up again, putting one finger on the tip of your nose and pointing at Pam who's smirking at you with the other hand. "And don't you forget it."
"As amusing as this is," Eric drawls again, "I need a favor. Are you capable of doing what your sister claims you can do?"
"I wouldn't be here if I couldn't." You smirk. The smirk falters however as you feel a chill slide across the back of your neck. You still and slowly glance over your shoulder, whispers you hadn't been listening to earlier getting louder. You wince and turn back around, strengthening your shields. A moment passes before you clear your throat and say, "But I have two conditions before I start."
Eric and Pam had been watching you closely, intrigued the second Sookie held up her hand to stall their questions when they noticed you zone out and stare at the corner of the room. "Money is no issue," Eric then says.
"Pft. I don't want money."
"Y/N!" Sookie reprimands. "You're in between jobs. Take the money."
Without looking at your sister, you wave your hand at your sister to get her to shut up. You know you've done your job when she swats your hand so you continue speaking to Eric. "First condition, no biting! I don't care how delicious I smell. No gnawing on the tiny little gremlin."
Pam's lips stretch into a wide smile whereas Eric's lips faintly twitch. "And the second?"
"I get free drinks from the bar whenever I'm here."
"You're such an idiot," Sookie mutters.
You look to your sister, bouncing in your seat in excitement. "Joke's on Dracula. I'm gonna be in Bon Temps for the foreseeable future. That's a lot of free drinks for me. Suck it, Pixie."
"Oohh. I like this mouth breather. Can we please keep her?"
You meet Pam's gaze and wink. "As beautiful as you are, sweet stuff, you are so not my type."
Her left eyebrow raises as she's still clearly amused. "Because I'm a vampire?"
"Nah. Because you're female," you say. "I can appreciate a hot as fuck lady when I see one, but I still prefer cock."
"Okay!" Sookie nearly shouts as she stands up. Eric beams at your drunken blunt attitude. "We're here so Y/N can find out where your money is and we're way off topic. Can we please get on with it so I can get her home?"
You snort. "Prude." Sookie slaps the back of your arm and you squeal, slapping her arm back. You glare at her until her lips twitch and then you're back to giggling, looking back toward the vampires. "So let's do it. Do you have anything of the dead guy I'm supposed to be listening for? It'll make it easier to listen in on him."
Pam shrugs. "His blood is still in the dungeon. Will that work?"
"Gross, but yeah. Lead the way."
As soon as you stand, the voices amp up and you sway at the sudden onslaught of voices. You grit your teeth and tune them out, nodding at Eric who had stilled to keep an eye on you. He gestures to follow after Pam and you do, Sookie and Eric following behind you. Pam makes a beeline for the stage of thrones, but before you can follow there's a hand gripping your wrist and leading you towards a door behind the bar.
You're led down into a dimly lit dungeon behind Eric and you can't help the next words that leave your mouth. "It's always such a let down when the dungeon is actually a dungeon and not a sex dungeon."
Eric turns around to stare at you with a leering gaze and Sookie groans. "Been in a lot of dungeons?"
"Not really." You shrug and walk towards the back of the room where there are metal poles sticking up from the concrete floor. Chains hang from each of them and you shiver as your fingers run over them, the metallic rattling immediately tuning you in to the whispers. Subtly shaking your head, you look towards Sookie. "You know the drill."
She nods, pulling small orange styrofoam plugs from her pocket. "If it looks like you're struggling, plug my ears. Or get out."
"Bingo." You grin at your sister before looking at Eric. "If it gets bad, I expect you to vamp speed her little butt outta here."
"And how would I know what bad looks like?"
"Oh you'll know," Sookie mutters.
Grinning one last time at Sookie and Eric, you turn back towards where Eric obviously chains up those who end up on his bad side. So touching the chains again, you let the rattling and whispers overcome your senses.
"..dangerous. Need to leave."
"..bad place. I just want to go home."
"Stupid fuckin' vampers."
The room turns hazy and silhouettes walk to and from around the basement. You stare at them, letting the voices come and go until you find the one you're looking for.
"..so screwed. Never should have done it." Your gaze zeroes in on the silhouette, watching it pace back and forth. "It was just a little money. Pocket change."
"Never gonna find it. Calm down. We're already dead."
You listen a bit more to their whining, hoping for anything useful when a loud dry sob pierces the air. You wince and whirl around to spot the source of noise.
"Did she- can she hear us?"
"If she can then she can tell that goddamn vamper where his stuff is." You whirl back around, gasping at the too close silhouette. "Hello." A chill rushes through you and your too tense muscles seem to relax as a haze takes over your mind.
"Y/N? You good?" Sookie asks. She warily glances around, she and Eric both noticing the atmosphere in the room thickening.
"Hm?" Your eyes blink rapidly as if clearing your vision. "Yeah. All good," you hear yourself saying.
"Well what did you find out?" Eric asks.
You feel your head turning left and right as if taking in your surroundings before you turn around and walk towards the wall where more chains are hanging. Eric growls at being ignored and Sookie quietly assures him that this is normal. Reaching for a chain, you feel your hand gliding along one chain and picking it up, caressing a metal stake at the end of it.
"Y/N," Sookie cautiously calls out. "What are you doing?"
Getting a good grasp on the stake in one hand, you turn around and smile at Eric- a chilling smile that immediately sets Sookie on edge and lets even Eric know that something is off. "Fuck your money. You're never gonna get it, you dead piece of shit."
"Y/N, don't!" Sookie screams as your arm suddenly thrusts the stake towards the side of your neck, only to stop mere centimeters from the intended target.
Sookie gasps and Eric raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Are her eyes supposed to completely white over?"
"Well she did mention learning a new trick." Sookie nervously shifts beside Eric and they watch you slowly come back to yourself, expression hardening.
Eyes completely white, you stare straight ahead as you lower your hand without any resistance from the spirits. "You dead fucks try that shit again and I will obliterate your fuckin' souls, and mark every soul in your goddamn family. Do I make myself clear?" You seethe. The dungeon gets chilly before the tension seems to suddenly dwindle. The whispers amp up before completely dying out and you stand a little taller. "Good. Now where is the money?"
Eric and Sookie patiently watch Y/N as she lazily glances back and forth before the white recedes from her eyes. Her shoulders sag and she meets Eric's gaze. "That Rafael guy had a building he was renovating over on.. over on.." she trails off, brow furrowing as she tries to collect her thoughts.
"I know of it," Eric says.
She sighs. "Well the money's in the wall on the second floor. Happy demolishing."
Then like a puppet with its strings cut, Y/N collapses right before their very eyes.
          - - - - - - - - - -
A pounding at your temples is what wakes you and you groan as your eyes flutter open. You're apparently still at Fangtasia, back in Eric's plain office and laying on the most uncomfortable couch you've ever laid on.
"You're awake. Good."
You begrudgingly sit up, wincing as the throbbing persists. Glancing around, you frown as you notice you and Eric are the only two in the room. "Where's my sister?"
"Miss Stackhouse couldn't bother a mere hour in my presence so she went out front to pester Tara."
"You two exes or something?"
Not even close. "No. I admit I pursued her once, but it was only to satiate my curiosity about why she smelled so divine." Bill fuckin' Compton was also a cock block of epic proportions.
You snort. "Cock block. Who is Bill and why did he cock block you from Sookie?" Eric stills and he goes quiet. You frown at him and then between one blink and the next, Eric is kneeling in front of you.
Can you hear me?
"Um, yes?" You say. A moment passes and then you realize your slip-up. You groan. "Okay, so yeah. I can't read the minds of humans, but apparently I can read the minds of vampires. It only happens when I'm at my most vulnerable and being slightly possessed makes me vulnerable."
Eric slowly smirks. "Well aren't you my new favorite Stackhouse."
You fall back against the back of the couch, groaning. "Whatever. I don't have the energy to argue with you. Just please don't tell Sookie. She gets all huffy when I can do something she can't."
Another blink and Eric is sitting beside you on the couch. "Is there a reason why you can read vampires and she can read everyone else but vampires?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." You shrug. "I eventually came to the conclusion that we're just a part of different courts. She's Light Fae and I'm Dark. She flourishes under the sun and I under the moon. I don't really know."
"Have you tried getting answers from other Fae?"
"Yeah, no. I met a member of the Fae court and that's a hard pass. Those fairy fucks can keep their imposter foods. I like this realm just fine, thank you very much."
Eric's lips twitch. "If the vampires find out about your powers, they're going to fight to put their claim on you."
"Is that your not so subtle way in trying to convince me that I should ask you for protection?"
"I'm the sheriff of this area, sweetheart. You won't be able to find anyone better suited for the job."
You huff a quiet laugh. "Keep your fangs to yourself, sweetheart. I can take care of myself."
We'll see about that.
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Settling in at what was always known as Gran's house, you almost take Sam up on his offer to become a waitress or bartender at Merlotte's. But then a day after doing Eric a favor, a check arrives for you- a check worth thousands of dollars- along with an offer from Eric to work every other day at Fangtasia to read the vampires coming and going from his area.
You didn't get back to him right away, instead choosing to just keep to yourself for a bit and re-familiarize yourself with the town. And then just when you think you have a lid on things, a constant buzzing makes a home just at the back of your skull.
For days Eric tries reaching you through texts and calls, but you just don't have the patience to deal with him. The buzzing is non-stop, the echoes of the dead sound as if they're underwater, and you can't hold a conversation longer than a minute. Sookie seems to understand that you can't be around people, so she leaves you be for the most part.
Your sister is currently at work so you have the house all to yourself. You haven't been able to clear your head and the buzzing is only getting louder and louder. You're nearing your breaking point, so when there's a knock at the front door you try to ignore it.
The knocking persists so you reluctantly roll out of bed, frowning as you march downstairs and towards the front door. Through the screen door you can see Eric standing there. You scowl at him, he grins, and when you push open the door he's immediately leaning against the door jamb. "You've been ignoring me."
You sigh and cross your arms over your chest. "I haven't been feeling well. Something's.. off."
That causes his faint grin to drop. "Is it something serious?"
"I'm not sure. I just- it feels like something bad is on the way."
"Well in that case.." Eric straightens up and stares down at you. "You're going to invite me in so I can protect you-" you scoff, "-or have primal passionate sex with you. You pick."
Though your mind is on overdrive, you can't help but faintly grin at the tall vampire. "I'll take a raincheck on the sex, but if you still want to come in, then come in."
Eric smirks as he crosses the threshold of the house and you shake your head at him before turning around and leading him to the living room. You take a seat in the corner of the couch, curling up with a pillow in your lap, and Eric sits on the middle seat to be as close to you as possible. "How long have you been feeling like this?"
"Few days now," you tell him. "There's this.. buzz. It's constant and it just keeps getting louder and louder."
"And the voices?"
"Muffled. No matter how much I concentrate, I can't hear them clearly. It's like they're trying to tell me something, but I can't tune in to the right station. It's annoying." Eric hums in thought and you attempt to change the subject. "So what brings you down here to Bon Temps? Surely my first impression wasn't that memorable."
He smirks as his arm rests along the top of the backrest of the couch, his fingers tugging on a few pieces of your hair. "It's rare for someone to amuse me these days. And you weren't what I was expecting Sookie's twin to be."
"Between the two of us, Sookie got all the perkiness. I, uh, I got stuck with all the doom and gloom." Eric quirks an eyebrow at you and you chuckle, wincing a moment later as an lingering echo screeches in your ear. Your attention is immediately drawn towards the kitchen where you see a silhouette walk by and the buzzing amps up.
Without uttering a word, you get up and follow it.
Eric watches as Y/N laughs one moment and then in the next second her expression is completely blank and attention elsewhere. Normally he'd be offended, but after learning what he could from Sookie he knows to never bring Y/N out of a trance. So in order to protect this little fae that just continues to become more and more interesting, Eric gets up and follows Y/N through the kitchen and out the back door.
He keeps several feet between himself and Y/N, his curiosity piqued as he notices her stop in the middle of the field behind her home. She glances back and forth as if searching for something, slowly turning in a circle. She winces and stumbles back, eyes wide and heart pumping furiously. Whatever's going on, Eric's instincts suddenly kick in and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like the look of fear on Y/N's face.
One sudden stumble sends Y/N to her knees, hands clamping around her ears.
"No, no, no," you mumble. The buzzing is extremely loud now, voices are screaming but you're still unable to make out what they're saying. Rocking back and forth, you glance around and your heart sinks as you watch Eric standing there across from you. "Go. Get away. I can't-"
"What's wrong? I can help you."
You shake your head. "You can't. You need to go. Get away from me. Please."
Eric watches you and you whimper when you see his resolve strengthen. He's not going anywhere. Clenching your eyes shut against the onslaught of noise, you slam your hands down on the ground in front of you and your fingers dig into the earth. Your breaths come faster and faster, and when you can't take it anymore your eyes fly open as you open your mouth and scream.
Your scream drowns out the buzz, the voices become clearer and it's only there alongside your scream do you understand them. You don't know how long you scream for, but when you stop your throat feels raw.
"What was that?" Eric asks.
He's immediately kneeling before you, fingers under your chin to tilt your face upward. "What did you say?"
"My sister. She's not- she's not safe."
"She's at work under the ever watchful eye of the shifter."
"She is. Until she walks out back to take out the trash," you say. "Please," you beg. "Just.. just go check on her."
Eric continues to hold your gaze for a moment longer before he gives you a terse nod and then stands tall. Your eyes follow him as she lifts off into the air and it's like a weight is lifted off your chest. You sob in relief, curling in on yourself with your face in your hands.
"..inside.. safer.."
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your cries immediately cease. Sniffling, you sit back up and glance around the field you're in. Hearing the chirping insects and the ruffling of tree limbs puts you at unease, so you climb to your feet and hurriedly make your way back towards the house. You don't breathe until you're inside, behind closed doors, but even then you're still a little tense and wondering if your sister is okay.
The minutes tick on by as you pace back and forth in the kitchen, and you yelp when you turn around and Eric is standing right there. You raise a fist in order to punch him, but stop halfway there and instead poke his chest as you push him back a step. "Don't do that."
He smirks. "Sookie is fine. A couple of human junkies needed some money for their next fix. The sheriff is on the way to take care of the issue."
"Thank you." You sigh. As you move aside to take a seat at the table, you glance back at Eric and see a blood trail falling from his ear. Your eyes widen and you rush towards him, uncaring about boundaries when one hand lands on his chest and the other grasping his chin to turn his face sideways. "Your ear! I told you to leave before I screamed. Why didn't you listen?" You let go of his chin and then shove him a step back as you go back to pacing.
Eric chuckles. "You've been keeping secrets. You're not just Fae, are you?"
You shrug. "I'm not really sure what I am. I only found out I was part Fae because you guys told Sookie she was. The mind reading is from Fae abilities, but the screaming-"
"The wailing is a whole different breed."
You stop pacing and face him once more. "There's only one creature that wails," you say, "but I gave up on digging into our family history a long time ago."
"You truly are a rare breed, Miss Stackhouse. Half fae, half banshee. The vampires are going to be in a tizzy over you."
You groan. "A problem is inevitable until I agree to a claim, isn't it?"
"Aren't you a smart cookie."
You scowl at Eric then, holding his gaze until you sigh. "If I say yes to a claim, can I have your word that you won't take advantage?" He smiles then and though this vampire is ridiculously good looking, you rather not be someone's pet. But alas, you know he's right. "If the offer for a job at Fangtasia is still open, I'll take it. I don't plan to leave Bon Temps anytime soon and I'm going to need the cash."
"Sweetheart, if you agree to be mine I'll give you all the cash you could want."
Your nose wrinkles. "I'm so gonna regret this." There's a faint click! as Eric's fangs appear, his eyes darkening as he readily bites into his wrist. "Don't tell my sister."
Drink up, little one. We're going to have some fun.
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