#the Marauders 1970s
whoreforhorrorsblog · 8 months
Idk if this will reach the right people because my page is for the Lost Boys, which it will still continue to be, but this is a different post; it's just about an OC character that I have, and I wanted to know about other people's OCs from different fandoms, so if you see this post and you have an original character and you feel comfortable putting their stories down in the comments, I would love that:)
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sunstar-13 · 4 months
sometimes i wonder what id be doing right now without 4 dead gay wizards consuming my every waking thought 🤔
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valeriearmani1 · 4 months
rosekiller would devour one another, they’d cut and mutilate and maim until their was nothing but skin to wrap around their bodies like the finest silk.
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fandomfits · 2 months
mini 70s fashion resource masterlist
I'm working on bigger projects (that might never see the light of day because I can't figure out formatting, links and other stuff) but I wanted to provide some sources for those interested in fashion, specifically for writing 70s fashion in fics and books.
I love 70s fashion and it hurts my heart to see so many characters in bell bottoms, bright colors, converse and leather when those weren’t even the biggest parts! I like to use pictures from real people and their lives, as well as magazines. I like to stay away from the costume style that’s often portrayed in movies. 
these are sorted from my favorite to least favorite
Reddit- Yeah yeah I know it’s reddit, but there are so many good resources!
r/TheWayWeWere is MY FAVE!!!! It’s literally random people’s pictures from any era! Their focus is on people in everyday life, so it’s perfect. Go to this subreddit, type your desired era or use the flair and you have hundreds of real life pictures from real life people in your desired era. 
r/70s is a lot, it’s everything 70s so you get some good stuff and some bad stuff, but it’s authentic for sure
r/vintagefashion and r/vintage a lot of this is really good, but some can get gimmicky, overall they are good resources
r/TheGoodOldDays hit or miss but it’s okay
r/fashion and r/mensfashion hard to sort through, a lot of the advice tends to be a little gimmicky
Sewing Patterns- A lot of people sewed their own clothes in the 70s
Readily available, easy to find, with the variety you can find super popular stuff and less popular stuff
Simplicity Sewing Pattern, Vintage Sewing Pattern Company, Vintage Sewing Patterns Wiki, there’s SO MANY websites out there
Magazine articles from the 70s- this is the advice a lot of people followed so it’s good for me! 
A big big reason for this being second is that it’s a bit inaccessible, I haven’t had much luck but I am not the most technologically advanced individual
The best way to view these is at a library that has them archived on microfilm, if you have a good, large library near you then you might be in luck
There are some archived and digitized online, but they are mostly behind a paywall or incomplete pieces.
Large magazines have vaults, like TIME and Vogue, but some they can be a representation of the upper class and the very rich which isn’t the target of most authors
Movies/shows from the 70s- ehhh pretty hit or miss. movies from the 70s tend to be a pretty idealistic representation of what people were wearing. it HEAVILY depends of what kind of show
Movies set in the 70s- this is a super broad one so some are great! some are bad! i would suggest looking at other sources, at least for a while, once you notice the trends then you can notice what’s realistic and what isn’t.
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rizzmuslupinz · 1 month
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the marauders’ old camera pt. 2
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heavensoutcasts · 4 months
Fuck whatever J.K Rowling considers canon. If someone doesn't make a fucking Marauders Movie with all the correct headcanons...
There will be blood.
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driftingoffthegrid · 4 months
marlene mckinnon save me…
marlene mckinnon
save me marlene mckinnon
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Blowing Smoke
A Jegulus song lyric one shot. I'm trying a new layout so lmk what you think! Guys this actually came to me like a fever dream.
wc: 1042 // @jegulus-microfic
Regulus isn't stupid. He sees it, all of it. He sees how she looks at James and how James looks back at her. It wasn't enough for him to have Regulus because you always chase the things you only get a taste of. This too, Regulus knows all too well. He stays hidden in the astronomy tower, behind tapestries, and alcoves in the dark. She can be loved out loud, in the common room, in the great hall, in the daylight. Today is the end day. Regulus plays the part of executioner and guilty both. He knows that to love something is to lose it too. That does not make this easier. 
James crashes through the door of the tower, rumpled and blushing. He was always loud, always the centre of attention. His eyes land on Regulus, and just for a second, Regulus stills. He can't keep this, but god, how he wants to. Maybe he never even had it, but there's something there, just not worth playing second for. James carries that boyish smile, the one reserved only for Regulus, but it's too late. A sacrifice is only a sacrifice once the blood is drawn. 
"Tell me, is she prettier than she was on the internet?" Regulus' face shifts into indifference. No preamble, no games. He is still a Black at the end of the day. 
"Reg, what are you talking about?" James shifts uncomfortably. He knew this was coming. Not this soon though, he pleads, not right now. 
"Are your conversations cool, like are you even interested?" Regulus stands, leaning against the railing of the tower. His arms sit crossed over his chest, less to be intimidating, and more to keep his heart where it should be. His tone is light, conversational almost. 
"This is about Lily." James' voice is toneless, his eyes immediately dull. Not now. Not now. 
"Who else, James, who else?" 
In any other scenario, you just might have been able to convince Regulus he was wrong, that James was just trying to protect them both. Maybe he would've believed that a year of hiding was worth it, that kissing in cupboards and avoiding eye contact in the dinner hall was just the way it should be. But Regulus will not be an object of shame outside of his home, he won't drag that ignominy behind him when he doesn't have to. 
"She's my friend." His eyes narrow. "I'm not going to avoid her just because she makes you insecure." James isn't an argumentative person. In fact, he's a talker, a placater, and so he can't quite figure out why defending Lily comes to him so easily. 
"I know what you are, brighter than the stars." Now Regulus' voice is pure mockery, just so he can see how far James flinches. "Did you mean that then?"
"That was a private conversation. Who even told you about that?"
"I don't think me finding out is the issue here."
"She was upset, she's got so much going-"
"And me, James? How much have I got going on?" Now Regulus promised himself to stay put together, but this, this is his frailty. Too emotional, too expressive when it counts the least. "I'm your dirty little secret because Sirius wouldn't be able to handle sharing. I'm one wrong step away from my parents beating me half to death. So tell me." 
"Tell me what the fuck is so awful in her life you just had to recycle the same line you used on me?"
James is quiet, chest heaving. He can feel curls sticking to the nape of his neck from sweat. How could he choose? How could Regulus make him. The silence was crackling like it was electrified. A blush crept up Regulus' cheeks. He looked younger in that moment, and something tugs at James' chest, but a callow face does not mean weakness. 
"Tell me if she takes you far." And James knows exactly what Regulus means. Even through his derisive tone, Regulus had something that kept James grounded, something that kept him tethered. And he hates it. 
"Far away from you." James is angry now, but he can't quite tell who it's at. "Far enough away from all the baggage you've been carrying." His head is a mess, and the only person who could help won't. Who the fuck does Regulus think he is? What the fuck has he done?
"My baggage? Oh, you're funny, Potter. Go on, run away again." Regulus' tone is harsh, derisive. "Up another hill to all the girls who'll help you bury it."
"Oh, fuck off Regulus. Back to surnames? Really? Can't we just talk?"
"About what? The lying? The running? The hiding? No, we can't fucking talk. Grow up."
"Baby Black, so insecure, so naive." James' words are trite to Regulus. "And the girls? What fucking girls? How could I when you're always just behind me?"
"Apparently that still didn't stop you." A flicker of hurt runs through Regulus, but he tamps it down. 
"You know nothing about me. You don't understand. I have a reputation. Everyone thinks I'm single, and Lily's just there. What do you want me to do when I'm constantly pushed in her way?" James is bright red and the air is cloying. His head is buzzing, and he just wants it to stop. "Everyone expects me to be put together, to get the girl, to be cool and funny, and attractive. I thought you'd get it."
"They're just blowing smoke," Regulus smiles, except it's not a smile at all. "I'll say what they won't." It's a realisation. Regulus knows that despite everything, despite being James' dirty little secret, he still has one thing James doesn't. 
James told Regulus the truth, everything. Every false laugh. Every tired smile. Every sleepless night. 
And James knows it too. 
"Reg, wait. Stop. Please." His hand reaches for Regulus, but he just misses, brushing the cuff of his jumper. 
"I know everything they don't." Regulus' footsteps echo all the way down the stairs. 
And for the first time in his life, James feels something bubbling up in his chest. A subtle burning that felt like agony. 
For the first time in his life, James Potter couldn't have the thing he wanted most.
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regulusblock · 1 year
Sirius, bothering: Did you two kiss?
Regulus: No!
Barty: No!
Remus: Double negative, so that’s a yes!
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70smarauderz · 29 days
my 1970/80s celebrities face claims for the marauders era characters
James Potter
listen this one is gonna sound hilarious but HEAR ME OUT THO jfk jr. like look at the hair and tell me u don’t see it even a little bit, i do kinda have a fc for a desi!james but it’s 100% based on me falling in love with an actors smile and im not sold on the hair (look up young akshay kumar if you’re curious)
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Sirius Black
there are a few choices Steve Tyler, Mick Jagger or Keith Richards and while i do love all of them and have a soft spot for mick jagger i have been leaning towards Keith a bit more lately
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Remus Lupin
i love thinking about the bowie vibes remus gave off but LISTEN: IAN CURTIS
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Peter Pettigrew
i don’t have much to say about this one i just looked at paul young and it felt right peter 100% would style his hair like that idk what to tell u
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Lily Evans
jane seymour u are lily to me, u don’t understand that’s how i picture lily i don’t care that her hair is not reallyyyy red that’s literally the lily i saw in my head when i read the books
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Marlene Mckinnon
this one was just too easy marlene mckinnon u just are debbie harry to me
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Dorcas Meadowes
if marlene was the easiest dorcas was the hardest NO ONE looks like dorcas to me, the only person who comes close is chaka khan because of her smile
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Mary MacDonald
i wanted put diahann carroll as mary so bad (because im a little bit obsessed with her) but i already feel like im cheating putting ppl born in the 40s lol, this is brenda sykes and i thing she has the same something in her eyes idk that young diahann has that reminds me of mary
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Emmeline Vance
much like jane seymour is lily evans, rekha just is emmeline vance to me idk what to tell you
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Frank Longbottom
i don’t even think frank smoked or had a cool look but this specific picture of Joe Strummer grabbed me by the neck and said i am frank longbottom and i had no choice but to agree
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you know how i said Dorcas was the hardest? i lied, i have no idea who Alice, Snape or Regulus would be/look like
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whoreforhorrorsblog · 2 years
Miley Cyrus new song flower is remus too sirius after he went to Azkaban
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sunstar-13 · 8 months
click here for pt2
*Reggie stumbling out of a bar followed by a trail of girls*
James: Regulus! bit tipsy are we?
Regulus: who me? never i don't know what your even talking about James *falling into James's arms*
James: of course you don't, come on we should get you home love
Regulus: I'm fine and WE won't be doing anything
James: why ever not love
Regulus: don't call me that potter
James:what happened to James *pouting*
Regulus: *reg ignores him and walks of*
James: where are you going love
James: lov...reg...regulus it's, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to
Regulus: I'm kidding James *giggling*
James: oh..I, ah *blushing* I can never really tell when your jok....
Regulus: *regulus grabs him by the tie and pulls him into a kiss
James: *James breaking the kiss* love I'm not sure this is such a good idea when your pissed?
Regulus: what's not a good idea? *trailing kisses down James's neck slowly making his way back to his mouth...*
I guess James never made it back to his flat!?
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valeriearmani1 · 4 months
regulus is dramatic, sirius is theatrical
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Someone just said to me that they like Harry Potter and I had to restrain myself from letting the love for his dead parents and their dead group of friends show because I’d literally just met them.
I had to say “oh, me too!”
My obsession with them cannot be normal.
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sadcatinapartyhat · 8 days
I have discovered THE Marauders song
“Goodbye to you my trusted friend/We’ve known each other since we were 9 or 10” Peter
“Goodbye my friend it’s hard to die/When all the birds are singing in the sky” James
“Goodbye papa please pray for me/I was the black sheep of the family” Sirius
“But the wine and the song/Like the seasons, have all gone” Remus
And it was released in 1974 which means I can reference it in my fic and still maintain Temporal Consistency :) (‘twould make a great chapter title methinks)
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Jegulus in the Great Hall
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"James," Regulus came closer. "Wait a minute," James' nodded and smiled.
"Yeah Reggie," his glasses slid down his nose. Regulus came closer and pushed it up slightly brushing James' nose. James sucked in a breath and Regulus slightly blushed.
"This was a dare, but I want to do it," James tilted his head confused a beamused smile on his face.
"Oh yeah?" he lowered his voice, sending shiver down Regulus' back. His thoughts wandered but he brought it.
"Yeah," that's all he said before he cupped James's jaw, he pulled him and kissed him. Gasps erupted throughout the hall, Regulus' other hand went to his waist. James pulled him lightly biting his lip.
The kiss was short and sweet and a little something else. They were in the middle of the Great Hall. Regulus dropped his hand from James' waist but the hand on his jaw stayed.
"Who dared you?" James panted out. His hand still on Regulus.
"Barty," Regulus said, his french accent peaking out.
"He should dare you more often," Regulus chuckled and James' cheeks heated up.
"I'll see you Potter," James' eyebrow raised.
"You kissed me infront of the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and you're calling me Potter?"
Regulus turned and walked away, his hand in the air waving back at him.
"See you later, James," He sat by Barty who begrudgingly passed him a sack of gold. He met James's eye and winked, James could feel his face heat up. Sirius knocked him on his head earning chuckles from the room.
"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER ARE YOU SHAGGING MY BROTHER," James just buried his hand in his arms, his face still red. Remus patted his back.
"You're on your own chap," He raised his head and glanced at Sirius who was standing right over him.
"JAME FLEAMONT POTTER, I'D LIKE AN ANSWER," James just grabbed a plate of food.
"Maybe," he glanced at Regulus to see him staring at him with a look he couldn't quiet describe. He put the bacon in his mouth as he thought about how soft his lips were, how he could taste some tea and biscuit on his tongue.
He wanted Barty to dare him again.
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