#the floor is lava!
red-pencil · 11 months
Had a fun "floor is lava" shot in the last Bob's Burgers episode. Check out the episode if you haven't yet. It's a good one!
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guardianspirits13 · 27 days
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So the multi-billion dollar streaming conglomerate Netflix has not heard of such things as a "sleeper hit"? Mayhaps, "cult classic"?? "Word of mouth"???
You can't create a fucking AUDIENCE if you don't allow time for a show/franchise/whatever to spread it's wings!!
I know you only care about profits so let me speak on your terms: you CANNOT build loyalty if your only metric of success is a once-in-a-decade smash hit success along the lines of Stranger Things or Bridgerton.
Yeah, keep creating those trashy low-budget reality shows for the average joe to throw on in the background while getting chores done that nobody actually cares about. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is invested in such as. fucking. 'Floor is Lava'. 'Is it Cake?'. etc.
If you ever want to be anything more than obscenely priced white noise then step the fuck up and commit to the artists and writers and actors and directors who create those smash-hits that go straight into the exec's pockets.
If you want to be talked about, then make things worth talking about.
All press is good press until the only press you drum up is about destroying creative projects. This is like a retail store burning everything it doesn't sell within six months, simply throwing away the dedication of a fanbase and the potential for new viewers that comes when hype is formed around a new season.
@netflix you are burning your buisiness to the ground, and at this rate I wish only to warm my hands by your embers.
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gemsouffle · 2 months
Headcannon that the ADA relentlessly abuses junichiro's ability by playing the floor is lava
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
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The Branwen Siblings and the Xiao Long Rose Siblings play "The Floor is Lava"
By Debzthenaught
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one-time-i-dreamt · 11 months
My dad died playing "the floor is lava" while driving 300mph.
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lukas-dusk · 4 months
Jack : The floor's lava!
Castiel : *helping Dean onto the table*
Gabriel : *kicks Sam off the sofa*
Charlie : There are two types of boyfriends.
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The Floor is Lava!
After dinner was all cleaned up was when the game of Floor is Lava started. Dick, while leaving the room, had suddenly jumped into the door jam, blocking the way out into the rest of the manor, sans kitchen, and shouted with a grin “The Floor is Lava! The floor is lava! Get off the floor!” 
Jazz immediately sighed and Danny’s mischievous grin grew to near inhuman standards. 
The rest of the Wayne family had immediately dedicated their focus to getting off the floor as quickly as possible. 
Cassandra leapt onto the windowsill and Steph claimed possession of the dining table (much to Alfred’s displeasure). If anyone dared try to also jump onto the table, she would body them back off the table and onto the ‘lava.’
Barbara stayed where she was. When an exasperated Dick scolded her, she would just raise an eyebrow and say “No part of me is touching the ground. Only my wheelchair is.” 
Tim, running on an hour of sleep from two days ago, glared at Dick before sinking down to lay on the ground. Danny thought he heard the quiet grumble of “just succumbing to the inevitable. I’m too tired for this shit.” Damian immediately stepped directly onto Tim’s back, staring down anyone who looked at him.
Bruce simply sat back down at his seat at the head of the table and reopened his newspaper, his legs folded beneath him. Even Alfred moved to step onto a rug, hiding a smile by turning towards the tea set. Only Jason saw his amusement as he had chosen to push himself up on the tea tray (after moving everything to the side, he wasn’t a monster).
It was only after everyone else found their perches that they looked over to see Danny simply sitting cross-legged in mid air with Jazz holding onto him like a backpack. Danny, of course, had the biggest grin. Jazz stared at Dick with the most dead-pan expression.
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dewsgremlin · 4 months
Inspired by inertia-succumbed
~ about lava on the floor and other dynamics of relationships ~
Dewdrop is stretched out on the couch in the living room and watches Mountain and Aether sitting on the carpet playing a game of chess. Meanwhile, his slender fingers are tirelessly stroking Rain's dark, thick hair. The water ghoul is lying between Dew's legs, with his arms wrapped around his hips and his head resting on Dew's flat stomach.
Read further under the line or on ao3
Swiss, on the other hand, is standing next to the two chess players and staring down at them with a broad grin. "Looks like you're losing again, Aeth!", he purrs as Mountain beats Aether's bishop. Aether ignores him and stares at the checkered board with a concentrated expression. "You can also just give up.", Mountain suggests with a grin and reaches for Swiss's ankle to stroke it lovingly.
"The floor is lava!", Aether suddenly yells.
Mountain immediately jumps up, lifts Swiss up bridal style and places him on the coffee table before climbing up himself and pulling the multighoul into a hug.
Dewdrop feels Rain's body tense above him and reacts quickly. He pulls his legs up and presses them against Rain's hips at the same time the water ghoul sits up. Dewdrop hesitates for a moment. He could also just wrap his arms around Rain and pull him back to him to kiss him. But when Rain rolls to the side and wedges his body between Dew and the couch, only to press his feet into Dewdrop's side, Dew knows he has hesitated too long with his thought. A quiet gasp escapes him, which mixes with a giggle. The fire ghoul wraps both arms around Rain's legs and tries to roll over his partner. The two ghouls giggle and laugh like little children as they try to kick each other off the couch.
Dewdrop glances at Rain. The water ghoul's usually pale-blue cheeks are flushed and wet from the tears of laughter that seem to flow incessantly. A fang digs into his full lower lip in his eagerness to finally push Dewdrop off the couch. Dewdrop can't help but lick his forked tongue across Rain's face - over his lips. He tastes the salt of Rain's tears in his mouth. "Hey!", Rain protests and wipes his face, giggling. Dew takes advantage of the moment of distraction and pushes Rain off the couch. The dark-haired water ghoul lands on the wooden floor with a dull thud.
"You pushed me into the lava," Rain gasps, holding his stomach. His dark hair is disheveled. "You tried the same thing with me!", Dew replies, grinning broadly. "But you're a fire ghoul,", Rain says with a giggle and looks up at his mate. "It's a matter of principle, Rainy.", the fireghoul teases, whereupon Rain grabs him by the wrist and pulls him to the floor.
"And that's where you see the difference in the dynamic of your relationships.," Aether remarks dryly as he calmly checkmates Mountain's king, stands up, sits down on the vacated couch and grins as contentedly as a cat that has just eaten a bird.
Rain casts a glance over at Mountain and Swiss, who are snuggled up on the table. Swiss has his arm wrapped around Mountain and is whispering about how heroically his brave Mountain saved him from the lava. The sight gives Rain a little pang. He knows that this is all just a game, a little prank from Aether so that he can win the game of chess in peace... But Rain can't help but be disappointed. He suddenly no longer wants Dewdrop to playfully wrestle with him, no, instead he wants to be saved from the imaginary lava floor.
Dew notices his thoughtful expression and maneuvers himself so that he ends up sitting on Rain's middle. He bends down to him and presses his warm lips to the tender skin under Rain's ear. "You realize that I would never actually push you into anything? At least i would not push you into lava... Into your sweet butt is a different matter."
Rain smiles. He knows that Dewdrop is trying to be romantic. The fire ghoul kisses Rain briefly on the lips and then pulls back a little to look into his ocean blue eyes. "You know how much I love you, don't you?"
Rain's smile widens. "I think it would be good if you told me again, just to be sure...," he whispers back and his eyes lighting up with satisfaction as the fire ghoul bends down to him again.
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r3dvlvet · 4 months
Hi yes Brennan telling Ally jokingly “Read Ice Feast!” And they’re like “I DID “ only for it to be Brennan, in fact, who should have read Ice Feast
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red-pencil · 5 months
Controlling your #AniMonday dreams.
Another Bobless week, so more behind the scenes. My other "floor is lava" shot from Running Down a Gene.
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ghostoffuturespast · 6 months
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Grandpa's turn to kiss the top of River's head and cheer him up.
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completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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Chapitre 201 - The Truth from within the Ruins
Oh this is just beyond gorgeous. Who can stand against the pure concentrated adorable that is Tsubasa Babies Family Photo? Now with all four of them!
I’m in love with all the tiny details that they clearly spent so long on - all the lovely folds of Sakura’s dress, the intricate detailing on Fai’s robe and staff. Lava Lamp is in his ceremonial garb, and tiny Kurogane IN HIS FANCY LITTLE OUTFIT. (AND HIS POSTURE? GET OUT. Incredible)
 Kurogane doesn’t have Ginryuu yet (since this is Happy Childhood AU, so his father will still have it. Still has the moon though!) but Lava Lamp has the Syaoran Family Sword all ready to go. His outfit would be incomplete without it - they’re all wearing clothing from their home worlds, or maybe their families? I’m technically not sure which world Lava Lamp comes from, but his outfit is Family Legacy all the way down. I’m dying to know if Fai’s outfit is in the style of Seresu or Valeria - I don’t think they’re all that different, but I think I would put my money on Valeria based on the position of the fur and the curl motif. In which case it’s fun for me that his Happy Family AU is in Valeria instead of with Ashura. (sorry not sorry Ashura get fucked)
I suppose in this version he never had reason to leave Valeria in the first place, so it’s a very nice touch that the outfit doesn’t immediately resemble the clothing he wore in his backstory, since that’s all so closely linked to the death of his twin, who would be alive here. Very nice visual choices all around, especially with each of them in their own unique colour pallette. Oh, and even with the colour differences they all have bits of yellow somewhere on them, showing their connection.
The left/right split between them is really fun too - sword wielders on one side, phenomenally powerful magic users on the other, cats vs dogs, unique child/parent pairings, etc. It’s very funny to me that they found a super fancy chair for Sakura and a cushion for Kurogane, but nothing for the other two. But Fai draping himself over the chair is such an incredible piece of character flair, which I am in love with, but also, the TOUCH? The little touch of tiny hands? Sakura reaching back to put her hand on the back of Fai’s? Tiny Lava Lamp’s little grip on Kurogane’s arm? OH it’s so touching. 
And behind them all? THAT WINDOW. Such a clear symbol positioned directly in the centre frame. At first I thought it might be an eye, but this is Happy Family AU so there should be no Evil Wolverine to spy on them. What I’m voting on instead is CLAMP playing with Tarot symbols again and this being the Wheel of Fortune, or a similar idea of a wheel of destiny. They use the latter idea a lot in their earlier works (RG Veda and X/1999 say hi), but I think the tarot symbol in particular really shines through with the ideas they’re playing with in Tsubasa/xxxHolic, and has a very strong parallel to the idea of hitsuzen. 
After some much safer googling it looks like the “Wheel of Fortune” in Tarot can mean change or cycles or inevitable fate, but on the flipside could also be lacking control. I think the reversed meaning of the card really speaks to me the most about their situation in general, as it describes bad luck and misfortunes thrust upon you from external forces, that you are fighting to take control back from an unwinnable situation. That fighting it is impossible, that continuing to fight it can only bring more suffering, and that the only option is to let it go. To stop blaming yourself for the thing you did wrong, or the thing that you think was your fault. To forgive yourself, to accept it all, to let yourself move on, to accept that change is inevitable, and to finally be able to move forward and just let everything happen. 
Because if that’s not exactly the whole situation we are in I don’t know what is. It’s a mirror for the things that Fai and Kurogane have already been through, and for what Lava Lamp Guy is still currently fighting, and CLAMP love to do drop these symbols all the time. 
And this is a bit of a tangent but who’s gonna stop me? Clamp LOVE their tragic destiny pairs, especially in their early works - the couples deeply love but also cursed by fate, like Kendappa and Souma, Ashura and Yasha (flavoured differently in RG Veda, but still fitting this cycle again in Tsubasa), Subaru and Seishirou, Sorata and Arashi (unfinished), Kamui and Fuuma, etc. The characters who are so different from each other, so diametrically opposed, but in love still, and it burns so strong that they either have to kill each other or let the world burn around them - or both! They’re always fighting destiny, just like the reversed wheel of fortune, and they fight it to the point of obliteration. 
AND THEN we have Tsubasa, and I think it’s so endlessly interesting that they took the same pattern and turned it around. Syaoran and Sakura definitely fit the theme (and wild that they took the Cardcaptor Sakura happy couple deliberately to make the most universe shattering tragedy out of it, but I still haven’t seen how their story ends, whether one will have to tragically die to save everything or whether they’ll get out somehow). But what I mostly want to talk about (surprise surprise) Kurogane and Fai, who fit the pattern exactly. Complete opposites, diametrically opposed, set up as antagonists and destined to kill each other but fall in love instead. That they both fight against the tragic pasts that defined them and eventually change their mind. Eventually, slowly, they accept love again and realise that they can actually live with themselves and each other if they let it all go. 
And I think what really gets me is that if this was an earlier Clamp work they absolutely would have tragically died - they would have killed each other in the climax of Seresu and it would have been beautiful and terrible and no-one ever would have ever emotionally recovered from the complete and utter devastation. 
CLAMP spend all of Tsubasa revisiting all their old works, taking us through a parade of the various tragedies they’ve sung across the years, all leading up to them ultimately breaking their own pattern and letting Fai and Kurogane save each other from the same Clamp fate that claimed every tragic pair before them. They choose each other and get out alive. They stop blaming themselves for the unchangeable parts of destiny and finally forgive themselves. And it’s just very emotional to me that it’s these two that make it, these two that get to recover and choose each other and live their lives inseparable from this point on. The two that had arguably the most tragic backstories also get to face their trauma, survive, and live. 
And it’s just so beautiful to see how the CLAMP storytelling method has changed over the years, and to find out that after all these years, the big destiny story they really wanted to tell in their longest and most detailed work was about the two men who fell in love, against all odds and saved each other. Despite absolutely everything saying that it should be impossible, it’s Kurogane and Fai that finally flip the tarot card back around and live. 
And I’m extremely interested in what this means for Lava Lamp and Not!Sakura.
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paul-newmans-sauce · 4 months
queer rep is like “ohh nooo >//< i-i like a boy …. but …. IM a boy !!!!!” and “what am i gonna do ?!?! i-i cant like a boy when i-im a boy …. but …. i do …..” and “hes so hot >////< what am i talking about ?!??!! hes a boy !! and …. IM a boy …. oh no. am i … gay ?!” and queerbait is like “i get melancholy every now and then, its a disease common to most men who live a lone life. but if you stay with me at such times, ill be ok” and “youre gonna be my companion in my moment of despair” “well, youre my pardner, aint you?” and “youre still the best pardner there ever was” “well, youre the only pardner that ever was” “then that makes me the best” “i never liked a man as much as i like you”
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was working at a Starbucks where you had to play the floor is lava to get across the shop and at some point Kendrick Lamar came in and ordered a coffee.
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stlamb · 9 months
laundry piling up/dirty room? my personal hack for adhd people who hate clutter:
1. gather everything dirty you can & throw into washing machine right now don't think do it right now bitch
2. all your clean stuff around the house + clutter - throw it all on your bed. all of it. preferably in middle so u can't sleep or sit down at all. put ur phone under it first for extra motivation, no fr
3. as fast as you can, pick things up and just throw them in different piles like, super fast like its a game. don't stop to put things away one by one, you WILL get distracted.
so like i do: a.) stuff to hang up b.) tshirts/hoodies (fold away) c.) underwear/socks d.) pjs/sweatpants (fold away)
4. put on music and fold stuff while dancing :3
also i make rules for myself.
my rule of thumb is nothing in my room touches the ground (except things that stay there or bags maybe) ever ever. i have two laundry baskets, one for dirty and one for stuff i just need to put away later if i don't feel up to it. catch-alls SAVE MY LIFE i have them in every room, for small stuff especially. eventually, i clear the catch alls out and put things away. i throw hoodies on a chair sometimes but they never touch the floor. the floor is lava. i do not leave drawers open ever, it takes 2 seconds to close them so make it a rule.
taking the extra 2 seconds to keep things off the floor, have "catch all" containers, close things etc... save me so much hassle and time & the lack of visual clutter keeps me from getting overwhelmed. if i didn't do these things my life would be a mess & it would take longer to find things and get shit done without constant distraction.
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imtomiee · 2 months
Also my third eye just opened and i have a very strong feeling that both gun and goo will die when their fight ends
Gun killing goo (maybe goo let his guard down cause thats kinda whats goin on) and then gun dying from the hits he took from goo and the fight before
And if that happens...I dont fucking know what I'll do
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