#the random ace out of nowhere 😭😭😭😭
jaylleoo14 · 1 year
An Octopus's First Impression
I have so much brainrots but im not a good enough writer to put them into actual stories and stuff😭 AHHHH TEH PAIN (If it isnt obvious enough I have low confidence in myself with my writing ability TT) But yes, Hello! This is going to be my debut as a twst writer and perhaps for other fandoms too<3 for now I am most comfortable writing for twst though, but please do enjoy your visit on my page!
Azul has yet to make a proper introduction to you
Part II
[disclaimer] A rather desperate and calculative Tako
[characters] Azul and the other sillies that get in his way X3
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When you first arrived at NRC Azul was surely not one of the individuals you'd paid mind to. The first dorm leaders that made their appearances known to your acknowledgment first was Vil because of his striking awe-stunning and jaw dropping beauty, Kalim because of his outward friendliness and radiating-welcoming personality, and lastly Riddle because of his fierce strictness to follow the school rules accordingly (And along with other respective proper and prim mannerisms and clothing rules to abide by whenever your paths were crossed)
Idia of course did not make his presence known and you literally did not know of him only until later after meeting Orthro, and even then you've only heard of him and never actually seen him. I mean cmon, who has honestly?
Leona is always hiding away, lazing around somewhere as he naps away into his own comfort so you dont even encounter him until some magical fateful day, but thats a story for another time :)
Although perhaps meeting him already when everyone is asleep, you arent really formally introduced to Malleus. So until then, you technically havent met Malleus for multiple reasons that are rather lengthy to list.
And then there's Azul. oooooh boy. Despite how interested he is in you regarding your sudden magical predicament and trying to approach you, you somehow always seem to be going astray from your interactions with him
He's tried to approach you, ensuring he'd give a lasting impression on you as he's heading on over to greet you properly
though things dont go as planned when Lilia is suddenly snatching you away to go entertain a certain activity of his out of nowhere
Or when you're being chased by a random Savanaclaw student with a bread bun in your mouth and Grim buried in your side as your arm wraps around him securely, holding about 4x amount of food in his paws (Cater in the background taking pictures of this and posting it on his magicam #delinquent #hungry for some breadbunz #Getting chased #My junior is so cute and trouble some #Uh oh trouble!)
Perhaps if it weren't for those troublesome classmates of yours, ah yes - Ace and Deuce - then you wouldn't be stuck in a tree branch right now with that troubling huntsman below you trying to help you down and he would by now be shaking hands with you
Why are you just all over the place?! You've already met with that Lazy Lion when all he did was sleep on the floor and you miraculously tripped over him, resulting in him catching you in his arms before you fell face first into the hard cobblestoned floor! He didnt even do anything to try and approach you so why is it that despite all his meticulous planning on trying to approach you and make an appearance, it just never happens?! Not only that but you're now indebted to that second prince just for you to do him a solid and fetch him a meat sandwich. Seriously, what a waste of a perfect opportunity
Do you perhaps already know who he is? Is that it? Are you actively trying to avoid him?! You're stressing him out already here Prefect, hello?! Its very important for a business man to expand his connections, you know. You two have never even properly met! Now that wont do at all, he must make his appearance now. Especially when you can offer that lovely little dwelling of yours for a branch of his add on of the Mostro Lounge with some talking and persuasion of course :)
He's been carefully looking over your schedule, trying to figure out what classes you go to at what time and when; will we be able to cross paths here? What about when you head on over to your chem class? You have lunch with who and where? Noted, now he can definitely prepare to approach you now. Is he desperate? Of course not, he's just ought to give you a proper greeting is all! Its not weird that he's trying to remember your schedule and trying to talk to you and-
You're in the library, studying up on some topics you don't quite get in your history class. The library was rather quaint and tranquil, a nice aesthetically pleasing place to help you go over your lessons and to study. You had a test coming up in Professor Trein's class and that was something you did NOT want to fail in again. Failing once or perhaps twice or maybe even a possible third time but who knows was already enough to bring your grade down to get a harsh scolding from Riddle and a sympathetic look from Trey
Your face all in the book, your notes plastered and sprawled out on the side where they rest on the table, and your other needed stationary next to you, you were in a environment where no one was around for you to focus up and study hard
Well, no one around except for Azul
Perfect! This is a great opportunity to approach you now! No one is around and he can even talk up into having you indebted to him by helping you study! This situation is rather perfect if he says so himself
A confident look spreads across his face as he walks on over to you, a perfect and professional air surrounding him
"Good evening Prefect, It's a pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance. I do apologize on interrupting your study session here but I would like the humbling experience to introduce myself."
A nice and firm smile is sprawled on his face as his hand is outstretched towards yours to make a formal shake. You look up from your book and stare at his hand, soon taking it as you sit and ponder only for a second
"Oh, aren't you that guy who couldn't get above 10 inches off the floor while riding his broomstick?"
Crack. After finally being able to introduce himself for GOD KNOWS HOW LONG, you know him for THAT?! For sevens sake! Not as Octavinelle's Dorm leader, BUT "that guy who couldn't get above 10 inches off the floor"
God he wants to go curl away and hide now. His hand flinching as you mention so but you keep a firm hold on his to give him a proper shake, a little oblivious to his faltering demeanor
"I think Floyd mentioned you before too. You're that boss running Mostro Lounge he said right? I think he said your name was-"
"Azul Ashengrotto." Clearing his throat a little before he continues "It's a pleasure to meet you (y/n)" Azul is quick to regain his composure and returns the firm hold. How strong you grip and how long you shake is incredibly important in dealing with business, especially when wanting to make lasting impressions to expand your social networks
In his mind though he wants to quickly eradicate that impression you have about him, and thus he asks to join you - to which you complied - in hopes of overwriting and hopefully making you forget that horrific thing you witness regarding his flight skills
And of course Floyd just had to meet you before he did. Its not really surprising considering his boisterous personality and extroverted behavior when in the mood, but perhaps Jade has also met you then too. Considering that those two tend to be near one another
No, of course he's not feeling bitter that even those two slimy eels met you first. Of course he's not feeling a little irritated that they didnt try to strike you up into making a deal with him. Or maybe the fact that whatever those two were doing they'd at least try to make you two meet! Afterall, he did tell them to send you over once due to his interest in you. But he then adverts his attention back onto you when mention how you are currently studying for an upcoming test
You dont know him at all yet, so you let yourself be completely vulnerable. Looking like the smart and reliable gentleman that he is, you ask him to help you study. Oh how you make it so easy for him, he didnt even need to offer!
With a pleasant smile on his face, his slick and gloved fingers pushing up the frame of his glasses, he happily accepts with a sweet tone in his voice as you both sit together and go over the lessons together
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
I lightbulb just went off in my head. Imagine the dorm leaders (maybe replace Malleus with Jamil because we don't know his unique magic yet) with an s/o who's unique magic is the complete opposite of theirs. Headcanons please, thank you.
Sincerely, peanut 🥜 anon
Ooh wait this is really interesting, sorry I'm getting to it so late ;-;. Thank you for the ask 🥜 anon! I'm taking Malleus out of this one but I'll keep Kalim. ALSO! SPOILERS AHEAD!
Dorm leaders + Jamil with an s/o who has a unique magic that is opposite of theirs
Your ability to take off curses more or less is impressive, more so with the name that you gave it which was "Heal what has been hurt." It was a strong spell meant to take off a curse that was placed on a person, and that made Riddle's "Off with your head" cancel out
Of course a lot of students would come running to you for help, asking you to take off the comically large lock on their necks. You were a kind person at heart and honestly wanted to help out, but Riddle told you the moment you and he became partners that you wouldn't be doing that. However, to students that were new to the dorm you let them free
Riddle wants to learn a bit more from you about your magic skills. He wants to know how to get to that advanced level of magic but he also wants to know if there are any downsides to such a powerful spell. Of course he wants to keep you safe from overblotting like he did once
I feel like overall he will respect you and be proud of you for your strengths. However he might tell you that you don't have to be so kind as to releasing Ace and Deuce every time they get their heads "sliced" off by Riddle
You are unbelievably strong with the magic you have. Leona has nothing but pride for what you can do, but he also wonders where you learned to master such a spell
Leona turns things into sand while you recreate things from sand. You might have similar magic to Leona's brother, but we don't know that for sure. Either way, a lot of students find you super cool for being able to make things like small boxes from sand to large intricate statues
Your magic ability might be named something like "Rise from the dust" and honestly it's super cool to watch you create something from literally nothing. Leona might ask you on occasions to make random stuff for him that he needs (ie pencil for class)
I feel like Leona won't really worry too much about you with that strong magic, but he will still make sure you aren't over exhausting yourself to the point of overblot. Expect sudden nap times!
If you can somehow reverse a contract and help someone regain their abilities, then omg you must be the strongest character in Twisted Wonderland
I feel like Azul and you might have met through the enemies-to-lovers trope if you were somehow reversing his spells and ended up winning against a bet that you made with him. Like omg, he would admire you and hate you so much to the point where he ends up liking you 💀
Will try to keep you away from his business just in case you're too nice to say no to students that haven't repaid him. Floyd and Jade might keep an eye on you too because of this. But most importantly, Azul doesn't want students to swarm you for something that he caused
Overall understand that he loves you and wants to keep you away from stressing over student demands. If you feel that a business however can be made from your spell, he'll gladly help you out (it will be like an insurance company haha)
You can create fire out of nowhere, which is the opposite of "Oasis Maker." You were promptly told not to use your magic in potions class when you threatened to set Ace's hair on fire 😭
I feel like Kalim really thinks your cool but Grim's also a big fan (mainly because he too uses fire). Kalim isn't really interested in the intricacies of your spell but will ask you how big of a flame you can make
I feel like you won't be asked much about your ability from people, and Jamil might look to you as an extra bodyguard for Kalim if needed. Some students tried to fight you and all you did was set a little flame on their sandwich and that was enough for them to stop trying to flex their muscles 😭
Kalim will view you more for your personality than your ability however. It's like you guys are "Fireboy and Watergirl" but switched around haha
He too won't really care too much about your abilities, that is until you stop his plans of usurping Kalim's position as dorm leader at first. He too might have a scenario of enemies-to-lovers with you
You are able to be immune from any form of mind control, and it was frustrating when you kept looking at him like he was crazy when he attempted to make you forget about his mumblings of overthrowing Kalim. But then he ended up realizing after he overblotted that yeah that's not a good idea :/
I feel like he wouldn't really care too much about your abilities being exploited but he would make sure you are taken care of nonetheless. Stressed out about school? He's there to help. Kalim's also bothering you? You guys are texting each other about it. Things like that
Jamil definitely tells you he's sorry for attempting to use his unique magic on you. He will want to learn how you created your own abilities but outside of that he won't really ask you about your magic
You have a similar ability to Riddle's and you might be stronger honestly than most people in your realm. You can reverse curses? Even ones that Vil has a hard time removing? How?!
Vil definitely looks up to you for magic help but at first he was skeptical. He asked if it was true that you were able to reverse any spells and lo and behold you did when Vil was attempting to curse an object for practice.
Outside of making sure you look perfect wherever you go, Vil will make sure the unique magic you have isn't causing a toll on your health. Turns out your ability is extremely draining, so he tells you to take care of yourself and will help out in the process too
Overall similar to the other dorm leaders, he loves you for your beauty both on the inside and outside. Your unique ability is a really cool part of you, but he cares more about how kind you are to him and others.
You have an ability that is similar to Idia's, but all you can do is close S.T.Y.X's doors and not open them. You were likely one of the top security people at the headquarters and one who was close to Idia and Ortho since you were young
Idia likely was too afraid to talk to you at first, but he really admired you from the beginning. Idia doesn't really like his own ability because of how it is connected to S.T.Y.X but knowing that the two of you can keep it from opening up and potentially destroying the world makes him feel like a super hero from an anime haha
More than your ability, he loves you for how caring you are. You make him smile more often than most people have ever seen him, and he can't help blushing anytime you hug him both in public and in privacy
Idia definitely admires you for your ability but also likes you for who you are. If you geek out with him that's even better haha
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
If you still have spots open could I get Idia + Kiss the girl? Your writings are so cute I adore them 😭💙 and please take your time with this!
I immediately saw this and thought Book 7 😂. Also, I'm in the EN server, so idk how exactly Book 7 goes and this is my interpretation of it. TO THOSE IN THE JP SERVER, DO NOT SAY ANY SPOILERS! I WANT TO BE SURPRISED WHEN IT COMES OUT.
I hope you enjoy, anon! 😂
Notes: mentions the Ghost Bride event, Idia has pink hair again, Ortho is a supportive brother, Yuu is bold, Idia doubting himself, true love's kiss, and me blanking out on how to write internet slang
Word Count: 1042 (yall these are getting longer lol)
Warnings: slightly suggestive ending (Yuu and Idia are basically making out), possible ooc characters, and not beta read.
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Night Raven College was mostly fixed after the Malleus' overblot. The only thing left could be found in Ramshackle dorm, where the Prefect was asleep. She fell under that condition after getting hit by Malleus' magic, and, according to Sebek, there was a chance she could sleep for eternity. The staff, Grim, and the first-year group stood around her bed when some fireflies appeared. 
Crowley greeted the fae prince,  "Did you find anything?" 
Malleus nodded, and Crowley sighed in relief, "I am willing to try anything as long as it doesn't hurt Yuu. Besides, who is going to do my taxes?!" he exclaimed. The other staff members shook their heads. 
Crewel rolled his eyes and slapped Crowley's head, "Snap out of it! My pup's life is in danger!"
Annoyed by the headmaster, Malleus cleared his throat, "The only way to cure Yuu is for true love's kiss."
“True…love’s…kiss…” Everyone said and stayed silent to process everything. 
Crewel frowned, "I will not allow a random slimy mutt's lips to touch my pup's. She needs someone that she is close to."
"How about one of the first years?" Trein asked, but Ace (the self-declared leader of the group) shook his head.
"Not a chance. We got brother zoned by her."
The rest of the first years nodded in agreement, "And that would be weird to kiss your sister," Deuce added.
Crewel sighed, "Does anyone know who she was the closest to? Any suggestions?"
Slowly, Ortho raised one robotic arm, "I have an idea." 
"Because you are close to the Prefect, Big Brother, and you like her!" Ortho exclaimed, causing everyone to question what was going on. The group could hear a lot of ruckus downstairs, and Idia screamed, "I want to live!" at one point. 
Finally, the duo appeared at the Prefect's door. Well, it was Ortho carrying a flailing Idia until he dumped him on the floor at the end of the bed.
Crowley squatted to Idia's level, "Now, I'm sure that Ortho filled you in on the details, but we need you to kiss Yuu so she can wake up?"
"Can't you try to shake her, pour a bucket of cold water on her, or use Sebek's loud voice?"
"MY VOICE IS NOT LOUD!" The half-fae shouted into poor Epel's ears. 
Sam sighed and turned to Idia, "This is getting nowhere. Maybe my friends from the other side can convince you?" He smiled, and some eerie shadows appeared behind him, causing shivers to run down Idia's spine. 
Trein sighed, and Lucius let out an annoyed meow, "This is getting us nowhere."
"I agree! Is the audience necessary?" Idia asked, and Crowley stood up. 
"Fine. We will compromise. We will all leave you alone so you can kiss Yuu," He gestured for everyone to leave, and everyone followed. 
"Wait!" Idia called out, "I want Ortho to stay."
"If you insist," Crowley said and closed the door, leaving the two brothers alone. 
Ortho floated to Idia, sitting beside him, "What's wrong, Big Brother?"
Idia sighed and looked down at his hands, "Remember that time I got kidnapped by Eliza?" Ortho nodded, "This is the same level as that. Instead of me being in the afterlife, I am possibly Yuu's true love. Do you know how frightening that is?"
Ortho sighed and looked at his brother with big yellow eyes, "I do. I was the one who asked Yuu and the others to rescue you, but now it is the opposite. You can save Yuu!"
Idia turned to his brother with doubt on his face. "But what if it doesn't work? Then what? Even if it did, Yuu would be stuck with a loser like me."
Ortho frowned, "You might think that way, but you are also a genius! Plus, unlike Eliza, Yuu actually likes you, so the feeling is mutual!" he exclaimed with sparkles in his eyes. 
Idia smiled, now with determination, "You're right! I got this!" He marched over to where Yuu peacefully slept, unaware of everything around her. 
Ortho floated to the green armchair to give his brother some space, "Yeah! And you don't even have to kiss her on the lips. Malleus said true love's kiss could break the curse, but he never said where."
Idia's hair turned slightly pink at the thought. He would be down to kiss Yuu (preferably a short kiss and not a full-on makeout session) if she was awake and not cursed. He looked down at Yuu's sleeping form. If there was one thing the otaku could admit was that she looked adorable, but he would never let anyone hear that out loud. 
Idia slowly leaned down toward Yuu's face. Ortho watched as his brother's hair turned even pinker the closer he got. Idia stopped momentarily when his face was a few inches away to admire Yuu. "Please wake up," he whispered, pressing his blue lips on Yuu's forehead. 
Idia quickly jumped away but remained at Yuu's side and held his breath. A minute had passed, and there was no movement from the Prefect. Idia turned to Ortho with a defeated look. "It looks like I lost, Ortho. Let's try to find someone else."
"You missed," a voice called out, causing Idia to freeze. He looked down at Yuu, who was wide awake but had a blank expression.
"I said, you missed my lips. You kissed me on the forehead instead," Yuu smirked, causing Idia's hair to turn pink.
"I mean, you were asleep, and then there's consent-"
Yuu rolled her eyes, "Well, I consent to it now," she grabbed Idia's collar and pulled him down, causing him to fall on top of her on the bed and for his lips to meet hers. 
Ortho stood up and cheered, his eyes closed with glee. "Yay! It worked, Big Brother! You are Yuu's true love, after all," The boy opened his eyes to see that the two were enjoying their second kiss a bit too much. Despite the boy getting human characteristics recently, he was still learning. He knew some things about love thanks to being in the Film Research Club.
Ortho immediately flew out the door. "Let me get the others before it gets out of hand!"
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400 event is still open!! (only one spot left!)
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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faeryarchives · 2 years
aren't you forgetting something?
alternate title: before going back to your daily routine, you decided to tease them out of the blue
note: fluff i need fluff 🥲 this is made last minute bc the way my mind just think of random scenarios whenever i space out is crazy 😭 i hope u guys enjoy
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ꕥ kisses your forehead or cheek; very effective move like it will melt you on the spot. at first they were like 🧐 what are you implying ?? then they look around to see if there are any one looking and if the coast is clear - they would gently caress your face before giving you a small and fleeting kiss but enough to make u flustered 🫠 + would laugh & tease u abt ur reaction before walking away
— trey clover, deuce spade, riddle rosehearts, floyd leech, kalim al asim (1), rook hunt, vil schoenheit, silver, malleus
ꕥ not going without a goodbye hug; say no more bestie because they will not hesitate - or maybe a liiiittle to roll their eyes playfully 🙄 laughing before engulfing you into their hug which lasted around a minute ass if not wanting to let go 🥺 for sebek i think he would ramble on about how human are so needy while pulling you into his embrace 🤍
— cater diamond, jack howl, kalim al asim (2), epel felmier, sebek
ꕥ gives you their hoodie; don't ask me how they would pull out a hoodie out of nowhere maybe you two got matchy ones where they carry it whenever u go borrowing theirs 🥸 not that they mind though but they also want to wear their own too dw your hoodie had been already washed with their signature perfume or scent in that way u can go to your class very comfy 🤭 they will wrap it around your frame looking like a sushi though
— ace trappola (1), ruggie bucchi, jamil viper, idia shroud, lilia vanrouge (1)
ꕥ stares at you for a while and questionably hands you money; ok they didn't get the memo but hey at least you have additional money for lunch 🥳 its not like they don't have other things to offer but for them it is more practical 'cause they can have your time during after class + calls you a little rat while adding more to your money 🙄
— ace trappola (2), leona kingscholar, azul ashengrotto, jade leech, lilia vanrouge (2)
ꕥ all of the above in order; you cannot tell me he wouldn't do that. this man, the feared diasomnia dorm leader, will do it without any hesitation even if you are in front of every student in nrc 🫡 he will pout though when you go to diff directions but hey at least you two got your moment 🤗🤍
— malleus draconia
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sunnyboos · 8 months
I've been thinking...
Ever think about how Portgas D Ace from One Piece and Kyojuro Rengoku from Demon Slayer share similarities?
Hear me out!
They both died the same way: a fist through their chest, smile on their faces on their last breath 😭
Obvious one, both fire users 🔥
Loved their younger brother, always encouraging 🧡
Food. Just food 🍜
Respectable and passionate (I think back to earlier episodes of Ace when he was asking Sanji if he needed help in the kitchen or when he was cleaning his utensils when they were in the middle of the desert. With Kyojuro, he kept his peace with Tanjiro and Nezuko being a demon and when he bought all the box lunches twice to help support the food vendors) 🤝
Both had mothers who died too soon but loved them so much it hurts! 🤰
I'm sure there's more but these were the ones that stood out to me, these are just some of the random thoughts that hit me out of nowhere!
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metsukosan · 2 years
MoshiKami - Sasanami Ace Route Review
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minor spoilers!!
tw: child abuse, death, gore, bullying, harassment, cannibalism
some screenshots at the end too, if you want to avoid those as well!
okay so going into the game, i knew right off the bat that this was going to be intense, so i wasn’t super surprised when things went from 0-100 very quick. in fact, the entire common route is the MC getting bullied at school and harassed outside of school as well. there were SEVERAL instances of her getting stalked by random men on the street, and a lot of the times, they were close to assaulting her. this was probably the most… eventful common route i have come across in a game.
into the actual route itself. i didn’t even realize when i actually got into the route or anything until i saved and saw ace on the file.
overall, his route was surprisingly tame. i was expecting a lot more drama than what i got. however, i do have a feeling he’s going to be my favorite LI simply because he’s just… an undercover himbo 😭
like he and haruka will just be sitting there talking about school and whatnot, and out of nowhere, ace will say something so headass that you have to roll your eyes. it was beyond cute. he’s just a natural airhead. and it made me enjoy his character even more because he’s usually so quiet and serious that when he makes stupid comments like that, it just 😭
the side characters were also really good in this route *cough* akira *cough* (he deserved a route). i really wish they got more than what they did. akira sacrified himself at the end in order to bring haruka and ace back to the real world, and i just 🥲 i have never been so upset over a side character in my life, but here we are.
the romance in this was almost overshadowed by the constant drama (tomoko), but by the end of it, it mellowed out a little bit. usually, some otoges struggle with making me relate to the MC in the sense that i don’t really understand when and why she fell in love with a certain LI, but with ace, i could understand why they both started liking each other, and i appreciated that.
a lot of people who have played the game have said there’s a lot of gore, almost to an unnecessary degree, but ace’s route didn’t really have that. i’m assuming the other routes do, but what got me in ace’s route was just the descriptions of said gore. it can get pretty disturbing, with how they described the oni eating random civilians or when they described how tomoko turned into an oni and ate her first victim.
part of me is a bit worried about the rest of the routes since ace is the tamest, and *this* was part of the route 🗿
overall, ace was a well rounded character. he didn’t really bring anything new to the table, but i ended up really enjoying him anyway. i guess i’m just a big fan of quiet LIs who are undercover airheads, and ace was definitely a huge airhead 💀
here are some screenshots i took while playing! some scenes were definitely really cute in his route, and it made me feel so ☺️
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katsuchans · 2 years
hi hello! same anon :) i was wondering if i could request a drabble where reader is revising for an exam she has in a month, but she’s losing motivation & bakugou helps by encouraging her and taking her to the movies as a reward? really glad your back & have a nice day!!
aah, a happy bakugou request. thank you so much for this, really!! i'm so sorry if it took so long (bc real life, aah) but here it is! 😭 i hope you're having a nice day too, anon!
the sun is out, the air is crisp, and you swore that you could literally hear the birds chirping outside, celebrating a really good weather for day outー but not for you, no. on a really good sunny day, you cannot believe that you're stuck in your room doing revisions for an exam and stuck with a not-so-helpful bakugou katsuki.
"you're really not going to finish anything if you stare outside the whole day, y/n." katsuki nonchalantly says as he was busy working on his revisions as well. you turned to look at the male beside you before letting out a small sigh.
"the exam isn't until next month, can't we take a break and go out even just for a day?" you said, a hint of pleading in your voice with the hopes that katsuki agrees with you.
"the exam is in a month. you should be focusing on your revisions if you want to ace your exams, y/n." he replies, once again in a nonchalant manner. you knew that you would get nowhere as it seemed like he was already set with just focusing on reviewing so you let go of your request and just proceeded to put your attention on the rest of your revisions.
what you don't realize is that katsuki noticed how unmotivated you are. you're the kind of person who doesn't do bad in their studies but seeing how you're losing your will to do your revisions makes him worry more about the possible outcome of your exams.
"pages 276 to 285, chapter 11—" he says, lightly clearing his throat to turn your attention towards him. "what?" you asked, a little bit confused with the seemingly random numbers he just said.
"276 to 285, the whole chapter 11," he repeated, earning a frowning look from you as if you'd magically get what he's saying. instead of clearing his words, he turned back to his workbook to continue what he was doing, you doing the same afterwards. "if you finish all the activities in that chapter then we'll go watch a movie or something."
you turned to look at katsuki, making sure you weren't hearing things as a grin paints your face. "are you serious? are we really going out after chapter 11?" you asked, your body turned towards him in expectation.
"yes, so hurry up before i change my mind or something—" he said, hiding his smile as he saw how the reward got you excited, immediately proceeding to continue with the rest of your revisions.
"you better get a perfect score on your exam after this, brat." he added jokingly, shaking his head in amusement as he watched how you're almost getting sucked into the textbook while you work on your revisions.
"it's okay, i have you as my study buddy anyways if i ever have to re-take the exam." you simply replied. unbeknownst to you, bakugou katsuki actually really liked the idea of spending more time studying with you.
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naancypants · 4 years
an unnecessary over-analyzation of THAT nace scene from 2x09
not actually a coherent analysis though, more like my random chaotic fangirl thoughts as a rewatch at 2am
- starting this scene off with some wonderful lighthearted banter. we love to see it. - NANCY’S LITTTLE HUFF/SMILE/CHUCKLE AT HIS LEBOWSKI JOKE. that was so soft for her 🥺 ace and his lil jokes just make her so HAPPY. she is starting to really love him - this body language. nancy said 🙌PROXIMITY🙌 - “i thought about doing that.” “...but?” literally the MOMENT she feels ace looking at her, she tilts her chin towards him even before moving her eyes - THE QUIET WAY nancy says “he didn’t ask me to, so. maybe it’s not my mystery to solve.” is there.... a hidden meaning to this?? 👀 because this is also when she starts giving ace ~that look~  - SPEAKING OF THAT LOOK. what the hell was that??!!!! came outta NOWHERE and those heart eyes were INTENSE AF. out to murder me - nancy gazing lovingly at ace for a solid 8 & a half seconds straight. damn girl yes, drink up those ocean eyes - okay i love how these writers tend to be self-aware. ace bringing up the fact that gil was going to let george die was really satisfying for me, as a viewer, because it’s a thought that i couldn’t shake for the whole episode - “are you telling me to stay away from gil bobbsey?” ARE YOU ASKING HIM TO? 👀 cause you’re giving ace a very serious look right now my dude. she is actively searching his face for something. - “i know you.” deceased - a little unsettled, though, by his comment about nancy being attached to gil when.. they’ve really only spent one less-than-romantic afternoon together, and ace wasn’t even there to SEE them together. the only tip-off i can come up with is how she said ‘GIL’S mom’ and not 'the bobbseys’? and even that is a super understated thing to go off of. but we move on - also just ace discouraging her from going out with gil in general. like he is fully justified in this outside of their romantic narrative, so there’s always that. but 🤔. - their faces........ why are they so close......... GOD - and then they effortlessly slip back into the more playful, lighthearted tone 🥰 - nancy knowing about his ‘lucky blue pullover’... she tugs at the sleeve... he makes that scrunched up lil ‘you caught me’ face 😭 - “i know you, too.” wjkajkskfjdsfkj. - HIS SWEET LIL GRIN WHEN HE LOOKS BACK AT HER AFTER “I KNOW YOU, TOO.” I DIE EVERY SINGLE TIME. - “you can always go out the back. let the new guy wait on him.” ace is once again asking you to not go out with gil - now it’s ace’s turn to return the favor by gazing at nancy for another 8 and a half seconds 🥰 - HIS LITTLE SLOW BLINK + SOFT GRIN COMBO RIGHT AT THE END OF THIS FRAME. I REALLY CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS. - nancy’s face, too 🥺 she starts to pucker her lips all teasingly but then kinda smiles halfway through and flattens them instead - this scene was literally a fanfic come to life. tell me it wasn’t. it had a little bit of everything - teasing, longing looks, slipping in and out of the banter/serious convo, sexual tension, unspoken jealousy, affirmation on how much they know each other. truly incredible - HOW DO THEY NOT BOTH REALIZE WHAT IS HAPPENING BETWEEN THEM?? I JUST...... WOW 😍🥵
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