#the trouble of depending on a god for your information
whispersinthedawn · 10 months
Between the Heavens and the Embers
Apollo snapped his fingers again. “Focus,” he commanded.
Percy sucked in a harsh breath, unable to believe that she’d slipped back away into believing herself an eagle in the middle of a conversation with a god, however amiable, by virtue of just recalling the past.
“I can hear things,” she finished pathetically.
It seemed to mean more to Apollo than it did to her, because the god drew back with a look of understanding on his face.  “It’s just an evolution of your battle reflexes.”
“Evolution?” Percy echoed.
“Have you never wondered exactly how you’re always aware of your surroundings?” Apollo asked in a tone so similar to Chiron’s when he’d been pretending to be Mr Brunner for her sixth-grade that it sent a sharp ache through Percy’s chest.
“You have the same number of sensory neurons as any other human. Your brain simply happens to dismiss less of the information as irrelevant than others’.”
“So, my brain’s lost even more of the restrictions than before?” Percy asked, unsure. It … didn’t seem right. She couldn’t claim to be the absolute best at biology, certainly not with Greek Mythology involved with its sapient sheep and talking trees, but she rather doubted being able to hear objects miles away lay within human capacity.
Apollo chortled. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’d be leaking out your brains if that were the case.”
Just as Percy had begun to relax, the god continued brazenly, “In moments of terrible stress,” Apollo glanced around their banal surroundings and amended, “or moments of great paranoia, demigods are liable to direct their untapped potential into cultivating their senses for a power-up.”
Percy frowned at him in silent inquiry even as her brain raced. She’d … she’d been trying to overhear the sounds of pursuit, hadn’t she? Denied the dubious respite of dreams, her hyper-active brain had instead slipped straight into her favourite pastime of imagining every single thing that could go wrong. And then her straining ears had captured more and more input until something about the eagle had captured Percy instead. 
“You’re transitioning – from human to something more … demigodly. You’re literally growing more sensory receptors. But your brain–” Apollo shrugged as if the state of her pitifully mortal brain matter was a foregone conclusion. “Brains are delicate. Elastic, but given to self-preservation. It’ll be a long time if ever until you adapt to your senses.”
“I’ve never heard of this before,” Percy protested, not truly dubious yet unable to accept his words as the unvarnished truth.
Apollo’s eyes glinted darkly at her with an unnamed emotion. It wasn’t sympathy or anything as self-blaming as an apology. But not entirely devoid of the bitterness that came from knowing the unfairness of reality.
“It’s common enough for demigods,” he told her with unprecedented gentleness. “They just tend to die before they can pass the information on.”
In moments of terrible stress or extreme paranoia.
If demigods sprouted new powers according to need – what constituted a greater need than the fangs at your throat, than the claws around your heart?
What greater danger than the monster about to kill you?
Percy swallowed. “Will I finish evolving by the time the train stops?” she asked without true hope.
Apollo chuckled disbelievingly. “I think not,” he said incredulously. “The nervous system can take up to thirty years to heal any damage – and you’re talking about creating new pathways altogether.”
Percy sank into her seat and wrapped her arms around herself. Angled her head so that Apollo could only witness her troubled profile while she herself could detect every single non-existent wrinkle on his refection in the side-view mirror.    
“I suppose I’ll die before mastering my powers too,” she whispered.
“Undoubtedly,” Apollo agreed without hesitation.
“Perhaps even on this quest,” she continued fatalistically.
“Perhaps,” Apollo dismissed with a callousness she couldn’t quite bring herself to believe.
Their eyes met through the glass of the mirror and caught.
“Are you sure you can take that risk?” Percy whispered. “Let that perhaps turn into a yes?”
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wolfiesmoon · 10 months
Shaky hands
Twisted wonderland x gn!reader
my hands are very shaky, especially when i get nervous or uncomfortable and since i often get embarrased and inconvenienced by them why not have someone comfort me for that instead ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅Malleus Draconia
Malleus just assumes you're scared of him like the rest and are pretending to stay calm.
I mean, if your hands shake so much when around him, that must be what it is. That is a clear-cut sign of fear, after all.
He doesn't mind it, but he doesn't get why you keep insisting to hang out with him then.
But you, on the other hand, like Malleus. Like like him. And it just so happens that your hands become ten times more shaky around your crush. You try to cover it up by fiddling with them and keeping them distracted but it's still obvious a lot of the time.
"Are you scared of him?" Lilia asks you, tone still calm and casual.
"Ah, no... You've got it all wrong..." you denied, cheeks heating a little.
It should be fine to tell Lilia, right? He might be a tiny little bit cunning but you doubt that he'd take this information to his advantage and blackmail you or something. He wouldn't do you like that.
"I, ummm... like him." You hid your hands behind your back to hide your obvious nervousness.
"Oh my. I never expected to hear this in a thousand years." Lilia's eyes widened slightly, but he didn't seem upset or like he was going to take advantage of you. Just pleasantly surprised.
"Just how much do you doubt Malleus...?" Lilia laughed at your comment.
"Depends on what field we're talking about. You should make a move. Who knows what might happen."
So here you are, walking next to Malleus, about to do something bold. Which happens to be gently holding his hand.
Listen, that's bold in Malleus standards.
You try to calm your hands down but nothing works so you just give up and go for it, gently taking his very still hand into your shaking one.
His hands are surprisingly warm.
"Why are you holding onto me?" He asks a bit coldly and a slight shiver runs through you. You're still not used to his cold, blunt way of speaking sometimes.
"I, ummm... how do I explain this... this is supposed to be... You know what? Do you mind it?" You just realised he might not like the feeling.
"It's strange but not particularly unwelcome. Are you not scared?" He asks, making you tilt your head. Scared of what?
"Your hands keep shaking."
"O-Oh, about that... don't worry about it. They always do." You gave him a somewhat awkward smile. He always seems to glance at your hands when you're together. So he must have been looking at that.
"Oh, I see." He replies simply.
Somehow, he feels a little relieved that you aren't afraid of him too.
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅Leona Kingscholar
You narrowly avoided getting a corrosive potion spilled on you just 10 minutes ago, and your hands are still shaking from the adrenaline.
Oh my god, why does this school insist on giving you a new heart attack every day? When it isn't Grim, Deuce and Ace causing trouble it's narrowly avoiding being melted by a potion.
You don't know why, but you ended up in the garden where Leona sometimes falls asleep. Your legs just kind of took you there.
He was already awake when you found him.
"Why are you here? I thought you actually cared about class, or something." He yawned.
"I actually.... don't really know."  You looked off at some of the plants, too awkward to look him in the eye.
"What happened?" He asked all of a sudden. You must still look scared and shaken up.
"Ummm, a dangerous potion almost spilled all over me." You explained, twiddling your fingers to make your hands look less shaky.
He sighed. "If that's all, then stop shaking like a leaf." He sounded annoyed, but you doubt that he actually was. He almost seemed relieved.
"It's not that easy, genius." You shot back, furrowing your brows.
Suddenly he grabbed both of your arms, clasping them together in his own. "There. Problem solved." You had no idea if he held your hands on purpose or if that's just his simple solution to prevent shaky hands.
The slight blush on his cheeks would compel you to think it's the former.
Actually, you're not sure if you want to know the answer. What in the world would you do if a prince fell in love with you? It's a children's story book you don't even want to begin to imagine right now, as tempting as it is.
"Hey, Leona! I brought you your- Ooooh!~"
You tried pulling your hands away but Leona's grasp was too tight. He could have easily let go of your hands and pretended nothing's happened, but he didn't. Okay, now this is really weird.
"Since when are you into herbivores?" Ruggie smirked.
"Shut up, Ruggie."
Ruggie looked to you, looking for a possible explanation from you instead.
"No comment." you avoided eye contact.
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅Riddle Rosehearts
You looked really nervous and scared to Riddle at that moment. And you really were.
You have a really important test in 15 minutes and your hands can't seem to calm down. You're already getting frustrated at them, attempting to stabilize them against a surface or taking deep breaths, but alas, nothing works.
"You seem to be troubled." He mentioned, glancing down at your hands.
"Oooh, it's really obvious, isn't it...?" You sighed. This is way too embarrasing.
"It's quite alright, I get how you feel." Riddle's tone became a little quieter and more gentle and he sat down next to you.
"Can you distract me for a bit? I mean, if you aren't too busy with dorm stuff." You fiddled with your fingers, hoping he would say yes.
Riddle is strangely calm around you. When you're with Ace, Grim and Deuce he's his usual uptight dorm leader self but when the two of you are alone that tone fades away.
How strange.
"Are you listening?" Riddle snaps you out of it, furrowing his brows.
"Sorry, could you repeat that?" You scratched the back of your head clumsily.
"You're always lost in thought. You should get rid of that habit. And it's rude to not listen to the other person when they speak." He scolds you. Sometimes he worries that you do that in class, too.
"Right..." you clenched your shirt, hand still shaking a little.
"This clearly isn't going to work. Let's revise one last time together." He clapped his hands, waiting for you to take out your notebook.
"Are you sure you have the time to be doing this?" You asked, now really worried that you're keeping him from something important he should be doing.
"It's shameful of me, truly." Riddle sighed, not explaining what he meant any further and leaning the notebook towards you so you can revise.
Somehow, he's willing to ignore his house warden duties to help you calm down. He wants to be concerned by that, but how can he leave you alone when you look so worried?
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I swear i intended to write for someone new this time😭 oh well maybe next time
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stevie-petey · 10 months
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episode five: the flea and the acrobat
“Steve, what-” He pushes past you in a frenzied hurry to get to his car, but you grab his jacket and force him to stop. “Answer me! Is Nancy okay? Was Jonathan with her?” Steve whips around and sneers at you. “Why do you even care about them? About him?” “Because we’re friends,” you say, and for the first time you really mean it. Nancy has become someone you’d call a friend.  Another cruel laugh escapes Steve’s lips. “Friends, huh? Yeah, those two looked real fucking cozy in her bed.”
summary: you and dustin have a long overdue Sibling Moment, at will's funeral you and jonathan exchange information and surprise ! it's all horrible news ! nancy has awful timing and when you leave her alone with jonathan one damn time you and steve end up trauma bonded on her front porch #bffs.
rating: general, though there's the use of guns in here for plot point sake, as well as cursing
warnings: use of guns, cursing, fem!reader, and use of y/n.
words: 14.4k (whew)
before you swing in: i'm back gang ! fall semester is almost done and i am in the trenches, so i leave y'all with this monster of a chapter before hell week (i have three finals in one day next week, no i don't want to talk about it). please enjoy this beauty, i had so much fun messing with character relationships in this and it was very ;)
With how many times you’ve knocked on the Wheeler’s door this week, you’d think that Mrs. Wheeler would stop looking so surprised when she answers. 
You give the woman a small smile. “Hi, Mrs. Wheeler. Is, uh, Mike home?”
“Yes… he stayed home today because of Will. Is there something you need?” The usually friendly woman seems beaten down from this week’s events as well, which you’re understanding of. 
“I was wondering if I could come in and see how he’s doing? Dustin is really shaken up about it, so I figured…” You shrug, trying to come across as a concerned older sister figure rather than a worried and horrible babysitter who should really retire. 
Mrs. Wheeler places a hand over her heart. “Oh, Y/N. You’ve always been so good with the boys, of course you can check on him. It means a lot that you care.”
Oh, no problem, but if we’re being honest I’m here because I’m scared I accidentally let your son get involved with the supernatural and dangerous monster men thingies that I honestly can’t wrap my head around!
Of course you can’t tell the woman this, so instead you thank her and let yourself in. Immediately you head towards the basement and fling the door open. You like Mrs. Wheeler, but the amount of times her son has snuck out of the house without her noticing honestly concerns you, so you’re a bit unsure if Mike even is home.
You get deja-vu from a few days ago as you head down the basement steps, once again hearing the three boys panicking as they try to hide El. Unlike last time, which had only annoyed you, seeing them scramble to hide the girl makes you relieved. 
They’re here, alive and well. You’d let Steve distract you from your worrying on the drive over, so the relief hits you like a damn truck. 
“Oh god not again!” Dustin groans when he sees you, worried that he’s once again going to get yelled at for being at the Wheeler’s with El. 
You ignore his theatrics and walk over to the girl, who is laying face down on the couch. You notice that she’s dressed in one of Nancy’s old costumes and a blonde wig that suits her well. What the hell did the kids get up to today? 
“Do I want to know why El is dressed like a doll and almost passed out on the couch?” 
“That depends on if you’re going to yell at us again,” Mike says. 
You shoot him a glare, but you guess he has a point. The last few times you’ve been with the kids you’ve ended up yelling at them one way or another. You feel bad about that, but then again: they won’t stop getting into trouble. 
El manages to raise her head from the couch, “Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi, sweetie,” you approach the couch and gently nudge her to the side so that you can sit down and place her head on your lap. She nuzzles into your warmth and lets out a sleepy sigh. “And to answer your question, Mike: I’m not here to yell at you guys. I just… Please tell me what’s been going on. I know I haven’t been here for you guys like I should’ve, but-”
“Your boyfriend needed you more,” Mike quips, though there’s some resentment in his voice that causes you to feel even worse.
Dustin hits his shoulder against the boy. “He isn’t her boyfriend, but she couldn’t just abandon him; he needed her. Besides, we have been sneaking off without telling her anything.” 
You cast an appreciative smile at your brother, thankful that even though he’s a pain in your ass, he always has your back like you do his. It’s something he’s always done with you and Mike; being so similar, you and him are constantly butting heads, yet Dustin has always been the first to defend you against his friend (even if you’ve never needed it in the first place). 
“I’m sorry, okay? I messed up, but I’m here now and I really, really need to know if I’m being paranoid. What mess did you dweebs manage to get into?”
The three boys suddenly can’t look at you. Their heads turn in different directions, Lucas scratches the back of his neck, Mike kicks at a board piece on the ground, and Dustin whistles a tune. 
Your shoulders slump. “Is it that bad?”
“It started this morning,” 
“Mike, she could help us! The weirdo clearly likes her,” he gestures over to El practically asleep in your lap, “plus, she’s the only sane one left in this group. I need backup.” 
“Backup?” You ask. 
Mike throws his head back in annoyance and lets out a groan as if he’s dying. Truly, this kid is the most dramatic person you’ve ever met. “Fine, we’ll tell you everything if you agree to stop hounding us for sneaking around. Will is missing, he’s our friend, and no one in the party gets left behind.”
You think this over for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in your head. “I will agree to those terms if you guys agree to keep me updated on everything at all times.” 
The boys try to argue, but you don’t let them. 
“I mean it, another person is missing. Nancy’s friend, Barb, was in the same woods that Will was, the same woods that you guys keep insisting on trekking through without supervision. This is serious, guys. Whatever, or whoever, is out there… it’s dangerous, and I-” You swallow down some tears that claw against your throat. “I can’t lose anyone else, okay?” 
The mood in the room is solemn, the three boys silent as your words hang in the air. Naturally, you try to lighten things up. “I’ll deny this if anyone asks, but unfortunately I love you boys.” 
As expected, they immediately begin to gag and pretend that they’ve been impaled with something as they all scream “ew” and “yuck” at your words. You laugh, which causes El to laugh as well, and for a moment it feels like nothing has changed. 
“So?” You ask after the boys have finished their gross theatrics. 
Dustin is the one who makes the decision for them. “We promise to keep you updated, for real this time.” 
“Good, now again I ask: why is El dressed like a doll and half asleep on my lap as we speak?” 
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike begin to talk all at once. 
“Mike radioed for me to head over, claiming he heard Will on the walkie.”
“Yeah, and then they radioed me to join. Sorry, by the way. I would’ve woken you up, but you and Jonathan looked so cozy in your bed so-”
“I thought you said they weren’t dating?”
“Not now, Mike.”
It continues like this for a while as they explain everything they did today. Sneaking El into the school, having to to talk to Mr. Clark, attending the assembly for Will, Mike fighting some idiotic kids for making fun of him before El made the head bully pee himself. 
You look down at the girl in your lap. “You can really make people pee themselves?”
“Sometimes,” she shrugs. 
“That’s what you focus on, Y/N?” Mike asks you, and you simply shrug your shoulders in response. Sue you for still having doubts about Will being alive, you’ve gotten your hopes up one too many times. 
“Are you suggesting I believe that you heard Will through your cheap little walkies?” 
Dustin puts his head in his hands in defeat while Lucas gestures over to you. “See, she’s the sane backup I need.” 
Mike groans at you once more. “No, that’s why we snuck El into the radio room and used the heathkit that Mr. Clark got us. Keep up!”
“What, did you tell the guy that El was a new student?” 
“Don’t be stupid, we told Mr. Clark that she’s my cousin.” 
“Uhh, Y/N,” Dustin laughs nervously, motioning for you to stop talking. “You promised you’d be cool about everything if we told you.”
Knowing that your brother is right, you deflate a bit against the couch and start playing with El’s hair. “I am being cool, I just have so many questions.”
“Oh, just wait.” Lucas snorts. 
Mike now crosses the room to stand in front of you, as if he’s gearing up to tell you some major news. “We heard Will on the heathkit. El, she managed to use her powers to communicate with him.”
Like always, the seriousness in his voice concerns yet intrigues you. “Lucas, do you really believe that it was Will?”
The boy nods at you, his face grim. You don’t like how scared he looks, because out of the entire group he’s the one who is always the most reasonable. If he’s willingly telling you that he thinks it was Will, then you have to start taking the situation at hand seriously. 
“Okay, tell me exactly what you guys heard.”
And they do. One by one they tell you about Will’s pleading for his mom, telling her that it’s like home but cold and dark, the banging that followed after his words, how El had used so much of her energy trying to maintain the communication before the radio caught fire and she was too exhausted to do much else. 
“So, you believe us now?” Mike asks after you’re silent for a moment. 
You look down at the girl in your lap, in awe that someone so small and shy could hold so much power. This time you believe what the boys tell you without much conviction. Now that you know that Barb is missing as well, lost in the same woods as Will, the same woods where you found El, the photos from Nancy and the figure she claims she saw… It’s all starting to come together. 
You’re not sure exactly what you’re caught up in, but you know it’s too late to back out. Whatever is going on, whatever thing took Will and transported him to some unknown place with possibly the same powers that El has, you know it’s your responsibility to handle it. 
“Yes,” you respond, and the boys all sigh with relief. “Just one question though,”
Dustin sighs. “Yes, Y/N?”
“How did it take you guys so long to set fire to the school? Honestly, Jonathan and I thought it’d happen sooner.” 
“You’re hilarious.” Mike deadpans, which only causes you and El to giggle together again. 
“I hate to ruin the good mood, but we seriously need to figure out what Will meant when he said that wherever he is ‘is like home’.” Your brother interrupts. 
Mike spins to face him. “He said, ‘like home, but dark’, right?”
“And ‘empty’.” Lucas adds. 
“‘Empty’ and ‘cold’. Wait, did he say cold?” Dustin asks the group.
You nod your head. “You mentioned cold earlier.”
Lucas throws his hands up in the air in frustration. “The stupid radio kept going in and out!” 
“It’s like riddles in the dark…” Your brother sighs, which you hum in agreement to. 
Will’s words were pretty vague, but you wish you had been there at the middle school as well. Maybe if you had heard the tone of Will’s voice, you’d be of more help.
Mike continues to mumble about “like home” and “dark” for a few more seconds, now pacing around the room. You watch from the couch, El still resting with her head in your lap, and as you’re playing with her hair she finally speaks up after having been silent for a while. 
“Upside down.”
“What’d she say?” Lucas asks.
“Upside down? I guess?” Is all you can tell him. 
While you, Dustin, and Lucas are confused by El’s words, Mike rushes over to the forgotten board from a few days ago and sits down. He frantically flips it over and motions for you to come and join him. You hesitate for a second, but he only doubles down on his waving you over, so you gently lift El’s head up and walk over. 
“God, took you long enough.”
“I was literally three feet away from you on the couch, why did I have to move?”
Mike ignores your question and begins to explain the thirty million thoughts flying through his head at the moment, “When El showed us where Will was, she flipped the board over, remember?” 
You nod, slowly understanding where he’s going with this. “She flipped it upside down.”
“Exactly! Dark. Empty.” 
Lucas looks over at you and Dustin, unamused. “Do you understand what he’s talking about?”
“No,” your brother says at the same time as you saying “the upside down part? Yes. The dark and empty part? No.”
Mike tries to explain further. “Guys, come on, think about it. When El took us to find Will, she took us to his house, right?” 
“You mean last night when they found Will’s body in the water?” You ask, not really understanding where Mike is going with all this. 
“Like Y/N said, he wasn’t there.” Lucas reminds everyone, but Mike still tries to get his point across.
“But what if he was there? What if we just couldn’t see him, what if he was on the other side?”
You think about Jonathan’s words from earlier today in the car while on the way to the funeral home, trying to calm down from his fight with his mom. He had told you about how Joyce was convinced that Will was in the walls within their home, that the body they saw in the morgue hadn’t been his. 
“Hold on,” you interrupt Mike, “you guys said that there was some, like, banging where Will was, right? And that he had been begging his mom to come get him?” 
“Yeah, it was like some sick sci-fi movie!” 
You glare at your brother. “Ignoring you. Anyways, did you guys hear Mrs. Byers on the radio as well?” 
Mike shakes his head. “No, all we could hear was the banging and something... Growling, I guess.”
Knowing Joyce, you’d bet money that the banging had been her. You know that the next time you go over to their house, the walls might actually be destroyed, but she’d been right all along. Will is alive, he has to be. The pieces that you’ve slowly been collecting this past week fall together one by one. 
“That explains the walls and the weird monster thing in Jonathan’s picture,” you mumble to yourself, but Lucas hears you. 
“Do I wanna know?”
You purse your lips. “Let’s focus on figuring out where Will is, then I’ll tell you guys what I’ve been up to this week.” 
“Okay, so,” Mike begins again, now grabbing the board game and flipping it onto its normal, light side. “What if this is Hawkins,” he flips it upside down onto its dark side, “and this is where Will is?” 
“The Upside Down.” You finish for him. 
“The Upside Down.” Mike confirms. 
Slowly Dustin follows along. “Like the Vale of Shadows.”
Somehow you always end up the one confused when it comes to these damn kids. “The Vale of Shadows? What the hell is that?”
Dustin runs over to the bookshelf and pulls out a thick binder full of paper, but as he flips through it you realize it’s a rulebook for Dungeons and Dragons. He lands on the page he’s looking for, and you feel your shoulders drop. Great. More confusing terminology ahead. 
“‘The Vale of Shadows’,” he begins to read, “‘is a dimension that is a dark reflection or echo of our world. It is a place of decay and death. A plane out of phase. A place of monsters’.”
“Wait, didn’t you say something about a monster, Y/N?” Lucas asks, but you shush him so you don't miss whatever else Dustin will say next. 
“‘It is right next to you, and you don’t even see it’.” He finishes. 
His words hang in the air for a moment, but Mike, always somehow three steps ahead, pieces it together. “An alternate dimension.” 
Lucas finally accepts what’s happening. “But how do we get there?” 
“I’m sorry, we?” You look between all three boys, their faces still young and holding the childish innocence that you once had yourself. “No, there’s no ‘we’ in this. I may not know much about alternate dimensions, but there’s no way I’m letting you guys try to find and go to one.”
Mike rolls his eyes at you. “Well what choice do we have? Do you want to tell that mean police chief about this?”
“I…well… I mean-no.” You sink down in the seat, annoyed that Mike is right. No way Hopper believes any of this, you hardly believe any of it. 
“Can we cast shadow walk?” Dustin focuses back on the conversation at hand.
You don’t bother to ask what that means. 
“In real life, dummy.” Lucas reminds him. 
“We can’t shadow walk, but…” Your brother’s eyes land on El, who is still laying on the couch, silent and unmoving. “Maybe she can.”
The four of you turn towards the girl, and Mike voices his own question. “Do you know how we get there? To the Upside Down?”
El meets your eyes, and you can see that she’s hesitant about something. She’s been quieter than usual, almost suspiciously so, and you know that the more Mike figures things out, the more hesitant she becomes. She shakes her head at you, and you give her a sad smile. 
Lucas flings his head back and groans. “Oh my god!”
Mike and Dustin seem to be thinking the same thing, disappointed by El’s lack of help. You don’t blame them, also frustrated by the fact that it feels like you guys are so close to discovering something big. You can feel hope reignite in your chest; you haven’t been this close to an explanation about Will all week. This has to be it. It’s the only way you can explain everything that’s been happening lately. 
Speaking of which:
“Remember how I mentioned Barb and a possible monster?” 
You tell them everything, about Jonathan’s worry for his mom, how their phone got charred by lightning, Hopper’s theory that Will had been running from something, Nancy and Barb attending Steve’s party and how Barb had been on her own near the woods. You tell them about how Barb has been missing ever since and the photos Jonathan took (leaving out the horrible ones of Nancy) that Nancy brought to your attention at the funeral home. The figure in the background, looming over Barb, how it didn’t seem to have a face.
Then you tell them about Joyce and her spiral, though now you know she actually wasn’t crazy. You tell them about the Christmas lights and Will communicating with her through them. How she claimed that she could hear him through the wall and that the body in the quarry hadn’t been him. 
When you’re finally done catching them up, they stare at you with their jaws open. 
“Dustin,” Mike says, “remind me to never leave your sister out ever again.”
The events from the day had left El exhausted and she refuses to say anything else after you explain everything to the boys. Her eyes droop while Mike interrogates you for answers you can’t give him, so finally you take pity on the poor girl and tell him that you’ll talk more in the morning. 
Mike isn’t too happy about being shut down, but when you point towards a half asleep El he reluctantly gives in. “Fine, but as soon as the funeral is over we’re discussing this further.”
Right. Will’s funeral is tomorrow. 
“Yeah, sure,” you tuck your hair behind your ears and motion over to Dustin. “We need to go, it’s late and mom will be wondering where we are.” 
He tries to argue with you but you just gather your things and head for the stairs. There’s still a lot you need to think about and a million things you need to sort before the funeral tomorrow. Did Jonathan even buy the coffin? Who had made the arrangements after you and him left the funeral home with Nancy?
There’s a lot you need to talk about when you call him tonight. 
The bike ride home with Lucas and Dustin is a quiet one, both boys understanding that you need some time to think about everything you learned tonight. 
You make a list in your head of what you do know, but it’s a frustratingly short list. 
1) El, one way or another, has powers that enable her to communicate with Will in some weird upside down universe that you can’t actually get to (can you even count this as something you know?)
2) Hopper was right: Will went missing because he was running from something (probably the same faceless thing that’s in Jonathan’s photo). 
3) Whatever took Will also took Barb, bringing Nancy into this wonderfully confusing mess (you still don’t know if her involvement is a good or bad thing). 
Everything else? You have no fucking clue what’s going on. 
When you get home with Dustin, it’s late; the two of you have to sneak past your mom, who fell asleep with Mews on her lap in the living room. Dustin heads straight for his room but you stop him, motioning for him to come into yours for a second. 
“Shh!” You quickly shut your door to ensure that your mom won’t hear anything. 
Dustin groans. “I thought you said you weren’t gonna yell at me?”
You roll your eyes at him. “I yell at you guys twice after years of patience, now suddenly I’m a screaming monster,” he doesn’t say anything and flings himself onto the bean bag by your bed. “Anyways, we’re long overdue for a code blue.” 
Your brother shoots up from the bean bag, eyes wide. “No.”
“Yes,” you join him on the bean bag. “Code blue time, we’re going to talk about our feelings after the hellish week we’ve had. C’mon, you know the drill.” 
Code blue was something the two of you came up with when your dad left. You had been twelve when it happened, Dustin had been nine. It’d been a really rough few months for you guys, dealing with the betrayal of your dad while also moving away from your hometown in Virginia all within a year. Neither of you had adjusted well to the sudden changes, and though you were angry and bitter about what had happened, the moment you saw that it was affecting your brother you decided to implement code blue. 
It’s simple, really. Whoever calls for a code blue gets to talk about or ask whatever they want while the other is required to answer. Originally it was so that you could force Dustin into telling you his feelings, but over the years it’s become a way to bond with each other and know that no matter what you’ll be there for one another. No half truths or a vague “I’m fine”; it’s a time for you guys to be vulnerable with one another without using it as leverage against the other. 
Dustin plops his head back down. “Fine, but I’m tired so can this be quick?”
“Hey, no complaining during code blue. That’s like, rule number one.” 
“Y/N.” His tone is one of annoyance and you know that if you don’t start talking soon then you’ll lose his interest.
“Right, sorry. Okay,” you clear your throat and face your brother. “Today’s code blue topic is this: I’m worried about you getting your hopes up about Will. We don’t know that he’s alive just yet.” 
As expected, Dustin is unhappy with what you’ve said. “We do know that he’s alive, I heard him on the heathkit. He’s alive, Y/N.” He sees the uncertainty on your face and doubles down on what he’s saying. “He is.”
You bite your lip, scared that you’ll say the wrong thing. “Dustin, nothing is certain. Even though we’re definitely onto something, and while I believe that you heard Will on the radio, that doesn’t change the fact that there’s something else out there that wants to hurt him. I mean, he’s trapped in some weird alternate dimension that we have no idea how to even get into. I just… I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”
You think about the way your brother’s face fell when they pulled Will’s body out of the water. How the hope that had been in his eyes immediately died alongside his childhood naivety. He had built all of his hope upon a shaky foundation; the moment it collapsed he fell apart. 
“Look I know you’re trying to look out for me, but Will is a part of the party. He’s our friend, we can’t just lose hope and leave him behind. He needs us.” Dustin speaks with so much certainty and an aura of maturity that almost makes you forget that he’s twelve. 
“I’m not saying it’s dangerous to have hope, but I need you to promise me that you’ll protect yourself from whatever happens next. How’s that sound?”
Dustin thinks for a moment, tapping a finger against his chin. “Hmm, I think I can make that deal if you promise the same thing. I mean, c’mon, it’s obvious that you’re the sensitive one out of the two of us. You and hope? Doomed.” 
You laugh, knowing he’s right. You’ve always been branded by hope; hopeful for love, for dreams, and for those who may not always deserve it. You and hope haven’t always gotten along, but she’s become a familiar friend. 
“I think you’ve got yourself a deal. Now, it’s late and I have to call Jonathan and catch him up on everything, so let’s conclude code blue with its mandatory hug.” 
“Woah woah woah, I don’t think we gotta-”
Dustin’s words become muffled as you throw yourself on top of him and squish him into a hug. He squirms against you for a second, claiming he can’t breathe, but you shush him and force him to accept the hug. Though you won’t ever tell him this, losing Will has only made you more appreciative of having a wonderfully annoying little brother. 
After code blue, Dustin goes to his room claiming that “alternate dimensions are super draining”, and before he leaves you tell him to be ready tomorrow by nine for the funeral and that your mom will take him. You’ll be at the Byers’ helping Jonathan. 
Once he’s gone you give yourself a few moments to sit in silence, letting the events from today settle over you. It seems like all you’ve felt this week is exhaustion and hurt and at the rate everything is going, there’s no telling how long you’ll feel this way. 
The moment you’re done wallowing you roll off the bean bag and walk over to your desk to call Jonathan. You’re honestly not sure what you’ll even tell him tonight, there’s no way you’ll be able to cover everything before the night ends. The two of you have a long day tomorrow, so you figure you’ll have to make do with the limited time you have and summarize. 
Jonathan answers after a few rings. “How’d your little secret mission go?”
You make a face. “Is it even a secret mission if I told you I was going on it?”
“It is if you refuse to tell me what you did during it.” 
“Touche, bee.” 
He laughs, which sends a cascading warmth throughout your body. You can envision him perfectly on the other end of the line, leaning against his kitchen wall with the phone wire wrapped around his finger as he absent mindedly fiddles with it while he talks to you. 
You clear your throat and shake the thought from your mind, you called him for a reason. “Anyways… we need to talk.”
Jonathan is silent for a moment and you can feel the playfulness fade away. “Yeah, you first though. You already know what Nance and I were up to.” 
Awesome. Cool. Totally not going to be consumed by that later. 
“Right. Uh, well. I went looking for Dustin because the other night when I was with the boys we stumbled upon this, well, this little girl.” 
“A girl?”
“Yeah, she’s bald.”
“Okay… is that important or…?”
“Unsure, but it felt important to tell you. Sorry,” you take a deep breath, “I’m not sure why I’m so nervous right now.”
“It’s okay, bug. It’s me, you can tell me anything.” 
No I can’t.
“Sure, yeah, totally. Um, so anyways we found her, her name is El, and she’s our only connection to Will right now.”
A beat of silence. “What do you mean?”
“Well, she kinda has… powers?”
You hear Jonathan sigh on the other end of the call. “Bug, you’re not seriously telling me that the boys have somehow dragged you into one of their little schemes, right?”
Yeah, he’s reacting exactly how you figured he would. 
“I know what it sounds like, but Jonathan… How else would you explain everything going on? Will disappeared, Barb did too, your mom and her lights. Now that thing Nancy saw in the woods, which I know you definitely have an update that will only further prove how weird this all is.”
Again Jonathan is quiet, and this time you envision him pacing little circles in the kitchen as he carefully thinks through your words, trying to piece it all together. “We developed the photo again and you’re right, there’s something behind Barb in it.” 
You close your eyes and exhale. “So, you believe me now?”
“Guess I don’t really have a choice.”
“You don’t.” 
“Then we’ll talk about it after the funeral tomorrow.” He concedes. 
“Yeah,” you let out a shaky breath, “the funeral. I’ll make my way over the second I wake up tomorrow to help with everything.” 
“You don’t have to-”
“I know.” 
More silence settles over the two of you. It’s still hard to wrap your head around the fact that it was only a week ago where everything was normal. No disappearances, no weird feelings, no heartbreak and confusion. 
“Bug?” Jonathan is practically whispering. 
“Lonnie is here.”
The words hit you hard. Why the fuck is Lonnie back in Hawkins? “Do you need to spend the night? I can finally bake those cookies for your mom and we can watch whatever you want.” 
“No,” he sounds exhausted. “He hasn’t been a problem yet, and I can’t…” 
“Leave your mom with him?” You finish. 
“He thinks she’s crazy and her axing down one of our walls doesn’t help-”
So you were right, Joyce did indeed break down her wall to try and get to Will.
“Jonathan, it’s okay. I understand, stay with her and get some rest. Sleep, that’s an order.”
He lets out a weak laugh. “I love you, bug.” 
Like how I love you?
“I love you too, bee.” The words burn your tongue. 
“Sleep well.”
You’re up before the sun this morning.
You spent hours tossing and turning last night, hardly getting any sleep. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t seem to turn your mind off. All you could think about was Jonathan, his smile and his voice and the way he kisses your forehead whenever you’ve done something especially endearing to him. You were surrounded by him last night. 
Now you stand outside his front door holding a tin of cookies, dressed in a simple knitted black dress and tights with mary janes that used to belong to your mom for Will’s funeral. The shoes are your favorite, but now you’re afraid they’re tainted by the occasion you’re wearing them for. 
It’s Lonnie who opens the door. “Well if it isn’t little miss Henderson. I missed ya, sweetheart.” 
You haven’t seen the man in two years, having been fourteen when he left Joyce and the kids. Since then he’s only aged horribly, his eyes slightly yellowed and his beer gut now more prominent. Clearly he still prefers alcohol over human company. Figures. 
“Can’t say the same about you.” Your shoulder hits his as you walk in and he lets out an annoyed huff. 
The man follows you but you pay him no attention. Instead you head straight towards Joyce and the second she sees you she runs into your arms; you only have a few seconds to place down the cookies before she’s in your arms. 
“Y/N! You’re here!” She squeezes you tight and you melt into her embrace. She’s always given the best hugs whenever you’ve needed the comfort, but now it’s your turn to be the one offering the support. 
“Of course, Mrs. Byers. Who else will make sure Jonathan is ready on time?” You mean for it to be a joke, but the way that Joyce’s eyes harden tells you that the funeral is a sore topic for her. She still doesn’t believe that Will is dead and it breaks your fucking heart that you can’t tell her she’s right. 
Joyce wipes away a tear before pulling away. She goes to say something before seeing the tin of cookies on the counter; she immediately pulls you into another hug. “Oatmeal raisin,” 
“They’re your favorite.”
“And Will’s.”
“And Will’s favorite. You know I gotta take care of my Byers.” You whisper into her ear, feeling Lonnie’s eyes on you during the exchange. You have to bite back your tongue, though his presence always makes you feel a type of anger that’s normally foreign to you. 
Joyce pulls away and you know it’s taking everything in her to give you a smile. “You’re too good, sweetie,” she tucks a loose strand of hair that came out of its braid. “Jonathan’s in his room.” 
You grab her hand and give it a squeeze, trying to convey just how much you love and admire her into a simple gesture, before letting go and walking over to Jonathan’s door. 
He’s struggling with his tie when you let yourself in. He’s dressed in the only nice white button down he owns, something he bought for his aunt’s funeral a few years ago that now hardly fits. You can tell that he’s getting frustrated with the tie, so you walk over and help. 
“Here, let me,” you wrap your fingers around the piece of cloth and quickly fashion it into a tie. The two of you don’t talk while you fix the clothing and you know that today will be a wordless day with Jonathan. 
When you’ve finished, you begin to pull away before he places his hands around yours. He cups your hands at the base of his neck as they rest against his collarbones; your fingers are still wrapped around his tie. He squeezes your hands and brings them to his lips and kisses your knuckles so softly that you feel all the love within you simmer.
You know he’s only trying to express his gratitude for you but the butterflies in your stomach make you feel faint. 
You’d do anything for him. 
The funeral has a surprising turnout, not because you ever doubted Will’s incredible ability to be loved by anyone he meets, but because you see faces in the crowd who you’ve never seen before. 
You stand behind Jonathan during the funeral with your hand on his shoulder as he sits with his family in a weak attempt to provide comfort during the service. It’s really fucking bleak. Your other hand is on Dustin’s shoulder as he stands next to you while Mike and Lucas are to the right of him.
Your mother is in the back of the crowd having known she’d cry the entire service, and faintly you can hear her blow her nose into a tissue and sniffle. 
The pastor drones on for a while about how a tragedy like this won’t separate everyone from God’s love, but if attending the funeral for a twelve year old boy is how God shows his love then you want no part in it. Joyce sits stoic alongside Lonnie, Jonathan hasn’t moved at all since the service began; they’re a family brought together by grief. This isn’t love. 
“Just wait until we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral,” Dustin snickers, effectively breaking you from your thoughts. You hit his shoulder and shush him as Mrs. Wheeler reminds the boys to be quiet. You flash her an apologetic smile for your brother’s actions. 
You know how firmly the boys believe Will is alive and you honestly can’t say you don’t think so as well, but nothing is certain. Even if he’s alive there’s no way you guys can get to wherever he is; you wish the boys would use some caution with how quickly they’re building their hopes up. 
After the service you walk up to Will’s grave and bend down. You bring one of the yellow roses from the funeral director up to your lips and whisper, “If you’re out there little bee, please, come home.”
Before dropping the rose in you give it a gentle kiss, inhaling its sweet scent and watching as it falls down onto his coffin. Jonathan finds you there crouched down and sees the rose right as it lands. He doesn’t say anything, he just grabs your hand and helps you stand up to bring you over to where Nancy is waiting a couple yards away. 
“Hey, Y/N.” 
You don’t have it in you to do anything other than wave at the girl, but she seems to understand and gives you a sympathetic smile. 
Soon the three of you are settled on the ground with your backs against an old rickety fence behind some tombstones. Jonathan is in the middle of you and Nancy and you rest your head against his shoulder, already exhausted from the day. It’s not the coziest spot to be sitting, but at least you’re away from prying eyes. 
Once you’re seated, Jonathan finally talks for the first time today. “Alright, I already told you this over the phone last night bug, but Nancy was right. After we redeveloped the photo there’s definitely some kind of figure behind Barb, and we thought maybe if my mom has been right all along about some monster-”
“Then she’s right about Will being alive.” You finish for him, having already come to the same conclusion yourself.
“And Barb has to be alive if Will is.” Nancy says, and there’s a spark of hope in her voice that surprises you. You’re ashamed to admit that you didn’t think her and Barb were that close, but seeing how worried she’s been for the girl makes you realize that you’d been a fool not to have seen it sooner. Barb was Nancy’s closest friend. You don’t know what you’d do if Jonathan ever disappeared like Barb did. 
Jonathan pushes your head with his shoulder. “Anything you want to share with the class?”
You look between him and Nancy and try to decide how much you should tell them. While you’ve already told Jonathan a little bit about El, you’re not sure if you can trust the information with Nancy. However, seeing her urgency to find her friend leaves you feeling a bit safer disclosing the information to her. 
“It started the night after Will disappeared…”
It takes a while to tell them everything, and while Jonathan butts in a few times to ask questions, Nancy remains silent and eagerly listens. She nods when she’s supposed to, engages with the story as if her life depends on it. You’re incredibly impressed by her intelligence and openness to the situation at hand. Had it been anyone else they would’ve scoffed at you and called you insane. But Nancy? She holds onto every word and trusts that what you’re saying is true. 
You’re starting to admire her, as painful as it is to admit. But Nancy Wheeler is fucking brilliant, there’s no denying that. 
When you’re finally done explaining El and the Upside Down, Nancy finally speaks. “Let me make sure I’m understanding correctly, you’ve been helping my brother harbor a girl with superpowers in my basement?”
You hadn’t thought of it that way. 
“Ya know, you make a good point.”
Thankfully she laughs and doesn’t seem too upset, which relieves you. You reassure her that they’re fine and that El is someone you trust, and Nancy seems to take comfort in your words. It’s not that you purposely hid the situation from her, but looking back you definitely could’ve used her help now that you know how cool she is. 
As the two of you are laughing, Jonathan pulls out a piece of paper. 
“What’s that?” You ask. 
He shows you. “I printed out a map of Hawkins and drew x’s on every place we know for sure the monster has been.” 
“Two questions: one, so we’re officially calling it the monster now? And two, why don’t you ever put in this much effort for school projects we do together?” 
Jonathan flicks the paper in your face. “Funny. And yes, we’re calling it the monster now. Can you pay attention please?”
Nancy shuffles in closer and her head is practically on Jonathan’s shoulder as well (you’re choosing to ignore that) and she studies the paper and points to one of the x’s. “So that’s-”
“Steve’s house,” Jonathan points to another x, “and that’s the woods where they found Will’s bike and where Y/N last saw him,” the familiar feeling of guilt washes over you, “and that’s my house.” 
Nancy reaches over Jonathan and grabs your hand, surprising you both. “You saw Will last?”
“Yeah,” you swallow, your mouth now suddenly dry. 
“I’m sorry,” her tone is sincere.
“We should get back to the map…” You dodge, highly uncomfortable with Nancy’s comfort. You appreciate it, but you’ve never been good at accepting help from others. 
“Right, sorry,” Nancy clears her throat. “The x’s, they’re all so close.”
Jonathan observes the interaction with slight confusion but decides not to say anything besides, “Yeah, exactly. I mean, it’s all within a mile or something. Whatever this thing is, it’s not traveling far.”
There’s a look in his eyes as he speaks, one of determination and disdain for whatever that thing is, and before you can tell him no, it’s Nancy who voices your concern first. “You want to go out there.”
Jonathan nods and you feel uneasy. “I trust you won’t try going alone again, right?” It’s a question, but he hears the underlying try and I’ll kill you hidden beneath your words.
“No, not this time… but we might not find anything.” 
“I found something,” Nancy reminds him, which you nod at. She’s the only one out of the three of you who has seen the monster in person, and if you had to place any bets, she’s the one who will be able to figure out what the fuck to do with it. 
Actually, what are you guys going to do?
“Do we, like, have a plan for after we’re done monster sightseeing? Or are we just going to take a look at it and call it a night?” You ask the two of them. 
Nancy bites her lip and looks down, also unsure what exactly the three of you are supposed to do. It’s Jonathan who remains stone faced, and there’s a newfound sense of confidence within him that you’ve never seen when he boldly states, “We kill it.”
“Alright there tough guy,” you hit his chest with your hand and snort. “Sure, we kill it. Obviously.”
“Well, do you have any other ideas? For all we know, Mike and the others will be out there in those woods later looking for Will.”
“We don’t know that-”
“Bug, humor me, how did they find El again?”
You’re silent. He’s right, if you guys don’t go and find this monster before tonight then there’s a high chance the boys and El will find it themselves. Fuck. 
“Nancy,” you say to the girl, “it seems like we’re now officially monster hunters.”
Of course Lonnie has a goddamn handgun just casually stored in his glove box.
You’re not entirely on board with this whole gun situation and apparently Nancy isn’t either, immediately questioning Jonathan when he picks the lock to get the gun.
“What, you want to find this thing and take another photo? Yell at it? Better yet, why doesn’t Y/N just round up the boys and El and have them take it down.”  
“Okay, hey,” you point at Jonathan. “Out of line.” 
He mumbles an apology under his breath while Nancy claims that this is all a terrible idea. You’re not sure where you fall in regards to what’s happening, but you’d say at the moment you’re a solid mix between Jonathan’s no time for nonsense mood and Nancy’s hey let’s slow down hesitation. 
You kick a rock and watch as it dings against Lonnie’s car, which pleases you. “Oh it’s definitely a terrible idea, Nancy. Unfortunately it’s all we have going for us at the moment.” 
Jonathan nods at your words. “She’s right, no one’s going to believe us if we tell them. You know that.” 
“Your mom would.” Nancy responds, jutting her jaw out in defiance. 
You cringe, unsure how Jonathan will respond to what she’s said. Joyce is a sore topic for him, he’s always been so protective of her.
“She’s been through enough,” he sighs, and you hum in agreement. 
Nancy grows more frustrated. “She deserves to know!”
You step in between them. “Look, you’re right. Mrs. Byers deserves to know, but right now she isn’t well enough to handle the idea of her only remaining son actively seeking out a monster that may have taken her other son who could possibly be alive. If we’re wrong or Jonathan gets hurt, it might actually kill her.”
“Yeah, we’ll tell her when this thing is dead.” You note Jonathan’s word choice, saying “when” instead of “if”. In the four years you’ve been his friend, you’ve never seen him so self-assured before. You’d be proud of him if the circumstances weren’t so damn grim. 
“What about the kids?” Nancy finally says after a few seconds of silence. 
“They can’t get involved, I won’t let them.” You tell her and she nods as if expecting you’d say that. 
She gestures over to the funeral home where the crowd of attendees are now gathered for the post burial service. “I know my brother, so you better go and tell him that they need to stay at our house while we deal with the monster. They like you better than they like me, they’ll listen to you if you explain what we’re doing.” 
You’re flattered by her words, honestly. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas listening to you about staying put while you guys go monster hunting? They’d be out the door before you’d be even able to finish saying the phrase “monster hunting”. No way they’ll listen, and you’re about to say exactly that before catching the look Jonathan is giving you. 
You groan at him. “You don’t actually believe they’ll listen to me, right? C’mon, you know those boys as well as I do. This is just a giant DnD game for them at this point.” 
He shrugs, “It doesn’t hurt to try?”
Nancy gives you a hopeful look and bats her eyelashes at you, which, okay, shouldn’t work on you but does. Jonathan does the same, except instead of batting his eyelashes he winks at you and suddenly you’re very confused by the onslaught of emotions that wash over you.
“Ugh, fine. But when they show up in the woods later you guys are on your own!” 
When you step inside the service hall, everyone is gathered into small groups talking amongst themselves. You scan the room for the kids and spot them across the room sitting at a table with Mr. Clark. He’s talking to them about something while holding a paper plate up. You’re not sure what exactly he’s saying to the boys, but they’re leaning in close to him and are listening intently. 
This worries you. 
You try to make your way over as quickly as you can, but being Jonathan’s best friend has some challenges. Every few steps you take you’re stopped by an extended family member of the Byers to ask how you are or a stranger stops to offer you their condolences because you’re close with the family. You do your best to make small talk and thank the people, but you don’t have time to say much else besides, “thank you” or “you were Will’s favorite great aunt”.
By the time you finally get to the table with Mr. Clark and the boys, the man has folded up the paper plate and stabs it with a pen. You really, really don’t want to know whatever the hell this man is explaining to the kids. 
“You create a doorway,” he explains, holding up the plate and smiling at the boys. 
Dustin looks enthralled. “Like a gate?”
“Sure, like a gate. But again, this is all-”
“Theoretical.” Lucas says, nodding his head.
A gate?
What are the odds the boys are talking about a gate to Disneyland?
You sigh, not liking the odds at all.
You slide yourself into Dustin’s chair and force your brother to share with you. He squeaks in surprise and you flash him a tight lipped smile, which causes him to gulp. He knows he’s been busted. 
Mike scoffs at your arrival. “Gee, wonder why you’re here Y/N.”
“Go on, continue this conversation with Mr. Clark here. I wanna hear it.” 
Mr. Clark looks at you uncertainly but Mike simply carries on with the conversation as if you aren’t even here. “But what if this gate already existed?”
“Well, if it did I think we’d know.”
You snort. “Wanna bet?”
Again the man looks at you uncertainly and clears his throat, uncomfortable by your presence. “What I mean to say is that it would disrupt gravity, the magnetic field, our environment.”
“So if there is a gate, it’d be really bad?” You ask, but you already know the answer. 
“Oh, definitely. It might even swallow us up whole!” 
You and the boys look around the table at one another, not at all liking what Mr. Clark is saying. Swallow you guys up whole? That’s not really something you’re interested in. 
Mr. Clark sees your nervousness and shrugs. “Science is neat, but it’s not very forgiving.”
Silence falls upon the table. 
Mr. Clark is such a peachy person.
“Well!” You throw your hands upon the table and the loud noise causes everyone to flinch. “Thank you so much for that lovely information, Mr. Clark. It was truly riveting, but would you mind giving me and the boys a second alone? I just, I want to make sure they’re doing okay after today.” 
You bat your eyes at the man, something you never do, and he clears his throat and excuses himself. The second he’s gone you snap your finger in the boys’ faces. “Hey, listen up. Whatever you guys are planning? Don’t.”
As usual, Mike is the one who argues. “But-”
“You don’t even know what we’re-”
“Can you at least let me-”
Lucas and Dustin watch the interaction with slight pleasure, amused by your ability to shut Mike up, but when he turns to them for help they reluctantly give in. 
“Y/N,” Dustin sighs, “honestly, how many times are we gonna do this whole ‘we’re not allowed but we’re going to do it anyways’ bit?” 
You glare at your brother. “However many times it takes for you guys to finally listen.”
“Cool. Then we’ll expect you to bust down Mike’s door later tonight.”
“I’m not kidding,” you face all the kids and make sure they’re listening. “Whatever you’re trying to do, don’t. Jonathan and I-”
“You told Jonathan?” Mike exclaims but Lucas shushes him. 
“We’re going to handle it, we already have a plan but whatever you do: stay out of the woods from here on out. We think… We think there’s a monster out there hiding. I just want to make sure you guys are safe.”
“Monster hunting?” Dustin’s eyes light up and you silently curse Jonathan and Nancy for even suggesting you do this in the first place.
“Technically… yes, but you guys absolutely have to stay put.”
They stare at you as if you’re insane.
“You do realize who you’re talking to, right?” Dustin asks. 
You flick his head. “Yes, and I’m putting a lot of trust in you guys right now. I’ll let you guys do whatever you want so long as it doesn’t include the woods. Until you get an all clear from me, it’s off limits.” 
Mike thinks this over. “Can we look for the gate then?”
You sigh. There’s no other way to appease them. “If you don’t go near the woods… then fine.”
The boys begin to cheer, which causes several funeral guests to stare at you with judgment. You realize now that this probably hadn’t been the right setting to have this conversation in. Oh well.
You don’t let the boys cheer for long. “However-”
“There she goes,” Lucas sinks into his seat and squeezes his eyes shut. 
“I get full updates whenever I please. I don’t care if I have to track you guys down from the gates of hell itself, but I will find you and you will tell me everything. Deal?”
Lucas, Dustin, and Mike gather close together and duck their heads down so whisper to one another. You roll your eyes but wait for them to finish. When they’ve reached a decision, Mike interlocks his fingers and places his hands on the table. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” 
As soon as you’ve changed out of your funeral clothes and into a simple pair of jeans and a sweater, Jonathan arrives at your house. You kiss your mom’s cheek before leaving and shout over your shoulder, “Remember the deal, Dustin!” 
You don’t quite catch what your brother responds with but you honestly don’t care enough as you run over to Jonathan’s car and hop into the passenger seat. 
“You certainly didn’t waste any time getting here,” you say in lieu of a hello. 
Jonathan shrugs. “No time to waste when it comes to monster hunting.”
“You do realize that we’re only scouting out the woods tonight, right?” 
You, Jonathan, and Nancy had decided earlier to simply go and explore the woods for any clues of the monster and then figure out how, or even if, you can kill it. 
“I know, but monster hunting sounds cooler.”
“Bless you, bee.” 
The two of you get to the field in no time. Jonathan had been the one to suggest the spot a few yards behind his house for target practice and Nancy had agreed to bring a bat just in case you needed more protection. 
And you?
You’re bringing the cans to serve as targets for shooting. Your family has never owned a gun and last time you checked, Dustin doesn’t play any sports, so all you can offer is your emptied recycling bin contents. 
It doesn’t take long for you and Jonathan to set up the cans on top of the tree trunks before he begins shooting. Jonathan takes a deep breath and holds the gun up so it’s eye level and looks over at you. “Ready?”
You take a deep breath as well and prepare yourself, knowing it’s about to become loud. “Yeah, start shootin cowboy.” 
The first shot hits a tree behind the can, nowhere near its intended target, and you wince. It’s looking like the monster might actually win at the rate Jonathan’s aim is going. 
“It’s okay,” you tell your friend. “The tree looked at me funny, he had it coming.” 
Jonathan snorts. “You’re laughing now, but I can’t exactly hunt a monster if I can’t even shoot it.” 
“Maybe you could talk nicely to it?”
“And say what, exactly? ‘Hey, Mr. Monster, where are you hiding my brother?’”
You step closer to him so that you’re now side by side and you nudge his shoulder. “Hey, you never know. It could work.”
Jonathan readjusts his grip on the gun and aims it once more. He takes another shot, this time it lands a bit closer to the can, but not by much. He lets out an agitated, “Fuck!”
He tries shooting again and again but each shot is as unpredictable as the last. After his sixth round of firing you can see how tense his shoulders are and the way he’s clenching his fists against the weapon. You remember how he acted earlier today, the newfound anger and resentment within Jonathan that had originally impressed you. Now it only frightens you. 
When he goes to re-aim the gun for the seventh time, you grab at his hand and stop him. 
“Bug, what are you-”
“Let’s go for a walk.” 
Jonathan looks at you like you’re crazy but you simply take the gun from his hands, click the safety back on, and then walk over to the tree stumps to rest it against one of them. When you’re done you walk back over to the boy and interlock your fingers with his to drag him along. 
There’s not a whole bunch of room in the clearing for a walk per say, but there’s enough to go a few laps around for Jonathan to take a breather. You’re not sure exactly what’s going on with him but a walk has never hurt anyone. 
Jonathan’s silent the first lap around. You’re content with this and you admire the fall weather and enjoy the slight warmth from the sun as it kisses your face. When you’re on the third lap you decide to ask a question that’s been on your mind since yesterday when Nancy showed up at the funeral home. 
“Do you really believe Will is alive?”
Jonathan thinks the question over for a moment, and as he’s lost in thought you notice that he begins gently swinging your hands back and forth absentmindedly. “I can still feel him.”
“Feel him?”
“Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but…”
“No, I think I get it. I mean, I’d be able to feel if something bad happened to Dustin. I know I’d be able to, even if there’s not necessarily a science behind it. It’s like there’s a lifeline connecting us, like some unspoken sibling thread that neither one of us can sever.”
“A sibling thread?” Jonathan asks, a slight laugh accompanying his question. 
“Oh, you know what I mean, bee.” 
“No, no. I wanna hear all about this thread theory of yours.” 
Jonathan’s bright mood is back, reminiscent of the boy you once believed you knew better than you knew yourself, so you entertain his teasing if only to sustain his light a little longer. “If I explain this theory you have to promise not to laugh at me.”
“I promise,” he says and he gives your hand a light squeeze. 
“Alright, but if you decide I’m insane after this, just know that you legally cannot leave me. You signed a contract.” 
“Oh, did I?”
“You sure did, bee. Anyways, back to me,” a slight breeze surrounds you for a moment and you let the crisp air fill your lungs. “I have this theory that we’re all connected to each other in some way by different threads. Some threads are older than others, stronger, or maybe even more rigid, but they’re there. Whether it’s a thread between you and your family, the love of your life, or a stranger you happen to pass on the street one day, none of it happens by accident.” 
“The threads are the reason it all happens?”
“Not necessarily, but yeah. To put it simply, I guess you could say that.” 
“So, for our thread,” Jonathan stops walking and tugs at you to stop as well. “After everything we’ve been through, all that we’ve done for one another, what thread would you say our’s is?”
His question catches you off guard; you can hear your heart beating within your chest. There’s so many things you wish you could tell him.
Our thread is one of romance, of lovers, of soulmates, even. 
The feelings build within you and the words threaten to spill out. The November sun is beginning to set and everything is golden in its light and Jonathan is a part of it all. His brown eyes are like warm honey on a cold winter morning and his hair is slightly ruffled from the wind that leaves his cheeks flushed and rosy. 
“Our thread,” your voice catches in your throat for a moment. “You know what our thread is, bee.”
He pulls you closer to him and in this moment all you can focus on are the slight freckles that dot across his face and neck. “Do I?”
Jonathan has never, ever looked at you like this before. There’s an intensity within his eyes that frightens you and leaves you feeling bare before him. Does he know? Has he figured it all out?
“I…” You can’t form the words you want to say; the three words that have been weighing upon you feel even heavier than before. They’re thick on your tongue, syrupy and dense and you feel as if you can’t breathe.
“Y/N?” He whispers, but you can only shake your head. 
It’s too much. It’s all too much. 
And then suddenly Jonathan leans in. 
Maybe you’re imagining it. 
Maybe you’re delirious after almost a week of sleepless nights and exhausting encounters. 
Or maybe, just maybe, he feels the same way about you. 
You lean in as well and allow yourself to close your eyes; you believe that just this once you can be selfish and accept more than you may deserve.
“Hey! Guys!”
Nancy’s shout causes you and Jonathan to spring apart. 
You want to scream. 
Of course it’s Nancy fucking Wheeler. 
Jonathan drops your hand and waves the girl over while you stand there, trying to collect yourself. As she walks over, you have just enough pride left over to say, “You know I’d do anything for you, right?”
The question is one Jonathan isn’t expecting. He steps back a bit, now even more aware of the close proximity the two of you had only seconds ago. “Of course I do, bug. You’re my best friend.”
Best friend. 
The words hurt more than they should, really. 
“Right. Best friend, ha.” You step even further away from Jonathan, which he raises his eyebrows at. 
“Did I miss something or…?”
If you had the time, you’d ask him why he wanted to know about the thread between the two of you. Why he looks at you like you’re the most precious thing in the entire room. Why, just minutes ago, he leaned in as if to kiss you. 
But Nancy is now only a couple feet away and it wouldn’t be fair to ask her to give the two of you some privacy. You spot the bat in her hand and it serves as a reminder of what the three of you are here for in the first place. 
Will, Barb, the monster. 
“No, of course not,” you clear your throat and greet Nancy as she arrives. “Hey, Nancy.”
She smiles at you and then says hello to Jonathan. “Hey, where’s the gun?”
You point over to the cans and the tree stumps. “Over there, we just wanted to go for a little walk after shooting a few rounds.”
Nancy nods and walks over to inspect the undamaged cans. “You said you already shot a few rounds?”
Jonathan ducks his head down. “Yeah, well. It’s not as easy as it looks in the movies.” 
“Y/N, did you try shooting?” 
“Pfft, I’m definitely not a weapons kind of girl. I prefer to use my crippling good looks instead.”
While you and Nancy talk, Jonathan walks back over to the gun and reloads it. He motions for the two of you to step back and he shoots a few more times. Not once does he hit the can. You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. 
“You’re awful at this, bee.”
“Yeah,” Nancy agrees.
Jonathan looks over at her. “Have you ever shot a gun before?”
She scoffs. “Have you met my parents?”
“I don’t know, Mrs. Wheeler seems like the type to have a hidden gun.” You say, and Nancy waves you off. 
“Well, I haven’t shot one since I was ten. My dad took me hunting on my birthday and made me kill a rabbit.” Jonathan’s words make you frown. Every day he gives you another reason to hate Lonnie. 
Nancy sympathizes with Jonathan and the two of them fall into an easy banter that you’ve never seen before with him. He’s comfortable around her in a way that makes your stomach twist. He tells her about his parents and how they may have loved each other at one point but now no longer do. He’s opening up to her after only a few days of really knowing her. 
Nancy shares some details about her own family and how she believes her parents never loved each other, which you can relate to. You watch as Jonathan hands her the gun as she explains how her mom had been younger than her father. “He had a cushy job, money, came from a good family. So, they bought a nice house at the end of a cul-de-sac and started their nuclear family.”
“Isn’t it funny how the fathers never seem to suffer the same fate as the mothers?” You ask, and Nancy looks over at you in confusion, so you explain further. “My own parents, they were like yours except the moment my mom was no longer young, my dad left. Found a newer and cheaper model back home in Virginia.” 
“I didn’t know that, I’m sorry Y/N.” 
You shrug. “It’s not like I go and advertise it. Besides, he was an asshole anyways and my mom is better off without him. She’s the sweetest woman in the world who was forced to run back to her family in Hawkins. Nuclear families aren’t all they’re cracked out to be.”
Jonathan ruffles your hair to get you to laugh, which he succeeds in doing. “Screw that.”
 Nancy raises the gun to eye level and closes one of her eyes, her beautiful face now scrunched in concentration. “Yeah, screw that.”
And with that, she shoots a perfectly aimed shot and knocks the can off the stump. You and Jonathan look at her, stunned, but she can only laugh. 
“Damn, Jonathan. Remind me to never piss Nancy off.” You say, still staring at the fallen can. 
Only he doesn’t hear what you’ve said because he’s too busy staring at Nancy. You can tell he’s impressed by her hidden shooting talent and the way she holds herself with such confidence. His eyes shine as he stares at her and he almost seems to come to life whenever she looks back at him. 
Jonathan looks at Nancy and you know he sees what everyone in Hawkins sees: a beautiful, fierce, and incredible girl. 
Nancy Wheeler, the perfect enigma.
Suddenly it clicks. 
Jonathan is in love with her, or at least he’s beginning to fall in love with her. 
You want to hate her. Afterall, she already has Harrington head over heels for her, and yet you can’t blame either one of the boys. She’s perfect and brilliant and everything you’re not. You’d fall in love with her too if you weren’t already in love with someone else. 
You watch as Nancy and Jonathan become lost in their own little world, him helping her reload the gun as she flashes him a shy smile, and you no longer exist near their presence. It feels like a fucking stab to your already open wound of a heart. You watch the way he ducks his head down whenever she looks at him and the way she stares at him when he isn’t looking. 
Nancy shoots a few more rounds and each shot feels like a hammer coming down onto your own coffin. Each time Jonathan looks at her you feel another nail enter. 
Clearly there’s no room for you here. 
Which is fucking ironic given that you’re in a giant field outside. 
You reach for Jonathan’s hand and tug him forward. He gives you a look as if asking is everything okay? and you wish more than ever that things were different between the two of you. You give him a soft shake of the head. “I can feel a headache coming on and I just remembered that I have a shift tonight, so I should get going.” 
He frowns. “But what about the monster? We can’t look for him without you.”
“You’ll be fine without me,” to your horror you can feel tears forming, which you quickly wipe away before Jonathan can notice. “I doubt I’d be any help, anyways. I suck with guns. Nancy’s the professional here.” 
“I mean, I guess, but…” He looks over at Nancy, who is busy firing the gun and hitting every target she aims for, before pulling you even closer to him. “Are we okay? I feel like, I don’t know… like I’m losing you.”
Your breath catches in your throat. He could never, ever lose you, but if you don’t leave now then you’re afraid that maybe you’ll lose yourself. 
“Don’t be silly, bee. You’re not losing me, no matter how much you may want me to.” You try to tease him, but your heart isn’t in it. 
“You didn’t answer my question, Y/N. Are we okay?” He’s looking at you with so much adoration and concern in his eyes that it almost makes you sick. 
“Of course we are. I promise. I think it’s all just catching up to me, if I’m being honest. Between finding Will and tracking down my own brother, I think this monster hunting business may break me.” 
Jonathan eyes you for a moment as if to try and catch you in a lie, but while you’re only telling him this as an excuse to get away from him and Nancy, it’s not technically a lie. You are exhausted. Plus, you really do have a shift. 
The boy scans your face once more before deciding that you’re telling the truth. You know he suspects there’s something else behind your words, but thankfully he doesn’t pry. “Let me tell Nance that I’m driving you home,” 
And there it is again. 
The nickname is like a punch to your gut and only solidifies that you should go. “It’s okay, bee. It’s still nice out, figured I’d walk home and get some sun before winter officially takes over Hawkins.” 
“You can’t expect me to let you walk alone now that we know there’s a monster out there taking people, bug.” 
You kiss his cheek, letting your lips linger for a little longer than necessary. “I’ll be careful, I promise. Stay with Nancy and call me tonight after you guys are done scouting around. We’ll figure out where to go from there. Okay?”
You don’t give Jonathan time to argue because you pull away and inform Nancy of your departure. She also frowns at the idea but has already learned that you’re not one to be told what to do. She understands this aspect of you, and you understand it within her as well, so she wishes you goodbye and tells you to stay safe before going back to shooting.
As you leave, you feel Jonathan’s eyes follow after you. 
The walk ends up being more than enough to clear your head. You haven’t had any time to be alone in god knows how long, so it’s nice to have some time to just think and enjoy the quiet. There’s a lot you need to think about, but at the very forefront of your concerns are Will and El. You still have no idea how they’re connected or how the monster comes into play.
Then there’s Steve, oddly enough. 
You’re not really sure why he’s in the midst of your thoughts, but there he is. Smiling at you and laughing at your jokes and telling you that you’re pretty as he instills a carefree sense within you that feels foreign to enjoy. 
As his words ring through your head, you find your thoughts drifting towards Jonathan and the way he holds your hand every time you’re worried about something and the way he kisses your hair after a particularly hard day.
You’re not sure why the two boys almost seem to clash within your mind, but you don’t have time to look into it. Your shift starts soon and god knows how long your coworker Alex can survive on his own if you’re late. 
Work is slow as usual tonight, but you find the downtime a pleasant relief. It gives you the opportunity to skim some new books that shipped in and catch up on some Spidey storylines. In between stocking books and arranging comic displays you find yourself wondering just how true to his word Dustin stayed earlier. 
Like hell those kids really stayed out of the woods. 
Your question is answered as soon as you get home and find your brother crying in his room. Panic immediately swells within your chest and you run over to him.
“What’s wrong?” You check Dustin’s body for any sign of injury and he lets you as he cries, too upset to wave you away. When you’re assured that he’s okay, you feel your heartbeat calm down again. 
Christ, everytime you see this kid he takes ten damn years off of your life. 
You pull a chair from his desk and sit in front of him. “Dustin, do we need to have another code blue?”
“Maybe,” Dustin sniffles, wiping away a few tears. 
“Okay, then code blue. What happened? Is everyone okay? Is it El?” At the mention of the girl’s name, Dustin flinches. Your blood runs cold. “Dustin, what happened with El?” 
“You won’t yell at me?”
You smooth down his always wild hair. “Never during code blue. Please talk to me, bud.”
Dustin explains how he and the group had gone looking for the gate like they told you they would. He explained how they’d followed the train tracks throughout Hawkins for what seemed like hours. 
“The train tracks that go through the same woods I told you not to go in?”
“Like hell we were gonna listen to you.” 
“Yeah, I know.”
This gets Dustin to laugh a bit, which you’re relieved to see, before he continues his story. When he reveals El’s weird behavior and the way she seemed to be hiding something from them, you feel dread creep in. “Did she… Did she do something to prevent you guys from finding the gate?”
“She used her powers to mess with the compass. Lucas found the blood on her jacket.”
You sense that there’s more. “And then?”
“Mike and Lucas… they-they started fighting.” Dustin’s voice breaks, “they started really going at it, and I tried to stop them. I swear I tried, Y/N!”
“Shh,” you reach for his hand to try and calm him down. “I know you did, but I also know how Mike can get when he’s protective of someone and I know that Lucas isn’t El’s biggest fan. It was a recipe for disaster.”
Dustin snorts, “No kidding.” Then his face darkens once more, “but they wouldn’t listen, and that’s when El screamed.” 
“She screamed?”
“I think she was overwhelmed, but she used her powers on Lucas and flung him across the yard and he hit his head pretty hard…”
“She what-”
“She didn’t mean to! She looked really upset after, and Lucas was fine after he woke up-”
“He was knocked unconscious?”
“And then he stormed off and El ran off. We searched for her, but…” 
You stare at your brother in shock. That definitely hadn’t been what you were expecting. El never struck you as a violent girl, but she knocked Lucas out with her mind. Sure, she may have been trying to break up the fight, but you’re willing to bet that she lost control for a moment and Lucas ended up getting hurt as a result.
Maybe you don’t want superpowers. 
“Y/N, have I lost all my friends?” Dustin asks. 
You shush him once more. “No, of course not. You three boys have always been so drastically different from one another, and this week has been one from pure hell. It makes sense that Lucas and Mike finally snapped, but I promise you that they’ll bounce back eventually.” 
“And El?”
“I’m not sure what to make of her,” you admit. “She isn’t violent, I know she’s not. But we also clearly don’t know her as well as we think we do. I just, I need you to be careful around her, okay? Fight for her, defend her like you would for the boys, but be cautious as well.”
“Cautious, got it.” He cocks his head at you, “but what about Lucas and Mike? They’re still friends, right?”
“Of course they are. Just… sometimes friendship can be hard, but it’s almost always worth fighting for. It’s rare to find friends as loyal as Mike or as brave as Lucas or even as sincere as Will. Yet look at you guys, all together; you’re all incredibly lucky to have one another.”
“Lucky like you and Jonathan?” Dustin asks, a sly glint in his eyes. 
You smile, even if he’s teasing you. “Yeah, like me and Jonathan.”
Dustin returns your smile and you squeeze his hand. “Anyways, I say give Lucas some time to calm down. I think he was scared, more than anything. Tomorrow you can try to talk to him again.” 
Your brother nods at your words and he seems better than he did when you first started the conversation, so you open your arms wide and engulf him into a hug. 
“Code blue concluded, I guess.” Dustin mumbles against your chest, which causes the two of you to laugh.
After your talk with Dustin, you head back to your room and wait for Jonathan to call. You glance at the clock and figure that maybe him and Nancy were still out scouting for clues, so you busy yourself with some homework.
When it nears ten at night and the phone still hasn’t rung, you sigh and reach over for the phone on your desk. You dial Jonathan’s number and hope he simply forgot to call, but when no one answers after your fifth time calling: you begin to worry. 
Ya know, maybe it wasn’t your best idea letting him and Nancy go off alone with a monster on the loose. 
You find yourself frantically biking to the Wheeler’s house before you can even think about it. The night blurs past you and as you walk up their driveway and try to rest your bike against their mailbox, a familiar BMW parks next to you. 
“We’ve gotta stop meeting like this, Henderson.” Steve says as he sends you a wink. 
You almost greet the boy before Tommy’s head pops out from the passenger side window. “Hey good lookin.”
You hear Carol berate him and the two begin to bicker as Steve gets out of the car. 
Great. He brought the idiots.
Steve walks over and takes your bike from your hands. After a couple seconds of repositioning and balancing, he finally manages to get the bike to stay upright. “Tada!”
“I almost had it,” you glare at him. 
“Sure ya did.”
Steve’s presence is frustrating as always, but you spot Jonathan’s car parked down the street and Carol’s shrill voice becomes increasingly irritating. You don’t have time for this right now. “What are you doing here, Harrington?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” When you glare at him, he finally says, “Nancy promised she’d call me but hasn’t, so I wanted to check on her.”
His sincerity is why you say, “I’m here for…” You realize you can’t necessarily tell Steve about Jonathan possibly being here. You have a feeling it wouldn’t end well, but you’re also not keen on lying to the boy. You’re already keeping secrets from practically everyone in your life; you don’t want to add Steve to the list. Not when he doesn’t deserve it. 
“I’m looking for Jonathan,” you confess, worried about Steve’s reaction. 
He frowns. “Why would Byers be here?”
“Him and Nancy have this… thing for english. Due tomorrow. A big thing. Like, huge. So they’re working on it together. In the house. Where Nancy lives. Here.” You stumble over your words, more nervous than usual, but you weren’t expecting Steve to be here or that you’d need a cover story. 
“Uh huh,” something almost aggressive flickers across Steve’s face and you silently curse to yourself. You said the wrong thing. 
“Funny, Nancy told me she was only helping Byers for the funeral.” 
Tommy and Carol watch from the car, obviously amused by the whole situation. 
“Right! She was, now she’s working on an assignment with him.” Technically not a lie, you’re just omitting the fact that the assignment in question is monster hunting. 
“You’re really bad at lying, Henderson.” Steve walks past you, now over the conversation, and you struggle to keep up. You try to block his path, assuming that he’ll use the front door, but as you near the front step he side steps you and starts heading towards the bushes. 
“What are you doing?” You whisper loudly, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. 
Steve ignores your whispered yelling and jumps on top of the radiator. Once he’s up, he begins to pull himself over the overhang and up onto the roof. There’s a window just above the ledge with a light on, which you presume to be Nancy’s room due to the practiced ease in which Steve scaled the house. 
You don’t try to climb up after him in fear that you’ll only end up embarrassing yourself. “Ya know, Mrs. Wheeler loves me, I could’ve just knocked on the door.”
Steve peers down at you, an easygoing smile now back on his face. “Relax, this is quicker. Besides, you gotta admit it was impressive to watch.”
Again he winks at you and you feel your cheeks flush. He’s right, it had been impressive to watch; he had made it look so easy. While you struggle to come up with a witty retort, Steve almost knocks on Nancy’s window before his smile drops.
You notice the way his face hardens. “Steve?”
He doesn’t respond, which only concerns you more. You begin to think about the millions of possibilities surrounding Nancy, Jonathan, and monster hunting; fear creeps in. “Is Nancy there? Is she okay?”
“Of course you’d be worried about Nancy right now,” Steve laughs bitterly. You frown at his words, unsure what they mean, but before you can ask anything else Steve angrily climbs back down.
“Steve, what-” He pushes past you in a frenzied hurry to get to his car, but you grab his jacket and force him to stop. “Answer me! Is Nancy okay? Was Jonathan with her?”
Steve whips around and sneers at you. “Why do you even care about them? About him?”
“Because we’re friends,” you say, and for the first time you really mean it. Nancy has become someone you’d call a friend. 
Another cruel laugh escapes Steve’s lips. “Friends, huh? Yeah, those two looked real fucking cozy in her bed.”
A wave of nausea hits you.
“W-what?” You drop your hand and release his jacket. 
“It’s incredible, really. Byers has some fucking nerve.” Steve runs a hand through his hair in agitation and begins to pace. You’re too numb to stop him. “I mean, look at you! He has everything he could possibly want, but he decides to go after my girlfriend.”
“It’s not like that-” 
“Did he tell you they’d be in her room, alone in her bed, underneath her blanket?”
More nausea hits you. “No,”
They were supposed to look for any signs of the monster in the woods. That’s all he told me, you think. 
“So he’s a liar, too.” Steve scoffs, “you deserve better, Y/N.”
And with that, he heads back to his car and drives away, leaving you standing alone once more in the Wheeler’s driveway. You get a sense of deja-vu, watching Steve’s BMW descend down the street, but only this time there’s no warmth fluttering within your stomach as he leaves. 
All you feel is nausea. 
You don’t remember the bike ride home; you’re not sure how you even made it back safely without crashing into anything. All you remember is that you cried the entire way. 
You’ve lost Jonathan, there’s no denying that now. He’s Nancy’s, wholly and truly, he’s hers. 
He was never yours in the first place, you remind yourself. 
But if he was never yours in the first place, then why does it feel like you were almost something?
You don’t want to think about it that way. 
Yours or not, you can’t afford to lose Jonathan. 
Something or everything, you’ll take whatever you can when it comes to him. 
Everything, anything, nothing. Whatever he gives you, you know you’ll cling onto it with all that’s within you.
But your friendship with Jonathan is too precious to lose, too meaningful to let stupid feelings ruin it. You refuse to let anything come between your friendship with him, and you swear to yourself to shove everything down. Every hurt feeling, all the pain stabbing within your chest, you force it all down to focus on finding Will. 
He’s all that matters right now, even if it feels like the thread connecting you to Jonathan has begun to wither.
Will has to come first. 
You have to find him, something good and lovely has to come from this. You can’t let this all be for nothing.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
hi, i'm not the same anon but i would like to hear more about the fyuuture kid au 👉👈 especially about riddle!!
hello new friend, you picked someone who is having a real bad time in this au (゚ω゚;)
I am going to give some general information about Yutu and then move on to some Riddle specific stuff.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, general au explanation can be found here, and the posts can be found on my masterlist under the series section.
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General Yutu Facts
"Yutu" is supposed to be a fake name fyuuture kid is using to help hide his identity, but I am open to suggestions on that. Originally he didn't remember his name and Crowley picked it out for him, but I like the idea of "Yuu two" being a nickname he had in both your world and Twisted Wonderland and picked as his alias to honor his parent. Yutu really admires Yuu, he has nothing but empathy for your situation and respect for your strength, and while he certainly fought with you from time to time (some Yutus more than others) he wants to be like you.
That desire was very much cemented when he heard about how you won against the overblot phantoms. Yutu's unique magic changes depending on who his dad is, but all Yutus have extensive experience in combat magic and have fought a lot of monsters. Including overblot phantoms, same as you. His fights didn't go as well though... he's extremely afraid of the Great Seven's phantoms and has regular nightmares about them.
Back to the names... I didn't have names picked out for every version of Yutu, but Riddle does happen to have been one of them. His real name was supposed to be March, yes like the march hare but if I'm honest I was more thinking about the saying "in like a lion out a lamb" because I thought that described Riddle's temper pretty well.
The other ones I picked out I still like are Merrin (I swear I found it on a list of mountain themed names??? But it means sea born or pearl of the sea), Laurie (yes like little women, his unique magic was supposed to something to do with painting), and Roland (I have an unironic love for French peerage ok please do not judge me).
Some of the Yutus were meant to have older siblings who stayed behind in Twisted Wonderland (Riddle! Yutu wasn't one of them), but that was very much an idea I didn't develop extensively since it was more left over from Fire Emblem Awakening. I wanted there to be a Lucina type older sibling character who was very protective of Yutu and wanting a future where he gets to stay in Twisted Wonderland and they get to be a happy family. But again I didn't cook this idea extensively so idk how to feel about keeping it as a part of the ayuu.
Anyway on to the Riddle specific stuff ¬‿¬
So that bit about Yutu's real name coming from a description from Riddle's temper: I like to leave what Yutu looks like up to the reader, but Riddle! Yutu if nothing else took two things from his father, his (lack of) height and his temper. His facial expressions when pouting and angry are eerily similar, and they both have a strong affinity for fire. Riddle! Yutu is a lot like Riddle Tsum now that I think about it? Very high energy and likes to jump around all over the place, but determined to be at least somewhat dignified.
Since traveling back in time Yutu has been "studying" with Grim to try and get his flames hot enough to burn blue to flex on his dad and to bond with the monster. He usually just ends up watching him though, the mental image he had of Grim vs what the little guy is actually like is really wild.
Back to the temper, unlike Riddle Yutu wasn't home schooled so he got into a lot of trouble for losing it on other students. He had a chip on his shoulder about not having a dad, having a parent with amnesia, and especially about being short oh god he is so spiteful about that. He got sent to detention a lot, and shamefully it made him fight with Yuu a lot too. Not that he hates Yuu, he was just very emotional and not always the easiest to deal with. His last few interactions with Yuu before they died were very strained, and he is filled with remorse for a bunch of stupid things he said.
When he gets to the point where he has to admit to Yuu who he is there is going to be a lot of crying and begging for forgiveness. He was a stupid, angry kid who just wanted to know who he was and didn't feel like he belonged lashing out at the one person who he knew wanting nothing but the best for him. He doesn't really feel the need to ask for forgiveness from his dad (yet)... by the time Yutu was isekaid into Twisted Wonderland Riddle had been corrupted by his overblot phantom and was wrecking the Queendom of Roses so he never really met the real Riddle until he traveled back in time.
He also got compared to Riddle a lot, Yutu isn't stupid by any means but because of all that time spent in detention he is a bit behind on the fundamentals. Not to mention all Riddle has done up to this point is practice magic and Yutu only just found out it was real so of course there was going to be a skill gap! But still, he's Riddle's son and Riddle was a very memorable student for Crewel, so Yutu was guaranteed to hear some comparisons. It didn't help the daddy issues though...
Speaking of Yutu's time at NRC, he did get placed into Heartslabyul by the Dark Mirror and he does know all 810 rules of the Queen's rules. He's not as obsessed with them as Riddle is but he still knows what he's supposed to do and tries to be on his best behavior. He was not interested in being dorm leader and wanted to instead focus on the things Yuu always encouraged him to do, like controlling his temper and getting good grades.
I sort of like the idea of his unique magic being the ability to grow/shrink because in the book Rule 42 of the Queen of Hearts says “All persons more than a mile high to leave the court" and I like the idea of him trying to use his spell to get out of arguments with his dad.
Riddle has no idea that Yutu hates him... at first. This is partially because Yutu is usually very polite to him and partially because he is utterly unaware of how much people are afraid of him in general, but he starts to pick up on it when he tries to interact with Yuu. He wants to have a private tea party with just Yuu? Well Yutu immediately starts acting like this is somehow scandalous and calls him out on his feelings in front of the prefect and he wants to lose it so badly- Yuu agrees anyway and Riddle immediately gets unreasonably smug while Yutu pouts. Take that sucker! He's going to study with the prefect all alone and since it's Riddle you know you really are just going to study.
I don't think Riddle really considers Yutu a rival for Yuu's romantic attention, partially because he isn't fully aware of what it is he feels for Yuu, but even if he was. Riddle knows that Yuu sees Yutu as someone under their care similar to Grim, they actually talk to him about it quite a bit and he has no issue with that. He is actually sort of grateful for Yutu's existence since it has given him an excuse to talk to Yuu more and let them know how he respects them.
Yutu's academic struggles are something that actually bring him closer to Riddle ironically enough. Riddle has created study guides for Yuu and Grim before, he has no problem doing that for Yutu and inviting himself over to give instructions.
"Did you not get a lot of help from your parents?" Riddle sounds nervous, and he should it's an invasive question to ask. Yutu wants to be angry, but when he looks at Riddle, he just feels sad. "Not that it is any of my business really but well. I just noticed you never really talk about them, even to Yuu."
"My dad wasn't really around." He forces himself to look at Riddle when he says it, but it doesn't make him feel any better. If anything it makes Yutu feel worse, he knows about as much about Riddle as Riddle knows about him now that he's forced to look at him. "And my other parent... they tried really hard. But I wasn't always willing to accept it."
"I can't say I understand what that would be like." Riddle looks like he is trying to and that should be what he wants, right? "My mother home schooled me so it's hard for me to understand that someone's parents wouldn't be a constant figure in their schooling."
"You were home schooled?"
Yutu didn't know anything about his grandmother, it didn't even really occur to him that he had one and once he learns about her... well it certainly makes things make a lot more sense. He doesn't want to meet her, but he is curious about what she thought about his parent. What would she think about him? Does he even want to know?
My last concrete thought is that Yutu doesn't really get the whole horse girl thing. He is sort of afraid of horses actually, but I can see him maybe wanting to ride with Riddle once their relationship gets a bit better just to do something with him.
I like the idea of Riddle! Yutu being very into baseball for some reason and there's no way he's going to convince his dad to do that with him ha. Well not in this timeline anyway, I can see good timeline Riddle doing a bunch of research on baseball so he can talk to his kid about it. And showing up to all his matches to scream in support of his kid instead of at the coaches. He is breaking the cycle we love to see it.
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12amphantasm · 6 months
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People always meet you with reverence, “Father Andrew!”, they greet when you walk past, admiration heavy in their voices. They love you for how pious you are, friendly and loving, your patience and generosity.
And you love them, too. Just like the place you have stayed in for nearly twenty years, the huge complex composed of a humble yet luxurious church, the boarding school for troubled youths, the small but very warm house for the elderly, and the nearby university of theology - together known as The Hillset Private Conservatory.
God loves it all, every flower, every human, and whatever it might be that’s walking through these halls. __
The game is 18+ and meant for an adult audience.
Although the romance is strictly MxM, sexuality is relevant only for the romantic routes and the game can be played without engaging in intimate relationships, but at the expense of background information the player won’t be able to get in other ways. __
The game will be uploaded in parts, starting at least with 10k words. Planed release: Late April/early May 2024 ___
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Written by a gay man, the romance is MxM only and stays true to reality, portraying genuine gay relationships, without stereotypes and harmful tropes.
“We Are God’s Most Beloved” is an old-school text-heavy interactive fiction novel and recommended to those who love reading.
Choices are meaningful instead of flavour and used only when they have an actual impact, this means there are long passages of text, which requires the reader to keep track of the story – just like they would with a novel. There is a lot to explore, attentive readers might find more game in this interactive fiction than one would expect.
The main genre is horror, even if nothing is outrageously explicit and often handled with a focus on the absurd, it contains horror-typical themes and tropes such as blood, body horror, surreal imaginary, and other commonly used elements.
In addition, mental illness, dysfunctional familial relationships, and physical assault play an important role depending on which route is chosen.
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Hillset Private Conservatory, build in 1802, despite its long history, is a name few people know or have ever heard, and if one is aware of its existence, it’s rarely for good reasons.
Rumours have it that the owner was a paranoid man and the gigantic complex created solely to have a spacious cage for his family, namely his eight children, only for all of them to find an untimely death on this very property.
"It's haunted!", some say. "It's evil!", some claim.
Of course, nothing of that is true, the many teachers, counsellors, nuns, and priest can attest to that, and so would many of their students. At least a good portion of them. Maybe some, at least.
Now summer vacation has ended, and a new batch of fosterlings is about to arrive; frightened, misguided, and troubled teens in need of loving care, education, and a new chance at life.
Father Andrew, the only acting priest, will do his best, like always, to show them God’s brilliance and create a warm home out of these century old walls.
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No railroading, no hand-holding
Life is full of choices, you have to make your own and live with them, ultimately missing out on certain things, or ending up utterly regretting what you did. There is no right or wrong, no road I, more or less sneakily, force you to take, choices are all equally valid and accounted for. ___
A fixed protagonist
Father Andrew is a fixed character, with his own likes, dislikes, appearance, and convictions. But how he navigates the world, how he reacts, who he becomes fond of or rather avoids, his interactions and how he lives his life, and, of course, what you learn about him, is up to you. ___
One end to rule them all
There are no bad endings or early finishes, all choices lead to the same endpoint, but how it looks like… is on you alone. ___
No stats
“We Are God’s Most Beloved” doesn’t require you to master stats, the story changes based on your choices, how you interact with the world and characters determines the options you will have, who likes or hates you, and how the story will play out. ___
Explicit - Yes or No?
You can choose to either read explicit sexual interactions or go for fade-to-black. ___
Three romantic interests are waiting to meet you, but you can play the whole story without romancing anyone, at the expense of sexual moments, additional plot-points centred around these characters, and potentially interesting background information.
No indicators are used, you have to find your own way, going by what you know about a character, evaluating the current situation, and acting accordingly.
Use the relationship stats to figure out what you did right or wrong, you have successfully entered a romantic route with a RO when the percentage reaches 50% and will deepen, or lessen, the relationship from then on.
There are no poly routes, entering one will lock you out of the others, and while you can’t lose a route once entered, how the couple ends up is based on your actions.
Keep in mind that “love” comes in many forms and players might find it worthwhile to forge bonds with other characters.
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Profiles - Here
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Father Andrew
Thirty-three years old, he was admitted to Hillset boarding school for troubled youths at the tender age of fourteen and hasn’t left the complex since. He’s very out of touch with the outside, basing his worldview, manners and morals on the old nuns and priests that raised him, often colliding with the new students’ modern ways. Friendly, polite and helpful, he’s easy to get along with on first glance but hard to truly get to know, which leaves him without friends and often rather lonely. __
Sister Lucia
Thirty-five years old, she’s one of the younger nuns but the strictness with which she loves doesn’t pale in comparison. She’s very fond of Father Andrew, who is her inspiration and has warped the image of how a priest should be until it became unrecognisable. Her hobbies are flower-arrangements, cooking things no one who loves their life should eat, taking care of the children in their school, and writing in her journal. __
They might or might not be human. --
They definitely aren’t human, but God loves them anyway.
The love interests
Ryan Harris
Twenty-four years old and a student of Theology, he’s a graduate from the boarding school for troubled youths. While not overly intelligent, he’s diligent, curious, and not afraid of hardships. Father Andrew’s liturgy is his favourite part of the week and helping out something he takes pride in, as he does in his paintings that are full of creative flair and appreciated only by those with strong artistic sense. __
Connor Price
Thirty-one years old, he has been teaching English for eight years at a famous school and will do so from now on at Hillset - even if only because other schools refused to take him. He doesn’t like the enormous complex, dated appearance, long, dark halls, how everyone is just too nice, and Father Andrew, who somehow gives him the creeps. Connor spends his time reading, avoiding coworkers, and having long talks with the elderly in their care. __
You have to find that out on your own.
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the-s1lly-corner · 28 days
Bishops x child!reader (platonic)
Something something while realistically I dont think theyd have kids, at least not as bishops, I do think it would be interesting as a hypothetical
Notes: reader is GN, no specific age for the reader tbh it kinda bounces around depending on the current idea, any creature for the reader
CWs: canon typical violence
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He spoils you, to the highest degree- he can get just about anything he wants thanks to his status, so by extension all your wants are fulfilled
That being said hes not... the most responsible parent.. being the god of chaos, order and routine seem foreign to him
Definitely receives guidance from his siblings to help make things run more smoothly, you sometimes spend afternoons with your uncles and aunts
Will have someone killed if you tell him theyve wronged you.. or vaguely annoyed you..he'd do the same tbh
Shes incredibly firm with you but I wouldn't say shes suffocating or overly strict- she just wants you to be respectable and have thick skin
Will not tolerate anyone throwing bullshit your way, they never get the chance to finish their sentence before they're killed
You get her temper and attitude, and shes proud that you're able to stand up for yourself
Protective of you to a degree but wants you to fight your own battles if possible, steps in when you're in over your head
Might spoil you more than Leshy does, you have so many jewels and pretty things in your possession
A very proud parent, always showing you off to his followers and siblings- will talk about your milestones to his siblings! "Oh they said their first words they're so smart!" "Oh they made a drawing they're so talented!" "Oh they killed their first cultist they're so strong!"
But he is a bit.. of a worrier... if hes not around he has one of his disciples keeping an eye on you to make sure you're not in trouble- though this only applies when you're off the cults grounds
Ooouuugh soft at the idea that he puts on a brave face when hes terrified in the inside so you can still count on him
A firm parent like their sibling, they have some experience from taking care of their siblings! This is not their first rodeo!
You're about to be so knowledgeable on various pieces of history and other information, some cultists may come to you for wisdom if shamura isnt available
Definitely the best fighter out of your hypothetical cousins, to the surprise of no one given your parent is the god of war
They always keep track and notes on your interests
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utilitycaster · 1 month
Hi there! Do you think the Bells - and in particular Ashton's focus and indist a bit too hard on the fact that Aeor orb vision will completely change people's perceptions of gods? I tend to think that lot of people who somewhat know history are aware of the fact that Primes and Betrayers joined hands to destroy the city. As for common folk - it would be at also hard to believe that for example they would completely denounce Wildmother who is nature (all good and all bad. Bad as in destructive). I can imagine some folks reaction to this would be to feel scared, but then again. Those are Gods we speak about, not your friendly neighbors. What do you think?
So here's the thing: I've felt some of the depictions of what the average person knows this campaign have been...inconsistent isn't the right word, because, for example, the norm in the Menagerie Coast might not be the norm in Gelvaan and certainly isn't the norm in central Issylra, but also the party not recognizing the symbol of Asmodeus (for example) is something that's always struck me as like. people in the United States not knowing what a crucifix is. Like yeah those people exist - I've met very religious Jews in the US who don't know what day Christmas is other than "generally in late December" - but either we never met many of those people in Campaigns 1 and 2 and met them all in Campaign 3, or there's been some retconning (which...that's a complex discussion as to canonicity between campaigns, since the answer is, ultimately, it depends on the specifics and the magnitude and the source of that information, ie, if High Bearer Vord's creation myth is wrong that's valid because he's providing a specific perspective with plenty of bias, or if orcs were NOT created during the Calamity that's valid because unfortunately myths born of stereotype and bigotry are extremely common; but if Matt's drastically changing previously established truths of the world without in-world explanation, rather than just quietly dropping no longer relevant references as one-offs a la Ladueger, yeah that is bad storytelling and anyone who tells you it isn't is an idiot).
But actually that doesn't matter because here's just a truth about people: a whole lot of people in, for example, the United States in 2024, where 95% of adults have regular internet access, are fairly uninvested in much outside their basic day to day life, just, in general. This is going to be even more true in a world without that degree of information and interconnectedness. I think a lot of people are going to be like "ok and this thousand year old city being destroyed affects me how?" Not to get too cynical about it but think about someone whose experience with the gods is rather like what Laudna describes her youth as being: harvest festivals and wishing for rain. Like, if it's a good harvest this year, will they care?
I don't personally agree with this mentality irl, but groups of people on the whole are frequently resistant to change, do not want trouble, and want to be left alone. I think no shortage of people's attitudes will simply be "why is this motherfucker downloading the Downfall of Aeor Album to everyone's iPod when I am trying to eat breakfast." It won't even get to the point of "are the gods good or bad"; it will literally just be "who the fuck is broadcasting something? the MOON is fucked up? we have real problems?" Like, if people do not know the story of the fall of Aeor, someone being like HEY THE GODS CRASHED THIS CITY BECAUSE THEY HAD MADE A GOD-KILLING WEAPON is probably going to elicit a response of, again, "and I should care about this because? a fucking phoenix is strafing us, why are you doing a test of the emergency broadcast system?"
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hubristicassholefight · 6 months
Hubristic Assholes Tourney Round 1 Part 3a
Erin Ruunaser (Aurora) vs Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney)
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Propaganda below cut (Spoiler warning!)
So in Aurora, there was this ancient, magical storm that been going on for centuries. The further one went in, the more likely they were to die either due to the hostile environment or the massive amounts of ambient magic would begin to basically destroy their body from the inside. Erin looked at this and basically went “yes, but I’m built different” and went inside with zero backup. Now, technically speaking, he is in a way built different as he is one of the only people in the world who can control all of the six (known) magical elements that make up the Storm, so he was able to bypass all of the obstacles and make it to the center. When he got there, he unknowingly activated a trap that destroyed the Storm and caused him to become possessed by an eldritch star-eating dragon, whose physical body is still stuck in the core of the planet and wants to use his new vessel to free himself. Whoopsie! Now, Erin is searching for a way to sever his link with the dragon without his buddies from the Academy finding out. Also he’s being hunted by Paladins now. Fun times; At one point, he tries to learn more about the Void Dragon by accessing a Paladin library. The receptionist doesn’t let him in because he isn’t a Paladin, and he basically goes full Karen on her (he literally asks to speak with her supervisor/manager). Then he learns that one of his friends will be held prisoner for as long as they plan to stay in the city (long story). Erin still plans to stay for as long as he needs to get information on the evil Void Dragon. Said dragon literally appears in his dream that night to tell him he’s being kind of an asshole. Also despite all of this, Erin still isn’t entirely sure if the Light Dragon worshiped by the Paladins is even real. He knows the Void Dragon is real, but the opposite still seems like a stretch I guess. Also the receptionist from earlier is one of the Paladins currently hunting him. He needs to be shoved in a locker. I need to shove him in a locker.
Travels through a famously dangerous magic storm just because he can, fixes some kind of broken magic rune circle that is causing the storm, getting possessed by the evil Void Dragon in the process; He once tried to talk his way into a restricted library and got shot down hilariously
He tries to explore to the center of this volatile magic storm that no one's ever gotten to the center of, and immediately gets possessed by the primordial void dragon that had been waiting for someone exactly like him to try to get to the center of the storm. At the time of writing this he's about to try to cross an ocean on an experimental never-before-seen type of boat, which i suspect will only go well and will have no problems :)
Ventures into a giant magical storm, declaring that the only reason no one has ever reached the center is because he hasn't tried to yet. Reaches the center and promptly decides to switch off the magical pedestal creating the storm, because he can, and gets possessed by a star-eating eldritch dragon god for his trouble.
Literally the first thing he does in the comic is go explore a highly dangerous magical storm just because he's currently the one person in the world who can manipulate all six traditional magic elements and is therefore the only person who can explore the storm safely. At its center, Erin discovers a cracked pedestal with the elemental runes on it and deduces it to be the cause of the storm, then just stops the storm without a second thought, which is notable for two reasons: 1. By the time the audience gets this info, we've already seen a town whose infrastructure depends on the strong winds the storm produces, which is obviously no longer viable 2. The storm itself turned out to have been a trap set by an ancient evil star-eating dragon trapped in the center of the planet which has now possessed Erin. He's actually incredibly booksmart and puts that knowledge to very impressive use sometimes, but he is also known to be impulsive, overcome with confusion when presented with a thing he doesn't know about already, and of course, hubristic. (he does demonstrate a pretty well-aligned moral compass when it counts, though) In summary, I really like him because his combination of character traits makes him flip-flop wildly between "exactly as awesome as he thinks he is" and "hopelessly cringefail" depending on the situation and it never stops making sense. He's so smart but he's so stupid.
(Spoilers) This dude walked into a massive magical storm that literally nobody lived long enough to see the center of, all while gloating about how smart he is, then touched a highly suspicious symbol and got himself possessed by basically Satan. He then proceeds to lecture Not-Satan on how he’s the smart one on this team and that he better sit down and shut up unless he wants to be killed by his MANY enemies. And the strange part is that it worked; The fandom gave him the nicknames “Icarus” “Sicktats McHubris” and “Pompous Nitwit” and I think that says a lot about him
During a trial against Miles Edgworth’s dad Gregory Edgeworth Manfred von karma gets a penalty he does not lose the trial however he considers this penalty an egregious enough crime that he must kill Gregory Edgeworth. And he does however due to Miles throwing a gun he gets shot in the shoulder causing him to take his one and only vacation to recover. However he doesn’t get the bullet removed to avoid questioning as to why he has a bullet in his shoulder. For 15 years he gets away with it (miles doesn’t know it was him it’s a whole thing) but then just a few days before the statute of limitations is up on the murder of Gregory Edgeworth he decides to with the help of the Yani Yogi the man originally accused of murdering Gregory Edgeworth frame Miles for the murder of the defense attorney that got Yani off with an insanity plea (which is why Yani hates the man) then after it’s proven Yani is the murder Miles confesses to killing his dad and in Manfred’s attempt to convict Miles for that it’s proven that he killed Gregory. How? Phoenix uses a metal detector to detect the bullet in his shoulder; The thing that kills me about Manfred “I killed a man because he gave me a penalty in court” Von Karma is that he absolutely could’ve gotten away with it if he didn’t try to get revenge on Miles. He was so confident that he would get Miles convicted if not for the murder of Robert Hammond than for the murder of his own father. He was so confident because there’s no way this attorney with only 3 cases under his belt will beat him not when he tased him and that weird girl tagging along with him in the evidence room preventing him from getting any evidence on the DL-6 case except he didn’t prevent them he didn’t even bother to check because that weird girl ended up holding onto a bullet. the bullet that killed Gregory a bullet they could use to for comparison to see if a bullet was shot from the same gun a bullet like the one in Manfred’s shoulder. The bullet he didn’t have removed to avoid the question of “where did that bullet in your shoulder come from”
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ilovetheriddler · 27 days
The Enigma Of Love.
(Gotham) Edward Nygma x F!Reader.
Chapter Four.
(This Chapter is entirely from Edward's perspective and recaps some previous events from his point of view. As well as helps to establish what point in Gotham this story takes place, and also a lot of Edward Pining and longing, enjoy!)
Word Count: 1,996.
Contents: A lot of pining, devolving feelings, longing, and slightly suggesting themes and conversations.
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It was supposed to be a perfectly normal trip to the library. He simply wanted to pick up some new Riddle books, and also perhaps a mystery novel or two. However, that changed the moment when the front desk came into his field of vision. More specifically, once he had laid his eyes upon you. You were deeply focused on inputing information into the library database. He found the focused look on your face to be... cute. He walked over to the front desk, standing on the side across from you. You didn't seem to notice him. He ultimately decided that the best way to both get your attention and greet you was with a riddle!
"I'm made from trees and can bring people either incredible joy or intense sorrow. I can be short or long, big or small. It can take people a long time to create me or very little, depending on the person. What am i?"
You appeared slightly startled by the sound of his voice. He felt a tad bit guilty about potentially causing you stress. You glanced up at him, and his breath hitched as he found himself getting a bit lost in your gorgeous eyes. Oh dear....
"I... I don't know, what is it?"
Oh god, your voice sounded so perfect to him. He smiled at you as he sat his choices for books down in front of you.
"A book! I um... I'd actually like to check these out... You know if um... it's not too much trouble, that is...?"
"Not at all! That's why I'm here, I just need to see your library card, and if you don't have one, then I'll have to sign you up for one."
He was relieved that he wasn't distracting you from your other task too much. He frantically felt around in his pocket for his library card, his thoughts running rampant. "Oh goodness! Oh dear! Where is it?! It should be in here somewhere, ah! Got it!". He pulled his wallet out and retrieved the card out of it and handed it to you, his face heating up some as his hand accidentally brushed against yours ever so slightly.
He watched with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as you pulled up everything on the computer. He found his focus being drawn to your hands. They looked so soft....
"Quite the um... selection you have here... I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you like riddles and puzzles?"
He was startled out of his thoughts at the sound of you speaking again, pushing his glasses back up some before answering.
"O-oh! Yes, I do enjoy them quite a lot...."
You handed him back his card, which he put back in his wallet and sat down on the counter as he grabbed ahold of his selection of books, adjusting them in his hands so they hopefully wouldn't fall on the ground on his way back to the precinct. You gave him a kind smile.
"Well, I hope that you have an enjoyable day, Mr Nygma. And that you also find those books to be to your liking."
He found your kind and polite smile and farewell to be captivating. He quickly stumbled out a response after a bit.
"O-oh.. um.. i..I will! T-thank you miss!"
He quickly made his way out of the library and started walking back towards the direction of the GCPD building. He glanced over at that one expensive sandwich shop, which he was ninety percent sure was actually just a front for money laundering or something in a similar vain.
He eventually made it back to the GCPD building and walked in, making sure his ID badge was still promently displayed. He noticed Detective Gordon and Bullock clearly arguing and discussing a recent case, Then he saw her, Kristen Kringle. He'd been infatuated with her for quite some time now, Pining for her love and affection, always leaving her well thought out riddles and even reorganizing the filing system for her... which she didn't exactly appreciate. He felt a sense of guilt, however, as he recalled how he had felt his heart speed up when he met you earlier.
How could he feel something for someone else after all of the effort he's put into pursuing Miss Kringle? He felt horrible over it, but he reassured himself that his feelings for you were just an acknowledgment of how kind and attractive you were, not a genuine desire to want to be with you like he felt for Kristen.
He made his way back into the forensics lab and sat down at the nearest table, slipping a new slide underneath the microscope and observing it, taking notes on everything important he found. Ed loved his job. It was something he greatly enjoyed. However It did frustrate him quite a bit over the fact that he had been reprimanded for performing autopsies without explicit approval to do so. The previous examiner didn't know what he was doing. He always missed important things, and Edward knew that he was absolutely being paid off, Which is why he may have framed him for stealing body parts so he would be fired.....he's pulled out of his train of thought by a knock on the door. He immediately heard Detective Gordon's voice on the other side.
"Ed, you have someone here to see you!"
Someone... is here to see him? How peculiar and exciting! He quickly went about attempting to tidy up his workspace somewhat. He needed to look decently presentable. After all, he had no clue as to who was even here visiting him! He felt his breath temporarily leave him, and his eyes light up in both surprise and excitement as he threw open the door and saw you standing there next to Detective Gordon.
"A-ah, it's um... you! What exactly can i... help you with?"
"O-Oh goodness! W-what is she doing here?! Oh dear..." His thoughts ran at a mile per minute as he tried to come up with some reason as to why you'd possibly be visiting him here! At his job! You chuckled at his clearly flustered state and reached into your pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing it to him.
"You forgot this on the library counter, Mr Nygma."
"Oh! T-thank you so much! I'm sorry if this inconvenienced you in any way..."
He quickly took the wallet from you and put it in his pocket. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten something so important! Or the fact that you took the time to return it to him.... you seemed.. very considerate as far as he could tell.
"Don't worry, Mr Nygma. I promise you that it wasn't any trouble at all!"
He felt his heart speed up slightly as you gave him a warm smile. "Oh dear... why does she have to be so kind and nice to me..?" He adjusted his lab coat awkwardly, attempting to find something to do to distract from the temporary silence.
"Well, I should be getting back to the library... my break is almost over!"
"Oh, um... Well, thank you again for doing this. I hope that the rest of your work day goes pleasantly..."
He watched as you walked away. Detective Gordon turned to him once you were gone from sight.
"I didn't think that you had any friends outside of work?"
"F-friend?! Oh, um... you're mistaken, detective. She's simply an acquaintance, nothing more... in fact, I just met her for the first time earlier today..."
In all honesty, Edward would love to be your friend, maybe even more.... but he wasn't ready to admit, acknowledge, or deal with everything tied to... that... idea yet, no, he still loved Kristen, and that's who he was going to pursue!
"Alright... I'll see you some other time then, Ed."
With that, Detective Gordon went on his way, leaving Ed to his work and his own thoughts. He got back to work looking over the samples and writing down everything needed.
Unfortunately, the next week was... less than pleasant for Edward, to say the least. He had started having these bizarre dreams, but oh, were they ever so lovely.... they were always exactly the same. He was sitting in the library, and you'd come sit across from him. The air would smell of honey and ink, and there would always be a piece of paper lying on the table, with a simple riddle scrawled onto it.
"I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am i?"
Love. The answer was love, and Edward immediately knew this. It wasn't really that difficult of a riddle, but it still warmed his heart all the same. He was slowly having to come to terms with the fact that his affection may no longer lie with Miss Kringle and that he might actually be falling for you instead.
Just yesterday, he returned the books he borrowed to the library and also got to walk you home. You hadn't remembered to bring an umbrella, so he had the perfect excuse to be close to you, and he loved every second of it. It was everything he could possibly want. He had refused your offer to let him rest his feet inside your apartment for a bit. He wasn't quite sure if he could handle being in such a... private place with you yet.
That was just last night, and he hadn't stopped thinking about it since. What if... he had agreed to come inside? He would have gotten to speak with you some more... maybe things would have escalated.... oh dear.... he was pulled from his brief fantasies as he heard an amused laugh, one he had unfortunately heard a lot in the past few weeks. He glanced up at his reflection in the mirror.
"What’s so amusing to you..?"
"Oh... It's nothing, I just can't help but find it a bit funny that you want something so desperately and yet don't have the nerve to act on it!"
Edward had started seeing this reflection of himself about a month ago, not long after he had killed Officer Dougherty. He could never allow anyone to ever know what he did. If it had been just one or two stabs, then maybe he could have painted it as self-defense, but over eleven? No, no one would believe that... his reflection couldn't help chiming in again.
"You went through so much trouble for Kristen... and yet now your attention has landed on someone else... I honestly can't really fault you, she is quite attractive..."
"Shut up! Don't speak about her.... you don't know anything about how I feel for her!"
"...We're technically the same person, I'm painfully aware of what you think about her. About how you fantasize about her pinned underneath you, those captivating eyes of hers looking up at you as she writhes in pleasure as you -"
"STOP! O-oh dear... no, i.. I can't think such things about her...."
He quickly finished washing off his face and left his bathroom. He chose to attempt to ignore his reflections words, even if they were true...
A few days later, after work, he made his way down to the library. He had to see you. You'd been consuming his every thought, and it was too much for him to handle. He was going to ask you out today, and that was final!
He walked into the library, looking around for you in a mixture of both nervousness and excitement, but stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes finally landed on you. You were leaning against the main desk, crying your eyes out.
Why... why were you upset...? He then felt something inside him burning as his mind went to a slightly different thought. "Who made her upset?"
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Back with event with Crewel daughter after the guys trying to steal Persephone gem/crown, she still invite what limited guests she can for the Plentiful Harvest at her school, where her dorm and villainess school ( Black Cat Academy) have plenty of harvest of Persephone and Nyx as the two dorm from opposite schools are in a good relationship for centuries, and also Crewel daughter is very popular with the villainess school to the point she sometimes get invitation to go there
Let's say Ruggie, Malleus, Lilia, Idia, Rook, and Vil went to the harvest festival
( now separately pls for this ask )
Let's say they see her wearing a toga that looks liked a wedding dress as it's represented how Persephone return to the underworld with Hades, and they teases her making her blush, but she did admit she wanted to married someone who she love and doesn't mind if the person who she love have flaws, rich, or poor, as long as he's educated, able to listen, and make her happy and to not cause her harm she be happy to married them, just need her father and grandparents approval as it's custom for her home
Well first and foremost Crewel’s daughter doesn’t blush and if you do it's only lightly because you can keep your cool like that
Who’s daughter do you think are 
And the Princess academy you attend would not be welcoming to your Night Raven friends 
Especially friends that have already been found to cause trouble 
Hence your own punishment and double crossing in the first place
But let's say we pick a different venue 
A neutral ground for both the Black Cat and the Princess Academy 
inviting RSA and Night Raven as well (and maybe Noble Bell if their students cough cough Rollo behave)
To celebrate a day for a Plentiful Harvest the schools will choose their patrons to represent a greek goddess or god depending on the artifact or descendent that’s present
While Harvest isn’t the typical time period to celebrate Persephone you still maintain her image
If only to honor the surviving relative of Demeter who is the main focus of the event
Thus you fashion yourself in a form fitting white dress only slightly modernized from the Ancient Greek bridal dress
Finally able to pull away from the various rituals and festivals  
You sit and relax as you watch different students compete in a retelling of Demeter and Persephone’s story letting the lucky few from Night Raven slip:
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Ruggie Bucci
“Nishishshi is the lucky bride not happy with her groom? Maybe trading him out for me?”
As happy as he is that he’s getting free food all throughout the event he’s not happy you’re wearing the equivalent of a wedding dress and hanging on the arm of someone who can barely stand to look you in the eye Idia
You tell him about your preliminary wants in a husband 
skillfully dancing around who in your circle could fit that description
He’s slick in his own way and notes that you weren’t necessarily excluding him 
It bothers him but he’s not discouraged
You quite clearly informed him that you have options and last he checked he fit all those things just fine
Not that he wouldn’t mind changing anything about himself to do that
But it seems he won’t have to 
“Well if you ever decide to really be a bride one day it wouldn’t be too much trouble for the lucky guy to be me.”
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Malleus Draconia
“You look divine, (Y/n) more so than usual. In truth I plan to see you in the position of a bride, any requirements suggestions?”
Unlike you he has one requirement and that's you
He takes you telling him this as an obvious sign that he’s allowed to court you
Blatantly revealing your requirements automatically has him especially excited 
He’s heard humans recently haven’t been fond of long term commitments so this is reassuring
It helps with any lingering desires to burn the the crops away out of sheer spite
He doesn’t love that you're pretending but if it means the real wedding is with him he can stomach it
“Then for the future do you favor this style? Me? I could hardly care what you wear for that day it’ll look gorgeous because its on you…but in the end it will be coming off anyway.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Enjoying your play-marriage?” 
He’s a seasoned fae and he’s pleased that you know what you want
Not to worry about your family’s approval that he’s sure he can easily win
A general knows how to negotiate
a parent knows how to offer the illusion of choice
He knows how to do both on the daily
Not to mention the fact he knows he’ll be a good husband for you 
Or at least he will make sure you believe that before he gets that ring on your hand
Either way is fine 
it's up to you
not really
“Hmm do you want a Winter wedding or a Summer one?“
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Idia Shroud
“Uhhh-so being married, huh? Like the highest tier in a love simulator, huh?”
He’s been overwhelmed with all the extrovert activities he’s had to take part in today and all without getting to rely on Ortho
You were there but he could barely think straight before his hair was turning pink and he felt like passing out
Too many times had he actually touched you today within the rituals of the Plentiful Harvest
So to hear you so easily lay that out…he’s writing that down 
This obviously means he’s gaining favor with you for you to so clearly lay out what you desire from him
He’s most definitely the smartest guy you know 
And he’s well-versed in how to respect women cringe compilations told him so 
Now to marry your teacher’s daughter that's like the pinnacle of the forbidden lovers trope
The perfect game with Professor Crewel as the mega boss
It wouldn’t be easy but it sure will be interesting
He just has to get the right strategy down 
And Idia Shroud is never one to back down from a good game
“Just wait for it, (Y/n)! I can be the ultimate groom for you!”
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Rook Hunt
“Madamoiselle Crewel you resemble a goddess in all your beauty!” 
Ever prepared to listen to you he’s pleased with what he’s hearing
It's been euphoric watching you all throughout the day for the event 
Your beauty is next to ethereal when you reveal something about yourself
And he’s swooning 
Despite his incessant devotion to you he can’t help but watch stalk from afar only to discover something new about you
Its always exhilarating 
It’ll be even more so when he makes you aware that that's exactly his prerogative
“Madamoiselle Crewel your hand is a prize for those who should earn your love! Those willing to persist in the hunt for the beauty you hold within and out. Shall we commence in a life-long chase?”
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Vil Schoenheit
“As expected you look gorgeous, I only wish I could have taken the my place by your side.”
He’s already on it
Even working your family relations has been something he’s working to gain
His beauty stems deeper than just looks
All he’s waiting for is you
And while that may take awhile he’s aware this is a marathon 
not a race
So as long you stay within reach and never forget how perfect you both are for one another
He’ll be fine with that
“Surely, you’re aware of what your words mean to a young man like myself? Now I can’t have you off with anyone lesser, now can I? Not that I’d let you anyway but decorum is something we both have an affinity for.”
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whetstonefires · 1 year
The thing about the Shazam! (Captain Marvel but they don't have the rights to call him that) movie is that overall it's pretty good? Even if I question the pacing choices made in terms of screentime breakdown for '14yo boys making mortifying life choices and humorously failing judgment calls' vs. 'character development wrt to literally anything else about this fairly large cast.'
It's hokey; it should be. It's got some decent themes and fun character bits and set up good solid hero/villain parallels to subvert.
But it massively clotheslined itself with a major storytelling fuckup connected to the opening hook mystery, whose resolution is meant to be the emotional inflection point of the whole film.
Because the thing is, this movie chose to be slightly interesting in how it approached its 'family' themes. In a variation on 'family of choice' (since your foster family are in fact assigned by the government and Billy not having a choice about living with them only about trusting them is a major story element) it went for the more nuanced and kind of interestingly grimy take that the people who are actually in your life giving a shit about you matter, if you let them, and that you need to stop giving the people who failed to love you power over your happiness.
Which is not a bad premise at all! As messages for a movie about a kid being sent to a group home go, that's the most upbeat you could possibly get and still be tied to reality.
The Vasquez couple are written and played well in these terms too because they really, genuinely care, and are making so much effort, but as system graduates themselves they never had competent parenting modeled for them and god does it show.
And the mental health problems of the kids who got enough characterization to have them were similarly...realistic in a best-case-scenario sort of way.
But! Still with the but! Even though they pulled off a lot of this fairly touchy premise rather well, there's a crack in the foundation that makes the whole movie kind of collapse on a thematic level.
Because the movie (following the prologue introducing the villain's backstory) opens with a juicy emotional hook where small Billy is separated from his mother at a Christmas fair and never sees her again.
Cut to some years later, establishing status quo scene, he's a Troubled Youth rebelling against the system in an endless quest to find his mother and go home. He is committing minor felonies to get access to police information about women surnamed Batson so he can go to their houses because eventually one of them has to be his mom.
His case worker after he's picked up again refers to his mother as 'someone who clearly didn't want you,' which Billy rejects as bullshit, and he's valid! Because that is not what you say when you have actual information. That's a surmise. That's a sentence that says Child Protective Services and the police couldn't find her either.
Especially because you don't immediately chuck a kid into foster care because he's found unattended. Maybe you do that later, after a lengthy period of oversight, depending on his mom's reaction to having him returned and her race and socioeconomic status and apparent mental health and so forth. But you don't just not contact her, and you definitely don't refuse to tell the kid about the result once you have.
The only normal situation where an accessible record exists of a kid's original parentage but it's denied to the kid is in sealed adoptions, which are a formal procedure that clearly didn't happen here. There is every indication in this opening sequence that his mom was never found.
Which means she's a missing person. Either because they located the correct Billy Batson and his adult never came back to their house (which would suggest foul play or some other drama) or because despite being old enough to be in school and knowing his own name, no one could find evidence that Billy existed prior to turning up at that street carnival.
Which would constitute a very mysterious situation! What is he, from a cult? Another dimension? Did someone (in the social worker's proposed scenario, Billy's mom) erase all record of her kid somehow? Was magic involved?
So: the way we're introduced to this scenario, there's a legitimate weird mystery here that none of the adults in Billy's life care enough about to do anything but tell him to write it off, the way they have. That his missing person clearly did it on purpose.
Billy's being ridiculous because if what he's trying would work then he wouldn't need to do it; his social worker could have arranged a meeting years ago. So it's a useless self-destructive behavior he needs to let go. But he's valid, in that he's being very obviously failed by the system and is doing the only thing he can think of to try to address his situation for himself.
And then! The Big Reveal is that his mom has been living under her maiden name in the same city as him this whole time.
Which the Gamer Kid Who Turns Out In This Scene To Be A Hacker (he's about 10) learned by. Breaking into a federal database.
So he goes to her house and it turns out. She'd been a teen mother and her babydaddy walked out after marrying her, and her parents cut her off, and she was depressed and felt like a bad mother so. When she saw the cops had her kid, she just walked away. And she wants to believe he's been happy and better off without her.
And the emotional arc of the film rests on how Billy comes to terms with this. With the fact that his past will never take him back and he has to learn to find joy in himself and his present situation and his future.
Having let go of that idea, he's able to emotionally commit to his gaggle of foster siblings and realize that unlike the villain, who was obsessed with punishing the people who never loved or accepted him, or the wizard who was focused on finding The Perfectly Worthy Champion, what you needed to be good and not lost was to be part of a mutually supportive group, like the wizard Shazam was before he and his siblings were betrayed. And then they can be a superhero team, woo!
And that part is actually depicted fairly well, all things considered!
But the problem is that the audience, to vibe with this properly, has to roll with the revelation that Billy was wrong to cling to the mystery of his vanished, beloved mother and the fantasy of going home again.
We have to be willing to participate in the idea that the Resistant Child Subjected To Foster Care was in the wrong.
And he wasn't! He wasn't wrong! His understanding of the situation was flawed but it should not have been flawed in this manner.
Because this scenario as it's depicted doesn't make any sense. The cops do not just keep your kid without following up if you fail to collect him from the baggage claim. CPS does not fail to provide a kid with the readily available evidence that he's been voluntarily surrendered to them, when he keeps running off trying to go home.
Why would they do that, after all? Billy's misbehavior was a huge hassle for them. They gained nothing by denying him access to his mother and the information about her that was, you recall, sitting totally available in a government database that could be hacked by a random 10 year old asian-american orphan. They just...made their own lives harder for no reason, while extending the suffering of a child in their care.
If the cops tried to return him back when and she said 'no i left him with you on purpose please keep him' maybe she gets prosecuted for child abandonment and maybe not, but either way, billy would know about it.
But if the screenwriters had made it clear early on that this information had been offered to him and he'd chosen not to believe it, they couldn't get a proper Reveal at the end because it would just be Billy being unable to continue pretending something the audience had known not to believe all along.
And they couldn't cram a good reason for the scenario they'd set up into the space they'd accorded it.
So they were just like, it's fine, if we cram enough cliches into this space people will react to the familiarity and go 'ah yes i know this one' and go along with it, and not notice that this isn't an actual coherent reply to the question that was set up an hour ago and therefore is emotionally unsatisfying somehow.
Anyway this is an important storytelling guideline: if you put in a mystery to control either the actual plot or, even worse, the emotional storyline, that mystery and its resolution have to make internal sense.
If you pull the Real Situation out of your ass, and it's not a matter of red herrings or That One Fact you didn't have that makes all the rest fit together differently, but in fact no one involved could have figured this out and especially if the people who did say this in the first place had no good basis for it, but still get narratively awarded the Correct trophy in a way that contributes to the thematic climax so the audience has to care. Then that will not get good results. It will make it hard to deliver on your intended themes.
Some people will not notice or care! This is true! But a lot of people will, and you'll get enough of a better punch even with the other folks, if the setup and denouement fit together properly and don't require reaching, to matter.
And when people do notice at all, rather than their naturally flowing along with the climax you're steering toward and experiencing A Story, there will be a tendency to notice you standing there placing roadsigns toward the Intended Emotional Response, and call you a hack.
People call out plotholes way too vigorously sometimes, so I want to be clear: it's not the lack of supporting logic I mind. It's that the active presence of illogic, of what's presented as a chain but is broken along its length, means the central character arc intersects with the core theme in a noticeably forced way. Which is bad craftsmanship on a meaningful level.
There is a loss of cohesion where you cannot satisfactorily resolve how the scenario we were initially shown came to be superimposed over the revealed truth, because that relationship between elements is very important to making a 'revelation' storyline land, you know?
In this case it's particularly vexing to me because the last-minute asspull and its thematic weight reaches back around and at the last minute moves the whole movie thematically to the other side of the line wrt whether it's approaching Billy, our protagonist, as a subject with whom we're supposed to identify or an object whom we're supposed to observe.
It makes all the high-school-freshman-posing-as-adult gags retroactively less funny because we were now more explicitly laughing at him, and takes a lot of the depth out of the emotionally sincere moments.
Up to that point I had really appreciated how, despite wavering that way, Shazam! hadn't actually fallen to the MCU Spiderman temptation to dehumanize its protagonist. Which seems to arise out of this weird tendency I've noticed to assume the natural sentiment of adults toward adolescents is bemused contempt, and that therefore if they ask their audience of paying grownups to empathize too closely with a teen hero instead of setting him and his Immaturity up as a clown for our amusement, they'll get themselves banished to the Children's Fiction ghetto.
And, of course, if they'd been fully committed to one side or the other of 'Billy is a protagonist the viewer relates to closely' or 'Billy is a protagonist the viewer relates to distantly,' they wouldn't have gotten snarled up about how much information to hand over when.
Committing to either option (giving us only as much information as Billy had and constructing a story that was solid from a being-Billy angle or giving us more information than Billy and operating confidently in the realm of dramatic irony) could have worked quite well. But because of the mixed signals and unstable narrative distance, they wound up with a distinctly weakened finale.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
how would the ros react if the mc disappeared for an entire day without a trace (under the assumption mc can do this) only to come back the next day with a special item that the ros mentioned in a previous conversation?
😭 kinda long response below!
SALVATORE. They frantically search for you, even going so far as to neglect part of their duties in favor of allocating more time. Where would MC go? Why would they go? The latter is rendered irrelevant compared to the former, but it worries them ceaselessly. Their parents will protest heavily; they'll go against their wishes just this once, anyway.
When you return, they'd start sobbing openly and ask--with great effort--where you've been. Do they hate them so much that they will not even tell them where they've gone, and for what reason? At the sight of that special item, though, they cover their mouth with a hand, shocked. Oh, MC, they left for this?--It's lovely, but... they're a fool for letting them worry so much! They laugh out of pure surprise, but they hug it if they can. If you're not averse to touch, they'll also demand a hug. They need it to know that you're really, really here again.
They don't tell you how much trouble they will be with their parents, how disappointed they've made everyone else. They can't even be mad, even if you should have informed them. They're just so glad to have you back, and their core pangs thinking about why you disappeared--to get that item for them.
LUCIEL. Sometimes MC and Luciel don't interact for a couple of days, so they might not notice. If they do get to a point where they see each other daily, Luciel will ask around Lucidio and then your parents, asking all they know if they've seen you. Your disappearance weighs on your mind, even if other deities are less concerned, and they will look for you anywhere they think you might be.
When you return, the ever-composed Luciel will noticeably melt with relief; they try to hide their worry, but they can't hide how all their tension falls away when they see you. Their gestures, their motion is slightly stilted with the emotions they try to suppress; they lack their usual grace, almost trembling. They quietly ask to see, or hold that special item, and they will look at it for a very long time before murmuring a thank you. If it is meant to be a gift for them, they will add it to their home.
Depending on what it is, it'll be all over Lucidio unconsciously. Special flowers? They sprout everywhere, but quietly--in the corners, on the columns, on the side of well-trodden paths. In any way they can manifest, they will do so.
CIOCANA. They try to find you to pester you, but they can't. They ask around Lucidio, and none of its citizens have seen you; they are quite annoyed with that. Ciocana can't help but be furious for you--you disappear without a trace, and all they can do is complain that you're not there to hear their pleas? They'll send a little curse their way for that and continue the search.
They get more and more worried with every dead end. Your parents don't know where you are, and neither does Luciel. After pretending for so long they're not worried, they stop pretending by the time they come to them.
When you return, they only pause and stare at your face, disbelieving at what they see. They don't even look at what you're holding, because they're only looking at you. When the spell breaks, their playfulness is half-hearted, and they can't hide how shaken they are with it all. They make a show of loudly appreciating your gift, but they hold it gently, almost jealously, like precious cargo. Though their overtures attempt to mask their emotions, they quietly murmur a sincere thank you. The item will be kept somewhere safe and hidden, if it was a gift.
ALESSI. Do gods disappear? Surely you are just busy in Lucidio, saddled with numerous responsibilities. If they have any reason to believe your disappearance is abnormal, however, they will go out alone and look for any places you might be. They're not a deity, though; they can only go so far in one night, and they can't confide in anyone to help them. Despite the discomfort they feel, they might attempt to make contact with another deity in the city, asking for you.
There is a large chance that deity is not on friendly terms with you--in fact, they might not care at all. They'll insist they look for you, and when they refuse, Alessi has to be escorted and forced out. The entire situation is frustrating, and makes them feel so powerless, so small. What can they do? They hate feeling like they can do nothing.
So when you return to them the next day, they'll likely be mad at you, making demands for where you've been. It's not long, however, until they break down and just cry, telling you not to leave so suddenly again. The sight is rare; they do cry, and yet, they are always silent and stoic. They don't cry very prettily now.
They're happy to see you, and... you got this? For them? They'll laugh in pure disbelief and call you dense. Please, never do it again (and yet, they keep it in that place where they keep everything precious to them, if it was a gift).
I'm not even sure you meant it to be angsty, but they can't help but be worried out of their minds 😭 so sorry! Maybe you meant it to be heartwarming, but you are their most precious prize. Thank you so much for the ask, turgpickens!! 💕💕
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thenotsoholyspirit · 9 months
Holding pt 3
(Here for part 1-2)
Matt murdock x reader (angst)
Summary: A little talk with the right man ends up revealing more than the necessary information.
(I pushed myself to give it more action and context, so forgive me if the timeline is not quite accurate for season 3. There's a lot of mention of catholic related topics too if you're not comfortable with that . Either way hope you enjoy it and thanks for all the support ❤️✨️)
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It didn't take much time for the announcement of the release of the Kinpin to become all journals headlines.
As I go down my building heading for work, the first thing I notice are the newspapers laying downstairs the entry.
I stare dumbfounded.
Even if I have promised myself to keep my distance from Matt, I immediately feel the urge to go and find him as I'm more than aware of all the trouble this criminal has brought upon the devil of Hells kitchen and the place itself.
I look at my phone. It's almost six in the morning. I still have time before heading down the veterinary.
I'm unsure where to go first as he would surely no longer be at the Law Firm. Even my instinct to give Foggy a call is quickly refrained as I remember what he told me about our last talk.
What have you gotten yourself into this time, Matty.
Suddenly, I hear the usual resounding ring from the church's bells down the drive. From both corners of the sidewalk, I see small groups of people enter the place, the usual morning crowd.
How didn't I think about it before
Before I can lose more time, I run down the street, calling the closest taxi.
"As we say this, we bless ourselves three times by making a small cross on our-"
Clinton Church wouldn't exactly be the first place most people would go to if they were in the search of a devil dressed like a vigilante, yet as soon as I timidly open its door, the familiar incense smell and gothic columns reassure me that I've come to the right place. 
As I come in, I quickly go sit on one of the empty seats from the back. Father Lantom has already started the mass. 
I can not let myself but let a small smile leave my lips. It's been such a long time since I've last been here. 
While vaguely hearing the Father talk, memories of long ago lived moments fill through my mind. Small snippets of my old life.
“May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”  
I raise my head up when I hear the priest pronounce his final lines. This was it. 
Thankfully, not many people want to talk to him this morning, as most leave or simply stay in the right corner where the prayer candles softly illuminate the walls. I get lost for a moment, staring at the wavy shadows.
“Aren't they pretty... Some may take them as nothing else than silly good omens, but I'd rather see them as a representation of hope. People always need hope...."
I turn around, noticing Father Fantom looking at me curiously. I'm quite surprised he has noticed me. He invites me to sit down.
"I wasn't expecting to see you this morning miss (y/n), ” he chuckles slightly, "A bit late to mass although"
"I... I don't want to take too much of your time sir, but I need to know if you've well-," I try to smile, feeling quite vulnerable all out of the sudden "Seen or heard anything about Matt"
His face suddenly turns more serious, yet he barely looks surprised.
Is it this obvious
"That may depend on your own answer, miss.. I haven't seen you in quite a long time"
I nod, understanding his peak in curiosity.
"I know...." I look down the floor. "It's not like him and me are exactly on talking terms neither"
"(Y/n)... Matthew came here late last night searching for some answers , " he stares at the statue of Jesus placed beside the altar. "These are difficult times for him.. He needs some guidance..."
Father Lantom sighs softly as he shakes his head
"And some hope too....and I'm not just necessarily talking about his extracurricular activities...."
"I understand that." I nod sternly, knowing that something was different from his last visit. "But I'm not sure I'm in the best position to be of any help, neither ."
Im not sure why Im being so open with him, but I guess the serious yet caring tone of Father Lantom invites me to be more honest. I continue talking
"I'm not sure if I'm strong enough"
He gently gives me a tap on the shoulder.
"I'm not requesting you to forgive him (y/n)... that's an answer only your heart can give..." He tries to keep a reassuring tone, "I just worry of what he may push himself to do"
Suddenly, the silence of the church feels heavier. I rethink of the news. It just clicks in my head
"Don't tell me.... Don't tell me he wants to take care of Fisk on his own "
"He didn't mention-.."
But I interrumpt him, understanding now Matt's logic. His anger, his guilt.
I get it just.. just why
"No.. He can't .. he can not do that.... He.."
"This city is already dangerous as it is (y/n)." Father Lantom looks at me with worry. He seems to have understood my own intentions, too. "It's not the time to play even more precarious games right now"
But I can't. I need to stop him before it's too late.
I look at my phone again. It's already eight.
Guess I better call off sick
"I gotta go"
I immediately jump on my feet. I give a last look to Father Lantom and the candles.
If everything ends up all right, I may give a chance to one of those.
I hear his call, but I decide to ignore him as I step outside. I cannot wait.
There was no time to lose.
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spacexseven · 2 years
ok im finally here with the spy au stuff. sorry this took me so long i suddenly got Extremely Ill and couldnt really do much but im BACK baby.
im gonna do some more than i originally planned since i made u and the venerable budijojo wait so long so buckle up
AKUTAGAWA - ohhhh akutagawa… poor thing. this is about The Most devastating thing that could possibly happen to him. i could see him not realizing he loves darling in time just by virtue of arrogance, similar to fyodor. he doesnt think he’d ever deign to have something as silly as affection for someone like… you. preposterous. doesnt help that he has dazai’s voice in his ear at every second. but, well, here he is: stuck adoring somebody who hates him, and knowing it’s all his fault. although deep in despair, ever the devotee, he will gracefully take any punishment darling throws at him- granted they stay by his side. you might not think so, what with all the ‘stabbing you a hundred times with his jacket’ business he put you through, but you’re truly the safest by HIS side, you’ll see! no one can protect you as well as he can! you can spit at him, scream at him, hurt him, tell him all the ways you despise him; he’ll accept it all, but he won’t- *can’t* let go of you. he needs to keep you safe, it’s the only way he can make up for his sins.
DAZAI - oh christ. if you thought akutagawa had attachment issues get a load of this guy. i could see him REALLY shooting himself in the dick by also getting a bit of torture in before “killing” you- either cuz you suddenly started being cagey with information and he was approaching his deadline or just cuz he felt like it at the time. dazai is… very jarring. his emotional state is such that he feels this very suddenly and very violently, and his demeanor is very dependent on what he’s feeling. this is all to say that when you and dazai meet again, the version of dazai you knew- the manipulative nihilist who kissed your cheek within the same hour he broke all your fingers with a pair of pliers- is all but gone. he’s been replaced with some sopping wet cat of a man who looks honest-to-god shattered at your rejections. and he really IS like a pet cat who just realized hes in trouble, or maybe more of a stray who learned the hard way that people stop feeding you after you maul them. anything he can think of to get even a SECOND of your affection he’ll do, and i do mean anything. he’ll debase himself, scream, cry, beg, kill, anything he thinks will do the job. just please please please please PLEASE dont run away from him he loves you so much please stay he needs you please….
CHUUYA - i think hes the least likely to make this mistake just cuz he seems pretty self-possessed, but i could also see him getting very swept up in the little competition he made up in his head and not thinking his actions through very well. also DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL he’s gonna be the LAST guy to admit his feelings in this circumstance, just cuz admitting it would be much too painful so his brain just rejects it. i mean, the fella kicked you so hard into the wall it made a crater, he can STILL hear the echoes of your bones crunching in his head every time he closes his eyes, thats HARDLY the actions of a man in love. besides, even if you DID somehow survive that, youd never take him back (not that he wants that lol no way) so it’s not even worth thinking about. theres gonna be a lot of waking up from a drunken stupor only to find himself in your old apartment or surrounded by your possessions in a nest and some extremely pitying glances from kouyou before he lets himself accept what he feels and what he did. any peace he manages to make with this over time will immediately shatter what he hears that youve been spotted wandering around the city. our boy is going off the deep end instantly. 
FYODOR -it doesn’t really come as a shock that fyodor didn’t realize his feelings for you til pretty late in the game, given that he’s a black hole where emotions go to die. UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT i can very easily see fyodor feeling guilt over the whole Trying To Kill His Darling debacle, its just that he doesnt really have any kind of handle on this feeling at all. all he can process is that you’re scared of him/mad at him and this makes him feel this Mysterious Bad Feeling™ that he doesnt know what to do with. it occurs to him that he could very easily just make you compliant with him by fiddling with your brain like he did to ivan, but this makes the Bad Feeling worse. he doesnt want you to be a smiling puppet, he wants YOU, as strange as this desire is to him. all the little things used to do that had gotten on his nerves or perplexed him he now feels this alien yearning for. he feels this full body frost whenever he hears you crying through the door of your (cell) room, the distinct sensation of oncoming sickness. he finds himself very hesitant to put his hands on you, or even enter your line of sight out of fear of disturbing and upsetting you. odd. expect him to creepily watch you sleep a lot after he kidnaps you, enjoying seeing your face at peace for once. 
GOGOL - clown boy has established he feels guilt over things as much as the next guy, so ohhh BOY is he not gonna handle this too good. honestly, i could see his guilt overwhelming him to the point where he refuses to kidnap you or approach you again at all. he had his chance and made his choice, best to let his birdie be free now, yes? of course, he doesnt let you go TOTALLY. he has his eye on you as often as his schedule will allow. definitely dons disguise after disguise as an excuse to get close to you, maybe even makes up a persona that works at a shop you frequent so he gets to talk to you every day. eventually his mind might fray to the point where he cant STAND it anymore and NEEDS to get you back no matter what, especially if he insists on prolonged exposure to you, but hed probably try to avoid upsetting you as much as he can. youll give in eventually, hes going to be the only person youre ever going to be close to again, after all, so theres no need to force anything. he can convince you of his sincerity, hes sure of it.
also bonus i think this concept would also work really well with jouno what do you think. couldnt think of anything for kouyou sorry :/
- 🩹
thank you so much for all your effort behind this :> hope you're feeling better now!! i tried to write fyodor a little differently for you so. what do you think eheh :> the linked words take you to the original spy au posts for those characters! i considered writing for jouno but this post is way too long already for an ask lol
cw: yandere characters (akutagawa, dazai, chuuya, fyodor, nikolai), obsessive behavior, violence, forced relationships, stalking, manipulation, mentions of torture/interrogations, deceit, imprisonment (not proofread)
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akutagawa is constantly tormented with his feelings for you. he knows he doesn't have the time to be in love, since he has more important things to do like make dazai recognize him, but he doesn't have a handle on himself. he can't put a lid on the wonderfully complex things he feels for you, and that's why it manifests the way it did. besides, he can't imagine actually tolerating, let alone liking, you, with all your kindness and concern that was long beaten out of him.
you've always been so kind to him, looking out for him, talking to him, treating him like anyone else. but all he could do in response was nod to your questions. akutagawa himself hasn't been shown a lot of affection so his way of showing his feelings is...awkward. he didn't know how to be friendly or be loved, but you didn't seem to care. and then when he finally, finally identified the cause of his palpitating heart and distracted mind, when he finally came to terms with what he felt, everything went wrong. you weren't supposed to find out, and you weren't supposed to get hurt. you weren't supposed to hate him, even if everyone else did.
he had been prepared to face the anger from his coworkers when they found out he fell for the enemy, but he wasn't planning on you finding out the way you did. and the look on your face, the hatred and the betrayal, it broke him. akutagawa, having lost everything already, grovels at your feet. he's desperate for another chance, but he doesn't dare complain, not when you ignore him and scorn him, not when you refuse to even acknowledge him.
he has hope, though, that one day you'd realize he only wanted to keep you safe. he only wants to show you that he's worth keeping around. you saved him before, and he only wanted to repay the favor forever. your organization was down and yokohama was far from safe, but with akutagawa by your side, nobody would dare touch a hair on your head.
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dazai well, it's established he hates you from the moment he was assigned the spying mission. of course he hates you and the dates you planned out and the meals you make and the hand holding and the kissing and the...warmth he never gets elsewhere...and...the adoring way you look at him...and....and...
what was he thinking? you were just a target!
dazai has so many dilemmas during this mission because he's conflicted with hating you for being so damn annoying and feeling something because you're head over heels for an asshole like him, but let's say he pushes down the growing good he feels for you, shoves it away and sticks with hating you constantly for the purpose of this scenario. when the gig's up and you find out he was using you to get intel, there's no point in pretending anymore. no point in going along with your affectionate touches and asking about your day.
dazai has to rely on his usual, faithful method of getting intel—interrogation. he pretends like he doesn't care about hurting your feelings, pretends like it's just another job and it doesn't affect him if you're scared or crying. he doesn't care what you think of him now, of course not.
but right after it's all done, he's drowning in regret. he can't even remember what you told him, he just wants to take it all back. he scared you terribly, he knows he probably traumatized you and he can't undo it anymore. he tries, though, of course he does. at one point you were hopelessly infatuated with him despite how mean he was, so if he was the complete opposite now, you'd definitely look back at him, right? you'll be satisfied seeing him suffer for your sake, right? he'll happily beg for your forgiveness and debase himself if you'd feel even a little satisfied. if there's no way for you to forgive him, then he'll just have to go all out. he'll pull out all the stops and do everything in his power.
(i think dazai would definitely kick into the typical "i'll kill for you" yandere thing around here, hoping that by killing your enemies you'd appreciate him. he can't stand knowing other people were around you, people you had no reason to hate unlike him. what if you liked them instead? you liked dazai despite his shortcomings, so you could also fall for someone else that wasn't him. he couldn't have that)
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chuuya (hehehe ive been waiting for this) feels the most guilt out of everyone in this list. i find it hard to imagine him actually hurting darling even if it's for the pm, like you said, he has the most self-control. in the original post of spy au! chuuya, he's completely obsessed with you and ends up scaring you off since you realize something's off, which leads to him finding your new place and what not. so i'll use the premise of him feeling guilty for scaring you and you kinda hating him for being a creep :>
he can't bring himself to hurt you, so knowing he's frightened you, knowing you hate him for what he believed was showing concern for you because he loved you, it shattered him. he didn't mean for you to think that he had it out for you or that he was going to kill you just because he worked for the enemy organization. he loved you and he only wanted you to be safe. he only wanted to get to know you so you'd love him back.
he allows himself to suffer, drinking a dangerous amount almost every night, staying in the apartment you used to instead of his own, looking at all the things he bought you and imagining you using them. it's pathetic to see how he's turned into a helpless, lovesick fool that can't even get you to look twice at him anymore. he tries to throw away the feelings he had, he avoids any mention of you and drowns himself in work and alcohol, but it's only a matter of time before the two of you cross paths again and he's unable to hold back from breaking down and begging you to take him back.
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since i don't have a planned out story for fyodor in this spy au i'll make it up as i go. probably some info stealing for the doa, he can't exactly ask anyone else to go. bram is...in an awkward state, kamui is far too much of a public figure, sigma is too busy with the casino, and nikolai...there's no guarantee he won't just kill you, and fyodor can't have that, not after all his efforts to track you down and choose you for his mission. you should be honored, really, that he's giving you such an important role in his plans. maybe he could even convince you to join his side and completely sell out your organization.
everyone knows fyodor would be successful in his mission, and they know he'd get you wrapped around his finger very quickly. of course you don't think there's a single suspicious thing about this strange man who suddenly walked through the doors of your life and is somehow always around you and wow he's so nice and wow, isn't this moving too fast? but fyodor has that way of reassuring you with a smile and gentle strokes that there was nothing to worry about, and who were you to question him then?
you try to make him happy. he's always a bit emotionless, always a neutral expression on his face so you can't really tell if he's upset or happy when you greet him with a kiss. or is that surprise on his face? you don't know if he likes you holding his hand or if he wants to hear about your day, but one reassuring squeeze of the hand and an acknowledging hum sends you happily continuing your earlier actions. fyodor is a little surprised by your efforts to make him feel included. he's used to silence except for nikolai's random interruptions, but having you constantly by his side isn't the worst. compared to the miserable people in the world, you weren't nearly as unbearable for him.
fyodor is mostly surprised by how disappointed you look when it all blows over, and his identity is revealed. you're not disappointed at him, but at yourself for falling for a lie, and causing your coworkers deaths. he was too good to be true, you think, and you blame yourself for falling for his tricks. trust one charming stranger, and look where that got you? in some obscure prison cell and subjected to cruel questioning.
it's not very satisfying seeing you cry and rub at your red eyes. it's far from nice when you're ignoring him and boiling with resentment. and well, he shouldn't care. you had one purpose in his plan and it was now fulfilled. you should be happy you had a chance to help out in the making of fyodor's goals, but here you were sobbing so uncontrollably. he's a little uncomfortable seeing you look so devastated, and he's uneasy now that you don't tell him anything anymore. it's unfamiliarity that haunts him because you've changed, and not for the better. if he sees you opening up around sigma, who was the most ordinary person in the building, he's a little troubled by it, but you glaring at him with burning hatred is even worse than seeing you talk to someone else, so he just leaves the room.
despite the unhelpful suggestions he gets from the rest, he doesn't want you to lose your mind like ivan, even if the latter claims he isn't unhappy anymore. watching you when you sleep1!! yes, the only time he feels he can be around you now, when you're unaware of his presence. he doesn't like it, doesn't like having to walk on eggshells and hide from you like he was in the wrong. which he shouldn't be. he was only saving you from that hellhole and that shitty organization that never stood a chance against him. if he left you back there, you'd be dead. shouldn't you be grateful?
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considering nikolai is like, the master of disguises, this mission should have been a piece of cake. get intel, and then he can do whatever he wants to you and your friends. this was a fun break for him! he was asked to join the company you worked for (a front for the organization) as a new hire and gather all the intel he could, but he didn't think he'd get attacked to anyone on the job.
you were surprisingly excited to guide him around the office, taking the senior role with pride. nikolai doesn't let it slip that he doesn't care about what you do or where the break room is, so he happily follows you around and shares your enthusiasm. you're all friendly and helpful to him, and he doesn't mind at all but it was a little annoying when he was trying to bug a meeting room and you just came around the corner, insisting he check out the new coffee machine. well, despite how irritating it got, he couldn't bring himself to dislike you for it.
and really, he can't help but tease you a little, watching the startled expression when he stares at you a little too coldly for a little too long, or lets it casually slip that he knew about the organization, though he's a little surprised by how quickly you bounce back to your usual carefree manner. oh, but the fun hadn't started yet! he was mostly looking forward, to the after. he couldn't wait to see your expression when you realize you've been cheated all along, and how you were going to die by his hands—
—but when the day came, it wasn't even a little satisfying to see you crumble. he didn't expect to be consumed entirely with guilt when he sees you tear up, hurt in your eyes. something inside him aches; he knows he's not invulnerable to feeling like this, but this intensity of emotion was new. he can't bear to look at you, facing the horror etched into your face at the sight of him, so he just disappears into his coat, leaving you somewhere far away from the devastation.
despite how much he yearns to be free he can't let you experience the same, unable to stop thinking about you. he checks in on you from time to time, hoping you'd try seeking him out. after all, he was the only other person who knew what happened, and you couldn't rely on anyone like you could on him. he knew you better than anyone else, all your secrets and your thoughts, and you'd need him by your side.
he'll definitely give into his urges and kidnap you eventually. he can't bear to be away from you, not after he knows you're probably feeling lonely, not knowing anyone else who could understand you. well, you probably didn't want to see the man who ruined your life, but it wasn't like you had many options. he's sorry that he hurt you, really! nikolai promises to be good, to go back to being the guy you befriended, but only if you promise to stay by his side.
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bluemoondust · 2 years
Could You Do Yandere Headcanons For Sayori (DDLC)?
✧General Yandere Headcanons✧ — Sayori
Sayori my beloved (ღ˘ω˘ღ)
Warning(s): Unhealthy Lifestyle (On Sayori's end), Self Deprecation, Angst (I'm fr cranking this stuff up because aksjkwkwj)
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To get things started, Sayori is a very selfless yandere who only wants to make you happy. Sure, she has her moments where she'd like to be selfish with you, but the overwhelming guilt just stops her. So she's put herself in the sidelines for you. The only reason she'd actually put more into pursuing you is either you instigating (of course you none the wiser) or the thought of you never talking to her again becoming too much for her. Even before this, she cherishes you to the point where she would rather die than see you upset/disappointed in her.
In terms of what type of yandere she is, I'd say she's more of a submissive and obsessive yandere. When I mean by submissive, I am referring to the fact that Sayori is a yandere who's emotionally dependent on her darling. To an extreme, but she can manage keeping this information away from you. A large part of her believes that you are what gives her life meaning. You're the reason why she can muster the strength to get up in the morning. Without you, what is the point of it all? It is so unhealthy that Sayori gets extremely anxious when she introduces you to the literature club. Why did she even do this in the first place? She asks herself but she knows that she'd love to have her friends be friends with one another.
Plus, it'd be selfish of her to keep you to herself, she chides. It's better though...being able to spend more time with you in the club. Sayori didn't like the idea of leaving you behind for a simple get together with the others. So, what better way than to bring you along? You'd even love it! However, there's these nagging feeling. It's so...narcissistic to want to show you her writing skills. Are you annoyed that she dragged you along? Maybe you only agreed because she was your friend? Ugh, couldn't she have considered how you felt instead of assuming you'd enjoy being here? She didn't even tell you. How could she just push this onto you!? Are you upset with her? God, why can't these thoughts get out of her head!?
Then you're there. You're here. The noise is gone as she looks at the smile on your face. That's what she was always after. The smile on your face and the sound of your laughter. It's enough to bring her back to reality. She can't lose that. The thought of you leaving brings tears in her eyes as she sobs in the school bathroom. She had nightmares about it before, so Sayori works to the best of her ability to keep you happy. As long as you were happy, she was as well...
The only thing you'd notice out of all of this would be her depression and low self-esteem. You wouldn't really suspect that she was a yandere. It'd play out similar in the game, where you discover her her internal struggles and reassure her that she's not a burden. Sayori is delighted to hear that from you, but again, her thoughts eat at her. She's upset that she made you worry so much about her. It must've been such an inconvenience... You'd have to be very adamant with her, which only causes her to have the need to cling even more. You're only digging a deeper hole.
Sayori doesn't get jealous, she feels envy. She is envious of others who hang out with you. They are so carefree. So free. They didn't hold the gnawing guilt of being too clingy or annoying around you. They can freely be themselves without trouble. She wanted to do that too, but fears she may overstep. She's already your childhood friend, you're probably tired of seeing her too often. It's better to see other people once in a while. Sometimes Sayori would like to be able to read your mind. Then she'd be able to cater to you better. It wouldn't be so hard to guess or assume.
When it comes to danger, she's more of a danger to herself than anyone else. So please keep in mind to watch over her since she may neglect her basic needs. Sayori will lose sleep and forget to eat often. She'll try to act like her bubbly self, but you notice it's not the same. Her eyes don't shine like they always do and her smile seems tired. Confronting her is good, but she will be sent into a spiral. Although she loves the fact that you care so much for her, the ugly thoughts in her mind say that she hates how much attention she's getting for this. They tell her how much she's making herself look pitiful just for you to look only at her. It's...extremely conflicting.
It's a completely different story when she becomes club president as finally wakes up to the true reality. Everything...was fake? No. Her feelings for you weren't fake, they were real. So real that it hurt. Whatever opinion she had on Monika before being a yandere is now...resentment. It was not Sayori who was selfish, it was Monika. She made her feel so awful about loving you to the point of...her mind couldn't fathom such actions. Now, she knew that she couldn't let go of you. Not ever. No matter how much the former club president pleaded for the game to stop. It's too bad, Sayori was now in charge. Just Sayori.
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - July 16
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 Hello, friends! Short list this week because I spent several days re-reading a favorite of mine. Enjoy the list and be sure to leave your authors a comment/kudos! 
What do you think of the new banner?? 
***Recent favorites
***Enchanted by iam93percentstardust
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home
I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
Steve starts making his way back towards the directions of the cars, wanting to greet her, only to stop dead when he realizes who her date is.
Natasha has brought Tony with her.
Tony of the pictures, of the stories, of Steve’s infatuated little heart even though he’s never met him in person.
***once in a lifetime by meidui 
“You should be worried that I'll break into your apartment, steal your identity and flee the country with all your money,” Steve says, one arm slung lazily across Tony's chest, playing with the key to his safe. “You shouldn't go around handing out keys to people, you know.”
Tony makes a low, offended noise and grabs Steve’s chin, making him laugh. “Is that what you think I do?”
bake my breath away by earliebirb 
Steve develops a crush on one of his bakery's regulars, charming businessman-slash-inventor Tony Stark. He is not stupid enough to think Tony would ever like him back, though.
Besides, Tony is already in a relationship.
As it turns out, Steve might have been wrong about a couple of things.
A Place In My Mind by KandiSheek 
The Avengers all swap bodies, with Steve ending up in Ironman's. It's a nightmare for multiple reasons, mostly because Steve has no idea who Ironman actually is, and he'd rather die than be the one to expose his friend's well-kept secret.
What Ironman doesn't know is that Steve has a secret of his own. One of the mushy, romantic kind. And being this close to Ironman, after all these years of desperately wanting it?
It just might be a bigger temptation than he can resist.
Dark Matter by RurouniHime 
A mission goes wrong with troubling consequences for Steve. (Based in the world of sabrecmc's Celestial Navigation and its sequel Orbital Mechanics)
an anger that you crush and fuel by starvels (dinosaur)
“I’m mad at you,” Natasha says, gripping Steve’s collar so tight the shirt seams strain.
Steve glances down at her hand, and his arm quivers beside her head. “I know,” he says, voice rough.
Symmetry Breaking by Annie D (scaramouche)
After the Battle of New York, Steve rode off on his motorbike. That's how it went the first time.
This time he rides back, all the way to Stark Tower, where he asks Tony for help.
The God of Solid Life Advice by kehinki
It's 2012. Steve is just informed by Loki that Bucky's alive.
Loki also tells him some other things.
The Hazards of Falling in Love (Rescue Me) by EmmaLostInWonderland 
“So that’s your name?” Rogers hasn't looked away from him once. His eyes are a piercing blue, and Tony barely manages to keep from squirming under his gaze.
“Yeah. Or Telecommunications Operator Stark, if we’re getting technical about it.”
“Are we?”
Tony tilts his head slightly. “Depends. Can I call you Steve?”
The man grins. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Tony.”
// Tony Stark doesn't date firemen. But he'll make an exception for Battalion Chief Steve Rogers.
written for BladeoftheNebula as part of the Stony Loves Steve 2023 Gift Exchange
Trying not to lose my sensibility by Girl_Back_There 
In the weeks leading up to his heat, Steve rethinks about his relationship with Brock. And his fading friendship with Tony.
i'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone by iam93percentstardust 
The real reason Tony wanted to do this movie, the one that he'll never tell anyone about, was because when he’d asked his agent who would be playing Chris, she’d slyly smiled at him and told him that it was Steve Rogers.
“Oh,” he’d squeaked, cleared his throat, and tried again in a more normal octave, but by then it was too late. Natasha had laughed at him and made the call without even waiting for him to agree to the audition.
He’s not quite sure if he should thank her or fire her for that.
Chamber of Reflection by Thahire 
A few years after retiring, Steve and Tony get a surprise visit from another Steve. Steve Rogers from Earth 1610 is lost, grappling with the new century he’s been unceremoniously dropped in, with confusing feelings for his new teammate, with himself.
Steve and Tony decide to get involved.
Soft Robotics by isozyme 
“I promise this is all non-toxic. The silicone is medical-grade, even.”
Steve makes a choking noise. “I would hope so,” he says, going bright, tomato red as he says it.
Tony makes some cool robots. Steve makes an assumption.
***Celestial Navigation by sabrecmc
Celestial Navigation: 18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
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