#this news has shocked me
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Paul Reubens (1952-2023)
I’m absolutely devastated to learn that Paul Reubens, also known as Pee-Wee Herman, has passed away after privately battling cancer.
I first came across his work, not through Pee-Wee but as Oscar Vibenius in a few episodes of Pushing Daisies; you can imagine my shock just two years ago when I got into TNBC and realised that one of the voice actors of my favourite trio of characters was in the first television show I was truly obsessed with and one that remains close to my heart. Despite only being in two or three episodes, he made such an impact and was by far one of the best guest stars on the show.
As I’ve mentioned, he was one of the voice actors who brought the trio of Lock, Shock and Barrel to life in Nightmare Before Christmas - I love those characters so much that I got a tattoo of them in 2021 on my left arm, and it’s one of my favourite tattoos I’ve ever gotten even now. I know that in the scale of things, especially given this man’s career, a voice role doesn’t seem like a huge deal but it does to me.
Once I realised that this man was Pee-Wee Herman, I of course had to check it out. I remember many mornings in summer 2021 being spent watching episodes of Pee-Wee’s Playhouse online, laughing at them despite the fact I’m a full grown adult and just loving the positivity and joy in them. Watching those episodes became a small little routine for me, bringing me something to smile and laugh at even as I dreaded another day of work or whatever the future held. For a small moment every morning that summer, they were a little respite.
This world has truly lost a bright, hilarious, witty and generous spark that can never be replaced.
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ghostbsuter · 2 months
He'd been flying above Metropolis.
Like a good ghost! Doing nothing but relax! Enjoying the weather, really.
It was so cool, Superman came up to him, they talked even! Superman was very, very, uncomfortable when Danny mentioned he was kinda dead.
It was really awesome.
Yeah, the keypoint being was.
Now? Now he is in Superman's arms, very much alive after being hit by a stray beam from Lex Luthors newest invention, quite literally hit from the sky when he didn't expect it and out of f reflex turned back human.
"I'm... alive?" He jokes weakly, smiling awkwardly at Superman's stare.
Danny considered this awkward.
Clark was processing the fact Lex Luthor somehow managed to bring back someone from death, his hands now full of said miracle and—
Shit, does the kid even have family left? What's he going to tell Lois!?
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
Bruce Wayne, drunk and full on Brucie mood in the middle of a gala: You know, that accent doesn’t really fit in around here. It’s cute. Where are you from?
Clark, internally debating every life choice that led him to this moment: I’m from Smallville. Kansas.
Bruce, leaning closer to Clark with a flirty smile: Oh you’re cute and funny. You know, I like that in a man.
Clark, very confused but trying to just go along with it: Thank you??
Bruce: I mean, everyone knows that Kansas isn’t real but I do always enjoy a good laugh.
Clark: What.
Bruce: What? Everyone knows that Kansas was made up for Wizard of Oz.
Clark, unsure if Bruce is fucking with him or if he’s just really deep into this dumb act: Bruce, Kansas is a real place. It’s one of the 50 states that make up America.
Bruce, tilting his head a little confused: There’s 50 states? Since when?
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Danny switching languages
So i like to think everyone in the fenton household is genuis in something.
Obviously all of them inherited the engineering skills,
Maddie is amazing at martial arts, and physical activity
Jazz is a prodigy in phycolgey, while being good in a little of everything else
Jack i think would be a good baker or something along those lines
Danny would be good with linguistics and either engineering or chemistry
I like the idea of danny being too sleep deprived to properly pronounc any words his brain forgets so he just uses one of the others he knows
Mr.lancer calling on him and danny says maybe half in english before switching to Arabic, then looks down as if he said everything in English
Mr.Lancer is looking in shock that DANNY FENTON knowes another language let alone can use it so fluently
Sam and tucker are thinking about how dannys hit a new level of sleep deprivation and making plans on how to get him home the easiest
Everyone else in in a state of confusion over fenton saying...what ever he said, Mr.Lancer looking shocked and fentons friends looking like their having an invisible conversation
Then Mr.Lancer thinks its a good idea to ask danny how he knew Arabic
Danny says the first half of his sentance in Latin, a quarter in engligh and the other quarter in German
Mr.Lancer looks like he wants to intergate danny so sam and tucker intervein
Sam starts telling Mr.Lancer and the class about how dannys amazing in language and chemistry, he just sucks at school work because of his ADHD and because his parents tought his a vastly different way than the school dose
Meanwhile tucker is picking danny up and subtle carring him out the room after he texted jazz saying
: New level unlocked 🔓 multi-lingual: school parking lot
2 days later all the teachers get fenton to take a few tests in a way he can learn and find out the prodigy gene was passed to danny
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gnomeantics · 7 months
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suja-janee · 2 months
LISTEN, some MK11 men are kinda fine-
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Nah trust me I know, I have a preference for the mk11 kuai liang over the mk1 version
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megyulmi · 9 days
➠ Sukuna, the ‘shunned’ child and the demonisation and worship of ‘unwanted’ children in Japanese folklore:
[long read. trigger warning: referenced folktales and practices depict themes of infanticide, religious rituals and child exorcism, demonisation and worship of children, ableism, suicide, implied sa, and period-typical outdated social views. they are not a representation of my personal beliefs. please read with caution.]
New revelations of Sukuna’s past in Chapter 257 made me look deeper into some of the tales and customs from Japanese folklore about children deemed ‘abominable’ in the eyes of society that I had previously noted down and I decided to share as I think they could offer a better insight into Sukuna as a character and what might have inspired Akutami Gege’s depiction of him.
It would be better to start with a bit of the social background of Japanese folklore. I will use the Emishi (an ancient ethnic group of people who lived in parts of Honshū, especially in the Tōhoku region) as an example, the oral tales of whom later blended with Shintō and Buddhist religious concepts and heavily influenced Japanese folklore. It is believed that many of their tales were shaped by the region’s difficult history of natural disasters, famines, and geographic isolation. In the Tōhoku region, infanticide was sometimes used as a form of ‘birth control’ due to repeated famines. The bodies of ‘unwanted children’ were often disposed of in rivers or lakes.
Another important source of such folklore is the city of Tōno in Iwate prefecture, known particularly for Kappa, tales of which could offer a good basis for the beginning of my intended analysis.
Kappa, a green, amphibious, child-like creature with a yellow beak for a mouth and a turtle shell on its back is one of the most popular Yōkai from Japanese folklore. Some researchers say that the darker aspects of Kappa tales in Tōhoku may be an echo of the region’s tragic history of famines and the high rates of infant mortality caused by a harsh climate, natural disasters, and the tax system that was paid in rice. Similarly, many people in Tōno (which is part of the Tōhoku region) believe that tragic history is one of the origins of the stories of Kappa. The Kappa of Tōno specifically are said to be red in colour rather than green, which may allude to the Japanese word for infant - akachan, which derives from aka, the word for red. From this perspective, Kappa are creatures born out of social challenges and disasters. They may not seem all too relevant to Sukuna, but the need to mention them will come up in the later part.
Moving on, at the beginning I mentioned that ‘unwanted children’ were often disposed of in the rivers and lakes, which is also found in the Japanese creation myth. I discussed the variations of the myth in this post about Sukuna previously (you do not need to read it for the moment, but please note that it has many variations), but somehow I did not mention their first ‘inadequate’ child. According to the myth, before they had Kagutsuchi, Izanagi and Izanami had a child as a result of their first attempt at a union, but the child, known as Hiruko (‘Leech Child’), was born deformed. The mistake was attributed to a ritual error on the part of Izanami, who, as a woman, should never have spoken first (i.e. initiated the union). Considering the child inadequate for a diety, they set him adrift in a boat in hopes he would die at the sea. This myth reflects how women and children who were born ‘different’ or seen unable to serve their ‘purpose’ were treated.
Continuing from the myth, Chapter 257 made me think of the tale of Katako, in which the protagonist is born half-human and half-oni. What is Sukuna’s true nature we cannot know for certain. We know he was a human once, but we do not know enough of his past to assume if there was more to him (how and why he as a human might have come to be called the King of Curses will be explained in the later part), but the tale still has the potential to give us insight into Sukuna and his mother’s relationship. The tale has various versions with different endings, but it generally could be summarised as follows:
[A long time ago, a man encountered a man-eating ogre (from here on referred to as oni) while working in the field. He told the oni how much he loved mochi (rice cake), jokingly adding that he could even trade his wife for it. Taking his casual banter seriously, the oni treated him to mochi. The man ate his favourite food to his fill and happily went home only to find that the oni had taken his wife in exchange for the treat. The man searched everywhere and finally found his wife on the island where the oni lived. The man and his wife managed to come back home with Katako (meaning ‘Half-Child’), a child born of his wife and the oni on the island. However, Katako was always ostracised by his human peers (in another version, it is said that he had an insatiable appetite for eating humans). At ten years old, tired of being ridiculed, he asked his mother ‘to cut the oni part of him into pieces’ when he died, and then committed suicide.]
In the tale, Katako’s relationship with his mother seems to be of trust. He is cast out of society by humans and despite his mother being one as well, he does not harbour hate for her, he trusts her enough to leave his final wish upon her. We do not know much about Sukuna’s relationship with his mother, but the manner he referred to her in the last chapter makes it seem that he also harbours no hostility toward her. This tale also shows how children deemed ‘different’ were treated.
In past ages, children, being considered closer to the gods and the Other World, also played the part of intermediary between humans and the gods in Japanese society. This task of mediation between two separate worlds fell to them because they were regarded as incomplete persons (until the age of seven it was considered uncertain whether they would live or return to the Other World: a belief related to the challenges indicated at the beginning). While considered sacred beings different in nature from adults, they were at the same time looked down upon and referred to as kodomo (where ~domo has a negative/belittling connotation), gaki (hungry ghost or demon; brat), or jari (lit. gravel).
Back in the day, people referred to the killing off of ‘unwanted children’ (mabiki or ‘culling’, a common old slang for infanticide) as ‘sending a child back’, and a dead child was given a special non-Buddhist funeral. The various rituals surrounding birth and the child’s upbringing were intended, through communication with the Other World, to transform the child into an earthly being. This aspect of the ritual made me think of Sukuna’s mask and how that part of his face resembles a burn scar (note: i am aware the nature of his ‘mask’ is still not clear and whether it is really one) in some of the official illustrations. It is known that rituals of purification included fire and water magic. Exorcism of demons, aversion of disasters, and other rituals for the removal of pollution were frequent. A katashiro (paper cut in the shape of a man) symbolising the disaster would be burned or floated down the river as well. Personally, I see the possibility of Sukuna’s scar (if it really happens to be one) being from one of such rituals.
Continuing, there is a term - Goryō used to refer to the spirits of those who had died violently (e.g. by murder or execution) and have become gods. It also included those who had died untimely deaths and therefore had been unable to fulfil their purpose in this world. Some notable gods such as Hachiman, Tenjin, and Tenno were once considered powerful Goryō. Great natural disasters and social unrest were attributed to them; rituals designed to appease them were performed, and a cult of such worship evolved. It was (usually) as a result of belief in Goryō that particular individuals came to be worshipped as gods. At times when public unrest threatened the social order, elements estranged or excluded from the ‘normal system/order’ were assigned the status of Goryō and worshipped as such. The cult was intended to purify and renew society. Manga has given us a similar glimpse of Sukuna’s past, where despite being feared (and despised), people were ready to serve him (and pray in his name) for their own well-being. I think Akutami intended to echo this very aspect of society through the scene.
I mentioned that children were considered closer to the gods and the Other World, but not all children were treated equally. One version of the origin of Kamadogami in the Tōhoku region is that he was an ‘ugly child’ from the Dragon Palace who had been killed and was thereafter worshipped at household hearths. Zashikiwarashi, who often inhabits old houses and is said to bring good fortune while he remains, is another household god in the shape of a child or, in another version, the spirit of an unwanted child who, having been killed off, became the guardian god of houses. I mentioned Hiruko at the beginning as well, who was set afloat on the boat in the sea. Despite that, he is in some Shintō shrines identified with Ebisu, the patron of fishermen and tradesmen. Their worship was for the purposes indicated in the previous abstract, to avoid their wrath. Sukuna has not been ‘killed off’ like these children were, but such worship shows us the general psyche of the public.
I indicated that socially inferior and rebellious beings were treated similarly in the previous part. The character Dō of Dōji (童子, meaning child) once meant ‘slave’, tattooed on the forehead, and was closely linked to notions of personal status. It signified one who was not a complete person and also one who had not yet been initiated, in other words, one who did not belong to the order of this world, one who was in this world but not of it. They were despised, feared, and avoided by ordinary people for their strange appearance and magical powers. In some cases they even formed separate ‘child’ villages (dōji mura), calling themselves ‘descendants of oni (demons)’. Since they played the role of demons during the rituals, they were shunned by the nobility as if they were real demons. Could this somehow connect to Sukuna’s title? I do believe there is a possibility this could have inspired his being as the King of Curses.
The ‘ugly child’ who appears in the story of the origin of Kamadogami has parallels in Yokenai, Untoku, Hyotoku, and Hanatarekozo, children who brought good fortune and prosperity to the house in return for offerings to the Watery World of kadomatsu (pine-branch gate decorations for the New Year) and firewood. But despite that, their ‘ugliness’ and names were used as an indication that these children did not belong to this world. It is important to note that socially inferior and rebellious beings were treated in the same manner (here is where the point connects to Sukuna, continued from the next part in depth). Such children were often associated with the colour red. For example, Zashikiwarashi is described as red-haired and red-faced. Kintaro, Shutendoji, and other children born in unusual circumstances (but may not have been considered an ‘ugly child’) and brought up in the mountain wilderness are also said to have had red bodies and were endowed with superhuman strength. I also mentioned that Kappa from Tōno were depicted as red. We see Sukuna often associated with the colour red, particularly, his eyes are red. I believe the above-mentioned could be the reason for that.
Personally, what we know of Sukuna and his past seems to echo these folktales and practices as the foundation of his character. He was a ‘Demon’ for being an ‘abominable’ child, but he was worshipped for this same reason as well. Whether he was born that way after eating his twin in the womb or something happened to him later in life cannot be known yet, but it is clear his ‘abominable’ appearance could have warranted the same treatment from society. It could also explain Kenjaku’s ‘fascination’ with him as a being. We do not know what relationship they had or how exactly they came to know each other, but there is clearly a reason why a being such as Sukuna would ‘work’ with them. We do not know much about Kenjaku either, but it could be possible that they (Kenjaku) once were either (1) one of those ‘priests’ who performed exorcism to purify ‘demon’ children or (2) someone who offered such children refuge (perhaps and more likely, for their own personal gain). It would also relate to the variations of Ryomen Sukuna’s story that inspired Akutami Gege.
[Disclaimer: This post does not intend to demonise Shintoism or Buddhism, but to tell folklore and practices for analytical purposes. Additionally, English is not my native language and this is only a personal interpretation as just another reader that I am sharing in case someone finds it interesting or can use the information for better analysis.]
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moeblob · 3 months
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New OCs
(briefly, humans and supernatural beings have to team up for building better relations with each other and all the supernaturals can shapeshift and take on human appearances but also have their 'original form'.)
OK so I was GOING to draw fanart today - I had a fun idea and everything! But health anxiety (and anti-anxiety meds) wore me out so I kinda .... slogged through OCs as a treat to me. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow so HOPEFULLY it's all okay.
#my characters#also kite is the worst socially and says things he thinks are surely fitting for a human conversation#but ends up insulting grady with 99% of the comments and that makes grady not fond of him#but then grady is like super pleasant to others and doesnt know how to act around kite and flubs a lot too#its a disaster and the twins are like oh no this is painful#mr tengu that was so tacky you cant say that to a human#mr tengu you cant DO that to a human STOP BEING LIKE THIS#while callum is just like wow this is hilarious thanks for bothering my younger brother its adding character to his life#and kite is stressed because thats the least encouraging thing to hear ever thank you v much hes TRYING to adapt#but also kite isnt his real name and he doesnt know squat about humans BUT he knows they have the internet#and so hes like well the problem is i dont want to actually say my name to you all because what if i am Online (TM)#and so he asks for a new name and then is like he should name me - the tiny one who wants to kick my ass should name me#so grady is like ....... nooooo...... dont............ and then suggests kite bc he's done google research#and kite is a type of bird and according to wikipedia has some familiarity to tengu so therefore yeah#and kite is like !!!!!! DOES HE ! KNOW THINGS ! and happily accepts the slightly researched name while the other humans#are like grady stop that is bullying the poor guy leave him alone pick a normal name!#anyway not drawn yet but there is a human guy partner for the twins and he immediately is like perfect#i know which is which lets go out and explore the human world for your research#and they dont understand how he knows them apart so fast and none of the other humans seem to tell em apart#but then none of the humans are shocked at the guy who knows so the girls are like sir howst do you know#and hes just v casual oh right yeah younger identical twin sisters - i have Practice ! and they are endeared to him haha#anyway if you read all those tags ty#and yes in his tengu form he does actually have the long nose please do not be mad#i just dont draw noses normally and im too tired to practice rn so#i only drew the second one today anyway - the first pic was done a couple days ago but i didnt wanna post on main#but then here i am posting on main#im sorry
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tinarannosaurus · 5 days
just got caught up with bob's burgers, and so far I'm enjoying season 14 much more than I expected to!
not to say I went into these new episodes assuming I wouldn't like them, but certainly the past few seasons (10–12 for sure) have fallen into a rut where like, there's a handful of episodes that are pretty solid, there's one or two that annoy me enough to skip over on any rewatch, and the majority are deeply neutral. the plots are just okay, the jokes are a little lacking, but the fundamental dynamics are still there, and I like those enough that bob's remains one of my go-to shows to have on in the background, even if I don't feel inspired or compelled enough to engage with the show the way I used to
but season 14 has been an unexpected departure (and actually, I think the back half of 13 as well) — it's funny, because I don't actually think the show is as funny as it used to be, but they're taking bigger swings with the plots in a way that's very rewarding to watch! I don't mind that there are fewer jokes, because I'm invested in the more emotional turns the show is taking
like—holy shit, "the amazing rudy"? a standout from start to finish. and I think a great example of what this season is doing in terms of its emotional arcs, and what I'm glad it's leaning into
I've felt very neutral toward bob's the past couple years, because it's felt so staid. there's an accepted level of consistency that bob's or any other animated sitcom maintains, and I get that, but I think the show really really struggled in its recent seasons with honoring that consistency, roughly maintaining the status quo, while also creating plots that were—and this sounds bad to say—but, plots that were interesting. there were a lot of low stakes, anticlimactic resolutions, unexciting premises—situations where there's not a lot of room for the writing to go, and not a lot for the characters to play off
but what I think this latest season is doing so well is leaning into its history, taking advantage of all the episodes of relationships and interactions and story they've developed to create setups that really fucking land! "the amazing rudy" is a phenomenal episode, but would it have hit as well in season 4 or 5, when we've only met rudy a handful of times? maybe, but I think it's so much more rewarding as this late series entry, when it can pay off all the previous mentions of rudy's home life, his relationship with his dad, his relationship with his—until this ep—unseen mom, his hobbies, his anxieties, his friendship with louise, the role the belchers play in his life—it's so good!!
this season is a couple eps shorter from the strike, but really hoping that the rest of the 14 and what's to come in 15 follows the trend, because it feels like the show is finally starting to figure out its voice and its footing again
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itwoodbeprefect · 10 months
in due south 3x03 "i coulda been a defendant" when brothers in arms by dire straits hits, and then they play it nearly in full... talented. brilliant. incredible. all those other things lady gaga said.
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samarecharm · 2 months
My younger sister is playing the base p5
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Okay, sure, all of the knights of the round table after Arthur and Merlin get their shit together and finally court being like “yeah, we knew” is funny because none of them thought to tell them what they all saw, BUT
I present to you, all of them being literally so thrown off by this new development that really isn’t so new. Because they see Arthur and Merlin together all the time, sure, but only while they’re with them. They don’t see the private moments we do, or the carefully intimate conversations in the night when they’re alone in Arthur’s chambers. They don’t see Merlin smoothing out Arthur’s collar after dressing him when he doesn’t need to. They don’t see the domesticity when Merlin is polishing armour by the fire in Arthur’s chambers and Arthur is reading updates from the lower town nearby in total silence. Etc etc
Because let’s be real, all of the knights would die for Arthur or each other, that’s what being a knight is all about, so they figured that Merlin wasn’t any exception. They don’t truly realise the lengths he truly has gone for Arthur.
Leon has been around since the day these two literally MET. Merlin nearly commit regicide his second day and then saved Arthur from the sorceress by the third. Gwaine loves how Merlin doesn’t fall into line with hierarchy roles but can begrudgingly see why he’s so loyal to Arthur, cause he has his moments. Lance respects and admires Arthur a lot, especially after knighting him, which has always been his dream, and knows of the prophecy from Merlin as his one (1!!) in-the-know friend, so he suspects it’s just that. Elyan knows his sister is in love with Arthur, half of Camelot’s court ladies are for Gods sake, but she and Merlin act extremely different around Arthur, Merlin being so much more comfortable around him than Gwen, so he thinks it’s more of a brotherhood like the knights bond. Percy is a bit more perceptive of this, especially considering both Merlin and Arthur never really fall in love with anyone else around them the entire time, they’ve never seen Merlin in love period since they never met Freya, and Arthur had courted before but most of it was arranged or a product of his duty to the throne.
So when they’re like “lol guess who’s finally together” all of the Knights are collectively losing their minds, and replaying everything they’ve ever known about them in their minds since they met.
THAT is comedy
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maddymoreau · 3 months
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 726: Sakamichi until the Central Sports Park
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Pag 1
1: Two hours earlier, Sohoku High School racing team is on the mountain road towards the training camp
2: Are you alright, Onoda-san!?
Y- your condition... ahh, ahhhh
3: We were descending at a high speed, and then the moment we entered the mountain road his face turned... white
What do we do about this training camp
Is- is.... is he going to be alright?
4: Yeah, don't worry
It's Onoda-kun's specialty that we've gotten used to – car sickenss!!
I didn't think it would happen three years in a row
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Pag 2
1: At the same place!!
2: I'm- alright, Naru.... ko... kun
Yeah you don't look alright at all
Your face is as white as paper
3: During these three years.... I've learned... and
I've come..... prepared....
4: Go ahead before me
5: There's no need to contact Toji-san either
6: From here....
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Pag 3
1: To the Cycling Sports Park it's 18km....
I realized that on this mountain road
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Pag 4
1: If I go with my bike, I'm sure I won't feel sick!!
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Pag 5
1: I don't feel faint and I don't feel sick either
And I won't bother everyone
Ahhh... bikes really are the best...!!
2: But I'll be a little later for the start
I'll hurry as much as possible
(Time display)
4: But
5: The air is sweet, and I'm able to slowly enjoy the scenery
Ah, I can see the sea
6: I even started humming without noticing
Hm hm hm
Ahhh the “Love Hime”'s third season announcement PV only has the chorsu part of the song.... I want to listen to the opening!!
Even though I'm pedaling like this
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Pag 6
1: There's many things to discover
2: 3km to go!!
3: This climb, and then the descent after it!!
4: Alright, I'm at the top
5: Hm hm hm
6: Hime hime
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Pag 7
1: Hime.....
2: Waaaaaaaa, he's deaaad!!
3: Someone- someone's collapsed
Waaaaa my first dscorvery
Wh- wh- what should I do
4: My phone, my phone
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Pag 8
1: I'm alive
A- i- u- e- o
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Pag 9
1: See, I can even speak Japanese
2: I'm just resting
On the ground
3: You can go
4: O-okay
Sorry, you surprised me
5: What a strange person....
Well, then....
He was wearing a unifer, is he a student.....?
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Pag 10
1: Hakone Academy is around here, maybe he's an Hakone Academy's student?
2: Uh-oh, I'm on my way to training camp! I have to hurry
I left the start to Naruko-kun, but....
4: Huh?!
This smell....
5: Just now the smell of plants was mixed a little with the smell of blood!!
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Pag 11
1: He's injured!!
2: Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm making a mistake?
Maybe he'll brush me off again!?
3: But
4: Let's turn back!!
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Pag 12
2: Oh?
3: The four-eyes from before
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Pag 13
1: I'm just resting, you can go
Yo-yo-you're injured!!
2: I have water and bandages!!
3: Are you kidding me
4: No way something so convenient
5: is... happe.... ning
6: Are you alright!? Were you hit by car!?
Are you alright!?
7: Huh? No... on my own.....
On your own!?
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Pag 14
1: Just for a moment, I looked away just a little
And then there was a hole and I fell
2: This is so hard, this is so hard
3: He's not listening
5: He's so bad at this....
6: But
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Pag 15
1: You saved me
Thanks a lot
5: I'm glad!
7: By the way, that
Is the same as the one that a famous guy from Chiba rides
The bicycle
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Pag 16
1: Huh
2: You know bicycles very well?
3: I was riding one earlier
4: Earlier?
5: Now it's a little....
Waaa- It's fallen to the bottom of the valley...!!
6: I was riding, then I got caught in a hole
Kinda like that
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Pag 17
1: Leave it to me, I'll bring it to you
2: I'll....
Ohhh, what a kind guy!!
3: I-!!
5: …. well then, I'll go
Somehow now it feels reversed and I feel sorry
6: By the way....
Ahead of here
7: There's only the Cycling Sports Park
And from today for the next four days it's reserved so you can't use it
So where are you going, Four-eyes-san?
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Pag 18
1: To the Cycling Sports Park
2: I'm Chiba's.... Sohoku High School's cap.... captain
Do you know of it?
My name is Onoda Sakamichi
We're having a training camp there from today
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Pag 19
2: Who?
Huh- ah, no- haha it's it's just a name
He doesn't know me....!! This is so embarassing!!
3: You're kidding me.....
4: The super famous person of Chiba!!
5: This is baad... I was s surprised I bluffed and pretended not to know
Ah... uhm, and you?
6: Huh, me?
I'm- I'm!!
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Pag 20
1: I'm Hakone Academy first year, the super rookie!! I'm Tobirama!!
2: It hurts
This person's head looks like a scrubbing brush
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itspileofgoodthings · 14 days
I love the rhyming on ttpd. can only think of two examples currently but I know there’s more.
#the dancing phantoms on the terrace do they get second hand embarrassed#is e v e r y t h I n g#but also I can’t stop thinking about:#you. look. like. taylor swift. in this light—we’re lovin’ it#like just the flow. the cadence. not even just the rhyme but#her ease with language and playfulness with it and all the little pockets and corners of so many songs#even ones you think you don’t like. settle in with time!#like the thing about taylor is that she is VERY much a poet#in that some of her genius/way with words is innate#and the images and stuff she uses the turns of phrase can feel so garish and embarrassing on first listen#they JAR#but honestly I think it’s because she is truly …. new? she is doing something NEW#and the shock and outrage that always goes with new things is always present with a Taylor album#and I think she’s drawing on so much from the past to write but she is so deeply rooted in the present cultural moment#so it’s so easy to dismiss her writing on first glance as like. idk a college girl’s idea of poetry#as being too Stark or Melodramatic.#she loves OBVIOUS imagery and extremely dramatic ones too#but she isn’t actually just throwing stuff at the wall#because pretty much always. it starts to land and soften and settle#and the image she’s chosen has done its job of drawing you into a world#and/or communicating an emotion#and sometimes it’s so upsetting. like. get me out of the bedroom with Matty Healy taylor!!!!!!!!!! but. the art is art-ing!#I guess is what I’m saying. she’s good at this it isn’t just hype#but some of it really is that she’s taking us places we might not want to go or are so quick to pass judgment on#as being unworthy of a song or more importantly a poem. but present art HAS to do that#and does do it!!!!!! idk I am just. musing
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maytheamazing · 2 months
Hey causal reminder that if you are enjoying a Thing Online and other people enjoying it a different way greatly upsets you then you need to learn how to block tags and filter out things you don't want to see instead of getting mad at other people
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