#this questionnaire a big boy huh
The interview
pro hero Dynamight is questioned on his choice of partner. Will Dynamight be honest with the press about his secret love life?
Bakugo x gn! reader, fluff, romance, foreign reader, protective bakugo
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Pro hero Dynamight wasn't interested in the whole world knowing about his private life. Numerous news outlets and journalists try and squeeze the tiniest amount of information out of the stern hero, ending with no information worthy for a click bate title for their blog.
Dynamight only shared what he sees as 'necessary' to the public. His workout routine? sure he will demonstrate what he does in the gym, what he eats in a day? sure but he does the voice over. He is very strict with what gets posted about him. He can't always choose what the press posts about him, knowing the hero will react a certain way if the information is twisted beyond belief.
You both wanted to make sure your relationship was private from the public as you liked your privacy. Even the slightest hint of bakugo having a partner will put you in danger of villains. So when Katsuki was approached by a tabloid to do a questionnaire, he insisted his assistant and manager triple checked the questions to make sure he was safe and prepared.
"So Dynamight! Welcome to our annual hero questionnaire to start the hero year after the popularity polls - congratulations on number 5! that is an amazing achievement for a young hero like yourself. " The host asks bakugo as he waits for the questions to start. The sooner, the better so he can go home.
"Right, lets get into the questions, firstly how did you and your partner meet"? the interviewer was listening with big ears as Bakugo huffs and bluntly explains how you guys met
"They where workin' with Earphone jack, they arrived to Red Riots birthday a few years back. Couldn't take my eyes of em" Katsuki says with a small smirk paired with a light chuckle back on the fond memory
"That's wonderful, Did you wait long before getting together after meeting?" Katsuki slumps back in his chair, thinking about his answer before replying to the eager interviewer
"After a few dates I asked them just before I dropped them home, Couldn't let them make the first move– I'll always be number 1" Katsuki says with a shit eating grin on his face as he waits for the next question confidently,
"That's so sweet, but why did you want to date a foreigner? do they understand much Japanese at all?" The interviewer didn't seem to pick up on the level of disgust his question brought to the hero in front of him. More questions like this, and he will blow a fuse
"What type of fuckin Question is that huh? Doesn't mater to me where they're from. Once they aren't a pain in the ass" Katsuki tries to blow over the question like his agent told him to when he is asked an inappropriate question. Unfortunately this interviewer didn't get the memo.
"Is this an arranged quirk marriage?" The interviewer jumps straight to the question most of Bakugos haters want to know. He has a large follow across the world, but his haters really know how to piss him off. They can say all they want about him, but you? that's too fucking far for this blond boy
"So what? you thinking we're gettin married for some quirk marriage or some shit? what makes you think that, huh? because they have a cool fuckin quirl? or is it because they're from (home country) and Japan is on the decline of arranged quirk marriages?" Katsuki asks sternly as he sits up in his heat, He was moments away from blasting the man in front of him to the moon if he even dared make a racist comment about you next
"Look at the people from that country! they're in need of strong quirks as their ratio to quirkless to quirk users in on the decline. They also seem very comfy in your penthouse sitting on their ass all day, rather working a hard job like you do Dynamight. No hate is meant from my answer, but it is alright of you having an arranged quirk marriage. " How dense was this interviewer. Bakugo has found a hater who clearly is asking biased questions. None of his real fans would care who where why when and how he gets married.
"They work so god damn hard. They don't need the media blowing smoke up their ass for just lifting a finger like most pros sniff for. Not only do they own their own franchise, but they are also the ambassador of (luxury brand) . What do you do? except asking people invasive questions all day?" The film crew was hinting to the interviewer to cut the questions short before the explosive hero kicks off.
"Think we're done here, don't message my team." Katsuki stood up before walking off the set, leaving the interviewer pissed off as he wanted to ask more invasive questions to the fiery hero. Too bad he didn't follow the script
@heronews247 : pro hero Dynamight storms of out interview after hurtful remarks towards his fiance !😲 follow for more updates 🔔
@heronews247 : pro hero Dynamight threatens any news outlit with a lawsuit if they make racist comments towards his fiance 🤯
@Ilovedynamight33 : any true Dynamight fan knows not to make fun of y/n! they give us all the gossip! 😍❤️
@RedRiot : very manly 🥹💪@OfficalGodDynamight stading up for y/n!
@OfficalGodDynamight : Whisper lies about @y/nlovelylife your days are numbered.
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-> Masterlist
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studywgabi · 7 months
I'm a Method Cashier!
And this was a role I could really sink my teeth into.
Okay, so, first of all, to work at Store there are 2 online applications, an online training course, 3 questionnaires for your references to fill out, 3 interviews (2 alone and 1 group), a background check, an unpaid 4-hr. orientation, a drug test, a pacer test, a polygraph test administered by an F.B.I. agent (and not like the sexy ones on Criminal Minds), a blood oath, and you have to be able to put on lipstick like Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club. Jesus, there are less requirements to be elected president. And a cult wouldn't make you jump through this many hoops to join.
My Marketable Skills: I'm a warm body and I'm not an asshole. I'm not going to say "we should hang out outside of work" to my coworkers or mouth off to the customers. Basically, you should hire me because you could do a whole lot worse.
But I couldn't just say that. I couldn't just be honest. It had to be, with tears glistening in my eyes: "It has been my lifelong dream to be a cashier at Store. Cashiering is my passion. I have 3 Ph.D.s in Applied Cashiering, Cashiering Theory, and Experimental Cashiering from Harvard University's School of Cashiering, and I completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Oxford University's St. Cashier Cashiering College. I have 97 years of experience in the field."
So, I get there, for the first interview, in my silly little outfit, mostly stolen from my mom's closet. I walk in and say excuse me to the first employee I see. She clutches her chest, looks bewildered, and says "excuse me" back.
Gabi, apprehensively: "Hi, I'm here for an interview, could I speak to a manager please?"
Employee #1, startled: "Yeah." She walks off and I assume I'm meant to follow her.
My dead name sounds vaguely similar to the name of a character from a classic poem you read the Wikipedia summary of in ninth grade English class. The first five letters are the same, but the character's name ends with an a, and mine with an e. Anyway, while we were walking, we introduced ourselves and she said, and I've never have cause to use the word "chortling" before, but if there was ever a time, it was then, "Well, your mother must have been a big The Poet fan, huh?" (as if I've never heard that one before). I mustered a polite chuckle and said nothing.
Employee #1, sneering: "You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
Gabi, wishing for death: "No, I know the poem."
Employee #1, under her breath: "Big deal."
The rest of the walk is silent. We turn a corner and see a boy about my age. She starts calling his name, he fully makes eye contact with her, and then turns and speedwalks away. She keeps calling after him and picks up the pace to reach him, but he outruns her. No need to watch the documentary through your fingers, the antelope is safe this time. It turns out he wasn't even the manager, because I meet her next. The interview goes okay and I get the second one. I ask a different employee this time. She says into her walkie-talkie, "Anthony, Daniella is here for an interview, do you want to deal with that?"
Anthony comes be-bopping up to me at 1,000 mph. When he's still several aisles away, he calls out "Hi, Friend!!" in an acoustic guitar-playing youth pastor voice. He leads me to the office, racing down the aisles like there's an serial killer revving a chainsaw behind him, and by the time I catch up in my pencil skirt and heels, I'm panting and sweating. Maybe this is part of the interview: seeing if you can keep up metaphorically and literally. The weakest shall be sacrificed.
Tony asks me, not why I want to work at Store, but why I want to work in general, as if earning money to eat is a casual hobby, like knitting. He asks me if I've applied anywhere else, like Store is a jealous girlfriend. Then he asks me if I have any questions, and I know you're supposed to have something, so I pull a couple out my ass. After he answers them, he asks if I have any more, and, thinking I'm out of the woods, I say not for now.
Anthony, ominously: "You sure?" Slowly pan back to Gabi.
Gabi, brightly: "I'm sure I'll have more during orientation if I'm hired, but I think I'm covered for now. Thank you!"
(Beat.) Anthony: "Well, you know, I'm just gonna give you some advice: you really should have more questions. But don't worry, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you a little bit more about how the Store family does things."
45 minutes later, he asks for a third set of questions, and then, believe or not, a fourth. Sir, this is my interview. You're not a celebrity guest on The Fucking Tonight Show. If you're so desperate for me to ask you questions, why don't you apply to this job? Or do like the rest of us and pretend you're on Ricki Lake talking about how brave you are to share the story of your divorce from Tim McGraw and how it inspired your new album, "Warm Regards, Gabi," currently topping the country charts while you shampoo your hair.
Three business days later, my email: "Congratulations! You have been selected to join the Store Family! Please report for orientation next Wednesday at noon."
Another day, another dollar.
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astoldbychae · 1 year
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Between work and trying to get everything moved from their old place (and Monet's storage unit), It's been a bit of a whirlwind for Melo and Monet these past few weeks. After seeing how much shit they've accumulated over the years, they decided to donate & sell damn near everything to start fresh.
Monet's godsister, Aura, is friends with an Interior Designer. They managed to squeeze in a virtual consultation over the weekend. They are set to meet in person next week, so that gives them a bit of time to complete the pre-planning questionnaire and sample moodboard. Luckily, Monet spends her days as a Staff Writer for Dream Home Decorator Network, so she is familiar with all things home, garden, & design.
They've only hired an interior designer because Melo was not playing about the budget. Plus, he has some big things planned for them this summer and he wants Monet's workaholic ass to relax and enjoy her pregnancy. There's a babymoon (or whatever the kids be sayin chile) in the works...she just doesn't know about it yet. Her first trimester sucked and he truly wants her to have an easy/relaxed/stress-free pregnancy. He doesn't play about that (especially after experiencing his ex-wife's second pregnancy...that was a hell of an experience)...
Anywho, Melo just finished setting up some of his workout equipment in the garage and is coming in to chill for the night. Miss ma'am was supposed to be getting a snack then starting on the design questionnaire however...
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*Monet, singing and mopping her lil heart out*
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*stares in if she don't sit her lil ass down somewhere* Melo: Lil Mama...What you doin?
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Monet: Huh? Melo: If you can say "huh," you can hear *laughs*
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*continues to clean...but has no clue he's that close to her*
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Melo: Lil Miss "i'M jUsT gEtTiNg A sNacK"...come here! Monet: *laughs* I was...then I noticed somebody made a mess Melo: Shit! I'm tryna make another one...let's go sit down Monet: WE...need to sit down and finish that questionnaire...
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Melo: Have you decided what you wanna do? Monet: I really like Modern decor but I want to mix in the elements of your old loft and Art Deco Melo: You're in control lil mama...just no pink in the living room
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Monet: ...So no pink...in the living room huh? Melo: Shiiiiit! on second throught I'll take pink wherever you wanna put it Monet: Boy! Go sit your lil tipsy ass on the sofa Melo: Only if you're comin with me...
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The struggle is...real😏
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cowboybrunch · 2 months
writerly questionnaire tag!!!
finally getting around to this, thanks a million @the-golden-comet (here) @harmonic-melodii (here) and @fortunatetragedy (here) <3
About You
When did you start writing?
as soon as i could hold a pen. i have notebooks FULL of little me's stories (i keep everything ive ever written. for nostalgia.) it was mostly silly escapism for a lonely child but now it's sweet to look at and giggle. from when i was maybe eight? nine?: "Pain and fear, like a perfect recipe. Pain and fear, milk and eggs"
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
mmm probably. when i say ill read anything, i mean ill read ANYTHING. i dont think ill ever write a hockey romance but im down to clown
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
poetry-wise Bhanu Kapil has been a massive inspiration for me. also Kaveh Akbar and Ariana Reines (Mercury sits in a place of honor on my bookshelf). for novels? i feel like i emulate whatever i last read. Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver did horrible (affectionate) things to the way i write
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
my office! my favorite place in the world!! cozy lights (that double as gamer lights), diet coke can graveyard, comfy office chair big enough for me to sit in a way that absolutely destroys my posture. sticky notes everywhere (a fun challenge! can i read my own handwriting?) AND!! i have an audience
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What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
reading something else, talking to someone about whatever im stuck on, setting a timer and just dumping everything in my brain (something in there HAS to be worth pursuing)
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
overbearing parental figures that believe they're acting in the best interest of their kid... surprising when i realized that it's in almost everything i write characters that are good at heart but commit atrocities due to their circumstances... less surprising oh! and death. i write a lot about death (someone pointed this out recently and i was like huh. you right)
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Missy and Theodore staring at each other like
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sorry! Theodore is my favorite!! he got here first!!!! he's my precious loser baby boy who HAPPENS to be the heir of death but he's trying his best! he's pathetic!! he's doomed!! but he means well! he doesn't want anyone to die alone! he wants to be good! he wants to be good soooo bad!! he hates rivers but loves the ocean!! he lies to everyone, including himself! he's simultaneously full of self-loathing and self-righteousness!! AND... he's bisexual!!
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
i would kick it with Robbie for SURE. snarky little smarty pants that can't sit still for more than five minutes, we'd be peas
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
*looks around nervously* ... Marcella (BOO!! TOMATO!!) im sensitive and she would be mean to me!! i feel like we'd warm up to each other eventually but not before she made me cry
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
they just kinda... show up. and reveal more about themselves as i write them
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
ougffff. lots of anger in these parts. most of my characters are angry, esp the women. as they should be
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
depends on the character! for main guys, they get listed descriptions but i cant picture them in my head (thank you picrew). but others? they're like. blurry shadows moving through the story (do NOT ask me what Uriel looks like! i DONT KNOW!)
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
words in brain make story in head. need story out of head so i can focus on literally anything else no but seriously. that quote that's like "the only thing worse than writing is not writing." it's like. a maintenance activity. if im feeling especially wound up it's probably because i havent written anything lately
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
if you leave me ANY comment i am kissy you on the forehead. just knowing that someone read it let alone enjoyed it... waoh
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
i am... trying very hard not to fall into self-deprecation here. i think there are things that i do well and things that i can improve on, but even if i write something and think it's "bad" i can still learn from it. all practice is good practice!!! (said through gritted teeth)
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
yea! i would find comfort in it i think, same way i do now. have my little characters for company
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
i am my own target audience. i am the conductor of the self-indulgence train but there's room aplenty if you wanna hop on
tag! @illarian-rambling @writingrosesonneptune @sarandipitywrites @mrbexwrites @mysticstarlightduck and a wide open tag if you havent done this yet. gimme a peek into your brain!!!
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Shinnosuke: Sooo...
Me: Yes. I am KTR's second godfather. Literally a God father.
Emu: Whose number 1?
Me: Daishinji. And he's really excited to have someone who likes working on the blades. That'll be KTR's smartest and nerdy boy.
Shinnosuke: Why isn't your version Rintaro the 2nd godfather?
Me: They don't want to burden those two, and they already have a litter of kids.
Emu: Uh huh. Cool cool.
Me: Anything else you would like to ask?
Tsukasa: *breathes*
Me: Anything besides 18+ questions. Those are to be in one-on-one privates only.
Tsukasa: *exhales in disappointment*
Emu and Shinnosuke: *looking to Tsukasa* *😑😒😮‍💨
Daiki (casually): How big is your version of Ren's D? Is it really big, as you say? 🤔 Is it thic-
Me and everyone: *grunts, moans, and scoffs in disappointment*
Me: What did I just say?!
Daiki: What? I'm just curious.
Me: Remind me never to let those two in for questionnaires.
Azuma: Put that on a note or something.
Me: Alright.
O... Okay...?
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cockasinthebird · 4 years
Tagged by @lostnoise thank you bby I love you!!!
Also, putting it under a read-more because damn bitch you long
Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen: Actually, when I am, once upon a blue moon, tortured with the unnecessary need to write in hand, I use a green pen! But black if I have to choose between those
Would you prefer to live in the country or the city: BOTH my parents fucking live on the country side and I... fucking hate it... City, city city city, through and through, give me cement and cars and loud noises, I do not care for trees and grass and bugs.
If you could learn a new skill, what would it be: ...singing.
Do you drink coffee/tea with sugar: Coffee with honey and tea with sugar, I have a HUGE sweet tooth holy fuck
What was your favourite book as a child: I had the HUGEST fucking crush on Artemis Fowl, like holy fucking shit I was IN LOVE with that lil genius bastard, and I still look back upon it fondly
Do you prefer baths or showers: WELL, you see, in my lil country o’ origin, Denmark, bath tubs are very very very rare, so I have never had a bath in that sense since I could fit in the sink... so showers, I guess
If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be: Anything with wings, beyond the ability to fly I am not picky
Paper or electronic books: Paper smells fantastic, and oh the aesthetic of it all, but for actually reading, e-books, so I buy both
What is your favourite item of clothing: Skinny jeans, because I look fucking AMAZING in them, man...
Do you like your name, or would you like to change it: HA nope I HATE my name, it is IMPOSSIBLE to pronounce if you’re not Scandinavian, and I have often considered changing my name to Alex, which, funny story, my mom wanted me to be named Alexander if I was a boy, so??? Coincidence??? I THINK NOT!
Who is a mentor to you: I’m supposed to have one??
Would you like to be famous, if so, what for: Oh God yes, holy fucking shit I want people to ask for my autograph and turn their heads whispering Is that them?? As for what for, well, ideally it’d be for being a huge broadway star, but since I can’t sing worth shit, I’ll settle for being Netflix’ next wonderchild of a writer!
Are you a restless sleeper: YUP, fuck yes, oh GOD, I have insomnia for various reasons, so I toss and turn I can’t sleep at night, oh, and I wake a good dozen times too
Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person: Fuck yeah, I wanna date someone I can send flowers to at work, always buy their favourite snacks, cook dinner and eat by candles, eat out and eat out, and just... ye.
Which element best represents you: I’m the Avatar
Who do you want to be closer to: See some of these questions are really setting me up to say Dacre or Joe, but instead I’ll say the Moon
Do you miss someone at the moment: Psh HA yes, but for not very PG reasons
Tell us about an early childhood memory: Nahhhh too depressing
What is the strangest thing you have eaten: Hehe, I mean, uhh, pineapple on pizza?? No but I haven’t eaten anything strange ever, really
What are you most thankful for: Money The internet, because without it I’d have never met this many astounding people, been this well-informed, or ever even seen Joe and Dacre in that shower scene
Do you like spicy food: I literally put garlic or chilli in EVERYTHING I cook, god yes, fucking burn me
Have you ever met someone famous: I shook the hand of our Queen once when I was in 3rd grade and she came to visit our school
Do you keep a diary or journal: Nah, I remember every horribly embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in excruciating detail already
Do you prefer to use pen or pencil: God, those are two vastly different things, like, pens are oddly sexy if you do it clean, but a mechanic pencil is nicer to hold and can be erased, so....
What is your star sign: You mean Zodiac??? Because if you don’t then hell if I know, but Capricorn
Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy: Oh GOD all good things in life is crunchy!!! Ice cream, chocolate, liquorice, cereal, let me fucking chew
What would you want your legacy to be: Well besides my enormous collection of Harringrove smut, I’d want to make a tv show, that even decades later people still love and enjoy, like the original Star Trek, just something that changes tv culture the way they did
Do you like reading, and what was the last book you read: I am actually not that avid a reader, which shames me a great deal, but the last thing I read was, and yeah I’m serious, Brokeback Mountain... Listen, I work in a thrift store, and someone fucking donated it and I... yeah
How do you show someone you love them: Read my tags on everything I reblog from my fellow creators. That is the closest thing I’ll get to showing love in such an honest way. All love is, to me, is the desire to make other people feel better, make them happy and smile and know that they are appreciated and wanted, and I strive to do that every single day. And letting someone know you were thinking about them, whether it’s by sending them a dumb meme or buying them their favourite snack, because you saw it and thought of them. I hope all my followers know I love them.
Do you like ice in your drinks: God yes, keeps it cold and I am gluttonous enough to just inhale whatever the fuck I’m drinking before the ice melts and waters it all out
What are you afraid of: Growing old
What is your favourite scent: There’s this... laundry detergent my ex used, and... it breaks my heart every time I smell it, but it also just reminds me of the good times we had, lying with my head on their chest, just smelling it, feeling the body heat, being happy, being loved. It makes me ridiculously emotional, and coming upon it unexpectedly so just stops time for me
Do you address older people by their name or surname: Man this is a very cultural question to ask, because here everyone calls each other by their first name, like??? I only know people’s last name if it’s absolutely necessary
If money was not a factor, how would you live your life: LAVISHLY SO! But no, really, I know that this is becoming quite tiring to hear of probably, but I would just sit and write. I would wake up, write, go to bed, and then fulfil human duties between like showering and eating and such. I don’t want to travel or party or anything, I just want to write. Also if this question means I’m rich, I’d ofc have a top floor apartment with the view over the ocean and donate as much as I can to literally all charity organizations
Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean: Well that really depends, because, salt water does wonders for my curls, like damn bitch yes work that beach hair, but also I assume the pool is 100% clean, so
What would you do if you found $50 on the ground: I would wonder why the fuck there’s 50 dollars lying on the ground in a country that doesn’t even accept that currency
Have you ever seen a shooting star, and if so did you make a wish: Of course I have, but I always liked to think of them as aliens trying to contact us in a long and drawn-out Morse code
What is one thing you would want to teach your children: Oof, uhhh, no thank you
If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it: I already got three, and I’m planning on getting a bust of Medusa on my left inner-bicep
What can you hear now: He’s just like all the rest! You can’t trust him! Hurt Someone from the musical A Bronx Tale
Where do you feel the safest: Right here baby, in bed, surrounded by far too many pillows and duvets and plushies, I like a hard bed with soft surroundings like a goddamn nest
What is one thing you want to overcome/conquest: The world and your heart, yes in that order
If you could travel back to any era, which would it be: That really depends!!!! Like am I still me? Do I know everything I know now? Can I come back again? There are wayyy too many questions for me to make an educated answer, but I’d like to see what was before the Big Bang
What is your most used emoji: 💕 But you already knew that!
Describe yourself using one word: Magnificent
What do you regret the most: Fuck I can only choose one???
Last movie you saw: Instant Family, and it was really good!!!
Tagging! No one yet again, because we’ve all done these by now, and I am very happy that I got a chance, too!!!
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messers-moony · 3 years
King and Queen | S.B
Paring: Sirius Black X Fem!Potter!Reader, James Potter X Fem!Twin!Reader
Summary: James goes through a lot during his time at Hogwarts but his sister is always by his side.
Inspiration: Click
A/N: If this comes off insensitive to anyone please let me know and I will remove this.
James Potter was a handful. From the minute he was born, he had this gleam in his hazel eyes that raged and burned with trouble. His twin, Y/n Potter, was almost the opposite. The soft smile that laid on her features and the glitter of calamity in her eyes. Euphemia and Fleamont were in for a lot the minute their twins were born. 
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is most comparative to having a web browser up with one too many tabs. James had always been unable to focus and was naturally messy. Truth be told, he thought it was normal, just as everyone else did. It wasn’t until his second year at Hogwarts did he realize something was genuinely wrong with him. 
Remus told him that he had this muggle thing called “dyslexia,” which was a difficulty in interpreting words, letters, and other symbols. However, it never affected his overall intelligence because everyone knew that Remus Lupin was indeed and wholly brilliant. It got James wondering, did his inability to focus, be organized, and hyperactivity have a deeper meaning?
His twin - Y/n - was quite the opposite. She made quick friends with Remus, Sirius, and Peter, who were close friends of her twin. Y/n was top of their class, creating a friendly competition with Remus, but she was always able to focus. Often she would hyper-focus, which would leave her working for over five hours at a time without realizing it. In those times, James would have to snap her out of it. 
Over the summer, James expressed his concerns to his parents. He was talking about how this could be a real issue he’s facing using Remus’ dyslexia as an example. Eventually, they gave in, letting James go to a muggle doctor. James had to fill out a questionnaire that would come back with his results in one week. That week was probably the longest week of his life. Nonetheless, his test results had come back positive. 
Fleamont and Euphemia would be lying if they were surprised. After hearing about the disorder, it was almost the definition of their eldest son. Fortunately for James, the muggles had come up with a cure - no, not a cure - dammit, what was it again?
Impede the symptoms! That’s what those muggle pills do. James was required to take two pills a day, one in the morning and once at night. Y/n was in charge of making sure he did so because - more times than he’d like to admit - he would forget everything if it wasn’t for Y/n. 
In third year, James was as energetic as ever while getting on the Hogwarts Express, “Aren’t you excited, Y/n?!”
She chuckled, “Yes, but Merlin, you don’t need to literally jump with joy.”
“But I’m excited!”
“I know that.”
They made their way to the compartment that held Remus, who was reading a book. James sat in front of him while Y/n took her seat beside Remus, “‘Ello Remus.”
“Hey, Potter pair.”
Y/n sighed, and James groaned, “That nickname needs to go away.”
“I quite like it.” Remus stated smugly, “Suits you both.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” Y/n accused falsely, “It means that wherever one of you are, the other isn’t that far behind.” Remus replied. 
James had zoned out already, and Y/n snapped in his face, “Take your pills?” 
“Forgot.” James muttered guiltily, “Oh Godric.” She whispered. 
“James went to a muggle doctor this summer.”
Remus quirked an eyebrow, “Did you now?”
“Got diagnosed with ADHD.” James informed, and Remus looked amiss, “Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.”
“Ah, I’ve heard of that.” Remus said, and James smiled sheepishly, “I feel kinda odd, like out of place.”
“Dunno, just, why can't I be normal?”
“You are normal, James.” Y/n reassured, “And anyone who says differently obviously doesn’t care about you.”
The compartment door slammed open, “Who doesn’t care about who?”
Remus snorted, “Ever the dramatics, huh, mate?”
“‘Course.” Sirius flopped down beside James, “It comes with my charm and devilishly good looks.”
“Ah, yes.” Y/n said, chuckling, “Don’t you see how I’m swooning for you?”
The back of her palm was against her forehead, “Come off it.” James swatted at her and then elbowed Sirius, “Better not make my sister swoon.”
Sirius chuckled and shrugged, “Can’t help it. I’m just that irresistible.”
The four of them laughed at Sirius’ dramatics and continued talking about the new term. Remus and Y/n were talking about books they couldn’t wait to read. Remus was even kind enough to gift her some muggle books he bought over the summer holiday. Sirius and James bickered about what pranks to do this year, along with which ones were better. 
Third-year was fun. It was a year of flooding corridors, turning Slytherin robes red and blasting music in the common room after a Gryffindor victory. James was a brilliant Quidditch Chaser, and Y/n was a fantastic Seeker. Nothing was quite like the Potter pair. Something about them was just unforgettable. 
Maybe that’s why Sirius was so fond of her. Something about the Potters made people around them smile on the hardest of days. They made sure that every moment was a night to remember. Every memory was worth reliving. So adventurous, so reckless, yet so kind and loving. 
By the time fifth year rolled around, Sirius Orion Black had fallen off a cliff into a lake called love. Sirius completely submerged himself in love for Y/n Potter. The younger twin by just 20 minutes, but something about her was so divine. Was it her silk and glittering h/c hair? No - maybe it was her gleaming e/c eyes. Perhaps it was for her strive for adventure and extreme kindness. 
Nonetheless, Sirius fell hard.
And who better to tell than James Potter himself?
Causally - as usual - Sirius opened the door to the Marauders dorm. It was empty aside from the brunet boy with glasses on the bridge of his nose. His hazel eyes were focused on a textbook - Potions textbook - maybe it was to impress Lily. Sirius couldn’t care less, so he pulled the chair out in front of the desk and sat before James. 
“Mate, I need your help.”
“Running from Filch?”
“No. Something- Something worse.”
“Something worse?” The textbook shut loudly.
Sirius nodded, “Way worse.”
“Alright then, come into my office.” James teased, and Sirius grinned. 
It was silent, “I’m in love with your sister.”
James sputtered, “Excuse me?”
“I’m in love with Y/n.”
“No, no.” James waved his hand horizontally, “I heard you.”
“Then what else would you like me to say?” Sirius asked. 
“Literally anything else.”
“Sorry, mate.” Sirius muttered, “I- I really didn’t mean to.”
James chuckled and wiped his hand across his face, “I suppose you can’t really stop love, huh?”
“You really can’t.” Sirius agreed, “I tried. I promise I tried.”
“It’s not that big of a deal late.” James assured, and Sirius looked at him with wide eyes, “I trust you just-“
“I’m worried about her.” James completed, “I- I worry about her every night.”
Sirius softened, “It’s like you with Regulus-“ James continued before Sirius could interject, “And don’t pretend. Your silencing charms are bloody terrible.”
“I know you still care for Regulus, you worry about him every night, and I do the same for Y/n, except my silencing charms are better.” James teased sightly, “I trust you, Sirius. You’re the brother I never got but always wanted. You know, the brother I can play Quidditch with, rough around with, the brother who’s just as sneaky and mischievous as I.”
“But Y/n is still my blood. She's my twin, my best friend, my partner in crime. She was the mind behind my pranks before Remus.” James elaborated and then smirked, “Remus and Y/n make a great team, ya’ know?”
“They are quite brilliant.”
“Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, take care of her?” James looked like the eleven-year-old boy again, “Don’t make her a fling and don’t make this temporary.”
“Y/n is a strong woman, and she isn’t for weak men. I’ll be honest,” James chuckled, “She doesn’t need a man. She doesn’t even really need me. I need her more than she needs me. Regardless, take care of her. She deserves a man worthy of her. Someone that’ll get her ice cream at 4 a.m. because she’s craving it. Someone that’ll go on sporadic trips with her. Someone that’ll understand that after a hard day, all she wants is a book and coffee.”
Sirius was appalled; he’d never seen James look so passionate, “Growing up, mum always told me to be a gentleman. I know it may not seem like it sometimes, but she always raised me as one. To hold a door for them, push and push in their chairs for them, give them my jacket even if I’ll freeze.” 
“Those kinda things. Dad said I should practice on Y/n, and I did. From then, Y/n always got treated like a queen, and she deserves no less. I won't lie, my parents treat me like a king too, and I don’t want any less either.” James explained, “Be the king that’s worthy of my sister.”
“That’s all I ask of you.”
Sirius nodded, “I’d be honored to serve her as my queen.”
“And if you show her no less, she’ll spit you out like chewing gum.”
He shuttered, “I hate how accurate that phrase is.”
James laughed, “I know her more than you think.”
By sixth year they were dating. Sirius would be lying if he wasn’t eternally shitting himself when Y/n said yes to going to Hogsmeade with him, alone, as a date. In fact, James almost wanted to throw him a party for finally not being a little bitch and asking out his sister. This party consisted of a bottle of firewhiskey and chocolate because that’s all that was in the boy's dormitory. But a party nonetheless. 
When Lily rejected James for the last time before graduation, he was utterly heartbroken. He’d spent and dedicated seven years of his life to this gorgeous woman. Despite all his efforts and all his charms, she still wasn’t interested. James tried. He really tried. He wanted Lily so bad. His heart broke when she said her final words of goodbye.
“I’m sorry, Potter. Maybe in another life, just not this one.”
Tears had ebbed at the corner of his eyes as he made his way back into the castle from the Black Lake. In the common room, where he felt like he had just got dowsed in water. James made his way to the girl's dormitory. His hand curled into a fist and knocked lightly on the wooden door. Shuffling was heard from the other side, and the door finally opened, revealing his sister. 
Without warning, James crashed into her arms, forcing his nose in the crook of her neck, “Woah.”
“Are you okay, James?”
His body shook with sobs as he shook his head no, “It’s okay. Let’s go lay down, okay?”
Gently she led him to her bed. He curled up beneath the navy blue comforter and placed his head on the silk pillow sheets. If he tried hard enough, he could forget the way Lily’s hair smelt today or the way her green eyes glistened in the sun. Now engulfed in his sister's scent, trying to remove every feeling for Lily possible, he dug his nose deeper into the comforter. 
Y/n sat beside him, her back to the headboard, and ran her fingers through James’ already untied hair, “What's got you so worked up?”
“It’s done.”
“What’s done?”
“L- Lily and I.” James choked, “She- She really doesn’t want me.”
A new wave of tears overcame him, and Y/n continued to try and soothe him, “Well, she’s a tosser.”
James narrowed his eyes, “James, you know I love her. She's my best friend, but if she can’t see what’s right in front of her, then she’s an idiot.”
“Can I- Can I stay here tonight?” He asked hesitantly.
“You sure you don’t want me to stay at your dorm?” Y/n questioned, “Because you know who sleeps here.”
“Will you stay with me?”
“Till the end.”
After a couple of minutes, Y/n and James made their way down the steps to the boy's side. They walked up more steps and finally made it to the boy's dormitory. James collapsed on his bed in the left corner of the room, and Sirius perked up at seeing his girlfriend enter the room. 
“Whatcha doin’ here, love?”
“Staying with my brother.”
Sirius nodded and stood up to hug her, gently pecking her forehead, “If you guys need anything, let me know, ‘kay?”
“Thanks, Siri.” 
Gently Y/n pulled back the maroon curtain and sat down beside him again. James reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers. Something they used to do as kids. When a thunderstorm would go by, James would always seek sanctuary in his sister's comfort. 
He fell asleep that night, knowing he was safe, loved, and knew that someone cared about him. Even if Lily didn’t love him, at least someone else did. He had his boys, and he had his sister. Right now, that’s all he needed beside him: Screw Lily and her idiot decision skills. Y/n was right; she was a complete tosser. 
When Hogwarts was over, James and Y/n got a flat together. Sirius, Remus, and Peter got one only a floor above. Realistically this wasn’t the plan. James always planned to buy a house with Lily, but he was still healing, and after everything going on, it was vital for him to hold his sister close to him.
Euphemia and Fleamont barely lived to see their children graduate. Not too long afterward had died due to the horrid dragon pocks. It devastated both twins and Sirius. While Sirius wasn’t their true child, he very well could’ve. Euphemia noticed Sirius’s lingering stares on Y/n and the loopy smile that graced his features.
She was the one who got Sirius to man up. She was the one who gave him advice. She was the one who told him what books were her favorite, which chocolate she liked the best, her favorite quills. Euphemia was one of the main components in getting Sirius to date her daughter, and when it finally happened, the parents couldn’t have been happier.
James’ ADHD still remained even in his adulthood, making regular everyday tasks much harder and twice as long. Most of the time, the pills were able to help him complete those tasks. But sometimes, when Y/n wasn’t there to remind him, he would miss his days. When Y/n got home from work, she had barely taken off her shoes to see the apartment spotless.
It was a pleasant surprise, but James was never really one to clean, not that she really minded, but the apartment didn’t have a speck of dust on it. Hesitantly she put her keys on the island along with her bag.
“Yes, Y/n?”
He appeared in the kitchen where Y/n was, “Um, did you clean the apartment?”
“Yes, I did!” James nodded enthusiastically.
Y/n sighed and gave her brother a sweet smile, “What did you not do today?”
“So, you know how you told me to go to the pharmacy?”
“Mhm.” Y/n nodded, “Indeed I do.”
“Well, they were out of my meds.” James informed, “I have to wait a week.”
“Oh, Merlin.”
“On the bright side!” James was already causing her a headache, “It’s gonna be a fantastic week! I’ve got so many things planned for us! We’re gonna go-“
James continued to ramble as Y/n grabbed her keys, bag and slipped back on her shoes, “I’m going to Sirius’!”
“Thought you were my sister.” James faked pouting, and Y/n smiled, “I love you, but you’re crazy.”
“I love you too!” He yelled as she closed the door.
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ohcheckmate · 3 years
natural treasures chapter 1
Season: Spring
Location: Field
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Mitsuru: Haha, Mike-chan-senpai, I’ve overtaken you, looks like I’ll be the first to reach our destination~♪
Maintain this speed, and dash, dash, dash☆
Madara: If that's the case, I should take this seriously too. But Mitsuru-san, you should be careful and not let the questionnaires drop everywhere.
Full speed ahead! Watch out, Mitsuru-san, I’m about to turn the tables.
Mitsuru: Haa… Haa… This is so annoying, I lost again…
I can’t accept this, let’s race again!
Madara: Hahaha! Don’t drag me like that, if we race again, we won’t have enough time to pass out these questionnaires. It’s better if we do it quickly.
Ah, is that Anzu-san?
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Anzu-san, here, here! Mama is over here~
Mitsuru: Nee~chan, g’morning! Hey, could you help us fill in a form?
Hmm? You’re asking us what we’re doing? We’re protecting animals~
Madara: Haha, Anzu-san looks really confused. Let Mama explain~
I have a friend who wants to organise a seminar about animal conservation in Yumenosaki Academy, and I was originally helping him with some of the planning.
After that, I ran into Mitsuru-san, and once he heard about this, he insisted on helping me, so we’re preparing the questionnaires right now.
Haha, following the norm, we should be passing out flyers for events like this, huh?. As expected of Anzu-san.
However, since there are way too many rare animals, my friend wants to present on animals people are interested in, and then lead to talking about the situations of other animals.
Know your enemies as you know yourself![1]
Once we understand the types of animals that others are interested in, we can focus on those to attract as many people as possible to attend. This is why we’re handing out these questionnaires.
Haha, taking notes because you find this useful? Mama feels very happy that you’re so eager to learn~
Since you’ve filled up the form, I’ll pick a small gift for my darling daughter.
Hmm, since you wrote about pandas in the questionnaire, here! A panda-ear headband! Come, come here, Mama will put it on for you~
No need? You’ll try them on later?
Haha, as expected, it does suit you, you look very cute wearing them. Hmm? You want to help us hand out these questionnaires too?
You have some work to do now, right? I accept your kindness, but you should really focus on your own tasks first.
Mitsuru: Yep! Nee~chan, you should go do your work, Mike-chan-senpai and I should be able to finish handing these out, so don’t worry.
Hehe~ Nee~chan praised me for being a good kid~
Madara: Exactly, Mitsuru-san is indeed a good kid! Once he heard about my situation, he rushed to help me. To tell you the truth, there’s still many things I have to handle, so he’s already doing me a big favour.
Mitsuru: Actually, I don’t have much to do right now, so I’m pretty bored. Also, this looks like fun, so it’s okay, I don’t mind!
Madara: Haha, good kids deserve to be rewarded! Here, good boy~
Hmm? Anzu-san, you’re going to work first, but you’ll come back to help us after that?
Haha, alright, alright. Helping others no matter how busy you are is just like you huh~ We’ll be cheering you on for your work too!
Mitsuru: Yes yes! Anzu-nee~chan, let’s do our best~♪
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Madara: She’s gone. But really, I have to thank you, Mitsuru-san.
Mitsuru: Hmm? Mike-chan-senpai, it’s really no biggie! Handing out these forms is fun! You’re also my team captain, so helping you is something that I should be doing.
Madara: I’m not only referring to that. Actually, there really is still much to do, but it’s great that you were able to assure Anzu-san by telling her that we’ll be able to finish it.
After all, if you told her that we have many more things to do, she definitely would not stand by and watch. If she did that, she’ll definitely affect her own work.
Mitsuru: Hm? What else is there to do besides passing out questionnaires?
Madara: Let’s see, we still have to print and hand out flyers, find material for the seminar… In any case, let’s just quickly distribute these questionnaires.
Mitsuru: Yup, we can't let our troubles get the better of us!
Madara: That’s the spirit! Let’s do our best!
However, I feel that distributing the questionnaires to people one-by-one is quite inefficient… Let me think of a better way to do so?
Hehehe, I got it! Mitsuru-san, let’s go.
Mitsuru: Huh? Mike-chan-senpai, what are we gonna do? Tell me too~
masterlist | next→
cn proofing: arson eng proofing: junsweats
the original quote is actually ‘知已知彼,百战百胜’, which is a famous quote by sun tzu, an ancient chinese general! iIt’s kinda just saying that when you know others’ strengths, weaknesses, and motivations, you’re more likely to achieve your goals!
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Imagine: Fighting with your boss Sam
Authors note: ONE DAY I WILL PROOF READ .. TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY XD SORRY strange langue in the imagine sorry
9/10 times working At the bar it wasn’t bad. Sure the drunks were annoying. But after the third day at your job. You realized Sam did Not mind if you pouched a guy for being too touchy. And lately it was getting entertaining Seeing Sookie start courting a vampire. You were one of the few people who knew about her abilities. And when your cleaning up. You always had a song playing in your head. Which Sookie appreciated whenever she was stressed she knew your thoughts were always on music. It was your way too block out the idiots.
Today however your thoughts were on Sam. Everyone who had eyes Knew he was in love with Sookie, however last night the bar was closed so everyone could attend a lectures about the civil war.you skipped it. Once hearing Sam finally got enough courage too ask Sookie out. You couldn’t handle watching them. So you skipped it. Then when you got too work today. Sam was in a awful Mood!
Going too the kitchen sneaking in too get a Sunday. Was it on the menu No? Did Sam Hate when you made Sundays at work? Yes. But Big John loved making them. Especially when it was blistering hot. Sam was in his office missable as you ate your Sunday. The place was dead quite as Arlene explained the awful date Sam and Sookie had. Apparently the entire Staff knew about it. Sookie told Tara, Jason over heard and he told Rene and Hoyt. And Arlene over heard and told Everyone.
“GET BACK TOO WORK!” Sam Bellowed at everyone. You bolted back too the front of the bar too clean tables. Later on your shift you walked into the back too your purse too check your phone when Sam cursed out at the desk. Throwing his pen against the wall.you jumped as he snapped, “what you looking at huh? What the fuck you doing back here?”
Sam Never Once ever raised his voice at you.so when he snapped at you. You were stunned.
“I came too get my purse- I’m on break I wanted too check my hone’” he rubbed his face Turning away as you stayed still not moving as he grumbled too keep it moving.
He stared at you startled at your harsh voice. You stood your ground too your boss. Which surprised everyone in the bar they all heard your fight. It wasn’t common for you too scream espically too Sam.
“Just because you had a Shitty Date doesn’t mean you can treat people like shit! Especially Me!I will Not tolerate you being a Dick too Me Sam Marolette! I didn’t do anything too cause your Shit ass move so I expect you too treat me with dignity and respect that I deserve! You Dick whip idiot boy!”
He was speechless as you turned fully around and headed out of the office. Siting in the bar. Arlene handed you a shot as you gladly too it.
“girl you got balls.”
“he doesn’t get too be snippy at Me! I didn’t break his heart he should leave his bad mood for Sookie.”
She agreed. When your shift was over Sam involved you. Stunned still at your tempter. You got your bag seeing Sookie coming in as you wished her Luck. Seeing bill Compton was in the Bar you walked too his booth sitting down as you had a notebook of questions you may not of wanted too watch Sam’s date last night but you were looking forward too the speech and after talking too Sookie who convinced Bill too come in tonight so he can answer your question. You were a history Major. And Civil war was your favorite topic. Probably because you lived in the south. But you also loved the Revolution and you have spent Many hours reading about different theories and strategies fo war. So having a living member.. well sort of alive. About the civil war. You had a entire Note book.
You barely sat down when Sam walked over. “Are you done your shift Y/N?” You nodded your head as you looked up at your boss, “yea I’m off the clock.I’m about too ask Mr. Compton some questions since I didn’t get too go too the speeches last night.”
Sam stayed staring at you as you turned too Mr. Compton as you shifted in the booth as Sam sat down taking your spot. Bill was quite and staring at Sam as you opened your note book for the first question.
“Did you think the war was going too be a quick easy thing. And do you regret the side you were on?”
Bill turned his attention from Sam too you as he answered .you wrote it down as you kept asking random questions some were common questions Bill heard last night then others were completely Random. “Do you miss corsets?” He chuckled at that one saying no that he liked how liberal women are now. Sam was distant and quite the entire time. As you looked at Bill. Minus being a vampire he didn’t seem that frightening maybe that was the trick.when you finished your questionnaire you spoke, “favorite president?” Bill chuckled saying that was now a tough question as you smiled saying he could think it over. As you smiled thanking him as you looked at Sam. Pushing him. He got up quickly as you said Night and walked out.
“Wait up Y/N”
Turning around seeing Sam chasing after you he breathed deeply, “I’m sorry. How I treated you earlier. I’m.. it was a shitty night yesterday..”
“I heard.. I’m sorry your date was a dumpster fire.” He smiled weakly thanking you as you stared at him.
“hopefully that means you realized.. you deserve better.”
He was stunned as you held your purse tightly looking at him. “I never seen Sookie react too anyone like she does too Mr. Compton.. you deserve someone who lights up like she does. When He enters the room.”
He sighed heavily as I spoke, “and if you weren’t Too stubborn and stuck on Sookie you would of noticed me.”
You turned and left leaving him with that massive bomb of information too Him. As you went home
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constantdangers · 3 years
11 for walter, 13, and 16 for wilson? no idea if u want to specify muses but i did ✨anyway✨
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Canon Questionnaire
[ Thank you sky and thank you for specifying the muses!! It definitely make it easier on me since I have quite a few ;w; I put it under a read more cause I got a little lengthy!
11. Are there some things you dislike about how the show/series/etc. portray the character you have picked up? If so, what?
I mean, I'm sure there's something? But off the top of my head I honestly can't think of anything, as Walter, Willow, and Wendy are tied for my favorite character in DST! Even my normal thought of "I wish we knew more about this character" isn't really applicable because honestly, that's just all of DST isn't it??
We know so little about everything and everyone and some people might find that annoying and I definitely understand that, but I do think it's part of the fun in terms of coming up with our own thoughts and stuff, especially when it comes to RP! Walter is honestly just...a very good boy your honor. I am picking him up and adopting him as we speak.
13. Are there any other characters from the franchise you’d like to play?
Ah, this is actually a question I've debated about! See, I'm very active on discord and me and my loved ones do lots of DST related rps. In me and my partner's threads we often share the burden of who plays who, but my other two friends play just their OCs and I play every single survivor as they're needed, on top of Charlie and the monsters. I don't mind, I actually enjoy it, but because of that I've thought about bringing more muses here and the only thing stopping me is I feel like I have too many kjenafjka;;
Out of everyone, I'd love to play Wormwood, Wurt, Wortox or Webber! They're on my list of favorite characters as well and I genuinely love them very much!
16. What is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
Oh boy...outing myself here huh? Wilson is one of those characters I multiship with and I think that's partially because he's very malleable to multiple scenarios and many of his ship dynamics just...work, or if it's because I've been into DS/T since it first released? It used to be my special interest for about six years alongside another game: an indie Russian horror game called Knock Knock. You might have seen the character from said game listed on my muse list, and that's just because I've had the crossover for DST/Knock Knock since the games existed and well...it's embarrassing to say I shipped Wilson and the Lodger for the longest time.
Anyway, in terms of actual other in game characters, I did always see Wilson as LGBTQ+ in some form or another (partially the reason why he's estranged from his family) and I think I would have to say Willowson and Wes x Wilson are my big two(I dont know the name for the latter though). Despite the previously mentioned biases, I am always opening to doing ship threads of any kind with Wilson minus Maxwil, just for personal reasons ^^"" ]
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phantomphangphucker · 4 years
Legless On Maim Chap. 9: Gifts Of Time, Science, And Space
ClockWork is surprisingly helpful. Danny’s surprisingly not. Jack and Maddie are surprisingly good at ethical(ish) human(ish) medicine(ish). Lewis is surprisingly not and accidentally makes a ghost. And the duo that is Venom are surprisingly... surprising.
ClockWork smiles fondly, leans over, and pats Danny’s head, “I’m perfectly sound of mind and Core, child”. Danny only groans loudly in response.
But this is enough to get Maddie and Jack to their feet and drawing weapons, though not pointing them because something’s going on here. Jazz practically bolting into the kitchen and looking like she’s ten seconds away from blocking their line of fire and screaming ‘NO!’, only encourages them to hold off more. They knew Danny was close to her, trusted her, maybe told her things they didn’t know?
The ghost turns to the pair of hunters, them floating over the table, and actually bows exaggeratedly with a cheeky smirk, “greetings, Madeline and Jackson”. Jack blinks, having not been called that since he was basically born and they had to tell the nurse what to put on his birth certificate. While the ghost looks to Lewis, “as for the who, Lewis-”, making Lewis quirk an eyebrow over them following Danny in using his last name, “-you’d be right in assuming I’m ClockWork”, looking back to the hunters, “the ghost of time, or spirit, as you’ve chosen to dub the created dead”, grinning, “we prefer neverborn ghost of course. Born ghosts prefer unlived ghost”.
Danny lifts his head off the table to the sight of his parents' open mouth gaping at ClockWork, groans and bangs his head on the table again. ClockWork patting his head with their tail before Danny lifts his head up, returns his chin to his palm and sighs, “ClockWork, there are days I really wonder if you just like making me suffer”, sighing again while his parents give him really weird looks. Danny glances from his folks worriedly to ClockWork, looking mildly unimpressed and exasperated, “you’re gonna make me explain all this, aren’t you?”.
Jack raises an eyebrow at Danny, “Danny-boy? Do you... know them?”.
Danny slips his head off his palm and lets his face bang into the table yet again, “ugh. Yes”, lifting a hand limply and gesturing at ClockWork, his face still on the table, “Clocky. Timepants. Pocket-watch. Timedaddy. Kronos, when they’re being a real old-timer stickler”, sighing, “they’re kinda my-”, he’s probably going to regret deciding that lying wasn’t worth the effort here, “-ghost parent?”.
ClockWork shifts to their elderly form, “you say that as if it is a question”.
Danny lifts up his head purely to scowl at them, “oh my Ancients”.
Danny’s scowl deepens but he doesn’t get to say anything as Maddie cuts in, managing to sound only slightly accusing, “what does he mean, ghost”, glancing at Danny and softening her expression a little, clearly silently asking him the same question but nicer.
Jack nodding stiffly, “uh, yeah”.
ClockWork says precisely nothing, instead shifting to a child and sitting on Danny’s shoulder. Danny turns his head to gape at them, “seriously?”.
Lewis chuckles, “well I certainly see where Danny gets his mischievous side now”. ClockWork was absolutely a trouble maker and prankster. And fine, if prankster god wasn’t slightly horrifying.
Resulting in Danny screwing up his face and giving Lewis the most overacted ‘you did not just say that’ face ever, that effectively conveyed ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’ in about sixty-nine different languages. ClockWork just pats Danny’s head.
Danny looks back to his folks at his mom clearing her throat. Him chuckling awkwardly, “uh”, deciding screw it, it’s way too bloody late for this to not be awkwarder than a snow bunny trying to relax in someone's venti cup filled with espresso shots. Gesturing with both hands from ClockWork to his parents, “ClockWork, my parents; not that you didn’t already know that”, gesturing from his parents back to ClockWork, “mom and dad, ClockWork; my ghostly guardian because I am a child and ghostly enough to qualify for this shit and my life is bullshit and the universe has a horrible sense of humour and yeah okay I’m exactly the kind of mess to have a technical god watching over me more literally and this probably makes, like, zero sense and I’d rather you not shoot them and I have no idea why they’re here now and I'm just going to shut up now”, clacking his teeth shut and leaning back against his chair with his arms crossed. ClockWork, now an adult, repositioning to appear to be sitting on the top of the chair back (obviously they are actually floating though).
Jack and Maddie blink, exchange a Look, and go back to eyeing ClockWork -who’s suddenly a child again- warily; though they look less like they’re trying to restrain hostility and more simply cautious. Maddie sitting down slowly and stiffly, effectively pulling Jack to sit down as well, “explain”, her then glaring/squinting at the ghost, “why are you here”. Both of those were technically supposed to be questions but that didn’t sound even slightly like questions.
Danny seriously resists saying ‘I kinda just did’ both because that wouldn’t do him any good here and because she’s asking to explain the explanation. Jazz gives him an encouraging nudge as she relaxes and sits down herself; now sure her parents aren’t going to attempt to attack.
Danny swallows, “um, like I said. Ghostly parent. Guardian. Mentor. Teacher. Guide”, oh he is so never going to hear the end of this. Of him having a Guardian and being taught ghost things, and not telling his ghost crazed ectologist/hunter parents. Never. But his parents, or his mom at least, seemed to understand him not being super open with his ghostly shit. With him hiding it. So maybe. Just maybe. They’ll get him hiding this too. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably not. Big difference between ‘my body does weird ghost shit’ and ‘I hang out with literal ghosts’. Massive fucking difference. Huge. And ClockWork’s over here being their typical calm collected self. Jerk. Though that was probably a way of saying ‘this is fine and will be fine’; not gonna stop Danny from being a paranoid little bitch. Danny breaks the silence by reopening his mouth, looking to his mom, “um. They’re who I meant by that wise ‘friend’ I mentioned”.
Maddie squints at him a little before nodding and glancing back to the ghost. So this ghost -spirit or ‘neverborn’?- loved the living? That was... arguably good... okay. But she’s still not sure what’s even going on here. How can he ‘have a ghost parent’? That makes no sense. And pointing that out just effectively made Danny repeat himself, so obviously this didn’t cross his mind as ‘not normal’. She’s pretty damn certain a ghost wasn’t present when she gave birth to him, and carried him, and literally everything else. And he wasn’t born like this, born with a Core and ectoplasm. She would have noticed something like that. So what really is this ClockWork to him? Or how do they have the familial relationship Danny’s saying they do. Again Danny didn’t find this odd, so do ghosts just... get assigned a mentor ghost? That makes zero sense. Ghosts knew how to be ghosts from the get-go... right? But also, what the heck was some ghost -maybe ‘needed’ or not- teaching her son?
Jack tilts his head, watching the currently child-like ghost give Danny a little head pat. His son glancing up with the typical scowl he gave to the two of them for doing that or ruffling his hair, even looking a bit fond? And that wasn’t something that could really be faked. So close for sure. His boy was close with a ghost! What does he even do with this? Is it good? Bad? Kinda cool? If ghostie really was friendly -huh, friendly ghost, who would have thought? Danny apparently- then it was cool. The things he could learn! But how? “How are you related?”, Jack shakes his head, “wait no, they said created so no relatives at all”. Then squinting and becoming just a little giddy. Wait! They confirmed a theory! Or more so Dan’s theory. Blurting out, “you’re needed!”, pausing, right no assumptions anymore, “or are you?”.
ClockWork grins, “ghost of time. The time stream would quite effectively collapse without me”. A truly unfortunate truth. ClockWork lets them sit on that for a beat before adding, “of course I am an unfade so that hardly matters”.
Jack and Maddie blink, “an ’unfade’”, attempting to take this in stride.
“Indestructible. Immortal. I am an endless thing. I have always been and will always be”.
Jazz decides now would be a good point to interject, before her parents start building a questionnaire, “alright, I’m sure you didn’t show up to answer questions. So why are you here and could it have waited till after everyone had slept?”, Danny especially needed all the sleep he could muster.
ClockWork grins, “they asked to meet a good ghost, so I decided to let them. Though I can be more of a neutral when it comes to the universe or existence itself”. Ultimately, seeking to extend the existence of the universe and maintain the stability of time, were ‘good’ goals and jobs.
Lewis can’t help but chuckle, that was so painfully mundane but with complete chaos as a result. Which gets Maddie’s attention on him, “you are... very calm”. Maddie officially feels like Dan might have a better disposition for her job than she does.
Danny grumbles, “tell me about it”, because seriously, come on! Looking to ClockWork, “for the love of everything, tell me you had more reason than that?”.
Jazz butting in again, “no. No more questions. You all need to go to bed. And I need to go back to it”. Earning some neck rubbing from Danny. Maddie and Jack just gesture -with both hands- at ClockWork like that is reason enough for them not to. Jazz stands up, hands on her hips, “no. Bed. Now”.
ClockWork smirks and closes their eyes slightly, “I’ll make sure to tuck Daniel in then”. Making both parents immediately exclaim, “no! You’re a stranger to us! And a ghost!”. Which Danny glares at them over a little.
Jazz throws up her hands, “why do I try”, and attempts to smack ClockWork over the head, “you’re as bad as Danny”, blinking at her hand, which of course had just phased through ClockWork.
Danny snorts, “why did you think that would work? They see the future”.
Jazz points at him, “proof we need sleep”.
Jack lifts up a finger and opens his mouth, though closing his mouth at getting a harsh glare from his daughter. ClockWork answer his question anyway, no clue how the ghost knew what it was though, “the time stream flows trough my Core, to be without me would be rather similar to brewing coffee without the filter and picking your beans blindly”.
Lewis mutters, “the horror”, sarcastically. While ClockWork continues, “the universe would get nothing short of a mess and would likely throw out the end result with haste. And Madeline? I have in fact been watching over him since before you had been born yourself”, looking with an almost mean smirk to Jazz, “preventing your parents from speaking will not alter the fact that they did speak in another time”.
Jack is almost smiling over the new info and Maddie just looks incredibly confused. While Jazz sighs and rubs her temples, “at the very least Danny should sleep. If you’re a ‘parent’ then shouldn’t you be focused on his heath?”.
ClockWork smirks more, “and I am. After all, there are some timely issues. What better to empower timing mechanisms than-”, shifting to an elder, “-old man time, the being that empowers time itself”. Danny puts a hand over his mouth and chuckles; not even attempting to figure out what ClockWork means.
Lewis quirks an eyebrow, “you’re referring to the timer I’m guessing? I find it interesting that a ghost would be offering to help ghost hunters with their tech. Which is usually used for ghost hunting”. This gets literally everyone else to raise their eyebrows.
ClockWork shrugs very subtly, “they could hardly do me harm, and ghost hunting is far from the purpose here”, grinning and side-eyeing Danny, “put that tail to good use, people do tend to keep around that which is useful”.
Danny’s pretty sure he’s the only one who got that. ClockWork absolutely was enjoying his effectively full-time tail. Cheeky bastard. Rolling his eyes a little bit with a small smile at ClockWork poking his tail with theirs; letting his tail uncoil from the chair and effectively wind around and fiddle with ClockWork’s a little. Then scowling at Jazz for giggling at him.
Jack is struggling not to grin, only even trying not to due to this being a ghosts that deserves suspicion. Maddie furrows her eyebrows, “‘help with the timer’?”, then sounding very suspicious, “how?”, then glancing at Danny’s tail basically wrapped around the base of ClockWork’s, whose tail tip is patting his. The ghost seemed to imply It-they wanted him to keep the tail; not that there was another option. But why? Though come to think of it, she hadn’t seen them with legs at all, “is your tail constant?”.
Danny honestly feels quite pleased with himself and proud of his mom over her being kinda freindlyish. Danny deciding to be forthcoming to at least attempt to make up for never telling his folks about his Guardian; leaning forward, “yup”. ClockWork adding, “it is a common theme for Neverborn’s, yes”. Which Danny nods over. Nocturne, UnderGrowth, Vortex, the Observants, Remi, Silver; none of them had legs. Pandora and FrightKnight were two exceptions he knew of though.
ClockWork nods to themselves when Maddie hums acceptingly and thoughtfully, rightfully coming to the conclusion that they liked Daniel being similar to them; though she blames at least some of Daniel’s tolerance of his tail on them, which wasn't wholly wrong. “And Lewis’s guess is once again, correct. As is your guess that creating a stronger timer is simply beyond your capabilities”.
Maddie can’t help scowling at that while Jack pipes up, “I’m sure we could with enough resources”, managing to keep his tone down.
Jazz leans her head on the table and sighs. She’s staying awake at this point to keep an eye on her parents.
ClockWork chuckles faintly, “for what you seek to achieve, you would need-”, digging in their pocket, “-one of these”, and holds up the time medallion. ClockWork wastes no time in explaining away the twos confusion, “this is a time medallion. Only I can create them. They can allow the wearer exclusion from time or the manipulation of it. To travel to points in time or alter the flow of time, if settings are right. Only I can alter their settings. Though I can also grant another the ability to. If fused to a being they could even give a slight awareness of the future”, grinning almost meanly, “something that can entirely stop the flow of time around a being can certainly keep up with your creation”. ClockWork pockets the medallion while the three adults all gape slightly, ClockWork pulling out their own little timer device -that effectively looked like a silver time medallion with clock hands for adjustment nobs in the centre, all inside a dark gray circle- and holds it out to Jack; the more likely one take it. Unsurprised at Maddie instantly snatching it right out of Jack's hands, curious and mistrustful.
Maddie flips it over, noting that it was already completely compatible and based on the alignments was designed for waist placement; slightly to the right though. Glancing back at the ghost and noting their cloak clasp was a fair bit on the right, they were setting up the CyberSteps to copy them; and she’s gonna bet her and Jack can’t modify this. But no way in Hell were they sticking something that was a near unknown on their boy, especially if it was designed by a ghost; trying out Danny’s ghost-friendly approach or not. But if this was genuine and this ghost right, then they effectively gave Danny back functioning ‘legs’. She should probably thank them, giving a very very very awkward, “thank...you?”.
Danny blinks, goes slack-jawed, and leans back against his chair, mumbling, “my folks just thanked a ghost". Sure it was ClockWork but still. He’s made way more headway than he thought or his folks were trying really hard to chill the ghost hate. Sharing a surprised look with Jazz, also gives him a little wide-eyed encouraging smile.
ClockWork smirks and leans towards Danny’s ear, “I also have something of a job for you”.
Danny muttering while side-eyeing them, “uh, does it involve shooting you”, because seriously ClockWork. Thanks but, fuck.
“You’re welcome to try, Daniel”. Making Danny rolls his eyes, while ClockWork gives him another head pat before simply disappearing; leaving slightly awkward silence in their wake.
Jazz, surprisingly, is the one to break it. Pushing herself to stand up and asking in a way that sounds more like a command, “so can we go to bed now?”.
Lewis chuckles into his hand, “do you really think they will with that”, and points at the CW timer. The parents looking to it, Maddie biting her lip while Jack just looks excited; clearly tired though.
Jazz puts her hands on her hips and levels them with a glare, “that is a complete unknown to you. Do you seriously think you should be messing with that without sleeping?”, them inventing/working on sleep deprivation lead to either really weird inventions or a lot of destruction. And that was a gift (technically) from ClockWork, in two years she only knows of one thing ClockWork’s gifted Danny; a necklace with a stylised ‘CW’ in silver. Danny absolutely will be possessive and territorial -he’d honestly probably try snatching it from them if he wasn’t sleep-deprived himself- of it. So no way he’d sleep if they stayed up tinkering with it.
Jazz decides to take the initiative when her parents nod. Her pulling Lewis to stand up and pointing at his face, “you, make sure Danny sleeps. Then sleep yourself”. Danny throws a pouty look at her so she glares are him before making shooing motions at Lewis.
Lewis shakes his head with a chuckle and waves for Danny to follow, “I guess the sister hath spoken”, earning a round of weak laughs. Danny does actually float after him though, glancing over his shoulder at his folks and eyeballing the CW timer.
Lewis speaking up again at Danny’s door, “working legs, no revealing your legs, ghost bonding; guess your life’s glass is looking pretty half full”.
Danny pauses and blinks at him, before smirking weakly, “I’m pretty sure the entire bloody glass got ground into my fucking eyeballs when I fucking died”. Lewis doesn’t really have a response for that other than a chuckle, because yeah Danny’s luck was pretty bad.
Jazz nods curtly at the stairs before rounding on her parents, pointing at the CW timer, “no taking that apart, I don’t even want to know what might happen”, sighing, “and that’s a gift from ClockWork. I think it’s obvious Danny’s close with them, so think how hurt he would probably be if you wrecked it”. She decides she made the right call at both grimacing a little.
Maddie gets up, cradling the contraption cautiously, and nods, “right, thanks Jazz honey. I’m... going to put it in containment though”. Jack scurrying after her as she heads down to the lab. Jazz standing in the lab doorway, arms crossed, and making it very clear she will try to physically drag them to bed.
Maddie, unsurprisingly, doesn’t sleep very long; waking around nine. She spends about half an hour making coffee and sipping it at the table, getting a little surprised when Lewis comes down the stairs and pours himself a cup.
Lewis answers her question before she even asks it, “I’m used to working late shifts and morning shifts back to back. The occasional emergency call”. One needed to be bendable with their sleep schedule to be in the medical field. Another reason Danny was well suited. Sitting, “I take it you don’t sleep well on an active mind?”.
Maddie sighs and shakes her head, “no. Especially with a ghost being able to get into the house without any warnings or defences going off. Things put in place purely to prevent that”.
Lewis chuckles, yeah he could understand why she might have a few issues with that. “That ghost seemed more akin to a god. So I doubt defences really matter”.
Maddie sighs again, that in itself was an issue. She had managed to scan the ecto-signature ClockWork left behind, twenty-eight. Twenty-eight. Pariah had been a twenty-five. This ghost was the strongest they’d ever encountered, almost the strongest possible. And had some kind of positive relation with her son. “ClockWork scans at twenty-eight, so you’re not wrong”.
Lewis quirks an inquisitive eyebrow, “Danny might have mentioned the ecto-scale but I can’t say I know what each level means”. Twenty-eight was obviously incredibly strong though.
Maddie nods, “it doesn't mean much, but it tells us how a ghost compares to others. It goes up in increments. Basically, a two is as strong as a one and a half. A three is as strong as two twos. A four is as strong as two threes and a half. And so on. So the higher the numbers the bigger the gap. So a twenty-eight would be fourteen and a half times as strong as a twenty-seven”, sighing, “a thirty though doesn’t follow the algorithm, a thirty is twenty times as strong as a twenty-nine. I’m not sure why Danny changed it for that level, but he’s got a good sense about more tech or biological ghost things”. Which just makes her wonder why the Hell they never listened to him before on the things that didn’t line up with their theories. But then again, Danny’s theory on power levels had been proven in the field. They hadn’t believed him at first because the algorithm he made was frankly terrifying. Sure the fact that Danny’s scale accounted for things like general ectoplasm (one), ghost plants (two), and whisps (three); helped but still. Technus was a seven and he could be tricky to beat when he didn’t sabotage himself. (Trying to use ‘proper pronouns’ for ghosts, which Danny always seemed to preach, was... strange). And this ClockWork was effectively six-hundred-and-twenty-two-thousand times stronger. Course ectoplasmic power only meant so much, Technus was generally easy to defeat; very easy.
Maddie speaks back up at Lewis’s impressed whistle, “what really matters is the class of a ghost. Class takes into account powers, enhancements, and restrictions. One through six. A six could effectively end the world easily”, furrowing her eyebrows, “ClockWork’s a five, which seems strange”, that kind of power, time control and omniscience, seemed practically like ultimate power. What was holding them back? Or maybe they lacked powers other ghosts had?
Lewis chuckles, nods, and sips at his cup. That kind of power was pretty nuts, and man was he glad Eddie just dealt with regular ol’ humans. No gods, no alternate dimensions, no royalty, no symbiote hunters. Danny was in a whole nother league. But at least Danny’s enemies kinda respected him or straight up seemingly liked him. And he had powerful allies. Anne was right though, Eddie will be so severely out of his depth, Danny very much being a teen will help with that though.
Maddie speaks up again, breaking the slightly comfortable silence, “I wonder if Danny knows any other ghosts personally”, it would seem logical that he did. Wouldn’t make sense to just be friends, family?, with one powerful one. People don’t start out befriending the top dogs, they start at the bottom. And she’ll admit to being suspicious that Danny might have befriended some of the local ghosts. Had worried his ‘too friendly’ attitude about ghosts had extended to actually being friendly. That worry was apparently founded, but... it really was seeming like Danny was right which meant that this wasn’t exactly bad. Just... concerning. And Danny hiding his friend(s), family?, from her, from Jack, was honestly more upsetting at this point. Even if she understands his reasoning. She had hid her relationship with Jack from her parents for somewhat similar reasons after all.
Lewis pointedly looks around and covers his mouth with the cup, he’s not saying shit. Though there’s really no point in saying ‘no’.
Maddie glances at him a couple of times and squints, catching him clearly trying to restrain a small smile, “he does, doesn’t he”, that was definitely not a question.
Lewis makes eye contact and smirks in genuine, “well, at least one other has checked up on him to my knowledge. And that Skulker one has approached me about his legs; Danny did say he makes good pie too”. Sure, it was for ‘his pelt’ but he’d bet money that ghost was really fond of Danny.
The first thing that goes through Maddie’s head is that one is a known threat, a ‘villain’ ghost, why and how had Danny made ‘friends’ with It- him? The second thing is... wait he bakes? And it’s edible? But ghosts don’t eat, right?
Lewis keeps going, “Skulker also seems to like the idea of Danny having my job, though that might have encouraged him to teach Danny knife skills or something. And the other ghost, Johnny I’m pretty sure, threatened me because he thought I might be hurting him”, might as well hammer home that ghosts at least kinda cared about Danny. Would help with the whole ‘getting them to not hate ghosts or think they’re evil post-human manifestations’ thing.
Maddie blinks and stares at Lewis a bit, what? “That... doesn’t make sense”. The biker was another ‘villain’ ghost. Less ‘villain’ more ‘delinquent’, but tried to use her little girl so he was pure evil to Maddie. And didn’t Danny punch It-him? They’re not friends, that wouldn’t make sense. So why would he be attempting to protect Danny? And she still couldn’t picture that metal ghost baking anything. Unless... going a little wide-eyed, “teaching. Feeding. Protecting”, shaking her head a little and sounding almost awed, “they view him as one of them... but weak... and small”, blinking and muttering down at the table, “like a cat taking in a baby squirrel”. Or like Tarzan or a human raised by wolves. Her awe getting an edge of horror because just what were these ghosts teaching her baby boy?
Lewis decides against saying anything, because Danny got the shit kicked out of him by these ghosts. He can’t point that out without being seriously suspicious. And it would be pretty pointless.
Danny sticks his head in the kitchen at that very moment, likely having heard Maddie’s entire comment. Okay, Lewis is sure he did based off of looking like he’s trying to force his smile to not look completely and utterly nervous; the little ‘shut the fuck up, what were you thinking’ look he throws Lewis’s way really emphasises that. Maddie looking to him still wide-eyed probably doesn’t help the kids nerves.
Danny gives a little stiff wave, which he’s hoping is blamed on the restrictive braces, as he goes to start up (much stronger)coffee for himself. Part of him is glad she gets up to try and help after a beat -trying to pick up cups with finger braces was not easy okay?- but also, he can do it himself thank you very much. “I’m fine”.
Maddie pulls her hands back, holding them to her chest, “right right”, that ghostly pride thing. Instead awkwardly watching him fiddle with the machine. Danny almost wants to beg her to stop hovering.
Danny clutches his cup like it’ll give him life as he sits down, tail curling up and tip flicking in the air, “so... dad still sleeping?”.
Maddie nodding and giving an awkward, “yup”. As silence descends, only broken up by the occasional sipping sound from Danny.
Danny practically launches himself out of his seat when Tucker effectively kicks in the door, “dude, weekend time so you know I ain’t leaving your as... butt alone”, and waves innocently at Maddie; while Danny reacquaints himself with his chair.
Danny chuckles faintly, “no Sam?”, he knew Valerie was working this weekend.
Tucker quirks an eyebrow at him as he plants himself at the table, totally obvious to Mrs. Fenton’s tension, “I’m surprised you don’t know? Her mom dragged her off to a gala”. Danny pulls out his phone and cringes at the wall of ranting all caps in the chat.
Maddie sighs and shakes her head, using this a conversational life raft, “I’ll make her cookies”, why baking never came to life but cooking usually did, she’s not sure she’ll ever know. Well there was that one time with muffins, but that was intentional.
Danny goes wide-eyed and pokes Lewis with his tail, “you. You owe Tuck food. Bake shit”. Lewis raises disbelieving eyebrows at him so Danny explains, “well technically I owe him your baking. Tomato potato”.
Lewis chuckles with a head shake and gets up, “I guess I’ll see what there is to work with here”. Maddie getting up to show him were everything was; still feeling stiff and a little freaked.
Tucker grins, free food! “Sweet!”, turning to Danny, “so hurry up and get leggy again. Vampire Dad two is coming out, like, now”.
Danny rolls his eyes and rubs at his neck, “eh, that might happen sooner rather than later”, glancing at his moms back as she stiffens a little and pulls out a square pan rather jerkily, “CW showed up and lent a hand”.
Tucker’s eyebrows shoot up, he glances at Maddie quickly, “shit seriously?”. Danny nods and nods again when Tucker side-eyes his mom, clearly asking if she saw them. Tucker shakes his head, “they’re as nuts and reckless as you. If that even applies to them”. Danny can’t help chuckling at that ’cause it wasn't really either when you knew the outcome beforehand.
Lewis mutters, “yeah sure fine, I got this”, as he looks over ingredients while Maddie turns to face the boys.
“About that... how do you know them? And the... family thing?”.
Just as Danny’s opening his mouth to answer Jack barges in, looking drastically more awake than everyone else, “without me, Mads?”. Making her blush.
Tucker pats Danny on the shoulder supportively, that just gets Mrs. Fenton’s attention on him though, “you know don’t you?”.
Tucker shrugs with very intentional nonchalance, “I doubt there’s anything me and Sam don’t know about Danny-dude”.
Maddie nods, resisting sighing. She’s not exactly surprised. A little bothered? Yes. But not surprised. Those three were close, closer than she thought friends could be. She hadn’t noticed until Danny seemingly knew Sam’s bra size like it wasn’t odd for him to know that. And she’s sure she’s overheard that Sam pays for Tucker’s replacement glances; she’s not sure how they get broken so much. Shaking her head, not important right now, “well I guess I’m glad you’re close then”, looking to Danny, “so?”. While Jack sits down looking a little over-eager.
Danny gives Tucker a nearly pleading ‘help?’ look, so he gives him another pat, “all you man, your parents”, shrugging, “and it’s not like anyone other than you knows much about them. In fact-”, getting up, “-I think I’ll go help Lewis”. Danny whips Tucker’s ankle with his tail for that, nearly making the boy face-plant. Tucker mumbling sarcastically, “you'll regret that one day when I’m mayor”.
Danny whispers in ghosts with a smirk, “p͘͡ri͝n̡̛c̢͘e͜͝”, knowing Tucker knows exactly what he said; regardless of not knowing the language. Then clearing his throat and looking to his folks, “heh”, shaking his head, “uh, anyways. I, uh, meet them when they kinda savedallourlives”, chuckling awkwardly and shaking off the unpleasant memories, he is not getting into that with his folks, “But they, well, broke the law? in the way they helped, so that pretty much made me their responsibility. And they’re, uh, how I knew the impurity in Vlad’s ecto-acne. So kinda saved him too”.
Maddie cuts in before he can continue, “so this ‘ghost parent’ thing wasn’t really intentional or... willing?”. Making Jack frown.
Danny grimaces, “not really? ClockWork knew what would happen, explicitly. So willing and wanted there. They could have helped in a different way. So, uh, also technically intentional. And for me?”, shrugging, “I didn’t know Guardians were a thing so really couldn’t be intentional. I guess technically not willing either but-”, smiling sheepishly, “-who the Hell gets to pick their family?”, shrugging, “and I like them”.
Jack can’t help but chuckle at that. Danny-boy did have a point there. He’s fairly sure almost no one would willingly chose them as parents. And wow, he effectively had ghost family! How weird was that?! ‘Cause Danny’s family meant Jack’s family. Period. And any ghost who saved his boy -and apparently his entire family and Vladdie!- certainly couldn’t be evil and deserved some trust. Though he can’t help worrying that this ghost wanted to be Danny’s ‘guardian’ intentionally for bad reasons. He’s sure Mads is worried about that too. “But son, there’s something I don’t get? Why? Why would they want this? Want you? Heck! Why and how is ghost adoption even a thing?”.
Maddie nods at Jack before looking to Danny and frowning a little, “you’re human; even if slightly ghostly. The child of ghost hunters; even if you’re probably not going to be one yourself. And they’re, well, ridiculously strong; wouldn’t it make more sense to want a, how do I put this? strong kid?”, furrowing her brows and knowing Danny’s probably not going to take this well, “it’s not because of us being hunters is it? Because sweetie, I very well could see a ghost trying to get to us through you and Jazz”.
Tucker, next to Lewis, having just nodded that ‘yes, adding fudge is a good idea’, very heavily cringes. Even him and Sam knew better than to question ClockWork’s motives especially regarding their fondness for Danny. That was a good way to get a pissed off Danny. Or in Tucker’s case, shot in the face -or the crotch, that one notable time- with an ecto-beam. He does not recommend.
Danny, surprising no one, scowls and actually snaps with a bit of a snarl and power behind it, “no”, making everyone jerk a little. Maddie and Jack going a little wide-eyed, and Tucker cringing more. While Danny continues, tail actively lashing at the air aggressively and occasionally constricting around the chair legs hard enough to make creaking sounds, “you have nothing to do with it. Nothing. So don’t go there”, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose and grumbling angrily in ghost, “sh̶͡ơ̶u̸̢͡l̴d̡͝ h҉͞av͢͠e ̷f̨įgu̢r̷͜͝ęd.̴͜ ̴̶O͠f̶͢ ̸͢fuc͘k̨̧i͞n̷̛͢g̸̕͠ c͏o̸u͢r҉se͞.̧̡ ̨G̶̢hos̷t̨s̸͞ ͟͡s̕t͢ill ̢̢c͘͟͝a̢͘n’̷͡t ͘͟b͡e ̛tru̷̧̧st̴ed̶̕ ̢͝hų̧h̴.̨ ̴F̕͜u͜҉c͝ķ͟i͡n̷̕g̴ ͘͞͞A͟͠n͝c̕͝i̸̵e҉͞n̨͜҉t͘s̕”.
ClockWork picks that very moment to appear out of thin air, smacking Danny (somewhat gently)on the head with their staff, “they mean nothing by it. One can hardly expect the uninformed to understand. So explain”, and promptly disappears... again; leaving everyone (but Danny) gaping.
Danny makes some kind of whiney noise, puts both his hands over his head, and turns to exaggeratedly pout at the air where ClockWork had been.
Tucker wheezes and slowly crumples to the floor, “you’ve been told! Ha!”.
Danny turns to scowl at him, hands still on his head, “shut it, Tuck”. Dropping his hands and looking to his still gaping parents, “so... that just happened”.
Lewis chuckles faintly at that, “kid, that was worse than the time a friend of mine literally got shot, just took a sip of some fruity drink and asked the guy how the weather was”.
“Well if there was a tornado, that would be logical”.
Lewis actually turns around and points the batter spoon at him, “no. No it was not. Now stop being a little shit and talk to your parents before they blow a gasket”.
Danny rubs his neck awkwardly and looks to his folks, “um... sorry for going a bit... ballistic there. But, uh, I don’t take well to that. So just don't, okay? Their intentions are good, let’s just leave it at that”.
Jack and Maddie make a few unusual faces before nodding a bit. Jack clearing his throat, “alright, son. Does... that happen a lot?”, and nocks on his head for emphasis.
Tucker lays on the ground laughing, making Danny roll his eyes but losing a fair bit of tension. Danny grumbling petulantly, “only when I’m being stupid...”, smirking slightly, “or trying to use them for a prank”.
Lewis smirks himself and speaks while spreading batter, “so all the time?”. Danny turns his head and gives the back of Lewis’s head an overacted scowl. Lewis only smirks more over that.
Maddie clears her throat, recapturing Danny’s attention. Danny chuckles awkwardly, “right, explaining”, furrowing his eyebrows and sounding sheepish, “what were the questions again?”.
Jack chuckles a little at that while Maddie smiles and answers, “just why would a ghost adopt, adopt you specifically. Would want to”.
Danny nods, “right. I guess that might be confusing”, seeing as they didn’t know he was a ghost. And huh, the whole concept of Guardians was probably foreign to them. Probably should have realised that sooner.
Lewis snorts, “‘might’?”.
Danny turns to him, “you’re Mr. Snark today, huh?”.
Lewis shrugs, “eh, friends didn’t react to the fact that I’m making brownies”, turning and pointing at Danny, “that’s concerning”, before turning back around to slide the pan into the oven.
Danny blinks, right Vee was chocolate crazy. Really chocolate crazy. “Fair”, Far be it for him to harp on someone for being paranoid and worried over someone’s safety. Then smirking a little, “though if they’re hungry they can just get a bowl of Symbi-oats”, he can read a tired sigh/groan in Lewis’s body language.
“They’re not huge fans of cereal. They eat a lot of Chinese though”.
Danny snorts, “everyone already knows they love rawmen, Lewis”, successfully getting the guy to choke.
Danny promptly looks back to his folks and rubs his neck, “it would be easier to just, well, explain Guardianship in general?”, continuing when they both nod acceptingly, “cool, um okay. Well, so like, when ghosts form they form all their ectoplasm and Core yeah? But, like, there are adult ghosts and child ghosts. Dead ghosts always start out as child ghosts whether they died a child or not. Ditto for born ghosts”, shrugging awkwardly, “created’s are a toss-up”, shaking his head, “anyway. Child ghosts have... immature I guess? Cores. They’re weaker, less powers, less stable, more unruly and reckless; lots of things. Usually kinda sucky at being a ghost and look more like when they were alive. Adult ghosts are just instinctively or naturally a bit protective or teachery towards child ghosts”, shrugging, “kinda like humans and babies really“.
Jack and Maddie blink, Maddie opens and closes her mouth a few times so Danny pauses to let her think. Her eventually speaking up, “so ghosts.... collectively care for younger ones”, and blinks in shock a bit more because that is so far out of alignment with what they thought of ghosts.
Danny wiggles his hand in the air, “ehhhhhh, I wouldn’t go that far. Child ghosts are the most likely to get, well, murdered”.
Danny nods, “yeah”, clearing his throat, “most child ghosts will get taken in or under the wing of or whatever; by an adult they impress or that likes them or is just similar to them or maybe related in life”, shrugging, “eh, it varies”.
Jack butts in at that, “what one’s ClockWork?”.
Danny shrugs and rubs his neck, “the, uh, situation with us is a little, different”, straightening up, “they literally broke time and temporal laws for me. That’s kinda super serious. Though they did that because they like me and I impressed them. Some other things”.
Maddie and Jack decide against pressing him, since he didn’t exactly react well to Maddie questioning ClockWork’s motives before. Instead Maddie asks, “okay, but generally, why would a ghost do this? It just- I guess it just doesn’t make sense to us, sweetie”.
Danny bites back muttering about how that’s because of their bigoted opinions on ghosts, thinking they’re unfeeling uncaring evil chaos-loving monsters. Though the chaos-loving part was true. Monster was debatable. “Because they want an apprentice, or heir, or are lonely, or just genuinely care. Though I guess it does benefit the adult ghost some”, shrugging, “makes both adult and child stronger. If the child accomplishes lots, it makes them look good, y’ know like it does with human parents”.
Maddie nods, “for power I can understand”, making Danny roll his eyes a little. Which really just confirms that he still thought they were overly anti-ghost.
“Yeah well, it’s not much so it would be stupid to become someone’s Guardian purely for power. Stupid”.
Jack scratches his head, ignoring the banging of Lewis and Tucker cleaning up, “couldn't they just drop the... child ghost?”.
Maddie nods at him before looking back to Danny, “like with human adoption?”.
Danny shakes his head immediately, “nope. A bond thing kinda forms that lasts as long as they both exist; whether the child ‘grows up’ or not”.
Both parents blink, Jack mouthing ‘wow’. Maddie bites her lip, “so you are... bound to ClockWork?”, she’s not sure what to do with this information.
Danny gives an awkward nod, he gets that there’s really no way for that not to bother them, “yeah”, tapping his chest brace over his Core, “my Core recognises them as Guardian and reacts, um, accordingly”.
Jack and Maddie share a Look, and Lewis glances over pointedly curious. Maddie’s the one to speak though, “and what’s ‘accordingly’?”.
Tucker snickers and speaks almost meanly, leaning over at Danny, “like a little kid”, snickering more, “Sam has a few embarrassing photos”.
Lewis looks to him, “I’m curious”.
Danny turns to point at him, “no, bad doctor”, and subtly flicks snow from his tail at the guy’s legs.
Lewis rolls his eyes, “can’t be any worse than Vee covered in marshmallows eating chicken with a coffee mug on their head. Or literally any photo of a heavily drunk Eddie; the most recent featuring him trying to eat a tv and covered in party hats”. Tucker wheezes, Danny and Jack joining in after a beat.
Jack glances at the oven and back to Maddie, “cookies?”. Making her sigh and nod. Lewis shrugging and literally undoes all his cleaning to get ingredients and supplies.
Jack grins at the cookie sheets before looking back to Danny, “so you act like a child around ClockWork, eh?”. Danny just blushes and looks around anywhere but his dad at that; which just makes him laugh heartily.
Jack grins widely to himself, he’d kinda like to see that. Danny-boy had been a darn cute, goofy, and dramatic kid. That did explain all the banging his head on the table dramatics yesterday, or this morning technically. And the tail coiling was kinda like a kid grabbing at their parents' hands. Well shit, that’s adorable and makes him grin like an idiot a little. Little Danny did used to get mesmerised by Jack’s hands, mostly ‘cause of size difference though! And there was that pouting act he did! Maybe more genuine childish pout? Less mischievous drama? Jack’s attention getting grabbed by Lewis pulling out the brownies, “wait, is there fudge in those!”, and practically going to pounce on them.
Maddie shoos Jack off, “wait a little, dear. How about you and Danny wait in the living room till the cookies are at least in the oven?”. Jack groans but nods. Maddie speaking to Danny before Jack has a chance to drag him off, “one thing I still don’t get though? Core and everything else or not, you’re still human”.
Danny shrugs, “it’s like you said before I came in -yes I heard that- I’m ghost enough to ghosts. ‘One of them’”. Maddie nods acceptingly, though she doubts someone who would defy time would care about something like species.
Jack immediately drags Danny off to the living room as soon as his wife looks satisfied, because he knows she won’t put in the cookies until he leaves. Gotta love a tricky lady. Though a third the joy in baked cookies was how damn good she looked in her frilly apron.
Danny elects to just float around lazily a bit, it was still kinda surreal floating around his parents. His dad chuckling, “it’s like you were born with It”.
Danny stilling and shrugging, “well, uh, thinking of it, ClockWork might have something to do with that. All they’ve got is tail”.
Jack chuckles and nods a little, made sense. What with the bond influence thing. Which, yeah, still not that cool with but Danny seem cool with it; so he’s kinda cool with it too. ClockWork did seem nice! For a ghost at least. Mads would take a bit more, but Danny-boy’s not a little kid so surely he understands! Though thinking of her and that, this whole ClockWork situation wasn’t all she was fretting over... “so Danny?”.
Danny pauses in the air, “why do I feel like this is more heavy stuff?”.
Jack gives an apologetic shrug, “sorry?”, Danny just waves him off so he asks away, “so Maddie had been wondering to me about more than ClockWork”.
Danny makes a point to not seem nervous, “oh?”.
Jack nods, “yeah. She was thinking that maybe you had an Obsession. You know, like a ghostly one. She wasn't sure ‘bout asking, if you’d be cool with that. Since we’ve always talked about those being unpleasant”, chuckling and rubbing his neck, “not that there’s anything wrong with that!”, moving to sit down on the couch, “though they don’t exactly seem positive. But! I’m sure you could make things work for you! Right?”, rubbing his neck again, “Dan thinks they’re like a hobby! So maybe you like it- or would like it! If you had or have one that is”, giving another weak chuckle, “though we’ve always thought of them as controlling and inclined towards bad behaviours. Violent”, waving his hands pacifyingly, “not that you’re ever violent or bad!”, muttering to the side, “other than ditching class and shirking chores anyway”, looking back to Danny, “so if you do or did, then it totally can’t be violent, so we must be at least somewhat wrong about that! We’re definitely learning a lot from you”, waving his hands again, “not that that’s why we ask or want to know!”.
Danny interrupts, floating to sit down himself. It was weird when his dad was the one needing comforting, he didn’t like it, “dad, you’re rambling, I know”, shrugging, “sure you’re curious for curiosities sake, and it being ghost-related of course. But I know it’s more because you want to know me, that I'm your son. Family”. Jack just nods and rubs his neck awkwardly, so Danny continues after adjusting a little; trying to not be weird about this, and running his hands over part of his tail, “as for the, er, Obsession, thing-”.
Jack pats him on the back gently and cuts in, “you don’t have to tell me, tell us, if you’d rather not”. He hopes his boy doesn’t take the out though, he’s curious! And they didn’t fully understand Obsessions beyond them being called ‘Obsession’ for a reason, was related to their death, and largely what kept them around; blocked them from moving on. What ghosts Obsessed about was important them, so if Danny had one then it’s got to be important to him! And he definitely wants to know the things important to his boy! But Danny was clearly a bit defensive of all these things he’s been hiding, the ghostly things and definitely ClockWork; boy could be scary if he wanted to be! And also the Core, he has a feeling Danny didn’t just recently find out about that. And Obsessions could, and have been, used to a hunters' advantage. To trap or discourage or harm. he’s never even heard of a ghost being open about their Obsession! Even if it was obvious! Like with that Box Ghost. And ClockWork’s was probably time-related; or just was time as a whole! So it would totally make sense for him to what to hide his, if he has one.
Danny blinks, well honesty has worked for him with all this so far. But he never would have willing outed his Core to them. Parents or not, they were still ghost hunters. And even if they weren't, well Lewis only knew because he saw It. And Lewis had caught him off guard when he told him about his Obsession and was being kinda like him. Asking what he had to for someone else’s health and safety. Oh, and the drugs; that was definitely a factor. Now his folks? The only reason they had was curiosity and maybe some misplaced worry/fear over the idea of him having one. And his Obsession was absolutely one that could be taken advantage of. Lewis and his ‘it would be helpful’ shit made that painfully obvious. And him giving him an Obsessive Crisis, while an accident, had still been partly caused by Lewis knowing. So no, not happening. And his dad would just ask questions on top of questions, likely becoming completely oblivious to sensitivity. That was kinda his dad’s thing. And his mom, well she would wonder how he satisfied it; and that would lead to the big Phantom secret.
Danny rubs his neck, glancing at his tail swishing around and vibrating a bit, “I mean? Don’t worry about it?”.
Jack nods a little, that was as good as a ‘yes’. To both an Obsession and to not wanting to talk about it. He has no idea if this is cool or not. He should probably confirm though? No assuming. “So... yes?”, and making a point to give him a sheepish look over the tail giving a little snapping thrash; he had noticed Danny’s tail seemed to give away his emotions a little. Which actually did support the possibility that ghosts were actually more emotionally sensitive.
Danny looks around awkwardly and nods a little, “um, yeah. Do you, like, need to know the, er, ‘what’ though?”, and staring at his dad a bit challengingly. As if daring him to make up some bullshit reason. If his dad, the much more curious and knowledge-hungry one, can let this go then he guesses he can trust them a bit more. Can much more genuinely believe they care more about family, about him, than ghost hunting. He already knew they loved him more than they hated ghosts, them accepting his ghostly crap was proof enough of that. And they hadn’t, like, banned him from seeing ClockWork. Not that that would be possible.
Jack’s pretty sure some might find his sons staring a bit ‘creepy’ but he’s seen it a few times, usually aimed at his friends though... and Vladdie. Who, come to think of it, was pretty good at the unnerving stare himself! As for his boy's question? He definitely wants to know! but no way he needed to. Mads would probably worry it would make him misbehave or something, but Danny-boy said not to worry and he’s gonna trust his boy! “Naw. If you don’t want to then you don’t want to. I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with that!”, chuckling and smiling, Danny exhaling and smiling back after a bit. While Jack continues, “so long as it’s not making you sick or unhappy, anyway. And I’d be totally down with helping you with it! or maybe you need help figuring something out with it! Or even just wanna talk about it! I’m sure your mom would be cool with that too!”.
Danny cringes a little, “uh, sorry but no. I’d really rather not. It’s, uh, personal. Private I guess”, shrugging a little stiffly, “kinda like how I, uh, don’t want my Core being poked at”, clearing his throat, “but it’s fine. I’m fine. I keep it satisfied and in check. And it’s not something bad or anything”, shrugging and tacking on, “most generally aren’t”, partly to get away from his Obsession specifically.
Jack blinks and mutters to himself, “so Dan was right...”, making Danny cringe again as Jack shakes his head and speaks up again but at Danny, “good then. Well my offer still stands, always will!”.
Danny nods, “um, thanks”, and gives his tail a little, hopefully subtle, pat to encourage It to chill out. He’s gonna have to ask ClockWork for tail tips.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Tucker nudges Maddie, “when it comes to CW, take Danny’s warning and just don’t question their motives towards him. You know better now so he’ll be less... nice next time”.
Maddie blinks, stilling her mixing, “should I be worried?”.
(Lewis is firmly staying out of this)
Tucker chuckles and rolls his eyes, “nope, it’s a bond thing”, shaking his head, “and ClockWork saved all of us, so questioning their motive is like questioning whether all of us deserve to live to him”.
Maddie whispers, “oh”, okay that was pretty serious. She knows how protective Danny can be, especially of friends and family, so Danny’s extreme reaction made much more sense now.
Tucker nods, washing out a bowl while Lewis spoons the cookies. Maddie sits against the table as Tucker continues, “yup. And ClockWork is just as defensive of Danny”, snickering, “did you know the government of the Zone put out a hit on him once”.
Maddie chokes, whisper yelling, “what???”. Lewis just steps to the side slightly, Danny’s friends are as addicted to chaos as Danny is; he’d like to not be in the splash zone currently, the peanut gallery’s pretty appealing though.
Tucker nods, “yup. ClockWork pretty much told them to get lost. And nobody says no to ClockWork”, tilting his head, “except Danny”.
Maddie shakes her head in utter disbelief, “they're that respected or powerful?”.
Tucker shakes his head and purses his lips a little, nodding at Lewis, “it’s not just simple little humans that look at them and think ‘god’, ClockWork’s the stuff of myths and legends to the spookies”, adding purely to cover his own ass, “according to Danny anyway”.
Maddie nods, that was a bit out there. Ghosts had their own myths? That also meant culture. Were ghosts actually... highly complex and sophisticated? shaking her head a little, she would have brushed this off days ago, and puts the cookies in the oven. Frowning slightly at overhearing Jack, was he asking Danny about Obsessions? She advised him against that! Apparently, Tucker thought the same. Him sounding slightly worried, “oh, uh, wonder if I should jump in? Obsession’s kinda touchy”.
Maddie blinks, looking to Tucker, wait what? “So he... he has that”.
Tucker makes a cringe showing all his teeth and even scrunching up his neck, “I’m guessing you didn’t know that”. Making Maddie sigh.
Lewis shakes his head and chuckles, again amazed Danny has held on to any of his secrets when none of them could even keep track of what they were lying about and what they weren’t; combined with talking about shit out loud.
Maddie checks the cookies, “well I’m glad you’re close and protective of each other. Though I wish we had been told about all of this”. Tucker elects not to respond to that.
A bit later Jack and Danny turn their heads at Maddie calling that the cookies are ready. Jack promptly jumping up and dashing to the doorway; eager for brownie and cookie alike. Looking back to Danny from the entryway, “you coming?”.
Danny smiles, “yeah. Yeah I am dad”, and flicking his tail before floating over.
Tucker effectively shovels food in his mouth, looks excited and excitedly smacks Lewis arms, “fugh mun”. Then finger-gunning at Danny, “weh, I shoe gwe giong”. Making Danny laugh and finger-gun back, “you just wanted me for my food. What? Do I only have half enough physical appeal for you?”.
“Yo oh ur zezz”. Danny just wheezes at Tucker’s wink.
Lewis walks up behind him, another coffee in hand, “did he just call you sexy?”.
Danny rolls his eyes and takes the second cup from him, “Lewis, doc man, Tucker thinks everyone’s sexy. All the time. Dead. Alive. Furry. Don't matter. Everybody’s sexy af”.
Lewis quirks an eyebrow, “furry?”.
“His sona’s an otter”.
“Well alright then, all the power to him”, and lifts his cup in a little salute.
Danny scowls slightly and points at him, “no matter how chill you are, I will always remember breaking your mind via duplication”. Lewis shakes his head with a little smile.
Jack walks up and ruffles his hair, “so Danny-boy? What should we call the ClockWork fellow? ‘Cause no offence, but ‘parent’ is taken”.
Danny chuckles slightly, “uh, dad? Guardian is the actual proper term”.
Lewis points up at him, seeing as he was floating slightly above their heads, “but ‘guardian’ is synonymous with ‘parent’ for us human beings”.
Jack chuckles, “so something else for the ghost guardian of our kid's ghostliness”. Making Danny tilt his head, “uh, I’m not even sure there is a word for that. But maybe... godparent? Sure you didn’t choose them, but?”.
Lewis snorts, “of course that’s the term you’d go with for a technical god who’s also technically a parent”.
Jack laughs, “true!”, patting Danny, “and they -like Vladdie!- aren’t actually related to you! so it would make sense!”.
Danny rubs his neck and floats slightly lower down, “uh”, and looking around awkwardly.
Lewis raises his eyebrows, a bit genuinely surprised because how???? “Oh really?”.
This gets Maddie over, “did I hear that right? Are you saying you are related? To a ghost that was never alive?”.
Danny gives an awkward shrug, “bond thing. I’ve got a little bit of them. They've got a little bit of me”.
Maddie and Jack exchange a major Look over that before looking back at him. Jack grins wide and smacking a fist into his hand, “well that settles it, that ghosts a Fenton”, tilting his head, “which is not something I thought I’d ever say”.
Danny’s grin is practically beaming, “well I’m happy to hear it”.
Maddie just grins and passes around the cookies.
It doesn’t take long before the parents' minds are firmly back on the ‘make Danny legs goddamnit’ train. Maddie eyeballs his swishing tail as Lewis has him doing (unnecessary)laps and what can really only be described as tricks. Maddie walks over, following her son with he eyes; it was almost weird how normal him floating around felt now, “so, up for installing the clock timer?”.
Danny pauses and shrugs, still a little too awkward about this to just float upside down and chat or something, “I mean? Sure?”. All three of them watching Jack practically launch himself at the lab door.
Maddie and Lewis watching Danny’s eyes widen a little, before he zips towards the door; absolutely beating Jack down.
The three adults getting down to the sight of Danny flipping over and inspecting the little device; Maddie’s not even going to bother wondering how he got that out of containment.
Danny absolutely knows there were little sparkles of green flecks in his eyes as he checks the trinket over, running over the curves and edges. Eventually lifting up his head and pursing his entire face as he hits a tiny trigger and the devices shoots out confetti everywhere.
Jack almost immediately begins laughing, “oh wow! They’re a jokester!”. Like Danny!
Maddie walks up and shakes her head at the mess, “well that was rather funny though messy”.
Danny chuckles, “well if you had tried to install this before I accidentally set off the little prank then the confetti would have probably fried things. So joke, but also test slash failsafe”.
Jack tilts his head, “but they see the future right? They already know our actions before we take them”.
Danny shakes his head, “no. They just see all the possible futures. Sure they can tell what’s most likely but that doesn’t mean much”, smirking, “and even they say I’m notorious for taking the less likely paths. They, uh, actually make bets on that”.
Lewis blinks, “you mean people bet against the guy that sees all the future?”, shaking his head, “how stupid do you have to be”.
Danny shrugs, “more like egotistical, they usually bet against other future seers, ClockWork’s got a better view than them though. So...”. Lewis shakes his head more.
Jack runs over snatching up the fully repaired CyberSteps, while Maddie holds her hand out to Danny. Danny glances from the (apparently dubbed)clock timer to Maddie, “okay. Just... careful”.
Maddie nods and takes it from him gingerly, “we will be, don’t worry”. Lewis walks over to look over her shoulder at the device before she takes it over to one of the tables to examine; leaving Lewis standing next to Danny.
Lewis watches the parents for a bit before looking to Danny, who of course is practically staring at them. Lewis knows they’re far enough away from the hunter couple to go unheard; even with sound travelling a lot down here. “So obviously I know ClockWork is immortal, but I remember you implying you were practically immortal yourself. Neigh indestructible, I believe”.
Danny glances to the guy, giving him ‘seriously?’ eyebrows, before looking back to his parents. Speaking quietly, “geez doc”, shaking his head a little, “ghosts are super hard to destroy in general. Halfas are just even harder”.
Lewis nods, “so Vlad too then".
Danny snorts, "he's weaker than me”.
“Yeah I think that’s obvious”, Danny was obviously stupid strong. This gets Danny to curl up a bit and laugh. While Lewis continues, “speaking of that one, just how dangerous is he?”, considering he might just have pissed him off. Lewis could do without more ghostly drop-ins.
Danny digs out his phone from his brace and flips through his photos while speaking, “he’s a nine. Lots of reasons for the lower level. Made by weaker and less ecto; contaminated ecto too. My age is a factor too and being exposed to ecto for, like, my whole life”. Glancing at him, “his real danger is he’s stupid smart and has enough cash to go nuts with”, chuckling, “like the cloning thing. That’s one way to get a kid at fourteen though”.
Lewis raises his eyebrows at that, again this kid’s life was ridiculous, “not sure that counts as ‘kid’”.
Danny smirks, “Vlad fucked up. We’re not identical, just closely genetically related”, chuckling, “she’s a little three-foot-tall twelve-year-old travelling nomad. In London right now I think”, tilts his head and shrugs.
Lewis shakes his head with a sigh, “congrats, just like Eddie you have a kid without getting anyone pregnant”., shrugging, “though Eddie’s is technically in the works”.
Danny laughs, “least Elle’s not natural”, holding his phone out to the guy, “here’s a pic of her kicking Vlad in the face”.
Lewis leans over, huh, someone would have to be blind to not notice the family resemblance. White hair, green eyes, black and white jumpsuit, DP symbol, stupid cheeky grin; a Phantom through and through. The other guy though, looks like a knockoff bramstrocker; the vampire jokes officially make sense. “Well alright, cute kid; I can practically smell trouble maker on her”, tapping his nail on the screen, “why’s Vlad look so different though?”.
Danny shrugs, “adult thing or something. Spookies change their appearance sometimes”.
Jack actually comments on that, “we’re honestly not sure at this point if they do that for aesthetic or it just happens because they got stronger!”. Maddie coming over as well, clock timer in hand. Danny’s more than a little pleased that it doesn’t look like they took it apart at all. Good.
Maddie holds it up, “I think I’m willing to trust this and it’s definitely compatible”, looking to Danny, “it’ll only work around the waist though and won’t function as a conductor”.
Jack nods and gestures with his hands a little wildly, “so we’ll just rip out the timer stuff from our conductor! And leave the conductor where it is!”, nodding curtly with a grin before pausing, “if that’s cool with you, of course”.
Danny smiles, “that’s fine, apparently I’m flexible enough to reach”, stretching to make a point, “even with the braces”.
Lewis grumbles, “just don’t break them”. Danny has cost the hospital a lot of money at this point. Sure medicine wise and room wise he saved them money, but all the braces, having to recast his arm, the extremely expensive wheelchair that he can’t believe Mrs. Levi actually signed off on (sure all he had to do was show the insanely high and unusual injures Amity Parker’s tended to get -especially minors- and she gave her approval immediately), the patient file bug Tucker made that the tech guy said he’d have nightmares over, and the fact that they got investigated by a very shady section of the government (that not-rain stuff almost forced the entire hospital into quarantine).
Jack beams and rushes off to the CyberSteps, dragging Maddie along with. Danny’s pretty sure the legs look more defined, more finished, than when he last saw them; or this was just a finished version since basically everything but the timer conductor was likely as perfect as it could be.
Danny makes damn sure his folks are preoccupied with the legs before looking back to Lewis, snatching his phone away since the guy started flipping through his photos, “seriously doc? Rude”.
Lewis just shrugs, “you’re the one who gave me your phone. Besides, you’re interesting and I’m curious. Nice castle. Doesn’t seem your style though”.
Danny huffs and rolls his eyes, “excuse me for thinking you, a doctor married to a lawyer, had some manners”, crossing his arms and muttering down at them, “sure I would’ve done the same but still”, looking back to Lewis, “and I didn't design that, Pariah did. I’ll change it when I take the throne”, shrugging, “it’s an automatic thing. Lairs are weird like that. Ecto-construct and all that”.
Lewis nods, yeah lairs bent to the need, personality, and somewhat the will of its ghost; if he’s remembering that correctly. Smirking a little, “let me guess, it’ll reholposter itself black n’ white?”.
Danny smirks right back, “what can I say? I know my colours and I wear them proud. The white of life and the black of death”.
Lewis shakes his head and leans against the wall, “speaking of castles and thrones, still can’t say I understand how a crown and ring could make someone able to absorb and feed an entire dimension. And if you’re the sorta will of Zone then could you modify it like a lair? And what about the Zone needing a king eventually? Is that a sooner or later kind of thing?”, tilting his head, “and with that, if you got destroyed would the universe eventually just die?”.
Danny gives him a truly pained look, “you wrote this shit down, didn't you”, scowling at the doctor's small nod. Danny side-eyes his parents to make sure they’re still absorbed in their work, before answering, “alright, it works like this: the ring has a negative glow so it can pass as a regular ring, because it -unlike other ecto things- strictly absorbs ectoplasm instead of shedding ectoplasm. While the crown is the opposite, it only sheds and doesn’t absorb; hence why it practically blazes off ectoplasm. The ring absorbs the Zone’s ectoplasm, the Crown sheds off the wears ectoplasm plus whatever they absorbed in from the Zone. Kinda like the wearers a heart and the ring and crown are valves”.
Lewis smirks approvingly, “that’s a very doctorly comparison of you”.
Danny snorts, “it works and you’re a doctor. Anyway. Yeah having that much energy following through a little tiny body’s a lot but-”, shrugging, “-like I’ve said, I’m used to dealing with things that are a lot. And my consciousness, sorta, would be carried though all that ecto. So I’d pretty much have an awareness of the whole Zone and every ghost. Which yes, means I could modify it like a lair. Not quite the same though. The Zone would be part of me yeah, part of my ectoplasm and what my folks seemed to have called my ecto-circulatory system; but the Zone wouldn’t be my lair, just an extension of my being. And I can’t just modify my body willy nilly”, tilting his head, “well it’s base state anyway”. Danny forms an eye on his hair to wink at the guy just for emphasis.
Lewis quirks an eyebrow, at least he was pretty immune to body horror shit, “so you’re effectively a battery, heart, and food for the Zone, but also are -will be- literally the Zone. You’re gonna be a dimension”.
Danny actually laughs a little into his hand at that, giving Lewis a little shoulder pat with his tail, “that’s a great way to put it!”, shaking his head with a smile, “yeah I’ve got a crazy future existence. And for that one question, it’s a long time in the future. The Zone’s probably good to run off the stockpile of Pariah for a few hundred more years. Well, unless something happens anyway”. Which, with his luck, was probable. Heck, he’s pretty sure Sam and Tucker have a bet going on whether or not it’ll happen before or after they graduate, before or after his parents eventually... pass away, or before or after they do. Shaking his head and firmly pushing away thoughts of anyone dying, “and no man, currently my destruction won’t end the universe. The Zone will latch on to someone else... eventually. Now if I was king, that would be an issue since the Zone would decay right”, chuckling, “though in that case the throne would just be passed down to Elle”.
Lewis blinks, “oh, so it’s tied to your lineage? Instead of exclusive to you”.
“Yup, the typical royalty shtick”, tapping his chin, “though I think Sam and Tuck are classed as my brethren so they might kinda have a level of claim too. Dora, FrostBite, and Pandora are sorta family too. But they’re all complicated. And course, if I married then whoever would have their own claim”, and shrugs, “I wouldn’t put it past Vlad to try and wiggle his way in too”.
Lewis sighs, “nothing is ever simple with you is it? And you have more ghost family? Really?”.
Danny shrugs awkwardly at that, “kinda? It’s weird man and not to the level of Clocky. Not even close”, grinning a little, “Dora sees me as the good protective older brother she never got to have. Pandora sees me as like a nephew or sorta godchild, ever since I got her box back. FrostBite’s kinda a mentor in all things icy, kinda worships me as some kind of chosen one, and they’re my doctor too sometimes”.
Lewis blinks at that, “wait, you have a specialised doctor? Then why the Hell don’t you use them”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “of course that’s the part you care about mr. Doctor man. I can handle my own shit and I do go to him for serious shit I can’t just handle myself”. Making Lewis sigh and shake his head, completely unimpressed. The boy had access to medical care and just... didn’t use it. Thinking of the whole setting Danny’s arm after he literally crashed though the car. Or at least he didn’t take advantage of medical care unless it was literally within arms reach.
Maddie picks that moment to bolt over with a grin on her face, grabbing at Danny’s hand; Jack in the background looks to be throwing his fist up in a cheer.
Danny rolls his eyes with a smile and lets her drag him off; Lewis studiously following after. Lewis seriously hoping this time doesn’t result in yet another negative reaction.
Danny looks over the CyberSteps, floating around them quickly. Putting his hands on the waist and peering down, tapping the off-centre clock timer with his tail tip, “looks good”. The very tip coiling around one of the clock hands a little, he likes it; it kinda felt like ClockWork. Pointedly ignoring Lewis’s slight chuckle. Jerk.
Maddie and Jack both watch tensely but ridiculously excited all the while, as Danny grips the waist and slips his tail in, hopefully having to test out the ‘legs’ for the last time.
Danny glances over his shoulder brace as he activates the neuroreceptor strip, watching it all snap on over the back brace; which Lewis is probably still unimpressed about. Then tilting his head, the draining felt practically the same as before; and it didn’t seem to be making his ecto freak. So that’s a check on the conductor. Looking down at the legs and quirking an eyebrow at the little clock timers clock hands spinning around. His mom obviously noticing, “I’m pretty sure that’s what it does when it’s calibrating, sweetie”. Which Danny nods at and decides to wait, going to try moving the legs once the clock hands chill out. And the toes/boot tips successfully bend upwards.
And with that, one Danny Fenton was no longer legless on main
Lewis watches as Danny wiggles the toes and bounces up on said toes some, before actually taking a few steps around. The movements were definitely a little jerky and he wasn’t moving them quite right, it was very much like he was trying out limbs he hadn’t had before. If Lewis were to guess, he’d say that’s likely because these robotic leg prosthetics didn’t work exactly the same as natural legs; so logically he’d have to learn how to pilot them properly. Watching Jack and Maddie stand in-front of him and all three pretty well beaming at each other; Jack even doing a little jig or something (whatever it is, Danny clearly finds it embarrassing). It was obvious Danny was proud of what his folks made, even if he didn’t honestly need it. Frankly he’s pretty sure Danny’s proud of the things his parents make in general, he just hadn’t liked the anti-ghost foundation they were built upon. Sure seemed they had gotten better about that though. Which is good, since the universe -somewhat technically- depended on that.
Lewis nods once and walks closer -having given the family their little moment- and pats Danny’s arm brace, “well looks like you can walk upon this earth again. Though maybe practice”, pausing for a beat before adding, “no kicking people”.
Danny blinks at Lewis, “no kidding doc. Literal steel toes here”.
Lewis chuckles and gives his two (adult)friends pats, “congrats, you just made a breakthrough in probably a lot of fields, but most relevant to me, medical science. You’re officially scary smart. But-”, turning to Danny because the kid’s supposed to be injured and recovering. Gesturing at the neuroreceptor strip, “you. While this is great and all, you had back surgery. So I’m restricting use till your braces are good to come off and I check your spine out”. Honestly, he should outright ban it.
Danny sticks his hands to the side and pouts a little, “oh come on doc”.
Lewis crosses his arms, “most doctors wouldn’t have even let you test them or wear them at all”. Danny rubs his neck at that.
Maddie gives Lewis a sweet smile, “well thanks for letting us do this and I think we all understand”, looking to Danny, “right Danny?”. Danny grumbles incoherently but nods.
Jack taps at his chin, watching Danny walk around a bit more, “what I don’t get, is how you moved the ones that didn’t work at all smoothly but these ones are being a bit jerky or over-exaggerated? Even if you originally weren’t working them even close to smooth with the tail”.
Danny shrugs, “uh, well I’ve never had brain to mechanics connections like this before. My brain and ecto might just, like I don’t know, learn how these interpret stuff?”.
Lewis nods immediately because that was actually true really for learning how to work any prosthetic, “there’s a learning curve with any prosthetic, they never move the exact same as the originals”, tilting his head, “and if what you’re thinking of Danny’s ghost being somewhat active is right, then the tail wouldn’t be truly new; simply normally inaccessible. Which you’ve effectively already implied to be the case to explain his ease of adapting. So his fine motor skills with his tail should be quite good, which would allow for it to take very little time for him to figure out how to grasp or say, move things, with said tail”, and nods curtly to himself. Pretty content with his explanation.
Danny decidedly says nothing though Lewis just gave him a pretty damn good out. His parents' nods and smiles make that obvious.
Jack goes wide-eyed, coming upon an idea and blurting out, “ClockWork!”, then looking at his slightly confused looking son, “you said that ClockWork only has a tail! And that you’re basically related! Ghostly related!”. Everyone gives him slightly confused eyebrow quirks, so he explains himself, “so maybe your ghost took after them and just has a tail too!”.
Maddie blinks and grins, “that does make sense”, ruffling Danny’s hair, “so that explains that“. Danny just shrugs, ‘cause in their mind, there’s no way he should know what his ghost looks like. But also, yeah, him being so comfortable and good with this was totally ClockWork’s fault. And he totally loves them for it. Intentionally swishing his tail around in the legs, kinda weird that he could move his tail without moving his legs. How in the heck is his brain -or ectoplasm maybe, Core?- differentiating between tail and legs? He’s totally going to fidget with his tail during class. No one will ever know! “Well still too bad my walking skills have gotten a bit rusty”.
Lewis glances at his watch, pretty late; it would probably be the ‘responsible’ thing to encourage a normal -or as normal as possible for a teenage superhero whose enemies seem to prefer the night- sleep schedule.  “Alright, I know you probably want to celebrate all this but at the very least Danny should reestablish a proper sleep schedule. Sleep is vital for healing and health after all”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “all doctor, all the time, huh?”.
“Says mr. Helpful”. Danny scowls at that, because not the same. Not the fucking same. Though if the doc became a ghost his Obsession would probably be the same but maybe more curious ‘I wonder what will happen if’.
Danny looks around, “well first, can’t we at least have supper?”. Jack’s stomach growls as if being summoned, making everyone laugh.
While Maddie gets to work making food, Jack and Lewis basically talk each other’s ears off with how the legs even worked at all; ‘cause Lewis is just stunned but intrigued and Jack is utterly excited. Danny sneaks up the stairs, totally unused to how damn loud these feet were; he’s gonna have to work on that because he loves how easily he can even accidentally sneak up silently on people.
Danny stops in front of Jazz’s door and promptly kicks it in; the door simply opening loudly instead of being blown off its hinges purely because all the doors in the house were built to handle getting rammed and blasted.
“Zone! Danny! Why in the Zone are you kicking in doors!”. Jazz pauses, “wait, you kicked it in”, looking to his legs and leaping up, “holy shit Danny! You’ve got legs!”, rushing over and pinching the CyberSteps, “can you actually feel this?!?!”.
Danny grins stupidly, puts his hands on his hips, and poses ridiculously, “yup, totally can”, tilting his head, “not quite the same though”.
Jazz practically jumps on him and hugs him around the neck, “oh who cares! This is great Danny!”, letting go and brushing off his braces, “I bet mom and dad were just stoked”.
Danny nods almost sheepishly, “oh definitely”, cringing a little, “dad did a jig”, making her cringe as he continues, “Lewis also crushed their spirits a little by limiting my leg time. Though we are still baking eggies to celebrate my leggies”, and grins.
Jazz sighs with a head shake, “I was wondering if they forgot about supper again”.
“Oh they did”.
Jazz blinks, “of course they did”.
Lewis walks in, arms crossed and judgmental eyebrow raised, “there you are. You do realise I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on the kid who broke basically everything, should have died, is in braces and bandages, and is now trying out brand new experimental prosthetics that interact with his brain and the spine he broke”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “geez tell me what you really mean”.
Jazz pokes Danny, “he does have a point you know. You are supposed to be injured”. Danny scowls at her but rounds on Lewis, sticking his arms out to the side, “so when can I obliterate these things”.
“Never. They’re hospital property. Casts can’t be reused, braces can”.
Jazz immediately cringes at that, Danny’s the one to speak though, “you don’t want to do that. I bet you ten bucks these are all ecto-contaminated. And I doubt you want them coming to life, or death really, and trying to eat someone’s arm or something”.
Lewis blinks, “alright, you can destroy them”, that would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. A very strange lawsuit. ‘My arm brace came to life and ate my firstborn’, would certainly be a new one.
Danny grins wickedly and promptly bursts into blue flames, actually managing to make Lewis jump back and Jazz yelp.
Lewis watches the ashes of the braces flutter to the ground, before giving (the no longer on fire)Danny an exasperated look, “I didn’t mean now”, squinting, “and how did you not burn the CyberSteps?”.
Danny creates a flame over his fingers, “ecto-fire”, pointing the other hand at the CyberSteps, “anti-ecto”, then adding, “only a little though, otherwise it would be anti-me”.
Lewis shakes his head, “can’t have that now can we?”. Danny grins and points out the door, promptly walking off at Lewis saying, “so long as an adult who knows your ecto or tech is around you”.
Lewis looks to Jazz, “he certainly seems better for his ghostliness, doesn’t he”.
Jazz smiles soft and sweet, “I used to worry about him, even got the vice principal to force him to see a therapist. But once I found out, it made sense and I knew he was okay. That not only was he good mentally, or as good as he could be, but also just good as a person”, giggling a little, “now of course I still worry, that’s what sisters do after all. But he’s a day at a time mentally, there isn’t exactly a standard for a halfa, for being mentally two species that are really opposites; and Vlad’s not exactly a good example. He needs a therapist more than Danny does”.
Lewis chuckles at that and nods, “can’t say I disagree. Though I wouldn't say Danny particularly comes off as someone who needs therapy, he hides his traumas well. Which, well, hiding things from a therapist equals not getting effective therapy”.
Jazz gives him a smile that practically reads ‘you misunderstand’, “that’s because he’s at the stage of acceptance now”, Lewis quirks an eyebrow so she explains, “people grieve when someone dies, and I believe the dead grieve their death just as much if not more”, nodding a little to herself, “at first he tried to convince himself nothing had changed, the abilities would just wear off; he even went through an ‘I’m not dead!’ phase, that came later though”.
Lewis tips his head, “well to be fair, most people don’t expect to be dead but still walking around, and half-dead just sounds impossible. So thinking he’s not dead seems more like being logical than being in denial”.
Jass gives him an almost pitying look, “yeah but he was apparently pretty desperate and freaked about it. Less simple logic and having an issue with the impossible, more desperation to deny what they know is true”.
Lewis nods, ah okay Danny definitely had a harder time than he had thought. He’s kinda glad he didn’t meet Danny back then because again, he’s not good at dealing with freaking out breaking down emotional types.
Jazz nods and keeps going, “Sam and Tucker said they effectively had to convince him not to just tell his parents and beg them to fix him once he realised things weren’t going away. He hated the powers, the changes; that’s the point when I noticed something was up, that he seemed depressed. I pushed for the therapy when he started being just angry, all the time”.
Lewis nods, “ah, I guess that does sound like grieving. In that case, I’m glad he’s in the acceptance stage”.
Jazz grins, she certainly was, “same. His Obsession, his friends -especially the ghost ones-, the weird love/hate thing the town has for him; I think all that helped. Which is how I imagine it is typically for most ghosts; minus the last one”, pointing at him, “though I think you've helped with acceptance, he seems less affected by your name, and those blue flames he used there?”, grinning wider, “many times he’s refused to ever use that, so somethings happened there”.
Lewis blinks, ah the pyrokinesis was probably a power ‘Dan’ had and used liberally. “I may have effectively reasoned with his Obsession why he shouldn’t fear certain futures and that it would make him a shittier king. Used ClockWork too, or more so a quote Danny made of them”.
Jazz raises her eyebrows, “you must think pretty differently for that to have worked out”, frowning slightly, “I’d watch it, taking advantage of his Obsession too often will start coming off as malicious to the Obsession”.
Lewis shrugs, yeah he kinda figured that one. Like tempting Vee with chocolate. Eventually you’ll lose a few fingers. Literally. “I’m not one for social queues, living or dead ones. And he’d make a good surgeon, very helpful. And telling me things is helpful. And sure, I may have given him an Obsessive Crisis but my reasoning was sound”.
Jazz blinks, walks over, and smacks him over the head, “how has Danny not assaulted you yet?!?”.
Lewis takes it in stride, he had been smacked a great many times for insensitivity, and smirks, “might be that my whole career is helpful, I’m a helper all the same. Protecting people from the outcomes of their stupidity like shoving a cheese grater up their ass or eating nails”.
Jazz goes a little wide-eyed, “that actually makes sense. Obsession similarity is a major comradery thing for ghosts”, pausing, “also, is that really a common thing people do? Though the nails probably had something to do with pica”.
“We keep a white board of all the things people have shoved up their asses, one guy’s made it on the board multiple times; I admire the tenacity”, Lewis smirks as she gives him a strange look and just moves to head downstairs.
They come down to a slightly concerned-looking Danny sitting backwards on the couch but resting his chin over the back of the couch, watching his parents. Looking to Lewis when he notices them and making ‘psst’ noises at him; which makes Lewis wonder if he’s being hissed at for a bit, which considering the upstairs conversation would make some sense.
Jazz heads into the kitchen while Lewis walks over to Danny.
Danny scuttles over and hiss whispers, “so I wasn’t sure if me actually being braceless was, like, a good thing? ‘Cause, like, maybe you know otherwise and I, like an idiot, didn’t confirm things-”.
Lewis chooses to cut off what’s definitely going to be a ramble, “it’s fine, Danny. Honesty, I was considering removing them entirely pretty soon here. You’re fine”.
Danny grins and gives a little relieved sigh, before looking slightly freaked again and gesturing to his chest, his bare heavily scared toned chest, “also totally forgot about the bandaging. I mean what am I, a wire stripper?”.
Lewis is pretty sure most people would find how he goes from flesh straight to metal more eye-catching than the scarring; even if it was pretty major. Danny’s likely more worried about Jack and Maddie seeing though. And well, Danny being completely healed was very obvious this way. Which might be pushing it, “yeah, you look too healthy like this”.
Danny blinks, “I wasn’t actually thinking of that but point”. Lewis gestures up the stairs, so they head up to Danny’s (still uncleaned)room to redo bandaging.
Lewis shakes his head while unrolling bandaging, “you’d think you’d be encouraged to clean after your encounter”. Danny rolls his eyes and holds out his arms after disconnecting the CyberSteps. Lewis pauses and taps his chin, thinking of it, “actually, let’s just bandage where you had the most serious damage”.
So Lewis gets to work on the waist wrapping, again noting how strange Danny coming to a totally smooth flat end is. He’s going to have to pin the blame on Danny’s tail if his friends ask, because this is not only not medical standard but medically impossible. Not to mention physically impossible, so many half cut off organs and where the heck are his intestines? His poor digestive system; and that’s ignoring his lower excretory system being basically non-existent. He’d lose his license if he took credit here. Muttering mostly to himself, “how the Hell do you shit”.
Danny blinks before bursting out laughing, “did you seriously just ask that?!?!?”, shaking his head, “doc? Anyone ever tell you you’re weird?”.
Lewis smirks, “all the time”.
Danny smirks himself, “ghosts ‘excrete’ everything via shedding off ectoplasm, so what do you think”, and points at his tail, which is currently waving intangibly through Lewis. Danny, for kicks, makes It shed more noticeably; just to fuck with the guy a little.
Lewis pauses and side-eyes the tail, “is that... sanitary?”. Making Danny fall backwards on the bed cackling. Lewis has so many questions. Does his ectoplasm just burn it up? and it comes off kinda like smoke? Or does his ectoplasm digest it for fuel? Danny did imply he could get by on just ectoplasm (which a human can’t do) or just food (which a ghost can’t do).
Danny puts an arm over his eyes and wheezes, “nothing can survive the ecto, oh man. Haha. Does a better job than bleach”, and wheezes some more.
Lewis nods, moving to Danny’s chest -because honestly, what in there hadn’t been obliterated. Other than the Core and even that was hurt- and unrolling more, “well that’s good then”. Making quick work of the chest and grabbing Danny’s left hand up.
Danny chuckles, “yeah, I crushed, like, everything in that one”.
Lewis starts wrapping very quickly at the sound of an explosion outside and icy mist leaving Danny’s mouth. Ghosts and their timing. Managing to finish before Danny transforms and zips off through his window; leaving Lewis to stand up, put his hands on his hips, and shake his head.
Danny glances around, pretty sure he can smell something really strange that he’s never smelled before but ignores that at promptly spotting Red shooting at Boxy, Danny floats over, “I’m guessing you don’t really need or want my help here?”.
Red opens her visor purely to scowl at him and shoots the Box Ghost without even looking, “fuck off, Phantom”.
“YOUR DISTRACTION WILL BE YOUR DOOM!!!! AND MY BOXY REVENG-”. Getting cut off via a rocket to the mouth and both teens telling him to shut up. Red promptly capturing him and rounding on Danny.
Danny quirks an eyebrow because her just cutting off a Boxy beat down was weird. Red snaps at him, “obviously you've noticed shit’s up with the Fenton’s, so you better be leaving them alone, spook”.
Danny nods a little, “kinda easy to notice when those two are or aren’t out hunting”, continuing at it feeling like she’s squinting at him, “I ain’t pestering them, Red”. It’s true. Phantom wasn’t technically pestering his parents. Fenton was.
Red studies him for a bit before nodding and appears to sigh, “well the sons got a ghost tail now, like you guys”, Danny changes his legs to a tail for example, which she points at, “yeah, that. And you’re not too terribly evil and he slammed his face into a wall trying to use the thing”.
Danny gives a mock very offended, “hey”. Before blinking and going slightly wide-eyed at a realisation, “wait, are you asking me to teach him?”, how does he get himself into this kind of shit?
Red huffs, “you're supposed to be this town’s ‘protector’ and dealer with ghost shit, it’s supposedly your job”, then adding with bite and meaning, “unless you don’t actually care about people and just like fighting”, shrugging, “and even you wouldn’t be stupid or reckless enough to mess with the youngest child of ghost hunters”. Any ghost that did mess with Jazz or Danny probably saw Hell from the Fenton’s. And Phantom might be literally the only ghost Danny wouldn’t run away from. Maybe. And wasn’t there that time the house came to life or something and Danny and Phantom both helped with that?
Danny blinks, “yeah, I’m not stupid. Still remember Jack punching -yeah, punching, not shooting- Plasmius to a pulp for screwing with the Fenton family”. That was one of Danny’s favourite memories.
Red blinks, opening her visor again and just leaving it that way, “that really happened? Damn”, she’s never felt genuinely impressed by Jack before.
Danny nods, “yup, and Red? Our bodies, the floating, that shit comes naturally. It’s not taught”.
Red snaps, “but he’s not a ghost, Phantom”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “ghost body part. Same thing. And our bodies ain’t all the same you know”.
Red points at his tail, “well his and yours move similar, so there”.
Danny pointedly doesn’t look sheepish or anything at that, he should just agree -fuck his luck- before she starts pointing out other similarities, “geez fine”, pausing and floating a bit closer, “wait, you haven’t been just asking every ghost you see to play teacher, have you?”, for the love of the Ancients say no.
Red scowls at him and refuses to back up, “I’m not a moron either, Phantom. Just you”, squinting, “why?”.
Danny backs off a little and shrugs, “ghost social thing. It’s a few phrases shy of asking a ghost to adopt someone. Which would be kinda mean”, tilting his head, “if you asked Skulker that, you probably would never see Danny again”, if Danny Fenton was a regular human (with a ghost tail somehow) and couldn’t beat Skulker’s face in, anyways.
Red blinks, “what? You’re not ‘adopting’ him“.
Danny rolls his eyes, “well obviously. What you asked could just be taken that way. But I’m still a child so it don’t matter”.
Red shakes her head, “you ghosts are strange. Don’t adopt Danny, just give him tail tips or something”.
Danny snorts and chuckles, “just the tip?”, and pokes her board with his tail tip quickly before zipping away cackling. Red growls and shoots at him while shouting, “you disgust me!”.
Lewis had eventually wandered down into the kitchen, everyone raising the eyebrows at him, probably over Danny’s absence, “decided to take the chance to check up on Danny’s healing and wrapping. He’s stretching out his new bandaging and taking a break from the prosthetics”, nodding curtly, “the braces aren’t really needed anymore”. Jazz giggles quietly.
Maddie and Jack beam, Jack practically cheering, “awesome!”. Both of them super glad to hear that he genuinely as okay as he keeps insisting he is. His ecto likely being to blame, which is okay.
Just then Danny comes back, sticking his head through the kitchen doorway before pausing, “shit! Forgot my shirt”, and ducks his head before zipping back upstairs. Shouting down at everyone laughing or giggling or snorting, “its been a while since I’ve worn clothes alright! I’ve got hardware and software, but no underwear!”.
Lewis actually laughs at that, “pretty sure that’s one thing you don’t need!”, and speaks up again as Danny renters, “you know, a stripper that crushed both her knees said that to me once”. Making pretty much everyone choke.
Maddie steamrolls right over the adult implications of that and plates the eggs. Lewis raising an eyebrow, “eggs for supper? That’s weird”.
Danny coughs and gives Lewis an ‘I can’t believe you just said that’ look and promptly takes the opening, “that's not weird, your pants are weird”.
Lewis looks down, “they’re just sweat pants”, then pauses, wait that sounded familiar. Looking back up and shaking his head, “you really just quoted a commercial for eggs at me”.
Danny grins like he’s the cat that caught the canary, “you started it, doc”.
Maddie grins, digging into her food. Danny seemed more confident. She’s not sure if Lewis just had that effect on him or if it was because of him not utterly hiding his ghostliness around them anymore and them giving the good ghosts thing a real chance. Which made her think it’s all worth it. Trusting a ghost or too, being more neutral about ghosts, rethinking the science; and getting her son back more genuinely, knowing him better, was a great deal. Even if that meant her and Jack had practically been villains to Phantom and other maybe good ghosts; which was an uncomfortable thought. Because really? if ghosts could be good then Phantom being a hero was practically undeniable. And who shoots at a hero? Villains.
Seeing Danny in a loose long sleeve makes her unable to really feel bad though, he looked genuinely like himself again. His hand being bandaged up was a reminder of his injuries however; and she can see a bit peaking out of his collar. Glancing at his other hand, when had he gotten scars there? Though more importantly, how had she never noticed??? Or did his recent injuries scar over that fast. Both were a little concerning. Though she knows he’ll have scarring, Dan said as much.
Lewis’s phones goes off with a big fat ‘fuck you’ from Eddie for not saving any brownies and a pic of stew which was probably meant to be some kind of ‘well look what I made and you can’t have’. Lewis just sends back ‘who did the cooking? ‘Cause if it’s you Eddie, I think I’m good’ predictably getting swears in return. Lewis decides to take a photo of what he’s eating, answering Danny’s raised eyebrow, “Eddie made stew and is attempting to brag about that”.
“I hope there wasn’t any potatoes or baked beings”.
Jazz smacks him over the head while Lewis scrunches up his eyebrows, because that... that was actually something they would do. Getting a response from Vee reading ‘FRIED BABY BIRD NICE' didn’t help. Lewis shakes his head at Danny, muttering, “don’t give them ideas”.
Danny rolls his eyes, “well then I hope you don’t let Vee near your feet”, Lewis gives him some confused eyebrows so Danny smirks and continues very smugly, “they might want some men toes for their breath afterwards”. Lewis sighs. Jack and Maddie just look confused though.
While Danny finally wakes up the next morning, Maddie watches Lewis start breakfast. Jack is attempting to wake up himself with a cold shower. And Jazz has been up for a while sipping tea and reading in her room.
Danny stretches out a little, telekinetically dragging over the CyberSteps and slipping in; this was basically what he was going to be doing for however long in place of underwear. And fuck it, he’s not gonna bother with pants. Kinda pointless and he’s owning his metal. Might as well. Nabbing up his comfortable sweater, the one that never catches on bandaging. Twisting his upper body back and forth, didn’t seem like it would catch on the neuroreceptors either. Nice.
It was honestly still kinda strange walking again, using metal to do that was just a little bit weirder. Cool as shit too though.
Danny turns to the door at hearing a shout of: “IT’S NOT JUST US! YES!”. So he heads downstairs and thus walks into the sight of Lewis staring in confused curiosity at a pan he’s holding with three screaming grill-cheese sandwiches in it. One sprouts a little hand and tries to grab a fork, Lewis just bats it away like a misbehaving cat’s paw; a dirty look on his face all the while.
Danny walks in and looks down, “uh, congrats doc it’s a girl... I think”.
Lewis quirks an eyebrow, “you can tell?”.
Danny scowls, "no, I was making a fucking joke, doc".
Maddie puts her hands on her hips, "language Danny”. Catching Danny slightly off guard and making him blush, “oh um uh, sorry?”. Maddie just shakes her head.
Sam and Tucker barge in while Lewis lifts up the pan, “obviously this is inedible for us, but you?”. Danny gives him a serious ‘are you fucking me’ look.
Maddie immediately butts in, “why would-”, and cuts herself off, going wide-eyed. Looking to Danny, “actually, could you? Do you... want to try?”.
Jack practically bolts over, having just caught that, “oh that would be so cool! We wouldn’t have to scrap food so often!”.
Sam and Tucker come over grinning meanly at him. Tucker speaking up, “do it coward. Be a man”, Sam kicks him. Sam looks over the pan, unphased by the screaming and weird bubbling, but scowls at the cheese; or what once was cheese, “you already stole the poor cows milk, don’t insults them more by trashing it”.
Danny mutters at the floor, “I feel like I’m being ganged up on here”, though obviously not actually bothered. His mom makes him laugh though when she hands him a glass of ‘help you swallow it down’ milk. Danny takes it and looks to Sam with a smirk, “now I know you reject milk, but hopefully you’re not lack-toes-intolerant”.
The two teens look down at his feet, about to comment that he had those again, Tucker giving a little nod, “huh, no toes”.
Danny just chuckles, wiggles his ‘toes’, “hope you like roboots”, everyone sighs and the grill-cheeses scream a little more, which absolutely grabs Danny’s attention. Turning to the pan, “okay, now you are getting eaten. Feed my cyborgans”.
Sam mutters, “Ancients damnit, Danny”. While Danny grabs one of the sandwiches, smacks one of the other ones that tried to bite him, and cuts off the one he grabbed’s screaming by biting It with fake aggression.
Sam and Tucker both start laughing, while the adults all just kinda watch with bated breaths. Maddie’s pretty sure she can actually see him absorbing ectoplasm through his skin off the -what should they call It?- ecto-sandwich. Was certainly interesting that this was even technically safe for him. His Core would just eat all the ectoplasm before it could even possibly cause issues. And that ecto-immunity Jack considered him to have should mean all his human stuff can handle the ectoplasm; possibly even good for him. Feed his ghostly stuff, which probably only got anything from how contaminated the town and house were. Or maybe his Core could convert human food to ectoplasm, just like how food in general here could become ectoplasmic.
Jack sounds more than a little excited, “so! How’s it taste!?!”.
Danny rolls his eyes, slightly embarrassed, “spicy cream cheese”. Jack looking excitedly giddy just makes Danny genuinely blush, though a bit happy that he made him happy. And he was actually hungry so fuck it, he’s eating his sandwich; that much ecto making his eyes green be damned.
Maddie makes a point to not react to his eyes going green -like they had when his ectoplasm was overcharged she notes- as Danny finishes off the ecto-wich. Lewis laughs and just shoves the pan at him.
Danny grumbles, “anyone else would get burned you know”. Lewis just shrugs with a grin as he moves to make something else, but vegan suitable; which hopefully won’t come to life. Everyone else -except Sam who chooses to lean against the wall- sit around the table. Jack and Maddie making a point to ignore the oddness of Danny woofing down the other two plasumwiches -much better name- straight out of the pan; the cold of his skin contacting the pan making a little bit of steam. Lewis attempts to take a subtle photo but of course Danny notices, giving the most suspicious sounding, “what's up doc?”, Lewis thinks is even possible.
“Eddie will get a kick out of this. Thing’s cropped, curb your paranoia”. Danny’s only response is a huff. The response Lewis gets back from Eddie nearly makes him choke though: Vee’s face sandwiched between bread and Eddie biting it/them; Lewis isn’t going to ask why he’s not wearing a shirt, but is wearing a tacky necklace (and of course his brackets, but he never takes those off). Lewis decides screw it, Danny’s friends knew, were just as weird, and that chat thing Tucker set up was almost disturbingly secure -yet they still used codes like paranoid little fuckers, and they were at least kinda cool with aliens; so he tosses the photo into the group chat, with a password to view though ‘cause why not be paranoid too; though it’s an obvious one.
Tucker, not surprising the doctor in the least, is the first to check and chokes on his food.
PDAXpda: @everyone
PDAxpda: what
PDAxpda: pray tell
PDAxpda: the fuck is that
Tiethief: space monster
Tiethief: and reporter mouth
NightShade: you suck at names
NightShade: @DPain do yer job
Just a little later Danny checks his phone and wigs out. His hair fluffing up a little like some anime bullshit, the legs swinging around probably ‘cause his tail is wiggling or something a bunch, the ecto in his eyes making tiny little sparks; Jack and Maddie watching the reaction more so with awe and curiosity than unnerved worry.
DPain: hdieksnhrjsHHUDJjhhudikwdhjHhdnsjdkoajbdhuejzk
DPain: zhHhudjnshakbusfjkabjhUSJJNhdkakbsjbuijdh
DPain: anyway
DPain: cjsinsbdhaihujsmkfhdkajhdnfcjai
DPain: space mon fine
DPain: othera meat puppet
DPain: djiafdwih
DPain: best blob be nommed
PDAxpda: first look at murder goo
Lewis looks up at the ceiling as he pockets his phone before spooning out the stir fry. Less breakfasty, but more edible. Giving Sam Tucker’s veggies and throwing some real bacon bits into Tucker’s. Danny takes a small plate even though he ate three bloody sandwiches -maybe the ectoplasm went somewhere else and thus didn’t fill him up?- and munches still looking overly excited.
Sam points her fork at Danny’s feet kinda bouncing around. He shrugs and snickers, “looks like I've got a few new roboticks”.
Which makes Jazz groan as she comes in, “ignoring that, what smells so good?”, looking Danny over slightly and quirking any eyebrow over his green sparky eyes.
Sam rolls her eyes, biting a pepper, “your parents’ made ghost food again”.
Maddie immediately sits up straight, “Dan did actually”. Jack practically cheering, “so it’s not just us!”.
Jazz mutters, “that’s not actually comforting”, because that means it’s either the house's fault or the utensils/cookware.
Sam huffs, “more reason not to have animal products”.
Tucker laughs, “more like reason to!”, and jabs a thumb at Danny. Who throws a quiet, “prick”, Tucker’s way.  
Maddie shakes her head a little as the teens poke fun at each other. Yeah they knew and were used to it. Which was... probably good for Danny. Hurt a little to confirm though. She understands though; her and Jack will just have to continue to be better then.
Not too long later, Lewis is putting away leftovers, Jazz and Maddie are on clean-up duty, Danny’s eyes are back to fucking normal, and Jack’s giving the CyberSteps steps a once over.
Tucker nudges Danny, ignoring Jack doing the typical ‘can you feel this?’ thing, “so theatre’s open. Feel like taking your limbs for a test drive?”.
Maddie immediately pauses with her washcloth, making a point to sound stern, “only if Dan okay’s it, sweetie”.
All the teens look to Lewis, who smirks and fakes being unsure, “oh I don’t know”, relenting at the scowls, “so long as he’s not left alone I don’t see a problem with it”. Tucker immediately high fives Danny, before Jack steps back with a smile; letting Danny run only kinda coordinatedly up the stairs to grab pants.
Danny decides fuck it and opts out of shoes; the CyberSteps toes/boots look like, well, boots. Heading back down and the three friends walk to the door. Jack and Maddie smiling to themselves over the fact that Danny can actually walk around town with his friends.
Just as Danny’s reaching for the handle there’s a knock and Danny’s pretty sure he smells smoke... and that weird new smell from yesterday? Shrugging and opening the door to the sight of a guy who looked like hot garbage yet healthyish. His hair looked like a comb would get stuck in it yet smooth. One bloodshot eye, yet they were also totally clear. Clearly unbrushed teeth, though white. In a leather jacket with burn marks, off-white t-shirt, and torn-up jeans. And a cigarette in one had, dirt under literally every fingernail and in the nail-beds.
“Wow someone’s speed lightning”, the dude looks around, “your yard’s kinda not shit so I’mma just put this out in my pocket”, and shoves the cigarette into his pants. Danny watches the pocket smoke and slowly gain a new hole as the guy speaks, “so if it ain’t obvious, name’s Eddie. Eddie Brock”.
Danny blinks, gapes a little -which the guy smirks over, and laughs. Because yeah, this is exactly his luck.
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asscmble · 3 years
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❝  𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚞𝚙𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝚊𝚑 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊 𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝. 𝙶𝚘𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙 𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚊𝚑 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜 .  .  . ❞
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*     ❝    ◞       𝐢        .      statistics   .
name :  anna  marie age :  “  well,  ain’t  you  a  nosey  thing .  ”  a.k.a  thirty faceclaim :  phoebe  tonkin alias :  rogue powers / skills :  power  asasorbotion , wonder  man  essence (  powers & psyche )   alliance :  brotherhood  of  evil  mutants  ( former )  ,   x-men threat level : depends  on  the  situation ( lbr . . . 9.9 )  history file :  x , x notable changes from 2012 to the timeline they were pulled from : tbd  ( gonna  take  a  bit  to  make  sure  i  get  everything  i  want  down  here )  mostly  comic  /  cartoon  based.  last memory before ending up in nyc, 2012 :  making  deals  with  spiral  to  be  able  to  escape 
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*     ❝    ◞       𝐢𝐢        .      questionnaire   .
how are you feeling? physically and mentally. 
❝  just peachy . . . how do you think ah’m  feelin’ ? i got a headache poundin’ in my head and somethin’ tells me it ain’t from playin’ with the boys with the big toys. ❞
where are you living? the same place you lived in 2012, or displaced to a random apartment? explain to the best of your ability. 
❝  you don’t ‘spose the school has room for one more right now, do ya ?  ❞
what do YOU think we should do about the situation at hand? Try to go back home? The original mission of stopping Thanos? Rewrite the entire story?
❝  stop the bad guy sugah. do it here or do it there, it don’t matter much but if we don’t do it at all we might as well be sittin’ round watchin’ the creek rise.  ❞
what will you DO about the situation at hand?
❝  what ah can honey.  ❞
is there anything that you think needs to be done?
❝  you got corn in those ears or somethin’ ? ah said it already, stoppin’ thanos. ain’t this world gonna be worth a thing if we don’t.  ❞
if need be, would you be willing to team up with the government and SHEILD to recoup and help the situation at hand?
❝  you wanna do a girl a favor and define that word there, ‘ team up ’ ? don’t know if ya noticed, but ah got a history of not lovin’ that idea.  ❞
what are your worries?
❝  do ah look two backroads to sunday ? look who you got, ah don’t need to be no science nerd ta know somethin’ is gonna go wrong when messin’ with this time business  ❞
what do you think are the pros about this situation? 
❝  sounds like the perfect time for new adventures, and ah for one think a girl needs nothing more, love and adventure, honey.  ❞
anything else?
❝  how is this whole powers thing workin’ now ? ah still can’t control ‘em ? bad as it was back then too, huh ?  ❞
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danieco · 4 years
Since you used to be in Naruto fandom I wanna hear your thoughts about this video : https://youtu.be/wNB05gdWRkI especially the point about shonen being written for young boys and how it’s false
Love your blog btw
Thank you so much, love your ask! :D Predictably, this one got away from me a bit, and then a lot. So to focus on the point you asked about:
It doesn’t surprise me at all that reader questionnaires show about half of shonen readers aren’t boys! Like that’s not a perfect methodology but it’s still interesting. I think it would be huge for the industry if creators actually acknowledged that support and wrote like they have more than just boys in their audience. I genuinely think it would raise the quality of stories for there not to be an assumption that half their characters don’t have to be realistic, believable, and interesting just like the male characters are. 
Regardless, I hate, hate, hate the idea that it’s perfectly fine for media made for boys to show oppressive caricatures of girls and women because guess what!! Everyone has to write girls and women like they’re actually people, because they are. It’s wild people think “but this is for boys” is a good reason to write awful female characters. I can’t wait for this assumption that boys and girls want and require totally separate kinds of media to die because a) it’s not true and b) not everyone is a boy or girl anyway!
Anyway you activated my trap card, “Rant About Sakura” so: 
Okay this is where I actually started answering and I start so out of left field I almost made it a separate post, but: 
So like everyone knows serialized storytelling often wasn’t written to form a cohesive whole. The most extreme examples are soap operas--if you nudge a character bit by bit (or have a sudden, shocking twist), eventually the hero is a villain and then maybe a hero again, maybe not, etc. etc. etc. This keeps things open-ended for more storytelling opportunities and hopefully the changes will keep fans interested. So a character needs to have enough consistency with past actions to be recognizable, but their traits, motivations, and even backstory are malleable for whatever the story currently needs. It’s a feature, not a bug. 
I think streaming now and having an entire franchise immediately available instead of weekly over the course of years are very different things, and it can be useful to think about that publication history. One thing I noticed reading Naruto over months instead of years is that there were definitely elements where, if I had last read certain parts like, five years ago instead of two months ago, I probably would have accepted a gentle retconning of events or a character’s sudden change in motivation (or like, reversal in character development), but because I had read that background recently, it didn’t work for me. Trying to make a character’s changes make sense is something that can be really fun in YGO but, maybe because I wasn’t actually in the fandom at the time or talking to anyone about it, I mostly found those inconsistencies annoying in Naruto. 
Another big reason why I probably didn’t like them is the changes didn’t have results I liked--which finally brings me back around to the actual ask, which is that what the creators did to Sakura’s character absolutely were unfair, but not quite the way this video puts it, imo. Tbh I found his insistence that Sakura is a boring, bad character no one can relate to really annoying, because some people, especially female fans, absolutely can. (Predictably, she’s one of my top faves.) Like, why say her calling out for Naruto was her defining moment in that arc? Why not her victory? Who decided all her defining moments were none of her achievements and only the times she needed help? Who decided, male fan on Youtube??? HUH?? Like I appreciate what I think he’s trying to do but... good grief. 
To be fair, I did like the way he acknowledged that healing is important, and it can still be sexist to make all your female characters healers at the same time. Professional fields with lots of women are devalued, just like in real life! 
I disagree that nothing motivates Sakura except her crush on Sasuke--this is explicitly not the case in the manga (I’ve seen some of the show, but I read the whole manga, so that’s what I’m going on.) I think it would be more accurate to say that Sakura’s character does get some cool development, but then instead of building on that, they can’t figure out (or don’t want to bother) doing something cool with her character anymore and partway through Shippuden go “Uuuuuh, well I guess she’s back into Sasuke now, despite that not really coming up for a long time (like years worth of publication time iirc), and her openly saying things to the contrary (including her no longer being interested in him, and what her true motivations now are).” I hated it because it was sacrificing Sakura’s character development for drama and to make Sasuke seem important in as many ways as possible. Barf. (Interestingly, the story sacrifices Lee’s development for the same reason. Go figure.) I could go on and on about how Sakura actually is wonderful in the story and also is totally disrespected by the narrative but I’ve tired myself out with my own outrage, so. 
Again thanks for the ask!! Anytime someone actually wants me to talk more about feminist issues my heart grows three sizes. I’m genuinely thankful and feel free to respond with any follow up you might have
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Realm of the Quarantine Reread End-of-Book Questionnaire: Royal Assassin
Any differences between your first/previous reading experience and this one?
Not as stark a difference as with Assassin’s Apprentice, but definitely still there. Apart from all the obvious stuff, like feeling much more attached to the characters already and picking up more details, I think the biggest change was a complete lack of patience for the teen romance drama lol. There was a decent period where I was feeling quite frustrated with it. Not that I loved it the first time round, but back then I had a very different view of how it fit into the story. I saw it as teaching Fitz a depressing lesson of what it really means to be a royal bastard and a king’s man. Fitz’s literal need (for all he knows he would have been killed if not for his deal with Shrewd) and sense of duty to put his loyalty to his king and country first creates a relationship that is toxic, turbulent and built on lies. And teenage horniness masquerading as love. I saw all that the first time and thought it was just something he had to go through. Now I know it’s something he never really goes through but rather grips onto, romanticises and ultimately goes back to. I know the point of that is meant to be that he finally gets to have something for himself, but why it had to be Molly specifically??? I have very few qualms with Robin’s writing choices overall, but why she chose to write their relationship this way if they really are meant to be is beyond me, especially when so many of her other romances are written so well - it feels like it can’t possibly be unintentional. For most of this book they’re either fighting or fucking and honey! That ain’t love! Hell, Fitz all but sees her as just another demand on his time as the book goes on. But he can’t let her go because she’s the one thing he can point to that makes him feel normal. Not happy, not cherished, not safe. Normal. She’s simply a refuge from his real life. He literally says to Chade “I need her.” I find that so telling, man. It’s not really about her, which is a shame because Molly is great. They’re just really not good for each other.
So yeah. It’s just kind of trying to read all the Fitz/Molly stuff when you know and don’t like what it ultimately culminates in. At the same time… Bee… So I will always be conflicted lol. I just can’t separate the events of Royal Assassin from the furious disappointment I felt when I finished Fool’s Fate. Perhaps I’ll have a new Fool’s Fate experience this time that will make the next re-read a bit easier in regards to Fitz and Molly? But I won’t bet on it lol.
Anyway. It’s not as if I haven’t already said just about everything there possibly is to say about Fitz and Molly yet I also feel like I could go on about it forever. Luckily this is kind of as bad as it gets in terms of how much “screen time” they actually get (apart from Fool’s Assassin maybe? But they don’t bother me too much in that) so yay! I made it! And hopefully it’ll be a good few books before y’all have to endure my ranting about it again :)) Also hopefully this doesn’t give the impression that this read was more bad than good? It was mostly just a particular angsty chunk before they properly get together that was a bit of a slog to get through, but overall I really loved reading this book again and got a lot out of it.
Something you can’t believe you forgot
That Molly punches Fitz in the face hard enough that he bleeds and that Fitz fully intended to punch the Fool for asking if Molly was preggo before seeing he had already been beaten. I pretend I do not see it.
Favourite character introduction moments/scenes
Omfg I was just about to say “huh we didn’t really get any major character intros in this book” bitch Nighteyes???? But in my defence I just. Cannot process the fact that Nighteyes is only really in 3 of 16 books he just feels omnipresent to me BUT his introduction is most definitely iconique and god I love him and he made me cry eight thousand times!
Favourite character arcs
Speaking of Nighteyes: what a glow up. He goes from angry, scared, untrusting little bb to……. Nighteyes. Like. How does one even describe the kind of person Nighteyes becomes. He’s just Nighteyes and I love him with all my fuckin heart!! He is Fitz’s constant… He is wise… He is silly… a comedic genius…… a big, open, unconditional heart. Incomparable. I can’t believe I’ve seen ppl saying they dislike/d Nighteyes……. Honey…… it’s called taste xx
Favourite quote/s
Again no tabs so it’s a bit harder to keep track but there were a few that stuck out enough to copy down. There are a lot of iconic quotes in this book that get shared a lot so I only bothered with ones I didn’t remember.
- “I wince to think of the price willingly paid for loving me.”
- “My soft, clean bed beckoned, like a soft, clean tomorrow.” (mood)
- “I looked and saw they were both made of hungers, like containers made of emptiness.”
Favourite relationships
Kettricken/Verity obviously. I was shocked by how little time they actually have together being in love before Verity leaves??? Because all I remembered was how strong their love is. But the whole journey towards that love is what makes it stand out as an actual compelling story in its own right. This is definitely one of Robin’s greatest skills as a writer; giving the minor characters depth by giving them their own relationships that grow and change and have a life of their own outside of Fitz. It makes the world feel so much more alive.
Also Burrich/Fitz in this book continues to be bittersweet, but with a lot more sweet in there than usual! They fully start out this book as a team. Burrich calling Fitz “FitzChivalry” makes me fuckin emo and idk why even. Burrich does seem to start seeing Fitz a lot more as his own person in this book which changes their dynamic in some rly nice ways. The fact that towards the end of the book Burrich even uses the wit to help Fitz is enough to make me cry tbh - and writing this has made me realise that I’m officially past any uncomplicated good times between Burrich and Fitz y’all mind if I fuckin die real quick!!
Fitz/Verity is soy pure and beautiful. Fitz and the Fool is always, always compelling and complex and tender and perfectly mysterious. But overall you’d have to say Fitz/Nighteyes, hey? They are literally meant to be, in a way so straightforward and undeniable and beautifully simple that I never really know what to say about it. Little brother!!! :’) They literally make me cry all the frickin time lol rip!
Favourite setting
There aren’t that many to choose from in this book! Ima go with the skill river bc hey, Robin’s magic systems are so unique and beautiful and the fact that the skill is written as a kind of a place is really frickin cool and deserves a shoutout.
Favourite chapter
The final chapter (not the epilogue) ummm broke my heart but it is written so beautifully, oh my god, it’s like an out of body experience. I feel like this is kind of when RotE becomes RotE - the first time it really goes to that place that is so fitting yet so unexpected, so beautiful, so tragic, so awful, so visceral. Making use of the genre to really test the limits of humanity; to see how far you can bend a person without breaking them and then refusing to turn away from the consequences. Idk man!! I don’t know how to describe it without sounding like a pretentious dick but it really is that intense and strange and overwhelming for me. There is something in that moment, when Burrich pulls Fitz’s body out of the earth and Fitz/Nighteyes is recoiling from it and deeply terrified… Something about the enormity of the existential questions raised converging with the pinpoint specificity of it all being wrapped up in the story of a character that feels so real and who you care about so deeply… It’s almost written like a horror scene, but that’s not quite the feeling. It’s just the RotE feeling; there are multiple throughout all five series, and it’s what makes these books unlike any other.
Most loved character
Fitz, Nighteyes, the Fool all had my entire heart this book. The Fool is just so sad and pathetic and literally must be protected!! I think I’m kind of obsessed with Burrich? Also I think I almost forgot how much I love Kettricken? She’s a complete badass of course but she’s also got the biggest goddamn heart like…. Who said she was allowed to be such a beautiful person???
But god, everyone. I love them all.
Most hated character
What can I say? Regal is disgostang. Wall Ass a close second.
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by Robin Hobb (most heartbreaking and/or visceral moments)
Shall I list just a few? :)
- Burrich screaming at Fitz through the bars of his jail cell, horrible things you can’t help but feel are at least a little bit true
- Burrich sobbing over Fitz’s dead body repeating, “You aren’t dead, you aren’t dead.”
- Fitz going to Nighteyes before everything went down on the night of the coronation and just fuckin hugging him really tight
- Fitz trying desperately to leave his broken vessel behind but not quite being able to disown his body
- The Fool being beaten
- The Fool being beaten again
- The Fool sprawled and weeping across Shrewd’s dead body
- The Fool really believing for a moment that Fitz had betrayed him and killed Shrewd
- Fitz tending the Fool’s wounds………. bitch….
- Chade giving Fitz a chance to escape with them and Fitz going to kill Serene and Justin instead
- Idk why this is even that sad but Nighteyes saying the only person he loves is Fitz!
- The entire incident with the forged ones literally tearing apart a three year old girl, which I had completely blocked out until now :)
- The fact that Fitz continues to be reminded and traumatised by this incident for the remainder of the book beCAUSE HE IS A GOOD BOY. A VERY GOOD BOY WITH A VERY GOOD HEART.
- Fitz repelling at Nighteyes to try and force their bond broken
- High off his face Fitz calling Patience “mother” no shut the fuck up!!!!
Details, observations, spoilery notes made with the benefit of the full picture
- I’ve been trying for ages to decipher when the Fool started falling for Fitz, and I think I’m officially putting my money on their last interaction in AA. “I wish I had a place that was as much me as that place is you.” I mean. If someone said that to me… I’m not a slut but who knows, ya know? (I know this is more a note for the last book but I thought of it while reading this book. So shh.)
- It’s so clear to see this time how much Fitz’s sense of self and politics are affected by his time in the Mountains. He obviously feels much more inclined to their way of thinking about royalty and sacrifice and equality and returns to Buckkeep with a self-respect he’s never really had before. Weird how being among people who don’t just think of you as The Bastard will do that.
- It’s no wonder Fitz becomes so fixated on Molly; he literally has almost nothing else to occupy him and no companionship when she suddenly shows up
- It’s gross that he spies on her, obviously, but you can’t not take into account the fact that Chade has been teaching him since he was ten that this is justifiable behaviour; a reasonable way to gather information and get what you want. Fitz’s lack of social awareness goes further than him just being a little awkward; he has literally been trained to believe the only thing wrong with stalking would be getting caught.
- I’ve seen a few people talk about the fact that Regal isn’t appropriately punished as if it’s bad writing and like, while it is frustrating, it is supposed to be frustrating - it is not a plot hole. It made sense to me the first time I read it and it was even more obvious this time; Regal has the loyalty of the inland duchies. If he were to be publicly punished those dukes would rally behind him and raise hell, and Regal would no longer need to play the part of the dutiful prince. Even if Regal died a “natural” death - something I can’t see Shrewd or Verity orchestrating anyway - the inland dukes would feel that they no longer have a Farseer on their side and may, again, raise hell. It’s a delicate balance that would be outrageously difficult not to topple if you removed Regal from the equation. There is a lot more to it than I’ll bother writing here but yeah. I don’t really know how people can read this book and think that Regal retaining his life and position is some sort of lazy plot contrivance. It was all set up in the first book dude.
- Fitz and Nighteyes meeting in this book is the perfect metaphor for our need for connection versus the fear of inevitable loss. Fitz’s experience tells him that entering into a bond with an animal can only end in pain, yet he can’t resist it. In real life this is especially true with humans and our animal companions, since they almost always have a shorter lifespan than us; signing up to love them is signing up to lose them. But the same is also true of our relationships with other humans. And like Fitz, we have all had our fair share of loss and pain. We all have our reasons to be afraid of the connection we naturally crave. Sometimes we give in to the fear to the point of holding ourselves back from it entirely. That’s where Fitz is at when he meets Nighteyes. But what’s so beautiful about their arc as a metaphor is that it suggests that these connections, if we submit to them, are what keep our vital spark alive. Even when Nighteyes dies later in the series, the sentiment always remains, essentially, “It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.” Ya boi is projecting bc it’s hard to be vulnerable and make friends as an adult, but I think the observation stands. Love and connection and vulnerability are key threads that run throughout all of Fitz’s story, but in this book it is best represented through him and Nighteyes.
- “I hoped I would not become too adept at lying to myself.” Honey, you got a big storm comin.
- Very inch resting (gay) that Fitz finds it hard to meet the Fool’s eyes. I know almost everyone does bc his eyes are weird, but I reserve the right to reach and I will absolutely NOT be accepting criticism.
- I find it interesting that Fitz says Kettricken’s wit is not strong just because she doesn’t use it exactly the way he does
- I know it’s not meant to be funny but……. The way Fitz described losing his virginity had me literally laughing out loud
- Fitz was really like “okay i better go break my bond with Nighteyes” just cos he and Molly fucked. Teenagers don’t deserve rights.
- You know what? I really, really appreciate how fucking weird these books are lol. What other author would use their magic system to have their characters accidentally intruding on each other’s awkward sex stuff? Okay, maybe a few, but they would do it to be like, edgy and sexy. Robin Hobb just does it to make you cringe so hard you lose several years off of your life.
- But seriously, even apart from the cringe stuff, these books get so strange and out there and like! That’s what magic is for! 
- Bruh. When Fitz is like “omg poor Verity…. He’ll never have what i have with Molly” I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone encapsulate the self-important delusion of teen romance so perfectly lol. Wow.
- Okay some Fitz/Fool stuff that made me lose my tiny mind. Sorry.
- Fitz literally said about the Fool “he burned too brightly” I WILL DIE.
- Fitz is always like, irritated by the Fool… yet positively delighted by his presence at the same time…… okay bitch
- Inch resting how Fitz has always been uncomfortable with the Fool getting serious. I don’t quite know how to put my thoughts on this into words so like. I’ll just put it there. Make of it what you will.
- “Sit on my clothes chest and take your shirt off…” i stopped fucking breathing noah fence
- “I ran my fingers lightly down the line of his jaw, and around his eye socket. At least no bone seemed damaged. ‘Who did this to you?’ I asked him.” my GOD this is literally textbook gay/romance. It hurts me. It physically hurts me.
- Straight from my notes: “I can’t even focus on reading this bc it’s the first time they are tending each other’s wounds and I am a homosexual!” and “the gays are quaking!! (it’s me I’m the gays)
- Okay wow! I think that’s it! Hello if you made it this far! Hope this was remotely coherent and I’m always keen to hear your thoughts on my thoughts :)
Anyone doing a reread feel free to fill this out! You don’t have to use the tag :)
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lifesasickjoke · 5 years
The Dirt
The Dirt - part 5
part 4 - part 6
Pairing: Douglas!Nikki x Reader
Word count: 2648
Chapter summary: Mötley Crüe rises to fame, bringing (Y/N) with them. They've just signed a new record deal with Elektra Records and found their new manager. The dream of becoming big stars is quickly becoming a reality.
Warnings: Swearing, drugs
Elektra Records signed the boys to a five-album deal, and tonight Nikki hosted a party at our apartment to celebrate.
I was sitting next to the guys in the centre of the room around a round table, doing a limited edition celebrity questionnaire, this week featuring Mötley Crüe.
‘Tommy, vacuum this mess up.’ Nikki giggled, and passed Tommy who was sitting opposite him, the screwed off hi-hat with a couple of lines of cocaine on it.
‘Yes, sir.’ Tommy said and took the assorted little vacuum cleaner that posed as a straw for them.
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‘Vince?’ I asked, taking the pen I was chewing on out of my mouth. Vince stopped giggling with the others and turned to me with a smile.
‘What year were you born?’ I asked, twirling the pen around my fingers just like Tommy did with his drumsticks. Tommy's smile widened when he saw me copy his trademark movement.
‘1961. Why would you need to know that?’ he burped and took another swing from his beer.
‘Because I'm filling out this questionnaire.’ I answered absentmindedly.
‘Why?’ he asked incredulously.
‘Because all the other girls filling this out would have to hunt for the information while I have the main sources right in front of me. Hey Nikki, what's your favourite childhood memory?’ I asked, looking down at the questions.
I read over the question again. ‘Huh, even I don't know the right answer for this.’
I didn't get an immediate answer though. I looked up from the paper. He was staring across the room.
‘Nikki.’ I repeated. I followed his concentrated gaze to see why he was so zoned out. I followed his gaze to see that across the room, he had his eyes on some other girl. She was flirtily looking back over the rim of her beer glass. They were practically eyefucking and it hurt to see.
I brushed it off, though, as I do at all the other parties. I folded my magazine and whacked it against his shoulder to get his attention.
‘Ow! What-’ he yelped, his attention snapping back to us.
‘What's your favourite childhood memory?’ I asked again, waiting expectantly with the pen above the answer box on the questionnaire.
Nikki took a while to absorb what I was asking him. Nikki's mouth fell open as if to say something, or at least, it looked like he wanted to say something. He seemed to remember a memory, and it made him smile. But I think he also blushed. And just as fast as the blush crept onto his face, he closed it again, frowned and shrugged.
‘Is this like some sort of competition?’ he asked.
I nodded, ‘yeah the winner with the most right answers gets a prize.’
‘Cool. what is it?’ Tommy leaned in closer when Nikki asked, so he could see what I was actually writing.
‘Hundred dollars. Surprisingly.’ I scoffed, only now bothering to read the small prints on the competition.
‘Why would you need a hundred dollars?’ Vince asked.
‘Why do most people need a hundred dollars? For rent. And food.’ I answered with a playful smile.
‘Rent? But I'm paying rent?’ Nikki said.
‘Yeah. and I'm paying half of it.’ I reminded. ‘Besides, with all the waitressing shifts I'm missing for you guys I'm really just about to run out of money.’
I noticed that Nikki was actually going to protest, and I mentally prepared my bullet points for why I should still be paying half of the rent, even though he had just gotten some cash advance and could easily cover rent for the next couple of months.
This very dreaded conversation was stopped before it could even happen. As Tommy passes around the hi-hat plate with the cocaine line, a man leaned onto the table beside me.
‘Can I get a fucking line, man?’ he asked, obviously high and drunk.
‘Yeah, right, man. Get the fuck out of here.’ Nikki answered curtly.
Mick, the life of the party, came back from the bathroom and shoved the man out of his seat. The man fell onto the floor without a protest and stumbled away to ask someone else.
That happens to be David Lee Roth from Van Halen, who was sitting on my favourite spot on the couch. How cool is that?
As a background noise, I heard the same man mumble something, before a thud happened, and then a loud crash. Multiple people gasped my head turned to the source of the commotion.
‘Whoa! What the fuck, dude?!’ Nikki shouted. He and the boys shot up from their seats.
‘Chill out, asshole. It's cool’ slurred the man that just broke the portrait mirror by falling into it. It fell onto the blond-haired vocalist.
‘Cool?’ Nikki gasped in offence and advanced forwards. ‘That is David Lee Roth. How about you show a little respect or get the fuck out?’
Baring in mind, Nikki was a tall and high on energy, like, all the time, and the man he was accusing was at least a foot shorter than Nikki and about to faint. Yet, he got into Nikki's face and drunkenly threatened.
‘Make me, motherfucker.’
He then proceeded to push Nikki.
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In a heartbeat, I lifted off my seat. And if Tommy had not launched forward past Mick and held me back by the arm I would have thrown punches already.
A different man did the honours for me, though. As Nikki got pushed passed him, he stepped in, hit the other guy right in the face, twisted his arm, pushed him to the ground, and pinned him.
He looked up to the boys and smiled.
‘You fellas are gonna need a manager.’
‘Oh, good. You met Doc.’ Tom Zutaut said, walking over to us. He was the spokesperson for Elektra Records and the one that signed Mötley Crüe their deal.
‘He works with James Brown, Kiss, you name it.’ he presented.
‘Fucking hate Kiss.’ Mick spoke.
With a creepily cheery expression, Doc turned to Mick.
‘Well, I make them a shitload of money, and I take care of everything they need, which is what I'm gonna do for you.’
‘Oh, yeah? And how are you gonna do that?’ Nikki asked, setting up a defensive perimeter for his band. Somehow this usually includes pulling me into his arms so I can lean against his chest as we both evaluated the possible threat. And to be honest, Nikki does this so often, neither of us actually notice that this simple affectionate action happens.
But I can tell you the boys definitely noticed, and with each passing day, and with each passing little touch that seems normal to Nikki and me, they start to question what exactly our relationship is.
‘Look,’ Doc reasoned, ‘I know what I see up there. Anyone can start a band and crap out a song or two, but not many have the vision to go the distance.’
He looked at each individual band member warningly, ‘and you guys need someone to guide you through the fucking wilderness.
‘And you're gonna be that someone?’ I asked, equally sceptical.
Doc looked me directly in the eye and coyly said, ‘you're goddamn right I am.’
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I tilted my head up too look at Nikki and see if he agreed. The rest of the band nodded their heads too. Tommy shrugged goofily at me. Vince nodded slowly, his mind evidently racing. And although Mick seemed a little distrustful, he agreed too.
Before any of us knew it, they’d conquered the sunset strip and, in Nikki's words, it was time for America to meet Mötley Crüe.
I was standing backstage with Mick, Tommy, Doc, and Nikki at their biggest stadium sellout ever.
‘We're gonna fucking die.’ dreaded Mick. His face turned paler the more he thought about the crowd on the other side of the black curtains.
I leaned against the wall next to Tommy, who was nervously walking around, twirling his drumsticks in both hands and rehearsing his drum solos.
‘What?’ I gasped in disbelief at the magazine in my hands, ‘how did I not get first place?’
Nikki looked up from the floor and quizzingly looked at me.
Dramatically I waved the magazine around, ‘you remember the questionnaire? I didn't even get the top five! I mean how is that possible? I literally bribed Mötley Crüe for the answers.’ I pouted.
A small smile formed on Nikki's lips. It's was a teasing one.
‘Oh shut up.’ I told him and playfully scrunched my nose at him. He returned the gesture.
I could tell he was nervous too, just like his bandmates. Over the years I have learnt to pick up on the little mannerisms that were displayed by Nikki so I could clearly get a message of his mood. He was eerily quiet and still today. He was a shy person too, believe it or not, and he was definitely nervous to go out there today and play as well.
Tom Zutaut marched around the corner with one of the employees for the stadium.
‘Boys,’ he greeted, ‘on behalf of Elektra records, I just wanna wish you good luck tonight.’
He then counted the boys and noticed our singer was missing.
‘Wheres Vince?’
‘Just saw him in the dressing room getting ready.’ doc covered for him. Although, we all knew what he was actually doing. Or who he was doing.
‘Well this is your first big show, and there are 18,000 people out there tonight, so… please don't fuck this up.’
Nikki began to fidget too and he was trying to avoid everyone's gaze. I took this chance to really admire him. Two black lines painted on his cheeks and his hair ruffled up to make it look more intimidating. But to me, he looked absolutely stunning.
Don't get me started on the outfit he was wearing.
‘Thanks, Tom.’ Doc smiled sourly.
Tom nodded and left with his assistant to go find Vince.
Nikki looked up again, my eyes being the first he's meeting. I gestured at him to come stand next to me and he jumped at the opportunity.
In an attempt to ease his nerves, I laid my head against his shoulder.
‘Fuck all that.’ Doc said when tom was out of earshot. ‘You guys just do what you do.’
Tommy nodded excitedly and spun his drum stick again. Only this time it slipped out of his fingers.
‘Fuck!’ he swore and jogged after it as it rolled down the corridor.
‘Jesus Christ.’ Nikki muttered (probably as second-hand embarrassment). This mishap also caused Doc and I to chuckle. Even Mick cracked a smile.
I looked down at my wristwatch, ‘Oh. Time to go guys!’
The lady (Toms date for the night) that Vince took into the changing room returned. Soon after, Vince came running to meet us.
‘Vinnie, come on, man. Let's go!’ I shouted at him, waving him over. Vince jumped up the stairs leading to directly behind the stage and joined us.
‘Jesus fucking Christ. You do realize we just signed a record deal with his company and that fucking his girlfriend could seriously fuck that up?’ Nikki scolded in a lower voice, referring to Toms date.
Vince taunted, ‘only if he finds out, man.’
At that moment, Tommy also vomited off the stage. My best guess is that he had too much to drink in one go, or that it was all the drugs he had this morning.
‘Seriously, we're gonna die.’ Mick repeated.
‘Aw,’ I scoffed at the comment but engulfed him in a reassuring hug.
Mick immediately tensed up. He still wasn't a hugging person.
‘No you’re not.’ I promised.
‘You are officially invited to my funeral.’ he joked seriously.
‘Right, listen up.’ Nikki said and reassuringly slapped micks shoulder.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tommy getting back up and use his beer to extinguish the foul taste in his mouth. I took the beer from his hands like a mother and replaced it with a glass of water. He was going to protest, but then saw my hardened expression.
‘Come on, gather round guys.’ Nikki insisted. He also slung an arm over me and pulled me down with him into a huddle with Mick, Vince and Tommy.
‘Look where we are.’ he said proudly, ‘we've got an older man, a kid drummer, a cover band singer and a fucking runaway and his best friend that got swept with them and shrugged it off like it's nothing.’
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When he said that last part, he directed it right at me. The hand resting on my shoulder squeezed affectionately.
‘No one would have thought we'd make it here, so fuck them. Win it all or lose it all, were Mötley fuckin’ Crüe!’
Tommy howled and I laughed in agreement with Nikki's enthusiasm.
‘So let's destroy these motherfuckers!’ the huddle broke apart and everyone high fived.
I pulled Tommy and Vince into a quick good luck hug too before they ran off with mick.
‘Nikki.’ I proudly opened my arms and he immediately dove in for a hug.
He was seriously getting too tall, and whenever we hugged it was either he had to bend down to reach me or I had to get onto my tiptoes.
On special occasions though, like today, he bends down for the hug and then slightly lifts me off my feet. He grinned like an idiot as he sat me back down gently.
‘Nik, come on!’ waved Vince. Nikki stood back up to his full height, but his arms never let go of the lock they had around me.
‘You better fucking kill it out there.’ I stated, patting his chest.
‘Anything for you.’ he playfully bowed and ran off.
‘Ladies and gentlemen, from Los Angeles, Mötley Crüe!’ the announcer announced. The crowds cheering erupted like a bomb as soon as Tommy got onto the stage.
I stood with tom, his date, and Doc on the sidelines, with a clear view of my boys perform. Originally, I wanted to be in the crowds to view them from the front and get the real concert experience, but the whole arena was fully booked and sold out. I couldn't get a ticket even if I told the stadium venue the boys specifically wanted me there. Doc saved me, though, and from now on insisted I just stand backstage and watch them from there with him and tom.
Nikki lead with his bass into their opening song, shout at the devil.
But when the intro really started, Vince bolted onto the stage. There was a whole new set of screaming from the crowd.
‘The title track from our up-and-coming album. We call it ‘‘shout at the devil’’!’ he spoke into the microphone.
He then began to sing, and the crowd chanted with him. And every time a new verse began, fire shot up from the stage in little flame balls, adding to the craze of the whole situation.
‘He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night, he's the blood stain on the stage. He's the tear in your eye, been tempted by his lie. He's the knife in your back. He's rage.’
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‘He's the razor to the knife. Oh, lonely is our lives. My head's spinning round and round. But in the seasons of wither, we‘ll stand and deliver, be strong and laugh and shout!’
POV change
Nikki finished his riff and scanned the crowd for (Y/N). he found her dancing next to Doc, in clear view of the stage by the secondary cameras and sound and control systems.
He smiled at her goofiness, watching her twirl and stepped to the beat of the music. Every time he watches her dance, he reminds himself just how much in love he is with her.
And how much of a coward he is for not telling her how much she means to him.
Tag list: @getthefckouttahere @kingbouji3 @fandomshit6000 @spookyfrances @kwyloz @triplehaitches @myheadisinvaded @wonderboygenius @kawennote09 @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @the-dopemusiccoffee @versaceismehoe @glitter-rian @miss-ncthing @flizaa @evanpeters3826 @divaanya @extremesadnerding @oskea93 @technicallyvirtualmilkshake @thatbandchick39 @virtualsheepeat @sighsophiia @thexbasketcase @anon-1112 @heavymetalprincessa @normanreedus5150 @prettysureimgayxo @candystoregirl @yoinks-i-don't-feel-so-good @mother-fronker @animalsgal @supernaturalvikingwhore @tamedhearts @discodeacygotmorerhythm
let me know if you want to be tagged.
Love to Hasugi :)
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murfeelee · 5 years
Video Games Pt3: Video Game Challenge
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I saw this list on Pinterest out of nowhere, and what better way to ring in the new year than with another questionnaire, about my favorite pastime! This is the spiritual successor to Part 1 and Part 2.
Day 1 - Very first video game: Pacman and/or Mortal Kombat and/or Samurai Shodown on arcade machines (way back in the day when laundromats had arcade machines and gumball machines and such in them--good times, good times U_U); Tetris on computers; and a buttload of PS1 titles (again: back in the good ole days when consoles came with promo demo discs--I had Frogger, Need for Speed, Medieval, and a bunch of others).
Day 2 - Your favorite character: Here’s my Top 10 Males post and Top 10 Females post.
Day 3 - A game that is underrated: I will preach the greatness of PS1′s Legend of Dragoon till my dying day. It was doomed to dwell in Final Fantasy 7′s shadow, which came out earlier that same year, and it’s a real shame, cuz LoD was E V E R Y T H I N G.
My favorite aspects of the game are:
Its lore and worldbuilding. On top of the fact that the premise of the game is could be an anime series in its own right, you just get SO EXCITED to visit each new location, and uncover more about the world’s history, and see the different architecture, technologies, cultures and different races (I LOVE the Winglies, of course). It’s actually a gorgeous game for its time.
The combat -- I STILL have some of the Addition patterns memorized to this very day! They get progressively harder as you level up, but once you get used to the timing you feel so dang good. Die, More and More!
The soundtrack and cutscenes. The NOSTALGIA? O_O Bruh. The story is just really good, and was the very first video game to make me cry when certain...events...happened. Play the game and find out for yourself!
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game: The Sims, Dragon Age...any and all EA games. Effing ashamed of myself every time I give that nest of corporate demons at Electronic Farts money. “Surprise mechanics” my arse. 
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were): Has Jar Jar Binks been in a video game yet? Then that’s me. XD But I wish I was most like Lara Croft, as explained in my Top 10 Females post.
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Day 6 - Most annoying character: For females it’s Lightning from Final Fantasy 13, and for males it’s Vaan, from Final Fantasy 12. I don’t mind as much when supporting characters are effing annoying (Vanille, Hope, etc), but when it’s the MAIN protagonist?! WHY, Square Enix? WHY.
Lightning was just a negative nancy debbie downer. I wish they had swapped Serah and Lightning, I seriously do. I just couldn’t stand her dry and soulless personality. She wasn’t being edgy or bada** or cool or sexy or FANG or anything; she was just a bitter jaded unhappy wench.
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And with Vaan I just effing hate that dude. Why was he even there? They tried so hard to make this pushy entitled kid relevant, but I was like no, the story could’ve easily been told without him, and I wish it had been; he’s a effing idiot.
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Day 7 - Favorite game couple: Yuna and Tidus from FFX (hardest I ever cried playing a video game -- THE FEELS I TELL YOU).
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Day 8 - Best soundtrack: I used to think it was Skyrim, but nope, it’s Witcher 1, 2 and 3. Just listen to ALL of the songs CDPR ever produced for the entire franchise, including all the unreleased tracks, and enjoy the eargasm.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene: Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice had me legit depressed for a good week. Get your tissues and holy water ready; it’s seriously effed up. The entire game is the saddest I ever played, jfc.
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Day 10 - Best gameplay: Witcher 3, duh. Main quests, side quests, combat, dialogue, plot, graphics, worldbuilding, creatures, bosses, soundtrack, characters, Gwent, NEED I GO ON.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice: Playstation for life. But the Nintendo Switch is effing brilliant, ngl; once they put Skyrim & The Witcher on it I was like SOLD.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play: At least ONE Final Fantasy game. There’s 15+, and Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts. It’s not just a game, it’s an experience.
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As much as I rag on FF13 and FF15, they’re still admittedly LEAGUES better than a lot of other crap out there. I just happen to feel that Square Enix is out of its frikkin mind lately, and tbh I’ve been rapidly losing my hype for the FF7 Remake. I was never much of a FF7 fan to begin with, aside from being a rabid Sephiroth fangirl and watching Advent Children a billion times. But Square’s gotta be drunk as a skunk if they think I’m paying all that money for god knows how many of these effing “episodes” they’re gonna piecemeal us to dangit death with. HAYUL no. I’d rather not get too attached.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times:
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Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper: Huh?
Day 15 - What game are you playing right now: Speak of the devil, I’m replaying God of War for the zillionth time already.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes: In terms of graphics and story impact IMO might be Red Dead Redemption 2. That game was frikkin gorgeous, and the story was SO DANG GOOD. Braithwaite Manor!? O_O
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Day 17 - Favorite antagonist: For females it’s either Edea from FF8, or Yunalesca from FFX. For dudes it’s Sephiroth, from FF7. That man needs some serious counseling.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist: Yuna from FFX for the ladies, and TW3′s Geralt of Rivia for the dudes. 
Day 19 - A game world you would like to live in: The more Middle Eastern-inspired scifi/steampunki-medievalesque world of Ivalice from FF12, or the medieval French/Swiss Toussaint from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.
Day 20 - Favorite genre: RPGs and JRPGs, and pretty much action-adventure games with swords and sorcery.
Day 21 - Game with the best story: Red Dead Redemption, which is a good thing and a bad thing. A lot of the time I felt I was watching a movie, rather than playing a game. But it was still an Oscar worthy movie. XD
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you: Technically it hasn’t come out yet, but from what we’ve seen of the Nioh 2 beta release, omfg what’s going on? U_U Now, don’t get me wrong! Nioh 2 looks AMAZING. But....that’s cuz it looks exactly like Nioh 1, just with new yokai gameplay thrown in. o_O Uh...is this a DLC expansion pack or what? Cuz it sure ain't lookin like a full-fledged sequel! :P Dare I call it an asset flip. Come on, don’t do this; do MORE. Unless this is actually an expansion you’ll sell for half the price. ;)
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Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style: For graphics it’s RDR2, but for most unique art style it’s always been Okami for me. <3
Day 24 - Favorite classic game: Spyro the Dragon. Their reboot for PS4 was AMAZING.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing: Cyberpunk 2077. I’m so bummed, knowing the game’s been delayed to September 2020 instead of April, but oh well. As long as CDPR gives us that master-class level of Polish we all know and love from The Witcher 3, then take as much time as you need, I guess. At least they’re not like effing EA or Bethesda. XD
Day 26 - Best voice acting: BOY. Freaking iconic, Kratos. :P
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever: Ciri beating the absolute tastebuds outta Caranthir in TW3, not once but twice. Most OP Witcher EVER, girl; WERK.
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Day 28 - Favorite game developer: Though I effing hate them, I’m still a Square Enix fangirl at heart. It’s just saddening to see this weird turn they’ve been making recently, with garbage like the Quiet Man, and especially with Final Fantasy, my favorite game series of all time. U_U I’m not looking forward to the FF7 Remake anymore, tbh. I just hope FF16 is more of a return to form.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn't like, but ended up loving: Skyrim. I was never a big fan of Elder Scrolls games, and when Skyrim came out I was very meh at first. But then the mods started coming out for it and I was like wow. O_O
Day 30 - Your Favorite game of all time: Legend of Dragoon on PS1, Final Fantasy X on PS2, Skyrim on PS3/PC, The Witcher 3 on PS4, and The Sims on PC.
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Thanks for reading!
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