nataliewritez · 8 months
Near The Wood Fire || Jason Todd Tk Fic
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A/N: Huehehehe.. @ticklish-n-stuff here ya go :) OH GOD THIS SUCKS AAAAA-
Summary: During a rather cold night, Sakura and Todd are snuggling in a blanket near the warm wood fire, Todd takes too long to return back, thus Sakura teaches him a light lesson.
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Tonight was awfully cold, as the two of you, Jason and Sakura, snuggle in the warmest blanket you both could find. Sakura sighed as she was sat atop Todd, head resting on his chest as she looked up at him, exchanging warm smiles.
"You feeling a bit warmer?" Jason asked her, as the brunette snapped out of her lovestruck trance. She scooted herself so she could sit up, snuggling deeper into the blanket, aswell as Jason. He chuckled, his gaze unable to shift away. "I'll take that as a yes, then." He replied, smiling softly as you nodded, too comfortable to speak as of yet.
Sakura looked up, a small pout arriving as Jason got up. "Where are you going?" She asked, as Jason turned to her, he simply smiled and leaned down, kissing the top of her forehead as he tucked a strand of her brunette hair behind her ear, making her smile.
"Don't worry, I'm just getting some sticks to help the fire grow, don't want to grow sick now, don't we?" Chortled the dual coloured haired male, as he let his hand cup her cheek, rubbing his thumb against her cheek gently. She leaned into the hand and sighed. "Alright, don't take too long, or else." She playfully remarked, gasping and giggling slightly as Jason's hand crawled to her chin, gently scribbling under it for a moment before stopping.
"Alright, alright, I will." He laughed, as he walked off to grab some more dry wood for the wood fire.
After a small while, Jason returned, as he opened up the door for the small wood fire and chucked some wood inside, as the flames grew warmer already. He then closed the door and looked down at Sakura, as she looked up at him with open arms, the blanket still wrapped around her as she welcome him with open arms.
"Alright, alright, I will." She playfully mocked, as he rolled his eyes with an amused smile and went into her embrace, his face rested against her shoulder, as the two enjoyed the warm silence, the wood crackling and emitting a sweet light over them.
"This is nice." Jason sighed, eyes widening in surprise as Sakura placed a kiss over his cheek, causing his face to brighten up. She laughed at his cute reaction, as he huffed, tucking his face into the blanket. "You're so cute, Todd~" She whispered into his ear, making him melt slightly in her embrace.
"Whatever.." He muttered, smiling a bit as he heard Sakura giggle. His eyes closed rather quickly, as the relaxing and soft moment took over.. That was until he felt petite fingers squeeze around the thin shirt on his sides. His eyes quickly opened as he went to reach down, bursting into giggles before he could.
"S-Sahahahakura! Why're you- Pfft- Hehe!" The taller slightly curled inwards, as he felt nails gently skitter across his sides. "This is for taking too long, Toddy~" Sakura winked, as she giggled along with him, poking and prodding against his sides and, now, skittering over his stomach, as he giggled slightly harder.
"I'm sorrehehehe! Ack!? W-Wahahait! I cahahan't tahahake it!" Jason giggled as Sakura climbed up towards his ribs, making him curl inwards. Salura hummed along as she looked at him.
"Lets see how many ribs you have, don't we?" She playfully retorted, making him whine between giggles. "1.. 2.. 3.." She kept counting, watching in glee as Todd desperately tried to keep himself still. "16.. 17.. 18..~" Her voice grew more teasing the higher she counted, as she kneaded small circles over his higher pair of ribs, making him squirm a bit.
"D-Dahahamn you! Wahahait- I'm sohohohorry!" He whimpered as she scribbled against each rib, making him jolt and curl up into a ball. "Aww, Jason, you made me lose count! No matter, I'll just restart."
The night was filled with laughter for a long while, as Jason was forced to giddily stay in place, waiting for Sakura to grow too tired to continue.
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tickletastic · 3 months
Please, Call Zatanna
Fandom: DC
Ship: Mentioned Birdflash (haven't said this on my previous DC fics, but batcest shippers, please DNI)
Summary: If Dick had a nickel for each time he woke up in Jason's body, he'd have two nickels. At least this time he can take advantage of it.
Strangely, it’s not the first time that Dick has woken up in someone else’s body. Or the second, even. The first time was after a weird mission with the Titans, and he woke up in Bart’s body, buzzing like he was going to die if he didn’t move, starving like he hadn’t eaten in months. The second time, he woke up in Jason’s body, a familiar redhead in the bed next to him, a small child cuddled between him and Roy. He had jolted like he was electrocuted and stumbled to the manor while Lian and Roy still laid peacefully in bed. It was, without a doubt, not the highest on the list of ways that Jason would have liked to come out to his family, but none of them had made a big deal of it. 
That’s all to say that, while nobody expects to wake up in another person’s body, Dick weirdly recognizes the weight he wakes up with, has a muscle memory of throwing the weight around the last time he and Jason ended up in this situation. Last time, Jason’s body had been sore, bruised ribs and two fractured fingers that he hadn’t bothered to mention to anyone. This time, he feels pretty alright other than the ebb of exhaustion encroaching on his alertness, and the dizziness that could likely be contributed to missing a round of meds the previous night. 
He can hear a groan from somewhere down the hall, the clattering of stuff falling to the floor, and predictably, Dick’s own body is dashing through the door. Jason looks beyond fed up, and the only relief is that he hadn’t gone home to Roy and Lian the night before, and that he had somehow, for the second time, avoided Roy seeing him in this embarrassing ass situation. Jason rolls his eyes with a grunt before glaring daggers towards Dick, “what the fuck did you do this time?”
“Me?” Dick gasps, offended, but unsurprised. He has been known to piss off a magician or two from time to time. “It was your fault last time!”
“Was not! How was I even supposed to know there was a witch in Gotham? She wasn’t fuckin’ around in crime alley, I never encounter the weird shit that you and Bruce do!” 
“Master Jason,” a voice says from the hall, Alfred clearing his throat, “language, please.”
“Sorry, Alfie,” Jason sighs, looking down at his hands. 
“Wait,” Dick says, tilting his head to one side, dark brows furrowed, “how’d you know that’s Jason?”
“Consider it an old man’s intuition,” Alfred looks between the two of them, partially flabbergasted that Dick’s body is wearing an expression so vividly Jason, and Jason’s body is wearing one that’s so vividly Dick. “Though I was unaware we were dealing with another magic incident.” 
“We were unaware too,” Dick groans, “I want out of this bulldozer.” Dick makes for the door, grabbing Jason and dragging him non-committedly behind him. They’ll have to call Zatanna again like the last time, and Dick is praying she’s not off-world again. He doesn’t love having to call one of his ex-girlfriends to get him out of embarrassing, avoidable situations, but it could’ve been worse, Wally had begged Dick to stay the night last night, and Dick is suddenly very glad he had said no. 
Jason rolls his eyes, following behind Dick, not making much of an effort to actually walk, “don’t talk about my hard-earned muscle like that.”
When Jason stops in the kitchen, claiming he’s hungry and his pit-stop is Alfred-approved, Dick paces the hall anxiously, hearing constant, numb buzzing in his mind. He remembers the noise from their last body-swap, remembers having to fight off a green haze that nobody else could see. Jason grins when he peeks his head into the hall, but it seems he hasn’t even realized that he’s not hearing the buzz, as if he’s the same with it or without it.  “Chill, dickface. Can you like, eat an egg or something? My body needs protein.”
Dick glares in Jason’s direction, and it almost startles Jason how stern his older brother is able to look in a body that’s not his, “I’m sure you’ll last two hours without a protein bar.”
“Says you, you weigh like three pounds,” Jason jabs, walking into the hallway to follow Dick to the cave. 
“I’m lean,” Dick groans, “you try doing a quadruple front flip with the body of a football player. In fact, I’d love to see you try.”
The cave, as usual, is dark and cold, a breeze seeming to come from nowhere at all. Tim is at the table closest to stairs, slumped over his laptop, eyebags deep and drooping. He has a mountain of Monster cans in front of him, and a coffee pot that Dick is certain Bruce swapped for decaf at some point, though it seems it didn’t matter anyways. Dick shoots him a disappointed look, letting out a tired sigh knowing that he’ll probably have to drug Tim’s tea or something to get him to actually sleep. 
Tim looks startled by the expression, a light blush on his cheeks, and Dick is reminded that he’s not in his body, but in Jason’s. Jason shows his affection through playful aggression, he doesn’t have the oldest sibling instinct to be exhausted by Tim’s shenanigans instead of worriedly amused.
“Timmers,” Dick calls, Jason’s timber voice coming out higher, more cheerful, “is B down here?”
Tim’s brow furrows, and he squints at Dick, His glasses sit low on his nose, and he pushes them up closer, but seems no more satisfied, no less confused. “Uh, I think so. He was like,” Tim takes a moment and looks at the time on his phone, “like two hours ago? I don’t remember him leaving I think?”
“Great, thank you, Timmy!” Dick skips deeper into the cave, and Jason has to physically restrain himself from tackling his own body because of how fucking stupid Dick is making it look. 
Bruce doesn’t look as exhausted as Tim, but he’s certainly getting there, slouched over a pile of files, sifting through them lazily and looking between them and his computer screen. He looks infinitely more exhausted when he looks at his eldest sons, putting his head in his hands and lightly pulling at the ends of his hair, “I will contact Zatanna again.”
“Thanks, B!” Dick exclaims, grinning widely. There’s something dopey about the expression being on Jason’s face, but Bruce still has to look away to hide his own grin at seeing a rare smile on Jason’s face. 
Dick turns back around, heading back towards where Tim was sitting, and Jason watches as Dick throws the younger boy over his shoulder, overestimating Tim’s weight, or, more accurately, underestimating his strength, and having to adjust. 
“Jason, what the f-”
“Not Jason!” Dick quips, pretending to drop Tim, “all thanks to some evil witch or warlock out there.” 
“Even worse,” Tim responds, but he hardly struggles when Dick moves to the stairs, intending to get him to finally sleep after who knows how long awake. 
Jason takes the opportunity to move towards the training area, hoping to try out Dick’s escrima sticks in Dick’s own body. He had tried to use them a few times, when he found them lying around or during the odd training session, but he just didn’t have the nimbleness to make them work, it was all about fists when he was fighting. 
He does a few flips, practices throwing himself around like it’s nothing, grabbing onto things he had never been able to jump to, doing tricks he hasn’t done since his Robin days. When Dick comes back, he watches Jason attempt some sort of backflip, one that lands him facedown on the mat. 
Dick rushes over, grabbing one of Jason’s arms and flipping him over on his back, looking unimpressed when Jason groans, a hand finding his face. “You better not have just bruised my body.”
“Bruised? You’ll be fine, dickhead, I’m sure you’re not made of glass,” Jason replies, rolling onto his side. 
“What hurts? Seriously, Jason, if you messed up my body I’m going to break one of your fingers before Zatanna gets here.”
“Chill!” Jason replies, sitting up, criss-cross in a way that makes this feel like he’s in a primary school class, getting chided by a teacher for spoiling To Kill A Mockingbird for the rest of his class.
“You’re impossible,” Dick sighs, reaching down and reaching for Jason’s ribs to make sure he won’t be feeling pain once he’s back in his body. Jason jolts away with an aborted squeak, swatting at Dick’s hand. 
“Fuck off!” Jason shouts, rolling away from Dick, he stops once he feels far enough away and gapes at Dick, “your body is like, crazy ticklish.”
“Oh, shut up,” Dick replies, waiting to plan his attack.
Jason eyes the room’s exits, figuring out which one could get him as far away as possible. Dick just grins, knowing it won’t matter once he catches Jason, knowing there will be no way for him to actually escape. 
Luckily for Dick, he sees Jason looking shiftily towards the back exit, the one that leads from the training room down the hallway to the medbay. Dick jolts forward and narrowly misses Jason as he runs, making it to the hall. Dick rounds the room to another exit, walking briskly down the hall, and he’s soon cutting off Jason’s path, grinning evilly as he watches Jason contemplate his next move. 
“You know what’s about to happen,” Dick says with a light laugh. 
“Can you ever just leave me alone?” Jason grunts, looking around to bolt again, “you’re so annoying.”
“I legally can’t,” Dick responds, and in seconds he’s tackling Jason to the ground, Jason, who had made the mistake of looking back for an escape route, “I’m your favourite big brother, after all.”
Jason is grappling against Dick’s hold, but he knows it’s over when Dick uses his thighs to pin him down, Jason’s current body no match for his actual one when it comes to strength. He doesn’t even know where to protect, other than the vague ideas he has from when Bruce used to tickle Dick, or he and Dick would get into mostly one-sided tickle fights as children. He moves his arms down to protect Dick’s ribs, but he’s not even sure if they’re Dick’s worst spot, and he’s beginning to realize that Dick knows exactly where to tickle, it’s his body, after all. 
Dick grins, lopsided and playful like he always has when he’s messing with his siblings, and he pretends to think, looking at Jason as he gradually grows more anxious. Dick moves his arms down so they rest limply by his sides, and Jason, noticing that the hands are eerily close to his sides, tries to jerk away. Dick grins, teasingly wiggling fingers next to Jason’s stomach, content when Jason starts to squirm. 
“Whahat thehehe fuhuhuck,” Jason giggles, “why ahaham I laahahaughing?”
Dick blushes faintly, shaking his head, “no way, is this bothering you?”
Jason shakes his head, brows furrowed, “it’s yohohour fuckin’ bohohody, why ihihis thihis getting me?”
“It’s the anticipation,” Dick explains, frustratingly level and calm, despite the pink blush on his cheeks, “I guess my body doesn’t like it.” 
“Yohohou’re tehehlling meHEHE,” Jason shrieks as Dick’s hands finally truly descend, fingers spidering over Jason’s tummy, “DiHIHICK! Stahahp ihihit!” 
“Nope, I’m taking full advantage of this situation, I never tickle you anymore.”
“Behehecause I’d kihihill yohohou!” Jason squeals, hands firmly on Dick’s wrists, not doing enough to push his hands away. Jason doesn’t know enough to predict that Dick is going to go for the sensitive spot between his belly button and left hip bone, but he’s suddenly arching his back, gasping and squealing as he tries to figure out some sort of strategy to defend this body he knows nothing about. 
“Hmm, where should I try next?” Dick thinks out loud, examining Jason’s red face, the smile up to his ears, he shakes his head when Jason insists that he try nowhere, and settles for a spot that will make Jason snort, “you know, I’m pretty bad on my ribs.”
Dick’s fingers wiggle upwards and drill into each rib, and Jason flops between arching his back and falling flat, “Plehehease! Yohohou- yohohu’re stuhuhupidly tihihicklish!”
Dick blushes, but he doesn’t bother denying it, he’s very acquainted with it, “alright, but right now it’s you that’s stupidly ticklish.” 
Dick does a motion that’s something between pinching and spidering on a middle rib, and Jason snorts before falling into hysterical giggles, throwing his head back. When he does the same to the top rib on both sides, Jason shrieks, trying to clamp his arms to his sides. Jason’s face is progressively growing redder and redder, and he can’t seem to figure out a way to predict where Dick will go next, entirely unaware of how ticklish Dick’s body is and where. 
Dick’s tries to put his hands under Jason’s arms, but is unable to because of how strongly Jason’s arms are clamped down at his sides. “Alright, well, you asked for this.”
Dick’s fingers fly down to Jason’s thighs, skittering between his mid thighs and hipbones, and Jason screams, bucking violently, flinging his arms instead of strategizing. “FUHUHUCK- N- DIHIHICK, PLEHEHEASE!”
“I think you can take a little more,” Dick laughs, shaking his head, “I have pretty decent lung capacity.”
Jason has felt Dick tickle him to pieces before, he knows that Dick’s skilled in tickling younger siblings to pieces, tickling all the back-talk and sarcasm and bad moods out of them. He himself has been tickled to tears at the hands of Dick. But this? Jason has never felt so thoroughly tickled before in his entire life. Every spot, every tactic, completely taking him apart. 
When Dick pinches above Jason’s knee, scratching underneath it every few seconds, erratic and unpredictable, Jason’s done for. He descends into wheezy, silent laughter, his hold loosening on Dick’s wrists. 
Dick relents, pulling his hands away as he watches Jason try to catch his breath, tears slipping from the corners of his eyes. He suddenly looks sheepish, looking off towards the door, “you know, I uh- I actually can’t tell your signs when you’re in my body. Did I go too far?”
Jason waves Dick off with a limp hand before covering his face with his arm, “you do that weird half snort half wheeze thing.”
Dick glares, his voice scandalized, “no I don’t!”
“You so do,” Jason responds, reaching a hand up to taser Dick’s bottom rib. 
Dick snorts, rolling off of Jason, “you’re still ticklish? Why didn’t you try to fight me off?”
“One of us has some self-preservation skills, Dickie,” Jason says with a wink, the expression is completely Jason, even though it’s Dick’s face, “you and I are going to have some fun when this is over.”
Dick pales, laughing nervously. “Uh, did you hear that? I think I heard Bruce call me, I’ll- I-” Dick bolts from the room, leaving with a bright blush. 
Jason just laughs, rolling his eyes. Dick might play the role, but he’s not dumb enough to expose every spot, every tactic that makes him a hysterical mess… Unless, of course, he was looking forward to the revenge.
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fickle-tiction · 1 year
For Old Time’s Sake
“Ladies and Gentleman, I think Batman might be down for the count.” Clark was pretending to hold a microphone up to his mouth and speaking into it like he was an announcer. “Ohhhh! Nope! He’s up! That is going to hurt tomorrow.”
The corner of Bruce’s mouth pulls up into a smile at Clark’s antics as he circles Diana on the sparring mat. He dodges left as she makes a grab for him, grabbing her arm and using her own momentum to flip her over his back.
“And down goes Wonder Woman!”
Bruce drapes his body over Diana’s to try and pin her down, but she quickly reverses their positions and has Bruce in an armbar before he can even blink.
“I thought we said no powers.” Bruce grunts, trying to free his arm to no avail.
“I can’t help that I’m stronger than you.” 
Bruce lets out a growl, but he doesn’t deny it. Instead, he uses every bit of training he can remember and slips out of Diana’s hold. He springs to his feet and is about to execute a flying kick when a voice catches him off guard and has him freezing in his tracks.
“You’re getting slow, old man.”
Bruce whirls around to see his second oldest son standing at the edge of the mat, arms folded across his chest as he watches the match.
“Jason?” Bruce asks before a strong pair of thighs wrap around his neck and slam him down onto the mat. Bruce wheezes as the wind is knocked out of him and doesn’t bother fighting the hold. He merely taps Diana’s thigh twice in quick succession and she releases him.
“Wonder Woman wins again! And the crowd goes wild! Ahhhhhhh!”
“Is everything okay?” Bruce asks, eyes on his son even as he accepts Diana’s hand up.
“Alfred said you were down here training.” That didn’t explain why he was at the house in the first place, but Bruce wasn’t going to push. “I couldn’t pass up the chance to see you get your ass kicked. I had no idea Wonder Woman would be here.” Jason barreled straight past Bruce to get to Diana, a charming smile on his face that Bruce couldn’t remember ever seeing. “It’s so great to meet you. I’m Jason.”
Diana let out a soft gasp of delight as she shook hands with Bruce’s son. “Diana. We have heard so much about you. It is wonderful to finally meet you!”
“Hey Jason, I’m Clark.” Clark also shook hands with Bruce’s son, reveling in this rare glimpse into their friend's personal life.
“I can’t believe you’re friends with Wonder Woman and Superman.” Jason directed at Bruce. “Seriously, why do you guys hang out with him?” This last bit was naturally directed at Clark and Diana.
Clark barked out a surprised laugh. “For his winning personality.” Bruce scowled, and Clark nodded in his direction with a grin. “Obviously.”
Jason snorted and Diana tsk’d, swatting at Clark’s arm even though she was clearly trying not to laugh too.
“Okay.” Bruce said loudly, clapping his hands together to capture everyone’s attention. “The three of you meeting is a terrible idea.” Clark and Diana’s favorite pastime seemed to be teasing Bruce, and them teaming up with Jason was just asking for trouble. It would be best to kick Clark and Diana out and herd Jason upstairs for tea with Alfred. “Break it up. Everyone out.”
Jason gasps, clutching his chest, and Bruce’s attention is once again zeroed in on him. “You’d kick out your own son?” Bruce’s brain temporarily goes offline when Jason says the S word, despite his teasing tone.
“I---” Bruce may be a man of few words, but he is never at a loss for words. Until now. He knows Jason is just teasing him, but things are still so rocky between the two of them and he’s always afraid of overstepping and scaring Jason off.
“Of course not.” Clark says forcefully, clapping a hand on both Bruce and Jason’s shoulders. Clark didn’t know Bruce especially well, but he did know that he wasn’t the best at expressing himself and he clearly didn’t mean he was going to kick Jason out. He probably just wanted some alone time with what was clearly a surprise visit from his son. Bruce kept his personal life close to his chest; Clark and Diana were surprised he even invited them to the cave to spar in the first place. “We were just finishing up here. You two go catch up. We can show ourselves out.”
“And miss me wiping the floor with him?” Jason’s grin is cocky but his posture is stiff, as though he’s afraid Bruce might really kick him out...or that Clark and Diana might leave him alone with Bruce. “That is, if you’re up for it Old Man.”
Bruce resists the urge to call for Alfred to check his blood for traces of toxins; even though this clearly must be some kind of hallucination. Jason is here. In the cave. And he wants to spend time with him. (Sure, by “Spend time with him” he means spar with him and inflict damage on him, but he would take what he could get.) This must be a new strain of Scarecrow’s toxin.
Bruce mentally shakes those thoughts off, knowing he’s being paranoid and that he is in real danger of chasing his son away with his paranoid thought process. “You really think you can take me?” He asks, mimicking Jason’s cocky smirk and throwing in a raised eyebrow.
“I’m not a skinny 15 year old anymore.” Bruce buried down the burning guilt that rose at those words. He knew Jason wasn’t trying to taunt him, and was just making friendly trash talk. Those were his own issues to deal with, and he would bury them until he had time to sort them out. Preferably in 20-30 years when he was a crazy old man wandering around the manor alone and could properly express his emotions. 
“First one to tap out wins?” Bruce suggested.
“You’re on.”
They shake hands in the middle of the mat; Diana and Clark cleared off to the edges at some point in their exchange but Bruce couldn’t spare them more than a passing thought. Someone went “Ding ding ding” and then Jason was lunging at him.
“What the hell have you been eating?” Bruce grunted, rolling out from under Jason’s bulk and pressing a knee into the small of his back to try and keep him down.
Jason’s only response was a snort of laughter. He managed to get his arms under himself and surged up, sending Bruce toppling off his back. Bruce popped up before Jason had a chance to pin him down, and Jason had to throw himself out of the way of the foot that came flying at his stomach.
They danced around each other for the next few minutes, each throwing the occasional punch or kick. Clark kept up a constant stream of narration and Diana alternated who she was rooting for seemingly at random. Bruce couldn’t wipe the smile off of his face as he ducked and weaved.
“What was that move you used to do all the time?” Jason asked, ducking the fist that came flying at his face as soon as he finished speaking.
“Elaborate.” Bruce did a back flip to avoid Jason’s attempt at grabbing him.
“You know the one.” Jason’s tone should have been setting off warning bells, but Bruce was too busy trying to avoid being tackled to the ground by 250 pounds of solid muscle to pick up on it. “What if the mugger has a knife?” He asked in a passable imitation of Bruce’s Batman Growl.
Bruce’s eyes went wide and he just barely managed to dance out of Jason’s reach at the last possible second. “Jason.”
“Batman is bringing out the Dad Voice. Something serious is about to go down people.” 
“You have to be prepared for anything, B.” And then Jason got his arms around him and Bruce’s life flashed before his eyes. 
Okay. Maybe Clark and Diana were onto something when they called Bruce a Drama Queen.
“You’re dead.” Jason growls, jamming his fingers into Bruce’s ribs and wiggling them wildly. Bruce clamps his mouth shut, focusing all of his energy on trying to escape from what is essentially a bear hug from his hulk of a son.
“J-Jay.” He grits out, breathing heavy through his nose when Jason starts pinching around the spot where his abs faded into his sides. His whole body jolting when strong fingers start prodding at taut muscles.
“Come on Big Bird, if you can’t escape this how will you defend against the real thing?” Jason taunted, pinching up and down Bruce’s muscled sides.
“No way.” Clark breathed, the sound completely drowned out by the laugh being ripped out of Bruce’s lungs.
“Sh-hihihihi-it!” The dam breaks when Jason’s fingers find the sweet spot at the bottom of Bruce’s ribs. “Not-not there!” Bruce laughs, trying to curl his body forward. Jason’s arms crisscrossed over his chest don’t let him go anywhere, so Bruce does the next best thing his tickle-rattled brain can think of. He throws all of his considerable weight backwards, knocking Jason off-balance and sending the two of them crashing to the mats.
Bruce wastes no time catching his breath, flipping around and pinning Jason to the mat. “Oh-ho.” Bruce laughs at the alarmed look in Jason’s eyes. “You’re in for it now.”
“Who is this man, and what has he done with Bruce?” Clark whispers to Diana, neither of their eyes leaving the pair struggling on the sparing mat. Bruce looks ten years younger with the blinding smile stretched across his face as he taunts Jason. He let’s one of Jason’s hands go so he can burry his fingers into Jason’s armpit, sending the younger man into a fit of laughter, which is quickly joined by Bruce’s own laughter when Jason latches onto his side and starts squeezing.
“Jay, tag me in.” Clark Kent’s bare feet come into view, and Bruce abruptly stops his attack. He slowly looks up with wide eyes to see Clark’s cocky smirk as he holds out a hand for Jason to slap.
“Since when is this a tag team match?” Bruce knows running won’t do him any good, but he can’t help but glance around for an escape plan. He grabs Jason’s hand that was trying to sneak back to his stomach, pinning it back down to the mat.
“Since Jason was kind enough to show us a new side of you.” Diana purred into his ear and Bruce just barely refrained from jumping out of his skin as she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around his middle. 
“This is not how tag team matches work.” Bruce protests as Jason bucks up to remind him that he’s still being pinned down. Bruce looks down at his smirking son, and his mouth quirks up into a lopsided smile against his will. “Is this why you stopped by?” He asked, amusement bleeding into his tone despite the danger he’s in.
“Alfred said you’ve been down lately.” Jason shrugged, not quite meeting Bruce’s eyes. “I told him that’s just your personality,” Clark snorted at that. “but he promised me a batch of cookies if I came. Said he’d throw in some brownies if I could get you to smile.”
“And it appears the apple did not fall far from the tree, Master Bruce.” All 4 heads swiveled to see Alfred watching from the bottom of the staircase, a fond smile on his face. Bruce scowled at his butler, not missing the hastily concealed phone that meant he probably snapped a few pictures before making his presence known. “Master Jason heard you were training and said he’d like to “take a crack at you” for old time’s sake.”
“Wait, you really used to tickle him when you were sparing?” Clark asked, disbelief clear in his voice. He wouldn’t have believed that ten minutes ago, but after seeing how comfortable Bruce was with fingers trying to burrow their way into his muscles a minute ago he was starting to reevaluate the “no touching” signals Bruce threw off.
“He was 15!” Bruce said, as though that made any difference. “I wasn’t going to punch a child!” Did they think he was some kind of monster? Sure, he could pull his punches, but he wasn’t willing to risk slipping and giving his son a black eye. 
Diana snorted. “You really are a big softy.” She cooed, squeezing him around the middle in a precursor for what was to come.
“Can we wreck him now?” Clark asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Are you asking my permission?” Jason laughed. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m the victim here.” He rotated his pinned down wrists for emphasis.
“You started this.” Bruce protested, narrowing his eyes at the smirking man beneath him.
“You started this 15 years ago. I’m just finally getting around to getting my revenge.”
“I am a grown man.” Bruce protested, as though that would change anything.
“Yes, but you have the emotional intelligence of a child.” Clark laughed again, and Jason looked pleased with himself. 
“I like him.” Diana laughed, breath tickling the shell of Bruce’s ear.
“If I may,” Alfred spoke up again, immune to the death glare Bruce was sending his way. “I seem to recall Master Bruce griping about Master Kent’s habit of squeezing his thighs whenever he gets up from a seat.” Bruce goes entirely still, cursing the warm feeling creeping into his cheeks. “I believe the phrase he used was “It makes me want to crawl out of my skin, Alfred.” “
“I am not going to forget this.” Bruce growls, glaring daggers at his friend-turned-enemy.
“Just as I haven’t forgotten a little boy shrieking in delight as he begged his father to send the tickle monster after him.”
You could cook an egg on Bruce’s face, it was so hot. Jason was cackling beneath him, Clark was clearly trying to hide his laughter behind his hand, and Diana gasped softly into his ear.
“I was four.” Bruce murmured, blush racing down his neck and settling across his chest.
“That is the cutest thing I have ever heard.” Diana’s laugh managed to not sound mocking, but Bruce still bristled at being called cute.
“I was four.” He reiterated, a quick intake of air cutting off any further protests when Diana unceremoniously latched onto his upper ribs and started tickling with abandon.  
Bruce had just enough presence of mind to not go crashing down onto Jason, instead trying to roll sideways as his arms turned to jelly and hoarse laughter was ripped from his throat. Clark wasted no time in joining in, strong fingers latching onto the muscle of Bruce’s thigh and squeezing them at random.
“Fucking he-hehehe-hell!” Bruce gasped, laughter pouring out of him unbidden as he tried to curl into a ball on his side. Diana and Clark were hovering over him, boxing him in so he couldn’t escape, but not cheating and holding him down so he at least had a chance at fighting back. Bruce kicked out at Diana when she slipped a hand under his shirt to tickle at the bare skin of his stomach. His foot connected with something and he had a second of triumph, before he squealed.
“Ooooh I think I’ve found a good spot.” Diana was holding his ankle in a steel grip while she dragged her nails across his bare sole, drawing swirling shapes into the vulnerable skin and driving Bruce wild.
“Dickhead is going to love this.” Jason laughed. Bruce cracked his eyes open, prepared for Jason to join in the fray, but shook his head when he saw his son recording the whole thing on his phone.
“Jason.” Bruce managed to get out, once Diana released his foot and let him regain some of his sanity. “Don’t you da-ha-dare!” He reached for the phone, but Jason just buried his free hand in Bruce’s armpit and sent him collapsing back to the mat with a bark of laughter.
“I think justice has been served.” Diana said, after another minute of tickling around and behind Bruce’s bare knees where his shorts had ridden up. Bruce’s face was flushed a healthy shade of pink, and his chest was heaving as he hugged himself around his stomach and shook with laughter, rolling side to side in an attempt to shake their hands off.
Jason’s phone disappeared from view, and Bruce rolled onto his stomach and pillowed his head in his arms as he caught his breath, trying to tamp down on the residual laughter still running through him. 
“You know,” Bruce looked up at Clark’s teasing tone. “You could have asked us to stop earlier.”
“I did!” Bruce protested, pushing himself into a sitting position to glare at Diana’s tittering laugh.
“You did not.”
“Let’s watch the video playback, shall we?” Jason was gloating, wagging his phone over Bruce’s head. Bruce lunged for it, snatching it away and springing to his feet. “HEY!” Jason yelped, trying to grab it back as Bruce danced out of his reach, using one hand to open up the camera app so he could delete the video
Before he could get to it a facetime call popped up, Dick’s excited face plastered across the screen. “You didn’t.” Bruce groaned, letting Jason snatch the phone back and answer the call. 
“Bruce is ticklish!?” Dick’s voice rang out, skipping right over the greetings to get to the important stuff. 
“Yes!” Jason crowed, spinning so his back was to the 3 heroes and he could get them all in frame. “Old man’s been holding out on us all these years.”
“I can’t believe this!”
“Wait. They never got you back?” Clark asked, sidling up next to Bruce, who was clearly trying to scowl at the phone but he couldn’t wipe the lopsided smile from his face.
“Nope. I kept that secret for almost 20 years.” Bruce said, shaking his head with a self depreciating laugh. 
“You know this changes everything, right?” Diana asks, slipping her arms around Bruce’s waist and resting her chin on his shoulder. 
The muscles in Bruce’s jaw twitches as he clenches his teeth in thought, leaning back against her chest. “Do....do you two want things to change?” He asks, sounding hesitant even to his own ears.
“Only if you do.” Clark says, standing in front of Bruce and blocking them from the view of Jason’s facetime call. Jason seemed to have forgotten about them anyway, caught up in his excited planning with Dick. He almost felt bad for what was to come for Bruce, but he knew he could handle it.
Bruce is quiet for a few seconds, painfully aware that both Clark and Diana could hear his heart hammering away in his chest. He licks his suddenly dry lips as he searches for something in Clark’s gaze. He must find whatever it is he’s looking for, because he nods once. “I...would like that.”
“Wow.” Jason says, appearing at Clark’s elbow. “That almost sounded like a human emotion.”
“Out.” Bruce growls. “Now.”
“Geez.” Jason mutters, hands raised in front of himself in surrender. “Touchy touchy.” He mutters, but scrambles backwards when Clark turns to stare at him.
“Do you really want to stick around and see what’s about to happen?” Clark asked, eyebrow cocked.
Bruce sputters a laugh at Jason’s disgusted expression. He hightails it for the stairs, noticing for the first time that Alfred already took the hint and made himself sparse.
“Now,” Clark turns back to Bruce and Diana, a soft smile playing around his lips. “Where were we?” 
“Right...about...here.” Diana says, dotting a soft line of kisses down the left side of Bruce’s neck. Bruce whimpered, lips squeezed shut as he tried in vein not to move. “You can move, Bruce.” Diana whispered into the skin of his neck. “That’s part of the fun.” 
Bruce gasped, jerking to the side to escape the soft lips dragging over the delicate skin. Clark seized his opportunity to box him in, his lips latching onto the right side of his neck. He slowly made his way up towards Bruce’s ear, while Diana began her slow trek down to his collarbones. Bruce let out a mix between a groan and a whimper, going boneless between them as he felt a new level of pleasure previously unknown to him. He didn’t know if he was going to make it through this night, but what a way to go.
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13phantom13angel13 · 5 months
What Big Brother’s Are For
A/N: To the anon who requested brotherly love tickles for Jason and Dick, here you are!
Content warning: there’s a bit of angst in the beginning. So beware!
Dick could tell Jason was having a hard time. He seemed to be a bit down in the dumps recently. But, Dick knew the stubborn man wouldn’t willingly talk about his feelings. So the most he could do was show Jason he was there for him if he ever wanted to talk.
That day came unexpectedly during a heavy storm while they were sitting in Jason’s apartment. Lightning illuminated the living room as a loud clap of thunder followed. Dick saw Jason visibly jump at the sound, his entire body going rigid. The worry from his older brother became palpable to Jason as he turned to look at him. Dick was staring at him in thinly veiled concern. Jason sighed heavily, looking down at his hands.
“I guess you never really get over the fear…”
Dick stayed quiet, but continued to look at Jason; a silent indication that he was still listening if he chose to continue. Jason scrubbed a hand down his face as he leaned forward to rest his arms on his knees.
“It just reminds me of that night, you know?” Jason’s voice quieted a bit as he continued, “It sounds like an explosion sometimes…”
Dick’s eyes saddened upon hearing that. He never thought that the sound of thunder could remind Jason of the night that Joker took his life. Took him from the people who loved him the most.
Without saying a word, Dick scooted over next to Jason and wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. To his surprise, Jason didn’t pull away. In fact, he hesitantly returned the hug, clinging to Dick’s shirt with trembling hands. Dick hated that his brother had to go through that; hated that he had to continue dealing with the after effects of that night. It broke his heart to see Jason so downtrodden.
“You’re home now and you’re safe. Nothing will ever take you away from us again, Jay. Nothing will ever take you away from me. I’ll protect you.” Dick rubbed his back soothingly as he whispered to him. Jason nodded, resting his head on Dick’s shoulder.
Dick continued to rub his back for a bit, until Jason started to tense up. Dick had started to stray a little too close to the back of his ribs, a secret weak spot that no one knew about. Except Roy. Dick lifted his head to look down at Jason, noticing his cheeks starting to flush as a smile fought to come to the surface.
A delighted smile came across Dick’s lips.
“Oh…what’s this, Jaybird?” Dick asked as he wiggled his fingers into the back of Jason’s ribs.
Jason’s back arched as a surprised squeal ripped out of his throat. He quickly grabbed ahold of Dick’s arms to try to pry them away as his back arched to get away. That proved to have the opposite effect of what he wanted. He arched right into Dick’s embrace, furthering his entrapment. Dick continued to tickle him in the same spot.
“I didn’t know you were ticklish here!” He exclaimed, wiggling his fingers faster. By this point, giggles had began to bubble up out of Jason against his will. No amount of squirming was going to get him out of this.
“Dihihick! Plehehehehease! Dohohohon’t tihihihickle!” Jason begged.
“Why not? It’s so cute that you’re so ticklish.” Dick chuckled fiendishly as his tickling fingers moved lower down on his ribs. Jason’s giggling started to border on actual laughter as he continued to squirm as best he could in his brother’s arms.
“Nohohohoho! Please nohohoho!” Even with just the smallest amount of tickling, Jason was weakened. If Dick continued his assault downwards towards his sides, it would be over.
And what did Dick do? Yep. He went lower. His fingers now traced silly patterns on the lowest part of his ribs, right around his kidneys. That was it. Jason exploded into hysterical laughter as his back arched as far as it could go in his position.
Dick was surprised by his reaction. He thought his hips were the only spot that gave such a strong reaction. Dick was starting to have a hard time keeping Jason in his arms as he flopped backwards. He dug in a little harder.
If Jason thought he was done for before, he truly was now. His laughter went silent as he toppled backwards on to the couch, dragging Dick along with him. With him now flat on his back, Dick moved his fingers to his stomach.
“Wow. That’s a nice little goldmine there,” he chuckled. “That seems like a close second to your hips.” He remarked.
“Ihihihit tihihihihickles sohohoho bahahad there! Now cuhuhut it out! I gihihihive!” Jason tapped Dick’s arm in a sign of surrender. Dick chuckled, stilling his tickling fingers as he sat back up.
“Feel better now?” Jason nodded as he caught his breath, also sitting up.
“Yeah, I do…” he admitted a bit shyly. He leaned against Dick, closing his eyes. “Thank you, Dickiebird. For always being there when I need you and putting up with my shit.”
Dick smiled fondly as he wrapped an arm around Jason’s shoulder.
“Any time, little wing. That’s what big brother’s are for.”
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Have you considered Bruce being super awkward and stiff when he's hanging out with Clark and Diana, pre relationship or early relationship or whatever, and Jason and Dick seeing that and immediately being like "nope. We're not having that. Dude needs to loosen up." And Bruce never sees it coming when they flank him and start going to town on his sides. And of course Clark and Diana are all "oh?? So he is human?? Interesting." And Bruce threatens to ground two grown men because he just knows his life is about to change. Clark and Diana are goblins. He's done.
continued: OKAY BUT Bruce in bed in between Diana and Clark and they're all that perfect state of sleepy loopy comfortable and warm. And Clark is rubbing these soothing circles over Bruce's stomach and chest and Bruce is just melting into the bed and Clark is all "who's your favorite partner" and Bruce doesn't hesitate to say Diana, just to mess with Clark. But of course it backfires on him because "Bruce, look at his face. How is he not your favorite?"
You KNOW how I feel about them FUCK anyways here's these two prompts smushed together because...Im love them.
This fic is a sequel to Smitten! You don't have to read it but it will enrich your experience :)
Baby, I Surrender
Bruce deals with bombshells professionally, both in and out of the cowl, but absolutely nothing could prepare him for the world of dating two superhumans at once.
He’d never been one for monogamy, and he was happy to let the tabloids chalk it up to whatever psychological buzzword they were abusing that month. It didn’t matter. The number of partners has never been his problem…it’s the dating part. He’s not soft. Kind words are never his instinct, touch has to be coaxed out of him--most people tire of trying to train affection into him by the first month or so.
Clark, for some reason, seems to like his awkwardness. When Bruce wants to backpedal out of emotional proximity, Clark’s there to box him in and sit in the vulnerability with him. He’s a tease in more ways than one, but mostly he’s sweet. Like, send Bruce a box of chocolates at work ‘just because’ sweet. Bruce is starting to settle into the reciprocation part--he sent a bouquet over to Clark’s earlier in the week and it only made him nauseous once. 
Diana had surprised them both. She and Bruce had been circling each other for a while, flirting for the fun of it at events. There’s always been something between them, he thinks, a soft and sacred thing at the center of an iron-clad friendship. She’s saved his life without breaking a sweat, but she’s also gone with him on those long, silent walks he needs to recall who he is. So when a friend--a woman like that drags your boyfriend over and asks the both of you to dinner…well, Bruce would’ve been a fool to say no. 
The three of them are still easing into the togetherness of this affair, still picking around the fragile parts with jittery trepidation. Bruce wanted desperately to avoid public attention, but he and Clark frequently cross paths for day job purposes as it is. Also, it would be…unbecoming of him to avoid Diana as one of the Smithsonian’s most generous donors. So, when the Smithsonian announced its ribbon-cutting gala for its new exhibition, Bruce decided that he was going to be brave and go with his partners. As a unit. 
Bruce descends the grand staircase to find Diana and Clark looking radiant as all hell. Diana slow-dances with Clark in a floor-length maroon gown that flatters both her strong shoulders and curves. Clark’s jacket is the same color as her dress and fitted perfectly to his body. Diana dips him and he laughs, holding onto her as she lifts him back up. 
There’s no music. Bruce’s heart couldn’t be more full. 
“You’re both…matching.” He pauses. They don’t stop swaying, but they both smile at him. 
“I think someone--” Diana gives Clark a playful look-- “May have overheard me trying to choose what to wear. He picked me up like this.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” Clark clears his throat and adjusts his glasses, but his cheeks dust a faint pink. 
“You look…You both look…” Bruce runs a hand over his mouth to hide his fleeting smile. “I just threw this on, but now I’m sensing that I should change.” 
“You’ve trained him well, Clark. That was almost a full compliment.” Diana leans back into Clark’s shoulder, but her eyes never leave Bruce’s. 
“Can’t take credit for that.” Clark laughs, winding a lazy arm around her waist. She laces their fingers together. The overwhelming urge to kiss them both senseless is a welcome surprise. Bruce takes it in stride. 
Bruce does not run upstairs, as that would be undignified and embarrassing, but he does hurry. He changes into a sleek black tuxedo set and loses the tie--there’s no time to get Alfred to tie one now. He rustles through his pocket square collection until he finds a gorgeous maroon silk to fold into his breast pocket.
He bursts out of his room and nearly slams right into Jason and Dick. 
“Woah!” They manage to swerve out of the way at the last minute. Bruce blanches. Father and sons contend with each other for a moment while Bruce desperately tries to sink into the Earth. 
“You haven’t left yet?” Jason brightens with the beginning of a smirk. 
“You’re one to talk. The two of you were supposed to be on patrol an hour ago.” Bruce fiddles with his cufflinks. Dick tsks at him and goes to fasten them for him, but apparently the cufflinks aren’t up to his standard. He huffs, disappears into Bruce’s room, and reappears with a different set.
“You were in a different suit an hour ago.” Jason’s eyebrows raise. Bruce can hear the little hamster wheel that is his brain rattling as he regrettably connects the dots. Dick looks up from adjusting Bruce’s sleeves. He and Jason have an unintelligible conversation with their eyes alone. 
Bruce regrets adopting such intelligent orphans. 
“Oh my god. Bruce, did you change to match Clark?” Dick gasps. Jason snickers into his fist. 
“No.” Bruce clenches his jaw. “Yes.”
“You look fine.” Jason claps his shoulder. 
“You look good.” Dick fiddles with Bruce’s collar. Bruce swats his hands away. 
“Thank you. Patrol. Now.” Bruce gestures back the way they came. 
“Be safe,” Bruce calls after them. He waits until he hears them walk away and then waits a little longer before he dares to leave. He does hurry down the steps this time, but only because the chance of encountering more of his kids is spiking by the second. Also, because they’re late. 
“Sorry about that. Let’s get go--mmph.” Bruce gets swallowed into a kiss with Clark, deep and sweet. Bruce grips Clark’s biceps to remember which way is up. 
“This whole situation is going to be a problem for me.” Clark gestures at Bruce, breathless. Bruce tilts his head and lets his eyes roam Clark’s exquisite form.
“I’d hate to cause any problems for you, Mr. Kent.” Bruce walks his fingers up Clark’s chest and tugs at his tie. 
“I’m sure you would.” Clark clears his throat. Diana wraps her arms around Bruce from behind.
“You’ll save a little bit of this for us, won’t you?” She hums, trailing her fingers down the column of Bruce’s throat and down to the exposed part of his chest. He shivers.
“The night is still young. We’ll see what happens.” He kisses her over his shoulder, turning to lean into it fully. He memorizes the way her lipstick looks so he can daydream about her leaving smudges of it on his skin.
Bruce perks up at a creaking floorboard, one that only creaks when one of his children has gotten un-sneaky in their sneaking. He narrows his eyes at the balcony. Jason’s tuft of white hair is just barely visible behind a pillar. 
Bruce heaves a deep sigh.
“I know you’re up there,” Bruce calls. Dick and Jason both stumble out from their hiding space and immediately adjust themselves. Their descent down the stairs is anything but normal, but Bruce is proud of them for trying, at least.
“You didn’t tell us you were dating Wonder Woman too,” Dick hisses, eyes wide. Diana waves at him. He meekly waves back. 
“Nah, no way. This has to be a charity thing.” Jason whispers not-so-quietly. 
“Not a charity thing, Jason, though I appreciate your unwavering faith.” Bruce huffs, but something sour does curl inside him at the jab. He should be used to it, but he isn’t. Jason must see something in his face because he shuffles his weight.
“Didn’t know it was serious. Sorry.” 
“I don’t know what it is, but I like it. Ideally, they also like it. Don’t tell the others until I’m—we’re sure it’ll work.” Bruce runs a hand through his hair. 
“Good luck keeping something like this secret in this house. Between Cass living in the walls and Steph’s crush on you-know-who—“ Jason tilts his head towards Diana— “you’re toast.” 
“Also, I’m pretty sure they heard you,” Dick murmurs. Bruce hangs his head in defeat. He can hear his partners laughing softly at him, but he chooses to strategically ignore it. 
“Clark, Diana. These are two of my children, Dick and Jason.” Bruce puts a hand on both of their shoulders and gives a firm squeeze. 
“We’ve heard plenty of good things about you.” Diana beams. Jason gives her a firm handshake. Dick kisses her knuckles. Bruce can’t help but smile at how excited they are. 
It bodes well for whatever this is, between the three of them. 
“So have we.” Dick beams. 
“Really?” Clark glances at Bruce with the softest smile. Bruce bashfully rolls his eyes. 
“Well, no. We’ve been trying but he won’t tell us anything.” Dick nudges Bruce’s shoulder. 
“It means he cares.” Jason mock-whispers. 
“Alright, you’re done. Out. Go. Bye.” Bruce shoos them away with firm hands on their backs, but they resist. 
“C’mon, wait, let’s get a picture!” Dick fishes out his phone and holds it up like a white flag. Jason leans up against the wall, keen to observe. 
“The press will take plenty.” Bruce frowns. 
“Yeah, but I think Alfred would love one of the three of you, don’t you think?” Dick blinks, all innocence. Bruce glares daggers at him. 
“A picture sounds lovely.” Diana sweeps Clark and Bruce into either side of her. Clark and Bruce touch hands across the small of her back. 
“Bruce, smile. It’s not a funeral.” 
“I know how to smile, Jason.” Bruce rolls his eyes. 
“Would you like to prove it?” Jason gestures at him. Bruce grimaces for the picture. 
Of course, he’s had plenty of practice faking smiles for a camera. There’s something about this picture though, the implications of it, that scares the Brucie routine right out of him. Maybe because it matters. 
“This is stupid,” Bruce grumbles. 
“It’s sweet. It means they care,” Diana whispers teasingly, kissing his cheek. 
“That’s so cute! Hold that--okay, nope, we lost the smile.” Dick sighs and puts his hands on his hips. Jason leans over to him and they murmur back and forth for a while. Dick’s eyebrows go up in that way they do when he has an idea. 
“Can you hear what they’re saying?” Bruce mutters to Clark. 
“I will not confirm, deny, or disclose it.” Clark grins mischievously. Something about the look in his eye is familiar, it sends Bruce’s stomach swooping in a strange way. 
Dick bounds up to Clark and bounces on his toes. His eyes are glittering with awe. 
“Mr. Kent--”
“Please, Clark is fine.” 
“Clark.” Dick bites his lip on a smile. Bruce makes a note to commend him for not squealing. “Would you hold this for a moment?”
“Of course.” Clark takes the offered cellphone. Dick leans up and whispers something in his ear, hiding his mouth behind his hands. Clark is suddenly aglow, grinning as if Christmas has come early. 
“What are you planning? What’s happening?” Bruce hisses, looking between the two of them. Clark shrugs dramatically. 
“Nothing, nothing. We’ve kept you waiting long enough. We’re gonna take one more photo, and it is what it is. If it’s terrible, Alfred can always grab one off the internet.” Dick waves nonchalantly, striding up to the three of them. Bruce narrows his eyes.
Dick fiddles with various elements of Bruce’s outfit, frowning deeply. He can’t seem to get things to lay the way he likes, which alights a deep spark of anxiety in Bruce’s gut. He knows he looks fine, but Dick doesn’t seem to think so—
“Jason, come help me fix this.” 
“My pleasure.” Oh, Jason is smiling. That’s--well, it’s lovely. Bruce doesn’t see it often anymore. But it’s also terrifying and an omen of chaos. Not lovely. 
Jason and Dick both duck under Bruce’s arms in unison and start tickling him. Betrayed by his own children. 
Bruce has fought off deadlier assassins blindfolded and with his hands bound behind his back, but the difference is that it’s frowned upon to punch his children. Which means, regrettably, he folds. 
“Hey!” Bruce manages to snatch one of Jason’s hands, but it leaves him open for Dick to squeeze his sides. Bruce’s laughter gets the better of him and he leans into Diana for protection. 
Diana gasps in sheer delight. 
“I didn’t know you were ticklish, Bruce! Did you know about this?” She tugs on Clark’s sleeve. He takes a few pictures of Bruce. 
“Yeah, I…found out pretty early. Figured I should let you stumble across it, lest Bruce suddenly ‘find’ that kryptonite spear he swears he got rid of.” Clark murmurs. Bruce gives him the finger, face burning. 
With some difficulty, Bruce manages to detach Jason and Dick from his person. They both grumble at being foiled, but they look like…they’re in trouble? Or expecting it, at least. It tugs painfully at Bruce’s spirit. 
He swallows the lecture he was going to give in favor of ruffling their hair aggressively. Dick laughs, Jason screeches indignantly, and Bruce figures that’s more than enough for now. 
“You look thoroughly debauched, we’re fashionably late, and I’ve just figured out what I’d like to do with the next three hours of my time. Minimum.” Diana smooths her hands over Bruce’s chest. 
“See, I liked the first part of that. How about we stay there?” Bruce hovers a hair’s breadth from her lips with a smirk. She closes the gap, pulling him close by the back of his neck. 
Evil fingers pinch his sides and Bruce squeaks into Diana’s mouth. 
“Sorry. Couldn’t resist.” Clark grins. Bruce scowls with no heat. Clark bestows a righteous apology kiss upon him, one that takes him out at the knees a bit. 
“I’m out.” Jason gags, trudging up the stairs. 
“It was nice meeting you both.” Dick winks, bounding after Jason. 
Bruce sighs fondly as they go. It’s Clark who holds his waist this time, leaning in to murmur in his ear. 
“Are we sure that we have to go?”
“If Vicki Vale is going to hunt me down for an exclusive anywhere, I’d rather it not be here. Again.” Bruce squeezes Clark’s hand. 
“It’d be a waste not to take these outfits for a spin.” Diana loops her arm through Bruce’s. He hums in approval and starts to walk them to the door.
“Maybe I can be convinced to make an early exit.” Bruce smirks at the way his partners stiffen beside him. 
They grace the gala for truly an hour at best—Diana and Clark have an express talent for winding each other up and Bruce is, in truth, a weak man. Their outfits spend more cumulative time on the bedroom floor than on their bodies. 
The moon lays a quiet blessing on the master bedroom once they’ve finished, bathing everything a cool silver. Bruce’s bed had always felt too big for sleep—he took any excuse he could to curl up on a couch or in the cave—but for them, it’s perfect. There’s no telling where one of them ends or begins, just limbs tangled in content fondness. 
“Who’s your favorite? Me or Diana?” Clark whispers teasingly. A chuckle rumbles low in Bruce’s chest.
“Diana.” Bruce cracks open one eye to drink in the glory of Clark’s offended face. Diana rewards him a hot, languid trail of kisses to the underside of his jaw.  
“Bruce, look at his face. How could he not be your favorite?” Diana tilts Bruce’s chin in Clark’s direction. 
“I thought you’d be flattered.” Bruce huffs. “Fine, Clark’s my favorite.”
“Bruce. C’mon.” Clark adds another love bite to the growing collection on his collarbone. “Just look at Diana.” 
“I am getting very mixed signals here,” Bruce gasps softly, clenching his fingers in the sheets. Clark’s kisses grow light and insistent. 
“Clark.” Bruce fights tooth and nail against the smile trying to fight its way onto his face. Goosebumps flare across his chest. Clark nibbles a little and Bruce twitches. 
“Yes?” He blinks innocently. 
“Don’t ruin this.” Bruce squishes his cheeks threateningly. Clark dives to nuzzle Bruce’s neck, scooping him up into his arms. Tired and shmoopy, Bruce giggles and reaches for Diana. She props herself up on her elbow, amused, and gives him her hand. 
“What?” Bruce snickers, flinching away from Clark’s deadly lips. 
“Just taking all this in. I’m meeting this version of you for the first time.” Diana hums. 
“I think Giggly Bruce is my favorite.” Clark peppers more kisses, the endless fount of affection that he is. 
“That’s not—there’s no—stoppit—“ Bruce curls in on himself. Clark wiggles his fingers into Bruce’s stomach and chases his blushing neck with his lips. 
“I agree, Kal.” The name catches beautifully on Diana’s tongue. Evidently, Clark seems to agree—he peeks over Bruce’s shoulder with a radiant smile. 
“Can I convince you two to at least try and sleep?” Bruce huffs, scratchy and fond. Diana hums and slides closer, tucking herself into Bruce’s chest. He skims his fingers across her back in gentle patterns. 
Quiet blooms in the room as their breathing starts to sync. The weight of Clark’s arm is as much a comfort as Diana’s breath against his skin. Bruce thinks, distantly, that he might like to fall asleep like this every night. 
“Di, c’mon—“ Clark snickers, then giggles. 
“You’re both terrible at this.” Bruce turns over to squint at Clark. Clark can’t even look at him—his entire being is scrunched in restrained laughter as he slaps Diana’s tickling hand away from his hip.
Bruce slowly turns to the other menace in his bed. Diana just shrugs. 
Bruce flops back down on the bed and actually manages to doze off, lured into floating sleep by the gentle rumble of Clark’s chest. This means he’s completely blindsided when the morning renews his partners’ unending playfulness, but safe arms to sleep in are well worth the sacrifice. 
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kourtniwritesagain · 10 months
Say it with Me Now...Sleep!
A/N: I wrote a similar story years ago, but I seriously can’t find it ANYWHERE. This is my attempt at not exactly rewriting it but doing something equally as fun. So, enjoy sleep-deprived Timmy Drake-Wayne. 
Listen, Tim is well aware that he is not exactly the most forthcoming when it comes to information about his general well-being. He knows that he's technically lying. However, everyone lies, right? Like, Dick lies about having free time so he can help whoever needs it when his shoulders can't possibly hold any more weight. Jason lies about hating everyone when he loves the hardest. Damian lies about never caring about feelings when he feels the most. Duke lies about not feeling like an outsider even though everyone knows he still hasn't accepted his position in the family. Cass lies about… okay, well, Cass doesn't lie. But Bruce! Bruce lies about freaking everything. So…Tim lying about sicknesses, injuries, and sleep isn't like…out of the ordinary in Tim's family. So he doesn't really feel bad about lying to Alfred about getting a full night's sleep the previous night. 
Well, he doesn't feel too bad. 
Tim had, at one point in his life, gotten a full night's sleep. It just wasn't last night. Or the night before that…and so on and so forth. Now that Tim was thinking about it, he'd been up for a full three days. Not his longest record, but the longest in at least six months. Tim is currently working on three cases for Batman Inc., multiple marketing packages for Wayne Enterprises, and two school reports. The cases are what's taking most of his time. 
The first case has to do with Scarecrow. Tim believes Crane is working with a new supplier, someone outside of Gotham. He hasn't been able to find out who it is, but he's at least narrowed it down to either Star City or Metropolis. The second case concerns Ivy, which really sucks because she's been relatively quiet ever since she and Harley got together. Honestly, Tim isn't really sure it is Ivy, but it's got to do with these weird plants popping up around the city that shoot some kind of ichor at anyone who gets near. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it weren't for the fact that the ichor causes blindness for up to two weeks. Tim's been working on a cure, but so far, he hasn't had much luck. Hence, he really needs to talk to Ivy. The third case deals with Victor Zsasz…or, at least, Tim thinks it does. There's been a string of near murders of sex workers in Crime Alley. Jason has been working on it for two weeks, but he's never caught anyone in the action. Jason came to Tim four nights ago to ask for help, which is very usual for Jason. Usually, he sends files and assumes Tim will help. Jason's case is Tim's number one priority. Zsasz is toying with people at the moment. It's only a matter of time before it turns into actual murder. 
So, that is why he's currently working on his third night of no sleep. The importance of these cases, Jason's in particular, is also why Tim just lied (again) to Alfred and Bruce about his overall well-being. Again, Tim's not stupid. He knows Alfred and Bruce can see the bags under his eyes, the slump in his shoulders, and the copious amounts of empty energy drink cans and coffee mugs that littered his room. They didn't call him out on it, so they must believe it's not as bad as it really is. Alfred and Bruce leave the Cave, and Tim continues his work on the Batcomputer. 
"Hey, any news on my case?" 
Tim looks up and sees Jason sauntering in, his hood under his arm. 
"Not much. I have some hunches," says Tim. "But nothing concrete yet." 
Jason sighs. 
"I'm trying, Jay." Tim mutters, feeling guilty.  
Jason rolls his eyes. "I'm not mad at you, Timberly. The sigh is in general of the fucking suckiness of the situation, not directed at you." 
"Still…I can't seem to crack this the way I want." 
"Welcome to my world. Why do you think I asked for your help? You look like shit by the way." 
Tim flips him off and then yawns, large and long. 
"The fuck was that?" Jason asks. 
Tim rolls his eyes. "A yawn, Jason. Surely you've experienced one." 
Jason walks to Tim and smacks the back of his head. "Ass."  
"You're the ass…ass." Tim replies. 
"Now I know you're outta sorts. That was the lamest comeback." Jason says. "When's the last time you slept?" 
"Yesterday." Tim lies. 
Jason squints at him. "Yeah…and Alfred is the Queen of England." 
"I'm fine." 
Jason snorts and places his hand on Tim's forehead. 
"I don't have a fever, Jason." says Tim, swatting at Jason's hands. Jason reaches down and tweaks Tim's left side. Tim immediately folds inward with a laugh. 
"Too easy." Jason smirks as he continues scribbling his fingers along Tim's ribs and sides.  
"Screw youhu!" Tim laughs, trying to catch Jason's hands as he squirms in the seat. 
"I dunno, this seems like a good way to tire you out." 
"Plehehease!" Tim is defenseless when it comes to tickling. It's like his brain decides to stop working, and all he can do is curl up and beg for mercy.
Jason spends a few more seconds poking and prodding along Tim's ribcage before he finally ceases his attack. 
"I swear, you're the most ticklish person on the fuckin' planet." Jason is grinning smugly. 
Tim knows he's got a goofy grin on his face, but he musters up a scowl regardless. "And I swear you're the biggest prick on the planet." 
"Go to sleep, Tim. I know you're on at least day two of no sleep." 
"As soon as I get some solid info on your case and finish my crap from WE, I will." 
Jason squints at him. Tim thinks for a moment that his older brother is going to argue with him more. However, Jason shrugs his shoulders, waves a dismissive hand toward Tim, and then walks out of the Cave. Tim sighs in relief and turns back to the computer. He knows he's close to proving it's Zsasz behind the attacks. He'll definitely sleep once he proves it.
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Tim proves it's Zsasz, but he does not sleep. There's no time. Bruce will be the one to help Jason with the takedown of Zsasz because he's a Tier-One Villain, and Batman isn't going to allow Red Hood to do it on his own nor allow Red Robin to be Hood's only backup. Tim put up a fight, arguing that he could at least help, especially considering it was Tim that figured it all out. He’s overruled by a simple ‘Hn’ from Bruce and a smirk from Jason. Tim spends the next day tracking down Ivy. Turns out, she was working the case as well. Tim corners her at a greenhouse in downtown Gotham. 
"Of course, you're the one working this." Pamela says without taking her eyes off the plant, she's currently cultivating. 
"Should I be offended by that statement?" Tim asks. Tim thinks that, although he's had a direct hand in a few of her arrests, they've at least worked together a few times in the past year to develop a good rapport. 
Pam turns to look at him and rolls her eyes. "No. I was just hoping that perhaps the Bat would be here instead." 
"He's finishing up with that Zsasz situation." Tim tells her. "So, you're stuck with me." 
"Any leads?" She asks. 
That's confirmation for Tim that Ivy isn't behind the plants. 
"None." Tim replies. 
Ivy hums in response. 
"It's not any plant I've seen. I don't think it's even from Earth." 
"Fan-freaking-tastic…" Tim sighs. This is just what he needs, a freaking alien plant. "Should probably get the Justice League on this if you think it's extraterrestrial." 
Ivy doesn't look convinced. "Must we?" 
"I think it's best, Dr. Isley. They're better equipped to find its origin and an antidote. I've been trying to make one myself, but it hasn't been as effective as I want." 
Ivy sighs. "Fine. Can I ask you to keep me posted on how this shakes up? I've had a few too many dirty looks in my direction." 
Tim nods. "Of course."
"Thanks, Little Bird." 
Tom rolls his eyes. "I'm 17 now, you know."
Pam smiles at him with a bit of fondness in her eyes and walks away. "Yes, but you'll always be a Little Bird to me." 
"Dr. Isley!" Tim calls. Pam halts and turns to look at him. "Don't let anyone look down on you, okay? Gothamites don't have the moral high ground most of the time." 
Ivy simply smiles softly at him and leaves. 
"Time to get a sample to JL." Tim mutters to himself as he harvests a few of the plants. 
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
It's day six of less than four hours of sleep total, and it's actually starting to bother Tim. He's still so busy, though. The Justice League is taking care of the plant situation, Zsasz is in Arkham (with Jason nursing three broken ribs and a sprained wrist), and two of the three WE marketing packages are complete. However, not a single one of Tim's assignments is done, and Tim has two more cases to add to his workload. He's slumping over the desk in Bruce's office. He was kicked out of the Cave about an hour ago by Bruce, who apparently needed to have a meeting with Superman and Flash. Tim hopes it's about the plants, but he's unable to spy as he really needs to finish his schoolwork so he can start writing the reports from his previous cases. He's still trying to find the supplier for Cane, too. He’s minutes away from a full-blown migraine and typing mindlessly on the computer when he hears a knock on the door. 
"Tim? You in there?" Dick's voice comes from the other side of the door. 
Tim grunts in response. 
Dick opens the door. "What're you doing in Bruce's office?" 
"M'workin'." Tim winces at how slurred his speech is. 
"On what?" Dick asks; he's behind Tim now, leaning over him and staring at the computer Tim's working on.
"School crap, some WE stuff, and a case or two."
"How’s it going?"
Tim shrugs. 
"So, I’ve heard from a few birds you’re not sleeping much." 
Tim lets his head fall to the desk as he groans. "Tell Jason to mind his own business." 
Tim can hear the soft smile on Dick’s face. "It wasn’t just Jason." 
Tim looks up at his older brother. "M’fine. I’ve gotten a few hours here and there." 
Dick smiles that sad smile of his, which makes Tim feel like absolute shit. 
"I’m fine Dick; I promise." 
"I wish I could believe you," says Dick. "But you’ve got the worst truth-telling record in this family." 
"What?! No way! Bruce holds that title, c’mon!" Tim practically shouts. 
Dick seems to consider what Tim says. "Okay, second worst." 
Tim scowls at him. 
"Grayson, I--oh." Damian is suddenly in the room, scowling at Tim immediately. "Drake, you look terrible." 
"No one asked for your opinion, Demon Brat." Tim responds, barely stopping himself from sticking his tongue out. 
"Tt. Drake, this isn’t an insult. I do truly mean that you look terrible. When was the last time you slept? Also, are you ill?"
"You’re sick?" Dick’s voice is even more full of concern now. 
"I’m not sick! I’m just a little tired." Tim sighs, rubbing his temples. The headache he’s been trying to stave off the last three days is significantly closer than just a few minutes ago. 
"Headache, too?" Dick asks kindly. 
"Yes, because you and the Baby Assassin are bothering me." Tim mumbles. There’s no real heat behind it.
"I loathe that name." Damian says. 
Dick ruffles his hair, garnering a squawk from Damian. "It’s a term of endearment Dee. It means Timmy loves you." 
Both Tim and Damian snort at the same time. 
"Can I please finish my work?" Tim asks tiredly. He can feel a full-blown migraine coming on, and he thinks that he may be overdoing it somewhat. 
"Uh…Tim? You’re not exactly making sense with your…work." Dick winces as he shows Tim the computer screen.
On the screen are just a bunch of letters and numbers all over the place. 
Okay…maybe he really has pushed it too far. 
"Will you please go to sleep?" Dick asks. He bends down in front of Tim, making himself eye level. Dick places a hand on Tim’s forehead, checking for a fever. 
"I will as soon as I finish my school assignments." Tim semi-promises. Sleep doesn’t come as easy to Tim as it does to most people, especially once he’s this far gone. 
Dick sighs, but stands and motions for Damian to follow him out. 
"Drake…honestly." Damian sighs as he takes a look at Tim. 
"Damian, I’m okay." 
The door closes and Tim grabs another energy drink from the minifridge and downs it. With a shake of his aching head, Tim focuses on the work in front of him. 
Three hours later, Tim’s completely engrossed on the last page of his paper for his English class when Bruce comes in. He looks surprised to see Tim. 
"Oh, hey Tim. I didn’t know you were in here." Bruce says. 
"You kicked me outta the Cave," Tim replies. "And I wanted to use your two monitors. I can leave if you need me to." Tim is rising as he says this, he stumbles a bit and Bruce is by his side with Tim’s elbow in his hand. 
"Easy there, kiddo." Bruce soothes, helping Tim to sit back down. "I don’t mind you using my office. It’s free for you to use when you want. However, I do mind you almost falling for simply standing up. Are you injured?" 
"No…I-I’m fine. Just been up a little longer than I should’ve, probably." 
"He’s been up for six days." A, quite frankly, livid, voice says from the doorway. Tim’s head whips up and he sees Damian standing there, hands clenched into tight fists, and one of the angriest expressions Tim has ever seen gracing his face. Dick is behind him, and so is Jason, both looking angry and sad and exasperated all at the same time. Bruce looks shocked, which is saying something. He turns to look down at Tim. 
"Is this true?"
Tim gulps, but isn’t able to say anything because Damian cuts across him. "Do not even attempt to lie. I looked at the security footage. You haven’t spent more than two hours at a time in any one room in this house, excluding the Cave. However, you haven’t slept there either because the Cave security footage hasn’t shown you sleeping at any point!" 
Damian raises a hand to stop Tim. "I don’t want to hear it. You may have no forethought to your health and wellbeing, but others do. And if you are going to insist on attempting to take yourself away from us earlier than what is the normal lifespan of an adult male in America, then you’re going to do so fighting me. And with the current state you’re in, it’d be an even more pathetic fight than when you’re in full form." 
Jason places a hand on Damian’s shoulder, which Tim expects him to throw off. However, Damian doesn’t. In fact, it looks like it anchors their youngest sibling. 
"Honestly Tim, six days? Even for you that’s excessive." Jason says. 
"Bed." Bruce demands. It’s not his Batman voice. It’s not even his angry voice. It’s the voice he uses when he won’t budge. It’s the voice he uses when he’s in meetings and flexing his full CEO authority. It’s the voice he learned from Alfred. It’s the voice he uses when there’s no room for argument. 
Tim tries anyway, though, because he has no sense of self-preservation. "Bruce I  need to finish my homework, I--"
"You have a death wish, Timmy." Dick sighs. 
"You can go to sleep on your own, or I can administer something to help. That is the only choice you’re going to receive for the next several days." Bruce states. Now he sounds (and looks) angry. Tim knows he’s pushing it…has pushed it. He does. He just…there’s so much he needs to do. And Bruce can’t seriously be trying to ground him. 
"You can’t ground me, Bruce, I’m 17-"
"You can go to sleep on your own or I can administer something to help." Bruce says it quietly, but Tim hears and sees the fury simmering there. 
Tim swallows again; he looks to his two older siblings and knows there will be no help. Jason looks exasperated beyond all reason. Dick looks like Tim just kicked his dog and then set his house on fire. He doesn’t have to look at Damian to know he looks exactly like Bruce. 
He’s lost. He knows he’s lost. 
"I…I may need some help." Tim admits quietly, feeling his face heat up extensively. 
Bruce’s fury melts a bit at that. "I’ll have Alfred make the tea." 
"He’s got a headache, too. Add some acetaminophen. We’ll get him to bed, Bruce." Dick says. He reaches for Tim and helps steer him out of the room and to the stairs. Jason and Damian follow. 
"You don’t have to follow me; I’m seriously going to go to my room." Tim tells them. 
"Tt. Your word on this matter means very little." 
"Sorry, Baby Bird. I agree with Baby Bat." Jason tells Tim. "You’ve seriously crossed the line this time." 
Tim hangs his head in shame.
"Not now guys." Dick retorts rather sharply. Tim doesn’t deserve Dick’s kindness. 
"M’sorry." Tim tells them as they reach his room. "I didn’t mean for it to go on this long. Honestly." 
Dick shushes him as he looks for some pajamas. 
"No. Seriously. I didn’t…I don’t mean to…" Tim can feel the tears welling in his eyes. It’s frustrating beyond reason. 
"Get dressed, and get in bed, Timmers." Dick presses a kiss to the top of his head as he and the others walk out. 
Tim does as he’s told. The tears spill onto his cheeks. He knows he’s truly screwed everything up. Everyone is furious with him. He can only imagine the lecture he’s going to get from Alfred. He’s not just going to be grounded; he’s going to be benched permanently. If he can’t be trusted to sleep like a normal human being, he definitely can’t be trusted out in the field. His head starts pounding even harder, and he stumbles into his bed with his knees curled into his stomach. 
"Tim?" Bruce is walking in, but Tim is trying really hard to get air into his lungs. He feels Bruce grab his shoulders and set him into a sitting position. One of Bruce’s hands grabs his and places it on the older man’s chest, right over his heart. The other hand grabs the back of Tim’s neck, resting there lightly. 
"Breathe with me, kiddo." 
Tim tries his hardest to focus on the beating of Bruce’s heart, of the movement of his chest rising and falling. Bruce squeezes his hand very exhale, trying to anchor him, Tim assumes. It takes some time, but eventually Tim’s breathing slows and returns to normal. It has been almost a year since Tim last had a panic attack. He forgot how much they suck. 
"Whatever you’re thinking," says Bruce. "I promise isn’t true. No one is going to kick you out, no one is going to fire you, and no one hates you or is mad at you." 
"Damian is both of those last things. And you’re all mad. I get it." Tim replies. 
Bruce hands him the steaming mug of drugged tea. If Tim knows Alfred as well as he thinks he does, there’s definitely a high dose of sleeping aid in the tea. Tim sips it at first, but downs it quickly, feeling it burn his throat. 
"Slow down there, Tim." Bruce chastises. "You don’t need to punish yourself." 
"I just wanna go to bed." Tim tells his adopted father. Bruce looks at him with those sad eyes of his, making Tim feel a million times worse, which is really saying something because he feels like dog shit. 
"Sweetheart, c’mere." Bruce climbs into the bed and lifts up his arm, offering Tim to snuggle in, which the boy does. "We’re mad, yes. We’re mad that you seem to be unable to take care of yourself properly. We’re mad that you always push yourself too far. We’re mad that we don’t catch it quick enough to help. But we’re not mad at you in the sense that is going through your head. We all love you."
Tim wants to believe it. 
"Not even Damian doesn’t hate you." 
Tim snorts. 
"He doesn’t." Bruce insists, digging his fingers into Tim’s ribs. Tim gasps and laughs as Bruce doesn’t let up. 
"Stahap!" Tim begs. Tim is seriously ticklish on his ribs; it’s one of his worst spots, and Bruce knows it. 
Bruce chuckles fondly as he brings both hands to Tim’s ribcage. Tim is letting out some serious giggles now. He’s trying to fight against Bruce, but the tea is setting in, and Tim’s not the most coordinated person when tickled. 
"Promise to sleep and not stay up for six days straight ever again?" Bruce asks, not ceasing his tickle attack. He digs his fingers in between the bones of Tim’s ribs. 
"Yehehes! I-I prohohomise!" Tim gets out, squirming madly. It tickles so damn much!
Bruce finally stops tickling. Tim sags into Bruce’s side while he rubs his ribs to get rid of the residual tickly feelings. 
"You’re too good at that." Tim tells him. 
Bruce kisses the top of his head. "You’re too easy. I think you may be more ticklish than Damian." 
Now that was interesting information. 
"Damian is ticklish?!" 
Bruce winces. "I don’t think I was supposed to mention that." 
"Oh th-thaaaat--" Tim cuts himself off with a loud yawn. 
"Bed." Bruce says, pressing another kiss against the top of Tim’s head. "No worrying either, we can talk tomorrow about better ways to keep yourself healthy." 
"G’night, dad." Tim whispers, already falling asleep. 
"Good night, son." 
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
When Tim wakes up, he’s dazed and confused. The sun is gone and his clock tells him it’s nine at night. 
"It’s been 18 hours, Drake."
Tim whips his head and sees Damian sketching in the armchair next to his bed. 
"You slept for 18 hours," Damian repeats, sounding thoroughly annoyed. "Pennyworth has a plate of dinner waiting for you when you are ready to eat." 
Tim scrubs a hand down his face. "Eighteen hours, huh?" 
"With the amount of stress you put on your body, I am shocked you didn’t sleep longer." 
"Yeah…wasn’t my best plan I guess."
"Tt. Consider it your worst. That is saying something, too, as you usually have terrible plans." There’s no real heat behind Damian’s words. The two of them have grown a lot since Damian first came. They respect one another now. They work pretty well together, too. Their form of communication may look especially harsh to an outsider, but to them, it’s brotherly banter. 
Tim rolls his eyes. "Pretty sure I was the one who took down Zsasz earlier this week."
Damian looks at him. "Father and Todd took him down."
"Physically, maybe. But it was me who found out everything. So, if you think about it, it was all of my plans that took him down." 
"Tt. In your dreams, Drake."
Tim moves to sit on the side of his bed. "Hey." 
Damian looks at him once more. "What?"
"I’m sorry for scaring you," Tim apologizes. "I didn’t mean to." 
Damian replies stiffly, "I was not scared. I was mad at your stupidity."
"I’m sorry for making you mad, then." 
Damian scowls deeply at him. "Do you realize the stress you put on others when you pull these types of stunts? We have enough stress without others adding to it with idiotic decisions. You need to better care for yourself. You aren’t a machine, Drake, and you’re not alone. There are others in this family that could’ve taken a case or two. Furthermore, you hate school, so I do not understand your need to finish assignments you don’t care about." 
Tim feels really bad. 
"I didn’t do it on purpose, if that helps." Tim tells his little brother. "I get…focused, I guess. I know you guys can help me, I just…I dunno. I feel like I can do it better, I suppose. That’s really narcissistic of me, I know." 
Damian only scowls further. "You aren’t a narcissist; you’re an idiot. There’s a difference."
"How many more times are you going to call me an idiot?" Tim asks, a wry smile on his face. 
"As many times as it takes." Damian smirks.
Tim rolls his eyes this time. He stands and squats in front of the chair so he’s eye level with Damian. "I won’t do it again."
Tim places a hand on Damian’s shoulder. "I promise, Damian." 
Damian looks at Tim now. "You…you are important to this family."
"Does that include you?" Tim teases. 
Damian shoves Tim’s hand off his shoulders. "Ugh. I’m finished with this sappy moment. I’m leaving."
Domain tries to stand to leave, but Tim is feeling much better after his sleep, and he’s in a mischievous mood, so he grabs Damian around the waist and pulls him into a hug. 
"Drake! Unhand me!"
"We have to hug, Demon," says Tim. "Dickie will be upset if we don’t." 
Damian is squirming furiously as he attempts to free himself from Tim’s grip. "Grayson isn’t even here!" 
"He could walk in any minute, though. I wanna make sure we do him proud!" Tim squeezes tighter, causing Damian to yelp. It reminds Tim of what Bruce told him before he fell asleep. 
Tim smiles deviously. "I heard some interesting information about you from Bruce." Tim places his hands on Damian’s sides with his fingers curled in, an evil grin growing as he feels Damian instantly still. 
"Drake…" It’s a warning, but Tim isn’t concerned. 
"Whatever Father told you, h-he was clearly lying!" Damian still doesn’t move, and Tim knows it’s because every movement would tickle with the way Tim’s hands are positioned. 
"Bruce lies at times," Tim concedes. "But I don’t think he was lying about this. Tell me, Dee, are you ticklish?"
Damian’s eyes go wide. "N-No! Of c-course not!"
"Bruce said you were." 
"He lied!"
Tim shrugs his shoulders, pretending to give up. However, the moment Damian relaxes, Tim tosses the smaller boy on the bed and pounces, immediately tickling Damian’s stomach. 
"DRAKE!" Damian absolutely screeches. Tim knows he’s going to die after this, but he’s okay with it. Damian succumbs to laughter rather quickly. He has such a cute laugh, sounding and looking like the 12-year-old he is. 
"Bruce was right!" Tim crows. He scrabbles all 10 of his fingers all around Damian’s belly. The closer he gets to Damian’s sides and ribs, the louder his laughter gets, and the more he squirms. Damian seems to be like Tim, though, and super uncoordinated when tickled because Tim is still alive and breathing. Damian is swearing like a sailor at him, but that’s about it. 
"What the fuck is going on in--oh…now this is good." 
Tim looks at the doorway, not pausing his tickly assault on Damian’s torso, and sees Jason with the biggest grin on his face that Tim’s ever seen. 
"T-Tohohodd! I r-require assISTANCE!" Damian squeals out the last part of the word as Tim shoots his arms to Damian’s underarms. 
"I think Timmy requires my assistance," Jason’s grin turns more shark-like. "How did I not know you were ticklish, Baby Bat?"
Damian doesn’t answer. He’s too busy holding his middle as best he can, laughter pouring out of his mouth. His heels are drumming against the bed, and Tim is grinning widely himself. He’s never heard Damian laugh like this before. 
"Are you guys killing Damian?" Dick enters the room next. "Oh…you’re just tickling him. Try his neck next, Timmy. That’s his death spot." 
"GRAYHAYSON!" Damian shrieks as Tim lightly pinches at the back of Damian’s neck. Damian’s laughter goes high pitched. "T-TIM, pleheHEASE!" 
It went on for two more minutes before Dick rescues Damian by telling Tim to stop. Tim moves off Damian and grins down at the panting boy. "You called me by my name." 
Damian pants for another few seconds, a silly grin on his face. It doesn’t last long, though, because he soon scowls fiercer than Tim’s ever seen and then jumps at Tim. Dick catches him around the middle and holds Damian away from Tim.
"Let me go, Grayson! I will have my revenge!" 
"Sorry Dames, but Tim needs to eat. He needs to sleep after that, again--don’t look at me like that, Tim--and you need to get ready for patrol." 
Damian flips Tim off but stops struggling against Dick’s hold. Dick sets him down and grins. "Everyone’s ticklish, Damian. If you can imagine it, Tim’s probably more ticklish than you." 
"Dick!" Tim throws his oldest brother a betrayed look. 
"Oh definitely. The kid’s ribs are like a 10 on the Richter scale," Jason adds. "One poke to his ribs has him swearing his first born to you. He’s deathly ticklish on his ribs." 
"Jason!" Tim throws the same betrayed look to his immediate older brother.
"Sorry, little brother. It’s true." Dick laughs. 
Tim looks at Damian and gulps. Damian looks smug. No, he looks worse than smug. He looks like he’s plotting. 
"Damian…I-I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again!" Tim has his hands up. 
"Oh, I know it won’t. I’ll ensure the lesson you learn will keep you from making that mistake ever again." 
"Oh! Are we going to tickle Tim next?" Dick asks. "It’s been a while!" 
"You asshats are gonna leave me alone!" Tim warns. "Remember, I have lots of pictures that I can release on the internet at a moment’s notice." 
"He’s bluffing." Jason snorts. "He won’t post them on the internet, Bruce would kill him." 
Damian’s smirk grows. 
"I’m totally in on this plan, though," Jason continues. "Tickling Tim till he forgets his own damn name sounds like fun." 
Tim feels his stomach flip flop with excitement and trepidation. He’s never been teamed up against like that and has no clue what it’ll feel like, but he has a feeling he’s about to find out. 
"What about you, Grayon? Will you join in my revenge?" Damian asks. 
Tim sends a pleading look to Dick. 
"Well…he really needs to eat." Dick says. Tim sighs in relief. "But I suppose he can wait another half hour or so."
"Half hour?! The fu-NO! Nohoho!" 
Tim doesn’t do much more than laugh for quite some time.
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justkiddingguys · 3 months
Batboys Tickle Headcanons
A/N: FORGIVE ME BUT I’M GOING INSANE OVER THESE MFS JUST LET ME RANT IM SO NEW TO THE FANDOM THEYRE SO CUTESY LMAO. Again, this is purely on vibes, im so new to this fandom. Also it’s 1 am this may or may not be coherent.
Warnings: Tickling (duh) but all SFW, cursing ig
Including: Damian, Tim, Jason, Dick, Bruce
Youngest first lol
Okay, so this kid hadn’t been tickled in his LIFE until coming to live with Bruce right
And I like to think the first time Bruce does it they’re already decently comfortable with eachother, yknow??
And Damian is BAFFLED cause WTF is this??
He tries to fight his way out of it for sure
But when he can’t it’s one of the few times anyone gets to see him ACTUALLY acting like a kid
He’s throwing out threats left and right
ANGRYY lee. He doesn’t really mind it but his pride cannot handle it lmao
I’d say his worst spots are his armpits and sides. Little scratches on his neck get him FLUSTERED though cause he has to scrunch up his neck and make a face and agghh
Overall very angry
He can get away from it most times (baby assassin)
He might allow Bruce or Dick to get him on occasion though :3
Okay so obviously he doesn’t have the size advantage
But he enjoys getting one in on his siblings
When he can he’s a little shit
During training?
Nonchalant teaser
“How unfortunate, you’ve lost. Why are you smiling about that?” (Completely kneading his opponent’s nearest un-coverable spot)
“Pff- Damian stahp-“
“Stop what? I’m not hurting you”
Not something seen often, but it is mean
And embarrassing, cause you’re getting overpowered by a child bro 💀💀
Another neglected child smh
He’s not as foreign to it as Damian, but it’s still prominent lmao
He’s been tickled briefly before once or twice sure
But longer than a few seconds??
He doesn’t know what to do with himself
Craves affection, so he definitely brats his way into tickles often
If you tease him about that though he will die
He’s super duper sensitive, so if he’s wrecked he’s WRECKED, but light tickles make him flustered beyond belief
T-word teases also fuck him up
Has been tickled to sleep out of necessity because omg he NEEDS it
Also cheer up tickles cause he gets in his headddd
His laugh is so cute, it sounds like he’s trying not to laugh even when he’s cackling
Is not above begging. Begs often.
His worst spots are his knees and ribs
AGSHSHSH Dick has done the rib counting thing on him
“Come on, count with me. You’re a genius, Timmy, can’t you count?”
“BFFFAHAHA sHIT Dihick-“ (more concerned with covering his face than anything at this point)
“No no, that’s not a number, let’s start over. One rib…”
Another one who I can’t think of many scenarios he’d actually end up in that position
But I picture him as such a cute ler
He’s teasing, don’t get me wrong
But it’s so soft, yknow?
Like sure, he’ll wreck your shit
He’s AMAZING at figuring out bad spots
But his teases are like
“Aw, that tickles? Does it really? Hm. That’s sad.”
“Stop? Why? I haven’t seen you smile this much in forever!”
Jason Todd
Not necessarily as irrational due to obvious slight maturity level differences between him and Damian
The curses are worth it
Pretends he HATESS it
But he does not :3
He’s too pussy to brat his way into tickles
But if he’s in a mood he’ll sit annoyingly close and just… stretch his arms up. Ever so subtly.
He’ll deny his intentions to the second grave though
He’s a kicker
Gets pissed off at regular/mean teasing but
“Awww Jason, your laugh is so cute”
“Cmon, let’s see that smile”
Any soft cooing and he is GONE
Yeah he’s still throwing fuck you’s around like rice at a wedding
But he’s covering his red ass face too
Worst spots are his hips and stomach and that PISSES HIM OFF
Using words like belly or tummy to tease have him utterly broken
Mean mean mean mean
Mean ler
Absolute little shit
Oh my god he’s so teasy
No boundaries
“Wow, you’re REALLY ticklish, huh? Especially right here in this spot, here. Mhm. Yeah, you are, look. Stop? No? Awww come on. We both know you wanted this”
Will not be soft unless he’s doing it for a purpose
Enjoy’s wrecking Tim’s shit regularly
I cannot emphasize this enough: MEAN
He will not stop digging his fingers into the utter WORST spot until he’s satisfied that his victim is about to die :3
And he’ll tease them about it for WEEKS
He’s the only mf on this list not embarrassed as fuck about tickling
He gets in a lee mood and EVERYONE knows
Giggly little bitch is silently begging for it
And he doesn’t even ask the ler to stop, he just lets it happen 💀
Like he’s just laying there, no shame
He has to have a bad spot on his legs, specifically thighs
Honestly I think the only way he’s blushing about it is if you tease him for NOT blushing about it
“Awww, you love this, huh? Look at that grin. Maybe I’ll just keep tickling forever, since you’re enjoying yourself so much”
Big Brother Ler ™️
Designated cheer-up tickler
He’s definitely the softest teaser
All compliments and coochie coos
Unless you’ve fuckin crossed him.
Cause he CAN get mean
Sweet tickles: “Hmm, I love that smile. You’re so cute when you giggle like that. Yeah I know it tickles”
Revenge tickles: “So what was it you were saying earlier? No say it. Go on.” (going insane on the WORST spot imaginable) “What? Sorry I can’t hear over all the laughing. Damn you’re ticklish. Oh you don’t like that word? Hm. Tickle, tickle tickle…”
His fingers are so fast and he IS more flexible than ANYONE and there’s no escaping, no moving. Just a big Dick Grayson Grin in your face.
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tickle-beans · 2 years
Gotham Knights HeadCanons
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Surprisingly really ticklish
Hides that really well
Sides and Hips are weak spots
Will only let those close to him in on his… secret
Big brother tickle energy
Loves to poke
Tickles Tim lots
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Deathly ticklish thighs, belly, and feet
Frequent victim of Dick’s pokes
Let’s Tim tickle her sometimes for fun
Doesn’t mind being tickled thinks its fun honestly
Big sister ler energy
Tag teaming Tim with Dick
Specifically TIM
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Really ticklish armpits and sides
OTHER frequent victim of Dick’s pokes
Victim of tickle fights in the bat family
Like seriously guys he is really ticklish
Sneaky Ler
Surprise tickles Barbara sometimes
Tried to tickle Jason
It did not end well
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Feel like he is ticklish but doesn’t let anyone tickle him because of his trauma with Joker.
It gives him anxiety if you rough tickle him
Dick knows this and uses gentle tickles on the instances Jason is open tickles
Tickling him if you are a member of the bat family is a death sentence
Ticklish ribs and sides
Thrashes if tickled the right way
Will KICK you if you aren’t careful
Will wreck the HELL out of you
Barb and Tim found this out the hard way
Dick told them not to mess with him but they didn’t listen.
Jason really only feels comfortable truly letting Dick tickle him because of their friendship.
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fic-over-cannon · 4 months
Jason Todd loves to kiss you. As much as he loves the soft touch of your lips, he’s got a soft spot for dotting kisses like constellations across your body. A kiss nothing more than the pressing of lips against skin at your hairline as he wraps you in a hug to welcome you home. A stolen kiss pressed to the thin skin of your temple as he moves past you to get his first cup of coffee for the day. Scattered kisses across your knuckles and the tips of your entwined fingers from where he holds your hand in his. Dropping a kiss to the crown of your head as he walks past you sitting on the couch. At galas, he’ll lovingly peck you on the cheek and use the moment to whisper silly things to you, hidden from the sharp eyes of photographers.
Jason Todd loves to kiss you, and he’s so very good at it too. He knows the exact spot at the hinge of your jaw that gets you struggling for air. How the pads of your fingers are still so sensitive to featherlight kisses, despite little scars from cutting yourself cooking. He knows that warm lips pressed to your bare shoulder will always lead to mouthing along your collarbone until you’re pleading for a real kiss. How slow lingering kisses to the ticklish skin of your inner thighs has you shivering in seconds, head tilted back and eyes closed. Jason Todd will steal every kiss that you’ll let him, yet always be greedy for more.
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happy valentine’s day my loves! not exactly the fic i was hoping to get out by today, but one i’m excited share with you all 💕
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sleepy-gee · 17 days
cutesy dps headcanons because why not
neil used to pretend that he didn't know how to tie his tie to get todd to do it for him. he found it odd but did it without complaint
when neil finally does start to tie his own ties, todd turns into a proud mother and smiles like silly
charlie has specialized nicknames for all of the poets + gets offended when anyone else uses them (think dean with other people calling sam 'sammy')
cameron is the jacket king. he has 50 million tucked away in his closet. always brings extras on cold nights for the other poets
meeks' favorite class is choir, my man loves to sing!! he often gets caught by the others humming or singing to himself
pitts is the kind of guy to get offended when someone 'ruins' a book, whether that be annotating or dog earing the corner of their pages. he carries bookmarks for this very reason
meeks is the complete opposite. he has no problem with annotating his book/dog earing the pages
they fight over that all the time
todd can play guitar at a pretty decent level
he plays and meeks sings :]
mr. keating makes his students hot chocolate on cold days/rough days (like the day before a test or during finals week)
knox is extremely ticklish
cameron and todd snort when they laugh
cameron doesn't care while todd is absolutely mortified by it
neil is unfortunately tone deaf. doesn't stop him from loving music tho
pitts and charlie are the kings of dad jokes. they can go back and forth for hours, to the annoyance of the poets.
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to-the-stars8 · 13 days
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3
18+ MDNI
71-Summer Nights and Silence
There were nights when Jason got in late and when you just couldn’t sleep. So many that it slowly began to be less and less surprising to find you awake either scrolling on your phone or merely staring at the ceiling. Tonight was no different. Not entirely, in any case. Jason had found you spread out on your bed in nothing but a thin shirt and underwear. 
The heat of summer had started to close in, and your apartment loved to trap it in despite the AC being on full blast. You must have had the window open because it smelled of summer rain and the curtains were drawn to let just enough streetlight in to dimly illuminate the room. When he saw you in such little light, he found you just as beautiful as if you were standing in the sun. The two of you exchanged tired, meek hellos before he started to strip himself of his nightwear. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows, eyes watching as Jason slowly took off the straps, belts, and clothes. Biting your lip, you sat up fully to tug off your shirt before going to lay back down. Jason watched you, surprised but not displeased. Pushing off his boxers, he watched you do the same. Only interfered when you struggled to kick your underwear off your ankle. He hooked the thin fabric around his finger and flung it into the dark corner of the room. From there, he ran his hand from the heel of your foot to the back of your knee and to the back of your thigh. 
Jason could hear your breaths quicken and feel his cock harden as he leaned down to kiss from your belly button to the one place that he was all too familiar with. It was too late to care about niceties, and he was too worn out for any sensual teasing. So, straight to work it was. His tongue flicked against your clit, eyes looked up momentarily to see you throw your head back with a gasp before he began to gently suck. 
His fingers slowly rounded from under your thigh to come up to your entrance. Making sure you were wet enough, Jason slowly sank his fingers into you. 
“Fuck, Jason,” You whispered and reached to grip the sheets. 
It brought a smile to his face to have you writhe against him, and it only encouraged him more. His fingers moved in a ‘come hither’ motion and just managed to barely brush against your g-spot. You could barely keep still, pushing further toward him in hopes of getting more. The gesture made his cock twitch, and he wanted nothing more than to bury himself in you. Patience, he knew, was your favorite act in bed. His tongue gingerly lapped and flicked against you until you were whispering that you were close. And, as much as Jason would have loved having you cum on his tongue, he liked it better when you were under him. 
Once he pulled away, he heard you whisper, “Damn it!”
With a chuckle, Jason leaned over you, pressing his lips to your neck. You were always a bit ticklish on the crook of your neck, squirming beneath him as he sucked a hickey right into the skin. God, he loved the way you smelled. There was a hint of flowery sweetness to you, and he loved breathing it in. 
In the silence of the night, he could hear every gasp and quiet moan you made, which only kept the worn of the day away. Pressing one more kiss to the underside of your chin, Jason lazily lifted your leg to rest on his waist. 
You pressed your palms against his chest as he lined himself up, his eyes meeting yours just for a moment. You nodded because there was no need for too many words tonight. As Jason pushed into you he watched your eyes squeeze shut, focusing on adjusting around him, before opening to look down between your bodies. Eyes flickering back up, you nodded at him again, a silent plea for him to move. Jason leaned closer, pressing his forehead against yours as he slowly started to thrust forward. They were lazy thrusts since his body was worn out from the jump, rolling, and overall fighting every criminal in the city. You didn’t seem to mind, moaning so softly in his ear. Jason gasped, thrusting particularly hard just to hear that familiar wet sound that seemed so loud in the quiet room. 
“Jason,” You whispered, hands moving from his chest to wrap around him. Your nails dug into the back of his shoulder, desperately holding onto him as he continued to ease in and out of you.
He didn’t know why you were whispering, it was only the two of you in the entire apartment, but he liked it. It was like this moment was only for the two of you. No one else needed to hear it, just him and you. The feel of your sweaty skin pressed against him was just for him. The sweet smell of you was just for him. Your sounds were just for him. You were just for him.
Jason wasn’t possessive or even the selfish type of man, but he liked the idea that you were for him and vice versa. 
Pressing his lips against yours, he tried to get those three words out of his mouth, “I…I…”
You smiled, lips moving against his as you mumbled, “I love you, too.”
Sluggishly slow with his thrusts again, Jason moved his lips down your neck, over your collarbone, before latching onto one of your nipples. You whined, threading your fingers into his hair while sliding your free hand between your bodies. Jason could hear the moment your fingers grazed over your clit by the way you moved against him. You pressed forward, wanting more contact, and pulled him back up to kiss him again. 
Jason said your name against your lips and that seemed to finally push you over the edge. He could feel you spasm around him and heard something tumble off your lips, but he was too lost in the pleasure to properly hear it. His hand came up to your jaw, pushing it to look at him as he got closer and closer to his own orgasm. 
“Fuck,” Jason groaned out, eyes desperately searching for something in yours. 
Whatever Jason was subconsciously asking, you gave a nod of permission, and suddenly he was in the midst of an orgasm. He pressed himself into you, grunting and moaning against the nape of your neck as he rode out his high.  
When he had finally come down from his orgasm, Jason had no desire to move, planting his sweaty body right on top of yours. You’d probably push him off in a few minutes to clean yourself, but, for now, he could let the tiredness tug at his body. As your heart lulled him to sleep, he realized two things at once; it was a perfect summer’s night, and he truly belonged to only you.
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tickletastic · 5 months
Okay, But Who Do You Main in Mario Kart?
Fandom: DC
Ship: JayRoy, Birdflash
Summary: Dick just wants to play Coin Runners, and Jason knows not to fight when Dick has that look on his face. Based on my belief that I could guess who someone mains in Mario Kart based on their personality, and this incredibly clever and big-brain anon. (ps, Dick would totally main Cat Peach)
“I fucking hate Coin Runners,” Jason sighs, watching his older brother choose the next game for them to play, “can we just do another race, dickhead?”
“No,” Dick whines, “I love Coin Runners and we haven’t even played once.”
“Yeah,” Jason groans, “because it sucks.” He looks towards Roy in hopes that he’ll choose a side, but is just met with an apathetic expression. 
“I’m staying out of this,” Roy shrugs, “but your team kind of sucks at mini games, Dick. Why don’t we go back to the races?”
“Hey!” Wally gasps, sending a scandalized look in Roy’s direction, “half of our team sucks, that’s an important distinction.” 
Dick’s jaw drops, pausing his character selection to gape at his boyfriend. “It’s not my fault you decided to take the opportunity to try out new characters!”
“Well it was either choose a new character and have an excuse for losing, or have to admit that my boyfriend absolutely sucks at Mario Kart!” Wally exclaims, gesturing vaguely towards the screen. 
Just as they fall into a rhythm of back-and-forth bickering, the front door opens down the hall, the chattering of Steph, Mia, Cass, and Donna floating through the foyer. Quick, quiet footsteps dash towards the living room, and Steph pokes her head in, looking warily towards the couch. “We brought Dunkin.”
“Fuck yes,” Jason exclaims, rising from the couch to grab a coffee, Roy trailing behind. 
Wally and Dick stay on the couch, customizing their cars as they wait for Roy and Jason, that is, until Donna’s head is suddenly popping into the room, “doughnuts too!” They’re in the kitchen, quite literally, in the blink of an eye, raiding the box of doughnuts while Mia, Cass, and Jason talk about what they’ve been reading. Mia is only interested in talking about Tennessee Williams, ‘going through a phase’ as Roy describes it, and Cass divulges that she’s been in a reading slump. Jason could only suggest Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the only book he’s read in the last two weeks, courtesy of a special request from Lian. 
Dick and Wally get wrapped up talking to Donna about some off-world issue that Diana, Clark, and Hal had been tending to, and whether Dick should bring back the discowing costume. The opinion is a hard, resounding no, but Dick still argues for giving it a new life, now that they’re in a 70s resurgence. By the time Wally and Dick return to the living room, Jason and Roy have already resettled, Cass and Mia also now in the room, sitting on one of the far couches while contemplating joining the game. 
When Dick finally sits on the couch, he notices that the game has been changed; Coin Runners was ended prematurely, and Jason and Roy are in the character selection for a 200cc race. They have already chosen their characters, Wario and Dry Bones, and are waiting for Dick and Wally to select their own. Dick glares Jason’s way, ignoring the impatience on his younger brother’s face.
“Just choose Cat Peach so we can play already,” Jason chides, jokingly grabbing for Dick’s controller on the coffee table. Dick intercepts him, attempting to shoo him away by poking him in the ribs. Jason shies away with a grunt, quickly recoiling out of reach. When he’s upright and no longer as vulnerable, he locks eyes with Dick, eyes squinted. 
Dick grins back, mischievous and lightly malicious, quite Chesire cat. Jason knows exactly what the look means, and before Dick can even move a finger he’s catapulting himself over the back of the couch, making a mad dash down the hall. “Oh fuck no.”
Dick makes chase, giggling maniacally and frantically as he follows Jason’s loud footsteps out of the living room. 
“Leave me the fuck alone!” Jason yells as he’s backed into a corner, seriously considering whether it’s worth it to scale the wall next to the stairs to get to the second floor. He decides that it is, throwing himself as high as he can get, hoping to grab onto the railing. He falls back down with a thud when Dick grabs him around the ankle, tackling him to the ground. “Fucking ow, dickhead.”
“This is all on you, Jaybird. We could’ve just played Coin Runners,” Dick teases, trying to grab Jason’s wrists as Jason bucks wildly. “Hey, Wally?” Dick calls down the hall, back towards the living room. 
“Yeah, babe?” Wally responds.
“I need your help!”
Wally is next to him before he even finishes the sentence, grinning down at Jason and Dick grappling. Jason grunts when Dick manages to gain the upperhand for a moment, stradling Jason, and Dick is quick to tell Wally to grab Jason’s hands. 
“Fuck, no, West, I will kill you,” Jason threatens with a glare. He considers, for a fraction of a second, calling Roy, but that would be admitting defeat. He continues to fight until Wally shoots a slowly vibrating finger towards Jason’s ribs, Jason squealing and tensing enough for Wally to scoop both wrists into his hands. “You’re so dead, you’re not living to see tomorrow, West.”
Wally pales, but plays it cool, “you know, I’m not too worried. You don’t look all too threatening right now.”
“I promise, it will be slow and-” Jason clamps his mouth shut, biting hard on his bottom lip. Dick had brought his hands up to dig into Jason’s sides, going from slow, teasing circles to spidering in with his fingertips, switching at random intervals. 
“C’mon, Jaybird, I know you wanna giggle. I see the smile peeking out,” Dick teases with that disgustingly endeared voice he does when he’s pulling the Big Brother card. 
Just as Jason gets used to Dick’s maddening pattern, Dick reaches a hand back and squeezes Jason’s hip, and Jason snorts loud enough to be heard all the way down the hall, the dam finally breaking. 
“You forget,” Dick grins, “I am your older brother, I know exactly how to get you to break.”
“Fuc- fuhuhucking- no,” Jason cackles, throwing his head back with another snort when Dick continues to squeeze. He makes a show of pulling at his arms, but Wally can tell its nowhere close to Jason’s full strength, something Dick knows all too well. 
When he’s satisfied with how many snorts he’s produced from Jason, and satisfied with Jason’s embarrassment about his uncontrollable snorting, Dick’s fingers move to Jason’s stomach, pinching the skin on both sides of his belly button. Jason squeals, bucking up and down as he starts to giggle, uncontrollably. Jason would have taken this to his grave if it weren’t for Dick, if it weren’t for his older brother analytically conjuring the most embarrassing reactions he can from him. 
“You know, if I didn’t value my life, I would say that this is almost cute,” Wally chirps, and Jason squeals out a string of curses and threats. Wally thinks he can make out something about time travel, and something about Barry and space, but it’s not as scary when Jason is red in the face, giggling uncontrollably as his older brother tickles his tummy. 
When Jason feels his shirt move up, seeing the evil glint in Dick’s eyes, he absolutely screams, bucking as hard as he can, desperately squirming to get away from his brother’s rapidly descending face. “Dihihick, no! Yohou’re so dead! I sw-” Jason cuts himself off with a screech, trying to melt into the floor to get his stomach away from Dick’s lips. Dick just laughs along, giving him a few more before relenting. 
“I’m not done just yet,” Dick teases, “one more spot, Jaybird.” Dick looks up from his brother for a minute and notices Roy leaning against the wall, trying to hide his endeared grin at the state his boyfriend is in on the ground. Dick starts to rub soft, ticklish circles under Jason’s belly button, grinning when his brother starts to giggle again. “Oh look, we even have an audience.”
Jason hadn’t realized his eyes had been screwed shut, but he opens them quickly, looking up at Roy, mortified. “Dihihick, you’re going to die.”
“Well, yeah, we all are,” Dick says in a sing-song tone, “but you first.” With that, his fingers dart up to Jason’s armpits, and his younger brother shrieks, trying to jacknife away from too all-too-knowing fingers. “Good to know this is still your worst spot!” 
Jason tries to dispute it, tries to continue to threaten his brother, but it all tickles so much, and his body feels like a live wire. Something about Dick tickling him always made it so much worse, it made everything tickle so much more, and he always felt completely helpless up against Dick’s Big Brother Skills™ and Big Brother Tactics™. 
Wally suddenly lets go of Jason’s hands, and Jason manages to wrestle Dick away from him, rolling onto his stomach and giggling into his arms. 
“You broke my boyfriend, Dickie,” Roy says, jokingly upset. 
“Nah, he’s just fine,” Dick waves off with a grin, “he’ll sit there and giggle for a few minutes, and blush for the rest of the day, but he’ll survive.” 
Jason groans, something so incredibly embarrassing about how Dick cannot only precisely predict Jason’s reactions, but also the aftermath of his attacks. He tries to sit up, but just continues to giggle, proving Dick’s point as he brings his hands up to cover his face. 
Dick ruffles Jason’s hair, standing next to Wally, “hurry up, we’re playing Coin Runners.”
Jason just groans, flipping him off as Dick and Wally walk back towards the living room. Roy moves closer to Jason, kneeling down so he can see his face. He puts a single finger under his chin and leans in, placing a kiss just on the corner of Jason’s mouth. “That was really cute.”
Jason’s blush grows hotter, glaring at Roy. “Don’t think you’re safe, West is the top of my hit-list, but you’re not too far down.”
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Bat Boys on Valentines Day
Dick Grayson
* Made reservations a month ago
* Cross-checked the regular menu and seasonal menu to make sure there were things you’d like and conformed to your dietary preferences
* Surprises you with flowers and a big ticket high-fashion item like a Luis Vuitton bag or a pair of shoes
* When he hands it over the shocked look on your face makes him smile.
* You shower him with kisses in a second.
* “I” *kiss* “love” *kiss* “you” *kiss* “so” *kiss* “much!”
* He laughs at the ticklish feeling and kisses you back when it’s over.
* “No, I love you so much.”
Jason Todd
* He hates crowds and decides to make you a nice pleasant meal at home.
* He decided the menu over a month ago, a full four course meal with curated cocktails, wine and ambiance.
* He ‘borrows’ some fine dining dishes from the manor and sets the table up with candles and a bouquet of flowers.
* “Do you like it?” He asks, nervous and afraid—he cooks for himself all the time but cooking for you makes him afraid beyond belief
* What if you don’t like it? What if you have a secret allergy? What if you never want to talk to him again because he didn’t take you out like a traditional date?
* “I love it! The risotto is so good and, are these truffles?”
* Afterwards he gives you some books he knows you want or that you would like and pressed flower bookmarks that he made himself.
* “Jason Todd, you are my entire heart.”
Tim Drake
* He forgets.
* “I thought Valentine’s Day was always on Thursday!” He shrieks, flipping through the phone book for any restaurant that’ll take you.
* “That’s Thanksgiving Tim.”
* But it’s okay—
* “Shit, you think dominos will still deliver today?” You shout from the other side of the room.
* —because you forgot too.
* You have pizza in bed while watching movies and cuddling.
* “This isn’t the worst right?” He asks.
* “Any day with quality time with you is a good day.” You mumble after a yawn, cuddling into his chest as he flushed bright pink.
Duke Thomas
* Classic Dinner and a Movie
* You guys haven’t been dating for long so he doesn’t want to scare you off with anything intense.
* You end up goofing around too long at the arcade connected to the movie theatre and missing your reservation slot.
* You end up getting soft pretzels and sitting by the lake.
* “Honestly, I think this is way better than eating at a French restaurant.”
* He laughs, “any time with you is a good one.”
Damian Waybe
* It’s a three person date — You, Damian, and Titus.
* You go for a walk around the lake, playing with Titus and jokingly splashing each other, and then a picnic on the grassy bluff above.
* “It’s pretty quiet today, huh?”
* “Everyone’s probably at the new french restaurant downtown.” He holds out a dipped strawberry for you which you bite into.
* “The one you can pronounce?”
* You laugh at his frown, pressing a kiss to his cheek, only to laugh again when Titus nudges you with his nose and places his head in your lap with a wagging tag.
* “Of course I didn’t forget you, kisses for Titus too!”
Bruce Wayne
* Wines and dines and sixty-nines you
* He’s probably got a standing reservation at the best restaurant in the city on account of the fact that he’s richer than god
* Gets a private room or balcony that overlooks the city so you have privacy but also the glitz and glam of a night out
* Already called ahead of time and got the chef to make your favorite dinner—just for you
* As a gift he gives you six orgasms in a row a cute little diamond accessory with his initial in gold.
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Not Fair!
A/N: I am so terribly sorry about this being late! To whoever requested “This isn’t fair” with Bruce vs the batkids, here you are! I hope it’s to your liking! It’s a bit long but I’m hoping it’s a strong comeback from my unplanned hiatus. Also, the ending kinda sucks. Sorry! 😭 Much love! ❤️
Bruce was screwed and he knew it. He was tricked. Bamboozled. Taunted into his current situation. Tim, Jason, and Dick challenged him to a group sparring match. Little did he know, it would be the three of them against him alone. So when he found himself pinned on the mat with all three of them holding down one limb or another, he knew for a fact he was in for an unpleasant time.
“This is so not fair.” Bruce grumbled at them.
“Life isn’t fair, highness.” Jason stated as he tightened his grip on Bruce’s wrists. Bruce looked up at him with a flat expression.
“Don’t you pull a Princess Bride on me.”
Jason’s only response was a cheeky grin. Bruce looked up at Cass, Stephanie, Duke, and Damian with pleading eyes as they all watched on with amused smiles.
“A little help here?”
“Nah. You got yourself into this one, fam. Find your way out of it.” Stephanie replied. The others nodded in agreement. Bruce grumbled at them.
Tim, Jason, and Dick all exchanged glances with each other with mischievous grins and nodded, all three coming to a silent agreement.
What Bruce didn’t know is that the three of them had been planning this for a while. The man had been tormenting them for weeks. He would randomly sneak up on them when they weren’t paying attention and tickle them to tears. They got tired of Bruce’s reign of terror and decided to gang up on him as revenge.
Dick, who was perched on Bruce’s ankles, cracked his knuckles, gaining the man’s attention. Bruce looked down at the younger man with a confused expression; until he saw the wiggling fingers. His eyes went wide.
“No. Nonononononono! Don’t even think about it!”
“Oh. We thought about it. And it’s gonna happen.” Tim responded from his place on Bruce’s knees. Damn these kids for outsmarting him! One on one, he would’ve been able to hold his own. But with the three of them together? He was about to be on for a rough ride. And he was.
Dick very gently traced his fingers down Bruce’s feet, causing the man to jump with a startled yelp. The mischievous grins widened. Bruce was getting increasingly more nervous.
Jason struck next, fluttering his fingers into Bruce’s armpits. He somehow managed to choke back a laugh with that one; a strained noise escaping him mouth.
When Tim spidered his fingers over Bruce’s stomach, the man was a goner. Bright giggles flooded out of him with no hopes of stopping.
“Nohohohoho! Hahahave mercy!” Bruce giggled.
“Nice job, Replacement. You found his weak spot.” Jason smirked at Tim. Tim rolled his eyes at the nickname.
“Power of deduction, I guess.” Tim shrugged nonchalantly as he continued. Jason moved down to Bruce’s ribs as Dick remained where he was, fluttering under Bruce’s toes. Bruce jerked as he giggled harder.
“Bohohoys! Plehehehehease! Dohohohon’t tihihihihihickle!” Bruce pleaded, his pleas falling upon deaf ears.
“Uh, esqueeze me, sir? You don’t want us to tickle you?” Dick inquired sassily.
“That’s rich coming from you! You’ve been a menace towards us for weeks!” Tim exclaimed.
“Aw! What? The big bad bat can’t handle what he dishes out?” Jason cooed in a taunting manner. Bruce knew this was only going to get worse as Jason and Dick’s tickling fingers also converged on his stomach. When did Dick get up? He didn’t even notice! Bruce’s giggles turned into full blown laughter by that point.
He attempted to curl into a ball to protect himself against his sons, but that proved unsuccessful. Someone’s hands moved towards his sides and his back arched off the mat with a loud squeal. Jason laughed.
“Oh my god! You sounded like a girl!”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhut uhuhup giggles!” Bruce snarked at him. Jason let out an offended gasp as Dick and Tim tried to restrain their giggle fit.
“How dare you! You take that back!”
“Nehehehehever!” Bruce cried out defiantly. “You sohohohound cuhuhuhuhute whehehen yohou gihihihiggle!” Jason’s face turned bright red as his jaw dropped in shock. Tim and Dick’s laughter started to mix in with Bruce’s by that point.
“The absolute audacity!” He cried as he tickled Bruce’s sides more. “Take it back! Take it back or I won’t stop until you cry!” Jason’s hands came back to his stomach. At that point, all three of them were tickling Bruce’s stomach like there was no tomorrow. Bruce’s laughter turned into wild cackling before falling silent a moment later.
Damian was the one to break the silence of Bruce’s agony.
“I do believe father has withstood enough torture for today.” He motioned towards him.
“Yeah. His face is getting awfully red, guys. I think it’s time to call it quits.”
The boys all looked at Bruce, looked at each other, and nodded as their hands came to a stop. They got off of Bruce to give him some room to breathe. The man sucked in large amounts of air as residual giggles slipped out of him. He looked up at his torturers. Jason squatted down next to his head with a dangerous look in his eyes.
“Next time you decide to come after us, even Superman himself won’t be able to stop us. Got it?” Bruce nodded weakly. “Good. Good talk.” Jason patted his cheek before standing up. All the kids walked out of the cave leaving Bruce to recover in peace.
Next time, he’ll have to remember to never agree to a ‘team sparring match’ again. Those heathens.
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veryblushyswitch · 5 months
Wallace W. (tickle hcs) ☕️
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I need to see his sassy ass get wrecked to pieces ✨ There ended up being way more hcs than I intended to write, but I always love when that happens. Hope you enjoy! ☕️
☕️ ~ This man is a huge ler. THE ler of the group.
☕️ ~ Somehow happens to know where everyone is ticklish. Doesn’t even need to tickle them to know he just knows.
☕️ ~ Wallace won’t go out of his way to tickle someone nor does he get into ler moods I would say, but he does take the opportunity whenever it arrives because he finds it entertaining. Especially when it comes to Scott.
☕️ ~ Scott sleeps in quite a bit so Wallace resorts to tickling him out of bed a lot. He starts out gentle then gets annoyed if Scott still won’t get up. Then he tickles him until Scott is desperate to get out of bed begging to help cook breakfast.
☕️ ~ Copying this next headcanon from @happyandticklish because I love it so much-
☕️ ~ Wallace will just walk up behind Scott and grab his hips, not even tickling him yet, but Scott is already begging and giggling to be let go. Wallace will just lightly squeeze to hear Scott squeak. He does it constantly and out of nowhere.
☕️ ~ Wallace takes great care of his nails. He’s taken Scott to get manis and pedis before because Scott needed it.
☕️ ~ Wallace couldn’t help but giggle when Scott was too ticklish to not squirm around a bit for his pedicure. Wallace has gotten used to the feeling, but won’t ever admit that every now and then it tickles and catches him by surprise.
☕️ ~ He’s given Stacey random pokes to her sides and ribs before to make her scream. She gets so angry each time and he thinks it’s hilarious.
☕️ ~ So. 👏 Fucking. 👏 Teasey. 👏
☕️ ~ Will tease Scott to no end and knows how much the teases get to him. Wallace can also get Scott to do whatever he wants if he teases him long enough.
“Aww what’s wrong~ Does that tickle? Yeah? Too bad.”
“So are you gonna do the dishes? Good. And vacuum? And do the laundry? And clean the bathroom?”
“Wake the fuck up or this is gonna get a lot worse and you know it. Oh, don’t believe me?” *latches onto Scott’s hips*
☕️ ~ Scott has done chores around the house in fear of Wallace coming home and tickling him to death.
☕️ ~ I absolutely love Wallace and Todd so get ready for some hcs about them ✨
☕️ ~ While they were “going over lines” Todd found out Wallace was ticklish. And my gosh did he take advantage of it.
☕️ ~ Todd found it absolutely adorable that he could make Wallace all red in the face instead of the other way around for once.
☕️ ~ Plus, he finds Wallace’s laugh enchanting.
☕️ ~ Every little giggle and wheeze makes Todd’s heart melt. The fact alone that Wallace is ticklish was enough to make Todd fall in love with him all over again.
☕️ ~ Wallace hates that Todd found out-
☕️ ~ What he hates even more is that he couldn’t deny to himself that it wasn’t a little fun. He even got Todd back quite a bit. Only because Todd let him though.
☕️ ~ Todd has for sure used his vegan powers to pin Wallace down while he tickles him and Wallace find it so unfair.
☕️ ~ Todd is the only one who has found out about Wallace being ticklish behind his ears.
☕️ ~ He was kissing his neck and gave him continuous kisses behind Wallace’s ear and Wallace couldn’t contain his giggles.
☕️ ~ Wallace didn’t even know he was ticklish there until Todd discovered it!!
☕️ ~ Past boyfriends/lovers have kissed his neck before, but none of them touched or kissed behind his ears.
☕️ ~ Todd found this to be the cutest thing on Earth. How Wallace’s voice got all high pitched and whiny when tickled and/or kissed there. How his nose and shoulders scrunch up if you wiggle your fingers lightly behind them. And best of all, when you blow a raspberry behind either of his ears and Wallace squeals.
☕️ ~ You read that right. He fucking squeals-
☕️ ~ They deserved more screen time together they were so cute and funny!!
☕️ ~ Wallace is insanely ticklish on his back.
☕️~ Both Todd and Scott have sat on this thighs while he’s on his stomach and tickled everywhere in his back.
☕️ ~ His lower back and shoulder blades are the absolute worst. They make him wheeze and cackle into silent laughter. He tries so hard to wiggle away and reach back to try and tickle back whoever’s tickling him.
☕️ ~ However, it always leads the person who’s tickling him to go for another bad spot which are his underarms.
☕️ ~ When Todd used his vegan powers to slowly expose his underarms then tickle them, Wallace absolutely died-
☕️ ~ His final worst spot is the back of his knees.
☕️ ~ The top of the knees don’t get a reaction, but the back have him shrieking with high pitched laughter. He can barely form words when he’s ticked there.
☕️ ~ He’s mildly ticklish on the other normal places, but all you’ll really get is a small little chuckle or huffy breaths.
☕️ ~ Wallace gets super giggly when he’s drunk and even more ticklish!!
☕️ ~ He’s even asked Scott for tickles before when he’s drunk and Scott uses it as blackmail. He would never actually tell and Wallace knows this.
☕️ ~ He is also much more touchy and lovey dovey when he’s drunk. So he’ll be all over Scott or whoever’s he’s dating at the time. All giggly with a little pink on his face and slurring his words.
☕️ ~ Wallace has tickle attacked Scott when he’s drunk before and Scott doesn’t know if it tickles more when he’s sober or drunk.
☕️ ~ Wallace will drunkingly tackle Scott onto the bed and lazily scribble and poke everywhere he can reach. Scott cannot move and loses himself in laughter.
☕️ ~ Wallace won’t stop until Scott manages to tickle him back and overpower him, or Wallace stops and fall asleep on top of him.
☕️ ~ Very ticklish to raspberries on his back. Scott always does it as the big finally whenever he manages to fully pin down Scott.
☕️ ~ Scott actually convinced Ramona to help him tickle Wallace a few times.
☕️ ~ Then to make it up to him she helped Wallace get Scott back tenfold. The two exchange tickly secrets about him.
☕️ ~ They sometimes do it while they’re tickling him and it makes Scott’s face go bright red.
☕️ ~ While I did think Todd and Wallace were adorable, we have to include some tickly hcs for him and Mobile 💖
☕️ ~ Mobile was the second person to find out about the spot behind his ears. And he takes every chance he can get tickle him there.
☕️ ~ Scott also spilled all of Wallace’s tickly secrets to Mobile.
☕️ ~ Wallace only ever gets lee moods with Mobile. Doesn’t even have to be drunk! He gets all fake pouty and blushy and pretends he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
☕️ ~ Mobile always knows when Wallace is in a mood. And he thinks it’s adorable. His teases make Wallace crumble.
☕️ ~ That doesn’t Wallace doesn’t get him back though. Wallace loves making his husband laugh and dishing out revenge.
☕️ ~ His favorite technique is to kiss Mobile’s neck while giving him a tickle hug from behind.
☕️ ~ Overall, I need to see this man get wrecked to pieces 💖
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kourtniwritesagain · 11 months
Hi :D it’s so good to see you back ! I hope that you are well , if your still opened for asks , could you do hc’s for Jason Todd and Dick Grayson ? I adore these two brothers so much
Jason Peter Todd...oh this big, dumb, ticklish man. He was pretty ticklish pre-pit. Post-pit...he's still just as ticklish. He was pretty pissed off when, after he'd come back to the Batfamily, Dick tazed his sides (like he did when Jason was a kid) which caused a very high-pitched and embarrassing squeal to fall from Jason's mouth. Dick grinned much like the man who killed Jason and proceeded to tickle Jason like a man possessed. Jason was just as ticklish in all the same damn spots, which of course Dick remembered each and every single one. Jason has pretty much the most ticklish thighs, knees, calves...legs in general, in the whole world. Jason definitely doesn't prefer to be the lee; however, he actually doesn't mind being tickled. He spent years being angry, so it's a good excuse to laugh. Not that he'll ever say that. Dick knows, though. Dick knows and teases Jason about it while tickling him. Jason always threatens to shoot him, but they both know he'd never do it.
Dick absolutely loves all things tickling. He loves to be tickled; he loves to tickle others...he just loves tickling. He's very ticklish, but he's outrageously ticklish all over his torso. His death spot are the back portion of his sides, right around where his kidneys are. He'll be cackling like one of Harley Quinn's hyenas the moment those spots are touched. All the Batkids are privy to the knowledge of Dick's ticklishness. They're also privy to the knowledge that Dick is downright ruthless when it comes to tickle fights. No one knows this better than Jason and Tim. Jason gives as good as he gets every time, often wrangling the other Batkids to help him, which they're all too happy to oblige as Dick's laughter is amazing and they're usually ankling for some revenge because of their own destruction earlier via tickles by Dick. Dick loves every minute of it.
*Bonus* Bruce is also ticklish. Alfred, the Batkids, and Clark know this. They also know Bruce makes Dick's attacks look like child's play, so rarely is he a target. When he is, though, they know to take him down fast and hard, ensuring he's laughing and trying to protect himself. He's ticklish on his ribs, his hips, and his neck.
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