#today i made it my personal mission to clean it up. then i realized how hard it is to clean up months old grease
My coworker and I are both enjoying Adderall today but we're also dealing with starting a project and concentrating so hard that you can't stop, even though it's taking so much longer than you thought you just gotta keep concentrating and concentrating until your coworkers are worried because you've been scrubbing the rack that holds fry baskets for at least thirty minutes and refuse to stop even though it's really not an important task, you gotta finish. You have no choice in the matter.
#this morning i arrived and he was cleaning up the line#like the place where we keep all our bins of food to make the sandwiches and stuff#he took out all the bins and cleaned under them and reorganized and refilled foods#and took out the sauce bottles and cleaned the container and everything#i arrived an hour after he did and he was still working on it#then i started scrubbing cupboards and stuff. i plopped myself on the floor and cleaned the lower parts#where stuff had fallen or there were crumbs. forgotten cubbies#when i finished that i turned to the fry basket holder#its a bunch of metal bars together to throw the baskets on and it gets covered in grease. i mean covered#today i made it my personal mission to clean it up. then i realized how hard it is to clean up months old grease#but i couldnt give up. i got spray. a rag. a scrubbie pad. and just went to town#for like 45 minutes. and my coworker laughed at me because he saw i was stuck with that same problem as him#my manager put me on break a bit ago which is good#because my right hand has given up. i can't properly hold the scrubbie anymore. ive been cleaning for 3ish straight hours now#this restaurant is going to be so damn clean#next im going to clean the side of the fry freezer. its a little freezer we keep in the front to hold our fries and other fried products#its right next to the garbage can so its filthy#see that wouldve been a more useful project than the fry basket rack but whatever#i wish my doctor wasnt a pos and believed me about ny symptoms and gave me my own damn adderall#because i recognize that i shouldnt be using other people's medicine#but its making my life easier and rn I'll take anything that helps
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glorified-red · 2 years
Damian Wayne SFW Headcanons
word count: 2,300~
warnings: none
Today is officially my first day at school in person after 2 years, I'm officially at Big Boy College, boyos. I am posting this during my Phonetics class which tracks for me.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Damian is incredibly loyal and affectionate to those he loves, it just may not be very traditional ways of showing it. He shows his affection through Acts of Service the most: cooking for you, folding your clothes, driving you places, etc. He likes to feel useful and know that his actions are making your life easier. Deeper into the relationship you’ll start to see the physical affection grow steadily: letting you fall asleep on him, holding your hand in the car, wrapping his jacket around you, etc. 
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Most likely from school. You two met and slowly became close friends. A relationship with Damian takes time, so school is the perfect place for you two to steadily grow beside each other until you become inseparable. Outside of school, you two could meet at coffee shops, art shows and galleries, and dog parks. Bumping into each other frequently is enough to catch Damians eye.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Damian will deny it until his dying breath, but he adores cuddles. He loves to lay on his back and let you snuggle into him, he’ll patiently wait until you let out a sigh and fully melt into him so he can place his hand on your head softly. He radiates heat so he is an amazing cuddler in the harsh Gotham winters.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
Settling down was never even a thing Damian considered until a few years flew by and suddenly Damian wanted to go grocery shopping with you, he wanted to come home to you singing in the kitchen—he wanted a home with you. He finally found a person who made home seem possible, it just took a few years for him to realize it. He is a god at cooking and cleaning so you will never have to worry about the house being unclean. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Damian would be very straight to the point with you. If he doesn’t think it's working out or the relationship is more of a hindrance for either of you, he’ll call it out. He’d be swift about it and you’ll probably have to remind him you need more closure than that. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Damian doesn’t enjoy being tethered to someone permanently, he hates feeling like his individuality is being erased. He’d much rather give you a promise ring more than anything. It's a way to symbolize he’ll always want a future with you and beside you, and a thank you for your patience with him. Marriage seems so far away for him because of the way his life is, but his promise to you is just as endless as any legal documents.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be brash and blunt in nature but he’s slowly unlearning it from his family and friends. He’s gaining more emotional maturity with each moment so when you two get together, he’s more than ready. His work can be rough and brutal, but he leaves it all behind the second he sees you, you always manage to smooth out all his hard edges simply because he wants to better for you. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Despite Damian being a major cuddler, he’s not big on hugs. But ever so rarely, he’ll hold you so tight it was like he was made for hugging. His hugs are usually after a close call or a long mission whenever he’s reminded that the time in the world is finite. He’ll hold you when he’s afraid to lose you, and those hugs are so precious. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Very slow. It takes him ages to realize that the feelings he has for you are love and not adoration or curiosity. He’ll care for you so deeply but the word “love” is so foreign, he barely even knows it. When he does realize it, he’ll say other words that mean the same thing to him: beloved, habibti, or nip at you. He’ll show his love so much that when he says “I love you” for the first time, it’s just another layer of his love. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Damian can get very jealous and very territorial very quickly. He’s competitive by nature, so if someone swoops in, he sees it as a threat to his place and therefore a challenge. When he gets jealous he’ll seem more arrogant than usual, he’ll boost just a bit more, puff up his chest a little more than normal, and butt heads with whoever is the source of that jealousy until his place is secure again. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Kisses with Damian develop over time as he learns what makes you tick. He tries to lead as much as he can but eventually he finds more fun in reacting to you so he can get better. Most often, his kisses are quick and short on your forehead, top of your head, cheek, etc. He likes to save mouth kisses to make the best of them, because once he gets a taste of you, it's hard to not want more. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
As most of the Batfam, Damian needs to be good with children as he works with survivors constantly. He’s able to keep them entertained and calm them down swiftly . . .  but that doesn’t mean he likes them. He hates kids most of the time because they’re immature and idiotic, they barely have any function aside from annoyance. Yet somehow, kids swarm to him. So he’s wonderful with kids, but he will shoot you a pleading look while he’s being used as a jungle gym. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Damian is a very early riser. He enjoys waking up with the sun and starting his morning routines to wake up his mind and body. If you join him, mornings are quiet and blissful. Yoga, soft ambiance music, and a soft smell of breakfast being cooked. The first words of the day are spoken silently through touch and acts, all to say good morning. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Damian are rare as he usually spends them on patrol. He tries to give you a goodnight kiss before he leaves and silently returns in the night so you wake up in his arms. Sometimes neither happens and you’re awoken to the sounds of a hurt bird, others he doesn’t return until sunlight is already shining. But rest assured, he’ll always make it up to you. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
As with most things with Damian, he takes his time opening up. He’s in no rush, everything will happen with time. So he reveals small stories here and there, stories about his childhood or his future, slowly revealing what makes him, him. When a story is told, there are more layers that will be unraveled in a few moments, never being revealed all at once. Damian is a puzzle, but he’s fascinating to figure out. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It truly depends. When someone is new or learning, Damian’s patience is unfathomable, especially with those he cares for. With you, his patience is endless. With others that he puts to a high standard or people who should know what they’re doing, he’s very quick to be angered by their incompetence. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Damian tries to remember as much as he can about you. He remembers the most important parts of you, from your ambitions to your creation, he knows you like the back of his hand. But man, he can not remember for the life of him what the difference is between your favorite shoes or your favorite jackets, they’re just functional to him—“So why do you need so many for different occasions when they serve the same function?”
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The moment Damian realized you didn’t view him as anything other than himself. He wasn’t a monster in your eyes, he wasn’t a byproduct of those who came before him, he was just that, himself. He revealed his deepest wounds to you and you never viewed him differently. That was his favorite moment, when you looked into his green eyes and saw emeralds instead of a lineage. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Damian is the most protective person you will ever meet. He is fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares about and that means you. He would happily burn the world down if it meant you remained unscathed. On patrols, he fights enemies with the reminder that with each one that’s put away, the more safe you are. However, he is competent enough to protect himself, he doesn’t need any protection—but reminding him you’re there after a long patrol is more than enough security for him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Damian is insufferably good at planning dates and gifts, not because he’s experienced, but because he’s surrounded by hopeless romantics that rubbed off on him. Now he’s naturally a romantic. He doesn’t even have to try or think too hard, he’ll just always manage to leave you breathless. Art dates, museum walks, handmade gifts, and romantic gestures, he does them without even thinking because he simply wants to share his world with you—and that is truly romantic. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He speaks before he thinks a lot. His entire life has been trained on instincts: act now, ask questions later, don’t think just do, etc. So sometimes his mouth speaks faster than his brain does and he can say some harmful things when he’s worked up. It’s rare he ever gets that worked up with you but when he hears what comes out of his mouth, he’s quick to take a step away from you to calm down. But that usually means him storming off until he’s calm enough to talk to you. He hates that he has to do this, but he’d rather wait and talk to you with respect then keep talking with ferocity. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Most of the time he genuinely does not care, looks have never been detrimental to his lifestyle so why should he care how other people view him? But when he’s representing his family at a gala or being photographed, or even going on a date with you, he is incredibly nitpicky with his appearance. He cares what his family and you think about his appearance because he values your opinion, so he’ll trap himself in the bathroom for hours preparing. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Nope. In the nicest way possible, no. Damian prides himself on his independence and self-reliance, that doesn’t change when he falls in love with you. The best part of your relationship is that you two are whole individuals who chose to spend their lives building something together that doesn’t erase what you have already. You compliment each other so well because of this. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He bounces into different languages sometimes. From Arabic to the language of the League, he slips into his natural tongues whenever he gets really angry or really sleepy. The first time you witnessed it was during a fight with one of his brothers. Suddenly they were both shouting in a language you didn’t quite understand. Another time was while Damian was half asleep and he started mumbling something to you in Arabic, you didn’t catch much, but the words of endearment weren’t terribly foreign to you. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
A partner who needs constant reassurance. Damian is more than happy to provide reassurance but he would like a mutual trust in the relationship that Damian loves you, even if he doesn't voice it. He needs someone who can understand Damian's language of love and find assurance in his actions. He also can’t reassure someone constantly when he has three separate lives to maintain as well as vigilante stress on top of that, he just doesn't have the time or energy. He needs someone who can be there through the chaos of his life and ground him. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Damian doesn’t snore but he does breathe deeply when he sleeps. His breaths are very slow and soft, if you try to follow them you’ll probably get a headache. When he wakes up you can’t even tell because he keeps his breathing pattern the same and slowly brings it to his normal pace. He does it without thinking but it’s a byproduct of his training so as to not alert anyone he’s awake.
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husbandograveyard · 1 year
It's the thought - Izo x Reader
Look, I know I am supposed to be writing Spooktober things now, but I couldn't really let this pass without at least a little writing. So without any further ado, enjoy a little celebratory blurb for the one true love of my life, Izo! 2nd person. GN reader. Modern AU
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It was a beautiful fall day: the leaves on the trees had been turning all shades of crimson, orange and yellow, and the temperatures had lowered from the scorching summer heat to something more pleasant, without being actually cold. Fall had officially started, and you were absolutely enjoying the atmosphere. 
You were home alone for now, making use of the time you had to yourself to warm up the oven and get to baking. For fall, pumpkin spice everything seemed like the obvious choice- but not today. Today you had an entirely different mission: bake your boyfriend a cake. You had found a recipe online that was beginner-friendly yet ambitious: two layers and a cream frosting, soft pink details and strawberries. They were out of season now, but you knew how much Izo loved them, and you wouldn’t spare any effort for his birthday. 
You’d been a little sad to be hearing he’d still be working today, as you had hoped he’d maybe take the day off for his birthday, but he’s never made a big deal out of it. 
“When you’re my age, y/n, it truly doesn’t matter much anymore. It’s just another day. But, if you’d like, we can go out to dinner, the two of us?”
You had -of course- agreed, but since you were home anyway, you had decided that you wanted to surprise him as well. After all, he made such an effort of surprising and pampering you throughout the year, with little thoughtful gifts, flowers to make your house an even more beautiful place, takeout of your favorite meals whenever you were too tired to cook… 
So you had gone out, purchased all the ingredients for a cake (and some more, just in case something went wrong), his favorite flowers, and put those in a vase on the table. You had made a card with a handwritten love letter earlier, and had now put it next to the vase and a little box that was neatly wrapped with a rose gold paper. Inside was a watch you had seen him eye a couple times before, but never purchasing it, because he felt like it was too expensive for a watch, especially since he still had one that was working perfectly fine still. 
The oven signaled that it was done preheating, and you practically jumped from the sound, already confused how time was flying by so fast; you had barely set the table with gifts and hadn’t even started measuring and weighing the ingredients. You let the oven sit like that for now and got to quickly prepping the ingredients. Once preparations were over, it didn’t take too long for you to actually do the recipe. You made sure to follow the recipe to the letter, knowing that baking was more of a precision job than cooking usually was. 
When the cake was finally in the oven, you cleaned up the counter and prepared the frosting. After that, you let the cake cool down on the counter while you tidied up the house. You opened up a window to let the room air out, and went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for your dinner date already. That way you could focus on cake decorating until Izo got home, and leave for the restaurant whenever he was ready, You didn’t want him to have to wait for you. 
You put on your favorite music while washing up, loudly singing along and already imagining what the evening was going to be like. You were getting excited when- 
You heard some noises downstairs, and even though the shower was running hot, you suddenly got cold shivers. 
You then heard some yelling, and were ready to panic until you recognized the voice. 
“Izo?” you walked downstairs carefully, nothing but a towel wrapped around your frame, still dripping wet, being careful not to slip. 
“Y/n?” You sighed in relief when you realized it was in fact Izo who had come home much earlier than anticipated. Your relief was short lived when you realized your surprise was a little ruined now, and then replaced by worry when you saw his face, confused and not at all the way you had expected him to look when he saw what you were preparing. 
“What was that sound?” You walked up to him, giving him a brief kiss, whispering a happy birthday against his lips. “Well… I will assume you were preparing a surprise for me?” You nodded, and he chuckled. “Did you by any chance leave food out and a window open?” You closed your eyes, cursing as you realized what had probably happened. “I think the neighborhood cat was just as surprised as you were to find me home early.” You walked into the kitchen with him, only to find little pawprints in frosting all over, and the cake that was cooling down ruined with tooth marks and paw- and clawprints and more frosting smeared all over. At the very least it looked like the creature hadn’t ingested too much, so you were sure it would be fine. You looked over at the table, relieved to see that at least your gift setup wasn’t bothered by the cake thief either. 
Still, your relief was replaced with sadness, as you did put in all the effort. You felt your bottom lip tremble as you took in the view, only to be pulled out of your thoughts by a strong arm around your waist. Izo pulled you into his side, chuckling softly. 
“I wanted to surprise you. You seemed a little deflated that I didn’t want to celebrate beyond going out for dinner, so I wanted to see if we could maybe have a fun afternoon. I got off a little early, only to see that you were preparing something as well” 
You nodded.
“It was going to be a strawberry cake, your favorite” “Does that mean you have fresh strawberries in the fridge?” You didn’t see it, but you could hear the smile in his voice. “Yes”, you smiled as well. “And you got my favorite flowers,” he said, walking up to the table, taking you along with him with one arm still wrapped around your waist, the other softly touching the flowers, studying the arrangement. You looked at his face, admiring him instead of the flowers. 
“Thank you.”
He turned to you before even opening the card or the present, and you smiled, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed about the whole situation: the failed surprise, the mess that the kitchen was, the fact that you were not ready, standing there shivering in your towel. 
“You’re welcome, I wish it was mo-”
He shushed you with another kiss, effectively taking away most of your worries and otherwise negative feelings. He had that effect on you, immediately making you feel better with nothing but a loving gesture. "It's perfect” 
You had no choice but to replace your frown with a smile as well. 
“let me get dressed then, and then… we’ll celebrate”  "And maybe clean up a little as well"
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ghostofthemost141 · 10 months
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Pairing: Ghost x F!Reader, First POV, no use of (Y/N)
Word Count: 1,404
About: You and Ghost have disclosed feelings for each other, knowing that it's forbidden to be together in y'alls line of work. Noneoftheless, Ghost ends up in your room one night and you end up sharing a chocolate bar together.
Themes: Fluff, Suggestive Themes but Nothing Explicit, 18+
Notes: Zara is your nickname for this one, which means 'blooming flower' and it comes from the word Zahrah from Arabic roots. I enjoyed doing this but I hope I didn't write Ghost out of character. Enjoy!
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It’s forbidden, you can’t act on your feelings. You’ll get booted from the team if you do it. But he makes it so damn hard to do that. Whether it be a brush up against my hand or even just a glare from across the room, my feelings grow more and more for him every single little thing he does to me. I can’t tell if it was intentional or not but it has to be. The fact that he always sits next to me on the lounging couch at base or always insists on going on a task with me if I was going to be alone or I always catch him staring first. I never expected Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley to be that kind of person, a ‘hopeless romantic’, but I guess you never know with people. I have never even seen his face under that skull mask or even the balenciaga he wears, but I can only imagine what he looks like. He makes me feel things that I have never felt about a person before and I hate myself for it. He is my Lieutenant, it would never work out. 
Who could that be? I’m not expecting anyone. Am I? 
“You in ‘here, Zara?” 
Simon. That was Simon’s voice. What on Earth would he want with me? I scanned over my little cubicle room, seeing it was mostly tidy.  
“Yeah come in.” I announce. 
The door swung open and Simon stepped in, shutting the door behind him. He wore his skull balenciaga with a black hoodie on and gray jeans on. Even though we are on call duty, we can still be in our lounge clothes just as long as we can get dressed and ready into our gear in less than two seconds. 
“What’s up?” I asked as he came and sat on my bed with me sitting on my desk chair that was right near my bed. 
“Can’t sleep.” Simon mumbled. 
I peeked at my clock seeing it was nearing midnight. I didn’t even notice the time, had I been thinking that much?  
“I’m sorry, rough day today?” I offer him to vent. 
Today was arguably our slowest day ever. Just last week we had come back from a nearly month long mission and since we came back, there hasn’t been much to do except drink and do stupid shit around base, and even then that can become boring after so many times of doing it. Simon mostly keeps to himself during the day and does his own thing. No one sees him until it’s dinner time. 
“No, just boring as shiet.” Simon mumbled. 
“I feel that.” I agreed. 
Even though he wasn’t looking at me, just sitting there on my bed, looking down on the floor, made my heart race. Why was he even here? I didn’t understand it. I found myself staring at his hands. I don’t think I have ever seen him without his iconic gloves on. His hands looked so soft and smooth. You can tell by someone how they take care of their hygiene and his nails were neatly trimmed and cleaned which is very Simon. I could see that for sure. 
Simon’s deep voice brought me back to reality and I realized he caught me staring. 
“Yes, L.T?” I say, trying to act like I wasn’t, in fact, staring. 
His eyes pierced into mine, intimidating me strongly. 
“Is that a book you’re reading?” Simon asked, eyeing the open book that was on my desk. 
“Yeah, I am just rereading it, already read it once before.” I comment, closing the book and admiring it. 
“What’s the poin’ in that?” He asked. 
“Well when you enjoy something so much, you want to revisit it again because of the joy it brings you. And if something really brings you joy, then you revisit it multiple times, basically.” I explained. 
“Interesting.” He mumbles, averting his eyes from me. 
Alright, awkward silence, thank you Simon. Really appreciate it. I reached into my desk drawer and peeked into my hidden stash of assorted chocolates and candies. It’s hidden because if Gaz or Soap found it, it’d be dryer than the Sahara desert. I wasn’t even sure if Simon likes this sort of thing. I could see mints being his favorite candy. Oh well, one way to find out. I pulled out a Lindor Milk Chocolate bar and shut the drawer. 
“Want some?” I offer, showing him what it was in clear view. 
“Sure.” Simon mumbled. 
I opened the candy bar halfway and reached out to hand it to Simon, giving him first dibs. 
“No, I just want one piece.” He grumbled. 
You’re really gonna make this hard for me aren’t ya?  I broke off the first piece and stretched my arm out to Simon. He didn’t move at first, and instead just stared at it. It’s just chocolate dude, not a bomb. Suddenly Simon pulled his mask up enough just for his mouth to be exposed, leaned forward, without moving his butt off my bed, grabbed the chocolate with his teeth and took the piece out of my finger. He chewed the piece of chocolate slowly and eventually swallowed it, looking satisfied from the mini dessert. 
What just happened? That was weird. I didn’t expect him to do that. But for the record, I have never seen him without his mask off, let alone what his lower half looked like. His skin was light, with little blonde stubble on his chin, with his clean light pink lips. He is not helping my situation right now. 
“That was good, actually. Could I have another?” Simon asked, not hiding that light smirk that was on his lips. 
“Oh! Yeah, sure.” I answer, snapping out of my delusion. 
There is no way, you’re being delusional Zara. Here you are calling yourself by the nickname that the Task Force gave you instead of your real name. You have really gone off the deep end. I broke off another piece, held it in my fingers, and stretched my arm out to Simon. This time he did it almost instantly. He reached for it, with his tongue agape from his mouth, and I felt his tongue make contact with my fingers, sending instant chills down my spine and into my core. Simon kept his teeth on the chocolate and locked eyes with me. His deep, dark blue eyes staring into my soul as he slowly gripped the chocolate with his teeth and pulled it away from my fingers, consuming it. The cold air in my room confirmed that he did indeed lick my fingers. What is this man doing? 
“Your face is bloody red.” Simon said. 
“Shut up.” 
“That’s no way to talk to your Lieutenant.” Simon remarked, with a deep tone. 
His voice change went straight to my core. It was tingly and it made me shiver. 
“Simon what are you-” 
Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, Simon’s lips are on mine, why, why, why, why, why-
Simon’s lips were soft against my dried up ones, keeping our lips connected as he held my cheek with his hand. His bottom lip tugged with my lip a little causing me to gasp, and he deepened the kiss. His soft fingers went into my hair, tugging slightly, but not too hard. I instinctively held his face as he continued to kiss me. My entire body was hot and heavy, until he let go of the kiss, but kept his hands on me. 
“Hm.” Simon chuckled, “your nickname is true to its word.” 
I was confused, what was he implying? Simon then leaned in, placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled away from me. 
“Thanks for the chat.” Simon thanked me as he headed towards my door. 
“You’re welcome, anytime. You’re welcome to do that, anytime.” I emphasized the last part. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow ‘hen.” Simon said, “Goodnight, Zara.” 
“Goodnight L.T.” 
Simon then left my room, shutting the door behind me. I was still holding the Lindor chocolate bar that started this whole mess. 
“It’s your damn fault I got left hanging.” I grumbled at the bar, putting it on my desk and slamming myself onto my bed. 
Simon, you’re such an ass. But my God you’re a handsome ass. 
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deathbysnakes · 1 year
YOU WRITE SO COOOL, ok here my request if they are still open. What about y/n is a fatui lower cadet who has a bad backstory in the akademiya with dottore before he become a harbinger. And now that y/n has to go in dangerous missions in the name of the tsaritsa, dottore is doing everything in his power to stop y/n cause he loves them secretly. (In other words enemy to lovers)
How do I say I love you?
Dottore x reader (Romantic)
Warnings:Swearing/Dottore's referred to as Zandik/Dottore is not part of the fatui yet
Pronouns:He/Him (Dottore) You/Your (Reader)
Explanation:You've known Dottore for a long time, you even went to the Akademiya with him, but you two weren't exactly close. Later in life Dottore found himself falling for you, but you've joined the fatui and now Dottore's trying to convince you to to quit
Zandik paced back and forth in your house, he was waiting for you to get home. He knew you'd yell at him for trespassing but today was the day that you'd return home from your mission, it's been one month sense Zandik last saw you, and he wouldn't admit it, but he missed you. You were running late, you were supposed to be home three hours ago, where were you? Were you dead? Did you get kidnapped? Were you forced to move to Snezhnaya? Zandik sat down on your couch and gripped his hair, he felt tears forming in his eyes, no! He couldn't cry! He was the the most intelligent person in probably the whole of tayvat, he couldn't show weakness!
Zandik heared the door to your house open and his head shot up, he was relieved when he saw you, but that feeling of calmness was quickly overturned by pure terror when he saw the huge gash on your shoulder. Zandik leaped off of your couch and rushed over to you. "What happened to you?!" Zandik said, he forgot to hide the worry in his voice, but that wasn't important right now. "Why would you care?" You hissed while glaring up at Zandik, Zandik was about to snap back but decided that this wasn't the time to argue with you. Zandik scooped you up in his arms and carried you to the bathroom to heal your wound, luckily you didn't try to fight back.
Zandik sat you down on the bathroom countertop and started to search through your cabinets for medical supplies, you had quite a lot sense you were constantly getting hurt. (I don't know a lot of things about medical stuff so this might be inaccurate.) Dottore pressed a cloth to your gash, trying to stop the bleeding, Zandik continued to put pressure on the wound for a full 15 minutes and then started to clean the wound with a damp (different) cloth.
"This has happened to many times [Name] you need to quit." Zandik said. "No way, this job makes good money, why do you care so much anyway?!" You snapped back, you were so stubborn. "Because... Because it would be bad for my image if my rival died, everyone would think I murdered you." You rolled your eyes at Zandik's bad response. "Tell me the actual reason." You said in a clam, but still frustrated voice. "I told you the actual reason." Zandik hissed back, your questions were annoying, well this one specifically. "I know you're lying." You glared at Zandik. "I'm not lying!" Zandik said in a more frustrated voice. "Zandik-" before you could finish your sentence Zandik yelled: "Because I love you!" Zandik covered his mouth when he realized what he said. Your eyes widened. "You... Love me...?" There was a hint of happiness in your voice, it made Zandik feel better about what he said. "Yes... And I can't stand to see you hurt... I... I hate seeing you get back from missions all bloody and bruised, so please... Please stop..." There was desperateness in Zandik's voice. Zandik closed his eyes, trying to hold back tears. "Zandik... I can't-" You were cut off again by Zandik. "Why?! Why can't you?!" Zandik's voice was breaking and there were tears streaming down his face. "Please [Name]!" Zandik held your hand tightly. "Zandik... I can't quit... I... I signed a contract..." Zandik's eyes widened and he slowly looked up at you. "What do you mean you can't quit...?" You stayed silent for a while before talking. "The contract said... I couldn't quit..." (Let's be honest, the fatui probably don't let people quit till they drop dead.) Zandik stayed silent in shock for a few seconds, then he took a deep breath and spoke. "Then I'll join the fatui." Your eyes widened. "What...? Zandik you can't..." Zandik shook his head. "I need to protect you [Name], I'm joining the fatui and you can't stop me." You hugged Zandik with the arm you could actually move. "Please... be careful..." Zandik kissed your cheek. "I will my love."
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hello this is the same person who asked for part 2 of the story “heart patch”. I couldn’t finish my request since I ran out of space so I’m continuing here.
They started speaking and slowly raised their voice almost to the point they started screaming. They told on how disappointed and ashamed they are to have them as students and that they didn’t deserve to be sorcerers. Everyone was scared at them and did not dare to say anything, except for the girl who harassed y/n. She quickly got up and yelled back at them and say stuff like “Why are you both defending her, she’s nothing but a useless human being, she’s so annoying and weak, she’s not even pretty and yet you both fell in love with her!? That’s wrong, both of you are special grade sorcerers, you guys deserve better than a person who is lower then grade 5. You guys should be dating me, I’m far way better than her, and I’m not a useless, annoying and weak person like her. And also I’m way more prettier than her, I’ve tried so hard to make you both fall in love with me and yet you both would always reject me and now your dating her. That’s cannot be allowed. Just break up with her and be with me damn it!!!” She kept screaming until she got punched in the face. Both of them didn’t say anything but gave her death glares and she realized it and shut up. They immediately went to y/n, calmed her down and decided to leave. But before they left, they said “if anyone gets near her and tries to hurt her, we won’t hesitate to fight you back”. They left and went back home feeling satisfied. The grudge they had towards them we’re finally gone out of their system. They got home, got cleaned and made a promise to y/n that they’ll make sure that those people will never harass her ever again. She thanked them and felt really happy of what they said to her old classmates, she felt much better after spending the night cuddling, watching movies and play video games and went to sleep feeling happy to have them as her boyfriends and feel asleep smiling. Sorry if it’s long I wanted some drama into the story and I really wanted to see those old classmates get revenge after what they did.
Heart patch 2
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Paring: Gojo & Geto x reader
Words: 3,4k
Warnings: teacher/student relationship (ex-teachers, bcs they are 28 and yn is 20), bully, slight yandere, violence
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You were in a hurry as you walked down the aisle.
You've been running around the city since morning. Mainly looking for products to buy that you can use to welcome your boys home.
It's been a while since you've been with them. And therefore, for the fact that they are with you, you want to give them everything you can. Surprises and gifts. You don't earn as much as they do because you gave up being a sorcerer for your sanity. And you don't regret it. You don't want to do what you can't do, and you're not going to do it, for your sake and for theirs.
Satoru and Suguru wouldn't want you to do something you don't want to do.
For how they support you and show you affection, you want something more for them.
That's why you've been running around the city since morning looking for products to make their favorite dishes for them.
And everything had to be perfect.
They are coming home tonight from a few days overseas mission. You must greet them with dignity. To just give them everything that will keep the same smile on their faces as always.
You already had all the products that you only had on your list.
And even though Suguru doesn't like sweets that much (not like Satoru) you wanted to make a little dessert for them. Or rather, a dessert plate. In the morning you baked a cake to make a small cake. And today you went to the store to get decorations and accessories. The last thing you needed for this was cream mochi.
You don't have time to go to Sendai and buy those that Satoru praises so much. That's why you wanted to go to Tokyo's handmade mochi stall that Satoru buys.
You couldn't fight your way through crowds of people on the sidewalks and streets all the time. That's why you wanted to take the subway there. It would be faster.
But the queue at the store was a little longer, and now you're practically running to the subway station to catch your train. The sooner you get home, the sooner you can get ready.
You've got to clean up a bit, you've got to cook what you need.
You have a lot of things to do.
You looked at your watch to check the time.
And you hit someone's shoulder.
You almost lost your balance but managed to stay on your feet.
You gripped your shopping bag tighter, checking to make sure nothing had fallen out.
You automatically turned to the man and started apologizing.
"(y/n) (l/n)?"
You looked at the person's face.
You go to school with her Jujutsu...
"Long time no see." She said.
"Yes... I'm sorry but I'm really in a hurry." You said frantically looking at your watch. You have 10 minutes to get to the subway.
"Oh, okay." She said with a small smile. But as you were about to leave, she suddenly stopped you. "(y/n)! I was thinking, why don't you come to the class reunion? It's in three days at the restaurant around the corner."
Why is she telling you this?
"None of us have contact with you, so some have already given up the idea of ​​inviting you... But I managed to meet you, so I invite you now!" She gave you a nice smile.
After all, she was one of the nicest in your class.
"Sorry, I already have plans..." you said. You didn't want to go there because you remember times when others weren't nice to you.
You can always go out with Satoru and Suguru. And no one can prove it to you.
"I see... Maybe you'll change your mind? The invitation will always be up to date. However, if you want to come, just come to this address at 6pm." She handed you an embellished invitation card with everything written on it.
Saying goodbye to her, you quickly walked the other way, hoping to catch the train on time.
Because the subway was a few minutes late, you made it in time, and managed to buy mochi flavors that suit them.
Satoru will eat anything. And Suguru will eat anything that isn't overly sweet. That's why you thought you hit the right flavors.
You prepared two big cupcakes for them. For each individually. One had purple cream and the other blue. Just so you don't get confused.
The blue one had sprinkles, tiny marshmallows on custard, filled to the brim with chocolate inside.
The purple one was more fruity because you didn't want to make a different cake for two cupcakes. Both were chocolate, however, Suguru's one had plum jam inside. On the cream some sprinkles and fragments of dried strawberries.
You thought they'd like it.
But every time you did anything, all you thought about was the invitation you got.
Are you going to that class reunion or not?
After all these years, you're supposed to look people in the eye who never liked you?
Why did you leave that life to start over? Better. No more sorrows.
If you go there, it will be really uncomfortable, won't it?
You stood there stirring the soup while you also waited for them to come back. They should be here soon.
You have to hide your discomfort in your thoughts for them. So that they don't have to worry about you.
Due to the fact that you are not focused on your surroundings, but on your thoughts and stirring the food in the pot, you did not hear the door to your apartment open.
Strong hands appeared around your waist, and before you could react, you were lifted up.
"Got you!" Satoru screamed, cuddling up to your back as he held you up.
You laughed at his childishness (even though he was older than you).
Geto's face appeared in front of you and he greeted you kindly and kissed your lips softly, because when Gojo picked you up, you were higher than ever.
When the white-haired man released you, putting you on the floor, he suddenly disappeared as he ran to the living room.
You grabbed a spoon and stirred the food in the pot so it wouldn't burn.
Suguru hugged you from behind, resting his head on your right shoulder. Keeping your hands wrapped around your belly.
"It smells delicious." He said with a small smile. He watched you slowly you stir with a spoon steaming food
"This is the second course, especially for you." You replied to him, turning down the heat on the burner under the pot.
"You are so good and perfect..." he said.
You didn't feel that way now. Because without them, you'd still be nothing as a sorcerer...
You found your place with your former teachers at school.
And your meeting with your classmate today made those moments come back to you like a boomerang.
Pulling out the necessary plates and bowls to eat, you started preparing a table for three.
Just then you saw Satoru enter the house again, several boxes in his hands, a small paper bag in his teeth.
They always had gifts for you.
But after you ate, your mood took a turn for the worse. Previously, you might have had a bit of a distraction while reading the exact recipes to cook it all perfectly. And now all you could do was look at their happy faces and the food.
You hate hiding something from them so much...
You feel so guilty then. But you don't want them to care.
"You're quiet, are you okay?"
You looked at the white-haired man sitting on your left.
"Yeah." You nodded putting on a fake happy smile. "You better tell me how it was on your trip."
After your hair was well dried after your shared shower, you started making the bed for you while your boyfriends finished brushing their teeth.
"Have you noticed the way she's acting?" Gojo asked as he stood in front of the mirror looking at his chin, wondering if he had shaved properly this morning.
"Nah. I noticed. Something happened. Besides, she never asked how the missions were because she knows it's shit." The dark haired man replied, combing his dark strands and making a low sleeping ponytail.
"She's worried about something." The white-haired man looked down at the floor, his eyes wandering to the bathroom exit.
Then they both left the room to go to bed.
But also to know from you the truth about what happened.
They both entered your bedroom and asked you seriously what happened.
Of course, as they expected, you avoided answering their question at all costs.
"Do you think the color of the pillows is ok? I changed the sheets but forgot to ask if that's okay with you." You took the pillow in your hands and showed it to them.
Suddenly a soft thing was ripped from your fingers.
"Pillows are okay. But you're not." Geto said, watching carefully.
"What happened, (y/n)?" Gojo added seriously.
"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired. Let's go to sleep now, okay? Tomorrow we can go out together. If you want."
"Stop avoiding this topic." The dark haired growled.
Your chest tightened at the tone of their voice. They know full well that you're not okay. And they want to get the truth out of you. Only for your own good. So that they can comfort you.
"... I met one person today who I went to class with in Jujutsu High..." You said with a lump in your throat. And tears started to slowly build up in your eyes. "I've been invited to a class reunion. And I don't want to go. I don't want to be the laughing stock again. I don't want to be hated by the rest of the people again... I don't want them to remember me... I don't want to meet them only to cry when I get home later..."
For the next hour they lay in one position with you, squeezing you soothingly in their body hug and so. Hugging you and comforting you like never before.
Every time in school they saw someone bully you somehow. How sorry you are for others.
They were sorry that they had to have students like them.
It was just a shame that they had known them all for several years.
They promised you that they would go with you.
They wanted to make you feel good there, because neither will they make you feel like a princess there.
They will walk with you, they will be with you all the time. You will be together everywhere. To make you feel your great value.
No one has the right to hurt you after so many years. Because they will also do everything to make you there with a smile on your face. Everything for you.
They got out of bed in the morning and took you shopping.
You could pick anything you liked and they would buy it for you. Shoes, dresses, jewelry. Even though you may have felt bad about them buying it all for this one occasion, they told you that you could always wear it for them on a date. And they also love to pamper you.
At home, the final choice of outfit for you has been made. So that both of them wouldn't be jealous, they decided that the most sexy dress for them would stay on your body only as a sight for them.
And the dress they chose for you to wear to your class reunion was just as beautiful.
They did it on purpose. To overshadow with your beauty those who have always hated your closeness with them.
You held their hands as you entered the room as you walked between them.
And your entrance made many look your way.
They had the right to come here. As your former teachers.
And they looked so handsome in their black button-down shirts, along with black pants and shiny leather boots.
Many people looked at you with admiration.
A few with envy of your outfit and the fact that you are with the handsomest teachers they couldn't get at school.
One person in particular who hated you for it. And she wanted to destroy what you have because of them. Your self-esteem as well as your happiness. Only because you managed to make them fall in love with you. And she failed to do so after years of trying.
You stood more aloof sipping drinks with your boyfriends. Sometimes others from your former class asked you about various things, eager to talk.
There were moments when the questions did not please Geto and Gojo, and they cast scowl at their former students.
The person who had always been so nice even to you was now staring at you with daggers in her eyes. Just because you had her two dream men with you. Handsome, rich, so what if they were a little older. They were her ideals, even if sometimes there was something she didn't like about them. She's been trying to get them for years. That's why now when she sees that you, someone weaker than her, has such men next to her, she can't be nice to you anymore.
You were the reason why she could never win their hearts.
After you left, she tried everything to make them notice her. Nothing worked out for her. Because? Because they were clearly showing that they were busy and in love with someone else.
They have always loved you... And it wasn't fair...
When glasses of wine and small desserts were served, your boys disappeared.
But for an hour it felt like someone was lurking to come to you. They left for a while just to get something you like and also your favorite kind of wine. Well, even Gojo who doesn't drink alcohol will be tempted by some sweet wine.
As soon as they disappeared behind a small wall, a girl with a glass of wine appeared next to you.
"(y/n), Hey, I'm glad you came," she said with a fake smile. "I came over to tell you something. Because, you know, this dress is beautiful. But..."
Suddenly, she lifted her glass of wine lightly and threw it at you.
"But you don't deserve a dress like that. You're too useless."
You wiped the red wine from your face and looked down at your dress. All destroyed. Red wine stains are not easy to remove.
She cut you off before you could say anything. She hit you on the cheek.
She followed you and suddenly shoved you, causing you to fall into a small red puddle next to the shattered glass.
"You could never be a sorcerer, and you never will be. You're just a disgrace calling yourself someone with cursed energy.
As you tried to get up, she kicked your arm, causing you to fall a second time, surely hurting your knee on a piece of glass on the floor.
"I don't know how you did it, but how did you manage to get Gojo-sensei and Geto-sensei to be your boyfriends? You are pathetic. You are nobody!"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you heard those terrible words. And the giggles of people around. It's literally like you're sitting in the spotlight and the whole world is watching your tears.
Someone appeared in front of you, stopping the girl for a moment from further action, but someone then quickly disappeared after a few equally harsh words were received.
Another glass of wine was slowly poured over your head. Making alcohol run down your hair, down your face, down to your dress.
"A hopeless bitch who thinks she can be somebody. You never deserved them –."
She heard a call and then they saw two tall men with murderous auras.
Gojo took two glasses of wine from his best friend and walked over to her.
"Shall we drink some wine?" He asked without any expression on his face.
She looked at him with sparks of happiness in her eyes.
But just as she was about to reach for the glass from him, she saw him tilt the glass, spilling the red drink over her. Wetting her hair and dress. Making her make-up slowly run down.
"Gojo-sensei..." She murmured in surprise.
"What? That's what drinking wine is like for bitches like you."
Suguru walked over to you and gently lifted you off the slippery floor.
You pulled your hands away from him and pushed him away, still crying.
He hugged you without hesitation, reassuring you a little.
And with a silent saying "I love you" he left you against the wall and with rage boiling up in him he approached the girl.
"Geto-sensei." she muttered, hoping he wouldn't be like Gojo.
She was wrong.
At the same time, the back of his hand hit her cheek, causing her to fall to the ground.
A sign that you can't mess with someone who could even kill her with one hand in a second.
She looked at you as you stood against the wall with your back to what was going on.
Your skin was wet. Just like the hair. Your shoulders were shaking, which could have been a sign that you were sobbing.
Another glass of wine was sent to her head. The glass was thrown to the ground.
"You don't know what a shame it is for us that we had to have students like you... You don't know what a disappointment you are to us. Anyone who thinks they're better than her. I've never regretted teaching someone so much before!" Gojo said slowly changing his tone of voice from serious to screaming.
"Probably none of you ever deserved to be sorcerers." Geto added, adding even more darkness to the situation.
The girl snorted in rage and got up, not wanting to sit there and listen to it.
"Why are you both defending her, she's just a useless bitch, she's so annoying and weak, she's not even pretty, and yet you both fell in love with her?! That's too bad, you're both special grade sorcerers, you deserve better than someone who may be lower than 5th grade. You should date me I'm way better than her and I'm not a useless, annoying and weak person like her. And besides, I'm so much prettier than her, I tried so hard to make you both fall in love with me, and yet you both always rejected me, and now you're dating her. This cannot be allowed. Just break up with her and be with me!!!" She yelled at them.
And she stopped when a hand appeared in front of her face and slapped her hard across the face. The sound of the impact echoed in their ears, and without a word they came over to you, massaging your shoulders and gently hugging you. They started walking out with you, guiding you protectively outside.
"If anyone gets close to her and tries to hurt her, we won't hesitate to fight back." Geto said, giving them a death glare that everyone feared.. When Gojo opened the door for you, he did the same. Making their former students' hearts almost stop.
You were lying on the bed hugging a pillow to your chest.
Straight after a soothing hot bath, they took you to bed wearing one of Suguru's very loose shirts.
You sat up when they sat on either side of the bed and placed one hand on each of your knees. They both drew invisible lines on your skin.
"(y/n)-chan, never worry about what other people think of you when they are jealous. You are beautiful and wonderful. Ideal. And we will always be with you." Satoru said, giving you his smile.
"We promise that only you will be the most important for us and we will only love you. And we will never let that happen to you again." Suguru said.
You nodded slightly, pressing your nose into the pillow in your arms.
"Thank you for doing this for me..." you murmured, feeling as if small tears were still on your face.
"For you always everything." They said almost simultaneously.
There were snacks and various other things on the bed.
They specifically moved the TV from the living room to the bedroom and hooked up the console, giving you a game pad, letting you choose what you want to play. Same with movies.
Only they can make you go to bed with a smile every day. Snuggled up in them.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
A Mother’s Revenge’
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Chapter 4- ‘Miscommunication’
Warnings; This is call of duty, warfare stuff and such. Gun and bullets are mentioned. Thoughts of killing, shots fired. But we’ll mostly be seeing how one fuck up, can open a can of worms.
Melione’s POV
Her Dream...
‘“Baby girl, give your trust to those who you feel won’t appreciate it the most... and be careful with giving it to those who beg for it the most... those who want to be the closest.. are the most powerful ones to hurt you. You understand that right?”
I cried in my husband’s arms as he spoke to me. I had told him about my today’s situation, which was coming to the realization about my toxic relationship with a friend, which I ended. I wanted to feel bad and take back what I did, but Jacob made sure that I didn’t. His words meant so much to me in that moment, and I marked them on my heart, to carry with me forever. He honestly had the greatest advice for me, ever sense the day we became friends. He was like, the ‘mom friend’, always giving great advice and cuddling me close when I slipped up and needed help. I then moved my head from where I had it tucked under his head, and have him a reassuring smile, as I whimpered,
“I understand... thank you.”
“No need to thank me angel.. I love you.”
“I love you more... and so so much more.”
He smiled brightly and gave me a warming kiss, as he caressed my growing bump. Oh how I loved these moments, so homey... so filled with him-‘
End of dream...
And that when I was abruptly woken up by some shuffling noises in the room, I slightly panicked for a moment when I didn’t recognize the place, or the large person in front of me. Instinctively, I threw my pocket knife in hand, towards this large shadow of a person. I watched it fling strongly towards him, so fast and powerfully that it could pierce him well. But, he caught it in his hand, right before it could go into his skull, I had the perfect aim for his head. I then was quite slapped awake at the sight in front of me and I finally snapped out of it, feeling my chest take in and let out heavy breaths. Ghost, stood in front of me with about 10ft. in distance between us, cleaning out his gun at the large table. But now, he was sitting up straight, with the knife in his hand, right in front of his forehead, just holding it there. I swallowed harshly and felt slightly terrified at the fact he hadn’t said a word, or even moved.
‘That’s it... I fucked up and this Halloween skeleton guy is going to kill me-‘
“Not a bad aim, Lieutenant. Jus’ be careful nex’ time, hm?”
His voice sounded more deep today, or maybe just thick, he probably just woke up. I took a quick glance at my watch and saw the time shine the numbers, ‘6:35’, which made me confirm that indeed, it was still early. I then looked back at him when I heard him move slightly, leaning over the table to gently place the knife in the middle of the table, so I could retrieve it. 
 ‘At least Halloween guy is giving it back...’
With utter caution, I rose slowly to my feet, feeling every bone in my body ache and crack from sitting in an awkward position on that damned chair for so long. Ghost eyed me attentively as I walked step by slow step towards the table. I felt slightly uneasy with his staring, so to break the ice I just responded to what he had mentioned minutes ago.
“I’ll be more careful, sir.”
It sounded kinda like a scoff, what he replied, but I did t pay attention to it further when he said,
 “Price and Laswell would like to talk to you. Concerning your mission for tonight.”
‘Oooookay? When?’
I took a step back and looked around while I asked,
 “When they get here I’ll talk to them or-“
“- as soon as you woke up, Lieutenant. You had to go find them. They’re in the basement, close the door when you walk in.”
 “oh.. ok.”
An uneasy feeling crept up in me at the thought of going to the basement, anything could happen in there, and not a soul would hear it. But if Price was going to be there, I should be fine… I trusted him to a certain extent. Or at least more than the rest. I took a quick glance at Ghost before walking out, but he had his attention on what was in his hands, so I took that as my cue to go. 
Prices’s POV
“Melione.. hope you slept well lass.”
As she walked in, I watched her massage her neck a little like trying to rub off a pain.  Ghost had told me she stayed in the mission room, and refused to sleep in the barracks. I couldn’t blame her, she was new, and one of the only very few women here. She only eyed me at my comment and nodded her head shortly. Laswell then cleared her throat before bringing up our purpose to being here,
 “So your mission for tonight Melione… how do you feel? Do you think you can do it?”
 Melione leaned against the locked door behind her, with crossed arms as she replied coldly,
 “Been ready all my life Laswell.”
I was impressed by her response. I was really thinking she’d maybe pull back and request a change of plans, but all she wanted to do was execute it. Laswell huffed out a breath as she rubbed her left temple and went on to say,
 “Listen… I know what you’re after Melione. So are we. But you have to play it smart, if not things won’t work about. I know you’re going to be upset about this one, but I have to make it clear with you.”
 I saw the look in Melione’s eyes change, she looked curious as she with one hand, gestured it as to say, ‘what’s that?’
 Laswell then approached her a little and continued,
 “You can’t kill anyone.”
With that Melione left the door and came to stand really close to Laswell, their noses almost touched. She looked down at Laswell and seethed with clenched teeth,
 “You can’t be serious-“
 “-I’m dead serious-“
Melione groaned out loud and turned away, leaning down and holding her hands on her knees as she shook her head. She looked so despaired at the news, like if we just took a prized possession or her breath away. I saw Laswell look concerned for her as she pressed on with more,
 “I know you don’t like this but General Shephard-“
 “-You realize that these men- these terrorists, don’t give a fucking damn about what your General or government thinks of them?-“
I was about to try my best to deescalate the situation as I saw both women about to go at it, but Laswell was quick to interrupt with a statement that ha Melione take a breather,
 “-I know but I don’t have a choice! They were orders we were given to follow. And if you can’t simply do that, I’ll take you back to where you came from and I’ll have you really disappear.”
 ‘Well damn. She’s still got it.’
I turned to look at Melione as I heard her take deeps breaths, her shoulders were visibly moving for how hard her lungs were pumping air. It only took a few seconds for her to speak up and put forth,
“It’s just not fair.. and it doesn’t make sense… none of it. Your government doesn’t protect the innocent, but you damn well secure the villain, so people like me… innocent but hurt… don’t get to them. Because we can do a good number on them.”
 Melione’s tone had changed from agitated to now calm and it showed her hurt. Slowly she came to a stand and faced Laswell with glossy eyes, and whimpered,
 “All I want is justice… and if you can’t give it rightfully, I’ll find a way to serve it. Just know that.”
Laswell shook her head understandably, and then geared the attention towards me as she worded,
 “Prepare her.. she ready to go.”
That was my cue to get Melione ready. She had passed the test indeed.
Laswell’s POV
All I wanted to know, was if this broken mother was indeed serious about what she was going to do, and not just insane about it all. But after what she said and threatened to do, there’s no way in hell, that I’m going to stand in her way. The only thing she has against me for now, is the fact that there’s a strict order to spare all life of the witnesses and those who work with Hassan. But I’m sure I can find a way to get things the right way… which was eliminate these men so they can’t ever escape and hurt another soul. But for some reason, General Shepherd wants them all accounted for, and it’s my painful duty, to do such as he pleases. Now I saw Melione look and Price and I with a frown as she asked,
 “was this a test?”
Price patted her back gently and sent her a short smile,
“Just know, that you might be one of the best I’ve seen. Let’s go.”
She sucked a deep breath in with amusement, but either way kept her composure as I now watched them both leave the basement and ascend up the stairs. I could only think this as I saw her go,
‘She might be the best.. she has the willpower, the motive, the reason… a mothers drive for revenge.’
Melione’s POV
The crisp air hit my face as I rode in the spare boat I had found. The skies were covered with a light sheet of clouds, barely blocking the sun from raining down its burning rays. I looked around and admired the view for a few seconds, wishing I had met Italy under difficult circumstances. Jacob would’ve certainly liked to see the army of pigeons everywhere. He wasn’t totally fascinated by them, but he LOVED running after them and seeing them squawking around in panic. He’d always release the sweetest, deep belly laughs at the hilarious sight. I would’ve had a blast trying all the sweets they have here, and always making sure my ‘baby in crime’ Benjamin, had a taste as well, and of course my childish husband. But right now, unfortunately… they both rest in my heart and come to life in my imaginations, as I continue to live for them, and move on. Price had assigned his men to stay on guard for me, Graves was going to be keeping an eye out for the way towards the seaport. Soap and Ghost were watching for me at the seaport. Alejandro, Gaz and Rudy stayed at the safe house, they were going to be watching me by the camera I wore on a button that rested on my shirt. Price had a getaway car near by in the town, to follow wherever I went once I met the men and they took me to their place. So, it helped to know I had backup around here in different areas, but I still felt quite nervous at the whole interaction part. But it’s either do or die… and I’m not ready for the latter yet. My comms were connected to the rest of the 141, to keep communication with them just in case, so for now I could hear Ghost and Soap banter around childishly.
“‘M glad ye are near me… I can see you more clearly now, I can even reach ye arm-“
 “-don’t touch me. And don’t stare at me, we are to be on watch.”
“Ayyy Lt. Jus’ enjoying the view-“
“-Estan enamorados o que?”
That was now Alejandro who joined the chat, asking if the two were in love. I heard a beat of silence for a minute before Ghost replied quite irritatedly,
“-you understood me cabron?”
“Of course… the more you speak the more I learn. Now let’s focus, Melione should be getting there soon.”
 I cleared my throat as I clarified,
“I’m arriving, everyone in position?”
Graves voice came through the comms this time as he replied cockily,
“Yup, it’s showtime.”
I rolled my eyes at hearing his voice, then tilted my neck in every direction to pop it’s building nerves, and shook my hands a little to dry up the sweat that developed on them. To say I was nervous was a lie, I was terrified. But now I’m here, there’s no going back. 
Ghost’s POV
From where I hid inside a spare house that was approximately 20ft away from the seaport, I could see Melione park her boat and tie it up on the hooks they had there to keep it in place. I could tell she was nervous, but the way she frantically looked everywhere and kept wiping her most likely sweaty palms on her jeans. Her hands kept fiddling with the handles of the backpack she carried, and her feet shuffled back and forth. It was like watching a little child, preparing themselves to embark on a scary mission or journey. Ready to go but nervous to take the first step.
 “We got black Malibu on its way towards you.” 
That was Graves letting us know about oncoming company, my eyes then jerked to the left when I saw the black car approach, and at that same moment Melione’s voice came through,
“They’re here. You guys still with me?”
I took my chance to reply and calm her nerves,
“We’re all here, no one’s leaving anyone behind.”
‘Alright Meli… play it smart, calm, be approachable but not all too welcoming. Trust your instincts and look deeper into every word and action that is committed. Read in between the lines kid.’
I wish I could say those words out loud to her, but my mouth never moved to do such, it was like a barrier that kept that sensitive part of me sealed and hidden away. It was a protection. But I’m sure she knew how to go by this, I had heard Price guide her step by step as Gaz and Soap helped her put on the camera and gear back at the safe house,
“Very simple Meli, only talk about business. No need for more, they are there for what you have, not for you. But if things change, take it back toward business an’ if they get difficult, act like an unpleased business woman and walk out. You don’t have to deal with their bullshit, many men underestimate women, and like to treat them like a game. But you show them how’s it played. Understood?”
Melione squared her shoulders and subtly gulped before she replied,
“Yes sir.”
She then took a quick glance at me and I gave her a simple nod of approval. She lightly raised her brows and looked down, unable to hold eye contact any longer. 
4 men had gotten off the car, and headed towards Melione slowly, and I heard Gaz comment,
 “Looks like Hassan isn’t here… no other men are in the car-“
“-maybe they want to make sure the area is clear and that the business is real… then maybe he’ll come around. He had said he was willing to see her in person.”
That was Rudy and Gaz who were communicating about what was ahead of me, and they were pretty accurate. I didn’t see Hassan either, maybe Graves will catch sight of him first as he’s watching the road that leads to the seaport. I took a deep breath in as I saw Meli leave her boat and touch ground as she walked up to the men confidently and with her chin up.
‘Nice and steady kid… play it smart.’
Melione’s POV
I knew what Hassan looked like, and it for sure wasn’t this very tall man and his shorter partner who both wore matching frowns. The other two behind them looked like the guards, huge men almost appearing like oversized statues, unmoving and expressionless. I could only thin for second as I saw this approach,
‘Where Hassan?-‘
The shorter man then replied to my unsaid question as he went on directly,
“-I know you conducted business with our boss, but just know he’s on his way, we gave him the clear.”
‘Alright. That’s miracle 1.’
I sent him a curt nod and a short reply.
“I understand.”
The very tall man with dark hair that matched his cold eyes then wordlessly pointed towards the large backpack I held, his pal then spoke up for him and asked me,
 “What’s in the bag?”
 I pulled it off my shoulder with ease but didn’t open it as I responded,
 “What you’ll need to make the missiles and other combat machinery. From start to finish. From scratch.”
The tall man remained as if he was unimpressed, but the shorter one seemed like he was the outgoing one as he spoke up,
 “And you conducted this all on your own?”
I cocked my brow at his question,
“You only see me here don’t you?”
And that’s, when I caught the taller man’s attention, as his eyes finally met mine. 
‘Maybe he was impressed.’
I couldn’t help but mightily flinch at the sudden pop, and my mind threw back a memory at the unpleasant sound,
I closed my eyes for a split second to try and wipe the horrific memory, but a sudden touch had me blink back to reality. It was definitely a gunshot that had the taller man approach me quickly as the others scattered off. He grabbed my arm tightly and put his lips near my ear as he whispered harshly,
“Get the hell out of here and don’t let a soul see you. Next stop is in Mexico. Go.”
He then shoved me away and sparred my eyes a last look of his before he darted towards the car and got in to leave. Leaving the others behind.
 ‘Ok what the fuck was that all about-‘
“Melione you need to get out of there!!”
I heard Soap’s voice scream out loud as another shot was sounded, but my attention wasn’t on him or his panic, when I saw the shorter man run towards a house that was near by. 
 ‘Yeah you’re not getting away motherfucker.’
And without a second thought, I secured my bag around my shoulders, and darted for the house, not knowing who or what was inside, besides the shorter man.
Prices’s POV
‘What the hell just happened?’
I heard that shot ring through as I was near by, but it came from where Graves was at. I angrily called out to him as I questioned,
 “What the bell happened Graves?? Where’s Hassan??!”
I could hear him panting,
“I was attacked sir, my rifle rang out before he got closer, so his driver made a quick turn around and they left. I couldn’t see any more of them.”
 ‘Damnit… Melione is going to be so pissed.’ 
 “Come towards my truck so we can get out of here. The others will have to find find another way out somewhere else, we’re to compromised here. Are you injured?”
 “Bullet grazed my leg, but I’ll live, the other guy got hit but he got out, so I think he’ll live too.”
‘Fucking hell… ughh!’
In my anger of an incomplete mission I could only growl.
 “Fine, let’s go.”
Ghosts’s POV
I had seen the short man run in, and before he went further inside I took him out by simply hitting his head with the back of my gun, sending him to the ground quite knocked out. I went back for Soap, and ordered him to run towards the boat and get it started. So I could have time to grab any information that was on this man, then leave on our way back. But when I came back to the man, he was gone. And an instant thought kicked in,
My heart skipped a beat at not knowing where either of them where, but that’s when I heard Alejandro come through my comms in a panicked tone,
‘Melione’s disconnected! Where is she-
And through his voice I also heard, what sounded like a large knife, sliding out of its pocket. I then responded calmly,
“I have her, don’t worry.”
Slowly, I then made my way towards where I heard the sound, and in the darkest corner of the room, I saw her. Hovering over the man, with the glimmering knife, in her right hand. I swallowed hard, feeling like this sight felt familiar.. and it was… I saw myself in her. But I still, remember our explicit order,
‘don’t kill anyone.’
So I carefully, to not startle her, I said.
“Don’t do it Lieutenant, and that’s an order.”
Melione’s POV
I heard his words sink in like a dangerous warning,and yet I still inched closer to him, raising my knife slowly higher. My adrenaline rushed higher by the passing second and by the centimeters I got even closer, and in a whisper I begged,
“I just want... a taste.”
Damn right I did, a taste of what it felt like to bloodshed. Bloodshed the wicked, take away the breath of a man that thrived to do the same, but to the innocent. I could only see the images of my lifeless husband and baby boy as I grew, lastly, only one, single inch away from him. And this man was completely unknown to my presence lurking behind him, hungry to take his soul, which gave me the complete advantage to snatch it away. I sucked a deep breath in and raised it above his head, ready to strike, but it never came. I felt a strong grip on my wrist, and a low sigh escape into the silence, I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was, I God damn knew it was Ghost. I felt him lower his head towards my ear, as he whispered harshly,
 “If you move me, it’ll be the last thing you do Melione... let’s go.”
And with that he jerked me away from the man and ushered me to follow him as he still held onto my wrist tightly. I could feel tears beginning to brim in my eyes, not cause of the pain Ghost was causing me, but because I couldn’t do what I wanted. They were angry tears. 
 ‘How fucking dare you... how fucking.. dare you.’
And only because Ghost was way larger than me, and from what I saw and heard, he was absolutely more experienced and quicker in fighting and killing.. I’d be dead even before I thought about making a move on him. So trying to get my way through him, would be highly impossible. That too made me angry. Soon we quietly made it out of the house, and began to run toward the boat and escape just in time before anyone arrived to the seen. I stood next to Soap, but I watched Ghost, and he looked pissed off, but distant. He’d side-eye me to check I was still there and ok, but that was it. He was definitely pissed off, and probably going to report what I did to Laswell and Price.
Ghost’s POV
Never in my life had I been so scared of a woman. The way she looked at that man with such a desire... to take his life, was something I had never seen before. I maybe looked like that when I craved the same... scary, horrifying. What was the only thing saving her right now, was the fact that she for some reason respected my word, and never stepped over me. If not, she probably would’ve taken out the whole place. I didn’t understand her anger, it was so raged and hateful, what once was a candle was now a blaze. When I glanced a few times at her, I could see her glossy eyes look ahead, but those tears weren’t sad tears... fuck no. I knew I pissed her off. But she couldn’t kill him, we were given specific orders by General Shepherd to not engage that way. Though, I was upset as well... I’d kill them all if I could too. So having to work around these men and not be able to terminate them, grew my curiousness on why. 
 ‘Why can’t we terminate them as we go? As we always do. Why save them? What’s so important about there lives that we have to save them? Are they going to use them for something?’
Laswell’s POV
It was a few minutes ago that Ghost and Melione came back from her first mission. And from what I could tell, neither looked ok, if not quite pissed off. They sent each other deathly glares as they stood in front of each other, but on opposite sides of the mission table. Soap had tried to ask her if she was fine, but she only nodded curtly but while still staring at Ghost. I knew the tension was heavy, and I intended to know why. I walked in with Price, as I wanted to be reported on every part of this mission, and stood next to Ghost, feeling the anger radiating off his skin. I took a deep breath in as I went on to ask,
 “Mission report?”
Melione changed the look in her eyes as she waited for Ghost to speak up first, like if he had something important to say. I turned to Ghost and awaited it. He slowly looked down from staring at Melione and replied,
 “Things took a turn, we couldn’t see Hassan... but he’s willing to see her again, in Mexico.”
‘Things took a turn?’
“What do you mean things took a turn?”
Price then spoke up and said with an upset tone,
“Graves was attacked and his gun rang out.. it was a slip up that caused the problem.”
Melione scoffed with unbelief,
“It was him? How did he not see it coming? I almost had him there!”
Price lifted his hand toward her to signal that she needed to calm down, she only sighed and shook her head.
“that slip up was close Captain-“
 “-It was not a slip up on purpose soldier. My gunshot hit his door and that’s why made him leave.”
And there finally entered Graves, who came in awfully later. Because he was checked up by medical staff.
 But didn’t even take a step in more when Melione launched herself at him and seethed,
 “Not a slip up? You mean shooting his car door wasn’t a slip up!?”
“I was attacked ok?! And my rifle went out!!! Mistakes happen soldier!!”
 She stood tall in front of him as she bit back with clenched teeth,
 “It’s Lieutenant... and for these missions, there shouldn’t be mistakes... ever. I almost had him and you took him away!”
Graves was breathing heavily in front of her, and I could see how angry he and she was. I didn’t understand why he slipped up, he should’ve kept an eye out everywhere, to avoid these things. Ghost’s voice then broke through as he questioned with an irritated tone,
 “You’re the one that shot the fuckin’ car door Graves? That could’ve cost us everything, if not they could’ve killed Melione on the spot, thinking she was a part of your ‘mistake’.”
 Graves clicked his tongue at Ghost and turned back to Melione as he asked unbothered,
 “Did he tell you anything else besides him going to Mexico?”
She took a quick step away from him and gaps softly,
“I never said anything about Mexico.”
Graves eyes went wide for a second but then he cleared his throat,
“But he did tell you something… didn’t he?”
Melione looked at Ghost for a second then replied,
“he did. But he said it in my ear on the side that didn’t have the comm… so how’d you know-“
“-that’s not important. I know a lot more than you do ok.”
Ghost rocked on his heels as he watched the interaction go down, and Soap looked curious. Price was taking into note everything that was being said, and so was I. Nothing made sense, but it all did at once.
Price then walked up to Melione and asked,
“did he say anything else?”
Her eyes went on his as she replied seriously,
 “No. Why?”
Graves stepped closer to her and mockingly said,
“He’s just asking... maybe even a word or code? Something to know how and where to meet him exactly? Or are you not trusting us enough to say that too.”
I then saw her change in demeanor, which went from pissed to defensive. And so did I. 
 ‘Why’s he questioning her... when she already told him no?’
But before she could say anything, I wanted to step in and settle it, but Alejandro beat me to it.
“She said no, Graves. She’ll be getting more information once she sees him in Mexico... we’re recording everything that’s happening, we’re not missing anything.”
 Graves took a look at Alejandro and huffed at his words,
 “You bring in a random girl and expect us to trust her-“
 “And you expect me trust you? Slipping up is going to be a flaw that’ll get you killed in the end, soldier.”
 And with that Melione pushed past by him, bumping his shoulder harshly, to make a point on her anger. He wanted to go after her but Ghost and Soap stood in his way, not letting him go. Laswell went after her, as I spoke to my team quite seriously.
“Listen boys, that was a close call. And to make you aware, she is trusting. Please, don’t screw this up, she’s our only chance to get close. Soap, try to talk her down.. please. And as for you Graves, keep some distance. Dismissed.”
Melione’s POV
Laswell tried to talk me to calming down as she went on,
“Listen Meli, I know there was a mistake today-“
I spun on my heel to face her as I lifted my finger to interrupt,
“-That, was no fucking mistake. I know it wasn’t. I want to believe it wasn’t.”
Laswell shook her head with a shrug, and questioned.
“What are you talking about? Then why are you mad?”
I so badly wanted to say what was on my mind, but as it was... I appeared crazy and a little outcast from them, I didn’t want to make it worse. So instead, of saying what I really wanted to, I simply warned her,
 “Be careful with who you trust... those closest to you, can hurt you the most Laswell.”
And with that, I walked out. Still letting my mind swirl around in circles with what I thought. 
‘Ughh... I know that wasn’t a fucking miss… it sounded like a signal. A signal for Hassan to get out of there before I caught him. The only thing is… why?’
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kyoroju · 5 months
Shine - Giyu Tomioka
Hello hello, here's a small fiction with our stoic water boy~
No warnings, AFAB! Reader.
Word Count: 3.6k
I leaned my wooden practice sword against the dummy I used. Giyu placed his sword next to mine and thanked me for training with him before promptly walking off without saying anything else. So much for having a conversation with him, I thought, I wonder if he’d ever accept me as his tsuguko. 
I cleaned up the area Giyu and I were training in since we made quite a mess. I swept the fallen leaves from the tree that had several new dents from today. I apologized to the tree and ran my hand over the marks. I piled the leaves nicely at the roots and I put the broom away. I watered the plants that were around the area and pulled some weeds that I noticed. I was thankful that Oyakata-sama let me use their training grounds so I did my best to take care of them. I wiped off the sweat on my forehead and left for my own home to run a bath. 
The walk home was short and quiet, I never really understood how I could live so close to the headquarters and never realize what they did there. I slipped my shoes off at the door and went to the bathroom to run the water to my bath. I made sure the water was warm enough to give my muscles a chance to relax but not too warm so I could still go under the water. I submerged my head underwater for as long as I could hold my breath. It was a simple task to hold my breath, but Giyu had said holding his breath underwater helped him while learning water breathing. Water breathing didn’t come very easy to me, but neither did any of the other styles that were currently in use. Tokito tried showing me Mist breathing a while back, but I couldn’t wrap my brain around it at all. Maybe I just have an undiscovered breathing style. After the bath, I continued to do breathing exercises until I was tired enough to go to bed. 
The next morning, I woke up to knocking on my door. I called out to say I’d be there to answer in a second and quickly got dressed in my uniform. I opened my door to Giyu standing there with his hand on his sword handle. The wind blew through his hair and haori as he turned his head to face me. I found myself staring just a second longer than I usually would. When his hair wasn’t so spiky looking, it was very tame and looked much softer. His haori fit him perfectly, showing two different sides of the same person. 
“Are you available today, (Y/N)?” Giyu asked. 
“Um, uh, yeah,” I said. “Give me one second, here you can come inside.”  
I stepped aside and waved for him to enter. Giyu took his shoes off and sat on the couch while I left to finish getting ready for the day. I quickly brushed my hair and put it in a braid, much like Mitsuri’s. I grabbed my own haori from the end of my bed and put it on after fixing my uniform. It was light blue and periwinkle, with hints of sea green along the seams. It contrasted the dark indigo of my uniform and reminded me of the sea, perfect for water breathing. It was a gift from Giyu when I completed the first few forms of Water Breathing. 
I patted down my outfit and made sure to attach my sword to my belt. When I popped back into my living room, Giyu had his eyes closed. “Hey Giyu, I’m ready,” I said. “What did you have planned for the day?” 
“I have to go check up on a mission, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me,” Giyu said. 
I internally squealed. I loved going on missions with Giyu and seeing him in action. It made me all the more excited to practice water breathing. Secretly I hoped that one of these times I’d be able to ask if I could become his tsuguko. I figured going with him on this trip would be my chance to ask. 
“Of course I would,” I replied. “I don’t have anything else planned, and I don’t have my own mission right now.” 
“Good, let’s go,” he said. 
Giyu got up and was at the door putting his shoes on before I could blink. I followed suit and locked the door behind us. Giyu explained a bit about where we were going and that we would likely see Tanjiro and Nezuko. There were sighting reports of a higher up demon in the same area. We assumed they were after Nezuko since she’s constantly learning how to be more human.  
Giyu and I made small talk throughout the trip. I tried to get him to loosen up a little in preparation to ask him if he would be my mentor, but he kept his eyes on the trails and his hand near his sword. I puffed out my cheek before taking a deep breath. I sighed mentally and decided I just needed to ask him. 
“Hey, Giyu,” I said.  
I sheepishly played with the hem of my skirt. Giyu hadn’t looked in my direction once since we left my house and I felt self-conscious. I realized I was whispering, and I called out to him once more. 
“Hm?” Giyu asked. 
“Would you consider taking me as your tsuguko?” 
Giyu answered so quickly, I had to do a mental double-take. I opened my mouth to respond or say anything to let him know that I heard him. The sharpness of his tone surprised me, even if it was just one word, he never talked to me like that. 
“What?” I asked. 
“No,” he repeated. 
I nodded and kept quiet for the rest of the walk. I wondered about why he would deny me so quickly. We always train together anyways, so I thought it would be an easy “yes.” He was also always the one to ask me if I wanted to train with him, so I just assumed he’d eventually take me under his wing. I fidgeted with my sword’s handle and the hem of my skirt. I hope I didn’t make him angry. 
Far away sounds that resembled screaming and yelling came from our right, where a forest was located. We rushed over and found several demons surrounding other demon slayers. Giyu made quick work of the demons and I tended to the slayers so the kakushi would have an easier time later. If I wasn’t such a good slayer myself, I’d be a kakushi. Giyu went on ahead and I couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t want to be around me at the moment. My heart felt heavy, but I did my best to not let it affect me while there were demons lurking around. 
I heard the familiar sound of water coming from further ahead and ran toward it. I stayed hidden by trees to make sure I didn’t ruin Giyu’s concentration, even though doing that is nearly impossible. I watched as Giyu calmly attacked the demon, which I recognized as one of the lower twelve.  
I had run into him before, the spider demon, but he chose to run away from me rather than fight that night. The sun arose shortly after our meeting, so I just assumed he didn’t want to get caught by the sun. I watched as he used webs to counteract Giyu’s water. The fight was fascinating to watch. I heard someone call out and another flash of water was seen. Tanjiro landed shortly away from me and sent a greeting before hopping back into the fight. Nezuko followed after him but managed to give me a hug before running off. I decided that they didn’t necessarily need my help. 
Screams came from further in and I found my feet taking me toward them. Slayers were on the ground clutching various limbs and wounds. Some were moving weirdly as if they were being controlled so I pushed past them and continued my trek. I heard a demon talking to herself and I hid as best I could. Her head turned in my direction and I panicked. 
“You know,” she said, “I almost couldn’t hear you.” 
I didn’t say anything back and held my breathing. 
“You don’t breathe very loud,” she continued. 
I pulled my sword from the sheath and prepared myself for a fight. 
“You can come out now, let’s have a chat,” she said. 
I walked out from behind my tree, and she let her hands fall to her sides. I was cautious, but she really didn’t seem to have an itch to kill me like most demons would. She explained what was happening and that the slayers I passed on the way were her doing. I wondered why I didn’t just end her life there. It just doesn’t seem fair. 
As soon as she stopped talking, a faint glimmer of a water droplet passed my eyes. I saw the demon’s head fly away from the rest of her body and blinked. 
“Why were you just standing there?” Giyu asked. 
I couldn’t answer. 
“(Y/N),” he said. 
“Sorry, I…she was just so tranquil,” I said. 
���Don’t let it happen again.” 
I shook my head. “It won’t.” 
“Tanjiro and Nezuko still need help, I’m going.” 
I raced after Giyu. If he wasn’t mad at me for earlier, he was definitely pissed now. I thought about the girl demon while running after him and wondered why she didn’t just kill me when she had the chance. Maybe she just wanted to be free from something. 
I was immediately thrown into the fight when I got there. I was hit by some webbing and fell back. Before I realized it, I was in a bubble-like shield. It reminded me of a dewdrop on a blade of grass. The webbing couldn’t get past the dewdrop, and I sat there dumbfounded. No one else really used a shield-like breathing technique, not that I knew of anyways. I watched as Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Giyu fought against the demon. 
I saw an opening between everyone’s attacks and took my chance to attack. I released a new form of breathing, Dew Breathing. Together with Giyu, we took the demon’s head off. The kakushi quickly moved in after the demon turned to dust and tended to the wounded. I tended to Tanjiro and Nezuko while waiting for the kakushi to reach us and Tanjiro thanked me. I told him I’d visit him at Shinobu’s place later. 
I felt another pair of eyes on me as I was talking to Tanjiro. I turned to Giyu and asked if he was okay. He simply nodded and asked me the same. I told him I was fine, just a few bruises since I didn’t really get a chance to be part of the battle. I apologized again for earlier when I was just listening to the demon talk to me. Giyu shrugged it off and I apologized for when I asked about being his tsuguko too. 
“You don’t have to keep apologizing,” Giyu said. 
I nodded. I held my hand out to Giyu. He stared at it for a moment before taking it in his and I gave him a hug. He returned it, much to my surprise. “Oh,” I said, “Giyu…” 
“Ah, nothing…” 
I felt my cheeks grow warm and I turned away from him. I didn’t even know what overcame me in the moment to give Giyu a hug, but it made me feel happy. We walked back with the kakushi to the Butterfly Mansion. I explained to Giyu that I wanted to check in on all the injured slayers and he said he’d come with me. 
We chatted the whole way to the mansion which made me feel better about our journey here. Giyu asked me about the demon from earlier and I couldn’t explain what had happened. I told him about how she just wanted to talk, and I found myself unable to end her life. We mulled over reasons why and I suggested that maybe she wanted to die and not be a demon. Giyu accepted that as a good reason and that’s what we decided to believe for reports later. 
Once we reached the Butterfly Mansion, Giyu held the door open for me while I took my shoes off. I greeted Shinobu and asked where everyone was resting. She mentioned that the girls were about to go visit Tanjiro with a meal. I told Giyu I was going to go with them if he wanted to stay there with Shinobu. Giyu nodded and Shinobu dragged him away. I giggled, for two people who seemingly hated each other, they got along pretty well. I then walked into the room where Tanjiro was. 
Tanjiro waved hello and the girls, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho, popped out from behind me with a tray of food. I took a seat next to Tanjiro’s bed and started asking about the battle. Tanjiro started explaining his side of the battle in between bites of his food. He then cut himself off to ask about the dewdrop shield I created. 
“I don’t even know!” I said. 
“It looked amazing, I’ve never seen someone make a shield like that!” Tanjiro said. 
“I call it ‘Dew Breathing.’” 
“What else can you do?” 
Tanjiro and I chatted about my newfound breathing technique, and he mentioned practicing together so he could see it in action. I agreed, especially since I didn’t even know what it could fully do yet. I told Tanjiro to feel better soon so we could practice, gave Nezuko a hug, and left to go find Giyu. 
I found Giyu talking with Shinobu while she was working on something at her desk. It looked like she was working on another poison and antidote mixture. I called out to them both and Giyu quickly turned around. I saw a faint pink hue on his cheeks. Shinobu waved me over and I came right up to her table and watched as various flowers and liquids interacted with each other. 
“What are you working on?” I asked. 
“I found a new variation of spider lily on my journey to my last mission. I wanted to study its properties,” she said. 
“Ooh, have you found anything out yet?” 
“Not quite, but it does make a lovely tea. Want some?” 
I nodded and she pointed over at the tea set by the window. I poured myself a glass and asked Giyu if he wanted any. He shook his head ‘no’ and I took a sip. “You were right, it is lovely.” 
I finished my cup of tea and brought the dirty dish into the kitchen before meeting up with Giyu once again. We left and he suggested getting something to eat. I agreed and we went to a local noodle shop not too far from the Butterfly Mansion. We sat down at one of the tables and ordered. 
Giyu spoke up which surprised me. “I’m sorry for being short with you the other day,” he said. 
“Oh! No, you don’t have to apologize, I didn’t mean to strike a soft spot by asking,” I said. 
“It’s not that, I wasn’t expecting you to ask.” 
“Well, why not? I always train with you anyways and I’m actively learning water breathing. I just thought it might be easier if it were official.” 
“Ah….” Giyu’s voice trailed off and another wave of light pink dusted his face. I asked if he was okay and he shrugged it off. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just don’t want to take you as a student.” 
I nodded. He had a point; it would make our relationship different. Right now, it was just a casual, friendly thing that we happened to do nearly every day, while if I were to be his student, it’d likely be more tiring for him since he’d have to instruct as well as practice on his own time. I gave him a smile in understanding and wondered what his full reasoning was. 
Our noodles came to the table, and we started eating before I could ask him. The noodles were soft and full of flavor. I got the house noodle dish, which was just stir-fried noodles garnished with some spring onion. Giyu had gotten some other dish with a side of soy broth. He let me try a bite and I thought that mine tasted better. He waited for me to finish my food and we made small talk while I was in-between bites. 
Giyu insisted on paying and covered my half of the bill. I thanked him and said that our next meal together would be on me. While we were still out of the way of my house, I took the opportunity to ask Giyu why he wouldn’t take me as a student. 
“There’s no other reason,” he said. “I just don’t want to.” 
I slightly tugged on his haori sleeve. I whined a little and told him that there had to be an underlying reason he wouldn’t want to take me as his tsuguko. “Please tell me,” I said. 
“I don’t want to.” 
“See! There is a reason!” 
He turned his head and walked a little faster. I figured pestering him about it wouldn’t help the situation, but I wasn’t going to drop it either. I’d find out one way or another. It occurred to me that I could ask Shinobu, and I told him that I would if he wouldn’t tell me. He rolled his eyes and told me that I wouldn’t ask her because I was too scared to. I sighed knowing he was right and dropped the question for now.  
When we reached my house, Giyu asked if he could come in for a while before heading off to his own place. I let him in and told him I was going to change out of my uniform before starting a pot of tea for us. After changing out of my uniform I felt much lighter and comfier. I was in an old kimono from my mother when she was still alive. It was light blue and had pink flowers along the hem. I quickly shuffled to the kitchen to start a pot of tea and asked Giyu if he wanted anything else to snack on. 
He shook his head ‘no’ and I turned my focus back to the tea. I felt self-conscious about my kitchen being dirty, even though we had been gone for a few days. I cleaned up while I waited for the pot to boil and told Giyu I’d take out the trash. He offered to take it out for me, and I thanked him. 
When the tea was finished, I joined Giyu in my living room. I poured us cups of tea and asked if he had any new missions coming up. He said he had the next few days off to recover from the Lower Five fight. Even though it wasn’t a terribly difficult fight, he hadn’t had a day off in weeks. He said he was tired, and I offered to sit on the floor so he could lay down. He asked if he could just use my lap to lay down and I sheepishly looked away. I nodded and let him lay down. 
“Are…are you comfortable?” I asked. 
Giyu nodded. “Yeah, thank you.” 
I looked down at him and found him looking up at me. “Hi,” I said. I felt clammy on the inside and shifted a bit so I was more comfortable. I gave Giyu a smile and he gave me a small one back. 
“I have something to tell you, (Y/N),” Giyu said. 
His eyes were half lidded and tired. I wondered if he was sleep talking for a second. I nodded and asked what he wanted to say. He raised his hand and asked me to move a little closer. I assumed he didn’t want to speak so loud and moved in a little closer so I could hear. He moved his hand to the back of my head and placed a quick kiss on my lips. 
My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks flush. I made a surprised squeak noise and Giyu pulled away. I just stared at Giyu and he stared back at me. “I…,” I whispered. 
Giyu shook his head and brought me in once more. This time I shyly gave a kiss back. “I told you I didn’t want you as my student,” he said. 
I covered my face and tried to hide my growing smile. I knew Giyu was usually softer with me, but I didn’t think it was because he had any feelings for me. “Giyu,” I said, “You should’ve just said so!” 
“I did.” 
“That’s the Giyu I know.” 
He sat up and asked if I wanted to practice for a little while the sun was setting. I smiled and said I would practice my Dew Breathing with him. 
When we went outside, we were met with a beautiful sunset where the sky was all shades of blue and purple and pink. I threw up some dew with my sword and watched as the remaining rays hit the water. The colors reflected onto us and I grinned. Giyu looked over at me and smiled. He then slashed my dew drops and got into stance. I jumped back a bit and readied myself. Training was about to be even more fun. 
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smuttyfang · 1 year
Dabi, “Hawks Doesn’t Love You.”
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Dabi could absolutely just be using you in this to get to Hawks or he could genuinely be in love with you. You decide, I don't specify. (TW: mentions of possible cheating)
Words: 1,824
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Days felt so long when he was gone. You spent hours upon hours doing practically nothing with your time, simply because you missed him so much. It was easy to let your mind be consumed with something else, like cleaning or scrolling online, but your mind would always drift back to him. You would try to text him sometimes, but he wouldn't answer a lot of the time, or would give very short responses. Probably too busy, what else was new? Sighing, you stared mindlessly at the TV, flipping through the same channels over and over again hoping for something interesting to pop up. You heard a quiet knock at the door. Standing up, you stretched a little bit before walking over and answering. Opening the door, you didn't really notice who it was at first.
"Thanks for the food, here's a tip too." You handed the person money, but they didn't take it. They cleared their throat to get your attention.
"I think you got the wrong guy." It was a deep, scratchy voice. Looking up at them, it was a man with burn marks on his face and hands. It was lined with staples. He hid his face away with the hood from his jacket, but it was still noticeable once you looked close enough.
"Oh, uh.. sorry. I thought you were here to deliver my dinner. Can I help you?" The man cocked his head at you.
"I don't have any dinner for you, not this time anyways." He smirked. Something felt like it knotted up in your stomach. "Is Hawks here at the moment?" Instinctively, you crossed your arms and sighed in frustration.
"Nope, never is." You said it without even thinking about it. You wanted to regret saying it, but you really didn't feel guilty at all. "If you needed to find him, this probably wasn't the best place to check first." He hummed in thought.
"Is this not his place?" He looked around, like he was checking to make sure he had come to the right place.
"Yep. He's always gone though. On missions I guess. I'm not sure why he keeps it." You shrugged your shoulders. It probably wasn't a good idea to just dump your relationship problems on this guy, but you've held it in for so long that it felt impossible not to. You quickly felt embarrassed for what you said. "I apologize for that, just ignore me."
"No worries.. Can I come in and chat for a while?" Something attracted you to him and you felt compelled to let him inside without knowing the first thing about him.
"Sure, I doubt Keigo will be coming back today though." He stepped inside, pulling hid hood off of his head. His hair was as black as night, and earrings covered most of both of his ears.
"What makes you believe that he won't be back today?" The man asked. He stared directly at you now. You couldn't help but notice how tall he was, and his clothing made him seem so mysterious.. Before you realized it, he was staring at you waiting for a response. You had completely zoned out thinking about him. You shook your head.
"I, uh.. I'm sorry my mind is somewhere else." You cleared your throat. "He just doesn't usually come back quickly. He came a few days ago, it'll probably be a few more days."
"Hmm. I see." He walked around the room a little bit more, checking everything out. "I have a feeling he will, but he won't stay long. Hero work is never done.
"Yeah.. I knew what I signed up for when we started dating." You knew, without a doubt. Unfortunately you never realized how hard it would actually be. You missed affection, you missed being touched, and kissed..
"But you don't want it anymore, do you?" The man suddenly said, as if he was reading your mind. You were a bit taken aback.
"What would make you think that? I love Keigo." You said defensively.
"You're trapped here all the time, alone with nothing to do. Nobody to talk to, nobody to touch you and tell you how beautiful you are.." He walked toward you, standing in front of you. You had to look up at him. His glare was more intense than any other man who had ever looked at you before. Even Keigo. "You're not sure why he keeps this place? I wasn't sure either, so I came to see." He roughly gripped your chin with his thumb and forefinger, making you look him in the eyes. "Sounds like he keeps it to keep a pretty bird locked away for when he's bored." He smirked down at you.
"Pretty bird? He usually calls me that.." Something felt off about this guy, but hearing him call you that felt so different from hearing it when Keigo said it.
"If he's ever been right about anything, it's that." He pulled his hand away. You almost wanted to pull his hand back to you. God, how you missed the touch of another person.. Then you heard it, another knock at the door. You recognized it as his usual little song he played on the door when he returned, and knew it was Keigo. The man walked away from you, going to another room. He looked back to you and pressed his finger to his lips, giving you a small 'shh'. You felt like there has to be more to him than he's letting on. Keigo used his key to enter, opening the door and looking at you.
"Hey, pretty bird." Regardless of the strange man, you felt so happy to finally see Keigo again. You ran to him and hugged him as tightly as you could.
"Keigo! I missed you so much! How was your mission?" You kissed him on the cheek, and it almost felt like he was hesitating to give you affection in return.
"Fine.. but uh.. I have to go ahead and leave on another mission with Endeavor. I dropped by to check on you and grab something right fast." He walked into his office room and quickly came back out, shoving something in his pocket.
"Oh.." You felt your entire demeanor and mood drop, and you were right back where you were five minutes before he came in. You sighed, returning to the couch and sitting down on it. He approached you, running his thumb over your cheek.
"Hey. Who's my pretty bird?" He smiled. "It'll be over soon, I promise. Things are bad right now."
"That's what you always say, Keigo.." He sighed.
"I promise, and I mean it this time. I love you." He kissed your cheek before rushing out the door and locking it back. You saw him take off flying from the window, and slowly he got smaller and smaller until he disappeared from your sight. You felt like you could just burst into tears. The strange man came out of the room he hid in. He came and sat down beside of you on the couch. He leaned back and rested his arms on the back of the couch, one of his legs stretched out on the floor.
"Sad. He has such a beautiful creature waiting at home for him, and all he does is drop by and leave within five minutes." Him saying those words made it even more real, and definitely made it feel more painful.
"Why did you come here if it wasn't for Keigo? He was right there fore you to talk to." You didn't look at him.
"I came to see why he bothered keeping a place to stay. We go way back, but it's not exactly a positive history.. to say the least."
"You're with the League, aren't you?" You asked. For the first time, it seemed like you actually managed to shock him instead of the other way around. "Don't act surprised. I had a suspicion Keigo was playing both sides. He wouldn't have been with me from the start if I were completely stupid." The man laughed.
"Ha, smart bird too, I see." He sighed. "Not planning on running from me?"
"Nope, never crossed my mind."
"And why is that?"
"What do I have to be afraid of? If something were to happen to me, the whole world would know. You'd draw too much attention to your little group. I'm dating the number two hero. It wouldn't be the smartest move." You didn't have a super flashy quirk, but you had your brains to rely on, that's for sure.
"You are clever, I like it." He hissed through his teeth, before letting out a small moan. "Sexy.."
"You're just trying to use me to get to Keigo."
"If I am, does it really matter? Maybe I've been following you and watching you for weeks and I'm head over heels in love with you. Maybe I do want to use you." He laughed. "You want some excitement, no matter what the answer is. Don't you?" Fuck, how was he always one upping you with his words? He was way too smooth for his own good. "So. You still want to live like this, pretty bird?" He said in a mocking tone to Keigo's. His head leaned back, exposing his throat. "Or do you want to really be loved like you should be? With obsession and intensity.." Without moving his head, his hand went to your thigh, gripping it tightly. ".. touched like you should be. Hard and wanting." Before you had much time to react, he grabbed you by your side and pulled you over to him, bringing your leg over and forcing you to sit on his lap. ".. fucked, like you should be. Desperate and needy.." He eyed your body up and down, admiring it. His grip on your hips felt so much different than Keigo's. This man was intense. Commanding. Incredibly confident.
"You want to give me all of those things? You don't even know me.. and I don't know you."
"No, but I want to. So do you." He knew without even trying. He sat up enough to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into him by your back with one hand while trailing his hand to your ass with another. "Name's Dabi. That's all you'll need to know for me to fuck you, so you can scream it out loud for me. We can talk plenty about love later.."
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worth it | pope heyward x reader
requested by anonymous: Hi, I hope it’s okay I have a Pope request, since I saw you write for him! So you are dating Pope and the kook guys mess with you one day and Pope goes for blood and of course a fight occurs and you’re calling Sarah and and Kie to come help you clean up their boys while you clean up Pope."
Summary: After a long, tortuous day at work, the only person you want to be around is Pope.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: 18+ content, fluff, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of bruising, crying, mentions of physical fighting, blood, allusions to sex
A/N: No problem at all! Sorry for getting to it so late. I think I'm finally out of my little funk so I'll be working on going through my requests. I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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You huffed as you slammed the door to your car, holding back your tears of frustration as you walked across the yard to where the group was sitting around the campfire, laughing and drinking. You felt bad about coming over, your sour mood will not make you the life of the party right now. But you promised Pope you’d come, and you can’t miss out another night hanging out with your boyfriend and your friends.
And if you’re being honest, you need Pope right now. Today has been marked as the worst day you’ve had at your job at the Country Club, and that’s saying something considering you’re paid to be looked down on by a bunch of wrinkly, old kooks and serving assholes their drinks as they play golf for hours.
The same assholes who made your day at work a living hell as you counted down the hours until you could go home. When Rafe and his group of lapdogs first arrived, they wasted no time in showing that they held all of the control. You knew they were up to something when they personally requested you, and when you saw Matt’s face it clicked what you would be in for.
All because you had the nerve to turn down his constant advances, they all made it their sole mission to push you to the edge.
The only touch you wanted on you right now was Pope’s. You let out a breath you didn’t even realize you were holding when you saw him, a bright smile on his face as listens to JJ tell some wild story, hands moving animatedly as he talks to the group.
They all turn to you when they hear you walking up, breaking their conversation with a round of greetings as you waved at them, “Hey guys.”
“How was work for the money maggots?”
You let out a small laugh, shrugging as you walk over to where Pope is sitting, sitting across his lap as his hand comes up to hold your thigh, thumb rubbing against your skin instinctively. The rest of the group took your silence as answer enough, getting the sense that today must’ve been an annoying one.
JJ smirked at you as he reached onto the hammock, grabbing a perfectly rolled blunt and handing it to you, “This is the good shit. Looks like you need it more than me.”
His words were laced in a playfulness, but you couldn’t help your throat from constricting because you did need it. You didn’t want to ruin the night by riling everyone up. That leads you to grab the blunt with a small thanks. You hold it to your lips, reaching for a lighter when Pope surprises you by flicking his own lighter, holding it to the other end of the blunt as you inhale.
Once it was lit, your eyes fluttered at the feeling of the first hit, the nerves leaving your body. With this blunt and Pope’s touch, you have everything you need to just forget about today — which is all you wanted to do.
But as the group continued with their prior conversations, voices loud as they laughed and joked around with each other, you felt yourself just fading away. You still felt a sense of humiliation at the memory of everyone looking at you, of people whispering as they pointed at you like you were some newbie on the job screwing things up, and of your boss admonishing you and telling you it was best to go home early.
You still felt Matt’s hand on you, sneaking touches and ignoring your outright threats if he didn’t leave you alone. You would have to go to the dry cleaners to clean up the stain of alcohol on your uniform. And on top of all of that, you were pissed.
You’re pissed that you had to work for these types of people just because the pay is better than what you could get on your side of the island. You’re even more pissed that these are the same people you’re supposed to be making connections with in order to hopefully benefit your status in the long run so you don't have to work for people like that.
But right now, you’re just angry at the fact that Rafe and his band of dickheads felt entitled to treat you the way they did with absolutely no consequences.
You were absentmindedly hitting the blunt as you leaned your head onto Pope’s shoulder, curling more into him as their voices faded into the background. On a normal occasion, you don’t like smoking right in front of Pope’s face, but you couldn’t even bring yourself to move away from him because you just needed to feel him right now.
He’d been placing small kisses on your head in between talking to the group, and you knew he would eventually ask what was wrong. You didn’t know if you would tell him or not. You’re not comfortable with lying, but you knew what his reaction would be and you knew his reaction wouldn’t change anything. This is your job, and this is the shit you deal with.
John B breaks your train of thought, and you look over at him to see him looking at you with a mixture of confusion and concern. You sniffled, and it wasn’t until then that you realized you’d been crying. Sarah moves forward in her seat with John B, and you wipe the tears from your face as you feel a wave of embarrassment come over you. They were all here having a good time, and you just came here and started crying out of seemingly nowhere.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kiara asked, and you shake your head as you try to laugh.
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I just..” You rub your eyes, trying to swallow the lump in your throat and stop more tears from falling. But it was like once they started coming, there was no stopping. You let out a small sob, burying your face into Pope’s neck. “Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“Uh, Pope.”
The blond spoke awkwardly, and you could only imagine that he was rubbing the back of his neck in nerves. The rest of the group spoke in unison, “Shut up, JJ.”
You continue to cry into your boyfriend’s shoulder as he sits up more, taking the blunt from your hand and handing it off somewhere before he wraps his arms around you. You heard shuffling around you, all of the girls coming over to touch your knee or your shoulder as they spoke small words of comfort before walking off with the guys.
Pope didn’t say anything at first, running his hand up and down your back as the other continued to rub against your thigh. You released all of your emotions through your tears, wrapping your arm around his neck to pull him closer.
“Hey,” He softly spoke after a few minutes, tapping your leg to get your attention. “Hey, what happened?”
You didn’t respond, shaking your head into his shoulder as you tried to pull yourself together. Pope sighs, knowing he’s not gonna get anything out of you until you calm down. He sits back, pulling you closer by your thigh. You curl more into him, Pope’s hand coming to your waist to squeeze it was supposed to be comfort.
A sharp pain comes across your side, and you instinctively flinch from his touch. Pope’s movements are slow as he unwraps his arm from you, making you lean back on the chair as he leans forward and tugs on your shirt. You let him; knowing it’s a lot easier to just show him than to try to muster the will to tell him.
You feel his fingers graze your side, and then he’s up. He crouches down in front of you, angling you so you were directly facing him now as he held onto your knees.
“Y/N what the hell happened?”
Your face is still buried in your hands, and you feel Pope grab a hold on your wrists. He tries to keep his voice as even as he can, not wanting to push you or take the anger bubbling up inside of him at the sight of a bruise across your stomach out on you.
“Babe..” He breathes, “I know you’re upset right now. But I.. I need you to tell me what happened, okay?”
“My job happened!” You surprise him, throwing your hands away from your face exasperatedly. “It’s always my job. Having to serve a bunch of rich pricks who wouldn’t know what it’s like to live a d-day on the other side! Stupid dumb fucks who get off on torturing workers, I’m so sick of it!”
“Okay,” Pope replied, taking hold of your hands and rubbing soothing circles on them, waiting for you to continue. 
“Matt was there today,” You finally say, watching Pope’s face morph into understanding and then anger. “And Rafe and Topper and a f-few others and they were just…”
He points to your stomach, “Did they do that?”
“No,” You shake your head, wiping your face as you groan. “Rafe made me spill an entire tray of drinks all over my clothes and everyone was just looking at me like I was some idiot. And I went inside to get cleaned up… and I wasn’t watching where I was going and I k-knocked into a stupid chair and fell face first in front of the entire place — in front of my boss!”
“I’ve never been so fucking embarrassed,” You exclaim, and Pope takes his position in the chair again as he places you on top of him. He pulls you into his chest, kissing the top of your head and giving small responses to show he was listening. “They s-sent me back to redo their d-drinks a million times, sending me to get fucking towels and new golf balls because the way ones we gave them at first were faulty.”
“And Matt w-wouldn’t leave me alone,” You softly add, feeling Pope’s chest start to rise and fall more rapidly. “I kept telling him that I wasn’t interested and he just ignored me and kept grabbing my ass and making nasty ass remarks that made me want to shove the golf club up his ass.”
Pope lightly chuckles at the image of that, and you laugh through wiping your tears. He lifts your head so he can finish wiping your tears, kissing under your eyes as you smile at the comforting moment. This was what you needed. You loved the Pogues, but these are one of those days where you only needed to bask in Pope’s energy. 
“I hate working there,” You mumble. “But I can’t do anything else.”
“I know, it’s gonna be okay,” He says, letting you rest your head back on his chest. “You can leave that job at any point. I will take care of you.”
“Pope, you can’t take care of both of us.”
Even if he could, you wouldn’t let him. It wouldn’t feel right leaving all of the financial burdens on him just so you don’t have to deal with kooks. You tell yourself that you can handle it, but the thought of going to work tomorrow makes you nauseous.
“I would take care of you,” He emphasized. “Anything so you don’t have to deal with those dipshits.”
You sigh, feeling better now that you’ve talked about it. This isn’t how you wanted to spend the night. Wanting to ease the tension a little, you give him an innocent smile. “I know something you can do to help.”
He lifts an eyebrow as he gazes at you, “What’s that?”
Pope’s head tilts back in light laughter when you pucker your lips at him, shaking his head as he gives you a kiss.
He gives you a few more kisses, speaking in between them, “You’re so stupid.”
“That was all I could think about all day,” You sigh against your lips, eyes still closed as you let the feeling of calmness rush over you. He grabs your chin as he kisses you again, your eyes fluttering open.   “Just wanted to see you.”
“I’d come to work with you if I could.”
You laugh even though you know he’s completely serious, leaning into him again and resting your head on his chest. He runs his hand up and down your arm as he pulls you closer, the two of you sitting like that for a while.
Pope is the one to break the silence, “Feeling better?”
“Much,” You muse, kissing his clothed chest. “I love you. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me for that,” You feel his chest rumble as he chuckles, kissing the top of your head again. “Just don’t be mad at me.”
“What..” You start to wonder, Pope grabbing your waist to lightly push you off of him so he could stand. It hits you when he starts walking off, seemingly on a mission, what he meant. You sigh; you don’t know why you didn’t think he wasn’t going to do anything.
You call out as you follow him, Pope not answering you and instead hitting the screen door of the Chateau. He’s yelling as he walks off towards the Twinkie, “JJ! John B! Come on, now!”
John B and JJ come out quicker than expected, both sporting looks of confusion as they watch Pope walk off the yard.
“What’s up?” John B asked, looking between you and Pope.
Pope still doesn’t turn around as he says, “Kooks. Y/N. Let’s go.”
You roll your eyes, focusing on your friends as you give them a pleading look, “John B please tell him he’s being ridiculous-”
“I will leave without you!” Pope cuts you off to tell them, the duo following after him. You call out to them again, knowing your efforts are fruitless at this point. JJ turns to face you, still walking but backwards now.
“Sorry, Y/N. Pogue rules,” He lifts his hands in surrender, letting out an excited yelp as he turns back to job towards the Twinkie, “No one fucks with Y/N!”
You watch as they all climb in, hearing the screen door open as the girls make their way outside.
But she just shakes her head, grabbing you by the arms and coaxing you inside the house, “Come on girl, let the guys handle it.”
“Seriously. You being there would most likely only fuel Pope.” Kiara adds, giving you a look of comfort as she squeezed your hand. 
“Just hang out with us until they get back,” Sarah sang, holding the door open. “And we can have some girl time before we have to play doctor.”
You all decided on watching a movie. You’re not sure why Sarah chose to watch the Shining of all things, but she insisted and none of you could decide on anything else to watch. The four of you curled up on the couch as the movie progressed, getting creepier by the minute.
The dissonance of the music increased, making an unsettling feeling form in your chest as you waited for some sort of jumpscare. Sarah’s hold tightened on your arm, Cleo hissing at the feeling of Sarah digging her nails in her arm with her other hand. Kiara was the only one saving face, but you felt her shift closer to you as the music picked up.
You cringed back as you waited for something to pop out, about ready to close your eyes at this point but not wanting to be the pussy of the group.
“Here’s Johnny!”
Someone bursts through the door, slamming on the wall at the force. The four of you screamed, the blanket thrown over you flailing around as you all become a mess of limbs as you attempt to flee from the couch. Sarah was the first to gather her breath as you all stood from the floor, glaring at JJ who just stood there laughing.
“What the hell, man!” Cleo exclaimed.
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” Sarah breathed out, hand resting over her chest as she calmed her breathing.
JJ’s knees are weak as he laughs uncontrollably, shaking his head as his voice comes out higher, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself.”
“Very funny,” Kiara scolds. She focuses more on her boyfriend’s face, walking to him and tilting his head up with her finger as she exhales. “Please tell me I should see the other guy.”
Sarah gasps as she sees the black eye John B is sporting, JJ matching it with a busted lip and bruised cheek. The only one who didn’t seem to be too harmed was Pope, but you couldn’t tell because he walked off to the bathroom the second he got inside.
“Oh, babe. You have no idea,” JJ gets a new wind, kissing her quickly before starting his story. “We’re driving around, right, Pope’s just asking everyone those douchebags were at. We’re not getting through to him at all— then we finally find out they’re all at the Island Club — shocker.”
“My man wasted no time!” JJ continues, but you’ve already started making your way down the hallway so his words start to fade out. “He just went in there and boom! Clocked Matt right in the chin..”
You get to the bathroom, knocking on it and giving Pope a timid smile. He doesn’t reciprocate it, wrapping his hand up in the tape. You let out a sigh, knowing he’s not gonna do it as tight as he needs to and that he didn’t even bother to clean his knuckles.
You push him towards the sink, reaching down to grab the disinfectant products and wipes. You undo his wrapping, cleaning off his knuckles. The two of you are silent as you work,  the only sounds being your breathing and the faded sounds of the Pogues in the living room.
“Are you gonna say anything?” Pope mumbles.
You finish wrapping his hand, taping it and grabbing a hold of his face so you can inspect it. Your eyes bounce around his face, only seeing a small lip bleed. You mutter, “I don’t like you getting into fights because of me.”
“Yeah and I don’t like my girlfriend coming home from work crying and bruised.”
Pope’s tone comes out harsh, but you know he’s still coming down from the adrenaline and that he had a reason to be frustrated. If it’s one thing you love about Pope it’s his passion; more specifically the passion he feels for the people he loves. Any injustice or disrespect doesn’t fly in his book, and you smirk at him.
“You kick his ass?” You ask, Pope finally breaking into a smile as he pulls you closer.
“Beat him to the floor,” Pope brags as his hands trail to the top of your ass, resting there. “Not gonna lie, the most exhilarating thing I’ve done so far this year.”
“Oh really?” You quirk an eyebrow, throwing your arms around his shoulder as you brush your lips against his.  “Want to do something more exhilarating?”
He smiles against your lips, about to press his lips against yours when he pauses.
“Hold that thought,” He holds a finger up, cracking the door open and peeking slightly out the window. You give a small laugh as your eyebrows pinch together in confusion.
“Yeah?” You hear the blonde ask, breaking away from his own conversation with the group.
“I got the extra room tonight,” Pope calls back, and you give a small gasp as you hit his chest, his hand catching yours and holding it there. You knew it was too late to go back to your place, especially considering you guys planned on coming right back here tomorrow. But he could’ve been a little more discreet.
The blonde starts to ask, and you can imagine his head tilting to the side, making you laugh against Pope’s chest. “Why- alright, go ahead.”
Pope turns back to you, finally pulling you into a kiss. You try to deepen it, running your tongue along the bottom of his lip. Your tongue swipes against the cut on his lip, making Pope hiss as you pull back at the taste. You glare at him, your boyfriend only giving you a sheepish smile.
“Wanna kiss it better?”
You push at his chest, pointing out the door. “Shut up and go to the room.”
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slrsunfire · 2 years
MadaTobi brainworms have been going hard this week (which is very unfortunate since I have ten different IRL things on my plate to handle right now, lol). 
For those of you following it, I have chapter five of Like The Dawn done, I just need to clean it up a bit and it’ll be sent to the beta for review! Might be able to do that today or tomorrow at the latest. 
In the meantime, have a sneak peek of another (unedited) madatobi a/b/o piece I’m working on for late WIP Wednesday: 
“Why, I think the Shimura have a few available alpha men about your age, Tobi,” Hashirama suggested, blatantly ignoring the mental daggers his younger sibling was throwing his way, “maybe you’d catch their attention, and I can always—”
“Enough Anija!” Tobirama barked out as he quickly brushed off Hashirama’s hands the moment his migraine finally abated. “You know bonding isn’t for me. I am not made for it.”
And Tobirama only wanted one alpha, the one person who would never, ever consider Tobirama as a mate.
Tobirama earnestly lamented the fact he had ever allowed his father to press him into the honeypot mission that had sent him down the path of pitifully pining after Madara so many years ago. If he had known how it would change his life, and most certainly not for the better, he would have found some way to worm his way out of it.
It was supposed to have been a standard, straightforward mission. Tobirama had been ordered to disguise himself and infiltrate the brothel the Uchiha were known to favor while in the capital during one of their yearly court visits with the Daimyo. While there, he was to collect any and all information he could about their talks with the Lord of Fire, and depart as soon as the Uchiha had returned to their lands.
What he hadn’t anticipated was Uchiha Madara’s kin carting the alpha into the brothel half addled with the beginning waves of an early rut and desperate for their heir to be attended to. Nor had Tobirama expected Madara to latch on to his unaltered scent, to pick him out from all of the gathered omega men and women, and choose him to warm his bed for the subsequent three days that had followed.
He had expected Madara to be rough, to simply take what he wanted and care little for his comfort, but the man had been surprisingly mindful even in his desperate state. Somehow Madara had known he hadn’t ever been touched in such a way before, which at his age of seventeen was not so strange for an omega, but certainly not the norm for a sex worker.
“You’re new to this life, aren’t you?” Madara had breathlessly asked him as an almost possessive gleam filled his eyes with the realization that Tobirama was untouched, the way Tobirama shivered and gasped so easily beneath his touch too earnest to be faked.
Tobirama had been unable to lie, but it had worked in his favor as he’d spun a half-truth of his father selling him to the brothel just a week before. Madara had been gentle in the hours that followed, perhaps because of his tale or simply because as Tobirama now knew, Madara was a good man at heart.
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calekinnieplus · 1 year
I come back with disappointing news today. I've only read 1 ½ hours today :(( I've reached chapter 487. At least I finished volume 2 and started volume 3?
So!! What happened today? It was mostly the clean-up after the big battle. The churches sent back up in time, thanks to Klein tipping Audrey off. Audrey told her parents the truth, even though they were aware in part of her advancement to become a Beyonder.
Klein made up with Azik and they're besties now <33 Azik is the best <33
A lot of people died in East Borough due to the combined attempts of two evil organizations. MotherFucker, one wasn't enough, they did TWO of them?? I hope in volume 3, it won't be the combined might of 3 evil organizations hahjahss...
ALSO my boy Emlyn's first tarot club meeting <33 he's so lovely <33
Audrey is an official Lady of society! She has reached maturity! Proud of her <33
Oh, and! Twilight Hermit Order? They're scary. They seem like a powerful organization. A very powerful organization. Buuuut... I have a gut feeling Klein will encounter them sooner or later hah...
Speaking of Creeping Hunger, I temporarily forgot about the Secret Order due to the appearance of other organizations. But the Faceless guy into the glove reminded me of them, so yeah! There's a lot of stuff to keep track of hah...
I just wanna say, Klein is... probably incredibly traumatized atm. First, with appearing in an unknown world, with no one he knows. Then, the realization he could die at any moment due to the mysteries of this world. Then the DEATHS of his colleagues?? Starting with Old Neil, Kenley (?) and... Dunn Smith. That last one is probably a heavy weight on his mind, considering his thirst for revenge against those who wronged him. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention literally DYING?? man, that was definitely traumatic. Rising up from your grave? Everyone you made a connection with thinks you're Dead? Gotta start over in a new place for their safety?
Next, in this new life, he constantly courted death, even in his life as a Nighthawk, he inadvertently looked at a God and took on dangerous missions. As a detective, his investigations kept bringing him into dangerous shit without his intention. And now... so many people died. He did his best, but that doesn't change the fact that the perpetrator of that smog was in front of him at one point. He couldn't have done too much and he's a logical person. But subconsciously, he feels the weight of their deaths and has to carry on with it.
Anyway, Klein Moretti deserves a hug. He needs a hug. I hope he'll get one.
Tomorrow is also a pretty interesting day, so idk how much I'll read. I'm trying to take advantage of summer vacation before college starts again T^T deffo will update tho
(This update turned into an analysis of how traumatized Klein could be, alright lmao)
Until tomorrow!!
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nitewrighter · 2 years
I'd imagine Symmetra of all people would've wanted to have spoken with Jaime when he was first brought to the watch point. May I ask how the conversation went??
God, I haven't updated my kid continuity work on AO3 in like 6 months. Plus I can always use more Jaime fics!
He could feel her eyes on him in the mess hall, and it made him wonder how good he was at pretending he couldn't tell when someone was watching him. He had gotten very good at it in his time being homeless, in the same way he had gotten good at making himself virtually invisible to waitresses and store clerks and grocery store workers and librarians. It never had to be about hiding, per se, just, being part of the landscape. But he knew he didn't have that luxury here. There came a point where he finally couldn't resist swinging a look over his shoulder at her, and she seemed to take this as some kind of prompt. She really wasn't subtle at all, the way she moved--graceful, but not subtle--she still kept that gaze fixed on him even though she went over to get a refill of water rather than approaching him directly. He shifted his focus back on loading his plate. Some kind of skillet pasta today, the tomato sauce more North African than Italian.
"Hello," a clipped Indian accent spoke up and Jaime's shoulders bunched up.
He glanced over to see the woman holding a cup of water next to him. Her long dark hair was tied back in a low bun, and there were a few marks of age about her face that put her at maybe her early forties. She seemed to be wearing a specialized headset that hugged around the back of her head and had some kind of visor--not glass.
Hard-light. Jaime's stomach tensed.
"You are the new ward, correct?" she tilted her head.
Ward? Jaime thought, Yikes.
"It's--" he stammered a little, "A temporary situation."
"Ah," there was a slight, thoughtful raise of her eyebrows at this. She caught herself, "Where are my manners-- You may call me Satya. I was on a mission when you arrived here, but when I returned I was very interested in meeting you."
"Listen--" Jaime started, not exactly sure how to continue that sentence, only that the continuation of the sentence had to somehow get him out of this conversation.
"Would you like to join us?" Her voice overlapped with his and he clammed up. His brain scrambled for a moment, already uneasy enough with the way so much of this watchpoint was in-tune with other parts--it was definitely more eclectic than Vishkar had been, but he wasn't in a hurry to throw his lot in with a bunch of gun-toting strangers. But then he saw she was moving her arm and realized she meant 'join us' in a more singular, momentary context. She was gesturing with her arm towards a table where a familiar figure was sitting. The boy from the garden. The boy who picked oranges. The boy who walked through a teleporter--what was his name again? He was now looking considerably more intimidating in a crisp pale turquoise shirt and reading a book. Glancing between her visor and the hard-light projector visible on the wrist of his book-holding hand, he remembered what Rei had said:
"Samir's mom--well, one of Samir's moms--well, long story short you're not the first person to leave Vishkar."
"Sure..." the word came out of him slow and hesitant, but the brightening of her face seemed to respond as if he had been far more enthusiastic.
As they approached the table, the way Samir looked up from his book indicated that his mother clearly had not run this by him before bringing Jaime over.
"Samir, I found the new boy," she said, as if that was not already obvious.
"That's... great," he said, materializing a hard-light bookmark with a finger flick and setting the book aside. Satya took her seat next to her son as Jaime pulled out a chair cringingly loudly and sat down.
"So you're... still here," said Samir, glancing at Jaime up and down. Jaime had cleaned up noticeably himself, but he was stuck in ill-fitting borrowed clothes--a pair of weather-resistant joggers from Hanzo and a frankly awful souvenir shirt that read 'I Survived the Stampede!--Calgary 2082' from Cassidy.
"Yeah, you know, it's just a temporary situation. I've got a lot of other stuff going on. They want me around because I might have important intel on the inner workings of Vishkar," Jaime threw the phrase out carelessly.
"Really!" Satya perked up, "Precisely what I wished to speak with you about."
Horror washed over Jaime. "Oh-- g-great." His mind flubbed for a second and he just ended up forking up several penne and shoving them in his mouth to buy himself some time. It was then that he remembered that he really had come here to eat.
"It... has been some time, but I've come to understand that in my time at Vishkar, I had a very unique situation," Satya was talking now, "You must understand, I grew up internalizing all of their doctrines. It's been very difficult to un-learn their most harmful philosophies, but I feel I've found a wonderful support group here."
"Mom--" Samir started warily., "He seemed pretty spooked by the Vishkar stuff when I first saw him--"
Jaime would have interjected with an 'I wasn't spooked' here but he was too busy eating and Samir went on.
"--I don't know if we really should jump into this right away."
"Well he said he would only be here temporarily," said Satya, "And if he was raised by Vishkar as well--"
Jaime knew he was eating far faster than either of them. He couldn't really help it. It had turned into force of habit from the weeks of convincing that one grocery store girl to sneak him day-old bread and pre-made sandwiches that otherwise would have been thrown out. Walk off, eat fast where they can't see you. It reminded him of how Javi's dog would immediately go under a table to eat any treats you gave it, and he hated it. Here he was sitting, and both Samir and his mom were watching him as he shoveled down three huge bites in quick succession as they were speaking. 
"We can drop the subject, if you'd prefer," Satya said, glancing back at Jaime.
Jaime ruminated on this for two chews. "...so you were an orphan, too?" he said after a hard swallow, washed down with a gulp of water.
"N-no," said Satya, "Goodness--You're an orphan?"
"Pff--I can take care of myself," Jaime said on reflex, before shoving down another forkful of pasta.
"I knew Vishkar took in many of the orphans following the Crisis but..." Satya had only just started to trail off.
"Oh yeah they still do it," Jaime waved his fork around, "Talon, Null Sector, natural disasters, sicknesses blazing through refugee camps... still plenty of orphans popping up every day. Vishkar says they're 'taking the weight off of foster systems' and stuff like that but what they really want is bodies."
"...bodies," Satya repeated.
At the end of the day you’re just a body in a world that has no problem adding you to a growing pile of bodies, Sanjay's voice sounded at the back of Jaime's head and he shoveled down another bite to hide his shudder. Satya was still staring at him as he chewed so he swallowed and tried to elaborate.
"Workers. Architechs. People who can brainwash more people for them. I think it's because trying to use locals for labor like they did in Rio just caused the whole Lúcio revolution, so they figured they should just bulk up their internal numbers so they can overwhelm wherever they put their developments. I didn't have hard-light aptitude so they probably had me lined up for ditch digger or something," Jaime took another bite of pasta. He was honestly a bit too focused on the food to notice the intensity of both Satya and Samir's eyes fixed on him. He glanced up at Satya. "So wait, if you're not an orphan--how did that work?"
Satya seemed to snap out of a trance. "My parents believed I would have more of my needs met with Vishkar, and besides, it was a much better quality of life than what we had in Hyderabad." She said this with some embarrassment. "I suppose, in many ways, given that Vishkar supported me so thoroughly, I couldn't have known that they were shaping me into a tool to meet their ends." 
"I guess your parents really believed in that 'Better World' stuff, huh?"
"I like to think they did. I believed in it for a long time, after all... but there are some days I'm not sure. Some days I question whether they did it because it was... easier," Satya said a bit distantly.
This managed to get Jaime's chewing to slow. Satya gauged his reaction, then gave a glance to Samir, and caught herself. "Apologies," she stammered, "That was... not appropriate for a first conversation."
"Yeah, we can change the subject if--" Samir started.
"No, it's... I always wondered what Vishkar was like if you had... hard-light aptitude," his fork was scraping up sauce at this point, trying to get enough for a bite, and his mouth seemed to be moving faster than his thoughts, "I had a friend, but Vishkar separated us because he was good at hard-light. The last time I talked to him... we fought. He said Vishkar was better than our old school, and I said he was a traitor and he was turning into one of them... but things were harder for him...before Vishkar took us in. He was smart, but things were harder for him. That's why he stuck with me... and then I was a jerk to him, and I still blame Vishkar for it, but... I shouldn't have said what I said to him. Sometimes I wonder if I said it because it would be easier than saying goodbye."
Jaime couldn't remember the last time he had mentioned Javi to anyone. He hadn't said the name, at least, but that was a hell of a lot more than he had spilled with Sanjay. He could feel a heat at the back of his eyes, but he just grabbed his water cup and gulped it down along with the memories. None of this seemed like anything that would mean anything to people who fight Vishkar, anyway.
Samir seemed to note the mutual holes both Jaime and his mother had dug themselves into and lightly cleared his throat. "So... speaking of parents... what's life like with Cole and Hanzo?"
Jaime inhaled the last gulp of water on reflex at the juxtaposition of the word 'parents' and the names 'Cole and Hanzo' and coughed for a solid minute.
"Do you need--?" Satya started but Jaime kept coughing for another 30 seconds.
"They're," Jaime wiped a tear away and had one final cough-and-a-half, "They're all right."
"I imagine it has all been very jarring, coming here," said Satya.
"I mean I get around, it doesn't take a lot to shock me," Jaime said, leaning back in his chair.
Samir was giving him that same skeptical look from earlier. He was lying, of course, but he had already said too much about Javi and wasn't about to dig himself deeper. Being here honestly was a bit of a reversal from his time in the orphanage. Back there, the other kids hung on his every word while the adults did everything in their power to stomp him back down. Here, he could feel everyone even close to his age group side-eying him, while the adults would give him these deep, searching looks like he had washed ashore from a shipwreck, even if he was sure they knew what he was saying was bullshit. Maybe that was just the thing with adults, looking at you like you were always a problem to be solved.
"Hanzo did say you must have remarkable resilience," Satya mused.
"Hanzo said that?" Jaime blurted out.
"Did he not tell you so?" Satya blinked.
"...Usually he just stands weirdly far away and asks if I'm hungry every 15 minutes. Or he's just... messing around with those arrows."
Satya scoffed and smiled slightly. "Yes, that sounds like him."
"What about Cassidy?" asked Samir.
"I don't know what his deal is. It's like he'll start to talk to me, but then he'll just... back off right when we're actually getting into it. Like he'll 'remember' that there's something he suddenly has to do and he'll be like, 'How's about we put a pin in this?' And then whoosh. Gone."
Samir snorted a bit at Jaime's Cassidy impression but Satya muttered something to herself under her breath in Hindi.
"And he never gives me stuff in person. He just leaves things with a stupid little note like 'Don't feel like you have to use this, but it's there for you just in case.' Like why don't you just ask if I need it, then? Like, in person?"
"They might not want to overwhelm you," Satya offered, "On a certain level, they know what it means to be alone for a very long time. Cole can be a bit oafish, but he means well."
"Mom," Samir said in a slight 'come on,' tone of voice.
"I said he means well," said Satya with a shrug and a smile.
Jaime wasn't sure he liked how easily she assessed the whole 'Alone for a long time' thing. Was it obvious? God, of course it was obvious. He just spilled all that weepy shit about Javi. "I mean it's not like I care, I'm going to be out of here in a few days, anyway," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Of course," said Satya. For a second Jaime felt a familiar anxiety flare at the top of his stomach. There it was. There was that Vishkar--that I'm agreeing with you because you're clearly dumb enough to think you have any control over this when you clearly don't 'Of course.' But it wasn't, not quite. It didn't have the same contempt. It was... warm. It was the same warmth a parent said 'of course' when their kid was telling them about the rocket ship they had made with cardboard boxes. "If there's any way our family can help you before then--" she put a hand on Samir's shoulder at this, "Do not hesitate to ask." Samir grimaced at the implication of being pulled into the 'maximum family hospitality' schema before Satya said, "Samir?"
"Right--" Samir glanced back at Jaime, "My brother and I are around the watchpoint if you need us." He said this with steady eye contact that said, 'you have a better bet of coming to us before the adults.' Jaime had to admit, he kind of liked the weird organization-within-an-organization thing the kids here had going here. They still definitely had that loyalty to the whole of the Watchpoint that freaked him out, but they also had their own way of going about it--likely because the adults around here were always rushing off on missions. Marti was Samir's captain before Jack was--he could tell that right away.
"I'll keep that in mind," Jaime said, before quickly adding, "For the next few days, obviously."
"Obviously," said Samir and Satya at the same time.
That made Jaime's ears burn.
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keefwho · 5 months
May 08 - 2024 Wednesday
When I woke up, I must have gone back to bed without realizing it. I woke up 30 minutes late and was super tired from missing 2 hours of sleep last night. I skipped cleaning since I was already behind schedule and took my shower. Then I made a hearty oatmeal and corned beef hash breakfast to fuel my tired being.
For work I warmed up with leg sketches. 57 was not there today since he's at FWA I just realized. DS showed up for a bit. After sketches I finished GT's commissions which turned out great. Then I decided to end early since I was so out of it. Instead I went to play Roblox horses in call with TK and our pals. After they left an hour before lunch, I took a brief sort of nap in my chair with my legs tucked up into my hoodie. Then I made lunch. Lunch was my homemade chicken stew, I made 2 servings. It turned out okay this time but nothing special. It made me 30 minutes late to afternoon work. While cooking I watched S1E3 of Black Mirror which had me feeling too AWARE, it left me feeling kinda icky.
For work I did today's Patreon request which included a bizarre and obscure character I didn't recognize. Then I spent an hour on a personal piece that I thought I'd finish today but I couldn't get it quite right. Then I finished the body for my low poly pony VRchat avatar.
This evening I took a little bit of time alone to chill and watch something before joining TK and friends again. There I played KSP while they played their things. We talked about random things. When TK left, I thought the other guys would leave but we kept talking. Then WX left and it was just me and MC. I thought he'd leave but we also just talked until DS was free.
I played KSP with her while she worked on her fursuit's teeth. We had furry videos on the side and she seemed very energetic and in a good mood. After she headed up to bed, I perfected the little plane I made and waited to show her. I did my dishes early so I wouldn't have to worry about them. I got a little stressed because I had a timeline planned for when I'd do things and it was getting thrown off but in hindsight I should have known it would work out like it always does. When she got in bed we did our puzzles and then she knocked out. I found out my plane can't carry out it's mission so I have to figure out something else.
Once again I didn't really do anything to practice today's ACT topic. I think the problem is I have no solid goal in mind. All I did was think about regret and how I've been learning that it's a powerful tool to direct me in a direction thats more aligned with what I actually want out of life.
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141sthings · 8 months
Ice bath dreams
- this is what I was listening to when I wrote this, not my normal music taste but it was in my recommended
Warnings: Smut, sex, p in v sex, no protection mentioned, perverted thoughts. Lemme know if I missed any.
Can't get over the way these boys will obsess over a girl, stalk them, and fuck them senseless 😮‍💨😮‍💨
You joined task force 141 last week, being the only woman definitely made it awkward. Ghost doesn't seem to like me much but Gaz and Soap are fine, maybe even friends with me. Sometimes I feel like they're sexist but they're just keeping me from doing harder jobs, which I won't complain about having to sweep and do laundry rather than cleaning the barracks bathrooms. They let me eat with them but I haven't gotten to go drinking with them yet, not sure if it's because they don't trust me or themselves, or the alcohol.
Today we're doing ice baths since we had a bit of a rough mission. price has the tub set up and all the guys are shirtless as they take turns timing each other till eventually Gaz offers to time how long I can stay in. I accept the challenge, of course I do, I don't back down from these men..I mean sure their four giant walls of muscle and are Fuckin drool worthy, not that I haven't fucked myself on a dildo multiple times to imagining it's them tossing me around as they fuck me roughly, like I'm their personal Fleshlight....I slip my shirt and shorts off so I'm only wearing my bra and underwear. I don't notice the way they look at me as if I'm their fucking meal. I dio myself completely in not the water, gasping aslt the cold as I call out "Oh fuck!" It sounds lewd, my gasps and whimpers, as if their watching a personal porno. They can barely keep it together as they watch me gasp and whimper, cursing for the first time, palming themselves through their pants as they cum from the sight.
Since then I noticed they were being rough with me, doing anything to hear one of those lewd gasps or whimpers and occasionally an unintentional moan. I walk through their barracks every now and then, though I'm glad price gives me my own room so I have privacy, being the only girl I appreciate it a lot. I walk through on my way to the laundry, over hearing them talking. Gaz: "She's gotta know what she's doing, mean I know she's innocent but those moans and whimpers? Fuuuck" soap laughs. Soap: "I don't think she knows. I mean I enjoy listening to it, it's like live porn, helps me sleep at night knowing there's a pretty little thing like her on base. Maybe one day we'll get to fuck her properly."* The conversation continues but I keep walking, not wanting to hear more as the realization dawns on me. That's why they were rougher? To hear me make those sounds? Well fuck them, I'll resist.
The next morning I go in for sparring, wearing shorts and a tank top like normal, ignoring when I notice their boners when they see me. I sigh "Come on, I'll get you guys this time." Ghost chuckles darkly and we start to fight, sparring, of course, no real damage. I nearly kick his boner and he wants me but I stop and I glare as I yell at them, admitting that I know what their doing. They look ashamed, but lustful. Ghost pins me down I gasp as I squirm and he growls in my ear "fuckin slut, you knew and yet you kept on whimpering? well we'll make you whimper and moan properly." They circle me, my nervousness sets in as ghost commands me to take my clothes off. I obey. Taking my shirt and shorts first and then my bra, leaving me underwear though it's pointless when Gaz Rips them off me and Ghost pins me down. I gasp in surprise and my eyes roll back when soap suddenly stuffs his boner into my tight little cunt, making me moan and whimper beneath him as ghost and Gaz jerk off to soap Fucking me ruthlessly. I can barely keep it together. I'm moaning as I feel soaps huge cock pounding me, arching my back as I whimper a little. "soap I-I'm gonna cum! O-oh my god..." Soap goes harder before pulling out and jerking off till he cums on my stomach and chest. I pant softly, thinking I'll get to relax till Gaz shoves his cock into me, my eyes roll back and my hips buck up into him as I nearly cum. He's even tougher than Soap, rolling his hips into mine endlessly as I watch his cock disappear inside me. I cum around him and coos gently "That's it baby, cum around me, so fuckin pretty....being a good girl for your superiors, letting us fuck you so good" he loves the feeling of my cunt milking his cock as I cum, line it's a drug. He fucks me till he's close then pulls out and cums on my stomach and chest with a porn like groan. Ghost is next, I gasp when I see how..how big he is. He's huge and thick, in every way, he'll ruin me. It's hard to believe it'll even fit inside me.he puts the tip at my entrance and coos gently to me "Relax princess, I know it hurts,I know...just relax, you're so tight, I know it's big but it'll fit." Soap gives me a glass of alcohol,I drink it. Feeling my body relax ghost slides into me, I drop the glass in shock. Ghost chuckles q bit as he groans and curses about how fucking good my tight little cunt feels, how it's milking his cock. He starts slow, letting my body adjust. He soon picks me up, still gently thrusting and then my eyes roll back as my legs give out. He holds me up, Price slides into my ass without warning. I'm in another work of pleasure, moans leaving my lips like a poem as the two large and handsome men pound me. I orgasm multiple times, barely able to tell where one ends and where one starts as the two men alternate thrusts. I expect them to pull out like the other two did but they don't and I moan loudly and lewdly as I feel their cum pour inside me, painting my walls white. I spasm between them as I clutch onto ghost "Ghost I can't! I-it feels too good!" The men laugh at this and I finally relax into his arms when they slide out of my soaked cunt. God, the way they smile at you as you pant once they're done, dripping with their cum, shaking like a lead in a hurricane, only gets you wetter.
- Love my 141 boys :)
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sissytobitch10seconds · 9 months
Eve With You
Fandom: Secrets of Soulford Summary: Cody has a lot of memories from his childhood. Most of them aren't great, even though he knows that his father was trying his best. Still, he wants to make sure that his children don't carry the same weight with them. Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy and childhood illness Word Count: 2,660 Ship(s): Felicity Laegiver/Cody Garriford
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A/N: Full disclosure here, I'm not super into Secrets of Soulford so it's possible that I messed up some of the canon or the world. I just wanted to write this for my brother as a Christmas present because he really loves it. I hope that it's somewhat enjoyable! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone &lt;3
To my little brother: Thank you for teaching me how to expand my horizons and being so patient. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and know that I love you to the moon and back.
Felicity had been run off of her feet all day, which wasn’t that uncommon given that they had twin troublemakers that had made it their life mission to cause as much mayhem as they could. She was glad that her girls were old enough that they could understand instruction and actually take it into consideration. She sometimes wished that she had chosen a husband that didn’t have such a high stubborn streek in his family, but then she would see Cody carrying around their little ones and every thought would be gone.
She truly couldn’t imagine having a family or being married to anyone but him. They had grown up together and seen the other become the worst and then the best versions of themselves. He had been there when she was so sick that she wasn’t even allowed out of her room into the hallways. He had sat with her and read from the books she had been forbidden to touch out of the fear of a single bruise or papercut. She remembered the choppy way that he would sound out words he didn’t know and the flush his ears would get when she said it properly for him. She had been there to see what he had been like when he and his brother had started their training. Cody had been able to pull his head out of his ass and realize that he had to treat others with compassion and empathy long before Gan had kicked it into Logan.
She was glad that it as all over, that they were finally settled. She wasn’t sure what she would have done if her life continued to be that kind of chaotic nightmare. She had her tinctures to make sure that she didn’t suffer from her condition and she didn’t pass it onto her children either. Cody and Logan had long since gotten their curse lifted from them without a single person having to die, something that was far easier than the Motherless wanted to say that it was. They were able to live happily in their little home on the edge of the Soulford, attending counsel meetings and working to better their community.
One day, her parents would pass or decide that they could no longer rule over the land as they once had. She would have to pack up her family and move into the massive house that she had resided in when she was younger. She would have to attend every meeting instead of just the ones that held some amount of interest to her. One day, Isaac wouldn’t be able to train more Garrons to take over the police force and Cody would have to spend more and more time away from their family.
She knew that it would come one day, but today was not that day.
For now, she had her home. It was a quaint cottage that Logan and Cody had built together as a way of quelling their nerves about their wedding and baby respectively. The walls had been painted over with a lovely bright white that was grimy within toddler reach, despite her attempts to clean it. The floor was covered in rugs just about everywhere that they didn’t hinder movement or make a mess, such as the kitchen and the bathroom. There was a large family room with as many bookshelves as they could fill with things from their life before they became parents. Further into the house was the main bathroom, their shared office, the dining room, and the kitchen. Upstairs was the nursery, the spare room that would be taken by the other twin once they were old enough to sleep apart, and the room that she shared with her husband. She had decorated her space the way that she had liked it soon after they moved in, pleasantly soft colors and eclectic furniture that they had purchased from the local craftsmen.
Currently, her home was decorated for the upcoming Christmas celebration. She had strung red and green tinsel over every picture frame, the tree was sparkling happily with the light from the fire in the living room, and the girls had produced quite a few paper snowflakes to fill any empty space on the windows.
The holidays were different with children than they had been when she was younger, or even when she and Cody had first gotten married. The beginning years that she had spent with her husband were only difficult because they had realized how different their traditions were from each other. They had since assimilated them together into a wonderful amalgamations so that they both felt like the dark winter months were special. Once they had children, the struggle had returned and then quickly faded away.
Cody was able to take the girls sledding and have them help him pick out the tree, two things that Felicity had never been allowed to do. In turn, she was able to read her favorite stories to them and take them to the ball that her mother threw every year. Something new that they had started with only their family, however, was baking Christmas cookies on the eve before the holiday.
With everything else that they also had to do given their stations and the quickly fleeing hours until the big day, they had to rush it. The girls had been absolutely coated in flour, which had made Ella more upset than she had been since Maggie put snow down the back of her coat. Cody had taken them to have a bath while Felicity finished putting the last batch in the oven and cleaning up. It was a lot easier to clean chocolate chips out from between the floorboards when she didn’t also have to worry about how close her four-year-olds were to the stove.
She had just finished placing the mixing bowls back into the cupboard where they belonged when she noticed that she couldn’t hear the noises of bathtime any longer. She wiped her hands on her ruined apron and then reached behind her so that she could undo the strings. She felt a bit of viscous batter that had made its way to her hair that she would have to get out at another time, but for now she wanted to find her babies.
Felicity hadn’t really known what kind of mother she would be when she realized that she hadn’t had a cycle in several months. She had gotten her pregnancy confirmed by the town healer and then had to do a lot of mental work. She knew that Cody would be overjoyed since he already liked playing with Logan and Gan’s little one, but she was still worried about what being full time parents would do to them. She adored her husband and tolerated her father-in-law, but just the change in generations made her a bit stressed that they wouldn’t be as good as her parents had been. Even then, her parents had made some poor decisions about how to raise her that had hurt her for a very long time.
Then their girls were there, finally in their arms with their tiny perfect everything. They had made the biggest decision that they had in a long time and finally named them Cordelia and Margaret, their Ella and Maggie. Felicity had been unable to look away from them and she knew that even if she struggled with parenting them, she would always try. She would correct the mistakes that their parents had made without going too far in the other direction and harming her children in another way. She would be humble and learn from them, she would apologize and be gentle at all times. She wasn’t an outside perspective and she wasn’t in the minds of her still very young children, but she was confident that she and Cody were doing a good job so far.
Felicity’s fingers brushed through her hair to card out any of the leftover cookies that were clinging to her blond ringlets. She tucked the apron onto the back of one of the chairs next to the dining room table. Her dress underneath was still stained with bits of flour and egg, which was why it was the one that she used when she was doing housework. She would have to change it after she found out where the loves of her life had gone.
She walked carefully up the stairs towards the hallway where the nursery and spare room were. She made sure that she was quiet enough that she could pick up on any hushed whisperings. Her beautiful little girls were so close to each other and both so imaginative in their own ways that they would make a game out of everything. They knew that they were supposed to be quiet when they went to bed and thus would try their best to do so when they were playing past bedtime, but they almost always failed. Just last week, she and Cody had caught them playing in the hallway with their little toy soldiers while mimicking their uncle in something that was akin to Cody’s goblin voice.
She was met with a noise, but not what she had been expecting.
Tiny angels - Christmas angels try to sleep
Don't let Santa hear the sounds of little feet
Now its time to close your eyes and drift away
Until you wake tomorrow and its Christmas day
Cody’s dulcet tones echoed through the lofty ceiling of their second story. She immediately realized that he was already in the nursery with their girls, she could hear the underlying snuffling of toddlers falling asleep that proved it. Felicity raised a single hand to her mouth to make sure that she stayed quiet as she drifted closer to where the sound was coming from. She leaned on the door as she took in the scene in front of her, her heart hammering in her chest.
Tiny angels - I have heard you every night
Whispering with bright eyes shining in the light
Daddy, when is it Christmas - will it soon be here?
Well my darlings, it's very, very near
The nursery had changed quite a bit since they had taken their twins out of their room. Gone was the huge crib where Maggie and Ella slept together, holding each other’s hands to comfort the other as they slept. They had exchanged them for twin beds that were tucked under the sloping edge with a huge piece of cloth each so that they created a faux-canopy. The other half of the room held the half dozen shelves that were filled with numerous book and toys, handed down to the twins from their parents and Logan. 
Cody was seated in between the heads of the beds with his back pressed into the wall. He had turned towards Maggie, who always had a harder time falling asleep. His eyes were so heavily glued to his daughter that he hadn’t even registered the fact that his wife was right there, watching him.
As near as you my angels - since you came to me
Now Christmas day and every day is the same to me
The only gifts that I could want are you, my darlings
Cody brushed his fingers over Maggie’s already sweaty forehead to remove some of the dark black locks from where they were falling into her eyes. She gave a little noise of acknowledgement and then rolled over. She burrowed further down into her blankets, her arms tightening as hard as they could around the stuffed animal she had received last year for Christmas.
Tiny angels - Christmas angels sleeping tight
May Santa bring you all the gifts you want tonight?
And some day when you have tiny angels too
I hope you find the joy I found in you
Felicity worried for a minute that she had been found out when she noticed that her husband was turning. She almost let out a sigh of relief when she saw that he was still enamored with their children and she was hidden.
He turned so that he was facing the other twin, singing lightly to her while curled around the side of her bed. If the scene in front of her hadn’t been so sickly sweet, then she would have thought that it was almost comical. The furniture had been made especially for a four-year-old and Cody was a grown man that worked out every single day. He looked massive sitting in between the tiny toddler beds while trying to make himself as small as possible.
You changed the world, my angels - when you came to me
Now Christmas day and every day is the same to me
The only gifts that I could want are you
She knew that sentiment inside and out. The girls had been a surprise to them both, something that neither of them had taken into consideration as early into their marriage as they had come. They had been so worried, so nervous and anxious that they were going to do it wrong. The moment they saw their babies, they knew that they would have to at least try. She remembered it like it was yesterday and likely would for the rest of her life. Their daughters had changed their entire worlds if not the world has a whole.
Tiny angels - Christmas angels try to sleep
Don't let Santa hear the sounds of little feet
Now its time to close your eyes and drift away
Until you wake tomorrow and its Christmas day
Cody finished the last verse and then gave both of the girls a kiss on the head. Ella stretched out so that her foot was hanging out from her blankets, but he quickly tucked her back where she belonged. Maggie gave another stir of discontent but when one of her blue eyes blinked open and saw that it was only Cody, she slipped back into her lull of sleep.
He stood up and watched them for a moment. Both of them had always done that and likely would continue to do so until their girls were old enough to stop needing to be tucked in. Felicity didn’t want to think about them being that grown up though, even the thought of it made her heart ache in her chest.
Cody turned around and walked towards her. She had the common decency to look guilty at being caught, but the only thing that he did was smile at her. He grabbed one of her hands with his own and then used the other to close the door so that they wouldn’t wake their children. “Are the cookies done?”
“Thank the gods, yes,” she laughed. “The girls give you any trouble?”
“You’re asking about our girls? Not Logan and Gan’s hellion?” he asked with a small chuckle. He kissed the knuckles of her hand as he led her further down the hall. “I’m sorry if my singing scared you, I know I don’t have a very good voice. I just… I saw that song in one of the books that Harold gave us and I thought that it would make Christmas Eve even more special. I’ve been singing it to them since they were newborns.”
“Cody, your voice is amazing!” Felicity gasped like she couldn’t believe that he had just said that. “And I think that you doing that for them is so sweet. I’m so glad that I married you.”
He paused and turned towards her, his spare hand coming to rest on her cheek. He traced his thumb over her cheekbone for a few seconds before he leaned in for a kiss. “I love you.”
She closed the distance between them. “I love you, too.”
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