#trigger warning PTSD
handsomehelmet · 7 months
Trigger warning ⚠️
Got triggered because I accidentally spilled my coffee this morning.
I was completely alone but this was my thought process
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry- lol this is so cliche- I’m sorry I’m sorry- this is like the stereotypical trigger, I’m not even quirky and unique-I’m sorry I’m sorry-
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hello-friends9500 · 2 months
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Mood drops
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lunameimei · 8 months
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"Maybe you're on top now. But sometimes, even after death, you still can't just cut out everything that happened at the bottom."
comic continuation below under cut
TW ‼️ PTSD, Implied abuse (please be careful ����)
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Important Note (!)
I am not trying to defend or make anyone look better. “Bad experience” may be an explanation, but not an excuse. If you don't like this ship/HC/art, you can always block/ignore my acct/hashtag. This is fine. Do what is good for your health, but don't attack others.
That's all.
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zombiecakes · 22 days
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[comic behind the cut: pls read trigger warnings first!]
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kairukitsuneo · 1 year
Fireworks PTSD (Part 1)
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Sometimes fireworks trigger some flashback and it was never good.
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greglow03 · 18 days
ALOTH Chapter 1 "How We Got Here" - Is Yours Now!🎉
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It has been incredible writing this fanfic, and I cannot wait to continue it! It's been in the works for some time now, so I'm really happy to put it out!
The story is going to have interesting plot points and such, so look forward as to what's to come!
Also a big thank you to @lilmissflower, @summerlycoris, @annabannnananana for giving advise and feedback on this! Couldn't have done it without you!🧡
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angelicwh0r3 · 11 months
I wish I've never been touched without my consent, I feel like I've lost parts of myself that have been touched and I will never win them back
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gremmin · 2 months
Out of psych ward for the first time, that shit was fucking hell was in for 8 days , I tore up my arm pretty bad needed 8 stitches . Medication made me black out nd wasn’t here, I wish I could have noticed or attempted coping skills but I wasn’t here. Something controlled that shit, damn I wish to be normal but there is no cure.
(Intake 07-22-2024/out 07-29-2024)
so glad I didn’t fuck up and kill myself, made me have a realization that I haven’t had with cutting, that shit ain’t gonna go down anymore I’m placing safety measures in place . I’m thankful to be alive.
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Healing is weird
(They gave me the wrong meds then over time I snapped)
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pastel-gutz · 5 months
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Not doing hot. Need to make more art.
If used anywhere else please credit me
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lostmf · 1 year
I wish I could experience being alive without this constant need to prove that I am worthy of existing
I wish I could enjoy creating my art without the pressure of needing it to be perfect .. just so I can make up for that fact that it’s me
I want to know what it’s like to live without being sorry for it
I want this pain to stop
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alittlebitmessedupgirl · 11 months
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greglow03 · 12 days
ALOTH Chapter 2 "First Encounter" - Is Yours NOW!🍃
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More development...
We're still going slow, but we'll be driving 50 - 70 km/h real soon!
Hope you enjoy this one!
(Next might be a double chapter release... no promises though)
Sincere thank you to my mutes!: @lilmissflower, @summerlycoris and @annabannnananana!🧡
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b1ackgh0st · 8 months
Without You...
TW: Mentions of codependency and eating disorders (The smut is back, hoes)
Poppy has a busy day talking with the leaders of the other tribes. Branch is left at home alone, his brothers off at various places.
The bunker was quiet. Branch had grown used to his brothers being loud and rowdy. The quiet was nice, but something was missing.
Right, Poppy.
All the feral troll had to comfort him was one of her large, dark green and turquoise sweaters and one of her extra blankets that he had stolen. Both carried her sweet scent, one that was intoxicating to him.
But even while hugging the sweater and being wrapped in the blanket, neither provided the same warmth as her.
He was starting to get more and more agitated, his ears drooped as low as they could go, his tail twitching.
With her gone, he hadn't even bothered to leave his bunker, not even getting up to put clothes on. He just slipped Poppy's sweater on, the fuzzy material felt nice against his skin. The hem of the sweater reached his knees.
Branch whined, trying to think of anything other than Poppy. The Bergens? No, he remembered Trollstice. The Village? No, he thought of how well she ruled. His brothers? Nope, he thought of running off to save Floyd with her.
Anything he thought of, there she was. Even the most obscure things, such as rough housing with JD, as he would think about the first time she saw them play fighting.
He hadn't even gotten up to eat. Usually she would come down and wake him up, reminding him that he didn't need to ration his meals or go 2-3 days without food.
Branch hadn't taken his pills, either. He debated on whether he needed to take them, and ultimately sat up to grab the glass of water kn his bedside and swallow four pills consecutively. If he hadn't taken them, she'd have been pissed.
He sat uo when he heard footsteps approaching. The door creaked open and he growled. It turned out to just be Smidge, holding a freshly baked berry pie for him. She briefly explained that Poppy asked her earlier to make sure he had something decent to eat.
She was quick to leave. Branch looked at the warm, delicious-smelling pie in his paws. He didn't waste any time to grab a wooden tray he used to eat in bed from under his bed. He set the pie down, thinking for a moment. He grabbed his emergency fork from his nightstand drawer.
Branch didn't even care that the pie was still pretty warm. Smidge's baked goods were always amazing, especially when Cooper helped.
He dug in, devouring the whole thing within minutes. Branch drank the rest of his water, setting the wooden tray on the floor.
Hours later, he finally heard the bunker lift going down. The door opened, revealing Poppy. She held her arms out, and Branch didn't hesitate run over.
She just lifted him up as if he weighed nothing. Sure, her and her sister Viva were freakishly strong, but Branch was thin and small.
He snuggled into her, mumbling about how much he missed her and how much he needed her.
"Awww... You atleast ate and remembered your pills, right?" She asked him, sitting on his bed with the smaller troll in her lap. He nodded.
(BTW, I changed it because I didn't like how Branch just humped her thigh-)
Poppy leaned her head in close to Branch's neck, softly kissing a small scar there. When he didn't react, she licked it.
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densoro · 5 months
It seems like some people struggle to understand content warnings as anything other than an age rating scale. If a trigger appears in a TV show rated Y-7, they assume anybody who's triggered must be less mature than a 7 year old.
In reality, it's more like an allergy warning:
You probably shouldn't feed peanuts to a newborn baby. They're still learning to operate their mouths and will probably choke.
However, there are mature people who shouldn't eat peanuts because a chemical reaction outside their control will cause their throats to swell shut. There are also mature people who struggle with motor skills and may also choke on the peanut itself. Neither of these people are the same as babies.
You probably shouldn't take a newborn baby to a fireworks show. They'll get startled, have a miserable time, and may even annoy other viewers with their crying as a side effect.
This doesn't mean that survivors of war are 'less mature' than newborn babies.
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1heartfanfics · 8 months
OMG i would die if you wrote a fic for Katniss/Peeta i’ve been on such a big HG kick ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
not sure what you wanted lol but here’s a little ficlet.
TW: ptsd and depictions of vomit
Katniss could always tell when Peeta was having one of those days. Days when his mind played tricks on him and reminded him of all the horrible things that happened.
He’d been restless last night, tossing and turning, getting up a few times and pressing closer against her when he came back. She hadn’t said anything, but held him as he fell back into fitful sleep.
In the morning after making breakfast he’d frozen for a moment, eyes going hazy and unfocused as he gripped the back of his chair. Then it was over and he sat down. She’d given his hand a squeeze and flashed him a sad smile but hadn’t said anything. Sometimes talking about it made it worse.
“I gave you a locket on the beach that day, real or not real?” He asked suddenly.
Even years later, they still played this game to help him when he had the bad days. It helped Katniss to know where his mind was at, what it was showing him. The 2nd hunger games.
“Real,” she said, pulling said locket out from inside of her shirt so it laid on top for him to see.
He nodded, frowning thoughtfully. She waited for another question but he didn’t say anything else. “Hey,” she said softly, reaching across the table to rest her hand on his arm. He wouldn’t look at her.
“They took me away from you, real or not real?”
“Real,” Katniss answered quietly.
“I was supposed to protect you Katniss, I failed you,” he said shakily, finally meeting her eyes. She could see that he was moments away from crying, tears welling up in his eyes. “You did protect me. I’m the one who failed to protect you,” she shook her head, reaching forward to cup his face in her hands, wiping his now falling tears away with her thumb.
“No, no, no,” he muttered, starting to shake. He shook his head rapidly, eyes fluttering as he fell into a flashback. “Katniss!” He shouted, lost in the memory.
“It’s not real Peeta, you’re having a flashback. Just focus on my voice,” she got up out of her chair and moved to stand next to his chair, wrapping her arms around him as he shook.
“No! No you can’t take me! You can’t-“ he thrashed in her arms, cutting himself off with a sob and a cry of pain.
“You’re safe my love, I’ve got you. That’s all over now,” Katniss continued, tightening her arms as he fought against her. After a moment he went limp, head lolling back against her.
“Katniss… no, where’s Katniss?” He mumbled, limbs jerking against the restraints in his mind. “I’m right here Peeta, just come back to me now,” Katniss said softly, loosening her grip on him to run her fingers through his hair. It always calmed him down and helped to ground him in reality.
He gasped, going stiff for a moment before his eyes flew open. His dazed eyes darted around the room, filled with panic, before the settled on Katniss, who was now crouched in front of him. She placed her hands on his thighs, proving to him that she was real.
“Katniss, I-“ he broke off, suddenly pitching to one side to vomit onto their kitchen floor. “Oh Peeta," Katniss sighed in sympathy, rubbing a hand up and down his back as he was sick.
"M'sorry," Peeta mumbled, turning fully to the side and hunching forward even more to put his head between his knees.
"Hush," Katniss waved off his apology. "Are you back with me?" she asked.
Peeta didn't say anything, but nodded from his slumped position.
"You know where we are?" she pressed, wanting to make sure.
"Good. Are you going to pass out?" she asked.
"Don't think so," he shook his head.
Katniss stood from her crouched position and grabbed the chair she'd been sitting in before Peeta's episode to pull it closer to his. She wrapped an arm around his chest and pulled him up straight so he was leaned back on the chair. His face was pale, eyes glassy, tear stains running down his cheeks. She reached forward and wiped the tears away with the sleeve of her shirt.
"That was a bad one huh?" she asked quietly.
"It felt so real..." he nodded.
"I know, but that's all over now I promise. We're here, together, and we're safe," she reassured him, knowing that he needed to hear her say it.
"Thank you," he said, forcing a smile. He sounded exhausted, like even the effort of saying those two words was almost too much. He hadn't had one of these episodes in a long time. Certainly not one this bad. It made sense that it had taken so much out of him.
"Let's go lay down," Katniss said, standing up and holding her hands out to help him up. He grabbed them, letting her pull him up and to their bedroom. They crawled back into bed, even though they'd only been up for a couple of hours. Peeta laid his head on her chest, her arm wrapped around his shoulders, holding him tight. He felt safe again.
"You love me, real or not real?" he whispered after a few minutes of silence.
"A million times real,"
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etteraths · 9 months
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