#trust you me they did not name that man after one of the most famous semes in Thai bl for nothing
chicademartinica · 9 months
phaya's hand around tharn's throat in that dream though. tharn is not beating the "wants to be dommed" allegations
Tharn standing firmly in both the Verse agenda and the twist my arm/choke me unconscious side of things makes him so so dear to my heart fam.
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adultbabystories · 4 months
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< Old bully, New boss > The past is in the past, and after high school, you set your mind only on the future. 
High school can be so cruel, kids can be so cruel. As an adult, you knew there was nothing wrong with being a little overweight or being a bit weird, just being yourself is okay. But your teen years were awful. You were being picked on by bigger, older, masculine kids. Nobody showed real interest in you. You had a good friend or two, but that was about it. Not to mention you had no young love at all. To this day, you're thanking the universe for the fact those bullies didn’t know about your bedwetting problem. You knew that if high school was rough, it could be much worse.
In college, you decided to make a change. To become fitter, healthier, stronger, physically and mentally. The past is the past, and you have the whole future ahead of you. In time, you fell in love with sports and decided to take a break from studying and take a course to become a personal trainer. 
Your hometown is long away, this is the new you. Not the little bedwetter weirdo kid, but a large-ass fit-looking man. You felt that when you sent your resume to the local gyms.
After a day, a well-known gym called you back and booked you an interview with the owner for the next day. You were so excited that you picked out the best outfit you could think of. Sporty, but classy and serious. Showing your worked-hard body, but not overly revealing. You had to make it just right.
Walking into the gym, you were a bit overwhelmed by how pristine and well-maintained it was, probably for the rich and famous. A receptionist greeted you and led you to the owner’s office where she knocked and opened the door for you to get in.
A huge man stood up and greeted you. By the looks of it, he was doing steroids, but you weren’t completely sure about it. Not to mention he was very good-looking and got you a bit nervous just for it. There was something familiar about him.
“Nice to meet you Mark, the manager here told me it’s your name. Sorry but I still didn’t go through your resume, he just said we need to call you in, and we did.” He said and gestured to the chair next to you.
”Thank you, I’m honored by the thought of working here. Not only it is one of the best gyms in the area, but I feel like there are so many potential opportunities to develop my future clients, and myself.” You said, still trying in your mind to figure out why he was so familiar.
”That’s great! I like your attitude! So my name is Will,” his name was Will.
Fuck! That was Will! One of your high school bullies! Shit he had changed so much. He surely took steroids, he wasn’t that big at all. But look at him now, he’s massive, bigger than you. Plus, he owns this place, and he is more successful than you. He is the owner, the boss, the interviewer, the one in control.
”Now let me check your resume real quick, for formality and all,” he winked and took a look.
”Wait, Mark Spencer? Shit, I knew I recognized you, from high school! Well, most of the time you were facing me while I gave you good wedgies. Ha!” he laughed and gave the table a loud knock. 
It made you flinch a little, while your mind raced to the whole humiliating things Will and his friends did to you in high school.
”Bla bla bla, you’re hired! My manager said we should hire you and I trust him completely. Congratulations! Now for the real question -“ suddenly something changed in his behavior.
”Is it true you were wetting your pants and wearing diapers to bed? It was a rumor that went around just after we graduated so we couldn’t pick on you, but you are lucky because kids can be cruel with this kind of information! Ah, Mark the bed wetter! In my gym!” Will talked and laughed, while you sat there, blushing red from embarrassment. 
“Well, that job is your pampers, you want it?” He asked and waited for your reply. 
“Yes, yes thank you Will” You answered, trembling a bit.
”Off you go then, my manager will contact you. But I have only one demand for now.” He said and waved for you to come closer, and you did.
”The equipment here is very expensive and I can’t have big babies wetting it. So either you control yourself or we can help you with buying adult diapers for you to wear around here as a uniform! Ha!” He couldn’t help but laugh right in front of your face.
”Go go” he waved you off, still laughing. 
You turned around, degraded, humiliated, holding your crotch while running for the nearest bathroom to release your full and erupting bladder. ------------------------------------ Our past, complicated as it is, makes us who we are today. It forms our dislikes, but also our likes and desires.
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httpisaoki · 6 months
model! ningning x stylist! reader
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(part of the billionaire! aespa series)
-> short drabble thingy cuz VERSACE NINGNING SAVE ME?!
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you had been her stylist for quite a while now, taking care of her outfits and styling her the way any model could dream for. now, in ning's flirty and confident nature, it wasn't wrong to flirt a little right?
people would notice the look of pure happiness on her face whenever she saw you, hell, even you noticed. maybe she did have a tiny feeling that you were attractive, in her eyes, you were perfect. you had a good reputation, known for your impressive styling, being a former model yourself, you had taught ningning the basics when she was just starting. once she realizes her feelings, she would be in denial. i mean, no one could even reach her standards-- but how did you manage to get her flustered?
after pfw 2024, where she had walked the runway, she came back into the styling room with steam practically over her head. you wondered what got her so stressed, her eyes cold and angry. her mutters of, "That asshole shouldn't have said that," and multiple curses followed by a name, hyunjin. it amused you to think what could have hyunjin, one of her many persistent admirers in the industry, done to make her so upset. As she ranted in a fit of rage, completely forgetting she had an interview in less than 20 minutes, you stood there listening to every word, every emphasis on her anger towards the man. "ningning, deal with him later, okay? I need to get you dressed." you softly said, rubbing her wrist with your thumb as a sign of assurance. in a matter of seconds, her gaze turned soft, almost forgetting why was she so angry.
it was what she liked about you, your calmness, how you managed to make her laugh even if you only saw her for short times.
she nodded, embarrassment in her eyes as she realized that she had been rambling. "yeah, sorry about that." she muttered, a sheepish smile on her lips.
you gave her a look of amusement, chuckling at the sight. seeing her sheepish smile was adorable, and the fact that she had so much trust in you, was better. "it's alright, you just focus on your interview." you softly replied, patting her shoulder.
while you were getting her outfit together, you took the chance to ask her, "so what exactly did hyunjin do that got your blood boiling like that?"
she took a moment to gather her thoughts, before finally answering. "he's just… really annoying, you know? he keeps insisting that I should go out with him, but I keep refusing him. it's getting to the point where he's acting like we're dating to the press,"
she groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. not only was hyunjin one of those persistent suitors, he was getting aggressive with his flirting, which had her blood boiling, and she just needed some way to release it.
you couldn't help but to feel pity for her, hyunjin was a known playboy, and she was clearly tired of him and his antics. the fact he was going so far, just to get the attention of one of the industries most well-known models, was funny.
it was getting him nowhere, and that was a good thing. "why won't he stop? does he really think this is going to get the attention of a girl as famous as you?" you asked with a laugh, trying to lighten the tension a bit.
"he really thinks he has a chance," she replied with a scoff, "he said he's going to take me out on a date after today, and when I said no, he said that the public deserves to know our 'date'." she rolled her eyes, her cheeks slightly flushed in annoyance. "he thinks I'm his girlfriend when I've already told him no multiple times. I just… I really dont know what he's thinking."
you hummed, scoffing at his ego. "I know it must be hard, but you do know that you can always report him to your agency and whatnot?" you give her a comforting smile, leaning closer to your lips before adding some blush onto her face. "he may think that he's all that but it's extremely annoying that he thinks that you'd actually like him." you rolled my eyes, fury in my eyes, making her chuckle.
her lips curved into a smile, she didn't expect you to be so protective over her, not when she was the model and you were the stylist. the fact he was so persistent, and how he had the audacity to call her his girlfriend infuriated her, especially when you were the one styling and taking care of her.
her gaze fell onto your lips, taking a moment to admire them before looking away. in that moment, all those times you helped her were all that kept rushing in her mind. she didn't expect to get infatuated with her stylist, but there she was.
as she stared down, her thoughts became interrupted as she suddenly felt her cheeks burning hot, realizing you had put blush on her. she gave a small giggle, trying to act like she was fine and normal, like you weren't noticing how attractive she was finding you. her heart was pounding as, out of nowhere, a spark of curiosity sparked in her mind. "c-can I tell you something..?" she murmured slowly.
"yes? of course," your reply was quick, wanting to know what she had to say. it may have been her first time asking you permission to say something, and you couldn't help but to feel your heart skip a beat. you could feel heat rise in your cheeks, making it slightly hard to hide a smile. you waited patiently for her to speak.
she paused, taking a moment to really think of how she wanted to say this. her eyes glanced to the side, her cheeks flushing as her heart raced. "what if i told you that i had a confession.." she spoke softly, the words catching in her throat as she struggled to get them out. she couldn't believe she was actually going to confess, especially after months of just ignoring her feelings. her heart was beating out of her chest, all while her mind screamed at her to do it, say it.
ningning hesitates, not sure on what to say, which in her point of view, was getting ridiculous because why was she so nervous? she breaks the silence with a sigh, a slight pause before finally saying:
"what if i told you that i liked you?"
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knight-of-the-graces · 5 months
Hey, um… with the whole “Bluejay!Jason” concept… has anybody ever considered it as an Inkheart reference instead of just a play off his name?
Follow me here, and sorry in advance, this turned into a ramble.
In the second book of the Inkheart trilogy, Inkspell, one of the main protagonists adopts a Robin Hood-esque approach to defeating the tyrant king, and adopts the name of ‘The Bluejay’ from famous folk legends and songs written by a beloved poet and often sung by travelling minstrels. He’s -Inkspell spoilers ahead, though this book is unironically older than I am- known for toppling said tyrant’s throne through the binding of a magic book (a recurring theme throughout the series, if you’ve never read it, which you should). He’s a champion among the Motley Folk, who were that world’s equivalent to a travelling circus and also regularly aid him in his quest to topple the Adderhead (the tyrant king mentioned above), and sought to help the poor and downtrodden. The Bluejay is aided and abetted by his family and friends, which include a shapeshifting wife, a daughter with the ability to make anything she reads come true, a fire-dancer who can speak to the flames, and a knife-throwing 'circus' prince with a black bear companion. (They're not called the Motley Folk for no reason, people!)
Now, consider for a moment: Little Jason Todd, in the local library, absolutely devouring the Inkheart series. It's everything a little kid could dream of in a fantasy book! And there's three of these fat books, what more could you possibly want? And he has an excuse to sit in a warm, safe building for a few hours.
Now imagine, Inkspell becomes his comfort book. Of course it does- every kid had one, and I can't imagine an orphan who grew up alone on the streets of Gotham picking anything other than a story about a strange man helping the opressed and downtrodden in a land he grows to call his own with the help of his family- and The Bluejay is an excellent father to his daughter, too, of course Jason pictured himself as part of that family, as whisked away into that world.
And of course, the rest of the series is wonderful too -Inkheart is where it all began, after all, and Inkdeath is the final triumph over evil!-, but Inkspell is a story about becoming. About learning to be more than you were born as- after all, if Mo the simple bookbinder could become the hero The Bluejay, what could Jason the street orphan become?
Maybe, instead of discovering this book in a library, he found it in the trash. And maybe he wondered, as he read it, why anyone would ever want to throw away the tale of Mo the Blujay, of Meggie the Silvertongue, of Resa the brave swift, of Dustfinger the loyal Fire-Dancer? (And maybe the last one took a while to get there, but he did get there! Eventually! And maybe Jason can understand why it took Dustfinger so long to truly come to trust someone again, because trust is a terribly dangerous thing to give to someone, because you can never really know what they'll do with it.) Maybe he read it through without knowing anything about Capricorn or The Shadow or why they feared the man named Basta, because they hadn't thrown away the first book, only the second. Maybe he wept for the death of Dustfinger, at the very end, because he didn't know that Death wouldn't keep him, because they hadn't thrown away the third book.
Maybe Inkspell found its place among his most treasured possessions. Maybe, when he met Batman and Bruce Wayne in one night and his life changed forever, Inkspell came with him, with its familiar story and characters and world and sorrows.
Maybe one of the first things Bruce did, upon seeing Jason reading that same battered old paperback, was to order Inkheart and Inkdeath and leave them in his room. Maybe that was when Jason started to realize that he wasn't going to leave forever.
(Maybe Jason and Dick would play Motley Folk together, because Dick was in the circus and could most certainly throw knives, even if it gave Bruce a heart attack every time he saw it.)
And maybe, after he could no longer have Robin, he remembered that old paperback book, that old story and that old world, and he thought of a new name for himself.
Bluejay, he thought, as he picked up the book that had been his constant companion for so many years. I'll be The Bluejay.
(I don't really know what this is. I saw some Bluejay!Jason art the other day and just started thinking of the Inkheart trilogy and the fact that Jason would absolutely have read it and probably loved it. And then it spiralled.)
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
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Nobody knew why Hanma had been so happy recently. Not even Kisaki knew, which was a surprise to everyone. Cause if anyone would know, it'd been Kisaki.
Many tried asking, but they would just be ignored. It wasn't until about 2 weeks later did they find out, when Toman was watching the news. Nobody was really paying attention to it at first. Not until someone mentioned that Hanma was on the news.
"Holy shit! Is that Hanma!?" Everyone quickly turned to the the television. It in fact was Hanma. He was holding hands with a celebrity apparently. "Wait...is he holding hands with that new singer! Holy shit. Kisaki isn't gonna be happy about this."
Kisaki was not happy about it. Once he was informed that Hamna had been on the news. He was angry. Hanma was a upper members of Toman...and he got caught with a celebrity?! Oh Kisaki was gonna tear him a new one.
But the worst was what the news, hadn't informed them. It was almost 2 weeks before Toman saw Hanma again. They were angry considering he hadn't asked to have the time taken off. At least that's what they thought.
"Oi! Hanma where the fuck have you been? You've been all over the place, considering you were caught with the famous singer, (Last Name) (Name)!" Hanma grinned widely. "Hanma." That confused everyone.
"What?" "His name is Hanma (Name). We just got back from our Honeymoon~" That had sent an uproar in Toman. "Wait! Your telling me, you got married to a celebrity?!"
Kisaki was more then upset now. "Hanma how fucking stupid are you! You can't be in Toman and be married to a celebrity!" Hanma nodded. He knew this already that's why he planned ahead.
Hanma dropped a file on Kisaki's desk. "What's this?" Before Kisaki could even open the file Hanma spoke. "My notice." Kisaki froze. Hanma's notice? He quickly opened the file. It was. Hanma was leaving Toman. "W-What?"
Kisaki couldn't believe this! "You're leaving Toman! For some guy?!" Hanma slammed his hands on the desk, startling the other. "That guy happens to be my husband now. He knows what I did and chose to still love me even after everything."
Hanma voice was filled with venom. His glare made Kisaki uncomfortable. He'd never been on the reviving end of the famous reaper glare. "Why him then? Why now of all times?" Kisaki asked in a quiet voice. He didn't understand what was going on.
His most trusted man was leaving. Hanma gave a deep sigh. "(Name) is pregnant and it's mine. We've been talking about getting married, but when we found out about his pregnancy. We got married the next day."
The room got cold. "I don't want anything to happen to him or my unborn child. So I'm leaving while I still can." This didn't make any sense. Hanma doesn't so anything unless he get the entertainment he wants.
"I know what your thinking Tetta. But I have a family now. I'm not gonna let you, or anyone do anything to them. And if you try anything?" Kisaki slowly looked up. "I'll kill you so slowly that you'd wish you stayed away."
Kisaki knew he wasn't joking. Hanma slowly stood up and walked towards the door. "I've already informed Mikey. Considering (Name) is actually a Sano." Kisaki felt his world stop. A Sano? "So if something happens to him, I'm not the only person you should look out for."
After Hamna left Kisaki pulled up everything he could on (Name). It a deeply covered file was adoption papers for Sano (Name). Apparently he was Shinichiro's kid from when he was a young teen. But he didn't know about the kid till it was too late.
Kisaki stared at the screen. This wasn't part of his plan! (Name) was never meant to be there! How did he even...Kisaki laid his head on his desk. How much worse could his plan get?
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fuyuu-chan · 9 months
Only a Genius could Love a Woman like Her
Pairing: Ron Kamonohashi x Detective!Reader
Sypnosis: (Name) being one of the top detectives, everyone admire her and had a lot of fans, including Totomaru, but then Toto thinks, who would be the most genius? Is it Ron or (Name)? Well you might find out if they were in the same case...
Warning: mention of body, murder, serial killer (idk if this should be added but just in case 👍)
Fuyuu-chan: My first time writing a detective fic so yeah, also a big thank you to @mayaree-darling for being my proofreader and for helping me 💙 (love you mwah). Anyways enjoy reading! 😚
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(Name) is one of the top detectives out there, known for being very intelligent. A lot of people had been talking about her mostly because she had solved a lot of cases.
She's also a person you can trust, very friendly as well. All of the people in her investigation squad are her friends. She’s even close with other investigation team members, like Isshiki Totomaru.
Totomaru actually wondered who is the most intelligent - is it you or Ron, his friend that he made a few months ago that was also intelligent and a former student in BLUE.
Well that might get answered today as there was a new case involving a serial killer again.
You bumped into Totomaru in the mall and ended up hanging out. He tells you that he wanted to introduce you to someone he was gonna meet up with when you heard someone scream and of course out of instinct you and him hurry to where the noise came from.
And there you saw a body on the ground and a saleslady, judging by her uniform. The saleslady was sitting on the ground, looking terrified. Who could blame her, the people around look just as afraid. Totomaru looks shocked but you remain unfazed about it, probably because you've seen so many bodies before that you've grown used to it.
You called the police and after that you glanced at the body, observed the surroundings. When you turn back to the body, a man was lying next to it. "What are you doing? And who are you? This is a restricted area," you said to the man, but he seems to be saying something to the corpse.
Then Totomaru came towards you. "Ah, sorry Miss (Name). This is my friend, Ron Komonohashi. He's an acquaintance of mine, and he always does that. He's also the person I wanted for you to meet, the one I've been talking about," he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I see...so that's him," you looked back at the man whose name is Ron. He got up and went towards you.
"You’re a detective right? You look pretty" he said as he smiled. "I've noticed a few details that might have happened here.”
"Oh? Well can I hear it? It might add on the details I've already taken note of," you said as you showed your notebook.
"Wait, you already took notes?" Ron asked.
"Of course," you said. "Also I believe this case is also part of the new serial killer based on how the victim died and that card next to the body, it's what that serial killer does whenever they strike again," you explained as you look at the body.
"As expected of the highly praised and famous detective," Totomaru smiled at you, his eyes shining with admiration.
"Although, I don't think you've gone near the body... how did you..?" Totomaru said, confused.
"Wait, she didn't go near the body?..." Ron said as he looked at Toto and back to you.
"I don't need to since I already saw everything I needed to see," you said as you shrugged. You never really needed to go near the body since you had sharp eyes; only needing to in complicated cases do you have to approach the body but most of the time you don't. It's one of the things your admirers admire about you.
"Sugoiii" Totomaru said, his eyes shining again. "So that's what all your fans have been talking about, I can finally see you in action during the investigation!" he added.
Ron was quiet the entire time, caught off guard. First, you were fast at taking notes about the details, second you didn't have to go near the body because of your sharp eyes and third, the fact that you already connected this case to the other, when most of the detectives he knew took a long time to realize these things. You were clearly different, you were fast and serious about your job.
Ron looked at you and analyzed you for a bit. You looked casual, friendly, approachable, but there is something about you that he can't put his fingers on, something he feels about you that he can’t place yet.
He was so busy thinking he didn't realize the police were already there. You were smiling for some reason. He realized he didn't investigate again, and got distracted by thinking of you. But then you spoke up saying you figured it out, making him even more shocked than before.
He listened as you explained and deduced the entire case. Finally, you point out the killer, which was the saleslady who "discovered" the body. You showed proof that she's the one who did it, only proven when she had one of the pieces of evidence on her.
As she was cornered by you she had no choice but to fall down to her knees and admit she was the one who murdered them all. You notice in your peripheral vision Totomaru leading Ron outside for safety purposes and for no accidents to happen again like any other case he'd been in.
After everything is solved and done you go outside to see the two of them talking.
"Ah, Miss (Name), is everything done?" Totomaru said as he looked at you.
"Yes," you answered.
"That's good to know...also, I'm sorry for not helping" he said as a sweat dropped.
You sighed. What had Amamiya done to this boy that he was sweating like this? Had she been scolding him that much? You thought to yourself as you waved him off.
"Nah it's good, I handled it anyways and besides it's your day off and this is my investigation squad area. No need to feel bad."
He sighed in relief, he thought you would scold him. "You're so nice, Miss (Name). Thank you," he said.
"No need to thank me... also, stop with the formalities. The job is over, anyways," you said as you finally looked at Ron only to meet his gaze already on you.
"Wanna have some coffee?" Ron asked.
"Hmmm? Well I guess I could use some coffee break, so sure," you said as you smiled.
Then the three of you set off to go to the nearest coffee shop. Once you all arrived you ordered your drinks and snacks and picked a seat in one corner. Ron breaks the silence "You were really good back there, I can't believe you solved that so easily."
You chuckled. "It was obvious, the girl already showed signs from the very beginning."
"She did?' they both asked at the same time.
"Yep," you said. Just in time, you hear the counter call the number for your order.
Totomaru said he would get the drinks so you and Ron were left alone. "Tell me, Ron, why were you so distracted earlier? I noticed you didn't get to solve it, either," you said.
"Huh..? What do you mean?" he said, caught off guard.
"You were looking around even while I was explaining the murder and the evidence, so it was pretty obvious,” you tap your fingers on the table. “But you’re probably wondering how I knew you were the one solving the cases when Totomaru “handles” the situation, right?”
Ron nodded. You turned to where Totomaru was and saw there was a line to get the order, so you looked back at Ron. "Don't tell it, Totomaru but knowing him, he wouldn't know how to solve difficult cases. When I heard what Chikori Monki the journalist told me about Totomaru’s attitude and reaction during the coffee shop case,it just confirmed it for me. Even Amamiya is surprised he gets to solve cases like that."
You looked back at where Totomaru is and back at Ron again. "And then I heard you were always with Totomaru in those cases, it clicked that you were the one solving those and telling it to him. I also heard you were a former student in BLUE, Totomaru mentioned meeting one of the professors there; well...late professor. You have my condolences," you continued.
Ron was silent the entire time, you know so much about him. "Did you research about me?" he asked.
“Not really. There was no need. I get all my information from stories Totomaru tells me, even if he leaves your name out of it. I heard your name a long time ago in BLUE, I just remembered recently. Finally, I heard from my friend Kawasemi about you and he just confirmed it for me when I told him.” you wave your phone around, showing your recent chat with the detective. Ron is stunned.
"That's a lot of information you have there," he said, chuckling nervously.
"Of course, I have to know things about the people I interact with," you said as you smiled innocently.
"Ah...wait...don't tell me you know about the-" he was about to ask when you cut him off.
"Oh, Totomaru is here... and to answer, yeah." you said as you looked at Ron and to Totomaru who was approaching with a tray in hand with all of your drinks and snacks.
Ron looked at Totomaru who set the tray down on the table. "Thank you for getting the order," you said as you grabbed your drink and snack.
"Thank you as well for treating us Mis- ah (name)" Totomaru said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"You're welcome" you said as you took a sip of your drink.
"Wait..don't change the topic, how'd you know about that?" Ron said as he looked you in the eyes.
"Umm it's obvious? I notice a lot of things other people don’t, especially like earlier. Besides, when Totomaru tells me about his cases, or I hear the police talking about recent cases, I ask about details. And one thing the other police always mentioned was something happening at the end of a case: when the killer is found, a man would pressure them, but Totomaru would always manage to save the day.” you took a bite on your snack.
"Huh..?" Totomaru looks puzzled when you say that.
Ron just looked speechless. How could you know every little detail?
"Wait, Toto, don't tell me you lead me outside earlier because she told you to?" Ron turned to Totomaru and asked.
"...Umm, yeah, (Name) told me to. She said we should both go outside and I should look over you.." he said as he recalled what you told him earlier as he held his chin.
Then Ron suddenly looked at you with wide eyes and Totomaru gaped at you. "Hold on a minute, you knew from the very beginning? Is this what you’ve been talking about?"
"Not quite the very beginning, but yeah, some of it. I didn’t want any problems. And besides, I don't want that happening under my care. If you don't want whatever is going on with you and the culprit to happen then make sure to go outside or somewhere far away after Totomaru voices your deduction," you said as you looked at him unfazed. You were expecting him to react like this anyway.
Ron looks at you, completely floored. Here you were, basically aware of half his life, retelling it to him casually. Totomaru looked confused still, but then it clicked after a few minutes of silence.
"Wait, she knew everything? You knew?" Totomaru said as he looked at Ron and then you repeatedly, looking for an answer. So you explained everything to him again.
"Wait, but you never knew much about me and don't ask people about me," Totomaru said but you just shushed him
“That’s just what you think,” you chuckled as you sip your coffee. “Besides the more I heard about Ron, the more I thought he was interesting.”
After that you and Ron got close especially after knowing everything. He took his time with you, getting to know you almost as much as you knew him. Ron also found out you were also good at self defense after one of the killers in one case attacked. He saw how you handled it. He thought about it before, when he first met you, but you were a bit scary...
As time passes, you, Ron, and Totomaru had cases that all of you would investigate together. You and Ron took this chance to compete (in a good way) on who'd be the first to solve the case. Totomaru actually couldn't believe you and him would hold competitions even during times as serious as this but eventually he got used to it. Most of the time, you win because you distract Ron, but at the same time Ron does the same to you and that makes you lose to him.
You said you would defeat him in other cases, and there is no problem in finding some cases because every time you three are together somehow there is always a murder and if not probably theft or other things. Ron seemed happy to solve more cases; sometimes you were, too, but at the same time you find it rather concerning...
While in the past everyone saw only Ron and Totomaru, now they see (Name), Ron, and Totomaru together. People even said that Totomaru looked like a third wheel to you and Ron, especially with how you got along. Some even said that you and Ron looked like enemies to lovers as you two would always "fight" in investigations.
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
🇵 🇱 🇦 🇾 🇧 🇴 🇾
Businessman!Hyunjin x businesswoman!fem!reader
Adviser!Soobin x boss!fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff, smut Business Au
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You were competitve, full of passion for winning.
'Can't fool me, even if you were the joker.' was your moto. A famous phrase that inspired many woman around the world.
Everyone knew about you. You could say you had a world-fame as a smartass.
'Gotta keep intelligence into beauty.'
Making it into the top five strongest woman around the world. Even tho you were very young. Your company was called: PlayGirl
Your name came from the famous PlayBoy.
'Getting all the boys to fall for the PlayGirl.'
Your company was about fashion, about elegant but also a wild fashion. A fashion for everyone, doesn't matter what age.
You were sitting at your desk, when someone knocked on your door.
'Come in.' you said.
One of your advicers came into your office. He had some papers in his hand and he looked a bit excited.
'Could i have some of your time?'
'Ofcourse Soonbin, what do you have for me here?'
'I had a great idea in mind, that could maybe bring the company in a more brighter spotlight.'
'I am listening.'
'I just came across a model, Hwang Hyunjin. He could be perfect for selling our new looks. What do you think?'
'Never heard of him, to be honest.'
'Never? You can look him up if you want to.'
'No need, if he is a selling-icon, i don't need to look. I trust you Soonbin, you are mine best adviser, go for it.' you smiled.
'Thank you for your trust miss I/N. I will take care of it right away!'
'Thats perfect, thank you.'
He left, you saw he was very excited about this. You don't even understand why. Its just a model.
Some minutes later after the interaction with Soobin, your bestfriend came running inside.
'Y/N, miss I/N. Is it true what i heard?'
'What did you hear now?'
'Is Hwang Hyunjin going to model for the company?'
'Yes indeed.'
She squeled from excitment.
'Why are you all so excited, its just a man.'
'Just a man?! Haven't you see him?'
'All models are handsome, it doesn't matter actually how he looks.'
'Yeah, okay, sure.' she said sarcastic.
'Shouldn't you work at the percentage's for today? Hmm, instead of simping for that man?'
'Yeah, i almost forgot.'
'Its okay, just go now.'
'Bye Y/NNNNN.'
Everyone is so enthousiast. Better enthousiast than depressive.
'When is the meeting?'
'The meeting is at 5pm.' your assistent Danielle said.
'Perfect, thank you. Could you bring Min Yoongi with me?'
'Sure miss I/N. I will get him.'
'Thank you.'
You were walking with a straight back, towards the meeting-room. Your black heels clicking with every step. You opened the door and placed all the papers on the big table. Making everything readdy.
'Greetings I/N Y/N.'
'Hello Min. Are they alreaddy here?'
'Yes, your assistent is leading them here.'
'Okay good.'
'Could i get some coffee beforehand?'
'Ofcourse, you do not need to ask that.'
Yoongi went to the coffee-machine and make some coffee for himself. To keep him a little bit active and awake. You alreaddy heared Danielle talking to some people, it were them. You were sitting at the farest chair in the middel.
You saw a handsome man entering room. You could understand why he was a model, but he wasn't very skinny. He was build quit perfect, the perfect man, for the perfect job.
You went to shake hands with mister Hwang and his manager mister Know.
'Take a seat, Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Know.'
You and Min Yoongi were telling him information about the company and the fashion-line. The time he would come here and the time he could leave. Also, the most important part, the money.
Lee Know wanted him to get payed atleast 16 million. Hwang Hyunjin was beloved around many company's so it would be fair. The price was reasonable, so it was a deal. You could say, it would be a bigger win for your company than him.
He would be brought tommorow to look at the clothe's, the one's he would wear and his makeup-room ofcourse. The meeting went quit slowly. Lee Know was very difficult to be honest, but thats why you brought Min Yoongi with you. He was your cold-partner in crime, with a soft side for close friends.
He dealed with Lee Know, he wasn't very different from the other managers who he had dealed with in the past.
'That was easy.' Min said.
'As easy as can be.'
'You should keep an eye on that Hwang Hyunjin.'
'How come?'
'I heard he is a playboy. He has one nightstands with other woman.'
'Do not be scared, he cannot play his card with me.'
'I have the full trust in you, but not about the other woman here around.'
'I will keep an eye on him, do not worry.'
'He was alreaddy flirting with your assistent, i heard.'
'I will make sure she won't be hurt by his flirting.'
'If you say so I/N Y/N.'
'If i say so, it will.'
'Goodmorning Hwang Hyunjin.'
'Goodmorning I/N Y/N.'
You were waiting for him, for about five minutes. Today he was wearing a tight suit, it looked very good. Two of his buttons were undo, so you could get a glance of his chest.
You were giving him a small tour. Also giving him the key to his own room. Just so he could get some privacy. You also showed him the new summer collection. He loved the clothe's. He picked his favorite one's out, he had a good taste.
He tried to flirt with you sometime's, but you always managed to escape his gentle words. He wasn't used to it. He was prince Charming, he could get everyone to beg for him, or so he thought.
Some weeks passed, and he loved the company. He really wanted to stay modeling here. Like you don't know the real reason behind it. You could see his many adventure's on the security-camera's. It got you sometime's horny, but you always brushed the thoughts away.
One time you could even hear it. It was evening, and you thought you were alone in the building. Just checking a bit around, making sure everything was correct and right. Also planning some evenements. Suddenly you heard from the other side of the wall a girl moaning.
'Ah-h, Hyuijniee, f-faster.' you were a tiny bit shocked.
You could hear knock on the wall. He was problably fucking her against the wall.
'Baby patients.' their voice's filling the building.
You could hear their moans, the skin-slapping, it was very very difficult to focus on your work while they were doing another type of 'work'.
You felt how your pussy got wet of those sounds. You slipped your hand into your panties and started to rub your clit. How louder they got, how faster you rubbed. You threw your head back and were softly moaning.
You started to go faster and faster, untill you came with a soft whimper. You felt a bit disgusted, but you couldn't help yourself. He was still banging her, so you had an idea, a very funny idea. You went to the hallway and clicked the lights on. Leaning against the wall with a smirking face, waiting for them to go outside.
The door opened softly. You saw Hyunjin coming outside with a girl. The girl froze and went pale.
'Oh hello, you two had fun?'
No word escaped their mouths, nothing. What could they possibly say in this kind of situation?
'It is very difficult to concentrate on mine work, if i hear banging on mine wall.'
'Mine apologies miss.' she said looking towards the floor.
'You do not need to apologies. Next time, go some departments lower.'
You left them both to stunned to speak, in the hallway. Caught by your boss, thats embarassing, you thought. The cleaner of the company would problaby gossip about this evenement. The cleaner was the gossip-king of the building. He knew everything about everyone...
Some days pasted, and you were ignoring you famous model Hyunjin. It was very weird to look at him the same way, even tho it didn't make any difference. You caught him like hunderd time's on the security camera.
You were a bit mad, not because he was fooling around with other girls, no. You were a bit mad because he was fooling around with your girls. Your hard working girls, just getting used by a guy. You alreaddy told your assistent to stay away from him. You were very protective about her, Danielle. She was like a little sister to you.
'Tell me if he ever try's to seduce you, okay?'
'Yes i will.'
One day, you had enough from it. From all the tape's you had from him. One evening, you went to talk to him.
'Could you send mister Hwang to mine office, before you leave?' you asked Danielle.
'Ofcourse miss.'
'Thank you.'
Maybe a couple minutes later he stood in your office.
'Thank you Danielle, you can go home now.'
'Thank you miss.'
She left.
'Take a seat.'
He seated himself infront of you.
'Could you explain why you are fooling around with all mine hardworkers?'
'I don't know what you are talking about.'
'We have security camera's everywhere, Hyunjin.' you said
'I check the tape's of the camera's everyday.'
'So you looked at them, all of them?'
'Not to sound disgusting, but yes i did.'
'You liked it?'
'Excuse me?'
'You liked what you saw?'
'I am not answer that question.'
'So you didn't?'
'Never said that.'
'So you did, you did like them.'
'Also never said that.'
'I know you are stessed, i could relieve all your stress.'
'Not interested.'
'You sure about that?'
When was the last time you had some fun? Maybe 3 years ago? You didn't remember anymore.
You stood up and walked over were he was sitting. You grabbed his face and kissed him. Pulling him into a heated kiss. Devoring him with your tongue. Many moans left his mouth. You undid his belt, pulling his pants and underwear off.
His long fingers went into your panties. Playing with your clit fast. You did your panties off, throwing them on the floor. You started to rub him off. Making sure he was hard.
He was still seated on the chair. You positioned yourself on his dick, slowly sinking into him. You both choked on a moan. You started to bounce on his dick slowly. His hands were going under your blouse, he massaged your breasts with both hands.
He started to unbutton your blouse. Seeing your white bra made him more horny. He pulled your bra up, getting more acces to your breasts. He licked and sucked on it. You were bouncing faster and faster on his dick. He started to kiss your chest, your shoulder, everywhere he could reach.
You both were exploring eachothers body. Your hands touched his hear, abs, muscels, arms, chest, everything. He grabbed your chin and gave you sloppy kisse's. Kissing your jaw, going to your neck. Sucking the skin there, leaving hickey's behind.
His hups were bucking in you, trying to make it go faster. Your back arched, you orgasm was very close, his to. You both still kept going faster and faster, untill you felt his cum throbbing inside your pussy. You came soon after. Resting your forehead on his. You could feel how sweatty he was under you. Even his forehead was sweatty.
His strong arms wrapped around your body. He started to kiss your chest again. You layed your head on his shoulder, stroking his hair.
For some days, you didn't saw any tape's of him with other woman. Untill today. You were over-working again, checking the security camera's again. Your heart sank into the floor. You saw him again with another woman.
You don't even know why you were so hurt. It wasn't like you were in love with him, but still. Something in your body broke. You smashed your laptop closed. Laying your head on your desk.
Sobbing a bit. Suddenly tears came rolling on your cheek like a waterfall. You hated him so much, even tho you weren't even in a relationship. Still, he used you in a moment you were the weakest, and he left you alone as the weakest.
You bonked your head on your desk. Your adviser came into your office, when he saw you laying with your head on your desk.
'Miss? Is everything alright?'
You looked up, tears falling of your chin. Your eyes were red and they hurted. He came running towards you. Wrapping his arms around you.
'What happend?'
You didn't say anything, you just sobbed in his arms.
'Shh.' he comforted you.
He was gently stroking your hair. You leaned into his chest. Sitting like this for a while.
'You want to tell me what happend.' he asked.
You slowly reached out for your computer, opening the tab with the tape of the security camera. He was looking for a moment and then he looked again back at you. He didn't even need any explination to know what happend.
'Everything is alright, shh.' his arms now fully wrapping around your body.
Swinging you like a baby from the left to the right. Your head layed on his shoulder. You turned your head to look at his neck. You gently kissed it before falling asleep. His heart started to beat faster when he felt your tongue on his neck. It made you smile weakly.
After that experience's with Soobin, you grew closer to him. When you saw him you immediatly walked up to him. Talking to him and softly touching his arms.
Hyunjin started to notice your interaction with Soobin. He was starting to get jealous. Trying to follow you around, but you just ignored him.
Soobin was smart, he was a gentlemen and you sometime's imagines him playing with kids. He would be a great father.
You started to work harder during the daytime so you could go be alone with him at night.
'Are you readdy to go?' Soobin asked. Hyunjin was glancing at you two, looking from you to him.
'Yeah, i am done, packed everything important.' you winked at him.
Hyunjin saw you entering Soobin's car. He started to get jealous and he had rage in his body. But you didn't mind it, his emotions are his, his feelings are his. It didn't matter.
You were pinned against the matress, naked. Laying under Soobin. His kisse's were soft, his finger were gentel. He was pumping into you slowly, making sure you were comfortable with every pace. He stroked your cheek.
He whispered encouraging words into your ear.
'You are doing great baby.'
'I love you so much.'
You loved to feel his sweatty body against yours. You loved him, you couldn't imagine a world without him anymore. After you both came, he took care of you. He cleaned everything up and you two showered together.
You two were laying in bed, his arms wrapped around your waist. Your face snuggeled into his chest. His warmth made you relax within seconds.
You never talked again anymore about Hyunjin. He sometime's tried to interact with you, but you always walked past him. He didn't excist for you anymore. Just a lump of air.
You and Soobin made your relationship official and public. You two were always attached to eachother.
After two months, Hyunjin decided to leave the company for another. It didn't matter to you. You immediatly hired other models. Like Lee Felix or Kang Haerin. They represented the new PlayGirl and PlayBoy of the company.
After some months you annouced your pregnancy. It immediatly came into the covers. You life was full of joy again. It felt good.
You maybe lost your prince, but you found your king.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
That cryptotheism guy has several spicy (bad) takes, so I'm not surprised to see this
oh no, i'm aware
(edit: I don't know if they're cool with the term Guy, so while it's commonly gender-neutral nowadays, might be a good idea to avoid using it for them if there's doubt. someone brought this to my attention after the post went live; I answered it without the edit on the assumption that it was originally intended neutrally. but the disclaimer seems to be important, so. disclaimer!)
a few years ago, they made a bunch of posts about how they and their boyfriend thought it was okay to shoplift from small family businesses for basically no reason besides "I Wanna and I'm Cool and Edgy; Die Mad You Cringe Babies"
like they're claiming they weren't saying Barnum was admirable in any way, just that his "relatively honest" con man style had a place in American folk mythology and like
A. he was not even relatively honest; he clung to those lies for deal life until he couldn't make money off them anymore. people just caught onto what he did because he did it so often. that man would not admit wrongdoing until he had no choice whatsoever, which is not the same as "heehee hoohoo see if you can rumble my illusion trick, visitors! I'll give you a shiny dime if you figure it out!" You Got Caught A Bunch and You're Honest are not the same thing
B. saying that you admire a certain thing. and then citing someone as an example of that thing. kind of implies that you admire them? like what did you mean for me to take that as? am I going insane here?
I wasn't even mad at them! a lot of people have a fictionalized vision of Barnum, if not from The Greatest Showman than from years of fiction using him as the Loveable Con Artist Rogue stock character without any real understanding of his actions! TBH I meant my reblog more in light of "hey you might not have realized this about this guy, but you should probably know"
but they're doubling down, so. huh. I guess that's that.
C. couldn't they have gone with like. the many many con artists of 19th century America who just claimed to be a European royal or Lost Heir to the Whatever Name and rode that train as far as it would go? that's funny while still being objectively a dick move if we're honest, with very little Actual Human Slavery involved in most cases
like Cassie L. Chadwick/Elizabeth Bigley (1854-1907), whose most well-known scam was pretending to be a daughter of various wealthy American and Canadian families- the Cunards, the Carnegies, etc. -and defrauding banks who trusted a famous name
plus Carnegie felt so bad about over his name being used that way that he built a library about it! win/win! (unless you're one of her victims of course)
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flaresemily · 2 months
Platonic Knight Father x Daughter Readers Part 1
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Platonic Father Knight x Daughter Readers….
WARNING ⚠️ ‼️ ⚠️ ‼️
Contains…. Something like a pedophile and teen pregnancy and so on. This story is disturbing and probably disgusting!! Read at your own risk!!‼️⚠️‼️⚠️
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! THIS STORY IS DISTURBING ‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️
Rowen Archie a famous knight in the imperial family. He was known to be the most skillful and handsome knight.
While you Y/n Archie was his 4 years old daughter.
It all happens when your father and mother fall in love and get married for 3 years. They tried for a child but couldn't, then one day your mother found out she was pregnant.
Both of them were so happy. But sadly, she passed away after giving birth to you. But unlike the others…your father loves you so much!! He even threatens his own butler for trying to drive you out of his house.
4 years have passed…
Your father was summoned by the king.
“You summon me your majesty?” He bowed to the king.
“Now now Rowen…we are childhood friends, just call me by my name.” the king chuckled.
“Of course…now why did you summon me? Please be quick I have an appointment with my little flower”
The king only laughed at his words.
“I'm here to propose a deal…”
Rowen tilted his head to the side.
“Yes…marry my sister…Eliza”
“She needs support…and she doesn't really trust men easily after her husband…well.. cheated on her”
“Is that so…okay then…”
‘If I married the princess…y/n don't have to be alone at the mansion,’ Rowen thought to himself.
“I agree!”
Oh how he makes a great mistake.
And thus the wedding happened. Everyone was celebrating.
The princess has 3 children with her past husband…all boys.
“Here you go darling…” Rowen offers his hand to his new wife. She takes his hand as she steps down followed by her son's.
“This is…”
“This shall be your new place from now on”
“Woah! So cool!” the third born said.
“Is there any way I can practice swords with you father!!! The second born asks.
“Ah of course you can Richter!” Rowen smiles at them all…forgetting…a certain someone….
11 years past…and yet…Rowen still forgets about his responsibility. And not only that…Rowen and his new wife Eliza have a baby girl named Lilith.
“Father…” Carlos, the first born, called to him in the family gathering room.
All family members were there except…one
“May I ask…who's this?” He showed them all a picture of a little girl.
“Ah that's y/n— Y/N!!!” Rowen quickly stood up. “N-no…how could I forgot….m-my precious roses!!” He ran out of the gathering room running around the house. All of them look at him weirdly.
Rowen was searching for you like a mad man. “Y/n!! Y/n!!!” As he called out to you…not even one he heard you reply.
“My lord?”
Rowen quickly turned around and saw one of his old maids.
“Where's y/n!!”
“You mean little lady?”
“Yes!! Where is she!!” He was looking around the maid for any sign of you.
“Didn't you ask for lord Zachary to adopt her?”
As he heard that name he froze. Zachary Huxley. His dead wife's older brother.
“I…I didn't say anything about making him adopt y/n…”
“Eh!! But he said you allowed him to take custody!”
“WHAT!!...oh no…Lady y/n!!!”
His eyes widened at his mistake…oh how he wished he wasn't blind by his new wife's beauty…
With you somewhere else (what happened in the past)
“What do you mean papa doesn't want me anymore.” Her eyes started to water. “Well my bad,sadly he wishes for you to be gone since he already has a new…family.” Zachary smirks at his own lies.
“B-but papa loves me!”
“In the past, yes but now…he doesn't want you…he's going to be busy with his new wife” Zachary held out his hand for her to take. And she did…I repeat…she did.
11 years later
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!” The maids and butlers gathered around the table.
“Happy birthday to lady y/n! Happy birthday to you!” All of the maids finished the song with clapping.
“....thank you! Everyone” as she looked up. All of them could see bruises on her face,body and so on.
“....” They were silent. “Are you done singing the song?” Zachary came out of nowhere and startled them.
“Yes my lord we are done” all of them retreat to their own headquarters.
As they all leave y/n just sitting there doing nothing.
“Now y/n.. it's your 15th birthday…do you want anything?” Zachary walks towards her and caresses her hair ‘weirdly’.
“Nothing daddy! I just want to eat some cake can I?”
“Of course, anything for my precious…daughter.” He leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips.
And then, he goes away, probably doing his work. As he was out of her sight. She harshly wiped the kiss that was left by him.
Everyone could see that she was trembling hard. Sobbing her heart out.
"It's okay…it's okay y/n…papa…papa save me right?” she mumbled. But deep down she knew it's useless. She waited for 11 years. After she got ‘adopted’ she learned her uncle's true nature.
He was a pedophile. No wonder his sister hates him. And that's not all. Just a few months ago, she learned that her uncle put up something called dark magic. It allows the user to spy on someone.
So technically all of her years staying with her uncle. She was spied on by him.
And she knew…he saw all of her…I mean all of her. She always throws up at the idea.
As she retreats to her bed. She couldn't help but feel an unpleasant feeling.
As she stepped inside her room she was hit by a wave of a very good smell of perfume.
She started to feel dizzy. Before she could collapse on the floor she was welcomed by a pair of hands.
“Don't worry now my dear…daddy will take care of you~”
The next day….
Y/n jolted awake from her ‘sleep’ and she couldn't believe her eyes. Her body hurt here and there. And a lot of ‘marks’ were left on her.
She knew She was doomed. And the only thing she could do is cry her heart out.
This happened for a month until…
“Ugh!! I can't take it anymore!” One of the maids said. “What do you mean?” reply another. “Let's help the lady! Please!” She begged the head maids.
“....we can't…” the head maid looked down sadly.
*No….we can” one of the butlers came in.
“I know what we can do,” he hummed. All of the maids look at him weirdly.
Y/n was getting ready to ‘sleep’. She has eyebags under her eyes. A knock interrupts her thought.
“Come on in…” she replied weakly.
“My lady?” A maids poke her head in.
“I have something to tell you!”
She looked around before she whispered in her ears.
“We will get you out of here my lady.”
Y/n eyes widened and she quickly looked at the maid.
“A-are you sure!”
“Yes I'm not the only one everyone in this house wanted to help you! Excluding the lord.”
Y/n started to cry at this.
“W-where will I go?”
“Oh right…. it's okay we have a back up plan!”
And thus the maids and butlers get ready to sneak her out. As the previous maid and y/n tip toeing in the front door. Someone caught their acts from behind.
“So this is where you're going?”
Both of their eyes widen. “U-uncle..”
“Uncle? Really baby? I thought you were better!”
He glared at her.
“Guards!! Seized the maid!! How dare she try to take away what's mine!!”
A guard came and held down the maids. While Zachary was laughing like a maniac he was suddenly pinned down to the ground.
“What the f*---”
“I wouldn't curse if I was you….”
Zachary's eyes widened.
“Hello…brother in law” as the hood fell down it revealed Rowen.
Y/n saw who the stranger was and felt very angry and sad, mostly sad. She pushes the guards away and takes the maid's hand and quickly runs away.
But she couldn't run far since she immediately collapsed on the floor.
“My lady!”
“My roses!!” As she heard her past nickname, tears fell down before she saw black.
Rowen quickly kneels down and carries his daughter back.
As he arrives at his mansion. How wife and step sons, including his daughter, were waiting for him.
“Daddy you're back!” Shout the youngest Lilith.
“...I'm back….everyone”
Y/n slowly regained her consciousness. There she saw someone head near her hands sleeping she assumed.
As she struggles to move. The head wakes up.
“Darling rosy! Don't you are still weak”
“... You…”
“Yes it's me papa! I miss you so much!!”
“...I..I don't have a papa” she looked away.
“N-no you do! Okay it's my fault for not looking after you!”
A few days have passed…y/n still remains in her ‘shell’. Rowen didn't stop visiting her. Until he carries her out to eat with him. He hand fed her with a spoon.
He was smiling, including his wife and sons. Except his younger daughter Lilith. She was in rage then she slammed her hand down drawing everyone's attention.
“It's not fair!!”
“Darling sit down…” her mother, Eliza warned her.
“Daddy loves me more!! Why did you have her attention!! I'm your daughter, not her!!”
Rowen slammed his spoon down the table mimicking his daughter's action.
“Lilith she's your older sister…respect her she's my child”
“But not with mommy right!! Did you cheat!!”
“Shut up Lilith Archie!!!” Eliza stands up angrily.
“M-mommy…I'm just defending you!”
“Defending…you don't know anything!! And your father can love anyone he wants!! And for your information! That's Y/n Archie! The true heir to your father's properties!!”
Lilith's eyes widened. “Impossible…he never told me he had a daughter!!.
“It's my fault for making him neglect his daughter…” Eliza confesses.
Y/n who have heard everything stay quiet. She tries to stand up but her legs tremble. And gave out making her collapse on the cold floor.
Rowen quickly helped her and carried her away.
Lilith who saw all this interaction was very angry.
Her older brother, Carlos knew that Lilith would try to do something bad to her.
Time last Lilith tried to frame y/n but failed as she was always caught by her older brother.
As for y/n…bad news is..she…started to throw up. She has nausea almost everyday.
Eliza, who notices these details, quickly hires a private doctor that she trusts.
As the doctor checked y/n Rowen,Eliza and Carlos were there. Carlos was there to make sure Lilith won't do anything stupid.
“...my lord…I have bad news.” The doctor finished packing her things.
“Well…lady y/n she's…” the doctor looked guilty.
“She what?”
“She's pregnant…”
“I-impossible…” Rowen fell down to his knees.
He started to cry for all the things he couldn't have done for y/n.
As for y/n, she too in a shock phrase, her eyes started to get glossy.
Eliza who saw that quickly hugged her. Y/n was still in a shock state as she quickly hugged Eliza too. Sobbing her heart out.
Rowen stands up and hug y/n taking her away from Eliza. He hugged her so tightly while sobbing and apologizing.
“I'm sorry…I'm sorry papa sorry”
Carlos who saw all of this quietly walked out.
A few months past y/n stomach growth. Eliza has been keeping an eye out for her and so did others.
She was 6 months pregnant. She was taking a walk in the garden.
“My lady it's time for your dessert”
No reply
“My lady?”
No reply
As the maid walked closer to her. It turns out y/n was asleep.
The maid chuckled.
“Well..I believe we can continue this story another time then dear viewers~”
“Till we meet again~”
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reashot · 1 year
Day 8 of 9 days of Lancaster. Meeting the family/ How Jaune almost lost his Life.
PSA: Hey sorry for the really late post but I been really busy with life. But not to worry the last one will be posted soon enough.
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Two people can be seen sitting together in a couch. A boy and a girl. The boy for some reason can't seem to shop shaking from his seat. While the girl sitting next to him are trying to calm him down as best as she can.
Ruby: Jaune please stop shaking.
Jaune: I-I can't Ruby I'm too worried about what will going to happen. What if they don't like me.
Ruby: You worry too much. They will like you.
Jaune: Oh, here they come. I hope you're right Ruby...
The door opens to reveals two adults entering the room. The two then quietly walks towards them and sit across from Ruby and Jaune.
Summer: So is this the famous Jaune Arc I keep hearing about?
Ruby: Oh yeah, so anyway mom I want to introduce you to Jaune.
Jaune: H-hello mrs. Ruby's mom. I-I mean mrs. Rose. My Name is Jaune Arc, a pleasure to meet you.
Summer: Oh such a charming young man. And it's a pleasure to meet you too Jaune. Hey dear, why don't you go and say Hi to Jaune too?
Tai: *grumble, grumble*
Summer: Oh Tai my love, please be nice to the handsome young man. Or else you'll be sleeping on this here couch for the night.
Tai: Hrmmm.... Fine, okay I'll do it! Hi Jaune...
Jaune: It's nice to meet you too Mr. Xiao Long, sir...
Tai: Growl!
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Jaune: Eeep! I'm-I'm sorry for being born, sir!
Ruby: Dad you're scaring him!
Summer: Really, dear. Is this how you're going to act everytime he comes to visit?
Tai: That remains to be seen...
Jaune: I assure you, sir. That I have every intention to continue my "meeting" with Ruby for a long time.
Ruby: Jaune... *blush*
Summer: Oh my.... What a daring man you are.
Tai: Why you!!!
Summer: Now, now. My dear please try not to kill every boy that try to get close to our daughter. We don't want a repeat of last time. Here have something to drink.
Tai: Fine... *drink*
Jaune: *gulp* Last time?...
Ruby: There used to be a boy that i'm a close friend with but he and his entire family suddenly have to leave after I invite him back home.
Jaune: W-what happened. To make him suddenly leave like that?
Summer: Trust me Jaune. It's not something you want to know.... Anyway let's talk about the most important stuffs. How many times you done "it" With Ruby?
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Jaune: Oh, how many times I did "it" with Ruby? A lot I guess.
Summer: Oh my, such a healthy young boy you are. And Ruby did you enjoy doing "it" with him?
Ruby: Y-yes mom. He's so great in fact that we ended up doing "it" all Night.
Tai: (internally screaming)
Summer: Ahh. Young love... So Jaune what do you think about our little Ruby does she satisfy you in everyway possible?
Jaune: Yes in fact she does thing that I didn't know was possible.
Tai: *going into shock*
Summer: He, he, he. I see. So Ruby did he do the same thing to you?
Ruby: Of course he did. I didn't know that Jaune was so open-minded in trying new things. He's even cool with me in letting me bring other people in.
Summer&Tai: Wait, what?
Jaune: I told you Ruby, just because I let others join in with us doesn't mean that I like doing it. I mean Pyhrra, Weiss and even Blake. At the same time even.
Ruby: Oh. But I thought it's every boy's dream to be doing it with a bunch of girls?
Jaune: Well not this boy that's for sure. I prefer to be doing it with a single person. And I would like that person to be you Ruby.... That is of course, if you want it?
Ruby: Oh... Jaune~ Of course I want it. I want to that person.
Summer: Oh my, I guess it's true that you shouldn't judge a person by their appearance. Say honey, you been unusually quiet for some time now...
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My little girl.... He not only defiled my beautiful baby girl. But he treats her like a side chick in his own harem.
Summer: Uh Tai. We can hear what you're thinking.
Ruby: Please dad you're freaking us out.
Jaune: I think you should calm down Ruby's dad...
Tai: Dad? Dad? Dad!!!!! I'll fucking kill you if you use that word on me. Listen here fuccboy! I will never approve of your relationship with my daughter. Let alone giving you my blessing to marry Ruby.
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Ruby&Jaune: Wait, what!!!
Tai: You heard me I will never let you have Ruby's hand in marriage!
Jaune: W-wait please stop. Ow! L-let me explain. Please stop shaking me before I can explain!
Ruby: Me Marrying Jaune? What are you talking about dad!
Summer: Ruby please stop with this innocent act. I admit that it's cute for a while but it's way over played. We know you want to introduce us to your boyfriend.
Ruby: B-bo-boyfriend!!! Mom, Jaune is not my boyfriend!
Tai: Really?!
Jaune: That's what I been trying to tell you...
Tai: Shut up. I'm not talking to you!
Summer: Then why did you tell us that you want us to meet Jaune & give us our blessing?
Ruby: Oh that's because we want your blessing for us to join a gaming competition.
Summer: A gaming competition?
Jaune: Yeah there's a huge prize if we win the game... Holy shi!!!
Summer: You... Brought us all here together saying you have something important to tell us about your relationship with Jaune. And you have all of us thinking that the two of you are finally getting together for real. Do you have any idea how much I wanted the two of you to be together?
Ruby: Mom please stop it. you're hurting Jaune.
Jaune: Please I can't breathe....
Tai: Sum-Sum I might not like the boy but I think you're going too far here.
Summer: Okay Jaune you want to live another day, right? Then you and Ruby need to give me grandchildren right now!
Ruby: Mom what are you saying!?
Summer: It's the only way for me to have grandchildren! Now let me start by taking off your pants.
Tai: Summer what are you doing!?
Jaune: I do not consent, I do not consent! Please stop it. I need an adult!!!
Summer: I'm an adult.
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Summer: Now stay still... Wow. You can split a person in half with what you're packing. Do you think Ruby mind if I borrow you sometimes?
Tai: Summer No!!!
Ruby: Stay away from Jaune!!!
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Oppenheimer / immediate thoughts
ok nolan fans let's talk, i just got back.
i am very well acquainted with 20th century american history but i did not do any additional research on oppenheimer the man or the trinity test because i wanted to be surprised by the movie's narrative and imagery, so keep that in mind as you read. i'm not fact-checking for the time being... i want to go do my own reading at my leisure when it's not past midnight.
DON'T GO SEE IT IN IMAX. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND A HEADACHE. it's not inception or dunkirk or the batman films or interstellar. just go to your local theater or wait until it's available to stream. trust me on this. i'll explain why in the spoilers section below.
-this was the least nolan-y film that nolan has ever made. i see more of following in it (his very first film) than i do any other project. it was definitely a bit of a different direction for him.
-this is basically a biopic of sorts about oppenheimer. it's not about the war nor is it really about the bomb. it's about an awkward, conflicted, and possibly mentally ill physics genius who seems to not know how to do much in life beyond quantum physics theory. like yes, he's got a brilliant mind, but he's far from a well-rounded, impressive human being. the guy was a hot mess long before anyone mentioned the word bomb.
-taking that into consideration, i can see how the suffering of humans (whether the navajo nation in new mexico, or the japanese people) doesn't play a role in the film. japanese victims are mentioned, but briefly in one scene. that doesn't make any of this right. in fact a more entertaining, eye-opening, and timely film should have included more of both - but i see now that nolan wanted to focus on ONE man and cillian is indeed in practically every. single. scene.
-cillian should be nominated for an oscar and win it.
-humans are very complex and you CAN both build the bomb AND feel bad about it, yes it's entirely possible and normal, but the film is still 3 hours of white guilt. i'm openly saying it. the reason you shouldn't see it in imax is because it's 3 hours of middle aged white men sitting around making terrible decisions. it's SO MUCH TALKING, jesus.
-IMAX cameras are stupidly loud, which is why most filmmakers don't use them. you can't hear dialogue. they're for action scenes. so that very much explains why i was just ITCHING for subtitles on this. so many different accents and everyone mumbling and the score was louder than their voices and ARGHHH nolan why.
-female characters are unremarkable and underused. i know nolan and i know how he uses female characters. at this point i'm convinced he just doesn't know how to write them, and he can only work with male-driven stories and you know what... fine. it is what it is. unless he brings female writers on board, nothing will change, because he can't do it himself.
-why are there sudden bare tiddies in a nolan film. fanboys, did u love it? did u get what u wanted? was that it? finally, a sex scene in a nolan film? it added nothing and i could argue it took some things away. sorry folks. entirely unnecessary.
-ok THE BEST PART was the surprise cameos. cillian was in every scene and yet he was the least famous person among big oscar winners sometimes! it was wild! i was internally screaming at gary oldman as harry truman. excellent choice to play him like the clown he was. AND EINSTEIN??? did y'all catch that or no??? i knew it right away from the voice and the kind eyes. it's the GUY FROM THE PIT IN THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. he helps bruce recover, and narrates the ascent of "the child". terrific casting! and i haven't checked IMDB yet, but is borden (not named after the character from the prestige!) played by the arkham patient from the dark knight? the one who gets shot in the leg and interrogated by harvey dent?? tell me i am recognizing the right guy! and then we had matthew modine... casey affleck... rami malek who appeared for like 3 mins maybe?! AND Y'ALL, JOSH HARTNETT????????????????? OMG my biggest crush when i was 15. that was craaaazy. but i do like seeing nolan bring back his friends... it's very much a nolan circle as we all know. and once you're in it, you're in it!
-the use of sound was VERY GOOD. the explosion actually being silent, because light reaches us before sound? but also the way the buildup was so intense and so hyped up and then just.... complete silence to reflect on the monstrosity being produced, and how nothing will be the same.
-there was a lot of train sounds to emphasize the railroad, but also... anyone notice that the stomping noise in oppenheimer's head almost felt like a train was coming through? TELL ME YOU DIDN'T THINK ABOUT COBB'S GUILTY CONSCIENCE IN INCEPTION, and how a train would ram through the dream. nolan doing an homage to himself is absolutely hysterical and i am here for it i guess.
-i'm not sure how audiences abroad will feel about all the scenes in washington with congressional testimony. does that stuff carry over well? do you get the references? it's such inside baseball, i know, and it adds so much time to the film, and yet MORE scenes with middle aged white men talking. i could have done with less of the black and white "present day" scenes and more about the impact of the bomb, or maybe more about kitty's life and how she overcame her (presumed?) alcoholism and depression.
-the casual discussion about the 11 cities shortlisted to drop the atomic bomb "but not kyoto because of its cultural importance" made people laugh in the theater as intended, but honestly like... nothing in the movie is funny. it's really heavy stuff and i still stand by the fact that the bomb should never have been produced, despite what oppenheimer and others tried to say. because even its production is incredibly dangerous. it's not just about where you fucking drop it.
-did i mention there is too much matt damon. like, too much.
-rami malek is the only person of color with a speaking role in this film. that's right.
-ok what else guys??? i wanna hear thoughts. there's a lot more but i'm so tired at this hour
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lonelychicago · 1 year
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april's fics masterlist! 💌
unbetaed, unedited, unhinged
This is a list of all most of my published buddie fics for the 9-1-1 fandom (will be updated as needed).
I hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) | teen and up | 4.2k words
"What did you just say?' Buck swallows thickly and reaches for the marriage certificate, passing it to Eddie. "Don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married." He lets out a breath, bracing himself for the worst case scenario. 'Don't panic', he says, which is rich coming from Buck since he feels like all he'll be able to do for the foreseeable future is panic. Eddie doesn’t react, which is kinda great and definitely something Buck can work with, but he’s also honestly a little worried Eddie went catatonic. “Married?” Eddie repeats, in a hollow voice. from the tumblt prompt: "Don’t panic but I think we might have accidentally gotten married."
i'll heal eventually (but faster if you're next to me) | teen and up | 19.2k words
School Nurse Eddie and the idiotic Gym Teacher Buck that keeps getting injured.
we are a fresh page on the desk (filling in the blanks as we go) | teen and up | 29k words
Buck's a best seller author under a pen name, Eddie is an actor auditioning for the movie adaptation of his books, and somewhere along the way, they fall in love.
made my way to a life i would choose | explicit | 34.9k words
In which Eddie transfers from his station to the Dispatch Center to be the LAFD Liaison, change is hard, staying away from Dispatcher Evan Buckley is even harder and not falling in love with the man is god-damned impossible. Eddie makes his way to a life he would choose and to a family who will choose him back.
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) | mature | 18.1k words
In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine. They get there in the end, they just need to get their timing right. Inspired by the prompt: “you’re famous and just got asked if you were ever in love this should be good– WAIT WHAT."
it can't be unlearned (i've known the warmth of you) | teen and up | 4k words
Buck gets attacked by hunters on his way to Eddie's, Eddie takes care of him and some revelations come to light in the morning.
spinning faster than the plane that took you | teen and up | 9.2k words
Buck flees to the other side of the world, they're both miserable and also pining idiots in love. Somehow it all works out in the end.
the way you move is like a full on rainstorm (and I'm a house of cards) | explicit | 2.7k words
Buck and Eddie play strip poker and things get a little out of control. It's for the best, though.
trust me to take you home | teen and up | 2.2k words
"Listen," Eddie clears his throat. "Thank you for doing this. I—" "Thank me after we get out of this alive." Buck leans forward, his face just a few inches away from Eddie's, he has a conspiratorial glint in his eyes and his cheeks are flushed— Eddie should get an award for how strong he's being right now, seriously. It takes everything in him not to close the gap between them and kiss Buck right then and there. He could do it, though, with the excuse of people watching. They need to keep the charade, right? When Pepa kept setting him up on awful, horrible dates, and Buck offered to pretend they were dating— well, how could Eddie ever refuse something like that? The chance to get a taste for what he's been aching and longing for since forever, even if it'll end up with his heart more broken than it already is. It seemed like a good idea at the time, alright? Eddie's never claimed to make smart, sound decisions. or: there's a wedding in texas, a meddling tía pepa and only one bed. somehow, it all works in the end.
called my bluff (and saw through all my tells) | explicit | 2.3k words
eddie knows exactly how long buck was dead for and buck doesn't really know what to do with that information— so he does the logical and sensible thing and fucks the guy.
believe in one thing (i won't go away) | mature | 24k words
"I think— I think we should go to therapy. Together." Eddie says one night and takes Buck completely by surprise. "Therapy? Together?" "Yeah, like, couple's therapy or something. Frank told me he can recommend someone for us." "Eddie…" Buck says slowly, as if he's trying to explain the hardest math problem in the universe to a five year old. "We're not, uh— We're not a couple." "No, I know." Eddie frowns and looks down, fidgeting with the beer in between his hands. "But we're partners." He says, this time a lot lower that Buck barely hears it. "Right?" or: the one where buck is figuring out stuff after waking up from a coma, eddie misses his best friend and they go to couple's therapy.
I woke up just in time, (now I wake up by your side) | teen and up | 2.9k words
"Fine, I'm his fiancé." Eddie rolls his eyes and ignores the stares of his teammates behind his back. "It's fairly recent, we haven't had the time to finish the paperwork. Are you really not gonna let me see my fiancé?" or: Buck is in a coma, the nurses are being difficult and Eddie pretends to be engaged to Buck so they would let him see his friend. prompt: what are the ethical implications of pretending to be engaged to a comatose man?
romance is not dead (if you keep it just yours) | teen and up | 2.8k words
Buck went on a mysterious date, he's being oddly secretive about it and his family is just too meddling to let it go. (Eddie is having the time of his life.)
i've spent my whole life trying to put it into words | teen and up | 4.1k words
5 times Eddie was in a car with Buck, trying not to tell the man he loves him +1 time he says it. prompt: you're in a car with a beautiful boy and you're trying not to tell him that you love him.
I'd marry you with paper rings | general audiences | 1.7k words
In which Buck has thoughts about Valentine's day, he makes paper rings and somehow ends up proposing to his best friend. It kinda works out for him in the end.
I'm so in love that I might stop breathing | teen and up | 5.5k words
In which Eddie's parents come to visit, Buck is an idiot and as always, a family dinner goes wrong. BTHB Prompt: Allergic Reaction
my hands are shaking from holding back from you | explicit | 7.5k words
5 times Eddie sees one of Buck's thirst traps/nudes. Inspired by the prompt: whoops I accidentally found a naked/sexy selfie of you on your phone and fuck how am i supposed to function around you now?
pining and anticipation (I don't want you like a best friend) | teen and up | 3.3k words
"So teach me. Show me the Buck 1.0 moves or whatever." He grins at him and moves his hand, brushes his knuckles against Buck's forearm— ghosting over his skin. Buck gets goosebumps and pulls away, nearly falling off his stool. When he straightens, wincing, Eddie is grinning at him, delight all over his face. "Who doesn't have game now, Buckley?" or: Buck inadvertently challenges Eddie to try to hit on him by laughing at the fact that the guy has no game. It ends up being the best thing ever.
the songs i wrote as your other (are the best i´ll ever sing) | explicit | 7.4k words
“Should we take this new romantic love song to mean there’s someone new in your life?” “No.” He flashes another smile, all teeth and confidence he doesn't really feel inside. But he feels the weight of the cameras on him and the weight of Eddie's gaze against the side of his face; he needs to keep the act up. “Trust me, you don’t need to be in love to write a love song. It’s ingrained.” He glances at Eddie. or; Buck and Eddie are in a rock band together and have this friends with benefits thing going on. They try to keep things casual... except Buck keeps writing love songs about Eddie.
this is my idea of fun (playing video games) | explicit | 5.1k words ( co-written with @cowboy-buddie )
Eddie’s just trying to enjoy a day off filled with video games, but when Buck comes home, well, he has a diffrent sort of game in mind.
it's what my rotting bones will sing when the rest of me is dead | teen and up | 12.4k words
the one where a call goes wrong and leaves everyone thinking eddie was dead, buck finds about the will through a letter and comes to some other revelations in the process. and in which eddie finds his way back home and finally gets to be happy with the love of his life. BTHB Prompt: Missing and Presumed Dead
situations, circumstances, miscommunications ( i just may like some explanations ) | teen and up | 4.3k words
from the prompt: We're best friends and have been dating for over a month now but you won't kiss me so should we just break up and just be friends? But turns out you didn't know we were dating
the night i nearly lost you (really thought i'd lost you) | teen and up | 2.9k words
"Buck! Buck, baby! Stay with me, okay?" Eddie. Eddie's voice washes over him like a warmth blanket, comforting and grounding even amongst all the pain and fogginess. "Buck! Buck!" The screams calling his name pierce through Buck’s skull like a freight train. The pain pulses behind his eye and echoes down his spine until it falls into the churning waters of Buck’s stomach. Nausea rolls through him and he groans, closing his eyes. or: The woman sleep driving her car into the station goes a little faster and hits Buck... Eddie doesn't handle it well. BTHB Prompt: Ambulance Ride
I'm the one on the phone as you whisper | teen and up | 1.2k words
Buck's date cancels but he has already made the restaurant reservation, so he decides to call Hen and ask if she'd like to take Karen there. He dials the wrong number. It all works in the end.
i don't want to keep secrets just to keep you | teen and up | 5.5k words
Buck insists on keeping their relationship a secret for longer than Eddie thought they would. It causes some problems... until he finds the reason why.
95 notes · View notes
mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Ran doesn't care about the girlies around him ( he has a crush on his father's girlfriend, he's even a slight pervy for her )
And Rindou doesn't go to class for all his fangirls there, but for the English teacher (me)
Look, at them, look.
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Do they look like they have a mommy kink ?
They don't look like it. ( Cause they have one)
Warning: 18+, Minors DNI. pervy Ran, panties stealing, handjob, smut, manipulative Ran. Student fucking teacher, mention of porn, blackmailer Rindou, praises, pet names, tell me if I forgot anything.
Ran didn't liked you at all at first. It was clearer than water that you were only there for his father's money, you were barely few years older than him and Rindou, dating one of the most famous Roppongi's business men, do we even need to add anything?
He loathed the masquerade you were playing, the role of the perfect girlfriend, your polite smile and questions about how his and his brother's day were. You were not his mom, she died long ago, no one could replace her or even pretend, let alone a young gold-digger.
But something to know about Ran, is that when he hates someone, they keep playing in his mind, again, and again, like a broken record.
He doesn't trust you, so he watches you. You, and those tight pants that had his eyes following your path behind you.
He watches you, slipping from the bedroom to the shower every morning in one of your transparent nightgowns, thinking him and his brother were sleeping. And he watches you leaving the bathroom, dripping your beauty everywhere only wrapped in a towel.
He would watch you later, wondering where the hell were your panties that you forgot in the bathroom. Smirking, knowing perfectly how deep in his drawer they were hidden.
-" Ran ?" Your voice was kind of raw, it seems like he woke you up by slamming the door, it was past midnight after all. You turned the lights of the living room on and immediately, a gasp left your mouth seeing the blood on his face and knuckles, he winced watching you getting fastly closer to him.
-" What the hell happened to you?"
He pushed away your hand that tried reaching for his split lip,but you didn't seemed offended by his gesture, you were used to his dryness toward you.
-" t's nothing, just a fight-"
-" No it's not !" He was surprised, hearing your voice flying few decibels higher. " Oh honey, you're bleeding, let me make it right, yeah ?"
He should not, really. The infamous Ran Haitani, missing heart beats because his father's girlfriend called him honey, took his hand in hers and started guiding him toward the bedroom.
But now, he was sitting on your and his father's bed, with you kneeling between his legs, and all balanced thoughts had left his body, all that's left was unholy, unholy, unholy...
He had the opportunity to admire you better in this position, and damn, as much as he liked to ( pretend he) hate you, he could not deny that his father was one hell of a lucky man.
The silk of your pajamas drew magnificently the hardening of your nipples, he could feel the heat rushing in between his legs, right where you were sitting, your hair lovely falling on your face whilst you were taking care of his bloodied knuckles.
On the mirror behind you, he could perceive the curve of your butt seeping through, under your silky shorts. He could not take his mind of the way your skin was so empty of any traces, such a virgin canvas, wasn't his father taking care of you ?
If you have been his, his fingertips would be imprinted on every inch of you.
But wait, since when did he even thought about you this way-?
-" Does it hurt ?" Your small voice asks quietly, applying the disinfectant on his wounds.
The worry in your eyes... The worry in your eyes had him clenching his jaw.
-" A lot. " He quietly utters, getting even harder when you stopped every movement, worrying about him.
-" hurts here" his hand reached for yours, and when you thought he would push you away, he guided it toward the bulge in his pants.
Ran couldn't tell, if the virtuous awe in your enchanting eye color made you adorable, or made him just want to eat you raw.
-" Ran, you insane or something? You can't..."
You gasp again, as he squeezes your hand around his length. Something in the way he almost moans in bliss makes the heat rush to your lower belly.
-" Hurts so fucking good... Don't you see ? Need you to take care of it f'me... "
Breath was getting harder to take, his long lashes, his lavender eyes and sharp jaw, everything about him was mesmerizing.
-" This is wrong, Ran... And you know it "
Then why were you applying more pressure on his hard dick ?
A sigh escaped your lips, the moment he buckled his hips against your hand, your tightening grip fanning the flame ravaging his guts.
-"Why lying now ? Can see you squeezing those pretty thighs... Fuck, such a pretty slut-"
Somehow, it just takes another roll of his hips against your hand, a sweat drop rolling on his forehead, and his strangled voice to make you drop the restraints.
-" Oh fuck..."
Your hands are quick to unbuckle his belt, slide his pants down, and now, Ran Haitani's most secretive part lays heavy, thick, long in your hand.
His breath gets caught in his throat, and his sits, adoring eyes while you cut the ties, uncover the beauty of your body.
On top of his nineteen, Ran has had his fair share of naked girls. Yet, when your top fell to the floor, your shorts soon to follow, he was convinced nothing could make him forget that.
-" So damn perfect... " His hoarse voice whispers, and he liked that, unlike younger, less experienced girls, you don't blush, you don't hide.
You just climb on his lap, knees sinking on each side of the bed.
Is there a word that God has forbidden? Something the heavens and hells would tremble upon hearing ? He wished he could scream it until his lungs burn, as you guide his cock toward your tight entrance and give him no time, immediately start sinking down on him.
-" This... Fuck- this pussy can't possibly be this good " his fingertips finally find your skin, digging as deep as they can. You don't whine, you don't ache, he's in bliss.
-" I... Ran, baby, your cock's too good... Fucks me so good-"
Your dirty words, his thrown back head, his stolen heart, you on his mind.
You had those unimpressed ways, though your walls were too tight for his own length, your sight was radiating fetch, riding him like you wanted him to ruin you, taking care of him like no one ever did. His hands were now wrapped around your tits, thumbs experimentally playing with your hard nubs.
Waves of beatitude washed over him, he was swimming in you, diving in the euphoria of that moment, and he couldn't even tell the moment where he did it but Roppongi's strongest delinquent lost control. Later, he would call himself pathetic, but he wasn't thinking anymore now, shameless moans leaving his mouth watching your pretty face contorting in pleasure.
-" Shit, you're clenching on me, princess... Is my dick's making you feel good ? Does he fuck this pussy as good as I do ? Why the fuck is it so tight, hm ?"
He hates it, that after your grandiose night together, his expectations of what would be you and him were reduced to stolen glances, to gasps leaving your enticing lips whenever his hands would brush yours. He hates that his whirlwind of emotions is reduced to almost-said speeches.
He hates it, that the blaze you ignited in him is reduced to shameless presses of his morning erection against your back, reaching for the cereal box while you were cutting fruits on the kitchen counter. He hates that you don't even try to push him away.
And he loathes, oh so much, the knowing face you make, hearing the click of his camera under the table, your short skirt, you say nothing.
But little did you know, he loves when his father's not home. He loves when you leave the bathroom's door unlocked, he loves the haze around your glowing body under the shower, and loves the war in his own seeing you all bare.
You don't even startle, he hates it. You feel him behind you, his desire hard as concrete against your back, his loving hands on your stomach, his lips on your neck. Ran, Ran, Ran...
-" Y'really cute, thinking you could get away with this so easily... Got no idea how fucked up you get me "
Now about Rindou and the teacher thing !
Now thinking back to all that happened, Rindou thinks it's all your fault.
How could anyone blame him ? If you were just so enticing, if you walked around the class in your not so academic clothes ? If you greeted him with such a mind-blowing smile whenever he comes back to class ?
He's only coming back for one thing.
Ran keep wondering since when his brother turned so interested in english lectures, but Rindou's careful not let him know, it is for moments like this.
You, who are so, oh so caring toward your students. He just had to show a confused face while you explained one stupid little thing, and there you were, standing next to him, leaning over his table desperately trying to explain it in better words.
So much for English, Rindou's attention has been stolen by your plunge cleavage. They traveled miles of your delicate skin, his hands in a deathly tight grip around the chair he's sitting on.
-" Do you get it now, Rin' ?" You purely ask, he could drown in your doe eyes, get lost in the gap between your glossy lips, burn between your small hands patting his shoulder when he nods.
-" That's a good boy "
Oh to when you say that, oh to when you smile, before you're walking away, skirt slightly riding the back of your thighs, he doesn't miss an inch of you, best believe you're engraved in the deepest, dirtiest corners of his mind.
It's your eyes, your smile, your touches, your body, that got him fantasizing about fucking his teacher.
And it is fantasizing about you, that got him missing hours of sleep, scrolling through porn sites. There, where he would find the less expected, the most incredible turn his life could take.
He could not believe the lies his eyes were reporting, was it really happening ?
But those lavender hues, oh they held every inch of you so dearly, they could never mistake you for any other human being.
No, it was you,in the amateur porn site he just found. You, your doe eyes, your glossy lips, your delicate skin, shoving the pink vibrator deeper in your impossibly sensuous pussy. It was you, spilling the most flagrant moans, it was you, once again, having his pants tightening.
Rindou's the cockiest after that. He would not say anything, just there sitting behind his desk, a brow arched and the ghost of a smirk in the corner of his lips.
A look that says " I know what you're doing"
If anything, it intrigued you. But at the end of the day, it is one of the things you throw away at the threshold of the school, and honestly ? Rindou Haitani's expressions were always too deep of a mystery for you to decorticate.
He was fine with it how it was, really. Spending every night checking your channel, looking for new content. Friday, it was your posting day, after the overwhelming pressure of the whole week.
Rindou likes to forget about the screen, the miles separating you, and the thousand other eyes looking at you now, as he lays on his back.
He likes to think it's his hand, not yours, starting to turn you on, gliding upon the soft fabric of your brand new bra. And he thinks it's appealing, how you take your time to take it off, how your breasts look even more alluring than what he had ever imagined, and how you turn into a whining mess as soon as those fingers that patted his shoulder that morning begin sinking inside you.
He was really fine with what he had, he even felt lucky to be able to witness you in your most intimate moments . But the day that man, basic car, basic clothes, basic motherfucker ( as he calls him) drops you more and more often at school, well he's not fine at all.
And everyone notices, even his boss. Not like Manjiro cares, but he just wants his gang members to be 100% focused on their missions, and he's not.
Because of you. You turned him into this disgusting guy in heat, now you should take it upon yourself.
You're startled when Rindou's drops his phone on your desk, first of all, he never stays that late at school, and second of all, you've never seen such a stern expression on his face.
-" Yes, Rin' ? Is there something wrong?"
Cocky bastard.
Doesn't say anything, once again.
Rindou's a man of few words, he just leans over, towering above you, his manly fragrance invading your senses, blonde locks tickling your cheek. Without leaving your eyes a second, his finger reaches to press play.
He knows you know, watching while you just close your eyes, looking like your nerves are about to stumble down, you know your voice, you can't be mistaken.
-" Such pretty, pretty moans... " His hoarse voice makes you open your eyes, quickly reach for his phone to stop the replay, earning a smirk from him.
-" How much ?" Your voice has never been less confident, it felt as if in a second, he drained you of all the sunshine you radiated. He frowned. You repeated.
-" How much do you want ? Grades or money ? Or both ?"
Ah, there you were, finally.
Rindou wraps you in his lavender haze, you never thought a younger man could make you feel as small as he did, fingers tucking a hair lock of yours behind your ear. You close your eyes, feeling every brush of his lips against that one, as he murmurs.
-" A taste... Love. I'm dying to taste you."
Somehow, you know where the path of hell started for you. That split moment, the space between your two pair of eyes, that knot in your throat you gulped, and the breath he stole from your lips.
-" Please... Rin', can't take no more... Too sensitive!"
His hands are firmly holding your thighs open, and if you weren't that spent, you would've drank in the sight of his popping biceps, holding you high against the wall, while he was on his knees devouring you.
-" You better shut that pretty mouth and take it f'me, yeah ? "
His senses never lied to him, he knew you would taste sweet, smell so appealing, have him bury his tongue deep inside you with his nose rubbing against your sensitive clit.
Everything felt surreal, the feel of your tits he freed from your top, surreal. The juices you were spilling on his tongue, surreal. Your walls clenching around nothing, surreal.
-" Knew this lil pussy would do good for me, look how wet these slutty lips are... You're making a mess on me, love this so fucking much"
You've lost count on how many times you came for him, the only thing you know is if you don't lower your voice, you both are gonna get caught. It is almost as if he wanted it, with how fiercely he was stimulating you.
But there is nothing as sweet as Rindou's adoring gaze from under you, when your orgasm hits you again, and he rests his chin on your lower tummy.
You've got his pretty face, messy hair, sparkling eyes getting high on you, you've got Rindou kissing every inch of your skin, the delinquent on his knees.
-" Your taste's dope, baby. That's what you were hiding under those skirts, hm ? Hiding from me ?"
If you dare to think it is over...
He knows how important your career is for you, he knows how fastly you can get replaced if they learn your secret.
And he knows how addicted to his cock he made you.
-" what you doing here, Rin' ?" You sigh, he shrugs, taking off his expensive shoes at your door.
-" Wanted to see my girl, got a problem ?"
Sometimes it is not even about sex, just about having you in his arms, on your couch, watching whatever show on the TV.
Other times...
-" repeat that for me, would'ya baby ?"
Tears made your vision blurry, his tip was abusing your cervix with each thrust, your bed dancing with each roll of his hips. Rindou has your hands pinned above your head,your knees pressed to your chest, watching with a small smile your eyes rolling back in your head.
-" just tell me, who can fuck this needy pussy like I do?"
It's been months, and if you thought he would be done with you in few weeks, you were so wrong. Because it felt like with every kiss, every glance, every touch, parts of his soul mended with yours. He was obsessed, the pictures in his phone were the best witness of his folly.
His hand reaches to squeeze your cheeks.
-" tsk, going dumb on my cock already ? I asked you a fucking question. Tell me just who can love you like me ?"
Better be ready, that needy boy could drag you to any corner of the school at anytime, begging, no, ordering you to "been craving you so bad, love. Gimme one "
Yes, he thinks all of that happened because of you.
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beauty-and-passion · 6 months
TMA - Chapters 21-30: Andorra is a beautiful place
Here I am, once again, back with 10 more TMA chapters.
Things are starting to get very, VERY interesting.
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MAG 21 - Freefall
A statement all about skydiving and my mind flies to Ex Altiora. I’ll admit it: I kept wondering if the supernatural shit of this statement was related to this book in particular - or to any other book from my man Leutner.
But nope, today’s supernatural shit is something both weird and horrific at the same time: the sky itself, that ate a guy. The account is purposely left as vague as possible, with a clear emphasis on how difficult it is to describe the whole thing, but the image of the sky shifting and enveloping Robert is both beautiful and eldritch-esque. I really liked it.
And here we go again with the familiar names, this time it’s Simon Fairchild. Why is it so familiar? Why is every name so familiar?
But most importantly: how badass is he? Just think about this man, who decided to give Robert the scare of his life and not because he had something against him, but just because. And he did it, by saying the most harmless thing ever. He literally woke up and chose violence.
Also, what the heck happened in the end? Glad to know Martin is back, but what’s happening? Did he bring slugs with him? Worms? Jane Prentiss? Some other supernatural shit?
MAG 22 - Colony
Holy shit, it really was Jane Prentiss again.
I wondered if we would’ve seen more of her victims, but I never wanted Martin to be one of them! Well, it is kind of his own fault - I mean, his zealousness is admirable, but was it really necessary to go twice into that scary basement? And he even tried to take a photo, to prove to his boss that he was not insane! Martin needs a vacation away from all this shit.
And he survived for 13 fucking days, with Jane Prentiss (who is officially a trypophobic’s nightmare) knocking at his door every now and then and one trillion worms trying to find their way inside his house - and possibly inside him too. Disgusting, draining, terrifying, hats off to him for surviving. 
So the famous stomach problems were not real: it was Jane Prentiss doing shit with Martin’s phone. And she even has the balls to write something like “Okay, sheesh, keep him”. Kind of a boss, I’ll admit it.
O-oh, what is the “Archivist’s crimson fate”? Is it a sort of “curse” placed on the Head Archivists of this Institute? Maybe that’s why Gertrude Robinson died: the man from MAG 11 tried to warn her, but it was too late and the “curse” activated before she could escape it. But considering that there are supernatural shits everywhere, is the “crimson fate” a curse or just another supernatural shit?
(Don’t you DARE to tell me any spoilers)
One last thing: John has been very understanding, which proves he’s a nice guy after all. Even if he always tells shit about Martin, this time he gave him a place in the Archives, reassured him and told him he would hire extra security too. He trusted his words. Finally, Jon is becoming a better person XD
He also mentioned a statement from Jane Prentiss herself, so if I’m getting this series right, I guess MAG 23 will be about that statement.
MAG 23 - Schwartzwald
It wasn’t Jane Prentiss’ statement. Sad :(
But we got a statement given to Jonah Magnus - who I suppose is the founder of the Institute. Pretty cool.
Okay, so we have the tomb of this Johann von Württemberg guy, a man with no eyes, a disappeared coin, a mysterious book and a lot of eyes again. The book immediately made me think of my man Leutner, while the eyes are a constant reminder of MAG 11/all other MAGs before & after and I am 100% sure these eyes are part of some other supernatural shit we still have to see. Is it related to the “Archivist’s crimson fate”, maybe? Only time will tell.
Here we are, the most important part of the statement: Albrecht is ready to enter the mausoleum, even if a weird guy gave him a weirder warning. The tension builds, Albrecht is here, he lights his lantern… and then we have Martin, who is apparently walking around the Archives naked and I burst out laughing because I just had this wonderful image of Jon all focused on the statement, while Martin is chilling around wearing nothing but his boxers. Best way to build the tension and break it at the same time, 10/10, kudos to the author of this series for doing that, it was the funniest shit ever.
MY (WO)MAN MARY KEAY. Don’t be silly, Jon, of course it’s not a coincidence - there are no coincidences in this series. This woman is the mother of my man Gerard, I am 100% sure. And I love how the Keays have always been involved with supernatural shits, ever since their ancestor Albrecht. It kinda explains why Gerard is always around them. It’s not that he doesn’t have anything better to do: it's literally part of his DNA.
And it could also explain why he’s searching for Leutner’s books: maybe the one in Johann von Württemberg’s tomb really was a Leutner’s book and Gerard is searching for all others.
That's very, very interesting.
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MAG 24 - Strange Music
A weird calliope organ and some murderous clown dolls. Not the most exciting story ever but hey, at least there are a couple interesting things here:
We hear Sasha for the first time and she appears for the most useless speech ever. I hope she will be more useful in the future. And Jon is sarcastic with her too, which proves to me that he’s not an ass: just a typical British guy XD (my dear Brits, you had it coming XD Don’t take me seriously, we’re all bros here <3)
Someone “legitimate” took the calliope. And my mind flies to our favorite delivery company “Breekon and Hope Deliveries”.
The Circus of the Other. What the heck is the “Other”? My bet is another supernatural shit.
Holy shit the organ is in the Institute?! Was it the Breekon and Hope Deliveries to deliver it or did the Institute take it?
Is there something Elias knows for sure, or all he knows is that things are “maybe/probably somewhere”? This man is useless XD
Now that I think about it: Elias is the head of the Institute, right? So he bought it from some of Magnus’ successors, I suppose. Now, does he know about the “Archivist’s crimson fate”? If this “fate” is some sort of curse that takes all Head Archivists, it probably took more Head Archivists before Gertrude Robinson, right? And Elias never asked himself why all these Archivists were casually dying under his nose?
Or maybe I’m getting it all wrong and the “crimson fate” isn’t a curse that affects all Head Archivists. Well, then I have another unrelated question: how's it possible that the goddamn Head of the Institute knows nothing of his Institute? How involved is Elias in the Institute and its organization?
There are still many missing things and I can’t wait to connect them all.
MAG 25 - Growing Dark
The statement itself isn’t very interesting, just “guy finds some random shit in a dark creepy place”, but there are a few details that caught my attention.
First of all, here we are again with a closed eye. I suppose that the People’s Church of the Divine Host and these Hither Green Dissenters are all part of the same gang, considering they both share closed eyes as their symbol. Also, now there’s Alesund mentioned too. Is this the birthplace of the supernatural shit they all worship? And are closed and open eyes related to the same supernatural shit or they're two different shits?
We also have the exact date in which Gertrude Robinson died: May 15th, 2015. And this is a problem for me, because I don’t remember any date and I suck with dates in general, unless I have a scheme/timeline/whatever. So tell me: should I do a timeline?
Fuck, I’ll do it anyway.
MAG 26 - A Distortion
Holy shit. HOLY. SHIT.
*I think I’ve finally found my Michael. And it’s not Michael Getty, Michael Crew or Michael Whatever: it’s Michael the Supernatural Shit. And I love him. I mean, he is:
a chill guy, who buys flowers and drinks coffee
a poet, considering that when Sasha asked him what he is, he said: “How would a melody describe itself when asked?”. Best way to answer, he’s amazing, I’m in love
a cool boy who is creepy as fuck while not appearing creepy at all
probably the guy “with all the bones in his hands” mentioned in MAG 8
a good boyo who wants to help
*I wrote a timeline just in time, because as soon as I heard the name Timothy Hodge, I instantly remembered he was from MAG 6. The timeline is useful: I will keep updating it, then.
*Poor Martin is being stalked by the goddamn colony of silver worms. Martin, I think it's time for a vacation far away from all these supernatural shits. What about Andorra? Andorra is between the mountains, so good luck finding it. The population is less than 90k, so basically there are more people in my backyard than in the entire state. And it’s in the Pyrenees, so I’m pretty sure the nights are probably shorter than in Norway.
Think about it, Martin: no supernatural shits, no worms, long days. And spas. They have spas too.
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I dream this for Martin.
*Two statements ago I asked for Sasha to be more useful and here she is. She is useful indeed! Thank you for your service, Sasha: you finally gave me my Michael and you’ve probably saved Jon’s life. Great job.
But you know how you can save everyone's life even more? Move to Andorra. They also have traditions related to fire and burning things, just in case some worms find you. Listen to me and run away from all this shit.
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Andorra is a wonderful place.
MAG 27 - A Sturdy Lock
Another not-very-interesting story, just “supernatural shit knocks at my door during the night”. Also, it comes after that bomb that was MAG 26, so the backlash is even stronger. I mean, after all the shit Sasha told him, Jon thought it was a great idea to record another statement. Seriously?!
Andorra, Jon. Andorra is a nice place to live.
Also, who the heck is Sarah Carpenter? Is she important too? Should I remember her too?
Even more important, what does that mean that Mr. McKenzie’s bedroom door “does not have a keyhole or a lock”? Was his door just a wood panel? Did it have only a handle? I’m kinda confused by this, honestly, but maybe it’s just me not being able to visualize it.
MAG 28 - Skintight
The statement isn’t particularly captivating, but Sarah Baldwin peeling off her skin and putting it back is a bit creepy, I’ll accept it.
Also, since Jon said she was in some previous statements, I searched for her and here she was, among all the missing people mentioned in MAG 1: disappeared in August 2006, while this statement is from April 2016. So the girl here clearly isn’t Sarah Baldwin.
That kinda explains her weird words about trespassing: she (it?) was probably apologizing to another supernatural shit in the hospital for entering their territory. But if I’m right, that means every supernatural shit has a territory like mafia bosses and no one can invade them? Or maybe this applies to some supernatural shits and not others. Maybe there is a hierarchy or similar and the most powerful can do whatever they want and go whenever they want, while others control specific, limited territories. Can’t wait to find out.
MAG 29 - Cheating Death
Oh, that was interesting! So, according to this statement, when you win death, you become death. Until someone else wins, then they become the new death and you turn back into a human, but you’re immortal. Very cool, a good variation to the topic of defeating death/cheating death/immortality.
Once again, the series listens to me and provides an answer to my questions: I wanted to know more about Elias and here we find out he was a filing clerk when Gertrude Robinson was still alive.
Well, this explains why Elias never cared about other Head Archivists before Getrude: he was just a clerk. Maybe he wasn’t even hired yet, when there was someone before her.
This also explains why he doesn’t know a lot of things: he was just a clerk, after all.
Still, it’s very weird that he managed to go from filing clerk to goddamn head of the Institute in the span of nothing. What happened to the previous head of the Institute? Did they die too, along with all the previous staff members? How? And only Elias survived this unexplained massacre? That’s very, very suspicious. If I were Jon, I would ask Elias a couple of things.
But if I were Jon, I would’ve already moved away from all this shit, so I wouldn’t ask anything anyway.
MAG 30 - Killing Floor
I’ll quote Jon for this one: “Hmm. More meat. Interesting.”
Is meat part of another supernatural shit? Should I be scared by it? In this case, it kinda failed to do so. I mean, this isn't a bad statement… just a little meh. After all, it’s just an endless slaughterhouse featuring the Obligatory Dead Guy. Nothing truly amazing.
And it’s kinda sad, because we had MAG 26 and now this post ends not with a bang, but with a meh. Sad :(
But even more sad is that Jon, despite all of this, is still recording statements.
Listen to me, Jon. Andorra is a nice place to live.
In conclusion
So, that's my theory for now:
There are a lot of different supernatural shits in this world. Some are more powerful and can do whatever they want, others are “minor” and they control smaller territories.
The Magnus Institute contains the worst/more powerful supernatural shit of them all. The Lukas family took/found this shit in Norway and decided it was very cool - but a little hungry too, so let’s close it in the Institute and let’s use the Institute as a huge “feeder” to feed it.
This supernatural shit is what Jane Prentiss referred to as the “Archivist’s crimson fate”. Every Head Archivist is somehow “cursed” to become food for this thing. That’s what happened to Gertrude Robinson, that’s what happened to her staff and that’s what happened to the staff before them.
Elias somehow survived and either 1) he turned into a supporter of the Lukas family or 2) he’s used as bait to find more people to feed to the supernatural shit.
How much of this is right? How much is wrong? Only time will tell me :D
Speaking of Jonathan: my man, I’m a skeptical person too, so I understand that you’re skeptical. But you literally have silver worms everywhere, someone threatened you via Martin’s phone, the most reasonable member of your staff told you she met a supernatural shit in real life and the supernatural shit confirmed something bad will happen to you. And after all of this, you are still recording statements as if it’s nothing?! My man, that’s not being skeptical, that’s not having any self-preservation instinct at all! First Martin threw himself into a basement that screamed “DANGER HERE”, now you're ignoring all red flags, wow you’re perfect for each other…
Wait... wait... are you two the homoerotic couple? Are you two gonna fall in love? I’ll admit it, it would be very funny if it’s you two. But, again, only time will tell.
So let’s wait and see what will happen: will my theories be correct? Will Michael the Supernatural Shit become Best Boyo of the series? Will my man Leutner still wreak havoc all over the world? Will Gerard come back to deal with this shit like he always does? How many more iconic weirdos will I find in the next 10 episodes? Will Jane Prentiss still haunt these poor people?
And most importantly: when will Jon and his staff finally listen to me and move to a better place?
>> Next post
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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marksbear · 2 years
Oh really hope it's not a big deal because I have a lot of ideas. But also how I remember is that all your work is burned in my brain. I know for sure that is what I remember. But I have another one for sub Steven. So how about Steven is living a cushy life with Dom male reader and has been eating a lot becausereader cooks for him. But then notices that he is starting to get a little chubby and doesn't want to have sex with reader thinking he won't like it. But then they talk and reader says he will always love him even if he thinks he is getting chubby which leads to soft sex and reader praising Steven body but mostly focusing on his tummy.( I feel like I've requested this before and if I did then am sorry.)-🐻‍❄️
Trust me my 50%! It's not a big deal at all I love every single idea you have for me 🐻‍❄!
Warnings! Smut, dry humping, grinding, insecurities, small chubby Steven, soft dom reader, tiny tiny argument but made up, service top reader.
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Y/n was in the kitchen singing the lyrics to the music from the small speaker he recently bought as he cooks. Steven watches hopelessly in love watching Y/n dance to the music.
Steven wore a baggy shirt with sweats trying to cover up his figure the best he can. He knew deep inside Y/n would most likely still love him, but he didn't want to ruin what he had.
Steven didn't know how he managed to be in a relationship like this. Only a few months ago Steven lived in an empty apartment, woke up feeling like he got hit by a bus and was so lonely.
But ever since the company dinner he attended his life changed.
They were at a restaurant where you could see the chefs cook in front of you. The company's station was big and fancy and their chef was the most handsomest man they ever met.
Tiny little memory
Everybody made comments about his looks to his face causing him to either smile respectfully and a polite thank you or flirt back with them. Donna was the one to ask for his name. "Y/n L/n. Or chef L/n." Y/n says with a smile before going back to cooking the dish.
Steven thought he was handsome as well. But unlike his co-workers he didn't have the courage to act on his thoughts. But luckily the chef had his own thoughts he was about to work on.
"The chef made this specifically for you. And added his signature alongside the dish." A waiter says trying to bite back a smile and a giggle placing the cake in front of Steven alongside a small paper with a phone number. Steven stares at the cake on the icing and reads "I think you're cute and i'll love to ask you out on a date one day." Steven blushes madly as the waiter giggles at his cuteness.
Few hours past and after the dinner Steven goes into an different part of town leading into a couple apartments as rain pours down hard trying to go through short cuts to home, but he didn't expect the same chef from dinner smoking shirtless with only boxers covering him on the balcony.
Steven stares up at him in a trance.
"Hey you're that cute guy from earlier right!?" Y/n shouts looking down at Steven not even caring about the cold rain that hit his half naked body. "Y-yes!" Steven shouts back watching a smile crawl on Y/n's lips.
"Room number is 532 on floor seven! Come up alright! it's dark and raining something bad will be bound to happen." Y/n says taking one more hit of the cigarette before taking it out walking back inside his room. Steven quickly rushes inside and speed walks to the elevator going up to floor seven. Once Steven arrives at the floor and goes to the said room number he goes to knock, but is cut off by the door swinging open.
"Hey cutie~ Cmon lets get you warm and dry."
End of memory.
"Steven~ I present to you the lovely worldwide famous blueberry pancakes!" Y/n says laying the plate on the table in front of Steven. Y/n puts down his own food before getting something to drink for the both of them.
Y/n pours the drinks and places them down at the table before finally sitting down at the table across Steven. The two are silent Y/n only eating his food while Steven staring down at his food thinking with a sad face.
"What's the matter Steven?" Y/n finally points out and putting down his forks looking at Steven. "It's nothing love." Steven shoots down trying to keep Y/n from worrying. "Cmon Stevey you can tell me." Y/n says giving Steven all his attention. "I said it's nothing you don't have to worry--"
"Then why aren't you eating?" Y/n cuts him off. "Why are you trying to argue about nothing?" Steven bites back raising his voice a little. "I'm not trying to argue- i'm just worrying about you like a normal boyfriend would." Y/n answers before opening his mouth about to add on but Steven just stands up from his seat walking to the bathroom.
"S-Steven!" Y/n shouts but Steven just ignores him going inside the bathroom shutting and locking the door.
Y/n quickly stands up from his seat rushing to the door trying to open it.
Steven softly cries to himself staring at the mirror noticing his stomach and thighs through the clothes. 'h-he won't like it. He doesn't want to see me like this.' Steven thinks to himself even though he was only getting a little bit chubby he couldn't stand to think and look at himself anymore.
Y/n presses his cheek to the door trying to hear anything. Y/n could hear Steven slump down back pressed up the door sitting on the floor. He could hear soft crying and sniffling. Y/n instinctively sits on the floor copying Steven slightly hoping that he feels his presence. "Steven...please talk to me. Please just say something." Y/n speaks laying his head against the door with a sigh once he's met with silence again.
After sitting there in silence for a while Y/n stands up from the ground. "I'll be in our room alright. Please come out and talk to me once you're ready." Y/n says before giving the door one last knock before going into his room.
Only a little while later Y/n is on the bed stressing about all the things he has done lately. "Y-y/n." Steven voice rings out barley above a whisper. Y/n's head pops up looking at Steven. Y/n pats an empty spot on the bed beside him.
Steven goes over to the spot and sits quietly fidgeting with his hands as he does it. "I don't think you'll like my body now. I-I gained some weight and I-I don't think you'll like my body as much as you used to." Steven finally confesses looking at Y/n teary eyed.
"Thats why we haven't been having sex in like almost a month isn't? Because you think I won't like your body?" Y/n says earning a nod yes from Steven.
"It's embarrassing and I know you won't feel the same way as you used to-" Steven gets cut off by Y/n's pair of lips kissing him shutting him up. Y/n pulls away and smiles.
"Shut up. I will always love you even if you think you're getting chubby. You'll always be perfect to me no matter what. I'll love you through any change you have. Now please let me show how much I love you!" Y/n says trying to reassure him before wrapping his arms around Steven laying him down on the bed. Y/n begins to take off the baggy shirt off of Steven trying to be as gentle as he can. Once the shirt is off Y/n moves his hands to the waistband of the sweats pulling them off slowly.
With only boxers covering Steven Y/n begins to strip out of his clothes. Tossing his shirt and pants aside. Y/n also stayed in his underwear before spreading Steven's legs open crawling in between them.
Slowly Y/n begins to rock his hips back and forth grinding and humping on Steven as he begins to kiss Steven's shoulders and chest. Y/n's hard cock pressed up against Steven as he humps him slowly.
"Such a beautiful boy you are." Y/n breathes out pulling Steven's underwear down letting his hard cock fly free. Y/n tosses the underwear where he threw the other clothes and continues to grind on him.
Steven softly moans as he grinds his ass down on Y/n's hard clothed cock already feeling precum-leaked from his tip. Y/n moves away slightly grabbing lube from the dresser and opens it.
He pulls down his own underwear before applying the lube onto it lubing up his cock. Giving his cock a few strokes making sure every spot is covered in lube. Y/n grabs onto Steven's hips softly pulling him down onto the tip of his cock. Y/n rubs his cock head against Steven's hole before entering him. Steven breathes heavy not being used to Y/n's cock inside him again feeling his cock split him in half. ''s-so big!~" Steven moans out moving his own hips down moving deeper inside Y/n's cock.
Y/n begins to move thrusting slowly inside Steven rocking his hips back and forth while massaging and holding every curve on Steven's body. "I love you so much... And especially your tummy." Y/n says before running his hands across Steven's stomach. "You feel so good inside me baby." Y/n whispers thrusting his full cock inside Steven and holding that position for a while before going back to his original pace.
Steven didn't understand why he was about to cum so early. Usually he'll try to last longer but he couldn't hold it this time.
"Y/N!I bout to cum~ I'm gonna cum!" Steven moans out throwing his head back as Y/n's cock hits his prostate over and over again.
"Cum for me. Cum all over that beautiful tummy of yours baby." Y/n orders. Without second thought Steven cums hard white streaks shooting out his tip all over himself.
Most of his load landed on his stomach and some else where. Steven's vision was fuzzy and his body felt warm throughout.
"Good job baby~ Still so beautiful even more beautiful than before." Y/n says before pulling out. "B-but you didn't get to cum yet!?!" Steven says before getting brushed off by Y/n.
"This was and for you Steven not for me. I wanted to show how much I love you no matter what."
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lordmartiya · 7 months
@mlbfemslashfebruary My (late) entry for day 14, dedicated to the weirdly fascinating pairing of Lila and Marinette. Set early in season 4, here's the first half of "Trust and Secrets Are to Be Treasured".
It was bad enough for Marinette that she had a cold, and had to skip school and the date with Luka. But to have Lila, of all people, bring her the homework? Get in her room while she couldn’t keep her away from her secrets?
“You do realize your mom will kill me if I try anything funny, right?” Lila said, almost as if she had read her mind. Or just her expression. “You say anything, and she demonstrates on me how a Monk’s Spade technique can be applied to a baker’s spatula.”
“How do you know about that?” Marinette asked, worried about how much her worst school enemy knew about her family.
“She did it on live television during the debacle with Jagged Stone, and then I looked up what Chinese weapon resembles a spatula the most. But let’s talk about sweeter things… Like these bugie I’ve brought you. They’re my favorite bakery good.”
For a moment, Marinette feared the food the other one was offering her was poisoned. Then her mind translated the food’s name, and she realized Lila Rossi was literally feeding her lies, and admitted she liked them.
“Seriously?” she asked as she involuntarily chuckled. “That was worse than Chat Noir’s puns.”
“Thank you. Though I suspect you’d like my truth better.” was Lila’s reply as she produced an envelope. “Here I have a handwritten list of all the false claims I’ve made and other bullshit I’ve pulled since I came to Paris, including a few things you would never suspect, and an USB drive with evidence, all to be used as needed.”
“What?! What are you trying to pull?”
“I’ve simply realized I fucked up. Deeply. Did you know I collaborated with the big bad butterfly man willingly, twice? All knowing I can easily take the idiot down and “save Paris”… And then that jackass’ stunt in New York nearly destroyed the world, twice. And I found out he got Shanghai destroyed by accident, though Ladybug fixed that. That’s when I realized the mess I’m getting myself into just to get back at the spotted near-nudist” once again Marinette cringed at her costume being practically painted on “and panicked. I was this close turning my hair in a wig and abusing embassy resources to create myself a few fake identities when I realized there was a better way, just give my leash to someone I can trust not to abuse it. That is, you.”
Marinette blinked as she processed the situation. To quote Chloé it was utterly ridiculous… But it made sense. It was even flattering that Lila trusted her so much. Still, she had to ask something.
“Why do you hate Ladybug so much?”
“Because she nearly destroyed me out of jealousy. I mean, remember my famous interview? I expected Alya to hold on it for a few days and then verify it with Ladybug, allowing me to reveal I had pranked the entire school… And then It was published on the same day. How many chances that Alya could be stupid enough to publish it without checking? And I even helped her getting some information I had stumbled upon and she was looking after on that day… Right as I was flirting with Adrien. Clearly she saw it and went to Alya to confirm it and then humiliate me, only for Adrien’s reaction not being what she expected and changing her plans.”
Marinette had almost no answer to that, not after what she had done with Kagami out of jealousy. Except that “Alya becomes an idiot whenever Ladybug is involved. Enough she thought Chloé was her even after she was saved by Ladybug on live television.”
“And how was she supposed to know it wasn’t a Lucky Charm decoy? At the time it was still plausible. But nevermind that. I hope I’m proven wrong… And trust you to keep the secret until it becomes necessary to stop me.”
“Ohhh…Kay. I’ll do it. What about Adrien?”
“There’s billions of people on this planet, I’m not going to obsess on one of them that already has a girlfriend. I think I already told you that once. And speaking of them… I’ve heard Andrè the Ice Cream Man let you choose your own magic ice cream, and it was orange and green like my favorite outfit?”
At that, Marinette blushed. She also swore to get even with whoever told Lila about that.
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