#trying to get lore form tiktoks is not the way to go
you know if sherbert did do quixis' make-up that one time they cosplayed them. you know. if. I uh. quixis has white eyeliner. that's it that's. I mean and a silly white dot on their forehead right near their hairline. yeah. unrealated to make up but they also have a silly silver circlet and some silly rainbow bracelets on at least one of their arms. this post is brought to you by me watching sherbs quixis tiktok videos over and over and being normal about quixis-
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angelfoxx · 1 year
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° “…US?”
…in which their feelings for you become apparent.
FEATURING: simon “ghost” riley, john “soap” mactavish, & keegan p russ I AM SALIVATING
WARNINGS: suggestive, but nothing nsfw. yet 😇 also so sorry i write k**gan’s name and i just get fucked up. i just can’t behave myself. so i lose my mind a little in his section eek
NOTES: excuse my rather small starting lineup; i’m still new to the game and all of its lore and i’d rather get to know the characters first rather than make horrible headcanons based off of their fanon interpretations. you know, like making a six foot ten war criminal dresses in a fucking executioner’s hood a little uwu baby
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✧ Everything I see on TikTok regarding this guy makes him seem like a fucking demon in the sheets. I really don’t get that vibe. Especially not at the start of a relationship.
✧ The first time you meet, he thinks you’re attractive. And then he pushes that thought aside, because he’s a soldier. He’s actively at work doing a high-risk, high-stress job. You’re attractive, yes, but he’s not going to pursue you. This is not the right time for that.
✧ Things develop after…like, a long ass time. And it’s not sexual in the start. It’s, like…you’re cleaning your gun down after a mission, and you get a clean rag thrown into your lap. You look up into those hollow soulless fucking eyes and Ghost just shrugs, not meeting your gaze but instead just vaguely gesturing at your gun. “Your rag’s dirty. You’re rubbin’ dirt int’a the thing.”
✧ It’s small things like that. Things that are helpful but always laced with a comment that could be considered sort of rude or abrasive. He doesn’t notice; he only realizes that he’s coming off as rude and probably pushing you away after he makes a comment on your form being lazy and Price, sort of quietly laughing, asks why he’s so insistent on snarking on you. He replies that mistakes like yours could get you hurt. Which, they could. But so could everyone else’s, and he doesn’t make comments about them. So…?
✧ Phase two of him trying to…hit on you? Exist with you? Who fucking knows. Anyways, he just stops talking. He’ll still throw you clean rags, but he won’t make a comment about how using a dirty rag is ruining your gun. He’ll still make a point out of sweeping fallen food and shit off of your spot at the table after you eat, but he doesn’t grumble and scoff at you not to waste anymore. He resorts to silent acts of service to the point where it gets annoying. He’s always quiet, but now he’s unnervingly quiet and honestly, is it still him if he doesn’t catch you for random things every now and then?
✧ The silent stage can go on forever, so a catalyst really saves you. The catalyst comes when a new recruit gets a little too aggressive; a small argument about your ability on the field turns into a minor brawl. Aforementioned brawl immediately ends when the recruit dares to put their hands on you and shove you and Ghost, like some six-foot-one demon cast from the pits of hell, appears behind you and gets very up close and personal with them. Asking what the hell they think they’re doing, asking if they think that’s a good way to have a team on the field, et cetera, et cetera. Basically, he makes the recruit feel like absolute shit. Oh, and he doesn’t look at you the entire time.
✧ So, obviously, now you have a weird situation at hand. You’re getting ready to go to sleep and everyone’s sort of looking at you funny, because there’s no reason for a fucking lieutenant to jump in and break up an argument like that—pulling people apart, sure, but not so suddenly and not so aggressively. The recruit hasn’t spoken to you. Ghost hasn’t spoken to you. So, anyways, you pay him a visit.
✧ You go down to say thanks, and for some fucking reason, the guy can’t take a compliment. Or gratitude. He says you were slower than the other recruit, that it’ll get you killed on the field, et cetera. He can’t just shut up and take the thanks.
“I’m telling you, I…I came down here to thank you, of all things. Can you cut the criticism one time and accept it?”
Ghost stiffens. It’s not a thousand-yard stare anymore. It’s just a wide, pissed-off glare. For a long minute, he’s silent. And then…
“Welcome.” His voice is grumpish. “Happy?”
“Sure.” You manage a little smile. It’s sort of funny; he can’t just take your thank you and drop it. “It’s improvement.”
Ghost nods once, albeit stiffly. “Okay.”
“…so, you gonna tell me why you did it?” You ask it as a joke. You aren’t dumb. You know he wants you gone. You’re expecting a harsh “get out” or something of the like. You aren’t expecting an answer.
“Disrespect makes ignorance. Ignorance makes casualties.” Oh. An actual real, reasonable answer. Surprising. Ghost himself seems a little surprised; he blinks owlishly again, and he doesn’t say anything else. He’s just a big guy standing in a little room with a skull mask on.
“Oh.” You swallow. “That’s…rational.”
“Were you expecting irrational?”
“No. I wasn’t expecting anything.” You scoff. “You’re not exactly chatty.”
“I don’t waste words.” Ghost’s eyes narrow. “I’m not dumb.”
“I didn’t call you dumb.” You shrug. “I’m just surprised you gave me an answer that wasn’t bitching at me.”
“I don’t bitch.”
“You do.”
“I’m not a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl, recruit. I don’t bitch.”
“Even Price thinks you bitch. At me, at least. All the time.”
✧ Price thinks he bitches at you? And he’d told you? Oh, no, no. Externally, Ghost is stiff and stoic. Internally, Ghost is shitting bricks. Price had told you that? Straight-up told you that? Oh, no. You and Price talk and he comes up in conversation? Oh, no, no, no.
✧ He addresses this with Price, obviously. Storms in all puffed-out and pissy and asks what the hell he’s doing gossiping about his soldiers and Price just sort of laughs him off, asking what he’s talking about and then why he’s so upset that he’s bringing up one of his best men to one of the recruits.
✧ Oh.
✧ Ghost swears up and down it’s not like that. He swears and he bangs the side of his hand on the table and he curses on his own heart that it’s not like that but the whole time Price is laughing because in all of the years that he’s known Simon, not once has Simon broken through Ghost. But now, he has. The stumbling over words, the defensive aggression, the way he’s pacing so furiously—oh, Simon Riley is melting down inside that big mask and it’s equal parts heartbreaking and hilarious.
✧ Cue Price becoming a wingman. Ghost swears he’ll kill him every time he puts you two together to spar or puts you two on cleanup duty or god fucking forbid you’re in the doghouse doing some foul task and Ghost has to watch you. God fucking damn the captain, because he knows Ghost will grumble and complain but with you, he’ll eventually stop that in favor of helping you. And it’s sort of heartwarming for him to do his nightly rounds and it’s all quiet but there’s voices coming out of the kitchen and he can hear Ghost in that gruff, grumbly tone telling you how to mop and you snidely telling him that if you can’t do it right, then maybe he should do it instead. And he objects, of course, and then within ten minutes Price watches Ghost’s shadow come up to yours and he hears the mop change hands.
✧ It takes you a long time to realize that you’re really being assigned to Ghost’s side for every fucking thing you do. It takes you an even longer time to realize that Price tends to pass by you two on occasion, and every time he does, he’s smiling. And it takes you a ridiculously long time to realize that Ghost isn’t always radiating heat; whenever he takes the mop from you or takes the gun you’re cleaning from you, whenever he finishes off a task that you’ve started, it’s not that he’s always that hot. It’s that, under that mask, he’s flushed.
✧ It takes you a very, very long time to realize that the legendary Ghost has taken an actual liking to you.
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✧ Thank fucking god this guy is next. Slow burn ass Ghost makes me want to rip my eyes out. Just have passionate angry sex and talk about your feelings after. Christ.
✧ It’s not exactly a secret that the minute you arrived on base, you gained an admirer.
✧ Soap isn’t someone who rarely gets hooked on someone else. The guy’s a walking heart eyes emoji. The difference with you was that it wasn’t the kind of attraction that had him sweet-talking you over drinks that night.
✧ This was different. Rather than chase, Soap wanted to impress — and, well, he tried. He tried his fucking hardest. He tried so hard the other higher-ups noticed. How embarrassing.
✧ Every time you’re in the room, he somehow gets even chattier. His voice drops. If he’s working out, he starts loading weights onto the bar he’s using to an almost comical degree. He loses his fucking mind. It’s like he short circuits. Which is ridiculous, because he’s a fucking soldier. What the fuck is he doing trying to lift five hundred pounds on a Tuesday morning? Why is he freaking the fuck out?
✧ The thing is, right, is you’re not exactly hovering over the guy. You have your own agenda to adhere to and also, it would be really weird if you just started laying praises on him, so you go about your day as regular and poor Soap is left heartbroken and also achy-armed because you literally could not care less that he’s lifting double, triple his body weight.
✧ Literally every higher-up notices. They make jokes about it and he borders on threatening friendly fire. It’s just a little crush. That’s all it is. Yeah. And so when you’re all doing team sparring and you keep winning, he’s just watching you like a lovesick puppy because it’s just a little crush. That’s all.
✧ Price can’t have his soldiers slacking off. Of course not. He can’t have them getting lazy — so he orders Soap to go up against you. Because, you know, he seems out of it and you’re the best of the recruits, so you’ll go against someone better. Yeah. That’s why he calls him out.
✧ God bless the poor guy. He panics for like three seconds and then makes a very thickly-accented taunt about how it’s unfair to you to go up against him. You, of course, in the spirit of good fun, reply to his taunt and tell him to prove it.
✧ He goes into the circle with you. He goes into the circle with you and he fucking falls apart.
You’ve quickly learned that talking is Soap’s weakness. If his mouth is moving, his feet fall behind.
“Get enough sleep last night, MacTavish?” You dodge a flying fist. “You look a little sleepy.”
“Got plenty.” A wry grin crosses his face. “Don’t worry about my beauty sleep.”
“I have reason to. You need it.” You wrinkle your nose. “Bad.”
Soap’s jaw drops slightly, and — there! — he hesitates. Probably out of surprise, but it’s enough. Deftly, you lunge in at his knees, swipe them out, and…hm. Simple. Almost too easy, actually, to pin him.
Soap’s heart is pounding under your hand. His chest is flat against the ground, but you can feel it through his back, which is wild in and of itself. He grunts when his cheek hits the ground; he mumbles something akin to “bloody hell”, but you can’t quite make out the words.
Grinning, you sit back and kick your heel up against his neck, keeping his head pinned down. The cheering you receive mostly comes from recruits who are impressed with your skill.
The minority is higher-ups, exchanging amused glances. They seem awfully humored with the sight of one of their own being pinned so easily by a new recruit. Hmm…
✧ From that point on, Soap somehow manages to watch more of your sparring sessions. He usually just watches, rather than critique; if you ask, he’ll just say you certainly seem to be doing fine. If you ask for help, though, he’ll help you. Christ, he’ll help you. He’ll genuinely spend time assisting you on whatever is troubling you.
✧ Eventually, after a long training day, you decide to ask Soap to join you in the ring. You genuinely just want to see how you stack up to a “better” opponent; you’ve apparently pushed beating him to the side. Or you just want to do it again. He doesn’t think of that, though.
✧ He’ll come in (after teasing you just a bit) and he will spar with you, just giving you advice and pointers mid-action. He’s whipped, but he’s also still a trained soldier. He knows what he’s doing, and once he gets through the brain fog you seem to weigh down onto him, he is genuinely helpful.
✧ Still, after you’re both hot and panting and finished and resting on the sidelines, you have to ask him why he helps you so much. You have to ask if it’s because he thinks you’re lacking, or bad, or if it’s some sort of personal vendetta for that one time in front of the recruits and the higher-ups.
✧ Soap just laughs and, rather awkwardly, rubs at his neck. He avoids eye contact, and he bites his lip, and he tilts his head around before he dares answer you, tone sheepish. “Consider it a, ah, personal interest.”
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✧ i love this fucking man so very much and i don’t know jack shit abt him because i need to play ghosts and get the first hand experience like I don’t want to spoil his character but I URRRGHHGGGGG
✧ imma try to do him justice but sorry if im missing on important lore
✧ He’s not as uptight as Ghost, but he’s not as whipped as Soap. He’s somewhere in the middle; he’s aware that you’re attractive but he does push it aside. He’s working. You’re working. He doesn’t have time for that, and it’s also a safety concern. He remembers what they did to Ajax, and god fucking forbid they try to pull that shit with anyone else to use as bait.
✧ When he’s at base, he’s busy. He’s devoted to his work and he doesn’t cut corners to chit-chat. The most social he’ll really get is at dinner; he’s the kind of person who will eat with the group, but rather than talk, he’ll really just listen. he’s me fr fr
✧ Getting to know Keegan is sort of awkward because he’s just not super outgoing. He’s attractive (if your radio is on and you don’t buckle at the knees the first time you hear his sexy deep pantywetting voice over the thing, are you even real?) and he’s got the whole mysterious quiet guy thing down, and yet when you approach him to try and strike up a conversation with a simple question (“So how was your day?”) he’s prone to just looking at you and raising a brow and answering sort of flatly. (“Same as every other one. What, did something happen?”)
✧ Most of your bonding actually occurs when it’s just the two of you. You’ve bumped into him late at night before — sometimes he’s at the range shooting targets and fiddling with a variety of weapons, or sometimes he’s in the kitchen scouring the shelves, or sometimes he’s in the gym working out when nobody is there to bother him and ogle his fine ass fucking body holy shit his thighs. He’s a little easier to talk to at night, actually. Maybe it’s the lack of a crowd, but the first time you stumble into him making himself a pot of fucking tea at damn near midnight, he actually seems friendly.
“What are you making?” For a moment, you panic, thinking that you might’ve just scared the shit out of poor Keegan by speaking so suddenly and from behind where he’s standing beside the sink, a little humming kettle in front of him. His shoulders god his fuckinf shoulders i want to lick them don’t so much as twitch, though — and then you remember the guy’s entire job is stealth and observation. Hell, he probably heard you across camp.
“Tea.” Yeah, he couldn’t sound less concerned. His voice is as low and gravelly as usual; he sounds a little more relaxed, actually, not so brash and shout-y. “Chamomile.”
“Sergeant Russ drinks chamomile tea?” You laugh a little, sort of tentatively. You two aren’t strangers, but you’ve only had a few conversations…if you can call brief exchanges conversations, of course.
“…yeah?” Keegan actually sounds confused; it’s dark in the kitchen, but you can make out the outline of his head turning over his shoulder. “What, you got a problem with that?”
“No. No, sir. No problem.” You shrug. “I just didn’t peg you to be the chamomile tea type.”
“Didn’t you?” The short scoffish bark Keegan lets out is a brief laugh. “What did you peg me for?”
“Dunno. Black, I guess.”
“Are you calling me boring?”
Keegan hums in response to that. He busies himself with pouring his tea and thank fucking god your eyes have adjusted to the dim light in here because god, his fucking hip to waist ratio under that gear is something wicked and you let your conversation slip. You’re in here for a snack, but you don’t want to bother—
“You come in here for somethin’ other than staring?” Oh. Good. This is the Keegan you’d expected after hearing him sass half of his team on comms. You can hear the edge of a grin in his voice; there’s a shuffle as he turns around and then a wooden groan as he leans against the counter. A short second later, you hear the almost exaggerated slurp of tea.
“Crackers. I’m hungry.”
A wooden scrubbing sound. He’s moved over, presumably to let you open the cabinet housing boxes of sort of dry, not particularly good crackers. He doesn’t say a word; he just keeps drinking his tea and pretends to ignore you as you make your way over, crouching down to fumble for a bag of crackers. Pretend, because you can feel that he’s watching you. His presence on the field is invisible; his gaze in the kitchen is not. Still, he doesn’t bother you; he lets you get your crackers and retire to the edge of the counter across from him to snack, and he doesn’t say a word.
“Are you always so quiet?” You gesture vaguely at the slight shape of him. “Is it just part of the job?”
Keegan laughs, more to himself than in response to you. “Sure.”
✧ He is, generally, pretty quiet. His usual demeanor is laid-back and observant; if he’s not under stress, though, and you start talking to him, he’ll respond almost always with something mildly sarcastic. You come to learn that he isn’t actually boring. He’s got a quick sense of occasionally-dark humor. Sometimes he laughs at his own jokes—usually after he’s started to walk away from you. He’s fiercely protective of the Ghosts and any recruits training near or with them. He also doesn’t seem to mind you.
✧ You’d hesitate to say you two were friends — it always seemed like there was something in between you, though you couldn’t name what — but you were friendly, and it was nice.
✧ During group dinners, he’d stand against the wall behind you. Or across from you, though usually doing that meant that he’d make a game out of trying to get you to squirm under his constant staring. He’d run into you late-night in the kitchen and make casual, not uncomfortable, small talk. Hell, at one point he offered you a drink post-training and made a sort of point to always offer you one whenever you had returned to base and were lingering around in the later hours.
✧ After a particularly long day, you find him in the kitchen, just drinking straight from the bottle. He offers you the thing — he seems more than a little tipsy, but when you decline (he’s been drinking directly from it, and…the fuck does army hygiene look like?) he sort of half-laughs and says, sarcastically, “What d’you look so horrified for? Too good to share a bottle, princess?” and then he immediately excused himself afterward.
✧ You know that saying, “drunk words are sober thoughts”? Yeah. Yeah.
✧ i need the fatty part of keegans thigh in my mouth right now i need to bite it i need to bite it and go rrrrrahrhrahrah like a fucking rabid dog
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resident-idiot-simp · 8 months
Haya everyone Resi here
You can find me here on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter , and Ao3.
My pronouns are She/Her (above 18) and I am somehow not any form of fruity ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ (well I might be a bit Aro/Ace but I don't really care)
I apologize beforehand because I cannot type dysgraphia is a bitch (I also use voice to type I am not sorry) and I'm also your local Southerner and Christian (tasteful kind) here in the U.S. of A.
I am riddled with the ADHD and I am here to commit arson and have fun.
I love answering asks and questions (especially about my fics) so please shoot me any you have 🩷🩷🩷
Tags on my blog:
#Resi Responds #Resi's breakdowns
#Resi's shorts #Resi's Life
#wendi!verse #Deer!Ghost
#walks up to mic #09 angst
#Deadclaw's Adoption Agency
Most current hyper fixation:
🧼Mw💀 & ❤️Dp&W💛
My fics :
Deadclaw’s Adoption Agency- Wade and Logan end up adopting an army of misfits and create a home for those without one.
(Not a fic but the Captain MacTavish essay also characterization)
The Family Reunion- What if Soap's cousin saw him again after years of no contact?
An Outsiders Thoughts- What do others see when observing Soap and Ghost
The Uncle- What if Joseph didn't die and Ghost gets to be an uncle
Comfort- Soap gets overstimulated and Ghost helps comfort him
The Loaned Sergeant- Since Soap is so used to Ghost as his LT how would he work with another Lieutenant?
The Old Team- What happens when Soap meets his old team?
Soap and MacTavish- What if Soap meets Captain MacTavish?
Time Kept Ticking- Soap's Family thinks he's dead, but he comes knocking on their door how will they react?
Your a CAPTAIN?!- What if the original 141 were canon in the same universe as their reboot counterparts and Soap with Ghost were using the task force as a cover for their own team?
Don't Dish Out What You Can't Take- Soap and Ghost have a badass kid
Hunger- Ghost is a wendigo because it fits so well!!
The BAU Meet SoapGhost- The BAU deal with John 'Soap' MacTavish and Simon 'Ghost' Riley
The Prince & his Knight- Soap is a prince Ghost is a knight what will happen when Soap I told to court someone?
I haven't Talked to You Since last Year- Simon keeps making jokes and Soap is NOT having it
The Mistake- What if after Roba Tommy kicks Simon out?
Favored by the Crows- Ghost gains an army of crows
Task Force Try Playing Games With Civilians- The 141 play laser tag and paintball with some civilians
What People Around and On Base See- MORE POVS ON YOUR FAVORITE IDIOTS
Alone Time Interrupted by Your Team- Captain MacTavish is rudely interrupted by his team during his not so alone alone time
Cowboy Dan- Cowboy Dan is so Ghost-coded I needed to write a fic so decided to make it sad and about Soap becoming Ghost after Ghost died.
A Little Help- Ghost helps preen Soap's wings
A Little Pick-Me-Up With Company- Soap offers fresh blood to Ghost so they can escape a sticky situation while Price is an unwitting watcher
Jailbirds- Soap and Ghost get arrested on a mission gone wrong
A Preventable Fate- 09 Angst regarding Price not being a good person
What is With Those Two?- Model Ghost and Football player Soap are following each other on social media and the fans just realized
Feeding Your God- 09 Ghost as a lore accurate wendigo (Azilver wrote a story based off of this go read it! Also it has fanart that also works for my fic)
Accidental Mate Acquisition- Seal Mer Soap sees Ghost as his mate what will they do?
The Captain Blowing Off Steam- The Captain has his way with Riley who is just happy to be there
Mama Bear- Mama bear Beth
What do you need?- The Captain has visitors while having his way with Riley
Matching Smiles- Soap has a Glasgow smile
How Did This Snowball so Bad?! - Soap and Ghost experience their first heat/rut together
Relief- Soap with swollen balls needing relief and Ghost offering to help.
Wisper From the Woods - Wendigo Roach activities including but not limited to eating Graves
Mending of Broken Souls - Past meet their future selves (part of this event I hosted)
Love Bites- Vampire Riley getting less traumatized with some TLC from his Captain
Team Bonding- Team bonding over how the 141 imagine Captain MacTavish is like in bed and how badly everyone wants him.
MacTavish and Riley Take on the Apocalypse- Wendi!Verse meets TWD and interacts with the termites (also another small snippet for nine lives)
Feed Your Local Vampire they get Hangry- Vampire MacTavish and willing blood bag Riley
Empire of dirt- Ever wanted to know what others in Hurricane thought of the Aftons well wonder no longer!
The Ghost & The Bear- Freddy's POV on a ghost Michael
Final Encore- What would happen if Michael met the crew in Security Breach
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namazunomegami · 10 months
A healthy dose of stalker Geto thoughts
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a/n: FYI, thats the result if you lock me up in an empty room with my laptop and a playlist full of mareux, NIN and MSI. At least I got a newfound love for Closer now bc some years ago a fic ruined the song for me lmao
Before you ask, yes, I have mental problems. But likes and reblogs are still appreciated <33
wc: 1919
cw: geto is fucking delulu, online stalking, serial murder, poisoning, dismemberment, geto cooks his blood into a meal, implied bondage, kidnapping, reader was abused, corruption, reader is forced to torture and kill their abuser, gore
credits: nakatsuji sakutaro for one of my fave geto fanarts ever <33, my dearest @notveryrussian for proofreading, my criminal pedagogy teacher for some interesting details about organized criminals lol and arone_cosplay on tiktok bc his scream au cosplay was the sole inspiration when I started writing
The dark content is heavy with this one so there's nothing wrong if you won't interact with this post! If my horror enthusiast bestie says that this shit is scary, believe them. Minors are gonna get kicked, obviously.
He’s definitely not that “Joe Goldberg from You” type of stalker. He despises the guy, he watches that show to have a laugh. It’s his form of disaster tourism. Geto is almost the antithesis of Joe. I was a big fan of the first season of You so let me elaborate. Joe has a savior complex and he latches onto any conventionally attractive rich woman in his proximity and tries to mold them into his ideal type (which is vulnerable, dependent, innocent, and forgiving) and when shit hits the fan he becomes a whiney little bitch saying stuff like “aww, but I did this all for you :cc” because he’s in complete denial about his crimes and psychopathic nature. Geto is the opposite, and what makes him so fucking scary is that he doesn’t need to convince himself that his actions are right. He knows he’s right.
Also, he won’t put on a fucking cap and go out on the streets to stalk you. That’s just a dumb decision, he has a job to do, and it’s easy to recognize him. But that doesn’t mean that he won’t do it in his spare time, from a comfortable distance. He only needs one of your socials and digs up every little detail about you. Your entire lore. Pictures shared by your relatives when you were just a little kid, he tracks your friends’ accounts (he wants to make sure that you’re surrounded by the right people), all the locations, cafés, restaurants you share on your instagram highlights, your celebrity crushes, all the playlists you made on spotify, everything. He gets to know you before you’re even aware of his existence, you’re an open book to him before he talks to you. It’s so easy to get a feel of your essence in the online space, use the tremendous information to his advantage, surprise you, win you over with his fake thoughtfulness.
"Aw, you’re so sweet, how did you know?"
"Lucky guess."
Yeah, a lucky guess, he just scrolled your twitter until 4 am to reach your first ever post.
The easiest way to understand how his mind works is to look at his MBTI type and I’ll try to hold myself back to not flood you all with my everlasting love for Jungian psychology and cognitive functions. INTJs are meticulous, skeptical, analytical, practical, everything is centered around a bigger, more complex system, a spiderweb of thoughts. Their subjective ideals and values have the utmost importance. They get lost in the details sometimes, but they manage to prioritize creativity and rationality in their actions and thought process. So, if we want to pick a category among murderers, he’d definitely belong into a mission oriented type (canon is my only proof for this). He couldn’t care less about money, power, or satisfying his needs for control. He’s the personification of punishment in his mind.
Evil is petty, he is petty, but not so much to just deal with every single nuisance in the shape of a person (looking at Joe again lol). He won’t go after the Karens at your workplace or the shitty classmates who just wanted their name on your assignment without any contribution. If he kills, he must kill for a valid reason and does it brilliantly. Calm and level-headed, organized, devoid of anger or any intense emotion. He makes awful lot of preparations for a kill. He studies the victim just like he studies with you. Their schedule, relationships, habits, social media presence. He’d rather arrange the scene to give the impression of an accident. Mixing cleaning products, fucking around with the heating system and letting them die of carbon monoxide poisoning or a house fire (an easy kill if the victim smokes). He rarely lets himself get carried away and get all bloody and gorey because he knows how much effort he must put into disposing of the body. But he does feel like a god during the process. That he rules over life and death. That he has the divine right to decide who should be removed from existence.
The only slightly risky thing he allows himself, is to put his earphones in and call you up while dismembering a corpse. Good thing that his grandma has no use for that big ass meat grinder, a literal jackpot for getting rid of the bodies. His voice is soothing, so sweet you can turn into a blushing and giggling mess, but you can still hear the loud chopping noises as he severs the body parts right at the joints. He shrugs it off that he’s just meal prepping.
You believe him, you don’t question him further. But he does cook a delicious meal just for you and sends it to your workplace. And you have absolutely no idea that he was thinking about cutting up the ingredients with the same knife he killed his victim with. Luckily, he changed his mind. You don’t deserve to have any remnants of a lowlife in your system. But the idea was nice, just like how modern witches tie their favorite person to them. There’s something ritualistic about blood consumption in his mind that he can’t explain. Hopefully, a few drops of his own didn’t ruin the meal. At least you weren’t complaining about the metallic taste. He doesn’t mind he has to live off on two cans of Monster because he pulled an all-nighter. You’re falling head over heels for him so it’s worth the suffering.
The only thing that makes his heart ache is that as your relationship develops, he must use you to forge his alibis. He immediately copied the keys to your apartment, without your knowledge of course. Sometimes he drops by when you’re absent, goes through your stuff, sniffs around, looking for trinkets. He comes over specifically when he plans to kill his next victim. Sneaks out in the middle of the night, kills them, then goes back to your place and crawls back next to you. And he’s as silent as a cat, as a phantom, as a ghost.
He’s a fucked up man in every aspect. You think he’s too hyper fixated on restraints and bondage. He’s far too keen to spend an excruciatingly long time arranging the rope in an aesthetically pleasing way, or have the gag’s and blindfold’s colors match perfectly. His creativity and imagination are running wild when you’re the rigger. You almost question his sanity when he asks you to use cable ties and masking tape on him. What does he want? To feel tortured? Deep down he’s fascinated with the feelings a potential victim might experience. A taste of distress, vulnerability, helplessness that he usually has no chance to feel, yet he’s thrilled about it. You still won’t suspect a thing, everybody’s got a weird kink or two that they can’t explain, right?
He knows that one day, you’ll discover his secret. That he can’t hide it forever and even though he justifies his vile actions by giving it a noble cause, he must earn your forgiveness. He deliberately kept those who hurt you mostly alive. Whether it’s a bully, the shittiest ex known to mankind, or an abusive parent. He knows he has no right to kill them. But he can bring them to your basement, gagged and tied up. The best birthday gift ever is to let you have your revenge, right? Or maybe he just wants somebody as irredeemable as him, like he’s undeserving of anything nice in life so he must break it, tarnish it, ruin it. The world is a such a cruel place for kind spirits, he feels the need to corrupt them. Bring them down to his level.
He lined up a bunch of tools, a wooden bat, scissors, knives, razor blades, a hatchet, a hammer. He transformed the basement into a makeshift rage room. You don’t dare to cry, run, or scream at him, the person before your eyes makes you freeze completely, your features are distorted in dread. An old response got triggered, your nervous system remembers those years, you’re flooded with memories. You feel yourself regressing back to the victim you once were and that’s the process that Geto wants to stop once and for all. It’s so strange that you find safety in his presence and his firm hold above your elbows. He’s looming over you like a shadow, a shroud. Like the devil on your shoulder. Cooing in your ear to pick up something and have fun, let your rage cloud your mind, make them relive your pain. Don’t worry about a single thing because he will do all the clean-up. And you have no idea why, but you accept.
It’s strangely comforting. You feel in control, all-powerful, accomplished. It feels better than it should. It feels so right but it shouldn’t. There’s no guilt in you, only endorphins running rampant in your veins. The dopamine rush enslaves you, fills your brain with white noise. The pain does fade a little or something just irrevocably breaks in you. Maybe you’re just as fucked up as him and you managed to bury it in the deepest corner of your psyche. All bottled up for years like the most exquisite French wine, chained just like a beast but now it’s freed. Your reward is a bloody pile of flesh and guts that once was a person, and utter devotion gleaming in Geto’s eyes.
Your consciousness gets clearer, you notice the sensation of being drenched in blood and sweat when the realization hits you that there’s no going back. Now, you’re sticked together for life. You know his dirty little secret and now you’ve forged your own that he can blackmail you with if you ever want to get away from him. But why would you do that? You’re everything he needs and he’s all you have.
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mecachrome · 5 months
wahh thank u @scrappyracers for the tag i enjoyed ur answers a lot :') f1 tag game...
Who is your favorite driver?: i am an oscarybro first & foremost <3 he's the only driver i truly rep because honestly i don't think i have the bandwidth for more even if i wanted to/tried!!
Do you have other favorite drivers?: i would basically put alex below oscar in his own little tier and then it's just like [WALL]... but i'm also fond of yuki + lando + lewis and respekt maxv :') the rest of the grid i honestly don't think about 99% of the time LOL not in a bad way but because i barely have enough energy for My Guys as is u know
Who is your least favorite driver?: 😔 i feel bad sharing hateurisms on my family friendly blog. 
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: def drivers first but i genuinely like mclaren as a racing outfit so that helps!!! when oscar was still in alp i suffered so much because of it being a deeply unserious team and even back then when the cracks were still forming this was fairly evident because i had a rossi agenda, so i was like wegghhhh i guess i can enjoy a williams stint/swallow down alpine content for him. 😔 and then he replaced [answer to question above which at the time hindered my mcl support significantly] and i got the ultimate driver pairing at a team i'm actually quite fond of ❤️🤍🖤
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: any1 else papayapilled??? 🧡
How long have you been into F1?: a little over 2 years!!! how i managed to get into this sport via an inactive reserve driver i don't know.....
What got you into F1?: several friends were getting into it & were reading mxl fic & things of that nature and even though i wasn't really invested in any of the ships presented i ended up biting as well... but fsr i was not compelled by most f1 content / barely watched dts and instead got reeaaally into feeder series, i think perhaps because at the time i was fascinated by prospect projections + mapping / modeling career trajectories + the idea of "ceilings" in hockey and was watching a ton of jr hockey so it kind of translated over and i got to enjoy masterclasses like litr the most broken broadcast streams ever of kimi driving off into the distance in adac f4. But anyway... i also watched chasing the dream and became obsessed with oscar from that and the rest was history 😌🐨🧡
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: i definitely read it!!! RPF Is Fine etc. i've written 2 effwon fics very poorly and that's it but i peruse the 814 archives regularly..... i forever need to be better at commenting and feel very bad about my own shyness but i think this fandom has such a wealth of incred authors whom i am always in awe of x__x 🧡 tho i will say i'm also a stickler for the 4th wall and it mildly horrifies me that 814 are 75% public..... also fun fact 814 is my favorite oscar ship but it's only my #3 lando ship LOL. j(e|o)ndo you are so special 2 meee
How do you view new fans?: well i'm a relatively new fan so 💗 honestly i barely witness or process most fandom discourse wrt: gatekeeping the sport or dts fans or what have you since i do not frequent those circles of the internet (no public twitter / have never downloaded tiktok in my life) so i don't even know the primary arguments!!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: i should never be put in charge of anything. now i'm just trying to think strategically like okay where would i want to live but even then i have no idea... 
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: my family could not care less but def the former !!! 💗 going to my 2nd gp soon with my beloved chirlie friend who has been with me thru k-pop fandom for like 8 years now hehe
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: yes i'm just very shy & have multiple anxiety disorders Amongst other things so pls forgive my neuroticism 😭😭😭 but i love 2 have discussions.... oscar piastri lore is my passion in fact <3
0 pressure tagging @bright-and-burning @piastrisms @miamimaiden @goingxmissing If u would like !!! these r fun qs i like hearing about people's fandom journeys/experiences hehe :')
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thecomfywriter · 3 months
Welcome to my Writing Corner!
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2024 updated edition:
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Hey! Welcome to my writing corner. My name is (not) Naveena, though I more commonly go by @thecomfywriter. This blog is dedicated to sharing tips and tricks pertaining to writing. Occasionally, I'll also share artwork relating to my ocs or details about my own WIP, but I tend to gear most of my content towards helping other writers tackle the messier parts of writing and make the entire process easier for all of us. Here are some fun fact about me, and then some about my WIP.
Follow my socials! You can find my book on wattpad and tapas :)
instagram: thecomfyywriter wattpad: thecomfywriter tiktok: thecomfywriter pinterest: thecomfywriter tapas: thecomfywriter
When did I get into writing?
I actually got into storytelling first in the form of my doll games, believe it or not. When those stories all started layering and becoming more complex, I decided to take my stories to paper. I think my sister's need for a bedtime story every night is what initially inspired my brain to start weaving stories, but I started creating stories and orating them at the age of 5 (my audience was my sister) and I started writing when I was 6.
What genres do I like writing the most?
Over the years, I have experimented with a bunch of different genres, from horror to paranormal to mystery to romance to action... literally everything. But, the one my heart settles in the most is high fantasy, mainly because it engages every part of my brain and really makes me think. I think it has to do with the worldbuilding part of it. If you've seen my previous posts, worldbuilding is my favourite aspect of writing, and when you're writing high fantasy, the entire world and all its lore is made from scratch. I absolutely ADORE the creative process of forging politics or economic systems; trade routes and cultural history; mythology and language. Every part of worldbuilding makes me devote myself to high fantasy like no other genre. It's also the reason why I become so invested in my own writing.
What are my favourite books?
RECOMMENDATION ALERT. Read all of these books please because I promise you, if for nothing else, it will give you a fresh taste of different styles of literature. I'll keep my essays as to why I love each novel short, but I literally have an entire shelf in my room dedicated to all my favourites. In terms of my top two, The Iliad by Homer and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte have to tie. They're both classics and they both hold a special place in my heart. Wuthering Heights for its depiction of different types of love and the complexities of falling and maintaining love, even through maladaptive and obsessive ways like revenge, grief, and resentment. The Iliad for the sheer theatrics of Achilles LMAO. He's so goofy I love him. Such a drama king, but also so lethal? I love the dichotomy. I love that you can feel his wrath, feel his indignation, and feel the consequences of his retreat through its impact on the war. It speaks volumes about how powerful his character is long before his 3 bellows on the top of the wall after a certain someone-someone dies. I'm not going to say who, but also... Zeus listing off all his affairs while trying to tell Hera how much he lusts for her will always make me laugh. Like, damn bro is really dense, huh?
In terms of non-classics: The Giver by Lois Lowry for how it has changed my perspective of the world. It has made me more appreciative of all the aspects of being human and all the small sensational things I had previously taken for granted. The Last Dragon by Silvana De Mari for the adventure aspect of the tale and getting me so emotionally attached to the characters. The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro for the reflective aspects of the tale and how the story tends to hold more meaning after it simmers in the conscious and lingers behind with endless thoughts. I cannot tell you how many times I've reflected on that book. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini for how RAW and emotionally impactful that story is. GOD the ending gutted me. I've never had a book make me sob before this one. And then, goofily enough, The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith because I love how iconic it is, especially with og Elena.
What's the name and genre of the story?
Throne of Vengeance! It's a high fantasy action adventure.
Is it completed?
As of April 2024, yes! I am going through to edit it a second time since I'm pretty sure my brain was slightly fried the first time, but also starting the querying process right now.
How long did it take to complete?
In terms of the entire concept? I originally drafted the idea for this book when I was 7 years old. Finished it when I was 9 because I took a year long hiatus where I forgot about it. Then, I decided to revisit and rewrite it when I was 11ish? And it took me until now, at the ripe age of 21, to have it done and dusted.
A long journey indeed.
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Alrighty! So, I'll keep the WIP questions short, but I hope you guys enjoy my blog. If you have any questions or post requests, do let me know. My asks are always open :)
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httpiastri · 2 months
ty for the compliment jack 😁😁 ngl most of my ideas were just really fueled by other anons HAHAHAHA which leads me to my next point: pepe doing tiktoks with u
pepe doesn't seem to be into tiktok, he doesn't have an acc afaik, but he's updated with the trends due to sebas and chris sending tiktok links in their gc along with you using tiktok audios as a form of communication between you two (ofc with pepe being confused while youre explaining the lore behind them, it doesn't matter anyway, he'll put up with anything you do really). one time chris sent a tiktok of them and gaby doing the "when you're close to me" trend, and pepe felt a bit jealousy that they are doing this cute shits like this, thinking why you don't ask him to do things like this considering you're chronically online.
on you're way to sleep, snuggling in his chest, pepe asked "do you see any cute couple trends on your tiktokp?" to which you nodded, saying that you see chris and gaby's a lot. pepe's face formed a pout asking why you don't ask him to do these type of things with you.
"i didn't ask because you aren't really into tiktok, however, i have a folder saved full of couple trends that i find cute, i just really don't want to ask you since it may be out of your comfort zone." you replied to him
pepe explained why he asked, and now, while spooning and peppering you with forehead and shoulder kisses, is watching the tiktoks you both are planning to do tomorrow, feeling giddy to do the trends with you. thank heavens you have a lifetime ahead of you and pepe so you can do these things with him, one trend at a time.
HELP I JUST FINISHED IT AND I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO BE THIS LONG 😭😭😭 sorry jack but also imagine him proposing to you with the paint e/o date, the one where the guy suprises the girl with a "will you marry me" painting pepe proudly spamming the gc with chris and sebas of the tiktoks the both of you did (but that's for another time bcs i am word dumping on your ask rn)
aaaa i relate sm, i love getting inspo from you all <33
bestie this was adorable.... it feels very on point 😭 him trying to act like he doesn't care but in secret he lovessss when you send him stuff (no matter if its a funny vid, or an edit of him, or just some cute pets) !! and when he realizes that there's like one million couple trends on there... he again acts like he doesn't care but in reality he really wants to do them too 🥺 and even if its not for posting, just for you two to save is super cute too!!!
and pls i feel so down bad bcs i read you just writing "spooning" and i start lowkey giggling to myself and blushing and just going crazy over ONE WORD. stop i cant
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
i want to write an hotd fanfic so bad… i’m watching the early GOT show too as well to try and wrap my head around the lore but i fear that my fic will still be very amateur and show that i don’t really have that big of a grasp on the lore and worldbuilding and language around me.. can you give any advice onto how to tackle this? any specific ways i should research or how to remember every little thing to make the story as accurate and correct as possible?
hi and welcome! don't worry, i have been through this exact process within this fandom haha. i was the queen of sparknoting my way through my lit classes in college when i didn't have other time, so i think i've kind of perfected the art of making it seem like you've deeply read something, even if you haven't.
let me give my usual disclaimer that i don't recommend reading fanfic to get a sense of characters or worldbuilding in a new fandom. that's because to a fresh eye, it's impossible to tell what is the author's invention/headcanon (which may be incorrect/ooc) and what is actual canon. fanfic writing should be about indulging yourself and your creativity, not about trying to cater to the most popular opinions even if you don't agree with them. so i really do recommend sticking to canon as much as possible, and being very deliberate about where and when you use fanon as a reference.
i create a tumblr blog for every fandom that i'm planning to write in to serve as a repository for my research and notes. this blog is unusual in that i forgot to make it private and then had too much fun engaging with y'all to go back. but my first posts were all specifically for stormbreak purposes. if you're nervous about putting things out there, you can password-lock your blog, so you're the only one with access. being able to sort with tags for characters, houses, etc. will be super helpful. another good idea is to take notes in google drive, since you can also search for things there and use the outline feature to navigate. the goal is to have one or two places where you compile all of your work that are easily navigable.
a really good starting place for research is this particular asoiaf wiki. i do not recommend any of the others, especially the ones based on individual shows, because those often do not include details that are in the books. i genuinely cannot tell you how many hours i've spent on this wiki. start your research here- look for dates, places, events, houses, relationships, appearances, etc.
meta analysis is also a really good idea to gain knowledge. tumblr or reddit are the places to go for this. it's really important to seek out posts that are both sympathetic and unsympathetic towards characters or houses. the goal is to get a sense of the different opinions within fandom, and decide which ones make sense to you. on tumblr, you can search a term, select for text posts, and scroll until you find big walls of text. (as an aside: if you're doing this, blocking tags related to fanfiction, imagines, xreader, etc. will help streamline your search and filter out headcanons in favor of meta)
lastly, and be careful with this one since it is fanon but not canon: memes! twitter and tiktok are great for these. they're great for getting a sense of vibes, but not for actual canon facts about a character. remember, fanon can sometimes be very distant from or even contradictory with canon, so take these with a grain of salt. i do still find them useful for forming opinions about personalities, mannerisms, and attitudes of different characters.
if you want more info about how i actually planned out stormbreak, i've answered an ask about it here!
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sarahshoots1st · 2 years
In defense of my angel lady
Because I have religious trauma and love strong female characters, so angels are my nectar and ambrosia
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A lot of people - including Riot - like to vilify Kayle, portraying her as an example of taking justice too far, someone who executes the law with mercy or consideration for they greyness of morality. While I think that is a valid story to tell with a Justice-themed character, I think they're forgetting one important fact:
90% of the characters in the LoL universe are turds.
We've got fascist homophobes, expansionist imperialists, late-stage capitalists, drug-lords who are doing their best to imitate the aforementioned capitalists, god-emperors with enough hubris to doom a hundred Greek heroes, religious extremists enacting a "holy" war, a tentacle-monster who wants to beat the shit out everyone, a tentacle-monster who wants to assimilate everyone, a tentacle-monster that wants to disintegrate everyone, demons that revel in negative emotions, an incel who wants to control everyone via negative emotions, a lich-revenant who wants to send everyone to the shadow realm, a dozen different prime examples of toxic masculinity, a man who literally wants to watch the world burn, and a nihilistic sentient sword that wants to annihilate literally everything so it can finally know peace.
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Given how many beings there are running around who very much so need to be smitten with a flaming sword in order to keep the innocent inhabitants of Runeterra safe, I would much rather see Kayle be portrayed as a cosmic defender of the planet rather than a merciless executioner. I sincerely hope Riot recognizes the appeal that some people see in a Captain Marvel-style character who can be called in to deal with threats that are too large for the main cast to deal with. The new card art in LoR where she's fighting Aatrox alongside Ryze gives me hope that they're at least considering this direction - which I personally think is much more interesting than "she's just hanging around silently judging everyone." The lore they gave her after the rework was very much along the lines of the Demacia-treatment of "we're going to make this stereotypically good-aligned-looking character/faction objectively evil so that are characters/factions will be 'nuanced'", which while interesting, was implemented all the subtlety of a Malphite Ult. That level of moral complexity requires nuance to properly execute, and one-page articles released whenever a new champion is added to the game isn't going to cut it.
The problem I feel with her current lore is that they seem to be implying that she views everyday inhabitants of Runeterra on the same degree of evil as the demon-bird-man who uses the Sith lightning and the Eye of Sauron to expand his empire. There is a lore justification for this - her father was slain by people who let their devotion to both her and her sister carry them too far. This opens up potentially-interesting story opportunities for what happens when justice is not blind and impartial - but again, that type of story requires nuance and detail. It requires being able to constantly see inside a character's mental and emotional state, to watch as their perspectives change over time in response to the pain and tragedy they experience. And with the way Riot is currently handling their lore, we don't get that kind of narrative. It's like trying to have a political debate in a TikTok comments section - you get none of the nuance and all of the extreme, straw-man positions.
So until Riot puts the time and effort into writing a book or some other form of media that could properly display a descent from "noble protector" to "bane of humanity" Avacyn-style, I hope they continue to bring her in specifically to deal with the champions who are creating problems, and don't sick her on the general population - which is what the lore and voice-lines surrounding her imply is completely possible. That kind of character is just a jerk, and not in an interesting way. Let her fight the people who truly deserve Justice.
Some of us just want to see the majestic winged-lady with the magical swords slay some evil, dammit.
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scripted-pleasures · 10 months
Fourth Wing Review
1.5-2/5 stars
I would like to thank everything for giving me the strength to finish this book. It took less than a week and 14.5 pages of notes but we're done! To put it bluntly, this book was bad. Like, garbage. After talking about it for a while I get so angry that I lose the ability to form rational thought anymore. Anyways, I hope this is entertaining and/or informative! This will be hidden cuz it's a long one!
I would like to start off by saying that even though I don’t agree with the general rating of the book, I can say that I see how people enjoy this book. If this is a first fantasy book for someone, it makes an ok low barrier to entry for the genre. I think this would be mid-fantasy? I will say I wasn’t a fan of the romance, even if Yarros took her time and saved the Big Bang for way too late in the book to try to ‘flesh out’ the connection. (Spoiler alert: it was wack). For better or worse, I’m a lore person so in terms of a meaningful story with solid characters, plot, and setting, it’s no more than a 2. I do have to give credit where it’s due, and there were some parts that I enjoyed (mainly Tairn) and if I wasn’t going into this so critically, I’d give this a solid 3. The story is fine, though it is full of contradictions and weird sentences that are hard to ignore even if I was reading for fun. Violet was more interesting at the beginning of the book and things got kind of jumbled together toward the middle whenever the focus wasn’t on how horny Violet was for Xaden. The flying scenes were fun when they were actually written out. As for characters, Tarin is the best by far, no competition. I know that was bland but that’s how I felt if you wanted a short review if I was reading for fun. Honestly, this book is nothing to write home about.
 Though, I am home, and I will be writing about it, so here’s the full 2 star (more like 1.5) review:
A major non-in universe problem with this book is the use of Scottish Gaelic words/names that are being bastardized. The name of the college, dragons, and some characters’ last names use Scottish Gaelic that, as confirmed by Yarros, are not pronounced properly and are instead pronounced however she finds easiest. There are wonderful creators on TikTok that have read the book and know of/speak Scottish Gaelic that air their own grievance on her use of the language and are a wonderful source of how to properly pronounce the names/words in the book. I urge all who read this to check them out.
I absolutely love the fact that Yarros is actively not following the rules that she set up! 
The earliest show of this is on page 21 where there’s a quote from ‘Major Afrenda’s Guide to the Riders Quadrant’ that says “there’s a misconception that it’s kill or be killed in the Quadrant unless there’s a dragon shortage or a cadet is a liability”. A similar rule is found on page 27 where the Codex states that ‘it’s unlawful for a rider to cause another harm.’ Both of these rules are broken literally on the Parapet where Jack, an antagonist, throws someone into the ravine below and suffered no consequences. Jack also killed someone in training for funsies and nothing came of that either. Most importantly, there isn’t a shortage of dragons, there’s too many riders. The school says rider candidates volunteer yet make no moves to control the amount of applicants when they know the amount of dragons willing to bond in advance.
There was the rule that states cadets with rebel relics can’t be in groups of 3 or more, otherwise it’ll be seen as a capital offense (pg 77) though Xaden tells the group to travel in 3s
On pages 159, Violet was surprised that Jack knew information about feathertails and wondered where he got the information despite spewing the same information earlier in the book
Violet wanted to get Jack angry so that he makes mistakes in the match (pg 293) despite this plan backfiring on her against Imogen earlier in the book
On page 356, Violet is given her saddle and says “When did I ever give you the impression that I give a fuck what people think of me?” even though the page before she was bemoaning how people are going to know that she can’t keep her seat (despite her falling a dozen times every lesson)
Minor thing, but on page 475 Violet is trying to keep Liam on Taiwan’s back even though her shoulder got messed up earlier in the fight though that wasn’t brought up again
Okay, this isn’t a specific pinpoint but it looks like Bás Giath is the military, college, the national archives, and also the church….? That’s not very clear which is a problem
Other than the inconsistencies, Yarros has a bad habit of telling, not showing and even not writing or acknowledging whole scenes. This is shown on page 310 where Sgaeyl, Tairn, and Andarna are supposed to train together with Violet and Xaden. At this point we had seen Tairn and Xaden interact, Violet/Tairn/Andarna, and a wee bit of Xaden and Sgaeyl but not Violet and Sgaeyl or Xaden and Andarna, let alone all of them together. This lost scene along with the majority of the Squad Battle on the next page, mind you misses an incredible amount of character interaction and growth that this book desperately needs. This story also lacks depth in any place outside of Bás Giath/Violet which can be seen in the beginning and toward the end. The furthest back this story goes is 5 years when the Sorrengails moved to Bás Giath and there’s no mention of their life before that. Like, even a little bit. Toward the end when Mira, Violet, and Rhinonnan go to Rhi’s village, the interaction with the family is completely cut out, focusing only on a conversation between the Sorrengails. We do get to see that Rhinonnan has a nephew and that’s as far as the meeting of the main character’s ‘best friend’s’ family goes before they run into Xaden as soon as they step outside. Fantasy really isn’t the type of genre where things are secular if there’s no good reason for it for which this story has none. Quite literally nothing happens in this book and I have no idea how this story will stretch across 5 books. I had a Science Fair project once where the project was to watch paint dry in various conditions and that was somehow more interesting and full of substance than this book.
Extra tidbit: The fact that she wrote white guilt into this story, was willfully ignorant of the idea that an oppressed people would want to revolt and side with the ‘enemy’ (aka. The only people who are willing to stand up against their oppressors), and thinking that any sort of militaristic choices are made ‘for the good of the people’ while War College actively tries to kill the students fills me with so much rage. This book is huge on social media, meaning tons of people are being exposed to these views where the book says these are the morals of the characters you’re supposed to root for. Dangerous and irresponsible. There’s also the fact that Xaden and Rhinannon, both of whom are noted as darker/dark-skinned the whole book are hyper-sexualized, feeding into stereotypes, shows that Yarros and her editing team (if she has one), have never met anyone darker than a cafe-au-lait and it shows.
All in all, I rate this a 1.5-2 out of 5 stars. The only reason why I don’t rate this lower is because there were moments where I did have fun and there were flashes of what this could be. Had I not been reading this as critically as I was or read only fantasy/sci-fi books, I could see the appeal for this. Unfortunately, Yarros might give new readers the impression this is how fantasy, beginner or not, is supposed to be and that’s a disservice to the genre. I’m almost 100% sure Yarros has no plans for this story/universe because Fourth Wing can’t stand on its own, answers no questions, and brings no inquiries. I’m happy for the people who like this book, really, but this isn’t the best it can be and I hope you find actual literature after this.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
Writer Education Tag
Was tagged for this--gods, ages ago, I think--by @magic-is-something-we-create and @autumnalwalker. Thank you!
Rules: Writers often have to research some pretty out-there stuff for our wips. What are some weird, unusual, or oddly specific things you’ve had to learn about or look into?
In no particular order, for ASMLP, I have had to research:
Slime molds. I spent several days looking up different varieties of slime molds and where they form and how they work. Related to this, I also looked into mushrooms. Which leads to...
Psychedelics. I have minimal first-hand experience. Fun fact: LSD is a sensory nightmare. That aside, though, I did more general research on psychedelics... What they do, how they work, their medicinal applications, etc.
Radiation sickness. This is,,, relevant to ASMLP in the most awful of ways. Related to this, I did a lot of research on the Radium Girls.
Bloodborne lore. Tbf I had this in my back pocket for years for fanfic purposes but I got to bring it back, bay-beeee. Lots of trawling reddit threads. I found a whole hundred-page doc going over the lore at one point. The amount of time clocked into Bloodborne YouTube vids alone is impressive.
School curriculums, especially as it pertains to Fantasy. It took.... so much time trying to find even like. An outline someone made. Searching this one was kinda difficult because everyone just wants to talk about the Nazi Wizard Franchise and I hate it.
Transcribing audio logs. This was relevant for the prologue and no other time.
Various sicknesses. Mainly, cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and the like.
How magic works in D&D. Spell effects, how to write spells, the different realms of magic... all of it. In the midst of all this, I have found The Gorilla of Destiny, who has a couple of sourcebooks about the mathematics behind magic and the theory of it. Haven't been able to read the sourcebooks but I've been watching the tiktoks about them quite closely...
How to write a thesis. Still don't fully get it, but eh.
How to make a sigil and sigil-crafting methods.
Dark academia. Like. Obviously, considering ASMLP is fantasy dark academia. But not just reading various "dark academia" books. I was also looking at the general criticisms of both dark academia and also college culture. Looked into a lot of college scandals.
How memory works. If you know, you know.
Famous mesas
That's all I can think of rn but there were probs more lol
Talk to me about research, friends! Tagging: @linaket, @alistonjdrake, @author-a-holmes, @nectargrapes, @faelanvance, @kjscottwrites, @broodparasitism, @vcaudley, and @menagerie-of-monsters. Have fun!
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 26 JON III (pages 355-366)
"You know nothing, Jon Snow." - Ygritte, Mother of Memes
Jon and the wildlings prepare to cross the wall, Ygritte finds a cave with secret tunnels galore and lore.
The Reader thinks they should be allowed to take certain 'romantic tropes' away from some authors, and warns drinking game players to switch to non-alcoholics again. I know one thing, Jon Snow: alcohol poisoning is bad for you.
... Ygritte reconfirming that Jon basically wildling proposed to her, even accidentally and I spent five minutes staring into space on a mental tangent. Modern AU, the boys are at a pub, and Sam is nervous about proposing to Gilly, and Jon's not being much help, he's a few beers in and his advice is all "just do it." Sam's all "but how???" So Jon gets up, "like this," he says, steps over to a young lady nearby, grabs her attention, drops to his knees and proposes to her. She pauses, then "oh my gosh yes!" And the entire pub breaks into cheers. Someone was filming unrelated tiktok shit and the clip of the "proposal" goes viral. Meanwhile, Ygritte is introducing herself to Jon and joining his table because there's a bloke she's trying to avoid lurking elsewhere in the pub. Shenanigans, misunderstanding, and friendships ensue. Several years later, Jon proposes in the same pub but for realsies. Sam managed to propose to Gilly by accident while he was attempting to explain the Jon/Ygritte proposal that has lead to their fake-dating rom-com.
Sorry, super tired tonight. Focusing, Let's Go!
(Legit though, Book!Ygritte ignoring Jon's clear attempts to shut that shit down in the previous chapter really do colour this relationship in a bad light, unfortunately, between the canon accidental proposal and the sheer number of times I've seen this same/similar set up in someone chasing someone else to the point of stalking and having it framed as romantic by the narrative, especially by male writers who seem to have a secret to desire to be considered that desirable no matter how much of a piece of trash they are or how often they (their character) reject affection it is still offered to them (their character), to (by proxy) live out the fantasy of someone wanting them no matter how they behave because they can't just contextualise being desired in a normal or healthy way... where was I going with this? ... oh right: I've seen this relationship redflag played for laughs so often it's become background noise which is perhaps the most terrifying thing about it as a recurring trope.)
... Focusing for realsies, Let's Go!
I have no choice, he'd told himself the first time, when she slipped beneath his sleeping skins. ... A part, he tried to remind himself afterward. I'm playing a part.
yeah, see, the problem with written word is that there's only so much context regarding tone.
I could honestly read this internal dialogue as either "Jon's trying to cope with being coerced into sex he genuinely didn't want, attempting to justify and rationalise what happened so he doesn't have to face the idea that he was raped" or "Jon's looking for excuses to justify doing it, because he genuinely wanted to, but he didn't want to admit that he had abandoned his oaths so readily when he's spent so much of his life convinced he wouldn't be swayed by sexual interest."
Cause on the one hand: this series doesn't shy away from various form of sexual abuse, but on the other hand, I have way too often seen this type of scenario written in basically the same way, and the author thinking it is genuinely healthy and romantic.
Which one did GRRM mean? I don't know and it bothers me.
... Ah, and there's "you know nothing Jon Snow" back for sex joke meme purposes.
...teenage hormones, the true foe of the Stark household.
... Arson Iceaxe sounds like the online handle of a 12 year old edgelord.
... and meme'd again. Is this the chapter where GRRM subconsciously sensed "you know nothing, Jon Snow" would one day become a meme? should I add it to the drinking game list, do you think? things I add to the list seem to bugger off more quickly once they're on... except for Lemons in that one Arya chapter... (I've collated the list at the bottom of the post.)
"- There are hundreds o' caves in these hills, and deep down they all connect. There's even a way under your wall. Gorne's way."
Oh? And will that be playing a role at a later date, or is this just more flavour text?
"The way under the Wall was lost as well?" "Some have searched for it. The that go too deep find Gendel's children, and Gendel's children are always hungry. (...) There's naught to east in the dark but flesh."
Cave cannibals. awesome. I think I saw that episode of Supernatural. Oh but legit, Cave Cannibals would be so terrifying. Like that movie, The Descent? I think it was called.
🎶Secret Tunnel🎶Secret Tunnel🎶Under the ice Wall🎶secret secret secret secret tunnel!🎶 uhhh, then it goes... uhmmm... oh right 🎶AND DIEEEEEEE🎶
"He's of my village. You know nothing, Jon Snow. A true man steals a woman from afar, t' strengthen the clan. Women who bed brothers or fathers or clan kin offend the gods, and are cursed with weak and sickly children. Even monsters."
Wildlings and old gods not into incest, and understand the correlation between inbreeding and the genetic degradation caused by inbreeding.
Yet more people smarter than Cersei and Jaime.
His guilt came back afterward, but weaker than before. If this is so wrong, he wondered, why did the gods make it feel so good?
I have a sinking feeling, I know which interpretation GRRM was going for.
*casually kicks GRRM out a window onto a safety net below* You live only because we still await the Winds of Winter.
Well, at least Jon feels some shame over breaking his oaths. Unlike Robb.
Drinking Meme Game:
"-There now, there now, yes, sweet, sweet. You know nothing, Jon Snow, but I can show you. -" ... "A dead end?" "You know nothing, Jon Snow, It went on and on and on. -" ... "- He died as well." "You know nothing, Jon Snow. Gendel did not die. -" ... "You're older than me." "Aye, and wiser. You know nothing, Jon Snow." ... "If you want to look, you have to show. You know nothing, Jon Snow." ... "You know nothing, Jon Snow. Noth-oh. Oh. OHHH." ... "He's of my village. You know nothing, Jon Snow. A true man steals a woman from afar, t' strengthen the clan. -" ... "- I thought you'd know to pluck me then for certain, but you didn't. You know nothing, Jon Snow." She gave him a shy smile. "You might be learning some, though."
You know nothing, Jon Snow = 8 x 🧋
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vpyre · 2 years
i've been wanting to get into ghost, any requests on which song(s) to start with??
Okay, I’ve been trying to write this post for FIFTY FUCKING MINUTES but TUMBLR keeps FUCKING IT UP and DELETING MY ENTIRE POST BEFORE I FINISH. I had gone into detail and everything 😭
Alright. Trying again. I genuinely love every single one of their songs, but the ones I think would be good starters are:
Year Zero
I’m assuming you’ve heard Mary on a Cross but if you haven’t, it’s a good place to start. Especially since a lot of other new fans are finding Ghost that way
Stand by Him
Dance Macabre. This was actually the first Ghost song I heard, but I didn’t actually realize it was them until a couple weeks after I got into the band from seeing all the edits on TikTok lmaoooo
Secular Haze
Monstrance Clock
Jigolo Har Megiddo (essentially “manwhore of armageddon” fnsjdjdbsn)
Cirice. This one is very important, both in its message and as it relates to a crucial part of Rituals (concerts). Another extremely important thing to know is that you should watch the music video FIRST. Very integral to the experience. To give you a vague idea of what it’s about, a huge chunk of the Ghost community has some form of religious trauma and we all go nuts for it.
Mummy Dust
Square Hammer
Darkness at the Heart of My Love. Absolutely toe-curling song. Almost makes me cry every time
Rats (important in order to understand a popular fanon interpretation of Cardinal Copia / Papa Emeritus IV’s character)
Spillways. Another big one for the bitches with religious trauma or burnout
One of my personal favorites: Call Me Little Sunshine. It’s a huge comfort song for me, plus it’s a banger.
If you ever want me to explain lore to you, hmu ;P
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frogcraftingg · 2 years
hi! I hope it's ok to ask this but. Ive been wanting to do more MC content and came across your stuff, which has inspired me more to do more content! I was wondering how much success you see posting on other platforms to promote your YouTube channel and all? Ive been doing shorts on YouTube, along with posting on TikTok and Instagram, but a lot of people state that YT shorts are unreliable if my main goal is long form content... Ultimately I'm looking to build a community around my stories I tell on Minecraft. And I'd love to hear from someone with more experienced in the area I'm interested in!!
Hi! Such a great question!
I'm a bit newer to trying to promo my content via different places, so I'll give you the short version and then explain.
TLDR: I'd say there's some success to be had in cross-promoting, though I've had the most success via Instagram first and TikTok second, but I follow trends and try to apply them to my niche, or show off different bits of my worlds and promote my videos on the worlds that way. It has varying success.
Explanation: So I wanna start off by saying I don't post ANY short-form content on YouTube. Similarly, I stopped posting anything except for Let's Play/SMP content + the occassional tutorial as that's pretty much what I want to make and the audience I want to build. Posting short form (as well as long form) content to YouTube can be tricky because those videos can pop off with a certain audience but then other types of videos can have trouble getting to the audiences you want them to (i.e., less regular watchers than usual watching the videos). I think there are people who have success but I've not caught on to what that is, exactly. I think it's easier to convert people over if they like to watch long form rather than short form content.
TikTok can be hit or miss. TikTok imo really values educational and/or highly entertaining content. There is room for story content, but it has to grip people right from the first second and as an amateur storyteller (me, I'm just starting out on that journey haha) that is very hard to do!! I really look up to people like GeorgeIRL (this video is my favorite), but most of my success there is about the packs I use and recommending other packs/mods. I've had a few other random videos/memes do well, and sometimes I do have people come into Twitch streams/find me on YouTube and recognize me from TikTok. If I have a trending video about my hardcore world or whatnot, I will usually reply to comments saying I make videos (link in bio) if they are interested.
Instagram is where I've personally seen the most success, as it has a really untapped market for Minecraft imo. I apply trends via the reel sounds there to my niche (like this video here or another example that popped off) and this has definitely brought people to my YouTube and Twitch channels in the last month.
I wish I had more info on storytelling specifically for you, but as far as rates for getting people to one place to another.... Conversion rates, no matter how good your content is, are usually pretty low, I'd say maybe 5-10% max at their "best." Even with a combined ~90k on TikTok/Insta, I definitely don't see those numbers on Twitch or YouTube yet (via live-views, views per video, subscriber/follower counts, etc).
I didn't really try to promote my bloodlines content as it's lore-based but also new to me, so i wasn't 100% sure how I wanted to present it. I may have better feelings in the future once I get the hang of insta reels a bit more on how to do it.
As far as pure numbers go though...Truthfully, the best conversions for me have come from Twitch and I think there's a lot of room for storytelling and creating a world (together) there that people enjoy, though I did also have a lot of luck there with the twitch recommended algorithm and live-streaming in general based on the start circumstances that I had.
Overall though I love that you are doing something fun and including a story in your worlds, it's absolutely amazing. Wishing you the most luck, let me know if you wanna chat anymore about anything!
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snickiebear · 1 year
what’s your current media object of obsession? please feel free to elaborate as enthusiastically as you need. i’m rotating friends at the table’s (ttrpg podcast) “counter/weight” season in my mind.
alternatively, what summer beverages are you most excited to consume again?
okay so this isn't exactly media in the sense that other people can view/consume it, but! my friends and i have this zombie rp thing going and im kinda sorta obsessed with it and my characters HAHA
so basically, the virus is an evolved form of rabies that spread via animal and now via bite. it hit in 2010 and it's been around for ten years, there's five different stages of the disease/zombies but they're called Starving. My sister and i built up the lore and its been so fun esp since she's been playing a lot of zombie video games (TLOU I & II, Days Gone, etc)
but basically, my two characters, Griffin and Celeste, are these two kid-made-adults in this world. Griffin was eighteen when the virus hit, Celeste was five. Griffin ends up having to help his mom take out his brother and dad when they get bit and then later having to do the same to his mom when she gets bit also. It's by complete chance that Griffin runs into the men that corner Celeste and ends up saving her.
They're very Joel and Ellie coded but also not LMAO. They first get help from a survivalist/dooms day planner who takes them in, gives them all the tough love in the world, and then kicks them out with the skills and supplies they'd need to survive. Then, they end up joining a merc group (and in this world there are human camps but there isn't an overlying government or anything) for a few years and travels with these people until one of them tries to hurt Celeste and Griffin kills him.
There's, uh, a lot of violence in their backstory but they're tough cookies LMAO. Celeste is a lil pyro and is very adapt at building bombs of all kinds. Griffin is one hell of a marksman but hates guns and will use a bow and arrow whenever he can. They're literally so fun together, they've got this sibling/parent & child/best friend/partner in crime/rival bond and i love playing around with their dynamic.
My other friends have characters too, and before the actual rp starts, Griffin and Celeste end up being saved by two of the others; Phoebe and Alex, who are siblings and have been up on an isolated farm ever since the disease started to spread.
Griffin and Phoebe have SUCH A GOOD ROMANCE LMAO they're SO FUCKING FUN bc Pheobe is so so smart but also so Stupid bc she can't help but be curious about everything she hasn't seen and Griffin is grumpy and mean but HES AN ASSHOLE WITH A HEART OF GOLD which means he's. SIMP and so they argue and bicker and all that
Celeste is like this halfway between adult and child, but she's such a prankster and shit stirer and definitely corrupts Alex in the best ways bc he's this shy little thirteen year old and Celeste is always ready to rock someone's shit.
but yeah its just really fun and my friend and i have so many aus for Greebs LMAO they're also so Sterek coded (teenwolf) that its insane LMAO so immediately i started a teenwolf au and had the pleasure of giving the run down of the plot
also! summer beverage would have to be... milkshakes. i love milkshakes LMAO idk if those are really considered summer drinks but they're delicious. also, lemonade bc who doesn't like lemonade? i really love to bake and cook and stuff, so tiktok showed me this limonade thing a few weeks ago and im dying to try and make it LOL
thank u so much for dropping by mause :''''))) i rlly missed this fr
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curs3dn0va · 7 months
I have kept blogs on and off throught my life. I'm that part of gen z that wanted to share my stories to whomever might care, if anyone did... But when people in my real life actually read them I would get embarassed. You see, I was badly bullied during elementary school - very important formative years, now that I think about it - and here in México elementary school is 6 years. I am also acutely aware that the bullying "wasn't that bad" in the sense that it was never physical, but it did instill in me - an undiagnosed autistic - many core beliefs that only now, at 26 years old, I'm starting to understand how they impact my life to this day. A few examples are as follows: that I was inherently ugly and there was nothing to do about it; I was also very stupid, and again there was nothing I could do about it; I was not good at anything, therefore I should give up on any single thing I start; I am also very weird and odd and offputting, and should not approach anyone because they will hate me. The list could go on, but that's not what I want to talk about in this introduction.
Despite all of this things that became my core beliefs about myself, it took many years for me to get any diagnosis, and legally I am not diagnosed (more about that in another post about mental health resources in México), since my diagnosis is private. But you must understand, dear reader, that this blog is not to look for sympathy or pitty or clout, I am a writer to my core, and the fact that I have never been able to pin down my life and pull it appart to see what makes me who I am bothers me. With this blog I want to talk about my past, even vent a little about people that - from my perspective at least - have wronged me. And some people might wonder "why not a tiktok?", well putting my self image issues aside, the people that I will be talking about would not appreciate the things I have to say, and tiktok is much more traceable, althought that is not what worries me: a tiktok is quick and spur of the moment, words can be miscontrued and twisted, and I am much better with words when I write them down.
Another thing you might be curious about might be the fact that I say I'm healing, yet I will be bringing up things from a very long time ago, and to you that might not be the ideal way of healing, but as I mentioned before: I have several conditions that make it harder to let go of things, and everything I will be writing here are things that I haven't been able to let go, they hurt me and fester inside me. I have tried vent books, and I don't intend to stop them, I'll probably even show a few passages, but please grant me some grace, I've had a rough life despite my privileges (and I have many).
For right now I can introduce myself: My friends call me Nova, I am a tattoo apprentice, I enjoy movies and cinema, I love music and am currently enrolled in piano lessons, I love beauty and makeup, I also like fashion althought I'm not very fashionable, I do recreational weed since it helps me unmask (this is not a recommendation or endorsement of the use of illicit substances), I love traveling and trying new things, I am bilingual and learning my third language right now, I'm enrolling in university next semester (again), I finally have a few friends that I can be myself with, I am currently reading Babel by R.F. Kuang, The Poppy War trilogy broke me and it is my favourite series so far, I love Bo Burnham, and I play too much Overwatch.
So if anyone is interested in my lore, my personality, and where I'm going, follow this blog. I do have some projects pending: I want to make videos about books and/or makeup, I want to get better at my art, and I'm using this whole thing to practice my prose because I'm very interested in writing a book someday.
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