#tw toxic beauty standards
skyeconch · 2 years
Hi besti :3 how are you ? I hope you are well you are having a great day
I hope you don't mind but I had an idea for a Horangi scenario, starts in angst that ends with something cute.
I don't know if they are any good but I'll share it with you anyway. (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)
In Korea they take very seriously what is the external appreciation in an unhealthy way so my idea was that YN at the beginning was looking for a bit of how is the Korean culture more than anything to be able to ask out Horangi and avoid some culture shock, the thing is that when YN discovers all this obsession that Koreans have for the physical appearance and that in Korean standards YN is unattractive which discourages them a lot, When Horangi realizes that he starts to avoid him one day he decides to confront him and ask him why he avoids him, to which YN responds with what he feels, at the end Horangi tells him that it is true that Koreans have very high standards of beauty but for YN he thinks it is very nice, he wants to have a date with them.
I hope you are having a great day and if you are having a bad time I hope tomorrow will be better. (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ
Hello bestie 👋✨
I hope you’re having a good day/night ✨
Mine is well…average but good! ✨ thanks for asking🌸
Bestie your idea is amazing! Don’t feel discouraged from your mind bc I meant it✨💛
I’ll try to find a format similar and tweaks it a little bit to fits the scenario 👏✨
I hope you don’t mind waiting bc I don’t do well with pressure 😅 i apologize💛
I understand the beauty standards part tho 😔 it’s sad that we have to live up to these expectations everyday 🙃
I used to compare myself with them before but I realised that sometimes I don’t need to try so hard to meet that ✨expectations✨
I slowly learnt to be comfortable with who I am, with what I’ve given, and improve my life for my own future, not dependent by someone else’s choices or expectations 👏
It’s not easy for everyone, but I will keep pushing, and I hope everyone will find a reason to fight on as well! 👏🌻💛✨☀️
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fantasywritten · 1 year
Lol someone online told me I look like a literal box troll and they’re happy to help me find a plastic surgeon. I love the Internet.
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yuumei-art · 1 month
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Finally finished this piece about the toxic beauty standards imposed by my parents while growing up. Painting all those eyes felt both meditating and drove me insane.
TW: child abuse
I included some of the comments my family has made about my appearance over the years, some of which are contradicting, just to show how impossible it was to please their toxic beauty standards. To them, I was always too skinny and too fat at 115lb. And being 5'6 was too short.
My mom told me to get plastic surgery for my monolid eyes, because only double lidded eyes are considered beautiful by Chinese standards. She pointed to her friend's daughter, who did get plastic surgery for her entire face, and said how much better the girl looked, how I should be like that.
My dad commented on my flat chest, asking how come my mom has boobs while I don't. My stepmom pointed out the frown lines around my lips, saying I don't smile enough. My stepmom always bullied me to the point of crying (by calling my mom a whore and such), so she knows exactly why I don't smile enough. My stepdad said my personality is too horrible to get a normal job, so I would have to prostitute myself, but that I'm too ugly to get clients so I would starve. When I told my mom what he said, she told me to stop lying.
After a lot of therapy for my CPTSD, I can look back and realize that they were the ugly ones, in all sense of the word. But for so long I had such little self-esteem, I would avoid photos. At my first artist alley over a decade ago, fans of my art wanted photos with me but I was too ashamed of myself to accept. I've improved a lot and no longer fear being photographed. I still struggle with other aspects of my childhood abuse (a story for a different day), but with each passing year I feel like I'm regaining bits of myself.
A peek of the painting process, the full hours long videos will be DMed on my Patreon on Sep 5th
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shoverse · 1 year
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macapagal · 1 year
hi guyz ! 2day reni will b telling da 2 reaz♡nz y zum1 d♡eznt wanna b a girl , even th♡ they were azzigned female @ birth .
1 - u aren't 1 . u fall under da tranzgender umbrella becuz u d♡nt wanna identify w ur azzigned gender @ birth . n♡te : if u r n♡n binary , a demigirl , n anything that izn't male n♡r female , u r ztill tranzgender . being tranz d♡eznt juz mean dat u r ftm/mtf .
2 - u zuffer fr♡m da inequality ♡f malez n femalez . u d♡ n♡t wanna b a girl becuz ♡f da zyztem . ex : men n♡t being held acc♡untable 4 their acti♡nz cuz "boys will be boys" , the t♡xic beauty ztandardz , harazzment , etc . remember : diz d♡eznt make u any lezz ♡f a girl . u d♡ wanna b a girl , juz n♡t in diz type ♡f zyztem (n♡t if u relate w n♡ 1 th♡) .
♡fc , u can b b♡th ! anywayz , datz all . bai !
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dragonsholygrail · 3 months
A monster boyfriend would be fantastic.... Can you imagine him coming to your defense when you have a toxic parent? I'm on the obese side but very short. Last night......a parent called me lazy and fat....despite my efforts t olose weight for health reasons. Now, I feel too scared to eat.
I cried so hard, and wish I had some intimidating boyfriend that would've made my mom shut up and come to my defense. Also, I feel like monsters would not care so much about human standards of beauty. (Even at my healthiest weight, I wasn't like stick thin)
Oh, hunny, I feel you. I’m in the same boat. I’m so sorry you went through that. You are absolutely beautiful the way you are. Do what you need for your health but know that being skinny doesn’t equal being healthy. Please eat, love, because making sure you’re eating all your meals is a part of health. I know that a monster would love you no matter what and would embrace you entirely.
I’ve been through a similar experience and I know I would’ve loved to read something to comfort me so I hope this can comfort you <3
Perfection to Me
Monster bf x chubby fem!reader - tw fatphobia, toxic parent[ing], hurt/comfort, protective bf, body worshipping, multiple orgasms, creampie
You had been so excited. You had recently gotten your very first boyfriend and you were so excited to introduce him to your family and friends.
Of course, all of your friends had been a bit surprised when they first met and they were faced with a huge and intimidating monster. But in reality, your monster bf was the sweetest man you had ever met. He was protective and he cared for you more than you ever could’ve imagined.
And he proved it to you time and time again how seriously he took your courtship. How deeply he considered you already to be his mate. Not shying away from using the term regularly.
All of this just drove your excitement to the point where you couldn’t wait to introduce him to your mother. To show her you’d finally found someone.
That excitement slowly dwindled. More and more as the night went on. It had all been going so well. Your mother greeted your monster bf with delight. Clearly happy, if not surprised, by his presence. It was easily overlooked.
But then the comments started. Snide in-passing comments. Comments about your relationship, your weight, and worst of all your eats habits.
You focus on staring down at the table, trying to keep your tears at bay. Having been so used to swallowing down these comments without a retort. Luckily your monster bf isn’t.
A loud slamming of fists rattles the dinner table, causing you to look at your bf with a sharp gasp. From the corner of your eye you can see your mother do the same.
“Who do you think you are?” Your bf snaps, his hands clenched. Only barely holding back his simmering rage.
Word after word he had been tortured by your mother’s lashing tongue. He had no idea how you must be feeling. But after seeing the tears in your eyes he could no longer sit back and take it.
“Excuse me?” Your mother asks, eyes wide and partially frightened by the aura which radiated from your monster bf.
“Was I not clear?! Who do you think you are to be speaking to my mate like that?” He questions, standing up. Only making his form that much more intimidating to witness. Not willing to listen to any bullshit from your mother.
“Well, I.. I am her mother!” Your mother replies weakly, visibly shrinking back in her chair.
“I have known mothers that eat their young who are kinder than you,” your bf lashes out, claws sinking into his own skin. You wince seeing it, your worry for him growing. Not wanting him to hurt himself because of her.
“How dare you!” Your mother shrieks, hand clutching her chest.
“Baby, plea-“
“No!” Your bf snarls, head whipping to face you, and stopping the excuse from leaving your lips. His arm joining it to stop you from reaching for him.
But as his eyes meet yours, they immediately soften. He leans down, licking and nuzzling into your cheek in a silent apology.
“I will not stand idly by and watch as an insignificant disrespects you,” his voice rumbles into your skin as he moves down to your neck, scenting you. Marking you as his to care for now.
Monster bf tenses hearing your mother’s voice again. Returning to his full height he glowers down at her.
“It is a mother’s job to nurture and protect,” he states simply, making his opinion of her treatment of you quite clear.
“I am protecting her! Protecting her from herself and from everyone out there,” your mother finally snaps. Standing up from the table even in the face of your bf.
Your bf bristles, needing to pause for a moment. Ensuring he doesn’t lose control of himself. After a silent beat he slowly walks around the table and towers over her.
“In this moment you are a far greater enemy to her than anything she will face out in the world…”
You watch as his words sink in. Your mother’s face growing pale and her mouth finally staying closed.
When he’s sure she won’t try and reply, your monster bf moves around her, heading back to you. He holds out his hand which you take without hesitation. Your heart nearly beating out of your chest.
It’s only when your bf immediately reaches with his free hand to wipe softly at your cheeks do you realize you had been crying.
“Come, sweet mate. I think it’s time we leave,” he says lowly as he gathers you up in his arms. You don’t even think about resisting, just letting your bf swiftly lead you out of the home.
You could tell your monster bf was angry. He was furious. And it showed in the way he ravishes you the moment you two get home.
As soon as the door closes behind you he’s plucking you up from the floor with ease and throwing your body gently down on the bed. Endless praises leave his lips, clearly setting out to replace every mean word your mother had uttered throughout the night.
He peels your clothes off slowly, despite the fact he was practically shaking with his restraint. Revealing your beautiful big body inch by inch. As soon as you are bare he pounces on you, showing how much he treasures every curve of your body.
His face nuzzles into your thick neck as he grinds his cock against your pussy lips, all while telling you how hard you make him. Not stopping until you come apart, dousing his length with your essence.
He makes sure to take care of every inch of you. Moving down to latch onto your nipples. Sucking and massaging at your supple flesh until you gush all over the sheets from the toe-curling stimulation. Your body spent but your monster bf not having finished with you, evident by the feral glint in his eye.
Taking his time, setting his own aching need aside, to slowly kiss down the curve of your stomach. His claws digging into your sides and loving how you fill up his hands.
Though his hands suddenly have a far better use as they spread your meaty thighs for him. He dives right in, stuffing his face into your fat pussy and completely smothering himself in your folds. His tongue devouring you like you’re the only thing he’ll ever want to eat again.
Fingers joining soon after, needing to fill you up even deeper as his tongue laps up your essence. His hand and mouth work in total sync till your body is shaking with the need to cum. His mouth sucks greedily at your clit while his fingers curl along your walls. As soon as he finds that sweet spot within you, you’re erupting all over his tongue. White dots briefly clouding your vision from the intensity.
Monster bf barely gives you a moment to breathe as he rises onto his knees, that look in his eyes only growing darker with each orgasm that overtakes you. His eyes rake over your limp form.
“You are perfection,” he breathes out before finally sinking into your tight cunt. You both moan as your bodies connect, your back arching as you show off that body that’s so beautiful to him.
He can’t hold back any longer as he furiously fucks his cock into you, bodies slapping together in perfect harmony. Growls and deep rumbling noises escaping him as your body brings him a pleasure he’s never otherwise experienced.
Together you two bring each other to orgasm after orgasm, never getting enough of each other. It’s not until neither of you can physically not move that you take a break.
“You hungry, love?” He asks as you two lay back on the bed, limbs completely wrapped around each other.
“Hmm, no. Not really,” you reply quietly, your appetite not quite having returned after dinner was interrupted. Monster bf senses this, his lip quivering as he visibly holds back a growl.
“Well, what if we change the venue, huh? You can eat off of me,” he suggests, a lighthearted smugness moving across his features. His free arm moving to rest behind his head while the other keeps a firm grip on you.
“Oh, well that changes things then,” you say through your laughter. Your bfs smugness grows as he shifts down and spreads out across the bed. Showing off his body to you. A body that’s goal is to give you more pleasure than you could dream of.
“Yeah, it does. You can eat a fucking feast off of me…” your bf says with a grin, all in order to bring more of that sweet laughter out of you. To have it tickle his senses. He’d do anything to make you laugh. He leans down and nibbles at your neck, causing you to giggle lightly. That’s it. “And that’s exactly what I plan to have you do.”
Monster bf doesn’t given you any time to respond before he’s back to kissing the daylights out of you.
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veliana · 4 months
Hi!! I love your work and this is my first time requesting.
If you can, can you do yandere Rook (TWST) with an S/O who thinks they’re really ugly?
Either way I hope you have a good day/night :3
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A/n: Thank you for the request, I was very inspired <3. You didn't specify the format, so I did it in the form of headcanons, I hope that's okay Tw : Low self-esteem, yandere behavior, possessiveness and obsessive behavior, surveillance and control, social isolation, veiled threats, manipulation, disturbing behavior, excessive jealousy, self-doubt, themes of coercion and control, toxic relationships, use of a translator Reader : Gn
You have always had low self-esteem, convinced that you are truly ugly. The comments of others and your own reflection in the mirror only reinforce this feeling.
Despite this, you have caught the attention of Rook Hunt, the mysterious and charismatic hunter of Pomefiore. Rook has fallen deeply in love with you, fascinated by your inner beauty that you yourself do not see.
However, his love for you has taken a dark and possessive turn. Rook began to compliment you almost excessively, his poetic and enchanting words trying to convince you of your beauty. "Ah, my dear, you are like a rough diamond, dazzling despite yourself," he would often say.
He watches your movements from afar, protecting you from the slightest criticism or mockery. Anyone who dares to speak ill of you mysteriously finds themselves excluded or sidelined, sometimes even disappearing.
Rook often leaves small gifts and admiring notes, poems, and flowers in your locker or on your desk. He hopes this will make you see how special you are in his eyes.
Rook becomes increasingly possessive, ensuring that you spend as much time as possible with him. He invites you to secret dates, getaways in nature where he can admire you without interruption.
He has a way of subtly manipulating others to ensure you have no close friends. You start to notice that people are distancing themselves from you for no apparent reason, except for Rook, always there to console you.
His language becomes more intense and a bit frightening at times: "I will not let anyone tarnish your beauty, no one understands how precious you are to me."
You have difficulty accepting his compliments, thinking that he is mocking you or that he is blinded by something you do not see. "You say that, but I know you can't really mean it," you often murmur in response.
Rook begins to gently isolate you, surrounding you with his love and obsession. He tells you that he is the only one who sees the real beauty in you, that others are blinded by superficial standards.
You begin to doubt your own perception. Maybe Rook is right? Maybe you are beautiful in his way? Rook does not hesitate to use veiled threats against those who might potentially harm you or come between the two of you. "No one loves you like I do, and I will do anything to protect you," he says, his eyes shining with a worrying intensity.
His fits of jealousy become more frequent. He follows you, ensuring that no one gets too close to you. It becomes increasingly difficult to find a moment of solitude.
Despite everything, he continues to adore you, repeating how magnificent you are, hoping that you will eventually believe his words and accept his unconditional love, even if it is tinged with madness.
You are trapped in a whirlwind of his excessive attentions, his sweet but suffocating words, and his possessive desire. Rook is determined to keep you by his side, to prove that you are much more than you think.
No matter the means, Rook will do everything to make you see what he sees: a person of unparalleled beauty, worthy of his consuming and delusional love. And he will let no one, not even you, stand in his way.
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realcube · 2 months
MOTEL MORISUKE yaku thirst
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synopsis → yaku invites you to stay at his house because you can't find a hotel while visiting russia
a/n → part one here. @4unnyr0se 🥳🎂 wc - 3.8k
tws/tags → player! ts! yaku, fem!reader, swearing, alcohol, oral (receiving), praise, yaku is a munch & no beta — minors dni!
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while exiting the stadium, some fans and news outlet had taken notice of lev and began asking him for pictures and 'quick' interviews. and lev being himself was more than happy to entertain all of their requests, meaning he was held back while you and yaku left.
admittedly, yaku was a bit peeved that lev was the one getting all the attention after a match he played and won, but he shouldn't complain too much, as it meant he got to spend more time alone with you.
together, you had paused outside the men's changing room, still blethering away. you both knew yaku had to go in and that he couldn't take you into the changing room with him — despite how much he wants to — so you stood to the side for ages, just talking about anything and everything. turns out, he is pure charm and charisma, packed into a 5'6" vessel.
'sounds like a waste of such a pretty face.' that compliment rung through your mind like a melody; a mantra that clung to you. being the cousin of two russian supermodels has really shattered your ego (infalted your bank account, but none the less, shattered your ego). whenever you meet a guy now, there's always a tiny voice in the back of your head telling you that he's disappointed that you're not as tall as lev or as stunning as alisa. you are related after all, surely you sound have an ounce of their beauty.
but yaku was something else, right from the beginning he has put you at ease and reassured you that not only as you as attractive as they are, but you're attractive enough to do what they do. model. you couldn't envision yourself as one, but somehow he could.
his words were so intoxicating you truly couldn't let them go, and little did you know, he thought the same of you.
your coversation is interupted by lev appearing between you both, "i'm back! what are we talking about?" he asks cheerily, and you just awkwardly glance between each other, unsure how you should explain that you were discussing how toxic the beauty industry is and that models perpetuate unattainable beauty standards.. to a model.
although, you don't have to, because as soon as lev notices the looks you're giving each other and how he's being left out, he says, "okay, then. (y/n) and i should go. sorry for leaving so soon, yaku, but their flight is tomorrow morning so we only have today to spend together."
just as lev is about to grab your arm and rush you out the stadium, yaku takes your hand to hold you back, calling out, "wait, (y/n) already explained that to me. i said they could sleep at mine so they can stay longer."
lev turns around and raises his eyebrows, wide-eyes darting between you and yaku, "do you want to go to yaku's house, (y/n)?" he gulps, afraid of your answer.
you nod, sheepishly.
lev visibly winces, at which yaku has to stifle a chuckle. lev says, concerned, "you know you don't have to say yes just because he is your only option."
yaku gasped while you titter. "it's okay. i'd really like to stay with yaku." you reassure him, and he simply sighs, defeatedly.
"if that's what you want, (y/n)." lev straightens his back, demeanour suddenly switching, and he smiles sweetly, "yaku is great guy, i'm sure you will both get along well." a single tear runs down his cheek.
"don't be so dramatic, asshole!" yaku yells.
"yeah, i'm just sleeping over. it's not like we're getting married or anything." you add.
lev pouts, "but you were supposed to come to russia to spend time with me, your favourite cousin."
now didn't feel like the appropriate time to correct him and say alisa is your favourite cousin. instead, you rubs his arm, "obviously i'm going to spend the day-time with you! i'm just going to yaku's house to sleep. just think of it as a free motel!"
"a really big motel." yaku remarks.
that seems to cheer lev up quite a bit. evidently he had misunderstood the arrangement as you spending the rest of your visit with yaku, so he's relieved when you cleared things up. he nods contently, and begins to walk away, "that's good. i will get going then, unless you want me to come with you to the hotel, (y/n)?"
you shake your head, and wrap lev in a quick hug before he leaves, "it's alright, thanks. see you tomorrow!" you wave him goodbye.
"it was nice to see you again, yaku." he nods to his former upperclassmen, and waves to you, "see you, (y/n)."
once lev has left the stadium and is no longer in ear-shot, you turn to yaku, who has a devilish grin playing on his lips, "you're not really going to spend tonight at a hotel, are you?"
"i am. like i said, i was able to book a hotel for tonight but beyond that, there was no rooms available."
"yeah, i know you were able to book it, but why would you want to sleep in some stinky motel when you can sleep in my house?"
of course the real answer was that you didn't want to overstay your welcome by sleeping over on a night that you have other accommodation available, but you knew if you said that aloud, yaku was the type to insist you're always welcome. so, you use the other excuse, "well, i paid the deposit, and they don't do refunds. might as well go."
yaku rolls his eyes, "just because you paid for something doesn't mean you have to use it. i own a motorcycle that i've never rode and a pool i've never swam in."
you have a suspicion that he only mentioned those examples in order to show-off. still, you reply, "i'd feel weird if i paid for it and didn't show up."
he shrugs, not hellbent on getting his way, "you can do what you want. if you'd rather spend the night in a random bed that some strangers have probably fucked in, then go for it. i'll see you tomorrow."
he turns around and heads towards the men's changing room, but as he expected, he felt your hand on his shoulder, and you're timid voice say, "uhm, actually, i guess if it's not over-stepping, i'd like to stay at yours, please?"
✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖
yaku had showered and changed out of his jersey, then you both took a taxi ride back to his place. by the time you arrived, it was well into the night, and sky was painted black.
it was dark out so it was heard to discern exact details of his house's exterior, but what thing you could see for certain is that he wasn't lying when he said it was big. it looked to be about two or three floors, with a massive drive way and an impressive width.
it was also partially illuminated by spotlights attached to the walls, which you assume were to provide secruity cameras with a clear view. it was the sort of house you'd see in hollywood movies; this is where the president is supposed to live!
unlocking his front door and turning off the house alarm, yaku leads you inside, tossing his bags and stuff to the side as he shows you through his living room. it's an open floor plan situation, so his living room — in which you see a TV screen that's probably taller than you — also has massive kitchen attached.
while you are trying your best not to pass out from shock, yaku muses, "i didn't want to say it but i'm glad you chose to stay here tonight. a girl as gorgeous as you shouldn't be sleeping in a hotel with less than five stars; it's unnatural."
you blush at his comment, throat drying up, and so flustered you can't think of an equally flirty response, so you just say the first thing that comes to mind, "i've never stayed at a five star hotel before."
walking around his kitchen island, casually snagging a banana from the bowl of fruit atop it, he says, "in that case, welcome to motel morisuke. where you don't need to pay for any of the drinks in the fridge, and you have the peace of knowing that strangers haven't fucked in your bed. just me."
you cringe at his statement, playfully asking, "ew! how does that make it a five star hotel?"
"because you get a complementary bottle of wine with each visit." while chewing on his banana and leaning on the counter top, yaku pulls out a bottle from underneath, presumably where there is a mini-bar. he slides it across for you to inspect, but as soon as you notice the name is a long french sentence you can't pronounce, you know it's the expensive shit.
"this is cool 'n all. but i still can't overlook the 'sex'd up bed' thing." you joke.
"if you wanted to stay in a place where the mattresses haven't seen any action, you shouldn't asked lev if you could sleepover at his." yaku chuckles, while you roll your eyes a little.
"he's a model. his bed is probably worse than yours."
yaku's eyes widen, as if to stay he doesn't believe you but he's willing to entertain the idea. as he throws his peel away, he walks towards the stairs, expecting you to follow behind him, "you'll be staying in the guest room, anyway. and i don't think i've done it on that one, yet."
you hurriedly rush after him once you realise he's showing you to your room, "you don't 'think'? that doesn't sound awfully convincing." you tease.
"some nights that are hazy and i don't quite remember all the details, but who am i taking to?" he glances at you with a smirk, "you're too sweet to understand."
before you can reply, yaku has opened a door and grandly gestures for you to go inside. you take a look, and gasp when you lay your eyes upon the decor. it's spacious, with a queen-sized double bed in the middle. the sheets and duvet are prisitine and white, while the bed runner and accent pillows are crimson red when a floral design embroidered.
there's a wardrobe too, and another door to the left of the bed, which you assume leads to the ensuite. yaku admires the foolish grin that spreads across your face, and he can't help but revel in your joy, his ego inflating a little bit at how he's impressed you. it charms him too, your reaction to his wealth. the type of girls he usually has over are all used to seeing big houses and luxury furniture, therefore are unimpressed. but this was all so new to you, it's such a delicious sight for morisuke, seeing that sparkle in your eyes.
"like it?" he asks, despite knowing the answer.
although, what he doesn't expect is for you to throw your arms around him and pull him close for a tight hug, as you bury your nose into his firm shoulder, "i love it! thank you so much for having me, yaku, and letting me into your beautiful home."
he is taken aback by the endearing display and tenses for a moment, until he soon melts into your touch and hugs back by slipping his arms around your waist and lightly caressing your sides, "you're my guest, so it's just as much your home as it is mine."
with nothing to say, you continue to embrace each other in comfortable silence an extended period of time, enjoying the warmth, until you slowly pull away, "anyway, i'll let you get ready for bed. it's late." you avert your gaze, hence you don't note the longing in his eyes.
yaku nods in agreement, stepping back and shuffling down the hall to his room.
✖ ✖ ✖ [NSFW] ✖ ✖ ✖
you spend the rest of the night unpacking and familiarising yourself with the controls of the shower. that took around ten minutes too; rich people showers have so many settings! after that, you changed into a robe, brushed your teeth and did your full skin care routine. now, you were sitting on the bed, folding away the towel you had dried your hair with, while staring at the blank tv, wondering how much it cost.
that's when you hear a knock at the door. "yes?" you call.
the door creeps open and enters yaku, wearing a pair of red shorts and a black shirt, with short-sleeved that exposed his tones arms; your breathing faltered at the sight.
"oh, yaku, i'm glad you're here." you stand up from behind the bed, to reveal yourself clad in nothing but a short robe, with your drenched hair stands falling into your face, which causes his breathing to falter. "i have this wet towel. is there a dryer i should put it in? or do you have a washing line?"
"uh," yaku drones as he tries to pry his eyes and mind off of your alluring figure, "just throw it in the hamper."
you nod, hastily opening the wardrobe to do so. as you notice him staring at you from the corner of your eyes, you take a seat at the top of the bed, and say, "i know i've probably already said this, like, a thousand times. but thank you for letting me stay here. i should really pay you back for it wh—"
"don't start that." yaku scoffs, marching towards you and standing over you with this arms crossed, "getting to spend time with such an angel is payment enough." the contrast between his fierce tone and mellow words perplexed you.
"i'm far from angel." you mutter, bashful gaze cast to the ground.
he grins widely, pushing his tongue into his cheek, picking up on a lewd implication that wasn't your intention. a hand slips under your chin and bring it up, so you look him in the eye. "want t' prove it?"
your cheeks heat up at as it dawns on you how your previous statement may have sounded, accompanied by his sensual touch. choking on your words, you're unsure of how to respond. though you want to clear the air and insist you had wholesome intent, a part of you was afraid to change the subject as it may cause you to lose this golden oppertunity. being touched like this by yaku made you aware of a carnal yearning you've had inside you this whole time.
yaku detected this apprehension, and shifted his grip on your chin to your cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb, "it's up to you."
without another thought, you push yourself up of the bed to capture his lips in your own, and wrap your arms around his neck to bring him in. eager, his lips move fiercly against yours and he allows himself to stumble forward onto you.
not wanting to part from the cathardic kiss, you both scramble about on the bed for a hot moment, trying to establish your bearings, until you both settle for a position where you laying on your back and he is holding himself above you, grinding down against your hips.
your lips dance ferociously together, and you both revel in the feeling, moaning into the kiss. finally free, you let your hands wander from his neck down his muscled back, over his broad shoulders until they eventually reach his arms. so strong and possessive, they flex through the short sleeves of his shirt, and his biceps have you pooling with arousal already.
he chuckles slightly while kissing you, amused by how you feel him up, and he takes it as an indication to do the same to you. one arm braces his while the other slips under your robe and rubs at your bare folds, slick with your heat. his fingers dips in and out, occasionally brushing or prodding your clit, assessing how wet you are.
each subtle whine and mewl that is torn from you simply fuels his fantasies, the vibrations of your lips against his egging him on further. "the things i want to do to you, baby." he groans, pulling away, only so he can see your face contort when he shoves his two fingers into your sopping hole.
you cling onto his arms for the life of you as he thrusts his fingers; the way his digits drag against your walls causing an uproar of fiery bliss in the pit of your stomach. you choke back your moans for the sake of your pride, but yaku grits, "i wanna hear you."
and that's all it takes for you to let loose, allowing your breathy moans and obscene pleads to spill from your lips like an endless chorus. yoru eyes squeeze tightly shut, so you can focus on every rough jerk of his fingers.
out of nowhere, he slides them out, wiping the sticky coating against the sheets of your bed. he shuffles backwards so his body his over your legs and his head is near your cunt, "let me taste that pretty pussy." he practically growls, shoving your legs open to display his newest obsession. he leans forwards and closes his eyes as his tongue worms between your folds, licking up your juices and moaning against your skin as your thrilling scent engulfs him.
then, he plunges his tongue into your tight cunt, eyes almost rolling back in your head at the sensation of the thick intrusions, wriggling inside you and poking against all the right places. it felt good at first but your legs shot up in s surge of pleasure when he started to thrust his tongue in and out of you, all while his lips were still fixed to your folds, sucking and nibbling.
your legs wrapped around his head instinctively to push him further into you, all while you moaned loudly, and you didn't think much of it as you were far too drunk on lust to care. yaku noticed though, and he fucking loved it. how needy you are for him already, the way your sweet little pussy needs more.
it affirmed him in his believe that you've been longing for this just as much as he has, ever since he laid eyes on you. how he craved to see that supple body hidden under your clothes, and now that he finally has, he's exhilarated.
however he's not been satiated quite yet, he still needs your delicious cunt to cum on his face. your back arched into him as you felt his hot muscle dig into you, poking against all the right places, while his lips messily lap up your wetness. his fingers eagerly dug into the meat of your thighs, almost piercing flesh, to hold you in place while he got to work. although you didn't mind, you were too distratced by the growing knot in your abdomen, pulsing and stretching with each desirious lick.
the tip of his nose teased your aching clit, as he continued to fuck your hole with his mouth, only pulling away every so often so he could exhale a caught breath and mumble some dazed comment about your soft skin or addicting taste. every single moment spent between your legs was his personal heaven, getting to soak up your wanton arousal until it was dripping off his chin onto the bedsheets. he had his eyes closed and was lost in the feeling.
with the way his tongue ravished your insides, occasionally freeing your hole from the onsaught of stimulation to lick up between your folds. your hips jerked against his face to aid to him, desperate from more, but he firmly held you in place, insistent on eating you out at his own pace.
because he wanted to enjoy every moment before the knot inside you tightened, bending and threatening to snap at any moment. he could tell you were close by the way your moans heightened in pitch, your pussy fluttered around him and your body's attempts to rock against his face became increasingly harsh.
his tongue moved quicker and rougher. from a leisurely rate to full-on feverish face-fucking, he wanted to see — to feel—you come undone all over him, so there was no way he was going to let you lose this high. in fact , he helps you chase it with everything he's got left in him.
despite his sore tongue he perseveres in thrusting into your hole, letting you grip his hair for dear life, regardless of the pain. it was all worth it anyway, with how your twitching walls envelop him. "fuck. c'mon. cum for me, baby. i know you want to." he groans hungrily into your pussy.
the vibrations from his speech cause a final surge of stimulation to rush through you, and a shriek-like whine is ripped from your throat as you reach your climax. even as you do so, and your pussy grips into his tongue, yaku fucks you all the way through your high with a constant level of severity, not letting up his frenzied pace until you have deflated onto your back, panting and heaving.
then, he gradually stops, easing his tongue out of your pussy, resulting in a small sigh from you at the emptiness. his hands on your thighs keep them apart, while he leans forwards to plant a gentle kiss upon your cute, glistening hole. as he sits up, he says, "thank you, angel." while stroking your thigh, and gazing down at your fucked-out figure with a smirk. "you're so good for me."
you weren't sure what he was thanking you for, though your mind was too hazy to question it, so you just mutter a quiet 'yeah'; the most intelligible response you could articulate currently.
he chuckles and shuffles so he can lie down beside you, using his arms to brace the back of his head, "wow, i was gonna do you in missionary next but it looks like you're fucked-out enough already. poor girl."
you raise your eyebrows upon hearing this and instinctively snap your head around to look at him. though you don't have the strength to string together a sentence, so you simply stare at him with sparkling, wide eyes.
at which, he laughs, "not tonight, angel. don't want to go too hard and break you on accident." he stands up, and walks round to your side on the bed to look down at you, "how about we pour some wine and watch some tv instead?"
you nod meekly. mentally about to gather the strength to attempt to stand up as well, so you can go downstairs, however you no longer need to worry about that as yaku scoops you up off the bed and into his strong arms in one swift motion, so he has picked you up bridal style.
you gasp from the suddeness and he only laughs heartily, while exiting the room, "it's quicker this way. and you can carry me back to my room after i get wine drunk." he jokes.
"pussy drunk and wine drunk in one night. you're really going all out."
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to the purpose of the misandry post, I've seen plenty cis str8 white abled men suffer under patriarchy, it's a purposefully isolating and cannibalistic system, without a minority to target the yoke of victimhood will be passed to whoever the group finds to be the most lacking in "masculinity". Any system so hostile to the people who created it can only be doubly awful at least to the people it means to oppress. And we see time and time again white men who're at the bottom rung of the ladder turn and enact terrible violence on the groups they believe to be more deserving of the treatment they received
TW/CW: SA, genocide
What does that add to the conversation though? Or could you rephrase if I'm misreading?
Like isn't that just how privilege preserves itself? Using anything but ultimately violence to maintain its stand within the status quo? Doesn't every privileged person do that? How is that unique to men?
Aren't most women in America right now advocating for either Kamala or Trump to save their own skin from Project 2025 while Black and brown women and children overseas suffer the worst things possible during genocide? While marginalized people even in the USA ask them to support someone more progress and they refuse for the same reason?
Is it different because women are just voting for it to continue and not doing the dirty work of killing pregnant women or SA-ing them directly themselves?
No, tell me.
How is that different from when BBQ Becky "just" calls the police on Black people while the cops do her actual dirty work?
The more I talk about this and read what Julia Serano said about needing more language because there is a need for it as transmisogyny isn't enough and about intersectionality from Black feminists (Mikki Kendall, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Audre Lorde, Layla Saad) and read critiques from those same people about mainstream/white feminism...the more I think we need a more a unified structure to fight a more unified enemy.
The issue I'm having with needing language to describe my experiences as a semi-genderfluid nonbinary/two spirit bi/pansexual trans person is the narrow lens through which gender oppression is currently understood.
My oppressor isn't just the government. It's not not just men. Nor is it just women. Nor is just cis people or straight people or or abled people or settlers or- It is...all of it. Except Black people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That's why I talk about it all on my blog. It's why I why I want these systems and even this country structurally decolonized.
My gender is tied to all of these structures which compound on each other. I'm not treated badly just for looking like a badly performing woman, im systematically oppressed for being a badly performing brown woman in a queer relationship and being someone who is not pretty by eurocentric beauty standards, disabled being a lazy leech, and toxic mentally ill with symptoms
I wish I could have such a simple understanding as you anon, but I've not got the privilege for it.
I guess the TLDR is this:
"Men = bad," does not work for me. Women were there cheering on lynchings and colonization for centuries, too.
"White supremacy and it's infrastructure= bad," Does work for me and it places responsibility back on individuals who interact with me rather than conceptual groups of oppressors they can shift blame to instead in order to avoid accountability/responsibility for their role in my oppression.
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junkbbykow · 2 years
I’m gonna help y’all remember who you are and get to the nitty gritty of YOUR baddie energy <3 My latest PAC is here!
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Omg guys! Thank y’all for 50 followers. As a special treat and thanks I’m going to be offering one of my paid readings in PAC form! Remember this is general, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t!
Pick a Picture below! 1,2,3
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Pile 1 - The Powerhouse
Remember Who You Are - What comes naturally
Well sheesh pile one. You take no sh*t and no prisoners. You say what you have to say and mean it. You’re incredibly fair and also generous. You help those who are deserving but keep your energy safe and locked away. I see you might also be a defender of some sorts. You keep anything that doesn’t serve you at bay and keep it pushing. Literally giving toxic energies a face of disgust. Y’all are not here for it. You’re a leader and philanthropist. You help others and share your resources with equity to those in need of your gifts but also yourself. You have great boundaries and keep sh*t in check. Nobody crosses you, your (chosen) family, and the abundance you create for yourself. You have wealth and high standards. You’re simply better than some people AND THAT IS OKAY. Don’t let it get to your head lol. One persons guides coming through heavy so maybe connect with your ancestors, guides, spirit and listen to your dreams
Divine Messages
Lmao don’t do too much for family. You live them deeply but don’t be afraid to say no, ask for reciprocation or just restate your boundaries. I feel like y’all can get down from being in this maternal/paternal energy but someone(s) are going to make this better and give back to you the way you give to them. Don’t overextended your abundance. The goal is to build generational wealth that exists beyond this lifetime. Maybe some of y’all have a younger brother or sibling. Keep them in your prayers and manifestations they may be dealing with some emotions they haven’t learned to express. Open yourself up to them and be a light in their life. A strong message here is to stop overburdening yourself. Yes, you are capable but EVERYONE has their limits and you need to start making that clear for those around you our spirit will do it on your behalf. Your skills are needed for much more than this present moment. Be wary of running yourself ragged trying to be everything to everybody. PROTECT your abundance and nurture it. Don’t just hand it out willy nilly. You deserve your abundance and spirit sends it your way for you. Treat yourself but more importantly INVEST IN YOURSELF!!!! Somethings (people, places, habits) need to be let go of with the quickness.
The beauty others see in you
People see you as a forever student. You are always learning new skills, adapting, and leveling up your life. I feel like if someone needs help researching or has an oddball question you’re the person for the job. People think the world is your oyster. Nothing can stop you and honestly who would dare with the energy you were presenting earlier. Before I saw you as fierce and cut to the chase, but people close to you see this youthful, creative, and joyous person who is eternally optimistic even when they have their moments. Whether their in your life, in the future, or speaking from the other side, your (chosen/soul) family LOVES YOU. They also see you as some sort of traveler. With a simple yet cute sense of style. Comfy but in the most fashionable way possible. You are also EXTREMELY beautiful. TW nudity/Sexual attraction On a more general sense I think a lot of people want to see you naked. In the most natural way possible. Whatever insecurities you have people don’t care they want to see you hair, bumps, acne, rolls and all.
How your destined person sees you
They see you as lost? Lmao not what I expected. You can be hard headed sometimes (me too) and they love this about you don’t get them wrong but that’s one of the big things they see in you. Your a crazy kid with wild ideas and you sure as hell are not gonna let anything stop you. You’re tough and but also very soft. You’re new to this (dating). Or maybe you’ve never actually experienced love and this person will be that to you. When they say lost you’re not codependent or struggling your just an extremely go with flow, take all the punches kinda person. They recognize y’all as meant to be. There is nobody else who matches them as perfectly as you. There’s just you. Nobody they could dream up would be as perfect and as exquisite as you. There words not mine 🥹
How to embody these attributes & utilize your gifts
Recognize that you are going through something. You have been left feeling helpless, alone, and defeated. That is okay. It happens. You don’t have to pick yourself up this very millisecond. I know you’re a determined individual who moves towards their goals at the speed of light but you need to reconnect woth your soul energy. Plain and simple. That means inmer child work, root chakra healing, physical therapy. Feed your soul the best way you know how. One step at a time. You got this. Get off social media. I also feel like you’re defensive right now. But there isn’t anything that needs defending. Nobody is taking your spot. There is only you. That’s it. So just rest, please. Everything will be here when you’re feeling better. Promise. Also stop fighting. Whatever that means to you. Chill out and let things pass. I’m picking up on a family scenario. Also stop telling people your grand plans. There energy is getting all mixed in with your projects. Also stop giving away every dime you have. Save. Buy yourself something nice okay. Not every part of you is meant to be given to others.
How to Honor Yourself Daily
Listen to your emotions. Release the hustle energy and breathe. Be playful, act goofy, make dumb choices. They’ll lead you somewhere unexpected. Ofc be safe but have FUN. Acknowledge how you’re feeling daily and show up for yourself by nurturing that aspect of you. Come to terms with your emotions and validate them. Also be creative, study, read, you enjoy acquiring knowledge, so do that. This is not the time for others. It’s the time for you and you only.
Tidbits: New York, College, Professor/educator, These boots are made for walking, children, laughing, music to my ears, water, mermaid, art, study, books, color, sun, 5, wand, fire, galaxy, 2, earth, wings, mother, familiar
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
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Pile 2 - The Nurtuer
Remember Who You Are - What Comes Naturally
Y’all are naturally kind in this pile. You let things come to you. You’re not a chaser and you have a very relaxed energy. I see you as someone who awaits every new day with adventure. You teach people patience and forgiveness. Your heart is so warm. And you make yourself a safe haven for those who need it but also yourself. Taurus energy???? You are very good at processing and understanding your emotions while remaining grounded in reality. You balance feelings and logic and respect how one does not exist without the other. You are wise beyond your years without even doing anything. It’s inate to who you are. You see a lot of beauty in the world and love nature. You seek adventure but not in a chaotic way. You truly appreciate life itself the mundane and the extraordinary. What you find beauty in is unique. Career isn’t really your focus or where you find happiness or fulfillment. You’re giving homemaker vibes. So if you’re struggling in career how can you comfort others and make their lives more comfortable. Your energy is calm. The fast life is not for you. It’s okay to dream small. I know everyone is saying make a name for yourself but maybe you just want to live in a cottage somewhere and grow fruits. That’s valid.
Divine Messages
I feel like y’all have your sh*t together lmao. You’re creating the life you want for yourself and disregarding the status quo. This might have been a new revelation. You’re leaving behind this need to be someone your not. I feel like your journey here is to nurture yourself and live a good and chill life. A new day is shining on you. I feel like some of you might not agree with this, but maybe question why you want your goals and what do you REALLY want. A tough lesson may be coming towards you. I feel this is more on a spiritual/mental level for a majority of the group. I don’t know if spirit is going to give me all the details. There might be a man in your life who is ending a cycle in your life and you will have to leave them behind. A death of some sorts is coming.
The Beauty Others see in You
Okay so people can see that you are fair, generous, and just. They also see you as a protector. A mother hen of sorts. Also you’re here to guide people. That’s a part of your life plan. People see that you can nurture things from start to finish. You complete your goals and are very orderly. People aspire to be as well put together as they see you being. Like I said, you’re a homemaker of some sorts and people love to be in your energy, room, home, ect. You make it a nice and comforting place to be and you accommodate guests very well. You’re sociable but independent and people recognize that. You’re the #1 host and gathering spot. You are very magical and people see you as a creator. Like you manifest, manipulate, and transmute like crazy!!!! You get what you want and reach your desires by any means. I know you might be tired of hearing this but you’re very strong. You keep your inner world in shape so that it can reflect out into your universe. You stay optimistic by balancing your understanding of your external and internal realities. I feel like this part was from spirit because it was so introspective.
How your Destined Person Sees You
You are illusive. You’re so mysterious. Everyday there is something new with you, another layer. (very sweet energy 🥹) They probably enjoy late nights with you. Being your partner is a CONSTANT adventure. Late night drives, traveling through the woods, you’re literally a witch/spiritual asf and that is new to them 😭. I feel like they see you like in a coven late at night dancing around a fire naked with your friends. And it wouldn’t be surprising to catch you like that. They might want to be apart of your witchy endeavors don’t be afraid to let them take part and share this part of yourself. With all that adventure they also see you as mature and respectable (you got layerrrsss). But in all of this they don’t think you understand how amazing, beautiful, and luxurious you are. You are so special and unique. You spend a lot of time worrying and anxious and they really just want to take care of all of it for you. They will do everything in their power to affirm you day to day. They want you to be the star that you truly are. Unstoppable.
How to embody these attributes & utilize your gifts
Focus on yourself. You’ve spent so much of your life catering to others and it’s time to invest in you and you alone. Some of the people you’ve been helping, leave them behind. They may seem hurt with your decision but tbh it doesn’t compare to the weight/burden they are in your life. You’re put together so these people don’t respect your emotions because your not trying to get attention for your pain or make everyone feel what you’re feeling. You carry yourself and your own responsibilities and these people just can’t accept that their problems are not your issue. Friends support one another, they do not do the work for each other. Be youthful again, leave seriousness behind. Life is a joke and that’s okay. And it’s okay to be alone for a little bit. Love you babes 💕 Taking this time alone leads you to a whole new world, I promise.
How to Honor Yourself Daily
Just getting out of bed is enough. To get water, eat, shower, turn on the tv, I don’t care. These people who have left your life or about to honestly left you in shambles. I think you were better off before them and now you’re trying to rekindle who you used to be with the knowledge and the maturity you now posses and that’s honorable. But rest first. There are so many day in a lifetime and it is okay to sit down and rest. Tomorrow is promised so please release all those burdens these people left behind. Also cry, throw tantrums, and reconcile with who you truly are. I think someone is coming in and offering you abundance. If not someone something. You be fulfilled and content just rest baby 🛌 Also stop giving people gifts rn. I’ve said this like three times in this pile but genuinely you have to stop 😅
Tidbits: death, hermit, nature, creek, wildflowers, pastels, harmony, gardening, trail, forest. star, night, giggles, silence, nobody else but us, freedom, fresh air, cozy, sleep, blankets, hot chocolate
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
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Pile 3 - The Trailblazer
Remember Who You Are - What Comes Naturally
You are constantly striving for internal growth. You also love to dress up and be creative. You may like to use ‘odd’ things as accessories or pick up flowers and put them in your hair. Your a benevolent leader who encourages others and yourself to come out of your shell. You walk in a room and turn heads. Not only are you beautiful but incredibly unique and you express that outwardly. People often ‘don’t know what to do with you’ you don’t fit into any molds (so stop trying) You make your own lanes and you innovate. Heavy influence from earth and air here. Please get out in nature. It’s your home. Also connect with water! You are often uncertain which comes with the territory of being so unique. You fit so many roles. You might have felt akin to all three piles for certain reasons. So much lies beneath the surface that even you have yet to find. Even when uncertain you trail ahead at full speed and don’t fear the consequences because you are righteous (with good reason) Your ancestors/spirit/guides entrust you with great responsibilities. Listen to them because your connection to them is so innate and pure. Like fresh water (I just saw a drop of water drip into still water maybe your actions this lifetime will have a great ripple effect for generations) This can be scary but don’t worry your protected and will find your way. No need to rush or overthink it. Literally just be you <3
Divine Messages
I think you’re going through a rebirth right now. Visit pile 2 if you felt called to it. I feel like you are only seeing the negative or refusing to be patient. Chill out for a second you need time. You just came out of something you need to redefine yourself and truly connect with your essence. Let your worries fall away. Your restless during your time of rest which is counterproductive. Let the ‘abundance’ of your last cycle be cleared so that the absolute monstrosity of wealth and opulence can come through. Leave social media alone. Especially if you’re watching other people be successful and so on. It’s not your time yet and that’s okay but your not in the headspace to be happy for other’s success right now so get off Tik Tok lmao 😅.
The Beauty Others See in You
Y’all reflect back to others what they wish to see in themselves. Parts that are missing or have been lost over time come up in you or your relationship to you. A true shapeshifter. Be wary of this because you don’t want to have a mask on in every relationship. Be you. You are everything all at once. You embody so many attributes, desires, goals. All of it is so much and can be overwhelming at time but it’s truly beautiful to see. Coming across someone as unique as you, Pile 3, is rare. Know that. Not everyone with a pretty face and interesting surface is worth your time. You stick to your roots and who you are regardless of what the crowd is saying. They aren’t you and subscribing to that lifestyle isn’t you either.
How Your Destined Person Sees You
This is a destined connection. Also it’s giving queer! They might see you as tomboyish or a very strong balance of femme and masculine. If you’re non-binary your partner loves this about you don’t worry. They also see you as a muse. Your body, personality, and the way you think inspires them. Your constantly transforming and that is a great place to draw inspiration. They either want to provide for you or truly see this connection that will bear fruit from its labor! Very sweet and genuine energy here. You redefine family for them. All the doubts they had about building one are swept away after meeting you. They see you as someone who can build a family and generational wealth together. Go you!
How to Embody these Attributes & Utilize Your Gifts
Be confident or find confidence within yourself on many levels. Be confident in your work, studies, appearance, and so on. Also, fall in love? I think this is from your destined partner embody your strength and radiate that energy so you can signal to them that your ready and here. Idk I feel like this pile knows who they are and already embodies their gifts good on y’all but also check the other piles if you felt drawn to them.
How to Honor Yourself Daily
Ignore illusions. People may try to rush you, make you feel insignificant but it’s not true. You have true power and you yield it with kindness. You are a star don’t let others highlight your misfortunes and mistakes. Let go if things not going according to plan and look for the next opportunity. Also stop taking people’s BS. Like it’s tired. Put your foot down and focus on your own growth and practices. Take back what is yours.
Surprises are on their way to you. That’s why your reading was so quick to the point
Tidbits: 8h, pluto, soul, transformation, apple, snake, 222, 333, cloud, 9, creation, crown, fire, tower, iPad
I hope you enjoyed your reading! I appreciate all likes, reblogs, and feedback! Please visit my masterlist for more PACS, Ask Games, Paid Readings and more!
Your other songs are Long Time - Intro, Playboy Carti & NVR MET, CMNT Glitch Gum Also Never Ending, Rihanna
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Remember, you’re that b*txh!
Junkbby Kow
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sehodreams · 8 months
ofc character toxification is fine! 💣
TW and Tags: toxic!conservative!riize, sexist behaviors and thoughts, don't know what else to put.
Thank you, this was interesting hahaha, it kind of became in a list of sexist ideas and behaviors, but still hope you like it.
From this question:
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Eunseok is definitely the kind of guy who wants his girl to be 24/7 for him, you have to be his good little doll waiting at home all the time, you have to look pretty, nod to everything he says and be dumb all the time, smart girls talk too much and he doesn't like that at all. Don't even think about working outside either, your place is right there cleaning his house and in the kitchen cooking for him. It wouldn't be a surprise that he's one of the guys who would actually talk to people about how they have to keep their girls in check, making sure they're not acting like little sluts out there and do their only job in this world, stay at home satisfying their needs, and he'd even preach about it in front of your face, you nodding after he brainwashed you.
Wonbin is such an asshole with all the female population, he thinks they all have to meet society beauty standards to deserve his attention and respect as human beings, and wouldn't say much in front of them, but behind their backs he'd talk about how disgusting they look if they don't shave, wore makeup or kept a neat look. Also, I don't know why, but if you were his wife he wouldn't care that you're in an important point of your career (he doesn't mind you working), if he wants you to stop and have his children, you will.
Sungchan feels like the bro that wants children from you yes or yes, he'd practically see you as his own incubator instead of his wife, and would also always talk about it, how many BOYS he wants to play with, and how a little girl would be perfect to complete the team (but just one, not more), he wants children so much that would forget that you're a person with feelings and that you should be the one deciding how many you want too. On top of that, he'd really complain about how low the birth rate is, saying how sad is that women have lost the desire of fulfilling their role in the world as mothers.
Seunghan is the kind of guy who wants his girl pure, and that means, virgin. Just the idea of you opening your legs for someone that's not him makes his blood boil, like, where's your respect to yourself? Oh, and don't even dare to tell him that he has to be a virgin too, he'd firmly affirm that it's not the same, even trash talking about divorced women because they're already "used". He'd also convince you, to not say gaslight you, into thinking men can't only be with one woman since it's in their nature to cheat.
Shotaro has this artsy vibe, he's a dancer, he's grown up in this free of judgment space, I just don't think he'd ever judge a woman about her career goals and her choices about family, unless she's his girlfriend. He'd pressure to look pretty and skinny, making you lose weight with sutil but hurtful comments like "uhmm, are you sure about dessert?", making you always judge how you look and compare yourself with the girls he works with. Also, like I said, he wouldn't mind if you worked, however, he'd totally hate that you didn't take care enough of the house if you worked too much, he doesn't care that the two of you have exhausting jobs, when he arrives he wants his dinner hot and his bath ready.
Sohee wouldn't have any problem with you working and not having children, but he'd support the idea of women taking care of the household, he'd wash the dishes and leave everything else to you (from buying the ingredients, cooking, to serving the meal), and he'd affirm to everyone that he's always helping around the house. It's not that he doesn't how to survive on his own, but if you were his wife, he'd just leave most of the work to you, and would probably choose to marry you with that in mind too (the idea of having practically a servant). Also, he'd hate if you earned more money than him, probably making you quit or convincing you to have an "easier" job that paid you less just to not feel his position as the house head in danger.
I don't feel nothing from Anton, he'd love a bad bitch with thick makeup, a different style, that felt passion for her career and never cooked. He's still dumb with household chores, he wouldn't be able to survive on his own, but he'd never pressure you into doing everything on your own, and he do wants children, but if you don't then there's no pressure neither, your body your choice.
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milky-fixx · 2 years
love bites + love handles
BLEACH; various characters x chubby!reader headcanons
ft. gin ichimaru, Izuru kira, shuhei hisagi, adult!toshiro hitsugaya
tw: 18+ not sfw. all charas are aged up. afab reader. mentions of internalized fatphobia, insecurity, in terms of gin specifically, unhealthy relationship dynamics? (sorry y/n ur man is toxic.) in izuru’s section- mommy kink,, uh lactation, death/dying kink?? idk what i have done lol.
gin ichimaru—;
He likes pet names that point out your chub and veer dangerously close to derogatory i.e. my lil’ swine, my plump dumplin.’ He means these affectionately—or at least as affectionate as he can get—but that doesn’t translate well with his permanent smile, his mocking tone. Even if they weren’t related to your size, surely his delivery would make you wonder if it was something more sinister than teasing. If you ever tell him so, he’s quick to rectify.  
“Aw, don’t get yer panties in a knot~” he says, curling his arms around you, squeezing your middle. Another thing he loves doing. Drawing attention to your gut, even if it does make you flustered. “I’m only teasin’ ya.”
Canonically, he loves Rangiku, and while his eyes are almost always closed, he’s certainly not blind to her assets. He likes someone who can fill his arms generously, who he can sink his fangs into better—it gives him the impression that he owns you more fully.
If you’re ever down about your appearance—whether it be as a result of society’s unrealistic beauty standards, a piece of clothing that just won’t sit right on your figure, whatever—he’s awful at comfort. His nature is to antagonize rather than to soothe. But if you were having an especially bad day, and were ever to ask him if he likes your body, he’ll offer you a rare, genuine frown. “‘Course I like it. Why’d ya’ think I don’t?” If you were to persist, or even go down a spiral of why he shouldn’t, he’ll stop you, his icy gaze cutting through your words. “Not another peep outta ya.’” Before he distracts you. In Gin’s view, you can’t be lingering on certain topics once he’s teasing you again, right? But his teasing will have a little less bite this time, and lead its way to compliments that come across as more genuine than not.
Something Gin might do that confuses you is procuring skimpy clothes or lingerie for you, and leaving them out for you to wear. They’re often a size or two too small for you, and when you try them on, it’s nothing short of scandalous the way it squeezes into your flesh. It makes you wonder if he’s doing it intentionally, and don’t worry—he is. He’s a dick.  His reasoning though, is that he’s quite enamored by the way straps look digging into your shoulders, or garters digging into your thighs, the way you spill out generously from a too-tight corset. He’s all simpering about it too, for instance, watching you parade around Hueco Mundo or Seireitei with a low-cut outfit that leaves your curves to no one’s imagination. In his defense, he can play the role of the “concerned,” “protective" lover in public if you get flustered, dragging you back home by the waist as he tells you, “Ya’ silly thing, why’d ya’ even go out wearing tha’ kinda stuff? Ya’ know what a sight ya’ are?” Hmm, I wonder why. At some point, you can’t trust his choices, and you have to hide your clothes from his alterations. 
During sex, he likes having you on top so he can see your softer parts jiggle. He also enjoys seeing his fingerprints left on your skin, and is quite enamored with the marks tight clothing leaves on you. He may or may not pinch your fat rolls. He’s awful. You should break up with him, Y/N. If only the crazy dick wasn’t also good.
izuru kira— ;
Izuru thinks the world is a harsh and unforgiving place. The exact opposite of you and your body, and thus you become a sanctuary of sorts for him. He’s reverent—your entire body is as soft as a pillow, and he’s in desperate need of coddling from the world. What’s not to love?
Izuru especially likes running his hand along the dips and curves of your body when you’re bared before him, likening it to nature, the divine, his muse. And with him sweetly murmuring how you must have been spun from the gods’ silken hands themselves, how can you feel anything but beautiful?
Insecurities are undoubtedly a part of anyone with a body’s experience though, and if you’re ever particularly down about your appearance, Izuru is aghast. He assumes he’s at fault for making his muse think they’re unappreciated. He’ll show you some of his more, ahem, embarrassing haikus about you. If you want, he’ll even give you a mini performance, replete with his flushed cheeks, his gaze nervously darting to yours to gauge your reaction. Writing poems about you in secret is one thing, but having to perform them in front of you? If he didn’t love you so much, he thinks he could die of the embarrassment.
He accepts that there are things you’ll always dislike about yourself. If he were to list his own shortcomings, it would run miles. Izuru always lives in some kind of self-hating despair, but you—you’re his light. He hopes that by showing you how much he adores your body, you'll also come around to it.
If you’re ever pregnant and/or lactating, Izuru would love to suck on your breasts. Mommy kink confirmed. Even if the topic of trying for a baby baby has just been breached, you’ll sometimes catch him staring longingly at your breasts, before catching your eye and coughing, acting like he’s not. He’s mortified to admit just how... arousing he finds the thought of potential changes to your body.
Speaking of kinks, dying and other morbid things is something Izuru muses about often, but when it comes to you, something about these thoughts turns almost naughty. He’s embarrassed to admit it, but he thinks about being suffocated by your chest, or to suffocate with his face buried in your folds, your thighs caging his head. Sometimes these thoughts get him hard—dying is inevitable, and is a constant presence in a Shinigami’s life, but the thought of dying while wrapped up in your loved one? It’s somehow hot. Izuru is a bit too shy to mention these thoughts to you...
shuhei hisagi— ;
If you’re chubby, Shuhei finds the experience of going down on you even hotter. He’ll get nosebleeds at the thought of your thighs squeezing his head, his nose pressed into your slick folds until he can barely breathe, his hands coming up to grip your thighs as he groans at the give of them. Certified sub status.
Speaking of thighs, he loves to fuck them. Something about the thought is just hot—him squeezing your thighs together, his voice husky as he tells you to keep them clenched tight for him... good, just like that. Especially so if the head of his dick peeks through between them. He can literally cum from just that, his breath hitching at the sight of his seed streaked across them. It just makes him want to lick them even more.
Shuhei also kinda—don’t let him know you’re onto him—but when he’s really stressed from Seireitei Weekly deadlines, from his lieutenant duties, from seeming to run everything on his own? If you two are sitting on the couch together, he’ll just bury his face in your chest. It becomes a habit, and once he’s gotten over his hesitation, he’ll ask you for the boob pillow. Sometimes, when he’s so tense from everything, he’ll complain this way only, into your chest where it’s muffled and he doesn’t feel quite as much of a whiner and all he can think about is how soft you feel around him. You rubbing your hand through his head and listening to him complain is a nice touch.
He really likes hitting it from the back, where he can watch your plush ass bounce when his hips meet it. Also you on top, so he can see ever part of you.
His favorite part about you is how soft you are. Your tits pressing against his chest when he hugs you, the way he can dig into the softest parts of your thighs. 
He would love it if you ever asked him to pick your outfits for the day, or week. He may not look it, but sometimes he sees a cool jacket or top that he thinks would love great on you, but he doesn’t wanna come across as  weird and tell you how to dress. But he’d jump at the opportunity. Surprisingly his eye for fashion is pretty good, and he loves to get you punk outfits that compliment his.
toshiro hitsugaya— ;
He is traumatized from Rangiku’s boob smush. That being said, he does his best to ignore said assets from anyone, even if they are noticeable.
To be honest, it doesn’t really register to Toshiro that you being fat is something you should worry or be insecure about. If you mention it, he’ll blink and be like, “Yes. Your point being?” Truly, he thinks that appearances shouldn’t matter. He’s quite defensive about it, considering how people used to judge for looking too young for a captain.
If you ever mention being insecure, he’s conflicted. He wants to tell you that you’re perfect to him and you have nothing to worry about. But at the same time, he can’t quite bring himself to admit that. Toshiro’s tendency for bluntness and raw honesty is quite clumsy when it comes to declarations of affection. So he settles for showing you instead--with a fierce kiss, his arm tugging you forward
“Don’t be stupid,” he says sternly. “You’re per--fine just the way you are.”
He does try to show you how much you mean to him. Perhaps by upping the physical affection, which is a huge deal for Mr. Frigid and Icy. He’ll initiate hugs from behind, even in public.
If you continue to be insecure, he suggests--and he means this with no ill intention--some guides and strategies for self-love and shit. He finds it cheesy but he really wants to help you, while also not wanting to coddle you? He’s definitely had to look up research guides to relationships before, so he figures that’s a place to start.
As an adult, he’s pretty lean, so he also appreciates the size difference. Toshiro doesn’t treat you differently, hauling you onto his lap in those rare moments when he’s tired from paperwork and wants a pick-me-up, and has stopped giving a damn about decorum. But just picture grumpy Toshiro, nuzzling into your chest, asking for “Five more minutes,” because the feel of being wrapped around is much better than his hand cramping from all the papers he’s had to sign off of.
Ah. I’m loving the idea of Toshiro with a fuller boo and doing cute domestic shit. You feeding him curry you made while he hugs you from behind and complains that it’s too spicy (it’s not; he just has a piss-poor tolerance for spice). Napping with Toshiro on the couch on his day off and he cracks an eye open, a small smile curling his lips at the sight of you as he wraps an arm around you. Toshiro glowering at you when he’s in the rare mood for affection and you keep darting out of his grasp, until he pins you against the counter and steals a kiss from you while grumbling, “Finally.”
Rangiku thinks you’re the cutest couple, and definitely does her best to catch you two in the act of doing, what she deems, “cute couple activities.” More than once she’s walked in on you sitting in Toshiro’s lap, not even doing anything spicy, but just playing with his hair. It’s cute. She has totally taken blackmail pics. In her defense, her taicho never looks that soft with just anyone.
Body worship is big in the bedroom. Toshiro’s cold lips trailing your skin, his gaze heated. He may not be the best with words of affirmation, but he’s content to show you like this how much you mean to him.
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inkykeiji · 1 year
does touya-nii let reader have safewords? and if she does, would he even allow her to use them?
oooh anon that’s a very interesting question :o
tw: noncon/rape, stepcest, toxic relationship
i’m inclined to say no, because he would not and does not respect her when she tells him ‘no’ or ‘wait’—touya-nii wants what he wants when he wants it, and he believes he is wholly and entirely entitled to her body at all times, as if she is some object (because, in many ways, that’s exactly how he sees her. she belongs to him. he owns her. he is to use her however the fuck he wants to, whenever the fuck he wants to).
in the past we’ve seen him ignore her protests, with these instances literally beginning in part one of my main series (and often using her ‘good girl’ weakness against her, ie be a good girl for me and take it, show me how good you are and take it, etc with the implication that if she doesn’t, if she denies or doesn’t want to, then she is bad, and that’s the last thing she ever wants to be. he plays on that extreme insecurity of needing that external validation, from him especially, of needing to be told she’s good and not bad, to manipulate her and uses it to his advantage to get what he wants/control her)—and we also see it very heavily in beautiful when the damage is done, where he punishes her and natsuo and completely disregards their multiple objections.
with that being said, touya-nii isn’t entirely heartless. i do think there are some VERY rare cases where he would stop if she told him to, but the circumstances would have to be genuinely extraordinary (by his standards). to him, she’d have to have a very good reason to ask him to stop, or be in extreme distress (keeping in mind that touya is quite sick and gets off on her crying) for him to stop. so! to answer your questions: it isn’t impossible, but it’s highly unlikely. he might give her a safeword to be used in absolute emergencies (especially if she asked for one and rly wanted one!), but she’d be punished pretty heftily if she used it in a situation that he doesn’t deem dire and necessary.
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moonystoast1971 · 2 years
so i saw a "hot take" it was the coldest shit ever like girlie my fridge is broken rn pls bring ur opinions this way
basically they were mad that the marauders fandom now has more characters in it (the characters they named: pandora dorcas evan barty) and that it was now less about james sirius and remus but more about "ocs" and want to bring it back to the early 2000s
TW!!!!!!!!!!: talks about racisim, colourism, sexual harrassment, homophobia, fat phobia, lesbophobia, general toxicisity, sexism, shitty beauty standards
lets evaluate ur early 2000s:
-two ships only ever written about and they were both toxic: jily and wolfstar lets talk about that for a second: Jily was only ever written in a way that was litterally sexual harrassment! you had james sexually harrassing lily every five minutes but called it romantic. you had this girl subjected to years of humiliation and sexual harrassment - THAT STARTED AT AGE 11 AND WENT ALL THE WAY TO AGE 17! like u were telling us how cute it was to be pressured into romance. THE LOVELYYYYYY EARLY 2000S <333333333 next we have wolfstar which was litterally gays for straight ppl, remus was ur tortured little broken boy who treated sirius like literal shit- this man treated sirius as if he was an annoying ass burden, he could never do anything good, he was always treated as if his presence was killing remus. but its fine they were aestheticly pleasing and the straight girls loved to read about them. sirius and remus were ur trauma porn gays written for straights. lily and james were ur sexual harrassment turned love affair romance for the toxic love girlies.
-all ur characters were white: james occasionally got to be desi but that was fucking rare, all ur characters were skinny white ppl. if james was written as desi itd be one quick "cholatey skin" (seriously why were you out here describing his skin as food???????? none of the 4385853959 billion white ppl got that treatment) dorcas and mary eventually got thrown in but of course OF FUCKING COURSE ya'll still had mary as miss lily collins miss emily from paris and dorcas as light skin when she was dark skinned (your colourisms showing babes - dark skin girls are beautiful, don't forget that) but no yall had her as miss zoe kravits well knowing she was dark skin
-your over glorification of male characters and complete ignorance to the female characters:
Tell me why james sirius remus and snape (never peter) all got these in depth stories, all got to have feelings that got explained, lives that had meaning but lily evans was a pawn in her own love story? was used as a plot device? as personal growth for not one BUT TWO MEN she wasn't a person to ya'll she was james and snapes character development. mary and dorcas got added in and were given the personality of fucking sticks on the ground. you treated these women as if they were plot points to further the lives of men AND NOW UR COMPLAINING WE'VE GIVEN THEM PROPER PERSONALITIES?????? my brothers in christ ur sexism is showing, better cover up.
-UR TOXIC ASS BODY STANDARDS (oml this one drives me up the fucking wall):
you will be genuinely SHOCKED how many early 2000s marauders fics i've read where the second its revealed peter betrayed them he's being called fat and ugly and horrible names about his weight. james remus and sirius were these perfect little pretty boys who were basically described as gods while peter was described as ugly and surprisingly (no it fucking wasnt surprising in the slightest) fat THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH PLUS SIZE BODIES so why was that how you described him? always just "fat and ugly" what the fuck? STOP DEMONISING PLUS SIZE BODIES
-ur antisemitism: Snape was ur bad guy, so of course your "amazing" writing "talents" had to talk about how ugly he was but snape wasn't plus sized so ya'll couldn't call him fat, OH BUT LOOK GUYS HE STILL HAS A BODY PART WE CAN INSULT TO MAKE THE MARAUDERS LOOK EVEN BETTER THAN HIM!!!!!!! HIS NOSE!!!!!!! sitting here writing fucking paragraphs describing this man and always going back to his "big ugly nose" "ginormous nose" u may not like it but ur an antisemitic. you're talking about a jewish mans nose and describing it in ways to make it sound hideous JUST TO GLORIFY UR BORING ASS WHITE MEN! why was his nose the marauders favourite insult?
-ur general homophobia:
those were ur only queer characters. james was straight, peter was straight (tho some of yall mfs [2000s remadora shippers] were out here making peter the only queer character so it just worked so well when he was ur bad guy) snape was straight, lily was straight (not that it mattered bc the girl barely had a personality) the fandom was just a bunch of overly glorified straight assholes with their two gay friends who hold hands to make the straight girls horny. eventually marlene and dorcas were thrown in to apease the lesbians but all they did was come by holding hands and say hi to ur precious white men and never speak again
female characters are actually treated like important characters NOT JUST PLOT DEVICES (wow who knew that was something we could do 😲😲😲)
queer characters are written properly they aren't just jerk off material for straight girls
the characters arent just fucking white men and when they arent white their culture is actually fucking mentioned it isnt just a throw in to appease ppl
the characters just have more fucking personality tbh
body types are celebrated not demonised
there are so many different ships which allows representation for so many different people
redemption for characters that were literal children in that war (these kids were raised in households brainwashed and abused to fight in a war they were too young to even understand properly)
honestly our stories r just fucking better
now last thing i wanna talk about is the added characters and the redemptions for certain characters: literally all i want to say is if u dont fucking like seeing other characters being given roles in it DONT PRESS THE FANFICS WITH THEIR NAMES TAGGED theres this special button in ao3 which allows u to exclude certain things - exclude their names if ur small brain cant see that these were literal children who were being manipulated into their ways and if ur tiny little brain cant handle so many names
please feel free to agrue with me in the comments babes id love to hear ur shitty ass old ass out dated ass opinions <33333
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lifeonkylesfarm · 9 months
tw beauty standards, eating disorders
genuinely, the makeup, beauty, and cosmetic surgery industries are all so fucking toxic, and they'll do anything to stay in business
whether it's "you need this makeup to look beautiful" "you need this surgery to look beautiful" "wear makeup but do it for you queen" "get cosmetic surgery to empower yourself and be your best self girl!"
it doesn't matter
either way, they're convincing us that 1. we need or should change ourselves and our bodies, 2. that we are not okay as we are; we are not enough as we are, and 3. beauty is important, beauty is value. they have to convince us of these things so that they can stay in business. but in the process, they are a major contributing force to eating disorders and the chronically low, everlastingly horrific self-esteem of women.
in feminist circles, we talk a decent amount about makeup/cosmetics, but we rarely talk about cosmetic surgery and how harmful it is.
I feel like whenever I see talk about cosmetic surgery it's basically just "is Kim Kardashian's ass fake or real?" that talk alone is harmful. women are shamed for their bodies but then shamed for getting surgery to make them what society says they should be.
but also just,,, the way that I have seen people genuinely try to present cosmetic surgery as empowering. this is not plastic surgery, it's not reconstructive, it's not the surgeries trans people get or the surgeries people get after having breast cancer. this is the pressure to totally alter your body, literally just for men. they won't frame it like it's for men. they'll never frame it like that. it's always "feel comfortable in your body!" but the reason women don't feel comfortable in their bodies is beauty standards, beauty standards that are built into PATRIARCHY (i.e. for MEN, for male consumption)
women are taught to pick apart their bodies into alterable pieces, parts to improve, rather than a cohesive vessel that is the form we take in life.
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chameli · 2 years
getting older
(tw: mentions of death)
to be honest, i used to get really nervous about getting older. but visiting my late father at the cemetery and seeing the graves of babies, children, and young adults who have had their lives cut short humbled me in an instant.
people over here complaining "omg! i'm 25! i'm SO old!" acting like their life is over. well, i'm sure the parents of those babies would give anything to see their kids grow up, graduate school, get married, and have families of their own. but they can't. i saw the grave of a girl born the same year as me but i've had three more birthdays since she passed away. it really put things in persepective for me.
so what if i get wrinkles and gray hair? who gives a shit? aging is truly a blessing. a privilege sadly denied to many. i'm so thankful i get to open my eyes every morning and live to see another year. to watch my little niece grow up and make priceless memories with her. i'm definitely wiser, more self aware, and understand myself much better than i ever did in my 20s.
i'm not saying feeling anxious about aging is wrong or bad. it's totally normal. i understand the toxic beauty standards and society's harmful ideals. but getting older is also not the end of the world.
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