#twisted wonderland orginal character
imhereiguess420 · 11 months
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(Also I want to explain why my oc is a girl in an all boy school. Short story short, Crowley saw that RSA and Noble Bell were getting hella praise and money from fun raisers because they enrolled their first female students and bc he is so “smart” he decided to enroll one too.) ((she’s a fucking bitch, in an affectionate way))
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koebi-czan · 8 months
Please help me 🙇‍♀️ I'm looking for a fanfiction from AO3 I don't remember the title or author but in this story there was a character who reincarnated into a villain and had a bat 🦇 called Bartug or Bartuk and Yuu turned out to be the reincarnation of his sister.
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ghostiidasponk · 5 months
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"five more minutes mo- hey what the- why am I in a coffin??"
-------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER TRIVIA - Has been kicked out of the alchemy lab once because she somehow made a living thing. - Trip and fell on ceremony robes because they were too long. - will bite. - Trein is her favorite professor. As much as history is dreadfully boring, Crewel's whip thing makes her uncomfortable and Vargas' keeps telling her to exercise more so she can get taller. "FYM GET TALLER?!??SHUT UP!" - Will inhale any and all rice meals- even if they were poisoned. > "It was funny watching Rook-senpai and Vil-senpai's faces when I still ate the food even though he cast his unique magic on them, lol." - one of her lenses popped out when she tripped so now her glasses only have one. -------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL ART:
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I struggled with the jacket sorry not sorry
She's based on the mfs from that one disney pacman show but I put them in a blender and she came out.
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I was gonna make a QnA thing, but I had no idea what to put so please feel free to ask!
might redesign her more
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RidoAce Day 6
this needs more context before I show you. So this a custom even I created back when I was on TikTok, I will probably upload the old videos but yea here is the explanation.
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Ace, Lilia and Leona represented NRC with Malleus as the captured student. Let me know if you wanna know more about it! Here’s the comic
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Please enjoy! See you tommorowww. Also if you get the refrence I automatically love you. I’ll probably write about this…
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siphoklansan · 1 year
Ok ok last one. How about Your oc’s reacting to Phobes getting too confessions and love letters?
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“Oooooo looks like someone’s pretty popular, huh?” Siphok teased, cackling at the sight of the mountain of confession letters at Phobes’s feet. She shakes her head, a smile adorning her lips “Don’t worry, I’ll help you clean up.”
She crouches, picking up the letters with Phobes in awkward silence before she finally spoke, “….can I read them with you too? Kinda wanna see if they’re cheesy—”
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A sharp tug at Phobes hoodie, yanking him backwards. Phobes lets out a tiny yelp at the force. Who knew Charin has such strong arms, hiding under those oversized clothes? “Sorry about that— you never know what’s gonna jump out.” Charin says with a soft sigh. There were only confession letters on the ground.
He raises a brow, a sly smirk as he glances at Phobes “Now look who’s stealing hearts…maybe you’d find a letter under my name somewhere in that pile, hm?”
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“Careful.” Anan says as he swiftly waves his magic pen, the letters floating up in the air before it stacks perfectly and lands on his palms. Phobes caught one, however, and he’s looking nervous at the sight. Maybe even more so that a crowned prince is carrying the stack of letters for him.
“Worry not, I will carry them for you.” Anan says before raising a brow “Though I am quite curious why you have so many…and why some letters have hearts on them.”
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*opens the door in shame* it’s been a while since I’ve posted something relating to the interaction and I’m so sorry🥲 BUTTTTT I HOPE I CAPTURE PHOBES PERSONALITY RIGHT! He looks super cute tooo (and please ignore the lack of headphones in the second pic i forgor💀) If I made him OOC I APOLOGIZE😔🙏
I planned to draw Anan punching the locker closed at mac speed (as like a funny pic) but it’s pretty out of character for him to do😭 Charin’s more like the type to get rid of danger, while Anan’s the type to go ‘safety first’. Meanwhile I am just giggling and kicking my feet while reading the love confessions with Phobes— I am nosy like that—
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horrorcutieangel · 2 months
Petunia Glasschuh trauma
A/N:this is one of the more serious content of my OCs, please put your mental health above content that can possibly trigger you
Cw:SA, mentions of almost being raped, harassment, stalking, attempted suicide
Petunia has been harassed by both young men around her age and older men, has been stalked, and she has even been in friendships that were just using her. Back to the harassment part, she has been sexually assaulted(groped throughout middle school) and nearly got raped(at 13) by someone who she thought of as just a friend. That is why she nearly killed herself by slitting her own throat, she was scared of what this would do to her and her mom’s reputation, she was scared of being told she was lying, she was scared of what might happened to her if she even tried to come out with her almost getting raped. She told her mom but begged her not to report it for those reasons, so her mom decided to homeschool her until she got her letter to NRC. All these events made her into the bitchy girl she is now, but deep inside she's heavily paranoid and scared. She’s only 16, what else can she do?
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leaderpinhead · 1 year
Kalim - Heart of Gold
For context, Emir is an OC I created. He is Kalim's cousin, and he is older than Kalim and Jamil by one year. Aaliyah and Ahi are also OCs and I literally just created them for this piece.
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“Hurry, Jamil! Emir! We’re gonna miss it!” 
Kalim ran through the stalls of the Zahab Market. He waved at the few vendors closing their stalls, enthusiastically returning their jovial greetings. He skirted around the corners, tripping over his sandals when he took one too quick. He heard the distant trumpet of a horn. Gasping for breath, he ran faster. “It’s starting!” 
“Kalim!” Jamil’s voice sounded distant behind him. “Slow down!” 
Kalim heard a familiar jingle of bracelets. He glanced over his shoulder. His older cousin smiled back at him, the bangles Kalim had given to him yesterday as a birthday present jangling on one wrist. Jamil was only a step behind Emir, frowning at the back of his head. 
Kalim saw Emir turn before he had to focus ahead of him to avoid a cart of churros rolling across his path. “What’s wrong, Jamil? Najma runs faster than you.” 
“Only because she wants to cut off your braid!” 
Kalim laughed. Watching his cousin run away from Najma after using her scarf as a leash for his cat, Jai, had been funny. She had refused to come with them today because Emir still hadn’t returned her scarf. 
Kalim sprinted out from the awning welcoming tourists into the Zahab Market. The street was packed with bodies, forcing Kalim to come to a sudden halt. He stood on his tiptoes in hopes of seeing around everyone, but that wasn’t very possible when you were the same height as everyone’s waist. With a huff of impatience, Kalim waited for Emir and Jamil to catch up to him. 
Jamil immediately grabbed his wrist. “You can’t run off like that! My parents would have my neck if anything happened to you.” 
Kalim laughed and grabbed Emir’s hand. He waved their arms so that their matching bracelets would sing together. “Don’t worry, Jamil! My father said it was okay for us to watch the parade from here.” 
Jamil sighed and said something, but the crowd chose that moment to loudly cheer. Panic pushed Kalim forward. He had to get to the front of the crowd, or he wouldn’t be able to see anything! 
“Master Asim!” 
Kalim automatically turned towards the voice. His head tipped sideways to keep track of the large man pushing through the crowd. “Emir? Isn’t that…” 
Emir groaned and pulled Kalim through the crowd. Jamil, still holding Kalim’s wrist, loudly sighed. “Did you leave home without telling anyone? Again.” 
“This is why you’re my least favorite Viper.” 
“Shouldn’t we let your guard know we’re okay?” Kalim asked. He strained his neck to try to see through every gap in the crowd they passed. It didn’t look like the parade had officially started yet. “Then they’ll let us watch the parade!” 
“Yes,” Emir agreed. He still pulled Kalim away from his bodyguard. “From a far-off balcony on the Asim estate.” 
Kalim didn’t like that idea very much either. He looked for a place to hide so the bodyguard would pass by them. An alley between two buildings made a small enough gap for them to squeeze through. Kalim swung the other two toward the gap. “This way!” 
They squeezed through the gap and waited. Kalim had to stand on his toes to see over his cousin's shoulder. Sure enough, the guard ran right past their hiding place, still calling Emir’s name. Kalim grinned at his plan’s success. “Now we can watch the parade from down here!” 
A sudden weight landed on Kalim’s head, causing him to yelp. A chitter sounded right in his ear. Kalim shouted when a tiny hand started pulling at his earring. Emir and Jamil reacted at the same time, both of them twisting in Kalim’s direction. Emir’s eyes widened. “A monkey?” 
Jamil tried to shove Emir aside, but the alley was too narrow for him to push around the older boy. “Kalim! Stop standing their looking...at least shake it off!” 
Kalim tried to shake his head, but the monkey only clung to his hair harder. Kalim’s squeal matched the monkey’s shriek when the earring refused to give. Giving up on that piece of jewelry, the monkey skittered down his arm. It yanked a bracelet off Kalim’s wrist and ran down the alley with its spoils held high above its head. 
“My bracelet!” Kalim cried. His shuffled sideways after the monkey. “Give them back, Mr. Monkey!” 
Kalim ignored Jamil and followed the monkey. When it reached the end of the alleyway, it jumped up onto a stall and started swinging from one stall to another down the street. The street was empty of its usual foot traffic, which made it easier for Kalim to keep up with the animal. His eyes stung with tears. “Please, Mr. Monkey! Give it back!” 
The monkey ignored him and kept jumping from one stall to another. It used the fabric roof of one stall to launch itself up the wall and scramble into a window. Kalim stopped in front of the stall. His breath hitched, gasping for air. His eyes stung more. “My bracelet...” 
“Don’t let it get away!” 
Kalim watched in awe when Emir climbed the crate next to the stall. He used the fabric roof as a trampoline and bounced himself just high enough to grasp the edge of the windowsill. With a determined grunt, he pulled himself over and through the window. 
Kalim didn’t hesitate following his cousin’s example. On his first bounce, he caught Jamil staring up at him with wide eyes. “Why do you always follow your crazy cousin?” 
Kalim giggled through his frustrated tears. He didn’t wait for Jamil to climb onto the crate before reaching for the window. It took a few more jumps—his cousin was already a bit taller than him and Jamil—but he was eventually able to grab the windowsill. He tumbled through the window with a small cry. 
After righting himself, Kalim brushed off the thin layer of dust from his pants. He glanced around the dimly lit room, which looked like a room in one of his father’s storehouses, only covered in more sand and dust. Kalim followed Emir’s voice through the small maze of crates and barrels. “You will return what you stole!” 
“I didn’t steal nothing,” a higher pitched voice insisted. The monkey shrieked in agreement. “You can’t prove Ahi did either!” 
“I watched your monkey take that bracelet right off my cousin!” 
“Your cousin should be more careful not to drop his things.” 
“So you admit, you stole it.” 
“I only said he should watch what he drops. Clearly, he dropped his bracelet, and you have nothing better to do than accuse poor street urchins of stealing!” 
Kalim quickly found his cousin behind a wall of barrels. He blocked the only way around the wall, pushing a small girl into the corner of the room. She scowled at him from behind roughly chopped bangs. Her tiny chin tipped backwards so she could glare down her large nose at his cousin. The monkey that had stolen his bracelet sat on her shoulder, baring its teeth at Emir. Kalim saw his bracelet peeking out from the girl’s pocket. 
“Quit the act.” Jamil stepped around Kalim and stood slightly in front of Emir. He placed his hands on his hips like all their mothers did when they were in trouble. “Return the bracelet before we report you to the market police.” 
The girl tipped her chin back even more. “Who do you think you are? You come into my house, accusing me of stealing? Where’s your proof?” 
Jamil and Emir both pointed at her pocket. Emir said, “That’s Kalim’s bracelet, and we can easily prove it.” 
“Oh, yeah? And how do you—.” 
A loud rumble interrupted the girl. Kalim’s eyes widened, and he almost looked around the barrels in search of the tiger he swore was just on the other side. The monkey made a little noise and patted the girl’s choppy hair. The girl, who had frozen mid-sentence, slowly closed her mouth. She swiveled her hips slightly and started again. “Like I was saying, how do...” 
She was interrupted by the rumble again. Bending slightly forward, she patted the lower part of her stomach. Jamil made a huffing noise. “Is that seriously...” 
The girl pointed a shaky finger at Jamil. “You can’t prove nothing!” 
Kalim blinked at the shaking arm. The longer he stared at the girl, the more he realized how tiny she was. She couldn’t be much older than Najma, who was the same age as Kalim’s second sister. Neither of them, with their olive skin and round cheeks, looked as tiny as the girl did. Even in the shadow of the corner, Kalim could see the sharp peaks of her cheekbones, the rough callouses on her fingers, and how her stained shirt billowed around her when she pressed her arm protectively against her stomach. 
Kalim stepped around his cousin and friend. The monkey hissed at him, but it didn’t stop him from walking closer to the girl. Her eyes slightly widened at his approach. She backed herself tighter into the corner until her back was completely pressed against the wall. 
“Are you hungry?” Kalim asked. Kalim dug into his pocket. The girl’s eyes narrowed, and she turned her torso more towards the wall. Kalim hummed when he found what he was looking for. He held out the pack of crackers his mother had slipped into his pocket before he ran out of the house. “You can have these! I was planning on eating them later, but I can always get a small cake at one of the stalls.” 
“Kalim.” Kalim couldn’t tell if the sigh came from Emir or Jamil, but it was Jamil who spoke. “Why are you trying to feed a thief?” 
The girl shot a suspicious glare over Kalim’s shoulder. “How many times do I have to say it? You can’t prove I stole anything!” 
“You can keep my bracelet.” Kalim knew it was his cousin who gasped this time. He smiled wide at the girl despite the returning sting in his eyes. “It was a bracelet my grandmother gave me before she died. I was supposed to keep it safe for her, but you can have it. Father once said it could feed a whole palace!” 
The girl stared at him with wide eyes. The monkey suddenly hopped from her shoulder to Kalim’s. Kalim tensed for a brief second, but he quickly relaxed when he felt the monkey’s tiny fingers digging through his hair. He giggled when the monkey tickled the back of his neck. 
The girl slowly uncurled from the corner. Her hand lashed out faster than Kalim could see, snatching the crackers from his open hand. He smiled when she nibbled on the corner of one before shoving the whole thing in her mouth. The monkey chittered and jumped back to her shoulder to accept a cracker too. 
She watched him through narrowed eyes while she thoroughly chewed. She shoved another cracker into her mouth, and her posture uncurled a little more. Kalim couldn’t help but feel good seeing her cheeks bulging. “Do you want to go watch the parade with us? There’s supposed to be dancers and everything!” 
The girl shook her head almost immediately. Before Kalim could feel any disappointment, he found the bracelet shoved into his face. He started back a step in surprise and scrambled to grab the bracelet when the girl just let it go. The girl shoved another cracker in her mouth, and her monkey companion did the same. “Here. I can’t do nothin’ with it anyway. Even that shady stall at the back of the Camel Bazaar would report me to those stuffy officials.” 
“So now you admit to stealing it?” Jamil muttered. Kalim glanced over his shoulder. Jamil frowned at the girl, but Emir stared down at his own wrist, fiddling with the matching bracelet their grandmother had given him. “We should still report you. I bet you’re a regular pickpocket in the bazaar since you’ve trained your monkey to do it. I bet he’s not even registered with the authorities.” 
“Ahi don’t need to be registered.” 
“Case in point.” Jamil sighed and shook his head. He met Kalim’s eye. “Kalim, you should report this to your father. To pickpocket anyone in the Asim family is...” 
Ahi suddenly shrieked. The girl rammed into the barrel next to her. The stacked barrels wobbled in such a way that wasn’t normal, but Kalim only had seconds to watch them tip forward before his cheek scraped against the floor. The weight on his back lifted only after the hollow thuds ended. “I figured it was a trap. I can’t believe you let her trick you into following her back here. Why else would she let you corner her?” 
“You think I didn’t know that was what she was doing? Why do you think I stayed at the far end of the barrels? I could have easily ducked out of the way, which doesn’t even matter because they were just cardboard!” 
Kalim pushed out from beneath Jamil. He left his friend and cousin to argue while he ducked around the fake barrels and followed the girl to the window. He got there just in time to watch her bounce from the stall roof into the stacks of hay on the opposite side of the crates they climbed earlier. Her choppy hair collected a few pieces of straw that she couldn’t simply shake from her head. 
As if sensing Kalim’s eyes, she turned back up to stare at him. He waved at her. “Bye! Oh! What’s your name? I’m Kalim!” 
Ahi chittered back at him and waved. The girl stared up at him for a long second. Her tongue poked out from between her lips. “You’re way too nice. Almost a dumb kinda nice.” Kalim tipped his head slightly. She took a few steps towards the end of the street. She twisted her torso to stare back up at him. “It’s Aaliyah. Now go watch the parade with your dumb friends.” 
Kalim grinned and waved at her until she vanished around the corner. Aaliyah—Kalim liked her! She was kinda like Najma. Kalim slipped his bracelet over his hand and back onto his wrist. Najma liked to pretend she didn’t like Emir too, kinda like Aaliyah pretended she didn’t care his bracelet was the only thing he had left of his grandmother. 
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rodent-king-buunii · 11 months
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Meet Narsin. Savanaclaw dorm hoolagain.
he + my friend's oc bother Leona until theyre both hoisted like the heathens they are back to the Savanaclaw dorm.
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dearlyred · 2 years
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Also goes ahead and shows of my TWST OC, Odette!
She is my KTKS OC, and based off of the swan from Swan Lake. Yes, I know that's not Disney but we're going to ignore that.
Art Credit goes to @/YUMYUMYOU (twitter) and @/teddy_teddd (twitter)
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candy-skullss · 2 years
Yuu in Wonderland Chapter 2
Yuu and the Caterpillar
Alice in Wonderland (2010) 
A rewritten version with Twisted Wonderland Ocs
     The garden was strange with big flowers and bizarre creatures students who strangely resembled flowers walked along giving Yuu quick glances. “Ah, there she is” Yuu turns to meet a group of boys, one with short white hair and a pair of bunny ears glasses also adorning his face. There was also a student short and with mouse ears, the last people were a set of twins they looked exactly alike with orange hair their arms thrown over each other’s shoulders. The rabbit boy speaks up “I’m Usagi White it’s a pleasure to meet you I’m a 2nd year.” Usagi’s ears twitch as he pulls out a pocket watch to check the time. The mouse-like student introduces themselves, “Finally us! I’m Ichiro and im Jiro! First years!” They spoke at the same Yuu confused about who is who. “Well, I’m Yuu from Night Raven College.” 
The group nods exchanging glances, Usagi’s ear twitches again “ Well of course everyone knows who you are, the human who has survived at that s-scary school.” he shivers. The twins perk up “We got the perfect nickname for Yuu~! It’s got to be Alice!” Ichiro and Jiro nod happily at their idea. “Alice-? What a strange nickname.” Yuu mumbles. “Alice hmm that sounds fitting,” Usagi adds the mouse students also nod.
The twins hook their arms around Yuu’s “We will escort them to Mushi senpai.” They start walking down a path, Usagi and Jiro fight over who gets to lead them as they walk along. ”You can both escort them.” Usagi yells behind them. “Umm who is Mushi senpai?” Usagi’s ears twitch again “ He is the oldest of the dorm and the vice dorm leader.” Yuu nods “He is wise-” “He is absolute.” Jiro interrupts Ichiro.  They
enter a forest full of tall mushrooms mist covering it all. “Who are you?” the voice comes from up ahead the location of where the mist is coming from. It’s coming from a hookah, A man lies on a mushroom smoking. Usagi pushes Alice towards him, he blows smoke rings toward them Yuu coughs. “Yuu” Mushi nods “I’m Imo-Mushi vice dorm leader.” Mushi hums looking back at Yuu “So where have you come from?” He blows smoke at Yuu again “I’m from Night Raven College.” Yuu immediately answers “Mushi senpai stop using unique magic on them.” He nods taking another puff “ apologies, My unique magic lets me ask almost any question I want if I use my hookah.” he hums blowing smoke out again. Yuu nods “Unroll the Oraculum” Mushi points towards a scroll sitting on a mushroom, Usagi walks towards it unrolling it. “The Orcaulum is a Calendrical Compendium of the dorm.”
Yuu gives a confused look “It’s a timeline depicting the major events of each day. Every day has a title and an illustration.” (from the official script) Yuu nods understanding “So it’s a calendar-?” Mushi sighs taking a puff “ Compendium. It tells of each and every day since the dorm was created.” Usagi sighs “Today is Gribling day in the time of the king the Knave.” He points to the drawing. It shows the group looking at the Oraculum, “Usagi show them Frabjous day.” Usagi turns the scroll further into the future. The twins pop next to Yuu “ Frabjous being the day you stop the overblotted Knave. ‘ the picture depicts a person covered in black ink with dragon-like features and many hearts and a person with short hair wearing armor and holding a sword fighting him.’ Ichiro points at the person “ That being you there with the Vorpal sword. No other sword can take away magic.” Jiro also points out “If it ain’t Vorpal, He ain’t have magic.”  The picture shows the person swinging the sword and showing their face. The face undoubtedly being Yuu’s.
  Yuu backs up “I take away someone’s magic I-I can’t do that!” Usagi, The twins, and the mouse-like student try to calm Yuu down. Mushi looks down at them “You can do it is your fate” He smiles at them taking a puff on his hookah vanishing in the smoke. Everyone around them says that they can do it and gives encouraging words Yuu panics “I’m sorry, I must be
the wrong person I’m just a human I can’t take away anyone’s magic I don’t have the will to.” A loud roar is heard and an Overblotted Grim smashes through a high wall. The Twins yell in unison “An overblotted cat!” Multiple students pile in wearing red armor with a heart symbol, They grab students throwing them in a caged wagon. A knight grabs Usagi tossing him in the caged cart “Unhand me! I do not enjoy being thrown in a cage!” Yuu stops running “It’s grim he won’t hurt me.” Yuu stops watching Grim about to eat them “won’t hurt me… won’t hurt me..” they repeat to themselves. The Mouse-like student jumps in grabbing Grim’s collar and tearing it off him. Grim meows in rage whipping around scratchings Yuu’s arm with his long claws, Yuu runs away. …. A large hand reaches down and picks up the abandoned Oraculum. The Knave of Hearts the King, he has longish black hair and a scar covering half his face a heart patch on his right eye covering part of his scar which is covered in armor. He looks through the scroll seeing something that alarms him, he tucks it into his saddle and rides away.
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End of Chapter 2
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Here is Imo-Mushi! This image I made through picrew the original creator @ is on the side!
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imhereiguess420 · 11 months
As you can see I have been making some art pieces of my new Twst oc, Jest. And honest to God I feel like people should get so much more attention for their oc’s and should show off them too! (Dead ass if you tag me in some of your Twst oc or Black butler oc I will personally, like and repost that shit. Gimme. Feed me.). For you guys who like seeing my oc, I am here to let you know I am making a comic of her but it’s going to take a long time to finish. I love the attention support you have been giving me. Even for the incorrect quotes that I have been doing before all this (I swear I will get back on that).
(Sneaky peek like a disgusting peeping tom you fucks are.)
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simplysimpingchaos · 1 year
Kuno Gitai A mysterious student
Oc for Twisted wonderland
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[Drawing Rightfully mine]
Kuno Gitai 
having a white long hair reaching his neck and the never ending smile of his, his red eyes and long eyelashes 
He have a figure of femininity always being mistaken as a girl, Kuno wholeheartedly enjoyed messing with people mind because of his appearance 
A mysterious student that blended in well in the crowd His Assigned dorm is mostly a mysterious always having a extra pair of his own uniforms of each individual dorm, he liked staying mysterious having to always observe in the background watching the drama or normal day
His mischievous and dramatic person always being cheerful and having a snarky attitude towards anyone throwing insults and poking other people's button until it broke, He is completely a menace to everyone he meet, It's either throwing insult or right out being a sarcastic bully
He has grown up being observant and learning too quickly. Along the way he have grown interest to copying other behaviours their characteristics and same with their style 
and soon enough he have developed his own signature spell: Mimicry 
 users could copy and disguise themselves as another person along with their voice and appearance, And also their signature spell. only way for to dispelled it if the users goes out of character that they're mimicking resulting them going back their original figured He could only used his signatures spell once a month 
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princess-ibri · 7 months
For the Descendants kids with horrible and trashy names, how would you name them? From books and movies.
So I'll just go ahead and give how I changed each name for My Canon Descendants AU, to make them feel more like their own character/fit better with the og movies time periods/cultures. I didn't give them all unique names as the point of the project was to translate the Descendants kids into the actual movies, not make full OCs, (though I did end up making a few of those anyway xD) but I tried to at least adjust them.
Mal--Mallow (to go with the Nature name theme the Three Good Fairies had going on with their own names/Briar Rose)
Audrey I kept as it was actually a Medieval name!
Evie-- Eva, it's a pretty easy fix to more period accurate/Germanic sounding
Doug -- Doleful, to fit better with the Dwarfs Attribute names, plus he seemed kinda down in the first movie so the meaning felt like it fit
Carlos I kept because honestly I felt like it could fit in universe if Cruella's husband was a Spanish man, which he conceivabley could be
Jay--Jaamil, and no not because of Twisted Wonderland that just happened by accident xD
They orginally had Aladdin's deleted sin be named Aziz but there was already an Aladdin character named that in the TV show who was a villain so I changed it to Ahmed, like one of the other Arabian Nights heroes
Ben--I changed from Benjamin to Benedict as that was more French/period appropriate
Honestly I could 100% see Gaston naming his sons after himself so I kept Gastons 1 and 2 but I changed Gil to Gilbert (French pronunciation of course)
Lonnie...oh Lonnie. I changed her name to Chi, as with her patronymic of Li she would be Li Chi, which sounded similar to Lonnie but would actually be Chinese and is the name of a girl in a Chinese legend who slays a dragon, which was what I based her hypothetical movie plot on
Chad I changed to Charles, easy enough. Much more elegant and formal
Jane I just changed to Janet to make it a little fancier/Frenchier as well xD
Dizzy I changed to Daisy (though I suppose since she's French based, it really should be Marguerite...eh Daisy can be the nickname)
Uma I kept cuz honestly its a good name and her song is a banger 👌
Harry is fine, good pirate name, short for Henry, which also works. Harriet was fine too, just made her and Harry twins and made CJ go by her first name only of Calista.
Honestly with a pirate dad named Smee Squeeky and Squirmy also work, though they're definitely nicknames.
Celia works fine, it fits with the time/culture of 1920s New Orleans, though I did change Freddie to Frederique.
Getting into some book characters now:
Artie I changed to Amhar, a lesser known son of Arthur (could have done Mordred but as the kid was meant to be heroic I decided to go with Amhar, plus it started with A x)
Mad Maddy honestly isn't a bad name, but I did change it to Matilda to be a bit more Medieval sounding, plus linked her to Matilda of the Night, a Medieval witch legend.
(And apparently there's gonna be a son of Morgana Le Fay in the new movie named... Morgie. My gosh. Well we'll change that right back to Yvain. Her actual son, no she's not Mordred's mother no matter what the movies try to tell you she's his aunt and I will die on this pedantic hill)
Hadie I instantly changed to Zagreus. He's the literal son of Hades and goodness its such a better name. Same with changing Herkie to Hyllus. Also an actual son of Hercules and doesn't sound like a euphemism for throwing up.
Allie I changed to Mary Jean after the Real Alice's grandaughter, and when I made my Queen of Hearts Kid D4 hadn't been announced yet so I named her Aceline (a pun on Ace of Hearts)
Ruby and Anxelin weren't terrible names so I kept them, just made Anxelin a Dark Kingdom name xD (and apparently they're giving Rapunzel a third daughter in the new movie? Her name is just Zellie though...so I think I'll just keep these two. Zellie could definitely work as being short for Anxelin and hey, Rapunzel had twins in the actual fairytale so two just works)
Wrapping it up:
Claudine isnt too bad and fits the time period but I changed her parent from Frollo to his brother Jehan cuz that man should never ever get to be with any woman.
Clay Clayton I changed to Cecil after the actual Clayton character in the books who wasn't that bad of a guy.
Yzla works fine as a name for Yzma's daughter. I just changed Zevon to Yzon to match better and not sound so much like he escaped the 23rd century
Ginny Gothel I just lengthened out to Ginevra to sound more fantastical
I didn't actually do anything for Pocahontas as it always kinda controversial to touch. But if I did I'd of course just make her descendant her actual son Thomas Rolfe and apparently they gave Ratcliffe a son named Rick? So...we'll change his name to Richard or--well one sec let me see if Actual Historical Governor Ratcliffe had any kids.
OK! Looks like he didn't but he did die horribly. My Gosh.
Anyway I think that's everyone!
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orginllazyblog · 1 year
They call them...
Esme Yuu
Yes, the creator (me) renamed it as they used to be different person (Lore coming up), and they are not the counterpart of any Disney character but resurrected to younger self.
Guess to see what Disney character you think my oc Yuu is.
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(Art used by Picrew)
School: Night Raven College
Pronouns: He/They
Gender: Non binary
Age: 16 (first year) --> 18 (third year)
Best Subject: History of Magic
Birthday: June 1st (gemini)
Class: 1-A (#29)
Height: 5'3 (welcome to the short club)
Hobby: ✨️🎶Musical Arts🎶✨️
Homeland: (Planing to live in Sage Islands bc Crowley didn't promise to find their way home)
Likes: Fruits
Dislike: Chaos, annoying classmates, and the list goes on
UM: ???
Facts about them:
Before arriving at Twisted Wonderland, they were working on becoming a president to help their people...it didn't end well
They were a WOMEN in their past
Like some Yuu's, they slightly remember their memories, only good memories
Even about Disney movies, but they have no one who can understand it or joke about with...unless?
The Adeuce pair are Esme favorites bc not only were they first people to make friends with, but they reminded of Esme's old friends
Surprisingly, Esme is a great dancer, though they didn't participate in the VDC because they get stage freight
Since Crowley might not send Esme orgin homeworld, they decided to know more of Twisted Wonderland food recipes
Esme sess the Ramshackle ghost trio as uncles since Spelldrive practice in chapter 2, chapter 4, and the Halloween event
Now, onto the lore (look out for hints):
They used to live where angels and demons existed (ring any bells?)
Esme old name was Esmeralda because of their unique eyes, which resulted for having magic
Only the people who were considered Esmeralda's friends can call them Esme
Esme didn't know much of their parents nor any memories of them
Someone had to raise them because their "people" are the reason why Esme doesn't have parents
Anyway, that's it. More lore for Esme Yuu coming later
Also, I plan to make more Yuu oc's pretty soon
And quick questions, how do you do the "material list" bc I'm only writing on my tablet.
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siphoklansan · 1 year
For the ask event, simply Shachi and Charin in science. I think they’d get along :’). /menacing
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If you ask Charin “can I kill them?” Charin would say “Not in public😊”
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OOOOOOO WHAT’S THIS? CHARIN’S NOT A GOODY TWO SHOES? UEHEHEUEHEHEU YES! Charin’s a fun guy and would be down for some trouble making, sometimes. Hmmmmm makes you wonder why he has beef with Floyd, huh? They both love fun, so why do they dislike each other?
If you get into a fight, Charin’s not even gonna stop you. He’ll cheer you on from the sidelines and give you a heads-up if a teacher’s walking over. He doesn’t like getting his hands dirty on street fight though, however, if you challenge him to a proper duel he’ll gladly oblige🕺🕺
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chibichibisha · 3 years
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Running under the rain ♥
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