#twst transformation fic
pinkanonwrites · 2 years
Imagine if Malleus was turned into a gliding lizard, he'd be so tiny!!
I did end up going with a lizard for Malleus's transformation rather than a dragon, I hope you all enjoy it! I think it suits him well.
GN! Reader, They/Them pronouns, Comfort
+2,100 words
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“ I think they just have trouble believing that you can see things from their perspective, that’s all.”
Malleus couldn’t help but cock his head at your statement. “Their perspective?”
“Yeah. They all see you as this all-powerful super mage, you know?” You shrugged in response. “When you think someone is that far above you, it’s hard to picture them actually experiencing the world the way you do. That you actually see things…” You made a vague flattening motion with your hands. “At their level.”
“At their level…” He hummed, hand resting on his chin and thoughts appearing to be a thousand miles away. “Your insight has been greatly helpful tonight, Child of Man. I hope I have not troubled you with these questions.”
“Not at all! If you ever need a hand, just let me know. We’re friends, aren’t we?”
Malleus chuckled. “That we certainly are.”
When Malleus had asked you about his inability to connect with most of your fellow classmates on his regular night visit to Ramshackle, you weren’t sure if there was any advice you could give that would actually help him out. Regardless of your direction of his appearance and mannerisms, people would think what they wished about the future King of Fae, and the last thing you wanted was for Malleus to try changing anything about himself. But maybe if you could get him to understand that it isn’t necessarily his fault, it would help ease a bit of the burden.
You can’t say you expected it to end like this though, with Lilia depositing a small, greyish-brown lizard into your hand after instructing you to open your palm to him. First thing in the morning and everything.
“You take good care of him now!” He chirped, and if you hadn’t reached out with your free hand to death-grip his blazer sleeve you’re certain he would have pivoted on his heel and left it at that. But ohhhhh, not today. You weren’t letting another bonkers boy slip right out from your grasp without explaining just what the hell he was going on about.
“What the hell are you going on about?”
“Oh? This was your idea, wasn’t it? For Malleus to get to see things…” He perfectly copied the hand motion you’d made to Malleus the night prior. “On your level.”
“That doesn’t explain the lizard! And were you spying on us?”
“Honey, I’m always keeping one eye on what our dear little prince is up to. That’s my job!” He gave you a playful boop on the nose with the tip of one manicured finger. “And the ‘lizard’ is gonna be your scout for the day! After a day in the life of our beloved Prefect I’m sure he’ll have all sorts of fun commoner stories to tell Malleus about when I come to pick him up.”
“So I’m just… carrying around a lizard all day? For Malleus?”
“That’s the spirit! Why don’t you show our little scaly sweetie here all the cool stuff you get up to then? I’ll be back at sunset to collect him. Have fun you two!” He reached over to the lizard in your palm and gave it a mimicking boop. “And don’t cause any trouble! Any more than usual, at least.”
And with a whirl of sparkles and a flash of a glinting fang, Lilia was gone. You looked down at the lizard in your palm, staring up at you with little, googling eyes.
"I guess… you're coming with me today?"
In response (you think?) the lizard gave you a slow blink and a little flick of his tongue.
"Alright. Not like my day could get any weirder anyway. Should I put you in my pocket, maybe? Or you could-WOAH!"
Instead of letting you decide, the little lizard took a flying leap from your outstretched palm, landing square in the center of your chest and scrabbling wildly against the fabric as it struggled to find a grip. You quickly cupped a hand under the little creature and let it clamber upward until it had found a comfortable resting place on your right shoulder.
"Jeez! A little warning next time? What if I dropped you?" A little webbed foot papped against the lower side of your cheek and you sighed, reaching up to give your new tag-along a pat on the head with your index finger. "Alright, alright, I forgive you. Just be a little more careful, okay little buddy?"
Before you could even finish bonding with your new scaly friend, the door to Ramshackle house blew open behind you. Bursting from the doorway was a whirlwind of ashy gray fur, blue flames, and shrieked, panicked placations.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!" Grim yowled as he veered a hard left and disappeared behind the house. From within you could hear your spectral roommates shouting for your attention, twinkling bursts of magic going off in the distance. If you had to guess, Grim had probably set the living room curtains on fire… Again.
"WATER MAGIC, YOU GUYS! NOT WIND MAGIC!" You hollered as you rushed back into the house. Looks like you were going to be late for morning classes again.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Seven class periods, one free study, an incredibly hectic lunch time, and several after-school assignments from the Headmaster later, and you were barely hanging on by the skin of your teeth. Malleus sure picked a doozy of a day to send a little lizard to keep an eye on you, because it felt like just about everything that could have gone wrong did.
You spent all of your Flying class miserably landlocked, as usual, running drills and doing jumping jacks until Coach Vargas had deemed your amount of exercise “suitable.” 
Then during your History of Magics study period you were stuck looking up what ended up to be first-grade level history on the Shaftlands, missing your chance to get any of your actual essay done in-class.
In Potionology you added powdered mint leaves instead of dried, and the resulting mishap quite literally blew up in your face. Fortunately you had been fast enough to block your lizard friend from the blast with the palm of your hand, but you had to stand there soot-stained and miserable throughout the remainder of Professor Crewel’s lecture anyway.
You nearly got trampled by the lunch rush, and if it weren’t for Jack’s quick thinking you’d probably be a pavement pancake right now.
Then, as if you hadn’t had enough to do in your regular school day, Crowley had you visit every single Phys. Ed club and take their photos for the school newspaper. Does he even know how hard it is to wrangle a bunch of mean, sweaty teenagers into letting their pictures be taken? He must have, because that would explain why he made you do it.
Finally back to Ramshackle Dorm, the sun was already setting when you slumped up the steps and collapsed face first into your mattress. Homework could wait. Right now you just needed a chance to breathe.
Vaguely, you felt a small, scaly figure wriggle itself underneath your palm and lift it up. You shifted your head to the side just enough to see the lizard propping up your palm like a makeshift tent, tongue sticking out as he stared you down with big, glossy eyes. You bit back a chuckle.
“Hey, buddy. Good hustle today. Didn’t fall off my shoulder even once.”
It scampered forward, floppy-limbed and frantic, until he stopped right in front of your face. A little, suction-cupped hand papped on the side of your cheek, a tiny show of solidarity in the face of your unending workload. It almost brought you to tears.
“Thanks, bud.”
You rolled onto your side, cupping him carefully again under one palm to keep him steady.
“You wanna know the worst part of today? Worse than running laps or failing history or almost getting trampled?”
He cocked his tiny head in your direction.
“The worst part is now you’ve gotta go home, and you’re gonna tell Malleus all about what a colossal fuck-up I am.”
The little hand papped against your face again, a few times, each with increasing urgency.
“It’s true! What one thing did I get right today? I’ve been tripping over myself just to keep from self-destructing since I got here. Everything you have here, it’s so… So different! And everyone seems to have no problem with it except for me. I’m just… “
You sighed, tracing a finger up and down the lizard’s soft, scaly back.
“I’m just tired, bud. I wish it was as easy for me as it was for everyone else.”
You trailed off again, one final thought budging to be let free. 
“I wish Malleus was here.”
You wheezed, vision suddenly obscured by a thick, purple-black smoke. Despite its sudden, engulfing power, it almost made you feel strangely at ease. It smelled like the forest right after a heavy rain, the slight charge of a thunderstorm that’s only just passed. And as the smoke coiled and curled off over the edges of your mattress to seep onto the floor, the vision of Malleus Draconia appeared before you. He was draped across the bed in a position similar to yours, mirroring your pose with a look of incredible melancholy on his face.
“Oh, my Child of Man…”
Before you could even begin to question him Malleus was sweeping you into a hug, burying your face in the fabric of his uniform. One of his hands held your lower back, the other cradled the back of your head so gently, oh so gently. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been hugged like this.
“The world has been incredibly cruel to you today, hasn’t it?”
Fuck. Fuck. You’d gotten so good at holding it in, at taking a deep breath and saying everything was going to be okay. But in less than a dozen words Malleus had obliterated every wall you’d so carefully constructed since arriving in Twisted Wonderland to keep from having a complete emotional meltdown. Well, there was no use trying to hold it in anymore, not with the way you were bawling into Malleus’s tailcoat, heaving like you were sure you were never going to breathe again.
But Malleus didn’t shush you, didn’t say that everything was going to be okay. He just held you tight, let you pour your emotions out into his expensive shirt, rubbed your back as your sobs became whimpers and finally soft, steady breathing once more. When you could finally pull yourself together enough to throw a sentence together, that’s when you pulled your face out of Malleus’s chest.
“How did…” You rasped. “How’d you get here? Did little buddy tell you? Are you like, psychically linked or something?”
“Ah. No, not quite. My apologies for the deception.” Malleus Draconia, looking sheepish? You never thought you’d see it. “I wanted to see what your days were like in a manner as unobtrusive as possible, so Lilia supplied the idea of a minor appearance transmutation so I could accompany you.”
“Oh. So you… Were little buddy?”
“Ah. That’s… That’s kinda embarrassing.”
“How so?” You honestly should have seen it sooner, with the way Malleus looked at you with those curious, glossy-green eyes.
“I carried you around all day! I like… pet you, and stuff. You watched me almost blow myself up.”
Were your eyes deceiving you again, or was Malleus actually… Pouting? “My apologies. I never intended to make you feel this uncomfortable.”
“No! No, uh. I mean… It’s fine, really. It was nice, actually, having someone besides Grim keep me company all day. I’m glad it was you.”
He smiled, soft and warm and incredibly fond. The hand still cradling your lower back was rubbing  in slow, soothing circles, nearly enough to make you doze off. “I am glad as well. I’ve always known you to be fascinating, but I never could have considered just how much weight is upon you to succeed.” He cupped your cheek, thumb running back and forth over your cheek bone. “You, my Child of Man, are unfathomably strong. Never once have I considered you to be, in your words, a “fuck-up”.”
Your breath hitched again, and you thumped a palm against Malleus’s chest. “You’re gonna make me start crying again.”
“Then I shall cease my praises. For this evening, at least.” 
Eyelids fluttering, you let yourself curl closer into him, just the slightest bit.
“Thank you, Mal. For… For just everything.”
You knew that you wouldn’t be able to lie like this forever. Tomorrow you’d have to get up and stop Grim from burning the house down once again. Tomorrow you’d have to run laps and avoid getting trampled in the cafeteria and have to justify all the homework you weren’t able to get done tonight. But that was all for tomorrow. Tonight was just you, and Malleus, and what you thought was the ghost of a kiss on the center of your forehead as you drifted from the land of the waking into a, for once, peaceful slumber.
“Sleep well, my Child of Man... My love.”
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yuri-is-online · 4 days
Jade desperately googling and reading threads about mer x human pregnancies before he even dates yuu.
It differs from species to species, usually fem mer x male human results in viable pregnancies, there are a two articles about eels and humans, but none about morays.
His hope is dwindling, and the general consensus about deep sea folk relationships with humans isn't very good.
I HC that male mer x female human pregnancies don't last very long. After the sperm makes contact with an egg, it'll need a few months of growth before it's expelled from the body and put into the sea. Those kinds of couples usually have one child at a time, it depends on the number of available eggs.
Modern day people in twst have aquariums that are made to hold the clutches in a safe environment away from predators. The aquariums can be used both underwater and on land. After 'hatching' the babies are translucent, they are kept in the aquariums until they gain colour. Once they have enough colour they are let out.
The smallest aquariums need to hold at least one human adult, so that a parent can interact and communicate with their clutch during the growing process.
I think I read a post/fic with a similar headcannon to this? Long long ago, perhaps even before I even downloaded Twisted Wonderland. I don't fully remember... but it is something I have been thinking about a decent bit ever since you sent this ask because it raises so many questions.
I think it makes the most sense in human x mer relationships for one or the other to take a transformation potion and move onto the land/into the sea. In these cases pregnancy/egg laying would go as it would "normally" but what you're suggesting made me think about what would happen if a couple got it on raw in their normal forms and not transformed. Would that result in a viable pregnancy? If it did would it produce the sorts of offspring you are suggesting or would it result in some sort of hybrid child, barely held together by their own magic?
The aquariums are a good idea, the story seems to suggest that Jade and Floyd had other siblings once but they didn't make it. Their mother's obsession with checking up on them and teaching self defense makes a lot of sense if you think of that... she lost most of her babies, she wants the two she has to remain safe (i bet she's going feral rn, let Mama Leech into the enclosure S.T.Y.X. she'll put Malleus in his place ٩(๑`^´๑)۶) My question is whether or not that would interfere with the development of the eggs, especially on land. The deep ocean is very cold, recreating that on land could be problematic. With how few merfolk seem to bother with land (Azul mentions not many people bother with the free program in Book 6) there likely wouldn't be much of anyone thinking up a solution to this problem so few people have.
But Jade has that problem. Or will, he's sure of it but that's a minor detail- point is this is a problem he's actively thinking about. It keeps him awake at night, Jade strikes me as someone who would do a lot of research about this. It's part of how he loves, pouring through a pile of scientific articles that was slim to begin with but feel irrelevant now. None of these help him understand his chances because he is from the deep sea, Jade might be hardened towards the death of his siblings but he thinks of his own children and a rage unlike any he's ever known begins to stir in the pit of his stomach. Later, much later when he is explaining this all to you he will brush it off as him considering your human sensibilities, but the truth is written plain on his face. This little aquarium he has made was a solution painstakingly crafted with help from his own obsessions. It's the most important terrarium he has ever made because it will contain the most precious of all life forms, ones he watches grow in awe as he coos softly. These children were wanted long before they were ever born, their parents loved them to the point of invention and every second up until they hatch and forever after.
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sliceofmooncake24 · 1 month
Want to read a Native American OC/Yuu character TWST fanfiction? Homie I got a fic for you
Okay but seriously shout out to my best friend who got me into Twisted Wonderland and encouraged me to post one of my works finally!
I am so excited to be working on this story as I am using it as a way to build my writing skills for indigenous writer styles and indigenous fantasy work
I hope y’all love Yanaha as much as I do
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Art done by @hatsu2
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yuumcbr · 1 month
What are your favorite Twisted Wonderland AUs?
Like every fandom, Twisted Wonderland has countless AUs. Among them, there are some that I really like.
The purpose of this post is to share my favorite AUs and hopefully get to know others through other people. Under no circumstances do I want to cause conflict or confusion.
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To begin with, I really like universes where the protagonist of the story is a secondary character in the story who is trying not to get involved or live an everyday life.I found most of these stories on AO3, such as:
In this fic, a boy from our world goes to the body of a boy from Octavinelle who committed suicide. Now he tries to adapt to his new routine at a magic school, without attracting attention (he attracts a lot of attention).
In this one, the protagonist is reincarnated as a rabbit-beastman and grows up in a watch shop. Bunny's (the protagonist's nickname) goal is to create a way to return to his world.
As time goes by, he enters RSA, but is expelled and enrolls in NRC.
Here we are introduced to a boy who had a sister who was in love with an Otome game called Twisted Wonderland. One day, he wakes up as Raphael, a boy who picked on Yuu (the protagonist of the game, not the story).But something happens, he is able to see the level of love the character has for Yuu.
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Another type of AU that I love are the universes that take place in the modern world, that is, ours. And Yuu gradually gets to know other characters.
Some examples of this AU are:
In this AU, Yuu is a wizard who can see demons and works with a charlatan medium (Fellow).
Little by little, Yuu meets countless demons who want to make a contract with him and take his soul.
This one, Yuu works in a shop in Donetsk and his customers are, well, different...
Yuu is gradually introduced to the magical world of magical girls (who are actually the boys of TWST), apparently people can't see certain things around them, but Yuu discovers that he is an exception.
And this draws a lot of attention.
Here is a world of heroes and villains, Yuu is a student who adopted a cat/tanuki monster who wants to be the greatest villain of all.
Yuu's city is divided into factions, and sometimes he works at Mr. S's shop which is located in a neutral zone.
Little by little, Yuu and Grim find themselves indirectly meeting and forming bonds with people they shouldn't.
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The next AU is a crossover created by two people, this AU takes place after everyone graduates from NRC, Yuu is studying at a History college and his friends got their own jobs.
But there's more to it than meets the eye, TWST x SAW Au.
As I said before, the AU was created by two people. While @kimium shows Yuu's view of their friends and everyday life at History college, @m34gs shows the characters planning murders and their past where they were trapped in someone's plan.
You can find more information on their tumblrs.
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Next up is the Seven Great AU by @amarizuu , in this universe, Yuu can talk to the 7 Greats in his head.
This makes interactions with other characters very interesting, since Yuu listens to them 24 hours a day. They give opinions and discuss in Yuu's head.
Yuu went through a lot before going to NRC, being manipulated and treated like a weapon, at least now he can be treated like a normal teenager (as much as possible, since we're talking about NRC students).
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Another AU that I love a lot is Deity AU or God AU, on Tumblr it was created by @ceruleancattail and on AO3 you can find the series of "twisted_wonderland_shenanigans" with this link:
I really like this AU, to summarize, the characters of TWST are gods that interact with the human world or a specific human.
You can also find other stories of this AU on Tumblr.
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Now Android AU, this AU is by @ceruleancattail .Yuu is a mechanic who has always loved taking things apart and putting them back together. His curiosity about how things work has made him a great professional.
In the AU, Yuu fixes robots (who would be the characters) and treats them like any other person, not just as machines.
This makes the androids not want to go back to their owners who treat them like machines and stay with Yuu forever.
There is a touch of Yandere in the stories, but nothing too strong or explicit.
The stories in the AU vary a lot, but they are all really cool.
You can also find some stories from this AU on tumblr.
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I think I mentioned most of them, I can't remember exactly which ones.
But now comes the fun part, which TWST AUs do you like the most?
This isn't a rhetorical question, I would really like to know more AUs and it's always fun to interact with other people in the fandom.
Ps: If you own one of the AUs and stories above and would like something removed or added, please let me know.
And if you didn't like me tagging you, let me know too.
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stephiethewephie · 3 months
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I GOT ANOTHER PEICE FROM MY @twst-charity DONATION!!!! This one is from @ /kiemarin on twitter and it is SO CUTE!!! “More tea Mr. Grim?” THEY ARE OMG TOO GOOD!!!! I WANT TO EAT ALL THE FOOD AS WELL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
I also forgot to post this but:
Please support kiemarin and A_N_O_Nyme and donate if you can to @twst-charity using the form in the original post! You can get fanart or fanfics created by incredibly talented and wonderful people by supporting Palestine! I am so proud of everyone on the project and am happy to see how successful it has been so far! Let’s keep going!
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
Aight y'all. Here's a first from me: I'm throwing out my AO3 account with my handful of Twst fics.
Mostly doing it coz I finally decided to post my N2 Squad one shot.
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So yeah, if you want more Twst and/or N2 squad content, you can check me here too I suppose.
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punkbunboy · 2 months
Hey twst peeps, if you ship Florid and havent read this fic DO IT. IT IS SO SO GOOD. The portrayal of mental illness struggles and recovery is amazing and i am such a whore for people writing mental illness like this, just doing it so much justice and writing it so well. also i just love florid
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storiesofsung · 4 months
Yuu OC - Mulan ⚔️
Pt1 An interesting concept
I’ve always been curious about the direction that TWST could go in regards to MC being a girl.
One of my favorite examples of this being this fic by DuckInSuits on Ao3
Now this inspired me to watch Mulan because it is one of the most famous “girl disguised as boy” story (other than OHSHC) that I know of.
Since literally almost everyone is twisted off someone (idk who Jack is tho) +the Disney references that make me cringe sometimes just because I know the existence of Disney, why not make the MC also twisted off something?
(lol Grim as Mushu tho imagine)
I just feel like the in canon MC does seem like the type of person to kind of work hard with what ingenuity they have since they live in a worn down building and pass classes they have zero prior knowledge on.
And they do kinda use their brains to figure out shit, especially with the overblots !!
Idk i just think it would be an interesting dynamic to work through
None of that liar arc tho, that usually stretches on too long but like… yk
I really enjoyed the fic because it made us connect with Cater (and I believe Ruggie?) in ways the normal canon didn’t explore. It made me empathize with them and actually be invested in their relationship with the MC. And I like how it shows just slice of life stuff like MC making pancakes in Ramshackle dorm/needing feminine pads.
Moments like these really give us a moment to stop and breathe to notice the story’s surroundings while making it believable and lived in. It balances out action and pure dipshitness.
Pt2 “Also I really like Mulans songs”
Honor to us all + Reflection
in regards to this while listening to Honor to us All, it actually made me think of a believable motivation for my said OC, she ran away because she didn’t want to get married, and didn’t want to pretend to be someone else just for her parents (and by extension society) to accept her
Now I know this motivation is more selfish than not wanting your elderly father to fight in a war but remember TWST characters ≠ their twisted counterparts. (Ex. Rollo is less pure evil than Frollo). And I think this could be an interesting motivation since her journey going to TWST could make the MC realize her actions and make her decide whether she did was right or wrong (=character development)
A Girl Worth Fighting For
You cannot make me believe every single man in an all boys school is 100% feminism core.
I think that’s where a girl worth fighting for could come in. (Deuce not included he is a feminist) but the 1st year friend group being a lil (while unknowingly) sexist in regards to how they see a female romantic interest, then later drinking respect women juice after realizing the strongest (they fought 6 overblots stfu yes they are) one in their fg is in fact a woman (and later apologizing to her lol)
Make a Man out of You
It’s self explanatory based on what I said earlier but I’m not sure who could be Shang in this song 😭😭. Personality based it’s either Vil or Riddle, Physically it’s Leona (he would not give a shit other wise), unless it’s for spelldrive)
Summary: Overall this is more of a Yuu not based on having a love interest, but as a character based on an icon (✨).
This has just been on my mind for a bit about an AU that I do not have the skills to write about l…but it’s for all you girlies who prefer pants over skirts and generally dont like to be categorized as feminine 🔥
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 3 months
Headcanon for Obey Me Brothers being Animals
Just a list if the demon brothers are forced to transform into animals after being isekai'd...this is practically my reminders for my TWST x Obey Me long fic cuz if I put it in google docs...I might forgot
Note: There are options and there can be multiple. If you are a reader of that fanfic, this might be slightly spoilers and will ruin the guessing game for you
Peacock - Make sense...it's in the tapestry and clothes
A house gecko / Lizards basically / Dragons - I always see dragons are prideful fictional beast.
Corvid - Self Explanatory...its in the RAD tapestries
Labrador Dog - Self Explanatory...Obey me anime
A blue Snake - Only Option.
Black Cat
A black cat in a unicorn costume
Rabbit- they master multiplication wink wink
Himself and other cute animals cuz headcanon: he's a shapeshifter
Black Piglet
A giant fly
Baby cow
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yuibiwa · 1 year
Omg I see the requests are open again and I flood back lol.
I am here for more twst fodder
I am here withhhhhhhh
Merman!vil x human!FEM!reader smut fic plssss
OF COURSEEE~ It’s nice to see another request from you 🫶
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My Dear Dove.
You were sitting in Vils cove, taking a quick nap as you waited for him to come home from his swim. He had went off with Epel in chance to talk to him about his troubles. You were still sleeping when the mer swam into the enclosed cove. He started to splash, flicking his tail in the water in order to awake you.
You rose from your slumber, looking to see the beautiful blonde and purple haired man’s eyes staring you down.
“Hello my dear~ Were you tired?” You nodded as you sat up. You approached him as you pulled him out of the water and onto the floor of the warm cove.
“Yes but I am never too tired to come see you~” you replied, kissing his scaly skin. You straddled him as he flipped his tail.
“Will you join me into the water wertvoll?” He asked, kissing your neck softly. You shook your head this time.
“Dear. Your wet. I feel you on me.. And I can smell your arousal” He said, smirking as you slipped off your shorts. You gave him the potion that Azul had given you, giving it to him to drink. He quickly took it and almost immediately transformed back into his human form. His already hard cock slapped against your ass, making you yelp. You slowly rose, pushing your panties to the side as you slid down on him.
“H-hah~ oh my sevens Vil~” you moaned out as he thrusted into you. You bounced softly, making his thrusts seem so harsh and hard. You held onto his shoulders, panting as you already approached your high.
“(Y/N)… Please.. I’m close.. can I..? Can I cum in you please.. please…~” he begged as you nodded. He eventually thrusted one more time before you both came. You panted, whimpering as you slid off of him.
“My dear dove. Can you make it back by yourself..?” You nodded and slipped your shorts back on. You looked back at him who had slid back into the water, waving his goodbye
“Until we meet again, my dear dove.” He whispered as he swam out of the cove.
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Thank you for the request! My requests are back open!!
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rolloollor · 10 months
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My goat!Rollo one shot, Chèvre, is out! It's just a bit of fluff and naturally Malleus shows up.
The cover art is by haixindhua! Check out more awesome twst and mallerollo art on their insta~ (full link just in case tumblr's linking isn't working: https://www.instagram.com/haixins_actual.spam/) I'm blown away by it!
Summary of the fic:
An accident involving an ancient potion gives Rollo goat-like traits. No one in Fleur City knows how to fix him, so the Vice President and Aide of the Student Council helpfully reach out to Malleus Draconia for assistance.
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
Thinking about Twisted Wonderland boys and their potential pokemon teams...
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I don't think I could give every boy a full team, but maybe... two or three mons each? I could handle that. My brain is storming...
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mrsrookhunt · 10 months
I’m trying to read the lab experiment baby series and can’t click on the other parts because of the old username and I’m wondering if you could either update the links on the posts with your current url so we are able to read them, or create a masterlist (if you don’t have one already, I’m not sure couldn’t fine one) with all of your writings in one place? Would honestly just love to read all of your writings but can’t seem to find them all
Omgg I'm so sorry! I don't think it's my user, actually. Those links just keep refusing to work after a while, I've changed them a few times. Give me a second and I'll update this post with all the fresh links!
I just haven't gotten around to making a masterlist lol. I'm lazy
All parts, in order! Enjoy!
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witch-craft-works · 2 months
Twst Fairy tail AU
So I was the new 100 year quest recently and since I've had Twisted Wonderland on the mind I thought it would be fun to think and brainstorm what type of magic the Twst boys would have if they were in the Fairy Tail verse this probably won't become a full fic maybe write some one shots or something IDK.
This probably will be only 2 or three parts with this part focusing covering Ramshackle, Heartslyabul and Savanaclaw:
Riddle: Starting off with Heartslaybul's dorm leader, I had a little bit of trouble with Riddle but I think he would use Fire magic/Fire make. I chose this magic since he is a bit of a hot head if you think about it. It would be cool to have his magic at least in this Au reflect it and the fact that he set the ground on fire during Chapter 6 when STXY robots came after him. He would be a really strong mage to go up against. I can also see him use a form a nullification magic as well.
Trey: For Trey I can see him using Soild Scrip magic due to the fact that his unique magic allows him to over write magic. During the battle of Fairy Tail Levy is seen overwriting/nulifying Freed's barrier that was keeping Natsu, Gajeel and Makarov in the guild and I think it's a form of solid script.
Cater: For Cater he would use Copy magic. in this Au Cater is pretty strong as Copy would let him transform into other people and gain the transformed person's knowlage as well be able to use their magic. I think it fits as Cater is known to gather information when needed.
Ace: For Ace this one was tricky but...I went with Sky dragon slayer magic since Ace uses wind magic pretty often in the main story and I was trying to use the boy's unique magic and building off that but since Ace hasn't unlocked his unique magic yet I had to get creative with his choice of magic.
Deuce: Deuce was another one I struggled with. I wanted to give him a strength based magic but funnily enough Fairy Tail doesn't have one so I got creative and decided on Devil Slayer Magic and Iron make magic (since he can summon cauldrons and cauldrons are made of metal)
Leona: Leona would definitely have sand magic. Leona's unique magic plays such a big part in who he is as he was shunned by the royal attendants for his magic and I can't imagine Leona having another type of magic. Leona would definitely be really good at fighting in this Au he gives me Laxus vibes
Ruggie: Ruggie was another tricky one but I'm gonna give him Territory like Minerva. Ruggie is a very sneaky person being able to steal Riddle and Cater's pens without them noticing as well as Azul's keys to the vault in book 3 so he would be great at using Territory. Like Leona I can see him be really good at fighting.
Jack: Jack would use Take over magic. I considered Animal Soul since his unique magic allows him to shift into a wolf but in this Au Take Over Beast Soul would suit him very well
Grim: Grim would definitly be a Exceed who uses fire magic. Like in twst Grim would want to be a very powerful mage. I can see him learning how to get a human form like Carla did in the final season.
Yuu/MC: I can see Yuu having a hard time using caster magic unlike the other boys. So Yuu would use holder magic, I thought about having Yuu use card magic like Cana but I think Celestial Spirit magic fits them a bit more. I can see Yuu starting off with two golden keys and three silver Keyes
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yuumcbr · 1 month
Quais são as suas AU's favoritas de Twisted Wonderland?
Como todo fandom, Twisted Wonderland tem inúmeros AUs. Entre eles, há alguns que gosto bastante.
O objetivo desse post é compartilhar minhas AUs favoritas e com sorte conhecer outras através de outras pessoas. Em hipótese alguma causar conflitos ou confusão.
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Para começar, gosto bastante de universos onde o protagonista da história é um personagem secundário da história que está tentando não se envolver ou viver uma vida cotidiana.
A maioria dessas histórias, eu encontrei na AO3, como por exemplo:
Nesta fic, um garoto do nosso mundo vai para um corpo de um garoto de Octavinelle que suicidou. Agora ele tenta se adaptar com sua nova rotina em uma escola de magia, sem chamar atenção (ele chama muita atenção).
Já nesta aqui, o protagonista reencarna como um homem-fera-coelho e cresce em uma loja de relógios. O objetivo de Bunny (apelido do protagonista) é criar uma maneira para voltar para seu mundo.
Com o passar do tempo, ele entra em RSA,mas é expulso e se matricula em NRC.
Aqui somos apresentados ao um garoto que tinha uma irmã apaixonada por um jogo Otome chamado Twisted Wonderland. Um dia, ele acorda como Raphael, um garoto que implicava com Yuu (o protagonista do jogo, não da história).
Mas algo acontece, ele é capaz de ver o nível de amor do personagem por Yuu.
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Outra tipo de AU que eu sou apaixonada, são os universos que se passam no mundo moderno, ou seja, o nosso. E Yuu conhece aos poucos outros personagens.
Alguns exemplos dessa AU são:
Nessa AU, Yuu é um bruxo capaz de ver demônios e que trabalha com um médium charlatão (Fellow).
Aos poucos, Yuu conhece inúmeros demônios que desejam fechar um contrato com ele e ficar com sua alma.
Esse aqui, Yuu trabalha em um loja de Donetsk e seus clientes são bem, diferentes...
Yuu aos poucos é introduzido ao mundo magia de garotas mágicas (que são na verdade, os garotos de TWST), aparentemente as pessoas não conseguem ver certas coisas ao redor, mas Yuu descobre ser uma exceção.
E isso chama bastante atenção.
Aqui é um mundo de heróis e vilões, Yuu é um estudante que adotou um monstro gato/ tanuki que quer ser o maior vilão de todos.
A cidade de Yuu é dividida em facções, e às vezes ele trabalha na loja do Sr. S que fica em uma zona neutra.
Aos poucos, Yuu e Grim se vêem indiretamente conhecendo e criando laços com pessoas que não deveriam.
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A próxima AU é um crossover criado por duas pessoas, está AU se passa após todos se formarem em NRC, Yuu está estudando em uma faculdade de História e seus amigos conseguiram seus próprios empregos.
Porém a mais no fundo do que o visto na superfície, TWST x SAW Au.
Como disse antes, a AU foi criada por duas pessoas. Enquanto @kimium mostra a visão de Yuu sobre seus amigos e cotidiano na faculdade de história, @m34gs mostra os personagens arquitetando assassinatos e seu passado onde foram presos em um plano de alguém.
Você pode achar mais informações nos tumblrs deles.
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A próxima é a Sete Grandes AU de @amarizuu , nesse universo, Yuu consegue conversar com os 7 Grandes na sua cabeça.
Isso torna as interações com outros personagens muito interessantes, já que Yuu os escuta 24 horas por dia. Eles dão opiniões e discutem na cabeça de Yuu.
Yuu passou por muita coisa antes de ir para NRC, sendo manipulado e tratado como uma arma, pelo menos agora ele pode ser tratado como um adolescente normal (na medida do possível, já que estamos falando dos alunos de NRC).
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Outra AU que amo muito é Deity AU ou God AU, no Tumblr ela foi criada por @ceruleancattail e no AO3 você pode achar a série de "twisted_wonderland_shenanigans" com esse link:
Gosto muito dessa AU, para resumir, os personagens de TWST são deuses que interagem com o mundo humano ou um humano específico.
Também é possível encontrar outras histórias dessa AU no Tumblr.
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Agora Android AU, essa AU também é de @ceruleancattail .
Yuu é um mecânico que sempre adorou desmontar e montar as coisas, sua curiosidade de saber como cada coisa funciona o tornou um grande profissional.
Na AU, Yuu conserta robôs (que seriam os personagens) e os trata como qualquer outra pessoa, e não apenas como máquinas.
Isso faz que os androids não queiram voltar para seus proprietários que o tratam como máquinas e ficar com Yuu para sempre.
Há um toque de Yandere nas histórias, mas nada muito forte ou explícito.
As histórias da AU variam bastante, mas são muito legais.
Você também pode achar algumas históriasdessa AU pelo tumblr.
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Acho que citei maioria, não consigo me lembrar exatamente de cada uma.
Mas agora chega a parte divertida, quais são as AUs de TWST que vocês mais gostam?
Isso não é uma pergunta retórica, eu realmente gostaria de conhecer mais AUs e é sempre divertido interagir com outras pessoas do fandom.
Ps: Caso você seja dono de uma das Aus e histórias acima e gostaria que tirasse ou adiciona-se algo, por favor me comunique.
E caso não tenha gostado de te marcar, também me avise.
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fantasticalchaos · 6 months
The second chapter is out!!! :D
I forgot to post on Tumblr here lol, (and why it’s in entire work format now) but if you don’t know, I was working on this old fic I found in my Google docs back then! Then BAM!! I got writing motivation and ran with what power I had in me!
This fic is inspired by @sayuricorner eah x twst au and @lovelyllamasblog Thronecoming Headcanons for the au!
Chapter 2 Summary:
A dorm leader meeting is held on the day that Thronecoming will be announced! Meeting entails a short, but personal presentation and run-down of what Thronecoming is and what to basically expect. Oh yeah, Brooke is here too in this chapter to chill with for a bit! C:
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