#weh mc
peonyblossom · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday
Currently untitled fic for CFWC You Go Girls event
Open Heart x With Every Heartbeat crossover (post-series) ft. Dr. Sienna Trinh and WEH MC (Dr. Sawyer Woods)
“Good morning, Mandy! How are you feeling today?”
“Good morning, Dr. Sienna! I’m pretty tired today, but I don’t feel like throwing up as much as yesterday,” The young girl, Mandy, answered, yawning. 
“Well, hey, that’s something!” Sienna smiled. “This is Dr. Sawyer,” Sienna gestured to Sawyer who waved, smiling slightly, “she’s a new intern, so she’s going to present your case to me.”
Mandy’s brow furrowed. “But you already know my case.”
Sienna giggled, “Yes, but it’s part of the learning process for her.”
Mandy suddenly lit up, “Oh! ’Cause this is a teaching hospital!” 
“Yes!” Sienna smiled.
“I’ve been here a while, so I know a lot about this place,” Mandy told Sawyer matter-of-factly. Despite the cheeriness in Mandy’s voice, Sawyer felt a pang in her heart.
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florapot · 6 months
every time i read a ymkr card i lose a couple braincells but its cute so whatever 😭
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gutsfics · 7 months
i hate when scenes in visual novels are cringe its so much harder to get through them to get through them than closing my eyes and going "LALALALALALLAALA" real loud until the cringe passes while watching a show
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ophelia randolph → with every heartbeat
infj // pisces // 4w5
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
What to Expect When Your Lab Experiment Drinks Formula
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A continuation (Mini fic Ver.) fic of what I made for Rook, HERE
| Synop.: You and your lab partner make a mistake in your potion, one that comes out looking strangely like it's related to you.. |
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Floyd Leech, Sebek Zigvolt, (Rook Hunt) x MC
Warnings: Suggestive (Floyd), Angst (Sebek), implied light manipulation (Malleus)
Scroll Farther Alert! There's a narration cut for the second part of each fic after the first portion. Don't miss it! Each ends with fluff. Sebek's is long, fair warning.
You're trying to make a simple transformation potion, aging up a tadpole to a frog, when you add the wrong ingredient, and use one drop too many on the poor tadpole. The result is a child that looks eerily like the two of you...
Azul Ashengrotto
"Holy-- great sevens, Azul, is that a child??"
He holds it up a foot away from him, equally baffled.
"Don't ask me! You're the one who insisted on using the wrong ingredients!"
"You were the one who picked those--"
"WAHHHHHH--" The baby flails its arms and fusses at your petty squabbles.
You turn your attention back to the small creature, looking disoriented from being held so far away from any solid ground.
Azul's watching too, as the child seems to scold you both with an oddly knowing glare that could kill.
You've seen that glare before--
"Azul, am I crazy, or does that thing look like you??"
"Weh." It motions towards you as Azul looks over it.
"Gracious, so it does. And it looks like you too. Look at its' nose and eyes."
You come closer to look, but the baby seems intent on having you hold it, squirming out of Azul's hands.
"Ahem, I believe the little one wants you--"
He pushes the wiggly baby into your arms, taking the moment to reposition his glasses, which had slid down with nervous sweat.
"I'll go talk to professor Crewel, there is undoubtedly something he can do about this."
Malleus Draconia
"Child of man! What is that you're holding?"
"Um... it was supposed to be a frog...."
Malleus takes it from you, holding it cautiously. The little baby he holds has soft black hair, slit-pupiled eyes the same color as yours, and suspiciously familiar shorter horns. It coos at him and motions to his horns with curious, grabby hands.
"Whatever we did, we must have touched it at the same time, Tsunotarou... Because it looks like a mix of both of us."
He puts it on the back of his neck with his arms up to support the chubby infant as it grabs at his horns.
"Hm. It's quite cute, Child of man. We can keep it in Diasomnia if Ramshackle doesn't have the capacity to care for it."
You stare on in disbelief.
"It's... its a frog with a transformation potion... we can't keep it, Malleus!"
He frowns, taking the infant down from his shoulders and cradling the small bundle to his chest.
"The potion had birch seed in it. The transformation is permanent; so I don't see a reason to get rid of it."
Malleus smiles, tickling its chubby cheeks.
"There's no way it's totally permane-- Wait. Didn't you have me add some of those ingredients? Did you know this would happen?"
Malleus is suspiciously silent.
"I'll go ask professor Crewel if there's a reversal." He sighs, handing the baby to you and moping all the way to the desk.
Lilia Vanrouge
"If you wanted a baby, precious, you could've just asked--"
You nearly slap him. So cocky, when there's a baby that looks suspiciously like you and Lilia on the table where a grown frog should be.
"Sevens, Lilia, this is not the time--"
He chuckles.
"In my defense, I told you not to use a sprig of pine."
You splutter, lost for words and flustered. The baby certainly seems to share Lilia's sense of humor, giggling mischievously at your flustered expression.
You pick it up before Lilia can, determined to barge straight into professor Crewel's office if you had to to get an answer on what this thing was.
"Heh, MC, the baby's smiling at you--" Lilia calls from a distance. You look down and find that the baby is indeed wholeheartedly excited that you're paying it attention, reaching its chubby arms up to feel your face and grab your nose.
"Aww.. so cute," You whisper, blowing a stray breath into its face for amusement.
"I heard that!" Lilia shouts from the table. "Don't go getting too attached now. I'm not raising another child, darling."
"Shush! I'm taking it to the professor right now, you have nothing to worry about."
Floyd Leech
Floyd is whirling the baby around in excited twirls.
It's a very cute moment, but you're still baffled at the little creature's existence-- since it very much didn't exist about 10 seconds ago.
"Floyd, I'm pretty sure that's just an oversized tadpole..."
He stops in mock offense, thrusting the baby into your face.
"Does this look like a tadpole to you?? Unless you're suggesting that we both look like tadpoles, in which case, I'm taking offense because this baby looks like us."
He puts it down to play with its tiny legs.
"Look, shrimpy! It's going for a walk--" He pauses to think. "A sky walk!!" And continues to make the little one's legs 'walk'.
While Floyd is busy making baby noises to amuse the child, you're panicking. This potion had birch seed-- an ingredient known to make transformation potions permanent, if you remembered correctly.
"Floyd, c'mon, give it here, we need to take this to profess--"
"NOO we'll keep it!!!" Floyd holds the baby tight to his chest. "It's wayyy too cute!"
You pry the baby from him reluctantly.
"We cannot just keep a child, Floyd, it's not an animal--"
"If you take this one I'm just gonna make another one!!" He cries, moving to grab another tadpole from the tank.
"Well don't take my little sea-star then!!"
You sigh.
"I'm almost 100% sure this is permanent anyway, but neither of us are in a position to care for this baby. We might as well take it to the professors and see if they can do something. We can't just hide the fact that we accidentally made a baby for our final project anyway---"
He mutters something about 'could've made a baby other ways, but it had to be the boring way', but allows you to go with the little one, who coos in your ear.
You hear a clatter.
Sebek Zigvolt
"Human, explain. Explain----"
The baby bites his finger, which apparently was pointing at it too close for its liking.
"Ouch--! What do you think you're doing, little tyke? Do you think that just because you're an infant that you have an excuse to bite a retainer of the great Waka-sama??"
The baby looks blankly at him.
"You can't scold a baby, Sebek." You scoffed, bouncing the child on your hip.
"Fine! But you still have to explain why this child has my hair and eyes and....-- isn't that your nose?" He looks momentarily horrified as he comes to the conclusion you came to minutes earlier.
"For goodness sake Sebek you're shouting right in our baby's ear--"
He's babbling nearly incoherently at this point, and you have to stop the baby from attempting to bite him again out of what you can only assume is annoyance.
"...I would NEVER have a child with a lowly, magicless human, this CANNOT get out---"
Sebek stops talking for a moment, ears ringing.
You, too, are shocked.
"Sebek.. if it's not your child then I have ANOTHER auditory atrocity of a person to avoid on this planet."
"I'm taking it to professor Crewel."
"I think that's wise."
You/ your lab partner take the child to professor Crewel, who determines that it is in fact a permanent transformation, and that biologically the baby is as much yours as any other naturally born to the two of you.
Azul Ashengrotto
"Are... you ok, Azul? You've been staring into space for a... ahem, awhile."
The baby crawls around the the VIP Room of Mostro Lounge, bumping into walls. You suspect it may need glasses.
Surprisingly, the baby seems well-tempered, unless you have the misfortune of holding it the wrong way or otherwise inconveniencing it, to which it seems highly irritated.
However, it was one 'just like your father' comment that sent the already figity Azul into an unresponsive state.
"Was, um.. was that too soon?" You ask tentatively.
"..Yes.. yes, I think it was." He responds distantly.
"Azul, it's gonna be ok. We'll figure it out." You get up from the floor to hold his hand.
He meets your gaze, eyes sharp and calculating.
"Yes, of course we'll be fine, how could we not be? Finances are no issue and we could always hire a babysitter and.... well, it's not that. It's just a lot to take in."
"Today's been wild," You agree softly, gently picking up the baby to put it in his lap. "But I'm here for you."
You lean down to the baby's level.
"We're here for you, little one."
Malleus Draconia
"I still CANNOT believe you knew, Malleus--"
You're still squabbling with him pointlessly, even though the damage is already done. You can honestly say you've well warmed up to the baby, and Malleus seems to be doing worse than you on the details, having apparently very little idea how to care for a child other than playing with it.
"I'm sorry, Child of Man. I didn't know it was permanent," He insists calmly, but you don't quite believe that.
You sigh. He can act clueless as long as he'd like, but the overly exuberant smile on his face while interacting with your child says more than words.
He picked up the baby and put it down on his bed, already having sewn little, special pillows for the baby to sleep comfortably with its horns.
"You better be a good dad, you hear me?" You say, less threatening that you thought it would come out.
He beckons you over to the bed to lay down next to your baby.
"I will, Child of Man, I promise."
Lilia Vanrouge
You knock on his dorm room door, baby on your hip.
"So..um.. bad news, Lilia... it's perman-- Are you having a party?"
He shoos out at least 10 members of Diasomnia.
"I know, dear. Unfortunately I didn't realize what you had done in time to stop you. So I was having a little 'last moments of freedom party'. How sad, and Silver was essentially all grown up now.. Well, what's another 16 years?"
You're speechless. You had kind of forgotten that he was Silver's adoptive father.
"I'm... sorry, Lilia, I should've payed closer attention to the instructions and I screwed up--"
"Hush, it's fine. It's not the end of the world."
He takes the baby from you.
"I already brought in an old cradle and some food for our little one, see?"
He points out an old wooden crib next to his bed.
"Wow... you're.. so prepared, and I haven't even thought about that stuff.."
He smiled at you, nuzzling the baby's cheek a few times simultaneously.
"I'll admit, it got me a little excited. I didn't think an old man like myself would get the chance to raise a child of my own flesh and blood. But never say never, I suppose. You have nothing to worry about, precious. What you don't know, I have already experienced."
"...Thank you for being so understanding, Lilia."
"Of course, dear, after all, we're a family now."
Bonus the one stipulation is that you will not and will not ever share the cooking duties with him. Silver makes you swear by it to avoid his own childhood traumas for his younger siblings.
Floyd Leech
You brace yourself for the inevitable flurry of excitement before knocking on Floyd's door.
"WHERE'S MY LITTLE SEA STARRRRRR~~~~" You hear from the other side of the door before the door flies open. You hand the baby off to Floyd, who's more than ecstatic.
"It's permanent," you sigh, hoping he's listening. "We have to take care of the baby now--"
"WheeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE" Floyd runs back and forth across the small room with the child, making faces all the while.
"Floyd!" You scold, finally breaking his stride.
"Ehh? I hear you, shrimpy, how can I not? It's ok, I have a plan. We'll love this baby with our whole hearts!"
"...That's the plan?"
"I spent two hours thinking of it, do you like it?"
"That child cannot stay here," A smooth voice cuts in. "This room is much too small for the two of us, let alone a third."
"Oh, hey Jade, didn't see ya come in," Floyd remarks casually. "And obviously I've thought of that. The baby will live in Ramshackle, because there's more space. It just needs some touch ups to be babyproof, is all."
"Touch-ups? It needs a whole remodel."
Floyd grins.
"Got an idea, shrimpy. Transfer to Octavinelle! Then the baby can share a room with you and we'll all be nearby!"
"Oh forget it, I'm asking Crowley to help me improve Ramshackle. Until then, you'll have to deal with the living arrangements." You put your hands on your hips and give Jade a look that means you'll raise hell if he doesn't agree to you and Floyd's half-baked plans.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt, so long as it was temporary."
Floyd's excitement leads to him jumping on you.
"D'ya hear that, Shrimpy? That means you can stay here too. And we'll be one big happy family."
Sebek Zigvolt
"Sebek?" You gently knock on his door, after having been told he'd been doing nothing but pacing around all evening.
"Sebek," you call again, a bit louder.
The door swings open violently.
"What?? Who dare disturb my-- oh. Human." He ushers you into his room swiftly.
"You still have the child? When does it leave?" He asked quickly.
"It doesn't," You said bluntly, putting down the freshly bathed and swaddled bundle onto his bed.
"Don't touch----! Ugh.. Besides... What do you mean, 'it doesn't'? It's leaving, I will not have that thing associated with the Zigvolt name just because of some lowly human's stupid mistakes!"
If you weren't so exhausted, you would be shouting at a decibel rivaling his own.
"Sevens, Sebek, it's permanent, no way around it. I can't go back in time and change this-! You were the one reading off the ingredients anyway, how dare you blame this on me?" You challenge.
"Ah-ahh.. Well, why didn't you check yourself?? Do I need to do everything for you!?" He crossed his arms.
"No, but you do need to do your task, and competently!"
That seemed to shut him up.
"W-whatever. I cannot be a proper retainer to--"
"Fine. Then don't raise the baby at all, I'll take care of it. I never said you had to involved."
"...I.. Human, I didn't say that." His tone seems to soften. You know he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders in his mind but you still find it hard to excuse his poor behavior.
He sits down next to the baby, picking it up at arms length.
"It's cute, just a bit. But I pity it.. it has even less faerie blood than me."
"Is that the heart of this?" You question gently, knowing it's a sore subject.
"Yes, I suppose so.."
"Sebek. Your heritage doesn't define you, and it won't define our child. You are an amazing, devoted person, and you've worked hard to be the person you are, and that's really all that matters. You have no reason to be upset, or worried. We can make this work, I promise. And I promise that I'll there to help you get through this. That is, if you're willing to."
He sighs, taking your hand.
"I fear I am diluting my sullied bloodline more than it already is. The Zigvolt family works with the royal family as their right-hand consults and guards. It's been that way for generations. But who would want a fae so adulterated with human genetics by their side?"
"I don't think that's true. If you really think that's the case, then why is Silver allowed to train as a protector as well? Malleus and Lilia are equally respectful of you both. You don't have to give up your family's title and honor just because of this."
He stiffens, a proud smile on his face.
"You are right, human! I shall not let this get the best of me. I will raise my child to be as dutiful as me!"
You laugh, relieved that he's warming up to the idea of having a family.
You kiss him on the forehead, giving him a hug that encompasses the baby in the middle.
"I'll work hard at being a good father, I swear on it."
-June 30th, 2023
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Don't click on the link
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
MC: https://www.Deviltube.com/watch?v=JsiwdYRkjas
MC: Don't click on the link
Lucifer: Why?
Mammon: Yo! What's the link for?
MC: Don't click on the link
Lucifer: Then why pasting the in the chatroom?
MC: Don't click on the link
Leviathan: LOL this is actually creepy!
Leviathan: But I know that this is a prank! Right MC!!
MC: Don't click on the link
Asmodeus: ?
Beelzebub: MC?
MC: Don't click on the link
Belphegor: Hey, MC quit messing around. What's is that link anyway?
MC: Don't click on the link
Satan: That's it! I'm clicking on the link!
Asmodeus: Uh... Satan?
Satan: Don't click on the link
Mammon: The fuck!
Belphegor: Satan! What was on that link!
Satan: Don't click on the link
Mammon: Bruh this is getting creep.
Asmodeus: Oh quit being a baby!
Mammon: Oi! Who are ya calling a baby!
Leviathan: LOL you are a baby, and that's suppose to be Belphie! Right Belphie?
Belphegor: Don't click on the link
Beelzebub: !?!?
Asmodeus: !?!?
Mammon: Shit! He click on the link!
Beelzebub: Belphie?
Belphegor: Don't click on the link
Satan: Don't click on the link
MC: Don't click on the link
Lucifer: You three! If this is a some sort of elaborate ploy, so help me!
MC: Don't click on the link
Lucifer: MC!
Mammon: Levi, click on the link!
Leviathan: Eh? Why me!
Mammon: Yer the tech savvy of the family!
Asmodeus: Mammon's right! you're the only one who can figure out what's going on. Right Beel!
Beelzebub: Don't click on the link
Leviathan: !!!
Mammon: OH SHIT!
Asmodeus: Weh!! No Beel!!
Asmodeus: I'm scared! I don't want to be alone in my room right now!
Mammon: Hey what about me!
Leviathan: Lucifer is there anything you can do about this!
Leviathan: Lucifer?
Lucifer: Don't click on the link
Asmodeus: NOOOOOOO!!!!
Leviathan: Oh fuck. Oh fuck!
Mammon: Unholy shit!
Leviathan: Mammon I'm coming over to your room!
Mammon: I'm no complaining!
MC: Don't click on the link
Mammon: MC, STOP THAT!
Leviathan: Asmo aren't ya coming with me?
Asmodeus: Don't click on the link
Leviathan: Oh Shit, God damnit! You got to be fucking kidding me!
Leviathan: Why did you click on the link, you prick!
Asmodeus: Don't click on the link
Leviathan: Shut up!
Leviathan: Mammon are you still in your room?
Leviathan: Ma-
Leviathan: Mammon?!?
Mammon: Don't click on the link
Leviathan: You dick! Why did you click on the fucking link!
Mammon: Don't click on the link
Asmodeus: Don't click on the link
Lucifer: Don't click on the link
Beelzebub: Don't click on the link
Belphegor: Don't click on the link
Satan: Don't click on the link
MC: Don't click on the link
Leviathan: That's it! if I'm going to all alone. I might as well join your guys!
Leviathan: I'm clicking on the fucking Link!
Leviathan: FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!
Mammon: HAHAHAH!!!
Beelzebub: Hehehe...
Satan: You did had a chance to click on it when Mammon ask you to click on it.
Leviathan: What was I suppose to do!
Mammon: HAHAHA!
Mammon: Yeah, if you have listen to me in the first place. Asmo would have been the butt of the joke.
Asmodeus: Hey! You and Levi were the last two! It would've been you Mammon!
Mammon: Shut up!
Lucifer: Well I would admit that this was a funny experince.
Belphegor: Yeah.
Belphegor: Though I hated what I had to watch.
MC: I'm sorry.
Asmodeus: Don't be! It was fun.
MC: Glad you guys enjoy it!
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jamespotterthefirst · 24 days
Also also
If Ethan is back there better be references to how he's married to my MC (like in WEH). I will accept nothing less than this man being the personification of the 😍 emoji. Thank you for your time.
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megustacat · 1 year
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Find the playlists here:
Ais, the Demon Renegade
Leander, the Heroic Mage
Vere, the Chained Charlatan
Mhin, the Cursed Outsider
Kuras, the Repentant Angel
Alright it is done! I compiled all of the playlists in one post after posting each for better access to find every playlist right away. I really liked making the playlists and graphics for them and trying to go for a mixture of general vibe and fitting lyrics/music for each of them.  I’ve been wanting to break my thoughts down for each of them so I will try it with this post (also I have to apologize for euphemising some adult words and swear words or censoring them because the last time I wrote these out in a post Tumblr decided to straight up hide my post, I didn’t even know this could happen). 
For Ais I definitely wanted a good mix of angry (sounding) songs to go with his branding as a violent outcast (like Enter Sandman, Yes Offense, Adrenalize or Jekyll and Hyde). I feel like we might have not seen much of that besides the bar brawl in the demo, but in all of his introduction posts his violent outbursts are pretty much highlighted and I have a feeling we will witness a lot of that even more in the full game. Even if he might appear more calm and slick towards the MC I feel like he got a lot of anger to contain.  Also, I wanted to capture the really weird calamity of him and the Seaspring, and his loneliness with slower and calmer songs (such as Eyes on Fire, Demons of Pain, or Flip). This man is lonely. Real lonely.  Also, since he seems to have an active thing with Vere going on (and a not so active thing with Leander lol) I also wanted to give him some suggestive songs, just the usual stuff (Horns, Gangsta, or Houndin, all in the extended playlist). 
Oh Leander, oh my dear.  I think his playlist encapsules the most variety in theme and sound. I didn’t try to go for a general vibe and more for songs that tend to his personality or habits and / or possible twist.  I firmly believe that Leanders doings with the Bloodhounds do mean good to the people of Lowtown, but I also believe that he loves his work. So much that he over-indulges in that way too often, as an introduction post about him said once. I also think he has fun doing what he does, because he believe is pretty self-righteous and very self-satisfyied with whatever he accomplishes, so I wanted to give him fast rock songs that highlight that and feel like he is a highly-adrenalized guy that has fun smashing in skulls of the rich bitches of Hightown (f.e. Tommy-Gun, Savior, or Snakes).  Also this b*tch is a wh*re. So I gave him some very suggestive songs that are more or less very direct and on the nose (Nasty, Daddy Issues cuz we all got them, Switch).  Then again I wanted to give him songs that tend to the opinions some of the other LIs have about him, like him being fake or too loud or obnoxious (see Fake It, Alpha, Black Mambo).  Continuing this I wanted to also give him some songs about his possible twist, basing them on the theories I have seen on here and I personally have, so I gave him some weird and / or deranged songs (Kill Bill, Devil Saint and Ich tu dir weh). 
I .... actually don’t think I have to explain a lot of these choices. I chose most of those because they are very clearly s*x-songs or heavily-innuendo’ed. Surely, Vere is more than just his flirts but it’s just so prevelant with him that I gave him a lot of such songs (for example I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE, I See Red, Bodies or Lurk). Very classy songs.  But since this guy is the only one who actually had the balls to snap our neck in the demo and just because he is a savvy b*tch he received a load of bossy, b*tchy songs because that’s what he deserves (like Villain, Daisy, BRAND NEW B!TCH or you should see me in a crown).  I think everything left falls somewhere under those categories or generally fit his vibe pretty well. 
Mhin was more difficult than the rest so far. I definitely went with my gut feeling for a lot of these songs, since I feel like we don’t know them enough so far.  I knew I wanted songs that deal with their struggle of (probably) their curse and / or their inner monster (such as Monster, Dark Storms and My Demons). Then other songs were just supposed to go with their vibe I got from them, something quick, something slow, something melancholic, but everything kind of tied to being together and getting through something together (or alone, respectively). And since I believe that we will proceed in-game by working together with Mhin to go for a cure for their curse as well I wanted to highlight that (see Undisclosed Desires, My Blood, Run)!
Kuras was the hardest for me! Maybe other users don’t find it so hard to go with a good vibe for a playlist for him (or maybe I just don’t have a particularly distinct taste in music that would fit him super well), but I wanted to focus on his surreal serenity first and foremost (see songs such as Innerlight, Be With You or Bad Lovers Suite). I also wanted to give him songs that deal with his moral struggle, as soon as I am able to tell, and also decided on a handful for that topic (like Gold, Terrified and Cocoa Hooves). I don’t think I can say a lot about his playlist, since his is the shortest I did so far and I am struggling to expand on this one in particular, so if anybody has ideas and suggestions I am very open to add them to his playlist!!! Also you might notice that there are a few songs appearing in some playlists that also appear in other playlists, like I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE appears in Ais’s and Vere’s playlist, DEVIL appears in Ais’s and Leander’s playlist, Trust In Me in Kuras’s and Mhin’s playlist, and so on. I wanted to give some of them songs that connects the two of them to each other or highlight their bond or general relationship these two have. Perhaps you can find them all while listening? :3 Okay so that was my massive thing :DD  As previously said I hope I can upload another thing on Tuesday evening but the closer this deadline gets the more unlikely it feels to actually hit that :( Anyway, as always, suggestions are appreciated and I hope you liked the playlists and graphics and all!!
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The Ghost of Us concept: MC helping Eleanor Waverley contact her siblings/helping THoBM MC contact Eleanor and helping WEH MC contact Dakota
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Weh, I was thinking of how good of friends Rin and Shirou become in each route and it made me sad.
Not because they're friends, their friendship is good. Shirou had a crush on her (and her him), but, like, as soon as he sees her true daily life self they are ribbing each other all the time, having back and forths. It's pretty nice.
No this makes me sad because it makes me realize again how little we get of Sakura in Fate and UBW. Like she should be the closest person to him besides Taiga pre-HGW and then she sorta gets snipped out until HF. This feels bad because she's my fav heroine (although I think they're all wonderful) and because she seems like she was a significant part of Shirou's life! Like obviously we're still in his head, but I feel like I'm losing out on parts of him.
Maybe's that's just by design, have the MC tangle mainly with 2 people he doesn't know that well for the first two routes as better to start with. Don't really get into the 3rd heroine much pre-final route because her issues are so large that she would take focus away from the other heroines or story. I dunno, but it feels bad. I definitely think there was another way beyond her just not being there. Maybe I just need to read f/HA.
One of my IRL friends always feels bad for Sakura on the other routes because she doesn't get with Shirou and I think that's partially the fault of almost all her screen-time and development being in HF, only where she's romance-able. Like my friend feels bad because she can't imagine Sakura thriving outside of being Shirou's partner. Sakura doesn't get as much non-romance-able context as the other two and I think she, Shirou, and the overall story suffers for it.
HF is still the best route imo, it just makes me want more Sakura. I need more Sakura.
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cadybear420 · 3 months
Hi, how were you able to create the full body of Sakura from High School Story?
Ohohoh I'm glad you asked! It's a long and tricky process, but I'll explain it as best I can. With visual aid.
(Including the edit for reference)
Originally I'd just grab a random bare body asset, adjust it to her skintone, assemble the face sprite assets onto it, and then edit new outfits accordingly.
Since the original sprite was posed with a hand on her hip, I went with the "fem junior" bodytype (used for f!Dakota from WEH and f!Drew from RWB). But it didn't feel quite right to how her original sprite looked... so I decided to do it a different way.
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First I'd piece together the original sprite. Then I'd go through the files to pick a full-body sprite that suited her– I went with that of Kamilah from Bloodbound instead. I made color adjustments as necessary to match Sakura's skintone.
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Then I'd use the liquify filter tool (I use Photoshop/Photopea) to adjust the body to fit onto the pose that the original sprite gave us. Including making the left hand more like the hand on the original sprite.
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Then, I'd need to merge the parts from her original sprite that were bare, to the body sprite. The original sprite shows a bare arm and one full hand, so I cropped it out from the original sprite, and (as shown in the above photos) erased the parts from the body asset that were going to be replaced.
I'd use the spot repair tool to make up for small gaps from the cropped arms and shoulders (where the straps of her dress were)
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Then using air brush, air eraser, smudge tool, spot repair tool, and liquify tool, I'd merge the two pieces together.
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And of course, I needed to adjust the thumb nail on the left hand
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And we got our Sakura sprite! Ready to dress up in various outfits! :DDD
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As for the outfit... I always make sure to keep the outfit leftovers when I cropped out the bare skin and arm.
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So now I just need to add the bottom part. How exactly I add the bottom part depends on the top outfit piece itself, but for this one, I cropped out the lower white part, and added new skirt and leggings, to make the outfit fairly similar to her outfit from the original Prime game.
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The skirt is recolored from f!Hayden's harajuku outfit from PM, and the leggings come from the thigh high stockings accessory from QB MC, adjusted accordingly with the godsend that is the liquify tool. Shading was added with the burn tool.
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And that's how I made full-body Choices Sakura!
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The process can vary, but I use these basic techniques to make full-body sprites of other half-body characters in HSS. The other ones I've shared so far are Myra and Mia, and I also have a couple for other characters such as Julian, Payton, Sydney, and Koh, as well as new outfits for the characters I have completed, that I haven't shared yet/am still working on.
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cheshire-kitsune · 1 year
Omg I just had a thought, what if we had a luz MC for twst?
Like, instead of magic magic, the MC uses glyph magic and maybe that's why the mirror doesn't recognize mcs magic potential.
Like, during the cave arc in the prolouge the MC could either reveal or discover the light spell and stuff. ( ooo maybe they could somehow discover their palisman staff or some palistrom there if they didn't already have it 👀)
I know glyphs need titan blood and are useless otherwise, but I wonder if we could tamper with that and make some excuse like "due to the different magic in twst, the glyphs have different results than usual but still work." Or "because it's only inspired by owl house glyphs it's not completely 1-to-1"
Now I'm just thinking of "titan-form MC" beating "OB-form malleus". I think that battle would look pretty cool.
Imagine mc using safety hover to help a falling student during vargas broom lessons (omggg mc can finally join their lessons✨✨)
If they had luz's deep nerd fandom phase, I can definitely see them relate to idia.
We could possibly add king and then we have two feral midgets in ramshackle. (The duality of weh and nyeh)
I think there's a lot of potential in this including non-cannon glyph combos 👀
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twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
the lion sleeps today
hilarious 30-second clip from some lion king short, had to use it with the mc bothering to wake up Leona with Ruggies help of course.
It was about 9AM on a nice Friday morning. Thanks to a dare from Ace, the prefect found themselves heading into the lion's den to poke the beast. And of course, Ruggie tagged along to see how the death wish dare would go. He chuckled as he opened the door to his dormleaders room. "shishishi! I can't believe you're actually doing it, thought for sure a little herbivore like you would have tucked your tail and ran."
"well I'm no chicken, and besides, I've handled this lazy lion before. granted I had backup, but I'll be fine." they wave their hand dismissively toward the still-snickering hyena.
"Oh that reminds me, wanna have a bit of fun?" they say pulling out a weathered, half-full potion bottle. "Don't worry this is just a musical potion, makes lots of stuff more fun with some music only we can hear." they pour some onto their hands and offer the hyena boy a hand still dripping with the pink liquid.
"Shake my hand, come on boy, won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?" They saw with a smirk and a wink.
"Shishishi, I sure am going to miss ya after this is all done." Ruggie said as he grabbed and shook the Mc's hand, hearing an upbeat acustic as they marched into the lion-mans room.
Ruggie: A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh (x2) Mc: In the jungle, the mighty jungle! The lion sleeps tonight!
They both chuckle as they hear a groan, the Groan turned into a growl and Ruggie knew what that meant. He starts to quickly back out of the room as the mass under the blankets starts to shift and move more. He leaves the room chuckling a bit to himself at the prefect's obliviousness to the danger of the waking predator.
Mc: In the jungle, the mighty jungle! The lion sleeps to… I can’t hear ya, Ruggie, back me up! (returns to singing) A-weeeeeeeeeeeee A-Pumbaa-bumba-waaaayyy!
A- amph!
The mc's loud singing was suddenly muffled due to a clawed hand covering their mouth and twisting them to be face to face with sharp angry, green eyes. They felt the potion wear off and they quickly tried to shove the hand off of their face. Leona chuckled at that.
"ya got some real nerve there herbivore, coming into my den singing out like I wouldn't make ya my next meal." Their eyes widened at the very forward threat and tried again to squirm away from the lion's powerful hold on them. They then stuck their tongue out and licked the calloused and dark hand over their mouth.
He pulled back in disgust and the prefect took that as their time to run. Hearing a ROAR behind them as they ran. What a morning.
Ruggie watches from the sidelines as The prefect and his house warden rush past toward the main area of NRC. He snickered to himself as he watched them disappear around a corner. "hope ya survive prefect. Gotta admit that was the fastest I've seen him get up! Hope ya live to see tomorrow! shishishi!"
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imustbenuts · 28 days
just wanted to say that ur irezumi symbolism post Destroyed me .. but also i gave majima's tattoos some thought, cause the whole sakura motif symbolically contradicting the snake motif thing confused me for a bit...
tbh? i think that this juxtaposition was very deliberate, and i wanted to dump my Brainthoughts about why that is since i think you'd appreciate it :)!
snakes shed their skin consistently, just as trees shed their leaves and how flowers shed their petals. i feel like majima's irezumi exists to highlight the transitive nature of this routine and how it's a product of change in the environment of a given thing, like the seasons passing or a snake literally outgrowing itself.
it's one big metaphor for the human version of a ship of theseus: majima can change and slough himself of whatever facade he had, and this process of removing waste he doesn't need anymore can imply venom and violence OR the beautiful, fleeting fragility of existence itself. but either way, there's always one specific factor that serves as a common thread between those personalities and events. u wanna know what said common thread is?
his anger. his rage. the hannya. no matter what era or 'season' majima is in, his disdain toward tojo is literally the factor that defines him as the person he always will be 💔 and i think there's even MORE symbolism in using a hannya specifically, but i don't know enough about noh theatre to confidently speculate about the usage of hannya in majima's irezumi and what that might imply.
tl;dr majima's anger/rage is eternal with him and it's the defining factor that makes him, well, majima. even if he chooses to let that shedding process be violent and explosive or delicate and beautiful he is still the same snake or sakura tree at the end of the day. because no matter what angle you look at a hannya mask from, it's still a hannya, and it's still a mask
yay, thank you anon!! man majima is FASCINATING.
i think the hannya mask, rather the noh masks are known for giving different expressions depending on the tilt and the lighting? he has a theme with being adaptable and as u suggest, transitory throughout his life. the nagas has this slick adaptability theme too.
majima's core doesnt change. he looks unpredictable and never the same but. his core is always the same.
hes so ROCK. yakuza/rgg is so very rock
i feel sad for majima tho, he never seems to be able to catch a break and truly be happy for long ;; weh the writers are mean. sometimes i look at the popularity ranking they conducted in 2013 and 2018 and i understand why majima is number 1 cabaret ojisan
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bc and idk how but they made majima win by A) being strong and B) fumbling kiryu's writing at points especially in 2 probably by accident. so majima wins like this:
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hes so good
howd they accidentally make the not-mc this good
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 month
Akhir acara Kartini's day
Akhirnyaaaaa ke hectic-an hampir berakhir dan udah dipastikan hari terakhir super padat. Fiuh~
Dimulai dari subuh hari udah prepare baju adat NTT nya nemo h-1 udah diambil kemarin dan udah dikecilin jg setelah fitting. Makan, mandi, makeupan by ibu aja yg seadanya tea kupikir yaudasi namanya jg masih anak2 (ternyata pemikiran aku sepolos itu gaissss, ibuk2 lain apalagi yg kelas B itu pada ambis eh entah niat yaa beti lah wkwk). Slesei naninu brangkat lah kami mepet jam 7.30 da disuruhnya jam segitu katanya mau naik odong2 dulu buat arak2an. Pas nemo nyampe tepat wkt, yg ngaret banyaaaakk.. Anak2 tepat wkt bisa naik odong2 duluan karena cm ada 2 jadi gantian. Tp si pendamping yg di motornya super ngaret ngga dtg2 lah, anak2 udah boring dgn baju yg super ganyaman itu, udah naik turun ngga jalan2 jg, ortu dah pada kesel.
Bentar di tengah kengaretan dan ngga menghargai wkt org2 yg tepat wkt kita foto dulu trio bestie. Sabar yaa nak anak cantik dan ganteng~
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Tugas negara datang nih, beli roti dan susu dulu buat sarapan anak2. Gas aja sama mama fatih ke vitasari, ninggalin anak2 naik odong2, pas kami balik lg ke sekolah alhamdulillah anak2 dah slesei arak2an, gantian sama yg lain. Lanjut sesi foto dulu sama fotografer inipun superngantreeee haaaa malessss. Oiya sebelumnya kami ngocok duluan utk urutan tampil kelas A1 dpt no. 1 berkat tanganku yg harum ini wkwkwk alhamdulillah ngga siang teuing kebayang anak2 kelas A yg msh bnyk umur 4 tahun tantrumnya ada bgt nunggu sampe siang mah euy. Bu syifa dan momies semua bersyukur bgt dpt no. 1 hehehe.
Acara akhirnya dimulai, sambutan nananinu lamaaaa bgt anak2 disuruh nonton dan anteng yamana bisaaaa. Kelas A1 udah harus siap2 di back stage kan, aku ditugasin jadi fotografer udah siap dpn panggung, mama fatih jadi videografernya. Sebelumnya juri dipersilakan nyontohin dulu jalan di catwalk, abistu mc manggil buibu perwakilan kelas buat join jalan catwalk di panggung. Aku yg udah siap bekerja dpn panggung dipanggil lah sama mc bu dini, "dari kelas A1 perwakilan mama Neima" edan apa2an wkwkwk disuruh naik panggung lahhhh, trus dipanggil mama2 perwakilan lainnya jd total 5 mama. Dgn terpaksa dan berat hati maju aja bomat ahhhh.. Yaudah tuh sambil cengengesan jalan kaku model sambil dadah2an di videoin sama bu santi dan mama2 A1 lainnya sambil ngetawain wkwk sialuuunn eke ditumbalin lahhh. Tersebar tuh video ke seluruh grup bu guru dan ortu hahaha. Ngga aku aplod disini ah isin bgt w
Sok ah derrr A1 silakan mulai~ hihi lucu2 ahh terlalu gemazzzz. Udah kaya anak2 sendiri inimah sayang semua anak2 A1 luvvv. Tibalah nemo yg kurang ekspresif pake baju adat mah euy, udah kalah saing sama temen2 skelasnya bagus2 belom lg ditunjang sama baju2nya jg superniat dan bagus2. Apalagi liat anak kelas B waaaaahh dahlahh berasa lg perlombaan tingkat provinsi sugan. Kebanyakan tuh adat Bali dan padang. Makeupnya udah setara penganten, ada yg pake dodot pula haaaa. Keren betul lah niatnya buibu, aku ngga nyangka sih.. Jd ngerasa paling polos sendiri weh anak akuteh wkwkwk.
Inilah anakku dengan seada2nya hahaha
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Tuhkan lucuw lucuuwww anak2kuuwwh
Foto2nya banyak bangeeeet karena terlalu lucuuu aaaaaa
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Pasangan NTT janlup dong diabadikan. Nemo dan Zen! Uwuwww. Zen adalah anak dari kaka kelasku di SMA 9 beda 1 angkatan aja, bdg sempit benerrrr lahh. Zen mah anak ke 2 dari 3 bersaudara. Nemo anak tunggal haha
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Setelah semua anak A1 tampil, langsung ke kelas dibarukaan eta kostum wkwk udah teu pararuguh anak2 pake baju adat. Sambil dikasih makanan berat seperti biasa dari richeese. Sambil istirahat pada makan deh di kelas. Fiuh alhamdulillah lancar dah tampil..
Tapiiiiiii kita ditahan pulang sampe akhir acara krn ada pengumuman pemenang dan pembagian piala. Kebayang brp lama lagiii haaaa ternyata buibu lain pada kabur. Tersisa cuma aku nemo dan mami nira. Dahlah terjebak kami sampe akhir acara padahal dah luar biasa capenyaaaa..
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