#wonderful chap. hate this guy.
bishonenspit · 1 year
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silkentine · 9 days
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All I could think while drawing Nami was, “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy?” And, of course, with Robin I was thinking, “save a horse… 🥵”
Design Notes and other opining below the cut:
For Nami, I wanted to go for a mix of cocky Jersey mafia newbie and surfer boy. I like to think that some of the horrendous outfit choices that Sanji makes (especially in the movies) were actually picked out by Nami. She’s the shopper!!! But yeah, the vibrant swim trunks and graphic tees just scream Nami. I also wanted to put him in a wetsuit/rash guard because I think that’s a sexy look so sue me if you hate it. You cannot argue with me that Nami doesn’t wear swimsuits as clothes.
He’s toned but not as muscular as Robin or Luffy (for example) because he isn’t a front-line fighter, I want him to maintain the same kind of role that Nami has in the animanga. He’s the best navigator in the world!! I couldn’t decide if I wanted to change the violent tendencies that Nami has, but ultimately I think he’d still give the more deserving members of the crew a healthy wallop (although I might portray it more cartoonishly). Boy Piece!Nami still grew up under Arlong’s authority so he spent a lot of his childhood walking on eggshells to protect his village and his brother, Nojiko, so I think he never really got to learn “you’re not supposed to hit people just because they frustrate you” lesson. I gave him a shark-tooth necklace because surely Arlong had a few loose teeth to spare once Luffy took her down. Victory spoils LOL
If he can get the girls to stop wrestling and sit down quietly for a while, he likes to host card games (with betting, of course) or watch the clouds while sipping whatever fruity cocktail Sanji whips up. I believe that Canon!Nami is a total lesbian, and I can’t possibly envision a Nami who doesn’t like women so Boy Piece!Nami is bi. I am, of course, a Namivivi truther and Vivi is also a man in this AU. I don’t hate Sanami within this dynamic though… lots to think about.
Okay!!! All-shipper mindset aside, let’s talk Robin. I gave him long hair because 1) it’s hot and 2) I think it makes him look like Dragon. Yeahhh, I subscribe to the Luffy and Robin are half-siblings theory because I think it’s funny and makes some sense. Crocodile is 100% Luffy’s Mom in this AU and I think Robin knows it LOL
For his outfits, I wanted to lean a bit more Indiana Jones where I could; he’s still primarily cowboy inspired though. For the main look, I went with the Skypeia color palette hehe, I think Robin looks good in yellow. I did some flower-petal shaped color blocking on his chaps because I think it’s cute and subtle. I really love that the powers of the Hana-Hana-no-mi are like… unexpected for a “flower flower” fruit and I think Robin would be more aware that juxtaposition as a guy. You might also be wondering about the gloves and I initially just had it for his cowboy look but I decided to put them on all the outfits up until the events of Enies Lobby. Canon!Robin has a really difficult childhood and I think it’s exacerbated by the fact that she’s a girl on her own. If Robin was a boy, he’d probably have an easier time living on his own but would be a lot less emotionally open. All of these elements combine to make him want that physical barrier between his real hands and the world. Once he can trust that the Strawhats will always be there for him, he’s more willing to be more physically open.
I also think it’d be cute if he was much more of a coffee drinker :3c I see Canon!Robin as a connoisseur who likes a well-brewed espresso but Boy Piece!Robin needs a cup of joe (no matter its quality) every chance he can get. So I drew him with his special #1 ARCHAEOLOGIST mug.
It would make me so happy if you left your thoughts in the tags or replies!! Even if you hate everything about them, I just really like engagement hahaha. I’m thinking girl Usopp is next despite the poll results because she’s on my mind rn (don’t hold me to this, LOL I’m fickle). I’m making these for fun so I just wanna make designs in the order that interests me the most. Check out the tag “girl piece” on my blog to see all the genderbends I have so far. And happy pride!!!
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cobrakaisb · 3 months
ballad of a homeschooled girl
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summary: a new arrival at camp half-blood is anything but extraordinary, but your attachment to the broody head counselor and claims of a mother who supposedly has no children cause suspicions to arise
word count: 3.9k
featuring: broody!luke who is somewhat soft for reader, angst, reader seems delulu (but she’s not trust 🤞), mostly primer for my upcoming luke series  
series masterlist ||| next part
the air is humid, causing the sheets to stick to your already clammy skin. you shift in the small cot, peeling the bedding off your skin, relaxing when the cool breeze caresses your arms and legs. it’s peaceful, and your chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. just as you’re about to cross back into dreamland, a girl’s voice causes your eyes to open. 
“she’s waking up! look!” she yells, and you know that she’s pointing at you. 
you sigh, propping yourself up on your elbows. you look around drowsily, trying to make sense of your surroundings. it’s when you make eye contact with a girl who has light pink hair, that you realize you’re no longer walking down a busy city street, hustling through the crowd. confusion settles in, and you wonder how you ended up in this infirmary, and whatever happened to that crazy lady who was trailing you. you open your mouth, trying to speak, but the girl just shoves a cup with a straw in it towards you. 
“drink,” she demands. 
you hesitate, uncertainty clear on your face. how can you even trust this girl? she seems to sense your emotions, because her hand rests gently on your forearm, pushing the drink closer to your chapped lips. 
“drink,” she repeats, and you nod. 
a small sip can’t hurt, you decide, and your lips wrap delicately around the straw. as you drink the liquid, you realize that it tastes like the pina coladas your dad would make with the fresh pineapple from the farmers market over the summer. you smile fondly at the memory, relaxing further into the uncomfortable mattress. you sigh in relief, feeling the throbbing in your head diminish. the tranquility, however, doesn’t last for long because the girl with the pink hair returns. 
“i’m anna,” she starts, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. “how much do you remember before you got here?” she continues. 
“where is here exactly?” you ask, shifting in the bed to put some distance between the two of you. 
her eyes widen, and something along the lines of confusion and distrust cross her features. she doesn’t say anything, just spending a few minutes analyzing you. a wave of self-consciousness washes over you; do you really look that distraught? 
“you have no idea what you are, what we are,” she mumbles. there’s both amazement and sympathy in her voice. 
“i’m a girl, if that’s what you’re asking,” you snap, crossing your arms over your chest. 
she laughs at you. “you’re in for a rude awakening,” anna replies between giggles.
the next day, you're walking out of the infirmary with strict instructions to go see chiron. you have no idea who this guy is, but all the med staff assure you that you’ll know when you see him. it’s only when you come face to face with a half-horse, half-human -- a centaur -- that you understand exactly what they meant. he smiles at you, and you assume that he’s trying to be comforting, but you still feel so uneasy.
“come. we have a lot to discuss,” he says, resting a firm hand on your shoulder as he leads you towards another room in the old victorian house. 
you nod, walking along the veranda towards an open-aired room. the walk feels like a thousand years, as other campers point and whisper in your direction. you want to shrink in on yourself, but you don’t. miraculously, this air of confidence envelops you, and you march into the room with steady and sure strides. the other person in the room looks at you and chiron. he’s older, adorning black sunglasses and holding a diet coke. he rolls his eyes at the sight of you, getting up from his adirondack chair, grumbling about how much he hates kids and wishes he could have a drink. you raise your eyebrows, looking to chiron for an explanation, but he just shakes his head. 
“sit, then we’ll talk,” he promises, gesturing to one of the empty seats. 
once you’re both seated, it’s quiet. you don’t really have anything to say to the older man in front of you. you’re still confused by anna, and all the cryptic comments she made these past two days. you have no memory of how you got here, or why. nothing makes sense to you. 
chiron seems to know that though, as he says, “i understand this can all be very confusing. so let’s start with the basics. you’re at camp half-blood, a safe haven for demi-gods. for people like you.” 
he pauses for a moment, probably expecting you to say something, but you don’t. instead, you turn to the left, staring out to the water. it’s so serene, completely contrasting your inner turmoil. when chiron realizes you don’t have anything to say, he continues on:
“here you’ll prepare for battle, complete quests, make friends, and live your life free of worry. at the end of the summer, you’ll have the option of returning home, or remaining as a year-round camper. for now though, i’ll have one of our older, more experienced demi-gods give you a tour. unless of course, there’s something else you’d like to discuss?”
the way he’s looking at you suggests that you should have more to say -- some deep dark secret waiting to be revealed -- but you don’t. he waits, but once you don’t acknowledge his words, he sighs, rising from his seat. you follow, moving towards the door with him. as you hand grasps the handle, it tumbles open, and your body moves forward. thankfully, you don’t crash to your feet, or collide with the person in the doorway, but your cheeks flame in embarrassment. 
when you look up, you’re surprised to see a boy. he looks to be about your age with his tall stature and muscular frame. his face is blank, almost bored looking, except for the hints of anger and annoyance in his brown eyes. his jaw is firm and locked, as he crosses his arms and gives you a once over. he hates me already, you think, and while you wish you didn’t care, it stings just a bit. 
“this is luke, our head counselor. he’ll show you around camp, and help you settle into the hermes cabin, your temporary home,” chiron explains. 
you nod towards luke, but don’t comment on anything chiron says. without another word, he turns on his heel and marches down the steps of the front porch. his pace is brisk, and his long strides make it hard for you to catch up with him, but you manage. once you’re walking side by side with him, it’s quiet between the two of you. he doesn’t point out any of the details, and his speed makes it hard for you to actually absorb anything. 
“if you’re gonna walk so fast, the least you could do is explain what everything is,” you snap, annoyed.
he stops walking all together, huffs, and turns to face you. in the bright light of the sun, you notice his scar. it’s pale white and risen above the skin, alerting you that it’s still fairly new, and runs from the corner of his eye to his jawline. he should look scary or intimidating, but you only think that he looks angelic. you gasp softly at the realization, lips parting. his eyes dart down to your mouth, and there’s something almost sinister in his gaze when he finally starts talking. 
“archery range, lava wall, and training arena,” he grumbles, pointing out all the spots closest to you. 
instead of looking at all the places, your gaze is still focused on him. he rolls his eyes, facing forward and continuing on his walk. 
“if you’re going to ask me to point stuff out, at least pay attention when i do,” he snaps. 
now it’s your turn to roll your eyes as you follow him towards a horseshoe of cabins. each one is different and seems to represent their own thing. as you’re walking past the center, you notice that there are two lone cabins in the middle. you freeze. your head tilts as you observe the cabin on the right. you feel a strange pull towards it, and start following the invisible string tying you to the building.
“what are you doing?” luke asks, and from his tone you know his arms are crossed. 
“i need to go there,” you explain, looking over your shoulder at him. 
“the hera cabin?” he questions, following you. 
you nod, continuing on your path towards the cabin. you climb up the stairs, and tentatively touch the door handle. it creaks open, daring you to come inside. you turn back to luke, who’s waiting at the bottom of the stairs with an uncertain look in his eyes. 
“i have to go in here, but i have no idea why,” you explain, feeling something close to bashful. 
he nods, swallowing an imaginary liquid, before climbing up the stairs after you. he waits patiently behind you, his left shoulder grazing your right as the two of you stand on the porch. you want to go inside, need to go inside, but the rational side of you is preventing you from doing so. it all feels like a trap. 
luke, noticing your unease, mumbles, “there’s a barrier. nothing can hurt you here, not like they could out there.” 
he doesn’t clarify what the other there and in here are, but you know exactly what he means. the creepy, often imaginative figures you’d see out in the city aren’t present here. you haven’t felt their presence since you woke up in that tiny bed in the infirmary. whatever is drawing you to this cabin, is something else, a higher being. before you can continue to deliberate, you push open the door and step inside. 
it doesn’t look much like a cabin, rather a temple. the entire thing is made of marble, complete with large columns from floor to ceiling. on the walls, there are several engravings, and when you look closely, you recognize them as peacocks. your fingers trace over the intricate design, and your sense of anxiety quells tremendously. when you look towards the center, at the giant statue, you feel somewhat relieved. 
“this is my cabin,” you announce. the statement shocks both you and luke. 
“what? no it’s not. hera doesn’t have kids, that’s zeus’s job,” luke says. 
“c’mon, time to go,” he continues, grabbing your shoulder and trying to push you out the door.
you dig your heels into the floor, refusing to move. you know everything you’ve said so far sounds crazy, is crazy, but you have to be here. you try to come up with an explanation, anything to make sense of the situation, but remain empty handed. 
“you’re right. let’s just go. sorry,” you reply, letting him lead you back out the door and down the stairs. 
it isn’t until you step foot in the hermes cabin, his cabin, that you realize your duffle bag is missing. all the other kids, which is a surprisingly large number, have various personal belongings scattered around their sleeping area. some of them have comic books, others have small trinkets, and a couple even dare to show off their stuffed animals. luke walks further into the cabin, the crowd parting like the red sea. they’re quiet, and watch eagerly as he opens a closet door and pulls out a well-loved sleeping bag. the whispers don’t start until he waves you over, and places the item directly next to his bed. 
“you sleep here,” he mumbles, pointing to the spot on the floor. 
“what? i told you about the other cabin,” you shout, frustration present in your voice. 
the hermes cabin is quiet, all of them listen in on your conversation with their head counselor, their older brother.
“and i told you to drop it,” he replies, and there’s a subtle warning in his voice. you can’t decide if he’s trying to say this isn’t the time or place or if he’s insinuating that you’re fucking crazy and he wants nothing to do with it. 
“where’s your stuff?” he asks, completely changing the subject. 
you notice he does that a lot, but answer, “i don’t know. my duffle’s missing.” 
his eyebrows furrow at your words, and he crosses his arms again. he throws his head back, gritting his teeth. 
“alright! who took her stuff? cough it up, let's go!” he shouts. 
luke’s met with silence, which irks him even more. he turns away from you, facing the swarm of pre-teens and teens. he flashes them his most unamused look, one he’s been carrying with you all day, but continues to wait patiently. 
“somebody better own up to it, or i’m taking away dessert privileges,” he announces. 
the room immediately grows noisy with everyone whispering to each other. some kids are trying to determine who it could be, while others are fully putting the blame on their siblings. there’s even one girl who whispers about how luke never does this for anyone, so you must be special. 
you try to come up with an answer to luke’s question. who took your bag? but you can’t seem to figure it out. you know you had it with you when you left your dad’s house, but then things turned messy extremely fast. you remember the strap when that weird dog thing followed you into the alley, and how you grabbed it by the handles to shove it in the overhead compartment of the amtrak. but after that, everything gets kind of blurry; days melting into one. finally, you decide that it must not have made it to camp. 
you tap luke’s bicep, and he turns away from the crowd to meet your eyes. “i don’t even think it made it here,” you whisper, biting your bottom lip. 
luke sucks in a breath, nodding his head before turning back to the crowd. “never mind guys, as you were,” he dismisses. 
you crouch down, hoping to set up your sleeping bag and take a nap, but he stops you with a hand on your arm. he gestures for you to follow him with a tilt of his head, and you agree. he leads you towards the back of the cabin, outside a supposedly hidden door. when you step out into the bright sunlight, you stop and let your hand cover your eyes, but luke is already walking towards a forest. you follow, easily catching up since he’s walking slower, and match his strides. once the two of you are far enough into the woods, out of the earshot of nosey campers, he sits down in the grass, beckoning for you to follow. 
“tell me everything you remember,” he says, a serious look on his face.
you look down, fingers twiddling with the strands of grass. you pull your knees up to your chest, wrapping your right arm around your kneecaps as you continue to braid the grass with your left hand. from your observations, you know luke is anything but patient, but he doesn’t push you to say anything. he just sits there, palms splayed on the grass as he leans back on them, looking at the fluffy white clouds and clear blue sky. 
“i don’t know how i got here. i keep replaying everything in my head, but i wasn’t even near the woods. then, i was just here,” you whisper, finally looking towards him. 
you find that he’s already looking at you. intense brown eyes meeting your lost and confused gaze. he nods his head, signaling that he’s trying to process your words; looking for a meaning in the code, one that even you can’t decipher.
“why’d you leave?” he asks, and you stop fiddling with the grass. “your house i mean…why leave?” he continues.
he’s looking down at his bright red converse, and there’s a certain vulnerability in his gaze that you’re all too familiar with. you raise your eyebrows at his expression, thinking about what his question reveals about him. maybe he doesn’t have a family. and that thought just makes you sad, so you decide to answer him honestly.
“i love my dad, but there were too many odd things happening, things he couldn’t explain, and stuff my therapist didn't believe. there were winged horses, their manes the color of the pitch black night. or dogs the size of a dumpster, and then that brunette lady who follows me around everywhere. i just wanted to keep him safe, so i left,” you explain, meeting luke’s eyes for the second time. 
“i get that, wanting to protect your family, i mean. i’d do the same for my sisters,” he replies. 
you hum in acknowledgment, leaning back on your elbows and extending your legs in a straight position. you tilt your head back, enjoying the warm sun on your exposed neck, and the soft rustle of the flora around you. you turn your head, eyes squinting to look at luke, and your gaze is immediately drawn to the scar on the left side of his face.
“what happened to you?” you ask, tentatively. 
luke sucks in a breath of air. his jaw clenches and anger swarms around in his already dark eyes. his hands ball into fists at his sides, and you realize that maybe that was too personal of a question.
“you don’t have to answer,” you backtrack, “it just seems like a story worth telling.”
he laughs bitterly, “it’s not. my dad sent me on a fucking joke of a quest, and this was the result. all pain, no glory.” 
you frown at his words. you don’t want to pity luke, because you know that luke doesn’t want that from you. he wants people to understand him; to listen to his feelings of resentment and disappointment, and despite only knowing him for an hour max, you decide that you’d do that for him. 
“don’t beat yourself up about it. the gods are stupid anyway, my mother’s cabin doesn’t even have a bed for me to sleep in,” you say. 
there you go again with the mother thing.
“your mother can’t be hera,” luke announces, finality in his tone. 
“i know that. but i know that she is. she’s the one that’s been helping me; the one who brought me here,” you explain, finally making the connection.
luke shakes his head in disbelief, “i think you’re going crazy from lack of food.”
you open your mouth, ready to protest his accusations, but luke cuts you off with a fierce look and wave of his hand. he stands up from the grass, holding his hand out to you. you huff, but wrap your hand around his, as he helps life you off the ground and to your feet. once you’re on your feet, you go to remove your hand from his, but you find yourself face to face. he’s already looking at you with a mix of admiration and curiosity. no one’s ever looked at you that way, and you can’t fathom why he is. 
“what? is there dirt on my face?” you ask, pulling hand from his to wipe at your chin. 
he laughs, loud and joyous, then answers, “no. you’re just different.” 
you huff, again, and cross your arms defensively. “my therapist says i’m just unique,” you say. 
luke laughs again. his shoulders shake and he has to stop walking to gain his composure. you wait the few minutes it takes for him to collect himself, and feel the smile taking over your features. there’s something enchanting about his laugh, you think, and that thought scares you. you shouldn’t be getting this attached. not yet. 
“can we go to lunch, please? i’m so hungry,” you complain, breaking the aura of radiance and joy.    
the sound of your voice sobers luke up, and he nods in agreement. he doesn’t even acknowledge you any further, just walks through the path in the woods, towards the center of camp. his strides are back to being quick and long, and you struggle to keep up with him. but you chose to ignore it; you shut him out. 
the walk back feels infinitely longer, and you’re relieved to see the dining pavilion. it’s a large mess hall, with picnic tables inside the building as opposed to out. each one of them holds various campers, and you notice how there is a giant fire pit burning in the middle of the room. it seems counter intuitive; no need for the warmth of the fire in the stifling summer heat, which becomes more apparent now that luke’s cold nature is back. 
you chance a look at said boy, and find that he’s already watching you. without saying a word, his hand comes to rest at the small of your back; palm splayed on the region between your jean shorts and the hem of your bright orange camp shirt. he gently pushes you forward, and you comply, following his lead. as you walk, you hear the campers whispering. they’re not subtle. 
“that’s the new girl.” 
“anna says she’s crazy, has no clue what a demigod even is.”
“i heard she’s not even a real demigod, just someone to bewitch luke.”
“oh he’s bewitched alright.” 
you clench your jaw at their words, an angry fire in your eyes. you hate when people talk about you behind your back, and you’re not afraid to let these thirteen year olds know that. you whip your head around, so fast you’re surprised you don’t whiplash. as your mouth opens, ready to spew out insults, luke pushes you forward and away from the culprits. your anger only shifts from them to him. 
“what’s your problem?” you demand, stopping in your tracks to face him head on. 
“i’m not the one with the problem here,” luke mumbles. 
for some reason, that statement hurts you more than it should. you laugh bitterly, blinking back the tears that are threatening to come out. it’s been a day and everyone already hates me. 
“right, i get it,” you reply, stepping away from him when he tries to reach out for you.
“no that’s not what i meant,” luke says, desperation in his voice. 
“fuck this. i don’t even want to be here anyways,” you announce. 
before he can say or do anything, you’re out the door.
you wander through the camp grounds, fighting off tears. there’s no reason for you to be acting like this; people have always hated you, so why would camp half-blood be different? because it was supposed to be different, you thought. the path you meant to take, back to the hermes cabin, veers off course until you’re standing in front of the hera cabin. you don’t hesitate this time, to climb the steps and take refuge inside.
once the door closes, and the lock clicks, you come face to face with the looming statue. her eyes pierce your soul, and you sink back in on yourself. it’s a statue, you remind yourself, and that boosts your confidence somehow. you look her in the eyes, and swear her gaze meets yours. 
“why would you bring me here?” you ask, voice wobbly from the tears. 
“i hate it here! and i hate you!” you shout, stomping your foot like a child. you feel like a child. 
you sink down to your knees, forehead coming to rest on the ruffle of her toga. the marble is cool and smooth against your hot skin. the temperature change grounds you, and slowly, your tears subside. 
you decide, in that very moment, that these people won’t see you cry. ever.       
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soap-ify · 6 months
hello! I love your "you're an angel, i'm a dog" series soooo much. I love the way you write Ghost's character. while reading chapter 2, I was wondering that since Simon ruins reader's panties, he would go shopping with her to buy new ones? What do you think about it?
WOW ANON. you know, i was actually gonna add that in chap 2 but didn't because i didn't wanna make it too long BUT I AM SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE THOUGHT OF IT TOO!!! and thank you so much for your kind words :(
takes place somewhere in chap 2 before simon goes for deployment. | series masterlist
cw just some new panties shopping with simon and a suggestive ending, adding the sanrio panties was very self indulgent sorry.
You didn’t know what made you feel more awkward — the fact that Simon was here with you in the underwear section of this clothing store, carefully looking at the colorful pair of panties or the fact that all the clerks and the customers were gawking at this big man with wide eyes.
Not that you could do anything about it. After all, he had insisted on coming with you. And he was leaving tomorrow, so you couldn’t let this opportunity slide just like that. Another moment where you could pretend that Simon and you were just a normal, happy couple.
“You don’t have to grab and look at all of them so closely.” You huffed out, feeling flustered at the way he was so keen on grabbing every pair and observing them. What was he even looking for?
“You don’t like lace.” He bluntly commented, making you freeze on your tracks. Huh? Well, yeah, you hated the way lace felt on your skin. But how did he even know that? Weird guy. Just the way you like him.
He followed behind you like some lost puppy, or maybe a guard dog since he was literally looming over you, brown eyes fixed on your form carefully walking through the section. You were so cute, he just wanted to pick you up and—
“How about this one?”
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, eyes looking over at you holding a pack of 4 panties, each having a different Sanrio character on them. Fucking adorable.
“You like ‘em cute, eh?” He said mirthfully, causing blood to rush to your cheeks as you gently swatted at his arm, a pout on your lips, a wave of embarrassment coursing through you since you clearly had never told him about liking those characters.
“Jus’ kidding, love. S’gonna look pretty on you.”
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He ended up buying lots of pairs of panties for you and some other clothes, making you feel somewhat guilty for spending his money on something so… private?
“Don’t worry your pretty lil’ head about it, love.” He groaned softly at the subtle worry etched on your brows, giving you a gentle push into your apartment, placing the shopping bags on the floor once he closed the door behind him.
“I know, I just—” Your words were cut short by his warm, callused hands grasping your waist, pulling you towards him.
“Told you not to worry.” He grumbled behind his mask, hands roaming down behind your back before giving your ass a gentle squeeze.
“Plus who knows? I might ruin ‘em again.”
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ga-yuu · 4 months
Romance manhwas/webtoons I highly recommend!!!
Look! You guys must know, by this time, I am a romance connoisseur! *ahem* self-proclaimed*ahem* Romance is my fav genre and I'm not ashamed to say that aloud!! Since valentines day is coming and I'm still single, I simply fill the empty space in my heart with these cute manhwas/webtoons!!! I love reading them so much! But there are some really good romance manhwas that really give me hope about love. These are my recommendations, the ones I really enjoyed.
Daytime star
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This manhwa is one of my most fav!! If you haven't heard of it, or read it...GO READ THIS RIGHT NOW!!....or whenever you have time, BUT I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MANHWA! It's not just about its beautiful art style, but the story is AMAZING! If you're like me, who loves mature adult romance (and by 'mature adult romance' I don't mean a story like 50 shades of grey, but a more natural realistic romance between two fully grown adults) then this is the manhwa for you! I swear! I was binge-reading this manhwa the whole day, while eating, while playing games, while sleeping I was dreaming about this manhwa. The story is about a struggling actress falling in love with a very popular actor. It sounds simple, but it's really really REALLY GOOD! It's worth your time! There's nothing bad I have to say about this manhwa. It's truly outstanding.
Marry my husband
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What? You want a revenge drama with the female lead in her comeback era? I recommend Marry my husband. I saw the Kdrama adapted from this manhwa and although the actors are really good....the story changes drastically towards the end. The Kdrama has so many....'Kdrama' elements which I'm not really a fan of and it just makes the story unnecessarily complicated for no reason. So I highly recommend you read the manhwa version. The manhwa version is more straightforward and simple compared to the kdrama and doesn't have any unnecessary drama to waste your time. All the characters are so good. Even the side characters have stories. I love how simple the story is and how satisfying it is. I'm sure you will enjoy the manhwa and fall in love the characters. Again, highly recommend this. This is the 2nd manhwa that I binged the whole day, and re-read it again yesterday. It's really good!
A Marriage of Convenience
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I'll be honest, I was ignoring this manhwa for god knows why? Looking at the art, it just gave Under the Oak tree vibes.....and I'll be honest again, I got bored of under the oak tree. Everyone seems to love it, but I just got bored after 20 chaps or so. But this one, I finally decided to read it and again! I JUST CANNOT STOP READING IT!! I wonder why I'm so in love with it...it's because the female lead is so cool! I LOVE THE FEMALE LEAD IN THIS MANHWA!!! and you will know why once you read it. I feel like the female lead really carries the story on her back. Its so beautiful to see her growing and then comparing her present self to how she used to be in beginning of the story. Hey! I'm telling you! Go read it!! *points my gun*
I Thought It's A Common Possession (Ongoing!)
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Isekai villainess manhwas are the trend guys! I wonder when is cybird going to release their own ver. of isekai villainess game? Well...I have not seen many people talking about this manhwa, so I wanna shed some light. It's a slow-burn but a really good one! At the first chap, you'd hate the male lead....but at the end of the latest chap, you guys will surely love the male lead. You'll think that the story is just a simple villainess manhwa were everyone hates the villainess but soon end up liking her...but no, it's much darker. You'll find out when you read it. Also the female lead...is a mommy!!! She gives me mommy vibes!! She's so beautiful!!
For My Lost Love (Ongoing!)
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Another isekai manhwa that I'm obsessed with because the male lead is too hot for my own good! I think the reason I love this manhwa is because 1. it's a slow burn 2. the male lead is so good-looking 3. The relationship developing between the male lead and the female lead is really cute! It's like you can't help but want to see these two together! Right now, the male lead is completely in love with the female lead and its' so cute to see him being possessive about her and the female lead is completely oblivious. The female lead really loves the male lead because he is her fav character of her fav novel. It's cute! I love the female lead's personality, showing heart-eyes and blushing when the male lead does something....even the smallest things like drinking his coffee or arranging flowers. It's really cute!
Remarried Empress (First 80 - 90)
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This story is really popular. There is a manhwa and a game....Phew~ Another one of those that I couldn't stop reading......BUT!! As much as I love the story and it's main characters...I feel like this manhwa is better if you only read it up to...90 chapters and from there, just read the spoilers. I'll be honest, the first 80 to 90 chapters of this manhwa are FUCKING AWESOME!!!! IT'S DRAMA AFTER DRAMA AFTER DRAMA! ABUSE! VERBAL ABUSE! EMOTIONAL ABUSE! It's bad but it's also good. The abuse is just too much to handle that you can't stop reading it because you want the female lead to be happy...and in the end she gets it. I highly recommend reading 90 chapters of the manhwa and then read the spoilers because the manhwa gets very sluggish. I bet you, because you will be only invested in the 4 main characters of this story and you won't care about anyone else. The first 90 chapters mainly focuses on these 4 characters and after that the story focuses more on other side characters until it connects back to the main 4 characters. This part is a drag.....so don't waste time and read the spoilers.
The Villainess Turn The Hourglass
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Ah....This manhwa....truly one of the best villainess manhwa I've ever read!! I won't say anything! This is truly a 'VILLAINESS ROMANCE' manhwa and again...a story about a woman in her comeback era. Read only the main story though, I don't really care about the spin-off. The main story is truly satisfying. Read it! READ IT RIGHT NOW!! *Points my gun*
I'll keep sharing more manhwas and webtoons with you guys because I'm never gonna stop reading it! Even on my death bed, I'll still be reading it!!
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buckychristwrites · 1 year
Could This Be | Chap. Two | j.t.
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Summary: One minute, you're single and working for AFC Richmond as the team's medic. The next minute, you're in a fake relationship with the team's handsome striker who you know next to nothing about..
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: Cussing. Fake Dating
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy :)
Masterlist | Could This Be Masterlist | Main Blog
All eyes were on you, although they would occasionally jump to Jamie as well. 
You opened your mouth and immediately closed it again. Your brain felt like it was stroking out, unable to process the information you had just been given.
You? And Jamie? Jamie Tartt? The Jamie Tartt? The footballer Jamie Tartt? Striker for AFC Richmond Jamie Tartt? Former Lust Conquers All competitor Jamie Tartt? The idiot standing next to you Jamie Tartt? Jamie Tartt, whom you didn’t even know the birthday of, or really anything else about him? That Jamie Tartt?
The room began to spin slightly, but it wasn’t from any alcohol. Your mind was painfully overwhelmed as it ran a million miles a minute. Everyone was silently waiting for you to speak, Keeley’s eyes like daggers as she stared at you. You glanced over at Jamie, who was the only person in the room who couldn’t seem to look at you. 
Your mouth opened, locked and loaded with denial at the ready…
“I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”
Why are you going along with this? You asked yourself. It was unclear.
The collective gasp that filled the back yard felt rehearsed. Everyone began looking at each other in complete surprise. When you looked at Jamie, he was also staring at you, stunned, as if he expected you to deny it just as much as you expected yourself to. Realising what you had just said, you scooted closer to him, as if to stand in solidarity. Swallowing hard, you tried to come off as more confident than you felt.
“It’s true,” You declared. “Jamie is my boyfriend.” Jamie said nothing, instead wrapping a hesitant arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to him. You wondered if you looked as stiff as you felt. It seemed that everyone began to talk at the same time.
“We are so happy for you too! Why did you not tell us?”
“Two of my favourite people, together and in love. What a beautiful world we live in.”
“Since when is Tartt a good liar? How did you hide this from us?”
“I think the better question is why?” Keeley interjected, her arms crossed over her chest. It was clear that she wasn’t handling the news as kindly as the others.
“I don’t know,” You said, feeling like it was the only thing you could say that wasn’t a lie. “I was afraid. And I didn’t want things to change, with you or with anyone. I hated the thought of being another footballer's girlfriend.” 
Been there, done that, assumed you would never do it again. 
That’s what you get for assuming, apparently.
Keeley picked at her chin as she thought about this, before rushing forward and grabbing your hand. Jamie’s arm slipped away from you as she pulled you inside without a word. The crowd within the house had thinned momentously, and you wondered if it had to do with the kitchen drama that was now ensuing in the yard. She led you up the stairs and into the bathroom, where she closed and locked the door. A long time passed with her just staring at the closed door. It made you want to throw up. Her eyebrows were knitted together when she finally turned to face you. 
“Can you please explain this to me?” She asked you in a quiet voice.
“Keeley…” You said, desperate to tell her the truth but knowing you had dug your own grave. “I’m so sorry.” You began to pull at the hem of your shirt. “It just… it just happened. I didn’t know how to tell you.” Part of you wondered if you should be concerned about how easy it was to feed her this lie. 
“I guess I’m just sad you didn’t tell me sooner, but I am over the moon for you,” She admitted with a softening face. “Jamie is wonderful. He’ll treat you better than he ever treated me when we were together.” You shifted as you tried not to look uncomfortable. 
“He’s changed because of you though,” You reminded her. She rolled her eyes.
“Well, at least one of us gets to reap the benefits of my work, then.” The both of you laugh, her placing a hand on your forearm. When you settled, she looked at you with her big, caring eyes. “I just have another question to ask.”
Having a feeling where this was going, you nodded. She took a deep breath.
“Are you sure you’re ready for something like this?” Her voice was soft, tender, and you could tell this was her biggest concern. She glanced at the sink counter before looking back at you. “It just wasn’t that long ago that… you know who happened. And you had said you wouldn’t date another footballer. I just-”
“Oh no,” You said, waving your hand to stop her from talking. If she said anything more, it would become clear that you absolutely were not ready for anything like this, which was why you hadn’t wanted anything like this. But you shoved those feelings down and plastered an all too reassuring smile on your face. “It’s… it’s different this time, I think.” Your hands shook anyway, and you had to shove them in your pockets to hide them.
“Obviously,” Keeley said with a chuckle. “Jamie would never.” She didn’t elaborate, but she didn’t need to. You already knew what she meant, and you already knew she was right.
“Are we okay?” You asked her, the pain in your chest from this whole encounter seeming to worsen. The idea of risking your friendship with Keeley over a lie for Jamie was absolutely ridiculous.
“Of course we are, babe,” She assured you, grabbing your hand and giving it a firm squeeze. “I just want you to be happy.” The tension released, your muscles happy to finally relax. You squeezed her hand in return, giving her a wide smile that she returned before pulling you into a hug. “But you still owe me an explanation on how this all happened!” You forced a slight laugh.
“Maybe another day?” Maybe in a few weeks when you actually had an explanation to give. For now, you were so stressed over everything that had transpired over the last half hour that you felt the need for another drink. She released you, and you gave her another smile. 
“It better be another day soon,” She said with a hint of warning in her voice. “I want every last detail. You nodded with feign enthusiasm.
“Let’s go back to the party, yeah?” She nodded, turning and leading you out of the bathroom, your wrist in her hand. 
Before going back outside, where it was dark now, you found Roy and Sam in the kitchen. Sam was pouring another drink for himself while Roy was taking a sip of another beer. They both looked up at you and Keeley as you entered. Even though Keeley joined her boyfriend, his arm wrapped around her and a kiss planted on her forehead, you could feel Roy’s eyes following you. It was hard to ignore, but you pretended not to notice as you poured yourself another, much stronger drink. 
“So,” Roy said, making you flinch at the break in the quiet. “You and Tartt.” 
If there was anyone on the planet that you didn’t want to talk to about this subject, it was Roy Kent. The wish that the floor would swallow you whole intensified. Biting your lip, you continued to make your drink.
“Me and Jamie,” You replied, failing to hide the strain. He responded with a noise that was a mix between a grunt and hum. Keeley hit his chest lightly.
“Don’t push her, Roy,” She chastised. “It was probably very stressful for them to finally tell us. We’re happy for them, right?” Roy nodded. You allowed yourself a glance at his face, and when you saw the scepticism, you immediately wished you hadn’t.
“It just seems very random,” He continued, leading Keeley so the two of them were moving closer to you. Sam was looking between you and Roy, his face thoughtful. 
“Love does seem very random, does it not?” He asked, his head tilted as he made eye contact with Roy. “It seemed random to the rest of us when you and Keeley got together.” At that moment, you wanted to kiss Sam all over his lovely face. You didn’t have any answers for Roy’s questions. It was all just as random to you as it was to him. 
You went to flee to the back yard, when a random thought crossed your mind. You turned back and went to the fridge, assessing the assortment of beets before grabbing one and letting it close. As you passed, you exchanged a look with Roy. He was glaring at you suspiciously, while you were trying to match that energy in your own stare. In the end, you were glad when you were back outside in the cool, evening air. Throwing your drink back, you took a few hefty drink.
You wandered over to Jamie, who was sitting in the same lounge chair you had claimed not that long ago. Handing him the fresh cold beer, he gave you a surprised look before taking it from you. 
“Thanks,” He said, all smiley as he looked at the bottle. “Even got me favourite.” You looked around at the other Richmond players, who, despite building a fire in the pit in the middle of the yard, were still all throwing glances yours and Jamie’s way. 
“I guessed,” You mumbled before making your way to the chair at the opposite side. Without warning, Jamie grabbed you, gently pulling you down into the same chair he sat in and pulling your back against his chest.
“Gotta sell it,” He mumbled in your ear, breath hot against your skin. 
The tension had returned to your body in full force, your chest rising and falling heavily. How did this happen? Why did you agree to it? Why were you suddenly so afraid?
“We’re gonna have to talk about this at some point, you know,” You mumbled to him. He wrapped an arm around your upper chest, his palm pressed flat against your clavicle. Your skin was on fire at the feeling. “This situation you got us into.”
“I know,” He mumbled. You wondered if he was enjoying this. There weren’t any signs that he was hating it. “I’m sorry. She started talkin’ about another blind date, and I told her I was seein’ someone. She asked who and… I dunno. Your name slipped out.” Your face didn’t change as you listened, eyes still on the fire that the others started, which had now grown pretty large. 
“When I said to lie, I didn’t mean about me, goofball,” You joked, trying to create some ease, more in yourself than anything. You felt the laughter shake in his chest despite that it was silent. 
“I just panicked. It was stupid.” 
The door creaked open and Keeley walked out, followed by Roy. You averted Roy’s eyes as he walked over to the chair next to you and Jamie, the same chair he had occupied before, and took a seat once more. 
“This is weird,” Roy remarked to the two of you. The rest of the team were talking amongst each other. 
“Is it weird enough that you need to make comments like that?” Jamie asked, tapping his fingers against your chest. “Or could you try acceptin’ the happiness of your friends?”
Roy didn’t respond, deciding to let out a low growl instead while refraining from looking at either Jamie or you. You continued to say nothing, instead focusing on keeping your breathing normal. Which was incredibly hard, due to the fact that the panic had already risen to critical levels. The only thing running through your mind was leaving. Though you hadn’t been at the party for as long as everyone else, the evening took a turn that was more draining than you were prepared for.
You grabbed your drink and finished it with a single gulp. 
“I think I’m gonna head home.”
Everyone watched you as you stood up, brushing your hands on your trousers before looking around at the faces. With a wave, you smiled before saying, “Sorry about the announcement earlier. I’ll see you guys later.”
Keeley stood, walking over and giving you a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug. 
“I’m so happy for you, babe,” She assured you. You sighed, probably coming off as relieved to her, but you knew it was the exact opposite. Pulling away, you gave her one last smile before walking a little too fast through the backdoor and through the house. It was empty now. It was probably safe to assume that Keeley and Roy had asked the rest of the party to leave prior to returning outside.
It wasn’t until you got to the door to the front yard that you noticed that Jamie had gotten up and followed you inside. Pulling your hand away from the doorknob, you turned to look at him. His hands were behind his back, and he looked down at the floor, seeming to become bashful underneath your hard stare.
“Sorry, I-” He swallowed. “I thought it would look weird if I just let you leave.” You glanced around the room for a moment, gathering your thoughts.
“Roy is right,” You told him. “This is so weird. We go from never speaking to suddenly, we’re together? A couple?” Your shoulders flew up in an intense shrug before falling down once more. “It doesn’t make sense, Jamie. We have to-” You sighed as you stared at his crestfallen face. “We have to tell them the truth. Or say we ended it. This is insane. Expecting me to go along with this is insane.” 
You turned to leave, ignoring him when he called after you. 
The tears began the second you were in your car. The drive wasn’t long, but it sure felt like it was when you were crying the whole way there. Every light seemed to turn red, which upset you even further. By the time you pulled into your driveway, you placed your head on the steering wheel and let it all out. The hyperventilating was intense, so intense that you were having a hard time getting it under control.
You hadn’t been touched like that since…
You wouldn’t do Jamie the disrespect of comparing him to that.
Still, the feeling of it was so disarming. Your hand went to your neck, rubbing at the skin in an attempt to get the burning to subside. 
Fucking worthless, ain’t you?
You rushed inside, fumbling with your keys through your shaky hands. Before you knew it, you were running to the bathroom, throwing the shower on and tossing your clothes on the floor. Your hands went right for the soap and the cloth, immediately lathering yourself up to try and wash away the memory of the hands on your skin. 
Not Jamie’s, anyway.
Just the memories his touch brought back.
You must’ve scrubbed three or four times before your skin stopped burning. Even still, you stayed under the hot water, pressing your forehead against the shower tile. 
It was clear now that this game with Jamie had to end.
If this was how you reacted to a fake relationship, how could you ever again handle a real one?
@daffieapple, @my-left-sock, @buckybarnex, @jelleeyfish, @ricciardhoe3, @picked-off-by-barzal, @lilweirdgal, @hotdoglamp, @loveslide, @rosea-h, @13-7-19-67-71
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onirique-amaranth · 1 year
⎮Auf die Knie.⎮
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⏤ Characters: Micheal Kaiser⎮reader
⏤ Including: nsfw (-17)
⏤ Warnings: can contain spoiler (chap 149+), sub! Kaiser, top! Male reader, happy ending, unclear feelings, rough interactions but soft sex, implied mind-breaking and character passing out
⏤ 8.000 words
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He was driving you insane.
This man, this arrogant blonde bitch was dragging out the worst part of you. Around him, you were getting more violent, losing your patience, having the brutal and uncontrollable urge to crush and devour him. You wonder if his only purpose wasn't to make players lose their mind or get a good fight out of them.
Many things about him were pissing you off, you didn't know what exactly, as Michael Kaiser was just so irritating and provocative all the time. Maybe it was his attitude, his actions, or the way he was talking to everyone as if they were inferior to him.
One thing was sure about him, Kaiser was the best at making you lose your cool, and giving you the urge to grab him by his thin neck and destroy is unique pretty face.
You wanted to crush him, making him choke on his damn hateful words and make him stop being such a rude bastard.
The German prodigy, was someone that you resented immensely.
It all started at the first day of the Neo Egotist League.
You had options about which team you wanted to evolve with, and so, just like Isagi, you picked the German team as Noel Noa was your idol. And only some minutes after, you met one of the most powerful team in the world, including the player you idolized the most, and the one you would grow to hate.
This team was based on logic and rationality, and as their first test, Noa decided to create a huge race, with five zones to test your physical abilities.
Soon enough, just like everyone else, you were waiting on the starting line, waiting for the countdown to reach zero. The colossal metallic doors in front of you were wide open, and when the shrieking noise pierced through your ears, you jumped forward, running as fast as you could. It was your only occasion to reach your dream, which was to become the best striker in the world, the main protagonist, and you would do anything to achieve that goal.
You trained your body for months, years for this, and without any surprise, you ended up following close behind the players of Germany, only one step before Kunigami.
You were pushing yourself past your limits, your muscles were burning up, only wanting to go faster, jump higher and farther.
Your only goal was to catch up with number 10. He was running ahead of you, in front of everyone else, his speed more than incredible. You raced the first, second, and third zone without any difficulty, but you ended up losing too much time on the fourth one, though you were still second. And when you finally reached the final zone, only one player finished the race already, at least that's what the screen next to you was telling you, as it displayed the name “Kaiser” in first place.
Not losing your determination, you went faster, rushing to pass the only player in front of you, hoping to reach the second place.
The final zone was an easy one, you only had to dribble and shoot onto a giant target. Your speed and technique made you win some seconds, and before you knew it, you were in the shoot zone, aiming at the immense target.
You were so sure of yourself, knowing that it was an effortless shot for you and would get a high score without any doubt, if he wasn't in your way. Mid-air, someone shot down your ball, diverting its course. You, thankfully, had the reflex to move quickly and kick it again, able to reach the high score zone as you painfully twisted your ankle.
Breathless, you turned in the direction the other ball came from, glaring at the guy that tried to sabotage your shot. He was here, with his blonde and blue hair, sharp blue eyes staring down at you in disdain, number 10. You locked eyes, jaw clenching as he offers you the most pretentious and flaunty look you ever seen.
Your blood was boiling, you didn't know what was his problem, but he was really getting on your nerves. From his smug smirk, to his oh-so proud face, and the way he was speaking to you as if you were a dog, he was definitely asking to be punched directly in the face.
He even took the time to pose, as if he was playing a big role in a well-known theatre, acting all high and mighty, worse thing is that he looked ridiculous as hell from your perspective. But even though he was risible, he still managed to hit a nerve. He tells you with his most irritating voice to kneel in front of him, making fun of your physical abilities and how you almost missed your shot, when you arrived just after him and he was the one that sabotaged your perfect shot.
What pissed you off the most, was how deliberately used your first name, trying to show off that he was superior to you. Especially when he only gave you his last name.
Unfortunately for them, you can understand German perfectly and can also speak it, though you made the choice to keep quiet as the rest of the German team reached the end, Blue Lock's players still far behind.
Number 8 showed up along with number 13, exchanging words with the arrogant blonde man, talking as if you weren't here. Though, you weren't supposed to understand German so, it was quite obvious why he wasn't talking to you directly. The number 8, named Ness, wasn't that bad, as he was just acting like a puppy, listening to Kaiser as he was making fun of Blue Lock.
You were listening, disgusted by his attitude as he was supposed to be the ones training you, or at all try to train you all. He was especially talking about how everyone in Blue Lock was physically weak, as if two players didn't finish the race before all his team.
It was irking you to listen to this bitch spouting out nonsense, but it wasn't your problem in the first place if the rest wasn't physically capable of keeping up. You were supposed to think about yourself only, and speaking up to defend everyone else was the complete opposite. They have to prove their worth, it wasn't your place to do it.
Though, when that number 13, Gesner, took the time to insult you in front of your face, you oh-so politely told him to go fuck himself, using your best German intonation. The players that were the closest to you stopped in the middle of their conversations, looking over at you in shock, clearly glaring straight at Gesner.
Ness, that was coming in your direction to give you a micro-interpreter stopped dead in his track, flushing red as he asks you if you understood everything they said. When you replied yes, most of them looked away embarrassed, getting caught being straight up rude and insulting someone was awkward and shameful. The ones that didn't say anything derogatory were snickering on the side, patting you on the back before going back to what they were saying.
You still motioned for Ness to give you the device, ignoring the rest. Kaiser clicked his tongue, annoyed by how quick you forgot about him or his provocations. He stepped closer, wanting to grab you by the jaw but Isagi and the rest of Blue Lock showed up at the same time.
You watched the same show go down again, Kaiser grinning as he blocked Isagi's shot. Unfortunately for this one, he was too shocked to do anything but look at the man. Kaiser did his bold and rude little speech, before Ness finally decided to give them the micros, even they didn't understand everything he said, it was quite obvious he was ridiculing them.
The insolent prodigy continued his little scene, attracting all the spotlight on him while you were waiting on the side, bored and angry, but not caring this much about his overdramatic and self-centred act. It was just annoying how he was wasting your time by doing this. And you were more than happy when Noa showed up, putting Kaiser back in his place, and also calling him childish. You couldn't help but turn around to chuckle, hiding your laughter as Ness was glaring at you.
Noa introduced his team's philosophy and how your only way to become regulars was to have a good ranking. A giant screen appearing behind him, showing off the last 6 players, slowly moving up to the top. It surprised everyone when Kunigami arrived in 4th position, beating 9 of the German players, and you in 2nd.
Without any surprise, Kaiser was first, grinning like a maniac. His expression was eery, sending shivers down your spine as he looked down at you, those presumptuous and cocky eyes staring directly at your soul. Those seconds seemed endless as you were scrutinizing each other in tense silence, before Noa left the room followed by everyone else, forcing you to look away and catch up with your friends.
Soon enough, the training days started, and too focused on getting better, you didn't care much about Kaiser. You were certain that you won't have to interact with him at all during those days, or at least only a moderate amount of time.
Sadly for you, you couldn't choose with whom you would share a room, as it was based on your previous results. The rooms were made for 4 persons; the problem was, you were 23 persons including Noa, which mean that here would be a room of 3, and obviously, it was for the top 2 and Noa.
That's how you ended up sharing a room with Kaiser and the current best striker in the world. It would certainly be easy to share a room with a guy that never shows emotion, and the other one that has a superiority complex and the bad habit to degrade everyone…
It was hell.
It was only the start of the practice, and yet, you already felt like either quitting or killing the tattooed blonde. He was insufferable, not only Kaiser was always making snarky remarks about you or Isagi, but he had many annoying habits, which you were forced to live with.
You didn't know what was worse between cohabiting or training with him. Whatever you were doing, he was here, always so proud after effectively pissing you off, smug and arrogant as he chuckles lowly.
Kaiser didn't know how bad you wanted to make that smirk disappear from his face, punch him, grab him by his hair and smash his head against the ground, or purposely break his ankle during a match.
Maybe, it was better that he didn't know.
Thankfully for you, your second roommate wasn't this bad or punchable. Noa was more on the calm and quiet side, more reclusive, practising alone in the evening, barely talking to you or Kaiser, except when he was telling him to shut up.
At least, that was the first days, before you managed to yank out some words out of his mouth. Slowly but surely, you tried to have some conversations with him, always stopping when he seemed a bit uncomfortable or when he needed to go practice. He had a really strict schedule after all, and he would never be one minute late, from his training to what he was doing in his free time, he was always doing something that was keeping his good form.
At some point, you broke his façade, becoming good friends and finally being trusted enough to spend time with you. Not only now you weren't always alone with Kaiser in the room, but you had the opportunity to train with Noa. Being able to practice every evening with one of the best football player in the world was a blessing, and your already high physical abilities have been multiplied, making you a fierce rival for Kaiser.
You were progressing much faster than with the previous training, highly annoying Kaiser, and with this intense training, you weren't seeing him more than once a day. Though it made you extremely happy, something felt wrong. You knew it would bother Kaiser, but it impacted much more than you thought it would.
You couldn't count how many times he glared at you when you enter the room, just freshly getting out of the shower, body still wet with water drops running down your torso, his eyes following your every movement with a scowl on his face. Noa would always enter the room some seconds after you, being welcomed by Kaiser clicking his tongue loudly, snarling when the tall man would look at him.
And this situation would repeat itself again and again, every night after your daily training.
The atmosphere was tense, to say the least; not only the competition to get into the top 11 was intense and brutal, but the hostility looming inside this room could kill anyone on the spot.
If the rivalry between you and Kaiser was strong, the one between him and Isagi was worse, and only increasing as the day go by. The difference of level was considerable. Isagi couldn't even take back the ball from Kaiser during the one-touch minigame training, he was continuously running after him, and always one step behind.
It started an inside competition, each goal, action, or pass needed to be cancelled by the other. And you had no idea how, but you ended up in the middle of this cat fight too, much to Noa's amusement, that you would see snickering on the side.
It wasn't better between Noa and Kaiser though, which was always snarling at him, ready to jump. You didn't know what happened between them, but one thing was sure, you weren't even thinking about getting in between them, you weren't this crazy and delirious to try.
Despite clearly disliking the other, Kaiser started to join you to your night training, insisting on being here every time, still acting superior at any occasion he had, even though Noa would shut him down whenever he hears him brag or degrade someone.
But what surprised you the most, was how nice he was sometimes, giving you advices, placing himself behind you to show you the best movement or position you're supposed to be in. Kaiser was genuinely helping you get better, and under Noa's supervision, you were sure that he wasn't doing it just to make fun of you. He went as far as showing you how you were supposed to massage your legs after training, or what exercises were better depending on your capacities.
And before you know it, after days and days of spending some hours with them, Kaiser became almost tolerable.
He was still pissing you off immensely, but you got used to him and his habits, his way of speaking, and sometimes, you were able to discern the hidden compliments he would give. It was all about him insulting one of your passes, commenting on a goal you made, the small towel he would throw in your face just after you get out of the shower, or your water bottle that was always filled to the top despite having drank all of it an hour ago.
Kaiser was terrible, but he wasn't as bad as you thought.
After the days of training, it was time for your first match with this team, if you were chosen as a regular. And much to your pleasure, you were one of the starting member along with Kunigami.
During the match, you didn't know what shocked the rest of the players the most: how only two persons of Blue Lock got into the team, or how you were so complementary with Kaiser's playstyle. You were perfectly synchronized, moving at the same time, the same actions, using similar techniques, and you were understanding each other perfectly without talking after hours of training together every evening.
Kaiser's execution system has been, unknowingly to both of you, adjusted so you could play together, letting you become a perfect addition in the team's system.
This match was going in the most perfect and impressive way, the flow shared between each player was superb, despite Kunigami trying to become a protagonist over you and Kaiser, the rhythm stayed unchanged.
At least, it was this way until Isagi showed up on the field, cancelling passes and goal, blocking him own teammates, breaking the rhythm and synchronization of the entire team. And before you knew it, he was blocking your counterattack with Kaiser, which definitely wrecked everything and gave him the opportunity to score a goal.
To say the team was mad would be an understatement, Kaiser and Ness were especially furious, and you were livid yourself. All this work, for him to steal the spotlight. Next time, you will destroy him on the field.
You barely had the time to talk with Ness before everyone left, you could feel just by sharing your opinion on the match how enraged he was. His jaw was clenched and had crazy eyes, glaring at Isagi and Kunigami's back, sending shivers down your spine. Though, he gave you a half smile, since you played with his King, Kaiser, instead of doing everything alone.
The walk back into the locker room was tense, no words exchanged between the players despite the victory. It's only when you started to undress and cool down that some started to talk, mostly benched people and three persons from the regular team, the rest was dead silent.
You went into the shower room quickly, locking your stall door as the glacial water hits your back, calming you down, tension and pressure disappearing. Your blood was still boiling, you needed to evacuate the pent-up rage but didn't know how, the need to hit something or someone gets bigger.
You inhale and exhale deeply, quickly finishing cleaning you up before leaving the stall, a towel wrapped around your waist and another resting on your shoulders. You noticed how you forgot your clothes, and take the direction of the locker room, meeting Kaiser on the way, also just coming out of the shower, but with his short on.
He shameless looked at you up and down, hiding his smirk with a snarky remark like always, his arms wrapping around the middle of your back as he walks with you to the locker room.
Bursts of voices could be heard from afar, and you easily recognized the voice of Isagi and Yukimiya, fighting over the spot of regular and how it wasn't fair for Isagi to play. You could only sigh, already feeling tired by their bickering, missing how Kaiser was looking at you amused, unable to hide his growing grin.
Though, he quickly got back into character, entering the room as if he was royalty, delivering a questionable speech to those present in the room. He tries to get Yukimiya on his side, or more precisely, make Isagi lose one of his ally. You knew too well how he didn't care about them, but just wanted to create trouble and entertain himself, using the jealousy of the soon-to-be blind player as his weapon.
His speech was more than boring for you, as you simply entered the room to take your clothes before exiting it immediately. You rest against the nearby wall, just wanting to see how it was going to end, watching with crossed arms as Kaiser gives his supposed advices, a beguiled look on his face.
Despite Kaiser's impressive confidence and elegance, he wasn't able to fool them into betraying their friends. But even so, he still managed to create a certain doubt in between them, a strange atmosphere taking over the room as they watch each other warily. After all, in the end, only one will become the best and everyone here was your rival.
You thought he would be dejected after not getting any support from the one he was targetting, but his wide smirk told you how satisfied he was from their reactions. He turns his back to them, leaving the same way as he came, adding one last sentence, which almost sounded like a threat.
“Don't choose the wrong King to serve, shitty commoners.”
The silence was heavy, all eyes on his back as the impact of his words weight their mind. Most were lost in their thought, looking at the ground or staring into space.
You were waiting for him to pass in front of you before leaving yourself, still unsure if you wanted to check on the others, at least that was your plan until Kaiser made a move.
He stopped in front of you with a blinding grin, catching the attention of the rest, that only noticed you now. With the same expression, he pulled you forward by your arm before placing his right arm around your waist, dragging you away with him.
The last straw, was when he barely looked over his shoulder to declare in a presumptuous tone to your friends, that some persons already made the good choice. The implication of those words shocking you, staring at him with wide eyes, still processing the remark. Too taken aback to say anything on the spot, letting you being led away.
When the door slammed shut behind you, you snapped out of your daze, the fury exploding in your body and mind. You send a murderous look at Kaiser, which only made him snicker more.
He looked so proud of himself, that smirk of his displayed on his face, and in a singsong voice, he claimed that he was just telling the truth. After all, you played with him, adjusted to him instead of Isagi for all the match against Spain, never doing a move to run away from his control over the game. It was true, but only because it was serving your own interests.
Your patience was running thin, each words of his only driving you to a more violent rage. The urge to destroy him getting uncontrollable, hands shaking, clenched into fists as you were going to snap.
And then, his last sentence made you completely lose your composure and self-control.
Kaiser barely had the time to understand what was happening, only seeing you jump on him. And before he knew it, his naked back hit the wall violently, a strong pain erupting from the contact, and a hand found its way around his neck.
The arrogant man was panicking, your thumb pressing against his skin, slowly cutting his airflow as you watch in satisfaction how he was suffocating. You weren't holding him tightly enough to kill him, but just the perfect pressure to make him panic. When Kaiser was going to pass out, you loosen your hold, letting him inhale as much as he could.
He was flushing red under your gaze, the fear still paralysing his muscles, but another feeling appeared in his chest, a distinctive sentiment awakening deep inside him.
He was too aware of the weight of your hand around his neck, how your fingertips were pushing into his skin, your nails almost gently digging into the flesh. Now he could feel it, the warmth of your body clearly too close to him, the tensed muscles under his fingers when he tried to make you let go of him, and your leg in between his to keep him in place.
Your gaze was curious, confused by his reaction as Kaiser could feel himself heat up, legs quivering and knees almost giving out, his natural assurance fading away.
You can't help but chuckle when his deep voice gets all breathy and almost whiny as you tighten your grip, watching with interest as he was reacting positively to your brutal attitude. His hand that were trying to previously pry you away were now urging you to say in this position, his hips unknowingly started to thrust into the air uselessly. It was clear that he was still fighting it, the pleasure of someone being stronger than him, but his ego was telling him to fight back.
It was oh-so humiliating for Kaiser, him, the German prodigy, the genius, to be choked and trapped against a wall in the shower room. Not only he was getting overpowered by someone like you, but he was loving it, the sensation of being powerless and controlled as if he was a nobody. It was against everything he has built all these years, but he couldn't resist the pleasure coursing through his veins.
He loved this feeling, he loved your hand around his neck, loved how he couldn't use his lungs, and you were the only one that could allow him to stay conscious. He loved how your eyes were shining from the curiosity, something awakening behind those pupils and only desired to hurt him further. He loved all of it, and needed you to give him more.
He was fascinated by you, how you were the one choking him, how your usual impassive face was now undescribable as the captivation and rage were mixing together, all rationality leaving your mind. He was unable to guess what you would do next, and he was embracing that ignorance with bliss.
You were still furious, blood pumping at a rapid pace, your hand itching to tighten your grip, admire him gasping and begging for you to let him go. You needed to see him cry, lose that pretentious and superior act, show him who was really in charge. The necessity of having him under you, powerless. The hunger to break him and make him yours.
Everything was getting mixed up in your head, rage and lust blending together, your initial goal vanishing into thin air, only for your lewd thirst to take over.
Your mind was still screaming at you to step away, but it was getting bluntly ignored. Not caring if anyone found you like this, though, the thought lingered on your mind. After all, you were both almost naked, and in a quite ambiguous position, anybody would think that you were, without a doubt, having an intercourse in public. Which, could lead to a delicate and troublesome situation, especially, when you had no idea if this part of the room was getting recorded.
While you were lost in your thoughts, trying how to get out of this situation quickly, Kaiser managed to snap out of his flustered state. His hand gripping your forearm moved to your nape, forcefully yanking you forward, your nose touching as you feel his breath against your lips. You looked down slowly, staring at the parted lips within your reach, calling for you.
Kaiser felt a rush of pride and satisfaction when you completely lost your train of thoughts just by looking at his lips, assured that he wasn't the only one sensing this tension. Now certain that it was mutual, he knew he only had to play his cards right.
He wanted to see you mad, witness you lose all sanity, and dump all your rage on him. Maybe, he could push his pride to the side for a moment and enjoy this rush. Nobody will know, it will be a secret that you will share together.
And maybe, just maybe, it could become something more.
Set on what he wanted, he let another sly remark slip out of his mind, needing to see what was going to be your reaction. Kaiser couldn't help it, he had this need to show that he was superior to you, prove himself, but at the same time, his entire being was begging for you to humiliate and humble him.
He was also starting to lose his mind, his airflow being cut once more as you whisper in his ear to stop playing. The vibration echoing through his body, knees giving out as your hand was holding him up. His hand scrambled to take a hold of your shoulders, the pressure in his lower stomach getting stronger, his mind getting hazy as everything started to spin.
He was definitely losing it.
Meanwhile, you were burning internally. The parasite was seriously pushing all your buttons at once, and you were close to the breaking point, which would result in either you punching him until he coughs up blood, or fuck him into his mind goes blank.
The decision was made when Kaiser mewled out your name, hands shaking as he places his hand on your nape and pull you in again.
This time, your lips collided before you could do anything, a soft moan escaping Kaiser's mouth as he grips your hair for support. Your annoyed objection getting swallowed by his lips cut off in a clash of teeth and tongue. Your second hand left the wall to sneak around his waist, bringing him closer as you get lost in the sensation, warmth spreading through your body when his bare torso met yours.
It was already too late for you and the last remain of your animosity.
Your body had betrayed you, a certain part of your body getting hard, as multiple scenarios appear in your mind, too many of them about ruining the blonde man in front of you.
You separated your lips in a haste, breathing heavily as you have trouble thinking properly, the man in front of you driving you crazy. Many things about him were turning you on, you didn't know what exactly, as Michael Kaiser was just so beautiful and provocative at the same time. Maybe it was his charming and attractive face, his captivating body, the fascinating curve and hypnotizing small waist, and his alluring scent.
One thing was sure about him, Kaiser was the best at making you lose your mind, and giving you the urge to grab him by his thin neck, kiss him until you lose your breath and ruin him completely.
You feel your strength leave you, forehead resting against his shoulder as you inhale sharply. You could feel yourself twitch under the towel, straining against the fabric, a strong need disabling your mind. You struggle to regain some sanity, if you were listening to yourself, Kaiser would have his face pressed against the wall already as you yank his shorts down and show him how to really overpower someone.
But the place wasn't appropriate, too exposed and maybe currently filmed. Though, Kaiser didn't care one bit, with his hands around you gripping your hair, he was grinding on your knee and biting your neck. Struggling to get his teeth deeper into your flesh, he yanked your head to the side to get more access, now devouring the junction between your neck and shoulder.
You almost lost it when Kaiser raised his knee, brushing it against your crotch temptingly, almost begging for you to snap and forget all dignity and civilities.
Kaiser's breathing was rapid, erratic, struggling to inhale more air, another sinful whine fleeing past his parted lips. His own little game was affecting him way too much, he couldn't think of a way to tease you more without bringing himself in another risky situation.
His short was already too tight around him, the fabric of his boxer sticking to his tip and his legs too weak to hold him up. Brief moans were flowing out of his mouth, teeth gritting together as he struggled to contain his sounds of pleasure, his thighs shaking as the tension between you and him gets suffocating. If it wasn't for your hand around his neck and the other on his shoulder, he would be on the ground by now, begging for anything you could give him.
Kaiser was at your mercy.
When you raised your head again, you were met with an absolutely delicious facial expression, the doubt and lust, along with the dominant and submissive part of Kaiser clashing in a hypnotizing way, delirious. He was, beautiful, tempting and exquisite, everything someone would dream of. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, every thought you had turning to ashes as he was now fully occupying your mind.
His eyes met yours once again, your hands slowly moving down to hold his waist, gently drawing him closer. Kaiser's hands finding their place on your upper back and nape, eyes closing and head tilting to the side as your lips were going to meet.
The atmosphere changed around you in a swift second, the lust being pushed to the side as raw attraction lure you in delicately. You were so close now, ultimately breaking the last internal rule, no romance.
Your lips brushed against the other when the sounds of footsteps getting closer were heard. You barely had the time to think, both caught off guard as you flew out of the shower room. Thankfully, your shared room wasn't this far away, and you had the time to hide in there, slamming the door shut behind you.
In luck, Noa was out at this time, and you found yourselves alone in your room, panting and blushing, still not dressed and with your clothes missing in this shower room.
There was a moment of silence, when you looked at each other, and then you erupted in a fit of giggles. You flopped onto the bed, laughing at what just happened while Kaiser was doing the same, a bit more quietly. He slumped on the bed behind you, warmth radiating as you feel yourself relax.
You turn in his direction as he does it at the same time, finding yourself nose to nose, and the feelings from earlier hit you back, full force this time. Your breath was taking away at the soft view, Kaiser with a cute smile on his face, all red and breathless from laughing.
Kaiser caught you stare at him with this enamoured look on your face, and he couldn't help but tease you for it, calling you a weirdo and horn-dog. The atmosphere was more playful as he purposely acts this way, his proud grin getting bigger as you roll to the side, looming over him with an amused smile. Your forearms sinking into the mattress, you teasingly move your head down, leaving a kiss on his jaw before biting down the side of his neck.
You nipped at the skin, sinking your teeth in the soft flesh, getting rewarded with a breathy moan. You slowly moved down, a raspy groan escaping your throat as he tugs on your hair, hips thrusting upwards as he deliciously grinds against you. You move one of your hand down, slowly caressing his torso then waist, continuously moving down.
As you teasingly nibble at his shoulder, you graze at a sensitive part of his shoulder, unknowingly, and almost jumped when Kaiser hissed. Instead of cursing, he digs his nails into your neck, almost drawing out blood, as his other hand yanked on your hair violently.
You were glaring at the other furiously, Kaiser cursing you loudly as you stopped moving, whining at the loss of friction and pleasure. You hit his hip, telling him to stop complaining for once as he racked his nails down your back. Annoyed by his bratty act, you pin his wrists over his head, hoping he would stay still.
But your hopes were crushed quickly as he trashes against the restraint, in an attempt to get free, uselessly trying to get back some control. Though, his body was betraying him, he was too turned on to really focus on getting away. His face was burning, both in embarrassment and dizziness, legs spread wide as you find your place in between them.
As he was going to whine once more, you brought your lips together in a rough kiss, Kaiser's vision getting hazy as he tries to give you as much passion. The lack of air and pleasure coursing through his veins was dazzling, you stood up slowly to take off your towel, Kaiser following after you, refusing for your lips to separate.
He still followed your lead, sitting up on the edge of the bed, raising his hips to take off his shorts and underwear. The temptation was too strong, and he allowed himself to let his eyes wander, admiring your body and how you were moving so naturally towards him.
You were now leaning forward to tease him a bit, but Kaiser took you by surprise when he made the first move, taking control for some seconds. Before he knew it, everything was spinning, his body moved as if he was a doll, unable to do anything by himself.
You manhandled him, making his back hit your bed in a soft sound. Kaiser was really cute when he wanted to take control, but you wouldn't let it happen again. Now that you were back in your original position, it was much more comfortable, despite the lack of clothes. Each movement making your skin brush against his, shivers going up your spine as the feeling itself was driving you insane.
Silently, one of your hands sneaked in between his legs, caressing his inner thigh before gently teasing the most important part. Kaiser growled at how you were smirking, laying on top of him, purposely doing everything to tease him, never giving enough to be satisfied. He wanted you, and it seemed like you weren't going to help him.
So, he hooked a leg over your hip, grinding against you suggestively but kept his face away from you. Even when you were trying to kiss him, he would avoid it, only allowing you to do so if your fingers were deep inside of him.
The sight was sinful to say the least, arousing, and only made you want Kaiser more. He was so much hotter when he was keeping his mouth shut, especially when he wasn't acting like a self-centred king anymore. You loved how he could put anyone in their place, now that you knew him better, but sometimes it was too annoying. And finally, you had the occasion to shut him up.
And surprisingly, for once, Kaiser was quiet. At least, if you would ignore his breathy high moans, also how his breath would itch after a roll of your hips, the squelching of your hand while you jerk him off.
Kaiser was the prettiest and quietest boy when he had two fingers forced into his mouth, and especially when he was licking them like a starved man.
It was too much. Kaiser was losing his mind, every action of yours would make his eyes roll back, unable to keep up with your fingers or hips. He could feel your dick pressing against his thighs, slick slowly coating his skin as you were getting too impatient yourself.
Kaiser couldn't lie, you were driving him insane, and from the start. Not only you were an impressive football player, able to make him adapt to your playstyle, forcing him to let go of his pride for a goal, but also managed to get on friendly terms with Noa.
You had no idea how ecstatic he was the moment you got paired together, but the joy disappeared as quickly when Noa added himself to the mix. How aggravating it was to see you come back from the shower with him, your bright smile and chuckles after something he said.
It was clear, Noa was head over heels for you, but Kaiser was too. So at first, he became meaner with you, trying to get your attention, but it never worked. And then, the easiest way that appeared to him, was to have the same importance as Noa. He started coming to your private practise, ate with you, would share some advices until he managed to get close enough.
And yet, after so many efforts, you weren't his. He didn't think that provoking you one last time would get him what he wanted.
When he snapped out of his thoughts, he found you waiting on top of him, breathing heavily as you were holding yourself back. Kaiser had his leg thrown over your shoulder, his hole fluttering just in front of your dick as you were waiting for his consent.
The embarrassment came crashing onto him, he ended up spacing out, and you nicely waited for him. Though, from how pale your knuckles were while holding the sheets, it must have been far from pleasurable for you to wait for so long. He could feel your erratic heartbeat against his skin, chest pressed together as your warm breath hit his neck, making goosebumps prickle across his shoulders and arms.
With difficulty, he pushed his ass toward you, making your tip forcefully enter him. The muscles of your thighs tremble as you resist the temptation to slam into him with no consideration for the potential pain. But the sharp gasp you let out only fuelled Kaiser up into pushing more, as you finally slip your length into his tight hole, moaning in unison at the pleasure making your head spin. You were relishing in the warmth and soft whimpers Kaiser let out, completely losing himself in the feeling of getting stretched apart, his thighs twitching at the strong sensation. You kissed his cheek, going down to spare some seconds to bite down onto his neck before coming back up, murmuring soft praises in his ear, your breath warm and wet against his neck, making Kaiser shiver.
You tried your best to breathe, calming yourself down and letting Kaiser relax, but it was difficult when he was squeezing you this way. Your hands caressing his body, from his shoulders and back to his waist and thighs, fingers digging into the soft skin, earning yourself a low moan. When Kaiser pleaded, you knew there was no reason to hold back anymore.
“Please, I beg you… Give me more.”
With one of your hands on his waist, and the other placed on the top of his head, you slam your length inside of him, uncaring of how loud you were both being. Kaiser choked on his moan, too full of you to manage to let out a consistent sound. The top of your hand hit the wall by the force of your thrusts, protecting Kaiser's head as you ravage him, the blonde being fucked out of his brain. It was a sight to behold, Kaiser sweating and squirming on your bed, his cock hard and leaking precum, curving against his abs and beautifully framed by the v of his hips.
The prodigy was under you in all his glory, getting lost in the pleasure you were giving him.
After a certain thrust, he became much louder, and anyone outside would be able to hear him if you didn't do something. As he was moaning your name, mouth wide open, you pushed your finger inside his mouth, and a muffled moan vibrates as your thrusts became erratic. Far too turned on to hold much longer, focusing on Kaiser who was already incoherent, babbling nonsense and drooling at the mind-numbing sensations.
The thrusts that follow are raw, unrestrained, and impatient, only wanting to finish inside of him. Tuning out all your thoughts, you just keep moving, rocking yourself desperately inside Kaiser's hole, needing to see him completely lose it. You shifted your weight onto one arm, moving Kaiser's hips, pressing up his legs until he was folded in half under you, his arms wrapped around his calves.
The position only allows more access, giving you all the freedom you needed to let loose and destroy his body. Kaiser's vision was blurred when he felt you go deeper, forcing past the tightness, threatening to utterly overwhelm him. His entire body was at your mercy, with no strength left to move or get into another position, as he was bound to accept anything you wanted to do with him.
His skin was on fire, his insides burning, he was so close to the edge. He only needed a bit more and he would fall down.
Thankfully for him, it seemed like you were in the same state as you couldn't speak anymore, only uttering his name in a low moan, almost growling. And Kaiser would reply in the sweetest way possible, by chanting your name in that melody only he could create, making your core tighten.
Desperately, you slammed into him again, the sudden force used rocked your whole body forward, your arms giving out under you. With your chest pressed together, his cock rubbed against your stomach, coating your skin in a thin layer of fluids. So close to the other, the temptation was too strong, and with difficulty, Kaiser yanked your head forward, your lips melting against each other.
It was just a kiss, after all. Something so simple that you both already shared with someone else, but this time, it ruined you completely. Your thrusts were wilder, more vicious, the rhythm becoming fast and unforgiving until you're left breathless, gasping for air. You choke out a warning, telling him that you were close and he only pulls you closer, mouthing words against your lips.
Your name, over and over.
And then, it hits you, along with a last kiss. A spark of electricity spread through your entire body, reality fading away as Kaiser is pushed over the edge too, trembling in your arms. He whimpers out something incomprehensible, his back arching as he cum, the whole world fading away with the force of his climax. Kaiser could feel you inside of him, emptying yourself until you were left gasping for air, high and euphoric.
You murmured his name in the softest manner he ever heard, holding him closer as you kiss his jaw, softly biting his neck. You were still inside of him, and it seemed like you weren't planning to move as all the tension leave your body along with your worries. This sudden affection takes Kaiser off guard, as the hidden need to get your lips on his again gets stronger, and promising himself to blame it on the confusion and his high, he links your lips again. So tenderly that he feels his body melt, bringing you closer, so he could feel you, sense you against him. Have you for himself, just for one more second.
And when you fell asleep together, in the same position, your hand never left his.
The next days, everyone was confused about your sudden closeness and how well you were warming up to the other. Everyone, except Noa, who didn't expect to be greeted by the sight of his roommates sleeping in the same bed after his training, bodies littered with bite marks and small bruises. He didn't make a comment or mentioned it once, but he did imply once or twice that next time, you could at least try to cover yourself after doing it.
You may have done it together, again, multiple times after this. But your first focus was still training and being at the top of the best players, and you couldn't waste time on unclear feelings. Though, when the program Blue Lock ended, and you were finally free from almost all the pressure, Kaiser made the first move, pushing his pride aside and asking you out on a date.
Within a few days, the news was known by everyone, as the well-known German prodigy, Micheal Kaiser, and the first-ranked player of Blue Lock were officially dating. All were waiting for one thing, seeing you on the field, together, in the same team.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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cherryberg · 7 months
i was talking to my bf about it. and he broguht up that ten is 'rude' at points. and that made me think.
people perceive ten's bluntness as her being like. mean or snarky? even though juice's entire intoduction is him insulting nine
like. juice is meaner than ten, ten is just serious.
i think in part because ten is female aligned, people view her bluntness as much *harsher* than it actually is - and since we live in a male focused world, a woman being rude is her worst sin. does that make sense
anyways. ten i love you
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god forbid a woman does fuckin' anything, man
for a good chapter or so, i also perceived juice to be rude Because of his introduction, but ten being rude has never been a defining trait of hers to me. definitely blunt and stubborn, yes, but not rude. i partially wonder if how ten writes changes the way she's perceived, properly compared to juice's lax style of speaking ("Juice can do it because he’s European. You and I are NASA, born and bred. We have standards." 20020, Chap 4), and with it making her casual speak stick out like a sore thumb ("… listen, Nine, are you going to keep doing this? Is cross-talk just your … deal? Want to shut up for even a second?" 17776, Chap 1) - but yeah can't forget that, because she is female-aligned, people will probably, unintentionally or not, read her ruder than she is or have it stick to them more that she is rude. that isn't to say she's not not rude - she has her fair share of "Shut up"s ("Shut up. Shut. Up." 17776, Chap 1. "Shut the fuck up." 17776, Chap 13) - but god forbid women be abrasive
the line i brought up in that original post ("He’s the fun one, and by default, I’m the boring one." 20020, Chap 7) makes me nuts. juice is the fun one so BY DEFAULT ten is the boring one, and she knows this. it's so aligned with how people treat her, coupled onto the fact that she is indeed the "girl satellite". and it drives me nuts when people further the wedge on how different juice and ten is because juice is intensely goofy (an example being putting a period before juice dialogue but not for ten, when all have periods before their dialogue in videos - it's just a formatting thing!). especially when nine is the middle ground, and is more open to juice's shenanigans, it emphasises the stricter, more serious light on ten, which might be emphasised further by fans because, by default, she is the boring one
and it's not like ten doesn't have any whimsy herself. she does speeches and has calls with human friends and watches the sun rise, even if it is just a speck, and is great at handling the camera and changes the direction of her text to go up and makes mistakes that kills billions of people and "Yes you do, buddy." and she loved that light bulb and loves people and earth and loves her sibling, who is both older and younger than she is, and loves juice, despite it all. she loves her friends, and she loves football
even in real life, do you know how interesting pioneer 10 is? the first outer planetary mission? to jupiter, no less! there are Real Life Monetary Coins made of her, man - someone get me a 2009 $1 Australian gold coin with a space probe Pioneer 10/11-type on the back please!
i dunno, this is all just ramblings. don't take this as me hating juice, i love that guy. but i also love ten. more people should like ten #women #girl
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sparrowhero · 2 years
Shigaraki Courtship/Dating Headcanons (Early LOV Days) (Villain Reader)
He is a JEALOUS little thing, on top of the fact that he doesn’t really understand A. why he’s jealous and B.  What this itchy, irritating, and tight feeling in the center of his chest is.  This comes across as him being more than a little pissy when he’s first dealing with those little flickers of attraction.  He doesn’t LIKE you but he also doesn’t want you to hang around too much with anyone else, don’t get it twisted.
Demands your attention and does the thing where he calls your name and just kind of stares in your face for a few seconds, makes a face, and leaves without another word.  It’s him trying to sus out his own feelings, more or less, wondering just what is it about you that is causing these kinds of feelings, but it’s absolutely confusing for you and everyone around you.
Dabi intuits this immediately and is incredibly amused.  He’s more than happy to let Shigaraki stew in his own feelings and not let him know what he’s feeling is a crush.  Finds Shigaraki’s childish jealousy funny so whenever things are a little too slow around the base, he’ll get in your face just for Shigaraki to bark at him to go do something productive.
He’s basically called dibs on you.  It kind of feels like he’s five seconds from writing you a letter that says GET OUT OF MY LEAGUE but he’d be irritated if you WEREN’T there all the time anyways, so might as well stay close.
If you ask him if he hates you, he just goes “No.”  If you ask him if he likes you, he will also say “No.”  He’s complicated.  If you tell him that YOU like him, he’ll go “gross" or "whatever” but you can see that his ears turned just a little red.  Mumbles something like you can’t take it back.
Suffers from a maddening desire to touch you (hold your hand, poke your cheek, etc) but also he’s got a subconscious fear of accidentally disintegrating you, so it usually ends up with him hovering around you instead.  Once you start getting closer, it’s a lot easier to voice out where and what's comfortable for the both of you– Instead of a full hand holding, he just  hooks a few of his fingers with yours, lets you ruffle his hair, or using you as a pillow for when things are too annoying or tough to deal with.
First kiss is all teeth, I’m afraid.  He kind of swings blindly and goes for it and you both knock together with a slightly bruised lip.  He’s so embarrassed by it he avoids you for a few days, but it’s a very sweet memory for the two of you.  His lips are VERY chapped but at least he learns how to slow down and be gentle.  The warmth and dryness of his lips ends up being a comfort– but you could also do with introducing him to some moisturizing.
Despite being a jealous and clingy guy while trying to get you to fall in love with him on vibes alone, he’s as respectful as he can be at this time if you aren’t interested.  He’s going to avoid you for a while though as he tries to get his feelings in order.  It’s a first for him, so try to be understanding if he’s not taking it with as much grace as he could be.  He’s still not going to like you giving a lot of attention to others, but he’ll be less pushy with it.
It’s going to take him ages to confess, so get comfortable in the “More than Friends, Not Quite Lovers” category.  You’re special to him: you know it, he knows it, and it’s enough.  The League is still going to be his main priority.  It’s not until after the Shiei Hassaikai Arc that he gets comfortable enough to say “That’s why I like you.”
He thinks the terms “boyfriend/girlfriend/partner” are cringe normie words so he’ll never declare your relationship like that.  He’s just yours, and you’re just his.
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gracexthoughts · 2 months
of violent delights chap 20
dissent and assent
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10 october 1996
Eupehmia’s POV 
The Great Hall was decorated overnight. Silk banners, one for each of the Hogwarts Houses, hang from the walls as well as one with the full Hogwarts crest hung behind the teachers’ table. I walk in for breakfast with Ron, Harry and Hermione and I lead us to sit with the Twins, who are sitting apart from others and whispering intensely. Soon, at the end of the month, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive and the Triwizard Tournament will be kicked off. 
“Yeah, it sucks but if he won’t talk to us in person, we’ll send him an owl. He can’t avoid us forever,” George says as I sit down next to him. 
“Who's avoiding you?” Ron asks, sitting next to Fred. 
“Wish you would,” Fred grumbles to his little brother. 
“Have you guys thought anymore about the Triwizard Tournament yet? Still wanting to enter?” Harry asks, thankfully avoiding a Weasley brother argument at 8 in the morning.
“Asked Minny how the champions are chosen but she wouldn’t say,” George answers, irritation still lacing his tone. “Just told me to shut up and transfigure my racoon.” 
“No, that was Mia,” Fred remarks sarcastically. 
“Oi!” My head snaps up from my breakfast at the accusation. “It was not!” I’m not sure if I imagine the bite in his tone or not but the closer Mattheo and I get, the more distant Fred gets from me and I hate it. 
“What do you think the tasks will be?” Ron asks to which the rest of us shrug. “I bet the three of us could do it! We’ve done loads of dangerous stuff,” Ron exclaims looking at Harry and Hermione. 
“You will not! Honestly, I don’t know why anyone would volunteer to put themselves in danger. I mean the fact that it was stopped originally due to too many deaths, I’m surprised they’re allowing it again,” I say, sounding very much like a mother to my own displeasure. I’ve found it happening more and more since Harry was placed under my care last spring. Harry has started just staring at me and waiting until I ‘mother myself out’ (his words, not mine). 
“Yeah well, not all of us can turn our noses up at a thousand Galleon prize, Mia,” Fred snaps, surprising me, and stands up leaving his breakfast mostly uneaten. 
“Freddie!” I try to stand and follow him, to apologize, but George grabs my arm and pulls me back down. 
“Don’t worry about it, Mia. You didn’t do anything wrong,” George says gently, finishing his toast. “He’ll come ‘round,” he adds, patting my shoulder, as he stands and follows his twin. I sigh and take a long sip of my coffee, the fourth years next to me talking amongst themselves as I wonder how my life got so complicated. 
“Hey, Princess,” Mattheo says, sitting down where George was and smiling at me. Harry, Ron and Hermione stop talking for a moment and Harry and Mattheo share a tense nod of acknowledgement- better than Fred’s attempts at least.  
“Hey, Matt,” I say with a soft smile. He reaches forward and pulls my coffee cup from me and takes a sip. “Oi!” I whine playfully. 
“Hey, you’re not the only one around here with a caffeine addiction,” Matt chuckles, leaning away from me as he takes another sip before handing the cup back to me. 
“Little tip, don’t get between my sister and her caffeine. She’ll kill you,” Harry chimes in and I can’t help but smile. Over the last month or so, Mattheo has been trying really hard to get my friends to trust him. Harry and Ang and Alicia have been the easy ones. Harry is a little wary but he’s stayed true to what he said at the end of last term, that as long as I’m happy he doesn’t care. 
“Oh, I have no doubt,” Matt chuckles and places a hand on my knee under the table. “You okay?” he asks, leaning a little closer. 
“Yeah, just tired and Fred and I had a tiff,” I sigh, setting my now empty coffee down on the table as Hermione turns to the boys and begins talking about S.P.E.W., her club working for the freedom of house elves. 
“Nothing,” I say with a shrug and smile at Mattheo. 
“Hm,” he grunts, pouring himself a cup of coffee, refilling my own, and grabbing some scrambled eggs. “Speaking of friends, my friends and I have plans tonight. Would you come?” 
“If you want me to, of course,” I nod and take a bite of my toast. “By friends you mean…?” 
“Theo, Enzo, Astoria, Evan… and Ella,” Mattheo says, grimacing slightly at Elladora’s name. 
“Does she know you’re inviting me?” I ask, turning to straddle the bench to look at Mattheo. Elladora Lestrange’s attitude towards mine and Mattheo’s closeness makes Fred’s opinion of it look like total acceptance. Matt and I haven’t been hiding by any means, but we aren’t officially together nor are we snogging in the halls announcing anything to the entire student body. We haven’t even really been on an actual date. Even so, people have started noticing the “Gryffindor Princess” and “Slytherin Casanova” are together more and more. Out of Matt’s friends, Theo, Enzo and Astoria have been the most welcoming. I was already friends with Tori which helps, but Elladora has been another matter altogether. 
“She will.” 
“Before I show up?” Mattheo hesitates for a moment, glancing at me out of the corner of his eyes. “Matt, you’re going to just blindside her?” 
“I don’t think she’ll come if she knows,” he says with a grimace. “Will you still come? I promise I won’t let her attack you.” 
“I’ll come, I don’t think it will go well though,” I say sympathetically. 
“You’re the best, princess,” Mattheo says with a smile and squeezes my hand. 
“Yeah, just make sure to remember that,” I tease, and stand, grabbing my bag. “C’mon, we should get to class.” 
“Ugh, I don’t want to go to Alchemy, Higgbotem has it out for me,” the boy whines. 
“Because you never show up to his class,” I say, smiling down at Matt, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes. “C’mon, pretty boy,” I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. He stands but just looks down at me with a goofy smile. “What?” 
“Call me that again,” he says lowly. 
“What? Pretty boy?” He nods. “You’re ridiculous,” I laugh, “If I say it again will you come to class?” 
“I’ll do anything you want,” he promises. 
“Oh, this is gonna be fun,” I tease. 
“You guys are gross,” Harry moans, standing and quickly walking away with his friends to avoid our display. 
“Think we’ve scarred your brother,” Matt chuckles, grabbing his bag and some bacon for the road. 
“Come on, pretty boy. Higgbotem awaits!” 
Astoria and I sit with our backs against a tree as the boys, Theo, Enzo and Matt, are piling up sticks for a fire. We are out on the bank of the Black Lake where the water cuts into the Forbidden Forest, and therefore we are hidden from view of the castle. Tori and I are bundled up with a blanket and my frame is swallowed by Mattheo’s hoodie, enveloping me in his scent. He practically forced it over my head as we made our way down here.
“Soo, you and Matt, huh?” Tori asks me with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows at me and pinching at the fabric around my arm. 
“What about it?” I chuckle as Theo chucks a stick at the back of Matt’s head playfully. 
“Girl, fucking spill. I spend way too much of my time around boys and I need some gossip,” she exclaims and I bust out laughing. 
“I don’t know, it’s fun, new,” I shrug and pull the long sleeves on the hoodie over my hands, still not sure how to explain the way I feel around Mattheo Riddle. 
“He really likes you, you know,” she smiles, watching the boys playfully bickering. “I’ve known Mattheo since we were little and I have never once seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you. He’s different with you, happier. I think I’ve seen him smile more in the last month than I did all last year.” I listen closely to Astoria while watching Matt, Theo and Enzo start the small fire and smile. 
“I don’t know, I feel like I’m messing things up for him sometimes,” I confess, “Elladora is going to be pissed and I haven’t even thought about what him mum might think, let alone anyone el-”
“Mia, I wouldn’t worry too much about that,” Tori interrupts, “Mattheo Riddle has never been one to care what anyone else thinks about him, and Medusa Riddle is a kinder woman than life has allowed her to be. At least that’s what it seems like to me,” she shrugs, pushing her dark hair away from her face. Suddenly, the boys start cheering as the fire roars to life. 
“Haha! We make fire!” Matt cheers in a goofy, caveman-like voice, his fists raised in the air. 
“Very impressive mastery of a first year spell, boys!” I laugh as Mattheo turns to smile at me and moves to sit next to me, the fire light dancing on his face and highlighting the sharpness of his features. 
“You look good in my hoodie, Princess,” Mattheo says quietly to me, and I smile, heat rushing into my cheeks. “Thanks for coming.” 
“Ah! Bout fucking time!” Theo says, looking over our shoulders as Evan and Elladora emerge through the trees. 
“The fuck?” Elladora says as her eyes land on me and she stops dead in her tracks. Evan keeps walking into the circle, his eyes wide like he’s thinking ‘here we go,’ moving to the cooler the boys brought and pulling out a beer.“No, what the hell is she doing here?” 
“Ella, c’mon can we just have a fun night?” Mattheo asks from my side. 
“No, not if she’s here. I can’t believe you would bring her here without even telling anyone!” Elladora exclaims, but as she looks around at everyone else it's clear from their faces they did know. “Seriously?!” 
“We didn’t think you’d come if I told you,” Mattheo says, his fists clenched at his side and I can tell he’s trying hard to keep his cool. 
“Salazar, Mattheo! It’s bad enough you’re spending time with the princess but now you expect us to as well?” Elladdora’s pale face is flushed with anger as she stands with her arms crossed just outside of the treeline, glaring at me and Mattheo with more hatred than I’ve seen from her. 
“Can you not talk about me like I’m not here? I’m the one you have a problem with,” I snap at her, feeling defensive of Mattheo and myself. 
“If you don’t like it then leave, bitch,” she snaps viciously.
“Huh, I could say the same to you!” I retort, standing up. 
“I told you to stay the hell away from him and us and that you would regret what happens if you didn’t,” she says darkly, taking a few threatening steps towards me. I see Theo and Enzo whispering and exchanging Sickles out of the corner of my eyes, whispering about betting on us. 
“You don’t get a say in my life, Lestrange,” I snap, standing my ground. 
“Told you, mate,” Evan says quietly to Mattheo. 
“Told him what? That I would be pissed about the Gryffindor Bitch inviting herself into our lives? How introspective of you, Evan.” 
“Ella, just calm down-” Astoria says, placatingly but Elladore cuts her off with a glare. 
“No! I’m so tired of this shit! Perfect, innocent, little Euphemia Potter always gets her way and the rest of us just get pushed to the side. Can’t have anyone outshining you, can you, princess?” Elladora mocks, the nickname that I’ve grown to love from Mattheo’s lips sounds harsh and cruel on hers. She continues forward until she and I are face to face, her dark eyes boring into me angrily. “You just run around and do whatever you want, break whatever rules or friendships or hearts you want all because you think a little scar gives you the right. And they all buy into it, worship at your feet for a bloody accident. The Children Who Lived lost their dear parents and the world raises them up as saviors while the rest of us struggle along by ourselves.” 
“Enough!” Mattheo’s voice cuts through the night air. My eyes don’t leave Elladora’s but I hear Mattheo’s footsteps on the rocky shore step up to me and his hand wraps around mine. “Mia is my girlfriend and if you can’t accept that, well that is on you, Ella. You don’t get a say in my life and unless you can be the supportive friend I had hoped would show up tonight, then feel free to leave.” My head snaps to Mattheo at the word girlfriend, a word we have been skirting around for weeks, one I figured would send him running. 
“Girlfriend?” Elladora sneers, her eyes now trained on Mattheo. She takes a step towards him, glaring up at him. “What would your father say if he were here?” 
“I don’t give a shit what a dead man thinks,” Mattheo snaps, his eyes darkening and voice dangerous. Elladora watches him for a long moment before flicking her eyes my way for a second. 
“I guess we’ll see,” she says darkly before shaking her head and turning on her heel and stalking away from us. 
“What did she mean by that: we’ll see?” I ask, looking at Mattheo. He shakes his head wearily and lets out a long breath. 
“Nothing, just an empty threat because she had nothing else to say,” he responds, sounding weary. Astoria stands up and takes a step towards the direction Elladora stopped off in. 
“Tori, just let her cool off for a while. I’ll talk to her later,” Evan says and takes a swig from his beer. 
“I’m sorry, Matt. I don’t want to come between you and your friends,” I say quietly to the boy in front of me who is still clinging to my hand. 
“You’re not, Mia. Ella’s problem is not your fault,” he grumbles, his thumb running along the back of my hand. “And don’t you dare offer to leave so she’ll come back,” he adds, knowing me too well and pulling on my hand so I step closer to him. 
“You called me your girlfriend,” I say quietly. 
“Yeah, sorry I know we haven’t talked-'' I kiss him to stop him talking and his arms wrap around my waist as we get lost in each other, forgetting there are others around us until Enzo speaks up. 
“If you guys are going to be like that, then go somewhere we can’t see or hear it!” 
“Sorry, Enzo. I know you're too innocent for all that,” I tease as Mattheo steps away from me slightly with a cocky smirk on his lips and pulls me back down to sit against the tree as Theo throws some more wood on the fire. 
“I can’t believe Mattheo Riddle has a girlfriend. Never thought I’d live to see the day! Let alone a Potter,” Evan laughs, shaking his head. 
“You’re just jealous!” Mattheo retorts back with a playful smirk before looking to me, “He’s always had the hots for you.”
“Aw, Evan, I’m sorry,” I say playfully, as Mattheo pulls out a cigarette and lights it by snapping his fingers and producing a flame, like I taught him last year. 
“Hey, no worries, Potter. When you’re tired of this fucker, I’ll be waiting,” Evan winks at me and Mattheo throws a pinecone at his head, making all of us bust out laughing. I take the cigarette from Mattheo and take a drag myself. 
“Oi! Thief,” he says playfully. 
“Consider it payment for my coffee this morning!” I say, pushing his arm back so he can’t grab it back. 
“Okay, as much as I’m enjoying the love bird show I’m changing the topic. Triwizard Tournament. Whose entering?” Theo says from the other side of the fire, now with his own cigarette and beer. 
“I’m good. Not big on school wide events,” Mattheo grumbles, pushing himself off the ground. He strides towards the cooler and brings two bottles back, handing one to me and he steals his cigarette back with a wink. 
“You play Quidditch,” Enzo points out, leaning back on the ground. 
“That’s different!” 
“I don’t think I would have the time even if I wanted, my course load is so full this year,” Astoria sighs, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. 
“It's a thousand Galleon prize if you win though!” Evan says, “I’m going for it.” 
“I thought Dumbledore said you had to be nineteen to enter,” I point out, and take a sip of my beer as Mattheo wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. 
“Maybe we can sneak our names in somehow,” Theo muses, causing Enzo and Evan and Astoria to all chime in at once with varying degrees of thinking it's possible. I look to Mattheo at my side who is already staring at me with a soft smile. 
“What?” I ask. 
“Nothing,” he says quietly, “You look fucking fit in my hoodie,” he whispers before kissing me on my forehead and pulling me closer, causing my heart to flutter and my stomach to do somersaults. 
a/n; i wrote this before TTPD came out (didn't pay much attention to the track list bc i wanted to be surprised) and when i heard alchemy all i could think about is matt and mia and then i come to edit this chapter today and i totally forgot i wrote they are both taking alchemy lmao
taglist; @purplegardenwhispers @somethingswiftandstyles @weasleyreidstyles @mayamonroem @girlbooklover555 @stxrszurzolo @abaker74
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hey guys do you wanna have a flash fic of dean doing the Gay Crisis Tango?
of course you do have some destiel highschool au where Dean sees Cas and cannot cope
Italicized stuff is flashbacks, sorry if theirs eyestrain!!
Dean sat on his bed, starting at a wall across from him. It was his first day of school in this new shitty town and he was already starting to hate it.
The teachers were annoying, the classes were hard, and he was learning things he wasn't ready to know about himself.
"And this is our new student Dane Winchester!"
"Its Dean." Dean corrected, not in the mood to deal with annoying teachers.
"Right, Dean. Sorry." The teacher corrected himself.
Dean grabbed his hair and let himself give into gravity, falling onto his bed in the motel room he'd be staying in with Sam for supposedly only two weeks, but he knows his dad isn't good about that stuff.
"Alrighty Dane, you'll be over there with Mr. Novak."
"Its Dean." He insisted as he walked over to the desk the teacher, whos name he hadn't bothered learning, had gestured to and sat down.
It wasn't their first time staying in a town so small that the middle, elementary, and high school were all in the same building, having to share desks and only moving from class to class maybe three times a day, one of those being to go to lunch, but, this was definitely the most interesting iteration.
He sat down and looked over at his new desk mate for hopefully only two weeks, and immediately took back that last notion.
The man next to him, Novak, was it? Was... hot. Beautiful in ways Dean hadn't seen in anyone before. Messy brown hair stuck up in every direction, a grim look to his already stubbled face. Bright blue eyes, so blue they pierced Deans heart, lay heavy-set into his skull. Chapped, large pink lips that made Deans mind wander.
Dean immediately looked away, his face growing red and his heart pounding.
'What the fuck?' Dean thought to himself.
'No, no no no no no no no. I am NOT gay. I like women! I've had girlfriends! I am NOT into a guy ive never talked to.'
Dean laid now, after a long, tiring day of seeing that handsome guy he now knew as Castiel roam from class to class and going across rooms and sitting and- Dean had been watching him all day.
Walking back to the motel from school Sam had brought up his staring, as he was now also in highschool and noticed his brothers odd behavior.
Dean new better than to push his brother away and decided to open up.
"I think I might be bi."
Dean had always been aware of being gay and bi and such but his dad had made him think that things like that were just as unnatural as the monsters he hunted.
Sam, of course, immediately told him he was cool with it and asked him why he'd decided to tell him now.
Dean had told him the truth.
And now he's here. Wondering what the fuck changed to make him suddenly bi.
He thought back all the way to his first memories, as far as he could go. In his digging, he remembered the fourth grade, where his dad told him liking men as a man was as wrong as sucking blood. Why had his dad said that?
Then, it clicked.
He'd told his dad he had a crush on a boy in his class. He remembered now. How his dad had freaked out and beat him. Kicked him out of the house for a night. He couldn't believe he could forget something like that.
"Uh, hi?" Dean had said to the man next to him.
"hello." Jesus, even his voice was hot. Rough and deep with a twinge of sincerity.
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thewritersaddictions · 5 months
Drabbles: Call Of Duty- New Years Kiss
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Simon Riley Ghost
The mission you guys are all running has been cutting deeper and deeper into your holiday time. Price had said it wouldn't take more than a few days, which was days ago. Ghost watched as your cheerful, happy-go-lucky attitude was dwindling every day. Despite everything the lot of you had seen, You were always so damn cheerful at first that it rubbed Ghost the wrong way. Made him feel as if you didn't take the job seriously, but throughout watching you out in the field and while in training, he had seen how your cheerful nature had and was currently keeping the entire 141 together. Your cheerful nature kept Soap on his toes, keeping him sharp. Price always loved having a new little duckling under his wing, and Gaz adored you in a way only a sibling could. Still, Ghost is rough around the edges and has a sizable study wall built of strong hate and anger hiding him from your bag of tricks, but that was until you practically climbed over said wall and right into his burning heart.
So here Simon sits, watching as the glee of the New Year runs dry from your face. As the harsh lines become etched into your beautiful face. He tries hard at first to not be bothered, but the air has changed around the both of you in the past year. Simon has gone from not understanding you to falling for you, and now all he wants to do is protect you from the ache that is falling in the night air around you. Simon walked into where you were standing at attention, watching the open field ahead of you. Simon walked with stealth and was so smooth with his feet that you didn't even notice him walk behind you until his heavy breath blew down onto your shoulder. "Simon." You whispered into the silence; he hummed and dropped his rifle to the side, wrapping his arms around Y/n wasit. "What are you doing?" You ask as you feel Simons's arms around your waist. "You aren't so good at concealing your emotions." Simons tells you as he starts to sway both of you. You shrug your shoulder, bobbing Simon's head that lulls on your shoulder. "I don't know what you're talkin' about Si." You whisper into the cold air. He chuckles deep in his chest, "Hmm, I think you know what I'm talking about."
He spins you in his arms to the point where your hands are resting on his broad chest, and all the attention to the field in front of you is gone. All the air in your chest is gone as you stare up at the tall man in front of you. Simon's mask is off, "I know you're upset. So less cheerful and annoyin'," He says to egg you on as you wack him on his chest and smile at the tease. "I'm just sayin' I know you're upset that it's almost the new year as we aren't back from this mission, but how about I give you something that will make up for it?" Simons asks as your brows furrow together, so Simons presses a gloved thumb into your face to move the hard lines away. "What are you thinkin'?" You ask him, your voice small in the quiet air between you. "Just close your eyes, would ya." Simon huffs out, and as you begrudlingly shut your eyes, you move your hands from his chest to his arms. You feel the slight shift in his stance as he leans down to meet your lips lightly. The chap from the cold wind, they warm up immediate when Simons's tongue runs over the edges of your lips begging for entrance. Your lips meld together, and your tongues dance momentarily before Simon pulls away. Your eyes open wide and quickly, "Was that supposed to improve everything?" You tease; Simon hums like he knows you're already dying for another kiss like that.
You thought you were so clever. You felt that he hadn't caught you watching him. Eyeing him up and down. He's a damn god standing in front of you; you wonder if you're the only one that watches his every step. How could nobody else be so enamored by the man that Köing is? He's so tall that you barely ever have a normal conversation with him. The German accent is so thick on his tongue that half of the time, you ask him to repeat it because you can't understand it, and the other half, you wanna hear the accent once more. The shyness of all of that man has you even more intrigued.
Köing has been watching you. He's been able to feel you stare at him since you arrived. He's so aware of you, from when you're entering a room to when you're about to talk over the coms. He's so intuned to you and aware that you don't know about that fact. He isn't sure how he got invited to the party with the 141 or that you would also be joining the said party, but he notices you almost immediately when you come in with a sparkly black mini dress. Your pudgy thighs push the material out. It hugs all your curves the right way, and everyone else sees it. Soap is the first one to gravitate towards you. His arms wrap around your neck and drag you closer to his side. Something in Köing comes alive in the worst sort of way. It's the anger he feels when he's out on a mission, the black rage he feels when he's being the brute he is. Sitting next to him, Simon notices how his knuckles go white with anger. "Köing, what's wrong? Someone else touching what's yours?" Simons is egging him on, but Köing breaths in and lets it go as he turns his head and turns back to his drink.
It's not til hours later that the clock is inching closer to the big New York ball drop. When Köing feels it again, the eyes on him drag up and down his frame. They linger, and they move with ease until they reach his eye, and it's Y/n across the way, in the middle of a half conversation with Laswell, and her cheeks go red with embarrassment, and she's averting her eyes. Pride swells in Köing's chest, and he takes the rest of the night to gawk at her with no embarrassment when he gets caught by all the 141. Simons is the first one to speak up. "Why don't you just go over there, Köing." He offers the bigger man. "I'm waiting." Köing answers. Soap looks over at Simon, and for a moment, there's silence.
Then Köing moves on his feet, and he's gone. "Finally." Soap and Simon say in unison. "Köing?" Y/n says quietly as she keeps her eyes on the TV screen. People are starting to count around them, and the ball on the TV is starting to sparkle. "You done gawkin'?" Köing asks her under his breath, so husky that it sends a shiver down her spine. She mumbles a yes and looks for the first time from the TV to him. He's so tall next to her. "Well, how about I give you what you've been missin' out on, ya princess?" The count is silent around the two of you as his large hand grips your chin and jaw, pulling you up to meet his lips, and then finally, you fall slack against Köings hold, but your lips are perfect against each other. "So damn perfect, Liebling." You melt even further into his hold as people around you clap and holler at the start of a new year.
John MacTavish Soap
Seven minutes in heaven was what the New Year party had turned into with the 141. The 141 was filled with adults playing a game that you only ever play while you're in college and a sleepover. You rolled your eyes but still sat down on the floor. An empty beer bottle sitting in the center of the relatively large circle. The circle comprises all the members of the 141 and a few others, like Laswell, who's been eyeing up the Captain since she got a second vodka in her hand. Ghost is the first to speak up about the idiotic game we are about to play. "Are we really about to play this damn game?" He asks. Price just shrugs his shoulders and goes back to look at Laswell. Soap is the only one excited about the game ahead of us.
"Oh, come on, Ghost, get into the spirits; you can see Y/n is totally into it." He says, taking his eyes from Ghost to you. He winks and then returns his attention to the bottle in the center of the floor. "Well, gets it fuckin' over with." Ghost says with a grumble. The bottle spins around the floor, and the brown glass spins and spins before landing on someone in the circle. Köing lands first, and instead of getting in the closet, it's a drink for both Ghost and Köing. The spinning of the bottle goes round and round until it lands back on Soap.
Soap looks up and eyes the people around the circle. Finally, his eyes land on you. Sparkling with a drunken state that he is in. He's spinning the bottle with one final wink, and silence claims the room. When it does finally stop, it lands on you, and everything feels as if it's stopped. "Bonnie, you don't have to." He says sincerely, but you're already getting up and chugging the rest of your beer before you walk towards the small closet space, waiting for the surprised man to follow behind you. By the time you've got your hand on the handle, Soap is right behind you. When you shut the door, the closet is dark, and the both of you try to get comfortable in the small space. It's just breathing between the both of you for a moment before you hear the Captain shout from outside, "It's awful quiet in there, kids." You can hear the roll of Soap's eyes. More silence consumes you both before Soap is talking again. "You look beautiful tonight, lass," Soap says quietly.
You mutter a small 'thank you' back to him, and then someone shouts that you've got five minutes left. Soap shifts, coming closer into your personal space, but you don't seem to mind when you feel his hands grip your hips, pulling you closer to his larger frame. "Can I ask you something?" He asks, "I mean, you already did." You answer, looking right at his bright blue eyes. He chuckles but continues on. "Can I kiss you, lass?" His hands move to rub sweet circles into your hip bone. You sigh heavily and then nod your head. His lips are on yours in a matter of seconds. He's gentle with you, caressing your sides as his lips press into yours quickly. His hand moves from your hips to the back of your neck, and he's pulling you even closer to his. Neither of you wants to let go of the other until there's an annoying knocking from the other side of the door. "What are you doing eating Y/n's face off?" Ghost asks through the door. "I've always wanted to do that, just so you know," Soap says, looking at you with such hope and promise; he waits for your answer. "Good, because I wanted that too." He grins and opens the door, "Respectfully fuck off, LT. I've got some time to make up for." Your cheeks go red with embarrassment, but Soap still holds your hand.
John Price Bravo
As you walk towards the Captain's office, the new year is being rung in. Price had said he would be joining the small get-together you had been planning since Christmas was over. However, he still hadn't managed to get all the paperwork done, so he sat in his small office with a pile of paperwork to get done. You're just as headstrong as he is, so when he hears the soft knocking on his door, he knows it's you. "Come in." He shouts, and when he sees you come walking in with a plate of food and a drink in a red solo cup, the frustration leaves his body, and a smile grows on his tired face. "Hey, sweets." price says as you come in and shut the door behind you. "You're working still?" You ask him, and he nods sadly, looking back at the paperwork for the billionth time.
He can see you moving around the room, setting the food and drink on the small coffee table before moving over to the side of the desk, waiting to be let in his lap. He swings himself in the chair and makes room for you. You quickly climb into his lap, your arms wrapping around his neck. Price's thick arms around your waist pull you closer to him. "You smell good, baby." He says, breathing you once more before pressing his forehead against yours. "Thank you handsome." The two of you sit together like this for a long moment. Paused in time beside the shouting and music played outside the office door. "Did the party go good?" He asks you, and you hum, "I only wish you could have been there; I've never seen Ghost so excited about the new year." You tell him Price suspects he knows why. "That's cause Soap is feelin' better, sweets." You think for a moment and agree with him, and again, the silence takes over the room. Large hand rubbing sweet tight circles into your spine. "Have you eaten yet?" You ask him, but you already know the answer. "I've been doin' this bloody paperwork." He answers with a huff, "Well, let's get you some food then." You say, trying to get out of his hold. "Can you just stay here for a moment longer?" He pleads with you. Foreheads pressed together, "You know I've heard that kissing someone on New Year gives you good luck for the rest of the year." Price says, chuckling at his own words. "Is that true?" You question it. He hums and licks his lips.
"Then let's give each other some good luck." You tell him, your noses press each other as your lips graze. His mouth tastes of whiskey and a cigar. Your mouth tastes heaven, champagne, and whatever you brought on that plate. Price pulls away, "You taste so good, like good luck, baby." He tells you; rolling your eyes, you press another chaste kiss to his lips before you climb out of his lap and over to the coffee table to grab the food. "Please eat, handsome, and when you're done, come and find me." You say, and with that, you're gone and leaving Price wanting for more of you and your taste.
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Completed on: 01/02/24
Posted on: 01/03/24
Call Of Duty-
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shunshunrika · 4 months
Your Midnights, My Daylight (Gojo x Reader x Yuta) - Chap 1
Chapter List
Synopsis: After a heartbreaking separation from the love of your life, Satoru Gojo, You find yourself entangled with a mysterious young man by the name of Okkotsu who always seems to have the answer to your questions and the solution to all your problems. While Gojo becomes the midnights you can't possibly outsleep, the new man in your life tries to bring in the daylight and you wonder if love deserves a second chance.
content warnings: f! Reader x gojo x yuta, talks about a past relationship, description of trauma, alcohol use, passing out, profanity.
Word count: 1.1k
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“You know, M-Mr. Okko” you try to control the drool that threatens to drip down your chin. “Men? They are vile. Foul. Loathable. Base creatures.”
“And why do you feel so, Miss Y/N?” The young, slick haired man cocks his head, waiting eagerly for an explanation about your extreme opinions. Through your blurry vision, you can make out that he is smiling at you in earnest. You hate men who smile at you. Liars.
“What’s not vile about them!” you thump your balled up fist on the bar counter, shaking up the shot glasses. The bartender throws you a dirty glance but you couldn’t care less.
“They lie. They cheat. They manipulate. They smell gross most of the day. They do gross things most of the time. Ugh, if all of them can just—”
“Alright, alright. Calm down there — ” he says, trying to steady you but you swat his hand away.
“Don't you dare tell me what to do! And do not —" you grit your teeth. “Don't you dare touch me!"
The pressure in your jaw is so intense as you let pure rage blind you. You start feeling light headed very soon and the last thing you see is twinkling blues and purples of glassware and drinks as you drown into black.
You see the blue split into two orbs that reflect the sky and your breath hitches. You reach out towards the blue with all your strength.
“Satoru…” you say softly as you feel yourself melting away at the thought of your lover.
His brilliant smile, his protective hands.
His pouty lower lip whenever you teased him.
The way he told you that you were his little flower.
And the way he held your hand tight while you explored the city, not wanting to lose each other in the crowd.
Slowly though, the vivid blue fades to an empty black.
When you finally regain your senses, you are no longer seated on the cold metal stool of some hole in the wall bar. You feel satin wrap around your body comfortably. You are still clad in the maroon mini dress you wore last night — all drenched in sweat now. The last thing you want to see is a naked man beside you and thank god, you are alone in the safety of your room — with a cloying headache attacking your temple. You try to get out of your bed and head to the washroom to wake yourself up, trying to piece together last nights events. You remember getting wasted, having a conversation with some man whose face you can't remember. Your throat is sore so you probably shouted a lot. You have no idea how you made it home though.
You eye your reflection in the mirror. Mascara everywhere. Hair clumpy and matted. Lipstick overflowing out of your lip line. You look like a piece of work.
Lemon tea. Yes. That will fix you.
You wash your face up quickly and pat it dry, walking out of your room and straight to the kitchen. The person you hate second-most in the world is standing there cooking eggs and toast, quietly. You don't care to greet her a Good Morning. In fact the kettle of water happens to land on the counter with more of a clang than you intended it to.
She jumps a little, looks at you once but then turns back.
You start humming to yourself as you put a tea bag into your cup and fill it with water.
“Um —” your flatmate begins. You turn around and cock an eyebrow at her. She tries very hard to sound apathetic but it's clear that she is scared. Scared of you. As she should.
“The guy from last night asked me to give you this.”
You place a hand on your hip while the other shakes the teabag.
“What guy?"
"The one you came with? Um.. the one who dropped you home last night?” she says but you still don't get it.
“Give me some context and help me out here, Uta.”
“Ugh!” she sighs. “Just take this. I'm running late anyway.” she hands you a piece of paper and starts on her way out of the kitchen.
“Heading over to Satoru?” you ask gingerly, sipping your tea and leaning on the counter.
“None of your business.” she looks back to let you know.
“Why isn't it my business who my boyfriend hangs out with huh?” you ask, still sipping your tea. At that she makes a really funny expression.
“Y/N, please. I am sorry Satoru didn't choose you but you have to stop believing that you guys dated. He already said he never made it official with you and doesn't see you that way.” Uta states. You can see the concern in her voice — for who, you don't know. Maybe she believes you are going crazy. Maybe you are.
“Keep telling yourself that Satoru likes you, Uta.” you say, crumpling the piece of paper in your hand. “This is temporary. He finds your hot but he'll get bored of you soon.” you smile at her.
“I am the one he loves.” you declare on your way out of the kitchen, bumping shoulders with her.
“I am the one Satoru loves.”
He doesn't love her.
S-so what if she is prettier and better liked?
I am the one who Satoru really has feelings for.
It's me. It's always been me.
He'll get bored of her soon.
Yeah, he will.
The wave of nausea hits you before you even enter your room and you take just enough leaps to make it to the toilet bowl in time.
You retch out in the bowl, your tea, the alcohol from last night and all the myriad of feelings your fostering.
It's been months now.
You need to get over it.
Satoru’s not with you anymore.
He picked her. He chose her. He wants to be with her.
No amount of beauty, talent or personality will make him pick you.
Soon enough your tears drop into the toilet as well along with your vomit.
It doesn't take long enough for you to start bawling as you hear a door open and close somewhere in the house.
As you hiccuup and your lips quiver, you slowly open up your fist to see the crumpled paper. You open it up and see faint words on it.
“Okkotsu Yuta — 4XX8388280. Thought you might need this. Call me any time.”
You would rather die than make the same mistake again.
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slytherinbangchan · 11 months
Inked Dreams (NCT Dream Tattoo Artist!Au) (M)
Chap 1 out of 6 -> Second arc: Tattoo apprentice Park Jisung x tattoo artist female reader.
>>Inked Dream's Chap 1 here
Summary: A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it.
Cute, shy but very hot, flirty Jisung. A deadly combo, I promise.
Inked Dreams Masterlist~
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[2nd Arc: Seven Days. ("A Week" 없어.)🐹 Chap 1.]
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Wow, that was close. You hate having to postpone apprenticeships. It's hard enough to make room for them in your schedule as it is, so you don't even want to think about having to reorganize everything again until you'd find a new apprentice. Luckily you remembered about Renjun's friend in the middle of your crisis. You wonder which one of them might be though. Cause you know that most of them already finished their training. A couple even got their licenses, but Renjun is the only one working at a shop and you have only met some of the guys in person when they've visited him but you can't really remember all of their faces right now. Guess you'll have to wait.
“Hello, are you y/n? We saw your pics on insta.” A guy talks to you and you forget about the apprenticeship for a while. Normally you don't have time to take walk in clients, but they were two foreigners and just wanted a very simple and small tattoo each as a reminder of their trip before leaving the city. Since you have the apprenticeship in an hour, and it's the first day, you didn't make any other appointments. So you take them in and quickly start working together to pick the perfect tattoo.
As you tattoo the second guy, someone else enters the shop. You stop for a moment to lift your eyes and see a tall guy with black-blue hair and an undercut, a lip ring piercing and a good amount of tattoos. He says hi shyly and you chuckle softly at how cute he looks while doing so. “You're Renjun's friend, right?” You guess and he nods. “Jisung.” He says and you invite him to sit while you finish your work.
“Sorry that I didn't introduce myself properly earlier.” You apologize after sending your clients away. “Ah, it's okay, I know who you are anyway.” He says as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. “Oh, right. Renjun must have told you about me, right?” You ask him as you clean your equipment and he nods. “Actually... I really like your work too so...” He says and you lightly blush. “Oh, you do? Wow, thank you. I'm sure I'll be a fan of yours too.” You smile at him and he shyly nods as he thanks you.
Ah, he's really handsome and has a deep voice too. You wonder how old he might be... Probably a bit younger than you since he's still in college.
Your second apprentice, Seonhui, arrives just in time and you introduce her to Jisung before getting started. Since it's the first day, you explain a couple of stuff to them and then later in the day, allow them to watch you work on some clients. Making them take turns to apply what they learned about cleaning the tattoo equipment. They both learn fast and haven't wasted much time talking to eachother, they simply focused on what you were explaining to them the whole time.
“Wow, you guys did really well today. Thank you for listening so carefully.” You thank them and they nod. “Do you have any questions before leaving?” You ask and Jisung stays silent but Seonhui shakes her head. “No doubts but I wanted to thank you again for being my mentor.” She says and you thank her too for choosing you. Her phone rings then, just before she speaks again. “Oh... I have to go. Sorry.” She apologizes and you nod. "Mhm, see you tomorrow Seonhui."
“What about you?” You ask Jisung as you get ready to leave the shop too. “Now or never.” You chuckle. “Well, not never, but you won't be able to ask your question until tomorrow otherwise.” You say as you put away in the cabinet some bottles of ink. “Well... Can I buy you dinner, mentor?” He asks and you blush immediately. Thankfully he can't see your face right now. “Dinner?” You ask, still hiding behind the cabinet's door. It's not like you're thinking anything weird, you just didn't expect him to ask something like that. “Mhm, as a thank you for thinking of me for the apprenticeship and becoming my mentor.” He explains and you finally look at him. “You know that you're already paying me for that, right?” You ask and you see him chuckle for the first time. Your heart skips a beat at how handsome he is, but you brush that thought off your head as soon as you can. “Mhm~” He says, playing with his labret as he says so, and you scoff as you smile. “Then stop with the nonsense. You don't have to buy me anything, just go home and spend that money on something else.” You tell him as you walk past him on your way to check the register before leaving, and he slightly moves a bit so your shoulder brushes with his arm, but you decide to pretend you didn't see that.
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You put your phone away before setting the alarm at the shop and getting outside. It's already cold these days but not as bad as it'll get in a month or so. You wish there was more people in the streets though, also there's not a lot of buses that can take you home by this time of the night. You feel relieved as you see a woman waiting at the bus stop, luckily you won't be alone with the drunk men that sometimes take your same bus.
You sigh after checking how long the bus is going to take to arrive then lean on the bus stop sign. Someone clears his throat behind you and you turn around to see Jisung standing there. “Hello.” He shyly says and you lightly blush. “You were there the whole time?” You ask and he nods. “Wow, I'm sorry. I really didn't see you.” You apologize and he ruffles his hair nervously as he smiles. “It's okay.” He says, then you apologize again and put on your already dead for the day airpods to pretend you're going to listen to some music as he goes back to listening to his.
There's a bit of a weird vibe as you wait for the bus in silence. Guess it's normal when you know the person next to you a bit but not enough to keep a conversation. You never liked small talk and he's shy enough for the both of you. So, for now, pretending to listen to music will do.
When the bus finally arrives he waits for you to step in first. You sit next to the back door and he stands close to it too. Your eyes accidentally meet a couple times but apart from that, there's no interactions until you reach your stop and you softly pull from his hoodie's sleeve to say good bye. He blushes lightly and takes one of his airpods off. “I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?” You smile at him and he nods. “Mhm.” He shyly says and you chuckle softly. “Bye then.”
Ah, damn, that was cute. You chuckle to yourself again as you think about it. “He really wanted to buy me dinner when he can't even look at me for more than 5 seconds, huh?” You say to yourself, feeling the blood running to your cheeks as you think of his blushing face. “Ah, seriously.”
------------------------ Next Day~
“Jisung-ah, come here.” Renjun calls him as soon as he shows up the door and he shyly walks towards you two. “Was it yesterday the first time you came to the shop?” He asks and Jisung tilts his head. “Of course not.” He answers and Renjun laughs. “And you knew y/n noona already, didn't you?” He asks again and Jisung nods. “Yeah, we never talked before though.” He explains and Renjun slaps your arm softly. “See?” He chuckles and you feel like you're in a prank video or something. “Lies! I hadn't seen you in my life til yesterday?” You tell Jisung and he chuckles softly too as he nervously rubs his sideburns. “You're making him nervous noona.” Renjun laughs and Jisung takes out his phone and scrolls down. “Here...” He shows you a pic on one of the mirrors of the shop. “This is from last month.” He explains and Renjun clicks his tongue. “See?” He asks. “Anyway, I have to work on a tattoo so let's talk later.” Junn says before ruffling your hair and walking away.
“Do you have more pics?” You ask Jisung as you fix your hair and he nods. “I really come here a lot.” He chuckles softly as he blushes lightly while looking for more pics and you silently watch him do it, wondering what scenarios make him shy and which ones make him comfortable enough to talk to you normally, like he's doing right now. “Ah! Here.” He says, showing you his phone again. “This is from when I got my neck tattoo a couple months ago.” He explains and you check the photo. You can even see yourself in it working in the background. “Okay... I guess I was too busy to notice.” You chuckle and he does too. “I'm sorry Jisung. I promise you I won't forget about you from now on at least.” You say and he blushes again as he nods.
Seonhui texts you saying she'll be a bit late. So you take Jisung with you in the meantime and tell him about what he'll be doing today. “But you can clean around a bit while we wait for Seonhui anyway.” You tell him after showing him the schedule and he does as you say. “Jisung-ah, can you bring me more black ink?” Renjun asks. “Ah, sure hyung.” He replies and you hand him a bottle so he takes it to Renjun. “Careful, it's open.” You warn him and he nods, then one of your co-workers drops something heavy, startling Jisung, and you watch him spilling some ink and bringing his stained hands to his face. “Nooo! Omg..” You say as you try to stop him, but you can't help to chuckle.
“So, you get startled easily, huh?” You ask as you carefully wipe the ink from his cheeks and he lightly blushes. “Yeah...” He says, looking at the floor and you chuckle softly again. He's sitting on a chair in the break room. He was too tall for you to help him out otherwise. But right now, he looks so helpless and tiny in your eyes. “I'm sorry, mentor...” He apologizes and you almost punch yourself as you feel your heart about to skip a beat. “It's fine, it was funny actually.” And with that, internally, you meant fucking adorable.“That ink is expensive though...” He continues moping and you sigh. “Jisung, it's not the last time you're gonna spill some ink.” You chuckle. “Don't think too much about it, yeah?” You ask, guiding his chin up with your hand so he finally looks at you. You lean over to make sure you got rid of all the ink, making him blush very obviously in the process. That's when you realize how close your faces actually are. “Y-You should wash your hands too.” You tell him, taking a step back, and he nods and leaves to do as you said.
You meet Renjun's eyes as soon as you step out the room. “I saw that.” He says, making you blush even more. But you simply show him the middle finger, making him laugh.
Seonhui finally arrives right after that and Jisung comes back just a minute later. “Hello.” Seonhui says and Jisung says hi back. “So... How old are you?” She asks him as you prepare some materials. “Ah, I'm 21...” He says, he definitely sounds kinda awkward now. “Yeah, I thought I saw you at some of my classes. We are the same age. Let's be comfortable around eachother, yeah?” She suggests. He agreeds with a shy nod and you chuckle at how cute they look.
By the end of the day Jisung looks exhausted. You're not sure if it's cause of all the work you made them do or just the amount of questions he had to answer to Seonhui. “Well, I have to go. My friend is here to pick me up~.” She happily says and everyone says good bye to her. Jisung sighs as soon as she's out, making you chuckle. “So, it was her.” You say and he blushes. “Huh?” He asks and you chuckle again. “I was wondering why you looked so tired.” You explain. “Oh... Yeah, I had never been interrogated like that before.” He says and you giggle. “Yeah, well. Go home and rest then.” You say, taking over what he was doing. “Ah, no... Noona... I can finish my chores.” He says, then immediately blush. “I mean, mentor...” He corrects himself and you chuckle. “It's okay Jisung, we're gonna be around eachother for a long time. Plus, you're a close friend to Renjun. Noona is fine.” You tell him and he shyly nods. “Now, go home and rest a lot, yeah?” You say, but he doesn't move so you tilt your head at him, confused, and he blushes lightly once again. “I was thinking...” “Hey.” Renjun says, interrupting Jisung. “I'm leaving, you're walking noona home, right?” He asks and your heart skips a beat. “What? Who?” You ask, looking at both of them. “Jisung, who else? He lives just one bus stop away from you. He told me last night.” Renjun explains and you look at Jisung who simply nods making Renjun scoff as he smiles. “Noona, you're always complaining about the drunk guys in the bus, right?” He asks. “Yeah but I don't think he needs to walk me home.” You tell him. “Why not?? Jisung lives roughly 15min away from you and you both leave the shop more or less at the same time every night.” He says and you sigh. “Okay, I get how we could leave and get the bus together. But why would he get down a stop earlier just to walk me home? It's 5 minutes from the stop to my apartment.” You explain as you chuckle. “Hm, well I'm just a bit worried about the drunk guys situation, but you two talk about it and decide whatever you want, yeah?” He asks and Jisung nods. “See you tomorrow guys.” Renjun says. “Yeah, thank you for worrying Junnie, see you.” You say, waving at him as he walks out.
There's a bit of an awkward silence after Renjun leaves so you simply start getting ready to go back home and Jisung does the same. It's not like you hate the idea of having him in the bus with you, since you hate going back home alone, but you feel bad about him having to wait for you to close the shop when it's your turn to do so. “Jisung...” You call, startling him a bit. “Sorry... Are you sure you're okay waiting for me even the days I have to stay later to close the shop?” You ask, kinda pouting without realizing. “Of course.” He says. “But what about your morning classes?” You insist. “They're not that early nor everyday, it's okay noona. I promise.” He says, and it's not like you know him a lot, but he seems pretty sure about this. You sigh and tip-toe to ruffle his hair, making him blush one more time. “Okay, let's leave already anyway. I'll finish this tomorrow.”
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“Jisung-ah, you only have one piercing?” You ask on your way to the bus stop trying to make some conversation. “Ahh, no.” He says, then leans over to show you his ear. “Oh, the industrial~ Right. I saw it earlier when I was wipping the ink out of you.” You chuckle. “I actually really like those.” You tell him and he smiles happily, making your heart flutter lightly.
There's a bit of a silence as you wait for the bus to arrive but, this time, it's not awkward at all. “So, Renjun jokes around saying you're all college heartthrobs, is it true though?” You ask as you get in the bus and he chuckles. “I guess so.” He says and you gasp, a bit surprised that he's not denying it. “Reaallyy? Wow.” You say, making him chuckle again. “So you're a heartbreaker, huh?” You insist and he smiles shyly. “I wouldn't say that...” He says and you laugh. “Woah, you totally are. That answer said everything.” You jokingly say and he keeps chuckling. “Aah... Noona...” He says as he blushes, ruffling his hair. “You want me to stop?” You ask, chuckling and he shyly nods as he smiles. “Okay, okay. I understand.” You say. “It's really not like that...” He insists after a tiny pause and you bite your lower lip trying to keep in a smile. “I see.”
You remain silent for the rest of the route until your stop, but again, it's not awkward at all. You're both just too tired and distracted with music or what the few people in the bus are talking about, you don't need to chat. But he's sitting next to you today, he's almost too tall for that seat though and it's somehow adorable.
Your eyes drift to his arms's tattoos as he plays with his fingers while listening to music. He doesn't have complete sleeves and you wonder if he'd allow you to fill some spots with your art at some point. You don't know him enough though, you barely have any idea of what you could design for him that would suit his mind too, but ah, you're so curious... After knowing him for two days, you definitively want to know what goes on up there. “Noona.” You hear him calling you but it's like if he was far away, you're too deep into your thoughts right now. “Noona.” He calls again, and it's then when you notice that his hands are not playing anymore but waving at you. Fuck. Did he notice how you were staring at his arms?
You blush lightly and look at him. “Yeah?” You finally answer and he smiles softly. “Your stop...” He says and you look outside. “Ah, yeah. Thank you, I was a bit distracted.” You say, as you stand up to get closer to the door. “Yeah, I could tell.” He says. Is he smirking? You throw him a look, narrowing your eyes at him and he giggles. “I didn't see anything.” He winks at you and you scoff as you smile. Where's his confidence coming from so suddenly? “I don't know what you're talking about.” You jokingly say and he chuckles. “You can take another look tomorrow, noona.” He teases as the bus's doors open and you scoff again. Can't believe those words are coming from his mouth. “Bye, Jisung.” You say, as you get down, ignoring his teasing, and he chuckles to himself. “Mhm~ bye noona.” He says and you wave at him without looking back.
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You stare at his last text for a long second as you blush before just tossing your phone to a side. Is he drunk? You almost convice yourself that what happened last minute at the bus was just an illusion but... Is he an actual fuckboy or something? You chuckle softly to yourself as you think about it but you're still blushing. No, can't be. He's too shy for that, probably he simply felt comfortable enough to make a couple of silly jokes. "Yep, that's probably it." You tell yourself, brushing it off, then you unlock your phone to check your other chats, but Jisung's is still open and his last text makes you blush again. “Ahh, seriously... What's with this kid?”
1st Arc🐻🐬..... Next chapter🐹
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agnesthecartoonfreak · 5 months
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Let me take care of you
Chapter 1:
Chap 2:
⚠️Age gap, smut, dilf, powerplay⚠️
You were warned
(Also be kind. English is my second language. Next charapter I'll add my ilustrations to it :)
To add to Price's misery... he woke up feeling like shit
Congested nose, headache, feeling horribly weak and very cold. He never felt cold, never ever.
You wake up bringing him breakfast. You happily say
"Mornin Captain"
He coughs in response
"Mornin' love" he says with a weak smile
Your smile drops as you get in full nurse mode. Pulling out a thermometer and checking your temperature
"John? What's wrong? What are you feeling?"
His heart flutters at his name leaving your sweet lips. He explains his symptoms to you. You sit next to him in bed. You are caressing his chest while she gives you meds
Too soft...He can't stop himself from thinking that she would be amazing at handjobs
She pulls out the thermometer.
38° degrees celcius
"Sorry captain. You are feverish"
He sighs looking extremely annoyed. You notice.
"What's that look on your face?"
You caress his hair a bit worried about his reaction. You were always too touchy for your own good. But for a touch starved man like price it was almost a siren's call
With needy eyes. He responds
"I hate being useless. Not moving, not working out, can't command troops. And today I'm also sick so I'm extra useless"
Your hand moves to his cheek. He leans in on your face as if he was asking to cuddle you
"Never say something like that again. You are Captain John Price. You are a living legend. We are lucky to work with you at 141. Even super heros have sick days"
The tought of her boosting your ego like this makes him blush. Also makes him a bit cocky. He thinks to himself if she has a crush on him. 'A sweet girl in her mid twenties crushing on a old bloke like you' he thinks. God he feels handsome
"C'mon luv. I'm just an old captain, my glory days are behind me" he says chuckling
" Should I remind that you overthrew a dictator 2 weeks ago?"
It's been 2 weeks since you guys met wow
"And now I'm stuck in bed" he responds
"Would you say I'm useless if I got sick?"
He thinks about it. Of course not, he would pamper you till you get better. Cook you those italian meals you love so much. He would cuddle you while watching netflix and when you were desperate for more attention he would cuddle fuck you while kissing your beautiful neck. Hearing you say how good he takes care of you. Giving your nipples slight pinches till you cry calling him daddy. He would breed you so your primal need for being filled would get satisfied
"John?" You bring him back to reality
Fuck not again
"Of course not. I would take care of you" he says without thinking, he blushes
You giggle.
"You are not a nurse" you laugh about his instant response
"It doesn't matter. I still care about you"
I slight blush cross your cheeks
"You are too sweet captain"
Oh dear... Maybe he should ask her to stop calling him by his rank... But it feels so sexy to him...
His mind wonders again. Would you like to receive orders in bed too? Calling him by his rank while begging him for his cum deep inside you? Would you let him punish you by bending you over his lap? Fingering and spanking your ass till you beg yo be fucked?
What a sight...
"Well... Is there anything I can do to mame you feel better?" Your voice brings him back from his daydreams
There is simply too much my love...
"Could you stay in the room with me? It's getting a bit lonely" You can see that the incident took a toll on his self esteem. He feels unwanted, even useless which is crazy to you
You lay down next to him and turns to face him
You two spend 1 minute in silence looking at each other.
She knows.... He thinks
How much he wants to devour her
"What is your favorite type of movie captain?"
He thinks how much he would love recording himself fucking you
"Action" he answers
"Predictable" you respond
Hmmm he loves brats
"What about you smart ass?"
"Thriller" she answers
Does she also likes masked man?
"I would go for a thriller right now actually"
You go grab your controller on the edge of the bed. Giving him a perfect glimpse of your ass
Oh god...
She lays on his good shoulder and by instinct he wraps his good arm around her waist. There is something going on. Something unspoken.
Maybe Price is not the disgusting old man he thinks he is
A bit into the movie you go in the front door of his house receive the pizza you secretly ordered. He never let's you pay for anything
You show him the pizza. There is a huge smile across his lips
"You shouldn't..." still smiling
Than his smile drops. The pizza was big, big enough for both of them. One of those giant pizzas
"Y/N... how much was it?"
You giggle
"It was for free." You joke
"No I'm paying you back"
"I won't take your money" you say with a smug smile
"You are not gonna pay for anything anymore when I'm around doll" he responds
A wave of heat washes over your body. Why does it sound so hot when he says it like that?
"I-It's no big deal Jonh" you stutter
He can smell your excitement
"Doll... Your company is a blessing already. The least I can do is pamper you. Please let me pamper you..." The last sentence leaves johns mouth by accident.
Both of you are a bit to close
You hear the front door swing open
"Dad? Where are you for god's sake"
Oh fuck... One thing that jonh can't deny is that his daughter has the same narcisistic tendencies as his ex wife. Her visits can be intense
Y/N leaves the room to greet her politely.
"Hi Monica! How are you?"
"I don't have the time to talk to the nurse right now. DAD!" She screams
"Hey have some respect... I taught you better than this" Price says defensive
She rolls her eyes. Could you tell your nurse to go for a walk so we can talk alone?
It was cold
Y/N will never deny her patients privacy even if it is detrimental to her health
"I'll be back in an hour than"
You grab your coat
"Hey" Price calls you
You turn around
"Be safe. It's night time and it's freezing out there" he says with worry in his eyes
"I can take care of myself sir" you say gently leaving the house
Monica looks at Price with a death stare
"You fucking the nurse?"
Here we go again
"No. Monica have some fucking respect"
God you wanted to go back to your perfect moment
To be continued...?
(A/N: I am inspired in the last couple of days :3. Please leave comments if you can. I like feedback)
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suzy-queued · 5 months
please write this if you're interested
Anon, thanks for thinking of me. I write a new multi-chap fic in my head every day. If only I had time for them all!! My thoughts on this gorgeous art go to something like this (which isn't exactly as was described in the post, but it's my own spin on the images):
Mickey is the guitarist for an underground punk band in the city called Corroded Sorrow. They are ultra-secretive and only do pop-up shows. They announce the shows 24 hours in advance, and they're always at grungy places like drainage ditches or abandoned buildings.
Ian is trying to make it as a pop singer. He's waited for his big break for years but can never gain traction. He receives a mysterious text that he's been asked to open for Corroded Sorrow at tomorrow night's secret show.
Hell fucking yeah.
A gig with CoSo would secure Ian's place in the Chicago music scene. Even though he knows he'll never be asked again (since CoSo never uses the same opening band twice). It's a dream come true.
Ian plays the gig, which is in a rusty train car at the edge of an overgrown field. He gets applause and adoration, even though his music is more poppy than CoSo's usual crowd.
And then … Mickey's band comes out. Ian is instantly mesmerized. The music is incredible and raw and soulful and real. Everyone in the band plays with a natural ease, like they were born to make music. And the bass player … jesus. He's shirtless and ripped and mouthy and looks fierce. He plays these deep notes that hook into Ian's soul. He understands why Corroded Sorrow is so sought after. He wishes he had one tenth of their talent.
Ian notices something else, as the show goes on. The bass player hands his pick to one guy in the crowd about two songs in. Not too strange; bands do that all the time. Then, on the last song, Mickey jumps down into the crowd. He cruises through the fans and hands a new pick to another person, a girl. It's so deliberate and dramatic, but Ian has no idea what it means.
The show is amazing. Ian is breathless. There's an after party, where both bands and some of the fans hang out and drink from a keg in the field. Ian tries to talk to Mickey, but the guy has an attitude and sticks to his own circle.
And that guy and girl, the ones who each got Mickey's picks … they find each other across the party and walk toward each other like moths to a flame. Are they … glowing?! They clasp hands and kiss like no one is watching.
Ian vows to go to as many CoSo shows as he can, because this is all very strange and wonderful.
He realizes that at every show, Mickey hands out picks to two people, and they always get together.
After a handful of shows, Ian realizes that Mickey is a clairvoyant who can see people's soulmates. Whenever he notices soulmates in the crowd, he connects them.
Ian falls head over heels for Mickey and chips away at his gruff exterior. Mickey is quite guarded because people only want him for his matchmaking skills. Mickey hates love and has vowed to never seek it for himself.
Will Ian ever make it as a singer on his own? Will Mickey ever point that soulmate radar on himself, or on Ian? Will CoSo ever come out of the shadows and claim the fame they deserve?
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