#yeets a king your way
deathfavor · 1 year
Pinterest Quotes - @anomieheld​​​​
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   “  The potential of people is limitless. They only need to reach out.  “
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qiu-yan · 3 months
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
AU List
Hello! Welcome! This is my attempt at keeping the AU's boiuncing around in my head in order. They should be mostly in chronological order.
Some of them are getting turned into full length fics! The list (and it's open to suggestions) can be found here: Fic List
A couple of things:
Please feel free to write your own fics based on any of these! No need to ask, simply link it so I can also read it <3
If you have any specific scenarios you have an idea for and would like me to write- my asks/prompts are always open! I can't guarantee quality as I do most of my writing at like, 3 AM but I'll try my best!
I don't condone racism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.. I do not welcome it here. I acknowledge that I have biases that I've yet to unlearn. If there's something that makes you feel unwelcome in the things I write, please let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
I write these mostly on little to no sleep (that’s when I get creative I guess?) so good luck.
Update: Apparently you can have too many links on one post (which was news to me) so the links are in the titles lol
Squatter!Danny Phantom Raises Tim
Tim 'self-preservation instinct of a wet paper bag' finds Danny Phantom squatting in his house as an injured vigilante and they immediately adopt each other.
Ghost King and the Justice League
Different scenarios where the Justice League (and extensions) deal with a Ghost King Danny Phantom, who generally just wants to get some sleep and avoid his paperwork like he avoids his problems- actively and indiscriminately.
Alcoholic! Danny Adopts Jason Todd (Fic)
Danny Phantom, a struggling alcoholic, finds his way into Gotham where he adopts a young Jason Todd... after accidentally making a name for himself, again.
Spider in Gotham (Fic)
Peter Parker found himself unceremoniously dumped into Gotham and merged with his younger, formerly dead, alternate self.
Gotham! Danny and His Bats
Different scenarios wherein which Danny Phantom is Gotham's city spirit and the task of wrangling Gotham's vigilante and villainous population is laid at his feet.
Danny in Gotham
Somehow, somewhen, Danny finds himself moving to Gotham. Other than the aesthetics, Danny finds it to be pretty similar to Amity Park's insanity.
Sea Cryptic!Danny Phantom
Danny Phantom cleans beaches in his off time. One day, he has to pick Batman (and his plane that was littered all over the ocean floor) out of the sea.
Danny Gets Yeeted (Yoted?) Into Gotham
Danny Phantom dented the Batmobile and got an adoption, vigilante siblings, and a gang of kids following him for his troubles/
Danielle "Dani/Ellie" Phantom
Danielle Phantom travelled to Gotham. Gotham encounters a wild Danny amidst its tall towers.
Timothy Drake-Centric
When Tim Drake is set on something, very little can stop him, With sub catergories : Reincarnated as Gamer! Timmy Drake (fem Tim)(Fic) and New Tim-line, Who Dis?
Reincarnated as Damian Wayne's Older Sister
Based on a nightmare, an OC finds themself reincarnated as Damian Wayne's older sister. She does not have a good time.
Prompts Found
A collection of prompts found and filled. Includes Triplet Tim and Reverse Trope Prompt.
Misc. ficlets and thoughts
My brain vs. whatever errant thoughts and ideas that decided to pop up when I'm trying to sleep.
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sairenharia · 2 months
MK's First Dad
The snakes represent my many, many dads!
Why yes, MK, they do represent your many, many dads.
Or rather, one dad, many times.
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This dad.
So very clearly, the world of Lego Monkie Kid has been experiencing timeloops. Nuwa made MK to collect the stones and when the cycle of the world ends, he yeets himself into the pillar, and restarts everything from the beginning. Without outside factors, everything happens the same as it always did.
The Celestial body establishes itself, demons run amok, the journey happens, society builds, further and further until at least the Jade Emperor and maybe the other Guardians reach the end of their life and the Heavenly Pillar starts to crumble and has to be rebuilt and start the cycle.
Until THIS cycle where the Nine Headed Demon decided to wake MK up early.
And you know what?
I believe every single word the NHD said after he revealed himself was one hundred percent the complete and utter truth. He never ONCE lied to MK or any of the others, at least not from his perspective.
From the explanation of his motives, to the idle comments.
We see this in what he says he's doing. NHD said he isn't trying to push MK to a choice. What he wants is for MK to MAKE a choice. If MK chooses to sacrifice himself, NHD said he's going to save everyone, affirming his choice. By that same token, when MK comes back out of the pillar, he says he choose to face the end together in a supportive tone, affirming his choice again!
NHD didn't lie. Whatever choice MK made, he supported and encouraged MK in it.
His tune only changed, ONLY changed when he was terrified he was going to be trapped in the cycle again. And even then, it was only a brief moment. Once he saw he didn't have to be trapped, he was back to supporting MK, and he was relieved.
Even with the way NHD interacts with the others shows this. NHD allowed them to SPEAK. He only interfered when they tried to PHYSICALLY take MK's choice from him. NHD was fully enabling them to convince MK to make the choice they wanted him to make. They were allowed to persuade, because it was still ultimately MK who got to decide what he was going to do.
From start to finish, NHD had two goals. One was to leave the cycle, which he saw as happening either way. Either everything fell apart, or he had a way out when the cycle reset. MK's moved changed his gateway and that's when he got upset, but he had no issue with MK's CHOICE, just the fact he would be trapped again.
And two, that very choice.
But why? NHD manipulated Azure. He manipulated the Yama Kings. Potentially a lot of people in heaven and those below, which is pretty against people making choices. So why does he care so much about MK's choice?
Because the cycle wasn't supposed to end for another eon.
Because this cycle wasn't the first, it wasn't the second, and it likely wasn't even the hundredth.
Which means MK didn't have Pigsy. He didn't have Tang, or Mei, or Sandy, or anyone else in his life. They were long dead by the time the Harbinger is released in every other cycle.
Now with MK having longer to cook, he may be fully grown. Or he may be a kid again, but I think with what NHD said about wanting to give the Harbinger a chance to have a life, the Harbinger is usually grown enough to be able handle the trials.
But he's probably not got a lot of personality going on. Nuwa may have chosen an extreme way to maintain the pillar, but she does seem to be trying her best to minimize suffering. She is repeating the cycle because its the only way she can see in protecting the world from chaos. She makes Harbinger because a sacrifice is necessary for the pillar, to remain as a building block like I think she is. Harbinger has to be someone who EXISTS, but if he's largely a blank slate, then the loss is not so great.
Harbinger lives to sacrifice himself. He has no family. He has no life to lose.
But this means someone who is blank and potentially easy to lead astray.
This is why the trials. Because really, Harbinger is suppose to just live, grab the stones, yeet. Why does he need TRIALS? But then there is what the trials actually teach, as we know them.
A trial of resolve, to push through to the end despite the dangers. To endure danger and hardship to the end. Then the other trial, of focus on self, on what he needs to do in the present. But what's interesting is the DANGER of this one. Its not to Harbinger, but whoever is with him.
These trials are to make sure Harbinger has the nerve to go through danger and hardships to get to the end of the quest...and to keep his focus to PROTECT OTHERS.
Harbinger is made to be a sacrifice. He is made to protect. He is made to save. What happens if he sees people in danger on the way to the pillar? He would get distracted, but in delaying, he puts them in MORE danger. He has to be able to ignore those in smaller danger, and focus on his inner task, to make sure he focuses on the greater goal of sacrificing himself to keep them ALL safe.
I'm sure the dragon and tiger would have something similar.
So the trials help train Harbinger into some personality, but he still has to GET there. More over, he needs to have SOMEONE for the Black Tortoise.
The Yama Kings also know about the Harbinger. They know when he should be released and what he is supposed to do. They likely know what he is supposed to be like, and likely they are also how MK is supposed to even GET to the Jade Emperor.
The Harbinger needed a guide.
And I think that is the Nine Headed Demon.
Because here is the thing. NHD says he's not a monster. And he's tired of being the hero. And he isn't lying.
Here is the cycle.
The world starts. The Celestial body establishes itself. Demons run amok. The Journey happens. Society builds. Nuwa at some point puts the Harbinger in the stone. Eons pass. The Jade Emperor hits the end of his life.
The Harbinger is released.
And NHD is there, as a representative of the Yama Kings who know enough to know this will happen and what is expected. NHD helps the Harbinger to the trials. He helps him to the pillar. He watches the Harbinger sacrifice himself.
The cycle begins again.
He is there again.
The Harbinger dies again.
Over and over, until at some point, perhaps after the first time, perhaps later on, NHD is exposed to chaos. Likely when the cycle is ending and resetting, there is a window that chaos seeps in and NHD is able to see all that is beyond the world.
This is likely why he thinks he's fine regardless of MK's choice. Either he left during the brief window of a reset, he everything fell apart, so he was freed. He didn't account for continuing on beyond the reset.
NHD sees beyond and he sees beauty. NHD sees beyond and now he can REMEMBER. Why is hard to say. Likely he made a deal with whoever "he" is, but regardless, NHD loves chaos and he retains his memories.
But NHD was chosen to help the Harbinger for a reason. He is not cruel. He is not heartless. He loves the masses. He wanted to save and protect them, even at a cost, so he was chosen to help the Harbinger.
It is why even after he saw chaos, he chose to return. He had seen something so GOOD in his eyes, and he wanted to see if he could change the mind of those in the world. To convince Heaven to LET the chaos in. To end the resets and allow chaos and life to CHANGE beyond.
But no one listens.
They reject him.
Call him a monster.
The cycles continue.
He tries. He tries persuasion. He tries trickery. He likely tries force, but the Harbinger is too strong to stop and he will fulfill his destiny. He asks for help.
He even asks the one person who might stop the Harbinger.
Sun Wukong.
NHD said they were old enemies and old friends. NHD sought a solution, so he would ask who he could for help. Sometimes he could convince Wukong to help him. Others, he couldn't. And sometimes, he managed to get Wukong enraged enough to become an enemy. But unfortunately even with Wukong's power, he's never quite strong enough to keep the Harbinger from the pillar.
Likely because the Harbinger wants nothing more than to get to the pillar, and ultimately, the Harbinger is just some kid getting used, and Wukong can't bring himself to kill him. Allowing the Harbinger a moment to get through regardless of how the fight is actually going.
Which could be going far in Wukong's reaction to MK.
NHD said that MK is a remnant of chaos. Which means either the clay he was made from...or from Wukong's stone. And since the Celestial Primates are ODDITIES, its likely Wukong's stone that has that bit of chaos in it that Nuwa is using in her sacrificial building block. No one is gonna be able to make Wukong do anything he doesn't want, and likely none of the other primates, and Nuwa doesn't want to ask anyone to end their life either. Start anew is better.
But likely this bit of chaos may be why Wukong feels a draw to MK. Some part of him remembers the Harbinger. Remembers his strength. Remembers he's a kid being used, who hadn't been allowed to live, who did so much for the sake of others. A kid who idolizes him. A kid who can use his staff.
I think it says something with how much Wukong focuses on MK becoming self confident and choosing things for himself and why he steps in with the Spider Queen because its a fight MK desperately doesn't want even though he SHOULD be capable of handling it, instead of thinking the fights are too much for MK like the Lady Bone Demon. Wukong wants MK to decide things for himself, he wants MK to LIKE himself. Wukong wants MK to choose to. There is a bleeding of the timeline because of Wukong's connection to chaos by being a Celestial Primate.
The Harbinger is a blank slate...but he is a person. NHD, at first, just wants to help the world. He wants to be the hero. He wants to move beyond the cycle. But in trying to find that path, he introduces new elements to the Harbinger.
The Harbinger starts to show signs of development. Of change. The Harbinger starts to laugh. The Harbinger starts getting cheeky. The Harbinger starts crying when fights break out at the end. There is LIFE in the Harbinger.
Yet another beautiful thing this cycling world rejects for the sake of continuing to spin.
NHD tries to find a third solution. He tries over and over again. He knows the Harbinger will continue to the pillar, to save the world, over and over again, and he doesn't have the power to stop him. The Harbinger will always choose to sacrifice himself. He cannot end the cycle by preventing the sacrifice. He looks for a way to move past the eon. Maybe if he had more TIME, he could convince people to give chaos a chance. Perhaps he could allow the pillar to crumble more slowly, allow the sun to peak in over time. If he could just get the box to OPEN, then that would be enough.
Except nothing works. He can't fight anyone strong enough to replace the guardians. He can't find another means to fix the pillar. He tries over and over again.
There are several consequences to this and I'll get into one of those in another post. (Red Son has some INTERESTING things going on.)
NHD cannot find a means to move beyond the cycle. He is getting disillusioned. He wants to save everyone. He wants to bring them to the sun. He just can't.
He knows...he knows he doesn't HAVE to keep trying.
He sees it every reset. He has a window. He can LEAVE the cycle himself. Let everyone stay in their cave forever.
He sees the Harbinger throw himself into the pillar. The one he's sees sacrificing himself countless times for a world he never gets to truly experience. He only gets slivers of it. Moments of joy. Moments of triumphant. Moments of pain. Moments of truly being alive, when he deserved so much more.
NHD is tired. His sanity is fraying. He could simply go...
But he decides one more time.
He would live the cycle one more time.
Because the Harbinger deserved to fully experience the world. The Harbinger deserved to DECIDE whether or not to keep the cycle going, or let the world fall apart.
He manipulates the world in a different way. He's lived this cycle countless times. He knows much of what happens. He chooses a time.
He knows DBK gets released. He knows in short order, the Lady Bone Demon also gets freed, whether this is by the Demon Bull Family, the Mayor, or perhaps even Macaque (I haven't gotten a solid theory on what Macaque's deal is YET, but I have a suspicion his revival may not be a consistent thing.) Either way, DBK getting freed gets Wukong off his mountain because DBK is running around with HIS staff and while Wukong isn't interested in being a hero, that is HIS staff, thank you very much.
And the Lady Bone Demon is simply too big of a threat to ignore.
Its the first time where Wukong HAS to be active.
Its also the first time, in a while, where Wukong leaves his mountain. At times, visiting this city because its the first time in a while where the incarnations of the pilgrims are in close proximity and Wukong can't help himself. He just has to check things are okay.
Its the perfect set up.
The danger of releasing the Harbinger early is people noticing him. He will feel compelled to help people. NHD is pretty sure there is no way to be rid of that. So he needs something to justify this powerhouse running around.
This is the perfect time. Pigsy is a family man. If he leaves the Harbinger nearby, he will at least take care of the kid, and hopefully take him in. NHD can't be sure, but perhaps he has an idea depending on if Mei always finds Pigsy and Tang independent of MK's existence.
It works though. The Harbinger becomes MK and he's in place to be noticed by Wukong, who NHD already KNOWS experiences some bleed. Has seen Wukong react to the Harbinger with familiarity. Knows Wukong will be intrigued by MK enough to stay close.
Then DBK's freeing comes and Wukong is acting on suspicions, and maybe NHD is manipulating other things, but MK ends up with the staff, and Wukong is declaring MK his successor and NHD is thrilled.
MK now has the perfect smokescreen. The Celestial court has no say of what goes on with Celestial Primates without direct force. They don't know how they WORK. If Wukong says MK is his successor, then clearly he's done some weird primate magic on the boy and that's why he's powerful. The fact DBK and the Lady Bone Demon appeared, it screams of potential destiny to Wukong to. Throw in a few more of Wukong's enemies, keep him thrown long enough to not risk him thinking too much. Not like its hard, Wukong doesn't often think too much.
Even if this set up did present a few unexpected challenges NHD didn't account for. Macaque was largely an unknown because without MK's influence, IF Macaque is ALWAYS revived, Wukong and him likely never make up. They have too much bad history and too much stubbornness to actually work through their issues without MK calling Macaque out on his bullshit and enabling them to have to be around each other without turning into a huge fight. NHD got lucky that it took as long as it did because while Wukong doesn't overthink, Macaque certainly does and his plan may have been in more danger if Macaque had longer to explore those questions from episode one.
But no one knows MK is the Harbinger.
MK is allowed to experience life and what is means to save and have people to care for and he gets to make decisions on the scale of restoring the pillar and its perfect!
MK not only can make a choice, but will have the experience to do so.
Its all NHD ever wanted for him.
He's likely been doing something to the Jade Emperor to hasten his decline, or perhaps an eon really counts for the end of the man's life. Either way, he just has to free someone who is strong enough to take on the Jade Emperor in that state, but isn't strong enough to keep the stone functional.
The cycle can finally end.
MK can make a choice.
He can be free.
NHD never lied to anyone. He wanted to save everyone. He wasn't a monster. He wanted MK to have the freedom to chose, whatever it was.
He was only ever against MK the brief moment when he realized the world would continue and he wouldn't have his gap to escape. He didn't know WHAT would happen after that moment. Chaos had a chance to come in. There was a chance chaos wouldn't be able to, or at least wouldn't be able to for a very long time and he was so TIRED, he just wanted out, and for a moment, he was afraid to lose the thing he wanted for HIMSELF.
But as he stands on those stairs, as he sees the chaos, he is relieved.
He is HAPPY.
His words to MK are genuine. They are full of care and perhaps love. The child he had sent to die was finally alive. He was brilliant and clever. He found a third option that he hadn't been able to do for eons past.
He knows chaos is coming and that there will be a battle. The chaos MK feared may still be allowed through. So he warns him there is danger, that he will have to deal with the consequences of what happens Next.
He wishes him luck and thanks him. Sends him to a home he is glad his Harbinger is allowed to experience. For better or worse.
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skyeslittlecorner · 9 months
Belphegor brainrot...?
I wanted to put together all crumbs about Belphie just like I did with Asmo.
We know Nilfheim is a something like a military hive mind. Nobles use swords or other melee weapons (the scythe is somewhat included in this), and since consistency is usually maintained, plus Bathin has a uniform resembling a soldier (we will talk about uniforms later), let's very roughly assume that it is, to some extent, a knightly country.
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Okay I'll be honest, I'm just amused by the idea of Belphie as a mixture of Sleeping Beauty and a knight on a white horse lol.
I don't have a screenshot unfortunately, but Satan during Halloween event said Beplhie don't like tedious work (even if it's just a signing.) Expected. He's embodiment of sloth after all.
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Actually, I can relate.
It looks like Gusion and Bael could shake hands. But Belphie is there, he really does a lot when he's out of his cave. It is not without reason that it is said that lazy people are the best employees because they will get the job done in the fastest way.
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Looks like his Majesty is flirty! A big point in my opinion, because for me he seemed cold and distant. I was afraid that we would be too similar to Leviathan, but I guess that's not the case.
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He doesn't sound like this decision bothered him at all. I don't know how to interpret it, so I leave it here out of chronicler's duty. And to please the eyes, look at my pretty boy!!!
But... that's it. That's all. So, I have found a related topic to rabmle about.
Nilfheim boys what's wrong with you?
We only know two, only recently three of them. Gusion, Bathin, Andrealphus.
And I guess they have a different definition of military than us.
Two of the three are like, "hey, have you seen that unicorn in the green cloak? This one who is never in his country? Great idea!" and yeeted themselves from Nilhfeim.
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He just. Randomly visited Earth. Because why not.
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Honey, you don't. Although… you're the devil. *Hands AO3* Have fun!
We are fresh from Andrea's escapades to Avisos. We know that he spends a lot of time there and from the screenshot above we also know that he doesn't really need things like his king permission to be happy.
Considering that Bathin is friends with Stolas...
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...aka his personal radio, I'm sorry I can't get over this lol, it is very possible that he also often visits Avisos. Beel, you are tempting nobles from the next country and you are not even in your own country.
Bathin? Andrea? I understand that in a sentence "The devils of Niflheim almost never move individually" you are the "almost". Two of the three known. A known majority. They are hopeless.
And you know what? The third one isn't any better.
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Yeah. Who in a MILITARY COUNTRY would wear a uniform. Well, no one normal. Let's get back to those uniforms, this time for real.
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We already know that Gusion doesn't bother with such bullshit, so we don't know if what we actually see is the one times he wears something he should wear all the time. (I guess we do and he just doesn't have a jacket.)
Bathin has a uniform, but it's from Paradise Lost. It is possible that his appearance refers to this and not Nilfheim, as we know that other devils associated with foreign countries, especially Buer, but also Sitri, have appearances related to the latter country.
Andrea seems to be the most reliable. But who knows? He wanders where he shouldn't, do you think he would care about his uniform? Plus… A wing? And a halo? Exactly.
Ultimately, I would lean towards uniforms of nobles that look like hitmans. Just like someone described Andrea in the event.
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At least one thing is right. The devils of Nilfheim are unnaturally strong, even by their standards. We all remember how Andrea abused every angel in his path. Even the big guy who seemed to break him like a match. No, the big guy was shaking like an aspen under his feet as Andrea happily dismembered him. As we can see, Gusion's sword also proves his strength.
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Even some of Nilfheim's lower devils seem to have great fighting skills. Not all of them, of course. One is a fish.
We have the least information about the countries of Asmo and Belphi, but we have some coherent idea about Abaddon thanks to the nobles. Nilhfeim? Nope! Funny country. I can't wait to visit it.
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psychedelicriot · 2 months
MONSTER X MEDIATOR Walkthrough: Purple Room 004/Sir Knight
Hi, got this game DL'd just yesterday, and I'm defo frustrated since I want to see some walkthroughs ;-; Here we go, I guess? Note that this is how I got the ending through my way, pretty sure that there could've been any other way, but this is how I got mine! This would include commentaries on the ending, you might wanna skip if you don't care.
TW/CW: This game contains questionable theme, bloods, explicit description of gore, and sexual assault on this route.
If you'd like to, you can check other routes walkthrough here! Red Room 001
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(Bow respectfully.) / I have direct orders from the king himself! / An idiot says what?
2-*clap* / So you won't kill me?
1- I can't leave even if I wanted to... / How about I stay and helo you clean!
Bad Ending: Pest Control
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I have direct orders from the king himself!
*clap* (or you can just, straight out choose "So you won't kill me?")
I can't leave even if I wanted to...
You got beaten and bludgeoned to death, that's it. Basically, he only do not kill you at first since he thought you could just yeet yourself out of his presence. Turns out you can't. You could also achieve this ending by other routes, but making a mistake along the way, like failing to meet his baking standard, etc etc!
Bad Ending: Endless Death Sentence for The Charlatan
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I have direct orders from the king himself!
How about I stay and help you clean!
Down it like a champ
Preheat the oven
Get the puff pastry
Put one of the puff pastry sheets on top
We wait? / We clean up? (Both options would still lead you into the same route)
You'd make a great househusband. / What about yoru sword? / What exactly are you? (You can choose both option and would still come back to the same options-choosing)
Are the Palmiers done?
Eat them. / Throw them into the vent. (Both options would still lead you into the same route)
Try to pull out the sword
Order him around first.
Abuse your power.
So, you get some fun by ordering him around, but then the real master punish you for being a meanie. Done.
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I have direct orders from the king himself!
How about I stay and help you clean!
Down it like a champ
Preheat the oven
Get the puff pastry
Put one of the puff pastry sheets on top
We wait? / We clean up? (Both options would still lead you into the same route)
You'd make a great househusband. / What about yoru sword? / What exactly are you? (You can choose both option and would still come back to the same options-choosing)
Are the Palmiers done?
Eat them. / Throw them into the vent. (Both options would still lead you into the same route)
Try to pull out the sword
Order him to leave the hotel room.
You got him wrapped around your fingertips and you got him out! Win-win situation! Yay, basically it's not the ending, you still need to handle the other rooms (if you haven't). Though, you basically managed to coerce him to leave the room. And you'll get his information sheet afterwards!
Bonus: His sexy-ass apron.
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ryotono · 1 year
More Upper moons and [Y/N] and quotes and Chaos, curse and whatever the god damnit it's this
Enjoy! :D
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[Y/N]: good evening, my only amazing master Muzan, the glorious king of demons
Muzan: what did you do?
[Y/N]: I burned down a city
Muzan: what
[Y/N]: yeah ik I f*cked up but listen-
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[Y/N]: I will die for you.
Kokushibo: we are demons, in fact we can't just die
[Y/N]: I would take a bullet for you
Kokushibo: It wouldn't affect you
Kokushibo: don't be dumb and kill yourself, you need to serve Muzan
[Y/N]: kokushibo for the glory of akaza tits, pls accept my demonstration of love
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Douma: ngl master Muzan, but [Y/N] is your favorite isn't?
Muzan: of course they are, they can f*ck the whole mission? Yeah, but at least THEY COMPLETE THE MISSION, THING NONE OF YOU DO, Y'ALL PIECE OF DOG SHI-
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Daki: oh yeah, how did you get rid of that group of slayers?
[Y/N]: well...
Demon slayers: We got you demon, there's nowhere to run!
[Y/N]: Guess have no choice, going to use mine Blood Demon Art...
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Kokushibo introduces Kaigaku to the rest of the upper moons:
Kaigaku: hi
[Y/N]: what the f*ck was that
Kaigaku: It was me, Kaigaku, the new upper moon
[Y/N]: oh, jesus christ! Is that a fucking Gremlin?
kokushibo: [Y/N] no
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Akaza: How are we going to tell Muzan that we failed the mission?
[Y/N]: distracting him!
Akaza: how?
Akaza: ?
[Y/N], dancing: tell me, tell me, tell me, you, want me, want me-
Akaza: NO
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
After Swordsmith Village Arc events:
Muzan: [Y/N] what do you have there?
[Y/N]: oh, after you sent me to help Gyokko and Hantengu and they failed miserably, I was on my way back and found this doll.
Muzan: doll?
[Y/N]: yeah look! (show Yoriichi Type Zero)
Muzan: FUCK-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
X: What's your opinion on [Y/N]?
Muzan: just another lazy pig who works for me (you are his favorite child)
Kokushibo: as longs they serve Muzan, I'm fine (he loves you)
Douma: [Y/N]? I love [Y/N]! Even when I can hear they walking inside my walls, threatening me, almost ripping my head of, and giving me nightmares every night, I love them!
Akaza: it's okay ( he loves you too, especially after you beat his ass in a fight)
yes you're strong as hell here love u
Hantengu was crying a lot, so take it as his opinion.
Nakime: PLEM PLEM PLEM sorry (Translation: she likes you, good job!)
Gyokko: That Satan and Lucifer bastard child, always breaks my pretty pots and calls my art bullshit! (bc it's bullshit, anyway, Gyokko doesn't like you since he gifted you a pot, you yelled "YEET" and threw it away)
Daki: [Y/N] is not like these uglies, they have good taste! She is referring to herself (She adores you and would do anything to protect you, but would probably fail and call her brother)
Gyuutaro: meh they cool I guess (Guess what! He loves when you hangout with him and his sister and you ofc)
You three match nail color
Kaigaku: Terrifies me (In fact, he is traumatized because of you)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
More Extra! (Because I think this post is short, and not that funny)
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[Y/N] missions be like:
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That's all for today!
Thank you all for interact with my other post about [Y/N] and Upper moon, makes me really happy, love y'all!
Again, sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language.
Bye ;)
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able-remedious · 11 months
Way more Trolls 3 Incorrect quotes while we still wait for the movie
Halloween Edition!!! 🎃👻💀
Poppy: Branch I thought you were gonna decorate the house for Halloween?
Branch: I am
Poppy: but there’s just pictures of John Dory everywhere
Branch: you said you wanted scary decorations
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keith: trick or yeet?
Branch: what?
Keith: yeet it is *throws himself out the window*
Branch: what the?!-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clay: cheer up John Dory! It’s Spooky season!
John Dory: everyday is spooky season when your haunted by your life choices
Clay: …
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Velvet: if they’re any spirts out tonight, tell me, does this sound like Shakira? *sings off key* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Aven and Shallow getting chased by an Ax wielding murder* Aven: why are we the ones getting chased?
Shallow: your gay, I count as a jock in way, we’re always getting killed first!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barb: Halloween is my favorite holiday
Poppy: because of the costumes?
Barb: because you can trespass on strangers' property and make non-negotiable demands
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Viva: stop using plastic skeletons! It’s bad for the environment!
Clay: Yeah! Locally sourced, all-natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poppy: what do you wanna be for Halloween?
Crimp: respected
Floyd: appreciated
Branch: at peace
Poppy: …I was gonna be a cat
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Veneer: I’m gonna go as the scariest thing ever
Velvet: what’s that?
Veneer: you
Clay: how are you gonna carve a giant pumpkin?
Spruce: the same way I make onion rings *grabs chainsaw* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of Spruce’s kids: *points at bat stickers* look, it’s f**king bats, I love Halloween
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Val *singing*: do you wanna carve a pumpkin? It doesn’t have to be a pumpkin
Holly: what else are we gonna carve? A body?
Val: what are you a cop or something?
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7nessasaryevils · 4 months
Things that made me scream during ep 5 of Wandee Goodday
- Dee can remember every single person's birthday but he hadn't memorized Yak's yet
- Yak pouting when he realized Dee didn't know his birthday
- that whole fucking interaction with Cher and Yei (yes babes! Complain that you haven't gotten fucked for a while you deserve to be dicked down!)
- Kao being the King he is and offering valuable suggestions for Dee and Yak on how to improve their lives (and sex lives) using his furry accessories ♥️
- Dee offering good fashion advice... sir thank you for your service in getting Yak out of those (delectable) elephant pants - but... Taem is probably better at putting him in clothes that work
- grammammamamamamamana I love her and she is now the communal granmama
- DICK PLUSH TOY (seriously where can I get one??)
- granmama knows
- STEPPING OVER THE LINE!!! THE GASP I GUSPED (also wandee my precious my baby protect your heart please yak is gonna be a little stupid I know it)
- brb screaming crying throwing up because NEITHER of them can sleep without holding each other
- the pouting, cuddling, "need you to recharge me" YORYAK!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR PERT ASS YOU DUMB JOCK! This is boyfriend level behaviour!
- Dee's smile as he curls into Yak 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- the only time I screamed in rage: how dare you ask Dee if Taem would like while you hold motherfucking Wandee in your arm- I'm going to snap a boxer's neck (what did I say about yak doing something stupid?!)
- ... he took Yak to see his parents... I'm fine gwenchana gwenchana
- SJAXHWKZNKSJXNWKSW YORYAK YOU BUFFOON- don't you want to introduce your BOYFRIEND to your parents?! someone hold me back before I smack this idiot
- Cher doing the sneaky sneak and failing 🤣 also Yei not taking Cher with him because he knows his boyfie doesn't like the macho assholes 🥹♥️
- Yak dressing the way Dee told him to... fucking hell
- yak showing up to help his boyfriend thanks I wanna throw up
- Dr. Wandee using his and Yoryak's furry sex personas to help tell children a story was not on my 2024 bingo card 👀
- yak wanting to celebrate with Dee rather than his friends... this idiot
- domestic food fight my beloved (also yak refusing to let Dee do anything cooking wise because he doesn't want to poison Granmama 🤣)
- I do so love an aptly placed song that perfectly explains the conflict of our main characters ♥️♥️
- sir. Yoryak. For someone who claims they like Taem, you sure do lean in to kiss Dee a lot 👀👀👀
- THAT CAPTION... gonna go yeet myself off their building thanks
-... couple toothbrushes... COUPLE TOOTHBRUSHES
- wandeeyoryak vs. Yoryakwandee... help me
This show is everything to me right now and I will hold onto it with my dying breath
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showmey0urfangs · 2 years
Louis and Armand
I've noticed something about scenes of Louis and Armand:
In many of their scenes together, they often have Armand standing over Louis. It is especially significant because before the Armand reveal, Rashid is supposed to be Louis's servant, so his domineering position would be considered odd given his station.
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Armand also puts his hand on Louis's shoulder when Louis is upset, in what could be seen as a comforting gesture but also as a means to restrain him.
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He is often shown looking down at Louis or Louis is looking up at him like in the scene from the 70s flashback. Louis's deference is further emphasized by the dialogue because in this scene Louis is asking for his approval/permission to take Daniel home. It's subtle, but it's definitely hinted at that Armand has the final say on what happens. The way he responds with - “Go ahead, have your fun” sounds like a parent allowing their kid to go play outside with their friends.
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Even in the scene when Louis says Armand is the love of his life, Armand is standing over him despite the two being of similar height. Armand is standing one step above him, which lets me think it was a conscious decision by the showrunners to have him towering over Louis.
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I'm not one of the — Armand has Louis trapped in a tower and has brainwashed him— believers, but I agree that the show used this framing as a visual representation of their relationship dynamic—Armand plays the servant but really he is the one in charge, and for all of Louis's grandstanding and intimidation tactics, he is not as powerful or as in control as he tries to have Daniel/the audience think.
But rather than this pointing to Armand being a controlling jailer, my theory is that what Armand says in episode 7 is true—that Louis is so far gone that he is no longer capable or willing to take care of himself so Armand had to step in to make sure that Louis feeds, gets enough rest and doesn't do stupid self-destructive shit like yeeting himself in the midday sun.
It makes their "love" story even more tragic imo because Armand is putting in all this effort to care for a man who ultimately doesn't love him and is still pinning over his toxic ex, which is very typical Armand behaviour really. The guy is the king of unrequited love and century-long pinning.
Anyways, thank you for coming to my ted-talk let me know what your theories are in the reblogs/comments.
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Worst ways to describe Ninjago to people
(Let me know if I should turn this into a series, or if you come up with any)
(These are all jokes)
"This is a show about how plastic makes tornadoes"
"That's Jay, the blue guy. His special power is screaming at the very top of is lungs"
"That's Kai. He's an anime protagonist. His special power is getting sidelined in everything he's ever been involved with"
"That's Cole. Best hair. No criticism" (Quote my GF)
"Society hates and torments a ten year old because he's a brat"
“See, his father is a tired old man who wants to be a better father, it’s hard when you’re an evil terrorist trying to turn the world into your personal zombie land”
"And then the child slipped on ice and fell into a snake pit, and then he was a KING"
"So there's this purple snake. He eats purple snakes. That's how you know he's a good friend"
"Also there's a pink ninja. Yeah. We don't talk about pinkie no no no no no-"
"He's always wondered who he was on the inside... turns out he's a bunch of wires"
"If he could get someone to fall in love with him, the curse would be broken. But who could ever learn to love a snake?"
"His dad didn't say NO MUSIC, he said YES MUSIC, ONLY MUSIC"
"So they have the devil himself living in their boat, and they all think he's a really good neighbor who wouldn't try to kill them while they're sleeping. Except for this one guy who is suspicious. What a hypocrite he is, am I right?"
"Do I save the entire world or do I have this one child? I'm gonna save the child, c'mere child"
"'No destiny, I AM the Green Ninja' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-'"
"And then the emo child became god"
"So he died. Then he died. And then he died again."
"A machine told her that cheating was okay"
"To save her life, he gave her a piece of his heart. Literally"
"And then they were yeeted into space"
"The Flash is in this show"
"You know how they say the cake is a lie? Wrong. It's the noodles"
"The best way to make things right with your friend is to try to strike them with lightning"
"I must fulfill my daddy's wishes to start up the evil empire-but wait, why is this fire boy so pretty? I think I'll side with him"
"Dude was drunk on power holding a stick, don’t worry he’s fine, they just had to slap him with a jet”
"He was born a devil in a human's body. Then he became a devil. Then he became human again. Then he became a snake. Then he became a dead person. Then the devil again."
"Dead people are deadly allergic to water"
"What do you do when you don't know what to do with a character? MURDER THEM... and then bring them back as a ghost. Problem solved"
"A thousand year old genie wants to marry a teenage girl"
"You ever heard of Romeo and Juliet? Well Jay just said NOPE"
"A young boy became the father of an elderly man"
"Oh Lloyd, if only there was someone out there who loved you"
"And then his dad was brought back from hell to drag him along"
"They didn't die, they were transported to the middle of nowhere"
"A child grew up with his four dads, and then became thousands of years older than said four dads and tried to become a counselor to their rocky marriage"
"Cole fell into the void"
(Come up with your own when reblogging)
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isa-ghost · 6 months
More Avian Phil Headcanons
For @oopsiewhoopsiez :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Previous Avian Phil headcanons
One of his other running bits is having beef with plain glass. He can literally see it just fine. He pretends he doesn't. Lullah will without fail fall to pieces emote when he gets on the bit.
Another running bit is that he has to resist the Urge to eat seeds when he's farming. He'll stand there dramatically trembling his hand with a bunch of seeds in it like hhough,, s e e d,, until the kids hit him like PAPA PLS.
GRAINS on the other hand he's like FUCK YEAH CONCRETE. He'll eat the shit out of some bread. Why do you think he likes avocado toast so much?
He whistles a lot, usually when he isn't thinking about it. Doesn’t realize he does it, much like the boosh boosh
I've mentioned it elsewhere but AAAA the gay ass intimacy of letting your husband help you preen!!!!
Believe it or not, his first instinct is Flight. It's more likely he's snuck up on or not expecting what's coming at him, so fighting is unwise because he doesn't know his odds and that's just straight up not survivalist to do. The best thing to do is flee first, THEN assess what was after him. The same way that birds often yeet the fuck away when something gets too close to them.
He knows a stupid amount of what to and what not to feed literal birds bc he knows what does and doesn't bother his own stomach. He has less intolerances than an actual bird, but he has a sensitive digestive system nonetheless. This does not stop him from pounding down Mexican food like a total whore, shit's too good.
He knows TONS of things about aerodynamics purely based off his experience with flying. He has a very easy time estimating how well something will fly
Btw he has excellent agility from all his flying. He's better in the air, but it can apply to the ground too.
He loves flying with other people :D If his wings had healed at the time, he would've 100% flown with Jaiden at some point :(
One of the main reasons he wants his wings healed is to take all his friends flying tbh. Which is what fucked him up most about Ender King destroying his wings before leaving his body :(
Tubbo loves asking him cursed questions related to bird things. Google "bird ass blasting" (I promise it's not smth bad, it's a real thing). Tubbo has asked Phil about this. Phil short circuited.
Oh you KNOW he thrives on making cannibal jokes when he eats chicken.
Another cursed thing Tubbo has said to him: "Chickens are like living dinosaurs which means they're old and chickens are birds and also you're a bird and you're old so therefore you're a living dinosaur."
Multiple islanders have made the joke that Phil has a secret wife who laid Chayanne and Lullah bc they're eggs and he's a bird. It has made him die inside every time.
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roronoa-roro · 2 years
ʙʟᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴋ ꜱᴍᴜᴛ — #1
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✼ ʙᴀʀᴏᴜ ꜱʜᴏᴇɪ
⚠️: fem!reader, sub!reader, aged up!barou, established relationship, fingering, overstimming, implied cunnilingus? teensy bit sadistic barou, MINORS DNI👁️👁️
📜: yeah... yeet
🔗: @tokyometronetwork
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Your boyfriend's tall, hunky figure looms over you menacingly.
"What did you say, punk?" His glare is murderous, but it simply makes you giggle. You know you had crossed a line you shouldn't have. But you're so damn ready to face the consequences.
"I said you're no king in the bedroom, Sho." You generously iterate your earlier quip. You raise onto your tippy toes, petting his head for good measure.
His nostrils flare.
"That's it." He says as he reaches to grab your waist. You squeal as you are lifted off the ground and onto Barou's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He carries you to the shared bedroom, spanking your ass to stop your struggling and then squeezing it hard.
You are deposited unceremoniously onto the king's king-sized bed.
"I'm gonna make you eat your words," he growls, yanking your pants and underwear off in a single, skilled pull. "Shou!" you scream when you feel the cold metal touch of his rings on your inner thigh.
"Open up for your king, pretty." He's mumbling more to himself than you as he spreads your legs apart.
He takes a moment to admire you. "Don't look at me!" you try to close your legs, embarrassed and very much turned on by his fiery gaze. He scoffs, pulling your legs back apart with ease.
Barou leans down to press a single feather light kiss to your bud. You jolt at the electricity that zaps up your spine.
He chuckles, sitting up and grinning down at you mockingly, "Running away already, sweetheart?" He never breaks his gaze on your face as he pulls you back to him.
"You have some words to eat."
He closes in on you, capturing your lips with his in a hot, domineering kiss. His big hands come around to gather yours - pressing your wrists above your head enclosed in a single one of his. His other hand comes down to massage your throat, rubbing teasing circles on your vein.
And then there's his lips - urgent, soft, yet so compelling. He sucks the breath out of you, leaving you flustered and suffocated. You try to pull away, humming and signaling him to let you breathe.
Barou pulls back, locking eyes with you. His eyes dart between your eyes and lips. You almost forget to breathe before his lips are back on yours, completely claiming you. He pulls back once more - only to chase after your lips again once he hears you breathe.
"Say it." He snarls. All you can do is gasp, breathing hard to fill your lungs with some well-deserved oxygen.
"Say what?" You scowl at him. He wasn't gonna get you to admit it so easily.
He's infuriated. But one look at your gasping and panting mess of a face is enough to dissipate his anger in a cloud of amusement.
"You will say it eventually." He decides, forcefully burying his face in your neck. His teeth rake over your skin, pressing down on your vein, and his fingers simultaneously bury into your core.
A surprised moan leaves you. "Shou~ no!"
"Shou yes," he corrects you smugly, pulling back from your neck and leaving a big hickey in his wake.
His long fingers stretch you so well. Barou smirks, angling his index and middle finger to locate your favorite spot.
"Ah! Shou wait!" you whine.
"Nah. The King waits for none." He says, massaging and scissoring his fingers against the walls when he does find the spot.
Barou pokes at your clit with his thumb, delivering just the right amount of friction. You squirm, vainly trying to close your legs around his large stature. The pleasure is way too much for your body.
It feels too good, he feels too good. And he's barely even done anything yet. You sob, "Shou I just wanna— aah!" you cut yourself off when he adds a third finger. His thumb wiggling up and down your clit sends zings of electricity from your clit; which swirls into white-hot pleasure coiling in your tummy, dulling the strain of his three fingers splitting you open.
"Shou shou shouuuuu!" your squeals of his name echo off the bedroom walls lined with candid pictures of you both.
Barou's voice is low, promising suffering if you don't obey him. "Say it, donkey."
Your core clenches at his words, the nickname, rarely used on you, weirdly making you feel some kind of way. "No!" You scream, still not ready to admit defeat.
"No?" his fingers leave your body. Except for his thumb. The pace of his thumb doubles, going in abrupt side-to-side and up-and-down patterns.
Your voice falters. Your body shudders involuntarily.
You miss his fingers inside you, but his thumb is doing some serious magic.
The coil inside you builds into this intense ball of energy - it's painting your vision white.
He flicks your clit.
And then it bursts, the pleasure setting all your nerves from head to toe ablaze. The high is all-consuming, making your ears ring and your eyes water.
Yes, all you can muster to scream now is Barou's name.
And Barou doesn't stop. His thumb is still flicking your clit, rapidly overstimming you.
"Shou stop!" you beg, voice shaky and body trembling as you try to kick him off. Your hands feebly try to pry his fingers off you. But it's to no avail against his strength.
He chuckles, finding your resistance cute. "Say it, sweetheart. Or I'm doing this the whole night." he threatens.
"Its–" you gulp, "it's you!"
"You– you are the king, Shou!" tears roll down your eyes as you look at him.
Barou pretends to ponder over it, his thumb slowing down for a second before it speeds up again, "Not quite satisfactory, baby." He decides. "Whose king am I?"
You don't miss a beat. "Mine! Shouu~ you– you are my king!" you are grabbing at threads to keep yourself sane through the mind-numbing sensation.
Barou praises, finally pulling his thumb back to lean down and attach his mouth to your clit. He sucks harshly, pulling another cry out of you.
"Next round, sweetheart."
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
Dp x DC crossover
So eldric ghost king phantom being so old he dosnt really remeber his age but he still looks around the age he died. Danny one day decides to go chill in Gotham to well visit the city spirit Gotham.
After his visit to gothy he decided to take a stroll when he gets stuck as a hostage during a scarecrow attack. He's in his human form and doesn't want to draw attention to himself so he plays along.
Well until he sees Robin about to get shot by one of the henchmen and in a panic danny yeets a motorcycle at the henchmen. Robin holds eye contact with danny nods to himself about something then goes back to the fight. And danny is like well I'm in this now, and starts kicking ass with robin.
After the fight is over robin goes up to danny and is like "hello I have decided that after battling along side you we are ment to be, may I have your number so I may continue to court you". Danny is like "uh sorry kid but no I'm waaaaay older than I look" and Damian is like "I'm older than I look too I'm 19, the matter of the fact is we are ment to be" and danny starts slowly backing away saying "look our age gap is way to big for me to be comfortable with this, I'm old enough to be your dad, hell your grandpa, so I'm just gonna go!" Danny then books it from the area.
Robin tryed to chase after him but it was like danny dissapeared. And robin spends the rest of the night looking for him but couldnt find him. So robin begrudgingly goes up to tim and says "drake your going to help me find my future husband". Its spirills to where almost everyone in the family finds out about Robin's infatuation with this random civilian.
Bonus: the way robin found danny again is by one of the older batfam, like duke, steph, cass, jason, or dick brought danny to a family dinner to introduce him to the family as their boyfriend (since Damian is 19 the others would be around late twentys to early thirties and danny would feel more comfortable being with someone in that age category). And Damian would be so upset and try to fight the older batfam member for Danny's hand. And danny would just be so tired like "kid please back off your makeing me so uncomfortable, you aren't even legal drinking age".
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Macaque in the "Century Stone Egg au";
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Basically XD
LBD accidentally gets the whiff of Sun Wukong being back + "having a future heir", and gives this information to the imprisioned Macaque to enrage him into working for her.
The second Macaque is revived, he still yeets the Skeleton Key far away as in canon, and books it towards FFM to see Wukong.
He doesn't even know *why* he's so insistent on seeing Wukong right now. His mind is running on fumes atm. Who is the heir? Why was Wukong apparently "gone" for so long? Hey, who are these people hanging around the island?
Macaque likely skulks around the island at first for a few days to scope out the situation. What monkey could measure up to his former mate to be an heir? Macaque makes a loud gulp as the figure of his King (somehow more beautiful than he remembered) turns to see him.
Wukong: *confused "hm?"* Macaque: *still a mess from his revival. Eyes fixated on both Wukong and... Wukong's swollen stomach* Wukong: *too shocked too speak. Eye start watering with a mix of joy and fear* Macaque: "Is... how?" Wukong, voice croaking with emotion: "After I lost you, it seemed like the right idea." Macaque: "Was it with someone or-" *eyes widen* "You made a Stone Egg didn't you?" Wukong: *nods with a mix of smug pride* Macaque, lets out a relieved gasp: "Peaches if I wasn't so mad at being killed right now, I'd grab you and hold you and kiss you." Wukong, laughing with tears: "Don't worry. Your jiějie will do it in my stead." Macaque: "Huh? what do you mean-" PIF, slams in to Mac at mach speed: "LIU'ER MIHOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" *hugs him in chokehold* "I've been alone for almost 500 years making sure no one bothered Wukong or my future niece!" Wukong: "Tieshan, I told you, there's no way to know for certain what they'll identity as." *turns to Mac* "Sorry Plums. She insisted I get an ultrasound to check on the baby. I have photos if you want to see them?" Macaque: *can't breath cus tightness of PIF's hold/has no idea what an ultrasound is, but tail thumps with delight* The rest of the gang: *mouths agape in shock* Σ(゚口゚;)//
Macaque openly cries when he sees/understands the ultrasound photos. (Sound that allows you to hear the shape/condition of the baby? Super cool!) He's sobbing at how beautiful his mate is, and how perfect *their* cub is already!! It's hard to remind Mac that Wukong is technically the Egg's only parent, but the gang let him have this fatherly pride. He's a little peeved that Wukong went through with the Stone Egg process despite the warnings from Gibbon and Baboon, but upon learning "Thats what the immortalities were for", he starts crying/realising so much all at once.
The subjects of the island all have a massive party to welcome Macaque back, something the Warrior honestly didn't expect. He didn't know that even for what he'd done, their people still missed their Kings' mate. And now he's back!!
In the Century Egg au, Macaque likely isn't carrying the Eclipse twins... or they're underdeveloped to the point that Mac is stuck incubating them for about a few years (like 10+) more until they're ready to pop out. He'd only find out about them out of his own curiousity at the ultrasound tech - Sandy has to catch Mac mid-faint at the news.
With his mate (tenative but healing relationship) by his side Wukong finally births his egg. Newborn "Xiaotian" has double the amount of parents (much more the amount of family) Wukong had originally planned for!
Macaque isn't jealous of the baby. Far from it. This is the infant his mate wanted so badly to have, that he risked the wraths of Heaven and Diyu to create and be there for. Xiaotian is Mac and Wukong's joy personified. Macaque's stone monkey instincts kick in and he's running around like super-dad; tending to the baby and/or Wukong whenever the King needs.
Macaque is also secretly really touched that Wukong kept loyal to him even centuries after his death. Still wonders why tf he died tho (S5 related probably).
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cocogum · 3 months
Let’s TALK about episodes 11-12-13
@onyichii I know I told you once that this was initially going to have more than two parts to explain what happened between these three episodes but I decided to scratch that idea out and instead put them all into one post.
Before I begin, I would like to address something crucial.
Thank you, Ankama for everything that you’ve done for Wakfu. And thank you for this final season as well. It’s clear that despite the many rough challenges you’ve had to face and overcome over the years, I’m really happy that Wakfu has fully made its course. You’ve outdone yourself for this season just for us and it shows.
A lot of us have been here since our childhoods so we really love you for creating such a series that we’ve managed to fall in love with or else we wouldn’t be here talking about it.
This season was absolutely beautiful and what a way to end it all.
Unless Season 5 makes its appearance lol. (later did I know that we recently got the news of a season 5)
Now let’s begin.
My god he looks angry as hell I literally never saw him like this, imagine seeing this in the corner of your eye, and he’s right there staring at you hiding in the shadows like-
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But anyway yeah he’s completely broke.
My guy at least got one kama thanks to Junior 😭😭
First thing Ruel does is cry about his money to Yugo. Bro isn’t even asking why tf he grew. That wasn’t even his first question. Scratch that, that wasn’t even something that came up in his head.
That’s how you know he deserves the Rat King crown.
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Love how even though Dally and Eva told each other not to worry about Flopin, these two still looked like shit, even after hugging it out. So they’re still gonna keep Flopin’s room the way it is, right? They’re not gonna give it to Pin, right? Cuz their house is kinda big for five people (make that six with Goultard) so I feel like they’ll keep Flopin’s room the way it is and make a brand new room for Pin. I can imagine Poo helping them use a spare room to turn it into a bedroom for Pin (Poo will do it out of the sheer goodness of his heart ofc and definitely not because Elely was gonna beat him to a pulp lol)
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You have no idea how happy I was to see Dally not welcoming Yugo back and immediately trying to punch him. It makes sense for him to confuse Yugo for Oropo, especially after all the things he and his family went through because of him.
Never in my life did I think I would ever witness seeing these two fight against each other. Even if they had been play fighting, I would have never seen it coming.
But GOOD. At least we get to see more of Yugo’s ass Yugo moving around and getting to test his strength out.
Elely and Goultard even went in and tried to jump the guy but bro wasn’t even trying 😭😭 he literally threw Elely like a ragdoll like THAT’S YOUR FRIEND’S CHILD WHAT ARE YOU DOING-
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(yeet the child)
That’s practically his niece by the way and he just threw her like she was nothing lol
Anyways, Eva breaks the fight and NXKAKSLDKKSKSLDL the way she gently touched Yugo’s face! She’s so shocked by how he looks now! To think that she used to be his older sister figure, and now he’s taller than her and the others 😭💖
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It's funny and cute that Eva used to be the tallest in the group lol
It also took all these years for Dally to understand why Yugo is his best friend...
So the others finally get to know what’s been happening for nine episodes now and the iops in the family are absolutely down for it 💀
Yugo literally described the end of the world and these three dumbasses can't wait for it.
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After that, the boys go back to the Sadida Kingdom and THIS. THIS IS THE REUNION.
I just love how Amalia’s first instinct is hugging Eva just look at the girls smiling together like this 💖💖💖
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I missed them so much together 💕💕 even Pin is happy to see Amalia omg she’s absolutely killing it as an aunt 😭💕💕
And then….
Here comes Yugo.
I swear his and Adamaï’s reunion was the most bro-like thing I have ever seen from any of the seasons, comics, and manga chapters. Dude just comes out from another world that had creatures immune to anything in the krosmoz and tortured his body for who knows how long, and the first thing his bro does is give him a bro slap.
Freaking killed me.
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But the Eliatrope Goddess just had to cut off their reunion 😒 urgh I swear this woman cares too much for her kids. Like to an unhealthy amount. Look at her hiding him away from Amalia and the others, she was clearly trying to separate him from anyone who wasn’t related to her. The only reason why Joris wasn’t being pushed away was because he was way too close. I’ve already explained so much about this one scene alone in this post so if you’re interested go take look at it.
The Eliatrope goddess was so lucky Yugo didn’t see her call Amalia “crazy” though…cuz man, I know she was panicking but gurl you’re insulting your daughter-in-law calm down-
Armand and Aurora get here and see this reunion and my god Armand actually had a point though.
Like the guy isn’t happy to see the eliatropes, he clarifies to them that this whole situation with the necromes was because of them. Yugo doesn’t even try to retort because Armand is completely in the right to be angry at him and his people.
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And shocker, the Eliatrope Goddess decided to ditch them all and takes the kids.
Even though Yugo told her they couldn’t leave because they’d just keep running away forever, she didn’t listen and would rather even leave HIM and Adamaï behind, TWO of her literal FIRST CHILDREN FROM THE KROSMOZ.
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I understand that she had been severely traumatized by the necromes, but something tells me she used to always flee at the first sign of danger when it came to anything at all. Her bad habit of fleeing must’ve been as far back as when she used to be part of the other gods. When she used to be with them, she was even willing to break an important rule between her equals, which was “to not have your own planet for your followers.” After they learned she had betrayed them, they all tried fighting her off but she didn’t dare fight back. Either it was because she’s a pacifier or because she prefers fleeing. With the many cases we’ve seen of her fleeing, I’ll have to say the latter since it might as well just be a habit. I can also support this claim by pointing out that she can fight but chooses to flee instead: when she was in the meeting between the rulers, she clearly showed that she had the strength to fight back when she was being challenged by one of Bonta’s queens.
The war started…
Not gonna lie, the Eliatrope goddess' shield was pretty useful since the group needed to buy some time for Yugo, Joris, and Goultard to get Nora back. I like how they knew they had no choice but to buy some time because fighting a necrome is like trying to kill water: that shit is impossible.
Although one thing I will never forget from that war, was Dally and Armand talking to each other.
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This was a true full circle. The minute they met, they did not get along and were on completely opposite sides. Even during these years, they somewhat got along but never made any real improvement. But when they reach a war where they could potentially die, that's when they now see that they truly have no qualms at all anymore.
Like...thinking about how they used to fight over Evangelyne now sounds childish and so old to remember.
If you were to tell me years ago that they somewhat now get along and Armand was actually happy to see Dally, I would've thought you wrote a fanfic about it.
Nonetheless, it was nice seeing Armand get a taste of what it felt like to be on an adventure. He missed his chances to join Amalia and her friends, so being in a war fighting alongside them seemed like a good compensation to have instead. It's like putting all the dangers and adrenaline into one big ball and seeing what happens.
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Armand enters the legend.
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He might have been the king that had the shortest reign in Sadida history but after what he just pulled off, he’ll stay the best in record. This man beat a dragon made by the gods from another world and defeated it before dying while standing up. Name me another mortal in the krosmoz who has ever pulled off this kind of shit. That's right, zero. Not even Dally did that and that guy died like three times. Someone get Armand a real proper wife who he can have fun with, the man needs it after the awesome shit he just pulled off.
It baffles me however that when a sadida dies, they turn into sprouts so they can be planted and turned into trees in time.
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It’s kind of bittersweet knowing that their deaths somewhat turn into a sort of reincarnation. Sadida is the only god who well…doesn’t look like he’s visually made of skin and bones. He’s a plant and created his own form of photosynthesis to make his Sadida dolls. His subjects, who can be compared to roots, are linked to one tree, not to mention that they could all die in the blink of an eye if anything happened to it as how I explained here. It’s almost like the sprout, from Armand’s death, could be considered the sadidas’ inner cores, sort of like their real selves (?), and they are exposed and revealed when they die. The only instance where we did not see this happen was when Nox managed to dry up the Tree of Life which made the sadidas turn into trees on the spot instead of being planted in peace.
Being a sadida just keeps being more depressing and traumatizing. The sadidas are lucky they love being like this or else they’d all turn into Qilby 💀
When Nora and Efrim leave Toross in his world, we see him go back to his throne while glitching from time to time. At first, nothing about this scene seemed to have been out of the ordinary until @MachineBandage on Twitter let everyone know that if we paused at the right moment when he was walking back to his throne, we could see shots of him sitting on the stairs looking defeated and miserable.
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And now, yumalia fans, we have the moment we’ve all been waiting for!!
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Not gonna lie, at first, when I saw Amalia carrying those flowers with Yugo, I thought they were both walking to pay respects to Armand’s tree grave but then THIS HAPPENED‼️‼️
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I was so happy for them. It’s been years since I’ve been rooting for these two.
Ever since 2012, I had a hunch about them because they wouldn’t stop hugging so tightly as it’s been making me go insane. All these years, I was so hopeful and yet worried that I wouldn’t see this happening!!
But not anymore because they finally got together 💖💖
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I literally watched my kids grow up, I’m so proud. I shed a tear when I first saw this.
But after watching it over and over again, that’s when I shut off my fangirling (it was getting in the way of visual details lol) to properly inspect what the hell I just saw.
Wouldn’t Yugo and Amalia’s marriage technically be considered a very uncommon thing to happen? Three reasons would suggest this.
The first is how unconventional their marriage ended up looking regardless if its main objective was supposed to look like a political or romantic wedding. You can find that whole explanation in this post I made when the finale came out. The second is that Amalia married someone who isn’t a Twelvian. The third, the most crucial one, is that two RULERS of different races married and, due to that, have unified their people together.
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I like how @onyichii noticed that during Yumalia’s ending scene, Yugo was actually the one who was about to kiss Amalia first but she ended up being quicker than him and pressed their lips together first.
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He was about to close his eyes and lean in.
If you really pay close attention to Yugo in this scene, you’ll see it. That was such a nice detail to notice and I’m so glad @onyichii brought it up.
These kinds of details are why I love Ankama’s way of sprinkling them. They’re always the kind that would make you blink and miss it until you run the scene again more slowly.
Can you imagine what the people must’ve been thinking when Yugo dropped Amalia in one of his portals?
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Dude legit dipped with his wife without warning anybody, not even Amalia knew he was going to plan that.
I can just imagine the people being confused as all hell and then awkwardly waiting for them to come back or wondering IF they’ll even come back.
Renate and Canar are going to spread so much tea in the kingdom, these two are gonna think Yugo took Amalia away for some ‘private time’ cuz he couldn’t wait any longer JZKSSKSKXKXKSKSKKDKKDODKF
I wanna join Renate and Canar’s little group so badly, they sound like a lot of fun lol
Yugo is absolutely smitten 💕💕
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And let’s not forget our boy Flopin who attended the wedding!
Because yes, despite not physically being there, we saw him with his grandpa on an open field. He had his eyes closed, the same way how Madagaskan was able to look out for Eva and Cleophee all these years. And look!! Flopin smiled!! He approves of the wedding!! Like Adamaï, he is also a yumalia shipper!
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It’s confirmed. The shot of him smiling as the wedding scene keeps going can only mean two things: Flopin is learning fast as he can now watch over his family, and HE SMILED AT THE SIGHT OF YUMALIA WHICH MEANS HE LIKES IT!
I wonder if Cleophee is aware that she has a father though. We’ve only seen Evangelyne’s reaction when she learned of this fact but what about Cleophee? She must’ve wondered where Flopin went since he was missing while the Percedal family was attending the wedding. Maybe we’ll get to see her receiving the news in Season 5 or The Great Wave’s other volumes.
Despite this beautiful ending, however, there are still many things we have yet to know or dig deeper about: 1) The other rulers still have this strong mindset that the eliatropes are bad news. In a way, they indirectly caused a lot of destruction, so a lot of them will not like the fact that Yugo remains here, let alone married a twelvian, making his stay official.
2) Yugo still needs to get the rest of his people, the eliatrope kids who are still with his mother.
3) We have no idea where the Eliatrope goddess is at right now. She could be anywhere in the krosmoz, but I hope she eventually learns that her son saved the world.
4) WILL YUGO AND AMALIA THINK ABOUT HAVING KIDS!?! Because of Amalia’s position as queen, and being the last living member of the royal family, she is required to bear children to keep the family name going. So like…are we going to see their kids someday? How many are they going to have? I NEED TO KNOW SO I CAN FANGIRL MORE-
5) There will be more yumalia moments so more cute cuddles and convos lol
6) Yugo and Amalia's marriage will be a loving relationship and an alliance one. Yugo is king of the eliatropes, while Amalia is queen of the sadidas. Despite being together, they are rulers of their distinct people, but they both will help the other without hesitation.
7) The only other ruler I can think of who might be willing to side with Yugo and Amalia is that Lance Dur guy. He's cool. I like him.
8) Ush still wants to fight Yugo. Again. Let’s not forget what he told Yugo before he let the Eliatrope goddess bring him back to Bonta.
9) Brakmar supposedly got half destroyed?? Will we ever get any news from them in Season 5 or in the manga? I bet Astra is feeling ecstatic right now lol
11) Frigost….what happened to it?? Yeah, I didn’t see anyone talk about this. Harebourg has been implied to have died back in Oropo’s pocket dimension and yet we see him in Waven and had joined one of the four clans. So is Frigost okay? What is going on over there?
That’s all that came to mind.
But now that we have recently heard the news that Season 5 was coming, I was so thrilled to know that this wasn’t truly going to be the ending for the anime and Tot persevered to get more!! Despite what we’ve been told about Season 4 being the finale, I’m so glad AND GRATEFUL that Tot didn’t stop there ☺️💕💕
Who knows, maybe we’ll have some of our answers in Season 5 since Tot did say that we’d have about 26 episodes which is a lot to put lore in. I'm still not sure if we truly will have 26 episodes like he said back in his tweet because it might have been just a tease (a cruel one at that) but I’m still hopeful that we’ll have more than 13 since Ankama now has partners!
But the upcoming season and the manga will obviously not reveal everything, let’s be aware of that. Tot likes to sprinkle lots of lore in the games too so we’ll have to look out for those.
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