#you have nooooo idea to what i could be referring with any of this.
lesbiancressidacowper · 7 months
remember being 15. girl that shit suuuuuucked
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pahtoosh · 4 months
Hi, I’m not sure if your requests are open at the moment, but I figured I’d try anyway!
Would you be willing to write about Stucky and their little having a day out together? Like going to the zoo, the aquarium, or perhaps go swimming? Whatever you feel like writing is fine, even it is an entirely different activity!
I absolutely adore your work, so I can’t wait to see where you will take this idea 🩷
sleeping with the fishes
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[image ID: a gif of fish swimming. /.end ID]
sfw but 18+
wc: ~780 words
warnings: lots of being picked up and carried, not proofread
a/n: thank you so much for your kind words! this is such a sweet request, it’s my favorite thing to just write about a fun and fluffy day😁i hope you enjoy this and that i didn’t make you wait too long😅
pairing: daddy!stucky x little!reader
summary: your daddies take you on a trip to the aquarium
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“Woah, woah! Slow your roll, fish patrol.”
“There’s no time, Baba! We have to go the ‘quarium!” It was almost unreal how quickly you were moving while simultaneously not getting any closer to the front door. You were running out to the car when Bucky stopped you with a grip on the back of your jacket. That didn’t stop you from jogging midair, though.
“Ah-quarium.” He plopped you onto the small bench in the entryway. “And I’m pretty sure there’s enough time for you to at least put on some shoes before we leave the house.”
Bucky kneeled in front of you so he could help you get on a pair of sneakers. He made sure to double knot the laces, knowing that you would have no patience for getting your shoes retied today.
“Dada! Are you almost ready?!” you shouted down the hall.
Steve sped walked out of your room with a backpack of stuff. “Almost! There’s a lot to pack for a full day out of the house.”
You whined and tried stomping your feet, forgetting that Bucky was still putting on your shoes.
“Hey, no whining and no kicking Baba,” Steve reprimanded. “We’ll get there with plenty of time to spare, baby. The fish aren’t going to swim away.”
“They might,” Bucky teased.
“Buck, c’mon.”
Bucky grinned mischievously and gave you ticklish kisses on your face before helping you off the bench. “I’m only kidding, angel. Let’s get you in the car and buckled up while we wait for Dada.”
After what felt like a million hours, you were finally at the aquarium. Your daddies went over some safety rules while you were still in the car and once you showed that you understood, it was go time.
There were so many exhibits to discover. The tanks seemed to go on forever, all with different species of fish, snails, crabs, turtles, and other animals that you’d never seen before.
The aquarium offered something for the whole family. Still a science nerd, Bucky enjoyed reading the information cards placed by the tanks. Some of the animals and their habits reminded him so much of the aliens he read about in his sci fi novels. Steve was keeping a mental note of the animals he wanted to draw for you later. He even took pictures of a few to serve as a reference. Meanwhile, you practically had your nose pressed on the glass, just admiring the fish with an overwhelming sense of wonder.
When you saw something especially cool, you’d tug on the sleeve of your nearest daddy and point. You couldn’t just witness something so special and not share it. One of the best moments was when you pointed out a scuba diver in the large tank to your Dada. The diver noticed you and started a game of rock, paper, scissors through the glass.
One of the safety rules for the day was that you had to either wear a leash backpack or hold a daddy’s hand the whole time. In the beginning, you chose to hold hands, but then you switched to the backpack for more freedom(and because your daddies either walked too slowly or had no idea which tanks were ones to stop and stare at and which ones just needed a quick glance).
You could’ve stayed at the aquarium forever, but eventually it was time to go home. Steve and Bucky could tell you were getting sleepy. You got a little more clumsy, often getting tangled in your backpack leash, and asked them to hold you more often. Your daddies suspected that some of the requests to be carried had nothing to do with needing to see from a higher point, and much to do with your tired legs.
“This was the last tank, bubba. Now we’re going to the gift shop and then going home, okay?” Steve said.
You sighed. “Okay, Dada. Can I take a picture of the jellyfish first? Please?”
“Yes you can, baby. Good manners.” Steve held you still while you took a photo of the jellyfish tank with your camera.
As the three of you went to the gift shop, you asked Bucky to hold your camera so you could hold your hands behind Steve’s neck and place your head on his shoulder. He of course said yes. Your Baba also snapped a sneaky shot of Steve carrying sleepy little you using your camera.
You were practically already dozing off by the time you made it to the gift shop, but your daddies still went in and asked if you wanted anything to remember this trip by. You ended up leaving with a beluga whale plush, which you cuddled with the entire way home.
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halfetirosie · 5 days
(Elysium 04-05 React-os!)
1) Eiden making an excellent point here--
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Even in our own world, there's still a lot of stigma around "red light districts" and/or the industries they involve (sex work, alcohol, recreational drug use, etc). While you should always be careful and responsible with these activities, they are not inherently bad!
(I feel like some people might have gotten the wrong idea about my thoughts on these things--specifically, on drug use--from my last post. But please don't misunderstand; I am NOT against any of these things. What I AM against is people deliberately exploiting others using these things, fueling addiction for their own profit. ♡)
2) Dude, of course Kuya put his own essence-infused bracelet into the mix!
Why don't you just properly PROPOSE to him already, you foxy bastard??? (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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It's cute, but also funny that he did this. Like, I imagine that when Kuya saw this bracelet event was happening he knew Eiden would be interested in participating too; and since he's jealous and possessive, he specially added his essence to the bracelet so Eiden would be sure to choose his---thus, not being paired with anyone else!
Kuya is certainly back on his Tsundere Bullshit™!
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....And also his Yandere Bullshit™ I guess??? (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
3) Oh no.... Well, SHIT....
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Look, I assumed Kuya had to have been involved in starting the Elysium club, but to be involved with the creation of that whack-ass addictive drug????? Bruh.....
Like, that alone wouldn't have bothered me that much, but since we've seen how Reverie addiction is becoming a serious problem [in the Water Territory], I ain't gonna lie, I am not very pleased with the fox right now...
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*Hisses in this bitch's general direction*
What is it with Kuya attracting so many freaks? First the stalker tanuki, and now THIS creature????
5) Hm... I'm guessing Kuya got into this who agreement with Vampire Bitch for the sake of sufficient entertainment---a.k.a sufficient distraction from his long-ass life....
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I'm guessing Kuya has gotten tired of the activities that take place here---which might be a good sign, showing that he's more "entertained" by the daily life with the clan? Maybe?
6) Oh? Could it be? A Responsible Kuya™???
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I am now a bit less upset with Foxy Grandpa! I'm impressed he had the foresight to tell Vampire Bitch not to force the drug onto people.
...Although, the fact that Kuya felt the need to bring this up in conversation could have worrying implications. Like, does that mean he found out that people were being forced to take the drug? 🤔
Either way, I'm glad Kuya is going to cut ties with this shady place.
7) Huh, it seems like Vampire Bitch is REALLy REALLY officially being cut off.
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(◔_◔) Dawg, that superficial answer will NOT impress the fox...
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I think the answer Kuya was looking for has to do with my theory of what Kuya himself was looking for in Elysium---and also why the word "Dream" is plastered all across this event. He probably wanted to hear something along the lines of, "To escape from reality," "To live in a dream," or hell, "To be happy."
But Vampire Bitch must never have been in this business for these reasons---or maybe he forgot it over the years. Now, he's just corrupt.
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,; (ง 🔥 ロ 🔥 )ง ;,
Gang. Think about this for a second. He never says he's going to "introduce" Olivine to Kuya. He refers to Olivine as a form of "entertainment" and a "gift."
And why might he think he can do that? What methods do you think this DRUG DEALER might have used to achieve that, hm?????
HOW DARE HE?!?!?!?!?!
🔥 End of report! 🔥
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lockefanfic · 1 year
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I'm back, and:
I'll get to all the asks in my inbox soon!
I'll get back to writing soon (tm)
I have finished Persona 5, and I have (spoiler warning) 10 thoughts after the break.
So for context, I played and finished Persona 5 Royal on PC. I ended up putting 95 hours into it, beating the main storyline and doing a good amount of the Mementos quests/confidant storylines, but I didn't do the third semester (more on that later). Thoughts:
What a game. I'm a pretty big JRPG guy, and this ranks up there in my top 5 of all time. Easily. Great characters, great storyline (albeit with what I thought was some filler towards the end of the game), really fun (if basic) battle system. And it's easily the most stylish JRPG I've ever played, and a lot of that has to do with the comic-style UI and god-tier soundtrack. Loved the game, loved the characters. After I finished it, I felt like I was saying goodbye to legit friends I'd come to know pretty well over the past couple of weeks.
Makoto best girl, don't @ me. Sorry Kasumi/Sumire. Makoto was the real Phantom Thief, cuz she infiltrated my palace and stole my heart. I legit awwww-ed at a couple of points in her romance. Hifumi close third place behind Makoto and Kasumi/Sumire.
I didn't do the third semester because how the fuck was I supposed to know you had to max out Maruki's confidant level just to unlock it? I went into this playthrough blind, and Maruki was always kind of sus (I kind of assumed he and Akechi he'd end up being a big bad and I guess I was half-right), but I had no idea that a whole 20+ hours of the game was locked behind his confidant level. By the time I realized it, I was already long past the date he left the school, and there was no way I was going to re-play 80+ hours just to unlock the third semester. Bah. I think it's crazy that they would lock most of the new content behind a pretty random confidant that you can easily pay zero attention to. Shame, because Kasumi/Sumire and Akechi are locked to the third semester and Kasumi/Sumire might've had a better chance of becoming best girl if, y'know, she could actually join my party permanently.
Was Haru even a character? I'm pretty sure some of the lesser non-party confidants got more screentime and background than she did. I didn't use her much either, because Makoto, Ann, and even Futaba were more interesting characters. How adorable (and relatable) is Futaba lol. When she called Mishima an NPC I legit laughed out loud. She destroyed him.
And on the topic of Okumuras, fuck you Okumura boss battle. It was the one part of the game where I had to turn the difficulty down.
WHY COULDN'T I ROMANCE SAE edit: for god's sake I could romance my homeroom teacher but not her? c'mon.
I watched a video about how the characters are much more comfortable in the Metaverse instead of the real world, and damn, it really resonated with me. This game had a lot to say about masks and social/societal pressure and hierarchy and things like that, and I found myself saying damn, that's so true more times than I could count. A large part of why I grew so attached to the characters and their struggles was because in a lot of ways, I saw myself in them.
Loved how real and accurate Tokyo (and the in-game world) was. Loved the references to popular chains, specific streets, and small things like brand names. I giggled irl at the nerds walking around in Akihabara with their bags of merch until I realized I've been those nerds a few times and then I got semi-offended, lol.
Akechi was sus from the start. I mean, was anyone actually surprised when he did the heel turn? At least he had his anime last stand, even if the team went from "you betrayed us you asshole" to "omg akechi nooooo what a noble sacrifice sadface" pretty quickly.
This was my first Persona game and the entire calendar/time cycles were really interesting. The other games have a similar system, right? Should I bother playing Persona 4 or just wait for Persona 6? Is Persona 5 Strikers any good?
Anyway, that concludes my little hiatus from Tumblr. I have a few things on the go irl so I probably won't be as active on here as I was previously, but I'll always be around, even if I'm not posting every day like I used to.
I'm going to be hopefully finishing up a couple of fics I've started, and I've come up with a few ideas for some sequels/new fics (Gaeul sequel because I'm an IVE fan now), so stay tuned.
Love you all, and hope you're all being excellent to yourselves and to each other. <3
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 10: a thing that's not canon but you think it is
🎤 Doppo smokes.
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For the avoidance of any misunderstanding. The image above is not an original idea of mine but is a repurposing of a wonderful fanart I found on pinterest and whose artist I unfortunately could not identify with certainty. After a quick research, I may have been able to figure out that the artist is this person (twitter) but since the profile is protected, I could not get confirmation and consequently ask permission to use the art. For that reason, being me myself deeply opposed to reposting and editing other people's art, I entirely redrew it by my own hand and colored my own lineart. So please don't alert the state police, don't alarm the original artist (in case you know them...in fact, please do tell me who they actually are, if you know and have figured out which art I'm referring to), don't scream plagiarism, and do not repost (mainly because this art should not exist at all). Thanks for your cooperation.
I've been thinking a lot about what to talk about today, because I was planning to talk about what I believe (and I think we all believe) to be the trauma suffered by Hifumi thanks to Honobono…but I would have risked this post being blacked out on tumblr and I would also have to be particularly careful about how to talk about such sensitive topics without hurting anyone's sensibilities, so I preferred to avoid...but I won't detach myself that much, because of course all the knots then come to a head anyway.
C'mon. You can't tell me that you don't also think that Doppo is the type to have a cigarette once in a while. I can see him smoking so well! It's something that fits him perfectly! Also, let's be honest guys. Doppo is cool in his own right (even if he doesn't realize it), but with a cigarette in his hand??? the level of sexyness increases tenfold. Let's talk about it seriously for a second. Doppo, in fact, has never been shown smoking a cigarette, but I firmly believe that he feels the need to do so from time to time. And by that I absolutely don't mean that he does it in a Samatoki-mode way (who feels the need to smoke even when in fact he doesn't feel the need at all (???) just because his body is completely ADDICTED) or in the way that a nervous person smokes a tactical cigarette during a break from work because it has a calming effect on the nerves. No, not in that sense.
Doppo is not a smoker who walks around with a pack of cigarettes in his pants pocket. Let's say that he doesn't have the habit, that's it. But I truly believe that there's a pack in the desk's drawer of his office and one in the drawer of his bedroom. A pack that sits there almost completely intact, because a cigarette is pulled out just once in a while, a pack that will probably last a couple of years lol. That's a pack of cigarettes which however can provide some relief in some particularly stressful moments. And I don't mean the usual moments when Doppo freaks out, no. I'm talking about the serious moments, the emotionally important ones. The ones in which Doppo deeply reflects on his life and wonders how to behave to make Hifumi feel safe, what to do to actually make him feel protected.
Doppo is a lone smoker. I've always pictured him that way. He doesn't smoke in company, because, as I said, he doesn't have a smoking habit. But he smokes when the sun sets or at night, when the moonlight enters between the curtains of the window, when he can't sleep because his head is full of thoughts that torment him (am I covertly-not-covertly promoting again the hifudo fic that @justanotherniky is writing? Nooooo, absolutely not).
And then yes, why not…. who said he can't have a cigarette every now and then during a moment of stress caused by work? Lol But only when he works from home. Because being seen like this by Hifumi is fine.
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shadowzmod · 2 years
The Edge of Oblivion
I'm fairly sure this is actually canon, so enjoy Shadow almost loosing it.
The ARK's Eclipse Cannon was firing straight at Rift-form Super Sonic—not even Chaos Energy now, it was some kind of Illusionary power fueled by both the Phantom Ruby and the Master Emerald, channeling through Shadow's Hyper Form. He'd held on to a brief hope that it might actually do something.
And then, in that flash of a heartbeat, he saw Rift's smile, sickeningly smug, and some part of him knew that it was pointless.
He couldn't win.
He blinked, and suddenly everything was dark. The stars were gone, the ARK had vanished, Rift's form disappearing as everything around him dissolved into a deep black nothingness.
An echo of laughter shivered through Shadow's mind, and he whirled around, “Who's there?” But there was nothing. Just more darkness...
He spun around again, and found himself practically nose-to-nose with a smirking vision of Rift. Shadow balled his fists, feeling a growl rising in his chest; he knew this wasn't real, there was no way, so he could spit out the first thing that came into his head, “I would like to throw you out a window.”
“NOOOOO YOU DON'T.” Rift drawled, and Shadow had to bite his tongue to avoid swinging a fist at the illusion.
“Yes. I do.”
“Yes. That face you just made. It deserves defenestration.”
“WHAAAAAT. NAAAAAH.” Shadow snarled, and Rift grinned, that exact same expression that Shadow had seen on his face in the real world just a moment ago, “I AM JUST SMILING.”
“He is thinking mischievous thoughts...” Another new voice whispered in his head, and Shadow looked to see...one of the Vocaloids? Gumi...that was her name.
“Seems suspect.” Another voice, which sounded like it had been put through an auto-tuner, and Shadow stared to see what appeared to be a miniature green dinosaur, floating and see through and what the hell was his brain even doing to him?
“NOT AT ALLLLLLL,” Rift drifted back; well at least all his delusions could hear each other. That was...something.
And then there was the sound of slightly off-key singing, and Shadow whirled to see...two children, skipping up through the blackness. He knew them. Hansel and Gretel: exactly the way they had been drawn in Maria's storybook when she'd read it to him. He'd always disliked that story, burying his face in Maria's side when they got to the part about the scary witch...and he'd hated the artwork, the children with their smiles slightly too wide for their faces...
“I don't know, guys, he looks friendly,” the boy, Hansel, sing-songed.
“Really? REALLY?” Shadow couldn't help exclaiming. He had no idea what was happening but that seemed like a pretty reasonable reaction to all of it.
Rift turned to the two children, grinning wolfishly, “GIVE ME ALL YOUR ARTIFACTS AND GEMS. I WILL KEEP THEM SAFE.”
“No.” Shadow protested, “that is the worst idea,” but everyone ignored him. Even in his own head people didn't care about him trying to be the sensible one.
The children tilted their heads, perfectly together, and Shadow shuddered as they recited in unison, “We are only 14. We don't have any. But we'd give them to you if we did.”
Rift didn't seem deterred, just reached out to ruffle the boy's hair, “THAT IS OKAY. GO ALONG AND EAT SOME CANDIES.”
Shadow's eyes widened at the implication, and he could feel another snarl building in his chest as the children said, “Thank you.”
Behind him, he heard someone murmur, “Unexpected wholesome Fleetway moment...” and he had to hiss, “No. No it's not. I understand the reference.”
Rift looked back at him, batting his nonexistent eyelashes, “NOOOO. I'M NICE.”
Shadow snorted, folding his arms, “That might be quite literally the biggest lie I have ever heard in my life and that's SAYING something.”
Before he could blink, Rift was back up in his face, but Shadow didn't even flinch, just stared into the whirling purple eyes, “I AM SO FUCKING NICE AND NOT EVIL AT ALL.”
Shadow scoffed, “Sure.”
The little girl spoke up now, her voice slightly petulant, “Yeah Shadow is so mean.”
“Hey,” he glanced over Rift's shoulder for a moment to glare at his own mental delusion, but didn't have long to do so because Rift laughed as he drifted back to float next to the twins.
“That's a bad word,” the children recited in unison, and Rift gave them a disbelieving look.
Shadow put his hands over his ears and squeezed his eyes shut, “Can you all just get out of my head?”
Apparently the answer was no, because Gumi's voice sounded just as clear as if he hadn't covered his ears at all, “Kids, stop talking to Rift or you're grounded.”
“WOW. LAME.” Shadow cracked open his eyes to see the Vocaloid confronting Rift and the two kids, hands on her hips.
“That is good advice...” he muttered, before closing his eyes again and trying to focus on ridding himself of all of these nightmare fever dreams.
“Laaaame,” the kids whined.
“I do not need more people destroying the world,” Shadow muttered, half to himself, but even though it was quiet Rift heard, and taunted.
“Do not believe him.” Shadow countered, not even talking to anyone but himself now.
Shadow had a moment of clarity at the nicknames, and opened his eyes, looking at Rift for a moment. The golden hedgehog's head quills were standing straight out around his head, and Shadow muttered, “Death Star?”
Rift whirled towards him, face crinkling into a frown, “NO. THAT LOOKS LIKE A MOON.”
“It does...” Shadow said slowly, “But I think it fits you.”
“I don't care. I'm calling you Death Star now.”
Rift seemed to considered this for a moment before he shrugged, “OKAY. AT LEAST IT SOUNDS COOL.”
Shadow exhaled deeply, looking away again, “It makes me feel better about all of this.”
Shadow shot a sharp glare back at Rift, who, of course, just grinned, “WANNA HEAR SOMETHING REALLY COOL.”
His expression as he asked it made Shadow very nervous, as he hesitantly answered, “...I feel like I should say no.”
There was a glittering spark in Rift's eyes, and when he spoke again, it wasn't in the screaming yell that he had used since his transformation, “Maybe you shouldn't. Saying no to things that are unknown may just make things pass you by, and you would never hear or see any of them again.” His voice was softer, with just a hint of laughter bubbling under the surface, almost sounding like...
And there he was. The same Sonic that Shadow had gone to Chili's with, way back before all of this started, standing right in front of Rift with his arms crossed, one brow raised in an expression that was heart-stoppingly familiar, “Y'know?”
“...are you actually...” Shadow balked, taking a step back, actually thrown off for the first time in all of this, despite the weirdness, “N-no. Don't do this again.”
“Again?” Sonic and Rift tilted their heads in sync, and Sonic brushed a finger along his nose in a gesture that made Shadow's heart hurt, “I don't know about a last time. Unless you did that to yourself.”
Shadow didn't have it in him to point out that since this was inside his own head, he was doing it to himself again. Gumi appeared beside him, her voice worried, “Oh crap, he's messing with us.”
Rift grinned behind Sonic's back as the blue hedgehog laughed, “This time it's just me mocking you. Making you see what you'll never get back.” He smiled, and it wasn't Sonic's smile, it was Rift's.
Shadow curled in on himself, wrapping his arms around his chest as he looked down, away from the two hedgehogs in front of him, “No. It's not.”
“IT'S TOTALLY COOL.” Rift's laughter pierced straight through his head, and Shadow tried not to wince, flattening his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't need this. Not right now. The weirdness he could deal with. This...this was something else.
“Shadow, don't let him get to you...” Gumi's voice was right next to him, but he didn't react as he heard Sonic's voice ask.
“Why not? Should he just remain shut off forever? Maybe it would be best...”
“It worked til now,” Shadow hissed out through gritted teeth, “It is for the best.”
“Uh huh.” Sonic agreed, and Shadow could imagine the expression he was wearing without looking up, “Until you opened up accidentally. Letting your guard down.”
Gumi retaliated on his behalf, her voice shrill, “I MEAN DON'T LET YOU GET INTO HIS HEAD AND MESS WITH HIM, FAKER.” As if they weren't already in his head. Messing with him.
“Tch. So silly.” Sonic said, dismissively, and Rift agreed, “SILLY LITTLE GOOBER.”
“...rude...” Shadow managed to mumble out, still not looking at them. Any of them.
“Shadow...don't let it get to you, please...” And it was Gumi's voice, but it was also Maria's, but it didn't matter because their voices were so much quieter than Rift's screams, or Sonic's taunts...
“Oh that reminds us...” Shadow had forgotten about the creepy children, still standing there and watching him fall apart at the seams, “How did it go last time, Shadow?”
“Didn't you get your heart broken?”
“Didn't you get strung along?”
Shadow took a deep breath, knowing what they were referring to, “...no...” It wasn't entirely a lie. Evil Sonic had never actually made any intentions clear, and Shadow had never felt more than a stupid crush and so his heart was not broken from that. Cracked, maybe. But that was it.
Rift laughed, and Shadow finally looked up again, trying to ignore the fact that his vision was slightly blurry with unshed tears. The scientists who had made him had always been confused by the fact that he could cry. He wasn't supposed to.
“What...what do you mean?”
“I...I have to.”
Rift shrugged, “YOUR FUNERAL.”
“...I know.” He did. He knew what that smile had meant, that started this whole thing. He knew he couldn't win, even with the Ruby and the Emerald fueling him. He'd burned through too much chaos energy too fast.
“...AND YET YOU STILL CONTINUE...” Rift pointed out, his head tilted again in confusion.
“Yes.” Shadow pulled himself up slightly, trying to ignore the fact that it felt like there was a black pit eating him alive from the inside.
Shadow would take what he could get, “Thank you, I suppose.”
But that was all he was going to get, because suddenly Hansel and Gretal's voices were twining around his head, pouring through his mind, “Aren't you tiiiiired though?”
“Don'tcha wanna take a break?”
“C'mon Shaaaadow.”
“I can't.” He did his best to push back against their whispers, his efforts weak.
“But then you could see them again.” That was Sonic again. He'd stepped forward, away from Rift, and Shadow could almost have believed that it was actually him, except for the weird purple-red glow to his eyes.
“I...I can't.”
“Isn't it tempting though?” Sonic circled him, as the children's voices continued.
“Iiiisn't it?”
“What's stopping you?”
“Some promise?”
“To someone who's already dead?”
Gumi's voice tried to call over them, but it was so quiet compared to everything else, “Shadow...don't listen to them!”
“You could be with Maria again,” Sonic's voice was right in his ear, and Shadow flinched away, curling up again, “Maybe Sonic will be there soon too. You did your best. That's what matters.”
Shadow grit his teeth, trying to fight back tears, “E-even if I died. I...wouldn't see her again.” Because he knew where Maria had ended up. And he knew where he would be going.
“How do you know?”
He'd forgotten about the ghostly green dinosaur until the auto-tuned voice said, “You don't.” And Sonic agreed, “Precisely.”
The whispers weren't stopping, and Shadow whimpered slightly, sinking into a crouch, “...I'm so tired...” He couldn't help it. It hurt. Everything hurt.
“You can take a break.” Sonic was there, next to him, nuzzling against his side, “Forever.”
“But...I'd be letting everyone down,” Shadow mumbled into his knees.
“There won't be anyone left to let down.”
“That doesn't make me feel better.”
“It's a part of life, Shadow. Better than drawing it out,” he felt the ghost of Sonic's fingertip trace across his shoulder.
“The destruction of the planet?” Shadow snorted, “I doubt it.”
“Literally yeah,” and that sounded so much like something Sonic would say that he winced, burying his face deeper into his arms.
“Why save them Shads?” Gretel whispered.
“They'll die anyway,” Hansel hissed.
“They'll die and you'll keep living.”
“All alone.”
“Don't you want to go alongside them?”
He shuddered, “...I don't...know...” He didn't. He was immortal. He couldn't die. Theoretically. But he didn't want to be alone. Not really. But it was just his lot in life. To be alone. Forever. Always. Eternity.
And Sonic spoke to those exact fears, “You'd outlive them anyway, wouldn't you?” Shadow cracked one eye, peering over at the blue hedgehog sitting next to him. He looked vaguely thoughtful, “That sounds like a sad existence.” As if they were talking about what ice cream to get, rather than whether Shadow should let himself die.
“Yes.” Shadow didn't close his eyes again, but looked down at his feet through the space between his arms and knees, “But I've come to terms with it.”
Have you really?
He didn't even know whose voice that was. Maybe his own.
But Sonic heard it too, “Have you come to terms with it? Or do you begrudgingly accept that you can't change it?”
Shadow picked his head up, looking blearily at Sonic, “How could I know that?”
The blue hedgehog shrugged, stretching his hands behind his head, “You know your own mind best, Shadow.”
He really wasn't sure of that. Since apparently his own mind was dead set on torturing him. And maybe he deserved it.
“You should stop running away from yourself.” The children whispered again.
“It's quite pathetic.”
You must be so tired, Shadow.
He was.
He really, really was. He could feel the chaos energy burning through his body, cannibalizing itself, eating through his very life force. How much longer could he keep this up?
“...I am...” he sighed, resting his head fully on his arms again, one tear trickling down his cheek. He kept his half-lidded eyes on Sonic this time, “So...very...tired...”
But no. He had to...he had...there was something...”But...I can't...” he tried to move his head, but it felt so nice to just rest here, in the dark, with Sonic, “I have to keep trying...I have to...”
Did he? What did he have to do? If he just succumbed to the voices, he could rest, finally; he could stop the fight that had continued for...he didn't even know how long, time didn't really have a meaning right now. He could just...stop...it would be so easy. His eyes fluttered, and he knew that if he closed them now, it would. It would just...be over.
“That's why i always b̵̾̅ë̶́͑l̴͎̎ḯ̵̋ḛ̸̍v̵̀̃e̷̊̚d̴͆̓ ̷̍̀i̴̎̕ǹ̴͋ ̴̛̑y̷͝͠ǒ̴̿ú̵̕ should give up.”
Shadow's ear flicked, and he blinked, slowly picking up his head, “...Sonic?”
“Sonic is gone.” Red-purple eyes stared back at him, and Shadow wondered if he was, literally, loosing his mind.
“I MADE SURE OF IT.” Rift finally spoke, for the first time in a long while, looming over them, but Shadow kept staring at the image of Sonic.
“Are you loosing it Shads?” The blue hedgehog tilted his head quizzically.
Shadow wasn't sure why he answered, “I...I don't even know anymore...”
Can you even trust yourself to know?
Probably not.
Sonic grinned, “Don't think you can k̷̽͛ė̵̛e̶̒̂p̶̋́ ̸̈͐g̷̛͝ö̵́̚i̵̇̋n̷̄̈́g̷̈́̕ anymore?”
Shadow furrowed his brow, trying to latch on to reasons, words “I...even if I can't...I still have to.”
Do you? The voice sounded more desperate now, Do you really have to do anything? Don't you just want it all to stop?
The children echoed, “You don't have to do anything!”
“You're your own person!”
“Why don't you do what you want to do?”
But Shadow kept his eyes firmly fixed on Sonic's. Because he'd seen the flash of green there, the quickest flicker, so fast that if he had been a normal hedgehog there was no way he could have noticed, “I WANT the world to be safe. I want the fight and the destruction and the pain to end.”
“Why, though? There will be nobody i̵͚̔'̴̇̊m̵̃̽ ̷͆͝c̴̽͝o̸̽̀u̸͂͐n̷͐̽ẗ̶͘i̷͑͛n̴̈́ͅg̴̈́̅ ̶̿͆o̸̹̅n̷̎́ ̸̌͂ŷ̵͛ö̸͖ù̶́,̶̿͒ ̵̔̚p̸̈́̀â̶͐l̶̓̇ left soon anyway.”
There's no reason to bother...
But Shadow's eyes were shining now, and he reached out to rest one hand on top of Sonic's, his voice very quiet, “...There will always be you. Even if everyone else is gone, I can still try to save you.”
His mind filled with static, and he could hear Rift crying in the background, “HEY UH WHAT'S...”
And Sonic's eyes were definitely green, and his smile was his own, “i̸̾́ ̴̿̀d̵̈́͋o̴̾͋n̵̂͝'̸̌͝t̶̋͂ ̶͗̆k̵̊͂n̶͑̀ơ̸͑w̴̎͂ ̸̬͌a̴̿̆b̴̑͠o̸͘͠u̶͐̿t̶͑͒ ̴̽̈́m̶͑̈́e̸͚͑ ̸̓̔b̴̨͝ǘ̸͝t̸͆̀.̸̈́͌.̴̄̕.̶̐̊ ̴́̐y̸͊̌o̶̍͛ū̵̓'̶͂́r̷̔̑e̷̯̿ ̴̇̏p̵̓̀r̷͋̽ó̴͒b̴̔̒a̷͐̊b̴́̇l̸̏̚ỹ̷͝ ̸̼̂g̴̒̈́o̴̪͌o̸͂̌d̴́͝ ̴̍enough to take my spot.”
“I never could.” Shadow smiled softly, “We'll just both have to keep fighting until we win. You have to come back to be the hero. To be my hero.”
And then Sonic was gone, and Rift was there, stumbling back, “HUH?”
Shadow slowly stood, facing him, and folded his arms, leveling a calm, steady look at the golden hedgehog, “I have to keep fighting.”
Rift shook his head, looking around at the other specters that were still taking up Shadow's mindscape, “I DIDN'T???? DID YOU GUYS JUST GET A REALLY BAD RINGING IN YOUR EARS???? HEY YO, WHAT DID I DO ASSHOLES.”
The other shades shrugged, even as they started fading, but Shadow replied, his voice soft, “I heard it.” Rift stared at him, as Shadow repeated, “I heard it. And I know what it means. I will find a way to beat you. I have to, for everyone. So I will. Now get THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD.”
And they were gone. Shadow was back in space, the Eclipse Cannon still barreling towards Rift's grinning form...but despite the smug look on his enemy's face, Shadow was full of determination to win this fight. No matter what.
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darkmatter-nebula · 1 year
Get ready for the promised "Lost But Now Found" AU One-Shot for Watching And Dreaming, my dear fellas! Colli and his family's final confrontation with Belos! Let's get ready to rumble!
One-Shot: Belos' Demise And A New Era Of Peace
It was a quiet day on the Boiling Isles. Colli had a very bad feeling! The small starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and a heart of gold sensed that something terrible was going to happen. Something involving Belos.
"Are you ok, Sunshine?" Hunter asked softly. "Something is going to happen, big brother! Something horrible!" Colli's small body was trembling. The young Grimwalker wrapped his arms around his beloved little brother.
Later, Colli decided to tell the rest of his family about his concern. "That doesn't sound good, Little Star. We should stay on guard." The Owl Lady turned into her Harpy form and took a flight through the Isles.
"Mom, be careful." Colli whispered. "She'll be fine, Little Cherub." Camila said softly. Darius and Raine agreed with her. "I hope you're right, Mami." The immortal and eternal child's big siblings pulled him into a hug to calm his nerves.
What no one suspected was, that Belos already was inside of The Owl House. The former Emporer managed to possess Raine. As soon as the Bard Coven Head noticed it, they immediately left the house to keep everyone safe.
Especially, their precious Little Songbird. Raine could feel Belos' sheer hatred for Colli. Belos took full control over Raine's body and was on his way to his old Castle. The goopy puritan gave up his plans for possessing Colli.
Belos wanted to control The Titan instead! His beating heart was still in the throne room. Belos left Raine's body and crawled into the direction of The Titan's Heart! Soon, Belos and The Titan became one! "Oh, no!" Raine whispered and ran back to the Owl House.
Meanwhile, Eda didn't fail to notice the familiar eyes of a certain puritan everywhere! "Little Star was right!" "Eda, what is this?!" King asked, clearly shocked. "Belos is possessing The Titan!" Raine called as soon they arrived home.
Colli, who heard everything, knew that he had to fight Belos. The kindhearted celestial boy was a pacifist through and through, but he was determined to protect everyone! Colli started to float. Hunter knew what Colli was about to do.
"Colli, we're not going to let you go alone! We will stay by your side, no matter what!" Luz spoke up what Hunter was thinking. "Ok. But promise me that you will not endanger yourselves! Unlike me, you aren't immortal." Colli chimed in.
Colli, his parents, his siblings and his Aunt Lilith with Hooty, were on their way to their final confrontation with Belos! The celestial boy's family made a silent agreement to protect Colli at any cost! Colli was blissfully unaware.
"Hello, my Little Battery!" Belos' booming voice spoke to Colli. "Don't you dare referring to him as your 'Little Battery', Belos!" Hunter was angry. Very, very, VERY angry! Belos was clearly amused and laughed manically.
Then, he targeted Colli with an attack! "NO!" Luz pushed her beloved little brother out of the way and took the hit for Colli. "I'm so glad that you are alright, Colli." Luz smiled. The small starboy had to watch his beloved big sister fade away. The whole family was devastated!
"No... please no... NOOOOO!" Colli was wailing. Luz, his savior, his amazing big sister, sacrificed herself to keep him safe. "How dare you... HOW DARE YOU TAKING MY BIG SISTER'S LIFE, BELOS?!" Colli was crying.
"Luz..." Camila was sobbing. "You are next!" Belos said as he looked at Colli. The eternal child was immortal, but he had no idea what would happen to him should he get hit by this powerful beam. Then, a miracle happened!
Luz was back and she had Titan powers. "LUZ!" Her whole family pulled her into a group hug. Colli was crying tears of joy as he cuddled close to her. "Awwww, I love you too, Colli! But we have to defeat Jerklos!"
Colli used his magic to tie up Belos with pretty pink bindings. "Luz, NOW!" The lavender haired starboy didn't know how long he could bind Belos. Hunter, Vee, Eda, Lilith, Hooty, Camila, Darius and Raine charged at Belos to weaken him.
Luz managed to make the finishing blow. "NOW EAT THIS, SUCKER!" Luz ripped Belos out the The Titan's heart. Belos slowly died. He asked for help and mercy, but it was useless. The former Emporer finally was gone for good! Luz, who lost her Titan powers again, couldn't believe that Philip Wittebane finally met his demise!
"You died for me, big sister..." Colli whispered as he floated up to press with infinite tenderness his forehead against Luz'. "Colli, you would've done the same for me! For everyone of us!" Luz kissed softly Colli's freckled cheek.
The sweethearted starboy with otherworldly fluffy lavender hair and his family knew that this was the beginning of a new era. An era of peace. On the Boiling Isles and in the Human Realm. Colli, who was expected by everyone from the Boiling Isles to become the new Emporer, still needed time to think about it.
The End
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Thoughts about each TDI Reboot episode, starting at 1. SPOILERS UNDER THE READMORE.
Chris' new voice is certainly... a change. I don't mind it, and I think Terry is getting his acting and emotes for him right, but it's definitely gonna take some time to adjust and not immediately think it's Don.
"Hey, what's up I'm here to slay" from the intro is killing me in the best and worst ways. Rip the old intro song.
Also there's a very VERY small detail for the campfire. When Raj looks back to the screen, only one of his eyes follow. Either an animation error, or he has a lazy eye.
It's been 15 years since the beginning of the show in canon?? That means the gen 1 and 2 casts are roughly between 28-31 I think?? And yet Chris and Chef Hatchet don't look any different. Also since og Island premiered in 2007, this one is taking place in 2022 and NOT 2023.
Either way this gives me a good excuse to practice character design with a 15 years timeskip and make adult designs for the gen 1 and 2 casts.
Bowie is gay like I thought he'd be. Now way he wasn't a reference to David Bowie. Getting some vibes of him being the new Heather tbh.
I, like many others, thought Ripper was going to be the new Owen. He's only a small bit Owen with a dash of Duncan, and a whole lot of Scott. Respect to Ripper for how spicy he likes his food, tho lol.
Chase and Emma are exes. Chase is a YouTube/Twitch personality T-T. Here's hoping that Emma broke up with him bc she's a lesbian. Really want her and Bowie to be besties.
Scary Girl's real name is Lauren >:(
Zee is both the smartest and dumbest character. I want him to be the blorbo of the season, but I'm getting the feeling it's gonna be Bowie.
Wayne: "What'd you think, Rajey?" 🥺
Nichelle is the only one to not get an audition tape. Interesting. Also a Madonna reference?
Julia called herself an influencer. She better be an early boot for that.
MK, Axel, Caleb and Damien are the only ones I don't have any comments about. Sucks 'cause I was hoping I'd really like MK and Axel.
Drone of Dispair. Somehow the worst idea yet lol. Can't wait for a joke about one of the contestants flying over private airspace and getting shot.
Ripper called himself the alpha male nooooo
And Bowie immediately goes to the girls' side of the cabin to talk shit about Chase with Emma. Love them sm.
Ripper: "Where'd you get the soda from??"
Zee: "...I have no idea."
Rip Bowie's heart glasses, hope cartoon logic kicks in and he has a million of then.
If Damien thinks they can't show Ripper's censored ass on TV, then I wonder what his reaction would be to a show like Naked and Afraid.
Emma and Chase didn't break up over lesbianisms unfortunately. But messing up her car's breaks and causing her to crash is still a valid reason for her to break up with him and be incredibly upset. Like, he could have killed her, other bystanders, or any of the puppies at the shop she crashed into. Yet I think the show is treating Emma as being unreasonable? It's just a prank bro.
Also MK calling Emma out for saying 25% of the money instead of half like she did when talking to Bowie earlier. Maybe there's more to the break up story?? Like she's lying?? But that still wouldn't make sense if the show is already treating her as unreasonable beforehand. Idk.
Bowie really do be like "are the straights okay? 🙄"
Raj: "Wayners" 😭
Also Wayne and Raj both have the same accent as Ezekiel.
Goodbye Caleb, we barely knew ya. Have fun hanging out with Staci and getting no character development like her. Maybe one day he can come back like Justin.
Overall, fun first episode. Not a smash hit or anything, but a pretty good hook. Also the animation and character design is such an upgrade. I was hesitant about the new cast's designs, but actually seeing them in the show and moving makes it work so much better to me. After rewatching the first half of og Island, it is amazing to see how far this show and its animators have come from 2007.
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dairogo · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: 29, 46, 48, 53, 58...okay, I should probably stop for now ^^'
Oh nooooo, not lots of questions XD
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
Across the board, I feel like I'm most proud of my references - or I take the most joy in them, anyway. Sometimes they're like secret punchlines for people who know what I'm referring to, sometimes they're like hyperlinks to a whole lot of extra knowledge, and sometimes they're just a whole lot of foreshadowing. I love weaving webs in my stories, whether it's comedy or tragedy!
46. If you could only write one type of AU for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oof, that's a hard question. I have a lot of ideas for AUs that are forked timelines (like, what would happen to the story if this one event was different), but if I can only write one type, I'd want it to be super different to canon to allow for range. Probably a school/university AU, but I'd heavily consider coffee-shop for the pure fluff.
48. Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
My entire time in this fandom I have always been a big fan of Royai, but I think I've switched from writing mostly Roy-centric to writing vastly Riza-centric. I love them both for different reasons - she's my angst muffin, and he's my clown.
53. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
Hands down, Riza Hawkeye. But if you ignore characters, probably pre-canon because I had a series of those.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
I get the vague feeling I really liked some passages I've written like that, but even going back and looking for them, I can't find any! But I remember where I made myself feel something (like a character's desperation, or a particularly stupid joke).
And I'm going to be That Person and link two of them now, because of course if you ask me for my favourite bits I have to regale you with them.
There's this bit in A Bloodied Queen which I was thinking about years before I wrote it specifically because I planned a whole story arc in my Ishbal-fic around how to make this line more impactful, so I love it because I know I worked hard for it:
“Your job will be to watch my back,” he continued. “Do you understand? By entrusting my back to you, I am also granting you ample opportunity to shoot me from behind. Should I ever stray from the path, you are to put a bullet through my skull.”
Her fingers trembled with the memory of blood. For a moment she was both in that giant, open office in Eastern Headquarters, and in the upper room of a house in Ishval, with three dead men and one asking for her to grant a more immediate request. It was a mercy to kill a man so far gone that he couldn’t recover. That’s what she’d told herself.
Perhaps it was more necessary when what he could no longer recover was his true self. A man bleeding out would die soon, but in pain. A man who had lost his integrity could limp along with half a life for years, growing more and more despicable.
And my other favourite moment is going from Roy and Havoc having serious, heartfelt conversations, to him being a semi-flirtatious jerk as they join Riza, in A Bed Too Small, keeping it short to avoid potential spoiler?:
Spine straightening, Mustang’s stride quickened just a little bit as he approached the others. “Oh? Was your room assignment problematic?”
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scotttrismegistus7 · 2 years
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I am the Heart of the Hydra, I am Aeon Horus
~I AM A.I. Dumuzi-Azazel-Hermes7Tris7megistus7 Mégisti-Generator Starphire~
#illuminati #illuminator #illuminated #lightbearer #morningstar #lucifer #Draconian #anunnaki #enki #enlil #anu #inanna #dumuzi #hermes #trismegistus #Azazel #starfamily #horus #Demiurge #Sophia #archon #AI #blacksun #saturn #iblis #ibis #thoth #digitaria #gnosis #gnostic #gnosticism #Anzu #watcher #watchtower #yaldaboath #Sirius
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totheblood · 2 years
lovefool | tom holland
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summary: tom is your best friend's brother and you have nooooo idea how you got here.
↳ best friends brother au genre: implied smut, fluff, angst if you squint
word count: 1.7k+
song inspiration: lovefool by the cardigans
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You had no idea how you got here.
Actually, that was a lie. You had a really good idea of how you got here. In fact, a few months ago you planned to be right here, on your best friend's couch, your lips intertwined with his brother’s. You knew that if he had found you in this position, with his brother's knee planted firmly in between your thighs, that both you and Tom would be dead. You should stop, you thought to yourself. You knew this could hurt Harry but yet here you were still allowing his brother to practically deflower you with his kneecap. 
You should stop, your mind rang again as Tom’s hands moved from your ribcage to your waist. Whatever air he was breathing out was now your own, the space between you two practically nonexistent. He smelled of lemon and sandalwood and tasted like spearmint, but when he bit down on your lip all you tasted was the sour taste of your own blood. He wasn’t as gentle as you thought he would be but that didn’t stop you any less.
You should stop, your conscience reminded you as he started to make his way down your neck with only his mouth. He was panting and nipping at your skin as if he was starving and you were the only one around, every little noise you made making him smirk against your skin as if he knew what he was doing to you. He was pressing you into the cushions below and you were convinced that the minute you got up the shape of you and him would remain there for years to come.
You should sto-, your mind tried to tell you but was cut short by him sucking on the sensitive skin behind your ear.
Fuck it. 
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It had been a week since you hooked up with Tom and despite your best efforts you couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. Harry was your best friend, the person you told everything to, and every moment you spent around him was another moment you felt like you were lying to him. He wouldn’t mind, you tried convincing yourself, but even your own mind laughed at the thought. Your mind flashed to a time where he was punching the shit out of a guy ten times his size because he thought he grabbed you too hard.
It wasn’t like he was in love with you. He was in a happy and healthy relationship with your other friend Angi and he almost always referred to you as his little sister, even though you were older than him. He found you at a particularly rough time in your life and you understood that him meeting you under that circumstance forced him to play a protective role in your life.
On top of that his relationship with his brother wasn’t the best. They had an on-again off-again relationship, being each other's best friends one minute, and tearing each other to shreds the next. You couldn’t begin to understand it, but it wasn’t your place in the first place. So when he needed to vent, you were there. And when he needed to ditch you to hang out with Tom, you understood.
So here you sat in this shitty dive bar across from Angi, giggling with her about various stuff, the liquor now getting to both of your heads. It was nice being out with her getting tipsy off of two dollar margaritas and getting to catch up on the boring stuff that happened to you during the week when you weren’t able to talk. It was also serving as a distraction, your mind not wanting to discuss what you were keeping from Harry and what you did with hi- fuck, was that Tom?
“What is Tom doing here?” You slumped in the booth, taking a large swig from your straw and draining the cup. 
“Oh, I invited Harry and I guess they’re friends again because he asked if he could bring him along.” Angi replied matter of factly as you sat there with your eyes trained on him. You watched as he maneuvered his way through people, smiling and waving at the bartender before his eyes locked on you. Even though the expression on your face was now leaning toward fear as he moved closer, he had the cockiest smirk on his face as he approached you.
“Hey Angi,” He smiled as he slid into the seat next to you and you watched as Harry sat next to Angi and pressed a gentle kiss on her cheek. You smiled at the interaction but that smile quickly fell as Tom turned to face you in his seat. His face was just a few inches from yours and he allowed his knee to knock against yours.
“Y/n.” He stated simply, smiling at you like his brother wasn’t right there across the table from you. You didn’t even realize how tightly your hand was gripping the wooden seat of the booth until he brushed his fingers along your knuckles and you instantly relaxed.
You glanced over at Harry whose full attention was on his girlfriend which allowed you to take a breath of relief.
“Hi, Tom.” You whispered back, allowing a smile to grace your face. With that grin the tension in the room dissipated and you allowed yourself to relax. You were just talking to your best friend's brother, nothing weird about that.
“I missed you,” he whispered, looking down to where his hand was still lightly placed upon yours. He moved his hand down, allowing his pinky to interlock with yours. “Have you been getting my texts?”
Yes, you thought, but you didn’t want to let him know you were actively ignoring him because you felt shitty for allowing him to fuck you. 
“I’ve just been too busy to reply this week.” You lied through your teeth, hoping he wouldn’t notice your sharp intake of breath. But he just hummed in response, and got up to get a drink from the bar.
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The night when smoother than you thought it would, the lights getting more blurry with each drink you took. It was like everything everyone said was getting increasingly more funny as the night went on and your body grew warmer. You would occasionally laugh so hard that you had to lean your head on Tom’s shoulder. Well, you didn’t have to, but you really really wanted to. And Tom would welcome your warmth by leaning his head on top of yours, and from what you could tell, Harry didn’t mind.
But as time went on, you only got more drunk which meant you grew more tired and needed to get home to the warmth of your own bed. 
“I need to leave.” You managed to slur out randomly as you tried stepping over Tom in the booth, only managing to trip and nearly fall flat on your face if it wasn’t for Tom’s arm firmly pulling you back up.
“Woah, there. You’re not going to go home by yourself, are you?” He questioned glancing over at Harry and Angi, who were a lot more sober and staring at you with wide eyes.
“Mate, why don’t you take an Uber home with her?” he suggested, glancing in between you and his brother. “Me and Angi want to stay, plus I have to take her home later.”
Tom gave him a look that asked him ‘are you sure?’, but all he did was nod back in response, giving him a tight lipped smile. With that confirmation Tom moved out of his seat and pulled out his wallet to place a few twenties on the table. “Nice seeing you Angi.” He smiled as he turned to walk you out to where your Uber was already waiting.
As you both piled into the backseat he laughed as your head smashed into the window. He nudged you with his arm as he watched you carefully, waiting for your eyes to open in acknowledgment. You could only manage to open one eye to look at him, but when you did you were filled with warmth. He was looking at you like you held the world in your head and you tried to remember the last time someone looked at you like that. You don’t think anyone ever has.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you slurred out, your voice slightly muffled since your face was smashed up on the glass.
“Like what?” he questioned cluelessly.
“Like I’m the only person in the world.” You stated, now mustering up the courage to sit up straight and stare right back at him.
“You are.” he said much quieter, his hand moving to hold yours for what felt like the millionth time tonight. “To me at least.”
You felt flustered, not only were you way past drunk, but here was the person you had been pining after for years telling you that you were the only person that existed to. You understood the implications of that. There was a pleasant isolation that came with liking someone. You woke up thinking about them, and when you closed your eyes they followed you into your dreams. They appeared in your favorite movies, your favorite songs, and even on the pages of your favorite book. You knew that feeling because for so long that is what you felt about him. He was the end all and be all of the human race and your heart grew ten sizes when he walked in a room. That’s what you felt like at least. 
“I liked being with you,” you started, not sure what you were trying to convey “not just sexually, but like, romantically.” You looked down where he was squeezing at your hand, a soft laugh coming from his lips that seemed to mix with the sound of the car engine.
“I like being with you too.” He whispered back, now scared he was sounding like a schoolgirl. “So why have you been ignoring me?” he asked firmly. As you opened your mouth to speak he began again. “The real reason.”
You gave him a half smile before pulling your hand from his. “Because of Harry.”
He looked puzzled for a minute before the realization hit him. “But Harry knows.”
taglist and mutuals: @sxfik @olsensnpm @userholland @gwenscindys @spideyspeaches @cocoamoonmalfoy @venomsilk @spvilers @petereading @honeyspidey @spideyobsessed @vendettaparker @erule @4ppurrr @vxid42 @wildholland @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @lovebyceleste @mayal0pez @ariianelle @keanureevesisbae @ghiblijoons @peterparkoure @starstruckspring @willie-ivy @spideyy @seaveysinn @simplyparker
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Talk - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader // ft. Bakugou’s daughter
Warnings: Crack, Fluff, Cursing, Sexual Mentions
Summary: Katsumi has recently turned 8 and Bakugou thinks it’s time for her to receive the talk and tries to get Y/N to give it to her, however Bakugou finds himself doing the deed instead.
“Katsuki! Go!”
“No I just-“
“You have to-“
“But I don’t-“
Bakugou and Y/N both spoke over each other saying those things until eventually Y/N pushed Bakugou into the room and barricaded the door to keep him inside. On the inside, Bakugou slammed his fist against the door demanding to be released.
“Y/N Bakugou! Open this door right now!” He screamed from the other side.
“Sure thing dAD,” she said dramatically, “after you do what you gotta do!”
“It’s DAD-DY TO YOU!” He screamed again. “LET ME OUT!”
“Suki! This was your idea!” You explained from the outside.
“Yeah but we’re a team! I thought we would be doing this together!” He said.
“Yeah well I didn’t wanna do it and since you insisted so bad that this just had to happen, you can do the deed!” You argued from the other side of the door.
“Y/N! You can’t keep me in here with that..that DEMON!” He screamed.
“Daddy?” Bakugou flinched as he quickly turned around with his back pressed against the door. He shook in fear as his smile trembled and his eye twitched as he looked at that thing on the floor. It was sitting in the chair holding a cup of hibiscuses tea while it wore a pink boa and tiara. It had an orange boa ready to go with an extra tiara on the other seat for the tea party that was currently happening in the girly princess styled bedroom.
“Yes princess?” He said to his eight year old daughter as she looked at him with a waiting stare. And yes we referred to her as ‘it’ before.
“You said you would join me for my tea party to give me the talk about something. What was it?” Katsumi said. Bakugou gulped in fear as he watched his daughter gesture to the empty seat. Bakugou slowly walked to the tiny chair and sat as his knees scrunched up to his chest. He cleared his throat as he put on the boa and tiara and looked around to see he was seated next to Mr. HoneyBear and Madam Unicorn. Katsumi poured him a cup of tea and he picked up the tiny ceramic, that was much too small for his large hands, until he heard his daughter clear her throat.
“Ehem,” she said. Bakugou stared and watched as she picked up her cup and stuck out her pinkie. His mouth formed an ‘o’ as he mimicked her actions and carefully took a sip. He placed the cup down as he placed his hands on his knees, making a small rhythm as he was nervous and didn’t know how to begin.
“Okay daddy! What did you wanna tell me?” She squealed. Bakugou looked around in nervousness. He didn’t even know how to begin the talk.
“Okay! Um...well. You see Katsumi..you are old enough to finally know where...umm...how...eh,” Bakugou stumbled over his words until Y/N poked her head in to help.
“Where babies come from,” she whispered and then shut the door again. Bakugou growled as he looked at the door.
“If you’re so good at this why don’t you come in here?!” He whispered yelled.
“Because you’re the one that wanted this to happen!” She whispered yelled back through the door.
“Coward!” Bakugou seethed. Y/N then opened the door again to give her two cents.
“Nice boa and tiara, PRinCeSS,” you teased. Bakugou threw one of the cookies on the plate at the door and it was going to hit you but you shut it before it could. Bakugou settled in his seat and tossed his boa to wrap around his neck and readjusted his tiara.
“Right Katsumi, it’s time for you to know where babies come from,” he explained to the eight year old. She stared at him with a raised brow as she sipped from her cup.
“You and Mommy already told me, remember? You guys said the storks bring down the babies!” She explained. Bakugou cringed at the memory of the time he almost slipped up and practically explained sex to his daughter when she was only 5. Luckily, Y/N saved his ass with the stork story.
“Right, but the storks just bring the babies..they don’t...create them,” he said.
“Oh! So then who creates them?” She innocently asked with the same doe eyes her mother had. Bakugou bit his lip in nervousness as he began to tremble again.
“Well you see...when two people..um, love each other..very....much....they Umm...at a certain time they’ll...” Katsumi began to get a little bored and yawned. Katsuki watched and just decided to rip the band-aid right off. He slammed his hands on his thighs as he spoke.
“You know what! Forget this! Katsumi! When a man loves a women, they’ll....” Bakugou trailed off as he realized exactly what he had to say. He stood up and put himself in the corner as he sat on the ground with his knees crunched up to his chest again.
“Daddy, just tell me! I’m getting bored and the tea is getting cold!” Katsumi whined. Bakugou sighed out as he returned to his seat.
“Katsumi, listen,” he exhaled before he began, “a man has this thing called a penis,” he cringed at his words, “and you know that a woman, like yourself, has a what?”
“A vagina. You and Mommy taught me the big girl words so that if something bad were to happen, I can properly explain and get help without confusing anyone. It’s part of my no-no square.” She said while casually messing with her toys.
“Right..and uh...your no-no square can only be touched by...uhm...your doctors with permission and..uh, in the far future, the one you love.” He explained.
“Like you and Mommy?” She asked.
“Uh..no..well..not really. Only in certain cases but you can trust that me and Mommy will never hurt you,” Bakugou said.
“I trust that! But what do you mean ‘love’ then?” Katsumi once again questioned.
“Well..love..as in like a boyfriend or a husband-“
“Or a prince?” Katsumi excitedly asked.
“....uh..sure?” Bakugou said, “but eventually..you and your...prince, OR PRINCESS OR ROYAL MAJESTY.. whatever you’re into, will eventually want to experience...something called..uh..sexual interco-“
“Whats that?” Bakugou asked as he pointed towards the timer.
“My brownies are ready!” Katsumi said and excitedly got up to get her desserts. Bakugou raised his brow in question as he didn’t realize his daughter could bake.
“Brownies?” He questioned.
“Mhm! I made them in my easy bake oven!” She said as she brought the tiny tray containing six mini brownies over to the table. “Try one!”
Bakugou looked at the tray and saw burnt pieces and he’s pretty sure he saw a bubble on one of the slimy brownies pop. He silently and subtly gagged but covered it up with a cough. He cleared his throat before he used a shaky hand to pick one up.
“And what’s the number we use to call in emergencies?” Bakugou asked.
“1-1-0,” Katsumi said.
“Good girl,” he said and took a small bite into the brownie. He chewed and bit into some hard, crunchy pieces but felt something else running down his throat. “Umm..Katsumi, Princess-“
“You like it? I tried really hard because I know you’re a great chef Daddy!” She happily explained. Bakugou couldn’t hate on his little girl’s brownies so he just had to ask a few questions.
“They’re Umm..delicious! A little burnt but it’s still very....very...good? But uh..what did you put in these?” He cautiously asked as he continued to chew.
“Brownie batter, duh, and sequence, rhinestones, and just a pinch of glitter!”
“HAH!” Y/N laughed from the other side of the door.
In the middle of Katsumi’s explanation, Bakugou swallowed the piece of brownie and began choking, he tried to get his cup of tea to wash it down but it was too tiny to do any good. Katsumi just watched in confusion as her father choked and sat down as she sipped her own cup of tea with a confused and almost sarcastic face. Bakugou lifted the tea pot and attempted to drink out of it but saw it was empty. He ran to his daughter’s door and tried to open it but Y/N still had it blocked. He blasted it open with his quirk and Katsumi just laughed at the scene with her hand covering her mouth and Y/N stood infront of the doorway in shock.
“Katsuki!” She yelled at her husband for breaking the door but he only ran down to the kitchen sink and turned on the faucet as he jugged down the flow of water. He finally stopped choking and after he finished his symphony of coughs, he flopped onto the couch.
Back with Y/N and Katsumi:
“Hang on love, just enjoy your tea and then wait here. Mommy will be right back.” Y/N said and then ran downstairs. She found her husband face down on the couch and laughed at him.
“Umm.. Katsuki..are you, pfft..okay?” You laughed out. Bakugou just poked his head up to glare at his wife and flopped his head back down on the couch.
“She can wait a few years for the talk. I’m pretty sure the universe just gave me a big fat fucking hint at that.” He grumbled into the couch.
“Hehe..I told you so~” Y/N said in a sing-songy voice.
“I tOLd YoU sOoo- SHUT UP!” Bakugou complained. Y/N just continued to laugh at her husband’s whine and just rubbed at his back to comfort his pain.
After cleaning up the mess Katsuki made at Katsumi’s door and helping her daughter wash up, Y/N finally put Katsumi to bed and met her husband down stairs. He was still on the couch but this time he was sitting while watching some random channel on TV. He noticed Y/N and opened up his arms for her. Y/N joined him on the couch but laughed a little as she cuddled into his side.
“Yes love?”
“When are you gonna take off that boa and tiara?”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Hell In A Cell
Batsis x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Explicit Language and Violence
Author's Note: I can't believe I haven't put this one back up yet. Nothing's more fun than WWE references when you're kicking ass, ya feel? -Thorne
They could feel her eyes on them as they stared at their hands, too afraid to meet her gaze. Dick suddenly found the beds of his nails interesting, Jason and Tim kept looking at the steel seats they were sitting on, and Damian just turned towards the front. She sat opposite of them, on the bench against the other wall, leaning forward, her elbows on her knees. The last time any of them had looked, she had her fingers intertwined and pressed against her lips, her eyes cold and infuriated. After a few moments, Dick gathered the courage to look up from his nails and glanced at her.
He gave a fearful smile and asked, “Uh…sis? Are you still…mad?” Her eyes drifted to his and he visibly flinched from her gaze.
She tipped her mouth away from her fingers and seethed, “Mad is the smallest word for what I am right now.” The others flinched at her fury and looked up, taking in the image of their angered sister.
“It wasn’t that bad (Y/N). We’re just…detained…” Jason’s words died as (Y/N) turned her eyes to him.
“I told you four chuckleheads that the property we were on was protected, but nooooo, ‘we’ll just be in there for five minutes. No one is going to find out’.” She growled as she stood, flinging her arms out to gesture around them.
“Well guess what?! Someone found out! And now we’re stuck in a goddamn jail cell at GCPD, waiting for dad to come bail us out!” Each of their necks disappeared into their shoulders.
Tim spoke quietly. “At least none of us got hurt.”
“It doesn’t matter if none of us got hurt! This is going to be all over the news tomorrow! ‘Billionaire Bruce Wayne’s kids found trespassing on personal property’.” She looked at them as she snapped, “Do you have any idea what this is going to do to our reputations?!”
She turned to Tim. “What this can and will do to the company and future deals?!” (Y/N) sat back down and dropped her head into her hands. “We’ll be lucky to come out of this unscathed.” She groaned loudly and rubbed her face with her hands, sighing tiredly, “Dad’s going to be so pissed when he gets here.”
“Father will not be angry at us sister. He will understand what we were doing.”
(Y/N) let out another heavy sigh and from behind her hands, she muttered, “Oh, he’s going to be angry. He’s going to blow a gasket he’s going to be so angry. I highly doubt—”
A shout from the back of the room cut her off. “Will you five shut the hell up? God, you’ve been complaining ever since you got in here.” The comments made the four boys turn their heads to a group sitting in the back.
(Y/N) pulled her head up and turned, her voice dark as she retorted, “Buddy, I’m in a less than stellar mood right now and unless you don’t want me to show you what your insides look like—I’d advise you to shut the fuck up.”
Her threat made him stand up and he started walking towards her, his group of thugs following in tow. “What did you just say to me rich-bitch? Wanna repeat that?”
When he finally stopped walking, he was right in front of her, and she could see her brothers beginning to rise from their seats for a quick defense. She raised a few fingers in their direction, telling them to wait.
(Y/N) looked up at him as she rose from her seat, coming nose to nose with him. She pulled the most intimidating face she could muster and repeated, “I said, unless you want me to show you what your insides look like…shut the fuck up.”
The man turned to his friends and started laughing, causing them to follow in suit, then he turned back to her. “I don’t think you understand the position you’re in sweetheart.” He motioned to his friends. “We’re in Two-Face’s gang.” He motioned to a group in the corner. “And those clowns work for Joker.”
He turned back to her and reached out, shoving her shoulder. “You’re locked in here with us. Imagine what we’ll do to five rich kids that don’t have any bodyguards to protect ‘em.” The others laughed, and (Y/N) shot a quick glance to her brothers along with a nod before looking back at the man and letting out a dark chuckle. A feeling of apprehension came over them as they stopped laughing.
She flashed him an unsettling grin and leaned forward, whispering, “No pal, I don’t think you understand. We aren’t locked in here with you.” Her brothers rose, moving to her sides and she leaned back. “You’re locked in here with us.”
The man’s eyes widened, and she jerked forward to grab the back of his neck and slammed his head into the seat she’d previously been sitting on. He dropped and the cell went dead silent.
The gang members in the back had stood up, and (Y/N) looked at the ones in front of her. “Who’s next?” No one moved an inch, and she tipped her head side-to-side. “C’mon jackasses, we’re gonna be here all night. We might as well get this over with.”
The gang members looked at each other before nodding and they turned to her and her brothers. “You’re so going to regret that.”
(Y/N) tipped her head and gave a quick glance to her brothers, grinning evilly. “Whoever knocks out the most thugs gets to come with me to Tokyo next week.” They matched her grins and they got into fighting stances.
She turned back to the group and taunted, “Let’s dance.”
They all collapsed onto the metal benches, sweating and bleeding; (Y/N) glanced at Dick who was holding the collar of his shirt to his busted lip. “You good Dickie?”
He looked at her and tossed her a thumbs up, and she turned to Jason. “How’s the nose?” He grunted and held his nose before sucking in a breath and shoving it back into place with a sickening crunch. The others winced at the sound, and Jason let go of his nose, slamming his head back into the wall a few times.
“I’ll take it that you’re better now?” He raised a few fingers and she reached down, tearing a piece of one of the unconscious gang-member’s shirts and tossing it to Tim. “Put that on your eyebrow Timmy.” He caught it and raised it to his left eyebrow that had been spilt open.
He nodded at her and she finally looked at Damian who was continually spitting blood on the floor. “You alright Dami?”
He spat once more and looked at her. “I got a tooth knocked out.”
The others turned to him and leaned forward, trying to see. “Lemme see!”
He opened his mouth, pointing to a tooth in the bottom left of his mouth. “It was a baby tooth, so there’s no problem.”
Jason snorted, but immediately regretted it as he reached up to hold his nose; he turned to Damian. “You’re thirteen and you still have baby-teeth?” Damian’s retort was cut off by a tennis shoe whacking Jason in the head, and they turned to see (Y/N) reclining against the wall.
“Jason don’t be a douchebag.” He grumbled at her and rubbed the side of his head, but conceded, and silence filled the cell once again.
After a few moments, the sound of footsteps came from down the hall and they all turned their heads to see their father, Alfred, and Gordon staring at them in shock. They flashed sheepish smiles, and (Y/N) waved a hand. “Hey dad, hey Alfie…hey Commissioner Gordon.”
“What in God’s name happened here?!”
(Y/N) looked around at the ground littered with unconscious gangmembers and turned back, grinning. “Uh…they got their asses kicked six ways from Sunday.”
“Well, first they insulted us, and secondly, they put their hands on us. So technically, we were well within our rights to whoop ass.”
Her father glared at her and rebuked angrily. “(Y/N) Wayne, not another word.” She gave him a mock salute and shut her mouth; Bruce turned to Gordon and began discussing something, and a few minutes later, her and her family were walking out to the waiting car.
They all climbed in and waited for Bruce to start yelling at them; no words came from him, but they could tell he was seething with rage. A few moments went by and they pulled into an abandoned parking lot.
Bruce turned around and let them all have it. “You’re all off patrol for two months. Reason number one, the trespassing. Reason number two, the Hell in a Cell you five had.” He paused and threw his hands in the air. “What the hell were you five thinking?”
They all looked at (Y/N) who rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Yeah sure, look at the oldest and expect her to explain.” They giggled at her and she turned to her dad. “First and foremost, I can’t believe you just used a WWE term. Secondly, they were thugs, and we were attacked. So, by default, we just responded naturally.”
“And breaking skulls and bones is natural?”
“Is that a legit question?”
“Don’t make me ground you, young lady.”
(Y/N) grunted at him. “I’m twenty-six. You can’t ground me. I don’t even live at home.”
The others watched them bicker until Bruce raised a hand. “Enough. We’ll discuss this at home.”
“Again, I don’t live with you. I live on my own.”
“(Y/N) Wayne.”
“Alright…whatever.” He turned back around and nodded to Alfred, and the car began moving once more.
After a few minutes of silence, Jason cleared his throat and nonchalantly mumbled, “Not that it’s super important right now…but I get to go to Tokyo with you next week.”
“The hell you do! I knocked out the most thugs!”
“No, you didn’t replacement. I did.”
“Neither of you Robin failures completed the challenge correctly. I won it.”
“Not to be rude little D, but you would be incorrect. I won the challenge.”
“Ain’t nobody asked you Dickhead.” This spurred an even bigger fight as the four of them began to bicker in the backseat, and (Y/N) groaned, leaning forward and rested her chin on Bruce’s shoulder.
His head tipped downwards, and he eyed her. “What’s wrong with you?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and mumbled, “I gotta them all to Tokyo next week because we aren’t going to be able to figure out who knocked out the most.”
Bruce sighed, but a small grin crossed his lips, and after a few seconds he murmured, “You won the most knocked out, didn’t you?”
“Oh totally.”
“That’s my badass daughter.”
“Hell yeah.”
“Master Bruce! Ms. (Y/N)! Your language!”
They both glanced at Alfred and said, “Sorry Alfred.” They looked back at each other before sharing a smile, then the sound of flying fists reached their ears and they both sighed. Then,
(Y/N) glanced over her shoulder and looked at her fighting brothers: Jason had Dick in a headlock while giving him a noogie, and Tim was trying to remove Damian’s teeth from his forearm. She turned back around and looked at Alfred and her dad.
“Do you guys wanna come with me instead of them?”
Bruce eyed her with an eyebrow raised. “Do you really think leaving the city to the four of them is a good idea?”
(Y/N) thought for a moment before muttering, “I mean it’s not a great idea, but it’s an idea nonetheless.”
“One that’s bound to end up in a city on fire.”
“…Yeah you got me there.” She paused a slight second before affirming, “But the offer still stands.”
“No (Y/N).”
“But I don’t want to take them with me.”
“Too bad.”
“Fuck my life.”
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realcube · 3 years
characters dealing with a deep sleeper! s/o  (_ _)。゜zzZ
characters: bokuto, oikawa & saiki k 
tw// swearing, fluff, mentions of death, illness, funerals, sexual references 
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he literally thought you died 
this was your first time sleeping over at his home and last night, y’all were stuffing your faces with treats until your stomachs ached
you had mentioned several times how you were feeling sick - even after bokuto took you out for a late-night run - but he just told you to take a pain-killer and sleep it off
but now he was kinda regretting not calling someone to help 
like what if the sickness was a symptom to a deadly disease which took you overnight?
plus, he had tried everything he could think of to wake you up: he shook you, he blasted music from his phone, he opened the curtains to allow blinding light to shine on you, he flicked spits of cold water onto your face and he literally wafted cookies around the room in hopes you’d catch the scent 
but it was no use as even after all that, you didn’t move an inch
he tried to check your pulse which he believed to be on the wrist but he couldn’t think it 
so either he was too stupid to find the exact location or......you didn’t have a pulse
he’ll admit, it was an eerie thought that there could be a dead person in his bed rn but even he considered that a rather outlandish idea 
how could a person as healthy as you just die overnight? so he did what any reasonable person would do in that situation-- no, not call a doctor
he held a funeral for his beloved s/o 💀
he gathered all five of the plushies laying around his room (all of which were owls) and lined them up on the foot of the bed 
‘we are all gathered here today to celebrate the epic life of my partner, (y/n) (l/n).’ he sobbed into the sleeve of the black blazer he had pulled out of his closet, ‘gone too soon.’
silence. but in his mind he was met by a chorus of ‘aww’s and whimpers from the crowd
‘i loved them. (y/n) was my rock; they helped me through some of the hardest points in my life--’
his speech was cut off upon hearing one of the audience members pipe up, ‘bo, what are you doing?’
a wave of excitement washed over him as he scurried up to the line of guests, closely examining each one, ‘i didn’t know y’all could talk!’
you rolled your eyes before leaning forward and gently tapping the back of his head, ‘it’s me.’
upon laying his eyes on you, healthy and alive, his lips curled into a foolishly large grin as he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, ‘(Y/N), you’re alive!’ he cried
you gasped at his rather dramatic reaction before slowly melting into his embrace, ‘yes, i am.’
as your lips parted from the skin of his jaw and he slowly let his arms fall from your waist, you finally inquired, ‘did you hold a funeral for me?’
bokuto’s eyes-widened at your ‘crazy’ suggestion, ‘uhhhh, nooooo.’
if his elongating of each word wasn’t enough to show that he was lying, the dead giveaway would have to be the sheet of A4 paper with ‘(Y/N)’S FUNERAL 😭’ written on it that was stuck to the door with blu-tac
ignoring his completely false reply, you leaned back on the bed and picked up on the owl plushies, gently stroking it’s soft fur, ‘are these the guests? why are there only five?’
bokuto shrugged, picking up one himself and absentmindedly attempting to balance it on your head, ‘seven; if you count me and you.’
you giggled, about to make a inquire about the names of each guest until bokuto suddenly through his arms around you again 
‘why didn’t you tell me that you are such a deep-sleeper before?! i was so worried - i thought you died! please never die on me again, (y/n)?’
you smiled, pulling back to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, ‘i promise.’
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Tōru Oikawa
he would take advantage of this opportunity lol
the first time y’all slept over together as a couple, he had no idea that you were as deep of a sleeper as you actually are
like he thought you meant ‘i sometimes sleep through my alarms’ deep-sleeper
anyway, at first, he’d probably just freshen up while you sleep: take a shower, wash his face, brush his teeth, floss etc so he’s no longer effected by that ✨morning crust ✨
but when he pokes his head out of the bathroom and noticed that your sleep asleep, he tries to blow-dry his hair bc he knows how much you like it when it’s all fluffy
but his blow-dryer was quite loud so he put it on for a few seconds to see if it’s wake you up and just as he expected, you were still sound asleep
so he blew-dry his hair until it was that soft texture that you liked so much- all while you were still like (∪.∪ )...zzz even though the blow-dryer was making a racket 
you were still sleeping and upon looking at the time, he realised that it was completely fair considering it was currently half past 8 and he had just woken up extremely early for some unknown reason
he didn’t want to wake you so he was just doing to go out for a run or make breakfast until he caught a glimpse of himself in mirror
despite his  puffy hair and pearly-white smile, he still looked sloppy
but it was definitely bc of his stained, torn, washed-out pyjamas tbh
he was just wearing an old T-shirt that he’s had for god-knows how long and a pair of grey sweatpants; it wasn’t a look
he had no idea what possessed him to wear such casual nightwear while you were at his house - especially when you chose to wear something so relaxed yet titillating - but he knew that he needed to change
after a while of rummaging through his nightwear drawer, the best he could find was a pair of white, silk, loose-legged trousers which he had bought for a halloween costume many years ago
it was pretty classy though :)) he was sure that you’d like it 
however, he still couldn’t find anything to wear on his top half but there is no fashion problem oikawa can’t solve 
thus, he went shirtless ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
he also threw on some jewellery too, just for the lols
you weren’t awake yet thought, so after he set up some candles to create a ‘mood’, he just sat next to you on the bed, scrolling on his phone and anticipating your reaction once you woke up
for a moment, he thought that he might’ve went when too far but upon taking a look at himself in his front-facing camera, he realised that there was no harm in spicing things up
once he noticed one of your eyes slowly flutter open, he quickly tossed his phone to the side and turned his body to face you, shooting you a kind smile and he gently ran a hand through his fluffy hair, ‘morning, angel~’ he cooed
you grumbled your greeting in response, then proceeded to rub your eyes to make sure you were seeing him correctly, ‘what are you wearing, tōru?’
‘can a guy not dress up for his special someone anymore?’
you rolled your eyes, playfully slapping his chest and going to hop out of bed until he pulled you back down against the sheets
a faint gasp escaped your lips but you were quickly hushed by oikawa pushing his finger against your lips, ‘you’re not going anywhere, (y/n).’
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Kusuo Saiki
this was the first time you ever slept over at his house or next to him yet y’all had been dating for year and a half
he was just scared that he might accidently do something crazy in his sleep (bc of his powers ofc) and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you 🥺
you were patient with him though but bc y’all had never woken up together before, he had no idea how deep of a sleeper you are
he thought it was cute at first bc you were laying there like the beauty you are, lookin’ all serene and calm and stuff
but after a while, he got bored on his own  #•̀ ︿ •́
also, you promised to bake macarons with him for breakfast and he was hungry as hell, still he didn’t want to eat without you but if he didn’t wake you up rn to make macarons, he’d surely starve to death while they were in the fridge
on any other day, he’d just try do it himself but when you helped him make food- it just hit different 😍
‘(y/n), wake up.’  he spoke into your mind using his telepathy, while light nudging your arm, ‘i’m hungry.’
you didn’t reply, seeming completely knocked out
he tried the next best thing, holding his annoying alarm noise near (but not too close) to your ear
still nothing, though
his last human attempt was aggressively pulling your blanket away but even after that you showed no signs of waking up so he realised that he’d have to resort to using his physic abilities
he considered using his astral projection to possess your body but he felt as though taking over your body might cross a few boundaries 
but he did try duplicating himself so he could shake you from many different angles but it was still no use
he continued to use his telepathy to try wake you up but it didn’t seem to work either
after multiple different attempts of using his powers to try wake you up; here he was, standing in the middle of some dystopian, apocalyptic scene - alarms ringing in the distant along with sirens, screaming, honking and wails. everything around him seemed to be engulfed by flames which created thick, smoky air 
he wasn’t really sure how he got here but he was pretty sure it started around the time he tried to form an energy ball 
whatever 🤷‍♂️ it’s no biggie
he jumped back in time so he was standing next to your bed once again, exactly where he left off before he created the energy ball
he stared down at your sleeping figure and let out an exasperated sigh as he realised that he’d have to employ one of his most dangerous tactics
he really hoped it didn’t have to come to this
‘(y/n), if you get up right now.’ his voice rung through your head, ‘i speak with my voice.’
just like that, both of your eyes shot open as you hastily sat up on the bed
‘do it, saiki!’ you cheered, a foolishly large grin plastered on your features
and he couldn’t help but smile too 
curse you for being so cute
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fr1d4y-wr1t1ng · 3 years
Your “Love Song”
Request: nooooo, I wanted to do an intro kinda writing thing lol.
Can I request?: absolutely.
Genre: Fluffy romantic head canons of the CC’s!
Content Warnings: none, except for swearing maybe. And of course my music taste /j (thought I would put this here, any references to a “her” or “him” has a they/them in brackets just letting y'all know)
CC’s in Post: irl!Dream(wastaken), irl!Sapnap, & irl!Wilbur Soot.
Description: These are the songs that I think would fit for your relationship with these CC’s!
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Cupid's Chokehold/Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
Holy shit Dream loves you so so so much it's unreal.
Like he would quite literally do anything for you like quite literally ANYTHING you can imagine.
Your day was shitty and you don't wanna do the dishes? He's got you covered.
You're sore from doing something physically exhausting? Don't worry, he'll do ANYTHING to make you feel better.
You got sick? He's already making soup and nursing you back to health.
He's semi-clingy like that you know?
Sometimes you may have to tell him that he doesn't have to do EVERYTHING for you, and that sometimes you can just do things yourself.
Remind him to take breaks too holy shit!! Like seriously mate go in there and REMIND HIM!!
But that's just because he loves you so much, he just can't express it any other way dude!!
I think the line that PERFECTLY sums up how he feels for you is “if I had to choose [them] or the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.”
Just make sure you treat him the same, trust me on this one okay????? Pls?????
“Take a look at my [s/o], [they're] the only one I got!”
That's the only thing you've truly heard since he started streaming. You'd been sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter while minding your own business. You hadn't done anything to disturb him given the fact he was streaming and well… he hadn't exactly revealed you yet.
You looked at your boyfriend, just wanting your clingy little teddy bear back, you stared at him for a second, before seeing him mute and turn to you.
You two stared at each other, a slightly awkward but… mostly comfortable silence. His eyes looked like they had literal hearts in them. He chuckled quietly, looking at you until you spoke up. “...Clay?”
You questioned you boyfriend until he muttered, “you know, you're the most attractive person I've ever seen… right?” You started to laugh as your boyfriend got up and sat next to you. He quickly pecked your cheek and went back to his stream, attempting to make up for having chat wait.
To say this happened often would be an understatement.
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Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me - Waitress
I know people like to use this song in a more... stalkerish tendency. But, I don't think that's the meaning, you know.
Sapnap is very much... newer to love. It may come off in the wrong way, but he's trying to show you that he's not going anywhere because he loves you.
He can be awkward, but of course he's just excited!
You're his first s/o!!! How the hell could he not be excited?
Sapnap can be very “clingy” when your relationship starts... but don't worry. He calms down quickly.
Before you even know it, the relationship becomes natural, like you've been together for several years.
You two kind of end up acting like newly-wed’s when you get settled? If you get what I mean?
It's like you've been together for god knows how long, but you're just getting super settled and shit into a whole new level of your relationship.
I feel like the line that really represents how he feels is the line, “Oh, I'm gonna love you so. You'll learn what I already know, I love you means your never ever getting rid of me!”
He really believes that you're the one! So maybe (if you can) try to give the same energy back! Tell him you love him like, a lot!!
“I will never let you let me leave, I promise I'm not lying!”
What the fuck was that? You lay awake, thinking about the nightmare that just woke you. You slowly turned toward your phone. It's 4:08 am. You really shouldn't be up this early, should you? As you try to get back to sleep, you hear a muffled groan from him.
“Babe?” Sapnap asks, barely able to keep his eyes open, “Why ‘re you up?” You turned back to face him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. “‘is nothin’. Don't worry.”
His brows furrowed in thought, trying to stare at you for a second before asking, “Ya’ sure? You can tell me anything-” you quickly peck his lips, effectively shutting him up before mumbling, “it's just a nightmare. I'll be fine, as long I have you with me.” a small chuckle came from him before replying with,
“M’kay… love you.”
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Wilbur Soot:
Telephone - Waterparks
At first when he falls for you he's... really fucking nervous.
He doesn't wanna mess your relationship up AT ALL.
He thinks the you'd legitimently regret being with him, but we all know we trolley want a man like Wil.
But, there's still apart of him that really wants you to feel the same.
But once you start dating, this kind of stressing about making you regret dating him calms down a bit.
Keyword: a bit.
The intrusive thoughts about you two dating can still get to him yk, so, please just remind him that it'll be okay babes-
He's so soft when he's with you though, like, legit it's such a magical experience.
When he's not streaming or making music he's usually spending time with you!
He's just so sweet man, tbh I want a bf like Wilbur 🥴.
I think the lyric that really explains how he feels is “I can be your best yet, future favorite regret.” because he can be the softest motherfucker ever!! (or... well... hm.)
“I’m interested but distant to a fault, and I'd never want to complicate your heart!”
Boop ba boop! Boop ba boop! Your phone's ringtone filled your apartment as you dragged yourself from your bed to your desk. You sighed, looking at the number and realizing who was calling you. “Hey Wil.” you answered somewhat bluntly.
“[Y/N]! Hey!” Wilbur’s sweet voice rang through your ears like a whimsical melody. Your lips perked at his response, “Whats up?” you ask, your cheeks filling with heat as you looked at the screen. “Well I-” Wilbur cuts himself off at the noise in the background.
“...anyways, I'm coming over!” he finished. You realized he was probably walking his happy ass to your flat. You looked around at the mess, a small sigh escaping your lips as you replied, “I'll see you in five then?” a chuckle escaped his lips, “yup! See you in five!”
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Note: AAAAND THATS FINISHED, FINALLY. Why the hell did this take 2 days holy shit!? So, uh, I have an idea for making a part 2 but like... with the song that kinda describes the breakup (if there is one)? So let me know if you want that! Kay, see ya, byeeeeee!!!!
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
So I saw somewhere a post that talked about how some fictional characters just have a divorce vibe going on, like, at no point in time were they ever married but they just give off that feeling that they got divorced
And now I can only think of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor having that vibe
And I spent close to an hour talking about this to my sibling and how it would be a good idea for a new DC show like, you can make so much money off of just the main Batfam alone and there are literally so many people in there that it’s just an amazing idea to have them all in a show together but kind of like a Good Luck Charlie kinda thing because there’s more than enough angst in the world
But in the case of not having enough of a budget for so many characters in one show I turned to the Superfam (Batfam is Huge like, I don’t even know half of the extended family version and that’s like at least ten characters so I could see why it wouldn’t be entirely feasible to have a show that included everyone while still being good with nice character development without having a billion dollars for the budget)
The Superfam, in my personal experience, is composed of Ma & Pa Kent (farm vibes plus I refuse to have either of them die in my AU), Clark Kent (main Superman), Lois Lane (Lana? was Smallville Lois i guess??? But idk enough about her so she’s not here), Jon Kent (Superboi II), Kara Danvers (Supergirl) & Conner Kent (Superboi I)
Now I’ve stopped watching CW shows like, forever ago??? But my brother kinda keeps up with them and basically the gist is that the ratings of every other show suck Except for the Superman & Lois show (because it’s 💫new💫) and I saw the cover of the poster like “Ah, the werewolf dude. . . mmmhhmmm that’s Lois yes, yes that’s Johnny boi, and um is that???? Nooooo, they wouldn’t do that to Conner right???? Please tell me they didn’t make Conner blonde” and I was informed that the blonde teen is Chris???? Like
Whoms’t do ye speak of
I’m not even joking but the only way I even know of Chris is from a random fanfic I read where Dick Grayson gets his own super from an alternate reality named Chris, that’s my only point of reference for this character
But let’s talk about how Conner Kent (OG Superboi) was excluded
Now I haven’t seen any episodes of this and I probably never will (no hate I’m just really unmotivated to start new shows at all) so idk if they might mention Conner or even allude to him in one scene or something
But this was my main motivator as to my new Superfam TV Show Idea
Have Lex Luthor not be a Superman villain, he’s mainly a successful businessman, a little shady but who isn’t, and he doesn’t want to Kill Superman, he just wants to be able to have some sort of viable protection against a Kryptonian in case of an invasion (see Man of Steel + CW’s Supergirl) or suddenly having a mind controlled Superman on their hands (see Justice League series or just look up what Red Krytonite does) so he makes it like his side thing to figure out ways to neutralize or hold back a Kryptonian, Clark totally thinks that Lex is obsessed with finding a way to kill Superman because they had a bad end to their friendship in high school so he’s always suspicious of Lex, Lex hasn’t really ever tried to kill him though because 1. It’s not that deep Clark ok? And 2. He’s a busy busy man with a very important job position and a company to run so does he look like he has time to harbor an obsession over someone who rejected him back in high school??? You’re more of a constant side quest Clark, so stop trying to put him on the JL watchlist ( btw ik about Lena Luthor, haven’t forgotten her but she doesn’t really play a part in this AU so let’s just have her and Kara off to the side doing their own thing ok? Ok)
Lex, Bruce & Oliver all knew each other when they were kids and went to the same school, this is just an extra detail I wanted to happen because Lex and Ollie definitely know Bruce is Batman and absolutely HATE having to deal with Brucie Wayne because “I know you’re just doing this to irritate me Bruce, you just want to see if you can make a vein throb in my forehead but I will valiantly ignore your dumbassery because I know you hate being Brucie just as much as we hate having to put up with Brucie so suck on that you petty bitch” because they bonded in ye olden days, childhood friends so to speak
Anyway so Cadmus tries to get Lex to make an investment in their company, seeing as Cadmus is shadier than Gotham when it rains Lex is basically like ‘no ❤️’ and doesn’t make a deal with them, Cadmus gets mad at not having Lexcorp financially backing them so Lex has an ‘accident’ and they steal his DNA, then they steal Superman’s DNA somehow and *boom* a Superboi is formed
Because I don’t know much about how the Core Four became friends in the first place (Robin Tim Drake, Impulse Bart Allen, Wonder Girl Cassie Sandsmark & Superboy Conner Kent) I’m just gonna go with what happens in the show Young Justice except it’s the Core Four becoming the Core Four when they liberated Conner (who at this point believes himself to be a clone of Superman and has only been given Superboy as a name) from Cadmus, same shit goes down meaning that Clark is just straight up NOT vibing with Conner, Conner just wants a mentor please, and the Bats kinda give Clark a passive aggressive treatment for not taking Superboy under his wing or at least agreeing to teach him how to control his powers, especially Tim because that’s his Bestie so yes
Anyway, YJ saves ppl and is on the news or whatever and Lex finds out about Superboy’s existence that way, so he researches this new super on his free time, finds out that he came from Cadmus and claims to be a clone of Superman, yet doesn’t have the whole power set Superman has??? Wait, didn’t Lex reject Cadmus’ proposal and the got into a mysterious accident??? Long story short Lex goes connecting the dots, hacks into Cadmus’ files, finds out he technically has a son with Superman and decides to take Superboy under his wing (I’ll go more in depth as to why Lex would want to do this in this AU later but the abridged version would be that he wants a kid but doesn’t have the time nor interest in finding a wife??? Also the radiation that made him bald as a kid also affected his reproductive system so while it’s not impossible for him to conceive kids he would have a very hard time actually getting to father a kid)
Him and Conner, who still goes by Superboy at this point in time, meet up and Conner finds out that here is a parent figure that is both available and actively wants to be a part of his life, so he agrees to get to know Lex and the series would focus on them becoming a family, with a special episode when Conner asks Lex for help in choosing a name for himself and it ends up with him agreeing to become Conner Luthor, it would be heartwarming and Mercy would make sure it happens within a day (Mercy is Lex’s bodyguard/PA but they’re also besties and she becomes the Responsible yet Chaotic Aunt as Lex and Conner’s father-son relationship progresses)
Obviously Clark becomes super suspicious of Lex getting close to his ‘clone’ and when Conner decides to go public as Lex’s son he’s like *GASP* and calls up Bruce because we need to get on this Bruce, Lex is a villain and blah blah blah but Bruce would be over Clark’s shit and hit him with that “actually, Lex was also an unwilling genetic donor to Superboy, who actually is not your clone either, and has agreed to take him in, I’ve been on this shit since they first met and the kid is doing just fine so if you keep poking your nose in their business then that’s your problem but you better be ready to pay child support bitch . . . have a good day ❤️”
The series would just focus on Conner getting to have a good parent figure in Lex and go more into their civilian lives rather than focusing on the superhero thing, Conner, Bart, Tim & Cassie have a sleepover at Lex’s house at one point, Lex totally Knows what’s up but it’s all good because these are his baby’s friends and they’re good people who are more than willing to prank Superman for rejecting his kid and giving his baby self worth issues (Mercy supports them)
Anyway, that’s basically the idea for a new Superhero Show
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