#you now have a spicy chicken sandwich—
sinful-lanterns · 5 months
Yao is a phoenix. Phoenix is like…hot chicken. Hot chicken = spicy chicken. Spicy chicken = spicy chicken wings.
In conclusion: Yao is a spicy chicken wing :)
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
I wish I had the money and energy to go to the Wendy's up the road and get a nice big greasy lunch
But also I am supposed to be on a diet (doctor's orders) so I should not do that
But I really really wish I could
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hi! i've been very wistfully admiring of your cooking and baking prowess but i'm about at the level of "pasta, vegetable, protein, jarred sauce" at this point and can't imagine getting to where you are. are there recipes you'd recommend for beginners? who hypothetically maybe have never used their oven?
Personally, right now I'm just about in the same spot---my desire to cook things has dropped precipitously, I've survived the last few weeks on salads and roasted chicken and crackers with cheese. But the good news is that there are plenty of options for the lazy cook! And the even better news is that I have all sorts of recipes for you...
Quinoa Tabbouleh (lots of chopping, but afterwards you can make a giant vat of it and eat it slowly over the course of a week...)
Greek Tuna Salad (throw a bunch of cans together in a giant bowl, then eat it on lettuce)
White Bean and Broccoli Dip with Pesto (I make this by the bucket in the summer, though typically I use parmesan instead of nutritional yeast---and I eat it off of rice cakes!)
Pesto Gnocchi (green beans, cherry tomatoes, and delicious, delicious gnocchi, all smothered in pesto. Literally, where would you go wrong?)
Spicy Vegan Wraps (I am not personally vegan, but I make this all the fucking time)
Lemon Radish Tartine
Roasted Tomato Tartine (....listen you call it a "tartine" and I immediately get really interested)
Chicken Avocado Wraps (not something I make too often, but incredibly easy and mostly about shredding your chicken properly)
Quinoa-Kale Bowl (unbelievably easy, and the result is delicious)
BBQ Chicken Quinoa Casserole (this in particular makes for really great leftovers---especially if work has a microwave)
Dump & Bake Chicken and Rice (sometimes you just want a bunch of stuff covered in sauce and it's warm and delicious.)
Smothered Mushrooms and Kale (it's got nutrients and also tastes pretty good)
Beet Bruschetta with Goat Cheese and Basil (I have made this for multiple different groups, as well as for myself, and every time---EVERY TIME---it's amazing.)
One-Pot Pasta with Sausage and Squash (slightly more sophisticated than the one-pot recipes above---but so fancy! and delicious.)
Puff Pastry Fruit Braid (did you think I'd get through this entire list without a single dessert? this is probably the most adaptable, consistently delightful recipe I have---and incredibly, incredibly easy to use, manipulate, or do whatever you want with. Features helpful pictures, and I think I've used every fruit combination you can imagine.)
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 month
Metroid, as a series, as a story, is like a potluck picnic. You have all these really tasty individual dishes, that on their own wouldn't necessarily be enough to sustain a full meal unless you're looking for a small snack. But for an event like this, the appeal is getting a full-course meal out of these smaller food items.
You got peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, (Metroid) you got crunchy corn chips, (Return Of Samus) you got the slightly more substantial ham sandwiches. (Super). Next year, someone brings peanut butter celery snacks, (Zero Mission) X-treem Flavorblast potato chips (Samus Returns) and cool ranch corn chips (AM2R). Sometime, someone brings a super basic salad of lettuce and ranch dressing (Federation Force) that the kids all raise a disproportionate fuss about for something so harmless. There's hotdogs (Prime) and an initially unappetizing-looking but in fact astonishingly delicious quiche (Fusion) that arrive at the same time. Someone orders a pineapple pizza (Echoes) that also gets some complaints, but those that like it, really like it. Someone even has little mini-sausages on toothpicks (Pinball) that you can wash down with seven different flavors of soda. (Hunters) and of course for dessert, those packaged ice cream cones (Corruption) with a chocolate shell and a bunch of nuts that you always almost choke on at least once. Someone mentions they were gonna bring spicy chicken, but then goes radio silent and you assume they're stuck in traffic or went home.
And then he does show up after all, but bringing a giant pot of soup, and it just tastes. Bad. And the guy who brought it, you think his heart seems to have been in the right place, but he's eagerly explaining why he did this and it feels like he missed the point of the potluck. He says he felt like these picnic foods are all so simple and he wanted to make sure everyone's properly well-fed, so he decided to brew up this big thing of soup with a custom recipe, that has everything anyone could want all in one package.
And you look in the soup, and you see this hodgepodge of really really delicious, high-quality ingredients, that have absolutely no business being put together they way they were. Beef and veggies belong in soup, sure, but strawberry ice cream? Spaghetti? Mustard sauce? Did he dilute his broth base with gatorade? And you feel your heart sink because this feels like a waste of some perfectly good ingredients, and now nobody's going to be able to look at half this stuff without feeling nauseous. It doesn't go over well, a few kids and even some of the adults start crying, everyone goes home feeling like crap, and it's up in the air whether the hosts are even going to want to have another picnic after this.
But after a long wait, there is a next time, and this time the guy just brings the spicy chicken (Dread) he originally mentioned, and even though the jalapeno flavor is pretty dang strong (courtesy of the same source as the Xtreem-Flavorblast potato chips, who helped him out) it's a hit with everyone, and now we're all just waiting on the hotdog/pizza/ice cream cone guys to arrive with their surprise mystery cake.
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daisynik7 · 1 year
A Bento For Kento Masterlist
Pairing: Kento Nanami x f!reader
Genre: Fluffy Romance
cw: original character (Ren), mentions of Hello Kitty, romantic fluff, family fluff, just a bunch of fluff, tiny bit of angst in a chapter, somewhat of a slow burn
Summary: To attend Jujutsu High, your younger brother Ren must take private lessons during his summer vacation. You do your best to support him, despite having no idea what this whole “Jujutsu Sorcery” is all about. The only way you know how to help is by making delicious bento boxes for his lunch. 
The oh-so-stoic and serious Kento Nanami keeps forgetting to bring his own lunch during his summer lessons. He envies his new student's tasty looking bentos as he sips on his sad cup of tea. One day, he finds a Hello Kitty bento box waiting for him on his desk and his whole world gets turned upside down.
Author's Notes: Finally getting around to officially posting this on Tumblr! This is the first story I ever published, so I'm doing a few rewrites and revisions now that I kinda know what I'm doing with my writing lol. Please let me know in the comments, chat, or message if you'd like to be tagged in any or all chapters! Divider by @/saradika!
Sequels: The Apple of His Eye (fluffy side stores) | Sweet Like Honey (spicy side stories)
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Chapter Titles and Summaries (spoiler-free):
Chapter 1: The Very First Bento - You make the very first bento box for your dear brother, Ren. You also find out some surprising news. Nanami hasn't found a new bakery to buy his typical ham and cheese sandwich. He eyes his new student's bento box with envy.
Chapter 2: Two Bentos are Better Than One - Nanami gets a pleasant surprise from his student, in the form of a Hello Kitty bento box. Meanwhile, you are an emotional mess who loves your weirdo brother dearly. 
Chapter 3: Love Language - You do some internet sleuthing. Ren visits Jujutsu High for the first time. Nanami keeps a secret in his pocket. And a wild Gojo appears!
Chapter 4: The Truth Comes Out - Ren reveals the truth. You make some questionable Google searches. Nanami finally gets his ham and cheese sandwich.
Chapter 5: The Rules - Gojo offers Nanami words of wisdom. You fry some chicken. Ren has something up his sleeve.
Chapter 6: A Meet Cute - The one where chicken karaage brings everyone together.
Epilogue: A Street Food Festival - You and Ren invite Nanami to a street food festival.
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
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bakugo isn't a good kisser.
he isn't a bad one either, but he will forever remember how sloppy his first kiss was.
it was like one of those kisses where two kids decide that they're gonna get married when they get older and give eachother flower rings as a declaration of so, and then they press their lips against each other's to seal the promise — it's a sloppy, childish and innocent kiss, one that they would probably forget a few years later, and so the promise of marriage as well.
his first ever kiss was with you — he had reached and agreement between him and himself that, yeah he probably really really liked you and moved out of the denial stage, he didn't say a word about it though, but little did he know that you had noticed how his gaze lingered on you for too long or how his ears turned pink whenever you would tease him — little did bakugo also know was that his feelings were reciprocated.
and so on the eventful evening of his birthday, after everyone tuned out when the party had ended, it must've been sometime around twelve or one am that the two of you were all alone in the kitchen.
"happy birthday, hedgehog." you had teased him, bumping your hips against his, you watched him scoff and roll his eyes but you didn't fail to notice the pink tint on the tips of his ears, "i told you not to call me that." he had said then, crossing his arms over his chest in hopes to tune down the beating of his heart.
"but you're so fun and easy to tease, katsuki." you'd laughed, grinning at him as he turned his face away from you — you took the few steps closer to him so now that your body was almost pressed against his and your hands cupped his cheeks and faced him towards you, "come on now, katsuki, look at me." you'd said softly, still grinning at him as his face warmed beneath your touch.
fuck, well he was looking at you now and his eyes met yours and holy shit he could swear his heart is about to leap out of his chest with you staring at him like that, like you're about to —
your lips pressed against his.
it caught him so off guard that his entire body tensed up, unable to comprehend that you were kissing him right now so much so that his mind felt a little dazed from your touch but he soon relaxed into it.
at the time, it was the best kiss bakugo had ever had — probably because it was the only experience at kissing he had but looking upon it now, he remembers how hasty it was and how his teeth clashed against yours, he also remembered that he didn't wash his teeth after eating that spicy chicken sandwich and he wondered if you could taste it on him, because he could taste the flavour of your favourite cherry lip balm on your lips — he felt the way your lips moved against his into a smile before you pulled away, looking up at him with a flushed face and a sheepish grin, though he couldn't day he looked all that much better himself.
"i'm gonna assume you liked that." you'd said and bakugo didn't miss the hint of uncertainty that laced your voice.
"fuck you."  he'd exclaimed, before pulling you back into another kiss — one that was probably even sloppier than before since you'd laughed and shrieked into it before your lips finally pressed firmly against his, and your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands gripped your waist.
so, bakugo might have been a bit of a bad kisser then, but he sure as hell is a better one now.
or at least, he'd say so about himself judging from the way he leaves you breathless everytime he decides to press his lips against yours.
whatever the case may be, he doesn't mind how sloppy or neat the kiss is, or how wet or heated it may get — as long as it's with you, that is.
and if you were to say he's a bad kisser, well he wouldn't mind practicing with you.
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vashsmunch · 1 year
The guy next door
Millions Knives x GN Reader
Synopsis: you're a stressed and overworked college student with a neighbor who likes to get on you about self care
Warnings: none really? slight mentions of food deprivation
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─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"How much longer are you going to continue to toss in your sleep?"
You sighed heavily, picking up the phone and staring angrily at the screen. "If you hate it so much, you can either: A. hang up or B. come over and bring some food, cause I'm hungry," Huffing as you rolled onto your back, you got out of bed and trudged across the room, stretching. "Specifically a turkey sandwich, make sure you panini press it." The clock read ten past midnight, and insomnia was a bitch. You opened the door to enter the hallway towards the kitchen. A massive project was due at the end of the week, but you figured you couldn't get anything done with the burnout you were experiencing.
Nai scoffed, his voice loud from being on speaker mode. "I would sooner be shot in the leg than deliver you any package at this hour. Do you not have any food in your apartment?" You could basically feel his irritation radiating from the screen.
"Uh... would a spoonful of oregano count? If we're feeling spicy, we can just do a glass of water." You silently laughed, putting the phone on a table and flicking the lights on. Food was never a priority considering how much work you always were having to catch up on (procrastination). Eating became an afterthought to allow yourself more time to sit hunched over your laptop, typing countless essays. Unfortunate, but there wasn't much you could do about it. There was a knock on the front door as you passed the living room. Who the hell... You cautiously walked over and looked through the peephole. Huh. A big grin was on your face as you opened the door, arms crossed. "Well, look who it is."
Nai pursed his lips as he shoved a paper bag into your hands. "The thought of you standing in your kitchen, shoving fistfuls of spices into your mouth, was too pathetic to bear," He stepped inside and looked around your messy apartment in distaste. "Did I not just clean this last week?"
He had, in fact, cleaned the living room last week, including the rest of the house, but you played deaf, humming as you followed him. The two of you have been neighbors for months, his place next to yours, which is how he came over so quickly. Irritating him was your favorite pastime, half because of his reaction and the other because you loved being close to him. You would never admit that to him, though; he would never let you live it down. But none of this really explained why he had your food prepared as soon as you'd asked. Maybe he was some kind of off-brand supernatural speed demon and happened to do it fast? You wouldn't put it past him.
He suddenly stopped walking, and you bumped into him, hissing as you grabbed your head in pain. Why was his back built like concrete? "Ugh, you good? Kind of hard to walk if you're just gonna stand in the middle of the hallway like that."
A slight scowl was on his face as he turned to face you, having just now entered the kitchen. There were piles of dishes in the sink and boxes of delivery everywhere, most notably cheap Chinese takeout (orange chicken got you through writer's block). You hadn't had time to clean recently; more often than not, you were just eating to feed your brain and then going straight back to work.
Sitting down and actually enjoying a meal hasn't been a reality ever since you started university. There just wasn't enough time. "I thought we agreed that you would buy groceries this week."
You shrugged, going to set the paper bag down on the counter. "I can last a few more days without them. There are leftovers from what I hadn't finished yet," When you pulled out the container of food, a smile came on your face again. Not only had Nai made your sandwich, but he had given you a side of salad, along with freshly cut fruit. He always ensured you had nutrients instead of just fats and grease in your meals. "How did you end up making this so quickly anyways?"
"I had it already made. I assumed you would be neglecting your basic human needs, and I was proven right once again."
What a smartass. Rolling your eyes, you sat down to eat your food. As you took a bite of the sandwich, you sighed happily and closed your eyes in satisfaction. He was a smartass, but damn, could he cook. You popped an apple slice into your mouth and glanced at him, getting a trash bag to clean up. "You really don't have to do that. It's not your responsibility," All you got was a grunt in response, making you laugh softly. "For someone who complains everytime he does it, you always insist on cleaning up after me."
You rested your elbows on the table, cradling your head in your hands as you stared at him. He looked really good for someone who was half asleep at 12 am. He always insisted on wearing a tight black turtleneck to bed, no matter what. Your eyes rolled over the crevices of his flexing back muscles as he picked up trash. Had he been working out more? How did he even find the time? Nai took as many classes as you did, but he always seemed one step ahead of his work, all while balancing a healthy routine as well. He went on runs, played piano in his spare time, and even meal prepped.
In some ways, you envied him. To have your life put together in that way seemed impossible for you. "You know, I never call anybody," He stopped moving and turned his head to look at you, but you kept talking, not even paying attention. "I get too anxious for that, so I prefer texting. But for some reason, you always insist on doing these nightly calls, even when we see each other every other day. Why? Especially when you always complain about me tossing and turning." You said playfully as you took another bite of your sandwich. Why did he have to be so good at cooking too? Fuck.
There was silence as he got up to tie the garbage bag and wash his hands. You glanced around the kitchen, which looked remarkably cleaner. All he did was pick up trash, which looked better than when you did chores for a full day. Who the hell was this dude?
As Nai dried his hands off, you finished your food, sighing contentedly. Then, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over your body as you started to sway. He grabbed your shoulder, keeping you from almost hitting your head on the table. You weren't even phased as he picked you up and carried you in his arms back to your room like you weighed nothing. Guess the all-nighters finally caught up to you. He glanced down at you as he made his way to the back of the apartment, but you barely noticed due to how tired you were. There was a comfortable quietness between you two, as there always was. Sometimes, words didn't need to be said; his presence was enough. Again, you would never say this out loud. He would become insufferable. What a bitch.
As he stepped into your room, he delicately placed you on your bed, and you yawned, laying your head on the pillow. Jesus, you really were exhausted. As your eyelids started to flutter shut, you felt something touching your face. You looked up to see Nai's finger caressing your cheek with an unreadable expression. He then spoke quietly, "You are one of the only people who attempt to converse with me. I never understood why; I am not a fun person to talk to." He leaned over and got closer to your face, meeting your gaze. "However, I've grown fond of you regardless. And as such, I've also started to enjoy hearing your voice, which is why I call you."
You stared at him, suddenly wide awake. He was never one to talk about himself, much less his feelings. The two of you never had such intimate conversations, and on the rare occasion you did, it was always you ranting to him as he quietly listened. To hear him confess his true motives like this, it felt foreign. But it also made you... happy?
"As insufferable as you are, to be without you is like torture. I feel the urge to care for you and keep you safe. I clean up your apartment because I know you won't do it yourself. I make your favorite meals because you deprive yourself of things you need to stay alive. It's an integral part of my life that I can't bear to part with, and I want to keep cherishing you like this as long as I can. Because I care about you. More than you'll ever realize," He gives you a small kiss on the forehead as he stands up to leave. "Now rest, and I'll come to visit you in the morning." As he leaves, you roll over on your back to stare at the ceiling. He likes you. Holy shit, he likes you. Dear god.
A/N: i was NOT expecting so many people to find my account already LMAO, i'm honored
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swisccfinds · 5 months
Custom Food Stalls to make you gameplay more realistic
Hey guys! I'm taking a break from my build project I currently have going on in the sims so I decided to take my break by posting on Tumblr :) This list will mainly consist of real life food stores.
With that said here are the most realistic food stalls for the sims 4
PS. Please remember to show love and your support to the creators, they are all credited under the screen grab of their custom content/mods
1 . Krispy Kreme Food Stall
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mod by ArLi1211_ccsims4
Krispy Kreme? I could really go for some Krispy Kreme doughnuts right now. This amazing food stall mod allows your sim to buy Krispy Kreme products because why not introduce your sims to good ol' Krispy Kreme doughtnuts.
Some of the creator's notes~
New Coffee Stand with Krispy Kreme Aesthetic. Buy coffee and cakes for your sims! Available in the outdoor section as always. Cost: 1800$ Note : You need the University Add-On to use it. This item is a recolor of the Britechester edition of the Coffee Stand. Tell me in comments if you have some ideas/brands you like and you want in your game I will check it . The link is below. Thanks for the visit  and have a great day :)
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2 . Wingstop Custom Stall
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mod by Insimna
I've NEVER had Wingstop. I live in a small town where they just keep removing the food places and replacing them with connivence store, I kid you not we have about 20 in my area. Insimna made this amazing Wingstop food stall with custom food aswell. I really like Insimna for looking for overrides or food stalls for example.
Creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED for the stall* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** ***This amazing lot was built by SimmerFree (The lot in the pictures is slightly modified to include the custom stall)*** Menu: Wing Flavors Combo: Atomic Cajun Garlic Parmesan Hawaiian Hickory Smoked BBQ Hot Honey Rub Lemon Pepper Louisiana Rub Mango Habanero Original Hot Plain Spicy Korean Q Sides & Drink Seasoned Fries Cheese Fries Louisiana Voodoo Fries Buffalo Ranch Fries Soda Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there!
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3 . Chick-fil-A
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mod by Insimna
Speaking of food stores I've never gotten to experience.. This Chick-fill-A food stall is so amazing and yes it sells Chick-fill-A products! But that download link is separate but for this sake I'll link both of them.
Creator's notes ~
Menu: Entrees  Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich Chick-fil-A® Deluxe Sandwich Spicy Chicken Sandwich Spicy Deluxe Sandwich Grilled Chicken Sandwich Chick-fil-A® Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich Chick-fil-A® Nuggets Grilled Nuggets Drinks Soda Lemonade Iced Tea Features: Children can order! Compatible with Dine Out.  Compatible with the Lactose Intolerant trait from Cottage Living. Compatible with Insimnia Eats. You must download the updated version to see these items on there!
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4 . Subway Custom Stall
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mod by Insimna
Another realistic custom stall is this subway food stall! Also made by Insimna! (she makes a lot of custom food stalls). This will be going into my next build :)
creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED for the stall* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** ***This awesome Subway build is by the super talented Gawdly Sims *** Menu: Classic Sandwiches Black Forest Ham Meatball Marinara Buffalo Chicken Chicken & Bacon Ranch Oven Roasted Turkey Italian B.M.T. Pizza Sub Roast Beef Rotisserie-Style Chicken Steak & Cheese Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Tuna Spicy Italian No Bready Bowls & Soda Buffalo Chicken Cold Cut Combo Chicken & Bacon Ranch Steak & Cheese Oven Roasted Turkey & Ham Rotisserie-Style Chicken Soda Wraps Roast Beef Veggie Delite B.L.T. Tuna Spicy Italian Oven Roasted Turkey Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS VERSION WHEN DOWNLOADING THE LATEST ONE. HOW TO INSTALL: You will be installing 2 files 1. Download the CustomStall package file  2. For the Recipes, there are 2 versions. Choose ONLY 1. Choose Recipes_FAST if you want your Sims to finish their food quicker. (takes 6 "bites" to finish) Choose Recipes_SLOW package file if you want your Sims to take their time eating. (takes 12 "bites" to finish) 3. Simply drag and drop both PACKAGE File
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5. Burger King Stall
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mod by Insimna
Burger king in the sims? I think YES! I loveeee burger kings burgers, to me they taste so good, and now my sims can enjoy some Burger King food thanks to this mod and CC
Creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED for the stall* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** If you don't have any of the packs listed above, you can only get the food through Insimnia Eats delivery. Menu: Bacon Double Cheeseburger Bacon King Bacon Melt Classic Melt Double Cheeseburger  Impossible Whopper (Vegetarian!) Quarter Pound King  Rodeo Burger Whopper Whopper Jr. Soda Compatible with Insimnia Eats 2.0 and Grannies/Zero's compatible version. You must download the updated version to see these items on there! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS VERSION WHEN DOWNLOADING THE LATEST ONE.
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6. Panda Express
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mod by Insimna
Here is another real life restaurant that I've never had! Like I said I live in a small town. I'm sure they have this in Albany but that's still an hour away from me. But that doesn't mean my sims won't be able to try it! I cannot wait to place all these in my build!
creator's notes~
*City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED* **Dine Out and Discover University are Optional** Super awesome, realistic Panda Express build I highly recommend: Bean's Builds  Menu Meals (comes with 2 sides of either Chow Mein & Fried Rice or Chow Mein & White Rice): The Original Orange Chicken Broccoli Beef SweetFire Chicken Breast Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Mushroom Chicken Beijing Beef Black Pepper Angus Steak Honey Walnut Shrimp Black Pepper Chicken Kung Pao Chicken Super Greens (vegetarian) Drink & Appetizers: Chicken Egg Roll Veggie Spring Roll (vegetarian) Soda Family Meals: Mushroom Chicken & Beijing Beef Black Pepper Chicken & Honey Walnut Shrimp Broccoli Beef & Grilled Teriyaki Chicken The Original Orange Chicken & Black Pepper Angus Steak Note: If you order a Family Meal from the custom stall, it will be in your Sim's inventory! Compatible with Insimnia Eats. You must download the updated version to see these items on there!
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7. Burger King Food Stall
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mod by Insimna
Well we have Burger King on this list we must add McDonalds on here as well!
Creator's note~
Your Sims will definitely be lovin' it :) In honor of this mod, I'm actually gonna have McDonald's tonight lol *City Living Expansion Pack is REQUIRED* **Dine Out is Optional** ***Please take a look at this post if you want Sims to order autonomously*** Menu: Burgers & Fries Big Mac Quarter Pounder with Cheese Deluxe Quarter Pounder with Cheese Bacon Double Cheeseburger World Famous Fries Breakfast Egg McMuffin Sausage McMuffin with Egg Sausage, Egg & Cheese McGriddles Bacon, Egg & Cheese McGriddles Beverages Coca-Cola Sprite Strawberry Banana Smoothie Mango Pineapple Smoothie How it Works: Go into Build/Buy mode and search for the Insimnia McDonald's Custom Stall. Place it on the lot. Click on the stall and click "Hire Vendor" Once the vendor is in the stall, click to bring up the menu Features: Children can order! Compatible with Dine Out  Compatible with the Lactose Intolerant trait from Cottage Living (so basically everything since there's cheese (except the fries) and the smoothies lol)
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I hope you guys like this thread for custom stalls! Thank you if you have read all the way to the end, I love you guys ❤︎
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bloodfin · 7 months
planning out this menu for next week so of course thinking about the ghouls and their kitchen/food habits
dew loves sweet, crunchy treats. kettle corn, frozen chocolates, chocolate covered nuts. anything sweet that will leave a trail of crumbs will do. what he hates, however, is dishes, so he'll do anything possible to avoid making more, including using a paper towel as a makeshift plate (this of course leads to more mess, and mountain has nearly banned him from the space on several occasions)
rain loves spicy foods. ordering thai? he's requesting level 5 spicy, with extra chili paste on the side. loves to chase spice-intolerant dew around offering kisses after. he has too many teeth, so he won't touch stringy foods like celery. in the kitchen, he will clean as he goes, but never remembers where to put the spatulas or whisks so good luck figuring out which drawer he plopped them in
mountain also has a sweet tooth, but more for cakes and cookies. his baking is rivaled only by sunshine, and they'll tackle the most difficult recipes together to make actual magic. also makes the best ✨️special✨️ treats with his home-grown stash. extremely clean and organized; everyone knows better than to bother him in the kitchen, choosing to sit and observe at the island instead. if they're extra good, he'll slide them a sample
swiss loves savory and crunchy snacks. chips, pretzels, extra toasty cheeze-its. mountain made him savory trail mix once and now he asks for a pound of it every yule. will keep the kitchen pretty tidy, but has an unfortunate habit of forgetting to close the cabinets he opens and has bonked himself on more than one occasion. also known to make anything into leftover sandwiches that have no right to be as tasty as they are
aether is a grill dad. grilling is peaceful for him, plus it keeps his hands warm. loves a good classic burger, or a grilled chicken salad, definitely a savory guy. there could be a foot of snow outside, and aeth will be lighting the grill up for dinner without complaint. he's still learning to use the smoker, ever the perfectionist, but no one is complaining about eating the "messed up" brisket that doesn't quite fall apart when you poke it
aurora is the soup queen. loves eating soup, making soup; all soup, all the time. the den has a lot of mouths to feed so mountain made her a special step stool to help her see more easily into the massive kitchen stock pot while she cooks. her favorite to eat (but least favorite to make) is cauliflower soup, it's creamy and delicious, but every time she uses an immersion blender the ceiling gets as much soup as she does
sunshine also loves baking. her favorite is a classic raspberry french macaron and she has perfected the technique - it's impressive. phantom loves to watch her cook in particular, she's so clean and precise, they hope one day to hold a measuring cup like she does. sunshine is a bit more patient in the kitchen, showing whoever is watching little tips and tricks. wears the cutest floral apron, almost always covered in flour handprints
cumulus is all about fruits and berries, loves citrus and blackberries the best. mountain painstakingly cares for a little tangerine tree, just for her. her favorite foods to make are comfort foods, and she always makes the macaroni and cheese for big group dinners. everyone begs for it (and rain doesn't even add hot sauce), but she is definitely one of the messier cooks. everyone knows she has been in the kitchen when there are wrappers left about, little twist ties on the counter. the pack doesn't mind terribly, not when her dishes could cure any emotional wound
cirrus is all about cold, sweet snacks. loves ice cream and popsicles, the freezer is well stocked. her favorite is orange pushpops, and she will take exactly zero questions about it. works with great efficiency in the kitchen, and will often be the one planning dinner party menus with mountain. that, and which special snack he should make next. her specific cooking talent is bread, in particular sourdough. she made a cinnamon bread once that made dew cream his pants, he still hasn't lived it down
phantom burned water once, never tried cooking again. loves to wear a thrifted shrek shirt, "in the morning, im making waffles." they aren't, they barely use the toaster, but they'll make puppy eyes at mountain until he sighs and starts getting the batter ready. will eat anything anyone feeds them, but has an extra soft spot for those cloyingly sweet white puffy sugar cookies with bright colored frosting and sprinkles. the first time they had one was halloween, and they insisted on saving all the bat sprinkles
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count-alucard-tepes · 7 months
OPs get a call on the Den Den from SO.
"Hey babe! I'm in town and thought I'd get something to eat. You want me to bring you something?"
Kizaru ✨: “…I’ll have whatever you’re having, love”
Akainu🌋: “…something spicy like curry”
Ryokugyu 🌱: “you know I haven’t eaten in years, love…just get your ass back home so we can cuddle”
Fujitora 🐅: “I’m already having soba right now…get whatever you like though”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: “…could you get some cookies for tea time? We’re all out”
Doflamingo Donquixote🦩: “…can I have you with a side of no clothes? Just kidding, I want chicken nuggets”
Benn Beckman 🔫: “…coffee and a bagel”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: “…the biggest chocolate donut you can find”
Killer🔪: “…something with pasta”
Kaido🐉: “…anything with meat is fine with me”
King 👑 : “nothing, love…I already made dinner…come home soon”
Queen👑: “…red bean buns!”
Izou🔫🔫: “…just some bubble milk tea, love”
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: “…a Cuban sandwich”
Oven Charlotte 🍞: “I’m not hungry, love…I ate like 15 croissants already”
Buggy🤡: “…a slice of strawberry shortcake”
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: “…pineapple with chili powder”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: “…get me a burger and fries…and a chocolate milkshake”
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: “buffalo wings, please and thank you!”
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: “…crab legs…lots of them”
Gecko Moria🦇: “…just get me a bottle of wine, love”
Iceburg💜: “tonkatsu and curry with rice
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: “…wait, just ask the chefs to cook for you! I don’t want peasant food!”
Rob Lucci🐆: “…tacos with chicken”
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offbrandkyoya · 1 year
49 feelings suck
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Scaramouche typed something then erased it. He slid off your contact then clicked on it again. He bit his lip, typing something again, only to erase it later. Childe glances at him in disappointment. “Dude, leave them alone.” Scaramouche jumped at the fact he’s been caught wanting to gain his partners attention. He sighs, ‘Are we even still together?’
Childe sighs as well and snatches Scaramouche’s phone, his eyes still on the road. Scaramouche reaches for it but Childe raises it up high. “H-Hey! The hell are you doing?” Childe continues to hold the phone while he steers the wheel. “You’re getting distracted. Look, I know you feel bad but waiting for them to call or text is kind of pathetic you know?” Scaramouche slumps in his seat. “You don’t understand.”
Childe nods, “You’re right, I don’t. What I do know is you guys like each other a lot and I’m sure you’ll work this out.” Scaramouche didn’t say anything and looked out the window. He rests his head on the glass, watching the houses and trees. Childe frowns then smiles. “Hey, let’s go somewhere to hangout. It’s been a while, you know? Do you have anywhere you want to go?” He didn’t receive a response. “Okay, how about we go out to eat and then we can go like bowling or something?” “Bowling?” Childe beams then laughs, “Have a better idea?” “Well, certainly not bowling.”
Childe laughs even harder and pulls over to a fast food joint. “I’ll pay.” He says as they got out the car. When they went inside, Scaramouche reaches his hand out. “My phone?” Childe shakes his head. “No thinking about yn.” He pouts but doesn’t fight back. However, once they entered, they realized something. They forgot to wear disguises.
A whole bunch of fans circled them, fighting who should be in front or not. “Good going, Childe.” Scaramouche mumbled while the ginger chuckled. “My bad.” Childe motions them to stay back a little. “Please, we’re here to eat. You don’t want us to starve do you?” Some apologized and they all frantically moved out of the way to make space. “How lame.” Scaramouche comments and follows Childe to the front. The cashier blushed when they get up close.
“H-Hi, what would you like to order?” She says, bashfully. “I’d like a chicken sandwich with a salad please.” Scaramouche gives him a look. “A salad?” “What? I got to maintain a healthy diet you know.” He rolls his eyes, “I’d like a plain spicy chicken sandwich.” Childe then raises a finger. “Oh, and two large sodas.” The cashier nods, “Alright your total is 15.25.” Childe nods and takes out his wallet, “I’ll pay in card.”
As Childe pays, the cashier hands Scaramouche two cups for the sodas. “What would like?” “Orange sodas fine.” He nods and begins to walk to the drink dispenser. He fills one with Childes choice and the other his. A tap on his shoulder causes him to turn his head back. Two girls, who seemed to be middle schoolers, stood in front of him awkwardly. “U-Um, Scaramouche, is it o-okay if we get a picture with you?” One of the girls hid behind her friend as they wait for his response.
Scaramouche sips his drink, places it down, and says, “Sure.” They gasp and the brave one takes out her phone for the picture. Each girl went to his side and smiled for the camera. Once that was over they giggled at the picture and thanked him almost a hundred times. Scaramouche waves them goodbye and goes to where Childe is, sitting down at the far back. The food has already arrived but Childe didn’t start eating.
Scaramouche sits across from him and hands him his drink. “Here.” Childe smiles, “Thanks. What’d you get?” “Coke.” He hums and takes a sip. Scaramouche begins to eat his sandwich since he is quite literally starving. He expected to eat with you so- He groaned. He’s not supposed to think about you right now. Childe noticed this and decided to pry. “What’s up?” “Nothing…” He mumbled.
Childe shakes his head, “It’s something if you’re moping like that.” “Ugh, seriously it’s nothing.” “You always saying that, Scaramouche. It’s fine to express your feelings you know. Tell me what’s on your mind.” Scaramouche looks down. “I can’t.” “So it’s about yn.” He turns red then takes a big bite. “You got it so why do I have to explain myself?” Childe sighs, “I only want to help you.” “Well, you’re not doing a good job.” Scaramouche paused before looking up at him. “Sorry…” Childe shrugs. “Im not hurt. We’ve been friends since kids so I’m used to your emo attitude.” “Wow, thanks.” Scaramouche rolls his eyes.
“But seriously, I’m your best friend. Don’t feel embarrassed to lean your shoulder onto me.” Scaramouche closes his eyes. “I know that.” He opens them and stares down at his food. “I… I want to solve this on my own but all I do is make things worse.” He rests his forehead on the table. “I’m a horrible boyfriend.” “Don’t say that.” Childe responds, ruffling his hair. “I know you guys had a fight but what’d you do?” “I got jealous of them and Thoma.” “Oh, well, everyone gets jealous.” “No, like, extremely jealous.” Childe raises a brow. “I-I said that they liked Thoma more than me and that they’re in love with him and stuff…” “Oh shit. That’s not so bad… kind of.” “I also said that they have no one where to go in their life with their art career.” “What the fuck Scaramouche?”
Childe hits his head causing Scaramouche to lift his head up. Scaramouche rubs the bruise, “Ow! I know I messed up.” “Clearly.” Childe crosses his arms. “Scaramouche, I know you’re blunt and snappy but you seriously crossed the line.” He groans, “I know. God, I’m trying.” “Not hard enough.” Scaramouche glared at him. “You guys will get jealous from time to time but you can’t let it get to you.” Childe takes a bite of his salad before continuing, “You also need to trust them.”
Scaramouche doesn’t respond. Childe frowns knowing why. “They’re not your mom, Scaramouche. Yn is a good person and overall kind hearted. They’re not going to leave your side. I know for sure.” Scaramouche bit his lip and nods, hanging his head low. “Okay.” Childe smiles, “Eat up. I’m tired giving you love advice.” “Right because Zhongli isn’t with you.” “Shut up!”
The boy finish up and leave, practically running to their car away from the fans. Once in, they wave byes to the fans and head off. “Man, I kind of want to skip practice tomorrow.” “Then skip.” “But I promised Zhongli I’d come.” “You whore.” “WHAT?!” Scaramouche laughs and leans his head to the window once again. He gazes at the sky in admiration. Suddenly, you appeared in his mind. The memory of you smiling and laughing made him smile. He sits up abruptly, startling Childe a little. “Take me to yn’s place.” “What? Are you sure?” Scaramouche gives him a sorrowful look. “Please?”
Childe sighs, “Alright.” He changes direction to your apartment complex. Childe parks in front and Scaramouche stares at the window. Childe doesn’t say anything and simply watches his friend. Your light is on and Scaramouche can clearly see your shadow. He grips onto the handle and his door opens slightly but he stops. The front door opens and Aether walks out. His heart stops when he sees you peeking out from inside. The two of you are talking about something.
Aether waves and you wave back and watch him leave to his car. Aether didn’t seem to notice Childes car but you did. You looked at the car and Scaramouche quickly turns away and lowers his head. You raise a brow since you didn’t know who that is. You shrug to yourself and head inside once Aether made it to his vehicle. Childe narrows down at Scaramouche for acting cowardly but he still said nothing.
Scaramouche slowly raises his head and watches your window. The light is still on but without your shadow. He closes the door and sighs. Then, you walk out onto your balcony and leaned on the railing. Scaramouche stares at you longingly. You rested your chin on your hand and watched the sky. Scaramouche’s heart began to beat in a rhythm as his love for you took over. The more he stares at you the more he wants to get out of the car and yell at the top of his lungs, “I love you, Yn.” He’d repeat it over and over and you’d let him in and he’d kiss you, a kiss that is way over due.
But, the more he looked at you, the more he felt guilty for the events that happened. He couldn’t control his emotions and it frustrated him. He didn’t even know if you’d even forgive him at all. Scaramouche faces the front, “Let’s go home.” Childe frowns but nodded. “Okay.” Childe drives off and Scaramouche doesn’t look back at you anymore.
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- I had to go the dentist out of the blue 💀
- luckily they weren’t mean like always 👍👍
- also this keyboard update sucks like
- idk how money works so srry 💁‍♀️
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp @myaaones @warcelia @hangecanweholdhands @yuminako @valiryyz @screechingxiaolover @tiddieshakeshownu @ilovechuuyaa @d4y-dr3am3r @dazaisfavgf @swivy123 @ganyusbrideee @sagegreenthinks @the-left-glove @wonderland-fan @kylexzz @kaoyamamegami @whycantscarabereal @rvoulte @eunchaeluvr @lxkeeeee @silvermah @baby-bread-in @yelleloww @magica-ren @itzblazekun @im-inlovewithy0u @featuredtofu
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honoviadakai · 6 months
Foods I think Team Urameshi enjoys 🍜 😋
This post is kinda inspired by/a continuation of this post I made about Hiei so please enjoy my thoughts on the rest of the team’s taste in food!
If the live action did nothing else, it definitely established that Yusuke’s a ramen guy 😂
He likes both the instant stuff and the traditional kind but the latter is his go to if he can afford it
The instant ones are good but they doo remind him of his childhood when either his mom didn’t have enough money to feed him properly or she was too intoxicated to feed him properly
He also really likes American food
If you get him a good burger, some fries and some soda, he’s your friend for life
He LOVES a good cheesy pizza! The greasier and cheesier the better
Honestly he just LOVES heavy, greasy, heart food
It makes him feel full and weirdly energized
He could eat an entire family bucket of fried chicken by himself, sides and all, and feel pumped up for a good workout 🏋️‍♂️
He also loves spicy food
His spice tolerance is average but he genuinely likes the burn 🔥
If he sees a spicy challenge, he’s gonna do it just to see how far he can go
He’s currently at a level 7 out of 10 on the 🌶️ meter
He’s also very open to exploring weird food combinations and food from other cultures
This includes food from the demon world
He actually kinda likes food from demon world, he just feels like it could use some more spices
Catch him trying Nutella and bologna because Chu swears that the last time he went to the human world he tried it and it was delicious
…he actually tried it…and he liked it…
9 times out of 10 he’s gonna try and actually like the cursed foods you recommend to him
He’s a big sandwich connoisseur 🥪 🧐
He just likes how customizable and portable they are
Honestly he likes meals that are not only balanced, but a comfort to the soul
So things like stews, ramen, soba, curry and pasta dishes
One of his personal favorites things to both eat and make are bento boxes 🍱
He loves making them for his friends and family for a number of reasons
For one, it’s his way of making sure his loved ones are eating enough
Some of his friends come from low income households that don’t always have enough money for food
He made sure that whenever they hung out, they were always well fed
He also learned how to make bentos from his mom and sister
He really enjoyed the cooking lessons and he enjoys the warm fuzzy feelings he gets when he feeds his loved ones
The one food he won’t make or consume is anything spicy
He can’t handle spicy food and doesn’t feel confident enough to properly make a spicy dish
Honestly he can’t eat anything spicier than a jalapeño
But he will try to beat Yusuke and Hiei in spice challenges
…my boy never wins and I don’t know why he thinks he will at this point 😂
Like seemingly everything else about this guy, his palate is very refined
He likes expensive things like lobster, caviar, and liver tartare
Part of why he likes it is Yoko has expensive taste and old habits die hard 😂
In Yoko’s correct opinion, if you’re gonna feed him, you might as well break out the good stuff
The other reason is that a lot of these foods have very strong flavors and he enjoys that every now and then
That by no means mean he hates “Lowe quality” foods
He use to eat McDonald’s as a kid
He liked it
Still eats it from time to time
Not as often as Yusuke does, but like…if friends invite him out for a burger, he’ll eat it
Big enjoyer of fruit, grows it himself actually!
The fresher the better 😌👌
He loves ice cream! 🍨 specially strawberry, vanilla and most fruity sorbets
He actually has a bit of a sweet tooth tbh
Thank his mom for that cuz she’d give her baby boy sweets if he looked at her with his big puppy eyes
Mf didn’t even have to say a word
She’d either buy them or make them for him
Even into his adulthood, he can demolish a tray of cookies and macaroons on his own
The difference is that as a child he didn’t care about his weight or how much sugar he’s eating
As an adult, he absolutely cares because he wants to stay in shape and also his body is technically human so he doesn’t wanna deal with diabetes if he can avoid it
Now he also technically grew up with demon world food when he was Yoko
Demon world food is whatever you can find that’s edible
So usually it’s other demons and edible plants/produce
Some of which does that pretty good
But a lot of it is more for survival than taste
He’s absolutely had to eat a bug demon before and not only did it look gross, it tasted gross!
But it was either that or starve…
And believe me…he did debate it…but food doesn’t always just die for you so…🐛🐛🐛
Boy was he grateful that humans in Japan eat some of the best food he’s ever seen
Human food has also made Kurama appreciate the artistry that can go into food
When he sees the chef went out of their way to make the food look like a literal work of art, he’s always so amazed!
He actually has a hard time eating something if it looks super pretty
Expect him to take a few pictures before he eats btw 🤣
He also has an shockingly high spice tolerance
He can eat authentic Thai food without sweating
But certain peppers will automatically have him on his knees
He can and has grown his own peppers to see if he can make spicier peppers than what’s available
He has, but internet trends make people competitive enough to dethrone him by next week 🤣
Oh this guy ain’t picky
Honestly he’ll eat burnt food if he’s hungry enough
He can also eat 10xs his own body weight
Want proof?
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Togashi himself knows this little gremlin is a bottomless pit of angst and hangry
He could easily eat you and 12 of your friends out of house and home and still have the audacity to wonder why ya’ll stressed 🙄
Hello grew up in an environment where food was not guaranteed every day so any food he got, he wasn’t wasting a crumb
Even if he’d been given a giant demon bug leg, best believe he’s eating it
Waste not want not as they say
The only food he’s very sus about is mushrooms 🍄
Especially when talking about demon world mushrooms, a lot of them are very hard to identify wether they’re poisonous or so he tends to avoid them
Unless Kurama is there to tell him it’s poisonous or not
He’ll never admit it out loud but he LOVES human food so much!
It’s so flavorful!
His favorite dishes are meaty rice and noodle dishes
Honestly any dishes with meat are an instant hit with him 🍖
But his all time favorite dishes are the spicy ones
The spicier the better 🌶️🌶️🌶️
His spice tolerance is otherworldly
I’m 99.99% sure he could eat lava and not react
To this day, Yusuke and Kurama are trying to find a dish or pepper spicy enough to make Hiei sweat
They so far have not been successful 😔
Honestly not sure they will succeed any time soon
Mf pops Carolina reapers into his mouth like popcorn 🍿 🌶️
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
How Likely I'd Be to Eat TWST's Characters Favorite/Least Favorite Foods, Except I'm a Picky Eater
I've decided that from now on, all of my titles are going to be anime title length, and no one can stop me. Anyways, I'm bored and haven't done Twst content in a while, so I thought I would today. Feel free to share y'all's opinions in the comments/reblogs if y'all want.
Favorite: Strawberry tarts
Literally 10/10. I love strawberry tarts, or anything with strawberries really.
Least favorite: Junk food
Also 10/10. I eat a lot of junk food (especially on depression days), so I'm all for eating it.
Favorite: Candied violets
3/10. I don't like eating flowers, but I'd consider it since they're candied. I probably wouldn't like them though.
Least favorite: Mustard
8/10. It's not my favorite condiment, and I'm very picky about what I put it on, but I love mustard.
Favorite: Spicy ramen
7/10. It depends on how spicy and what brand of ramen. I only eat a very certain brand, and my spice tolerance depends on the day.
Least favorite: anything sweet
5/10. Depends on what sweets and how sweet. I do have a sweet tooth, but I'm more picky about sweets than any other flavor.
Favorite: Cherry pie
0/10. I cannot stand cherries. The texture and flavor makes me sick and I can hardly even look at them.
Least favorite: Raw oysters
0/10. I also hate seafood, but especially oysters. Again, it's all about the texture. They're too slimy.
Favorite: Anything with eggs
10/10. Eggs are my favorite form of protein, and I could honestly eat them with every meal. I love eggs a lot.
Least favorite: Bell peppers
4/10. I can only tolerate them when they're cut super fine and mixed in with other things. I grew up in Louisiana, so it's common to find bell peppers in basically everything, so I've grown somewhat immune to them.
Favorite: Meat
6/10. Depends on what kind of meat and how it's prepared. There are some meats I love, and some I can't stand, especially things like steak or roast.
Least favorite: Vegetables
7/10. I live veggies, but I'm super picky about them. I only really like lettuce, carrots, and broccoli, and I have to have them prepared very specifically. I will also only eat lettuce in a sandwich or in a salad, and I only eat carrots and broccoli raw with ranch.
Favorite: Donuts
5/10. I like donuts, but only on very specific occasions. I also prefer donut holes because I find regular donuts too filling and sugary. I love blueberry and red velvet donuts the most.
Least favorite: Anything rotten
0/10. I've eaten rotten food before, and it is not pleasant. I don't know who would honestly enjoy rotten food.
Favorite: Pear compote
0/10. Pears are on par with cherries for being one of my least favorite fruits. I cannot stand pears.
Least favorite: Green onions
9/10. I love green onions, but only in soups and stuff. Potato soup with green onions is always a winning combination to me.
Favorite: Fried chicken
11/10. Fried chicken might actually be my favorite savory food. I live right next to a Popeyes, and I eat there religiously. Fried chicken cannot be beat in my eyes.
Least favorite: Health food
4/10. Some health food is okay, but i can never stick with it for too long before I'm either bored or sick.
Favorite: Octopus carpaccio
0/10. I hate seafood, and I hate raw food even more. I genuinely have no clue why people enjoy eating raw meat/fish.
Least favorite: Conger eel
0/10. Again, I cannot stomach seafood. Also, eel? You can eat eel? Idk but it sounds gross.
Favorite: Takoyaki
2/10. Okay, I know I've been talking about how much I hate seafood, but I've always wanted to try takoyaki. Will I hate it? Yes, but I still want the experience.
Least favorite: Shiitake mushrooms
-10/10. Mushrooms might actually be my least favorite food ever. The texture and taste are both awful, and even the look and smell are enough to make my gag.
Favorite: Coconut juice
5/10. I'm not a fan of coconut, but I've never tried the juice, so I'm not sure if I'll like it or not. I'd be down to try it at least.
Least favorite: Curry
6/10. Would depend on spice levels, what kind of curry, etc. I can't remember if I've ever had curry, but it doesn't sound unpleasent.
Favorite: Curry
Same as before.
Least favorite: Dates
3/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to touch dates. I'll give them a slight chance because I've had worse.
Favorite: Homemade smoothies
8/10. I really like smoothies. My favorite is strawberry and banana. I'm a little more hesitant about stuff like kale smoothies, but I still like smoothies overall.
Least favorite: Mayonnaise
9/10. My house always had mayo in the fridge, and I refuse to eat sandwiches without it. I love mayo, and it's definitely a top 5 condiment for me.
Favorite: Liver pâté
0/10. Why do so many of them have an interest in raw meat? That's why all of them are so weird. They keep eating raw meat.
Least favorite: Garlic
8/10. Yes, I am that guy who enjoys garlic chips. And, yes, I put garlic in basically everything I consume. I just really like the stuff.
Favorite: Grilled meats/Macarons
7/10 for grilled meat. I like grilled chicken, but only sometimes. 10/10 for macarons. I am obsessed with macarons, especially fruity flavors.
Least favorite: Apple pears
2/10. I don't like pears, but I'd be more willing to try them since they're somewhat similar to apples, which I do like.
Favorite: Sweets
10/10. I love sweets, even if I am picky about them. I prefer stuff like pastries over stuff like candy, but I like candy too.
Least favorite: Raw fish
0/10. Again, raw meats/seafood is just such a strange concept to me. I think I've said enough on the topic by now.
(skipping Ortho bc both his fave and least fave are literally nothing)
Favorite: Ice cream
7/10. I'm sort-of picky about ice cream, but it's mostly a flavor thing. When it's a flavor I like, ice cream is one of my faves. But if it's a flavor I don't like, it's one of the worst foods ever.
Least favorite: Full-sized cakes
3/10. Cake is okay, but I could never eat a full-sized cake. Also, cake is one of the desserts I'm pickiest about, so it's not a preference for me.
Favorite: Tomato juice
5/10. I don't like tomatoes, but I do like smoothe tomato soup (never chunky), so maybe I'd like tomato juice.
Least favorite: Marshmallows
10/10. I love marshmallows so much. The texture makes me very happy, and I especially love the big ones that take multiple bites to eat.
Favorite: Mushroom risotto
0/10. Again, I cannot stand even the thought of mushrooms, so I doubt I'd like it in a risotto. Maybe I'd try it for Silver though. Maybe.
Least favorite: Lilia's cooking
-10/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to even humor the idea of trying Lilia's cooking.
Favorite: Salmon carpaccio
1/10. Seriously, why is there so much raw seafood mentioned in this game?? I gave this one 1 point because I do like salmon, but I still wouldn't eat it.
Least favorite: Black coffee
2/10. I do not like coffee, black or otherwise. I'd be willing to give it a try since it's been a while since I've had it, but I doubt I'd like it.
Favorite: Canned tuna
7/10. I like tuna, and I honestly wouldn't mind it from a can, but it's not my favorite type of fish.
Favorite: Wild game
5/10. Depends on the type of game and how it's cooked, but it wouldn't be the worst thing to try.
Favorite: Raisin butter
1/10. I dislike raisins very much, but I'd hesitantly try it in butter because I do like butter.
Favorite: Vichyssoise
3/10. I don't like leeks, but I do like potatoes, so maybe it's balance out and I'd like it. However, I'm also a pessimist, so I'm giving it a low score anyways.
Favorite: Raw eggs
2/10. Here in America, eating raw eggs is very dangerous, so it's a no from me, but I do know people in other countries eat raw eggs, so maybe I'd like it.
Favorite: Chicken gumbo
10/10. Like I said, I grew up in Louisiana, so of course I love gumbo. I don't like seafood gumbo, but chicken gumbo is easily top tier for me.
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notbecauseofvictories · 2 months
hi! last holiday season I followed a chocolate chip cookie recipe you shared on your blog and the results were phenomenal!! tysm for sharing! I've recently moved to my own flat and now that I have a whole kitchen to myself and no one to nag me about splurging on food x) I wanted to ask if you could share more of your favourite recipes (sweet, savoury, doesn't matter, I like experimenting!)
I've been on a sandwich kick lately, between this Grilled Chicken Sandwich With Caesar-ish Dressing, these Open-Faced Chicken Salad Sandwiches (with asparagus and prosciutto!), and these pork sliders with delicious spicy pickles (though I do think the Hawaiian rolls were a mistake, I would have chosen something sturdier, less sweet).
I've also treated myself to shrimp rolls (like lobster rolls, but less expensive) as well as salmon onigirazu, though I added a whole bunch of stuff and dipped them in the chipotle mayo from this recipe. (That recipe for salmon cups is delightful, but nori doesn't stay crispy for very long, so it's really only good for serving a crowd.)
This Artichoke Pesto and Burrata Pizza is delicious but it does involve a lot of work---and it burns terrifically easy, which is frustrating if you've been pulled away from the oven for a work call. For example.
Finally, I did make these mimosa cupcakes for Easter, and while I think they tasted like sugar and nothing else, my family devoured them. Also, this coconut macaroon recipe remains undefeated; I should never have strayed from the light and given strawberry macaroons a chance.
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starfish-sonnyangel · 4 months
so bored you might... come out of fanfic retirement? you must be really really bored,,,
squad's favorite terran foods in your hcs?
-from @auroracycle-enjoyer
guess who has two thumbs and is working on this instead of their lit final! 🤗🤗🤗
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! again please please ask me things i promise ill respond even if it takes me a couple months lmao!
he squads fav terran foods
ty - 
had a gym rat phase during the academy so for like 3+ years he was literally only considering how much protein a certain food had not how it tasted or anyyyything
seasoning? we dont know her here
if you ask him he’ll probably say salad (he’s lying)
auri introduced him to pizza and he’s hooked
fav is margarita bc he likes to pretend that the basil add some nutritional value
ugh i just need her to curl up with a good book and music and a bowl of soup she deserves it
literally any kind of soup as long as its hot n served with some kinda bread
loves chicken noodle/irish stew/really heavy soups like that bc it reminds her of what her mom used to cook
also egg drop soup, oxtail, lanzhou beef noodles, all the stuff her dad used to make
give her a mug of chicken noodle and some sourdough and she’ll literally love you forever.
its canon from aurora rising that she likes spicy food so i know she loads allll her food up with spice
everyone’s learned to not ask for a bite of her soup if they dont need to give their sinuses a deep cleanse
ty was the first to learn the hard way, snuck a sip of her food secretly and 2 minutes later was curled up on the floor with a box of tissues and a jug of milk
again, he’s not a big seasoning guy
any kind of pasta
she got really into making fresh pasta during the academy, bc she obviously needed a hobby to fill up all the time she spent not studying
is lwky a pasta prodigy can lecture you on any type of pasta
her favorite kind is fusilli (“because it’s extra, like me!”)
also a pesto fanatic
goes vegan at least 4 times each year
her current record is 2 weeks
sweet treats!!
fav cake is tirmisu
can always be trusted to have a snack tucked away in her bag
survives off energy drinks and caf, you wouldn’t really call him a foodie
that being said, he’s a sucker for a good sandwich
clean, compact, won’t get into his suit, tastes good, sandwiches check off all necessary boxes
would sell his suit for a good turkey panini
took him a while to get used to terran food but he is now a confirmed fan
with that being said he cannot cook
once set off the fire alarms across the entire academy after forgetting about a baguette he had toasting in the kitchen
i feel like he'd also be straegly obbsessed with random terran snacks like goldfish and graham crackers
is a FIEND for those yougurt chew things that are for babies
"fin, two go-gurts and a family sized bag of chex mix is not a well-rounded dinner"
looooves those nerd gummy clusters
to be completely honest he'll eat literally anything if he's hungry enough
as previously stated i need to get on my academic grind so ill be completing everyone else soon, just wanted to get this out bc i havent posted in a while
this was so much fun to do, thanks again to @auroracycle-enjoyerfor the ask!
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sonosvegliato · 1 year
To an Athlete Dying Young: Deleted Scenes Pt 1
The original draft of Tim and Kon in the Hall of Justice in my fic And hold to the low lintel up/The still-defended challenge-cup. Featuring a McCrispy. 
Completely unedited.
“This is going to turn out so bad,” Superboy says.
“No, it’s not,” Tim says. “Either this works, and I’m a genius, or it doesn’t, and I find another way out. There are one hundred and forty seven listed in the blueprints I got from Batman’s computer, and thirty six more he’s detailed that are unmarked. But I’m not really supposed to know about those.”
“This is going to turn out so bad,” Superboy repeats. 
“Shut up, no it’s not,” Tim repeats back. 
“They’re going to know we’ve left,” Superboy hisses. “This is a horrible plan!”
“I want them to know we’ve left.” Tim’s sitting on Superboy’s shoulders and kicks him in the chest. “Now get in the tube.”
Superboy steps onto the Zeta platform. “I just want you know, if we end up on Mars, I’m not taking you back.”
Under New York Avenue is the closest Zeta tube, and Tim makes sure to shout it very clearly. Sewers, but. He can’t exactly pop out on the White House lawn. 
“B-20,” the tube accepts. Tim’s arms tighten on Superboy’s shoulders. “Robin.”
“This is so bad,” Superboy repeats as they’re reduced to photons through space. “This is so bad this is so bad this is—”
“Incredibly demeaning,” Superboy says.
“Sorry, my car is talking,” Tim says to the McDonalds employee taking their drive-through order. “He wants the Number 1 with…”
“Why were all the machines broken?” Superboy grumbles.
“It’s part of the experience,” Tim explains patiently. They’d had to scout out four McDonalds before finding one with a working soft serve machine. “Crushing disappointment, or eight hundred calories of delight? It’s fast food roulette.”
“And I just don’t get the spoons,” Superboy continues. They’ve been sharing a large fry, and he glares into the empty carton like it’s a multidimensional portal that ate his fries instead of Tim. He throws the carton aside.“Why are they square?”
“I used to think they were straws?” Tim supplies, licking an Oreo off his spoon. “If I had my phone, I’d look it up, but Batman has a fear of location-sharing. He made me duct-tape my front camera.”
“No shit?”
“No shit.” 
They eat in companionable silence. Tim feels Bruce in the doorway before he hears him, a dark blot in the corner of his vision. Tim scrapes Oreo crumbs from the inside of his cup before meeting Bruce’s eyes, domino to cowl.
“Oh, hey, Batman.”
“You went out?” Bruce replies, voice rough. “Into the city?”
“Maybe,” Tim says. He frowns, searching for one last bit of Oreo in his McFlurry’s vanilla bottom. “We wanted McDonalds.”
He kicks Superboy’s ankle.
“I’m only three weeks old,” Superboy blurts. “I’ve never had McDonalds.”
“And he can’t be a proper all-American boy without McDonalds,” Tim says. “Maybe that’s why he doesn’t have heat vision. Maybe pink slime alters Kryptonian genes and that’s what gave Superman his ocular powers.”
“McDonalds did not give me X-ray vision,” Superman says, though he squints at his hamburger for a second before taking another bite. 
Bruce tears a hand through the air at him. “You let this happen?”
Superman stiffens. 
“They got me a Big Mac,” he was smally. “I thought you’d sent them.”
“Relax, Batman, I got you the Spicy McCrispy,” Tim says. He reaches in the last brown bag and tosses the sandwich to Bruce. Bruce catches it in one hand and then points outside. 
Superboy leans into Tim. “Still think this was a good idea?” he whispers.
“Sit down, Superman, not you,” Bruce growls. “Robin.”
“Going perfectly to plan,” Tim whispers back, rising. Louder, he orders, “Don’t eat my chicken nuggets.”
“I’ll eat whoever’s nuggets I want,” Superboy mutters as Tim follows Bruce out into the hall. They walk a long time before Bruce stops and turns, a looming shadow that towers over Tim. 
“Do you not like the Spicy McCrispy?” Tim asks, speaking first.
“Do you think this is a joke?” Bruce bites back. He doesn’t shout, but the timbre of his voice reverberates in Tim’s chest, cracks his courage like an egg. He’s very aware of the pressure in his jaw, and fights to keep his expression open and passive. He’s glad for his domino and what little emotional protection it provides. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says measuredly.
Bruce’s shoulders stiffen, and he seems to grow inches taller. Tim doesn’t know how. Is it a Batman thing? Will Tim learn how to do that? 
Bruce’s voice is Gotham winter cold as he counts off his fingers. 
“You left the Hall without my permission,” Bruce begins. “You take a dangerous, unknown entity with you. You go into the city by yourself. Then you expose yourself to the American public riding Superman’s clone through a McDonald’s drive-though.” He pushes the wrapped chicken sandwich in Tim’s face, voice dropping further. “Are you sure you don’t know what I’m talking about?”
“I’m sorry,” Tim says.
“Do you know how many people saw you today?” Bruce barrels on.
“I don’t know. We had to go through more than one drive-through—”
“How many pictures were taken of you?” Bruce asks over him. “How many are currently being shared over every social media and news site? Robin’s been gone for over a year, and you’ve just announced his return to every rogue in Gotham.”
“Have I,” Tim says. 
Bruce’s mouth tightens. 
“I’m sorry,” he repeats quickly, giving ground. “But. If it’s 11 o’clock at night in Gotham or 11 o’clock in the morning at a McDonalds, the media was eventually going to see me. Robin’s been gone too long. Isn’t it good he comes back?”
“No!” Bruce snaps, arms flaring out. At Tim’s expression, his instantly cools. “Not right now. You just got the suit. You’re not ready for the streets.”
“But I will be, soon,” Tim says earnestly. “Right?”
“I’m getting good. You have to let me out of the nest sometime. At least let me start shadowing you. I won’t let anyone see me; I’m really good at hiding in the dark—”
“No,” Bruce says fiercely. He shakes his head. “We’re not discussing this. You—” his expression closes. Tim can see him struggling with his emotions before shoving them down like leftovers in Alfred’s good tupperware. He takes Tim’s hand and puts the sandwich in it. The paper crinkles in Tim’s palm. “You’ve disappointed me.”
Tim stands there, a McCrispy in his hand, and watches Bruce walk away. His heart is beating so hard he feels sick. His grin is shaky, but by the time he returns to Superboy, he’s convinced himself that the stone in his stomach is victory. 
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