#you'll quickly learn this is common with me
dedalvs · 3 months
My brother and I absolutely cackled after that Aemond and Aegon Valyrian exchange!
I wanted to ask (and I'm terrible at conlangs, so forgive me) what grammar/syntax Aegon is stumbling over here and how to properly say what he intended to? Any why is he making thise mistakes (simply lacking the vocabulary, or rules of the language he hasn’t grasped)?
Let's take a look at it. This is what he said:
Nyke koston... Bēvilus... Sētegon bīlīvāzmi?
The subtitles say this:
"I can... Have to... Make a war?"
Prior to this Aemond is, essentially, showing off. He knows that Aegon has simply not put any time into studying Valyrian (or studying anything). At this stage, Valyrian is no longer spoken by the family on a day-to-day basis—especially as Alicent probably never learned it at all (or if she did, only in a few scattered lessons here and there; not to actually use). In order for either of the boys to gain any kind of fluency in the language, they have to study constantly and find ways to use it. There's simply no daily need for the language—and plenty of reasons not to use it, as very, very few people they'll encounter on a daily basis speak the language.
Now, if we were talking about two random people in Westeros, this wouldn't mean anything. But these are the children of Viserys Targaryen, himself a descendant of Aegon the Conqueror. They brought their family line and their culture with them to Westeros—and, of course, their language. If someone like Alicent Hightower doesn't speak High Valyrian it means nothing. If a Targaryen doesn't speak High Valyrian, though… See, they're supposed to be able to speak Valyrian. Failing to do so carries with it a sense of shame that isn't present for a random person who doesn't speak Valyrian. Aemond knows this. Aegon is annoying him, so he goes poking at that wound.
Aemond could have fed him a short line with an obvious answer to help Aegon out, but instead he threw a whole mess of Valyrian at him. The longer it goes on, the more lost Aegon gets, desperately trying to catch up and figure out what was just said and thereby missing what is being said at that instant. From the whole speech, Aegon probably only figured out that he was being asked a question, and it was something having to do with planning.
So, back to what he says. The beginning student of a language is quite adept at doing a single verb in a present tense sentence. In a discussion like this, though, you're typically saying things like "I think that" or "We should" or "I suggest" or "Perhaps we might", etc. All that stuff that we need to offer opinions, make suggestions, hedge, etc. Much more than simple narration.
Aegon is attempting to do this without a sufficient command of the language. He knows some vocabulary, he knows some grammar, but he simply did not put in the work to actually speak this language. Thus, he has to overcome a lot of Common Tongue (i.e. English) interference.
There are many differences between Valyrian and English, but the biggest one by far is the major word order. In English, the verbs come before the rest of the junk; in Valyrian, they come at the end. And this is how things get all messed up.
In English, you start the sentence saying things like "I think" or "We should" or "It seems". In Valyrian, those things come at the end. If you start with the Valyrian equivalent of "I think", you will quickly realize (presuming you know enough of the grammar) that you're sunk, because once you've said it, the sentence should be done. Thus you get Aegon's false starts.
Starting at the beginning, Aegon says Nyke koston, which is kind of like saying, "I could". But there's nowhere to go. This is how a sentence ends. For example, if he wanted to say, "I could fly to Harrenhal", he would say Harenhalot sōvegon koston—literally "To Harrenhal fly I could". If you're thinking English-ly, you're essentially thinking backwards, and if you simply translate what you're thinking, you'll immediately have nowhere to go. You'll have to take a pause and think about how to get started again. And that's exactly what happens here.
Now, leaving aside that Valyrian is a pro-drop language and starting it off with nyke "I" is unnecessary and makes you look like a beginner, koston isn't bad (I mean, if used sentence-finally). Once he realizes he can't start there, though, he loses confidence. It's those old High Valyrian lessons all over again, and some maester suggesting he hasn't studied. That self-doubt makes his facility with Valyrian worse. This means his chances of recovery are severely hampered.
But onward he presses, and he decides to say "We have to" or "I have to". Now, the problem here is in Valyrian that requires the verb bēvilagon. This verb isn't used in the usual way. Literally it means "to lie on". If you wanted to say "We must mobilize our dragons", you'd say Īlvī zaldrīzī mazannagon īlo bēvilza. That's literally "Our dragons to mobilize us it lies upon". The one who must do something is placed in the genitive and put directly before the verb. If you start with the verb, well, you missed your chance to say who it is that must be doing something—let alone what they must do. Another false start.
It's also worth noting that he says bēvilus as opposed to bēvilza. Let's ignore that it's the aorist and focus on the fact that it's the subjunctive (just like koston). You use the subjunctive with your main verb when you're hedging—when you're suggesting. Not when you're commanding. Kind of an odd thing to say "We must do this" with the subjunctive. Kind of like saying "Maybe we might considering having to do this".
At this point, his confidence has completely evaporated. Everybody's staring at him like he has no idea what he's talking about; Aemond's eating it up. He knows he's cooked. He's got to say something, though, so he says sētegon which isn't even conjugated. It means "to make" or "to create", which might make sense in English (e.g. "to make war"), but doesn't make sense in Valyrian (a bit like saying "to construct a war" or even "to bake a war") and then tries to pronounce vīlībāzmi "war" (wrong case/number, wrong order) and fails, saying bīlīvāzmi, which means nothing (also he wanted vīlībāzme. Vīlībāzmi is "wars").
Long story short, he doesn't present himself very well—and we didn't even talk about his general pronunciation or intonation. It's kind of a great big mess in only five words. A true disaster.
But if there were no expectation that he should be able to speak Valyrian, none of this would matter! If there were no shame associated with him specifically not being able to speak Valyrian no one would expect it of him, and this challenge would mean as little as someone challenging him to speak the Old Tongue or Asshai'i. It'd be meaningless.
In short, this small portion of this scene is about being a heritage speaker of a language. It's the exact nightmare scenario all heritage speakers fear: To be put on stage and made to perform despite being unequal to the task while simultaneously feeling that they should be equal to it.
It'd be so cool if it was okay to be kind of good with a language—if that level of mastery was acceptable. In the real world, anyway.
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
Inspired by a discord discussion.
I keep seeing characters from snowy places portrayed as unbothered by cold or missing it, and every time I remember that it's completely counterintutive if you didn't grow up in freezing temperatures
So I thought I should write this post.
We are very bothered by cold. We are way more bothered by cold than southerners. Being bothered is what keeps you safe. Warmth is a resource.
There are few lucky people who simply never get cold (mostly guys of endomorph body type) but it's not a given and generally northerners start to complain and wear warm coats at the tiniest hint of cold.
Humans can only adjust up to a certain threshold.
For example, Irish and British winters allow you to ignore weather almost completely (you'll be miserable but you'll probably live), so there's a culture of stoicism, not heating your house above 16-18°C (60-65°F), wearing shorts and sandals (and a Very Big Scarf) when it's snowing and all that.
(I quickly got used to leaving the bathroom window open at 4°C when I was living there. who cares really)
So there's a common misconception that you can do the same with even colder weather.
However, once you are past that adjustment threshold (for most people it takes as little as -5..0°C/23..32°F lasting for more than a month per year) there can be no special built-in resistance to that type of cold (unless you are a yogi or a Taoist monk), instead you learn a bunch of behaviours that help you. You start to preserve warmth religiously.
You also start to differentiate between types of being cold and avoid some of them (some build up over time and it wears you down, so it's best to avoid them entirely). Anything that drops your core temperature (this is noticeable long before you start shivering, shivering is the equivalent of fire alarm) is a huge no. Fingers getting a bit numb from building a snow castle is nothing major though.
It can be hard to unlearn that even if you moved to a warmer place years ago.
Stoic northern characters who have moved to a warmer country are very likely to Complain About The Cold.
They'll start wearing coats at higher temperatures than southerners (because, well, the weather might get worse, or you might stay outside longer than you planned, or move less).
They'll get cold hands more often because their body panics at the tiniest signs of cold and diverts blood to the centre (my first impression of the Irish was how warm everyone was when we shook hands. I'm the same now).
Most will heat their houses to the point where it's possible to walk around in a t-shirt no matter how cold it is outside (those who don't will comment "thank gods that people don't do that in your country, I hated it back home").
They'll whine at +5°C (40°F).
Apart from heavier clothes they'll have a bunch of weird habits like Walking Really Fast when the weather is bad (it's for when you don't want to wear heavier clothes).
They might have a fondness for scarves and good winter shoes (warm shoes and a warm hat are even more important than a warm coat. the lack of hats in fantasy upsets me. scarves are less important but they are pretty).
When locals get surprised they'll reply with "yes, but this is *damp* cold, *dry* cold is different" (it's more complicated than that but this answer usually stops further questions, so we go with that).
It's not like they are actually less cold-resistant, they just take cold more seriously.
At the same time they can be weirdly unbothered by things that freak some of the southerners out because they know how their body deals with low temperatures and which things have no consequences.
(it's not something that you learn from books, it's practical knowledge of what you personally can get away with. for example, I often get completely numb thighs during winter walks, takes an hour to start feeling anything when I get home. but I know it's all right as long as my feet are warm and my core temperature is within normal range)
They also won't suffer consequences when it gets truly cold, while more nonchalant southerners won't notice when they get borderline hypothermic or just cold enough to get sick.
They'll probably consider -30°C (-22°F) exciting. It becomes enjoyable again, because the outside world is now a death zone and there's some macabre fun in resisting it. Oh, and your eyelashes get covered in frost and it looks dope. What's not to like.
Kids will make a point to eat ice cream outside in -30°C (no, they won't get sick from it). I can't explain it, it just works like that.
Generally people from colder countries are not bothered by cold if they can return to a warm place soon enough, it's the prolonged exposure to cold (even mild) they are worried about. Going out for a smoke without a coat is common.
If they are still in a cold country, it's also a bit different from what you expect.
There's a trope of drinking to keep warm. It doesn't work like that. You can drink alcohol to feel warm but not to keep warm and it's an important difference. When it's cold your body's proper response is to constrict blood vessels and to divert blood flow from extremeties to slow down the loss of warmth. Alcohol reverts that.
This means it's perfectly appropriate to drink eggnog or mulled wine at a fair (when you are supposed to get to warmth soon enough, so the illusion of not being cold is not harmful) or hard spirits when you get back from the cold (it will help you warm up faster), but not if you are staying in a cold place. During a hike through winter woods a thermos with sweetened tea and fatty food are your best friends.
Some won't know it and get drunk and frostbitten/hypothermic. People are stupid.
Food gets weird, fats start to seem even tastier than usual. People in Antarctic expeditions are known to crave sticks of butter. In certain weather sandwiches with frozen lard are delicious.
Anything can and will be made into tea.
Some tropes I personally disagree with.
Pain. Pain levels depend on the weather. Cold eases any kind of external pain (cuts or burns) but makes worse anything internal (broken bones, cramps, most headaches).
Hypothermia feels nothing like peacefully falling asleep. It's the most miserable state I've ever experienced, psychological trauma doesn't even come close.
Well, maybe there are people who do fall asleep but other people I've talked to seem to share my experience.
I'm not sure how exactly it works, I think it messes up your self-regulation, since most chemicals in your body require a certain temperature range to work properly. Basically you become Not Yourself. Your emotions go whack (usually it's either extreme self-pity or extreme anger). It feels awful. I hope you never get to experience it.
Most of us don't really miss cold.
Well, some perverts do, but there's a general consensus that cold is awful.
We do miss some things that only happen during cold days though. The stillness and the quiet or how pretty snow looks. How bright the stars are on a clear night. The colour of sunsets and twilight sky when it's freezing.
(in my opinion, the best experience happens around -5°C, it's already pretty but the world is not a death zone yet)
There's also an appreciation of contrast with things that are Not Snow.
Walking from the cold into a greenhouse with orchids.
Watching a blizzard rage outside your window while you sit in warmth with a cup of tea.
Jumping into a lake straight out of a sauna (then going back. do not do that if you have a heart condition).
Fireplaces. Holiday food. Mulled wine. Saffron in pastry.
There's also a lot of beauty in the world that is frozen. I keep stumbling upon the fact no one around me shares these experiences anymore and it saddens me.
The xylophone sound of first ice being broken by a passing boat.
Sea moving under the ice — when it's not too thick it rises and falls like some large animal breathing.
The whale-song-like sounds of ice cracking on large lakes.
There's a very special mood of waiting for first snow. The world is too cold and dark without it and then you wake up one night from the sudden quietness (snow muffles all sounds) and you know it's there even before you look out of the window,
There's the exhiliration of spring. The moment when the wind starts to have a scent — thawing snow smells a bit like watermelons but clearer. Winter smells like nothing at all.
The first tiny yellow flowers in mud. They are our hanami.
(I don't think anyone in Europe truly appreciates spring if they are not from Nordic or Baltic countries)
There's a certain attunement to the scent of ice too.
Like that barely perceptible tingle in the air in late September, long before you can see any ice.
I feel the scent of ice when there's wind from the right part of the Atlantic. No one ever notices but it's there. I love it.
It's nostalgic in a way.
But it's never missing the cold itself for me. For very few people it is, I think.
This is, of course, personal perspective and my experience is not universal. I'm a person from continental climate with harsh winters and hot summers and a city dweller with occasional visit to country houses and a tiny bit of mountaineering experience.
An indigenous person from a place with barely any summer or a character from a fantasy everwinter country will probably differ from me.
There are, after all, simply people who genuinely love cold. A lot of them. It is, however, not the default northerner's experience.
But hey, it's still more complex than it's usually written.
If you want to read something focused on winter descriptions, there's Smilla's Sense of Snow by Peter Høeg.
It's hauntingly beautiful prose and the main character is from Greenland.
‘It’s freezing, an extraordinary -18 °C, and it’s snowing, and in the language which is no longer mine, the snow is qanik – big, almost weightless crystals falling in stacks and covering the ground with a layer of pulverized white frost.’
And then there's Moominland Midwinter. I think it gets better when you read it as an adult and it's probably still the best thing I have ever read about winter solstice.
I think we need more good winter stories.
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empress-simps · 3 months
Tulips & Moony
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader CW: Sirius and Remus' banter and language (around 700 words) Summary: Remus tries to crochet you a tulip. Note: Hi darlings! I hope you like this mini fic; I love to crochet so why not make a fic out of it, right? Also, my uni's third term is about to end so I'll have more time to finish my WIPs! Hope you enjoy!
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Remus loves knitted things— he considers the “unfashionable” grandpa sweaters that Sirius always complains about to be his prized possessions, not forgetting to mention how he’s got every neutral and earthy tones of cardigans arranged neatly in his trunk.
Yes, Remus is an avid fan of those things, but he doesn't really express any interest in making them from scratch.
So, imagine Sirius' surprise walking in on Remus who’s red in the face as he fumbles with a ball of yarn.
“Now Moony, when did you suddenly become a grandma?” Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow at the poor bloke who’s struggling looping a yarn.
“Since he learned Y/n loves to crochet.” James quipped from his bed, eating a chocolate frog that he most likely stole from Remus’ stash who was too busy to notice.
“He’s been at it for a good hm… three hours or so?” Peter shrugs, working on his charms essay in the corner of the room and trying to block out the strings of curses Remus grumbles out every now and then.
“Can you all be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate, you sods.” The werewolf grumbled, furrowing his brows and sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth in concentration. The sight was quite amusing. James lets out a laugh, getting off his bed. “Alright then, I’m getting quite tired watching you fail miserably,” Remus grunted, “Yeah, go bother someone else.”
Sirius plopped next to Remus, looking closely at his creation. “That’s a nice square you got there, Moony.” He hummed, nodding in approval at the wonky shape.
“It’s a bloody circle, you git.”
Sirius didn’t even try to stifle his laugh, “What are you trying to make anyway?”
“A tulip.”
“Doesn’t look like one though.”
“Thanks Pads, really. You’re such a great friend.” Remus rolled his eyes, sarcasm dripping from his tone as he repeats a certain stitch a couple of times. “Geez Moony, that’s alright now.”
“No, it’s not, the stitch looks weird and much looser than the others,” Remus complained.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, “You call that a stitch? Doesn’t look like it.”
"Yeah, the next time you'll see Poppy is because of the stitches you're gonna get because of me-"
Safe to say they both were kicked out to the common room by a very annoyed Wormtail.
It took about a week full of wonky, weirdly shaped tulips, and sleepless nights for Remus to successfully make a single red tulip.
Remus gripped the wrapped tulip tightly, the familiar feeling of nervousness eating up his system seeing you with your friend hanging out in the corner of the common room. He was pulled out of his thoughts by James showing him lightly.
“Look, now’s your chance, Moony.”
Sure enough, your friend left you on one of the couches to go Godric knows where, Remus didn’t really care that much if he’s honest. He even silently thanked your friend as his feet lead him to where you’re sitting. “Oh, Remus!” You looked up to see his tall frame, standing quickly as you could and offering him a smile. “Hi.” He grinned nervously before stretching his arm out that’s holding the crocheted Tulip to you, albeit a bit awkwardly but you on the other hand, find it endearing. “Erm… Is it for me?” You asked, chuckling nervously. “Ah, yeah! I made it, I heard you like to crochet so…” He trails off, scratching the back of his neck as blush dusted his cheeks. He saw how your eyes lit up, and your smile widening as you gently took it from his hand. “Woah…” You let out a soft gasp, examining the flower carefully. “Since when did you learn how to crochet?” “Just last week,” “Just last week?! Remus, you are gifted. I couldn’t even make something remotely similar when I was a month in crocheting.” You told him, hugging it close to your cheeks. “Thank you, Remus.” You smiled shyly, going on your tippy toes to place a kiss on his cheek before waving shyly to him and heading off to girls’ dormitory, leaving Remus who was still trying to process what just happened.
“Another one? I’ve already told you leather is much better!” Sirius threw his hands up in the air, entering their room to see Remus smiling to himself as he wore the cardigan you crocheted for him. “I wouldn’t say that if I were you, Pads.” Peter looked up from his and James’ game of exploding snap. “Why? It’s not fashionable!” “It’s made by Y/N, you wanker. Now shut your mouth before I hex you out of this room.”
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I've seen many people say it's weird that Onyx was allowed to join JMA because she's an adult and I don't agree. Why? I come from a country that was ravaged by war just a few decades ago. One of the first things I learned in history classes is that once the war ended, community schools were opened everywhere as part of a campaign to improve literacy rate. People of all age were encouraged to join so they can learn how to read, write, do basic maths, etc. But photos taken of classes from that time show that most of the students were adults, not children. Because shocker, they couldn't learn any of those things as kids, hiding in bomb shelters and starving or risking their lives as child soldiers
Compare that to the settings of JMA and Pyrrhia at the start of arc 2 and you'll see lots of similarities. Pyrrhia had just escaped a devastating war that involved every tribe and affected countless lives. JMA was built by the DoD to essentially combat the consequences of the war, not illiteracy exactly, but the hatred and fear that lingered among dragons. With that goal in mind, it would make less sense if they only accept dragonets. Sure there were plenty of child soldiers we saw in arc 1, but so many more were adults who got drafted, and who knows how many of them got drafted as children and spent their entire childhood killing and watching their loved ones being killed
(Honestly if racism wasn't so common and JMA wasn't an intertribal school, it would definitely have more adults willingly joining)
Now obviously, Onyx wasn't one of those dragons, but she was still a victim of the Sandwing Succession war. She was forced to spend nearly all of her life living as a fugitive because her mother wanted to wait till either Burn, Blaze, or Blister take the throne. Unfortunately for both of them, none of the princesses wanted to settle the matter quickly and chose to drag the whole continent into their family drama instead. Then suddenly the war ended, her mother died (hilariously), and a nice little academy made by a bunch of very special dragonets was opened to everyone. Onyx could easily walk up to the front door of JMA and convince the DoD to let her in by going "queen Oasis exiled me and my mom when she was still alive and then the war happened and now my mom is dead and I don't know how to read 🥺". Sunny and Clay would welcome her in a heartbeat. Plus having an adult student in the academy could give them some much needed credibility
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groundzerosgirlfriend · 4 months
Traits they would want in a partner:
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Senku Ishigami
(This unedited so dont @ me)
Firstly. IF you ever manage to get into a relationship with the man known as Senku Ishigami you probably deserve some kind of award for having to deal with this man’s crazed scientist bullshit every day. He literally doesn’t change one bit, he's still the same Senku that’s blunt, mean, hates physical affection and mushy words. The reward for the least romantic boyfriend goes to *drumroll effect* SENKU!
Senku probably prefers someone that’s he known for a really long time I’m talking since he was at least in junior high but the further back the better and if you were in the science club with him back in high school fantastic. Meeting new people is one thing but actually having romantic feelings for them is a whole other ball game. It’s easier and less work when liking someone who already knows him inside out and vice versa instead of having to do the whole cliché ‘get to know each other’ façade over and over again.
Also, I feel like Senku has only had like maybe 2 crushes in his entire lifetime: one was some famous scientist he saw on tv talking at a press conference at the head of the table in a room full of men and the other one was in his first year of junior high when he was bested at a mathlete competition (in his defense he pulled the most brutal all-nighter the night before while working on some insane project and messed up the placement of a decimal point) by a girl who wore the chunkiest pair of glasses known to man. He quickly got over both as he had learned that realistic the possibility of this famous scientist (who was also married) falling in love with a prepubescent boy was damn near impossible (and illegal) and the girl he liked in school ended up coming out as a lesbian when she and another girl were caught kissing each other's cheek during break time.
Senku probably likes individuals that are independent and self-sufficient like Kohaku (girl boss!!) People that are clingy and to needy are not his forte’ and makes his face sneer or deadpan brutally. He doesn’t like physical affection or words of affirmation on most days he’s more of a quality time (slaving over more experiments with you doing physical labor) and gift giving (making you little trinkets from his science experiments). I mean it’s pretty obvious remember that one episode where Senku’s own dad was about to give a long emotional speech on the record but stopped because he knew Senku would ew at it. So if you’re somebody that thrives off of praise and attention then *opens the door* please see yourself out respectfully because this man is not going to give it to you. You'll be like a little dried up cactus begging for attention.
Senku likes cleanliness and organization. Senku himself is very clean and hygienic. People that are not are usually big turn off and and an even bigger *thumbs down* for him. He’s also organized despite how his experiments and projects seem to be all over the place they’re not. He knows exactly where everything is, the exact millimeter of, every beaker, of every pipette, of every pencil. It's called organized chaos. If one thing is moved without his consent or worse, his knowledge the entire room is thrown off and he has a hard time finding anything for the next 12 hours.
Personal opinion here but I feel like Senku has as dislike for bugs. Like sure. Bugs are cool to explore and on a scientific level sure but anything other than that he’s not really cheering for joy about it. I also feel like he despises getting sick, like literally any type of sickness whether it’s the common influenzas virus or even a slight stomach bug. He’s miserable and irritated and it takes a really long time to get better because although the scientist in him tells him he needs to rest the stubborn workaholic in him tells him he’ll be fine to do a few minutes of work (which ends up turning into hours-please make this man rest🙏🙏). So if you’re the type where you’re unhygienic to the point of constantly being sick or attracting like actual bugs then either you’re going to have pick up the slack on your hygiene or leave realll quick.
Senku also likes people that smart either intellectually or when they’re witty and have a sharp mouth. If they can understand and even better add in their own input when he’s going on and on about different types of minerals sharing his excitement when they make a scientific breakthrough in the stone world he thinks if he didn't believe marriage was a social construction he'd get down on one knee with some sparkly rock he *borrowed* from Chrome's rock collection. Now even if his partner isn’t all into the science *blah blah* cells *blah blah* quantum mechanics and Schrodinger's equation a partner who is sharp on his mouth will suffice jussst as well. It's makes him snicker the tiniest bit turning his head away so no one can see the grin covered on his mouth covered by his hands. People who are blunt and not softspoken are a *big thumbs* in Senku’s book why would someone who has something to say not say it? A waste of time in his head.
Senku likes a willingness to learn even if it's just about they like every now and again. He knows that science is a high broad topic that covers from up into the vacuum known as space or as to the deep as the aquatic volcanoes known in the deep blue ocean. And he knows about it all in that gorgeous brain of his. In Senku's mind everything thing revolves around science, walking-the physiology of cells to tissues, tissues to muscles and neurological brain activity to make voluntary commands, art- the primary colors created by the art starting from things like mud, bugs and fruits, oh chemicals- easy it all starts with the period table of elements starting from hydrogen all the way down to Ogganseon. Anything you like any hobby you enjoy has to involve some kind of science and if you ask some him some questions about how it works or at least how it originates he knows that somewhere in you have the curiosity of a scientist.
Likes athleticism....maybe? Honestly, I'm kind of unsure about this one because on one hand I can see him liking people that are athletic and physically fit not because he thinks that being skinny is better or anything like that but because he can definitely use you like a horse (do yall know like those short mini scenes between the episodes where Senku like dresses up as different jobs imagine him as a farmer with a straw hat on his head in overalls a piece of straw in his mouth and a riding crop in one hand whew😩😩😩) for a lot of physical labor don't worry he'll return your hard work with a treat of your choice but be prepared he will complain about your laziness and wanting to help 'humanity' but on the other hand I could see him liking people that get winded and red faced after walking up stairs or carrying a bucket of water just like he does (extra points if it's a guy like him) because if you're both low stamina and low endurance you can't tease him about his athletic abilities. So a tie maybe.
Lastly, LOVES a strong will and determination he knows that starting the stone world back to modern humanity from scratch is no easy feat hell even he has made a few mistakes while trying to figure himself out. But what he does know is that science is filled with trail and error (mostly error) and it takes a loooot of time before you actually get what you're looking for so if you're the type to give up easily after failing once or twice and turn your back to his goal of turning the world back into the modern society he once had then....I'm sorry to say it probably won't work out for you there's only so many motivational speeches this man can give before he gets annoyed and just lets you give up without any reassurance (don't worry he doesn't take it personal), besides he still has people like Chrome, Sukia, and Kohaku to help.
@instanthideoutsalad I know you said you wanted Soft Boyfriend Head cannons of Senku but I'm so uninspired with those at the moment so please accept my humble offering of this drabble I made🙏🙏🙏🙏. I swear I'll do it soon it soon. 😪😪
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roxygen22 · 8 months
Would you kindly write a sequel to the "Bun in the Oven" fic please? and thank you!!!!
You are my very first ask - like, ever! I hope you enjoy.
C/W: Pregnancy, labor
A/N: You'll need to read Part 1 for context
Bun in the Oven (Part 2)
Willy was so excited about the news that he practically ran to the library the next morning to tell Noodle. He rushed through the door, yelling, "Noodle, I..." before a patron shushed him. "Oops, sorry!" he cringed and whisper-yelled in response.
Noodle ran out from behind the desk to grab Willy's arm and pulled him to the office. "Willy, you know the library rules. You gotta be quiet. Wait...," she paused with furrowed brow. "Is everything okay? Why aren't you at the factory or store? And why are you out of breath? Did you run over here?"
"I did! I have the most stupendous news." He paused for a breath. "[Y/N] is going to have a baby! You're going to be an aunt!" Willy picked her up and spun her around. He looked like he had eaten a hover choc; he was so excited that he could barely keep his feet on the ground.
"Whoa!! How long do I have to wait?" she asked through her grin.
"About seven or eight months. It's very early yet. Which gives me time."
"Time for what?" Noodle questioned.
"To learn everything I can, of course! There weren't exactly many expectant mothers or babies on my voyages. I didn't have any siblings to care for, either. I know little to nothing about how to take care of [Y/N] or the baby. I need to know what to expect for...expecting."
"Well, Willy, you've come to the right place to learn things. Let's get started!" Noodle started thumbing through the catalog, and off they went on a scavenger hunt for facts.
It was nearly lunchtime by the time they finished. Willy decided he would pay you a visit at work before heading back to the factory. This was a common occurrence, so much so that he was on a first name basis with all your coworkers, and they him.
"Hey, Willy!" the secretary said warmly. "[Y/N] is in the back."
"Great! Thanks, Sarah!" Willy smiled back. He ventured to the back of the shop to find you in the breakroom contentedly humming to yourself while getting your lunch ready. You hadn't yet spotted him, so he took advantage of the moment to stop and stare. You were already glowing. Sensing someone behind you, you looked up and beamed at him. "Willy! What are you doing here?"
"Hello, my sweet." He leaned down to kiss the top of your head, then sat down next to you. "You know, I can't wait to hear you hum like that to the baby. Did you know he or she is about the size of a pea right now?"
"I did not. Where did you learn this? Let me guess, you've already paid dear Noodle a visit at the library?"
"Indeed. I haven't even been to the factory yet today. I want to learn everything I can so I can take good care of you and the baby." He held up a bag of books he had checked out.
Tears started welling up in your eyes at the evidence of how genuinely excited Willy was about the prospect of being a father. He was diving head first into this experience, even doing research despite his challenges with reading. Seeing your tears, his smile faltered. "Am I overwhelming you?" he asked in a small voice.
"No, my love. I'm just so happy that you are so happy that I just can't contain it," you replied.
The months that followed did little to quell his excitement. He took great pleasure in telling the news to anyone who would listen, even once it became obvious. The whole town knew very quickly that the famous chocolatier and his wife were expecting.
You could not have asked for a better partner than Willy. He was quick to track down the object of your cravings at any time of day. He doted on you and did everything he could to ease your discomfort as your belly grew. He was tempted to make a chocolate remedy for anything that ailed you, but he also didn't want you testing his recipes unless he knew for certain that every ingredient was safe for baby.
It became Willy's evening routine to sing softly to your belly when he came home from the factory. You had been feeling flutters and kicks for a couple of months before he could finally feel them, too. The first time was a moment you'll cherish forever. You played with his hair as he rested his head in your lap. He suddenly stopped singing mid-lullaby. You looked down in time to see the shock on his face. "Was that...did the baby just kick?!" You smiled and nodded. He sat up and rested his large hand against your belly in time to feel another kick. He had the biggest, goofiest grin you had ever seen. After that, it became a little game between the two of them. Willy would nudge, baby would nudge, and so on.
You kept working until the last month of pregnancy, and that was only because Willy begged you to take leave and rest. Since business had picked up at the factory and stores, you could afford to take some time off; however, you needed to stay busy to keep your sanity. You used the time to put finishing touches on the baby's room.
Noodle often came by to check on you during her breaks or after the library closed. You were grateful to her for satisfying your craving for social interaction that was no longer fulfilled by your coworkers at the shop. It was lonely at home during the day when Willy was at work.
Like Willy, Noodle had also taken an interest in feeling the baby move around. The little one would suddenly become very active when they heard her voice. "Seems like we both like it when you stop by for a visit, Noodle."
"Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?" she asked as she looked up from her hands on your belly.
"I think it's a girl. Willy guesses a boy. What do you think?"
"I think...," she froze as she felt your belly tighten and sees you clench your teeth. "Are you alright?"
You took a breath and waved her off. "Oh, I'm fine. I've been having some discomfort off and on today, but it doesn't last long. What were you going to say?"
She eyed you suspiciously, "Ok, if you say so. I think it's a girl. But I will love them regardless."
You smiled. "Me, too. Now would you like a snack? I made some chocolate chip cook...," you paused as another more intense wave of pain radiated across your midsection. "Cookies."
Noodle stared at you with one eyebrow raised. "You can deny it all you want, but I think you're in labor. That wasn't even five minutes since the last contraction."
"Sounds like you have been studying with Willy," you said with a smirk.
"Should I go get him?"
"No, I don't want to bother him right now. This my first baby so it will take a while, even if this really is the start of labor. How about we play a game to pass the time? Dealer's choice." You broke out a deck of cards to distract the girl, but you remained keenly aware of the frequency of your discomfort.
About an hour later, you were overcome with pain, not just discomfort, severe enough that you couldn't talk through it. Noodle grabbed your hand in concern. When the pain subsided, she announced, "Alright, I am going to get Willy."
"Good idea, because I think my water just broke."
Noodle ran to the factory as fast as her legs could take her. After asking three Oompa Loompas, she finally found Willy elbow deep in the mechanics of his taffy pulling machine.
"Hey, Streudel! How's it...wait, why are you out of breath? Did you run here? Is it [Y/N]? Is she in labor?" Noodle, out of breath, could only nod once before Willy took off running. There would be no catching up to his long legs, so she took a pause on a candy mushroom by the chocolate river to catch her breath.
Willy [barely] had the wherewithal to stop at his desk on the way out to call the midwife. Coat, hat, and cane in hand, he bolted out the factory gate and headed for home. He came in to find you leaning against the kitchen wall with one hand and holding your back with the other. You heard him enter, but you were in too much pain to acknowledge him. Without a word, he came up behind you and started applying pressure in just the right spot of your lower back to ease some discomfort, enough that you could speak again.
"You have magical hands, my love," you sighed as you leaned against him.
"I called the midwife. She should be here soon," Willy said calmly. By the time she arrived, he had already gotten you settled in the bedroom. He never left your side, helping you into whatever position felt best to labor in.
After what felt like a lifetime, your son was born into Willy's arms in the wee hours of the night. The midwife patted Willy's cheeks and commented that they didn't even need her. He had it all under control. A tired smile graced your face as you took in the scene. All that studying paid off after all, you thought.
The midwife checked the baby boy over, cleaned him up, and handed him back to the proud father. "Hello, my little cocoa bean," you heard him whisper in awe. "I'm your papa."
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Prompt: Tommy angst? 👁👄👁
I didn't know I needed this. But I did. And I loved it, so, thanks! I combined this prompt with one of my personal head canons that one poor soul on Discord agreed to talk with me about 😂 So, have Tommy angst (about Buck, of course) and the idea, that Tommy might not be so confident after all.
Kill the Pain Away
–– I was gonna hope to choke the fire I was gonna face up and let go Oh, I was gonna ally with the golden guising And by the light of dawn, I'd put my brave face on ––
That evening in Buck's loft was etched in Tommy's memory.
Yes, also because of their first kiss that started something Tommy hadn't expected, though he appreciated it all the more. Most of all, he couldn’t forget it because Buck, that inimitable man with his puppy eyes and this smooth face had managed to coax a secret out of him, and he had willingly revealed it. As he’d opened up, Tommy had meant every word: he had been jealous of the bonds the 118 found after his leaving. He still was, actually.
Never as much as now.
As a pilot, Tommy wasn’t able to just cancel his shift, couldn’t ask anybody to take over when he was already in the air. And so, while his thoughts were far, far below, he continued to circle above the city that seemed so much bigger than usual. And although he usually enjoyed escaping the hustle and bustle, would have exchanged the street for the clouds at any day, right now he wanted nothing more to be on solid ground. But right now, he couldn’t, and he had nothing but his thoughts and a text message he’d already stared at for about ten times. It was a tough shift, as it often was when air support was needed; it was hard to control the fire, but even harder to contain the one burning in his chest.
The text was from Hen, and he’d been wondering for half an hour whether she had only written because she felt she owed him. Those were dark thoughts, Tommy knew, but sometimes, they were unstoppable; especially up here, trapped in the cockpit which was meant to be his freedom. The message was terse, unemotional, yet it evoked so many emotions in him.
Buck injured during op. Heading to St Mary’s now.
Contrary to his fondness for Hallmark movies, Tommy wasn't interested in astrology, he didn't believe in fate and thought love at first sight was a beautiful but irrational myth. Meeting Buck, and more so, learning that the cool kid of the 118 was interested in him, had been... strange, and kind of overwhelming. As luck would have it, he made friends with Eddie very quickly, and both he and his boy mentioned Buck remarkably often. From this, Tommy gathered the man had taken his place at the 118 in an extraordinary way. They had only exchanged a few words during the breakneck rescue operation for Athena and Bobby, and when the next opportunity arose, Tommy was prepared to meet some kind of superman. Somehow Hen, Howard and even Bobby and Athena, who were adamant about thanking him personally, managed to weave Buck into every conversation.
Tommy was therefore surprised that the man turned out to be anything but one of the usual powerhouses, brimming with self-confidence; not one of those arrogant types who rush into every burning house but have no respect for their colleagues.
Buck looked like a surfer boy, but Tommy sensed that something was lurking behind this façade of sunshine. Something about Buck was purely Evan, and it was mesmerizing. 
Even more surprising for Tommy was to realize he was head over heels in love.
They had told him the man was a notorious womanizer, ironically they thought this was common ground, "you'll like him, you'll definitely have something to talk about, your exes". It was clear they meant women, because nobody in the 118 knew at this time. But Buck had sent out some very mixed signals in Tommy’s eyes, and yes, maybe he had been his gay awakening or some shit. Buck, at any rate, had been his awakening of sorts. Maybe Tommy was just a romantic deep inside, but this man, this man…
Tommy's radio crackled, and he bit his lower lip until it bled. Thinking of Buck distracted him, and that was irresponsible. How many times had his hand jerked to his phone, ready to answer the message, to ask questions, to beg for information. He hadn't done it because not only would it have been highly unprofessional; he shouldn't even have looked at the phone while he was on the job.
"10-19 for active units on scene, fire under control."
Tommy hastily tapped the intercom button, "Air support dismissed?"
"Copy that, air support dismissed."
Dispatch sounded almost cheerful, and perhaps there was reason to be – the fire was under control, according to the radio reports there were no casualties; these were the good, the satisfying jobs. Tommy, however, was anything but content. For the first time in a long time he wasn’t even interested in how the job had turned out. The cockpit was suddenly tighter than ever before, the ground much further away, and the loop he had to fly seemed to take so much longer. His hand gripped the controls so hard that his knuckles turned white.
That message could mean anything.
Anyone who was not interested in logic, in cool calculations, was not suited to be a pilot. In this respect, it was pointless to get carried away with what ifs. On the other hand, pilots without instinct were just machine operators. But his instincts weren't helping Tommy right now, except to remind him of all the things that could go wrong. Because one thing Buck really was: a fucking daredevil.
Tommy had experienced it once, during one of those dates that simply hadn’t happened because an incident had interrupted it. Every firefighter knew that a day off could very quickly turn into an emergency call-out. Like most in the services, they took it with humor, they collected the incidents and called them their overtime list, hours to make up for later in bed.
This one time, Tommy had happened to drive right past the accident on his way home, catching a glimpse of the 118 in action. Something inside him had struck a chord of wistfulness, but then he’d seen Evan. No, at that moment he had really just been Buck. Buck, who threw himself under a burning vehicle with a child trapped underneath.
Every firefighter suffered injuries at some point. They all had scars, and they were unduly proud of them. But some of them did not boast about the strength of the fire in which they were burned, nor about the weight of the steel that had trapped them. Some scars were rarely shown, and some were internal: all these were from saved lives. And Tommy knew what it was like to be the one to whom this happened. The one who was hurt. No one was really prepared for the pain, and no one liked to remember it. What Tommy hadn't known, however, was what it would be like to be on the other side. Anyone who got injured was afraid; a fact that was often left out of the bragging stories. But that kind of fear was completely different to the one he felt now, this fear was terrifying.
And how did this happen in the first place? A pair of blue eyes and a sunshine face, that wouldn't have been enough to penetrate his façade in the past. But somehow that's what it was all about. To look behind the guise. Making yourself vulnerable without hurting. Because what was really deep inside was beautiful, worth letting out and discovering –but it was still terrifying. He had only known the guy for a few weeks. Buck had stormed into his life, throwing himself into this crazy rescue operation with determination, a look in those pretty eyes that clearly said, you better get on with this, because I will walk through fire for these people.
There was something about him that magnetically attracted other people, and it wasn't just his handsome face or his sometimes awkward charm. Something about him had made a string in Tommy resonate that hadn't been tuned for a while. Something in Buck made people go through the blaze for him, too. Tommy would happily return to the fire that they had already successfully fought, would walk right through the embers if he had to, if only it was clear in the end that nothing had happened to Evan.
As the aircraft sank lower, he tried to relax his hand so as not to jerk the controls, but he couldn't stop his thoughts from wandering to that blank text message again and again. He had no regrets about leaving the 118; changing jobs had been the right decision at the time. But that dark voice inside him whispered that he should never have left, because these people were with Evan now, they had all the information they weren't sharing with him because he wasn't a part of them... That was irrational, after all, he would probably never have met Buck if he had stayed. He would never have met Evan. Evan, who had been hurt out there, probably in some reckless act; who may have been in pain, scared, but who wasn't alone.
Tommy, however, was alone, still high above the city, and as he got closer to the ground and the vehicles and people got bigger, he appeared to shrink. Would Buck even need him? What if everything wasn't so bad, and after all, his friends were with him… and Tommy, the onlooker, would get weird looks because he hadn't just called, hadn't just answered a message, but had rushed to the hospital with this panic in his eyes.
They had not yet given a name to what was between them. Tommy had been Buck's date for a wedding that had taken place unplanned in a hospital; and as they stood there, everyone had seen there was something, but what exactly? They hadn't suddenly turned up together wherever they went, hadn't picked each other up from work or introduced each other as "this is my boyfriend" at random meetings with friends. It was almost as if they had both navigated around this first, invisible cliff in their relationship.
So what if Buck thought it would be odd for him to show up at the hospital? After nothing but a few dates, far too few kisses and even fewer nights that Tommy remembered when the day was long and Evan was across town? Tommy wasn't part of the 118, and maybe not a real part of Buck.
He landed the aircraft mechanically, did the paperwork, answered questions and couldn’t have told how he got into his car. He didn't recall the trip to the hospital either, but he did remember putting on a confident, relaxed face in the elevator mirror.
They were all there, and his heart sank as cold fear crept up and down his spine.
Henrietta and Howard, whom they called Chimney for some inexplicable reason and who had somehow grown close to Tommy’s heart. The captain, Bobby, who made a more than just serious face. Ravi, who was no longer a probie, but was still busy getting coffee to distract himself or the others. Eddie, traces of dirt on his face, constantly scratching his arm, which looked suspiciously singed. Buck’s sister, Maddie, which was the most disturbing sight, because if she had managed to get here, things were serious. 
She was the first to catch sight of him, turning by chance as the elevator door opened, and then there was an expression flickering across her face that confused him, something he couldn't place. Howard's mouth formed a silent oh, as if surprised to see him, and Hen glanced first at Tommy, then at her phone. I shouldn't have come, Tommy thought, but everyone was here, and he wanted to be here, he wanted nothing more than to know what was going on.
He faltered, but started walking slowly towards them. Maddie suddenly approached him, touched his arm like some delicate flower and said, "Oh dear, I'm sorry, I should have called you."
Tommy's false smile of confidence crumbled.
"I assumed you were on call, you didn't answer," Hen said, who had somehow also appeared next to him, "I didn't want to worry you, so I kept it short."
Well, now you've got me worried, Tommy intended to say, because he recognized very well that she was using her first responder voice, the tone reserved for patients and relatives. Now he noticed that they were all surrounding him; it was frightening, but there was nothing but genuine concern on their faces.
"Buck already asked for you," Bobby said, and Tommy finally found his voice again.
"What's going on anyway?" he asked.
All of a sudden, the tension was released. He received encouraging pats on the back, was pushed to a seat, and Hen sat down with him and laid out in concise words a story he had heard many times before.
Tommy had known firefighters who kissed a St. Florian badge before a job, yet it rarely helped – things just went wrong sometimes. Someone stumbled over the hose, jammed the ladder or grabbed the axe at the wrong end. And sometimes a fire could not be contained, with a flame so bright you could no longer see, a roaring so deafening you could no longer hear. Then you were at the mercy of danger, and those were the missions that no one would forget. The ones where no lives could be saved, there were only casualties. It was bad, and it was reflected in every single face around him.
"But he's conscious?" Tommy asked, tuning out the list of injuries he had just heard, concentrating only on Bobby's words. Buck had asked for him.
Bobby and Hen exchanged a look, and Bobby said, "I'll ask the doctor if you can see him."
I'm not a relative, Tommy thought to say, but he could see in the other’s eyes that it didn’t matter. They were family, even if not by blood, and an unwritten law allowed emergency services to be with their wounded in times of need. And all of this screamed that he was a relative after all, at least in spirit. Maybe because he had been part of the 118 before, but maybe mainly because he belonged to Buck.
If that was true. If Buck wanted that, too.
But it seemed that everyone else accepted this, just as they included him in their care and concern. It was almost pleasant if he hadn't been so tense; so full of adrenaline, as if he was about to turn a corner of a building already burning brightly.
And then, again without knowing exactly how he had put one foot in front of the other, he stood in Buck's room. All of a sudden, the strain actually disappeared, as is often the case when reality has overtaken your worst expectations and you can finally focus on the truth. The truth was that Buck looked very young and very vulnerable amidst all the equipment and tubes and bandages, but the truth was also that he was alive; and as bad as everything was, he was going to get better.
Tommy pulled up a chair, sat down and grabbed Buck's hand without thinking. Did it matter if Buck actually wanted him? Perhaps a very selfish thought, because right now Tommy seemed to need this touch much more than Buck, who was asleep. It was a misjudgment, because those beautiful blue eyes opened, and even though his gaze wasn't completely focused, it was directed at Tommy.
"Evan," Tommy said softly, the name flowing from his lips as easily as the weight that was taken from his mind in that moment.
"I was wondering when my boyfriend was gonna show up," Buck mumbled sleepily, but with that inimitable grin that neither a few broken bones nor a bunch of painkillers could seem to take away from him.
Tommy's heart stumbled, but he smiled.
"It's not like I could interrupt a perfectly good job to console you for your lousy one."
"Console me now, think I need it."
"Call me your boyfriend again, and I might," Tommy said, while his mind kept repeating the truth: Evan wanted him.
"I've already bragged to all the nurses about my handsome boyfriend."
Buck’s voice got softer, his words choppier, but Tommy held his hand long after he fell asleep.
He had no intention of letting go of it anytime soon.
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starsval · 1 year
remus lupin x reader
summary: you and remus find wonderland, or, you fall in love, even if it's not perfect.
word count: 7,7k
warnings: remus has a mullet because i said so, kissing, mentions of s*x lol, like, it happened, reader is pureblood so the cruciatus curse ig, punching, remus being mean, reader gets called a b*tch, lower case intended, no use of y/n
a/n: this took forever and i don't even think i like it, but still, thanks to @myriadmoons and @aastonishment for helping me writing this, love u<3
btw idk why i called this wonderland, it was originally called dancing with our hands tied but i didn't end up writing someone that fit, and for some reason there were lyrics of wonderland on the top of the document since i've been writing it so yeah
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"how's my favourite girl doing?" sirius talks as he puts an arm over your shoulders, just as james takes the book out of your hands. 
"sirius black and james potter talking to me when we're not at a pureblood party? what's happening?"
"don't be mean, you know we love you" james replies, putting the book behind his back, so you wouldn't be able to get it even if sirius let you go. 
"we realised we rarely talk to you, which is sad because you're one of the only pureblood people we actually like" sirius then lets you go to play with your hair as he talks. 
"so, we wanted to invite you to the party we're throwing tonight, at the gryffindor common room" james says, but he quickly looks behind you and his friend. 
"you invite me to a party, so we can talk?" you ask, taking advantage of james' sudden distraction when regulus walks past to take your book back. 
"yes, we want to get to know you" sirius is the one who talks now, unaware of the reason his friend suddenly stopped talking
"okay, i'll see you there" you tell them, walking away. 
"what? really? was it that easy?" sirius asks, shocked. 
"yes, i'll see you there, bye" 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"they don't know that you always go to the parties?" lily asks as she puts on her earrings, looking on your mirror. 
"i tend to hide from them" you tell them from your bed. 
"why?" she questions, you shrug, unable to give her an answer.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"so, what's your type?" sirius finds you while you were choosing something to drink. 
"what?" you ask him, accepting the drink he recommends you. 
"what kind of person do you like, men, women, tall, short?"
"tall skinny men with messy mullets, when it looks like they'll break if you breathe too hard on them?" sirius' eyes seem to light up with your answer. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"she's just like you, she likes books and stuff, i swear you'll like her" sirius insists, following remus through the hall, heading to the library. 
"books and stuff? that's all you know about me?"
"i'm telling you i found your soulmate and you care about that?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you were in the library, focused on your book when three people sat on your table. you look up to find sirius, james and who you know is called remus, maybe your eyes focus on the last one for a bit when sirius talks. 
"we need help" he says, pulling out a book. 
"what?" you ask, uninterested in anything they have to say. 
"we need help, you're like the smartest person we know" this time james is the one who talks. 
"and why would i help you?" 
"because you're a good person?" you don't change your expression "and we'll buy you chocolate the next time we go to hogsmeade"
"help with what?" this time, the boy that caught your eye talks. 
"we need to learn how to do this charm" he points to the book, and maybe you look at his hand before reading the words he's pointing to. you also notice how sirius and james smile when remus talks. 
"why would you need to know how to turn someone's clothes pink, permanently?" you ask, they all look at each other before looking at you. you sigh "why would i know how to do this?" 
"i'd quite fall in love with you if you did" sirius talks. "but you're smart, you'll be able to learn it" you start packing your things. "is that a yes?"
"what do i win?" you ask, already standing. 
"chocolate" you start to walk away, leaving the book there. "we'll give you alcohol at the next pureblood party" you smile before grabbing the book. 
"i'll tell you as soon as i get it"
they all hear you say goodbye to peter before he sits. 
"why did she talk to you?" james asks. 
"we're friends?" peter explains, getting started with his homework. 
"soooo… do you like her?" sirius asks remus, who just rolls his eyes before getting up. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time he sees you, you're walking to him, who's reading at the library. you put the book with the charm before him, and quickly sit besides him. 
"i know how to do the charm… " you wait for him to introduce himself. 
"remus, remus lupin" he answers, putting his book aside. 
"remus, right" you talk, like you didn't know his name before. 
you explain how to do it, and after he gets the theory right, all there's left to do is practise it. 
"i'll do one of his socks and you'll do the other one" you point at snape, who has glared at you since you've been here. 
"i didn't expect you to be like this" remus says, smiling, before slowly pulling out his wand. 
"what did you expect?" 
"i don't know, sirius and james don't usually talk about you"
"i wonder why" you smile, before quietly charming one of snape's socks, turning it bright pink. "your turn"
remus copies your actions, successfully turning snape's left sock pink. you look at each other, quietly laughing, and quickly pack your things so you can walk out before he notices. 
you walk next to him in the hallway, though neither of you know where you're going. 
"what do you need the charm for?" you ask him. 
"we're pranking someone" he explains. 
"should i be scared?" you question and he chuckles. 
"no, your clothes will be safe"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time you talk, he's the one who approaches you. 
"can i sit here?" he points at the chair next to you "i want to study but they're being to loud" you nod, and you talk as he sits. 
"why don't you do a silent charm on them?" he chuckles. 
"they'll find a way to be even louder" 
and that's how it starts, neither of you know why, but since then, we you enter the library, you immediately look for each other. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"you're the one who did that research on werewolves aren't you? teachers don't stop talking about how good it is" some guy asks you as he stands in front of you, the table in between you two. 
"yes" he was one of those pureblood guys, who only cared about their status. 
"you didn't talk about them being bad people" you stare at him, trying to find out why he's telling you that. "i just thought you'd like someone to tell you about your mistake"
"it's not a mistake, they aren't bad people" you tell him. 
"well, then you're wrong, they're obviously bad" he rolls his eyes, like it's obvious that he's right. 
"did you just come here to talk shit about werewolves?" you focus on your homework, mentally aiming in case you have to throw something at him. 
"no, i came here to see if you were a respectable pureblood, but let me guess, you fight for elves' rights too?" he seems upset with you, but he doesn't leave, instead, he looks at you like a challenge. 
"what, you want me to join your cause too and fight for arseholes' rights? maybe we should put your face on the banner so they know how one looks" you smile sarcastically at him. 
"what is wrong with you? i just wanted to let you know that werewolves are bad and you're being a bitch" he seems actually upset, his superior grin gone now. 
"oh, so you were looking out for me? what would I do without people minding my business? now just shut up and maybe look into your prejudices instead of my life" you stop looking at him. 
"how can you think that they aren't bad? i thought you were smart" now he seems offended that you aren't like he imagined, but maybe he thinks that he can change you, because he smiles again. 
"sorry to disappoint you. and, something can be dangerous but good at the same time, just because they have claws doesn't mean they'd stab you, but maybe a girl who’s been bothered by you will" you say, as his eyes go to the pen on your hands.
“did you just threaten me?” he has the audacity to look offended as he talks.
“i don’t know, did i? a bitch like me wouldn’t know” you smile, faking innocence.
"you’re fucking crazy” he mutters as he turns around.
when he leaves -not before insulting you again-, neither of you notice a certain tall guy, with scars on his face and a knitted sweater standing around a bookcase, listening to all the conversation.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know how, but james and sirius convinced you to hang out with the marauders, maybe the mention of some boy with honey eyes and a mullet, but still. you find yourself on the gryffindor common room, listening to them as they tell you about their best pranks.
and remus must’ve sensed that you’re cold, because the next thing you know is that hes handing you his sweater.
“what?” you ask him
"you're cold" he shrugs. 
"but, what about you?" you question, not taking the sweater. 
"i'm fine, just put in on love" you obey, thanking him before looking back at james and peter, acting as you're not noticing sirius' smile. 
when you finally get up to go back to your room, while peter, james and sirius are too distracted talking to frank, you take of the sweater and hand it to remus. 
"what?" he asks, frowning. 
"it's yours" 
"you can give it to me other day"
"but i won't need it"
"love, just let me have an excuse to talk to you" he tells you, and you stop for a moment before answering, not believing him. 
"you don't need an excuse to talk to me" he smiles. 
"keep it anyway" 
"if you insist" he kisses your cheek goodbye, and that night you're only thinking about him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"please just this once" james asks, and it looks like he's actually going to beg you to help them. 
"i don't have time for pranks" you walk away, and the four marauders immediately follow you. 
"you just need to distract him" sirius talks, walking to stand in front of you. 
"and why would i do that?" you ask, going around him. 
"because you appreciate our friendship?" this time is peter who talks, and you actually think about it for a second. 
"i don't-" before you can finish, remus intervenes. 
"love, just this once, okay? then we won't bother you" and you know it's not true, that they will bother you. but every doubt you had disappeared as soon as he talked. so you nod. 
"where is he?" 
and that's how you find yourself talking to binns, asking him about his class, solving questions you never had. 
then you see remus walking towards you, looking so innocent, and you keep nodding at binns, like you're so interested in what he's saying. 
when he turns around due to the sound of an explosion that you definitely had no idea about, remus walks next to you, grabbing your hand, and suddenly you're running down the hallway next to him. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus’ face is so close to yours that your noses are practically touching as you giggle.
“why are we hiding?” you ask, a smile not leaving your face and his hand not letting go of yours.
“because, certain friends of ours are bothering me" he closes his eyes, his forehead on yours as he talks. 
"what if they're not bothering me?" you joke, sarcasm in your tone. 
"oh, so you're saying I dragged you into this cupboard?" he pulls away, his hand on his chest as he acts offended. 
"yes, i didn't expect this behaviour from you, lupin" he rolls his eyes at the mention of his last name, as you laugh. 
"then leave" he challenges, but his hand doesn't let go of yours. 
"ok" you say, but you don't move.
when you walk out of the cupboard, both of you hear people talking. 
"do you think they're dating?"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you're just peacefully lying on your bed, reading a book remus had lent you when someone opens your door. you assume it's one of your roommates when that someone approaches you, grabs the book from your hands, and turns you so you're on your back. just to lie on top of you. 
"hi" you say, not sure what to do when he puts his head on your chest and closes his eyes. 
"hi love" he replies. and after a while he lifts his head, grabs your hand and puts it on his hair. 
"what are you doing?" you question him. 
"touch my hair" he demands, and you don't, just to mess with him. 
"what if i don't want to?" you smile, and he groans. 
then, when he notices that you're being serious, he puts his head up once again, this time to glare at you. 
he repeats his actions and puts your hand on his hair, and closes his eyes again. 
"don't move"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"what did you do?" you ask remus as he sits in your bed. 
"they were talking shit" he says as you go to the bathroom to look for the first aid kit you keep in there. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit?" you stand in front of him, in between his legs. 
he doesn't answer, instead, he winces when you start cleaning his face. 
"remus?" you insist, waiting for an answer 
"yes?" he acts oblivious, though it doesn't last much, as you start cleaning his face again, you mutter a quiet sorry before talking again. 
"why the fuck did you get into a fight?"
"they were talking sh-" you glare at him. 
"last name basis?" he tries to smile at you, but you turn his face to the side so you can look at the bruise forming on his cheek. 
"yes, answer" he sighs before talking. 
"i told you, they were talking shit" you keep glaring at him until he talks again "they were talking shit about you"
you stop moving for a second, processing the information. 
"you got into a fight because they were talking shit about me?"
"yes" he stares at you, waiting for a reaction. 
"are you fucking stupid?"
"maybe that wasn't the reaction i expected" he mutters to himself. 
"you are actually stupid" you don't talk again, you just focus on cleaning his face, which means he has a lot of time to talk. 
"what did you want me to do? i just couldn't stand there as he was saying how you were a bitch and shit like that" he groans when you don't answer "i warned them, i said that if they didn't stop i'd punch them"
"oh, you warned them, how nice" you reply, sarcastically. 
"don't be mad at me, please" he wraps his arms around your legs, and puts his head on your stomach. 
"what do you want me to do?" you put your hand on his hair. 
"i don't care, just don't be mad at me"
"oh, so i should just congratulate you? thank you so much remus for defending me, should i kiss you to show my gratitude?" 
"you could kiss me, not because of that, but you could" you don't even acknowledge him as you walk to the bathroom to throw away everything you used to clean his face. 
when you come back, he's in front of you, touching your cheek as he talks. 
"you're not gonna say anything?" he asks, as you try your best to not look away from his eyes. 
"about what?" he chuckles, but doesn't move his hand away from your face. 
"about the fact that i said that you could kiss me" you fail your goal, because your eyes immediately go to his lips. and of course, he notices. 
"what do you want me to say?" you ask, rolling your eyes at his smirk. 
"i think the question is what i want you to do"
"you just got into a fight" you remind him. 
"just because you're mad doesn't mean you can't kiss me"
"i know"
and you really know, so you kiss him. and it starts as a sweet kiss, slow, just to prove that it's real. but then one of his hands goes to the back of your neck and the other cups your jaw. 
your hands go to the back of his neck, finding balance when he pulls you closer to him.
you pull away for a second, breathing heavily as you look at each other's eyes. 
"we shouldn't do this" you remind him. 
"i know" he says, slowly walking so you have to walk back. 
"i'm still mad at you" you tell him, sitting in your bed, looking up at him. 
"i got into a fight because of you and you say that?" he smirks, pushing you so you have no choice but to lie down. 
one of his knees rests in between your legs, his hands on both sides of your head. your hands go to the back of his neck again. 
"you wound me" he tells you, before kissing your neck. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you had plans today, it was friday and you had no classes after lunch, so you were gonna start getting ready and maybe drinking with the girls before going to the party the gryffindor were hosting. 
but those plans got a bit ruined when you got a letter from your family during lunch, which usually meant bad news. 
you don't really remember a lot from the letter, all you know is that you had two choices: marrying barty or getting disowned. 
after reading the letter, all you can do is put it in your pocket and try to stop the tears coming from your eyes. you don't even look at your friends or at the food that remus put on your plate. instead, you think about the words you just read. 
"i have to go" you suddenly get up, grab your things and walk away, not noticing the concerned looks on your friends faces, especially on remus'. 
they all stare at you as you walk out the great hall.
you find an empty hall and sit in one of the windows, finally letting out the tears. you don't long how long you stay like that, but suddenly someone walks next to you. 
"hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay" all you notice are the tears running down your face, and remus' arms around you. as he holds you and tells you that everything is fine. 
once you calm down, he waits a bit to ask
"what happened? do you wanna talk about it?" he asks, and you don't even look at him, not wanting to see the worry in his eyes. 
"no, it's okay" he seems disappointed with your answer, but doesn't stop rubbing your back "thank you" 
"it's nothing" he tries to find something to say, something to comfort you, but before he can even think of anything, you get up. 
"you're going to the party, right?" you look at him, drying your tears. 
"are you gonna go?" he asks, frowning. 
"yes" he seems a bit surprised, because now you're smiling. 
"then yes" you smile even more at his answer. 
"i'll see you there" you give him a quick peck on his cheek before walking away. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next time remus sees you, you're dancing, lily and marlene next to you.
he stands away for a bit, not in the mood to dance, but when he sees you're gonna refill your cup for the fifth time since he has been there. he decides to approach you. 
"hi" he says, standing next to you.
"hi remus" you smile at him, drinking from your now full cup. 
"how many of those have you had?" he asks. 
"i don't know, seven, maybe eight? who cares" you tell him, holding his hand and dragging him to the dance floor, but he quickly redirects you to one of the sofas. 
"i do, you're gonna pass out if you keep drinking" he says as he tries to get the cup from your hand, but you quickly move your hand away and frown. 
"i'll be okay"
"no you won't"
"i'm not even that drunk"
"you saw sirius and called him reggie" you smile, remembering the horrified look in sirius' eyes. 
"they look alike" you shrug.
"you should stop drinking"
"i'll be okay" he tries to reply, tries to tell you that maybe you won't, but you get up, and before he can even stand up, you get lost among the people. 
the next time he sees you, you're on the couch, head in your hands as you try to stop the tears from your eyes. 
remus sits next to you. a hand on you back as he leans to see your face. 
"are you drunk?" you nod "do you want to go to sleep" you nod, so he gets up and holds your hand, making your way through the crowd. 
once you reach the hall, he doesn't let go of your hand. he notices that something's wrong, he notices that you haven't complained to sirius about being in a pureblood family, like you do each time you receive a letter from them. he notices that you're trying not to cry. he notices that you're barely holding his hand, maybe it's because you're drunk or you're too sad to. 
and he wants to say something, he wants to help. but he decides to wait until you're in your room. he helps you get your makeup off and change into your pjs. he's folding your clothes while you're sitting on the side of your bed when he hears smalls sobs. 
he immediately sits next to you, drying your tears. 
"it's okay, everything will be alright" he hugs you, mentally cursing when you shake your head. 
"you don't get it" you tell him, in between sobs. 
"then explain it to me" he says, wondering if it's the same thing as what happened at lunch. 
"i can't" you sigh, pulling away from him as you dry your tears. 
"yes you can, i want to help you" his hands go to your face, holding you. 
"you can't-" you insist, putting your hands over his. 
"please let me help"
"i don't care if it's hard, i want to help" he insists, staring at your eyes. 
"let's sleep" he knows better than to insist more, so he just lets you sleep. 
when you wake up, you don't talk, you just walk with him to breakfast, and when you're finished, you walk away, not letting him know where you're going. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
"i don't know what's happening in between us, but-" you look away from his eyes "i can't do this"
"what?" he asks, praying that he's dreaming, or that it's a bad joke, praying that you're not breaking up with him, even if you're not together. 
"what did i do? what happened?" he tries to find your gaze. 
"you didn't do anything, i just can't" i have to marry someone else. 
"let me fix it, whatever i did, let me fix it, you can hate me but don't go away" 
"i'll probably leave school as soon as i can" you admit, you don't even know why, you just don't want to disappear without explanations. 
"what? no, you can't leave" he panics, he looks around trying to find someone laughing at him. he doesn't. 
"i'm sorry" you talk, unable to look at his eyes. 
"don't, please, don't apologise" he says, grabbing your hands, in case you want to run away. 
"i'm so sorry" you repeat. 
"you don't have to do that" he insists, because he doesn't want to lose you. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you tell him, thinking about the letter your parents just sent you, thinking about your future, which is already decided, not by the stars, but by your family. 
"then stay, stay here, with me" he pulls your hands, so your bodies are closer. 
"you know i can't" you lament, even though he doesn't know that much. 
"yes you can, you just have to try" he suddenly lets your hands go, taking a step away from you. and you try to get mad at him, but you can't, not when he's looking that hurt, hurt by you. 
"remus-" you try to get him to listen, maybe if he gives you a chance, you'll show the letter to him, you'll explain everything to him. how you have no choice but to listen to your parents. 
"are you even sorry? you don't seem to have tried to stay" you know he doesn't mean it, he knows he doesn't mean it. but it's better that way, it'll be easier if he's mad at you. so you don't answer. you just stare at him.
"you're not gonna answer?" he asks, tears on the corner of both of your eyes. "i thought you liked me" you swear you can feel your heart break as the words leave his mouth. 
"i do-" he cuts you off. 
"then why don't you stay? is it just a game to you? you wanted to play with me?" he keeps talking, he tries to stop, he wants to, but the hurt in his heart makes him keep going. 
"i didn't, remus, it's not that easy" you tell him, begging him to understand. 
"i never said i wanted things to be easy. especially not with you" he fights the urge to walk away, thinking that maybe there's a chance that you'll change your mind. 
"i don't want to hurt you" you repeat, maybe more to remind you than to him. 
"you're already hurting me" 
"you have to understand"
"when you defended werewolves from that guy you already knew i was one didn't you? maybe he was right and you're a bitch after all, did you tell him that just to shag me?" he doesn't even blink as he talks, pretending he's not mad at himself right now, even more than with you. 
"you don't mean that" you say as the tears fall from your eyes. 
"oh, i do" that's what it takes for him to finally walk away, letting the tears out of his eyes. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you couldn't focus, it was all too much. the pain from the unforgivable curse, the sadness from your own family doing that, the realisation that you could never go back to your house. 
all you could do is try to not pass out as you walk to the potter's mansion. 
once you reach their door, and ring it, you wait. you don't know if it was ten seconds, ten minutes or even ten hours. all you know is that when james opens the door, you practically throw yourself at him, who catches you as he calls for his parents. 
"i'm sorry" you whisper in between sobs. 
"it's okay, you'll be okay, everything's going to be fine" james tries to not show the concern on his voice, he really tries, but everyone must've sense it, because remus, sirius and peter quickly appear, staring at you as effie kneels down next to you. 
when you finally pass out, all you know is that it hurts, everything hurts. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you wake up with effie folding clothes next to you. 
"oh hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" she immediately sits next to you, touching your forehead to check your temperature. 
"good" you answer, quietly. 
"you have clothes here, you can take a shower and i'll make dinner" she walks to the door as you sit up. 
"effie, thank you so much, you don't have to do this, i'll be okay"
"we'll talk later" she doesn't give you room to talk, instead, she leaves after giving you a smile. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
effie and fleamont sit in front of you as you eat, staring at you and then at each other.
"we want you to stay here" fleamont is the first to talk as soon as you finish eating. 
"what? no, i can't, i'll find somewhere to stay"
"no, you'll stay here, we have your room ready" effie insists. 
"i can't" 
"sweetie, there's no way to stop this now, the faster you accept it the better" fleamont talks as effie gets up and tells you to follow her to show you your room. 
they leave you a moment to see your room before walking in. 
"thank you so much" you say before they hug you, drying your tears before they fall on your face. 
"it's okay honey, you'll be fine" they assure you before walking out of the room. "and, by the way, the boys are sleeping, we'll tell them to come here when they wake up, they're really worried"
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
he thinks it's unfair, remus thinks that it's unfair that you're talking to peter like nothing happened, that you're playing quidditch with james and sirius like you weren't crying in his arms just a few weeks ago. he thinks it's unfair that you haven't even glanced at him. he thinks it's unfair that you look like nothing ever happened, he hates that you're acting like everything it's okay, like you're not hurt by your family, by his words.
he also thinks he's being selfish, by slightly hoping that you're as hurt as him. that you think of him as much as he thinks of you. he hopes that you also have the urge to go to his room in the middle of the night. he hopes that you're as jealous as he is when someone starts flirting with you at the party james organised at his house. 
but he also thinks that none of it it's possible, that you look way too happy to be thinking of him, that if you're planning on getting drunk, you definitely don't want his help. 
he doesn't know if it was between staring at you as you flirted back with that guy, or when he was searching for you while you were nowhere to be found. but he gets drunk.
and suddenly, all the doubts he had about you disappear, because you're next to him, rubbing his back and asking him if he's drunk. and you wouldn't help him if you hated him would you?. 
he just stares at you as you hold his hand and make your way through the crowd, not so kindly pushing people who didn't move. you help him through the barrier james magically applied on the stairs so no one but his friends could walk upstairs. 
when you reach his room, you help him walk to his bed, which is kinda difficult seeing his stumbling tall figure. once he is in the safety of his mattress, you walk to the door, but his voice stops you. 
"i can't sleep with my shirt on" when you turn around, he's smirking. 
"then take it off" you turn your back to him again. 
"i need help" when you turn around, not before rolling your eyes, he's giving you puppy eyes. 
remus lupin. is. giving. you. puppy eyes. 
"you aren't that drunk" you don't even move from the door. 
"yes i am. you're really gonna leave me here, drunk and defenceless?" he lies back on his bed. 
"are you trying to blackmail me?" you frown, leaning your back onto his closed door. 
"is it working?" he asks, hoping it does. 
"no" he sighs, before leaning on his elbows to look at you. 
"c'mon love, just help me take my shirt off" you don't answer, instead, you just get closer to him, and help him sit up, once he is, he doesn't move, he just looks up at you. 
"you're not gonna put your arms up?" you groan, frustrated, when he just smiles at you. 
after a few minutes of work, due to his boycott, you finally take his shirt off, throwing it aside before walking away. 
or that's what you try, because before you can even turn around, his arms are around you. and you don't know how he's so strong, or why you didn't try to fight back more, maybe it was the alcohol. but before you notice it. you're on the bed next to him, and he's hugging you so tight that you have no choice but to fall asleep. 
when you wake up he's still hugging you, luckily not as strong as last night, so you can get up and slowly walk to the door, quietly closing it and making the way to your room. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
remus is almost convinced that it was a dream, he thinks he imagined everything when he wakes up and you're not there, he thinks it was his mind tricking him when you sit next to marlene at breakfast. even though he purposely left the sit next to him free. 
he's basically drowning in his tea when marlene says something that makes him look at you. 
"where were you last night? you left soon" he stares at you, noticing the way your eyes linger at him for a moment before saying that you were tired. and it would be childish for him to admit that it made him happy, that he doesn't even notice the hangover now, that he's smiling so much that even effie asked him about it. 
and it would be even more childish to admit that he's been giving james the idea to throw another party just before holidays end, that he doesn't need to invite anyone, just the group of friends it's okay. and who is james to say no to a party?. 
he spends more time that he wants to admit staring at you. as you talk to lily and mary, as you almost make sirius drop his drink, as you hug james. and especially, as you ignore him. so he does what he knows will make you talk to him, getting drunk. 
it follows the same order as the other night. you approach him, lead him upstairs and help him get ready to bed. 
"why did you leave?" he asks, holding your wrist after you tried to walk to the door. he sees how you think about the answer. and to be honest, he didn't think he was ready to hear it. 
"because that's what a bitch would do" you break free from his grip and walk to the door. he just stays there as you go back downstairs. 
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
the next morning, no one knows why remus looks so miserable, why he's being so grumpy to everyone, except you. why he's putting food on your plate, why he's making everyone put on the movie you want to see. 
they also don't know why you're ignoring him, why you offered the plate to james, why you changed your mind and told marlene to decide what movie to watch. 
but you knew, you knew because you've been listening to him apologise every other minute, you've been listening to him knocking on your door every night. you've been reading his apology letters. 
but that wasn't enough, because just two days before classes start again, he decides that he's had enough, and that he won't leave before giving you a proper apology. so he follows you to the kitchen when everyone is focused on the movie. and he stands on your way to the door so you have no choice but to listen. 
"i didn't mean it, and you know that, you know i'd never think that. and i know it's not an excuse, but it was days before a full moon, and i wanted to hate you, i wanted to hate you for making me love you and then leaving me. and i wanted you to hate me because i wouldn't be able to be around you. and i'm so sorry, i'll do anything to take it back, i need you to understand that i didn't mean it, and that i'm so sorry i ever made you feel bad. there's no day i haven't thought about you, about how much i miss you, about how i ruined everything. so please, give me a second chance, i'll apologise every minute if i have to, i'll do anything for you to forgive me. because i don't think i can stand the thought of what we could've had if i hadn't ruined everything." he takes a deep breath "i'm so so so sorry"
and you know that you shouldn’t, that he’s hurt you as much as you’ve hurt him. but you’re both teenagers, you both make mistakes, and you both miss each other. so you do what everyone would’ve done in this situation, and hug him, breathing him in.
“does that mean you forgive me?” he asks.
“yes, i’m sorry” you close your eyes, your head in his chest.
“you have nothing to apologise for, love”
“yes i do-” he cuts you off by pressing a quick kiss to your lips.
“let’s just go to sleep”
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
you don’t know why james drags you from the kitchen, where you were talking with everyone, to your room, with the suitcase half done on the floor. you don’t know why he slams the door. or why he’s staring at you like you told him you forbade quidditch.
but then he talks.
“did you forgive him?”
and you remember the conversation you had with him after spending a few nights here.
“weren’t you two in love?” you’re on his bed, still not used to your new room, you’re both laying on your backs, him throwing his snitch and catching it.
“who?” you ask, staring at the ceiling.
“remus” he says it like it’s obvious, and it actually is.
“i don’t know” you shrug. 
“what happened?” he asks. 
“i ruined everything” you explain. 
“that’s not true” he frowns. 
“how do you know that?” you chuckle. 
“you wouldn’t ruin anything” he says, so sincere. 
“i was supposed to marry barty” the snitch falls and hits his face.
“what?!” he immediately sits up. 
“so i told him i couldn’t do whatever we were doing" 
"and he just accepted it?" he's frowning even more. 
"he was sad at first, then mad, but he stopped talking to me, so it worked" you shrug again, and he gets closer to you. 
"it's okay"
"i know how remus gets when he gets mad, did he say something to you?" he looks worried, already thinking about punching remus. 
"nothing to bad, the normal when the person you're in love with and it's in love with you dumps you for no reason" 
"what's the normal?" he questions. 
"james, it's okay"
and with that beautiful flashback, you come back to an angry james in front of you. 
"don't dare to move, i'll talk to you later, let me have a chat with remus first" he tries to get out of the room, but you stop him. 
"james wait" 
“stop trying to defend him, and don’t try to walk away, you won’t move until you tell me everything” he stands in front of you, arms crossed. 
"james let me explain" 
"you want to talk? talk, i'm not leaving until i know everything" he sounds determined, and you know that he won't stop until he knows everything. 
"there's nothing to know, just leave it" you insist. 
"what did he say to you?" he takes at step, so he's closer to you. 
"what did he say to you?"
"james, stop"
"now, i won't stop until you tell me what the fuck he told you, and why you're together with him after that"
"because it doesn't matter, it's already over"
"it doesn't matter?! you're saying it doesn't fucking matter? after weeks of seeing you miserable, and because of him?" he pinchs the bridge of his nose. "honestly, if you're not going to tell me what he told you, then don't even bother talking"
he tries to walk away, again, but you stand in front of the door. 
"what's the point? i already forgave him, so, what are you going to do, make me leave him?" you question him, praying that he doesn't actually say yes. 
"you don't know what i'm willing to do for you happiness" he tries to walk past you, but you don't move. 
"please don't be mad at me" 
"then tell me what he said to you" his eyes soften, looking at yours. 
"why? what are you going to do about it?" 
"it depends" he avoids your gaze. 
"maybe punch him" he looks away. 
"please tell me what he said" he asks, this time softer. 
and you don't know why, maybe it's the look on his eyes, or the fact that you know he wouldn't let it go until you did. but you say everything to him, from how you approached him, how you were both almost crying, how he walked away. 
and it takes him a moment to react, he's sitting in your bed, and you immediately get up to stand in front of him. 
"james…" he gets up. 
"i need to have a chat with remus" he tries to walk past you, but you don't let him. 
"please, just, stay here with me. you can help me pack" you give him your best puppy eyes until he agrees, sitting on the floor next to you, passing you clothes as you put them in your suitcase.
‧₊˚ 🌕⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾.
and it all looked perfect. it seemed like james had already forgotten everything by the time dinner is ready. and it seems like he's really happy when he suggests to watch a movie. 
but then something changes. maybe it was remus' hand on your tight, or the fight scene on the movie. but the next thing you know, is that there's a fist right in remus' face. and that fist belongs to james. 
"you said you wouldn't do anything!" you immediately get up, putting yourself in front of remus, while sirius and marlene pull james back. 
"i had to!" he says. 
"james!" you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
"i'm sorry! but i couldn't help it! i had to do something about it!" he explains. 
"about what?" lily asks, and you stiffen, looking at james with wary eyes. 
"yes, about what?" james asks you, and you glare at him as mary and peter take care of remus' face. 
"about nothing" you immediately say, backing up as they all stare at you. 
and they're complaining about it as soon as you say it, but remus stops them. 
"about me hurting her" no one knows how to react, you just stare at him as he stretches his neck. 
"you fucking hurt her?" lily talks, walking towards him, and it seemed like she had the intention of repeating james' actions. so you step in front of her. 
"it's all forgotten, there's no reason to punch anyone" you stare at james "especially when you promised you wouldn't"
"i'm sorry-" he tries to apologise. 
"it's okay, i deserved it" remus talks. 
"no you didn't?" you tell him, but he just smiles at you. 
"i'm going to sleep"
you all stare at him as he walks upstairs, and when you turn around they're all staring at you. 
"if i forgave him, you can do it too" you say, especially looking at james. "so, i hope you apologise to him, because he deserves it"
when you get to remus' room, he's looking at himself in the mirror. 
"i'm sorry" you sneak in front of him, hugging him as you put your head in his chest. 
"why" he chuckles, hugging you back. 
"what do you mean why, are you stupid?" you questions him. 
"love, it's not your fault" he smiles as you narrow your eyes at him. "i deserved it" 
"shut up" you immediately pull away from him, storming out of the bathroom. 
he grabs your wrist before you can walk out of the room, and as soon as he gets it his arms are around you. 
"don't be mad at me" he pleads, and when you don't answer, his lips go to your cheek. "please" 
when you don't answer he just keeps kissing you. 
this time is your other cheek. 
"cmon love"
your forehead. 
"just talk to me"
your nose. 
your lips
your neck. 
and you know that he'll start going lower if you don't stop him. and you know that if he does you won't be mad anymore. so you pull away from him. 
"you're stupid, remus lupin" you glare at him "if you ever say that you deserve any hurt ever again i'll be the one punching you instead of james. and i'll also cry" 
"why would you cry?" he genuinely asks, putting one of his hands on your cheek. 
"because you don't deserve anything bad remus. you're literally an angel" 
"don't say that" you frown at him, and he looks away. 
"remus, i mean it"
"i know" he puts his forehead on yours "that's why i don't want you to say it"
"because it's gonna make me love you even more"
before you can answer, he's kissing you again, this time for real, when he pulls away, he stares at you. 
"i know everyone already says that we're dating, but can we make it official?" his hands are on your cheeks, and he thinks that he's never been more nervous in his life. 
"i'd love to" this time, you're the one who kisses him, and you stay like that for a while, in each other's arms. before someone knocks on the door. 
when you open, you find james on the other side, with regret in his eyes. 
"can i talk to remus?" you narrow your eyes at him as remus appears behind you. 
"it's alright love" 
you go to the living room with everyone, and before you know it, james and remus are walking in, talking and laughing. 
everyone stares at them as they get closer to the couch. 
"what?" they ask, staring back at you. 
"everything's… fine?" lily asks, and when they both smile and nod, everyone smiles and cheers, a bit exaggerated. 
remus sits next to you, putting and arm around you and kissing you. 
and if before they were dramatic, now it's like their favourite team won the quidditch world cup.
"what?" this time remus and you ask, staring at them. 
"you just kissed?" mary says, not believing it. 
"yeah?" you answer. 
"why" marlene asks, narrowing her eyes. 
"we're dating" remus says, and the night ends between cheers, screams and hugs. 
sirius and james even cry a bit, hugging each other while saying "finally!" "we did it!" 
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gentlehue · 2 months
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₊˚⊹♡ PERSEPHONE CABIN HEADCANONS goddess of springtime and vegetation, queen of the underworld
for my fave prettiest daughter of persephone @maybxlle 😚 you enabled me so i have to make this a whole thing. also lmk if anyone wants more of these!!!!! i have many thoughts
okay so similar to how hades kids are either death-oriented (nico) or riches oriented (hazel), i feel like persephone's kids can lean more towards either her goddess of springtime title or her queen of the underworld title
however, they all still have plant girl energy/powers?? if that makes sense (saying plant girl as a neutral term here btw idk how else to describe it LOL) since queen of the underworld isn't a title she got until she married hades!! its just more prominent in some than others
i feel like they're def prone to seasonal depression 😣 most will get it during the colder months because thats when persephone goes back to the underworld, but there can be outliers ofc! this is a very random comparison but i like to think of them like seasonal fruits... there's a season where they thrive and a season when they don't!!
in general, they've all got a bit of an edge to them. not all of them are aware of this. you can always tell the children of persephone and demeter apart because of it though
big dark humour enthusiasts, the type to show their love via light punches and teasing 🤔 they are also emotionally intuitive so they'll def know when they've crossed the line with this
however they're SO sweet once you get to know them. like how a pomegranate has a rough, hard to open outside and very sweet fruit on the outside <3 they're like the "looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll" audio LOL
some of them have rbfs and most of them have very youthful appearances
"darker" plants intrigue them... like poisonous plants and (ethical) selective breeding n whatever!! just like their mother they're VERY curious about their powers and the world around them so if you want a weird or uncommon plants i'd def go to them instead of cabin 4
speaking of curiosity, that's one of the most common fatal flaws for children of persephone, just like how persephone got stuck in the underworld by letting curiosity get the better of her and having some of the pomegranate (this will be really embarrassing if im remembering the myth wrong LOL however i do think there are versions of the myths where persephone goes to the underworld initially on her own so my point still stands)
i like to think they're immune to most poisons/poisons don't affect them as much. dont have much of a reasoning for this though its just a vibe
they also like to explore plants with healing abilities and have their own little healing poisons and potions. not a lot of people know of this though, they're pretty secretive
also they're the type of person where you'll be friends with them for YEARS and then discover some major part of their life you had no clue about. they don't say anything unless they deem it necessary 😭
they of course have chlorokinesis (power to control plants) & that power is strongest during the spring since thats persephone prime time
a few of the more "queen of the underworld"-oriented ones can shadow travel naturally, however their shadow travel is nowhere near as powerful as the shadow travel of a hades kid (they can get to their level if they hone this ability!!) those who dont have the ability naturally can learn, but it takes a lot of effort and practice
they tend to be quite moody/their mood changes pretty quickly too. this is another common fatal flaw & imo because of persephone's sort of polar opposite roles LOL 😭 this mood tends to affect nearby plants, either making them bloom or killing them
the ability above bothers most of them. they feel horrible for having the ability to give and take life so easily, without a thought, simply depending on how they're feeling. it takes a lot of inner work for them to control their emotions so it doesn't affect the environment around them so much (thinking of the aunt from encanto here and how quickly she changes the weather) & also accept that they aren't bad people for this!!
they get along best with the demeter and hades cabins for obvious reasons LMAO i also imagine they're pretty close with their mom! idt that cabin is as full as apollo but not as empty as a big three cabin yk, enough of them for her to be able to keep up with all of them
they can sense when people/plants are dead or dying like hades kids, but the ability isn't as pinpoint-y as a hades kid's, its more like a horrible feeling in their gut they can't shake when they're in the radius of something/someone thats dying
i feel like animals really like them, regardless of whether they're more underworld-y or plant-y. this is another one i can't really explain LOL
some of them are overthinkers/worriers/tend to be rly paranoid (generational trauma? from the kidnapping of their mom). they always have their guard up!! do not sneak up on them LMAO
they're a very tight knit group as well... just like how demeter lost it when persephone was kidnapped, they'll lose it if anything happens to one of them
they can go to visit the underworld but only when persephone's there too
some songs: writer in the dark (lorde), cherry (lana del rey), brutal (olivia rodrigo)
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.2]
(what if our mc just got tired of Night Raven College and it's inhabitants?)
(what if our mc meets a boy of red hair and blue eyes to show them the way around RSA?)
(also please read the small authors notes at the bottom if you make it that far T-T)
it's been a good short hours on the ship and this whole time you've been chatting up a storm with your new friend Rielle, and during this time you've both actually warmed up and learned a handful about each other! 
you learned about each other's basic favorite things like colors, food, subjects, and even in music! Conversations seemed to flow smoothly like water between you two and you even learned how enchanting and magical his singing voice sounds, it almost had you entranced.
your new friend and you were now having a moment of silence while taking in the sounds of the water splashing against the ship until the boy spoke.
"if you don't mind me asking-- and I don't mean to pry! just that.." Rielle spoke while he nodded his head forward towards the direction of your cast holding your broken arm."is the reason why you're wounded related to your experience in Night Raven?... you don't have to answer if you don't want to I'm just genuinely curious." he gave you a comforting smile and his eyes were right on you, listening intently.
you gave a half-hearted and sheepish smile as you looked away and quickly started reminiscing about the events these past few months had in store for you in your head before you started to speak.
"well... in a way yes. I don't want to point any fingers--" you did want to point fingers, in fact you had many people to point fingers to. you sighed as you lightly shook your head in disappointment whilst facing the ship's floor "there were people who should've just done their job." your face started to form in a bit of a scowl "then maybe, just maybe... I wouldn't be in this state."
the young man formed an 'o' with his lips as he understood what you're trying to say.
"hmm..I see.. I'm very sorry _____, I promise that with my friends and I you'll never get a scratch on you while you're with us! and if it makes you feel any better, our staff too is always responsible and capable of finding a solution for any problem you're facing!" Rielle tried his best to sound optimistic and uplifting with the brightest smile on his face to get your frown turn upside down! and to also make you feel a little more confident in yourself as to give you more hope that your situation will turn around.
his very short speech made your head turn towards him and as he intended, you smiled warmly back with a new spark of optimism rising in your chest.
"thank you Rielle, that's... very kind of you." you spoke "I'm sure that while I'm with you, I'll at least have less than half of the injuries I have now."
he chuckled softly before responding to your comment "i'm sure you'll have few to none."
there was a moment where you two just looked at each other, both smiling and chuckling with the cold yet fresh sea breeze hitting both of your faces and the last few shines of the setting sun hitting both of your faces so perfectly. when you both calmed down you could feel this feeling of optimism rise up in your system even further.
this guy, his school-- you had a really good feeling about this change.
as well as a terrible feeling but about NRC.
but you didn't want to think much of it, not right now at least.
 on Rielle's side he genuinely feels and understands your predicament, having to adapt into a strange new world that works differently than your own home does... he gets the feeling of being a total fish out of water. so because of this he feels he has this kind of connection with you because of this small detail you both have in common.
but in a really random way you also couldn't help but notice how ethereal the shade of blue was in his eyes.
you were about to ask a question but were rudely interrupted when the sailors of the ship were yelling from up above and hanging on the ropes beside the sails, announcing that the ship is now slowly arriving towards the school.
the news made you automatically want to stand up and get a good look of the school. to then have your eyes finally meet the shape of a large white castle as the focal point with the peaks of each of it's towers glistening while still being overshadowed by the shining and setting sun behind. the scene was breathlessly magical with the special touch of this entire moment being the mixed splashes of orange, deep purple, and yellow of the sky blending in with the glistening waters of the calm ocean.
Rielle slowly stood up beside you while facing the school as well "amazing isn't it? seeing the academy shining against the sunset is one of my favorite things to see here." he said before he took in a big inhale of the ocean air to then exhale, taking in the scene and all it's beauty.
"you're damn right it's amazing." you chuckled at your comment before Rielle quickly joined in too in a shared chuckling fit. For the rest of your time on the ship you two decided to just calmly enjoy the view until the ship reached ashore.
Let's speed up to now reaching and stopping on the shore.
A gangplank was set down for you and any other residents to hop off the ship. Rielle and you slowly yet excitedly walked off at the exit to finally walk down to RSA-- that was until Rielle stopped you before you could step a foot on the large plank.
"Here, let me help you out my friend." Rielle then offered a helping hand by extending his elbow out, asking you to link your uninjured arm around his as a way to help and avoid slipping but also because he's just a gentleman at heart.
you gave him a smile and a small 'thank you' as you accepted his offer while linking both of your arms together with him(or only hold onto his arm with your hand, whichever you feel comfy with)and carefully walked off the ship with him at your side. when you two find yourselves on the shore at the edge of the sea you could feel a bit of nervousness now in your system since to you it seems like you're in a whole new world. Rielle noticed this and in another attempt to cheer you up he gently tugged at your arm that you linked with him to have you look at him, to give you a reassuring smile.
"You'll be just fine _____, I'll show you where you need to go if you'd like. just know I'll be right here with you."
His words started to sink in as you gave him a hesitant nod but a strong statement,
"Let's do this."
Meanwhile... at Night Raven College..
well... I'll save all the NRC chaos in the next post, it deserves it's own chapter ;)
(will include descriptive yet somewhat short reactions of only house leaders unless there is demand for other characters)
(also if you're confused why I had a ship travel you to RSA instead of just going through the forest and through the town I completely forgot that the isle of sages housed both NRC and RSA 💀💀but im already this far in so pretend it makes sense please T-T)
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lodeddiperactivate · 3 months
How to survive a horror movie / OBX x Scream Crossover
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Word count: 2k
Warnings: drugs, alcoholism
Summary: You're the new kid in town, and simply trying to adapt to your new life in the Outer Banks when serial killer Ghostface starts their murder spree. Now, you can't really trust anyone, right?
Author’s note: I've had this idea in my head for so long now but I was just really lazy up until I started reading Ghostface smuts, and now, here we are! Depending on how well this goes, I might do several chapters of this where the reader has encounters with Ghostface but she also suspects a lot of people to be Ghostface. Idk I'll make it up as I go along. Also, I haven't decided what pairing to do. I'll make it up as I go along (but probably Barry or Rafe, maybe JJ?)
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Your parents could not have chosen the worst time to move to this new town called the Outer Banks. The weather was definitely not something you were used to. You would do anything to trade this humidity for a nice crisp autumn weather back in New York. You groaned at the idea of having to leave the best city in the world to live here. Your parents were both in real estate, and you were an only child, which for them, means having the freedom to travel wherever their jobs take them because that would mean they only have one child to worry about. Once you've arrived at your new home, you think at least you'll have a nice big house with a huge garden and front yard, something you're not quite used to back in New York. As soon as you all stepped out of the car, it was business, business, business! You had moved in next to the Camerons who were also in real estate, and you quickly became friends with Sarah who was about the same age as you are. And for the next couple of months, you will find yourself adapting to the OBX lifestyle. You'd learn all about the kooks and the pogues, and John B and his friends. John B whose Sarah is so in love with, it was so obvious, you smirked whenever she would claim there's nothing between them. And then, there's Topper who scares the shit out of you, not to mention Rafe. That boy is bad news and you try to stay away from them as much as possible. During family gatherings or events at the country club, you'd stick with Sarah or Wheezie. There's an awful lot of stuff going on as well as if moving to the OBX was like getting sucked into some action-filled story with treasure maps and gold and all of that. Hearing Sarah tell you all kinds of stuff makes you wonder how long before you'll get roped into all of this. The truth is that you still miss New York, even after spending a few months in OBX. But you couldn't quite deny that there's something very exciting about being here.
That Friday was the first Friday both your parents and Ward and Rose Cameron were out of town, most likely sealing a business deal of some kind. And so naturally, Sarah wanted to throw a pool party. It was a couple of friends, no big deal. Rafe, on the other hand, wanted it to be a full-blown party with enough alcohol to make you go into a coma and of course, drugs. You like to think of yourself as someone who has lived a balanced life, you know how to have fun but you also know when it's too much. Whatever the hell Rafe is planning was definitely too much. You shared your concerns with Sarah just as people were starting to arrive but after seeing John B arrive, all she said was that you worry too much and that whatever Rafe plans on doing, it'll be on him.
"What if someone gets hurt?" You asked, worry is evident in your voice.
"No one is going to get hurt," Sarah replied. Wheezie was in the other room, looking at you and Sarah. She can tell you were not used to Rafe's antics. She added, "Even though it may not look like it, there is some common sense left in Rafe."
You looked at Wheezie then back at Sarah then back at Wheezie before letting out an exasperated "Okay. Fine!"
"Good! Now if you will excuse me, ladies," Sarah trails off to wherever she and John B would meet up. Wheezie rolled her eyes, you asked, "Does Topper know about this, do you think?"
"Nope. That dude is blindly in love with Sarah. Although, I assume it would not go well if he finds out," she said and shrugged before closing her bedroom door behind her.
You made your way down as more and more people arrived. You recognized some of them from school and said a few Hi's and Hello's here and there before you wandered into the kitchen where Topper and Rafe were laying out some food and drinks.
"Hey Y/N, have you seen Sarah?" Topper asked.
"Uhmm no, I haven't actually," you lied. Rafe grinned. He knew his sister well enough and so he knew you were lying.
"It's fine, man," Rafe said to Topper. "She's probably just getting ready for the party."
"Yeah, I should go look for her," and with that, Topper dropped the can of beers at the kitchen island and stormed out without looking back.
"Toph! You said you'd help me with this!" Rafe called out but Topper could no longer hear him. Rafe lets out a sigh, both his hands were on the counter as he gazed at the can of beers Topper had left. You always knew that Rafe had a temper, and having hanged out with the Camerons, you can almost always tell when he's about to lose it. You find it ridiculous how short his temper was.
"I'll help you. What do I need to do?"
Rafe snapped out of it and looked at you blinking before responding, "Uh yeah, sure. You can maybe start spreading out the snacks on the table outside?"
"Okay then," Rafe said as you moved past him to grab the snacks he just brought in from the car. "Thanks, Y/N."
You looked back at him as you walked out of the kitchen, giving him a soft smile.
Outside, you started laying out the snacks as instructed. You came back to the kitchen and Rafe was nowhere to be found. He's probably unloading the car with the rest of the booze and snacks, you thought. You noticed that there were a few more snacks so you decided to spread them out on the kitchen island so it's a lot easier to grab when the ones outside were gone.
You started placing the bag of chips when all of a sudden, you noticed a presence with you in the kitchen. When did he arrive? Was he here the whole time? This man, probably a few years older than the rest of you, sat quietly on a stool near the sink by the window. He was dressed differently than the kooks so you thought maybe he isn't? He was watching you, and it appears he was waiting for someone. Probably Rafe? But you didn't think Rafe was someone who'd be friends with a pogue. You thought, what weirdo goes to a house party and sits all by himself in the kitchen. You thought that you were hallucinating. You know he already saw you but he wasn't speaking.
"Don't stop on my account, dollface," he said when he noticed you had stopped placing the chips on the island. "I'm just waiting for Rafe," he continued.
"Oh, I think Rafe's unloading the car for more drinks and snacks," you said trying to sound friendly. He looked serious, and scary, but you were intrigued.
"Nah, he ain't there," was all he said.
You placed the last bag of chips on the island, and opened one of the can of beers. Then, after some thought, you grabbed another one.
"Want one?" You make an attempt to start a conversation with this person. He looked at you and at the beer you're holding, you can tell he was getting agitated waiting for Rafe for whatever reason so maybe a cold one will take his mind off of it for awhile.
"Yeah, sure," he finally replied. He stood up from where he was sitting and walked towards you, grabbing the can from your hand. You noticed he smells really nice.
After both of you took a few sips, you asked him why he's waiting for Rafe. You were standing side by side, perched on the edge of the table. He looked at you from the corners of his eye as he took another sip and smirked.
"A pretty face like you don't need to worry about that."
You felt something flutter inside your stomach whenever he would call you "dollface" or "pretty face", you definitely were intrigued by this person. You leaned a bit towards him trying to smell him or achieve some kind of physical contact when you heard Rafe's voice.
"Barry, my man. Sorry for making you wait," he said.
"No worries, country club," he said eyeing me, "she was just keeping me company."
"Oh, I see you've met Y/N," Rafe said and looked at you. Actually, both of them were looking at you and it took awhile for it to register that they probably needed the room to themselves to talk about whatever Barry (you flushed at the thought of his name) and Rafe needs to talk about. So you excused yourself and quickly made your way upstairs.
As you make your way upstairs, you sneak a quick peek at both of them in the kitchen, and saw that Barry was eyeing you. You feel something flutter again in your stomach, butterflies?
Upstairs, Sarah was nowhere to be found so you knocked on Wheezie's room. She opened the door and waited for you to walk in but you stayed where you were, contemplating on how you're gonna ask Wheezie a question.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Oh no nothing happened, I was just wondering..."
"About what?"
"About...this guy named Barry.." you trailed off.
"Why are you asking about Rafe's drug dealer?
Your heart sank at the words "drug dealer", is he really? You asked the question in your head. Wheezie saw your expression changed and she's caught on quickly.
"Don't tell me you like him? You like Barry?"
"What?! No way!" Your response was too much, she can tell you wreak of lies.
"Yes, you do! You like him!" Wheezie said.
"Who likes who?" Sarah, who came from downstairs, asked as she walked towards you and Wheezie.
"Y/N has a little crush on Rafe's drug dealer," Wheezie said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Nooooo?" Sarah was shocked and looked at you with utter disbelief but she was also laughing.
"What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing, nothing! Who knew that Barry was your type?" Sarah said and her and Wheezie started laughing.
You rolled your eyes at them and walked away, "You guys are bullies!" You said but you couldn't help but laugh as well as you bury your face in your hands.
"Awww no no, come here, it's okay!" Sarah said trying to comfort you. "Hey hey, Barry's a businessman so that's good, right?" You laughed alongside Sarah and Wheezie, and thought that yeah, maybe it was for the best that you do not fall in love with a drug dealer.
Besides, even if you didn't mean it then, you sure would've meant it in the coming weeks when news of a couple of teenagers were stabbed to death within your neighborhood. Luckily, there were a few Friday night parties at the time and the Cameron residence was not a target. You thought, the last thing you need was to start seeing someone who could be the Ghostface killer.
The Ghostface killer was the name given to the serial killer responsible for murdering 3 teenagers last Friday night.
"This Ghostface routine started in Woodsboro, California," JJ said to Pope and Kie as he shared a bunch of photos on his phone. You overheard them talking on the street as you were on your way to the country club.
"Yeah but what is that dude doing here?" Kie asked.
"Maybe he's looking for his next victims, wooooooh," JJ tried his best attempt at a ghost sound which was rewarded with a slap on his shoulder by Pope.
"Maybe it's a different guy," John B replied. "Or maybe it's some crazy guy in a mask who will soon be caught and apprehended so let's not worry too much about this?"
You couldn't have agreed more with John B.
part 2
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plutosfallenangel · 2 years
Astro thoughts + takes | Random observations
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(*from personal experience + knowledge, please do not copy+paste as these are my own words*)
• Uranus aspecting one's moon can make them prone to mood swings, yes, but I never hear about how this aspect can make it easier to overcome tough emotions. Since Uranus represents innovation + breakthroughs an individual with a moon-uranus aspect can power through them quickly, and sometimes in very odd ways. Can have different coping mechanisms than most around them.. one that will really stand out apart from the rest. Now, keep in mind that this can be great in many ways.. zipping through emotional turmoil can be a breeze for these people, they just have to make sure to slow down once and a while and ACTUALLY process what they're feeling. Those with moon sextile uranus can actually work through tough emotions when they get outside of their comfort zone.
• Moon sqaure saturn can indicate emotional immaturity until the individual works on their relationship with authority / authority figures, amongst other things..
• Neptune square asc can give one the desire for escapism through substance, any harsh aspects neptune makes to the moon or venus can also indicate this (no hate.. I have this aspect)
• Virgo mars and planning when to have xxx (this is where they clash with fire/air mars signs.. they thrive off spontaneity which this mars lacks unless the chart indicates otherwise ofc)
• Mars in the 6H and being turned on not by a specific area of the body, but what sensations can be created by it (nervous system)
• Mars in libra vs being turned on by reciprocity
• An unevolved lilith in libra/7H can be the typical womanizer/maneater until they learn that there's power in standing on their own, not feeling complete only when in a relationship. some may use others to try and "heal" themselves too
• Virgos actually spend their past time connecting the dots
• One of the things that cancer and taurus placements share in common is that they'll be in a DEEP sleep, wake up, and randomly start making a 4-course meal (yum, can I sleep over?)
• The galactic center of the milky way is stationed in the constellation of sagittarius, which has up to 400 BILLION stars.... and you still wonder why they act like that?
° Saturn conjunct asc means everyone giving you responsibilities because you always look like you can handle them (even if you can't or the responsibilities have nothing to do with you) however, in return it does grant the individual with passing authority (I also have this.. even when I'm not the one "in charge" people come to me like I am)
• The house that Saturn is in can show you which area of life you'll feel most restricted in (ex: 3H- trapped within the local community or bound to siblings in some way. 10H- bound to work, restricted in some way to get away from it. 12H- trapped in your mind/subconscious)
• Sun in 8H individuals may gain more recognition after death / possible famous after death ( check for more fame indicators )
• Scorpio + 8H placements will put people through trials and tribulations because they want to see if they are worthy enough to see their innermost self and deepest desires. this is because these placements experience the most rebirth (and their own trials and tribulations... quite often), they want to make sure you love them down to their very core, so when they morphe into their next "self", you won't leave
• When the south node transits the 7H one will notice past-life partnerships coming back into their present life. Note that this may not always come in the form of a lover.. but if it does.. your working on releasing patterns of behavior with said person. Unfortunately, once the transit south node exists the 7H there may be a parting of ways. This could be completely flipped however, some may meet a past life partner that they end up working on these patterns together and stay together (depending on synastry). And then you even have some people who will experience repeating events and patterns from outside forces but don't actually align with a specific past partner. As of right now taurus risings are letting these lessons wrap up, if you are a Taurus rising comment below with your take on this! Scorpio risings are shedding an old identity.. I know this can appear to be typical Scorpio behavior but because this is affected by the nodes, it's a deeply submerged part of themselves they're FINALLY learning to let go of and release control. Let me know if this resonates- Scorpio risings! 🫶
• Whichever house the south node transits in your chart will be the area of life you will experience "letting go" of what no longer serves you (Ketu=deflation)
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destinationtrekk · 11 days
I understand that most people think Excella would be our biggest insecurity if we were in a relationship with Wesker.
But oh people, I had a dream where Excella was my best friend and now I can't imagine her any other way. When you first meet Excella of course you were insecure, the girl is gorgeous, pure Italian beauty, you easily mistake her for a model the first time you see her, but your insecurities are driven away as you realise they have a lot in common, they now spend hours gossiping and criticising everyone they come across.
Wesker definitely didn't think you'd spend more time with Excella than with him.
ugh i love this. i was definitely an excella hater at first (father forgive me) but i saw a post where it explained that excella was manipulated and literally used and toyed with by wesker and then died :( i even wrote some jealous!reader in my 5+1 fic
but NOW yes i think excella and reader would be besties! wesker is at the height of his drama and crazy schemes here and sometimes reader needs to vent. excella is a very good listener and wesker does listen to her better than you sometimes - not in a bad way! but he views excella as his business partner and you as his emotional partner, so he listens to excella explain YOUR ideas and he's like hmm yes this is now my idea. i came up with this. i am best scientist ever
i wanna throw jill in here too. both you and excella feel bad about the P30 device and think wesker is being cruel about it, but jill isn't being abused. wesker is treating her like any other employee, and it's just occasionally that jill is sent out to do something crazy, and then she comes back and you all rant and gossip and complain about wesker spreading his man ego everywhere
on a day to day basis, there isn't a lot excella does for wesker except paperwork and reports and meetings that he doesn't want to bother with, so you two actually have a lot of time to get to know you other. despite your initial insecurities, excella has been kind to you since she met you. she had initially planned to seduce wesker, but she realized quickly you meant much much more to him than meets the eye, and she respects you for earning the trust of such a dark and powerful man.
when she dies you're heartbroken and you don't talk to wesker for a long while. he does everything to earn your trust back, but he hasn't quite learned the consequences of being brutal and cruel yet. it takes a lot for you to trust him again, but you'll never forgive him for taking your friend away like that
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Cove isn't the stepdad, he's the dad who stepped up: Part 5
A fifth part to my series in which Baxter does his Baxter thing at the end of Step 3, but he got you pregnant before he left. Cove steps up to raise your baby, but then when you get married, a certain Mr. Ward ends up being your wedding planner.
Link to Part 4 here, with links to the previous parts.
The summer after you'd graduated high school, you and Cove worked together at the tropical place, waiting tables. It was a special place for the two of you, full of memories, and it was a natural choice for your rehearsal dinner.
But it was also a special place for you and Baxter. Once he'd learned you worked there, he stopped by regularly, sometimes to order takeout and other times just to see you. It was sweet, and his visits made you fall all that much harder for him.
So that night, when you were sitting in the restaurant, less than 24 hours before your wedding to Cove with your son in a booster seat between the two of you and Baxter, his biological father, sitting across the table from him, letting him snatch a fistful of pineapple from his plate ...
Well, it was odd.
Dylan had been the one to invite Baxter, and after making sure it was ok with you, he'd agreed to stop by. But when he did stop by -- just stepping in to wish you and Cove well, not intending to stay long -- your son had been insistent that he sit and join you for dinner. It seemed he'd taken a liking to this strange man who looked like him, and Cove, always willing to do anything to make his little boy happy, told Baxter to pull up a chair.
"You can sit right here," Dylan had told him, pointing directly across the table. "You can't sit beside me because I sit beside Mommy and Daddy, but if you sit here then you can still see me good."
Baxter smiled tenderly at him -- that's the only way you could describe it, "tenderly" -- and despite how different he and Cove were, it seemed like wanting to please your child was something they had in common.
Derek, always the gentleman, went to grab an extra chair and put it beside his, scooting over to make room for him. Baxter flashed another smile at him, and you realized tonight you'd seen that smile more than you had in five years. He threw an extra one to Kyra, who was on this other side, and sat. Then he met your eyes.
You knew Baxter. You just did. And now, with everything that had come up, you felt like you'd always know him. He was nervous, desperately seeking your approval. He wanted to know that it was ok to be this close, to accept all this kindness. That it wouldn't bother you.
You grabbed an extra menu and slid it in front of him.
"You'll have to get someone else to take your order this time," you smirked.
After everyone placed their orders and the wait for food began, Baxter began talking to Kyra -- Dylan really couldn't have picked a better seat for him. Derek spoke with him too, finally getting to know him a little after being so absent the first time he was in town. Cove even sent some friendly chatter his way. He never really liked Baxter, he never really understood him, but he was making an effort to make this whole strange process go more smoothly.
It wasn't long after dinner was served that Dylan made his grab for Baxter's food. He was a polite kid, as polite as a four-year-old could be, anyway, but he also liked to eat, and Baxter's dish was the only one near him with pineapples on it. The temptation was too much to bear.
Before you could catch him, he'd stuck his little fingers in Baxter's plate.
"Dylan!" you said quickly, grabbing his wrist and pulling it back. "You know we don't do that."
"It's quite all right, truly," Baxter said, smiling so wide that his teeth showed. "I don't mind."
Dylan grinned up at you, nibbling on the stolen fruit and you sighed. But it turned out that wasn't the boldest move he was prepared to pull that night.
"How do you know my mommy and daddy?" he asked easily.
Derek choked on the sip of water he'd been taking, and beside you, Liz turned a cackle into a not-so-convincing cough. Dylan kept his eyes straight ahead, but you could feel both Cove and Baxter's on you.
"We all knew each other a long time ago," you answered, tousling his hair. "Back before you were born."
"Did he know me when I was a baby?" he asked, turning to look up at you.
"Did he know me when I was in your belly?"
The question hit you harder than you would've thought. You sucked in a breath, bit your lip then said, "No, baby."
Cove and Baxter were still looking at you, but their expressions were very different. Where Cove looked concerned, Baxter had that old sorry look of remorse. It was too much.
"Be right back," you said quickly before standing up and making your exit.
You walked out of the restaurant, breathing in the fresh air, and tears started falling. You tried to catch them before they escaped your eyes, not wanting to leave any evidence when you went back inside, but pretty soon you realized it was a losing battle. You went to the corner of the restaurant and sat on a bench there and just gave in to it all.
"Hey, gal."
You looked up, and there was Derek, a sympathetic smile on his face.
"Can I sit down?"
You made more room on the bench and he sat down beside you. His presence, as always, was a comfort in itself, and you felt yourself relaxing, just a little.
"You ok?" he asked softly.
The tears came down harder as you told him that no, you were not ok. This was a shitty situation and it wasn't fair, not to you or to Cove or to Dylan. The timing of Baxter coming back into your life could not possibly have been worse, and you were so angry and so sad that you were spending the night before your wedding to Cove wasting tears over some dumb boy who broke your heart.
He listened as you let everything out, and when he was sure you were done, he held out the arm closest to you. You let yourself fall against him, and he wrapped his strong arms around you.
"I'm sure this is really hard, and I'm so sorry," he said, resting his chin on the top of your head. "I wish it wasn't like this. But I know you, and I know Cove, and this is going to be ok."
"It doesn't feel like it."
"I know, and I'm sorry about that too. But it's true. Cove loves you so much, and I know you love him the same. And I know how much you both love Dylan. You're a family. Nothing Baxter can do will change that. And nothing at all is going to mess up your wedding."
"That's a pretty bold claim," you told him.
"I'm a pretty bold guy."
You felt yourself smiling, but there was still some sadness there. Derek's warmth made you feel better, and you knew that he was right about Cove, but you felt like there would always be a sort of sadness associated with Baxter. It wasn't something you could escape.
A few minutes later, Derek asked if you wanted to go back inside. He helped you clean your face up a little from your impromptu crying session, then you made your way back to your table.
The first thing you saw was Dylan crying, his little fists wiping at his eyes. Cove had his hand on his back and was leaned in, talking to him.
"What happened?" you asked, rushing back to take your seat beside him.
"Baxter left," he explained.
The subtext was clear: Baxter left again.
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thelazyhermits · 5 days
After reading the first TWST novel and seeing how Yuu/Grim's first meeting with Ace went there, I decided to write a drabble about how that encounter went with my Yuu, which I'll put underneath the cut.
Also, I've gone back and edited An Unlikely Team as well as Grim/Ace's chapters in An Unlikely Friendship, although there was only a minor edit in Grim's chapter as compared to Ace's chapter which got a whole different dialogue added in the final scene thanks to me getting inspired by the novel.
I hope y'all enjoy the new content! 😊💕
He’s definitely up to something.
That was the first thought that crossed your mind upon meeting Ace Trappola, a first-year student who introduced himself after approaching you and Grim while you both were studying the seven statues on Main Street that, for some reason, look exactly like popular Disney villains.
Grim, however, obviously felt differently since, ever since Ace showed up, he’s been amicably chatting with the redhead about the statues, all the while not looking the least bit suspicious of Ace.
Meanwhile, you’ve been working on cleaning the surrounding area, which is the job that had been assigned to both you and that procrastinating monster, because you really don’t want to risk getting in trouble with Crowley for not doing your job since said job is the reason you now have a free place to stay as well as a means to make money for food and everything else you'll need to survive in this strange, foreign world you've somehow found yourself in.
Plus, you had wanted to put some space between you and Ace since you don’t trust him and that fake smile of his, especially since he’s wearing the kind of fake smile that looks so genuine that only someone like you who’s grown up surrounded by adults, who use their professional fake smiles to take advantage of others for a living, would be able to see through his façade.
The whole time you’ve been cleaning, you’ve been surreptitiously scrutinizing Ace, trying to figure out what his hidden agenda is, all while simultaneously listening carefully to all the information he provides about the statues - information that matches well with what you know about the Disney villains they resemble.
Except for the fact that everything Ace says makes these villains sound like actual decent people who are worth revering rather than the scoundrels they were in the movies from your world.
Every time you hear Ace compliment the people the statues are based on, you have to fight the urge to scoff since so much of what he says is just so difficult for you to believe.
I can’t believe these villains’ stories got so twisted that they became people who are seriously revered in this world. You incredulously shake your head. Even worse, the Queen of Hearts’ story is pretty much the same as it was in Alice in Wonderland, meaning these people seriously didn’t mind a crazy queen who decapitates people as a regular form of punishment.
Just what kind of world have you found yourself in?
You wearily massage your temple. Hopefully, all that nonsense is just a part of this world’s history and not its present. Otherwise, I’ll need to steer clear of the part of the world where the Queen of Hearts reigned for the sake of my own well-being, although I can’t see myself leaving this school anytime soon, considering traveling requires money among many other things.
Obviously, I’ll need to do some more research on this subject. You muse. If I’m gonna survive in this crazy world, I need to learn as much about it as I can since knowledge is power.
Plus, you’re genuinely curious about this world’s “Great Seven” and want to see if there are any more commonalities between them and the movie villains from your world whom they so greatly resemble.
“Pretty cool, huh? Not like some piddling weasel.”
You’re abruptly pulled away from your thoughts when Ace’s previously friendly and cheerful voice suddenly becomes noticeably cold and malicious.
While Grim makes a surprised sound, you quickly focus your now narrowed gaze on the redhead. So he’s finally making his move. It’s about time. Now, I’ll finally find out what his deal is since I couldn’t get any clues from his earlier behavior when I was watching him.
“Pfft! Ah ha ha! I can't hold it back anymore!” Ace declares as he starts laughing, hard enough that he doubles over. “It’s too funny! I can’t breathe!”
For several seconds, his loud, wild laughter fills the air, and during this time, you give Ace an unimpressed look while Grim just stares at him with wide eyes, appearing stunned.
Once he eventually manages to compose himself, Ace wipes away the tears of mirth from his eyes. “Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into a fiasco, right?”
“You two seriously stand out.” Ace sneers as he points at you. “A total normie, the perfect punchline to a disappointing joke. Every eye in the school focused on you last night, and you can’t even use a drop of magic.”
Completely unfazed by his mocking words, you maintain your unimpressed expression, which you can tell bothers him because his face briefly appears annoyed when you don’t give him the kind of reaction that you know he was hoping for.
Since he clearly won’t have any fun with you as his target, Ace quickly moves onto his next one and points at Grim. “And a monster who wasn’t even summoned by the Dark Mirror in the first place but crashed orientation anyway and got beaten to a pulp by my dorm leader.”
Wearing a cold smile, Ace gives both you and Grim a once-over before saying, “You’re perfect for each other.”
“W-What are ya-” Grim briefly stammers before scowling, “Ya don't gotta be a jerk! Comin' at us all of a sudden like this!”
“It’s not all of a sudden, dude.” Ace smirks, “The look on your face when they picked you up and tossed you out was hilarious! It took everything I had not to burst into laughter right in the middle of the ceremony!”
After giving you and the cleaning equipment that’s beside you a particularly withering look, Ace snickers, “So, in the end, neither of you got admitted, and now, you're janitors? SO lame!”
Upon realizing that Ace seriously is only here to taunt you and Grim, the tension in your frame eases as you roll your eyes. Really? That’s it? I was worried he might be someone secretly dangerous since his fake smile is so convincing, like the ones I always saw back in my world, but he’s really just an immature brat. I don’t know if I should be relieved or disappointed.
In direct contrast to you, who has calmed down now that you’ve realized Ace is no threat to you, Grim becomes increasingly more irritated. “Shaddup, you! I’m gonna be a student at this school in no time!”
“Nuh-uh! No way!” Ace shakes his head. “You're so clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not a one of them! Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?”
Unable to help yourself, you dryly retort, “Really? YOU’RE the one who’s saying someone should go back to kindergarten - the grade that so obviously suits you way better?”
Caught off guard since you’ve been silent pretty much the whole time he’s been here, Ace, along with Grim, turns to look at you in surprise.
Soon after, Ace’s surprise turns into annoyance. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
You raise an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious? Even though you could’ve been doing way more productive things with your time, you instead went out of your way to come taunt us ‘cause you hated how much attention we got thanks to the orientation fiasco, like an immature, jealous brat.”
“Not only that, you’re getting in our way when we have work to do.” You huff before making a shooing gesture. “So can you just leave already? I have way more important things to do than listen to someone whose opinions I don’t give a damn about.”
Once he overcomes his surprise, Grim starts guffawing, “Way to tell him, Henchman! That’ll teach that jealous brat not to mess with the Great Grim! Myahaha!”
“I am NOT jealous!” Ace scowls, “Why the hell would I be jealous of losers like you two who are only still around ‘cause you got lucky enough to get a job cleaning up all of the WAY more important people’s trash?!”
After saying that, Ace angrily stomps over to where you’re standing and jabs a finger at your chest, glaring all the while. “You have a lotta nerve looking down on me when I actually earned my place here fair and square after working my ass off, unlike you who just waltzed right in and did whatever you pleased. A magicless loser like you has no place at this school, so get off your damn high horse already before you get knocked off.”
Completely unfazed by his anger since you’ve gone up against far scarier people in Japan’s underworld, you boredly swat away his finger. “I’m not looking down on you.”
Faster than he can react, you reach out and grab onto Ace’s shoulder with a tight enough grip that makes him cry out in pain.
Using your grip on his shoulder, you push down with enough strength to force the redhead, whom you quickly realize has no real fighting experience, to his knees.
In hopes that he will refrain from bothering you and Grim in the future if you give him a scary enough warning, you fiercely glare down at the shocked boy who’s now kneeling before you. “NOW, I am, and if you don’t want to end up in way worse shape, I highly recommend that you leave me and Grim alone and just focus on your studies like a good little student.”
As expected, upon being on the receiving end of your heated glare, Ace flinches and becomes noticeably paler.
Unfortunately, it would seem Ace Trappola is not as smart as you had originally thought he was since, rather than follow his instincts, which have surely identified you as an opponent he has no hope of ever beating by this point, Ace, whose fear quickly turns into ire, instead immediately shoots back up to his feet and tries to grab you by the collar of your hoodie. “You arrogant bastard! Don’t you dare make fun of me!”
Naturally, you smoothly avoid his hands since he’s nowhere near fast enough to grab hold of an experienced fighter like you.
“Alright, Henchman, you’ve done your part! Now, it’s time for your amazing boss to take over! Myaaaaah!”
Catching you and Ace off guard, Grim, who had been laughing on the sidelines up until this point, decides to get in on the action and proceeds to use his fire magic on Ace who just barely manages to avoid Grim’s fireball attack.
“Whoa!” Ace exclaims before turning to scowl at Grim. “What are you doing?!”
Grim smirks, “Now that my henchman’s had a turn, it’s time for me to dole out some payback ‘cause no one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire, and gets away with it! I'll make ya regret messin’ with me!”
Ace scoffs, “You wanna throw down with me, shorty? You got some guts.”
Realizing that the two boys look like they seriously intend to fight, you face-palm. This is not what I was hoping to accomplish when I tried to intimidate Ace. If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have done anything to him.
Just when you think this situation couldn’t possibly get any more exasperating, several NRC students, who had been on their way to class, start approaching the area where you, Grim, and Ace are, obviously curious about what’s going on between Grim and Ace.
Upon realizing that a fight is about to happen, the crowd of boys starts jeering and cheering, earning themselves an exasperated look from you. Boys…
Deciding it’s better to ignore the crowd for now, you quickly get in between Grim and Ace. “Enough! Grim, you can’t use your magic to fight here! If you cause any property damage, we’ll both get in serious trouble with the Headmage, and I do NOT wanna have to deal with that! And I bet you won’t be happy either when your tuna funds get taken away!”
Much to your annoyance, rather than heed your words, Grim scurries around you, moving fast enough that you can’t catch him. “Relax, Henchman! The only thing gettin’ damaged here is Ace’s ugly mug! Myahaha!”
Right after saying that, Grim launches another fireball at Ace. Unfortunately for the monster, his attack misses its mark just like it did last time, although it’s because of a completely different reason.
Instead of moving to dodge the attack like he did earlier, Ace, after pulling out what looks like a pen with a red gem on it, summons a gust of wind that knocks away Grim’s fireball before it can reach him. 
Ace smirks, “Ha! How do you like that?”
As Grim complains about Ace blowing away his fireballs and the redhead taunts him in return, you just blink. Huh, guess magic can control elements here like it can on TV back in my world. Good to know.
Seconds after that thought crosses your mind, realization suddenly dawns on your now pale features. Wait a minute. Fire and wind together? Oh no…
Realizing that this is a recipe for disaster, you shout, “Both of you, stop! If you keep mixing fire and wind magic together, you’ll-!”
Before you can finish that sentence, Grim, who has chosen to completely ignore you, angrily fires off another fireball at Ace, which the redhead once again blows away with his wind magic.
Unfortunately, unlike last time, the fire doesn’t simply get diverted to an area where it can’t harm anyone. This time, it hits a target.
The worst possible target.
Horrified, you watch as Grim’s attack, which became stronger thanks to Ace's wind magic fanning its flames, just as you had feared would happen, lands a direct hit on the Queen of Hearts’ statue, causing the statue to become completely engulfed in flames. Oh, shit. We are so screwed...
And, of course, you were exactly right.
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roaenexists · 7 months
Pick-A-Pairing Tarot and Oracle readings for the collective.
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From left to right we have Pairing One: Leather. Pairing Two: Starburst. Pairing Three: Cerebral.
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Pairing One: Leather.
You have been getting a little too big for your britches, as my grandma would say. You have been communicating and behaving in a way that has showed those around you a haughtier side of yourself than I know you'd prefer. In other words, you've been coming off as a bit of a bitch and we both know you're capable of better than that. You need to do some inner child work and tap back in to a learner's mindset. You don't have to fundamentally change who you are, just walk it back a bit. Did you ever love learning? Did you ever used to value the input of those around you? Tap back into that energy and you'll be surprised at how naturally it comes. Past You is here to support Present You. Stop trying to rush to your future self because right now you're missing the mark. Open yourself up to the lessons your friends and mentors and colleagues have for you, and embrace the youthful spirit you've been neglecting. Come home to yourself.
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Pairing Two: Starburst
Recently you've ended something and then immediately begun something new that, quite frankly, you are ill-equipped to handle. I'm inclined to think it's a relationship, though for some of you it's a new job, or a personal project. But y'all all got one thing in common: You are going about this all wrong. You had your head in the clouds about what was going to be required of you, and how quickly you were capable of providing it, but the reality of the situation is that you have all the wrong tools, most of the wrong perspective, and none of the energy. You aren't seeing the situation clearly, most likely because you haven't been doing the necessary work on yourself to make sure you were ready for this new journey. If it's too late now to walk it back, don't panic. Set aside some time to really refill your emotional, spiritual, and physical cups. Make your own health and well-being the priority, at least for long enough to recenter and reassess. You cannot expect a battery to work when empty, and you cannot care for others without first tending to your own needs.
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Pairing Three: Cerebral
Shit sucks right now. You're in a situation where you are powerless and/or unhappy, with the caveat being that there's no fucking reason you shouldn't be seeing and, more importantly, feeling progress already. You feel you've learned all you can from where you are, you've made all the moves, and all that's left is to move on. The good news is that it's only a matter of time. If you can bear down and get through time then you will be able to pursue your own idealistic future, which includes physically moving location in some way, and probably also mental health support services. Will you actually make it there is up to you, but overall this draw is giving big Trevor Project, "It gets better," vibes. It's corny but it is literally in the cards. You are moving forward. Time and space are not separate, so the longer you press on, the farther you are from where you want to leave. Things are changing. This is inevitable. If you can ride the tumultuous waters, they will eventually calm down, and you will be able to take control of your vessel in the way you know you need to. You know you are meant for different; you just need to believe it until your experienced reality is reflecting that truth back to you. Take this energetic hug from me and Spirit and know that your future is full of potential. If you need to vent you can DM me. Just keep going.
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