#yuuka x you
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‘helping’ them do their situps | yuuken & yuuka
x gn!reader
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When you said you wanted to help him do his sit-ups, he was slightly confused. He’s never had a problem doing them before other than the occasional stomach cramp because he kept pushing himself- he’s done the exercise every day. But he agreed anyway. 
After taking his shirt off, he took position and placed his towel and water bottle on the table beside him as you put your hands on his ankles to keep him in place.  “Ready?” he asked.
“Yep.” He laid down with his hands behind his head, and when he brought himself up, he suddenly felt a light pressure on his lips.
Oh. So that’s what you meant. He feels heat gathering in his cheeks and when he looks away to save himself the embarrassment- he hears you chuckle at his flustered state.
“Aren’t you going to continue?”
He looks at you again, as if to ask ‘are you serious?’ but it’s hard to take his usually stoic face seriously when he’s struggling to make eye contact with you. Eventually, he manages to take a hold of himself.
He lies back down and hoists himself up, and once again, he’s met with your lips.
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She happily agreed when you suggested helping with her sit-ups, not thinking much of it. Maybe she could convince you to join her, either way, you’d be watching her workout. It’s a win in her book.
After doing a few stretches, she prepares to begin the exercise. She feels your hand around her ankles and you give her a thumbs-up to signify that you’re ready. When she hoists herself up- her lips touch yours.
Her eyes widen at the feeling, feeling her cheeks turn pink. But before she could kiss you back, you’ve already pulled away. From the look on your face, this was your plan all along. In hindsight, she probably should’ve known. 
There’s a smug challenging little smile plastered on your face. “You going to keep doing your situps?” To that, she chuckles and gently pulls you closer by your wrist- onto her lap. “I think we can do that later.” 
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Introducing Yuuka!
"So Yuuka, how's everything so far with... Um, your somewhat permanent stay at Night Raven?" You ask, hanging up some of the laundry while Grim helps with folding. With vice warden Yuu supervisin.
"It's been.." (Remembers ptsd flashbacks of Leonas battle) "Tolerable is a nice way to say it."
You snicker at her answer. "Well, it's not gonna get any easier." You stop, noticing Yuuken and Yuuya grab the pile of laundry to help put up, thanking them as Yuu smiles and nods to show they agree.
"But at least your not alone in this." You say loosely, shrugging your shoulders as Yuuka's face became red at your answer.
Coughing in her NRC jacket, she nodded. "R-right."
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ang1gang2ng3lobo · 2 months
Updated Of "So Your Not Confused and Or Confusing People" Post
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azeru-servbanaia · 1 year
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cómo están.
Hoy le presentaré a un Oc de twisted wonderland que creé hacé mucho, en mis publicaciones viajas está ahí.
También cuenta como un Oc de vários animes que veo.
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Nombre: xiānxuĕ Kaspar ( se pronuncia Kasper ).🥊
Edad: 16 años.🥊
Cumpleaños: el 11/11.🥊
Signo zodiacal: Escorpio.🥊
Color favorito: Rojo, azul y verde.🥊
Estatura: 194 cm.🥊
Estudiante de que año: 1 año .🥊
Género: mujer/ bigenero.🥊
Dormitório: Ramshackle y es el segundo líder al mandó.🥊
País: China y Alemania.🥊
Sexualidad: Lesbiana.🥊
Personalidad: tranquila, caracter rudo, fría con los que no conoce, amigable con los que conoce. Protector con sus seres queridos y ama a los niños como sus hermanos o hijos.🥊
Hobbit: leer, sacar fotos a paisajes, escribir novelas/ historias, luchador/boxeador que ahora se encuentra como ex boxeador, Entrenar, cocinar y cuidar a animales .🥊
Amigos: la mayoría todos pero más con Mc/Yuu, Grimm, Malleus(ella lo apodo amigó mal) e Idia.🥊
Enemigo/ no se lleva bien: vil, Leona, algunos estudiantes de sabanaclaw .🥊
Lo detesta: Crowley ( a kaspar no le gusta como los mandá a ella y a Yuu/mc muchos de sus mandados que es de el),un poco lo quiere.
Crush: desconocido.🥊
Padres: xiānxuĕ Ktulu(padre)es chino y könig Günther (papá , el es hermafrodita) es alemán.🥊
Rama familiar:🥊
Xiānxuĕ Kiro.
Xiānxuĕ kyran.
Xiānxuĕ kendry
Xiānxuĕ Kael.
Xiānxuĕ kowo.
Xiānxuĕ Ktulu
Xiānxuĕ Kaspar.
(Hijo) xiānxuĕ kalevi.
Segunda generación:🥊
Xiānxuĕ kaled.
Xiānxuĕ Kazimir.
Xiānxuĕ Kronos.
Actor de voz : rie kugimiya.🥊
Actor de voz de niño: Junko Takeuchi.🥊
Espécie: híbrido, mitad humano ,mitad kerukase (demonio que inventé, son demonios cambia formas echo de pecados ).🥊
Que trabajará: científico, abogado y escritor.
Apodo: kas, jóven xiānxuě, secuaz 2.🥊
Apodo de leona : Depredador.🥊
Apodó de vil: Piña / ananá.🥊
Apodo de Malleus: jóven Luchador.🥊
Apodo de Floyd: Barakūda/barracuda.🥊
Información de las barracudas, ellas son los depredadores de las morenas , como los tiburones, la barracuda son grandes peces con dientes afilados pero finos. miden 45 cm de las especies menores hasta 1,8 m aproximados de la gran barracuda. 🥊
Lo que escribiré de ella : headcannons, yandere ,oneshort's , escenarios, emparejamiento y también habrá un niño pequeño Kaspar.🥊
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(ésto sucede en china)
Kaspar nunca a conocido a sus padres, si los conoce en las fotos del libro de los xiānxuě's , ella fué llevada a un orfanato desde que ella era un bebé,donde había monjas. Las monjas la criaron juntos con su muchos hermanos en el orfanato.
Siempre cuando alguien quería adoptar a un niño y la veían, la creían un fenómeno y demonio por sus ojos color eclipse y su Marca de nacimiento en su frente. Las monjas la defendían, diciendo que kaspar no es un fenómeno y demonio. Ellas la veían cómo un ser inocente que Díos le dió.
Kaspar era la única mayor de sus hermanos, ella se encargaba en ayudar a los más menores a vestirse.
El orfanato era grande pero no tenían mucho dinero para alimentar a los más llegados.
Kaspar desde que cumplió los 7 años , ella empezó a salir a las calles y robarle las billeteras a las multitudes de personas en la calle, pero con eso la atraparon unos policías y la golpearon con sus barrotes.
Los policías para divertirse sacaron una navaja y le partieron la mitad la cara e en la mejilla una X, y la empezaron a patear mientras ella estaba en el suelo mientras su cara se desangra. Con un par de lágrimas, ella deseaba que alguien la ayudará . Sus palabras fueron entre susurros.
-Díos, dónde sea que estés,Ayúdame. Por favor se lo suplico- dijo .
Mientras ella estaba orando , escuchó unos golpes e un ruido sordo de algo callendo al suelo.
Ella levanto su cabeza del suelo y vió una figura borrosa antes de desmayarse.
Lo único que escucho de la sombra fué....
-Te llevaré al gimnasio y voy a curarte- y todo se oscureció .
Kaspar se despertó en una cama , ella parpadeo cuatro veces y se levantó. Miró la habitación donde se encontraba.
Ella se toca la cara para ver su dos cortes de le hicieron los policías, notó que estaba vendado y con curitas( o tiritas cómo lo digan en su país.). De repente escucho unos pasos acercándose a la habitación donde ella se hospedaba.
Se tiró otra vez a la cama y se cubrió con la sábana, escucho que la puerta se habría, y entonces escucho que los pasos se dirigen hacia ella.
-Oye no tengas miedo, además ya se que estás despierta -dice la voz misteriosa .
- Levántate de la cama, y ya te lo dije se que estás despierta - dijo otra vez.
Kaspar con un poco de miedo se destapó y se levantó de la cama y se sentó como un indio.
Con temerosas palabras ,Kaspar con miedo le pregunto .
- Tu quién eres y que hago aquí , señor- preguntó kaspar.
Ella vió al hombre cómo era.
Pelo despeinado y ondulado y largo que llega hasta los hombros de color café oscuro.
Vestía de un sacó rojo que parecía que usaban los boxeadores que veía en las ventanas de las tiendas de tv, sus pantalones eran holgados y de color tierra.
Era alto, su piel era morena y tenía en la cara con unas varias cicatrices , sus ojos apenas se veía porque pocos y muchos de sus pelos le cubrían la cara, pero ella identificó que sus ojos eran color Avellana , su cuerpo era musculoso. Lo vió como un hombre de unos 23 o 34 años. Ya que poseía una barba afeitada.
Kaspar salió de su trance de pensamientos.
- mi nombre es rex , rex red, soy un boxeador profesional te encontré siendo golpeada por los estúpidos policías-.
-bueno, es que por la razón que me golpearon, e robado las billeteras de las personas...- dijo kaspar .
-Por qué?, Por qué robaste?..- dijo rex .
-.... Porque, porque quiero protejer al orfanato dende vivo, no tenemos mucho dinero pará comprar comida y pagar los gastos..no quiero ver a mis hermanos desnutridos- .
-......ya veo,si tú te conviertes en un boxeador, y te conviertes el campeón de tal peso, ganarás millones-.
- ENCERIO!! , entonces quiero convertir me en un gran boxeador profesional y ganar Miles para ayudar a mis hermanos y hermanas también a las monjas que me criaron-.
- niña te ves tan llena de determinación, los boxeador principiantes tienen que tener una alma llena de determinación, ven . Te llevaré para que conozcas a mis amigos y mi jefe-......
_____Pasión por el boxeo_____
Y el fin de la felicidad
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Kaspar de ahora 10 años estaba golpeando un sacó de boxeo.
Ella ganó los torneos de boxeo con facilidad gracias a Rex ( Kaspar lo ve como una figura paterna aunque no quiera admitirlo).
- oof, ya voy a descansar mi próximo torneo será en algunas dos semanas, es difícil ir a la secundaria sabiendo que hay admiradores tuyos ahi-.
- Siempre te quejas niña, y¿ cómo están tus hermanos y hermanas y las monjas?-Dijo rex.
- Todo en orden, los muchachos me piden que les enseñe a boxear , pero la gran madre no nos lo permite, jejeje. Y la niñas no se cansan de peinarme el cabello- respondió Kaspar mientras se saca los guantes de boxeo.
- ya veo nunca se cansan, jajajaja-Empezó a reír.
- y tú ya sabes papá- digo señor Rex , es mi cumpleaños y cumpliré 11 años, necesito si o si ésas botas de boxeo, las mías ya se están rompiendo y esas las que ví en la tienda son muy geniales - Kaspar otra vez habló.
- Y ya es hora que te vallas a la escuela jovencita - dijo el jefe del gimnasio, mientras el la golpea con el bastón.
- Auch!!, Si si anciano, pero no hace falta que me golpee- Habló Kaspar mientras se acerca a la puerta de salida de gimnasio.
- ADIÓS!! LOS VERÉ LUEGO - y con éso salió corriendo.
🪞_________________Salto de tiempo__________________🪞
Kaspar estaba caminando hacia el orfanato donde vive mientras con una bolsa llena de panes y algunas rebanadas de torta de limón que compro en la panadería mientras sale de su secundaria ya que eran para sus hermanos y hermanas y las monjas.
De repente ella escuchó a los bomberos y sirenas de la policía, also la vista y vió como el camión de bomberos y los autos de policía se dirigía a su hogar , al principio no le importa pero al escuchar una de las mujeres de la bibliotecaria dónde ella iba a buscar algunos libros , la mujer que se acercaba a ella corriendo y gritando su nombre.
De repente todo se silencio, Kaspar tiró las cosas que sostenía y dió un paso después se cambia a varios pasos y se convierte en corridas, empezó a correr todo lo que pudo pará llegar al orfanato que se consumia al fuego.
Mientras corría se les salieron unas pares de lágrimas, mientras se imagina lo peor.
Llega al orfanato y corre hacia el pero unos policías la detienen.
-Wow , detente chico, no puedes entrar - dijo un de los policías.
- DÉJENME ENTRAR IDIOTAS,MIS HERMANOS Y LAS MONJAS ESTÁN ADENTRO, LOS TENGO QUÉ SALVAR- Kaspar empezó a forcejear con los policías que la detenían.
...el tiempo se detuvo....solo vió que los bomberos lograron apagar el fuego... Llega la ambulancia...... empezaron a sacar a sus hermanos, hermanas y las monjas que ahora se encuentra todos quemados con heridas muy profundas...
Los doctores le dijieron que no hay ningún sobre viviente en el incendio .... Todos murieron, exepto ella...
Anunciaron mañana que el gimnasio hubo varios muertos por un ataque de terrorismo, sus amigos, rex . Están muertos..... En el día de su cumpleaños.....
Por qué a ella , Díos no le quería dar otra oportunidad en este mundo, Díos la dejó de lado?.
Por qué?
Por qué?...
_____Un nuevo comienzo______
Y un país extraño
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🪞_____________Twisted wonderland_______________🪞
( Platonico Porque la kaspar es lesbiana)
Kaspar se mudó hacía Japón pera estudiar como abogado, escritor y científico, Kaspar ya teniendo 16 años , ella fué a la secundaria y conoció a una persona muy agradable.
Se llama
Yuu/mc ( dependiendo de que yuu querés)
Se conocieron y se hicieron Amigos/amigas inseparables.
Kaspar encontro Consuelo con yuu/mc,Yuu/mc siempre la animaba cada vez qué la/lo veía.
Kaspar siempre la protegía de los matones .
Mientras qué yuu/mc se encargaba de consolarla.
Pero un día, salió un carruaje oscuro con caballo también de la misma tonalidad de color, y los agarro a los dos , a ella y yuu/Mc .
Todo se oscureció.
De repente se despertó en un lugar oscuro, se movió y tocó algo, ¿ Madera será?. Tocó todo los lados, la forma se parecía a un ..¿ Ataúd? .
Kaspar empezó a empujar la tapa del ataúd con su pies. La puerta salió y ella también salió, calló al suelo.
-agh… por los sandwiches , que es éste lugar -dijo kaspar mientras se acaricia la cabeza por el fuerte golpe al caer.
ESPERA UN MOMENTO, ¿ Por qué hay ataúdes flotando, ésto es un sueño???.
Kaspar dejó sus pensamientos al escuchar la voz de yuu/mc , giro la cabeza y vió... ¿¡¡UN GATO GRIS QUE FLOTA Y TIENE FUEGO EN LAS OREJAS!!?? ¿!PERO QUE!? .
Ella corrió hacia yuu/mc que estaba ya en pie.
-YUU/MCC!!- Kaspar grito y se abalanzó haci Yuu/mc, sin darse cuenta de que el gato los miraba.
-Eh!?- el gato dijo.
Espera un momento, el gato habló, no solo flota y que tiene orejas con fuego, SINO HABLA?!.
- qué pasa kas ?- Yuu/mc habló.
-no. no sé, sólo se que está mapache me empezó a hablar y diciendo que le de está capa - yuu/mc.
-A QUIEN LE DICES MAPACHE?? , YO SOY EL GRAN GRIMM!!- dijo el ahora gato llamado Grimm.
De repente salió fuego azúl de su boca .
-Aaaagh [ PERO SANTOS MACARRONES] - Yuu/mc grito y Kaspar también.
Ellos salieron corriendo mientras qué el furioso gato los perseguía, hasta que llegaron a un lugar que era una biblioteca con libros flotando.
🪞_______________Twisted wonderland________________🪞
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Espera que les allá gustado mis Parásitos, realmente ni me di cuenta que escribí mucho jejeje adiós mis Parásitos, y perdón por la falta de ortografía.
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cupids-chamber · 12 days
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— THE CONCUBINE GAME !! | chapter one . . . The first chapter, where you'll be able to catch a climpse of the inner dynamics between the emperor's y/n's secretary and their personal guard, a small entry and brief taste of what's to come, while learning a bit more about our beloved emperor and their staff . . .
— Themes ; Harem / historical au , Twisted wonderland , multiple characters x reader , royalty au , includes rsa + yuuka/yuuken. ♡
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The wind was howling, the pitter patter sound of rain could be heard throughout the grand walls of the palace. The sound of heels clicking urgently on the wooden floors, echoing through the empty halls, as Yuuken rushed his way through to the emperor's chambers. It was late, yet he’d been overworked all week preparing the palace for the arrival of certain selected members of the Royal Harem, some were particularly demanding with the way they wanted things sorted out and Yuuken prided himself on never failing to impress. 
He banged on the door rather aggressively, “Your majesty, I have certain design plans I need you to finalize before Prince Leona’s arrival, and the first few concubines enter the palace, we don’t have much time!”, he yelled out trying to get the emperor’s attention, it was already late into the night and the palace staff were working overtime meeting every demand that they were given. 
Yuuken flinched feeling something touch his shoulder, and right before he could move back and attack, he heard an all too familiar voice—”Don’t bother trying to get their attention, Y/n’s at a meeting”—Yuuka spoke, a small grin on her face while she watched Yuuken try and collect himself, “This late?”, he asked confused, “also please try and address them by proper titles in public”; Yuuka shrugged in response, pausing for a moment before she spoke up once more, “I’d like to keep things the way it is, and you should probably take a break because they’re not coming out of the room at all, it’s something about politics . . . I wasn’t really paying attention”. 
Yuuken sighed, slumping his shoulders as he leaned onto the door of the Emperor's chamber, “I-i . .  just want everything to be perfect, everything’s been so . . hectic for their majes—y/n and I just really want to provide some stability, you know?”, he said softly, letting his exhaustion take over for a moment and Yuuka’s expression softened, “Hey—you’re doing great, there's a reason y/n gave you full creative liberty”, she ruffled his hair giving him a genuine smile, “don’t push yourself too hard alright? None of us are expecting you to be perfect, not even y/n . .” she finished, as Yuuken closed his eyes and whispered a small, “I know . . .”
Setting: Meeting room Location: The west wing. Time: 11:36pm 
You fiddle with your fingers, trying to shift the jewelry that you were covered in, in an attempt to feel more comfortable with the weight that the jewels provided, holding you down . . , as another argument ensues between the nobles, these past few days have felt like a choir, in fact most of the months since you ascended have felt terrible, nothings been exciting—from inheriting an empire doomed to fail, to trying to pick up the scraps of what was left of your fathers reckless decisions and fixing it into something at least palatable, the pressure of everything has left you in a bottomless pit, you needed freedom a refreshing start—something you lost—when you inherited the throne . . . 
“—Ah, your majesty?”, one of the nobles spoke up, and you bit your lip, how you hated that title, the moment you inherited this role, your friendships haven’t quite been the same, everyone who you’ve trusted in the past, have now become just another subject, trust is no longer something you earn, as loyalty and trust is to be expected when the crown is on your head.
Setting: Inner Cold Palace Garden Location: Rundown Gazebo Time: 12:46am 
"—and they never thanked me'', Yuuken hiccuped out, words slurring due to his alcohol intake, he waved the half finished bottle of some form of expensive imported wine in his hands, swinging it around dramatically; Yuuka chuckled, taking a sip from her glass as she looked around at the scenery of the garden—it used to be much prettier and well taken care of, way back before the previous emperor—y/n’s father—went haywire. . . 
"Hey Yuuken, remember when we used to play together here?" she asked without thinking, meeting his eyes for a brief moment all the while Yuuken took another big gulp from his wine bottle . . and then he spoke, "Yeah—you and y/n pushed me into the lake, I still hate the water", he slurred over his words slightly and Yuuka chuckled in response, if only things could've stayed as simple, but now Y/n didn't even have the time to maintain the garden where they're friendship once first blossomed, Yuuka sighed, leaning her head down on the table—which had seen better days— . .  the same could be said about their relationship with y/n themselves . . 
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Masterlist | Introductions (being reworked) | Next chapter
♡. Synposis ; After many months of persuading, the emperor, Y/N L/N had finally agreed to take in a select few concubines and consorts—not an official partner.. but concubines. This caused an uproar in court; however the emperor promised to choose an official partner; amongst the crowd of concubines and consorts.. Who will the emperor choose?
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— taglist ♡ (open) : . . tumblr is not letting me mention over 5 people per post, and the staff won't do anything about it, so I recommend just joining my server and picking out the new chapter ping role as it makes things easier for me.
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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ventique18 · 2 months
- Rant -
Saw another post on another app saying Yuu x Third Years is disgusting because Yuu's a minor. How many times do we have to discuss that the Yuu in the game is the player??? They don't have an age, face, a gender, Rook doesn't even know their height, because Yuu is who you want to be. Yuu is a separate entity from Yuuka, Yuuken, Yuuta, or Yuuya.
"But think about it, why would the dark mirror choose someone who already graduated--" WHY WOULD THE MIRROR CHOOSE A MAGICLESS PERSON? Is it stupid???
"The other first years are 16--" Do you know that MANY people, especially those from poor countries, go to school very late? They could be 20 and that's OK. They could even be 60. Education shouldn't be gatekept from anyone.
Yuu is even stated to be human, but it doesn't mean the player can't choose to say their Yuu is a god pretending to be human. People can choose who they want to be in fantasy. IT'S FANTASY. We really should stop concerning ourselves with other people's stories and start finding better ways to waste our time on.
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rennebright · 3 months
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yuuka :D by movik [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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faeryarchives · 3 months
Stay with me (Leona Kingscholar x GN!Reader)
Summary: You know how your lover, Leona couldn't care less if he lost his belongings - jewelries, clothes or money because he could just replace them all. But one thing he will selfishly keep to himself is you. note: there will be a prequel to this work 👩🏻‍⚖️ + in this imagine all yuu's up to chap 3 are mentioned !! recent fics: more than words & heartslabyul with a furina-like female reader!
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It was a known fact to most people that Leona didn't really care for any material value. And you, of all people, couldn't care less if he lost one of his belongings - jewelry, clothes, or even his money because he could replace them all. Living life as the second prince of Sunset Savanna has its perks, but honestly? Leona wouldn't even bat an eye at it because he longed to be recognized and prove that even if he was only the second prince, he was a worthy leader regardless of his method.
Deep down, Leona also loved and craved something - the one he would fight tooth and nail to reach, even if it was out of bounds or everyone saying how it was impossible. That one happened to be you, the standing older siblings to the students living in Ramshackle Dorm, despite having opposite views from each other. 
"Leona, come on. I told Yuuka that I am not staying over Savanaclaw today!" Leona lay down on his side, your back pressed against his chest. Hands gently pried the clingy lion with arms around your waist and his head nuzzling your shoulder. As if his arms weren't enough, his tail wrapped itself around your leg comfortably as the two of you stayed in the comfort of his bed. 
"And Yuuta asked me to taste some of his food later. It's not like I would be gone for a week."
"Denied. He has Herbivore #1 & #2 with him, plus their idiot friends. Stay with me instead."
"What did I deserve to end up with a clingy boyfriend like you?" You grab hold of his cheek and playfully pinched it and instead of getting angry - seeing your brows knitted tightly together and lips puckered in a pout made the lion laugh.
"Didn't you say something else when you confessed to me?" You could feel his chuckle rumbling on your back despite you wearing one of his thick hoodies, and hearing him right next to your ear sent shivers down your spine. "Would you like to remember what you said?"
"... that's embarrassing already." Leaning back into the warmth of his arms, you covered your eyes with his arm from the light of the sunset and sighed. "This isn't fair. You are still holding it against me!"
'it's because I want to hold on to your promise.' While you keep trying to get out of his grasp, your words go in from one ear to another as Leona looks at you, lost in his own world. You two were opposites when you first met, but an invisible magnet pulled you together, and Leona isn't a firm believer of fate.
"... you like me?"
"Ah, if you don't like it. Just pretend this didn't happen."
"No, wait! It's just that ... I know I am less rich or smart than most people here. I can't even use magic, for goodness sake! You are so out of my league. How can I stand next to you?"
"It doesn't matter because I like you because you are you."
"Leo, are you going to let me go now?" By the time he was brought back to reality, you were facing him with a worried expression as you held his cheeks in your hands. Leona felt drawn into your gaze, an irresistible force pulling him closer to the love he'd been seeking all his life.
"Is this okay?"
"It's more than okay. I don't need anything - I just need you, and you can have all of me."
"... don't hesitate to take me away."
"Why are you making me look like an obssessive crush?"
With one swoop, the lion covered both of you under his covers and held you closer to his chest, his chin resting above your head. 
"Nah, the herbivores can take care of themselves. Just stay with me." Everything fell silent after that, and Leona couldn't help but smirk in victory when he felt you relax in his hold - accepting your defeat.
"I hate you."
"I love you too, (Name)."
Leona doesn't care about anything of material value, but he will always care for you, the one who taught him how to love.
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project-sekai-facts · 5 months
idk if this has its own comprehensive post on here or not but can you explain in depth how rui is gay coded
yeah okay
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i think what you'll see people bring up most often is the fact that he has his right ear pierced (see above). incredibly brief queer history lesson for anyone who is unaware: back in the 70s & 80s when it still illegal or otherwise heavily looked down on to be gay, wearing a single earring in your right ear became a non-verbal identifier amongst gay men in America. As far as I'm aware, identifiers did actually vary between areas, but it became far more publicly known that the right ear was the gay ear and the left ear was the straight ear. Even today when the stigma has worn away a decent amount, you still hear people bring up the term "gay ear" and the fact that the right ear is the gay ear is fairly common knowledge. This is also a known thing outside america, i'm not sure how far the spread is outside america and other english-speaking countries but it is definitely known in a fair amount of places (also it should be noted that a right ear piercing can have different meanings in different cultures that predate this meaning, and nowadays people are more likely to get whatever ear pierced they want regardless of sexuality).
obviously anyone can have any ear pierced that they want but things work a bit differently with character design. the only other MCs who regularly wear earrings are An (left ear) and Akito (both). For both of them, this is definitely done to make them seem more cool, which makes sense given they're in the street music scene and following the fashions. As for NPCs there's Nagi (left), Arata, Ken, Tatsuya, Iori, Saku, and Yuuka (all both), which again is probably just to fit the fashion of those characters. Okay, Yuuka just has regular old earrings but as for the others you've got street and punk rock styles which both incorporate piercings as a big part of the style (especially with Saku's punk look).
so all that considered, Rui's earring just sticks out, I guess? it's not really a fashion thing, it's pretty plain and just kinda there, and very conveniently happens to exactly match up with an old way of signaling in the gay community instead of being in his left ear which is the far more common ear for guys to get pierced if they only have one earring. also he almost always only has the one piercing in his right ear in trained cards, the only exceptions being his cheer squad (earrings in both ears) and his canary card (three piercings but still in his right ear).
like i said though, it doesn't have to mean anything but talking from the perspective of character design, sometimes if you want to communicate something about a character then you put it in there.
building off of that, very stereotype-y but his choreo is notably quite.. flamboyant, should I say, compared to the other characters, even shizuku and haruka's more elegant styles. honestly just watch the clip this is so hard to explain. anyway in the process of writing this i found out that his mocap artist lists in his professional profile that one of his specialities is dancing for both masculine and feminine roles, so I get the feeling that there was a reason they cast this person specifically instead of one of the other male artists at the company, and then there was the decision to even have him dance like that in the first place. this doesn't have to mean anything at all and as i said leans very far on stereotypes which is something that i'm not a huge fan of but you do still sometimes have to consider things like this even when talking about modern media.
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this one again is more of a matter of perspective. Rui has a few interactions with Tsukasa that could very definitely be read as flirting. it's kinda ambiguous though, which does make sense given the type of game this is; they never really make anything clear so that people who are fans of a pairing can enjoy the teasing and people who don't like it can simply move on. first thing that comes to mind would be the part where he invites Tsukasa to his house in wonder halloween (above), mainly because his L2D uses his smile expression that has a blush with it and that was a choice that someone on the L2D team had to make but didn't have to - they could've easily just kept his usual teasing expression he had at the start of the interaction there was no need to change it.
There's a couple other interactions but this is probably the most obvious outside of the incredibly shameless shiptease of Rui volunteering himself to play Juliet so Tsukasa could rehearse the proposal scene of his R&J adaptation despite the fact that Nene was in the room in Kamikou Festival!.
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(TL by pjsekai eng)
there's also that 1koma that I posted about a while ago. you know, the one where he asks for people to call him the "modern day Hiraga Gennai"? Hiraga Gennai as in the 18th century Japanese inventor who was also gay and wrote multiple works about it. The whole joke of the 1koma is that Rui wants to be known as the modern equivalent of a gay scientist and Tsukasa questions if he really wants to be called that.
The 1komas are played for jokes though, and especially the original ones are quite hard to call canon due to some of the scenarios and character interactions not making sense. But then again, someone on the writing team decided to write a gay joke around Rui for whatever reason that may be and it got passed by higher ups and put in the game (or, 3 versions of the game. the joke didn't make it to EN due to Gennai not being very known amongst the audience).
the only other thing i can think of (and arguably like, the biggest bit of evidence for this theory (?)) is that he doesn't really show any interest in women.
First off, the Valentine's Day 2021 vlive. Quick note that in Japan, Valentine's is traditionally a holiday for girls to give chocolates to boys (while white day is the reverse). You can give platonic valentines too, which is what happens in-game... for the most part.
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Those chocolates Rui got could easily just be platonic chocolates from other students, but then you have a few factors to filter in. 1) this is very early into the game, back when his only friends were WxS and Mizuki and 2) Those chocolates aren't from WxS, since Emu and Nene give the boys sweets offscreen after the vlive, and Tsukasa is on the receiving end for this holiday. Of course, one box could be friend chocolates from Mizuki, but that leaves more chocolate boxes than friends to give him chocolates.
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Immediately after this, Tsukasa gets jealous that Rui got chocolates and tries to brag that he got some too, before saying too much and revealing he got friendzoned by multiple girls, basically confirming that Rui's chocolates were given with romantic intent. I guess you could say that these were chocolates given out to everyone in 2-B, but then why would they leave it anonymously in his locker? Tsukasa's classmates just gave them out to everyone in-person. The only reason I could think of is that people don't want to associate with him, which is canon, but if that's the case then why even bother. I dunno. This is almost word-for-word from that post I made about the in-universe attractiveness of every character so sorry I made you sit through that again.
Getting back on track, Rui seems very neutral about the fact he got given multiple boxes of what was likely confession chocolate. He just briefly mentions that he forgot the holiday was even happening until he found chocolates and then never brings this up again. I think it's worth comparing his reactions to Tsukasa, who seems to care very much about his abilities (or, lack thereof) to attract women. Obviously Tsukasa is the big reactions/brag about a lot of things guy, but Rui does not really seem to care about the fact that multiple women find him attractive.
Second sub-point: Shizuku. Shizuku can be considered as the most attractive character in-universe given the sheer amount of characters that have been shown to be attracted to her or at least comment on her looks (currently at least 8 MCs and a few named side characters). Admittedly none of those MCs are male, but it isn't like it's impossible for people to be attracted to the opposite gender in this game, like we just established that Tsukasa says he's interested in women, so the point still stands.
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(TL from Tsukasa's #3 fan on YT)
Specifically I would like to point out a scene in A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium, when the 2-B trio first meet the Miyajo 2nd years. The three of them immediately recognise Shizuku and Airi and then Ibuki describes Mafuyu as "a beauty". Shizuku gives them her idol smile which in their POV has the same sparkles that often show up when characters are attracted to another character (like how Haruka has this effect on Minori and Kohane, and An has this effect on Kohane). Like it's very, very obvious that Rui's friends are attracted to Shizuku and the other girls and they're pretty surprised that he's hanging around with them.
But Rui never acts like this around Shizuku at all, nor does he ever even address the fact that she's good looking. He doesn't even bring it up in their earlier interactions, when a lot of other characters (e.g: Emu, Ena, and Mizuki) commented on her looks almost immediately after meeting her (they did first meet in a pretty stressful situation if you want to argue that, but it still stands that he's never been attracted to her).
at the end of the day i think you could definitely make a case for it. like it's harder to make a solid argument in comparison to say, Kohane, An, or Minori who are outright attracted to other girls, but there's definitely some more subtle hints and stuff to work with still and it was actually quite fun to compile them (i took the in-depth part to heart as always sorry anon).
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Hey can i request
twisted wonderland dormleaders x GN!reader who is like yuuka kazami from touhou project
-fujiwara no anon
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Yuuka Kazami Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
The flora bends to your will even when you're commencing in nefarious activity. And of course, the boys are all for it, as long as it brings you closer together. That is if you can stay awake long enough to complete anything:
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Riddle Rosehearts
“It is against the rules to do that! I will bring an end to your reign of flowers.”
He prides himself on keeping you in line
No matter how hard you make his heart pump
He may or may not be coloring those who express romantic interest
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Leona Kingscholar
“Finally someone who knows the merit of a good nap.”
You two are the perfect match 
Spending classes napping in the botanical garden
You like plants anyway right
He’ll remember that for when he takes you home+
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Azul Ashengrotto 
“Surely you’d be willing to sign a simple contract with me, for our plan to go perfectly?”
He’s delighted to lure work with you in whatever nefarious plans you have
If it means he gets to be closer to you 
It’s worth it 
And he’s not exactly fond of getting on your bad side
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Idia Shroud
“Awww (Y/n) looks so cuddly on the camera!”
He watches dutifully on his plethora of cameras as you walk the grounds of NRC with your umbrella
If he weren’t the genius he was it’d be impossible to keep you 
or at least keep others away
Surely some robotic bugs are a given considering your plants
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Kalim Al Asim
“Wow, that’s so cool! Maybe you can make some plants in the Scolding Sands!” 
Of course, all smiles when you show your magic 
And he’s even more thrilled when you have a hard time leaving Scarabia because of the sun
Don’t worry he’ll give you plenty of water enough to survive
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Malleus Draconia
“How invigorating, I can do the same.”
Cue him covering the entirety of Ramshackle with bristly briars
And if he finds that your amount of power is similar to his
He will delight in testing each of your abilities
Eventually leaving it to him to show just how much more powerful different
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Vil Schoenheit
“Huh? Oh no!”
“Is that a carnivorous plant your feeding?! In that outfit?!”
He doesn’t mind that you covered the entirety of Ramshackle in vines and whatnot
But he does have a problem when you prefer to hole up in there than spend time with him
Not to worry 
Nothing a weakening potion doesn’t fix
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wyrmmaster · 2 months
Discussing Blue Archive Lore and going progressively insane has been an experience. The Mystics, for example:
Each academy has its thing, right. Abydos is ancient Egyptian pantheon, Trinity is Christianity (+English/Irish/Scottish myth), Gehenna are the 72 demons, Valkyrie and SRT are Norse, Hyakkiyako is Japanese myth, and so on. So it's easy to establish a framework: "They're representative of cultural figures from x place".
You have the ones that are Obvious: Shiroko is Anubis, Hoshino is Horus, Mika is the Archangel Michael, Seia is Gabriel, Hina is Baal, Wakamo is Tamamo no Mae, Niya is Ootakemaru, Kazusa is Cath Palug, Ako is Astaroth, among others
Then you have the ones that are "Obvious" as in "probably": Serika as Bastet, Saori as Lucifer, Nonomi as Nephtys, Nagisa as Uriel, Suzumi as Sariel, Koharu as Metatron, Hasumi as Sandalphon, Hinata as Jegudiel, Kanna as Odin, Miyako as Mimir, and so on.
Now you start getting a little out there, as you have to expand your the concept of "figure from x place" to "the concept from x place".
Shit like "well, Rin's family name is Nanagami, "Seven Gods", she's currently the highest authority at least on paper, so what if she's The Seven Holy Names of God per Jewish faith? If we assume the GSC President was capital G monotheistic God it'd make even more sense" "What if she's the seven heavenly virtues instead?" "Also possible but I think it's the former".
Then you get to fucking Millenium.
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"Yuuka's halo is a simple perfect circle that looks artificial. Her birthday is 3/14. She is insanely good at math. She's pi. Stop laughing. Look at her twintails. π. Come on, keep up."
"Rio is either the Theory of Relativity both as a relation to Himari's potential Quantum Theory of Light and as an important foundation of our concept of physics, which would fit with her being MIllenium's president OR as she's the President of Millenium and created the city of Eridu, she's supposed to be the Sumerian Deity Enki, God of creation, knowledge, and water and patron deity of the ancient city Eridu." "Maybe she's both." "SHE'S PROBABLY BOTH, THANKS."
"Himari could be the Quantum Theory of Light in relation to Rio - being a more modern and complete concept, or she could be Isaac Newton, who had a mild obsession in the paranormal, like her." "What if she's also got a Mesopotamian-" "It'd be Ishtar, both because of her antagonism towards Enki in some myth her interest in the stars and as a riff on her whole conceit about her beauty. Further backed up by Eimi being her assistant that handles all the physical work, making her the Bull of Heaven. Eimi even had horns in her concept art." "Someone just put forth Euler's Identity, because it's considered a representation of mathematical beauty, like a sonnet is for poetry."
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"The Game Development Department are Eroge Company references. Yuzu is Yuzusoft, Aris is Alicesoft, and the Saiba twins are Cyberworks's Wendybell and Tinkerbell. We can maybe assume that's just what they are." "Oh, thank god something stupid to end this post on-" "Aris's whole universally loved hero thing with an almighty weapon integral in saving the world might make her Gilgamesh-" "FINE OUR DAUGHTER IS GILGAMESH."
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the-weirdos-mind · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland: Azul Ashengrotto x Reader: Do We Have A Deal?
A mafia AU. Slight mentions of violence and blood
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Getting yourself tied into the underground world is something no sane person would wish upon their worst enemy. For the insane it’s a life that you could thrive in. If you knew how to survive with the underworld and have the skills, you will be alright. You never wanted anything to do with any of the seven mafias that plagued the city you called home. You just wanted to run your cafe known as Ramshackle and live a life as normal as you can.
You should’ve known that the universe would decide otherwise. It had started as a normal day, business was steady and you were doing what you can to help the three other employees, Yuuken, Yuuka, and Yuuta. The first two worked as servers while the other one worked as the cook. Yuuta would also make the rest treats as a show of gratitude. At the end of the day you were in your office, going through paperwork that you had put off in order to help in the cafe. Your leg bouncing on the ground as you went through paper after paper. Notice after notice. Business has been really slow lately and the bank is threatening to shut you down. A knock came on the door. “Come in.” You said, not even looking up.
Yuuka came into the room, her dark eyes showing concern and worry. “(Y/N), there’s someone here to see you.” She said.
“I can’t see anyone right now I ha—”
“You really need to come out, it’s someone important.”
The tone she used made you finally look up from the pile of papers. One look at her and you can tell that it’s something that can’t wait. You stood from your seat. “Who’s here?”
“It’s best to see for yourself.”
You followed her out to the dining area and froze in your place when you saw the unexpected guests. There were three men, two looked identical with their teal hair, dark grey streaks, heterochromia brown and yellow eyes and an earring on one ear with teal gems dangling. Where one had one unique feature in the place, the other had the opposite. The other had silver-gray hair, thin glasses that framed the same colored eyes.
One of the identical men had Yuuken pinned against the wall by his throat. “You’re looking like you really need a squeeze.” He said, a sadistic smile that revealed sharp teeth on his face. He let out a laugh, having fun in making the poor man’s life flash before his eyes. Yuuta was being held by the shoulder by the other twin by his shoulder. He wanted to help but the grip on his shoulder would tighten
“Unless your friend gets the boss, then you won’t be let down soon.” The other one said.
“Now, now Jade and Floyd.” The smaller man said. “There’s no need for violence but this is a special case. He did rudely tell us to go as they’re closed but I really must speak with the owner. It’s important.”
‘Of course they’re here.’ You thought. The don of the Octavinelle mafia Azul Ashengrotto, and his most loyal men, Jade and Floyd Leech. “Let them go.” You said. The three heads turned towards you and the don smiled. They were clearly pleased to see you.
“Ah, (Y/N), you’re finally here. It’s so nice to see you.” Azul said, greeting you like you were old friends. You didn’t buy into the persona he put on. He signaled Floyd to let the man and he did so, albeit begrudgingly. His fun was interrupted. Jade had already let Yuuta go the moment you spoke.
“What do you want? I don’t appreciate my employees being threatened in that manner or any manner in fact.” You said. You crossed your arms over your chest, feeling aggravation rise.
“Please take a seat. You’ll want to sit down for this.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed the nearest chair at the closet table and plopping into it. “Just spill, I’m not in the mood for any games.”
“Of course.” He sat down across from you. “I want a partnership with this lovely cafe.”
Alarms started ringing in your head. Whenever Azul made a partnership with a small business, he ends up putting the original owner into debt and him taking control of the business. He’s taken so much businesses from other hard working entrepreneurs and now owns a good amount of the city. It’s his rise for total control.
“I’m sorry what?”
“You heard me. The answer is no and it will always be. You can come back here a hundred times and still get the same answer.”
“But I assure—“
“Leave. I won’t say it again.”
You stood up and pointed to the door. There’s no way that you’re partnering up with that slimy octopus. You’re not interested in getting into debt and losing the only home you’ve ever known. The silvered hair male had a dark look in his eyes as he stood up from his seat.
“Alright. I’ll go but know you’ve made a grave mistake in turning me down. I’ll get what I want from you one day.” Azul said.
“Can’t I just give the shrimp a squeeze?” Floyd asked. A manic smile grew on his face. “The little shrimp is in need of one.” He let out a chuckle thinking about crushing your bones to bits.
“No Floyd. We best take our leave.” The three left with Floyd grumbling about not getting to squeeze anyone. You watched them walk down the sidewalk until you couldn’t see them anymore. Once you were sure they were gone, you turned to the three employees who were staring at you shell shocked. While you talked to Azul, Yuuka had gotten Yuuken into a chair so he could catch his breath. Yuuta had gone and got him a glass of water to calm the other’s nerves.
“Do you know what you just did?!” Yuuka yelled. “You’ve just painted a target on your back! Those that turned Azul down are never seen or heard of again.”
“I know the risks of getting into a contract with him. I don’t want everything that I built from the ground up in his hands. If something happens you three won’t be affected by the chaos. I’ll be sure of it.”
Things had been getting out of control after that night. Whenever you come into work to open up shop, you find many surprises. It ranges from a chair being out of place to threatening messages written on your wall and questionable splatters on the floor or wall. At times those splatters are on both. You couldn’t tell what liquid it could be but a gut feeling was saying blood. You were quick to get things back to normal and cleaned up before the others arrived. You didn’t want them to worry about this. A part of your mind was telling you that you can’t hide it forever but the part that believes you can drowns it out.
It’s not until you came into work that you realized how grave the situation is becoming. The first thing you noticed when you walked up to the shop was the broken windows. You thought it was from some kids who got out of hand but when you unlocked the door and went inside, you felt the blood drain from your face. The furniture was turned over and broken. Wood splinters mixed with the broken glass and ceramics on the ground. On the wall was something that you would never forget, dried bloodied hand prints with a message in dried up blood.
We’re Coming For You
You pulled out your phone and took pictures of it. Then you called the three to tell them not to come into work. You called the police and had them come over to investigate. After the police did what they needed to do, you thanked them and sighed. Fear now flooded through your veins as you thought about who would be after you. You thought it was the Octavinelle mafia but then dismissed it. This wasn’t Azul’s style for getting revenge as you heard. From what you heard is that he makes his demands higher and higher until it’s impossible for pay him back, for those with contracts. For those without contracts he keeps showing up and offers bribes.
“My, my this is unfortunate.” A voice said. You turned around and saw Azul standing outside, peering in from a broken window.
“Go away Azul.” You said. “I’m not in the mood to deal with you.”
“I’m not here for any business reasons. I’m here simply because I saw the damage. Would you like any help?”
You rolled your eyes. “No. Just go.”
The man didn’t listen to you and simply walked in the building. He closed the door behind him and walked behind the counter. “(Y/N), it’s clear that someone has a grudge against you. Why I know not, but what I do know is that you’re in serious danger.” He spoke with a serious tone and serious glint in his eyes. He looked at the writing on the wall. “A poor unfortunate soul like you shouldn’t have to deal with this while dealing with debt. Of course, I can help you with that.”
“By forcing me into a contract? I won’t let you take everything away from me!”
He looked back at you. “I promise that I won’t do that. What I will offer you in return is protection and customers. I’ll tell people to come here and it’ll raise your business. You wouldn’t want the bank to close this place down right?” He had you there. You need money to keep business afloat. You watch as he pulled out a golden scroll, a feathered pen, and a vial of ink. “If you make a partnership with me, I’ll generously help you out.”
You watch as he set everything down on the counter. You knew you shouldn’t but bills are getting really expensive and you could use the help. “I have one condition. If I sign Yuuken, Yuuka, and Yuuta won’t be involved and know nothing about this. I promised them that I’ll keep them out of this and I intend to keep it.”
“You have my word. I’ll go ahead and add it in the contract.”
He dipped the pen in the vial and scribbled down the terms you added. He held the pen out to you. You sighed as you walked over to the counter and took the pen from his hands. You looked down at the contract and signed with a heavy heart. What you didn’t know was Azul was watching with a victorious smirk on his face.
He always gets what he wants.
Tags: @adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @anxious-twisted-vampire @achy-boo @abyssthing198
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occasionaltouhou · 3 months
Eiki x Yukari. Is this anything?
i wonder a lot about how eiki would judge yukari. one of the few ties between them is actually yukari saying that she wants to leave when she suspects eiki is showing up; given that yuyuko immediately follows up by comparing yukari to the sinful violet cherry blossoms, the implication is that both yukari and yuyuko suspect that eiki would judge her negatively
but like. what if she doesn't? what if she's judged positively? what if the creation of gensokyo was justified for humans and youkai alike? or what if it's a step further? youkai are judged as youkai, humans are judged as humans. what if yukari fails her judgement as a youkai? it's possible. yuuka was found wanting, and she's a really youkai-like youkai, so it's likely yukari could be too.
what would happen if eiki judged that yukari simply wasn't as bad as she thinks she is?
or even more - eiki likes gensokyo. she likes the people of gensokyo. she wants to help them. what if the mirror judges yukari one way, and she decides to reject that decision? at what point do the ends justify the means? what is right, really? gensokyo is artificial, but it's not unnatural. there's a lot of ways it could go. thank you for a really interesting prompt, i know that you were thinking about the ship but i'm really rotating this in my mind right now
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rosuuu · 9 months
Beyond the Music Room- Chapter 6: Academia White
TWST Idol AU x Reader (Twisted Idolland)
CW- Epel curses once (1), Vil being angsty kinda?, Yuu is a separate character from [name] (Yuuken & Yuuka), (Y/N) has been changed to [name]
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The crunch of snow. the background noise of useless, meaningless chatter. And the crisp smell of the apple scented perfume they had been gifted so long ago.
This was [name]’s bleak and dull routine. Completed with smiles that never quite met their eyes. The uniform they wore, the scarf they donned it was all usual. The only think unusual was that person’s absence
It was one of those days. The kind of day where you’re always too cold but too hot simultaneously. It’s an uncomfortable sort of humid day where you can’t help but feel the weather align with your ‘darker’ thoughts.
These days are the result of an already irritable individual and an unfortunate coincidence. [name] hated these days most of all however. When you convince yourself you’ll be fine and some as simple as the weather ruins that. It’s one of those horrible days that overstimulate your very soul.
Y/n let a sigh escape their lips as they walked side by side with their ‘friends’. They weren’t as close to them as they were with Epel but they were all [name] had left at this point. They thought that they’d better be grateful for at least this much.
Regardless they just couldn’t wait to go home. A horrible thought with the realization that they were only just on their way to school. It was unbearable, they felt utterly drained and if they could just shut their eyes for a moment they felt as if they would wake up hours later. And though an oh-so tempting idea they had to get to school.
Opting for a long drawn out blink they observed the cold, brisk wind tossle uncomfortably with their hair. Before opening they’re eyes once more they confined walking a bit. They’d don’t this sort of thing multiple times so why now did they bump into something.
Forcing their eyes to open they gazed up at the obstacle only to be met by a tall man wearing a uniform.
“Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Ah it’s alright-“
“Hey hurry up we’re gonna be late at this point Enma!”
“[name]! Hurry up we’re running behind already!”
Letting a drawn out sigh escape from their lips [name] turned to face the man again.
“That’s me, I’ll see you around I guess.”
Without a second to waste they turned from the man and lightly jogged to catch up with whoever had called for them. they still felt indifferent about their feelings and hated it. Indifference was a disgusting feeling to them at the moment. But they’d need to endure it no matter how they felt.
Be it due to current events or just the fatigue. And not to get cynical but it was the opposite of love after all. Even so [name] knew that regardless of what they were thinking they had things to do. The wake up call they experienced from bumping into someone somehow became energy to at least make it to 3:00.
Back between the man and the person who had called for him a conversation ensured
“Was that them?”
The man turned towards the voice before wordlessly confirming the question.
“Well it seems like was have our work cut out for us then, huh.” The girl turned towards [name]’s retreating form. Shifting her wight to her left leg and placing her gloved hands on her slender waist.
“I suppose we do, Yuuka” The man replied calmly before turning and advancing in the same direction [name] had previously gone.
“Come on the headmaster must already be anticipating our arrival.”
“I’ll see you after class, [name]!” One of names friends called out towards them. Name was required to meet with their Physics teacher, Miss Anna this morning instead of attending their regular Language Arts class with their friends.
[Name] turned and replied, a faint smile gracing their lips “You too, Staris”
Diverging from the path they had formerly walked. The sluggish student dragged themselves to their locker straining their memories to remember their combination and slamming the narrow walls open. Hyper focused eyes scan the walls in dissarray and can’t help but gaze upon one specific section.
Clad with tape sticky tack and magnets like a stationary war zone were printed off Polaroids of a life now discarded. A life they should of abandoned long ago but still so desperately held onto. This was too much, this needed to end when would such a wretched day conclude.
With misplaced fervor the door is hastily slammed shut as they once again, turn their back on their precious past.
Confirming the time on the clock mounted on the wall the drained student decided on their next move.
It was a uncomfortable morning and they had to be in class soon however AP Physics didn’t exactly sound appealing on an empty stomach.
letting out yet another sigh their feet turned in the position of the cafeteria.
With their newly purchased Apple juice in their left hand as well as a cookie baggie secured to the outside of the chilled bottle with their pointer finger the student grabbed the door handle and twisted it open just as the bell had rang.
“Nice of you to join us, Name”
Shifting their focus to the voice that had spoken beyond the now ajar door they’re eyes land on the three individuals standing before the class. First of all was The ever-present Miss Anna.
Miss Anna (short for Anastasia) is [name]’s kind but Stern Physics teachers. She has medium length red hair that was commonly secured with a bow. She wore a white blouse with a green ribbon (to match the one in her hair) as well as a dark grey skirt.
“But of course, pleasure’s mine” The student strained their smile as they uttered their reply. It wasn’t that they didn’t like Miss Anna it was just that they were particularly drained today a fact they couldn’t seem to stress enough.
As Miss Anna replied to [name]’s words, the students eyes were elsewhere. With eyes averted towards the 2 individuals standing beside Miss Anna they conducted their observations.
The guy was kind of bulky and seems to be some kind of athlete, he had an undercut with dark hair and an fairly large frame that would tower over that person especially. He wore some kind of uniform that although familiar to [name] they were unable to pinpoint from where. They also noticed that this was the same man they had previously bumped into
The girl beside him was unfamiliar to name though. they could only assume that she was the one who’s voice had called for him earlier by the name ���Enma’. The girl was about an inch or two shorter than the man. She was slender but still relatively built. She was rocking a pixie bob haircut with onyx black hair as well as a few peircing and an uniform that matched her companion’s.
Despite their appearances the guy seems to be kind enough while the Girl reminds me in a way as a sly fox.
Just as [name] had finished their (thorough) investigation Miss Anna noticed their focus. “Oh I’ve almost forgotten, These two beside me are none other than Enma Yuuken and Yuuka Hirasaka.” The teacher finished.
[Name] paused those 2 names were definitely ones they’d heard of before but they were unable to pinpoint from where. It was a similar case with the uniforms they were wearing and [name] was convinced on their relation.
Miss Anna answered their questions almost as quickly as they had manifested in [name]’s mind.
“They’re in charge of all of TWST Entertainment’s Exchange Events, In fact, it’s the reason I called for you this morning I’m sure you’ve figured out what this is about already!”
But [name] hadn’t pieced together what was going on so Instead they just stood still and stared at their teacher and their silence resonated through the empty classroom
“Well you did apply didn’t you?” Miss Anna’s words were accompanied by her nervous laughter.
“Excuse me?” [name]’s voice shook slightly at the Teacher’s words
The boys dull violet eyes fixated on the illuminated screen in front of him. He leaned his head against the cool surface of the table, resuming his activity. Epel’s slightly calloused fingers (result of many gruelling hours of dance practice) absentmindedly swiping to the left every so often. As a new image would appear for him to focus on he would once more let a sigh out.
More and more the the tension grew between his uncomfortable position against the desk and the emotional turmoil he was experiencing. How foolish he had been. After all those years he couldn’t understand how this was a reasonable end to all their time together. Once again adjusting his position the boys finger slipped up double tapping on the pictures he was previously observing.
“Ahhhh shit…”
The space of the dark room was not familiar. Nothing in this place was. And as such he had adopted this horrible habit of skipping practice every so often he felt overwhelmed. Switching apps and closing out of ten Magicam application he moved onto veiw his phone albums. The boy continued scrolling and he reminisced on memories that once held priority over him. As his tired frame scanned the screen a faint smile reached his face before a kind slam interrupted his thoughts
As quickly as the purple haired boy could utter his confusing the click of heels resonated through the room. The sound Epel had become familiar with despite the short amount of time he’d been acquainted with the perpetrator. The click continued for a few more paces before they paused and long, manicured fingers forcefully parted the curtains
“Ah, it’s light?” Epel’s shocked form sprang up at the intrusion of the sunrise dyed illumination
“Epel, dear what are you doing in here, and goodness what happened to you? Rook and I have been looking everywhere!”
The voice that had became a thorn in Epel’s side belonged to none other than that of Vil. Vil Schoenheit who viewed vanity above all else. Above emotions or friendships and perhaps over his own feelings. Though it was hard to blame him, his surname meaning beautiful had carved his path for him long before he was born. Epel knew of this but his apprehension was still present
With long strides Vil efficiently made his way towards Epel. Grabbing onto the shorter male’s upper arm and pulling him upwards. Epel groaned as his sore muscles stretched beyond what he had allowed recently as Vil ignored his yelps as usual. With Epel now on his feet Vil wasted no time with dragging Epel towards the doorway.
“ We’re running a bit behind schedule now, we the choreographers added a few new changes to the choreo so we must learn that immediately.”
“Listen Vil I’m really not in the mood right no-“
The petite boy was abruptly cut off when perfectly managed hands rushed to cup (squish) Epel’s cheeks side to side to preform an inspection. Epel’s under eyes were baggy and raw a result of his fustrated rubbing of the tender skin. His hair was a bit messy from his constant tossing through his feel hours of rest and his uniform wrinkled beyond a margin that Vil would have allowed
“To the seven, you could carry our merchandise in the bags under your eyes. Your hair is unkept and frankly lazy. Are you even using the skincare we bought!?” Vil ranted desperately trying to get through to Epel.
Vil’s calculative eyes observed Epel's form with with scrutiny, he knew he was not mistaken with the overwhelming potential he saw in the younger boy but honing such potential proved difficult. The more he stared at Epel the more flaws he found. Blame it on his compulsive perfectionism but he couldn't help that think that he had mistaken such a spark. As it is Epel's current form was not suited for a member of Pomefiore.
Vil’s words were always vain and blunt. His image was perfect and clean the splitting image of what many would regard as perfection. The same perfection that was expected of Epel now. that spark these people had seen in This only made Epel’s that had caused his departure from a simpler, dare he say better life. All these factors only made Epel’s already apparent irritation grow.
“God what is wrong with you people!” Epel’s voice resonated throughout the otherwise quiet room and throughout the halls beyond it before either of them could think. “It’s always ‘dance practice at 6’ or ‘vocal training at 2’ can’t I catch a damn break or something!?” Epel harshly ripped himself away from Vil’s grasp.
Epel was sure he meant his words. That he knew of course that these were truly his feelings. However he was also certain his execution was affected by the adrenaline brought forth from his emotions currently pumping through his veins. The boy winced at his harsh execution of words preparing himself for another of Vil’s infamous scoldings. Perhaps this one would be about his blatant ignorance of his ettiquite lessons. Though such a response didn’t come.
Instead the Queen of beauty slowly stepped back, clearly taken aback by Epel’s words. Vil watched silently as Epel walked towards the desk he was previously at and harshly sat down wood scrapping against words in an irksome sound. “Care to leave me alone now?” Epel’s voice slightly quivered as he experienced the loss of adrenaline.
Vil let a silent exhale escape his glossed lips slowly but confidently moving to lean against the window sill beside Epel’s claimed desk. With his long form leaning back stabilized by his arms Vil’s stared and observed the small dust particles swaying through the air. His eyes taking in the beauty of the skylight displaying the early morning riding sun’s display. Before opening his mouth once more and steadily confessing his thoughts.
“I know how you feel, Epel.” Vil’s words came as a shock to Epel. And furthermore, I’m fully aware that I’m nothing than that of a tyrant striving for perfection in your eyes.” Vil paused raising on of his hands up in front of his eyes obscuring the bright light and shining upon his hands instead. The tragedy spoke again. “But let me ask you Epel, what choice do I have at this point?” Epel could’ve sworn he recognized a look of regret in Vil’s eyes. Accompanied by the glassy look that Epel could easily pinpoint.
The blonde closed his eyes and the opened them once more. With each and every motion he could veiw upon a glimpse of his old self, filled to the brim with happiness and youth. Dropping his hand to rest in his lap Vil slightly lowered his gaze before glancing at Epel with a defeated look on his face. As the window light graced the side of his head before he spoke again.
“Epel, I have sacrificed so much of my life for this dream of mine. A dream so faraway I find it difficult to place. So even if you have to grit your teeth in anger at me. I see a light inside of you, And I’m sure that they saw it too.” Vil slightly gestured to Epel’s phone and the youth straightened up.
“As idols we must become the guiding light that makes our fans look at us fondly. Regardless of what happens and how we feel we’re forced to keep it up and I know it’s not easy when you start. But even so. I ask of you Epel, to find your smile and become someone who the fans will look at fondly, If you could do that much than my wish could too be granted. And if not for the fans or even that of my wish than do it for yourself, as well as your own dreams and ambitions.”
“And If that’s not enough; think of that person that you gaze at so fondly. And do it for them”
“But what exchange event? And more importantly I don’t remember signing up for anything like this.”
The student frantically pleaded with them as the limosine steadily cruised towards their destination.
“Of course we know that.”
“Then why” the student was growing more irritable by that seconds
“We can’t tell you that yet but-“ Yuuka sly expression widened as took a lollipop from the limousine’s bar
The limosine stops as the doors are opened to display a grand campus
“I’m sure we won’t need to worry about you finding that out for yourself”
Beyond the Music Room- Chapter 6: Academia White
TWST Idol AU x Reader (Twisted Idolland)
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Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Author’s note~
Sorry for being absent did you guys miss me? 🫶🏾
Also I turn 15 in 5 days 🤭
Taglist! (Ask or Dm to be added or Removed
@sunnyshineblaze @lionar0und @cupids-chamber
@hearts-like-iron @raix-lv @lucian-kinnder
@lynihana @otaku-explosion @kiriesdreamworld
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gloomyswritings · 8 months
in your dreams | satoru gojo x fem!reader
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warnings : none
notes : season two/high school gojo. a lil something in between my joshua fic. not proofreading this or anything since it’s just a quick little fic. lil angsty bonus because i can’t resist.
“He’s totally dreamy though ______.” Your coworker sighed dreamily as she stocked the shelves with various beauty products. You groaned rolling your eyes, “Dreamy? Yeah, no. Yuuka don’t get involved with Satoru he’s a playboy.” You warned her furrowing your brows.
“Yeah you only say that because you go to school with him. You have some bias against him.” Yuuka muttered as she stood to her feet flattening the cardboard box, “Anyways I’ll be back. I’m gonna take the trash out to the recycle bin keep an eye on the store.” She sighed before walking away finally leaving you in peace. Generic pop music echoed through the empty cosmetics store but you didn’t mind the lack of customers, it was nice to not have to deal with people. You hummed quietly to yourself as you continued stocking the shelves. When the doorbell chimed signaling a customer coming in.
“Hello welcome to-“ you began to greet them when your eyes landed on the familiar set of fluffy white hair.
“Continue on.”
Nope. You turned your attention back to stocking the shelves. “Aw come on ______ don’t be like that.” Your frenemy whined coming closer to you. Your face scrunched up. God even his voice was grating!
“What the hell do you want Satoru?” You finally snapped turning to face him. You placed your hands firmly on your hips staring up at him. Satoru smirked and held his hand out, a plastic bag dangling in his finger tips. “Got you lunch. Scratch that got us lunch.” He said that stupid sly smile playing on his lips. You wanted so badly to slap that stupid look off his face. “I didn’t ask you to do that. Why do you always insist on bothering me everywhere I go? You annoy me at school and now you come harass me at work. What are you a stalker or somethin’? Go bother Suguru.” Your voice was laced with pure annoyance but it seemed to only fuel the white haired sorcerer even more.
He reached out a finger booping you on your nose, “I’m your stalker ______. Just can’t get enough of ya.” He smoothly said only causing you to scoff even more. “When’s your lunch break? I’m pretty hungry so hurry up.” He said. You rolled your eyes, “When Yuuka gets back.” You snapped. His bright blue eyes widened, “The tall blonde one?” He asked. You nodded. She’s pretty hot but I’m not into gyarus. I prefer my women to be sorcerers just like you, ______.” He sounded so serious which caused your face to heat up but he quickly began to laugh loudly clutching his stomach, “Aw your face got all red. I love when you get all shy.” He laughed. Before you could yell at him Yuuka came in she practically squealed when she saw who was beside you. “Gojo hi! You’re back! Did you come to see me?” She shyly asked fidgeting with her fingers. Gojo winked, “Of course I did. Id love to spend more time with you but ______ made me bring her lunch so next time I owe you a date.” He smoothly said. Such a player. You thought annoyedly, snatching the plastic bag out of Gojo’s hand you began to walk towards the back of the store, “Yuuka I’m going on lunch. I’ll be back in like an hour. Come on Satoru.” You muttered the white haired boy following close behind you excitedly.
Sitting on top of the brick flower bed you crossed your legs pulling out the food from the plastic bag. Satoru watched eagerly as he sat across from you, “Got you your favorite. McDonald’s.” He said, “Did I get your order right?” He asked curiously watching as you opened the box of chicken nuggets. You pretended to examine the nuggets and fries closely before slowly taking a sip of cola then you nodded, “Hmm I suppose you did get my order right. Good boy.” You laughed softly. “See I know you so well. It’s almost like I’d make the perfect boyfriend?” He asked wiggling an eyebrow as he took a bite of his burger. He looked so proud of himself for getting your order right without asking, it was almost cute? Pfft yeah right.
“Boyfriend to who? Me? Yeah no in your dreams.” You laughed. Satoru pouted, “Come on ______. You know you want me. We’ve known each for other for like ten years? So why don’t we make it official.” He whined. It seemed like an on going situation between you and him, him constantly asking to be your boyfriend. It wasn’t like you actually hated him you did like him but it was complicated.
“I’d rather not get caught up in Gojo clan affairs seems to stressful. Plus I told you I’d rather not date a sorcerer too stressful wondering if they’ll die or somethin.” You mumbled avoiding his intense gaze. “Luckily for you my dear lovely future girlfriend that I’m the strongest sorcerer to live so you never have to worry about me dying. You can go become a housewife or something while I take care of you never even have to interact with the clan.” Satoru said leaning closer to you. Sighing you looked up at him, “Meh maybe one day I’ll consider it. Might have to convince me more.” You smirked. Satoru chuckled shaking his head, “God you want me to play the long game huh? Fine I’ll play your games.” He returned your smirk. It was nice to have someone like Satoru in your life despite how obnoxious he was at times.
You fell to your knees sobbing face buried in your hands. “Satoru…Satoru..” you choked out in between sobs. He was gone and it was Itadori’s fault or so you found yourself blaming. He was just a kid but you felt like if Satoru had never taken a liking to him he’d still be here today. Maybe if you stopped Suguru all those years ago this wouldn’t of happened. Maybe if you were stronger you could of saved him. It was too late now you’d never become Satoru’s stupid housewife.
So many scenarios rushed through your head all the what’s ifs. Maybe if you accepted his proposal he would of retired and you’d be raising a family together now. It wasn’t fair and you’d never be able to see him again.
You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, “______ come on now your bleeding a lot.” Shoko’s gentle voice broke you out of your thoughts. She was right you were drenched in blood from your injuries. The brunette held her hand out as she gently pulled you to your feet, “Satoru wouldn’t wanna see you like this. He’ll be fine. He’ll find a way out.” She offered you a weak smile which you returned giving her a nod. “Y..yeah Shoko.” You coughed out.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
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— THE CONCUBINE GAME !! ♡. Synposis ; After many months of persuading, the emperor, Y/N L/N had finally agreed to take in a select few concubines and consorts—not an official partner.. but concubines. This caused an uproar in court; however the emperor promised to choose an official partner; amongst the crowd of concubines and consorts.. Who will the emperor choose?
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— Themes ; Harem / historical au , Twisted wonderland , multiple characters x reader , royalty au , includes rsa + yuuka/yuuken. ♡ . • . will contain suggestive themes.
ꕟ Notes ; I'll try to research for this but I really just want to experiment around with this, I have an idea in mind for the plot and this may go on for quite a few parts, so prepare for a long read. This isn't a smau, since phones didn't exist back then.
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ꔁ Profiles ; Harem entries ; Accepted reports ; To be confirmed ; ♡
♡. chapter one
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— taglist ♡ ; @corvids-treasure-box , @queerlordsimon , @treytheslay , @syl-lithy , @liris--noir , @dxmoness , @oogly-oogly , @ravenlking ,@sarah22447 , @merurishi , @gyarunie , @nerdy-simp-7120 , @love-sicklesbian , @islander-posts , @the-dumber-scaramouche , @lunavixia , @senpaiofotome , @sophiethewitch1 , @voasprofile , @dotster001 , @aviagax , @eriislost , @twst-writer , @the-fox-of-the-eclipse , @yandere-kou , @achy-boo , @deathbunnyluv , @despairingy-obsessed , @tiyoin , @mirai-in-the-headspace , @novaloptr , @rose-the-witch1 , @kazusardines , @silvery-stars-above , @aromantic-disaster , @alby-rei , @doomcandy , @shionin ,
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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