Hi! You can answer this whenever you like ^^
I want to ask if you could also make more scenarios for characters, other than Ace, having a mishap in Ramshackle’s weirdness (with ???!Yuu maybe coming to the rescue or not)
You could do the rest of the first years or the characters you think would have interesting interactions with the rules/creatures in Ramshackle ٩(^o^)۶
???!Yuu [ft. The First Years]
Ace Trappola and the 20-sided Dice
He found this peculiar little dice when he was walking around Ramshackle, looking for the Red Door again.
He was just really curious about the different versions of the Yuus that he saw from behind the Red Door and wanted to take a closer look.
No, not of them taking a bath! No!
He just wanted to talk to them and all that, alright?!
He was pretty sure he saw a Yuu that looked like Malleus Draconia so he was wondering what was up with that.
But Yuu didn’t help them find the door so now he was left with his own devices.
It didn’t take him long to find a room he was unfamiliar with and in the middle of the room was a glass case with a dice propped on top of a fancy pillow inside of it.
It was pretty easy to take and Ace assumed it was somewhat safe since Ramshackle didn’t do anything to stop him from taking it.
Ace looked at the dice, trying to see what kind of abilities it had since there was no way this thing was just a normal dice especially when he found it inside Ramshackle.
He turned it over with one hand before releasing it down to the floor and watching as it landed on the number 20.
The redhead waited patiently and looked around to see if there was anything dangerous coming after him. 
When he saw nothing, he shrugged and pocketed the dice and resolved to ask what was the dice’s purpose when he sees Yuu later.
Though oddly enough, throughout the day he seemed to find himself eerily… lucky?
There was a surprise pop quiz in class but that got canceled right as they were about to take it, his class got dismissed early so he was able to buy the delicious limited edition bread that was usually always sold out by the time he arrived in the cafeteria, and he even single-handedly carried his team in basketball practice earlier!
It was as if luck was on his side!
Of course Ace, the sharp man he was, immediately realized it was because of the dice’s influence.
He immediately verified this to Yuu but when the Ramshackle prefect heard that they had used the die, they gave him a pitiful look while Grim looked at him with an expression that said ‘are you stupid?’.
Ace: “W…What? Why are you looking at me like I’m a dead man? Shit, don’t tell me this dice is going to take my lifespan away?!”
Yuu: “Not your lifespan, per se… Also, it doesn’t take anything away. Eh, but you might want to buy yourself protective gears and be alert for tomorrow. You know what, it’s better if you don’t go to school tomorrow.”
Ace: “Oi…! What’s going to happen?!”
Grim: “Nyahaha! You’re gonna be extremely unlucky tomorrow! What a stupid human! Why would you use something you found in Ramshackle?”
Yuu: “...Didn’t you also–”
Suffice to say, Ace had a really bad time the next day. He was forced to go to school because Riddle caught him trying to skip classes and collared him. And for some reason, things were falling from the sky out of nowhere and hitting him square in the head but good thing he had a helmet on or else he’d already have a concussion over his concussion. There were also surprise quizzes on his classes for topics he didn’t study for, ALL his classes! Even PE! Worst part was, he couldn’t do anything to stop this because he had to wait the whole day out!
The 20-sided Dice: Yes, it’s the DnD dice. Ultimately, it’s harmless when it’s not used. The higher the number one gets, the luckier they become. However, it’s not without its drawbacks because just as how lucky one may get, the more unlucky they become the next day. It’s like having a predetermined amount of luck assigned to you every day and other days ahead. The dice siphons your luck from tomorrow so you can use it at the present time but that means that tomorrow, you’re significantly less luckier. Normally it wouldn’t be noticeable but the higher the number someone gets, the more luck the dice takes from an individual’s tomorrow. It’s just unfortunate that Ace rolled a 20. Heh.
Deuce Spade and the Children’s Show
This happened earlier when he still didn’t know much of the true dangers in Ramshackle.
Although this man sometimes has small brain moments, he knows how to assess danger.
Sometimes, anyway. Because really, remember the Dwarf’s Mine? He really tried to try his luck and play russian roulette with the blot monster just to get a magic stone.
Anyway, this sense of danger mostly only applied to direct physical threats.
So stumbling into Ramshackle’s Lounge and seeing the television was on, he thought nothing of it. 
He assumed Yuu bought a new TV to entertain themselves. 
There didn’t seem to be anything much to do in Ramshackle aside from trying to escape with your life so he gets why Yuu would get a television.
Even if the television switched to a scene of a well with S*dako crawling out of it, Deuce was fairly confident in his ability to fight.
He decided to look and see what the show the television was showing and it was actually a children’s show!
Unfortunately there wasn’t a remote anywhere and the television oddly didn’t have buttons to change the channel so he had no choice but to watch the children’s show that was kind of similar to D*ra the Explorer.
When the cartoon character asked the viewers a question, Deuce would jokingly answer it, not knowing the entity he was luring in.
He didn’t find anything wrong until the television screen showed a cartoonized version of Ramshackle far in the distance. 
That was when Deuce began to feel that something was wrong. He tried to look for the TV’s power plug, only to find that it didn’t have any.
Finally realizing that this thing was an unknown entity, Deuce panicked and began talking to himself on what he should do and inadvertently giving indirect answers to it.
The cartoon character got closer and closer to Ramshackle with each scene, its face becoming more distorted and demented the more it got closer.
That was when Deuce realized that the show’s scene would change if he answered the character’s questions. 
Even joke answers, or any answer for that matter, counted.
So he closed his mouth shut before he could make anything worse for him but at this point it was already too late.
The character had already arrived at the cartoon version of Ramshackle’s front door.
They knocked on the door in the television, asking to be let in, and Deuce heard a series of knocks on Ramshackle’s front door in real life.
It had already arrived…
That was when a ball of flame suddenly headed towards the television and engulfed it in flames.
Deuce heard a high pitched shriek come from the outside as the cartoon character in the television show caught fire and screamed in agony.
He looked at the direction to where the ball of flame came from and saw a grumpy-looking Grim by the doorway.
“Fgnah! You almost tried to invite that thing inside! Be glad I was here before anything could happen!”
The Children’s Show: Yeah, it’s pretty much Am*nda the Adventurer except it’s a television show. Gotta love me some horror and children tropes. Anyway, no one knows the entity’s true form since they hide it behind the cutesy cartoon character in the television. Any type of answers given whenever the cartoon character addresses the viewers counts and it will continue to the next scene. That’s why staying silent is the best option but that doesn’t mean the cartoon character will let this slip by. When they inevitably realize that you find out their true purpose, they won’t hesitate to pull the punches. They’ll use any means to make you answer, whether by taunting you and picking on your insecurities or even creating a cartoon version of your loved ones getting hurt and screaming in pain. The only way to neutralize this entity is to destroy the television. It doesn’t mean it’s gone, just neutralized. It will be back again later with a different cartoon character…
Jack Howl and the… Thing?
He has a good head on his shoulders so he knew not to touch anything in Ramshackle or go into rooms he had never seen before.
Though, just because he’s careful doesn’t really stop the dangers from seeking him instead.
Unlucky for him, it seems that a murderous entity got impatient and forcefully took over control of Ramshackle's layout to trap Jack in a room with it.
Of course, such a crude way of taking control of Ramshackle’s layout definitely wouldn’t escape Yuu’s notice but it seems this entity was betting everything on its life that it would be able to harm Jack before either Yuu or Ramshackle could intervene and bring him out of danger.
Jack couldn’t do a thing but try to evade this… thing, whatever it was… since the door that he had just closed by itself and couldn’t be opened.
Then the room began to expand as Jack turned around to see whatever had just trapped him in the room.
The entity was a monstrous thing. It was disgusting to look at and even more disgusting to smell.
Even when Jack had a bit of distance from it, he could still smell the coppery smell of blood emanating from it.
The thing looked fleshy and had a lot of eyes of different colors and twitching limbs poking out of its body. 
Its flesh seemed to be made of human skin, if the vague shapes and figures of human faces stretched on the surface was anything to go by.
Jack had an ominous conjecture that those limbs and eyes came from the thing’s previous victim and he definitely didn’t want his face to be on there, no thank you.
So Jack did the best thing to do in a situation like this – Run away because he was sure as long as he could get out of this entity’s territory then it wouldn’t be able to chase after him anymore.
The only problem was that despite the entity looking all stout and plump from all the flesh it assimilated, it was still able to almost catch up to him!
Just as the entity was closing the gap between them, a wood beam suddenly burst out of the floor and hit the entity, throwing it out of Jack’s path as it hit the wall.
The door that was locked earlier opened and Jack could see that Yuu was holding the door open while reaching their hand out to him, screaming for him to take their hand.
It seemed that Yuu was struggling to force the door open, which was quite understandable since the entity didn’t want its prey to escape and they were technically playing a game of tug of war with the territory.
Still, looking over his shoulder, Jack could see more wooden beams bursting out from the walls, the floor, and the ceiling as it kept hitting the entity and breaking its momentum from catching up with Jack. This was the first time he had seen Ramshackle at work.
More beams burst out from the walls and created a barrier between the entity and Jack and Yuu.
Finally, Jack could reach out to Yuu and take their hand as he was pulled to safety. The door closed behind him and it disappeared from view. 
“I… huff… I’m so sorry…” Yuu panted, leaning on the wall. “We’ll make sure it… wheeze… won’t be able to… haa… to cause trouble ever again…”
“That’s… huff… great.” Jack replied, also out of breath.
The Thing: A malevolent entity obsessed with assimilating creatures into it. With the amount of mass it’s gained, it must have hunted in Ramshackle for a long, long time now. It actually has a second form where its flesh around its ‘stomach’ area splits open to show the seemingly alive and screaming heads of the previous victims still being digested and assimilated. Current status: pending elimination. :)
Epel Felmier and the Statue Room
Ah, the statue room. 
It’s a relatively harmless room. Relatively harmless unless the entities find you interesting enough to be a part of them, that is.
And that’s what exactly Epel is to them – a potential candidate for their ‘eternal paradise’.
He first stumbled upon the room when they were staying at Ramshackle for VDC practice.
At first he was curious about the statues that he was seeing littered all around Ramshackle when he and the rest of the NRC Tribe were moving in.
The statues were very detailed, like Greek sculptures.
Yuu seemed to have a strained expression on their face as they said, “Ah… Don’t mind them. They shouldn’t be out and about, trying to… recruit… new potentials for their cause.” 
Yuu said it loudly, as if purposely trying to let the statues hear their words.
The next day, the statues were still scattered around Ramshackle but this time their positions and poses changed. Additionally most of them were now inside of Ramshackle.
It was creepy but since Yuu reassured them that the statues were mostly harmless, it was no problem.
That was until Epel woke up in the middle of the night with a parched throat so he got up to get himself a glass of water.
As he opened the door, he was met with a statue pointing down the hallway.
It would be a lie if he said he wasn’t jumpscared to be met face-to-face with the statue but it would also be a lie if he said he wasn’t curious at what it was pointing at.
So he followed the direction down the hall where he saw another statue that was pointing down another hallway.
Realizing that the statues were actually leading him somewhere, he followed the directions they were leading him to and landed himself in the Statue Room.
Unlike the statues scattered outside, the ones inside the room were on pedestals that had plaques with description of the statue on it. 
Not only that but the depictions of the statues in the room were much more gorey as opposed to those scattered outside. 
The descriptions were all brief, something along the lines of: ‘Here lies Eveline, she who never stayed’, ‘Esmeralda, burned as a witch’, ‘L is for Larry who bled and bleed’ and the like.
It didn’t need much description when the emotions the statues exhibited were already telling.
Despite it all, the statues managed to look somehow elegant and beautiful even if the faces the statues expressed were of sadness, anger, or agony.
It was like a museum exhibit in the room and Epel actually enjoyed looking around.
It was all fine until Epel’s sight landed on an empty pedestal. He got curious why that lone pedestal had no statue on it so he looked at the plaque to see the missing statue’s description but…
“Aw hell naw!”
His peewpaw and meemaw ain’t gonna be visiting his statue-fied body if he can help it, thank you very much!
Just as he was about to book it, he found himself surrounded by the statues that were on the pedestals earlier.
And that was how the story of Epel fistfighting the statues in the statue room happened.
The Statue Room: Despite the name and how they look, the entities inside of it weren’t really statues but they definitely act like one. They love passion, beauty, and eternity. They were once humans who wanted to stay as they were for eternity that they were willing to freeze themselves in time forever, whether they were on the brink of death or not. Now they’re just ‘statues’. Although not aggressive or hostile, it was best to stay away from them since they were persistent if they wanted to. It’s more of an minor annoyance for Yuu when they decide to break out of their assigned territory to scout for new people to join them. Still, they were ultimately harmless since the only way for them to successfully recruit people was if those people themselves willingly wanted to be a part of the Statue Room.
Sebek Zigvolt and the Boundary
Sebek didn’t really have any reason to visit Ramshackle but he had heard plenty of the odd things that happened in it.
But as he slowly got integrated into Yuu’s group of friends which mostly consisted of first years, visiting Ramshackle became more and more frequent.
In turn, him encountering whatever logic-defying thing that happened in the weird dorm became more common.
Of course, a sleepover was going to happen one of these days and it did.
And of course, just as Sebek closed his eyes and decided to go to sleep, he suddenly jolted awake and found himself in a white void, surrounded by cloudy smoke that lazily drifted all around.
Sebek was pretty sure he wasn’t the type to sleep-walk so he assumed it was just the Ramshackle shenanigans acting up again.
Still, being in the unknown place didn’t shake him a bit. He knew he could get out of the place, though he didn’t know how exactly.
Just as he was about to take a step forward, a hand landed on his shoulder and Sebek was alarmed but he calmed down when he saw that it was just Yuu, although they seemed to be looking at something past him.
An outburst was bubbling on his throat but Sebek paused when he saw the look on Yuu’s face. 
The pure and raw fear on Yuu’s face was concerning because if something can make Yuu that scared then whatever it was that scared them was very, very dangerous.
“Don’t…” Yuu said in a low voice, almost in a whisper, as they tugged Sebek back. “Don’t go there…”
Sebek let them, noticing the slight shaking of Yuu’s hand but he didn’t comment on it.
Yuu slid their hand down to Sebek’s own and intertwined their fingers as they began to walk backwards, Yuu never taking their eyes off what unseen things Sebek couldn’t see in front of them.
He didn’t say anything but he squeezed Yuu’s hand as a small reassurance to the Prefect.
Slowly, step by step, the surroundings transitioned to the wooden floor and moldy walls of Ramshackle and the two only stopped walking backwards when they couldn’t see the white expanse anymore.
Once they couldn’t see the white void, Yuu allowed themselves to collapse on their knees.
“Never,” They started as Sebek tried to help them up. “Never go past the boundary… please.”
The Boundary: It’s the boundary. Whatever happens outside of it is out of Ramshackle’s control. There are much more terrifying creatures outside than the ones within Ramshackle’s territory. More crueler, more inhumane. Had Sebek taken a step forward, Yuu wasn’t sure they would've been able to retrieve the half-fae’s body to mourn. Glad he didn’t, aye?
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hanavbara · 3 months
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retro haikyuu!! 🧡🏐✨ the complete series!
prints available 💫
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leecheedoodles · 4 months
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Rollinnngggggg thunderrrrrrrrrrrr ✨
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
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I dare you to say I'm wrong.
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egophiliac · 6 months
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bring back zooterkins, the best 17th-century swear word
I don't normally do Just Characters Swearing, but. ...this kind of wrote itself and then wouldn't leave my head. it comes from both a piece of character-writing advice that has always stuck with me, and also my conviction that Leona is 1000% funnier as a character if his dialogue has to stay G-rated. let Kalim say fuck, but don't let Leona say bastard.
(I'm sorry)
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pawnyao · 10 months
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Always an angel never a God
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box-artist · 6 months
The husband and his ugly ass shrimp (you).
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⇥ Reference
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kisa-ownworld · 1 month
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Sebek strikes again!!
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susomel · 2 months
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timeofdeathnote · 2 months
Japan playing the Haikyuu!! theme song after beating Argentina in volleyball is so iconic
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kenchann · 2 months
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some fave book 7 doodles ✪ ω ✪
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GOD Imagine how nightmarish it was for the nrc tribe staying in ???!Yuu's ramshackle dorm during the vdc chapter
I’m surprised by how Yuu even got convinced to let the NRC tribe stay in Ramshackle (Then again, Crowley did like to do anything even without Yuu’s permission) but it happened. Though, at this point, Deuce and Ace already knew their way around the rules so it wouldn’t be difficult for them to maneuver the dorm now. They’re wary but they pretty much know the general rules so they’re relatively safe but then there's the others who still don’t know their way around so they have to be extra careful. They’ve heard of the horrors Ramshackle contained but they never really thought much of it until now.
Though for some reason, Rook takes the rules all in like a fish in water. That being said:
Yuu: “Ramshackle…  Ramshackle, dear, what’s this…? Can you explain and tell me who or what exactly took down that entity that likes to break in whenever it sees an uncovered window?”
Ramshackle: *creak* *creak*
Yuu: “Oh gods, Rook did? He took its place? H…How did he manage to take part in the hierarchy? What is he?”
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el-costae · 4 months
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quick noya-san manga redraw to test out stuff
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ayertrinity · 2 months
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og by @/sweepswoop_ on twitter
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insxmniaxx · 2 months
WARNING ⚠️: Spoilers for TWST Chapter 7!!
Scarabia duo rn:
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anbaisai · 2 months
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I saw this post and immediately knew what I had to do
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