#[ i'll be around here likely cause I don't have much going on besides a family dinner tomorrow ]
spiderwarden · 9 months
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
"Guys!" Nightwing shouted once he and Batman arrived in the main are of the Bat Cave, "I have some fantastic news!"
Bruce pulled his cowl off, his amusement no longer being hidden as he nearly failed to keep from laughing.
Everyone had gathered in the Cave to await the two who'd gone to the Watchtower, so everyone was already there to hear the exclamation. Even Alfred was with them all.
"Calm down, Big Bird," Jason said from his place on the meeting table, "What's going on?"
Dick was bouncing on the balls of his feet, "Can I tell 'em, B? Can I, can I?!"
Bruce chuckled, "I'm not stopping you."
He cheered before turning back to the rest of his family, "They think there's a total of three-" he held up three fingers on his left hand, "-of us operating within Gotham, myself excluded because I'm in Bludhaven."
"Wait," Stephanie called, "They think Batman only has three people helping to cover Gotham? They know we're human, right?"
Dick shook his head, his grin only getting bigger. "Nope! They think Batman only has two sidekicks covering Gotham with him."
This caused everyone to laugh, the humor breaking any seriousness anyone would've tried to control to keep on topic. It was nice, Bruce smiled, to be able to let loose with everyone like this. His family was altogether, spending time with one another, doing things that didn't include head hunts or injuries.
Alfred took his place beside Bruce. "This is nice, isn't it."
"It is."
"You can die a happy man now?"
A chuckle. "You killing me off so soon?"
"Of course not, Master Bruce," He's smirking, "I'm simply stating a fact."
"What're you guys talking about over there?" Tim called. Everyone had gathered at the meeting table to go over final details and slight changes for the set up tomorrow. "C'mon! We've gotta finish putting this all together."
Duke nodded from over his shoulder, "Yeah! New information allows room for some much more fun!"
Jason smirked. "Yeah, old man, Alfred! We want to see if we can get away with switching out with each other. It'll confuse the hell outta the Leaguers."
Bruce raised an eyebrow as he and Alfred joined the kids at the table. "How are you going to pull that off? Despite what you all may thing, the others are all a lot more observant than given credit for-"
"Except the Flash and Green Arrow." Cass cut in.
"Hey!" Dick said, "Don't dis Barry like that!"
"Yeah," Barbra agreed, "And Ollie's whole thing is spotting details. He prides himself on it!"
"If that were true, then we wouldn't be planning on how to mess with them, now would we?"
Tim nodded, "Damian's right."
"As you were saying?" Bruce prompted.
"Well," Jason continued, "You, Damian, and Dick have to be here as Batman, Nightwing, and Robin. They all probably know about me, so I'll stay out of the Cave, but you can bet your ass that I'll be in the Clocktower with Babs, listening in on everything." He looked to Tim and Babs. "Should we set up cameras?"
Tim thought for a second, "If we want to record this, then yeah. I can have them all set up by morning."
"I'll help you set it up before I head out tonight," Barbra agreed.
"Anyway," Stephanie interrupted, pulling the attention to herself, "Tim, Cass, and I could totally get away with running around and messing with their senses and shit. And if we can get Kate and Selina in on this-"
"You've already talked to them, haven't you." Bruce asked. The matching grins on everyone's faces was answer enough. He sighed.
"Having fun," Cass patted his arm, "Bonding."
He snorted. 'Bonding', yeah right. Maybe letting his coworkers be the target of his childrens' whims is a bad idea. Then again, their not hurting anyone. It's all fun in games.
Bruce sat at the head of the table. "Alright. We all know about Superman's ability to hear heartbeats and breathing patterns. He's able to memorize someone's vitals, especially his friends. It's safe to assume he's got mine down, as well as Robin's and Nightwing's."
Damian scoffed. "Changing my vitals will be no issue for me."
Bruce nodded, "Me, either."
Dick nodded along, "Soundseasy enough. But what's the plan?"
"Oracle will call you out for an emergency in Bludhaven. Red Hood will call me out for some information at the docks. We'll met up at the Clocktower and switch costumes." he explained.
Barbra had a manic look on her face. "We should have Steph and Cass stay away from the Cave at first, then have them come in separately, but sharing a costume." SHe turned her attention to the blonde. "You have a spare Spoiler costume, yeah?"
Stephanie matched her grin, "Naturally."
"What about me, Tim, and Damian?" Duke asked.
"How would you and Tim like to be actual bats?" the red head wondered, "Or maybe ghosts?"
"Do we get to mess with shit?" Tim asked.
"I'm in," the two responded.
"Damian will run distraction," Jason said," He'll be the only one who stays with the JL the whole time they're here. Alfred will have to keep cover upstairs. I'll bounce between the Manor, the Clocktower, and patrol."
"Are you quite sure?" Alfred asked, "That's quite a lot to be doing."
"Yeah, I'll be fine," he assured.
Brice cleared his throat. "If everyone's ready?" Looks around the table before nods of affirmation. "Good. Finish up any last minute changes and preparations. They've agreed to meet at the Watchtower at fifteen hundred New Jersey time so that I can bring them here. Damian, I want you to come with me."
"Of course, father."
"Ready? Break."
Part 3 Part 5
Tag List: @sebas-nights
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veritasangel · 22 days
⋆ 。⋆ fem pov ୨୧˚ warnings: none, reader is pregnant, includes younger knight!soap
older knight! simon - one︱two︱three︱four︱five︱six - {wc: 954} - masterlist
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Simon was over the moon the moment he learned that you were pregnant. Every day he fussed over you more than the last. If you so much as sighed he was at your side, asking if you needed anything. Were you comfortable? Was there anything he could do to make things easier for you?
He wouldn't let you lift a finger to do anything. He insisted on cooking meals for you and ensuring the pathways leading from the cottage to the meadow didn't have obstacles that may cause tripping.
"You don't need to be so overprotective," you laughingly tell him when he insisted on carrying even the lightest of things for you.
But Simon would only shake his head, a stubborn look in his eyes. "I do," his voice firm as he speaks. "You are carrying our future with you, our family. I'm not risking this; not now, not ever.”
With time, as your belly swelled with the life inside, Simon's protective instincts grew stronger. He wouldn’t leave you out of his sight for long and would always be hanging around you, ready to jump into action with any slight hint of discomfort. He had gone so far as to join you on walks to the market or to the meadow, his hand clasping yours tightly, reassuring himself of your safety. 
Tender moments had dotted your days, a testimony to your love. Simon is overprotective, at times comical, yet it makes you smile every time. He sat one afternoon by the hearth and read out loud from a letter sealed with the royal crest. You watched as he read, noticing the tightening of his jaw, the way his eyes shadow over in concern.
"What is it?" you asked, you sat up a little straighter, your hand instinctively going to rest on your belly.
Simon looked at you, his expression unreadable for a second or two. Then he let out a sigh, folding the letter. "It’s from the court," he said calmly. "They have decided to assign a personal guard for you, now that news of your pregnancy has surfaced.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A personal guard? But you're an ex-knight, surely you can manage?”
Simon's lips pressed into a thin line. "Apparently, they think that is not enough. They are sending someone named John MacTavish, ‘outstanding’ knight, apparently.”
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Simon didn’t like him from the start.
It was just the thought, at first, of another person being in the protector role. He had been the one to look after you, to take care of you, and this stranger was stepping in, taking his role.
But there was something else, too.
MacTavish was too friendly, too comfortable around you, and Simon could see the way the man's eyes lingered on you, his smile a little too warm.
"Your Majesty," he would say, tone respectful yet with a forced easiness that set Simon's teeth on edge. "Is there anything I can do for you today? Perhaps a walk to the orchard? The weather's perfect for it."
You'd smile back, ever gracious and kind, taking him up on his offer as Simon frowned deeper beside you.
"That won't be necessary," Simon interjected, his voice clipped. "I'll take care of her."
He would only nod, that irritating smile still on his face. "Of course, my lord. But I'm here to help should you need me."
Simon glared at him, the tension between them thick.
"Simon, love." you said softly, steering him away, "he's just trying to help."
"I don't like him," Simon said, his voice taut with barely suppressed anger. "I don't like the way he looks at you, or the way he acts like he's needed here. Hell, he’s not even wanted."
You sighed. "Simon, overreacting won't help anything. Johnny's just doing his job. Besides, he is no threat. He is just here to protect me."
But Simon shook his head, the words inadequate to turn the tide inside him. "You don't understand," he said. "I'm the one that can protect you. The idea that someone else might think they can do it better… it's insulting."
You stood, moving to where Simon had stopped by the window, staring out into the darkening sky. You placed a hand on his arm, your touch soothing, even as he remained tense beneath it.
"Sweetheart," you whispered, "no one could replace you neither in my heart nor in my life. Johnny is just a safeguard from my overprotective parents, that's all. You're the only one I lean on; you're the only one I can entrust with everything.
He turned and looked at you, his eyes boring into yours, and after an eternal moment, tension began seeping from his shoulders. A slow breath escaped him, his hand covering yours.
"I'm sorry, I know I’m being unfair" he whispered. "It's just-I couldn't help it. The thought of losing you, of something happening to you–"
You smiled up at him, the love and adoration in your eyes evident. "I know. But you're not going to lose me, and nothing's going to happen to me or our baby, not with you around. We're safe, and we're together-that's all that matters."
Simon nodded, tugging you close into his arms and holding you tight, as if to prove to himself that you were still there, still his. Simon made a silent vow in that instant: to fight tooth and nail to make sure you are kept safe, no matter what.
As the months passed, Simon learned to accept MacTavish, though he never quite lost that element of trepidation. But you reassured him, and as he became accustomed to his occasional presence, his fears settled, now only left with the excitement of a life you would both build together.
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༄ taglist:
@nijiru @lostrosemary @terralupa @cosmicbreathe @vmaxis
@kylies-love-letter @konigswifeyforlifey @alucardsdaddyissues
@oooof-ifellforyou @s-a-v-a-n-a-34 @faridathefairy @lillysfrogsandbogs
@nicolebarnes @feistyfox47 @backgroundgirl887 @t3a-bag @dutch3-10
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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harrystylesfan2686 · 8 months
Alone Part 2 (Alternative Ending)
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Summary: Reader finally finds someone who cares for her but at what cost...
Warnings: Minor Mention of self harm
A/N: Surprise😏
Masterlist Part 1
It has been three days since your last mission, the very mission that got you hurt and made you realize just how fucked your head is. Three days since you left the fight that left you with a big tear at your waist which will most definitely leave a scar.
It's half healed already, so is the cut you gave yourself but you didn't realize how deep you hurt yourself because it's left a thin white line that's fully healed but can be easily recognized.
You shift on your feet from where you're standing beside the rest of inner circle. You are at the high lords meeting, accompanying your High Lord and High Lady.
You keep moving your weight from one foot to another because the pressure keeps causing pain in your waist. You can't wait for this to be over.
When you get a chance to leave you take it, running of the the nearest restroom you can find. You take off your fight leathers to find out you bled through your bandaid. You rub your hands over your head trying to think of a way you can hide your injury from everyone.
"Well, what do we have here." A voice fills the room, one that you know oh so well. He always does this, annoy you or talk to you every chance he gets. You don't know why but you put up with him everytime too. You practically hear the smirk in his words as you complaint to the Mother for putting you in this situation right now.
"Go away, Eris." You hope for him to take the hint and leave you alone but you, too, know that it's too late considering you can clearly smell you blood in the room, and so can he.
He crosses the room in just a few strides and puts a hand on your shoulder, turning you around with surprising gentleness. He sees the blood on you shirt that's seeped out of your bandaid and intakes a sharp breath.
"Left up your shirt." You are taken a back at his order. Mouth opened agaped as you see anger swirling in his amber eyes.
"Excuse me?"
"Y/N, If you don't lift your shirt up in the next minute, I'm going to rip it off of you." He practically growls. Your eyes widen and he raises his eyebrows, daring you to question him.
After a minute of silence, he raises his hands to your shirt and you take a step back,"Alright! I'll do it!" His eyes narrow and you sigh, lifting you shirt for his to see the scarlet bandage.
"Who did this to you?" His hands clench into fists.
"No one. It's nothing." You sigh.
"Was it an enemy?" You shake your head. "Who was it?" You shut your mouth and look away. Eris' eyes widen in realisation. "Was it them?" He spits in anger. You look back at him and your lack of answer in enough for him.
"I'm going to kill them." His body radiates pury fury as he steps away from you and starts walking towards the bathroom door.
"Eris!" You run to step in front of him, blocking the door and putting your hands against his chest, gasping because of the movement causing sudden pain to your waist. Eris immediately wraps an arm around you waist and searches you for any other cause of pain.
"Are you crazy?" You exclaimed.
"No. I'm fucking angry that the people who are your apparent family, who are supposed to protect you, hurt you. And I intent on hurting them just as much."
"Eris, you're going to start a war! And that's not even the point. They didn't hurt me alright, at least not physically. I went on a mission a few days ago and got hurt, they had nothing to do with it. They don't even know I'm hurt, for gods' sake." But that doesn't seem to calm him.
"What do you mean they didn't hurt you physically? And how the hell do they not know you've been hurt since days?" It seems like his rage just amplifies.
"I just didn't tell them alright?"
"They should've checked you for injuries the second you came back from the mission and they didnt care enough to do that. And what kind mission leaves your entire waist fucking open?!" He puts a hand behind your neck.
"Why are you acting like this? Why do you care if they care?" You don't notice you close proximity because you are so shocked from the way he's reacting.
"Because I care about you!" You intake a sharp breath. "What?"
"I care. I care for you. I always have." He looks into your eyes with so much honesty that it leaves you speechless.
"I care for you so deeply. I always have, and I thought you would figure that out yourself because of the way I talk to you. Why do you think I only talk to you. Why take every chance I can have to hear to speak to me, to hear your voice, doesn't matter if you're bitter.
I take every chance I can get to have your attention because I care for you. I do not know why, but I do and im not ashamed of it. I know you don't care for me the same way but I don't care, I'll take every second of your time that you'll give me."
What are you hearing? Someone truly cares for you? This isn't true. It must be a joke. It has to be. This is no way that Eris Vanserra cares for you. He cares for no one. Everybody know that.
So then why are you believing him, believing his words, clinging to them for dear life. If this truly is a prank, if what he is saying wasnt true, you don't think you'll survive. You won't survive another Heartbreak. But something tells you that he isn't lying, that he is telling the truth, that he truly, genuinely cares for you. Something deep in your heart tells you that he might truly love you.
You gasp when you feel it. Feel everything click into place. Feel the second everything in you life finally makes sense.
"You feel it now, don't you?" His voice soft as a tug feels on your heart. Your breath heavy as you look at him in the eyes, feeling the thin golden string connecting your souls to one another.
"So leave them." He pleads.
"Why are you doing this, my love? Who are you doing this for? They don't care about you." His hand on your cheek, swiping back and forth softly while the other hugs your waist, pushing you flush against him. "I do. I care about you so much and I refuse to see you hurt yourself for people who don't value your existence." He puts his forehead to yours.
"Leave them, come with me to Autum Court and I will treat you like the queen you are. And even if you don't want to come with me it's alright, just leave them. Please." His voice cracks with your heart, taking a piece of it with him daring not to return. You don't want him to.
"Okay. I'll come with you." Tears fall down your face as his breaks into a smile. "Really?" His voice unsure.
"Yeah, I'll leave Valaris, leave them. I'll come with you." You smile genuinely after a long time and he sighs in relief.
His lips slam to yours and you both lose yourselves in the kiss. You smile into his lips, finally happy to have found someone who cares for you enough to threaten to go into war for you.
You finally found your person and you will never let him go.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
can you write about gavi being super depressed and is not taking care of himself and yn realizes it?
Hard times
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Ever since the injurty, Gavi completely changed... he was no longer the smily happy boy running around the field and making jokes with everyone.
His face was more grim every day, and he spoke less. As his girlfriend, you've noticed these changes recently and tried talking to him but one thing that always stays the same is how stubborn he is.
"I tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off" you explained to Aurora who came by with Belen to visit the two of you. Pablo didn't want to bother them and make them stay in Barcelona for long knowing they have their own jobs to go back to, and he had you by his side always.
"It's hard for him to go through this in the peak of his career, querida. Just be patient and he'll open up to you" Belen explained and you listened to the wiser older woman carefully. After all, she knew her son best.
"Maybe we can get him to see someone, if that might help?" Aurora suggested but we all knew how Pablo sees doctors. It will be like trying to convince a scared child to get a vaccine.
Pablo entered the room and we suddenly stopped talking greeting him with a smile.
"They brought your favorite fruits, cariño ..." you say and he shrugs his shoulders plopping down on the couch while you walked to the kitchen knowing it was the time for his medications.
"Does it still hurt you, hermano?" Aurora asked noticing the way he was massaging his leg when he raised it onto the bed.
"Yeah ... especially at night. But I didn't tell her anything, she worries too much you know" he explains looking towards you with a first smile he created in days.
"Maybe you should, she's scared that you're shutting out ..." Belen said and he sighed knowing that he really did become distant and cold recently ... everything just seemed to agitate him but he didn't want to take it out on you.
"Here, cariño your medicine" you came back and he groaned sick and tired of all the pills, physicals and scans ... he just wanted this nightmare to end.
"I'm gonna go to the bedroom, they make me sleepy" he said leaving quickly and you nodded sitting down quite sad.
"You sure you don't want to eat something?" you ask but he shakes his head.
"Not hungry ..." he said quickly and you nodded continuing to spend time with him family.
At night, you felt him shifting and turning constantly woken up and you turned to check what's wrong with him. His face said the whole story ... he was in pain.
"Amor, why didn't you wake me earlier? I can massage it for you if you'd like" you offer but he tossed the blankets off himself reaching for his crutches and standing up on his own.
"Just go to sleep. I'll be in the living room cause I'm more comfortable there" he said not giving you a chance to reply before leaving.
The bed was cold and foreign ... you were really missing him.
Next morning when it was time to take him to physical, you couldn't find him in the living room but then you heard him from the guest bathroom. You walked in and there he was sitting on the floor throwing up into the toilet.
"It's okay, amor ... let it out" you sat besides him grabbing a wet cold cloth and placing it on his forehead while he cried closing the toiled at falling into your arms.
"I'm useless ... I can't even walk let alone play on that level again" he was wheezing from tears and you played his his hair letting him talk to you.
"Listen to me, cariño ... these are extremely hard times, but we're in it together. You need to start taking care of yourself if you want to recover fully, and you need to start talking to me about it. " you spoke and he listened like a scared child.
"I need you to start eating again, the pills are strong and that makes you sick. When it hurts, I need you to tell me so I can help. And when you need to cry, you do in on my shoulder okay?" you say and he nods sniffling while you kiss his forehead.
You helped him up towards the living room, preparing some warm soup to help his stomach pains before bringing the warming compress for his knee.
"I feel like a baby ..." he admits when you start feeding him soup and you smile nodding your head and kissing his lips a few times lovingly.
"You are my baby ... my stubborn baby. Now eat" you say and he finished the soup before you gave him medicine and checked on his physical appointment.
"It's not until four, so rest up ..." you tell him and he nods playing some random Barça Youth game on the screen before opening his arms towards you.
"Cuddles please?" he said adorably and your heart melted ... your boy was back!!!
"I thought you'd never ask again" you smile laying in his arms careful to keep his leg comfortable and he kissed the top of your head taking in your familiar scent.
"Did you sleep at all last night amor?" he said and you shook your head.
"I know you can't sleep without me besides you ...rest preciosa, I'll be right here" he whispered into your ear and you blushed nodding your head and slowly closing your eyes feeling secure in his strong embraces.
I really hope he's taking care of himself 🥺🥺🥺
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 months
hey ari, i’m truly having an awful night. there’s a free pass for anything that involves someone being protective against a shitty guardian/parental figure. i wish jason todd would’ve kicked my dads ass tonight.
Lee took to Alfred much more warmly, peppering him with little boy questions about dinosaurs and oddly enough... piccolos? Which made the butler wonder if there was not a single neurotypical person in the entire family.
Adorable. He was enchanted. All dimples and curls. He'd carried Alfred a mug of tea managing to only spill half of it on the floor for the boxer and the wolf hound. And to get under your feet nearly causing you to fall twice- managing to get exiled to play outside with his dog.
It was a lovely afternoon. Watching Jason be so... soft. So helplessly in love with his wife and his children. Excited to be a new father. He enjoyed doting on his wife and fussing over his kids. He was comfortable in the vintage kitchen and the narrow halls. He liked the routine. Coming home to something stable.
When you started stretching your back in your kitchen chair, Jason smiled a little, "C'mon, let's get you on the couch."
"I'm fine, I just needed to-"
"Let's please not have to take you back to the hospital," Jason coaxed, helping you to your feet. "I'll tell Lee he needs to run in sight of the bay window every so often."
You snort and let him help you, grateful that he's strong enough to catch you if you need him to. It's comforting. He's comforting. Between his bulk beside you and Boris behind you. By the time he has you on the sofa you already feel better. At least until your phone rang.
Jason frowned. He could tell from the look on your face who it was and he got Alfred seated listening with half an ear. Your biological father wanted money. Again. Either to have it put on his books or your sisters.
It hardly mattered. The divorce happened. Battle lines got drawn. You chose mom Mandy chose dad. Now you raised Mandy's kids and got "everything handed to you" as far as she could tell. Never mind trusts and adoptions. Or love. Or duty.
He gave Alfred a meaningful look and took a deep breath. Your biological dad and your sister were both banned. They both had no contact orders. And the second they upset you he'd be hanging up.
Your voice cracked. And tears fell.
And gently but firmly Jason plucked the phone from your hand, "If you're that fucking worried about Mandy's books use store brand instead of name brand for your meth and cut costs. Figure it out. Call here again and I'll report you to your PO." But before he could reply he hung up.
"Shh," he soothed, "don't cry baby girl."
"God I hate it."
"I know," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you. "But you're doing good. Just breathe." He broke off and wiped your face, kissing your forehead, "I can't get you a shot but I can get the baby a snack," he teased, "what do they want?"
"Milk chocolate sea salt caramel truffles," you tell him.
He grinned and kissed your nose before standing up, "Alfred, did you feel up to going to the store with me or do you want to stay and keep Y/N company?"
"Well obviously," Alfred said sipping a fresh cup of tea, "I'm going to stay here and be nosey."
"Ky it is," Jason said, "I'll take a kid and a grocery list... then maybe we won't come home with half the cereal aisle."
"We hope," you tell him smiling.
"Shh," Jason said. "Be nice to me and I'll buy more than one bag of truffles."
"You should probably do that anyway," Alfred observed. "For practical reasons."
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d6volution · 11 months
i was wondering if u could do a jax x reader were jax walks into readers’ locked room expecting nothing but sees reader .. ‘taking care’ of herself.. iykwim 😋
your writing is my fav !!<33
of course, and thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying it anon. 💗
Jax/Fem!Reader | Rating: Explicit.
tags: mutual masturbation, dirty talk, mean jax, voyeurism, mild degrading/name calling, penetration with a foreign object (it's a brush.)
minors dni.
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Whistling echoed through the halls as a key twirls around Jax's finger. To his knowledge everyone was off on one of Caine's little adventures. The perfect chance to.. satiate his curiosity, or cause some trouble.. its one in the same to him. He stopped at your door, the plaque with your face on it was oddly endearing.
Just as Jax kneeled down to unlock the door he heard something strange, causing his ear to twitch a little. "What the.." He muttered and leaned in , resting his head on door so he could hear better. But then it was silent. "Don't go losin' your mind just yet, Jax," He scolded himself and unlocked your door with a soft click. "After all you've, —' Jax froze, the light of the hall illuminating your dimly lit room, revealing your figure sprawled out, dwarfed by the large bed. Lewd noises coming from in between your tremblings legs.
Your hand was moving in a rhythm between them. He cocked his head to the side a little, before stepping forward and closing the door behind him with a gentlte, 'click.' Now, standing in the door way with his arms crossed.
... you were using the blunt end of a brush to get off, creative. He'll give you props for that.
Your eyes were closed, and the opening of the door was so brief that you hardly registered the light which flooded in , briefly tickling your closed eyelids. No you were too busy chasing your high.. you were so close, close close..! The brush pumping in and out of your wet cunt. Until you heard the click of the door shutting and immediately shot forward panting, "W.. Who.."
"Oh, don't stop on my account, I was enjoyin' the show, doll." Your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and the unmistakable silhouette of Jax and that shit eating grin that was always plastered on his face.
"Y.. You pervert Jax, get out!" You threw a plush bear at his head which he easily dodged. He just stood and stared, waiting for your excuse.
Fuck. Your cunt was still aching, and you were oh so close to release and this.. jerk had to come in between you and ecstasy.
He tuts, "Naahh... I think I'll stay. I mean, you're clearly breakin one of Caine's biggest rules," Jax takes a step towards you and your stomach feels tight.
"Th-The hell do you care.." You shot back, chest still heaving. Hair sticking to your damp face. What a strange situation this was. You, sitting here like a animal in heat. Cheeks flushed and legs pressed together, trying to subdue the growing frustrations between your legs while the most attractive circus member stares at you like you're being served up on a platter.
"Look, we both know I could careless about Caine's 'rules' , now- what I do care about are those pretty noises you were makin' earlier." He teased, every word that left his mouth was auditory seduction and he knew it. You legs pressed together harder, he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing.. "But ya know, I could just call him up now and let him see just what a mess you are, not to mention non-family friendly." He said while gesturing his hand towards your form.
"No! Jax..! You asshole , I swear.." You spoke through gritted teeth, and he hushed you, lifting a single gloved finger to his otherwise permanent grin. "Then get to it toots. I don't have all day. Well— I do. But that's besides the point." He coos but theres an edge to his voice and you gulp.
You grip the brush and scoot back against the plush of your pillows, your heart thumping in your chest. It was either this or even further embarrassment from Caine.. who was sure to be loud enough that entire tent would know.
Besides.. you needed to get off anyways, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.. other than letting Jax have the upper hand which he always took advantage of.
"Hmn, move those covers aside will you? I'd like to get a better view." He said, breaking your chain of thought.
Jax was being oddly patient. He silently thanked the darkness that hid his growing erection in his overalls, he couldn't let you be aware that you were getting him excited this fast.. not yet at least.
One of his hands trailed down his thigh to stroke the growing appendage through his clothes.
You pushed the covers to the side obediently and your glistening cunt was on display. "Y.. You'd better not tell anyone about this or i'll..." You tried to sound bold, intimidating.. but,  the threat was empty, and your voice died in your throat as you teased yourself with the brush.
"Or you'll what ..?" He was walking towards the edge of your bed, "Tell everyone what a slut you are? That I caught you touching yourself in your room and whimpering like a little whore? Oh, I bet they'd love to hear that doll in fact how about I tell them myself, hm?"
Your breathe hitched, you found yourself thrusting the brush in and out of your greedy cunt as he spoke. Degrading you, "Ya like that toots? Bein' talked down to while you get off?" He said and pulled himself from his overalls, stroking his twitching cock over your trembling form. He's already got the upper hand.. no point in hiding it now.
He lifted on leg and planted it at the edge of the bed, as if to give you a better view of him stroking his lavendar dick. Balls jumping a little with each tug.
"N.. No that's.. not.." You gasped, hand subconciously moving faster. Thrusting the foreign object in and out of your wet cunt.
He watched with baited breath, his chest heaving and ears twitching a little as he stroked himself. "I'm afraid lyin' won't get ya anywhere toots.. nnh.. just keep bein a cute little slut for me and fucking yourself."
He panted, drinking up your moans and the cute way your body twitched and hips bucked against your hand. "Just like that.."
"Jax.. please.. please touch me.." You whined, and screwed your eyes shut out of frustration, hand kneading your own breasts.
"I don't think so, toots. I'm just enjoyin' the show tonight." He chuckled, watching you writhe at his answer but your hand didn't stop, you were too determined to finally cum this time.
"You can do it doll, so close.. and just imagine maybe I'll be pounded that tight little cunt next time.~" He purrs, as his own grip tightens on his cock. Fucking his fist with more vigor as your own thrusts got more sloppy and lacked rhythm.
"Hh.. Hha..! [Censor!] Jax.. !!" You cried as your body spasmed and convulsed around the brush, the pressure pushing the object out of your cunt. At the same time Jax was spurting out ropes of cum onto your floor, avoiding your bed .. though it would have been better on your face or thighs..
"Ha.. not bad doll, ...nh.. you should get cleaned up." He said , adjusting his own clothing, but his eyes never left you. He was savoring the look you had on your face. Dilated pupils and mouth agape a little. How cute.
"Next time.. lose the brush, I'll have something a bit more filling.~" 
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lani-heart · 7 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously ||
genre(s) -> angst, fluff, non-idol, hybrid au, poly au paring(s) -> kang yeosang x reader warning(s) -> mentions of abuse, words -> 1.2K
abstract -> "...I need to get used to it. feeling loved.."
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y/n's perspective
“I can do–” “Yeosang” I said again and he smiled awkwardly. “Right, sorry” he said. 
His training was so hard to overwrite. Everything anyone does for him. He tried to repay. It was hard to find a way to break this cycle of expectations for him. 
He tries to find a way to pay me back and it saddens me… he asks what he can do with his sparkling eyes and a soft smile. 
“It’s hard… I feel like San and Wooyoung do a lot and I just sit around and look at your routines. It's… hard” he said and I nodded and ruffled his hair causing him to chuckle.
“Don’t feel bad, besides they decided to do that on their own. Wooyoung cooks because he likes it, and San helps me write because he likes my room. They're not doing it for an incentive… have you thought about doing sessions yet?” I asked. It was a suggestion Kun made last week. It's been a month with him around… and he said sessions would help him realize what he was used to wasn’t what I expected of him. 
“I don't know yet… believe it or not I don’t like being around people'' he said and I nodded. Wooyoung was still the one accompanying me outside the apartment despite his excitement. San wants me to have one of them around for safety… but Wooyoung gets distracted easily. 
“You don’t have to. I just want you to be comfortable here” I said with a smile and he nodded. “Y/nnie!!!” I heard Wooyoung run towards me and hug me.
“I need groceries,” he said calmly, making me laugh. “Let me get dressed, then,” I said and he nodded. “Can I go with you?” Yeosang asos, surprising me. “If you're okay with that,” I said and he nodded. “I'll stay here with San then,” Wooyoung said as he started writing what he needed. 
I went over to the window to see how it was outside. It was gloomy and rainy… 
“You should wear something warm” I heard as I saw yeosang was still with me. “Yeah, I know… besides the grocery store is also cold, '' I  said and he chuckled. “Do… you want help?” he asked and I smiled. 
“If you’d like to go ahead~”
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I knew Yeosang knew fashion. He was a social media influencer… or the closest a hybrid could get to famous. He laid out a warm and comfortable outfit for me. 
“Maybe I should make you my stylist~” I teased as we were now in the elevator down to the grocery store. I noticed his ears twitching and his tail wagging slightly. “I would love to,” he said genuinely. It shocked me… I didn't question it, however…
As we made it outside he grabbed the umbrella to hold it over our heads. “Wooyoung gave you a big list,” he said and I chuckled. “Well we are the size of a family, and besides San and him eat a lot,” I said and he chuckled but I noticed his flushed look. “Family, huh?” he asked and I smiled. 
“Don’t you think?” I asked and he chuckled and gave me a wide smile. “I like to think so,” he said and I was happy he saw us that way. He got along well with San and Wooyoung. The two love to tease him. 
I noticed he was slightly getting wet making me grab his hand to put it in the middle. “You're gonna get wet” he whined. “But you're already getting wet, '' I said and he got closer. 
Yeosang… he was such a well-behaved hybrid. I sometimes wished he’d have a little fun and think selfishly. 
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“Do you see how many bags there are?! Wooyoung, you should be more considerate” Yeosang scolded Wooyoung. We carried a lot of bags back to the apartment. 
“Ah… sorry” he apologized and I smiled. “It's fine, you’ll make us something tasty right?” I asked and he nodded as he started putting things away. 
“Give him a break, he didn’t do it on purpose,” I said when I saw Yeosang still sulking and he nodded. “He shouldn't be making you do too much,” he argued and I smiled. “I helped him with groceries… I did it because I wanted to, " I said and he chuckled. 
“I get it… you do these things without asking to be repaid” he said and I nodded. “Besides… I like doing my part around here. I know you want to help… but Wooyoung is the cook. He’s already kicked you out of the kitchen and San does his best to clean around here even if he hates it. I want to help… I do the same thing but Yeosang... You sometimes have to let people do kind things for you” I said and I noticed his eyes turn glassy.
“I'm fine, don’t worry… it's– I need to get used to it. Feeling loved I mean” he said and I smiled while hugging him. “You’re a part of our family now. Don’t push yourself too much, okay? We accept you just the way you are. We’re not asking for anything in return” I said and he nodded. 
“I sometimes feel that I suffered everything that I went through to meet you,” he said, shocking me and he chuckled. 
“I’ll forever be grateful for you, and I owe you a lot even if you say I don’t, '' he said and he grabbed my cheeks to kiss my forehead. 
“I’ll do the sessions. It’ll help me right?” he asked and I smiled. “You don't have to–” “I want to. I want to accept everything you give me. I want to do it to get over my old life” he said and I nod. 
“Anything you ask of me, I'll do my best to fulfill it” I said and he chuckled. 
“You really are an angel” 
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Yeosang started sessions. Kun would give me reports every week on his progress and his mental status. He… wasn’t a happy hybrid. Not when she was his owner… He’s just as damaged as San, and just as scared of the future like Wooyoung. I tried my best for him… it's all I could do. 
He also thinks he hasn’t found a place in our little life. 
He’s definitely what San and Wooyoung needed. An older brother to play with… He also took the stylist thing I said seriously. He started planning my outfits… whether i'm going out, hanging out with the girls, or just staying at home. I would wake up to an outfit at the edge of my bed. 
It was… cute. 
Yeosang was now a crucial part of my routine… just like San and Wooyoung. 
Waking up to the three hybrids saying good morning in their own ways was reassuring. San would grumble good morning since he only wakes up early because Wooyoung threatened him with no breakfast if he woke up late. 
Wooyoung said good morning and gave me a hearty breakfast, while Yeosang would knock on my door to fix my hair and call me that nickname. Angel… I don’t understand why he sees me that way but I accepted it, like how I accepted him. 
I wouldn’t trade any of this for anything
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boba-beom · 1 year
stay still | CHOI BEOMGYU NSFW
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p: beomgyu x fem!reader | g: smut | w: fwb!beomgyu a tease, heavy petting, fingering (f!receiving), marking, degradation; (slut, whore), pet names; (baby), smut with plot, possessive but also annoying gyu 🙄, ruined orgasm rip, not proofread, lmk if I missed anything! | wc: 1k | summary: while visiting beomgyu his friends and family just so happens to stay over too. instead of sleeping in the guest room you end up sleeping in his bed where you talk to him about your crush on one of his friends and wanting to stop your fwb agreement, but he tries to make you think otherwise. | a/n: guys,, this beomgyu is tainting all thoughts in my head omfg
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continue under the cut ❤︎
“didn’t we agree to stay quiet? hm?” beomgyu’s low whisper raised hairs along your neck. the deep rasps in his throat never failed to make your eyes subtly roll to the back of your head. or was that because he’s been teasing you since he joined you in his bed. here you are back against the bed, staring up at the ceiling with beomgyu laying on his side.
“gyu- fuck. can you just hear me out for a- a second?” you struggle to face him after having your eyes shut a little too tight, causing you to see luminescent colours whenever you tried to blink your eyes open.
he stops his ministrations of rubbing your clothed bundle of nerves, knowing that your satin shorts have a dark patch spreading across the material. he has your one leg trapped between his thighs and the other spread out a little.
beomgyu knows how to get you shaking, he knows what makes you crave for more and how to tease you. but for some reason he just doesn’t seem to understand the fact that you may or may not have a small crush on his friend whom you’ve only met twice.
“what do you even have to say? that you want to drop me for yeonjun? he has many friends with benefits to go to, what makes you think he’ll drop them for a filthy whore like you?” he sighs, adjusting his position beside you, now resting on his arm and looking at you. his finger grazing strokes up and down your thigh hidden under the blanket you were both sharing.
“why are you being such a dick right now?" you stare right at him with your hand grabbing his wrist, stopping him at a halt from the embarrassingly delicious tingly sensation against your skin.
"me? baby, I'm satisfied with you. but it's starting to sound like you've only been hanging out with me often just to coincidentally see yeonjun too." he air quotes with his other hand.
"maybe I am? I think I like this guy, beomgyu. you're just selfish." you huff, rolling your eyes. he was beginning to irritate you.
"I'm selfish?" his fingers trail closer to your clothed core, slowly pushing the satin material aside. "no panties, as expected. it's very much whore behaviour if you tell me."
you inhale a sharp gasp as he prods at your sopping hole, gathering the slick between his middle and ring finger and gliding it up to circle lightly around your nub.
"see, my whore." he hums closer to your neck, his hot breath fanning against your skin. "you like that hm? is that why you're in my bed and not in the guest room with yeonjun?" he smirks as he watches your chest heave just under his field of vision, noticing the way your nipples start to perk up.
"I- I wanted to confide in you," another sharp gasp intrudes your sentence as his fingers prods your entrance and gradually sinking his fingers inside you. "but- oh fuck- you don't care. you're.. so fucking stupid." you manage to mutter.
beomgyu draws out a hum as he leans forward to leave kisses and nibbles along your neck while his fingers work inside your clenching cunt. the familiar feeling of his fingers curling up just how you like it.
"I'll fuck you stupid with my fingers, now stay quiet."
he sucks at the exposed area of your neck as you turn your head away in attempt of burying it in the pillow. his fingers don't stop plunging in deep, picking up the speed in contrast of his slow licks after he sucks at your skin. a short-high pitched squeal leaves your lips as he speeds up.
"did you want yeonjun listening in? he possibly could. you think he knows how much of a slut you are for me?" beomgyu continues his actions, now littering kisses along your chest and clothed nipples.
"beomgyu, I'm-" you swallow back a moan but your shaky breath and heavy heaving doesn't stop. neither does beomgyu's fingers, adding his thumb to simultaneously rub your clit while his two digits are non-stop pumping in your clenching cunt.
"tell me you want me. not yeonjun. just me. and I'll let you cum." he whispers against your chest, licking your perked nipples through your satin cami top.
"okayokayokay, I want you beomgyu. so fucking bad. please make me cum like you always do." you begin to squirm under his body in attempt to reach your climax quicker.
"stay still, yn. you don't want yeonjun anymore, do you? just me, right?" beomgyu returns to kissing your jaw as you sigh in his ear, murmuring countless 'yes's, borderline whining.
"mmm, gyu, m'gonna hah-" your ears are met with beomgyu's low chuckles, fascinated by the way your body won't stop squirming.
"choi fucking beomgyu," you exhale. "why the fuck did you stop?! I was so close." you almost sob from the loss of your orgasm, almost reaching that state of euphoria that only beomgyu's been able to give you for god knows how long you've been friends with benefits.
"sorry baby, it's late and I didn't want to wake anyone up. you were starting to get a little too loud." he whispers the last sentence, shooting you a wink with his stupid grin crawling on his lips. "at least now I know you want me and not yeonjun. you're mine."
he pulls his fingers out of you, not without a few twitches from you, and sticks his soiled fingers into his mouth, taking them out with an exaggerated pop and satisfied groan.
"sweet as always." he winks at you and you scoff at his ridiculous gestures.
beomgyu wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him as he rests his head on your boobs, which he likes to call his personal twin pillows. in no time he was silent with light breaths as you instinctively run your fingers through his outgrown hair.
"gyu, you're so annoying. but at least I know that you want me too." you smile to yourself, falling asleep with him.
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taglist: @ahnneyong @prodsh00ky @wccycc @lizdevorak @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @ttyunz @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @vatterie @hyuntaena @ja4hyvn @yunkiwii @aprilisque @bb-eilish @ericyjun @bluejin0812 @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @day6andetcetera @dainsleif-when-playable @txt-yaomi @soobinsman @kookthief @lovejoshua @robin-obsessed and just assuming you wanted to be tagged bc of the rbs hehe @hyewka @gyuspeach
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© boba-beom ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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starlightandfairies · 9 months
Doctor's appointment ~Elijah Mikaelson~
Description: Reader seeks comfort from Elijah after a frustrating doctor's appointment
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, angst
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view,
Word Count: 1,305
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I wish I asked Elijah to come with me to my doctor's appointment, he might have been able to provide comfort and make sure I covered everything that I needed to ask about before I left to ensure that I had all my worries covered but once again the medical system left me under radar and I did not have the joys of finding out what was wrong with me and only being told the things I already knew. It was increasingly frustrating, I just wanted to know what was causing my pain and how to make it go away. 
I sat outside the hospital, my thumb hovering over Elijah's name as I argued with myself about bothering him with the matters of my poor mental state after this upsetting day. 
Y/N: Elijah, I know that you must be busy but I need you, please.  Can you come to the hospital and pick me up, please?
Elijah: Yes, of course, I'll be there soon
Even though I knew Elijah wouldn't say no, I could feel myself relaxing with relief as he told me he'd be there. The noble Mikaelson always seemed to be there for me. I am truly grateful that he has always been there for me and as I knew in my heart he'd come running, whenever I asked and it didn't seem to matter how far away I was. 
I ran to him as I saw him approaching, he brought me into his arms, holding me tightly and his hand caressed my hair, offering me as much comfort as he could. We stood still, Elijah just holding me and doing his best to provide comfort despite not knowing what was troubling me. 
The vampire took me to his car, not asking about what was the matter, giving me the chance to relax and gather my bearings before I began breaking down once more confessing my current hatred for the medical system. Elijah drove to the compound, took me to his bedroom and handed me some water, the kind man allowed me to get comfortable and waited for me to find the courage to start talking. 
"Thank you." Elijah nodded, offering a gentle smile, his presence was enough to make the words that were to come out feel easier to admit and his presence allowed me to feel safe in sharing what was wrong. 
"I had my doctor's appointment today. The damn surgeon couldn't explain what was on my scan and why I'm in pain and how to treat my pain. I just want answers, I'm sick of being passed around like a..." I wave my hand around, trying to think of the words I wanted. 
"A bong at a crappy party. I'm sick of being passed around like a bong at a crappy party. I don't want another referal. I just want answers instead of being told what I already know. I'm sick of it!" I took a deep breath, feeling my walls to be breaking, feeling myself breaking down more and more. 
"I just want answers, Elijah," I whispered, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the tears, Elijah walked over and sat beside me, I curled into him, resting my head on his shoulder and smiled as he wrapped his arm around me. Making me feel better with a simple, comforting hug and his calming aura. 
"I know you want answers, next time you have an appointment, tell me please and I'll take you and make sure you get the answers you need." 
"Are you sure? With everything-" 
"None of that, you are a part of this family and I will help you with what you need to make you feel better and return you to your full health. You'll get the answers, I'll make sure of it." He kissed my forehead, rubbing my upper arm and offering a smile that steadied my heart rate. 
"Thank you for being here for me." 
"Always and forever." He whispered, I smiled at the comment, it made me feel special that he included me in the 1000-year-old vow. The vampire swiftly grabbed the blanket from behind the other couch, laid it across me and brought me back into his arms, his thumb tracing circles against my skin and it lulled me to sleep. 
The next morning I awoke to Elijah gently rocking me, I was snuggled against the blankets that Elijah had on his bed, and I rubbed my eyes tiredly, trying to figure out where I was as Elijah's room at first was unfamiliar, soon I relaxed as the vampire walked in with a tray of food in his hands. 
"Good morning, how are you feeling?" His charming voice brought butterflies to my tummy, I pushed myself up and brought my knees to my chest. Smiling at him as I rested my chin on my knees, staring at the Original with admiration for the kindness that he had for me.
"Better, thank you." 
"I made you breakfast." I smiled and pushed myself, grinning gratefully at him and rested a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at me, seemingly seeking more of my affection and presence. 
"I'm going to use the restroom, will you stay and have breakfast with me, please?" Elijah nodded, placing the tray down, smiling upon my arrival. I sat down with him, humming contently at the waffles he made for me, they smelt delightful and had all the added extras I placed on my waffles. 
"You did all this for me?" 
"Of course. So, did you sleep well?" 
"I did, your bed is really comfy. I could've slept in it all day." I confessed, sipping on the drink he had prepared. I held out my hand, glancing at it and offered a reassuring smile. 
"Thank you, Y/N but it isn't necessary." Instead, he took my hand, holding it lovingly and just continued to spend time with me throughout the day. He made me feel more comfortable and reassured about everything that was going on in my life knowing that Elijah would offer me his everlasting support. 
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the-entitie · 1 year
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COD Men x K-9 Unit reader (WIP)
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《《 Part 1 | Part 2
Reader works with a K-9 unit, and his partner is called Mutt, who is a mix breed of Alaskan Akita and Doberman(Mutt is also a service dog as reader has paranoia and C-PTSD). Readers call sign is Riot. The 141 boys needed help tracing a terrorist and John called in some favors to bring Riot and Mutt into the field. He helped the Los Vaqueros as well.
After the mission back at base, reader interacts with the men, and they end up interacting with reader.
Reader is referred to as you or Riot.
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Mentions of panic attacks, anxiety attacks, C-PTSD, war, and / or war related violence. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, past trauma. Death of a family member. Torture, scars, and flashbacks.
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Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra (657 words)
-Growing up alone, with only his mother. He adored the way you worked with Mutt. Sure, seeing the hulking mass of pure muscle and fur that was your partner is its own kind of scar, but he still adores how smooth you two are when out on a mission. -That fear is cemented when you suddenly whistle sharp and turn almost slaminginto him. Only for a hostile to drop under your hound who tackled them. Holding the enemy soldier down with snarls and jaw snapping in an obvious threat. He leans the cues you give that insight a violent recation, just a show or an actaul attack. All so he can predict the behavior. Not liking the scar. -The way you and Mutt act outside of the field had confused him. Why the hound was still so focused on you, why were you so reliant on Mutt. It's only the years he spent in hostile land that gives him a clue. You survived something. Mutt helps deal with the leftover pain it caused. -Rudy only sees that pain later, finding you down on the floor with Mutt desprerate to get you calm. He's seen how Alejandro deals with this kind of thing, but he didn't want to leave you here. Just to wallow in the panic. Making sure you heard him approach, to mutter. "What's, Oh, mierda. Hey. Hey, Riot?" He'll kneel down beside you when he knows you've noticed him. Making sure to keep his voice calm and quiet. "What, come on, que puedo. How can I help you?" "Talk. Please, just. I can't be in my own head right now. Talk to me. háblame. [Talk to me]" "Ok, ok. Did I. Or have you ever heard how Ale and me met?" "No- no. I don't thin-nk?" "Silencio ahora [quiet now], I'll talk. We met..." -You start seeking him out and learns Mutts call for him. He sees how much that takes out of you and when your drousy and half passed out? That's when you start talking to Mutt. Growling, yips, whines, and just going back and forth with each other. -Its the times he growls back at you, that you snap awake. He'll laugh it off, but after he sees how much fun it is for both of you? He'll growl at you just to tease you or walk up behind you just to growl a breath away from you. He loves it, sees you jump only to recognize it as him, them chase him down across the base. Even in the field, you also play along. On the days when it's quiet and you two need to hunker down for a sand storm. It becomes a norm of you scaring him so bad, he'll jump a foot in the air. -Rudy will start ruff housing with you as well. Even helping Mutt shove you around when you both get the free time to be home. It started small, little shoves and shoulder checks escalating to wrestling. He still growls at you. Hell, he even laughs at you and Mutt, yapping at each other when the two of you ruff house. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he enjoys the quiet, too. Not nearly as much as the adrenaline of chasing you or you chasing him down, but it's still comfort. -The darker nights for you, the flashbacks, the way Mutt will help with it, he learns it. He slowly starts to ask, saying. "You can tell me fuck off Roit, but. Quiero saber como ayudar [I want to help you]. I need the story to do that." "Ok, well. It ain't una bonita historia [a pretty story], but you asked so nicely so. Yeah. I'll tell you," -After that, he becomes as much of a guard dog as Mutt is for you. Rudy will become the caregiver his mother raised him to be. What he became for her.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick: (742 words)
-His first impressions of you and Mutt were nothing to write home about. You were sent in to help get him out of the hostile area after he was surrounded on a search and rescue effort. He was warned beforehand sure, but nothing will ever prepare him for when you came bursting in with a bloodied hound and a flustered Soap on your tail. Following you out as Mutt killed as many men as Soap shot. To Say it took him a minute to comprehend the level of 'fuck all of that' would be an under statement. He came around to Mutt, but it took a while. -You took him with you to the training grounds. After how shocked he was to see you and your K-9 partner, you asked if he wanted to learn how you both worked. If that could make him feel safer around Mutt. And yes. Maybe just maybe you showed off more than you explained, but you did explain how most of your commands were mixed words from several languages. "Wait, so they'll just drop?" "It's called recall training, so sort of." "Recall? Like controlling how far they go?" "Yip, watch." The whole having perfect control over Mutt took Gaz a bit to accept but watching the hound bolt down a fucking run way before you whistle sharp and Mutt suddenly skids to a stop, and then continue at that break neck pace only to come right back to you at a single call. -Gaz, seeing both of you still moving so fluidly outside of the field just felt like a side effect of working together so long. He doesn't think about the layers of scar tissue over your throat. He doesn't care that you disappear every now and gain. Why would he? Is what he wanted to think until the late nights spent on quiet runs through old hostile infested land. When you start talking him through the pain, ebbing from the through and through bullet hole. Holding down on the slow pump of blood, asking him stupid dad jokes. Hoping the mere spite of saying what cap. Price would is keeping him awake. "It'll be fine... just" "How does dark Vader like his toast?" "No. Roit. Please stop." Gaz begs with a breathless chuckle. "~on the dark side~" Full on laughing now, he half snorts. "I said stop!" -He almost chalks the echoing howl that bounced back and forth as a hallucination from blood loss, but considering that the team found you both as quickly as they did? It can't be. Gaz corners you when you both have nowhere to be and are off duty. It's almost embarrassing to sit down and explain that yes, you howled to Mutt, and yes, that's how you find you K-9 amist all that open land. Now Gaz will ask what else you can copy because damn was that awesome to hear. -Becoming more and more comfortable around each other, he gets to hear you howl more often. Even being there when Mutt first tackled you only to growl. It turned into ruff housing quick, both you and your hound growling back and forth. So, who cares that he also likes wrestling with you. He doesn't, and he sure as hell doesn't tell you how stupidly cute it is that you growl at him when he even gets the upper hand. Never will he let you know how fucken adorable he finds you and Mutt. -Gaz owes his life to you. If not, when he was shot , then definitely when Mutt would have his back as you had to crack down a lock. He's not at all as scared as before, he adores how the hound you work with. He enjoys the dumb sad jokes you two shoot off back and forth, over global coms just to annoy Price. But he loves, likes the way you sound exactly like Mutt. Yes, he will go 'grr' at you sometimes, but the sounds of you and Mutt trying to locate each other over the dark field will always be his favorite. Means, you're still alive. It means he can still fight to pay you back later. Not right now, but when that day comes, he won't be the one to let you die. And don't you dare force him to be a fucking lier.
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Keegan p. Russ: (000 words)
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Character Name: (000 words)
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Character Name: (000 words)
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Character Name: (000 words)
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radioisntdead · 4 months
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Partner in crime
Alastor x gn! reader
Warnings: OOC, death, inaccurate portrayal of getting shot
Song used
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You and Alastor had known each other for years, you were close childhood friends at least you thought you were,
You remember your mothers calling the two of you a couple of peas in a pod, or partners in crime,
It was funny, who would've thought the two of you would actually become partners in crime.
Maybe if you didn't have an unhealthy codependency on Alastor you wouldn't had ended up like you did.
When you're gone I feel alone again
You scrubbed away at the floor, cleaning away any remnant of the blood that was spilled that evening, Alastor had gone to bury the remains of the poor man he had slaughtered.
The voices cannot hold my hand
You would lure them in, you were good at lulling others into a false sense of security,
They keep me company at very best
and he'd kill them when they least expected it, sometimes you felt guilty but Alastor would be quick to convince you that your guilt was unnecessary, that the people whose lives the two of you stole away deserved it.
Distract me from my loneliness
They did deserve it right?
Maybe I'm just an anomaly
You continued scrubbing the floor clean, but no matter how hard you scrubbed you could never wash away the fact that someone had died there
Even my demons have their families
You wondered how their families reacted to their loved ones death, were they mournful, were they joyful? Did they not care? Did they even notice?
Truly something must be wrong with me
Would anyone notice if you died? Besides Alastor you didn't have many friends, sure you were kinda friends with Mimzy but that was only because of Alastor, and your family, well, let's not talk about that.
You really didn't have anyone but Alastor, and you were alright with that, if you had Alastor the rest of the world could burn for all you cared.
To need you as much as I do
You heard the door open, you hurriedly dropped the towel into the bucket of now cold water, grabbing another rag you wiped away the remaining liquid.
I was never meant to win
You smiled up at Alastor from the ground.
I was never meant to win
"Welcome back Alastor!"
I was never meant to win
Codependency is truly more harmful then people give it credit for.
You'd sacrifice anything, anyone just to remain by Alastor's side, just to see him smile which he did often.
Here's the reigns
You had done this who knows how many times,
Take ahold of me
Lure them in, hand over to Alastor and then clean up the aftermath while he hid the corpse.
Please don't let me go
You didn't change the routine by much, there wasn't much of a mess this time so Alastor asked that you tag along with him this time.
You do the talking
You held the lantern lighting his area as he dug a deep grave, wouldn't want the body resurfacing anytime soon right?
Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
You whispered something to him before he climbed out of the hallow grave getting ready to put the poor soul he had mercilessly killed in it.
There's a dog barking right around the block
He had just gotten done burying the corpse, you were sat comfortably on the ground with the lantern in your lap, he reached out his hand to help you up.
You both froze when you heard the unmistakeable sound of dogs barking.
And a big ol' whistle blow
Alastor looked at you and you looked back at him, you quickly took his hand to pull yourself up, lantern in your free hand.
Run for it
The two of you ran, you could faintly hear the leaves crunching underneath your feet, the cold night wind stinging your face.
I'll keep em occupied for you
The barking got louder, and you tripped over a tree root, lantern falling onto the grass the candle inside falling just at the right angle to extinguish leaving you in the darkness, the only light coming from the moon and stars above.
Alastor kept running, did he know you fell? He wouldn't abandon you right?
Cause I love you, I love you so
You got up, not bothering to dust yourself off you continued running, you couldn't see Alastor.
Left me hangin at the station
You heard shouting.
Where was Alastor? Did he notice you were missing yet?
But you'll be back for me soon
You saw a glimpse of light.
I'm 'bout to die
You didn't even have time to make a noise as a gunshot was fired into your chest, you fell to the ground.
Where was Alastor? Did he get away? Or was he shot down like you were?
Yet the only thing I find i'm worried about is you
You shakily put a hand to the place where the bullet had just entered you, honestly it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would.
Something tells me you aren't coming
Your vision began to become blurry, was it the blood loss? You didn't think you'd die that quickly,
Would you get to see Alastor one last time?
Guess that I'm truly doomed
Alastor didn't notice you were gone did he? Or maybe he did? Did you really think a future cannibal, present serial killer like Alastor would come back for you? You were a liability.
I'm 'bout to die
It was funny, you knew what kind of person he was and you still held out hope that he wouldn't abandon you.
Yet the only thing I find I'm worried about is you
You still held out hope even as your blood covered the forest ground.
Tears swelled up in your eyes as you gazed up at the night sky,
You wondered if Alastor was looking up at the sky too, maybe he had gotten home already?
I'm 'bout to die
It was a good night to die, the last sight you'd see would be the star filled night sky.
Yet the thing on my mind seems to nearly be nothing but you
Alastor let out a string of French words as he turned around to go fetch you, hoping that you weren't too far behind.
I overhear your brain when it's close to mine
Branches and leaves crunched under his shoes as he sped through the woods.
Oh, I know that we're not the same
Your hope that he'd come back for you was slowly dwindling, the voices from before had disappeared, maybe they had fled, maybe they didn't know what they did, or maybe they just didn't care.
My heart's on the line
Alastor stopped by a tree for a moment to catch his breath, the only source of light was the moon and stars above.
I'm just a pawn in your game
To Alastor you were a expendable friend.
Not your partner in crime
In all reality though, To Alastor you were everything, he'd go through hell and back if you asked, he'd take down the most ruthless of people if it'd make you smile.
And you're slowly killing me
You felt tired, you wanted to close your eyes but you fought to keep them open.
You didn't want to die.
Taking your time
Alastor continued running, soon enough he stumbled upon you.
You're slowly killing me, taking your time
With red soaked clothing you laid limp on the ground.
You're slowly killing me
"[Name]? Mon étoile?"
Taking your- I was never meant to win
You smiled as you heard Alastor's voice.
You're slowly killing me
You didn't know if you were imagining it or if he really came back for you,
Maybe it was a last act of comfort given to you before you died.
Taking your- I was never meant to win
Alastor leaned down beside you, he gently put a hand on your cheek.
You're slowly killing me
You smiled at him, just barely being able to mutter an "Alastor."
And yet I don't mind You were never meant to win
You couldn't keep your eyes open anymore.
You're slowly killing me,
The last thing you saw was Alastor, and the last thing you heard was another gunshot.
But please take your time
At least the two of you would be reunited soon enough.
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Good evening folks! Originally I was supposed to post the murder Valentino with JoJo Siwa playing in the background fic today but I hit a slump with the ending and plus I think may have eaten something unfortunate because I feel sick so uh, BACK TO BACK ANGST Y'ALL, ALASTOR TODAY, TV MAN TOMORROW!
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gingiesworld · 11 months
Fatal Attraction
Chapter Five
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Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader/Wanda Maximoff x Jarvis Stark
Warnings: Angst. Some fluff if you squint. Ick warning with Jarvis
Taglist : @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic
Wanda was extremely confused about everything, even when she returned to work the next day, Y/N remained at a distance but still treated her the same. Although she found it endearing, she also found it annoying.
"So, we only have a couple of meetings with some investors today." Y/N informed her as she nodded, handing them the files they needed.
"Do you want me to sit in or?" She 9questioned as they looked up at her.
"Of course." They told her. "We are still professionals." They smiled at her. "Besides, it will be going over the gala mostly, like how much we should donate to the cause."
"Oh." She whispered as Y/N looked at her, analyzing her face.
"I know the other day was extremely unprofessional." They started as Wanda shook her head. "I just need to say this Wanda." She sighed and let them continue. "I care about you, you're an amazing woman and your husband is extremely lucky to have you."
"Doesn't feel like it sometimes." She mumbled as Y/N gave her a soft smile.
"Look, I don't know what's going on in your home life, but I want you to know that I am here for you." They told her as she gave them a thankful smile. Everything seemed to have gone back to how it was, although the two kept thinking back to the kiss, they kept things professional. Even as they walked out of the last meeting.
"I'll file these, you go home." They told her as she just nodded, they took the files with them as she gathered her things, deciding to meet Natasha. Once she arrived at her friend's apartment, she had already had two glasses of wine ready for them.
"So, I am attracted to my boss." Wanda stated as she sat opposite her friend. "I just, they're being too perfect about the whole thing and it's just adding to it."
"What do you mean perfect?" Nat questioned.
"They are still treating me like they did before." Wanda told her. "Like the kiss never happened and they are blaming themselves." Nat listened as Wanda rambled on and on about Y/N, a smirk on her face as she only saw that look once before.
"You're falling for them." She stated as Wanda shook her head. "You are, the last time you looked like that when you spoke about someone was when you and Jarvis started dating."
"But I am married." She stated as Nat shrugged.
"Maybe you got married too soon." She told her. "You're only just fresh out of college and married literally after graduation." She filled the two glasses back up as she spoke. "And now he wants to start a family, it seems he is trying to trap you into being a stay at home mom and you deserve better than that."
"I." Wanda shook her head. "You're wrong. He respects me, he wouldn't do that to me."
"Wanda." Nat tried as she gathered her things, ignoring her friend's apologies as she left the apartment, heading straight home.
As the night of the Gala.came around, Wanda wore the light blue dress that Jarvis had picked out. It wasn't particularly a colour that Wanda would wear for herself.
"Are you ready?" Jarvis asked as he made sure he had his wallet, phone and keys.
"Yup." She spoke as she took one last look at herself, rolling her eyes at his lack of fashion sense.
Once they arrived at the Gala, it was in full swing, many people were conversing as they sipped on expensive wine and champagne. The music was classical as a vast majority of the guests were middle aged at the least.
Her eyes searched the room, finding Y/N as they stood beside Gwen, looking around at the other guests and chuckling between themselves. As soon as Y/N's gaze caught Wanda's, a smile formed on their lips as her stomach flipped.
"I'm going to talk with the Coopers." Jarvis told her, leaving her side without even a kiss on the cheek. She headed straight for the bar, Y/N approached her with Gwen as she smiled at the two.
"You look beautiful." They smiled at her as she nodded.
"It's not particularly my colour but he chose it." Wanda shrugged as she sipped on her wine.
"Well, he should leave you to do your own shopping." They remarked as their eyes found Jarvis Stark, laughing with a group of men. "He doesn't deserve you, Wanda."
"Y/N." She whispered, just low enough for them to hear.
"My apologies." They stood back as they ordered another drink.
"Aren't you drinking?" Wanda asked as they shook their head.
"I can't afford to make a stupid decision, not with you." They whispered before smiling at her. "Have a nice evening Wanda." With that she watched as they walked away. She spent most of the evening on her own, watching as Jarvis floated between the other guests, but she noticed how he stayed clear of Y/N. Knowing of their rivalry, the companies as Oscorp is a much bigger organisation since Stark Industries had halted a lot of their products.
"Come on." Jarvis pulled her with him to the bathroom, locking it before he kissed her roughly. Wanda was too caught up in the moment as he ripped her underwear away before he inserted herself. She tried to push him away before he came but he gripped her hard as she told him to stop repeatedly. Tears in her eyes as he soon came inside her.
"How could you?" She whispered when he pulled out.
"What?" He asked her as she just pushed past him and walked out of the bathroom. Her tears running down her face as she entered the ballroom.
"Wanda?" Gwen spoke up as she was on her way to the bathroom.
"I need to leave." She whispered as she tried to hold in her sobs.
"Come on." Gwen took her by the arm and led her to the parking lot, sending a message to Y/N who wasted no time in getting there.
"What's going on?" They asked hurriedly as she pointed to Wanda, their heart broke as they saw her red teary eyes. "Let's get you both home." They said as Wanda shook her head.
"I'll get an Uber." Gwen suggested as Y/N was about the protest. "She needs you now Y/N." With that she left the two.
"Come on." They whispered as they closed the car door, heading around to the driver's side and starting the journey, opting to go to their own apartment.
"What happened?" They asked her as they led her to their sofa, kneeling before her as Wanda kept her dress covering her exposed sex.
"He." She tried as she took a deep breath. "He came in me. I told him to stop. No. But he didn't."
"Here." They held out their hand, leading her to their bedroom. "Have a shower, use whatever clothes you find in the closet." They grabbed their keys again.
"Where are you going?" She asked them as they gave her a soft smile.
"The pharmacy." They told her. "I'm going to get the plan B for you. I'm not having him get complete control over you or your body. He doesn't get to have that." She smiled as they pressed a kiss to her forehead before leaving. Wanda wondered what it was about them that made her feel so safe.
She made sure to scrub her entire body, letting the hot water burn her skin, tears escaping her eyes as sobs racked through her body. She had no idea how long she was in there for but Y/N had returned, knocking on the door.
"Wanda?" They called out. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah." She whispered as she opened the door, a towel wrapped around her form.
"I got you the plan b." They told her softly. "You also have an appointment with my doctor, you can use the company's health care insurance."
"You didn't have to." Wanda whispered as Y/N shook their head.
"I know I didn't." They smiled at her. "I don't know why but I care about you deeply and that is strange for me because I never really let anyone in or see the real me but you." They sighed as they gazed in her eyes. "You've broken me down Wanda, you make me unafraid of being who I truly am." With that they left the bedroom, heading straight to the kitchen to make some coffee, giving Wanda the time on her own. She can't deny that she feels free when she is around them, she feels seen and heard. Her opinions matter to her.
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poke-me-with-a-stick · 10 months
Chapter 28 of 'Artificial Wingman'!
For the full story on AO3, click Here!
Just like Jason predicted, Danny didn't seem perturbed by the news that the others were looking more into him. A little uncomfortable, sure, but not really bothered. The teen just shrugged when he was told about the conversation he and Dick had. Damian on the other hand...
"I'll kill them." The teen muttered, pacing behind the stool Danny was perched on. The look on his face was down right murderous.
"No you won't." The response is out before he could even really think about it, not that he was actually worried. "You haven't made a murder attempt in years."
Damian paused at that, glaring at the man over Danny's head, but didn't bother denying it. "Fine, I won't kill them." The teen relented, grasping his chin with his hand as he thought it over. "But I don't have to kill them to take them off the case..."
Jason let out a sigh. This was going to be a long night. "You can't maim them either. Alfred wouldn't approve." Damian huffed a breath through gritted teeth, not responding as he continued to pace a hole into the worn flooring.
"Robin, it's okay," Danny pipped up, turning to look at the teen over his shoulder. "It's not really that surprising, is it? I mean, I did punch your brother in the face before grabbing you and running away. Can you really say that it was completely unexpected for them to try and look for me?" A small, very out of place grin wormed it's way onto the demon brat's face at Danny's comment, before it was quickly stifled back into his usual expressionless expression. "Besides," Danny continued, either entirely unaware or just uncaring of what he caused, "It's not like they'll find anything on me. I don't exist here."
"I... suppose you're right," Damian admitted reluctantly, moving to lean slightly against the teen's shoulder. "I just hoped that we would have a bit more time before my paranoid family began sniffing around."
"I'm sorry, but did you just say that you punched someone? Which one was it?" Jason ignored the exchange between the two, more hung up on that little tidbit. Why hadn't he heard about this?
Danny shot him a confused look, then turned that look to Damian. "Uhh, I'm not sure. Robin, which one was he again?"
"That would be Richard. You punched my eldest adopted brother." Damian brushed the teen's bangs from his face, not paying any attention to the way Jason gaped at them, stunned. He was silent for a moment, before he burst into uproarious laughter.
"You punched Dick?" Jason couldn't hide the glee in his voice if he tried. "Oh man, that's amazing. Please tell me that there's footage of it somewhere."
A more familiar smile flickered across Damian's face this time. "I'm not sure if we have the footage, but I'm sure that it would be no problem to retrieve it from the store's security cameras ourselves at a later date." The smile fell into a more grim expression. "Of course, that will have to wait until after we plan around this... inconvenience."
Jason sobered up quickly, back on the task at hand. "Right. Well, first things first, we should probably try and keep you out of the public eye." He pointed at Danny, who was fiddling with something in his lap. "I know it sucks, but you probably shouldn't go outside much for the time being. Now that the other's are looking for you, its too risky to chance any of O's camera's catching a glimpse of you."
Danny frowned at that, his attention shifting back to the man. "I... guess that makes sense," H" He pouted, looking disappointed. "That's gonna suck."
"Do not worry," Damian pressed himself more tightly to the teen's side, as if to remind the teen of his presence. "I will not leave your side until it is safe to do so again." That seemed to cheer the teen up a bit, his cloudy expression brightening as he leaned back into the vigilantie's touch.
Nodding, Jason made a noise to gain their attention back. "Well, there's also problems that come with that, too. We can't stay here." He gestures at the apartment space around them with a wave of his arm. "This place is basically an OSHA violation. I was fine with us crashing here for a day or two, but if we're gonna be dodging the bats and birds, then we need to move shop."
Damian nodded in agreement, letting go of Danny and moving to start packing up their belongings. Danny, on the other hand, frowned. "I don't see the problem with staying here." He commented, leaning back on the bar stool until the front legs picked up off the floor before coming back down with a dull thump. "It's a bit rundown, sure, but I've stayed in worse before." Like Devine intervention, just as the words left his mouth, the stool under him gave an ominous creak before giving way. Danny let out a yelp as he was sent tumbling backwards, head first towards the crumbling counter behind him.
Both Jason and Damian lunged forwards to catch him, missing entirely as the halfa dropped through the decaying wood. They froze for a minute, trying to comprehend Danny's suddenly headless body, when the teen sat up quickly with a small screech. He was on his feet in an instant, making the two brothers jerk in place as he practically flew past them to duck behind Jazz, who had just walked into the room. "Uhh," Jazz stuttered, looking between her brother and them. "What happened here?"
Jason started to respond, but was beaten to the punch by Danny. "We were talking about how we should be moving to a new safe house!" He answered in a tone of strained cheer. "Which, I for one, think is an excellent idea! Say, Jason, did you have a place in mind? Maybe one without so many, uh, spiders?"
'Spiders?' Jason shook his head. He wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, and if Danny was anything like the rest of his family when it came to compromises, then that bar stool breaking was definitely a gift. "Uh, yeah. I had one in mind, it's a little more crowded, but it's in much better shape than this place." Not that it was much of a challenge in the first place.
"Well, that's great and all, but what about the Specter Speeder? I thought the whole point of us hiding out here was so that we could keep it hidden." Jazz pointed out cautiously. "I don't know about you, but I really don't want to just leave it somewhere too far away from us. What if we need something out of it, or someone stumbles across it?"
'She has a point.' Jason frowned, crossing his arms as he tried to come up with a solution. "She's right. We can't just leave it here, and parking it out on the street would bring too much unwanted attention to us."
Danny scoffed from where he was still hiding behind his sister. "That's an easy fix." He stated. "Just put it in Camouflage mode."
Jazz frowned at her brother. "You know turning something invisible isn't always the best way to solve your problems, little brother. Turning it invisible won't stop someone from accidentally kicking it. Or worse, someone crashing their car into it thinking that there isn't anything there."
"Uhh, I didn't say turn it invisible. I said turn on Camouflage mode." Jazz's stern frown dropped into a look of confusion. "Wait, you did know that there was a Camouflage mode, right?" When all he got was an embarrassed silence in response, an exasperated look crossed his face. "Seriously Jazz? We gave you a manual and everything!"
"Hey!" She started, defensive. "It's not my fault that you and Tucker decided to finish up just as exam week was starting! I barely had time to eat and sleep. Did you honestly expect me to read the forty-eight page booklet on all the updates you made?"
Danny blinked in surprise. "Sam made the manual forty-eight pages?" They both stared at each other for a minute, before Jazz broke into a fit of giggles. The teen followed suit, a very undignified snort escaping him. "That actually does sound like Sam." He acknowledged. "Did she make an actual book, or was it a PDF?"
"Take a wild guess." Jazz snarked at him, giggling some more when Danny shook his head with a groan. "Yeah, you remember her three-hour lecture on why excess use of paper was leading to deforestation and why it was better for the environment to switch to digital documents." Both shuddered at the reminder, making Damian and Jason glance at each other.
"Tucker was actually pretty hyped after that one." Danny admitted with a wry grin. "He and Sam spent the rest of the week persuading the school to go digital. They almost succeeded, too, if Technus hadn't invaded the computer lab and deleted the online teachers planner."
Before they could delve more into... whatever those memories were, Jason interrupted. "Well, if you have a way to hide the Speeder, then I believe we should get packed up." He turned away from the siblings, going over to help Damian stuff the pile of wires and circuits into a box. Behind them, Danny let out a squawk of panic, rushing forwards with shouts of 'Be Careful with those!'
Safe to say, it wasn't even an hour later before they were piling into the Speeder, Danny in the driver's seat. The teen fiddled with some buttons before the vehicle's exterior seemed to ripple, going invisible for a minute as he adjusted something. "Okay, what kind of disguise should I go for?" He asked, turning a dial.
"Something in black." Damian stated from the back seat, where he was buckled in behind the driver's seat. "The most common vehicle color is white, with the second being black, so it would be less likely to draw attention."
Danny nodded, the dial making a light clicking noise before he pushed it down. A generic looking car body was visible in the rear-view mirror, it's color shifting in a way that reminded Jason of Miss Martian's Bio-ship. "Okay, I think we're good to go now!" The teen shot his passengers a fanged smile as he put the vehicle in drive.
"Uhh, Jazz?" Jason glanced over at the woman. "Does your brother have a driver's license?" Maybe he should have asked before they started driving.
"No, but he practically re-built this thing. He knows how to operate it." Came her unbothered reply. He would have believed her, had the teen driving not promptly flew over a speed bump seconds later.
Thankfully, they made it to their destination in one piece. The moment the speeder came to a stop, Jason was sliding out of the back, silently praying for the poor soul that would have to grade Danny's driving when the teen did go to get his license. The man was followed a few seconds later by Damian and Jazz, Danny pouting as he pulled himself out of the now normal-looking car. "Oh, come on! My driving isn't that bad!" The teen whined.
"Beloved, you are a being with many skills. Driving does not appear to be one of them." Damian wrapped a possessive arm around the teen, pulling Danny into his side as he surveyed the apartment complex in front of them. "Are you sure that this is the place?" He asked, turning to shoot a look at Jason.
"Yeah, I'm sure, brat." He started forward, holding the door open for them as they filed in. The man nodded to a woman with a baby stroller as he led them towards the elevator, earning a polite nod from the woman and an excited wave from the little boy strapped into it. Once on the lift, he clicked the button for the fourth floor. "It's owned by one Harold Treeny, a middle-aged man from Connecticut that inherited the building from his aunt. He's never visited, but puts a lot of money into maintaining it, yet he keeps the rent low for the people who live here, and gives leniency to single mom's and the elderly when it comes to late payments."
Damian shot him a look from the corner of his eye. "This Treeny wouldn't happen to be one of your aliases, would it Todd?" He asked, though it was obvious he already knew the answer.
Jason chuckled. "No, not one of mine. It's actually one of Roy's. He wanted a place to stay, should he ever need to crash in Gotham, and he just lets me use it when he's not here. Though, we have discussed letting it fall into the Red Hood's hands, just for a bit." He let the conversation drop as the elevator doors opened, giving a friendly wave to an elderly couple that shuffled into the elevator as they exited. It was only when they were safely in Apartment 405 that he picked it back up. "The gang activity in the area has started to uptick in the past couple of weeks, and he's a bit worried about this place being caught in the crossfire."
Damian turned away from him, inspecting the rest of the apartment now that his curiosity was sated. Jazz, however, frowned. Leaning on her brother's shoulders, she looked to him. "Are you sure it's a good idea to stay here, with that going on? What if something happens?"
"I wouldn't worry about it too much. The activity hasn't spread more than a block since the last time I checked it, and I have some of my men spread around to alert me should that change." Jason shot a comforting smile at her, but it did little to release the tension that had coulded in her at the mention of gang activity.
Thankfully, Jason wasn't the only one who had noticed the woman's discomfort. Danny pressed his shoulder back into her chest gently, drawing her attention. "Hey, don't worry so much. It's not like a couple guys with guns would be any match for your's truly." He puffed up his chest in an exaggerated way, preening visibly when his sister laughed at him.
"Okay, okay. I guess you have a point." She admitted, ruffling her brother's hair and snagging his bag's strap while he squawked in protest. Darting gracefully out of her brother's reach, she gently sat the bag down on the coffee table before turning back around. "Okay! I don't know about you boys, but I for one think we could all do with some food." She looked around the room, clearly waiting for their responses.
"You still have an appetite after that harrowing experience?" Jason joked, barely flinching as Danny elbowed him.
"My driving was perfectly fine!" The teen protested, a pout forming as he crossed his arms.
"You drove over four different speedbumps like they weren't there, hit several potholes, and almost snagged a manhole cover with your rear... tire." Jason listed off, taking a page out of Jazz's book and violently ruffling his hair. "I'd call that a harrowing experience for any normal person."
Danny pulled away from the man's overzealous hair ruining efforts, patting down the loose strands with very little success. Giving up, he turned and glared at Jason. "Since when have any of us been normal?" He gripes, tugging the hood of his borrowed hoodie over his head and tightening the strings a bit. Tossing one of the agglets into his mouth, he chewed on the plastic as he thought. "I could eat." He decided eventually with a shrug, plopping down on the thrifted couch with an appreciative sigh.
Damian settled down next to the teen with more grace, letting his arm rest beside his lap so that it occasionally brushed against Danny's leg. "Food does seem like a good idea," the vigilante agreed. Now everyone turned to Jason, as if waiting for his opinion.
Jason sighed, finally allowing himself to acknowledge the hunger he felt. He hadn't eaten since before patrol last night, and now that they were safe for the time being, his stomach let him know just how much it appreciated not being fed. "Alright, alright!" He tossed his hands up in mock exasperation. "I know a good Thai place just a block from here. They have decent vegan options," he answered before Damian could ask, "and the owners know me. We can place an order and have it ready by the time I get there." When no one protested, the man pulled out his phone and dialed the number, not bothering to ask before placing an order he usually gave for when the other Outlaws were in town. It had a bit of everything, and plenty of servings. Of course, they would be more likely to have leftovers after, but all that meant is that Jason might not have to cook for a bit.
Cass and Steph watched as Tim and Dick argued, their heads bouncing back and fourth between the two like it was a tennis match.
"Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Dick asked, arms crossed and pout firmly on his face. It had been there since Tim had told him that he had already been looking into Danny, though they still didn't know the teen's actual name.
"I didn't say anything earlier because I thought it went without saying. We've seen this kid with Damian multiple times, you got punched by him!" Tim clutched his coffee mug close to his chest as he rambled, preventing Cass from slipping anything melatonin into it. Part if her was sure that, on some level, he had begun to suspect some sort of tampering.
...maybe it was time to brainstorm a new way of enforcing Alfred's healthy sleep schedule on her workaholic brother.
Cass was pulled from her thoughts by Steph's loud sigh of relief. Both Tim and Dick had left the room, probably headed to check whatever working file they had on Danny. "Man," Steph whined, stretching until her back popped slightly. "This is harder than I thought it would be. How have you not told them something super cryptic and usless yet?"
Cass smiled at the girl, standing as well to follow her to the kitchen. They both nodded at Alfred as Steph began to dig for snacks. Cass leaned against the counter, accepting the oatmeal cookie Alfred handed her gratefully.
"It is tempting." Cass admitted, biting down on the award winning pastry. "But Damian needs this." Her littlest brother was always so prim and proper, when not being serious and focused. It was good for him to let loose a bit, and expand his social circle past Jon Kent and Skylar from his art club.
"Your right," Steph pulled her head out of the fridge. "He does need to let loose once in a while." Diving back in, she made an "aha!" noise as she pulled out a leftover slice of chocolate cake. Snack found, she started to search for a fork. "So, how do we distract them?" She asked.
"Melatonin works well for Tim." She admitted quietly. "But Dick will be harder to distract."
"Hmm," Steph took a minute to think about it, slowly chewing. "Oh! I've got it!" An devious smirk worked its way onto her face as she gestured Cass closer, whispering her plan. When Cass pulled back, she had a thoughtfully look on her face.
"That could work." She agreed, a similar smirk appearing on her face. Behind them, Alfred shook his head fondly before going back to his prepwork for dinner. As long as things didn't get too out of hand, the man was content to let the girls have free reign. After all, he too agreed that Master Damian needed this break.
(I know there are probably some grammar/spelling mistakes, but it's okay because I tried my best!)
For the amazing person who made the prompt for this story, and the awesome people who follow along!
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legalHe-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
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byunpum · 2 years
Hello, if request are open, is it okay to asked what would it be liked to be Kiri twin sister ( who is down to earth, bit stubborn, and have a natural curiosity around them and the sky people as she tends to question alot )
Just something pletonic between them in general and with the Sully family
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Pair: Kiri x Reader twin sister
Warning: None, cute moments.
Note: I hope this is what you have asked for. And sorry for the late reply. I really enjoy write about family moments with sully's.
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"How do sky people reproduce?" you ask, causing jake and neytiri to choke on a piece of food. And your sister to give you a punch in the arm. Your victim was in front of you, spider. The little guy has always been a victim of your questions and curiosities. It wasn't that it bothered him, you and Kiri were very close to Spider. You were literally with him all day long, but while kiri treated him like a navi. You bombarded him with questions 24/7. Kiri would say you were annoying, but spider would defend you and say it was okay, it didn't bother him. The guy enjoyed spending time with you. Like the time you wanted to experiment how much pain spider could bring.
"Do I have to jump?" spider looks at you with wide eyes. "Yes" you say coldly, waiting for the boy to jump off the mountain. "Y/N are you crazy!!? He's going to die" says kiri, hugging spider. You pull spider by the arm and carry him to the edge of the cliff. "Don't worry…I'm here and if something happens I'll come and get you with the ikran" you smile at him, spider couldn't say no, besides this was exciting. And boom…he jumped. Or like the time you prepared an exclusive dish for spider, to see if he wouldn't throw up. "According to max, you won't be able to hold your vomit for 3 minutes. Let's try when you can hold it down with this meat" you offer him the food. "Are you trying to kill him?" asks neteyam, your brother is next to you brushing a piece of your hair. Kiri was at his side, and again tried to stop him from doing something stupid.
And now you had asked a rather complicated question. Kiri, spider and you were in the family hut, playing and hanging out. While Jake and Neytiri were in a corner somewhere cutting some fruit. Neytiri didn't enjoy spider's company very much, but she could see the bond her daughters had with the sky boy. The three of them were very close, so in a way she accepted it. "I… I don't know," says spider, raising his arms. You were next to him making several stripes on his skin with blue paint and kiri was brushing his hair. You pinch it, making the boy jump. "What do you mean you don't know? you're supposed to know" you complain.
"And what do you want to know?" asks Kiri. Jake and neytiri were listening…they didn't want to interrupt they wanted to see how the conversation was going. "Lo'ak said that our mother did 'stuff' with some and" you start talking, until jake knocks and interrupts the conversation by approaching you. You were still young, he was sure you knew some things and out of curiosity had talked about it, but not his girls. "Ok…time for me to explain to the three of you?" jake sat down next to you. He watched as the three kids gave him their undivided attention.
"Navi and humans reproduce the same, the genitals are the same, but with some differences. But…" jake tries to explain everything, but he can't put the words together well. "Navi just like humans mate through sexual intercourse, and there they reproduce and show their love" says neytiri, shouting a little and not taking her eyes off her work. They all looked at neytiri and then at jake. " That…that" says jake. Y/N gets quiet and then laughs a little. "Well…so kiri and rotxo" you joke, making spider laugh. "Nooo…gross" kiri gives you a smack, and you continue to laugh with spider. "So how about you and spider?" says kiri. Everyone gets quiet, spider and you look at each other start laughing again. Falling to the floor and making fun of kiri. The girl was upset. "Stop it!!!" Kiri yells. Jake stands up and leaves the group of friends laughing and fighting stupidly.
"Kiri…relax. Your secret is safe with us" says spider laughing. You can't hold back the tears. Your sister is so furious, only you and spider knew about her crush on rotxo. "Stop…stop bothering me" says kiri, sitting up and crossing her arms. You walk up to your sister and hug her tightly. "ok…sorry" you speak, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Kiri sticks her tongue out at you and pushes you away. You knew she wasn't mad at you, so you settle down to stand next to spider. "And I'll keep your secret," Kiri says softly, looking knowingly at spider and you. You two blush and you throw a paint-soaked handkerchief at your sister. "You wouldn't dare" you speak up. "You're daring me" kiri says, you're about to launch into a fight with her, but spider holds your arm. " Now…don't fight" says spider, while kiri gives you back the handkerchief. Kiri laughs, now it was her time to make fun of you.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
pablo comforting/ taking care of the reader who’s in the hospital 💙❤️
His Priority
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You always suffered with bad allergies that often activate your asthma but since you rarely travel your medication usually take care of it when you're in Spain.
Since Pablo joined the first team, he started traveling more wanting to bring you along whenever you can but all the travels in Europe didn't cause any allergies.
When you came to California, it was a different story. Your nose already became stuffy before you stepped out of the plane and the more time passed you started to feel your throat closing up.
Pablo was on one of his last training sessions before game against Arsenal when your asthma attack happened and you quickly called Aurora to come to your room to help you.
She gave you your pump but since it wasn't helping as much as it usually does, you knew that you should go the urgent care where they can give you stronger medicine.
Gavira family took you with their rental car and the moment they gave you medication through infusion you started to breathe much better.
pablitoo: did you go somewhere with my family amor?
pablitoo: i'm at the hotel and nobody is picking up
pablitoo: is everything alright??
pablitoo: amor please call me i'm so worried!
"Um..Rora..can you..um..give me my..phone?" you menage to talk taking off your oxygen mask and she quickly took it from your purse and gave it to you. You saw all Pablo's messages from half an hour ago knowing he must freaking out badly at this point.
"Call..P..Pablo..he's scared" you said having to return the mask since medication still haven't recovered you completely and Aurora took your phone dialing her brother's number.
"Amor! Donde estas!? I was so worried something happened!? Why weren't you answering your phone!" Pablo was rambling and Aurora sighed rolling her eyes at his dramatic tone.
"Callate hermano! Y/n is fine but she had an asthma attack.." Aurora said and that made Pablo shut up completely before panic started to set in again. Something really did happen and he wasn't there with you!
"Where are you!? Where is she!?" Pablo said and Aurora sent him the location as he quickly hung up and got a ride straight to the hospital not caring about any events scheduled or the recovery session he had for his back later in the evening. Getting to you was his number one priority right now!
"No! I don't want to wait! I want to see my girlfriend right now!" Pablo was yelling and you saw him while one of the nurses drove you in a wheelchair back towards your room.
"Please chico this is a hospital.." lady on the front desk tried to calm him down but the moment he heard you calling his name he turned around and rushed to your side.
"Que pasaba amor!? Are you alright now!? Why..why are you in a wheelchair??" he spoke his eyes filling with tears and you held his face leaning in and kissing his lips gently.
"I'm alright cariño..my stupid allergies..nurse took me to do a scan of my lungs just to make sure everything is alright..I will stay here one night and then I'll be released" you said and he nodded listening carefully while walking back into your room where his parents and Aurora waited.
"Is she going to be alright??" Sr Gavira was first to ask and everyone looked at the nurse concerned and you blushed at how much they all cared about you. Pablo was petting your hair while listening and you looked up at him with a smile.
"She is going to be just fine. We did the scan just to be sure but looks like medications are working very well. We will send you home with the medication and keep you overnight for observation" she said helping you stand up and lay down on the bed and Pablo quickly moved to sit beside you and hold your hand.
"Amor..they need to connect my infusion to my hand" you smile touching his face with another hand and he nods letting go while the nurse to you set up holding it again the second she let go.
"I will be back with your results shortly..and we might need to set up security cause there is a crowd outside" nurse said and Pablo felt horrible to have caused this but he didn't think who saw him when he came here just wanting to see you as quick as possible.
"I'm so sorry.." Pablo said to her and the lady smiled at the way he was holding your hand not letting go for a moment.
"It's alright. You came to see your girl and that's admirable" she said leaving and Pablo finally relaxed kissing the top of your head while sitting down on the sofa besides you.
"Sorry we didn't answer hijo, we were with doctors" Belen said and Pablo just nodded catching his breath feeling a tear fall down his cheek and you pouted drying it with your hands.
"Let's give them some space.." Aurora said taking his parents out and you smiled thanking her kissing him the moment you were alone.
"I was so scared when nobody answered and when Aurora told me..I froze..and then I saw you in a wheelchair" he said and you shook your moving a little and he did as well not wanting you to get hurt and you kissed again.
"I'm alright Pablito..I promise. You can go back with your parents and get sleep for the game tomorrow" you said but he immediately shook his head determined to stay here with you the whole night.
"I'm not playing anyways..and I will get my back checked tomorrow when you leave with me..but tonight, I will be right here with you princesa" he said and you sighed about to say something to convince him but he wouldn't hear it.
"It's not an argument amor! I am staying! I want to stay and I need to stay..please" he said with puppy dog look and you smiled nodding your head.
"I spoke to Xavi to let him know what happened hijo. We will pick you both up tomorrow morning" Sr. Gavira said when they came back with a nurse who gave you good news saying everything was perfect.
"Gracias papi" Pablo said and man nodded touching my shoulder and wishing me a quick recovery. Belen kissed my head and Aurora hugged me tightly kissing my cheek.
Pablo knew how much you hated hospitals ever since you were a kid because you spent a lot of times there because of your asthma. He pulled the sofa close to the bed, turning Netflix on his phone and holding it so that you both have your own little movie night. Other hand of course held yours careful not to pull on the infusion.
Aurora thought that was just adorable snapping a quick picture and sending it to both of you. You smiled when you saw it and Pablo kissed the top of your head lovingly seeing your eyes slowly closing. When he made sure you were sleep, he turned off his phone laying beside you and holding you in his arms protectively.
Nurse came to check in smiling brightly when she saw the two of you together nodding her head and quietly fixing your infusion while Pablo kissed your forehead making sure you don't wake up.
"Thank you.." Pablo whispered and the nurse nodded reassuring him that you are doing very well and all the risk has passed. Pablo was thrilled to hear that finally able to relax and fall asleep with his chin resting on top of your head and your face nuzzled into his neck.
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