#'ah you know we uh. haha we managed'
bi-demon-ium · 2 years
sudden extremely vivid image of like, pre-series Shenanigans/Adventures when it's just nicholas and milligan and milligan is in the driver's seat driving at Top Speed mr benedict's in the passenger seat with a map frantically turning it over and shouting directions and there are like three cars chasing them and then there's a gunshot or something and mr benedict goes oh! and falls asleep and the map flies out the window, and milligan's like FUCK and has to swerve to avoid one of them attempting to ram the car,
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sinnersweets · 4 months
DogDay x Reader part 2
A/N: Highly requested so here you guys go! Enjoy!
<----part 1 part 3---->
DogDay led me outside of the Playhouse and back outside into Playcare. A few feet in front of us was a chicken. A tall yellow chicken. Ah, that must have been KickinChicken. “Hiya KC!” DogDay was still holding my hand but with his other he waved extremely fast to KickinChicken. “Sup DD! Hey, finally got yourself a helper now huh? ‘Bout time dude.” KickinChicken then handed off the kids too, I’m assuming his helper. His helper also matched him as well. Guess that was the uniform for us working with these...tall animal mascots.  
Kickinchicken walked up to me and DogDay. “Names Kickinchicken, the cool member of the Smiling Critters.” DogDay laughed when he said that. “Go on Angel, introduce yourself.” I wasn’t used to seeing animals so tall, it scared me a little. I held out my free hand to KickenChicken and summoned some courage to talk.  
“Hello, I’m Y/N or Angel, doesn’t really matter what you call me. Nice to meet you.” KickenChicken then slapped my hand with his and started to make a handshake with me. I mirrored his movements to understand this new handshake I was given. “Haha, she’s pretty cool DD, you got yourself a rad helper.” He then looked at me up and down. “Not bad looking either.” KickenChicken smiled at me. I was going to comment on that, but DogDay beat me too it. “Look at the time! You better hurry along to your group now KC, don’t want our little friends upset now do we?” “Right, well nice meeting ya Y/N, we’ll chat later.” he spoke as he walked back to his group and helper. DogDay squeezed my hand a bit before leading us to the center of Playcare. “On with the tour!” 
DogDay first showed me the statue in the center. It was all the Smiling Critters. There were eight of them in total: DogDay the leader, Bobby Bearhug the loving one, KickenChicken was the cool one, Hoppy Hopscotch the energetic one, CraftyCorn was the artist in the group, Bubba Bubbaphant the smart one, PickyPiggy the foodie, and lastly there was CatNap, DogDays bestest friend. He supposably makes sure that everyone else gets a good night's rest every day to ensure that they are ready for the next day.  
Next, we went into the Toy Store. DogDay was tall, so he had to walk on all fours. “This is where the children can come and buy some sweet toys of yours truly, and the others!” I smiled and looked around. Sure enough there were plushies of DogDay and the rest of the group. There were also some other toys like a blue limp doll, a dinosaur that matched the lamps outside, what looked like a cat and a bee mixed, and other toys. I picked up a smaller version of DogDay and looked at it. “You said the kids buy these?” “Uh-huh! We give them play money to use around here, that way when they get adopted, they’ll know about the real world and how to manage their expenses.” That was smart of them. I set the plushie back down and followed DogDay outside. 
We then looked at the consoler's office and school. DogDay told me that the consolers office was where the staff would put their belongings in and where parents would go to adopt a child. Only DogDay was allowed in the consoler's office, none of the other Smiling Critters could go in there. I’m not sure why but I didn’t question it. “The school is where the children spend most of their time. I’d take you inside so you could meet Miss Delight and her sisters, but I wouldn’t want to interrupt her teachings.” “That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll get to meet them one day.”  
It was now naptime for the children which meant that the Smiling Critters could step away and hang out all together and just relax. I was in the consolers office to check out my assigned office. Each helper had their own office to get away to when needed. Outside my door was a card that had ‘Welcome’ on the front. I picked it up and walked into my new office. I took a look around, nice office, however what stuck out to me was the big dog bed in the corner.  
I was about to walk over to it until I heard a knock at the door. I set down the card and opened the door, but no one was there. Suddenly DogDays head popped out from the side. “Hiya Angel!” “Ah-” I fell back in shock. As I laid on the floor DogDay hovered over me with a worried expression, his sun pendant laid against my chest. “Angel?! Oh gosh I’m so sorry! Are you okay??!” I did a double-blink and then slowly sat up. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just wasn’t expecting that at all.” DogDay then held out a paw towards me to help me to my feet. I took his paw into my hand and once my hand met his paw his tail started to wag. He pulled me up to my feet and got close to me.   I wasn't used to being this close to anyone, let alone a giant dog so I started to blush. This caught DogDays attention. “Angel your face is really red, are you sick?” I was starting to feel bad, not physically but mentally. I didn’t want him to be worried about me. “I-I’m fine! Really DogDay. So, um what brings you by?” I wanted to change the subject as fast as possible. DogDay then smiled and leaned away from me. “I wanted to see if you liked the card we made!” I went to my desk, picked up the card and opened it. ‘Welcome newest helper, we hope that this job brings you happiness and joy as we do to our children here. We look forward to working with you, signed everyone.’ I did like the letter. 
Me and DogDay started chatting for a while until out of nowhere, I yawned. “Oh my, sorry about that.” Guess I was starting to get a bit tired. “That’s okay Angel. There’s thirty minutes left of nap time; you should rest up!” A power nap did sound good. I nodded and told DogDay that he should go back to his friends, but he shook his head no and picked me up and walked over to the dog bed in the corner. Should’ve known it was his.  
“I’d rather spend my free time with you Angel, plus as your boss you have no say.” He stuck his tongue out and booped my nose with his paw. My face got warm again. He then laid down on his bed and laid me in between his front paws. “You can rest with me Angel; I’ve been told that I’m a very fluffy pillow.” He was very soft and the smell of vanilla on him was almost like a drug to put you to sleep, and it was working. I yawned once more and closed my eyes. DogDays head rested near me. “Rest well my Angel.” was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.  
A/N: Thank you for reading!
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Hot Ghouls in your Area ch 4 progress
(read other sections of this and more stories here)
Danny floated miserably through the stacks, pulling out books that looked remotely plausible. Maybe he needed help. Jazz would help him without laughing at him, right?
Sam and Tucker absolutely would not. They would think it was hilarious that he had so little game that the universe assigned him a boyfriend via Jeremy Waters. 
‘As if I could pull a guy who looks like that,’ Danny thought wryly, and then felt a little bad about himself in comparison. Jason was, uhhhh, physically blessed. He was tall and well proportioned and his hands- Danny fought down a shiver and resisted the urge to steal another look. Jason was out of sight anyway.
Well. He still hadn't seen Jason's face. Maybe he was ugly! You never know. Or maybe under the helmet it was totally smooth, no face. That would be neat. Danny paused mid motion to imagine that.
Haha. Sick, man.
That concept cheered him up a little as he grimly opened the first book and started skimming for likely words like marriage, spouse, and concubine. 
He didn’t bother reading anything in detail. He stuck a post it note on each page with a relevant term and then put the book in a pile to take back to his dorm. This wasn’t going to get solved in a day.
Ah, shit. Danny paused. This wasn’t going to get solved in a day. He bit his lip and looked off in the direction where Jason had disappeared to do his own research.
He truly didn’t have time to devote to this right now. He was not willing to drop his school life in order to solve a sudden problem. Jason was just going to have to cope with whatever timeline Danny could manage without setting his life on fire.
On the other hand, Jason was a human guy who probably had a life of his own at the biker bar/fight club. Whatever the hell required that kind of outfit probably kept him busy! So Danny couldn’t like, just leave him in the castle to chill.
“Not to mention the fact that he shouldn’t be able to live here very long anyways,” Danny muttered to himself.
That was troubling him. Frankly, Jason should have been intolerably uncomfortable in the ghost zone for this long without specialized protective equipment. It wasn’t meant for humans.
‘What did Jeremy do to this guy?’
Yikes. Did this mean… Did this mean Danny should have given that little cult thing more credit? But Jeremy was just such a doofus. He grimaced. Embarrassing. Why were his enemies so embarrassing? This shit didn’t happen to, like, Wonder Woman.
Danny buried himself back in the books to avoid the growing suspicion that Jason might have been uhhhh magically altered to make him an appropriate concubine to a dead king. That thought sucked! He didn’t like it. He really didn’t like the idea of bringing it up with Jason.
When he had what he thought was a good first round of research, Danny shelved the books he’d gotten out and went to find where his …
He whole-body flinched at the point where he needed to plug an appropriate noun into that sentence. 
“Jason?” Danny called, juggling books into a stack. “I think we should probably get you back to the re- the human world. Before something inexorable happens.”
A pause.
“I don’t think you know what that word means,” Jason said. A book shut. Danny headed towards the sound, phasing through shelves effortlessly. A spark of curiosity lit up at Jason’s voice. He sounded relaxed, even through the helmet’s filter. 
‘I want to hear his real voice. Bet it’s nice.’
Wait. What? Danny shook the thought away, discomforted. He plastered a wide grin on his face. “I don’t know any words,” he lied breezily. “I’m just ad libbing. Anyway!” He flopped dramatically down onto the big chair next to Jason’s, making sure to be extra physical to get a satisfying whumpf. “We really should go! I can get you to the human world, but, uh, I can’t promise to put you back where you came from.” He scratched at the back of his neck. “I think this is going to be a more than one day affair.”
Jason was watching him. There was nothing visible through his helmet, but Danny got the sense that he was tense, waiting for a threat. 
Which, what? Why would Jason feel threatened by-
Oh. Danny felt a knot in his stomach. Right. That made a lot of sense. He felt kinda sick. 
He didn’t let the feeling show through and barreled on speaking. “I don’t exactly have an easy way for you to contact me, but we probably need to stay in touch to fix this. Do you have any ideas?” 
The lie felt kind of gross. But he could hardly tell the guy; “I’m an engineering student in Gotham, you can just call my cell or come to the dorms.”
Jason seemed to relax at the cessation of control. “If you can stick around, yeah. I’ll get you a burner phone, exchange numbers. You’re not going to…” He trailed off. Danny felt a frown somehow. “You won’t have any signal here, actually. That won’t work.”
“I can make it work,” Danny assured him, hands up. “I mean, I can’t make it work here, or I would have offered to help with your tech. But I can pop in and out of the human world and check my messages.”
“That’ll work.” Jason’s helmet turned ever so slightly. “About the books…”
“You found something good?” Danny asked, impressed. “Yeah, awesome. Just be really careful with them, the librarian is a scary guy.”
Jason’s hand flexed over the closed book on his thigh. “I can take- how many can I take out?”
Danny scoffed. “I’m not your dad,” he said. “Whatever you can carry, man. You ready to go or do you need a minute?” He flipped back to his feet with a grunt. 
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merlinssassybeard · 1 year
'Ex' husband Gojo - The Aftermath- 02
Tags- smut, angst, cheating, TW seizures, bad mental health of reader
Synopsis- The events of the fateful night of Christmas...
The Aftermath- 01 // series masterlist
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24th December, 2016
"Hey y/n! Wanna get some drinks on Christmas? If you don't have any plans! Or are you too busy for us 'poor people'! Haha!". Your friends have called and they joked.
You come from a very lower middle class family. Raised by your grandmother and elder sister(by six years) due to your parents being absent.
It was difficult, you grew up watching your grandmother working at an age where she should be enjoying life and your sister when she should be studying. You grew up knowing what's it like to have nothing.
With a decent education, you and your sister started supporting your grandmother with a decent corporate job until your sister got married to her co-worker.
It was just you, helping financially your grandmother with her medical bills while saving up enough for a decent enough wedding dress to follow your sister's path, where you marry an average man like she did, have kids, take care of your children and man and thats it.
An average life.
But you wanted more.
You prayed. Day and night for an extraordinary life, a life memorable and not like your sister's.
You wanted more from life.
And the Gods heard your prayer.
Your whole life changed when you became an essential part of Japan's prolific Aristocratic family.
The news was everywhere. Its a rags to riches, The modern Cinderella story in everyone's eyes.
It was beautiful.
It was memorable, everything you wanted..
Until it wasn't...
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"Uh.. yes i am free.", it felt so different, talking to people you worked with after so long. "What's the timing?", you asked.
"25th, 7pm! At the usual place. Also y/n! Could you maybe bring your husband! I mean we would all love to meet Mr Gojo! He's so funny! Only if Mr Gojo is free that is!"
Ah yes. Mr Gojo, the funny, entertaining Mr Gojo. He has met your friends from work enough times to make an image of the grounded but arrogant, funny rich guy.
"Oh! He-he isn't home. He's quite busy. Maybe next time, i will bring him!", you managed as if there will be a next time!
"Oh(disappointed) , nevermind then. Send my regards to Mr Gojo. And you do not forget to come y/n!"
You wanted to go out, outside and away from this house of memories, with Satoru, that trapped you. You wanted to breath fresh air and move on.
Move on?
How could you move on?
The fact that you were 3 months in your pregnancy after 4 years of marriage. But you failed to carry the child. You failed to maintain the marriage with the person you love. And you're talking about moving on when its just 2 months?
How cruel y/n, how cruel...
25th December, 2016 || 6.45pm
You got dressed up in a simple black turtleneck, jeans, an overcoat and knee high boots with a woolen cap on.
A thick layer of concealer was enough to hide the under eye dark circles. You put on a red lipstick and went out.
The staff stared at you, secretly though, but nonetheless they stared and judged you.
'Is Lady y/n really pregnant?' One said. "She doesn't have a bump though", other quoted. "Come to think of it, her monthly(period) hasn't arrived either. She is pregnant!".
"When's she going to announce?" One servant asked. "Maybe after Lord Satoru arrives?". "Oh! Maybe on the New Year's eve! Seems perfect timing as well.", one replied.
The servants maybe nosy but they know their places. They know, something so sensitive as the pregnancy of the great six eyes sorcerer's wife, its not their place to give the news to the family.
Generally, almost every household's staffs know about anything and everything that goes on in Gojo household. But the word, luckily, doesn't reaches to their employers most of the time.
But this time, it wasn't just some other light news from the Gojo House and the servants of other households started talking to their employers in no time...
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It was already past 11.30pm.
Reunion with your office friends and straight up five bottles of your favorite vodka felt so nice that you almost forgot about all and everything that had gone wrong in your life.
You meet up with your co-workers every Christmas for the last 4 years. Sometimes Satoru would company, sometimes he wouldn't.
Talking about politics, sports and who's dating who, both in the office and among celebrities. These were mostly the topics you spent discussing while drinking.
"Hey, its almost going to be 12. I think that's it for the night guys!", one of your girlfriends announced after a slight glance at her silver wrist watch.
"Whaaat?", your speech was slurred and vision blurry after five drinks. "Isss overrr already? Whyyyy? Less get the party started.."
Everyone chuckled. "Ah y/n san had too much to drink! Now we'd have to drop her at her royal palace!", the other girlfriend smiled, a little jealous of your luxurious life.
"Whaaaaat? Less playyy! C'mon ya lot!", you continued babbling frustrated.
"I'll drop y/n. If its okay with everyone."
Out of all the twelve co-workers, one of them stood up and offered to help you reach home.
He knew none are interested in insuring you reach home safely. Everybody was just ignorant and busy to get back home to be on time for work.
He, Kenzo, always have had feelings for you. From the moment you entered the Office to present, when you're married and babbling gibberish while totally drunk.
Everyone agreed to leave you to Kenzo since it was no secret, the feelings he has and someone like him would definitely make sure you reach home safe and secure.
26th December, 2016 || 12.26 am
The group gave their farewells to each other and went on their way.
You, on the other hand, are so drunk that its impossible for you stand up without your legs wobbling and bringing you down.
Kenzo helped you and got you on the passenger seat of his car and started driving towards your 'palace'.
Your head felt heavy with all the drinks you had. You could hear voices in your head, all distorted, words lapsing onto each other.
"You did this y/n!"
"Because of you y/n your baby is dead"
"Satoru will never love you"
"All you've done since marriage is sitting on top of your husband's fortune... living the life you never had"
"Satoru's family....They were right...Everyone was right.."
"You are just a whore"
"Whore for money"
You let out a scream and started twisting and turning your head and hands to stop all this annoying gibberish in your head. Your eyes closed tight shut.
Kenzo, while driving through almost an empty road, saw this and was absolutely horrified. He thought you're having seizures so he stopped his car in an empty underground parking lot that was luckily near when he saw you.
"Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?". He grabbed your cheeks to hold you still while his other hand held forcefully onto your shaking arms. "Talk to me y/n. Talk to me!"
"Talk to me y/n"
You heard.
You opened your eyes, slowly letting in the artificial bright lights hit your eyes. Lips trembling. Cheeks red, tears rolling.
You felt a grasp on your cheeks and lowered your gaze to see Kenzo, worried and sweating.
You let out a sigh and without any thoughts hugged Kenzo.
He didn't know what just happened but if hugging him makes you feel better, he's okay with it. He hugged you back. Caressing your back.
All the thoughts had stopped now in your head.
You calmly pulled away from the hug and locked your eyes with Kenzo's.
He is so handsome, same age as you, has beautiful hooded eyes, his nose, his lips.
You gently brought your lips closer to his and he to yours. You both so close but so far. You wanted to kiss him, he wanted to kiss you.
Your lips brushed upon his and he kissed you. You put your tongue in his mouth and fought for dominance. After a few pants for air, you won, a battle you never won with your husband.
Kenzo pulled back though halfway through. You were puzzled. Didn't he want you? But then you saw him looking at your big blue and white diamond wedding ring.
Oh so thats what it is.
You quickly removed the two rings from your left hand and put the expensive rings onto dashboard. One ring being your wedding band and the other ring was an official platinum-diamond band symbolizing that you are the Gojo Clan head's wife.
In a rush you jumped sat on his lap. Fixating yourself just above his crotch, continuously rubbing your clothed groin over his. You both panted.
You unbuckled your jeans and threw them in the backseat and unzipped Kenzo's pants, about to slide in his member in you. You were so in heat he could see right through you if he'd have to be honest.
He held your wrists and stopped you from doing it...
"Y/n, we shouldn't... its not right... you're married-", he protested with his voice low.
"I decide whats right or not... so shut up and do it already", you growled at him in frustration and just put his cock in your unprepared cunt.
You were finally tainted wholly...
It hurt a lot in the beginning, doing the deed all dry, without any foreplay after so long and after your miscarriage but slowly your body adjusted.
'God! he's so small', you thought to yourself while pushing in Kenzo's 5 inches hard cock in you since for the last over 7 years you've gotten used to Gojo's 8 inches.
This lowly act of yours went on for around 2 hours. Doing it anywhere and everywhere inside the car, in all and every position.
26th December, 2016 || 4.50am
The radio was playing 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers.
Kenzo was driving you to your house.
You were quiet. He was quiet.
The drive to your uphill estate was easy since it was early morning so the streets were traffic free. He drove his car through the beautiful posh Uphills neighborhood of Tokyo. Your house was almost there.
Each house in this posh area are mindfully distanced to provide full privacy and personal space to the owners. That is why Satoru bought his married house here.
You were looking outside the window with a cigarette between your lips and suddenly your heart skipped a beat, eyes widened, forehead sweating when you saw your husband's black Audi sedan parked in the driveway...
You gulped when the car stopped outside the Gojo Estate's premises.
Door opened, left foot out and you got out. Before entering the gates of your premises, you leaned down a little to look at an equally annoyed Kenzo.
You both didn't share any words or any final looks and he just drove his car as soon as you got off.
He knew what he had done was crossing the line and beyond. It was so unethical to sleep with a married woman, doesn't matter if you were his crush once or not.
You closed your eyes and let out a deep sigh.
"Well technically y/n you are separated and will be divorced soon. So its not cheating. Technically?" Your head convinced you in case when you'd be caught you'll have an argument ready.
You started walking through the cobblestone walkway, a little nervous... Actually, truth be told, you are scared of seeing Satoru. Finding you in your current state at this late hour.
You took one last big puff and then crushed the cigarette with your boots.
You rang the bell once, twice. You started thinking maybe its not Satoru but its Mr Ijichi. Yeah! He's busy anyway.
The door opened just as you were about to ring the third time and all your fears came true...
Satoru Gojo opened the door.
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@sindela @dazai-gojo-kinnie @whats-humanity-lol @thewickedofrizz @phantasmia @ghostllyyz @yihona-san06 @Enaaneaen @sweet-almond @Angel_🫶🏻@autumn-slaves @wondermilka @hh0peful @kugisakinobarades @witchbybirth @nineooooo @ssc7514 @Hana-patata @blue_spices @haikyuubiggestsimp @urstepmom69 @hueneve @chayunwoo@waosobii @nadzhaf @yoriichiswife @tiltraumadouspart @kirschtein123 @whoisobsessed @Asala @ashthemadwriter @remnirris @svm666 @voidsatoru @staygoldsquatchling02 @dunnowhy-m @nnasv @violetmatcha @dummyf @Noblog @Littledemoness15 @shaiah @iluv-ace @mmeerraa @angellyah @0bakuzan @waxhers @chanelmalandro @shoutobrainrot @angrydaughter @Screw-aebi@asdfghjkl7things @kodzukenwhore @gabile18 @bollockswhy @pelicanpizza @electro-supremacy @Zatannaswifeblog@spam-and-eggs @guenievresworld @b0scuit@aliventboo @marit332 @ieathairs @hells-escapees @no-name222
Aplogies, tags are CLOSED
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vixennz · 1 year
Anomaly of Heaven. Overblot mc
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Synopsis: You finally have enough of Crowley's bullshit
Character/s: Ace, Deuce, Grim, Crowley, Housewardens, Vice, First years [only malleus, riddle, azul, and leona are actually mentioned but only little]
Content Warnings: Bottled up emotions, rage, screaming, cussing, trauma, abit ooc characters, mentions of body disfiguration [although not too vivid], overblot, afab mc, fem pronouns (she/her)
Genre: Pure angst, no comfort
Word count: 1k+
Song: Skyfall — Adele
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It was tiring.
It drained you.
Helping everyone, cleaning up everyone and Crowley's mess, and then... getting nothing in return. It was always you to blame. It wasn’t your fault you were brought here so why are you always to blame? Why is it always you who is unlucky?
You sighed staring up at the night sky, tired and angry. The built up rage was lighting something sinister within you; but you had hope, one little spec of hope, that Crowley finally managed to find some way to bring you back; sure, you have friends here but what about your friends back home? Your family? You wanted some sort of normality just for once.
Surely you were brought here because you’re special, right? You must have some kind of role other than being just- there
You stared ahead, out of the window of ramshackle, grim was long asleep, but you simply just couldn’t bring yourself to, no, not with all these feelings and thoughts mixing in; but slowly the exhaustion finally kicked in and you found yourself succumbing to slumber.
Drip drip
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The next day you felt off, something just did not feel right, and it wasn’t because of someone... No, it was because of you or rather something within you.
Every little thing was irritating you, your senses felt overstimulated, so you left, not bothering to explain to the trio where you were going, you just wanted to be alone.
The walk to the garden was quiet and peaceful... finally some alone time, you thought.
“Ah prefect! There you are, could you get these....” of course there had to be disturbances, it just wasn’t your day today.
“sure, and uh, sir? Have you found a way back home?”
“ah! Home.. Haha of course! But lately I have been very busy for some things to help the school!”
“right.” you replied, “now if I shall I've got other matters to attend to” crowley said hastily leaving
After finishing what he asked for, you finally had time to spare for yourself, but you were wrong. Walking to crowley’s office you wondered what the hell those three idiots have caused again, in fact, what have they not caused?
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You swung the door open and entered the headmages’ office “prefect! Perfect timing!”
“what happened now?”
“Well, these three have broken something, and as the prefect of ramshackle it is your utmost responsibility to take care of them, and you failed to do so... again.” crowley sighed
this was incredulous! You were busy and did not know what was happening, so why are you to blame once again. “what!? It wasn’t even my fault sir- I was doing what you asked me to-”
Drip drip
“ah ah, but you were assigned to keep them out of trouble as well!” he replied in that sickenly voice of his, feigning innocence and what not
“I-” you were about to protest when another voice piped in “hey! We did it so punish us instead, just leave my henchman alone!” grim said running by your side, sure he may be a little menace at times but he is your friend, and he just couldn’t stand there while his beloved human was getting blamed for something she didn’t even do.
Deuce and ace nodded as well agreeing, “yeah! They weren’t even there it’s all on us three, sir”
He couldn’t just take all the blame on you! You did nothing wrong.
“Listen crowley, I did absolutely fucking nothing! I wasn’t there how was I supposed to know?!” you screamed, finally having enough of all the shit he’s put you up for, hell even grim stood by you.
Crowley, ace, and deuce were stunned, they didn’t expect their quiet and kind prefect to just scream out of nowhere!
“Prefect! What is this kind of behav-”
“Shut up! All you have ever done for me is treat me like some sort of fucking servant! Have you even worked on finding a way back to my home?!” you screamed, it seemed that all your bottled up emotions have finally decided to spill
“Well- yes I am working on it-” crowley replied, but you knew better than to believe what he said
“Oh really? Do you even work at all? Cause it seems to me like you have been lazing around being fucking incompetent! Overblots happen every single month, and who must clean it up? ME! All your work? IT'S ON ME!”
“We wouldn’t have had any overblots if only you actually cared!”
Drip drip..
“It's because of your negligence, lack of involvement and greedy ideals that’s what’s getting us wrapped up into a mess!”
“have you even considered what I've felt? I act like it doesn’t bother me, but I deeply miss my home!”
Drip drip...
“You talk as if you’re some kind, responsible person BUT. YOU. ARE. NOT!”
The room was silent as everyone tried to get themselves over the shock and horrid, grim was seething beside you, he didn’t like the fact crowley kept on stressing you out.
You were tired of his selfishness, his lack of care, for the betterment. A gnawing darkness came from within, slowly little droplets fell from your eyes, great you were crying now, you thought as you reached up to smudge it away..
Again and again, but it seemed to just keep coming, you couldn’t understand why.
Horrified gasps were heard in front of you; deuce stared wide eyed, and ace felt guilt. “[n-name]”
“henchman..! this is all your fault you damned mage!” grim yelled at crowley, he looked genuinely worried; how could he? How could he cause [name] such pain that she’s slowly finally, succumb to the darkness?
You finally understood what was happening, looking down at your hands, it wasn't tears, it was ink.
The magicless student was actually... overblotting.
It’s suffocating, the gnawing darkness from earlier has now fully enveloped you. Staggering back, you were shaking, it hurts... it hurts! you said not even realizing you were screaming in agony. Unknown to you grim was starting to overblot as well, he just couldn’t keep it in anymore...
“So painful... MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE-” you sobbed in anguish, it felt like you were too small for your own skin...
Three pairs of inked wings came out from the rip on your back, the other three were downright horrified.
“you two.. Get the dorm leaders.” crowley said “what!? What abou-”
“GO!” ace and deuce had no other choice but to do so.
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The word slowly started to blur out as you succumb to the outcome of your pure unfiltered rage. Your appearance drastically changed, your hair was longer ending in white, defying gravity itself as it slowly floated, your eyes became slitted as another pair opened just below it, and finally a halo of thorns formed just right above your head, as if it was some sort of mock to you.
You were good, you followed everything that was said, and now here your reward is, to be in the form of one of the most kind and known celestial beings, an angel; but was it really a reward when you are simply a mock version of it? A version made from hate; Your hate, despair, and suffering.
You embraced this new form with open arms, it was you, after all. Grim was beside you, oh little grim, he didn’t seem so weak now, a tailed beast he has become, fire burning hotter than before. Mounting the huge beast, you both headed for the courtyard, leaving that part of the building in ruins.
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“housewarden!” ace and deuce busted in the meeting room, panting as they ran from the whole other side of the building
“Ace? Deuce? You clearly see there is a meeting happening right now. I will not tolerate such beh-” riddle said in disappointment but was cut off by the two first years “now is NOT the time, [name]- she-" deuce panted.
“spit it out you idiots, I've got no time here.” leona spat out, just then a loud screech can be heard, loud enough to shake the room abit, now this caught their attention.
“[name] has overblotted we don’t know how-”
The housewardens all looked at the two in shock, running out and to the courtyards.
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Destruction, chaos, and fire was what they reached to. The screams of horror rang throughout the entirety of the school, and the once magicless, helpless prefect was the cause of it all, laughing as they tore the school down and reduced it to nothing but rubbles of ashes.
“what the hell have you become [name]!? Snap out of it!” screamed azul; they were terrified, this... This was nothing to their overblot, right now, it was pure destruction, they aimed to obliterate this place.
Where you go, I go
Ace and deuce and the other first years have finally arrived at the scene
What you see, I see
They stared in disbelief at what their beloved friends had become “[NAME]! PLEASE! COME BACK TO US!”
I know I'd never be me
“[name!]”, “Prefect!”, “Come on [name]!”, “PLEASE!”
Without the security of your loving arms, keeping me from harm
They shot magic at you, but grim shielded you away from them, screeching at them to get away
Put your hand in my hand and we'll stand
Your wings finally spread to their full lengths for the first time; covering the courtyard in its’ shadow as you take flight to the heavens above. You were different, your blot just wasn’t caused by magic, no... It was created from within you, it was made from your pure ravenous rage.
“Youve all caused me to BE like THIS! You don’t know what it’s like... NEVER.”
Let the sky fall
They look up in shock as the once dark skies have parted to let the sun’s glow shine down onto you, if it weren’t the current circumstances, you would have looked ethreal.
-let the sky fall-
“No..” Malleus mumbled, he didn’t want to lose you, no, not this early...
When it crumbles
“My fury... will never be quelled” you raised your hand as the ground shook, and tore itself into crumbs, slowly floating to the high heavens
-when it crumbles-
They didn’t want to hurt you, but this was too much.
We will stand tall
-we will stand tall-
Face it all together
You were dear to them, but they cannot just let this continue...
Let the sky fall
-let the sky fall-
Spears made of pure onyx blot rained down to the land, and oh how the loose beast heavily destroyed the land
When it crumbles -when it crumbles-
We will stand tall -we will stand tall-
Face it all together...
At sky fall...
Let the sky fall
The sky... it truly felt like it crumbled down onto them
We will stand tall
At sky fall
As the rubble arose to the now blood red sky, a broken shard of mirror flew past you showing your reflection
You stare at it.
A monster stares back.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this!
©vixennz please refrain from reposting/stealing
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lovezbrownies · 2 months
Jealous? (Chief of Police Yan x GN!Reader)
Grim Ludenhart x Reader
Synopsis: Grim boy gets a wee bit jealous!
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You and your boyfriend of 7 months have been walking around a commercial district of the city for the past 30 minutes, stopping by any shop that managed to catch your attention, Grim buying anything he saw you stare at for more than 5 seconds.
"Oh honey, look at that shop, maybe you'd like something there." Grim pointed out one of the various shops along your walk. Seems like he knew you better than yourself because you did see some interesting things you'd like to look at. "You're right, can we look at it?" You looked up at the man you've been holding onto the entire walk, and see the soft adoring look he had on his face. The way he looked at you always made you feel special.
Grim turned towards the shop, ready to lead you with him. "Of course, you see th-" A loud ringing sounded off his phone, his peace has been destroyed, his face soured, and his body tensed. Grim took out his phone only to see it was one of his subordinates, one of the few people he allows to bypass the Do not Disturb setting on his device. He was about to decline but you grabbed his wrist, halting his very move.
"It's okay answer they need you, I'll be in the shop, take your time, honey." You tiptoed and pulled his face down and left him with a kiss on the cheek. You departed from him as he answered the call, you saw something that got your attention so you head towards it within the shop. Once you entered the quaint shop you slowly made your way down the few aisles of the shop. You grabbed something to look at it closer, but then you felt someone from behind.
You turned around just in time as the man who snuck up on you spoke up, "That's a very good piece, my grandda made it a while back, no one really appreciates the type of vision the elderly has." You guessed this was the shop owner or their son at least, he wasn't as tall as Grim and he wasn't as well built as Grim, the man in front of you looked a year or two younger than you.
You smiled back at him, nodded, put the item back, and continued on your onslaught. There was this fox ceramic piece that made you think of your cute overworked boyfriend. You turned back towards the Shopkeeper. "How much is this one?" He smiled at you, slightly creeped you out how much he keeps staring deeply into you but you can move on, you wanted to buy something for your boyfriend this time so you kept your thoughts to yourself.
"Hm, about 2 gold piece, but for you I can make it 15 silver pieces." What a bargain! "If you go on a date with me." Ah. Of course. Nothing can ever go your way can it. He took your silence as a sign of how suave and cool he was so he got closer to you. You obviously panicked, stepping away from the weird guy who barely know you but wanted to date you.
"Ah, sorry no I'm, uh, taken. My boyfriend's standing out there, if you just um look..." You stammered and got increasingly nervous as you walk backwards and he would follow you two steps ahead, "Aw, come on, you don't have to lie. It's okay people our age need to date around so let's just do one teeny date..." What neither of you noticed was the bell ringing because of someone entering while you were trying to tell the shopkeeper that you were taken.
You bumped into a shelf full of books and trinkets; you were cornered, you were stuck here with a weirdo-- Or you though you were. "What the fuck are you doing." A strong stern voice sounded from behind the young man. You let out a sigh of relief realizing your knight in shining armor had arrived, your amazing boyfriend is here!
The shopkeeper turned around, shifting his attention to the person who ruined his attempt at courting the cute thing in front of him. What the shopkeeper didn't expect was the large brooding frame of the Chief of Police looking down at him as if he was just some common bug. "I-I-. Ahem, sorry if it looked bad! Haha! Just friends playing around, uh, nothing to worry about!" That statement only made Grim growl in anger.
Grim grabbed at the shopkeeper's collar, using one hand he pulled the moron away from his sweet darling. "Wrong. You're bothering my significant other." The young man chuckled nervously, he looked back towards where you were supposed to be but didn't see you, when he looked back towards the man that's about to smash his skull open the boy saw you standing nearby behind the Chief.
The shopkeeper pointed at you, "Haha! N-no! I- We were j-just playing around, r-right?" Grim looked back at you, you looked scared, a look Grim had never seen on you before, which only succeeded in enraging him even more. Grim looked back towards the moron. "Fucking watch yourself, freak. Sleep with one eye open, I will ruin your life, your reputation, I will hunt you down. I will kill you if I feel like it. You have no life after this."
Most of that was lowly whispered to the boy, ensuring you won't hear a single part of it so you wouldn't get any more scared than you should. Grim pushed the man away, the shopkeeper fell right on his ass. Grim turned back toward you, poor darling, scared because of some lowlife roach. "Come on, sweetheart." The softness of his voice speaking to was vastly different to the way he spoke to the shopkeeper, and you felt... special yet again. You were happy he was yours, and you were his.
You were grateful that the next morning was still a weekend, because you knew he'd make love to you endlessly to reassure you that he will always love you dearly.
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mire1li · 1 day
Surprise Stars!
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Robin had been preparing for her concert when, just 10 minutes beforehand, for some unknown reason, she fell unconscious. Luckily though, her manager had caught her and placed her on the couch in her dressing room.
When you, March and Dan Heng heard of the news from Aventurine, who got the information from god knows where, you and March essentially dragged Dan Heng to Robin’s dressing room, her manager pacing around when you three entered.
The manager watched you, confused and worried as she stopped moving, studying the three of you.
“Who…? Oh! You’re Robin’s friends…”
“Ah, yeah, we heard Robin fainted, is she alright?!?!” March immediately stepped forward, frantically, though took a moment to look around in adoration of the large room, seemingly forgetting of the current predicament, before snapping out of her thoughts and jogging over to the couch where Robin lay unconscious.
Robin’s manager shooed March away from Robin, claiming that ‘she shouldn’t be seen at such a vulnerable time’, albeit understandable, it also seemed rather unreasonable, though none of you questioned it.
“So… why are we here again?” Dan Heng chimed in, looking between both you and March for a reply.
“Uhh… well obviously we’re here to help!”
“We are?” You asked “How?”
“Ah! You’re insufferable!” March sighed dramatically, turning away from the two of you.
“Okay… um… well, I don’t really see how you three could possibly be of help in this situation…”
The manager glanced towards the clock nervously, placing her hands over her face for a moment before looking back towards Robin, who looked as though she was taking a casual nap.
“Oh… yeah, uh… I didn’t really think this through… haha…” March chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.
Soon enough, too much time had passed and the crowds were getting restless, causing the manager to panic and return to pacing the room, constantly looking back and forth between Robin and the ground.
"Ok… It's fine!" She exclaimed.
"I could… I could reschedule the show for tomorrow… uh… oh for- ok… I can't do that…" she rambled on and on, when you decided to propose a rather ludicrous idea.
"Ah… excuse me, what if we just… went on stage for Robin and called it an opening act?"
The manager had stopped her pacing, glaring at you, as though you'd just suggested blowing up the entire place (though that wouldn't be too out of character for you). She sighed pinching her nose bridge.
"How ridiculous would that be? Absolutely no one would like that at all!"
"Hey! I'm only trying to help. Besides, you don't know that!" You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring right back at the unnecessarily hostile woman, though you assumed her stress was bringing about her attitude.
"Uh… I… didn't sign up for this..-"
"The trailblazer is always filled with such silly ideas haha! But I think it would be fun… and it could buy you time to wake up Robin!"
March added on, cutting off Dan Heng, clearly trying to rope him into this… impulsive idea, soon-to-be reality.
The manager groaned in irritation, falling back on the arm chair in the room.
"Fine. Fine. Do what you want, however, I'm not involved in this."
And so, there were the three of you, on the stage, dressed in fancy-ish dresses borrowed from Robin's wardrobe, wearing wigs, earrings, and other accessories to really sell the performance.
You tapped the microphone, testing it, causing the audience to go silent, before March stole the microphone from you.
She cleared her throat and confidently spoke into it.
"Hello! Uh… unfortunately, due to uh… technical difficulties Miss Robin's performance is scheduled for a bit later, but don't panic please! We'll be performing first until that time!"
Though, the crowd booed, unhappy with the sudden change, most of them went silent when she began speaking again.
"I'm… ah…" March glanced at you, before being hit by an epiphany.
"Oh! I'm April 1st!" she continued, striking a confident pose, leaving you and Dan Heng feeling… well, not pleased, but you guessed it was better than nothing.
March passed off the microphone to Dang Heng, who also cleared his throat before speaking, though when he did, you and March nearly died laughing on stage as he attempted to mimic a female voice, somehow sounding convincing enough to fool the crowd.
"I'm Cold Dragon Young.." He, or rather, 'she', introduced 'herself' as, trying to sound as gleeful as possible before immediately passing the microphone to you with a glare.
'Nobody forced you' you mouthed to him before introducing yourself as (your chosen name).
Then came the music, specifically "If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking". The three of you were aware it'd be best with just one singer but… three is always better than one, so if you mess up, at least you have the comfort of knowing you aren't alone!
You began singing the first verse of the song, doing the dance Robin would do at the beginning, though adding some of your own spark to it.
The chorus was sung by the three of you, though it was clear Dang Heng was beginning to struggle a bit, so you decided to give verse 2 to March.
Upon the arrival of the second chorus, you and March decided simultaneously to stay quiet and let Dan Heng take the spotlight, causing him to falter slightly and look at you two in an irritated manner, though continuing to sing.
Whilst you were all performing, Robin slowly began to gain consciousness, causing her manager to gasp and rush over to her.
"Robin! You're awake! Very good, alright, we have to get you ready, you go on in like a minute!"
The manager rushed Robin, though first letting the poor girl gain her footing whilst explaining everything that's happened thus far, though only about half of it registering in Robin's brain.
"Wait, hold on… what time is it…?" Robin asked, still disoriented and slightly shaky.
"Uh… well, the show started 3 minutes ago" Her manager repeated, handing her a glass of cold water, which Robin drank almost immediately, causing her to feel a bit better than before.
"What do you mean 3 minutes ago?! I should be out there!" She panicked, standing up and jogging out of her dressing room and going to stand by the backstage curtain, from where she could see three figures singing and dancing.
Though they were a bit… sub-par compared to her, it was still entertaining to watch. Robin sighed in relief.
"Yes, Robin, I was telling you that your friends decided to help out and… well" The manager motioned to the stage, 'April 1st' slightly stumbling, though now the crowd cheering, enjoying the slightly chaotic performance.
Once the song ended, Robin went on stage, waving to her fans, and standing by the three of you.
"Hello! I apologise for the delay!" She began, looking back at her manager.
"As compensation… I would like to perform a song with my friends here!"
Thee three of you were already rather tired from performing the previous song and were now being dragged into performing another… you could only wonder what tragedy this would end in (though, ultimately, you three accepted anyway).
Most people's attention was turned to Robin now that she was up on stage, therefore less people noticed any minor mistakes and instead enjoyed the collaboration, hopefully to it's fullest.
Eventually, when the song ended, you left Robin alone on stage, allowing her to finish the rest of the concert as it should've been since the start.
Upon returning backstage, you were greeted with the sight of Robin's manager holding a conversation with Sunday, who then turned to look at you and waved you over.
By this point, March and Dan Heng had left, probably to change out of their costumes. You took off your own wig, placing it to the side and walked over to the manager and Sunday.
"I will presume you're both already acquainted. Now to the topic at hand… we were discussing your idiocy, most crowds at a concert don't appreciate such surprises."
Sunday chuckled "Whilst that may be rather harsh, I do agree. You got quite lucky with this crowd, Trailblazer."
"Yes, so you see, I just have too much rizz!" You exclaimed proudly, placing your hands on your hips.
The manager sighed, crossing her arms, momentarily looking behind you, at the stage where Robin was currently performing.
"Sure… well, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful you did that since it allowed Robin to regain her consciousness. I just hope we won't have a repeat of today."
"Hm… well, even if this happens again, I'm sure March and Dan Heng wouldn't mind doing this again~"
"Absolutely not."
"But you must admit, they certainly put on something of a show… enough to entertain the crowds, at least. I'm sure my sister is grateful though."
The three of you continued to talk for a while before you received a text message from Himeko saying that everyone should return to the Express.
You quickly finished up the conversation before bidding the two Halovians adieu and leaving. At least you'd have an interesting story to share with everyone now!
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linkemon · 9 months
Voice line headcanons 3
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
Aether and Paimon are looking for [Reader] because of a job found on a city board. It's a potential, well-paying occasion. If they manage to find an employer who forgot to write where you can meet them at all...
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Mika Schmidt
✧Looking for Captain [Reader]? Ah... Uh... Maybe, maybe you'll ask someone else. No, I'm not afraid of you, Paimon. We've known each other for quite some time, so I'm not nervous, it's just... the thing about the captain is... No, they're not scary. Captain Kaeya, what are you laughing at?
✧ Captain [Reader] is a really special person. They taught me many things even though they are not much older than me. They help me on expeditions. They are very nice, very smart and very pretty. Erm... I'm sure you two will work well together.
✧ Captain Kaeya really told you that? Ah... It's not like that! I'm not jealous of them. We're not together, so of course I couldn't be. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't want to be their lover... Um, this is getting more and more confusing. You know what, why don't I just go back to work and you two go visit them? It's the door at the end of the upstairs corridor.
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Dori Sangemah Bay
✧ Interesting your searches. Of course, the generous Dori will help her dear customers with all the problems. But to help customers, you have to deal with them and you haven't bought anything yet. Move, move! Check out what wonderful goods I have with me today...
✧ Mora is a wonderfully universal language, don't you think? Wherever you are, Dori is always happy to hear the clink of money and understand you. Back to your question, [Reader] is the steward of my palace. As an exception, I can invite you for tea and introduce you. Of course I have a vested interest in this, Paimon. I wouldn't do it for free...
✧ [Reader] is a very good worker. They're great at keeping secrets, and they can bargain. I don't like it when it comes to the paycheck but if you need to pick up a shipment of new items for sale, they're irreplaceable.
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✧ You're looking for a really good Academy student. Unlike you, they know they should call me madame. What about you? It's a complete lack of education. The fact that we know each other has nothing to do with it. I deserve respect. After all, I'm older than you.
✧ [Reader] is a really special student of Kshahrewar. They have a chance to surpass Kaveh in his achievements. The room you are standing in now is their work. A delightful use of technology, isn't it? Their darshan will yet rise from their knees with their help. I'm sure of it. Soon you will be able to see their inventions beyond Sumer as well.
✧ These flowers? They are from them. What are you looking at, Paimon? It's obvious my lover is a well-mannered person! How come you don't believe we're a couple?!
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✧ If you're looking for them, you're lucky! I was about to visit them because I hadn't seen them since I came to Mondstadt. We know each other from the time when I came to this city for the first time.
✧ They helped me a lot when I was going through hard times. When I went to Sumeru, they wrote me letters all the time. They told me everything that happened here. They're really great at lifting people's spirits. Anyway, you'll see for yourself.
✧ There they are! Let's go say hi. I will introduce you myself. They will be impressed for sure. You say, Paimon, that you haven't seen me so happy in a long time? Haha, maybe there's something to it. But you get it, meeting up with old friends is always exciting! Let's eat pita together, which I made especially for this occasion!
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✧ I'd really like to take you to her but with my bad luck, it might not be the best idea ever. It doesn't bother you? That's very kind of you but I'm talking about [Reader]. The last time they wanted to help me collect plants for a job, they were attacked by monsters. They made it out reasonably healthy but on the way home I bumped into them and broke their ankle. I wanted to carry them to town but on the way back I slipped and injured their leg even more. That's why I think it's better if I don't see them for a while. For theirsafety.
✧ Comission to carry heavy parcels? It makes sense. After all, now that they can't lift them and the flower shop certainly needs someone to take care of it. What a shame they have to suffer like this because of me... Hey, where are we going? I already told you it was a bad idea! I don't want to bring bad luck to them. They will be happy? I'm sure they'll be happy, but... All right, I'm going, Paimon!
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minnielvr · 10 months
DIE FOR YOU - chapter 6 : "next time"
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the next day arrived and y/n woke up extremely nervous, thinking of all the outcomes that could happen after talking to hyunjin.
"Y/NNN ARE YOU READY?!?!" yunjin yelled as y/n walked out of her room.
"bro i don't think i can do this, can you do it for me instead?" she walked up to yunjin and put her hands together.
"uhh no? i'm not the one who likes him" yunjin laughed
"who likes who?" hanni and haerin asked while they walked out of their room.
"y/n likes hyunjin" yunjin snickered when both girls started squealing.
"oh my god guys chill out i don't like him i just want to apologize for being rude" y/n rolled her eyes.
"when were you rude to him?" haerin asked
"yesterday he told me he felt something when we almost kissed and i was really mean about it." she explained
"but you felt something toooo~" yunjin teased
y/n glared at her and told her to quit it. then all 4 girls met up with keeho and intak and walked to campus. obviously not forgetting to tell them about y/n's situatation.
after they dropped haerin off to her class, y/n managed to sight hyunjin in front of ms chois class flirting with some girls, she wasn't suprised. she was just worried as to how she could get him to talk to her.
"hey bro you good?" hanni asked
"yea. i don't know why its such a big deal for me haha i don't even like him." y/n was obviously not okay.
"pfffttt sureee." hanni said then walked off.
so y/n waited exactly 6 minutes for hyunjin to be done talking with the girls that were surrounding him, and when they left to go their separate ways, hyunjin was about to walk into class until y/n called his name.
hyunjin turned around and was surprised to see her looking nervouse, what could this be about?
"uhh i just wanted to apologize" y/n said and rubbed her neck.
hyunjin couldn't believe what he was hearing. y/n apologized? still, he wanted to act mad, so he pretended that he didn't know why.
"apologize for?"
"you know...yesterday. i was kinda rude when you told me you 'missed me'" she put "missed me" in air quotes because she still didn't believe him.
"hmmmm, i'm not sure if i forgive you though." he smirked and walked closer to her.
"ah. i was figuring you were going to say that, so how about i get you a coffee? i see you drinking them all the time." she offered.
"you watch me drink coffee?" he smirk grew bigger.
"oh my god- NO. i just happen to see you walk by sometimes" y/n quickly explained herself.
"huh..okay then, i guess you can take me for coffee. lets go" he slung his backpack over his shoulder and started walking forward.
y/n, on the other hand, was extremely confused. go where?
"i'm sorry where are we going?" she asked
hyunjin stopped walking and turned around, staring at her with dead eyes. is she stupid?
"for my coffee, duh." he rolled his eyes.
"uhm but-" y/n pointed behind them, "what about class?"
"oh cmon, skipping one day won't to anything to you." he then pulled her by her arm and dragged her along.
okay. okay this is fine. y/n thought to herself. just don't get too comfortable.
the two arrived to the cafe and walked inside. they looked at the menu and hyunjin turned his head to look down at y/n.
"what're you getting?" he asked her
"hm? oh i'm getting a caramel frappe" she smiled at the thought of getting to sip on a sweet drink after all that stress. and boy did hyunjin find that smile cute.
the barista called them up and asked for their order, and as y/n was about to pull out her wallet hyunjin said he would pay.
"uh no? it's my treat, an apology remember?" y/n would feel guilty if he payed.
"it's fine, you can pay next time." he smiled at her and gave the barista his card.
"next time..?" y/n asked. why did he say next time? and why is his smile so cute?
"awww y/nnnn don't tell me this is just some one time thing." he dumped his shoulders and pouted.
she just laughed and went to go pick up their order, this isn't so bad.
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mysteryshoptls · 9 months
SR Riddle Rosehearts - Lab Coat Vignette
"This is my 'intuition.'"
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Riddle's Room]
[knock, knock]
Riddle: Please, come in.
Trey: Excuse me. Riddle, have you finished filling in all of the paperwork for the Housewarden meeting?
Riddle: I've long been finished. Here you go.
Trey: Oh, wow… That's a lot. This all goes to the Headmage, right?
Riddle: That's right. There are still other documents I need to finish tidying up, so I'll be counting on you.
Trey: Got it, I'll bring it to him right away. Make sure you don't push yourself too hard.
Trey: I'll be off then.
Riddle: Goodness… Trey has always been a bit of a worrier.
Riddle: Although, if I rest now, I won't be able to get everything done according to my schedule. I'll try to finish this up quickly.
Riddle: Hmm, all that is left now is… the registration forms for the Inter-Dorm Magical Shift Tournament.
Riddle: …I see, since Azul prepared these, there are an abundance of regulations to go through. It will be quite a lot just to read through it.
[rain starts to fall]
Riddle: Hm, is that rain…? I was so focused on checking the documents that I didn't even notice.
Riddle: It's coming down pretty hard. The forecast hadn't even given any warning for this.
Riddle: I wonder if Trey brought an umbrella with him when he left...
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―The next day
Trey: Achoo!
Riddle: !
Trey: Whew… Sorry for sneezing over the food.
Cater: Trey-kun, you sick?
Riddle: Really, now… This is why I told you to stay warm and sleep early yesterday.
Trey: Haha, that's my bad. I wanted to finish all my assignments, so I ended up staying up later than I meant to.
Trey: So it's just a self-management issue. Riddle, it's not your fault.
Riddle: Humph…
Cater: Hey, wait! Why's Trey-kun apologizing when he's the one who's sick and Riddle-kun is perfectly fine?
Cater: Obviously, there's something going on here that I don't know! Tell mee, let me in on it~
Trey: I mean, it's not really anything important…
Riddle: Yesterday, it started raining while he was out running an errand for me.
Cater: Ahh~ yeah, I guess I remember it raining. That was super unlucky, huh, Trey-kun?
Trey: Yeah… Achoo!
Riddle: Trey, do you have a fever?
Trey: I took my temperature this morning, but… I think it's looking good for now.
Riddle: Once you finish dinner, you should check your temperature once more. It doesn't seem like you have much of an appetite, either…
Cater: He's right, you haven't eaten anything. Why don't you go to the infirmary later?
Trey: Both of you are overreacting. I'm fine. I'm just a little lethargic, is all.
Cater: Then at the very least, you should have some soup, or something else good for you like that. Want me to go buy some for ya?
Trey: Like I said, you're blowing this way out of proportion. You don't have to do anything that… Achoo!
Trey: Urgh…
Cater: Uh-huh, see, like I said. Hey, Riddle-kun… I'm going to go take Trey-kun back to the dorm.
Riddle: …
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Riddle: Trey's cold has completely taken a turn for the worse. At this rate, my own ability to care for my own dorm residents will be called into question.
Riddle: Let's find a home cooking recipe book… Here it is. Hm, the soups listed here that would be good to help warm up someone with a cold are…
Riddle: Spicy curry soup, tomato and chili soup, leek and pork habanero soup…
Riddle: These all seem like they would warm anyone up, but they don't seem very gentle on the stomach…
Lilia: You there, boy, is something troubling you?
Riddle: Oh! You are Lilia-senpai from Diasomnia… Whenever did you get behind me…?
Lilia: Your nose was really dug into that book. What're you looking for?
Lilia: …Oh, you've got a recipe book there in your hands, I see.
Riddle: Ah, no, this is…!
Lilia: So, are you trying to cook something? I thought that was your Vice Housewarden's job.
Riddle: …Ordinarily, it would be, yes.
Lilia: Haha, I see. Looks like Trey really got hit hard by his cold despite his protesting.
Riddle: Eh? How did you know of that?
Lilia: We're in the same class, after all. He'd been sneezing all morning, so anyone'd notice.
Lilia: Which means, I guess you're in here searching for a light soup that would be gentle on his stomach to make for him?
Riddle: …He came down with that cold because of me.
Lilia: Hmm, seeing you so distraught and out of your comfort zone brings back memories.
Lilia: It takes me back, how old was Silver back then, again…?
Riddle: I believe it would be a major over-exaggeration to say I am distraught. …I will be fine once I find the right recipe.
Lilia: I bet you won't find it.
Riddle: Wh-Why would you say that?
Lilia: Kufufu. Because I've searched for one before, too.
Lilia: A mild soup to chase away a cold is much too easy to be found in recipe books.
Lilia: You can just feel the arrogance of those professional chefs.
Riddle: No… Well then, I'll simply have to think of another dish.
Lilia: Wait, wait, no need to rush off. How about I help teach you something you can make instead of soup.
Riddle: Eh!?
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Kitchen]
Riddle: I never realized how cold the kitchens get at night…
Lilia: Well, yeah, there's a lot of things that use fire here. Obviously, it'll be colder when there's no one else around.
Lilia: Anyway, let's get down to business. We need to finish making the soup before Trey goes to sleep.
Riddle: Right. Let me think, first… Should I retrieve the pot?
Lilia: Mhm. And you'll also need water and the seasonings.
Riddle: How much water should I use? …And please don't just say "use your intuition."
Lilia: You can just measure out how much you want him to drink in a cup and add that. As for seasonings, that'll be based on how much flavor you want to give it.
Riddle: How much I want him to drink… Would three cups be enough?
Lilia: Oho, jumping right in. Well, that should be fine. As they always say, "go big or go home."
Lilia: Next, you'll want to add a few spoonfuls of consommé for each cup of water… How many spoonfuls was it again? Eh, probably about 4.
Riddle: I understand. Then that would be a total of 12 spoonfuls.
Lilia: Now all that's left is to season it and let it simmer, but now comes the hard part. Everything from here will be gut feeling.
Riddle: Urgh… That is what I was hoping to avoid… Can one really create a delicious dish while relying on instinct…?
Riddle: So then, what would my intuition say to put in the soup? Should I start with salt?
Lilia: Hm. Salt is a fundamental ingredient, but the best ingredient is putting in what you want to. For example… What is your favorite food?
Riddle: That would be a strawberry tart for me. However, that cannot be added to a soup.
Lilia: You think? I think it would increase your appetite if it's made with something that you truly like.
Lilia: Choose ingredients chock full of nutrients to also add to the soup. Like ginger, eggs, garlic…
Lilia: Oh yes, bananas and yoghurt were common ingredients in my home.
Riddle: You'd really put those in as well…?
Riddle: Although, it is important to consume the proper nutrition efficiently, so you may have a point… How much should I put in?
Lilia: That's where your intuition comes into play!! The more nutrition you put in, the faster he'll get better.
Riddle: Is that so… Then, I'll add more…
Lilia: Back when I made this, I remember I added chili peppers.
Lilia: With one bite, Silver jumped out of bed as if whatever curse he was under had been lifted.
Riddle: W-Wouldn't a stimulant like that be detrimental here? …Alright, I think that's enough seasoning now.
Lilia: Oh, you're not going to add anything else?
Riddle: That's right. I pictured Trey and what I thought he'd like… This is my "intuition".
Lilia: I see, then. Well, all that's left is to bring it to a boil and it'll be done.
Riddle: I understand. Is medium heat alright…? …For some reason, I feel like the smell its giving off is… too intense…
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Trey's Room]
Trey: …Achoo!
[knock, knock]
Trey: Hm…? Who's knocking at this hour?
[door opens]
Trey: …Ah.
Riddle: That's my line. You shouldn't still be up "at this hour."
Trey: I had been sleeping ever since I got back to the dorm, I just woke up. I felt a little bit better, so I was just finishing up some homework.
Trey: But never mind that, what do you have there in your hands…?
Riddle: …It's soup. This is the first time I've made anything like this, so I can't vouch for the taste…
Riddle: If you don't want to eat it, you don't have to. I can eat it for breakfast tomorrow.
Trey: No, I'll take it. Thanks for making it for me.
Riddle: Right. Well then, goodnight…
Trey: …[slurp]
Riddle: W-Wait, why are you eating it right now!? Go relax and eat it after I'm gone!
Trey: [slurp… cough, cough] Well, you went through the trouble of making it for me, so I thought I'd tell you how it came out.
Trey: It's not bad for your first time. Thanks.
Riddle: …There's no way… Achoo!
Trey: Riddle?
Riddle: Urgh… Your room is a little cold, Trey. It'll be hard to get better when it's like this.
Riddle: You should raise the temperature and go to sleep quickly.
Trey: Right, you too, Riddle. It looks like it'll be pretty cold tonight.
Riddle: Even now, you're still… It's fine, you need to worry more about yourself than me, Trey.
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[School Infirmary]
―The next day
Riddle: …Achoo! Urgh… I feel so cold…
Jade: Riddle-san, please take care. I shall return to the classroom, now.
Riddle: Right, thank you for bringing me to the infirmary during class… Achoo!
Riddle: It doesn't look like the nurse is in, but there are beds available. I can probably take care of myself from here…
Riddle: Whew… First, I need to check my temperature… And get an ice pack…
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Riddle: How negligent could I be? I never thought I would catch a cold as well…
Riddle: Ah, I forgot… to change out of my lab coat…
Riddle: But it's… too much work… to take off…
Riddle: …Zzz… Zzz…
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Riddle: …Hm?
Riddle: Ah! Oh no, what time is it!?
Trey: School has already ended for the day, Riddle.
Riddle: Trey… Why are you here?
Trey: I heard that you were resting here in the infirmary, so I came to check up on you. How are you feeling?
Riddle: I'm feeling much better now… Achoo!
Trey: It looks like its not gone yet. You should take the rest of today to sleep. We can head back to the dorm once you're doing better.
Riddle: Hah… Looks like we've completely swapped positions from yesterday…
Trey: Haha, guess you're right.
Trey: Thanks for the soup. I drank it all.
Riddle: …You're a fool.
Trey: Hm?
Riddle: Nothing. I can walk with no issue now, so I'll return back to the dorm to rest.
Trey: Do you need someone to hold on to?
Riddle: I don't ne… Achoo!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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episims · 3 months
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Felix "You sell frozen pizzas now? Cool."
Troy "That's right, you won't have to travel to Gritford to stock ready meals anymore. But why won't you delight your father with a fresh fish, too? I'll offer a modest discount for buying both."
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Troy "And how may I help you, sir?"
Cedric "Haha... no need for such formality. Is Vera home?"
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Troy "Err... no, she's at work. Do you have business with her?"
Cedric "Ah... I just wished to exchange news. No matter! The fish is fresh, you said?"
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Deanna "-you barely made it! We're about to close."
Jamie "Sorry! Felix said that you have dairy products now. It's always a trouble to get those through the desert without spoiling them."
Deanna "I know, right?? We should have one fridge for ice cream only."
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Deanna "See? I told you it's a brilliant idea."
Troy "Yes, I admit so." Fish wasn't selling like it used to... and now we have something to offer for the youth, too. "I, uh. Thank you, Deanna."
Deanna "Hey, it's my job as a manager, right? You're welcome, Troy."
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isatswap · 1 month
(in stars and time spoilers afoot)
Something Failing
TTOS version of Act 2 ending from ISAT
King: Isabeau!
Mirabelle: Sure is him! Safe and sound!
Odile: So tall.... I didn't think I'd see a second person taller than you today, Mirabelle.
Bonnie: And a second person with such pretty hair.
Isabeau: Head Housemaiden.... You're okay, after all this.... Isabeau: I-The House, and when-The Scary Lady--
King: Isabeau. Dear. King: I'm so proud of you! Look at you! You're the savior of Vaugarde!! King: You saved the House, and the whole country of Vaugarde. We owe you a great debt. King: All of you.
(You jump slightly.)
Bonnie: Oh!
Mirabelle: Haha, it was an honor!
Odile: Whuh- I- I mean, of course. Yes.
Isabeau: Hehe!
King: I should have anticipated her being this strong.... King: But when she attacked the House, I was unprepared. Everyone was counting one me, but at that point it was too late. King: Hearing that our young Isabeau, who only just started his Change journey before this, was the one to save all of Vaugarde... You look so much more confident, now. King: I'm so glad I managed to give you some power before The Curse took over me!
Isabeau: Uh, yeah, about that.... Head Housemaiden, everyone thinks I was blessed by the Change God.
King: Oh! But why would they?....
Isabeau: It started as a rumor, and then it kinda got out of hand, and I decided it would be better to not say anything....
King: Ah, but isn't it a bit silly to think that? King: Everyone knows that the Change God is a lazy deity!
Bonnie: Wow, and from the Head Housemaiden himself...
Odile: Wait, isn't that sacrilege or something?....
King: Haha! But it is true!
Isabeau: ...
King: Oh, Isabeau... Perhaps you thought people thinking that Change God blessed you would give them more hope?
Isabeau: Yeah, something like that.... I'm sorry.
King: I don't blame you, Isabeau. You acted in a way you thought was right. King: I knew I was right to bless you!
Isabeau: But... Why me?
King: Oh, Isabeau.... King: Well.... I could only pass my blessing to one person, and I was already pretty much gone, and you were almost out of the House when the Scary Lady got to me.... King: So you were the only logical choice, really.
Mirabelle: WHAT????
Isabeau: ...
King: And, Housemaiden Isabeau... King: Despite you just starting out as a Housemaiden, you were the most hardworking one I've ever seen. Always striving to learn new things, and to Change yourself in the process. King: Not being afraid to challenge yourself, even if you weren't sure you would succeed. King: You were the only logical choice, yes, but you also were the only RIGHT choice.
Isabeau: Head Housemaiden... Isabeau: No, King....Thank you!
King: Hah.
(King offers his fist, and Isabeau bumps it afer a short delay.)
Isabeau: Yeaaaah!!!
King: Hah! King: You are strong, Isabeau. Just as I remember. King: And you, Isabeau's companions... Thank you for helping him get this far. King: You have my gratitude, and the entire country of Vaugarde's!...
Odile: Heh.
Mirabelle: Glad to be of service again, King!
Bonnie: Don't mention it.
(You hide your face with the rim of your cloak.)
King: Hohoho! King: ....Soon, you will be able to go to your regular lives. Away from battle and strife. King: Finally, you'll all be able to go home! King: If this House can help you with anything... don't hesitate to ask. King: But for now..... Bask in the feeling of a job well done.
(You managed to defeat the Scary Lady, and brought peace back to Vaugarde...)
(...Before your journey ends, you should talk with everyone!)
<Talking with Bonnie>
Bonnie: ...
Loop: "..."
Bonnie: ...Oh, do you want me to start? Bonnie: We did it, Loop! Our journey is over now. Bonnie: ...meh. Bonnie: Looking back, this part was kinda...short, compared to our whole journey.
(...It was longer for you than for them, but it doesn't matter now.)
Bonnie: But we saved Vaugarde, Loop! That's something to brag about, right? Bonnie: I bet my sister will be impressed when I finally go back home. Bonnie: It was fun travelling with you, but i still need to take care after her. Or at least make sure she is OK. She is probably VERY confused right now, haha! Bonnie: Although, I might need to continue my travels after this...
Loop: (Oh, maybe they will tell you now!) "To find a birthday gift for her?"
Bonnie: What, did you think I would tell you now that our journey is over? Bonnie: I think it would be funnier if you guessed more.
Loop: "Boo...."
Bonnie: Hehehe. Bonnie: I'll miss you, Loop. Including your jokes. Bonnie: Even though I never knew too much about you, I know you are a good person. And that is what matters, right? But you shouldn't hide from us this much, okay? We'd love to listen to your problems! Bonnie: You can also visit me at Bambouche! You'll get to see my kick-crab sister!
(Bonnie smiles at you joyfully.)
(You smile back with your eyes.)
<Checking again...>
Bonnie: .....
(Bonnie is mumbling something to themselves.)
Bonnie: ....where will she go now?... Bonnie: ...!
(Bonnie notices you and flashes you a smile.)
(You smile back with your eyes.)
<Talking with Odile>
Odile: ...
Loop: "Is everything okay?..."
Odile: !
(Odile quickly turns to you.)
Odile: Oh. Odile: Yeah, it's just.... It's really over, right?
Loop: "Yeah, it's over!"
Odile: Ok. Odile: .... Odile: That was... a journey for sure. Odile: I feel like I aged 10 years. Odile: At least I will be able to get back to my usual travels.
(You've always wondered....)
Loop: "What's the goal of your travels, actually?"
Odile: Heh. Odile: Sightseeing.
(Odile snickers a bit.)
(Not suspicious at all.)
Odile: Just want to look at this country for a bit more. When it isn't...you know. Odile: Might actually come back to Ka Bue after this.... Odile: ....
(Odile diverts her gaze, as if saddened by something, but then notices you're looking directly at her.)
Odile: And don't look at me like that! I'm not ten, I can travel alone!!! Odile: Just leave already. This "talking" thing tires me out.
(You shrug and go, but not before giving her a warm look.)
<Checking again....>
(Odile is writing something in her book.)
(She notices you but doesn't say anything, only smiling smugly.)
<Talking to Isabeau>
Isabeau: Loop!
Loop: "Isa!"
Isabeau: We did it, Loop! Isabeau: I-I almost couldn't believe it!! Isabeau: It's like.... When you prepare for something, but you do it too much so when the thing happens you're still caught off guard! Isabeau: And it was so sudden, too! I didn't actually expect that attack to work this well!!! Isabeau: And now it's over! And everything is fine! And-- And--
(Isabeau tries to catch his breath, but is evidently failing due to emotion.)
Loop: "Isa." Loop: "Like this...."
(You take a deep breath, in and out.)
(Isabeau follows suit, irregularly at first, then calmer, and calmer, until....)
Isabeau: Ha.... Isabeau: .... Isabeau: Hehehe.....
Isabeau: Oh, no, it's just.... Isabeau: You can be so nice sometimes, Loop.
(Fortunately, your hood hides your warm cheeks.)
Isabeau: Oh! Your eyes are sparkling!
Isabeau: You know.... We haven't known eachother for that long... Isabeau: But I want you to know that I treasure your company! I really really do!! Isabeau: And so... Thank you! Thank you for accompanying me on this journey!
(If you could, you would smile so hard your cheeks would hurt.)
(You can't say anything, you're so happy.)
Isabeau: ...I'm sure you're excited to go back to travelling on your own... Isabeau: But don't forget me, okay? Isabeau: Come see me in Dormon anytime! I'd love to hang out! Isabeau: You might even see me Change bit by bit! Isabeau: ....Will you come?
(You will.)
Loop: "I will."
(There is no questioning that.)
<Checking again....>
(Isabeau gives you a big thumbs up and smiles.)
(You smile back with your eyes.)
<Talking with Mirabelle>
Mirabelle: Loopie!!!
Mirabelle: We won, Loopie! We truly did! We defeated the Scary Lady! We can finally go back to our normal lives!! Isn't it nice?
Loop: "It is!!!"
Mirabelle: Yeah!!! Mirabelle: Although, I think I will stay here for a bit before going on my journey again. Mirabelle: Need to check up on how my peers have been and all that. Mirabelle: And I want to meet some of the new Housemaidens as well! The new ones are always so cute, teehee! Mirabelle: ....So. Uh. Remember what I told you? At the Clocktower?
(That's right!!!)
(She wanted to tell you something after you beat the Scary Lady, didn't she....)
Loop: (...) "You wanted to tell me something?"
Mirabelle: Right I wanted to tell you something! But.... Mirabelle: Before I tell you, I need to give you something first.
(Mirabelle reaches into her pocket...)
Mirabelle: I.... Mirabelle: ....
Mirabelle: ....hm.... Mirabelle: ......where are the--
Bonnie: We still need to eat!!! And to rest!! No one goes anywhere until we do that!
Mirabelle: ....
(Mirabelle breathes out in a slightly frustrated way.)
Mirabelle: I must have left it in the Clocktower. Mirabelle: Oh well! Guess that is for later. Mirabelle: Bonbon is right, to be honest. I'm SUPER hungry.
(She didn't get to say what she wanted....)
Mirabelle: Awww, don't worry! I'll give you the thing when we return to the tower! Mirabelle: ....Ah, Loopie, I'm glad this is over! Mirabelle: But.... I'll miss you. I hope we get to meet eachother again. Mirabelle: Maybe we will both visit here! Or in Bambouche! Or will just cross paths by accident! Wouldn't that be nice?
Loop: "It very much would."
Mirabelle: Hehe!
<Checking again...>
Mirabelle: ...ruined the moment ugh.....
(She smiles at you gently when she notices that you are looking.)
<Talking to King>
King: The Traveller! King: Have you done talking to your companions? Yes? Good, good. King: Thank you for helping Isabeau all the way to the beautiful end. King: Loop, correct? If there is anything I can do to thank you, don't hesitate to ask! You have my eternal gratitude, after all. King: I know you will go back on your travels soon, but I do hope you will keep in touch, if only for young Isabeau... King: But no matter what, this House and Dormont always have their doors open to you! Please come back...any...time....
King: ...!!!!!!
King: Ohhhh.... No, it can't be!
Loop: "...?"
King: Oh... Loop.... King: I am so sorry! We can't prevent it anymore...! King: I'm sorry! You will be going back! Back when everything started!
(The air around you almost thickens...)
(You feel burnt sugar in the back of your throat.)
Loop: "What? Why? What is happening?!?"
King: I know you thought you adventure was over, but it can't end!! King: Something is broken, something is failing, rotting!!! King: I wish I could fix it on my own, but.... it's already too late. King: I wish I could've seen it, prevented it! Ohhhh, ohhh, it is time, savior!
(You feel a tug on your stomach)
King: It's my fault alone that you have to suffer like this. King: I just hope that one day... King: You might learn to forgive$%^&*(!
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ragyragd0ll · 2 months
Napoleon X Mc fanfic
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire.
Prompt: Napoleon discovers Mc is ticklish and decides to tease her.
TW: Mildly suggestive content.
Requested by: @nightvers
Napoleon lay closely next to me on his bed, the bed creaking as I watched his half-clothed body illuminated by the soft glow of the moonlight. I pulled the soft blanket up to cover us both.
He reached to caress my cheek, his rough hands warm against my skin before they left again, my cheeks now felt colder than before. 
Planting a soft kiss on my forehead, he whispered, "I love you," and the heat returned to my face as I blushed at his words. 
"You look like a tomato," he said as I nuzzled into his chest and giggled. "Oh, are you gonna take a bite out of this tomato then?" 
"Oh, how dare you, I would never... Maybe." His left hand slid down my back and approached my side. 
"Pfuhahah!" Reacting to his touch, I couldn't help but laugh a little too hard. "Oh? Ticklish much?" he teased.
 "Uh, who's ticklish?! Not me! Hahah..." An awkward laughter left my mouth as I made a pathetic attempt to deny it. 
He sat up with a smile and leaned in. "Number one rule in battle... you must never let your enemy discover your weaknesses." With that, he quickly sat on top of me, and his fingers reached down and began to tickle me. "Gahaha, Stop, you big loaf!" I barely managed to say through my own laughter, 
"Sorry! I can't hear you!" With a grin, he reached for my feet, his left hand still torturing my side. "Are you ticklish here, too?"
He began tickling them, while giggling to himself. "Hahaha, Napoleon!" We both laughed at my ticklishness, though my laugh was not very voluntary. 
As retaliation, I quickly tried tickling his sides too, but there was no reaction. "Hehe, I'm not ticklish at all. Give up, and surrender yourself to me!" He said, purposely dramatic. 
"Never!" I giggled as I kept feeling for any ticklish place on him. 
My hands crept up to his neck, and there it was, I immediately began tickling his neck. "Hahah! Wait, stop!" He began laughing. 
"Haha! Not there!" "Mwuhahah, Retribution!" We both laughed either at being tickled or at the silliness of the situation. 
He then managed to reach under my armpits and tickle me there.
In silly desperation I tried to escape by crawling away, but it was no use as he pulled me back by the foot. 
"Where are you going?" He smirked and began tickling my foot again.
"Hahaha! You're the epitome of evil!" I swished my foot away from his grip and jumped on top of him, pushing him down to his back, and began tickling his neck like it counted my life. 
"Ah! Hahaha!" He began laughing like crazy as I tickled him non-stop until Napoleon waved his hands up. "Please! Hahaha! I surrender!" 
With a giggle, I stopped tickling him. We both were heaving, completely out of breath. I lay down next to him after catching my breath and stared at him as he slowly drifted to sleep despite our energy filled tickling session just minutes ago. 
I carefully reached over him and turned the lights off his lamp, pulled the blanket over him, "goodnight", and I spooned him as we both drifted to sleep.
Thanks for reading to the end.
I don't know Napoleon well as a character so I hope I didn't completely butch his character.
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churnedbutterr · 1 year
I'm sorry to all the people who were looking forward to this for almost 2 months now. I hope this satisfies your needs for now.
Check the bottom for more notes~
Heimdall x Reader -
Get back here
Strong language
Part 1/?
It was a typical day of Heimdall trying to annoy Atreus. The boy was only trying his best not to listen to the self-absorbed prick, however, as for most of Heimdall's victims, he snapped. A little quarrel broke out. Atreus tried gruelingly to hit Heimdall with his arrows, but eventually got pushed down into the mud, getting covered in it. As Heimdall was praising himself and degrading Atreus, the boy sought a perfect opening to get back at him. Throwing mud at the man's beautifully ironed clean clothes, leaving Heimdall dazed and dumbfounded, and Atreus snickering. Clearly agitated and previously having Odin on Heimdall's tail, he had to go to his room to get a change of garments without further hurting Atreus. Having to leave Atreus to fend in Asgard's mud for himself. Fortunately, the All-father has given you a quest that would require you and Heimdall to leave Asgard for a little while. So, let's go get him, shall we?
"Yes, yes, I hear you. But I have no other choice! He has been pestering Atreus for days, and I can't have that boy leaving! Just take Heimdall with you to Niflheim and distract him for a good while." Odin had had enough of your whining about taking Heimdall on your mission. Knowing, that if he wasn't going to be bothering Atreus, he was going to be bothering you instead.
"But, All-father!" Trying to bicker with him further was just a waste of time at this point. He already had made up his mind and wasn't going to suggest anything else.
"I've got a lot of stuff to do and I have to fix this mess. Now, shoo! Go!"
Sighing, you left the old man to his papers, research, and any other stuff he was working on. Still not being able to believe that you'll need to spend time with Heimdall. It's not like you despised him but there was something about him that just made your stomach twist and twirl in a weird way.
Making your way from Odin over to Atreus, you noticed the massive amount of mud on his clothes, making you gasp.
"Atreus! What... What happened? Are you alright?" You exclaimed while jogging up to him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That Heimdall sure is... a lot." He said, wiping the dirt off his armor.
"Heimdall? Heimdall did this?" You asked, although, you already knew the answer. I mean, who else could it have been?
"Yeah! Of course, it was him! I can't believe Odin hasn't sent him permanently to the top of that large wall! He just haaas to be everywhere and annoy everyone."
His snout scrunched, but just seconds after you saw a smile creeping onto Atreus' face.
"Buuut, I managed to get some mud on him as well, I'd call my payback pretty successful." He said proudly, putting his fists on his hips and puffing his chest.
"Hah, that's awesome! How'd he react?" Starting to get enticed in this story, you started to forget your main goal of talking to Atreus.
"Oh, right! Speaking of Heimdall, I need him for something. Do you happen to know where he is?"
"Heimdall? You NEED Heimdall? Am I having a nightmare right now?"
"Ah, no, no." You dismissed Atreus' joke by waving both your hands in front of you. "I need him for a mission."
"Oh? Why not take me instead?"
'Uhhhh, shit.' Seems like you didn't think about this far enough.
"The All-fath- I mean, Odin told me to get Heimdall and uh get a thing from a place, and uhm he said..."
"He said...?" Atreus waited patiently for you to continue.
"He said... That only Heimdall could help! He said he had another mission for you soon so he wanted you to have some well-deserved rest first!"
Great save.
"Oh, well, alright." Yes! He bought the excuse!
"Haha, yeah. But DO you know where he is?"
"Considering that I got mud on him, he probably went to change." Atreus answered, attempting to wipe off the now caked-on mud from his clothes.
"Oh! Thank you, thank you. Alright, gotta go, bye-bye!"
"Wha- Bye?"
Leaving Atreus to ponder the conversation, you continued on your search for Heimdall.
---slight time skip---
Nearing the end of the hall and the door to his room, you took in a quick breath before seeing the face you dreaded seeing the most. Raising your hand, you knocked on the heavy wooden door. Standing, waiting for an answer. Hearing light footsteps, you readied yourself for discouragement and name-calling. The door creaked open, leaving you stunned.
The very last thing you expected to show up in front of your face was his pale chest. His... pale, beautiful chest. 'No, get that out of your head.' You said to yourself, not moving an inch. However, you kept staring. Staring... at his chest, collar, neck...
"Come on, sweetheart. I know that I am stunning but stop admiring. What is it you want?" He said as you finished your eye journey to his face.
His voice snapped you out of your trance. Blood started to rush to your face, making your cheeks slightly pink.
"The All-father told me to..." Taking a small gulp, you continued. "to get you. For a mission. To Muspelheim." You said, hoping that he hadn't noticed the sweat dripping from your forehead.
"Muspelheim?" He asked in a teasing voice, questioning what you had said, knowing that that was definitely not what you meant.
Realizing your mistake, you quickly corrected yourself.
"Niflheim! I meant... Niflheim." You started to feel slightly embarrassed that you had said the wrong realm. Trying to calm yourself from the interaction was proving to be difficult, though, it wasn't helping that his face was inching closer to yours, as to inspect it.
"Seems as if you already went to Muspleheim before coming here."
He smirked. Noticing the blush creeping up to your ears.
"No. I. I didn't." You corrected him before continuing your proposal.
"Listen, you don't have much of a choice. Also, we need to be gone from Asgard as soon as possible, and for the rest of the day, so, get dressed." You spoke, looking over his abdomen, which had his pants almost falling below his hips, before averting your gaze to the side, to not let your thoughts wander further.
"Sigh. Well if the All-father says so." He murmured.
"I'll be out in a moment, just wait-"
Before Heimdall could finish his sentence, you both heard heavy footsteps almost rounding the corner.
"Shit." You and Heimdall whispered simultaneously, hearing Thor nearing your way. Turns out, Heimdall had an unfinished argument with him, that's why he exclaimed profanity. But you? You said that because you were about to be caught speaking with a man who was half-naked and leaning on the door frame. Both of you wouldn't have had a fun time explaining that to Odin if Thor were to see you.
Quickly reacting, because of reading your thoughts and agreeing with them, Heimdall pulled you by your waist into his room and pushed you with his hands on your half-exposed back into the half-empty wardrobe to hide. Naturally, he joined you, pulling you close to him and lightly holding your head to his chest. Your cheek touched his exposed skin and sank into it. Hearing every beat that resonated from his heart.
Meanwhile, Thor had barged in and was looking around for Heimdall in the room.
Your face grew redder and your thoughts started to foster in the middle of your mind rapidly, making you have a impossible way of ignoring them. What if his pants just happened to slip down further? What if you both fell out of the closet and he fell on top of you? What if you looked up at him and his purple eyes stared you down with lust? What if you made a move that would fluster him and make him suddenly want you? What if-
"Please," With a heavy annoyed sigh, he whispered, twisting his head slightly away from you. "silence your thoughts for a minute."
"Sorry." You dug your ear into his chest which appeared to be getting warmer by the second. Was his pulse quickening too?
No, no way it was. You were just overthinking, right? No way such a god would have feelings for someone like you.
Hold on. Did you have feelings for him? You're the one getting all flustered. No. No. This is bad. You shouldn't have feelings for him! First off, he'll never reciprocate them, and second, IT'S HEIMDALL! IT'S-
"SHUT UP" He whispered as quietly as he could.
Heimdall had swiftly leaned towards you, making you almost fall backward, the only support being his hands grabbing you by the shoulders, seeming as if he wanted to shake you and your thoughts out of your brain.
"Please, PLEASE, shut the FUCK up."
You stared at him in his glowing eyes as he scolded you. Although there was little to no light in the closet, you could feel the warmth radiating from his face and you knew that he was blushing too. Maybe even more than you.
Thor left with a loud slam of the door and angry footsteps. Leaving you and Heimdall frozen in the closet.
"Is he gone?" You whispered.
Heimdall peaked out to inspect. The thin ray of light caressing his face showed how red it had gotten. Clearing his throat, he said, "Yes, it appears so."
He hurriedly stepped out of the closet first, letting go of your shoulders. You, on the other hand, being clumsy and all, managed to trip on clothes and strings that got scattered on the floor by Thor.
Trying to quickly react, you reach out for the thing in front of you, which just happened to be Heimdall.
You grab him, and since he had busied his mind to not read any more of your thoughts, he wasn't paying attention.
You made him fall to the ground with you. You however, face-planted on the floor.
"Ouch..." Your voice got muffled by the floorboards.
You slowly looked up to see if he had gotten hurt from the fall. But instead of scolding you he was just sitting there on the floor, staring at you with wide eyes and a clogged throat.
Wondering what it was, your sweat turned cold and your eyes opened wide once you realized the pose you had fallen in.
Chest down, on your knees with your ass up. One hand grabbing his forearm that you tried to hold on to for support during the fall and the other clutching the clothes on the floor. And now, staring at him with your cheek hugging the wooden floor.
It practically looked as if you were begging for him. Not to mention, you were between his bent knees, your face merely steps away from his shaft.
You stared at each other not saying a word. It seemed as if both of your minds had gone blank.
His features started looking far too good in the morning light, hoping for something more you slowly rose up and cautiously inched closer to him as you noticed him leaning closer to you too. Your lips gravitated towards each other, leaving barely any room for breaths. Your noses almost touching.
But before you could get a taste, he stood up and grabbed the fresh shirt he had laid out on his bed previously and put it on. "Ahem, you said we needed to get out as soon as possible, right? Let's go." He said in a hurry, buttoning his clothes and tightening his belt, adjusting something in his pants.
Shortly after, he left you alone in his room with a loud thud of the door.
'That prick.'
You said to yourself, knowing damn well he just chickened out of a moment you both wanted.
You wouldn't let him get away that easily.
---part 1/?---
Soo, how'd I do? Constructive criticism is strongly appreciated. If you're looking forward to the next part, please let me know! I'll try to write it way faster this time~.
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diorkyeom · 9 months
‘✷’ : CHAPTER FOUR “in the eye of every beholder”
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chapter word count: 3.6k+
chapter warnings: none (other than seokmin wanting to murder ksy)(with good intentions)
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summary: "lately, seokmin had come to a realisation. joshua hong, seokmin thought, was a little bit of an enigma." - in which seokmin has known joshua for years, but he's always been a bit of a mystery to him. and as the days go by, he finds himself falling further and further for the enigmatic man, wanting to find out who the real Joshua Hong is behind his polite smiles and warm eyes and sweet words.
notes: introducing my oc teacher characters!!! i kinda wrote myself into a corner by having no one else in svt being teachers lmao so i had to make up new friends for seokmin when he’s at school haha ^^
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“Good morning, Seokmin. Why do you look like you managed to get zero sleep last night?”
Seokmin laughed into his coffee as he set his bag down at his desk in their department office. “Uh, that might be because I didn’t.”
“You didn’t?” Yuna, one of the other teachers in the department, looked at him concernedly as she turned on her own computer. “Why? Don’t tell me you left your marking to the last minute again.”
Seokmin sipped his drink, contemplating for a moment, before just smiling. “You caught me there."
Telling the truth and saying that he'd been staying awake to talk with one of his not-quite-friends by the river until sunrise about anything and everything would have been weird, anyway. 
Before the woman had the chance to tell him off, however, the door to the department office swung open, and one of the other literature teachers swept in amongst a whirl of papers.
“Good morning, you two,” Hayoung chirped, dumping her papers down at her desk before grinning at them, pushing her glasses up as she bent down to pick up the papers that had been dropped. “Hey, why does Seokmin look like he’s half dead?”
Seokmin rolled his eyes at the two women, turning to his own computer and attempting to turn the monitor on. “You’re both so mean.”
Hayoung just laughed, shuffling her papers together and pulling out her own chair to sit down. “We care about you, brat. That’s all. Did something happen?”
“No,” Seokmin said, typing in his user and password. “I’m fine, I promise. Just procrastinated marking my children’s homework, that’s all.”
“Ah,” Hayoung said wisely. “Totally understandable. I do that all the time.”
Yuna sighed, shaking her head. “You two are utterly insane. I could never leave my marking that late.”
“Good morning!” another voice trilled, and all three literature teachers looked up to see another one of their colleagues hop into the room, looking buzzed up on far too much caffeine. “Did you hear that they’re already interviewing people to replace the teachers that left?”
“Minjun,” Yuna remarked dryly as the man accidentally bumped into Hayoung’s table and knocked over her pile of papers. “Why are you so hyper so early in the morning?”
“They’re already interviewing potential new teachers?” Seokmin asked interestedly. At the desk next to him, Hayoung wailed over the fallen papers that she’d just picked up. “That was fast.”
“I know right?” Minjun said, setting down his bag and his coat at his desk. “Apparently they’ve already found the new teachers they wanna hire for the music department. One of them is starting in a couple of weeks, actually.”
Seokmin shook his head. “That’s insane. I hope they’re prepared to deal with being thrown into the curriculum halfway through the year.”
Minjun laughed. “Yeah." He jabbed his finger in the direction of the door. "Also, the first class of the day started three minutes ago.”
All three literature teachers jumped at his words, looking over at the clock before collectively scrambling to gather their things and get to their students.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Seokmin said despairingly, accidentally stepping on some of Hayoung’s papers as he left the room. “Sorry, Hayoung!”
Minjun just continued laughing as he waved them out of the office. “I don’t have any classes until the afternoon. Have a nice day, you guys!”
Yuna yelled back something intelligible as both she and Seokmin hurried down the corridor, Hayoung still picking up her papers in the office. 
"I'll see you at break," Yuna said quickly before pushing open the door to her classroom, instantly calling out for her children to settle down. 
Seokmin shook his head, smiling, before walking into his own class too, pushing the door open with his foot and carrying his lesson materials in his arms. 
"Yes, yes, I'm here now," he said, and the delighted cries of "Mr. Lee!" made him smile even wider. "Good morning, has everyone's morning been good?"
He walked to the front of the classroom, humming interestedly and laughing as some of the children told him very seriously that they wouldn't mind at all if his lesson killed them so early on in the day just so they wouldn't have to proceed with their other classes. 
This particular grade class was, in fact, his favourite, and teaching these students always managed to bring a smile to his face purely because he could tell that so many of these bright children would go on to become adults that he could proudly tell others he had the privilege of teaching in their youth. 
“Today, we’ll be starting a new unit,” Seokmin announced as he set his things down in the classroom, “and it’ll be on poems.”
There were a mixture of groans and cheers in response to his announcement, and Seokmin grinned, clasping his hands together and walking across the front of the class. 
“I know, I know, but poetry is fun, I promise! Besides, I managed to convince them to look at a more interesting poem, which I'm sure you'll enjoy.” 
His statement was met with unimpressed stares, but Seokmin just grinned wider, moving back to the desk to pick up a marker and then walking over to the whiteboard. 
He uncapped the dry marker and wrote the word ‘Homer’ on the board, drawing a circle around it. “Now, what do you think of when you see this name? Yes, Hyeongjung?”
“Homer Simpson!”
Seokmin paused, narrowing his eyes playfully at the boy. “Okay, other than the Simpsons. How is the name Homer significant in literature? Jiyeon, what do you think?”
“Didn’t he write the Iliad?”
Seokmin smiled, writing ‘Iliad’ beside the name. “Well done. We don’t actually know if he did write the Iliad, but that epic poem, along with the Odyssey, are often attributed to Homer, so we call him the author anyway. The ‘Odyssey’ is what we’ll be focusing most on,” he said, writing down both the poems on the board, “but first, we’ll be taking a brief look at Greek mythology.”
There were gasps of excitement amongst the children, and Seokmin grinned again. 
“Now, can anyone name some of the Ancient Greek gods to me?”
───────────── ‘✷,
“See you tomorrow, you guys,” Seokmin said to the last few teachers still in the office as he shouldered his bag, getting ready to leave work for the day. “How long are you all planning to stay here?”
Yuna just hummed, clacking away at her keyboard. “I haven’t finished making quotation flashcards for my children yet. And I need to print and laminate them, too.”
Seokmin winced in sympathy. “Good luck. I tried making quotation flashcards for some of my classes last year, and it’s a lot of work.”
“Yeah, I know,” Yuna laughed. She waved a hand in Seokmin’s direction, not even looking at him. “I’ll be fine. You, however, need to get some sleep, Mr. Lee. You still look dead on your feet. See you tomorrow.”
“See you,” Seokmin said, taking the statement for the dismissal that it was, smiling. “Don’t work yourself too hard, okay?”
And with that, he stepped out of the office, fishing out his phone and texting him a quick "on my way!". The elder had messaged him, around an hour ago, asking if Seokmin wanted to meet up in one of the cafes near Seokmin’s school, and of course he’d said yes. Having coffee with Jeonghan was always fun, because it was never really about the coffee and more about the talking. 
It had been a while since he’d met up with Jeonghan one-on-one, anyways, so it would be fun.
“Jeonghan hyung!”
The moment Seokmin stepped into the cafe, the door’s wind chimes tinkling in his wake, he called out to Jeonghan and grinned as the elder looked up with a wave.
“Seokmin-ah,” Jeonghan said, smiling as he gestured to the chair opposite him for Seokmin to sit down. “How are you doing? How was work?”
"It was okay," Seokmin shrugged, before beaming as Jeonghan slid over a croissant. "Aw, hyung, did you buy this for me?"
"You have to pay me back," Jeonghan said, but he was smiling fondly. In all the years that Seokmin had known Jeonghan, he'd never really had to pay him back for anything he bought him. "This place is crazy expensive."
Seokmin just laughed, instantly pulling apart the croissant before his eyes lit up as Jeonghan also slid over a teacup, seemingly procuring it out of nowhere. "Why are we here then?"
"You like their mochas, don't you?" Jeonghan said, tapping the mug. "See, Seokmin, I know these things."
"I'm so honoured you pay so much attention to me, hyung," Seokmin said, half teasing, and happily sipped his coffee. "Mmm. Delicious."
Jeonghan grinned. 
It was earlier than Seokmin normally left work, and there were still people milling around in the cafe. The sun was lingering in the sky, not quite setting yet but also not quite high enough to look like it was doing anything other than drowsily going to bed, casting golden-orange light through the windows and across the tables. The buzz of chatter created a lively ambience, but it was a gentle liveliness that allowed Seokmin's shoulders to relax and smile over at Jeonghan as the elder leaned his elbows on the table, eyes glittering. 
"Speaking of knowing things, though," Jeonghan said, and Seokmin's shoulders reluctantly tensed once again. "I think you know what other thing I know about you, right?"
Seokmin groaned, about to faceplant into the table before he realised that a) they were in public and b) he had a hot coffee right where his head would have landed. So he settled with kicking Jeonghan under the table again. 
"Hey!" Jeonghan swiftly kicked him back and then carried on talking, grinning deviously. "Joshua talked about it with you, didn't he? During the last Game Night."
"Don't kick me back! I—wait, what?" Seokmin paused, frowning. "He… didn't talk about it at all."
Now that Seokmin thought about it, Joshua never brought up their encounters in conversations. Not the flower incident, or the gym incident, or the awkward "I've been asking all our friends about you" incident. It was as if he wasn't making a big deal out of it, waiting for Seokmin to talk about it first, making sure that Seokmin was comfortable with broaching the subject and if he wasn't, then Joshua wouldn't say anything. 
Wow. Seokmin blinked. He found himself really… touched.
Jeonghan, however, frowned, looking put-out by Joshua's thoughtfulness. "Aw. I thought he'd try to talk to you about it. That’s a shame.”
Seokmin looked over warily, slowly taking a bite out of his croissant, flakes of pastry getting all around his mouth. “Why is that a shame? What did you want him to say?”
“I wanted him to ask you about it, of course!” Jeonghan said. “I wanted him to ask you why you were doing that, because he kept asking me about it instead. And I said to him, “You gotta just ask Seokmin himself, Joshuji. I don’t know anything about it.”, but it appears that he didn’t follow my advice.”
“You just want to know yourself, don’t you?” Seokmin said. He wiped at the crumbs on his cheeks, failing in his attempts to clean his face since his fingers were all flake-covered too. “Don’t lie. Joshua hyung’s really sweet and chill. You’re the nosy one.”
Jeonghan laughed, not looking the least bit offended. “Well, you’re kind of right. But I’m still trying to get him to talk to you.”
“Huh?” Seokmin frowned. “Why?”
Jeonghan just hummed, giving Seokmin a tight-lipped smile and shook his head, drumming his fingers against the table. “Did anything interesting happen at work today? I do wanna know how your day went, Seokmin.”
It was a clear sign to change the topic, and Seokmin decided to take it. With enough wheedling, he would probably have been able to push Jeonghan for the answers he wanted on the Joshua thing, but he didn’t really have the energy. Jeonghan was weak for him, but not that weak. And after a long day at work, Seokmin was kinda tired.
“Um, apparently they’re already interviewing for the potential new teachers,” Seokmin said. “And they’ve found replacement music teachers that are gonna start in a few weeks.”
“New music teachers?” Jeonghan asked, tilting his head interestedly. “I see.”
Seokmin nodded, sipping his coffee. “It’s all just rumours for now. Minjun’s really good at getting accurate pieces of information, though, so there’s a pretty good chance that it’s the truth.”
“Minjun?” Jeonghan watched as Seokmin set down his coffee mug, before promptly swiping it and taking a sip thoughtfully, ignoring Seokmin’s indignant cry. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
Seokmin swiftly snatched back his coffee, taking another sip while pouting at Jeonghan. "He's been the head of my department for years, hyung. Maybe you heard it from me?"
"No, I think Joshua had a friend called Minjun," Jeonghan said, watching blankly as Seokmin finished the rest of his croissant. "They went to uni together. They were pretty decent friends, I think, promising to help each other with job offers and stuff."
"Well." Seokmin shrugged. "I dunno. Minjun's never mentioned a friend named Joshua. Maybe it's another Minjun?"
Jeonghan's gaze focused back on Seokmin again, and he grinned. "Maybe. Anyway, what about lessons? What were you teaching your kids this time?”
Seokmin beamed, visibly lighting up at the chance to talk about his students. “Oh! You know that one class which is my utter favourite? I’m going over the ‘Odyssey’ with them now, and we were studying Ancient Greek mythology today. Everyone has a weird fixation on Poseidon, though, and I gotta find a way to break it to them that he’s kinda as much of an asshole as Zeus is.”
Jeonghan snorted. “Tell them that story of how he kidnapped a woman, maybe?”
Seokmin blinked innocently. “Which one?”
That made the elder laugh, eyes twinkling. “Did you tell them the story of the golden apple, too? That one’s always fun. It’s like an introduction to the Trojan War, too.”
“I did! You know, the first thing I did was ask them, ‘Who is the prettiest god’ and the amount of people who said Aphrodite… like, oh boy. You’d think that people have learned their lesson by now,” Seokmin said. “But, did you hear about how Aphrodite isn’t just one type of beauty? She is beauty, embodying everything that it means to be beautiful. So she’s mysterious and kind and liked by everyone, and she’s beautiful in everyone’s eyes.”
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, huh?” Jeonghan said, leaning forward. His laughter had died down, and he looked curiously invested in what Seokmin was saying. “So… you could say she’s beautiful and… elusive at the same time?”
“Exactly!” Seokmin chirped. “She's an enigma. She changes to fit everyone else. Her beauty fits the eye of every beholder. In a really mysterious, it-kinda-makes-sense but also it-doesn’t-make-sense kind of way.”
Jeonghan quirked a grin. “Really? Tell me more, I wanna know.”
If it were anyone else saying that, with that decidedly devious grin on their face, Seokmin would have been more suspicious. But Jeonghan always either looked like he was plotting something or was about to fall asleep, and so Seokmin didn't think anything of it. 
Besides, if Jeonghan was plotting something, then the results would normally reveal themselves eventually. Most of the time, it was for a good cause, anyway. 
───────────── ‘✷,
"Kwon Soonyoung," Seokmin muttered through gritted teeth as he plodded down the street,"I am going to murder you."
Seokmin was late to school.
Well, he was late to work, but his work essentially was a school, so it was the same thing. And, like most misfortunes in Seokmin’s life, it was kind of all Soonyoung’s fault.
Soonyoung had fallen ill, having caught some sort of cold that rendered him unable to even move his head. Seokmin said it was from that time he’d worked overtime and had to come home in the rain with no umbrella. Soonyoung strongly disagreed. With pillows thrown at Seokmin's head. 
Nevertheless, Seokmin had had to take care of him that morning, running around while trying to get ready for work and dig out their tissue boxes from somewhere and give Soonyoung some painkillers with a glass of water and quickly make some canned soup because if Soonyoung didn’t have at least a bowl of soup on the first morning of a sickness, then he’d be ill for an entire month and complain to Seokmin the entire time.
By the end of it, the soup was only half eaten and most of the glass of water had made its way onto the floor and Seokmin hadn’t had time to have breakfast or brush his hair. And he was late.
The first lesson of the day was already in full swing by the time he managed to trudge into school, having given up on actually getting there on time, shooting a quick email to the office to get them to send a sub to his class. They’d better get used to subs just in case, anyway. Soonyoung managed to sneeze on him a total of fifteen times in an hour. There was a pretty good chance that Seokmin was sick too.
“Mr. Lee!” Dowoon, one of the history teachers, called out in surprise when Seokmin dragged himself into the staffroom, already exhausted. “You’re not normally here in the mornings.”
“Mr. Kang,” Seokmin greeted, immediately going over to the instant coffee machine. “Yeah, I had to take care of my sick friend this morning, so I ended up running late. I’ve given up on getting to my first two classes. It’s a double period,” he elaborated, “so it’s the same class of children. I’ll let them have two hours of free time to themselves.”
Dowoon chuckled, downing his own instant coffee. “You’re very generous,” he said. “Oh, did you hear that the new music teacher has started? Just began today, I believe.”
“Already?” Seokmin asked, surprised, taking out his coffee. “Wow, that was fast. Minjun was telling us that they’d start in two weeks, and I guess he was right.”
“That man and his crazy hunches,” Dowoon laughed, shaking his head. He put the empty paper cup into the bin, walking towards the door. “Well, enjoy your own free hour, Seokmin. I’ll be off now.”
“Have a nice day!” Seokmin called back.
And then the history teacher left, leaving a thoughtful silence in his wake.
It was calm in the staffroom, as it normally was on mornings. There were a few teachers sitting around, but most were in lessons, and the sun streamed into the largely empty room, casting light on the ornamental bookshelf and the weirdly shaped fake potted plant in the corner.
Seokmin’s lips twitched upwards. Joshua would have probably liked the strange decor in their staff room.
He leisurely finished his coffee, looking out through the windows at the green field by the side of the school, watching the children playing sports. Then, throwing the empty cup away, Seokmin shouldered his bag again and walked out of the room. There was still a decent amount of time before his next class, and he basically had the entirety of the school to himself to wander around in. He could snoop into wherever he wanted. 
Well. He grinned, turning down one corridor. Maybe it was time to visit the music department. Perhaps he’d find something interesting to tell Seungkwan.
The sound of singing filled his ears as he entered the music hallway, and he instinctively chuckled, recognising the tune of the school anthem they were singing. It must be one of the younger years in class right now, he mused. They sounded like they were learning the song for the first time. 
He carefully peered into the classroom through the window of the door, chuckling as he watched the teacher conduct the children as they dutifully sang along to the lyrics that were on the board. He drew away, however, when the sound of a door clicking open echoed from around the corner, and voices sounded. 
"—lively community here, sir, and we think that you'd be a brilliant addition to the music department. We could use your knowledge here to help strengthen our students." 
That was the voice of the head of the music department, which Seokmin recognised. Her voice was fluid, smooth and gentle and Minjun said that she'd been a world-famous opera singer before settling down at their school. Like most things Minjun said, it was probably true. 
"Thank you very much, Miss," a new voice said, and Seokmin stilled. He blinked, not sure whether he really did recognise that voice or whether his brain was playing tricks on him. 
"Of course," the woman said. "We hope you feel welcome here in our school."
There were more pleasantries exchanged, and then the sound of the office door swinging shut. Seokmin panicked as dress shoes clicked down the corridor, closer and closer to where he was, feeling oddly like a child having been caught eavesdropping as he straightened and stepped away from the wall, before accidentally ending up colliding right into the man who had been walking around the corner. 
"Hello!" The man said in surprise. Steady hands reached out to firmly hold onto his shoulders, and Seokmin was quickly pulled away from a warm and solid chest and found himself staring into big, brown eyes instead. Big, brown eyes that widened in shock and then melted into a look that was so soft and so familiar that it made Seokmin's heart immediately begin to beat faster. 
Seokmin sputtered, temporarily speechless. "Joshua?"
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taglist (interact here/ send ask to be added): @fairyhaos @atinytinaa @my-moarmy-heart @weird-life-of-a-closet-fangirl @lilsafsafbooyah @stqrrgirle @bittersweet-folder @weird-bookworm @ultrara-re @tianakings @bangantokchy @tiinkerbell @ahuiahoe @trashmeowcan
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argumentl · 11 months
The Freedom of Expression Vol:19 - Watching Hanshin vs. Chunichi
*Long post!
To summarize:
•Kaoru enjoying talking about baseball
•The announcement of the mug winners
•Eating Nagoya foods
•Trying to guess pro-baseball players' annual salaries
•Hating on the Yomiuri Giants
•Kaoru-toriko research
•Modelling the happi coat*
*All three watching the game and hitting plastic bats in support*
J: Can he manage this? What do you think?
K: Hm, I'm not sure.
J: Oi..oi..oi....What's this batter's name?
K: Hosokawa. He is good.
J: Who is the pitcher?
K: Otake
J: Otake!
T: He gave away two points already!
J: Whats going on, Otake?? He is the starter, isn't he? They haven't changed him yet?
K: No, not yet.
J:...What's that? We're already on-air?? Didn't you know that, Leader?! The broadcast has already started!
K: Haha, oh, thats tiresome.
J: I'm getting cues in my ear, haha.
T: Oh, Joe.
J: Well, this is what I'm like before I start drinking.
K: You'll just get more eccentric once you start drinking, won't you?
J: I will, yes. I don't think it will get much more complex though, haha. Ok, Leader! Today is the live broadcast of the Hanshin vs. Chunichi game!
K: Yep
T: I've really been looking forward to this.
J: Yeh, Tasai, your syle of support is a bit different from everyone else here. You've brought like a baseball directory with you.
T: Yeah, this book is a baseball directory put out by Spo-nichi (Sports Nippon).
K: Tokyo Sports hasn't done one of these?
T: No, we are not good with details.
J, K: Hahaha
J: Right? Data is not Tokyo Sports' strong point.
T: Yeah. Spo-nichi and Nikkan (Nikkan Sports) are the leaders in this field.
J: Ahh. Yeah, you wouldn't believe anything written in a directory by Tokyo Sports.
T: Haha, right?
K: I wanna see that now, haha.
J: Haha, right? You'd be like, 'Hang on a minute!!'
T: A while ago we put out an article about that famous left-handed player Randy Johnson saying he was right-handed.
K: Haha
T: We are in no place to put out a directory.
J: Haha, thats bad. Getting left-handed and right-handed mixed up. Sports newspaper do that a lot, don't they? haha. Someone just asked in the comments if we are gonna drink. Well, later on...actually, are we gonna continue till the game ends?
Staff: We have a set time.
J: Ah, ok, a set time today. Till about 9o'clock?
K: Well, its already the 4th innings.
J: Oh, already? Ok, well, today we are broadcasting while watching the game between Hanshin and Chunichi. You guys can watch with us. We'll have a drink during the course of the game too, so please stay with us.
T: Kaoru, you haven't introduced yourself yet.
K: Eh?
T: You haven't introduced yourself.
K: I'm Kaoru!
T, J: Haha
T: Im Tasai!
J: Im Joe!
*applause, Joe carries on clapping with the bats*
J: This is great. I'm just cheering on my own here. Its the first time for me to ever do this kinda thing. I love these bats.
K: Yeh, but even if you speak through them, it just makes your voice muffled.
J: What if I put it near your mic? Well, we've got a lot planned today...Hey, what was that? Some kind of anime or something just appeared on the screen.
K: Huh? Nothing appeared...Anime??
T: Were you talking about the comments?
J: Was it? No, I mean these days, compared to in the past, the stadiums and teams are doing a lot more things so that you can easily watch the game. Its fun.
K: Yeah, but Hanshin hardley ever do stuff like that.
J: Really?
K: If I had to say, they are the type to not do that...I mean, they started doing it a bit before, but hardley ever now. Other teams are much more advanced with this stuff.
J: Which teams?
K: Like, Yokohama.
T: Yeah, and Manager Okada was saying that kind of thing takes too long.
K: Yeah, if you do it every time, it gets disruptive.
J: Ahh, I see. So Okada thinks that doing some kind of performance or show whenever anything eventful happens will disrupt the flow of the game. Uh, ok, so I have a very basic question, but..
K: No.
T: Haha, that was fast.
J: Ehhh?! What position are Hanshin in at the moment?
K: Top spot.
J: Ohhh!
K: But...but I was saying last month that they were too strong, right?
J: Yes. Have they remained that way since then?
K: They went down to 2nd place for a while yesterday. They got chased.
J: Ahh!
T: The interleage games have been a bit sketchy.
K: Yeah, they have been bad.
T: I think they had 3 games under .500.
K: We just can't win at Yokohama stadium for some reason. We lost all three games recently. At Yokohama stadium itself, we've lost 13 in a row.
T: Wow, really?!
K: Yeah.
J: Maybe its just not compatible...I wonder what it is?
K: It used to be really compatible! I used to think Hanshin should make Yokohama their home stadium.
J: Haha, that was your thought?
K: Yeh, but we can't win there recently for some reason.
J: Ehh, 13 losses in a row at Yokohama? And three losses there recently? Ahh, what about yesterday? Yesterday was against Chunichi?
K: Yeah, well, today is the second match.
J: How was yesterday?
K: Well, yesterday we got so many hits, it feels like there will be none left for today.
J: Ahh, I see, yesterday was that good.
T: A comment says 'Joe, that pink shirt makes you look so shady, its good'.
J: Oh, come on, haha. I cant help it, Tasai got the yellow one, I got pink.
K: Yeah, but you were already wearing it when I arrived.
J: Yeah, cause it was hanging behind my seat, so I thought I have to wear this. So, it looks shady? There are people who dress like this, right?
T: Yes, there are.
J: Aren't there a lot of older women in Osaka who dress like this?
K: If anything, you look more like a Giants fan.
J: Haha, of course.
K: You look like the type of old guy who has a favourite salesgirl at the stadium.
J: Ahh, I didn't know about this, but I was just looking in this players directory, and it says in here that there are Tiger Girls! I'm more interested in this! I wanna do the show with the Tiger girls instead of baseball!
T: Tiger girls? Let me see. Its Tigers girls, not Tiger girls.
J: Oh, who cares! Tokyo Sports isn't supposed to care about the details! You can even get right and left correct.
T: Haha, yeh.
K: Hahaha
J: Ok, whats next..?
K: Oh, the mugs! The ones we got in Fussa.
J: Ah yes. Do you remember when we went to Base Side Street in Fussa? The winners of the mugs have been decided. So Leader is going to announce them now.
K: 'Guest' from Miyagi. This person didn't write their name. 'Mari' from Tokyo...*applauds with bats* Oh, it broke! 'Ponta' from Aichi. *applauds with a bat in each hand* Oh, maybe this way is better. 'Chi' from Hiroshima, and 'Popon' from Okinawa.
T: Thank you! Have they already recieved them?
K: Yeah, it looks like they have.
J: Congratulations!
T: Ah, someone wrote, 'I won, thank you!'
J: Ah, there are a lot of benefits to watching this show, right? Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who took part.
T: 'So jealous!'
J: Ah, yeah. Ok, so we are still taking your questions and comments during the show..
K: Hurry up with this! We can't get the drinks until you read this.
J: Ah, we can't do kanpai?
T: Read it quickly, Joe.
J: Ah, ok...*speed reading* So we are taking questions and comments about the show, support for Hanshin, anything is ok. People using twitter can use the tag TFOE. We just have one request about the comments. There is probably a bit of a time lag between our screen with the baseball and this show's comment section, so if you comment on the score etc, we might know it before we have seen it, so please do not comment on the status of the game!
K: Haha
J: No spoilers! haha. So the first half of the show is free for anyone, but the second part is for members only. If you join, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for free for a year, and we also have videos for members only. So please join using the link at the top of the screen. Leader is pointing to it. Please enjoy the show to the end!! *applause* Oh! Mine broke too!
T: Ok, now that we've done that, lets get the drinks out!
J: Everyone, get ready for kanpai too!
K: This is kinda noisy, haha.
J: Yeah, its tough for the sound guy.
*They all get their drinks*
J: Ugh, ok..
K: You sound tired already! haha
T: Tired out in 10 minutes.
J: Yes, ugh, Im tired *from too much cheering etc*. Well, it's cause I don't really understand much of the talk when it comes to baseball. But anyway, do you all have your drinks ready at home? Lets have a toast and a short speech from Leader for our first drink.
K: A short speech?
T: Oh, that reminds me, well done on finishing the last tour.
J: Joe said he was gonna come to one of the dates, but he never did.
J: Yeh, I didn't.
T: ???
J: No, no, it was just my schedule, my schedule clashed.
K: Haha
J: I wanted to go, honestly, haha.
K: Oh, look, look! *points to baseball game on screen*
J: Ah, its Mie! Mie-chan! You know, I had thought that baseball players these days have less personality than before, like in terms of their hairstyles or stances, but this guy here is easily noticable. His name is Mie-chan, right?
K: He has a cute pose. *Does V sign next to his eyes*
T: Do you know what that is, Joe?
J: Eh?
T: Mie-peace sign.
J: Oh man. Now that I know this, I can use that pose next time I go drinking in Kansai, right?
K: Hahaha....Ok, kanpai!!
J, T: Kanpai!!
J: Everyone, do kanpai at home too.
T: Ah, delicious. Send lots of alcohol emojis, everyone.
J: Ok, so we have lots of snacks here in front of us. As today's game is against Chunichi (*Nagoya's team*), we have a variety of Nagoya foods here, with a view to eating Chunichi into oblivion. We are gonna eat Chunichi up!
K: Are you gonna shout, 'I love Nagoya!'?
J: Haha, no, Osaka is the best. But this is a good idea from the staff, right? Eating up the opposition.
T: Also, look at this, Tigers fried cutlet.
K: Actually, that and these bats were a gift from a fan. At first I wondered why so many were included, there were three pairs.
J: Oh, for this show?!
K: Yeah.
T: Really?! Oh wow, thank you!
K: Yeah, probably.
T: Thank you! That makes me so happy. Apologies for using them so roughly.
J: Oh, yes, a comment asks, 'Can you eat the tenmusu with shrimp in it?'
K: I can tolerate shrimp now.
J: Oh, great!!!
T: Big news! Kaoru can tolerate shrimp now! Haha, what kind of news is that?
J: You overcame it?
K: Well, I can eat it at least.
J: Can you eat it today?
K: Yeah.
T: Ok, you gotta eat one in the second part. Haha
J: Yes, you can eat one for the members only content.
K: I can eat it now even.
J: Ah, someone said they wanna see you eating shrimp! Thats for members only though, right?
T: This is crazy, haha. Leader just eating a shrimp is members only standard now. Wow! haha
K: Hahaha
J: Haha, of course. Thats for members only. 'A shrimp tasting'. That's right. Everyone, please make sure you are a member so you can watch it. So, I just want to touch on the game for a minute. We are finished the 3rd innings now, right?
K: No, we are finished the 4th innings.
J: Oh that was quick!
K: It was 0-0, wasn't it? *writing score on whiteboard*
J: I feel like the game is lacking momentum, right, Kaoru?
K: I wanna make this 2 into 0 too. (*Chunichi scored the only two points so far, earlier in the game*)
J: Should we?? Well, it wont make any difference if we do.
K: Haha.
J: So, overall, its 2-0.
T: Kaoru, tell us about your happi coat.
K: Oh, I bought this a long time ago. I went to watch them play and wore this before too.
T: Stand up and show us.
J: Ohh, what about the back? Oh, amazing! Was this just sold like normal?
K: Yeah, just like normal. I bought it.
J: The ones me and Tasai are wearing must be like the basics...or thereabouts.
K: Or thereabouts? haha, what on earth do you mean?
T: It doesn't mean they are worse.
J: Yeah, but pink might be for women, I'm not sure. Oh, comments saying, 'Leader is so cool!', and 'I want it!'. Can't you buy this these days?
K: Oh yeh, it was a long time ago when I bought this.
T: Having this shows you are a long time fan.
J: Well, yeh I guess so....*responding to a comment* No, it wasn't just dropped by the wayside, haha. Anyway, as for the game today, who are the two starters?
K: Uh, for Hanshin its Otake.
J: What kind of player is he?
K: Uh, in the players draft he came to us from Softbank.
T: He has been really active. His ERA is probably in the 0s since before the interleague games...even though he just gave away 2 points.
J: Ehh. And what about Chunichi?
K: Takahashi
J: Who is Takahashi?
K: Well, he is a Chunichi player.
J: I know that! What kind of person is he?
K: I don't know anything else about him, haha.
T: Joe, I'll check the directory....It says, 'After his experience with the national team, he has scaled up another level. He is a pillar of the Dragons. He is a treasured pitcher within the team'.
K: He is young, isn't he?
T: Yeah, he is 21, in his third year.
K: Yeah, cause during the WBC he wasn't allowed to drink alcohol.
T: Ahh, he was underage?
K: What is it over there again?
T: In America, the legal age to drink is 21...or is it 22?
K: Yeah, so when they were all celebrating, he couldn't drink alcohol. You know with that big champagne bottle? He couldn't have any of it.
J: Ahhh, he might be bitter about it still.
T: No, no, he won't be.
K: He probably hates Hanshin more.
J: Yeah, he might hate the American laws too.
K: No, but Hanshin have taken practically a clean sweep with the All Stars vote.
T: Oh yeh!
J: Eh, whats this about?
K: The fan vote for the All Star team.
J: The results were announced today?? Oh, what kind of positions did Hanshin get? All number 1?
K: Yeah, but I think Akiyama might have gotten center.
T: I'll just check.
K: But otherwise, its all Hanshin. The fans votes are ????, so its not very interesting in the end.
J: Well, yeh, but its resulted like this naturally, right?
K: Well, yeh, cause its a fan vote. It just means they have a lot of fans.
J: No Giants players there. You know, when I was young, the All Stars team was almost always exclusively Giants players. Times have changed!
T: Yeah, Joe, Hanshin are really popular these days.
K: Well, they've been a strong team, I mean, up until last month, haha.
J: Ha, using the past tense I see.
T Yeah, I remember Kaoru saying last month it was tough to handle the success.
K: That feeling is at max level now.
J: Ah, talking about it will jinx it.
K: Yeah, but then again, Joe was talking up that curry so much last time, and we got it again today!
J: Yes, see! Wasn't it good?!
K: Yeah, haha.
J: You know, we had that curry earlier, so we aren't getting through any of these snacks at all. I guess we will get hungry eventually. Someone asked, 'Kaoru, when did you go to Koshien?' You bought that happi coat quite a while ago?
K: This? Yeah, it was a long time ago. I think the last time I went was about 5 years ago. I filmed a video there for my blog.
T: Someone said, 'Hanshin fans have strong personality, they are easy to spot'.
J: Like me?
K: Nah, you definitely have a Yomiuri look.
J: I look like.a Giants fan?
K: You have a kind of pretentious look about you.
T: Ahh, I see it.
J: Like a Tokyoite?
K: Like the type of person who would bring a really fancy bento to eat. All show, but nothing on the inside, haha.
J: No way!
T: Don't eat that kind of thing at Koshien! Haha, look at that comment, 'I can't believe this prejudice against the Giants!'
K: Hahaha
J: Well, that can't be helped today.
T: Yeah, its a Tigers day
today. Forgive us just for today.
J: Yeah, and keep writing comments. Actually, about the score, I didn't see the moment when these two points were scored. What actually happened there? Don't either of you know?
K: Oh, but they just showed a replay of it earlier.
J: Ah, they did.
K: Yeah, but we weren't watching. Its ok though, they'll probably show it again.
J: So, this is obviously a pitching duel at the moment?
K: Yes.
J: Both aces are ???
K: Well, not really, but its kinda like that.
T: This kinda situation is no problem for an ace.
J: Well, what I really wanna know is what the aces' annual salary is? Tasai. Its written in the directory, right?
T: Yep, it is. Who do you want to start with?
J: Oh, the young Chunichi guy who couldn't do kanpai.
T: Ok, so Joe, can you guess the salary of Takahashi, who is in his third year of play?
J: Uh, 3rd year..so 30 million yen?
K: He's only 21.
J: Ah, ok, 20 million.
T: Haha, why?
J: Well, he's still young, so he doesn't have the experience.
T: Incidentally, in total he has 6 wins and 7 losses....up until this season.
J: Ahh, well probably 20 million then.
T: 20 million? Kaoru, what do you think?
K: Hm, maybe 15 million?
T: The correct answer is..35 million!
J: Ahhhh, so we have a 35 million yen pitcher against Hanshin's...?
T: Shall we check?
J: 35 million yen...how much is that per throw?
K: I don't know, I can't work it out, haha.
J: But how many games would he have per season?
K: Hmm, about 15?
J: And about 100 throws? Someone work it out. 15 games × 100 throws.
K: 1500 throws. I dunno, probably about 2000 yen per throw. Haha
J: 2000 yen! Thats more expensive than curry!
T: Ok next is Otake Kotaro, who transferred from Softbank.
J: That means he must have had some achievements for Hanshin to want him?
K: No, it wasnt like that. He wasn't chosen in the initial draft...
J: Oh, so he was a spare?
K: Yeah, so he was available for transfer.
J: Ahh, so like, he wasn't that active in his previous team?
K: Yeah.
J: Oh, well in that case, it might be lower, if he is not highly rated.
T: His stats are 10 wins 9 losses.
J: Oh, 10 wins is not bad...I'll say 25 million.
K: What year of play is he in?
T: His 6th year. He is 28.
J: Ok, 25 million.
T: You think?
J: Yeah, he previous team let him go. What do you think, Leader?
K: About 20 million.
J: What's the correct answer?
T: Ohh! One of you got it right! The correct answer is 20 million! Kaoru, thats amazing! You can even guess Hanshin players' annual salaries!
K: Haha.
J: Have you memorized them all?
K: No, haha.
T: You just guessed, 'Its probably around this amount', and got it right.
J: So today, 35 million and 20 million are up against each other. Thats a 15 million difference.
T: This is all research for us.
J: Yeah...Ah, research, research! Lets carry out research on the viewers.
T: Yes, Joe, can you explain the plan for today?
J: Oh yes, sorry, I forgot about this.
K: Haha.
J: Ok, lets get on with our plan for today, which is...Kaoru toriko research!
J: We are gonna find out what kind of people you all are, by using surveys. What kinds of thing will we ask you? Well, firstly, lets go with ' Where are you watching from?' Should we start there? From which region are you watching this broadcast? A survey will pop up on your screens, so please choose your region from the options.
T: Oh wow, 8 options! I thought we could only do 4!
J: Yep, we can do 8. Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu/Okinawa. There might be people watching from overseas too, right? Sorry about that! We cant fit any more options on. So you have to choose from these.
T: Should we see the results?
J: Ok, here are the results. Ahh, overwhelmingly Kanto, at 42.9%. Next is Kinki with 26.4%. Chubu is 8.8%, thank you! Tohoku and Hokkaido are 5.5% each. Chugoku is 3.3%, Kyushu/Okinawa is 5.5%, and Shikoku is 2.2%. So, overwhelmingly Kanto and Kinki, about 70% are in those regions. Oh, someone said 'Not many from Kinki!'. Yeah.
T: Haha, someone said, 'Im watching from the store staffroom on my break'. Thank you!
J: Well, we will be asking you more surveys from here on. Leader, is there anything you want to ask? Anything is ok.
T: Let's ask this...Which team do you support?
K: Eh? But there are only eight spaces.
T: From the Central League, I mean. Ok, time to make tough choices.
J: At this rate its gonna be Hanshin, right? But there are a lot of viewers in Kanto, I guess. So there may be a few votes for the Giants, Yokohama, and Yakult too. Are you eating onigiri already, Tasai?
K: Tenmusu, you mean?
J: Yeah, Tenmusu. He had curry earlier too.
T: It tastes good.
J: I couldn't believe Tasai earlier. When he was eating curry, he broke his spoon!
K: Oh, mine broke too!
J: Really?? I thought it was just Tasai.
K: It was tough curry.
T: The spoon broke when I ate the potato.
K: For me it broke when I just put it in the curry sauce.
T: Ehhh? Haha
K: I was trying to scoop up a piece of beef, and it broke.
J: What kind of power are you guys using to eat?? I've never seen anyone break a spoon eating curry before! haha. Which player just came on?
T: Oh, there's the survey.
J: Which player is number 12?
K: Sakamoto.
J: Sakamoto is the batter, the pitcher throws.... speed 142km.
K: Your commentary is nostalgic.
J: Like Showa?
T: Yeah, like old radio commentary.
J: Right, the survey now. Which team do you support? Tigers, Giants, Baystars, Carps, Dragons, Swallows. Ahh, I see, people refer to the teams like this these days. Not like 'Hanshin' etc.
K: No, but people still say 'Hanshin' a lot.
J: Oh, the score. The 5th innings finished again with 0-0? Its already the 6th innings?? That was quick!
T: Write it on the board, Joe.
K: No, we are still only half way through the 5th.
J: Oh, ok. So Chunichi were 0.
K: Yeah.
J: Ah, sorry. Ok, lets see your favourite teams. No worries if you don't have a fave. Oh someone said they support the Pacific League. Ah, we can ask that too. Just choose one from the central league for now. Ok, lets see the results. Its gotta be Hanshin, right?.....Oh, its quite split.
T: But look, the Tigers are top.
J: Yeah, Hanshin have 51.9% . The Giants have 14.3%. Same for the Carps. Then, the Dragons have 11.7%, there are a few Dragons fans watching this then.
T: Sorry!
J: Baystars have 5.2%, and the Swallows have the least with 2.6%. What is the actual league board like currently?
K: Its, (1)Tigers, (2)Baystars, (3)Carps, (4)Giants, (5)Dragons, (6)Swallows.
J: Ah, so the Swallows are having no luck?
T: Not really this year.
K: Their pitchers are struggling.
J: Ahh, I see. Ok, so we discovered the majority are Hanshin fans. Kaoru, do you want to ask anything?
K: Ok, What do you like best? Tenmusu, Tebasaki, Misokatsu, Doteni.
J: These are the snacks we have in front of us, right?
K: Yeah
J: Eating Nagoya to defeat. Which do you like best from these snacks? Someone said, 'I like Kaoru'.
T: We know that.
K: Hm, maybe not 'which do you like best?'....hmm, ok, maybe 'which do you like best?' is ok.
J: Ahh, this tebasaki is great! So good with beer! People are saying they like them all.
T: Someone said they are a Nippon Ham supporting Kaoru fan, but they can support Hanshin too.
J: Yeah. Ok, so Tenmusu, Miso katsu, Doteni, Tebasaki. Which do you like? Well, they are all delicious though.
T: Ahh, Im sleepy, haha.
K: Huh, you're tired?
T: No, no, Im having fun, haha.
J: Kaoru, which one of these snacks do you recommend?
K: I've only had Tebasaki and Misokatsu out of these.
J: Yeah, the tenmusu is for the paid contents. Do you like them all?
K: Well, I guess I often eat tebasaki when I go to Nagoya.
J: That might be the most popular. You can get it anywhere in Nagoya, right?
T: I used to go to this one tebasaki restaurant quite often.
K: Yama chan? Furaibo?
T: Yeah, Furaibo. Yeh, for work stuff.
J: Ok, lets see the results. Which one do you like best? Sorry, Im doing this while im eating....Ohh, Tebasaki 40.4%!
K: Ok, next question! This is about the menu at Koshien, so out of Koshien Curry, Yakitori, shell fish skewers...
J: They havd shellfish??
K: Yes, and...grilled squid....which one do you wanna make me eat? I mean three of them skewered, but..I.wanna eat them, haha.
J: You want them to make you eat one of them?
K: Yeah
J: How about instead of that, you get them to send you it.
K: Well, thats later, haha.
J: Oh, look, there's the action replay. This this is the moment they entered ????]
K: They haven't entered yet, its still Hanshin's turn.
J: Oh, right, I see. Yeah. This could be a chance, the runner is out. Oh I see, the points were scored in the second innings.
T: Yeh, it just showed up.
K: A home run? Ah, no. But he's doing well.
J: He hit, and made it to third base. Was it a sacrifice fly? Oh, no. Ahh, look at the pitcher. There goes the runner....Ahhhh.
K: Yeah.
T: That guy on the left is a bit scary.
K: Mie-chan, right?
J: Well, its not a catastrophic lead.
T: Its only 2 points.
K: Yeah, there is still time....but we are still kinda getting beaten.
J: Its about time Hanshin start to get serious.
K: Well, actually, their winning pattern so far this year has been to start scoring in the later parts of the game.
J: Ohh, the later half, I see. Ah, high hopes from now then. Ok, lets see the results of this survey. Koshien curry, Yakitori, Shellfish skewers, and Squid skewers. Which do you wanna make Kaoru eat? Here are the results.
T: Koshien Curry! But its still quite a split result.
J: Hang on. Whats special about Koshien Curry? How is it different from regular curry?
*K looks at J incredulously*
J: Haha, don't look at me like that.
K: *To T* What is he talking about??
J: No no, from the point of view of an outsider like me...
T: Its Koshien curry!
J: But what about the taste? Isn't there anything special about it? Anything Tigers related? You don't need to just stare at me like that!
K: Haha
J: Is it sweet? Or is it really meaty? Or anything like that?
K: Its regular curry.
J: Ehh? I bet the viewers know what its like!.....Ehh?!...Our kind director is trying to show me a picture of it, but I can't see it at all.
K: Haha, its just regular curry!
J: But does it taste good?
K: Yeah, it does. Its even sold as retort.
J: I see, its very ordinary. Can we even buy it up here?
K: Yeah, probably.
J: I wanna try it.
K: Yeah, but its better to have it with some other food, like these snacks.
T: You'd get the feeling of being at Koshien.
K: Its won't break your spoon.
J: Haha, you guys are breaking too many spoons when you eat curry! Well, we'll have some more surveys later in the show. Ok, its coming to the end of the free part now.
T: That was fast!
J: Well, there is still another 90mins to go, so we can watch the game together while doing more surveys, and also part of the members only content will be Kaoru eating a shrimp. So you can look forward to that. Here's how you can watch the second part. The first part of the show is free for anyone, but the second part is for members only, so you have to be a member if you want to watch to the end. If you become a member, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for one year, and we also have members only video, where we do lots of stuff. So you can enjoy those too. Here's how to join. There should be a blue link at the top of your screens now. Leader is pointing to it with his fan. Please use this link to register. If you click the link a screen will appear asking you to choose your payment method.
T: Oh, ARE! (*THAT*)
J: Ah, yes, its an 'ARE' fan. Ok, choose your preferred method and click proceed, enter your details, and you're done. If you haven't yet registered, please do so to enjoy the show to the end. Ok, Leader, do you have any announcements?
K: Uh, our 25th anniversary tour Bluray/DVD will be released next moth (*July*)
T, J: Ohhh.
K: And the vinyl version of Phalaris will also be released. Thats next month too.
T: Oh, great! Comments saying they reserved it already.
K: Apparently, its already sold out on Amazon etc, just with reservations.
J: Eh? The DVD and LP?
K: The LP.
J: Ahhh
T: I'm looking forward to it.
J: Yeah, but people should be able to still find it somewhere if they look, right? Like CD stores or something?
K: I think so, yeah.
J: Ahh, someone said its their first time buying a record. Dir haven't done this much before have you?
K: We've made records as special bonuses etc, but its the first time for us to actually sell one.
J: Oh, I see.
T: What is the cover jacket gonna be like?
K: Well, its a head-on close-up of the Phalaris bull.
J: You can buy record players quite cheaply these days, right? For like ¥10,000.
K: Yeah.
J: This could be a good reason for people to buy a record player. Oh, a comment saying, 'My first ever record is DIR EN GREY!' The sound is good on analog, right? And its fun going to second-hand record stores. This will open new doors for people.
K: Lets go to a record store! We went to second-hand clothes stores already, so...
J: Ah, going to a record store would be fun!
K: Right?
J: There are some in Shimokitazawa, and also in Shinjuku. Lets do this, people wanna learn about records! Record store visit! (*J sounds as if he said rekōdo-myan instead of rekōdo-ya for 'record store'*)
T: Myan??
J: Did I say that? I meant 'ya'! Its cauae I've been drinking! Ok, we will pause here, and the screen will change for a moment, but we will be right back with the members only content, so just wait there. Ok, see you in the next part!
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