#(having to get over a hurdle to get somewhere)
herotome · 2 days
Devlog #142
Hi-ho, Wudge here.
Time to talk about these past two weeks worth of work. Haha... ah....... The good news is that there's quite a lot. The bad news is now I have to type it all out. 😭 The things I do for love (for Herotome) amiright.
Note to self I'm gonna have to carefully save drafts of post throughout because, again, it's A Lot.
Ok so, we'll start off with some Mia stuff.
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Outfit concepts!! Some of yall may recall I struggled hardcore with her hero outfit, but I think it's finally getting somewhere?? After uh... I allowed myself to use black. :') I had it in my head that Dart is the only one who can wear black-- but how unfair is that?! There's a limited number of color families in the world, characters should be able to borrow colors from each other in accent colors! So, I'm much happier now that I've gotten over that mental hurdle.
On the right is a 'party'/gala outfit. I have a few events in mind where the LIs can dress up and look nice, so this is a concept for that...!
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I also made a bunch of these... cut-out images, so highlight her injured hand in-game... ....... Then I realized I could literally just. Show her full sprite and pan it down. Then add a lil spotlight/vignette effect if I damb well want to. :| So uh. I'll be throwing all these out I guess....... It was a learning experience!!!!!! just a bit of a painful one hahaha.
Moving right along, expressions.
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I got through a huge set of Griffin and made some new mouth shapes for Mia! Much to my dismay, Mia's lips are rather more detailed and thus take a bit more time to render..... but I'm getting the hang of it.
I also have been coding in these new expressions for the Mia and Warden scene in the federal center lobby.
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Here's a preview! Maybe I can make a gif of a few branches to crosspost to Ko-Fi...
As for Griffin - I haven't started coding in any expressions yet, but I did set up all his PNGs and can show off the full set here:
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The pictured tool is by Feniks - wonderful, wonderful way of seeing all the expressions at once and quickly converting a specific mood from image into code (which you can see in the lower rightmost corner). I highly recommend it for any renpy devs who are have an overwhelming surplus of character expressions!
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And I experimented with a ghostly text effect (using altered code from Wattson's dripping effect). It's hard to read at the moment and I dont love it - in Herotome it will likely have a proper outline and I might use a special font. It's inspired by this one artist named Endling - back in my teenybopper deviantart days, he had this comic with a big bad wolf character who would talk like this--!
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And of course, updated art of these fools (as seen in my last not-devlog last week)
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I also wrote.. a decent amount... did a fair amount of outlining/plotting.... and Remnantation and I made progress on a new Griffin CG... I designed some other potential NPCs.......
...... You can tell I'm running out of steam for this devlog, I'm sure. I think that'll do it for now.
Stay safe and keep warm,
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allthegothihopgirls · 5 months
'going to georgia' by the mountain goats but it's about lee everett during twdg s1
#.#i don't have the energy to explain myself on this one#i have a lot of complex thoughts about this that i dont think i can fully articulate rn#twdg#lee everett#oh actually im going to elaborate on one part of this because i might forget#the whole 'crossing the macon county line' repeating part of the song#lee grew up in macon#and i like the emphasis in the song of not just travelling to georgia#but having to go through macon to be there#(having to get over a hurdle to get somewhere)#and to lee the first time they go to macon after the apocalypse begins. thats still his home.#but by the time he leaves and they're back on their way to their final destination#hes gotten closure. and knows that place itsnt him anymore#but yeah theres that one part in the song where it replaces the macon line#with “this is nowhere. going to georgia”. which would be him letting go of macon. and all of his past. focusing on his current self + goal#and with all the verses and everything#i like to think that clementine. whilst softening him up as person#also makes lee unbind himself from his past. most of which he stores in macon#because of not only growing up there#but also feeling the guilt of showing up there again after his conviction#because that was the only place he could still call home#and knowing every good memory he had left was tainted with that one mistake. because all he had nothing else but his home#so yeah. after the apocalypse. before he got the closure in macon#that was the one place he had unfinished business. and its what was holding him back#so being able to say#he's simply 'crossing the macon county line' in the end. not even regarding it as nowhere. regarding it for what it was.#is monumental#even more#its not acknowledging that macon is a place of negative significance for him
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hugsandchaos · 4 months
Seeing Double
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Summary: A ghost who looks a lot like Phantom comes to him in search of protection, and their newest member instantly agrees. He calls her his little sister, and sooner or later, Phantom also might end up with a new brother.
*bangs pots and pans together* @vixen-uchiha, @starlightcat04, @blueliac, COME GET Y’ALL’S JUICE!!!
Phantom smiled to himself looking up at the night sky. The event he’d been waiting for finally started a few minutes ago, the top right “corner” of the moon was dark with the tiniest hint of red on the “edge”. He was pretty grateful for being allowed to go outside for the lunar eclipse. Especially since the other members of Young Justice got to tag along as well. He could hear Wally explaining the specifics of the event to Conner below, but ignored it.
Phantom was well above the trees so he could get a perfect view of the lunar eclipse, so it wasn’t very hard to ignore them. Especially since he was so happy about what he was going to see soon. And by soon, he meant an hour or so. Since they were so far out from the city the civilization in general, Phantom also had an amazing view of the stars. It seemed like every second he spent looking at them instead of the moon, a new one would pop into existence. Or he’d recognize another constellation.
He leaned back so he was floating with his back facing the ground and crossed one of his legs over the other. He folded his arms over his abdomen and smiled fondly, acting as if he was laying on solid ground instead of being in midair. Then a small blue fog of smoke came out of his mouth.
Phantom quickly swung himself upright and looked around. He really didn’t want to deal with any ghost fights right now, he just wanted some peace. As he scanned the area around him, he noticed something in the distance. It definitely wasn’t a star, and it was too small to be a pod. It might be the ghost he had sensed being nearby.“Phantom?” Robin called out. The ghostly hero glanced down below.”Everything alright?” He asked.
Phantom nodded and went back to looking at the ghost.”Yeah, just a second. I think I see something.” He yelled back. He squinted his eyes to try to see if he could recognize the ghost. It didn’t take long for him to figure out who it was, and when he did, a huge smile broke out across his face.
“Danielle!!!” Phantom called out.
He quickly rushed towards his younger clone. He didn’t notice his friends calling for him, but he noticed that Dani had definitely spotted him since she was also hurdling towards him. They reached each other somewhere midway and Phantom slowed down enough before they practically collided with each other. Dani didn’t really slow down as soon as him and knocked him back a little, but he wasn’t too fazed by the impact and wrapped his arms around her.
He hugged his sister considerably tighter than he usually hugs people, and spun around a bit as a small way to release some of the new, excited energy. Dani laughed a little as they spun, then he stopped.”How have you been?!” He asked excitedly.
“I’ve been great!!” She said. They both ended the hug with big grins on their face, very happy to see the other after months had passed. Phantom was about to ask her about her time apart from him, but she opened her mouth to speak.”I’ve seen so many cool things that I wanna tell you about, and guess what?!“ She asked. She held her mouth open and pointed at the upper part. That’s when Phantom noticed her canine teeth were a bit bigger than a regular human’s.”I’ve grown fangs, like yours!” She exclaimed. The older halfa gasped softly. He wasn’t quite sure what emotion had just swelled up in his chest a little, but he’s felt it before, and it was definitely positive.
Was it pride? Was he proud of her? He wasn’t sure if that was it or not, but the feeling remained.”That’s so cool, Dani! They’re fang-tastic.” He said.
Dani’s grin grew a little bit wider when he said that.”Why, fang you!” She said. Suddenly, her expression changed drastically from pure excitement to what looked like distrust. Her eyes looked at something behind him, and Phantom quickly turned around to see what or who it was that caused her reaction.
Megan was floating there.”Who’s your friend, Phantom?” She asked kindly. Phantom calmed down a little and smiled again. He glanced back at Dani again and noticed how she looked a little confused, but still defensive. He floated back to be next to Dani.
“Hey, Megan! This is my little sister. She has the same powers as me.” He said. Him talking with his friend so calmly and casually seemed to help Dani relax. Which was what he was hoping for.
Megan’s smile grew as she looked over at the other halfa.”Really?! You’ve never mentioned your relatives before!” She said. She held a hand out.”It’s really nice to meet you, Danielle. I’m Megann! Well, Megann is my Earth name.” She introduced herself. Dani glanced over at Phantom. He knew what it was she was asking and gave her an encouraging nod. With the affirmation that it was safe, Dani smiled and shook Megann’s hand.”Nice to meet you too.” She said with a small smile. For a moment, Phantom was happy that they hadn’t met her in some kind of fight or had a misunderstanding. Then he remembered something pretty important. Not wanting to make it awkward, though, he decided to try to play it cool.
He gave Megann a slightly apologetic look.”I’m sorry, but would you mind letting us chat for a bit? We have a lot to catch up on and talk about, and something tells me it’s going to get a little personal.” He asked politely. He tried to make it understandable and reasonable, and to him, that sounded like a good explanation. He’s been pretty private about his life before he joined Young Justice, anyways.
Megann nodded.”Oh, yeah, of course! I’ll let the others know what you’re doing if they ask.” She said. The older halfa agreed with that idea and nodded to show it. The martian turned around and flew back to the others, and once she was gone, Phantom glanced over at Dani.
She turned to him at the same time, also looking pretty serious. Seemed like they both had something to say.”You go first.” Phantom said. Dani remained silent for an extra minute. Phantom waited until an idea of what it was entered his head, and he didn’t like it one bit.”It wasn’t Vlad, was it?” He asked. Dani shook her head.
“I was... I was spotted by one of them.”
Those words briefly made Phantom’s core stop. The sweet moment suddenly turned way more sour than he was expecting. His eyes widened in shock and horror and they both floated in silence for a while. With each passing second, Dani looked more and more like she’d start to cry. Tears were slowly starting to form, but she was holding back.”I don’t want them to catch me... We both know I can’t go into the Ghost Zone, so... I didn’t know what else to do.” She said. Her voice came close to cracking at the end.
Phantom quickly pulled his mind back together. An urge to protect his sister began to block out the fear he also felt for her and he pulled her into a hug.”They won’t get the chance. I’ll do everything to make sure of it.” He said. He wasn’t entirely sure how he’d be able to actually protect her against part of the government, but he wasn’t lying. He was going to do whatever he could to protect her from the Guys In White. Dani hugged back.”Thank you.” She said.
“Anytime.” Phantom said. It was practically obvious to him. As long as his core was still vibrating and his heart was still beating, he’d protect her against anything.”But listen, my team doesn’t know I’m a halfa. They only think I’m a ghost. I think you should say the same.” He said. Dani nodded.
They soon ended the hug and Dani looked better than before. Phantom noticed something above and pointed behind her.”Look at that.” He said. Dani followed his gaze and let out a small, amazed “ohh” under her breath when she saw it. The lunar eclipse wasn’t complete yet, but it was getting there. A part of it was still white, but the majority of it was getting more and more red, and even looked a little orange.”I saw one of those before. Lunar eclipse, right?” She asked.
“Mhmm.” Phantom confirmed.
The two remained there for only a few minutes, watching the moon change ever so slightly, before Dani filled the silence again.”Can we meet the rest of your teammates?” She asked, turning to face him.
“Duhh! This way.” Phantom said, then flew to where his friends had set up camp.
It was a pretty short flight, and once there, his teammates were already looking at them. The group had used Megan’s bioship to fly out an hour or so away from the mountain and brought their own tents, and obviously some campfire snacks along with other necessities. They were all aligned in a circle with a sort of “entrance” facing the direction of the bioship. Phantom landed with Dani close behind and glanced back at her to make sure she wouldn’t get overwhelmed or anything. He wasn’t entirely sure how good her social skills were. She looked a little bit surprised, but overall okay. Phantom turned to his team.”Hey, guys! Hope you don’t mind one more.” He said, gesturing towards his sister. Dani smiled and waved at them.
Megan was the first of them to speak.”Not at all! Come on over, the eclipse is getting closer.” She said. Dani accepted the invitation and began walking over to them. Phantom obviously followed.
He noticed Conner looking a little surprised, but brushed it off since everyone seemed a bit surprised to learn that he apparently had a sister. Dani floated off the ground to be more at eye level with his friends.”How come all of your friends are taller than me?” She asked, glancing back at Phantom. He just shrugged and grinned.”I guess you just got the short end of the stick.” He said. Dani rolled her eyes and looked back at them.
“I’m Danielle! It’s nice to meet all of my brother’s new teammates.” She said. Robin held his hand out and Dani accepted it.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I’m Robin. That’s Wally, Artemis, Conner, Kaldur, and you’ve already met Megan.” He said. Phantom leaned closer to Dani and pointed at Wally.
“He doesn’t really believe in ghosts, so feel free to bug him when he’s not training or on missions.” He whispered.
Wally glared at him and Robin and Artemis both muffled a laugh behind their hands.”Hey!” Wally snapped. Dani gasped almost slightly offended, then grinned mischievously.
“Oh, I’d love to!” She said. Before she said something else, though, Conner spoke up.
“Megan told us you’re his little sister, but I didn’t expect you to look practically just like our friend. You could be mistaken for twins if it wasn’t for the age difference.” He said. He didn’t seem upset, and Phantom was a bit relieved about it. He didn’t think that Conner would start anything, but he had anger issues and had... negative reactions to being reminded that he’s a clone of someone who doesn’t like him.
Dani shrugged a little. “Well, yeah! I’m his clone, so of course I look like him and have similar powers.“ She said. The camp went quiet. The atmosphere wasn’t exactly heavy or intense, but it certainly wasn’t as happy and calm as before. Dani noticed the change and at first was confused, then she started to grow nervous. She glanced between Phantom’s teammates.
Finally, one of them spoke.“You said she’s your little sister.” Wally said. Phantom immediately hopped onto the defensive, but tried to remember about their treatment towards Conner and not mistake his confusion in his voice for something negative.
Dani seemed to make that mistake, though, since she began floating closer to him with a pretty nervous expression.”Yeah, because she is. Just because there’s no legal documentation or something doesn’t mean she can’t be my family.” Phantom said. Dani stopped right next to him and nodded in agreement. To her surprise and not her big brother’s, his friends all seemed almost a little heart warmed by this. Conner just looked surprised.
“That’s nice of you. To give her a family.” Kaldur said.
“I don’t see why I wouldn’t, but thanks?” Phantom said. Dani suddenly flew upwards and looked at the sky.
“Enough with the sentimental stuff, we’re going to miss it!” She said. The older halfa quickly remembered the reason they’d come outside in the first place and let out a small “oh”. He followed her lead and smiled at the moon once he was above the trees.
It was now completed and fully red. Sure, there was still a tiny bit of lighter red, but the huge majority looked a lot like blood. It was a little creepy, but Phantom still couldn’t help but admire it. It was amazing, and made him almost forget about the talk he’d need to have with Kaldur and Red Tornado, and possibly the rest of the league later. He’d think about that after the eclipse was over. For now, he was just going to enjoy the sight.
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andypantsx3 · 11 days
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SUMMARY: As a future marine biologist, you’ve scored big on your final internship: a summer in the tropics, researching the waters off the coast of a lush, sunny island. But what you thought would be all beach days and piña coladas turns out to be the revelation of a lifetime when you haul in a handsome merprince, and discover not everything in these waters is quite as it seems. TAGS/WARNINGS: mermaid au, interspecies relationships, mating rituals/courting behavior, (sort of) case fic, aged up characters, eventual smut, fem pronouns/afab reader LENGTH: 3.7k of est. 27k, 6th of 8 chapters
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Shouto was waiting on the shore when you returned, mismatched gaze pinned on you as you stepped out of the trees. He seemed to know from your expression that you’d found exactly what you’d been looking for.
“It is what you wanted, then,” he said.
You could feel a grimace overtake your features. “Not what I wanted, exactly, but it is what I expected to find.”
A clawed hand reached out to catch your ankle as you stepped out of the shade onto the hot sand. You could see the impression of Shouto’s tail in the sand where he’d dragged himself from the water, a thick line of disturbed beach. He peered up at you, thumb pressing into the hollow behind your ankle bone.
“They’re polluting this place and they’re trying to hide it,” you said, your mouth pulling into a thin line. “They’ve dammed off that lagoon for now but it’s not going to hold forever. And they’ve already killed off everything in it.”
Shouto’s claws rasped lightly over the skin of your ankle. “You are upset.”
You glanced down at him, finding his handsome face concerned. “I’m—angry, I guess, yeah. Especially now that I know you and your whole pod are here. It’s bad enough thinking of what this is going to do to all the local populations, but to think of you getting sick…”
Shouto’s long eyelashes fluttered as he took a slow breath. You carefully studied the sand next to him so you didn’t watch the way the muscles of his chest flexed and relaxed as he did so. “You want to protect me,” he concluded, something strange in his tone.
Your face flushed hot. “Well, yeah.”
Shouto’s expression went carefully blank, like he was trying not to look too pleased. Instead, he reached out a hand, taking yours, prying it open to reveal the sample kit containing a bleached chunk of coral you’d cut off the poisoned reef. “And you will keep the coral I gave you,” Shouto said.
You nodded, blinking in surprise. In your momentary funk you’d almost forgotten the underlying reason for your visit here—Shouto had given you something that would have taken him hours to get. Something he’d have had to pull himself through the forest on his arms alone for, something he too would have had to have waded into a poisoned reef for—and that had to mean something significant.
You doubted it was a token of friendship, as you’d first assumed. But then—what would be the cultural significance of the gift?
Shouto’s thumb petted over the hollow of your ankle bone again. “And you will wear them.”
You nodded absently, suppressing a shiver at the feeling of his touch.
“Yes, when I get back to my room I’ll scrounge up something to wear them on,” you promised.
Shouto’s expression shifted into something satisfied. “With dinner and a movie,” he said.
You stared at him. “You want—right now?”
“Right now,” he echoed, nodding seriously. His features rearranged themselves into a mask of determination.
You laughed at the expression, like a movie was some great hurdle to overcome, some life-or-death mission.
Well, you supposed a promise was a promise. And it was nearing dinner time.
Your mind instantly began to churn with plans. You’d have to dock the boat and beg off the meal with the science crew, figure out when and how to tell them about the poisoned lagoon, find a meal somewhere that Shouto could digest, meet him back at the beach, steal a wheelbarrow, and figure out how not to get caught.
“Alright, a deal’s a deal,” you decided.
An almost triumphant smile teased at the edge of Shouto’s mouth.
His hand left your ankle and he followed you back across the sand down to the water, slithering agiley like a handsome snake. He supervised you as you stuffed all your things back into your dry bag, then slipped into the water, keeping pace alongside you as you swam out to where you’d anchored the boat.
He pulled himself in after you, and boated most of the way back to the dock with you. He only slid back into the water when you shooed him off just out of sight of the port, promising to meet him back on the beach in front of the inn.
You docked the boat in town, then poked through a couple take-away food stalls for something that seemed like it wouldn’t mess with Shouto’s digestion. Stifling a wry grin, you settled on a sushi vendor, picking out a few basic rolls with local fish and a seaweed salad that you and Shouto could split.
You trekked back to the inn, stowing your food in your room, then poking your head into Yu’s room to let her know you’d finished up on the water, but weren’t feeling well and were going to sit out dinner.
Once you’d also verified Izuku was nowhere to be seen and that Inko was safely installed in the front office, you crept over to the maintenance shed. The door was unlatched—probably a product of living on such a small island with little crime—and you helped yourself to the wheelbarrow and an ancient tarp wedged underneath several old planters.
Shouto was waiting for you just off the beach, that head of red and white pair poking out of the water inquisitively as you approached. He eyed the wheelbarrow with suspicion, even as he hauled himself up on shore.
“What is that,” he asked, flatter than a question.
“Your chariot awaits, good sir,” you joked, gesturing at it.
A red eyebrow went up, Shouto’s mismatched gaze pinning on it with distrust. “I do not think I like chariots.”
You laughed. “It’s actually called a wheelbarrow—it’s used to haul heavy stuff. And you most definitely qualify as heavy stuff. I’m not strong enough to carry you all the way back to my room.”
Shouto’s eyes slid over the muscle of your arm assessingly. “Humans,” he murmured, almost to himself. “You cannot swim, fight, or lift things. It is a wonder you survive at all.”
You poked him with a sneakered toe. “Hey, I can too swim and lift things.”
Shouto’s pointed non-reply was answer enough and you huffed out a laugh.
“I will do it for you,” Shouto decided. “The swimming and fighting and lifting.”
For some reason this made you flush. “I—there will be no fighting on my watch.”
Shouto’s mouth quirked. In lieu of another answer he reached out an arm, gripping the side of the wheelbarrow. Your mouth went a little dry as you watched the muscles in his arm activate, and you just barely remembered to hold the wheelbarrow steady as he pulled himself in, biceps cording.
He was far too large for it, the bulk of his muscle and broad shoulders taking up nearly the entire thing, leaving his tail to drape out and drag along the sand. There was no way the tarp was going to cover enough of him.
“Okay, let’s wrap this around your tail, at least, in case anyone sees us,” you decided, spreading it out over his waist like a blanket. He looked a little goofy, and possibly a million percent more suspicious with the tarp dragging after him on the ground, but it was the best you were going to get, probably.
“So how long can you last out of salt water, do you know?” you asked, wheeling him around and heading up the beach. You figured it had to be a couple hours considering how long it must have taken him to reach the coral he’d given you, but you hated the thought of him getting uncomfortable.
“A long time. Close to a day I think,” he said.
“Wow, and you don’t dry out?” you asked.
He tipped his head back to look at you as you wheeled him, wet hair dripping into the wheelbarrow. “I do, but it takes some time.”
“And you’re not uncomfortable?” you grunted out the question, shoving him up the incline towards your room.
“Not for a long while,” he said.
Well that was good. You probably wouldn’t need to set him up in the tub then. It would be nice to eat your sushi somewhere other than the bathroom.
You were panting by the time you got Shouto up the hill, and it was an even larger production getting him through the door. It was only when you finally wheeled him inside, watching him peer around your room curiously, that you realized your seating options were limited. You were possessed of a single chair, currently occupied by your suitcase—and Shouto was far too large for it besides.
Something flipped in your stomach as your eyes were drawn towards your bed.
Like he could sense your sudden hesitance, Shouto turned to you, mismatched gaze pinning on you with a startling focus.
“You are nervous,” he observed.
You could feel your face heat. “Well I don’t exactly wheel mermen back to my room every day of the week.”
Shouto’s mouth pulled like he did not like the image of that. He grasped the sides of the wheelbarrow with clawed fingers, hefting himself out and slithering to your floor. You stared at the sight of him perched there on the rug, eyebrows lifting when he reached out a hand and drew your sitting chair towards him.
Instead of climbing in, however, he flipped open the top of your suitcase, peering in curiously.
You watched him flip a book over then ease it aside, rifling through your bag of clean socks and shorts. You sputtered when Shouto’s long fingers unearthed a bra, his head tilting.
“Nosy!” you squeaked, darting forward to throw your suitcase shut again. You didn’t know why you were so embarrassed, but you desperately hoped merpeople did not know the difference between swimwear and underthings.
Shouto’s frown was almost too cute to be borne. He looked up at you, his hand going to your ankle, as it always did.
“You do not have anything to bind the coral with,” he said, sounding a little pouty again.
Oh. So that’s what he’d been looking for.
You nudged his other hand aside, unzipping the pocket where you’d stored a few pieces of jewelry. You hadn’t brought many on the assumption that you’d mostly be working, but you’d brought enough to be useful. Shouto watched with some interest as you unclipped the chain of a necklace, sliding off the charm and storing it in your bag again.
His eyes followed you as you stepped away to your nightstand, where you’d stowed the coral he’d brought you. Immediately, you realized there was a problem.
“Uh, we might have to wait a couple more days until I can find a way to put a hole in these,” you said, gesturing with the pieces.
Shouto’s heavy tail made a scraping sound as he dragged himself across the carpet to you again. You plopped down on the edge of the bed so as not to tower over him, holding out the coral to him. Shouto angled his claws carefully away from your palm as he took a shard in his long fingers, the bleached white of it standing out starkly against the crimson of his coloring there.
Shouto’s handsome face stilled in careful concentration as he angled his pinky claw carefully, so that just the point of it pressed to a corner of the piece. You watched in fascination as he pressed down, and his claw bore right through—piercing it shockingly easily.
Your stomach flipped, and you recalled the first time you’d seen Shouto—how deadly those claws had seemed. Weeks into your friendship, you’d realized you’d been so focused on his most human of qualities—his beautiful face, inadvertently funny manner, his sweet thoughtfulness. But here was a reminder that he was also something far more than a man—possibly one of the most dangerous things in these waters.
Your heart beat a little faster as Shouto did the same to the next piece of coral, and you looped the necklace chain through them. There was a sort of dark, satisfied look in Shouto’s eye as you clasped it around your neck. A clawed finger gently touched your sternum, lifting the coral for Shouto’s inspection.
“Good,” he rumbled, looking pleased. His finger was warm against your skin, and you wondered if he could feel how quickly your heart was beating against it.
For some reason you felt your face warm. You stilled under Shouto’s touch until he let the coral drop back against your skin, seeming gratified.
Clearing your throat, you quickly rose from the bed, gesturing Shouto onto it.
“I’ll, um, grab our food,” you told him, hoping you sounded normal. “And get my laptop to pick out the movie. Just, uh, make yourself comfortable.”
You pointedly did not watch as Shouto levered himself up on the strength of those arms, instead unearthing the sushi from your room’s miniscule fridge, along with two bottles of water. You piled it all on your laptop like a tray, then turned back to Shouto.
He was far too large for your bed, laid out across it like a sunbathing model. His tail was far too long, draping off the end in a sweeping fan of scarlet and white. Your eyes traced the line of his tail back up the bed, up to where the scales freckled into the taught muscle of Shouto’s abdomen, fair skin all but glowing in the fading summer daylight, the shadows swirling and pooling in the divots of the muscle like water.
You flushed again at the sight of all of that laid out in your bed, waiting for you. You reminded yourself that he did not have the cultural context you did for sharing a bed, and that you were just splitting food. And he was another species, besides, no matter how human his upper half looked.
You very deliberately did not think about the fact that his sister had a human husband.
Shouto wriggled back against the headboard as you approached, and you clambered in next to him, careful not to brush his arm as you did. You set the sushi between you like a shield, then flipped open your laptop, wondering what kind of movie a merman might like.
“Um, got any requests?” you asked him.
Shouto’s mismatched eyes pinned on you. “I want to watch whatever you want to watch.”
Well that was no help. You wracked your brain for options, blinking when you remembered you’d told Shouto that he’d probably find human movies about merpeople funny. An idea formed.
Shouto watched with interest as your fingers clacked across the keys, alternately watching the movement of them and the windows that appeared across the screen. The island wi-fi was slow, and it took a few painful minutes, but eventually you ended up with a title screen queued up: The Little Mermaid.
You looked at Shouto for approval, only to find his eyes searching over the screen, as if for some clue of what was to come. Oh—that was right—he might have been able to speak to you, but chances were probably slim he could read any human languages.
“It’s an animated film about, uh, this mermaid who strikes a deal to be human and live on land,” you explained. “She, um, falls in love with a prince and they, uh, sort of fight to be together.”
Shouto’s mismatched eyes picked over you speculatively. “A human fights? I thought you were not capable.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well he mostly steers a boat around. But he does help try to defeat a sea witch.”
Shouto eyed you. “There is no such thing.”
A startled laugh burst out of you at the look of suspicion on his face. It was patently ridiculous that a merman was propped up in your bed telling you what was and wasn’t real.
“It’s fiction,” you told him. “People also think merpeople aren’t real, as you well know.”
Shouto looked doubtful, but you pressed play on your laptop anyway. You deposited his sushi in his lap, then hesitated over whether to hand him chopsticks too. As you watched him draw one long claw across the plastic cover, slicing it open instead of just uncapping it, you decided no. He most definitely would not be needing a pair of chopsticks.
Shouto seemed to like his plain rolls, all of the ingredients except the rice ocean-based. You watched his handsome nose flare suspiciously at your own rolls when you opened your container, shooting a look of obvious distaste at the spicy mayo drizzled over the top of one.
You had to hide another smile, strangely charmed by everything about him.
Shouto also was quickly absorbed by the movie, and did not notice when you plucked his empty container from his lap. He seemed to find it equal parts amusing and ridiculous. It was only when Ariel and Prince Eric almost kissed in the boat that you felt Shouto’s eyes on you. You stared resolutely ahead, pretending not to notice, your skin prickling.
He was distracted again by the rest of the film, even leaning forward with interest during the climax. But his eyes wandered your way again when Ariel and Eric finally kissed, and you looked up reflexively, face heating when his was closer than you had expected.
“Uhhh,” you said, stupidly. “Did you… like it?”
“Yes,” Shouto replied. Outside, the sun was sinking, and it cast Shouto’s face in an orange glow, the blue light of your laptop refracting strangely off his eyes.
Your breath quickened, for some unfathomable reason.
You jumped when warm fingers met the skin of your sternum again, and you heard the chips of coral click as they were lifted. Shouto’s eyes dipped to them, then back up to your face, dragging over it slowly.
“You said there were no other mating rituals, correct?” Shouto said.
You startled under his touch, brain functions freezing up at the mention of mating. What—mating rituals? And what did he mean other?
“Mating rituals?” you echoed, trying to keep your voice from coming out strangled.
Shouto nodded. “You said jewelry is often given. And dinner and a movie. But I believe you said there were no other common practices across cultures.”
You blinked, mind whirring with the implication that Shouto thought dinner and a movie was a mating ritual and yet had engaged in such a thing with you. And as for jewelry… you felt one of Shouto’s claws drag delicately over the skin just under your neck as he thumbed across the pieces of coral.
A sudden suspicion formed in your brain, illuminating your synapses like a light had just been snapped on. A million other things Shouto had said about fighting and hunting and protection suddenly felt like they made a terrible sort of sense to you. You stared back at Shouto, mouth dropping open.
No. There was no way.
“Shouto,” you said, your voice shooting embarrassingly high. It was ridiculous to even ask the question, and yet… “Are you—did you ask for dinner and a movie as a date?”
Shouto inclined his head. His hair had mostly dried, and it looked soft and silky in the orange light from the sun. You fought down the sudden urge to reach out and touch it.
“Dates are mating practices, are they not?” he murmured.
A hand pressed down next to your hip, titling you a little towards him with the dip of the mattress. Your heart beat fluttered, the skin at your hip prickling.
“But you—but there’s—but we didn’t—but you—” you fumbled, blinking flusteredly. The air in your room suddenly felt about a million degrees warmer, almost suffocatingly hot. Shouto tilted his head, then pressed the backs of his fingers to your cheek, as if testing your temperature.
“Are you well?” he asked.
Were you well. Were you well?
A literal fairytale creature, a prince of fairytale creatures, was sitting in your bed, having all but just admitted to engaging in mating rituals with you, and here he was asking if you were well!
You made a noise somewhere between the moo of a cow and a goose honk, and Shouto’s fingers shifted against your skin.
“How is it that you conclude the mating ritual?” he asked, watching you carefully. “If it is successful and my suit is accepted?”
His suit. His suit! Like he was courting you!
Dear god what had you been getting yourself into. And why did every single inch of your skin feel like it was on fire, especially when Shouto leaned closer?
“When they—in the movie when they pressed their mouths together,” you stammered. “You must know it from your sister having a human husband—it’s called kissing.”
Shouto’s fingers moved across your skin, until he was cupping your face in one large palm. Your breath froze entirely in your lungs. This close, his face was somehow even more perfect, and you were entirely robbed of higher brain function, gawking at him like he was an animal in a zoo.
Shouto was near enough that you could feel the exhalation of his next words on your mouth. “I would like do it, this kissing,” he said, tone slow and rolling. “That is if you accept me. If you acknowledge we are mates.”
You couldn’t really think past the feeling of his hand on your face, the way his claws rasped so sweetly over the skin behind your ear. He was so warm and so close and so stupidly, mind-numbingly handsome, and the low, gentle way he spoke to you sounded like the sea, a rumble of waves you wanted to sink beneath.
You opened your mouth to ask him to repeat the question, as your processing power was suddenly at zero percent.
But then Shouto shifted on the bed, the weight of his hand tipping you even further towards him. You felt yourself losing a little balance, falling, a hand pressing against his naked chest to catch yourself—
—And then Shouto’s mouth caught yours, and you forgot to feel anything else at all.
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pseudowho · 2 months
The Stacks
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(Higuruma art by @milanvaan on X)
Stuck together on an all-night study session at the University library, you and your rival Higuruma Hiromi find you may have more in common than you thought...
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, rivals/enemies to lovers, breaking point smut, mild brat-taming/retribution, 'missionary so we can continue fighting'
The twilight crept in-- but, while your fellow students were heading out for a night of drinks and debauchery, you walked under the evening-dappled willows, to the entrance of the library. You already knew it would be as quiet as the grave.
In the morning was your final, decisive Law exam; this was it. The culmination of years of effort. The final hurdle before the start of a glorious, prolific career. The recognition of yourself as the best Lawyer that your University had ever produced. And, with a curious, melancholy twinge of anger, the last time you would ever have to share a classroom with--
"You." Two voices rang out through the library entrance corridor; one disgusted, the other surprised. Higuruma Hiromi's hooked nose wrinkled at you, beetle-black eyes glinting as he straightened under a straining bag of books, to full height.
A taut moment of silence. Something in Hiromi's jaw clenched and unclenched rapidly, his foot tapping, and he looked aside. Looking back at you, his fury a thin veneer over a flicker of curiosity, he tensed to feel you sweep past him.
"I'm taking the Law section. You can grab some books, and fuck off to study somewhere else, Higuruma."
"Hey-- hey-- you can get fucked if you think you're taking over the place, sunshine--"
Hiromi prickled, rushing to catch up with you. You raced him, his long spidery legs easily putting him in front of you. Two sets of frantic footsteps running up the staircases, crashing and jostling-- "don't touch me!" "--stop it, you're a fucking menace--" "--not sitting with an arsehole like you all night--"
Hiromi and you approached the Law section at speed, a single plush sofa hidden away within circular stacked shelves, tables running between them like the spokes of a wheel. Hiromi shunted you aside at the last moment, slamming his bag on the couch with a satisfied hoot of success, turning to you with a grin and a twinkle in his eyes.
"Bastard!" You snapped, your hackles raised, and the twinkle in Hiromi's eyes dulled, replaced by tired disappointment as he looked away again, jaw twitching under your hateful gaze. Hiromi huffed, moving to empty his bag of textbooks and scattily-organised notebooks.
"Not like I'm going to stop you from studying here," Hiromi clipped, tense, "Lots of room. Didn't anyone ever teach you to share?" He teased, offering another wan smile. You rejected it categorically.
"I don't share with rats," you snapped, grabbing your bag and slamming it onto a nearby table. Hiromi was silent, tapping his fingers against his thigh, mouth puckering up into a bitter snipe.
"Yeah, well...let me know if you want to borrow my paper from the Spring term," Hiromi offered sarcastically, his anger burning low, "I know you didnt do so well on that one--"
"Shut up! My paper was perfect, it was--"
"--second best in the class?" Hiromi hissed air through his teeth, his crossed legs bouncing and jittery as he started to sort through notes, "Yeah, it's okay, I suppose...always room for improvement though, right?"
"Yeah, well..." You retaliated, stumbling over your words, "...you know where you can find a decent essay on Commercial Law, I know you struggle with it."
Hiromi ignored you, relaxed and not taking the bait. It pissed you off how effortless he found all of this, how he didn't have a competitive bone in his body...and all the while, you had toiled away blood, sweat and tears to get to the position you were.
You sat in stony silence for an hour, studying quietly. Any time you relaxed in his presence, you mentally snapped at yourself, not willing to concede one inch to such a snake--
A cup of coffee from the vending machine was dropped in front of you by one long-fingered, elegant hand. You looked up to see Hiromi loping away, warm and lackadaisical in his slim black jeans and Law school sweatshirt. You bristled. Hiromi sat on the sofa again, rolling his eyes as you pushed the coffee away from you with a huff, his own coffee hiding the hint of a smile on his lips and coal-ember eyes.
You tried to hide a yawn behind your hand. Between studying, and part-time bar work to pay your way, sleep was a rare resource. You knew no light in your life other than that from the candle you burned at both ends. Rubbing your eyes, your elbow slipped when you moved to rest it on the table. Your impeccably written flashcards hit the floor, scattering as you swore, kneeling to pick them up.
A few slow footsteps, and those long-fingered hands appeared in your vision again, helping to collect your flashcards with meticulous care. Your shoulders bunched up, and you snatched the pile of cards from Hiromi's hands when he offered them to you.
"Thank you," you begrudged. Hiromi remained on his haunches, hands clasped in front of him.
"Nice flashcards," he offered, and you bristled again, looking for insult, "want me to quiz you?"
"I can do it by myself," you snapped, turning to sit on your chair again, your back to him. You weren't sure if you heard Hiromi sigh.
"Suit yourself, misery guts." Hiromi moved back to the couch, not partaking in the bitter little competition he had never entered. As the clock ticked onwards, approaching midnight, the sky beyond the windows now an inky black, your brain began to fog. You caught yourself reading the same sentence again, and again, and again--
You heard a persistent little tapping. Hiromi had not looked up from his notes, but patted the spot on the sofa beside him in invitation.
"Come on," he pressed, soft and unyielding, "bring your flashcards over, and I'll quiz you. If we're here all night, we might as well be useful to each other."
Your resolve crumbled, despite your prickles of disgust towards Hiromi, and you picked up your lukewarm coffee and your flashcards to sit beside him. You hadn't realised how cold you were, until you felt the warmth of his thickly muscled thigh against yours. You shivered. Hiromi's gaze flicked up and down your body, his hangdog eyes impassively reading you.
He took off his sweatshirt in one fluid movement, holding it out to you. You pretended to ignore him, turning your face away with a pout. Hiromi scoffed. Momentarily, you squealed in indignation to feel his sweatshirt being pulled over your head, your arms being pushed through the sleeves like you were a child.
"Do as you're told," Hiromi chastised without venom, "and wear my fucking sweatshirt. You're cold." You swallowed, rendered speechless by his warmth, the soft notes of his shampoo, and, to your surprise, cologne.
"Did mummy buy you some nice perfume?" You jabbed, and you blushed as Hiromi surprised you with a laugh, deep, rich and genuine. Hiromi leaned across you, his face skirting so close to yours, on his way to reach for your flash cards. He moved his face even closer, his voice conspiratorial as you felt his warm, coffee'd breath over your lips.
"Mummy still thinks I'm some little boy."
You felt a shiver down your spine, feeling heat pool in your belly and pussy, before mentally shaking yourself. Higuruma Hiromi? You berated yourself internally, don't be so fucking ridiculous.
You had felt your eyes wander to him, early in your first year, his quiet confidence so magnetic. You had almost been pulled into his gravity. Then, he bested you in test, after test, after test, never seeming to break a sweat, being lauded as a prodigy, touted as the youngest Judge the Law school would ever see instated. It hadn't taken long for you to see him as the nuisance he was.
Then, he had done something unforgivably dirty, becoming a filthy little sellout, and your conviction in your opinion of him was solidified with brutal finality.
Your train of thought was interrupted by your coffee being pressed into your hands.
"Drink up," Hiromi urged, his tone broaching no argument, a wonky smile on his face which made your stomach somersault, "and get ready. I won't go easy on you."
And, he didn't. He grilled you mercilessly, becoming more and more thrilled as you snapped back each time with devastating precision and accuracy. The flashcards soon became secondary, and eventually discarded in favour of a soulful debate. The back and forth roared through you both like wildfire. You bounced off Hiromi's challenge with ease, his natural foil, and he took it all with a sultry delight that intoxicated you.
Your legs were entangled, now, facing each other on the sofa, and ribbing each other for all you were worth. You hadn't noticed how low your guard had dropped, until you saw how Hiromi looked at you, your wide sparkling smile, your twinkling eyes, your dimples. His square jaw leaned on one hand, his slim fingers stretching from chin to temple, one finger between his teeth, eyes dipped low and burning through you as he smiled. You gulped, feeling the fire warm you from head to foot.
"I'm, uhm..." you trembled, pushing your glasses up your nose as he raised his eyebrows, otherwise still as a panther in the rainforest, "...uhm...just going to get a snack...want anything?"
"...sure," Hiromi eventually answered, watching with mischief as you untangled your legs from his, "anything." You skittered past Hiromi, and it took everything in his power not to pull you to straddle his lap and see just how much he could steam up your glasses.
Turning the corner to the vending machine, you finally released the breath you had been holding. You fanned your face, pressing buttons, selecting a random assortment of snacks, and tapping your card to the card reader. Three little bleeps-- declined.
You felt a thread of panic. You checked your bank account with your heart in your throat...pennies. Literal pennies left to your name, until payday before the weekend. You now burned with shame, considering just leaving your books and bag and turning tail back to your apartment. Instead, with a furious blush over your cheeks, you headed back to the sofa, Hiromi looking at you curiously as you pulled a book onto your lap, empty-handed.
"Nothing decent," you lied, "sorry." Hiromi was silent; his gaze rendered you transparent in a way that was so unwelcome to you now. You felt a wash of relief as he stood up and walked away.
A few minutes later, Hiromi returned, gently placing a bag of crisps and a bar of chocolate down on the book on your lap. Tears of shame prickles in your eyes.
"You like these, right? I've seen you eat them before," Hiromi mused, gentle and casual. You pressed your eyes and lips shut, tears threatening to overspill.
"You didn't have to," you urged, your voice tight. Hiromi hummed to himself, taking a bite of his chocolate, and raising your chocolate bar to boop you softly on the nose.
"Big day tomorrow...today. You won't do well if you're hungry." A pause. "You work hard. It happens." You flooded with a sickening rush of gratitude, Hiromi's easy empathy almost washing away the shame.
"...thank-- thank you," you mumbled, fingers closing round his, your little heart thumping for him, as you accepted the chocolate bar. "I get paid on Friday, I'll pay you back--"
Hiromi scoffed, playful, "Don't worry about it. Just...buy the second round of drinks." You felt your stomach flip, your fingertips pressed over your mouthful of chocolate as you blushed. He was so casual about it. You couldn't see how his heart pounded in anticipation, awaiting certain rejection.
"...I...uhm...yeah. That sounds...that sounds...nice." Hiromi released the breath he'd been holding in a shaky, quiet whoosh. He felt the bridge of his aquiline nose redden. He tried to look surreptitious as he scooted closer to you on the sofa, pretending to choose a textbook.
The exam in the morning was now the furthest thing from Hiromi's mind. You shivered to feel the heat of his thigh against you again, and your fingers itched to reach out and feel the hot corded muscle of them. Hiromi wanted nothing more than to turn, pull your mouth to his, and share the taste of chocolate on each others' tongues. He was torn by indecision.
Shifting your legs, your textbook tumbled off to the side of you. You leaned back, reaching down to the floor, at the same time as Hiromi leaned over your body, his fingers stretching out, too. You found yourself suddenly bracketed by his lithe, long body, his arms either side of your head and his lap pressed to yours.
You stared up at Hiromi, like a little bunny rabbit, trapped. You reached one hand up to brush the black commas of hair off Hiromi's forehead and he shuddered, feeling his cock throb and fatten behind the zipper of his jeans. He leaned down towards you, pupils dilated, a pit of possessive thrill just above his aching length as he spoke, millimetres away from your lips.
"How long has this been almost happening for?" Hiromi pondered aloud, his cock thickening even faster as you squeaked, little hands gripping his biceps.
"Never," you challenged weakly, "it was never going to happen--"
"Yeah, right," he whispered, low and sarcastic, one hand looping behind your neck in preparation for fucking into your mouth with his tongue, "always the same shit with you--"
"-- it might have happened sooner if-- if you didn't sell yourself to that filthy company to become their corporate lawyer lapdog--"
Hiromi stiffened instantly, pulling away from you, your lips chasing his briefly in confusion. You blinked up at him, feeling so small as his face twisted in fury above you, his eyes incandescent with rage.
"I'm sorry-- what?" He snarled, climbing off of you and leaving you cold, confused, blinking.
"--you--you were scouted by that nasty finance company, right? And you accepted. Everybody said--"
Hiromi laughed, humourless, both of his hands cupping his nose and lower face as he leaned back into the sofa, staring at the ceiling, "Yeah? Everybody says, do they? You listen to everybody, do you?"
You felt a thread of dread run through you, the adrenaline of having almost been taken by Hiromi, now replaced with the adrenaline of confrontation. You felt a ruffle of indignation through you.
"I always thought you'd go that way," you asserted, doubling-down, rendered stupid by the need to win, "some little corporate rat for pay."
Hiromi's teeth clenched so hard, you heard the crunch, and you felt exactly how seriously you had fucked up. You gulped. You stood, brisk. You crammed books and flashcards into your bag, before moving to make a swift exit.
"--a--anyway. Good luck in the morning. Have a nice life."
You hurried away, towards the tightly packed bookshelves, at first hearing silence behind you, before the sudden rush of heavy footsteps chasing you and your heart in your mouth and--
You squealed, forcibly spun by one strong hand, your back slammed against the bookshelves. Books slipped and fell around your head, but none of them hit you; Hiromi barely winced as he craned over you, books tumbling off his head and shoulders while his arms blocked your exit. His hips pressing against your belly trapped you further, and you felt the erection you had left him with, straining against his jeans.
"You're smart, but you're such a fucking know it all," Hiromi spat, urging you to answer for your crimes by forcing eye-contact. You swallowed, heart fluttering between your legs, speechless.
"Oh, what? Now you shut up, huh?" Hiromi tsked, a wonky smile on his face, still twisted in anger as he laughed, humourless, into his shoulder.
"What the fuck did I ever do wrong?" Hiromi demanded, leaning down so the side of his hooked nose pressed against yours, your lips almost touching, "What did I do to make you hate me? So fucking competitive, you act like a total brat to the one guy who's good enough to keep up with you."
"Higuruma, I-- I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"
"Oh, no no no," Hiromi whispered, nose still pressed to yours, his cock rigid and twitching against your belly, "Hiromi, please. Enemies are just as intimate as lovers, after all." You shuddered, and Hiromi felt a drip of pre-cum soak his boxers, to see you finally yielding beneath him, and in his sweatshirt no less.
"...I did accept a job, obviously," Hiromi sniped, watching the colour drain from your face as he told you, "...at the Public Defence Office...you gullible little tart."
"...but if you think I'm such a bad person, how about I fuck you like one, hmm?" Hiromi drank down your squeak with a nose-crinkling grin, before crashing his lips to yours, moaning with relief into your gasping, warm mouth. The tension snapped in you, brittle under Hiromi's righteous rage, and you tangled your arms around his neck, pressing your body flat against his, in a kiss that was three years in the making.
"--oh, fuck yes-- fucking pain in my ass-- hate me all you like, still better than being ignored by you--" Hiromi nipped your bottom lip between his teeth, before sucking it between his, soothing the sting. You could feel how he shook with restraint, wanting retribution for years of ill-treatment. In a fleeting moment of shame-faced acceptance, as Hiromi laid claim to your neck, you realised you absolutely deserved it.
Hiromi marked your neck, sucking with his teeth and lips, raking the neckline of his sweatshirt down to do the same to your collarbones with a sandy moan. He scooped his arms under your thighs, lifting you against him, carrying you back to the sofa where he fell back, forcing you to straddle him. The sudden jolt of your clothed aching pussy against his cock made you both moan, and Hiromi bucked his cock up against you instinctively.
Feeling Hiromi's gaze burning into you again, you blushed, looking aside and sheepish. He reached up, tangling one hand roughly into your hair, tilting your head to the side, examining the lovebites down your neck with a shudder.
"You-- you're such a dickhead-- always came so fucking easy to you--" You whined at Hiromi, blushing as he laughed, his hand snaking under the sweatshirt to cup your breast with a groan of satisfaction.
"Fuck off," Hiromi scoffed, "fucking easy-- you treat me like scum, and you think I'm going to let you see me struggle? Please. Been fighting me for three years when you should have been fucking me instead."
Hiromi scooped your tank top and bra down beneath the sweatshirt, doing the same with his other hand, taking both of your breasts between his long, kneading fingers as he rutted his aching cock up into you.
"So go on then, if you're so clever...fuck me with your clothes on." You whimpered above him, feeling both of your nipples rolled insistently between his thumbs and forefingers. Your skirt had rucked up around your hips, and Hiromi swore under his breath to feel your arousal soak through his jeans, onto his cock.
He bucked up against your pussy again, and you mewled as shockwaves ran through your clit. Hiromi's fingers dug into your breasts, squeezing them with barely-contained need. You did as you were told, and hooked your panties aside, your pussy now flush against Hiromi's concealed length, and began to ride the underside of his weeping cock.
Hiromi threw his head back with a hiss, "Good girl-- not such a brat, now you're doing as you're told..." Hiromi bit his lip, moaning unashamedly to feel you hump yourself to orgasm against him. Despite his punishment of you, he already longed for you to fight back. He bucked his hips into you in challenge, thrilled when you planted your hands on his belly, your breasts squeezed together in his hands beneath the sweatshirt.
"--bet you're-- bet you're really fucking pleased with yourself--" You blushed, tears glittering bitterly in your eyes, moaning into Hiromi's mouth as he laughed again, kissing the pout off your face.
"I am, actually," he gasped, tweaking your nipples hard enough to make you whimper, "--gonna cum on my jeans, huh? Shit...don't know-- you never knew-- so fucking beautiful when you're being mean to me--'
Your thighs burned with the effort of rubbing your pussy against Hiromi, but you felt your orgasm building with the rough friction of Hiromi's trapped, twitching cock. Hiromi helped you, rutting up into you, staring at where your lap joined his, his face twisted into a feral snarl.
"--cum on me-- cum on me...shit, I need it, need to see your face when you finish...come on sweetheart--"
Hiromi's insistent growls send you tumbling over the edge, and you came with the sweetest cries Hiromi had ever heard. He watched you convulse and twist above him, his fingers still rolling over your sore nipples, his pupils blown with lust, teeth clenched with the effort of not spilling in his boxers. Hiromi rutted slowly into you, guiding through the haze of your pleasure until you came back to him, glassy-eyed and supple.
Hiromi released your breasts, flipping you over so your arse was on the edge of the sofa, with you on your back. Kneeling, Hiromi positioned himself between your thighs, one hand squeezing the plush of them, while his other pushed the sweatshirt up, his tongue drawing circles on your belly. You tangled your fingers into his hair, tugging until he moaned into your skin. His mouth travelled downwards, dipping beneath your skirt.
"Want to taste you," Hiromi insisted, yanking your panties down your legs, balling them up and shoving them into his back pocket. You opened your mouth to object, suddenly self-conscious. Hiromi growled at you, squeezing your nipple again until you keened at him, high and whimpering.
"Just shut up, and let me taste you," he growled, nuzzling his nose between your folds in an instant, rubbing it harshly from side to side over your sore, abused clit. You clapped a hand over your mouth to hold back the scream. Hiromi reached up, tugging your hand away and gripping them both together on your belly, "and hear you."
Hiromi swore into your cunt, lost in the taste of you, licking quick little flicks over your clit, in a way that filled your head with stars. Your thighs trembled, and you babbled Hiromi's name, watching with fascination as Hiromi unzipped himself, pulling his fat, heavy cock into his hand. He began to stroke himself with wet little plap plap plaps, soaking your pussy with his spit in preparation for sinking himself between your folds.
"Hiromi I-- right there god yes keep going with your nose I love it-- so good, I-- gonna cum, Hiromi--"
The last syllable of his name was dragged out in a sobbing cry. Hearing you whimpering and begging him as his nose and tongue fucked you through the waves of bliss, was worth all these years of your miserable torture, Hiromi thought lightly.
You blushed deeply as Hiromi came up for air, his gleeful face glistening with your cum. He grabbed you by the hips, yanking you so they almost fell off the sofa at an angle you knew would have you twisting against him.
Hiromi grasped his red tipped cock, and you drank it in hungrily; its pretty upward curve, three thick veins running down its length, the thick jet-black hair trailing down his belly. You felt your mouth water, and Hiromi was hyperfocused, sliding his cockhead up and down your folds with hooded eyes, sloppy and pussy-drunk.
"...fuck...I can't wait-- sorry, I--" Hiromi sheathed his length inside your slippy cunt in one slick thrust, whimpering and gripping you to him with dimpled fingerprints, "-- I can't wait any-- ahhh shit, so tight...squeeze my cock, c'mon--"
You didn't need to be told, clenching involuntarily as Hiromi completely impaled you on his cock. Hiromi gasped and cursed, yanking his t-shirt up and gripping it between his teeth, so he could stare down at where his cock sunk into you unhindered.
He fucked into you, slow and smooth, eyes flitting between your fucked-out face, your hands clawing at the sofa, and his cock pushing through your tight walls, its sweet upward curve dragging harshly against your spongy sensitive spot, nudging into your cervix and belly. Hiromi rolled his thumb around your clit, pinching the fatty flesh around it, gently pleasuring you to feel the way your walls fluttered and gripped him.
You locked your ankles around Hiromi's lower back, dragging an animalistic growl out of him. Hiromi stood bringing your hips with him, holding you by the thighs as he planted one hand on the sofa above your head, and upped his pace, fucking into you with messy abandon.
Watching your glasses bounce in time with your tits as he rammed into you, stoked a competitive urge in Hiromi, and he cursed, spitting venom as he upped his pace again. You arched involuntarily, feeling him fill you with such ragged fucks, that you forget where you were, clenching and whining around him.
You felt a fire, deep in the pit of your belly, watching Hiromi with absolute awe as he chased his orgasm, using your body as a cock sleeve with total reverence. Every muscle in his body twitched with effort, and you felt his cock twitching within you as he moaned and cursed. You clenched your pussy deliberately around his length, and Hiromi almost fell apart, his fingernails leaving crescents in the smooth leather of the sofa, his face twisted in anguished ecstasy.
"--so long waited so long-- shhhhit, ugh, s-so tight-- wet, fffuck...squeeze me agai-- oh fuck yes, cumming, I-- I--"
Hiromi broke off into strangled, desperate strings of moans, spurting hot, thick glugs of cum against your cervix. Hiromi continued to pinch and roll around your clit, and you felt yourself judder weakly as you came again, Hiromi gasping as your wet, velvety walls sucked the last spurts of seed from him.
Hiromi dropped to his knees, weak, still plugged inside you, gasping. He dropped his head onto your belly, grinning at the feel of your fingers sinking into his hair, holding him to you. A few sweet moments of companionable silence.
"...still gonna beat you in the morning, though."
Hiromi laughed into your plush belly, biting the soft skin there until you squealed, hearing him mumble against his sweatshirt.
"You wish."
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starseungs · 2 months
after the curtain falls. lmh
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lee know x gn!reader — spring was a season welcomed by all. what a pity that the notion of ‘all’ exempted you.
genre/s — angst, fluff, its just hurt-comfort, university au • 2.9k words
warning/s — break-up aftermath, profanity, commitment issues, minho gets called a bad bf (sorry), there's a twist i swear !
note — its quite literally been a year since i last wrote a fic so i would love to know how the quality of my writing is !! feedback is greatly appreciated 🫶
2024 ⓒ starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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Spring was never supposed to be this lifeless.
It was a season of new beginnings, where growth is celebrated and life is nurtured back into full bloom. A time of bright colors and freshly scented air floating all throughout the expanse of space, bringing soft smiles of comfort towards anyone who takes it in. Springtime was welcomed by all.
What a pity that the notion of ‘all’ exempted you.
You didn’t know why your spring was so vastly different from the others near you. You’d like to think that your winter started off just as normal as everybody else: watching the crisp fallen leaves on the ground get replaced by a fresh coat of snow, feeling the familiar prick of the icy season’s breeze on your skin as your body tried to suppress a giggling shiver, as well as seeing puffs of steam come out of every warm breath you took, reminding you that despite the cold weather, you still held a warmth inside of you.
Just who would have known that your spring would be the complete opposite, with your heart frosted over despite the rising temperatures? But somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew exactly why. You would never want to catch yourself admitting it, but maybe it was the way your winter ended in a snowstorm of emotions.
It wasn’t every winter that someone had a fight that could completely shatter an intricately built mosaic. It also wasn’t every winter that you would watch your other half walk out of your life without so much of a single falter.
You knew so damn well that it wasn’t every winter that you could get your heart broken.
Perhaps that was why you allowed your heart to get glazed over by ice. After all, it was the only thing keeping it together without requiring you to spend too much effort. Sure, it melted a bit every now and then, but it was easier to freeze liquid than it was to achieve the complete opposite.
It was for the same reason that you found solace in the springtime evenings, where it resembled even half of the winter that was keeping you human. The dimmed atmosphere of the surroundings was able to neutralize all the parading palettes of color, leaving you with a monochrome wonderland that was much more comforting to the eye.
The walk back to your dorm building wasn’t anything special. It really wasn’t supposed to, nor did you expect something to happen. You had just gotten over the hurdles of coursework back in the school’s library when you decided to call it a day, peacefully trek back to your dorm room, and get to sleep the hours away until duty calls. That was how your evening was supposed to go.
Except it didn’t.
When you first saw a figure more or less passed out near the lower steps of your dorm building, you were visibly concerned. Why wouldn’t you be? At this time of the day, it would be dangerous to just leave yourself undefended in public. That, and who in their right mind would be willing to snooze away amidst the midnight breeze?
That was enough for you to start a little jog toward them. Was this person locked out? Were they drunk? Should you help them? All sorts of questions popped into your head as you got closer to the steps the figure took as their bed for the night.
And yet all those same questions vanished into thin air the moment you caught a glimpse of the person’s face.
His name came out of your lips so frail, as if any stronger, and the scene before you would shatter into nothingness, telling you once again that it was all in your head. That you had wished to see him again.
It was almost comical just how fast the sight of him brought back the familiar prick in your eyes—the tears fighting the crisp blow of the wind to keep themselves at bay. This wasn’t how your evening was supposed to go.
Granted, the fight between you was a petty one. Well, not more so petty than sudden since it literally blew up out of nowhere. It started off with a question about commitment. Arguably simple one of where you saw each other in a few years. You had gone first after you asked, rambling happily about graduation and living together. Minho chuckled along with your plans, and to you, he even seemed glad to hear them.
Yet, when the topic of marriage was brought up, his smile immediately turned blank.
Of course, you noticed his drastic change of mood right away. What kind of significant other would you be if you didn’t? But when you reached out to ask him what was wrong, he merely brushed it off as being tired.
Except that both you and him had done nothing but lay around the whole day.
Maybe you, too, had a fault in all of this. You prodded him more about the topic, not knowing you were agitating a ticking time bomb running out of time. If you only knew, then it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that he eventually exploded, spitting out that he wasn’t too sure about marriage.
In your view, that would have been fine. You were willing to talk it out; perhaps he had other plans for the both of you that would settle just fine in yours. There was no way you’d pressure Minho into doing something he didn’t feel like doing. You had too much love and respect for him to do so.
It was in an unfortunate turn of events that you had to find out the sentiment wasn’t shared in the same way you did, as when he slammed your room’s door shut after expressing that it wouldn’t work out, he took a piece of your heart with him that left you incomplete on the days that followed.
And yet, there he was again. Marching into your life like nothing ever happened.
In a blinding flash of hot white fury, you marched up to Minho’s peaceful figure, blissfully unaware of the chaos headed his way. Your body shook in the repressed burst of energy, trying not to lose yourself in public despite the area devoid of people. After reaching him in less than a minute, you saw no hesitation in leaning down to wake him.
“Minho,” you grasped at his right shoulder, trying to shake him out of slumber. You saw the action as intense in a way that was borderline frantic, not a care for the state of the joint you had grabbed. After all, why would you? Yet, while you’d like to believe you did a great job at expressing your displeasure, a small voice pestering at the back of your mind begged to say otherwise.
It was a mere whisper—directed at the act you just committed, one that shouldn’t even bother you in the slightest. Yet, it did. So painfully so.
That kind of gentleness isn’t reserved for a heart swirling in rage.
The slight squeeze in your heart at the notion only made you grit your teeth further in displeasure. Curse your damned heart for keeping its fondness for the man before you. The same man who was still up in dreamland while you were fighting your own war at the present. You clicked your tongue in building irritation.
“Wake up, or else I’m leaving you out here to freeze.” With one last shove, Minho finally came back to Earth.
You watched as he fluttered his eyes open, ignoring the warmth that seemed to spread over you once you got a glimpse of his big almond eyes. Minho sure took his sweet time to process his surroundings, causing you to purse your lips in uncertainty when his gaze lingered on your figure towering over him a bit too long with an unexplainable emotion.
“Hi,” he mumbled slowly, a small smile ghosting on his rosy lips. “Even in my dreams, you never fail to look so lovely.”
Cold air filled your lungs as you sucked in a breath at his words. You hated the way he easily melted the ice that you had covered your heart in. Without even meaning to, Minho had already managed to tear down the first layer of protection you had set up to keep yourself sane. There were a lot of things you wanted to tell him back, but you held your tongue. This wasn’t the right time.
Nor would that time ever come.
“It’s not a dream,” you opted to inform him of what was left of the goodness in your heart, partly feeling guilty for his disoriented state. “Get up, Minho. It’s cold out here.”
“You’re—what, wait!”
Minho scrambled frantically from his seated position on the dorm building’s steps, clumsily finding his balance to get up. The rush of suddenly standing after a nap came over him like a wave, causing him to stumble with a groan as he let the blood that came up settle. You sighed at Minho’s efforts, turning back around to continue your way towards the entrance.
“You should go back home.”
“I won’t!” He replied in haste, pure desperation seeping over his words. “Not again. Not when I spend every passing hour regretting that I did back then when I clearly shouldn’t have.”
You felt your world still at what Minho had just said. Did you hear it correctly?
“Please, Y/N.”
Minho’s footsteps echoed in your mind, telling you that he was moving closer. But your body had yet to listen to the warning bells you had set off, keeping you still in the same place you had stopped in. You surprised yourself with the small whimper that escaped your lips after feeling warmth radiating right behind you.
“Can—can I hug you?”
And just like that, the dam broke as the first fits of sobs spluttered out of your body in waves, barely getting contained as Minho wrapped you with his arms firmly. You turned to face him just to throw weak punches at his chest. “I hate you so much!”
“I know,” he said, hugging you tighter, as if you would disappear the moment he eased his hold. “I know you do.”
“Do you know how hurt I was? How could you just leave me like that!”
“I don’t know,” Minho answers again, completely giving in to your inner turmoil. He let you dampen his hoodie with your tears without any reference. “I was stupid.”
“So stupid!”
“Very stupid,” he repeats your words without hesitation, finally pulling back slightly to see your tear-stained face, gently wiping the fresh drops that escaped with his thumb.
You cursed the way your body naturally leaned into his touch. You disliked the way his voice soothed your running mind from the horrors it placed upon yourself. You hated the way you felt comforted by his presence, the same way he hurt you with his absence.
And most of all, you despised the way you couldn’t bring yourself to stay mad at him.
“I’m sorry,” Minho said heavily, visibly trying to keep his own tears at bay. “I know that won’t fix all the things that happened, but I still wanted to let you know.”
You exhaled shakily.
“I—I won’t force you to accept my apology,” he continued. “But please—God, Y/N. I don’t think I’d be able to handle you telling me to go home and never fixing us. I wouldn’t survive in this world without you by my side. I promise I’ll do better for you. I’ll reflect on what I need to, just—”
Minho breathed in deeply.
“Give me another chance.”
The two of you breathed in unison for the first time in weeks.
“Nice,” Jisung’s squeal of joy could be heard throughout the wide space, carefully fumbling with his video camera to watch the scene’s replay. “That was a great take!”
Seungmin groans at the noise level. “Seriously, would it hurt you to keep it down? Some people are already asleep,” he scoffs, really not wanting to deal with a complaint filed against them this late into the night.
The younger of the two only juts his lower lip forward into a childish pout. “But it’s only midnight. We’re in university. Who gets to sleep that early in university?” Seungmin only bites back a retort after sensing genuine confusion in Jisung’s tone.
“Whatever,” he grumbled.
At the sound of their bickering, the late night’s breeze didn’t seem to be as frosty as it was a few minutes ago. You distantly hear Seungmin and Jisung continue to talk, now finding themselves in a heated discussion about the next scene. A light chuckle was heard coming from the man still holding you.
“Well, I’m glad that they’re having fun,” Minho comments, greatly amused at the duo. You felt his gaze drop down towards your head, still resting on his shoulder. “Feeling okay?”
You could only nod at his query, too exhausted from enacting the scene that just finished. He hummed at your non-verbal approach to answering, running a hand through your hair to soothe your dropping emotions.
“What’s going on in that pretty little mind of yours?” You let out a soft giggle at his wording before snuggling yourself closer to his figure. Minho lets you do your thing with a smile.
“Let’s not ever do that.”
“Do what, love?” He asks, requesting that you elaborate. You listened to his heartbeat thump calmly before speaking up.
“Break up,” you said, the thought leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. “I don’t like the feeling. It hurts.”
Minho laughs again, but this time it was aimed at you. “Well, of course it’s going to hurt,” he says with a light tone. “You’re going to be losing me!” You slapped his arm in annoyance.
“You are such an ass, Lee Minho!”
“Ow—hold on!” He chokes out in between chuckles. Minho takes hold of the hand that was assaulting his arm, slipping it into his own and entangling both of your fingers. You couldn’t help the heat that washed over your face at the intimate action. Minho seemed satisfied with your reaction. “If it makes you feel better, it’s going to hurt me too.”
You pull away to raise a brow at his statement. “Why? Since you’ll be single?” Minho pretends to think for a second.
“I mean, I guess?” You shot him an icy glare at his admission, but the tender smile he gave back at you made your angry facade falter in an instant. It looks like on-screen you had the same issues with their own Minho—both being undeniably weak when it came to them.
“Stop giving me that look,” you sigh amidst a smile you were suppressing.
“What look?”
“That look,” you say, almost in a breath as you struggle to chase the words out of your mouth. “The one when you look at me like I’m the only person in this world.”
It was a look you’ve seen too many times. One that he would give you both at the most intimate of moments and the most random of times. You see it when you wake up in the morning to him already awake beside you; you saw it when you squealed in joy after winning a prize from those rigged claw machines in the arcade across town; and you see it especially when he sees you waiting outside his class’ building after an extensive lecture, holding two cups of coffee for both you and him. It was from those times that you realized—it was Minho’s gaze of unfiltered love for you.
Minho pulls you back into his arms, still unable to let go of his endearing grin. Your head finds its way back into the crevice of his neck, finding home in it once again, like second nature.
“That’s because you are the only person in my world.”
“We beg to differ.”
Minho could only roll his eyes at the eerily synchronized voices of Jisung and Seungmin, leaving you to crumble into fits of laughter. He scoffs before replying, “If I lose my beloved darling, then you guys are losing an actor.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be trying to salvage your relationship if you stopped being such a shit boyfriend!” Jisung bites back at Minho’s threat.
“What, so you would rather watch us be all lovey-dovey in front of you? I didn’t take you for that kind of person, Jisung.”
“Seungmin, he’s fighting me again!”
“What am I, your mom?”
The night continued on in blissful laughter and amused smiles, finally fitting for the season of spring. Even with the chilled breeze of the evening air, the warmth exuding from the four of you would remain, defrosting the ice you had layered on your heart for the scene given to you. Deep in your mind, you knew that this was really how your night was supposed to go.
That as much as you loved creating little scenarios for your friends’ films, you’d always prefer the life you had after the curtain falls.
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mastertag 🔖— send in an ask if you want to be added ! 🫶
@fairyki @hysgf @euncsace @comet-falls @starlostseungmin @ameliesaysshoo @hyunverse @djeniryuu
sorry for anyone tagged that didn't want to be !! i used my old mastertag from a year ago for this fic. i'll be creating a new one soon, so kindly just tell me if you want to be included still 🤍
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kiss-me-cill-me · 3 months
hear me out:) reader wants to try vanilla sex with Dr.Crane since he always has some kind of twist or experiment when it came down to it. And he ends up doing her against the wall and it’s just really intimate. love your works, and it’s totally fine if this isn’t something you would write🤗
I love a challenge haha ;) And I always enjoy getting to explore different sides of a character. While he might not be nice in most of my fics, I do think that Crane has a sweet side. Somewhere in there lmao. Thank you for requesting, anon!
V. planifolia
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Your boyfriend comes home unexpectedly early, and you take the opportunity to try something new.
Warnings: Smut, dom/sub dynamics, mentions of bondage, mentions of edging, slight overstim, dirty talk, dumbification if you squint, dare I say... some domestic fluff? (in MY Jonathan Crane?!), established boyfriend/girlfriend relationship
A/N: The biggest mental hurdle I had to overcome in writing this was referring to him as "Jonathan" instead of "Crane" lmao. He's just always Crane in my head. And while things are pretty vanilla, he's still sassy, because... well, it is me writing him lol
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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You were so used to your boyfriend coming home late that it was almost a surprise when he showed up just thirty minutes after you'd finished dinner.
“Jonathan?” you called, cautiously getting up from the couch to investigate.
You'd heard the sound of a key turning in the lock, so logic dictated that it couldn't have been an intruder. But it was barely seven o’clock, and Jonathan didn't usually get home until after you were already in bed. He worked long hours; he always had. So you were shocked to see him standing there in the entryway, setting down his briefcase as he closed the door behind him.
“Baby? What are you doing home early?”
At the sound of your voice, he looked up. A small smile fluttered over his face; his eyes pale and tired, until they caught a glimpse of you. There was that mischievous little spark that you loved.
“Sorry to startle you,” he replied. “I can leave if you'd like.”
He was joking, and you laughed a little as your arms wrapped around his waist. Your bodies found each other easily, and you felt yourself sink against him in that comfortable way that you knew so well.
“No way - you're not getting away from me that easily,” you teased.
Your lips brushed against his, and Jonathan pulled you in closer until you were kissing him. As you sighed happily, you realized that it had been - approximately - forever since the last time you'd had an evening alone with him. You pulled away and looked back at him softly; gentle concern tinting your eyes.
“I'm happy you're home, but is everything okay?” you asked. “You really are back early.”
“Everything’s fine,” he assured you.
Jonathan gave you one more squeeze before he gently broke the hug, trailing off in the direction of the living room. You followed, a small skip already creeping into your step. Your smile threatened to break out at any moment. It was so good to have him home.
You watched from the doorway as Jonathan dropped heavily onto the couch, leaning his head back to look up at the ceiling as he sat. His jacket was already thrown over the back of a chair, and he rolled up his shirtsleeves, not watching what he was doing.
“I know that I haven't been home much,” he continued. His voice seemed to fill the room, making the small space feel even more intimate. “Work has been eating me alive.”
“I hope not literally,” you joked.
Though you could never be sure. Some of the patients he worked with at Arkham were… unique, to say the least.
“Not yet.”
He lifted his head to look over at you, briefly, before reclining again and throwing an arm over his face. Even with his eyes shielded, you could still feel the lingering, icy cold rush of his gaze. You walked over and knelt at his feet, helping him to remove his shoes.
As you tugged at the laces, you felt a surge of devotion wash over you. Jonathan always worked hard. Even though, yes, he wasn't around much during the week, he made sure to provide for you. In fact, you were sure that was all part of the reason why he so often worked late. 
Once his shoes were off, you let your soft fingers drift up his leg, brushing against the fabric of his trousers.
“Did you have dinner? Do you want something to eat?”
“Maybe later,” Jonathan replied, as he took hold of your wrist.
Gently, he pulled you until you were standing up, and then until you were straddling him, your knees pressed into his sides.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” you asked, settling into his lap.
As you spoke, your hands came up to rest on his shoulders. Kneading into his tension, you could feel as his arms relaxed under your touch. 
“I just want to spend time with you.”
His fingers trailed over your thigh, and you knew instantly what he meant.
“Oh, so that's why you're home early,” you teased.
You leaned in to kiss him again, this time slipping a finger to hook under the knot of his tie, pulling him closer to you. His tongue brushed against yours, and it sent an electric jolt down your spine.
“Aren't I allowed to miss you?” he teased back.
You felt your cheeks heat up. Both of you knew very well that Jonathan was always the one in charge in the bedroom, and hearing him talk as if you were the one who imposed rules on him made you feel flustered.
“You have no idea,” he continued, “how hard it is to work late, when all I can think about is how you’re here all alone. Waiting up for me. You've been good though, right? Haven't been touching yourself without me?”
The heat on your cheeks deepened, traveling all the way down to your core. 
“O-of course not,” you replied, cursing the way your voice caught in your throat. It was just like him to somehow have you wrapped fully around his finger less than five seconds in. “You know I wouldn't.”
Jonathan hummed, and pushed your hips up and off of his lap as he brought a hand down to brush softly over your clit. You jumped, even feeling him through all your clothing, and your knuckles stretched tightly over his shoulders. 
“Seems like you're telling the truth…”
And you were. You melted into his touch as Jonathan swirled his fingers against you, pressing them roughly. After going without for so long, every nerve felt as if it was on fire in between your legs.
Your soft sigh earned you more pressure from Jonathan; his fingers nearly digging into your clothed cunt. You rocked your hips, desperately throwing your head back as you held onto his shoulders for support.
“Stop,” he ordered.
Your petulant whine filled the room, and your frustration only grew as Jonathan took his hand away. His command had been gentle, but you were so needy that it felt like torture.
Swiftly, Jonathan stood up and took you with him. Still holding onto your hips for support, he made sure your feet were on the ground before stepping forward. He backed you up with him, until your shoulder blades hit the far wall.
“I really have been away for too long, haven't I?” he breathed, filling your mouth with the taste of anticipation.
“It's okay… I know you're busy at work.”
“You're too nice,” Jonathan sighed. “I want to hear just how badly you’ve missed me.”
Almost instantly, he got what he wanted as you cried out, shocked by the way his leg pushed eagerly between yours. He pressed harder, still looming over you.
“That's better.”
“Want me to tie you up like I did last time?” he interrupted. “Or do you want to try something new?”
It was impossible to miss the hint of excitement in his deep voice. You moaned as he dragged your hips down even harder, pressing your bodies together with an intensity that was almost too much.
“I- was thinking it might be nice to try something a bit different,” you answered, your voice slightly fragmented as he unbuttoned your pants.
“Mmm. You have any ideas?”
You took a deep breath. What you had in mind probably wasn't the same as whatever twisted idea was running through Jonathan’s head. It wasn't that you didn't like experimenting. It was just… you didn't like doing it all the time. 
“I was thinking… what if we just took things slow?” you ventured.
“What? Like you want me to edge you?”
“No, not… exactly like that.”
It was getting harder to articulate, as Jonathan’s mouth latched onto your neck, sucking and biting as he moved up toward your jaw.
“Like what, then?” he whispered wickedly, right in your ear.
“Like… what if we were just kinda… gentle?”
Jonathan pulled back to look at you, the slight hint of a frown on his lips.
“But you like when I'm rough with you.”
“I do!” you rushed to agree. “It’s just that… sometimes I want you to be slow and sensual.”
Your arms inched up to hook round his neck, and you pulled him in for a soft kiss, trying to show him what you wanted. Jonathan was stiff at first, but eventually he melted into the slow movement of your lips.
When the kiss broke, Jonathan took a step back, removing his thigh from between your legs. He pushed his hands under your waistband and started to, very slowly, shove the fabric down over your hips.
“We can try that,” he relented. Then added with a mischievous wink, “But if you get bored… just let me know.”
You hummed as his hands slid over your curves, dragging your pants down with them. Jonathan never did anything halfheartedly, and if you wanted it slow, then that was exactly how he would give it to you. Even if it did drive you crazy in the process.
Your slacks fell, pooling below you on the hard floor. Jonathan paused for a moment, before planting a kiss on the exposed skin below where your blouse had started to fall away. He pushed back your collar, to kiss more and then send a shiver right after, as he breathed over the wetness that had been left behind by his mouth.
He stood up straight, pressing an airy kiss to your forehead as his fingers trailed over the lace of your panties.
“Am I doing it how you want me to, darling?” he asked.
You felt yourself swoon again. You weren't used to him following your lead quite like this, but you liked it. A lot.
As was clearly evidenced by the wet spot that had started to seep through the fabric that Jonathan was toying with. He found the trace of your arousal easily enough, and pressed two of his fingers into the damp cotton.
“Nevermind. I have my answer.”
Slipping your already-ruined panties to the side, Jonathan brushed his fingers over your core before bringing them up to your clit. Swirling with just the right kind of pressure, he dragged a soft moan from your lips.
“Oh my god,” you sighed. “Keep going.”
He kissed you, slowly but sinfully, swallowing all of your breathy sighs and words of admiration as they slipped out. It was impossible to contain them, especially when you started to feel his own arousal as it pressed up against your hip, seeming to grow more impatient the harder he got.
“Jonathan- so close,” you whined, breathless already.
“You sure you don't want me to edge you?” he asked, maybe a little hopefully.
“No - please, let me come.”
The pressure was already building. Soon, neither of you would have any choice in the matter. You just had to get him to keep going, long enough for you to push past the point of no return.
“Well, if you're asking so nicely…”
Another searing kiss sealed your fate, and you scrambled to hang onto Jonathan as you felt yourself start to crumble.
He held you, still pressed firm against the wall, and you heard a deep chuckle resound from his throat.
“Good to know even this kind of stuff makes you a mess,” Jonathan droned. “Or maybe you're just so used to me doing everything I want to you, that this actually counts as variety now.”
You were barely listening to him; still too distracted by the delightfully sore feeling that seemed to permeate your whole body.
What you did notice was him slipping your panties the rest of the way off, letting them fall at your feet before gently guiding you to step out of them. With that done, he turned his attention to your blouse, delicately removing it and then tossing it to the side.
Your hands came up clumsily to paw at the buttons on his shirt, trying in vain to release them. Jonathan saw you were struggling, and gave you a small, knowing smile.
“Let me help, darling. It seems like you're having some trouble.”
You moved your hands to let Jonathan take over. He loosened his tie easily, and popped three of his buttons. But, quickly, he lost interest, and instead moved to unzip his pants.
When he finally sprang free, his cock hit your still-throbbing clit.
“Ah!” you hissed.
“Still sensitive?” Jonathan asked, rubbing himself leisurely against you.
Your only response was a whimper, but that was answer enough. Jonathan’s lips curled into a wicked smile, as he hovered close to your ear.
“Hold still,” he teased, reaching down to line himself up.
You squirmed, fighting within yourself as half of you wanted to scream at the sensation while the rest of you, conversely, needed to grind down harder. Every contact made you jump, and as he pressed in, you saw stars.
You had expected him to start moving, but instead he held off. Staying right where he was, Jonathan paused so that you could feel just how completely he filled you. 
“Everything okay?” he asked, sickly sweet voice dripping into your ears.
“Fuck,” you replied.
He laughed.
“You’ve lost quite a bit of your usual eloquence.” He started to drag himself out. “But okay. Since you asked nicely again…”
As he pressed back in, slow but rough, you couldn’t help letting out an undignified sound. Jonathan smirked.
When he did it again, your whole body shifted, pressed up by the force of his thrust. Your head rolled back, hitting the wall lightly before lolling off to the side. 
“You’re so pretty,” he sighed.
As he spoke, he reached down to hook one of your legs up and over his waist. The new angle caused you to let out another choked whine, which earned you an even harder thrust.
“Maybe we should do this more often. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you like this.”
You could only imagine how you must have looked. Mouth hanging open and eyes half-shut, rolling back into your head from the pleasure as your chest heaved and your knees gave out. Jonathan smoothed a thumb over the edge of your jaw.
“Even though I can’t stop thinking about all of the other things I’d like to do to you,” he added, punctuating the sentiment with his hips. You swore you felt him shudder.
Kissing your suddenly-warm neck, Jonathan thrust into you again. Your hips snapped back weakly to meet him, and you heard yourself start to moan. You held onto him tighter, dragging your nails down his arms.
“I thought you wanted to be gentle?” he teased.
He hadn't been going very fast, but now he slowed down entirely. For a moment, the two of you stood, face to face, your breath and his in a sweltering mix, pooling out in the scant space between you.
Jonathan’s forehead came to rest against yours, and you looked up into the blur of his eyes. Two hazy pools of blue ice that were filling your vision completely.
“Want me to speed up?”
“No, this is nice,” you replied. A bit dreamily as your senses took time to adjust. Your skin prickled at his touch as he brushed a hand lazily up your arm.
“I can be slow then,” he laughed. “But it might be too hard if you keep looking at me like that.”
“How should I look at you, hm?” you teased.
“Like you’re pretending you don't want to be turned around with your wrists pinned up against the wall,” he teased back.
He pressed into you, exploring how deep he could go before you started writhing against him. Your leg on his waist tightened, pulling him in and holding him firmly in place for a kiss. 
You knew he might take some convincing, but you were prepared to take all night to show Jonathan just how good things could be, after practicing a little patience.
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starshipsofstarlord · 27 days
in sickness and in health
summary. daryl is distant, more so than usual, and so you force yourself into his personal bubble, wanting to make sure that he is okay since he is the only reminder of your old life before the outbreak
warnings. fluff, sick!daryl, mentions of death, admission of feelings, mentions of suicide, swearing
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divider credits. @cafekitsune
Sickness could be life threatening, especially in a world without medical expertise, but you were lucky enough to be on the land owned by a practitioner of animal welfare. Hershel wasn’t a doctor, however he knew enough to have saved Carl’s life, to the pledged appreciation of Lori and Rick. The older man felt indebted to ensure that the boy regained his strength, and so your group tampered with negotiations to remain on the farm. It wasn’t a permanent reside, your welcoming was of temporary habitation, although the ex-officer was hoping to sweeten the bones of the vet.
The grass brushed against your calves as you stalked through one of the large fenced fields, staring at the distance which was illuminated by the hot sun. It was soon to be the last days of summer, and you wished to enjoy the heat breathing upon your skin before you began to get bitten by the autumnal breeze. It was a relief to be departed for just a moment from those whom you had survived with, you rested your palm around the fence, daring to pass over it, and run free.
But you couldn’t. Not when you had the knowledge that ties in the group were unraveling, and soon they would wind all the way loose, and although you knew that the aftermath would not be pretty, there was only one thing keeping you here. A quick glance in the direction of his lonesome tent had your heart swarming with a tornado of emotions, Daryl had pried himself even further away from those that judged him, and was practically living in his own forced solitary confinement. And for a day or two he had even been avoiding you, the only person that he felt as though he could confide in.
For some reason he had yet proclaim that you both up and leave the company that you had weaselled into, and escape the hurdles that had yet to break. You opted to chew at your fingernails for a moment, a habit that you had acclaimed from the huntsman, easing the tension within you that was unraveling before you approached the tent. The last couple of nights you had been spending within the farmhouse, to keep a watchful eye over Beth as she was enduring afflictions of her mind’s darkest corner, and the fact that you understood the tauntingly horrifying thoughts that she was feeling.
Once, quite some time ago, you too had undergone the struggles of being alive, but now that you had realised that there was so much to live for, you were not going to end any suffering that put strain upon your chest just because there was an apocalypse occurring across the whole globe. No sir, and whilst you pondered over your and Beth’s shared difficulties, you suddenly became paranoid that Daryl too would be feeling encompassed by the hand of looming death. Merle was either dead, or off somewhere tending to his handless wrist, and that was a lot for anyone to take on, let alone a brother.
Not many people, especially those that you were currently occupying yourself with liked Merle, they labelled him as a pig, which he was with all consideration, and they presumed he would lead them all to their deaths, you however had gotten along with him just fine. But then again, you had known him before everything had gone to shit, same with Daryl of course, and with the younger of the two you had felt fooled that you could be more. When times weren’t like this, and in a state that would be addressed as ordinary, you’d both often lull in the presence of one another, and there may have been one or two drunken kisses. It had never gone further than that, you made sure; you couldn’t lose a dear friend over a alcohol induced actions, no matter if you still felt the desire to repeat them when sober.
Daryl meant a lot to you, he had always been a firm shoulder to lean on, and now it was your time to be there for him whilst he squandered by himself, and so you stalked with stealth towards him as you did when preying on animals in the woods together. You suspected that despite your footsteps paving no sound to the human ear that Daryl would still expect you to be luring outside, he was a brilliant tracker and you never underestimated his skill, and as predicted, with your shadow being cast across and through the waterproof fabric of the tent, the zip began to become open mouthed, it’s teeth being separated by the man inside.
You sprang a smile at the sight of him, after all you were his only friend out of all the people that you had arrived to the farm with, however he didn’t reciprocate the expression, instead his face looked sullen, exhaustion stroking through each of his gestures, as his eyes held dark bagged weights below his waterline. There was a dew highlighting his flesh, something you had only seen when he was… sick. “Whadd’ya wan’.” His voice was heard like uncut fingernails slicing down the landscape of a chalkboard, and it made you wince as you thought about how dry his throat must have been. If you had a kinder heart, or least the others suspected you weren’t so cold in retaliation to their judgements, you would have ran to fetch him a pale of water.
“To know that you’re okay.” You responded with honesty, he was the only other person that you could contend niceties with, the others didn’t truly understand either of you, they made their apprehensions and only allowed them to shift if either one of you performed in an agreeable manner. “Which clearly you’re not,” your observations became verbal, as you swayed absentmindedly on the grass where your footing remained, “and someone has to be there for you, none of those sorry suckers care enough. You’re all I have left from before, and I ain’t prepared to lose you just yet.” Ever would have been the preferred timespan, but you too didn’t have a tendency to flaunt your emotions.”
“I ain’t goin’ nowhere sunshine.” His gravelly tone dispersed with his statement as he began to violently cough, his shoulders shaking from the pressure that beckoned undesirably in his chest. He heaved as he came down from the breathless moment that had silenced his words, staring up at you with his oceanic gaze that cradled you without touch. “But you shoul’, ya probably got somewhere better to be rather than worryin’ ‘bout lil’ ol’ me.” His words were the farthest thing from your viewable truth, he was the only one that you felt comfortable around, you weren’t sure if it was because he was a part of your old life prior to the ravenous outbreak, or because you really weren’t a fan of the continuous drama that fledged around Rick, Shane and Lori, however either way you wanted to be here.
With him, that was. “I don’t.” And he knew that, he just resented admitting that there was somebody other than his brother in existence that cared about him. “Let me spend some time with you, and make sure that you’re really alright. If not for you, then for me.” It was his weakness, he could never deny you anything, he always had harboured a sweet spot for you, except from if he had to detain you from drinking another beer in some surly bar. “Please Daryl, I’ve had some time for myself, and I don’t want to be alone right now.” Daryl exhaled slowly, feeling the threatening rattle in his throat as he shifted aside, allowing you room to enter his private quarters, if you could call his shabby tent that.
It didn’t take you long before you slunk into the material walls, eyes casting around the layout that matched your own tent that you had almost forgotten about; except it was a mess, the sleeping bag was shrivelled up in a ball towards the corner, and his crossbow and its ammunition was slung across the ground. Daryl nervously clicked his tongue after enclosing the space by reassuming the zipper to its closed position, watching you with drained eyes. “I really am alrigh’ y’know.” He stated unconvincingly, sitting beside you as close as he could without the fear of you catching anything from him. It was just a summer cold, he told himself, it would soon pass and he would be back to his regular self.
“That’s completely debatable Dar.” You raised your eyebrows, passing him the water flask that had been one of the only things to keep him company, at least he had been staying hydrated, you thought, and felt content as he obeyed your silent order to take a few sips, not too much and not too little. There was no doubt from his grimace that it pained him to swallow the water, and you couldn’t help but have concern to become you. “Maybe you should lay down, and try and rest.” It was an observation, you could physically see how fragile his muscles felt. He would never say it aloud, but he felt weak at the knees, not just in this moment but in each one he spent with you.
It made his heart stutter with emotion to listen to your breathing, it was always calm around him, and it made him feel as though he had a chance with you. The last thing that he would ever want to do was to ruin your friendship, especially by speaking of his more-than-crush on you. He was almost positive that he was in love with you, and he held such certainty that his heart strings had been tugging with a craving for you before the walkers had risen to tear apart the world. “Tha’s exactly wha’ I was doin’ jus’ before yer wanted to babysit me.” A scoff fell from your lips as you lightly shoved him, and he crumbled dramatically from your touch, falling flat on his back.
“You okay?” You loomed above him, your locks cascading around your face as you fretted, and Daryl could only pull a dopey smile. He wanted to answer you, with all of his trauma induced heart; you were one of the only people that had ever roamed the earth whom had never speculated theories of his life - you knew him, and it was a dear experience. He wasn’t a no good red neck as Shane put him down and described him to be, he was a man that had survived, through terror and abuse, and was still doing so with different forces opposing him. The dead would rip his flesh from his bones, and feast without resistance on his body, but that was a far thought from what he was currently thinking.
There was no woman more beautiful than you, Daryl thought with an open mind, captivated by your beauty even during his sickness. He was engaged with eye contact with you, practically entranced, as the structured cough in his chest lowered to a dull tingle in the back of his throat, it was easy to ignore with you as his main focus. Well ignoring wasn’t the right phrase or term to it, you were a pleasant distraction in the moment, even as he chortled for breath whilst he attempted to hold in the spluttering that was induced by hell knows what he had caught.
“‘M fine.” He wheezed out, his face beginning to turn red as he held the symptom of his sickness in, stuttering as your hand drifted to his upper chest that was exposed by his grimly worn vest, drawing circles on his skin with your fingertips. “It’s okay.” You told him, brushing a lock of his hair that had slowly grown since his last haircut behind his ear. “Jus’ let it out Dar.” Despite your inclination to listen to the exhausted struggle that disputed from his lungs and compactly mucus filled chest, he felt comfortable enough with you to follow your words. He leant half over on his side, coughing on and on until it felt as though it was finally over. And your hand remained in its placement, being in contact with each pressuring hurdle his chest fought through.
“Feel a little better?” You hardly had to ask, the archer nodded stiffly, his hand drifting to rest over your own. “Do you want me to go? I know sometimes you like to be alone, and I don’t want to overstep on your personal space.” He almost signed you off of your duty of watching over him, he didn’t want to hold in his most sacred secret any longer. And if you stayed, well he was almost certain that he would inform you of the truth that he had hidden from you for so long. “Nah, you don’ gotta go nowhere.” He pulled you closer by your hand until your face was drifting over his own, and it took all of your resistance to not lean in. “Jus’ hope ya don’ mind gettin’ sick if you still wanna stick around.”
“Whatever you’ve got? You know how strong my immune system is Dixon.” You sharply spoke with a tenderness lining your tone, ogling at his runny eyes with the dearest of adoring gazes. So far you had been sufficiently lucky considering that you had not undergone any injury since the beginning of the outbreak, only the mental aspects had affected your perception. Each rotted walker that gnashed it’s grotesque teeth in your direction hadn’t caught your flesh between its jagged dentures, and you hoped it would remain as so. It was probably just luck, but through your lifetime you had survived enough flus and colds for another to shatter your instincts.
“Tha’s not wha’ I meant. Mean’ sick of me.” Daryl spoke with a lowered head, as though he had been ashamed to admit the truth in his train of thought. With your pointer finger you raised his face from hooking it beneath his chin, so that his eyes made contact with your own, the swelling of emotions that’s swirled in them pointedly driving you to lean in closer, despite the risk of getting sickened from the contagion that his body carried, greeting his lips with yours. It was a soft kiss, and one well worth the always lingering wait, and it made you realise that you were the only person in the world of existing death that Daryl wouldn’t push away. “I will never get sick of you Dixon. Never.”
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luffyrose · 1 year
DC X DP Siblings...?
While I work on the other dc x dp fic I had, cause I am writing it, it's got like 3500 words and it's still going, either way, other prompt/idea that's been floating around in my head!
So I love all the Danny and Dami are twins, it's very nice to see them both be like ":O OMG YOU'RE ALIVE HOLY SHIT" and get some good old sibling love again. (Even if that means pushing your sibling off your bed for existing, I have two siblings, I should know.)
In a lot of the fics, I see Damian being the more emotionally constipated one. BUT, as a counter to that, Damian is actually fairly expressive, he just does it to extremes and in weird ways. Danny is more of a "runaway before they ask" kinda guy.
So Danny ends up in Gotham, whatever the angsty reason for it may be, and ends up working either somewhere nearby to Crime Alley, or in like Batburger or something. Somewhere where he meets Jason and/or Red Hood, but may still see the other vigilantes/Waynes on a good day.
Kinda hard to keep a secret you're dead from another somewhat dead guy, because upon seeing one another, they're like that spiderman meme, and Jason is immediately like "Ah. I have a brother...child?" he doesn't entirely know but he's now visiting this also dead kid because it makes him feel better and he thinks the kid also enjoys the company.
Jason being Jason, doesn't think about whether it's a good idea to bring his siblings here for lunch and while his siblings are chatting he gets up to start ordering food, before introducing his family.
Damian, upon seeing him, just freezes as the gears in his head click together about that being his twin. Danny is also just staring back, he realizes a little bit quicker though. And without second thought, Danny hurdled himself over the counter and is out the door.
Damian is close behind, yelling, "DANYAL I WILL DRAG YOU BACK TO FATHER! GET BACK HERE." While the others scramble after the two boys.
Turns out, being a ghost makes you very hard to catch. Also turns out, Damian doesn't give a shit about that. He's not been able to lose his twin after hours of running.
Damian wants to both smack Danny on the top of the head as well as not let go of him for the next few days because holy shit his baby brother-
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hells-wasabii · 4 months
Hiii! Hope you're doing okay!
Could you possibly write some headcanons for a soft, slowburn-like relationship with Lucifer Morningstar? As him still having his wedding ring on after the separation with Lilith suggests...he may not fully be over the relationship quite yet so I'm interested in him hesitantly falling in love again...not wanting to mess things up! Even better if the reader is also hesitant to be so open with someone as well and they tend to self-isolate ...
(preferably gn!reader who's a sinner staying at the hotel :3)
A/N: This one was a fun one, i didn't think i'd get to delve into slow burns! Oh and in typical slow burn fashion, you don't get together quite yet
Character: Lucifer
Type: Headcanons (Lucifer x reader slowburn, Fluff)
When onlookers say your romance is a slow burn, they aren't kidding. No, seriously. It took a long time for the two of you to finally be on the same page. Neither of you made it easy, however.
He still wore the ring. Which, of course he did. Lilith had been his first love, a dreamer just like him. But that was okay, You could deal with that. You understood, the pain and anguish that came with losing a relationship like that? A relationship that had quite literally been cultivated from when man first walked the earth.
But he wanted to build a new bond. A bond with you, if you would have him, that is. He was admittedly worried that somehow, somewhere along the way, he’d screw things up. This fear became so overwhelming that at one point he tried to distance himself from you, something that was quickly shut down however.
It got to the point that others eventually stepped in to intervene, otherwise existence would crumple to dust before either of you made the first move. Charlie was on the case, and if Charlie was involved, its not exactly farfetched to guess that the rest of the occupants of the Hotel would be as well.
But you had disappeared, no one could reach you on your on your cellphone. Hell, no one even knew if you were still in Pentagram City. Your front door remained locked and when knocking, no answer. So Lucifer took matters into his own hands.
He didn’t necessarily like just popping in places without an invitation, especially when it came to the demons he considered himself close with or fond of, but this time around he felt he didn’t have a choice. He knew self-isolation when he saw, he himself having done the very same thing for years after Lilith disappeared
But he knew one thing for sure, he wasn’t about to let you face whatever bothered you alone. Sure, he may not always know how to comfort people who need it, but as soon as he lets himself be vulnerable he’ll let you know that whether you like it or not, you’re not alone in your hesitation. He's there to help you through it, and once it's over, he'll be right there with you on the other side of that hurdle!
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venusstorm · 2 years
Sweet Pea
Ari Levinson hates people— except for you. But if he hates people why is he letting that girl at the bar talk to him? And why are you jealous? And why do you want him to **** your ***** until you’re *******?
Ari Levinson x Reader
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Warnings: 18+, degradation, size kink, dumbification, possessiveness, spit, spanking, pussy slapping, exhibition, jealousy, creampie, praise
"He's so fucking big," the woman gasps. The group around her nods in agreement, their eyes dancing over to Ari who was hurdling darts at a target, drink in one hand as he aims with the other.
You raise an eyebrow, already knowing how this was about to go down.
"You should go talk to him," the woman's friend encourages. "He's been alone all night, I'm sure he's dying for someone to come up to him."
The woman grins as she sifts through her purse, pulling out a mirror to re-apply her deep red lipstick before fixing her dress and heading straight towards Ari.
Snorting, you await for the crash and burn she would soon ensue. She'd be lucky to even get out a "no thanks," from him. Usually he'd just shake his head before taking a longgg sip of whiskey until they got the hint and left.
But to your surprise, she never came back. Instead you heard the distinct sound of heavy laughter. Quickly you look up, face dropping at the sight of Ari and the woman giggling. Her hand slid across his shoulder as he pulls out a seat for her to sit.
"You've gotta be fucking with me," you grit.
She moves the chair closer to him until it there’s hardly any room for either to breathe.
You have never seen Ari so intrigued by someone before. He was smiling, fucking smiling! Thoughts began to intrude your mind. What if he took her home? What if this goes further than just tonight? What if they— fuck, you couldn't do this.
Hopping down from the stool, you grab your things and head for the door, stopping momentarily to contemplate telling him goodbye. But as you turn around the sight before you makes you only want to leave faster. She’s inches away from his face, hands reaching out for his as she stares down at his lips.
Scoffing, you leave the vicinity, vanishing into the cool night air and as far away from Ari as possible.
As shitty as it sounds, you liked being the only person that Ari enjoyed being around. The only person in which he was truly close to. You know he has needs and although you hate the thought, of course he was fucking other people.
I mean it's not like he's fucking you anyways.
But he never spoke about it. That side of his life was a mystery and you had intended on keeping it that way but last night kept racing through your mind. 
Ari probably took her home...she probably laid on the couch that you had so carefully helped him pick out. Maybe her eyes lingered on the artwork you made for him— the colors contrasting against his otherwise dull apartment.
Maybe he laughed with her some more. Held her gaze and realized that "this might actually go somewhere."
You ached at the thought of Ari being with someone else. It wasn't fair. After all these years of silently pining after him, secretly wishing he'd wrap you in his burly arms and kiss you until you were dizzy, you had never thought about him finding someone else.
The sounds of loud knocking cause your thoughts to cease. Quickly you stand up, making your way to the front door and opening it with a huff. You already knew who it was based on the heavy, long winded, pounding.
"Ari." You state.
"Sweet Pea."
"Oh can you stop calling me by that ridiculous nickname?" you groan.
Ari was halfway in the door but took a step back upon your hostility. "What? You love when I call you that."
You shook your head, "Actually I hate it."
"Hm. That right sweet pea?"
"If you just came here to annoy me the doors right there."
"Aww don’t do that, what's got you all agitated this afternoon? Was it your landlord? Thought I told that bastard to leave you alone."
You could only sigh upon realizing how ridiculous you were being. If Ari found someone to make him happy then who are you to be mad about him for it?
"It's nothing Ari. M'sorry."
He nods, wrapping you into a tight hug before lifting you up and draping you over his shoulders. You squeal, laughing loudly as you bang on his back. "Let me down asshole!"
Ari throws you onto the couch and watches your body fly up slightly before sinking into the loveseat. Lifting your head, Ari sits down underneath, his gaze staring at you resting on his lap.
"You sure you're alright? You'd tell me if something’s going on right?"
"Yea." Your tone is far from confident but if Ari noticed he didn't say anything. Instead he reaches over for the remote and flicks on your tv, rubbing your back mindlessly as a movie begins to play.
You were beginning to drift off to sleep when the continuous sound of buzzing stirs you awake. Aris’ hand had left your back and instead occupied his phone.
An uneasy feeling washes over you. He could've been texting anyone, but of course your mind drifts to the woman from yesterday. Ari smiles down at the screen, tapping away. At one point you swore he took a photo of himself— something he rarely ever did unless it was for you.
Suddenly you no longer wanted to cuddle against him. Hesitantly you left your spot beside him, retreating to the other side of the couch solemnly. 
His eyes never even left the screen and quickly fear began to consume you. Was it finally happening? Was it time for you to finally step back and let go of this idiotic crush of yours?
You fought back against the anxious thoughts as you continue to watch the movie. Deep in thought and not even paying attention to the way Ari is now staring at you, confusion riddling his face.
"Hey? You okay over there?"
You nodded. "Mhm."
Ari shook his head. "No I know that look sweet pea. C'mere."
When you didn't move Ari took the liberty of dragging you back towards him. His scent and muscular arms providing you warmth and comfort. "Now are you gonna tell me what's wrong or am I gonna have to drag it outta ya."
You’re about to speak when his phone begins to buzz. His eyes trail to the screen and a clear look of agitation crosses your face. “Who the fuck keeps texting you?”
“Nobody important,” he shrugs.
“Its that girl from the bar isn’t it? How was last night anyways? You two seemed real cozy.”
He lets loose a deep laugh. “Are you jealous?”
“No,” you tsk. “Why the hell would I be jealous over you wantin’ to get your dick wet.”
Now he was full on grinning. "You want me all to yourself princess? That what it is? Can't handle the thought of anyone touching what's yours?"
You shivered at his deep tone. "Of course not," you scoff.
"She gave me her number, I could call her back, finish what we—"
"Go ahead then."
You shouted the words more than you intended. Aggravation bubbles inside of you causing tears to spring from your eyes. You hate how easily strong emotions made you tear up. 
"Aw sweet pea, I was joking!"
"Well it wasn't funny," you spat. Fighting off his hold, you got up from the couch. Ari reaches out to grab you but you had already stepped away. "I should be the only woman you ever fucking look at, touch, or speak to," you mumble underneath your breath.
"That right princess?" Ari smirks. "Wanna be the only person riding my cock  too?"
Your eyes widen.
"No! I didn't— shit."
Ari stands up, laughing as he embraces you into a hug. His hand massages the back of your head, forcing you to press against his chest. "Shh it's okay princess. Jealousy's cute on you."
Quickly you push him away, annoyed by his condescending tone. You usher for him to leave entirely but he stays put. Grumbling, you walk away from him, making your way into the kitchen.
Ari follows you into the kitchen, fighting back laughter for each step. "Oh C'mon! It's okay to be a little jealous!"
"You don't get it Ari!"
"No I get it. My Princess can't stand the thought of sharing me."
You try your hardest to dodge his embrace as he speaks. But of course you're no match for Ari Levinson. On instinct you fight against him, fists balled as you kick your way from his grasps. "Get off of me!" You shout.
It was a winless fight. Ari crowds around you, his cedarwood scent surrounding and trapping you. His arms wrap tightly around your body, crushing you slightly as you attempt to escape.
Ari growls, his hands reaching down to slide your dress up. His movements were fast, you hadn't even realized what had happened until you felt the cool breeze followed by a loud slap. "When are you gonna realize that you have me already huh? Ain't nobody comparing to my sweet pea."
A small gasp slips from your chest as Ari smashes his lips against yours, his hands still gripping your ass tightly. You wrap your arms around his neck, his hands reaching to grab your thighs and lift you against him.
"Never even left with that woman," he grumbles. "Told her to shove off the moment you left."
Confusion swims around your mind. "But—"
"You don't think I feel the same way about you baby? Don't think I spend every waking moment thinking about how you wrap around my body? The perfect piece to my puzzle."
You whimper at his words. "You knew this whole time?"
"I was scared to ruin what we have. Only person I've given a fuck about in a long time princess. Took all my heart to resist you but I had to wait for the right time. For when we were both ready."
You begin grinding against him, his hands locking on your hips. "Always ready for you Ari," you groan.
"Fuck princess. You see what you do to me?" He grabs your hand and glides it against his hardening cock. 
"I'm sorry for lying. But I needed you to say those words for me. Needed to make sure you wanted this too."
You raise an eyebrow, "Couldn't just have told me?"
"Couldn't you just have told me?" Ari quips.
"I wouldn't trick you like that," you huff.
Ari smiles, his hand cupping your cheek gently. "You’re right. I’m sorry for tricking you baby but you just look so damn cute all worked up."
You scoff. "Yea? Well let's see how much you like it one day."
His gaze turns fiery. In a flash he rips your panties from underneath your dress. You yelp as he draws his hand back and slaps your pussy, your thighs jiggling from the fast movement. "Let's not make the same mistake twice. I learned my lesson."
You pout, eyes watery as you try to drag the guilt out of him. "I don't think you have yet. You really hurt me daddy."
His hand snakes down to your stomach, his long fingers inching their way to your entrance until your arching from the way he rubs your clit. "I'll make it up to you. Can't have my sweet pea upset now can I?"
“No you can’t,” you murmur, shaking your head tauntingly.
Ari pulls his hand away, slipping his clothes off until the only barrier between the two of you is the thin sundress on your body. He hikes your leg up, pressing you against the kitchen counter all while his throbbing cock swung between his legs. He was dripping with pre cum, the liquid coating your hands as you wrap your hands around him.
“Its heavy,” you murmur in awe.
"This what you needed princess?" Ari says gruffly. Your body felt blissfully crushed against his, your mind fuzzy with thoughts of adoration. His lips press against your neck softly while he murmurs into your ear.
"So good to me. So beautiful," he groans.
You whine as he lets loose a bit, slightly lifting off of you in order to peel your dress off. 
He hovers over your entrance, immersing himself in your wetness before slipping his aching cock into you. Your pussy was dripping the moment he slapped your ass, but your slick did nothing to ease the pain from Ari’s length. He was so goddamn thick, veins traveling up and stopping at his head, pulsating inside of you as if already ready to explode.
“Hurts Ari,” you whimper.
“I know baby, it’ll get better. You trust me?”
You nod, clinging onto his shoulders as he pushes in further. “Got jealous over the thought of me fucking someone when you cant even take my cock yourself. But that's okay baby, I know you get a little dumb sometimes.”
You whine out his name as he thrusts into you. His beard brushes against your face as he tugs at your lips. “Oh baby, Im barely inside of ya and you already look fucked stupid.”
“Don’t care if it hurts daddy just fuck me, please, just need you deep.” You thrash your hips against him, begging him to just sink into your pussy already.
“You sure? Gonna hurt yourself princess,” he warns.
“Please,” you beg. “M’sure.”
The sound of your scream echos around your apartment as he shoves into you. He stays there for a few moments, allowing yourself to get adjusted before beginning a steady pace. 
“See what happens when you get desperate sweet pea? Now your little pussy is all spread open.” He can’t decide if he wants his mouth on your lips or neck so he takes turns doing both.
Tears spring from your eyes as you move your legs, sinking yourself deeper onto his cock until his moans join yours. “Can’t help it. Feels too good daddy.”
“So fucking greedy. Bet you’d sit that pretty little pussy on my cock anywhere if it meant nobody would approach me? Ain’t that right?”
If you could turn back time you’d sit your ass right in Ari’s lap the moment that woman got up to speak to him. Her face would’ve been hilarious after seeing you bouncing up and down on his cock, sundress sprawled around his lap so nobody could see what was happening underneath.
But you’d give her a peek. Show her who the fuck Ari Levinson truly belongs to. And he’d have no issue doing the same, fucking into you until you’re creaming around his base, spend dripping down his balls and covering his jeans without a care. 
"I've only ever had eyes for you sweet pea," Ari groans. “Only ever wanted your sweet cunt. Your pretty face.”
Tugging on his soft hair, you draw him in close. His eyes pierce into yours before ravaging your lips. Ari’s so vocal and it was only turning you on more. He moans into your mouth, grunting as he hits you painfully deep.
He grips your cheeks, turning your face downwards to watch the way he buries himself inside of you. “Look at that. See how messy you’re getting the counter babygirl? Gonna clean it up for me after?”
You nod, staring down at the now shiny marble as you swore to clean up your mess.
“Gonna have you bend over the table and lick up every last drop up while I fuck you from behind. That sound good sweet pea? Would you be my good little girl and do that for me?”
“Yes. Wanna be daddy’s good girl” you cry.
Ari grips your chin harder, tilting your head up as he lets a string of saliva land into your mouth. “Been dreamin of fuckin’ you like this. You know that?”
“Think about your cock all the time,” you whimper. “Specially in those shorts.”
Ari laughs breathlessly. Neither of you could talk properly, every sentence came out stuttered and slowed. “Didn’t think I noticed the way you stare at em? Practically drooling.”
You smile blissfully, eyes half closed as his strokes became faster. You were shaking against him, yelling out his name as you felt yourself near. “M’gonna cum daddy.”
“Gonna cum for me sweet pea?” He slaps your pussy again, hand rubbing against your clit before spanking it again and again. Your mind begins to blur as he continues both actions. Hitting your cunt roughly and making it all better by rubbing soft circles on it. 
He loses himself within you, mumbling your name as he begs for you to cum. “Gotta let go for me sweet pea. Need to feel you cum around me, please baby. Dyin’ to hear my pretty baby cum.”
You convulse around him, hands gripping his locks tighter as you cry out his name. Eyes fluttering closed, you allow yourself to drift. 
“Gonna fill you up. Make you mine now sweet pea.” The moment Ari feels you tighten he buries himself deep, repeating your name frantically as he cums inside of you. “That’s it pretty girl,” he praises. “Did so good for me...fuck I love you.”
When you fall back down to reality Ari’s staring at you with a dopey smile on his face. Mind still fuzzy, and legs still twitching, you smile up at him. "Apology accepted.”
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sleepingdeath-light · 4 months
relationship hcs ; adam
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; hazbin hotel
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; adam
outline ; “dating headcanons for adam”
note ; this may be a smidge out of character as i have never written for him before, but hopefully you’re able to enjoy these headcanons regardless ^^
warning(s) ; some canon-typical douchbag behaviour, but mostly fluff!
for as much of an asshole as adam can be, once he’s committed to someone he’s loyal as hell — granted it’s difficult to get a playboy like him to agree to complete monogamy, but it’s not a complete impossibility if you’re willing to put in the time and effort to get to that point with him
hes got an extremely prominent (and, frankly, nasty) possessive streak that he makes pretty much no effort to hide — like the moment he gets jealous of someone, no matter how irrational that feeling, he’s not above going as far as just grabbing you and making out with you in front of them just to prove that you’re taken and adam is not someone who likes to share what’s his
this possessiveness is in good part because of how his past relationships ended (with the two women that were literally made for him either leaving him outright or cheating on him with the same man) and the insecurities that naturally spawned from those experiences — yes he may be the cockiest bastard in all of heaven, and he talks big game about being ‘the dickmaster’ or ‘the original dick’ and all of that nonsense, but once the two of you become an item he is terrified of losing you and seems to make it his mission to ward off any outside threats to your relationship and warn you away from anyone who he can’t scare off
(e.g. openly and frequently shit talking lucifer, hell, and the sinners he kills — portraying them as unequivocally monstrous and cruel without the chance for redemption / being unworthy of your empathy or time in an effort to keep you as disinterested and far from him as possible)
reassurance and praise goes a long way with adam, even if he does tend to outwardly either brush it off or turn it into something more sexual, even more so if you give him something concrete to show that love and praise — e.g. he’s the type of guy to keep every single card you get him for your anniversaries, his birthday (well… creation day would be a better name in his case), or valentine’s day, in a locked box or drawer for him to look through whenever he feels a bit low whilst also outwardly denying being so ‘sappy’ and sentimental
it takes a while for him to feel comfortable taking off his mask around you, but once that you’ve gotten over that particular hurdle and made your attraction and appreciation for his appearance as clear as possible, you’ll pretty much never see him wear it again — well, at least not in the privacy of your home… outside is a very different story
not at all shy about physical affection in private or in public — like from the moment the two of you confess your feelings you’ll have a hard time getting his hands off of you for more than a few minutes at a time (unless you make it clear that you’re not a touchy person, of course… he’s not a complete asshole when it comes to you and he certainly doesn’t want to make the best thing to happen to him since eden go running for the hills)
his favourite place to kiss you is on the lips (he’s the first man, as he oh so loves reminding everyone in earshot, forgive him for the basic choice) and his kisses are all so passionate that it almost feels like he’s worried you’ll vanish the moment he lets go — they’re wet and messy and steal the breath straight from your lungs, yes, and by the end of it you’ll get to see him with his cheeks all flushed and golden eyes gleaming with mischief, passion, and overwhelming affection, but there’s also the smallest hint of something else in his kisses that you can’t quite place (and that you rarely have the chance to linger on before you’re dragged somewhere more private by him to let things get a bit less ‘pg’, or he’s hurrying away to take part in an extermination or to fulfil some other such heavenly duty that sera probably asked him to do weeks ago)
loves having his hair played with and will fall asleep in minutes if you start slowly and gently carding your fingers through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp when he’s laying on your lap — would never admit it though and will go straight as a board and almost shout-talk over you to try and preserve his reputation if you try and bring it up around anyone else (especially lute because she would never let him live that down)
mainly just calls you ‘babe’ or your first name, and maybe the occasional ‘baby’ — though he’s responsive to any and every pet name you give him over the course of your relationship, even the more ridiculous/humourous ones
he keeps an eye out for you at every gig he plays with his band, visibly brightening when he catches sight of you and even pointing you out as his ‘smoking hot partner’ to the crowd before playing one of the dozens of songs he’s dedicated to you — none of them are explicitly love songs, but he thought of you when writing them and that’s enough to gain a dedication in his eyes
isn’t above using his position as the first man to benefit you and your relationship — that can mean anything from rearranging his and your schedules to make sure that you always get to spend some time together each day, or threatening anyone with banishment or some other punishment for making you uncomfortable (it may be heaven but nowhere is completely safe from assholes… adam himself is proof of that)
you’re absolutely spoiled rotten but he always runs any major gifts past lute (who you’re basically guaranteed to have as a close companion after getting with adam) before he gives them to you because he doesn’t want to risk giving you something you hate and pushing you away from him — of course he never tells you this and brags very openly about being so good at picking gifts for you (and, thus, being the most awesome boyfriend in the history of all boyfriends ever)
he rarely ever actually says the words ‘i love you’ and will affectionately tease you whenever you say them to him, but he makes every effort to ensure that you don’t doubt his feelings for even a second despite that
when he’s too busy to accompany you out and about, he always makes sure that there’s at least one of his girls with you just to ensure your safety at all times — especially after one of his exorcists got killed, which made him particularly jumpy and overprotective (yes he knows that heaven is just about the safest place you can be, but he refuses to take any chances when it comes to you)
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
hello hello! could i please request housewardens finding the reader sitting alone at a ballroom because they’re too nervous to dance? platonic or romantic headcanons, whatever works for you! thank you!
Aaaa omg this is so cute 🥹💕
I wrote this with platonic in mind, but they can still be read as romantic!
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When he notices you not going out to dance with everyone else, his first thought is that you simply don’t know how to dance
As someone who has taken many lessons on ballroom dancing, he feels it’s his duty to help you overcome this hurdle so you can go enjoy yourself
Takes you to a more secluded area so you can practice in peace, but quickly notices that you are actually able to dance quite well
He won’t comment on this however, and will continue to dance with you and instruct you which helps make you feel a lot more relaxed
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He doesn’t have any real interest in dancing, hardly even wants to be there in the first place. But he has to at least somewhat keep up appearances
He’d take you somewhere quieter so that he can “take a nap”, but that’s only half of the truth. He can tell you’re nervous and though a quieter atmosphere might help a bit more
If he notices you calm down, then maybe he’ll invite you to dance with him. But he’ll have to convince himself to get up from the comfort of using you as a pillow first
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He’s honestly pretty nervous to go out and dance himself, so when he senses your anxiety it makes him feel a bit better
Will offer to keep you company on the sidelines and insists he’s fine with not going out to dance, since you’re the only one he’d be interested in dancing with anyways
May ‘accidentally’ let it slip that he was nervous about dancing in front of everyone too in the hopes it will make you feel a bit more comfortable
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When he first arrived to the ball, he went straight in to join everyone else dancing after you told him you’d join in later
But he quickly noticed that you seemed hesitant to join and stayed by the sidelines, so he came over to check up on you
When he realised you were nervous about dancing in front of such a large crowd, he didn’t really understand why at first but still wanted to help you feel comfortable
Lets you know that you don’t have to dance if you don’t feel like it, but he’d happily dance with you at any time all the while doing his own silly dance to make you feel better and ease your tension
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Vil immediately notices you sticking to the sidelines and wants to invite you out to dance, but can just tell by your posture that you’re incredibly nervous in this setting
He knows that if he asks you to dance with him then everyone will be staring at the two of you which won’t make your situation any better, so he doesn’t ask
He does take a moment in between songs to come over and talk to you though, and offers to host a mini ball for just the two of you in the Pomefiore practice rooms. He still wants a dance with you after all
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To be honest, it’s a miracle he even showed up to the ball to begin with. He’s just as nervous to go out and dance as you are
He’s very content to just sit around and talk with you, no dancing needed. It helps keep him from wanting to leave as well
But if you’re in the mood to dance and just need a little push, he might be able to muster up the courage to invite you for a dance… just maybe in a more secluded area with less eyes everywhere
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Malleus can immediately sense that you’re quite nervous in this setting, seeing you stand off to the side and debating whether you should join in or not
He wants to help you, but is aware that approaching you himself will have everyone’s attention and he doesn’t want to make you even more anxious
Instead, he opts to have someone from his dorm discreetly deliver the message to meet him out in the gardens where he’ll be waiting for you
The music is still able to be heard from outside so he’ll politely ask you to dance with him where no prying eyes will make you feel nervous
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kingofbodyrolls · 10 months
BTS fic recs: July 2023
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fics post 💜
Also, most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.
I am so sorry that this list is so long 🫣 I’ve clearly had waaaay too much time on my hands 😂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | 💜 | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | Oct (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, personal favorites = 💯. 
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⭐A Remedy for Mondays: pt2, pt3, pt4 [completed series] 💯 by @dovechim​ // pjm x f.reader // coworkers!au, office!au, s2c2l // 🥵🌩️🥰😂
📝 All you wanted was just one day off work. but for that to happen, you need to invent a plausible reason. and then somehow, somewhere along the way, things get out of hand, and now people think you’re having a baby with your co-worker Park Jimin after a one-night stand. confused? join the club.
🗨️ This is one of the most hilarious plots I’ve read! 😂 It is so funny, with a good amount of angst, fluff and brilliant comedy 👏 This is really one of my all time favorites - if you have not read this one yet, please go read it, you won’t be disappointed! 💎
⭐Two point Five (2.5): pt2 [series] 💯by @bratkook​ // jjk x f.reader // handyman!jk, s2f2l // 🥵🥰
📝 Who would have thought booking a handyman from an app would lead to this. sure, you wish he’d mount you instead of just your television, but you could totally be friends. Right?
🗨️ This is also one of my all time favorites! 💎There is just something incredibly hot about handyman JK 🥵 It is so good, juicy, smutty and there's comedy in it too! Please don’t be sleeping on this one.
⭐Not my Fault by @taegularities​ // jjk x f.reader // college!au, classmates to lovers // 🥰🥵
📝 After sparking a sinful conversation on a dating app, you vow to yourself that you won’t give in to more the notorious college fuckboy Jeon Jungkook might have to offer. That is, until he rings your doorbell just one night later – and it’s truly not your fault that he’s so damn hard to resist.
🗨️ This is really, really good! I loved everything in this 💜
⭐Illicit Favors 💯 by @yoongiofmine​ // myg x f.reader // producer!yoongi, virgin!reader, f2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 When your editor tells you to re-write the chapters of your book because the sex scenes are weak, suggesting you write them from experience, what do you do when you lack any kind of sexual experiences in general? You go to your friend and ask him for help with it.
🗨️ Matchmaker Namjoon!! The premise is funny and leads to slight awkwardness, but it’s so good. I love the reader and Yoongi’s friendship in this. I was left speechless after reading it, I can’t recommend this enough 🙂
⭐Now We Reign by @oddinary4bts​ // myg x f.reader // idol!au, work collaborators to lovers // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 When working on a collab together makes you and Min Yoongi seek comfort with the other, you discover there’s more to life than loneliness. Only, hurdles mark your path in Min Yoongi’s life, and it’s unclear what the outcome will be. Will you be destroyed by him and his world, or will you learn to reign over it, together with him?
🗨️ If you want to take your feelings on a roller-coaster ride, this i definitely for you! 💜 It is a great masterpiece and has a rich and deep story. A must read 👏
⭐Just Dance it Off by @kookdiaries  // pjm x f.reader // dancers!au, e2l // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 When you hear that you are cast as the female lead in the upcoming end of the semester show, you are completely thrilled. That is, until you hear who your partner is…
🗨️ I love enemies to lovers and this is so, so good 👏
⭐Netflix & chill [ongoing (incomplete) series] by @1kook  // jjk x f.reader // s2l, app developer!jjk, slice of life // 🥵🥰😂
📝 If you planned things right, you could rain down your raging displeasure on Jeon Jungkook right after the meal but before this proposed ‘Netflix and chilling,’ maybe dramatically throw your glass of wine at him, before storming out of his place and reporting him to the authorities (Namjoon) for his douchebag personality.
🗨️ I wouldn’t normally recommend an incomplete series, but I really like this one and I actually think that the last special works well as the finale for the series (it gives closure). There are many parts, specials and ‘commercial breaks’ in this, so a lot to sink your teeth in! I think it is funny and sweet and there’s smut in every main story ❤️‍🔥
⭐Bad Decisions by @jjungkookislife  // myg x f.reader // f2l, tech support!Yoongi // 🥵🥰😂
📝 Jimin is desperate to get his apartment back to himself. He’ll move hell and earth, and even drop to his knees to beg you to take his brother, Yoongi, out of his hands. Who are you to say no to that pretty face and sinister grin? 
🗨️ It should be illegal how much I enjoyed and adore this! I loved the dynamic between all the characters. It is definitely worth a read, it is thoroughly funny and smutty 👌
⭐Oh, Darling! [completed series] By @yoongiofmine  // myg x f.reader // university!au, professor!Yoongi, student!reader // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you've held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought?
🗨️ Dang this is incredibly hot, okay! The profession/student dynamic is just so satisfying and ugh. I really like that this doesn’t feel awkward or forced, but actually like they are equal 💜
⭐Love like This by @ppersonna  // pjm x f.reader // established relationship // 🥰🥰🥰🥵
📝 Jimin wants to make sure this birthday is your favorite one yet.
🗨️ This is just sweet sugary fluff with some soft and cute smut (can smut be cute? 🫢). It is just so, so sweet 💜
⭐Tricks of the Trade 💯by @stutterfly​ // myg x f.reader // body swap!au, soulmates!au, idiots to lovers, frenemies to lovers // 🥰😂🥵
📝 The convenience store across the street from your apartment carries your favorite energy drink. That’s why you frequent it. It’s definitely not because you have a big fat crush on the owner you’ve been flirting with for the better part of a year. Of course your brand of flirting can also be misconstrued as bickering. When a strange man wanders into the store, he thinks you need a little nudge to embrace the strings connecting you. Next thing you know you’re waking up in a body that definitely doesn’t belong to you. You can’t decide if it’s the best or worst thing that’s ever happened to you.
🗨️ This is utterly perfection! It is so funny and hilarious - but it is also insanely smutty! It’s really interesting with body swapping, what they learn about each other, lol. I read this on a day where I was feeling down, and it honestly made my day! 💜Also, now I kinda wanna watch ‘She’s the Man’ 😂
⭐The Boyfriend Concept by @kpopfanfictrash​ // pjm x f.reader // porn star!au // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 Win a Date with a Porn Star! You saw the sign when you walked in, of course, but you had no idea your friend dropped your name into the raffle. Fast-forward to later that day, when you actually win. You are horrified, of course, with no intention of accepting and setting yourself up for embarrassment. But then you meet Jimin, and decide this might be worth a shot.
🗨️ This is just really wholesome 🥹It is also incredibly hot too! 🥵
⭐The Making of: Love by @inkjam-moon​ // knj x f.reader // actor!au, s2l (not really strangers, ‘cuz they know of each other) // 🥰🥵😂
📝 When the movie you’re in requires to to film a risque scene with a world renowned sex symbol, your virginity is suddenly all you can focus on.
🗨️ I think this is funny, so I’ll tag it with comedy! Jimin is in it (he is readers manager) and he is just doing his best job of being a supporting character 👏 It’s good! 
⭐Reset by @dovechim​ // pjm x f.reader // college!au, f2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 We are made of the pieces of what we remember, and we hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there are memories to call our own, there can be no true loss. But Park Jimin has no such privilege. 
🗨️ It is really, really good! And if you want to bawl your eyes out like I did, seriously give it a read. It is equally beautiful, cute and sad. Jimins last sentence really killed me 😭
⭐5280 feet by @xbaepsae​ // pjm x f.reader // mile high club!au, flight attendant!reader // 🥵😂🥰
📝 Never in your life have you met such a cocky, yet still strangely attractive, person. His words really struck a chord in you, and now you really can’t stop imagining your legs wrapped around him…or his cock in your mouth.
🗨️ This is so good! 🔥🥵 The plot is nice and the smut is just so 🔥 i love it 😍💖 if you haven’t read this, it is definitely worth a read!
⭐Heartbreak Insurance by @jimlingss​ // pjm x f.reader // s2l // 🥰😂
📝 At Heartbreak Insurance, we are committed to be there when you need it most. Affordable and comprehensible solutions to meet your needs today! With our Heartbreak Insurance, you can find a plan that fits your needs. We cover and care for you in your most vulnerable times, offering paid time off, therapy sessions and care packages. Because heartbreak is pain too.
🗨️ This is hella fluffy! 🥰 It is just sweet and fluffy perfectness 😘
⭐Performance Evaluation by @kookscrescent​ // myg x f.reader // fuckboy!au, college!au // 🥵
📝 After the guy you’d gone out with for a few weeks, suddenly dumps you after you’ve slept with him, you want to know if your bedroom skills are the root of the problem, and there’s only one person you really want to turn to to find out. But unfortunately for you, he’s gay. So he sends you to the next best person. Min Yoongi. 
🗨️ The plot is on point and the smut is on fire 👌It is awkward in the beginning, but that made it funny (for me at least) 😂
⭐100 km/hour 💯by @chateautae​ // pjm x f.reader // fuckboy!au, college!au, pwp // 🥵
📝 What exactly happens when you and your friends have to pile into one car for the ride home after an insane halloween party, and you find yourself sitting in park jimin’s lap? especially when he’s dressed as an angel, and you’re in the sluttiest devil costume ever?
🗨️ I was not at all prepared for the juicy smut in this 🥵 I really love the tension between reader and Jimin, and omfg the smut + tension 🤌🏾It is just brilliant 👏
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Thank you so much for going through my recommendations! I hope you find something that you like and show it some love. I’m still going through my reading list from as far back as 2017, so don’t be surprised if I recommend something ‘old’. And I know that some of these amazing writers are on hiatus or completely closed, but their fics are still slapping and worth a read, like or reblog.
Borahae 💜
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons
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Summary: You were just a civilian caught in the crossfire, kidnapped by a cartel and held prisoner. And now, after being rescued by Ghost, you're rebuilding your life, one fragment at a time, with him at your side every step, tear and hurdle of the way.
Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of physical abuse, memory loss/amnesia, loss of ability to walk (temporary), possessive behaviour, kind of slow burn,  romantic tension, Ghost gets jealous, somewhat angsty in some parts, very fluffy in others (a good balance), mentions of interrogation, Reader showcases anxiety, no use of pronouns for Reader except ‘you’, mentions of games,
Wordcount: 7,581 words
You were a tourist who was in the wrong place at the wrong time - seen things you weren’t meant to see.
And that’s how you ended up here, chained up in a warehouse for what you could only have guessed to have been a couple of months.
You were barely kept alive by restricted rations of food and water the cartel members gave you, needing you alive but just weak enough to not be able to fight back.
They kept you around for their own amusement, hitting you, beating you, humiliating you.
You missed your family, your friends, your old life. You truly believed, with a heavy heart, that you’d die here without ever getting the chance to see them again.
It had all happened so fast that you couldn’t keep up with it all.
One minute there was a group of men playing poker at a table nearby, the next they’d all been blown away by some nigh-silent, unseen force.
As soon as it had began, it was all over, though gunfire resonated from deeper within the warehouse.
Your heart thudded, your mind hazy and heavy yet just about conscious enough to acknowledge a set of heavy, booted footsteps nearing you.
A walkie-talkie crackled, followed by a deep, gravelly voice.
“One potential hostage found. Commencing collection now.”
The chains keeping you tethered to the metal post were cut and your hands fell.
You barely had the strength to lift them, nevermind your head, which lolled forward, gaze fixed in your lap.
The person who you presumed to have released you knelt down before you. A gloved hand pushed against your forehead, forcing you to look at them.
He was ghastly.
His flesh face was covered by a second, the insignia of his endoskeleton splayed across a dark mask. His eyes were dark and seemed to swallow all light that tried to glimmer within them.
“Can you talk?” he said. His voice was calm yet lacked patience, as if he knew time was short.
You could barely move, barely think.
You said nothing.
The man took your non-answer and moved to lift you, keeping an arm under yours and the other firmly holding his gun.
Now, stood at full height, walking on legs you hadn’t used in months, your body couldn’t handle it.
Your blood pressure dropped and so did you.
The man grunted as your weight collapsed into him, almost taking him with you.
You fell unconscious, and the man rearranged you, slinging his gun over his shoulder and carrying you in his arms.
The next time you awoke, the setting was drastically different.
The dust-filled, sweltering warehouse you had grown accustomed to had given was to a blindingly white facility, the scent of streilisers and medicine filling your nostrils.
You couldn’t move much, body heavy yet soul willing, and your eyes shifted beneath hooded lids.
A machine beeped closeby, one you recognised to be mimicking your heartbeat. The rest of the room was quiet, save for the turning of paper somewhere.
The surface beneath you was plush, encompassing you, unlike the warehouse floor.
Putting the pieces together, your heart began to pound. The heart monitor copied.
A nearby nurse rushed to your side, turning your head this way and that and shining a  light in your eyes, talking at you rather than to you.
The rest became a blur.
Doctors visited, recorded your condition. You didn’t know where you were but you knew you were safe. For now, at least.
Some officers came and tried speaking to you, only to find you unable (or unwilling) to talk.
This came as a discovery to you, too.
Soon after waking up, you found that your mind, your memories, were blank. Nothing of your prior self remained save for an overview of your torturous time in captivity, and…
That mask.
The man who’d saved you.
You found it hard to speak, not having done so properly in months save for begging for your life and crying whenever you were alone.
When one of the officers asked you if there was anything you needed, your body acted on instinct, by reflex, and came out with only one word.
Ghost was stationed by you shortly after that, having been known to be the one who brought you back to Base and the only one to resemble the ‘skull’ you’d spoken of.
The task was…mind numbing, to say the least.
After your singular request for the man who saved you, you went silent again.
No words, no noises, just you sat in the hospital bed, dead to the world.
Nobody could coax a word from you, not even Ghost, as you heard him introduce himself.
The events of the last couple months had forced you into a state of “Dissociative amnesia,” as the doctor had put it. “Rare, but real.”
The doctor said it could take a while for you to regain your memories, and until then, you would have to be kept under supervision.
No permanent thoughts crossed your mind during your period of blankness. They flitted in and out of your consciousness as a phantom would.
Ghost had only tried interacting with you two or three times, the first being his introduction, the others being an attempt at getting any sort of response from you.
Nothing worked, and you were both resigned to sitting in silence with one another.
Days passed, you weren’t sure how many.
Ghost was getting impatient.
He knew you could be a key witness to the cartel’s deeper activities, but he knew he couldn’t force your cooperation. Not while you were practically vegetative, at least.
Ghost sat on a chair by your bedside, all but resembling a mannequin.
He stared into the distance.
“Oh,” came your small, croaking voice. “It’s you.”
Ghost almost didn’t turn to look at you, believing the voice to be a hallucination.
He hazarded a glance and almost considered jumping.
You looked at him, dead into his eyes, conscious, talking.
Another blur of activity surrounded you immediately after, Ghost alerting the doctors to you becoming vocal again and leaving them to do their job not long after.
Tests were run, your memory was tested (of which there was still little), and the better part of a day was spent observing you, trying to determine whether you were ready for interrogation or not.
Luckily, the higher-ups seemed to feel lenient, giving you longer to recover until you were expected to produce answers to their copious questions.
In the meantime, Ghost was assigned to you day and night, both as your protector and observer.
He was…quiet, to say the least.
Rarely spoke unless spoken to, meaning he was of little entertainment to you in your bed-bound state.
This led to you trying to make small talk, regardless of whether Ghost would respond or not.
Little did you know that, despite his lack of participation, Ghost was listening to every single word you said.
During a one-sided conversation, you mentioned colouring, an activity you liked when you were younger.
“Yeah!” you said, face lighting up as you slowly recalled a memory of your younger self, colouring book in tow. “I remember that my grandma had this old, really old colouring book that she gave me. It was vintage, smelled like antique book pages, sweet,”
Ghost watched you, listened. He saw your face light up. You looked at him, eyes smiling.
“It was nearly as old as her when she gave it to me; I was terrified of ruining it so I never coloured in it. Just kept it safely on my bookshelf, looked at the pictures before bed…”
The day after, Ghost came to you with a colouring book and a box of pencils.
“Not exactly vintage, but it’ll do,” he said, laying the book and the utensils on your bedside.
You smiled up at him as he settled into his seat.
“Thank you, Ghost,” you said, smiling. “I mean it.”
Ghost offered minimal input whenever you spoke to him, which you still did while you coloured the pictures.
It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
After that, over the course of a week, more memories came back to you.
They were small, inconsequential at best, but they were evidence that you were making a fast recovery.
And Ghost was there to hear every single one of them.
Whenever you came out with something new, he’d write it down in a Base-issued notebook, telling you to slow down whenever words failed you, your mind wrapped up in splinters of who you were - who you are.
And you would glance at his notes every now and then.
“Wow,” you said, suppressing a smile. “Your handwriting’s worse than mine.”
“I’d like to see you do better,” Ghost replied, barely casting you a glance.
You reached for the pen, which Ghost withheld from you until he realised what you were trying to do.
Now, equipped, you turned to a new page in the notebook and tried writing something.
It came out like a doctor’s signature, merely cursive scribbles that meant nothing to the untrained eye.
Ghost eyed your work.
“What you tryna write?” he said, accent rough.
You bit your lip, trying to focus all your efforts on making what was in your head come out onto the paper.
“My name,” you said.
Ghost seemed to straighten up at that.
The memory was weak, a fawn stumbling on its wiry legs, trying to find purchase.
But it was there, behind frosted glass. You could vaguely make out the letters which would be the key to your existence.
You kept scrawling, muscle memory having weakened significantly, until you hit upon a  familiar pattern.
The ‘letters’ were indecipherable, even to yourself. The memory of your name began to fade, and, though you grasped at it, you were left with nothing as it was consumed by darkness.
You stopped writing, defeat overtaking you.
“Why’d you stop?” Ghost asked, looking up from the notebook to you.
You felt tears fill your eyes, tried to keep them in.
“I forgot again,” you said, voice cracking.
The pen lay limp in your hand, and Ghost removed it, putting it down.
The fabric of his glove against your skin sent a jolt through you, unexpected but strangely comforting.
“Well,” Ghost said, a temporary solution coming to him. “How ‘bout we give you a new name, just ‘til you find your real one.”
You sniffed, tried smiling at the gesture, and nodded.
You went back and forth for a while, trying to think of a name that would suit you based on the limited information you had about yourself so far.
“It needs to be nice,” you said. Ghost gave a slight inclination of a nod. You kept thinking.
“Fawn,” Ghost said.
His eyes bore into you, though you suspected that was just his disposition rather than him intentionally trying to spook you.
“How’s that sound?”
You tried the name on your tongue, then, you beamed.
“I like it,” you said, giving Ghost a grateful smile.
From that day on, Ghost referred to you as Fawn, a name that the rest of the Base staff called you, too, having nothing else to call you.
Ghost never told you why he picked that name. Perhaps he saw something in you that resembled your namesake. Your newborn optimism, perhaps.
At your bedside night and day, Ghost became the first and only witness of your memories as they slowly revealed themselves to you.
Some were light-hearted, some were filled with the natural sorrow found in human life, and some were downright embarrassing; all of which gave Ghost gradual insights into who you are.
He eventually seemed comfortable enough to make fun of your more embarrassing ones, such as the time you went to a store your crush worked at, only to find that you had toilet paper stuck to the heel of your shoe the entire time.
This became somewhat of a joke between you and Ghost. One that the staff seemed to find confusing.
Whenever staff escorted you to and from the bathroom, Ghost would look down at your feet.
“No toilet paper to worry about this time,” he’d say.
Your face would burn at the memory, but you’d laugh regardless.
You also forced him to listen to music that came to you as visions from another time, tunes which you’d hum to Ghost, who recorded them, took them to whoever, and would come back with the song it originated from.
Soon, you had three or four CDs which contained music you’d enjoyed before your amnesia.
They all felt and sounded familiar. Comforting.
You’d implore (guilt trip) Ghost to listen to them, too.
His face - his eyes, really, the rest of it was covered - were blank as you passed him the headphones, preparing himself to listen to whatever you’d found that day.
He gave no indication of whether he enjoyed it or not.
“I can see why you like it,” is all he would say, passing the headphones back to you.
“Oh?” you said once, laying the headphones on the bed. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Ghost leaned forward onto his knees, elbows propped upon them.
“It means,” he began, “that I’m not surprised this is the type of music you listen to.”
You feigned hurt, having slowly regained your ability to utilise humour after your diagnosis, the days getting easier.
“Well, I bet I can guess what type of music you like to listen to.” You held a smile on your face, just bordering on smug.
Ghost gave you a look. “Oh yeah?” he said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “Go on, then.”
You pretended to think for a moment, already having thought this question through many times before. Ghost was elusive, that much was plain to see, yet you imagined him in ways that made him familiar - human - to you.
“I bet you like metal,” you said. “Heavy.”
Ghost gave a sound that may have been a laugh.
“Am I that easy to read?” he said, a smirk vague in his tone.
“No,” you replied, innocently. “I’m just not surprised that’s the type of music you listen to.”
Ghost gave a slow, sarcastic, demeaning clap, muffled by his gloves.
“All right, well done,” he said, the smirk in his voice growing.
The two of you played board games together, too.
Initially, he let you win, claiming that life in the military had left him “No time for leisure.”
Translation: “I haven’t played board games in an age.”
You picked up early on he was letting you win and insisted on having him play fairly.
There was something deeply enigmatic about watching a trained soldier try and mask his frustration when he lands on Mayfair for the third time in Monopoly.
Whenever you’d lose you’d challenge him to another game, thus continuing the cycle of celebration and condemnation, with you claiming he was “cheating” when he won.
“You told me to play fair,” Ghost would say, a smugness in his voice.
Not all times with Ghost were light-hearted, however.
Even if his presence reassured you, there was the overwhelming feeling that you were missing out on something.
You knew you had family, if they were still alive, but you didn’t know them.
Friends, too. You wondered how many you had.
If you had a crush, that meant you interacted with people on some scale, right?
And it was in times like these, times when you just wanted to go home, wherever that was, that Ghost was there for you.
More often than not you’d end up in tears, trying to stifle them.
Ghost said nothing as you wept, chiming in only when he deemed the onslaught over.
“Why don’t blind guys skydive?” he said once.
You sniffed, wiping your nose, and looked at him.
“What?” you said.
“I said, why don’t blind guys skydive?”
You looked down, as if the answer lay in your hands. You shrugged.
“Scares the shit outta their dogs.”
Silence for a second. And then, a laugh.
You gave a laugh, airy at first but firmer the longer it went on.
You put a hand over your mouth, as if to hide your growing smile from Ghost.
Wiping the streaks of tears from your cheeks, you looked at him.
“Thank you,” you said. “I feel a little better.”
“S’what I’m here for.”
About two weeks into your rescue, your physical training began.
Having fully recovered from malnutrition, Base wanted you to start learning how to walk again, both for your convenience and theirs.
Ghost attended each meeting you had to go to, watching from the sidelines as a nurse guided you between two wooden poles.
The sessions were tough. Very tough.
You felt useless, responsible for your own suffering.
“If I’d done more, if I’d fought harder-”
“Then you’d be dead,” Ghost would insist whenever you questioned your choices.
“Types like the ones who kidnapped you don’t enjoy people who can easily fight them off. Trust me, you did the right thing.”
After sessions, you were usually tired, opting to try and push for an extra hour or so to get back your ability to walk quicker.
The nurse would insist you rest immediately afterwards.
One evening, you wanted to push yourself.
“I need to do this,” you told Ghost, pulling your legs over the side of the bed. He stood by your bedside, waiting to catch you if you fell.
“I need to-” you slid off the bed, lost your balance, and fell into Ghost’s arms.
His chest was rock solid, and he held you by your arms, close to him, helping you back up.
“You need to rest,” he said, trying to guide you back to bed.
“No!” You yelled, immediately regretting it.
Still in Ghost’s arms, you looked away, shame overtaking you.
“I’m sorry, Ghost, but I- I really, really need to…”
You didn’t finish your sentence. Ghost remained silent for a minute, then nodded.
“Alright,” he said, pulling you away from the bed.
“I’ll help you.”
In your room, Ghost walked a few laps with you, his hold emigrating from your underarms to your elbows, and then to your hands.
You took uneven, shaking steps, but they were steps in the right direction.
You smiled back at Ghost as he stood behind you, helping you.
Another couple of weeks passed. Ghost would give you secret after-session sessions, helping you walk wherever you pleased (within the confines of the room).
You were still shaky, very weak in certain areas, but you were getting stronger, more reliable.
You got to know Ghost more whenever you were resting in your room.
“My favourite colour,” you began one day, “is…[f/c].”
Ghost gave a brief noise of acknowledgement.
“What’s yours?” you asked, continuing to colour.
Ghost spoke plainly. “A secret,” he said.
You blinked, wondering if you’d misheard him.
“Huh?” you said, looking up at him.
There was no humour in his eyes. He was dead serious.
“Aww, come on!” you said, oddly hurt by his lack of willing. “You don’t trust me?”
Ghost’s eyes said everything and nothing at the same time.
“Depends,” he said, diplomatically. “D’you trust me?”
“Yes,” you said, without hesitation and with all the certainty of someone who felt nothing but trust and blind faith.
Ghost’s eyes widened for a second, as if he wasn’t expecting your answer, or maybe the light was playing tricks with your eyes. 
Sensing he wasn’t going to say anything, you tried to cover for his absence.
“I mean, it’d be hard not to.” You looked down at your colouring book. You became warm, as if confessing something personal.
“You saved my life, you protect me, you’re always there when I need you,”
“Because it’s my job.” Ghost’s declaration came out as if it were an attack, a deterrent for you to not pursue this line of thinking any further.
You swallowed and continued on.
“Yeah, you could say that,” you said. “But you took this job.”
“I was assigned-”
“No, no, not this one,” you said gesturing to the room, looking squarely at him. “I mean as a soldier.”
Ghost said nothing, only watching you.
“Why would you take a job protecting people if you didn’t see yourself as trustworthy enough for them to rely on you?”
Your question was simple yet revealed a lot. Too much for Ghost’s liking.
Ghost gave no response, his gaze travelling elsewhere.
You dropped the conversation.
The room returned to silence.
“Green.” Ghost’s voice came out of nowhere, low, making you jump.
You looked at him. He said nothing else.
You swallowed, looked down at your box of pencils, and withdrew a green pencil. You passed it to Ghost, who took it reluctantly, and turned the colouring book so he could reach it.
You coloured the rest of the page together.
Then, the interrogations began.
What memories and names Base didn’t gather from your notes, they tried extracting from you in ‘interviews’.
They were simple enough at first: what did you see during your time with the cartel; what were the names of the people you encountered (ones which you hadn’t already alerted them to); how long were you in the cartel’s captivity, etc.
The interviewers were firm yet didn’t push too hard in areas which were still hazy to you.
You gave every detail you could remember and passed on every memory, no matter how small, about your time in captivity.
It brought back unwelcome feelings, the fear, the hunger, the shame…
You were offered psychological aid, which you found to be of some help, though there was an itch the psychiatrist couldn’t quite scratch.
One that you spoke to Ghost about.
“It’s like…it’s like they’re going by a script,” you said, walking with Ghost around your room, leaning against him as you navigated the circuit.
“Like they’re trying to help, they want to help, but…”
“But?” Ghost’s voice was heavy behind you, like a wall. You stopped shambling and Ghost came to a stand-still behind you.
“But…they don’t know how. They don’t know how to help me because they’ve never-”
“Been in your situation.” Ghost finished your sentence.
You turned to look at him, mouth agape as you heaved laboured breaths, your exercise having taken it out of you.
You felt a shiver crawl up your spine. Recognition.
“Yeah,” you said, exasperated. Finally, someone understood!
Ghost nodded. “I know how it feels.”
You both sat down, you on the bed and Ghost in his seat. You shifted, watching him. He searched for something to say.
“I know how your situation’s affected you,” he said. His gaze flitted from your eyes to anywhere else. “And I wish I could say it gets better. But…”
His eyes looked hard, dark. His gaze finally settled on you, penetrating your soul.
“Look, the only way you can start to rebuild your life is to talk to someone.”
“You mean…” You dared not let your gaze slip.
Ghost gave a fractional nod.
“I know these shrinks ain’t much good when it comes to our kind of trauma, but talkin’ to someone who’s been through what you have might make you feel like you’ve not lost the plot.”
You felt like a breakthrough had been made. Something, maybe excitement, crawled up your throat.
“Our?” you said, quiet, as if sharing a secret. A small smile tweaked at the corners of your lips.
Ghost gave no confirmation. But the silence was enough.
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, alongside recovering more menial memories of your past, the interrogations became harsher.
You told and retold the interrogators everything you knew, any new developments which had occurred to you, forced to relive everything which had reduced you to your current condition.
But they weren’t satisfied.
They thought you had something to hide. That you were covering for the cartel by withholding names and knowledge.
The second you were back in your room, you broke down.
You ranted and raved to Ghost, who listened intently, his attention solely on you.
In one hand you squeezed your fist, looking for your stress ball; the one that, ironically, was given to you by the same people who had caused you to need it now.
You couldn’t find it. You turned to Ghost.
Hyperventilating, in your panicked, angered state, you reached out to him.
“Can I squeeze your hand?” you said, words spewing out faster than you could think about them.
Ghost seemed rigid.
You swallowed thickly.
Ghost took a step towards you and, slowly, he raised his hand to you.
You took it, squeezing it, trying to stamp out the anxiety pulsing through you.
With your eyes closed and breathing evening out, you held Ghost’s hand close to you, your grip lessening with every minute that passed.
After your attack, as you got ready for bed, outside of your field of vision, standing just outside your room, you didn’t see Ghost.
Didn’t see him look down at the hand you’d so intimately held, squeezed, close to your chest.
He could feel your remnant, phantom warmth encompassing it.
He clenched his fist, as if trying to hold your hand, the memory of it which swam around his like fish in a pond.
A couple days later, you were set for another interrogation.
While you were holed up in that room, Ghost remained in yours.
He searched for your stress ball, the image of your tear-stained face in the forefront of his mind.
Somewhere within his psyche, as he scoured the space for that little yellow sphere of temporary distraction, your voice echoed.
It thanked him for finding it, held him in its grip, drove him.
The warm gratitude you’d express plagued him, encompassing him in a similar, diluted warmth he’d felt when you held his hand.
He glanced under your bed. And there it was.
He plucked it and turned it over in his hand.
The gratification of seeing your face light up when he presented it to you fizzed in his mind.
And then another, heavier thought crossed his mind.
The feeling of you close to him, holding, gripping him in your time of need…did something to him.
He’d be the last to admit that he hadn’t felt warmth like that in a long time. And to forfeit it just for a moment’s gratification seemed a waste.
Ghost glanced at the ball. He deposited it deep into his pocket.
He told himself he’d return it to you later.
Later. Later.
Later came as you hobbled down the corridor with the help of a frame.
You seemed stressed. In need of release.
Ghost slid his hand into his pocket. Squeezed the ball.
“Did you find it?” you asked, hopeful. Your optimism was difficult to ignore.
Ghost shook his head. “Negative,” he said, a habit he’d picked up. Slow and intentional. He knew what he was doing. “But I’m here if you need me.” 
And need him, you did.
You ended up confiding in him how the interrogation went, how the interviewers had made you feel like you had something to hide.
All the while, you clutched Ghost’s hand.
No amount of pressure you could muster could possibly hurt him, yet Ghost could tell you were holding back what little strength you had - both physical and mental.
“Don’t be shy,” Ghost said, voice cutting through your anxious ramblings. He looked down at your conjoined hands. “Squeeze harder.”
Something in the way you looked at him, with a look that said ‘I don’t want to hurt you’, crossed your eyes.
A look Ghost had nearly forgotten in his line of work.
You eventually fell into a comfortable rhythm wherein you would squeeze Ghost as hard as you could, leading to him faking injury at one point.
You chided him, you both laughed (or, Ghost nearly laughed), and you rested against your pillow.
“You know,” you said, turning to Ghost, “one day, I hope we won’t need a military.”
You were exhausted. Ghost could tell. He humoured your sleep-deprived ramblings regardless.
“So that people like you don’t have to fight for us.”
“Oh?” Ghost said. He’d be lying if he said his curiosity wasn’t piqued.
You nodded, movements growing sluggish, lethargic.
Your hand still held Ghost’s, resting it upon your stomach.
“You’re people, just like us.” You said, yawning. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Ghost felt an unfamiliar warmth spark in his chest. He ignored it.
“Not gonna happen, I can assure you that.”
“Which part?” you asked, eyes shutting.
Ghost leaned to mutter in your ear: “I’ll always be here to protect you.”
He didn’t know if you’d heard him.
When he withdrew, you were asleep. Still holding him.
He pulled his seat closer to your bedside, unable to bring himself to dislodge his hand from yours.
And that’s how he found you the morning after, awaking from his rigid sleep, still conjoined.
And thus, a habit was born.
After each interrogation, or psychiatrist visit or physical rehabilitation session, you would return to your room with Ghost and squeeze his hand until your anxiety dissipated.
All the while, your memories had begun returning at a quickened pace.
Ghost was learning more about you day by day.
Your favourite food, your home country, the names of your family members.
Your real name.
When he’d heard you say it for the first time, he swore the room got brighter.
It was beautiful and personal in ways that ‘Fawn’ could not compare.
It gave him a place to start searching for traces of you elsewhere.
Social media accounts, certificates, places of work and education - he knew he could find it all.
To make sure you were better off at home than you were at the Base is how he’d justified this interest to himself.
He still called you Fawn when you were alone, the name an inside joke between the two of you.
Speaking of, Ghost exchanged many jokes with you.
Regardless of how illogical or downright plain they were, you laughed each time.
Genuinely laughed.
Ghost wondered if you’d have reacted the same had you not been in the situation you were in right now; practically tethered to him and needing him for everything.
Well, almost everything.
After a few months of physical rehabilitation, you could just about walk again.
Your balance was a little off and you still needed the frame, but it was a start!
Ghost was there with you to celebrate, which, despite their best efforts to make you feel like a caged bird, the Base celebrated, too.
You’d been incredibly useful to them, having turned up many new leads for them to investigate.
As a reward, Base let you do something which caused Ghost to wonder if this was really the best decision.
They let you go to a bar with the boys.
To clarify, they said you could leave your room, the news of which travelled around the Base until it reached the ears of Ghost’s team.
“When were you gonna tell us?” Soap said, Alejandro nearby.
Ghost’s face was blank.
“Didn’t deem it necessary,” he said. And left it at that.
Naturally, Ghost’s team came to visit you and asked if you wanted to go to a bar with them.
“All that alcohol might help you remember something,” said Gaz, looking between you and Ghost.
You looked to Ghost, who, under the silent scrutiny of the other Force members, knew he couldn’t deny you of this freedom.
“Sure,” he said on your behalf. His eyes found yours and, while yours were filled with hope, Ghost’s seemed to exhibit a darkness never before seen by you.
You squeezed his hand that night you were set to leave.
“What if they don’t like me?” you said. “What if I was a terrible person and I remember all the bad things I’ve don-”
“Doesn’t matter.” Ghost’s voice came as a welcome distraction. You looked at him, swallowing your nerves.
“So what if they don’t like you? S’not like you’ll ever see them again.”
Ghost realised what he’d said wasn’t what you wanted to hear when your eyes widened, at which point he cleared his throat and tried again.
“What I mean is that they’ll like you regardless. Hell, they’re excited to just meet you after you’ve been holed up in confinement for the last few months.”
“You think so?” you said. Ghost nodded. And squeezed your hand back.
“I promise.”
The bar was nothing spectacular, being dimly lit and made solely out of wood, it seemed. But it was a change.
Creaking into the room, Alejandro spotted you first, throwing a cheer your way, followed by the rest of the Task Force, turning to face you.
Ghost was your shadow, large and wall-like behind you.
You held onto his wrist, daring not to let go, your other hand on the frame.
“Welcome, (Y/N),” said Gaz, lifting his drink in your general direction before taking a  swig.
You gave him a slight wave, a shy smile crossing your features.
“Come, take a seat with us!” Alejandro hollered, waving you over.
You cast Ghost a glance over your shoulder. He nodded stiffly and you made your way to the group.
Ghost came to your side, with you gripping onto his arm.
His hulking mass beside you relieved you somewhat.
And, though he wouldn’t admit it, having you cling to him brought back the same feeling he experienced whenever you squeezed his hand.
Was this perhaps…liking?
The cheers of the team cut his thoughts short.
He knew you’d be safe with his team if he just left. And, with your warmth radiating through him, he felt that he needed to take a step outside to rid himself of this growing affliction.
He made a move to detach himself from you, and, quick as lightning, your hand was atop his.
“Don’t leave,” you whispered to him, eyes pleading as you snapped to look at him.
His heart jumped. Something in him stirred.
“Alright,” he said. “I won’t.”
“Hey,” came Alejandro’s jovial tone. “I can see why Ghost’s been hiding you away and keeping you to himself all this time.”
You felt your face heat up at the implication, then feigned oblivion. Just in case you were misreading the situation.
“Oh?” you said, tone inquisitive.
Alejandro nodded. “You’re very attractive.” He gave you an eye smile.
Your face felt as if it were on fire.
“Ah, look what you’ve done,” came Soap, emerging from the group. “You’ve gone and embarrassed (Y/N)!”
All the while, Ghost was beside you.
He seemed…rigid.
“That’ll do.” Ghost’s stern voice came, cutting through the chatter of the bar.
You nuzzled further into his side, as if trying to cover yourself.
You and Ghost settled into a quiet section of the bar after that, Soap, Alejandro and Gaz coming to pay you a visit whenever they brought you a drink, chatting for a minute or two before feeling ghost’s icy stare on their backs.
That night, laying in bed, you cast Ghost a tired smile.
“M’sorry I’ve been so clingy recently,” you said, Ghost tucking you in beneath the covers.
“Don’t be stupid,” he said, trying not to make eye contact with you.
Leaning back into your pillows, you reached for Ghost.
“Nervous?” he said, placing his gloved hand in yours.
“No,” you said. “Just want you nearby.”
Ghost’s heart spiked. He ignored it.
You fell asleep with his hand on your chest, hands holding his.
Ghost couldn’t bring himself to fall asleep without taking you in.
Even in the darkness, your features struck him as ethereal, your temperament and trust enrapturing him in ways he’d never been before.
He sat beside you, your loyal guard, watching over you through the night.
At some point, perhaps lulled to sleep by your rhythmic breathing, he joined you in a world far from this one, in a house you’d never seen before yet had lived in for years. You were happy, with Ghost behind you, unmasked, holding you.
Whether you shared this dream or not was irrelevant to Ghost. The only thing that mattered was that this, for now, felt real.
And yet, dreams can only satisfy the human lust for that which they do not have for so long.
The next day, more confident in your physical ability, you asked Ghost something which held an implication you weren’t yet aware of.
“Play Twister with me,” you said. You had a small smile on your face, one which Ghost was finding more and more difficult to deny.
After much pleading and begging, he eventually relented, more fond of the idea than he’d let on.
However, there was a stoic hesitance about him.
“I might hurt you.” His voice was sincere, yet his tone felt blank, as if he were protecting himself from the thought of injuring you.
You just smiled. “Never,” you said. “I trust you.”
Ghost scarcely contained the warmth seeping through his chest, threatening to make him smile.
He suppressed it.
“Fine,” he said.
Half an hour later, you were tangled together, neither relenting as your competitive nature got the better of you.
You span the dial, then called to Ghost: “Right foot, yellow!”
You tried. You really, really tried. But being pinned under the weight of a 6’2 ½ man and only just getting your strength back didn’t exactly give you an advantage. And stretching yourself too far, spreading your strength too thin, caused you to crumble.
You yelped, falling onto your front, winding yourself.
Ghost remained stationery on top of you.
You turned over onto your back and looked up at him, laughing.
“You can let go now,” you said. “You’ve won.”
“I know,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you knew that.”
You gave a breathless laugh, hands either side of your head.
Ghost lowered himself onto his knees, your legs caged between them.
He didn’t notice until he felt your thighs touch the inside of his legs, at which point he became aware of the position you were in.
His hands were on either side of your shoulders, trapping you beneath him.
You went quiet, the only noise being your laboured breathing as you regained your breath.
You were so close, you noticed, able to see Ghost’s dark eyes searching yours.
Neither of you spoke.
Slowly, cautiously, Ghost leaned down, drawing closer to your face.
You watched, frozen by your own indecision.
Sure, you liked Ghost, but did you like like him?
Your body decided the latter as you tried to meet him in the middle. Instinctual.
The material of his mask just grazed the tip of your nose when a hurried knock came at your door.
Your heart jumped and you gasped, both you and Ghost turning to look at the door.
You regained your breath, chest heaving. “We should…um…” you struggled to find the words to say, sliding out from beneath Ghost.
“Yeah,” he said, getting up. He offered a hand to you, which you took, and hoisted you up.
You landed on his chest, his hand still gripping yours.
You couldn’t bring yourself to let go, and neither could Ghost, by the looks of things.
But alas, the doctor was persistent, calling your name through the door.
You parted without another word, leaning onto your nearby frame. Ghost assumed his usual tall posture, shaking the situation off his shoulders as if it were snow.
A couple weeks later, the foundations upon which you and Ghost had built your friendship came tumbling down.
Base had announced that they were sending you home, having gotten in contact with your family.
More of your memory had resurfaced, as had your strength; enough to reduce the risk of you getting injured somehow during transit.
Upon hearing this, you and Ghost had very different reactions.
Your heart swelled and you cheered, the thought of reuniting with your family again making your body light up.
Ghost remained quiet, no different from usual. But something about his quietude felt…off.
Base would discharge you within the next day or so.
You related your plans of what you would do when you returned home.
“I’m going to go to the beach, I’m gonna read more, I-”
Ghost tuned you out, watching you with a vacant stare.
He knew he should have respected that you were bound to leave eventually, as all good things do. But…something about you made this separation more difficult than it needed to be.
Perhaps it was his ego, so inflated with your reliance on him that he could scarcely see himself having any value outside of it.
That was his first and final line of defence against what the real issue was.
As he watched you get excitable to get away from here, from him (he told himself), his resolve began to crack.
It had been chipped and scathed by other occurrences, sure. But this pressure, this final obstacle, threatened to destroy it entirely.
“What do you think, Ghost?” your voice tuned in as if it were re-emerging from water.
“About what?” he said. He saw little purpose in feigning interest now.
“About me being able to go home.” You wore a smile, a genuine smile. Ghost had seen enough to be able to identify it.
“Good,” he said. “Finally be out of my hair.” There was a venom in his tone that made you double-take.
You tried to ignore it, tried to focus on what the future held for you, but something in Ghost’s demeanour had changed. You sighed, dropped your previous train of thought.
“Ghost…” you said as you slid off the edge of your bed. Your balance had improved, making the trip to Ghost easier than it used to be. He reached out to grab you on instinct.
Standing before him now, you gazed into his eyes, trying to find the root of the issue.
“I wish we got more time together. Under different circumstances, of course.”
Of course, Ghost wanted to say, but he remained mute.
You placed gentle, cautious hands upon his chest, smoothing them over the fabric.
“You’ve been so good to me, and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that.”
Your hands inched their way up to hold the sides of his mask. He made no move to remove you. His eyes bore into yours, soft in a way you’d never seen them before.
He placed his hands upon your waist, pulling you closer to him, slowly, methodically.
Your mind flashed back to your game of Twister. How close you’d been then and how close you were now.
Without thinking, urged by some sorrowful desire, you pulled Ghost into a tight hug, burying your face into his shoulder.
You sniffed, feeling tears sting your eyes and throat.
Ghost’s arms gingerly encompassed your frame, sliding around your waist, securing you.
The aversion he had to physical touch seemed to dissipate from him as you felt his weight pile on top of you, no longer holding back.
Neither of you spoke.
In your mind flashed a future without Ghost, a very real possibility. In Ghost’s, a future of only you and him. A silent promise he made to the both of you.
It took some time but the two of you eventually separated, with you wiping your nose on your sleeve.
Ghost watched you, hesitant to leave. Hesitant for you to leave.
You went to sleep that night as you never had before; Ghost laying in bed beneath you as you rested on his chest.
In his pocket, Ghost squeezed the stress ball, having found more use for it than you had.
In his haze, overwhelmed by the scent and presence of you, came an idea.
Later that morning, as you prepared to leave the Base, Ghost returned your stress ball to you.
“You found it!” you exclaimed, taking the ball and holding it close to your chest. You beamed up at Ghost, though there was an evident sorrow within you. “Thank you.”
Ghost offered his hand to you as he had many times before. And, for what you believed to be the final time, you took it, squeezing it.
You didn’t want to let go.
And neither did Ghost.
You were escorted onto the aircraft, Base fearing that you may be a target for any remaining cartel members while in the country, thus issuing you with a more discreet method of air travel home; a small helicopter.
You watched as Ghost grew further and further away, waving to you as you did to him, until he was gone.
In your hand you clutched your stress ball. Looking down at it, you turned it over in your hand.
There was something on it.
Looking closely, you saw the unmistakable outline of a phone number written in black ink, along with the word ‘Ghost’ below it.
You smiled, the crushing dejection you’d experienced for many hours before evaporating, replaced with a feeling you had grown all too familiar with.
Meanwhile, Ghost got straight to work on tracking your location.
He wanted to know where that aircraft was going, when it would land, and approximately how long it would take for you to get home (and call him).
You may not have been able to see him anymore, but Ghost was watching over you.
This would be far from the last time you’d see him, he’d make absolutely sure of that.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
A/N: Due to tumblr's 4,096 character limit per text box (paragraph), I've had to separate the whole post out like this to be able topost it. I've tried putting the breaks where there would be a time skip so that reader immersion doesn't suffer too much.
Thank you for your patience :-)
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sungiesbabygirl · 3 months
Pissing in public | p.j
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pairings : jay x fem!reader
warnings : pissing in cunt, public piss ?, swearing, deep groans, nicknames (babe, princess, honey), forced to hold the piss, mentions of pissing on the street, based in the Japanese countryside, lmk if I missed anything
a/n : if you don’t like my work and feel the need to hate please block me immediately. Also plagiarism or stealing my work is not allowed!
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Today was a day unlike any of the other days you’ve had, both you and jay were in the Japanese countryside deciding to take a break from your jobs in Korea. Also you came to see your family but it seems like you didn’t want to admit that.
You were both currently walking down a long road to get to the accommodation that you had to get too, jay wanted to walk to the place you were staying but ended up getting you lost. With the help of a map you got the both of you along this long road which lead to your accommodation.
You had been walking for a few hours now, it was really hot in Japan hence the sun shining and the birds tweeting. Jay had his arm around your shoulder pulling you close to him as you both silently walked down the road, times like this didn’t require one to talk it was peaceful how it is.
but obviously someone had to ruin that mood.
“Babe, I’m really starting to need the toilet are we almost at the accommodation?”, jays desperate voice rang from beside you.
Looking forward to check if you saw a house in view, you couldn’t help but glance up at jay with a blank face. “No honey, if we were close to the accommodation we would have seen it ahead of us right now..”
A deep groan left jays mouth as he pulls you closer to him, he had been holding in his piss for god knows how long and you had started to feel really sorry for him. He was definitely going to piss himself soon if he didn’t get to the toilet but you knew he would never let himself release his liquid in his pants.
“This hurts too much.. can we please just stop off somewhere so I can piss?”, you stop in your place making jay also stop in his tracks, staring at you.
Was he being serious? You were in the middle of absolutely no where. This heat was getting to the both of you at this point, jay was going insane and you were barely holding in your annoyance.
“no babe. Clearly we can’t, we’re in the middle no where. Just go on the side of the road or in the field.”
A look of disgust flashes over jays face as he hears you tell him to piss on the side of the road or a field. He really needed to teach you about how he had more morals than that.
“I’m not going to do that babe I have way more morals than that, I’m not some gross person who does his business anywhere.
news flash he absolutely was someone like that, jake told me jay had pissed on the side of the road when they were on tour because he couldn’t hold it. And then there was that time jay had jerked off in the open because I had sent him a nude. But in my defense I didn’t know whether he was in a building or not, so it was still his fault.
“Then I guess you have to hold it babe.”, a deep groan leaves his lips as he stares down at you, shaking his head just a little.
“I’m not doing that, please let me piss in your cunt.. that’s all I ask I need to release it pretty girl.”, it did sound really tempting.. especially when he was so eager to release.
“fine.. but just this one time okay.”, jay quickly nods his head a smile adorning his features as he quickly grabs onto your hand and pulls you behind a big hurdle of trees.
There weren’t any passers by or even cars going down this road, maybe it had something to do with the fact your accommodation was private or it was a really haunted. Either way you absolutely didn’t care that he was going to fill you to the brim with his piss.
As his big hands flip up the skirt you wore around your hips a deep groan leaves his lips once again as he takes out his aching cock. He felt so relieved you had told him to put on a pair of comfortable pants for the airplane ride, now he got to reward you for doing something useful.
“God pretty girl need to piss inside of you, want your dirty cunt to hold in my piss to make me the happiest boyfriend alive.”, jays voice came out soft in a way, but dominant at the same time.
A whine slipped your lips as he pulls your panties to the side wrapping one of your legs around his waist and pushing his thick cock into you. There’s never a time you remember how long and girthy he is, it always seems like it slips your head. As he pushes in your hands grip onto his shoulders, mouth parted open and head tilted back. He filled you up so well.
“Jay please.. please fill me with your piss.. wanna hold it for you!”, you say with a whine, if someone else was able to hear that it would have sounded like you were a pornstar waiting to be fucked like the slut you are.
Without even saying anything jay starts to slowly thrust inside of you, his hands were gripping onto you so hard that you possibly would have bruises later. Small moans left both of your mouths as he continued to fuck into you at a mediocre pace, he didn’t want to fuck you hard because he wasn’t horny right now. He just really needed to piss.
“gonna fill you up pretty girl.. gonna fill you up and your gonna take it all!”
Your head moves instinctively on its own, rapidly nodding up and down as you stare at him eyes already glazed over. With a choked groan jay stills inside of you, eyebrows furrowing and his bottom lip stuck between his teeth. You felt so full already just because of his cock, but as soon as you felt liquid spewing into your cunt it was the end for you.
Your cunt throbbed and your body trembled as jay pissed inside of you, a whimper leaving your lips. This felt way too good to be true, it felt better than what you imagined. He clearly thought the same thing considering his head was tilted back and his eyebrows were still furrowed, a breathy sigh leaving his lips.
“feels so good jay.. too good.”, there was a part of you that felt absolutely disgusted about the fact you were being pissed inside but the other half of you was aroused.
As jays facial features start to relax he slowly pulls out of you making some of his liquid fall onto the grass, he places your panties back over your cunt putting his cock back in his pants.
“gonna hold that for me until we get to the accommodation where I’m going to make you spill it into my mouth okay baby?”, jay says as if it was completely normal to piss in your girlfriends cunt and ask her to spill it back into your mouth.
Shock wasn’t even half the emotions you were feeling right now, you didn’t even realise he wanted you to technically squirt it back into his mouth but Jesus did it make you squirm thinking about it.
“uh huh.. yes jay…”, with a nod of your head jay kisses your cheek, wrapping his arm back around your shoulder and walking back down the road with you towards the accommodation in which came into view after a few minutes of walking.
the end.
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a/n : feel free to request anything on the button that says ‘hard thoughts’ I’ll do anything!!
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