#(it’s not a lack of appreciation it’s a lack of time/social energy!)
kiesbrainjuice · 2 months
— CRAWLING BACK TO YOU ! bokuto kotaro
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➥ syn : the volleyball captain finally realizes his feelings for you and confess in a…crawling way
➥ wc : 3.4k
➥ tw : just a crawling to the windows bokuto :)
➥ a/n : I FOUND A BIG IDEA even if I was in a lack of inspo since…days. Lmaooo enjoy reading ;)
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The routine started innocently enough, just another day at Fukurodani Academy. The gymnasium buzzed with a symphony of sounds - volleyballs smacking against the polished floor, sneakers squeaking, and the cacophony of voices echoing off the high ceilings. Amidst this controlled chaos, one voice rang out above the rest, unmistakable in its enthusiasm and volume.
"Hey, hey, hey! Did you see that spike? It was like 'whoosh' and then 'bam'!"
Bokuto Koutarou, the ace and captain of Fukurodani's volleyball team, stood at the center of it all, his arms spread wide as if to embrace the entire gym. His hair, defying gravity in its trademark owl-like style, seemed to quiver with excitement. His golden eyes sparkled with an almost childlike glee that was infectious, spreading to his teammates like wildfire.
You couldn't help but smile as you leaned against the gym's entrance, your bag slung over your shoulder. This daily visit had become a cherished part of your routine, a moment of brightness before the long school day ahead. What had started as mere curiosity about the boisterous volleyball team had evolved into something more, something that centered around the whirlwind of energy that was Bokuto.
As if sensing your presence, Bokuto's head swiveled towards you, his face breaking into an even wider grin. "Hey! You're here!" he shouted, waving enthusiastically.
You waved back, your heart doing a little flip in your chest. It was time for your daily ritual.
Sauntering over to where Bokuto stood, you took in his appearance - the way his practice shirt clung to his muscular frame, the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, the way his hair somehow remained perfectly styled despite the rigorous practice.
"Morning, Bokuto," you said, infusing your voice with a teasing lilt. "I see your hair is defying the laws of physics as usual. What's your secret? Super glue?"
Bokuto blinked, then let out a booming laugh that reverberated through the gym. "Nah, it's all natural! Cool, right?" He ran a hand through his spikes, preening slightly. "Maybe I was just born to be a star!"
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Oh, definitely. You're practically glowing." Your tone was playful, but there was a hint of sincerity in your words that you couldn't quite hide.
However, as always, the nuance seemed to fly right over Bokuto's head. He beamed at you, taking your words at face value. "Thanks! I did have a good breakfast this morning. Gotta fuel up to be the ace, you know!"
You nodded sagely, fighting back a fond smile. "Of course. Can't have our star player running on empty."
This was how it always went. You'd drop a flirtatious comment, and Bokuto would respond with endearing obliviousness. It was frustrating at times, but you couldn't deny the charm in his innocent reactions. There was something refreshing about his straightforward nature, his inability to pick up on subtle cues. In a world of complex social dynamics and hidden meanings, Bokuto was an open book - one that you found yourself wanting to read over and over again.
As the days passed, your flirtations became bolder, your compliments more direct. Yet, Bokuto remained blissfully unaware, accepting your words with the same enthusiastic gratitude he showed when receiving a perfect set on the court.
One particularly memorable morning, you decided to up your game. Bokuto had just executed a powerful spike, the ball slamming onto the other side of the court with a resounding 'thwack'. As his teammates cheered, you caught his eye and gave him a slow, deliberate wink.
"Nice kill, ace," you called out, your voice low and appreciative. "You know, you're pretty amazing when you're all fired up like that."
Bokuto's chest puffed up with pride, but his response was as innocently enthusiastic as ever. "Thanks! I feel like I could take on the whole world right now!" He pumped his fist in the air, oblivious to the double meaning in your words.
You sighed inwardly, equal parts amused and exasperated. It was like flirting with a particularly cheerful brick wall.
It wasn't until a quiet afternoon, when the usual bustle of the gym had died down, that things began to shift. Practice had been particularly grueling that day, and even Bokuto's seemingly endless reserves of energy seemed depleted. He sat on the bench, absent-mindedly toweling off his sweat-dampened hair, his usual vibrant demeanor subdued.
Akaashi Keiji, the team's setter and Bokuto's closest friend, observed him with a mix of concern and curiosity. It was rare to see Bokuto so contemplative, and Akaashi knew from experience that a quiet Bokuto often preceded either a brilliant insight or a spectacular mood swing.
"Something on your mind, Bokuto-san?" Akaashi asked, his voice calm and measured as always.
Bokuto looked up, seeming almost surprised to find Akaashi there. He opened his mouth as if to speak, then closed it again, his brow furrowing in concentration. Finally, he blurted out, "Akaashi, you're smart about people stuff, right?"
Akaashi blinked, taken aback by the sudden question. "I... suppose so. Why do you ask?"
Bokuto ran a hand through his hair, a gesture that betrayed his nervousness. "It's about [y/n]," he said, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "She come around a lot, right?"
Akaashi nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He had noticed your frequent visits and the way you interacted with Bokuto. Unlike his captain, Akaashi was perceptive enough to recognize flirtation when he saw it. "Yes, she does," he confirmed, wondering where Bokuto was going with this.
"Well," Bokuto continued, his words coming out in a rush, "she always says these things. Nice things, you know? About my hair, or my plays, or just... me. And it feels different from when other people say nice things. It makes me feel all..." He gestured vaguely at his chest, struggling to find the right words.
Akaashi's smile grew a little wider. "Warm? Fluttery?" he suggested gently.
Bokuto's eyes widened. "Yeah! Exactly! How did you know?"
Akaashi took a deep breath, realizing that he was about to open Bokuto's eyes to a whole new world. "Bokuto-san," he said carefully, "have you considered that [y/n] might be flirting with you?"
The look of utter bewilderment on Bokuto's face would have been comical if it weren't so genuine. "Flirting?" he repeated, as if the word was foreign to him. "Like... trying to be my friend?"
Akaashi couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Not exactly," he explained patiently. "Flirting is a way of showing romantic interest in someone. It's like... testing the waters to see if there's a mutual attraction."
Bokuto's jaw dropped, his eyes growing impossibly wide. "Romantic interest? You mean... [y/n] might like me? Like, like-like me?"
Akaashi nodded, amused by Bokuto's childlike phrasing but touched by his innocent reaction. "It's very possible. She's been giving you a lot of compliments and attention. Those are often signs of flirting."
Bokuto fell silent, a rare occurrence that Akaashi knew signaled deep thought. He could almost see the gears turning in Bokuto's head as he replayed every interaction with you in this new light.
After a long moment, Bokuto spoke again, his voice uncharacteristically quiet. "Akaashi... I think I might like her too. Like, like-like her."
Akaashi felt a surge of affection for his friend. For all his bravado on the court, Bokuto could be endearingly vulnerable when it came to matters of the heart. "That's great, Bokuto-san," he said warmly. "Have you thought about telling her how you feel?"
Excitement flashed across Bokuto's face, his golden eyes lighting up with newfound understanding. "Tell her? Of course! Why didn't I think of that before? This is gonna be great!"
Akaashi blinked, a bit taken aback by Bokuto's sudden enthusiasm. "You're... not worried about how she might respond?"
Bokuto let out his signature booming laugh. "Worried? Nah! I'm the ace, aren't I? I've got this!" He puffed out his chest, his earlier doubts completely forgotten. "Besides, [y/n] is always saying nice things to me. She's gotta like me, right?"
A small smile tugged at Akaashi's lips. This was the Bokuto he knew - confident, enthusiastic, and ready to take on any challenge. "Well, if you're sure, Bokuto-san. Just remember to be respectful of her feelings, whatever she may be."
"Hey, hey, hey! Of course I will!" Bokuto exclaimed, jumping to his feet with renewed energy. "I'm gonna sweep her off their feet with my awesome confession! It'll be like my best spike ever, but with words!"
As practice wound down and the team began to disperse, Bokuto's mind was buzzing with excitement. He replayed every interaction with you, seeing them in a new light. The compliments, the lingering glances, the way you always seemed to seek him out - it all made perfect sense now.
The next morning dawned bright and clear, matching Bokuto's mood as he practically bounced into the gym. His enthusiasm was palpable, radiating off him in waves that his teammates couldn't help but notice.
"Someone's in a good mood," Konoha remarked, raising an eyebrow at Bokuto's even-more-exuberant-than-usual demeanor.
"Of course I am!" Bokuto exclaimed, his grin threatening to split his face. "Today's gonna be awesome!"
As the team began their warm-ups, Bokuto's eyes kept darting to the gym entrance. Any moment now, you would walk in, and he would sweep you off your feet with his amazing confession. He had it all planned out in his head - he'd stride up to you confidently, flash his best smile, and tell you exactly how he felt. It was foolproof.
But when you finally did appear in the doorway, something unexpected happened. Bokuto felt his words die in his throat.
You stood there, backlit by the morning sun streaming through the windows, and Bokuto felt as if he was seeing you for the first time. Your hair caught the light, creating a soft halo effect. Your eyes sparkled with warmth as they met his, and your smile - that smile he'd seen a hundred times before - suddenly seemed to hold the secrets of the universe.
"Morning, Bokuto!" you called out cheerfully, completely unaware of the internal crisis you'd just sparked in the volleyball captain.
Bokuto opened his mouth to respond, but no sound came out. His mind, usually filled with thoughts of volleyball and little else, was now entirely occupied by you. He noticed things he'd never paid attention to before - the way you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, the gentle curve of your neck, the grace in your movements as you walked towards him.
"Bokuto?" you asked, your brow furrowing in concern as you approached. "Are you okay? You're being awfully quiet."
Bokuto nodded dumbly, still unable to form words. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to be confident, charismatic, sweeping you off your feet with his awesome confession. Instead, he found himself struck silent, in awe of your presence in a way he'd never experienced before.
From across the gym, Akaashi watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and sympathy. He'd never seen Bokuto so flustered before, especially not in front of you.
"Earth to Bokuto," you waved a hand in front of his face, your tone a mix of amusement and worry. "Did you lose your voice or something?"
Bokuto shook his head, trying to snap out of his daze. "N-no, I'm fine!" he finally managed to stammer out. "Just... thinking about... volleyball stuff!"
You raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it, but decided to let it slide. "Okay, if you say so. Well, don't let me interrupt your practice. I just wanted to say hi before class."
As you turned to leave, Bokuto felt a surge of panic. This was his chance, he had to say something! But all that came out was a weak, "Bye!"
You glanced back, giving him a slightly puzzled smile before heading out of the gym. Bokuto watched you go, his heart pounding in his chest.
emo mode activated.
Once you were out of sight, he slumped to the floor, burying his face in his hands. "Akaashi!" he wailed, loud enough for the entire team to hear. "What just happened?"
Akaashi jogged over, crouching down beside his captain. "I believe, Bokuto-san," he said gently, "that you just experienced what it's like to be truly smitten."
Bokuto peeked out from between his fingers, his golden eyes wide with confusion and a hint of fear. "But... but I had a plan! I was going to be all cool and stuff! Instead, I just... froze up!"
Akaashi patted Bokuto's shoulder comfortingly. "It happens to the best of us, Bokuto-san. Sometimes, when we realize how much we care about someone, it can be overwhelming."
Bokuto slowly lowered his hands, his expression shifting from distress to determination. "Then... then I'll just have to try again! Yeah! I won't let this setback defeat me!"
As Bokuto jumped to his feet, his usual energy returning, Akaashi couldn't help but smile. This was going to be an interesting journey for his captain, and he had a feeling it was far from over.
"Alright, everyone!" Bokuto shouted, his voice echoing through the gym. "Let's practice hard! I've got a confession to nail!"
The team exchanged confused glances, but shrugged and got back to their drills. After all, this was Bokuto - and with him, anything could happen.
The moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the quiet streets. Bokuto trudged home, his usual boundless energy depleted after an especially grueling practice. He'd pushed himself harder than ever, trying to work out the frustration of his failed confession attempt.
As he walked, his mind wandered back to you. The way you'd looked in the morning sunlight, the concern in your eyes when he'd fumbled his words, the gentle curve of your smile as you'd said goodbye. Each memory sent a flutter through his chest, a sensation he was still getting used to.
Suddenly, Bokuto stopped in his tracks. A memory hit him like a spike to the face - that time you'd walked home together because he'd discovered you lived in the same neighborhood. Without a second thought, he pivoted on his heel and broke into a run, his exhaustion forgotten.
The streets blurred past as Bokuto sprinted, his heart pounding with a mixture of exertion and anticipation. He skidded around corners, narrowly avoiding a stray cat, until finally, he found himself on your street.
Panting heavily, Bokuto approached your house. The lights were still on in what he remembered was your bedroom. For a moment, doubt crept in. What was he doing? It was late, you were probably getting ready for bed, and here he was, about to...
Well, he wasn't entirely sure what he was about to do. But he was Bokuto Koutarou, and backing down wasn't in his nature.
With the agility of the ace spiker he was, Bokuto began to scale the side of your house. He'd never been more grateful for his athletic prowess as he carefully made his way up, using drainpipes and window ledges as handholds. 
Finally, he reached your window. Through the glass, he could see you sitting at your desk, engrossed in a book. You were wearing soft-looking pajamas, your hair slightly mussed, and Bokuto felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.
Taking a deep breath, he rapped his knuckles against the glass.
The effect was instantaneous. You jumped in your chair, the book flying from your hands as you whirled to face the window. Your eyes widened in shock as you recognized Bokuto, perched precariously outside your second-story window.
For a moment, you just stared at each other, the absurdity of the situation rendering you both speechless. Then, snapping out of your shock, you rushed to open the window.
"Bokuto?!" you hissed, your voice a mix of concern and disbelief. "What on earth are you doing? Get in here before you fall!"
You helped him clamber through the window, your hands gripping his arm tightly as if afraid he might tumble backward at any moment. Once he was safely inside, you stepped back, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Okay, explain," you demanded, your brow furrowed. "Why are you climbing through my window at..." you glanced at your clock, "11:30 at night?"
Bokuto stood there, suddenly very aware that he was in your bedroom, with you in your pajamas, looking adorably rumpled and confused. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, words failing him for the second time that day.
"I... uh..." he stammered, his usual confidence deserting him once again. His eyes darted around your room, taking in the volleyball posters (including one of him, which made his heart leap), the neatly organized bookshelf, the stuffed owl on your bed that he'd won for you at a festival last year.
You sighed, your expression softening. "Bokuto, are you okay? You've been acting strange all day. First, you barely said a word this morning, and now you're scaling buildings in the middle of the night. What's going on?"
Something in your tone, the genuine concern in your eyes, seemed to flip a switch in Bokuto. He stood up straighter, his golden eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your breath catch.
"[Y/N]," he said, his voice steady and filled with his usual enthusiasm. "I like you!"
The words hung in the air between you, Bokuto's chest heaving as if he'd just finished a five-set match.
"I mean," he continued, the words now flowing freely, "I really, really like you. Akaashi made me realize it yesterday, and then this morning you looked so beautiful I couldn't even speak, which never happens to me, you know? And I've been thinking about you all day, about how you always come to watch our practices, and how you laugh at my jokes, and how you make me feel all 'gwah' inside."
He paused, taking a deep breath before flashing you his trademark grin. "So yeah, I like you. A lot. And I climbed up here tonight because I couldn't wait another minute to tell you. Because you're amazing, and I want to spike all my tosses for you, if you know what I mean."
As his words sank in, your shocked expression slowly transformed. A blush crept across your cheeks, and a smile began to tug at the corners of your mouth.
"Bokuto," you said softly, your voice filled with warmth. "I like you too. I've been trying to tell you for months now."
Bokuto's eyes widened, his grin growing impossibly wider. "Really? That's... that's awesome! Hey he-"
His exuberant shout echoed through your quiet room, and you quickly placed a hand over his mouth, your eyes wide with alarm.
"Shh!" you whispered urgently, your heart racing. "My family is sleeping, and they definitely don't need to know that a boy climbed into my room tonight!"
Bokuto's eyes widened in understanding, and you felt his lips curve into a smile beneath your palm. Slowly, you removed your hand, your fingertips grazing his lips in a way that sent a shiver down your spine.
"Sorry," he whispered, his voice unusually soft. "I got excited. But can you blame me? The girl I like just said she likes me back!"
You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm, even as you glanced nervously at your bedroom door. "I do like you, Bokuto. A lot. But maybe next time, try confessing at a more reasonable hour? And preferably through the front door?"
Bokuto grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess I got a little carried away. But hey, it worked, didn't it?"
As you both stood there, smiling at each other in the dim light of your bedroom, the full absurdity of the situation hit you. Here was Bokuto, the boy you'd been pining after for months, standing in your bedroom in the middle of the night, having just confessed his feelings for you in the most Bokuto way possible.
Your heart swelled with affection. Despite the late hour, despite the risk of getting caught, despite the unconventional method - or perhaps because of all these things - this moment felt perfect. It was so utterly, completely Bokuto, and you wouldn't have had it any other way.
"So," Bokuto whispered, his golden eyes twinkling with mischief and joy, "what happens now?"
You glanced at your clock, then back at Bokuto, a mix of excitement and nervousness fluttering in your stomach. This was just the beginning, and you had a feeling life with Bokuto was going to be quite an adventure.
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Ⓒkiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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harmoonix · 6 months
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(Astrology/Asteroids Observations) ──────────────────────
ᥴꪮꪑꫀ ꪻꪮ ᭙ꪮꪀᦔꫀ᥅ꪶꪖꪀᦔ ᭙꠸ꪻꫝ ꪑꫀ ────────────────
❤️ - Asteroid Salome (562) in signs and their seductive trait:
Aries Salome - Their aura ♦️
Taurus Salome - Their sensuality 🍨
Gemini Salome - Their voice 🙈
Cancer Salome - Their energy 🫧
Leo Salome - Their power 🌻
Virgo Salome - Their naturalness 🦩
Libra Salome - Their beauty 🌺
Scorpio Salome - Their sexual appeal 🐞
Sagittarius Salome - Their spirit 🌆
Capricorn Salome - Their presence 🌠
Aquarius Salome - Their uniqueness ✨
Pisces Salome - Their love 💞
🖤 - Venus in Pisces/Venus in the 12th house (Venus in Pisces Degrees 12°, 24°) > Their love is so sweet and caring, these natives will make you their everything
❤️ - Venus in Capricorn/Venus in the 10th house (Venus in Capricorn Degrees 10°, 22°) > They appreciate true honesty and loyalty in their relationships and they expect the same thing back
🖤 - Venus in Aries/Venus in the 1st house (Venus in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25°) > Their beauty is within them and you can see that from a mile away, their energy can be felt everywhere
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❤️ - Sun/Neptune or Moon in the 12th house can make the native to have weird dreams sometimes, one thing is clear, always pay attention to your dreams
🖤 - Leo Placements especially Leo Saturn and Leo Moon/Leo Sun love to get their recognition/to be recognized for the things they had done
❤️ - Virgo Venus / Virgo Mars and those Virgo in the in the 6th or 8th house can indicate a love for being nurtured by their partners
🖤 - Asteroid Bless (92891) mini - observations
Bless in the 4th house can be blessed with a good family (ofc with good aspects and placements), blessed with ancestry/ancestors
Bless in the 10th house are blessed in their career/job/ blessed by the world and environment
Bless in the 2nd house can be blessed financially/worthy
Bless conjuncting the north node can give a blessed life path/life lesson
Bless aspecting Saturn, the blessings may come slower but they will be better for you 2x
Bless in the 11th house can be blessed with their friendships and social circles
Bless aspecting Juno (3) can be blessed with a good marriage/relationship
❤️ - Part of Fortune in 8th house or Scorpio can be lucky at money since the 8th house and Scorpio rule over legacy
🖤 - Mars aspecting Mercury can be easily provoked or prone to have a nasty comeback in talking when someone talks bad about them
❤️ - Pisces/Capricorn/Virgo and Aquarius Risings can often have dark circles around their eyes usually for the lack of sleep and their 12th house being ruled by dynamic planets
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🖤 - Your 2nd house can indicate how picky your are with food, Libra, Virgo and Pisces in the 2nd house are definitely very picky!
Capricorn/Cancer or Aquarius in the 2nd house have chances to become vegan or healthy eaters
Gemini or Scorpio/Sagittarius in the 2nd house may like seasoning food
Taurus in the 2nd house is the biggest foodie out here, they adore to eat
Aries or Leo in the 2nd house may like spicy food
❤️ - Sun at 0° degrees is indeed very rare and it happens when 2 signs change the seasons, the Sun at 0° indicates a new cycle and most times a newborn soul
🖤 - Sagittarius/Aquarius Chiron or Lilith (h12) > Fighting for freedom definition, fighting for their values and worth and their beliefs
❤️ - Capricorn Chiron or Lilith (h12) always fought to have their place in the society, when their rebellious nature some of these natives were raised around strict people
🖤 - I read somewhere that Lilith can indicate your subconscious fear/s, there was a thing about Lilith in the water signs being scared of water sources like being drowned, pulled in the water, dark water/maybe even animals from ocean/sea like sharks etc..
❤️ - Venus/Jupiter in the 9th house can be beneficial house for marrying/lucky in marriage (relationships)
🖤 - Sun or Pluto in the 8th house can be attracted to occult/magic/witchcraft and tarot/astrology too (Neptune as well)
❤️ - Jupiter square or opposite Lilith (h12) always think 'bout sex or naughty things even when is mkt the best moment to do it
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🖤 - Pluto in the 11th & 7th house can get envy from others because of their friends/relations with other people that may be influential
❤️ - Venus/Moon and Juno in the 10th house love to buy gifts for their loved ones as a love sign of them, gifting/spoiling
🖤 - Synastry observation: Are you curious if your specific person sees you as spouse/husband/wife material? Check if their Juno aspects your ascendant and vice versa
❤️ - Synastry observation: If they have their Venus in the same sign as your Moon you'll get along with each other very easily
🖤 - Asteroid Helena (101) and your beauty aura
Helena in Fire signs, are like wild fire in a desert, striking, hot, impressive
Helena in Earth Signs, are embodying purity and beauty with sensuality as their love sign, making the perfect match
Helena in Water Signs are hypotonic, they radiate like the ocean waves in the summer, dangerous but beautiful
Helena in Air Signs feel like the first breath, their beauty resembling a muse and their artistic side striking in
❤️ - Moon aspecting Neptune can listen to chilling music while trying to sleep or either ASMR because that can help them to sleep better
🖤 - Sometimes Saturn in the 2nd house can indicate a strict diet for keeping their body safe and healthy
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❤️ - Asteroid Juno (3) aspecting asteroid Thalia (23) mini observations (sextile/trine/conjunction)
The spouse will make you definitely to laugh a lot
Cherish spouse/relationship
Good humour in the relationship/marriage ) laying on the floor whole laughing relationship)
Making each other to laugh randomly
Spouse making your day better with their humour
🖤 - Saturn in Scorpio/8th house can have a fear of intimacy, or fear of being judged by their lovers, which can lead them to being anxious
❤️ - 10th and 2nd house placements love shopping 🛒🛍️, buying everything they can
🖤 - Saturn in Virgo/6th house can't focus on anything if their environment or place is dirty, they'll spend all day to clean or to make it home welcoming to their own place
❤️ - Chiron in the 1st house or aspecting ascendant tends to compare themselves with other and HONEY don't ever do that! The purpose of this placement is to heal not to damage it!! So never do that
🖤 - Asteroid Groom (5129) aspecting Chiron > The spouse can either heal you or you can heal them ( healing eachother) otherwise this aspect shows me a spouse who has been hurt
❤️ - 2nd house placements together with Cancer and Taurus placements may like/enjoy cooking
🖤 - Pisces/Gemini and Scorpio Moons can have a tendency to listen to sad songs more than usual, it's their mood
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❤️ - Venus aspecting Sun (all aspects) have a charming presence, their beauty is very luxurious and they shine always
🖤 - Jupiter trine ascendant gives the native a lucky charm in their appearance/looking even their presence is felt as powerful
❤️ - Venus/Libra or Taurus in the 4th house > Their home brings peace to them, they radiate Venus vibes in their home and can often decorate it aesthetically or artistically
🖤 - Some "mini - observations" about asteroid Ceres (1)
Ceres in Libra can indicate you need to nurture yourself especially when it comes to your beauty - don't doubt yourself
Ceres in the 4th house can have a nurturing/peaceful home and radiates purity also powerful ancestos
Ceres in Sagittarius Degrees 9°, 21° or Ceres in Sagittarius, the native likes to have their own freedom of soul and peace of mind
Ceres in Scorpio or in Scorpio Degrees 8°, 20°, placement gives a deep nurturing when it comes to sex and intimacy
Ceres in Aquarius or in the 11th house can be nurtured by their friends or vice versa, their find comfort and peace in their friendships
❤️ - Mercury aspecting Venus (all aspects) give the native a comforting voice, their voice is so pleasent to hear
🖤 - Midhaven In Libra/Taurus or Pisces can indicate working in a artistic field or having their degree on your midheaven
Libra Degrees 7°, 19°
Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26°
Pisces Degrees 12°, 24°
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❤️ - Capricorn Sun/Moon/Rising, one thing if you have one of those placements is PATIENCE 😭 I know..I know...things come with the time if you have these placements
🖤 - Saturn in the 12th house/Capricorn in the 12th house makes the native to be always tired somehow, from lack of sleep
❤️ - Lilith (h13 or h12) aspecting Saturn (especially conjunction) - Beware of the threats that may lead you to descend into hidden fears, phobias, and insecurities. This aspect also signifies the dissolution of karmic habits. (Saturn conjunct Lilith is particularly a powerful yet destructive karmic position)
🖤 - Some "mini - observations" if you have Lilith (h12) or true Lilith (h13) aspecting the Midheaven (MC) :
You can be seen as a sex symbol/seductive to the public
You can be seen as "dangerous" just for the the fact that you're different
You can attract jealous people along the way in your job/workplace/career
You can attract people's attention very easily/the energy of your midhaven
Your energy can come off as mischievous
People can gossip or talk a lot behind your back/being too much interested in you
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❤️ Another post in the pre-making to come for y'all 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 ❤️Ay ay ay! I just saw how long this post is...🫡 ❤️🙌🏼 Enjoy life as much as you can!!
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novlr · 7 months
How to write loneliness?
Loneliness is a universally shared emotion that shapes the psyche of your characters and the world they inhabit. It’s a silent force that can drive and change your characters, adding layers of complexity and pathos to their development. Here are some quick tips to write about characters experiencing loneliness.
May avoid social interactions.
Often choose to isolate themselves.
A lack of enthusiasm for activities they once enjoyed.
May appear distracted, distant, or aloof.
Neglect their personal appearance or living space.
Overuse technology or social media as a substitute for real-life interaction.
Engage in one-sided conversations with pets or inanimate objects.
Have a rigid routine that keeps them isolated.
Live vicariously through fictional characters in books and on TV.
Resist attempts by others to engage with them socially.
Conversations may be brief, superficial, and lacking in depth.
Avoid eye contact and physically withdraw in social settings.
Miss social cues or respond inappropriately during interactions.
Exhibit envy or resentment towards those with strong social connections.
Overly formal or distant, even with friends.
React negatively to offers of companionship or help.
Express a cynical or negative view of relationships and friendships.
Display relief when social interactions are over.
Deflect personal questions and redirect the conversation.
Have a small social circle but lack a true confidant or intimate relationships.
Body language
Slumped shoulders or lowered head to avoid drawing attention.
Minimal or restrained gestures during conversations.
A fixed or blank expression, showing their detachment.
Fiddle with objects or their clothing as a self-soothing behaviour.
Cross their arms or legs defensively when approached.
Sit or stand at the edges of a group, physically distancing themselves.
Might have a nervous tick or habit when faced with social interaction.
Exhibit slow or lethargic movements, suggesting a lack of energy or interest.
Have a personal bubble they are reluctant to let others penetrate.
Usually the last to arrive and the first to leave social gatherings.
Express a philosophical or poetic view on the nature of solitude.
Have an air of resignation or acceptance of their loneliness.
Harbour a secret hope of finding connection, but feel it is unattainable.
Quick to criticise or judge others as a defence mechanism.
Have a deep internal world that is rich and complex, contrasting with their outer displays of loneliness.
Believe that they are fundamentally different or disconnected from others.
Have a strong sense of self-reliance, seeing it as a necessity.
Demonstrate a fear of rejection or abandonment that prevents them from reaching out.
Heightened sensitivity to the pain of others, stemming from their own loneliness.
Experience moments of clarity or creativity when they are alone.
Positive story outcomes
Find strength and independence in solitude.
Experience personal growth and self-discovery.
Form a meaningful connection that alleviates their loneliness.
Gain a deeper understanding and empathy for the loneliness of others.
Use their time alone to develop a skill or pursue a passion.
Find that solitude allows for reflection and the development of a clear perspective.
Inspire others to appreciate their own company and find peace in solitude.
Become a catalyst for change, helping others to overcome their loneliness.
Create a work of art or literature that expresses their feelings and connects with others.
Their experiences of loneliness make their relationships more meaningful when they do occur.
Negative story outcomes
Become increasingly detached and withdrawn from the world.
Develop mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.
Make poor decisions due to a lack of guidance and support.
Grow to resent others, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.
Spiral into destructive behaviours as a way to cope.
Experience a sense of hopelessness about ever finding connection.
Become distrustful of others, hindering potential relationships.
Lose touch with social norms and struggle to reintegrate into society.
Overlook or sabotage potential opportunities for companionship.
Leave a lasting impression of sadness and regret in the narrative.
Helpful vocabulary
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moonastro · 10 months
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes.
°don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post(as i would entirely appreciate it).
Designated message= "look at me, look at me now".
-may have significant hands that other people notice. soft/beautiful/veiny/big/skinny etc. Could potentially use their hands a lot when talking or when carrying out daily tasks.
-i see that you are destined to unite but will take some time for you two to meet. When you do meet its going to bring everything you have dreamed of into your life.
-might be quite unfamiliar with emotions. may feel numb a lot or may not know how to handle emotions. Which may be from the fact that they carry a lot of emotional luggage that they just store. When they meet you you'll be able to guide them how to release those unnecessary emotions in a healthy way.
-the divine is LITERALLY guiding them towards you. like a magnet.
-i see a lot of people gossiping about them.😯
-in the eyes of others, they are very happy/witty/extraverted, when they are alone they might act differently.
-they are not in tune with their emotions which might be what they need to be working on in order to move forward. may be a life lesson for them???
-they may lack being independent. they follow other peoples footsteps which leads them not knowing who they are.
-definitely have curly/long hair.
-may like flowy/baggy light clothes.
-may wear bracelets/accessories.
-has a thing for flowers. may love the smell or likes flowers in general.
Designated message= "tell me you love me". "love me love me say that you love me".
-gosh, very clingy.(applies to some, take what resonates).
-very funny. comedian kind of funny. Will make you laugh a lot.
-may be insecure, is afraid to ask for help from others.
-very introverted.
-yup, hides from the world but wants to see it and travel. may have tendencies to escape current lifestyle.
-is very emotional (lol opposite from pile 1).
-has definitely been through a lot, very transformative life experiences which made them lose trust in others. Scorpio/8h energy
-is very stubborn and wants to do their own thing.
-i see them dreaming a lot. definitely prefers night over day. which may also make them have an interest in stars/astronomy/astrology.
-short hair.
-may have a significant pet or has a lot of animals. loves animals??
-has some type of scar/birthmark on the face or head.
-dark features, ex, dark hair, dark eyes.
-sharp jawline.
-Ooo love this pile ahhh. First thing that came up was success. very successful career. very reliable and VERY well known in workplace. business owner vibes.
-may speak multiple languages or may live in a different country. also travel quite often.
-they are definitely financially secure. They are literally up there with their money gains.
-can prioritise too much time on the job so could mean that they have no social life (some).
-you guys have already met or are going to meet very very soon.
-i see too much luggage and thoughts about work. may have mental health issues related from the fact.
-very tired individual. works too much. when meeting you they will definitely shine more as they will realise what they needed was you.😊aww
-may have Pisces placements. especially moon/mars.
-they might think that they don't need anybody because they have the standard dream life. that's not the case though.
-whenever you'll meet you'll definitely be the one to spark their life for sure.
-i see you two getting ice-cream/carnivals laughing A LOT. (i heard 'summer rain' so may meet in summer or when raining or you get the gist).
-have HUGE eyes. sleepy eyes. (some).
-muscular arms/chest.
-hairy (some).
-very tall, i see a huge height difference (some).
-is quite feminine/pure. not in a literal sense but may like accessories or clothes that may not be seen as masculine.
-very sexual couple.
-you are literally going to be thirsty for each other lol. may be into food play.
-they have high standards so they are not the one to choose anybody.
-very protective. oof take whatever ima say next with a grain of salt, they may become possessive in a not so cutesy way.
-check out pile 1 if you felt drawn to it as it may resonate to some.
-they literally will worship you. my gawd. you will be a literal goddess to them uhhh. want money? here. want new shoes? take my card. want to travel? lets go. That's going to be their mindset towards you. After meeting you they'll feel like its their job to protect and take care of you which again be careful as it may bring an unhealthy obsessions over you.
-they find it hard to communicate on a deeper level with others.
-yup, very into health and fitness. may be into strict diets like being keto/vegan etc.
-BIG. are gym freaks so you know how that turns out to be.
-plump lips
-may have a tooth gap (some)
-deep voice/significant voice.
That's it!! 🤍
Thanks so much for reading. i sincerely appreciate your time.🏵️
Feel free to give feedback and simply interact with this post however you'd like.⭐
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intuitively-her · 10 months
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What's next for you? (timeless)
Pile 1-(3 of swords, The Empress rx, 2 of cups rx, Strength, Queen of Wands, Knight of cups, 10 of wands, 6 of pentacles, 4 of wands, 7 of swords)
You've been holding onto this heartbreak for too long. It's time to open yourself up to love. Allow people to give you the love you deserve.🩷 Let people help you! Stop feeling so guilty. You also need to invest into more self-care. Take yourself out for lunch. Give yourself a spa day. Go on a shopping spree. Whatever you want! You deserve it after all these trials and tribulations. Invest into more beauty products like glossier, mac, or nyx.💄 Try out new hairstyles. It's time to step out of this sadness and remember who the f*ck you are! Exercise would benefit you and your mindset right now. For someone here, you need to stop telling people your business. Stop giving people updates. You need to re-evaluate your friend circle as well. Spend more time with your family and places where you feel safe and accepted. Nurture yourself more.🫶🏽
*Channeled song: Whatever you like by T.I.
Pile 2-(The Hanged Man, Death rx, The Tower rx, Devil rx, Knight of pentacles rx, The World rx, 9 of wands, 10 of cups, Queen of pentacles, Ace of cups, 2 of cups)
Everything will be okay babe!💗 By reading your energy, I can tell you're going through it rn. You've been holding so much in and holding onto so many outdated things and people. Things may seem like they're falling apart, but everything is actually slowly coming together for you. As hard as it may sound, you really need to keep your faith right now. This had to come to an end to make you see the path that's meant for you.🛤️ You needed to see how your current lifestyle and choices were no longer serving you. You have all the answers to your situation. Just block out the unnecessary noise and opinions. You really need to take a social media break. It's f*cking up your confidence. The more you let go of the past and make choices that serve your higher purpose, the closer you'll get to living the life you truly want. There's a lot of good things waiting for you! You really need to put in the work and come harder this time though. Expect new and genuine connections in the near future.
Pile 3-(3 of pentacles rx, 5 of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, The Fool, 6 of cups rx, Temperance, High Priestess, Page of cups, 3 of cups)
You're coming out of this period of lack and walking into abundance. 🌟 Something was keeping you unmotivated. Financial drought? Divorce? You've flipped the script now! You been working hard to master your craft. This is my self-employed pile. Someone here could be a lash tech? Or in the beauty industry. This era is all about risk and reward.🎰 Block out the distractions! Someone here could study arts and literature. Think outside of the box more, especially if you're working on a creative project. Give your audience/clients/professors something that they won't expect. You're taking care of your inner child more, and they're appreciative of that!🫶🏽 You're doing what makes you happy, unapologetically. Spending time with your friends and family is lifting your spirits. This is the healing you need! Start traveling more as well, it'll help open your mind.🌊 Keep walking on this path to greatness and making the choices that benefit you. You're doing amazing sweetie!🩷
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succulentsiren · 1 year
Practical Tips to Live A More Seductive Life: SucculentSiren x FemmeFataleVibe
It's my pleasure to provide this collab between FemmeFataleVibe and I. Seduction is a complex practice, so here we discussed new perspectives and ways to utilize it in your daily life. Thank you @femmefatalevibe for your enlightening knowledge. It definitely expanded my view on how to live more seductively.
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What does seduction mean to you?
SucculentSiren: Seduction is using enchantment to attract a desired outcome. You can seduce yourself, by applying certain self-beliefs or you can seduce others by developing a captivating influence.
FemmeFataleVibe: Being seductive cannot be reduced to a behavior, way of dressing, or speech. It is a palpable yet intangible shift in how you see yourself and how you show up for yourself alone or out in the world.
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FFV: Embrace an abundance mindset. Perceive new connections and opportunities as complimentary rather than a source of validation or self-actualization. Living as a seductress is only possible when you know you create a complete life without others' permission. You've already filled up your cup, so you have additional energy to give and receive to those individuals and projects that are deserving
SS: It is crucial to have a ‘Winners Mindset.” Shift your mindset from expecting to fail, to expecting to win. Envision yourself receiving your desires. Having this mindset eliminates anxiety and doubt around your capability in attaining what you want. You must also know that you are deserving of the things you are attracting. Be patient regardless of external circumstances. Keep your eyes in the prize and remain firm in your self beliefs.
Surrounding self with things that elevate you (people, hobbies, environment, décor)
FFV: Release any shame surrounding your pleasure-seeking fantasies. For a seductive individual, there is no guilt in living in a state of joy, fulfillment, and regular indulgence. Remind yourself that you're entitled to enjoy nice things –from your outfits and beauty routine to your meals, workouts, and our home environment. You should (generally) derive pleasure academic pursuits or professional identity, goals, relationships (of all types), and leisure activities. 
FFV: Allow yourself to feel deserving. Show up as the person you strive to be. Hold yourself, dress, speak, act, and move through the world in a way you aspire to be. Stop people-pleasing and allow yourself to minimize yourself or your goals for the comfort of others. Your peace of mind is the most sacred element of your being.
SS: Whether you know it or not, your surroundings have an immense influence on you. Who you spend time with, what you talk about with your company, who you follow on social media, what decorations you have in your home, etc. Everything around you influences you. So choose to be surrounded by people and things that make you better. Know your strengths and weaknesses but appreciate and learn from others as well. Remove the people that see with lack, stress and fear. Befriend people who uplift, motivate and inspire you to see abundance and opportunity in all areas.
Q: Do you believe that being a seductive person has more to do with physical appearance or personality? How do you believe someone can show up as a more seductive person through how they present themselves – physically, emotionally, or socially? 
SS: I believe seduction is a combination of inner confidence, mental agility and an appealing appearance. Using seduction towards yourself can help with building self confidence and create a positive outlook on how you view yourself and therefore influence other people to treat you with respect.
FFV: I believe that being a seductive person stems from genuine self acceptance of your most authentic desires, unshakable inner confidence, and non-negotiable level of self respect. To embody these qualities, I believe that a seductive person's energy will radiate naturally through their personality into their physical presence through traits, including good posture eye contact, and mannerisms. Similarly, I believe that unwavering self-respect is a care aspect of being a seductive person. So, naturally, I think that a seductive person will embody their character traits through both personality traits like setting strong (healthy) boundaries and taking care of their appearance (excellent hygiene, prioritizing their health, remaining thoughtful when putting themselves together - clean, well-styled outfits, makeup, hairstyles, nails, perfume, etc.).
Q: How do you think you can be a more seductive person in areas of our life outside of your romantic or intimate endeavors? Do you believe that seduction is more of a libidinal or creative energy?
FFV: I believe cultivating your inner seductress/seducer will make you a better conversationalist, writer, speaker, dancer, athlete, chef, project manager, learner, etc. In my eyes, libidinal and creative energy are one and the same. So, I see creative energy, by definition, as the art of transmuting libidinal energy into areas of your life outside of the bedroom and romantic pursuits (think Napoleon Hill's concept of Sex Transmutation as an exercise of will-power in his book, Think and Grow Rich). I think you can be a more seductive person in any area of life that requires confidence, high energy, stream-of-consciousness-level focus (flow state), and, of course, creativity. Anecdotally, I've found that understanding that good writing is akin to good sex & sexual chemistry has been one of the best ways to up-level my professional skillset.
SS: Seduction is a creative practice of attracting your desires, sometimes through material and emotional lures. It isn’t always sexual, but since seduction stimulates emotions it can create pleasure. I believe a person can use seduction in various ways. When most people think of seduction, they think of manipulation or sneakiness but seduction is just a simple art of attracting what you desire at all costs. Having this mindset can help with becoming open minded and relentless when pursuing goals. Instead of settling and accepting what you don’t want, seduction shows you alternative ways to attain your desires and live a life that you truly enjoy. Using seduction in platonic relationships, can help you better understand the needs of others. Such as, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. When you do this you make that person feel appreciated and heard. This quality alone enriches relationships, friendships and partnerships. Another example is disagreements. Seducers don’t have to argue, they listen and then strategize solutions that everyone can benefit from because no one wants to compromise if there's not anything that they too can benefit from.
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fishnapple · 6 months
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CRYSTAL READING: What messages come to you through dreams ?
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
Feedback is much appreciated ❤️
Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. Tiger's eye
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Some desires for order and security deep within you have been trying to find a way to get your attention through dreams.
Those dreams would pull your attention toward relationships. Relationships with people and with material possessions.
Uncover a desire for love and sharing.
A desire for your most vulnerable part to be protected.
I believe each of us has an inner authority.
And this inner authoritative figure inside you is trying to tell you that you're indeed being protected.
This inner protection could also manifest as an outside protection.
Each vulnerable part inside us will meet a counterpart strong enough to face and accept it.
Your dreams are telling you don't be surprised when your wishes do come true out of nowhere.
It may seem sudden to you, but actually, every small action you do during your daily mundane routine would reflect your inner desires and feelings. And they have been gathering force deep and ready to burst out.
Just a side note, going to social conventions, where there are lots of strangers, would bring some pleasant surprises.
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2. Agate
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Your shadow has something to tell you.
Shadow here does not mean anything bad or evil, just some parts that stay in the dark of your pysche, lacking your awareness. It could be a forgotten pleasant memory, a hidden talent waiting to be developed, an embarrassing thought, or just some mundane thing that was pushed to the back.
But here, your shadow is saying that the residence is getting crowed, too many residents are being crammed into the dark.
Maybe consider changing for a stronger and larger light bulb ?
While you may go about your life in pursuit of some happiness with other people, you are not aware of other aspects in your life getting neglected.
I see an image of an oblivious mother duck going ahead without noticing her children scrambling behind, struggling to keep up.
The message would involve food, eating, what you put into your mouth, and what comes out of your mouth.
A female figure would appear in your dream to tell you directly or subtly to take care of those aspects. To take it easy and maybe doing some light creative project with friends would bring in unexpected fun.
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3. Labradorite
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There are some frustrations. Not a big obvious one, but just some small itch. But with time, it could grow into some serious discontentment.
Your life may appear good, nothing chaotic or disruptive.
But the energy feels stagnant, being divided into small parts. Like the feeling on a humid summer day, the air is moist but quite suffocating. Everything is still and lazy, waiting for a release of thunderstorms.
This feeling could come from the environment you are in. Nothing too grand or exhilarating would happen.
So the dreams are showing you a yearning for something bigger, more foreign, out of the norm.
If left unchecked, this yearning would create some chaotic or spontaneous actions without your total awareness.
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4. Moonstone
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For those that chose this moonstone, the stone represents the moon landed nearest to the centre.
The biggest theme would be your emotional fulfilment, what is nourishing you.
The dream would be an intimate whisper, a soft word of solace for you.
When you are about to experiencing some change in your life, when your daily routine is disturbed, when the fun is take out, when you seem to be unable to find motivation, don't try to force anything.
Maybe inaction would be the best action.
A good meal, a nice, cosy sleep would do wonder.
Become more aware of what food you are craving and what reactions are arising inside. It would bring lots of light into your hidden part.
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faustinio27 · 2 months
BONNIE HUTCHINSON - Character profile (HL OC)
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Full name: Bonifacia Wilhelmina Hutchinson
Nicknames: Bonnie, Bonnie Minnie
Age: 15 (5th year)
Gender: Female
House: Hufflepuff
MBTI: ISFJ (Defender)
Blood status: Pure-blood
Social status: Aristocrat
Wand: Unicorn heart
Patronus: Bat : "The bat Patronus is representative of rebirth, honesty, and empathy. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person."
Animagus: Swallowtail butterfly (non-registered)
Boggart: Her disappointed mother
Amortentia: Vanilla, petrichor, gardenia
Favorite class: Herbology
Favorite teacher: Professor Garlick
Least favorite teacher: Professor Howin
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Old Disney princess energy
Hair: Type 4a, black
Eyes: Droopy, black
Skin tone: Deep dark
Height: 1m72 (5'6)
Distinguishing features: Teeth gap, mole under her right eye, thick eyebrows
Clothing style: Classy, Princess, Cottagecore aesthetic
Elegant and always clean-cut. She doesn't wear the robe of her house, just the puffy shirt and long black skirt, with the characteristic yellow Hufflepuff ribbon. With the uniform, she always has a pair of earrings that can vary, and her frizzy hair is tied back with a pastel-colored ribbon. She wears almost nothing but dresses or skirts. Outside school, she wears luxurious outfits. Although she likes to dress in pastel colors, most often yellow, green and white, she sometimes wears gloomy black and purple outfits, the colors of her family. She loves to wear clothes with plant, flower or butterfly motifs, and has a soft spot for ribbons. She has a lot of body hair and shaves regularly.
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Bonnie is a very gentle and sweet person, like a calm sun. She lights up the surroundings with her smile and optimism. Pacific by nature, she always chooses kindness and belief in others, which can make her seem naive. But she remains strong for her ability to choose peace when she has the capacity to hurt. Very popular for her beauty and gentleness, everyone has a crush on her. She's very sociable and is friends with everyone, but has few close friends. Only they know about her teasing side, which she hides, because it tends to bewilder others. You'll never see her get angry, unless she catches you mistreating plants or other harmless creatures. Coming from a good family, she's well-bred, polite and courteous. She can also be "appreciated" for her beauty and status alone, and faces many hyporcrites.
Bonnie is passionate about herbology, and confident in her abilities. Plants are her whole life, and she cherishes them as if they were her own children. She doesn't like when people see them only as tools, whereas she treats them as living beings. Many people think she's only good at looking after flowers and other pretty but useless plants, but what she prefers are dangerous and venomous ones, which tend to surprise people when they find out. Moreover, she has an attraction for all things normally repulsive and frightening: spiders, Sombrals, trolls, toads… Which makes her open-minded and not judge people by their appearance. But she tends to hide it, so as not to be linked to her family's dangerousness and to be feared. It's hard to scare her, as she keeps her composure, and she may appear reckless in dangerous situations. The Hufflepuff spends most of her time in the school greenhouse taking care of her plants, or can be found in the forest.
We might think that Bonnie lacks of ambition, because she doesn’t aspire to much. If she has to take over the family business and become a ruthless businesswoman, she dreams of a simple life, where she would live with her wife and children, and would take care of her plants in a small cottage. She has resigned herself to such a life and blindly follows the orders of her family, but still hopes to find the strength to break free from them. A certain Slytherin could help her…
Traits: kind, patient, romantic, calm, sociable, sensible, empathic, peaceful, naive, passive, idealist but tend to be fatalistic
Likes: plants (Tentacula venenosa are her favorite), tea parties, picnic, sweet fruits, wake up with the sun, Sombrals, spiders
Dislikes: gossip, close-mind and hateful people, dark arts, being seen as a fragile and defendless things
Good at: herbology, potions, singing, dancing, playing a harp
Bad at: defending herself, Quidditch, not being pretty
Hobbies: taking care of her plants, flying with Imelda, walk in the wild
Fears: losing Imelda, disappointing her parents, fire
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Imelda Reyes: The two students didn't get along at first. Imelda saw Bonnie as a silly girl, living only in her haughty little artistocrat world, and Bonnie saw her as cruel and contemptuous for her own pleasure. They spoke little to each other, had no friends in common, no shared passions, and tolerated each other for classes. Still, Imelda was stung in her ego that the Hufflepuff who liked everyone didn't like her, and Bonnie was vexed that she didn't reciprocate the kindness she showed. And so the years went by, Bonnie ignoring her and Imelda sparring, until Imelda came to her with a request for a potion to help her improve her Quidditch performance. From there, an exchange of favors between the two teenagers led to them spending more time together, learning more about each other, and growing fonder of each other. Until they fell in love.
Bonnie is the calm sunshine and Imelda the grumpy storm. Despite appearances, Bonnie loves to tease her girlfriend by flirting with her without warning, even though she knows it's unladylike. They support each other in their respective passions, even if they know nothing about them. Imelda appreciates her gentleness and optimism, while Bonnie appreciates her honesty, bravery and admires most of all her self-confidence. Both have learned to see beyond appearances: Imelda learns that kindness is an act of courage and use her strong personality to help her girlfriend, and Bonnie learns to stand up for herself and not let others do it to her while keeping her convictions. Bonnie confided to Imelda her secret of being an animagus, encouraged by the latter to show her true strength. Imelda gives her the confidence to assume who she is. The Slytherin loves her for who she is, not for how rich she is or what she's asked to be.
Ominis Gaunt: Ominis and Bonnie were engaged as children. The Huntchinsons want to mingle with the Gaunts to rise socially, and because it's an honor to link up with such a powerful and noble family. Especially because of their shared pure-blood ideology and hatred for the Muggles. Fortunately, the two children get along well and have become friends, and Bonnie's mother is counting on this alliance to rebuild her daughter's reputation. The children support each other through the difficult times caused by the toxicity of their respective families.
Now teenagers, the two don't talk about their union at school, which no one (except Sebastian) knows about. Although friends, they suspect that neither is in love. But they don't think they can escape an arranged marriage, and prefer to get married with a friend, rather than separate and risk having to marry someone they don't like. Until Bonnie fell in love with Imelda. Ominis found out, and encouraged her to follow her heart and defy her family, giving him the courage to do the same. They remained on good terms for the rest of their lives.
Adelaide Oakes: One of her roomates. They hit it off right away, with their calm, warm personalities. It was when Bonnie saw Adelaide persisting in her studies and her hobbies that she realized the gap in wealth that separated them: Bonnie's future was assured (if she decided to follow the path set out for her), but her friend had to fight to be able to have a decent life. Nevertheless, there's no jealousy between the girls, and they enjoy gardening together.
Samantha Dale: She and Bonnie got on well together, thanks to their passion for botany and their qualifications for potions. Samantha is a great talker when they're together, and likes to discuss anything and everything - classes, boys, fashion, etc.- when it's not about herbology. Bonnie wishes her friend were a Hufflepuff so they could spend even more time with together. They regularly form a trio with Adelaide around their passion for plants, and are known to be Professor Garlick's favorite students.
Natsai Onai: Bonnie is the first student that Natsai went to see when she arrived at Hogwarts, thinking she was also an African student. Although this was not the case, they became friends and she helped him quickly integrate into school and Scottish society. In return, Bonnie often asks her to tell stories about her home country, where she has lost its customs. Natsai tells her everything with pleasure, and wants to help her learn their language, as well as handle magic without a wand. Bonnie admires her bravery and determination, which she lacks of. She would like to be able to tell her that she is an animagus to fly with her, but hasn't told her. Bonnie is worried that some members of her family are taking a little too close interest in Natsai, being a pure-blood witch with her father killed from a muggle hunter, and to corrupt her with their anti-Muggles ideas.
Leander Prewett: Like her other friends, Bonnie and Leander have bonded over their shared passion for botany. He enjoys her company, not least because she's not stingy with compliments, and he finds himself invigorated after spending time with her. He also has a crush on the Hufflepuff that everyone seems to see except her (or she deliberately ignores him, because it's not mutual). Even if Bonnie is often asked why a girl as popular as she is spending time with such a loser, she simply replies that she enjoys his company, which is true. She doesn't regard him as a nobody nor with pity and defends his honor with composure, resenting anyone putting down her friend, even more if it's supposed to "compliment" her.
Mother Wilhelmina (animagus: black widow): Wilhelmina is a cold woman who could easily be nicknamed "Lady of Steel". She never smiles, and keeps her family under her thumb. Nothing is more important to her than the honor of the Hutchinsons and keeping her daughter in line with tradition. Wilhelmina has often been envied by those around her, especially her younger brother Augustus who envies her position as heiress, and who has passed this resentment to his sons. When Bonnie was born, she decided to not have another child, to avoid the same jealousy as her brother. But this puts even more pressure on Bonnie to live up to her expectations, as she is the only direct descendant. Wilhelmina loves her deeply as a child, especially as she had difficulty getting pregnant, and wants to keep her away from the toxicity of her relatives. Nevertheless, she fears her daughter's recklessness and raises her firmly to force her to toughen up. She's stingy with her compliments, but reminds her that she's doing all this because she loves her, and to protect her from their family of vultures. Unfortunately, Bonnie seems to prefer empathy to severity.
Their relationship has worsened with each passing year, first after the discovery of her daughter's butterfly animagus, then her entry into the Hufflepuff house, which has brought her ridicule among her own kind. Seeing that the situation is not improving, and that the whole family is beginning to think that her daughter is not fit to lead them and does not deserve her status as heiress, Wilhelmina is torn between her duty as family leader and her love for her daughter. Unfortunately, it's the former that takes precedence over the latter, and their relationship deteriorates to the point of toxicity.
Bonnie loves her mother deeply but is dependent on her and her opinion, finds it hard to assert herself and is afraid of disappointing her more than anything else in the world. She'd like to find a situation where she can live the life she wants, without it causing a rift between them. She would later talk about her relationship with Imelda, naively hoping that her mother would accept her daughter's pure love. All she received was anger and disappointment. Two main problems: Imelda is half-blood with a pure-blood mother and a muggle-blood father, and she couldn't have biological children with her (not to mention that the Reyes were neither wealthy nor influential). Wilhelmina tried to work out an arrangement, such as letting Bonnie take Imelda as her lover as long as she married Ominis, but her daughter remained adamant about a love marriage, causing an even greater rift between the two.
Father Lawrence: Bonnie doesn't have much of a relationship with her father. While her mother looks after their manor house and family business in the surrounding area, her father is busy expanding their market to Scotland and even the world, leaving them little time to see each other. Lawrence is a quiet, serious man, as is Wilhelmina. Both know that their marriage is about business, not love, and that he was chosen because of his pure-blood status, his disdain for the Muggles, and his business acumen. It was his wife who decided to take charge of their daughter's education, and he relies entirely on her. He hopes that Bonne will follow the path that seems so clear to her.
Uncle Augustus (animagus: onychocerus beetle): Augustus is Wilhelmina's youngest and first brother. He's charming and charismatic, serious and implacable. Augustus has always been jealous of his older sister, believing himself to be better than her in every way, and more capable of leading their family to better days. He thinks it's unfair that she should be the heiress only because she's the eldest, whereas he thinks he's more competent than her. He works with her in their family business despite their tensions. He only wants one thing: to see his sister and daughter fall so he can take over the family business and make his sons the heirs of the Hutchinsons.
Aunt Ahutiare: Ahutiare was a gentle, kind and cheerful Tahithian by nature. She had fallen head over heels in love with Augustus during their time together at Hogwarts, as he was a popular, wealthy, charming and gentlemanly student who promised her the world. Ahutiare had little confidence in herself, coming from a wealthy family of purebloods fresh to London, and that was exactly what interested her lover: a docile, submissive woman of pure blood like his own. They married soon after graduation, and she became pregnant not long after her husband insisted on having children as soon as possible. Little did she know that his sole motivation was to have heirs before his sister did. Year after year, the mask crumbled and Ahutiare caught a glimpse of the narcissistic pervert she had married. He took her children away from her and raised them with the help of a wet nurse. Ahutiare became a shadow of her former self, receiving no affection from her husband after giving birth, only luxurious jewels and fine clothes to show her like a trophy to his relatives. She blindly follows her husband and agrees with everything he does and says. She spends most of her time at home, and only goes out if he forces her to. Her zest for life died a long time ago.
Cousins Ambrose and Archibald (animagus: bullet ant / harvesting ant) : The Hutchinson twins take after their father, who taught them and instilled his values. They are two years Bonnie's senior, and will soon have completed their studies at Hogwarts, during which they have given their cousin a hard time. Despite being the oldest of their generation, they think it's unfair that Bonnie should be the heiress. To say they despise her would be an understatement. Ambrose and Archibald are brilliant, charismatic boys who are cold, ambitious and ruthless. They're very popular, especially among the Slytherins, who rally to their cause rather than to the Hutchinson heiress, not to mention the support of their own family. The twins are never without each other, but their friendship hangs by a thread, as they would be ready to kill each other to define who would take over the family. One of them seems to have a particular interest in Natsai…
Uncle Hugh (animagus: scolopendra millipede): Hugh is the youngest of his siblings. When he entered Hogwarts, he was to have been sent to Ravenclaw, but begged the Sorting Hat to send him to his family house, even though he didn't have the values. Being the youngest, he knew he'd never have a high position in the family and didn't seek it, fleeing the rivalry of his elders. Hugh is a coward, a man who prefers to run away from conflict to be safe and go with the flow. Nevertheless, he's an inquisitive scholar who thrives on science and books, although no one has ever had anything to do with his shyness. Lacking business acumen, he is relegated to the background of the family business, but has an equally important role: inventing new formulas for their potions and poisons.
Aunt Vera: Vera is the daughter of a bourgeois family who married Hugh for no other reason than to rise socially in the sphere of nobility. She loves him only for his status, and would have preferred to marry his older brother Augustus, whom she finds more charming, more ambitious, and closer to becoming heir to the Hutchinsons. Vera is eager for power, not to rule, but to take it easy and find a comfortable situation where she has nothing to do but flaunt her wealth and gossip.
Cousin Eugenia (animagus: giant silk glass caterpillar) : Eugenia was born a few months after Bonnie, and they're both in the same class. Eugenia is terribly envious of her older cousin: she envies her position, her talent for potions and herbology, her beauty… Although Eugenia has nothing to be ashamed of, she does her best to be noticed, but she lives in the shadow of her cousin, who is the heiress to their family. As a real pest, she doesn't hesitate to slander and gossip about Bonnie, finding comfort only in putting her down. She's shallow and hopes to find a good match, as her father is only the youngest of his siblings, so she knows she can't hope for a better position in their family.
Cousin Basil (animagus: bee) : Basil is an 8-year-old boy who loves his cousin Bonnie. He's not interested in his family's stories, and prefers to concoct a new prank to play on them. Energetic and mischievous, a future Slytherin with a big heart, he's tireless and loves to involve Bonnie in his games. His big sister Eugenia often chases him away because "she's too old for these pranks", and they spend their time bickering. Basil is the fresh air Bonnie needs in her toxic family, and she cherishes him with all her heart.
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The Hutchinson crest. The apple for freedom, the castle for wealth, the sun for their superiority, and the scorpio for their ancestor's animagus.
The family's most distant recognized ancestor was called Ousmane. He was an African wizard who was captured and sold as a slave to a wealthy white master in Scotland in 1675, to work on a tobacco plantation. Like all slaves of the time, he was mistreated and lived in atrocious conditions, which marked him forever. He refused to use magic, terrified of being discovered as a wizard and killed. But as the years passed, his anger only increased, and he decided to devise a plan of escape. One night, he entered his master's home as a thick-tailed scorpion, his animagus, and stung him. His deadly venom killed him, and Ousmane took the opportunity to steal his fortune and escape before dawn. As a runaway black slave, he hurried to the Scottish wizarding world to seek refuge, unconcerned about the fate of the slaves left behind.
From that day on, he rebuilt his life. He decided to stay in Scotland and used his former master's fortune to live a comfortable life, raising himself to the rank of aristocrat. He specialized in poisons and venoms of all kinds, and was particularly appreciated by the dark wizards for this. By frequenting them, he came to share their anti-Muggles ideas, to whom he dedicated a hatred without name. He accused them all of being slavers, not only against the Blacks but also against the wizards they hunted and burned. He never returned to the Muggle world because he didn't belong there due to his skin color and magic, and his descendants would never mix with them or with wizards of Muggle or mixed blood. They'll all become Slytherins, and it's frowned upon to come from another Hogwarts house.
The Hutchinson family became known for being a refuge for Black wizards who wanted to settle in Scotland, but they had to submit to their conditions and ode of thought, such as muggle hatred. She is also known to free all the house elves she buys, due to her trauma of slavery. Thus, all house elves are free servants, paid and treated well, who can stay and work for them or leave if they wish. The family is criticized for this, especially by dark wizards, but the Hutchinsons remain faithful to this rule. Denying one's Black roots is frowned upon, such as straightening one's hair for girls.
Nevertheless, to better integrate into Scottish life and aristocracy, Ousmane abandoned his African surname, native language and traditions, except for one that has become the family mainstay: becoming an animagus. All direct descendants are known to be venomous insects, the most distant being deadly (but not venomous) insects or venomous animals (not insects). The business of poisons and venoms is passed down from generation to generation. The eldest child becomes head of the family, regardless of whether it's a boy or a girl. Spouses are not required to be animagus or Slytherin (or to be Black), but it's always appreciated. They must, however, take the name of their husband or wife to keep the family heritage, whether they are men or women.
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Bonnie came into the world with one goal: to be the heiress to the Hutchinson family, and to take over as head of the family when the time came, with the duties that go with it. Despite these demands and a strict upbringing worthy of a young noblewoman, her early years were quite peaceful. She took part in all her chores without complaint, and her particular interest in herbology delighted her parents. If her peaceful nature didn't worry them more than that, everything changed at the animagus ceremony when she turned 7. The family gathered to celebrate the animagus of a new child in the family -and here, being the heiress, the interest was more than special. Only her parents could witness her first transformation, before it was revealed to the rest of the family. Bonnie knew she came from a line of animagus insects, so when she transformed into a beautiful yellow butterfly, she was delighted. Until she became human again and found her parents astonished. Not only was she not a venomous insect, like all the direct descendants of their distant ancestor, she was just... a harmless insect. With the animagus representing the personality of the wizard, she would be directly labeled pretty, but useless. It was such a shame that her parents preferred to reveal that she hadn't succeeded in her transformation, hoping to gain time to help her become another animal. Even so, it was a laughing stock for her family, who already saw her as unfit to rule them if she wasn't able to reveal her animagus. Since then, Bonnie has been strictly forbidden to speak to anyone about this event, and to transform herself, making her feel as if she were being restrained not fully herself. Her parents were convinced that they had been too gentle with her and that this had an impact on her animagus.
From then on, although they were already strict, they became nothing but cold to their daughter. They tried their best to instill hatred, ambition and firmness in her, but Bonnie only thrived on empathy and love. Despite her efforts to compensate for her perceived weak personality, she redoubled her efforts to appear perfect in their eyes: she studied poisons with more interest, took her lessons in good behavior to be a respectable girl, maintained her relationship with Ominis and the Gaunts, but could not adhere to her parents' hateful ideas. When she was taken out to Hufflepuff instead of Slytherin, she ended up sobbing, knowing that she had disappointed them yet again. Which she did: it was yet another reason to prove to the rest of her family that she wasn't worthy of being the Hutchinson heiress. Her parents wanted to take her through the Sorting Hat ceremony again, but it refused.
Bonnie finally found a place that accepted her for who she was. Although she had difficulty making friends at first due to her status and to the Hutchinsons' ruthless reputation, her sociability and kindness helped make her popular, especially as she grew older. The people around her at school reinforced her peaceful values, but she felt torn between her morals and her duties. She had accepted her destiny as an heiress, until she fell in love with a half-blood and found a reason to fight for what she wanted.
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At a family dinner near the end of her fifth year, Bonnie's mother was given a choice: leave her place as heiress to her brother and sons, or use any means to force her daughter to take her role seriously. Bonnie was unaware of this deal, and announced the breakup of her engagement to Ominis (absent that evening). With a heavy heart, Wilhelmina tried to cast an Impero spell on her daughter, but Basil narrowly warned her, and she could dodge it. Bonnie fled, her whole family on her heels to catch her, some to hurt her, others to prevent her from leaving. It was then that she was able to jump from the 4th-floor window. Her family exclaimed in terror, thinking she was going to kill herself, but she transformed into a butterfly and flew off, making everyone aware of her previously hidden animagus.
Bonnie fled to Imelda, who took her in with her parents. Her parents already knew her and welcomed her happily. Unfortunately, Wilhelmina tried to force her daughter to return home by getting Headmaster Black on her side, and threatening to remove her from Hogwarts. Bonnie took her aside and threatened her in turn, encouraged by Imelda, to reveal all the darkest secrets of their dark wizard family to the Ministry of Magic. Indeed, some time after running away, Bonnie secretly returned to their home to retrieve some of her belongings, as well as compromising documents, with the help of a house elf. Her horrified mother left her alone and disinherited her, and Bonnie was able to live with the Reyes in a warm cocoon. For although Bonnie lost her inheritance and her wealth, she found true love. She felt infinitely indebted to the Reyes, yet worried that her family would try anything against them. Fortunately, they were happy for her to disappear, leaving them free to designate a more worthy heir.
After Hogwarts, Bonnie and Imelda married. They live in a cottage in the middle of the forest, surrounded by nature. Bonnie works as a seller of plants of all kinds, spending her time pampering them and selling them to enthusiasts. She encourages Imelda in her career as a professional Quidditch player and is her greatest supporter. The wives adopted two children:
The first, a young disabled witch and future Gryffindor, is forced to stay in a walking (not rolling) chair because she can't use her legs. She has a strong personality and dreams of becoming a Quidditch player like Imelda, who encourages her to do so, and inherits more of her traits. Turbulent and hyperactive, she thrives only on sport and sweat, and hates magic theory. After Hogwarts, she was refused entry to all teams because of her disability. Not content to take it lying down, she went on to create the highly successful Parasports Quidditch, helped by Imelda.
The second one is a young werewolf whom Bonnie finds wounded near their home in the forest. He has been disowned by his pack of werewolves who live apart from the wizards because of the lack of wildness in him. The boy is physically imposing, but very shy and has trouble with social relationships. He will be homeschooled and Bonnie will take care of his education. Although his sister and mother encourage him to take advantage of his body to play Quidditch, he will thrive on quiet activities and prefers to spend time in Bonnie's garden. She will accompany him to the forest every full moon as a butterfly, and tries her best to make his situation as pleasant as possible.
Bonnie may have cut ties with her family, but her cousin Basil, now grown up (whom she hasn't seen since she finished her studies at Hogwarts), found her and they renewed contact. He tells her that since she left, Ambrose and Archibald have been fighting a mortal battle day after day to see who will become the leader of their family, splitting it into two distant clans in the process. He keeps his distance from the toxicity of their family, and is happy to meet Bonnie Reyes' new family. He will always be welcome and will visit them regularly.
The modest family will live happily ever after.
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loveemagicpeace · 11 months
Gemini Rising🧩
They are very talkative and love to talk. Many times they integrate quickly into society. They can make friends quickly and people feel comfortable with them and like to talk to them.
In their 2nd house is cancer-they like to own things. And that they only love their own things. They actually don't like it when people touch their things for some reason, they also appreciate things related to family or things that someone gives them. They like to share things only with people close to them.
In their 3rd house is leo- they always want to be right when they fight with someone or say things. They always want to have the last word or they want it things that they say that they're right even if they are don’t. Many times they say things in a very direct way. They can also have a big ego.
In their 4th house is virgo- it means that they like a beautiful and organized home. They like cleanliness and a beautiful environment. Whether it is love or approval, there always seems to be something that needs to be fixed, changed, or nurtured in their soul, as if it was a bit damaged from the start. Very often, this comes as a consequence of a deeply cold relationship with the parent of opposite sex.
In their 5th house is libra- they're very social people and they can get along with everyone. In dating life they usually date a lot of people or they can also flirt with them. But they are very picky in love and they will not have a partner if the partner is not beautiful or the appearance is not the way they wanted them to be. They usually like only people who are very beautiful or successful popular.
In their 6th house is scorpio- they usually pay attention a lot to their health and they could also be paranoid about it sometimes. They are so serious about work that they can become obsessed with it. They can be extremely intense when dealing with their colleagues, so they work better alone. When it comes to their everyday life, they need to find and experience their emotional and spiritual callings.
In their 7th house is sagittarius- they usually look for partner who is very open-minded & loves to travel and love to do things related to other culture or energy or anything related to faith. They want someone who is passionate about things. They can be pretty much impulsive in relationship sometimes or they expect too much in their partner. Also tend to have a strong need for independence. They can also attract all of partners who will change their life because sag is sign of growth. So they will grow through the relationships that they will have & will learn a lot from it.
In their 8th house is capricorn- they can see a lot of cruel things in this world and deal with all of the dark things when they are young or in their early life. Also their parents can cause them drama or some trauma. Things can be related to their parents especially father. There is always a side to their family tree that is hard to understand, while they lack structure and a healthy routine, especially in sleeping patterns and rest.
In their 9th house is aquarius- they're very freedom loving people. They accept all the culture a lot of the people in this world and they're not judging at all. Learning through symbols will be as easy as it gets, which makes these people turned to astrology, mathematics and programming.
In their 10th house is pisces- they prefer to work alone than with people. They create careers that people never believed they would have. Cuz the house is related to parents especially father figure usually they have father who's been drinking or doing drugs or something related to one parent or father that is not mentally the most stable or this could relate to their early childhood when they deal with things that are confusing and misunderstood.
In their 11th house is aries-they are very protective friend and they will protect their friends for all costs. They will do a lot for people they love and they will stand by them.Boundaries need to be set and respected, as well as the dedication that flows both ways in order for their relationships to last.
In their 12th house is taurus -the mystery of the material world can remain a hidden for years. True intimacy is found in secret bonds, and warmth will have to be built in solitude, realizing at first just how much we are worth and only later starting to search for someone who will recognize this.
Cancer rising🌙
they come forward more or less whimsical but at the same time many people, approach them with stories. They are private people and usually share everything only with people they trust or family. Family is an important part of them. Many times they dress comfortably and as they feel at that moment.
In their 2nd house is leo- means they can spend money quickly. Many times they can play money. And they can become obsessed with gambling. They value fun and the things they love. They spend a lot of money on themselves and put their needs before others. Also they are not really into food.
In their 3rd house is virgo- which means that they talk a lot in details and sometimes go too much into things that are not important. Their main topic is often work - they love to talk about work and things related to it. Sometimes they have too realistic a view and worry too much about things over which they have no control.
In their 4th house is libra-which means they tend to have a loving home full of warmth. If there are no special aspects. Many things can be related to looks and appearance. Many times they take care of the appearance of the family. They want things to look normal and suitable for society.
In their 5th house is scorpio- which means they can be very intense when dating and like to be in control. A lot of times they can cover up things about themselves. This is someone who loves their ancestors, even those that weren’t loved by the rest of the family. As a strong magnetic pull, the 5th in Scorpio will ask to be manifested in strangest of ways, but on an everyday level mostly through constructive change. This is someone who cannot settle or be happy with little things in life.
In their 6th house is sagittarius- many times they are lucky in finding work or in general in the work they do. Their routine is often spontaneous and different. They can go through the day optimistically.
In their 7th house is capricorn- which means that they take relationships seriously and responsibly. They don't like to waste time with people and appreciate someone who is respected. Therefore, they avoid being surrounded by others and prefer to be in small groups. These people are looking for a partner who can help them make their dreams come true. This placement is perfect for business or couples who are trying to make money working together.
In their 8th house is aquarius- they can often be skeptical of things they cannot touch and many times look at things realistically and logically. There are also unpredictable things about their family or there are very strange situations when it comes to inheritance.
In their 9th house is pisces- whether they have faith or not - that depends. There is definitely a mission they should follow in this lifetime. The sign of Pisces creates magic, but also rules all poisonous and unexplored areas of life.
In their 10th house is aries-many times they start a fight in a crowd of people. They don’t care about how things look like. Can motivate and inspire people to work hard towards their professional goals. Their life, they may have to go through many difficult periods, yet they’re not complaining. They have a lot of self-esteem and can become even more ambitious when someone is criticizing them at work.
In their 11th house is taurus- they tend to cling to old friendships. They also have old school dreams about their future. Taurus is known for being motivated by money. So they are usually focused on obtaining financial gains from their social relationships. They give a lot of importance to the materialistic side of life because when having everything they want, they can feel free.
In their 12th house is gemini- may provide an individual's character with an extraordinary fusion of profound feelings and conceptual intrigue. This is also a position that could give a wonderful talent for languages.
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astrosirensblog · 1 year
Sirenas Astrology observations
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• moon hard aspects to mercury could be an indicator for having a hard time expressing your emotions verbally. Not having words of affirmation as a love language or having a hard time giving and receiving compliments or loving words. The type of person who says “I don’t have to say I love you everyday , I rather show it”
• the placement you have Aphrodite in can tell you how you can enhance your feminine energy and feel more beautiful inside and out. For example having Aphrodite in taurus could mean that cooking and taking more time to rest will make you feel better and nourished. Aphrodite in gemini needs to socialize and read or write to flourish in their feminine energy better
• people with permanent 10th house placements are known even when they’re not socializing much. They’re the type of person who don’t know many people but many people know them. It’s hard to ignore their presence, even when they don’t do anything
• People with mars in the 10th house tend to attract many people. Even people who hate them get obsessed with them and try to humbled them as much as possible. People with this placement don’t realize how intimidating their presence is and people see them as constant competition. Selena Gomez has this placement and we all know how other celebrities and even fan basis treat her even though she doesn’t do anything actively to provoke them. Honestly taking care of her mental health and not letting anybody humble her was the best decision she could have made for herself
• psyche in synastry can tell you about what you really need in a relationship in order to feel happy and fulfilled and become a better person. With your psyche placement you can learn on which parts you have to work on yourself too. With this placement it’s less about the physical intimacy and more about the intellectual and emotional intimacy of two souls coming together
• people with many 12th house placements tend to take criticism really personal and don’t like hearing it at all since they already have a hard time accepting themselves. They also struggle with feeling seen and appreciated even when people try to make them feel good, it’s never enough because they often lack self validation
• People with virgo placements take working out and looking fit really serious. I never meet a person with virgo placements who didn’t care about their physical appearance
• Having Mars in 4th house conjunct to the north node is a huge indicator of generational trauma that has been passing on in the family a lot. And this could bother the natal person a lot and it can cause friction in the family dynamic when they try to heal from that trauma and break the cycle
• Lillith shows up as the part of yourself that society has tried to repress or make you feel ashamed of. If it’s for example in the 3th house, you could have been told a lot to not share your views or opinions. Or people made fun of your voice growing up. You can take back your power by becoming more confident and expressing these parts of yourself freely
• Women who have Lillith conjunct sun and or asc often use their appearance and sexuality as a way to get what they want. For example Megan Thee Stellion has Lillith in Taurus conjunct her asc and she’s known for her beautiful and hot appearance and her lyrics where she also talks a lot about sex. Marylin Monroe also has Lillith in the first house, I didn’t need to explain how influential her appearance and sensuality is in the media to this day
• people with Lillith conjunct their first house tend to have sanpaku eyes too, here’s a reference:
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• Neptune in the chart shows you the part of life where you have to be more firm with your boundaries and don’t overshare because Neptune indistincts your intuition. For example if you have Neptune in the 11th house don’t force connections or friendships, don’t overshare to your friends and be really firm with your boundaries because you tend to let people cross over the line too much. Also don’t expect all of your friends to have the same intentions as you do, some people just want to use you or dim your light so be careful and stay safe
• The planet your sun is conjunct to can be a part of your life where you feel more confident and you don’t like it when people tell you what to do. For example if your sun is conjunct your venus you tend to make the first move when you like someone and you don’t like it when someone tells you that this person is out of your league or you can’t get them to like you. Ego and love go hand in hand with this aspect
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mysoullanguage · 2 years
#0013 rx planets in your chart
rx planets will indicate what unfinished business/lessons you have in this lifetime. the more rx planets you have, the more lessons you are urged to complete. your rx planets may be difficult to cooperate with and may bring out some of your most challenging traits. look towards the sign, planet, and house. the sun and moon can never go rx. energy is directed inwards instead of projected outwards like it should.
mercury in rx — you will need to learn and appreciate the value of communication and verbalizing thoughts and feelings into concrete facts. there may be issues with general communication or the aiblity to express honesty. inability to confront; there is self-sabotage and self-criticizing. repetitive thinking patterns, especially negative, are prominent. while mercury rx indicates someone with great intellect and an ability to process information on a profoundly innate level, you may struggle with overthinking/having too much to think about. you are a reflective person but this often gets the better of you because you tend to isolate yourself from others for no specific reason.
mars in rx — great difficulty with confrontation and settling on one ambition to take action towards. you seem to want everything and nothing at all. you may express anger very aggressively but only after letting it boil inside you for a very long time; you may experience "dull anger", a type of anger that sits inside you, instead of having a clear projection outwards. you can be very passive-aggressive and only take action when you feel forced to. you cannot stand up for yourself, though you feel the great need to be dominant. one of your lessons will be to take charge in life instead of sitting on the post waiting for someone to do it all for you.
venus in rx — you have trouble opening up and letting people see you for who you are. romantically speaking, you have trouble committing because you fear depth, not because you are a cheater, although this can indicate some promiscuity as well. with others, you may have a harder time socializing because you like isolation more than the outside world. you may be lonelier than most. any friends you have are most likely friends from childhood or just very long-term friends. you may have a hard time loving yourself. so, one of your lessons will involve loving yourself and letting others love you. we accept the love we deserve and certainly, you accept love that is not what you really deserve
jupiter in rx — one of your lessons will include having your own set of beliefs instead of following other people's. it will involve establishing a personal constitution/morals/values you abide by. unconcerned with material wealth, you may focus on spiritual wealth to the point of total rejection of the real world. your gambler attitude may get tested also. personally speaking you may be reclusive and not have the brightest social life, but you definitely have a lot of luck, despite being in rx. in fact, this rx can breed a type of luck that puts you in disadvantaged scenarios designed for growth, but the type of scenarios that guarantee you will make it out the other side!
saturn in rx — confrontation may be a fear for you. you self-isolate, are very controlling, and feel the need to constantly micromanage. inwardly speaking, you are very nervous and have a lot of insecurities, especially with your body and personal wealth/success. in this lifetime, you will have to learn the proper discipline to achieve the goals you want out of life. you may want a lot but lack the ambition or direction in getting there. you may also be rebellious and not cooperative in relationships because you can't seem to take them seriously. additionally, you will learn to let go of control and let the universe take its course. you cannot always know what is best for you.
neptune in rx — this is a heavy dreamer planet, and can breed someone lazy and totally incapable of caring for themselves. while your imagination is insanely creative, you tend to have your heads up in the clouds too much. you struggle with being in reality for long. you may be gifted with the ability to dream or have a very strong connection to your spirituality, but you don't know how to express it, and it leaves you feeling restless most of the time. you are lonely and often misunderstood. you require a lot of time for yourself. you self-isolate more than be with others.
uranus in rx — you may be afraid of new beginnings because you are comfortable with what memories, nostalgia, and predictability do for you. there is happiness in the known and you may repel any sort of expression in fear of other people's judgment. there is a strong calling within you that urges you to be who you are, but you don't know how. to others, you may seem conventional, but inside you really are not. you have views and beliefs completely opposite to what impression you give off. your social life may lack or be very unpredictable. you may struggle to have solid friendships or maintain your own identity in friend groups.
pluto in rx — this is one of the most challenging rx placements because your struggles are experienced on the inside and have no expression on the outside. what this means is that you go through emotional/mental/spiritual turmoil that manifests in depressive moods or anger issues instead of being healthily channeled. you are very controlling and micromanage all the time. one of your lessons will be to let change be and to stop avoiding what needs changing. part of your inner turmoil is just layers of your soul shedding to embrace new sides to your personality. you have a very powerful presence and certainly love power but you hate any situation that puts you in a powerless state.
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
this is to tell you what common impression you give most people 💖
how to participate:
ask yourself, “what do people think of me?” and “how do people see me?”
choose the photo you feel most drawn to.
take as long as you need to choose, you can check more than one if you feel drawn to do so. however, if you are having trouble feeling called to any then this pick a card is not for you. these readings will be honest.
tip jar
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1. people think you are shy and distant, that you have trouble standing up for yourself and that you hang back and stay invisible while other people shine. people will suspect that you act in underhanded ways to compensate for how you can’t stand up for yourself - manipulating others, acting smarter than you are, copying others to try and seem more appealing. they think you are giving and patient with others but work best behind the scenes and that you could be suited to teaching and guiding others in a quiet way. they think you hide your emotions, have deep thoughts and prefer to do solo activities.
2. people think you lack real direction in life, that you prefer to go wherever life takes you and that you are not stable. they think you are restless and that it causes you to act agitated, frustrated, strung out and even argumentative. they think you worry a lot and that you focus too much on missing out on things or focusing on what you don’t have and not appreciating what you do. despite the chaotic nature of your energy, people think you always land on your feet and have the energy and skill to keep yourself afloat. people think you keep many secrets and don’t trust your stories, believing that you lie a lot. they think you’re afraid to be alone.
3. people think you are magnetic, well put together and likely physically attractive. they think you rely on praise a bit too much for your own good and that you may not be as confident as you try to portray or wish to be. people think you are talented or pick up on things easier than others. they also think you have a good sense of timing and things seem to go your way even when you don’t deserve it. people think you indulge in gossip often and don’t trust you to be honest or be loyal. they think you don’t make good romantic choices or that you are too focused on waiting to be saved romantically.
4. people think you have a big head and that you can’t see yourself clearly, that you act more arrogant and entitled than you deserve. however, people do respect that you have good leadership qualities and don’t always mind that you put yourself in the position to be the boss, trusting that you will at least try to be fair when you feel you are being treated correctly. people fear your anger, thinking you are easy to get along with and then all of a sudden your mood switches and you are too angry - a volcano randomly erupting. they think you have good social skills and people may open up to you randomly and confide in you, but at the same time they think you are also cold and can become mean.
5. people usually like you easily, finding you warm, charming and approachable. people think you are a good conversationalist, a good listener and think you have high emotional intelligence. people think you are generous, giving and patient. they think you are good at being considerate and people often want to confide in you and think they can trust you. however, people also see you as slightly arrogant and self-centred and that you kind of wait for others and the world to come to you, that you don’t make the effort to be proactive and go after people or things yourself (that you can be lazy and lack purpose). people will also think that you can be fake and that you change your personality to fit certain situations or that you tell people want they want to hear and not what you really feel or think.
6. people think you are romantic and desire this strongly. they think that you hold onto toxic things, can’t let go of what’s not working and that you don’t stand for anything real. but at the same time, people think that you are never satisfied and always searching for greener grass - that you complain and self-victimise. people respect that you try and be empowered but think that you go about it in a way that lacks humility and integrity - that your “boundaries and standards” are sometimes just created in an attempt to get people to cater to you. people think you are anxious to please people you admire and can be overly loyal to them. people think you have trouble seeing things clearly and also think you are indecisive.
7. people think you are highly resilient and clever. people see you as someone who cannot be taken down easily and that you’re very switched on and street smart. people see you as highly loyal, responsible and dependable and think you easily connect to others and inspire trust in other people. people also think you have a childlike, playful and innocent quality so they are not walking on eggshells around you, but at the same time they find you judgmental, serious and think you have the ability to be very cruel. people think you are observant and know many secrets about people. you’re seen as heavily burdened but that it could also be your fault to an extent, this makes you also seen as a bit closed off and people think you prefer keeping to yourself.
8. people see you as very dramatic and that you “always have something going on”. people think you complain a lot, that you are depressive and mentally weak. they think you daydream about a better life but don’t really put action into it. people think you’re insecure and that you prefer to be more of a wallflower and watch people rather than participate in life. people think you lack common sense and the stuff you say seems very ungrounded. people think you prefer focusing on creative activities in your spare time and assume you may be into art, writing or consuming a lot of media.
9. people think you are someone who is very anxious and overthinks. people think that you easily get yourself into a rut and have periods of very low self-esteem and drive but that you manage to pull yourself out of it and make sure you get done what needs to get done - people see you as very up and down and unbalanced. people also think you don’t know what you want and you seem lost. people think you’re very secretive and that you are shy, nerdy and studious. people think you are not stubborn or arrogant and that you remain open to listening and learning. they also think you’re messy, don’t do chores and that you’re also likely unkempt.
10. people think you are a go-getter and that you don’t let life pass you by, that you take it upon yourself to earn money or create solid foundations to expand upon and that you can be a rock in others’ lives too - that others depend on you. people think you are a good worker but sometimes ruthless and amoral. however, people often believe you have your heart in the right place and that you have a lot of people you care about. people think you have a naive and unpredictable side, that you are attracted to “bad” things and have a tendency to indulge in things or people that could result in harmful consequences later (without thinking it all through properly). people think that you try hard to be the bigger person but that you only do it to be praised for being the bigger person and not out of true care for others or the situation.
11. people think you are always running away from problems, when things get tough (especially romantically) you just leave and start over and don’t see things through - you can’t settle in one place. people see you as fake happy and that your joy and positivity is a mask for deeper sadness. people think you are lonely and that you enjoy searching for answers and deeper meaning in things and hate superficiality - people may think you’re into things such as tarot and astrology and take it seriously, hoping it will give you all the answers.
12. people assume you have been hardened a bit by life but they think that you are generous, giving and wise (that you truly try to learn from your experiences). people believe that you are giving in an honest and true way and that you do it because you are a good person, but people think you can be overly submissive and that people try to take advantage of you - especially romantically or in the sense that people will sleep with you and then leave you after having gotten what they wanted because you overestimated them. people think your boundaries and standards are unclear and you don’t know when to give more and when to give up. people think you’re pretty emotional. people think you’re a bit awkward and have trouble maintaining a stable sense of identity (that you don't really know yourself).
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silent-sanctum · 18 days
Character Dynamics: Kakyoin & Polnareff
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In a previous post, I mentioned that one of the personal gripes I had with Stardust Crusaders was the missed opportunity to expand the main cast's character further, either individually or through interaction with one another.
And what canon reference will I base all my yapping on? Look no further than the episode where the Crusaders are fighting "High Priestess"- The submarine scene right before they go swimming and get eaten.
You know that scene where Polnareff does a series of big vague arm movements and Kakyoin somehow knows what that means, and then they ensue the "Serious Bro Code Handshake" no one knows about but them.
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And some quick special mentions of them fighting as a unit during that scene where Kakyoin and Polnareff fight against the man with two right hands, or Enyaba the Hag's son to put it simply, and that time where they had to get rid of The Lovers from Joseph's head.
In this post, I'll talk about a dynamic that's not too appreciated and should've been more consistent (though that's what I think from what I've seen online) is that between Noriaki Kakyoin and Jean Pierre Polnareff.
Disclaimer: I'll talk about them in a platonic way (because we can appreciate two dudes being great buddies without automatically making them suck each other's lip and cock), but if you think otherwise, then kudos! You do you.
These 2 are, what I feel, would've been a duo with almost a similar dynamic to the one we see with Josuke and Okuyasu, being the difference is that unlike the 2 latter duo consisting of the typical "Dumb-and-Dumber" dynamic, KakPol is more "Nerd-Himbo".
So what makes this duo work exactly? Why am I compelled to write this post?
Well, to simply put, I love an interaction between a typically introverted person and an extroverted person. It's fun to watch Person X dragging Person Y into shenanigans, the latter being too not-cool with it at first, only for said person to go "Fuck it, we ball."
That's why I like writing them as this duo in my stories (namely in Only You, Playing Cupid, and Volleyball).
Kakyoin is not a social person. We know that from his quick backstory. However, despite his lack of social connection, he's polite with the way he interacts with others. He's also an amalgamation of a nerd and a geek: A person filled with ideas and thoughts, capable of providing reasonable logical strategies that benefit the group, and who also has interests in fun stuff like sumo wrestling and video games.
On the other hand, Polnareff will be Polnareff. He's a Frenchman who wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's a little out there with the folks, will get all buddy-buddy with strangers, will flirt with the ladies, and is generally a loud-and-proud kind of dude. But beneath all that social energy, he's also righteous in his own way, wanting to live up to what he deems the right thing to do.
If you put them together, then you get a dynamic that would spill this type of dialogue:
"Aren't you gonna eat your sausages?" "No." "Why?" "Sausage is made with sodium glutamate and sodium nitrate, which are carcinogens." "… So why don't you eat them?" "… Why would you eat carcinogens on purpose?" "Then I'll take them." "But-" "…" "Fine."
The lines above are from a movie named "Midnight Runners". You can swap the main duo of the film with KakPol and there wouldn't be many differences. Both of them behave and speak the way Kakyoin and Polnareff do personality-wise.
Kakyoin is the brain of the two, and Polnareff is the muscle. While Kak's the one offering out things to do, Pol makes sure he lives up to that by making him do said things with him. Polnareff is the type of guy who likes to venture out and have fun, while Kakyoin is someone who wants to do said fun things but feels awkward initiating them, often finding it more comfortable envisioning it rather than actually doing it.
They'd be the type where Pol, the man from France itself, would play bachelor, attempt to swoon some girls, and drag Kakyoin to his antics. He'd share some cheesy Casanova techniques with the poor boy, Kak eventually warms up to the idea having nothing better to do and listens, they attempt trying them out, only to eventually fail at the end of the day. Cue Kak who suggests they play video games instead to which Pol agrees to it.
Pol: And no Jotaro, you're not joining. You attract ladies just by breathing. You don't count.
Jotaro: middle finger
If there's an exam and the question is "List the 3 sources of investigation", Kakyoin would answer "Examine victim, evidence, and crime scene" (emphasizes Logic), while Polnareff would answer "Passion, tenacity, and a big heart" (emphasizes Values). And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they also share some squabble and banter from time to time.
That's why there's a difference in dynamics with "Polnareff and Kakyoin" compared to "Polnareff and Jotaro".
Jotaro is more hands-on and nonchalant about the way he lives his life. He lets events play out and has no problem joining in and exploring as he goes along the way.
Kakyoin is more hesitant and wants to think about it more, pondering whether or not said activity is worth it or not. Pol and Joot can hang out and smoke all they want almost immediately, but Pol must convince Kak before doing anything outside Cherry Boy's comfort zone.
There's that satisfaction in having Kakyoin feel less alone and be brought of his shell thanks to Polnareff's interventions. He gets to share his more geeky side with someone who's like "Sounds cool!"
It also works in the battlefield as well. As I mentioned, Kakyoin is the strategist. He comes up with the ideas- they can be half-baked or fool-proofed, either way, the second a plan is suggested, Polnareff will agree to it and execute any of them if it sounds good enough.
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I don't know how to end this. It's rather abrupt, but yeah! In my opinion, Kakyoin and Polnareff are just a couple of bros who needed more screen time as a duo.
Let me know if yall want more stuff like this!
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rad-batson · 1 year
(skip to the bottom if you just want silly headcanons about her :D)
Hello! So first, I want to thank everyone who read the Wayne pilot I made :) I appreciate your feedback, and I love you all.
As I'm preparing to post it on AO3, I decided to make a few (admittedly small) changes to the script, primarily around Cassandra Cain, because I haven't quite fleshed her out yet.
I don't have much experience with writing Cass, so I decided to do a bit of research on her yesterday, and wouldn't you know? I fell in love. 10/10. She didn't play a huge part in the pilot, but she will have a bigger one in the second episode, and there are a few things I think can or should be added so she doesn't feel too one-note.
There wasn't anyone who told me this, by the way. (In fact, I actually got some nice comments about her so thank you.) I just had it in the back of my mind while writing, and now that Cass is getting more screen time, I'm finding that my lack of knowledge might lead to mischaracterization.
Is this overkill? Probably Think of it as a silly headcanon list for my version of her. And I'm posting it here because I want your feedback before it's set in stone. (I know Cass isn't written well a lot, so this is my attempt to right these horrid wrongs.)
If you're going to give criticism, please be constructive. Tell me what you like or don't like. I'm all ears. Have fun :)
Writing Cass
(Btw I still gotta read Cass’s first Batgirl run by Kelley Puckett)
Has some sass, has a lot actually
Used to be awkward in social settings. she’s better at it when she’s with people so she can match their energy but she still prefers to just dip
Speaks in short-ish sentences, trying her best tho
Mostly just relies on body language though
also yes i know her using ASL isn't canon, it just works best for the scene, it would have been written the same whether she was in it or not, it is still a cute nod to fanon tho
Messy, low-key gross. Bad-ish hygiene but she’s good at looking put-together so only those close know this about her (this is just my headcanon)
Often forgets bigger words so she occasionally uses the wrong one, she ALSO mixes up proverbs but no one corrects her because 1: it’s cute and 2: they don’t want to discourage her from speaking with them more casually (also my headcanon)
Cass: So I pulled the door off its…*makes motion with hand*…metal books. Steph: Do you mean hinge— Cass: Metal books.
Dick: Well that was a surprise. I didn’t know The Penguin would be here. Cass, nodding: Well life gives you grapes Dick: Wut Cass: You make grape juice. Get on the same book, Nightwing
Is a cinnamon bun AND a little shit, it’s a balancing act
Production: She’s Wayne’s darling Princess Cass: *will break your fingers*
She does appear behind the camera crew to scare them on purpose, she thinks it’s funny, she likes seeing them freak out
She is super competitive, but she's always like "Oh I'm not that competitive" *proceeds to be very competitive*
Because she isn't super confident in her writing or speaking (or just uncomfortable communicating without seeing the other person's body language) she prefers to Facetime or simply reply to texts with selfies of her reaction. It is a thing now. when you need an honest opinion about an outfit, text a photo to Cass. She will either give back a photo of a thumbs up or a photo of a grimace and some not-so-flattering emojis
Her princess persona is her public cover persona in this show, parallel to Bruce’s “Brucie” and Dick’s “born for the cameras” thing
Is surprisingly vocal (and sometimes snippy) about her distaste with things but she mostly gets a pass because her morals align best with Bruce’s
Is most snippy when her family uses methods other than violence when violence is clearly the faster option, god they're such pacifists
Tim: *trying carefully to pick a lock* Cass: Just break through the wall? Tim: We can’t do that. We’re trying not to be noticed. Cass: Wimp
Bruce: Cass, why did you have to dislocate that man’s shoulder? Cass: I put it back. Bruce: That’s not the point. Cass: Fine, I’ll dislocate it again.
Is the best fighter, none of this “oh she’s the best fighter so when people do win against her, it makes them look cooler” thing, shut tf up, she could break their bones (not important to the show ofc but I need to add this because it is important in general)
Horrible at drawing, wretched (again a headcanon but I did see someone else mention it somewhere)
Also bad at writing, refuses to study to improve out of principle (i.e. she told Babs she doesn’t need to and now she refuses to admit Babs was right)
(AND SIDE-HEADCANON IF SHE IS HORRIBLE AT WRITING AND ACTIVELY HATED STUDYING HER ALPHABET THEN WHAT IF LIKE ONE DAY SOMEONE SAYS “hey can you grab me one of these files from last week’s case, it’s under M” SHE’S LIKE “fuck you, how could you do this to me” WHILE SEARCHING FOR M OR MORE SIMPLY *throws something at them*)
That's all I have right now. If you'd like to give me any recommendations, please do. I can't promise I'll add in every single one because this show is still about the whole Batfam, not just her, but I want to do her justice, and that definitely involves more fine-tuning on my part
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essycogany · 7 months
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments Being Both Extroverted And Introverted
Game!Sonic is more of an Ambivert then you’d think.
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Disclaimer: My opinions on Sonic as a character tends to be mixed since I didn’t grow up with this franchise. Forgive me if I have conflicting points of views on this blue brat with his inconsistent characterizations.
I’m not expecting everyone to agree with me. Sonic being an introvert is such an agreed upon head-canon in this community. But I would like to fairly appreciate both introverted and extroverted sides to Sonic. I couldn’t pick between the two regardless because Sonic’s character has always been everywhere, but I like the blue hedgie in general. So, I’m going to gush about both of them.
This is my personal take, but I’ll do my best to describe them. I’m not speaking for everyone who caries these. To not make things complicated, I’ll use two characters who fit each personality trait the most. In my subjective views anyways.
Introvert: Someone who isn’t outgoing. Who prefers to be alone in their thoughts then be surrounded by people. Introverts spend time with one or two people instead of large groups and gets exhausted by social interactions very quickly. They also don’t like getting too much attention from others either.
Shadow and Whisper
Extrovert: An outgoing person who prefers to be with others and thrives in hanging out with large groups of people. Extroverts enjoy social interactions and can start a conversation with most people. Their energy is gained by spending time with different people and getting attention from them.
Tangled and Amy
Ambivert: A mixture of an introvert and extrovert. They enjoy both stimulating and none-stimulating environments. Can start a conversation with strangers, but enjoy doing their own thing. They gain energy by being in small or large groups simultaneously.
Sonic and Tails
Where Does Sonic Fall Into These Categories?
Let me start with Sonic X’s Sonic. For this analysis, it’s important to discuss different mediums of him to get my point across clearly. I might get off course and discuss how certain characteristics are due to the personality more then what normally falls into personality traits. Hold onto something!
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Sonic X: He doesn’t enjoy people praising him and mostly talks to people who speaks to him first. He tends to not be much of a chatter box and is not in the show as much as you’d expect. This Sonic prefers to go off on his own then spend time with his friends at the beach in one episode. In another Sonic bails on his invitation to meet the President in order to spend time with his new friend, Helen.
Showing how he prefers to be with a few amount of people then with a group. He even leaves the group in a bunch of episodes to have his alone time. Sonic also doesn’t like hugs all that much unless he’s protecting someone, (mostly Amy) but I’d say that falls more into personal choice more than having to do with him being an introvert. Especially since he hugged Chris in one episode.
Even in Sonic’s more extroverted depictions he can be awkward with hugs. That being said, my hot take is this Sonic is one of two variants who fully commits to being introverted. Which is not a surprise because of reasons I’ll get into later.
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Here’s where I’ll talk about his extroverted variants. I’ll start with Movie and Prime Sonic, since they fall into this personality trait the most.
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Movie!Sonic: He lived alone for most of his life after his caretaker “Long Claw’s” sacrifice. Sonic had to raise himself by watching action movies on his soon to be families television. Due to his lack of interactions, love, or anything outside of being alone, he has a mental breakdown and his powers takes over his emotions. Causing the entire world’s lights to shut down.
Once he starts meeting different people he gets ecstatic and has fun with the situation. Getting into different shenanigans with his soon to be father, Tom. Again, Sonic Wachowski has been alone for years. Which makes his reasons of being extroverted make sense.
Prime!Sonic: (I deem this version of the character as not canon, so I’ll treat him as such.) Prime!Sonic is naturally affectionate and open towards anyone and everyone. Even Eggman by the end of the show. Like Movie!Sonic, he hates being alone and is very optimistic when it comes to interacting with people. The First Episode of the show: Sonic: “Are you ignoring me? You’re ignoring me. Why are you ignoring me?! WHY IS EVERYONE IGNORING ME?!”
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He inspires others to become their better selves because he reaches out to them and often talks about trust and expressing yourself. Almost every Sonic does, but this energetic ball of stubbornness is the least subtle about it. His naivety seems to be both the worst and best aspect of his character. Worst because it gets really repetitive and best because you can understand how much compassion he has for people.
It getting out of hand at times is more of a flaw in the writing then the character, but I digress. I’d say Prime!Sonic is very emotionally honest with himself, but even in the show he internalizes his emotions at times. It’s not often, but still happens. Proving you don’t have to be introverted in order to want to keep your emotions to yourself.
Ep 3 Of Season One: Nine: “Are you okay?” Sonic: “Yeah, I’m fine.” Obviously wasn’t true. You can tell when this guy is holding back his emotions. All be it not perfectly.
Every Other TV Show Or Comic Depiction Of Sonic: Even if these adaptations are different in some regard, they all carry the core extroverted side to Sonic. Just not as much as the first two.
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They are way more egotistical and wants to be the center of attention. (Archie!Sonic is literally a celebrity in his universe.) Likes their alone time, but mostly hangs out and fights with friends. Talks to a bunch of people, and so on.
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Let’s finally get into the main canon Sonic.
Game!Sonic: Sonic is 100% an introvert in his Japanese depictions. It’s the same story as Sonic X. In terms of how Sonic’s written in the country he was created in, he is a complete introvert. Like being shy when it comes to being complimented (especially when people view him as an authority figure) In the American dubs before Pontiac and Graff wrote for the games, Sonic’s almost the same way. But as time went on especially during IDW’s run, Sonic tends to be pretty extroverted. It’s mostly how he’s depicted in the west if the examples before means anything.
Even beforehand he’s been more extroverted then one would think. He talks to strangers and in almost every game meets someone new. He doesn’t get exhausted or needs solitude afterwards either.
Sonic always could be around more than a few people at once. Sure, he doesn’t mind being alone, but again you don’t have to be an introvert in order to enjoy being alone. And there are plenty of introverts who talk a BUNCH with the people they’re most comfortable with. Then extroverts who can take the time to listen to others when needed. It all depends on the person.
That goes for Sonic keeping his emotions to himself. No matter where people fall, some may feel the need to keep their emotions to themselves. Extroverted or not. Especially since Sonic from X has expressed himself before. It’s just not as common for him.
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I also feel the blue hedgehog does it so everyone else can keep their heads up. His own included. I understand if anyone doesn’t agree with that take though. The classic era is a good example his ambivert traits as well. He starts out as a none talking loner, but soon starts talking and meeting different people. These are reasons I believe Game!Sonic’s an Ambivert.
I believe Sonic’s a leap before he thinks kind of guy and is bad at expressing himself. He can sometimes be talkative. Especially when it comes to going back and forth with other characters. Villains and rivals to be specific. Sonic’s stubborn about his morals and will stop at nothing to keep those morals. He’s introverted enough to take some time to himself and do things his way without anyone to stop him, but extroverted enough to inspire strangers to become great hero’s themselves.
Let me simplify it even further. The situation is Sonic getting praised by a crowd of people.
X: Gets overwhelmed and runs away.
Every Other Variation: Appreciates the praise and maybe even start flexing to boost his ego.
Game: Would humbly appreciate the cheers and probably leave or stay. It depends on his mood.
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I don’t know if I got my point across very well, but I did my best. I honestly believe I might be alone with this take. Hope my rambling didn’t get too out of line.
Stay Creative! 💜
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 13
Pairing: mick schumacher x hamilton!reader (she/her)
Warnings: curse words, twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc, etc. Minors DNI!
summary: The media is getting enough content to make Yn decide to take a step back from social media and everything that can further expose her personal life. Besides that, she has to deal with ghosts from the past and the curious gazes of fans who start to connect the dots when enough data is gathered.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
a/n2: I tried some new tolls on this chapter (gossip websites and other social media profiles), so please let me know if you guys like it or if it was better the way I was doing it before.
a/n3: The angsty season is about to begin, so get ready!!! I have the next chapter almost ready, so we're gonna try something new: as soon as this chapter hits 100 notes I'm posting the new one.
ALSO, I'm really thankful for all the likes, reblogs, and comments on Komh, it means a lot and it motivates me to keep writing. Thank you, guys! *mwah* 💖💗
part. 12 | series masterlist | part. 14 | taglist
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liked by zendaya, lewishamilton, and others
theofficialyn recharging the energies with the fam 🤍
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hammertim3 Forever thankful to you for feeding us some wholesome Lewis content 🙏🏾
mickshoemaker not to start drama or anything, but the first picture…and the sixth…am I the only one seeing Mick’s hands?
⤷ parisyn you guys are reaching, this is getting out of hand. just top
lewishamilton I love you to infinity, bitsy 🖤
swiftieeras Yn wearing skinny jeans is something else 😍
summerseasonf1 It’s so good to see them happy
roscoelovescoco I love’s spending’s time’s with you’s, aunties Yns 🧡🧡
user1999 why are the polaroids face down in the fourth pic?
⤷ mickceded because it's none of our business. y’all too curious
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liked by charles_leclerc, normani, and others
theofficialyn All tested and perfectly ready for the collection's launch on August. For more info visit ynthebrand.com
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user0 These heels look lowkey ugly, and let's not even get on the unsafe portion
lewishamilton so proud of you ❤️
queenyn I loved how she went full mode on the colours, there are just enough options and they are all so pretty aaaaa
francisca.cgomes I am so ready for those boots to come out!!!! Loving everything, Yn 😍
⤷ hammermilton all the wags supporting Yn, brb I'm gonna cry
hater12 those green heels are horrendous 🤢🤢
user45 those are regular shoes, nothing much about them...I don't see why everyone praises Yn, honestly
user1 overrated.
huser99 🤮🤮🤮🤮
leferrariclerc We rarely get mickyn interactions anymore and I blame it on the lack of limits from some of you on the fandom 😭
⤷ schumini he doesn't even like her stuff anymore 💔
username3 Those all jeans outfit lmao you guys call it style? she dress as bad as lewis 🤡🤣
ynfrance whats up with all the hate?????????? Yn deserves better!
⤷ swiftieracing I think the haters finally were able to catch up with the news that she's lewis sister and so she got his fans but his haters as well.
⤷ verstopping I honestly don't understand why people hate on Lewis, much less on Yn now
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mickslover @mellowpizzapuppy @dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie
Get ready for some angsty chapters <3
I have the next one almost ready, so we're gonna try something new: as soon as this chapter hits 100 notes I'm posting the new one. Let's do this, I'm excited (but also kinda insecure) about the next one, fingers crossed you guys will like it 😘.
276 notes · View notes