#3ds problems
rainnotliam · 2 years
3DS is drifting
My baby doesn’t want to work
*Proceeds to hit 3DS, aka Limeboy (don’t ask why I named it that) against a pillow*
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letsventstuff · 28 days
This feeling of nothingness is gnawing at my bones again.
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endedbyisiaha · 3 months
Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough?Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough? Why can’t I be good enough?
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bloomdoom1 · 2 months
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echodoe · 29 days
how many nights of crying and screaming into a pillow can a girl handle especially knowing you haven’t even given a second thought about me
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iifly-with-meii · 2 months
i feel so fat and ugly i wanna cry
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does anyone else know that they're gna binge like 20 minutes before? im like "don't binge dont binge pls don't binge" and i already know its gna happen, even with distractions nd stuff. like as soon as my binge brain is on thats it. ive already done it.
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starryvng · 2 months
sad knowing ill never be able to see food the same way, bc its not just about being skinny anymore 🥲
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3d-made-by-paws · 11 months
Just a little sneak-peak of my possibly long-term project
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I just want to make my small contribution to a bunch of fanarts of @somerandomdudelmao and their art, but my paws are not able to draw in 2d :(
I do what I can.
Cas your creativity inspired me to get out of stagnation and start experimenting in my 3d hobby again. I am sure that everything will be fine in the future.
video from the future
funny earliest model
the headless model
some meme
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heavenangelly · 3 months
(Some) Anons will be the downfall of this community. This is just a silly little community where we learn abt manifesting, shifting and the void. We all want to be happy and live life to its fullest. We share success stories, cute interactions, mutuals, helpful advice, etc. Yet it doesn’t matter bc there will always be an anon hating and telling bloggers shitty things.
Us bloggers just want a niche, helpful and kind community where we all vibe and have fun. But then we get asks like that and it just makes us so demotivated. What more do you want from us? We’re helping you get your dream life, giving you free information because we understand more than anything that people want to get out of shitty circumstances, and all we get is anons like that.
It’s honestly so disgusting. Why can’t we all just be happy and be motivated to manifest our desires together? Why can’t we just support each other?
This community could be so beautiful but some of you anons are fucking ruining it. Just bc you can’t apply doesn’t mean it’s anyone’s fault but your own. You need to want to change and stop being so goddamn desperate. Don’t take it out on our beautiful community.
And to the non believers that call us delusional; so what? Why do you care? Why must you push your beliefs onto us? We certainly don’t do it to you. Just block the account and move on if it bothers you so much about what OTHER people believe. Grow up.
There used to be so many good bloggers on this app. Anons could interact with bloggers and form connections with them. There was emoji anons and we’d all share success stories. People actually wanted to apply the law. And to be fair, this community always used to have haters and liars in it, but not like this.
Stop taking your anger out on others. It’s not our fault, it’s yours. Switch your phone off and go on a walk or something. But hating on bloggers is not the right way to get rid of your anger.
I’ve honestly thought about leaving a few times. And I know other bloggers have as well. There is so many little (active) bloggers compared to a few years ago and if we all leave, assuming that the anons that are dedicated to getting their dream life also leave because they’ve succeeded, this community would be left with angry, hurt anons. And it would die with us unless we went to YouTube or something bc there is no way those anons would actually apply.
I just want this community to be happy and have good vibes again. We’re all in this together, guys. We all want our desires, we all know the law, we all help each other. So why are you hating? Don’t let this community die because of your anger.
And to the anons and bloggers that are dedicated to getting their desired life no matter what: I’m proud of you. I just know you’re going to make it far. Don’t become demotivated, your desires are yours. Never give up and you’ll win. You’ll get your desires and your life will be beautiful. You’ll wake up everyday, happy you took that leap. Just keep going and prove to yourself over and over that you can do this and that you are powerful. Ily guys <3
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letsventstuff · 1 month
Tumblr is such a wonderful zone. I can talk about the most intrusive thoughts, while nobody even cares. They simply reblog it and silently relate to it. Ily fellow sufferer.
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heartorbit · 10 months
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a mob of emus for an artstyle game on twt! ^_^
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capricolusional · 4 days
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is she?
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cocoflokka · 5 months
finding comfort in ⭐️ving... that's when you know you are a little f*cked up 🙃
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echodoe · 24 days
i wasn’t an “old soul” or an indigo child- i was a KID who had to emotionally mature quickly to survive her environment
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behold. ARM
(continuation of this)
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