#5+1 fic ideas
onboardsorasora · 27 days
5 times people on the grid assumed max and daniel were a couple when they weren't and one time said people were actually right
well I mean can we really blame anyone? when someone from the pitcrew catch them drunkenly sneaking back into the hotel together after a night out
or when Charles goes over to Max's place and Daniel's laying with his head in Max's lap while Max plays playstation. He stops up short when they both look at him curiously.
Or when Lewis asks Daniel if he wants to go clubbing and Daniel cheekily says that its date night. Lewis goes 'oh, makes sense' and that was that. But what Daniel really meant was that he and Max always go to this one restaurant when theyre in Imola
Or when Lando comes over and asks Max where the cats are and he distractedly tells him that Daniel's taken them to the vet because they behave better for him
Or when Checo goes to drop something off in Max's driver room and Daniel is in there changing- even though the Vcarb rooms are across the hall.
Theyre all waiting for the driver meeting and Hulk says he's going to teach Daniel a new phrase. Daniel is game cause this is the shit they always did as teammates. Hulk teaches him to say 'I love you so much' in German, thinking he'll be the one to finally push them together. Everyone is loudly listening as Daniel repeats. Then Hulk starts to tell him to say it to Max and Daniel goes,
'Oh, well I already know this one. Max says it all the time when we're home and I always tell him [in German] I adore you.' Daniel shrugs
Nico is speechless. 'so why did you let me 'teach you'??'
'I was humoring you, youre always letting me tell you all sorts of nonsense' then Max walks up and Daniel throws his arm around Max's neck
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shirozora-draws · 1 year
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Part 1 of "dinluke + kisses ruined my workflow". Part 2 is in the far future because I am writing two fics, I don't have the time to map out and draw a 1-page silent comic. I am also still rusty as hell so maybe work on drawing a bit more before attempting another comic? Maybe????
Inspired by me losing my mind over an ask for an ask game. Huge shoutout to @violets-and-mints-reblogs for derailing the last hours of my workday. I really needed that break from writing.
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the-wandering-mage · 4 months
5+1 Danny Phantom x DC universe prompt
Five times The Teen Titans thought they were fighting a new bad guy and the one time they realized they were just trying to make a friend.
Had this idea don't know if I'll ever fully write it but here it goes for anyone else to use. As is Fanon ghosts socialize by fighting. Dani is sent to a dimension (clockwork identified as the safest for her or because it has a lot of young heros for her to make friends with and not enough healthy ecto to create ecto ghosts) her safety while Danny fights the whole war with the GIW and there is some political upheaval about how Danny is handling it. Danny doesn't want his child in the middle of it. Dani is sent with an emergency communicator, Cujo, a backpack full of things to help her, and most importantly a case with healthy ecto.
Dani wares a medical device that gives her transfusions of ecto and nutrients her human body needs to keep her form stable. Idk if a belt or a arm cuff I like the idea of better. I briefly thought a crown belt combo for the aesthetic but a princess crown would be really impractical.
So, to the meat of the story. Dani tries to make friends the only way she knows how from both her instincts and time spent in the realms before being basically witsec'd, she picks fights with them. Stealing their stuff to get them to chase her ect. A lot of taunting and shit talking and generally being a pain. Maybe even stealing food from stores because she needs it and knows Danny will pay them back. The teen titans think she's a villain she thinks they are really bonding. The more she evades them the more they get frustrated and uping the ante. They get confused when she actually helps them take out an actually baddy. Then she steals Robin's cape and they are right back to being pissed with her.
Then one day during one of their "spars" Starfire or someone else gets a lucky shot on her medical device which of course they think is just villain tech or something. Or alternatively she could just be running low and needs to refill if you want to be boring. Her medical device gives a warning beep and she calls time out. Now anytime she'd ever called time out it was a respected rule in the realms. In a play fight you call break everything stops so she is completely caught off guard when her new friends don't stop. They keep going and it's not fun anymore it's scary.
She starts crying and she gets hurt and doesn't understand why and is begging them to tell her why they are being mean. The team at first is annoyed and scoffs while thinking they finally got the upper hand and she is just trying to trick them with crocodile tears. Then she starts destabilizing. Then they start to freak out and realize that it's real. She calls Cujo to fetch her medkit with her ecto. They treat her and inbetween sobs and trying to help what they now realize is a scared little girl that they get she thought they were playing. Starfire and Robin are the first to figure out it's a cultural/species difference. The whole team feels super guilty.
Then scared when Dad Danny and Tucker show up having gotten an alert her medical device has malfunctioned. Danny explains everything and apologizes about the trouble. The team apologies for their side of things. Dani ends up with friends in the end and the team takes care of her and nicknames her princess. Funny beginning heartache middle and happy ending.
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littleinkling64 · 28 days
I would love love LOVE more dc (specifically Tim Drake) + Artemis Fowl crossovers that aren't straight up slash/crack, bc like--seriously, these characters have so much potential for fun interactions:
Holly Short, meeting Tim Drake for the first time via his friendship with Artemis: Oh, so you're like Artemis, but nicer. Tim, going on hour 72 of no sleep: Cut off my access to caffeine and I will show you exactly how alike we can be.
Commander Root: Listen here, mudboy, you aren't getting on that ship. Tim, decking him: It's hilarious you thought I was asking permission. Root: Root, bewildered and annoyed: You're the brainy type! Brainy types don't throw punches! It's your one redeeming quality!
Artemis: Can you believe I almost got mauled by a troll? The chase alone ruined my leather loafers. Tim, who has definitely gotten mauled by Killer Croc before at some point: Oh gee, that sounds terrible.
Foaly, tinfoil hat-wearing, paranoid tech enthusiast: Well it's like I always say, 'it's not paranoia if they're really out to get you!' Tim Drake, paranoid bat trained by the master of paranoia, Batman: Exactly.
Tim, lifting a swear toad into his pocket to show Jason later: :) Holly: I saw that. Tim, slowly putting the swear toad back: >:(
Butler: I doubt your training could compete with that of the Blue Diamond. Who did you train under? Tim: Lady Shiva. Butler: Butler: 'Lady Shiva of the League of Shadows' Lady Shiva? Tim: That'd be the one. Butler:...I take it back.
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danothan · 11 months
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Just reading some comics and saw a panel I thought you might like. :)
ah fuck, characters reminiscing always get to me ;__;
but i will never ever get over that fond way these two talk to and abt each other. especially when they’re poking fun, you can just hear the love in their voice it’s SICK.
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the halbarry love language is annoying each other, but even more than that, it’s being each other’s exceptions
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lilliancdoodles · 3 months
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More fanart for @tastytoastz's Mermaid AU fic Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down. This is specifically from Chapter 3! If this looks interesting give it a read, I love it so much!!
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4me2knowandyou2wonder · 9 months
Soap having a soulmate string for ghost.
Ghost not being able to see that string yet for some reason or another. (Hasn’t realized feelings yet, just can’t see them, something on his end has to happen first. Whatever the AU dictates)
For years soap has been notoriously awful at finding exfil without being explained the directions like 3 times.
But now that ghost and he are on a team?
Soaps just starts using the string to get to exfil.
He doesn’t tell anyone why his sudden and significant improvement to finding the RV, but Price sure is wondering.
Also the fact that this new found ability seems to “randomly” completely disappear sometimes (on missions without ghost) I bet the first few times the Sargent regressed to his old ways Price nearly threw a fit.
Sillies ensue.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #122
Peter is always reluctant to let Tony buy him things. It's a point that they argue about constantly (not in an angst way, but not in a joking way either). Every time Tony tries to spend money on him, Peter struggles to accept it and argues that it's too much. Especially when it's for something he just wants rather than needs.
One day, after trying and failing to get Peter to accept some gift, Tony finally gets him to see his side like this:
Tony: What if you had $100, and you saw someone who was hungry and you could just buy them a meal. Wouldn't you do it?
Peter: Well yeah, but-
Tony: What you had $1000 and your best friend Ted was cold and you could just buy him a coat. Even a $400 coat. It'd keep him warm every winter for years. Wouldn't you?
Peter: Yes-
Tony: If you had infinite money and you could just get May jewelry she wanted or just get MJ the art supplies she'd been saving for-
Peter: Okay, yes, I get it
Tony: Kid, you'd spend your last dollar on a stranger. I couldn't spend all of my money in a lifetime if I tried. And I've tried. If you had the kind of money I do, you'd be spending it on everyone you love, all the time. Can't you let me do the same?
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Prompt #982: 5 + 1 Things (12)
5 times Person A makes Person B laugh and 1 time they make them cry.
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onboardsorasora · 27 days
Maybe 5 times ppl dismissed maxiel as just two close best friends + 1 time they got proof maxiel are actually dating?
history will say that they were best friends because they on camera:
shared an ice bath semi nude
made puppets of themselves make out and profess undying love
dry humped each other at a hockey rink but its fine because they were wearing pads and skates n helmets n stuff
made love hearts and teased each other in their karts and f1 cars
called each other home in various interviews.
but history will be rewritten to say they were together because when Pierre posted his end of season photo dump, he added a video from a party where Daniel is sitting comfortably in Max's lap while Max strokes his back. They're smiling and laughing with their group. Max is wearing Daniel's sunglasses at top his head.
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asmolbirb · 1 month
Temeraire is gonna send me back into a fic-writing fury, isn’t it
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m4delin · 7 months
QSMP Purgatory Pissa AU
There is cannabalism in this.
This takes place in an apocalyptic world, around a city that's sorta floating/suspended in the air a good 100 meters up. The elite basically controlls the city, and both for them not wanting it to become crowded and for their own entertainment they gather a group of people (criminals, people with less power than them that they don't like, etc) and basically kick them out of the city.
It's hard to live outside, anyone who breaks away from the group tends to die if they don't get accepted into another one, but the groups that have survived are often suspicious of others so it's a rare occurance.
Doesn't help that those who survive out in the wilderness tends to have gone a bit insane.
The blue group is the newest batch to the outside and gets greeted by a couple of people from green team who gives them the run down of the "rules" out here. Fit gives them the heads-up, to be nice, to avoid running into the red team until they're more on their footing. "They can be a lot to handle" as he says.
The blue group finds a place to settle down on and at first it seems to be going all good, making people question why it always seemed so bad to live out here. Then they get ambushed by a purple team but before there can be too much bloodshed there's a disaster that sends the purple team hurrying away. After everything calmed down, they still have to bury 3 bodies.
After that attack, they truely start to learn the rules here on the outside.
The first time Missa encounters someone from the red team is when he enters a cave system to escape an acid storm. He figures he can get some mining resources while he's at it.
As he enters a cave he spots another person in the cave already. Now, at this point he has heard plenty of horror stories about the red team from some tense trading interactions with other teams, so he freezes in place as the gasmask turns to him. Missa barely register the masked man shouting something and he's just frozen in place as the man sprints at him, pickaxe in hand. And as it's raised, obviously with the intent to strike, Missa closes his eyes and raises his arms around his head as if it would prevent him getting killed.
There's a loud crack and there's a brief but heavy silence as Missa realizes that the loud crack didn't come from his own head getting cracked open and then there's a thud as something heavy hit the ground.
Missa opens his eyes to see the masked man take a step away from him, the pickaxe falling to his side in a casual hold. He glances behind him to see an unmoving zombie. With a sizeable hole in the side of the head.
When he looks up again, the man is surprisingly far away. The last he sees of him is a pair of wings, partial feathery and partial skeletal.
So his first encounter with someone from the red team was terrifying, but he at least survived.
His next encounter with the red is the same man. And Missa isn't sure what overtakes him, but he gives the man his freshest food, as a thank you for saving him last time. The masked man gives him a look, not that Missa can tell through the mask, as Missa nervously rambles abt the thank you. But they part way without anything dramatic happening.
Missa himself doesn't really encounter other people from the red team though he do hear stories from his team members. And they sound terrifying and yet, when he meet the masked man for the third time, he's not exactly terrified, just more like nervous.
This time he's been out looking for any new crops that can farm when he gets jumped once again by acid rain. He digs down and stumbles into a tunnel. It's not a big tunnel, barely large enough for him to sit up. Obviously a tunnel that you mostly crawl through. When Missa finally gets his bearings he realizes that the masked man is staring at him. And then the man is leaning close and Missa becomes flustered as he presses close, but it's a brief contact and the man is leaning back again. Now Missa realizes that he had closed off the hole Missa had made as he tried to get into cover. Which was a good as Missa can feel the sting from where the droplets had eaten through his clothes.
They're staying in silence for a little bit until the man tries to talk but Missa can't make out what he's saying and then he removes his mask and now Missa is throughly flustered as he looks at him with a grin. The man introduces himself as Phil and the two talk a bit as they're waiting for the rain to stop.
It's a bit of a surprise when Phil suddenly puts on the mask again but there's no hesitation in digging out of the small tunnel. Outside they wave goodbye to each other and part ways.
They keep bumping into each other and Missa just can't see why people are afraid of the red team. Not only does he meet Phil several more times, but he do meet other from team red. Sure, they can be a bit odd but everyone kept talking as if they're are a group of scary induviduals.
It's not until there's a "hunt" of sorts that Missa gets to see just how terrifying the red team can be.
"Hunts" are an event where the elite from the city decides to send some heavily armored soldiers to kill some people from the teams because they think there's been too little killing between the teams.
Green and blue teams gets jumped when they're in the middle of a discussion of how to deal with an incoming big horde of mobs. There's a lot of fighting, but at least it's not a pure massacer.
At one point Missa is scrambling backwards to get away as one soldier is raising their rifle to shoot him, and then *something* throws itself over the soldier. Somewhere in the back of his mind he recognizes it as Cellbit and he's tearing into the soldier with his bare hands. And the rest of the red team is not far behind. With the help of the red team all of the soldiers gets killed (maybe some escapes) and they're safe for now.
Missa locates Phil through all of the people and finds him digging through the chest of one of the soldiers. And when he stands up, he's holding the soldier's heart in his hand. And he's staring at Missa and walks to him. He crouches in front of him and stretches out his hand holding the heart.
As Missa stares at the mask staring back at him, Phil pushes the heart closer and closer to Missa's mouth until Missa has it pressed against his lips. And as he stares into the mask's eyes he takes a bite of it, fearing what would happen if he didn't. H knows Phil well enough by now to know that the other man is smiling.
When Phil pulls the heart away, the whole red team is cheering. And Missa doesn't dare to spit it out so he swallows the bite he took.
(Missa doesn't notice how Cellbit runs over to Roier with another heart and does the same thing, the red team cheering even more. he can only stare at them as they grab some of the bodies and he knows it's for food)
Cue Missa having a bit of a crisis when he realizes that he still has a crush on Phil despite that.
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whoblewboobear · 23 days
Mhm mhm and so what if I gave Jace a dog just so he could have an excuse for Porter to visit him for the first time in six months since they’ve been resurrected and Porter is finally allowed back to Elmville, what then?
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omaano · 2 years
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Instead of leaving a comment on a fic like a decent human being, I decided that it was a good idea to set myself up for an art project that is 50% landscape and fabric and colours I rarely-if-ever get to use oops X"D
On an unrelated note, did you know that @brightmouth 's Lessons in Idle Ecstasies is fucking great?? (All her writing is, really, I just have so much reading I need to catch up on, I've been too busy trying to figure out how to paint rocks and mountains and things I thought I knew how to paint ^^; )
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amethystina · 3 months
I just want everyone to know that writing sex scenes is the bane of my existence and I regret every single life choice that has led me to this moment
And, before you ask: No, it's not Who Holds the Devil.
But is it Yo Han and Ga On?
Yes, yes it is.
And I cannot BELIEVE how kinky and oblivious Ga On manages to be, both at the same time. He'll definitely be the death of me (and Yo Han) before this is over.
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luxroyalty · 4 months
One day I’m going to write the one shot with omega Bruce and his many children and make it full of angst.
It being a universe where omegas have natural instincts when alphas are being angry at them to calm them down, retreat, freeze and submit etc and Batman is highly trained and will not do any of that while working. That could get him and others killed.
However. At home, in his own den, he’s not so on guard and suppressing his instincts as strongly.
Unfortunately, he’s got several alpha children with tempers.
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