michaelnotholden · 5 months
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greenqueenhightower · 3 months
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Meanwhile Alicent:
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marlair · 6 months
a thousand faces in a thousand places
synopsis: the housewardens with a Sparkle (from honkai: star rail) reader. (headcanons)
gn!reader + reader is not yuu
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uhm! 😨 (scared)
there is not a single universe where this man, pre-overblot, did not hate you.
so, how did you two meet? considering your mysterious, yet still childish personality- you probably got sorted into heartslabyul!
you’re basically like alice but.. so. much. worse. 
pre-overblot he’d, most likely, be very cross with you.
do you know how many times you’ve been off-with-your-head-ed? because it’s happened a LOT. and i mean, a lot a lot.
you were in and out of everywhere, were rather cryptic, and had a strong mischievous streak.
how could he NOT be annoyed? smh.
though, post-overblot, i think he’d be more relaxed.
of course, he’d still be exasperated, but not to the level of annoyance he had before. progress, woop woop !!!
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i am still scared. not for you, but for leona.
he’d be annoyed, i suppose. you’re like a creepy, more out there, more literally insane version of ruggie.
so, how did you two meet? it’s similar to how yuu and the lion met, actually. except.. there’s kind of a difference.
whereas yuu stepped on his tail (by accident!), causing leona to go “ooh i’m gonna eat you” like a shark on steroids, YOU were the one who.. tried to eat him.
picture this, leona sleeping on the botanical garden, you seeing his tail and immediately going
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how romantic a meeting! be still, my heart! meetcute who?
you immediately started laughing hysterically when his startled awake gaze met your terribly amused eyes, so the impression you left to him.. eh.
you probably started a “Call Leona ‘Unca Weona’” trend on MagiTok (that cater undoubtedly joined in on), so he’s probably pretty annoyed at you.
— you’ve also probably used his money to fund some performances.
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“you have bewitched me body and soul. 🤩” “HOW DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE”
he’s probably mildly terrified of you and your absolutely horrendous schemes.
so, how did this lovely pair meet? WELL.
azul, doing paperwork in his office or whatever he does, looking like he sniffs lint, jolts when jade enters abruptly.
it’s unlike the eel’s usual respectful manner, so he’s pretty confused, immediately going “what is it?”
a sheepish jade smiles awkwardly and goes to say something like, “blah blah vanished into thin air before they could pay.”
azul is BEWILDERED. vanished??
so, obviously, righteously wanting his money, he tells jade and floyd to go look for you.
they did not find you.
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he has a new bestie now!
you two are great friends, your chaotic (one more so than the other) tendencies and fun-loving personalities make you a great pair.
jamil would say otherwise.
you two go on happy little excursions around the campus, terrorizing a few people here and there, and honestly just having the time of your lives.
he was so glad you weren’t his friend just for his wealth, but because you liked his personality as he liked yours.
though, you, as someone who can only have their interest piqued by amusement, didn’t understand why he’d think you were using him.
you wear the most stupid matching shirts (that kalim bought and jamil tacitly approved) and walk around, happily playing and leaving only destruction in your wake.
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you’re fashionable, he likes you.
with your skill in acting, you’re probably in the film studies club, which is most likely how you two met.
he admires your.. cough, dedication. and he also thinks your personality is a bit (is it?👀).
“your dedication to being you is admirable.” “hehe thanks but wtf🥰”
as literally everyone is, kalim not included, he’s pretty exasperated by your chaos-causing tendencies and unhinged personality.
illusion magic is your jam, so just imagine how shocked he was when looking into his mirror and seeing your evilly-grinning visage instead of his own face.
(rook approves.)
talking about rook, a curious vil had asked the hunter to.. stalk you for a while, because he was confused if you were really the person you portrayed yourself as.
a laughing rook gave the report that you had found him out and asked if he was close to his housewarden because he stripped himself naked and apologized for his crime of liking neige.
vil is flabbergasted.
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on one hand, he’s terrified, and on the other- he thinks you’re funny.
you come up with the most unhinged insults, and you always get the last word- he thinks you’re admirable.
your level of extrovertness is shocking to him.
first kalim, now you? he is Shaking His Head™.
how you first met doesn’t matter, what matters is what he accidentally said when first meeting you and having a good short chat.
“mesugaki..” he mumbled in the middle of your sentence.
your ears were good. his ears were working well enough to hear his own damn self.
he wants to cry. he wants to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it.
“hikikomori.” you immediately responded.
critical hit! idia will have to stay inside his room for three weeks, tell ortho he loves him..
you’d say you two get along well, idia would say otherwise.
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he enjoys your rambunctious personality. he’s normally chilling quietly in the corner, so having you drag him around probably does wonders for how people see him.
he approves (sebek does NOT).
he’s sometimes concerned. he knows humans don’t live long, will you Doing What You Do somehow make your lifespan even shorter? 
you’re just being you and he’s standing menacingly right beside you. imagine how that looks to other people.
your local terrorist gremlin and THE malleus draconia. standing next to eachother. chilling.
you probably call him “that guy with the horns”, or something more animal aligned.
like “ram horns boy”. 
lilia probably laughed at it, silver didn’t know if he should’ve felt offended for malleus or if it was a friendly joke, and sebek is going to use it as a horror story for the future generations of his family.
you’re just causing chaos and he’s there like 🧍😄
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talaok · 1 year
ok first of all, I love your writing!!! a scenario just popped into my head and I found it so funny, the reader and Pedro have been dating for some time, Pedro doesn't want to have children but you were always good with children and after a children's party you went together and he realized (or thought) that you were strange when interacting with the children (which would be just tiredness) made him nervous and anxious thinking that you were frustrated because you wanted children and he didn't, during the night he can barely sleep and that means he gets up early and being impatient waiting for you to wake up, and at the first sign that you are waking up the first thing he says is: be honest, do you want to have children? and the reader is confused like dude it’s 7 am wtf??? I leave her answer and the end up to you and your incredible imagination, kisses 💋
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: no bc bestie I genuinely love this idea so much like omg im sorry if i didn't do it justice but tomorrow im getting some very fucking important news and my mind is a bit all over the place
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Your beaming niece ran to you as soon as soon as you stepped into the backyard.
"There's the birthday girl!" you grinned, picking Nora up to give her a tight hug
"I missed you!" she squealed, as her small arms reached around your neck "You never visit anymore"
You snorted "Did your mom tell you to say that?"
The way your sister was biting down a grin told you all you needed to know.
"no" she mumbled, making you huff a laugh.
Your sister was raising the perfect actress.
"Well aren't you miss popular?" you gasped, looking around at all the children running around the place "These all your friends?" you asked, as she turned to follow your gaze
"yep" she nodded proudly "I basically know every kid at school"
"well there's something you didn't take from your mom..." you joked, raising your eyebrows at your sister
"hey!" she shot you a look
"I'm just saying" you shrugged "I don't remember your birthday parties being this big"
"oh shut up, you're one to talk" she rolled her eyes.
"hi Pedro!" Nora noticed him as he walked into the backyard with your sister's husband.
"hi Nora" he smiled, walking closer
"Is it your fault that y/n never visits anymore?"
Pedro was very much taken aback by the bluntness, but all you could do was chuckle.
"oh my god, I'm so sorry" your sister intervened, taking her daughter from you "Here why don't you go play with your friends?" she suggested, making her comply immediately.
"I swear I didn't tell her to say that" she promised, looking as mortified as she sounded.
"I know Alice" you grinned "don't worry"
"I'm sorry Pedro" she turned to him nonetheless.
"It's fine" he smiled that charming smile of his 
"Nora's just very..."
"Exuberant" her husband finished the sentence for her
"yes, exactly" she nodded
You laughed softly "That's definitely one way to put it"
The next hour was spent chatting at one of the tables Jeremy, your sister's husband, had set up on the lawn, and as you talked and ate, and drank more champagne than water the tiredness started to really make itself heard.
The flight from LA to Washington was six hours and a half, so you had to travel during the night, and as much as you wanted to sleep during it, you never were able to do so on planes.
So you were basically only running on coffee, and not even the good kind, no, the shitty airport one.
A tug at your hand brought you out of your own thoughts.
"Auntie!" your niece was saying
"sorry" you smiled down at her, setting your glass down "What's up sweetie?"
"come play Simon says!"
You had to fight the urge to groan. The last thing you wanted to do right now was to play a game with a bunch of screaming children.
"right now?" you asked
"c'mooon," Nora moaned, jumping up and down a bit "I want you to meet my friends"
You sighed slightly as you stood up 
"lead the way birthday girl"
And as you disappeared behind a tree, dragged by your own niece, Pedro couldn't help but think
That was weird
And that same thought continued making its way into his mind over and over again.
You've never hesitated when it came to playing with Nora, you loved that kid so much you would have given her the world on a silver platter had she just said the word.
You weren't constantly taking pictures of her because you "wanted to remember every single moment with her" as you insisted every time, you weren't smiling every time you just looked at her either, and you weren't even entertaining the kids like you always did.
Fuck, Jacob and Alice used to tease you every time saying that they didn't need entertainers for her parties when you were there, that's how good you were with children.
Not that today you weren't good with them, Pedro could see and hear the laughs you'd elicit from the small crowd, but still, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong... and that he had something to do with it.
You were asleep beside him, and he didn't know if it was because you were in your sister's guest room and not in your own bedroom, or if was because guilt was clawing at him from within, but as much as he tried to sleep, his body opposed to it.
He was looking at you... so peaceful, so pretty, so beautiful and all he could feel was guilty.
He had racked his brain as to why you were acting weird for hours and then finally, thirty minutes ago he'd finally got it.
It was his fault
Of course, it was.
The only thing that had changed since you last saw Nora, was that talk you'd had that day at the park.
God, he was so goddamn stupid.
"Another reason as to why I don't want children" 
He'd said it so casually too, as a stupid joke, like it was nothing, without even thinking that maybe that's not what you wanted, that maybe he was ruining everything.
And now he'd fucked everything up, and panic was rising in his chest so fast that he worried in mere minutes he was gonna go into cardiac arrest.
And yes you'd told him you didn't want children too, but maybe you just said it because that's what he said and you probably hated him and-
Fuck were you ever gonna wake up?
he had thought about doing it himself but then realized how bad of an idea that was when he was halfway into shaking your arm.
He needed to talk to you. Now.
He needed to know, and to beg you, and to tell you to forget all about what he said at the park because it all went flying out the window when it was about you and-
Your eyelids fluttered, and shit but for a moment he pondered the existence of a god.
A whimper left your mouth as you readjusted your head on the pillow and he couldn't hold it anymore.
"Be honest"
Your eyes flew open in shock as your heart skipped a beat.
"Holy fucking- Jesus!" you breathed "You scared me, Pedro"
"Do you want children?"
Your eyes widened even more as your features filled with confusion 
"What the actual f-"
"I know that I said that I don't want kids, and I know that you agreed with me, but if that's not really what you want or if- if you changed your mind I want you to know that I-"
You propped yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him.
Was he fucking high or something?
"Pedro first of all it's..." you trailed off, glancing at your phone and groaning when you read the numbers on the screen "Oh my god" you sighed, running a hand down the length of your face "and second of all, what are you talking about baby?" you sighed, your voice softening as you took in his worried face for the fist time since you'd opened your eyes.
He took your hand in his
"I'm talking about the fact that I take it back- that if you want to have children then I'm sure I can make it work, that I love you y/n, and I don't want to lose you and that-"
"lose me?" you frowned, trying to squint your sleep away "Children?" you shook your head, trying to make some sense of what was going on "Pedro I- I'm sorry I thought we'd agreed neither of us wanted children?"
"Yes, but I understand if you've changed your mind"
"Why would I have changed my mind?" you asked, sitting up "Where is this coming from?"
"I just-" he looked like a sad puppy with those big brown eyes of his "You were acting weird today at the birthday and I couldn't help but think that-"
"That I wanted children?" you smiled, doing a poor job of hiding your amusement
"oh my god" you breathed, moving some messy hair out of your face "I was tired baby" you explained with a grin "I didn't sleep for shit on the plane and I wasn't exactly feeling like running around kids like I usually do"
Now was his turn to frown
"yeah, oh" you shook your head, still unable to get rid of the smile on your lips.
"Well this is embarrassing" he let out a low huff "I just... I don't know-"
you sat up to get closer to him as you inspected his face.
"Oh baby," you cooed, stroking his cheek "Did you even sleep?"
"I tried to" 
Your lips pulled into a sorry tilt as you intertwined your arms behind his neck.
"I don't want children baby" you said "I love our life exactly as it is"
"I'm sorry" he murmured
"No don't be" you shook your head, letting your forehead meet with his "It was kind of sweet to be honest" you beamed, leaving a quick kiss on his lips
"Did you really mean it? that you'd have children if that's what I wanted?"
And when he looked at you now, you felt as if he was staring right into your soul.
"Sweetheart" he murmured "I'm not sure there's anything on this earth I wouldn't do for you"
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
HOTD Ep 2x7 Spoilers and review.
So this was one of my favorite episodes this season and also one of the coolest imo.
Seasmoke being protective of Addam and looking proud he terrorized Addam into being his rider was too funny. I love that dragon 😂. Come through Addam the Loyal, all Rhaenyra had to say was she's queen and he immediately acknowledged her and bent the knee, I loved that. He's really about to become my other favorite boy.
Corlys being shook and acting like he doesn't know Addam, like sir if you don't tell the truth already. He's never gonna beat the deadbeat allegations. Although when he told him “Well done” I did whoop a little. I would've kicked his ass had I been Addam though.
Oscar Tully! That's it. That's the fuckin post. He gagged Daemon and stood on business. I love to see young kids bullying arrogant adults, he reminded me of the OG lil boss Lyanna Mormont. That's my lil nephew now.
Daemon didn't take the crown. We saw him hallucinating again, this time with the sick version of Viserys and Viserys holding the crown which he didn't take. I mean anybody with a brain could summarize that he never wanted the crown, we didn't need to spend so much time in his delusions in Harrenhal to tell us that. We certainly didn't need a scene of him feasting on his mom to tell us that, yuck. For all his faults he really was about his family. He went about it the wrong way but that's Daemon for you. His stupid self destructive ass.
We had an unnecessary scene of Alicent running about the woods after leaving King's Landing. Chile anyways. Larys is totally protecting Aegon now and he's essentially crippled atp. I fear for Baela's storyline.
Rhaena is looking for Sheepstealer. Her and Jeyne are still tussling but they waited until the final 2 episodes to give her something, Baela had no lines besides looking pretty and staring at Jace. I fuckin hate it here. Could we bully HBO AND THE WRITERS SOME MORE. WTF!!
Vermithor and SilverWing looked so cool. What did that old bum feed Vermithor though? He's big asf. SilverWing just might be the coolest looking dragon. I can't rank them anymore cause I like them all 😭. Literally my favorite thing about the episode. Like the directors cooked. The dragons are funny asf 😂😭😭😭. There were a lot of parentage reveals, I don't believe for a second Saera sired that ugly man but anyways. RhaeRhae led those people to their deaths. Rhaenyra deadass gave this big ass pep talk, she reminded me of Erwin before he led the scouts out on what would be their suicide mission except she didn't stay to see the outcome or participate in it. Vermithor saw an opportunity for a buffet and took it, Hugh claimed him. Fuckin cinema. Still gonna hate his bitchass but I can't lie that was badass. SilverWing was bullying Ulf. Why do people I hate always win sometimes?! Ulf literally failed upwards. Can't be mad at it. I mean if I was a dragon I would've done the same shit. How dare mediocre specimens come before me who is essentially the next best thing after the Gods!
We got Rhaenyra speaking High Valyrian. She had her dragon squad quit on her though and gave her a warning (foreshadowing). Her also being able to calm Vermithor, that's the Dragon Queen of her era y'all. We saw a little movement with her and her protective spoiled cat Syrax too 😍.
Not people hating on Jace now. Listen that argument has been brewing since season 1. He just finally let it out of his brooding body. I don't think many people understand the implications that argument meant. He sounded classist and maybe he was, highly doubt he is but he's being realistic and in the future he was proven right (unless they scrap the book canon). Rhaenyra paralleled Viserys in that entire scene. She really is her father's child in some ways. She did to Jace what Viserys essentially did to her. The one thing that could've upheld his ascension to the throne was him having a dragon and she essentially gave a free pass to anybody to do the same, the same thing was done to Rhaenyra when Viserys decided to marry Alicent and sire more children when he knew damn well that if he had a son, her claim to the throne would've been compromised. Jace knows he's a “bastard”, a legitimate one but a “bastard” ntl (I'm not calling him a bastard in a derogatory sense either, he isn't. Laenor claimed them as his sons and that's the end of it to me) , it shouldn't matter considering the throne is not passing from his father's side but his mother's. Sure his last name would've changed the minute he was named heir and ascended as stated by Viserys but what weight does that hold now? They briefly touched on it when he spoke to Baela about his fathers but he had always been insecure about his parentage. No he didn't call his mother a whore, he's been fighting that battle all his life, she just made it worse. In the dire situation they're in, the sacrifice had to be made but I could understand why he's angry and hurt over it again. She literally just made him illegitimate in the eyes of the realm. His anger is valid. Was his tone harsh yes, try dealing with the whispers and the jeers and everything else for the past 16 years of your entire life and seeing the same proof of what everybody else sees everyday and tell me that you wouldn't hold some kind of resentment towards it. I liked how Rhaenyra was patient with him though, just wished it wasn't as rushed as the scene felt.
The last shot of the episode was fuckin brilliant. Aemond turning his bitchass around knowing he can't handle that kinda pressure. Also Vhagar and Aemond's bond may not be as strong as it should be. She clearly does not listen to him sometimes. He's still responsible for Lucerys death IDC what y'all got to say. The episode got a 4/5 stars from me just for the dragons. I'm here for Jace, Baela, Addam and the Dragons!
Until next week guys for the finale. We're going to see Tessarion and Sheepstealer next week. I'm so excited.
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pinyeti · 4 months
Is it just me or have they just not explained the Death Star properly?
I cant take Darthy seriously anymore, he’s just a bag of organs 
Whats quirrel doing here
Isnt this that old caterpillar from Alice n wonfderlad
WOW LUKE REALLY SUITED UP FOR HIS MESSAGE- DID HE JUST SELL???? GOLDENFACE AN R2-oh right Hans in the carbon - way to go to the dark side Luke, triangular droid trade YOU ARE YOUR FATHERS SON LUKE 
So much of Star Wars is just running into the problem with a glowstick and hoping it dies
Wow hansolo has been imprisoned, thrown into garbage, tortured, thrown into carbon, imprisoned AGAIN all cuz he has can’t shut my mouth disease
What even is their relationship with Luke btw, are they his adopted fWOAH WOAH WOAH WHEN DID LUKE TURN INTO A MAN??? Last I saw he was a child who couldn’t get a plane out of a lake AND THEY LEFT THE LAST MOVIE WITH ALL OF THTEM BEING TOGETHER wow the text in the beginning is more important than I thought 
No seriously why is Luke dressed like a pastor whats going on
Ok yoda we get it you’re 900 no ones talking about your wrinkles anyway with pastor Luke in the room, projecting much?
Is yoda suidicdal???
 Whos the other Skywalker?? lukes not even a Skywalker isnt his name Luke vader where’s skywalkers real son OH darthy’s deadname is skywalker
Nice the gang is back together, waiting for chewbakka to be revealed as darthy’s next offspring
I cant believe these are the idiots the emperors trying to kill
"yes I could sense you were my brother when my tongue was down your throat"
Oh yes Luke hands himself over- haha darthy sensitive over dead name 
Luke youre so stupid- but since jedis cant die is he gonna go to wherever yoda and obi wan is 
Lando is growing on me, also squid guy
This movie is gonna end with emperor and Luke dead isnt it
Is the emperor a jedi too how else does he have power or something something Sith
Id make a horrible jedi- im made of hatred
Hansolo my pathetic little idiot
You’re telling me this big of an empire cant take down 6 idiots lead by a happy go lucky guy, never heard of this before
Hahahah a hand for a HAND- wait what…. Why does he have a robo hand too whats going on 
Luke stop acting like you didnt hear about jedis 5 secs ago
Aw does darthy have a heart among his organs
Oh damn hes not as ugly as I thought he’d be
Kinda cute even - bro how did he even get this weak why’s he dying rn 
He has such kind eyes
Is the empire this easy to penetrate? No but they did it with the power of lOVE and FRIENDSHIP 
Love lando 
Yes Luke its so sad your daddy that blew up an entire planet in ONE second without a single thought died IM NOT FORGIVING HIM THIS EASY
No way thats it??? They took down the empire just like that???? What??
Damn no one in this world can dance
ok fine anakin is cute
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
Marauders’ Nicknames - a report
Okay so
James: Prongs, Sun, Chaser. Bucks. Pot? (Just learned people use flowerpot for Jily)(Am I forgetting one?)(keep ‘em coming lol)
Sirius: Padfoot, Star, Black(?)
Remus: Moony, Wolf (horrible name imo)
Peter: Wormtail (even worst name) Rock? (Since it is what his name mean, I hadn’t hear of it before but I do like it) also bro needs another option… what about like. Mercury or Earth or Meteor or smt HAH because the meteor killed all the dinosaurs like he killed all his friends…. No? I think it’s funny
Lily: Flower
Marlene: — (I’m gonna start using Wild personally I think it goes fucking hard) some people also use Star but like there is so many Stars already guys 😭 (someone also said Cherry!! which I think is very cute)
Mary: does Mary have one??? (Someone said Fire and I actually love that)
Dorcas: Gazelle? Some people use like.. flower? But there’s also so many of those 😭 I’m going to start using maybe Ocean or Garden ??? Still debating
Barty: K!ller
Evan: Rose
Regulus: Star, Seeker, Water (the love of this fandom and putting the worst thing to happens to a character as their ship name is crazy)
Pandora: — does she have one??? Someone said “box” because of Pandora’s box and I’m obsessed with that (also Flowerbox for Pandalily?? Adorable)
Bellatrix: k!ller (Barty takes after his mother /jk)
Andromeda: — none that I know of?
Narcissa: WAIT A MINUTE THIS WHOLE TIME I THOUGHT FLOWER WAS FOR ALICE AND NOBLE FOR NARCISSA?????? Flower…. (I be using Noble tho I think it fits her so well)
Rita: Quill
Zabini: Silver (that’s what I personally use) I think some people use Gold?
Alice: Noble???? My world is actually shattered wtf.. IT ALSO DOESNT SUIT HER THAT MUCH?? I- (guys pls let’s find another option)
Frank: — nothing that I know of? (Someone said Keeper and lowkey I like it? that’s his quidditch position)
Edward: Ted (lol) but also he also doesn’t have any I think? Something like Softconstellation or smt for Tedromeda could go hard
Sybill: Seer, Crystal?? Been trying to find a good name for her and Pete for ages (MY FRIEND SAID CRYSTAL METH BYE-)
Severus: PRINCE! (Many thanks to the person who reminded me) does he have one? I feel like he definitely do.. no? But I can’t figure out what it is
Lucius: silk ????
If you have any characters you think I should add pls tell me I’m trying to get them all at the same place because it’s confusing!! (Like Emmeline Vance, Emma Vanity, Xenophilius, etc)
Emmeline: Cosmos (cause of what 'emme' means), or Brave or Rival (full name meaning), or Marsh (last name meaning). - By @enbysiriusblack
I was getting lost so lol PLEASE ADD TO THIS
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
okay. i just watched the movie Snakeskin (2001). i bought a physical dvd in the year of our lord 2024 because Taika has 6.5 minutes of screentime in it. and now i'm sitting here trying to process wtf i just watched asjdhfdjsk so here are the highlights (thank you Meow @blakbonnet for going through this experience with me)
first of all, enjoy these screenshots from the trailer (i'm still not sure if they're mandatory disclaimers?):
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...but say yes to snake imagery, because there will be a lot of it
we are definitely in 2001. this is extremely apparent throughout the whole movie. but especially from this girl's hair
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Taika's character (Nelson) and his girlfriend (Daisy, pictured above) drive around in a repurposed ice cream truck and sell drugs btw. it's called Mr. Trippy.
main character Alice (Melanie Lynskey) is a huge fan of ✨America✨. her best friend is in love with her but she only wants Bad Boys. also said friend's name is Johnny but it's actually Craig
ALSO Craig-slash-Johnny is played by Dean O'Gorman (Fili)??!?!?!?
their hobby is to drive around picking up hitchhikers but only those who look not boring
enter The American. this guy is the most American you have ever seen. americans wish they could be as American as this guy. no one else has ever Americaned harder.
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as you can see, i'm not lying. he even says "howdy ma'am" so we're convinced he is a real American
three skinheads are after The American because he stole their drugs (i think). he also stole drugs from Nelson and Daisy, who now owe money and/or drugs to their boss, who also has beef with The American for reasons i'm still not totally sure of
The American not only steals drugs and money, he also has a real gun(!!!) and fucks pretty much everyone?
"darlin'. u gotta earn the raaaiht. ter wear snakeskins 😎"
oh my god the sunglasses emoji just reminded me of the fucking sunglasses oh no i'm not sure i can do this akjsdhjsk this will make sense later i promise
do not learn gun safety from this movie
at one point, there is a whole lotta sheep. we are, after all, in Aotearoa New Zealand. and ok this had the cutest moment of Taika yelling "SHEEPY" out of a car
there's a scene where uhm. uhhh no not gonna describe this i think but. yeah fair warning this movie has some period-typical homophobia let's just say 💀 this is the live reaction:
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if you enjoy the 2000s aesthetic of "look how edgy we are doing drugs" *colorful-haired people on couches in dark club* *echo-y laugh* *hallucinations* *it's mushrooms look it's mushrooms we're doing psychedelics* then this is the movie for you my friend
oh and Alice also did acid at some point while being very "i've totally done drugs before" about it (((doubt)))
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[New Zealand accent] "wow. six and acid." yes she is living all her american dreams as you can see
by nighttime, all three cars (main characters, mr. trippy, and the nazimobile) and the motorcycle (mr. drug boss) have made it pretty far up the mountain, it seems. cute moment between mr. drug boss and nelson. look how :D he is!
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but you know a movie with Taika in it needs to have a father figure talk down to him so he gets very 🥺 right after this
lots of shit goes down (i won't spoil too much if by any chance you still want to watch this) and it turns out that the older skinhead guy is the best actor in the movie??
and NOW things get weird
Craig and The American have so much beef by now that they decide to solve it by russian roulette
Alice's reaction to this is something like "ugh, you guys are crazy, i can't watch this 🙄"
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like she just walks away?? GIRL THEY'RE AIMING A REAL GUN AT EACH OTHER
she keeps COMPLETELY UNDERREACTING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING like (spoilers from now on) CRAIG IS SHOT AND KILLED and she doesn't even run over and she doesn't even say anything to The American?? WHO SHOT HIM???? he's just standing there??
and then. AND THEN.
ok this is where i fully lost it for several minutes and missed half the following scene. i was fucking HOWLING like actually crying with laughter, i couldn't see or breathe and my partner got worried ksjdhfdjsk ok so here's what happens
they're in the car. craig is obviously very dead. alice is kinda in denial i guess. The American tells her to shut his eyes and she's like why? BECAUSE HE DEAD GIRL!! but she doesn't, she doesn't shut his eyes, no, this is what she does instead
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ANYWAY shortly after this we hear one of the funniest lines in the movie (and it's not even about the shooting and killing of Craig):
"fuck, Seth! this isn't fucking America, you can't just go around shooting everybody!"
oh yeah The American does have a name and it's Seth
i'll just post a few chat screenshots for the next part because i can't really describe it, i promise we're almost at the end
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after some incredible visual effects™️, we end with Return of the Sunglasses (and me scaring my cats away because i was sobbing again)
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i haven't even really talked about Taika's scenes much (the reason i watched this in the first place) because the ending took me OUT and honestly he is maybe the most normal person in this whole movie. one review (from the trailer) wrote this:
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and yeah that may honestly be the best way to describe it. 10/10 movie watching experience, highly recommend. thank you for coming to my snek talk
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
Daddy’s Girl
PAIRING: Dad!Aemond Targaryen x fem!Reader | Dad!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,774.
SUMMARY: Rough ideas of the Targaryen princes as fathers to their first, newborn daughters. 
WARNINGS: fluff, swearing, overprotective!Aemond, overprotective!Aegon, reckless Aegon, lactation kink, breeding kink, slight praise kink. 
A/N - Ya’ll knew this was coming surely... I can’t get enough of this domestic shit!!! Dad!Aemond has me in a chokehold and simultaneously, Dad!Aegon has my back arched, wtf do I do?!
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When Aemond saw and held his tiny little daughter for the very first time, it was like love at first sight. 
He didn't know how anything so small, so precious could bring out all these intense feelings in him, and yet here she was in all her glory.
She was the apple of her father's eye, they were obsessed with each other.
He actually wouldn’t fly her on Vhagar when she’s just a newborn, he would want to wait it out. Considering his first flight was very turbulent, he would never put his daughter at risk. 
She is his “byka prince” [little princess].
Aemond definitely selects her little outfits, if you both stroll around markets or attend royal visits to various other places, and he sees something he adores, he’ll buy it for her. If he sees a particular material/pattern and colour he likes, he orders the servants to have it made for his little princess. Even toys, he’ll have them hand-crafted, a small, hand-painted dragon for his little girl, it would be a miniature Vhagar. 
No doubt, he dresses her in the Targaryen colours or even occasionally Green, in honour of his mother. 
If she cries during the night, he’s usually the first to awake and check (he does not mind, one bit). He reasons with you saying “You did give birth to her, so your hard part is done now it’s my turn, issa jorrāelagon [my love].”
Immediately, she falls asleep after he cradles her for some time, sometimes you even hear him humming a song. On the off chance, that she doesn't settle, it’s often because she either is hungry and needs feeding, or she needs a nappy change.
Aemond would be so bad at nappy changes, although he’s willing to try and gradually gets the gist of it. He doesn’t mind the dirty work.
He loves to bathe his little princess, he only lets you and himself, maybe even Alicent if she’s free and willing to. 
Aemond would definitely do that skin-to-skin touch, when she’s a newborn: he wants her to get familiar to his touch and scent, in case he has responsibilities and duties he needs to attend to as Prince Regent. 
The thought of his daughter not recognising him or resembling him to a stranger terrifies him. 
Overprotective is an understatement. 
Aemond will literally kill anyone that even dares to hurt or speak ill of his daughter. 
Once she starts walking, growing into her toddler phase, she becomes more active and involved. She’ll literally fall and trip over herself (and you’ll be okay with it, and Aemond would just be losing his shit), and if another child is present, he’ll even scold them. 
If he sees a graze or cut or a tiny, spectacle of blood on her, it’ll be the end of the fucking world. 
Having lost his eye, he would never forgive himself if she ever has to endure pain or trauma like that. 
You try to reason with Aemond, that part of parenting you need to teach resilience and the ability to ‘bounce back’ although, Aemond’s not having it. So much to your disapproval, your daughter will definitely grow up spoilt and protected. 
Now that Aemond can hold her appropriately, and she can seat herself properly, he mounts her on Vhagar with him and take flight. At first, she's terrified of the height, although seeing how happy and comfortable Aemond is, she reads him so well and starts to enjoy it too. 
They literally have their own language, they can read minds. Aemond doesn't even need to ask or probe his little girl about what she wants, he just knows. Some water? Here you go. Some sweets? There you go, princess. 
He teaches her Valyrian at such a small age, as soon as she starts verbalising, that she eventually becomes more fluent than you. 
She definitely has Aemond’s Targaryen hair and lilac eyes, although your features, which Aemond fucking loves. 
He definitely takes care of her hair, has his own routine for it, just as he maintains his own. He even learns how to properly braid her hair. 
Aemond is so relieved and impressed that his daughter is not at all afraid of his missing eye, and the sapphire that replaces it. At times, she even tries to touch and grab at it, and he has to pull her away, otherwise she just smiles lovingly and laughs at him. 
She's the only one (besides yourself) that can genuinely make Aemond smile, like if he's having a shit day, as soon as he sees her (even if she's asleep in her cradle), that’s enough to warm him.
Aemond loves and accepts your body changes, he reassures you when you feel insecure, that your body performed a miracle, and that you grew his child effortlessly. 
He definitely watches you breastfeeding and has no shame: something about the way that only you can provide for her, makes him feral. 
The man has a lactation kink, 100%, once he knows he’s daughter has been fed, and now that she can start tolerating solid feeds, he spoils himself to your milk. He finds the sweet, creamy taste delicious. 
Nonetheless, he knows for certain he needs to have another child with you immediately, and won’t stop until he sees your belly swell. 
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Aegon would be so nervous having a little girl at first. 
The history with women that he's had and the poor treatment he had previously shown, he is aware was unacceptable and since having met you, he has changed.
Although, his past would haunt him regardless.
He did remain by your side during the birth, and when the maester declared a daughter, he was in a state of shock. 
He wouldn't completely withdraw himself from you nor the babe, he loved you too dearly to do that. And seeing how well you were with her, and how warm your daughter was with you, he slowly started to gain confidence in himself. 
You’d help him get used to holding her, demonstrating the correct technique, for she was so tiny against his body, he kept fearing that he’d drop her or hurt her in his grip. 
He actually even stopped drinking completely now, he didn’t want to risk being tipsy, in case he had to hold her.
Nonetheless, he became an absolute pro.  
He even begged to take her on Sunfyre with him, although you were still quite anxious for she was so small. 
Somehow, he convinced you for just a quick, short flight: he trusted Sunfyre with his life, and he knew the dragon would nurture and protect his daughter too. 
You would watch from the ground in complete silence, just anxious although, as soon as he landed and dismounted with the babe still nestled and settled in his arms, you were quite surprised.
Aegon would be so proud of himself, it boosts his ego. 
He would always regularly check up on her, even if he only just saw her 10 minutes ago. 
“Aegon she's been asleep in her crib for the past hour, nothing has changed, why do you feel the need to look?” 
He can’t help himself, you’ve come to find it’s as though a switch has flicked on for him, he’s become so protective over you and the babe, he can’t stand leaving you two alone. 
“But she needs me...” He’ll say, as he just stares at her asleep in absolute awe that he helped to make this angel. 
She definitely looks more like her Dad, soft, gentle features with the Targaryen traits. She literally looks like an angel. 
She has Aegon’s plump cheeks and he’s always just kissing and nibbling at them. 
Aegon loves how everyone fawns over her, including his mother. In a way, it makes him feel accomplished. 
Nonetheless, as soon as she’s more involved and interactive, she never wants to leave Aegon’s side. Like she clings to him throughout the day, and cries for him if he isn't around. 
You’ve come to accept that she's an absolute Daddy’s Girl, he’ll carry her around to his council meetings, and she'll bury her face in his chest or the crook of his neck when he tries to get her to greet other lords with him, although she’s too shy. 
Most of the time she even chills on his lap when he sits the Iron Throne. Listening and ordering his subjects for the day, she often remains unphased, although occasionally she’ll try to grab his attention by playing with his hair or trying to touch his crown. That’s when you come in and take her. 
On the days that she is not around, if he has urgent or serious matters to attend (no place for a babe), he feels so empty without her presence there, and feels something is missing. He itches to get back to you both. 
Aegon definitely struggles to be hands on, he hates the dirty work of nappy changes and sometimes begs for you to do it. Although, you both have agreements and take turns with bathing her, or if she cries in the night, Aegon does see to her (although struggles to awake and gradually gets to her).
As random as this is, Aegon would definitely have a Dad!bod and no one can change my mind. The drinking caught up although, his daughter sneaking in sweets to feed her Daddy whilst they chill on the throne doesn't help either. (Aemond will be the type to keep up with his regular training, Aegon struggles with all the responsibilities, although still trains not as often). 
You find Aegon blowing raspberries on his daughter’s stomach, and it makes her laugh like no tomorrow. 
He definitely tells you openly that he wants more children now. 
“Perhaps a son?” He suggests and you reassure him, that is completely out of your control and “Upto the Gods.” 
As soon as your healed from the birth, Aegon is fucking eager to get onto you, and his breeding kink shows. 
He moans how he can’t wait to see your belly swell with his child, another angel: he loves the idea that people will think scandalously of how quick you’ve become pregnant again. Aegon does not care though. 
He even prefers your postpartum body and idolises the changes: he loves how big your tits and ass are, only for his own pleasures.
During the night he'll leave his cock inside of you, making sure he seizes every opportunity to impregnate you. 
You are so proud of the father Aegon has stepped up to be, and you make it known to him, he favours your praise above anyone else. 
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readingwiththestars · 2 months
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["Riddles are for people who enjoy playing,” .... “Do you consider yourself playful, Mr. Hawthorne?”]
| ✮ 4 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [!!!!SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!] this is very long guys sorry
ok so *cracks knuckles* lets talk about tgg
!!warning i'm finishing this like four days after i read tgg so i might've forgotten things because reading until 2am and remembering what i read is apparently a hard thing for me to do!!
first of all.... JLB, you and i need to have a chat because that ending was not okay. you literally just left us with no answers. seriously. what the hell????? and while i wanna kick my feet and scream because we got two kisses and then you had to go ahead and ruin it in the span of two or three pages and give us that shitty ending.
i would like to point out one question i had through out the book, which was why was grayson playing? what was the point of that???? like seriously was there an actual need for him to play or was it just jameson, avery, xander and nash fucking with him? whatever it was it didn't make sense and just felt like jlb was trying to shove lyra and grayson into forced proximity so they could interact.
speaking of thatttt i love graysonlyra and rohansav (more thoughts on sav later) the banter the looks the touches the everything i love it sm omg AND AVERYJAMESON!!!!!!! THE CRUMBS WE WERE GETTING MADE ME SO HAPPY OMG!!! I CAN DIE HAPPY!!
i will say i feel jlb really did pull out all the stops for this book the different levels of everyone's connection and knowledge of how to solve the riddles/puzzles (i was literally CLUELESS) like how does one make all that connect. the level of detail was insane connecting books and characters together just weaving some kind of intricate web of characters.
and at first i did feel like the game felt really short but i think that was just my 2am dumbass brain forgetting this is only the first part of the game lol. i did kinda hope there would be more like running around and trying to solve things on the actual island not stuck in a house though but who knows whats happening in the next book soooo
it did get very confusing there with calla (who is fucking INSANE BY THE WAY!!! SHE TORTURED KNOX??? WTF????) and the whole calla lily thing with lyra and odette was confusing af. so its like calla (the person) has a connection with knox and brady and then a calla lily has a connection with odette and lyra (also kinda gray cause he knows abt it i guess)
and and and and im a die hard gigislate shipper (and brady daniels hater) so im praying that we get an enemies to lovers with gigi and slater where he's forced to be mean/hate or wtv because of *gags* eve and then its like oop no im breaking you out of here idc what eve thinks because i only care abt you. ESPCIALLY because gigi was talking abt how no ones ever looked at her the way jameson looks at avery throughout the book (SOMEBODY HIRE ME FR)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
lyra - ok i love her. she was such a good strong character it was so much fun to read about her interactions (with grayson 😏) she was actual so wife material but idk why i felt like i wasnt allll that into her character too much like i love her but didn't really feel connected with her?? idk she was a very good fmc to read about tho!! but i do wanna know about miles end and her whole connection with her dead dad (who btw is an ass who tf kills themself in front of a FOUR YEAR OLD???) and whoever's stalking here (honestly i had a whole ass thing thinking its ALL PROBABLY EVE LIKE SHE WOULDA DONE THAT MUCH RESEARCH OR SOMETHING or maybe eve was js there for gigi) but now i think it might've been something to do with alice. who knows honestly
gigi - this is my time to shineeeeee. if gigi has zero fans i am dead (and slater bc im delusional like that) i love gigi so much omg. she's my no 1 girl i love her. my girl just needs someone to love her fr she talks through out the book about how she wants to be looked at with so much love (she thought it was brady BUT NO EW) i loved reading from her perspective abt how she just wanted to prove that she was good enough to be in the game AND SHE IS!!! im still bitter about her getting kicked out of the game - AND IM NOT EVEN GONNA TOUCH ON THE WHOLE KIDNAPPING AT THE END (GIGISLATE ENEMIES TO LOVERS WHEN????)
rohan - marry me. thats it. honestly just marry me. u need to work on ur nicknames tho- it was super interesting to read about his way of think and the whole labyrinth thingy lol. there wasn't too much more about his backstory tho WHICH IM SO INVESTED IN FR. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS FIRST MEMORY IS DROWNING????
savannah - girboss fr. she could step on me and i'd say thank you. its really interesting to me how (obviously) she's been manipulated by eve and it'll be super interesting to see how jlb will play out her whole revenge plan. she's extremely driven which is admirable and a good characters (she's literally like a female grayson imo - which also reminds me of that one scene where she goes "i am grayson hawthornes sister" which made me smile so big fr)
there are so many characters oml
knox - ok so my buddy boy knox. broski, brozilla, broville, brother from another mother, u need a hug? i didn't really like him in the beginning tbh he was a moody lil girl working through his issues. but after a while when he warmed to gigi it was nice to see the softer side to him (which tbh wasnt for very long until oop trauma dumpppp) but seriously oml knox baby the scar???? imma find calla fr (jlb cant write new characters also why complicate the shit out of everything and have a calla lily be relevant to lyra and also have calla be a person???) i did like how sweet/soft he was with gigi when she fell though that warmed my heart.
odette - iconic grandma shit tbh. she was third wheeling the entire time and at some points actually seemed like she was shipping them but then two seconds later she was warning them? saying no? idk the whole 'seizure' thing seems faker than eve's lies. and the fact she instantly gave brady the watch after gigi said no. like um what about knox? idk if thats js my brady hate coming through here though so yeah idk if i trust her or not (bet everyone is working for eve except for gigi, lyra and rohan)
grayson - marry me. love me. choose me. pls. i'd do ANYTHING. my simping for this man aside. IT WAS SO GODDAMN REFRESHING TO SEE A HEALING GRAYSON. like yes. it made me so happy to see him admit he was wrong but also know that its okay to be wrong skdjhaasd. this is so short because i love him and cant write proper thoughts about him fr.
brady - *cracks even more knuckles* brady daniels....... you know i've always wanted to know what it'd be like to write a hate paragraph. i guess im finding out now. i hate him. literally. i have unbridled hate for this man - who by the way still shocks me that he's only 20 he acts like he saw the fucking first world war. its one of the reasons i never liked him like he sooo took advantage of gigi's smartness and kindness like HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING during the game gigi carried the entire team and when she refused to take odette's watch and then him instantly taking it. ICKKKK don't even mention how he lied abt his mom like dude just admit it you knew you were fucking cooked in that fight and the only way you could win was by lying. AND WHAT ABOUT THE WHOLE BOMBSHELL ABOUT HOW (i cant remember his name but the dude who raised knox, calla and brady) died??? and then being a little shit and dropping gigi's heart. like we get it u dumbass man child u think you're clever cause u can speak so many languages and read even more but NO. i was onto you, i never trusted your crusty old man ass. like he even touched gigi without her permission (on the stomach) which so gross to me, the dogshit under my shoe can do better than you brady. seriously. i hate him. i'm the leader and founder of the I HATE BRADY DANIELS CLUB. so thats at least something to sate my anger. help this got so long 😭
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [i'm putting like two because this already wayyyyy to long for anyone to actually bother reading.]
"you will come back to me, or i will make you come back to me." - grayson
"Beside Avery, Jameson was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars and eternity, all rolled into one." - gigi
"give me your eyes sweetheart." - grayson
if you're here at the end of this *APPLAUSE* i commend you on getting through that kilometre of my shit thoughts. have a piece of cake 🍰
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TMAGP 30 Season 1 Finale thoughts - Spoilers
I am screaming
- Sam you’re not wrong. This is because you were curious. As Elias would say “You pressed on. You sought knowledge relentlessly, and you always chose to see”
- “All goes to plan” “there’s a plan?” NO ANSWER??
- COLIN!! Oh God what did you do? What is FR3-d1 doing?
- Goodbye?
- Only 6 minutes in and too much is happening
- Much more at play! - Lena you were protecting everyone!
- Gwen’s got the job? Gwen that’s an evil sounding laugh.
- Sam always humming is cute
- We Want Your Teeth
- That cabbie “I don’t want to be a witness”
- The custodian is getting compelled!
- Is Hilltop Centre just a strip mall for the fears? 😂
- Is the custodian literally melding into the building??
- Please call Alice back!!
- Nobody lets anybody goddamn talk! Alice let Teddy and Colin talk! Sam let Alice talk!
- YES Celia! Tell your tale
- Omg Celia this is because of you?!?!!
- Oh no! Celia are you about to sacrifice Sam?
- WtfwtfwtfwtfwtfWTF
- Oh is Celia being compelled now?
- Sam is still trying to protect Celia after she betrayed him. Sam I love you you’re so stupid
- Oh nobody is going to train Gwen on what to do. Guess you fucked up Babe!
- Where is Sam?!??!!! WHERE IS SAM?
- Wait… I thought there were deaths? Nobody died. What was that editors text chain about?
*edit - The custodian died and his death wasn’t worthless. And it was very well edited and creepy if that’s what the chain was about. I was just expecting a main character death.
- Wtf WTF
- Time for me to pass away I guess
- Good episode though
+ a theory for S2 - Jonah was the one who sent Gwen the emails with all of the information to get Lena fired. Now Gwen has the job and no clue what to do. Want to bet she gets more mysterious emails that guide her and clue her in as to what steps/ decisions she should make? Jonah loves controlling a Bouchard and if he can’t place his eyes in her skull this might be the next best thing. I only half believe that JMJ are actually in the computers and it depresses me too much to think too hard about Jon and Martin being trapped with Jonah but if true, this is compelling (no pun intended).
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witchinatree · 16 days
magnus protocol episode 29 ramble
we're so back!!! i cannot believe next week will be the last episode of the season this went by so fast
also watch dead boy detectives on netflix please i want another 100 seasons of it and it's also just really really good
anyway here we go!!! episode 29!!!!!!!! it does not feel like january was that long ago but like fuck. it was.
oh sam are you ok oh fuck he is not okay
ok he's alive that's good that's very good
he doesn't want alice to be right also gwen absolutely would care she cares so much (it is the fear)
well no because alice met it and she survived and gwen got attacked by it and she survived but i guess they wouldn't know the gwen part
feed me the institute. woah did it cut off when he thought of the hilltop centre? also celia's right do not go there
oh i'm so excited get alice there too GEORGIE MENTION anyway let's go gang this is a horrible .. ok celia you stole my thing
ohhh gwen and lena banter why does gwen hate lena so much i actually kind of love her she seems like the ideal boss
"don't call me unless it's an emergency" they're calling her later
wait. i need to pause and pull up the transcript. lost track of the numbers
the 2020 mention made me think the magnus archives
viola locke?
oh this sounds so cute like a surprise trip with a travel diary?? adorable. don't ever surprise me with a trip though i would have a heart attack not being able to know any of the plans
these guys sound so adorable what the hell
stan please don't murder her i will stop believing in love
huh. what. what. huh? gonna translate that later
i'm stressed out now can we go back to the cute old people romance
fuck i accidentally went back a few minutes LMAO
yea this is not a museum you should leave now
wait this is on lena's computer right? like gwen was on lena's computer after she left? i wonder why lena would get a statement (unless it was for gwen)
oh no they got locked in (ironic)
ohhhh it means "unlock your heart" thank u for translating for me viola
this is terrible they are too old for this
oh no. oh stan. oh no stan. wtf this is gonna make me cry
this is horrific! thanks!
alright so um. wtf.
alice!!! oh and teddy omg!!!! oh. teddy. i forgot i'm worried about him
oh you. you. youuuuuuuuuu. you. you. you. you. oh . youu. you. you can't end it there. you can't end it there. you are. joking. you are. kidding.
actually tweaking out oh my holy jesus fuck
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archer-kacey · 3 months
Something I noticed is a lot of people who hated BATIM love BATDR and a lot of people fond of BATIM dislike BATDR. To me, this seems like a mechanics vs story issue. The actual game mechanics and aesthetic of BATDR disguise the lackluster characters and plot holes. However, BATIM still suffers those same issues.
This is a vague question, but what are your thoughts on BATIM vs BATDR story wise? Is either of them truly better? Or are they just flawed in different ways?
Sorry, this is long, but so are BATIM and BATDR :')
I think you hit the nail on the head in the sense that yes- BATDR has better gameplay and mechanics than BATIM, but BATIM by far has a much more compelling story that was able to capture and keep attention over the course of five chapter releases. And yes, BATIM is not without its flaws, for example it's mainly a walking simulator in terms of actual gameplay- the only thing saving it being the unique ability to suck the player in through the rich, stylistic environments.
In terms of story, here's my take for both of them-
BATIM is more solid overall, there are more connected plot points and there's a thread there to be followed from start to finish. It does suffer from some WTF plothole moments, the biggest one being Alice's 180 degree turn with suddenly using Boris as a killing machine rather than...what I can only assume was a plan to use his ink/body as some kind of reparative agent for the hole in her face (like thicc ink premium idk), or...some kind of spell...? It's honestly not very clear HOW she was going to use him, but bottom line she decided to entirely change her plan off-screen, which could have been remedied with something like a cutscene's worth of explanation, and more of a buildup to Brute Boris. The "reveal" in the haunted house didn't hold that much weight (at least to me,) just because we didn't even get a cookie crumb of a hint that Alice was going to mutilate him and use him as a drone instead of just axe him.
There are other nonsense details like Allison's ominous "I'm no Angel" line, which didn't make sense when Tom was the one to want to leave Henry. It was never explained WHY the Ink Demon walks around with a limp when he can shapeshift into a bigger and faster Beast version of himself (and apparently he was ALSO the hand in the ink river??? I guess???) And can we talk about how the cult Joey started was just never brought up again? Wally talks about how workers were encouraged (or mandated, idk) to put offerings in the break room to "appease the gods." What gods? Was Joey worshiping Bendy like a god? NONE OF THIS IS EXPLAINED EVER and honestly I think Micheal D. and Meatstick just Forgot that Joey was a cult leader in favor of Sammy's cult storyline.
But despite all of the plot holes, we still get a tale of a deteriorating studio, humans being used as literal skeletons for lifelike versions of cartoon characters, themes of life, death, cults, art, and more. Honestly, going deep into the plot of Bendy would take its own post to really do it justice.
I guess the main plot is this: Ex-co-founder of Joey Drew Studios, Henry, is trying to get the fuck home to his wife, learning along the way that through the power of a mysterious ink machine, his ex-business partner decided to coerce and persuade people to Literally Die so he could have the necessary materials to create living versions of his cartoons, thus making "his" characters (and more importantly, Bendy,) a reality. Once Henry does escape, he learns that Joey has sent him through this same hell before, still filled with hatred and spite, just in time for Joey to assumedly "reset" him and send him on a different version of the same journey, as we can guess from the storyboards on display in Joey's apartment. THAT on its own is an intriguing and layered tale, and that's not even including the other details, voices, and faces we run into in BATIM, AND the new info we learn in BATDR.
Now, BATDR...is something I've come to view as a mixed bag.
Story-wise, it weirdly wants to have its cake and eat it to. Henry's story is elaborated on, and part of Audrey's origins are also brought to light. This is helpful information concerning the plot of BATIM...but then we get assblasted with a ton of new characters and lore for a completely new Cycle under the reign of a completely new Random Old Man. I know he's Nathan's son, and he was mentioned in both Illusion and Fade to Black...but those were de-canonized, so it almost doesn't help context-wise...???? So...????
In a lot of ways, BATDR almost acts like it wants to be an AU branching from BATIM rather than a direct sequel, which it was marketed/confirmed as.
I think my biggest problem with BATDR is that some of the main characters are bafflingly like. Mishandled.
I'm gonna have the mildest take on earth and say I didn't like the new Ink Demon. Old design was better and more uncanny by far, the new design looks like Generic Satan or something straight out of Baldur's Gate. He was given a deep, guttural growling voice because....tumblr sexyman I guess. Even if they needed him to talk, it could've been something more breathy and raspy, true to the heavy breathing of the original Ink Demon. Also, his alternate form was made very childlike, and I'm just weirded out by the fact that you have this oddly "sexified" version of the Ink Demon on the flipside of Bendy the Child. I don't think any ill intent was meant by this, but it's more confusing than anything thematically. I'm also not sure why Bendy's abuse was brought up and then never touched on....? Like wasn't this guy locked up and called a monster his whole life? Are we going to...say something especially considering the moral of this story......?
Memory Joey is completely fine, but I just can't shake the feeling that the narrative is trying to paint IRL Joey as "UWU fixed now" when that's not the case. The most sympathy I can extend to IRL Joey is that he was a gay man who desired to have a family at a time when that was not only frowned upon but dangerous, not just socially speaking but in terms of his physical safety. But beyond that, this was a dude who locked people in a building to keep them working, coerced and possibly forced the deaths of many people to get what he wanted (the ink machine was a scientific advancement that could've had AMAZING implications for society but he Did Not Give a Shit about that), and was abusive towards Henry. If we trust the Bendy books, he also gaslit and killed his teenage staff. This motherfucker isn't a patron saint of anything, and even if Memory Joey can learn from IRL Joey's mistakes, IRL Joey was still a shitbag who just happened to raise a daughter.
Which leads me to Audrey. Some of Audrey's tale is explained- she was raised by Joey, forgot Joey was her father, and came to work at Archgate as an animator. Got to know Wilson, who works as a janitor at Archgate, and then he drags her into ink hell because....idk, she's his version of "A Perfect Boris" I guess. Fair enough. However, it's NEVER EXPLAINED how Audrey doesn't remember her father, or WHERE she went to live after his passing, or WHO she lived with. Remember, Joey was as old as a cave painting, so he clearly passed when she was very young. While you could argue she doesn't remember his name because she was little, SURELY she remembers his face or voice, or the fact that she HAD A FATHER??? Like, was there some huge trauma there? (Other than the fact that Joey was her dad?) It makes little sense to me that she would forget so easily. If I had to make a guess (and granted I'm no Mark Twain), I'd wager that Allison probably found Joey dead. Remember that Nathan hadn't talked to Joey in years, and Allison was the one who went out of her way in the first place to visit. At this point, Allison's gonna find a little girl running around by herself, and assumedly her and Thomas would've taken her in. If that's not the case, someone else found Joey dead, at which point Audrey would've possibly lived with Nathan and Tessa, considering how much Nathan cared about Joey. Either party has ties to Archgate. But all of that is just speculation, not confirmed, and even if any of that were true, Audrey makes no mention of it. And I'm sorry, Audrey's backstory makes me want to cry, because it's just NOT THERE and she has the personality of a depressed bucket.
Alice was alright...but she was kind of stupid? Which is like....the antithesis of everything cool about her? Instead of using traps and luring the main character from a distance, she knocks out Audrey (via unspecified drink), plays Diet Jigsaw with Audrey, and then gets pushed off a balcony. She was also a lot more...idk, suave and sultry in speech mannerisms in BATDR, which isn't bad, but her unhinged and clever nature seemed a bit watered down.
I don't really have notes on the rest of the main cast. Sammy was brought back to die immediately, which honestly was fine considering his death track record. We get some mentions of BATIM characters. Wilson and Betty were fine, and even some of the lore explaining how the timelines work made sense.
I've already said it a hundred times, but the old cast was shoved to the side for a bunch of new characters we had no time to connect with. A new butcher gang member was added when we still have Miss Twisted as a potential female-role filler (keep in mind the Projectionist is based on Camera Man and Brute Boris was based on The Brute.) The whole "Amok" thing was a REALLY roundabout way to get the Lost Ones to stop attacking Audrey.
Wilson's motivations are mostly consistent and I'd argue somewhat compelling, but I don't understand why he didn't do more to protect Audrey if he was going to need her for the endgame for Shipahoy Dudley? Like what's all this about letting her run around and get killed? Was he just aware that she'd revive?
The main message of BATDR was fine, but it didn't work super well for Audrey's character. She'd already forgotten Joey was her father, and was living in blissful ignorance of that fact until Memory Joey decided to infodump on her right away. Sure, the "just because you were born of darkness doesn't mean you have to be darkness" thing applies to her AFTER she learns Joey was her father, but...Audrey was never threatening to Become Evil, so it almost didn't need to be said and was kind of a flat message...? I would argue Memory Joey would benefit more from that message- as he's a literal copy of a Very Bad Dude. My guy was projecting this whole time.
I do think BATDR was worse story-wise, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend it didn't have certain disadvantages from the start. The Kindlybeast debacle happened, BADTR was trying to continue a story from an existing property, and there was a severe lack of Adrienne Kress. Okay, maybe the last one was a bit much, but still. That doesn't mean I hate BATDR overall, I can appreciate a lot of things about it, but strictly in the story department, it needs soooooo much work and makes me want to jump off a Minecraft cliff.
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Stranger things rewatch thoughts
I’ve recently decided to do a rewatch since I don’t remember anything that happens before the scoops ahoy shorts™️ and all of my memories are covered in a thick layer of rainbows and unicorns thanks to Tumblr. I don’t know if anyone will be interested but I wrote down my thoughts while watching 😂 this is season 1:
Where is Steve? I miss Steve
Honestly Mrs Wheeler isn’t half as bad as I remembered
Joyce best character ever I don’t make the rules
Mike your crush on will is showing, embarrassiiiing
Jonance looking cuuuute
But also Nancy this boi took pics of u naked how are u so chill about it
I’m remembering why I love hopper so much
Nancy being scandalized by Jonathan taking a gun is cracking me up
Not Nancy crawling into a creepy ass portal in a tree like wtf dude who do you think you are? Alice in wonderland?
Steve I really hate your current friends, when are you going to ditch them and become fruity for our resident fav metalhead weirdo?
Me pulling out google translate to understand what the Russian are saying: am I Robin Buckley?
Wait a fucking minute, the Party’s bullies were just chilling in the woods, causally brought a knife with them and stumbled upon Mike and Dustin?? How in hell-
I swear to god I have no clue how Carol kept dating Tommy after he almost kissed Steve in front of her
I’m sorry Harrington but that ASS going up the ladder, wow
Hopper best dad ever 🥺
Will telling Mike he’s the one keeping them together meanwhile Dustin is literally the reason why they stayed together
Steve wanting to apologize is so cute, my poor heart
I’m sorry but there’s just no way Jonathan knew the lights were actually Joyce in the upside down, I call bs
I did not remember the Wheelers going to pick mike up at the school, what did they tell them? Did they give an explanation at all? Lmao
I cannot wait to see season 2 I need some answers
There are Christmas lights and the season ends with snow and Christmas, stranger things is a Christmas tv show #confirmed
Did Will just throw up Dustin’s future pet?
Here my thoughts on season 2!!
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
HOTD 2X6 Review and Spoilers!!
Another slow episode. The episode dragged especially considering it's currently down to the last 3 episodes of the season.
Alicent got booted off the council, LMFAO. I don't take pleasure in seeing women suffer but older Alicent earned her shit, it's what she gets. Larys thinking he was gonna be named the hand of the Regent King LMFAO. Aemond said get your toad looking ass tf on and go call my grandfather. That was smart as much as I hate to admit it. Aegon definitely remembers his brother trying to kill him though. Larys is going to be protecting Aegon from now on because he knows that they can't control Aemond, I'm mad I gotta say something decent about him but he's actually thinking with his brain. The green council is still in a mess and divided and they know Aemond is going to be a tyrant king, hell Alicent knows and she's still somehow shocked by the monster she created like she didn't have a big part to do with him harboring his worst qualities and helping him mold into it. Delusional I tell you. The small folk are suffering already and got on their asses though, the only thing I didn't like is Helaena getting caught in the crossfire again. Another Daeron mention and did they just subtly hint at Criston being his father? Meaning Alicent was really sleeping with him before Vizzy T kicked the bucket? The writing for the show is all over the place, my God.
We were a diva down and I didn't like it one bit. WHERE TF WAS BAELA?! Like we saw her husband but where was she? Ugh. Rhaena and Joffrey sighting. They were so cute! Rhaena is still trying to convince herself she doesn't need a dragon to be important 💔 and Joff just wants his momma. Nettles looks like she's officially scrapped. I'm so pissed. They could've totally given Rhaena something else to do in the meantime, they didn't have to merge Nettles and her story together. Wtf Sara and Ryan?! This is why people say there is a Team green bias and they aren't beating those accusations. What does this mean for Rhaena hatching Morning? There were four eggs does that mean she still has a chance to do it? I'm so mad. Then again after what Dumbass and Dunderhead pulled in the final seasons of GOT why tf am I surprised!
We saw baby Stormcloud!!! I never realized how much I missed seeing baby dragons on screen. It's like having baby Viserion, Rhaegal and Drogon back. My heart did a little quick thump. He was so derpy too 🥺🤣 How Aegon's supposed to get away on him is beyond me, he's literally the size of a kitten. The timeline is so messed up as well.
Daemon is still in spooky land and although I'm over it, I understand it's a culmination of all his regrets and things he wishes he could've had and done differently. We saw Vizzy T and that scene where it showed Daemon wanted to be there for him, he just didn't know how.... Man I kinda teared up. At the end of the day Daemon just wanted his brother's love and approval, he went about it in the wrong way because he's chaos personified but that's what it was always about to him. Vizzy T was his parental figure, his everything really and man 💔. Miscommunication trope strikes again. Him and Alys becoming friends even though she's the one that's tormenting him wasn't on my bingo cards. Somebody come get Caraxes outta there, I know he's bored asf. Every time we catch a glimpse of him he looks more and more over the entire thing. 🤣
One of the highpoints of the episode was Seasmoke. Dragons have personality y'hear me. More of that! Seasmoke is a whole clown 🤣🤣🤣. Why would he do Ser Steffon like that? I mean sure he got a little cocky but intentionally bending his neck for him to get on and then essentially saying “BITCH YOU THOUGHT” AND THEN BURNING THEM TO A CRISP?!! He was so funny for that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭. He said “get y'all mid looking asses on” I already got eyes for one person and he's so real for that. You guys think he used to have dragon conversations with momma Meleys about picking their riders? We know dragons pick their riders as much as riders claim their dragons but do you think Meleys taught him if the unfortunate should ever happen make sure and pick the baddest of the bunch? We know Meleys picked Rhaenys as Rhaenys picked Meleys, that was confirmed. Meleys said Pretty Women Only and do you think she told Seasmoke to get him a pretty rider to match his aesthetic if the need ever arises? I know Laenor hatched him but Laenor was pretty asf. Seasmoke saw Addam smiling on the beach once and said “yeah I gotta have that” plus it helps that he has dreads, a pretty smile, a pretty face and looks like Corlys. He said welcome back Laenor Velaryon. Addam being Laenor's brother makes it hysterical as hell too, I'm creased LMFAO. He didn't have to chase down Addam like that but I respect it, he saw what he wanted and shooters shoot. I too would chase down Addam until he accepts my advances and affection, Seasmoke been eyeing him for awhile.
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Corlys is officially the hand of the rightful Queen of the 7 kingdoms.
We got canon bisexual Rhaenyra. Although I wish she was kissing another beautiful Velaryon instead, Laena I miss you so much baby, that was for me. Her and Mysaria kissing before Jace and Baela is egregious to me though. I'm just saying why everybody locking lips before the main og star couple?Rhaenyra smacking men, 100000s across the boards. She should've been doing that sooner but better late than never I suppose. That lady is still in her resentment of her husband era. Her face when Jace said they needed Daemon 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 She's sick of hearing about that man. He's right btw, Rhaenyra go get him, he's out there giving our diva Simon grief. Mysaria actually helping her with PR and actually giving her great advice. I love women supporting women! Her sending food with her banners for the common folk was so politically savvy. Mysaria being one of the few that is actually coming in clutch to help her to win the war 😉. I still don't trust her though, something about this entire thing tells me it's gonna end badly for her. I'll enjoy them trauma dumping and bonding on one another before the shit hits the fan though. I know doomed Yuri when I see it. Jace and that one guard immediately knowing something is up with both of them is sending me though. She took off at the end of the episode to go confront her ex-husband's new dragon rider and Syrax about to be screaming at her dragon ex husband too apparently. 🤣🤣
Since they're essentially changing the entire plot and the leaks that I thought were written like fanfiction might actually be true could we get Jace surviving the battle of the gullet? It's not slated for this season but I'm here to spread my agenda. Since we're essentially fucking canon atp instead of in certain scenarios and all this for Bran the broken to sit the Iron Throne (I'm still fuckin disgusted and furious at that btw, fuck you D&D) could they switch that shit up? Let's come together and manifest it guys.
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Until next week guys. I better see Baela, Rhaena, Jace and more dragons though. I'm here for them and them only.
And another thing, could you guys stop leaking shit. I block words and myself from certain pages and sites but y'know how stuff still slips through the cracks. Have some decorum and etiquette please!
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astrangeraccoon · 2 months
Tmagp ep 21 first thoughts and impression
I finally listen to ep 21 so here we go:
Sam and Celia are so sweet
Sam what's worse between evil and the fear of disappointing my parent is so real
"complicated immigration status", hmmm do you mean other universe immigration Celia?
Soooo Jack IS from this universe
Aligned w that if she were is birth mother and she was getting sent back wouldn't he travel w her? Since theyre genetically Connected. OR is she not his birth mother in which case how did she acquire the baby?
Sam promise to help whatever way he can is sweet but that feel like the kind of thing that d come bit him in the ass (sorry celia I trust you but not that much
Now the casement :
-OHHHH another magnus institute one!
-honnestly I'm gonna do a different post about this part bc it was full of interesting info and I need to look up/re listen to some things
-one of the interesting part is that their ritual was supposed to take place exactly a week after the institute was burned down so that "Dome" didn't happen
-the other interesting thing is they apparently did not want to bring destruction? (but the author of the letter is biased sooo this is to take w a grain of salt)
-the wall doppelganger ate a man
Post casement! :
Alice is the one who listened to the casement! She s discovering the truth!
Also her being protective of Sam
I love her interaction with/toward freddy! She IS asking question and looking for answer! Good on her for deleting that case
She is not however a great on the spot liar😂
Gwen is giving me a roller coaster of anxiety
Poor woman is going through it and it's prob only the beginning
Inksoul really went from a bit creepy to absolutely terrifying
Okay so Gwen didn't get (fully) tattooed. Let's just hope that the bit they got can't be affected (or at least not too much)
She did get possessed by a tape recorder which is not good
Also is the story she s telling her own or is it part of [ERROR] story
Speaking of [ERROR] I love you but I'm gonna need you to speak louder bc I can't hear you
The tape recorder bitting inksoul made me laugh 😂
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