robotmechagirl · 2 days
My Aunt and Uncle (whom took the role of my parents) telling me childhood trauma before they adopted me is the reason why I’m transgender. 🤢🤮 They say they love me and want me to be happy, but only when it fits their mold for me.
They said I’m mentally ill, cheered on by friends and family to transition when it’s bad for me. They couldn’t handle me pointing out how many and friends and family members I’ve had to disconnect with because of their opposition to my existence, how much harassment and abuse I’ve gotten from the general public, and how at best I feel tolerated.
The little pissy thing they did at the end of the conversation by saying “Well son, I love you *deadname*”, and hanging up as if that wasn’t a direct jab at me.
I’m sick to my stomach now and given up on them. I’ve tried so hard to be patient and understanding with them. Never blamed them for their ignorance. I’ve tried so hard to make them proud, but their expectations are for me to be that image they’ve built for me.
Because I can’t say this to them:
Mom, Dad, I love you. However your holy book is a collection of fables and it makes you into a shitty person when you base your morality on it as though it’s history.
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nando161mando · 10 months
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politijohn · 4 months
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bli-o · 1 year
“You dont want kids? I said the same thing at your age. You’ll realize later.”
“You’re trans? You’re too young to know that. You’ll grow out of it.”
“You’re an atheist? You don’t actually disbelieve, you’re just mad at god. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess.”
“You’re a leftist? You’ll become more conservative eventually; every generation does when they come into contact with The Real World™️”
“You’re gay/ace/queer? You just havent met the right man/woman yet.”
If you say any of the above things give me your personal information so i can harm you
edit: the terfs found this post. Y’all fuckin KNOW a teenager saying “give me your personal information” is a joke. You’re literally just being vindictive to have something to say.
anywaysy crazy how u guys r aligning with people who like theocracy and homophobia and heteronormity just because you hate trans people. It’s almost like you, my fellow hoes, are really damn predictable.
Edit 2: i love how after that first edit terfs mysteriously stopped interacting
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animentality · 4 days
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weirdly... wholesome.
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betterbooktitles · 2 months
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chanaleah · 3 months
It's interesting to me that growing up Jewish seems to have given me a fundamentally different understanding of religion from my Christian friends. For me, I think that your religion (or ethnicity, since Judaism is an ethnicity) is not something you can get rid of. You can convert to another religion, but I never understood friends of mine who said that they weren't Christian, but Atheist.
"But you celebrate Christmas, right?" I asked them.
"Well, yeah," they said, "but we don't celebrate Christian Christmas. I'm atheist."
That didn't make any sense to me. Sure, maybe the version of Christmas they celebrated in their house looked more like treats and presents and less like nativity scenes and prayers, but it was still the same holiday.
So, I came up with the concept of the difference between "Not Christian" and "non-Christian". Which of course my "not christian" friends didn't understand. But my idea was that there are people who are "not christian" - mainly culturally christian atheists - and people who are "non-christian", like Jews, Hindus, Muslims, or others.
Because while both groups generally don't identify as Christian, we have different experiences. As a Jew, my experience as a religious minority is not the same as that of a culturally Christian atheist. They're not Christian, and I'm not Christian, but in different ways.
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giggibaloggio · 1 year
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my typical day
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sinful-skeptic · 5 months
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Another fine case of “practice what you preach.” It’s not the woman’s fault that you lack self control.
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jesusinstilettos · 3 months
“Oh I’m just not the creative ty-“
Wrong, all humans are inherently creative in some way when their needs are met and they are given the leisure time to pursue hobbies. It came free with your being a social species wired by evolution to love doing stuff with your hands. Don’t define art through a consumerist lens where it’s only worth existing if it’s something someone would buy. Connect with your inner monkey, create to create and let it just be.
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actiwitch · 10 months
Hot take, apparently, but genuinely harassing or insulting anyone's religion is not ok.
Criticizing religious institutions, proselytizing, extremism, or horrible behaviors/beliefs done in the name of a religion? YES! Totally. That should be criticized.
Unpromptedly popping up on random posts by religious folks to say anything along the lines of "god isn't real", "the pagan gods are fake", "there is only one true religion", "[any religious group] are stupid/dangerous/barbaric" -- NO.
It's rude. It's unnecessary. And sometimes, especially in the case of minorities or oppressed groups, it's outright hateful. Theres nothing helpful, funny, or cool about randomly insulting one of the most personal aspects of a persons life. Unless it's invited or warranted, stfu.
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seraphimfall · 2 years
i’m sorry but even if your personal version of mormonism excludes all the “if you’re a good mormon your skin will turn white when you die, no matter your race” and “dark skin is a sign of the devil” bs, your religion is still racist.
the idea that israelites sailed across the atlantic ocean and formed a population in north america that could be attributed to native americans is racist.
the idea that jesus christ appeared to native americans and converted them to christianity pre-colonial times is racist.
the idea that the arrival of christianity to north america with european colonialism was a prophesied “reintroduction” of christianity is racist.
the foundations of your religion are racist.
the foundations of your religion are historical negationism.
the foundations of your religion justify american colonialism as the will of god.
try as hard as you want, it’s impossible to remove racism from mormonism. it’s racist by nature.
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In the AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 - an unofficial demographics survey of 16,131 AO3 users - 17% of respondents identified as Christian, while 69% identified as having no religion.
To see more analysis, including a list of the common write-in answers for this question, please view the full results on AO3.
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politijohn · 10 months
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This should never have been a thing
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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Drives me crazy how any time someone criticizes the church or talks about how it abused them, “progressive” christians start telling you the REAL Jesus was a kind and loving woke socialist who would have loved gay people and hated billionaires like shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!!! I didn’t ask!! I don’t care!! Stop fucking evangelizing!!!
All power to you if you can decouple christian teachings from their legacy of abuse and use them to better yourself. But the fact you feel the need to proselytize to *me* - a secular ex-catholic faggot - and insist, without me asking, that “Jesus loves you,” makes me think that no, actually, nothing about how you’re navigating this is different at all from the conservatives. You aren’t mad at mainstream christians for trying to create a theocracy, you’re mad that their sales pitch alienates potential converts.
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