#Also my doctor who phase is showing
katya-goncharov · 1 year
i was about to make this smug post about how i have a really good taste in hyperfixations, but then i remembered that i run a supernatural blog so hmm maybe not
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
My brain is unwilling to let go of Twin AU prompts. Sorry for the long post lmao.
Jazz and Jason are getting pretty serious in their relationship, and honestly, they’ve both been hesitant to introduce their family members to one another despite constantly talking about them. They’ve been dating since she started her doctoral studies at Gotham U and she’s about to defend her dissertation, so it really is about time. He saved her in her first week as the Red Hood and he immediately felt at home with her (something, something liminal), she runs into him the next day at a coffee shop and thanks him for taking the time to help her. 
Identities are obviously blown. Jason knows that her brother works in ‘politics’ and her younger sister is a travel blogger, and that the three of them don’t talk to her mad scientist parents anymore. Jazz knows that he came back from the dead, his adoptive family had a slew of issues in addition to their hero-complexes and that he would be prepared to kill for any one of his siblings. Their communication skills are top notch. 
But then came the issue of actually meeting the family. Like Jazz knows all of the drama between the siblings but could not pick them out of a line up, or more importantly, know who to talk to if an emergency situation came up. Jason agrees, that yeah, it would probably be for the best if he could at least identify her little brother and sister if they had to like, meet at hospital or something. 
So that was the plan. Invite just siblings over to their shared apartment, no parents and no fuss. (She even called Danny ahead of time to tell him not to portal straight into the apartment, he needed to walk in the door like a normal person. They could share Ghost King secrets later.) 
Tim arrives first, he’d been working a case nearby and Jazz & Jason live pretty close to a nice coffeeshop, so he stopped along the way. He’d done some creeping to figure out that she drinks Chai so he brought one for her. Creepy and yet, endearing. 
Ellie comes in second from the window, launching into a story about how annoying it was to find the place with all the gloom, didn’t this city have any respect for the dead? Tim doesn’t get it but Jason is laughing along so Tim files it away for later. 
Dick comes in with a shit ton of Pizza he panic ordered, a fruit bouquet and two bottles of wine from Bruce’s cellar. Duke came along with him, a large tupperware of Alfred’s cookies. 
Then Steph, Babs and Cass show up, immediately treating Jazz like family while also being hella suspicious about the whole thing. She notices them looking at her hands and Jazz explains that no, they weren’t doing this because Jason proposed. Steph and Cass are annoyed at Jason but tell Jazz she could do better if she wanted. Babs is happy they aren’t rushing into anything (she’s the only one besides Tim that knows how long they’ve been dating- this is just to throw out a red herring for the others)
Everyone is getting along and having a great time, Ellie being a natural entertainer along side Dick, everyone trying to tell embarrassing stories about Jason. Loud noises are coming from the hallway when they realize that neither Damian nor Danny had arrived. 
Rushing out the door, the boys are alternating putting each other into choke holds and arguing about not being clones. Danny keeps phasing out of Damian’s grip and Damian keeps pulling out more knives. The hallway looks like it had been blown up and the two are continuing to yell at one another about going to a family dinner. Jason and Jazz just stare at them from the doorway, and wouldn’t you know it, they look like fucking twins. 
Jazz grabs Danny, Jason grabs Damian, and everyone is fucking confused. Both sides of the family can confirm growing up with the twins, that neither are a clone. Ellie helpfully supplies that she’s the clone and that opens a whole other bag of chaos. 
Eventually they get everyone to sit down for dinner and the night gets weirder from there. 
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queerism1969 · 1 year
What is something about being LGBT that a straight person would never guess is a thing you have to deal with on a regular basis?
People asking how you have sex
Once you come out, you never truly stop coming out.
Being queer means that you are going to be really lonely a lot of the time.
The mini internal debate you have every time you tell a story about your SO. Do I say friend or girlfriend? Have I come out to this person yet?
People ask if I know X person because they're also gay.
When you're gay, there's a very real chance your Significant Other will not have a family to bring you into.
Any expression of my sexuality is "being in your face about it" and "it shouldn't be your whole personality".
Everyone had an opinion about my mere existence.
People legitimately question the validity of your relationship, and whether it's just a phase-especially if you're bisexual
Straight people always want to know what your type is. It always feels like a test to see if you find them attractive.
How to properly have sex. They REALLY don't teach you that in sex education.
You never know who is secretly homophobic whether at work or in public, so you always have to act "straight" in a lot of situations
You get sick of never being represented in media, but straight people don't really get it.
Getting polite service is difficult.
Office workers will sometimes purposely send you on goose chases because they don’t want to serve you.
Before y'all knew I was gay, you talked a lot of smack about "the gays." You don't remember, but I remember. I will always remember.
Losing nail clippers can really harm a relationship.
Being queer sometimes feels like being a 30-something-year-old teenager in a community full of 30-something teenagers and weirdly grown-up kids who’ve been living on their own since being kicked out by their bigoted parents at 16.
We have to constantly police our language.
The shame/internalized homophobia.
Your right to exist being a political debate
Wondering when the Supreme Court will revoke my rights.
You can’t really just have sex on a whim... You have to spend time (a lot more than you think) to clean.
While closeted, probably the weight of the secret or the fear of someone finding out.
A gay person will watch any TV show or movie, no matter how bad, if they hear there is even a slice of positive gay representation in it.
When a gay couple kisses in public, people stare. Not even out of disgust or anything, but just because it’s still kind of foreign to them.
You can't always go to the place you want for your honeymoon, because you might get killed
Being described as someone’s “gay best friend” and not just their best friend.
Every time we tell someone we have a partner, and it catches them off-guard, they proceed to tell me about a gay person they know.
The doctor is always super surprised as to how we can be both sexually active and be 100% sure that we are not pregnant
People force you to come out, and they act like they’re doing you a favor.
You have to be prepared to lose any friendship at the drop of a hat
Every couple of years or so, we get a random homophobic death threat on social from someone we've never interacted with.
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reloha · 1 year
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Jacobi and McKellen as grand marshals of New York City's 2015 pride march.
All Good Omens (show) fans will know Derek Jacobi as the Metatron. His brief role on Doctor Who is also getting a lot of mention in recent posts, but I'm not going to talk about any of that.
Like his Vicious co-star Ian McKellen, Jacobi has had a long and illustrious career in theatre, television, and film. McKellen and Jacobi met when they were at Cambridge.
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I'm not a huge fan of the Daily Mail, but this article, an interview with the two actors, is quite interesting. I'll just quote this part:
Jacobi says he came out to his mother when he was at university. ‘She said, “All young men, go through this phase, don’t worry.” I remember saying, “Don’t tell Dad.”’ He doesn’t know to this day if she did. ‘I think she did, but I don’t know. But they were wonderful, my parents, not much was said but they kind of knew, they got it.’
McKellen hasn’t heard his friend talk of this before. ‘That’s the first time I’ve heard that,’ he says, genuinely moved. ‘I never came out to my family. Biggest regret of my life.’ It turns out he didn’t even come out to Derek at university, even though it’s always been reported that he had something of a crush on him. 
‘Yes, I did fancy Derek, but I didn’t act on it, God, no. It was illegal, remember. I do get on my high horse about it, because it was so difficult. There were no gay clubs you could go to. No gay bars, no gay newspaper, nothing. What there was was a bit sleazy, I suspect. One of the reasons I became an actor was that you could meet gay people. Even then everything was difficult. When you went to America they asked, “Are you now, or have you ever been, homosexual?” I lied on the form. It was a different world.’
I want to talk about Vicious for a bit, the ITV britcom in which Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen play an aging gay couple, (respectively) a homemaker, Stuart Bixby, and an actor, Freddie Thornhill, for fourteen episodes.
Freddie (McKellen) tells Stuart (Jacobi) about a part he's hoping to get.
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I had to add these for the Broadchurch reference.
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It's a law that British actors of a certain age play this part.
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I couldn't find one with Michael Sheen and the skull, but here he is in the role.
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McKellen did the part again at 81 in an age-blind production.
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Jacobi's big breakout was the titular role in I, Claudius on the BBC in 1976.
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In the '90s, Jacobi played amateur sleuth and 12th century monk, Brother Cadfael on the ITV series.
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I had watched some of Vicious before, but, spurred on by Jacobi's reappearance on Good Omens, looked for it again and watched both seasons a couple of weeks ago. Because I love a good fancast and Jacobi and Sheen (at least as Aziraphale) remind me a little of each other, I couldn't help but think that Jacobi and McKellen in their youth could have played a version of Aziraphale and Crowley. (There have been a couple of posts noting this about Jacobi, and that he might have been up for the part if it had been done soon after the book came out.)
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Jacobi, left, and McKellen, right (obviously).
I also think that Tennant and Sheen could have pulled off playing Freddie and Stuart in a flashback.
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An even younger version of Freddie and Stuart does appear in the series, however, played by Luke Treadaway and Samuel Barnett.
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Also good casting! They do a great job playing McKellen and Jacobi playing Freddie and Stuart.
Shoutout to this post by @ember-knights, that suggested Good Omens fans should check out Vicious for a glimpse of what life in the South Downs cottage might be. And also to other posts mentioning Vicious and Good Omens in the same breath, as well as comparing Sheen and Tennant to Jacobi and McKellen (which I probably reblogged but can't find right now).
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Cast of Vicious: Frances de la Tour, Iwan Rheon, Philip Voss, Ian McKellen, Derek Jacobi, Marcia Warren (Wikipedia). (Yes, the upstairs neighbor (Rheon) does go on to play Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones. He's a sweetheart in this, though.)
Now, I don't think Crowley and Aziraphale are the same as Freddie and Stuart, by any means. Freddie and Stuart say quite cruel things to each other. The characters become deeper in the second season; it’s a little sweeter than the first. I enjoy the bitterness of the first season too, though. It is funny, and Good Omens fans may enjoy watching it if only to see Derek Jacobi (who plays the Metatron) in a comedy role and a role that's sympathetic, especially if they are not familiar with his large and impressive body of work.
I don't think Aziraphale and Crowley's life in the bookshop as a couple, not just a group of two, or life on the South Downs, would be exactly like this, but there are somehow some similarities that I don't even know how to begin to pinpoint or explicate.
Crowley and Aziraphale’s affection is always so palpable and that’s not always clear with Freddie and Stuart. Crowley and Aziraphale are so loving that, even when they're bickering, it's joyful, even when they're arguing, even when they're coming apart (temporarily) at the seams, their love is undeniable. I don’t even think their breakup was toxic; although they were desperate at that point and hurt each other badly, it wasn't what they wanted. Sometimes it's that way.
And, lest I'm putting you off Vicious here, the Ineffable Husbands are a high bar as love stories go, but you will get to see some love and affection between Freddie and Stuart too, and I'd really love to see these actors work together more. (I am happy with how the show ends up, by the way.)
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Toodle-loo! Hope everything is tickety-boo with you.
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moonsunmermaid · 16 days
Career Advice for this season .𖥔 ݁ ˖🍁๋࣭ ⭑🍂༘⋆☕️⋆
Disclaimer: Please remember, this is just a general reading from the collective, apply how it might resonate and take in consideration that tarot readings are not 100% real, you have the power to change your life anytime. Also please, regarding any kind of health issues this is no game, go to a doctor, I or spirit will never give you any advice regarding your health in this blog.
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These are supposed to be career advices, but for some reason they seem to be very general. If you want to apply to what resonates the most.
Pile 1 - butterflies tattoo
Hi Pile 1, you went through a lot of ups and downs this summer, easy, things are getting ready. I see you were fooled at work with promises that lead only to working way too hard to defend your position. Spirit says it's possible to see all the hard work you endured as preparation, as the transformation and the pressure you needed to become the king of swords you are. Use your words to comunicate your truth you are aleader in your field and never let anyone say otherwise!
As I was writing, Ateez's Turbulence played. in the back I don't know if you are familiar with the song, but it really matches how I think you feel. Don't worry, this time of difficulty and trouble isn't forever.
The advide here is: Everything that comes must go, and your pain is now in the past if you allow it to be. Allow yourself to breathe, you're ready to feel the breeze again. Transform and grow at your own pace.
Pile 2 - I am succesful at everything I do
Pile 2, it is hard to make your dreams come true isn't it? seems funny the quote says "i'm succesful at everything I do" because people tend to believe this comes magically into your life, but you know what it feels to not have a thing and to be left out in the cold, don't you?... though of course there's magic and surprises in life and all your hard work is leading to a magical suprise.
Taylor Swift's Change sounds in the back and this is what I can tell you, your wish is coming true. Your own personailty and your confidence in yourself are the ones who will help you to continue. There's power in being yourself and you are acing it.
The message here, because it's more an encouragement from spirit than actual advice is magic is everywhere and your are atracting the best possible outcome for your situation at work. Your dream is coming true and your guides are making sure it's happening because you are doing it so they are going to remove all the blockages as you go. Get ready because you are at the start line of a new adventure to achieve your dream.
Pile 3 - Euphoria
Strong and ready my pile 3, your message mixes the both other piles, so read them if you also feel inclined to do so.
I see someone siting in her throne and knowing it's worth here in this world, maybe you went through the phases the other two piles went through, or you are going to in this season. I see you are leaving behind a lot of people and situations that weren't as good as they promised, but hey! you were trying!! Right now you know what you don't want, and you have to keep looking for what you want.
Maybe you need to get out and allow yourself to get an icecream or go and get that special coffe you always wanted to taste. Let go and show up for yourself because you're the person you need the most and the one who will love you the most always.
The advice here is simple: Every one of your tears is valuable, every pain you suffer is teaching you something. And what I mean to say is the most important leson you are ever going to recieve is you are love and you deserved to be loved. Give yourself that gift because we all come to this world to learn, but specially and specifically to learn what love feels like when we are separated from source.
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nipuni · 1 year
I've been using this place as an actual blog lately so may as well write about what I'm up to too!
So last month grief and work were giving me a hard time and I was feeling withdrawn so I thought I could watch some lighthearted shows to take my mind off things. That resulted in me watching all of Good Omens twice with Nicolas, Our flag means death, Staged and now we are watching Doctor Who together too because I'm having an In love with David Tennant phase in the year 2023, honestly I'm having a great time with all of it and feeling much better already so now I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.
Nicolas is also done playing BG3 this weekend so it is my turn to play it now! I will probably start it in a couple of weeks because I have a ton of work to do but I'm excited to experience it for myself at my own pace and see if I like it as much as everyone does. I hope I do!
The weather has also been much better this week, rainy and chilly which is our favourite so we have been going out everyday after work and on weekends. I've been taking a lot of photos and videos of our outings and planning outfits again so I will have a lot more to share now! I feel like I'm waking up from a long summer nap. Anyway I hope you are all doing great and are excited for autumn too 😊
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billwidoll · 5 months
The Roman Empire
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You never believed in love at first sight, and you didn't even have hope but in love, because you were dying inside. You had a disease called Respiratory Cancer. It was killing you, and you were just an 18-year-old girl who was dying at the hands of cancer. But there was a day when you met him....
Your cancer arrived when you were seven years old. And since then, you were never a normal girl, you didn't go to dances, you didn't go to the beach, and you never had a boyfriend, your life was Hospital.
On the other hand, Rafe believed in love, he was in the best phase of his life, and that was a fact. he was dating a beautiful girl, had a stable job and was also doing an internship at McLaren hospital.
"Y/n I want to introduce you to intern Rafe Cameron"
Doctor Grey, enters the hospital room with you lying in your bed.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n" Rafe says with a smile and shaking your hand.
When your eyes meet Rafe's, you get unexpected butterflies in your stomach, and Rafe feels his palms sweat as he waves to you.
"hello Rafe, welcome to my journey to death"
You speak with a sarcastic smile and Doctor Gray gets angry with your jokes
"You're not going to die y/n, that's enough, okay?" The doctor says authoritatively, "well, Rafe, you will be y/n's assistant and help her in everything she can, okay?"
Doctor Gray is serious and leaves y/n's room, leaving Rafe and her alone.
"well...y/n, I think we're going to spend some quality time together, right?" Rafe says, taking a chair, placing it next to the bed, and taking a magazine right after.
"Shall we start working then? Turn on the TV for me, please"
You speak using your sarcasm and Rafe likes that, he likes your dark humor. He gets up and turns on the TV like you asked.
"what do you want to watch?"
Rafe asks looking at you again, and every time he looked at you he felt dominated by your gaze.
"hmm, I think I want to watch 'If you drink, don't get married'
You talk and Rafe is shocked that you like these types of movies
"good.. very good, I love this movie" Rafe says smiling at you and you smile at the comment
"Well, I think we understand each other now, right?"
You and Rafe agree, smiling and you dismiss the idea that he's not that horrible.
Two months later
"I brought you a gift" Rafe says smiling and showing a gift bag
You freak out smiling, you had never received any kind of gift again.
"oh my god! Oh what is it?" You speak with a huge smile on your face and getting comfortable on the hospital gurney
Rafe gives you the gift, and you quickly unpack it
Until you saw a book called "Roman Empire" that was the book you wanted from the time of the dinosaurs, but you never got it because it was no longer sold in the United States
"I like that?" Rafe says, a little afraid that you didn't like the gift.
"I loved Rafe!" You say jumping and screaming with happiness and hugging Rafe.
Rafe was very happy with that, he wanted to make you happy, after unfortunately Doctor Grey, he was going to remove him from his position and place him in another position, but Rafe didn't want that, he just wanted to be with You, Rafe already considered you part of his life and he knew he was important to you
Your parents only came to see you once a week, because of work, you had no friends, and your other relatives didn't care about your health.
"I have to tell you something..."
To be continued...
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boreal-sea · 4 months
So something I realized watching a few videos and reading a few articles is that most of us aren’t angry at the idea of AI in general. Many of us are excited to learn about AI systems that can identify cancer better than doctors, for instance.
What we’re angry about is generative AI being used to destroy the jobs of artists (and I mean all creatives here), who have already been dealing with their work being devalued by modern society.
And I’m not sure how to deal with it. I do remember learning that when photography became a thing, many painters were horrified and terrified of would erase the art of painting. It didn’t obviously, and in fact photography because a whole new art form.
I grew up during the birth of digital art. I distinctly remember the phase digital art went through where many people declared it to not be “real art” and that it was “cheating” etc. I’m sure other millennial artists also remember this transition. But graphic designers pretty quickly adopted digital tools, and websites like DeviantArt popped up, and I don’t think there are too many people nowadays who would say a digital painting isn’t “art”. Still, I do imagine there is a gulf between how some people would view the “artistic merit” of a 3 ft tall oil painting hanging next to a 3 ft tall print of a digital painting, even if the subject and styles were similar. So the worries that digital art would erase physical painting was also proven false. And for the record, I think digital art is 100% art. The merit of digital art is equal to that of physical art.
On the other hand, I can’t say these changes didn’t affect older forms of art. Like, photography did affect the world of painting. I don’t have statistics, but it seems like it probably affected the world of portraiture the most. And I wonder if many of the 20th century art movements were influenced by photography. None of my art history classes touched on that and it’s kinda weird to me. There is definitely something about a Dada or cubism or surrealist painting that transcends beyond what a traditional photo of a landscape or a portrait can do. There is no location in the real world with actual melting clocks or people whose faces show multiple angles at once.
And then there was the digital photograph that changed everything again! Film has become a niche art form.
There were specific kinds of jobs lost due to the digital transition, too. I’m thinking of things like murals being replaced by printed banners, or book covers often being done in photoshop. Oh, and that’s another tool that was faced with fear: Photoshop! There was a fear it would destroy the need for professional photographers because everyone could just fix their own photos. Turns out nope, and in fact people skilled in photography and photo editing are still in demand. And of course there’s the loss of 2D animation in favor of 3D animation, the loss of practical effects for digital, etc.
And you might argue that in some of those cases people can tell corners are being cut and that they won’t stand for it, but Marvel movies still make billions of dollars so…
So I don’t know what’s going to happen with AI art. I am NOT saying “all current artists are stupid and wrong, in the future history students will laugh at how stubborn they were to resist this idea”. AI art is not comparable to photography or digital painting.
With a photograph, you still need to compose the image in the frame, you need to position yourself in the real world, you need to know your equipment, whether you’re using film or digital. You also need to know how to process that photo either in the dark room or in Photoshop. These are skills the average person does not have. You cannot tell an AI “that shot was good but can you increase the contrast?” It’ll just produce a completely new image.
I read an article about an art director who was encountering difficulties as the department tried to incorporate AI. They got back first drafts of art ideas from the people employed to work with the AI, gave critique, and the second round was just completely new images that didn’t include the suggestions… because they couldn’t. AI does not understand color theory. It does not have the ability to take critique. It can’t slightly alter the layout of a design.
And all of that applies to painting too. AI (currently) can’t do what a trained art student can do. It doesn’t know that to create a sense of atmosphere you should make distant objects bluer. It doesn’t know how to use human physiology and psychology to draw a viewer’s eyes across a large painting to reveal a story.
AI also can’t replicate INTENTION - and intentionality is a HUGE part of art. WHY an artist chose those colors, that medium, that composition, those tools, why they chose to display it a certain way, why the composition is like this instead of that - all of that adds meaning to the painting that you can’t get with AI.
(Yes, there is an absolutely valid field of art critique that evaluates a piece of art on its standalone value and the message it conveys without the context of the artist’s intent, but that should be compared to the analysis that DOES include the artist’s intent! That comparison can bring about so much understanding!)
Anyway I’m going to end this post now because it has gotten WAY too long. I focused mostly on painting and photography in this post because those are my particular fields of speciality, but this applies to ALL ART. It applies to music and writing and scripting and acting and composing music and just. Everything. All art.
I don’t think there are any forms of art AI doesn’t threaten. Now granted, AI can’t currently pick up a paint brush. It can’t use a crochet needle. It can’t hold a camera. And maybe there will be some sort of return to physical media in response to AI produced digital art. Or maybe there will be a response in digital art to stylistically distinguish it from AI in a way AI can’t reproduce. I’m not sure what will happen. Maybe some proof the image was digitally painted by a real person, somehow. Or that it’s a real photo, or a real article. I saw someone mention there may end up being labels like “100% human made” like we do for organic food lol. Maybe work in progress videos or photo metadata will become more commonplace as evidence of authenticity.
Anyway, NOW I’m ending this post. Whew.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
A crack treated seriously concept that I have just swimming in my mind;
Runaway sugar baby Bruce Wayne AU.
Here's the thing; Bruce and Harvey are married. Bruce may not realize they are! but they are.
Oblivious fucker really went,
" yes, I will have children with my best friend, raise them together happily, occasionally have sex, and wear this cool ring he gave me. Platonically, of course."
I think it all started when Tim came home from school, wearing a bit of a guilty expression, asking with a pinch embarrassment if Bruce could pretend to be a doctor for career day.
Bruce blinks, " I am a doctor, darling." Graduated with flying colors, mind you!
"Well, yeah, but...You know, not anymore. "
True. Ever since he adopted Jason and Tim, he just found it harder and harder to leave home. They were just too precious and he didn't want to miss a moment!
"I just don't understand why he'd lie about it."
"I can," Harvey looks so handsome, arranging his tie. He does a mess of it, but he doesn't look less tantalising,
" Little brats would be...Yknow, mean. They get finicky when they see a weak spot."
He knows it's Harvey because there's no accent melting like whisky on his mouth. " Weak spot?"
" doll, cmon, --"
" I do work, Harvey. Just because it's not defending criminals doesn't mean it's less vital."
" I knowthat. But you're also a rich guy who, let's face it, wouldn't need to work a day In his life. And that's fine by me. "
because Harvey HATED seeing his mom break her back to support their family when his father was drowning face down in debts.
He wouldn't put anyone through that, let alone his pretty little husband. But Bruce doesn't take this well.
" well! I'll show you! I'm more than capable of making it on my own, I'll prove it!"
Now. Bruce doesn't think too much. He's not an expert in it. Man can stitch up a 5 inch incision with floss, but his own well being? Leave it to Alfred.
But he'll make them proud. So next time, they don't have to lie.
He just packs up way too many luggages, packs Damian up too, and leaves while Harvey's at oh his back breaking, gruelling office job.
It's only when he's on a bus that he realizes he forgot the rest, but that'd be cruel! Their boys loved their father.
Dick, who's in his I Hate Dad phase, is extremely hysterical while they leave to find Bruce. Only stopping occasionally to fix his eyeliner, then start over again.
Jason, Harvey's second oldest, drives beside them on his motorbike.
He guesses its an extra middle finger to him to not wear a helmet. His beloved little hellion, raised on the devil's edge.
"Listen to me; If I find him, I'm moving back home. If I don't, I'll put you in the ground."
" I'll let you."
Now; Bruce does find a place. It's a little town with big characters.
Harley has a diner that she's more than happy to welcome him in, even if Bruce, Spoiled Spouse of the Year, can't quite pick up.
Anything for old roomies.
But there is someone in there who catches Bruce's attention. Towns mechanic.
Clark, his name tag says, who played with Damian behind Bruce's back while he talked to Harley.
He smells of salty motor oil; Fresh sweat, smoked apple pie. His eyes are dreamy blue, rendered with sharp cleverness. And Clark likes him.
Clark recommends him a good motel, brings Damian some toys to play with, even brings his own babies so they can have a playdate. " They're not mine. The toys! These two are. I have a receipt from the hospital."
"...A birth certificate?"
He's delightfully awkward.
When Harvey comes to pick him up, when Bruce jumps in his arms, claws at a pristine shirt stained with his brand new blisters and cracks and worked hands, he's not awkward.
He's disappointed; Like Bruce strangled the joy from his soul.
When Bruce and Harvey respond, in perfect, consice sync, " Oh no, darling,--" " Yes he is, four eyes--" they're ALL confused.
"Oh, dear..."
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mossy-chaos · 2 months
These are all of the codes I could find in the Book of Bill!
The order is decoded message-page-type of cipher
Spoilers under the cut (for those of you who decode yourselves):
Black and white-back of the cover jacket-authors cipher
Even his lies are lies-inside the front cover-theraprism cipher
Praise the fallen angle-first actual page-Cipheric (this is the only time Cipheric is used for some reason)
Olaf was here-same-rune (not sure what this is a reference to)
Remember us-same-Bill's cipher
Let him in and break the seal between what's fiction and what's real-books new master-Bill's cipher
The Axolotl thinks he's won but Ciphers games have just begun-handprint page-color cipher
Irregular-fake covers(very top)-color cipher
The one who writes the codes-about me-Caeser cipher
Glotto/slotheny-Magazine cover(7 new sins)-Bill's cipher (I love the new sins lol)
Not a phase-Stanford pines here(on the goth moth)-Authors cipher-love the jack skellington reference (if thats what that is lol)
Warning/Folding this card may/result in crossovers-the universe is a hollogram-rune (Maybe that's how we finally get an owl house/gravity falls crossover)
My optometrist never saw it coming-What is a human-Theraprism
Paper is book skin/Shave your grandma-Skin-Bill's cipher
Love pain-Bill's tattoo knuckles-Same
Lies-How to trick everyone into loving you-same
Regrowing limbs is Axy's art/but can he regrow a ripped out heart-How to cheat death-Bill's cipher (he must really be mad at the Axolotl)
Eye doctor of a different kind/who wants to make his patient blind-silly straws-caesar
The doctor says/three sips a day/will make the visions/go away-Same
Fussy eater/baby Billy/wouldn't drink/unless it's silly-same (love how this implies that he only drank out of silly straws)
Mason-Embarrassing memories-Bill's cipher (love seeing Dipper's real name again)
Booberry-the meaning of life(popsicle stick)-Bill's cipher
One eyed king-the early years-theraprism
Suck it-The good times(liscense plate)-Caesar
Can warp narrativity/protect fourth walls-Alert from time baby-A1Z26
Lone survivor of the Euclidean massacre-Rune (I wonder what happened during that event and what that event actually is)
Tantrum-Bill's Cipher
Which henchmaniac ratted me out-The shaman-Theraprism (I find this one funny)
Titans blood-the dark ages(Wizards hat)-Rune (Love the owl house reference here)
Suck it Merlin-Never trust a wizard-Rune
Daryll-Cipherstitions(lobster lord of the deep)-Theraprism (love how that's his name)
Curse Wittebane-Witchcraft-Rune
It's all made up-America(the dollar)-Caesar
Countries aren't-Bill's cipher
Bill cipher-top secret file-Same
Six fingered freak-Lost in the woods-authors cipher
Stanley would have made her laugh-same (he just rolled better charisma dude)
If lost return to Bill-my muse and me-Theraprism (love how he said this means wise one and also more billford hehe)
Forget the past-A voice from the past page 2-Bill's cipher (this implies that Bill wants Ford to forget Stanley so he won't get in the way)
Hopefully F's gloves will hide what Cipher has done to my hands-I was wrong about everything page 2-Author's Cipher (I love this one <3)
Ouroboros-Wakey wakey here's a snakey (on the snake)-Bill's Cipher (I guess this is the snakes name?)
Miss you-try to forget (on window)-bro's secret code
Have I been too harsh all along?-Should I contact S-Bro's secret code
Hotxolotl-Dimensional authority call transcript (on the sauce packet)-Bill's cipher
I can write codes too it's not that hard!-Dipper's page-Bill's cipher (he do be flexing his intelligence there)
(What a buncha) Love ya bro-Stanley's letter-Bro's secret code (love how this shows that they both still remember the code they made up as kids)
Just fit in (repeated)-SSSSTANNNNLEEEYY-Rune
Holy mackerel-color cipher
Wellwellwellbeing-message from the theraprism-A1Z26
Spheremonger, Eternalor, Bill cipher, The Logicube, Paingorious, Jessica, Shadorg, Mr Silly, The beast-recent inpatient names-Theraprism (the hallucination dog is still creepy lol)
Justice for Scrimbles/Remember Grembley-inside Back cover-Theraprism/Rune (JUSTICE FOR SCRIMBLES!!!!)
Those are all of the codes that are in this book! (Or at least that I could find lol)
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wixhing0nastar · 3 months
Okay, so I'm thinking about where Arcane's second season is going to go, specifically in terms of what's happening with Vi and Caitlyn, and I've got some thoughts about how the first two acts might play out.
This is largely based of the scenes from the trailer, which are all likely from the first act/first three episodes of the season, plus what we know about Vi leaving (again) and having her angsty goth phase during (I believe) the second act... plus I'm a league player and Caitlyn is one of my mains, so I know lore-wise where her and Vi's relationship goes.
Specifically, that of all the relationships in the show (romantic or otherwise) they're the only one we know gets a good/happy ending... most of the other ones get at best a lukewarm ending if not an outright tragic one.
So we know in the first act it looks like Caitlyn and Vi, along with a small team, are going into the Undercity to try to apprehend Jinx. This post actually did a really good job of picking out some of the details about how that's all going to go down, but I remember reading it over the first time and then wondering to myself how do we go from Caitlyn getting hurt and looking haggard from the fight to Vi up and leaving again?
And then I realized there's a component I've seen a lot of people forget about when trying to theorize about this... and that's Warwick's existence, aka: Vander's reanimated corpse.
An interesting fact about Warwick, part of his thing in canon is that he's attracted to/can smell Shimmer and attacks people who've been using it... like Jinx and Vi (remember the cure Caitlyn had to get for her stab wound... the one that had a drop of Shimmer in it?)
I think that things are going to go wrong because Warwick/Vander shows up on the scene and attacks everyone, specifically focusing on Vi and Jinx since they're the ones with Shimmer in their systems...
And I think that at least Vi (and probably Jinx) is going to see him and put the pieces together and realize what Singed did to him and that's going to cause Vi to have a bit of a psychotic break just like Jinx did.
Because while Jinx is the obvious one with mental health issues, Vi's also clearly got her own issues. While they were caused in part by blood loss, Vi has also had hallucinations and seen things that weren't there (Powder, their mom, Vander, and we know in this upcoming season; Caitlyn). 
And I think that Caitlyn is going to be struggling with her own grief after her mother's death and the weight of trying to keep everyone safe now that she's sheriff that she's not going to realize what's going on with Vi at first and she's too emotionally exhausted to keep trying to fight Vi and get her to stay (we mostly talk about the not breakup in the rain, but there were actually four separate times in the first season Vi tried to leave Caitlyn behind).
And that's the first act, paralleling the end of season one's first act where Vi's separated from her loved one. Then the second act starts, continuing to parallel the first season we have Caitlyn doing work and investigating and then something happens, too many variables to be certain, and she ends up chasing Vi down anyway.
And it's a pseudo redo of Vi (and Caitlyn) trying fo find Powder in the first season, only now it's Caitlyn looking for Vi who's hurt and upset and alone... and then we get a parallel reunion scene (with a possible heartbreaking "are you real" from Vi this time since we know she's hallucinating Caitlyn) and then Caitlyn drags Vi back topside to see a doctor and get the help she needs... no idea what's in store for act three though, total mystery there tbh...
But while I know the show has a unhappy ending, it's important to remember that the show itself isn't actually about Vi and Caitlyn's relationship (though it's a large part of it). It's about Vi and Jinx's relationship, it's their origin story after all, one that we know for sure ends in tragedy... while Vi and Caitlyn's doesn't... which gives me hope in that regard at least.
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panlight · 1 month
I feel there's just so much wrong with the entire imprinting concept in the Twilight books.
The concept of never being able to say no or essentially make your own decisions because of the girl/whoever you imprinted almost sounds like a romanticized version of domestic abuse. Google describes it as "pattern incidents of controlling, coercive, degrading and violent behavior, etc". Now the threatening wouldn't be necessary because they literally don't have any choice or say in the matter. The entire idea of obsession and doing whatever pleases the person I've imprinted on sounds degrading, that you're now longer you're own person capable of making you're own choices. I find this ironic because SM literally tells us the underlying theme of these books is about choice. None of the wolves have a choice. They didn't choose to be wolves (shape shifters), they don't choose who they imprint on and they definitely don't choose what they get to do after imprinting. Did SM find it all romantic? Because everytime it's mentioned it just gives me the ick. The wolves are my favorite characters in the books and seeing them being forced into all this is so annoyinggg! They deserved SO much better.
Also, it shocks me that after all the success SM gained from tts that she didn't donate a penny to the Quileute tribe. It's super disappointing.
Oh, yeah, with you 100% on imprinting. I've never found it romantic. It reads as straight-up horror to me. Who even ARE you if you don't have free will? If you have to be whatever someone else needs? And beyond that it just feels fake and empty to me. Sam loved Leah. When he had a choice, he chose Leah. Magic overruled him and picked Emily instead. Why am I supposed to think his love for Emily is the 'real' love?
I get that the fantasy is supposed to be from the imprintee's POV, the fantasy of having this guy who is 100000% devoted to you, will never leave you, you never have to worry about cheating, he is there for you and will do whatever you want or need him to do. But that's not . . . that's not like a person who loves you, that's like a robot programmed to fulfill your wishes. For me, there's no real love without choice. This dude isn't choosing to show up for you every day if he has no other choice. It feels fake and arbitrary. Like a love potion, like Cupid's arrow.
And hell yes, the lack of choice with the wolves is a pattern and a really unsettling one given that she chose to make these characters Indigenous and tie their wolf-ness to that identity. They don't get to choose to be wolves, they don't get to choose who they love, within those relationships they have no agency and have to be/do whatever their partner wants, and then there's also the Alpha Order! They can literally be forced to obey, no choice there either. Again, this is straight up horror stuff. Loss of free will, loss of identity. That whole passage when Jacob imprints on Nessie is the stuff of nightmares to me. Everything that Jacob cared about, everything that made him who he was, is cut away and he is bound to a half-vampire baby instead. And now he has to keep phasing forever to stay immortal with her. To paraphrase Rosalie: this isn't the life he would have chosen for himself.
There are ways in which Twilight vampires get a raw deal too (when I'm sick and have a sore throat it's like, the Worst, so dealing with that forever and on a supernatural scale sounds horrific) but they still have CHOICES. Carlisle had the free will and agency to run to the forest and starve himself as a newborn. Rosalie had the will to kill her attackers without drinking their blood. Edward chose to leave Bella for a time when we're told Jacob spending any real time away from Nessie would be impossible because of the imprint. The vampires may have to FIGHT their nature sometimes, but SM lets them win more often than not. Carlisle can be a doctor; the Denali sisters can sleep with humans; Edward can resist Bella's blood; Bella can be the best newborn ever and not kill her dad. But the only time a shifter character is allowed to fight his nature is when Jacob defies Sam to break off and form his own pack, and that's only because of the loophole that Jacob was himself the rightful alpha. No one else has that option. Leah has to choose between allowing Sam or Jake to have alpha power over her.
Which is all why I thought Jacob's whole thing would be fighting an imprint. It would be so in character for him and such a good parallel to the vegetarian vampires fighting their thirst. I wanted to see Jacob say 'no, I don't care what destiny says, I will make my own path.' And you know if SM had had him imprint on literally anyone BUT Nessie or Bella she would have written about him fighting it! It would have been so cool! But no, because ultimately this is Bella's fantasy life, and part of her happily ever after is keeping Jacob around literally forever even though HE wouldn't have chosen an immortal life with the Cullens like Bella did.
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devilart2199-aibi · 4 months
IDW collection reading update! :D 📖 (Fixed!)
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Phase 2 volume 4 done! This volume included: Monstrosity, RID issues 12-18 and MTMTE issues 14-16!
I ended up reading all the way to Phase 2 volume 6 before finishing this update so my notes are a bit scattered! Anyway! As usual my thoughts are below :3 ⤵️
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This story is set in the past, when Optimus has assumed leadership on Cybertron after the senate and pervious primes were killed.
This story is, I dunno... For some reason I can't really get into these?? It feels... edgy?? Idk, I feel like that's not the best way to describe it. But there's something about the vibe with these ones in the past (like Autocracy and this one).
Of course everyone is becoming the characters we know since this is in the past. So there is going to be a lot of fumbling and growing from them and things that seem out of character. But given their situation at the time, i can't be super harsh on odd decisions.
They have to deal with the senate and their corruption, as well as that from the previous primes, the Decepticons uprising and wanting to take over, Cybertron running out of resources aaaaand I feel like something else I can't remember rn 🤔 but a lot is going on!! Haha.
There is a scene that references the OG animated movie where they toss Megatron out of Astrotrain and he goes "I still function...!" Which was a pretty cool homage tho.
But this kinda felt like a whole way to just show how badass Megs is meanwhile Optimus is going through it on Cybertron 😂 It was entertaining and interesting at parts, but some things I was 'eh' about
RID: 12-16:
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Before i go on, I'm sorry, but... this Megs panel is giving me the same energy as that little alien guy that was in the news months ago 🤣 Now actually⤵️
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Megatron returns!! This story was very entertaining!! I feel like I can usually guess where something is going, but I was surprised by a lot of the twists here! There was so many!
The character deaths had me shook! 😭 Wheeljack ahhhh!!! Metalhawk!! Also everything with Prowl and the Constructions! O_O;
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I'm sorry Prowl 😔 I was pretty surprised when they started killing off the Decepticons at first, but then went: "Well, I guess he's being super ruthless now" I couldn't see you were brainwashed!! 😭🗿To my defense, him teaming up with Arcee and given Arcee's record, it kinda seemed like the natural progression of things lol 💀
Two things I kinda have mixed feelings about tho are:
1. Arcee just casually being part of the Decepticon gang and no one questioning her being there?? She then easily kills the guy controlling Devastator and that was like... Megatron's big plan. Why didn't she do it sooner? I imagine it was to draw out Meg's, but still it seemed weird.
2. Starscream killing Metalhawk after Metalhawk came to save Starscream. It's in his character and everything, and I'm happy that he did it bc it shows who he is. But OOF I thought he was leaning a different way for a bit and that I had Starscream wrong, But no, he's greedy boy. (I was starting to like Metalhawk T_T)
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Anyway! Good guy Swindle!! 🥹
MTMTE 14-16:
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💀💀💀💀💀 BIG SAD. But!!! It was a super interesting story!! I really enjoyed learning about Overlord and Chromedome.
Chromedome becoming Trepan's apprentice in the past was crazy!! :O And the whole scene with him and Prowl in Prowl's office. When Prowl asks/threatens Chromedome to go into Overlord's mind 😙👌 *chef's kiss* GET 'EM CHROMEDOME!! 💪👊🔪
The whole thing about how the Phase Sixers are made was very interesting too!! This frame ⤵️ Meg's saying this made me lmao 😂 I can now see the thing between him and Overlord better now.
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As for Overlord getting out and obliterating some of the crew... ughhhhh 😭😭😭 Pipes man!! Ratchet protecting the medibay was awesome. Best doctor 🚑😌
I was shocked during the fight with Overlord that Magnus got so injured!! I've read ahead already, but I was sweating it, I thought he was gonna die too 😭😭 Overlord goes right for your spark man 💀
Luckily they got Overlord back to his containment cell, but- 😭😭😭😭 LITTLE MAN 😭😭😭 Why'd he have to hop in there to get the sword??? OTL
Then Chromedome blowing it up once the cell disengaged from the ship 😭 It was a perfectly painful sequence! 👏
When I saw the scene with Whirl and the cannon/ blaster shooting asteroids, I knew it would come around 😔
Also!! Learning that Chromedome has had other deep connections with bots (idk if Brainstorm meant Conjunx' specifically) and given them his innermost energon before and that's why he's dry!! Excuse me as I sob 🤧🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭😭 and then he makes himself forget!!! UGHH OTL My heart man!
The tape that Rewind made too!! 😭🤧
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Drift taking one for the team too by getting banished 😔 he's a real one. Also pls come back.
RID 17-18:
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We got more Shockwave lore here and I'm a big Shockwave enjoyer so I was very happy!! More heartache of course tho 😢
Him pitching/making the Jhiaxian academy of advanced technology is huge. Then all the experiments he did once he was turned purple 💀💀💀
Him going to Dai Atlas and injuring him before the attack on the senate so that he would escape death was a cool surprise. He's still in there ;_; ahhhh.
There is another story that happens in current time where Bee gets turned into Goldbug, but I think he's called "Goldfire" here? 🤔 He really got injured during the whole thing with Meg's so they had to fix him up with pieces of his old earth form.
It was cool to see included in the story :3
Final Random Thoughts:
This volume had a bunch of great stories in it! And I learned quite a bit about characters I like!
Though it was sad, I'd say my favorite story was the mtmte one with Overlord (The Overlord arc?). The art is always fantastic and so is the story!
I look forward to reading more and I'll be making another reading update very soon since I'm already on volume 6!
I didn't want to lump them all together bc I like using images as the story breaks and Tumblr only let's you use 10 per post 😔 Also... I ramble quite a lot haha, so 3 volumes worth would definitely be too much! 😂
Anyway! See you next time! 👋
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cirtusmistress · 4 months
JJK Baby Daddy x Reader HC: Choso ~ The Helicopter Parent
an: i love choso and have baby fever. which sucks for a lesbian who has a visceral fear of being pregnant. so i'm gonna write about a 2D man k thanks <3
tw: mentions of SIDs
genre: fluff with a touch of angst in the teen years
AO3 Crosspost
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Bless his heart man :(
Didn’t even know he could have kids but once he learned that he could it was game over.
He had eight siblings and loves them all with his whole heart. Literally Yuji being his brother reshaped his brain, how do you think having kids will have him?
I see him as a girl dad personally but he will love his children no matter the gender.
It was a lot when you told him you were pregnant. It had never really been a thought beforehand, and it just kinda.. Happened. It was a long discussion but you decided to keep it (but if you didn’t want it he would have supported you, because he loves you and in the end you have to come first).
Anxious as fuck though. He’s buying so many parenting books and reading mommy blogs and did you know you shouldn’t eat fish while pregnant? No fish for you. Such a helicopter dad and partner.
LOVES designing the nursery.
You bought him a disposable camera so he could document the pregnancy and he adored every second of it. He makes you a pregnancy scrapbook for each one.
He keeps the first ultrasound pic on him all the time. Shows it to everyone he can like, “This is my baby :)”
He cried every time you two looked at onesies. Realizing how small your baby was gonna be got him so emotional.
Likes helping you pick out maternity wear too! He thinks you’re so cute :(
If you’re a seahorse dad he’s super understanding and tries to help you through any dysphoria you may have. You’re his partner and he feels his family's pain very strongly, so he just wants you to be okay.
He involves Yuji in your pregnancy a lot too (which he loves, he can’t wait to be an uncle).
When the baby finally comes home he’s such an anxious mess. Every time they cry he’s just overwhelmed and scared something is wrong or his fault.
He doesn’t get much sleep. He made the mistake of reading about SIDs and is constantly scared that he’ll wake up one day and they’ll just be gone.
It takes a lot of reassurance from you to calm him back down. Eventually he starts sleeping again, but his sleep is very light.
Loves wearing a papoose (baby carrier). He likes having his baby with him wherever he goes.
I can see him fully committing to being a stay at home daddy. He loves his family and if he could spend every day with his children nothing would make him happier. Gives you a lot of special attention during and after the pregnancy. Massages, going out late at night for craving foods, sitting with you while you go through morning sickness. When you get home he’s super hands on so you can rest and recuperate. You’re the love of his life, nothing is too much for you.
He also makes baby scrapbooks. For all of his kids, at least 3 each. No one goes without and every child is made sure to feel special and loved.
Again, cries at every milestone. When they roll over, when they sit up, the first word. Even the less conventional ones like the first hair cut.
You had to keep him from attacking the doctor when you took them in for their first shots..
The toddler phase is fun. He’s chasing naked babies around your home day and night. Loves the phase where they want to sleep in bed with you two. Being able to have his family all in one bed makes him feel safe. Even if it means a kick to the side or back.
It’s hard when his kids start going to school. He can’t always be with them or protect them and it’s scary for him. He’s always thinking about them, and when they get home he’s always there to pick them up or walk them back to the house.
The teen phase is also a hard transition. Suddenly it’s not cool to spend time with your dad anymore. Some of his kids do, of course, but it’s always a struggle when the others pull away. You always assure him it’s normal, and they still love him. But Choso struggles when his family pulls apart even in little ways.
He’s still a helicopter parent. He means well but to teens it just feels overbearing. He doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong.
But in the end his kids always come back. Because they know he will never abandon them, and would raise hell for them.
Wants at least three. If you’re willing, five.
Readiness? 60% Lot’s of panic and crying, but no doubt all of his children will feel endlessly loved, as will you.
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who else should I daddy? gojo and nanami are on my hit list
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hey! so i hope this isn’t too creepy/nosey, but im a medical student and i was reading your possible fibromyalgia post and have a couple ideas lol. full important disclaimer that im only partly into my studies and im currently in the hypochondriac phase and also your summary was amazing but a real doc would ask way more questions, so please consult with an actual doc and take everything i say with a grain of salt! but like your symptoms aren’t nothing so i would def encourage finding a doc that you trust to do a proper exam and run some tests. also im operating under the assumption that you’re under 50 lol, bc if you’re over 50ish that’s a whole diff list of possible diagnoses.
so the thirst thing you’re talking about is often called polydipsia and is commonly associated with diabetes insipidus. that’s not the normal diabetes you think about, but happens when your body can’t regulate fluids in your body properly. id think of this if you’re also peeing a lot lol. your doc would have to do some kidney tests for that, which wouldn’t be part of the blood panel you mentioned. i’m a little skeptical that it’s hypokalemia bc that would’ve showed up on your blood test results. it could be transient electrolyte imbalances when you exercise so have one of those electrolyte packets when you exercise lol, bc it never hurts to try the easy solutions first, but chronic low potassium should’ve shown up? tho eating sweet potatoes has never hurt.
other things it could be is a lower motor neuron problem bc you mentioned twitches and muscle weakness which is typical for those. i def can’t say more without tests, but look into/get your doc to look into myasthenia gravis or LEMS and see if either of those fit. i think it’s possible bc these often also start with face/upper body symptoms, but would need way more questions/tests to know. it’s unlikely but could also be a glycogen storage disease called McArdle disease bc you describe a second wind thing when you exercise along with exercise intolerance. that’s super rare tho so it’s unlikely unless someone in your family has it/has similar symptoms.
also look into autoimmune stuff like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sjögrens disease. i have way less useful info on that bc we haven’t gotten to it in class yet lol, but sjögrens looks promising bc you often get dry mouth with it, and it often goes along with rheumatoid arthritis which could explain the joint stuff possibly.
it’s also totally possible this is fibromyalgia, but i would be cautious diagnosing it bc it often comes with fatigue and cognitive stuff which you didn’t mention. it’s also more of a pain thing, and doesn’t include your twitches/dry mouth. it’s def possible, and it was def something i thought of when i saw your symptoms, but personally i would want to rule out other stuff first bc fibromyalgia is pretty vague and often a diagnosis of exclusion when other things don’t fit.
sorry for overwhelming you!! i just saw your post and was like hmmm those symptoms sound like Something. again take my advice with a big grain of salt, but i do really think it’s worth asking your doc about it and getting tests done, bc even if there aren’t cures there are def treatments to help with a bunch of this stuff. it doesn’t sound urgent, but at least from your post your symptoms don’t sound like run of the mill aches and pains. hope you figure stuff out!!
The problem with 'muscles don't work right ouchy and I am also tired' is that it's a symptom for Absolutely Everything That Can Be Wrong With The Body. Is it cancer? Is it a terrible diet and sleep schedule? Who knows!
The doctor ran a diabetes test with the blood panel and it came up negative, but I don't know if that checks for weird kinds of diabetes. (Diabetes does not run in my family until we get very old.) That test was memorable because I have stupid fragile veins that freak out and collapse at the mere sight of a needle so I had to get stabbed nine times, they didn't manage to get the middle reading at all, and in the end they resorted to just stabbing my thumb with one of those diabetes home blood test thingies and manually squeezing my blood out into a tube drop by drop.
I looked up polydipsia and I don't think I have that. I think I just prefer my mouth to be wetter than my salival glands want it to be. 🤷‍♀️I think most of my problems are probably not related to any rare chronic disease, but just run-of-the-mill autism making it hard to look after myself or properly notice and process my physical condition and adapt accordingly. I don't eat enough fresh foods because it's hard to plan with the very short timeframe to prepare and eat them in. I'm uncoordinated and damage my body a lot through overwork or using muscles incorrectly because autism makes it hard to keep track of those things. My mouth feels dry and my skin feels itchy and my muscles feel sore because that's what being autistic feels like. My sleep schedule is garbage because my executive function is garbage and even once I do manage to get myself into the bed I can't just "go to sleep", I pass out when I'm ready to pass out.
I'm not saying it's impossible for anything else to be going on, but I think the known factor is the simplest explanation here. It's 2:30pm and I've been putting off breakfast for five hours. Every time I go into the kitchen I get distracted by housework instead. I am very hungry. This is not behaviour that is conducive to a well-functioning body.
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abbysimsfun · 5 days
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 48 (He Had Him At Hello, Bromance Edition)
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Leaving her friends in Old New Henford after dark, Heather, Ash, and Conrad returned to her childhood home with her parents.
They found River and Cassandra still in their work clothes, the two having spent most of the evening trying to get their infant son to sleep. "Doctor Scott says its a phase, it'll pass, but when he doesn't sleep well, we don't sleep well," lamented River. "These days we're thrilled if he sleeps for more than two hours at a time."
Conrad already felt at ease around her siblings, and Heather left them chatting upstairs while her parents showed her the new plants in their always impressive garden. When Michael woke up fussy, she soothed him back to sleep to give his tired parents a break.
Upstairs, River studied Conrad with keen interest. His sister's taste in men had always been a little...off, and he wanted to be sure this one deserved her. "Driving between San Myshuno and Brindleton Bay must not be easy."
"We make it work," said Conrad. "We're waiting for me to get a transfer, but all that driving can be pretty tiring."
"Sometimes I dance just to keep myself awake," said Cass, grooving a little to the music. "Since I left the art studio to help my mother-in-law with her floral business, it's been a bit easier working from home. I never realized the artistry involved in floral arranging, but I can be just as creative with a bouquet of flowers as I can with a palette of acrylics!"
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Conrad couldn't relate, but he empathized with their lack of sleep. "I don't know much about raising kids, but Ash likes a story I tell him that my mom used to read to me when I was a kid. The Giving Tree."
"I love that story," Cassandra mused. "I think I saw a copy at the bookstore in the square."
River nodded. "I'll try anything. I'll pick up a copy tomorrow." Despite his fatigue, River's wall crumbled as he got to know Conrad. "What made you think our sister was worth risking your career?"
The question was sincere. Conrad had asked himself the same thing a thousand times. "At first I thought it was because her son needed her more than the Landgraabs needed a win, but then they dropped the charges and I couldn't stop thinking about her. I booked a vet appointment four hours out of the way just to run into her again."
"Why didn't you ask her out, then?"
"River, stop interrogating him," Hazel pushed, but Conrad smiled.
"I wanted to, but I knew she'd been through a lot and I wanted her to be sure she was ready. I sort of knew it would be it for me if I knew she was interested."
"It's a good thing Holly intervened," said Hazel, smiling. "You might still be waiting for her, otherwise."
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River grinned. "He definitely would be."
Hazel left to meet Nicola and some friends at the Gnome's Arms, and River and Cassandra finally changed and sat down to dinner. Because they could know no peace, Ash talked their ear off about dinosaurs. "Conerd say t-rex no swim, we safe," he babbled. "T-rex roar!"
"You know there were less scary dinosaurs," River said. "Smaller ones who ate plants. Also big ones. Like brontosaurus."
Ash listened with intense curiosity. "Bront-so-us?"
"Yeah, they were even bigger than your dad's apartment."
Cassandra stifled a laugh. "River, hush."
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They were interrupted when Michael woke again from his nap, wailing from the bedroom. With her plate still full of food, Cass left to tend to her son as Heather walked into the kitchen. "We should probably head out. It'll still be an hour on the Simmerloop at this time of night, and we should get Ash to bed before midnight."
Cassandra brought Michael outside for their goodbyes, but the fussy infant didn't last long in the cool autumn air.
River, meanwhile, had found a new best friend in Conrad. "When I found out my sister was dating a cop I wasn't sure what to think, but now I'm pretty confident you've never played bad cop in your life."
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Conrad shrugged. "I mean, I don't see the point. It doesn't get me to the truth any faster. But I admire what you and your father do. Building green infrastructure for your community is just as important as what I do."
River laughed. "Please, don't flatter me. You deal with hardened criminals like my sister."
Daisy turned to Heather as they watched River bond with Conrad. "Riv grew up with a house full of sisters, but I think he always secretly wanted a brother."
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When Conrad left to get the car, River turned to Heather. "I recognize the way he looks at you, and he's not going anywhere unless you tell him to. I know you like to think you're better off single, protecting your independence, but he's the guy who's perfect for you. You and Conrad finding each other is one in a million, like the day I met Cassandra. He's your Cassandra."
(Can confirm, Jane Simsten's Soulmates mod kicked in for these two way back on the night they ran into each other with Holly and Kris in San Myshuno, but Heather's unflirty and she's been burned in the past, so it's had to be this way. I'm sorry!)
River's beautiful wife gazed at him with love while he spoke. They were so sweet together, and their love used to make Heather feel like she was missing out. Now she had Conrad, who was as close to perfect as anyone she'd ever met, and she couldn't shake her insecurities.
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"I know raising Ash with his father isn't easy and you're afraid to get hurt again," River said. "But that is a guy who's waiting for you to say 'I love you' so he can say it, too."
Neal frowned. "Huck, you don't know that. Don't test your sister's emotions-"
"I do know that, and I'd die on Old Mill Hill defending that take!"
"He makes me so happy," Heather admitted. "But what if he moves in and I find out he's a criminal mastermind masquerading as a detective?"
"Then you're even more perfect for each other than I thought."
Heather couldn’t deny her feelings for Conrad, as afraid as she was to put them into words and make them real.
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Despite her fears, she was grateful for her family's approval, and she embraced her brother warmly when Conrad brought his car around. ->
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NOTE: This got it's own post because Conrad and River literally said hello to each other and were basically best friends (they became official best friends later, when it mattered for Conrad's Friend of the World aspiration. tbh by then I thought they already were but either something glitched or broke with the Lovestruck patches or I never bothered and forgot). Their instant bromance felt so right - River looks up to his older sister and wants the best for her even though he can't help but tease her, and he and Conrad are both responsible guys focused on bettering their communities. It's a perfect match and I loved this development.
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