#And it's all the more fun because these two aren't even from Gotham
oculusxcaro · 4 months
[I portray Rorschach as gay but low-key his bond with Khare is so sweet and meaningful that I could see him being fine with platonically marrying Khare. In a world where that would even be on the table, which I'm sure is not.
but also Khare could get a green card that way. just sayin]
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Rue, this is the sweetest thing and I'm sorry it's taken a while to reply to this because I kept coming back to this and grinning like an idiot until my cheeks hurt? Rorschach and Khare's relationship is by far one of my all-time favourite experiences, not just on this one thing but roleplaying in general.
Their connection is one of those things I never saw coming but holy crap, it's so good, the way their bond has grown so much and whenever I'm having a bad day, I just think back to one of their many interactions and start smiling like a loon all over again. It goes without saying your Rorschach is absolutely-fucking-phenomenal - all your muses are, but your writing in particular pulled Watchmen from the deepest recesses of 2009 and dragged it right back into the forefront again. Dan, Liz and Adrian are all beautifully written but I can't deny these two are something deeply special to me. Guilty as charged, your honor. ♥ Your Rorschach being gay (which I adore about him) is so brilliantly portrayed and reasoned, so it's all the more meaningful that, in the best case scenario, he'd actually be okay with platonically marrying Khare? I don't think she'd mind either; sure he's no Bruce Wayne, but that doesn't matter to her because she adores him and he really is the closest friend she's got, both in Gotham and probably in her life which was nothing special until, you know, the whole getting-kidnapped-and-turned-into-an-experimental-guinea-pig type thing. He's been good to her though, and even though not a lot of people like him very much, he's important to her, so even though it's not likely there's a world where this would actually happen given the issues™ our two have, just the thought that he'd willingly do this for her says a lot considering his attitude about women. She gets a green card, he gets a beard so nobody looks at them too closely and Rorschach can continue contending with his feelings and accept his being gay. It's a win/win situation if, you know, Rorschach didn't have a crippling deathwish and Khare wasn't basically rotting from the inside out. Still, it's a very sweet thing to think about and these two being able to heal from their pasts and come out as better people for it.
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fandomfuntimem · 4 months
Dp x dc prompt
The batfam shows up in Amity Park for something. Maybe a Manson or Masters gala, maybe some other event idk.
Its the whole song and dance of the batfam meeting Phantom, figuring out Danny is Phantom, them being protective cuz the Fentons aren't the best parents. BUT A TWIST!
Its not all happy family fun time. Things get increasingly chaotic. Especially since some Gotham villains caught wind that the bats were in this town. Danny just keeps getting stressed. That stress builds up more and more and more, till the first casualties happen. It doesn't have to be any major characters, just people died, and Danny lost it. He has never had a casualty before, he doesn't know how to hand it. So he yells at the bats.
Screaming and crying blaming them for everything. Ever since they got there everything had gone wrong. Danny had a thing going. Ghost shows up, fight ghost, witty banter, capture ghost, then escape incompetent ghost hunters. That was his thing, but this? This is actual, murderous, lunatics in his town. He's just a kid, and thease lunatics are here because the bats are here.
From there take it however you want, and if you don't know how here are a few ideas to start you off.
- temporary villain Danny. Like, genuinly violent tawords the bats, will kick anyone's ass if they get anywhere neer gis city. If a bat tries to appeal to his ITS ON SIGHT.
- Danny tries to face the gotham Rouges alone and needs to be saved. (My least favorite personally. Not a fan of the ones where he is just some weak little kid. Thats personal bias tho)
- eather of the upper two, but Danny has to be grudgingly agree to a temporary truce/aliance to save the world ot the cities. Maybe they even rekindle their relationship.
You can even have a time skip of any length. My one guidline. Danny should probably be permanently emotionally changed by the experience. Take that how you want, but no kid comes out of that ok.
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cantsayidont · 4 months
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There are some things in DC's voluminous back catalog that they ought to properly reprint because they're good — gems of past eras. However, there are also some things they ought to properly reprint because they're delightfully stupid, like the Superman/Batman team-ups from WORLD'S FINEST COMICS. DC has actually reprinted all the stories from the '50s, through about 1961, but a lot of the '60s material has only been reprinted in the B&W SHOWCASE PRESENTS books, which is a shame.
The WORLD'S FINEST team-ups went through several distinct phases. Superman, Batman, and Robin had shared the covers of WORLD'S FINEST COMICS since 1941, but it wasn't until 1954 that shrinking page counts obliged them to actually share the lead feature. The '50s stories are pretty good of their time, with some lovely Dick Sprang art, and the presence of Superman meant the drift into science fiction was less jarring than in the contemporary Batman books. In 1964, editorial control of WORLD'S FINEST passed to Mort Weisinger and it became a Weisinger-era Superman book that happened to have Batman and Robin in it. Starting in 1967, though, things started to get stranger and stranger as Weisinger's stable of sci-fi veterans like Edmond Hamilton and Otto Binder gave way to Bob Kanigher, Cary Bates, and Bob Haney, who turned out some exceedingly weird material. Stories like the two-parter about Superman having died and willed his super-organs to various people (#189–190) aren't quite as ghoulish as the covers suggest, but their inexplicable weirdness is emblematic of the period.
For a little while in the early '70s, DC evicted Batman from the series, making WORLD'S FINEST a general-issue Superman team-up book. (DC reprinted those issues in trade paperback in 2020.) This apparently wasn't a big commercial success, but rather than immediately returning to the expected Superman/Batman format, WORLD'S FINEST began to feature the Super-Sons, the teenage sons of Superman and Batman in a hazily defined parallel reality — written by Bob Haney, whose stories consistently evoke the sensation of mild concussion. The "real" Superman and Batman also returned, although they had to alternate with their hypothetical future sons, appearing roughly every other issue through 1976. From 1976 to 1982, WORLD'S FINEST once again became an oversize anthology book, with a Superman/Batman main feature backed by a variety of other characters like Green Arrow and Hawkman. The stories in that period are not quite as ludicrous as the late '60s (although if you see Bob Haney's name in the credits, you know you're in for a wild ride), but even the soberer installments are consistently very silly, full of nonsense like Kryptonian lycanthropy and the return of some especially ridiculous older villains like the Gorilla Boss of Gotham City and Doctor Double-X.
It wasn't until issue #285 that Superman and Batman again had the book all to themselves. The late period dials back the zaniness and has mostly uninspired plots, but writers Doug Moench and David Anthony Kraft compensate with some eyebrow-raising and apparently deliberate "Superbat" ship-bait; my personal favorite is Kraft's "No Rest for Heroes!" (a short story in the back of WORLD'S FINEST #302), where Superman and Batman go to a dive bar in the middle of nowhere to talk about their relationship and Batman ends up throwing a knife at someone.
Very little of this stuff is actually good by any normal standard — although the 1964–1967 period is no more or less weird than any other Weisinger Silver Age Superman stories — and the artwork is only occasionally better than passable. However, it's so stupid and so ridiculous that it's consistently fun, in a way DC doesn't really do anymore, at least not on purpose. Assembling all the Superman/Batman stories (leaving the Super-Sons to their own TPB), omitting the various backup strips, and giving it decent color reproduction would make for a nice package, and the presence of Superman and Batman would make it more commercially viable than some of DC's more artistically worthy back catalog material. Low-hanging fruit, if you ask me.
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mylifeisfruk4ever · 3 months
“How did it go with the kid?” Bruce asked, while he was doing some research on the computer.
Clark came up to him, “He got himself taken to the top of Bristol saying his house was there.”
“Mhm…he lied, obviously.”
“Of course,” Clark groaned. “I've been keeping an eye on him because, you know, I wouldn't dream of letting just a kid go home in Gotham of all places. No offense."
“No offense taken,” the man said. “Have you seen where he lives?”
“You won't believe it, but he's your neighbor.”
Bruce muttered something under his breath, and Clark sighed, "You already knew that, didn't you?"
“I wanted to confirm my suspicions.”
“Sure…and what will you do now?”
Bruce turned to him, their faces very close, "What do you mean?"
“I saw the way you looked at him. You had the same look when you greeted Dick and then Jason. You're interested, aren't you?”
The billionaire replied, “He has very lively parents, Clark.”
“Parents who are not here, and who leave him alone. I don't know, this seems like a case of child abandonment to me."
“His family is rich. They will be able to afford the best lawyers. “
"You too. So why don't you try?”
“It hasn't even been a month, and you already want a child with me?” he teased, pulling him closer.
“What can I say, you influenced me."
“What a smart mouth… can you use it for other things too?”
Clark smirked, “Do you want to try?”
They were about to kiss when they heard a disgusted, “Urgh, what the fuck Bruce. Don't fuck in the cave.”
Ruined moment. The two heroes walked away, Clark's cheeks as red as his cape.
Bruce sighed, “Jason, language.”
“Yeah, not this shit. You went out on your date night without me. I bet the rooftops were warm tonight.”
Here's what happens when you deal with a teenager: jokes and double meanings about his love life. Good thing Dick was in New York, otherwise there would have been two of them making fun of him.
“We were investigating together. It was work.”
“As you said, old man.”
Clark coughed then, “Jason…we'd like to talk to you about something.”
“What would you think about a little brother?”
Jason blinked. Bruce ran a hand over his face. Clark really didn't want to let it go, huh? He was about to intervene when his son blurted out, “You got Bruce pregnant?!”
"No!" Bruce immediately exclaimed. “Jason, we're both men.”
“Hey, he's an alien. How do I know how it works! Oh god, Dickhead is going to go crazy…”
"Nobody's pregnant," Bruce sighed, suddenly feeling very old. “We met a kid tonight and Clark thinks I should take him in.”
“Let me guess… he has black hair.”
“Yes,” Clark replied.
"Blue eyes?" Jason asked again.
“Traumatized and weirdo?”
Clark thought about it before saying, “I'm not sure if he's traumatized, but he's definitely a…peculiar kid. He follows Batman to take photos to put on his Tumblr blog… ”
“He's definitely a weirdo,” Jason concluded. - There's nothing to do. You have a type, Bruce.”
Bruce groaned. What had he done to make people believe he had no impulse control… oh, yeah. He had literally kidnapped Jason. He didn't have a good record.
“Look, I'll check on him to make sure he doesn't get into trouble. If I see something that doesn't convince me, I will act accordingly.”
From the way Jason and Clark looked at him, it was clear that neither of them believed him.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
So I got this little idea and if anyone wants to expand on it go ahead, basically:
Your usual dp x dc crossover, but instead of Danny or even Sam being related to the Waynes, Tucker is the one related to them, more especificaly he's Duke's cousing and they where pretty close before Tucker's parents moved away to Amity Park (they still keep contact but not as much as before since they have their own hero/vigilante family/team to help out)
Tucker's parents decide to give Gotham a visit for nostalgia and to catch up with Duke and since Tucker didn't want to go there alone he asked if Danny and Sam could come too, his parents where a-okay with that so now we have a trio of weird kids (with one being half dead and the other two probably having a lot of ectoplasm contamination in them) on a vacation to Gotham and going straight to the Wayne Mansion. This is gonna be fun
(I also had the idea that as soon as Duke saw the trio he could see that something was Not Right™️ with them, it was mostly Danny but Sam and Tucker also had Weird Shit™️ going on with them too *side eyes Undergrowth's mind control and the whole Reincarnation of a Pharaoh thing*)
Ooo I heard someone think about Tucker being related to the Fox family but that neat too~ Can see Tucker's parents worried how Duke been doing. Duke nervous n excited to see his old cousin. (batfam stalking at first and probably not so subtlety add perks to their stay. Over Protective LOL) Duke swearing they're just normal kids from Amity Park- and then he sees them and like. Shit. O w O' Can't help but keep staring at Danny because something strangely is happening around his form. The hang out was pretty chill, besides the constant staring. Duke feels guilty but same time, something is off and his new detective senses are tingling. Duke notice something off with his cousin and the girl when Danny goes to use the restroom. He was too distracted by Danny. Duke tries to hold out a couple of days, not wanting to make a scene. But the others are already digging in too deep and he wants to hear it from the horses mouth first, not his new siblings and their tangent of theories. Tucker tries not to answer til Duke clarifies he can see something's off with them. "You.. as in plural? So all of us?!" Duke nods. "Wait! What? But me and sam aren't... does this mean I'll get powers to?! Amg. Wait right here. I got to.. ask Danny and Sam and then I'll tell you. Promise." Duke can here them all chattering in the next room, nothing coherent but obviously the girl was mad at Tuck. Danny raised his voice a few times. Door cracks open and then Duke is yanked into the room by his shirt, with Sam threatening him if he says a word, she doesn't care who he's related to. His ass is grass. Duke trying hard not to let his fighting instincts kick in. "Fair. " "Sam. cool it." Danny sighing "Whatever." Sam letting Duke go and barricading the door behind them. Tucker just rubbing his arm and smiling meekly with a wave. "Uh soo. ... Do you believe in ghosts?" Duke's eyes widening. What the hell happened in Amity?! Is Tuck dead?!!!
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
"I never believed in love at first sight, but now I've looked at you and my perspective has definitely changed." for Farrell!Penguin?
a/n: ohhh this fits so well with him! He's definitely the type to be turned into a believer with the right person hehe I haven’t written for this pengy solo in a minute I hope this is still a decent fic rip
Trigger Warning: none
Word Count: 1k
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Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin x Reader - Love at First Sight
It may seem difficult to believe…difficult to comprehend to most.
Despite Falcone finally being out of the picture, having full control of not just the Iceberg Lounge but also 44 Below and the booming Drops business that came with it…
Despite now having absolute control of Gotham's underworld. 
Oswald Cobblepot never felt more alone. 
Which, he figured, was for the best, no loose ends…no weaknesses. 
Besides if he ever got too lonely to bear it he could just bring up a couple of Iceberg girls if need be.
That was until…he saw you. 
Oswald wasn't the type to turn down anyone willing to work at the Iceberg Lounge (and see if they can take the "promotion" to 44 Below) but something came over him that night.
"Look, sweetheart, I understand, money's tight but this just isn't-"
"Please…don't…don't give me that…'this isn't the place for me' schtick. It's Gotham and I'm alive aren't I?" You defended.
Oz leaned back in his cushioned office chair and offered a side nod. "Touche…but my answer is still no. There's plenty of other bars and clubs where you can work." 
"But none that pay as high." 
"High reward comes with high risk, sweetheart and I don't want you taking that risk." 
You huffed frustratedly as you brought your hands to your hips. "And who are you to determine that?" 
Oz sighed as he rubbed his face, leaving his hand to linger on his chin in thought.
It's a gamble, but maybe just maybe if he was honest for once he could prevent you from getting hurt later…
For all the hurt, betrayal, and desperation Oswald had experienced in his life…he still found out somewhere what love was. Even if he learned it by knowing what it wasn't.
He barely knew your name but he couldn't ignore the strong thumping of his weary heart when he first saw you. When your eyes met his…it's like he could see the future..two possible futures. 
One where he's loved unconditionally with you by his side as he continues to rule or…one with him on his knees grasping onto your cold lifeless body begging for you to come back. 
He disliked the latter vision to not even try and seek out the first. 
"To you? I'm nobody, just an employer. But lemme ask you something."
You perked your eyebrow and nodded for him to continue. 
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" 
Your eyes widened. Your mouth opened and closed as your brain tried to make sense of the question and what it could possibly mean in this context. 
You settled on just answering the question honestly in hopes of an explanation. "No…not..particularly…why?" 
Oz hummed in understanding. "Cause I sure as hell don't. Or at least I didn't."
He took your silence as an invitation to continue. "I never believed in love at first sight, but now I've looked at you…and well…my perspective has definitely changed." 
You guffawed. "M-Mr. Cobblepot…you…you can't. I don't like to be made fun of-" 
"I'm not kidding, you see me laughing? I don't want anything happening to you." 
"You don't know me…"
"You're right, but I know this feeling, if you can believe an old bastard like me can know…and as much as I'd love to know you…I don't want to take the risk."
"Because you think you love me? You care about me?" 
He lifted his index finger. "I don't think… I know."
"Mr. Cobblepot-I…I.." You try to find something to say but wind up just choking up on rapid intakes of air. 
There is a beat of silence in the room. 
You think about turning around and leaving. You were clearly being made a fool of…right? 
You've heard rumors that The Penguin was eccentric (I mean…he's dubbed the Penguin) but you weren't expecting this at all. 
Plus as much as you wanted to believe he was messing with you to get you to leave…you still didn't want to. There was a small part of you that genuinely believed what he said and wanted to stick around to find out. 
"Just give me a chance…"
"What's that?"
"Six months…tops. If I don't impress you-you can fire me or I can make a choice that this is or isn't the place for me…" 
You offered out your hand. "Deal?" 
Oz sighed exhaustedly. You were both gorgeous and determined…oof he was in trouble.
Nevertheless, he leaned forward in his chair, and clasped his wide calloused hand in yours. 
Six months…turned into six years and counting
Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin still reigned Supreme of Gotham City's criminal underbelly. Often having to work with the Bat or the Bat throwing him away to Blackgate a handful of times….
But you were still there. By his side every step of the way. While you didn't exactly fall in love with him at first sight, you did gradually grow to love him. 
You were sitting on his lap one late evening mulling over some papers on his desk when you giggled. 
"Whatcha giggling about?" Oz tightened his arm that was around your waist that pulled you closer to him.
"The first day we met…and what you told me that day…" 
Oz thought about it for a moment and he chuckled. "Told ya I wasn't lying, it was love at first sight, sweetheart." 
"And I told you I was cut out for this line of work." You nudged his side with your shoulder. 
Oz chuckled warmly. "I guess we both proved each other wrong, huh?" 
You smiled at him as you leaned in to kiss his lips. "I guess so…in the best way." 
"Ya got that right, honey." Oswald chased your lips once more until they were reunited again. 
Even though Oswald is Gotham City’s kingpin of the criminal underworld. Even though he is twice as the boss Falcone or Maroni ever was…
The Penguin is more powerful than ever because he finally had someone to share it all with. 
The Penguin was finally not alone anymore. 
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raeuberprinzessin · 1 year
As I promised a while ago:
Dragons platonic ABO AU
So, I've read some platonic Omegaverse stories and damn, that shit can be so fluffy and I'm always down for some fluff 🤩 
Characters being happy and cute and everyone joining the cuddling session and I just fell in love 😂
And I also read some Dragon!AUs and I thought, why not both? Both were a different fandom and yeah, I think Maribat needs an AU with dragons and platonic ABO dynamics.
There's a lot of worldbuilding, the story idea, if you want to skip there, starts after **********
So, the different dynamics have nothing to do with reproduction, they are more like a biological manifestation (hormones etc.) of the social role they lean towards. A group of dragons in which these dynamics come into play is called a Pride (yeah, I like "a Pride of dragons", I think it has a ring to it 😁). Humans don't have a dynamic, only dragons or part-dragons do. Part-dragons are called serpent (if the mother was a human and they were born in their human form) or drake (if the mother was a dragon and they hatched).
Alphas are competitive and often trying to show off. They thrive on conflict (doesn't have to be a serious one) and competition.
Betas draw their strengths from solitude and themselves. They avoid conflicts or act as mediators, partly because their chances are the worst if they actually get caught up in a conflict, but they are also the most peace-loving dragons.
Omegas thrive on having an active social circle, the bigger the better. They draw their strength from their love for others. Usually they are calm and don't get themselves involved in arguments, but if their Pride is endangered, they can be lethal. A pissed off omega is nothing anyone would ever want to face.
Dragons are usually born as an egg and hatch after a few months. Baby dragons are called hatchlings (even serpents who are born in their human form), in their early teens they present as their dynamic and are then called dragonlings. Since dragons live a lot longer than humans they are only considered adult dragons (by other dragons) in their mid-twenties to early-thirties. Trying to seriously court before then will not be received well by a dragonling's Pride. 
If two eggs are laid in a clutch, fraternal twins end up being omega and alpha, identical twins are usually both betas.
There are no "rules" for who is in charge of a Pride, but omegas often have an easier time, since their social skills are higher.
Every dynamic goes through a hormonal cycle every few months but how they experience it differs from person to person. Some want to cuddle, some need warmth, some only eat raw meat during their cycle. But the most comfortable way to spend the cycle is usually in one's own nest with a few Pride mates close by to offer cuddles, comfort, someone to talk to or to fetch something they need. 
The laws differ between countries, but since humans haven't had the wish to fight a dragon since the middle ages and especially the older, famous Prides did their best to present dragons as harmless if not provoked (and they also had the money and influence to steer public opinion in that direction), the laws aren't too restrictive in most places. In places like Gotham, which has a very long history influenced by dragons and was co-founded by dragons, hence all the gargoyles, they are actually pretty lax. And in France for example there are several dragon protection laws in place. 
So, I think this is enough about worldbuilding. Here comes the story idea (but if you feel inspired by the world building, go ahead, have fun and tag me, so I can have fun as well 😅):
The Dupain-Chengs were a young couple of bakers who barely had anything to do with dragons until one day when they were just about to close their bakery there was a woman rushing in.
She asked them to take care of the egg she held in her arms, saying that she had to fear that the egg's grandfather would cast the egg out or mistreat the little hatchling.
Since the young couple were good people and wouldn't want a baby, dragon or human, to be treated badly, they agreed and the woman gave them a big shawl made of shedded dragon skin. The old skin of the egg's mother, the woman explained. They would need the shawl to prove they didn't steal the egg.
The next day they went to the authorities and explained what happened. Usually an abandoned egg would be given to another Pride who was willing to raise another hatchling, especially the older prides were always eager to add fresh blood. But since they had the shawl, they could prove that the egg's mother had chosen them and therefore they were allowed to keep the egg, if they would comply with the statutory requirements. These included classes about parenting a hatchling, social structures between dragons, dragon biology and more like this, as well as at least one adult dragon (or serpent/drake) who was willing to support them (that's how they met Nadja, a beta who felt a bit lonely, since her Pride wasn't from Paris, and was happy to help). The requirements also said that at least after her presentation she would have to be enrolled in a school with at least 30% dragonlings.
Since the Francois-Dupont schools were highly recommended integrated schools (schools with a special focus on dragonlings and human-dragon-relationships), they sent their hatchling, they called her Marinette, there.
Marinette presented as an omega during the summer break. Her parents tried hard and did a good job, but there were still some things they couldn't teach her, so she turned to Nadja and to doing her own research. She started to babysit Manon, because it gave her another dragon in her social circle and when she went through her cycle the first time, she realized there were things her parents just couldn't understand: As an omega her need for a big social circle wasn't satisfied with her parents allowing her to sleep in their bedroom during her cycle. And they wouldn't allow her friends Nino and Kim, two dragons from her class she befriended, to stay in her nest with her. As humans they only saw it as two teenage boys sleeping in the same bed as their teenage daughter.
That's why Marinette started to do her own research, so she could better understand her instincts. This was why her teacher, Madame Bustier, a human, didn't really recognize the formerly meek and quiet girl after the break. Marinette grew and didn't accept getting pushed around anymore. Not by her teacher, with whom she had a very serious talk outside, and not by Chloe, an alpha drake. 
Since Marinette feels more comfortable in her skin (or shall I say scales?), she gets more confident and her natural leader qualities easily put her in the spot of the Pride's Head or Prima of the school's Pride. For most students the Pride of Francois Dupont is not their primary Pride (that would be their family), but since the school is meant as an integrated school there are also many students like Marinette or Chloe, who don't have a suitable primary Pride available.
One of these students is Adrien, a beta drake, who has to attend the school now, since his mother disappeared.
Adrien at first only knows Chloe and she also scares everyone else away. Chloe is his friend, but he really would like to formally be accepted into the Pride, but that can't happen, if Chloe scares everyone away and he can't even talk to his classmates.
That's the way it goes for a week until the Prima, an omega dragon he feels pretty intimidated by, snaps and drags Chloe off to an unknown location. Another beta dragon introduces himself as Nino, assures him that he doesn't have to worry about Chloe, because Marinette, the Prima, would never harm any of them and invites him to hang out.
Adrien slowly befriends his classmates after that. Chloe gives him more space and seems to keep closer to Marinette. He still feels intimidated, until she gifts him a scarf for his birthday. That's the first time he sees her self-conscious as she explains that she sewed a few of her scales from one of her shedded skins on the edges, because she read that they are needed to create an official acceptance present for a new Pride member. It's actually a tradition old established Prides follow, but since Marinette found out about it in her research, she thinks it's normal and she likes the idea, that her Pride members have something that smells like her.
Since Adrien's mother was the only dragon he had in France and the rest of his Pride lives in the UK (Amelie, Felix, maternal grandparents, his uncle before he died), Marinette as his new Prima has some legal leverage over Gabriel, who as a human is considered a less important bond. Adrien still lives with Gabriel, since he assured Marinette that he doesn't want to leave his father all alone, but Marinette put her foot down about his schedule, so he has less modeling gigs and only the extra curriculars he likes, like fencing. Adrien is still a bit intimidated, but he also adores her, because not many people are willing to butt heads with his dad and come out on top.
They are still Ladybug and Chat Noir, by the way, but since they hide being dragons when they transform it only changes the dynamic a bit, so they feel a lot more like siblings and best friends with no romantic interest.
Marinette also still attracts the attention of Jagged Stone, who is an alpha dragon and excited to hear, that his kids Juleka (alpha serpent) and Luka (omega serpent) are already friends with his new favourite designer.
Kagami and her mother are both alphas and when Kagami joins the fencing team Adrien recognizes another lonely kid when he sees one, so he asks Marinette to watch the fencing class the next time and introduces Kagami to her.
Kagami has only her mother from her Pride in Paris and since they are both alphas, she enjoys spending time with Adrien and Marinette. They have a calming effect on her and she is happier. At first her mother tries to forbid Kagami from spending time with them, she only accepts them, when Adrien and Marinette convince her to send Kagami to their school (it may have also helped that Marinette "casually" mentioned how close she is with Nadja).
Amelie and Felix end up coming to Paris, because they want to take Adrien back to London, but there they meet Marinette and Amelie, a beta dragon, is so endeared by her, she decides to stay in Paris and send Felix to the same school to get to know Marinette. Felix can't understand what his aunt, a beta dragon, like his mother, from an old Pride, saw in his uncle, a human designer with dubious talents (as Felix says).
Felix is an alpha dragonling, so it's not a surprise that he likes to show off his skills as an actor and a magician. And how smart he is, obviously. When his cycle arrives after he joined the class he butts heads with the other alphas of the school's Pride, especially Chloe, Kim, Alix and Kagami, since he's around them more.
The last addition to the class is Lila, who spends her first day lying about being an omega. It turns out there were only 3 dragons at her last boarding school and die other two were beta twins several classes above her and her classmates seemed to like her more as an omega than an alpha. Her mother is human and her father a drake, which makes her a serpent and she still can't transform into her dragon form. That's why her dragon grandparents finally relented and allowed her mother to have her with her.
Since this version of Marinette is much mote confident she doesn't let this lying grow and points to the information about Lila on file and after getting to the root of the problem, they assure her that she is just as welcome as an alpha.
Just like Chloe, Lila turns out to be a bit clingy and asks Marinette to stay with her during her cycle.
The school actually has a so called nesting room where the dragon and part-dragon students can hang out and build their nests. Human students need to be invited, which doesn't happen often, because humans don't have the instincts to nest and for most of them it's boring or childish, since it's basically hanging out in a pillow fort, sleeping and cuddling for most of the time.
On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean Damian Wayne (alpha dragon) has found his place in his father's Pride. He learns from his father Bruce Wayne (omega dragon, Primus of the Wayne Pride) and his siblings Richard Grayson (alpha dragon), Cassandra Cain (beta dragon), Jason Todd (omega serpent), Timothy Drake (omega dragon, but with more beta mannerisms than other omegas, because his parents needed him to be a beta like they were) and Duke Thomas (human meta) and everyone else in his extended family.
During patrol one night his mother lures him away to ask him if he is happy. When he says yes, she tells him she will do something, so his grandfather will leave him alone for good, although she couldn't say that about Ra's obsession with Tim, since that obsession might become worse.
He reports the incident and they realize that there could be only one explanation: Damian has a twin sister and his mother is going to get her, to present her to his grandfather. Since Damian knows that his grandfather is displeased by his presenting as an alpha, since an omega would have better skills as the leader of the league, and that's one of the reasons Ra's preferred Tim, he knows that his grandfather had no idea about his granddaughter. Otherwise he would already train her. This also means his mother must have made sure, she was well hidden, she might not even know herself where she was.
Of course they will move heaven and earth to find their lost little sister and protect her from the league. They just wish that stupid magical terrorist in Paris could have waited until they found her and made sure she is safe.
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wakkoroni · 2 years
Batfam Scripts/Incorrect Quotes: pt 9
This isn't much of an incorrect quote as it is more of headcanon? I have no idea what this is. But it has mini scripts in it?
But I want you guys to hear me out. You guys know the sticky hand thingys?
Tumblr media
These bois right here.^
Hear me out-
The Robins used these to collect evidence, the toy is sticky to collect dust or anything really. And it's stretchy so if the substance is dangerous all they have to do is throw it, and the thing they are trying to collect will stick, and then they just stuff it in a bag and call it a day.
But I want y'all to imagine, Batman, not knowing Robin! Dick has the sticky hands in their belt.
I imagine the interaction going a little something like this:
Batman: *looking at the remains of a villain attack and colorful dust everywhere* Robin, collect some dust so we can examine it in the cave
Robin!Dick: *reaching into their belt and unwrapping a sticky hand (because sanitation)* Sure thing B, *slaps the hand in the dust and takes it back and places it in the bag*
Batman: ... Robin, what was that?
Robin: My new toy
Bruce is just so done with his child to even question it because it got the job done. Dick started this (obviously) and passed it on to the other Robins but Jason takes it to a new level and starts smacking people with it, but he does this at first on complete accident,
He was collecting evidence and he hears someone walking behind him and on instinct he uses the first thing in his hand to defend himself (ahem... The sticky hand) and smacks them. Turns out it was Batman. Batman is unamused with a blue sticky hand hanging from his cowl, and Jason finds this hilarious. He will now, anytime he wants Batman's attention, just smack them with a sticky hand.
Batman, everytime is like "Robin... Stop it" but eventually it proves useful when a villain tries to grab Jason and he smacks them with a sticky hand and it baffles them long enough for him to get away or at least fight back. Batman can't say anything to him anymore because it actually helped.
Tim uses the sticky hand like a little gremlin. He uses it the way it's supposed to be used (to gather evidence) but also will smack villains. He will not smack Batman with it because that'll just make him sad because Jason used to do it all the time and now Jason is dead so- no. (I apologize, I don't know much of Robin!Tim to add but if you wanna add, feel free to)
Steph is a MENACE with the sticky hand like she will find reasons to take one and use it. Like oh look this dust looks kinda suspicious... Yeet! She is so chaotic with it. The rouges by now already know of the sticky hand and they aren't scared of it but they know if they see it, they're in trouble. Steph notices it and uses it so whenever she walks into a warehouse she will smack the area around her with the hand, and the rouge is like 0.0. Imagine casually plotting your evil scheme and all you hear is the slap of the toy and because the warehouse is empty it just echos. Sounds terrifying, right?
But also I feel like since she's always using the sticky hand, she will accidentally cross contaminate the evidence
Bruce: Robin why do you have two sticky hands
Steph!Robin: I have one to randomly smack stuff and one that collected the residue of the gas
Bruce, noticing both the hands are the same color: and which one is which
Robin: well this one I've been using to smack everything and this one...*noticing the other hand is clean* um...
Batman: Robin...
Robin: I mean the residue is still on it, it just has like Gotham dirt on it, and other stuff
Batman: *sigh*
Robin: ✌️
Damian would not use them often. He sees them as "childish" and "beneath him" but eventually warms up to the idea but not because it's fun, no, an Al Ghul doesn't do fun, but because it's practical. (He tries to convince his siblings but they all know he finds it fun and it's ok because he's still a child, and children can have fun with sticky hands) [but like also anyone can have fun with the sticky hands, they'll be so time consuming for no reason]
I'm going to go sidetracked for a bit because I just realized another use for the sticky hands, distracting traumatized children. Like Robin saves a child but child is crying... Just give them a clean sticky hand and let them play with it. I'm a genius!
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clay-cuttlefish · 9 months
We're getting back into the good shit now. Vic's back in action, Renee is written by Greg Rucka for the first time, Helena and Vic meet, Blue Beetle is here...
Azrael Plus The Question
Vic's been playing poker. Lots of opportunities to wander around and get into trouble while keeping him retired from heroing and from journalism, it works for him.
Oops All Daddy Issues.
I like how low key this is, despite everything. Vic and Jean-Paul are weird dudes with a lot of problems and that's on full display.
Green Lantern #81
Another cameo that's only notable because I have no clue why Vic would be here. He has literally never met Hal Jordan, how did he get an invite. He's even standing off to the back instead of sitting with everyone else.
The Question Returns
The river emissary is conceptually a lot better than any of the other supernatural takes on the Question. The idea that Vic's death in the river would make his conscience literally haunt him is interesting, and it being questionably supernatural is more to my taste. Making the river a magical harmonica-playing old black man was not a great choice though.
Vic describing Tot as "an ex-father figure" makes me want to implode.
"these auditory hallucinations are getting on my nerves" BIG mood.
Vic is a mess. He can't go home, he can't stay away, he's shifted from Vic Sage the hard-hitting journalist to Vic Sage the laid-back poker player but he hasn't been able to change the Question. This is why he takes up so much space in my brain.
Even after he left he still held on to his love for Myra and Hub City, and this is where he can't do it anymore. He will never see her again. Godddddddd.
Steel #38
I hadn't read this one before, and I'm glad I'm reading it now, because it's great. I gotta get into Steel eventually.
Vic declares himself teammates with John and then immediately splits up and gets his shit wrecked. Maybe let the guy with power armor protect you next time.
This wandering gambler era is fun, I wish it had lasted a little longer. There are so many interesting places Vic could pop up with poker incidents as an excuse, it's the perfect way to keep him around without him having anything specific going on.
A World for Burning (Tec #714-715)
Calling her a supporting character is maybe a stretch but she gets to talk to Martian Manhunter so I'm counting it.
A fun little mystery story.
Vic interlude is over, time for events.
I like Cataclysm quite a bit. It's heavy on the cop shit and some of the issues are just not good, but I think the earthquake makes for a better citywide event than any of the "oh no it's the Joker" ones, and everyone involved really gets to shine.
Once again I am forced to admit I like when Cluemaster shows up. Steph saving her dad from Helena despite everything is a strong moment.
Random Encounters (Batman Chronicles #14)
OH NO. Ohhhh no. Strap in folks it's time for her to become a main character.
Renee talks to her brother about his guilt over killing when he was in the Navy, and she uses Two-Face's coin to make her point about randomness and how right and wrong aren't simple, which. Hhhhh.
Apparently she shot a guy who was trying to kill Two-Face, and got the coin in return.
Sorry but Renee flipping the coin and making decisions based on the outcome fucking annihilates me and I cannot BELIEVE I hadn't read this before now.
This isn't even a comic it's a short story. Eight pages of Rucka setting up the dominoes.
An Answer in the Rubble (Batman Chronicles #15)
Self-recognition through the other (annoying)
His anime hair???
I love them so much.
Road to No Man's Land
Sorry but the Bruce Wayne political drama is ridiculous even by my standards. Gotham would be the second-largest city in the US today, or one of the top 5 if the "7 million" is the city and surrounding area, you cannot tell me it would get totally cut off. Screwed by inadequate relief? Sure. Wiped off the map? Lol no.
Okay fine it's the devil. The devil did it. Comic books.
We've been in Gotham long enough, time to go do Some Bullshit!
This is in continuity, but it ignores all of Vic's canon post-Charlton - he's a newscaster working with Nora from the Ditko run, Hub City is Ted's home city but not his, he's characterized pretty much how he was in Charlton and those few Blue Beetle crossovers post-Crisis... the other heroes seem a little more up-to-date but they're all still kind of janky.
Wow this does not do a good job making me care about any of these characters.
The plot is mostly racist and/or nonsense and most of it bounced right off my brain despite repeated readings.
Honestly I'm here for Ted more than Vic. He's going through it.
I do like the framing device of Vic writing his report in the final issue. The real treasure was the friends we made along the way.
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Gotham, BTAS, Arkham
So Jervis and fem!Reader are exes who still might be feeling something but are too proud to admit it. Accidentally they see each other at a bar and are like 'shit'. Decide to ignore each other so Reader goes for some flirting with the guy next to her. 
Jervis gets annoyed but bumps into some cute girl that he talks with, now Reader is annoyed. It's a game of who will break first. Reader is more forward so Jervis just decides to go for the kiss, the girl likes it and he wins cause Reader is getting up to walk away. But the guy grabs her hand eager to continue. She just goes :"Sorry dude, maybe next time." but he doesn't let go trying to to convince  her to stay without luck. Finally he just grabs her waist and pulls her onto his lap holding her. She is ready to slap a bitch and even bartender is like "Hey, you aren't allowed to do that!".
Would Jervis get into this mess?
Gotham, BTAS, Arkham Mad Hatter's stepping in when someone gets too touchy with their ex
As a preface, even with no past history, I'm going to say they'd likely all get involved on principle. Jervis Tetch is a creep and has committed many questionable actions towards people he's felt fondness for, no doubt about it. But he has some sense of propriety, at least in his own mind.
TW: Hypnosis, Drugs/drugging, murder, suicide
- At first he cannot believe you happened to show up the same night as him. Of all the luck and all the rotten places in Gotham. It felt almost like you were mocking him for the feelings he knew lingered in his chest.
- The only reason he doesn't leave is because he sees you flirting with another man. He has half a mind to hypnotize him and tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.
- At first he tells himself it's for your safety. Some misguided attempt of endearment hinted with misogyny that you can't handle yourself. Really, it's jealousy.
- Yet when another woman walks towards him flirting, he can't resist the spiteful urge to pay you back. Hand on her chin, leaning in close... eyes on you. He kisses her slowly and sensually.
- He realizes he might have taken it a step too far when you get up. He's appalled when the man grabs your wrist. Even the other woman comments, "Hey, I don't think you should grab someone like that-"
- The man pulls you into his lap and while the woman looks for pepperspray, Jervis steps directly into action. His hand on the man's shoulders, telling him to look into his dark eyes. That he feels light.
- That he needs to remove his hands from you. The other girl stands next to you asking if you're alright along with the bartender.
- Jervis's voice is low, "And now, my friend... You're going to go home. Plug a toaster or whatever electric device is closest into the bathroom. Set yourself a nice, hot bath. Then..." He leans in close to whisper something you can't hear. But you can guess.
- After that he's thanking the woman for the "fun" but tells her he's taking you home. Oblivious, she thinks what a nice man he is.
- The moment you two have a moment alone he's asking what you want. His house or yours? He's understanding either way.
- Either way, he ensures you're safe. His heart racing a little hoping eventually you feel the same way he does again.
- He doesn't even really know why he's at a bar that night. Self-pity? Something to take his mind off his troubles for a couple of hours.
- When he sees you, he's cursing under his breath. The very thing he was trying to forget. His heart aches. He was doing his best to respect your wishes of not being together. Even if he was sure you still loved him.
- When he sees you flirting with someone else, he almost gets up. Until a soft voice next to him speaks, "Is that your ex?"
- he has the saddest puppy eyes as he tries to explain to this woman YES and he missed you but he didn't want to be rude-
- "And you think she still loves you?" She asks. When he nods she smiles, "I can help you out." Whether because she's a pot stirrer or genuinely felt bad, who knows.
- What you do know is that she's kissing Jervis and both parties look like they're enjoying it way too much. Yet when you turn to leave and the man is grabbing your wrist, the kissing stops.
- The woman is already scoffing before the man grabs you into his lap and Jervis is practically jumping up from the table. Before the man can get one smart word in, Jervis slips his hand next to the man's ear. You already know what's happening when the grip on your waist loosens.
- Jervis is having a crossroads moment. He could order this man to do anything. Kill himself, murder someone else to get put in prison... He feels your hand on his arm and he looks at you.
- He looks toward the man and sighs, "You... are going to stay here until you are physically removed. And you will attempt to fight them." There. That should at least give the man a good ass kicking.
- When he turns to you, he winces, "Are you alright? You see I- I would like it if..." His brows furrow.
- "I can walk you home if you'd like." He says. Internally he hopes what he wanted to say was clear.
- "I could be a better man, for you."
- Doesn't normally have exes. In fact, I'd argue they are a new and foreign concept to this man given what normally happens with Alice's he "breaks up with."
- you are, however, the exception to that. Mostly because in his mind, you are still his beloved. You just... need to come back around, that's all.
- he planned everything, from meeting at the bar "accidentally" to the woman who approaches him. He's not all there at a lot of moments but he's still more than capable of this.
- What he didn't plan was you flirting with someone else. And him having to take it a step further and kiss the woman. As you begin to leave in frustration, he thinks he'll just slip the woman some antidote and follow to comfort you.
- But that's not what happens.
- The man grabs you. Jervis is already on guard but then the man pulls you into his lap.
- Everything that happens after that passes by rather quickly. The man isn't holding you for long before Jervis reaches over the bar top for a knife and stabs the man in the face. The bartender himself is grasping onto you as you slip away- asking if you're okay to the pounding bass of the music playing in the room.
- Jervis drugs the bartender, taking your hand and pulling you away from that awful place before the police arrive.
- "He shouldn't have touched you. Filthy, what other men will put you through." He's wiping away blood that got on your cheek, "Alas, aloo, what can you do? I've proven my love once again true. Let us go, my dear."
-Jervis holds his hand out. Do you take it?
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How do Riddler, Scarecrow, Two Face, Black Mask and Catwoman handle having a fight with their S/O? What might they argue about and how do they make up? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
With his ego fights are inevitable, S/O was probably criticizing his idea and it went out of hand
Would be a little bitch about it and wouldn't talk to S/O for some time
After he calmed down he still refuse to talk to them, since in his opinion he didn't do anything wrong
Would be more and more lonely without them so goes to see them under some pretext but is cold like "Hello S/O"
Working with S/O in this atmosphere is however a nightmare since he is suppose to be angry but all he can think about is how much he wants them run through he's hair with their hand
Tries to get closer trying to get in their good gracie's, if it doesn't work and it was his fault he would apologize
When S/O kisses him he kisses back like man starved (because he is)
Would be even more clingy
Probably about him not caring about himself and not caring about anything beyond he's fear toxin
Would be even more grumpy than usual
If anyone ask him something he snaps at them
Would ask S/O for something just realize they aren't there
Thinks it's over and who was right and comes to conclusion that he needs to apologize
Doesn't know how to do that so he writes down what he means and sends it to S/O house
When S/O says they want to hear it from him he says sorry
Both take a break
Two Face
Depending on who S/O has argument with they would refuse to talk to them
Basically if they mad at Two Face they would only talk to Harvey and vice versa
Probably one of those "hating scar" argument or Two Face just being a dick
Harvey would try to be negotiator for them, while Two Face would try not to interact but call Harvey an idiot
Harvey would just straight up say sorry,Two Face would would walk grumpy until Harvey pushes him
Would cuddle afterwards
Black Mask
What can they NOT argue about?
Would scream at them to leave him alone
Probably would break some stuff and drink
No one dares to approach him
When he wants to meet with S/O he invites them for fancy dinner
Would grab their hand and say he might have lose his temper a little bit so he's sorry
Honesty things go back to normal
Maybe about her flirting with other people
Would be annoyed about implications and just leave house to think
Jumps around Gotham thinking about how she can have a fun while not doing anything serious
But then starts remembering what S/O face was like while she was flirting and starts feeling bad
Comes back to them saying she might not take their feelings into consideration
Kiss each other and she promise she will turn down the flirting
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i want to request a scenario for gotham rogues your reactions to a new villain in town please i like it when you write scenario its funny😂
I went half serious and half comical for this 😅
When you decided to be known, you really made an entrance for everyone, Batman and rogue to see. Yet you certainly didn't look like a villain infact you looked like a regular person walking down the street.
"You have killed people." Batman said. "No, they killed themselves." You said flatly. "Not once have I ever suggested suicide. I don't need to. They come up with that all on their own." "You ruin lives." Batman replied icily. "Everyone is guilty of that." You snapped. "Do you think these people thank you for adding to their sentences? Throwing them back in Arkham?" You were referring to the rogues. Batman stayed quiet even though he could have responded. Everyone knew that, even you. "Nothing you do right now will make any difference.My work is all around Gotham and those who lives there. I am everywhere but nowhere...like you. There are no jokes or riddles about that by the way, that's not my thing." "Then what exactly is it you do?" He asked crisply. "I'm a problem solver." You nodded with a light tone. "I make sure everyone places the game exactly as they should." "This is a game to you?" Batman sneered. "And it isn't to you?" You countered just as quickly. "So you meddle with people's lives until they have nothing left until they see no way out?" "Everyone dies, Batman." You said flatly. "The only evidence is circumstantial." He said quietly to himself. "And that is hardly enough for a court of law." You replied smoothly. "Keep in mind that even when you deal with this lot, I'm still here and every minute you aren't watching me, the more fun I can have and I have a lot of fun." You grinned. "Although I'm fairly certain that you're going to be a bit of a bother. You definitely do not want to have my attention, Batman." "Why? You'll kill me?" "Don't be ridiculous, sweetie. I am not killing anyone. You'll do it on your own. You're gonna back off because if you care about those around you, you will. Everyone has secrets." You reminded him. That was when your phone rang and sighed. "Sorry, do you kind if I take this?" You asked lightly but didn't really wait for a reply. "Go ahead." Batman gritted his teeth. "Hello?" You turned your back to him, the rogues noted this to be a very brave move but Batman did not move. "Yes, of course its me, what do you want?" You spun on your heel, smiling at the ground. "I knew you'd see it my way." You said sweetly. You covered your phone with your hand. "Gotta go." You said lightly."I'll see you soon, yeah?" You nodded to Batman. You didn't wait for an answer as you walked away. "If you keep our secret, it'll stay there. You know that's the deal."
The Riddler: uhm...hello? Still here y'know. Greatest foe of all time? He has no idea who this and loathes that you have Batman's unwavering attention. He might fixate on you determined to find out just who the hell you are. Then he'll want to knock you down to size, just who do you think you are?
Scarecrow: He notices how much attention Batman has on you. It was so quick that it made him wonder who you were and what, if any was the history there. He wouldn't have cared had he not noticed just how tense Batman had gotten. Perhaps a slither of fear.
Two Face: What in the hell is happening? Will they notice if he just leaves? Should he shoot them? Maybe we should just watch? He's at a total loss. Your methods give him...what do the youths of Gotham say again? Ah yes, it gives him the 'ick'.
Penguin: Well this is wonderful and all but if you two are gonna waste his time, he's just gonna take off. He can't tell if your stupid for turning your back not just to him but Batman too. You had no idea who you were dealing with.
Joker: He's secretly furious at how quickly you took Batman's attention from him. It's all fun and jokes until someone starts meddling and you are meddling. He doesn't like the attention Batman is giving you. It's all about the Batman and the Joker so just who exactly are you?
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thatndginger · 11 months
❤️ Happy WorldBuilding Wednesday! ❤️
What are your cities or towns like? Feel free to talk about the layouts or the people or the architecture, etc. and to talk about more than one if you'd like!
Tori how did you know
I've literally been brainstorming Shapeshifter's city all day. I stared at topographical maps of various port cities this morning for way too long lmao. Sidenote: maybe I should actually name the city instead of just calling it 'the city'?
Anyway, at the moment I have two original cities/towns in Shapeshifter:
'the city' which Cryptid gets mad about every time I describe as "a combo of New York, Seattle, Portland, and Gotham"
Perrin Falls - a small mountain town in the mid/west of Wyoming situated uncomfortably close to a Fae gate. Fun fact: me and the husband had one of our rare argument about the naming and geographic placement of this town because he's from the county I chose for Perrin Falls (that was deliberate lol) and he has Opinions.
And since I'm working on the city, I may as well infodump here~
The city is technically on the Pacific Northwest coast, but I refuse to actually give any legitimate geographic location. It's got a population of roughly 700k-800k, though with the metro area that bumps it up to over 3mil. The city started as a fur trading depot way back in the 1790's, and has always had some section of the population dedicated to smuggling and similar illegal activities. It slowly built it's way up from a small trading fort to a city of considerable size in the late 1800's due to it's convenient location: straddling a freshwater river that ran into a deep and naturally-protected bay. The original city was built above a warren of smuggler tunnels that saw regular use until the mid/late 1800's when a large part of the city burned to the ground, and city planners opted to grade parts of the city in an attempt to flatten some of the more steep areas. This destroyed some of the smuggler tunnels, but also buried parts of the city that had already been rebuilt, leaving a new layer of underground passageways for ne'er-do-wells to utilize. Many modern citizens of the city aren't even aware of these passages - though urban legends abound. Some brave souls venture down occasionally, but for the most part the underground belongs to the outcasts.
Life in the city is dark and damp. It rains roughly 330 days of the year, thanks to the mountains to the east creating a natural barrier for moisture rolling off the Pacific. Rain is usually light and misty, but occasionally a storm will roll in that turns the streets to rivers and chases even the most stubborn denizen inside. Most locals take the rain in stride - opting for water-resistant or magically charmed outerwear. To combat the dreariness of constantly-overcast skies, most businesses - and even the more outgoing residences - opt for bright neon signs and displays, and large awnings.
The city is most well-known for its statistically-large supernatural population; one of the largest in the United States. Roughly 15% of the population is supernatural - the large majority of these being shapeshifters of varying type. There are also an unusually large number of witches in the city, which only adds to the image of the city as one of the 'most magically charge population centers' in the States. Due to the fact that a distinct percentage of the population prefers to - or can only - exist at night, there is a very active and diverse nightlife. It's not uncommon to find events that are only held at night - such as markets and festivals - as well as businesses that opt to have 'night hours' as well as 'day hours'. (Unfortunately, even though a 6th of the city is supernatural, there are very few police precincts that will hire a supernatural, so many laws are skewed towards the mundane citizens.)
Economically, the city thrives on it's active port and trade capabilities, as well as a booming tourist sector. It also houses a large life sciences and medical research sector, with many companies focused on merging technology and magic. But everyone knows that it's still the criminal element of the city that holds the most power, the most wealth. Some flaunt their power, daring the (often understaffed and under-equipped) justice system to do something about them. Some prefer to work behind the scenes, buying out politicians and CEOs and chiefs of police to ensure they can continue to exist unmolested.
My current goal with the city is to make an actual map of it. Mostly just the overall geography and major sectors of it, so that I can better describe the important parts lol. As you can see, I am... very obsessed with the worldbuilding.
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chibinightowl · 2 years
Being carried/tucked in to bed!
Trying my hand at something new, since I know you like them so much. I'm thinking of the Harley more from Batman: White Knight and Harleen, as those are the two most recent comics I've read with her as a feature character.
"You." huff. "Are." huff. "Too." huff. "Freakin'". huff. "Heavy." Harley drops her load onto the bed with an exhausted gust and flops down herself, draping an arm above her head.
Still breathing heavy, she idly watches the ceiling fan blades slowly cut through the thick summer air. It's been raining off-and-on tonight, which is enough to make her hair get all tangled and clumpy, even with her twin pony tails.
Harley shifts and glares at the nearly lifeless form beside her. There's blood trickling down from under the black cowl that inspires fear and terror into half of Gotham's population. She's not one of them--never has been and never will be. It's too much fun to poke the Bat and watch him twitch.
She gets up and retrieves a first-aid kit from the bathroom. "Where are all your Bat-brats, huh? Aren't they supposed to keep an eye on ya?" she asks, not expecting a response. She'd seen how hard the big bad Bat had been hit in the back of his head. A hospital might be a better option, but then... Well, it's not like that'll end any better. Batsy has a secret to keep, after all--one that she's known for years.
The cowl consists of way too many traps that she picks her way through with only a few zots and zaps. They tingle and make her inadvertently giggle.
It takes some effort, but Harley rolls Batsy on his side and angles the bedside lamp at the back of his head. Black hair is wet and matted with blood.
"I hope you didn't break anythin' in there. I don't think you want me doin' brain surgery," she pronounces as she pulls on a pair of nitrile gloves and gets to work.
To be fair, she knows more than her fair share about brain surgery, but she likes Batsy too much to want to mess around in his head. Puddin' used to say Bats needed a sense of humor, but Harley always thought otherwise. She's seen Batman laugh, seen him smile. He just never did around Puddin' because he knew how much it got under his skin when he didn't react.
Psychology, right there.
By the time she's got a bandage wrapped around Batsy's head, the man's breathing is a bit stronger and some color has returned to his lips. Blue is a color for the Wingster, not Batman.
Harley cleans up and leaves the first-aid kit on the nightstand, then tucks the black cape around the slumbering man. Standing over Batman, she gives him a considering look. "You know, Bruce, you're gonna live a lot longer if you stop gettin' bashed in the head."
Bruce cracks open an icy blue eye and glares weakly. It's highly ineffective and makes her laugh. "You're the one who hit me."
"And you're the one who scared me!" Harley protests, hands waving in the air. "C'mon, who sneaks up on a gal when she's just takin' in some culture?"
"You broke into the modern art museum. You hate modern art."
"Aww, you remember!" She leans over and plants a wet one on his cheek. "Just for that, I'll do you a solid."
Harley reaches for Bruce's waist and slaps one of the pouches on his belt. Then, for good measure, punches it hard to make sure the emergency beacon activates.
Bruce grunts and the glare grows stronger. He's still as weak as a wet kitten, so it's just as effective as the first one. "Harley..." he growls.
"Oh, shush." Just because she can, she boops him on the nose. "What's a concussion between friends, right? Now, I gotta go. I don't think your birdies will like seeing me here when you're all in flagrante with your bat ears off."
With that parting shot, she darts away and pulls a vanishing act of her own. She'll give Bruce a few weeks to recover and then kidnap him for brunch or something. He really needs to lighten up.
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undeadasshcle · 2 years
"jervis had one job." jonathan mutters to himself, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. then again, unattended is a vague enough state that jervis could have so much as looked the other way. how they got her, though, doesn't matter anymore. on the floor is a disturbing number of gutted fruit, their seeds and pits dumped unceremoniously in a bowl next to them. "i have cyanide, you know." he can only assume that was the end goal here. then...
"these are from the grocery trip i just did, aren't they?" jonathan was looking forward to having a pear in the morning. how disappointing. maybe they could bag the discarded parts still... maybe they're salvageable...
    ‘don’t leave jerome unattended.’ as if he was some sort of toddler.
    both jonathan and jervis could be real sticks-in-the-mud. like two overbearing mother’s constantly hounding him about the ‘dangerous’ things he wanted to do. don’t see how long you can hold your hand over an open flame. don’t pick at your injuries. don’t kidnap a cop just to see how long it would take for someone to come looking. don’t do this, don’t do that. so boring. now is exactly the time they should be out there, ruining gotham. the city has been abandoned. overrun by rouges. he could stomp it into the ground even more. make it so that it’s utterly unsalvageable. squash what little hope is left... but instead, he’s stuck in this apartment, brain rotting more from boredom than it did in death.
    somehow, jonathan was more insistent than jervis. possibly because he’s been the one doing the most. the one who took him in and tried to nurse him back to health. a painful few months for both of them. with jonathan gone, he had to take his chance to do something fun.
    hardly hears him when he comes in, too focused on the task at hand. he’s sitting on the ground, legs crossed under him, knife in one hand and apple in the other. some of the fruit has been eaten, but anything he didn’t fancy was carelessly discarded on the floor. the cherries really didn’t stand a chance, but the apples and pears... bleh. jervis had left him to it, not brave enough to wrestle a knife off him. but with mom #1 home...
    and of course he’s right on the money.
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    “everyone knows that homemade tastes sooooo much better.” a wide smile stretches across his face as he deftly cuts up the fruit in hand. “besides, i used all of yours already.” finally looks up at jonathan, toothy smile much more visible now. “dumped it in tetch’s tea.” gestures vaguely behind him, where he knows the victim is sitting. this causes jervis to chirp up and promptly drop his cup back on the table. jerome breaks into a fit of manic giggles, knowing full well that the bottle of cyanide is still nearly tucked away in jonathan’s lad. “they sure are. welcome back, jonny.” he calms for just long enough to say it before the giggles return.
unprompted ask | @wingingthenight | always accepting!!
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reine-du-sourire · 2 years
Batober Day 9: Trapped - AstraLowelle - Batman - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
Bruce grunts, tugging off his jacket. He'd felt trapped at the party, as always, and even with the key Edward's presence had been it was a relief to be out of the place. 
"Mr. Wayne!"
"Bruce! Your theme?"
"Your partner, Mr. Wayne!"
Edward blows one more kiss to the throng before climbing into the sleek black car after Bruce.
Alfred closes the door behind the two and enters the driver's seat at a significantly more sedate pace.
Cameras are still flashing as the vehicle pulls away from the masquerade gala.
"Well, that was fun," says Edward happily, lounging into the back seat. He's still wearing his cat mask. "I should have been born rich like this too."
Bruce grunts, tugging off his jacket. He'd felt trapped at the party, as always, and even with the key Edward's presence had been it was a relief to be out of the place. "I don't think society could handle that."
"Oh, you're just jealous of all the attention I was getting."
"I loved all the attention you were getting."
"Oh, Brucie-!"
"Not like that. I only meant that you took the attention off of me."
"Oh, you're welcome. You know I love to shine. But you weren't too standoffish yourself! You barely let me leave your side all evening."
"Because then people would start talking to me."
"They tried to, didn't they." Edward laughs. "It was hilarious. Asking who I was, what was with our cat-and-mouse getup, what your plans were-"
"They don't shut up. You'll learn that."
"Probably. But what a perfect gentleman you were. Why, one could almost get the impression-"
"No, one couldn't."
"If you insist," Edward replies airily, and pulls out his phone.
There's blessed silence for exactly three seconds before a peal of laughter bursts from the former rogue.
"What," Bruce sighs.
"The paparazzi! They're so quick! And I didn't know they took quite so many pictures- have a look."
"I really don’t want to."
"Yes you do." Edward shoves the phone into Bruce's hands.
Bruce looks at the screen.
This instantly confirms his desire of not wanting to.
"Oh," he says weakly. "We're already a meme?"
"And that's just one site. I haven't even checked the big ones."
"You're enjoying this way too much."
"Oh, I definitely am! Look, there are more- Cat and Mouse... Hunter... oh, this is naughty... these imbeciles aren't terribly creative, are they?"
"They never are."
"Still, it's entertaining." Edward yawns. "Are all your galas this late?"
"Some." Edward Nygma, admitting tiredness? What a night this is turning out to be.
"I'm almost sorry for all my schemes that forced you out in nox intempesta, now. You must have been simply exhausted."
"You're not sorry at all."
"Cats never are, Mr. Wayne. Brucie. Mousey. Hey, we should bet on some of the more insipid gossip bits. I bet Selina-"
"Edward, please stop talking."
"You are no fun at all."
"I'm tired. Same as you."
"I rather doubt that."
There's another period of silence while Edward scrolls through social media, Bruce stares out the window, and Alfred drives silently on.
The way back seems far quicker than the way there.
"Anything to drink before bed, Master Bruce?" Alfred inquires as the gates of Wayne Manor swing open to admit them.
"No thanks." Bruce doesn’t point out that he might not be getting to bed at all. He hopes so, but the criminals of Gotham are not always accommodating to his sleep schedule.
Or lack thereof.
But Alfred does like to drop hints. And Bruce really is exhausted. Maybe... at least there's one criminal less to deal with tonight.
"Master Edward?"
No response.
Bruce glances sideways.
Edward's mask is slightly askew, lips partway open, eyes shut. Darkly auburn strands of hair are slipping down his forehead. His phone is on the seat beside him, hand curled loosely next to it.
One of the cat ears is drooping.
"He's asleep." Bruce is incredulous. "When did he fall asleep? How did he fall asleep?"
"I imagine you've both had quite an eventful evening, Master Bruce," Alfred murmurs. "Shall I wake him?"
It had been quite an eventful evening, true, and it's nearly one in the morning, but Bruce is still surprised to see Edward's head slumped against the tinted window.
He's never seen the Riddler look so relaxed.
But this isn't really Riddler, is it? No trademark cane, not a question mark in sight. No green, no diamond mask, no riddles at all, how he'd managed to go four hours without a single one Bruce has no idea, but he's grateful-
"-Master Bruce?"
Bruce snaps to attention. "Sorry. What?"
The car rolls smoothly to a stop, and Edward stirs.
Bruce's eyes snap over to him.
Edward shifts a little, head bumping lightly against the glass, and blinks.
"Home already?"
"Yes," Bruce says gruffly, the casual home not escaping him. "You dropped your phone."
"Thanks." Edward pockets it. He leans back against the seat again.
Another cavernous yawn escapes him.
Alfred gets out to open the car door, but Bruce is already shoving his way out. "Come on. I'm not leaving you here alone and I'm not carrying you."
Edward looks at him, with the most infuriating smile, and shuts his eyes again.
No response.
"I'm not carrying you," Bruce repeats.
No response.
Alfred’s impassive face betrays not a flicker.
"You're laughing at me," Bruce says flatly.  "Both of you."
"Far be it from me to entertain the notion, sir."
"You are a spoiled cat," Bruce accuses, turning on Edward.
No response.
"I refuse to believe," Bruce says over a very late breakfast the next day, "that you can fall asleep so quickly."
Edward's on his phone again, chuckling. "Maybe yes, maybe no."
"You can't. Nobody can."
"These rumors are getting wilder by the minute. Have you checked Twitter yet?"
"You're avoiding the issue."
Edward takes a bite of pancake.
"Quiet night, wasn't it? On the crime front, I mean. Nice of Gotham to give you a break."
Alfred floats by to refill Bruce's coffee cup.
"You didn't happen to have anything to do with that, did you?"
"Least I could do after you carried me in."
"I knew you weren't asleep."
"Mice are supposed to be meek, Brucie." Edward sips his coffee. "And I do have connections, you know."
"I don't doubt that."
Definitely a key. In more ways than one.
"And I'm not a mouse," Bruce adds, somewhat belatedly.
"Of course you aren't." Edward's gaze drifts to his phone again. He whistles softly. "Wow. Selina's raking it."
"Did Oz start a betting pool or something?" Bruce sighs.
"One of his goons, actually."
"But I'll tell him you're pleased."
With another sigh, Bruce lets it go. 
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