enalfersa · 2 years
Anti-Marx: Crítica a la economía política marxista
Anti-Marx: Crítica a la economía política marxista
Karl Marx es incuestionablemente uno de los pensadores más influyentes de la historia. Ningún otro autor ha logrado un predicamento similar al suyo en disciplinas tan dispares como la Economía, la Filosofía, la Historiografía, la Sociología o las Ciencias Políticas. Sus ideas han alentado movimientos sociales y políticos de masas que en muchos casos llegaron a tomar el poder y a aplicar un…
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pinsforfingerz · 1 year
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lilithism1848 · 10 months
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madame-helen · 1 month
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queercodedangel · 3 months
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"The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships, the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas; hence of the relationships which make the one class the ruling one, therefore, the ideas of its dominance." - Karl Marx, The German Ideology
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Jasmine Sherman is LIVE on tik tok right now for 30-ish more minutes.
Please share their name and make posts about them if you like them. They're entirely grassroots. They don't get anywhere unless we help them. If the live ends first, please look at their platform and consider them this year and start sharing their name so you can definitely vote for them in 2028.
Here's the link for tiktok
Here's the stream of it on twitch
Their home site and some of their policies:
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i think more people should ask themselves if they're being a leftist or if they're propagating white supremacist culture with a leftist filter applied.
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picking a political ideology isn't like picking a team in a sport or searching for one true answer. you're asking questions about what types of organization in what contexts accomplish our goals, and more than that, you should be asking yourself how to build or encourage those things right now. (in the immediate future, this is feeding people, housing people, and getting them medical care. lots of different ways to do this respectfully and with autonomy)
if you're a staunch communist/socialist/anarchist or any further hyperspecific derivative and you're absolutely convinced that Your Plan is the ONLY path forward, that sounds a lot like paternalism and only one right way.
next time you feel the need to do a leftist infighting, why don't we do a leftist action against white supremacy instead:
-accept that there are many ways to get to the same goal
-work on developing the ability to notice when people do things differently and how those different ways might improve your approach
highly encourage everyone to read the full essay
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queerism1969 · 5 months
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so embarrassing how many self proclaimed leftists/communists/anarchists are prioritising individual feelings and identity over structural class analysis based on material reality and dont realise that is in fact liberal ideology lmao
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oceanicmarxist · 6 months
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mychaotic-academia · 1 year
I think its very academia to say Fuck Capitalism.
If it wasn’t for the capitalization and privatization of education and reading, we would probably all be eternal students.
So yeah, fuck capitalism!
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Happy Birthday, Karl Marx!
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babesinterfiand · 19 days
i hate talking about communism because it gets everyone on my ass but wow it pisses me off so much. the marx'fems' will get pissy with me when i mention the communist genocides/famines/work camps (work camps - nazi camps without the gas) etc. because they love ignoring obvious issues with communism because 'it works on paper'. and when i talk about the island full of cannibals owned by stalin? or the rapes at the hands of the red army? ...
and its worth mentioning that it's actually like disgustingly ignorant to be a communist when you're a westerner because people are still being affected by communism (eg. georgia) and that those people actually fucking hate you and your privileged white arrogant asses for believing in something that is currently destroying their home, like wow FUCK you!
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
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madame-helen · 11 days
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01298283 · 4 months
Eduque seus filhos corretamente:
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