#Could have sworn we had this conversation my dude
teaboot · 11 months
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cosmerelists · 1 month
Conversations Happening In The Stands When Kaladin Broke Relis' Shardplate Through A Kick in the 4v1 Duel
As requested by anon. :)
This anon wanted me to imagine what people said when Kaladin--just a normal darkeyed guard so far as anyone knew--freaking cracked a dude's shardplate by kicking it during the 4v1 duel. So here are some conversations I think might have happened in the stands!
"Storming hell--did you see that? That guard just kicked that guy and now the guy's shardplate is cracked!" "Oh…..okay. This makes way more sense now." "It…It does??" "Yeah! This is obviously staged." "….Staged?" "Ha ha, come on! You can't KICK shardplate into cracking! That can't be real shardplate. It's clear this whole thing is staged. Probably some sort of machinations that Dalinar and Sadeas came up with together." "Man, if you start with that stupid conspiracy theory again…" "I'm TELLING you! Their FEUD is FAKE and they are DATING!" "…Just watch the duel."
"Uh…was that cracking sound the man's legs or the Shardplate?" "It must have been his legs! Poor guy." "No! He's getting up! I think…I think it was the Shardplate!" "He….he broke the Shardplate by KICKING it?" "No…it must have already been cracked...right?" "He did knock the Shardbearer over, though. With the kick." "Y-Yeah….I guess he never skips leg day…" "…" "…" "This duel just keeps getting crazier!"
"Ugh. I don't think Relis is ever gonna live this down. Imagine being knocked over by a dude with no armor and a spear." "A darkeyed guy with no armor and a spear." "Yeah…humiliating." "We gotta uninvite him from brunch." "That's harsh but fair."
"Hey, uh…just how strong are darkeyes' legs?" "They appear to be very, very strong." "Do you think I should treat my employees better?" "That's your takeaway?!"
"I didn't realize Relis' shardplate had grown that weak! Even a kick could crack it!" "Ha ha, yeah! And that guard was TOTALLY knocked over even so!" "Shardplate is so strong and magnificent, but if you strike it when it is very, very weakened, even normal human strength can do it in." "That is definitely my takeaway too." 
"I knew Bridgemen's arms must be strong from, like, carrying the bridge. But I didn't realize their legs were so strong too!" "Well, what do you think they were using to run all that way?" "Still, though!"
"Oh Almighty I think he broke his legs!!!" "No, no--he's fine! Look!" "But…I could have SWORN they bent weirdly for a second." "Don't be ridiculous--what, do you think his legs just magically healed?" "No…that would be ridiculous." "Ha ha yeah!"
"I can see why Dalinar chose a bridgeman to be his head guard." "Yeah." "I'm afraid." "I'm afraid too."
"I can't imagine caring that much about my job." "Hmmm?" "If my bosses' sons were in danger like that, I'd be like, 'Whelp, good luck with that.'" "That man's a guard, though." "I'm a guard." "Oh…right." "And I'm telling you. I ain't kicking any enemies in Shardplate for my boss." "That's just a healthy work-life balance." "Do you think we should give Stormblessed one of our pamphlets?" "If he survives, then definitely."
"[sighs]" "…Why are you sighing dreamily?" "It's just--imagine being the sort of man where if you see a fully armed Shardbearer heading for your beloved, you immediately attack! Even if you have no armor or weapons and your life is on the line!" "He has a spear." "Spears don't count as weapons in a Shardblade duel." "Well but -- wait. Did you say 'beloved'?" "Um, yeah. What fight are YOU watching?" "Ugh. If you start in with that STUPID conspiracy theory again…" "I'm telling you! Adolin and Stormblessed are DATING and that red-haired chick is just their BEARD!" "...Just watch the duel."
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inactivewattpadauthor · 4 months
Storm Bros x Mute Child Reader
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~~~~~~~~~~~~ Born into this vast world, rendered of your ability to speak, you were a unique one. You never thought of it as an obstacle or felt abnormal while everyone else has a voice.
What compensates for it is how adventurous you are. You were just all over the place, giving your own parents a little trouble supervising you. Yes, it's completely normal for a kid to be curious, but not when somehow you ended up on a tall building.
On your own time, you skipped through nature, wondering around the tall hills before stumbling across a cool looking place. Venturing around, you saw a lot of ancient statues and decorations, kinda like those museums or what you see in class.
Then you hear two voices. You peek your head around the corner and see two men. They look cool! Like those magic people in the movies!
Maybe they could be your friends!
You quietly walk out from behind the corner and stare at them longer, just taking in their appearance as they were having a serious conversation.
Soon enough, one turns his head and sees you, the other not realizing just yet.
"Is it so difficult to stand on your own?! What are you even looking at-" The other one with the funny looking hat turns his head too.
Both of them had confused looks as they stared at you. You just stared back like any child would blankly stare at strangers.
"Well, hello there!" The one with the braid greets with a warm smile. "You're quite far from home, aren't you?"
Are you? You could've sworn you were only walking around outside your home for ten minutes, eleven maybe. Now that he mentions it... Where are you again?
No matter. Too much thinking. You wave hi eagerly at them. You were confident enough to even walk to both of them.
The braided god squats down to your level. "I'm Fujin, and this is my brother, Raiden." He gestures to the stern looking man behind him.
Wow, Raiden is tall! Your dad is a tall dude, but him? He's like a titan! You looked up at him with surprise.
"Oh, don't be afraid of Raiden! He may look intimidating, but he won't hurt you. He has a nephew about your age." Fujin shares. "Anyways, what's your name, little one?"
You awkwardly blink, not being able to answer. Fujin tilts his head a bit wondering why you aren't answering. Raiden raises an eyebrow at your silence, confused as well.
The brothers exchanged glances. "Can you talk?" Fujin asks. You shake your head with a dumbfounded smile.
Fujin stands and looks at Raiden. The brothers quietly discuss something while you just observed, not a thought formulating in your adorable mind.
"I don't know how a child was able to climb up the mountains! It's rather dangerous for her to do that." You hear Raiden say. "Perhaps, I could get Liu Kang and Kung Lao to take her back to her mother."
"Or we can do it ourselves. There's nothing wrong with a mortal child just being curious about their surroundings. Don't worry too much, brother."
While Fujin had his back turned from you, your eyes examined his braid. So long and silver. You bet it's soft, reaching and tugging lightly on it just to explore.
This brought back both of their attention, Fujin chuckling on how peculiar you are. It was amusing, even so to Raiden, as the strict look on his face eased up.
The older god sighs and gently picks you up. "We should get her back to her mother as soon as possible. Any parent would be worried sick." Fujin nods in agreement and understanding.
You clung onto the god, mostly focusing in on his cone of a hat. He notices you reaching for it. Groaning, he lets you take it off and wear it for yourself as him and Fujin were about to help you get home safely.
Raiden still had you in his arms as he and Fujin walked around to find your home.
Bored, Fujin had an idea. "Hey, little one? Would you like to see what I can do?" He winks at you before summoning the wind to knock off Raiden's hat from his head. The Thunder God stops in his tracks and looks back at Fujin, offended.
Fujin looks to the side all innocently. "My, the weather is windy today, if I do say so myself."
Raiden's eyebrow twitched with irritation. Carefully shifting you in his hold so he can hold you well with one arm, he creates an electric static with his finger and zaps Fujin, making the playful Wind God's hair frizzy.
Fujin's face went into a pouted sulk and Raiden gave a grunt of satisfaction. He puts his hat back on and continues walking off with you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
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to-the-stars8 · 9 months
Vigilant Coffee
Batfamily x Reader Chapters AO3
16-Free Therapy
Being robbed in Gotham wasn’t anything new. If you weren’t robbed, then you were more than likely the one doing the robbing. Usually, the main targets were little old ladies with their purses getting snatched or stores that were open later than usual. You, while not an old lady, had fallen victim to being robbed once, and now the store that you worked in was currently being robbed. You found it nice that it eventually came to a full circle. 
The old man waved around the gun, going on about how his life sucked. That was the thing they didn’t tell you about being robbed in Gotham, the dumber criminals, like the one you were now facing, felt the need to monologue like they were some hotshot. You’d rather listen to Scarecrow moan on and on about being a cheated genius for the millionth time than listen to this dude bitch. 
“Then my mother,” The guy sighed, pausing dramatically, and you could have sworn he was on the verge of tears. “Kicked me out. Can you believe it? My mother! She said I was too old, but I’m only thirty-seven and the economy is terrible. It was practically like she was kicking out a teenager.”
“Uh-huh,” You said, leaning up against the counter, waiting for one of your usuals to waltz in. “Have you tried, like, therapy or something, dude?”
The guy stopped to look at you. “Bitch, how am I gonna pay for that?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, man! I’m not the one with these issues. I’m just getting robbed and being forced to listen to your sorry ass.”
“I should shoot you,” The guy said, pointing the gun right at you. 
And that would have scared you if not in that very second, Red Hood and Nightwing sauntered through the door like it was any other day. They saw the guy pointing the gun at you before he noticed them. 
“Whatcha got there,” Nightwing asked. 
Red Hood answered for him, already adjusting his gloves and moving toward the man. “Cause it sure as fuck doesn’t look like a coffee to me.”
“I—I…” The guy started to back up. 
Red Hood got in the first punch before any more words could escape the criminal’s mouth, and he fell back onto the floor with a thud. You leaned over the counter as you watched him fall, all the dollars from the register flying as he landed. Nightwing told his brother that it was a job well done before moving over to you. 
“Been a while, huh?” Red Hood said as he strode toward the counter.
You looked up at him and gave a stressed huff. “Yeah. It has. You might want to get your ass out of here.”
Nightwing whined. “But we just got here!” 
You pushed yourself away from the counter to grab the old store phone, not bothering to play into their whine fest as you started to dial your boss's phone number. “I have to call my boss. Then, the police, unless you guys wanna be the best besties ever and call them for me?”
“I have to knock out your criminals and call the police for you?”
You rolled your eyes, commenting over your shoulder that they could take one cookie for each of them if they wanted something. Red Hood remarked about coming back for real payment while Nightwing was more than happy to take his brother’s cookie. Looking back down at your phone, you knew this would not be a pleasant conversation with your boss. 
And, it wasn’t. Your boss nearly had you fired, for whatever you didn’t know, but with some persuasion from Commissioner Gordon that you were a more than capable barista, he let you stay on. 
“Yeah, cause who else is going to work a late shift in Gotham,” Gordon asked your boss, eyeing him suspiciously. “You should be glad anyone would want to continue working here after this shit.”
As you listened to your boss get chewed out by the commissioner, you looked up to the rooftops, seeing shadowing figures disappear from out of sight. For a split second, you wondered how the bats would take you losing your job, but decided not to dwell on the thought as Gordon turned to you for questioning. After all, it was Gotham so you were bound to see them anywhere working the late night shift. Still, the thought of your vigilante friends scaring your boss could be some free therapy you didn’t know you needed.
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Sitting On The Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 40 - Christmas Eve
SOTS Masterlist
"Wait, so, tell me it again." Jonah pleaded, his arms folded and pressed against the side of the customer service counter, doing his best to stare you down where you sat on the countertop next to Garrett. "Please. It's the least you could do."
"Dude, come on, don't you think you've heard it enough yet?" Garrett asked, turning to face Jonah with a frown deeply settled on his face, almost as sick of hearing the story as you were of telling it. "Cut my poor doll face some slack."
"Come on, J." You pleaded in return, turning to him with clasped hands and a pout on your lips.
"No." Jonah walked around the counter top, coming to your side and knocking into your shoulder with his own. "Your eternal apology is to tell me the story whenever I want to hear it."
Letting out a loud groan, you threw your head back exasperatedly. Of course Jonah would somehow find a way to try and forever punish you for your lack of communication one time.
"Like I said the last 12 times, i pushed you into the bathroom and I went into the other one. Marcus came in and offered to help me clean up, and one thing led to another." Jonah urged you to go on, not taking your short lived explanation as a fulfilling enough story. "He told me he was really scared when he thought Kelly 'stabbed' me, and that it made him think about all the things he didn't get to say to me. And then we kissed."
"And they all lived happily ever after." Garrett concluded, rolling his eyes at Jonah who seemed completely enamoured in the re-kindling of your love life. "Can we be done now?"
"No. I need more." Jonah teased, nudging your shoulder with his own yet again as he pushed and prodded for more details about what happened that night and how you and Marcus got together again.
"That's the whole story." You hummed, jumping off the counter and moving to stand opposite your two boys. "Besides, I called him my boyfriend in our fake murder skit. I guess neither of you noticed."
"Wait what?" Garrett tuned back into the conversation with renewed intrigue, his mouth agape. "You called him your boyfriend before you ever went to the bathroom?"
"Well, yeah. We've been dancing around it since Emma's first-"
"-and last-"
"-day here. You were literally there Jonah!"
"Oh. I didn't like that." Jonah frowned, wincing away from you as his arms folded across his chest. "I don't remember the last time you called me anything but J."
"Well, J, my point stands." Jonah's frown quirked up into a smile as you corrected yourself, his entire demeanour softening. "You've been there for practically every time we've interacted in the store over the past few weeks. Anything you missed, you missed on your own accord."
Jonah's eyes left yours, his gaze moving intently to the floor as he recounted every interaction he'd seen between the two of you over the last few weeks, and damn it you'd been right - he'd been there for a lot of what happened. He even gone as far as to - several times - tell you he was sure Marcus still liked you. How could he have forgot?
"Lets just hope he doesn't start asking about trivia night." Garrett joked, however your face paled as you realised that was one event he hadn't been there for that had happened.
"When did I even fill you in on that?" You turned to Garrett with a harsh whisper, unnerved by his knowledge and they way he'd brought up yet another story you'd have to tell Jonah 10 million times.
"I have eyes everywhere."
"Trivia night?"
"Oh no! Look at the time!" You cried, nervous laughter bubbling past you lips in a mannerism you'd sworn you'd stolen from Cheyenne after so many years spent together. "Things aren't going to stock themselves!"
Running out from behind the counter, you headed straight for the stock room in hopes you'd find something to hide behind or busy yourself with enough that Jonah would leave you alone.
"What happened at trivia night?" Jonah asked, following you out of the customer service desk as soon as he'd noticed you were trying to run away from his line of questioning. "What happened? You have to tell me! It's all I want for Christmas! Peach!"
"Come on, I don't know if it's a bulb or a stripped wire." Glenn whined, passing out heat another set of Christmas lights for the group of you to untangle.
Glenn had gathered as many of you as he could find to help him in his efforts to sort through the stores collection of Christmas lights, even though it was Christmas Eve and he'd never be able to do anything worthwhile with them now. So far this morning, you'd worked through 2 sets yourself and 3 more between you and Jonah, so you'd call it a pretty successful day.
"Glenn, you've been trying for two months to solve this problem." Amy sighed, placing down the string of lights she'd been working her way through for the past 20 minutes. "I really don't think you're gonna crack it on Christmas Eve."
General hums of agreement came from the crowd that had formed to aid Glenn's effort. Mateo folded his arms across his chest, avoiding taking on another set of lights to untangle. "My grandmother would kill me for saying this, but I just don't get why people make such a big deal out of Christmas."
Loud gasps of hurt and betrayal could be heard from all around, your own particularly loud and hurt, the string of lights you'd been feeding through to Jonah coming to a halt as your glared down Mateo. "What? How can you not love Christmas?"
"Yeah, Mateo." Jonah confirmed, looking up at you with a soft smile on his lips as he reminisced on his last Christmas here in St Louis. "Christmas is the best."
"I mean real talk, Christmas is pretty disappointing and over-hyped. It's kind of like "Star Wars."" Yet another controversial opinion had just slipped past Mateo's lips and it wasn't even 8am yet - today was going to be a long day.
Even Dina seemed hurt by Mateo's generally wrong opinions, a gasp elicited from her mouth and a frown settling on her lips. "You don't like "Star Wars"?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Can we just one-at-a-time this? It's not about a day. It's about looking back on the year we shared and celebrating it." Glenn whined, a deep frown settling on his face as he looked over the group for support in his claim.
"Yeah, let's celebrate the year a tornado hit the store." Dina scoffed, also halting in her efforts to untangle the lights though you were fairy surprised she'd offered to help in the first place.
"My entire apartment got destroyed and I lived with y/n for like half the year." Smacking the back of your hand into Jonah's chest, you turned to him with a glare. "Only the destroyed apartment was bad, though."
"I got a really annoying roommate, and he won't leave." Garrett said next, contradicting Jonah's previous claim of having a good time living with you. You couldn't imagine Garrett's experience living with Jonah was as bad as he was making it seem, not when you'd had such a good time living with him earlier in the year.
"I got a divorce."
"I lost my boyfriend for half the year." Boyfriend. It had a nice ring to it when you said it about Marcus. And though you'd not really discussed whether he was officially your boyfriend or you guys were just 'together' again, it didn't really matter to you, you were just happy to have him back.
"My boyfriend wound up in a coma."
It seemed like a generally bad year for relationships in the store, now that you thought about it.
"I am looking for a place." Jonah threw his arms out, letting the string of fairy lights fall into his lap as he spoke to Garrett, his voice filled with exasperation.
Garrett scoffed, looking away from the brunette with a quite mutter. "Not looking hard enough."
"It's just a sucky year."
"The doctors aren't sure if he'll ever even..."
Glenn quickly moved on from the topic, reaching his hand out towards Cheyenne softly and moving his fingers in a grabbing motion. "Cheyenne, can I have the voltage tester, please?"
Amy was the next to set her lights down as she spoke, no one being able to do both tasks at the same time apparently. Feeding another untangled line of lights to Jonah, you listened mindlessly to the conversation before you. "But I do have to say I'm looking forward to next year. I really feel like it's time to just start living life. You know? Like, I don't know. I feel like I can get wilder."
"Oh, God. You're not gonna cut your hair again, are you?" Mateo cringed, thinking back to the in store haircut Amy had received from Cheyenne just before the tornado. You much preferred the short hair, finding it framed Amy's face nicely, and you'd never be opposed to helping her cut it again.
"No. I mean, maybe. I don't know. I just mean, like finally taking those motorcycle lessons, or skydiving, or like, maybe I'll get a tattoo." Amy wooed, picking up the chain of lights again and going back to untangle them.
Cheyenne let out a low chuckle. "There's just no way you're doing any of that."
Amy responded with her own chuckle, denying any doubt the rest of you seemed to have in her belief that this would be her year to be crazy. "I'm serious. I, I'm going to unleash crazy Amy. You guys can call me "Craymie.""
Letting your head fall into your hands, you ran a hand across your face. As much as you loved Amy, 'craymie' was already too much for you. "Uh, no thanks."
As Amy began to start a chant of her newfound name, no one else joined in, leaving her arms to fall back to her side in defeat. "Amy, Craymie. All right, well that was just a idea."
"Feels forced."
"And then another time, I thought Jerry came out of his coma and winked at me, but turns out, it was just a muscle spasm from low folic acid."
A few of you had gathered around the stand of hot cocoa Glenn had set up in the middle of the store, the unusually quiet Christmas Eve shift giving you the opportunity to catch up with your coworkers and get a glimpse into their Christmas plans.
Dina scoffed at Sandra's recap of her most recent hospital visit, clearly finding something wrong with whatever she'd said. "Did you check the twitch for Morse Code? He could have been telling you to stop talking, or it's possible he's in so much pain, he's just begging anyone to pull the plug." After another moment deep in thought she seemed to come to a solid conclusion. "I think that's what it was."
Before you could comfort Sandra with a reminder that it was very unlikely to be that and was probably a sign he was getting better and closer to waking up, Amy came running over - Marcus and Corey in tow with a bottle of whiskey in her hands. "Yo, yo, yo. Cheer up, losers! It's Christmas!"
Everyone moved closer to her as she pulled the lid off of the thermos and opened the bottle of whiskey, pouring it into the hot chocolate Glenn had made. "What are you doing?"
"Turning this into a par-tay." Amy whooped, continuing to pour the warm, brown liquid into the cocoa until only a 1/3 remained in the bottle.
"I have ecstasy in my car." Cheyenne excitedly added, already reaching into her Jean pocket in search of her car keys.
Amy paused, shocked by the sudden offering of ecstasy but quickly regained her composure, shaking her head gently at Cheyenne. "We'll start here and then see where the day takes us. Spread the word, bitches. Craymie in the house!"
Linking your non hot cocoa holding arm through Cheyenne's you pulled her close enough that you could whisper in her ear. "We'll see where the night goes, chey." The blonde looked at you with a bright smile, knocking her forehead against yours. "And if it goes nowhere, me and you can always slip out and have some fun.
The pair of you burst into laughter, approaching Amy with your cups of hot cocoa outstretched so she could pour some of the whiskey that remained in the bottle into your already filled cups.
"Yeah, go, Craymie! Go, Craymie! Craymie is here!" Marcus chanted, Corey quickly joining in before they paused, a looked of confusion crossing their face.
"Who's Craymie?"
Marcus then paused his own chant, lowering his fist as confusion took over his features. "I don't, uh...I don't know."
"Hey, you." Slipping out of Cheyenne's hold, you made your way over to Marcus, grabbing one of his hands in you own and allowing him to pull you into his chest. "How's you're shift going?"
"Better now you're here." He hummed, a smirk curling on his lips as he leaned down and connected them with your own in a quick peck. The speed of the action hadn't been enough to stop Mateo shouting at the two of you to 'get a room,' however.
"How about some hot cocoa, hmm."
You were tucked under Marcus's arm, one of his hands wrapped around your waist while the other poured beer into each one of the cups before him. Letting your head fall against his chest, you watched as Justine did the same at the other end of the table.
"So what you're going to want to do." Marcus whispered into your ear, making sure you heard him over the general chatter of everyone who had gathered around the hot cocoa stall. "Is throw the ball gently, overarm, and aim it directly for one of the cups. In the middle is better, cause if you kiss it'll fall into one of the nearby ones."
Marcus placed the little, orange ping-pong ball in the palm of your hand, cupping your hand in his and guiding it gently into the air. He pulled your hand back slightly, then as he moved it forward, commanded you to let it go - the ball flying forward and straight into justices central cup.
"There we go!" Marcus cheered, wrapping both his arms around you from behind and squeezing you against him. "Easy peasy, right?"
"Right." You whispered, looking up at Marcus, your face flushed. Standing on the tips of your toes, you pressed a kiss to his jaw, not caring that you'd missed his lips, making it his turn to turn pink in the face.
"No, you guys, I'm serious." Amy demanded, her words attracting the attention of anyone who hadn't previously been listening in to what she was saying. "I used to, like, shoplift bulk candy and, like run, and one time I stole a car."
General disbelief ran through the group, mumblings of how out of character that was for Amy travelling the group but not quiet reaching your ears. If your brain wasn't so clouded with alcohol and the feeling of Marcus's arms around you, maybe you would've remeber we when Adam had told you the story when you first moved in.
"No you guys, I did." Amy insisted, standing from her seat with a smile on her face, thinking back on her high school days with a fondness you'd not seen in her in a while. "It was 10th grade. I took my math teacher's Kia, drove it to the Burger King, got some French toast sticks, and then I just left it there like, bounced."
Mateo scoffed at her explanation, rolling his eyes as he shuffled in his camping chair. "The French toast sticks were a little too specific. But nice try."
Cheyenne was next to agree, still in disbelief that Amy would do something of the sort. "Yeah, you would never do that."
"No, I did do that. You know what? I could call Adam." Amy insisted, determined to prove that she had been the so called 'craymie' in her high school days that she was trying to be again now. "He'll tell you the whole story."
"All right. Call him." Marcus countered, his words vibrating through his chest and into your back, your fingers moving to intertwine with his as you continued to stand by the ping-pong table.
"Okay. I will. And then we'll see who's crazy."
The call was answered on the third ring, Amy barely getting passed a 'hello' before she could here shuffling on the other side of the phone - Adam shushing someone before returning to Amy's question.
"Who was that?" Amy asked, words quieter then they had been in a minute, her gaze intent upon her phone screen.
"Uh, that's, uh, that's Bridgett. Emma's friend Crystal's Mom." Though you weren't mad at Adam for moving on, you found it insufferable that this was how he was letting Amy find out. He could've at least sent a text out of politeness so that this wouldn't happen.
"Wait, Crystal's over? I thought Emma was away."
"No, I'm at her place. Um, what did you want?"
Amy was stunned into silence, her mouth hung agape as she bore her eyes into the phone screen. "Nothing." She rushed out, moving to hang up the call despite the fact she'd not got what she'd asked for. "Merry Christmas."
"Ha ha. Chickened out. Couldn't even ask about the car." Marcus laughed, completely having missed what just happened despite the fact that everyone else was staring at her in stunned silence. He raised his arm, having gently pulled the ping pong ball from your hands, and thrown it directly into one of Justine's back row cups. "Boom!"
You congratulated him on his win with a pat to his chest, slipping out from his hold and making your way over to Amy with open arms that she easily fell into.
You, Amy and Cheyenne had crammed yourselves around one of the computers in electronics, all staring intently at the computer screen with Bridgette's Facebook page loaded on it.
Dina appeared beside you, a notepad in one hand and her drink in the other. "Well, I've come up with my New Year's resolutions. More birds, more sex, more judo." All Dina appropriate resolutions, you thought. You hadn't even started to think about what yours were going to be - but if you had to guess a large amount of them would include spending more time with Marcus. "And I'm gonna try to pepper, "Yas, queen," into conversation more I think it's time."
"We're checking out that skank that Amy's ex-husband is sleeping with." Cheyenne explained the situation to Dina, her eyes unmoving from the screen as she did.
Dina moved to stand beside you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder so that she could squeeze in close and get the best possible view of the screen.
"No, uh-uh. We don't know that they're sleeping together. There's a lot of reasons he could be at that skank's house." Amy stopped scrolling when she landed on a particular picture of the girl Adam was seeing, the three of you bitterly ogling the photo. "Oh, there she is. Always, like, lurking around, waiting for a dad to come on the market."
"Yeah, she's so...basic." You'd wanted to say hot, unable to tear your eyes away from the stunning bikini photo, but for Amy, you'd lie. Hearing you thought she was good looking wasn't exactly what she needed to hear right now.
"Adam got with that? Guy's fighting above his weight class." Dina scoffed, taking another sip of you drink, nodding sincerely. "Good for him."
"I mean, it's just It's messed up." You scoffed, taking hold of the mouse and scrolling through more of the photos. Amy offered you a fill up from the bottle of alcohol she was still caring around and you took it gratefully.
"It is so messed up." Cheyenne agreed, the two of you having linked arms as the alcohol began to set in, standing becoming harder and harder.
"You know what? I'm just gonna say it. Men are from Mars. I just came up with that." The four of your cheered over Dina's new saying, finding truth in it especially when Adam was acting so skanky. You knew your dislike for him was rooted in solid foundations.
"Do you know what I feel like I should do?" Amy slurred, swaying gently from side to side as she continued to take sips of her spiked hot cocoa. "I feel like it's a good idea to, like, go down there. Go to her place."
"To Bridgett's house?" Cheyenne rasped, entire body leaning forward as she tried to listen in to the conversation.
"Yeah. That's exactly what I was thinking."
"No. No, no, no, no, no, no. You should not go over there." Dina commanded with a fast shake of her head. However, a mischievous smile was quick to curl on her face. "We should all go over there."
You tilted your head in confusion, your brain completely fogged up from the mix of alcohol and rapid back and forth conversation. "To Bridgett's house?"
"Just always assume we're talking about Bridgett's house." Dina waved her hands at you and Cheyenne, the two of you nodding at her when you finally understood what was going on.
"Yes, let's do it." Amy gasped, a wide smile on her face.
"Okay. Oh, but how are we gonna get there? Because I try not to drive if I've had more than six."
"Yeah, I don't have a car." You added - you'd drank the least out of all four of you, but you still in no state to drive, however, in the moment that thought didn't cross your mind, the only one being that lack of car to get you there
"Oh, yeah, I should not be getting behind the wheel of a car right now."
The four of you were quick to get into your outdoor coats, hats, gloves and scarfs, riding the mobility scooters out of the store on the beginning on what would surely be a long journey to Bridgett's house.
"And we're sure this is faster than walking?" Asked as you finally pulled out into the main road, immediately blocking a car from going past as the four of you went roughly 2 miles and hour.
As you turned a corner, following Amy and Dina who seemed to know where they were going, your phone buzzed. Pulling it out, you opened the notification, finding a message from Jonah.
The Three Musketeers
J <3 | would you say your life was significantly improved by fajita Thursdays?
y/n | yeah, always. I miss it. move back in pls
Gare-bear <3 | 1 you're a liar and 2 you can have him I want him out
J <3 | oh that is so rich that you would say that
You were glad that you were missing whatever fight those two were having, muting your phone and tucking it back inside the safety of your coat pocket as you carried on with your journey to Bridgette'a house.
It was a surprisingly quick journey to Bridgett's house  - even given the fact you were travelling there on the cloud 9 mobility scooters - but the cold, night air that was beginning to seep through your clothes was making it feel long.
"This is it. The vulture's nest." The three of you parked up behind Amy's first scooter, each dismounting their respective scooter and standing at the end of the path to Bridgett's house.
"Whoa." Cheyenne and you were dazed by the lights and ornaments that she had on display in her front yard. "Look at all this stuff."
Dina scoffed, hands on her hips as she stared at the yard display in disgust. "Four owls? News flash, owls are notoriously solitary."
"Four-owl bitch."
"All right. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna go knock on the door." Amy psyched herself up, walking right up to Bridgett's door and raising her hand to knock.
"Great, and then what?"
"And then Adam opens the door, and then I get to see the look on his face!"
"I bet it's gonna be all like, "Whoa, you're a crazy stalker. I'm scared.""
Amy froze in her spot, a terrible, sinking feeling settling in the pit of her stomach as what the four of you were doing really realised itself in her brain. "Oh, my God. This is a mistake."
Dina laughed at the realisation, nodding as though she'd known from the very beginning this would happen. "Uh, a mistake that we're gonna laugh about one day."
"But not today." You gasped, your grip on Cheyenne tightening at the horrific thought of that very door opening and Adam coming out from the other side.
"Oh, no, no, no. Today's gonna be a mess." Dina confirmed.
"We got to go. We got to go. Go, go, go, go, go!" The four of you ran back to your scooters, attempting to make an escape before you'd achieved your plan of confronting them now that you realised how dumb it was. "Get out of here. Oh, my God. My battery's dead."
You and Cheyenne concurred, all three of you heading towards Dina's scooter in an effort to still escape while you could. You could come back for the other scooters later. As Amy tried to climb in the basket, you and Cheyenne balanced on the back, Dina smacked her away. "The max capacity for the basket is a buck-fifty."
"What, are you kidding me?" Amy shrieked, desperate to just get in the basket and get going before anyone noticed you were there. "I don't weigh 150 pounds."
"If you say so, but I'm weighing you when we get back." Dina allowed Amy into the basket, pressing down on the go pedal and moving about a foot away from where she'd parked when the door to Bridgett's house opened.
"Amy? Is that you?"
"Adam? Dubanowski? You guys, you remember Adam." Everyone eyed up the brunette, making noises for way too joyful agreement in an effort to hide the malicious intent you'd arrived with.
As Adam and Bridgette invited everyone in to get warm and talk while the scooters recharged, you opted to sit on her porch step with your coffee, forgetting that coming to confer on Adam actually pertained confronting Adam. You'd much rather sit out on the cold porch, attempting to sober up with your coffee then be in the same room as him.
Fortunately, it wasn't long before everyone came back out of the house. Placing down your half drank cup if coffee onto Bridgett's decking, you joined them as they walked back to the scooters, linking arms with Cheyenne as you went.
Just as you were about to get into your scooter, Amy ran back towards the lawn ornaments, grabbing a snowman and turning to face the three of you with a wicked grin. "I told you. I'm Craymie. Year of Craymie! Quick, take something! Hurry, come on! Go, go! Go, go, go, go!"
As you each grabbed and ornament to put in your basket, Bridgett and Adam came to the door, watching as you made your slow get away with her lawn ornaments in som act of twisted revenge. Finally you pulled out of view, will fill charged scooters, new Christmas decorations and a cry from Dina of 'yas queen!'
Maybe today had been alright.
"I told you guys. I am a psycho." Amy had a wide smile on her face, her coworkers believing her high school wildness giving her the satisfaction she'd wanted.
"Oh, yeah, you got to let Craymie out more often. But call her something else, 'cause that name sucks." Cheyenne stroked the head of the owl ornament she's stolen, your identical one sat next to Marcus on the floor while you were sat in his lap.
"What's wrong with Craymie?"
Amy's question went unanswered as Glenn appeared with a plug and an extension lead in hand. "Well, I think I finally figured out these Christmas lights. See if you can still call this "fine.""
"Wow. Christmas lights. I've never experienced the miracle of little light bulbs on a string before." Mateo sassed fed up of Glenn trying to convince him Christmas was cool when that's all he'd been doing since this morning.
As Glenn turned on the light display he'd spent all month working on in for the first time, it elicited gasps fro everyone gathered around the Christmas display. The fairy lights covered the whole store head to toe and gave off a warm glow that had your absolutely captivated. Marcus wasn't looking at the lights, however, his head titled up to look at you through hooded eyes.
"Where's Jonah? He would love this."
With a gasp, you stumbled from Marcus's lap, his hand coming to rest against the small of your back as you attempted to stand straight. "That reminds me." Pushing away from the group, you did your best to run for the stores entrance, your bag loosely in your grip as you picked it up from where it had been on the floor. "I'll be right back."
You stumbled into several end caps as you tried to weave your way throughout the store in search of a certain brown-haired boy before it was too late. As you neared the front of the store, you called out in way too over the top whispers, through the alcohol in your system had you thinking you were yelling with all your might. "Jonah!"
Jonah and Kelly froze in the store entrance, both wrapped up to protect them from the winter weather and far too close together for friends to be. Even though you had enough alcohol in your system that you couldn't see entirely straight, you could see that.
Running up to the brunette as the pair turned to face you, you threw your arms around his shoulders, pressing a wet, sloppy kiss to his cheek. As you pulled away your cheeks filled with warmth, a wide smile forming on your face. "I nearly forgot."
Reaching for your bag, you opened it up, pulling out a neatly wrapped silver box and pressing it a little too hard against Jonah's chest. A laugh slipped past his lips at your over the top gestures, him quickly realising that you'd probably consumed more alcohol tonight then you should've. While you had gotten him a physical gift, you weren't going to let him miss out of what he'd claimed he'd wanted earlier that day.
"At trivia night, he waited for me to drop Sandra at the bus stop, and then was going to walk me home. But I got in his car and we went to trivia night. Together." You whispered, pressing another chaste kiss to his cheek then leaning up to his ear. "Merry Christmas."
Jonah pressed a quick kiss your cheek in return this time, the smile unwavering from his face. "I actually ordered your gift to be shipped to your place, it should be there when you get back."
"You got me something?" You awed, pulling him into a hug, your arms hanging loosely around his waist. "That's sweet."
"And so are you, peach."
"And Kelly." As quickly and intently as your attention had been on him, it had now turned to Kelly, your eyes unwavering from the shorter blonde as the smile on your face only widened. "Kelly." You cooed once more, grabbing the girl by her shoulders and pulling her into a tight hug, pressing a long, hard kiss to her cheek just like you had Jonah's. "You're so nice. And pretty. And cool."
You hiccuped in between your words, your posture was becoming less and less straight and if it weren't for the fact you had such a firm grip on the blondes shoulders, you'd have definitely fallen over by now. "If I wasn't dating Marcus, I'd totally hit you up, doll face."
Jonah nearly choked at your use of the words 'doll face,' years in Garretts presence clearly having rubbed off on you.
"I'm going to leave you lovebirds to it." You whispered, pulling them both into one last, group hug. "Have a very, Merry Christmas!"
As you walked away from the two, you blew them a kiss, waving goodbye for a final time before running back in the direction of the lights and the people you loved so much. When you finally made it back to the winter garden display that everyone had gathered around, Marcus's eyes were quick to meet yours, you quickly staggering over to him and plopping yourself down on his lap with a hard drop.
"Where'd you go there, angel?" Marcus whispered in your ear, the glow of the Christmas lights illuminating his face in the darkness of the store. "I missed you."
"I needed to give Jonah his Christmas present." You murmured back, wiggling the metal flask from between his fingers and taking another swig from it. "Speaking of Christmas presents, yours is back at my place."
"Is it now?" Marcus asked, a teasing lilt to his words, a quick kiss being pressed to your forehead as you let it fall back and rest against his shoulder. "Does that mean I get to come over tomorrow?"
"I was thinking you could come over tonight, when everyone heads out of here."
"Back to your place?" He asked, one hand coming up to play with your hair, twirling them it around his fingers then letting it go, and repeating the action once more.
"Back to my place, and in the morning I can open your gift and you can open my gift, and then to my moms for breakfast and more gifts and eventually Christmas dinner which'll probably be more Chinese food." You mused, sitting up enough in Marcus's lap that you could look in his eyes. Both your arms came up to wrap around his neck, hands meeting at its nape and running through the hair there. As you seemed to think on your next words, you started giggling, a blush rising to your cheeks. "And then afterwards, Amy does this thing - every year - where she goes back and forth between two Christmas movies and she always ends up picking the polar express. It's the best thing ever."
Marcus looked down at you with the softest smile, his eyes filled with adoration that shone under the gentle glow of the Christmas lights that Glenn had coated the store in. Of course when you'd said mom, you'd meant Amy, the way it had so naturally rolled of your tongue warmed his heart - and he was sure it'd have warmed Amy's too if she'd heard.
"Your sure I'm welcome?" He asked, nudging his nose against yours, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips that had you chasing after his when he pulled away in search of another. "I wouldn't want to intrude."
Another kiss was pressed to your lips before you responded, dazed and dreamily staring up at the brunette. "Of course you're welcome to come baby, you don't have to if you don't want to."
Marcus was thankful that everyone else was too wrapped up in their own conversations to notice the way his cheeks flushed a deep red when you'd called him baby. The slightly drunken drawl to your words had only made the butterflies it gave him worse, the fact it was the first time you'd called him any kind of pet name would've been enough to have his cheeks burning alone.
"Of course i want to come, Angel. It's a good thing I have your gift in the trunk of my car then, huh."
"You got me a gift?" You gasped, turning so that you were straddling one of his legs instead, his hands coming to hold your hips so that you were kept steady. "You didn't have to, that's so sweet."
"Of course I had to." Marcus replied knocking his forehead against yours gently. "You got me one last year, and now this year, and I-"
Though Marcus did love you he didn't want to say it again now. He didn't want now - while you were half drunk and looking at him like that - to be the first time he said it again since the two of you got back together. Not when he was still a little bit scared of you not saying it back.
"I care about you. Why wouldn't I get you a gift?"
"What did I do to deserve you?" You hummed, allowing your head to fall into the crook of his neck, Marcus's hands that had been on your hips moved to wrap around your waist, holding you against him in a hug. Nuzzling yourself into the warmth of Marcus, you words came out muffled and quieter then intended. "Merry Christmas to me, huh."
"Merry Christmas to you indeed, angel."
☆: .。. Tag List .。.:☆ @write-from-the-heart @despicablylara @whatafreakingloser @flowercrowns-goodvibes @millieb-3199 @lolawassad @catarina-trouxa @falsegodofmischief @thepurplebutterflythings @littleboysmile @sibsteria @quinn-7007 @aashy723 @maeisonline @lizziel1410 @tamberjo @texaschainslvt @mariizai
Want to be added to the taglist? send an ask to let me know <3
I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks part because it had all my fave things!!!! Mom!Amy, Fluffy!Marcus and Adam hate 🔪🔪🔪🔪
New update next week or potentially the first sub part Sunday in forever!!! (Depending on the word count god knows I'll end up writing 10,000,000 words about Christmas Day) we'll see what happens then....
As always!!! Have a lovely week <333
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skz-rin · 3 months
『📺S5 · EP 1 ── NIGHT RAINS』
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timeline: January, 2023 est
featuring: bae seongrin, mystery boy and the bandmates of said mystery boy
genre: fluff !!!!
thoughts: puppy love and small umbrellas
warnings: nothing really it's all very soft and fluffy.
word count: 700
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The sound of the rain hitting the concrete was loud, almost deafening. The girl stood inside a bus stop, her feet tapping anxiously on the floor as she looked around. Rin knew that being out here at this late hour and that too alone was… dangerous she sighed softly tapping away on her phone trying to appear busy, the sound of her name being called made her look up she saw a figure running towards her and umbrella held in his hand, the man ran closer skidding to a stop in front of her.
“Sorry I'm late” he pants giving her a shaky smile as he attempts to fix his hair
"It's okay... did you run all the way here??" she asked in an incredulous tone. "Ehh... it's not a big deal" He replied with a shrug
the girl's eyebrows raise in surprise looking at the sky as if to measure the rain “it is a big deal!!” Rin exclaimed her hand stretched towards the rain as if pointing out how heavy it was “I didn't mind, seriously… plus I hadn't gone to the gym today so I got my cardio in as well!’ he chuckles softly patting her head which makes the girl sigh.
“I'm sorry to have put you through all this trouble”
“really, it's no big deal” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture at her apology giving her a fond smile
Rin sighs softly before she joins him under the little small umbrella, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as they walk forward awkwardly. “Soooo how was practice?” She asks trying to get over the awkward shuffling with conversation 
“Ooohhh dude you have no idea!” 
“Oh, was it fun??” 
“It was madness!" The boy exclaims his face brightening up in a grin “You know how it was the last practice today and then we have the weekend off, so the manager came to announce that we'd be having Monday off too for some reason I forgot but it got all the guys hyped up which made everything much more energetic. The first hour of practice was chill but then the instructor asked Hyuk to fill up all the bottles since he wasn't doing his best today but that man had the amazing idea to add toothpaste in one of those bottles… he ended up getting the instructor’s and jun’s bottle confused and now has to come in on the off days too” he happily narrates the entire story 
To be honest Rin had stopped focusing on the story like halfway through she knew she was supposed to focus on what he was saying but he just looked so cute with his grin and his extensive hand motions which made the umbrella move around, 'the umbrella was moving too much!’ she realised with a startle her hand immediately going to grip the umbrella to keep it in one stop, which somehow comes with a sudden silence 
She looks at him confused as to why he had stopped speaking only to find his gaze focused on where her hand was on top of his, his cheeks a blazing red as he coughed and looked away. Rin was sure she could feel her heart burst, the blood rushing to her ears as she looked at him ‘when was the last time a guy had blushed that much at the touch of her hand??’ she didn't remember but it surely felt good, it felt… sweet. 
"Sooo, Hyuk working the break time?" She reminds him an ask for him to continue the story "Oh yeahhh So that happ-" and she turned out again just walking side by side with her, her palm resting on top of his the rain pattering outside she could feel herself getting wet because of how much he still moved the umbrella but it mattered very little, not when she had such amazing company.
She looked at him once again, the streetlights casting a glow on his face and she could've sworn she saw stars in his eyes.... Okay maybe someone else would call them the reflection of the lights but she didn't care, She was too enraptured by thinking of how absolutely beautiful this man was.
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taglist🏷️ - @smh-anon @cheolsboo @felixsbrat @butterflydemons
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crash3warped · 4 months
if there is a hell i KNOW my father in law is going there when he dies. where the fuck do i even begin? this story will just Have to exclude little details. there is so very very much and it's been transpiring over the course of a few years.
so this dude is a manipulative, abusive, useless, garbage piece of shit whose gaslighting bullshit started decades ago. i won't go too in depth on this part bc i dont want to overshare someone else's information but there will be parts of this story where you may think jesus christ, how is this still going on? buddy i ask myself the same kinds of questions but let ye who has a healthy relationship with your parents cast the first stone. the context needed to have sympathy here is that this is a Long LONG complex situation that we're talking about. for a Bit if background, my partner didnt see or hear from his father between 2015 and 2019. so. take that as you will going forward.
it started about 3 years ago when a series of careless decisions left Me (somehow one of the most level-headed people involved!!!!! if you can imagine!!!!!!!) in possession of literal decades worth of my father in law's hoarded shit. being a hoarder is not a moral failing, but deciding to get rid of the stuff and pawning it all off on your son and his partner is Annoying to say the very fucking least. this was obnoxious but i thought At Most that it was a shitty but temporary situation.
he expected us to hold on to it until he was ready to have it back. my partner being Too Patient and Honestly The Real Victim Here for having this man as a father chose to honour this wish. as you can imagine this inch became a mile quickly.
he started demanding to crash on the couch, threatening suicide and claiming domestic violence and things of that nature. i cant confirm or deny the domestic violence allegations but i will say that he has made these claims everywhere he has ever lived. this turned very quickly into him manipulating my partner into letting him move in with us. i knew it would go horribly but my hands were sort of tied (knew FIL could and would use any excuse to isolate partner from his loved ones so ive been treading the Bad Guy line very carefully here). i should also point out that FIL's girlfriend at the time was His Perfect Equal in every way and so my partner was biased towards hating her more, as she was someone he had just met.
immediately i had problems living with him. i have Always hated him because he used to misgender me constantly, so i should state this bias now. he seems to view me through a lens that is transphobic, homophobic and misogynistic all at once - that is to say, he believes i should be responsible for all the housework, and that i should listen to his every word and meet his every demand without complaint. it started out with him talking at me Constantly. i don't mean we were conversing, i mean that this man would sit behind me while i did chores and tell stories about pranks he used to pull in the 80s all day, getting annoyed if i tried to change the topic. throughout the course of these stories it became constantly clearer and clearer to me that he was absolutely an irredeemable piece of shit. to put it bluntly, almost all his stories put him in a bad light and he didnt seem to realise at all. he started to get really annoyed with me in general for not laughing at his bullshit, challenging his constant use of racial slurs, and not appreciating the homophobic comments he made about me on a daily basis. (i know you read "homophobic" and "use of slurs" and now you have a burning question, so i will answer; yes he Does call me a faggot). he quickly became my number 1 sworn enemy. to be extremely clear, yes, the fact that he is sitting and watching housework be done does mean he doesnt do any himself. he has outright stated that he thinks i should be obligated to take care of him. we'll return to this point. fucking trust me.
by this point in the story you're wondering why my partner has not kicked him out of the house. i KNOW. but it does become more complicated when you realise that at the time my partner was working 11 hour shifts every day and FIL was a completely different guy around him. still obnoxious and a bit arrogant, but nowhere near the human waste i had come to know. it started to get to the point where i was furiously angry at this dude 24/7 but my partner had never seen him do more than make an out of touch joke. this is the part where i say something vague about how i have mental health issues that i dont want to air out, but suffice to say that making me look paranoid and reactive is Not a hard task.
one night while i was doing dishes, i stopped to use the bathroom and FIL broke 3 of my wine glasses while i was gone. a gigantic fight ensued where he attempted to convince me i had actually broken them myself and my partner walked in on this happening. this is when i first thought the tides would turn and things would get better. partner atarted to see the issues but wanted to give him the chance to change. at this point he is still under the impression that his dad is someone who is perpetually down on his luck, who has had a difficult life and has been mistreated by everyone around him. basically is treating him like a shelter dog who is lashing out but still good at heart. he hasnt heard the same stories yet as i have of the guy who has had everything in his life handed to him for free, but is such a dickhead that he has fucked over everyone who ever tried to help him and fucked himself doubly in the process. after a certain point it started to wear on our ability to spend time together when i was constantly complaining about his dad instead of talking to him about literally anything else, so i honestly started to carry this on my own for a bit.
anyway, it becomes one of those "sit him down" situations. to remind you, this is a borderline senior citizen and not a toddler. they set out a timeline for him to stop drinking so heavily (alcoholism is also not a moral failing but it does have consequences for the people around you, so i get why he thought this would help) and as it became more and more obvious to my partner that his dad was not actually aiming to reach Any of these goals and had Zero respect for his boundaries, we set up our own little secret timeline for me to get a job so we could afford to move again. (i do have a job rn but i am often unemployed due to uhhh Obvious Reasons). so, things are going well yes? the veneer is cracking, he is proving himself selfish and unreliable. this should be about where it ends, yes?
MIL passed extremely suddenly last july. the relationship there is somehow even more complex than this one so i won't even go into it, but we'll just say that this Fucked my partner up mentally very badly. he had a lot of trauma open back up and suddenly became very invested in fixing his relationships with his family members. i have never had to process grief on this level so i cant judge it. he decided to give his dad one more chance and for a little while i tried to be cool with this.
the relationship between FIL and i continued to deteriorate. after the wine glass fiasco i literally have refused to speak to him. this has not changed in about a year. i Hate this man more than i can say and my life is better for not interacting with him. i digress. me ignoring him becomes very Very contentious around the house, again it seems like i am the one Causing the majority of household tension because i am the most reactive to it. this sucks shit but is usually how things go when you are prone to being overemotional. a massive argument ensues between my partner and i where we eventually come to the decision that i will move out for a few months until our lease naturally ends. we obviously didnt break up or i would have referred to him as my ex at some point but i knew removing the buffer would make him see that his dad is a pure shithead. i dont know where else to interject this but the dude has also stolen a total of 26 full packs of cigarettes from me and this alone warrants the death penalty.
so. let's talk about the last 5 months, shall we?
turns out this dude was somehow putting on airs on my behalf. all of his behaviour immediately got more extreme because he felt like he had won. the buzzkill faggot (his words) was gone and he could really cut loose. cutting loose involved such choices as
leaving strangers in the house unattended for hours, resulting in theft on multiple occasions totalling thousands
physically removing important pieces from the shower (the knobs, mainly) whenever i visit and forgetting where he's hidden them so that no one can shower for days
continuing to refuse housework despite the fact there is one less person in the house now to help out and the house is in a neighbourhood with roaches
smoking in the house (we have a pet)
allowing strangers to smoke meth in the house (once again smoking meth is not a moral failing but to reiterate we do have a pet and she is just Two Inch Large)
turning heaters off and even opening windows in the dead of winter (i cant see this one as anything but an outright attempt to kill the mouse as even he ends up walking around in a coat and hat inside when he does this)
taking my partner's food out of the freezer and leaving it out on the counters all day long to replace it with his own shit (which he will not eat, he eats out every day because he cant cook)
tripling down on the racist shit
... and more!
not only did he do all of these things but at some point he has managed to blame every single one of these actions on me. he literally outright said that he doesn't do housework because i should be coming over and doing it. to be clear I HAVE BEEN STAYING WITH FRIENDS AND RELATIVES FOR THE PAST 6 MONTHS. at this point youre Really thinking "you've kicked him out, right?" and im pleased to report that we have. but the story is still not over because the cockroach refuses to die and the entire house is filled with his shit. (remember his shit from the beginning? yeah.) he has been given a firm date he Has to leave by but until then we're still dealing with this nightmare human (in my opinion, we should have just thrown his shit to the side of the road, but im trying to be Calm Guy lately). he's reacting to being kicked out by throwing a number of temper tantrums each day, making sure his schedule is Unknowable, and insulting everyone around him at every possible opportunity. also, doing all the same shit that everyone has been mad at him for for decades and continuing somehow to blame it on Me.
so, where does this leave us? well, at the moment we are trying to finalize our next steps. we do actually have a bit longer on this lease than we've led him to believe, so we have until the fall to sort this out. to be honest it is much easier and calmer knowing that i dont have to consider this horrible man or his shit this time. as for where he's going to put it all, i don't know and i dont care. if he chooses to leave without taking it and ditch it all on us, in our neighbourhood i promise you it will all last 3 hours max on the roadside.
im annoyed, angry, and frustrated that all of this happened. but moreso than anything i am so fucking pleased to say that i think i am Finally rid of my father in law. praise be to the unknown cyber being.
there is more to this story, more details of provable lies he's told, more offensive obnoxious and downright horrible shit he has said to me and about me as well as to and about others, the kleptomania, the fact that he has been trying to make me act as his secretary in addition to all of this and file government paperwork on his behalf, the fact he has been pretending he once slept with my mother since 1986, the list goes on so far and so deep that i couldnt possibly write it all down here. but, this is the abridged version of my personal nightmare in-law story. if you read it i hope you hate him as much as i do.
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froggywritesstuff · 3 years
He’s Gay? | Camilo Madrigal
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Pairings: Camilo x male!reader
Warnings: swearing, fluff, grammar and spelling errors (probably), teeny Love Victor reference
Request: me. I needed this.
Alternative title: 'are you high?'
Y/N always knew he could talk to Mirabel about anything.
She’d always be there for him.
So when Y/N found himself in the most embarrassing of troubles, he knew he could count on his best friend.
“Is Mirabel here?” he asked as he stood in the doorway of La Casa Madrigal, his voice weak and tired, a natural occurrence considering he sprinted the whole way there.
He was met with the confused face of Dolores staring at him.
“Uh,” she mumbled, “I think she went out for the day, but she’ll be back la-“
“Y/N!” came a familiar voice.
A sigh of relief left Y/N’s mouth when he saw Mirabel.
Dolores stared at her in confusion, “Aren’t you meant to be doing chores?”
Mirabel scoffed, “I’m sure it won’t be the end of the world if Señor Salazar and Campbell don’t get the dresses for their daughter right this second.”
Dolores eyed her younger cousin, before sighing, “You can deal with him when he’s mad then.” Before walking off.
Y/N stared in confusion as she walked off, before turning back to his best friend, “What was that about?”
Mirabel shrugged, “No idea. Something’s always up with her,” she explained, before turning to Y/N with a smile, “So, what’d you need?”
“Right, uh… can we go up to your room?”
“Sure,” Mirabel nodded, grabbing Y/N’s hand and pulling him inside and up the stairs.
Mirabel pushed open her bedroom, Y/N trailing along behind her as she sat down on her bed, "So, what's the problem."
Y/N hesitated before sitting down next to Mirabel, "It's kind of embarrassing, for a few reasons."
"You know you can tell me, Y/N,"
"I like someone."
Y/N could've sworn he saw Mirabel's face fall for a split second, before she covered it up with a bright smile, "Who?!"
Y/N ran a hair through his hair, "I told you... it's embarrassing."
"Come on!" the girl pushed, shaking Y/N's shoulders slightly.
Y/N groaned, "Ugh, you're way too persistent."
"So I've been told," she said with a nod of her head, "But seriously, dude, just tell me who you like!"
"Fine," Y/N sighed, "But you have to promise to not laugh at me or make fun of me."
Mirabel playfully rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I promise."
Inhaling a deep breath, Y/N whispered, "I like... your primo."
Mirabel's eyes widened in horror, "Antonio?!"
A disgusted look shot on Y/N's face, "Dude, what the fuck, no! Your other primo..."
Mirabel thought for a moment, "My other... Wait..." her eyes widened as she realized, "Y-you like Camilo?"
Y/N just nodded, their cheeks burning in embarrassment.
"What's so embarrassing about liking them?" she asked, getting slightly defensive.
Y/N shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno. I just expected you to make fun of me."
"Pft," Mirabel scoffed, "When have I ever made fun of you?"
A confused look from Y/N was sent to Mirabel, "Yesterday, the time I spilled apple juice on myself, all the times I ran into those poles, when I tripped over tryna do my chores, the list goes on, Mirabel."
"Right," she muttered with a nod of her head, "I'm such a nice friend, aren't I?"
"Mm-hmm," Y/N hummed sarcastically.
"So," Mirabel began, nervously fiddling with her hands, "You're gay?"
Y/N screwed up his face in confusion, "Mira, I came out to you last year, we've had this conversation before," Y/N tried to explain, getting more confused at Mirabel's face full of shock, "What's up with you today, you seem weird?"
Mirabel's eyes widened, a bright red blush covering her cheeks, "Nothing! What's up with you?"
"Are you high?"
"What?" she demanded, her voice raising pitch.
Before the pair could argue anymore, the door burst open, "Camilo, get out of my room!"
Y/N stared wide eyed as Mirabel walked into the room, eyes darting between the two Mirabel's.
"Camilo!" he groaned, glaring at 'Mirabel' sitting beside him, trying to ignore the fact that hos cheeks were burning from embarrassment.
With a nervous grin, Camilo shape-shifted back into himself, "Hey..."
"Cami, get out of my room," Mirabel groaned.
Camilo stood up from the bed and began walking away, "Nice talking to you, Y/N,"
With small finger guns, Camilo left, leaving Y/N frustrated and flustered.
Mirabel rolled her eyes as she shut the door behind Camilo, "Sorry about him," she sighed, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N, "What'd you tell him?"
Y/N gulped, "I came to you wanting to tell you who I had a crush on."
Mirabel couldn't help but bursting out into laughing, earning an eyeroll from the boy beside her, "You told who you have a crush on?! Oh my god, Y/N that's so stupid!"
"How was I supposed to know it was them?"
Shrugging, Mirabel wiped a tear of laughter, before her face turned more serious, "So who do you like?"
Y/N just hid his face in his hands from the pure embarrassment he was feeling.
Suddenly, it dawned on Mirabel, as she raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Shut. Up."
A groan of annoyance left his mouth as Mirabel continued, "You like Camilo!? And you told him that!?"
"Well, I didn't know I was telling him that!" Y/N cried, rubbing a hand through his hair.
"Oh my god," Mirabel whispered, "Finally, something can happen between you two!"
"What do you mean?"
"I've been shipping you two together for ages! Now he knows that you like him, he might have the courage to ask you out!"
"Wait, what?" Y/N asked, staring in confusion as Mirabel stood up and began pacing with excitement, "Why would he ask me out?"
"Why do people normally ask people out? Because they like them."
Y/N rolled his eyes, "I understand that, but he doesn't like me."
"Uh," Mirabel began, "Yes, he does."
"But- that's... he doesn't- no... he's gay?"
"He is?" Y/N asked, eyes glistening with some sort of hope.
Mirabel nodded with a smirk, "Yeah, now go and find him!"
"No!" Mirabel interrupted, placing two hands on her best friend's shoulder to stop him, "I've had too many ships sink because someone was too nervous to make the first move. You and Camilo can not sink, you hear me?!"
"Do. You. Hear me?" Mirabel repeated, staring deep into Y/N's soul.
Y/N shrunk back in fear, sending a weird look toward the girl, "Ok, jeez. I'll go and talk to him."
That was a lie.
The last thing he wanted to do was face Camilo, whether he liked him back or not.
Unfortunately, Camilo had other plans.
When Y/N made his way out of La Casa Madrigal, Camilo was quick to stop him.
"Hey, Y/N."
Y/N gave a hesitant nod, "Hey..."
"So," Camilo began, leaning against the doorway frame, "If you're not doing anything tomorrow, it's my day off from babysitting, and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"
Y/N stared in disbelief, trying to ignore the way his heart was racing, "Are you asking me out?"
Now it was time for Camilo's heart to race as his arm slipped off the door-frame, nearly sending him face first into the ground, though he tried to play it cool, "Y-yeah. Mm-hmm. I-if you want to, that is."
Y/N pursed his lips, "Sure."
"Wait, really?" Camilo's eyes widened in shock, "You're not mad?"
"Yes, I'm mad," Y/N began with a sigh, "But I'm mainly hung up on the fact that you did that and I had didn't know."
A smug smile found its way on Camilo's lips, "What can I say? I'm a pretty good actor,"
Y/N rolled his eyes, "I mean, I could definitely tell that something was up with Mirabel the entire time, but whatever you say."
Camilo only grinned, leaning against the door-frame once again, "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow at ten?"
"Guess I will."
A/N: this is my first Camilo x male!reader so I hope you like, and make sure to give me suggestions 
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alrtjeon · 2 years
Assistance: Part 1
Genre: unkown in this one
Word Count: 1,066
Song playing: Stignma (V) 
It had been a week since you won the contest on Weverse, you’d gotten invited to hang out with 1 group at HYBE and you’d chosen to hang out with the worldwide sensation group BTS you were highly nervous constantly taking things out of your bag and putting things back in because “it doesn’t look amazing in your head” you were about to cancel the trip when your sister ran into your room “DUDE IT’S ALL OVER WEVERSE HOW PRETTY AND LUCKY YOU ARE!”
you got up from you sunken position on the side of your bed with your opened suitcase right in front of you “what?!?!, how do they have pictures of me??” you questioned in a panic, although you…yourself were an army you knew how protective you all were over the boys and the last thing you wanted was for Army to deem you unworthy of meeting your idols, before you could get any more thoughts to discourage you from going on your trip your sister intruded “I may or may not have uploaded some pictures to prove to everyone that i was your sister” she said with a gleeful smile she then continued “and you can’t get mad at me either because i just wanted them to see how beautiful you were” she said in a pitiful whine. “Ok ok I guess, I mean it’s not like im going there to do anything more than finally hang out with my favs,” you say finally perking up with excitement.
TUESDAY 2:15 pm, Seoul, South Korea
“I can’t believe im here,” you say to your sister on the other side of the facetime call which seems to not even be paying attention to you in distress, I mean it was in less than half an hour from now you’d be meeting the boys! You’d decided to wear a pair of sage green slacks, a white cropped wife-beater top (the one Emma chamberlain wears all the time lol), black platform converse paired with a black Prada bucket hat your hair had been in a 90’s blowout look to accentuate the frame of your face and to finish off you wore your favorite perfume Daisy love to give you that sweet clean fresh scent you loved. 
“Okay, you look good, and instead of making TikToks capitalize on what’s happening, you are on the phone with me!?!” your sister questions
“Not everything goes on the internet nit wit” you snark back 
“Well, what did you want me to say???” she asks in an almost mocking tone you couldn’t tell because you'd turn your attention to the clock on the bedside of your hotel bed
“Yeah yeah, whatever I’ve got to go they’ll be here to pick me up any minute now!” you say in a rush grabbing your plain beige tote bag and black leather jacket in case it got chilly
“Okay miss you’re just going to walk straight down this hall, get your bags checked and fingerprint scanned, and then walk through those gold doors!” the secretary said as she smiled and pointed you in the direction
“Thank you” you bowed out of respect and headed on your way, the hall seemed the be getting longer as you walked down, to your left was the bag check area and to the right, just a little down was the fingerprint and badge scan, after completing those two tasks you were left there standing in front of the door waiting to be buzzed in, your heart felt like it was pumping a thousand times faster than when you were in the hotel, your feet felt like they had swollen out of pure shock and your ears were hearing colors you’d never known just as you were about to take the deepest breath of your life the buzzer buzzed and the doors opened, you could have sworn your say lights and smoke as the door opened to 7 large men standing in line to greet you! 
4:00 pm 
“Hello we are BTS” all 7 greeted in their traditional band greeting, you couldn't even speak nor did you think about it, it wasn’t until the oldest handed you a bouquet of red roses to welcome you into their world “Please accept these and our friendship, we’d also like to thank you for being an army” Jin spoke and he put the flowers in your jelly state of an arm 
“Uhhh yeah Ummm sure, yeah, of course why wou-” you cut yourself off overhearing Jimin and Taehyung woo and gush over your nervousness with Jimin even commenting on how cute you looked with your rose cheeks 
“Come on to our practice room we’d love to show/ teach you some dances” j-hope spoke up
“And teach you how to make a beat” Suga joked to which you of course giggled along.
8:49 pm, HYBE CAFE
After the initial greeting and anxious nerves you’d gotten quite comfortable with the members after having dinner with them after your what seemed like training to become the 8th member, you’d even gotten comfortable enough to joke with the members 
“You’re actually really funny” Jungkook commented with his hand on your head in a pat
“There’s a lot to me Mr. Jung” you said in a playful tone encrypted with sexual tension that only he could decode. Instead of acting upon it, he played it safe by asking for your phone so he could “see how many fan accounts you followed” to which you agreed but instead he added his number to your KakaoTalk under his secret account.
“So did you have fun,” Namjoon asks looking at you with a brow raised in curiosity
“FUN! I had the best time of my life!” you exaggerated of course with a playful tone, Jin, Suga, and J-hope all laughed at your fun demeanor and tone.
“We should keep her around,” Jin said in between a breath from his laugh that continued after Suga said a joke in continue of yours
“I agree,”  Jungkook said looking at you and you only
“I think we should ask PD-nim,” Taehyung says in a serious voice to which all others agree with a nod of the head all you could do was laugh along with them as you thought it was just a meer joke but soon will you find out they were far from joking with you.
(A/N: I did not want this to be too long so let me know if you guys want a part two where things get smutty >:))
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 23 - Surrender [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking.
Word Count: 4400
Summary: Secrets can’t stay hidden forever.
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The possibility of you sitting with a killer who had sworn to destroy you was scary for sure, but thinking that the said killer could be much closer to you than you had thought was enough to make your blood freeze in your veins.
It was as if you were going through the same thing that had happened with your dad ages ago, but with a small difference;
Your dad had never tried to hurt you, but this time the killer was coming after you.
Spencer stood beside you as you exhaled the smoke of your cigarette into the air, your hands still shaky but you forced yourself to focus on the police and the FBI escorting people out of the building while he kept his gaze on you.
“You might be wrong though?” you managed to ask, looking up at him, “Right? Maybe it’s not—maybe it’s not someone as close to me?”
Spencer heaved a sigh, “We need more evidence, but you need to keep that in mind that it is possible. I mean— it makes more sense than it being just a stranger, don’t you agree?”
“I don’t agree that I’ve had the misfortune to be close with two serial killers throughout my life, no,” you murmured through frozen lips, “Maybe it’s me. Maybe I was doomed to survive one serial killer to be killed by another.”
“I will never let that happen.”
You took another drag of your cigarette, “I have a feeling the killer might end up not asking for your permission, professor,” you stated and turned your head when you heard the sound of heels coming closer. Mina ran a hand over her face, clearing her throat.
“I sent Kenz away from here,” Mina said and it didn’t escape your notice how she was deliberately avoiding giving any details, just in case. “We’ll regroup at mom’s place, you, me and mom.”
“Just us?”
Mina clicked her tongue, “All things considered,” she murmured, “So I’m not going to beat around the bush; we both agree that it’s not Kenzie right?”
You nodded, “Clearly,” you said and pulled your brows together, “Wait, we’re sure it’s not Kenzie but we still suspect each other?”
“I don’t know, do we?” Mina asked back and you shifted your weight, looking down at the cigarette in your hand.
“Mina, I don’t—”
“Listen, it’s not the place for this conversation,” she interrupted you, “Mom’s place, half an hour.”
“That might not be the best idea,” Spencer said, looking between you two and Mina scoffed.
“It’s not our first rodeo with a serial killer among us, Dr. Reid,” she said, “I already gave a list of my alibis to your colleagues, so did my mother. There’s nothing to keep us here.” She nodded at you, “Don’t be late, we have a lot to talk about.”
With that, she walked away from you two and grabbed her keys from the valet while you stubbed your cigarette.
“So did you check everyone’s alibis?”
“Yeah, at least the people close to you,” Spencer said, “They all look solid.”
You raised your brows, “But?”
Spencer clenched his jaw, “I need to go over all the files, all the recordings with your father—”
“I don’t think it’s my father who’s behind this. Not this time, and not at the cabin. He wouldn’t dare.”
He frowned, “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Well think about what happened the last time I-“ you snapped your fingers, “Right. You weren’t there.”
“What happened? Luke just said you walked away because your father got on your nerve.”
“That’s one way to put it,” you muttered and motioned at the valet to give him your ticket so that he could bring your car, “Listen, I gotta go. Mom is probably at home and Mina is going there and I can’t….I need to talk to them.”
“It might be dangerous.”
“Spencer, it’s my family we’re talking about,” you insisted, “I can’t— if I start suspecting them too, I have nothing left to hold on to.”
He opened his mouth to disagree but you saw Luke coming closer to both of you.
“Hey, Rossi says we need to get back to the office. Emily and Tara are already there,” he told Spencer and turned to you, “We need to stop meeting like this, trust fund baby.”
“Dude, you guys are the ones who show up and scream murder everywhere I go.”
Luke chuckled, holding up his hands and mocking surrender while valet pulled over in front of you.
“Here you go ma’am.”
“Thank you,” you offered him a small smile before you looked up at Spencer. “I’ll see you later I guess.”
“Call me when you get there, we’re also sending a car to your mother’s place and your place just to be sure.”
You nodded, heaving a sigh and Spencer squeezed your arm as if to assure you before pressing a kiss on top of your head.
“Be careful.”
“Hey I was trained by a serial killer, how many people can say that?” you tried to joke as you walked to your car, “I’ll be fine.”
You got into your car and valet closed it, then you started the car and drove off.
The living room was completely silent in your mother’s house. In fact, the whole house was silent, the only noise was the constant ticking of the huge clock on the wall while all three of you sat still, waiting for someone else to talk. Your mother drummed her fingernails on the table, something she would reprimand you for doing if it were another time, Mina bit inside her cheek, her gaze fixed on the wall and you downed the whiskey in your glass, then filled it again.
“Okay,” Mina said and sat up straighter and looked between you, “I just want to say, if it was someone in this room this whole time, we can- I can fix this.”
“Jesus Christ, Mina!”
“You can’t possibly suspect-“
“We’ll say it was dad’s influence, we’ll call it trauma after-“
“Do you hear what you’re saying?”
“I’m just saying, if it is one of us, it’s dad’s fault.”
“It’s not one of us!” you insisted but then you turned your head when you heard the doorbell ring. The sound of heels came closer and Mina threw her head back as soon as Kenzie walked inside.
“Kenz, I told you to-“
“Yeah, spare me the bullshit, I came as soon as I made sure Lily was alright and safe,” she waved a hand in the air and you closed your eyes for a moment.
“Kenzie, you really shouldn’t be here.”
“Why? So that all of you can dramatically blame each other? I know how you guys get, there’s not an ounce of logic between the three of you.”
Your mom heaved a sigh and got the whiskey bottle from you, “What did Spencer say again?”
“That it was possible it was someone at our table. It’d make more sense than it being a stranger.”
“So either one of us, or Lincoln, or Nolan.”
Your mom gasped, “Nolan had nothing to do with that!”
“Just saying, it wouldn’t be the first time some man you loved didn’t turn out to be the man he pretends to be-“
“Mina, low blow,” you cleared your throat and your mother narrowed her eyes.
“I know it’s not him.”
“Then it has to be Lincoln.”
You let out a small laugh, “Dude, don’t you remember what he was like when we were children? He cried when he saw me scrape my knees and his mom had to take him away.”
“People change.”
“I’m pretty sure I’d know if one of my best friends were a serial killer, Mina.”
“He came late to the auction.”
“So did all of you!” you insisted, “You don’t see me blaming you- by that logic where were you?”
“Are you kidding me? My meeting took longer than I expected, go check my security camera footage. Where were you?”
“I was literally talking to Spencer while it was happening!”
“Are you two seriously blaming each other?” Kenzie gawked at you and Mina shrugged her shoulders before turning to your mother.
“How about you mom?”
“What is this, an Agatha Christie novel?” your mother asked, exasperated, “Ask the driver, it took us more than an hour to get there because of the accident.”
“It could be anyone in that auction hall, yes, including someone in this room but they checked our alibis. Spencer said it was a possibility, not that it was certain,” you managed to say, “They still need more evidence and I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to start blaming the only people in my life that I actually trust.”
A silence fell upon you and Kenzie sat down beside you, then filled herself a drink as well.
“The moment we start blaming each other, we’re lost,” she said, looking Mina in the eye, “Your dad almost tore this family apart once, don’t let this copycat do the same. It’s not one of us and you know it.”
“No one is blaming you Kenz,” you rasped out and Mina ran a hand over her face.
“I’m sorry,” she muttered, “Jesus, I’m— it’s just that… It fucks with my head.”
“You get used to it,” you sipped your drink and turned to your mother, “For what it’s worth, I really don’t think it’s Nolan either. I mean what are the chances of getting married to a serial killer twi—“ you stopped talking as soon as Kenzie kicked you under the table and Mina gasped, shooting you a look as you covered your mouth. Your mother stared at you, her jaw dropping and you cleared your throat, trying your hardest to come up with something.
“I mean—“ you stammered, “I’m drunk and I just saw Spencer being all hot and whispering in my ear after there was a murder so my feelings are all over the place, I don’t know what I—“
“Now that she fucked up first, I can say it.” Mina said, “Nolan will ask you to marry him.”
“I was un-fucking it!” You hissed and Mina scoffed.
“You haven’t un-fucked a thing in your goddamn life.”
“I can’t believe this is how I’m finding out about this,” your mother breathed out, still staring at you two and you let out a whine, burying your face into your hands.
“I’m sorry!” your voice came out muffled and Kenzie let out a giggle, patting your arm as you raised your head again, “I- well- my dad was a serial killer!”
“What is that, your out of jail card?” Mina asked, “The same guy was also my dad but you don’t see me giving out secrets and spoiling surprises.”
“When did he say that to you?” Your mother asked, sitting up straight, “Y/N, you’re telling me everything right now!”
“I saw my ex looking hot tonight and someone got murdered while I was flirting with him, I’m allowed to mess up once or twice!”
“That’s a strange way of describing your whole life.”
“Shut up Mina or I swear—“
“He asked for my blessing and I said yes,” you murmured, “So did Mina and Kenzie. But I think we all threatened him first, right?”
“Nope, you’re the creepy one in this group.”
“Yeah I think it was just you.”
“Fine! Okay, I threatened him first,” you admitted as your mother stared at you, “In my defense, I was also pretty drunk back then because of my break up with the love of my life, in case anyone at this table forgot—“
“I wish. Maybe I could try to forget it if you stopped talking about it for five fucking minutes though.”
“And my serial killer father—“
“Having daddy issues isn’t an excuse to be a snitch, bitch.”
“Mina, stop insulting your sister for a moment,” your mother told her and turned to you, “What did he tell you?”
“That he has been in love with you for… I don’t know, centuries because he’s like a five hundred years old vampire.”
“He feeds on money though, not blood.” Mina pointed out, “I actually can see him as an evil lord somewhere, now that you mentioned.”
“Getting information from this family is a nightmare,” your mother heaved a sigh, “And?”
“And nothing. Make sure to get your nails done when he takes you on a dinner now that we all gave him our blessing but I’m so not planning your wedding, my client list is full.”
“Nobody buys that excuse Y/N,” Kenzie reminded helpfully and your mother shook her head.
“Oh but I can’t possibly—“ she heaved a sigh, “I can’t marry him yet.”
Instantly, all three of you turned to him with the same surprised expression on your faces.
“…Were you gonna hit it and quit it mom?”
Your mother pinched the bridge of her nose “Mina, what is wrong with you tonight?”
“I have no idea. Is this what being traumatized is?”
“Yeah welcome to the club, I’ve been here for a while,” you waved your hands in the air, “Mom, I thought you loved Nolan. Don’t you?”
“No, I’m completely in love with him!” your mother said quickly, “He’s the best man I’ve ever known or been with.”
“Meh, let’s not pretend the bar is—“ Mina started but stopped talking when Kenzie elbowed her, “Sorry. I’m just going to keep drinking over here to keep my mouth busy.”
“Sweetie, I can’t get married when…” your mother gestured at you, “When you haven’t found a partner yet!”
You made a face, “Why did we teleport into Jane Austen times all of a sudden?”
“No, you know what people would say.”
“Since when does that stop you?” you asked her, “Come on, who the fuck cares what anyone thinks? They can all go to hell.”
“Y/N, I appreciate the thought but-“
“Mom,” you said, “I might just end up alone, okay? You can’t spend the rest of your life waiting for me to get married or find a partner or something just because of some stupid unwritten rule. Fuck those people, let them talk.”
“It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to have an actual wedding either.”
“Who’s coming up with these rules?” Mina exclaimed, “Mom, do whatever you want. This family threw appropriate out of the window long ago.”
Kenzie nodded fervently, “People will always find something to criticize, you can’t let that get to you. If you love him, go for it.”
“But wait for him to propose first, I have a feeling it’ll be the biggest ring I’ve ever seen,” you clinked your glass with hers and wiggled your brows, “Can I please be the one to tell dad though? I want to record the look of devastation on his face. I’ll make it my wallpaper.”
The next day, you tried your hardest to focus on work. Even if Spencer’s words kept echoing in your ears, you couldn’t help but think that he had to be wrong.
Maybe he was. Maybe it was someone else in the hall, other than your family or Nolan or Lincoln. It was impossible for you to suspect anyone in your family, and Nolan and Lincoln had had more than enough time to be alone with you and hurt you, but neither of them had given you any sign of being dangerous.
Besides, you were sure that after spending so much time with your father, you’d be able to tell if it was someone around you.
Or at least you hoped so.
You took a sip of your rosé and bit inside your cheek, staring at your dinner table in the middle of the living room which now looked like something pulled out of a horror movie. You heaved a sigh, holding your hand over the various types of knives, the memory flashing in your head.
“Alright Petal,” your father tugged you by the hand so that you could get closer to the coffee table full of knives, “Let’s see if you studied like I told you, hm?”
“I have!” you gave him a bright smile before you bit at the stick candy and he raised his brows.
“Honey, don’t bite at candy, you’ll ruin your teeth.”
“No I won’t,” you said stubbornly, still holding the candy tight, “I’ll brush my teeth afterwards.”
He heaved a sigh and grabbed a blade off the table, then held it up.
“What is this?”
“A trench knife,” you said, looking at the handle that looked more like brass knuckles your father had shown you before, “You can hold it over your fingers so it’s better for…for…”
“Close combat.”
You nodded, still chewing on the candy and your father put it back, then showed you another.
“Push dagger!”
“How do we use push dagger?”
“When you hold it in your palm, the blade is between your fingers.”
“So that…?”
“So that the prey can’t see it until it’s too late.”
He nodded, “You really did pay attention, Petal,” he commented and you giggled, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet and turned the candy in your mouth as he held up another blade.
“Butterfly knife!” you said and motioned at him, “I want that one.”
“Because it’s called a butterfly?”
“Daddy I love butterflies!”
He smiled, then grabbed another from the table, “Do you know what it is?”
“Another butterfly knife?”
“No honey, this is called a trainer, see?” he showed you, “I want you to practice with this first. It has no knife, so you won’t be cutting yourself until I say you can switch to an actual one.”
You clicked your tongue, twirling the butterfly knife between your fingers, the motion almost automatic. You had become so good at it when you were a child that you didn’t even need to think about how to flip the knife after all these years, your hands already remembered it.
“Trench knife, push dagger,” you counted slowly as the thunder lit up the dark sky outside, “Good for close combat, good for stealth….Stiletto, good for deeper wounds. Bowie is good for—“ you were cut off when you heard someone banging their fist on the door. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster and you flipped the butterfly knife in your hand, approaching the door but as soon as you looked through the peephole, your stomach made a happy flip.
“Spencer?” you muttered and opened the door, “What’re you—”
“Are you insane?” he cut you off, glaring daggers at you and you pulled your brows together.
“Huh?” you asked as he walked past you into the apartment and you closed the door before following him. He ran a hand through his curls, clearly the rain outside had made his hair even messier and he turned around to say something, but then got distracted.
“Why are you holding a butterfly knife?” he asked and you flipped it again before throwing it on the table and he frowned at the sight on the table.
“What the hell is this?”
“Uh, butterfly knife, trench knife,” you pointed with your finger as you counted them, “That’s a stiletto knife, that’s a switch blade, right next to it is a push dagger and the one over there is called—“
“I know what they are, why am I looking at them?”
You arched a brow, “Take a guess.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“What?” you let out a bitter laugh, “I’m done taking it lying down, okay? Last night was the last straw, if that copycat wants to come after me, I say let them. The man who they’re looking up to was the same man who trained me for my whole childhood, I like these odds.”
“Yeah?” he scoffed, his eyes narrowed in anger, “Is that why you threatened one of the most dangerous serial killers of our time?”
You tilted your head, “My father?”
He threw his hands in the air, frustration getting the best of him,
“Yes, your father!”
“So you basically ran all the way here to yell at me because I threatened my father?” you asked as you walked past him, then grabbed your wine glass and leaned back to the table, “Don’t worry professor, it’s a family thing. We’re impulsive. He’ll be fine, unfortunately.”
He ran a hand over his face, “What were you thinking?”
“To be honest with you, I kind of wasn’t thinking,” you pointed out before you took a sip of your wine, “How is he these days, by the way?”
“I’m glad you find this entertaining,” he said through his teeth, “Because I can assure you, this is not funny.”
“Oh come on, it’s a little funny.”
He took a deep breath as if he was trying to control himself, “You think threatening a serial killer with murder is funny?”
“I mean have you seen the look on his face? I don’t know if the video got that but—“
“Why did you break up with me?”
Well, Spencer had a way of taking you by surprise, that was for sure. You lowered the glass and blinked a couple of times, trying to pull yourself together.
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me. Why did you break up with me if you were going to threaten a damn serial killer because he implied he might come after me?”
“I hope you know that normal exes don’t have these kind of conversations,” you tried to joke but he only raised his brows.
“Spencer,” you heaved a sigh “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think I do,” he said, his voice almost too low, “You just don’t want me to know what I’m talking about.”
“Listen, I know how it might look like but I can assure you I’d do it for any—“
“Garcia was with me while I was watching those tapes.”
Your eyes snapped up to his as your breath got caught in your throat. You swallowed thickly, painfully aware of how he was probably seeing all your tells but even that thought didn’t stop you from drumming your fingernails on the fragile glass you were holding, pursing your lips for a moment before you cleared your throat.
“What—um—what did she say?”
“You mean before or after she said you broke up with me to protect me even if I’m an FBI agent already working on this case?”
God damn it Garcia.
The thunder boomed outside again and you frantically tried to find the right words, but it felt impossible to do so. He took a step closer to you while you stared at him, completely frozen and you closed your eyes for a moment.
“Spencer…” you muttered as you opened your eyes again, “Whatever training they gave you, trust me, they didn’t train you for my father.”
“Is that why you said all that stuff back then?” he asked slowly, “When we broke up?”
“It doesn’t matter—“
“Yes it does.”
A sad smile pulled at your lips as you put your wine glass down, and shrugged your shoulders.
“I thought—um, I thought it I hurt you that badly, you’d never want to see me again,” you admitted, “So if you were away from me, you’d be safe. Away from my father, away from the copycat, away from all of this. Working on this case is not the same as being caught in this fucked up web, you know that.”
“You didn’t think you should’ve at least asked my opinion on this?”
“You would’ve said no.”
“Of course I would’ve said no!”
“Exactly!” you threw up your hands, “You might not care about your survival in this situation, but I do, okay? I love you too much to let you get hurt because of me—” as soon as your brain acknowledged what had just slipped from your lips, you stopped talking, your breathing getting faster while panic seemed to flood your system. He stared at you, a soft light appearing in his eyes and you shook your head at yourself.
“Fucking great,” you muttered, “Yeah, um you— I’m— it doesn’t matter. Do whatever you want to do with that information.”
You took a step to walk past him but he had already grabbed your arm and pulled you back. Before you could even ask him what he was doing, his lips found yours, letting that warmth shoot through your stomach into your whole system. The feeling was so sudden but so mind numbing that you thought Spencer was right before, this was definitely like a drug, an addiction. His fingers caressed over your neck while your body pressed against his like some sort of a magnet and a soft whine escaped from you as he pulled back slightly.
“Don’t run away,” he whispered against your lips “Not this time.”
You felt the tears rushing to your eyes. “Spencer-“
“I love you.”
“You shouldn’t,” you murmured before he stole another kiss from you.
“I love you,” he repeated, his hazel eyes locked in yours, “And I’m done pretending like I don’t.”
It was a bad idea. You knew it was a bad idea, you knew it would put him in danger, but none of that seemed to matter to you after hearing that he loved you. For some reason, you were convinced that you two would find a way, that everything would be alright as long as you loved each other, naïve as it was.
The happiness burst through you, wrapping you in a soft and warm haze as you reached back with one hand to sweep everything off the table, sending all the knives to the floor with a loud noise before you jumped to sit on the table. A small chuckle left his lips when you tugged at his jacket and he tilted his head.
“What, you don’t have a bed?” he taunted you and you grinned.
“The bed can wait,” you murmured as he dragged his fingertips up your bare legs to pull you closer to him, drawing a giggle from your lips before he kissed you again.
Chapter 24
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Ok so what sbout remus/sirius being too sick to go to an away game so the other one has to go alone, and then tons of facetime conversations and "get well soon" videos from the team?
This is related to this fic about Remus and Finn bonding over terrible reporters--hope you enjoy! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, and the Loops/ Talker bonding is for @lee-1012!
TW for illness
“You don’t look so good.” Remus frowned as he held the inside of his wrist against Sirius’ forehead. “And you definitely have a fever.”
“Non.” Sirius sat up on his elbows with a groan, then almost immediately flopped back down.
“Yes.” He leaned back on his heels and checked the clock—they had two hours before they had to be at the airport. “Baby, I don’t think you should—”
“ ‘m going.”
“It’s not a good—”
“Gotta go. Games.” Sirius cracked one glassy eye open. “Two weeks away. I’ll take the first couple days off.”
Remus sighed through his nose and brushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes. “You shouldn’t go on the plane if you’re sick. Not just for your sake, but for the rest of us. We don’t need everyone to come down with this.”
He received a halfhearted glare in response, but Sirius finally huffed and curled on his side to nuzzle against his thigh. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, baby,” Remus said quietly, bending to kiss his temple. They hadn’t been apart for that long since before he was a player, nearly a year prior. Hell, he had never played a game without Sirius, let alone two weeks’ worth. “Lily will check on you, okay?”
Sirius mumbled an incoherent response and cuddled closer when he began combing his fingers through his hair. The second alarm beeped, loud against the quiet of their bedroom; time to go, he thought ruefully. Sirius touched his knee as he started to stand. “Love you. Be safe.”
“Love you more.”
“Love you most.”
“Go back to sleep,” Remus said as his heart clenched. “I’ll let Coach know what happened, but you’ve got to rest and take care of yourself. Hydrate or die-drate, yeah?”
“Yeah. Love you.”
“Sleep,” he repeated, kissing his forehead once more before hauling himself out of bed and tucking the covers around Sirius’ shoulders. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The clouds were a soft, pastel pink around them as the sun rose—Sirius’ favorite. If his phone was correct, Lily would be there soon to let Hattie out and make sure Sirius wasn’t pushing himself too hard. The thought brought Remus a bit of relief, but not enough to quell his concern.
Talker poked his forearm, snapping him from his reverie. “What’s going on?”
“Just worrying.”
“About Cap?”
Remus waved a hand vaguely. “And Hattie, and Lily, and whether he’s got a cold or something worse. Feels weird being here without him.”
Talker hummed his agreement and offered one of his earbuds. “Want to listen to half of Bohemian Rhapsody with me? It’ll give you five minutes and 55 seconds of relative peace.”
“It’s too quiet,” James groaned just before he pressed ‘play’.
Across the aisle, Remus saw Kasey roll his eyes. “Your husband is sick, dude, not dead. He doesn’t talk to you on planes anyway.”
“It’s the principle of the thing, Bliz.”
“Oh my god,” Kasey muttered under his breath, securing his headphones tightly over his ears.
James let his head flop to the side with a baleful look. “Loops, you’re on my side, right?”
“I’ve got you, buddy,” he assured him. Talker stifled a laugh, and the opening chords began as more clouds rolled past. Remus let himself drift with them, taking deep breaths to soothe his worries; Sirius would be fine. He had the sniffles, or at worst the flu, and he would be join them for the second week in top form. There was nothing to worry about.
“He’s got pneumonia,” Lily sighed.
“He what?”
“A mild case, but the doctor said it would take a week of antibiotics and rest before he’s close to a hundred percent. No hockey for about a month, too.”
Remus stared at the wall of his empty hotel room, lost for words. “Well, fuck.”
“Pretty m—absolutely not, go lay down.” There was a rustling noise and two grumbling voices. “Sorry about that.”
“Will you put me on speaker real quick?” Remus asked, pinching the bridge of his nose until he heard a faint click. “Sirius? You there?”
“Yes! I miss you, and I was just going to tell you that it’s really not that—”
“Please sit your ass down. Lily, if he tries to fuck around and find out exactly how nasty pneumonia is, you have full permission to sit on him. I miss you too, love,” he added after a short pause.
“He’s blowing you a kiss,” Lily informed him. “Oh, and he’s giving me the puppy eyes.”
“Resist if you can. Love you both. Give Hattie lots of cuddles from me.”
“We will,” she promised.
The second the call ended, Remus groaned aloud and thumped his head against the wall before padding down the hall. Just my fucking luck. The door swung open after the second knock; Arthur’s face fell. “How bad is it?”
“Mild pneumonia.”
“Yep. Doctor said he’d be out for a month.”
Arthur rubbed his eyes and nodded, motioning Remus back towards his own room. “Get some rest, then. I’ll let everyone know in the morning. Any idea how he got it?”
“Not a clue.”
“Thanks for the update, Loops. Sleep tight.”
“I will,” Remus lied as he headed back for a sleepless night between cold sheets.
Lily sent updates every few hours; most reported that Sirius was sleeping well and looking better with each passing day, but Remus couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly guilty. If something happened while he was hundreds of miles away, he would never forgive himself. He had sworn in front of their closest friends and family to be there in sickness and in health—what kind of husband ditches their partner for one of a million roadies?
This one. He stabbed a piece of broccoli and shoved it in his mouth. And then he goes and makes an idiot of himself for the world to see.
The interview was supposed to be easy, but he couldn’t let it roll off anymore. Not when he couldn’t answer their questions even when he wanted to, not when he was states away from the love of his life while he was sick, not when he felt helpless and shoved aside in every current aspect of his life.
“So.” The chair next to him creaked as Talker planted his full weight in it and set his plate decisively on the table.
“Oh, pissy Loops. Haven’t seen you in a while. Talked to Cap yet?”
“Yeah.” Another piece of broccoli fell victim to his frustration.
“How’s he sound?”
“Sweet.” Talker continued to munch away on his dinner. “Anyone ever told you that you have the general disposition of a wet cat when you’re upset?”
Remus tried and failed to keep down a smile. “I seem to recall you bringing it up on occasion, yes.”
His dark eyes softened and he bumped their elbows together. “He’ll be okay.”
“I know.”
“Really, Loops. Cap’s going to be just fine. Lily doesn’t sugar-coat this kind of stuff, and he’s a tough guy. Mild pneumonia doesn’t stand a chance. Besides, we’ve only got four days left and we need you to kick some ass out there.”
If Remus was a little more emotionally vulnerable, he would’ve burst into tears. Instead, he settled for leaning his temple against Talker’s with a quiet ‘thanks’ and allowed himself to be pulled into a side hug. Across the dining hall, Finn shot him a thumbs-up and a wink. “Love you, man.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Talker teased. “The internet is already coming to your aid, you know.”
“Not only have those asshole reporters become a new meme, you’ve also got a shit ton of people bringing up past mistreatment of athletes in the press room. You’re the face of a revolution, Loops.”
“I’ve been the face of too many revolutions for one person,” he groused, not even bothering to duck out of the way when Talker ruffled his hair.
“Well, one more won’t kill you.”
Remus’ heart raced as he stepped off the plane. The logical part of him knew that Sirius would be waiting outside the security gate, but everything else screamed to see him now, now, right now so he could be sure he was alright. At least he had sounded healthier on the phone the night before—Remus wasn’t sure what he would do otherwise.
“Deep breaths,” James reminded him as they walked toward the baggage claim. “I’m sure he’s—”
An excited shout broke through the thick crowds. Remus’ heart skipped a beat, and then he was running, racing through the people that parted for him as his vision tunneled. His carry-on hit the ground with a low thud that he hardly heard as Sirius lifted him straight off the ground and held him tight.
“I love you,” Remus said immediately, locking his ankles around Sirius’ lower back and squeezing his eyes shut. “Are you okay?”
In lieu of a response, Sirius pulled back and kissed him, cradling one side of his face in his warm, warm hand. Two weeks may as well have been an eternity. He broke away after a moment, searching his face for any signs of illness or pain. “I’m fine,” Sirius said softly, as if he could read his mind. “I promise. A little tired and sore, but there’s no lasting damage.”
“Don’t do that again,” Remus said into the side of his neck as he hugged him close. He smelled like home. “Not when I have to leave.”
Sirius’ arms were steady around his back. “I won’t.”
“I’m going to grill you on everything as soon as we get home.”
“I know.”
“But right now, I’m just going to hug you because I missed you and I worried myself into a hole, like, every night.”
He could feel Sirius’ smile against his shoulder. “I know.”
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y0itsbri · 3 years
Hi Bri 🥰
C-16 if you'd like to 👀
Coffee dates and disasters
au with college!lip and barista!mandy where ian is a frequent visitor at the campus café and meets mickey under rather unfortunate circumstances. don't cry over spilled milk, buddy.
which also fits under a.u.gust for @gallavichthings
words: 2.4k
"never would have thought you the type to come to one of these places," ian mused, looking around the small café with only lamps and string lights illuminating the space. "can't believe college changed you, man," ian clutched at his heart dramatically.
"don't worry. 'm still the annoying bastard you love so dearly," lip squeezed ian's shoulder before he sauntered up to the counter.
the barista's bored expressed brightened when she saw them. her perky demeanor was matched by a high pitched voice, "hey lip," she smiled, dark lipstick striking. she appraised ian with a somewhat predatory eye, "hello, lip's friend."
"uh, brother," ian coughed.
lip rolled his eyes, "and he's gay so don't even try it, mandy."
she pouted and flicked her hair behind her shoulder, "not that it's any of your business, anyways."
ian chuckled besides him, drawing another smile out of mandy, this one kinder, sweeter.
"what can i get you boys?"
the pink highlights glistened in her dark hair as she whipped up lip's cold brew and ian's caramel macchiato, then proceeded to insist that this one is on the house. neither of them argued, but thanked her before they settled down in some stools by the window.
"fucking the barista privileges?" ian asked, raising his eyebrow at his slut of a brother.
"i think of it more like fellow south sider charity," he rubbed his bottom lip, "but yours works too," lip smirked around the edges of his coffee cup.
"you're an idiot."
"can a man who got us free drinks really be deemed an idiot?" lip philosophized.
ian paused, taking a moment of thorough consideration. he looked lip straight in the eyes as he answered, "if that man is you, then without a doubt."
lip tried to knock ian's cup out of his hand, but failed at his attempt. ian thanked his well-practiced jrotc skills and a lifetime experience of growing up in a house packed with annoying siblings for his victory.
they chatted about the robotics classes lip was taking, how he got full-time access to one of the labs, and his weird ass roommate who may or may not be gay if ian is at all interested. ian scrunched up his face. after hearing so many horror stories about the guy, ian didn't want anywhere near him. he wasn't that desperate yet.
the second that lip was out of his seat and heading to the bathroom, the beautiful mess that was mandy descended.
"hiiii lip's gay brother," she leaned against the table.
"it's ian," he spun his empty cup in his hands. he couldn't help himself from smiling at her charisma.
"well hi, ian, i just wanted to say sorry if i spooked you earlier. i just had no idea lip's brother would be so cute!"
"his ugly mug's not too hard to beat." ian laughed. "he got the short end of the gallagher stick, literally."
"cute and charming. you're funny, ian gallagher, i like you." she placed her hand on his shoulder for a moment, a movement so soft compared to her rather frantic appearance. "come back here anytime and it's on the house, yeah? i work most evenings after three."
"oh. uh- okay," ian scrambled for words, "thanks."
she squeezed his shoulder once before lip returned with a rather obnoxious entrance.
"ayo mands, stop harassing him!"
ian ducked his head in embarrassment.
"oh, shut up! i'm just clearing your cups," she winked at ian as she left.
mandy was something else. but she was kind and good company. ian could get used to the chill atmosphere over the chaos of the gallagher house anytime. he might just take up her offer.
"you'd think with all the time you spend here, you'd be offered a scholarship or something by now." mandy sipped on her chocolate frappuccino as she laid her feet across ian's lap. he always made sure to come visit during her breaks at least twice a week during the past couple months.
ian shrugged, "guess they only had room for one gallagher."
mandy hit his arm in a way that hurt. lip was fucked if he ever broke her heart.
"does fiona even know that this is where you sneak off to?"
"yeah." mandy's look said she didn't believe him. "well, kinda. she thinks i'm visiting lip, brotherly duties and all."
"yeah? how are those brotherly duties?"
"fuck if i know."
she laughed.
"i still think you should apply here for next fall," she encouraged, "could take some art classes."
"i suck at art."
"failed that."
"yeah, no thanks."
mandy flipped him off, "fine. botany?
"ya know what? sure." he had always wanted to grow tomatoes.
"heart wants what it wants, mandy. we can't all be psychology brainiacs."
"brains and beauty, what can i say?" she teased. ian laughed, eyes glistening towards his friend. mandy made things better.
"hey," she continued, "there's this concert on the main campus lawn this weekend, you should totally come!"
"isn't that just for students?"
"they don't card, dummy."
"right, right, i knew that."
"sureeee. you in?"
ian mentally checked his work schedule.
"i'm in."
lip and ian strolled into the café a few days later. okay, maybe ian had felt a bit guilty for abandoning his brotherly duties lately, but at least this way he could hang out with both his best friends. well he could have if he remembered the fact that mandy had the day off for her behavioral neuroscience midterm. they had literally spent her previous shift reviewing the terms, he should have known.
ian's couldn't help his face from falling as another blonde barista took their orders, mostly eyeing lip the whole time.
"hi lip," she smiled a little too sincerely, "what can i get for you today?"
ian had ordered something new at the recommendation of the blonde and he was not a fan. and to make matters worse, he had to actually pay for the atrocity that he wouldn't even be able to finish.
"so how's your little coffee dates with mandy?" lip asked over his cup.
ian nearly choked on his god-awful americano. "how'd you know?"
"please. she's obsessed with you. every time i see her, it's 'ian this,' 'ian that,' 'ian might apply here in next year.'"
"yeah, oh. when were you gonna tell me?!"
“it’s all mandy’s idea, i’m not even sure i want to,” ian muttered, refusing to make eye contact.
“dude, i’ve literally shared a room with you since the day you popped out of monica’s wretched womb, you think I can’t tell when you’re lying?”
okay maybe ian had been getting increasingly more excited about the idea of attending school and actually learning things that he wants to learn. something that might actually lead him somewhere real since rotc was looking more and more like a poor man's fantasy the more that he thought about it.
“I was gonna tell you, swear on it.” and he was. once he convinced himself that lip wasn't going to straight up laugh in his face. but the look in his eye seemed genuinely supportive.
“mhm, i gotta catch my english lit class," lip stood up, swinging his tattered tan backpack across one shoulder. he patted ian's shoulder in his big brother ways, "don’t be a stranger, yeah?”
“yeah, yeah for sure! have fun learning a language you already know!” lip flipped him off at his smartass remark.
soon after, ian stood up to return his drink to the counter, the anxiety from the conversation making him entirely lose whatever appetite he might have had. plus, it wasn’t the same here without lip or mandy. he just wanted to be wrapped up in a cocoon in his own bed. but that was so far away. maybe he could catch an early ride—
ian crashed into a guy’s sturdy body.
the remnants of his shitty drink spilled in an americano nightmare over both of them, ceramic pieces shattering on the floor in a truly horrific manner.
ian yipped and the other man let out a grunt of irritation.
they were fucking soaked. well, at least the coffee wasn't hot? ian tried justifying the situation, but, nah, this was bad.
"shit! i'm so sorry, lemme," ian reached out and the shorter man flinched away.
they were now far enough apart that ian got a good look at him. a leather jacket.. now covered in ian's drink -- shit. and shockingly piercing blue eyes that lingered too long on ian's before his cheeks turned a shade of pink that made ian's stomach flutter.
he might have seemed cold if he didn’t make ian feel so warm.
"it’s cool, man. i gotta go, uh," and he walked out of the café without looking back.
ian smelled like coffee the entire train ride to the back of the yards. he laid in his bed regretting his entire life.
no mandy. no lip. no dignity.
the day of the concert that mandy had invited him to rolled around. ian wouldn’t admit it, but he was nervous to spend a coffee-less evening with mandy, their entire friendship built inside that one room. his little bubble of safety was bursting.
well, to be honest, the bubble had burst the moment that his disaster of a coffee was spilled onto one of the most ridiculously pretty guys that he's ever seen. every time he closed his eyes, he remembered the guy’s face shift from hostile to something else. he was torn between wanting to know the his name and also on never seeing him again in fear that he would simply pass away of embarrassment.
hopefully mandy hadn't heard about it. they may not have been friends for a long time, but he already knew that she would never let him live it down.
"hey ian!" her familiar voice called. that sounded promising.
his face fell with relief as he finally spotted her at the corner. she embraced him in a warm hug before pulling back and giving him a once over.
"huh, could have sworn you'd still have coffee behind your ear or something after the description karen gave me of your little disaster the other day." she smirked, quite literally double checking behind his ears as they turned hot under her gaze.
"ugh, fuck, how much did she tell you?" he itched his forehead and scrunched up his nose.
"oh, calm your tits, it's funny as fuck." she giggled, punching his arm in a way that still unintentionally hurt.
"whatever. are you excited for the concert tonight?"
their reunion conversation lulled eventually, and ian noticed that they weren't necessarily standing alone.
no. fucking. way.
just his luck, if he was being honest. he probably deserved this.
there he stood. the man that has plagued his dreams the past few days. in a light wash jean jacket that was a little tight on the biceps, leaning casually against the wall, kicking the pebbles on the ground with his boot.
"uh, what's he doing here?" ian gestured towards the victim of The Coffee Incident.
“what, you know him?” mandy asked, walking them towards him.
“vaguely.” if that wasn’t the understatement of the year.
"huh. i didn’t think my idiot brother had any friends."
brother? how did ian not realize she had a brother?
"what, did you think i was going to babysit you all night? i can't let everyone here thinking you're my boyfriend, no offense or whatever, but you're in good hands!" she kissed his cheek, clearly not helping her own not-looking-like-her-boyfriend rule.
ian eyed said brother's good hands only to see the faded letters of FUCK U-UP on them. oh.
mandy pushed ian over to her brother, "ian, mickey. mickey, ian," she introduced before pushing and shuffling her way through the crowd of college students to find herself someone’s cheap ass fruity alcohol to mooch off of.
mickey. ian's brain repeated over and over, a chime against the murmuring sea of voices they found themselves enveloped by.
"nice jacket," ian pointed out, an awkward attempt to converse before shoving his hands back in his pockets.
"it's my second favorite." the corners of his mouth lifted like there was more to the statement. ian took the bait, as if he could resist.
"what's your first?"
"first is still airing out the fuckin’ coffee smell," he smirked as ian groaned. "oh c’mon, man, don't go crying over spilled milk."
how could he not? on the bright side, he didn’t seemed to hate ian for it.
“if it was anyone else,” mickey drawled, “they’d have to get a beat down for it.”
“why do I get a free pass?” ian mused.
“well, you’re mandy’s friend, right?”
“yup,” ian tried to suppress his disappointment. he really did. but fiona always told him he wore his heart on his sleeve.
“yeah, that ain’t why, though,” his eyebrows waggled suggestively and ian nearly felt his heart drop out of his ass.
ian blessed whatever coffee god was out there for sending him both mandy and the beautiful man in front of him.
“you wanna go listen to the band?” ian nodded his head towards the stage with passionate players jumping around like they were playing lollapalooza or some shit.
“lead the way, stud, just try to keep your drinks off of me this time,” mickey knocked into ian’s own flannel covered shoulder.
yeah, ian couldn’t believe his luck. maybe karma was finally on his side.
mandy smirked at her brother and best friend not-so-subtly checking each other out over the course of the night, bopping their heads to the music and downing whatever free booze they could get their hands on.
she hoped that adding mickey to the equation would be enough incentive to convince ian to stick around. things were better when he was near.
the way that ian followed mickey around like a lost puppy with that dopey moon-eyed look, it seemed like her hopes would come true.
and when both ian and mickey strolled into the café to come visit her at work the next week, mickey in his worse-for-wear leather jacket and ian in borrowed denim, she thanks the coffee gods for her luck.
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lexosaurus · 3 years
Going Angst Week 2021: Family/Friends
Read: [1: Birth] [2: Instinct]
Continuation of the No One Knows AU plotline.
Everything had changed since the accident. The biological differences were obvious. He glowed, his hair inverted, his eyes turned green, he had ectoplasm running through his veins, he was cold, he didn’t need to breathe as much in human form—the list went on. 
But the psychological ones were easily more terrifying.
And nothing scared him more than the way his friends and family were treating him as of late.
He knew that deep down he would never be able to match the way he acted when he was fully human. But that didn’t mean that his heart didn’t skip a beat every time someone shot him a worried glance, every time someone asked if he was alright, every time he caught himself doing something wrong. 
He wasn’t human anymore. He wasn’t even sure what he was now, and Vlad seemed to have too much fun emotionally torturing him to give him a straight answer.
“You up for a movie tonight?” Tucker asked, leaning across Danny’s desk. 
“Hell yeah,” Sam said. “My house?”
“Oh, you know me too well. What do you think, dude?”
Danny realized that both teens were looking to him for an answer.
He wanted to stay home. Hanging out with either of them meant there was a chance they would see him slip up, and he couldn’t have that.
“Sure.” He hoped his voice didn’t sound too pained.
“Perfect!” Tucker clasped a hand down on his shoulder.
Danny tried not to duck away.
“So we’ll go to Sam’s after dinner. I can bring snacks. Anything you want in particular?”
The thought of eating anything was nauseating. “No. I’m fine.”
“Alright, I’ll just bring the usual then.”
But Danny should have known that something was up. After all, it had been a while since they’d done a movie night. And lately, Sam and Tucker had been acting...oddly. 
Well, that was nothing new. Danny thought that as time went on, they’d forgive him for being a bit jumpier than usual and everything would go back to normal. 
Except, of course, it didn’t.
The past few weeks had been especially hard. It seemed like they constantly had something to say, but never did. The worried glances had only increased, and the silent conversations seemed to only grow.
Danny had been trying his best to act normal, act human, but it seemed like the more he tried, the worse they’d get.
So of course, in between the first movie and second, the elephant in the room finally stomped all over Danny’s metaphorical floor.
“Hey, Danny.” Sam glanced over at Tucker. A moment passed between the two before Sam nodded and turned back to Danny. “We really need to talk to you.”
Dread pooled in his stomach. He knew exactly where this was going. “I can start the next movie if you want?”
“No, Danny. Listen, can you just sit down for a second?”
His ghostly instincts were begging him to run, but his human side forced him to sit down.
“Listen, we know that...well, Jazz told us about the lab accident.”
Danny could have sworn his heart stopped beating.
“She said it was pretty serious? And she was surprised that you hadn’t told us?” Sam fidgeted with her black rings. “We didn’t say anything to you because we wanted you to be the ones to confide in us.”
“That and we didn’t want you to get upset that we were talking to Jazz about you,” Tucker interjected.
“Right, and Jazz only told us because she was worried. And honestly? We’re really worried too.”
Any oxygen left in Danny’s body was sucked out of his throat like a vacuum.
They’d found out. They knew the truth, they knew he was a freak of nature half ghost and they were going to out him, they were going to tell his parents, they’d tell the school counselor, and Danny would have no one and he’d have to run away to become Vlad’s apprentice and he’d change, he’d be corrupted, he wouldn’t make it out alive.
“I’m just wondering why you didn’t say anything?” Sam asked, her violent eyes brimming with concern.
“I…” Danny’s mouth felt like it was lined with cotton. He tried to swallow, but it was like swallowing sand. “I didn’t want you to worry is all.”
“Yeah, and we get that,” Tucker said carefully. “But, I mean, we’re your best friends. And dude, you’ve been...well…”
At Tucker’s helpless glance, Sam took over. “You just have been acting really off lately.”
“No!” Sam nearly leapt out of her seat. “Danny, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. I mean, hell, if I nearly died in a lab accident I’d be acting off too. It just, you know, it explains a lot. It must have been really terrifying.”
Danny didn’t trust himself to say anything. 
How much of his personality had shifted because of Phantom, and how much had shifted because of the accident? Were his ghostly instincts really creeping up that much into his human form? 
Would he ever be the same again?
Did they know?
“Is there anything you wanna talk about?”
“We’re all ears, dude.”
He had so many questions he wanted to ask, but he couldn’t say a word. Not without outing himself as Phantom, and that was bound to backfire on him in the worst way possible.
Oh god, he was acting too suspicious. He needed to save this.
“I’m good.”
There was a beat of silence.
Sam leaned forward. “Danny...I don’t mean to sound like Jazz, but bottling stuff up isn’t—”
“I’m fine!” Danny snapped. “I didn’t say anything and I’m sorry, but you know it’s not every day like you’re nearly electrocuted to death in your parents’ ghost portal.”
“Is that what happened?” Sam’s eyes grew wide. “Oh my god, Danny.”
“Holy shit,” Tucker agreed.
Danny threw his arms out. “Ta da! I survived, I’m fine. Nothing to talk about.”
“Danny, I—”
“No.” His tone was final. “Drop it, seriously.”
Another beat of silence passed, and then Sam finally sighed. “Fine, but I’m telling you as your friend that if you ever need anything, we’re here for you.”
He wished he could have trusted those words. But he knew they were nothing more than a farce.
It would have been cruel to hold onto false hope.
Still, he tried to smile. “Thanks.”
Even though he knew he hadn’t fooled anyone.
Maddie’s POV
Maddie watched her son from across the kitchen table, just as she’d done every night for the past several weeks. Quietly, as inconspicuous as possible, always watching.
Ever since the lab accident, he’d been….different. Jack hadn’t noticed, but to Maddie the changes were far too obvious. The dropped spoons, the flash of green behind his eyes, his limbs losing visibility without him even noticing, their ecto-inventions that always seemed to go off around him.
One day, she even saw him walk through his bedroom door.
At first, she thought it was just a simple case of possession. But there were telltale signs of possession, one’s that Jack, for all his enthusiasm, always failed to take into account.
Sure, Danny’s eyes flashed green every so often, but most of the time they were blue. Human blue.
And then there was his personality. In cases of possession, the ghost would be completely controlling the body. But in Danny’s case, he was still very obviously Danny. Still the sweet boy she always knew him to be, but he was just...different. Jumpier. Scared.
Like he knew he was living a lie.
And then, just a few weeks after Danny’s run in with the portal, a new ghost appeared. 
Of course, Maddie didn’t make the connection at first. The ghost was obviously new, and didn’t seem to have a grasp on its powers. Its fighting was laughable, its ectoblasts nearly always missed, and it seemed to constantly forget about its core powers.
Not to mention, its hair was white. Danny had black hair.
But then the ghost gave itself a name: Danny Phantom. And that was when Maddie decided to take a second look at it.
It was Danny’s height and build, its voice sounded similar to Danny’s, it seemed to know all of Danny’s classmates, it used a Fenton thermos, it wore a hazmat suit that looked eerily similar to the ones in their basement closet—not to mention that Danny’s hazmat suit had gone missing recently.
On its own, one small correlation didn’t mean anything. But when the little similarities kept piling up, then Maddie had to draw some sort of conclusion.
Just what was the conclusion though?
The Danny across the table had gone to school like any other human child, he’d eaten his meals like anyone else, he’d hung out with his human friends, he talked with his human family. On paper, he seemed normal.
But his grades were in a downwards spiral, Jazz had expressed concern about him and his friends, he’d been breaking curfew, and there were times when she’d peak into his room at night to find him gone.
He could have been just experiencing trauma from the accident. Maybe he was rebelling. There were so many explanations for his behavior that didn’t involve ghosts.
But then he’d do something ghostly or a weapon would beep around him or Phantom would fly nearby, and her red flags would be raised once again.
Maddie learned long ago to trust her red flags.
The Danny across the table took a bite of his salad, and his face immediately scrunched up.
Maddie felt sick.
He swallowed, and Maddie could see his eyes watering. “Is there something wrong with the lettuce, Mom?” 
She feigned innocence. “Hmm?”
“I don’t know,” he prodded a carrot on his plate. “Something just seems off.”
“Tastes fine to me,” Maddie said. “I just bought this lettuce today. Jazz, is yours okay?”
“Yeah,” she said.
Maddie suppressed a grin. She could always count on her “facts and research only” daughter.
“It could be the dressing? I used a new brand tonight. It’s healthier than the other stuff.” 
That, or it was the small amount of blood blossoms she’d blended into the vinaigrette. 
But it couldn’t end here. She needed to know. She was a scientist, she had to see the experiment through.
“Eat the rest of your salad, honey. I’ll buy the other brand tomorrow, okay?”
Danny carefully put another forkful of salad into his mouth. He gave a small wince, but swallowed. 
“Good boy,” she said. “I have fudge in the fridge for when you’re done.”
“Oh, fudge?” Jack exclaimed. He shoveled the rest of his salad into his mouth. With a mouth full of food, he said, “Thanks, Mads! You’re the best!”
“You’re welcome sweetie!”
Jazz made a face. “Gross, Dad.”
Jack laughed and bantered back at his daughter, but Maddie had already tuned out of the conversation. Her only focus was on Danny, whose face was now just too flushed to be healthy. Still, he forced himself to eat.
There was just no question. No doubt about it.
No matter how Maddie looked at it, this was proof enough.
Danny Fenton wasn’t human. The portal hadn’t nearly killed him, it probably did kill him. And now here he was, pretending to still be a part of the family while using Phantom to distract them from the fact that he was a ghost.
It was a truly elaborate ploy. And if Maddie was anyone else, his plans probably would have worked.
But she was Maddie Fenton. She had a PhD in ectobiology. She’d been researching ghosts for twenty years.
Dinner ended, and the children went upstairs to do homework. Although, if Maddie looked, she was sure Danny wouldn’t actually be in his room. And if she went outside, like she’d done in nights past, there was no doubt she’d see Phantom soaring through the skies.
But she knew. She knew. She knew.
She slipped a white business card out of her jacket pocket, grabbed her cell off the counter, went into her bedroom, and dialed the number. 
It rang once, then twice, then stopped. A deep voice sounded from the other line. “Maddie Fenton? I figured I’d be hearing back from you. Have you made your decision?” 
“Yes.” Her voice was mechanical, as if she’d only called about a malfunctioning weapon. “I have. I agree to the partnership.”
“Excellent. And the terms are to your liking?”
“Understood. We’ll be in touch tomorrow to sign the official contract. Will your husband be involved in this, or are you working alone?”
Maddie closed her eyes. “The contract will be for my name only.”
“All right, then. We’ll talk tomorrow. You won’t regret this.” 
“I know.”
<previous / next>
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eartht137 · 3 years
Hey curvies, sorry its taken me so long to post this installment, these past two weeks or so have been a bit rough, work, life, and adulting and all. I honestly got in a bit of a funk for a bit too. Luckily, I have people who love me enough to make me leave the house to get fresh air. Well here is the third letter from our lovely Mr. Kal-El, hope you enjoy.
Dark Clark Kent x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Stalking
A few days had passed and while you hadn't been home, you still got the awful feeling of being watched. Your husband assured you there was no way he could know where you were as your mom lived almost an hour away and you only visited every now and again. The police had been watching your place and hadn't seen anything suspicious, not even a letter had arrived. You were trying to feel a bit of relief, hoping that maybe seeing the police around had warded him off, but the nagging feeling that he was still watching weighed on you heavily.
"Hey sis." Your brother said breaking you out of your prison of thoughts.
"Hey brudda, what ya up to?" You said using one of many nicknames for him.
"Lets take a walk, get you some fresh air, and clear your head." He said holding out his hand. You quickly stood and followed him out and you both took a long walk talking and laughing about things from your childhood. You were in fits of laughter as he reminded you of some of your funniest moments with all of your siblings. As you were getting closer to your mom's, you bumped into a guy walking the neighborhood too. It felt like you walked face first into a metal door and you stood holding your nose hoping it wasn't bleeding.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I did not mean to run into you." a deep strong voice hummed to you soothingly.
"No I'm fine, I'm good. No blood, see." You said standing to show him your nose, but quickly covered it as it was still hurting. When you finally took the time to look at him, you couldn't help but notice how extremely handsome he was. You tilted your head at him, because you had a feeling you'd seen him before, but you couldn't place it.
"Maybe we should have it checked? I mean I could drive you to a doctor I live right up the street." He said trying to move your hands to peak at your nose. When he finally moved them, he gave your nose a slight tap and you all but screamed. "Shh shh shh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I'm not hurt, I'm fine. I just need to get home and put ice on it." you said shielding your nose from him. Somehow he and your brother started their own conversation about how stubborn you could be, and the more you looked at him, the more you swore you knew him.
"I'm being very rude, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Clark Kent, I work for the Daily Planet." He said almost on cue.
"Oh, okay, makes sense. I could've sworn I knew you, and I couldn't place from where. Well that makes sense." You said chuckling a bit in relief. You hated when you couldn't remember people, and he extended his hand. When you shook his hand, for a second it felt as if you were engulfed in heat, and you felt yourself get a bit dizzy. The moment you pulled your hand away, you felt like you things were back to normal. When you looked at him again, he had a look in his eyes that made you shiver. "Alright, I think we should head back. Sorry again, and nice to meet you." You said racing away.
"Nice to meet you too Y/n , see you around." He said starring as you walked away. When you both got far enough away, your brother burst out laughing.
"Dude, your face when you walked into him. Haha, you should've seen your face." He said laughing and pointing at you. You scowled at him for a second before realizing how funny the situation actually was. You both were in fits of laughter, bent over crying. Your brother always knew how to make you laugh and you appreciated that he was there for you when things were as uncertain as they were.
That night, you and your sister were sitting out on the patio in the backyard talking, when something landing in your lap caused you to scream and jump up. You looked around thinking it was a spider, and let out a big breath when you realized it wasn't a spider, but a letter. You laughed at your sister for a small moment until you realized it was the same parchment that Kal-El used to write you. Your eyes went wide as saucers and you felt your heart drum in your ears.
"Y/n, what is it?" You sister asked.
"It's him, he found me." You said almost unable to fully form the sentence.
"How? We've been back here the whole time, no one has been here. NO ONE." she yelled at you, and you knew it was more out of fear than anything. You both immediately went inside and told everyone that you'd received a new letter and your husband and brother immediately went outside to look around. Your mom called the police and you all stood around not sure what to do at that point. You were afraid to read the letter, at the same time you really wanted to know what it had to say. You walked to the bathroom and opened the letter.
Dearest Heart,
What do you think you're doing love? Are you trying to run from me? Silly girl, you're so adorable. Do you want me to tell you how intertwined our souls are? You know me, near and far. You recognize me and you make yourself believe you don't know me, but you do. Your body knows me, very well. There is very little you can do to get away from me, little one. I knew writing you would ring alarms, but I didn't mean to frighten you as I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you so much, I hope you will come to believe that. I'm glad you're back with your mom, I didn't like the end of town you lived on anyway. You deserve so much better. I can give you that, you know? I can give you anything in this world all you have to do is ask. Maybe I could bring you where I am while I'm out working. I would love to have you travel with me, but I can't bear to see you in harms way. It would destroy me to see anything awful happen to you again, especially if I allowed it. I hope you do realize, that all that I do, I do it with you in mind. I get sad sometimes, you know? I get lonely when I can't be near you, even for a second. I pull out my favorite picture of you and it makes me smile. It keeps me going and know in my heart that as long as I have you I have something to continue saving this world for. I can't wait to hold you, to feel you in my arms while we make love, and fall asleep. I can't wait to make you breakfast, and have lazy days with you. I see you in my dreams. Did you know you've saved me from my nightmares? Every bad and dark thing I've seen, things that have startled me awake, even though I know they're gone. I see your face, and the bad things fade. I've seen things that would keep you awake at night and make you hide away from the world. I will protect you and those you love, even though I don't love them. I love our family, what we have together. I will be traveling but I promise to continue to write and watch out for you everyday. I love you.
With All My Heart,
You folded the letter and placed it back in its envelope. You let out a heavy breath and decided you would write him. You had to make him understand that what he was doing was not making you feel safe. You stomped out of the bathroom, to the room you'd been sleeping in and shut the door. You locked yourself in, you sat down with pen and paper, and you began to write.
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
So my friend has been on and off lately.
I decided to write this for me cause I needed it.
Requests are open!
Chosen last
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Readers friends only invite them to things if they have no one else to go with. Reader keeps their mouth shut about it and just guesses that this is how friendship works. One day they meet the turtles and April, and for once they’re not chosen last.
Pairing: platonic turtles x reader
(Implied female reader but I’ll do my best to avoid pronouns! Sorry if a she/her slips out)
“I couldn’t find anyone else to go with me so do you want to tag along?”
“I had a plus one and everyone else was busy.”
“No one else can make it and I don’t want to be lonely. Wanna go with me?”
“Sorry I guess I forgot to invite you!”
“What do you mean you were there? I could have sworn you were somewhere else... huh poor memory I guess.”
“Sorry! There’s no room for you to come with! Next time for sure though!”
All of those were common things you’d heard before.
You weren’t exactly sure if it was a normal thing in friendships. It must be since no one else mentioned it.
Still, it hurt that you weren’t prioritized. You were always the last thought. Last minute.
And you always said yes.
Someone needs you to be their plus one for the dance so they don’t look bad?
There you are.
Someone needs a wingman for this boy they like?
You’re already on your way.
It’s not that you minded.
You just wanted to be... appreciated.
You just wanted them to see you.
Maybe they would if you kept trying.
Maybe they would if you made them a homemade gift for each birthday.
Maybe they would if you always answered back their texts right away.
You thought you needed to earn the right to be appreciated.
You realized how wrong you were when you met the turtles.
You brought your jacket closer around your body, shivering.
Of course you had to walk home! Alone! In the dark! In the RAIN!
Apparently it was too much to ask for a ride home after hanging out. There wasn’t enough room in the car!
Of course.
Just like every other time, asking to come along was too much.
You shivered again as rain dripped down your back.
“This sucks.” You groaned.
You eyed every dark alley way. You’d read enough fanfiction to expect some cringey creepy man to come out and attack you.
But what DID attack you was completely unexpected.
“LOOK OUT!” A voice shouted.
You didn’t even have time to flinch before something landed on top of you. The weight of it brought you to the ground with a shriek.
“Sorry about that!”
That wasn’t a ‘something’ but a someone!
They scrambled off you quickly.
You stood up and whipped around, rubbing your aching head. “What the hell were you doing?! Do you do parkour on the rooftops or something?!”
Ugh, today just wasn’t your day.
Finally, you glanced up.
They... they clearly weren’t a human.
Green skin...
Orange dots?
A... a shell??
And an orange mask.
Your jaw nearly dropped.
The creature gave you a sheepish grin. “Umm... hey! Yeah... maybe.. possibly... I was doing parkour on the roof...?” He rubbed the back of his neck and eyed the sky, a blush forming across his face. “I was on my way... my way to the comic con!”
He must be looking for a way to leave.
You weren’t ready for that though. You still needed to know what he was! And possibly his name!
You inched closer, holding your phone closer. Just in case. “What... what exactly are you?”
His eyes were on the floor now, as if your words had made him... upset.
“Sorry if that offended you!” You responded immediately. Ugh why did you word it like that? You didn’t mean it as if you thought he was a monster! “I just... I’ve had a really confusing night, my mouth runs faster than my brain, and I just got body slammed into the cement!” You rubbed the back of your head again.
He seemed much more satisfied with this answer. “Well... I don’t think you’d believe me...”
You eyed him up and down. “Dude, I think just looking at you would be enough for me to believe you.”
He let out a small laugh. “So ummm... yeah. I’m a turtle?”
You frowned. “Yeah, I think I see that.”
Well this was a strange turn of conversation.
Why not?
It’s New York after all.
He shuffled nervously. “People aren’t really supposed to know about it.”
You waved him off. “Psh, I don’t have anyone that would want to hear it or believe me anyway.” You stepped closer, your grip on your phone loosening. “Honestly, that’s pretty cool! I didn’t know people like you existed!”
It hurt but it was true.
Your friends would think you were making stuff up for attention.
The new voice cause you to nearly jump out of your skin.
Three people, just like this guy, landed by his side.
One with a red mask and build like a tank.
Another with a blue mask and strange yellow stripes.
The last one had a purple mask and a staff of some kind.
“Are you okay, little man?” The red one asked worriedly. “You just took a huge fall!”
“I swear you’re gonna be feeling that a week from now.” The blue one snorted, resting his SWORD on his shoulder like it was a baseball bat.
“I estimate it’ll be closer to three weeks.” The purple one corrected, tapping a device on his wrist.
You stepped back.
There were more people like... Mikey? Was that his name?
Well, might as well find some way to get into this conversation. You weren’t gonna let the most interesting thing that ever happened to you slip away.
“You’re name’s Mikey?” You asked, the three surrounding the orange masked turtle jumping.
“Human!” The blue masked one shouted.
The large red one shoved Miley behind him. “Hi! Uh... we... we were just on our way to Comic-Con!”
“Guys-.” Mikey tried only to get Interrupted.
“Could you help us find our way?” The purple one joined, cutting him off.
You raised an eyebrow. “Nice try. I already know you guys are turtles.”
“Dang it Mikey!” The blue one shoved Mikey. “You just gonna spill our secret to everyone you meet in New York?”
“She deserves to know!” Mikey squeaked. “I messed up a flip and body slammed her into the concrete!” He turned to you, eyes hopeful. “And... she didn’t seem scared of me!”
This stopped the other boys.
Mikey shoved them all away from him. “These are my brothers! Leo,” he pointed at the blue one, “Donnie,” the purple one, “and Raph!”
You waved awkwardly, eyes landing warily on the largest one.
These guys didn’t seem as sweet and trusting as Mikey.
Donnie was looking you up and down for any sign of a threat.
Leo has his sword out.
Raph has his tonfas ready in his fists.
Maybe it’d be better to just leave.
“I’m not gonna tell anyone.” You shook your head to further emphasize your point. “I was just walking home anyway. All of this...” you spread out your arms, “was a complete accident.”
Mikey gave you a toothy grin. “Yeah, sorry about that.” He turned to his skeptical brothers. “She seems nice! She could be just like April!”
You kicked at the ground sheepishly now that the attention was back to you. “You can just go and I won’t tell anyone.”
“We can’t just let you go.” Donnie scoffed.
For a split second, you thought they were going to kill you for finding out their secret. Or kidnap you. Something bad.
“Not with that whole situation.” He gestured to your forehead.
Curiously, you reached up and touched it.
Your fingers were wet with blood.
Go figure.
“No, it’s fine, really.” You assured them. “My apartment isn’t too far-.”
“Please, it’s fine.” Raph waved you off. “It’ll make up for this bonehead over here.” He loosely jabbed his thumb in Mikeys direction.
You wanted to say yes.
You wanted to say yes so badly.
“I don’t know, you probably got plans.” Leo shrugged, putting his sword away. “It’s a Friday afternoon, after all.”
That was enough for you to make a decision.
“No, I’m actually free.” You offered. “I actually don’t even have a medicine kit at my house-.”
“Alright let’s go!” Mikey grabbed your wrist excitedly and lead the way, not even waiting for you to finish your sentence.
You only meant to spend ten or fifteen minutes there, tops.
But after Donnie had your head taken care of Mikey wanted to know if you wanted to play a video game.
You couldn’t say no.
Then, after an hour of the Lou jitsu game, Leo wanted to know if you wanted to check out his sword.
You felt like you had to say yes.
It’s not every day you get to see a sword!
After accidentally getting portalled to New Jersey and FINALLY making your way back, Donnie wanted to know if he could borrow you.
He needed to fix his computer and he needed your smaller fingers to reach the back for him.
Saying no just wasn’t an option.
After almost exploding the poor piece of technology, Raph wanted to know if you knew April O’Neil.
You heard them mention her earlier but you didn’t know they meant THAT April. You’d seen her around before but never really talked to her. Who knew she’d be involved with mutants from the sewer?
He invited April to join them as well.
He thought some human company and someone who would make you feel more normal about the whole situation would make you more comfortable.
He was right.
April was AWESOME.
You hadn’t realized how loud and how fun she could be!
She talked to you about how she met the turtles and every little adventure they went on!
You hoped, secretly, that you could be a part of newer ones.
Eventually, the time came for you to leave.
You were sad of course, but you felt happier than you had in days.
You left with five new numbers in your contacts list and a baked green bean casserole from a rat.
Maybe you should get body slammed into the concrete more often.
“Wanna go to that party with me after school?” Your friend asked casually at the lunch table. “Dana couldn’t go with me and everyone else is busy. I need a plus one!”
You smiled as you responded to a meme Leo sent you, your friends words going in one ear and out the other.
“Y/n.” She asked again.
Still no response.
“Are you even listening to me?”
You snapped out of it and straightened up. “What?”
“You and I are going to a party after school.” She informed you. “We should probably pick out our outfits right when it ends. I don’t know if I’ll be able to drive you but you can just walk-.”
“Oh,” you picked your phone up again, “sorry, I have plans.”
This got her to stop. “You have plans? But you never have plans?”
Your other friend snickered. “Yeah, you’re a hermit! You never go out or do anything!”
You blushed furiously. “I’m going to my friends house to watch a movie, okay? I’m not a hermit.”
“A friend, huh?” One of them rolled her eyes. “How come I’ve never heard of them before?”
“I just met them last month.” You picked at your shirt nervously. Why weren’t they happier for you?
“Them?” Another repeated, shocked. “You have more than one knew friend?”
“Yeah.” You straightened up a bit. “Them. They’re super nice but they don’t go to our school.”
The first one rolled her eyes. “Fine, whatever, think what you want. But I need you to sit with me and Jake at the park tomorrow so he can compare-.”
You didn’t even let her begin to finish her sentence. “I’m busy that day.”
“Again?” She gaped. “Seriously?”
“Now you’re just making stuff up.” Another scoffed.
“Why is it so unbelievable that I’d be busy?” You glared at them, clutching your phone protectively. “You’re all busy all the time! Why can’t I be?”
They glanced at each other with knowing looks.
“Because you barely talk to anyone! No offense, but you can be really boring.” The one next to you shrugged. “What even is your friends name anyway? You’d have said their name if they were real.”
You felt your face heating up.
“His name Mikey.” You grumbled. “And maybe I don’t talk because none of you give me a chance!”
“A boy?!” The one in front of you gasped. They didn’t even acknowledge any of your other words. “Please, how could you score a boy?”
“He’s probably really ugly, no offense y/n.” One chuckled as if she were joking.
You had enough. “You know, I’m feeling a little crowded. I’m gonna go sit somewhere else.”
“You don’t even have anyone to sit with! You’re a hermit, remember?” One girl called out to you.
“I do have someone to sit with.” You growled, heading for April’s table. You should have started sitting with her a long long LONG time ago.
“Alright, see you Monday I guess.” Was the reply.
The way they just blew it off... UGH. You wanted to punch something.
“Hey, what brings you to the cool kid table?” April grinned, shoving Dale over to make room. “Aren’t you supposed to be with your other friends?”
You managed to shove away the buzzing anger in your head, replacing your frown with a matching smile. “Nah, there’s not enough room for me AND their egos.”
April snorted, assuming you were joking. “Well there’s always room for you here!”
Those were words you’d waited too long to hear.
You still saw your old friends and occasionally filled in for them when they needed an extra.
But you denied their offers more and more.
For once, you knew what it felt like to be prioritized.
“Hey we’re gonna watch a Lou Jitsu movie, wanna come?”
“I saw this glass painting trend online and I thought you’d want to come over and do it with me!”
“I heard this song and I thought you’d like it. Here’s the link!”
“Check our this hilarious meme!”
“Dale and I are gonna go to that shin dig. I don’t know if that’s you’re thing but you’re welcome to join us!”
What a refreshing change of pace
Let me know if I should make a part two!
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narutogwriting · 3 years
dude your writing is superior, especially the Kiba one 🥵 would you consider making a part two to that one? I’m kinda hooked on the story now ngl
Thank you so much 🥺 Your guys’ asks make me so happy! Imma keep it real, I’m not stoked with how this one turned out, but I hope you like it!
Eat Your Words Pt 2
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x Reader
CW: NSFW; creampie
Length: 2.6k+
Summary: Kiba is your jerk of an ex boyfriend. After making the mistake of sleeping with him again,  you have some harsh words for him that leave him reeling.
Inspired by me wanting Kiba to rail me into oblivion
Please don’t tag as NSFW!
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“Hey, what’re you so upset for!?” Kiba called as you shoved him off of you and got out of his bed. God, why had you done that!? Kiba sits up, propped up on his elbows as he watches you march around the room, grabbing your clothes and pulling them back on. You shook your head, waiting until you were fully clothed before turning on him.
“Are you kidding me?!” You snapped. “This is the problem, Kiba! This has always been your problem.” Shaking your head, you picked up Kiba’s own shirt to throw at him. “You think you can solve everything with sex! You think that everything’s okay, and I’m gonna stay just because I let you fuck me?”
Kiba rolled his eyes at you, tossing his shirt back on the floor.  He lounged back in bed, his hands folded behind his head. Kiba obviously had no shame as he laid back completely naked, not even trying to cover up.
“I can’t help it if I have a magic dick.” He snickered. “Not my fault that the sex is that good.” Kiba shot you a wolfish grin, being playful and deflecting as he always did. Did he even know how to have a serious conversation?
Gritting your teeth, you stalked to the side of his bed, surprising him with your vehemency. He could feel the anger radiating off of you. “Let me tell you something, Kiba.” You spat, standing over him. “Yeah, you might be good at fucking,” you said the word pointedly, wanting to make sure he understood the distinction. “But sex? Intimacy? Making a girl feel really good?” You gave a humorless laugh. “You have no idea about that. Even if you go home with a girl every night for the rest of your life, you’re always gonna be alone.”
Those words stayed with Kiba, ringing in his head constantly as the days passed. What had you meant by all of that? He tried to pretend it didn’t bother him, but something about it had shaken him to his core.
After you’d left, taking your shit with you just like you’d originally wanted, he’d gone straight to Ino’s house. He was pissed and annoyed and confused and needed some help letting out steam.
So he’d pounded her into the mattress doggy style, making her scream and moan just the way he liked. You’d told him he didn’t know how to make a girl feel good, but he thought that Ino would beg to differ. He spent an hour making her cum around his cock before he finally found his own release. When they collapsed into bed, Kiba found his arm slinking around Ino, something he usually didn’t do.
“That was good, right?” He asked her. 
“Oh yeah,” Ino sighed, sitting up and running a hand through her hair. “Great as always,” she told him as she made a move to get out of bed, but he stopped her with a squeeze to her hips. 
“Where ya going? I thought we could like, lay here, ya know? Cuddle and talk and shit.”
Turning to look at him, Ino gave Kiba an incredulous look, actually laughed at him, making him go red. “What the hell are you talking about?” She asked, pushing his hand off of her so she could get up. “That's… Not what this is.”
Feeling his cheeks burning, Kiba crossed his arms. “What do you mean ‘that’s not what this is’?” He muttered.
As Ino pulled on her top, she glanced back at him. “Kiba, you’re fun for like… a good time,” She explained gently. “But when it comes to that emotional shit, well, I have other guys I go to that for. That’s boyfriend shit, and you don’t exactly fit that bill…”
Kiba walked through the village, his head whirling. Did girls really not see him as boyfriend material? Just as a quick fuck? Kiba had never been super into relationships, really had only ever focused on hooking up before, but he’d never considered that maybe girls didn’t want to date him either. He was a catch! Wasn’t he?
He began to think more and more about what you’d meant, that he could fuck, but he didn’t know how to have sex? Well, what was the difference?
The brain has a way of picking up patterns. Once presented with new information, it will begin to recognize that information everywhere. That’s what was happening to Kiba, and it was happening specifically with you.
What had he been hoping for after you slept together? That you would look at him with heart eyes again and fall back head over heels? Break up with gyoza boy and come back to him? 
Well, yeah. That’s exactly what he’d been hoping.
Because, okay, yeah, he was aware that he wasn’t exactly the perfect boyfriend. He knew he wasn’t always as attentive to your needs as you were to his, was realizing that sometimes when you just wanted a kiss and a hug, he was dragging you back to the bedroom before he even recognized something might be wrong.
He was selfish and self-centered and arrogant and okay, now he got it. He was the worst boyfriend. And maybe you wouldn’t understand this, wouldn’t believe him and he couldn’t even blame you for it, but Kiba did love you. He loved you in the way he knew how.
And he could list it all out for you. He loved your eyes, how bright they were, and especially the way they lit up when you looked at him, like he was the center of your whole world. He loved the smile you got when you would see him for the first time all day. He loved the way you brushed your hair behind your ear when you were nervous and the giggle you gave when you were embarrassed.
Kiba loved how you’d pull him into the grass, tell him the stories you saw in the clouds. Some days you would stay there until the sky was dark and splattered with stars, and then you would tell him the stories they told too.
Kiba did love you, he really did. You were the first, the only girl he’d ever wanted to be in a relationship with. But he didn’t realize just how bad he was at showing it. 
So when you were yelling at him for the millionth time because he forgot another date night he’d sworn he’d plan, he didn’t get how upset you were, thought you were overreacting. You guys spent plenty of time together; why did this specific instance matter?
He was taken off guard, absolutely blown away, when you’d broken up with him. He hadn’t even bothered trying to argue with it because there was no way you were serious, right? He’d laughed, told you “sure thing,” and gone back home waiting for you to show up at his door.
He waited for a week before he’d realized you weren’t coming. 
And he couldn’t understand it, thought you were overreacting, and he was so pissed. Kiba wasn’t emotionally mature enough to realize what he was feeling wasn’t anger; it was actually heartbreak. So he’d gone out, gotten drunk, and went home with the first person that was willing.
Except they didn’t go home. Kiba took Ino right there in the alley outside the bar. Enough privacy that not everyone would see, but public enough that at least someone would see, and surely word would get back to you. 
Thinking about it now, he could see why that was so stupid. He’d only wanted to make you jealous, hadn’t even considered that it may leave your heart shattered. But he got it now. He understood very well how horrible you must’ve felt, because he felt it now, watching you with gyoza boy.
So maybe it was a little creepy--okay, a lot creepy--but he followed you and your boyfriend around when he saw the two of you out and about. You’d gone right from Kiba’s house to his, he guessed. Fine, let’s see what a good boyfriend he is then.
And Kiba could see it, all the things that this new guy did that he never had. You always had this bag you carried around with you no matter where you were, almost instinctively. It’d always annoyed Kiba for really no reason at all. But gyoza boy was carrying that bag for you, had it slung over his own shoulder as he held your hand.
Kiba had never really held your hand much. It’s not like he didn’t like it; it just didn’t cross his mind usually, and he didn’t really think it was that big of a deal. Gyoza boy not only held your hand, but he spun you around as you walked, not carrying how silly it looked. Kiba always cared.
He saw the way you laughed, how happy you appeared to be. When you talked, your boyfriend leaned into you, eyes locked on yours. It was clear that you had  his full, undivided attention. 
And really, those things were so small, but it was all you’d ever wanted. The little things, like having fun in public and those touches of affection and for someone, for Kiba, to just make you feel important. Nothing felt worse than being taken for granted by the person you loved the most.
Kiba realized just how neglectful he’d been.
~ “Kiba? Again?” Ino asked with a sly smile, leaning against her doorway. Kiba shook his head, rolling his eyes. “No, Ino. It’s not that. I need your help…”
Weeks had gone by since your mistaken hookup with Kiba. You’d beaten yourself up for that constantly. You’d felt like you had the upper hand when you broke up with him, but you gave the power right back to him when you let him in your pants knowing you had a boyfriend at home.
You’d broken up with “gyoza boy” just a a week after the hookup. The guilt from cheating on him with Kiba had been eating you alive, and besides that, there just wasn’t that spark. He was such a nice, sweet guy, but you didn’t feel anything when you were with him. Not like you did with Kiba. With him, you felt everything.
And speaking of Kiba, you were about to walk right past him. You definitely weren’t ready for that interaction. You steeled yourself, preparing for some snide comment or jab at you. You weren’t ready when Kiba stopped, smiling at you and asking you how you were.
“I’m fine…” You blinked, surprised.
“That’s good. It’s been a long time…” Kiba was being polite, making small talk, and it threw you.  You nodded awkwardly. “But, I’ve been meaning to tell you,” He continued. “There’s a few more things you left at my house. If you wanted to come get them…”
You gritted your teeth, rolling your eyes. Of course. You should’ve known. “I’m busy right now,” you practically snapped. “I’ll stop by later. But my clothes will be staying on.”
When you did finally make your way to Kiba’s later that evening, it was with extreme reluctance. You were certain that all Kiba wanted was another excuse to try and get you into bed. You were going to do your absolute best to not engage any of his antics or let him get to you and end up like last time.
You knocked on the door, crossing your arms, preparing for a shirtless, or even just a boxer clad Kiba to open the door. Instead, he opened it wearing exactly what you’d seen him wearing earlier in the day. He was fully clothed, didn’t have that arrogant smirk on his face, and was opening the door to let you in rather than staring at you like a piece of meat. You didn’t think your guard had ever been up so high. Eyeing Kiba suspiciously, you stepped by him, entering the house and going to the table where a small box was. Shifting through it, they were all little things you definitely hadn’t been missing. A couple hair ties, a few bobbypins, even a sock without it’s match.
You couldn’t help but scowl. This wasn’t anything you needed. Kiba must’ve been luring you here to sleep with you again just like you thought.
You turned on him, shoving the box across the table. “Seriously, Kiba?” You glowered. “What the fuck would I want any of this for? You could’ve just tossed it. I’m leaving.” As you moved to push past him, Kiba saying your name made you stop. It was unwillingly, like your body was on autopilot, responding to his name instinctively. You couldn’t help but groan to yourself as you turned to glare at him. “What?” You snapped.
Kiba turned then, going to the counter and reaching behind it before pulling out a painting. He held it sheepishly in front of him for you to see.
It was two small figures, laying in the grass looking up at the blue sky with white clouds painted against the backdrop. In all honesty, it looked like something a child would have made, but you were pretty sure by the red on Kiba’s cheeks that he’d done it. “What is it?” You asked him.
“A story.” Kiba replied, moving closer. “It’s in the clouds, ya see? A story about a guy who was a complete idiot and who lost the girl that he really loved, and how it took losing her to see how dumb he really was.” He pointed to the clouds which looked like blobs instead of cohesive shapes, but you knew what he meant. You always used to tell him stories, random things you made up when looking at the sky. It was one of the only times you ever thought Kiba was really listening to you.
Setting the picture down, Kiba stepped closer to you. “It’s a present… I just wanted to give it to you to say I’m sorry… I’ve been thinking a lot since the last time we saw each other, and I realized that you were right. I was a really bad guy to you, and you deserved better.”
Despite how skeptical you may have been under usual circumstances, you could see right away that Kiba was being serious. There was no facade or part he was playing. He was being open and honest with you, and you were taken aback by his gesture. He’d actually painted you a picture of one of your favorite things to do with him. It was one of the sweetest gestures you’d ever received.
“You made this for me?” You whispered.
“You don’t gotta believe me…” Kiba continued, rubbing the back of his neck. “But you deserved an apology. You were always so good to me, and I really loved you for that.. But I also realized I took you for granted. It’s my biggest regret. I never wanted to lose you, but I know that you deserve to have a guy that spoils you and loves you in ways you can feel it.”
Your heart was fluttering as you felt heat rising to your cheeks. Where was all this coming from? All you’d ever wanted from Kiba was for him to say something like this, to put in some effort and show he cared.
“What… what made you realize all of this?”
Kiba paused for a second, blushing before finally answering. “After you put me in my place last time, Ino told me I wasn’t boyfriend material… It was all pretty humbling, not gonna lie.” He gave a small snicker. “I really got my ass handed to me. Then later that day, I saw you with gyoza boy and how happy you were… It really put everything into perspective. I’m glad you’re happy with him, though. I hope he treats you better than I did…  But it made me want to change. The past few weeks, Ino has basically been pointing out every single flaw I have for me to fix.” He shrugged. “It’s been rough. I knew I had one or two, but turns out I have a lot.” You’d never seen Kiba so earnest and vulnerable before. You felt yourself getting hopeful, even though you weren’t sure for what. “Actually…” You admitted, meeting his gaze. “I broke up with gyoza boy a few weeks ago.”
That took Kiba off guard. His eyes widened considerably as he spluttered all over his words. “O-oh, you did? T-that’s… That’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.”
The laugh came out of you before you could stop it. “No you’re not,” You told him, giving him a knowing smile. He returned it with a big grin. “I’m not…” He admitted. “But I do just want you to be happy.”
There was a pause that lingered between the two of you. The hope began to bubble in your stomach, rising up and squeezing your heart. You wanted to be happy, too, but you wanted to be happy with Kiba. You loved him too, as much as you tried to hide it. And now, you thought that maybe, just maybe, he was ready to be the person you always knew he could be.
He opened his mouth to speak again, but you grabbed his shirt, pulling him down into a kiss. He made a noise of surprise before finally relaxing into it, kissing you back softly. His hand went to the small of your back, pulling you closer.
Then suddenly, he was pulling back, staring down at you with a conflicted expression. “Wait, are you sure?” He asked you. “I don’t want to rush anything, ya know, or mess things up…” 
A small smile played on your lips. He really was changing. “I want to be with you, Kiba. That is… If you still want to be with me?”
Kiba grinned. “So you’re giving me a second chance?” In response, you kissed him again, this time more earnestly than the last. You melted into him easily, everything about him familiar. One of Kiba’s hands was cupping your cheek as his tongue slid across your bottom lip.
Without breaking the kiss, you began to back him up, wanting to go to his room. “Wait,” Kiba was mumbling against your lips, causing you to just hum in response. “We don’t have to do anything,” He tried again. 
The two of you were in his room by now. You finally pulled away,  breathing heavy. “I want to,” You told him, staring up at him with wide, lusting eyes.
Kiba paused, wanting to be sure you were sure. Then he smiled, pulling you into him again. You made a move to pull off your shirt, but he stopped you. “I got this, baby.” He murmured against your neck, laying you down on his bed. 
Kiba continued to lay soft, open mouth kisses as he hovered over you, his hands running down your sides before moving back up, slipping up under your shirt. You shivered feeling the cold of his hands as he began to nip and suck at your skin.
He broke the kiss to pull at the hem of your shirt, peeling it slowly from your body. With it tossed aside, he reattached his lips to your neck, kissing agonizingly slow down to your collarbone. “Kiba,” You whined, your hands going to fumble with the buttons on his pants.
“Not uh, baby girl…” Kiba smirked, taking your hands and pinning them above your head with one of his. “‘Mma take care of you.” The way he breathed the words against your skin made you tremble.
With his free hand, he reached under you to unhook your bra. He released his hold on your hands to pull the fabric from your body before pinning you down again. Kiba kissed lower until he got to your breasts.
His tongue traced over your nipple lightly, making your back arch. You could feel his prideful smile against your skin. His free hand began to massage your breast as he took the entire nipple in his mouth, sucking as he let his tongue flick over the nipple again and again before switching to the other one.
Your mouth was hanging open as you shook with anticipation, your pussy already wet and throbbing. Kiba released your breast before settling between your legs, grinding against your heat as he kissed you fiercely. 
His tongue moved against yours as you felt him hard and dragging against you. There wasn’t enough friction, too much fabric between the two of you. You needed it gone. “Kiba, please,” You whined against his mouth. He broke the kiss, trailing his lips down your body, moving down your stomach to your hips. You tried to arch into his touch, but he had your hips pinned.
Unbuttoning your pants, he drug them slowly down your legs, pulling them off and discarding them to the side. His lips skipped past your aching arousal to your inner thighs. He was more rough this time, nipping and sucking harsh bruises into the sensitive skin.
Finally, after an agonizing time of him teasing and kissing anywhere but your covered cunt, he sipped his fingers under the band of your panties, pulling them down to expose your sex.
“You want me, darling?” Kiba askes, kissing at your thighs one last time. You nodded furiously. 
“Please!” You begged. Kiba didn’t waste time after that, pressing two fingers into your dripping cunt, causing you to cry out. He began to pump them steadily as you writhed and moaned underneath him.
His tongue lapped around his fingers before licking your clit with harsh, quick motions. His fingers curled inside of you in time with his licks, leaving you breathless and shaking.
“Kiba, Kiba, Kiba….” You chanted his name like a prayers, begging and pleading for him. 
“Nuh uh. Not until you cum around my fingers…” Kiba taunted, increasing his motions. He lapped at your clint incessantly, his fingers pressing deeper and deeper. The pleasure in you continued to build until you were clenching and cumming around him, screaming his name. 
“You’re so greedy, sweetheart. Your cunts sucking my fingers back inside you.” He laughed softly as he continued his actions, taking his time with you. It was all overwhelming in the best way.
You were almost limp by the time he was pressing inside of you, sliding slow and easy into your dripping pussy. Fully sheathed, he leaned over you, kissing you gently as he rocked himself into you. It was different than his normal, rough pace that he usually set, but it had your head reeling all the same. 
When he had one of your legs over his shoulder, his cock touching parts of you even deeper than your fingers could touch, he pressed kisses into your calves.
“Fuck, you feel so good baby. I love the way you clench around me, pulling me inside you. You don’t want to let my cock go, do you sweetheart? You like being fucked like this, don’t you? Slowly, having to wait for me to give it to you even when you want me to pound you into the bed.”
It was agonizing, the pace he set. It had you coming undone in ways you never had before. Rather than the constant, almost painful overstimulating orgasms you were used to with Kiba, there was only this one, building up steadily and so intense it had you seeing stars. Your vision went white as the coil in your stomach finally unraveled, and you were cuming, cuming so hard you almost arched off Kiba’s cock with a sob.
“There’s my girl,” Kiba mumbled into your neck as your felt his hips start to smack into yours more erratically until he was spilling inside of you, calling your name as his hips continued to jolt into yours as he chased his high. “Fuck,” he breathed, kissing gently down your shoulder.
You were still speechless, the world spinning around you. All you could do was smile up at him, fucked out of your mind. 
“I love you,” Kiba chuckled, pressing a kiss into your lips. “Now, what were you saying about me not knowing how to make a girl feel really good?”
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