#Dni endos
delphientropy · 11 hours
the amount of "unknown alter" "unconfirmed alter" "shit sorry i uh.. blurry." is ever slightly concerning
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cage-of-atonement · 3 months
Systems are allowed to lie!
My personal opinion is actually one I will not budge on; Systems are allowed to lie. To anyone I don't want to know, I can lie about how many alters I have! I can lie about how many fictives there are, in fact, I can lie if I am a fictive! I can lie to who they are talking to! I can lie about anything that we as a system do not want to share, for any reason!
Anything about the system information is not just personal but is inherently medical privacy. You need to only be honest with your psychiatrist or therapist.
While there might be a boundary someone has with a specific alter, that is different. But besides that, just because someone knows you are a system, does not mean they get to know about anything inside of it. You owe no one information, the disorder comes from trauma. No one deserves or has the right to your trauma. The exact same goes for reactions, coping, and results of that trauma.
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tales-from-syscord · 2 months
I believed this happened a couple of years ago? But I'd thought it was a very peculiar experience for me to share.
So, I used to be in this traumagenic server with what seems like a lot of blacklists and claims to be POC friendly. It was one of our few DID/OSDD focused discord servers that we joined when we first suspected we have DID. (We got diagnosed a year later.)
I remembered being in a ticket with one of the mods because they looked at the names of our alters through pk. They then LITERALLY did some google research on the name origins and made it something like this.
" Hi! We noticed your names may be considered cultural appropriating blablabla
Casey = Irish
Ari = Jewish
Please consider changing your names!"
And then had the nerve to even ask me what my race is, but I felt so uncomfortable?? I said Asian. They want me to specify further. I said Southeast Asian. And if my memory serves me right, they wanted me to specify more than that.
When I looked at that message where I had to change my own and my alter's names, I felt like they were JOKING?? HOW IS CASEY A CLOSED NAME??? It's.. a generic name used by pretty much everyone in the world.
They mentioned how Irish is a closed culture, and I think they mentioned Irish discrimination during the US immigration and all. I understand, but at the same time, Irish itself isn't a closed culture at all?? Not to mention, I've been using Casey as my name for quite some time now.
Ari being linked to Jewish makes no sense to me either. People sometimes use it to shorten the name 'Ariana' for short, but I also see many non-Jewish people also using that name too.
Ari is an alternative spelling of our body's name, so we don't feel weird using our irl body's name (which is Arabic) to the people online. It's not a sense of shame of the body's name but more privacy concerns, easier pronounciation, and having our own individuality.
It's worth mentioning that a lot of Muslim and Christian names are derived from Judaism, too. The Muslim and Christian names just have a different spelling to it, so I don't know what the hell they were thinking.
I felt so mad and felt this was all too ridiculous. I had to keep my cool and leave because what kinda server is this??? That claims to be POC safe?? I'm sorry if I don't sound the most open-minded, but it's just a weird experience to me, really. When I think of cultural appropriating, I would think of taking a name from, let's say, a Romani name or a Tamil name, and then use it without realizing the significance of that culture just because it looks pretty for some aesthetic. Not whatever tf this server was pulling.
As an Irish system, what the fuck?? Casey is definitely not a "closed culture Irish name," LMAO?? You're not overreacting DW anon, that's just wild.
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userboxezz · 3 months
this user does not support genocide and stands with Palestine
if you are unaware, Isreal has been bombing Palestine and the Gaza strip for over 75 years. they do not plan to stop. educate yourself on the situation, boycott, and donate what you can. you are bound to find information in the #Palestine tag among other palestine related tags on tumblr and twitter.
userboxes are under the cut:)
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this user does not support genocide and stands with Palestine.
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this system does not support genocide and stands with Palestine.
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this user does not support genocide and stands with Palestine.
thank you for looking! from the river to the sea 🇵🇸
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So, we've seen a lot of people flaming fictives/introjects from things like Harry Potter, Twilight, DSMP, that kind of thing and we wanted to make this post.
With most of those posts, we've seen a lot of comments saying "they need to source separate" but if it's from a nonproblematic source that's not being said. Here's the thing. If an alter feels comfortable source separating, then that's one thing. We have about 4 alters from the Harry Potter franchise because we were absorbed in it when a lot of trauma happened.
None of us feel comfortable source separating. Some of us, like the fictive of Regulus Black, don't feel entirely connected to source. But notice, he hasn't changed his name. He doesn't PLAN on changing his name because while he is distant, he still feels ties. Do any of us support JKR? Hell no. We hate her with a burning passion.
Does that mean we refuse to do something like read fanfiction of HP? No, we write it because it helps Regulus process trauma, both source and his own, it helps others realize stuff will get better.
And gods forbid someone has a "cringe" source. We have a fictive from Twilight. She's pretty source connected because, well, she's source connected and wants to be. That doesn't mean your evil for being source disconnected.
We've got an introject of DanTDM, specifically his earlier videos. Does Dan (ours, we'll refer to the actual as DanTDM) enjoy watching those because it reminds him of his past? Yeah. But while he recognizes that he's from DanTDM, he doesn't feel he is him fully. He's his own person and that's okay.
Basically the point of this which we kinda missed. An introject does not reflect their source. It is not fair to demand that because an introjects source/creator is toxic that they source separate. Your being cruel and horrible for no reason that way.
We're well aware of the fact that we might lose followers, and if we do, then we don't want you here.
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shining-star-system · 2 months
I’m absolutely thinking I’ll be flamed for this but it’s fine.
I don’t understand the closed cultures/closed symbols movement. I’ve never seen it be an issue outside of the internet.
Yes, there’s people that mock cultures, but closing cultures off kills then, it doesn’t do any help to people.
You don’t know someone’s fucking DNA and you don’t need to fucking ask it, it’s private information.
I don’t understand why people see something done on Twitter and then run with it.
I’m sorry that I’m trying to connect with MY culture, that my wife can’t connect with her culture because she’s “too white passing” while she’s FUCKING ITALIAN.
I don’t understand. I never will. I don’t get it. I have never truly seen it be an issue outside of Discord servers and the internet.
And the cultures are being killed because those that are trying to be respectful or “are too white passing” are being denied the right to THEIR CULTURE.
I don’t understand.
I’m not gonna give you my goddamn DNA or life story just so a stranger on the internet can “make sure” I’m of that culture or not. Jesus Christ.
Everyone wants to practice internet safety but then want to be all up in someone’s personal life to “make sure” they can use a symbol or a name. What if that name was given to them and they’re proud about it? Eh?
I hate the internet sometimes, especially Twitter.
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New home made sys meme fresh out the oven
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asterism-collective · 2 years
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delphientropy · 1 day
am i talking differently because its 7 am and i got no sleep or did we switch?
uhh switched i think
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cage-of-atonement · 5 months
don't let endo spaces convince you words like dormancy and integration are bad things; for some that will be recovery, and what that system needs.
recovery can be so beautiful and important. If another system expresses this joy and you feel threatened and uncomfortable with just hearing the words to the point of wanting to silence others' stories and recovery, you are only protecting yourself from addressing your own insecurities about those things, and even taking away newly discovered system's ability to understand and talk about these subjects in the community.
These are natural and important parts of systemhood. While you may not be completely prepared to talk about these topics in your own system, having these topics blacklisted and some sort of taboo is a failure on your own end to close the chatroom that is talking about it, or excuse yourself away. You have no right to force your discomfort onto other people.
A healthy system can talk about these topics and how the options can be good for the system, or not what the system needs. THATS good inner system communication. Which will lead to being confident and comfortable with these topics.
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tales-from-syscord · 2 months
that one time in a rather popular syscord, the latest rule was that everyone HAS to have a working PK or they will be booted out. im new to pk so it's a lot on my plate, setting this and that for each headmate. unhappy with the rule, i dropped out of the server. pk should NOT be a requirement.
That's.. so odd?? Why would you *need* pk lmao. What about OSDD-1A systems or polyfrag systems or systems who are often blurry?? What about systems who aren't comfortable with that?? That's so very odd.
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To social alters that have had their hearts repeatedly crushed: you were not 'too trusting' others just failed to treat you with the care and kindness everyone deserves, you're still wanted, you're still loved, your system still needs you. Not wanting to socialise out of fear is not a failing.
You're wanted
You're loved
You're valid
And I see you
You are so strong and you deserve to heal from the pain other's have brought you
The fact that you still hold out your arms for friendships and relationships is incredible and I understand if you don't want to anymore.
It's not selfish to try and protect your soul
Not matter what you've been through, we will always be here for you and there is good people in the world
We love you and your system still needs and loves you <3
- a sentiment held by the entire conference hall collective
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userboxezz · 2 months
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this system's front history is not entirely accurate, some switches are not registered and often things are confusing, so please be patient
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thevegasystem · 7 months
tw syscourse
starting to see endos claim the icd-11 "recognizes endogenic plurality"
it does not. here is a link for the entry for dissociative identity disorder, we encourage you to read DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS in it's entirety. you will see nothing of the sort.
🌟 / 🌀
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me when a pro-endo post shows up on my dash
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shining-star-system · 4 months
I never thought a day in my life would need me to have to filter “transRAMCOA” or “transOEA”
It’s not quirky, you don’t want that to happen to you.
I struggle even trying to tell myself that what happened was real to this day. Don’t mock survivors because you “feel like you needed or wanted to go through that.”
You really fucking don’t.
Like I don’t even use the term out of fear, paranoia, and because of constant doubt. Why do you get to waltz in and say it’s a fun and quirky thing to want?
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