#Generational conflict solutions
younes-ben-amara · 2 years
3 حلول مقترحة لردم الهوّة ما بين الأجيال المتصارعة
جمعة مباركة، اقترح عليّ الأستاذ عبدالله الأحمري هذا الموضوع فشَكَر الله له. جمعة مباركة أستاذ يونس 🌺♥️وربي يمتعك بوافر الصحة والعافية والخير كله ♥️هذي بعض المقترحات :– كيف نستطيع التعبير بلا تردد وبصدق ؟– الفجوة بين الأجيال والحلول ؟– أفكار لتنمية واستثمار تعاون المدرسة والأسرة في بناء الطالب.— عبدالله الأحمري (@abood_alahmari) January 20, 2023 تغريدة عبدالله الأحمري جدول المحتوى جدول…
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dimensionalspades · 2 years
I'll never be over that in the Q Conflict comic Sisko was like "Hey we need to end this fight, Julian have you ever sniped a god in the face" and Julian was like "No sir but I'm game to try" and then he shot Q in the face
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softpastelqueer · 1 year
I kinda dislike those ‘anti-anxiety’ posts that say things like “No one is looking at you!” “Cashiers NEVER care about what you buy!” “No one does THIS!” “These specific bad things NEVER happen!”
Like… I get their point, and as someone with Anxiety Disorder, I can appreciate it helping some people. It can also be helpful to remind some that typically most people really are just minding their business, and it can be helpful to remind people they’re not the main character of the universe.
But… sometimes people really are looking at you. Sometimes you WILL get a rude nurse or an overly nosey cashier. You might get followed around a store, because you look “suspicious”. You might have people staring at you and they really are talking about you. You really might have the interpersonal conflict you’re worried about. So on and so on
Being told my experiences aren’t real didn’t help me deal with anxiety, instead I needed to learn how to cope with what if these scenarios really do come true and how to control my responses to them. I needed to learn how to ground myself. I needed to learn how to deal with potential interpersonal conflict. I needed to learn how to communicate in an effective way. How to self advocate and also live my best life while still keeping myself safe. I needed to unpack the origin behind each anxious thought and talk it out with myself. Etc etc
Saying bad things won’t EVER happen wouldn’t help someone when they’re faced with misfortune, because it doesn’t actually share any stress-management strategies on facing adverse situations
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sunaether · 3 months
Virtually shaking my fave bnha creators when they say they aren't happy with x thing about a possible (it hasn't happened yet, pls chill) ending and said possibility links to the fundamental ableism in the world building. Like, yeah dude, of course it doesn't sit well, that's exactly the point
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historyandmemes · 9 months
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(Note: See updated post) The new DRAFT U.N. Resolution, set to be voted on today, calls for:
• ... “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses” in the fighting throughout Gaza and the opening of corridors inside the enclave “for a sufficient number of days to enable full, rapid, safe and unhindered humanitarian access.” • U.N. Secretary General António Guterres to appoint a senior coordinator “with responsibility for facilitating, coordinating, monitoring, and verifying in Gaza, as appropriate, the humanitarian nature” of all assistance, and demands that “the parties to the conflict cooperate with the coordinator to fulfill their mandate without delay or obstruction.” • ... “immediate and unconditional” release of the hostages. It also demands that “all parties to the conflict comply with their obligations under international law ... including with regard to the conduct of hostilities and the protection of civilians and civilian objects.” • It reiterates the council’s “unwavering commitment” to a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians and “stresses the importance of unifying the Gaza Strip with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority.” (12/22/23 | Source: WaPo)
Although the resolution's language was toned down, this is a sign of progress. While such measures are long overdue and should have been honored from the start, we must do everything possible to meet the urgent humanitarian needs in Gaza and relieve unfathomable suffering.
Stay tuned for today's vote.
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sayruq · 5 months
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AHEAD OF THE United Nations Security Council action to consider the Palestinian Authority’s application to become a full member of the international body, the United States is lobbying nations to reject such membership, hoping to avoid an overt “veto” by Washington. The lobbying effort, revealed in copies of unclassified State Department cables obtained by The Intercept, is at odds with the Biden administration’s pledge to fully support a two-state solution. In 2012, the U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution granting Palestine the status of a non-member observer state. The diplomatic cables detail pressure being applied to members of the Security Council, including Malta, the rotating president of the council this month. Ecuador in particular is being asked to lobby Malta and other nations, including France, to oppose U.N. recognition. The State Department’s justification is that normalizing relations between Israel and Arab states is the fastest and most effective way to achieve an enduring and productive statehood. While clarifying that President Joe Biden has worked vigorously to support “Palestinian aspirations for statehood” within the context “of a comprehensive peace that would resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” a diplomatic cable dated April 12 details U.S. talking points against a U.N. vote for Palestinian statehood. The cable says that Security Council members must be persuaded to reject any proposal for Palestinian statehood — and thereby its recognition as a sovereign nation — before the council’s open debate on the Middle East, scheduled for April 18. “It remains the U.S. view that the most expeditious path toward a political horizon for the Palestinian people is in the context of a normalization agreement between Israel and its neighbors,” the cable reads. “We believe this approach can tangibly advance Palestinian goals in a meaningful and enduring way.” “We therefore urge you not to support any potential Security Council resolution recommending the admission of ‘Palestine’ as a U.N. member state, should such a resolution be presented to the Security Council for a decision in the coming days and weeks.”
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #268
#right before this Rick takes note of how the process Bruce created to forcibly turn the Hulk back into him hurts the Hulk#and Betty says that Bruce wouldn’t have built it like that if there were any other way#and Rick expresses doubts about that and emphasizes that Bruce hates the Hulk#it’s significant for this conflict that Betty is completely going along with Bruce#and at this point the only reason she doesn't resent the Hulk for ruining Bruce's life is because she's considering them one and the same#whereas I think Rick doesn't need to consider them to be one and the same to find the Hulk sympathetic#the fact that Bruce hates the Hulk while their joint friends don't isn't usually brought up#I think that generally speaking what Bruce wants would be considered to make more sense because it's normal#and if anything therefore he's entitled to it#whereas imagining a peaceful life for the Hulk is difficult in the first place#let alone actually making it a reality#because he's abnormal and causes difficulties the solution to those difficulties being to eradicate him is acceptable#also Rick is hinging his support of the Hulk here largely on that he didn't ask to be born#what the Hulk's done that Rick would owe him for isn't well-defined#we actually do know what the Hulk would think of this plan if he understood it#because he's said several times in recent issues that he doesn't want to die#honestly because Bruce and the Hulk hate each other any solution that would be fair to both of them is hard to imagine#but frankly sorry I personally am more sympathetic to the Hulk#like Bruce has had his life destroyed and has to go through waking up and not knowing what chaos the Hulk has caused#when he didn't have the self-control to keep the Hulk repressed#but the Hulk is the one that's actually present and is suffering all of the time#also significantly he is essentially a child#marvel#bruce banner#rick jones#my posts#comic panels
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determinate-negation · 11 months
the misinformation about hamas is unreal even on the pro-palestine side. their current charter even lays out terms for a possible two-state solution (which the israeli government dismissed before it was even finished being written) and in three separate paragraphs they outline that they will not persecute anyone on the basis of religion, race or gender and do not have a quarrel with the jewish people, only the zionist entity of israel. but everyone keeps saying READ THEIR CHARTER! THEY WANT TO GENOCIDE JEWS! i read the whole thing? the only thing they said about jews was that they don't have a problem with jews and they even acknowledge the european antisemitism that lead to the zionist entity...
yeah. i recommend anyone to check out this article and read their charter themselves
The Zionist project does not target the Palestinian people alone; it is the enemy of the Arab and Islamic Ummah posing a grave threat to its security and interests. It is also hostile to the Ummah’s aspirations for unity, renaissance and liberation and has been the major source of its troubles. The Zionist project also poses a danger to international security and peace and to mankind and its interests and stability. 16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity. 17. Hamas rejects the persecution of any human being or the undermining of his or her rights on nationalist, religious or sectarian grounds. Hamas is of the view that the Jewish problem, anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews are phenomena fundamentally linked to European history and not to the history of the Arabs and the Muslims or to their heritage. The Zionist movement, which was able with the help of Western powers to occupy Palestine, is the most dangerous form of settlement occupation which has already disappeared from much of the world and must disappear from Palestine.
Most vital, and despite maintaining the right of Palestinians to strive for and achieve their liberation, Article 20 then asserts:
Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus.
Hamas thus consents to recognize an Israel along its 1967 lines, before Israel annexed territory in two successive wars and pursued further violent land grabs in Syria’s Golan. Ironically, this leaves Hamas policy closer to international law than the relentless Israeli projects of border and settlement expansion.
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
Lnds: Fighting with them
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Warning: ANGST NO COMFORT! Arguing, fighting & toxic responses to a fight. Self insert. Reader may or may not be the MC
Author's note: Here's my take on getting into fights with your LNDS boyfriend— realistic responses edition! some of you may not like this, be warned.
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Fighting with Zayne:
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He is a professional, and his method is simply de-escalation. Dealing with so many types of patients, he knows how to handle things from children fighting to burly men wanting to pack a punch. He talks out of conflict or stalls them long enough until security gets to where he is; this happens inside and outside the hospital. During this incident, though he appears cool-headed, he is also aggravated. A keen observer would notice the ghostly frown on his face and his mildly defensive stance.
With you, he's more lenient. More gentle and more understanding. Utilizing a more empathic approach to your conflict. He never raises his voice or shows an ounce of hostility. Zayne would most definitely be more comforting. He is quick to apologize by verbal words or sweet actions.
When push comes to shove and you somehow manage to get on his nerves, which happens once in a blue moon, he'll either:
Scenario 1: He'll stop talking or looking at you for hours. He'll try to calm himself down and stare off into the distance, recalling whatever got him on his nerves. He'll try to find a solution or workaround and meet you halfway. Of course, he'll demand an apology from you if he rightfully deserves it, and if not, he's more than willing to give you an apology instead.
Scenario 2: He'll ask you to leave his house to cool off both of your heads. He'll bury himself in his workload, turning off his phone. When you confront him, he won't speak first, asking if you need something from him. He won't apologize or meet you halfway with his words; in fact, he won't be gentle with them; he'll convey his feelings and messages to you more frankly to the point that it is harsh. His words are somewhat calculated, as if he had already planned what to say, but that would mean he won't let you slip a word in.
By then, the anger within you has already been extinguished. At the end of any scenario, Zayne is the last to apologize for being angry. Still, he states his anger has a reason and that he cares for you and his well-being.
Fighting with Xavier:
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When you manage to annoy him, he pouts, still acting cutesy on purpose. He does this more often than anyone could imagine because, in this way, he can demand consolation in the form of baking pastries/desserts or kisses.
When things get hot between the two of you, he'll ignore you for a short amount of time, refraining from entering the same room as you because you know neither of you would give in to the argument, So it was better for you to both calm your minds down, even just for 5 minutes.
When all things go in the wrong direction, Xavier's the type to fuss, complain, and just generally become verbal. He never swears and raises his voice per se but heavily pushes the side of the argument onto you, whether you were wrong or right. Sometimes, he fails to understand your side of the conflict, and sometimes, he flat-out ignores it and acts all childish, turning a deaf ear.
He's capable of not talking to you for days, and he makes it more apparent that he's avoiding you by requesting to switch partners. And when this happens, most of the time, it's you who makes the move to apologize. But on bad topics, it doesn't end there. He still insists on his side of the fight. All while speaking and arguing, he tries to get close to you in an attempt to hold your hand, but you always push him away. You
One time, he got too close to you to make you understand, pressing you against the wall and holding your hand a bit too tightly, and out of sheer anger and fear, you resorted to brute force, slapping him across the face. This took him back to reality and, with it, took his anger as well, exchanging it for grief. Only then did he realize that he messed up in more ways than he could think.
Fighting with Rafayel:
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Rafael is the hardest to deal with when angered. He's sensitive and quick to be influenced by emotions. Though people call him a "drama queen," Rafayel becomes a real pain in the neck when people get on his nerves. If he doesn't get what he wants, he'll make sure that the other party loses more than him, and he does that thanks to his network and his money. This seldom happens as He doesn't work with anyone in broad daylight. He locks himself in the studio; only Thomas usually talks to him.
At most, he gets into conflicts with cats.
It's a different thing when he makes shady transactions, though. When he's made into a fool, those people are dealt with by his hired men. Assassinations, theft, blackmail, whatever makes the other party beg on their knees.
With you, though, it's a whole other story.
Conflicts with Rafael are, unfortunately, toxic; He's easy to provoke and quick to retort. It's a gamble when you're with him. On some better days, you can get away with a conflict through an apology and dinner, or better yet, he concedes, and you can have your way.
It doesn't take a genius to know that this will escalate into a shouting match on bad days. Banters, insults, and harsh words are thrown at each other without pause, and it only stops when either of you walks out. It was a mindless conflict led by sheer anger, plus his pettiness and your annoyance. He makes himself look like the victim and points out your flaws more and how you failed to be understanding; conflicts with him end up with tears and devoid of an apology. Neither of you ever even remembered what you were fighting back.
When he has no strength to fight with you, he goes silent. He locks his home and only contacts you for a short period. He vents his anger on his paintings, to which Thomas immediately tells him to take a break and apologize to you. He doesn't, and it's not until a week later that he contacts you again.
Fighting with Sylus:
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He's patient but, at the same time, impatient.
When something is amiss, or someone fails to do their task, rather than bother to be angry or inconvenienced, he'd eliminate the cause of that problem. It saves him from emotional exhaustion.
When in conflict with other people, you best place your bet on him being the aggrevator. He's more of the person to start conflicts than be on the receiving end. If there is one thing to know about him when he starts one, he finishes it, leading the other party on their knees, running away or six feet under.
Sylus is a big man who holds himself to his ego, so people tend to be weary when approaching him. Burly, prideful men are eager to fight him, and they somehow get a taste of their own medicine, praying they end up alive after this fight.
With you, however, it's a different story. Conflicts between you and Sylus are primarily caused by too much bickering and you taking his words to heart. Sometimes, he lets his tongue slip too much in amusement. A quick cold shoulder treatment and you blocking his chat is the way for him to show a gram of remorse. Despite being terrifying, he's pretty good at consoling and apologizing.
But when you start to get on his nerves, you're in a tight situation. He doesn't treat you like a partner; he treats you like some sort of business partner, spewing harsh facts with a tinge of insult. He doesn't let you slip a word in; if you manage to, he'll always have something to say again. He raises his voice slightly, asks rhetorical questions, and makes you look foolish. All the while, he looks like he still has his composure. He acts as if he's not your lover, creating a clear boundary between your relationship, and more often than you'd like to admit, this, too, got on your nerves. He never makes a move on you, neither does he curse or do anything terrible. He just sits there all arrogant, as if he always has the upper hand with your emotions.
But there was one particular fight where you're the one who's fuming red with pure, dry anger. You scream at Sylus, reprimanding and scornful, sometimes lunging a few soft items his way, which he catches, yet he never does anything. He stays in his place, but he is undeniably infuriated as well, only this time, he's silent. He lets you go off, not responding to your rhetorical questions and all the words you hurl his way, and when you are finally done speaking, he tells you to leave, grabbing you by your arm and throwing you out of his house.
He hasn't contacted you for a month, and you have been forbidden from going anywhere near the N109 zone. You thought it was the end of whatever you guys had. You sent your break-up message, and to your surprise, he's seen it yet— there was never a response.
That night, you wake up in his bed and in his grasp.
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Author footnotes: I know this isn't the romantic type of lnds post but once in a while I want to make their relationships realistic, like, try to apply how people in real life would act.Layout by me, using canva premium | Do not repost | Dividers by cafekitsune MASTER LIST | Buy me a thread?
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thatweirdtranny · 4 months
you know? it’s really fucking wild that my actual opinions about israel/palestine — not the opinions people assume i have based off bad faith interpretations of my posts or what others have said my opinions are — are so fucking controversial???
my opinions:
a permanent ceasefire that everyone involved will adhere to needs to happen, and this ceasefire needs to at the very least include bringing the hostages home and allowing distribution of aid to palestinians
on that note, aid needs to be given to palestinian civilians in a manner that ensures they will actually receive it
netanyahu needs to go (not controversial but it needs to be said)
hamas needs to go (somehow this is a controversial statement?????)
tokenizing jews who agree with you while demonizing the other 80+ percent of jews is bad
palestinians and israelis are both entitled to this region of land and ideally a 2-state solution should be the goal, but any solution that a) respects the humanity and safety of both jews and palestinians, and b) is based in reality, is acceptable
the land of israel is the homeland of both jews and palestinians and both deserve to live there in peace
jews and palestinians deserve to safely visit their holiest places
people in general deserve not to suffer through wars, and i’d personally love if the next ceasefire doesn’t get broken and if this cycle of violence could be broken
the antizionist movement has a problem with antisemitism
there is an extreme amount of misinformation surrounding this conflict that gets spread widely without any consideration or scrutiny
oct 7 was a heinous and disgusting act of evil, and anyone justifying it as an act of resistance needs to understand that most jews are terrified of you and rightly so
NOT my opinions:
palestinian children deserve to die
palestinians don’t deserve a state
islamophobia is okay
anti-arab sentiment is okay
anything that could be described as kahanism
antizionist jews deserve to be targets of antisemitism
anyways!! i am once again begging people to support solidarity organizations that promote peace between israelis and palestinians like: standing together, allmep, eco peace, etc
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idkyetxoxo · 13 days
Cregan Stark - An Alliance of Seduction
Summary - A cunning princess uses her allure to seduce Lord Stark, blending political ambition with primal desire. Her bold seduction turns their fiery union into a high-stakes dance of control, pleasure, and conquest, securing an alliance that tilts the balance of power in her favour.
Pairing - Cregan Stark x Targaryen reader
Warnings - Sexual content (smut!!)
Word count - 2368
Masterlist for Cregan • House of the Dragon General Masterlist.
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If there's one thing I knew how to do well, it was getting what I wanted. My current ambition was clear, to secure the North for my brother.
I dismounted my dragon with ease, Silverwing's discomfort in the cold evident in her every mannerism. No one understood her better than I did.
"Lykirī," I murmured softly, my fingers gently tracing the delicate patterns on her scales. She relaxed slightly under my touch, her breath warm and steady. Calm.
After a final reassuring pat, I carefully removed my gloves, letting them drop beside Silverwing, then peeled off my large coat. 
I exhaled deeply, focusing on the task ahead with a calm, deliberate resolve. I had prepared myself for this moment, and now it was time to execute my plan.
It didn't take long to determine the location of Lord Stark, and, regrettably, that of my nephew as well. My pace was unhurried as I approached the chamber door. When I reached it, I paused for a moment, my hand resting on the cool wood, before pushing it open with a gentle, almost calculated force. 
The door creaked slightly, drawing the attention of both men inside, their gazes snapping toward me.
"Princess?" Cregan's voice held a note of surprise, but I offered him a warm, confident smile as I stepped further into the room.
"Nephew," I greeted Jace with a purposeful tone, noting the subtle tightening of his jaw as he clenched it. I watched as he set down the drink he'd been holding, his movements betraying a flicker of unease.
"I believe it is my turn to state my case," I announced, my voice carrying a sharp edge of determination.
Cregan's eyes darted between us, trying to gauge the situation. Jace, sensing the shift, let out a resigned sigh and rose to his feet with deliberate slowness.
"It's only fair that both sides are given an equal chance," I continued, my gaze never wavering from Jace's. "We should play fair, nephew."
Jace offered a curt nod, his displeasure evident in his posture. Without another word, he turned and made his way out of the room, his exit marked by a glance that conveyed just how little he enjoyed leaving me alone with Cregan.
As Jace's figure disappeared beyond the door, I shifted my attention back to Cregan, who sat observing the exchange with a blend of intrigue and cautious interest. 
"Lord Stark," I finally acknowledged him, inclining my head slightly in a gesture of respect.
He moved to stand, but I quickly interjected, my voice firm yet polite. "Please, stay seated." I crossed the room toward him with a purposeful stride, my movements fluid and intentional.
"It's rather cold here," I remarked, my tone almost conversational as I began to untie the laces of my dress. 
His eyes followed my every movement with a mixture of fascination and disbelief, and a quiet sense of satisfaction stirred within me.
"Princess, what are you doing?" His voice wavered slightly, betraying his internal conflict as he watched the fabric of my dress slip from my shoulders, pooling at my feet and leaving me bare before him.
I took the seat opposite him, reclining with an air of nonchalance as I crossed my legs, my posture both inviting and commanding. 
"Perhaps you have a solution to warm me up," I suggested, my voice laced with a sultry undertone that left little to the imagination.
"Losing your clothes is certainly not the solution," he replied, though his gaze continued to roam over my body, betraying the wariness in his words.
"Are you saying you would prefer me dressed?" I leaned forward slightly, my voice dropping to a hushed, intimate tone as my eyes locked onto his.
"I am not a fool," he stated, his tone firm but lacking the conviction it had held moments before. A knowing smirk tugged at the corners of my lips.
"Good," I whispered, rising from my seat with a feline grace and closing the distance between us. I could feel the tension radiating from him, his resolve faltering.
Reaching out, I traced a finger along the line of his jaw, reveling in the shiver that ran through him at my touch. 
"The North can be so cold, Lord Stark. Don't you think it deserves a little warmth?" My words were soft, almost a purr, as I leaned in closer.
His breath hitched, the moment stretching between us. I knew then, without a shadow of doubt, that I had him.
I pushed him back gently, guiding him until his back met the chair. With careful precision, I lifted myself onto his lap, straddling him. One hand rested on his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath, while the other threaded through his hair.
"I can offer you something my nephew cannot," I murmured into his ear, my breath warm against his skin. My lips hovered close, brushing against his ear as I whispered the words that would change everything. "My hand in marriage."
I leaned back slightly, ensuring that our eyes met, I wanted him to fully grasp the weight of my offer, to feel the gravity of what I was proposing.
"A powerful alliance," I continued, my voice silky and assured. I could see the thoughts racing behind his eyes, his mind working to process the implications of my words. 
His gaze flickered across my face, as though searching for any sign of deception, but there were none.
A small, satisfied smile played on my lips. I had him.
"Pledge your support for my brother," I purred, leaning in closer, my voice dripping with promise, "and you can have me." His throat bobbed as he swallowed hard. "Do it, and I'm yours forever."
My hand traced a slow path down his chest, feeling the warmth of his body through the fabric of his clothes. Reaching his hand, I guided it upward, bringing it to rest on my chest. I cupped his hand around my breast, savoring the thrill that ran through me at his touch.
I could feel him unraveling under my influence and it was immensely satisfying.
"All yours," I whispered, letting my hand drop away, leaving his to linger. As I expected, his fingers tightened slightly, squeezing, and a soft, involuntary moan escaped my lips.
"What do you say, Lord Stark?" I asked, my voice a low, seductive drawl as I removed his hand from me, pinning it to the armrest of the chair.
"It sounds like a wonderful plan to me, Princess," he replied, his voice barely more than a whisper, laced with desire. I chuckled quietly, the sound rich with triumph.
"Then, Lord Stark," I said, my voice commanding yet teasing, "I believe it is your duty to keep this dragon warm." I shifted slightly, giving him the space to remove his pants, the fabric rustling in the silence of the room.
As he did, the heat of his desire became tangible, matching my own. I moved closer, pressing myself against him, feeling the raw, potent power of our connection.
"Let's seal our alliance," I whispered, my lips brushing his ear with a featherlight touch. "Right here, right now." 
The words were both an invitation and a command, the final step in binding him to me in every way.
I reached down and wrapped my hand around his throbbing cock, eliciting a deep groan of pleasure from his lips. 
Slowly, I began to stroke his length, savoring the way he responded to my touch. Each stroke was deliberate, my fingers curling around his shaft, exploring every inch of him. The thrill of his pleasure sent a shiver down my spine.
His breathing grew ragged, his body trembling beneath my hand. I could feel the tension building within him, his need for me becoming more urgent with each passing moment. His eyes met mine, filled with a burning desire that mirrored my own.
"You feel so good," I murmured, my voice low and sultry.
I increased the pace of my strokes, watching his face contort with pleasure. His hands gripped the armrests of the chair, knuckles white, as he struggled to maintain control.
With a wicked smile, I leaned in closer, my breasts brushing against his chest. 
"Imagine how it will feel when I'm wrapped around you," I whispered, my breath hot against his ear. His cock twitched in my hand, a clear sign of his arousal reaching its peak.
Unable to wait any longer, I lifted myself slightly and guided him to my entrance. His eyes widened in anticipation, and I could feel his heartbeat quicken beneath my touch. 
Slowly, I lowered myself onto him, the sensation of him filling me sending waves of pleasure through my body. The heat and hardness of him against my core was intoxicating. 
My breath caught in my throat as I took him deeper, the stretch and fullness creating a delicious tension that made my entire body tingle with anticipation.
I paused for a moment, savouring the fullness, the way his length filled every inch of me. My hips instinctively rolled in slow, deliberate movements, each move designed to drive us both closer to the edge.
His hands gripped my hips tightly, his touch both firm and sensual as he matched my rhythm. The friction between us built steadily, creating a delicious tension that seemed to electrify the air.
His eyes never left mine, the intensity of his gaze deepening the connection between us. The way he looked at me, with such raw desire, made me feel like the only person in the world. 
"You're mine now," I whispered fiercely, my voice thick with possessive hunger. 
I quickened my pace, riding him with an unrestrained fervour that left him gasping for breath. I leaned back, supporting myself on his thighs, giving him a full view of my body as I took him deeper and deeper inside me. 
The sight of his eyes locked on mine, the way he looked at me with sheer amazement, only spurred me on.
His hands roamed my body, exploring every curve, every inch of skin. His fingers traced the lines of my ribs, skated over my waist, and cupped my breasts, his touch igniting a fire within me. 
"You're incredible," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "I can't resist you."
I smirked, knowing I had completely enchanted him. The way he responded to every movement, and every touch, made me feel powerful and desired. 
"Good," I replied breathlessly. "Don't resist. Give in to me."
I leaned forward, capturing his lips in a searing kiss. Our mouths moved together with a hunger that matched the raw, primal need in our bodies. His tongue danced against mine, exploring, claiming, as I continued to move on top of him. 
"More," he begged against my lips, his voice strained. "I need more."
I grinned wickedly, breaking the kiss and shifting our positions. I pushed him down onto the floor, straddling him with a commanding presence. I pinned his wrists above his head, my fingers pressing down firmly yet gently. 
"Watch me," I commanded, my voice a husky growl. "Watch me take you."
I rode him hard and fast, my movements wild and unrestrained. His eyes were locked onto mine, filled with a mixture of awe and desire that only fueled my movements. Each thrust brought us closer to the edge, our bodies moving together in a frenzied dance of passion.
"You're a true dragon," he panted, his eyes glazing over with pleasure as he struggled to maintain control. "I can't... I can't hold on much longer."
"Then don't," I whispered fiercely, my voice a seductive command.
With a final, powerful thrust, he cried out, his release crashing over him like a tidal wave. The intensity of his orgasm triggered my own, sending me into a blissful shattering of sensation. Waves of pleasure radiated through my body, my cries mingling with his as we both reached the peak of our passion.
But Cregan wasn't done. With a surge of strength and determination, he flipped us over, pinning me beneath him. The look in his eyes was feral, reflecting the primal hunger that consumed us both. 
"My turn," he growled, his voice rough with desire.
Before I could respond, he was moving inside me again, his pace relentless and demanding. He pinned my wrists above my head, his grip firm yet tender, and leaned down to claim my lips in a bruising kiss. His tongue explored my mouth with a newfound urgency as if he couldn't get enough of me.
The change in position drove him deeper, and I cried out in pleasure, arching my back to meet his thrusts. "Yes, Cregan," I moaned, my voice barely a whisper. "Take me. Claim me."
His eyes burned with intensity as he pounded into me. "You're mine," he growled, his breath hot against my ear. "All mine."
He released my wrists, his hands roaming over my body, his touch was both rough and tender, a perfect blend.
I tangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. The sensation was overwhelming, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level. "Cregan," I gasped, my voice trembling with need. "I need you."
He lifted his head, his eyes locking onto mine. "You have me," he said, his voice a low, husky growl. "All of me."
His hands gripped my hips, holding me steady as he drove into me with renewed intensity. The force of his thrusts sent me spiralling towards another climax, the tension coiling tighter within me. 
"Let go, my dragon." he commanded, his voice rough with need. 
With a final, powerful thrust, we both reached the peak of our pleasure once more. Our cries echoed through the room, a symphony of passion and release. I felt myself shatter around him, the waves of pleasure more intense than before. 
He followed me over the edge, his release flooding inside me, filling me completely.
Breathing heavily, he collapsed against me, our bodies slick with sweat. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close as we came down from our high. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, a steady reminder of the bond we had forged.
In that moment, I knew I had achieved my ambition. 
If there was one thing I knew how to do well, it was getting what I wanted, and tonight, I had secured the North for my brother in a way that no one else could.
A/n - Wrote 'The Art of Persuasion' and immediately knew I wanted to do a Cregan version as well even though we know full well he's team black for life xx
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
• Sun in Groom persona chart •
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✨ you guys requested this series of groom persona chart, so here it is. Today I am gonna cover sun in the houses of Groom pc .
Sun in the houses :
💖 1st house : your fs is likely to have a strong sense of self confidence and Vitality . They may have commanding presence and charismatic personality. They may possess natural leadership abilities and a desire to take charge in various situations. This can make them stand out in social settings. They are likely to be expressive and have a clear sense of identity . They may be quite open about their thoughts and feelings. You fs may seek attention and recognition from others. They might enjoy being in the spotlight and receiving praise for their accomplishments. They are likely to be determined and have a strong will . When they set their mind on something they pursue with vigor. They may have generally positive and optimistic outlook on life, which can be infectious to those around them. Sun in the 1st house can also influence physical appearance , potentially indicating a strong , healthy and attractive look. While they may have admirable qualities , they might also need to watch out for excessive pride or ego , which can sometimes leads to conflicts.
💖 2nd house : When the Sun is in the 2nd house of your groom's persona chart, it can uniquely indicate that your future spouse's identity and life purpose are intricately tied to their ability to create and sustain value. This placement suggests a person who doesn't just seek financial stability but sees wealth creation as a form of self-expression. They may have a unique approach to wealth that blends creativity with practicality, turning passions and hobbies into lucrative ventures. This placement can denote a person who values authenticity in their possessions and relationships. They might prefer quality over quantity, investing in items or experiences that reflect their true self and bring lasting joy rather than fleeting satisfaction. your future spouse might also possess a natural talent for identifying hidden potential in people and things. This ability to see value where others might not could lead them to success in areas such as investing, art collecting, or any field where discerning true worth is key. This placement might indicate that your spouse’s journey involves transforming their relationship with material wealth, learning to balance their innate desire for security with a deeper understanding of self-worth that transcends possessions. This unique blend of traits can create a dynamic and enriching partnership where you both grow and thrive.
💖3rd house: Your future spouse may stand out as an intellectual leader in their community.They may have a unique ability to connect seemingly unrelated ideas, leading to innovative solutions and creative projects. This knack for seeing the bigger picture can make them a visionary in their field.They could excel in multiple areas, from writing and public speaking to technology and social media. Your future spouse might have a natural talent for connecting people, creating networks, and fostering collaborations. They can effortlessly bring different groups together, facilitating teamwork and community building. Their love for variety and learning may lead them to travel frequently, seeking out new experiences and cultures. They might enjoy exploring different places and sharing their adventures through blogging, vlogging, or social media. With a strong emphasis on continuous learning, they may always be enrolled in a new course, reading the latest books, or attending seminars. This lifelong pursuit of knowledge can keep them dynamic and adaptable. They might have a passion for teaching and mentoring others, finding fulfillment in helping others grow intellectually. This could manifest in formal education roles or informal settings, like community workshops or online platforms.
💖 4th house : Your future spouse might possess an extraordinary ability to turn any space into a vibrant, lively, and welcoming home.Their home could be a reflection of their personal adventures and interests, filled with unique artifacts, travel souvenirs, and collections that tell their life story. Your spouse may have an innate ability to transform emotional pain into strength and wisdom. This skill allows them to help others navigate their own emotional journeys, often acting as a healer within their social circle. They might excel in integrating cutting-edge technology with traditional home comforts, creating a smart home that’s both futuristic and cozy. Think automated systems, green energy solutions, and innovative home design. There could be a unique passion for cooking and experimenting with different cuisines. Their kitchen might be the heart of the home, where they create culinary masterpieces that bring people together. They might blend different cultural elements into their home, creating a space that’s a melting pot of traditions and modernity. This could manifest in their interior design, food, and even the way they celebrate holidays. Their approach to family relationships might be both insightful and practical.
💖 5th house : When the Sun is in the 5th house of your groom's persona chart, it highlights a vibrant, creative, and playful side to your future spouse. This placement suggests that your spouse will likely be someone who thrives on joy, self-expression, and the pursuit of personal passions. They may have a natural talent for arts, whether it be music, painting, acting, or any other form of creative expression. Their creativity isn’t just a hobby; it’s a core part of their identity and something that they actively seek to incorporate into their daily life. This placement also suggests a strong connection to children. Whether or not they have their own, your spouse is likely to have a youthful spirit and may enjoy activities that allow them to connect with their inner child. They might be excellent at entertaining children and could find great joy in spending time with them. Romance is another key aspect of the 5th house, and with the Sun here, your spouse is likely to be very romantic and expressive in their affections. They may enjoy grand gestures of love and will likely seek to keep the romance alive in your relationship through thoughtful surprises and passionate moments.Their competitive nature can drive them to achieve great things in their personal and professional life, as they are likely to enjoy the thrill of the challenge and the satisfaction of victory.
💖6th house: With the Sun positioned in the 6th house of the groom's natal chart, your future spouse's focus on routine and structure can be a defining aspect of his personality. He might thrive on having a well-organized daily schedule and may feel most comfortable in environments where tasks and responsibilities are clearly defined. This inclination towards routine can make him a reliable and consistent partner, as he likely values stability and predictability in his relationships. Health and wellness are likely important to him, and he may integrate these values into his daily habits. This could manifest as a commitment to regular exercise, a balanced diet, or other health-conscious practices. He might also encourage these habits in his partner, reflecting his belief in the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. His attention to detail is another notable trait. He is likely to be meticulous and thorough, whether in managing household duties, handling work-related tasks, or addressing minor issues. This precision can be an asset in maintaining an organized and functional home life, though it may occasionally lead him to stress over small details. In the context of a relationship, he might express love and affection through acts of service and practical support. For him, demonstrating care might involve helping with chores, offering assistance with daily tasks, or being a steady source of support. This service-oriented approach reflects his belief in showing love through tangible actions rather than just words.
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💖 7th house: Sun is in the 7th house of a groom's persona chart indicates that your spouse may have a strong and confident personality. They might be assertive, charismatic, and central in their social circles. Physically, they could have a noticeable presence or be prominent in some way. Since the Sun symbolizes leadership and authority, your spouse might be someone who takes charge in relationships or in their career. They may have natural leadership abilities and can be influential in their community or workplace. The 7th house is traditionally associated with partnerships, marriage, and significant others. With the Sun here, marriage and committed relationships are likely to play a significant role in their life. They may seek a partnership that enhances their personal identity and goals. The Sun in the 7th house can also indicate that your spouse may be quite visible or known publicly, possibly through their work, social activities, or community involvement. They might have a career that puts them in the spotlight or involves interactions with the public.
💖 8th house : The 8th house in astrology is associated with deep transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. When the Sun placed here ,it suggests that your future spouse is likely to have a profound and intense personality. They may approach life with a deep sense of passion and emotional depth, seeking meaningful connections and experiences that go beyond the surface.This placement can indicate that the spouse may have an interest in occult, mystical, or spiritual matters.The 8th house deals with shared resources, investments, and inheritances. Therefore, the spouse may have an influence or involvement in financial matters that involve joint resources or inheritances. Your spouse may seek relationships that bring about personal growth and change. They might have a strong need for emotional intimacy and connection, and relationships could serve as a catalyst for their personal development. The 8th house is also significant, indicating a deep and intense approach to physical intimacy. Your spouse may place great importance on the emotional and spiritual aspects of intimacy, seeking a profound connection with their partner.
💖 9th house : your spouse could be philosophically inclined, interested in exploring different belief systems, or deeply spiritual. They may seek meaning and purpose through intellectual and spiritual pursuits.your spouse may have a keen interest in travel,(or could be a foreigner) either physically exploring different countries or mentally through academic studies of different cultures. They might be drawn to adventures abroad, international relationships, or careers that involve cross-cultural interactions.your spouse may have pursued advanced studies or have a career in academia, teaching, or guiding others in some capacity. They might value knowledge and continuous learning, possibly inspiring others through their wisdom and experience.Your spouse may be idealistic, advocating for causes they believe in or striving to make a positive impact on a larger scale. They could be ethical, principled, and committed to justice and fairness.They may have a cheerful disposition, seeing opportunities and possibilities even in challenging situations. Their upbeat attitude could be contagious, uplifting those around them.your spouse may have an affinity for languages or an ability to adapt to different cultural environments easily. They may enjoy learning about different customs, traditions, and languages, fostering a sense of cultural understanding and integration.
💖 10th house: your spouse is likely to be ambitious, driven, and focused on their career goals. They may aspire to positions of authority, leadership roles, or recognition in their profession. Their identity and sense of self-worth may be strongly tied to their achievements and career success.They may strive to maintain a positive image in the eyes of others and uphold their integrity and credibility. Their actions and decisions may often be influenced by how they are perceived in their professional and social spheres.Your spouse may receive recognition and accolades for their hard work and accomplishments. They may strive for excellence in their chosen field and be motivated by the desire to achieve significant milestones and goals. Their achievements may bring them a sense of pride and fulfillment. There may be a need to balance their professional goals with personal life. Your spouse may invest considerable time and energy into their career, which could impact their family dynamics and relationships. Finding harmony between work and personal life may be an ongoing challenge. your spouse may have had influential authority figures or mentors who guided them in their career path. They may have learned valuable lessons from leaders in their field and benefited from mentorship or guidance that shaped their professional development.your spouse may have strong public speaking abilities and effective communication skills. They may excel in presenting ideas and networking with other people.
💖11th house : Your spouse may possess a visionary mindset, capable of seeing beyond current limitations and envisioning innovative solutions or possibilities for the future. They may inspire others with their forward-thinking ideas and aspirations.Your spouse may have a natural affinity for technology, whether it's through their career, hobbies, or social connection.Your spouse may have a diverse and influential network of friends, colleagues, or acquaintances. They may excel in building and maintaining relationships that span different social circles, which could benefit them professionally or personally.They may be actively involved in community initiatives, social groups, or online communities that align with their interests and values. Their contributions could range from advocacy for social causes to organizing events that promote collective well-being. They may advocate for social justice issues or champion reforms that contribute to a more equitable society. Your fs may have entrepreneurial inclinations , particularly in the areas of technology, innovation or social enterprise. They may be drawn to startups or ventures that harness creativity and connectivity for positive impact.They may have a keen interest in future trends, whether it's in technology, social movements, or cultural shifts. Their ability to anticipate changes and adapt accordingly could be a valuable asset in both personal and professional endeavors.
💖12th house : your spouse may have a rich inner life and be introspective by nature. They may value solitude and contemplation, finding spiritual fulfillment through practices like meditation, prayer, or introspective self-reflection.They may be drawn to helping professions or volunteer work that allows them to make a difference in people’s lives.Your spouse may have a talent for creative expression through music, art, writing, or other forms of artistic endeavor.Your spouse may have a deep interest in psychology, psychotherapy, or exploring the hidden aspects of the human psyche. They may be introspective about their own motivations, fears, and desires, seeking to understand themselves on a profound level. This introspective journey may also lead them to explore esoteric or mystical teachings.Your spouse may prefer peaceful, serene surroundings where they can retreat and recharge. They may have a knack for creating sacred spaces or environments conducive to relaxation and inner peace.They may have a quiet determination and inner fortitude that allows them to overcome obstacles and setbacks with grace and perseverance.The 12th house is often associated with karmic themes, past lives, and spiritual healing. Your spouse may be on a path of spiritual growth and transformation, seeking to resolve past issues or karma through self-awareness, forgiveness, and healing practices.
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Thanks for reading 💓
- PIKO 💖
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"In response to last year’s record-breaking heat due to El Niño and impacts from climate change, Indigenous Zenù farmers in Colombia are trying to revive the cultivation of traditional climate-resilient seeds and agroecology systems.
One traditional farming system combines farming with fishing: locals fish during the rainy season when water levels are high, and farm during the dry season on the fertile soils left by the receding water.
Locals and ecologists say conflicts over land with surrounding plantation owners, cattle ranchers and mines are also worsening the impacts of the climate crisis.
To protect their land, the Zenù reserve, which is today surrounded by monoculture plantations, was in 2005 declared the first Colombian territory free from GMOs.
In the Zenù reserve, issues with the weather, climate or soil are spread by word of mouth between farmers, or on La Positiva 103.0, a community agroecology radio station. And what’s been on every farmer’s mind is last year’s record-breaking heat and droughts. Both of these were charged by the twin impacts of climate change and a newly developing El Niño, a naturally occurring warmer period that last occurred here in 2016, say climate scientists.
Experts from Colombia’s Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies say the impacts of El Niño will be felt in Colombia until April 2024, adding to farmers’ concerns. Other scientists forecast June to August may be even hotter than 2023, and the next five years could be the hottest on record. On Jan. 24, President Gustavo Petro said he will declare wildfires a natural disaster, following an increase in forest fires that scientists attribute to the effects of El Niño.
In the face of these changes, Zenù farmers are trying to revive traditional agricultural practices like ancestral seed conservation and a unique agroecology system.
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Pictured: Remberto Gil’s house is surrounded by an agroforestry system where turkeys and other animals graze under fruit trees such as maracuyá (Passiflora edulis), papaya (Carica papaya) and banana (Musa acuminata colla). Medicinal herbs like toronjil (Melissa officinalis) and tres bolas (Leonotis nepetifolia), and bushes like ají (Capsicum baccatum), yam and frijol diablito (beans) are part of the undergrowth. Image by Monica Pelliccia for Mongabay.
“Climate change is scary due to the possibility of food scarcity,” says Rodrigo Hernandez, a local authority with the Santa Isabel community. “Our ancestral seeds offer a solution as more resistant to climate change.”
Based on their experience, farmers say their ancestral seed varieties are more resistant to high temperatures compared to the imported varieties and cultivars they currently use. These ancestral varieties have adapted to the region’s ecosystem and require less water, they tell Mongabay. According to a report by local organization Grupo Semillas and development foundation SWISSAID, indigenous corn varieties like blaquito are more resistant to the heat, cariaco tolerates drought easily, and negrito is very resistant to high temperatures.
The Zenù diet still incorporates the traditional diversity of seeds, plant varieties and animals they consume, though they too are threatened by climate change: from fish recipes made from bocachico (Prochilodus magdalenae), and reptiles like the babilla or spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus), to different corn varieties to prepare arepas (cornmeal cakes), liquor, cheeses and soups.
“The most important challenge we have now is to save ancient species and involve new generations in ancestral practice,” says Sonia Rocha Marquez, a professor of social sciences at Sinù University in the city of Montería.
...[Despite] land scarcity, Negrete says communities are developing important projects to protect their traditional food systems. Farmers and seed custodians, like Gil, are working with the Association of Organic Agriculture and Livestock Producers (ASPROAL) and their Communitarian Seed House (Casa Comunitaria de Semillas Criollas y Nativas)...
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Pictured: Remberto Gil is a seed guardian and farmer who works at the Communitarian Seed House, where the ASPROL association stores 32 seeds of rare or almost extinct species. Image by Monica Pelliccia for Mongabay.
Located near Gil’s house, the seed bank hosts a rainbow of 12 corn varieties, from glistening black to blue to light pink to purple and even white. There are also jars of seeds for local varieties of beans, eggplants, pumpkins and aromatic herbs, some stored in refrigerators. All are ancient varieties shared between local families.
Outside the seed bank is a terrace where chickens and turkeys graze under an agroforestry system for farmers to emulate: local varieties of passion fruit, papaya and banana trees grow above bushes of ají peppers and beans. Traditional medicinal herbs like toronjil or lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) form part of the undergrowth.
Today, 25 families are involved in sharing, storing and commercializing the seeds of 32 rare or almost-extinct varieties.
“When I was a kid, my father brought me to the farm to participate in recovering the land,” says Nilvadys Arrieta, 56, a farmer member of ASPROAL. “Now, I still act with the same collective thinking that moves what we are doing.”
“Working together helps us to save, share more seeds, and sell at fair price [while] avoiding intermediaries and increasing families’ incomes,” Gil says. “Last year, we sold 8 million seeds to organic restaurants in Bogotà and Medellín.”
So far, the 80% of the farmers families living in the Zenù reserve participate in both the agroecology and seed revival projects, he adds."
-via Mongabay, February 6, 2024
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keypaa · 5 months
Astrology Observations No.6
with lovely @sc0rpi0suntaurusm00n
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Saggittarius suns, moons and mercurys don't have a social filter, they say what everybody is afraid to say blunt af. Jupiter the optimist makes them confident to say what they mean, feel or think (Sun,Moon,Mercury)
If you have venus in tense aspects with neptune you need to do a reality check of your relationships now and then, because sometimes you will put the people around you on a pedestal and other times you will dislike people because they don't fit into your picture perfect fantasy anymore. Just needs some work.(Neptune is like a siren that wants to sell you a fantasy that isn't there, and when you follow her whistles she gets you. Venus energy wants to receive, get loved and share love. So combining these two energies in a tense aspect like a square or opposition gets messy)
Saturn square north node + the south node are generational breakers. Their upbringing was hard and truly intense
Scorpio mercurys don't mind sounding too direct they will ask you anything if they want to know the answer. Oh I saw that you talked about me on a tuesday girls night with ... around midnight, why did you do this...¿😆
Capricorn suns please let us know how to help you. You go through traumatic sh*t, and after all that you stay humble and act like nothing happened
Jupiter aspecting neptune in a positive way love to create art (all forms of art), it makes them genuinely happy ^^ Neptune has to do with artsy stuff, singing, imagination jupiter expends this energy
Mars in leo want to achieve something (whatever it is) The ego is also ruled by leo, so leo placements feel worthy if they achieve something for themselfes
Pure devine love is something that pisces venuses and moons are capable of giving to human 🫘 But they will also text or call you multiple times if you don't answer (Especially Pisces suns with a pisces venus)
You just want to listen to people who have scorpio mercurys, they always have something interesting to say...They know the secret spots, newest updates overall everything that is hidden honestly
Taurus moons have the ability to become real successful and are some of the warmest people if they let you in :) They like to be confortable and also give this energy out to their beloved ones
Mars in aquarius are known to behave different than the rest of their peers. Nothing that is bad, we need more people who think outside the box and follow different life tracks
If you have your moon (square,opposition) your venus list of your emotional needs and your definition of love and find a solution to combine both, if you not want to hurt the people around you regarding showing them your feelings. Due to this conflict of wanting to show love and not being able to express your feelings as you would like to this technique could possibly help you (:
Taurus venus attract love easily (best example: Ariana Grande MASTER MANIFASTOR)
Leo moons love receiving princess treatment and they know how to get it aswell ;)👑 They are LOUD with their wants and needs
Gemini moons get borderline crazy in their love reationships. One day they LOVE the other they despise you and the cycle begins again (also if you have a gemini venus)
Leo placements are either one of the most timid people you will ever meet or they
want all attention on them
Why did I meet a whole lot of taurus sun boys that struggle with finding real genuine love
Mars in sagittarius are se*ually free people. They like going after their needs and what they feel free to do
Sun (trine,conjunct,sextile) jupiter are confident at their core or they come off as such. It gives the personality an optimistic vibe
Venus in virgo are the most devoted lovers on the world, they will not forget your anniversary (and get real mad if you do), take care of you, pay attention to your dislikes & likes
If you have sun in scorpio degrees your real personality is so hidden from the public. Everybody is going to want to figure out who you are only to discover a new personality trait of yours every now and then
Virgo man get the ick real quick. Why do they hate on women without a reason, boy get that frustration out in a healthy way
Aquarius placements may feel excluded from groups a whole lot but later in their life they find their people and have a good amount of friends around them. Also people who start trends and influence a whole generation (XxxTentacion, Paris Hilton,...)
@sc0rpi0suntaurusm00n part:
Pisces moon - these are the folks who you see drawing in a corner or reading an interesting book, whether it is mixed with fire or air there will always be an ethereal Aura or a mystery to these natives 🫶
Cancer moon - shy individuals quite often. Not ones to initiate contact but definitely enjoys some attention to their needs. Cares about their mother or maternal figure quite deeply. Often times these individuals have a significant relationship with the mother which is part of who they are, single mother raised is quite common and adoption is likely as well from what I have seen. There may also be a misogynistic type in lower vibration natives from what i have seen
Capricorn moon - they may seem like the mysterious yet charismatic type but deep down there is a lot under the surface. These natives being cardinal signs, they can relax into something and then when you least expect it their passion and drive is unstoppable. You never know when they're tumultuous emotional life might break through the surface and send them blazing toward a new goal.
Taurus moon - (I am biased as a Taurus moon myself lol🫣)they may have a soft spot for comfort and stability, and typically the pinnacle of finance, care, and stability (although when mixed with sag it may be expressed quite unconventionally) Taurus moon natives are the least likely to make plans and change them due to "not feeling like it" if they are going to do it, they will. Taurus moons are always sharing their food OR they will never let you touch it - no in- between lol😭
Aquarius sun - Aquarius is very different, what I notice in common is the respect for difference. Often these signs are good with computers lol (maybe just because I have 3rd house aqua). The Aquarius man can be so caring or they can be cold, but they have a soft spot always -whether it is a quirky girl or a Quirky interest. These are often the people who want to be first to do something- the trendsetters... Although some can just be quite on top of trends-i have never seen an Aquarius who wasn't ahead of their pears in something whether fashion electronics or anything new.
Scorpio moon - one of my personal favorites💕, but I'm so biased lol(Scorpio stellium🤫) although these natives are known for having rough lives which is true, these peeps are totally down for a trauma dump sesh, or just a really good rant when you are their close friend. The female Scorpio moons are often friends with more females- might be gay even but too stubborn to act on it. There is always something interesting going on in their emotional world. Either the purest virgin or somewhere between that and a man eater... Scorpio moons do not play around, they are often no bs types whether mixed with air or fire -except for Libra placements sometimes if undeveloped.
Aries moons - omg 🤍 y'all are so passionate with your emotions, like if you are mad you can have a hard time hiding it, but yall are just made to be a ball of passion. There is nothing you do that you do not put your whole heart into, if you don't have your heart in it you won't do it. You can set boundaries a little too rough sometimes for us water signs, but it's okay because you are baddies and need that extra space for chasing passions. PLuS You are always loyal anyways so we don't mind. Aries moon has a really hard time holding a grudge against people, because y'all just want to live and let live. Amazing peoples! especially the girlies whom I have met. The lower vibrations can be super flirty and super flighty tho🫠
Pisces and Aries are actually a really great duo, despite what the horoscope things so often say - pisces and Aries are the most common duo i see i believe this is due to the fact that pisces is at the end of the zodiac and Aries is new to the cycle. Its like opposites but they are also alike which is perfect for a friendship.
Unlike me, a scorpio, since i don't often have libra best friends although libras fall into my 11th house - might be due to my lilith placement being in libra as well...😭
Virgo mercury can be so intentional with their words, and this mixed with virgo mars can make for a really sharp mind but also sharp words in an argument.
- That is part of what makes cancer (sun/moon) and virgo moon a good pair in a relationship, because cancer (sun/moon) is very emotionally intelligent and virgo moon is often good at compartmentalizing emotions and rationally dealing with emotions, and often times cancer (sun/moon) need to learn to balance emotions with reason
Moon quincunx to Mars or mars square moon aspects may cause anger issues in men, specifically cancer moon Sagittarius Mars or Aries Mars. As well as Aquarius moon with Virgo mars.
Pisces placements remind me of the most beautiful expression of emotions. The positive expression of pisces placements can be expressing deep and dark emotions through arts, music, love, and things that are beautiful expressions of feelings. Some pisces placements are old souls having to go through rough experiences in childhood, like experiencing many be lifetimes in one life, it reminds me of what I believe mMitski said best 'I was so young when I behaved 25'
April Mercury Rx in Aries!? Was I the only one or no? - there were so many fights and arguments...as well as exes coming back 🫣 like as a scorpio mercury rx it wasn't that crazy for me but my friends had their exes come back into their lives and there was even a small fight which is very mars..
If you would like you can join my spiritual family glad to have you here, and never back down never WhAaAT! Keep your hopes in life up always¡ :)
Luvv muah
7:25 PM
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
reminder that the only reason the "ADHD is actually demigod BATTLE STRATEGIES" and "dyslexia is DEMIGOD BRAINS HARDWIRED FOR ANCIENT GREEK" things exist in the PJO universe is because it's a very direct reference to early 2000s teaching/parenting techniques for neurodiverse and disabled children, which aimed to frame childrens' disabilities and hardships as a "superpower" or strength so that the children would feel more positively about their disabilities or situations. This technique has fallen out of favor since then for the most part since more often than not it just results in kids feeling as though their struggles are not being seen or taken seriously.
Yes, demigods are adhd/dyslexic (and sometimes autistic-coded) in the series. This is extremely important and trying to remove it or not acknowledge it makes the entire series fall apart because it is such a core concept. Yes, canon claims that their adhd/dyslexia is tied to some innate abilities, which is based on an outdated methodology. It's important to acknowledge that and understand where it comes from! But please stop trying to apply it to other pantheons in the series like "oh, the romans have dyscalculia because of roman numerals!" or "the norse demigods have dysgraphia for reasons!" - it's distasteful at best.
A better option is to acknowledge the meta inspiration for why that exists in the series, such as explaining potentially that Chiron was utilizing that same teaching methodology to try and help demigods feel more comfortable with their disabilities and they aren't literal powers. In fact, especially given Frank, there's implication that being adhd/dyslexic isn't a guaranteed demigod trait, which means it's more likely to be normally inherited from their godly parent/divine ancestor as a general trait, not a power, and further supports the whole "ADHD is battle strategy" thing being non-literal. It also implies the entire greco-roman pantheon in their universe is canonically adhd/dyslexic - and that actually fits very well with the themes of the first series. The entire central conflict of the first series fits perfectly as an allegory about neurodiverse/disabled children and their relationships with their undiagnosed neurodiverse/disabled parents and trying to find solutions together with their shared disability/disabilities that the kid inherited instead of becoming distant from each other (and this makes claiming equivalent to getting a diagnosis which is a fascinating allegory! not to mention the symbolism of demigods inheriting legacies and legends and powers from their parents and everything that comes with that being equivalent to inheriting traits, neurodiversity, and disabilities from your parents).
anyways neurodiversity and disability and the contexts in which the series utilizes representation of those experiences particularly during the 2000s symbolically within the narrative is incredibly important to the first series and the understanding of what themes it means to represent. also if i see one more "the romans have dyscalculia instead of dyslexia" post in 2023 i'm gonna walk into the ocean.
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girlwithrituals · 6 days
101 ways to improve self esteem
1) Master a new skill.
2) List your accomplishments.
3) Do something creative.
4) Challenge your limiting beliefs.
5) Talk to a counselor.
6) Don't worry about what others think.
7) Read or watch something inspirational.
8) Stay true to your character.
9) Let go of negative people.
10) Set healthy boundaries with others.
11) Care about your appearance.
12) Welcome failure as part of growth.
13) Be a lifelong learner.
14) Face your fears.
15) Become a mentor.
16) Accept compliments.
17) Eliminate self-criticism.
18) Practice coping skills to manage stress and big emotions.
19) Notice negative thoughts and beliefs.
20) Challenge negative thinking.
21) Think about what you learned from negative experiences.
22) Practice gratitude.
23) Exercise.
24) Eat healthy and limit junk food.
25) Get good sleep.
26) Spend time with positive and supportive people.
27) Encourage yourself.
28) Write a list of your strengths.
29) Don't compare yourself to others.
30) Avoid perfectionism.
31) Do at least one positive, enjoyable activity every day.
32) Celebrate small victories.
33) Be helpful and considerate to others.
34) Be honest with yourself and others.
35) Accept your flaws.
36) Don't give up.
37) Practice self-care.
38) Go easy on yourself.
39) Practice being assertive.
40) Practice saying "No".
41) Practice relaxation techniques.
42) Take on challenges.
43) Volunteer to help others.
44) Forgive others and yourself.
45) Set goals and work toward them step by step.
46) Seek balance in all areas of your life.
47) Discover your passions and purpose
48) Groom yourself.
49) Dress nicely.
50) Be kind and generous to others.
51) Practice good posture.
52) Change a small habit.
53) Smile.
54) Don't procrastinate.
55) Don't take things personal.
56) Organize your personal space.
57) Challenge unkind thoughts about yourself.
58) Spend time outside.
59) Notice the good things.
60) Celebrate your successes
61) Write a list of things you like about yourself.
62) Don't take too much on.
63) Do something for yourself every day.
64) Develop daily habits.
65) Remind yourself it's okay if not everyone likes you.
66) Practice mindfulness.
67) Learn to tolerate discomfort.
68) Use problem-solving skills.
69) Take responsibility instead of blaming.
Tell Yourself Positive Affirmations Such As:
70) I am grateful for every day.
71) I am worthy of happiness and love.
72) I am in charge of my own happiness.
73) I love, respect, and believe in myself.
74) I deserve to be happy and successful.
75) I approve of myself, right here and now.
76) I am learning and changing for the better.
77) I accept 100% responsibility for my own life.
78) Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.
79) I can learn to accept the parts of myself that I don't like.
80) I am thankful for my challenges as they make me a stronger person.
81) Write down three positives about each day.
82) Make a collage with your talents, goals, and dreams.
83) Practice laughing.
84) Be proud of yourself.
85) Say mistakes are an opportunity to learn.
86) Show respect to yourself and others.
87) Resolve conflict peacefully.
88) Ask for help or support.
89) Complete a daily task list.
90) Have a growth mindset.
91) Be optimistic.
92) Treat yourself with kindness and compassion.
93) Focus on the things you have control over and can change.
94) Get started on tasks you have been putting off.
95) Practice good daily hygiene.
96) Focus on solutions not problems.
97) Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.
98) Drink plenty of water.
99) Start a new hobby or join a club/sport.
100) Do random acts of kindness.
101) Create a dreams list.
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